#like they knew eachother for like a couple of days and she was ready to DIE for that man
poppy-metal · 1 month
And when he marries tashi and she notices your strangely close relationship together and one day walks in on art fucking his little sister, raw and hard and so obviously practiced, in their bed and decides instead of ending it with him right then and there to force you to keep fucking while she watches and degrades you both for being disgusting, dirty, pervert siblings what then. WHAT THEN.
ouuuuuu ill cum
shes definitely had her suspiciousens. I mean, the fact that you spend more time at their home than your own - the way you sit so close to art all the time in a way that reads intimate, the way you look at eachother. then there was the time art bought you a fucking diamond necklace - more expensive than the wedding ring he'd gotten tashi. she'd raised her eyebrow at it, and art had flushed and excused it as you being neglected by their parents at a young age, art was all you had - so he wanted you to feel special. she thought it was strange, but the let the excuse fly. she definitely knew you had romantic feelings for your brother - what she wasn't sure about is where art stood.
he was such a good person. would he really fuck his sister? cheat? he did have that hidden darkness to him he never let out around her but she was knew was there. was he aware of your feelings and just placating you by buying you expensive gifts and letting you remain close? or was there something more. something that made you feel like you had the right to stake claim over him - because you did so often.
it's not like you were outwardly rude to tashi - but you were definitely territorial of your brother. she remembered when she first started dating art and he'd been nervous for you two to meet. and she thought he was being silly but he looked so worried, said "she really matters to me, tash. and I want her to..... I don't know. I want you two to get along, is all." she'd looked at him, this nervous flushed boy who seemed to worship the ground she walked on, and better yet, who had so much untapped potential - all ready for her to weild.
"she'll like me, art." she told him and reached to take his hand. "I won't give her a choice."
and she hadn't.
despite how you glared and avoided being around her, purposely turning the other way when you saw her, she wiggled her way into your good graces. it was the first time she'd worked so hard for anything other than tennis, really. she felt proud the first time she made a genuine smile touch your lips. even prouder when you called her crying because some guy had been shitty to you on a date and you didn't want art to know about it. you'd cried on her lap while she spoon fed you ice cream.
then you'd said something peculiar.
"none of them are like him." whispered. more to yourself than to her - but she heard it anyway. brushed some sticky strands of hair from your tear stained cheek.
"like who, baby?"
you looked up at her - eyes watery and glazed over with fresh tears.
"like art."
you didn't say anything more to that and it left tashi wondering what you meant. she wondered for a long time, chalked it up to being about how you wished more guys were chivalrous or kind like art - not anything more - but the way you'd said it - coupled with the fact that she knew you'd had sex with this guy you'd gone out with and it hadn't gone well, not wanting art to know about it - she wondered.
and the thing is, she knows art loves her. she can feel it practically wafting off him in waves whenever he's close. he'd do anything for her. he bends to her will. worships at her alter. he loves her endlessly.
maybe that's why she doesn't feel betrayed or even grossed out when she catches you two fucking. she thinks if she felt threatened by your close relationship with eachother, or if you still despised her, or if art was a distant husband, she might feel those things - she might have screamed and yelled and cried and threw her wedding ring at arts head. demanded he pack up and leave right then.
but she doesn't feel those things.
when she comes home early and she hears it as she's toeing off her heels, she pauses - tilting her head to make sure it was what she thought.
she doesn't know what she thought she might find - but she'd been strangley calm when she'd walked up the stairs, following the sounds of pleasure and the bed creaking -
the door made a sound when she opened it but it was drowned out by the sounds of skin slapping - flesh hitting flesh - the two bodies wrapped up in her marriage bed too engrossed in their lovemaking to have heard it.
she recognized the two of you immediately.
even though arts back was to her, she'd know those shoulders anyway - that head of hair - she knew how those hips moved when he was feeling especially passionate during sex - and even though she couldn't make out your face, as you were under him and obscured from view, she caught sight of the anklet she'd gotten you as a birthday present. dangling around one delicate foot as it was held aloft in the air by arts ears. he had you folded up, grunting as he fucked in and out of your obviously wet cunt -
her first thought was that doing it in your wedding bed was tacky.
her second was that this must be a common occurrence. art fucking you - the way your bodies met was too familiar. too intimate to be anything but a shared act you both did often with eachother.
her third thought was her realizing that she was turned on.
tashi had always admired your beauty - had felt a kind of possessive greed towards you herself that she shared with art. whenever you were seeing a man, something that continued to stay between just you and her, and now she knew why, she vetted them with such viciousness it could only be called jealousy. no one was good enough for you. or art.
you both belonged to her.
it was you that caught sight of her at the door. after tearing your lips away from your brother's to turn your face into the pillow, gasping his name as you arched under his thrusts, you opened your eyes, bleary and lust filled - and met hers across the room.
they widened in horror. your hands flying up to arts shoulders, fingers squeezing painfully enough that he halted his movements and panted a concerned - "what? am I hurting you?"
"art -" was all you could choke out, and he followed your gaze.
it was almost comical - the frenzy of everything. the flurry of limbs as you rushed to detangle from eachother. you sliding back up the bed, sheets pulled up to your chest, knees pulled up, refusing to meet tashis eyes. like a scorned child awaiting punishment. she bet you were seconds away from bursting into tears.
art fumbled for his clothes - but couldn't find them - and tashi wanted to snort when she pointed his boxers out to him and his face flushed with shame as he went to grab them, holding them in front of his half hard cock in guilt.
she had to admit he looked beautiful like this. flooded with remorse and guilt. his eyes red rimmed and pink lips wobbly as he stuttered out her name - tried to tell her it wasn't what it looked like, okay, fuck, that was a dumb thing to say, if she just listened he could explain - and to not be mad at his sister - it was all his fault - he's a horrible person - he's so fucking sorry - she was never meant to find out -
"so you were going to fuck behind my back for the rest of our lives?" she asks, curious. "or were you planning to elope?"
art shakes his head vigorously.
"no! no tashi I'd never leave you - it wasn't like that. I love you -"
she sees out of the corner of her eye how you flinch at that - curling in on yourself. you're definitely crying now. she wonders if art will stop, go to you, but he doesn't. he takes a step towards her - extends his hand -
"please believe me. I love you so fucking much. you don't deserve this - fuck, I'm so sorry. I'm so fucking sorry, tashi."
"I believe you." she tells him and she does.
he blinks at her. some tears drip down his cheeks. she realizes he's trembling. that the fear of her leaving him actually makes him shake. he looks like he might fold in on himself at any moment - small and fragile.
she feels something dark stir in her chest. her clit throbs.
"if I told you there was only one way to make it up to me, would you do it?"
he answers without hesitation.
"anything. fuck, baby. anything you want and I'll do it."
she smiles. serene. walks forward until she's standing in front of him and reaches forward to cup the back of his neck, his skin still hot and flushed from fucking you - his sister - she makes eye contact with you over his shoulder as she leans in and kisses him.
he sags against her. almost melts into the floor - his arms going around her waist as he groans against her lips, eagerly opening his mouth for her tongue.
so different from the dominant way he seemed to be pounding into you before.
you tremble as you watch tashi kiss your brother - your face a complicated mix of emotions. heartbreak, fear, anger, jealousy, hurt. all the things she should be feeling, she supposes.
and she knows with 100% certainty that if she wished it - if she layed down the law and said she wanted art to pick her over you, he'd do it.
that if she wanted art to fuck her right now - in front of you while you watched, he'd do that too.
a part of her almost wants to ask it of him. just to see it play out. but knowing is enough.
besides, making him choose would break him. he'd be hers, but he'd be broken and unfixable afterwards. drained of all life. useless to her.
and as much as she should be angry with you - sneaky little slut that you are, she doesn't actually want to eviscerate your heart like that by taking your brother from you. even she isn't that cruel.
there's something she wants more.
she steps back, cups arts cheek, brushes her lips against his.
"I want you to get back on our bed and finish fucking your sister."
art breathes in sharply. stiffens.
he looks at her like she's grown three heads. which is interesting since he's the sisterfucker here, not her.
she steps back from him another step, another, and another, until her knees meet the lounge chair by her vanity - and she sinks down onto it, facing the bed. she parts her legs, her pencil skirt sliding up her toned thighs as she does. she's so fucking wet. her hand skims up her own leg.
"don't make me ask again." she tells him. "fuck your sister while I watch." wider, she spreads her legs, until her bare cunt is bare to you both. no panties. "you put on quite the fucking show earlier and now I want to get off - we'll talk about what's gonna happen after you make me cum."
she glares at art. dares him to push back.
he swallows. looks back at you for the first time since he'd seen tashi and becomes aware of the state your in, tear stained and curled up in the corner of their bed like a frightened animal. his features soften with obvious concern as he steps towards the bed, towards you.
he looks back again, to make sure and tashi nods at him - "like you were before. pretend I'm not here. I wanna see how my husband fucks his baby sister when I'm not around."
she has a feeling it's different than the way he fucks her. less controlled. less submissive.
her hand dissappears under her skirt when art kneels on the bed and gently wraps his fingers around your ankle, tugging you towards him.
you go willingly - shooting worried glances tashis way - clearly conflicted about what you should do - if you should try to flee.
art cups your cheek - tender - "look at me." he tells you, soft but firm.
your eyes immediately follow his command. so eager to take your big brothers orders.
tashi wonders how he'd react if he knew his loyal little sister has and is fucking other men - maybe another time. she wants to see how you two come together. this secret part of you both she hasn't been privy too -
you look at your brother with wide wet eyes and when he smooths your tears away with his thumb your voice trembles out of you - "d - do you hate me?"
tashis heart pinches a little - with guilt at making you feel so distressed. then she remembers you've been willingly fucking her husband behind her back and thinks you deserve a little stress.
"no. of course not." art tucks your hair behind your ear. "I could never hate you, sweetheart."
he leans in then. kisses you. and tashi bites her lip at the wrongness of it all - because it looks so right - and feels so good - she rubs her clit in tight little circles as you whimper into arts mouth, the sheet dropping from your hands and revealing your perky tits - already littered in his bite marks.
fuck. he eats you alive.
shes so wet - her fingers slide right inside her - she times it with arts first thrust back inside your willing cunt.
she wants to see better - but for right now, she remains quiet - she'll ask to see art fuck you up close so she can see your pussy as it splits open for your brother some other time - she wants to see how you fuck raw and real right now.
and it is different to how he fucks her. less careful - with tashi he lets her take the lead, even when he's on top and fucking her hard - he's still going at the pace he knows she likes best. with you, though - there's no thought behind it - it's almost selfish, the way he takes you - hips snapping yours into the bed.
but you love it. moaning and twisting your body under him in pleasure as you wrap your legs around him.
the bed goes back to creaking - and tashi fucks her fingers in and out fast at the pace art is fucking you - she can tell when he's close because his eyes fly to hers - though his hips don't stop -
"tashi - " he moans, and she knows immediately what he's asking.
"do you normally cum inside her?"
he curses - his hips stutter - but he nods - closing his eyes briefly in shame, looks like he's about to apologize but she's quick to interject, pumping her cunt faster at the thought -
her next command is to you, this time. not to art.
she says your name - and your eyes peel open and meet hers, something passing between you. she licks her lips as you shake under your brother, both of you watching her - waiting for her -
"tell him to cum inside you. make your perverted big brother fill your pussy all the way up like he always does."
she doesn't know why she likes this so much. perhaps it's the fact that you're both so fucked up - and instead of just one plaything, she now has two. it's like opening a bag and realizing they gave you an extra serving of fries.
you moan - lock your legs around arts waist. "please." you whine, voice breathless and pleading. art shudders above you, groaning. you must be squeezing him tightly with your pussy. "need my big brothers load in my - " you glance quickly at tashi, flushing, before you look back at art - "in my little princess pussy."
that definitely has an affect on art - he downright goes feral after you say it. hunches over you and slams his cock in and out as he burries his face in your neck - huffing and puffing as he gets close.
when he cums - tashi grinds her heel into her clit as her back arches, as you wind your body around arts to lock him inside you. all three of you finding euphoria in a way you never have before.
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jnkgrnde · 9 months
— closer, clarisse la rue, pjo
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summary — in which, clarisse la rue can’t get enough of you, no matter how much you set her off. loosely based off of closer by RM. (media from princemick !)
pairings — clarisse la rue x black!fem!reader (daughter of poseidon)
authors note — first pjo fic.. kinda nervous 🫣 here’s my new years gift for the lack of posting 😭
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clarisse la rue.
whether you feared her, hated her, were intimidated by her, you knew her name if you resided in camp half-blood. she was the infamous daughter of ares, god of war. if she didn’t scare you by her demeanor alone, then she had that status and her electric spear to back it up.
and then there was you.
you were a poseidon kid, claimed early, then got thrown into the poseidon cabin to fend for yourself. it felt lonesome at times, but getting along with people like luke and annabeth helped. it was also nice having a cabin to yourself, free to decorate it however you liked!
people thought you were pretty chill, a little scary with how you come along with your powers and whatnot, but overall you were a fun person to be around.
except when you were around clarisse. you definitely got under her skin, whether she liked it or not (she was starting to).
you were quick with your comebacks whenever she had something to say, which got snickers from her siblings around her, you were good with a blade, good in war games, good in almost everything she was.
did it get to her? yes. but did she find it attractive? also yes.
you could hold your own and your friends if it came down to it, and as a daughter of ares, she found that attractive.
that was all up until percy jackson came.
did you know you had siblings somewhere? yes, but you didn’t expect one to actually make it here, much less alive, but here we were. you were a couple years older than percy you found out. his mom had died on his way here with grover, another friend of yours. all he really wanted to do was find out who his father was and why all this was happening.
you felt protective of him, and that meant feeling protective of him against clarisse.
he didn’t know but you could tell he was a son of poseidon, your brother. you felt inclined to guide him until he found his way around and got used to what his life was now.
flash forward to the day after he arrived. he was already gaining some popularity around camp because of his encounter with the minotaur. in the morning you met up with him and luke, telling him about how the day after was capture the flag day.
you were walking until a familiar brunette came into view, knocking into percy. you snapped your head towards her just as she pushed him into the dirt. “hey, clarisse, back up.” you stepped closer to her. she looked at you, and for a moment your heart skipped a beat.
when had she been so pretty?
you two ‘glared’ (admired) at eachother for a moment before she turned to percy. “so this is the kid who killed the minotaur?” you looked at percy and he locked eyes for a quick second before looking back at clarisse. he looked scared but used to it, like he’d been bullied all his life.
“you want attention around here, dummy? you better be ready for it when it comes.” she jumped at him to scare him, then left laughing, not before making eye contact with you once more.
“well, she seems nice.” percy commented. “don’t worry about her. she just has this image to keep up. she’ll leave you alone soon, i’m sure.” you told him.
did you know that? no, but you didn’t want him to have to deal with anything yet.
“why don’t people mess with you?” percy asked you and luke. “they know better. best swordsman in over a century and she can drown people if she wanted.” luke explained with a smirk.
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it was later in the day. the sun was still up, it was warm out, and the smell of the strawberry fields graced you. you were practing with your main weapon of choice. grunts rang in the air as you practiced on your dummy.
it was empty, which was just what you needed to blow off some steam. at least, it was empty until clarisse walked over. “you’re doing it wrong.” you didn’t face her, choosing to ignore her. you continued until a hand gripped your wrist.
“you ignoring me now?” just you ignoring her started her off wrong. she wanted you to pay attention to her. “do you need something?” you hissed at her. “i was talking to you. your forms off.” “mkay. thanks.” you went to go back to the dummy before she placed a hand on your waist to turn you back around. “you realize that could get you killed right?” she scolded. you stared at each other until she realized where her hand was and took it off like you were a hot pan burning her.
you mulled over the interaction; your waist felt tingly- you felt tingly. she was just so pretty and she was starting to make you nervous, but you had to do something.
“you willing to correct it then? since you feel like you need to comment on it.” you remarked.
this is what got her going.
you always having something quick to say, getting under her skin but in the right way.
she smirked, canines showing a little. it had your heart racing.
she went over to the dummy with a dagger that was on standby, and showed you a technique she used. “like that.” she moved to go behind you and gripped your waist again. “what are you doing?”
“relax, i’m moving you into a stance.” she told you.
was she half lying? well, sorta kinda. she was moving you, but she just wanted to be closer to you.
she adjusted your stance, then moved back and allowed you to practice. “just like that.” she told you.
“why are you helping me?” clarisse shrugged. “got bored.” “you sure you just didn’t wanna be near me?” you jokingly asked.
“maybe i did, maybe i didn’t.”
she did. she just wanted to be closer to you.
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angellettes · 1 year
─ synopsis. reader is an actress and jack champion. She is playing the part of Ethan landry's girlfriend in scream VI and accomplice
─ notes. I'm not a big fan of how I wrote this it kinda sucks but I hope you guys like it ♡ genre/warnings.. none for this chapter just pure fluff!♡ my page is minors dni. this chapter is suitable for any age but minors are not welcome on my page for their own safety
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You and Jack had been dating for 3 years, and unknowingly were both casted for Scream VI. You hadn't found out about both getting casted until you had to meet the cast members before shooting was set to start. Certainly the experience of being a couple and playing a couple in a literal horror movie was Certainly interesting.
you both were getting ready on set to start filming, as you had a conversation about how funny it was that you were unknowingly casted in the same movie and playing as a couple in the movie, and how funny it was. your character's name was Amira lynn. You quite liked your character. It was simple but not boring. Your character was supposed to be a fashion major, and you were also the accomplice of Ethan Landry. Your role was interesting, had a good smart, but kinda ditzy personality.
The first few days of shooting got a little boring because you were there in a lot of the movie. Your character was sort of like ethan's alibi. When Ethan wasn't around during an attack you had to vouch for him. As the characters got more suspicious of Ethan you guys had to make a little plan to get them off track, so you staged an attack by ghostface. The filming for your attack was thrilling and kind of fun, as it involved getting chased around, thrown into walls, and getting tackled several times. Next thing you knew your character was dead during the attack scene after Mindy accused Ethan. You getting killed got them off track.
You stuck around on set for the rest of the time until your last scene which would be the reveal. Your character was Ethan's accomplice, who would make calls, do occasional killing, and vouched for him if they got suspicious.
"now die a fucking virgin" Jenna seethes out as Jack's characters dies by getting stabbed in the throat. You scream out and run towards his "dead boddy and hold him "please don't leave" you sobbed out. Then your character dies by being shot in the back. You flop down on the ground next to jack, holding his hand, talking about how in another happier life you would've gotten away with the gruesome crimes you did, and would've graduated college and got married. Melissa walks up to you, shooting you in the head, and then your part is done.
At the premiere of the movie interviewers went wild and swarmed around you asking questions about you it felt to play the roles, and how was your reaction to the fans seeing you both in the same movie. You had know about the shipping mostly from fan edits of you both. And the reason why the public was shipping you is because they didn't know you and Jack were dating for 3 years. Tonight you guys were revealing it.
"How do you both feel about being shipped together by the fans?" the interviewer asks. You and Jack look at eachother with a grin. "Well funny thing is that me and Y/N have been dating for 3 years so I mean it kinda makes us feel giddy" Jack says with a confident look on his face as his arm is wrapped around your waist. All the interviewers had the most priceless reactions after the statement. Made you wonder how people on social media were gonna take it.
When you were on your way home, you checked Twitter and Instagram. You both were shocked to see people were calling you the hottest couple, and some made comments about the fact that you hid it for 3 years, but some weren't shocked because they kind of already had hints and figured it out.
Once you got home you and Jack felt so giddy about the things they said, as you got comfortable, making little comments about it, and laughing, as you held eachother. You both got in bed and immediately Javk pulled you right flush to him, as he buried his face into the crook of your neck. It was nights like this after a busy day that felt the most euphoric. Holding eachother thinking about how you would go about the next day, and just having some cute pillow talk. You both decided to have a scream movie marathon as you fell asleep, feeling eachother's closeness and warmth against eachother. You were so happy to be with this amazing boy.
You both decided to go out the next morning, and get some things to eat, and go shopping, and just have a little day together in celebration of your reveal, and finishing the movie. As you got home there were a ton of notifications on your phone. You opened your phone to see, and saw a post of Twitter, saying " Jack Champion and Y/N L/N spotted today at ///", the post had several pictures of you and Jack walking. You called him over to see. and once he saw he laughed. You closed your phone and looked up at the tall, curly haired, giddy boy you lived with all your heart. He wrapped him arms around you and laid kisses on the crown of you head, and going down to your neck.
"On camera and off, we're always sweet as sugar, and I love that about us. I'm happy we don't have to hide anymore, baby. I love you with all my heart" Jack coos at you, his arms still wrapped around you leaning his head on yours. You sigh in contentment and entangle your fingers with his. "I'm so glad we don't have to hide anymore either. I love you with all my heart, jack". You both looked up at eachother smiling, as you leaned into eachother, and your lips finally met his you knew that no matter what, Jack wold always be by your side, and he knew you would always be by his.
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do not plagiarize, translate,or repost my work.
finished- April 8, 2023 , 9:16 AM
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livlaughloveluke · 10 months
𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠- 𝐣.𝐜
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𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: you waking up in jack’s arms makes him realize he needs to do something soon
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: a lil kiss 💋, just fluff mainly
𝐚/𝐧: was half asleep while writing this so it might be rough
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jack had his hands draped around waist, while you were laying on his chest. your head was snuggled in the crook of his neck, your warm breath sending shivers down his spine.
you were fast asleep, however he was definitely not. he was supposed to napping with you in his trailer, but he couldn’t sleep. he has something, or someone, on his mind. 
you and jack were filming Scream VI together and played love interests. it was fine at first, but as filming progressed, jacks feeling for you only grew. there was only one problem. you and jack were friends.
well, sorta. 
you did everything a normal couple would do, but just as buddies. hence why you were cuddled up together on the couch in his trailer. no one really knew why you weren’t officially together, for you would make such a good couple.
he wanted to call you his. it was silly, the only thing keeping you from formally dating was a label, and yet he craved it, more than anything.
he looked down at you, your glowed from the sunlight peeking through the windows. you looked angelic, and he wondered how a person could be this pretty. god, he hated himself for being so fearful of rejection. 
unbeknownst to him, you felt the same way. you wished you weren’t such a chicken, and could grow a pair and ask him out. how was it possible to want a person this bad?
you were a match made in heaven, as jenna liked to say. she was your costar, and your best friend. you told her all about your interactions with jack, the both of you giggling like little schoolgirls. you had given him the codename “strawberry,” so you could talk about him without others knowing his identity. 
jenna saw the spark in your eyes when you talked to him, and your pupils dilated in size every time you were around him. you were in love with a man you weren’t even dating. 
your body twisted and turned as you slowly woke up. you blink away the sleepiness and cautiously looked up at jack to see if he had waken up yet.  
“good morning, sleepyhead.” jack says. you smile at eachother, and you sat up, the shared blanket slipping off of your silky skin.
“how long have you been awake?” you asked, hoping you didn’t keep him glued in place while you were fast asleep. your sleepy voice made jack swoon, and he held back from doing anything he would later regret. 
“not long, i just woke up.” he lies straight through his teeth in order to make you feel okay. you just nod and pat around the cushions, searching for your phone. you find it smooshed in between two pillows, and you check the clock. it was two twenty three.
“what time do we need to be back on set by?” you curiously ask him.
“three pm, i think. but we need to go to hair and makeup at two thirty.”
you flash him the time, and hop out of bed. you and him take short walk to the costume department. there was two separate trailers, and all of the actors randomly assigned to one at the beginning of filming. you and jack got split up, which sucked, but the system was supposed to help with efficiency and speed. 
you part ways, and both get into full costume. your makeup artist was around your age, so you enjoyed chatting with her. after getting ready, you both meet up on set.
you and him weren’t in a lot of scenes today, so you mainly just played game pigeon together. the day was spent competing and laughing together, and you wouldn’t have changed anything.
however, the whole day jack had plastered on a fake smile. in reality, he was stressed to beyond compare. he was going to ask you out by the end of the day. 
seeing you all wrapped up in his arms this afternoon made him realize that he wants to start a future with you. so while his was alone, he called his buddy, romeo, and sent him to the store to get flowers. he made romeo send photos of every bouquet in the shop, so jack could pick out the perfect bundle for you. 
it was now dark out, and filming for today was over. you and him already had changed back into your normal clothes, and you both went back to your personal trailers to grab your keys. you separated and agreed to meet back up in the, now empty, parking lot. 
what you didn’t know was that romeo was waiting in jacks trailer, with the flowers that jack would use to ask you out. jacks heart raced as he rushed to the parking lot. he wanted to be there first, just to see your reaction when you saw him standing with a colorful section of gorgeous flowers in his hands.
he anxiously waited for you, nervously popping his fingers. he then saw you walking up to him, the moonlight illuminating your features. you approached him, getting closer and closer.
he handed you the flowers, and you smiled brighter than ever, wondering what they were for.
“y/n, i’ve loved spending countless hours with you over the past few months, and there is nothing i want more in this world than to be your boyfriend. will you please go out with me?” he lovingly asked.
you stood on your tiptoes and cupped his hand with your cheek, before connecting your lips together. you had been waiting for this moment since the day you met him, and it definitely lived up to its potential. he kissed you back, passion filling your bodies. 
you pulled apart, and looked at him with a huge grin. jack opened his mouth to ask a sarcastic question.
“so was that a yes?”
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taglist: @nowitsmissing, @nikoschrissis, @hillesem, @lvndryyhoe, @ieattoesforbreakfqst, @sevenheavxns, @wonderstruck4llthew4yhome
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lilacgaby · 18 days
day seven
chapter select!
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the day started with mina being oddly insistent that they go out.
mina threw open [name]'s sublocking blinds and threw her blanket to the ground as she yelled to [name] to get up.
"come on, it'll be fun! that quirk is gone and all the girls wanna have a girls day out!" she was pulling on [name]'s hand as she guided her out of bed. [name] had slept til noon, which was normal in it of itself, but mina dragging her out of bed wasn't.
"come on! hurry up-- and go get cute or something!"
"okay! okay! gosh!" [name] was shoved into her bathroom, forced to get ready. she barely got to bask in the happiness of not being an over sharing loser for the first time in a week. still half asleep but senseable, she reasoned that since it was a girls day, she had to decide to put in a bit of extra effort into her outfit. she chose something cute and bright, perfect for the cherry blossom season.
when she came out the room, she felt the girls acting a bit cheeky and off as if they knew something was going to happen. she didn't have time to question it though, because she had to soak up the sun before she left, or else she'd be pissed for the rest of the day.
as she sunbathed, she shut her eyes. she felt so calm and at peace today.
her tranquility vanished after a short when someone came barging into her room to get her, this time it being uraraka, who adamantly urged her to get going. "let's go name, we're all waiting on you. we have to get going before the park gets full!"
"oh, okay-" [name] barely had time to grab the bag of her bed as uraraka pulled her with her iron grip out of her room and down to the entrance of the dorms where everyone was waiting. she was unsurprisingly very strong.
the girls all greeted [name] with smiles and hugs, momo spraying a bit of expensive perfume on her, hagakure fixing her hair, jirou giving her a 'lucky guitar pick' and placing it in her pocket, and mina putting a bit of powder and lipstick on her face.
"guys, i appreciate this and all but what's the occasion?" [name] finally said, liking yet questioning the strange attention.
"oh, uh.. we already fixed eachother up earlier, it's just that you were so late and all that we focused on you last. that's all." tsuyu shrugged.
they guided eachother out the dorm as they started to walk towards a park which they'd all regularly go to to celebrate things. exams being over, the first day of a season, a birthday: they'd been here hundreds of times already, but especially at specific times during the season, because of just how gorgeous it was.
the large trees hung over the plains, casting a dramatic shadow that contrasted the clear view of the sky. flowers bloomed all throughout the fields as streams and lakes were spread across the huge landscape. it was a popular place for couples, which is why is was unexpected to see pairs all around walking and clinging to eachother. but today, there was something that stuck out like a sore thumb among the all natural biome.
a pink checkered blanket she'd never seen there before.
the girls all suddenly put on dramatic, obviously fake shocked faces as [name] turned back to look at them.
"oh no! looks like we forgot all the food for the picnic!" jirou exclaimed.
"well, guess we have to go back to the dorms and get it." momo reasoned, linking arms with jirou as they moved to walk away with the group.
the statements were both said extremely robotically, when a strange lack of natural emotion.
"okay i'll come wi--"
"NO!" they all yelled in unison. they stopped walking and all turned to face [name], who for some reason suddenly felt as if she had said the dumbest thing in the world.
uraraka grabbed [name] by the shoulders, and shook her as she said "you stay here, we need someone to save our spot, besides there's even a perfectly good blanket there!" before signaling to   everyone that they should start rushing out.
"yeah [name]! go! we'll be back soon!" mina yelled, already pretty far away from where they had left her standing.
"o-kay.." she muttered to herself, walking slowly to the blanket and sitting down. she admired the view, it was really beautiful. she took one of the flowers from the ground, checked it for ants, and stuck it behind her ear.
as flowers started to bloom even brighter around her, a side effect from her happiness, she heard steps behind her.
the girls were back.
"well, you guys were qu--"
she was cut off as she looked back to find katsuki, dressed nicely in a cute outfit suited for the weather. he wore a blue sweater over his signature black, baggy slacks. another fresh bouquet sat in his hand, and he was also holding a medium sized bag of gifts, each one individually wrapped in her favorite color, with an expensive looking bag encapsulating them all.
"hey [name.]"
she looked him over. he was always handsome but today took the cake, as he slowly walked over to sit next to her she felt an indescribable feeling of happiness wash over her. it felt like she was in a romance anime of her own, with the cherry blossom petals accompanying his entrance.
what she didn't know was how rapid his heart was beating. she looked gorgeous here, even more than usual. the flowers that she made bloom, with the flower that she had put behind her ear, it was all too much.
"so, all this was planned by you? how thoughtful."
"yeah, yeah it was. but those idiots helped me out some."
"this is actually like- really nice. thank you katsuki." she said with a smile.
he flushed, her finally getting to see his face as she unintentionally flustered him. after a little bit, he stuck out the bag of gifts her got for her.
"for me?"
"who else? here."
as she looked inside she slowly unearthed each gift. each item was something that she liked, and it meant so much to her that he even went through the process of getting these things. the smaller items varied from small snacks to little trinkets she could attach to her school bag.
in particular, she let out a smile when she opened the drawstring bag with the bracelet in it. even more so when she saw that he had one too, except it was all might themed.
she couldn't stop the laughs that escaped her, especially not when her heart was beating so fast from both excitement and anticipation.
"what are you laughing at?"
"it's just-- you're so cute katsuki!"
he turned red at that.
"shut up and just open the last gift already!"
she stifled her laughs and covered her mouth with her hand. after she calmed down, she finally started to open it.
"y'know katsuki, on a date you're supposed to flirt and talk. not tell me to shut up the whole time."
"ack-- whatever. just open it."
"im getting to it."
she finally, almost tearful at the waste of the high-quality wrapping of the gift, revealed a velvet box of her favorite color. and she gasped when she saw what was inside.
a gorgeous necklace, not thin either, that was made up of her favorite material that'd match her other earrings and jewelry. what stood out the most was the gorgeous tulip that dangled from its center.
"katsuki.. you didn't."
"i did, i know, im the best right?" he said as he wordlessly asked for permission to touch her, and when granted he gently moved her into position to link the necklace onto her neck. he was behind her, his every breath heard in her ears and he moved her hair out the way to clip in the necklace.
as he turned back to look at her, he let a compliment escape his lips.
"ah? stop it.."
"i'm serious, you're.. beautiful [name].
and, i really have something to say so-- be quiet and hear me out. okay?"
he took a deep breath, trying to steady his beating heart and prepare himself for his rehearsed speech.
"[name], i- i care for you deeply. i've known about my feelings for you for a while. but, i actually overheard you at the start of the week, when you were outside the dorms?"
"yes, but it wasn't just that. overhearing your call with mirko, and hearing it from you yourself. it made me rethink the depth of our relationship. but it all came to a halt when i saw you take on two fucking villains all by yourself, getting injured. it scared me. it made me realize how scared i am to lose you.
so, [name], would you accept all me if-- if i asked you to be my girlfriend."
"of course i would idiot!"
she tackled him into a kiss, pouring out all her feelings accumulated not only from the last week, but from the last two years they've had at U-A together into it.
when they pulled back, she left a kiss on his cheek just so she could laugh at the print from her lipstick on his mouth and cheek.
following that, they continued their date. katsuki had wiped off, or tried to, the marks on his lips and cheek which only served to make them smudged around. he eventually shrugged and gave up, revealing that he had brought sandwhiches and dessert that he had made all himself. he would rather die than admit it, but he had gotten a lot of helpful tips and hints from the otome's he'd play and the manga he'd read.
each bite was heavenly as she bit down into her food, he was, unsurprisingly, a great cook as well.
she forced him to let her feed him half the tart he had chosen to make for dessert, since he didn't really like sweet things all that much.
she didn't know where he was getting things from, but he also pulled out two tea glasses and a tea kettle, which he poured for the two of them to drink with the tart.
after that, they got up and strolled around. they hadn't noticed because it felt timeless when they were together, but hours had passed from when they first arrived.
they walked around the lake, hand in hand, as they watched the sun go down. katsuki looked golden in the suns final moments for the day, and [name] looked breathtaking as she glimmered in it.
as they looked at each other, admiration, love, and care evident in their eyes, they moved closer wordlessly, and kissed once again.
this time though, it was accompanied by a flash.
they were both taken out their trance as they looked back to see the girls, and denki, smiling knowingly at the two of them, with tsuyu and uraraka laughing softly at the lipstick marks on katsuki's face.
mina handed them the picture she snatched from denki, which had captured their moment surprisingly well considering denki's shaky hands.
"i knew it! thanks guys, i won four-thousand more yen today!" mina exclaimed happily as she coddled them into a quick group hug before going back to the girls, and denki, and high fiving everyone, except denki.
"damn it, i didn't think bakugo would actually do it. now im out a thousand.. again." denki groaned, as mina patted him on the back until they were out of sight.
they heard his annoyed groans and the girl's laughs as the group walked away.
katsuki and [name] side-eyed eachother, before bursting into laughter.
at denki's idiocy, the fact that they were caught, or the anticlimactic nature of someone always being there: they didn't know, they were just laughing their hearts away.
when they finally stopped, and the sunset had reached its peak, they looked back at eachother.
katsuki was going to yell at denki later for even thinking he'd chicken out,
but for now he'd kiss his girlfriend.
[a/n: aaa this was my first thing i've ever written so i hope you enjoyed the ending <3 tysm for reading, i was planning on leaving this in the drafts forever]
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tags: @cc1306 @reads-stuff-quietly @dazqa @teenagetrash00 @jennapancake @sakurarr1122
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thelov3lybookworm · 10 months
omg can we please get some more delulu reader x delulu azriel where the whole ic thinks they’re crazy and would absolutely not be s good pair, but they’re delusional and think they’re obsessed w eachother
” look at him just staring at me, it’s so obvious he wants me it makes him look stupid ”
” babes he’s literally glaring at you as if he’s planning to murder you ”
” she just cannot look away can she? god I know she’ll be my girl by the end of tonight ”
” um hello??? she’s literally talking shut about you, I heard her a minute ago?????”
and they walk up to eachother looking like they’ll fight but then they kiss to everyones surprise and leave them all with their jaw dropped. bext morning they see az and reader having breakfast together, and they’re nice to eachother
” alright tell me again how you fell in love with me azzie”
” okay, so it was when you first punched me. I really felt the connection there ( no pun intended )😍😍 “
” ohhh mother above i knew it!!! for me it was when you almost choked me to death w your shadows, true love fr😍😍”
everyone at the table:😟😟😟😟😟😟
Delulu!azzie x delulu!reader (Part 2?)
Summary: The inner circle feels like... they are going insane.
A/n: hehe i really got nothing to say but i love this looooolll 😂
alsooo... i think this could be read as a part 2 to the previous lil thing i wrote for this prompt, so I'll just link it here if any of you wanted to read it 😉
enjoy, babes 😉
Mor's pov.
Mor was seriously concerned for her friend, and it was not something that happened often.
Her friends were usually more sensible than this, and usually didn't call one of the most powerful male in the whole of prythian an ugly bastard and then always walk around nagging them.
But currently, Mor's best friend was glaring daggers at the Spymaster of the night court from across the dance floor, and Mor had never been more scared at the glare on the shadowsinger's face.
It wouldn't have mattered that much if Y/n and Azriel simply hated each other. But the fact that Y/n was so delusional over him and thought that the glares he sent her every waking moment of his day were because he was in love with her, didn't sit right with Mor.
Mor had tried to point it out multiple times to the winter court female, but the female either never paid attention, or she didn't care.
And now, as Mor and Y/n sat in the bar with drinks in their hands, the latter glaring all the way across the dance floor to the booth where the Spymaster was sat with the rest of the inner circle, Mor watched on.
A moment later, Y/n scoffed, turning to Mor.
"Look at him just staring at me, it’s so obvious he wants me. It makes him look stupid."
Mor's jaw was practically on the ground, and she spluttered out the first thing that came to her mind.
"Y/n, he’s literally glaring at you as if he’s planning to murder you." She whisper yelled, incredulous. But Y/n had turned away already, caught again in a staring-and-glaring-holes-in-the-other-person's-skull match with Azriel.
Mor sighed, swirling her drink in her glass before taking a long sip from it.
Even if Mor pretended that the two were really in love, she simply could not imagine them being a great couple. Not saying that she didn't want the two to be happy, but watching the pair constantly be at each other's throat gave her no hope that they could ever be in a loving relationship.
If they could simply sort out their problems with each other, then maybe there was a chance. But if not, Mor was sure she'd find one of their heads lying in the hallways of their home if they ever got together.
Cassian's pov.
If someone told the Lord of Bloodshed that he'd be scared shitless of his own brother a few months ago, he would have laughed.
But here he was, coiled tight like a spring, ready to jump into action if his brother decided to kill the winter court female right in the middle of the dancing and drinking bodies that filled Rita's.
It was absurd. Ridiculous, really, how much hatred radiated off of Azriel as he sat there, practically breathing flames as he stared at across the dance floor.
To get a reprieve from the constant tension in his shoulders, Cassian stood, stretching before making his way towards the bar, near where Mor was sat with her friend.
"He is such a loser. I swear I've never seen such a big loser in my life. Ever." Cassian overheard Y/n say, and he had to physically stop himself from laughing.
Mor began, but Y/n beat her to it.
"He's also such a jerk. Bet he never gets any females because of that shit attitude."
Cassian decided it was enough overhearing for the day and walked back to where Azriel sat, the rest of the inner circle having slowly dispersed.
Cassian handed a glass to Azriel, who never took his eyes off the female that now stood from the stool she was sitting on with Mor, now making her way towards the dance floor.
The general watched as his brother knocked back the drink, slamming the empty glass on the table in front of him.
"She just cannot look away, can she? God, I know she’ll be my girl by the end of tonight."
Cassian very nearly spat out his drink, coughing loudly as he stared at the Spymaster, who glanced at him, unamused.
"Are you okay brother?" Azriel didn't reply, his gaze fixed on the dancing female, her gaze fixed on him. "Hello? Are you listening? She was literally talking shit about you, I heard her, like, a minute ago?"
Cassian was not proud enough to believe he was he smartest of people, and he would admit that he did sometimes get confused over things that needed using his brain. But he would like to blame his dumbness on his brain being closely guarded by his thick skull.
But the things he did not understand? Those things were actually supposed to make sense.
But this? Azriel's weird delusion about how the female from the winter court was obsessed with him? This was not something that was supposed to make sense, and it would leave even the smartest person in Prythian scratching their heads.
But Azriel either didn't hear Cassian, or didn't care, because in the next moment, he stood, ignoring his brother as he made his way onto the dance floor, his steps sure and cocky.
Cassian watched in growing nervousness, then horror and shock, as Azriel stalked up to Y/n, as she stared at him, her eyes sharp.
Cassian watched, as his brother took the face of the winter court female's face in his hands, and promptly slammed his lips onto hers.
Cassian's eyes widened, his jaw unhinging from his face and dropping to the ground. A quick glance to the kissing pair's right told him he was not the only one who was experiencing this onslaught of emotional cocktail.
Mor stared back at Cassian, her eyes as big as Nyx's fists, her mouth opening and closing like a fish's.
The scene was comical, though it didn't erase the shock coursing through Cassian's veins. And all that he could think about was...
What the fuck?
"Was I dreaming or did last night really happen?"
Most of the inner circle was seated around the dining table in the house of wind, holding their cup of their preferred beverages or eating their breakfast.
They all glanced up at Cassian as he spoke, but before anyone could reply, in walked Y/n and Azriel.
The sight of the two of them clinging to each other was as jarring as the night before, when the two of them had been filled with lust and clung to each other, kissing until Az winnowed the two of them away.
Well- Cassian thought, that is one way to answer my question.
The two ignored everyone else, as if not aware of their surroundings as they settled down next to each other, one of Y/n's hands clinging tightly around Azriel's bicep as he used the other to pile food onto a plate.
Azriel picked his fork, scooping up some scrambled eggs, holding it up for Y/n, who smiled and opened her mouth for him. He slipped the spoon inside, then took a bite himself.
The inner circle watched in shock, all thought eddying out of their brains as they watched the loving exchange.
"Alright tell me again how you fell in love with me Azzie." Y/n mumbled, laying her head on his shoulder after she finished chewing, hearts in her eyes as she stared at the spymaster.
Azriel seemed to think for a moment, then he smiled down at her as he held up his fork to her mouth again. "Okay, so it was when you first punched me. I really felt the connection there."
Y/n made a face that screamed aww. "So the first time we met?" Azriel nodded, nudging her to open her mouth. "Oh mother above, I knew it! For me it was when you almost choked me to death with your shadows." She sighed dreamily as she watched him take a bite of the food, completely oblivious to the turmoil the inner circle was going through.
Mor rushed to stand, mumbling something about having an important meeting as she hurried away. Rhys and Feyre stood too, saying they needed to check up on Nyx. And before Cassian could point out that Feyre was literally holding the babe, they walked away.
Left alone with the swooning couple, Cassian made eye contact with Nesta, who gagged silently at the love in the air, then inclined her head towards the stairs.
Cassian was all too happy to get out of there, as the moment him and his mate were out of sight, the sounds of clothes hitting the floor sounded, along with declarations of love.
And, honestly, Cassian was not one to judge people or be disgusted by other's love life, but he couldn't help but sympathise with Nesta when she gagged again.
Azriel Taglist: @darthdumbasss @foreverrandomwritings
General Taglist: @bubybubsters @eos-princess @nightless @harrystylesfan2686 @cassie6392
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pawnshopbleus · 3 months
These Are the Days
Abby Anderson x Fem!Reader High School AU
One - The Hallway
For the summary, warnings, and more please visit here
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The human body is extraordinary. It does so many things like waking you up two hours before your alarm is set. It’s five o’clock in the morning and the last thing you want to be is up. This gives you way too much time to overthink your first day of school. 
The outfit you planned out the night before is thrown over your desk chair. It’s something simple and plain. You don’t want to draw too much attention to yourself. Your usual wardrobe would cause you to stick out like a sore thumb. 
You close your eyes and pray that your body lets you go back to sleep but after ten minutes of tossing and turning you knew that it was a lost cause. You reach over and turn on the lamp on your night stand. It takes your eyes a few seconds to adjust to the change in lighting but when they finally do, you sigh. Of course this had to happen to you. Your usual ten hours of sleep is reduced to eight. 
You can hear the rustle of your parents getting ready for work. They are usually out of the house before you wake up and back home long after you’ve gone to sleep. When you were little, you only saw them for a split second in the day when they came to pick you up from school. In middle school they gave you a bike and expected you to learn how to ride it on your own. It’s been just you and your bike ever since. 
You kill time by watching a movie on your laptop. It’s some new romcom that recently came out. Rom Coms are some of your favorite movies to watch because they move something within you. They make up for the lack of love and support in your life. 
Before you know it, two hours have passed by and your alarm goes off. You rub your tired eyes and finally leave the comfort of your bed. Your new room has a bathroom in it. The cold tile floors shock your bare feet but they soon get used to the temperature. 
You observe yourself in the mirror. Your tired eyes and tangled hair are just a reflection of how you feel inside. It’s only the first day but you are already want to give up. You can already feel the monotony tiring you out. 
Maybe you can join a club or two and make some new friends. It seems like everyone back home already forgot about you even though you left a week ago. Your best friend of six years left you on delivered for two days before making up an excuse as to why she didn’t respond fast enough. 
You splash your face with some cold water and try to think about something else. There was no use in thinking about that right now when there’s another pressing issue at hand. 
Lakeview high school is about a twenty minute walk and a six minute bike ride away from your house. The crisp morning air nips at your skin as you zip through your neighborhood. It’s a beautiful morning but you’d rather a car hit you than admit it. 
Jeeps, Teslas, Toyotas, Subarus, BMWs, Ford trucks, and one Honda fill up the parking lot. Those cars confirm your fears; this is a rich kid school. Your parents are very well off so you’ve grown up around rich kids. From your experience, they’re all spoiled little brats who whine when things don’t go their way. Thankfully, you’re parents never really gave a fuck so they didn’t spoil you. That allowed you to appreciate the things you have. 
You dismount your bike and lock it up. 
Lakeview looks like the school from the Breakfast Club. Everything is inside. Growing up in California, you got used to going to outside schools. No lockers, no roofs in the hallways, and wide open spaces greeted you every time you went to school. Everything inside of one big building? Now that, that was different. 
Blue and yellow lockers line the walls of the hallway. Students lean on them as they chat with their friends, no doubt talking about what they got up to over the summer. People fist bump each other as they walked down the hallway and couples suck on eachothers faces with no shame. You ogle at the people walking with the confidence you wished you had right now. It looked like a scene out of some cult classic high school movie. 
You take out the folded up paper that has your schedule on it and glare at it. Homeroom: Room 702. It would have been lovely to know where room 702 is but with multiple staircases going all over the place and no signs in sight, this started to feel less like public school and more like an agoraphobic person's personal hell. 
You take a deep breath and walk up to the nearest person. Their blue shirt catches your eye. It’s one of the colors that doesn’t hurt your eyes. You tap them on the shoulder and when they turn around, they look at you as if you just sprouted two heads.
“Hi, umm, sorry to bother you but do you know where Room 702 is?” you ask, your voice shaking slightly. 
The person points in front of them and then walks away. You gulp and stare in front of you, confused. No one has ever told you that you come off intimidating so that person's demeanor really confuses you. 
“What the fuck?” you mutter under your breath and lean against the wall of lockers. You close your eyes and hold the bridge of your nose. You feel exhausted and you haven’t even done anything really strenuous. 
“Excuse me,” someone says, “you’re leaning against my locker.”
You open your eyes and catapult yourself off the wall. “I’m so sorry,” you apologize. 
The person in front of you looks eerily familiar. Her honey blonde hair is thrown up in a pony tail but you remember it flowing beautifully in the summer breeze. This time you have a chance to make out the color of her eyes. Her blue eyes remind you of the ocean. They remind you of home. 
“Hey, aren’t you new?” she asks, her hand reaching out to shake yours.
You nod and accept the handshake. “Yeah. I just moved here from California.” 
“Cool. I could tell by your accent. It’s very…valley girl! I’m Abby, by the way.” And then she tilts her head and scrunches her eyebrows together, “are you a senior?” 
You nod again and introduce yourself. Your name flows through her mouth like honey. Only then do you realize that the two of you are still shaking hands. You break the handshake and chuckle a bit. 
“Sorry, I’m a little nervous. I don’t know where my homeroom is and some kid in a blue shirt looked at me like I just grew two heads.” 
Abby takes a look at your schedule. “I’m headed towards Room 702 if you want me to walk you over.”
“Please,” you practically beg her. Your body relaxes when she offers to walk you to class. 
The two of you walk side by side down the hallways and up the stairs. A few twists and turns around the school and you’re standing in front of Room 702. The door is open and you can see that there’s only one more seat left, yours.
You turn to Abby and thank her, sincerity laced in your voice. 
“It’s no problem really. If you ever need anything, stop by the softball pitch. That’s where I am most of the time. It’s nice meeting you,” she says before she turns and walks down the hallway. 
You walk into the class and sit down in the only available seat. The two people beside you were engaged in conversation before you sat down so you felt bad about breaking them up. You chew on your lip, ready for them to scoff or curse you out, but it never comes.
“Are you new?” the girl next to you asks. 
“Yeah, I am. Sorry, by the way, for interrupting your conversation.”
“Oh, please. You did nothing of the sort. I got tired of him a while ago. I’m Dina and the guy next to you is Jesse.” She flashes a million dollar smile and all of a sudden, you don’t feel scared anymore. You are going to be okay.
“How did you know I was new?”
“It's a pretty small school. Everyone has pretty much gone to the same school since elementary. It’s pretty rare that we get new kids,” Jesse says. 
“And because you’re wearing shorts in September. No one here wears shorts unless it’s the middle of July,” Dina adds. 
So much for ‘fitting in,’ you think to yourself. 
Dina can sense your discomfort. “Don’t worry. It’s bold! I like bold.”
After the teacher, Miss. Woods, introduced herself as a first year teacher, you felt good knowing that you weren’t the only new person here. She sat down at her desk and said that for the rest of the class they could just talk about anything. 
You learned that Dina was the co-captain on the cheerleading team and Jesse was on the wrestling team. They both did phenomenal in school on top of being able to manage athletics, clubs, and partying. Everyone you’ve met so far has been kind and gratuitous so maybe the universe wasn’t out to get you. 
At lunch, Dina and Jesse invite you to sit with them. They are joined by Dina’s girlfriend, Ellie, also a member of the softball team. 
“So, wait. You left California and came here?” Ellie asked, perplexed at how someone would leave the dream state. 
“I didn’t have much of a choice but I guess Washington is cool. Temperature wise at least.” You mutter the last part under your breath.
“Well, you’ve met the right people because some kids at this school can be total assholes,” Ellie looks up, “speaking of.”
You follow Ellie’s line of sight and see Abby joined by the guy that was driving the truck. His varsity jacket is thrown over his shoulder in some display of faux coolness as he holds Abby’s hand. Something inside of you twitches with distaste. They don’t look right together, but who are you to judge? You’ve only had one conversation with her. It’s not like you know them or their relationship.
Abby and the guy sit down at the now silent table. He looks you up and down and asks, “who’s the new kid?”
You introduce yourself but this time it’s with a lot less enthusiasm than when you introduced yourself to Ellie, Dina, Jesse, and Abby. 
“I’m Owen, captain of the football team and the coach's son. Pretty sure you’ve heard of me already.” 
You nod your head, not wanting to embarrass him. The truth is that you haven’t heard of him from anyone. You can tell from this very short interaction that he exudes arrogance and everything that you hate. Not to mention the fact that he smells like dirt and cigarettes. 
Lunch flys by, thankfully and now you’re sitting at a table in your history class. History is by far one of your favorite subjects. It’s not too hard but the material is complex enough to keep your brain satisfied and occupied. 
You sit there, clicking your pen mindlessly as you wait for someone to sit next to you. The warning bell rings and the chair next to you scrapes against the tiled floor. Abby flops down in the seat and sighs. 
“I had to run here from the parking lot. Owen made me go get something from his car,” Abby says out of breath. 
“Why didn’t you tell him to do it himself?” “Enough about him,” Abby dismisses any further questions about her boyfriend and redirects the conversation, “how’s your first day been so far.” 
You can manage a “Pretty go-” before you’re cut off by the sound of the final bell. 
The teacher walks in and closes the door behind him. He’s tall, taller than the average man and he’s wearing a blue and white button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. The black watch on his wrist beeps and his thick fingers go to turn it off. Something about him makes you feel safe and protected, like you can trust him with anything. 
He walks to the front of the class to introduce himself. “Good afternoon, seniors. Welcome to your last first day of public school. My name is Mr. Miller and I’ll be your history teacher for the next year.” 
He takes out a stack of papers from his black leather messenger bag and begins to pass them out. “This is the syllabus. Look over it with your parents and make sure to get their signature. If you turn it back in to me by Friday you can receive extra credit.” 
You’ve become a master at forging your parents signature so you can have it back to him by the end of the day if he isn’t a narc. 
Before you know it, your first day at Lakeview is over and you're back on your bike riding down the streets of your neighborhood. It’s more lively today than it was when you got here. There are dogs barking, joggers running past you, cars honking at you to get out of the way, and children playing in their front yards. 
You come to a halt when you realize that there’s been a car following you ever since you left school. The window rolls down and you are met with the smell of dirt and cigarettes. “Need a ride?” Owen lifts his eyebrow.
“No thanks. I live right here.” You curse yourself for basically doxing yourself to someone you definitely don’t want knowing where you live.
“Oh, nice house. I live down the street so if you ever need anything don’t be afraid to ask. Any friend of Abby’s is a friend of mine.” He winks and then drives off. 
You scrunch up your face in disgust and drop your bike off in the driveway. No one’s going to steal your bike because everyone around here has enough money to buy ten. 
You're greeted by the sound of silence when you enter your house. You hang your backpack and keys up by the door and flop down on the couch. Your parents haven’t gone grocery shopping yet so you order a large pizza for yourself and watch TV until you fall asleep on the couch.
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Next Chapter
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cerisahh · 5 months
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SYNOPSIS ꒱ one of dg’s fangirls becomes his partner (reupload)
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REQUEST ꒱ here for dg crumbs 🥹 with a non fighter, average reader, like she is average and doesn't have much that stands out to her and is a dg simp. she simps hard for this man. not a toxic or psycho fan but a supportive one. we need more dg content!! 🤧 oh right! it could be james with an average non fighter s/o as well. it would make my day if you could do this really! thank you for reading! - 🐇
NOTE ꒱ hi rabbit anon 🐇, sorry it took so long to get around to this, i am lazy! i won’t write for james just yet as i haven’t got far enough in the manwha to really know his backstory and personality, so i hope this is alright instead! hope you enjoy the read regardless though - and thank you for requesting!
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• you first met at one of his autograph signings.
• you were the last person to be let into the line, luck was on your side!
• by the time you had gotten to the front, dg was pretty exhausted, it had been a long day and he was looking forward to an evening of relaxation.
• you come forward, you go through the basics - he thanks you for coming, a little small talk, he signs a few pictures.
• you were allocated five minutes to talk to him, but to his surprise you begin saying your goodbye’s early. he’s confused, usually people try and go over the five minute limit, not under.
• after he informs you that you still have three minutes left, you get a little flustered and explain that he looks pretty tired, and that he should get some rest.
• in his head he’s like how does she know… nonetheless you bid eachother a good night and both leave to retire to your homes.
• dg thinks about your interaction whilst getting ready for bed that night, not many of his fans are that considerate or pay much attention to his body language, he mentally thanks you for your consideration when his head hits the pillow.
• you on the other hand are going ballistic. did you JUST meet dg??? omfg. AND you had a conversation?? you were just thankful you didn’t stutter over your words. you comb through the pictures he signed and stick them around your vanity.
• you meet more times after that, mostly at his meet and greets but he's spotted you in a few event crowds.
• your conversations gradually get more friendly and personal. he actually finds himself forgetting to keep up his idol persona when in your company.
• he makes the first move, asking you if you want to grab a drink after his meet and greet is over.
• and OH BOY do you struggle to hide your excitement, you agree and meet him at the place he mentioned.
• he’s in disguise, of course. a mask, sunglasses, and a brown wig. you don’t recognise him at first but he waves you over to a booth table.
• he doesn’t mention it but he’s glad you didn’t recognise him. if you didn’t see through his disguise, not many people would.
• these little lunch get togethers continue for a couple months, gradually you guys come to expect hanging out with eachother on that specific day of the week.
• dg likes that you don't hold him to any ridiculous standards. you didn't when you first met, you don't now.
• a year in, as the coffee get togethers graduate from; “see you next week!” to, "it's getting late… wanna crash at my place?", dg begins to realise he likes you.
• when he does realise this, it's really out of the blue. the pieces just click into place and he's like - oh!
• dg enjoys your company, of course! but he’s hyper aware of his idol status, he doesn’t want to bring you into that world if he can help it.
• he already knew you liked him romantically. i mean, he's got thousand of fans, he's used to them having crushes on him, it's always obvious - it just so happens that you found your way into his life.
• after his journey of self discovery he clears his hectic schedule the best he can to spend more time with you.
• when you two do eventually get together officially, after an excruciating amount of time dancing around blurred lines, you don't publicise your relationship.
• you and dg both understand the consequences it would have not only on his idol career but on your wellbeing, fangirls can be insane! you would know.
• i feel like his love language would definitely be quality time. since he usually has so little of it to spare, every moment counts. those focused and uninterrupted conversations, where the only thing that matters is you two, on that moment.
• to be honest, i’d put acts of service high up on this too. i don’t think he’d care all too much about gift giving (with how rich he is, material objects lose their value), physical touch i reckon he’d be normal with, it is given and received in moderate amounts.
• words of affirmation are at the bottom of the list. honeyed words are all good and nice but actions speak louder than words. he’d rather show he cares than simply say it.
• he does offers to teach you how to defend yourself, whether you accept or not is up to you!
• i also think this man is the OPPOSITE of a blanket hog. like he sleeps with the THINNEST sheet over him and every time you ask him if he wants to come under the nice warm duvet covers he says he’s too hot already.
• yet he still cuddles with you at night, hmmmm 🤔.
• don’t even get me started on if you offer to massage his shoulders after he’s had a long day. dg is sure he’s been sent an angel from heaven.
• going out for your dates requires caution, but at this point dg would do anything for you.
• usually date nights take place in your apartment though. dg is very much a classic kind of guy so make sure you’ve got some vases because you should be expecting flowers from him by now.
• relaxing with you at the end of the night is often the highlight of his day. free from flashing cameras and over eager fans - not that he didn’t appreciate his glamorous lifestyle! after all, it’s how he met you.
• so when you’re both curled up on the sofa or in bed, with you fast asleep in his arms, he allows himself a moment to think of his future, your future. together.
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© CERISAHH 2024 — all fics on this account belong to… ME! don’t steal my shit.
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redr0sewrites · 7 months
Hi! I absolutely loved your lucifer x punk reader and was wondering if you could do a gn punk reader but with Velvette please?
nonnie i hope u know that u absolutely made my year with this request i NEED more velvette reqs she is my guilty pleasure
🥀 Cw: fluff, slightly suggestive at the end
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Velvette is absolutely the type of person to LOVE having an alternative s/o
she def finds anyone with a unique style intriguing, and once she actually met you she fell hard
def inspired a clothing line or two after you before you both even became official
she would also ask you to model and would ask for your opinion on designs!!!!! ur def her muse in a way, and she LOVES dressing you up in spunky outfits and designing new outfits just for you
velvette just loves dressing you up, and loves going out together when you're both dressed to the MAX in full aesthetic outfits
shes so good at doing hair and makeup too, URGRHRH imagine her sitting on your lap and doing your eyeliner for you or putting liberty spikes in your hair...
if your super into DIY or patch vests, pants, etc Velvette LOVEESSSS helping you make clothes
she will make patches and pins for you to wear!
velvette def has you show her some of the DIY tricks you know, and she shows you some in return
all of hell starts to see even more alternative and punk influence in fashion once you both become OFFICIAL official
velvette also announces it on practically every social media platform possible that you both are together, she loves showing you off and she is NEVER the type to be ashamed of her partner
you both def make those alt couples goals videos, and if anyone ever hits on you velvette will conveniently post blurry photos of you both making out the next day on her sinstagram
she shows up to important meetings and work events with you both in your spunky matching fits
you both heavily believe in being fashionably late and def help eachother get ready (but it ends up taking longer bc she just can't help but kiss you over and over while you're trying to do eyeliner, and you are definitely no help when she's struggling to choose which accessory to wear)
she's already a huge advocate for change in the way hell is run, and you both bond over your anti-authoritarian ideals
velvette does what she wants and nobody can tell her otherwise, and teh same goes for you. she genuinely admires that you really don't care what others think about you and you're style, and was def attracted to that aspect of your personality before you both even dated
you both love bikini kill, hole, x ray spex, destroy boys, JOAN JETT, all of that genre
she probably knew about punk music before she met you, but you def introduced her to it more
velvette loves long car rides where you're BLASTING music and screaming it at the top of your lungs while chains and hair is flying everywhere as you tear down the road speed limit where
if you wear lots of chains she def tugs on them to pull you into kisses and pulls you in by the belt too... (i want to make a drabble about this soooo bad)
all in all, yall r a POWER COUPLE lmao
"babe, what about this?" Velvette twirled you around, adjusting some of the pins on your vest before turning you towards the large, illuminated mirror that covered one side of the messy dressing room. music played in the background, filling the room with guitar riffs and breathy solos. discarded fabrics and chains covered the floor, all remnants of Velvette's past designs.
"damn, this looks sick as fuck!" you exclaim, giving a little twirl to show off the distressed patterns and chunky shoes. Velvette nodded approvingly, stepping towards you with a smirk. she reached out, hooking her finger through your belt and pulling you into a kiss. her tongue slipped past your lips, exploring the cavern of your mouth as the kiss grew more steamy. "fuck you're so hot," she murmured against your lips, her lip stick was smearing across your skin as she pressed hasty kisses and nipped at your hawline. "i adore dressing you up," she whispered, pulling you in closer, "but i love undressing you even more..."
SHES SOOOOOOO RAHAWHAHGWGGGGGG i need more velvette contentttttttttt
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saturnluvva · 2 months
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Pairing: fiancé!chris X fem!reader
Summary: every time y/n or Chris cries during their wedding
Warnings : fluff? , emotional asf (imo idk)
1. The first time you cried during you and Chris’s wedding was when you were getting ready. It was a stressful process of course because you had no idea how Chris would react to your hair, dress, or makeup. But then you remembered that he most likely wouldn’t care about how you looked if he clearly loved you enough to not only get engaged to you but to also go through with marriage also.
2. As soon as Chris saw you walk down the aisle he started tearing up “wow.” He whispered to his best man who had unsurprisingly been Nate. “I know right.” Nate had whispered back just before you reached the altar. Chris had always knew he would get married but he never thought it would go like this. Not that he wasn’t happy or anything he just didn’t expect you to look so good. Or for you to be the one he’d be getting married to in the first place.
3. Everyone at the wedding started tearing up once Chris exchanged his vows they were sweet and you could tell he meant them and so could everyone else. Of course he sniffled during them a few times but that didn’t matter because they clearly came from a place deep down inside of him and that’s all that mattered at the end of the day.
“Wow you’re good at this” you sniffled a few times before going over your vows. They were somehow even cuter than his. Maybe because you’d been thinking about this day for years and he’d only been thinking about it for a few months. Nonetheless it was a cute moment that nobody at the wedding would ever forget about.
4. (Idk if this happens at weddings bc I just thought of this😍)
Both you and Chris started tearing up a little as you invited your friends to come up and share their statements about you guys’s relationship.
“Never in my life did I ever think Chris would get married and especially not before me.” You giggled as Chris rolled his eyes “but obviously I’m still very proud of him for being able to find someone that loves him so much that they could tolerate him as much as I do. And maybe even a little more and I’m obviously proud of y/n for being able to tolerate Chris’s disgusting and annoying habits. Everything else aside I’m very happy that I’ve been able to see this relationship grow into what it is now. I really do wish both Chris and y/n the best of luck in their relationship and futures and I also promise that I’ll be there for you guys every step of the way.” Everyone clapped and cheered as Matt walked off and sat back in his spot.
Nick then walked up and started speaking “as much as I’m mad at Chris for stealing my best friend I’m very happy for him at the same time. Not only because he managed to get into this relationship but also because he managed to stay in it for this long. I’m very excited to see how far this relationship goes.” Everyone cheered as Nick then walked off with a smile and a thumbs up.
You were super excited to hear the next speech.
Madi walked up with a smile on her face and tears running down her face which almost went unnoticed as she quickly wiped them away.
“Although I’ve only known y/n and Chris for a few years I can proudly say that they are the most cutest couple ever. Not only because they match eachother so well but also because they’ve shown me what true love really is. In my opinion they are my Mickey and Minnie Mouse because not only are they insanely loyal to each other but they also work great together as a duo. Like for example if y/n forgets a special day then luckily she never has to worry because Chris would have already had things under control.” Madi’s voice started to break as she started tearing up. “I’m just very happy that I get to witness such a perfect couple reach so many achievements together. I wish y/n and Chris nothing but the best for their entire lives together.” We all clapped as Madi walked off and Nate walked up.
“This one’s gonna be good!” “Shhh!”
“Never in my entire life did I ever think I’d be able to see Chris get married. And especially not to someone as amazing as y/n and definitely not in such an amazing way as this.” Nate started tearing up which was rare. “Ever since me and Chris were little kids we’d always talk about stuff like this. Our weddings, our kids, what we’d name our kids, what our kids would look like, which one of us would actually have kids.” You saw Chris start to tear up. It was clear that just hearing those few words that he’d enjoy Nate’s speech the most “I’ve never been more proud of Chris in my life. I also wanna say thank you to y/n for making Chris the happiest man ever. I remember when you guys had just started dating and he would text me saying stuff like “bro she’s the one” or “I really wanna marry this girl Nate.” And I’d start laughing because for some reason I never though he was serious but now that I’m here right now standing infront of him as he’s sat next to the love of his life I just wanna congratulate both of you guys.” He then expertly threw a bouquet of roses at Chris and Chris caught them.
Okay I ran out of shit to say😜
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issatalk · 2 months
“Meu Amor”
pairing: inês bettencourt x oc
inês is out playing with the portugal team and you surprise her
“meu amor, i miss you so much” inês said with a slight pout on the face, she was on her fiba europe tournament representing Portugal in Lithuania. she had been extremely excited all summer over that tournament and had been telling you on how she hoped she was picked so she could represent her country. “ i miss you too baby, so much, i wish i could be there with you” i said not lying in a single word, i truly missed my girl and being 30 hrs away from one another with a 7 hour time difference was heavy on both. “ i wish i could hug you and kiss you, i miss those big cheeks “ she said with a sly smile at the last phrase. i laughed the least i could because being sick in the summer sucks and not being to able to be with your girlfriend for something she loves also sucks but laughing and your throat hurting sucked even more.
“i’m finally on my last days of meds, i’m definetly feeling better! how was your game? how did you feel?” i said trying to get some words out of her “ well in all honestly we were pretty tense at first, i guess we were nervous but after a while we got the hang of eachother and did pretty well. i dedicated you a basket”
“oh yeah? which one?” i laughed know she just came up with that, whenever she plays she is always locked in and doesn’t think about anything but the game,but i let her keep talking. “the one where i did a right handed reverse layup” a big smile came out of her proud of her accomplishment on court. “well ok, if you say so” i was getting tired the time delay had me crazy and all i wanted was to be with my girl, she was doing some stuff around her hotel room “hey babe” i said “i’m going to sleep now, it’s late and you know i’ve got to get some rest” “ oh yeah of course, i love you, sleep well and get better please” i smiled hanging up the phone.
to her surprise she didn’t know i was lying, i was sick and did feel bad from time to time but i was on my way out of being sick and on my way to Lithuania. ever since she got the news on her secured placed for the team i knew i had to give her a big surprise, i told her that i wouldn’t be able to go and that i had to stay over summer for work and family, when really i had bought plane tickets and reserved my hotel to watch her in every single game. knowing how much this meant for her i knew she would love this. i was on my way to the airport and finally after a couple of layovers i was exhausted. in the process i had received messages from inês that she wanted to facetime but i had to make up excuses saying i was too tired and felt bad. i actually felt kind of bad for lying to her but i knew it would be so worth it. a whole day without hearing her voice i was exhausted from all the traveling.
as i took a taxi to take me to my hotel i swear i was going to faint, how do people deal with this it’s just too much. arrived at the hotel checked in and had my room ready, i ran like a little kid as fast as i could to my room, key in hand i opened the door and as soon as i was inside i plugged my phone and fell asleep hard.
i woke up to my ringtone and checked the screen, inês was calling “ shit” i said to myself, what would i say to her? she will notice the background being unusual, maybe i will just tell her i am out somewhere, yeah let’s say that. with my hair in a big mess and the darkest eyes bags in the world i ran to the bathroom coating my face with cold water to wake up,knowing she might get upset if i don’t respond since it’s been almost two days of my traveling, then i hear the ringing stop but a bunch of notifications sounds came up. oh was she worried now. “shit, ughhh” this surprise was going heaviness than expected.
i read her messages and they went something alike ‘are you feeling better?, goodnight love you, we won!!, goodmorning to the most beautiful girl!, are you okay baby?, are you okay? in worried you haven’t been answering’ and in all honestly i was so tired i lacked mobile service the whole trip and all of the wifi sucked so i most definitely had not been notified of her messages through the whole trip. i now feeling bad for everything called her. “inês hello baby” i tried to say as cheerful as i could with all the little energies i had, i put on a big smile for my girl. “ meu amor, você me deixou preocupado” she said quickly definitely as she said worried. “ oh no, don’t worry i am ok it’s just been really long couple of days and you know they are heavy” “ oh, i’m glad you are okay, i was so worried, how are you feeling now ? do i finally have a healthy girlfriend to kiss when i get back home?” i laughed out loud “yes i am officially well of health” yeah right ms.big eye bags “i’m so glad” “ i’ve been seeing your games! but how do you feel?you have been doing amazing bringing the team good points and amazing assistance as always”i commented changing the topic so she didn’t notice and would concentrate on something else,”the girls have been good” and she went on ranting about everything going on. god i cant wait to kiss her again she’s so beautiful and i’m only watching on a screen cannot wait to see her in real life.
the morning went on as our talk was cut short because she had a game later in the evening so she had to warmup and all that. i took my opportunity to shower, get ready, did my make up and dressed cute in her UConn jersey. took a taxi to the stadium and i was so nervous to surprise her, thankfully i had reached out to one of her closest friends from the team and was getting updates from everything going on. she and i had been communicating and she was the only one who knew i would be surprising her and helped me get everything set up. heading to the stadium and arriving i made sure to text anya that i was here and also sent a good luck text to inês like always just so she didn’t start suspecting anything. i sat in the public section and hoped she didn’t see me till the end.
as the game went on portugal was a couple points down but they still had 5 minutes in the fourth quarter. inês was in the game, as you cheered from the bleachers still not spotted by your girlfriend, you kept screaming and cheering for the team. they were catching up and were only five points apart and in that moments inês had just banked a three and as loud cheers came from your mouth , celebrating that your girl had been closing the game up. her teammates kept playing a to a near lever of the actual floor and as inês and the team were going into the hall to go to their locker rooms, anya had spotted you and told you exactly at what time the team would go to the bus so that you could come out of it before everyone went in.
you followed her instructions clearly, as you were now on the bus that would take them to the same hotel you were staying in. a few minutes passed and you were talking to the driver about stupid and common things, you received a notification “ babe! we won!!” a text from inês came in, along with a bunch of smiley face emojis. in that exact moment you also received a text from anya saying they were on their way, which made cut the conversation with the driver as she closed the doors so you could surprise your girl.
as you saw them walk out of the building all in their uniforms with their sweats and full of bags you knew this was the time. they kept approaching the bus and as soon as the doors were opening you waited until someone stepped in , anya. as soon as she was in she told you that everyone in the team knew and that it’s for to go out, those words fell out of her mouth which made me run out of the bus. i went down the steps and every turned to look at me while my girlfriend was looking at something in her bag, a teammate poked her arm, then she turned and looked up.
she stayed still, but a big smile started to form on her mouth, she ran as quick as she could dropping everything and went straight to hugging you. the hug was so full and felt so comfortable, finally being back into my girlfriends arms. we separated and her questions came right up “meu amor,what are you doing here omg” she looked at me in shock, inspecting my face to look out for any answer “i though you were in connecticut, i can’t believe you are here”. “surpriseee” i said with a big smile, she hugged me again and gave me a small peck.
while the team was on their way to the hotel on the bus i had to call a taxi once again. as soon as my ride arrived at the hotel, inês was waiting for me at the entrance. “let me hold this bag for you pretty lady” she said in an exaggerated deep voice, i only laughed as we started talking. arriving in my room now ours, i went ahead and explained her my whole plan” i know how important this is for you and i wnat to make it known that i’m willing to be there for you always” i told her, my words full of sincerity “meu amor, i love you, thank you for this”
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chyeyuj · 9 months
an anon reqeusted this fic and im sirry if it wasnt exactly like the one you requested bcs i forgot baout it and this is my 2nd remake...if the pic below is like not being lined tgt or smtg, js ignore it. im not remaking this again.
cheater!ex!bada lee x wife!reader x wife!aiki
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you felt someone tap on your shoulder and look sroumd to see none other than your ex, Bada Lee. You never knew you'd meet her again. "I didn't know you were involved in this show." She said, chuckling but all you did was smile at her awkwardly. "Yeah, I didn't know you were involved too." You replied. "Well you know me, dancing is my passion!" The way she spoke was as if she didnt just cheat on you a long time ago. She continued to speak again, "How's your life going, yn?" She asked, a grin on her face as she waits for your answer patiently. "Its alright, what about you? How is you and Howl?" You shoot her back with a question and she immediately drops her smile when you mentioned Howl. "We're..not together." Bada replied, looking away.
Years ago, you and Bada were the "healthiest" couple in your whole life. Everything was smooth, until Bada met one guy during her dance sessions. Howl. You thought they both had a sister brother bonding and you knew that Bada doesnt have feelings for men. But everything changed on that day, the day you got back from dancing with your friends. When you got home, you saw a pair of shoes that weren't yours but not wanting to think negatively, you thought that Bada bought new shoes.
Inside, you didnt see your girlfriend anywhere, she wasnt watching tv like she used to so you went to your room to put your things you just bought with your friends earlier before searching for Bada.
But opening that door was something you regretted doing because when you did that, you saw Bada and Howl on both of you guys' bed, making out.
Hearing the loud gasp you let out, the both of them pulled away and look at you, their eyes widening in shock.
Before Bada could get up though, you immediately closed the door and walked out of the house in tears. You immediately went to Tatter's place since she was the friend you trusted the most and when you told her baout what happened, she immediately gasped. She did not expect this from someone like Bada. She insisted you to stay with her, tomorrow or afterwards she will get your stuff in the house you and Bada used to live in together.
It has been days, weeks, months ever since the incident with Bada. You were living your life to the fullest. Tatter had introduced you to one of her friends, Aiki. Both of you hung out, telling eachother's interests and more. Soon, Aiki confessed which you accepted. Aiki has treated you better than Bada ever had, always being with you no matter what and she was very loyal. And eventually, both of you were happily married until this day.
Back to the current situation, Bada finally looked at you, smiling a bit. "So..anything new happening lately?" She asked, changing the topic. "Yes, I am married." Your reply making Bada's face turn into shock, her jaw agape. "With who?" "Aiki." Again, she was shocked to hear about the news. Never has she thought that you would end up being married to someone. Aiki showed up at the right time after fixing her clothes and everything, immediately walking beside you and putting her hand on your hip. "Oh Bada, right? Leader of Bebe? I like your team's spirit." She said, smiling while Bada only nodded, still a bit shocked. "Well the show is about to start, you should get ready." Was the last thing Aiki said before leaving along with you. Meanwhile Bada was looking at you both with shock and disappointment. She knew it was all her fault.
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aheathen-conceivably · 7 months
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As 1932 drew to a close, the small crop field nestled amongst Strangerville’s orange hills flourished until almost every plant was ready to harvest. After years of effort, they burst to life with something even more precious to Giorgio than the riches he thought this land would bring him, because it meant everything he had believed and invested in hadn’t failed. He hadn’t failed, and for now that was worth more than the money he had hoped this harvest would bring them.
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Because even with the bounty they had managed to coax from the sandy soil, attempting to sell it was near pointless, as crop prices had all but bottomed out while food costs skyrocketed. Everything they picked was more valuable on their own shelves, so for weeks on end Josephine and Zelda stood in the kitchen drying and canning anything they possibly could. 
Zelda wracked her brain for every trick her mother had taught her or poured through every book Mabel had loaned her. All the while Josephine attempted to get a handle on even the basics of preserving food, trying to follow what Zelda did without feeling like she was falling into the trap of uselessness that had nearly broken her the first time. There was so much to do that Jo thought Zelda never noticed, and she was immensely thankful as she struggled to keep up.
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Only it was impossible not to notice Josephine’s heavy sighs, no matter how well she thought she was hiding them. Especially when the only distractions from their work were idle chatter and the occasional appearance of Giorgio as he sought shelter from the heat during the long hours of uprooting the spent stalks in the field.
Zelda was always glad to hear his footsteps on the porch, even if they did momentarily fool her into thinking that Antoine had returned home early. Gio’s presence seemed to immediately alleviate Josephine’s frustrations, and in turn Zelda’s guilt that she continued to struggle with this life.
But gradually, seeing them together became harder for Zelda as she grew more aware that they were the couple who had eachother at all hours of the day and night. Meanwhile she spent her days working alongside Gio as her own husband and daughter increasingly found themselves away from home, and she more frequently alone.
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Until finally, when the last of the beans had been shelled and the final ear of corn ground into flour, Zelda’s resilience ran out. Her hands were sore and her mind just beginning to process that what they had all worked toward for years was now complete. It meant they would have to start all over again; the soil would have to be mended and tilled once again, the crops replanted, the water regathered, and then she would have to keep trying and trying and trying…
Josephine noticed the look on her face, and knew that her friend was lost in her own thoughts. So much so that she didn’t even notice Jo looking at her intently, watching her eyes as they fixated on the jars in front of her. She was staring at them like she had poured her very soul directly into their contents, only to realize that they were nothing but jars after all. She looked so depleted, that Josephine understood she had been wrong all along. Life here wasn’t as effortless for Zelda as her envious eyes had led her to believe; and that maybe, in giving so much to this life, she had lost part of herself too.
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Jo slipped out the door without Zelda even noticing, only to return minutes later with a repurposed bottle full of clear liquor in her hand. She shut the door behind her loudly enough to ensure that Zelda would hear, and then unscrewed the cap and set the bottle on the table, hoping the smell alone was enough to bring her out of her melancholy reverie.
Zelda looked up at Jo before jumping to her feet, “Is that-is that what I think it is?”
A mischievous grin spread across Jo’s face before she shrugged her shoulders, “Gio has his sources.”
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It had been a long time since either of them had drank like that, much less something so strong. At the first sip of moonshine out of a kitchen mug, both of them had wrinkled their noses and held their breath. Zelda had coughed profusely. But like most things at over 100 proof alcohol, each sip burned less and less, so that by the time Antoine and Violette returned home, they stayed outside with Giorgio playing around the fire and assembling corn husks into dolls, leaving the increasingly intoxicated women inside the house to laugh and talk to their heart’s content.
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Only the more they drank the more Zelda couldn’t hold back the question that had been on her mind for months, filling it with guilt every time she saw Josephine struggle. But slurred and emboldened by the liquor she couldn’t even taste anymore, she felt it come to her lips before her mind even registered it, “You’re happy here, right?”
Fuck. Maybe she could blame it on the moonshine once Antoine found out. Once Gio knew. She had asked her mid sip, and Jo seemed to keep the cup raised to her lips for a moment longer than necessary before she lowered it back down and looked away, “I..I think — I’m happier, at least. I’m trying…”
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Zelda sloshed what little liquid was left at the bottom of her cup, the alarm bells in her head numbed by the buzzing sound that had settled there since her fifth sip, “You know that, that if it’s ever — if you’re ever unhappy here, I’ll support you no matter what you do, right, Jo?”
Josephine returned her looked curiously and Zelda’s heart sank. Did her eyes look sober? Angry? Had she said too much and ruined all of their lives? Over and over again she and Antoine had talked about it, how to let Jo know that they were there with her, for her, without her finding out they were keeping Giorgio’s secret; because Zelda knew just as well as Antoine did that she was likely to view all three of them as her betrayers, and so it was even more likely that she would run now than if they had just told her from the beginning.
Then if she ran, there was no way to guarantee that Gio wouldn’t blame them, or that Antoine wouldn't insist on leaving with his sister. Then where did that leave any of them, especially her daughter who had only just learned to call this place home?
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But the moonshine seemed to work in Zelda’s favor, and Jo’s curious expression broke into a smile and a small disarming laugh, “Of course, silly. As I would for you. You’re my sister, after all.”
Jo reached her hand across the couch, swaying slightly amidst the flowery patterns beginning to spin before taking yet another sip of moonshine. Zelda reached forward to take her extended hand in her own, the warm touch doing little to allay her own guilt, “My sister.”
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heeeepot · 1 year
oneshot 💫
pairing: bf!heeseung x female!reader
includes: smut, fingering, oral (f receiving), angry sex?, overstimulation, dirty talk, unprotected sex (alwaysss use protection!) assertive heeseung — lmk if I missed anything!
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story begins under the cut ! minors, dni:)
After a long day of yelling at people who work for you, all you needed was your girlfriend.
Heeseung was tired, setting down the last file in the cabinet before locking it. Getting ready to go home, he thought about you. About how less the time you guys spend together is getting each day, and it was Heeseung's fault.
He found it difficult to make time for you with all the work coming in unexpectedly, and he understood why you would be so upset about it.
Letting out a sigh, he walked to his car, driving back to his home, it wasn't a house. It was a special girl, Y/n.
Heeseung and Y/n have been dating for 3 years now, but they've been friends for 9.
They went through everything together. Since they were in middle school, everyone knew they were going to end up together, they were too oblivious to even see how much chemistry they had growing up.
That was until they were 18 when they realized they were inlove, one was just braver to admit it. And it was not Heeseung.
That's where it all started, everything was perfect, literally perfect. Until they both started working.
They felt like an old married couple who hasn't had as much intimacy anymore. But, that didn't stop them from going on a couple dates and surprising eachother with gifts time to time.
And that was unfortunately not going to happen tonight. Heeseung had come home late, not being able to buy her a gift.
All these thoughts in his head came to an end when he parked the car. Using the keys to unlock the house, surprised to see you still awake.
"Babe? It's nearly 1 am, what's keeping you up?" Heeseung asked, with obvious exhaustion in his voice.
"That's the problem, Heeseung. It's nearly 1. Do you even know how late that is? What can happen to you out there at this time? Did you even know that I texted and called you numerous times? Heeseung we went over this, I'm getting tired." Voice nearly breaking, Y/n almost didn't hold herself together at the few last words that left her lips.
"Y/n, I'm sorry, please. I know you're tired baby and I'm sorry, I probably don't know how you feel but I know that I'm hurting you, I don't want that."
"Ok, Heeseung. 4th time you said that this week." Y/n said bitterly. She was tired with all the excuses that he had.
Walking off to their room, Heeseung follows her, handing out to her wrist.
"Babe let's talk about thi—" Heeseung was cut off, on the bed was a bunch of toys, Y/n's toys.
Y/n's instincts were to run to them and try to hide it. She knew it wouldn't help but what else was she supposed to do anyway?
"Y/n?" Heeseung's voice was suddenly stern.
"What is it now?"
"Were you— possibly using those while I was at work, baby?"
"Me? Those?" Y/n scoffed, she knew he was onto her but she just wanted to see how far she can go with this.
"Who else would use a vibrator and a dildo, baby?" Heeseung's voice is suddenly low, as if he liked it.
"Don't know, maybe your other bitch left it here." Y/n shrugged. This pissed Heeseung off, he was sensitive when it came to mentioning other girls, he only focused on you.
"Oh, yeah?"
"What do you want, Heeseung? Whatever it is, I won't do it for you." Y/n rolled her eyes, this wasn't attitude, she just wants more attention. (y/n just like me fr)
Y/n turned to enter their bathroom. She suddenly felt a force behind her, pushing her into the bathroom, and suddenly placed on the counter.
"What the fuck, Hee?" Y/n was surprised.
"Don't act like you don't want this, Y/n." Eyes dark, his hair falling in front them.
"I-I don't know what you're talking about, Hee." Y/n's abdomen was suddenly warm, it turned her on.
"Then I'll show you what I'm talking about." He says, unbuttoning his black polo shirt while his eyes are still locked to yours.
"H-Hee, what are you doing?" You were suddenly nervous, even though this is what you were always asking for.
"Strip." He commanded, Y/n was frozen, just looking down at his body.
"I said strip or I'll do it for you." Voice deep and low, his adam’s apple going up and down with each word that left his lips.
When Heeseung said that, you felt a little bratty. Like how you always were when it came to situations like these.
"Do it for me, baby." You leaned in, you left a kiss on his weak spot. Right under his ear, just above the collarbone. His groans were audible, hips coming closer to yours.
His hands flew to your waist which he starves for everyday. Grip getting tighter with each kiss that left him wanting more and more. Your kisses alone would make him cum, that’s how weak he is when it comes to you.
"You do me so well, Y/n." He whispered, biting his lip careful to not let out moans.
His hands traveling to your smooth thighs, squeezing them. This made you whimper into his neck.
"I love hearing you, baby." He says, squeezing your thighs more.
Your breasts were now against his bare chest, you wanted to lick every muscle he had.
"Tell me, baby. Who were those toys for?" He asked, now reaching for your ass.
"None of your business, Hee." You backed away from his neck, which now had small redish purple patches from your mouth.
"What's the attitude for?" He was getting irritated, he always found your attitude unnecessary.
"I don't see any attitude." You shrugged, getting off the counter then walking back to the room.
He then carried you over his shoulder, dropping you onto the bed, keeping both of your hands in one of his, holding it above your head.
"Heeseung!" You shrieked, struggling to get out from his grip. He was towering over you, crotch to crotch.
He ties your hands to the bed frame, leaving you helpless, and you liked it. You always liked when he was assertive.
He removes your shorts and underwear in one motion, spreading your legs open. He was met with your pussy, full of slick that he was ready to eat off you.
"Your pussy will always be my favorite late night dinner, baby." He says, his face coming closer to your core.
He licks from your hole to your clit, collecting your slick on the tip of his tongue.
"I missed your taste, I’ll call in sick for work anytime for this." He says going in for another lick.
"Fuck, Hee please be gentle." Your voice came out shaky.
"Can’t promise you that, baby." He starts eating you out full on. Sucking on your clit and fucking your hole with his tongue.
This left your legs shaking, your moans couldn't be held back from the immense pleasure you felt. You then feel him enter two long digits in you, he starts curling his fingers and it made you want his long and thick dick inside you.
"My God, baby. More please, give it to me." You moaned, tears swelling up from the overstimulation.
His tongue hitting your clit repeatedly, his fingers pumping deep inside you. Sucking on your clit, he groaned. The vibration was enough to make you cum all over his fingers.
He brought it up to his lips and licked them clean. You were catching your breath, looking at him as he cleaned his fingers with his tongue.
"I’m not done with you." He says, removing his pants and boxers, his dick springs up and hits his abs, you could never forget how big this man is.
He sticks his dick inside you, groaning and gripping on your legs, he puts it on his shoulders, putting you in his favorite position.
He thrusts without a word, your lewd sounds became louder with each thrust.
His eyes locked with your bouncing boobs which were still clothed. Oh how he missed seeing that sight.
"Fuck H-Heeseung! Feels so good baby." You managed to say.
"You wanna use your stupid little toys while I’m at work, huh baby?" He asks still thrusting his dick inside you with a pace.
“N-No. I’m sorry, please." Your eyes rolled back from the mix of pain and pleasure. You clenched on his dick.
It got a loud moan out of him.
"Your tight little cunt is gonna make me cum soon baby, so fucking good for me." He breathes out, his words adding more lube to his dick.
Within a few more thrusts, you knew you were close.
"Baby, gonna cum soon." You moaned, voice all messy from the motions.
"Cum for me, baby." Those words were enough to make you release, your body shook from the scene.
"That's a good girl, I'm cumming soon baby, keep it tight for me." Hips pounding into your abused cunt, you loved letting him own you.
"Fuck baby, am I not fucking you often anymore? How are you taking my dick in better each time?" His head throws back, showing the marks on his neck, hands on your hips.
He cums inside you, filling you till it was dripping out of your pussy. You moaned at his action, he fucks his cum into you.
"Heeseung! Enough, please!" You pleaded, you could only take so much.
Heeseung let out a small laugh, he loved when you suffered, and it was all because of him. He had you under his control.
He eventually stops, dick pulling out still glazed in your combined liquids.
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xhollandlilsx · 2 years
Red Card - (Leah Williamson x Reader)
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Concept- Leah and Y/N have been broken up for months, but things kick off when Leah gets jealous during the game against Y/Ns team.
Warnings - Injuries.
People, break up and makeup.
They fallout, fix it, kiss and carry on. But for Leah and I, we had done that for the last time. We ended things for good a little over 3 months ago, agreeing that we couldn’t keep on the way we were. The constant arguing, the overprotection from Leah and towards the end the lack of trust.
After my signing for Manchester United, after being the top goal scorer in the league, that’s when everything started to go downhill, fans would release photos of Alessia and I, saying how cute of a couple we would be, or fake stories about how a ‘close source’ had admitted we were seeing eachother, despite Leah and I being open about our relationship. It all got too much for the two of us, so I travelled down to London, and we both came to a decision.
It took me over a month to feel a little bit like myself again, Lucy was my saving grace throughout, I had been friends with her since our parents used to go on holidays and we’d find any grass we could and kick the ball back and forth, showing off. She FaceTimed me nearly every day, and forced me to get up.
“You got everything in that bag, Mary Poppins?” Ella asked as I walked over toward where some of the girls were waiting outside the coach, I let a smirk cross my face and patted the duffel bag I had on my shoulder.
“Alright, leave my bag alone. I like to be prepared for anything.” I replied with a shrug and stuffing my hands in my pockets.
“What, like a natural disaster? You got a lifetime of food in there?” She laughed slightly as I raised my middle and index finger, telling her to fuck off.
“We all ready?” Marc asked holding a clipboard and looking over all of us like we were kids on a school trip.
“Are you ready?” Ona asked, whispering slightly to me as she was stood behind me, I knew why she’d asked, because of who we were travelling to play. Arsenal.
I smiled a thin lipped smile before following Tooney onto the coach, sitting next to her as Alessia and Mary sat the other side. I tried to drown out the thoughts that were now flooding my mind, and the anxiety that made me feel sick at the thought of even seeing her face again.
I threw my headphones in and threw my pre game playlist on, it mostly consisted of rock, rage against the machine, AC/DC, Def Leppard so on and so forth.
I crossed my arms over my chest and closed my eyes, not wanting to make eye contact with anyone so they’d start a conversation.
The 4 hour coach journey wasn’t too bad, I’d managed to somewhat calm my nerves, doing some affirmations, repeating to myself that I’m Y/N fucking Y/L/N. What have I got to be nervous about?
The coach pulled up in the carpark and I could see fans waiting behind the fences next to us, my eyes scanned them as I saw a fair amount of United shirts, I smiled and waved before walking over, something we weren’t supposed to do, but I hated the fact they’d waited there for us and nobody’s going over.
They all near screamed when I went over, I smiled and shook a few hands, saying a few hi’s, taking photos and signing one persons shirt. One of the Arsenal security men did come over and try to usher me inside faster.
“You’re such a softy for fans” Ella smiled slightly as she sat on the bench in the changing rooms putting her shin pads and socks on. I kept my puffer jacket on, the badge still over my heart, and my joggers with my initials and number 11 on them. I threw my shins on under my joggers and threw my socks and spare boots on. I rolled my socks right down so they were bunched around my ankles and tied my laces.
“Well I don’t like ignoring them. They came all this way to support us. And waited, it’s cold Ella” I laughed slightly before standing up and pulling the shorter girl with me. I wasn’t too tall, sitting at 5’7, which was a good average compared to some.
“In all seriousness, you ready?” She asked as we walked out of the tunnel toward the other end of the pitch to warm up both carrying our bottles. The Arsenal players were already out here warming up on the opposite side. It took everything in me not to look over, to look for her. I restrained myself, knowing eventually I’d have to see her, being a forward, but as of now, I need to pretend she’s not there. Keep my focus.
“I’m fine El. Grab a ball.” I nodded to her as Alessia walked over too, the three of us throwing our bottle off to the side while we waited for the rest of our team to come out and for one of the trainers.
We started kicking it in a triangle, talking as the stand filled up, I threw my hands in my pockets of my coat as I could feel them starting to freeze, only taking them out to smooth out my hair, my well known two braids into a bun.
“Okay girls, two lines behind the cones” We warmed up, all just taking the piss out of eachother, usual banter for us, before heading back inside the tunnel and to the changing room.
We got into position after Marc announced the starting eleven. As usual I was upfront, we had kick off so I stood with the ball at my feet, my arms freezing off, but knowing I’d warm up after a while, as I love running laps around players.
The whistle blew and the game was off, I passed to Katie, who held it and waited for the Arsenal players to get stuck in. I found myself stood next to Laura, as I nudged her playfully, I had played for Arsenal for years, they were still like a family to me, and I stayed good friends with a few of them, especially Beth and Viv, it was difficult for them not to ask Leah and I about eachother but they tried their best.
“Ella. Ella!” I shouted to her as we were waiting for McCabe to take the throw in, my voice carrying, and harsh, I always sounded angry and authorative, the winger looked at me as I motioned for her to fall back slightly, to which she did, but when the throw in was taken she threw it to Viv who was unmarked, someone who should’ve been picked up by a defender, “Hey where were we?!”
I watched as Ona dealt with it and passed to Ella who carried it as far as she could up the pitch, before passing to me as I was running with her, I wasn’t vain or anything but I knew I was faster than any of the defenders at Arsenal, I was a fast runner to say the least.
I began to dribble forward towards where Zinsberger was waiting with open arms, when I saw a flash of red in the corner of my eye, and a slide tackle came at me, I knew exactly who it was, so when I saw her about to go down for it, I chipped the ball up and jumped forward over her, fast thinking, the thinking that got me nominated for a fair amount of awards. Once clear of her I kicked the ball into the top left corner, only cheering once I knew it had hit the net.
I felt Alessia run over and jump on my back, she had been running with me the entire time, just marked. I smiled and cheered as the fans erupted. I set her down as Tooney came running over and high fived me. I ran back into position high fiving a few of my team on the way, my eyes wandering to her, she looked like she was trying to hide her anger, as she walked back into her position, wiping her mouth on her sleeve. I still felt that anxious feeling but it wasn’t so bad anymore. She was staring at where Alessia’s hand was still on my shoulder.
My heart hurt though, regardless of what happened when we were together or how long we’ve been apart, I still loved her. My heart beat for that girl. That was until the 86th minute, when that flash of red took me off my feet in one of the dirtiest tackles I’d ever seen. Leah could be quite aggressive at times, but I never thought she’d pull something like this, no matter how angry she was.
I felt the air get knocked out of me as I rolled onto my back trying to breathe. Searing pain coming from my side, I felt someone land at my side, Alessia. I was slightly panicking. I had been winded before but never like this. I glanced at the blonde defender once where she stood with wide eyes and a hand over her mouth, not realising what she’d just done in blind rage.
The ref called for the medics as a few of the Arsenal players pulled Leah away and were all shocked at her behaviour. I covered my face with my arm as I tried to take at least one breath that wasn’t cut short.
“Y/N, I’m just gonna lift your shirt is that okay?“ The medic asked as she crouched down beside me, I nodded still not being able to speak, and gripping Alessia’s hand for dear life.
They pulled my shirt up their knuckle grazing my side ever so slightly making me let out a strangled yell, catching the attention of most players on the pitch, everyone looking over wanting to know what the damage was.
“Yeah..” The medic sighed, before waving the others over and signalling for them to get the stretcher. I couldn’t move my torso at the moment, my eyes watered knowing I’d be out for a while, as I let my head fall to the side seeing Leah stood there wiping her eyes, pushing anyone away who tried to touch her.
“Knock knock” I heard someone announce before walking in, it was Ella, she stood there with a sympathetic smile and a bunch of flowers. I smiled and shook my head, “I’ve come take you home”
“Thankyou” I nodded sitting up, hissing in pain, and reaching for my shirt, seeing as though I was just in a sports bra and a big patch of gauze and tape on the right side of my torso. I could see some of the immediate bruising peeking over the top of it.
“How you feeling?” She asked as I stood up from the bed, holding my shirt in my hand.
“Like my ex just fractured two of my ribs.” I sighed with a slight smile, if I didn’t laugh I’d cry.
“Yeah, that was behind anything I’d seen before Y/N/N.” She shrugged, as another knock came from the door and Ella opened it, her face falling as she nodded for the blonde to come in.
“You’ve got some nerve” I shook my head as Ella slipped out of the room without another word obviously not wanting to be in the middle.
“I know, Y/N I’m so sorry I-“
“Sorry ain’t fixing this Leah. Sorry was when you’d accuse me of sleeping with Alessia. Sorry was when you’d call me when angry and drunk at 3am, this isn’t sorry Leah.” I shook my head as she looked down at my torso, where the abs I was so proud of were slightly covered. Her face going pale at the sight of the gauze.
“I know… I messed up, I did and I don’t know how I can fix it.”
“You can’t.” I reached for my shirt and pulled it on wincing and trying to control my breathing while pulling it down, I let out a sigh as she looked down, before looking out the window at the street lights, the time sitting at around 11pm, “I can’t play for 6 weeks.”
My eyes watered, as her face contorted into a look of pain and guilt as she looked away closing her eyes, she knew how much football meant to me. I lived and breathed it.
“I can’t play, and it’s your fault Leah. My god, you know I wanted to talk to you after the game. To tell you, I don’t even know what I wanted to tell you anymore. But now? Leah, in the past 4 months you’ve taken away the only two things my heart beats for…”
“Just go” I shook my head and turned away from her, I heard some shuffling and a pause before, the door opened and closed, allowing me to finally let the tears flow.
Part 2?
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creative-heart · 6 months
"In the embrace of dawn"|| Enzo Vogrincic x fem! Reader
A/N: Hi my lovelies! So this is a second part to "In the heat of the night" which you can read Here inspired from a message by my lovely @cyliarys-starlight who said I could not end it that way, so here we go.
TW: Brief description of domestic violence, mention of alcohol consumption, a bit of sex talk.
Please if you or someone you know is victim of domestic violence, reach out to the authorities.
Word Count: 2.3 k
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Enzo woke up slightly when he felt the body heat lacking from him and stretched trying to get his senses back awake as he looked around the hotel room, thinking maybe she was in the bathroom, or even had stepped out to get something to eat; so he frowned in confusion when he saw the note laying  on the bedside table as he read through it a couple times; still trying to make sense of it “This was good, far too good for our own benefit, but it was just in the heat of the night, you’re better off without me, believe me, I know it. Take care, have a great life, xoxo Y/N (your blue diamond)”- what could she have meant with him being better off without her, Enzo couldn’t wrap his head around it, of course, they had known eachother for just a hot minute, he couldn’t say he was in love, and he knew Y/N was guarded and hiding something  he couldn’t quite pinpoint, but he did know something, and that was that for once, when the tall guy was with her, he felt normal again, he felt warm, he felt like someone cared about Enzo, not actor Enzo.
He tossed and turned for a while on the bed before grabbing his phone to check the time, 6 am; he checked his schedule, he had just a few scenes to shoot today, he would go over to talk to Y/N right after, he didn’t care, he didn’t agree with the brunette on what she had said on her stupid note. He could take whatever she had to throw his way. He got out of bed and made his way to the bathroom reluctantly, not really wanting to wash away the night before, or her intoxicating scent from him, but knowing he needed to get ready for work. Once he was ready he made his way downstairs and to the cafe across the street to get some fuel in him before heading to the studio. The memories and images of last night still replaying on his brain in a merciless loop, the way Y/N’s lips tasted; how soft her warm skin felt underneath his; the way her breath hitched in the back of her throat when he kissed that specific spot on her neck or her inner thigh; he swore he could listen to the small woman breath out his name a million times and would never get tired of it.
Sure enough, three stupid scenes took up most of his day, his head already at the Velvet Lounge, or at the bar they had gone afterwards, even worse, his mind kept going back to his hotel room and he couldn’t think straight, he could still taste Y/N on his tongue, and he was more determined than ever. When Enzo could finally get rid of work, he made his way to the club, making sure to stop by a flower shop on the way, he had seen the tattoo of what seemed a Jasmin flower on Y/N’s lower back at some point and he got a small bouquet. He got off the Uber a block or so away and made his way to the alley, his hands shaking softly and his breath a little heavier than he would have thought it would be, he fixed his hair and clothes before knocking on the side door. He really thought he hadn’t done anything wrong  to make her leave and that she  wouldn’t have spoke to her friends about him in a bad way; his mind was spiraling so he was a little surprised when a slightly older redhead woman opened the door. “Yes? How can I help you handsome?” Cady eyed the man standing in front of her up and down, and it slowly dawned on her, this was the guy she had seen Y/N talking to a few times.
“Is urm…Y/N…Blue Diamond in? I need to talk to her, would you please tell her Enzo is here?” he smiled softly, bouquet in hand. Cady gave him another full look before humming softly and disappearing back into the building. “Y/N Honey!” she called out “There’s quite a hunk of a young man standing outside the door saying he wants to talk to you…Enzo he said his name was”. Y/N’s head snapped up from her journal so fast she got dizzy, the color completely drained from her face “oh…not welcomed? I can go back out and tell him to get lost” Cady pointed back over her shoulder, always protective of the younger woman.
Y/N sighed getting up and shook her head “no, thanks mama, not necessary, he’s not bad, on the contrary, he’s too good” she took a quick look at herself in the mirror, her gray sweats and oversized hoody covering her body-she had asked for the day off today, alleging she didn’t feel all that good-, she pulled her arms around her and walked out to meet him taking a deep breath before opening the door. Y/N was determined to just usher him away as soon as she opened the door; but the sight of the tall, handsome, caring guy standing outside clearly nervous as hell, with a bouquet of jasmins in hand and a worried expression on his face made her halt to a stop. “Enzo….didn’t expect to see you here, not after I left at 4 am and left that note” she looked down at her own feet when he looked her way. Enzo cleared his throat and moved a bit closer making her look up at him again.
“First, these are for you” he said handing the bouquet over “I saw a jasmin tattoo on your back and I thought I might be on the right track” he rambled on as she took the flowers -a small tight smile as a reply- “I must admit, I was a bit surprised when I woke up to that note, please, please tell me it’s not something I did…I couldn’t forgive myself if I wronged you in any way” he kept looking at her, big puppy eyes, concern plastered on his look as he fidgeted with the ring on his finger “I just…I wanted to come over and tell you, I don’t know what you’re holding back, I have no idea what you’ve been through, and I know we’ve only known each other for a bit, I’m not pretending like I know all about you, nor demanding to… I would never force you to share something you’re not comfortable with..” Y/N looked up at him, her eyes sparkly, small smile pulling at the edges of her lips as he rambled on, he was quite endearing and adorable-added to how hot he is and how good he fucked me last night, I could get used to the rambling- she thought but let him continue “I just want you to know, that you’re more than enough, and there’s no way something like what we shared last night, isn’t the best thing ever….I would love to, if you let me, get to know every nook and crany of you, inside and out, know your brain, know your heart, and take the time to mend it back together, protect you from whatever…whomever you might be escaping and protecting yourself from”. As he said that she pulled him in by his coat standing on her tiptoes she kissed him softly, a new sensation running in that kiss, it wasn’t the need and want that it had the night before, it was calm, it was safe. 
Enzo was a bit surprised to be cut short from his well rehearsed speech by Y/N, not like he would complain about feeling her lips on his; hands naturally and easily falling to her waist pulling her in gently to him, needing to shield her from the outside world in every possible way. When they felt like they needed to breath before they passed out, they broke the kiss and Enzo rested his forehead against hers. “You are adorable, persistent, but adorable” she whispered. “You’re also right, there’s a lot about me you don’t know, a lot that I don’t know if and when I will be ready to let out…but as much as I wanted to pretend that I was okay leaving you behind, it tugged at every fiber of my being, this somehow in some crazy way, feels natural, feels good, and I like it”. A slow grin spread across the taller’s face as he placed another kiss on her lips.
“This might be a lot to ask for, and please don’t think it is because I don’t like you being here, but I would love to spend every second with you… getting to know you, would you please come stay with me?” she bit her lip and looked down shortly thinking about what he was asking of her, she closed her eyes and in the first act of trust she had shown in god knows how long, she nodded. “Please give me a few minutes go grab a bag of my things?” she looked up at him, she still felt terrified, and out of sorts in ways, but something about his presence, his warmth, made the weight on her shoulders get easier to bear; Enzo placed a chaste kiss on her lips and nodded. As Y/N walked into the building, she found Cady, Astrid, Michelle and even Andrew piled up on the other side eavesdropping and looked at them with a quizzical look. “Excuse you?” she said.
Astrid smiled and with her thick russian accent said “Whoever your prince in shining armor is, can’t he take me with him as well?” Y/N laughed and nudged her playfully going to pack a small bag. “You know that  whenever you want to, you have a place and a job here sweetie” Andrew said and she looked back at them “it’s not like I’m leaving for good, I’ll just go for a few days and be back, I still need to work” she said her goodbyes and walked back out the door where Enzo awaited, he wrapped his arm around her waist protectively and walked back to the hotel.
A month or so had gone by, and the familiarity between them made Y/N feel safer than ever, like she could tackle whatever came her way, she also knew that filming was almost over for him, and soon he would leave the city. As she got some snacks for them, while Enzo waited on the couch she took a deep breath, she finally thought she could tell him her story. Deep in thought she made her way to the couch sitting down. Enzo looked up from his phone “what’s troubling you babe?” he said in that soft mellowy voice of concern that Y/N had gotten to know quite well in this time together; she nodded softly sitting down.
“Remember how you told me you would never force me to share my story?” she said barely above a whisper, Enzo put his phone down giving Y/N his undivided attention now- everything else could wait, the world could wait- and nodded; “well….I think that….if this is to be anything more than a passing fling to end when you leave New York in 2 more weeks…you deserve to know” he frowned at all the beating around the bush, but he let her, whatever she was getting ready to say had to be really important and he laid his hand on her knee in a protective way to encourage her. The petite woman took a deep breath and fixed her eyes on a loose string on her cardigan and started talking. “When we first met, I had just started working at the Velvet Lounge….I got there, because I got to New York with nowhere to go, anyone to turn to, I am….I’m originally from a small town in the state of Missouri, called Rocheport, and… I had just left, nothing on my back but the clothes I was wearing and a backpack, I urm…I’m married…my husband…his name is Luke, and one night, he…he got drunk, as he usually did but that night he got mad, and he…he…” she bit her lower lip, feeling some tears running down her face she quickly wiped at before going on “he laid a hand on me, so as soon as he passed out from the booze, I left, enough money for the bus ticket out of there on the first bus I found and I ended up here, so I… I just felt like I couldn’t trust…anyone really” she tentatively looked up from her lap to find an Enzo she had never seen before, jaw tight with tension, dark eyes, but not the dark she was used to see when they had sex, no, this was different, he hadn’t realized his hands were in fists. “please don’t look at me differently”she whispered.
He looked at her his gaze softening when he heard her say that “oh baby, I could never” he whispered bringing her close to his chest. “I just wish I could have protected you from that son of a bitch, I want to protect you every day of my life, as long as we’re together, nothing’s ever gonna harm you again, and that bastard better pray I don’t ever cross paths with him because I will not care, I will kill him; I swear I will kill him.” Y/N held onto him face buried in his chest feeling it raise and fall rapidly from his breath “Thank you for letting me into your world” he whispered in her ear “I’ll make it my life’s work to make yours better if you let me” she looked up at him, eyes glossy with tears and he leaned down cupping her cheeks as he kissed her deeply, in a way that let her know that no harm could ever get to her ever again, not as long as he was beside her, not as long as they were together.
@cyliarys-starlight @madame-fear @luceracastro @candycanes19 @lastflowrr @koiibiito @espinasrubi @castawaycherry
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