#like so fluffy i get diabetes
valyrie630 · 3 months
using arcade at the end was just pure evil
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wosoamazing · 3 months
Summary: You join arsenal and move in with Beth and Viv, you're nervous how everything will go, but ultimately it was perfect
Warnings: Diabetes, Hypoglycaemia, Glucagon shot, let me know if anything else.
A/N: Just a bit of a cute fluffy fic, I tried to get everything right medically but IDK if it is perfect. I hope you like it. If I did get something wrong let me know. Also as always happy to do part 2s if requested but pls add some detail on what you want to see.
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You were originally going to move in with Leah however the Medical Team said it would be best for you to live with two people, so you moved in with Beth and Viv, you were very nervous as to how they would perceive you, and whether they would be accommodating of your diabetes or not. You knew the medical team had discussions with them and that the club had forced them to do the emergency training for really bad lows and highs, what you didn't know was that they asked the club if they could find them some more training courses, they had done just about everyone single one, from how to use a Dexcom and an Omnipod as these were the devices you used, to how to live everyday life with diabetes. 
So when you turned up to their house you were very surprised to see some snacks sitting out on the bench, each with a piece of paper next to them, with the amount of carbs in them. They had really gone out of their way to help you settle in and make your life easier.
“Um, we have something to show you.” Beth said, kind of hesitant, you followed them over to a cupboard, “Um, it might be a little silly but this is for you,” she said as she opened the cupboard. It was empty other than some shelves, and draws, some organisation baskets, a mini fridge and a basket full of lollies. “There are some juices in there, we didn’t know what flavour you liked so we bought a pack of each, if you don’t like a flavour that's okay, we also got you these, they are all 15g of Carbs each, um but we can buy anything else you want or prefer, and um we thought you could put all of your supplies in here so they are organised and there is even a label maker so we can label the draws and stuff if you want oh and this is for you I suppose.” She said as she picked up a phone, it was a brand new iPhone 15 “it's more for the club, they were originally going to by you a android but we told them you wouldn't use it so yeah, the idea is we connect it to you sensors as like an additional device, so that everyone has access to your levels, so like at night we will keep it beside our bed so if anything happens we are alerted and during games the medical staff will have it and during training I think Kelly is mainly going to have it.” you nodded knowing you couldn't speak, the kindness of both women, and seeing how much they more cared and were going to 100% help you caused you to become emotional you felt a single tear roll down your face, causing the pair to panic lightly “You could have a cupboard somewhere else if you wanted or we could show you, your bedroom, it's pretty bare but we had plans to take you shopping so you could decorate it and make it your own,” another tear roll down your face, “are you okay, did I say something wrong? Did I do something wrong?” you shook your head “th-thank you” Beth pulled you in for a hug “it's nothing really” but it was something it was everything, it was perfect. You spent your day moving in. 
You set up the cupboard first, you drew a plan of where everything was going to go, detailing it before everything started to get put into the cupboard. Your plan worked very well and the cupboard was very organised and practical. Viv thought it was quite cute, she was going to like this side of you very much. Once you had set up the cupboard you got to go shopping, first you went to the homemaker centre, buying some bedspreads, pillows, and decorations from multiple different shops, to make more room in the car you had to do a pit stop at home, chucking it sll through the front door, before heading back out for lunch, it was the first time Beth and Viv had experienced eating out with Diabetes, well even just eating and diabetes. You were very well practised at it, and helped Beth and Viv learn, showing them how you did everything, you taught them how to estimate carbs, but that differently needed practise on their end, you also showed how you can either your phone or your pod controller to set up the insulin delivery and you even pricked their fingers to test their levels for fun, you liked how they weren’t over cautious about it and how they weren’t treating you differently, and also the fact that they didn’t see it as annoying, really you just liked everything about them. You then went to IKEA to get a desk, a chest of drawers and some other items for your bedroom. Once you got home you set up your room, you were putting your clothes away when you were interrupted by Beth and Viv calling you down for dinner.
“Stuffed capsicums!” You yelled as you walked into the kitchen.
“Inside voice,” “Vivvy, it’s cute, your parents told us they were one of your favourites and we thought after the lunch we had today they would be a good choice, how many do you want?”
“Two please, thank you,” “you’re welcome, if you want we can sit on the couch and watch a movie.” you nodded your head before making your way over to the couch.
“Come in,” Viv said after you knocked on the door, her face dropped when you opened the door and she saw your red puffy eyes, and tear stained cheeks. You had been crying because you were so relieved and happy, and you wanted to thank them again.
“Kleintje, is everything okay?” Viv asked, causing Beth to pop her head out of the bathroom mid teeth brushing, the sight of you caused her to quickly move back to the bathroom rinsing out her mouth before pulling you in for a hug.
“T-thank you, for everything, it was perfect, you didn’t have to do any of it”
“Of course Kleintje,” Viv walked over to the two of you joining in the hug.
“We want you to feel welcomed and comfortable, it is now your house too. But please if you need us for anything at all you can come wake us up, our door is always open.” 
“Figuratively, not literally” you giggled slightly at Viv’s comment.
“Let's all go to sleep. Hey. We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow” Beth said.
Your second day was a training day, you Beth and Viv arrived early, as you had a few meetings, the first one was with Jonas and Kelly, about everything but also your diabetes, then the medics and some other people, Beth and Viv came with you to all of them. As you sat in the tactical session, you sipped on your apple juice popper as you listened intently, trying to ignore Beth and Steph’s talking, you were one to think tactics were a major part of the game, something else Viv would come to like. You then had a short gym session and then it was lunch, everyone was wondering what it was going to be, you already knew but decided not to tell them, you had been given the menu for the week, to select some things that you would want, so that they could make up a plate for you, ensuring they could tell you the exact amount of carbs. You walked in to find your plate sitting on the bench next to all the other food, it was a chicken burger, on wholemeal bread rather than a burger bun, you also had some snacks. There was a piece of paper next to it that had your name on it and the amount of carbs in each item, including each item of the burger. You picked up your plate and walked over to Beth, who pointed to the table she usually sat at, so you sat down there, waiting for her and others to join you, Kelly soon walked in with your kit, which you accidentally forgot at the meeting, you took it from her gratefully and she told you what would be happening in training so you had some idea of how much you needed to adjust your insulin. You picked up your phone and checked to see what it said your sugars were at, your phone said your sugars were at 90 which was perfect considering your target range was between 80-100, you were unzipping your kit when some of the team came to sit down, Beth sat next to you, Steph, Katie, and Caitlin also sat down. You pulled out your lancing device and pricked your finger, using your metre to confirm your reading before putting the units you needed for the burger into your pod controller.
“Do you mind us asking?” Katie questioned what you were doing.
“Um, I have diabetes, I was diagnosed when I was two, but it means that I have to manually control my blood sugars. My body doesn't do it at all, so I have to calculate the insulin I need for when I eat," "Right,” she nodded her head.
You had a few hiccups with your diabetes since living with Beth and Viv, but nothing major, however that was going to change. It was the 60th minute and you felt your body start shaking, the medics hadn’t called a paused or called you over and even thought you felt funny at half time your levels were normal, if anything slightly high, but you knew you were low, not only was your body shaking, but your brain hurt and felt foggy, you were also struggling to not fall over. You knew you needed to get off the pitch soon, before you passed out. A corner gave you the perfect opportunity to tell Beth you were low, you walked up to her, she looked at you confused and concerned.
“L-Low” you managed to say to Beth before you collapsed forward on her, she lowered you to the ground and the ref immediately blew the whistle, the medical team was on the pitch immediately, players from both teams were starting to form a huddle around you, trying to protect you from the media.
They were checking your sugars, as Beth got a Glucagon shot ready, she was ready to go when she got the nod of approval from the medics. Beth injected the shot into you and you were immediately rolled onto your side by the medics, waking up just moments later, in a panicked state, sitting up. 
“It’s okay, you passed out from being low, we had to give you a Glucagon, but it’s okay, you’re going to be okay.” Beth said as she rubbed your back.
“S-sta-stay?” you managed to get out eyes wide open with fear.
“Go with her, I’ll tell Jonas,” Beth nodded.
Viv met you and Beth in the medical room, she sat on a chair while Beth sat on the bed with you, you were given some gummy bears as well as an apple juice popper, to try and elevate your levels, you were still shaky and sweaty but your vision was completely clear and the medics and paramedics cleared you, which meant you didn't have to go to the hospital, but Beth and Viv had very strict instructions to take you to the hospital if certain things happened, such as seizures, loss of consciousness and others. 
“Do you want to go home now Kleintje?” you nodded as you ate a gummy bear.
You were very nervous for your first camp, for how the staff would handle your diabetes but more so the team. The last game you played for Arsenal was the one you passed out during. You visited your endo after that incident and he had recommended putting tape over your sensor and pod when you played. The sensor had slightly pulled out during your arsenal game and so it wasn't actually reading your blood sugar.
It was your first training session and Beth had helped you, with the supervision of the medical team, put tape around your arms covering your sensor and pod, it was so you could get used to the feeling of it before your first game. You weren't required to have tape over your sensor and pod during training as you had frequent breaks which you could be checked during.
As you warmed up with Lauren Esme and Niamh, Ella and Alessia walked over to you.
“Why do you have tape on your arms?”  Ella asked. “Ella you can't just ask that” Mary said as she walked over with Beth, who had overhead the question, so she stood behind you placing her hands on your shoulders. “You don't have to tell them.” Beth whispered in your ear, you did want to tell them but you weren't sure you wanted to tell them right now.
“Oh um,” you were saved by Sarina calling the team over. While Sarina talked one of the medics came over to you, she handed you the phone and you saw your reading, being nodding and sticking your hand out to her, hoping that somehow in the non contact warm up the sensor had moved and that reading wasn't true, as if it was you most likely weren't going to get to do training this morning. You were handed a small container filled with 6 sour worms which told you the reading was true, you opened the container and started to eat them while Sarina kept talking.
“Why don’t we get sour worms?” Ella whined.
“Because you’re not special enough.” you inform her, causing everyone to break out into laughter.
“I like her,” Millie said as she high fived you. Sarina ignored all the commotion, she was obviously used to it and just continued talking. “Y/N could I just talk to you quickly?” she said as you and the girls started to disperse, you nodded and walked over to her.
“Sorry Sarina. I didn’t mean to-” “No, that's not what I wanted to speak about but I appreciate the apology. I wanted to talk to you about telling the girls, is it something you would like to do?”
“Um, yeah I think, I just don’t know how to tell them and like I don't want them to think of me differently”
“That's okay, I think sooner rather than later would be better, maybe today during dinner? During the announcements. Becky could help you, or even Beth or anyone you wanted, I could even just tell them and we wouldn't need to discuss it if you wanted.”
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astrophileous · 8 months
A little fluffy piece of reader who normally takes her coffee black vs Spencer having a ton of sugar in his? The two of them getting their drinks mixed up and almost spitting it out at the pure amount/lack of sugar? 🤭
OMG I was actually planning to include a similar scene in one of my upcoming oneshots, but you know whattt!!! I'll write them again here anyway bcs it's such a cute concept 🥰
Warning(s): gn!reader but reader wears lipgloss, profanities, fixation over lips, bashful spencer bcs he's my babygirl <3
This blurb was written as a part of the "Zara's Birthday Bash and Road to 1K" celebration.
Zara's Birthday Bash and Road to 1K Masterlist / Criminal Minds Masterlist
"What the fuck?"
Spencer strode over just in time to see you spitting something out into the kitchenette sink. There was no concealing the disgust on your face as you eyed the cup in your grasp suspiciously.
"Hey." Spencer's voice tore through the air in a shaky ball of nerves. It sounded meek amidst the buzzing busyness of the BAU bullpen, yet still, you snapped your head up as soon as the single syllable left his mouth.
Your eyes instantly melted when they flickered towards his face.
"I think our drinks got switched," Spencer added, a little louder this time.
Your gaze played a tennis match between the identical cups in both your hand and Spencer's. The grimace you rewarded him in the next second was possibly the cutest thing Spencer had seen in the past few months.
"This is yours? That explains so much. Ever heard of diabetes, Dr. Reid?" you joked as the two of you returned each cup to its rightful owner. "What the hell is in that, anyway?"
"Um, coffee?"
"Right." You rolled your eyes. "I may know practically nothing compared to you, Doctor, but I know for a fact that was not coffee. Tell me, how many sugar canes had to be chopped down to satisfy your abominable preference of sweetness?"
"It's not that bad."
"Not that bad? Do you even know what real coffee tastes like?"
Before he could produce a reply, you suddenly thrust the cup of coffee in your hand right in front of Spencer's nose. The man staggered rearwards until his back met the wall with a thud.
"What are you doing?"
"Try it," you said sheepishly.
"Try the goddamn coffee, Reid."
Spencer didn't actually need to try the goddamn coffee. After all, he knew your order like the back of his hand: iced americano with an extra shot of espresso, maybe one pump of syrup if you were feeling adventurous. He could already imagine how revolting the drink would taste.
But as you continued to peer at him behind your lashes, eyes twinkling with mischief and lips glossy from your favorite cherry lipgloss—the limited edition one that you had proudly boasted about in front of the entire team—Spencer could feel his IQ depleting in a rapid descension. He accepted the cup without a word and took a courageous sip.
"Well?" you questioned expectantly.
"Please don't force me to do anything like that, ever again."
Laughter exploded deep from within your chest when Spencer shoved the coffee back into your awaiting hand. He didn't have a lot of time to mull over the nauseating bitterness, however. Not when you proceeded to wrap your own lips around the lid—the same one he was just drinking from—and downed a generous sip.
Spencer averted his gaze away.
"Hey." JJ peeked into the pantry area, unaware of the rush of blood and inner turmoil that Spender was battling. The blonde waved the file in her hand before gesturing at the conference room. "We've got a case. Hotch wants everyone in five."
You skittered away after JJ's announcement, leaving Spencer dumbfounded and pathetically bothered by the image of your enticing lips. He followed after your footsteps, leading himself towards the conference room where the rest of his team was gathering. He drank a large sip from his own coffee to calm his racing heart, unaware of the reddish stain in the shape of your lips marking the area around the lid of his cup.
For the rest of that day, Spencer could taste traces of cherry on the tip of his tongue.
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russellsppttemplates · 2 months
hi, hope u have a nice week ahead!!
could u write a charles leclerc x reader where theyʼre super close with one of their friends, and that friend has a baby, and charles and reader are SO protective of the baby and they get asked to be their godparents and its all fluffy?? tysm tysm!!
Note: thank you 🫶 hope you have a lovely week too!
"I can take Marta for her appointment", you offered as the boys seemed to be discussing some plans but an appointment was proving to get in the way, "you don't mind?", Riccardo asked.
"I don't, and if it's fine with you and her, I'm fine too - isn't she doing the glucose test? They just make her chug a sugary juice and then she has to wait it out to check for gestational diabetes - good company is always nice for those", you added.
"I owe you one, Y/N", Riccardo said after Marta said she didn't mind going with you instead of him, "yes, you do!".
"Hey little angel", Charles said as he held the first baby of his friend group in his arms, smiling at her chubby cheeks, "you have such a cutie face, don't you?", he cooed, "Oh, there comes the nurse, and from what I heard she's coming to give you some medicine, but it's okay, I'm going to let you get to your papa again so he can cuddle you after", he smiled.
"She's so cute", you cooed to Charles as you let the medical staff do what they needed to do, "she is", Charles kissed your forehead.
"They're all being really loud, aren't they?", you cooed at the three week old baby on your arms, "you'll learn in due time that it is always like this - so much excitement, fun and joy, and now that you're here, even more", you caressed her soft cheek with your finger, "another thing is that there are so many of us you'll always have someone to protect you, to take care of you, to defend you when your mama and papa say you gave them a hard night - I'll always be in your corner, petite fleur", you kissed her forehead.
"That I don't doubt", Marta said as she stepped inside the nursery, "didn't mean to spook you, but I needed to pump some milk out", she said as she sat down on her big comfy chair, turning the pumps on, "if you want to hold her that's fine - I just took her here because she was fussing, I figured it was from the noise", you explained.
"She looks perfectly content on your arms, I'll get my cuddles later", she smiled, seeing how gentle you were with her, recalling the conversation she had with Riccardo just the night before about who should be their little girl's godparents.
"Come here, little angel, uncle Charles has got you", Charles said as he held the little girl, kissing her cheek multiple times and adjusting the hat on her head so the sun wouldn't bother her eyes before he reapplied her suncream, "can't have my favourite princess looking like a little lobster, can I?", Charles spoke to her, getting a few giggles out of her.
"We actually wanted to talk to you two", Marta began, "we never know what life throws at us, and we want to make sure if something unexpected happens, our daughter is in good hands", she added, "We would love for you two to be her godparents", Riccardo wondered.
"Really? Absolutely, guys!", Charles said, kissing his now goddaughter's cheeks again before setting her on your lap so he could hug your friends while the little girl fiddled with the charms on your necklace, "are you happy, baby? Happy happy happy!", you cheered, kissing her chubby hands as she palmed your face.
"Thank you, it's such an honour", you said to Marta and Riccardo.
"We wouldn't trust anyone else - the way you are with her, the way you love her, everything", they smiled.
(Thank you for sending this in ��️)
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softstarlite · 3 months
Bathing In Love
A Joel Miller One Shot
Joel Miller x f!reader
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Warnings: age gap implied, fluff everywhere, so sweet you'll get diabetes, sexual talk but not smut, baby presence. (reader is you amor, so just sit and enjoy ;-) )
Rating: +18 (not explicit)
Word Count: 3k
A/N: so here it is! My Joel fluffy one shot, to be honest this is very self-indulgent haha. I'm not completely sold on the title I came up with but I wanted to publish it so whatever. Hope you guys like it as much as I do. I wanna see if anyone realises what I did with Tommy's daughter's name ;-)
Dividers by @saradika
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A deep and raspy “sweetheart” is the first thing you hear when sleep starts to leave your body, you can feel a heavy arm around your midsection and a scruffy beard scratching the back of your neck. You let out a sleepy groan and hide your face on your pillow from the bits of early light coming through the curtains making the already fully awake man behind you chuckle.
“We need to get up sweetheart” you feel the peck he leaves on your naked shoulder. You normally didn't have this much trouble getting up but the same man that was now waking you up had also made you stay awake till very late at night, moaning his name and the one´s above again and again.
“Let´s say we're sick and stay here all day” it's the first thing of the day to come out of your mouth with still so much sleep in your voice that's also slightly muffled by the pillow your head is resting on. You feel him rub your hip and his face buried on the back of your neck shaking from side to side.
“Now, you know why that would never work, even if we were the best of actors” he says before giving your shoulder another peck and a soft and tiny slap to your hip to then stand from the bed with a grunt and the crack of his knees.
You groan again but this time louder while you stretch your limbs still covered by the warm comfy covers. Your eyes finally open just when Joel is pulling up his legs the grey sweatpants that you, yourself discarded from his body last night. You stretch your body as quick as your sleepy state lets you, bending by the middle you reach with an arm outside of the bed to the floor, where Joel´s t-shirt from the night before was laying to pull it over you before he has a chance to get it himself. He rolls his eyes while walking to the wardrobe and you finally stand from the bed putting on the shorts that he almost ripped from you last night.
You pass by him on your way to the bathroom to wash your face and can't help giving his ass a squeeze on your way, after you wash your face you pass by him again and kiss his cheek before talking.
“I'll start a pot while you get ready” he can't help but look at you with so much love in his eyes; you could almost swear that anyone could turn the man in front of you from a murderous beast to a big teddy bear by just the mention of coffee.
“Thanks darlin´” he kisses your slightly chapped lips before you start making your way to the kitchen downstairs.
After about ten minutes Joel makes his way into the kitchen where he can see you making some eggs while you hum to Love Spreads by The Stone Roses playing from the record player in the living room, your back facing him.
His arms envelop you from behind and his head rests on your shoulder, making you breathe on his fresh minty breath, you lean your own head back into his shoulder while you stir the scramble eggs.
“I'll finish the eggs darlin´, you pour the coffee” he says into your ear while rocking the both of you softly to the music. You hum in agreement and turn around and pass him the spatula and he gives your forehead a little kiss.
As you put out from the cabinet three mugs and place them on the counter, the front door opens like every morning that Joel has patrol, indicating the arrival of Tommy. You turn your head over your shoulder to greet Tommy with a good morning when his footsteps start to approach the kitchen, but when you see the little ten month old in his arms, you forget the coffee, let out a squeal of excitement and run to take the bundle of joy from him.
Tommy gives to you his daughter with a chuckle and a roll of his eyes “It's nice to see too”
“Yeah, yeah, good morning Miller” you greet him with your own roll of eyes, joke coating your tone and a smile taking home in your face towards the baby in your arms.
Sophia Miller had captivated your heart since the first moment you saw her. She is definitely a Miller, you can see so much of Tommy and Joel in her.
Tommy takes after the coffee for you while you bounce his daughter on your arms and you coo to her.
“Mrs. Johnson couldn't take her today?” Joel says from the stove where he is making some toasts now after distributing the eggs between three plates. Mrs. Johnson is an elderly woman that always looks after Sophia while Joel and Tommy are on patrol and Maria is busy basically running all of Jackson.
“No, she couldn't, she said that her cat was sick and I genuinely do not know how to tell her any more times that Dr. Turner won't see it, that she's a human doctor not a vet” he explains while adding some milk to your coffee, since both brothers like it completely black “Me and Maria think that she's too young for the daycare and to mingle around the other kids but i guess today we have no choice, we have patrol and she´s managing the whole deal with those teens that run away” he puts one of the black coffees, the mug with the little owl in it that you found for him in one of you few runs that you barely do, beside the stove for Joel, then he brings the milky one to you where now you're sitting on the little table on the kitchen, almost bumping his hip on the meat grinder that Joel installed a while ago on the kitchen island; he joins you and Sophia by sitting on the chair in front of you.
When Joel finishes cooking, he puts one of the plates inside of the microwave so it stays as warm as it can for the almost sixteen year old that hasn't woken yet then he places one of the other two in front of you on the little table. Just before he moves away, you take little Sophia´s hand and wave it to him for her while saying with your cheesy baby voice “good morning, uncle Joel” , to which he responds with a pinch of he cheek with the back of two of his fingers, then he goes to pick up his own plate to eat while leaning into the kitchen island alongside his coffee.
“I can take her with me to the stable if you would like to, Tammy has a crib there for when she brings her son” you offer, shrugging your shoulders while feeding the baby on your lap a small piece of your eggs.
“You sure?” Tommy asks with slightly raised eyebrows, when you nod, he smiles like a mad man “oh thank you!” he expresses his gratitude by stretching himself over the table towards you and kissing your forehead and then his daughter´s “and that's why you´re my favourite person in this family” he exaggerates making you chuckle and Joel shakes his head.
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Many hours later, you find yourself working on the stables, cleaning one of the empty stalls, its horse on patrol with a young patroller called Jesse. The youngest of the Miller family is on the crib that you had mentioned before, playing with a pair of plastic red cups that for some reason had been more entertaining to her than actual children's toys since she was old enough to hold them.
You hear the front door of the stables opening and the closing behind that had just entered the stables. You peek your head out of the stall and immediately you smile when you see that the person intruding is Ellie.
“Hey hon” you say before putting your head back into the stall to put down the manure fork that you were using, letting it lean on the stall´s wall, then you exit the stall towards where Ellie is standing while wiping your hands on the sides of your jeans.
“Hey, i just came to let you know that i'll spend the day at Dina´s, apparently Jesse found a new game for her console on the last patrol or something” she explain to you while she turn around and walks to the crib where the ten month old is too preoccupied with the cups.
You nod and walk to where they are, from beside the teen you put her bangs, that she lets off of her ponytail always, behind her ear and then look at the baby with her.
“Okay, you know the drill” you put your hands on the back pockets of your jeans.
“Yeah, yeah, make it back for dinner, I know” you were the one to actually negotiate this condition with her when you saw how much it affected Joel when she started to make many friends in town and spend less and less time with him, she agreed quite easily making you think that she missed spending time with Joel just as much.
“Hey” you pinch her side to make her look at you “ if the game is any good, ask Dina to lend it to you so i can try it, okay?” you put up your fist for her to bump it, which she does.
“I will” she says before caressing Sophia´s head and then bumping her shoulder with yours “See you later shitface!” she exclaims with joke to you while exiting the stables, you shake your head with a chuckle and just before she completely disappears from you view your scream reminding her “the baby you asshole!”
Just as the door closes, you hear hooves meeting the ground behind you, indicating someone's arrival from patrol. You groan, you only had 5 minutes left of your shift and now you would have to stay and unsaddle the horse or horses and brush them. You turn to see who the fucker was and when you see that is actually Joel and behind him Tommy, both of them soaked on mud from head to toe, your anger dissapears and you can't hep but laugh loudly, folding by your midsection while gripping your sides.
“Yeah, very funny sweetheart” Joel says while he ties the reins of each horse on their respective stalls, which you thank.
“Oh, you think it is funny eh?” Tommy says now, approaching you and trying to squeeze some of the mud on his hair into you, which makes you swat him away. Tommy´s voice makes Sophia squeal from her crib and stand in it with little balance.
“Oh baby girl, save me from your mean father” you speak to her with your baby voice while picking her up from the crib. Tommy can see Joel´s eyes sparkle in love and adoration like everytime he sees you with his niece.
The little girl babbles and makes grabby hands towards her father, so your only option is to pass her to him, none of you caring if she got dirty with mud as well.
“Traitor…” you say to her with narrowed eyes once she's in her father's arms, obviously she doesn't understand what you're saying so she just giggles, making you three chuckle with her.
“Anyway, thank you for looking after her today again” Tommy expresses his gratitude then he takes his backpack from his horse saddle and start to make his way out of the stables the same way that Ellie did before “Say bye uncle Joel, bye auntie” he says in his own baby voice and them disappears from both of your gazes.
While your eyes are still on the door, you feel Joel´s arms embrace you from behind, his face takes home on your neck, where he takes in your scent. You melt into him and bring a hand behind into his muddy locks, closing your eyes. After a few moments in this position, you turn in his arms and look at him, seeing the tiredness and exhaustion in his expression.
“You don't have to wait for me today, you know?” You bring your hand back to his muddy locks, brushing them back “Why don't you go ahead and get yourself a warm relaxing bath?” your eyes go around his beautiful features.
“You sure darlin´? I can wait as always” he is the one to close his eyes now, enjoying your touch. You shake your head even if he's not looking.
“No, really baby, go ahead, i'll finish here quickly” that's enough for Joel to agree and kiss your lips before getting his own backpack from his own horse an ¡d follow the same journey out of the stables as Tommy and Ellie.
You take fifteen more minutes to unsaddle the horses and brush them, then another five minutes to make your way into the house. You get rid of your boots and coat by the entrance, then you make your way upstairs to the en suite bathroom where Joel is inside the warm bath like you told him to do, his head leaning back into the bathtub with his eyes closed, you´re even a little sure that he may be slightly asleep. You get rid of your clothes in the bedroom, where the laundry basket is, then you tiptoe to the bathtub to not wake Joel yet. Once your back makes contact with his chest, he wakes up with a little gasp; as soon as he sees what is happening, he hugs your middle and whispers in your ear.
“If i had known that you naked would be part of the bath, i would have definitely waited for you” he nibbles your earlobe slightly and you chuckle, then with as much carefulness you can have, you turn to now straddle his hips.
“Now you relax and let me take care of you, before you start acting worse than a teen” your hand reaches for the bottle of shampoo behind him on the edge of the tub.
You squirt some of the product directly on his head and after placing back down the bottle, you start to massage it on his greying hair. He lets out a relaxed moan and closes his eyes yet again. You run your fingers through his hair to spread and rub the shampoo, your eyes take the opportunity to take on his relaxed face and features, you feel privilege to see this side of the hardened man before you, only a few people get to see it and for some reason he decided some time ago that you were worth seeing it and since then you couldn't feel more lucky.
Once you have made more than enough foam from the shampoo, you lean over his shoulder to reach a little cup to help you rinse the product. You feel Joel´s almost growling when, from your lean, your breast graces his cheek; you can't help but chuckle when you take your previous position on his hips and feel his hard on.
“You can be worse than a teenager sometimes, Miller” you say while filling the cup with water from the bath and rinsing the shampoo from his hair, putting a hand on his hairline so the soapy water doesn't get in his eyes.
“It's all you darlin´, you keep me young” you smack his shoulder softly while giggling.
When his hair doesn't have any trace of shampoo, you grab your own conditioner and squirt some of it on the palm of your hand. You feel Joel´s eyes fixed on you, so you playfully push his forehead back and smile.
“I said relax Joel” he smirks and says okay a few times while closing his eyes again.
You rub the conditioner between your palms and then you apply it on his hair, after it you clean your hands of any residue of it. Once your hands are clean, you start to massage Joel´s shoulder and he lets out a groan between pain and pleasure. You massage him for five minutes while you let the conditioner take action then you rinse it just like you did with the shampoo. To finish you kiss his lips, your intention was just a quick kiss but he circles your waist with his arm and deepens it and you just can't deny him.
“Why don't you start the grill outside while I take a good shower?” you say when you both pull back, your fingers brushing his wet hair back “Ellie will be home from Dina´s for dinner soon” he hum in confirmation and after you peck his lips again, you stand up on the bathtub with carefulness to not slip and offer him a hand to do the same.
When you thought he would get out of the bathtub to dry and then get dressed to then go do what you said, he stays there in front of you and takes your face between his hands.
“Thank you sweetheart” he says with so much love and gratitude in his eyes, not taking them away from yours for not even a moment.
“You don't have to thank me Joel” you say back with a bid soft smile, he shakes his head.
“Not for the bath baby, for being you, for being the light that guides me through the darkness everyday” that makes you want to cry and your insides to melt for the man.
“I keep to my last statement” you put your own hands on his wrists and rest your forehead on his “you´re the one keeping me afloat every day” he kisses you again, taking all of the air from your lungs and once he pulls back and sees your dazed face he chuckles and smacks your ass.
“Your steak as always darlin´?” he asks you while putting a towel around his waist, already out of the bathtub, you nod while turning on the showerhead and he leaves the bathroom towards the bedroom with a wide grin.
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justporo · 10 months
Fluffy relationship headcanons for Astarion and Tav
No one asked but I have to get out some headcanons I have for Astarion (and some for his relationship with Tav (based on my female Tav)) or rather some ideas I have in my head for how it'd be after the ending of the game's events. Bear in mind, I am not done with my first playthrough yet.
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We know he can handle a thread and a needle very well. Imagine he would get a dress for her, knowing she's not used to this kind of finery and would add custom embroidery relating to stuff she likes and then giving it to her on her birthday or their anniversary. And Tav just completely loses it, breaking down crying, because neither has anyone ever done something so sweet for her nor could she bear all the care and effort her soulmate put into it.
They bicker - a lot. They swing between old married couple that call each other names and piss each other off and being the sweetest, most diabetes-inducing, just recently gotten into a relationship-y lovebirds.
Laying in bed naked and sharing a bottle of wine while talking about their relationship, their pasts, whatever state the world is in is their favourite hobby.
They have datenights showing each other their favourite spots around town - also working through their collective trauma.
Maybe Tav convinces him to start journaling and slowly working through his past, maybe he finds out he has a knack for poetry doing that, so he starts randomly writing sweet little poems for Tav and leaves them around their place for her to find.
Astarion making a habit out of doing Tav's hair and making sure she takes better care of herself, because she's lived most of her life like a streetcat and didn't care so much about how she looked. Hair? Yeah, I've put half of it in braids and haven't touched them for a year. Make-up? Sure, I've been wearing this smoky eye for a week. Also, why do you think I have this tattoo?
Okay, enough for now. I will most probably put some of these moments in fictions because I simply cannot contain myself. Meet my Tav btw:
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lillythecoolest · 6 months
do you still write omori bc I've been thinking of playfighting hcs w the main 6 for the longest time..
(if you don't want to do all of them, just kel is cool with me)
Of course!
Omori Cast x Reader Playfighting HCs!
Warnings: So fluffy you might get diabetes
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•Sunny might not get it at first
•But when he sees how happy it makes you, he starts to play along
•He actually finds it kind of fun!
•You try to go easy on him, but you come to find out he’s pretty good at it!
•I wonder why
•You actually see him smile, even laugh!
•Poor thing definitely didn’t understand at first
•He thought you were actually trying to fight with him
•But once he gets it, he actually gets a little competitive
•He likes pillow fights the most since it’s the least likely thing to hurt you
•And if he does end up actually hurting you, he’d never forgive himself
•He’s so corny about this
•He probably wins, being used to Kel
•But usually he lets you win!
•Definitely picks you up and throws you over his shoulder
•Then plops you down on the couch and tickles the life out of you!
•Oh god
•He talks himself up a storm
•But you win every time
•Every time he says you were going too hard, or that round didn’t count!
•What can I say, a real charmer
•Somehow tries to bring basketball into it?
•You’re DEAD
•She knows every way to win, no matter if you’re taller than her or not
•And every time she says she was going easy on you
•And if she accidentally DID hit you, she’d stop everything and let you win!
•She’d laugh the whole time, so hard she’d give up and let you win
•So much fluff my teeth are rotting
•Idk what else to put she’s kinda uh
thank you anon! I love writing for omori so much💕
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lushlovers · 2 years
The Prettiest, J Burrow
summary; joe never will let you forget how much you rock his world.
warnings; so sweet i've got diabetes, kissing in many different forms and all the pillowtalk in the entire worldddd&lt;333
word count; just under 400
note; i love fluffy fluff. especially with my fav wife
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Your fingers strum to the beat of happy music in your head along his defined jawline. It's even stronger due to the smile on his face, so big it makes his cheeks hurt. The one of yours is even bigger though, if that's even possible, "How did I even manage to bag you," He thinks out loud, pressing a sweet kiss to your warming cheek.
"Dunno, I ask myself the same thing, Joey," you tease, earning an eye roll and scoff in response. Joe pinches your exposed hip at your cheap shot. "You were supposed to say something along the lines of, "Oh, Joe! You're so handsome and sexy. How ever could you ask that?!" He attempts his best impression of you, going as far as to flutter his lashes in your direction.
Now you're scoffing and landing a tiny punch on his shoulder, "I don't sound like that and who even talks like that?" This time, instead of responding to you, he kisses the crease from your eyebrows, "You don't and no one, just love getting a rise out of you, sweet girl."
Hiding your hot face in his bare chest, doing your best to shield yourself from anymore praise. If you here one more thing like that, it's definitely possible that you explode right here, right now. "Nooo, I wanna see your pretty face," he murmurs holding you face in his hands, making you look up at him, and pressing a long, slow kiss to your lips.
Joe loves seeing how easily he can fluster you, one of his favorite activities. It's completely his fault when you excuse yourself at event or team dinners because he just wont stop whispering the sweetest or nastiest things to you, just to see you flush or watch your breath hitch.
As he pull away every so slightly, putting just enough room for his breath to fan over your face as he whispers, "There's my girl, the prettiest ever." God, is it like a thousand degrees in here? It was difficult to come up with a response to that, especially when your mind goes numb and empty when he says the littlest of compliments.
"I'm gonna tell your mom you've just said that," you retort, "Go right ahead, I tell her and dad how gorgeous my girl is any chance I get."
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klausysworld · 11 months
Can I get some fluffy Klaus headcanons where he’s dating someone who cooks/bakes? Not as a career, but as a hobby 
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Klaus and his little baker girl:
When Klaus met y/n she didn’t know that he was a hybrid. She found it odd and somewhat worrying with how little he ate and often cooked or baked things for him whenever she saw him.
She knew her food was good, she’s had many friends and family members tell her so and so if he didn’t eat her food then she knew something was wrong.
Thankfully Klaus has good taste in all senses and nearly licked the plate clean.
He could see the glint of relief in her eyes and the warmth that spread through her when he told her how delicious her strawberry tart was and it made his heart swell.
It was clear to Klaus that this was y/n’s love language, giving to him and caring for him.
Klaus wasn’t used to walking in to a warm meal and a smiling face each night.
Every night he made sure to stop at y/n’s knowing she would have something ready for him no matter how late he showed up. He found that since knowing her, he felt hunger for something other than blood but instead for actual food and for her presence.
No matter what she was making: a stew, a roast, a steak, a pasta dish, a fish dish, something savoury or something sweet. Whatever she served him, was always delicious. And he always wanted more.
He wasn’t sure where she got all the time from to bake him his shortbread, brownies, angel cakes and other little treats. Between him being at her house and her being at work while he’s amongst a war, he didn’t know how she managed to find the time for her hobbies. But he was thankful she did nevertheless.
Klaus was certain that if he weren’t supernatural then he would’ve had diabetes from the amount of sugar she fed him. At one point he questioned if she was trying to ‘fatten him up’ to which she laughed and offered a ‘maybe?’ back to him.
He loved how sweet she was, so soft and innocent in the best of ways. Her biggest worry was that he didn’t eat enough and her main wonder of each day was what she would cook for dinner.
And when she accidentally found out he had a big family, her first thought (after getting upset that he didn’t tell her) was to invite them all for dinner. He was very reluctant but he couldn’t tell her big eager eyes no, not when he knew it was something she would love.
So after a lot of threats and physical fights, Freya, Elijah, Kol, Rebekah, Hayley and Hope all arrived at miss y/l/n’s home along with Niklaus of course.
She had made a mix of foods for them so they could pick what they wanted and made some simpler dishes for young Hope as the fancy foods didn’t appeal. It was something that instantly made the Mikaelsons like her and also have them all see the love shine in Klaus’s eyes. True, pure love.
It was the first of many things the mikaelsons would try from y/n.
Once she became a frequent visitor there and they came comfortable at hers, they were almost always snacking on something.
Elijah had a craving for cobblers and crumbles, Freya had taken to anything with strawberries in it, Kol went for anything in sight and Rebekah wanted to try everything at least once. Meanwhile Hope and Klaus were slowly learning some of y/n’s recipes and Hope was making slight alterations to make them more to her liking.
Often Klaus would notice y/n adding a cake to Hoped lunch box and sneaking out of bed early to set the breakfast table.
If she were to ever miss a meal then every mikaelson was on alert thinking she was missing.
If she didn’t bake something for a couple days then they were trying to find what was wrong and when she got too stressed and over baked Hope was bringing brownies to school while the vampires in the compound would come and steal a biscuit.
Everyone loved y/n’s baking and her cooking. Many times Freya, Rebekah and Hayley had tried to tell her to open a coffee shop but she argued she like her other job just fine and liked that food was something she did because she loved and not because it was a responsibility.
The mikaelson home was a brighter place with her cheerful smile and loving nature.
Klaus was so much happier with her caring nature around him. So much warmer as a person, whether or not it was the constant sugar rush or the flood of affection, he wasn’t sure but he loved it either way.
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saelique · 5 months
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✦ — ft. the agency + chuuya ! ✦ — cw : fluffy fluff with a tinge of angst :0 uh- broken humour and bad writing :( english is not my first language ! uh. dazai gets beat up by chuuya, feminine pet names so reader is female :3 NOT PROOFREAD !
feel like he would wanna have one girl and one boy :0 [s/n] -> son’s name [d/n] -> daughter’s name! they’ll be twins cause why not? :V 
he’s kinda of a 50/50. not the best but he’s definitely trying so that’s a point ! 
he would most likely would be the fun parent. always taking your kids out to play, letting them play with his hair and tying them up in silly hairstyles, or maybe just plain causes chaos with them. 
he would sooo take them to the agency to bother kunikida (failed) and to also take them to visit the rest of the agency members and staff of course! 
atsushi absolutely adores them! so that’s why you usually drop off [s/n] and [d/n] at his place. kyouka also helps with taking care the two of them which is the sweetest thing ever ! 
ranpo and yosano are like the fun uncle and aunts ! basically they take your kids out to everywhere. even missions. so that’s why they do get scolded by you quite often. but as long as they have fun and with the fact that they’re most definitely safe, why not just let them do it? (no one can get hurt with yosano’s ability soo no casualties!) 
mmm kunikida is the so very strict uncle that secretly cares for them. it’s super heartwarming to see him interacting with [s/n] since apparently your son likes him the most for some weird reason. and of course, dazai always complains and whines about it. which is hilarious to you. considering [s/n]’s personality was very similar to dazai’s. 
kenji is like a older brother figure to them! he even teaches [s/n] and [d/n] how to plant crops, etc. etc. but unfortunately they don’t really 100% listen to him. But kenji doesn’t mind at all! In fact, he even takes them out to the fields to have fun. 
naomi and tanizaki…well…your kids definitely think they’re weird. no offense! they just…tend to…y’know..
fukuzawa and your daughter are super close! sometimes you think you would get diabetes from seeing them together. he would always teach her how to play chess, and in turn [d/n] tells him about what she learned recently in school! 
and of course, chuuya knows all about them! despite not even meeting them! all thanks to dazai! of course, he’s happy for his ex partner. but sometimes it just gets too annoying so don’t mind it when your husband comes back home bruised and beaten, yeah?
“ouch- ouch-ow! lets just- ow!” Dazai repeatedly winces dramatically when you try and clean his wounds with a wet cloth, dabbing it on his skin as gently as possible.  “you wouldn’t have to go through this if you just didn’t bother nakahara y’know?” you chuckle, “awww..but I wanted to tell him how [s/n] beat the living daylights out of a classmate that was annoying him :(“ you pause your movements, obviously in shock at what dazai just said.  “[s/n] did what?” you asked, widening yours eyes before hitting your (stupidly loveable) husband in the head with the wet cloth, water splattered onto his clothes and hair. “ouch!” “I can’t believe you never told me! how could you?!” “dont worry! i took him out for ice cream!” “that’s not what I meant!” 
ahem. anyways! 
please please please don’t let dazai and your kids in the kitchen. they’ll practically burn it down to ashes without your supervision. and if they didn’t burn it down, the food would most likely taste horrendous. with horrible food combos. 
but alas, you’re already used to their shenanigans. what could you do? 
”I’m ba-what is this?” you froze at the sight of a black gooey looking dish, you had just returned from the agency to do something important and what you came home to was two children and a grown adult man stained with eggs, flour, etc. and a plate of suspicious food.  “we made it for you mama!” your son exclaims happily while your daughter and husband nods. “…I’m not hungry right now.” you laugh awkwardly, trying to escape from eating whatever that was. “come on honey, it wouldn’t hurt by having a taste right? aaahh…” your husband takes a spoon, scoops some up and raises it to your mouth, seemingly enjoying the petrified face on you. “…fine..” you slightly wince when you say that, regretting for agreeing to eat what they made and without warning, dazai shoves the whole spoonful of food into your mouth as you splutter. after you somehow manage to swallow it all, clasping your hand over your mouth, you look up to see the trio very very…happy somehow.  imaginary flowers and sparkles seem to shine about them. dazai was especially happy…goodness. he was the mastermind wasnt he? “mama! how did it taste?” [s/n] rushes towards you and looks up at you, a puppy expression on his face as you gulp. “v-very nice sweetheart.” you smile at him, still fighting against the urge to throw up all the contents. “Yay!” he cheered, running around the room “we did it!“ “haha.. no wonder ranpo told me to not go home yet..” you mumbled the last bit. “what was that, belladonna?” “nothing!” 
…you got food poisoning in the end. not suprising at all. but whnever dazai offered to cook, you promptly tell him that you already ordered takeout. 
and dazai would be so so so so so sweet with the twins when it’s their bedtime. like- he would literally hum a melody or read a story, whatever they like. and it just usually makes you chuckle at the sight of how gentle he was with them. 
he definitely is really cautious with them since he’s always scared that they’ll slip away. same with you though, that’s why he likes to hug you like a koala when the two of you are asleep.
and when [s/n] or [d/n] has nightmares? he would try his best to soothe them, sometimes ending up falling asleep in their room on the floor. 
but in the end, everything is peaceful and happy. 
even though dazai may be far, far from perfect, there’s no one else you’d rather to be the father of your children ♡
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it’s done ! :D yay! ‘m rlly srry for all the grammar + my English since it’s bad aaahhh T^T *sobs* but I hope u liked it <3 thank u for reading !! (tried my best to not make this too long) I suck at endings :( 
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animasola86 · 9 months
Kinktober: It is that time again.
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Notes: Listen! I woke up feeling naughty again this morning and yet I somehow produced a fluffy, wholesome family life lovey dovey omg they are so freaking cute piece, at least for three pages, after that we're going straight to the topic of @kinktober2023: breeding kink.
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Pairing: Sebastian Sallow x f!reader
Genre: Fluff/Smut // Words: 8k // [Read on AO3]
Warnings: NSFW! MDNI! Marital sex. Oh and also: breeding kink.
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Warning: After you die of diabetes or cute aggression by reading the first part of this, there will be severe filth following. (Though to be fair, I think I've written worse before >_> Still, it's smut: so if you want to keep your innocence, please look away!)
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It is that time again, darling.
It is Friday afternoon in the Sallow cottage, and you're sitting on the couch by the fireplace, enjoying a good book – completely ignoring the loud and certainly obnoxious argument your twin boys are having. They do it all the time, so it's nothing new.
They come after their father in so many ways, it's almost scary. From the messy brunet hair that you failed to comb so many times, to the deep brown eyes that can turn your anger into adoration in only a few seconds (they know that fact by now, which is never a good thing) – to the insatiable hunger for knowledge and the equally insatiable desire to always get what they want.
Benjamin and Archie Sallow surely are Sebastian's sons. As they bicker over who gets to play with the toy train first, your gaze wanders to the corner of the room to your quiet daughter.
Little Anne is in her own world, surrounded by various sheets of parchment and paper, her colouring pencils strewn about as she scribbles away, equally ignoring her arguing brothers. You smile softly as you take in her features. She comes after you, has your eyes and unlike her brothers and father not a single freckle on her pale little face, probably because unlike the men of the house, she likes to stay indoors, drawing and reading with her equally sun deprived mother.
Just as you return to your book, the door opens, and the noise of your bickering boys subsides immediately and turns into a wail of joy as the twins jump up and into the arms of their father. You look at Sebastian with wide eyes and an equally wide smile, you haven't expected him home this early.
“I'm home!” he calls, laughing with one son on each arm as he enters the small house.
You stand from the couch and walk towards him, unable to stop the need to kiss him. As you do, your sons issue grunts of displeasure, yet you only laugh and kiss your husband more.
“Did you miss me?” he asks softly, his dark eyes on you as he sets his sons to the ground again.
“I always miss you,” you whisper and wrap your arms around him.
“You know, I'm only on the other side of the lake, right?” he teases and grabs your chin to plant another kiss on your lips – followed by another synchronised noise of disgust from the twins.
He is right, of course. You chose this house in Aranshire so you can always look over the lake to the castle, imagining your husband walking the halls of Hogwarts, teaching kids in Magical Theory, being in his element. He still spends a lot of time there, has his own room in the castle if his work load gets too much, but every Friday to late Sunday he will come home to you and spend as much time with you and your three children as he can.
“I still wish I'd see you more...” you whisper and lean against him, your hand gently grazing the stubble on his cheek.
“You could teach too, you know? You were offered a position, remember?” he says as he guides you back to the couch.
“You know I can't,” you sigh and look around the house. Your boys are back fighting over the train toy and Anne is still so fixated on her drawing, she hasn't even noticed Sebastian's return yet.
“Soon you can,” he whispers and makes you sit on the couch. “The boys will be at Hogwarts and our little princess here –” he starts and sneaks towards the little girl sitting with her back to the room. “– can handle her own. Hey princess, Daddy's back!” he then says as he grabs his daughter under the arms and lifts her up swiftly. She squeals and kicks, then quickly relaxes and throws her tiny arms around his neck as a wide smile comes to her lips.
“Hello Daddy,” she squeaks, and he laughs softly as he hugs her back.
“How's my little girl?” he asks and tilts his head to look at what she has been drawing.
“Don't look!” she says in that sweet, high-pitched voice. “It's a surprise!”
Sebastian chuckles and presses his lips to the top of her head. “Fine, fine, I won't look! Keep your secrets!” he sets her back to the ground and gently ruffles her hair before he lets her go back to her drawing and finally returns to you.
You reach your arms out to him, and he follows suit immediately, settling down next to you on the couch, your arms entangled as he pulls you closer to kiss your forehead. For a moment you just sit together, looking into each other's eyes, the bickering of your boys just another background noise.
“I've been thinking, darling,” he then says, and one of those wicked smirks comes to his handsome face.
“Yes?” you ask carefully and arch an eyebrow.
He barks a laugh and quickly leans closer to kiss your raised eyebrow. “Don't give me that look, I know for a fact that you'll love it,” he then says and winks at you.
“Really?” you wonder and watch how he disentangles your limbs and stands from the couch, returning to the bag he has left at the door.
“Oh yes,” he calls back and rummages through his bag before he walks to the twins, holding something behind his broad back. “Boys,” he says with a mock-stern voice to get their attention. The mini versions of himself look up with big eyes, their fight momentarily paused. “Have you been nice to Mummy and your sister?”
The boys nod eagerly, already knowing what's coming. He always brings them back gifts when he returns on Fridays. They know the drill and yet they are always so excited about it. You smile softly as you watch the scene before you.
“Well, how about you give your Mummy and Daddy a little break and take this outside?” he then says and produces two toy trains in his big palms.
The twins stare at him, and Benjamin, the cheekier one of the two, raises an eyebrow. “Dad, we already have toy trains...” he says and holds up the toy that he has finally snatched from his brother's hand.
Sebastian laughs. “Not these ones. If you push this button, they'll get bigger,” he says and shows them what he means. “But you can only use them outside, do you understand?”
The twins rise to their feet and crane their necks to look at their father. You already dread the day when they would become as tall as Sebastian, but luckily both of them have yet to hit any major growth spurt. He holds the toy closer and looks at them intently.
“Do you understand?” he repeats in a rather stern voice.
They both nod. “Yes, sir,” they say in unison and quickly grab the toys from his palms and run outside.
“Be good! No terrorizing the cats, alright?” he calls after them and then closes the door again, turning towards you now with that wicked smirk. Through the closed door you can hear your sons laugh and giggle as the sound of a train horn fills the square.
“Will they be alright?” you whisper as you stand from the couch and walk towards him.
“Of course, don't worry! Edgar will have an eye on them as usual,” he says with a disarming smile as he grabs your hand and eagerly pulls you along, right towards your bedroom.
You hold him back and take a look towards your daughter, who is focused on her drawings once again. “What about Anne?” you whisper, knowing what your husband is up to.
“She'll be fine, too,” he whispers back, leaning over you to brush his lips against your ear. “She won't hear a thing...”
You blush at the implication. When you look up at him, you can't help but smile back as he watches you with those dark eyes that can make you do anything. Biting your lip, you nod and follow him into your shared bedroom.
As the door closes behind you, you are very glad that he put up all those silencing charms and protection spells and anything else that will keep whatever happens in here out of earshot of your precious children. Because when he grabs your waist and pulls you flush against his body, you know you won't be able to keep your noises to yourself.
He doesn't waste any time and starts to undress you with nimble fingers, quickly unbuttoning your shirt as he leans down to shower your face and neck with light, innocent kisses. You inhale sharply.
“Do you know how old our sons are?” he then asks as he pushes your skirt down your legs.
You are a little confused by his question and frankly, a little too distracted to think at the moment. “They are... ten...” you whisper.
“And how old is our baby girl?”
“Five,” you reply and tilt your head, letting him nibble on your neck as he gets rid of the last of your garments.
“And do you see a pattern there?” he then says and leans back to look at you with a wide smile.
You blink slowly. “Sebastian, what –”
“It is that time again, darling,” he says with a smirk and quickly pushes his mouth to yours, silencing any doubts for the moment. Your hands reach up and cup his face, and when you finally manage to push him off your lips, you stare at him.
“Are you sure about this?”
He laughs. “Yes! Absolutely! It's time for another one, don't you think?”
“But we already live so cramped here...” you start finding arguments, when in reality you don't see any real reason not to indulge in his desire for another child.
“You realize you are a witch and I am a wizard? We'll just add another room, no worries! And I thought you loved the cosy feeling of our tight little space...” he whispers, leaning back down to kiss your cheek.
You breathe a little harder. “Yes, I do...” you whimper as he sinks his teeth playfully into your neck.
“Then I see no problem with me indulging in your tight space,” he says, and his words make you shiver, or maybe it's his fingers slipping between your legs, teasing at your folds.
“Another one, hm?” you whisper breathlessly.
“Or two, who knows?” he laughs and quickly picks you up to carry you to the bed. You frown at his words. “Those twin genes are strong...”
You groan playfully as he sets you down, and you scramble back on the bed, watching him. He is out of his clothes in no time, and when he crawls over you, settling right between your open legs, he gives you a serious look.
“Only if you're ready,” he says quietly, his dark eyes wandering over your face.
You watch him, and despite the emotional blackmail of those damn eyes, you find yourself smiling and already imagining having another baby. You also think about the last times the both of you decided on adding to your little family. The many hours you had spent in bed together come to your mind, and you can only imagine how long it will take this time. The thought alone causes your legs to twitch.
“Yes,” you eventually say and reach your arms out to him. “I am ready,” you whisper, and when he follows your beckoning to lie on top of you and bury his face in the crook of your neck, you add: “Put your seed in me, Sebastian.”
He leans back immediately and stares at you, not having expected these kinds of words from his beautiful, innocent wife. A sly smirk breaks from his lips. And you smirk right back. He must know by now that your sweet face is only a facade. He's corrupted you a long time ago. And even though you spend nearly every weekend in bed together, enjoying the other's body, the prospect of doing the deed with a purpose, makes it even more exciting for you.
“Then we won't need these,” he says with a wider smirk as he leans over you to the night-stand, rummaging through the first drawer where you keep your contraceptive potions. “Instead we might need... this,” he whispers and produces a tiny flask. “It's going to be a long night, love,” he adds and looks at you, before he downs the contents of the potion he rarely uses, but when he does, you know you're in for a treat – that will last (him) a very long time indeed.
You blush deeply and bite your lip, the heat already spreading through your body. When he leans back, gently putting his entire body weight on you as he cups your face with both hands, you see something you see very rarely: a tear in the corner of his eye. You quickly lean up and graze your thumbs over his cheeks. “You make me very happy, you know that?” he says softly, smiling at you.
You smile back and lean up to kiss him gently. “I'm trying my best,” you reply.
He chuckles. “Oh you don't even have to try, darling,” he says and kisses you back so gently you almost forget about what will come next. “You just do, no matter what you do, what you say, how you look, just thinking about my beautiful wife and all the things she has already done for me...” He inhales deeply. “I love you,” he says and presses his lips to your cheek, his eyes boring into yours. “And I will always love you.”
The warmth his words (and the way he looks at you) create in you almost overpowers the heat you feel for him. Grabbing the back of his neck, you pull him down onto your lips and kiss him deeply. “I love you too...” you whisper breathlessly between circling your tongue around his. “I love you so much, Sebastian. And now fill me up already!”
You feel him chuckling against your mouth. “So eager,” he teases and pushes his tongue deeper into your mouth. When he leans back slightly, planting tiny kisses on your lips, cheeks and jaw, his low voice vibrates through your very core. “My naughty, naughty girl...”
You watch him with your head spinning from lack of air, a small smirk playing around your lips as he moves his mouth to your neck. While you play with his hair, he sucks and nibbles on your soft skin, marking you as his own, as if the ring on your finger and the three children somewhere beyond your closed bedroom door weren't enough proof that you were his and his alone. That is the last time you'll think about your beautiful offspring for this day (or so you hope), as other things settle in your mind and you really don't want them to mix.
When he is done with his mark, gently lapping at your bruised skin, he kisses your neck and leans back on his arms, taking some of his weight off you, allowing your chest to rise and fall faster as you watch him. He looks at you with those dark hungry eyes, and you inhale deeply as he starts showering your bare body with kisses, all the way from your collarbone over the peaks of your plum breasts (that he gives a gentle squeeze with one of his hands as he moves down) until he presses his mouth to your stomach, his fingers softly massaging your skin.
“I can't wait to fill you up,” he whispers hoarsely, kissing your stomach, his fingers pressing down firmly. “I'll fill your womb...” he says and rests his head on your lower torso as if listening for something that isn't even there yet. “And I'll watch you grow... knowing it was my seed that made you so...” You feel his heavy breaths on your skin as you reach down to gently caress his hair, digging your fingers through his locks, smiling softly to yourself.
He stays like that for at least ten seconds, giving you the illusion of peace and quiet and hopeful dreams of the future, a really tender and romantic moment, and once those seconds are over, he presses his lips to your stomach, pushes himself up and quickly leans back, looking at you with that wicked smirk again.
“Let's prepare my beautiful breeding vessel,” he teases and grabs your hips to position himself right between your legs.
You stare at him. “What did you just call me?” you laugh as he puts your legs on his shoulders.
He just smirks wider, and without any warning, he leans down and presses his mouth to your aching centre, kissing your lower stomach down towards your quivering core. You forget about his wording the moment his lips close around your clit. A soft moan escapes you as you throw your head back into the pillow. You feel his tongue prodding at the throbbing bundle of nerves as his fingers wrap around your thighs, squeezing them hard.
“Ugh, call me whatever you like...” you groan, your hips bucking against his face as he keeps sucking with vigour. He chuckles against you, his voice and the feeling of his stubble on your sensitive skin giving you all the friction you need to produce another long moan.
“Sweetheart,” you hear him say as he releases your clit and plants soft kisses on your heated skin. “Darling,” he continues, and you shiver with every term of endearment and every kiss. “Honey.” He keeps going, whispering more names as he presses his mouth to your lower lips, his tongue gently swiping along them. “Love. Sweetie. Baby...” He pulls your soft skin between his teeth and gently sucks on it, coaxing more moans out of you as your fingers grip his hair tighter. “Kitten. Pet,” he finishes as he releases you again and leans up to look at you.
You watch him out of half-lidded eyes, your breaths shallow. As he holds your gaze, you feel one of his hands moving over your centre, his fingertips tracing the outer edges of your labia. Warmth settles in your cheeks as he keeps rubbing his fingers over your sensitive skin, his dark eyes boring into yours, a concentrated look on his handsome face. When he teases a finger between your folds, he looks down and raises his eyebrows.
“So wet for me, my love,” he whispers and moves his finger up and down your slick, the slight squelching sounds filling the room – and you with enough embarrassment that you turn your head away and put a hand to your mouth to hide behind. “You are so beautiful,” you hear him whisper. “Everything about you... Don't be ashamed.”
When he suddenly leans over you and grabs your face with both hands, making you look at him, you gasp softly. His wet finger grazes your ear, and you bite your lip, swallowing hard.
“No need to hide from me, darling,” Sebastian says sternly, watching you closely. “I know every inch of your body, I've seen it so many times and it still amazes me to this day and all the days to come. What your body has given me in all these years... I cannot express how proud I am of you,” he whispers intently, before kissing you softly. “But I will always try.”
You grab the back of his head and kiss him back with fervour, not letting go of him now. He complies and deepens the kiss as his hand moves back down between your legs, continuing its journey through your warmth. When you feel him prod at your entrance, you whimper softly into his mouth. He shushes you and keeps his tongue in a playful wrestle with yours before he pushes one of his fingers into you.
Yours walls clench around him as he starts to explore your tightness, pushing against and scraping over your soft wet flesh until he pushes as deep as he can from this angle. It is when he begins to pump his finger in and out, slowly at first, then much faster and harder, that you moan into his mouth and hold onto him tighter, feeling the tension building up quicker than you've expected.
Suddenly he leaves your mouth and scrambles back down between your legs, repositioning himself right at your quivering cunt. He adds another finger and continues pushing them into you hard and fast, while his free hand holds down your hips that you can't seem to control any more. More moans escape you, and you have to grip the bedsheets as he leans his head down and sucks on your clit again.
His tongue is eagerly lapping at your nub, rigorously pressing and prodding it, licking and rubbing, while his fingers speed up more and more, the wet sounds echoing through the room. But you're too aroused to be embarrassed now as you thrash your head around in nothing but pure ecstasy. You moan his name louder and louder, and when the tension reaches its highest point – he suddenly withdraws his fingers, and you feel his face pressing against your folds as he slips his tongue past your stretched entrance.
“Come on my tongue, darling,” you feel him mumbling into you, and as he moves his wet fingers to feverishly rub at your clit, you comply without hesitation as the coil burst within you, and you cry out and press your back into the mattress, your release pushing out of you with a force that shakes your entire body as you arch your hips off the bed and right into his face. He moves with you, holding your rear with his free arm while he laps at your juices.
More tremors and shivers rush through you, before you slowly come down again, gently placed back with the help of his hand. Breathing heavily, your heart thundering inside your chest, you watch out of hooded eyes how he eventually emerges from between your legs, his entire face covered in your release.
You sit up then, shaking badly, but you feel the need to do this as your hands find his cheeks, and you wipe at them, watching him with your own cheeks bright red. He chuckles and grabs your wrists, leaning towards you to claim your mouth instead. You taste yourself on his tongue as you deepen the kiss hungrily. When he leans back, you sneak a hand out of his grip and push a strand of his messy hair out of his forehead, smiling softly at him.
He smiles back and gives you another peck, before he gently but firmly pushes you back down on the bed, his hand trailing your chest, teasing at your hard nipples, until he rests it once more on your shivering stomach. Pressing down hard on your skin, you see him lick his lips. You swallow at the sight, knowing what is going through his head right now, and soon enough he moves again.
You watch him scramble off the bed, your eyes inadvertently moving towards his hard arousal twitching slightly (the potion seems to have worked already) as he comes to stand at the foot of the bed. His hungry eyes move to yours, and in the next moment, he has grabbed your waist and pulled you towards him, your legs falling off the bed. You let out a surprised shriek-laugh. He then grabs a pillow and shoves it under your lower back, raising your hips up.
He's always so gentle in his preparations that you sometimes forget what kind of animal he can turn into once he is done with said preparations. Yet he's usually quick to remind you. As he positions himself between your legs, you watch him grabbing his cock with one hand, the other ghosting your stomach downwards until he teases your throbbing clit. When he pushes his tip against your folds, you brace for his intrusion, watching him with your lips parted, yet he takes his time and lathers his girth with your wetness first, slowly rubbing it up and down through your slick.
You moan softly at the sensation, one of your hands moving up to caress your firm and currently unattended breast. While you watch him stroke his cock with confident strength, you roll your nipple between your thumb and index finger, whimpering quietly. His eyes snap to your face, and the dark look he is giving you almost freezes you on the spot. As he stares at you, he aligns his tip with your entrance, and at the same time as he pushes into you with one swift snap of his hips, his hands move forwards and grab both of your breasts at once, firmly squeezing them as he rolls his hips against you.
A loud moan escapes you, and you quickly retrieve your fingers from his grasp before you claw them into the bedsheets. Your walls may have expected his intrusion, but when it happened, it still took them and yourself by surprise. His force is unrelenting, and he only stops pushing into your tight channel when his balls press against your arse. You gasp, barely able to breathe for a moment, as you try to adjust to his size.
He's holding onto your breasts tightly, using them to guide his pelvis flush against yours, and once he's satisfied with how deep he is inside of you, he starts massaging your soft flesh, his palms rolling over your nipples, coaxing more and more whimpers out of you. “I wonder,” you hear him say gravelly, “I wonder how big they'll get this time...”
You chuckle softly, even more so when you catch the slightest bit of pink on his cheeks. Unclenching your hands, you rest them on his, causing him to look at you. His smile is almost shy and reminds you so much of the boy you fell in love with all those years ago. Even back then, he has been able to do the most vile things to you, but when it came to your breasts, he had always cherished them greatly, probably even more so now that they were so much bigger.
He licks his lips and folds his body over yours, moving within you as he does so, causing you to gasp slightly, before he places a soft kiss on your mouth, holding his face there for a moment, as if asking you something he cannot quite put into words. But you know what he wants to do, and with another chuckle, you put your hands down and move your chest up against the firm grasp of his. “Go ahead,” you whisper.
His eyes light up, and as he lowers his face down, moving his hands to hold your waist, his mouth quickly finds the pert bud of your left breast, eagerly sucking on it. As you moan softly, your hand starting to caress his hair once more, you watch him swirl his tongue around your sensitive skin, his teeth grazing it almost a little roughly. After nurturing three very hungry children, feeling the mouth of your husband there doesn't come as a surprise to you.
His words, however, catch you a little off guard. “I can't wait for you to lactate again...” he mumbles against you, and you hide your blush with a soft laugh.
“You might need to put a baby in me first, you know?” you tease him after he keeps caressing your tender tits, sucking on one and massaging the other with his fingers. You even buck your hips against him, reminding him how he's still buried deep within your warmth.
Without leaning back, he looks up at you, the creases in the corners of his eyes deepening as he smirks against your chest. “Who's impatient now?” he teases right back and gives your hard nipple a firm suck and a quick nibble.
You inhale sharply, glowering at him. He laughs as he leans back eventually, his fingers drawing soft lines on your stomach as he does. Once he's towering over you once more, with his hands now firmly on your waist, he tilts his head. Without another word, you feel him pulling out slowly, your walls clenching around him, trying to suck him back in. He almost slips out all the way, but then he thrusts forward harshly, hitting your cervix with a force that makes your breath hitch in your throat.
He repeats the exact same motion several times, each time pushing as deep as possible with as much strength as he trusts himself to exert against you. You quickly turn into a moaning, whimpering mess, your legs twitching badly with every slam of his pelvis against you. In the middle of your haze, you admire his control and wonder when he'll lose it as well. But he stays very deliberate in his movements, guiding his length in and out of you with slow but hard stabs that leave you shuddering and aching for more.
His grip on your waist betrays him though, you can see the veins and muscles popping beneath the skin of his arms as he tries to keep that steady rhythm for as long as possible, even though you know he wants nothing more than to ram into you in rapid, forceful little snaps of his hips as he fucks you open to finally receive his seed.
You watch him out of half-lidded eyes, your lips parted and swollen, your noises bleeding into the slapping of skin against skin that fill the small room. You manage to move your shaking hands down, gently brushing against the vice-like grip he has on your waist. He looks at you then, his eyes darker than ever, his own lips trembling before he presses them together into a straight line. In-between softly moaning, you smile at him – and that is all it takes for him to change his rhythm.
He moves his hands to rest on either side of your hips, clenched to tight fists, as he then starts to plunge into you faster, no longer as deep, but still pushing with as much fervour and vigour as he can muster. His groans fill your ears, and you close your eyes as the sensations build up more and more inside your stomach. Every thrust rocks you up the bed, but before he pushes you further, you raise your twitching legs and wrap them tightly around his waist, the change in angle coaxing even louder moans out of your throat.
Grabbing your thighs, he holds you in place and keeps slamming his pelvis against yours, eventually finding a rhythm that is both fast and deep, and every single inward motion hits that sweet spot right at your cervix. You squirm and writhe, whimpering more and more as you arch your back into the mattress, completely overwhelmed by the pleasure he is giving you. You throw your arms back and grab at the edge of the bed, holding onto it as if your life depended on it. The way your muscles contract it certainly feels like it.
“Come for me, baby,” you hear him grunt quietly, and when your eyes move to his face, you see that he's holding back his own release with how his jaw is clenched.
You start moving your hips with him, and it doesn't take long for you to fulfil his wish. The pleasure explodes inside you, sending you thrashing around on the bed, a long cry escaping you, before your entire body freezes and the coiled up tension dissipates in nothing but pure bliss that gnaws at the edge of your vision. He holds you tightly during your orgasm, keeping his rapid rhythm, forcing you higher and higher, until his hips snap against you for one final deep thrust, and it feels as if he's even deeper now, his tight, quivering balls buried in your folds as he comes right after you with a loud groan.
Your walls flutter around his cock as you feel him twitching within you. His warm seed pumps out of him with every twitch, painting your walls, squeezing into any orifice it can find, and as it does, he moves one of his hands to your stomach and pushes down hard again, feeling the sensation of his release through the deep tissue of your skin. You whimper slightly, and he eases his grip and looks at you, panting just as much as you do, but he still gives you a smile that almost pushes you over the edge again.
You reach your arms out to him, beckoning him closer, and he complies, leaning over you to press his lips to yours as you embrace him tightly. You can still feel him twitching inside you, still filling you up, as his tongue invades your mouth hungrily. Kissing him back, you moan softly against him, your crossed feet caressing his lower back as you do so. The warmth within you is indescribable, be it the actual seed seeping into you or the thought of what it will do to you eventually, it fills you up to the brim with happiness and then some.
You feel the same emotion coursing through him as he holds you firmly, his hands slipping beneath your body as he presses you to his chest and lifts you slowly into a sitting position. Once he releases your mouth again, you rest your forehead against his shoulder, breathing heavily.
Yet as you think he is done with you, happy with filling you up, you must have forgotten who it is that's holding you in his grasp. You should have known better than to think that Sebastian Sallow will leave it at this. He knows what he wants, and you know he won't stop until he gets it. It being the absolute certainty that his seed has found a home in your womb. And as you look at him, your limbs twitching in exhaustion, you know he isn't done with you yet.
That wicked smirk is back on his lips, and as you notice it, he presses his mouth against yours for a quick kiss before he slowly lets go of you, his hands prying your thighs open until your legs fall boneless to his sides. Pressing his hand on your lower stomach, he slowly moves back and pulls out of you. Sitting on the edge of the bed, you bite your lip as you watch him, the sensation causing more tremors to rush through your body.
As soon as his cock leaves your warm embrace, covered in your combined juices, he puts his palm over your entrance, trapping the seed that's bound to spill from you. “Hmm,” he makes in thought and looks from his hand to you and back down.
Raising an eyebrow, you witness the gears turning in his head, amusement settling in your chest. When he then grabs your hand and switches his hand with yours, pressing it gently against your wetness, you frown deeply. “Do you expect me to sit here with my hand down there, waiting for something to grow?” you tease, your voice slightly hoarse.
He chuckles a little nervously. “No, of course not,” he says and looks around the room. “Hold it for me for just a moment, okay?”
You watch him walk around the room until he stops in front of your dresser, shamelessly rummaging through your underwear drawer. He retrieves a pair, but then his eyes fall onto the box you store on top of the furniture piece. He drops the garment and grabs something else instead, and as he returns to you, your mouth falls open. “Sebastian... what –”
But you can't stop him as he takes your hand away and shoves one of the many wand handles you collected over the years right into your quivering cunt, plugging it shut. It feels cold and hard as it pushes against your walls. You gasp and shudder deeply, staring from the intricate black object poking out of your entrance up into his flushed face.
“You can't be serious,” you just say and shake your head. “Is that one of the marble handles?”
“It is, fits perfectly, doesn't it? I'll clean it after, don't worry,” he adds cheekily and leans down to kiss you. “Now turn around for me,” he then commands, waiting for you to obey.
You do, obviously, and stand up on shaking legs. You feel his hands guiding you as you turn around, clenching your thighs together to keep the handle inside. Once you climb back onto the bed on your hands and knees, you feel his fingers pushing the object back in as it threatened to slip out. Shivering, you lean down on your chest and elbows, arching your body to only keep your rear in the air. As you settle in the new position, he steps behind you, grabbing your hips to move you a little closer to the edge again.
You turn your head and rest on your cheek, taking a shuddering breath as you watch him out of the corner of your eye. He has his cock in one hand and gives himself a few tight strokes, breathing heavily. Apparently the potion still works, and he has a lot more to give you. His other hand plays around with the wand handle lodged inside you as he pulls it and turns it, teasing you with every slight movement.
“We should use toys more often, don't you think?” you hear him say, and you let out a tired chuckle that's almost a groan.
“Well, next time you bring gifts to the kids, think of me as well, alright?” you whisper into the pillow.
He laughs and pokes at the object again, pushing it deeper. You whimper quietly, your legs shaking at the sensation. “You can't tell me you never thought of sticking these things into your pussy,” he says quietly through laboured breaths.
“Who says I haven't?” you reply with a smirk. That renders him completely speechless. “You're usually gone all week...” you purr and lick your lips. “And a girl has needs...”
He exhales loudly, and suddenly he grabs the wand handle and basically rips it out of you. You shriek and squirm, and with a heavy thud it lands on the floor next to the bed. Before you can complain, you feel his tip pressing against your entrance. “You would choose one of those,” he says through gritted teeth, “over my cock?” He doesn't wait for your answer (and frankly it's not necessary), he simply rolls his hips forwards and rams his entire length into you.
Coated with his seed and prepared from the handle, your walls welcome him back with ease. You moan as he pushes in deep once more, wrapping his arms around your stomach and pulling you flush against him as he folds his body over yours. You can feel him pressing against your cervix and almost further as he stands balls deep over you, holding your shuddering body that would certainly fall into itself at the sensation if it wasn't for his strong arms.
“Doesn't this feel so much better?” he whispers as he leans down more, his lips brushing over your ear.
“Yes...” you whimper. “Of course... it does...” Breathing seems hard in this position with his body weighing on you and his cock prodding your womb.
He kisses your earlobe and starts grinding his hips against you in small circles, each movement coaxing more noises out of you. This time his noises join yours, and the heavy breaths he issues right against your ear make you close your eyes and moan softly as you dig your fingers into the bedsheets.
“Have you thought about names yet?” he then coos, and you can only groan as a shiver runs down your spine.
“No, Sebastian...” you mutter into the pillow. “Kind of... busy here...”
His laugh and the low timbre of his voice almost send you right over the edge. “I was thinking... Beatrice... if it's a girl... or Bartholomew if it's a boy...”
You squirm beneath him, exhaling loudly through your nose. “Bartholomew?”
“Yes...” he grunts as he starts giving you tiny thrusts that send tiny jolts of pain through your body. “Seems... fitting... you know with... Benjamin... and Archie... and Anne...”
“Sebastian!” you squeal and buck your rear against him. “Can we not talk about our children while you are balls deep in my vagina?”
“Oh sweetheart,” he chuckles into your ear. “That's where those children came from, why shouldn't we?”
You groan and bury your flushed face in the pillow. “I like Beatrice,” you then mumble, earning you another low chuckle that makes you shudder deeply. You feel him kissing your cheek.
“Would be nice to have another baby girl,” he whispers and inhales deeply as he halts the movements of his hips for a moment.
You relax slightly, but it only lasts for so long before he leans back suddenly, grabs your waist and starts ramming his cock deep and fast into your quivering cunt. The moans that fall from your lips are loud and quick and make your head spin. You grip the bedsheets tightly, your knuckles turning white, as you brace your body against his rapid thrusts.
Once again you'd be impressed by his stamina if your head wouldn't be so empty. As he grunts and groans, his movements far from deliberate now and more on the rougher side, you can only lie there, your face pressed into the pillow and your knees shaking so badly you wonder how you can still keep them up like this. Perhaps it's his grip on your waist that holds you up, or it's sheer willpower as you try to do your part of this deal in providing him the best angle for him to push his length into you.
You can feel him going deeper and deeper, and the slight shudder in his movements tells you that he's trying to press himself into regions he shouldn't possible enter, yet he tries nevertheless – and the pressure of his attempts is what kicks you right over the edge. The tension in your stomach coils up once again, and when your body starts spasming violently, you know you can't hold it any longer.
As your knees give way under the intense tremors, you feel your walls tightening around him painfully, all of your muscles contract, and this time, it's a long and loud wail that leaves your lips as you fold under the pleasure of your third orgasm of the day. The tight grip of his hands on your bruised waist holds you in that position, and you feel him leaning closer, one of his knees propped up beneath you in support as he keeps slamming his pelvis into yours forcefully.
All you can hear is the blood rushing through your ears, the almost obscene slapping of skin against skin and his deep, animalistic grunts as he exerts himself to crash over the edge as well. When he finally does, he groans loudly, his final thrust into you so powerful it pushes you right into the bed before his body falls on top of yours, his cock ramming deeper as he shoots his load right into your womb.
You cry out in a mixture of pain and pleasure, buried beneath his weight and overwhelmed by the sensation of his cum shooting into you in thick warm spurts as his cock twitches inside you, filling you up more and more as he lies heavily on you, his shallow breaths right in your ear. You can barely breathe yourself, but somehow it doesn't matter.
You're one step closer to bearing his fourth child.
It takes him a moment to collect himself again, and when he does, it's due to an interruption you both haven't anticipated. There's a faint knock on the door that makes you shudder deeply. He shifts on top of you slightly, inhaling sharply as he stretches his hand out to summon his wand from the pile of clothes next to the bed. You hear him muttering something and you know he's lifting the silencing charm on the door to answer whoever is on the other side.
“What is it?” he calls, trying to sound as composed as possible – despite the rather indecent situation you both find yourselves in.
“Daddy? Archie hit his head!” you can hear the faint voice of your daughter through the door.
You immediately start to stir beneath him as your motherly instincts kick in. But he holds you down with a firm hand to your shoulder as he leans back up slightly.
“Is he bleeding?” he asks through the door.
“No,” comes the hesitant answer.
He exhales loudly. “Is he conscious?”
“Is he what?”
“Can he talk? Cry? Are his eyes open?” he explains, in spite of everything calm and patient.
“He's crying,” Anne answers quietly.
“Then he's fine,” Sebastian mutters under his breath, and you are tempted to hit him if any of your limbs would work. He notices your reaction nonetheless and quickly kisses the back of your head. “I'll be there in five minutes!” he then calls to his daughter. “Go and get Mr Adley!”
“Okay, Daddy,” your little girl squeaks, and you can hear quick footsteps hurrying away.
After he puts the silencing charm back up, he drops his wand next to your head and leans down once more, pushing you deeper into the bed again, his lips brushing over your ear. You can still feel him twitching inside you, he's still not done filling you up. While you feel a little ashamed to have been interrupted by your daughter (though she luckily didn't catch you in the act, you really don't want your kids to ever see you like this), his body just kept going, and you admire his willpower once again.
You admire him, period.
For a moment you just lie there, your bodies moulded together, before you stir slightly. “Sebastian,” you whisper quietly, your voice muffled by the pillow beneath you.
“Hmm?” he hums softly against you.
“You realize that Edgar will come here, right?” you say with a soft chuckle.
“Oh blast!” he then hisses, and suddenly he leans back, unfolding his body from yours, leaving your skin tingling and cold without his warm embrace.
You feel him scrambling back, and when he pulls out, you moan softly as your walls clench tightly, threatening to pump his seed out as well. Yet he is one step ahead of you, and without any warning, you feel the cold, hard wand handle plugging your hole again. Squirming against it, you feel him grabbing your hips and turning you around before he pushes your thighs firmly together. “Hold that for me, will you?” he urges and then proceeds to dress in what must be a new record for him.
As you look at him, you can't help but smile. Inhaling deeply, you lean on your elbows and watch him. There he is, back in his shirt and his trousers, his soaked, throbbing cock hidden away behind the stiff fabric, not even hinting at the erection that he forced into hiding. He must be very uncomfortable right now, yet he doesn't show it one bit. When he notices your smile, he walks around the bed and leans down to kiss your sweaty forehead.
“I'll be right back, alright?” he whispers, watching you closely. “I promised you a long night, remember?”
“Oh I remember,” you whisper back and grab his arm gently. “Take care of our children, okay?”
“Of course, love,” he says and kisses you once more. “I bet Edgar would love a sleepover party, don't you think?”
You laugh softly. He winks at you, grabs his wand from beside your head and unlocks the door, before he leaves you alone in your bedroom, filled with his seed and the promise to give you even more. Lying back with a sigh, you close your eyes and shift against the wand handle between your legs.
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Ending notes:
I almost feel the need to continue this and build a whole ass story around it. I mean, imagine a 30-something Professor Sallow, teaching Magical Theory, stepping into Fig's footsteps, teaching and inspiring young minds. And then when he's home, he has his cute little children (who'll attend Hogwarts soon-ish) and his loving wife and oh the potential this has! (But we'll see. Maybe I'll just drop a little more snippets of life with Dad!Seb in the future, who knows.) (Psst! Part two just dropped! Look!)
(By the way: The names of his kids are kindly borrowed from @subastian-swallows who made a Dad!Seb-bot whose prompt alone inspired me to write this!)
Oh and that wand handle... is this one, just for reference, if you need it.
Also, maybe a little disclaimer: I am not a mother and never intend to be one, but this mf of a pixel boy makes me indulge in things I never considered before, so I hope my attempt at portraying a family was somewhat realistic.
Thank you for reading!
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[ masterlist ]
Other Kinktober submissions:
Pleasant dreams... and tentacles (somnophilia, tentacles)
A scholar and a pervert (overstimulation, sex toys)
The horny ghost (voyeurism, masturbation, spectrophilia)
It belongs to me (deepthroating, semi-public)
A Filthy Fantasy (1/2) (cnc, bondage, sensory deprivation, orgasm denial)
A Filthy Fantasy (2/2) (threesome, oral/vaginal/anal)
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cutielights · 9 months
Hi! I loved your panther, tiger and fox s/o for the rottmnt boys, could you pls put an EXTRA fluffy calico cat with f/c dots or stripes on their body?
Sleep good! 🌟🐥
Yup, yup, sounds sweet enough to give me diabetes let’s do it
I used up the cat jokes in the panther one so imma need to find more stupid shit cats do.
Fox version Tiger version Panther version
Tw: none
Rise! Boys x Calico cat mutant! S/O
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He thinks you are SO cute
Enjoys teasing you about it
“Who’s a good kitty?”
“I will end you.”
don’t say it don’t say it don’t say it don’t say it Tail Yank GOD DANG IT
“Hey you wanna go to the pool?”
“Oh my god Leo.”
Gave you catnip just to see what would happen
Bury’s his head inside the fluff after a hard day
Insists on getting to touch your ears
Picks you up like a teddy bear
He loves hearing you purr
Fluffy cuddles!
Tackled you into being washed once
“Stay. Still. You. Could. Have. Fleas.”
“I. Would. Rather. Die.”
You looked like a large pompom afterwards
Enjoys tracing the patterns and spots on your fur
Loves that your cat agility lets you keep up
Do NOT shed in his lab
Otherwise he loves you very much
Depending on how long the relationship has been going on he will bury his face in all that fluff
It’s just- so fluffy
Sensory heaven
“Hey, what you doing?”
*mysterious red dot appears on the ground*
“I must have it.”
I said this in the Panther one but “PSPSPSPSPS”
The-couple-that-doesn’t-like-water solidarity
You’re gon need a new ship name
That one seems kinda long
Enjoys the patterns on your fur
Thinks you’re an absolute masterpiece of Mother Nature
You tried helping him out with cooking once
“Oh I’m using cucumbers in t-“
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milaisreading · 1 year
I love your manager requests if you can make one if you don't mind one where ness or I could say reader to ask ness out on a date in front of the guys and have the guys go see spy on her date with ness if it's What do you want and don't mind making my request?
Author: OmG I love that concept sm! Hope you are alright with this story and thank you for the request! Have a great day/night🩷
Warnings ⚠️: Reader uses she/her. Requests are open. I listened to Cupid by Fifty Fifty and may have gotten carried away a little
Pairings: Blue Lock x manager!reader (Ness x Reader)
⚽️Blue Lock belongs to:Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
Ego expected a lot of chaos to come from training kids...teenagers who want to be always right and on top of everything. And while he enjoyed that part, it was really the main reason he started the Blue Lock project, he didn't necessarily like kids. And today was one of the days he remembered he didn't want any. Ego's day started off to begin with, he woke up without Anri and he didn't see her or (Y/n) in the cafeteria,  where they usually ate breakfast. During the day Anri kept texting back and fourth with someone, then tried to get him to agree on letting (Y/n) help out Noel instead of the Blue Lock team. He of course said no. And now, when he tried to calmly eat his lunch, (Y/n) decided to barge in while squealing.
"And?!" Anri yelled as the younger started giggling and nodding her head along.
"He said yes! We are going out tomorrow!"
Ego watched with a dumbfounded face as the two started speaking over each other.
"What are you two even squealing about?" Ego asked, causing the two to stop and look at the older man.
"Well..." (Y/n) started, getting shy as Ego stared her down.
20 minutes ago...
(Y/n) felt like her stomach was about to explode, the whole day yesterday and this morning Anri was practicing with (Y/n) how to approach Ness. Tomorrow was their day off so asking him out on a date now is the last chance for her.
'How should I approach him? Calm and collected?! Or should I just blurt everything out?! God help me.' She gulped as her face started getting redder.
'Also why is everyone so loud?' (Y/n) wondered, cringing when she heard Shidou yell something and Baro chiming in.
"Otoya! Karasu! Stop eating (Y/n)'s food!" Aryu scolded the duo, who by now had pulled (Y/n)'s tray closer to them.
"It's not like she is eating!"
"(Y/n) needs to eat and you idiots took all her food. Here, you can take my lunch, (Y/n)." Isagi offered, only to get ignored as the girl kept staring at the door.
'Those gorgeous, big eyes and that smile... And his voice! Ahh~ if only he will say yes!' (Y/n) prayed to herself.
"(Y/n)!" The girl jumped a little and looked over at Isagi in a daze.
"You want my lunch. Those idiots ate yours." Isagi said, pointing at Karasu and Otoya.
"It's fine, you can eat yours Rin."
(Y/n) said absent-mindedly as the door opened, revealing Kaiser and Ness.
'There he is! Ahhh~ his hair looks so fluffy!'
"Rin?! (Y/n), that's Isagi." Aryu said as he pointed as the offended boy, but she ignored it and got up to walk towards Ness.
"Tha-Thanks Chigiri, I will check it out in a minute."
"Chigiri?! Rin?!" The table exclaimed as they observed the girl. Reo, Nagi and Bachira, who were sitting nearby looked over at the table and then watched as (Y/n) called for Ness.
"What is she doing?!" Reo exclaimed.
"I don't know... and thanks to them I can't hear anything." Nagi groaned, looking over at Rin, Baro and Shidou. Bachira's hands twitched under the table, knowing whatever it was, it won't end well.
"N-ness... h-how are you today?" (Y/n) said with red cheeks as the boy sent her his usual smile.
'I think I have diabetes from how sweet he looks!' The girl thought.
"It's been great. Noa has been giving us some crap over the defense, but all in all good. Kaiser and I came here to eat lunch, want to join?" Ness asked, pointing at the table where the blonde and some other players of his club were.
"A-ah no... I just wanted to ask you something."
Ness grew a little concerned at how red her face was.
'Maybe it's a flue.' He thought as he touched (Y/n)'s forehead.
'Ehh?!' The girl thought as she looked at the boy.
"You seem to be alright, but you face is completely red. You want me to bring you to the nurse?" Ness asked with a frown as (Y/n) shook her head.
"N-no need... I just wanted to ask you... to go on a date with me tomorrow." Although she finally said that, it was pretty silent and add to to the other 3 bickering Ness didn't understand anything.
"To what?"
"To go out with me." (Y/n) said it louder this time, but Ness still couldn't hear her and glared at Shidou, Baro and Rin, who were about to get scolded by Reo and Kunigami.
"I said..." (Y/n) took a deep breath.
'My heart is about to explode!'
"Will you 3 shut up?!" Reo yelled causing the other 3 to grow silent for a moment.
"Will you go out on a date with me tomorrow?!"
Kaiser spit out his drink as be looked at the two and there were light choking sounds coming from Chigiri.
'Ahhh! Why did they have to stop arguing now?!' (Y/n) thought in embarrassment and looked at Ness again, who had a red face matching hers.
"S-sure... when?" The boy stuttered out, feeling his heart explode.
'She looks kind of adorable with that face.'
"Alright. I... we can make some plans at dinner then?" Ness suggested, both feeling awkward as the players stared at them.
"Great idea!" (Y/n) said back as she played with the hem of her shirt.
Present time...
"You both are yelling here over a date?" Ego asked in disbelief as (Y/n) nodded her head.
"It's cute, Ego-san! This place misses some romance and drama, in my opinion." Anri said, making the man facepalm.
"This is for football not some weird drama, TV show..."
"Alright! Do we have everything set?!" Kunigami yelled as they went over the plan for tomorrow.
"Yes, Reo, Nagi, Bachira and I will form a group and follow them." Baro said bitterly as Reo sulked while the other two looked like they were out for blood.
"Then you have Yukimiya, Chigiri, Rin and I." Isagi said, dreading to see (Y/n) all lovey-dovey with the German boy. Rin and Chigiri were cracking their knuckles while Yukimiya was taking some notes.
'Whatever he is doing...' Isagi thought, worried that they might end up in jail.
'But it's for (Y/n)'s safety.'
"Then you have Kurona, Hiori, Otoya and I. We will beat Ness up." Karasu said with a murderous glint as the other three nodded their heads.
"No beating up! For now..." Kunigami sighed.
"That leaves Niko, Gagamaru, Aryu and I. When did you hear the date was again?" Kunigami asked as he looked over at Bachira, who was clenching his fists.
"At 9 they will meet up. They will go to the nearby town for a few hours. Can we beat him up after?"
"Maybe. I still don't see what (Y/n) loves about that freak when I am over here." Aryu sulked.
"You all... do you think (Y/n) might pick to work for Bastard München after this?"
The guys turned to look at Gagamaru, who was on the verge of crying along with Niko.
"The hell are you even saying?! She won't leave me- US like this!" Rin yelled, clearly the most upset about the whole incident.
"Calm down, Rin! What makes you even say that, Gagamaru?" Otoya questioned the boy.
"You all do remember that she never turned down Noel-san's offer officially." Gagamaru reminded them.
"Oh... But still, she wouldn't leave us for Ness... right?" Isagi said, chuckling nervously.
"No, of course not. We are still her number 1 priority!" Reo said as Nagi groaned.
'Why that bastard of all people?! I was right there (Y/n)!' The boy thought.
The next day (Y/n) woke up bright and early, got herself ready and dressed in some clothes Anri helped her pick up, then went to meet up with Ness at the entrance.
'He looks so dreamy~ those eyes!' (Y/n) blushed as the boy glanced at her.
"Should we go and eat first? You didn't eat anything." Ness offered as they walked down the road. Clearing her throat, (Y/n) nodded her head.
"Sure! Where do you want to go? I heard they have so many good restaurants."
"Whatever you pick, I trust your instincts." Ness smiled, shyly offering his hand for her to hold.
'Ahh! It's happening!' (Y/n) thought and took it.
"I saw good reviews on a restaurant down the road. They serve some French pastries too."
"What does he mean by instincts? Is he calling her gluttonous?!" Rin whispered from behind the wall as he glared at Ness' head.
"Can we beat him up now?" Yukimiya questioned as Isagi and Chigiri shook their heads.
"Not yet, later. Chigiri go and call Kunigami and tell them where to go." Isagi said as Yukimiya pointed frantically at the duo.
"They are holding hands! Red alarm."
"Maybe we could beat him up now." Isagi said as a dark aura formed itself around Rin and him.
"It's so nice here, the food is good and even the music is right. That doesn't happen often." (Y/n) said as she ate her katsudon, enjoying the crunch of it.
"It's really nice. I need to eat it again when I visit Japan. You were right with the katsudon... was it?" Ness asked nervously as he took another bite.
"Aha~" the girl said as she happily took another bite.
'She seems to like food a lot... Hmm there are nice places in Munich I could bring her to once she visits again. So cute~' Ness sighed with a blush as he kept watching her eat, the facial expressions were adorable to him. Noticing that she nearly ate her fried meat and put some of his unto her bowl.
"Ha? Why aren't you eating it? Is it bad?" (Y/n) asked in panic, but the boy just shook his head, giving her another one of his smiles.
"I ate enough fried food for the time being... besides it seems to be your favorite part of the dish and I like how happy you look when eating it."
'Ahhh! I can't take it anymore!' (Y/n) thought as her face grew a bright red and stuttered out a quiet thank you. Then she looked down at her bowl to see what she could give him
"Are they sharing food now?" Niko asked in shock as the group observed them from a few tables away.
"I thought that was a thing she exclusively did with me..." Gagamaru said, sounding heartbroken as Niko added in.
"I feel so insulted... the two of us got closer thanks to food... and now she does the same with another dude."
"I still can't believe she never noticed us. Her eyes are completely glued to that Ness dude."  Aryu bit into his napkin, jealous of the heart eyes she was sending him the whole time.
"Calm down you all, I know this sucks and I rather we pull (Y/n) away from that dude, but we can't cause a scene." Kunigami warned, contemplating to go over there and pick the girl up from the seat.
The whole table then frowned as the two laughed at something.
"The shrine is pretty nice. And you are sure I can take pictures?" Ness wondered as he took out his phone. (Y/n) looked once more at the signs and nodded her head.
"Yep as long as nothing is disturbed it's fine to take pictures." She summarized what the writing said and Ness nodded his head. (Y/n) watched happily as he took pictures of the place.
"Thanks, Liebling."
'He looks so lovely... I hope I can take him to another shrine the next time he visits. He will love the ones in Osaka a lot.' (Y/n) thought, swooning a little as he smiled again.
"What is he doing? Why is he ignoring (Y/n) like that?" Nagi watched the scene in disbelief as Reo tsked in distaste.
"If I was him the only pictures I would take ar ethe ones with (Y/n) in it. He must be stupid to act like this." The purple-haired boy huffed and looked away.
"What's worse is that (Y/n) doesn't seem to realize her own worth if she let's this slide. Can I kick something at him?" Bachira wondered.
"Not now, I don't want toe hear Mr. Hero scolding us. But I do agree that he must be blind to ignore her like that." Baro crossed his arms as they continued torturing themselves with the duo.
'Why him?! Why does she look at him like that?!' The four thought.
"That was a really nice day, when is the bus arriving again?" Ness asked as he squeezed (Y/n)'s hand tighter.
"I think in about an hour or so. I really hope you liked today, it wasn't much but uh... maybe next time..." (Y/n) looked around the place nervously as Ness nodded his head.
"Next time we can plan something for Tokyo. I always wanted to visit Shibuya, Liebling."
The boy said as (Y/n) nodded her head.
'So there will be a next time!'
"Oh... I wanted to ask you what that means."
"What what means?" Ness raised an eyebrow.
"Lieb... Liebling?" (Y/n) repeated in broken German. Ness thought for a moment and then leaned down to whisper something to her.
"Basically it means Honey."
'Ahhh!! This isn'ta dream?!' (Y/n) thought to herself.
"What did he say?!" Otoya whisper-yelled as he glared at the boy as he moved away from (Y/n) a little.
"Karasu! Don't cause a scene! Hiori help me hold him back." Kurona told the blue-eyed boy, who reluctantly came to help.
"I say we let him get a beating. He is literally stealing my manager."
"Our manager, Hiori. And I just don't want to see (Y/n) sad."
"True... that would suck..."
"And?! How was it?! I want to hear all the details!!" Anri yelled excitedly as (Y/n) entered Ego's office.
"Do you two have to talk about it in my office?" The man groaned as Anri sent him a glare.
"Yes. Yes, we do. And?!" The woman said as she pulled (Y/n) to a corner. The girl blushed a little and hid her face with her hands.
"I think we will be having another date again."
Ego rolled his eyes as they kept on talking.
'Kids are a hassle.'
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moonxytcn · 21 days
Hey I have a billie request! Fem reader has type 1 diabetes. We have been having a bad day, we kinda feel insecure. Billie helps us change our insulin pump.
a not so bad day
Billie Eilish x fem!reader
summary – you wake up with high blood sugar and billie helps you
warnings – fluffy, reader has diabetes
English is not my first language so there may be some errors.
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It was a cloudy Sunday morning, and you already knew the day wasn't going to start well. Waking up with high blood sugar was always a warning that the next few hours would be a constant battle with your body. You looked at the insulin pump screen, the number blinking in red: 287 mg/dL. A tired sigh escaped your lips as you tried to process what to do next.
Billie was still asleep beside you, her face relaxed in deep sleep. You didn't want to wake her, but the restlessness and discomfort were palpable. Slowly, you got up, trying not to make any noise. The house was silent, except for the faint hum of the air conditioner.
While you were in the kitchen, getting a glass of water, you heard soft footsteps. Billie appeared at the door, her eyes half-closed but full of concern.
"Hey, love, what's going on?" She asked softly.
You tried to smile, but you knew you wouldn't fool Billie. She always knew when something was wrong.
"My blood sugar is high again." You admitted, looking at the floor. "I think the pump is failing. I'll need to change it."
Billie approached, wrapping you in a warm hug. "We'll fix this together, okay? You're not alone."
You nodded, appreciating the comfort of her embrace. Together, you went to the bathroom where you kept the diabetes supplies. Billie started preparing the new infusion set while you removed the old one.
"This is so frustrating, Billie." You vented, feeling tears beginning to form. "It feels like I can never have a peaceful day without worrying about this."
Billie paused what she was doing and held your hands, looking deep into your eyes. "I know, love. And it's unfair that you have to deal with this. But I'm here with you, always. We'll get through this together, one step at a time."
You took a deep breath, feeling the calmness that Billie's presence brought. With a gentle gesture, she continued the process of changing the pump, guiding you when necessary. Her skill in handling the situation, even without being diabetic, always surprised you. Billie always made it a point to learn, to be by your side in every difficult moment.
"There." She said after a few minutes, gently pressing the new cannula into your arm. "How do you feel?"
You grimaced as you adjusted the new insertion, but soon gave a shy smile. "Better, I think. Thank you, Billie. I don't know what I would do without you."
Billie kissed your forehead gently. "You'll never have to find out. I'm here for anything, always. Now, how about we have some coffee and then watch that movie you like?"
You nodded, feeling a sense of relief wash over you. It wasn't just about changing the insulin pump; it was about having someone who understood your struggles and stood by your side to face them. With Billie, the bad days were a little easier to endure.
Together, you went to the kitchen, where Billie started making coffee. The house, which previously seemed full of uncertainties, now felt a bit lighter, full of hope. And as you watched Billie, you knew that with her, any battle was possible to win.
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suguru-getos · 7 months
Birthday Lovings | Bakugou x Todoroki x F!Reader |
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A/N: This post is for my baby @bakugoushotwife for her birthday. <3 (Yes I posted early I wrote this on my work laptop). I love you and I hope you like being loved by these two dorks! No warnings as such, this is an extremely fluffy (almost Diabetes inducing fluffy excuse me :P) They just love you so much and want to make your birthday special. <3 I thought of creating a mood-board to make you familiar with the aesthetics we have going on here :DD
Shouto knew better than to be impatient, yet, he couldn't help but sigh looking at the clock. "Don't understand what's taking her so long." His childish dismissal evident and biting as the Blonde gremlin next to him scoffed. "Learn patience on your own before I shove it where the sun don't shine." Shouto bites back quite instantly, "All you know is how to sound useless, do better and be more creative dull head." After tolerating each other since high school; Bakugou and Shouto have grown used to each other. Each have their own unique traits to exhibit where they show you love. It was exactly 10 pm of the day before your birthday and Shouto Todoroki was getting annoyed. The veins of his forehead popping up and flaring, though his counterpart was seemingly chill. Sometimes the tables turn on these two, and you're the only one who knows them this intimately who can figure that out.
"She'll be here." Bakugou scoffed, clearly annoyed.
They have spent a lot of time decorating the house after all. Shouto wanted to see how much you'd like it. If… you'd like it. "Cute." Katsuki snickered under his breath, rolling his eyes. They had decorated the entrance with metallic balloons in grey and white, with strings and bells of the accentuating undertones. The whole house was decorated with roses and was a literal paradise. Musk and vanilla scented candles all over, waiting to be lit up and the cake as massive as your wedding cake. They wanted the 12 am of your birthday to mark the celebrations quick and clear.
Here you were, stuck at work and the two hero gremlins who's heart you own… restless and needy.
Shouto finally texted you:
Shouto [10:19pm]: Where are you? Snowflake [10:21pm]: I'm on my way, I'll be there soon!
Katsuki chuckled, rolling his eyes. "Told ya, we'll fuck her shitty boss up if he tries to make her stay late today."
Shouto nodded, a gentle and relaxed smile plastered over his features. This sounds, nice… you'd be here in no time then! How quaint.
They waited patiently, Shouto leaning his head against Katsuki's shoulders as they sat on the couch dressed up in a white button up with blazers scrolling through TikToks. "The worst thing is these edits made by fans." Katsuki scoffs, "Taking my words completely out of the context." Shouto laughs, "If  you want me to listen then get on your knees and beg? Who says that to a villain? You should know that would be surely taken out of the context." Bakugou rolls his eyes, scoffing and scrolling further. They were extremely popular heroes, each famous for their powers but also their behaviours. On one hand we had Dynamight - the symbol of strength, the symbol of bluntness and to stand true to your opinion. His fans admired him for his good looks, powers and of course his ability to be so direct and without any filters. The other hand we had Shouto - symbol of strength and gentlemanliness. Famous as the elegant hero who is refined and almost aristocratic and exudes charm like no other. Politely speaks and still can get menacing when needed. Girls dig that. Too bad both of them are literally married to you.
Their thoughts and conversations were cut off with the door knock. Both of them lurched up, looking at each other with a shit-eating grin. "Kay, she's here. Good s' almost 12" Katsuki beamed, walking towards the door and opening it for you.
You walked in, suddenly engulfed by the scent of his cologne, while Shouto lured around too as both of them say in unison. "Welcome home!" If you had a bad day, you couldn't really do anything but give into the harmonious and contagious happiness and excitement both of them showcased. You smiled, cheeks dusting red as the decorations reflected in the browns of your eyes. "Oh my god- this- this is a lot! You guys" You blushed, getting a tad embarrassed with how extensive and extra they've been. "Shut up shitty woman!" Katsuki laughed, carrying you over his shoulder before you could absorb the decorations done in your name. Your birthday which was about to commence… "We got just the perfect fit for you, Darling." Shouto echoed, walking beside Katsuki towards your shared bedroom. The red satin dress laid down on your king sized bedroom, with three Tiffany and Co. boxes which had matching jewellery, lingerie, perfume, and of course dainty heels that would complete the look.
You gasped, chuckling at how the diamond set laid there serpentine, they really planned a lot. No wonder you watched them on their phone's showing each other things secretively three weeks before your big day. "I chose most of the things" Bakugou lied through his teeth, and Shouto frowned. "Hey- that's absolutely not true!" Immediately cutting Katsuki off with a pouty glare. "We decided things together, we had to brainstorm a lot. The things I liked, he didn't. The things he liked, I didn't." Shouto stamped the truth on Katsuki's face and yours. Katsuki was only teasing after all, nodding with a softened grin to accept Shouto's truth. "I see, I see… thank you Daddies. You both have been so cute." You almost whine, heart swelling at their efforts and their little banter. Oh how did you get so lucky? "Go change." Katsuki playfully spanked the mound of your ass, though it's not as playful because it stings just right. You roll your eyes and change in front of them… no shame in rewarding with how much they've done for you. They both look at you the same way they did when they first saw you naked. Shouto has a little dusk on his cheek, Katsuki is a little wide-eyed. Their stares turn from awe to a potion of parched predators mingled with loving worshippers. It’s something words would fail to describe. Teeth-baringly unique to Bakugou Katsuki & Shouto Todoroki when they glance at your beautiful body. "I'll rip those off after." Katsuki pointed at the lingerie and called dibs on it in front of Shouto. "Shut up, now isn't the time for that." Shouto chided him, acting refined but his core burned when you slipped the dress on. "Alright little one, get ready and Shouto and I, would go prepare stuff up." "Okay, I won’t take long, I promise." You comfort, seeing it was 11:30 PM on the clock. Hearing that calms Shouto's nerves significantly. Little perfection freak amalgamated with the other Blonde Perfectionism Freak.
They go outside after you kiss them on the lips, letting them wander around your body that grounds them, that makes them realize what they want to protect so bad.
Once you finished getting ready, you walked outside to the lit aisle of roses, champagne bottle decorated along with the dinner food on one side of the table; the other having your birthday cake. "This is all so fucking cute!" You wiggled in place, giddy like a child. Shouto likes capturing moments, hence you were recorded coming out from your bedroom. Bakugou walked towards you, hands snaking to hold your wrist and the other around your waist to pull you close, gravely whispering, "Happy birthday." It was dot 12:00 AM. You almost teared up at the sincerity of his wish, while Shouto walked in too, kissing your forehead deeply. "Happy birthday, wife." "So happy to spend the rest of my life with you. You make me the luckiest man on this earth." Shouto chimes, kissing your cheek and chuckling when you evade eye-contact because their sincerity is making you tear up. There have been random discussions about how you haven't really spent a proper birthday. You didn't really rant about it or such, but your men are perceptive after all. "We've planned a fuckin' bash for ya!" Bakugou grins, "this one's just for the family. Just us… then tomorrow we'd party our asses off. Don't give a shit if we're blacked out by the end of it." Shouto rolls his eyes with a chuckle. "The last time you were drunk you were telling her to piss off cause you're wifed up." You snickered with Shouto at the pouty Katsuki. "You half and half bastard you were fucking calling me with your phone saying you lost your phone SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Oh they can be such messes when they're drunk. "Alright, but I get to choose who we invite!" You strike again and they nod diligently. Before you could speak further, both of them held each hand of yours, letting you stand near the cake & giving you a custom gold-plated knife, iced with diamonds. "Fuck that knife- this is so beautiful why're we even using it?" You almost were baffled, blinking at the degree of 'extra' this was. "S' a gift from yer lame best friend and her dumb bird brained idiot." Katsuki rolled his eyes, and Shouto smiled, "I like it, no idea why it's a knife though?" "Cause she said she wants to be a part of a family celebration so she'd shove an object in the ceremony." Bakugou cackled, impressed by the clinginess of your friend.
"Alright, let me cut the cake. Shut up you two! I love this knife." You almost roared, giggling and cutting the cake while they both hummed a very fine-tuned, melodious and almost acoustic version of the song 'Happy Birthday'. There was an acoustic music, serene and relaxing playing in the background while you held back from tearing up. They can be so nasty with their love towards you, spoiling you & making sure you know just how much they love you. There was one time, Shouto said something that suddenly echoed in your mind as you chose him to take the first bite of the delicious dessert. "If you were cold and burning the world would provide you warmth, I will not think twice." It was one of the days when you had a bad day, and were sitting silently on his lap while he played with your hair. Now you know, he's fully capable of doing that. The second piece goes to Bakugou Katsuki himself, a force to reckon with. He might've not said anything but you know he will cause disasters in your minor problems. How do you know? Oh it's simple, he's almost glossy eyed every time you whine at something as little as a period cramp. He can't see you in pain and he can't see him being helpless about it. You find him using rage as an outlet when he feels so. So Katsuki of him.
"Happy birthday Princess." Katsuki echoed again, leaning in and stealing a passionate kiss.
"Happy birthday, dear Snowflake." hummed Shouto, hugging you extra tight causing you to whine in a whimper with giggles, stealing a kiss after.
"Let's go have dinner." Shouto coos, looking enamoured and whipped. "Then, yer gonna be daddy's dessert." Katsuki snickered, while you rolled your eyes with a grin.
"Course, I will be. I love you two!"  
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Thought of a little Red Riding Hood AU with Dabi and Hawks but with a platonic Yandere twist.
Let me set the scene: Reader Chan was on her merry way to deliver some treats to her father’s home. Hawks is your father and a pretty wealthy hunter as well. The village’s leader and local Dilf.
You could get diabetes from how sweet he is with you, often kissing and giving you loads of physical affection.
He sends you out into village for simple errands as you like to do help out your father as much as you can.
Reader Chan then wanders into the woods, maybe she can pick some pretty flowers for her dad. She grows tired and decides to nap on a hill.
Enter Dabi, a fearsome werewolf who is recently in some hot water with the nearby village after stealing livestock and terrorizing the local farmers. He quickly catches the scent of human and is a little miffed about it. He can’t stand trespassers who hunt his prey and steal his fruit, so he follows it.
Then he just sees you, contently napping while clutching a basket and some flowers. Dabi is an asshole who likes chasing after hunters, howling really loudly to make himself known but he’s not gonna kill a baby!
He trots on over to Reader and attempts to make his presence known, by loudly growling and snarling. Reader wakes up and in their 7 year old brain, being a dog means your good news.
Instead of crying or running away in fear, you offer Dabi, this hulking wolf who is growing angrily in your face, a cinnamon sugar muffin. He stops and is like “Uh, wtf is this?”
You place it in front of him and he eats it. Reader Chan is ecstatic about the nice doggy accepting her gift and you pet him. Dabi is just sitting there as you pet his fluffy fur and coo about how he’s a good doggo.
You go back home and Dabi is like: Fuck, I gotta adopt you. I’ll teach you how to hunt and we’ll chase chickens together.”
Hawks is rather terrified that you came home so late and that you have wolf fur on your dress.
Now Dabi desires to make you apart of his pack as his pup and Hawks has to make sure that you don’t get kidnapped. (He also has to fight his raging Dabi boner.)
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