#like remember tranformers
xviruserrorx · 3 months
It's been bothering me for months now and I can't remember the name of the events but pretty much there was teams (kinda like the 'party' type events where people do "red team" "blue team" or name the teams something fandom specific related) but each team was responsible for a ship and it was usually like 5-10 people per team and they would just create a bunch of stuff for it or they could do one big thing where they would all work together (all co-wrote a fic together and the the artists would work on a piece of art together etc) but it was like a all year Happened around the 2013-2014 years maybe? Possibly earlier.
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polarspaz · 7 months
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Steve 10 Au
Some of the aliens Steve turns into have a quirky habit of amplifying some of his personality traits. Steve can't help it, after all he is transforming into an alien creatures with hormones and instincts that are vastly different than normal humans.
-For example, when he transforms into BigChill, Steve's parental urges are overwhelming, making him fret over the kids more than usual. When he's Wildmutt his desire to please takes over, prompting him to act like puppy that just wants chin scratches and praise after mauling a Demogorgan.
-Spideymonkey makes Steve more excitable and energetic, while Rath makes Steve brutally blunt and angry.
-Despite having to use XLR8 a lot, Steve has a hard time adapting to the alien's rapid pace of thought. In a fight he's fine, but when it comes down to remembering complicated dates and times he gets confused and anxious easily. (( The reason WHY Steve has to use XLR8 so much is because he accidentally hit the Omnitrix inside his car, transformed into Humungousaur, which then resulted in him completely wrecking his baby. )))
-The Omnitrix will sometimes respond to Steve's emotions and give him an alien that he desperately needs for a situation, or one that reflects what he is feeling the most. So when he's mad, the Omnitrix may transform him into Rath even though he wanted to become Spidermonkey.
-Ironically, Steve's desire to have kids is what made BigChill reproduce. He accidental triggered the aliens hormone's into high gear.
-The alien Steve HATES using the most is Greymatter. It just makes him efel dumber when tranforms back to normal.
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innerchorus · 16 days
Someone on Reddit mentioned how they think Kharlan's head could be in one of the jars, and when I say I haven't stopped thinking about it since... because imagine if Zandeh sees that. Imagine if we get an undead Kharlan. If it prompts some Hilmes guilt I'm all for it but I really don't want my sweet puppy boy to see that!
Anyway, let's talk head jars. If you remember back when I first had the horrible realisation that the two jars whose contents we can see into contained the heads of Shapur and Vahriz, you may remember that my working theory was that the six jars contain the heads of the Marzbans and Eran who died or went missing during/shortly after the Battle of Atropatene. But Kharlan's head could certainly have been gathered by Team Zahhak at a later date (the sorcerer labelled as Ghundi was watching from a tree when Kharlan died).
It also crossed my mind recently that maybe not all the jars are full yet. Perhaps they'll take Andragoras's soon. Maybe that's why a mage is appearing in front of Isfan and Kubard right now.
My hope is that I can get a firmer grasp on Team Zahhak's magical abilities before the series ends. As we get closer and closer to the conclusion, it seems like we'll be seeing more of them as they get more directly involved with the plot. I will extrapolate whatever I can from the manga because the novels really didn't go into it much. I'm currently wondering whether they need the dead body of a person in order to take their form. Previously, I wondered whether they can mimic someone who is alive and just need to touch them to acquire their form (we see Ghundi, the one who impersonates Husrab, locating Husrab as Ecbatana falls, but it's worth noting that he also knows of Husrab's fate... did he collect Husrab's head at that time?).
I'm not convinced that what we're seeing with Shapur is a simple impersonation rather than something more sinister (undead/came-back-wrong Shapur puppeted by sorcery) but who knows. Maybe this is the beginning of the tranformation and Arakawa's drawn it like this to make clear that it's the result of sorcery. The upcoming chapter should make that clear.
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callofdudes · 8 months
Dropping all my AU thoughts on you. (Lovingly) pt1??
Hunger Games AU: All of 141 bring previous victors from their games who find solace with each other in the capital. Would go through what they experienced in their individual games and how they won. But when the victors face off comes they all have to work together to end the games permanently.
Skyrim AU: Ghost works with the Dark Brotherhood. Johnny is 1000% a Companion. Gaz is a bard who is also attending the College of Winterhold to become a mage. Price is either a leader of the Companions, or he's a captain of the Imperial Guard. Don't exactly have a proper plot. And Gaz is obviously a redguard. Price is definitely a Nord. John is probably a mix of either Breton and Nord or something. It just makes sense. And Ghost is an Imperial. It just makes sense and I can't explain why!
Or, another Skyrim idea: Johnny as the dragonborn and Simon as a Daedric Prince of Akotosh who chooses to serve Johnny after doubting Alduin's reign.
Transformers AU: It could go either way, I envision it with Ghost as a Tranformer. He's the last of his squad who escaped captivity (I hope you catch on) and is sent to earth to protect Intel and find a place to stay. Runs into the annoying Scottish mechanic when his paint is dinged up. Or Simon as the angry mechanic who does not want to fix this alien thing that keeps yapping all day.
Rise of the Guardians AU: All the characters are there. If Y/n was present in this I'd make Ghost the angry easter Bunny who "hates his job". But if they weren't he's hands down Jack Frost. Sorry. Gaz can be Sandy (sandman) we all know who Price is, and Johnny can be the tooth fairy. If you know why, you know why.
Obviously a httyd AU: because everyone needs one. I'm already conjuring up things for Ghost's backstory it's insane.
Gaming AU: Price is a moderator for a large gaming community channel and streaming platform. He greenlights a lot of games that go through and plays them occasionally. RDR games and those likes. Johnny and Gaz definitely play the sims together. They'd play those games like Lethal Company and such. They try to play horror games but it doesn't always go well. Simon, (known to fans as Ghost) wears his mask or has one of those cool avatars. Plays horror games religiously and first person shooters which has attracted a glamorized following. Friends with Price and that's how he ended up getting together in the streaming group with Gaz and Johnny. They're annoying, but ok, they're cool.
Assassin's Creed AU: I've been working slowly on this for a while but Johnny as a sword/bow for hire whose work has slowed in the city he's at. So he packs up with friend Gaz who is going to a different city to study as a medic. Price is probably the king of said place. (I'm thinking of setting up in Greece or we're going to old Britain.) And Ghost is our famous assassin. And they meet and some stuff happens!
Not sure what to call this one (AU) As a young kid Johnny was diagnosed with ADHD and went to weekly day camp for kids like him. It wasn't particularly boring and Johnny had lots of fun. Until a new kid who is very socially awkward and reclusive starts coming. He's quiet and fidgety and doesn't make much eye contact. Johnny wants to be his friend. The story where Autistic Simon and ADHD Johnny become inseparable childhood friends.
Winged AU. I did a little thing on this a couple months ago. Some 30% of the popular are born with wings. Johnny is one of them. He's incredibly proud of his wings and it gives him some advantages and disadvantages in the military. Simon seems to hate Johnny for the sake of it. But every time Simon sees John's wings, he remembers the scars on his back and the pain of when his wings were torn off...
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fanficonly · 2 years
Wenclair- "I get paid in favours" -Part 2?
As requested a part 2 to the one-shot. I can't believe how many people enjoyed this lil fic and as a little thank you I thought a part 2 was definitely necessary, might continue on with a few more scenarios they find themselves in but I don't know yet
@paroovian @thatonefurry @paintato @allow-me-to-ruin-that-for-you thought I should tag y'all so you don't miss it... Thanks for your interest
P.S keep in mind the general consensus is that the sequel is never as good as the original
Enid paced back and forth in her dorm room at a rapid speed, fiddling with her hands and occasionally biting at her nails nervously. It was 6:45pm and she had spent the entire day anxiously awaiting 8'O'clock. After agreeing to see Wednesday for her needs, she had used the rest of her time to carelessly consider other options, some of which included running off into the abyss that is Nevermore woods never to return. Others that allowed her to see Wednesday without forcing herself to surpress her urges.
As the full moon approached Enid could feel the wolf inside her, screaming and clawing its way to the surface. And with less than 24 hours to go she grew more impatient and frustrated by the second.
She had been told about a werewolf's uncontrollable nature when going into heat and considering Enid had never had a sexual experience before she knew the feeling would not go away unless she had help. "Medical help" She mumbled to herself over and over and over again. All she needed was suppressants to get her through the full moon so she could continue on in her daily life.
But as the light tick... tick... tick of her wall clock invading her ears, it only seemed to grow louder and louder with each shudder of the hands.
Tick... Tick!... TICK. The noise was incredibly irritating and with Enid's emotions all over the place she couldn't seem to tune anything out.
Complete sensory overload.
She unwillingly found herself bounding towards the noisy device,claws where her hands used to be, and slashing at it aggressively. As she watched the clock fall and break into pieces she growled loudly and began to breath heavy.
This feeling was too intense. Everything in her body began to burn. Images of Wednesday flooding her vision, while she panted in and out, clenching and unclenching her fists restlessly.
The whisper of Wednesday's words ...."Let's see if your bark is worse than your bite" tempted the Werewolf like the last pull of a smokers cigarette before they decided to quit. "Urghhhhh" she groaned to herself and as she closed her eyes slowly a picture of Wednesday lay where darkness should have been. When she opened her eyes her vision was glazed, her panic had not subsided and eventually she completely blacked out...
Enids vision was unfocused and blurry but she noticed she was no longer in her dorm. In fact she was stood outside a different door, arm raised and poised, ready to knock. When she blinked hard to remove the inhibiting fog she finally became aware of her surroundings.
Here she was, standing right outside Wednesday's door, unable to recall how she had got there. She tracked her eyes towards her hand which was in the middle of de-tranforming.
"Oh God" she whispered to herself. Had she really let her wolf control her like that? Enid hadn't even remembered how she made it to this door, but evidently her impulses were in full control at the time.
Clearly, she wanted to be here but this was absolutely terrifying for Enid. Even now she still felt a deep desire to do some incredibly explicit things to the next person she saw, which was a new and undisciplined feeling to her.
But before the wolf could scold herself for being so crass the door flew open, startling Enid out of her dazed state.
And there she stood, Wednesday Addams in all her glory, standing stoic and proper at the door looking at the blonde with a twinge of confusion in her eyes.
Enid noticed immediately the small surgical knife, dripping with goo, in Wednesday's gloved hand and she couldn't help but imagine all the morbid things she had been doing before Enid had arrived.
"I'm-" she started to explain
"Early." Wednesday finished for her. "You're early" she quirked an eyebrow up.
"No I don't even know how I -" she attempted to explain it all away but her curiosity got the better of her and she cut herself off to ask "is that a knife in your hand, what were you doing?" She furrowed her brow in confusion unable to tear her eyes away from the blade in Wednesday's hand. She knew it wasn't for her but it still seemed oddly threatening in her possession.
"It is acceptable. Early means eager and I tend to spar well with an unpredictable opponent" she commended Enid, lightly excited for what was to come, however you wouldn't be able to tell by the look on her face.
"Opponent?" Enid zoned in on that word, imagining herself in a duel with Wednesday to the death.
"My apologies." Wednesday spoke "I meant customers" she stepped back opening the door wider and gesturing for Enid to enter.
"Thanks" Enid mumbled growing more anxious by the second. She walked in stroking at her upper arm as if to hug herself for protection. The feeling settled when she heard Wednesday's voice and immediately turned to embarrassment.
"An hour is a little too eager maybe?" Wednesday's eyes followed Enid's as she walked past her, as if drilling into her head to excavate all her deepest darkest thoughts.
"No no I didn't- I don't even know how I ended up here!" The werewolf stammered out flustered by how desperate she may have looked. She turned to the darker haired girl and held her hands up in defense.
"Fascinating." Wednesday admired the blonde before removing her latex gloves and placing them in her trash can. Enid just scanned the room with curious eyes, clasping her hands together for comfort.
"What were you doing?" Enid continued to search the room and was mortified to see what she could only describe as the graphic murder of a frog, as her eyes landed on Wednesday's desk... Or more accurately her Autopsy Table.
"It's for science" she explained "Also I do so enjoy a fresh corpse for an all revealing autopsy" Wednesday spoke plainly with a twinge of sinister pleasure escaping her tone.
"You're like totally sadistic Wednesday" the blonde squeezed her eyes shut in an attempt to erase the image from her mind before turning away from the crime scene and back to Wednesday's ever-staring eyes.
"Can't argue with that" Wednesday shrugged, not at all fazed by her reaction.
"Umm so ..." Enid rocked back and forth on her heels nervously, waiting for Wednesday to take charge of the exchange.
"Give me a moment to cleanse myself" she said and of course Enid didn't argue. She moved across to the table and removed the items from out in the open, without waiting for an answer.
"Okay" was all Enid said as Wednesday then removed herself from the room, heading for the bathroom. She just breathed deeply to calm the inferno that was currently coursing through her body.
After calming herself, Enid took the opportunity to walk quietly around Wednesdays room, picking up trinkets to examine them and running her hands along the walls that were covered in a collage of strange images. Her body still felt unsettled as she forced her impulses down into a deep dark hole somewhere in her mind but the exploration on Wednesday's room was a nice little distraction for her.
She was startled by a voice very VERY close behind her say "You are a rather invasive Little wolf aren't you?" Enid jumped and let out a small squeak. Wednesdays chin was practically perched on her shoulder with how close she had gotten without Enid being able to realise. 'So much for super human wolf senses' she thought to herself before turning around to meet Wednesday's accusing gaze.
"Sorry I was just ..." Enid smiled innocently moving backwards inadvertently hitting a wall "Curious" she spoke after a thud could be heard from her heels hitting the wood.
"So was I at one point in my life" Wednesday smirked "But then I reached the conclusion that I know exactly what and who I desired" Enid was a bit frazzled by this point. Was that.... Did she just? ... Wednesday Addams seemed to enjoy speaking in riddles or at least sentences that could be left up to different interpretations and honestly Enid wasn't sure she could decipher these with how clouded her state of mind currently was.
"A-and what's that?" Enid asked feeling a little bit like a cornered Animal, with a hunters gun pointed directly at her.
"See" Wednesday observed "So curious' she scanned Enid's face, ignoring the question. Wednesday noticed the wolf's nervousness and as she was not able to determine whether it was uncomfortable for her or not she stepped back to give her some space to breathe. She was of course hoping to tease Enid but that did not mean she had to be so predatory about it.
Enid sighed. Even she couldn't tell if she feared Wednesday or was attracted to her but after that interaction she just cleared her throat and spoke trying to avoid looking too interested. But Enid could not deny the warmth she felt at the closeness and the twinge of annoyance she felt after it had left.
"Do you have what I need?" She asked timidly. She scaled her eyes across Wednesday's body, her mind betraying her with thoughts of what she would look like writhing underneath her.
"Depends on what you came for?" Wednesday smirked again, as if reading her mind and rather proud of the reaction she had received from Enid. The blonde bit her lip to stop herself from giving in and continued to fight the urge to play into Wednesday's little game.
"The suppressants" she nodded, mostly trying to convince herself to agree that that is what she needed. They stared at each other for a moment, Wednesday giving Enid the chance to re-evaluate all of her options before she finally broke eye contact turning away from her.
"So incredibly dull" Wednesday sighed, shaking her head in disappointment. She had been rather charmed by Enid and was fascinated with werewolves in general so for this opportunity to pass by was a troubling concept for her.
"Hey I told you not to say that" Enid spat out still offended at Wednesday's obvious insult.
"I can say whatever I want" Wednesday folded her arms in protest. She wasn't one to keep her opinions to herself and she sure as hell would not let anyone dictate her free speech... No matter how cute they were.
"No you can't" Enid corrected her, somewhat delighted that the conversation had turned sour. Atleast this way the attraction may subside and she could actually focus on not getting to close and personal to the infamous Wednesday Addams. A journey like that is known to be insanely dangerous and Enid was 100% certain she would not survive.
"Care to waver?" Wednesday challenged. Enid took a moment to process what Wednesday had said. The vocabulary she used was so proper and every word had a somewhat disarming aroma around it. It intrigued Enid.
"Could've just said Bet but I'll bite" Enid rolled her eyes and smiled, feeling unnaturally comfortable in a conversation with Wednesday Addams all of a sudden.
"You promise?" Wednesday spoke quietly but the smug look on her face revealed to Enid that she had heard correctly and she let out a breathy chuckle in response.
"what?" She asked anyway anticipating that Wednesday would repeat herself. Did she realise the effect she was having on Enid or was this all just a game for her amusement. Was this even real? Was Enid actually still dreaming right now? What was happening?
"Nothing" she hummed, momentarily allowing herself to be comfortable.
"Bet!" Enid panicked and slashed her hand imitating one of her favourite memes joyfully, attempting to make light of the suggestive conversation. It was extraordinary what her brain told her to do in these kinds of situations, never fails to surprise even Enid herself.
"Why on earth would you do that?" Wednesday asked, leaning back lightly to avoid being karate chopped by the curious girl.
Enid was on the verge of becoming feral and lecturing the other girl on all things social media.. She debated with herself... It could either be a brilliant distraction or a mind numbing task that would surely push her over the edge so she stayed put for now settling on...
"Its a meme like wanna bet but just bet with like the button and- it's funny Wednesday" Enid raised her voice a bit at the blatant disdain the Addams girl had for anything remotely interesting to a normal teenager.
"Debatable" she said "Frivolous nonsense really" she criticized naturally.
"To you maybe" Enid blurted out defensively.
"It should be to most but we spend an alarming amount of time as a society attached to our phone screens like zombies, scrolling through brainless posts and memes as you say" Wednesday spat mocking the word.
Enid just sighed again. There she was. The cold and distant Wednesday she knew and ... Well she knew... Well kind of knew ... Whatever you get the point. But atleast this would deter Enid from jumping her bones.
"Whatever Wednesday. Can I have the pills or not?" Enid decided to just get on with the transaction. No games. No suggestive undertones. No problems.
"You said 8 O'clock" Wednesday raised her eyebrows.
"I know but surely you have-" Enid suddenly panicked and distressed at the idea of having to wait an entire hour before this feeling went away.
"No I do recall the time being 8 O'Clock" Wednesday rubbed her chin and pursed her lips as if to mimick a philosophers thinking face.
The shameless teasing was starting to get Enid worked up and her eyes glowed as she huffed.
"I need them now!" she growled out her fangs appearing effortlessly as she became unable to control the wolf inside her.
"It is not my fault that you're too punctual" Wednesday remarked, barely flinching at the outburst.
"I'm cutting it a bit close as it is Wednesday!" She began pacing back and forth in a worrisome way. "My whole body feels like it's on fire" Enid admitted, gritting her fangs, while clenching and unclenching her fists in an attempt to settle her wolf.
"Well then some even more unfortunate news for you then" Wednesday started and Enid's face weakened at her dull demeanor "My guy is running late so it's more like a 2 hour wait" she clasped her hands together professionally.
"Typical" the blonde grumbled out, her skin becoming itchy and her face faltering with every breath she took.
"Or opportunistic" Wednesday thought aloud, unclear whether this was deliberate or not Enid looked at her with doubt.
"Do I even wanna know?" She asked but before the Seer could answer Enid had doubled over in pain only looking up to bare her fangs towards Wednesday.
"Enid your fangs are captivating" Wednesday stepped forward daringly raising her hand up to Enid's face. She seemed captivated, smitten absolutely entranced by the sight in front of her.
"Again thanks but umm Wednesday I feel all jittery and nervous and helple-" her words wavered as Wednesday ignored her and grasped Enid's chin with her hand, lifting her chin ever so slightly to examine her features.
"I have that effect on people" she stated, while Enid groaned. Wednesday was well aware that her so-called off putting presence was actually rather appealing to plenty of students at Nevermore. She blamed goth culture for this and put it down to mindless mass adoration.
"It's not you it's the full moon" she let out a breathy laugh, watching Wednesday's eyes scan across her face before meeting her own. Although she had acknowledged that realistically she could be having these thoughts about anyone and the fact that it was Wednesday Addams meant this wasn't exactly true.
"Listen if you would prefer to lie to yourself to make you feel better then that's absolutely fine... But I'm almost 100% certain you're also nervous because of me" Wednesday's lips twitched with the threat of a smile as she looked down at Enid.
"Bit full of yourself aren't you" she attempted to snark at her but her words became drowned in a low growl when she felt another sharp pain in her side.
"Not entirely" Wednesday told her honestly "But..." She moved her hand to stroke up the werewolf's cheek and held it in place. Enid's sharp breath slowed as she steadied her breathing and raised her head to look at the pale girl in front of her.
Wednesday guided Enid upwards and she straightened her body, following Wednesday's eyes and letting the girl guide her into a now standing position. Enid's mouth opened as if she was going to speak yet no words came out. She remained speechless at how rapidly the pain had subsided with nothing but a light touch to her cheek from the captivating woman in front of her.
"Feeling better?" Wednesday asked, although it was obvious she knew the answer.
"What was that? What did you do?" Enid asked, taking into consideration that Wednesday was basically a Witch so who's to say that wasn't just something of a spell.
"Nothing" she spoke, uninterested, removing her pale hand from her warm cheek. It was clear to Wednesday that Enid was in denial so she would be patient and let the blonde come to her own conclusions.
"That wasn't nothing Wednesday the pain just completely disappeared!" Enid was shocked at the own volume of her voice but she couldn't help it, she was absolutely baffled.
"Again I did nothing, no spells, no remedies just good old fashioned healing properties of contact to an animal experiencing touch withdrawal" she explained but Enid still stared at her accusingly "In fact it won't last long you should be experiencing the same discomfort in about 3-2-1 ..."
And of course on cue she kneeled over in agony "Ahhhh" she screamed, followed by a harsh and loud growl as her claws shot out aggressively. "Wednesday what are you doing to me?!" She strained out, pleading up at the Addams Girl.
"Enid... It perplexes me how little you know of your own species" Wednesday scolded her instinctively.
"No I know werewolves have a chance of going into heat before a full moon but Its not suppose to hurt-urhhh- this much is it?" Enid questioned her, while still clutching at her sides.
"Only when denying yourself the touch of someone who is as alluring as I am I'm sure" Wednesday smirked again and Enid bit her tongue to avoid outing herself further.
"You didn't get told about this and you didn't have any surpressants? Do you even have anyone who teaches you these things honestly it's-" Wednesday was about to lecture Enid on her own species, she had had a fascination with werewolves and thier behaviour ever since she was a little terror.
"Fuuuuck ow! Touch me again" Enid groaned out cutting Wednesday off and inching forward. She couldn't help it the pain was unbearable and it wasn't like she wasn't attracted to the Addams girl. In fact the truth was she knew exactly why her wolf had guided her to Wednesday and it sure as hell wasn't for pills.
The words came out much more sexual than she had intended and this was clear when the raven haired girl's eyes went wide before a smirk grew on her face once again.
"Excuse me?" She tilted her head, still unfazed by Enid's pain, although it did disparage her to admit she wasn't enjoying it like she usually would. Torture was a topic Wednesday was an expert in. But when she was not inflicting it herself and the innocent girl in front of her was not only beautiful but didn't deserve it, it was less appealing to her sadistic side. Enid also fell under the rare list of people Wednesday didn't intend to bring any harm to at Nevermore, so she couldn't even enjoy this.
"Touch me!" She growled out harshly, baring her fangs and lunging towards Wednesday with ferocity.
Wednesday moved swiftly to the side, allowing Enid's claws to narrowly miss her face as she reached the side of her. But in one brave move Wednesday caught the werewolf around the waist, spinning them both around and moving her back into her arms.
Enid gasped at the movement, mouth slightly open in shock, her arms still lightly swinging at her sides as her whole body untensed at Wednesday's touch.
"Gladly." Wednesday whispered holding Enid in place.
Enid took sharp, shallow breaths panting as she looked into Wednesday captivating eyes. She only looked away when she felt Wednesday cold fingertips grazing lightly up her forearm. Her thoughts turned primitively crazy but her body completely settled as her eyes followed Wednesday's hand.
"This is such a bad idea" she visibly gulped, but there wasn't a single urge in her mind, body or soul that wanted to remove herself from Wednesday secure grip.
"Exhilarating though isn't it?" Wednesday pulled Enid closer with a light tug and in response she moved her arms up to wrap them soundly around The other girls neck. "Now watch this" she whispered softly against Enid's lips before closing the gap between them with no resistance from the werewolf.
Their lips collided in a passion filled frenzy, Enid's hands travelling around Wednesdays body gripping at her clothes, feral with the other girl's touch and letting her impulses take over.
Wednesday smiled into the kiss, infatuated with the idea of Enid desiring her to the point of self destruction, only pulling back to ask "Are you sure?" Out of respect for the werewolf.
The absence of Wednesday's lips caused Enid to blink out of her amorous state and pant breathlessly. Wednesday stared at her awaiting confirmation of consent.
"Yes I'm sure" she nodded frantically absolutely infatuated with how incredible it felt to finally kiss Wednesday.
"Because I was just teasing-" Wednesday tried to give further information and the opportunity to change her mind.
"Wednesday" Her own name sounded melodious to her ears,coming from Enid's mouth.
"Yes little wolf" she allowed a small reassuring smile to grace her lips.
"Touch me" she connected their lips again, finally allowing herself to fully submit to her animalistic urges with none other than Wednesday Addams. WEDNESDAY FREAKING ADDAMS.
Hope y'all enjoyed 😋 This turned out way longer than expected but I had fun writing it so...
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perceptwhore · 30 days
tbh before tfes s2 aired, i thought the season was going to be about the bots working to fight against like tranformer prejudice. like how in s1 they set up the xenophobia most humans have against transformers? remember the LITERAL underground fighting rings humans went to watch bots fight against their will just to get scraps of energon???? like i thought s2 was gonna have the terrans teach decepticons about earth and shit i was so wrong 😭 talking about feelings wont sell toys i suppose
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doom-nerdo-666 · 2 months
I remember someone pointint out the Kraken like creature in TAG1 and an idea i had was Doom's own version of Leviathan being called Leviatron because it's a cybernetic water demon.
Turns out that name is used in Tranformers though DE already takes influence from that series lol.
Edit: NVM that name was in a Transformers FANON wiki, not the series itself lol ignore what i said.
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wastheheart · 2 months
Also like... S.m.eyer completely ignoring Esme's backstory and how Bella's change would have impacted Esme mentally?
Unfortunately for Edward, Esme can remember the entire process of her transformation. Things as minor as grazes healing to more major, painful things, such as her spine and other major bones resetting. Now Edward is witnessing his mate endure what Esme did, and Esme just... has to relive her own tranformation all over again.
And no-one says anything. It's so traumatic for Edward, Bella and Esme. Even more so when they only have each other who fully "get it".
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makoami · 8 months
Since I November I have been trying to watch as many magical anime as a can from oldest to newest because I'm obsessed with evolution. That and I want to do an analysis on how magical anime went from Sally the Witch, to Sailor Moon, to Precure and so on. In addition I' also give my opinion on which ones I enjoyed the most or least. For this post though I'll just go over the 60s and 70s magical girls I've seen. Some elements I'm looking out for in the "magical girl formula" are: 1. Animal Sidekick, 2. Transformation sequence, 3. main romance subplot, 4 saving the day, 5. Special Attacks, 6. Becomes someone older, 7. Becomes an Idol, 8. Magical powers.
First is Sally the Witch - 1966
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Sally the Witch fits into both 4 and 8. She has magical powers, she does end up using them to both pull pranks, make life easier, or save the day. As a show it's pretty good. It reminds me a lot of Bewitched and seemed to be a huge influence. There's a crow character who pretends to be her younger brother in human form but I'm not sure if he counts as an animal sidekick. The anime has a lot dated moments and some I wasn't a fan of. I alsp had a hard time getting used to some of the 60s designs of characters. Unfortunately, I was not able to watch all episodes in order so that was a bummer. Other than that, Sally was a pioneer for more magical girls to come.
I was not able to finds episodes of Himitsu no Akko-chan, Mako-chan or Majokko Tickle but if anyone knows how I could watch some episodes lmk.
Princess Knight - 1967
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I really liked this one and I think this is my favorite 60s anime. The manga is from 1953 so this technically might be the first magical girl. It doesn't follow a whole lot of the magical girl formula but she does save the day. The main character, Sapphire, has a guardian angel name Tink who could sort count as the animal side kick and she has a horse that helps her out on her quest. Sadly I was not able to see the entire subbed series and I am considering just watching the dub to finish the series off. Overall though, this show was very girl boss for the 60s and was genuinely entertaining.
Marvelous Melmo - 1971
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Marvelous Melmo is another show I really enjoyed and made me emotional at times. After Melmo's mom dies in a car accident, she gives her red and blue candy to tranform into someone younger or older. It also gives her the ability to transform into animal. And she does use said powers from the candy to save the day. The show itself was very educational on evolution and human development. I was several episodes in when I realized I was watching a version that was redubbed by a whole new cast of voice actors in Japan, back in 1998. I'm curious to see how the original 70s version was. Aside from that, I highly recommend this one.
Next is Cutie Honey 1973
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Okay, I will be honest, I haven't seen Cutie Honey in a long time and need to re-watch it. If I find anymore elements to the magical girl formula for Cutie Honey, I'll make another post about it. What I do remember is that she does have a transformation sequence, she saves the day, and can also transform into someone older. I think their is an episode where she shape shifts into an old lady. In some ways, her heroic and fearless character reminds me of Princess Knight and I look forward to rewatching the series.
Majokko Meg-Chan - 1974
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Majokko Meg-chan had a lot of similarities to Sally the Witch. Meg is a witch in training, she wants to get better at her magic. In terms of the magical girl formula, she has magical powers and does use them in scenarios to save the day or make life easier. In all honesty this was my least favorite and I couldn't finish the series. The show tries to teach Meg that family is important and that her family in the human world really loves her. But then Meg's younger siblings pull pranks on her...I don't want to go on a tangent because I'm sure there are people who really enjoyed it. It just wasn't for me. I did love the theme songthough, it's so damn catchy.
Hana no Lun Lun - 1979
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Only 3 or 4 episodes were available for me to watch but I really wish I could finish the series. Lun Lun has two animal sidekicks, a talking cat and dog. Due to being the flower child, she is able to use flowers to change into different outfits. I can't remember many episodes where she saves the day but the show does follow the trope of Lun Lun having a kind heart forming friendships with the people she meets.
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chere-indolente · 8 months
Hi!! How did you learn to make maxis match clothes? I would like to start doing it uwu
Hi ! So to be fair I don't remember exactly how I went about starting making CC at the very beginning except from reading tutorials and downloading Sims4Studio but here are the steps I more or less followed in my CC making journey.
First off I was already quite used to some picture editing softwares (namely Gimp and Photoshop) which definitely helped so I would recommend familiarising yourself with one of these.
Then comes the gateway drug to CC creation that are ✨recolors✨. For those you just need S4S and a picture editing software of your choice. Recolors can be quite simple : maybe you just want to change an item's color or add patterns to it. But with a little more editing/drawing skills you can also remove/add some details to the diffuse texture.
Here is a link to a short tutorial for a simple recolor using gimp by @smubuh
To keep the maxis match aesthetic the easiest way to go is to be a 🙌scavenger🙌 : you want to add buttons / belts / lace / embroidery / whatever to your texture ? Steal it from an other Sims 4 item ! Just look at your CAS and BB in game as a catalogue of all the details and textures you could frankenstein onto your project.
Maybe you'll be content with making recolors forever but if like me you start wanting to make something with a shape that doesn't already exist in game or in the CC world out there, you will have to deal with mesh. (the mesh is the 3D shape of the item as opposed to the 2D texture that is applied onto it) Meshing has a steeper learning curve than recoloring for sure so arm yourself with as much calm and patience as you can muster. First you'll need to download Blender, I recommend downloading the same Blender version as the one used in the tutorial you choose to follow because if you're anything like me you'll get lost otherwise. Also use a mouse, the scroll wheel makes moving around in blender so much easier than using a laptop touch pad like I did at the start 🤡.
And now that you have blender and a mouse time to mess around with meshes and for that like everyone I started (and honestly I mostly still stick to it nowadays) by frankenmeshing. Sticking to the frankenstein/scavenger theme from earlier, this is quite similar to what I described with scavenging textures, except this time we're combining meshes aka shapes : see a collar you like on that blouse, a sleeve you like on that dress ? Bam put them together !
For example here is a handydandy frankenmesh tutorial by @deetron-sims
Outside of frankenmeshing other ways to tranform meshes are to inflate and stretch parts of it (want a bigger skirt ? a shorter jacket ? the O key is your friend). And if you want to go beyond what I have you can also learn how to create meshes from scratch.
That being said dealing with meshes is full of surprises (mostly bad ones unfortunately), since you may have to deal with distorted weights, UV1 and whatever else, so it involved a lot of trouble shooting and trial & error. Being part of the S4S forum or the Creator Musing discord can be very helpful when you're at a loss (but always google and search for yourself before going around asking people).
Finally it's important to keep in mind that it takes time to learn how to make CC so don't be too hard on yourself and take breaks when it gets too frustrating. Personally it took me many months to graduate from recolors to frankesmeshing, I had to give up and try again many times before I finally got what I wanted.
Here are some more tutorials and resources :
@myshunosun made this great post about Maxis matched CC : Tips: components of creating Maxis Match objects for The Sims 4
@powluna has great video tutorials for beginners, especially this well rounded one that goes in details throught all of CAS CC creation (from the use of S4S all the way to blender) with neat little chapters so you can watch only the parts that you're focusing on at a time
S4S forum in addition to the S4S software itself this forum provides plenty of tutorials and a CC creator community
The Creator Musing discord is also full of links to various tutorials and resources (and once again a community of peers)
Specifically for Blender :
@ravasheencc's Resources Archive, I remember especially her Blender Basics Video being quite helpful when I was starting out
@surely-sims's Edutainment Lives which you can find on her twitch, mainly focused on Build&Buy CC
PS : I didn't mention the normal/bump map and the specular map because they are very much optional. I honestly didn't use these until a few months ago and even now I don't bother with them most times
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This is what happens after the “What if the Jack, Miko and Raf met Nemsis first” post. This takes place after Nemisis is stopped. Basically, Optimus feels guilty for the scare they faced and wants to check on them.
Optimus watched as Jack was quietly doing his homework. He muttered something to Arcee, though he couldn’t make out what was being said. Eventually, Jack put down his notebook. “That took long enough. Why is art history a class anyways.” He complained to his guardian, who laughed.
“Jack, I was wondering if you want to go for a drive?” Optimus asked, approaching the two of them.
“Sure, I just finished my homework so I’m good.” Jack said.
Optimus transformed and watched carefully for any sign of relucatance or nervousness from Jack.
They drove off.
Jack looked out the window.
“I must apologize for the scare you faced.” Optimus said slowly.
“Is that what this talk is about?” Jack asked, “It wasn’t you so it wasn’t your fault.”
Optimus sighed thoughtfully. “I know how frightened you were. I never wished that for you.”
Jack shook his head and leaned back. “I hated it at first, but I get that it’s part of the job. At first I thought it was because I failed to return your memories and that I did something wrong.”
“Jack, even if you did, it wouldn’t have been your fault. I know you did the best you could and it did work.” Optimus said, a firm tone in his voice.
“Thanks, but really, don’t blame yourself for this.” Jack said.
Optimus watched as Miko was playing her guitar. He saw Ratchet roll his eyes, but fail to hide the small smirk on his face.
He looked away, remembering how scared she must have felt. He went to her.
“Miko, I was wondering if you would want to go for a drive to discuss what happened with Nemisis?” Optimus asked.
There was a slight hesitation in Miko’s voice. “Sure.”
Optimus tranformed and Miko went with him.
“Look, I know I promised I wouldn’t go to that late concert but did anyways, but it’s no big deal and if it helps, Bulkhead already lectured me.” Miko said quickly.
“Is that what you thought this talk was about?” Optimus asked.
“Kinda.” Miko replied sheepishly, “It’s not?”
Optimus chuckled, “No.” His voice turned serious, “I understand you believed that I was Nemisis Prime and that must have scared you; I apologize.”
“It’s not like it’s your fault.” Miko said. “He wasn’t you.”
“Just the same, I never wished for you to feel that way.” He said.
Miko sighed, “I’ll admit, at first I was surprised and upset thinking you didn’t see me as a friend and could betray us like that; but after knowing what happened it was like ‘ it’s not Optimus so it’s not a betrayal’.” She added the last part with a slight laugh.
Optimus relaxed.
“Okay, this should work.” Raf muttered under his breath. He placed his toy car near the home-made ramp. Optimus entered the room and Raf turned to look at him. This caused him to miss.
“I apologize if I startled you.” Optimus said.
“No, I just thought you were Bee coming back from patrol early. I was just playing with my race-car.” Raf said.
Optimus glanced towards the ramp. “I heard from Bumblebee you were working with your race-cars when my double came.” He said this part slowly.
Raf tensed up. “I guess so.”
“I apologize for scaring you.” Optimus replied, “I never wanted you to feel that way.”
“It wasn’t really you.” Raf replied.
Optimus nodded thoughtfully. “What are you attempting to do?”
“Jump the car from one ramp to another.” Raf explained. “I just can’t get the timing right.”
Optimus smiled at him.
“Would you want to try?” Raf asked.
“Alright.” Optimus agreed.
He carefully took the remote and managed to hit the jump right, though the race-car’s tire got caught on the other ramp.
“When I thought it was you,” Raf said slowly, “I was just so determined to fix whatever went wrong. I’m glad it wasn’t really you.”
“I am honoured to have such determined friends.” Optimus replied.
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Kinda upset at Transformers: Rise of the Beasts... Spoilers Ahead, be warned. (Edited bc I'm dumb and forgot the mid-credits scene.)
Firstly, we got very little "beast" action compared to the Autobots. They were there and cool as hell, but we didn't see much of them in their other forms, or fighting, they just helped the plot along. It sucks because they had so much potential, yet we got "they're animals but ooh here look at Optimus, he's got explosions!"
Secondly, I spotted WAY too many Transformers: Prime "references". The giant spire that summoned unicron looked nearly IDENTICAL to Darkmount, the spire that Megatron erected in TFP. It was way too much to be "inspired by" to me. Also, Bee dying trying to save Prime and being brought back by some mystic energy which nobody knew was possible is another thing. (I'm less picky about that on its own but added onto the other things, it was too obvious to not call out.) There were a few more I can't remember, but I knew about halfway through the movie how it was gonna end not because it follows a timeline or was from Micheal Bay, but because it was a mix of both Transformers Prime movies.
The main human character, Noah, wears a fucking CORPSE, which just made me unsettled. Mirage dies giving Noah a suit made from himself. I thought maybe Noah would find a way to bring back Mirage or Mirage's spark would still be alive considering the suit HAS POWER. It still fires the guns and has a jetpack! It was even able to come off easy! I understand Mirage wasn't in the next chronological movie in the timeline, but that felt really cheap and just disgusting to watch. He literally was walking inside a corpse, and when I saw him pat the suit at the end, both I and the people I went to looked at each other in what I can only call shock.
Edit: I was wrong, Mirage wasn't dead, he was alive and I forgot about it. I'm gonna keep that part in because
1. It isn't revealed Mirage isn't dead until the mid credits scene so for a hot minute i was still really weirded out. And 2.I'm bitch enough to admit I was factually incorrect.
He was still wearing a fuckin' coma patient! (Though that's a little better than a corpse.)
The first time Optimus Prime fights Scourge, he gets his ass handed to him. I mean, he gets his ass beat so bad he can't even get up to save Bee. Then in the last fight sequence, he beats Scourge nearly flawlessly. I understand that he was injured because of Noah and Mirage and they both did some damage before Prime got there, but if I told a master of Tai Chi to only use one leg to stand on and let me punch him a few times but to still fuck me up, after I'd hit him, I'd STILL be on the ground in four seconds flat. And Scourge was still able to use his foot (although limited), so there's no excuse other than "plot convenience" and less-than-okay writing. It was messy and felt weak.
And the last twist, the G.I. Joe inclusion... I understand that maybe it was an answer to the question "Where do all the people go after the Autobots don't need them or they move on?" It's not my thing, but it's a nicer explanation than "They go on with life." But if they try to bring G.I.Joe and Transformers together, good luck. I'm into crossovers but that's a lot, and I don't know how much I'd be up to watch that. Maybe I'm in the minority (because the person I went with immediately looked at me with a gaping jaw excited as all hell) but that's gonna be hard to pull off. And given the past few movies, I'm not sure how well that's going to work out.
That being said, I liked a few things.
They make Wheeljack a Hispanic Nerd, which was a nice change compared to the "Rooty Tooty Aim and Shooty Badmouths" that we get a lot of in Tranformers. He was witty and a nerd and a damn "hippie van" and was just overall really cute.
Acree was a strong, independent femme bot who don't need no man. Not trying to point out "feminism shit" to make people mad, just trying to say usually Arcee is pictured with Optimus or some other mech, and she held not only her own, but Wheeljack's as well without seeming aggressive or spiteful about it. She just seemed like a bot who was bright pink, which I enjoyed.
In all, I give the movie a solid "Don't ever do that shit again" 5.5/10. Writing this I've changed my rating from 5 to 6 about four times so that's why it's got a .5.
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gemsofgreece · 1 year
Came across this tiktok and omg the misinformation about Circe is unbelievable. He first starts that she exiled because she k!lled her husband even though it's been said for centuries that we DON'T KNOW why because Homer THE AUTHOR HIMSELF never specifically said it.
Also the relationship between her and Odysseus how they had three children and Odysseus left her "like the good father he is"... Bruh in the Odyssey it is never said that! He was pressured into just sleeping with her for information.
Also all the comments are mentioning Madeline Miller's Circe and NEVER the original book... Homer's Odyssey...
His version follows the events of Telegony, which I dislike anyway, and no authentic versions of it have been found so it wouldn't surprise me if everyone who wrote about it or copied it added a new level of fuckery in it because so little makes any sense in Telegony. He clearly got most of his informantion from there and not the Odyssey.
"She killed her husband but I don't care why, you gotta need an origin story like that she's great" yeah woke Greek myth retelling 101
But it gets me how he just glosses over everything Circe does (murders, tranformations, rapes) and says Odysseus abandons her with three kids, didn't Odysseus leave before he knew about the kids? But even if I don't remember correctly, well, as if Odysseus had not made it 100000000% clear that he wants to go to his home and family since the first day and did not care to have sex with Circe as long as he was not showered with drinks and potions and with all his men being turned to pigs, right?
He spends more time accusing Odysseus for returning to his legitimate family than for Circe killing and forcing others essentially to cannibalism. I mean, he doesn't accuse her at all. And I could totally see a discussion about Odysseus' virtues and flaws as he is a deliciously complex character but at least be fair, man. Don't shit all over the grey mortal character who just tries to survive and side with the sinister witch goddess, because that's what she was. Let's deal with that finally.
Yeah and the funny part is he hasn't read Miller's Circe and everyone in the comments is "Miller explains why Circe did all that". Girl, Miller explains nothing. You can´t fill a hole in a 3500 year old mythology and offer it as valid addition. She imagines. IMAGINES. At best. It´s pure fiction based on ancient literature founded on actual legends and myths. It´s not part of the mythology or the original epic anyway. (Technically Telegony isn't either, as it wasn't part of the Homeric epics.) And quite possibly it wasn´t a hole in the first place. Circe was a witch, an immortal goddess, she did whatever she wanted to do and it had nothing to do with morals or traumatic pasts or whatever.
PS. I am aware of the English pronunciation of Cersei- sorry, I mean Circe, but nothing had prepared me for AEAEA. *Tarzan enters the chat*
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evita-shelby · 3 months
20 questions for fic writers
Thanks for the tag @emotionalcadaver and @darklydeliciousdesires !!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
38 and counting , might make it 39 when i get around to uploading Seeds on there
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mainly Peaky Blinders, House of the Dragon and Masters of the Air, have written for the Inuyasha Fandom, one fic for Black Panther, game of thrones/a song of ice and fire, the Avatar cartoon series, wrote a one shot series for republic commando before i found out the writer is the jk rowling of star wars, tried a batman fanfic one time, did a one shot for pride and prejudice, did a saltburn crackfic and removed from hiatus a Silmarillion and Rings of Power fic
4. Top 5 fics by kudos
Someone will remember us :1261
Between the shadow and the soul: 623
All is bliss (in the court of aemma the great):368
You read me poetry while i wash the dishes: 229
Nothing more difficult than love: 222
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes, will take between 5 seconds or 5 days lol
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
The Knife, a one shot/epilogue for Incantatrice where Eva plans her and Luca's murder suicide after the events of the fic
7. What’s a fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Completed on ao3, Misao of the Fire Nation where Misao and Iroh just elope instead of having the wedding their families wanted. Happiest because the fic itself was pretty low stakes
Between the shadow and the soul is a close second because it ends with Eva arriving in Veracruz with her exile finally over and the series as well. And its a good pay off after a lifetime of drama
8. Do you get hate on fics?
9. Do you write smut?
When the stars and planets align
10. Craziest crossover?
I once tried an x men/starwars/tranformers crossiver when i was 15, it was bad, i deleted it. That year i also did an inuyasha/lord of the rongs crossover
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Also no.
14. All time favorite ship?
Elizabeth Bennett/Fitzwilliam Darcy
My favorite oc x cc ship?
Eva x Jack Nelson followed by Aemma Velaryon x Aemond Targaryen
15. What’s a fic you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
My namor x Eva fic, unless Tenoch Huerta comes back in something in costume i can't erase the thought that he look like my tio in monarchas
16. What are your writing strengths?
Character building!
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Grammer! Descriptions!
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
Depends. Like i have written a fic where the dialogue is entirely in spanish and then made a seperate fic with it English because i was not gonna put translations in the og fic.
I think if it doesn't detract from the story, it should be fine, and your story should be fine if the readers skip it.(i do when its a language i can't speak or read)
19. First fandom you wrote in?
*sophia petrillo voice*: picture this, a bored eighth grader discovers quotev in keyboarding class after reading the outsiders and seen Patrick Swayze as Darry Curtis. It was actually a Sodapop Curtis x oc fic for a friend because they thought he was the hotter brother.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Shock and Delight, the hotd bridgerton inspired aemma x aemond fic
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roffmychest · 4 months
This all happened a few weeks ago but im still really annoyed bout it.
My relationship got outed through my autism (and adhd) diagnosis papers. Also the lady who did my testing sucked
I specifically asked her to leave it out if possible because not only did i not mean to bring it up, but i wasnt out to my mom and since im you know a minor still and live with her, she's gonna read the papers.
And yet here we are. My mom's cool with my relationship (which is very queer and poly btw so thats why the fear was so high) but like thats up there with the worse ways to come out.
For example, there was a part that said "[Name]'s interests are BUBBLE GUPPIES, transformers, and anime"
I have to stress this i only mentioned bubble guppies once as an example of how ive always been accepting of queer people and have always been queer myself cuz i remember shipping the blue hair bubble guppie with the one with glasses as a kid. Also I never even mentioned transformers outside of mentioning how i got one of my partners' dad a tranformer thing as a gift for helping me out with my computer once.
She literally asked me for my friends' names, i gave a few and she said in the most "i believe youre lying and will only accept what i think is true as truth" kinda voice and asked "okay but whats their "real" names" and i literally had to go in the worse circle of a conversation of being like "those are their real names" "but those are just their usernames whats their real names" "those are their real names, we're all very queer. They're not just gonna spill their deadname and even if i knew said deadnames im not gonna tell you" "so you do know them, what are their real names then" (thats a very simplified and summarized ver of what went down but that went on for what felt like 30mins) it was such a horrible loop of a "conversation" was the worst part of those 4 hours
Im just, im so annoyed at all this. Im happy im diagnosed finally but holy crap that was hell and thats not even going into the main assessment shit. Just aaaaaaa
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xxmothangelxx · 2 years
A Discrepancy in Character
TW; violent ideation, all the bad things that comes with exploring Tang Yun
Wanted to write some LiXuan but also wanted to do a Tang Yun character study so I mixed em both to make this 🫂 apologies in advance for the philosophical jargon slightly present, I study it so I should at least try to put it to use lol
Anyway enjoy A Discrepancy in Character – in which Li Ling unknowingly spills his guts to Tang Yun about his new boyfriend and the former is incredibly, bitterly jealous. Do keep in mind this is written from Tang Yun's warped perspective so it isn't fully (if at all) reflective of the actual characters and their relationships 💔
Tang Yun was about ten years old when he realized he was a bad person.
Tang Yun understood this concept, however he also believed in objective good and bad. Perhaps it was because he was raised in a household that valued a vision of perfection and pushed their children to be their very best, but he knew that by any and all personal and societally accepted definitions of good and bad, he was bad.
Some people may argue there's no such thing, that a person's goodness and badness is purely subjective and morality is a man made concept. Just because something is 'bad' to one person does not mean it isn't 'good', good and bad are arbitrary terms that only complicate human behavior. If anything, decision making should be dependent on whether or not a certain ideology or thought process is beneficial to human progress and well being, not whether or not it fits somebody's flimsy definition of 'morally good'.
The day it sunk in was when his brother got confessed to by a girl in their class, this was shortly before their esper transformations so at this point they were just regular kids. They looked dangerously alike to the untrained eye, but to the kids they spent most days of the week with, telling them apart was no impressive feat. Yun had the ashy pale skin, Xuan had the soft tan. Yun was always frowning, Xuan was always smiling. Yun had a neatly done braid whilst Xuan's was always loose from playing around. Yun radiated misery and gloom whilst Xuan radiated fun and adventure.
When the girl confessed, Tang Yun was hidden behind a tree, and watched with wide eyes as his brother raised his hand and shook his head, saying a soft, "I'm sorry, but I don't feel the same way."
He couldn't for the life of him remember who the girl was, but he did remember her being very pretty, and a few of the boys he knew liked her. Tang Yun himself wasn't too interested in her, and yet he still felt an odd sense of anger that it was Tang Xuan that got the confession, not him.
It had always been like that, with Tang Xuan being leagues ahead of his brother no matter how many years went by. Of course it was Tang Xuan who got to be patroned by Sun Wukong, whilst Tang Yun got the stupid macaque, of course it was Tang Xuan who became the esper union's poster boy whilst he was forgotten, of course Tang Xuan's tranformation made him so bright and noticeable whilst Tang Yun's made him look even more grim.
This dynamic continued even after Tang Yun betrayed the Esper Union and joined the Shadow Decree, everyone was so concerned about how his side switching would affect poor little Tang Xuan the angel, not what would have made Tang Yun think to leave anyway. It was always about him, he remembered that girl Tiye always going on about being the center of the universe, but in reality it was Tang Xuan. Everything was always all about him to the point where even he couldn't give less of a fuck how his unstable brother was doing, when Yun was at his lowest and most desperate his brother too busy playing superhero with the rest of the 'big three' to care, it was perhaps a good thing he left the Union before he had a chance to do something drastic to himself or even Xuan.
Damn it all. He hated him.
Which probably explained why he was gnawing at his palm in teeming rage as the man beside him began to talk about him.
He didn't know how it happened, some man with long unruly hair accidently hit him when he slumped down, he said sorry and blamed it on him 'overthinking' something. Tang Yun didn't care, he wanted to go but his anxiety was preventing him from speaking up, the man then began to talk more, about how he recently confessed his feelings to a co-worker and the two were now going steady. He talked about how respected and well loved the co-worker was and how he didn't feel deserving of this relationship. Again, Tang Yun didn't care but the man just wouldn't shut up and kept rambling. He kept his hood up, Hyde had always told Decree members to at least try and stay hidden when out and about, though it seemed Yun was the only member who cared to follow that rule.
It wasn't until the man began rambling about how 'cute' his new partner was that it became relevant to him. He mentioned his long red hair that reminded him of the red lotus flowers his mother had loved, how he was so small and yet so filled with life and energy, how his amber eyes and freckled face made his heart beat fast and his mouth run dry. He went on about how friendly and eager to help people he was, and how everyone loved him for it.
Tang Yun felt his breath hitch, he couldn't be talking about Xuan, could he? Surely not, there were many freckled redheads out there, didn't mean it was...
"Sometimes when he hang out, we get approached by these young kids and they're always like 'Tang Xuan! Tang Xuan!', it's so weird because usually I get so jealous when I'm out with people and that happens, but with him I don't mind... I don't mind anything when it's him," the man said, his hooded seatmate watching in fascination as the fingers of his four surrounding arms twiddled in excitement, "he deserves it, y'know? Other espers – they get all their hype because they're just cool and have powers, but Tang Xuan? He tries, he's probably the most hardworking person I know, how he found interest in my slacky self is a mystery."
Tang Yun supressed a scoff, Tang Xuan was about as hardworking as a snail. He remembered getting better grades than him growing up, but his parents didn't care that their perfect son was behind his classes and their failed one was doing the best because Tang Xuan is just that fucking lovable. It was the same in the Union, Tang Yun would put his all and no one would bat an eye, Tang Xuan would put in bare minimum and everyone would kiss the ground he walked on.
It made him so very angry.
"He makes me wanna be... better, he's the only person to make me feel nervous in his presence. It's weird, even with my old master – who I respected more than a majority of the adults in my life – didn't make me stutter over my words and trip into walls and do all the stupid things that people do when they're... in love, yeah, I'm pretty sure I love him," the man then chuckled, "love... we only just started dating, but I really think it's love."
If so, then Tang Xuan didn't deserve it. That selfish, uncaring, self centered, status obsessed swine didn't deserve any of this. He didn't deserve to have someone love him so deeply that he spills his whole heart to a stranger who hasn't even said a word to him. Tang Xuan, who has never cared about anyone but himself, was now in a relationship with someone who dearly loved him... what did Tang Yun have? The Xie twins to occasionally hang out with? The memories of a time when him and his brother cared for one another?
It simply wasn't fair, why was it always Tang Xuan who got everything? Why did he have the adoration? The fans? The abilities? The looks? The lover? The Tang Xuan that didn't even ask him how he was doing when he was on the the verge of ending it all, the Tang Xuan who stood there as his teachers and parents berated him and did nothing, the Tang Xuan who branded him a villain simply for reaching his limit... he was the one who got all the glory, he was the one who got all the love.
"I remember when I told him I liked him he was like, 'but Li Ling, you have so many admirers! So many women who adore you! Why me?' can you believe it? He really thought he wasn't 'worthy' of me! In reality I don't deserve him... no one does really."
The man – Li Ling, the name sounded familiar but Tang Yun wasn't sure they had ever interacted – was right, but not in the way he meant it. No one deserved to be around someone as unfeeling as Tang Xuan, someone who valued love as little as he did.
It truly made him want to rip the man's throat out and feed it to wild dogs, Tang Yun was the one who valued love of all sorts, he wanted to fall in love and give love and be surrounded by love but no one seemed to fucking want him. It was as if the world was ripping love of all sorts away from him for committing the ultimate crime of existing. He tried, he tried so hard and he always received nothing in return, but Tang Xuan got it all... he always got it all.
Tang Xuan probably didn't love Li Ling the way Li Ling loved him. As he peered from under his hoodie, he looked as the fuchsia eyed esper looked to the ground with softened eyes and soft peach tint to his cheeks. Li Ling was so very much in love, though Tang Xuan could never be capable of loving him like that. Surely not the Tang Xuan who left a girl in tears after she confessed, surely not the Tang Xuan who ignored him ad he was on his knees, practically begging for help, for any sort of closure.
Why did that brother of his get it all?
Li Ling eventually brought out his phone, "speaking of Tang Xuan, he just messaged me – ah, he wants me to come bowling with him, Lewis and Tiye. Might as well, don't got anythin' else to do... oh, my bad for overloadin' you stranger, got carried away... but thanks for listening...?"
Tang Yun paused, Li Ling didn't know him, and his name wasn't spectacular, "Yun." was all he said.
"Alright, Yun! Say, you're friends are real lucky to have such a good listener like you, maybe we can talk again some time, see ya!" And with that, Li Ling got up and floated away.
Tang Yun sat there, thinking over what he had just said, a good listener? No one had ever told him he was a good listener, if anything they always complained that he didn't talk enough. Li Ling though... Li Ling was considerate enough to find the good in his lack of talking, referring to him as a good listener.
Tang Yun eventually got up, holding his hood tightly with a quiet growl. Li Ling was too good for Tang Xuan, and maybe when he eventually kills his brother, the man will realize he did him a favor.
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