#like ma'am your face
simplykorra · 6 months
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kty + the finger point
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sergle · 2 years
Notable moment from the fam visit: my niece really wanted me to put makeup on her, and was pretty good about holding still and being patient while I put it on! but! as is to be expected, smeared it all around her face very quickly. so she was running around for most of the day looking like a party girl wearing yesterday’s makeup
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als-basement · 3 months
Ooofffff sorry but not your lady love sugar swan mommy fanarts fight yet but
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Have disappointed Ragatha I randomly drew in whiteboard fox with one of my newest buddies , @djh4l0v3rv3r !!!!
she so prebby
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I want to squish her face
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chainsandcherries · 27 days
how dare chimp crazy make me side with peta on something
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theparadoxmachine · 5 months
I realize Gotham and the Batman are two completely different Batman adaptations and thus technically different universes but that is not going to stop me from picturing Gertrude Kapelput flirting with Con O'Neill's Mackenzie Bock
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Just played Lesson 13. Still don't like Lilith's presence much but DAMN we got World Building and Diavolo characterization- That's pretty good. ( Won't elaborate for spoiler reasons but yeah liked it enough I suppose. )
Kinda been waiting to get some stuff on Diavolo and Barbatos so eager to see what comes next.
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placesyoucallhome · 10 months
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If i didn't have a hell of a headache i'd be drinking this day off tbh
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possessable · 2 years
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vindicta-reliquiae · 6 months
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bloomfish · 7 months
lego star wars was truly iconic as a concept. honestly i played it so many times as a kid that i used to almost remember it more than real star wards and sometimes i was like... wait this scene is missing. but it only existed in lego star wars. what do you mean jar jar binks cant jump three stories???? thats his special talent
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buglaur · 1 year
That you're super cool in a way that I'd be scared of in real life haha
dang anon you're the sweetest, i'm nowhere near cool enough for that 😭 i feel that way about everyone i know lmao. thanks though!! very crazy to me that you think of me in that way
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caulo · 2 years
schrodinger's age - i am both young looking enough to play off as a kid trick-or-treating, and 'mature' looking enough to be mistaken as my step-father's girlfriend a month later.
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lovecolibri · 2 years
So I was watching The Rookie the other night and it was an episode that started with Angela talking to Wesley about how his mom kept calling to discuss how she wanted to set up a trust fund for the baby. Angela is understandably confused on why it's a big deal as she grew up poor so having money should always be great right? and why does it need to be an issue?
Then she gets assigned to a case about a judges son who was kidnapped for ransom leading to a scene of Wesley telling her this is one of the issues that can come up for families with money. The case gets closed, and the son had kidnapped himself to get money from his parents and then ACTUALLY got kidnapped for more money after his parents paid the first ransom so quickly. This leads to another short scene of Angela and Wesley at home and Angela telling him she's going to call his mom and start working out how they want to structure the trust fund.
All of this just really hit hard about what seems to be missing from 911 especially this season and especially in relationship to the emergencies and our mains not having true communication scenes. Because 911 used to do this! They used to have the emergencies be a thing that triggered a heart-to-heart talk between other characters so we the audience know what is going on in the character's heads. Aside from the thing with Lev and now Wendall's death and maybe a scene or two played off as a joke, not many of the emergencies have had any barring on the main characters OR lead to any deep discussions/conversations between our characters. It's like they are so busy making sure they can fill out time in the episode (something KR keeps mentioning she struggles with which is why things feel like filler every week, because it IS), work the title of the episode into every emergency, and have a funny quip or pun to tell the 911 operator, that they have lost what the point of the emergencies IS. The point is to lead our main characters to talk to each other and push their arcs forward! And they aren't doing that, especially this season. Which leaves each episode feeling not just like pointless filler, but also...hollow. And for a show that used to have SUCH heart and depth, it's incredibly saddening and disappointing.
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nossumusmanus · 2 years
Finally going to take a stab at writing out this headcanon post regarding Quintus's injuries sustained from Vergilia.
Given Vergilia's moveset, the fact that her weapon is a gunlance/gunberd, and the fact that Quintus explicitly states that he may never be able to take the battlefield again due to his injuries --
I'm going to headcanon that the worst wounds are abdominal, with the secondary ones being to his leg(s). The gist of the idea is that initially Quintus was able to contend with Vergilia and hold her off so that his remaining troops could retreat with the civilians they had managed to save, but given the fact that the Tempered are relentless and not at all bound or limited by ordinary restrictions like fatigue or emotions, Vergilia was able to wear him down soon enough.
In the end, it took was a well-timed explosive round from her gunlance to catch Quintus off-guard, a slash at his legs to incapacitate him, and a slash and thrust to his midsection to keep him down for good. That's sort of the tl;dr of the situation.
If not for the soldiers who chose to disobey him and come back to help, he probably would be dead.
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witchwhaat · 2 years
made pasta and it's delicious, life is good
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queer-cosette · 2 years
One time a customer, unprompted, asked me "wouldn't your job be easier if you tied your hair back?" Well yeah ma'am I was going to but I ran out of time because I was looking for the part where I asked for your opinion. Wouldn't life be easier if we all minded our business
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