#like that thing ed sheeran did a few years ago??
gezellig · 1 year
unpopular opinion maybe but i hate this new way of getting tickets. if you didn’t register a year before the concert there’s literally no chance left to get tickets??? even if you change your mind afterwards, you’ll never be able to go??
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kbagraces · 6 months
Give Me Love - LN4
Lando Norris x fwb!Reader
summary: in his previous relationships he couldn’t protect them from the backlash of simply being with him. but will protecting only end up hurting you?
loosely based off give me love by ed sheeran
(not proof read)
"Give me love like her, 'cause lately I've been waking up alone"
He missed all of you.
He missed the way you laughed, covering your smile as you did so. He never understood why you were insecure of your smile. So he spent almost every minute with you trying to make you smile, eyes crinkled, he'd grab your hand attempting to get a glimpse of your scrunched up face.
He missed the way you ranted about topics you saw online, your voice rising slightly with passion as you spoke on things which either filled you with passion or disdain. More often than not he wouldn't have a clue what you were talking about but he loved how invested you were.
He missed the way you spoke. How you acted. He missed you.
When you weren't around the void couldn't be filled, he knew that but that didn't stop him attempting to disperse his feelings with emptiness.
Random girls residing in his bed while you were back in England or when he was flying around the world. He knew it was wrong but he'd picture your face beneath him as he fucked these strangers. That's all it was, a quick fuck. Momentary bliss before the clarity hit and he'd remember it wasn't you writhing from his touch.
He lay beside the girl who ever so slightly resembled you. He noticed her falling asleep, he used her so he decided to be courteous and at least let her stay the night, hoping she'd slip out before he awoke.
Since you, he never slept beside another girl, he made his way to his spare room, climbing in the smaller bed. You frequented his mind more as of recent. You'd only left a few weeks ago as his summer break began. You'd managed to book a few days holiday to visit him in his home in Monaco. The time you spent together was precious to both of you. You both treated each other as delicate, breakable items. You knew the other was in reach but not yours to keep.
You'd had multiple conversations across your 2 years of friendship about becoming more, never fully tried on both parts. Lando's fondness of you found him wanting to keep you away from the media as much as possible. They knew you existed, but they didn't know much about you and he wanted to keep it that way. He wanted to protect you, he couldn't in his previous relationships, losing girls he thought he loved due to media and fan scrutiny. And his feelings for you were a thousand times more intense, he couldn't put you through that. He couldn't hurt you.
You on the other hand were hurting because of that. You knew he had good intentions but seeing him stumble out of clubs with girl after girl left a sour taste in your mouth. He felt no shame exposing his promiscuity to the media thus you couldn't help feeling the rising feeling of perhaps he was ashamed of you. He reassured you that wasn't at all true but the insecurity crept through from time to time.
You adored him. Before him life was grey, you worked in a small coffee shop, all your friends moving on to big and beautiful jobs whilst you struggled to get by. Your dream was to own your own cafe so you muddled on by in your mediocre job saving every penny to fulfil your dream. Then Lando came along. Ordering a coffee from the cafe you worked in almost every day that he was back in the UK.
The conversation was easy and the friendship blossomed. No man has made you as happy as Lando has. A few months into your friendship Lando admitted to you he didn't even like coffee, he simply panicked the first time he saw you. His return to the shop everyday was just to see you, he simply tolerated the bitter taste just to speak to you.
When Lando heard of your dream he begged for you to let him buy you a cafe and get you started, you refused every time. In fact you rarely let him spend any money on you, paying your way as much as possible. Obviously some extravagant dates he'd taken you on in quiet towns across different countries your wage didn't come close to, but other than that you were as independent as your salary would allow.
Lando recognised your independence. Selfishly, it was one of the first things he loved about you. Most girls he'd been involved with saw him as a walking bank, but you didn't. You didn't see his status or the money in his bank. You saw him.
It terrified him for a while, but he couldn't escape you. The love he felt for you. But he also couldn't escape his lifestyle.
Tonight was no different. You hadn't spoken for about a week after pictures of his last rendevous leaked. You did this every time pictures of that nature were released. You knew your radio silence wouldn't last long but you liked to protect your peace for a little before running back to the man you can't have.
"Maybe tonight i'll call ya, after my blood turns into alcohol"
Lando stumbled out of the club, alone for once. Every time he got papped in these situations he promised himself he'd behave to prove to you that he was worth holding on to. Like clockwork, as soon as the taxi dropped him at his Monaco home he was on the phone.
"Y/n. I've missed your voice."He slurred over the phone, you knew the routine, you knew he was drunk, his speech only confirming what you knew.
"Any pictures i need to be warned to look out for tomorrow morning?" Only half joking, he knew it hurt you, but being together would be worse he thought.
"Not tonight. Just needed to hear your voice. Needed to know you're still mine."
You sighed, this is teetering on too much.
"I've been yours for two years Lando. Not much has changed. I wait for you, you sleep around, i get hurt. Then you ring me drunk apologising and repeat."
"I'm yours as much as your mine, y/n. You know that. You know why I can't give my all to you, I can't be the one to be the reason you're hurting." His eyebrows furrowed, this isn't how this normally goes. You're rarely angry at him, you're forgiving and caring. But tonight he feels the conversation shifts to passive aggressive, even he can tell despite his drunken state.
"This is hurting Lando. You can't be that foolish to think i can do this forever. We're playing hide and seek to try and turn this round. I want you but not like this. I was going to say this next time i saw you. You're hurting me and i need time now."
"No." He panicked, he wasn't sure what to say. A refusal probably wasn't the smartest but he couldn't find the words to beg you not to do this, to give him another chance. But those words have been uttered a few too many times recently.
You wanted more than a no, but even if he fought, you'd been pushed too far this time. "You'll be fine Lan, another girl is around the corner you know that, but hold her tighter this time. Don't fall into this routine with the next one."
Tears spilled from your eyes, you knew he didn't mean to hurt you, hes not a bad person. He's in fact the best person in your life, but nothing changes no matter what you say and you're all out of fight.
"No, i just want to hold you", his voice cracks. He can't have lost you.
"I love you Lando, i do but i spend more time missing you and worrying about the next time my hearts going to shatter than i do loving you."
"I'm sorry y/n i can change ill be better, ill move back to the UK, we can fix this." Hes begging praying to all the Gods or anyone out there to hear his plea.
"It's gone too far this time. Be safe and be happy, my love. You''ll forever be in my heart but you'll never be mine."
----- ----- -----
"And it been a while but i still feel the same."
He hated to admit it, but he's been anything but himself in the last 4 months. After he subsequently ripped his own heart out, you went no contact. In the first week he thought this was one of your phases and you'd come back like he'd gotten so used to you doing. But one week became two and then so on.
He checked your socials everyday, begging for glimpses into your life. It hurt to be an observer to your life but it was the only way he felt close to you now. He'd flown to the UK after Singapore, he had a few week before his next race and McLaren were begging him to return and work on the simulator.
It was no doubt his performance had declined since you left. His closer friends at McLaren, the few he actually trusted aware of your 'relationship' recognised the correlation. He refused to be in the UK between races, not trusting himself to avoid you if he was back. But they needed him to be better and the HQ was the best place for that.
And now that he was back he was indeed struggling to avoid turning up at the cafe. He never did, but he would often drive past on the way to work, hoping for a glimpse of you.
Like clockwork, after his morning run he was straight onto instagram, searching your profile.
yourusername: "café des amoureux open for business!! *address* !!!
His legs were already running to his car, his fingers copying the address into maps. His mind disregarding your plea of no contact, this was your dream. You were still his favourite person, before it got too much he was your biggest supporter of your dreams. He wanted to tell you how proud he was.
It was 8am and you'd only just opened, expecting a slow day as it was the opening day. The bell rang signifying someones entrance, you hurried out the kitchen a grin on your face as you approached the counter. A familiar face standing before you a sheepish grin adorning his face.
He couldn't read your reception to his presence. "Y/n." He breathed out. "You did it! You fucking did it!! He cheered, joy and pride laced in his tone.
You ran around to him, almost knocking him over, burying your face into shoulder, his familiar scent surrounding you. "We did it, Lan."
We. Without his encouragement, your confidence wouldn't be high enough to have followed the dream. Even in his absence, you remember every pep talk he gave you. Every time he wiped your tears after your 50 hour weeks and when your bills were getting too much. Every phone call at any hour whatever the country. He will always be your best friend, he just couldn't be the one to love you loyally.
"Y/n can i just say-"
"Gorgeous it looks wonderful!" A voice interrupted him. He didn't even hear the bell go, too entranced by your beautiful appearance
He turned to see a man in a suit standing in the doorway, his hair curly like Lando's. There were certainly some similarities, please say this is the landlord.
"Lan this is my f-" "-boyfriend" he finished for her, Lando didn't like that. Firstly he convinced himself she was going to say friend, secondly she has a voice of her own, she doesn't need to be spoken for.
"Hi mate" the stranger smiled, Lando convinced it was a smirk. He was cocky, Lando didn't like him. The boyfriend extended a hand to Lando, to which he simply gave an upturned nod. He didn't feel the need to exchange manors with him.
"How long have you been together?" You could tell he was hurt just looking at him, his voice confident but his eyes with a fragile glint in them.
"Only a month, we've actually not discussed labels yet!" You defended, not too sure why. Dan was lovely and even lived in the same country!
"No time like the present! This should be a day to remember, not just for the cafe!" Dan grinned.
Lando didn't like that either. Today should be about the cafe. Nothing else. He decided not to comment, the air already felt tense to him. He felt a tight feeling in his chest.
This must've been how you felt over the 24 months when you saw him with random girls. You endured it and waited for 2 years for him yet Lando feels like he can't stand this feeling for 2 more minutes.
"I need to go, Zak will start to think I've been kidnapped."
You felt hurt he wouldn't stay longer, you wished Dan hadn't turned up. You had so much to say. "Oh Lan please stay for a bit."
"You don't need me. To stay i mean. You'll be busy, I'll leave you to it. I'm so proud of you y/n/n. Always."
You pulled him in for a hug, "please stay." you whispered in his ear.
"Goodbye y/n/n." He gently smiled at you as he pulled away, quickly exciting hearing Dan say how nice it was to meet him. Leaving you stood, abandoned once more as Dan gave you a hug as you stood frozen. Leaving him over the phone was so much easier than watching him leave in person, he left you with the sense it'd be longer than four months before your paths crossed again
Fuck, fuck, fuck. You're gone, finally moved on, he thought...
"Maybe i should let you go."
Part 2
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gracelaurie · 8 months
Lover | Patrick Wilson x Fem!reader
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Summary : You and Patrick had a one night stand a few months ago. And now you’re 6 months pregnant. You don't expect to meet the father of your child because you’re a woman who prefers to be alone. But fate said otherwise, you meet again with the father who made your stomach grow big.
And you stupidly didn’t know that he was an actor.
CHAPTER 2/2 (chapter 1) sequelsmut
The stove is on. You warm up the clear soup you made this morning. You stir it, then you taste it a little.
“This place looks….very comfy and far from the city.”You heard a man’s voice from behind you who started to enter the kitchen. “I’m sorry because I didn’t have time to come here yesterday…
You turned around for a moment and smiled at Patrick, then went back to stirring the soup, “It’s okay.” you could feel Patrick smiling behind you, he took off his leather jacket and put it on the wall-hanger.
“Please sit down.” You said looking at Patrick gesturing him to sit at the dining table. Then you start to turn down the heat on the stove, “sorry if my place doesn’t meet your expectations. My life is far from glamour thing.”
“My life too.” Patrick said which suddenly surprised you. then he continued his sentence, “I don’t like the spotlight, all this time I have tried to avoid things like that and… I just want to be an ordinary guy.”
You smiled, “you came to the right place.” then you put 2 bowls of hot soup on the dining table.
“Uh, so you’re vegetarian?” Patrick smiled back, looking at the soup with interest.
“No. But lately I’ve been eating vegetables more often because I’m craving vegetables. Your babies are very fussy and kick my stomach if they don’t eat vegetables.”
Patrick laughed softly, “Sorry but I just found out that there are pregnant women who crave vegetables. But it’s good because it’s healthy for the pregnancy. And...” Patrick looked at your big belly, “It seems like they inherited the annoying behavior from their father more quickly.”
The two of you now face each other at the dining table and start eating the soup.
“Wow Y/N…. this is surprisingly delicious. I really like the mushrooms.” said Patrick while deliciously devouring his soup.
“Thank you. I know my food is too simple-"
“Please…. oh, this...” Patrick said while looking at you, “…this is perfect.”
After lunch, you invited Patrick to garden in front of the house. While you were gardening and watering the plants, several times Patrick took over what you were doing, remembering that you were a pregnant woman. You could see the worry on his face. After that, you invited him to the area behind your house to pick oranges from your garden for Patrick so he can take home later.
“You did all this alone?” Patrick asked as he picked oranges in your garden.
You shook your head, “no, I was with my older brother. but he died... right before I met you.” Your words in the last sentence sound poignant.
You can feel that Patrick feels very guilty. Before he answered your words, you quickly continued, “He has been sick for the last 2 years, and his fiancé left him because of his condition. There was a problem with his heart, I did everything I could to get him well. We’ve been back and forth to the hospital, our money and our died-mother’s house had already been sold.”
Patrick lowered his head. Trying to digest it all. Then he looked back at you guiltily, “I’m sorry for everything that happened.”
There was a fairly long pause, then Patrick opened the conversation again, “So that’s why you went to the club at that time? Because you felt like your whole life was ruined?”
You nod slowly. Patrick exhaled, “I should’ve known this. I was really an asshole, I..."
“No... no Patrick,” you cut him off, “you don’t have to be responsible for me and my children just because my life is ruined.”
“Our children,” said Patrick, emphasizing his sentence. He saw you starting to shake with sadness. Patrick swiftly hugged you and put your head gently on his shoulder.
You looked up and saw Patrick’s sunlit face. He smiled, then wiped your tears. “I’m here... I’ll always be here.”said Patrick softly.
Patrick kissed your forehead gently and tucked your hair behind your ear. He- who unconsciously uttered the words from his mouth, “Beautiful.”
Then you laughed softly at Patrick’s words. He reflexively blushes, his face turns red, then he quickly gets down and holds your pregnant stomach.
“Hello buddies, this is your papa,” said Patrick, smiling happily, you chuckled softly, “you know you have a very extraordinary mother. More than your father. She is a strong woman, and I really hope you can be great... just like your mother.” Patrick looked at you, again. He couldn’t stop smiling at you.
Patrick stood back up and looked at you. You thought he would say something, but something beyond your expectations happened. He grabbed your chin and kissed your lips gently. The kiss seemed real, unlike what happened between you at the club.
“Thank you,” said Patrick whose lips were still touching yours, “thank you for all this.”
You smiled, then you two kissed again. Patrick hugged you tightly.
It’s getting late in the night, you know it’s time for Patrick to return to his house in New Jersey. You realize that Patrick is an actor, he is very busy... especially since he just told me that there is a new project for the Conjuring film.
You took his leather jacket which was on the wall hanger, and you helped put his jacket on. When the jacket was on his body, your hands reflexively grabbed Patrick’s chest. It feels like just yesterday you felt that sexy body inside you, that musky perfume.….
You miss slept with him. But you have to bury your thoughts about that. You know this is not the time to do that again.
“Y/N…” Patrick whispered softly in your ear, “come with me.”
You smiled, “no I’m fine, you go, just let me know if you want to play here again.”
“That’s not a question.” said Patrick, “Stay with me. Tomorrow I want to introduce you to my co-worker at the shooting location. They’ll be very happy and you will make lots of friends there...”
You lowered your head, your hand still holding Patrick's chest, “but it's late-"
“You can rest in my car. And then, I will take you straight to my apartment. Bring all your things, Y/N... I can’t leave you here alone...”
“But what about my garden?” you asked worriedly.
“Your uncle’s family seems to be indebted to you..." Patrick smiled, “I contacted them earlier. They are going on holiday here. Of course you don’t mind if someone lives here, right?”
You smiled, “wow, that’s sneaky. Do they really want to live in a village like this?”
“Don’t think about it,” Patrick said stroking your cheek, “Come on, we have to pack your things.”
You chuckled softly at Patrick's enthusiasm when he started looking for things around you. He grabbed the black suitcase that was under the stairs, “you’re going to use this, right?”
You nodded slowly, you chuckled at Patrick's behavior as if he was busy collecting your things, “why are you doing all this?”
Patrick stopped doing what he was doing, he looked at you and said, “I don't know. I suddenly thought of something...”
“….I want to introduce my lover to everyone I know," said Patrick and then he kissed your right hand gently, "especially my parents. Because they don't know yet that they will be grandparents.”
Sequel (18+) is coming soon❤️
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Happier x Happier
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Summary: The Aftermath of 'Right Where You Left Me'
Focus: Moon Knight x reader. Y/N's POV is set 6 months before Marc's.
Warnings: nothing... except soul-destroying angst
Y/N's POV:
We broke up a month ago
Your friends are mine, you know, I know
You've moved on, found someone new
One more girl who brings out the better in you
It had been a few years since you and Marc had broken up, which was a long time to be hung up over an ex, but hey, he was Marc. You were planning to get married to him. You saw a whole future with him.
Layla, his new girlfriend, wasn't had to track down on social media. She didn't post often, but her posts were so Instagram aesthetic you wanted to scream. Your Instagram was nothing like hers, stupid pics funny faces and filters. Layla's Instagram was hands intertwined, books, coffee, laying on Marc's chest. How was her Instagram? Yours was so... messy and unorganised, your posts weren't even in the right reels. And Narc seemed so tender with her, more so than he was with you.
And I thought my heart was detached
From all the sunlight of our past
But she's so sweet, she's so pretty
Does she mean you forgot about me?
Gosh, you wanted to hate her. And you did. How could you not? She was perfect, beautiful, with lovely hair, kind and funny and knowledgeable? How could Marc not fall in love with her? How could anyone not fall in love with her?
Then you saw it. They're wedding pictures. So soon after, you'd broken up, and they seemed so in love. Marc was holding her, and it was like you could feel his rough but gentle hands on your waist. Those photos made you wanna hurl. You slammed your phone on the table. Had he forgotten about you already? You guys had been together for years before he talked about marriage. Seemed like Layla was his ride or die.
You needed to get out of London, you needed to get out of this flat, it was suffocating you.
Marc's POV:
Walking down 29th and Park
I saw you in another's arms
Only a month we've been apart
You look happier
Marc was on a mission in New York. Appointed. Word of a few...powerful weapons on the street. He was parked outside the road of 29th and Park, when he saw you. He sat right up, blinking, making it sure it wasn't real. But it was. You seemed older but in a good way, and you had changed your hair. It was longer now, and ombre. You looked really good. Happier.
He frowned, spotting someone next to you. The man was tall, in dark clothing and a leather jacket, with short hair, and a metal arm, one which he wrapped you, then pulled you in tight. You smiled, laughing and wrapped yours round his waist.
For some reason, Marc got up and followed you. He didn't know why. He was neglecting the mission. You and him were over a long time ago. He was married now. He glances at his wedding ring. Things with Layla were better, but still, it was like his heart was controlling him and not his head.
Saw you walk inside a bar
He said somethin' to make you laugh
I saw that both your smiles were twice as wide as ours
Yeah, you look happier, you do
They sat down inside a bar in a diner. It was quaint and friendly. Bucky's arm was still around you, and without knowing, Marc's fist clenched along with his jaw. When Bucky whispered something in your ear and you laughed, he noticed that your smile than when he made you laugh.
Ain't nobody hurt you like I hurt you
But ain't nobody love you like I do
Promise that I will not take it personal, baby
If you're movin' on with someone new
Marc knew that he hurt you in a way that no one should be hurt. You deserved better, and that's why you had to leave, but a part of him still clung to you... still loved your more than anything, the part of him that still wanted you back, that wouldn't let Steven and Jake touch the memories of you.
Y/N's POV:
Oh, I hope you're happy
But not like how you were with me
I'm selfish, I know, I can't let you go
So find someone great, but don't find no one better
I hope you're happy, but don't be happier
You hoped Marc was happy as a married man. But you knew you didn't want the marriage to last. You wanted it to end horribly, so he would realise what a mistake he made and come back to you. You knew it was wrong of you to hold such resentment such bitterness, but you didn't care. You knew even though you were going to a new country, a new city, New York, escaping your past London Life, you knew you wouldn't be able to let him go.
Marc's POV:
Cause baby you look happier, you do
My friends told me one day I'll feel it too
And until then I'll smile to hide the truth
But I know I was happier with you
Marc watched you both through the window. The way Bucky touched you, the way Bucky held you. He wanted that, that refuge from the trauma of his past, his friend had told him after you, he would feel happier again. But now he knew that a was lie, and he smiled through the lie, as he watched you with Bucky, knowing he was happier with you.
Y/N's POV:
And do you tell her she's the most beautiful girl you've ever seen?
An eternal love bullshit you know you'll never mean
Remember when I believed you meant it when you said it first to me?
It was all you could think about on the plane. What did Marc call her? Beautiful, babe, honey. Did he mean it when he promised her eternal love? He hadn't before. But you remembered when he said it to you. You thought that nothing could separate you then. That if you were lost, he'd search the whole world to find you.
And now I'm pickin' her apart
Like cuttin' her down will make you miss my wretched heart
But she's beautiful, she looks kind
She probably gives you butterflies
You couldn't help it. You decomposed Layla. Focused on her negativity. She wasn't good for Marc. She seemed selfish and controlling, and she didn't know who he rully was, like you. You were saying these like it would make Marc miss you. Come back to you.
Marc's POV:
Sat in the corner of the room
Everything's reminding me of you
Nursing an empty bottle
And telling myself you're happier, aren't you?
(Hey, yeah, hey, yeah, hey, yeah)
Marc went back to his hotel room, and even though he hadn't drank in a long time (he promised Layla he wouldn't) he sat there, pouring the bottle down his throat, thinking about you. Flashes of a past life. Memories of a stolen place.
He remembered your smile, which used to make him go weak in the knees, and that laugh. Divine. He thought about his relationship with Layla, wondering if it had been worth it. His conscious clawed at him, even though he knew it wasn't. His relationship had gotten stronger a little bit, but it wasn't the same spark when they first met. It was more like embers that were dying.
Oh, ain't nobody hurt you like I hurt you (hey, yeah, hey, yeah)
But ain't nobody need you like I do (hey, yeah, hey, yeah)
I know that there's others that deserve you (hey, yeah, hey, yeah)
But my darlin', I am still in love with you
He knew that you were finally happy, and he didn't wanna fuck that up. But he wanted you so badly, he wanted the before. He would make it work, fix it so him leaving never happened. So you could fall in love with him again.
I hope you're happy
But not like how you were with me
I'm selfish, I know, I can't let you go
So find someone great but don't find no one better
You wanted Marc and Layla to be happy. Part of you the least. But not the same way you and him were happy. You knew they were probably going to be more happy. Kids, house with a white picket fence, perfect American dream.
Marc's POV:
But I guess you look happier, you do
My friends told me one day I'll feel it too
I could try to smile to hide the truth
But I know I was happier with you
He went and found you again. Saw you and Bucky together through a window in your apartment, watching a movie curled up together. Jealously tugged on his heart. He wanted you, you and touch back.
I hope you're happy
I wish you all the best, really
Say you love her, baby, just not like you loved me
And think of me fondly when your hands are on her
I hope you're happy, but don't be happier
Ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh
How we're you supposed to start a new life here when he obviously controlled yours? How was you supposed to go on, mend he pieces of a broken life? Find yourself again when all you could think about was wanting Marc to think about you when he touched Layla? How you were scheming ways to get Marc back in your head, like starrting up a relationship with him on the side,
And then suddenly, you were disgusted at yourself. That you would go that far. Bit you weren't surprised
Marc's POV:
Hey, yeah, hey, yeah, hey, yeah
Hey, yeah, hey, yeah, hey, yeah
Hey, yeah, hey, yeah, hey, yeah
Hey, yeah, hey, yeah, hey, yeah
All he could do was watch, even as you kissed, and he swore he felt the ghost of your lips while you kissed Bucky, full of passion, full of love.
Y/N's POV:
I hope you're happy
Just not like how you were with me
I'm selfish, I know, can't let you go
So find someone great, but don't find no one better
I hope you're happy, but don't be happier
You loved Marc. You always would. It was your curse and your blessing. But New York was fresh starts. Healing. You knew that you'd probably never let him go or want him to be happier, but maybe you could.
Marc's POV:
Cause baby, you look happier, you do
I knew one day you'd fall for someone new
But if he breaks your heart like lovers do
Just know that I'll be waitin' here for you
Marc knew that'd you fall in love eventually, but he didn't know why it hurt him so bad when he left you. It was hurting him so bad that you had slipped through his fingers without him realising what exactly he was letting go. Who he was letting go of. His soul mate.
He smiled softly through the pain, watching you and Bucky through the window. Even though there were no clouds around, he felt a raindrop slip onto his cheek and roll down his face.
He'd always be there for you. He willed for you to know that. No matter what, he happened. He'd be here. Waiting.
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therealcocoshady · 5 months
I also thought the album was done, but it seems to be otherwise now… because EZ Mill was seen in the studio currently working with em and denaun, which hints that their collab is NOT done. And Ed Sheeran also said he was in the studio with me and had an unreleased song with him and we know that he used his studio the last time he was in Detroit which was about 6-8 y ago… which I doubt is enough time to finish an album. It’s also rumored that Billie Ellish in possibly on the album too but we don’t know anything about that. So I’m not too sure what’s going on with that just that it’s going to be released this year. TO BE FAIR: Dre did NOT say the album was complete nor anywhere near finished. He just said that it’s being released this year. For all we know, he could’ve just started it the day before. 🤷🏾‍♀️
And I haven’t heard anything about that process being worked on. But also I don’t take everything at face value because A LOT of people LIE. A lot of people are “insiders” or have “connections to the family” or know “sources”. So I genuinely do not belive that one bit lol.
But like I said I don’t think it’ll come until the winter months or late fall at the latest so I agree with October to November for sure.
And I’m ready to travel too. Because for some ODD reason he never travels to my city even tho it’s literally a few hours away from him. Like sir, who do you have opps with here in my city that’s preventing you from touring here? Everytime he’s tour d he’s gone ALL over the United States EXCEPT for where I live. So I’m already preparing to go to the Detroit show if he does tour lol
You're right I probably misunderstood. To be fair I thought the album was sort of "done" and "complete" when Dre mentioned on Kimmel that he was going to hear it for the first time the day after ? We just have to cross our fingers though !
But I'll say this : now that we know that it's coming this summer, we can probably assume that it's well on its way. I doubt they would take the risk of advertising something that's far from being done 👀. My guess is : they're polishing a couple of things right now.
Btw I am SO HAPPY they're promoting the album properly ❤️. The anticipation is building up and I just LOVE seeing all the fans coming together on social media, discussing theories and everything ! I just love these moments in a fanbase ☺️
You'd be so lucky to go to a Detroit show !!! I'm sure that, for what might very well be his very last tour, he would have something extremely special planned for his hometown 🥹. Me, I'll take whatever I can get, at this point 😂
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doubleddenden · 7 months
Just for fun, I'm going to make an absolute WORST CASE scenario for Pokemon day (with sillies)
Pokemon decides to announce NFTs (they did put out a job listing for an NFT expert months ago)
Pokemon merch that's just more overpriced garbage. Shitty pastel tshirts that just have the pokemon logo stamped on the left breast area- $50, only goes to size XL.
Pokemon Go has way too much screen time for yet another Kanto fest
Pokemon Masters, Unite, and Cafe just won't end their trailers.
New tv show that's just a vague reality show about celebrities that liked Pokémon once, and it's more of an episodic celebrity biography show with one line or two about Pokémon. Not even fun ones, C tier at best. So, something like T@yl*r Sw*ft's boyfriend's football career, but one line about playing Blue for a few hours at his cousin's house.
Pokemon Home fees will increase
Pokemon Bank will close TODAY
Port of Red, Blue, Gold, Silver, Ruby, and Sapphire to NSO- you have to pay for online to access it over cloud- internet connection required, and for some reason you have to pay extra for them in a Pokémon exclusive expansion pass. No word of third versions. Does not include the events or Japan exclusives.
Black and White 1 remakes announced. It's chibi like BDSP, colors are dry and washed out, there's graphical errors in the trailer frames, they state BW2 specifically is not part of the remake, they promise tweaks to make the gameplay EASIER than ever. Parts of the game are made with AI and script rewritten by Chat GPT, with an error you spot easily in a trailer. Masuda has the remake game director's neck clenched tightly from the back. He looks at you and says "you will buy the games this time. This isn't a request." Japan pre-order exclusives are amazingly crafted Reshiram and Zekrom statues that even have light up tails and eyes, and also you get shiny versions of them only in the Japanese copies, US gets a cheap piece of paper with generic stock images of Pikachu and Charizard on it, everything is shiny locked for everywhere not Japan.
They tease a Legends game. You think it's going to be amazing, you think oh my god we're getting Legends Unova... wait, it looks Japanese, maybe LEGENDS CELEBI???...it's Legends......... KANTO, and it's the most gorgeous thing you've ever seen after the clear lack of care put into their non gen 1 games since the Switch launched. A selling point is, once again, no new Pokémon after the og 151 so older fans can enjoy it better. Your starters are Charmander, Charmander, and Charmander, you might encounter Bulbasaur and Squirtle in post game. Your job is to stop EEEVIL outsiders from the rest of the regions with their newer Pokémon from settling into Kanto. Johto is having an awesome party next door with all the regions invited, but there's been a convenient landslide blocking the only way over. It's just reskinned Let's Go Pikachu and Eevee. Professor Oak is your age and putting moves on your mom.
Features a mythical Pokémon based on depression that looks like a tiny salary man, comes with its own movie featuring Ash as a depressed Millenial realizing he peaked at 10. He has to get a job. Pikachu is dying of old age and Ash has to "grow up" and release him and all of his other still living Pokémon. It cuts to real life, and Pokémon was just a game he has been playing for years to cope with his parents' divorce and eventually his own with Misty, then May, then Dawn, then Serena, then Goh, etc. Ash's dad is finally revealed: it's Chris Pratt with bad cgi wrinkles, back with milk. They go to the arcade to play Mario to stomp on some................................................................................................................................................................................... KOOPAS.
"Well that's all. Oh wait, one more thing!"
Ed Sheeran and T@yl*r Sw*ft music video featuring 1 Pikachu in a frame that can be easily edited out, with a song not even about Pokémon. The song sounds like shit and is about another breakup.
There, the bar has been lowered to the floor. It cannot get worse.
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nick-keane · 5 months
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Welcome to Aurora Bay, NICHOLAS KEANE! I couldn’t help but notice you look an awful lot like RICHARD MADDEN. You must be the THIRTY EIGHT year old BOUNCER at OASIS. Word is you’re DETERMINED but can also be a bit BRASH and your favorite song is GIVE ME LOVE by ED SHEERAN. I also heard you’ll be staying in FISHERS COVE. I’m sure you’ll love it! @aurorabayaesthetic tw: death
BASIC INFOFull Name: Nicholas Blair Keane Age: 38 Date of Birth: July 16, 1986 Birth Place: Kent, England Occupation: Bouncer at Oasis Night Club BIO ○ Originally born and raised in Kent, England, Nicholas had a relatively normal upbringing: a stern and stoic father, a loving mother, and a rambunctious younger brother who followed him wherever he went.
○ Nicholas always had a knack for getting into trouble as a schoolboy, preferring to settle issues with his fists rather than his words. In fairness, it was always in defense of others who might be getting picked on, or in response to someone talking smack about his friends. Loyal to a fault , it still landed Nicholas in more detentions than his mates.
○ After secondary school, Nicholas enrolled in the British Armed Forces. He knew he wasn't the academic or studious type. He served for five years, and he would never trade those years for anything. It was a challenge in many ways, of course, but it also brought him to places and gave him experiences a young man in his 20s would not have otherwise had. For the first time in his life, he saw the world as much larger than just little ol' Kent. Nicholas would have continued to serve had it not been for his mother falling ill. He left the Armed Forces and spent a year taking care of things at home before stepping out to figure his own way.
○ With his relatively unique experience and skills, Nicholas began working as a personal bodyguard in London. In his initial years, for events like concerts or one-off jobs for VIPs and politicians. It wasn't very fascinating to him but it was a job that paid - and he supposed anyone at his age was supposed to get a start to their career. Eventually he found a steady job being a bodyguard for a wealthy family.
○ He started as a staff bodyguard, usually around the home or accompanying work. After some years and making a good impression, he moved his way up to private detail. Being more involved and closer to the family, he learned that there were shady dealings and fishy business happening, which he wasn't too keen about. He wasn't intending on staying long. He was keen to go out and figure out what felt like such a missing piece in his life; rediscover some of the joy he had from being in the Army. Those plans completely changed when Nicholas met her.
○ [Mei Lian's wanted connection] Falling in love. He really hadn't intended on it. Never really thought about it, either; always pegged that sort of thing for everyone else but him after his few experiences with girlfriends as a teen. But he did, and with the boss's married daughter, no less.
○ Nicholas's mother fell ill again, and he was needed back home. He saw it as an opportunity to run away with Mei Lian, and he asked her to come with - but to his heartbreak, she declined. Nicholas returned to Kent by himself. Unfortunately, Nicholas's mother succumbed to her illness this time and passed away.
○ With too much baggage and sadness surrounding Kent and London, Nicholas opted to leave and visit USA. He remembered a beautiful coastal town that Mei Lian spoke of when they used to dream of living a life together. For the past four years or so, he has lived in a mix of places, working similar but odd jobs just to allow him to continue to travel through the country and find this town - hoping to figure out where home was along the way. Some short months ago, Nicholas finally found himself in Aurora Bay...
TRAITS + Determined, Loyal, Courageous - Brash, Reckless, Astray
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in-arlathan · 1 year
Get To Know Me
Who dis? It's me! Been a hot minute, hasn't it? This year has been a pile of dung up until now, if I'm being completely honest, hence my absence from Tumblr and most social media. I had an accident in December and have been feeling like dirt ever since. But: I'm back now! Mostly thanks to my beloved @johaerys-writes and the amazing @mogwaei who tagged me for this game. Thanks to you two! ❤ It's been a please reading your posts.
And now: Let's dive in!
Share your wallpaper: I'm a very boring person who has her own artwork as a wallpaper on her phone (talking about this study I did last year). XD It reminds me that (every once in a while) I do create something that I actually enjoy without any self-doubt or regret, and I like that.
Last song you listened to: "Eyes Closed" by Ed Sheeran. I'm a very basic person, lol.
Currently reading: Let me check Goodreads real quick... Yeah, I'm reading far too many books at the same time again. So here's the top 3 of books I'm reading and enjoying the most atm:
The Blacktongue Thief by Christopher Buehlman
Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon
Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir
There's also a bunch of fanfic I need to catch up on but my mind has been all over the place.
Last move: "Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves". My P&P podcast party had been invited to a preview 2 weeks ago and we had a fun time watching that movie.
Craving: Time off. I've been working non-stop for the past 8 months or so (with Christmas being the only exception) and I'm feeling super drained right now. Luckily, there are a few short trips coming up in April and July, so there is that!
What are you wearing right now: Basic black jeans and a white knitted sweater. It's spring but it's still flipping cold in my apartment. Ooph!
How tall are you: 168 cm or 5'5 feet (I guess?)
Piercings: Just the two for my earrings. As I said, I'm *very* basic. :')
Tattoos: Currently I got two but I plan on getting more later this year. Gotta save up some money first.
Glasses? Contacts? I got 3 different glasses (transparent, gold and brown frames) and contacts because I like to switch things up.
Last drink: I'm currently having some coffee with oat milk aka The breakfast of Champions. Or so I keep telling myself XD
Last thing you ate: Chicken wrap with lots of cheese. It was amazing.
Favorite color: My taste in color(s) shifts constantly but I'm currently obsessed with green in various tones. I keep getting back to like a warmer green because it makes me feel very cozy. But I also adore a good color combo of orange and violet/lilac or yellow and dark blue. It depends on my mood.
Current obsession: Truth be told, because of the current state of my mental health, I have a hard time being obsessed about anything. It's not like I can't enjoy things (I know that that feels like and I don't want to get back to *those days*) but there's not hyperfixation that lives rent-free in my head. And you know what? It feels terrible! I miss the feeling of being utterly obsessed about something. I crave that level of excitement, honestly!
Unrelated Obsession: Okay, I guess this means non-fandom obsessions. I do have one of those! A short while back, I read a book by the title "Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World" which was fascinating. I loved that it was not Euro-centric and instead focussed on the achievements of Genghis and his successors. I've been gobbling media with the same or similiar topics – including finally playing "Ghost of Tsushima" which send me reading up on the Mongol invasion of Japan. It's been an intriguing ride!
Any pets: I'm too allergic to have cats, dogs, and other animals and I hate it. I want a little doggo so badly... 💔
Do you have a crush on anyone: IRL? Not anymore. I used to have a crush for most of last year but since he started ghosting me a few months back, I decided to focus my attention elsewhere. I'm *done* with dating and have been for the past couple of years. As for fictional characters... I have to go with Solas, although (as I mentioned) my excitement has died down somewhat. I still love that boy to death but I'm not as obsessed as I used to be.
Favorite fictional character: How dare you make me chose one?! I have a trillion fave characters and they're all precious to me ;_; No, I will not pick one because I truly can't!
The last place you traveled: I went to Cologne, my hometown, three weeks ago, but I assume that doesn't count as traveling. I think my last real vacation was in 2019 when I travelled to the Leipzig Book Fair. Oh my... 😅 (And I was wondering why I felt so drained all the time, lol. Dang... what a reality check. This hurts!).
That's it! Hope you enjoyed the read :3
Time to forward some tags. As always, please feel free to join in or ignore the tag: @serial-chillr @faerieavalon @thebookworm0001 @ohmypawsandwhiskers @pikapeppa @oxygenforthewicked @fiadhaisteach @noire-pandora @ellie-effie. Sending all of you lots of love. I hope you're doing great!
Until next time, lovelies! <3
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everhaunts · 1 year
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DEFNE KARAHAN // visitor
“dear reader, burn all the files, desert all your past lives. and if you don't recognize yourself, that means you did it right." – dear reader by taylor swift
(afra saraço��lu) [THE WANDERER]. Please welcome [DEFNE KARAHAN (SHE/HER)] to Huntsville, WV. They are an [27]-year-old [VISITOR] who lives in [TOWN]. You may see them around working as a [UNEMPLOYED]. Poor unfortunate soul. We’ll see if they survive.
name: defne karahan face claim: afra saraçoğlu pronouns & gender: she/her & cis woman age: 27 height: five foot five hair color: brown eye color: green birthdate: july 13th zodiac sign: cancer orientation: bisexual, biromantic
hometown: safranbolu, turkey current residence: huntsville, west virginia (a few months) occupation: unemployed
moral alignment: true neutral vice & virtue: envy & diligence hogwarts house: gryffindor element: water enneagram: 5w6? mbti: INTJ character inspo(s): thea queen (arrow), hayley marshall (the originals), mona vanderwaal (pretty little liars), raven reyes (the 100), elizabeth keen (the blacklist) traits: cautious, independent, reserved, stubborn, resourceful, empathetic languages: turkish, arabic, english
“i remember years ago, someone told me I should take caution when it comes to love, i did.” – impossible by shontelle
BIOGRAPHY (tw death mention, child birth death mention, alcoholism)
A town in Turkey was where Defne was born, but her mother passed shortly after giving birth and so she was raised by her father.
Her father wasn’t someone who was necessarily fit to raise a child, and Defne grew up being used to him drinking a lot, picking fights with people, getting fired from jobs multiple times.
She gradually became the caretaker of the house, and of him.
He ended up passing away and Defne was left having to navigate life alone even though she was barely out of her teenage years.
Despite everything, that had still been her father and so his passing effected her. So she latched on to a guy who was her now ex-boyfriend.
He wasn't the best influence, though they were together for a few years. But Defne finally broke things off, realizing she needed to focus more on herself.
Doing a few odd jobs here and there, she eventually saved up enough to leave Turkey, wanting to see what else the world held. Traveled around for years before coming to the USA.
A road trip on an old bike eventually led her to West Virginia, where she was just aimlessly driving before getting to a fork in the road. She went right, landing her in Huntsville.
Defne has only been in town for a few months, still in shock over the implications that she and everyone else are apparently trapped.
She’s currently unemployed, not really sure if she wants to get a job yet since she’s still in the denial mode of being stuck in Huntsville.
(*** the bio insinuates defne was an only child but i am open to her having older siblings! so wcs maybe)
"but lately, her face seems slowly sinking, wasting, crumbling like pastries. and they scream, the worst things in life come free to us." – the a team by ed sheeran
SONG INSPOS dear reader by taylor swift the a team by ed sheeran impossible by shontelle nothing new by taylor swift & phoebe bridgers breakaway by kelly clarkson
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dteamain · 1 year
No, that's old news
He released a documentary yesterday called "The Sum of it All" (brilliant name btw) and in it he mentioned a court case he was in a few years ago
Someone was trying to sue him for thinking out loud being similar. There's loads of video essays of music analysts going over it on YouTube, it's been a thing for a few years
Fun fact, can't stop the rain off of = was actually a song about the court case!
Although I did look it up cause I thought it might be a different court case (it wasn't) but it looks like it was officially wrapped up today and he was found not guilty
Another fun fact, after the court case started, he actually started recording all his song writing sessions and stuff so he could just show the court video evidence of him not copying if it ever happens again
ed sheeran got out free! let's go
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anadrenalineslut · 2 years
Some day, we're going to have to talk about the toxic positivity in the swiftie fandom tbh. 2016 was 7 years ago, please grow up and realize treating taylor with kid gloves and glowing about her like she's perfect is so unhealthy for her and yall.
I'm seeing a lot of swifties have to manage their negative emotions that taylor makes them feel to "fit in" with the fandom and this is so fucking toxic to people just in general. Yall are doing to each other what yall did to taylor, which is demand she be happy all the time for you guys and willing to be around you all the time.
Idk yall, I'm seeing many swifties ask people not to attack them for critiquing taylor, I've seen people try and mitigate the harassment from other swifties they're gunna get for openly talking about how Taylor's capitalistic ways hurt them.
The eras tour marketing is not the first time that she has disappointed fans, the "unique" midnights recordings just happened a few months ago, why are yall paying for vip packages if yall aren't meeting taylor (to stand around in MERCH LINES earlier??? Are yall okay, seriously, ask yourself how much money you're spending on her and what ur getting out of it), working with a child rapist director (that convo got shut down because all her friends were doing it too! Which is not a defense but I digress), her working with Zoe Kravitz and Lena Dunham and Lana del ray gets swept under the rug, her working on a racist murderers film adaptation was ignored and celebrated, there is so much more that she's been doing recently since she turned 30 that are really just gross things to be doing and she deserves to see her fans angry at her, even yelling at her online, because that's the only way she will bother to café about this issues.
Like yall were laughing about her behavior at the grammys like it wasn't the most OUT OF TOUCH THING I've ever seen. Rolling your eyes at a BLACK MAN who is more culturally aware of the financial burden of his own fanbase than you???????????
And you get swifties who just lick her asshole all day long and call you entitled and rude because you're fucking angry at being used FOR MONEY when that has never been Taylor's branding. You act like the people who critique her branding and her actions not aligning are the ones in the wrong when product honesty is like the #1 that consumers look for in a product.
We buy into taylor the artist ourselves precisely because we are so aware of the way she markets herself being unique but we are very aware of the way we support other artists that are purely financial (beyonce, ed sheeran, louis are all artists that I'm well aware they're not in it for the fans, they're in it for either money, fame, or music is their life but taylor is STILL pushing this narrative on tour that she's alllll about the fans.... is she?)
Like, the eras tour is a money grab because tour is always a money grab but the marketing of this particular money grab is that ALL albums would be fairly represented. Did you forget all the setlists taylor Nation posted that included debut ???? And people were actually picking several songs for debut like cold as you was featured ???????? They put out album shirts, highlighting all albums, she talks about it being a journey through "17" years of music and each era, one at a time.
These are conflicting narratives when you don't put debut or speak now in the setlist.
It's just disrespectful. She asks us to be okay with a lot of stuff that she just ignores and doesn't apologize for because she doesn't care about our feelings, she cares only about the money.
And I wish she would just fucking SAY THAT instead pretending like she cares when she doesn't.
And I wish yall would stop attacking other swifties who are gunna expect things to be a certain way when the marketing is telling you that is the way it's gunna be.
For fucks sake, I wish yall got angrier at taylor more often.
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munsons-maiden · 2 years
oooh... 🛹💡☎️
Max🛹: What are your top five songs right now?
I don't even think I have top 5, um. Somebody To Love by Queen, Spellbound by Siouxsie & The Banshees, Shivers by Ed Sheeran, Galway Girl by Ed Sheeran, and I don't have a fifth one I'm sorry.
Will 💡: Do you believe in the paranormal? Why or why not?
I do! Funny/creepy story. Okay, so, when my husband and I started dating a few years ago, the first time I was at his place, I knew he had a cat whose name was Mr. Squeak. I hadn't seen a picture of him yet, but while my now-husband was at soccer training, I was alone in his apartment and met the cat, chirping at me before cuddling with me on the sofa. I thought it was Mr. Squeak. When my husband was at the front door and I left the sofa to greet him, the cat was still fast sleep there. When we arrived back at the sofa a minute later, the cat was gone. He asked whether I already met Mr. Squeak, and I said yes and told him we already cuddled for the past two hours. He then opened the door to the back yard, and in came a cat I had never seen before, and definitely not the cat I cuddled with. It was Mr. Squeak, the real one, which left me thinking I'd been cuddling with a stray who'd somehow come inside. I described the cat to him, his face fell and he told me that it sounded like I met Lizzie, his first cat. Twist: Lizzie had died three years before that. He showed me a picture of Lizzie. The cat I cuddled with for two hours was definitely Lizzie. He was jesting that I now had been approved by all the cats he ever had, the past one and the present one, and that would mean he'd have to marry me one day. We are now married. And I'd love to think Lizzie played a little part in getting me to feel at home at his place the way she did when I was nervous.
Joyce ☎️: Do you have any special rituals or routines you stick to?
Hmm, not really, actually.
Thanks for the ask!🖤
Stranger Things ask game
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outerspace-castaway · 5 months
so apparently a few years ago i made a list of random songs i liked
i dont remember why i did it and only just rediscovered it now but it makes me want to make another one so...
carousel - 5 seconds of summer
2. the night we met - lord huron
3. borderline - ed sheeran
4. time of the season - the zombies
5. 26 - paramore
6. fire - sara bareilles
7. the pretender - foo fighters
8. im gonna be (500 miles) - the proclaimers
9.frankenstein - rina sawayama
10. amused - hunger
11. swing swing - all american rejects
12. street lightning - the summer set
13. always you - louis tomlinson
14. one life - hedley
15. sexual - neiked
16. let me love you - mario
17. 3am - haim
18. my tears ricochet - taylor swift
19. somewhere only we know - keane
20. be kind - halsey
21. skyway avenue - we the kings
22. next to me - emeli sande
23. lifetime - justin bieber
24. shapeshifter - alessia cara
25. slow motion - charolatte lawrence
26. new angel - niall horan
27. heart of glass - blondie
28. angels like you - miley cyrus
29. teardrops - liam payne
30. freedom - jon batiste
31. these dreams - heart
32. tell me its over - avril lavigne
33. slow grenade - ellie goulding
34. never gonna not dance again - p!nk
35. symphony - clean bandit & zara larson
36. un nouveau soleil - m83
37. juke box hero - foreigner
38. saigon - luke hemmings
39. faith - calvin harris
40. infinity - one direction
41. wings - jonas brothers
42. river - myles smith
43. church - aly & aj
44. woman - kesha
45. i must not chase the boys - play
46. wonderful unknown - ingrid michaelson
47. better - syml
48. pink skies - lany
49. duality - set it off
50. you get what you give - new radicals
51. tounge tied - grouplove
52. ophelia - the lumineers
53. angel with a shotgun - the cab
54. werewolves of london - warren zevon
55. drive - incubus
56. alone - sleeping with sirens ft mgk
57. chainsaw - nick jonas
58. the hardest thing - 98 degrees
59. breathe (2am) - anna nalick
60. ocean avenue - yellow card
61. its about time - lillix
62. all or nothing - o town
63. you're the inspiration - chicago
64. all my life - k ci & jojo
65. are you happy now - michelle branch
66. shape of my heart - backstreet boys
67. show me love - robyn
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coutelier · 1 year
Irongate - School Daze
~1200 word excerpt.~
Jenn’s face contorted like that of an angry dog, screaming as she channeled all her righteous rage and fury into her palm. The smack reverberated across the playground, leaving a red mark on Angela’s cheek. Around them other teenage girls and boys had formed a circle, chanting ‘fight! Fight!’. This time Jennifer had struck the first blow, but her satisfaction soon turned to anguish as Angela turned her head back seemingly unfazed by the attack. In fact she smiled. Jenn and Angela were not rivals, as that implied a contest between equals. Angela proceeded to make it abundantly clear in front of the school that Jenn was no match for her in strength or cruelty. After quickly reducing her to a broken, sobbing, wreck, Angela demanded that some other girls hold Jenn up so she could cup her chin, squeezing her soaked cheeks as she mocked, “you thought you could step in and be a hero? You’re way too weak.”
Being in no position to argue Jenn instead silently pleaded for help. Most the crowd were just laughing, some boys were recording the event. A few seemed uncertain - but too few to go against the crowd lest they find themselves in the circle - and they included Kaya. Her old friend clenched her jaw and fist, but in the end pretended not to see her plea and just walked away.
Hull boomed, “analysis complete,” jolting Jenn awake. Her eyes scanned the room but the bullies weren’t here. No-one was here. She was on her own, safe but so quiet save the humming of machines. The ‘fight’, if you were generous enough to call it that, had been years ago. She didn’t know why her mind kept bringing it back up, causing her sweat and panicked breathing as if she were still being beat up. This was why she didn’t have any social media; humans needed to be able to forget.
Getting all that under control, she squinted up at the screens. “Already?”
“Affirmative,” Hull chimed as pages of what would seem to most just jumbled letters scrolled before her eyes. “The sample matches no known organism.”
“You’ve assigned at least sixteen base pairs.”
“Fascinating,” Jenn left her chair, pacing and scrolling through the information on her tablet. Although she would need more time and specialized equipment to do a thorough analysis, a few things did jump out at her. “We’re either looking at something entirely alien, or,” perhaps the letters weren’t so jumbled. The entire sequence was shorted than she would have expected, for something that had evolved naturally. It was too neat.
“There is an additional anomaly,” Hull hovered her shoulder, “a string of two repeating nucleotides that appear to have no function.”
It was displayed for her; just the same two letters over and over. “Maybe a signature?” Jennifer thought out loud. “Suppose this is zero, and this is one, then display it as binary.” Hull did so:
01001010 01101111 01101110 01100001 01110100 01101000 01100001 01101110 00100000 01000001 01101001 01110010 01101000 01100001 01110010 01110100
That went well, so, “translate to text,” Jennifer suggested. Then she felt far less well. She felt like the bones were pulled from her legs leaving just rubbery flesh and skin. This combined with a head dizzy with doubt and questions meant she soon collapsed over a bench. How many years since she’d been left alone? How long waiting for the door to open and everything to return like it was? She’d only just begun to accept they were gone. Now her eyes fixed on an old picture tucked behind the workbench. She implored, “what did you do?” But of course there was no answer.
Hull hovered lower, scanning the crumpled woman with his green eye. “Ma’am, your heart rate and perspiration have increased. I shall deploy soothing music.”
Jenn lifted her head as Ed Sheeran’s ‘End of Youth’ began playing through all the speakers around the lighthouse. “That is not soothing.”
“Apologies. Perhaps ‘Lift Me Up’, by Rihanna?”
“No. No music. I can get up on my own,” she said, doing so. “Have done since I was thirteen.” She tucked on the gray blouse under her light blue waistcoat, the action clearing some of the cloud. Kaya had been telling the truth. Whatever else, her family, her mother and father, the values they’d they’d taught her - those were real. They had to be. There had to be an explanation for what she saw on the screen. “I won’t turn my back. I need answers, Hull. But to find them, I’m afraid I’m going to have to go out there; into the real world.”
“Then it is an emergency. Should the authorities be alerted?”
“Not yet. We need to find Kaya before they do,” Jenn hummed as she thought, “but if she’s evading them she’s likely not using her phone. Bring up a list of any known associates.”
It was a long list, compiled from police reports and various websites. One face did cause her heart to skip. “Angela. Of course,” they were in a band together. “Killer Aqua Bunnies?” Didn’t matter. There were four people in the band; Kaya, two others that she knew too well, and, “who’s she? I don’t recognize her.”
“Oshiro Sayuri. Daughter of Japanese immigrants Ren and Rei, brother Hiroki-“
“I don’t need her whole biography. Where is she now?”
“It is possible to ping her phone, but we would be breaking the law.”
“You said it was an emergency. Do it.”
“Acknowledged. Accessing networks. Please stand by.” The green dots around Hull’s eye started chasing each other. As he worked Jennifer paced. She didn’t really yet have a plan. What could she do? She was just a puny girl with a computer. But then if everything Kaya said and what she’d seen in the reports was true then fighting these things wouldn’t be much of a plan even if she were Jackie Chan. Which she wasn’t. At all.
“I have a location,” Hull said. It was on the screen. Edge of town. The address belonged to someone called ‘Madame Lumina’; witch and medium. Also a very long history of all kinds of fraud. Seemed she was quite a showperson in her youth. Regardless, if Kaya believed what attacked her was supernatural it kind of made sense. It was why she’d come here.
“The van?” Jenn asked.
“Upgrades are not yet complete.”
She was weak. Slow. Very little endurance or stamina. Yet Kaya had asked her for help. Why? Perhaps because, when she was younger, she’d always tried. She’d tried to stand up for people, stand up to bullies, even though it always ended with her on the ground. But she got up and next time she didn’t cower; she tried again. “No more time,” she said, picking up a light blue blazer to match her skirt and waistcoat. “We’ll just have to work on it as we go.”
She also picked up a tool belt and pulled on her big boots; silly she knew but wearing them always made her feel slightly stronger. With them she marched to the garage and as twilight fell the doors creaked open. Motors whirred and whined and purred then a silver van rolled out, speeding away from the lighthouse toward Irongate.
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lonelywhalien22 · 1 year
I love our long messages! Don't stop LOL :')
Yoongi is also my favorite rapper in BTS!!! AGHAKDFJDKF 🤣😂 I definitely feel you with Hobi - he carved out his own little niche in the rap world! My mom actually really likes him because of this!
I'm the same way when it comes to theories and stuff LOL - when I was deep into the fandom in 2018 and everyone was trying to piece together HYYH + LYS storyline, I was so lost - I just enjoyed the cinematic MV's 🤣😂
Omg yay!!! 'Trigger the Fever' is one my favorite songs ever from them! It just makes me really happy 🤗 You're correct! It was one of the songs on the latter part of the setlist before the (multiple?) encore!
Omg omg 'Golden Hour' LOL - I have so many thoughts 🤣 Given the teasers with the bigheaded characters and Mark's furry mask, I literally went in thinking this would be awkward and quirky as hell LOL. When the song started, I was genuinely impressed and I was like "Mark getting out of his loser era . . .???" UNTIL THE DAMN "I CAN'T MAKE EGGS" line LMAO - I had to pause for a minute because I was laughing so hard. My friend thought it was corny, but I actually liked the talking interlude part - Man's had a point :3
I feel you about the extra umph with Kpop! My parents keep wondering when I'm going to phase out of it, but I don't think I ever will frankly. So much effort is put into this beyond music. No judgement - you jam out to 'Sticker' if you like it 😂 We need fans like you too <3 How was The Link tour? Ten is my NCT ult too (as much as I simp about Renjun 💀😂). I also have a soft spot for Yangyang and like . . . lol a 'thing' for Xiaojun 😅
Bestie! You're booked and busy this year, huh?! Tbh, I don't know a lot about ATEEZ 😅 I tried to get into them a while ago, but idk, nothing was really clicking. They have a few songs that I do like though! If you have more suggestions, I'd be open to them :) I'm so so happy you got to see them twice!!! Crossing my fingers for the best that you get to see them again 💙
MOTS was supposed to be my first ever concert too 😭💔 My mom got tickets for us LMAO and she actually managed to snatch AMAZING seats too (it was like level 100, second row or something really close). Honestly, I don't think I will see them in this lifetime - I have bad luck with BTS concerts even before they were super mega popular :') I tried for AGUST D (even bought the dang membership again LOL) and didn't get into the ARMY presale. My friend did manage to get VIP, but I'm terrified of the GA for her 😬😅
You'll have to keep me updated about all your concert experiences to come!!! Amidst new jobs, moving, etc., I can only afford one more concert this year (since I have to travel for most of them and that's an additional cost 😞) and I'm banking all my money on SVT 😭 They are my ults and I wanna see OT13 before the m-word starts 😥
Otherwise if timing doesn't work out well with my new job and I don't get to see them, I think I'm going to try for LSFM or Red Velvet. Do you like any gg's btw? I totally forgot that Baekhyun is having a world tour too????? Besides B.I's Waterfall album, BAMBI was definitely my most played album of 2020 🤣😂 CHEF'S KISSES - he never fails to surprise us just when I think something is his best work yet.
SZA must've been something else!! I've only heard good things about her shows. We'll see about Ed Sheeran and if time/money allows! I'll keep you updated. I don't doubt Taylor Swift will have another show!! Rooting for you~
@twogyuu I’m still highkey embarrassed/ashamed of the length of what follows but you said you didn’t mind the long messages so…
Yeah in terms of kpop being a phase - I told myself that for awhile and I tried so hard not to fall into it more after BTS but there are just so many amazing groups and songs out there. And when c*vid hit I had way too much time on my hands, so yeah...me and kpop are basically trauma-bonded now lol 😂 But for real it’s only increased my love of music and creativity in general so I’m happy to have come across it!
Friend, I’m so sorry you experienced the trauma of the MOTS tour as well. And oof don’t break my delusional heart…I still stupidly have hope that somehow BTS will give us one more OT7 tour after the military 🥺. Even if they can’t do the choreo anymore and I’ve become an actual adult by the time it happens (🤣) I will still wanna see/hear them with my actual eyeballs and ears lol. I have to believe I’ll have another chance to see them all together. And omg, sending well wishes for your friend…I’m a short girlie and one thing about concerts for me - I absolutely cannot do GA, ever. I won’t be able to see and I gotta deal with people all over me...That mosh pit scene in pretty lies was literally just me randomly writing out one of my greatest fears lol…nope nope nope!!!
The Link tour was fun, getting to see them and all, but I was honestly sad that they didn't perform much of any songs from their newest album - I think it was literally only 2 Baddies (the title track) and Faster 🙁. This newest album of theirs is one of my absolute faves they've released (almost no skips) and I really wanted to hear more of it live, especially Gold Dust and 1,2,7 (Time Stops). But I loved seeing Mark and Taeyong riff off each other during rap songs, Doyoung's voice was absolutely beautiful during his solo songs, MOON TAEIL also slaying vocals, Johnny shirtless lol (but for real - the entire performance of Focus from that set to the choreo was one of the most memorable parts, everyone killed it vocally and performance wise <3), Yuta's amazing Butterfly solo performance, Jaehyun being effortlessly flirty, Jungwoo looking gorgeous irl. And they did a lot of their hits so I really can't complain (faves live were Kick It, Cherry Bomb, Lemonade, Touch, Highway to Heaven, FAVORITE (my fave hehe), and of course Sticker lol 💀). It was a total party! Also Taeyong talking to the audience was too f-ing cute, like I can't - he's actually so soft irl lol 😂
And are we sharing the same braincells??? Because I was originally gonna say this in the last post but didn't wanna sound like I was being selective but like…besides being in awe of Ten, I'm specifically trash for Yang Yang and Xiaojun of WayV 😳😂 For Yang Yang - time of death was when he and Ten released Low Low. The song is such a bop and when I saw his smile at timestamp 0:12 in the mv I was like…yeah I want him. And then his entire part in the first verse of that song like...ugh I totally fell for those lyrics (ik embarrassing) lol. Like the deal was basically sealed after that. Idk what it is about him but he just has this inexplicable charm…like whatever “it” is, he has it. Idk I don't make the rules. And Xiaojun? He is p r e t t y, ok? I am basic. Like do you see how thick his eyebrows are??? But like also his voice and he’s so soft and idk ok imma stop ALKJDLFKF. But for real I gotta see them all live because I just know their concert would be a total party. Sooo many b.o.p.s.
Also don’t feel bad if Ateez isn’t your thing!!! Funny story but the first song I ever heard from them was Wave and I was like oh this is cute, lemme check them out, and then I randomly chose HALA HALA out of all of their mvs to watch as an introduction and I was like - tf??? 🤣 And then I literally didn’t look into them again for like 6 months to a year bc I just did not get why that song was so popular and like now it’s one of my favorites 🤣 They do tend to lean darker for their cb tracks and if that isn’t ur cup of tea, that’s totally cool! I just can’t stop myself from bringing them up in any kpop convo bc I l*ve them lol. But if you really want recs from their discography, idk what kind of sound you gravitate towards so i’ll give you a mix (it’s also bc i love talking abt them and their music so indulge my Atiny brainrot for one last time hehe)
If you like softer/more chill/comfort I’d check out - *WITH U*, My Way, *Wave*, *Illusion*, *Sunrise*, *Aurora*, Dancing Like Butterfly Wings, *Promise*, If Without You, *THANK U*, *FEVER*, *Turbulence*, Twilight, *One Day At a Time*, Light, Stay, *Better*, *Time of Love*, Celebrate, *The Letter*, and All About You.
If you like emotional ballads I’d recommend - *Be With You*, *Star 1117*, *Turbulence*, *Not Too Late*, and *MIST*.
If you wanna hear fan-faves/powerful/iconic performance/choreo/hype type stuff (what made me stan them basically) I’d recommend - *Say My Name*, Answer, *Deja Vu*, ROCKY, *The Real*, *Pirate King*, *Treasure* *HALAZIA*, *HALA HALA*, *WONDERLAND*, *WIN*, *Guerrilla*, *INCEPTION*, and *Fireworks* <I’d def recommend watching the mvs for these recs.
Spicy recs if ur into that hehe (watch mv/vid performances)  - *Inception*, *Cyberpunk*, *The Ring*, *Fireworks* (ESP. the beginning of the mv), *Deja Vu*, Sector 1 (once again, specifically the beginning lol).
And then if this is getting a little tldr (ik it is i’m so sorry) and I could only choose 5 6 7 songs that define Ateez/songs to inject into my veins I would choose Pirate King, Say My Name, Star 1117, Aurora, HALA HALA, Wave, and The Real.
Did I literally spend a disgustingly long amount of time happily categorizing the bulk of their discography? Yes, yes I did. And I very much enjoyed it 🤪
Also, you don’t have to do this immediately (or ever) if it’s a hassle, but I am still quite new to seventeen’s discography (yay!!!) so if you ever wanna share your song recs (some faves from what I've sporadically encountered so far are Darl+ing, Left & Right, Fear, Do Re Mi, Cheers, *DON'T WANNA CRY omg*, Ready to love, Rock with you, _WORLD, Home, Chilli, Anyone, and Thinkin' about you) + any other content that made you really really like them I would absolutely love that <3 bonus points if the other content involves mingyu, wonwoo, vernon, and/or seungcheol bc i need bias receipts 😏
But enough about MEN. Heck yeah I listen to girl groups!!! Actually, before I found BTS or even knew what the heck kpop was, I remember listening to Taeyeon (before I knew SNSD lol) and Red Velvet. They were my true gateway into kpop. It was like 2016 or 2017, and I was dabbling in Korean R&B (I could go down a whole rabbit hole of recs in this genre too, but i won’t here - feel free to ask more if ur interested in that genre), and I remember really liking Eric Nam’s Interview album at the time (esp. the song Good For You <3). And so I was pouring through his discography and fell in love with this song called Spring Love that he did with Wendy (love Like Water btw). And then from there I learned she was part of a group and I found Red Velvet!!! I played the heck out of their songs, and I could literally list their entire discography, but some of the first gems I ever heard where I was like oh yeah they’re special were One of these Nights, Would U, and of course the iconic Bad Boy. Those women can sing. The harmonies??? The vocals??? Total queens. When they released their most recent album I was playing Feel My Rhythm nonstop in the car for a few weeks - like the people in my passenger’s seat hated me lol but like...the key change at the end??? How can you only listen to that once??? And then the song In My Dreams…my hopelessly romantic, pining heart approves. And like Seulgi??? She’s so cool bruh lol. Loved her song Who Are You with BamBam, and her solo album was so great!!! The cover image for that album is just so iconic to me for some reason. I absolutely loved the entire concept. I am praying they announce US tour dates for Red Velvet 😭 For Taeyeon, 11:11, I Blame on You, Fine, and I (ft. Verbal Jint) were in regular rotation. Her voice is absolutely stunning and it’s like she’s singing straight into your heart or something. Just gives me the feels - like I begin feeling whatever emotion she’s putting into the song. Ugh. And she continues to spit out bops - What Do I Call You, WEEKEND (literally feels like a Friday when that one comes on <3), Can’t Control Myself (obsessed with this song + concept such a vibe), INVU (the way I memorized that little hand movement of the letters that she does in the chorus 💀). Heck - Hotel del Luna is literally on my list of kdramas to watch purely because of her beautiful song from the soundtrack (I think the translated title is All About You) 😭😭😭
And there are so many other great girl groups in kpop!!! Can’t list them all but dangit if I’m not gonna try - first of all I gotta shout out my girls StayC (stayc girls, it’s goin down.) Probably my fave of the newer gen groups and for me their discography is like no skips, esp. their YOUNG-LUV.COM EP. Then there’s Everglow with their insane choreography (the song First like omggg that ones prob my favorite besides La Di Da) and their hypnotizing pre chorus mottos. Like idk how they do it but they always have like some insanely catchy little saying or something right before they go into the chorus or like the chorus is crazy catchy like what the heck lol. Got into WJSN after Queendom, and their most recent release Last Sequence - like omg…the chorus and post-chorus of that song is like a literal d r u g. I gotta catch up on LSFM releases but the way Fearless had a chokehold on me for awhileeeeee. Aespa - once again just mindbending vocals/harmonies. Love Winter and Ningning esp. And the way I still try to do that crazy flat hand thing from Next Level 🤣 and I also weirdly love how that song is like two songs squished together - like ok SM they actually pulled that off for me somehow 🤣 The way both the bridge and the ending sequence of vocals at the end of Savage are absolutely insaneeee and I love hearing it every time it comes on. NewJeans literally releases bop after bop (🎵attentiooooooon🎵) like I don’t know what kind of magic sauce they’ve got going on over there. Weeekly is such a gem as well and I have been following/rooting for them ever since their debut song After School blew up! Their music is full of wonderful melodies! Can’t wait to see where they go! Fromis_9 is great, Oh My Girl, (g)i-dle (MINNIE esp. AHHHH), Hyolyn (straight b.o.p.s.), Viviz is great. I keep hearing buzz about the group XG and am planning to check them out soon when I have some time! Currently loving Kitsch by IVE and am excited to check out I Am. Also Cupid by Fifty Fifty??? (literally know nothing about this group but this song is just a total bop). So many other ggs/female acts old and new that I haven’t listed here, including some obviously super big well-known ones but like it’s a given I listen to songs of theirs as well so I wanted to give some love to my fave faves and some hidden gems <3 So yeah, the kpop girlies are out here doing it and leaving no crumbs. We stan.
Lastly, adulting is a drag lol. I hate transitionary periods and also had my own recently so I’m wishing you the best and hope that once all the logistical stuff is settled, better/great things await you on the other side! And priorities!!! Definitely save your coins for Seventeen and make sure you see them all together!!! Ed is likely to tour again, and I am rooting for you too!!!
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biglisbonnews · 2 years
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Ellie Goulding Says Ed Sheeran Cheating Rumors Were Traumatic Ellie Goulding is sick and tired of childish rumors. In a new interview with Daily Mail, the singer opened up about a piece of gossip that has haunted her for nearly 10 years: whether or not she cheated on former One Direction member Niall Horan with Ed Sheeran. When probed about the supposed tryst, she told the outlet: "It's fascinating how many people are interested in that. It happened nine years ago. You know, completely honestly, it caused me a lot of trauma, actually."Goulding explained that she had “envy” for friends that “spent their 20s having flings and one-night stands and what every 20-something goes through in private. But every single thing I did was written about." Because of the speculation, Goulding says she "was made to feel like a terrible person and I really struggled with that because I know I'm not."Related | Ellie Goulding on Claims She Cheated on Ed Sheeran With Niall HoranIn a recent TikTok video, Goulding responded to a commenter who wrote, "Can't believe u cheated on Ed with Niall, but slay fr (for real)." Her response was simple and effective: “False!!!!! But also slay." In reference to her hilarious response, Goulding told Daily Mail, “I was really drunk when I wrote that."She also claimed that the double standard applied to her temporarily derailed her career, which resulted in a five-year hiatus from 2015 to 2020. "That's why I wrote that comment, because every day I get comments about this stupid teenage situation. It was nothing and it was private – and it caused me such a huge amount of grief and I resent it."Goulding and Horan were first photographed together at the V Festival in August 2013. A week later, eagle-eyed paps spotted her in the audience at the MTV Video Music Awards holding hands with Ed Sheeran.A year later, Sheeran dropped "Don’t," which fans and tabloids claimed was inspired by Goulding, who had allegedly cheated with him on Horan. In a tweet at the time, she wrote off the ensuing media chaos. "I love that holding hands with my friends means we're an item." Sheeran, meanwhile, played coy with the rumors.In a 2015 Elle interview, Goulding explained herself further. "I did go on a few dates with Niall [Horan] but I was never in a relationship with Ed [Sheeran]. I have absolutely no idea where that came from and why it was turned into such a big thing.” Poignantly, she added, "I find it so frustrating that female musicians are constantly defined by the men they have or haven’t dated."Photo via Getty/ Dave J. Hogan https://www.papermag.com/ellie-goulding-ed-sheeran-cheating-2659465272.html
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