#wenclair request
fanficonly · 1 year
Wenclair- "I get paid in favours" -Part 2?
As requested a part 2 to the one-shot. I can't believe how many people enjoyed this lil fic and as a little thank you I thought a part 2 was definitely necessary, might continue on with a few more scenarios they find themselves in but I don't know yet
@paroovian @thatonefurry @paintato @allow-me-to-ruin-that-for-you thought I should tag y'all so you don't miss it... Thanks for your interest
P.S keep in mind the general consensus is that the sequel is never as good as the original
Enid paced back and forth in her dorm room at a rapid speed, fiddling with her hands and occasionally biting at her nails nervously. It was 6:45pm and she had spent the entire day anxiously awaiting 8'O'clock. After agreeing to see Wednesday for her needs, she had used the rest of her time to carelessly consider other options, some of which included running off into the abyss that is Nevermore woods never to return. Others that allowed her to see Wednesday without forcing herself to surpress her urges.
As the full moon approached Enid could feel the wolf inside her, screaming and clawing its way to the surface. And with less than 24 hours to go she grew more impatient and frustrated by the second.
She had been told about a werewolf's uncontrollable nature when going into heat and considering Enid had never had a sexual experience before she knew the feeling would not go away unless she had help. "Medical help" She mumbled to herself over and over and over again. All she needed was suppressants to get her through the full moon so she could continue on in her daily life.
But as the light tick... tick... tick of her wall clock invading her ears, it only seemed to grow louder and louder with each shudder of the hands.
Tick... Tick!... TICK. The noise was incredibly irritating and with Enid's emotions all over the place she couldn't seem to tune anything out.
Complete sensory overload.
She unwillingly found herself bounding towards the noisy device,claws where her hands used to be, and slashing at it aggressively. As she watched the clock fall and break into pieces she growled loudly and began to breath heavy.
This feeling was too intense. Everything in her body began to burn. Images of Wednesday flooding her vision, while she panted in and out, clenching and unclenching her fists restlessly.
The whisper of Wednesday's words ...."Let's see if your bark is worse than your bite" tempted the Werewolf like the last pull of a smokers cigarette before they decided to quit. "Urghhhhh" she groaned to herself and as she closed her eyes slowly a picture of Wednesday lay where darkness should have been. When she opened her eyes her vision was glazed, her panic had not subsided and eventually she completely blacked out...
Enids vision was unfocused and blurry but she noticed she was no longer in her dorm. In fact she was stood outside a different door, arm raised and poised, ready to knock. When she blinked hard to remove the inhibiting fog she finally became aware of her surroundings.
Here she was, standing right outside Wednesday's door, unable to recall how she had got there. She tracked her eyes towards her hand which was in the middle of de-tranforming.
"Oh God" she whispered to herself. Had she really let her wolf control her like that? Enid hadn't even remembered how she made it to this door, but evidently her impulses were in full control at the time.
Clearly, she wanted to be here but this was absolutely terrifying for Enid. Even now she still felt a deep desire to do some incredibly explicit things to the next person she saw, which was a new and undisciplined feeling to her.
But before the wolf could scold herself for being so crass the door flew open, startling Enid out of her dazed state.
And there she stood, Wednesday Addams in all her glory, standing stoic and proper at the door looking at the blonde with a twinge of confusion in her eyes.
Enid noticed immediately the small surgical knife, dripping with goo, in Wednesday's gloved hand and she couldn't help but imagine all the morbid things she had been doing before Enid had arrived.
"I'm-" she started to explain
"Early." Wednesday finished for her. "You're early" she quirked an eyebrow up.
"No I don't even know how I -" she attempted to explain it all away but her curiosity got the better of her and she cut herself off to ask "is that a knife in your hand, what were you doing?" She furrowed her brow in confusion unable to tear her eyes away from the blade in Wednesday's hand. She knew it wasn't for her but it still seemed oddly threatening in her possession.
"It is acceptable. Early means eager and I tend to spar well with an unpredictable opponent" she commended Enid, lightly excited for what was to come, however you wouldn't be able to tell by the look on her face.
"Opponent?" Enid zoned in on that word, imagining herself in a duel with Wednesday to the death.
"My apologies." Wednesday spoke "I meant customers" she stepped back opening the door wider and gesturing for Enid to enter.
"Thanks" Enid mumbled growing more anxious by the second. She walked in stroking at her upper arm as if to hug herself for protection. The feeling settled when she heard Wednesday's voice and immediately turned to embarrassment.
"An hour is a little too eager maybe?" Wednesday's eyes followed Enid's as she walked past her, as if drilling into her head to excavate all her deepest darkest thoughts.
"No no I didn't- I don't even know how I ended up here!" The werewolf stammered out flustered by how desperate she may have looked. She turned to the darker haired girl and held her hands up in defense.
"Fascinating." Wednesday admired the blonde before removing her latex gloves and placing them in her trash can. Enid just scanned the room with curious eyes, clasping her hands together for comfort.
"What were you doing?" Enid continued to search the room and was mortified to see what she could only describe as the graphic murder of a frog, as her eyes landed on Wednesday's desk... Or more accurately her Autopsy Table.
"It's for science" she explained "Also I do so enjoy a fresh corpse for an all revealing autopsy" Wednesday spoke plainly with a twinge of sinister pleasure escaping her tone.
"You're like totally sadistic Wednesday" the blonde squeezed her eyes shut in an attempt to erase the image from her mind before turning away from the crime scene and back to Wednesday's ever-staring eyes.
"Can't argue with that" Wednesday shrugged, not at all fazed by her reaction.
"Umm so ..." Enid rocked back and forth on her heels nervously, waiting for Wednesday to take charge of the exchange.
"Give me a moment to cleanse myself" she said and of course Enid didn't argue. She moved across to the table and removed the items from out in the open, without waiting for an answer.
"Okay" was all Enid said as Wednesday then removed herself from the room, heading for the bathroom. She just breathed deeply to calm the inferno that was currently coursing through her body.
After calming herself, Enid took the opportunity to walk quietly around Wednesdays room, picking up trinkets to examine them and running her hands along the walls that were covered in a collage of strange images. Her body still felt unsettled as she forced her impulses down into a deep dark hole somewhere in her mind but the exploration on Wednesday's room was a nice little distraction for her.
She was startled by a voice very VERY close behind her say "You are a rather invasive Little wolf aren't you?" Enid jumped and let out a small squeak. Wednesdays chin was practically perched on her shoulder with how close she had gotten without Enid being able to realise. 'So much for super human wolf senses' she thought to herself before turning around to meet Wednesday's accusing gaze.
"Sorry I was just ..." Enid smiled innocently moving backwards inadvertently hitting a wall "Curious" she spoke after a thud could be heard from her heels hitting the wood.
"So was I at one point in my life" Wednesday smirked "But then I reached the conclusion that I know exactly what and who I desired" Enid was a bit frazzled by this point. Was that.... Did she just? ... Wednesday Addams seemed to enjoy speaking in riddles or at least sentences that could be left up to different interpretations and honestly Enid wasn't sure she could decipher these with how clouded her state of mind currently was.
"A-and what's that?" Enid asked feeling a little bit like a cornered Animal, with a hunters gun pointed directly at her.
"See" Wednesday observed "So curious' she scanned Enid's face, ignoring the question. Wednesday noticed the wolf's nervousness and as she was not able to determine whether it was uncomfortable for her or not she stepped back to give her some space to breathe. She was of course hoping to tease Enid but that did not mean she had to be so predatory about it.
Enid sighed. Even she couldn't tell if she feared Wednesday or was attracted to her but after that interaction she just cleared her throat and spoke trying to avoid looking too interested. But Enid could not deny the warmth she felt at the closeness and the twinge of annoyance she felt after it had left.
"Do you have what I need?" She asked timidly. She scaled her eyes across Wednesday's body, her mind betraying her with thoughts of what she would look like writhing underneath her.
"Depends on what you came for?" Wednesday smirked again, as if reading her mind and rather proud of the reaction she had received from Enid. The blonde bit her lip to stop herself from giving in and continued to fight the urge to play into Wednesday's little game.
"The suppressants" she nodded, mostly trying to convince herself to agree that that is what she needed. They stared at each other for a moment, Wednesday giving Enid the chance to re-evaluate all of her options before she finally broke eye contact turning away from her.
"So incredibly dull" Wednesday sighed, shaking her head in disappointment. She had been rather charmed by Enid and was fascinated with werewolves in general so for this opportunity to pass by was a troubling concept for her.
"Hey I told you not to say that" Enid spat out still offended at Wednesday's obvious insult.
"I can say whatever I want" Wednesday folded her arms in protest. She wasn't one to keep her opinions to herself and she sure as hell would not let anyone dictate her free speech... No matter how cute they were.
"No you can't" Enid corrected her, somewhat delighted that the conversation had turned sour. Atleast this way the attraction may subside and she could actually focus on not getting to close and personal to the infamous Wednesday Addams. A journey like that is known to be insanely dangerous and Enid was 100% certain she would not survive.
"Care to waver?" Wednesday challenged. Enid took a moment to process what Wednesday had said. The vocabulary she used was so proper and every word had a somewhat disarming aroma around it. It intrigued Enid.
"Could've just said Bet but I'll bite" Enid rolled her eyes and smiled, feeling unnaturally comfortable in a conversation with Wednesday Addams all of a sudden.
"You promise?" Wednesday spoke quietly but the smug look on her face revealed to Enid that she had heard correctly and she let out a breathy chuckle in response.
"what?" She asked anyway anticipating that Wednesday would repeat herself. Did she realise the effect she was having on Enid or was this all just a game for her amusement. Was this even real? Was Enid actually still dreaming right now? What was happening?
"Nothing" she hummed, momentarily allowing herself to be comfortable.
"Bet!" Enid panicked and slashed her hand imitating one of her favourite memes joyfully, attempting to make light of the suggestive conversation. It was extraordinary what her brain told her to do in these kinds of situations, never fails to surprise even Enid herself.
"Why on earth would you do that?" Wednesday asked, leaning back lightly to avoid being karate chopped by the curious girl.
Enid was on the verge of becoming feral and lecturing the other girl on all things social media.. She debated with herself... It could either be a brilliant distraction or a mind numbing task that would surely push her over the edge so she stayed put for now settling on...
"Its a meme like wanna bet but just bet with like the button and- it's funny Wednesday" Enid raised her voice a bit at the blatant disdain the Addams girl had for anything remotely interesting to a normal teenager.
"Debatable" she said "Frivolous nonsense really" she criticized naturally.
"To you maybe" Enid blurted out defensively.
"It should be to most but we spend an alarming amount of time as a society attached to our phone screens like zombies, scrolling through brainless posts and memes as you say" Wednesday spat mocking the word.
Enid just sighed again. There she was. The cold and distant Wednesday she knew and ... Well she knew... Well kind of knew ... Whatever you get the point. But atleast this would deter Enid from jumping her bones.
"Whatever Wednesday. Can I have the pills or not?" Enid decided to just get on with the transaction. No games. No suggestive undertones. No problems.
"You said 8 O'clock" Wednesday raised her eyebrows.
"I know but surely you have-" Enid suddenly panicked and distressed at the idea of having to wait an entire hour before this feeling went away.
"No I do recall the time being 8 O'Clock" Wednesday rubbed her chin and pursed her lips as if to mimick a philosophers thinking face.
The shameless teasing was starting to get Enid worked up and her eyes glowed as she huffed.
"I need them now!" she growled out her fangs appearing effortlessly as she became unable to control the wolf inside her.
"It is not my fault that you're too punctual" Wednesday remarked, barely flinching at the outburst.
"I'm cutting it a bit close as it is Wednesday!" She began pacing back and forth in a worrisome way. "My whole body feels like it's on fire" Enid admitted, gritting her fangs, while clenching and unclenching her fists in an attempt to settle her wolf.
"Well then some even more unfortunate news for you then" Wednesday started and Enid's face weakened at her dull demeanor "My guy is running late so it's more like a 2 hour wait" she clasped her hands together professionally.
"Typical" the blonde grumbled out, her skin becoming itchy and her face faltering with every breath she took.
"Or opportunistic" Wednesday thought aloud, unclear whether this was deliberate or not Enid looked at her with doubt.
"Do I even wanna know?" She asked but before the Seer could answer Enid had doubled over in pain only looking up to bare her fangs towards Wednesday.
"Enid your fangs are captivating" Wednesday stepped forward daringly raising her hand up to Enid's face. She seemed captivated, smitten absolutely entranced by the sight in front of her.
"Again thanks but umm Wednesday I feel all jittery and nervous and helple-" her words wavered as Wednesday ignored her and grasped Enid's chin with her hand, lifting her chin ever so slightly to examine her features.
"I have that effect on people" she stated, while Enid groaned. Wednesday was well aware that her so-called off putting presence was actually rather appealing to plenty of students at Nevermore. She blamed goth culture for this and put it down to mindless mass adoration.
"It's not you it's the full moon" she let out a breathy laugh, watching Wednesday's eyes scan across her face before meeting her own. Although she had acknowledged that realistically she could be having these thoughts about anyone and the fact that it was Wednesday Addams meant this wasn't exactly true.
"Listen if you would prefer to lie to yourself to make you feel better then that's absolutely fine... But I'm almost 100% certain you're also nervous because of me" Wednesday's lips twitched with the threat of a smile as she looked down at Enid.
"Bit full of yourself aren't you" she attempted to snark at her but her words became drowned in a low growl when she felt another sharp pain in her side.
"Not entirely" Wednesday told her honestly "But..." She moved her hand to stroke up the werewolf's cheek and held it in place. Enid's sharp breath slowed as she steadied her breathing and raised her head to look at the pale girl in front of her.
Wednesday guided Enid upwards and she straightened her body, following Wednesday's eyes and letting the girl guide her into a now standing position. Enid's mouth opened as if she was going to speak yet no words came out. She remained speechless at how rapidly the pain had subsided with nothing but a light touch to her cheek from the captivating woman in front of her.
"Feeling better?" Wednesday asked, although it was obvious she knew the answer.
"What was that? What did you do?" Enid asked, taking into consideration that Wednesday was basically a Witch so who's to say that wasn't just something of a spell.
"Nothing" she spoke, uninterested, removing her pale hand from her warm cheek. It was clear to Wednesday that Enid was in denial so she would be patient and let the blonde come to her own conclusions.
"That wasn't nothing Wednesday the pain just completely disappeared!" Enid was shocked at the own volume of her voice but she couldn't help it, she was absolutely baffled.
"Again I did nothing, no spells, no remedies just good old fashioned healing properties of contact to an animal experiencing touch withdrawal" she explained but Enid still stared at her accusingly "In fact it won't last long you should be experiencing the same discomfort in about 3-2-1 ..."
And of course on cue she kneeled over in agony "Ahhhh" she screamed, followed by a harsh and loud growl as her claws shot out aggressively. "Wednesday what are you doing to me?!" She strained out, pleading up at the Addams Girl.
"Enid... It perplexes me how little you know of your own species" Wednesday scolded her instinctively.
"No I know werewolves have a chance of going into heat before a full moon but Its not suppose to hurt-urhhh- this much is it?" Enid questioned her, while still clutching at her sides.
"Only when denying yourself the touch of someone who is as alluring as I am I'm sure" Wednesday smirked again and Enid bit her tongue to avoid outing herself further.
"You didn't get told about this and you didn't have any surpressants? Do you even have anyone who teaches you these things honestly it's-" Wednesday was about to lecture Enid on her own species, she had had a fascination with werewolves and thier behaviour ever since she was a little terror.
"Fuuuuck ow! Touch me again" Enid groaned out cutting Wednesday off and inching forward. She couldn't help it the pain was unbearable and it wasn't like she wasn't attracted to the Addams girl. In fact the truth was she knew exactly why her wolf had guided her to Wednesday and it sure as hell wasn't for pills.
The words came out much more sexual than she had intended and this was clear when the raven haired girl's eyes went wide before a smirk grew on her face once again.
"Excuse me?" She tilted her head, still unfazed by Enid's pain, although it did disparage her to admit she wasn't enjoying it like she usually would. Torture was a topic Wednesday was an expert in. But when she was not inflicting it herself and the innocent girl in front of her was not only beautiful but didn't deserve it, it was less appealing to her sadistic side. Enid also fell under the rare list of people Wednesday didn't intend to bring any harm to at Nevermore, so she couldn't even enjoy this.
"Touch me!" She growled out harshly, baring her fangs and lunging towards Wednesday with ferocity.
Wednesday moved swiftly to the side, allowing Enid's claws to narrowly miss her face as she reached the side of her. But in one brave move Wednesday caught the werewolf around the waist, spinning them both around and moving her back into her arms.
Enid gasped at the movement, mouth slightly open in shock, her arms still lightly swinging at her sides as her whole body untensed at Wednesday's touch.
"Gladly." Wednesday whispered holding Enid in place.
Enid took sharp, shallow breaths panting as she looked into Wednesday captivating eyes. She only looked away when she felt Wednesday cold fingertips grazing lightly up her forearm. Her thoughts turned primitively crazy but her body completely settled as her eyes followed Wednesday's hand.
"This is such a bad idea" she visibly gulped, but there wasn't a single urge in her mind, body or soul that wanted to remove herself from Wednesday secure grip.
"Exhilarating though isn't it?" Wednesday pulled Enid closer with a light tug and in response she moved her arms up to wrap them soundly around The other girls neck. "Now watch this" she whispered softly against Enid's lips before closing the gap between them with no resistance from the werewolf.
Their lips collided in a passion filled frenzy, Enid's hands travelling around Wednesdays body gripping at her clothes, feral with the other girl's touch and letting her impulses take over.
Wednesday smiled into the kiss, infatuated with the idea of Enid desiring her to the point of self destruction, only pulling back to ask "Are you sure?" Out of respect for the werewolf.
The absence of Wednesday's lips caused Enid to blink out of her amorous state and pant breathlessly. Wednesday stared at her awaiting confirmation of consent.
"Yes I'm sure" she nodded frantically absolutely infatuated with how incredible it felt to finally kiss Wednesday.
"Because I was just teasing-" Wednesday tried to give further information and the opportunity to change her mind.
"Wednesday" Her own name sounded melodious to her ears,coming from Enid's mouth.
"Yes little wolf" she allowed a small reassuring smile to grace her lips.
"Touch me" she connected their lips again, finally allowing herself to fully submit to her animalistic urges with none other than Wednesday Addams. WEDNESDAY FREAKING ADDAMS.
Hope y'all enjoyed 😋 This turned out way longer than expected but I had fun writing it so...
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kisakisaxo · 2 years
Last chapter. <3
I'm very much in my Wenclair hyperfixation era, so if you have a fic idea/request you wish to see don't be afraid to reach out! The worst I can do is politely pass, but I am also sometimes easily inspired by a request, so you never know!
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gufaspins · 24 days
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Now this is the last one I post for now xD
Wenclair request made on one of my streams on my Twitch
Hope you like it xD <3
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kaereth · 1 year
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Beauty and the Beast AU Wenclair for a kofi! Reading together in the library :> Feat. Me actually kinda going for Enid's canon werewolf for once (bg is edited from the disney movie!)
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temporary-tats · 7 days
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(click for hi-def pic)
Netflix please let Enid beat the shit out of Tyler again in Season 2 🙏(AND LET EMMA DO HER OWN DAMN WEREWOLF STUNTS THIS TIME)
Per usual, do not reupload without credit/permission. Thanks folks!
(My ko-fi, should you wish!)
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shortstrawberry · 9 months
A wenclair AU where Enid leaves Wednesday once school ends because she feels responsible towards Sinclair Clan. Six years later, they meet again. Enid is now the Sinclair family leader and has some regrets.
Enid couldn't believe her eyes when she saw her highschool girlfriend at the next pack meeting. She had called up a meeting of all supernaturals for discussion of recent attacks. She didn't expect Wednesday to be representing Addams family. Even if she had secretly hoped to.
Wednesday was surprised to see this new, more mature side of Enid. The blonde was no longer a spindly girl. She was now a well-built young woman. Enid's hair was longer, still dyed in pinks and blues. But she now wears them in a top knot. Wednesday suppressed the urge to unite that knot.
Enid to this day regrets what she did. If she could go back in time, she would tell her teenage self that Sinclair name is not worth sacrificing your life time mate for. Yes, Wednesday is her mate for life. She just realised too late.
Wednesday could sense Enid's desperate eyes on her, begging for another chance. However, Wednesday has her pride and dignity. But deep down, she is really scared of Enid leaving her again. It is better to not love again, rather then be betrayed again.
Enid is not giving up this time. She is no longer the runt of the Sinclair pack. She is the damn leader, who can finally get what she wants. She knows it's selfish of her, to choose Wednesday when it's finally convenient for her. But she will spend her life groveling before her dark mistress's feet to make up for it.
Wednesday pretends to ignore every bouquet of hemlocks and belladonnas Enid sends her way. She ignores every lethal gift Enid sends her. She is honestly quite surprised that Enid is this time courting her the Addams way. However, it is too little, too late now.
Enid with time grows desperate. She knows, she knows Wednesday still loves her. The mating bond she and her have just cannot be broken like that. But the way Wednesday reacts so nonchalant towards her attention, Enid feels doubt creeping in. Does she have to resort to drastic measures now?
Got any prompts or headcannons you want me to write? Drop your request in my ask box!
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stories4thepack · 8 months
Wednesday’s rules:
If they stand behind you, respect them. If they stand against you, defeat them But the person standing beside you:
That would be Enid Sinclair
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ttcwf11 · 2 years
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Haven’t watched the show yet but Enid is cute
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kingofscoops · 2 years
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✨ kingofscoops 3k follower celebration ✨
@wednesdayadddms requested 🎨 Wenclair + Purple and Yellow
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kulai · 1 year
For the wenclair ideas: them dancing to ABBA and Willa kinda loving it? Maybe it's Wednesday's super dark secret that she enjoys them, or maybe her whole family listens to them and she just doesn't get that they're so sugary bc they're a family tradition??? What are you talking abt?????
Also maybe Enid introduces them to her and she REALLY doesn't wanna admit it but she's really enjoying their music like ">:( I love this"
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i know i couldve just used mama mia! stills but im in a cmbyn slump so... loosely based on this fic!!
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midnightbluebells03 · 4 months
⋅˚₊‧ ✶ ‧₊˚ ⋅ WIPS ⋅˚₊‧ ✶ ‧₊˚ ⋅
Smut - 💋
Fluff - 💌
Angst - 🖤
Request - ✨️
Requests are open!!
Two steps ahead - currently 4 chapters posted on AO3 - 💋💌🖤
Pretty girls sequel - when Bianca has some choice words for the couple during a night out Wednesday can't help but wonder if anything had really changed - 💋💌🖤✨️
1 time & 3 times - prequel to near life experience - how they made the rules and how they bent them afterwards - 💋💌🖤
You just want to fight so you can touch me - when Kit increases the amount of sparing she wants Jade can't help but wonder way - 💋💌
Abby x reader
Basketball Abby - what better way to take out her frustration after losing a game than on you? - 💋💌
'Just friends' Abby - revisiting the lake you two use to hang out in during high school can't stir up any feelings...right? 💋💌✨️
Covered in his flavour - 'when you're lost in the darkness look for the light', the light peaking out from under Abby's dorm room door. A silent plea for you to make her believe in more than just sin. 💋💌🖤
Ellie x reader
Based on Crush by Ethel Cain - comming home for summer break to find a new face in your neighbourhood - 💋💌
Streamer Ellie hc - 💋💌
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Prompt: wenclair sleepy time
Thank you for the fic request, drunkenbartend! It's a lot shorter than my previous fics but I hope y'all enjoy!
Dinner Time
The sun had just set when she finally arrived home. Wednesday groaned as her back cracked satisfyingly, her coat discarded to the nearby chair. The kitchen light was on and there was some rustling, sounds of pans and bowls being put down. Wednesday hummed as she smiled a small smile, silently creeping into the kitchen. Her body was beat after today's hectic schedules with both her work as the town's head detective and the publishing company's insistent demand on her next installment's draft. She was close to being the murderer. Again.
"Baby!" Enid smiled as she looked up from where she was cutting some carrots. Her wife looked radiant and it was enough for her to slump against the warm, fuzzy sweater clad body of the blonde. Enid giggled as she wrapped her arms around the shorter woman's waist, Wednesday sighing contentedly as she burrowed her head at the crook of the taller woman's neck.
"Busy day, honeybee?"
"Mhmmm, stop calling me that," Wednesday replied softly as her eyes slowly dropped. The tiredness of the day was starting to hit her full force and she wanted nothing more than to crawl into bed with Enid and sleep until she doesn't feel like stabbing people.
"Hmmm," she felt her wife's eyes on her, "Dinner can wait. Let's go to bed."
Wednesday snorted, "Cara Mia, I thought it was food before sex?"
"That's not what I meant!" Enid squealed, her face coloring pink, "I meant you need rest, silly. You look like a zombie and no, we are not going to the cemetery to take a picture. Not now, anyways."
Wednesday pouted at her wife's statements which made Enid grin, "Alright, sleepyhead. Let's get you to bed."
She started to pull out from the hug when Enid grabbed her elbow. Raising a brow, Enid merely smirked and lifted her up until she was carried like a sack of rice on the blonde's muscular shoulder.
"Next stop: the bedroom! Chuu chuu!"
Her head hit the soft pillows as Enid not so gently dropped her on their king sized bed. Having no energy to snap at the blonde without sounding like an immature teenager, she mustered all the energy she had to glare at her smiling wife.
Enid leaned down as she placed a soft kiss on her gloomy wife's forehead. "Rest. I'll wake you when dinner is done."
"Stay. With me."
"But dinner-"
Enid sighed as she used her werewolf speed to quickly turn off the appliances unless they wanted their house on fire. Again.
Wednesday smiled as she snuggled deeper into her human heater as the day's tiredness bled away.
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kisakisaxo · 2 years
I was hesitant to write/post a Wenclair fic as I was afraid I wouldn't do the characters justice, but it is surprisingly well received and the comments people leave on ao3 are so fucking sweet wtf. T-T
As such, I'm definitely going to write at least one more. Not sure what exactly the vibe is yet. Possibly more of what their lives would be like in year 2/3 with the start of their new relationship? I'm just such a slut for slow burn slice of life shit I can't help it. >.<
Thank you to those who sent requests! I'm still muling over some ideas. Please feel free to submit more small Wenclair moments you'd like to see.
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celticwolf55 · 4 months
Chapters: 3/5 Fandom: Wednesday (TV 2022) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Wednesday Addams/Enid Sinclair, Gomez Addams/Morticia Addams Characters: Wednesday Addams, Enid Sinclair, Gomez Addams, Morticia Addams, Pugsley Addams, Pubert Addams, Lurch (Addams Family), Fester Addams Additional Tags: Soulmark AU, Denial of Feelings, Mutual Pining, Enid Sinclair is a Ray of Sunshine, Bad Parent Esther Sinclair (Wednesday), Good Parents Gomez Addams and Morticia Addams, Wednesday Addams is Soft for Enid Sinclair, Enid Sinclair Loves Wednesday Addams, Wednesday Addams is Bad at Feelings, Feelings Realization, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, The Addams Family Adopts Enid Sinclair Summary:
Wednesday had thought that the hug after killing Crackstone was the end of the affection she would need to show. It certainly used up her quota for the foreseeable future.
Waking up with the soulmate tattoo that she'd been trying to avoid getting, since she was old enough to voice thought... somewhat derailed that plan.
Now she's saddled with the werewolf embodiment of a rainbow; and it would reflect very poorly on her capabilities, if she allowed said girl to experience any less than the worst she could offer.
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kaereth · 1 year
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Another wenclair kofi - this time Little Mermaid AU!
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temporary-tats · 5 days
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A bees wedding ko-fi request! Thank you for your support <3 Based on a previous bees wedding piece of mine! Adored getting to draw it again cause I really loved that piece. Pose ref below the cut! Per usual, do not reupload without credit/permission. Thank you folks! (My ko-fi, should you wish!)
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