#like obvs it’s not the end of the world but it’s just kinda sad I guess
whimsyprinx · 1 year
I’m like honestly kinda jealous of people who have things from their childhood, like pictures, old toys, home videos, shit like that
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literatureloverx · 21 days
HIII>< Good day to you my dearest🤗🤗 Have you eaten? Drink? If not then please do! I know I said It might not be able to interact with you but like the weather is so bad in my country(there's like three storm rn), also some volcanic activities and some freaking illness going around rn😭😭 Whatever spiritual power there is hates my country cause what is this😭😭. Anywayyyy, I lost track again°>° well uh I just got suddenly curious on how, when, where fyodor and his darling got married. Like what was the process of it, the preparation, the people invited and such. I'm imagining it as somewhat very private event and very intimate (It's fyodor obv) Probably not a lot of people invited. It'll obviously be in a cathedral of sort with a priest and such. Ohh now I wonder how it'll work considering different cultures and religions (of darling). Like in my culture you can invite the whole village! Your distance cousin's friend might even be there😆 I'm kinda exaggerating but it does happen. Also the wedding clothes of darling and Fyodor! Ahhh I'm imagining Fyodor rn🥰🥰🥰
Also I'm really really sorry🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️ for overwhelming you with my ask! Well that's the end of it! Ig??? I'm going to do my projects now... Thank you for listening to my yapping and being so kind! 🫵❤️❤️❤️Truly you are amazing. I hope you have/gotten a good day🙏
Sincerely —🧛🏻‍♀️🫀Anon
Good day, my love, 🧛🏻‍♀️🫀-anon! ♥️ I’m doing well and hope the same for you. Please take care—it sounds truly concerning. 🥺
Regarding your request, I must admit I never thought about it either, lmao. By the way, you can invite the whole village in my culture too—though I wouldn’t do that! 😭 Close family and friends are all I need. ♥️ I wrote some headcanons, I hope you enjoy reading them!♥️
Also, I’ve come up with pictures for my 🍷💝-anon who needs visualizations.
Fyodor x ideal type fem!darling, marriage, wedding, visualisation, religious themes etc.
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Fyodor & his darling’s wedding
The process would be very thorough, with high security measures and many people involved in the preparations.
As Fyodor’s little princess and soon-to-be bride, you won’t experience any discomfort because of it.
There will be plenty of people handling the arrangements for you.
All you need to do is relax, choose your wedding gown, select your jewelry from the exquisite vintage pieces Fyodor orders from around the world, and provide your preferences for the cake flavors and the flowers.
You’ll only need to engage in the preparations that interest you—your fiancé ensures that you’re always comfortable with everything that’s happening.
I don’t see either of you inviting many people due to security measures, and honestly, Fyodor has no one to invite.
So, it will likely be just the two of you, your close family (such as your parents and siblings), and the priest along with the staff who will be serving you.
Since you’re marrying Fyodor, it will naturally be very intimate and private. We can’t expect much glamour or razzamatazz.
The vows would be exchanged in the cathedral, and later you’d move to a medieval-themed setting for the wedding celebration.
There, you’d enjoy a meal and your wedding cake. Perhaps you might even dance to your favorite waltz—who knows?
Considering different cultures and his ideal type, your darling, being introverted and easygoing, would likely embrace Fyodor’s vision of their wedding.
This means there might be no village invitations, which could seem a bit sad, but it’s all part of Fyodor’s unique way of doing things.
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Those are elegantly feminine. Fyodor would certainly admire the lace, as it’s traditionally seen as a symbol of femininity—something he would appreciate for its delicate beauty and timeless charm.
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Those gowns are fine, but they show the maximum amount of flesh permissible for a cathedral setting, especially when marrying a traditional, possessive man like Fyodor.
You’d definitely need a veil if you choose to wear such a wedding gown.
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Fyodor could wear just about anything, but here are some classic groom outfits. I can definitely see him opting for the white one, as most of his clothing is white and he associates himself with the color.
However, the darker outfit could also suit him, especially considering the official picture of him in a fancy dark-colored tuxedo.
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Cathedral of Christ the Saviour in Moscow
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choccy-milky · 5 months
Hi Darling! First of all.. OMG I REALLYYY REALLYYYY LOVE YOUR FIC ♥️♥️♥️! I've been a silent reader for too long and this is the first time I came to the surface to thank you for this amazing fic and art that you've made.
I also have gathered my courage to ask you this. But headcanonically (if that's even a word but wtv 😭) in your fic world. Did Sebastian ever court or interested in someone before Clora? I had a wild thought that he was into someone and had courted them but wouldn't last long because he had to take care of Anne and this lass he courted was tired of his rambling about Anne this and Anne that. Sebastian decided that they should end things because not appreciating Anne means not appreciating him.
And when he dated Clora. He met her again. She desperately wants him back and apologises (She does have another intention though). He declines because he's already ill with her and is now crazy in love with our darling Clora. He chooses not to tell Clora about this. But I wonder what happened if Clora knows tho.
AW THANK YOU FOR TELLING ME💖💖IM GLAD TO HEAR IT💖💖 AND OK its funny you bring this up bc i actually planned for sebastian to have a bit of an internal monologue in my most recent chap about the girls he's had a crush on (before clora--omg... B.C), but i ended up cutting it out because it was part of a deleted scene. but no seb has never actually dated/courted anyone before clora, tho he defs did have crushes....but if he WAS with another girl before clora....🤔🤔hmm🤔🤔 i guess it would depend when in their relationship clora found out? if it was at the beginning when clora was still really shy/nervous/self conscious, it would obviously make her even moreso, and she would have compared herself and wondered if she was good enough and if she was doing things right. and i feel like that early in the relationship, if that other girl DID come back and try and get with seb, clora might actually be worried they'd get together again, esp if she ever saw them talking (kinda like the lawley situation, but in reverse BAHA) if it was NOW though and clora just suddenly found out....LMAOO oh boy. she'd obvs be like why did u never tell me, and itd go something like this: seb: "it was brief enough that i didn't see any point in mentioning it--we hadn't even snogged." clora: "well, it just so happens that i was with a boy before you, too. but we hadn't snogged either, so by your logic, i guess you don't care." seb: ".........." seb: "........alright, point proven." (and then seb would be all worried and confirm that she hadnt actually been with anyone before him/that she was just messing with him, and shed be like LMAO YES IT WAS JUST FOR ARGUMANTS SAKE OBVS) anyway clora might be sad for a bit but she'd get over it pretty quick, since she knows seb is so devoted to her/hed make it a point to be a huge simp for her to show her he has no leftover feelings for anyone else LOL (like how he was after the relic incident & during her period) honestly its just hard to make clora jealous in the first place, bc seb is such a mega simp for her LMFAO. and aS HE SHOULD BE!!!👇🧎‍♂️
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quitealotofsodapop · 5 months
[The ones who manage to unearth their version of Luzhen clutch the newborn Stone Monkey tight, sobbing at the joy of finding another of their kind.]
That’s those that do have them. Their universes aren’t identical, so there is likely some that don’t have a Luzhen because their moms mate did perish in the flood: like, say, TMKATI-verse.
Mostly because I was looking through the old posts and one way for Luzhen to be born was somebody locking Peach into the furnace, but not turning it on and that counting to start the process. Obvs different rules now, but variety, you know?
That and the rest of the SWKs can quickly learn why Stone Eggs are a last resort kind of deal, with Peach nearly croaking during birth. Like, ‘Damn, there is a way for us to die, even with all these immortalities’, you know?
Also: [Cherry, holding his little bro up like Simba: PEEEEEBBBBBLLLEEEE!!!!!!!]
If none of the modern kids do the Circle of Life, I will be disappointed.
Recall that back then also were going by the thought of Nuwa having a hand in SWKs creation? Well, thought here: she’s responsible for Reborn-Luzhens creation. Don’t know, just had the idea of a small undefined soul causing some havoc near Nuwa – because it wants a family, it was promised a family, why won’t it be getting its family anymore – reminding her of the Havoc and she ends up making a little clay monkey for the soul to inhabit.
Kinda like TMKATI, just less pregnancy and more clay.
Then she drops the little troublemaker off at Smokey’s, “He really wanted to be born” she shrugs and peace’s out.
Smokey, who was doing his best to suppress his grief at the apparent fact that his dad had died in his world, just now has waterfall levels of water coming out of his eyes. His little brother harassed a god to ensure his own birth! Truly, they are related.
[The knowledge that he might be considered divine royalty under Celestial Law would be a bit much for him right now.]
Honest question: what do the rest of the SWKs think about that? Like, that has to knock the wind out them, for sure.
referencing the Wukongverse learning about Stone Matriarch au + our older post about Nuwa and Houtu making Luzhen on accident + Furnace - Fire = Stone Egg.
I should really do an updated TMKATI timeline post once my exams are over. Currently I'm thinking of altering it so that the twin boys of the Nodelets - Jidu and Luohou - are the ones created from one of the parents getting trapped in the Furance without the fire, likely from LBD stealing the Furance/capturing one of them. I'm thinking Luzhen (like possibly Canon!MK) would be created by Nuwa since TMKATI!MK got found by the Shadowpeach parents as a "broken" egg and they accidentally became his parents.
The Stone Matriarch au likely doesn't apply to many of the other universes since it is in of itself an Au. If any of the SWKs find an egg at the bottom of FFM/Mount Huaguo, it's like a million to one chance.
The one that does is super hyped/sad though. Not sure which.
I love the idea of Reborn!/Smokey's Luzhen getting created because Nuwa encountered a little chaotic soul wanting to be born + realising that she shoudl probably give him to someone with a similar origins.
And let's just say; what if... Reborn!Luzhen's soul was created as a reincarnation?
The Reincarnation of a *certain* Primordial Demon who has just died? And may need to be raised in tandem with it's Qi Energy counterpart in order to grow into a (mostly) balanced monkey?
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As for the method in which: (Stone Monkey + Furnace) - Samadhi Fire (or they waiting too long) = Egg?
Most likely candidate would be Netflix!SWK/Cherry.
Because he's the exception of Monkey Kings who haven't been "furanced" yet.
I'm just imagining the next Wukongverse he pulls up looking SUPER rough.
Starfruit: "Wow, you look like Hell." Cherry, covered in burn scars: "Don't remind me. Ran into some jerks who stole a bunch of alchemy supplies from the immortals." Sugar: "Calabash?" Cherry: "No thanks I'm not hungry. Well anyway this guy working for Heaven thinks I'm too dangerous to be walking around, and he tosses me into this big pot. I run out of air and somebody turns the heat on! For like a month!" All the SWKs who Know: *winces of sympathy* Ace, jokingly nostalgic: "Ah the Trigram Furnace. Usually happens before the Buddha's hand though." Cherry: "Yeah don't remind me. Luckily my new friends got me out and woke me up." Dawn, suddenly pauses: "Wait. Woke you up?" Cherry: "Yeah I sorta passed out just before the worst of the fire started." Dawn, gettign concerned: "And were you asleep for that whole time?" Cherry, getting nervous: "Yeah??" Dawn: (*shares a look with the other monkeys. A bunch nod their heads with nervous expressions*) Cherry: "Why, what's the problem? Did you guys not fall asleep?!" Smokey: "How could we? The flames of Samadhi nearly turned me to ash. Only way me or any of us survived it is because the Wind corner has a higher pressure." Cherry: "There was corners in there?" Dasheng: "You didn't train in alchemy under Subuhti as we did. The Trigram Furnace is made up of eight corners according to the major celestial elements, with each corner having the properties of that element. The Wind element feeds but also suffocates fire, so even True Fire weakens there." Cherry: "Oh. I think I survived cus I just went into a dissociative state and became a statue." Dawn, now convinced: "YOU PETRIFIED!?" Cherry, getting scared: "NOW I AM!?"
Cue the monkeys who know about how Stone Eggs are formed dragging Cherry to see Guanyin. The bodhisattva explains that; yes, Cherry is carrying a mini-him all wrapped in a stone casing, all because the lack of air in the Furnace caused his body to believe that it was time to bud off into a new monkey. Cherry faints. Joyfully.
Cherry, rambling excitedly: "A mini-king! No! A Prince! NO! A PEBBLE! And he'll be *just* like me!" Dawn, stressing: "Aren't you worried that it could kill you!?" Cherry, brushing him off: "Pff! I'm immortal. Can't die. If I was really worried - I'd just grab a few more pills or peaches." Dawn: (*grabs Cherry by the collar of his armor and pulls him closer. eyes glowing red*) Dawn: "I have over twenty times the amount of immortality you have, and I almost f*cking died. The only reason I'm here today is because Guanyin, the goddess of safe birth, was at my side. And because my Macaque would have dragged me back from Diyu if I had. So. Be. Worried." Cherry, nods fearfully: "Y-yes sir."
But the young Monkey King is still super jazzed about his upcoming mini-him. Even if he's now looking up other ways him can become immortal so that he can meet his little pebble and give him the hugs he himself was denied as a baby.
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Lastly this part might need to be it's own post due to the amount of thoughts I has.
[The knowledge that he might be considered divine royalty under Celestial Law would be a bit much for him right now.] Honest question: what do the rest of the SWKs think about that? Like, that has to knock the wind out them, for sure.
Send in more of your thoughts :3
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leslutdepointedulac · 3 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers (except me because obvs I have done it). Spread the self-love ❤
Thank you for sending this! Ngl all of my fics are my babies to some extent and I do have a couple of fics that I would love to add to here but they're not posted yet so I can't lmao. But these are some of my particular favourites that I've posted so far.
Drunken Matrimony ~ General | Louis/Lestat
This is just a really soft, fluffy little fic that has a special place in my heart. They deserve to have sweet moments like this, away from any drama and theatrics. I got cute aggression when I wrote this, it's too cute.
Hē Seirḗn ~ Explicit | Lestat/Armand & Louis
This is to date one of my all time favourite fics I've written so far. I feel like most people, if not everyone, knows that SIren Louis is my scary daughter who I love more than anything in this world. The whole concept of her was only supposed to be for this one fic, nothing special, certainly nothing that I ever planned on revisiting. But I love Siren Louis so much that I just had to bring her back again and I will continue to do so. I've even created whole entire lore surrounding my sirens because of her and it's now a fully developed universe. I could add the other siren au as well but this one started it all, hence why I went with it. Sorry, i'm rambling, I just really love my sirens lmao.
Experimentations ~ Mature | Louis/Lestat
I had a lot of fun exploring a canon compliant way to give the vampires a good time. It's good to let Louis let go and give himself over to his pleasure, I love that for him. He deserves it.
The Long Road ~ Teen and Up | Louis/Armand & Louis/Lestat
This is a fic that comes from my fanon theory as to how and why Louis ends up at Trinity Gate. I've thought about this an awful lot and it's really sad. I definitely upset myself while writing this but I felt the need to get it out there, so here it is. It's a fic that I hold very close to my heart, I love it a lot, even though it gives me the morbs to dwell on.
Treasured Finds ~ General (currently) | Louis/Lestat/Armand
So this fic is a multi-chapter fic and is still being updated, but I thought I'd add it here because I'm obsessed with it. Kinda like with my siren au, this wasn't supposed to become a Whole Entire Thing, but the story I want to tell with this wouldn't fit into the 4-5k words that I originally intended for it to. I have so many plans in store for this fic and who knows how long it will be by the time it's done lmao. What I do know though, is that it will most likely end up going from a general rating to an explicit for horny reasons and I can't wait.
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loki-da-gay · 9 months
Okay so I've half asleeped explained t.a to someone over msg and its the most bat shot insane thing so I'm going to grace you all with it
The magnus archives startes with this posh prick(jhon) who has just been assigned head archivist of an institute that studys the paranormal and he reads the one of statements and he notices a few connections but ignores it as he is a prick and pretends it's all nothing and then some fucking worm bitch attacks the institute and trys to kill everyone there, then a monster replaces one of the wimom there and no one fucking notices and on top of that the person who was head archivist turned out to be murdered. Also there's tunnels under the archive
Thats s1
So then the head archivist starts to see to many connections in the statement and is freaking tf out as yes. He decideds that he is going to stalk his coworkers as obviously one of them killed the old archivist and he is paranoid and shitty. At first he is suspicious of everyone except the Co worker who has actually been replaced by a monster because obv she is just normal sasha. He then eventually gets a fucking hint and relises sasha is actually a monster and explores the tunnels. He than breaks a table and releases the monster who then trys kill him but some old book guy saves him and tries to explains there are these entity's that are pure fear that are leaking into our world, creating monsters and collecting followers and giving them power(avatars) to cause a fear apocalypse. Jhons boss kills the old book man and is actually evil and a twink(he also killed the old archivist). Jhon is accused of murder and fleas from the police
End of s2
So jhon lives in his exs house as the police want him and he is being mailed statements by his boss as he apparently now serves one of the entites that is based on the fear of being watched. He talks to some of the people that follow the fear entity's and have powers. They all Try to hurt or kill him. The police womman finds him and tries to kill him. He proves his inconce and blames his boss. They prove the boss did it and the boss traps the police wommans gf into working with him(btw of you work there you can't quit as magic ig). Also one of the entity's are trying to end the world. Jhon got kidnapped 3 times trying to get information to stop it and finds explosives to stop it with after a crown forces skin care on him. Everyone goes to stop the world ending ritual and most of them die except jhon, martin(a main character who I just haven't mentioned as all he does is pine after jhon and make tea so far) mel(and angry lesbian) and the police wommans gf. Big evil boss goes to jail as Martin is kinda a bad bitch
So that's s3
So new boss is also evil and jhons in a comma. New boss is trying to manipulate Martin into worshiping another evil entity as he "is the only way to save everyone from a new entity" and the angry lesbian I very angry. Jhon wakes up, he isn't human anymore and is a monster. The angry lesbian is extra angry and the police wommans gf is sad there is no police womman. Jhon does non consensual surgery on angry lesbian to make her less angry, she was more angry. Also turns out police womman isn't dead and is in box. Jhon goes in box to save her and nearly dies, he doesn't die and police womman is here, but less murdery. Turns out Martin isn't the only way to save everyone and he guessed as insecuritys and it turns out the old boss escaped jail and is extra evil, they try to stop evil boss replacement and evil boss and a monster is released for some reason, police womman is now extra murdery again so everyone has to go in hiding. Jhon and Martin are gay and hide in scottland.
End of s4
So big evil boss causes the apocalypse by almost possessing jhon. Jhon is like God in the new world and everyone is terrified except him, avatars of the entity's and evil boss. Jhon also knows everything now as fear god gifts. Jhon and Martin try to go kill evil boss man In London by walking there, they see a lot of scary shit. Turns out angry lesbian is alive and dating jhons ex from s2, their lesbians. They have a cult as they arnt effected as jhons ex doesn't feel fear as one of the entity's scared them till there was no fear. They end up saving the world and jhon and Martin die whilst doing it.
End of TMA
Also there is a being called Michael/Helen. We love them buy they where chaotic evil
*added note evil boss and evil boss replacement are married and keep having divorces
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parabatrishum · 1 year
BARBIE SPOILERS bc i watched the movie earlier today and i need to talk about it
first of all, scenes that made me cry;
1. the opening scene where the little girls break their baby dolls and their kitchen sets bc they realize they can become more than good mothers and housewives.
2. barbie seeing an older woman in the real world and telling her how beautiful she is.
3. barbie meeting ruth handler.
4. gloria's monologue about the struggles women face every day.
5. last scene with barbie and ruth handler where barbie becomes human.
my favorite characters;
barbie, gloria, weird barbie, allan
how i connected to this movie;
it reminded me a lot about how, from a child, i became a teenager. in the beginning, barbie has fun with her friends all day and she doesn't seem to worry about anything, kinda how when we're children we just have fun, don't overthink things and obvs we have no idea about the misogyny that exists out there. soon after that, barbie starts experiencing things like morning breath, not having fresh milk etc, which could me a hint at the changes our bodies go through before we get our periods. when barbie goes to the real world, men are staring at her creepily, slap her butt, catcall her. in real life and in my personal experience, men started staring at me at the beach when i was 14 and i've been catcalled numerous times outside my school by men old enough to be my grandpas. suddenly i started becoming aware of what i was wearing, how my body was developing etc. and finally, when she goes back to barbieland, the kens have created their own patriarchy and ryan gosling's ken has taken her house. this reminded me a lot of how i had to watch boys i knew since we were preschoolers, become these sexist jerks. they were the sweetest little boys and then they would call us sluts, make sexual comments about our bodies, spread rumours about having had sex with one of us. the sad thing in the movie is that ken doesn't understand patriarchy, but he's still part of it. by the end of the movie he confesses to barbie that he saw some men riding horses in the real world and thought that patriarchy = horses, and that's why he wanted to bring it to barbieland. ken's motives weren't exactly bad, he just wanted the horses, and yet he was still part of the problem. also, the final scene where barbie goes to the gynecologist bc she's human and she has genitals is such an obvious way to compare it to the fact that when we become teenagers we have to change doctors and finally visit a gynecologist.
barbie not being sasha's doll but gloria's because gloria may be a grown up but she stopped being a child way too soon for her liking so when she's stressed, sad etc she finds comfort in her favorite toy. 😭😭😭
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fandoomrants · 2 months
Finally, tua s4, ep 6 thoughts.
(I did write it, even tho I'm not too happy!)
(Might share overall opinion of the show tomorrow, or might keep my silence forever...)
Heads up, spoilers
-Oh, finally a longer episode. Only 10-15 minutes but eh....
-I kinda feel like we won't get all the answers to the questions still unanswered.
-Or well, the questions I had, at least.
-Ok but what are they expecting with this Cleanse?! Return the timeline?? Which one??
-Also, good think for once it's not Viktor ending the world..
-Ew, is that Ben's face?!
-Is Reginald aware what his wife is up to?
-Diego and Luther are dressed ridiculously 😬😬
-Hurts me to listen to Diego speak about Lila so lovingly....
-Good that Luther is gonna dress 😬😬
-"Monkey legs" 😬😬
-"Gene" and Reginald arguing 😬😬 So obvs he has no idea.
-Oh, nooo, it is Ben!
-And now "Gene" and Jean arguing.
-Ok, this escalated quickly...
-Oh, ok, Five and Lila finally returned...
-Oh, so Five is aware it's only been hours...
-Awkwarddd reunionnn.
-I'm kinda sad for Five but I'm also still mad about what happened...
-Klaus casually sharing being digged out from a grave...
-Lila so happy to see Allison, lol.
-Smart move from Viktor with the "tattoo"!
-I feel like Reggie is still gonna betray him, thoo.
-Why do I feel like this season is much more gore-y?
-Ouch. Ben looks....bad 😬😬 Jennifer isn't better either.
-Oh, Ben suddenly didn't mean to yell? Since when?
-Oh, great, the family is fighting again...
-And Diego saw the bracelet....
-Klaus, Allison and Luther watching the whole thing as if it's some TV drama 😬😬
-Yeah, Klaus, nobody saw that one coming...
-Not the kind repeating the word 😂😂😂😂
-NGL, wondered the same, tho.
-I mean, it really is unbelievable...
-Also, can't believe this is happening in front of EVERYONE. Kids, family, etc.
-Five's eyes say he actually loves her...
-"Hey, stupid grown ups". True!
-Indeed father of the year...
-Oh, no.
-Oh, great, Diego's car is just like mine 😬😬😬
-"Seriously", indeed.
-Why do I feel like if someone's gonna die, it might be Viktor? :/ (Ben probably too but not because of the shooting)
-What was that random... Memory or sth??
-Someone could have stopped this bullet. (Ahem, Diego).
-"They might still be alive in there...."
-Aw, Allison helping Viktor!
-I was just wondering what happened with Lila's eye lasers...
-Don't fight now, idiots..
-Luther, what are you thinking.... (I've honestly wondered this for 4 seasons...)
-I think the more they attack it, the more it grows...
-Wtf, Five just left?!?
-Hope he'll come back!
-Klaus sliding!
-Is Five finally gonna go back and fix things?!
-"Time to face the inevitable", tbh, fair. It's not like they didn't do this.
-"Gene", acting all romantic 😂😂😂
-She shouldn't have removed the... Skin?
-It would have made the scene hilarious!
-Well, she's right. She died because she had to, look what happened now...
-Tbh, she didn't make it "right", destroying the world...
-Wait, this isn't gonna be the actual end, right?!? There's like, half an hour more! Can't be half an hour of Five moping...
-Oh, so many Fives...
-"We did!"
-Ok, so what, they never save the world...
-Not that I didn't expect it but...
-Ok, at least the Comission thing is explained...
-I believe in this Five succeeding!!!
-So what, they gotta die or sth....? Or like, not exist?
-I mean, at this point.... Everything is to shit so....
-Well, it's true, Lila can't go...
-Yeah, what's he doing there?
-Oh, good she walked out...
-Love how they shut Luther down, lol.
-Bruhhhh, Viktor, they barely cared for you as a family...
-They were always together in the end, tho...
-Klaus was right! 😅
-Oh, well.... We did see some familiar faces in the end....
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lanzhans · 1 year
hm okay like this is my take on the post-why did you drop out of yale rogan fight that no one asked for!! inspired by a tiktok i saw where the comments were all pro-logan but i digress. i digress. we start off w rory (RIGHTLY) calling logan out for being an absolute jerk to jess. which he was. and we all know it. logan, in typical huntzberger fashion, brushes it off + claims that writers are sensitive + that if jess wanted to, he should’ve “taken a pop at [logan]”. what is rlly funny 2 me abt this is that this is so so similar to what mitchum said to rory?? like mitchum dismissed rory in a really similar fashion to logan just dismissing jess’s accomplishments. and both have that air of oh-if-they-wanted-to-prove-me-wrong-they-could yk? idk i thought that was interesting. and then he ends all that by saying that rory shouldn’t let jess get to her. which. this is one of many many scenes that show truly just how incompatible rory and logan are, just because it’s been proved just time and time again that logan does not understand who rory is and also just doesn’t care. rory obv responds saying that logan is the one getting to her and that he was an ass. logan retorts saying that he’s sorry that he messed things up (but he’s obv not, when has that man ever been sorry in his life). this is kinda when we segue into rory’s underlying crisis with everything that’s happening. she calls logan out for mocking jess when he’s actually accomplished something amazing (logan saying everyone’s doing something like. lol what are you accomplishing exactly?? stole 2 yachts probably set a world record but like...that is rich coming from him), and goes on to say that she’s unhappy with her life bc she feels like she’s not doing anything. and as viewers we know that this is nowhere near the vision rory had for her life, and she’s so unhappy bc she doesn’t belong in the dar, she doesn’t belong in logan’s world, just partying her sadness away. rory is so deeply unhappy with where she is in life right now, and logan isn’t even listening to her he’s just telling her that it’s temporary and she should have a drink!! and this is again. just. such a good example of why they’re so so incompatible bc rory needs someone who is going to push her to be the best person she can be, someone who’s not going to take her shit and redirect her to who she actually is when it gets hard, not someone who’s just going to let her continue her self-destructive behavior just bc he’s doing all that too!!! like rory is spiraling and she’s at rock bottom in her life and logan has absolutely nothing to say until he feels like she’s criticizing him. like bro not everything is abt u sorry!!! she’s talking abt herself and logan comes at her when she wounds his pride a lil like...partying and drinking is not who rory is point blank!! and he just puts it all on her like yes it’s her choice to be partying and drinking but that’s also just. all he does and he knows it!! and rory says that and he just. launches into a monologue of self pity about the great huntzberger dynasty and how he’s being pushed through only one door and it’s like. rory is so right he doesn’t have a hard life he doesn’t know what it’s like to actually work for what you have. and yes i welcome the convo abt rory also having a lot of privilege but her privilege ≠ logan’s privilege at all!!! they’re very different!! but rory is so right in this scene bc we’ve never seen logan actually fight it. and logan has no aims!! no goals!! no passions!! he just wants to continue abusing his family’s wealth with no consequences!! like this is the only time u will see me agree w mitchum huntzberger but like. logan should be pushed thru that door bc he has no actual aims in life...and also like. logan saying that he gave rory a month is so absolutely useless bc he never once checks up on her. he never once comments ab how dropping out is uncharacteristic of her. never asks her if she’s doing alright??? no he just gives her a month like she’s going to fix herself and btw. yeah it did have smth to do w you!!! it had everything to do w you in fact...it was ur father that said all that shit that got in her head. and he never even disagreed w his dad btw. like god sometimes i wonder if logan ever even LIKED rory or just felt attracted to her bc she was the first girl who didn’t give him time of day like...he never once felt concern for her? when she dropped out of the school she worked so hard to get in to? like it’s wild to me truly. like even in this argument his main point is to absolve himself of any blame in rory’s dropping out/rory’s spiral. like there is no concern. he doesn’t care!!! his gf, the one he apparently loves sooo much, is spiraling and struggling and he does not give a fuck. he only shows any sort of emotion when she criticizes his lifestyle and when he feels like he’s to blame for her situation. like that says so much...
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supermightyglue · 2 years
omgg im so obsessed with your jackass oc’s. i dont have a specific headcanon request but could you write more about a main cast girl?
yesssss yes !! & thank u sm that means the world <3 i have many more ideas and am gonna post actual headcanons and stuff but for now take this very random and very specific shit
her nickname is pissbaby. i have said it before but i must say it again so everyone is aware. she got it growing up and tbh there isn’t a real reason for it other than the fact that she has pissed herself a few times
went to the met gala with knox (was def invited before he was tho)
braids pontius’ hair a lot. does his hair in general. she’s good with hair styling nd even cuts her own
was the one to receive the off road tattoo
is always paired with knox (and tremaine sometimes) for press shit
has a lot of modeling/movie offers but tbh she just wants to skate and do stunts and travel and hang out with her guys
ik i said she cant cook but i changed my mind. cooking is lowkey her love language. she’s a vegetarian but doesn’t mind cooking meat if someone wants it. a long day filming? invites everyone over and cooks for them.
doesnt cook for herself tho. the queen of struggle meals. buys a lot of cereal
also always let’s ppl crash at her place. pontius is there a lot cuz the whole living in his van situation. he and steve were in her (iconic) cribz ep
present for most of the wildboyz trips even if she didn’t appear in the episode. she loves animals and traveling and learning about other cultures so it was like heaven for her
CRAZY stupid .. like, almost as bad as knoxville. she somehow was able to get in the bullpen and it scared the shit out of everyone (especially steve o)
honestly she doesn’t like fucking with animals and doesn’t wanna do anything to hurt them. she feels bad for certain things they do and regrets stressing them out
and she can be really sweet, but with animals? she is practically a different person. she turns into such a softie
has a few doggies. all rescues and with disabilities because she gets sad when people don’t want them
probably closest to the wildboyz, especially pontius. but knox too, and dunn <3
super fond of preston too. he’s so sweet and she can’t help but adore him
ppl swear either chris or pj is her soulmate (myself included nd i cant decide who pls help me)
always down for skate sessions
is sponsored by powell peralta (and is kinda at war with bam because he thinks his element sponsorship is better)
very fashionable. an it girl. (again, i picture her as devon aoki)
super scrappy and will fight a grown man
she knows how to fall because she’s a skater but she also has gotten some GNARLY injuries. usually to her head. always has bruises
knows first aid and she isn’t a medic obv but she has been SUPER helpful in certain situations
literally unable to drive, and yet, she drove for part of the gumball rally .. she managed to genuinely scare the guys. she doesn’t have her license for a reason.
one of those ppl who genuinely does not need deodorant but unfortunately the smell of jackass clings to her
has a lot of girl friends. she is a girl supremacist. we don’t blame her.
she can be really mean sometimes but most of it is on accident. she just doesn’t have a filter. the guys don’t really care tho, she fits in
ska music enthusiast. and a deadhead
so she doesn’t puke and doesn’t get grossed out HOWEVER she refuses to take part in that yucky shit. hell no. that’s what crosses the line.
once the guys collected a cup of their mixed sweat and poured it on her and she has never been so mad. like, she gets mad, she has a temper, but she lost her shit in a way that she never has before. made them turn off the camera. knoxville was the one to pour it—no one else was brave enough. tremaine was even on the fence about it. she ended up breaking knox’s nose. he was a good sport about it. they didn’t fuck with her in that way ever again
she can be kinda mean but it’s usually on accident cuz she has no filter. but for the most part the guys don’t give a fuck and it’s funny
interviewers and paps can be really really rude and sexist and the guys can’t help but get pissed and say stuff because they love her. BUT they also know that no one is better at defending her than she is. don’t fuck with her. ever. she will practically end someone’s career. she does not give a shit
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sleepymccoy · 1 year
Bit out there, but I'm listening to Flood by They Might Be Giants today so here's my reasoning why almost every track makes me think of good omens...
Link to the album on spotify
Theme from Flood
"why is the world in love again" c'mon
Birdhouse in Your Soul
What a fucking great tune.
"I'm you're only friend [...] But really I'm not actually your friend" 😭
Also make a little birdhouse in your soul is hitting season 2 Gabriel to me
Lucky Ball & Chain
This is just. the most cheerfully delivered divorce song ever.
But I sit at a bar stool and drink for two is pretty heartbreaking
Istanbul (Not Constantinople)
Beyond it being about history and stuff, which obvs suits, I'm just gonna summarise the narrative here in a gomensy way
If you left your love in Constantinople, they're not they're now. And you can't go back. It's changed, and you can't go there anymore regardless of if your love is, technically, there
I think this is more about Az trying to get Heaven back
I love this song
Your Racist Friend
Why the fuck is Gabriel here, angel?
Particle Man
I think all of them are Crowley. Self hate, babey
She's not your satellite, she doesn't miss you [...] There's not a lot of things that she'll take back
I don't know who's pov this would be, but it's sad
We Want a Rock
This album is so good! It's silly, but I think it's in defense of earth and silly humans and getting to do what you want regardless of heaven. Cos everybody wants prosthetic foreheads on their real heads, you know.
Also has good fucking w Muriel energy
Someone Keeps Moving My Chair
I think this song plays in the background whenever Aziraphale has a tantrum
Hearing Aid
Very Aziraphale and his selective observations of heaven
Minimum Wage
Fuck yeah this song rules! Nothing to do w good omens, but I love it
I dunno, but I love the delivery
Whistling in the Dark
This is my fave Giants song out of everything. So good.
A man walked up to me and said "I'd like to change your mind by hitting it with a rock," he said, "though I am not unkind." We both laughed at his little joke and then I happily walked away
Hot Cha
I do think this is Heaven pov looking for Gabriel
Women & Men
We love Earth here
Sapphire Bullets of Pure Love
Well, it's a weak connection but Crowley did nearly shoot Aziraphale in the face this season...
They Might Be Giants
This has a facing the end of the world vibe to me. It's also kinda got two narratives running at once, alternating pov, which feels disjointed in the way Az and Crowley likely will be
Road Movie to Berlin
I don't like this song tbh, but it's lovely and sad. Very intimate Crowley vibes
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steveharrington · 2 years
with the full knowledge that they probably won’t get the best endings bc the duffers don’t know what to do with their own characters, what would your ideal endings be for the st main characters? or like at least the ones you care about? like in an ideal world
this is so fun i’m gonna do as many as i can think of <3 i don’t think the duffers are gonna do a Huge time jump at the end of the series (i could b wrong) so i’m just gonna base these on like roughly anytime in the next year after s4
steve: ideally steve would not be in a romantic relationship and completely satisfied with this outcome. i’m not saying he should like Never get his little domestic dream but i think he needs some time to focus on himself instead of constantly weighing his self worth based on whether or not he’s romantically valued. i also think it would be nice if he found something that gave him fulfillment whether it be a specific job or hobby or even just like continuing to be best friends forever with robin <3
robin: i wouldn’t mind if she ended up with vickie because i genuinely like the way their relationship has been set up, but if she was single by the end too i’d be okay with that. mostly i want robin to get out of hawkins and meet other gay people and find a community where she doesn’t feel like an outsider. maybe make some weird art. and to continue being best friends forever with steve <3
nancy: i’m begging on my hands and knees for nancy to end the show single. i think she gravitates towards relationships because they feel safe to her, but she’s ultimately unsatisfied because she has goals and aspirations that don’t necessarily fit with steve/jonathan and i think she needs to just focus on herself without having to factor someone else into the equation. i think she should go to school for journalism, maybe start some kinda nonprofit, and help barb’s parents get their house back after murray SCAMMED their asses
jonathan: honestly i just want jonathan to have like….someone who acts as a consistent emotional support. doesn’t matter who it can be argyle it can be nancy in a platonic sense i just want him to be given the space to express his feelings without them always taking a backseat to someone else. i think a fun career for him would be music journalism
argyle: we don’t know shit about his personal life or his background but i just want him to be able to return to his life pre-vecna without too much trauma <3 like obv i want that for everyone but argyle especially is so happy go lucky and it would be so sad if he lost his vibes
max: god please i just want her to be happy and have peace. i want her to stay with lucas, romantically or platonically idrc i just want them to be Together in some sense and i want her to feel safe and happy that’s all i ask
lucas: same as above AND i want lucas to get to fully explore his identity with actual genuine support from his friends. i can see him going through high school trying a little bit of every club and hobby and group and i want him to just like grow into himself and have the freedom to do that <3
dustin: again happiness and safety PLEASE also idk how to explain this but i want dustin to like…lower his guard. i feel like in s1 & 2 he was much more trusting and had more faith in people vs s3 & 4 where he’s just constantly assuming that his friends are like incapable of doing anything? i know it’s just bad writing for bad jokes but i’m choosing to believe it’s his defense mechanism and his way of dealing with trauma by being like “well luckily i’m a genius and i’ll fix everything >:)” and i want him to like let go of that and be more carefree again
el: again this applies to all of them but for el especially i want her to have stability and to feel safe. i want her to get the family and home she craves so badly with joyce and hopper and jonathan and will, and i want her to get to try things out and shape an identity kinda like lucas. i want her to have a little bedroom where she can try out new hobbies and not have to worry about packing up because someone died again
mike: honestly this is the toughest for me to envision and i don’t really know why? like obv i want him to be happy feel safe etc but i can’t think of anything like Concrete for mike’s ending that i absolutely want to see. maybe just permanently reunited with his friends idk
will: i want willy b to feel comfortable and find joy in being gay and also come out to joyce <3 and maybe hopper <3 idk i want will’s story to go back to his family, the way it started, and for him to realize that he’s still very young and mike’s feelings don’t have to determine his personal happiness and i feel like the best way for him to reach this conclusion is just by knowing that his mom and brother will always have his back
erica: ugh god i want her to like finish middle school unscathed 😭 the writers ignore her feelings so much so it would be nice if for Once they let her acknowledge what she’s been through maybe via a conversation with lucas. idk why but out of all the characters i can really See erica getting therapy skdndnc like i think she’d enjoy it <3
joyce: lord idk i want joyce to somehow know with certainty that everything is Over and that she doesn’t have to be on alert anymore. that’s probably not plausible given the nature of the story and the fact that she’s naturally always going to look over her shoulder BUT i would be ecstatic if the ending somehow gave her this 100% surety that it was officially over
hopper: i just fucking want him to be el’s dad man <3 i want him to take her fishing and get her a pet cat and help her with homework at the table and do a bad job wrapping presents on her birthday like i just want him to live out the rest of his life with his #1 priority always being el <3
murray: in jail for scamming the hollands out of their house
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luna7822 · 3 months
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splatoon f^^base/splatoon society if beta!off the hook/pearlina was a thing instead of the off the hook/pearlina we know where there would be no such thing as the whole """"random overrated inkling idol besides pearl is just boring as all hell and yet somehow gets clout despite being pearl 2.0 in every boring and dumb way imaginable"""" thing and that there would be less degeneracy among the splatoon f^^base and more tolerable as well and that f^^^ would actually be more original if she was an octoling rather than boring lame af inkling and hell of a lot more tolerable than what her shitty canon counterpart will ever be since part of me wishes that stupid ass trend never existed at all even if i obv have no bias towards what we got with oth but still:
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sometimes i feel like maybe the world wouldve been a better place if that stupid ass trend with certain idols besides pearl was never a thing in the first place and that beta!off the hook was a thing to which degeneracy in the awful splatoon f^^base will ceased to exist and that f^^^ would actually be a lot more tolerable if she was original/octoling too but unfortunately we live in s world where that boring ass trend is still a thing and that idiots want some random pearl knockoff dumbass to win finalfest with only 2 fucking wins on record as if its the most unfair shit ive ever seen when both marie and pearl won fair and square and that shiver and/or big man will forever have more of a chance in terms of wins than that stupid ass degenerate overrated ugly ass bitch will ever have in her sad pathetic life of nothing but being the most boring ass character imagineable and nothing more
and no im not saying i """hate""" inklings or anything its just that theyre kinda too overrated sometimes and that i wish that stupid ass trend with certain boring idols besides pearl was never a thing at all in the first place and that marina, shiver, and big man deserve better anyways with how much those idiots still continue to tteat them like shit unfortunately even when they did nothing wrong as well which really fucking sucks tbh ;-;
but even then i would love to draw beta!off the hook anyways since its very interesting to think like some au where octolings/octarians won great turf war and that ss but octoling in the form of beta!off the hook was a thing or smth along the lines of beta!pearl and marina being good friends when they used to be under octarian rule before calamari inkantation touched their souls and caused them to grow closer than ever before to the point where they decided to start their own cephalopod yuri idol group and end up becoming more popular than ss with all of their wonderful songs/splatfeste despite the public viewing them both as """weird inklings""" until octo expansion where they try to not spill anything abt their true identities by trying to play it cool during the octoling fashion segment iirc before u play fhe dlc and once u were done beating it as 8 then they would no longer have to treat it as a secret now that inklings and octolings are starting to get along again and after finalfest happens then i think pretty much everything after that would stay the same as it is in splatoon 3 with chaos winning and all that (and deep cut having a better looking f^^^ at least) or rather because of beta!off the hook having a different reception compared to what ours was order pretty much wins instead since nobody would treat marina like shit and that interesting things happen as a result which would require me doing some thinking abt order winning finalfest in a sort of beta!oth au thing but thats basically my whole thought process abt beta!oth in general since in all honesty its just really interesting seeing beta!oth/pearlina and whatnot even if i obv still love our pearlina anyways no matter what as an oth fan but still
oh and i would also imagine maybe tweaking beta!pearks outfit a little just to make it look more unique without looking too much like her canon counterpart and maybe tweaking marinas a lil too since its an au and all that without any major changes since shes fine as she is anyways but still
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loelett · 1 year
Lestat Niki Louis Gabrielle Armand
Louis- my sweet cheese my good time boy... i joke about him because he's silly but he's just... so important to me. his constant melancholy and general pathetic demeanor is probably exactly what i would be like as a vampire tbh. he feels the most real and tangible to me, and also the most classic vampire. but he's not like the other GIRLSS!!!! i love how everyone is just so crazy about him, describes him in long poetic prose, and is just in a general agreement that he is the best ever. i will read the paragraphs where the others describe him over and over. meanwhile he is just this Guy with big wet eyes. i love that he is covered in dust. i love reading abt how he adjusts to the modern world but still kind of sticks to the time he was born in (aesthetically/in his mannerisms). i love that he does not try to get involved with vampire drama. he is quiet and thoughtful and nice :) BUT HE SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i hate him
Armand- my relationship with armand and lestat is kind of weird, i feel like in some books i am more of a lestat fan but in others i am insane about armand way over lestat. armand is always staying at a constant place in my heart, meanwhile lestat kinda dances around that? he is a tentative 2nd ig? i love his ominous demeanor. he is both so in control yet so insecure. he's untrustworthy but he loves sincerely, and in the most vice-grip kinda way. his quiet manipulation and desperation for love feels like it's introduced very well in iwtv and fleshed out so amazingly in following books. he's pretty consistently written, which is just really satisfying and nice when almost no one else is UHHHHHHHHHHH
Gabrielle- i just really like her... idk i'm always so excited to read about her... i want to be her i want her gender
Lestat- sorry sorry i'm really weird about lestat GHJJ. i don't know if this is an unpopular opinion or not in the fandom but i do not love how he is characterized post iwtv. i understand ar's desire to turn him more likeable in order to be a main character, but i also think it could have been done better. i think he could have been developed slowly. i HATE. the fact that he's retconned into only killing criminals??? absolutely not. i started tvl extremely excited to see the development of the character from the first book and instead it kind of feels like an entirely different guy. i don't dislike every part obvs! i love how he flips the vampire trope on its head. i love everything he stands for. i love him. but i don't agree with the retconning even if it made the story more digestable or lestat more likeable. we were not supposed to like him in the first book, so why not give us a legitimate reason to like him in the 2nd book instead of saying "nah louis lied haha. love me." for this reason i'll always put louis' FACTUAL description of events over lestat's, whereas the parts like where he describes louis begging him to stay and all that actually do make sense. adding to the story instead of subtracting. anyway i do like him!!! i swear i love lestat. um but he kind of makes me mad.
Nicki- tbh i really need to reread tvl but i do remember loving him, i just can't remember enough of him to rank higher lmfao. i like his comparison to louis, and the fact that he kind of can't get over his jealousy for his own boyfriend. i like how his fall into madness was described, and how lestat basically loses all interest in him. also armand fucked up arc (still has not ended). thinking about him makes me sad (in a good way). top ten reasons to reread tvl
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urban-caravan · 2 years
PLEASE tell me about your ocs. i am desperate to know what is going on with them.
oh gosh, okay!! so they're kinda new (sorta, i've had the idea of them for like a year and some change and have only started to give them actual thought and refinement for a week) so nobody really has names yet
The basic premise is that a serial killer and a detective from the 1950s kill each other and then reincarnate in the same town decades later wherein they meet again in the 1980s and the spirit of the serial killer begins haunting them
So first up is John Doe
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He's very rich and a prominent figure in the community. No One suspects him for the horrific murders occurring for the past 9 months in Sleepytown, Nowhere USA
Is gay and the most repressed man on god's earth. Abusive and strict upbringing made him obsessed with performing his role in society perfectly. His victims are usually people who make that more difficult for him or complicate his purposefully narrow worldview.
Becomes deeply fixated with The Detective during the investigation and starts giving himself little allowances to get closer to him. This causes him to spiral near the end as he starts sloppily making up for his indiscretions by killing more people.
The Detective
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is also gay, and jewish
he's also a cop which is unfortunate (when his reincarnation finds out he thinks its very cringe and makes him actually rly bummed out) and becomes a cop both out of an innate desire to right wrongs but also the very less noble reasoning of wanting to gain and enforce power over the world around him to abate the innate helplessness he feels about his lot in life. this is subconscious obv. He's the lead detective on John Doe's case.
is also repressed but in a more "I'm just not going to deal with it" sort of way
very blunt and no nonsense in contrast to John Doe who at least puts on an act of being charming and sociable. he develops some feelings for John Doe despite his temperament tho. thinks about maybe moving away with him somewhere else but then OH NO HE KILLS PEOPLE
flashforward to the 80s
Johnny Doe The Sequel to John Doe
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would you believe it if he was also gay?
Reincarnation of the serial killer of whom he only knows vaguely about just from living in the same town.
Also raised by very strict and domineering father/neglectful mother. By the time he was born his whole life was already planned out for him. Before meeting his boyfriend he was the most rigid and textual example of "Red-blooded American teenage boy in a small town". However, after meeting his boyfriend he grew out his hair, quit football, questions authority, and listens to better music.
Uncomfortably dependent on his boyfriend, which is why they are now exes. He is very much not over it and is constantly thinking of how they can get back together. He thinks that the boyfriend was the best part of his entire life and the boyfriend thinks that's very sad and he should have more of a life.
The Boyfriend
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gay and jewish once again. the eternal constants in the sea of souls
big music fan, but his favorite band is abba
very sarcastic and anti-authority. also doesn't take anything lying down. almost got expelled his first week of highschool when he cracked a lunch tray across the face of a guy who called him slurs. this is the moment johnny doe sights as where he first fell in love.
is convinced he's going to die in a nuclear exchange in a few years so he figures why not live his truth and be gay in the meantime. unfortunately this also means he commits to almost nothing and never plans for the future. this is probably a bigger factor on why he dumped johnny doe. he stills has feelings for him though, even if he acts like he doesn't.
he's somehow not very surprised, but still disappointed, to find out his clingy ex murdered him in a passion in a past life.
um. tl;dr
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gabunomigrlhasthoughts · 10 months
slight venty(???) rant so feel free to skip to next
i've made some relatively new friends over the past four months. and omfg i'm having like. idk. a realization??? well not a realization, idk how to put it. it's kinda sad actually but since this is my tumblr i might as well thoughtdump lmao
one of them is just. he's the embodiment of queer joy, if that makes sense. nd joy too. and well...i'm kinda jealous of him skhfjshdjag.
just. idk. i feel like he and i get along so well, except he's...happy. life is being shitty to him as well, and he's also in a lot of the dame movements im in + does actions a lot, but he's. idk how to put it
he cares for himself and others and he's unapologetic about ehat he likes and he just feels free to be himself. he gets a chance to reconnect with the roots that i had to cut off so early, he gets to like things and it feels like he's free to while i feel caged. and he gets to be unapologetically trans, while i'm a coward, scared to call myself [irlname] or even *be* [irlname] around home.
don't get me wrong, he obv isn't all sunshine and rainbows. he can summon queer rage and nd rage, quite well at that lmao. again we're part of a lot of similar movements.
but...it feels as though that's all i am. queer rage. and that that's all i'll ever be, a weapon or a symbol or a riot. a camera trained on the cops, a wall of flesh in the bloc to keep others safe, a punch going up.
and he gets to be so. much. more. he gets to be happy and even proud to be who he is. he gets to be more than just a weapon, he has...hope. for a better world, but also day-to-day hope that gets him (and tbh also gets me) through shit. like woa wtf.
he's. comfy. and he's sweet. and he's cool. i feel like i understand him to an extent but in some ways i will never understand how he's just so. amazing???? happy??? ik i keep using the word safe but he really does feel safe???? 😭 its scary because i know he also has a fuckton to deal with but somehow he's like. idk. he's like if revolutionary optimism were a person.
he has interests and gets to feel safe talking about them. i'm glad he gets to be like that and i really do like a bunch of the stuff he likes, i just. never got the chance to feel safe liking them (again, this is kinda fuckin sad and i realize that much as i type this out lmaooo).
i hope i can spend more time with him. and tbch i really *really* hope i can be more like him. he makes me feel safe in a way i don't think ive ever really felt before. just...woa.
anywho end of venty rant i guess kshdjshdjghdjhshs ignore this
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