#like no babes I’m scheduled for 4-8 I’m not staying longer than that and you keep cutting my hours
I think it’s time for me to get a new job
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Have I Known You 20 Seconds or 20 Years? – Nikolai Lantsov Series
Chapter 1: Devils Roll the Dice, Angel Roll their Eyes
Chapter 2: You Did a Number on Me
Chapter 3: You Could Call Me Babe for the Weekend
A very short summary: Y/N has been working with the crows for a few years. Her life feels complete until she meets the insufferable Nikolai Lantsov. She finds herself forced to work with the King of Ravka on one of Kaz Brekker’s crazy schemes.
Word count: 2k
A/N: Finally starting to get somewhere!! I just started writing chapter 4, so it might take a bit longer before I upload again. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter in the meanwhile.
Thank you for reading! Just send me an ask if you want to be added to my taglist :) 
Chapter 3: You Could Call Me Babe for the Weekend
The next morning went by in a blur. They had moved everything to Wylan’s house on Geldstraat. Kaz was right. It would’ve been too suspicious if they had left for the party from the barrel. Questions about the job were being thrown from one person to the next. Various answers about cues and schedules flying in every direction.
“Wait, what time are we supposed to get to the party again?”
“Quarter after 6 bells, Jesper!” Yelled Wylan running by with an armful of party clothes.
“Nikolai and I are getting there at 6 bells. That way it won’t look like we know each other.” Y/N had been heading off in the opposing direction.
“Wylan! You forgot your jacket in the music room” Kaz’s raspy voice was easily recognizable above the others.
“I’ll go ahead and scout for the best location for you to hide to summon the storm. I’ll come get you at a quarter to 8 bells.”
Nikolai had to admire the crows’ ability to understand each other and get the job done in such chaos. They were running back and forth in every direction trying to get everything ready. Even Zoya seemed at ease discussing the plan with Inej. He needed this job to succeed. He needed to guarantee his country’s future. Once he was done dealing with this newest threat from Fjerda…? He’d like to work with the crows again. He felt much freer. Maybe it could become a side hustle for him and Zoya. It would give them a nice break from ruling a country.
He felt a soft hand rest on his arm. “Hey, we should probably go get ready for the party. We’ll meet here at 5 bells? That way we can go over last-minute details and head over.” She was smiling up at him. Her smile was soft as if she could tell he was anxious. He let his eyes trail over her tailored face and couldn’t help but miss her true features once more.
“Sounds good. I’ll see you then, my darling.” He pressed a quick kiss to her knuckles and watched her disappear up the vast staircase.
Nikolai made his way to the room Wylan had so graciously offered him that morning. It was not his room at the Grand Palace, but it was much nicer than the one he’d had at the slat. He took his time putting on the rich merch’s clothes Kaz had picked out for him. He was still in awe of the work Y/N had done on him. The young king found himself unavoidably staring at himself in the mirror mounted to his wall. He finished buttoning up his shirt and folded his suit jacket on his arm. It was almost 5 bells. He knew he should make his way back to the mansion’s parlor.
Nikolai had barely sat in one of the large armchairs when an appreciative whistle sounded on his left. He followed Jesper’s gaze to the stairs. Y/N’s dress accentuated her new body in all the right places. Nikolai couldn’t help but think it would’ve suited her even better before the tailoring.
“No one warned me I’d have to fight off every man who lays eyes on my wife.” He complained.
He watched as Inej and Zoya approached Y/N. The women shared a few whispered comments before they lead Y/N to him. He could’ve sworn he saw the girl’s cheeks turn red. He had to put up a lot more effort than he was used to in schooling his own features. The way the dress moved along to the sway of her hips, with every step she took, made his brain go blank. He imagined the way it would’ve been even more sensual with her natural curves. Maybe he could convince her to wear the gown again once she’d tailored them both back to normal. His mind was racing with images of her, twirling in his arms, wearing that damned dress.
“Anything you want to go over before we get going?” She was looking at him expectantly, her eyes bright, her tailored lips stretched in a small smile.
His mouth felt dry. All eyes were on him. He had to fight to kick start his brain again. “Nope, I think we’re ready.” He offered her a hand, his natural charm coming back to him. “Shall we, my darling wife?”
She took his hand and they headed for the door leading to the elegant boathouse. “No mourners” she called over her shoulder.
A unified “No funerals” rang out behind them. Nikolai made a mental note to ask them what the saying meant, at some point, when he wasn’t so distracted by the beautiful Grisha on his arm.
They’d taken a small, polished boat to make their way to councilman Van Verent’s house. It had only taken a few minutes for them to reach the sophisticated boathouse on the councilman’s property. A Stadwatch officer had taken their invitation before guiding them to the stylishly decorated mansion. Flowers from every guest’s country were arranged in beautiful crystal vases matching the colourful silk ribbons adorning the banister. As they entered the main hall, they were stunned by the sheer number of guests already in attendance. The main floor was filled with dignitaries from Kerch, Novyi Zem, Shu Han, Fjerda, and the Wandering Isle. Nikolai noticed the absence of anyone representing his country. Good, he thought, it’ll make the job easier.
To his dismay, Y/N was already catching the eye of a few men standing off to the sides of the room. He wrapped his arm tightly around her waist, pulling her closer, sending the interested parties a nasty look. He felt her breath hitch but didn’t release his hold on her body. She was his wife. Anyone who wanted to get to her would have to go through him. Nikolai was surprised by the jealousy he felt. He was usually in control of his feelings, always choosing to be pragmatic rather than emotional. He knew they had to put on a convincing act. He still wasn’t supposed to be this possessive of a girl he’d only met a few days ago, right? All the Saints and their mothers, Zoya will murder me if she finds out about this.
Y/N had maneuvered them towards a group of Zemeni dignitaries, quickly engaging in easy conversation with one of the wives. Nikolai used the opportunity to present their made-up business proposal to a few interested parties, promising to send them more information as soon as they went back home to the Wandering Isle.
They navigated group after group of foreign and domestic dignitaries for about an hour. He had to admit Kaz had done a wonderful job when creating their false identities, but he was tired of the constant mindless chattering. How lucky, he thought, the dance floor seems very appealing right about now.
He leaned in close, letting his lips brush against Y/N’s ear, interrupting her conversation. “You are doing a fantastic job, my love.” He felt her shiver against him. “I’m sure we’ll have plenty of business partners once you’re done here. Now, however, I would very much like to dance with my beautiful wife.” She looked at him, surprise evident in her deep brown eyes. Nikolai smirked; he could get used to this. He offered her a hand before guiding her swiftly to the dance floor.
He felt men staring, once again, at ‘his wife’ as they graciously made their way to the middle of the floor. The small orchestra started playing a beautiful soft song, perfect for a romantic moment between lovers. Nikolai rested his right hand on the small of Y/N’s back, pulling her close, keeping her hand tightly in his own. He felt her free hand gently come to rest on his shoulder. His heart beating more quickly than he would’ve liked. Why am I so nervous? She was gazing up at him, a gentle smile gracing her lips. He swallowed hard. Nikolai had never felt more grateful for the dance lessons he’d taken as a child. He’d only done it to please his mother. He had to admit he was glad they were paying off now. To anyone watching them, they simply looked like newlyweds, madly in love, eager to share a dance.
They turned elegantly, in time with the slow music, their bodies completely in sync. Their breathing even, their steps well-balanced. The deep green skirts of her dress following every graceful movement they made. She followed his lead perfectly as if they’d been partners for years. She seemed to trust him completely, showing him how safe she felt in his arms. Time slowed for a moment. Nikolai found himself forgetting all about the job, about the plans they had to steal, even about his country. He wanted to stay in this moment, holding the talented Grisha against him, forever.
The sound of applause brought him out of his reverie. He took in their surroundings. Y/N looked as surprised as he felt. Her eyes wide, cheeks flushed. He had no idea how long they had been dancing, how many songs had been played. It dawned on him that they were the cause of the applause. People had stopped dancing and talking to watch the young couple, completely lost in each other, moving elegantly across the floor. He saw Jesper and Wylan, wide grins plastered on their faces, in the far corner of the room. They looked way too pleased. Saints, I hope they won’t tell Brekker about this.
He bowed, Y/N following his lead once again, before walking off the dance floor, towards the grand staircase. They had to stop drawing so much attention to themselves. He wished he could have a moment to talk to Y/N, alone, away from the prying eyes of the crowd. She was playing her role to perfection, all smiles, as couples complimented them on their dancing for the next few minutes.
The ornate wall-mounted clock chimed. Zoya, Wylan, and Jesper would create the distraction in 15 minutes. Wylan subtly nodded to him, indicating he had already placed the small incendiary charge in the dining room. He had developed this newest marvel by studying and modifying one of David Kostyk’s discoveries. It seemed the boy truly was a genius. Jesper would detonate the charge at 8 bells, the sound of his shot covered by the storm Zoya would summon. The fire would require all-hands-on-deck to be put out, leaving the office unguarded. If everything went according to Kaz’s plan, it would give him and Y/N about 30 minutes to pick the lock of Van Verent’s office, crack the safe and make their way back to the party with the blueprints safely tucked in the sheath hidden beneath Y/N’s dress.
They came to a halt in the shadow of the staircase, ready to spring to action at their cue. Nikolai made sure to pull Y/N close, slipping an arm around her waist.
“I didn’t know you were such a good dancer, my love.” He murmured. Better keep up the act. She makes it easy, though. I don’t even have to lie.
She laughed softly and turned in his arms, snaking her own arm around his neck, pressing her lips quickly against his cheek. “Thank you, darling. I am full of hidden talents, you know...” the raise of her eyebrow and her tone so suggestive Nikolai had to fight to keep a straight face. She’s only doing her job. She’s supposed to be my wife. It’s only normal that a young wife should flirt with her delightfully handsome husband. He was trying to convince himself but the playful look in her eyes told him otherwise. She spun around once more, keeping his hand on her waist, leaving him to observe the guests enjoying the party.
The clock chimed once more. 8 bells. Thunder boomed outside, rain battering the windows. A high-pitched scream sounded to his right, coming from the dining room. Other screams quickly followed. Guests ran past them, fleeing the room. Guards came rushing down the stairs, towards the fire. It was complete chaos. Nikolai found himself impressed, once again, by how brilliant the crows were. Maybe I could convince Kaz to help me plan my next military campaign? Or get Wylan to come work with David. I should at least sail with the Wraith and her crew.
Y/N’s fingers closed around his wrist. “That’s our cue.” She said with a sly grin on her lips.
Taglist: @power-of-words23
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harryskalechips · 4 years
This sucks Part 3
A/N Hiiiiii! Here is part 3! It’s a bit fat but I hope you enjoy 🥰
Word count 5644
Warning: Smut :))))
Part 1, Part 2
Vanilla, warmth, and little giggles were the best things Harry could wake up to and although, he couldn’t have it all the time - at Y/N’s apartment they were always available. 
A finger slowly drags itself across his face as he tries to hide his smile. Grazing from his nose to his cheeks to the outline of his soft lips. Muffled laughs fill the room as Y/N tries to wake him up. She bites onto her pillow as she tickles her boyfriend’s face. 
“Ouch!” She yelps as her boyfriend caught her finger in his mouth. He opens his eyes to find her beautiful hair sprawled out on the white pillow sheets. The light from her window  was shining through her curtains hitting the corner of their bed. He teasingly bites as he sucks on it while his eyes stare innocently at her.
A few seconds later, the wet digit falls from his lips as he moves closer to wrap his arm on his girl. His face finds a comforting position between her shoulder and her neck. 
“Waking me up love?” He murmurs as his mouth leaves wet kisses on her shoulder. 
“I love tracing your features. Sometimes I forget this real.” She turns over to face him. Her hand tracing his jaw this time. “You’re really pretty you know.”
“I think you’re prettier than me.” Harry leans in to kiss her. His hands gripping onto her waist as he tries to rub himself on her soft legs.
“Not true. You’re the best man that I’ve ever known.” She wasn’t lying. All her past boyfriends didn’t want to treat her right but somehow she found herself in bed with a man who seemed to actually care for her. Her hips involuntary move forward as he sits up a bit to hover over her. 
“Someone’s a little excited, don’t you think?” He licks his lips as he takes both of her hands and holds them above her. “Last night wasn’t enough baby?” 
“I don’t know what you’re saying,” She glances down as she purposely bites her lip. She then looks up at him innocently. “Harry Jr. seems like he’s begging for more.” He laughs as he turns his head to the side to look at the window. 
“We should probably give him what he wants right?”
“Mhm.” He leans down to kiss her as she thrusts her hips forward.
“Fuck baby, look at you.”
Bzzz. Bzzz. ….. Bzzz. Bzzzz…..
Harry pulls away and gets off of her as Y/N sighs. She reaches the side of her nightstand to grab her phone. It’s her alarm. “I have to get ready for class.” She pouts as Harry palms himself.
“Maybe, you should stay in bed a bit longer. I won’t have you for long especially since you’re coming with me back to London next week.” He takes the blanket off of her so he can put it behind his back and throw it onto both of them. “See, now we’re both warm and we can get back to what we were doing.” He attempts to snuggle her. His mouth forming into a smile as he almost feels her body relax back into his arms.
“I’m sorry baby. You may be a pop star but I need to get a degree.” She kisses his lips as she gets up from the bed. Harry watches her as she takes his hoodie from last night and puts it on. “Now, I’m going to make breakfast while you help Harry junior.” She awkwardly makes guns with her fingers as she walks back to open her bedroom door.
“Or you can come here and watch me. Better yet, help me out.” He smirks as he leans forward to pull her back to bed. “Don’t need to make breakfast if I got my meal right here.”
When Harry was younger during his days in One Direction, They took some time in every country to explore a bit. He found himself in this old family vintage store with Niall during their time in Japan of 2013. As they looked at some of the things they sold, he couldn’t help but be fascinated by the little treasures that people forgot about. He was walking through the opposite aisle where his mate was when his eyes caught sight of the red strings that were hooked onto the wall. He didn’t know what they were but his hand couldn’t help but intertwine itself into the strings.
“You like that?” The old lady slowly walks to him as she grips onto the shelves to help herself walk. “That no buy. Therefore decoration.” Harry immediately pulls away as he tries to hide his embarrassed face from her. “You know what it’s about?” She smiles at him as she touches the strings too. “It’s the red thread of fate.” Harry looks at her with a confused facial expression. 
“The red string of fate connects two destined lovers together. Regardless of time, place or circumstances… this magical thread…” She struggles to translate her thoughts into English for this young man. “May stretch or tangle but it will never break.”
Ever since that trip, Harry couldn’t forget that myth in that little shop. Maybe, the old lady was bullshitting him but he couldn’t get rid of that thought. The thought of having a soulmate. It was the hopeless romantic side of him that believed his girl was there waiting for him and no matter where he is or what happens… he will find her. Y/N. The girl he met as he was buying coffee close to Columbia Records’ building. 
It was an accident when she turned around too quickly to only pour her $5 coffee on him. Being a gentleman he is, he bought her a new cup of coffee as they walked alongside each other to a secluded bench off a trail they found themselves on while at the park. 
But as time kept moving forward, his heart began to mend again after feeling death on his shoulders for the past year. 
It was now, December but more importantly, it’s been exactly a year since he met her. He could barely survive his tour without her but now that it’s been a long while, he knew too well that nothing could happen. What happened to her being his soulmate? He obviously took her for granted and now she’s gone. All he has left is his beaten up journal with loose papers sticking out as it gathers dust on his piano. 
“Should I leave?” A raspy feminine voice interrupts his thoughts as he takes his gaze off his piano and onto the girl wearing his shirt. 
“Yeah. Take off my shirt too.” He sips the hot liquid into his mouth as he holds onto the handle of his mug. “Put it in the laundry basket.” He eyes her as she walks back into his room. He had just finished his tour for Fine Line and now that his schedule was free, he had some spare time on his hands. Especially to play around with Eva.
He doesn’t love the girl. No way! but he does get lonely some nights and instead of calling the number he knows by heart, he forces his finger to tap another one. 
It doesn’t snow in Los Angeles but Y/N always found herself craving a cup of hot coffee from Blitzers during times like these. It wasn’t the cliche feeling of having a warm cup in her hand as she walked through the snow instead, she used it as her drug. During her time in University, caffeine was the only thing that got her moving. She graduated last June and now she is finding herself nervous as hell after having one of her many interviews at another stupid corporation. She takes her cup from the counter as another name is called. 
“Sorry to bump into you, love.” A man bumps into her shoulder as he tries to grab his drink while she tries to walk away. He was wearing his shades and the hood of his hoodie was on as he made a perfectly criss-cross tie in the front with the strings. She glanced at him quickly and gave him a nod as she continued walking out of the shop. Was that him? 
“Y/N.” The familiar voice calls her out as she turns around to smile at him. Harry held the door for another customer entering and soon let’s go.
“I was wondering if that was you in there.” She eyes the iced coffee in his hands.
“Long time no see.” He walks towards her. As he stood 4 feet from her, he hid his hand in his pocket while he observed her. He truly thought he would never see her after his show in September but somehow the first visit back to this coffee shop, his eyes already caught her figure as she bumped into him… again. Her hair grew longer and it seemed like she dyed the ends. She was holding onto her cup of coffee as she had her purse in another. A pink lip and a business sort of like outfit.
“You graduated right? Where are you working now?” He takes a sip of his cold drink. Luckily, his shades covered his eyes. He was almost embarrassed just by remembering their last encounter. Remember when you begged for her like a pathetic dog and she still rejected you?
“Oh, I’m applying for a couple of jobs. I never knew you still get your drinks here.” Y/N switches the subject quickly. She couldn’t help but feel a bit sad that she wasn’t good enough for any of the businesses here. 
“Yeah um, I actually just finished the last leg for my tour this year. I was just craving some coffee after having a meeting from work.”
“Cool.” She bites her lip as she pretends to be in shock after looking at her watch. It wasn’t even working. She hasn’t replaced the batteries in 7 years! “Look H. I have to go. It was nice seeing you.” She was scared to lean in and hug him. 
“Alright bye.” He purses his lips as he watches her turn around. “Catch you next time.” What? Why would you say that? You haven’t seen her for 8 months nor do you have her number!
It was weird to see her walk away from him again but this time it was as if those four months of dating meant nothing to them. There were no tears in her eyes or his. Instead, they’re in the busy streets casually bumping into each other and bidding farewell as if they hadn’t cried their hearts out the last time. 
“You saw him again and the first thing you do is attempt to cut the conversation short?” Jenna sits in front of Y/N in their booth as they wait for their plates to arrive. “Babe, remember last time we spoke? You missed him.” Her hand takes Y/N’s across the table. They’ve been best friends since the first year of Uni and despite the new stage in their lives, they chose to keep in touch. 
“Jenna, he looked good.” Y/N rests her head on the table. She looks up to the girl and pouts. “He had his hood on and his sunglasses but the way he called out for me when he exited the shop…. He’s moved on.” 
“First off, you told him to move on. He was crying on his knees begging you to be with him in September. Lastly, what do you mean just by the way he called you out? How do you know he’s over you?”
“I don’t know. He just sounded okay.” Y/N sits up and rests her chin on her hands. “He went through his 7 stages of grief while I chose to just forget about it.”
“Karma is a bitch huh? Now you want him back?” She laughs a bit. “Look Y/N, you can’t let yourself be stubborn your whole life. If you know what you want. Take it. Stop being so scared. Now, Harry’s gone and you lost one of your chances to be in a happy relationship with a great guy.”
“He’s probably with some other girl now.”
“So what? If you can’t have him at least try to keep in your life. He made you happy.” Jenna’s eyes look behind Y/N to see their food coming. “Now let’s eat. I have to tell you all about my desk buddy at work. He’s a total cutie.”
As Y/N was walking the stairs to her apartment, she noticed Jim her landlord standing in front of her door. He was a nice guy. His family lived on the first floor and during the holidays, he would always deliver some homemade curry his wife made while she exchanged her own signature dish for them to enjoy. 
“Hey, Jim.” She smiles. 
“Hello Y/N, I know it’s late but I wanted to remind you about your bills. I know this whole year has been a struggle but I was hoping you would get a job by now and pay them.”
“I know I’m sorry. I promise I’ll give you my rent for this month just give me an extra few weeks.” She sighs. Don’t misunderstand. She was able to pay her rent every month it just took her a couple of weeks every time to get the money in. Now, that she has student debt and no job, it was more of a struggle. Funny thing is as much Harry adored her homey apartment, he had no idea she was struggling to pay for the place. He just assumed it was school stressing her out but maybe that’s why Y/N needed a reason to take a break from him. It was hard to focus on getting money while your boyfriend just threw money in the air for fun. 
She needed a job and she needed one right now.
“Hey Glenne, I need a favour.” 
“Harry, you never know taking this brand deal may do you good.” Jeff parks the car in front of Glenne’s building. He always picked her up from work and today after having lunch with Harry, he decided to bring him on the ride. 
“I know but I was thinking of taking a break from the cameras.”
“And write new music? You have a thousand of those in your journal.”
“Anything that was written about Y/N, won’t be recorded for anyone to listen publicly.” He shakes his head as he leans back in the seats. He was sitting in the back since Glenne was obviously going to sit with her boyfriend. But those songs he wrote for Y/N was his only evidence that what happened between them wasn’t a fling. Despite being together for four months, it was intense and real. 
“Hey, babe!” Glenne opens the door to sit down and kiss him. “Harry fuck! I didn’t know you were with him.” She turns around to see Harry, confused.
“What’s wrong?” Jeff questions as Glenne looks out her window with anxiety. 
“I offered Y/N a ride home. She had an interview with my boss today.” Harry’s eyes widen. Holy shit. Was he going to see Y/N regardless if he went to the coffee shop or not. 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Jeff looks at Harry then at his girlfriend.
“Why didn’t you tell me you brought H with you!” She was cut off as Y/N opens the back door.
“Hey Je- Oh! Hi Harry.” She smiles and sits down in the car. Glenne can already imagine Y/N choking her the next time they see each other alone. 
“Hey Y/N. Sorry, I brought Harry along, we just had lunch together.” 
“That’s alright.”
“We’ll drop you home first and then H,” Glenne reassures Y/N as Jeff drives out of the lot. 
“Hey.” Harry looks at Y/N. He smiles softly biting his cheek. He was nervous as fuck as he sat very closely to her. She smiles back and decides to talk to Glenne for the rest of the ride.
“Your boss offered me a job.”
“Oh my god, I’m so happy for you!” she turns back to smile at her. “You deserve it!”
After twenty minutes of driving and catching up, Jeff’s car pulls up to a familiar building Harry and Y/N knew too well. Back when they were dating, he used to cover his face walking into her apartment at night. Now, he stayed in his friend’s car just looking at it. 
“Thanks for the ride guys.” Y/N opens the door to get out. “Bye Harry.” She waves at him as she steps out. Harry just looked at her as she closed the door. They watched her step into the building before driving off again. 
“Can you stop the car?” Harry blurts out as Jeff waits for the cars to clear so he can turn onto the road and off the property. 
“Harry.” Glenne looks at him in pity. “Don’t tell me what I think you’re doing.”
“I have to.”
“You’re right.” Jeff unlocks the doors and glances at his friend. “Go talk to her.”
His heart was beating fast. Faster than ever this past year. “Thanks, mate.” He smiles at the guy who looks at him in surprise. It was Jim who just so happened to be watering the plants in the lobby. Harry opens the door to the stairwell and runs 4 flights of stairs to Y/N’s floor. He would’ve used the elevator but after a whole year, he knew better that it still wouldn’t be fixed.
Knock knock…
Y/N somehow had managed to change in a pair of shorts and a shirt as soon as she came home today. Her plan was to drink a couple of glasses of wine tonight in celebration of finally getting a job.
“Harry?” She opens the door in shock to see him panting. He was wearing his black jeans and a regular band tee. 
“Hi, I was thinking if we could talk.”
“Alright come on in.” She opens the door wider for him. He looked around her apartment to see how nothing has changed. It still looked the very same. It still smelled the same. All he was wondering if she has changed.
They sit on the couch as Y/N grabs another wine glass for him. “I know it’s a bit early but I was planning on drinking in celebration of today.”
“I know. Congratulations by the way.” 
“Thanks.” She pours him a bit and some for herself. It was just about 5 PM and a little drink wouldn’t hurt. “How are you?”
“I’m okay.” He looks at her as he talks a bit more slowly now. It almost seemed like a dream to be here again. “I had to ask Jeff to stop his car so I can be here. I just thought that maybe we should catch up.” 
“Oh… true.” she takes a sip of her wine. Was there a possibility that Harry still thought of her. She knew he was too good for her. How could he? He deserves someone better. But she promised herself after walking home from dinner with Jenna, that if this offered ever came up again... she would take it. 
“I thought you had a car?” He looked around in the picture frames. He didn’t know what her boyfriend looked like but he wondered if they were still together.
“I actually uh sold it to get some money.” It was true. She had so many part-time jobs as a student that she simply burnt out after graduation. She was exhausted and the only thing she could do to earn a couple of months off was selling her car.
“Oh.” Harry looks at her in pity. “You loved that sedan though.”
“It was shit anyway and it’s not like my mom would give me some money if I even asked.” Harry knew the broken relationship between Y/N and her mother. It wasn’t a surprise that on the plane ride to London, Y/N was too excited to meet his. 
“Doesn’t your boyfriend give you rides?” He puts his wine glass down as he sits beside his ex-girlfriend. He likes to befriend his exes especially if they ended on good terms but it never numbs down the pain he felt. 
For Y/N, she was different. Maybe he wanted to befriend her but there was obviously that little feeling of wanting her back. Yes, he knows he said he was over her. He said it multiple times as he sat in the seat in front of his bed as Eva slept in his sheets. But somehow, seeing her again made his mind cloudy and his heart itchy. Too selfish and tempted to get back what was once his.
“We broke up in October. He uh cheated on me.”
“What the fuck? Are you okay?” Harry frowns as he sits up a bit more. 
“It’s fine.” She laughs as she places her glass back on her table. “I wasn’t that into him. He was way too jealous about things.” Harry raises his eyebrows for her to continue. “He was jealous of you asking me to go backstage.” She confesses as she rolls her eyes. 
“Please he would beg to leave the room if he knew what was truly going on in there.” It was screaming and crying and a bit of kissing. The worst nightmare a boyfriend could imagine.
“I know.” she laughs at his comment. “How about you? You have a girlfriend or something?”
“No.” He wasn’t technically lying but… he also kind of was. Eva wasn’t his girlfriend -just a fuck buddy. “Haven’t dated anyone after you.” She smiles at him. Truly the wine was kicking into her but she wasn’t drunk, she just had the confidence she needed.
“I miss you.” she murmurs as she lays her head on the couch staring at him. His lips still looked as soft as ever. He had a bit of facial hair but it honestly turned her on a bit more. She hasn’t had sex since 9 months ago. It wasn’t that Robbie and she didn’t try to do that stuff. They simply just weren’t in that stage of their relationship yet especially, when he was getting it somewhere else.
“I miss you too.” He bites his lip. He never expected Y/N to be this outgoing. He expected they would have a chat, become friends again and leave it there. 
She leans in to kiss him as her hands rest on his cheek. She wasn’t going to lie. Kissing him back in September gave her butterflies the same way as it is right now. He ushers her to straddle him as his hands hold onto her waist. She slowly rubs herself on him as he moans, kissing down her neck. 
“Baby, I missed this.” He whispers as he pulls himself away from her to only find her lips again. He kissed her with all the passion burning in him. She was moaning, fighting for dominance as their tongues fought back and forth but Harry knew just want to do when she started acting this way. He took his right hand and gripped on her chin to open her mouth a bit wider so he can kiss her more. Her hands rested on his shoulder as she continued to rub herself on him. 
“Still a needy girl. Aren’t you love?” 
“I just really missed you.” 
His hands hold onto the back of her thighs as he carries her off the couch and into her bedroom. Her sheets were different but overall, it still looked the same and that made Harry very happy.
“Why are you smiling?” She takes her mouth off his neck to see him looking at her room.
“I just missed this place.” He throws her on the bed as he pulls off her shorts with her panties. She moves a bit as he takes off his shirt. She almost gasped as she watches his arms flex to pull the tee off of him. She missed his tattoos and his soft chest. The same body she would cuddle as she fell asleep after studying for a fat exam. “Fuck, you look so good.” He licks his lip as he urgently unzips his jeans. He frustratingly pulls at the ends of his pants while balancing himself. Why did he wear jeans today????
Y/N watches him as she takes off her shirt and starts playing with her breast. “You’re taking a bit long there? Don’t you think?” He looks at her with his mouth open in shock. 
“Fuck it.” He pulls one last time to get his pants off and fortunately it was a success. He walks on his knees as he approaches her kissing her one more time before dipping his tongue in the center of her chest. His hands playing with her nipples as he slips his tongue lower and lower until they reach her needy core.
“Harry.” She bites her lip as she thrusts her hips forward. He smirks as his lips attach themselves on her thighs, sucking on it and biting on each side. He wanted to leave a mark on her. He needed to.
“Fuck!” She moans as her fingers rest in his hair. 
“Tug on it, baby. Let me know you miss me.” He licks her centre greedily as he murmurs against her. He’s trying his best not to rub himself on her sheets but he missed her too much. Her centre was wet… too wet. His fingers were slipping in too easily as he fucked her like that. It almost was too much for her to handle as she sat up and pulled away.  “Are you okay?” He licks his fingers and holds on to her thighs. Was she starting to regret this? He needs her back. He wants her back. Why can’t she want the same thing?
“Lay down.” She pants as she moves over so he can lay on the pillows. He rests himself on his elbows as he watches her take him in her mouth. 
“Aw baby. Fuck I miss your mouth. You take me so well.” He watches her mouth wet his dick as his chest heaves up and down. His mind was clouded with her. Her only. He forgot everything else in the world as if he wasn’t abusing alcohol earlier this year. 
She gags on him as her hands play with his balls. He begins to thrust his hips forward before stopping almost immediately. “Can I fuck your mouth baby.” He groans as she looks at him innocently before nodding. His hand holds her hair into a makeshift ponytail as he thrusts his hips forward and harder. The sound of her choking makes him harder.
“Good girl.” He pulls off her and carries her to where he was laying beforehand. “Let me go get a condom.” He was about to get off the bed when Y/N holds onto his wrist. 
“I’m on birth control and if- you haven’t been with anyone for a while maybe we can…” His mouth waters as he leans down to kiss her. 
“I’ve been with only one other person and I’ve always used protection.” She couldn’t help but pout at him. Was he seeing someone else at the moment? What were they doing? She began to sit up as Harry shook his head. 
“No no, please. I’m not dating her or anything. I’ve only been having sex with her. I love you, please. I need you.”
“Can you not talk about her?” Y/N snaps as she drops her head on the pillow. He leans down to kiss her on the lips before moving his lips to her neck. 
“We’ll talk about her later but I’m telling you now -I want you so badly. I’ve been missing for a whole year now and I’ll drop everything for you.”
She closes her eyes as he bites on her earlobe. “Who said anything about me fucking her good? I have never eaten her out. Never left my marks on her. I never pulled her hair and choked her until she cried out of pleasure. Baby, that’s all for you and I’ll make sure after tonight, I’ll have you back in my arms.” He sucks on her nipples as he positions himself and thrusts in her. He takes a deep breath as she continues to close her eyes and scratch his back. He could feel her heart beating fast as he thrusts a bit harder.
“You okay bub?” He kisses her neck as she nods.
“You’re so big and I can fucking feel you in my stomach.” She laughs as she accidentally clenches her walls on him.
“Uh, babe.” He bites her shoulder. 
“Sorry, it’s been a while.” He smirks and licks a stripe of her neck. 
“Alright, whatever you say. You’re still as tight as I remember.” He smirks at her. “Pussy so good I was heartbroken when you left me.” Y/N rolls her eyes as he continues to thrust into her making her begin to moan louder. 
The night carried on as he fucked her and how she fucked him. They couldn’t get enough of each other. They were sure to leave a dent on her wall due to her bed frame bumping into the wall every so often. 
But as much as they laid in each other’s arms, they still had an outstanding problem of what they were now. and it wasn’t long until that problem said peek a boo once again.
Happy. Happy Harry was. It’ was just about Christmas and he had a gift in his hand as he walked the stairs towards Y/N’s apartment. Lately, he’s been spending time with her. It was as if those 8 months no longer meant a thing to him. H made sure to visit Y/N during work, drop her off and pick her up. He made sure to cuddle her to sleep and most importantly he called Eva the day after he and Y/N reconnected. He made sure to make things clear-that he no longer wanted to play games with her and that they were over. 
Although it made Y/N a bit jealous he was sleeping with a pretty girl when they broke up, Harry made sure to fuck the jealously right out of her so the only thing she could do now was to roll her eyes. She wasn’t mad at him just a bit insecure but Harry reassured her, he only began a fling with Eva in the beginning of November. It was never serious. 
“Merry Christmas.” He smiles gleefully as he flashes the small Cartier gift bag to her.
“Harry, that better not be for me.” Her eyes were in shock. He shakes his head and wraps his arm around her waist as he kisses her. 
“I love you.”
“I love you too but you shouldn’t give me that.” After meeting Harry’s family and finally started seeing him again, she was scared his family would still think of her as a gold digger. She didn’t want to talk about it with Harry. She was really hurt when she heard that. 
“I bought it for you.” He locks the door and takes her wrist as they sit on her couch once again. Y/N had no family members and she was planning on spending Christmas with Glenne and Jeff or maybe Jenna but now Harry is back. Harry had nowhere to go either since he’s been avoiding his family for the past year. Now they decided to just spend Christmas together and catch up.
“Here.” He gives her the bag as she opens it. It was their signature love bracelet with diamonds on each side. Y/N began to cry as she looked at the bracelet. 
“I want you to have it.” He takes the bracelet and puts it on her. “You look so pretty.” He smiles cheekily at her as she wipes her tears away. 
“We were supposed to give our gifts later but you’re too excited.” She sits up and picks up a rectangular box underneath the tree. “Here’s yours.”
He kisses her and takes the gift in his hands. As he opens the gift wrapping paper, there were a bunch of papers folded and underneath was a brand new journal that looked exactly like the one resting on his piano. 
“Read those letters on your own time!” Y/N’s cheeks turn red. “I bought you a new journal after you desperately ripped papers out of your old one.” She laughs as she plays with her nails. “You need one of those and I thought maybe a new one for the new year. For new beginnings.”
“I love you!” He tucks the notes in his new journal as he leans forward to kiss her a bit more longer. “So much baby, so much. you know I’m not letting you go anymore right?” Y/N smiles as he kisses her nose and her cheeks.
“I love you more H. Now, I have one more request and I was hoping you would allow it to happen.”
“What is it bub?” She grabs his phone beside him and takes it in her hands. 
“I was wondering if we could call your family and greet them?” His heart softens as he looks at her. He nods at her without another word as she searches for Anne’s name. The ringing was the only thing heard until Anne’s voice picked up.
“Oh my God, my baby boy!” 
and at that moment as Harry watched Y/N smile as he spoke to his mother, he knew he found the one. Y/N wasn’t mad anymore about what happened in London. She wished that trip ended another way but she found the goodness in her heart to let Gemma and Anne’s comments go. She hated the fact that Harry stopped talking to them. She had no family anymore and she doesn’t want Harry to feel that way anymore.
As the call ended, Harry’s eyes were wet as he looked at his phone. He haven’t heard from his mum this past year. And Anne made it clear that she wants to visit them two and make peace with Y/N. Harry became in asshole when he broke up with Camille but for some reason, when he broke up with Y/N, he fell apart. The only thing that Harry was thinking about now was what Anne said to him in the call. 
Are you two dating again? You better ask her or she might slip through your fingertips again. She’s a beautiful girl, Harry. I’m sorry about what Gemma and I said. Bless her soul that she encouraged you to call me. I missed you baby, you’ll always be my son.
Harry’s heart was beating fast. This was the problem. He knew he could only spend a few weeks with before this question came up. He was scared to ask her. What happens if they break up again? What happens if she says no?
“What’s wrong H?” She brushes his hair out of his face. Throughout the 10 minute phone call, she sat there listening to them catch up. Harry offered the phone to her but she wanted the mother and child to talk.
“I’m scared uh you might say no but I have a question.” He puts his phone down and takes her hand. “I was wondering if you would be my girlfriend again. I promise you I’ll treat the best I can. I want to make you happy. I want to travel the world with you and just love you.” He squeezes her palm. 
“Alright.” She nods before flashing a sweet smile. “I’m your girlfriend again.” Harry’s eyes sparkle as he kisses her and picks her up. He swings her in his arms before carrying her back into her bedroom. 
The red string of fate connects two destined lovers together. Regardless of time, place or circumstances. This magical thread may stretch or tangle but it will never break.
Y/N was his soul mate because she made him the happiest he could ever be and the saddest too. Despite their relationship starting out once again… this time she was trying and they were both more serious about fighting for each other- they were more confident in their love. No one can break them apart this time… after all, it was a new year.
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headinthe-fridge · 4 years
My Grandfather’s Lawyer (Pt. 10)
⁂ – Ushijima Wakatoshi x reader –  ⁂
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warning: nsfw, swearing
Summary: Your grandfather, Washijo Tanji, disowned your mother when she was pregnant with you and her hatred towards him was passed on to you. Now, your estranged grandfather wants you to leave your life in Tokyo and come live with him in his estate in the Miyagi Prefecture.
You took a day off and a 6-hour trip, intending to give him a piece of your mind before disappearing from their lives forever. You didn’t expect to see an ailing and fragile old man. Your day trip stretched into weeks and soon, you patched things up with your estranged family and warmed up to everyone -except to one: Ushijima Wakatoshi -your grandfather’s lawyer.
He thinks you have ulterior motives in reuniting with your grandfather.
You weren’t suppose to care what he thinks of you. His opinion didn’t matter.
But it did.
Part 1| Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9
AN: AHHHHHHH it’s ending, just one last part after this. Once again, thank you guys, like reaaaaally thank you for reading My Grandfather’s Lawyer. I really appreciate it. I hope you also support my next fics. :)))
"Listen, babes," Tooru stood akimbo with a brow raised as he looked at you.
 "After everything you told me -his actions, him acting up whenever you're with that Kotaro guy, those are indications that he likes you too. He's acting up cos' he's jealous."
You groaned. "But that's impossible, how can he be jealous when it's Hoshina she likes?"
"Oh god, I knew you are hard-headed but I didn't know you also have a thick skull."
You grimaced at him and was about to reply when the doorbell rang. Your grimace turned into a glare, directed at none other than Tooru. "Who the hell did you invite this time?"
The said man looked at you innocently. "No one! It's just Haji and me, plus Shoyo who knows about your farewell party," He reasoned out.
Your eyes roamed the house, Kiyoko was on her way to the door while Shoyo and Hajime lounged on the couch -a forgotten movie playing on the television. It had been two weeks since you got back in Tokyo and today, your clique decided to throw you a farewell party since you will be staying in Miyagi for good starting tomorrow.
Your bags are packed and you're ready to go -or not. At least not until after you've wasted yourself with your friends on your last day in Tokyo. You promised to stay in touch with them and schedule get-togethers in the future, you've also planned on having them stay over in Miyagi for a vacation and they were thrilled with the idea.
"Who could that be?" You mused.
You almost fell on your feet when the Kiyoko pulled the door open and revealed the person behind the door. It was none other than Ushijima Wakatoshi -wearing a shirt and dark jeans, his hair swept back in a boy-next-door style that made you drool.
You swiftly turned your back from the door and Tooru met your gaze, his eyebrows wiggling in curiosity. "Ooh, is that him?" He teased.
"Shut up."
"He's making his way towards us and babes, I was right. He's one big ball of jealousy. If looks could kill I'd be lying dead by your feet."
"Y/n," His sultry voice called, the sound sending tingles down your middle.
You gulped before turning around to face him, your senses once again bombarded with his palpable presence. You were about to reply when you felt Tooru lean towards you and place his head on your shoulder, nuzzling his temple against your neck.
"Who's he, babes?" He drawled out, intending for the lawyer to hear it clearly.
Behind Ushijima, you could see Kiyoko, Shoyo, and Hajime (smirking) peeking to see the exchange.
"Babes?" Ushijima spat, his face unreadable.
"Got a problem with that?" Tooru challenged.
Ushijima's jaw visibly clenched and you feared for a second that he would punch Tooru right then and there. You flinched when he lifted his hand, you thought he was really gonna do it, but instead, he reached out for your wrist and whisked you away from Tooru and pulled you towards him.
You did not appreciate being manhandled like that so you yanked your wrist free from his grasp. "What are you doing here?"
"I'll deal with you later." Was the only thing he said to you before he turned his attention back to Tooru. "You must be Tooru, I'm Ushijima Wakatoshi, their family's lawyer and yes, I have a problem with your calling y/n babes." He wrinkled his nose in disgust.
Tooru's eyes gleamed and you already know what went on in his mind.
"Oh, that's fine, I call y/n a lot of names. Would love suffice?" Then he turned to you. "Is that okay, love?"
"I would appreciate it if you would drop the endearments, Tooru-san. Y/n's grandfather wouldn't want you as his grandchild's significant other."
"And who would y/n's ji-ji want? You?"
"Yes, in fact, I already asked for his permission to date his grandchild and he approved of it."
You whipped your head to face him, eyes wide. "W-what?"
"I said I'd deal with you later."
You felt a vein pop in your head, annoyed at his dismissal. You grabbed a fistful of his shirt and pulled the towering man down to your face. "What the hell did you do?" You growled.
He sighed, his hot breath reached your face. "I asked your grandfather if I could date you because I like you, y/n."
Your grip on his shirt loosened. "Huh? B-but didn't you like Hoshina? You were ranting on about not wanting her to get hurt the last time we talked."
"Like I said, thick-skulled," Tooru commented.
"Shut up, Tooru." You barked then craned your neck in search of Hajime. "Get your boyfriend out of here Haj, before I strangle him to death."
It was Ushijima who went wide-eyed this time -which was a first since all this time, the only facial expression he could do was glower at you. It's nice to know that he could appear surprised and confused at times.
"Yes, boyfriend. Tooru has a boyfriend, what even is your problem?"
His eyes darted between Tooru and you. "I thought-"
"Hah! You thought I was y/n's boyfriend? Eww!"
You chuckled, remembering the incident in the kitchen. "That's what you get for eavesdropping, and for always drawing baseless assumptions."
"I-I didn't..."
"What? Cat got your tongue?" You jeered when the lawyer was obviously at a loss for words -which was also the first time it happened because back in Miyagi he always -always- had something to say back to you.
"Rest easy, I'm just y/n's friend -Oikawa Tooru," He stretched out his hand and Ushijima warily met his in a brief handshake. "That's Iwaizumi Hajime -my boyfriend, Hinata Shoyo, and Shimizu Kiyoko." He proceeded to introduce everyone.
The three mumbled out 'nice to meet you' in a chorus before Tooru shooed them all away from the kitchen -including himself- to give you and Ushijima time to talk and "sort out your mess."
"Seriously, can't you wait til' I'm back before telling me that?"
Ushijima furrowed his brows and looked at you intently. His deep gaze pierced your soul. "I couldn't wait any longer, not when I don't know when you'd come back. Tanji-san did everything to make you stay but here you are, back in Tokyo."
You flashed him an incredulous look. "Wait, did ji-ji not tell you?" You laughed when his face answered your question. Yes, it seems your grandfather did not tell him anything. "I was gonna go back tomorrow, I just had to settle some things here before I stay in Miyagi for good. Did he not tell you that?"
He looked indignant. "No, he didn't."
"Well, now you know. I was enjoying my last night here in Tokyo before you barged in and almost picked a fight with my friend."
"I'm sorry, y/n," He said sincerely which made you do a double-take. "It's just that, I didn't like it one bit when he called you that and got all affectionate with you. Imagine, I came all this way from Miyagi to settle things with you, and then I see you not even the least affected by my absence, all while with a man. I couldn't sleep knowing that you're miles away from me."
Your heart skipped a beat at his speech. You wanted to believe him, you really do but you also didn't want to get your hopes too high and find out in the end that it wasn't what you thought it was again. You've learned your lesson the first time.
"I find that hard to believe, Ushijima-san."
"How so? I told you I want you, I wouldn't just kiss anyone like that."
You flushed at the memory of his lips ravaging yours. "How can you say that when you even accused me of being after my grandfather's money?"
"That was me being an asshole, I admit, but that was just because I wanted to rile you up so you would notice me."
"Notice you?"
"Look, y/n, I liked you the first time I saw you when you arrived in Miyagi that day. The fire in your eyes had me smitten with you. You are strong-willed and stubborn, but that's what I like best about you, y/n. You know what you want and you'd stop at nothing to get it. You don't take shit from anyone, hell, you don't take shit from me no matter what I do. You're a fighter, you're brave but damn, your kiss was something else.
He took a step towards you, hands cupping either side of your cheeks.
"It frustrated me to no end that you've warmed up to everyone but me. It's like every time I see you, you were always glaring at me. Tell me, sweetheart, what have I done wrong and what can I do to make it right?"
Your heart raced in your chest at his litany. Shit, you didn't know that Ushijima Wakatoshi could spew hopeless romantic declarations, and that made your knees jelly. His piercing eyes melt your insides and there was nothing else you could say except,
"Just shut up and kiss me, Ushijima."
Taglist: @thegrumpyhag​ @sushij1ma​ @valoryess​ @yakus-yakult​ @ly-nia​ @ushi-please​ @plutoglass @kokofirebangbomb​ @strawberryy-milkk @melanieacademy​ @defunkitatedmess​ @lunarknox​ @wtoshii​ @kyomihann​ @multishippers-trash-blog​ @monviemoo​ @sarahvvictoria​
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perksofbeingaharrie · 4 years
PICTURE THIS - part: 4
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Lesson learnt for life - ‘Shri, never post a fic unless you’ve completed written ALL of it’
Welp, I am really not the best at being punctual. My writer’s block can be absolute brutal IM SO SO SORRY YOU GUYS. 
So idk if people remember this story now so here's little recap:
RECAP: Y/N is Harry’s tour photographer and through this they become close and develop a strong friendship. But when you are spending every second of your day with someone, feelings are bound to occur. As the American leg of his tour comes to an end, a little tussle here and there leads to Harry admitting his feelings for her and them getting a little tipsy and ending up spending a night together. 
Now the morning after is not the most pleasant and expectant for them. Find out in Part - 4!
Genre: angst
© perksofbeingaharrie
The morning after is never the easiest. And they knew and had fathomed so the moment Harry’s alarm blared out loud at 8 in the morning.
Harry was careful to have turned it off the second it made a sound and he turns around on his bed, hoping to sleep beside her a little longer. A little longer before both of them would dread and regret it – but mostly her.
But to his much dismay, when he turns over, she has sat up and thrown her feet down the bed on her side, giving him her back as the first view of the morning since yesterday night.
“Y/N.” He calls out, not realizing it, and later feels that his calling happened to have alarmed her even more.
She hurriedly snatches the top of the sheets and dashes for the bathroom, grabbing her clothes on the way. Harry falls back on the bed, defeated and closes his eyes shut to process everything from the night before.
What a disaster it was to bring to their friendship.
With the same lingering thought in her head, she changed into her clothes and came out of the bathroom.
Harry is already outside waiting for her, clad in only his boxers and he immediately jumps to his feet on seeing her.
“Last night…” She begins.
“I meant it.” He says before she gets to finish her sentence. She looks up at him from the ground, flushed. “I meant everything, I swear.”
Her mouth parts but the loss of words makes her retract back. She feels weak in the knees as she throws the sheet she had carried with her on the ground and takes a deep breath.
“How did we even end up doing that?”
He cringes at her choice of words. “I don’t know.” He shakes his head. “I really don’t. But it means a lot to me-“
“Oh, for god’s sake please stop saying that!” She raises her voice. “It is not making me feel any better, Harry.”
He gulps, looking away. “I am sorry.”
She takes a deep breath, crossing her arms over her chest. “Well, what do we do now?”
“I don’t know.” He says, looking at her again. “I think you take some time to think this over. To go through whatever you felt last night – just think about them again.”
“I really thought it would be easy to just be your friend. Just let you go on some occasions, to let you not give me time but – but, I don’t think I can do that.” He breathes. “I don’t want to be just your friend, Y/N. I don’t want to be just a part of your time; I don’t want you to choose anybody else but me; and I don’t want to have to lose you to somebody else.”
Her heart shakes frantically inside her.
“Y/N, I want to be something more to you than just your – your friend.” He finishes, shakily breathing himself. “And I won’t put you through any pressure. You can think over this, I swear. As much time as you want, as many days as you’d like – all my time is yours now. I promise.”
She looks away from him, not ready to absorb all that he has said. Why is there a hesitation now? Why can she not speak up at all? Where is her resolved mind on this?
“We have a flight to catch.” She finally says. “I’ll see you there.”
She left the room right after.
Harry shed some meaningless tears thereafter, not sure what was it that was making him cry so much as he stood under the shower, reliving the night. He packed his luggage then and he also packed her purse she had left behind in the check-in luggage, clearly with no resolve to return it to her soon.
He cannot believe he said everything to her. He places his hand on his heart now and then, feeling it beating for real and comes to it that it really was no dream.
He really meant everything he said, everything he did. He has never experienced this panic and anxiety in a long time as he had when he saw her be so cold and not feel comfortable with him. Why was this discomfort? Was it because of the line they had drawn on their relationship? Of just being friends?
He thought of their life if they weren’t just friends but something more. Though the thought of always having her around and them being together always felt a little obsessive in a way but he did not ever want her compromising and being with someone else.
When they were seated in the airplane after a lot of running around and checking in, their eyes met when she was walking past his seat to the hers.
They locked eyes but she spoke nothing with them either. She appeared shaky and confused and she rushed past, and in that moment, another thought occurred to him.
What if she did not feel the same way as him? What if the amount of happiness and love she has shown and given him, he hasn’t been able to give her the same? He thought of the other people she could be with and if they would give her happiness she truly deserves and he undermines his ability to give her the same.
The sullen thoughts keep him up the entire flight. He does not turn around to look out for her; he does not get up even once thinking he might crash into her and shake her resolve – which could also be to not be with him.
And he accepted how things were until she would herself want to come around.
She extends her legs up to where her seats allow, breathing out loud as if she has been tired for so long. She hasn’t let her mind think over too much – all she did was pack her stuff in, rush over to the airport with the others and check in as soon as she could and be home.
But now in the dim lights of her the airplane, she feels her mind kick back in all that happened to her. And not just memories of last night and this morning but all and everything that her life has been this past few months.
Meeting Harry, spending that one night together just getting to know each other, becoming friends without the spell of that uncomfortable confrontation, The entire tour, private photoshoots, cooking for each other, drinking, laughing and finally yesterday.
If only he could have straight away asked her what she felt and not guilt tripped her this way. Why was she even taking time? She has loved him for all this while and now when he is admitting it to her, what in the bloody hell is holding her back?
She bites her lip in the sudden spur of excitement. God, everything he does to her can never not make her feel like electricity sparking through her. Even right now.
In the aftermath of it all, she decides to tell him everything when they off of this flight. They will start afresh and they will start all bright.
“Gahh, I’m done.” Sameera, one of the management faculty and a close friend, sighs beside her as she shuts her laptop down. She had been working on and on since they had departed, going about writing mails and what not and up till now, Y/N had not thought to ask what it was.
“Finally…” Y/N drawls in the same tone as her. Sameera chuckles and puts away her laptop and stretches her legs.
“It’s gonna be hectic once again when we get to London. I can’t really sit straight, can I?” She grunts.
“Ah, just management stuff, man. There is never just one thing I am dealing with – it all just comes plummeting down.”
Y/N gives a pat to her shoulder. “You’ll be fine, babe. And let me know if I can help with anything. I would, I swear I would.”
Sameera gladly smiles and places her head on her shoulder. Then she opens her laptop and begins to work again. Y/N reads over certain words looking over her head and her curiosity perks up.
“Can I ask you what the assignment is on?”
Mindlessly, Sameera answers back, too indulged in her work. “We’re hooking Harry up with a name. You know, pretend to be involved and stuff. It helps keep the tour in the news and of course, Harry’s name too.”
“Hooking him up?”
“Yeah, like fake dating. But Harry does meet them up and many a times he’s liked them and been with them too for a while.”
Y/N’s silence makes Sameera explain a bit more.
“It’s just PR stunting. It’s been a part of the cycle for some time now. Harry’s okay with it too now I think. He meets them, likes them so hangs out with them or dislikes them and we try to shake off the rumour within a month or two. It’s just how it is.”
There is no more information shared. Sameera is on her work for some time and then she naps away the rest of the flight.
Y/N stays up, too shaken by the reality thrashing her in the face. She was taking chances by betting to be with a star – someone always in the limelight, always living for the limelight. She doubts if she will be able to hold up amidst all this glamour; and hurting one another is the last thing she would want to happen.
She closes her eyes and waits for this time to pass too.
It was close to almost a week since they had returned. The concerts scheduled thereafter were in two days from today and things were very hectic.
She was called in throughout rehearsals and back stage shooting. She would do her work and leave.
He would come over and do his part. He, however, would leave with a longing heart.
It wasn’t easy at all to ignore him. They would end up speaking a few words here and there but the silence that filled right after was impossible to be shaken. The walls that she had begun to build around herself to protect both him and her were starting to bother Harry more than he could imagine.
She saw him shrink more and more into himself and she only hoped he would understand her without having to say anything.
But, he finally loses patience and calls her up today.
When she reaches his place after the call, she is only carrying her camera bag and nothing more, and she rings the bell.
“Come in.” He tells her at the door, walking into his house and leaving her outside.
She closes the door on our way and follows behind him, entering the balcony.
“Let’s get started.” He purses his lips, clasping his hands together.
She nods, placing her camera on the nearby table to her. Sighing, she looks up at him.
“Why are we doing this again?”
He chuckles, humourless. “We always did this – informal photoshoots. Just you, me and you camera.” He throws him arms exaggeratedly towards her camera.
She hesitates, breathing shakily. “No, I meant…why now?” Beginning to unpack her stuff, she continues. “You have your show in like 2 days, why get into this hassle now?”
She watches as he turns his back on her and stretches, all out of restlessness. She gulps and decided to shut up.
“Okay, I am ready-“
His chuckle again makes her stop. “Funny how things we previously did for fun now seem like a hassle, do they now?”
He stands by the railing of the balcony, leaning on it with his arms spread to his sides and gives her a sad look. She cannot say a word to him and only looks him in the eyes with the same look as his.
He takes his eyes off immediately and breaks the tension.
“Let’s get started.”
The shoot is simple. He is in a soft cotton shirt with a few unbuttoned buttons on the top and bottom, and the light wind in the balcony flows around the light material, matching the lost, dewy look of the shoot.
She keeps on going clicking pictures. He almost would always tell her when to stop but today he doesn’t. He lets her keep doing her job as much as she can, telling him to pose, to look somewhere else and everything. She has no clue to how ask him if he is done.  
The sun sets in the background. The natural light that they had depended on now turns to dark and this makes the perfect excuse for her to step back.
“Guess we are done.” She says, pulling her camera to herself to preview.
“No.” Harry ascertains, making her look up once again at his somber tone. “Try with the flash this time.”
She gulps, letting out a dry chuckle, tired with the brutal behavior of his.
“Harry, please.” Her voice is low and tired. “Let’s stop.”
His fists ball at his sides. He feels all the pent-up emotion, the remorse, the pain come back to him and he takes two long steps towards her to now stand right with just an inch of a distance between their noses.
“Stop what?” He grits through his teeth. “Stop even being friends? Even talking and being as we were? Why?”
She steps back one, shaky with the proximity. Her mouth opens to speak but he cuts her to it.
“Scratch that. I want my answer. I want to know what do you want from this and what it meant for you to be in my arms that night, kissing me, touching-“
“Harry!” She cries. Her face softens as their eyes meet – his rage and angst all making her heart pound.
She turns on her heel and scurries back inside the house, picking her camera bag from the floor.
He is trailing right behind her. “Y/N –“
“I just don’t want to hurt any one of us.” She turns around to face him again, putting a little distance between the two of them.
“And what about this? Is this not testing enough?!” He cries back at her.
“Okay, no, no, wait.” He walks over to her. “You told me you love me that day. You told me you love me – didn’t you?”
She closes her eyes, nodding. “I do, I love you so, so much.”
He cracks a half grin. “Then what is it? I love you too, so much. More than you can imagine.”
“You don’t get it.” Shaking her head, she continues. “We are so much less involved in each other’s life when we are friends. You realize being together would complicate it all so, so much.”
“What is the complication for? It is all in your head.”
“Harry!” She puts him down with one raise of her voice. “Please. Understand this; you live in this bubble around all the glam and you have things to do that you are bound to – there is no way you can avoid them.” She pauses. “I am a simple girl. All I seek is small things, sought out things – simple things.”
He shuts up then. His voice holds no longer the desperate tone. He is confused, severely at that, and now all he wants is answers.
“What is it about my life? You’ve been with me for the entire tour, Y/N. I don’t think I did anything for you to feel that my life could be any complicated -“
“Harry, I was with you but always from a distance. You have your commitments, your duties as an artist that you’ve got to fill –“
“You’re going round in circles, saying the same thing over and over again, Y/N.” He cries out.
She takes a deep breath and squares up to spill the truth. “I do not understand this whole thing about going from dating one person to another.”
His eyes squint in surprise. “What-“
“Yes, you’ll have to be with multiple people at times, all through the year and you’ve done that in the past too-“
“Have you ever tried to understand this whole thing or are you just making assumptions –“
“It is the truth, Harry, and that is what gets to me every time I think –“
“Will you let me explain what this whole thing is and how it goes or –“
“No, Harry!” She shouts this time. “This is how you guys are. You go around jumping from one person to date to another – what would you do with being with a commoner? What good would she do to you? Will you get the same kind of promotions, be in the same way in the news, will remain as popular as ever?”
He opens and closes his mouth, her words hitting like spikes to his heart.
“Okay, okay.” She takes a breath out, calming. “Just give it a thought, you know – think a bit logically and realistically. You will need to think about your career at the end of the day. I get it, I get it, there is feelings and all but if we do get together, neither of us would be happy because – because our professional lives and image would keep clashing and –“
Both of them know she is blabbering like a mess now.
He takes a step back from her, rubbing his hands over his face. “Yeah, yeah –“
“You understand me, right? You get it too.” She tries to look him in the eyes.
“Yeah!” He says to loudly and quickly. “I get it. Absolutely. Perfectly.”
They both takes long breaths and look at one another. Their eyes blood shot red, and their faces show the tiredness and hopelessness. They both know this is in no way sought out.
Finally, with the same expressions on his face, he tells her, “Now, get out.”
She feels an invisible force push her steps back to the door. She accepts the defeat and the end and she nods.
“Trust me, this is for the best, Harry.”
Hope everyone’s keeping well and being safe. My wishes and love to you all. 
Look forward to part:5 coming soon and show some love to this write up too!
Thank you for the love and support! 
Big looove
- Shri <3
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quickspinner · 5 years
Hey Gorgeous - Under Your Skin 23
Links to previous sections at the bottom.
Guy’s night was probably one of Luka’s least favorite traditions. Maybe it was because he’d lived so much of his life surrounded by women, but he just...tended to find he liked people a lot less after sitting through a guy’s night with them. The stuff guys were willing to say when girls weren’t around could be...ugh. 
This group, though, this was okay, even if poker wasn’t exactly his game of choice. Tonight it was just his friends Evan and Miles, and Marinette’s longtime friend Nino who was also in the music program, and Nino’s friend Kim, who didn’t go to their school but lived nearby. 
Luka was actually enjoying himself when his phone rang on the table. 
“Oooh, that’s a forfeit if you answer,” Evan shook his finger at Luka. “No girlfriends on guy’s night.”
Luka rolled his eyes and slapped five Euros on the table. “Worth it,” he told Evan, as he picked up the call. “Hey babe, what’s up?”
“L-l-l--” She cut off in a choked noise. 
Luka frowned. “Easy, babe, I’m here.” He shook his head slightly, brow furrowed as he tried to understand her. He glanced at Nino, who was giving him a concerned look. “Babe, I’m sorry, I can’t--I can’t understand you, I’m so sorry, can you...can you slow down or something?” He frowned. “Babe, are you crying? Listen, can you just tell me where you are? I’ll come to you, okay?”
“What’s wrong?” Kim demanded, and Luka shook his head, covering the speaker with his hand. 
“I honestly can’t understand a word she’s saying, she’s never been this bad.” Over the phone he heard another voice talking to Marinette, but he couldn’t hear the words. After a moment there was a rustle. “Marinette?”
“It’s Juleka,” his sister answered. “Marinette’s at our place and obviously she’s really upset. Come home, I’ll try to calm her down and figure out what happened.”
“Okay,” he relaxed a little, knowing a Juleka would take care of her. “Thanks Jules, tell her I’ll be there as soon as I can.” He hung up without waiting for an answer. “I need a ride,” he said to the room.
“I’ve got you,” Nino replied, standing up immediately. “I came in the van.”
“Thank you,” Luka said, reaching for his wallet to cash out hurriedly. Evan grabbed his wrist.
“Don’t worry about that, we’ll figure it out. You too, Nino, we know you’re good for it. Go take care of your girl, Luka. Call me if you need anything.” 
“Same,” said Kim immediately. 
“Thanks, guys.” Luka flashed a quick grin as he tripped over his chair trying to get away from the table. Nino caught him and steadied him. 
“Easy, you gotta stay calm, dude.” Nino snorted softly. “Never thought I’d be saying that to you.” 
“I’ll be calm when we’re there and I know what’s going on,” Luka sighed as he grabbed his jacket.  He and Nino hurried down the stairs and into Nino’s van. 
“Sorry about the mess,” Nino said as Luka shoved aside fast food wrappers.
“Don’t worry about it,” Luka said absently, pulling out his phone to let Juleka know he was on his way. A few minutes into the ride, she called him back.
“There was an accident at the bakery and Marinette’s father was injured,” Juleka told him in her succinct way. “It’s not life threatening, but he’s in the hospital. Honestly from the texts she showed me it sounds like her mom has things under control, but I don’t think Marinette’s going to be okay until she sees him. I’ll have a bus schedule ready by the time you get here, do you want me to go ahead and book tickets and pack your bag?” 
“Please,” Luka said in relief. “Just make sure we have enough time to get to the station, we’ll have to pack for Marinette too. See if you can get her roommate’s number and text it to me, I’ll call and ask her to pack for Marinette. How’s she doing?”
“Better, but not great. I’m doing my best.”
“Thanks, Jules. Really.”
“Don’t be stupid,” she huffed. “See you when you get here. I’ll let you know if anything happens.”
Luka hung up and relayed everything he’d been told to Nino. 
“Aw, man,” Nino muttered. “Marinette’s usually great in a crisis but she’s really close to her family, and being here where she can’t do anything, that’s a recipe for a meltdown.” 
“Yeah,” Luka fretted. “She’s really upset.” He glanced at Nino. “Any advice? You’ve known her longer.”
“It’ll help if you can give her something to do,” Nino replied after a moment of thought. “Marinette’s brain goes about thirty times the speed of everyone else’s, so you gotta give her something to do or she’ll get stuck in a loop and all that energy comes out in bad ways.”
“Got it,” Luka said, texting Juleka. “I know it’s a lot to ask, man, but can you hang around and run us back to Marinette’s dorm and then the bus station?”
“I’ll do anything you need,” Nino told him. “Marinette’s been my friend forever and I’ve known Tom and Sabine almost as long, so you can bet I’ll do anything you need. If I could I’d drive you myself, but I don’t think you’d get there any faster in this clunker.”
“This is more than enough,” Luka assured him, and then dialed his phone.
Anarka picked up on the first ring, voice concerned. “Luka, what’s going on?”
“I’m okay, Maman—”
“Ah, good.” 
“—but I need help.”
“What can I do?” Anarka asked briskly. 
Luka smiled. 
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 |  Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Part 18 | Part 19 | Part 20 | Part 21 | Part 22 | Part 23 | Part 24
A continuation of Hey Gorgeous Part 1| Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Bonus Scene | Now on AO3
@thethirdwheelfriend @mystery-5-5
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The New Kid In Town chapter 2 (SanderSides vigilante AU)
In a moment of random inspiration, here’s chapter 2 that I wrote at like 4 a.m.
Summary: Virgil attempts to find this new vigilante, even if his friends don’t agree. He might have just have some ‘friends’ that can help.
Warnings: Major obsessions, terrible sleep schedules, mentioned crime, break-in, threats,
Ships: flirty sleepxiety (couldn’t help myself), non romantic; Moxiety, analogical, logicality, analogicality 
    Two weeks. It had been two entire weeks since Red had appeared, and Virgil was going insane. Currently, he was pacing up and down his apartment, trying to come up with any new idea of how to find the mysterious vigilante. As surprising as it was, tracking somebody with super sonic screams was actually very difficult, especially if you don't have access to a satellite. Virgil gave an annoyed sigh as he flopped onto his couch. Glancing at his phone, he checked the time, 3:45 a.m. Fuck, he was gonna be tired as hell in the morning, but it wasn't like he was gonna get decent sleep anyway. Regardless, Virgil stood up, grabbing his phone and making it to his bedroom. And, surprisingly enough, Virgil was passed out as soon as his head hit the pillow.
Virgil now sat at one of HQ's many computers, a day later, typing out theories, equations, or anything that could help find Red, so far everything had been a bust. His newest theories though, was actually semi simple, all they'd have to do is scan the city to see if there were any unusual frequencies in the area, but they didn't have access to whole city scans. Virgil slammed his hand on the desk in frustration, Logan was a brilliant tech genius, with some of the best hacking abilities Virgil'd ever heard of, but his abilities were limited. Logan had fairly limited resources, and refused to hack into things unless completely necessary. 
That might make one believe Logan would get a scan of the whole city for Virgil, but the entire Red situation wasn't exactly something Virgil, Patton, and Logan saw eye to eye on. 
"Hey Virgil!" Patton called from behind Virgil. Virgil spun around startled, relaxing when he saw Patton, "oh hey Pat, what are you up to?" "Nothing big, just got back from patrol, what about you?" Virgil bit his lip, "I'm just...researching." Patton looked at his, confused, "about exactly what?" "Just ah…" Virgil frantically tried coming up with an excuse. In the blink of an eye Patton teleported to Virgil's side, gazing at his computer monitor full of theories. Patton sighed, "Virge," his tone was layered in what almost sounded almost disappointed, "we talked about this." "I know we did," Virgil was getting defensive, "but he could be important, if we find him he could potentially-" "Virge, me and Logan have already told you multiple times there's no point in trying to track this guy," "What if he knows where our powers come from! What if he knows who the Duke is! What if he can help us?" Patton sighed, "I'm not gonna try to stop you, but I can't help you, Virge." Virgil nodded, he understood where Patton was coming from, but he couldn’t get why Patton wouldn't wanna find out who this person just like them was. "Lo already clocked out for the day, and I was just about to go, so try not to stay for too much longer." Patton said. Virgil again nodded, as Patton walked out the doors, wishing him goodbye. 
Virgil knew he was definitely obsessing over this person, but it was the only lead he had on the origins of his powers. Ever since the day Virgil first found himself able to seemingly phase out of existence, he wanted to know why. Him and Logan had spent multiple days straight before, attempting to find out why and where Virgil and Patton had gotten their powers, but always came up empty handed. And with another hero, Virgil was hoping that they potentially had some answers. 
Logan did originally help Virgil track Red down, but after a week of radio silence, Logan went back to tracking the next location of the Duke, advising Virgil to do the same. 
Virgil ran a hand over his face. His eyes hurt from staring at the screen for too long, and one of his legs had fallen asleep. Great. Glancing at the corner of the screen, Virgil read the time, 7:15 p.m not late at all, yet he felt exhausted. Eventually he decided to take a break from writing constant equations and look at the actual news. 
There was nothing major, just the usual, Capital City was getting saved by Vanishing Act and Flux, Gameson City was ranking in the usual tourist money like it always did, and Amber City was getting lower crime rates due to Zip. 
Zip was the name of the man who ran at the speed of light, saving Amber city from crime. He was a scientist, developing a drug to give cells faster healing properties, but ended instead with a drug that increased his reflexes, physical abilities, and all around speed (the science of everything was confusing to Virgil). That's when it hit Virgil, if Zip was that fast he could do a sweep of the entire city and find Red. There was one problem though, Virgil didn’t know Red personally, or rather at all. Not to mention, he didn’t know how long he’d be gone from Capital city and his team.  He gazed at the time again, 7:20, if he catches the next train to Amber city he’d be there in an hour, and finding a man who travels at the speed of light couldn’t be that hard, right? It seemed Virgil was gonna be taking a quick trip to Amber city.
The train ride wasn’t unbearable, he was invisible so no one knew he was even there, and luckily his super-suit wasn’t extremely uncomfortable to wear for a long time. Nevertheless, Virgil was now wandering the streets of a night-lit Amber city, invisible of course. Virgil had been to Amber city before, but only for quick trips, and he never remembered it being this nice. The tall glass buildings all reflect the soft yellow light of the city, the stars above the city bright and easy to see, and the city seemed to have a constant murmur of voices as Virgil walked through the streets. Amber city used to be known as a very dangerous and grimmy place, having some of the highest crime rates in the area, till Zip came along. The vigilante, and whatever team he had, seemed to have cleaned the place up. 
Virgil didn’t come here to admire the city though. He came here for help. Continuing to walk down the road, Virgil began questioning if his plan was at all worth it. It was 8:45 and he has seen no sign of Zip at all. An extremely fast rush of wind on the road ahead of him seemed to change that fact though. And it seemed the fast traveling vigilante was headed for none other than Apace industries. Virgil smirked, this was way too easy to put together.
Breaking into another Vigilantes lab, to try to ask for their help was definitely not what Virgil thought he’d be using his powers to do, yet here he was. After using a simple override hack (thanks Logan) he broke open the doors and was in. There seemed to be a reception desk that no one was occupying, and a general welcome area. Definitely not what Virgil was looking for. The elevators on the left wall though, were exactly what he was looking for. Pressing the button, Virgil waited for an elevator before a sudden gust of wind came behind him. 
“Ya, know I’m pretty sure elevator buttons don’t press themselves, so if I were you I’d show myself before I find you myself,” Virgil gulped, this was the worst situation he could have possibly gotten himself into. 
Even in the low light Virgil could tell he was being threatened by no other than Zip, the person he went to get help from. Lowering his invisibility, he lowered his gaze to the floor. “Vanishing act?” the other Vigilante asked. Virgil looked up at him, “I need your help.”
“Ok explain again what the hell you need me for,” Zip asked for what was about the fourth time. Zip was still clad in their brown and white suit, having though replaced their mask with a pair of sunglasses. Zip and Virgil were both in a large lab area, that was mostly white with subtle hints of pink and brown. “I need you to use your speed to do a sweep of Capital city, I’m looking for somebody.” 
“Babe, your gonna have to be more specific than somebody,”     
“Another vigilante.”
Zip seemed to freeze up at that.
“There’s another vigilante in Capital city, I saw them last time me and Flux were fighting the Duke.” Virgil said.
“Any powers?”
“Super sonic screams.”
“Well that’s a new one,” Zip said.
“I know, now do you think you could find them?”
“Well that’ll be the hard part,” Virgil raised an eyebrow. “If they're a vigilante, I’m gonna assume you’ve only seen them in costume,” Virgil nodded. “Therefore, I’d have to find them while they’re in costume, or I won’t be able to find them,” Zip explained, semi-bored of the conversation. 
Before Virgil had time to explain, a kind man with a pink tie stumbled out of the elevator,  holding a large stack of papers. "Oh Remy, I didn't know you had a guest!" They said smiling. "Emile, secret identity!" Zip, or Remy, hissed. Emile gave Remy an anxious smile "sorry Rem, care to tell me why your friends here?" "This is Vanishing Act, vigilante of Capital city, they're in need of our help." Remy explained. "Virgil, call me Virgil" Virgil stuttered out, “And I need Remy to find somebody for me.” “Oh that’s simple, Remy could race there and easily find them, or you could use our satellite!” Emile said with a smile. Virgil glared at Remy, “You had a satellite and didn’t tell me?” Remy pulled his glasses down to glare at Virgil, “Girl, Emile’s the smart on, I just run everywhere." Virgil rolled his eyes, walking to the table Emile was sat next to. "They're should be plenty of pictures in the news," Emile looked at Virgil confused, "who exactly are you looking for?" "There's a new vigilante in Capital, me and my team call him Red. I'm trying to find out where he is." Virgil explained. Emile seemed still a bit concerned "Are you trying to recruit him?" Virgil paused or a second, was he trying to recruit this random stranger? Well possibly, this person seemed to have extremely strong powers and might have information that Vigil needed. Virgil nodded, "yes I am" Emile seemed to buy it as genuine, "ok let's see if I can just…" Virgil's thoughts seemed to drift off from that point.
What was his plan? Find this guy, then what? Kidnap him? Interrogate him? Ask him to join him, Patton and Logan? Virgil honestly didn't have a pan, hell he didn’t know what to say when they found the guy. Not to mention what time it was, 12:15?  If he wanted to get any sleep tonight, and get back to Capital city, he have to really hope running facial recognition didn’t take to long-
“Found him!” Emile said, a proud smile on his face. “Wha-ah, that was quick.” Virgil said. “Well a couple pictures, and a bit of determination, Susie can find anyone.” Emile said, still smiling. Virgil raised an eyebrow, “Susie?” Remy sighed, “It’s what Emile named our satellite.”  “Anyway, his name is Roman Danvers, cashier at Capital City comics, last known residence; 101c goodneighbor apartments in Capital city.” Emeile explained. “That would be the first place I’d go looking for your vigilante friend.” Virgil smiled, “Thanks, Emile. Well I should probably get back to Capital city before someone wonders where I went.” Virgil backed away from the table, walking to the door before, he felt a hand on his shoulder. ‘Girl you know I ain’t gonna let you take an hour long train ride back to your city, uh uh.” Spinning around Virgl was face to face with Remy.  “It’ll take you less than a minute to get back to Capital city if I give you a lift, plus I could drop you off in front of, annoying voiced vigilante's place.”  Virgil rolled his eyes for a second, “sure.” Remy beamed, “K babes, grab my shoulders and hold on tight.” Virgil did as instructed, wrapping his arms around the other vigilantes shoulders. 
Seconds later they were standing in front of a crappy apartment complex. Virgil was shocked for a moment at just how quick they got there, Remy’s voice broke him out of the shock though “Babes, as much as I’d love to keep running around the city with a cutie like you, I got places to be.” Virgil quickly pulled his arms off Remy's shoulders and backed up, totally not blushing. “Um, ah, thanks for the lift back,” Virgil blabber out, attempting not to sound extremely flustered. “No problem babes,” Remy said, winking at Virgil “and try to visit Amber more, I’d like to see you again.” With that, Remy sped off. 
Virgil stood there trying to get his thoughts back, before remembering that he was currently trying to track down another powerful vigilante. ‘Stop thinking about boys Virgil, you're here to break down another vigilante's door, say something cool, and then ah...ah...do something, bring him back to HQ or integrate him or whatever.’ Looking to his left, Virgil noticed that Remy (like the gentleman he was) left Virgil right next to Roman’s apartment. 
Virgil smirked, standing in front of the door and in a adrenaline kicked in the door of the apartment. The door easily swung open, “I’ve always wanted to do that,” Virgil quietly muttered to himself. Looking around the apartment, it seemed to be completely normal. A small kitchen, with a cheap looking fridge and stove stood to the far left, a worn green couch stood a few steps in front of him, a Tv in front of that, a few cheap rugs dawned the floors, with nothing else to note really in the place. On the couch was a startled man in pajamas, brown hair in a mess, staring at Virgil, bowl of popcorn in hands. 
Virgil stared dumb founded for a second, before speaking 
“This is not what I expected...”        
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nothingeverlost · 5 years
Fic: Things Half in Shadow (13/14)
Fandom: Once Upon a Time
Pairings: Gold/Belle (eventually) with side pairings that probably include Graham/Bay, Archie/Emma and others.
Summary: The first thing you learn, back in Psych 101, is that you never get emotionally involved with a patient.  For 25 years Dr. Gold hasn’t had a problem walking that fine line.  Something changes, though, when he meets Belle French. AU
Author’s Note: I don’t even know how it’s possible that the last update was so long ago.  I’m sorry.  It’s funny but this fic was started so long ago that we didn’t have a name yet for Gold’s ex.  Apparently the one time I mentioned her I named her Nora, so I’ll stay with that.
TRIGGER WARNING: Indirect mentions of abuse and sexual assult
<Prologue><Chapter 1><Chapter 2> <Chapter 3> <Chapter 4> <Chapter 5> <Chapter 6> <Chapter 7> <Chapter 8> <Chapter 9> <Chapter 10> <Chapter 11> <Chalpter 12>
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Chapter 13 - Self Care
“You’re not seriously thinking about going to work today.  You look like crap, pops.”  Bailey was at the kitchen table when Nick made it down the stairs, a frustratingly slow journey considering how much his knee ached.  Fortunately his early bird son being awake meant there were hot coffee and muffins still warm from the oven waiting for him.
“I took yesterday off,” he said with a shrug.  It had been against his wishes, worried that his absence would damage the progress he’d made so far with Belle, as well as the added strain he’d been forced to put on Archie’s schedule.  There hadn’t been any way around it, though.  He’d spent most of the day with his leg elevated and ice on his knee, trying not to move his face too much.  He’d refused his son’s offer to stay home all day, but in the afternoon after the bakery had closed they’d spent a few hours playing gin rummy and alternately watching the Food Network and a documentary on King James.
“The world isn’t going to end if you take two days off in a row.  Your leg…”
“Is something I’ve been dealing with since you were a babe in arms.  It’s fine.”  It was a complete lie, of course.  His knee was inflamed, his calf bruised from Moe’s kick, and he’d taken the pain pills he usually ignored just to deal with walking.  As for worlds ending, he hoped nothing so dramatic had happened in his absence but didn’t dare leave Belle alone any longer.  He’d spoken with Archie twice during the day, and Graham once, but needed to judge her state of mind for himself.  She’d been through enough without taking on the responsibility of his own absence.  He was afraid what progress they’d made might already be lost.
“I’m not going to be able to talk you out of this, am I?” Bay said with a sigh as he stood up.  “Sit.  I’ll start breakfast.”
“The muffins…”
“Are not enough on their own, especially considering the pain pills you’re probably taking in order to push yourself harder than you should.  Let me at least make sure you have something decent in your stomach, okay?”  Bay was frowning as he stood with a carton of eggs in one hand.  His son was a good man.  Sometimes Nick questioned what he’d ever done to deserve such a kid, but he was grateful.
“I’ll eat whatever you cook, and take the muffins to work to share,” he agreed, hoping to appease his boy.  He’d planned to be earlier than usual, but could sacrifice a little time.  Without further argument he took his coffee to the dining room table, doing his best to sit without wincing when his knee was forced to bend.
“Will you eat something real for lunch or do I need to pack you something in a brown paper bag?”  Bailey’s hands flew as he chopped onion and minced garlic.  He was much slower in picking through a wilted bit of broccoli with a wrinkled nose.
“I’ll pick something up from the cafeteria,” he promised.  Someday, he hoped, his son would have kids of his own.  He’d be a good parent.  The kind of parent children deserved to have.
“Aren’t you a little too old for barroom brawls, Nick?  You look like shit.”  Mal Carbaosse was the first person Nick ran into, which was better than Regina but less desirable than making it to his office unobserved.  He had a half hour before his morning appointment with Belle and needed to catch up on what he’d missed the day before.
“Tactful as always, Mal.”  He changed his route to head for the closet they generously referred to as a  staff room.  At least if Mal was going to distract him he could get another cup of coffee.  Tea was not going to cut it for the day.
“Have you looked in a mirror lately?  You could easily scare small children.  And nervous patients.  You should do something about that.”  She gestured at her own face.  “I have some concealer in my bag.”
“I hardly think that’s necessary.”  It hadn’t occurred to him, that he could do anything about his cheek.  While he didn’t care what most people would think, he had woken up at least twice in the middle of the night worrying about how to explain it to Belle so she wouldn’t worry.
“Of course it is.  How necessary was your little caveman display?”  Mal, as usual, didn’t listen to him and dig through her purse, pulling out what looked like a tube of lipstick in shape, though the color was more beige.
“Important enough.”  He winced when Mal touched his face, the pain shooting up to his temple.  As she worked on his skin he focused on his breathing, hand tightening around his cane.  
“Well you won’t be winning any beauty pageants but at least you pass for somewhat normal now.”  She held up a small round mirror.  Nick could still see hints of purple, but it didn’t look much worse than a night without sleep, rather than vivid bruising.  “If you’re not careful Regina might give you a matching one, though.  She was extremely not pleased to have the sheriff show up again yesterday.”
“Regina can throw as many tantrums as she likes, the welfare of my patients will always come first.”  At the best of times Nick had no patience for playing politics and pushing pencils.  He had far less patience for Regina and her schemes.
“Fortunately for Regina she’s not bogged down with little things like ethics or the hippocratic oath.  Her welfare concerns involve the health of the bank statements.  I think it galls her that your reputation makes you too valuable to force out, but it wouldn’t hurt you to learn to play her game a little.  Make life easier on yourself.”  Mal glanced down at her cell phone.  Nick could see the screen well enough to know he needed to head for his office if he was going to be there before Belle.
“I never have been very good at playing games.”  And he’d be damned if he would play Regina’s.  He could, if necessary, make her dance to his own tune, though it wouldn’t be pleasant for either of them.  “If you’ll pardon me I have a morning appointment.”
“You know where to find me if you need a touch up.  In a couple of days your face is going to be a very flattering shade of green.”  Mal settled herself  at the table after picking a carton of  yogurt out of the fridge.  Nick nodded before leaving the staff room, headed for his office.  He had just enough time to brew a pot of tea to go with the muffins he’d brought from home.
“Doctor Gold, would you like to explain…”  Regina, predictable, was hovering near his office door.
“Don’t you have any real work to be doing, Regina?  I’m busy.”  He slipped his office key from his pocket, hoping she wouldn’t follow him into the room.
“My job is to keep this place running which requires, among other things, keeping a spotless reputation.  We’ve had the sheriff here twice this week disrupting everyone’s schedule and now this.”  She waved a newspaper in his face.  He was glad to see there was no photo accompanying the brief article about ‘assault and arrest.’
“I will have no problems explaining my actions to the board, should it become necessary.  Until then it is a private matter that involves patient confidentiality and you should be glad not to know the details.”  He had been informed that French, so far, had decided not to press charges.  While he had no desire to be on the wrong side of bars again his concern was for Belle if the details of the case had to be released.
“There are many that would love to have the position you are in.  It wouldn’t be hard to replace you.”  Regina folded the paper in half, holding it down at her side, her grip tight as if he would try to take it from her.
“Try it, Regina, and we’ll see who is left standing.  You might not like the answer.”  He would not go quietly.  His patients needed him, and he liked where he was.
“We’ll see,” she said after a moment’s hesitation.  When she turned to walk away she was not quite as confident as she’s been when she’d cornered him.
“That we will,” Gold muttered under his breath as he pushed his office door open.  He filled up his electric kettle to heat water, and set out the muffins while he waited for his pot of tea to brew.  Chamomile, since he would be sharing with Belle, though he would have prefered something black.  He finished with a minute to spare and no time to wonder if Mal’s makeup had remained in place.  Belle stood in his doorway, silent and timid.  He wondered if her expression gave away more than it once had, or if he was merely better at reading it.  She was nervous.
“Good morning, Belle.” He stayed in his chair, trying to look as relaxed as possible.  He didn’t dare stand, afraid he might not be able to smother any signs of pain.  As much as possible he hoped to sound as if this was any other morning.  “Would you care for a muffin?”
“Yes, thank you.”  Belle stepped into the office, closing the door behind her.  She took the muffin, but it remained on the plate while she held her teacup between her hands, staring at the steam rising from the pale liquid as if it would tell her something.  He let her have a few minutes, hoping it would help her to relax, but she didn’t seem to be in a place where she could begin the conversation.
“Do you want to tell me what you’re thinking about Belle?” he prompted gently.
“You weren’t here yesterday.”  She looked at him for just a moment before returning her gaze to her cup.  Not enough time to read her expression.  “Dr. Hopper said you hurt your knee.”
“I did.  It’s an old wound, and it’s more vulnerable because it’s been injured before.  I’ve learned that when I hurt it I need some time to take care of it.   It was a hard lesson, one I’ve fought more than a few times, to stop and take care of myself, but it takes longer to heal if I ignore it.”  He was less concerned with his own healing, though, than he was with hers.
“You hurt it a long time ago.  How did you…”  Belle shook her head, shifting on the couch uncomfortably.  “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have asked.  It’s not my business.  Papa says…”
Gold didn’t give a damn what her father said or thought.  “There’s nothing wrong with asking questions.  And it’s only fair that you get to ask a few, don’t you think, considering how many you answer for me?”
“You’re the doctor.  You’re supposed to ask questions.”  When he nudged the plate closer to her she took the hint, tearing off a small bite of the muffin and eating it.  She followed it with a sip of the tea.
“We’ve spent a lot of time together since you’ve been here.  It’s normal for you to be curious, and it’s okay to ask questions.  I won’t always be able to answer them, but you can ask me anything.  I was in a car accident when my son was a few months old, and had to have a couple of surgeries.  I had to learn how to walk again when he was learning for the first time.”  He’d come home from lunch to see Bay only to find another man in his bed.  He’d run from the house, driving too fast and too recklessly.  He and Nora had patched their marriage up about as well as his knee had been repaired.  The man she’d left with five years later was the same one he’d caught in his bed.  
“You still have to use a cane.”  She probably didn’t even notice that her hand settled on her stomach, covering the scars that were criss crossed on her skin.  Scars that might fade with time, but wouldn’t go away.  He had his own scars on his knee, and those less visible.
“I do.  It’s one of the ways I take care of myself, just like taking yesterday off was a way to take care of myself.  We’ve been talking about behaviors you can use to take care of yourself, can you tell me if there’s any that helped you yesterday?”  She’d taken three bites of muffin and almost finished a cup of tea.  Now that he had her talking he could hopefully learn a little better how she was coping with the events of the last few days.
He stayed in his office for the rest of the morning.  He might have stayed for most of the day, rather than put weight on his leg, but he’d made a promise to his boy.  He couldn’t lie about eating lunch, not when Bay was so perceptive about such things and already worried.  He waited until the end of the lunch service, though, in hopes that the cafeteria would be mostly empty.  
“I guess I don’t have to ask if you had a good reason for missing yesterday.”  There were only a few stragglers in the cafeteria; Belle was not among them.  Ruby, however, was sitting on one of the tables closest to the doors.  She looked like she had been waiting for him; the lack of any food next to her seemed to confirm his suspicion.  “Granny would say you look like something the cat dragged in, Doc.”
“The cafeteria is for people who are eating, Ms. Lucas.  Perhaps you have someplace more constructive to be?”  Archie had told him what Belle had said about trust, and he was grateful to the woman.  He was also hungry and not in the mood to talk, or to explain himself when he wasn’t about to tell the truth.
“Something is going on with Belle,” Ruby stated bluntly.  
“I’m not at liberty…”
“I know what you’re not allowed to say.  I’m not asking.”  She crossed her arms, looking for a moment very much like her grandmother.  “Her story is hers to tell; she knows I’ll listen if she ever wants to share.  I’m not asking about her, I’m asking about him.”
“Him?”  None of the patients had been in the lobby two days ago, they couldn’t know what had happened.  Belle didn’t need the place to be filled with rumors and people whispering about her.
“She’s scared of someone, Doc.  That’s not new, but two days ago something happened to make it worse.  We’ve seen the guards.”  She leaned forward, just a little.  In the back of his mind Gold thought he should ask her later if she was interested in law.  She would make a hell of a lawyer in a courtroom.
“It’s a precaution.”  He hadn’t seen the guards yet, but was relieved they were there.  The fact that their presence annoyed Regina was a silver lining.  “Everyone here is safe.”
“We’re never safe from ourselves.”  The words she spoke made him forget how to breathe for a moment.  It was a truth he’d learned all too well; sometimes the only person he couldn’t save someone from was themself.  He wouldn’t let it be true with Belle.   “The world isn’t this place, though.  We all have to leave sometime.”
“She’d not leaving, not until she’s ready.  And when that time comes she’ll still be safe.”  He would do everything in his power to make sure it’s true.  She would be free of Moe French.
“Okay.”  In a flash the almost feral look in her eyes was gone.  She was just a patient again, not much older than a kid.  Ruby slid from the table and headed for the door, but she stopped next to him for a moment.  “Might be time for a little more foundation, Doc.  Or some boxing lessons”
He stood where he was until she was gone, shaking his head as he thought over the conversation.  There was more to Ruby Lucas than he’d ever seen before.  He would have to let Archie know about their exchange, but that could happen later.  For the moment he needed food.  The ministron didn’t look too bad, and his cheek felt well enough that he decided on a roast beef sandwich, carrying the tray carefully in one hand to the table in the farthest corner of the room.  His solitude lasted five minutes before Graham slid into the chair across from him.  He hadn’t heard the orderly coming.
“I wasn’t sure you’d be here today.”  The younger man carried a cup of coffee and a brown bag with a well known label.  Gold was very familiar with the double chocolate cheesecake brownie he removed from the bag; Bay had gone through dozens of variations before he was happy enough to start selling them.  Gold had been more than happy to offer his opinion of every batch.
“I would have been here yesterday if it had been possible.”  The soup, it turned out, was barely warm.  He pushed it away and took a bite of the sandwich.  “At least I knew my patients were looked after.”
“She was.”  Graham wasn’t known for mincing his words.  It had been months of working together before Gold had a conversation with him that was more than a dozen words long.  They both knew that there was one patient in particular of whom he spoke.  
“Archie mentioned the sheriff was here again yesterday.”  He planned to stop by her office on the way home.  Even from a hospital room French could make trouble.
“She’s in Belle’s corner.  The restraining order is what Belle wants and Emma will make sure it’s what she gets.  She doesn’t back down in a fight, not when it’s important.  She knows this is important.”  Graham spoke with a familiarity that Gold hadn’t expected.  
“You know her?”  The sheriff having Graham’s approval put him mind slightly more at rest.
“When she was seventeen she tried to steal my truck.  We’ve been friends ever since.”  Graham smiled for a moment before his eyes narrowed.  “She visited French last night.  She wouldn’t tell me what he said but she was very explicit about what she’d do if he ever came back here.”
“I’m sorry she had to speak with him.”  He hoped her help wouldn’t be needed once the restraining order was in place, but it was good to know where she stood.  It made him angry that anyone else had to be tainted by the filth that was Moe French.
“Some people let pain twist them.  Some people learn to be stronger.  Emma’s strong enough to deal with it.  Belle’s learning to be strong too.  Whatever he did, he’s alone now.  She’s not.”  Graham tore off a piece of his brownie, sliding it across the table next to his now empty plate.  
“No, she’s not.”  He accepted the brownie; unsure if it was the sugar or the fact that his boy made it that made it taste especially sweet.
The afternoon was spent in session with his usual patients and two that he’d missed the day before.  It took three cups of coffee and pain pills taken religiously to make it through the sessions with the amount of focus they deserved.  It was a relief that Jefferson wasn’t one of the patients he had scheduled; he didn’t have the attention for that level of wordplay.
He might have stayed late to make up for lost time, but he had to admit to himself that he’d already pushed himself harder than was wise.  The last thing he needed was to push his leg so far that he couldn’t walk on it and needed to take days off.  
“Belle.”  He couldn’t leave without checking on Belle one more time.  He found her in the art room, a pile of yarn ball in front of her.  Her attention, however, was on the window.  The sun would be going down soon.
“Mary Margaret is going to teach me how to knit.  Tomorrow we’re going to start on squares.  First I have to decide what colors I like.”  She fingered the ball of yarn closest to her hand, a strange shade of greenish gold.
“May I?”  he pointed to the chair across the table from her, and when she nodded he sat down.  “Perhaps it’s more about the one you like to touch the most?  It’s a rather tactile art.”
“This one is the softest.”  The skin she pulled out of the pile was a bright blue; it reminded him of the color of her eyes.  “If I make enough squares Mary Margaret says they can be turned into a blanket.  It would be alright for my bed, wouldn’t it?”
“I think it would be just right.”  The yarn was soft, the antithesis of sharp bits of metal.  It would be gentle against her skin, covering a bed that she nervously wanted to claim as her own.  “I would imagine it will take some time to complete.”
“Winter might even be over before I’m done.”  She held the yarn tight in her hand.  
He sat with her for ten minutes, speaking of nothing important.  She spoke easily of colors and of how she’d asked Mary Margaret about the sweater she was knitting.  About the offer that had been extended, and accepted.  When the urge came to ask if her mother had knitted he’d bitten his tongue; she needed time to just talk.  Ruby showed up a minute after the dinner gong sounded, a handful of people just behind her, and he urged Belle to join them.
“I’ll see you in the morning, Belle.”
“In the morning.”  She took the blue yarn with her.
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pierregaslays · 4 years
It's okay if you don't want to but if you do could you do that question thingy you did about Maxiel but about Este/Lance 🥺 Ily💕
this took a little longer than expected because i accidentally forgot to save the draft at 20 questions answered and had to redo it but the answers are practically the same!! i hope you like this!! ily 🥺💗
1) who is the most affectionate?
physically affectionate? it’s without a doubt este, he is constantly reaching out for lance and even if it’s just a small touch like his hand on lance’s back - he has to have something, he’s very big on and he loves having lance in his arms. lance is equally as affectionate but different to este, lance tends to show his affection through always making sure there’s time in his schedule for este, giving him signs that he’s listening to what este is saying and eye contact is something he tries keep when they’re talking.
2) big spoon/little spoon?
they both try to be the little spoon... i accept no criticism on this. they usually try and take it in turns every night but once they’re in bed - it’s a case of trying to outstubborn the other until one of them gives in and is the big spoon.
3) most common argument?
i feel like they don’t argue all that much, they probably have one major argument a year and even that seems like it’s pushing it. needless to say that doesn’t mean that they don’t inadvertently upset each other but instead of blowing up and yelling - they’re the type to talk it out calmly even if it’s a stuttered conversation that could take hours to fix. (i’m convinced este is a big fan of the silent treatment though).
4) favourite non-sexual activity?
anything food related! idk, i just see it and i see them cooking together, going out to eat together and also trying (being the key word) to bake and cook at ungodly hours when they can’t sleep and it’s 1am. they might end up with more ingredients over them than in what they’re making but it’s so much fun for them and something they try and find time for on days they can be together.
5) who is most likely to carry the other?
they’re pretty much the same height but i feel like lance is the type to sneak up behind este and hug him and lift him up... it’s not exactly carrying but este’s feet aren’t on the ground so it works. i feel like este would be the one to carry lance to bed if he falls asleep on the couch - of course he wouldn’t get far because lance would wake up in the process but este tries.
6) what is their favourite feature of their partner’s?
este loves loves loves loves lance’s hair - it’s so soft and fluffy and he doesn’t need a reason to run his fingers through lance’s hair. he especially loves it when he can run his fingers through his hair when lance’s head is in his lap and they’re watching tv. lance adores este’s smile and he always wants to see it and makes dumb jokes and terrible puns to try and get to see it more often (it doesn’t take much because este automatically smiles whenever he’s with lance), he especially loves it when este’s eyes crinkle as he does.
7) what’s the first thing that changes when they realise they have feelings for the other?
a whole lot of gay panic! i’m only half kidding - they definitely panic because realising you have feelings for someone can stress you out but realising you have feelings for your best friend - it definitely makes things awkward and tense between them yet neither of them realise why the other is so tense around them. just a couple of dumb gays in love!
8) nicknames and if so, how did they originate?
i feel like they both steer well clear of your common “babe” and “baby” and mostly use “love” or “darling” when talking to each other and it originates from when they were back in the stage of first dating and still in the “this is so awkward. what do i say? what’s gonna happen” stage and este is like “are you okay, love?” and here we go, nickname stuck.
9) who worries the most?
lance! lance hates to admit it but he’s constantly worrying in the back of his mind that he doesn’t deserve his seat, that he’s not good enough to be in f1 and as much as he knows that he is good enough... it doesn’t stop the thoughts gnawing at him every now and then.
10) who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant?
este! he always tries and remembers what lance has told him even if lance doesn’t think it’s anything particularly important, and it surprises lance when este just tells him stuff about him that he might have forgotten.
11) who tops?
lance. este. lance. este. idk, something is pulling me towards lance so let’s go with that.
12) who initiates kisses?
este! it’s the physical affection that he craves, he loves being able to reach out for lance and just be able to kiss him whenever he can and he loves feeling lance smiling against his lips too!
13) who reaches for the other’s hand first?
again... este... i just see him as very physically affectionate so whenever he gets the chance to just touch lance... in whatever way, he takes it and even though it’s super cheesy - he points out that their hands fit together like puzzle pieces. (it’s cheesy yes but lance thinks este could get away with saying super cheesy stuff with that accent).
14) who kisses the hardest?
este. sometimes he struggles saying words coherently out loud so whenever he can use actions over words he does. he’s a guy who loves his boyfriend and wants to show it and sometimes putting all that passion and love into a kiss works better than words ever could.
15) who wakes up first?
lance! lance tries to relish the time they have together and wakes up early and even if este stays asleep for a little while longer - just being awake to savour those moments of calm before the world hasn’t woken up yet, it makes it worth it.
16) who wants to stay in bed just a little longer?
este... he’s very big into the idea of if he has nowhere to be then staying in bed under blankets with his favourite person is the ideal way to spend it. he’s also the person who mumbles five more minutes when lance tries to get him up and out of bed.
17) who says I love you first?
este says the words out loud first but lance is the one who tries to say it first but ends up fumbling over his words. este takes a shot in the dark and assumes that’s what lance is trying to say and says it.
18) who leaves little notes in the other’s lunch (bonus, what does it say?)
lance! oh gosh, lance wouldn’t leave sappy written notes but i feel like he’d do drawings of either them or whatever random thing he’s thinking of at that time. it’ll be sketched quickly and maybe coloured a little messily but it’ll bring a smile to este’s face when he pulls out one of those little post-it notes and it’s something he looks forward to.
19) who tells their family/friends about their relationship first?
lance! mainly to get it over and done with. it’s not that he anticipates his family reacting badly but it’s just not that big of a deal with him and he doesn’t see the point in dragging it out for so long.
20) what do their family/friends think of their relationship?
their family and friends are really supportive, can see that there’s a lot of love between them and are very “if he makes you happy then it makes us happy.”
21) who is more likely to start dancing with the other?
este... he’s the type to pick a song and just pull lance into dancing without giving him a choice in the matter and lance would try to resist but este just keeps dancing around him until he gives in.
22) who cooks more/who is the better at cooking?
este... is the better cook... but that doesn’t mean he’s outstanding and his cooking skill goes down immediately when he’s cooking with lance because of how distracted they both get. the kitchen looks like a disaster site when they’re finished but as long as the food tastes good (spoiler: sometimes it really really doesn’t).
23) who comes up with cheesy pick up lines?
lance has this one in the bag. he’s got an abundance that he’s kept from his early teenage years and uses them on este whenever the opportunity presents itself (or doesn’t, he just throws them out there). he never stops treating este like they’re still in that just starting to date stage.
24) who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times?
este? idk, i feel like lance’s ability to not turn red or laugh is not very high and it makes it really easy to get him flustered or make him laugh when he really shouldn’t be... as soon as este figures this out - he uses it to his advantage.
25) who needs more assurance?
lance needs it more, he’s still young so things that mightn’t get to him in a few years time still manage to drag him down so este is always there with open arms and reassuring words, whispered words of promise that whatever is going on - he’ll get through it. they’ll get through it.
26) what would be their theme song?
maybe it’s because i was just listening to it but wherever you are - kodaline comes to mind, the lyrics seem to fit them as i see them together.
27) who would sing their child back to sleep?
este! oh gosh, he’s a sucker for their kid and he’s so soft and would be the one slowly walking around the nursery with a little baby in his arms as he sings lullabies... yes.
28) what do they do when they’re away from each other?
think about each other. also, i can see them being big into taking pictures of what they’re doing or where they are - they can be pictures of nothing important but they send like 3/4 an hour and it’s like the other person is with them.
29) one headcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart?
the uncertainty. not the uncertainty of them as a couple but of the sport. the heartache that comes with them not being on the grid together, how one can be so happy for the other but also how much it kills them to not be there too.
30) one headcanon about this OTP that mends it?
they have each other. like 29, even though there’s so much uncertainty as long as they have each other - they’re sure that they can get through whatever is thrown at them. they can always rely on each other and they’re who the other turns to when things get rough.
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shae-ster93 · 6 years
Lazy Sunday
One Shot
T’Challa x BlackReader
Just some fluffy shit :)
In honor of @brianabreeze 4K Celebration Fest
Prompt: “Dance with me.”
You and T’Challa have a rare, Royal Duty-free day
Warnings: None
- 9:00 am
Wakandan sunlight entered your bedroom, giving everything in the royal chambers a warm, golden-brown glow. You felt the sun’s warmth on your shoulder and blinked your eyes open. You smiled. Turning over, you found your husband still asleep. You traced a fingernail up his spine and down his arm. You snuggled closer and placed gentle kisses on his bicep and shoulder.
“Good morning, love.” you cooed. T’Challa stirred and turned over to face you. He smiled and placed a kiss on your forehead. He opened his arms, allowing you to lay your head on his chest. He rubbed his hand along your shoulder giving it gentle squeezes.
“Same to you, Mrs. Udaku.” You both chuckled at the formal title.
“What should we do today?” you asked intertwining your fingers with his. “There’s nothing on the schedule for us to do. No royal duties. We have a free day.”
“So lets do ‘nothing’’.” He replied with a shrug. You picked your head up to look him in the eye not sure if he was kidding. “What? Days like today are rare, love. Let’s take advantage and spend it enjoying each others company. I’ll have our meals sent up. We don't have to leave the room. Lets be lazy.”
You smiled and placed a kiss on his chest. “I’d like that.”
- 10:00 am
The both of you sat on the adjoining balcony overlooking the beautiful Wakandan view. T’Challa had ordered breakfast to be sent to the room and you both enjoyed the meal prepared by the royal chefs. You sipped your orange juice and popped a grape in your mouth. 
He swallowed his bite of toast and looked up at you. “Yes?”
“How are you baby?” you asked. He smiled. “I’m fine. Although, I do wish my eggs were cooked a little longer.”
You laughed. “No baby. I meant how are you? You often have a lot on your plate... figuratively speaking. Being a King, a superhero, a brother, son....an eventual father?” T’Challa raised an eyebrow in your direction. You shook your head ‘ no’. You continued “How are you handling it? Does it get to be too much?”
T’Challa took a deep breath and reached for your hand. He stroked his thumb across the back of it. “sometimes, yes. I do get overwhelmed at all of my responsibilities but it was to be expected. I knew being a King was a lot of work. Look at my father, he went gray at 36!”
You snorted and ate another grape. T’Challa continued, “but that is what the council is for, to ease a little of the workload. I have a strong support system behind me. And a strong woman at my side.” He gave your hand a gentle squeeze. “I’m okay.”
You smiled. “If you say so, but you know all you have to do is say the word and I’ll pack our shit and we’ll get the hell outta dodge.”
T’Challa chuckled. “I’ll be sure to let you know.”
- 11:10 am
“Oh yes baby, right there.” you moaned as T’Challa scratched shampoo into your scalp causing your eyes to slightly roll back into your head. T’Challa smiled and kissed your full lips swallowing another moan. 
“Okay, okay. Time to rinse.” The King gently pushed you under the running shower water. You threw your head back allowing the hot water to run over your head. T’Challa took advantage of your exposed neck and began to suck on your sweet spot. 
“Baby,” you whined. “I still have to put the conditioner in.”
“Go ahead, I’m not stopping you.” He replied in between sucks and kisses to your throat. You poured a dollop of conditioner into your palm and lathered it into your hair. You wrapped a cap around your hair to let the product set in.
“Okay, now I’ll just leave this in for about fifteen minutes.”
“Fifteen minutes?” Challa asked.
“Yeah, why?” you questioned. He effortlessly picked you up and wrapped your legs around his waist. He pinned you to the shower wall and attacked your neck with more kisses. 
“It’s not a lot of time but I’ll make it work.”
You bit your bottom lip and let the water run over both of your bodies while T’Challa continued exploring your slick body with his mouth and hands.
-12:15 pm
“Cinderella was my favorite Disney princess. You know Prince Charming, Fairy Godmother and all that jazz.”
T’Challa hummed in response, concentration plastered on his face as he sat at your feet painting on a second coat of white nail polish to your toes. You rubbed some oil into his scalp and finished your thought. 
“But ever since ‘The Princess and the Frog’ Tiana’s been my fave. She’s smart, headstrong, she didn't need a man to save her, plus, she was from NOLA, AND she could throw down in the kitchen?!? I stan. Tiana’s bomb.” You sighed in awe.
“Tiana. I like that name.” T’Challa spoke softly as he blew on your toes while lightly tracing the trail of tattooed stars on your foot with his finger. You finished oiling his scalp and lifted his chin with your finger.
“One day baby.” You blew him a kiss. The topic of children had often come up but you both decided to take your time and enjoy being married. Although, after 14 months, Shuri was itching for a niece or nephew to spoil. T’Challa went back to your toes, now painting on the top coat.
“What I don't understand,” he began “is why she spent most of the movie as an animal. What gives?”
“I know right?!” You hallway shouted. “Some bullshit if you ask me.”
- 1:00 pm
Once again, the King of Wakanda had ordered for your meals to be sent to the bedroom. The lunch was mostly eaten in silence with a few stolen glances here and there. Along with a few blown kisses and a couple of winks.
You watched your husband enjoy his meal and asked yourself how you got to be so lucky. God knew what he was doing when He sent T’Challa to you. And for that, you were forever thankful. 
You reached across the table and took his hand in yours. He smiled warmly at you and you returned it. “I love you.”
He gripped your hand tighter. “I love you more.”
- 2:00 pm
“Esh, how long is this stuff supposed to stay on?” T’Challa whined resisting the urge to scratch his face. You had the bright idea to do couples facials and you were enjoying it significantly more than your husband.
You looked over at your man and fought the urge to chuckle at his charcoal covered face. “Ah ah, leave it!” you scolded. “It stays on until its tacky and rubbery. Just a few more minutes babe.”
“I don't see why I had to wear this mask..” Challa complained. “My pores are fine. In pristine condition.” He continued making the ‘OK’ sign with his fingers.
You rolled your eyes. “Sure.” *DING!*
“Okay baby, ready to peel it off?” you asked. The next ten minutes were spent painstakingly peeling off the concoction from your faces. you winced with every pull of the dried mask. “why? Why did I think this was a good idea?”
“Agreed. Am I still going to have face skin when this is all said and done?” T’Challa asked tugging at his own mask.
You sucked your teeth and gave him the side eye. “Face skin?”
“Ey, this was your bright id- ohh hold on.” You glanced at your husband to see he had freed himself of the mask and was now rubbing his face. “My face is a lot softer,” he examined the sheath of charcoal in his hands. “and it did remove some gunk out of my pores.”
You looked at yourself in the mirror, your face still halfway covered in the mask. You rubbed your cheek and gasped. “You’re right! She is smooth under here hunty.” You did some mock poses in front of the glass.
“Now I just have to get the res-”
You shrieked. “BABY!!”
“What? It had to be done quickly, like a bandage.” The King said shrugging.
“Is my cheek still there?!?”
- 4:25 pm
You snuggled under T’Challa and shoved another handful of popcorn into your mouth. You had convinced him to watch ‘The Princess and the Frog; because after all, he owed you. He did almost snatch your face off. 
“Be careful love, you’ll get popcorn in the bed.”
“I’m always careful. Now shush, movie’s on.”
He chuckled and pulled you closer to his chest. You were so enthralled with the television that you didn't notice him sneaking glances at you as you watched the movie. Watching you enjoy yourself was one of his greatest pleasures. He’d watch whatever you wanted if it made you happy. Even if the movie was created for children. 
T’Challa stroked his chin “I like that Charlotte isn't in-your-face about her riches...well, not as in your face as she could be. She’s not the bratty rich kid you typically see in these types of programs.”
You nodded in agreement. “Exactly, even though she and Tiana come from different sides of the track, she doesn't make a big show of it. You can tell she really cares for her best friend. She’s a rare one.”
You looked up at your King. “Just like someone else I know.”
He blew you a kiss and you gave a wink back before turning your attention back to the movie.
- 6:30 pm
“Babe, you’re getting paint on the floor.” You looked at the mess your husband was making. Brushes and paint droplets were scattered on the bedroom floor.
The King waved you off, “It’s fine. It can be cleaned.”
The sun had begun to set on your beautiful country and you husband thought it would be fun to paint the sunset. He’d ordered canvases, brushes, and a variety of other art supplies to be sent to the room. 
“Meh, I guess.” you replied with a shrug. “Are you almost done?” you asked.
“Aaannnd there. Now I am.” he said matter of factly. “On three?”
You nodded. “One...two....THREE!” You both turned your respective canvases and studied each other’s work. T’Challa’s take on the sunset was a nice oil painting while you opted for a more watercolored effect. 
You nodded slowly. “Not bad chief, not bad at all.”
T’Challa slung an arm around your shoulder. “Not bad for you either.” You both smiled at each other. “Shall we hang them?”
You smile grew bigger. “Absolutely.”
- 8:30 pm
For the last time that day, you and T’Challa sat on your spacious balcony and had a meal. This time enjoying the delicious lemon butter chicken, steamed vegetables, and roasted potatoes the chef’s had prepared for dinner.
You looked up at your husband to see him already staring at you. “What’s wrong baby?” you asked.
He cleared his throat. “I was wondering, would you be opposed to doing this, say, once a month?”
“doing what?”
“This. Today.” He took a napkin and wiped the corners of his mouth before finishing. “I really enjoyed spending the day with you today. Just me and you. no council, no meetings. It was just what I needed. Maybe you too?”
You nodded. “I agree. It was nice having the day to ourselves.”
“So what do you say? We clear our schedules for one day a month?”
You raised your glass of champagne. “To lazy Sundays.”
T’Challa raised his glass and clinked it to yours. “To lazy Sundays.”
-10:20 pm
You sat on top of your shared bed perched against your pillows dressed in a tank top and shorts with your hair in a messy bun atop your head. Your reading glasses sat on the tip of your nose as you scrolled through The ShadeRoom’s Instagram. You giggled at the posts on their funniest tweets of the week’ segment completely oblivious to what your husband was doing a few feet away.
It wasn't until you heard the familiar opening chimes of Jodeci’s ‘Forever My Lady’ that you looked up from your phone. You saw T’Challa standing by the record player with his eyes focused on you and he wore that crooked smile that you loved so much.
“Oh no.” you playfully groaned covering your face with your hands hiding your blush.
“Stop it, stop it.” T’Challa walked over to you with his arms extended. “Come here. Dance with me.”
So you’re having my baby
And it means so much to me
There’s nothing more precious
Than to raise a family
You stood up and allowed yourself to be embraced by your loving husband. Letting him gently sway you back and forth.
“If there’s any doubt in your mind, you can count on me.” T’Challa sang along to the music still rocking you back and forth.
“Ah, look at you. Brushing up on your 90′s R&B I see.”
“A little bit,” T’Challa said with a laugh “It’s very comforting and extremely sexy. I can see how many children were conceived to this music. Especially that R. Kelly.”
You laughed loudly “Yeah, R. Kelly will set the mood alright.’
Forever my lady
It’s like a dream
I'm holding you close
You’re keeping me warm
If this is ecstasy
“Do you know how I danced with my father as a little girl?”
“Hmm, show me.”
You kicked you pink slippers off your feet and gently stood on the tops of T’Challa’s feet.
“Ah, I see.” T’Challa balanced you on top of his feet and continued swaying you about the room. you head laid on his chest and you listened to his heartbeat as it matched the rhythm of the music.
The two of you stayed like this, even as the next few songs began to play:
‘All I Do Is Think of You’
‘This Woman’s Work‘
The two of you were serenaded by the sensual sounds of R&B and truthfully, you could’ve stayed like that forever.
- 11:05 pm
Back in bed, you and T’Challa were resting against the pillows, your head on his chest as he silently read Ta-Nehisi Coates’ Between the World and Me.
You traced a finger around his nipple absentmindedly and ran your fingernails along his chest.
“Will you read to me?” you asked before yawning. 
T’Challa looked down at you. “Are you sure? It’s not really a bedtime story, love.”
“I know. But I like the sound of your voice. Plus, it’ll help me fall asleep.”
“Oh, so my talking puts you to sleep eh?”
You playfully smacked his chest. “Just read.”
-”but this banality of violence can never excuse America, because America makes no claim to the banal. America believes itself exceptional...”
You felt your eyelids getting heavier the longer he spoke. You yawned again and continued to listen, eventually letting sleep take you.
T’Challa noticed your light snores and kissed your forehead. “Goodnight, sithandwa sam.”
Tags: @brianabreeze @kumkaniudaku @sarahboseman @dramaqueenamby @royallyprincesslilly @afro-royalty @avengersandlovers @sisterwifeudaku @elixirtchalla @eerythingisshaka @ororowrites @dreamingoftchalla @bosemanforever @captiansaveasmut
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uruhabuns · 6 years
Sensuous (part 5 - Zuho)
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A/N: THIS ONE IS FOR ALL THE ZUHOES OUT THERE~ Just so y’all know, writing this chapter made me lose it a few times bc daddy zuho is one of my kinks so afjdksjslfk IT’S ALSO LONGER THAN I PLANNED IT TO BE ORZ anyway, please give it a like or reblog if you’ve read!! I find that the members after youngbin aren’t getting as much attention ;____; and as always, ENJOY >:))
Word count: 4472
Pairing: girl reader x zuho
Warnings: MAJOR DADDY!ZUHO, swearing, hair-pulling, scratching (yes pls)
Prologue / Part 1 (Youngbin) / Part 2 (Inseong) / Part 3 (Jaeyoon) / Part 4 (Dawon) / Part 5 (Zuho) / Part 6 (Rowoon) / Part 7 (Taeyang) / Part 8 (Hwiyoung) / Epilogue
[ jiyoon ] : omg this is so intriguing…
[ _____ ] : And I thought I was nasty smh
[ jiyoon ] : EXACTLY
[ jiyoon ] : You are nasty
[ jiyoon ] : You can guess what the boys’ kinks are
[ jiyoon ] : YOU LOVE ME~
[ jiyoon ] : Anyways…NEXT!!
[ _____ ] : Ugggghhh…
[ _____ ] : Okay so for Juho…his ones are pretty easy HAHA
[ jiyoon ] : I am intrigued
Juho swallowed a gulp. He always saw you as cute with a bright and sassy personality, so it surprised him to see you discussing such scandalous things with your friend. Even so, Juho knew that you were a young adult, so of course it would be normal for you to talk about these sorts of topics every now and then.
[ _____ ] : First thing’s first
[ _____ ] : Even though he’s really soft
[ jiyoon ] : AAAAAAAH
“Oh god, why?” the male in question whined, resulting in an eruption of laughter from the rest of the boys.
“SHE GOT HIM!!” Taeyang yelled upon seeing Juho’s inability to respond to their teasing. “He likes being called daddy!!”
Juho only jabbed his elbow to Taeyang’s arm. “Why are you such a creep? Wait ’til we get to your—“
“Daddy, please punish me~” Jaeyoon teased, imitating your voice. Juho’s cheeks flushed slightly red as he buried his face in his hands.
“It’s because you look at the fans like you wanna seduce them,” Hwiyoung said, rolling his eyes.
“And because of your voice,” Taeyang added and nudged Juho’s side, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Girls love guys with deep voices ‘cause apparently it brings them to their knees.”
Juho’s ears turned a light shade of red at the younger boy’s inference. “W-wait a second, I don’t think she’ll—“
“You seem to know a lot about these kinds of things, Tae,” Rowoon said with a raised eyebrow.
Taeyang only rolled his eyes. “It’s common sense, isn't it? Everyone knows that.”
While the boys were discussing why you would see Juho in such a way, he was having a hard time processing the teasing.
“KEEP READING!!” Dawon exclaimed, “She’ll be finished in ten minutes, maybe!”
[ _____ ] : Not only that, HE’S PROBABLY FREAKY AF
[ _____ ] : I can see him being really into scratching, hair pulling, a bit of choking, and the girl being loud and really submissive
[ jiyoon ] : Oh my goddddd he does sound freaky…I need that in my life
[ _____ ] : He’s too soft 80% of the time lol…
Juho immediately widened his eyes in shock. “H-hang on—“
“WAIT, WHAT?!” Dawon yelled upon reading the message. “I thought Inseong’s bondage and ice kink was kinky…”
“Juho, you are the freakiest out of all of us, don’t deny it,” Rowoon said with a hint of amusement in his tone.
“Hey, we gotta read everything before deciding anything,” Youngbin suggested, “But for now, though…Juho?”
The male in question only continued to rest his chin in his hands, unwilling to face the others.
“…are you really as freaky as she thinks you are?”
The sound of sirens coming from Dawon’s phone pierced through your ears. Your best friend stirred from behind you while you whined and pulled the blanket over your face in attempt to block out the noise. Dawon reached over you to turn off the alarm, before slumping back and pulling you close to him by your waist. He then buried his face in your hair, and sandwiched you between his legs. The movement caused a sharp pain between your legs, adding to the throbbing that was already prevalent, causing a yelp to escape your lips.
What a night. You’ve just slept with another member, and it was your best friend. What happened to have you sleeping with the one of boys every night all of a sudden? Something seemed off.
“Hyukie, you have to get up,” you mumbled sleepily.
“Ugh…I don’t want to.”
“You have schedules…you don’t wanna get in trouble.”
“I’ll only get out if you come with me.”
“To where?”
“The photoshoot, of course.”
You blinked. “What? You’ll be fine. Why would you need me to come?”
“It just makes the day easier,” Dawon answered lazily. “Pleeeeeease?”
You only let out an elongated groan. “But I wanna sleep!”
“You’re always sleeping! Fine. If you don’t wanna come, I won’t shout you lunch,” Dawon compromised as he sat up.
At that moment, you found yourself already missing his warmth and touch. You didn’t feel this way since the night before he officially left to become a trainee. But now you know he won’t leave you again, so it was quite strange for you to feel that way again. Was it because you two had sex for the first time after being so close for so long?
You grabbed Dawon’s shirt, giving in. “Fine, I’ll come. But you owe me for making me wake up this early on my summer break.”
“Thanks, babe.”
“Don’t call me that.”
After getting up, washing up, and changing, you realised you still had those hickeys on your neck left by Youngbin and Inseong as you were applying your makeup. You couldn’t go to an official schedule with them showing, otherwise the managers would get suspicious.
“Shit…” you hissed. You frantically rummaged through your makeup case in search for your concealer. When you found it, you applied it thoroughly on the purple marks before covering the areas with foundation.
“______, you ready?” you heard Dawon say outside his room’s door a few minutes later as you were applying your lip tint.
“Yep, coming!”
You quickly grabbed your bag, and rushed to the front door to see Dawon waiting.
“C’mon, we’re gonna be late,” he said as you got out. The two of you then speed-walked to the elevator, and making your way outside the building to where two black vans were waiting. Dawon dragged you to the one with the open door, and practically shoved you inside.
“Woah, ______-noona is joining us today?” Hwiyoung asked in pleasant surprise as you sat on the seat in front of Juho.
“Yeah, ‘cause Hyuk wouldn’t stop whining,” you replied with a roll to your eyes as Dawon got inside and closed the door.
“I wasn’t whining!” Dawon argued.
“You had to bargain for me to get out of bed!”
“That sure sounds like him,” Taeyang snickered.
Dawon glared back at the younger boy. “At least I don’t flirt to get things my way.”
“At least I don’t lose money by flirting—“
“So what made you bring her here?” Juho asked before an argument could start.
Dawon shrugged. “Can’t I bring my best friend around? Besides, she’s probably bored to death being at home by herself.”
You blew on your fringe. “Yeah, it does get boring. But I don’t wanna distract you guys.”
“If anything, we’re the ones distracting you,” Taeyang replied with a small smirk.
You turned your head around to glare at him. “What do you mean?!”
“We are pretty noisy,” Hwiyoung answered, “And you can’t do your assignments with us around.”
“Mostly Hyuk, though.” Juho added with a slightly smug look on his face.
Dawon turned around to glare at the younger male. “Oi, you take that back!”
The rest of the car trip was filled with their usual bickering and roasting of each other, so you decided to keep yourself occupied with your phone. Little did you know that Juho took glimpses of your neck every now and then, observing the patches of concealer and foundation that seemed to be layered a bit more on your skin. He knew you tried to cover the hickeys left by the members, as he could also see hints of purple around the edges. He didn’t know why, but seeing you try to conceal love bites in order to go out in public turned him on.
When the vans arrived at the photo studio, Dawon stepped out first, holding his hand out to assist you.
“I’m fine, Hyukie,” you said as you were getting out. “I’m not a damsel in distress.”
“I know you’re not, but you can barely walk right now.”
You widened your eyes, glaring at him as if to say ‘don’t fucking say that in front of everyone, or I’ll kill you!!’
Your best friend had noticed, but he only smirked and placed his arm around your shoulder as he walked in with you.
As soon as everyone arrived in the studio, the boys were rushed into the dressing rooms to get their hair, makeup, and outfits done. You awkwardly sat outside in the reception so you wouldn’t distract the stylists or boys, and so you could avoid having hairspray filling your lungs.
While you were on your phone, you heard a pair of footsteps coming towards to you. You looked up to see Juho walking towards you as he was doing up the the middle button on his loose white dress shirt.
You couldn’t help but blink in slight shock. His hair was slicked back, showing his undercut, and allowing you to see his sharp cheekbones, while his ripped black skinny jeans, and loose white dress shirt that was tucked in only at the front emphasised his broad shoulders and toned body. He looked absolutely mouth-watering to the point where you felt your knees shaking even if you were seated. Sure, you had seen them styled like this before, but there was something with Juho today that gave him a dark, alluring aura. The man in question was not oblivious to your reaction, so he smirked quietly.
“J-Juho? What’s up?”
“The photographer needs help setting up the lights and stuff,” Juho replied nonchalantly, “Apparently the assistant is sick today, so I told him maybe you could help since you tagged along.”
“Oh, sure…”
You gulped, feeling your cheeks turn warm as you stood up. You rushed past Juho without looking at him to hide your blush, speed-walking past the change rooms, and onto the set. After greeting the photographer, you put your bag next to the table with the computer for editing. You then immediately got to work on setting up the lights, asking every now and then if the lights were in the correct position or whatnot.
After 20 more minutes of setting up, you finally got everything in position that the photographer was satisfied with.
“Great. Can you see if the group is ready?” he requested.
“Yes, sure.”
I really should get paid for this…you thought tiredly as you walked off the set and to the dressing room. When you reached it, you knocked on the door for it to be opened by Rowoon, fully styled and looking like a god.
“Oh, hey ______!”
You blinked in surprise as your cheeks turned slightly pink. “A-are you guys done? The photographer is waiting.”
Rowoon looked behind him before facing you again. “I think Juho is done, I’ll go and see.”
“Okay, thanks.”
Soon enough, the door opened to reveal Juho. You gulped once more as he walked out, and closed the door behind him.
“Alright, let’s go,” you said shyly before leading the way to the set.
Juho followed closely behind you such that you could smell the hairspray and cologne. You chewed on your lower lip from how seductive he smelt.
No, not now…you’re supposed to remain professional…you thought to yourself.
The two of you made it to the set room, where Juho greeted the photographer and went over and stood at the set, while you stood beside the desk with the computer for editing.
Throughout the whole shoot, you were completely stunned at how attractive Juho really was when he was in idol mode. His intense and sharp gazes at the camera were not like any other member. There was something that just made you want to scream ‘daddy’ out loud to him; something that made you want to drop to your knees and let him do whatever he wanted with you.
You couldn’t help but notice that he shot gazes at you every now and then. Every time, you felt like he undressed one item of clothing from you with his eyes. You chewed onto your lower lip, averting your vision at other places to avoid more eye contact with Juho. What was he trying to do to you?
“Kill me now,” you grumbled to yourself as you collapsed onto the couch.
Since the photoshoot had finished, the boys headed to the dance studio to practice while you went back to the apartment. You were basically the replacement for the photographer’s absent assistant, so you worked the whole time while they were shooting.
While you were lying down on the couch, you couldn’t get the images of Juho’s stares at you out of your mind. Sure, the rest of the members also looked handsome, but their expressions were more soft compared to Juho’s fierce, intense gazes. You remembered how weak your knees felt when he  looked at you as if you were his first proper meal after dieting.
“No…he couldn’t be,” you muttered. He doesn’t see you in that way, idiot! You’re just overthinking everything…you mentally yelled at yourself, shaking the thoughts away. You didn’t know if you were seeing things or if you were just horny because you slept with four members already.
After a few more minutes of resting on the couch, you got up to change and take off your makeup. You decided to leave the makeup on your neck to take it off before going to sleep so the hickeys wouldn’t be visible to the boys (as if they didn’t notice them before, anyway).
You had decided to make dinner tonight, since they always had takeout, so you headed out to the kitchen to salvage whatever they had left in the fridge and pantry to make kimchi stew. You also knew how much the boys loved your cooking, so you wanted to surprise them.
After an hour or so of painstakingly preparing all the ingredients, you began to throw them into the pot to cook them first before pouring the hot water in from the kettle. While you were waiting for the whole thing to boil before seasoning it, you suddenly felt a presence behind you. Before you could turn around, you felt a pair of toned arms slide around your waist, and pull you in so your back was to his chest.
You gasped at the sudden skinship, so you immediately assumed that it was your best friend. “Hyukie? Are you done with practice already?”
The man behind you chuckled softly, moving his lips to your ear. “He’s not done, but I am.”
You froze immediately.
That voice. That fucking voice. That fucking voice deeper than the Mariner’s Trench. If only it didn’t affect you so much so you wouldn’t want to succumb to whatever he wanted.
You felt his warm breath ghost from your ear, and trailing down to your neck. You found your knees growing weak as you felt his already-hard crotch pressed up against your behind. “J-Juho?”
“Why are you covering the hickeys? Even at home?” he questioned before planting soft kisses beginning from the corner of your jaw, and down to your neck.  
Your breath hitched as he found the sensitive spot just below your ear. “I-I didn’t think you would notice…”
“I can see them very clearly, baby girl…”
Your thighs clamped together, that spark of desire inside you igniting once more. It seemed like the guys knew how to turn you on like a light switch with just one word.
Juho continued to bite and suck on that area on your neck, eliciting a whiny moan to come from your lips.
“Juho…please…” you sighed, leaning into him. You then felt him grind his clothed hardened shaft against your ass, causing you to begin to feel a warm wetness coating your lower lips.
“Call me daddy, baby…” he said deeply, sending shivers down your body.
You gulped, sliding your hands across his arms around your waist. “Daddy…”
“That’s a good girl,” he praised softly in your ear.
You bit your lower lip; you never knew Juho treating you this way would turn you on so much. You reached to the stove to turn it off as one of Juho’s hands made its way underneath your shirt, and up your chest to cup one of your breasts. He squeezed his hand on it, massaging it a few times, making you let out a needy mewl. Juho then slid his other hand down your body to palm and massage your core, stimulating your nerves.
“D-daddy, please!” you moaned, grinding your core against his hand. You could feel yourself growing wetter as the tips of his fingers teased your entrance through the thin material of the shorts.
Juho smirked against the skin of your neck. “My little baby girl is so needy…and so wet…”
You whimpered at his degrading words, but you didn’t care. You just wanted him to make you cum regardless of method.
“Daddy, p-please,” you begged, grinding your hips more against his hand that was still teasing your entrance and clit.
“Nuh-uh,” he rejected, “You must wait first, then daddy will give you what you want. Can you be patient for me?”
You felt goosebumps form on your neck; it seemed like his voice could make you submit to every command. You only let out a mix of a whine and moan as he continued to torture you slowly. Juho then moved the hand that was groping your breast to slide up your chest and wrap around your neck. His fingers gently squeezed the sides to slightly reduce the airflow, but making sure you could still breathe.
You then felt one finger suddenly slip inside your slick cavern, causing a high-pitched mewl to escape your lips. “D-daddy!”
Juho curled his finger in a come-hither motion before dragging it out slowly. Your knees buckled in, making you almost lose balance, but Juho still managed to hold you up.
“Such a good girl,” he praised in your ear. He then slipped in another finger, and began thrusting them in and out of you to extract more of your wetness that was now dripping down his fingers and to your thighs.
“Please…please…!” you moaned, tightening your grip onto his arms. You could barely stand, but you did everything you could to not completely collapse to bring him down with you. “I c-can’t take it anymore—!”
Without warning, Juho began to massage your sensitive clit with his thumb, causing you to scream as a zap of electricity coursed through your arteries. You could barely breathe while he assaulted your core so skilfully, stimulating you to the maximum so you could feel nothing but raw pleasure. You then felt him give your clit one last hard pinch to finally push you over the edge. You felt your stomach clench as you unleashed throat-burning scream, releasing everything you had onto Juho’s hand like a waterfall. Juho left his hand in that position for another moment before removing it and letting you go. Your knees finally gave way as you collapsed on all fours onto the floor, heavily breathing.
Juho slid his tongue across his fingers to taste what you gave him. “My little girl tastes sweeter than I imagined,” you heard him say, “But I wonder what you actually feel like.”
Before you knew it, Juho lifted you up, causing you to let out a yelp, and pushed your body forward onto the counter with your cheek resting on the cold surface. He pulled out a condom packet from his pocket, ripped it open with his teeth, and threw the packet onto the counter. Your eyes widened when you saw the foil, so you assumed that he wanted to cum inside you.
After slipping the condom on, Juho pulled your shorts and underwear down, letting them fall down your legs, to which you kicked them off and to the side. You then felt him slide the tip of his length up and down your overly wet slit, eliciting a soft moan from your throat.
“Daddy…” you sighed as Juho took your wrists, and held them behind your back.
“Is my baby girl ready for me?” he asked, placing the tip at your slick, dripping entrance.
You nodded, closing your eyes. “Yes, daddy…please…”
At that moment, you felt Juho slide into you from behind, causing you to let out soft, elongated gasp at how well he stretched you out. He then began thrusting immediately without letting you adjust to his size, which you didn’t have to because you were already so wet and turned on. Your moans grew louder as he thrusted harder and faster into you.
“Fuck, baby girl, you feel so good wrapped around me,” Juho groaned. “So tight…so wet…”
You wished you could hold onto something for support, but Juho’s grip on your wrists was too strong for you to move them anywhere. You could only let out moans and whimpers as he continued to slam into you from behind, your slick walls pulsing and swallowing his hard length too easily. Your head began to feel cloudy and slightly dizzy as each thrust Juho gave you felt like a new shot of ecstasy through your veins. Soon enough, your stomach began to tighten as you felt your climax slowly building up.
“J-Juho…” you managed to whimper amongst the moaning.
He slammed into you once more before stopping suddenly. “What did I tell you to call me?”
Your eyes widened. Fuck! “D-daddy…I’m sorr—“
Juho grabbed a fistful of your hair, with one hand, and holding your wrists together with the other. He pulled your head back, eliciting a surprised scream from you. “I was wrong,” he said darkly, “You’re not obedient after all. Should I even let you cum at this point?”
“I’m so sorry, daddy,” you begged desperately, the stinging pain on your scalp making it hard for you to think to form proper sentences. “Please…please let me cum; I won’t do it again, I’m so sorry!”
A smirk curled on Juho’s lips. “I know you won’t do it again,” he said, leaning into your ear. “And I’ll make sure of that.”
Before you could respond, Juho leaned back up and began to thrust hard and fast into you again, making your hips hit the edge of the counter. You screamed the sudden pace he was tearing you up with. Moans, screams, pants, and grunts came from the both of you, while the lewd noises of skin hitting against skin, and sticky sounds of Juho’s cock ramming into you as your essence was leaking out of your hole, and dripping down your thighs filled the kitchen all at once.
In the midst of the thrusting and screaming, you felt your climax building up faster than before. Your stomach muscles began tightening, and your walls were clamping on Juho more regularly. Before you could even have a taste of becoming undone, Juho pulled out of you. Before you could cry out at the loss of pleasure, he flipped you around so you lay on your back. He then entered you once more, wrapping your legs around his waist so he could thrust deeper into you.
“God, you look so beautiful like this,” Juho groaned, loving how you wreathed and moaned beneath him, and how absolutely disheveled you looked. He then leaned down to your neck, and latched his lips onto the spot just behind your ear. You took the opportunity to hold onto Juho’s shoulder blades while he was biting, licking, and sucking at your skin to leave another dark red mark, all while thrusting deeply and quickly into you. Your moans filled his ears, driving him to thrust even harder. His powerful thrusts made you scream and dig your nails into his skin through his shirt, dragging them down his back. Even though his shirt was cushioning the impact of your nails, Juho also groaned as he could still feel the stinging sensation of your nails on his back combined with your walls clamping tightly onto his cock.
Soon enough, your climax began building up again, and you knew this was going to be your biggest one yet.
“D-daddy, I’m about to—“
“Hold on, baby girl, I’m almost there too,” Juho grunted. He then reached one hand down to your swollen, sensitive clit, giving it a hard massage with his thumb as he gave you one more hard thrust. You arched your back as you let out an earth-shattering scream, your climax hitting you like a wrecking ball. Black and white spots filled your vision as you exploded onto Juho’s cock. He held your hips to support himself as he stayed still inside you to spill his load. You felt a warm liquid coat the walls of the condom indicating that the both of you now had finally had your sweet release.
Juho softly collapsed on top of you as the both of you were heavily panting and sweating from what was probably the roughest sex you’ve ever had. You reached behind Juho’s head to lightly stroke his blue hair.
“Holy fuck…” you whispered, still in disbelief that Juho could fuck you so hard.
The man on top of you only laughed lightly. “So…daddy, huh?”
Returning back to your normal self, you flicked the back of his head, causing him to yelp. “Do not fucking speak of this to anyone, or I’ll kick you.”
Juho heaved himself off your body with a grunt before pulling himself out of you. You arched your back lightly as you pressed your lips together to fight back another moan.
“Trust me, I won’t say anything,” he responded in slight amusement as he slid off the condom to throw it in the bin next to the counter. “I’ll never hear the end of it either.”
As Juho was putting his pants back on, you painfully pushed up your torso with your elbows. He then quickly came over to support your back with his hand to help you.
“Easy now, baby,” he said, pulling your upper body slowly towards him so your torso pressed against his. Once you were on your feet, Juho held onto you as he looked at the area where he fucked you. “Hah…looks like we made a bit of a mess here…”
You wrinkled your nose, also looking at the drops of cum that was dripping down the counter. “Ugh…more things I have to clean...”
Juho squeezed your shoulder assuringly. “You go wash up, and I’ll clean this, okay?”
You sighed. “Alright, but you have to help me make dinner for fucking me so hard.”
“I’m cool with that.”
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khadij-al-kubra · 6 years
Pairing: Prinxiety
Warning: Some swearing, near-panic attack, implied hanky-panky
Word Count: 3733
Summary: Virgil and Roman have been in a steady relationship for two years. It’s been some of the happiest times in Virgil’s life, but with Roman flying off to college all the way in New York soon, he is worried if they’re love will survive the long distance. So Roman reassures him in the best way he knows how.
Author’s Note: Okay, so I’ve wanted to write a Prinxiety piece for a while and finally got a good idea for one after @altruistic-skittles and @queer-human-being talked about Roman speaking in Spanish. Despite being half Nicaraguan myself, I am sadly not that fluent in Spanish. So to all of my fellow Latino readers/bloggers I hope I got the translation accurate and do you proud. I hope you enjoy this one-shot fluff. 
As always leave a comment if you have any feedback or constructive critiques on the writing. I am always looking to improve.
This was definitely Virgil’s favorite thing to do with his boyfriend (well, his favorite PG thing anyways). Just lying on the couch together in their PJs, eating snacks, and staying up late watching Disney movies. Tonight’s selection was one of their favorites, Lilo and Stitch. Roman, being the lovable cheese-ball that he was, wore his Stitch t-shirt and red sweatpants. Virgil of course was in his favorite purple flannel pants and Jack Skellington shirt. He snuggled back into Roman’s chest, soaking in the warmth his boyfriend radiated.
Enjoy it while it lasts Virgil. You won’t get to do this for a long time. No more cuddling on the couch, no more sarcastic teasing, no intimate nights in bed, no tender moments...
Since his parents were out of town Virgil had the house to himself (yeah, his Dad and Ren were actually pretty cool), so he’d invited Roman to spend the weekend together. It was the last week of summer break before college started and Virgil was dreading the end of it. By tomorrow afternoon Roman would be on a plane to New York for his orientation week. Roman would be going to acting school there and Virgil would stay behind in Florida attending community college.
He knew it was the right thing. Going to college out of state would’ve been too much for his anxiety and Roman was meant for more. He had such big goals, so many dreams to follow. The guy had gotten offered a full ride scholarship to the NYU TISH School of Performing Arts for crying out loud! Not only would Roman have been an idiot to turn it down, but Virgil would be a pretty crappy boyfriend if he let him.
He and Roman agreed that they were going to give the long distance thing a try. Their best friends had both come up with a list of ways to help too. Logan made a Skype schedule for them to follow that wouldn’t be too hard on their sleep habits (not that Virgil got much sleep anyways with his insomnia) but also gave them time to themselves. And Patton had suggested they go old school and write letters to each other weekly because it was ‘more intimate’ than just plain old texts, and it prevented the pitfall of excessive communication. They also found the cheapest prices and dates for flights between Florida and New York so they could take turns visiting during breaks. Virgil was touched by the effort, but he still couldn’t shake the fears that clouded his mind. He was more than willing to make it work and knew that Roman was too…
…But what if they grew apart despite their efforts to stay together? What if Roman got too busy with school and theater for Virgil? What if the long distance proved to be too much for them to handle, especially Virgil. What if Roman met someone more interesting and cheated on him? No! Roman never was and never would be the cheating type. But then what if Roman wanted to be with someone else but still stayed with Virgil and grew to resent him for it? What if they forget how much they care for each other? How were they supposed to remember if they wouldn’t see each other everyday, couldn’t hug or kiss or—
“Virgil darling, breathe!” said Roman.
The negative thoughts had snuck up on him so quickly. He only now realized how small his lungs felt. Oh great, his stupid anxiety was going to ruin their last night together! Suddenly Roman’s face was in front of him, the edges bleary. He heard Roman telling him to copy his breathing. In for 4, hold for 7, out for 8. In for 4, hold for 7, out for 8… Pretty soon he could feel his lungs again, see more clearly. After dating for so long Roman knew how to bring Virgil back from the brink. He swallowed down a big gulp of air.
“Feeling better?” Roman asked as he stroked his hair soothingly.
“Yeah…thanks Ro,” said Virgil. “That would’ve been a bad one.”
“Do you need a glass of water or something?”
“Nah…I’m okay now. Let’s just…get back to the movie.”
“Oh no you don’t. We’re going to talk about this first.” Roman picked up the remote and put the film on pause.
“I’m fine Roman. Seriously. Let. It. Go.”
“No, I am not going to ‘Let it Go’ ice queen,” Roman crossed his arms. “You nearly had a panic attack just now and I doubt it was from Lilo getting kidnapped by Captain Gantu. Something’s been on your mind all night, don’t think I haven’t noticed. So please Virge, talk to me. What’s troubling you?”
“You’re not gonna let this go, are you?”
“Do I ever?”
Virgil sighed. He just wanted to have one last perfect night with his love. But Roman was right. Talking it out did help sometimes, and since this had to do with their relationship, Roman deserved to know.
“It’s just…I’ve been thinking about…how this is gonna be the last night we’ll be together for a long while. And how—I mean—this is—we’re—argh!”
“You’re still worried about us being long distance.”
“More like scared shitless but yeah.”
“I understand, and that’s okay. Know why? Because we are going to stay together. Yes, this is a big change but it’s one that we can control. We’ll call and Skype and even try Patton’s idea of writing letters. Long distance relationships are hard but not impossible if true love is on its side.” Virgil rolled his eyes but Roman the romantic was undeterred. “Just look at my parents. Mom was all the way in San Francisco while Ma was over here, and look at them now. They made it work and so can we!”
“Until you find someone better than me.”
Shoot! Virgil hadn’t meant for that to slip out. But it was out there now. Ah geez, Roman must hate him for sure. Virgil couldn’t look him in the eye, didn’t deserve to.
“Virgil Burke, look at me,” Roman said, tilting Virgil’s chin up. “What do you see?”
“A big idiot?” asked Virgil teasingly.
“Your boyfriend.”
“Same thing.”
“And I think it’s fair to say that I, your boyfriend, am quite the catch, right? After all I’m talented, charming, handsome, popular, and it’s no secret that I caught many an eye back in high school. Frankly I could probably have any man I wanted—
“Get to the point Princy, ‘cuz so far this ain’t cheering me up!”
“My point is…I could easily be with someone else, but I’m not because you’re the only man I ever want to be with. My heart belongs to you.” To emphasis this, Roman took Virgil’s hand and held it over his heart. “I am yours and you are mine. Nothing and no one will ever change that. I won’t let it! And I know that you won’t either Virgil because you protect the things you love, including us. Remember that! Alright?”
As much as his anxiety kept telling him otherwise, he knew Roman was right. They’d already lasted longer as a couple than Virgil ever dared to hope they would. If they’ve come this far together, then maybe they could get through this next chapter as well. He looked up at Roman’s warm smiling face, saw the tenderness in his eyes, and somehow it was enough to mitigate the fears, at least a little bit.
“Alright,” said Virgil, hugging him around the waist. “Thanks babe.”
“Any time, my dark and stormy knight.” Roman hugged him back. “In fact…this is a perfect segue. Be right back!”
Roman let him go and practically leaped off the couch as he rushed into Virgil’s room down the hall. What the heck was that drama king up to? Still, Virgil couldn’t help but smile and shake his head. He was gonna miss his boyfriend’s spontaneity. He heard Roman exclaim aha from the other room and then he was back, carrying Virgil’s black acoustic guitar.
“I have a surprise for you. It’s something I’ve been working on for a while,” said Roman, sitting back down and positioning the guitar properly.
“Since when do you know how to play guitar?” he asked.
“Well, technically, I only know how to play one song. I’ve been teaching myself for the past month. Seriously, how do you deal with the blisters? My fingers have never hurt so much in my life!”
“Years of building up callouses Princy, no pain no gain.” In all seriousness though, Virgil was impressed. Not many people could learn a new instrument in a month.
“Yes, well, I wanted to give you something special. To show you how much…how much I love you, and that no amount of distance is going to change or make me forget that.”
No way. He was seriously about to be serenaded by Roman friggin’ Soldato?Virgil hadn’t even heard him play yet and already he was moved by the gesture.
“So. Ready to be wooed edge-lord?” Roman asked, wiggling his brows.
“Eh, I guess.” Virgil smirked at Roman’s offended scoff. “Kidding. Go ’head. Play that funky music white boy,”
Roman raised an eyebrow. “You know I’m half Puerto Rican, right?”
“Really? Huh.” That was news to him. Although it did explain how he knew Spanish. “What’s the other half?”
“Italian,” said Roman, adjusting the guitar clamp and testing the strings.
“Cool.” Even after two years together, Virgil was still learning new things about his boyfriend.  Roman never ceased to amaze him.
“Out of curiosity, what are you?”
“An abomination,” he said, referencing the movie they were watching.
“True, but you’re my abomination.” They both laughed.
“Alright, hit it…mi amor.”
He smiled shyly at his boyfriend, trying to hide the heat that showed so obviously on his pale face. Virgil was happy to see that Roman’s olive toned cheeks were a shade or two redder as well. It was nice when he got to make the flamboyant boy flustered once in a while. Roman smiled back at him so warmly and began to play. The intro was familiar to Virgil. It was the main song from Coco. They had just watched it together for the first time last month. Roman had been reduced to a blubbering mess. Virgil on the other hand…okay he’d cried too, but come on. You’d have to be totally heartless not to.
And then, Roman sang.
“Remember me
Though I have to say goodbye
Remember me
Don’t let it make you cry
For even if I’m far away I hold you in my heart
I sing a secret song to you each night we are apart”
He couldn’t help the sigh that slipped from his lips. Virgil really did love Roman’s singing voice. It was just so…lovely. It could belt out powerhouse notes like a thunderstorm, but also be as soothing as whispering wind through summer leaves. Whenever Virgil had a particularly bad panic attack, Roman gently sang to him afterwards, all while stroking his hair and holding him in those strong protective arms. It was one of Virgil’s favorite things.
Aunque tenga que emigrar”
Virgil smirked. “Show off.”
“You know you love it. Recuérdame
Si mi guitarra oyes llorar
Ella con su triste canto te acompañará
Hasta que en mis brazos tú estés
Yeah, he did love it. And Roman. So much it choked him up sometimes, how much he could feel for just one person. And to have that same amazing man who should’ve been way out of his league not only feel the same but now show it by serenading him in Spanish…Virgil would never figure out how he got so lucky. And he didn’t care. For once, Virgil wanted to just enjoy something without letting his anxiety spoil it.
In typical Roman fashion, he added a little improve guitar flare in the break. He hit a couple of sour notes, but played through it with a sheepish grin (too adorable) and went into the next part, getting more of a groove into it.
“Que nuestra canción no deje de latir
Solo con tu amor yo puedo existir
Que nuestra canción no deje de latir
Solo con tu amor yo puedo existir
Virgil didn’t recognize this part from the film. Leave it to Roman to learn the full version of a Disney song, and in Spanish no less. Was there anything he couldn’t do?
“Si en tu mente vivo estoy
Mis sueños yo te doy
Te llevo en mi corazón y te acompañaré
Unidos en nuestra canción
Contigo ahí estaré
Virgil didn’t know too much Spanish but he was able to understand a few of the words. It was something about Roman’s mind and heart. Like, he would carry Virgil with him wherever he’d go, even as far away as New York.
“Si sola crees estar
Y mi cantar te irá a abrazaru
Aun en la distancia nunca vayas a olvidar
Que yo contigo siempre voy
Virgil felt Roman’s love for him pouring out of each note and guitar string, tugging at his own heartstrings. Felt Roman reassuring him through the song that they would always be in each other’s hearts. No amount of distance could change the bond they had. After all they’d been through, their love was too strong.
“If you close your eyes and let the music play
Keep our love alive, I’ll never fade away
Cierra tus ojos y que la musica fluya
Deja que el amor viva, nunca me desmayaré
If you close your eyes and let the music play
Keep our love alive, I’ll NE-VER fade awaaaay!”
That last belt felt as if Roman had basically ripped his own heart out and shoved it into Virgil’s hands. Any doubts and fears he’d had about keeping their relationship alive long distance ended right there. Virgil swallowed the lump in his throat, yet the tears streamed silently down his cheeks. He noticed that Roman’s eyes were getting watery too. Yet ever the performer he held through as he came to the last verse, slowing the melody back down to a lullaby.
“Remember me
For I will soon be gone
Remember me
And let the love we have live on
So know that I’m with you the only way that I can be
Until you’re in my arms agaaain
The guitar fell gracelessly from Romans hands onto the ground with a clank, but Virgil couldn’t give a damn. He immediately wrapped his arms around his boyfriend, holding tight as Roman sobbed into his shoulder. Little known fact: the popular princely actor was an ugly crier. Full on water works, puffy face, and runny nose. Virgil was one of the few people Roman let himself cry in front of and Virgil took that honor seriously. He rubbed soothing circles on Roman’s back, rocking him as the normally steady boy soaked his sleeve in tears and snot.
It took a minute or two for Roman to calm down. He squeezed Virgil’s arm to let him know he was better now. Virgil let him sit back up but used his thumb to wipe away the last few tears.
“I’m sorry,” said Roman with a sniffle. “I didn’t mean to r-ruin the song—or d-drop your guitar—it’s just—
“Shhh. It’s okay. Forget about that.”
“No, it’s not okay. I wanted this to be perfect! I just,“ Roman let out a shuddered breath. “I know we’ll be okay. I know in my gut that you and I are meant to have a happily ever after, but I’m still…so scared! Not just about us but everything! This is all so BIG, and as excited as I am about this new adventure I’m still terrified because what if I’m not good enough? What if I’m out-done by all the other amazing performers at that school? I mean for the love of Hamilton, this is NEW YORK for crying out loud! What if I can’t handle the pressure? And I won’t have you there to lean on or reassure me or tell me straight to my face when I’m being ridiculous or laugh with me about the stupid drama and silliness going on and I-I’m just going to MISS you so—
Virgil cut off his babbling boyfriend with a desperate kiss, pouring all the love and pride he felt for Roman into it. He felt the other boy practically melt into him, matching his kiss with equal fervency. When they pulled back Virgil cupped his face and looked Roman dead into those gorgeous hazel eyes he loved so much.
“You’re amazing. You’re strong. You’re gonna blow them all away, so don’t you dare for a second doubt that! I loved the song Roman, and I love you.”
Roman gave a shuddered smiled and leaned into Virgil’s hand, covering it with his own. “I love you too Virgil. So, so much!”
Virgil smiled at his words. Then he leaned forward to pepper Roman’s face with gentle kisses. One on each eyelid, then on each cheek, one on his forehead, and finally another kiss on the lips; He loved how soft those lips were. Roman leaned in to deepen the kiss. The passion of it sent shivers down Virgil’s spine, and when they broke away both were left breathless. Roman pulled him close and just held him.
No place in the world felt safer or more like home than in Roman’s arms. Virgil rested his head on Roman’s broad chest, heard his heartbeat. Ordinarily he found it relaxing but tonight, knowing that Roman would be on a plane flying far away from him tomorrow, it set his blood aflame. He mourned the loss of warmth as Roman released him to pick back up the guitar and lean it gently against the wall.
“So,” said Roman, picking back up the remote, “shall we finish the movie?”
Virgil took the remote control from his hand and turned the TV off completely. He tossed it onto the coffee table, stood up and grabbed Roman’s hand.
“Forget the movie,” he said. “I’ve got a better idea.”
If this was going to be their last night alone together for a while, then Virgil wanted them to spend it wrapped in each other’s arms. Roman seemed to get the message as he let himself be tugged behind by Virgil towards the bedroom.
“Ooh, I like this idea,” Roman said with a devilishly handsome grin.
“Princy, I’m about to give you a night you’re gonna remember for a looog time.”
* * * * *
Virgil stifled a yawn. He was exhausted from the night before, but it had been worth it. Except now there was no delaying the inevitable. Logan and Patton had come early in the morning to say goodbye as well. Logan was his usual stoic self, but Virgil swore he saw a tear in the corner of his eye behind those glasses as he clasped Roman’s hand. As expected Patton was a bawling mess, and Logan practically had to pry his boyfriend off of Roman. At least Virgil still had them. They could all miss Roman together.
They were in the back seat of the SUV (his moms had let Virgil come along) driving to the airport. All of the actor’s bags were in the trunk and Roman’s Ma was singing along to an old Santana song while his Mom drove. Neither of the to-be college boys had spoken the entire ride. There was nothing to be said that hadn’t already been expressed last night. Virgil just savored the sensation of them holding hands, their fingers laced and his head resting in the crook of his boyfriend’s shoulder. Roman gave his hand a gentle squeeze and he smiled.
They got to the airport with the usual insanity and traffic. When they got to just outside of the security check, the farthest they could go without a ticket, the Soldato family said their goodbyes. Roman was sniffling just as much as his Mom, while his Ma practically squeezed the life out her son with one of her famous pick-up-off-the-ground-bear hugs (Virgil’s ribs had suffered it once or twice before). Afterwards they gave Virgil and Roman some privacy to say their own goodbyes.
“Well…this is it,” said Roman, gripping his suitcase handle. “Into the unknown.”
“Yeah,” said Virgil, tugging at the sleeve of his patchwork hoodie. “Call me as soon as you land, alright?”
“I will.”
“And make sure you check your dorm for bed bugs. It is New York after all.”
“Ew, but I shall.”
“And I know it’s like a right of passage or whatever but don’t go eating from the hot dog carts. You don’t know what kind of toxic crap they make ‘em with.”
“Well now you sound like Logan.”
“How dare you,” he deadpanned. “Seriously though Ro. Take care of yourself.
“I will. And you too Virge,” Roman smiled. “Don’t go skipping meals while I’m not there to remind you to eat.”
“Now you sound like Patton.”
They both laughed. God he loved Roman’s laugh, so warm and full of life. It won’t be the last time you hear it, he told himself. You’ll be together again soon and talk even sooner than that. They gave each other one last hug, holding onto each other for dear life. Then Roman leaned down to kiss him and Virgil kissed back with all the love he felt. They broke apart, foreheads touching, and just stayed that way for a while.
“Recuérdame Roman,” Virgil whispered.
“Para siempre mi corazón,” Roman whispered back.
Finally they let go. Roman did still have a flight to catch. He grabbed his suitcase and trudged to the security line, turning to blow one final kiss at Virgil. He waved back, smiling at his beloved boyfriend before turning to go. It took everything he had not to turn around and run back to Roman, but he had to, for both of their sakes.
Yes, it would be hard being apart, but they’d be okay. They would make it work and their relationship would stay just as strong, if not grow stronger. No matter how much Virgil’s stupid anxiety tried to tell him otherwise, no matter how far away or busy Roman might be for a little while, no matter the fears, nothing could make them forget how much they loved each other.
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javis-beretta · 6 years
To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before (3)
and here’s part three! sorry, this part doesn’t have too much plot stuff, but that’s only bc the next one is gonna be pretty exciting. thank you to everyone who’s been giving this story love, you’re all angels. enjoy! <3 (also i’m still figuring out some of the plot of this, so message me w your theories on who sent the letters or send me memes u think race would tag you in!) 
part 1 / part 2 / part 4 / part 5 / part 6 / part 7 / part 8
The next day, you stayed at school a little late, figuring you could catch Race after track practice to discuss your… arrangement. It also had the added benefit of allowing you to avoid Jack, who you knew was spending most afternoons at the community theatre across town, helping them paint backdrops for an upcoming show.
 (You weren’t stalking him, or memorising his schedule, or anything. You were just observant. You took note of behaviour. That was it.)
 Race was on his last lap around the track when he saw you sitting on the bleachers. You gave him a little wave and his face lit up with a smile. He winked and kept on running. When he was done, and presumably back in the locker room, your phone pinged with four rapid texts from an unknown number.
 hey babe I’m just showering and then I’ll come see you ;)
this is race btw
i’m really good at texting like a boyfriend
fake or otherwise
Even though he couldn’t see you, you rolled your eyes anyway.
 Yeah, okay hotshot
Come find me on the bleachers when you’re ready
When Race showed up, with a red face and wet, curly hair he gave you a cheeky grin, looked around to see some of the track team boys were still milling around, and he placed a quick peck on your cheek. You didn’t let yourself blush, remembering that it was all for show, and you pulled up a Word document on your laptop.
“Okay, so, this is going to be our contract,” you said, preparing yourself for his teasing.
“We have a contract? This isn’t Suits, man. It’s a fake relationship. We don’t need a contract!” 
“Uh, we so do need a contract, Higgins! We need to draw boundaries and limits and we need to stick to them.”
 He rolled his eyes and moved a little nearer to you on the bench, so that he could see your laptop screen.
 “Wow, nothing like a list of comprehensive rules and guidelines to really bring the romance, huh?”
 “Fake-romance,” you corrected him.
 “Yeah, yeah, whatever. So, what’s first on the contract?”
 “Okay, first up, no kissing.”
 He spluttered comically for a bit.
 “No kissing? How are we supposed to convince anyone that we’re dating if we can’t kiss?”
 “Look, plenty of couples avoid PDA. We can still, like, link pinkies or whatever.”
 “Link pinkies? Wha-? Are you living in the 80s? This isn’t Grease, babe.”
 “Look, Race, physical stuff may not mean anything to you, but it’s important to me, okay?”
 “Whoever said physical stuff didn’t matter to me?”, he muttered under his breath. But, after a moment he sighed. “Fiine, put it on the contract.
 You typed it up and looked expectantly at him.
“Okay, you get no kissing, but, number two, you have to hang out with me and my friends at lunch and come to parties with me.”
“Technically, that’s two and three. And, I get parties, but why lunch?”
He stared at the ground.
“Spot always sat with us at lunch, so he’d definitely notice if you were with me and the guys.”
“Fair enough.”
You typed that, and then said, “Also, we cannot tell anyone that this is fake. Gossip spreads like wildfire at this school so nobody can know that this isn’t a real relationship. Not even Albert, or your track team buddies.”
“Obviously. And don’t act like I can’t keep secrets. You can’t tell Davey or Katherine. I had journalism with her last year and I’m pretty sure that she would disapprove of this plan.”
He was right, of course he was.
“Fine, deal. Anything else?”
“Oh! You have to come with me on the ski trip trip in December,” he said triumphantly.
Your high school’s annual ski trip was infamous for being the weekend when most of your school lost their virginity. Some schools had the night after prom, but your school had two days and a night spent in the mountains.
“The ski trip? As in the one just before Christmas break? We’d have to stay together for three months to go on that.”
“Listen, no one in a relationship would ever let their boyfriend go on that trip alone. And, if we’ve gotta keep up until then, then so be it. Spot will definitely be there, so he’ll notice if I’m with someone else. We can break up after the trip, no harm, no foul.”
“Okay, fine. But we will not be sharing a room.”
“Yeah, obviously.”
“Anything else you want me to add, oh wise one?” you asked.
“Uh, well, there is this one thing,” he said, sounding a little hesitant. You motioned for him to go on. “Well, Spot always thought it would be cute if I wrote him little letters and put them in his locker or gave them to him, or whatever, and I never did it. Um, if he saw me giving those to you, he’d probably get pretty jealous.”
“Badass Spot Conlon, who would beat up anyone who looked at him wrong wanted love letters? That’s so cute!”
“Yeah, there’s a lot more to him than just being angry and bitchy. I bet he’s got his college boyfriend writing him all sorts of letters now,” Race scoffed.
“He left you for a college guy? That’s rough, Race. I’m sorry.”
“Yeah, its whatever,” Race quickly said. “So, that’s the contract, then?”
“Yeah,” you said, satisfied.
“Perfect,” he grinned, and his blue eyes were twinkling again.
“You do know that you missed the bus today, right?” he said, after a moment.
“Uh, yeah, I was just gonna walk home.”
“Holy shit, what is it with you and walking? Do you not have your license?”
“Uh, I do. But driving terrifies me and I’d probably end up killing someone – or myself – if I drove every day. But, yeah, I don’t mind walking.”
“Well, if you’re dating me, there will be no walking. I’ll give you a lift home and a ride to school in the morning, if you want one.”
“Are you serious? You don’t need to do that, Race.”
“Nah, I want to. What kind of fake-boyfriend would I be if I didn’t?”
He smiled at you and you realised that Race had been right the day before. You could do worse. As far as fake high school boyfriends went, Race was probably one of the best options you had.
“I’d appreciate that. Thanks, Higgins.”
“No biggie. Now, let’s go. The Bachelorette is on tonight and I need to see who Becca chooses.”
Before long, Race had dropped you off at home, with a cheeky wink and promise to text. As soon as you were inside, your phone lit up with a message from him.
see ya bright and early tomorrow morning, girlfriend ;)
You rolled your eyes and typed a quick reply. Then, you went to contacts and your hand hovered over Katherine’s name. You’d have to tell her what had happened with Jack and explain that you were now (somehow) dating Race Higgins.
The phone rang twice, and you could practically hear the smile in her voice when she greeted you, as bright and cheerful as ever. You talked for a little bit about school and she told you about college and you realised that you probably couldn’t put it off for any longer. As soon as you said that you had something to tell her, she sounded more than a little worried.
“What’s up? Is everything okay?”
“This story is going to sound pretty weird but hear me out. You know when I was little, I used to write those letters to myself?”
“Yeah, you said that your mom told you to do it if you ever needed help figuring out your feelings.”
“Yeah, well, not all of the letters were to myself. I wrote some to guys I had crushes on and I swear that I never sent any of them out, but, um, somehow, some of those guys, got their letters?”
“Oh, shit. That sounds stressful. Who’d you write to?”
“That’s the thing that I need to tell you… When you first got with Jack, I thought that I was into him and I wrote him a letter. I was never going to send and I’m pretty sure I didn’t actually have feelings for him, I was just a little torn up because it felt like I was losing my best friend to my sister. But, uh, he got the letter. And, I figured that I should tell you before you heard it from someone else. And, also, uh, Race Higgins and I are dating.” The last sentence slipped out so quickly that you hoped she had missed it.
She was silent for a long time and you were worried that the phone might have died while you were talking and then, you heard a sigh.
“That is… a lot. I’m not going to lie, I am pretty pissed off right now. I don’t care if you were into Jack or not. You wrote a love letter to my boyfriend, while I was dating him. And Race Higgins? Like Spot’s Race Higgins? What the fuck? Look, I’ve got a report due tomorrow, and I really don’t need to be stressed right now, so we can just talk about this some other time.”
She was definitely mad.
“Kath, I-I’m so sorry, I didn’t want to hurt you, I swear.”
“It’s fine. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”
She hung up. It was not fine. You felt like crying and crumpling yourself into a ball, when your phone pinged with a notification from Instagram.
@racehiggins tagged you in a post.
It was some stupid meme, and you knew he’d only tagged you in it because people from school would see it, but it brought a smile to your face, anyway.
Race was getting pretty good at making you smile, and you hadn’t even been fake-dating for a week. Maybe, this would all work out well.
TAGLIST: @hungoverhellhound @seriously-ceci @the-butterfly-anon @ben-cook-can-cook @pinecovewoods @brendonuriehimself
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eksavestheworld · 6 years
Being A Teen Parent With Peter Parker Pt. 2
Peter Parker x Reader
Part 1
Part 3
Ok so you guys end up staying at the hospital for a couple of days after the babies are born
And the whole time you’re there, Peter was holding one of the babies
Even while he was eating and sleeping he was holding at least one baby
Really, the only time he wasn’t was when he took a shower
Aunt Mae came by and almost cried when she held the babies
“Oh they look just like you guys!”
Violet looked more like you, while Skylar more closely resembled Peter
Tony shows up when they’re a day old with balloons and a teddy bear for each one
The bears were just as big as Violet and Skylar
Of course, Bucky comes to visit on the second day to take you guys home
He immediately shortened their names to a Vi and Sky and it kinda just stuck
Even through you insisted you could walk, Peter made you let him wheel you to the SUV anyway
Apparently Tony decided to come alone to bring you guys home
so Tony ends up driving and Bucky sits in the front with him
you end up in the sit behind them with Sky and Peter sits behind you guys with Violet
you guys end up to your floor and you breastfeed the babies before taking a nap after Peter takes them to hang out with everyone
no one comes to bother you because you just FRICKIN PUSHED TWO BABIES OUT OF YOU and deserve a long nap
after a while you wake up and miss everyone so you deside to go down to the common living floor where everyone usually hangs out
as soon as you guys get there you see there’s a whole party set up with a home made “welcome home, Parkers” sign
Peter sees it and is like “don’t worry, you’ll be a Parker too soon”
apparently you were sleeping longer than you thought because both of your girls were knocked out in their little baby swing thingy
it turns out if was around 9pm, you guys go home from the hospitable this morning around 7am
so you could say that you slept well
after hugging everyone you decide to just curl up on a couch with Peter
but after a few minute the whole team gets called away on some mission
Peter doesn’t want to go, but he knows he has to 
he kisses each of you and you say, “come back to us.”
and he’s like, “I always will.”
as if on queue, the second everyone leaves, both Skylar and Violet just start bawling
you decide to have J.A.R.V.I.S. turn on some Panic! At The Disco bc they heard a lot of it in the womb, so maybe they’ll still like it
somehow, after like 3 songs, She Had The World started and they were immediately quiet and happy again
you decide to set them on the couch and take pictures because they’re soooo CuTe and are already wearing matching onesies with donuts on the stomach
VIolet fell asleep after that, so you put her back into the swinging bassinet 
Skylar was starting to get fussy and was clearly hungry, so you went into the joining kitchen to feed her while you found dinner
your heart warmed when you open the fridge and saw what everyone had done
they’d made your favorite meals and put them into tupperware containers so you just had to microwave them
you pull one out and heat it up before sitting on a bar stool by the counter to eat
by the time you both are done eating you’re getting tired so you take Skylar and Violet to your room, change their diapers, and put them to in your bed so they’d be closer to you
you ended up sitting on the bed watching Netflix while you fed Violet as she fell asleep
you guys ended all sleeping in your bed, so you made sure no pillows or blankets or anything could fall onto them and hurt them or anything
they next morning you woke up because you saw a flash and heart a click
it was Peter taking a picture of you and the babies in bed because “you looked so cute together sleeping”
then he tells you not to come to the kitchen for a while so you decide to feed the babies and get them ready for the day while you wait
Bucky ends up coming to get you from your room and has a blast carrying Violet on the way to the kitchen
you get to the common living floor and smell the breakfast Peter made you
you step into the kitchen with Skylar in your arms and almost die of laughter at the sight of Peter, Tony, and Vision in the kitchen with aprons and chefs hats on even though they just made waffles, eggs, turkey bacon, and turkey sausage
Peter immediately rushes over and takes Skylar from your hands becuase he’s been away from his babies for nearly 8 hours and they were only a few day old
you begin to eat breakfast with everyone
minus Peter and Bucky because they’re consumed by babies
Sky smiles at Peter so he laughs and starts whisper-singing the Spider-Man theme so….except he barely know the lyrics
“Spider-Man, Spider-Man, does what ever a spider can…and he swings from a wet, uhh Spider-Man”
Skylar’s happy anyway
then he goes and switches with Bucky and holds Violet
“hello there, how’s mommy’s twin doing, huh?
like her sister, she smiles at him and he smiles right back
it doesn’t even surprise you with how well he’s handling fatherhood and the babies
he just seems like a dude who’d be good with babies and kids
after breakfast and everyone gets their time to hold each baby, Peter suggests going on a mini tour of the tower so the babues know where they are
“Pete, babe, they’re infants, they don’t really know where they are, heh they can’t even walk yet.”
“well lets show them now, so they know where to go when the can walk.”
you each carried a baby while Peter narrated everywhere they went
“and this is the gym, don’t worry, we’ll teach you guys how to fight soon. we still have to teach you mommy first, though,”
“this is Tony’s workshop, we’re not allowed to play in here anymore. well, I never were in the first place, but I did anyways.”
“and this is our floor. we have our bedrooms and stuff here. when you’re older, you guys can have separate rooms, if you want.”
“finally, this is your nursery, and that’s you closet, and there’s the changing station, and the trashcan is right there and th-” “ I think they get the gist of it, babe.”
he he was too busy being a tour guide and hadn’t even noticed that both of the babies were sleeping already, but at least you were already in the nursery, so you just put them in they’re cribs
by this time, you were both pretty tired. you had been up with the babies last night, and Peter never even went to sleep when he got home so you guys went back to your room
you were still in you pajamas and Peter had put some on when he got home, so you both crawled into bed for a much needed nap and cuddled
and for the first time since the twins were born, you and Peter got some alone time
and Peter got all cute and red and sentimental
“I know that none of this was planned or anything, but I so happy it happened the way it did. Thank you for giving me our daughters and being so great to me. I know we’re young, but we’ve already done everything ahead of schedule and I just know we’re gong to be together forever. so what I’m trying to say is, (y/f/n) will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”
by the end of his little speech, tears were softly running down your face
“yes, you goofball!” was all you said before kissing him and you both fell asleep for a few hours before Violet and Skylar woke up
here’s part 2! Part 3 has been posted. should I make a part 4?
want to be tagged? just ask me!
tags: (I tagged everyone who requested a part 2 for this. Sorry if you didn’t want to be tagged, just tell me and I’ll take you off.)
@bitterqueenofhearts @nerdypisces160 @scorpiostunner1027 @leya26khalifa @superheroabc
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nowthenlove-blog · 6 years
No. 6: Countdown To Baby 
summary: The final twenty-four hours of your first pregnancy. A panicking Van, cute chats with Mary and the arrival of baby number one.
a/n: I love writing baby fics, if there’s anything more specific you want me to write drop me a request!
word count: 2000 words
My Masterlist is here!
24 hours to go:
'Yer can't actually be telling me that you haven't even started packing the bag? Babe, it was all I left ya to do. What happened if you go into labour and all this stuff isn't done.' Van had been overprotective of you from the day he found out about the pregnancy, he took over as many jobs as he could for you, never letting you stay on your feet for very long. 'Happy mummy, happy baby,' he would say. He no longer had to protect just you, there was a small human to think about, the small human which was inside you. This meant he had to be twice as caring towards you as ever. You thought his attitude would wear off after a couple weeks but you soon came to realise that this was going to continue on until the baby was born and no doubt a while after too. The main reason the bag wasn't packed was because you didn't really know what you needed, you were sure you'd been told a dozen times however pregnancy brain does weird things to the mind. Particularly memory. The task was eventually passed down onto Van, who did the smart thing of making a list of everything you could possibly need. With the help of pinterest and mumsnet that is.
1. Hospital Notes: You had these sorted, they were in your bedside drawer. You used to keep them downstairs but during sleepless nights you reread these notes to help calm your nerves. You, like most mothers, ocassionally found yourself living in a spot of worry, and these notes would help relax your thoughts, remind you that everything was going to plan; everything was okay. You hadn't prepared yourself for the anxiety and worry that came alongside pregnancy, all anyone ever talked about was the feeling of joy that came from creating a human. 
2. Your Clothes: Mary had helped with this, her experience with in this situation came in handy. Loose fitting clothing were recommended so two pairs of pyjama pants and a couple of Van's tops. She had also recommended to you to bring double, 'Just in case.' Van packed these away before fetching the extra sofa bras and pack of disposable underwear, he had bought these, he didn't want you to stress about anything so he said he would sort it, but you insisted they be at least somewhat pretty, a bit of lace, or frill, or something. Just because you were going to give birth didn't mean you couldn't have a little luxury. You got a feeling you weren't going to feel that luxurious once the whole thing was underway. 
3. A Wash bag: You had already put this together yourself, picky when it came to things like this; you just hadn't put it away in the bag. Inside was deodorant, a hairbrush and hair tie, a handheld fan, toothbrush and toothpaste, lip balm, some body wash and a flannel (The lavender kind, Van had read on a website that lavender smells sooth babies). You also were taking extra towels and a pillow. Van had a packed your current read, saying if you needed anything else, you were sure there would be a shop in the hospital for magazines. 
4. Baby Clothes: This was the exciting part, Van had packed way too many onesies and vests, alongside a soft woollen hat, he was worried about your child being cold. He had also packed far too many nappies and more shawls and muslin squares than needed. Socks and booties had been stuffed in to the side pocket of the bag, pink and blue, you didn't know which one would be needed yet. The over-packing was representation of his true excitement, he just wanted to make sure there was plenty of everything you could possibly need. You went baby clothes shopping together, both in store and online, but almost every other day Van was returning with a little something extra, something he was sure your child could not be without. People would be thinking you were expecting triplets and the sheer amount of baby supplies. 
Van also packed cash, some moisturiser, a phone charger and had already put the baby car seat in the car, you weren't due for a couple days and first borns are never born on time so you weren't worried. But Van wanted to be ready, his child wasn't going to catch him off guard.
Starting tomorrow, Mary would be spending her days at your home. Just in case anything happened whilst Van had to pop out. He had tried his best to clear his schedule for you, he wanted to be there to reassure you and mostly he was. There was just a couple things he had to get sorted, which was why Mary was going to be staying in the spare room. Van had offered for Bernie to stay too, but he felt it would be overcrowding around you, and you needed to feel calm and relaxed. 
This was going to be your last night alone with Van until baby. So technically, this was going to be your last night alone with Van full stop. You had something you needed him to do for you, but you didn't know how to approach it. Van would never say no to your needs, especially when you were carrying his child, you just weren't sure whether you could handle him doing this. You needed Van to shave your legs.
Bikini Waxes were all well and good, but waxing your legs would've been torture, instead, you had left your legs alone. You didn't have an issue with body hair, and certainly neither did Van, but you found something comforting about having bare skin, nothing more than a personal preference, and you knew you would feel a little bit better to be in the delivery room with recently shaven legs. Although you had no doubt that they probably wouldn't even notice, it was more for your peace of mind than anything else. Possible another little luxury you were allowing yourself. 
'Van?' You had sat down on the floor in the bathroom, with the razor in hand, and there was little chance of you getting back up again your size was restraining a lot of your movement. 'Van I need you to come to the bathroom please!' You could hear him running up the stairs, you swore you heard him stumble a little too. You hoped he wouldn't be this clumsy with the baby.
'What's wrong? You okay?' You realised then you should probably been a little clearer, the poor boy no doubt would've thought you were going into labour, then and there, in the bathroom. 
'Nothing, I'm fine. I need a favour. Can you sit?' You patted the space next to you and once he had sat, you handed him the razor. 'Can you shave my legs, it's just, I haven't in a while, and I kind of have a minor obstruction in my way y'know?' He smiled at you when you asked this, before placing the razor on the floor and his hands on your bump. 
'Anything for you two.'
Van was much better at this than you thought, although you knew he would've had practice shaving before. You could feel him going extra gentle as he did it, he didn't want to hurt you. A towel had been placed underneath you legs and Van was using water from a jug and shaving cream to remove the hair. Dipping his hand in the water, cupping a little in his palms before releasing it over your calf, he applied a little cream and shaved with extreme care and caution. Van appreciated you letting him do this, a lot more than he let on. He was currently worshipping the ground you walked on, you were creating him a child, but in all honesty, he always had and always will treat you in this way.
'Thank you Van.'
'Like I said love, anything for you two.'
12 hours to go:
You had felt weird all morning, a little sick and very tired. You were used to these feelings though. Pregnancy had very much put you through your paces, morning sickness, insomnia, swollen ankles, back pain, you name it, you felt it. So feeling a bit off was not surprising, you were heavily pregnant after all. You were flicking through the channels on the TV in the living room when Mary took a seat next to you. She rubbed your shoulder a little sympathetically, after all, she knew what you were going through being a mother herself. You explained to her that things felt more off than usual and she she responses in the exact same way Van would have. 'Fancy a cuppa? Makes everything better.' .....
'Hey Mary? What does your waters breaking feel like?' Mary sat down on the sofa, placing a cup of tea and two biscuits on the coffee table. 
'It kind of feels as if you've just peed yourself, almost gushing. There's not much dignity in this sort of thing I'm afraid. Why?'
'Well, either I've just peed myself or my water's broke.'
8 hours to go: 
Van drove, Mary had to keep reminding him to slow down. He was driving as if you were about to give birth in the back seat. 'Babies take a while dear,' She kept repeating, an attempt to calm him. You felt as if he was much more likely to be excited than worried, knowing Van. But you were secretly glad of his speedy driving, you'd feel better in the care of the maternity ward. 
Your contractions were still few and far apart so walking was managable, painful, but managable. Van had paid for you to go private for your pregnancy, you had no issue with using the NHS, but Van insisted that he wanted this for you. You weren't complaing though, the room you had made you feel instantly calmer. What you hadn't and couldn't have prepared for was the pain, Van kept reminding you it would be worth it in the end. You knew it would be, holding your child in your arms for the first time would put all this into perspective. But damn, it hurt. And you knew this was only the beginning.
0 hours to go: 
You cried. Van cried. You screamed. The baby screamed. Van cut the cord. He really wanted to do that. She was loud, she was definitely going to be a non-stop talker when she got older. Most importantly of all though, was she was a 'she'. 
Only seconds after your final push, she was held to your chest, wrapped in a pink woollen blanket. She was crying bloody murder as she pressed to your skin, but you didn't mind. She was healthy and she was here. Mary was right, dignity had really gone out of the window but you didn't care. You were holding your bundle of joy. She looked up at you through thick eyelashes and bright blue eyes met yours. She had tufts of white blonde hair and tiny little stubs of fingers, even more perfect than you had even began to imagine. 
Van held her and immediately fell in love. Her screams and cried stopped in his arms and her bright eyes stared back at his. She fell in love with him too. You could tell she was going to be a daddy's girl. Van had tears in his eyes as he held his daughter, so did you,  you two had created this perfect baby, and as she transfixed herself on Van's shiny necklace you felt completely in love with her, and the person holding her.
Have  a request? Send it in here! Thank you so much for reading, feedback is always appreciated!
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salty-for-suga · 6 years
You & Me + 3
Pairing: Yoongi x Reader. Small mention of Jin. Doctor!Hoseok. Mentions of Workmates Jimin and Namjoon
Description: Continuation of my first; 8 Months to Forever. 
Summary: You and your husband Yoongi have been married for a year now. The topic of children and family always being brought up by family and friends; not knowing you were already expecting. 4 months into the pregnancy and something terribly wrong happens while Yoongi is away. What’s to happen next with your family? Will you and Yoongi ever come out from such a dark stage to want to try for another?
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Warnings: mentions of intimacy, mention of miscarriage, blood.
Word Count: 4k+
A/N: I apologize in advance if this makes little to no sense. I’m still getting used to writing and my thought process has been in every which direction. But I hope you guys enjoy. Leave any comments and thoughts you have. I’ll gladly accept your help on making me a better writer. Thanks :)
The night of your 1st anniversary was simple but amazingly beautiful. Yoongi had reserved a table for dinner at your favorite restaurant that Yoongi’s close friend, Jin owned. The food, the drinks and the dessert were delicious but after having a few too many glasses of wine, you were unable to keep your hands off of him. After bidding a farewell to Jin and his staff and a quick drive home, you got started on an even more beautiful night wrapped up in the sheets with your husband.
That night was a little over two months ago with more heated nights that followed.
Warm and cuddled in the arms of your husband and the sheets, a wave of nausea hit you deep in the pit of your stomach. Practically running to the restroom to make it to the toilet in time, you empty the contents of your empty stomach. Rushing his way to the restroom, Yoongi watches you as you’re slung over the toilet bowl with a worried look on his face.
“Babe, what’s wrong? Are you okay?” he questions you, sleep still laced in his voice. You in your mind already knew the symptoms but you weren’t too sure and wanted to be 100% correct before you confirmed anything with Yoongi, so you just nodded and stated that it might have been something from dinner the night prior. After rinsing out your mouth, you headed into the kitchen to get started on some coffee and breakfast for him.
Throughout breakfast Yoongi continuously asked you if you wanted him to stay home with you just in case you felt sick again. You reassured him it was probably nothing because you no longer felt sick and while walking out, he mentioned for you to schedule a doctor’s appointment if you felt sick again. With a quick nod and a kiss, Yoongi got into the car and made his way to work.
After waiting a few minutes after Yoongi left to work, you trekked on over to the local pharmacy and purchased a pregnancy test and made your way back home. After doing the necessary steps, you set the test down and waited. 3 minutes later and the result of the test were ready. Not knowing if it was from excitement or nervousness, you grabbed the test with shaky hands and stared at it with big eyes. Positive - written in big bold letters.
To confirm the results of the test, you scheduled an appointment with your doctor; Hoseok, who was also a close friend to you and Yoongi. He asked the routine questions and why your sudden appointment when you were in tip-top health. You mentioned to him about your last menstrual period, your nausea earlier that morning and the positive pregnancy test. Taking in the information you provided, an ultrasound was requested. The nurse wheeled in the ultrasound cart in while Hoseok asked for you to lie down and lift up your shirt for the gel to be applied. Using the ultrasound device to spread the gel and keeping an eye on the monitor, a small gasp left Hoseok’s mouth. Looking up at the screen yourself, tears formed in your eyes as you saw your fetus of 10 weeks.
As the appointment drew to its end, you asked Hoseok if he could keep it a secret for now from Yoongi, you thanked him as he nodded and handed you your printed ultrasound pictures.
Feeling beyond excited, you decided it was a night to celebrate with a special dinner of Yoongi’s favorites, so before heading home after the appointment, you stopped and shopped for all the necessary grocery items for dinner.
After a quick shower and getting dolled up, you began cooking. 45 minutes of cooking and setting up the table, left you 10 minutes to spare before Yoongi walked in through the door. You decided to place the ultrasound picture of your baby in an envelope and placed it off to the side on the kitchen counter. Right when you placed the envelope down, you heard the door being unlocked.
“Babe?” you heard Yoongi call as he made his way through the house. Before he could make it to the kitchen and dining room, you walked up to him and greeted him with a peck on the lips.
“Hi Hun.”  
“Wow, someone’s looking extra nice tonight. What’s the occasion?”
“You’ll find out after dinner, so just go wash up and meet me in the dining room” Giving you a gummy smile and a nod, he went to wash up before joining you in the dining room.
His eyes went wide when he saw his favorites meals laid out upon the dining table.
Enjoying the food made, it was safe to say you were both stuffed. You took care of the dishes while Yoongi headed up stairs for a shower after a long day of work.
While washing the dishes you couldn’t help but smile when you imagined a little version of you and Yoongi helping you in the kitchen. You were so lost in thought you didn’t hear Yoongi come back down into the kitchen and just stare at you from the center island.
“So, what’s making you smile so big and why are you dressed so beautifully and what made tonight such a special night that I deserved my favorites for dinner?” his voice pulled you out of your thoughts as you finished washing the last dish. Putting the last dish on the rack, you turned around and made your way to him with the envelope in hand.
“Just have a seat right there; I have something for you.” You said as you took the seat right in front of him. “Okay, now will you tell me?” as he sat down.
You nodded as you slid over the envelope to him, earning a confused look from him. As he looked at the envelope in confusion before opening it, you couldn’t help but feel nervous and excited to share the news with your loving husband.
Opening the envelope and pulling out the picture, he looked even more confused at what it was. “What is this? I can’t tell.” And you couldn’t keep the chuckle in your throat. “Yoongs look closer and tell me what you see.” Once again, his gazed dropped from your eyes to the picture he held in his hands. “It’s obviously an ultrasound of a baby but whose is it?” His eyes grew and mouth hung open when he noticed Min ___ written on the corner of the picture along with 10 wks. With teary eyes, he looked back up into your eyes. Before he could even say anything, you confirmed it with a smile and a nod so subtle it was almost unnoticeable. Next thing you know, Yoongi rushed over and engulfed you in a hug and peppered kisses all over your face and lips while whispering “I’m gonna be a dad, you’re gonna be a mom, we’re gonna be parents!”
As time went on, your little bean grew bigger. Before the 3 month mark, you and Yoongi decided to let all your families and friends know at a small dinner you planned. Your parents and siblings were ecstatic for you both and could not stop rubbing your barely noticeable protruding tummy. Your friends were just as excited and couldn’t wait for the little human to be born.
Ever since finding out about your pregnancy, either your mom or Yoongi’s mom or sometimes both at the same time, were always over making sure you didn’t over exert yourself and the baby.
Your 3rd month appointment rolled right up. Hand in hand with Yoongi, you made your way to the hospital for your check up. After checking in, you were moved into the exam room and waited for Hoseok to come do another ultrasound to check the growth and progress of the baby.
“Baby Min is healthy and growing along just fine.” Hoseok informed both you and Yoongi. After taking a few pictures of the baby, he printed them out and handed them to you. Cleaning you off and doing a quick catch up, Hoseok excused himself to get to his next patient and you and Yoongi made your way back home.
Month 4 came faster than expected. Your belly now slightly more protruded. It looked like a food baby but it was a real baby growing inside of you.
In your second trimester, you’ll be able to hear the baby’s heartbeat and find out the gender. You’ll be able to feel the baby move and the baby will be able to start hearing your voice. Everything had you even more excited, but sadly, it was short-lived.
Today was the 4 month scan and Yoongi accompanied you before he had to go with his dad on a business trip to Busan.
Hoseok ran the test and did the scans and everything was normal and going according to the pregnancy timeline. More printed ultrasounds were handed to you and off you were, back home.
Arriving home, you and Yoongi packed his suitcase for his week-long business trip. Finishing early, you headed downstairs to start lunch before Yoongi was due to leave. Just as dishes were being washed, your father in law showed up, greeted you and your baby bump before informing Yoongi that it was time to leave in order to catch their flight on time. With a kiss goodbye to you and your bump, Yoongi was off.
Day after day your mom or mother in law showed up to yours or you were at theirs. It was the sixth day that Yoongi had been gone and he was already returning the next day but you were feeling exceptionally uneasy due to the slight pain in your stomach today. Thinking it might just be your baby sitting in a weird position, you decided to ignore it. Your mom and mother in law let you know they would be heading over later to go shopping with you for baby furniture so you decided to get ready, hoping a shower would make you feel at least a bit better.
A warm shower relaxed you quite a bit and the pain now subsided, but only slightly. Lying down in bed to trying to stretch out your stomach from the feeling, you heard the doorbell ring, knowing it was yours and Yoongi’s mom.
Walking down the stairs to open the door only worsened the pain. You try to toughen out the pain but before you reached the end of the stairs, you couldn’t help but scream out in agonizing pain.
“AAHHHH! Eomma, use your keys! Something’s wrong!”
As your moms heard your screams of pain, they began frantically digging their purses for their sets of keys, they couldn’t help but panic knowing something must’ve gone wrong. In state of panic and fear, your mother in law opened the door to find you hunched over holding your stomach in tears and blood dripping down your legs begging that nothing was happening to your child.
Tears clouding yours and their vision, both mom’s moved you to the car and headed off to the hospital. Yoongi’s mom, trying to drive safely but quickly was speaking to Hoseok on her earpiece to inform him of the situation and to be expecting you in less than 5 minutes. While yours held you and cried with you.  
Arriving at the hospital, you were immediately taken into the care of Hoseok and his assistants.
The pain in your abdomen was excruciating but not as painful as what you felt in your heart. The life of your child on the line and you still didn’t know what was happening or why it was happening; begging Hoseok to save your child.
As your mom and mother in law waited outside of the door, your heart breaking pleas and cries only broke them even more. The life of their grandchild at stake, but even more of the stake of their daughter’s heart from the most tragic heartbreak a mother should ever have to go through.
Calls upon calls to Yoongi and your father in law from your parents and Yoongi’s mom were made while you were in the operating room. After what felt like a lifetime of unanswered calls, Yoongi finally answered.
Reaching for his phone after the meeting, Yoongi was met with missed calls and texts from back home. Hoping it was nothing wrong, he nervously called his mother back.
“Hello mom is something wro—“
Yoongi was cut off before he could even finish. He knew something had happened even though he didn’t know what. He just let his mom talk trying to explain even through her crying.
“Yoongi you and your father need to come back home now! Something went wrong and we’re at the hospital.” She said without even taking a breath.
“Mom, what’s wrong?” His heart breaking before his mother continued.
“Can you just get back home and I’ll explain everything to you then.”
“Okay mom, dad and I are on the first plane back.”
2 hours after the call ended, Yoongi landed and arrived at the hospital safely. He was in tears the whole flight back and on his way to the hospital, but now knowing that your baby’s life is at stake, he was hysterical.
30 minutes later, Hoseok came out of the operating room to meet with your family in the waiting room.
“Hoseok, tell me they’re both okay. Please tell me!” Yoongi asked as he cried.
“I was able to stop the bleeding and ___ is fine, but…”
“Not my baby, please not my baby!” Yoongi interrupted before Hoseok could finish.
“I’m so sorry Yoongi. I tried my absolute best but there was nothing else I could do without putting ___’s life in danger.” He informed your family with the deepest regrets. “She’s sleeping right now but you all can go ahead and stay in her room with her. She’ll need to see you here when she first wakes up.” as he goes to calm his aching heart from seeing one of his closest friends, in pain.
An hour or so, you began to stir in your sleep, eventually waking up. You opened your eyes to a bright white room and heard the voices of your parents, your in laws and your husband.
“Hi beautiful.” Yoongi greeted you with a kiss to the forehead but you heard the sadness in his voice.
“What are you doing back so soon and why am I in the hospital?”
“I think it’s best if we have Hoseok answer that.”
“We’ll go get him.” Your father and father in law both got up to get Hoseok.
A few minutes later they came back with Hoseok and let you two have your privacy with him.
“Ahh, I see you’ve woken up ___, but I do have some things to explain to you.” He talked as if treading on thin ice. You just held onto Yoongi’s hands as Hoseok continued. “I know we just saw each other last week and your baby was doing just fine but somewhere between then and what happened this morning, your body just couldn’t accept the pregnancy even though you were 4 months in. The pain you felt and the bleeding was your body trying to push as if the baby was at full term. I’m really sorry but I really did try my best to save your baby but there was nothing else I could do without putting your life in danger as well. Again, I’m really sorry. I’ll let you two have some time.” With that, he left the room.
“Yoongs.” You called out with shaky breaths while he held you and wiped the tears that ran from your eyes which you didn’t even know when they started to fall. The heart break you were experiencing felt like it could kill you. To have someone you’ve already loved so much without even meeting, taken away from you just like that. You looked up at him and he looked just as broken hearted as you were. Trying to be strong for you he finally spoke. “It’ll be okay, love. You and I both will get through this. I’m sorry I wasn’t with you and you had to go through all of this alone. Get some rest and we can leave in the morning.”
The next morning you woke up wrapped in the warmth of Yoongi’s arms in the rather comfortable hospital bed, but couldn’t help but feel drained and sore in every part of your body.
“Yoongi?” you softly shook him.
“I want to go home now. Can we please go?”
“Okay let me get Hoseok to do one last check on you before we leave.”
Yoongi left the room and came back with Hoseok.
“Everything looks fine and back to normal, so you’re free to go. I’m sorry again.” With a hug to you and Yoongi, he left the room.
The drive back home was quiet. Neither you nor Yoongi knew what to say to each other so you chose not to say anything.
Yoongi helped you out of the car and into the house which wasn’t that bad. Wanting to take a shower, you started heading upstairs. Being harder than you thought, there he was helping you up as well.
Making your way to the bedroom, you stopped at the door of the nursery. Walls already painted a neutral color of cream with hints of light grey and tan perfect for your little boy or girl.
The image of rocking a little baby in the rocking chair came to mind and you couldn’t stop from breaking down and crying. Yoongi watching the love of his life so broken and hurt couldn’t be any stronger for you because he himself broke down and cried with you.
Instead of trying to get you up and shower like you requested, he held you tight; scared of letting go because he was scared you’ll break more as if you were glass being shattered. He held you, and you held him until the both of you fell asleep there on the nursery floor.
It was already morning when you and Yoongi heard someone in the kitchen, so Yoongi went to go check but not before placing a gentle kiss on your lips.
You got tired of lying on the floor so you went to check on him, and when you walked out to the kitchen you saw both yours and his parents sitting there with teary eyes. When they noticed your presence, they swarmed you and there you stood in the middle of kitchen with 8 pairs of arms wrapped around you just crying.
It was hard to go through every day getting closer to the date your precious baby was supposed to be born and not a day went by without you or Yoongi crying, whether it was alone or wrapped in each others’ arms, but that was more than 6 months ago and you both were feeling better. Not completely done mourning but better.
Ever since your miscarriage, you were informed to stay away from any sexual activities with your husband for a month, but it’s been 6 now and you were still unsure how to feel about having sex.
While you were mourning the loss of your baby, you felt broken and your sex drive was gone. The constant thought of “what if I was to get pregnant and the same thing happens to this baby? Will my husband leave me because I’m unable to provide him with children?”  Those thoughts were your own struggles.
A few weeks later, Yoongi wanted to have a date night so you both got dressed in weather appropriate clothes since it was quite chilly outside. You took his hand and went out for a stroll around the downtown area and stuffed your face with the delicious foods the food vendors had to offer. It was a great night and you were feeling better than ever. You decided to call it a night after 3 hours and because it was getting really cold. To end date night, you and Yoongi put on a movie with a glass of wine and a beer for him while tucking into the sofa.
Feeling the wine hit you a little harder the scene of the movie on the screen wasn’t helping the fact you were sitting so close to your husband. Missing the feeling of his hands run up and down your bare body after so long just sounded like a good idea and just the thought of it made you shiver. Yoongi looked over at you with and asked what was wrong but you just told him you were cold and pulled the blanket even higher to your chin.
Yoongi knew you though. I mean how couldn’t he? You’ve been friends since 6 years old, dated for 6 years and married for almost 2 years. He knew what you were thinking and what you wanted but he wanted to hear you bring it up first so he just decided to play with you, sneakily placing his hand on your thigh and rubbing it slowly and that was not helping your situation at all.
With his hand slowly rubbing your thigh up higher and higher, you finally had enough. You got up and straddled him as he looked at you with that knowing smirk you loved oh, so, much. It’s been a long time since the both of you had been intimate and he couldn’t help running his hands all over you. Every time he tried to get intimate with you, you always pushed away and said you weren’t up to it, but with you making the first move, he knew you were ready.
“Are you sure about this?” he asked just to confirm his thoughts.
“Yeah, I’m more than sure. It’s been a long time for the both of us and I am so thankful that you waited this long for me to feel better.” You said as you ground your hips down on his member.
After letting him know that you really wanted this, Yoongi carried you off into your bedroom to indulge in a night just as steamy as your first time together.
Upon finishing together, he cleaned you and himself off before pulling you close to him and the both of you slowly drifted off to sleep.
Today, even though you felt more tired and less energetic than the last few weeks you started feeling like this, you wanted to visit Yoongi at work to have lunch with him so you cooked a simple lunch of spicy kimchi stew since it was still cold outside.  You cooked, packed the containers with rice and the stew and made your way to his office. You decided to walk since it would only take you 10 minutes. By the time you got there, you noticed how incredibly tired the cooking and walking made you.
Waiting for the elevator, Jimin, one of Yoongi’s other close friend and employee noticed how pale you looked and asked if you were okay.
“Mrs. Min, are you feeling okay? You look a little pale.” He asked you.
“Yeah I’m okay Jimin. Just a little tired. I think I might be coming down with a cold but I’ll be okay. Maybe I’ll feel better after lunch with Yoongi.” You answered him with a smile.
The elevator came and you headed up to Yoongi’s floor. When the doors opened you made your way to his office door. Yoongi was speaking to Namjoon, his business partner and another close friend, when he noticed you walking over. You made your way over to him but on the way there, a splitting headache overtook, and you immediately stopped your movements until your vision blurred and your world went black. Yoongi rushed over to you in a panic.
You woke up in a white room and it reminded you of the time you woke up in the same room when you lost your baby. You began to panic and thought it was something serious because you really didn’t feel like anything was wrong with you and you felt fine everyday up until the morning while you made lunch for you and Yoongi.
While trying to figure out why you were there, Yoongi walks in the room with Hoseok.
“Glad to see you awake, ___.” Hoseok greeted you while Yoongi walked over to your side. “So while you were asleep, I ran some blood tests to see if we could find the source of your fainting. Have you been feeling sick or feeling anything different than usual?”
You thought about and you noticed that you have been feeling a lot more tired and a lot less energetic than normal. “I have noticed in the past few weeks that I have been a lot less energetic and the simplest tasks would tire me out quickly if though I’ve done them hundreds of times before. It was only until earlier that it really hit me hard. I’m not dying right?”
Hoseok chuckled when you heard your last question. “No, ___ you’re not dying but I do have some news for you and Yoongi. But answer me this question first.” You nodded before he continued. “When was your last menstrual period?” You looked at him confused but then your eyes widened while a big smile appeared on his face.
“You don’t mean to tell me that I’m… pregnant?”
“Congrats, you two. You’re expecting! According to the blood test we ran, you’re a little more than 7 weeks along.” You looked over at Yoongi and he was just as surprised as you were. “I know you’re excited but we have to take it a lot easier than last time. I’ll schedule you an appointment for 3 weeks from now. You’re free to go when you want. Congrats, again guys.”
You and Yoongi went down to his car and made your way home. Finally making it home, the both of you went and lay in bed cuddling and crying tears of happiness about the good news.
3 weeks later, you and Yoongi showed up for your appointment and were immediately greeted by Hoseok where he led you into the exam room. You knew the procedure so you lay back while he squeezed the cold gel onto your lower stomach and began the ultrasound.
You and Yoongi kept your eyes on the screen the whole time as Hoseok maneuvered the device back and forth across your stomach, making sure not to miss a thing.
“Alright guys, there’s the first baby Min.” You and Yoongi looking over at Hoseok in confusion as why he would say it in that manner before asking “What do you mean ‘the first Baby Min’, isn’t there only one?” Yoongi asked as Hoseok gave him a big smile. “No, there isn’t only one Baby Min that ___ is pregnant with, but three Baby Mins.”
Tears formed in your eyes as you heard that there was not only one baby but three babies.
And there you were, a year later. Three toddlers crawling their way around the living room while Yoongi chased them around and you watched. The oldest a little boy and the younger two; little girls all a few minutes apart. Smiles and laughter erupted as Yoongi caught up to your youngest and you decided to join in on the games with your husband and children.
As you and your family cuddled together on the couch, you couldn’t believe what your life has become. From the loss of one child, you gained 3. You’re family of what would’ve been 3, became a family of 5.
Through the greatest tragedies, you found the greatest of joys with the love of your life and you couldn’t wait to see what the rest of life has in store for you, Yoongi and your precious little babies.
It was now, you and me plus 3.
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