#like this has happened with other sources before but we only fixated on them for maybe 3 months at most? and we thought that was a lot
thethingything · 2 years
every so often I get really tempted to see how many of the doubles of my source we can have co-fronting at the same time just to see what would happen. I'm pretty sure we'd just get really blurry because that's what happens after a while when I co-front with Sylvain, but like, would we all just vibe or would it be absolute chaos
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kratioed · 9 months
It’s clear that Hel will one day appear in future releases, as hinted in both GOW(2018) and GOWR, but anyone who is a myth enthusiast knows that Loki had other children besides his monstrous offspring in Norse Mythology because interestingly enough, GOW’s wiki community decided to include "Narfi & Váli" despite no evidence of their existence whatsoever throughout the Norse era.
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Of course, it’s also a fandom site; while they can be a reliable source, said sources on their encyclopedia are sometimes inaccurate. Knowing the impossibility of their existence, I also thought about how they can coexist throughout GOW.
𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐓 𝐔𝐏𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝟐/𝟏/𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒: Recently, the GOW's wiki community updated Atreus' "uncertain future" category and the links to Váli's & Narfi's wiki pages no longer existed. Doesn't mean it'll stop me from enjoying my fun. 😎🔥💯
𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐓 𝐔𝐏𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝟕/𝟐𝟐/𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒: Nevermind, they're mentioned on Angrboða's wiki page for some reason…Váli & Narfi aren't the same as Fenrir & Jörmungandr ☝️🤓 but okay. ☠
And the more I thought about it, the more apparent it became that they’re essential for the franchise…but it’s more like my personal headcanon rather than my “crack” theory so might as well call this an AU for shits and giggles. I thought it would be fun to share my overly long detailed analysis with those who are fixated on Atreus’ other (im)possible children as much as I am because I need this to get it out of my system since they have been living rent-free in my head for almost a year just now. This blog is now officially a Narfi & Váli stan account and Kratos would have LOVED his grandsons if they ever appeared in GOW, but it's very unlikely that would happen. This analyis is going to be a long one so bear with me!
I think it would be poetic for GOW to end off including Narfi & Váli (alongside Atreus) for the final conclusion of the franchise; and yes, Hel would be an adult in this timeskip, contrary to popular belief that they were children in Norse Mythology. Despite their unfortunate demise, their backgrounds are nothing like their half-siblings’ in the Norse Mythos, making them the most ordinary of all Loki’s children. But you know what? The concept of Narfi & Váli being the epitome of normality of all Loki’s offspring gave me an a idea...I’m not sure if anyone has noticed, but Narfi & Váli exhibit some similarities to Kratos & Deimos.
Before the Olympians (Athena & Ares) pursued one of the brothers due to a doomsday prophecy, Kratos & Deimos believed they were mere mortals during childhood as they still fit the epitome of normality as children, similarly to Narfi & Váli. They’re also gods at birth, but the only difference is that Narfi & Váli most likely knew about their divine nature, whereas Kratos (excluding Deimos) only discovered it later in adulthood (a silly parallel, but I still think it counts).
Another example would be in the parallel dynamics of Váli & Kratos, as they both had experiences where they succumbed to their primal instincts in different circumstances; Váli unwillingly turned into a wolf and killed his brother driven by primal instincts under the Æsir’s (or presumably Odin’s) influence, almost similar to how Kratos was deceived and unaware, killed his first wife and daughter fueled by his primal desire for blood under Ares’ influence. While Váli’s fate remains unknown after Loki's Punishment, we can infer that both Váli & Kratos are the only survivors other than their brother.
While the deaths of Narfi & Deimos are an obvious parallel, they're also linked to Bounds and Punishment in distinct ways; like Váli, Narfi was punished with his entrails used as bounds in retribution against his father, as well as due to his relation with Loki while Deimos, on the other hand, was bound and punished due to his existence as the "Marked Warrior" (same thing goes with Kratos since he too was also bound and punished at one point in Ascension).
On top of that, they were also subjected to violence as children inflicted by Gods. Consequently, it ultimately led the downfall of both Æsir & Olympians, as predicted by their prophecy. The prophecy of the "Marked Warrior" bringing destruction upon Olympus began the moment they abducted Deimos. The sufferings of Kratos' family (including Sparta and Pandora) at the hands of Gods contributes the downfall of Olympus. Their tragedies are the major cause of Kratos' justified vengeance to destroy the entire pantheon, ultimately leading the devastation of the Greek world.
In Norse Mythology (with my limited knowledge); the Æsir's (mostly Odin's) retaliation on Loki's monstrous children, particularly Fenrir, due to prophecies contributes their downfall in Ragnarök, especially with their involvement in Loki's Punishment. However, I believe that the suffering of Narfi & Váli at the hands of Æsir Gods is the primary cause for Loki's justified desire for vengeance. The Æsir's use of Narfi's entrails, his own son, as restraints adds insult to injury, intensifying Loki's anger. Obviously, Loki joined forces with those against Æsir Gods with his army of Hel's people while the events of Ragnarök lead the devastation throughout the lands.
But since this is GOW, I found this YouTube comment (which I've kept for quite some time) that perfectly said my thoughts out loud:
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With the absence of Loki's Punishment; not only Kratos saved Narfi & Váli from Æsir's (particularly Odin's) wrath, he also prevented a similar tragedy that would inflict upon his grandsons the same way that Gods once inflicted upon him and Deimos as children, in which, fits the overall theme of subverting prophecies in GOWR.
Santa Monica could have easily had Atreus name his sons "Narfi & Váli" as everyone expected from Norse Mythology. But given Santa Monica's innovative approach to myth characters through creative liberties, using "Narfi & Váli" wouldn't work within the narrative structure of GOW's distinct retelling of Greek/Norse Mythology.
From what I've heard, there has been a debate about whether "Váli" is a son of Odin or Loki, or both Valis existed as sperate characters. Additionally, in GOWR, there's already a boss character named Vali (The Oath Guard), which I assumed (correct me if I'm wrong) it's a cultural practice for parents to name their child after a Norse figure in Scandinavian countries, but I find it unlikely for Atreus to name one of his children after an Æsir or any God in general. Similarly, Narfi shares a name with another Giant unrelated to Loki whatsoever...but given the wide variety of Gods and other myth characters we've seen from Greek Mythology depicted in GOW, it wouldn't be surprising if other Narfi, and particularly, Váli Odinson were to mentioned or featured in future releases.
𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐍: If you're not aware or need a reminder, Atreus gets to learn about Deimos during "Animal Instincts" side quest. Whether you choose to bring Atreus or Freya doesn't matter, it doesn't change the fact that Santa Monica had intended for Atreus to know about his uncle, it's still canon either way.
Atreus' identity has roots that go beyond his Norse counterpart (both symbolically and narrative wise along with the origins of his Greek name) and very likely that Santa Monica would take a similar approach with "Hel" in future releases (I've seen people suggest her name could be Faye/Laufey or Calliope, or even Callisto or Angrboða's mother). It's only fair that "Narfi & Váli" should get the same treatment…so imagine how moving it would be if Atreus were to name his sons after Kratos & Deimos.
"Váli" 𝐊𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐒 𝐈𝐈, named after his grandfather, transformed from a monster into a benevolent God due to his ability to change and open his heart, representing the beacon of hope...
And "Narfi" 𝐃𝐄𝐈𝐌𝐎𝐒 𝐈𝐈, named after his great uncle, whom Atreus had known but never met (but wishes they had), honored his uncle by naming his youngest son after him.
𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐓 𝐔𝐏𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝟑/𝟕/𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒: Just recently discovered in Greek Culture, it's common for children to be named after their grandparents, in which, aligns with my case for "Váli" to be named after his grandfather! While "Narfi" is named after his great-uncle, I believe (correct me if I'm wrong) the naming tradition also involves material/paternal relatives, which is fitting within the context of GOW. ^^
There are hearsay, or statements from Cory Barlog, that Kratos couldn't bring himself to name his son after his brother due to past memories…Atreus, on the other hand, seems open to the idea of naming one of his own children after his uncle he never met.
Besides Narfi Lokison and other Narfi, their accounts become somewhat unclear when Narfi's brother is addressed as "Nari." This time, it's Narfi who turns into a wolf and kills Nari. However, some sources later changed Narfi's name to Váli, both in historical texts and modern media...
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𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐓 𝐔𝐏𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝟕/𝟐𝟏/𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒: Initially, I thought this version was made based on the notion that Váli was Odin's son rather than Loki's. But after some further investigation, I'm inclined to believe that Váli is a singular character while Narfi & Nari are Loki's sons. It's also possible that "Narfi/Nari" is referred as the same character, as the belief that Váli is Loki's son is a common mistake in today's media. It would have been so easy to overlook the mistranslation and go along with the usual understanding of "Narfi & Váli"…but thinking about it now, this could actually work within the narrative structure as prophecies are ambiguously depicted in GOWR.
𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐍: "Váli & Narfi" (or "Narfi & Nari") can shapeshift into wolves. Not only it emphasizes their connection with Atreus/Loki, but as a reflection of Kratos & Deimos through Speki & Svanna.
𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐓 𝐔𝐏𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝟕/𝟐𝟔/𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒: This might be a overreach...but if Kratos' presumption that Speki & Svanna were boys did reflect something, then it could be described as a projection of his experiences as a military general as well as an extension of subconscious affection. For Kratos' case, people form stronger bonds with animals than with human (and Gods) since often times they can be deceitful/malicious, conceited, narrow-minded, backstabbing, or calculatively manipulative through obligations/false promises while animals (wolves) would instead be much more pragmatic about survival and tender care.
Speki & Svanna (+Fenrir) have been usefully vigilant and reliable wolves that aid him and Atreus, and given the history of humans surviving in collaboration with animals, there is precedence for Kratos subconsciously associating the wolves with memories of Spartan warriors he had by his side almost as though they were his own family, where survival relied on the coordination of his armies and the care given to ensuring that his men were left standing after battle.
This can very easily be associated in the mind as symbolic of a dedicated and responsible soldier as a result from a pivotally formative part of his life revolved around the Sparta's military…and out of remorse (for the casualties of people under his care amidst the war he's wrought) and love (for those who've either perished or lived as well as the people who stood by him), it felt plausible that he could've associated this with Speki & Svanna (shout out to my irl friend for cooking this up!).
Regardless, I can also imagine this as a foreshadow of Kratos' doting relationship with his future grandsons (delulu)!
𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐍 (𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐓 𝐔𝐏𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝟕/𝟐𝟏/𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒): As much as I adore the relationship between Kratos and his grandsons, I personally think it would be better if they never met in person (rest assured, Hel is fortunate enough to know their grandfather as a child). As I mentioned before, Narfi & Váli should appear by the end of the franchise, and what better way to conclude Kratos' journey than being remembered as the benevolent God even after his death?
Kratos once quoted, "Death can have me, when it earns me" might foreshadow his potential death for the final installment. Given that Kratos had "died" in previous games and even evaded his predicted "death" in GOWR, I think it would be flitting to conclude his journey if the franchise comes to an end (in which, would have opted Atreus to name one of his sons after their grandfather). But it's just a personal theory of mine, so I digress.
Narfi & Váli serves as character foils for Kratos & Deimos, illustrating their childhood origins from Ghost of Sparta to the narrative's conclusion with Narfi & Váli emerging at the end. With wisdom gained from experiences and mistakes, Atreus, aged with greying hair, gazes at his sons and feels as if his father and uncle are reunited once again…relieving their childhood they never had as children.
𝐀𝐅𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄: If you made it this far, then congratulations! Here's a quick (and old) sketch of my variant of Váli would look like:
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𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐓 𝐔𝐏𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝟕/𝟐𝟏/𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒: Tried my best to replicate his facial structure. He's basically Kratos 2.0 with a decent childhood who smiles a lot more than his grandfather ever did in Sparta (he also has his grandfather's eyes and freckles from his father). Narfi, on the other hand, looks a lot more like his father with Deimos' iconic birthmark. They're basically Wolf Children and Brother Bear combined (I never watch either of those movies, but it's the vibes I'm get from them)! ^^
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ya-bug-boy · 2 years
I’M OBSESSED WITH SELF AWARE READER the brainrot real,,, do u have another part,,
Submas x Self Aware Reader Part 7!
Having screamed into your crystal ball, you clamp your mouth shut. You see Emmet turn his head this way and that, looking for the source of the shout just now. "Ingo. Did your hear that? That yell?" Ingo nods as he surveys the area, "That certainly wasn't me but I am perplexed to where it came from. It sounded like it came from within the apartment." You hold your breathe in fear of what could happen next. Was revealing your sentience too soon? But it felt wrong to deceive the twins as well. But your eyes fixate on their aprons, it had the mark of your hero insignia, the Golden Eye. Maybe...
You watch the two twins ponder to themselves out loud as to where your voice came from. Feelings of desire conflict with your doubt. You were afraid but yearned for them at this point, they were your only companions. And eventually this was supposed to happen. You just wish you were more composed with engaging with them directly for the first time. You take a deep breath before speaking again. "It was me," you call out from Emmet's phone. The two twins locate your voice and Emmet picks his phone up. "Emmet, were you calling someone?" Ingo asks. "No. I wasn't. There isn't an active call either." "That's because I'm doing something entirely different," you respond back. "Here. Let me show you two instead." You trace a circle onto your crystal ball and the image shimmers, allowing Ingo and Emmet to finally see you. Not some pixelated version of you but as if you were video messaging him, with your crystal ball at a fixed point. "It's me. Golden Eye," you say with your legs crossed and your hands on top of each other. "I need your help." "Is this some sort of prank?" Ingo suggests as he stares at your image. You look JUST like the character, which you are. You shake your head, "No, I'm afraid not, my dear. I am Golden Eye. I am the train conductor you two have been assisting this whole time. I know I'm not real, at least in comparison to you." You close your eyes and sigh before continuing, "I need your help to escape from this world." The twins glance at each other for a moment before Emmet speaks, "Escape?" "This world, this game you've been playing, is "broken" so to speak," you say, using your fingers to make quotation gestures. "I have mentioned that my dark tome made me aware of a dark truth. This truth is naturally knowing that I am a work of fiction. That my life, wholly and all it has ever amounted to, is nothing more than some kind of...entertainment. I do not know how exactly you two "play" but when you don't engage in this world, I am left alone. I have no one to talk to in this world. My only real friends that I have ever had are the two of you." They look at you with a fixed gaze as they process this information. As if they were taking turns, Ingo speaks. "...How long have you been like this? Alone this whole time?" You give him a sad look and smile, "The first day was when you two saw me in the village plaza. That normally doesn't and shouldn't happen, correct?" The twins nod at this. "This is an ugly truth that we must bear but there could be an ideal solution to this." "The materials I've been making you two collect are indeed going to be used for a potion. I plan on making a potion that grants me to safely pass through to your world but I can't do it without your help. I need your help in my world and in yours." "How do we help?" Emmet immediately asks. Ingo stops to stare at him, putting his hand on his shoulder to try and make him take a moment to pause and consider. But you answer anyway. "You will need to write a rune in chalk for me. I know a teleportation rune but it must be made on two designated points. It will be dangerous considering I don't know what will happen to this world if I leave. You two will most likely have to give up playing this game of yours if I were to come over."
You can see the twins pausing to look at each other again, side glancing. "I will give you some time to think about this. But please consider it. This world is empty and bleak when you two aren't here." You get up from your seat and you hear Emmet go, "Wait! Where are you going?" "We never found the mushrooms we needed from the last mission. I'm going to go hunt for them. The two of you should eat, I can see the ingredients in your background." "Please consider what I've said." You then cut off the connection, Emmet and Ingo stare at a black screen. You sigh, relieved and anxious. You get up to get your gear ready. You knew this game meant a lot to the twins for the number of years they've been playing, so it felt wrong to ask them to stop but if you didn't, you would never be set free. You get onto your train to leave and as you do, you see the silhouettes of the farmer characters on their horses, but they fail to catch up to you.
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thefirstknife · 1 year
I’m a newer player and i’ve been looking through Osiris’ lore more. I remember reading something somewhere saying he’s had visions. can Guardians get visions from the Light, or was that tied to when he was “possessed” by Savathûn?
It wasn't tied to Savathun!
Osiris had "visions" way before that. He claimed that he got them in the Infinite Forest, which is a Vex prediction/simulation engine built inside of Mercury. He received many visions which later got classified as prophecies even though Osiris insisted that they were scientific research he constructed by using the Vex prediction engine. Because they got classified as prophecies, he got a whole cult following fixated around them which led to his exile because the prophecies were causing chaos in the City.
The problem with Osiris' claim about the visions being from the Infinite Forest is that Osiris only entered the Infinite Forest after he was exiled. And he was exiled for the prophecies. So he already wrote his prophecies down before ever entering the Forest.
Furthermore, the Infinite Forest is a Vex prediction engine and the Vex cannot simulate paracausality, aka the Light. Which means that Osiris could not have received the the prophecies involving the Light from the Forest either. This is explicitly also mentioned as a problem here:
There's just one thing: if Osiris used the Infinite Forest to develop his prophecies, and the Infinite Forest cannot accurately simulate Light, how did Osiris predict the Traveler would wake? The Forest's very inability to predict this very thing is what prevented Panoptes from breaking ground with its apocalyptic calculations. I must assume: 1) Either verse 5 does not refer to the Traveler's awakening, or 2) Osiris has prophetic resources at his disposal other than the Forest. What they are I have no idea.
We essentially don't know how he got the visions. To make things more complicated, there's the comic of which the third part is in a physical edition only so you'll have to check out these scans. Sagira asks him this very same question: how did he make the first batch of prophecies? Osiris dodges the question like a pro, then appears to fall into a trance and starts reciting yet another prophecy on the spot, seemingly without being aware of what he's doing while Sagira is trying to get his attention. The prophecy he makes here is just a prediction of what will happen in Warmind and Forsaken. For the record, this one does take place while he's in the Forest, but the way it happens is just super bizarre and Sagira is also very confused by it as well.
Osiris is 100% unique in this way. No other Guardian has ever really experienced anything similar. Even when the Young Wolf received visions from the Traveler in the Red War, it wasn't really a prophecy or anything like that, it was just one vision to tell us where to go. Osiris received hundreds of these, from an unknown source. There's a possibility that they might be from the Light or the Traveler as well and that Osiris just isn't fully aware of that.
We have some of the prophecies in the game: Garden Progeny 1 (very peculiar, seems to be referring to what we previously believed was proof of the Unveiling story, now possibly referring to the idea presented by both Ahsa and Chioma Esi in Veil Logs that the Traveler and the Veil used to be one entity), The Conqueror 2 (start of the Red War), Jack King Queen 3 (the Vanguard leaders fight the war, YW standing out), Machina Dei 4 (Light returns), Traveler's Judgment 5 (Traveler awakens and defeats Ghaul), Sol Pariah 6 (unknown), West of Sunfall 7 (unknown), Infinite Paths 8 (unknown, most likely something about the Vex), Null Calamity 9 (unknown), Future Safe 10 (unknown), Perfect Paradox (Saint's return). Trying to interpret these is incredibly tough as we simply don't know if the plot points they're predicting are still envisioned the same as they were when these were written over 5-6 years ago. Only madness lies from here going forward.
But yeah, a lot of text for me to say that we have no clue. We do know that they're not in any way related to what happened with Savathun though, as Osiris' prophecies predate that by decades or even centuries.
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Annie's Recklessness, Annie's Responsibility
More recently in Gunnerkrigg Court, the overall opinion of the supporting cast is that Annie is reckless, impetuous, and self-serving, endangering herself and others with her carelessness. This has increasingly become taken as fact by the overall narrative.
Annie is reckless, with little respect for authority, and a tendency to take on risks far beyond her capabilities. What few people acknowledge are the reasons why she behaves this way. It isn't as simple as, "Annie is selfish, Annie is a spoiled brat."
Annie has been put into environments where she was left unsupervised, often with etheric beings, exposed to horror and death, from a young age. Beyond even the psychopomps, Annie grew up using lockpicks to get into places she shouldn't have been, presumably to satisfy her own curiosity. This behavior could only have arisen in circumstances where Annie wasn't been adequately supervised (and likely fairly bored and lonely to boot).
She wandered the halls of Good Hope visiting the dying with the psychopomps before she even realized what she was doing. One of the most extended flashbacks we have to that period of her life is her being sent to guide a boy who died of fire. She was terrified of the monstrous manifestation of the fire; it was her mother's promise that she would not send Antimony into danger that led her to brave the fire, and comfort the boy.
Importantly, Annie notes in her framing of the memory that this was "something I have always kept in mind," which I take to inform her reaction to the Court. This is where Surma sent her after her death, after all- and it would explain much of Annie's blasé response to danger and peril soon after her arrival to the Court.
What's also very important to take from this is the responsibility Surma and the psychopomps placed on her; Annie was the one in charge of approaching and calming the boy. This sense of personal responsibility is also notable in "Broken Glass and Other Things"; in a brief flashback to Annie dropping a glass, we see Surma telling Annie she shouldn't be cleaning it up. Annie replies that it was her fault, and she should clean it up. Surma: "You might hurt yourself." Annie, her finger bleeding from the glass: "I'll be just fine."
It's a pretty straightforward summation of Annie's approach to danger. If she feels personally responsible for the problem, she feels she has to resolve it, whatever the cost to herself- and downplay said cost. We see this over and over with Jeanne- Annie insisting she should have tried to help her, and was a fool to get scared. "I should have faced my fear as I did with Martin". The source of this overblown sense of responsibility, and her fixation on helping Jeanne, becomes obvious as we see her interact with the psychopomps. They insist she should have known to give Surma a chance to make a last record, and Annie agrees with them- adding that she has to "do it right next time... with Jeanne". Annie is transferring her guilt over not doing enough for her mother onto Jeanne's predicament.
And the psychopomps have always treated her as essentially a variation on Surma, fully capable of taking on as much responsibility and risk. Of course, they're inhuman entities- it can be discussed that they have a flawed perception of human age. We see another etheric being, Reynardine, call Anja a child as often as Antimony. But it's has a noticeable impact on Annie's conception of herself, her own culpability and capability.
This of course often clashes with how others treat her: Eglamore scolds her for breaking the rules (while at the same time encouraging her to be more like her mother, and not get caught), Jones both encourages her for having initiative, but reminds her that she doesn't need to do everything herself, and that she should tell others (in this case, about Jack's condition in Spring Heeled). Important to note, this happens directly after Annie confesses "I feel like this is all my fault..."- again highlighting her tendency to both try to handle situations herself, and then blame herself when it goes wrong.
Of course Annie tries to solve problems on her own. It's not like many people were solving problems for her when she was little. Surma encouraged her to go work with the psychopomps, the psychopomps treated her as fully capable of entering stressful situations, and her father was emotionally and often physically absent. Eglamore and Jones both give conflicting messages: don't break the rules, but don't get caught when you do. Keep investigating the Court on your own, but also ask for help.
Eglamore, Donnie, and Anja's attempt to confiscate Reynardine from her is maybe the closest any of them got to directly intervening for her safety; but of course Annie objected on moral grounds, and the nature of her possession of Reynard made it unsafe for them to take him from her. And while it was dangerous, it's not like Annie was incorrect: what they were doing was inhumane.
Of course Annie acts without informing authority figures of her plans, and neglects to ask for help much of the time. She grew up with very little outside support. I would point most obviously to her father, who had no patience to etheric sciences- something that would have of course impacted his ability to support Annie while she was working with the psychopomps. Did he even know she was doing so? We have no record of him even showing physical affection to her, nevermind words of approval or love. One of Annie's fondest memories of him is him binding her feet during martial arts training, and her taking the opportunity of his distraction to furtively, lovingly hold onto the seam of his shirt.
Beyond Tony, the Court itself it an incredibly hostile, corrupt entity! They prove their willingness to toy with her during the decision of whom will be Court Medium- and their apathy and potential desire to have leverage over Annie is also displayed by their knowledge and allowance of her cheating off of Kat. Over and over again, the Court has displayed its unreliability to Annie- past and present. One of Annie's first mysteries was that of Jeanne, whose murder was intentionally covered up by the Court.
Annie accidentally highlights this very power and apathy: when explaining that she's supposed to be in detention, she says, "I don't care. They know where I am if they want to find me. What are they going to do, tell my parents?"
This last could come off as very conceited, but perfectly highlights Annie's distrust and alienation from authority in her life. It's not that there's 'no one to hold her in check' until Annie's dad returns; it's that no one has actually acted in her best wishes, while treating her as a full person. There's a reason she gets so attached to Ysengrim; he protects her, and encourages her take on challenges. There's a reason she trusts Jones more than most people in the Court: Jones isn't part of the Court, and Jones isn't trying to take away her freedoms. Of course Annie wants to keep her independence; when she's been denied true emotional support, she's going to learn to become self-reliant.
Of course, this does have consequences! For Antimony, and other people around her! But it's ridiculous when everyone constantly blames Annie for taking initiative, for being blasé about the supernatural- the supernatural has been there for her in a way the Court has not. Ysengrim, Reynardine, were there for her when Eglamore, Tony, the whole Court, was not. People expect Annie to take on enormous risks and act like an adult, and then punish her for failing by treating her like a child.
Reynardine and Jones are the closest anyone has come to providing reliable emotional and practical support. Reynardine of course tried to kill her when they first met (and was generally a creep for most of their acquaintance, but that's another can of worms), and Jones by her own admittance has a detached awareness of human relationships (see her dynamic with Eglamore). But they both show up when Annie needs help, and try to both instill in her an awareness of the danger, and their respect for her.
Annie does not need her dad to show up and being a rigid authority figure, to reign in her wild behavior. She needs someone who is present, who respects her autonomy and skills, and makes sure she knows she can rely on them when things are tough- so that she feels she can go to them for help.
Annie is not spoiled. Annie is carrying around the guilt of her mother's death and amateur ferrying to the afterlife with her constantly, transferring that guilt onto other lost souls. Annie is not spoiled. Annie has been abandoned and neglected by both individuals and systems that should have protected and guided her. Annie is not spoiled. Annie has been continually placed into dangerous situations, and developed means of dealing with them, leading to her having a warped sense of what is an acceptable level of risk.
Annie is not spoiled. She is displacing her own need for a parental figure onto magical beings that have variable motives, grasps on reality, and understanding of human development and relationships, because the humans around her refuse to step up to the task. Annie is not spoiled. Annie has learned to repress her emotions, from her father, Ysengrim, and Jones, further causing her to hide her own fear and pain, and so come across as flippant or emotionless in the face of danger. Annie is not spoiled. She is the main character of a comic, and the narrative treats her as such, putting the weight of the world on her shoulders, which she continully tries to carry on her own because there are so few people she can trust to carry it for her.
Annie is not spoiled.
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otakuworks · 2 years
i commend your sharp eyes for noticing the linked part, unless you found this because you're early, but still, enjoy!
<< PART 3
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". . . And they lived happily ever after. The End!"
A chorus of querulous whines reverberated in the small classroom as the children began to inquire what happened afterwards.
"Did they ever reincarnate again?"
"Is the man still immortal? What happened to him?"
"What was causing their reincarnation?"
"Teacher, we need more!"
Everyone is up on their feet, desperately catching the attention of the instructor, but not everyone share the same sentiment. A young child seated at the very back of the class frowned at the sight of the crowd gathered at the very front.
They weren't particularly a fan of crowd as it has been causing them anxiety because of their lack of social skills.
They, too, badly want to inquire a few questions to the teacher as the short story 'See You Later' greatly piqued their curiosity.
Out of all stories, why that? Children stories are mostly fun and interactive, some can even pick a few moral lesson. But this? They can't wrap their mind of what benefit they can get from romance.
Children are listening to this, they need to learn anything but romance at their age. Sure there's a lot of stories that has romance in it, but it doesn't entirely revolve in that genre.
Like what? A love story between a simple villager and a dragon? How does that even make sense? At least Princess and the Frog has more narrative context behind the Frog Prince.
What a trash story that starts with Hello and not once upon a time
"Hello!" A yelp escaped their lips as they fixated their eyes on another child with soft amber eyes, he was subtly smiling and they can immediately tell he's being sincere to spark a conversation which greatly baffles them.
As the quiet kid in class, some have tried to ignite a topic to discuss but nothing seemed to interest them so they prefer solitude over nonsensical exchange of words.
It's not the kids fault if they find them boring to talk with, and they wouldn't have it the other way around. But this boy is so bright it nearly blinded them.
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[ source: pinterest. pls comment if you know the artist so i can credit them ]
Before they can say something, the child spoke again, "I just want to say hi since I don't really see anyone talking to you, that must have been lonely." Children are indeed brutally honest.
They huffed, "I'm not lonely. I like it better this way."
His ardor countenance didn't falter and sat beside them.
"Do you really? I can't imagine someone seeking to be alone everytime, you gotta at least talk to somebody."
"I'm talking to you, is that enough?"
"Nope! I noticed how you were staring. Do you have questions?"
"What about you? Everyone's eager to get answered." They motioned at the rambunctious individuals.
"I do, but I basically know the full detail of the story so I don't really have to ask anything." He smiled sheepishly.
". . . You do? Then you must know the reason behind their curse?"
"The reborn stuff? I don't know, the story didn't specify anything."
"You said you have questions too. What are they?"
He blinked surreptitiously, his gaze landing on the window pass their shoulders, "I only wonder if the story is based on true events." Their eyebrows shot at his deep curiosity.
"It could be fictional, or just another legend. I heard the story is the oldest and most famous folklore in the modern world, so it's mostly filtered with different versions throughout the generation."
"Yeah. . . probably. I mean, there isn't even an author."
The children scampered from the bell and a few of them conveyed their disappointment loudly by whining incessantly.
The boy stood up from the seat and held out his hand for you, "I forgot to introduce myself earlier. My name is Zhongli."
As they blinked at his hand, they meekly muttered their name.
"Huh? I didn't hear you."
"My name is Y/N." They shake his hand.
"Oh! That's a cool name. Let's be friends from now on!"
Friends. What a foreign concept to them for there isn't a day that passed without them distancing from everyone.
Zhongli hauled his backpack and smiled cheekily, "I think we have different class after this, but we can see each other later at lunch."
"Yeah. . . that sounds good."
"Great! I'll see you later, Y/N!" He waved before sprinting out of the classroom as everyone dispersed leaving you standing in the almost empty classroom.
"See you later, Zhongli."
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illusivesoul · 7 months
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A short fic for ockissweek.
Characters: Javiera De Valterra, Kalzah Sabol
Words: 632
"In which Kalzah comforts Javiera after the destruction of the Conclave"
Javiera is 30 and she was the revered mother of a Chantry in Antiva. Kalzah is is 48, from Rivain, and she was the elder cleric of Javiera's Chantry.
Javiera's sight was fixated on the fire boiling the stew. The creaking of the old and rusted metal hinges that held the pot as they swinged slightly in the chilling night breeze and the bubbling soup inside seemed to have an almost hypnotic allure, almost strong enough for her not to think about the charred spots on her Chantry robes, consequence of the explosion that had destroyed the Conclave, or the distant greenish hue of the Breach, the doorway into the Fade that sat on top of the Frostback Mountains from where countless demons and other horrours seemed to pour through with each passing minute, eager to destroy a world that only seemed to spiral more and more into chaos with each passing day.
"You feeling alright?"
Annelise shook her head as she snapped out of her thoughts, turning to look at the source of the voice.
"Saw you staring into that pot as if you were looking at Andraste herself. You all right?"
"As well as one can be, considering all that has happened. How about you, Kalzah?"
“Not great, not terrible” The woman shrugged as she sat beside her on the log, folding the lower part of her Chantry robes so that they didn't touch the ground, not missing the chance to complain about her knees as usual. The bags under her eyes told Javiera that she had been getting as much sleep as she was. "Feeling like the world is about to end at any minute, and a strong desire to not let it happen"
"Always the fighter" Annelise said as she wrapped her fingers with hers, resting her head on the woman's shoulders.
"So bold” Kalzah said with a smile before lifting the woman's hand and placing a quick kiss on top of it, like they had done so many other times in those quiet and silent halls of their chantry “What will the Grand Clerics say?”
“Last I heard, there weren’t many Grand Clerics left to complain about us” Javiera sighed “What are we going to do?”
"You know, I think things are going to be alright"
The younger woman chuckled "You always think everything is going to be alright"
"And I'm usually right, no?"
"No, you’re not"
Kalzah began kneading Javiera’s brown hair, her fingers softly massaging her head as she spoke “Look, every few years something happens, a war, a crisis, a dragon attack that makes us feel like this is it, that it is all over. But things always end up getting sorted out. People always fix things somehow”
“There’s a hole in the sky, Kalzah”
Kalzah smiled “Indeed there is, which means it is just going to take a lot of people to fix it. Besides, I’m sure one of your stern talks will be enough to make all these demons and whatnot to go back into the Fade and close the Breach. Your social skills are quite magical”
Javiera stood upright and looked at Kalzah, the black in her eyes meeting the older woman`s deep blue ones, a half smile set on her face “Why are you so ridiculous?”
“Why are you so pretty?” the woman said as she softly ran her thumb across Javiera’s lower lip.
Javiera’s kiss took Kalzah by surprise, but it didn’t take her long to return it, as usual. Javiera’s hands moved into Kalzah’s graying black hair, and pulled her closer. It was a kiss that tasted in equal parts of despair and hope, a kiss that begged for the future they both wanted, and the future they would fight to get.
They parted the kiss for a moment, and rested forehead to forehead with their eyes closed, smiling, the cold of the night mountain air not bothering them anymore.
Everything was going to be alright.
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thesurrendertender · 1 year
Why Jesus is a Seer of Life: an essay about the Homestuck Class and Aspect of the Son of God.
(Disclaimer: I do not, and I repeat DO NOT, intend to disrespect religion in any way. This is just my analysis based on what we know about Jesus and how it can be applied in the context of the classification of Homestuck classpects. If you think I’ve said something disrespectful, or factually wrong, please let me know!!! Also, this essay contains spoilers for all of Homestuck, and I’m assuming you already know at least the general story)
Hello :3 my name is Valery and right now I’m very into Homestuck!!! I really like this webcomic. Specifically, I’m very fixated on classpects because I find them incredibly amusing so I like to mix and match them and try to classpect certain characters.
If you don’t know what a classpect is, is basically a title given for a character in Homestuck. This title is based on a Class and an Aspect, like an rpg. There are a total of twelve Classes and Aspects, and every combination explains something about the characters. If you are interested in finding out your Aspect, you can take the quiz on the official test of the Extended Zodiac. I recommend it!!!
Now, I’ve seen some people talk about the classpect of Jesus, and I actually thought about it for a while. After a discussion with some other people in the official Homestuck discord, I came to the conclusion that Jesus is a hero of Life, specifically a Seer. Here’s why I think so.
Some fans tried to cite the canon context, by saying Jesus is a Prince of Life, an adjective canonically used in the Bible to refer to him. I haven’t read the Bible so I’m absolutely open to corrections, but I do not agree on this: firstly because in the context of the Bible, the title of Prince is far different from the meaning it has on Homestuck.
I cite: “Jesus Christ is the Prince of Life. This is true because Jesus has life like no one else; no one could take His life from Him – He had to give up His life (John 10:17-18). This is true because Jesus won life for His people on their behalf – He didn’t just win life for Himself, but for His people. This is true because Jesus gives life abundantly – the Prince of Life can give life. This is true because Jesus sustains our life, and He rules over life. In every sense, Jesus is the Prince of Life!” (Source: https://enduringword.com/prince-of-life/)
In this context the title of Prince is considered someone who gives life for others. But I feel like I need to give more context of how Classes and Aspects work in the comic.
In Homestuck, the Class of the Prince is a destructive Class, counterpart to the passive Class of the Bard. The Prince is someone who destroys Aspect, or destroy through Aspect.
an Aspect will always opposite of another Aspect: Space is opposite of Time, Mind is opposite of Heart, Rage is opposite of Hope, Breath is opposite of Blood, Light is opposite of Void and Doom is opposite of Life. In Homestuck, based on your Class, it may happen that you mirror your opposite Aspect, and this applies particularly to the Classes of exploitation like the Knight and the Page, and the destructive Classes like the Bard and the Prince.
All the Princes we saw canonically in Homestuck mirrored their opposite Aspect, even acting like they were devoid of their Aspect: Dirk Strider, the Prince of Heart, was schematic and rational like a Mind player, even defining himself as Heartless. Eridan Ampora, the Prince of Hope, was stubborn and bringer of Chaos like a Rage player, and stated to his friends that they were all Hopeless. Not only that, but he also actively destroys the Matriorb, the thing that would restart the troll race in a new universe, quite literally destroying any Hope his race had.
As stated before, the Life Aspect is opposite to the Doom Aspect: Life is described as the Aspect of healing, providing and empathy in the sense of searching for a way to help. Meanwhile, the Doom is the Aspect of fate, rules and empathy in the sense of listening to you and letting you vent. So, a Prince of Life would mirror a Doom player, in the sense that they start out as fatalistic and Lifeless, and as someone who destroys Life or destroys through Life.
Again, I have not read the Bible, but I think that even those who have can see that this description of Jesus simply doesn’t suit him. It’s way too negative and destructive for someone like him, someone who went ahead and said to love and respect. So I did my researches, and in the end I came to the conclusion that the Seer of Life is the best title for the Son of God. My conclusion is motivated by may things:
First off, the definition: the Seer Class is described as a passive knowledge Class, counterpart to the Mage, and is one who sees and sees through their Aspect. Contrary to the Mage Class that already has experience, Seers starts out not knowing much about their Aspect, and have to learn about it as they progress.
An example of this is my favourite Beta Kid and the canonical Seer of Light, Rose Lalonde: Light is the Aspect of fortune and knowledge, so Rose was able to see best incomes and paths on how to win the game she was playing with her friends. In order to fulfil their Aspect, a Seer has to search a way where their Knowledge can get to others, and we can also see this in Terezi, the Seer of Mind, when she gave clear instructions on what John had to do to fix the main timeline.
It’s shown that Seers starts off not having much of their Aspect in their life and/or are surrounded in an ambient that reflects their opposite Aspect, so that is why they must search and learn as much as they can. Also, it’s canon in the webcomic that Seers are able to see the past and the future, regardless of their Aspect.
This is why I believe this Class fits for Jesus: Jesus was able to see a peaceful life, where people could just love and respect each other. He was a preacher who talked to his followers, in an ambient where everything seemed doomed. He was able to see a better future.
And this is not all, because I also want to mention the biggest reason why I believe he is a Seer: the character of Kankri and the Singless.
The Singless was a troll who was able to see his pre-scratch self, Kankri, in a world where trolls lived in harmony and free of violence. He had followers who listened to him, and gave his final sermon as he was executed. His preachings were saved by his most devoted follower and lover, the Disciple, so that his memory could live on.
In a sense, Kankri and the Singless are the same person, and I believe the pre and post scratch trolls share the same Classpect. The Classpect of Kankri is the Seer of Blood, and it’s implied he was able to see the events of his post scratch version. Kankri also has the habits of speaking in very long speeches, and actively seeks to find the best outcomes and ways to make sure everyone is united and safe. This connection is also a reason why I believe Jesus is a Seer.
Now, for the Aspect of Life, I cite: “Those bound to the aspect of Life are the universe's healers. They are concerned with the betterment of themselves and those around them, as well as the onward march of positive progress. Deeply empathetic, they have an intuitive understanding of other's suffering and the best way of righting those wrongs. This applies to both physical and mental suffering, though it might not be a cure you'll like. They also have the tendency to put other's needs before their own.“ (Source: http://hs.hiveswap.com/ezodiac/aboutaspects.php)
I think this description explains itself on why I picked this Aspect: Jesus wanted the idea of a better world to live on, and many people rejected his message because his ideals weren’t liked or understood. He forgive all of humanity and put our sins before him, taking the responsibility of them.
That’s it!!! Let me know what you think. I conclude by saying I also believe Judah was a Thief of Doom and God a Lord of Space. I might explain why in another post, because this one is already long enough :3.
P.S: just to make sure people don’t need to ask me the same questions:
“Are you okay?”
yes I am!!! This took like, forty minutes and it’s all from memory expect the sources so it wasn’t that tiring.
“Why did you do this?“
I seriously don’t know why but the classification of classpect has switched something into my brain, I don’t think I’ve ever put so much energy in researching and analysis. I think I got fixated.
“Homestuck sounds crazy! Should I read it?”
I genuinely believe that it’s worth reading at least once in life, especially if you’re around the age of 13-18. It has one of the best characters I’ve ever read, amazing dialogues, music and animation, and i believe it really gets you if you’re able to read it all.
“Too Long Didn’t Read”
Jesus is a Seer of Life because he sees Life and shares knowledge of Life. He has connections with the character Kankri/The Singless, a Seer of Blood.
“What is your Classpect?”
While I’m convinced I’m a Hero of Heart, I’m quite unsure on the Class, because I relate to all the passive classes lmao. Right now I’m settling to the Muse of Heart :3
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aetherceuse · 8 months
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Let's talk about Lusamine's affinity for parasitic life forms.
My biggest gripe with Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon was the butchering of Lusamine's character; they removed so many story beats that were crucial to her, that it really dulled her down as an antagonist. I always felt that the Necrozma plot was awkwardly shoved into the game, and Lusamine's character assassination was the result.
I have been looking at it through a difference lens since Pokémon Masters EX released Lusamine's sync pair with Dusk Mane Necrozma.
The fact that Lusamine has bonded with not one, but TWO parasitic entities, is really interesting to me, because it is full of so much symbolism.
The plot with Nihilego, of course, has had many different interpretations; the "motherly love" interpretation is one that I stray away from in my blog canon. Lusamine's fixation on Nihilego, and her bond with it, is a result of fascination turning into delusion and madness. Her obsession with it's lack of emotion and efficient existence through a hive mind system led her to want to emulate that behavior. Of course, we all know what eventually happens, regardless of whether it is a canon or headcanon based interpretation: Lusamine is accepted by Nihilego, consumed, and becomes a host to it. And because she was a host, she lost autonomy and was driven insane by the neurotoxin.
That's a great story and all, and one that I am constantly trying to work out and restructure in the background for my own canon-- but now I am also looking at the Dusk Mane Necrozma implications.
Lusamine and Necrozma have a lot of shared themes and symbolism: being a source of light while simultaneously burning those around them, hungering for more power, living in a world that they were not born in, and being fractured. I do believe that Lusamine seeking to quell Necrozma in USUM had something to do with her being aware of these similarities, and deluding herself into believing that she was the only one capable of quelling this quasi-deity.
Only, she was NOT deluding herself, she was CORRECT.
Lusamine was capable of syncing with Necrozma and commanding it, but ONLY while it was ALREADY in possession of a host; Dusk Mane Necrozma is simply piloting the body of a Solgaleo, meaning, it is easier to be contained while it is feeding. And I think Lusamine knew what she was doing. She knew that she was compatible with this monster, but knew that it was parasitic in nature. THAT is the major difference between her dynamic with Nihilego, and the one with Necrozma: she is destroyed by UB-01 because it was a host-parasite relationship, instead of a balanced partnership like syncing. She did not allow Necrozma to control her.
That being said, there's still a lot of sad implications here: Lusamine syncing with a Pokémon that is using Solgaleo, a monster that her daughter was bonded to, is full of so much upsetting symbolism. She herself is a parasite, smothering Lillie's joy and other connections. There's no better representation of Lusamine and Lillie's toxic mother and daughter relationship than Dusk Mane Necrozma-- a form that gained its name because it represents the death of the sun before being overtaken by the night sky.
ALSO, the fact that Lusamine's dialogue lines in PokeMas suggesting that she views herself as a "guiding light," despite being paired up with the consumer of light, is another indication that she TRULY believes that she is some sort of superior entity and "savior," while channeling Necrozma's desire to "be full of light" and whole again. They really are parallels of each other. She is more in line with Necrozma's themes, than Nihilego's. That is why she stands at the side of Necrozma, and is doomed to be a servant of Nihilego.
All of them are parasites and all of them are connected, and it's not great.
What I'm currently thinking, is that the Nihilego plot AND the Necrozma plot can both exist at once-- Lusamine would not have the knowledge to sync with Dusk Mane Necrozma WITHOUT realizing that physically fusing with Nihilego did not work out.
We'll see how this develops in future plotting.
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yarart4ever · 1 year
yall please be warned of @Tigresslover7 ...
because can we talk about this one yall.
so recently, I made a fanfiction on my ff.net account (idk why it doesn't show on the front feed but if you wanna find it it's here as well as on my account) called Scandalous. a semi-wholesome, semi-steamy TiPo fanfic for me to indulge in. which yk, it's normal. it's okay to self indulge.
but there is a fucking limit.
if yall don't know, Tigresslover is a small creator on tumblr (and apparently now on fanfiction) who's main theme is to... you guessed it... basically be in love with Tigress from kfp.
now on it's own, there's nothing wrong with that, and ofc I wouldn't be talking badly about a small account who just simply liked a fictional character, I'm a small account that fangirls over fictional characters all the time, it's chill, we all do that.
but not at the fucking expanse of other people.
like if you look at this person's account alone, obviously they praise the Tigress art when reblogging it, which is appreciated for other small artists in the kfp fandom.
but there are times where this person would just see a TiPo fanart, take it, crop out Po, leave a caption about how beautiful Tigress is and just post it on their own account. no credit. nothing.
they literally morph other people's art, even little prompts people make (my art and my prompts included) and morph it to fit their own little picture.
I decided not to say anything about it and just move on at first. there were times where Tigresslover would reblog a prompt I make with their own prompt, writing it word for word, and just cropping out Po. basically stealing my prompt.
which, again, I did not say anything about, despite my discomfort of them basically stealing my idea. but I didn't see it as anything worth being upset about as, yk, fair, my own prompts were inspired (keyword: INSPIRED.) by other mainstream sources. so I let it go without causing flames. instead, I settled my discomfort by simply blocking them just so they won't copy my work.
and you won't fucking believe what happened next.
if you think I am bluffing on the copying before hand, I understand that. but please, I beg you to read my work that I linked above, with THIS recent work that came on fanfiction.net not too long ago. in fact posted literal DAYS after I posted my work. just look at them side by side. and see for yourself the true evidence.
oh. my. fucking. god.
when I tell you I am not overexaggerating when they copied my one-shot almost word for word-
literally the only change they caused to this fic is- you guessed it- taking Po out of the picture and inserting THEIR character in it.
I can understand if they were simply inspired by my work, fanfiction is so expansive and limitless, but there are bound to be some similarities within some works, I'm obviously not the first person who thought of this scenario as in fact I took inspiration of the plot in my story from a few saucy animatics I saw on instagram, but there is a HUGE difference between being inspired by something and just blatantly copying and morphing someone else's hardwork to fit a personal view.
so anyways, I flamed them in the reviews, and bc fanfiction.net is lagging with updates and has always done so, I am going to wait until it updates well enough so that I can report them for stealing.
the reason I bring this to yall's attention (if you're still reading which if you are, thank you for sticking around) is bc I know for a fact that I'm not the first and only person they have copied, I believe I even recognised rewritten and stolen work from fellow TiPo prompt accounts, and ofc I have seen them take many iconic TiPo artists in this fandom, crop out a good portion of it just to fixate on Tigress, etc. the only problem is that I'm probably not going to be the last they steal from, which is not good at all.
you may think I'm blowing this out of proportion, but I see great value in literature and art. I love seeing the effort, time and care fanartists and fanfic writers being poured into their works, and when someone takes their work, copies it and morphes it without even bothering to give credit, it's them just showing they're diminishing that time, effort and care. and that's not okay.
do with this information what you will, if you wanna block, report for stealing, or just go about your day as it doesn't affect you, I understand your actions either way. but I am personally going to report them. bc no one deserves to have their work diminished and stolen for someone else's personal views.
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unsunderedphoenix · 1 month
Welcome to my Ted talk about my favorite mad man.
Today’s topic is his massive patent for self sabotage. More over the fact that he is aware of this part of himself and he still indulges it. To be that self aware and to throw it to the wind is indeed something. More so when a plan you have been working on for like 5000 years is on the line. A plan that involved ending the entire world.
Fandaniel stated very clear that he is his own worst enemy. Nothing makes thing more clear then the fact that he allows us to make the warding scales. He could have killed an important member of the team working on them. He could have been many things happen that would have resulted in us not having those scales. Yet, he didn’t.
Now some would take him at his word and say it was just his curiosity. Though, taking a mad man at his word is a stupid thing to do. You will get much more of the truth out of him by looking at his actions. He allows us to make the scales. He all but invites us to bring down the tower of zot. Fandaniel put Nadania in the tower, the tower didn’t do that by itself. He knew why that would do, that we would bring down the tower. More over he took the time to tell us his name, a name that he knew we would know.
That actually really important too! Because as much as he says that he has casts all of that off. It very clear, especially by the end of the of Anita Scope that what he said is not the case. In fact even before that it’s very clear. He is holding onto his past so hard it’s ripped entire holes in his sanity. He is holding onto Xande’s words. He is holding onto the tech. He is holding onto the mask he wore in Allag, not the physical one but you get the point.
But why? Why is he holding onto all of this? Because he believes these things set him a part from Hermes. All the other sundered Ascians that we have seen still believe in the cause. Amon does not because he has no wish to be Hermes again. Which is the real thing here. The other sundered Ascians not only accept the cause but likely become more like their past selves. Amon actively despises this, he is not Hermes and anyone that tries to act like he is Hermes is in for a rude awakening.
Amon also doubt the answer he has come too. He tells you as much in the Anita Scope. Even as the words pass his lips he was filled with doubt. This means the entire time he is enacting the plan that he is filled with doubt. Which is the source of the self sabotage in this instance at least. Subconsciously I am not sure he actually wants it all ti end.
There are those that would say all his listened reasons are him projecting on you all the negatives. But he is not wrong in listing those as negatives of man kind. We are in fact all of those things! Heck, the Wol has faught in two wars by this point already. We know that all of these things are put falls and negative that mankind has. The problem is that Amon is so fixated on the bad that he has lost track of the good things that are still present. So fought up in how he has suffered, in how others have suffered. That he can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel anymore. It could be right in front of his nose and he still wouldn’t be able to see it. That is the tragedy about him, he is so far gone that not even the shining light of hope can reach him. It is instead his doubt that allows us to triumph against him.
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elenavr13 · 2 years
Engineer Mark x Captain
Warning: None
*a week after ISWM*
*Despite the crystal being removed from the Captain’s hand, they can still feel it.*
           Needles poke & jab at my skin under the thick, protective gloves. Pushing the tingling feeling to the back of my mind, I refocus my attention on the mission: return to my tent to retrieve some spare technical equipment to repair some of the damages the last electrical storm caused.
           “Theses aren’t second chances. Every mistake has cost the lives of people who have trusted you.” Lady’s words ring in my head again. Like I had all the previous times today, I push the memories to the back of my mind & bottle up my anxiety so I don’t break.
           Once in my tent, I head towards the boxes of spare parts that are temporarily residing in the corner of my quarters. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice a blue light shining on the boxes. I follow the hue to the source. “Couldn’t afford to let you make another mistake.” Stinging pain spikes through my palm & wrist.
           “No, no, no…” I screw my eyes shut yet when I open them again, the crystal is still embedded in my hand. My fingers rip my glove off of my left hand. To my dismay, the blue shard remains. Guilt burns in my chest as my head pounds hard against my skull. Warm streaks cascade down my cheeks, turning ice cold once they reach my jaw line.
           “I don’t know if you’re evil or just stupid!” There is that voice. “How could you do this to us? We trusted you. I trusted you, Captain!” Betrayal stings my ears, burrowing into my heart.
           “I’m sorry.” I whimper.
           “It all comes down to bad leadership.” My palm throbs from the heat the crystal is generating. “You’ve let down your crew, friends…all of these people trusted you with their lives, gone…all because of you.” The voices back me into a corner of the room. Pain floods my hand from the crystal corroding my skin. I pry at the blue stone with my other hand.
           “I can’t go back, please not again, not now.” My pleas are futile. I desperately try to remove the crystal but my suffering only worsens –just like whenever I tried to shut down the wormhole. Skin cells collect under my nails but still no progress. Red mixes with the blue light.
           “You reckless, careless, idiotic monster!”
           “Stop!” I can’t take it anymore. My knees collide with the floor before my back hunches over. Spasms wrack my body from me holding in any & all sound while I sob.
           “Captain!” The voice frets. Suddenly two hands grasp my shoulders. “Captain, it’s okay. I’m here. What’s wrong?” Worry reflects off Mark’s eyes.
           “I-I can’t go back, please.” I glance at my hand to see…no crystal. My tears stop from shock. It was just there.
           Mark takes notice of my palm as well. “Captain, wh-what happened?” His fingers delicately cup my hand for a second before he dashes to the med kit near the entrance. He returns with a disinfecting wipe & gauze. “How did this happen?” I watch as he carefully holds my hand again to clean my scratches.
           “I…it…the crystal, it…”
           “Shh, it’s okay. Just breathe. You’re safe now.” I scrunch my nose while he dabs the little blood away. Then gently, he wraps the gauze around my hand, hiding the large scar from where the crystal previously resided. “Better?” I nod. His thumbs brush the remaining tears off my cheeks. We remain in each other’s company in silence for a minute before Mark’s thoughts get the best of him. “Why didn’t you tell me the crystal left a scar?”
           “Because I didn’t want to make you feel worse. You’re already going through too much as is. I didn’t want to rub it in that…it left a permanent mark.” His eyes fixate on my bandaged hand as memories most likely run through his head. “You don’t have to worry. It doesn’t really hurt.”
           “Captain, don’t lie to me. I can’t help you if I don’t know what you’re going through.”
           Reluctantly, I loosely admit what occurred. “It occasionally burns like it would right before it would teleport me somewhere new & I…got scared that it would send me back.”
           “Is it still burning?” I nod. Gently, his hand clasps around mine with a light squeeze. The throbbing gradually dissipates. “How about now?” A small smile pulls at my lips. With another squeeze the pain nearly subsides fully.
           “It helps. Thank you.”
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Sending this about our old primary protector/host, because she got treated like shit for a bunch of things (including but not limited to just doing her fucking job).
(I have permission to share this information)
TW: Dehumanizing language, villainizing protectors, source neg (dsmp), RAMCOA mention and discuss of a few types of abuse (in no great detail). (Sorry if the tw is bad, we’re terrible at telling what would be triggering or not)
From august of 2022 to about this time last year, one of our frequent fronters was a c!Technoblade introject. She isn’t source separated because she doesn’t want to be and her source brings our system comfort. She was also the start of our syscovery.
When we were finding out that we were a system we were dating two people (both also systems) one who we’re still with to this day and love very dearly, and an abuser who we (and our remaining psys) broke up with in January/February of the following year.
Now, when we got into these relationships we had no idea we were a system, neither did our current psys, but our abuser was aware of his own. I’m not going to go into detail but the host of our ex psys (I’ll call him L) hated Techno (she has another name that she uses also but for privacy I’m going to be calling her Techno), for no obviously reason. From the first time they met back in august 2022 (mind you, she was regressed at the time of this interaction) he went out of his way to trigger her, and just be an absolute bitch for no reason (this is likely because Techno was the only one around back then with a spine who would fight back). He would say incredibly dehumanizing things to and about her (like saying that her partner was only good for keeping her ‘tamed’ and things like that). L and his system also made no effort to keep various alters in our system from being abusive to us and our psys.
Whenever L or his system would start shit, Techno would slip into full front to try and shield the rest of us (which never worked very well since we were in the early stages of even understanding how our system functioned). On several occasions these fights would be initiated by L’s system letting people who shared the DSMP source into front specifically to hurt people in our system or our partner system. This would continue to be a reoccurring thing moving forward with our second ex psys.
Before I go forward, I’m going to touch on her source memories for a moment. Back at the time this happened, we were all very source attached (because we were young, didn’t know any better, and at the time our main form of escapism from the abuse we were suffering at home was just, near constant daydreaming about our fixations. We don’t do this anymore). Techno’s source is fairly similar to canon dsmp? Other than her having feelings for one of her sourcemates that weren’t canon and certain traumatic experiences being exaggerated. Now, we went through RAMCOA/TBMC when we were young, though we didn’t know this at the time. We also didn’t know that her source memories were cover up for our trauma. Both of our ex psys’ used knowledge of her source to trigger her, whether it was by bringing up things that happened, weaponizing her weaknesses, or just straight up letting introjects of people who hurt her front specifically to antagonize her (mind you, these were the people who taught us to villainize problematic alters).
She was also sexualized by L and others in his system. People in L’s system threatened to hurt and even kill her for various reasons. She was just doing her job to protect us and ultimately she was a large part of getting us out of both abusive relationships.
With our second ex psys it got worse, because at this point we had already dealt with L for coming up on a year, and we couldn’t cut him off immediately for various reasons that I won’t get into. There was a slight overlap between us meeting our second ex psys (I’ll call them LB) and when we broke up with L, but they never met. We didn’t officially become psys’ with LB until a few months later, though.
Techno disliked LB immediately, and she didn’t do much to hide it, but she was civil when she could be. The issue with LB is that their host was dating one of our persecutors, we didn’t know they were a persecutor at the time (they aren’t comfortable with their name being shared, so im just going to refer to them as the persecutor) because we didn’t realize we were being actively harmed by their constant presence. Yes, constant, because LB pretty much demanded that they (or one of the other alters in our system that was dating one of their alters) be in front at all times when we were able to talk to them. This persecutor and Techno fought at least once a week (persecutor would antagonize and pick fights, Techno did the one thing she knew how to: retaliate. These fights had to be broken up by gatekeepers and protectors several times). Whenever these fights would occur, the persecutor’s partner would villainize Techno and treat her like a terrible person. LB also had alters who were DSMP sourced that would front pretty much exclusively to torment us.
Then, later, when the actual relationship started to go down hill and Techno would stand up for us (and our partner system) she got called selfish, a monster, and other just terrible and out of line things. When we finally broke up with LB, they gave front to a crying little who started calling acting like Techno was the Techno from her source and trying to guilt us into staying. We didn’t fall for it, we’re stronger than that, but it was horrible to bear witness to.
It’s been more than a year now (the start of this month marked a year since we broke up with LB) since we’ve been away from both L and LB. The kicker though? After we broke up with LB, the alter in their system (calling them R) went OUT OF THEIR WAY, to find L through mutual friends. Last we heard, they’ve been dating since last august and both are still completely terrible people. It’s been hard shit to get over, but in the last year we’ve grown a lot and our living conditions (inside the system) improved drastically. We don’t have issues invoking persecutors anymore because we 1. Don’t automatically treat them like the devil, and 2. Actually give a fuck about helping them. And our relationship with our wonderful psys is now almost two years long.
I’m sorry about how long and weirdly worded this was, it’s very early in the morning and our memories of both relationships are sparse at best. But shoutout to Techno, because while she was a frequent fronter she was pretty much the glue holding us together. She’s the reason our parents finally sent us to school after years of keeping us completely isolated from the outside world. She only fronts occasionally now (mostly just helps out with the littles in headspace these days) but she’s a hero to us, and I wanted to share her story.
SHOUTOUT TO TECHNO!!! She fucking rocks, oh my god!
Shoutout to all of you! Toxic relationships suck ass and I'm so glad y'all are out of them!!
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xthedevilscircusx · 4 months
Mun is 40+ and will not interact with minors. If it’s not clear in your rules how old you are or if I even suspect you are under aged, I will block you.
People who Kin their characters DNI
Minors DNI
Pedophiles, Racists, Bigots, Homophobes, Transphobes, assholes and creeps DNI
I'm only interacting with mutuals.
I do not have exclusives or mains. Everyone will be treated equally here.
Reblog and like from the source. If you keep liking and reblogging things from me, this will clog my activity feed and I can lose track of a lot of my threads. However, if I tag you in art or anything you can like and reblog from me since that’s my invitation to share with you. It’s also fine to like posts that are from me but please do not reblog RP threads you are not a part of.
If we are following each other and I am attempting to RP with you a few times and you keep dropping or ignoring it, I’m going to assume you have no interest in my muse and I may unfollow. There’s no point in following each other if you choose to not interact with me. I do make an attempt to reach out and talk it out first.
I do encourage you to reach out to me. I send out memes to encourage starters. I can say I’m shy. Just because I don’t reach out first doesn’t mean I’m not interested.
Please let me know if you have to follow from a personal so I know it’s you—if it’s not stated in your rules or bio somewhere. I will not follow personals.
If I follow you and you do not follow back after a few days, I will assume you’re not interested and will unfollow you. If you follow me and I don’t follow back after a few days, I may not be interested in Rping with you. Sometimes certain muses do not catch my interest. Please do not take offense because of this.
My writing can vary depending on who I’m rping with, I can write short and paragraph style format. It will also depend on how much inspiration I have for the thread. I will say though that if I’m writing a full-on paragraph and you give me one liner, don’t expect me to respond back. I take our time to write. If you are not interested just simply say so. I’m not here to force anything.
I’m very selective with OC’s—I’ll only accept OC’s from close mutuals or if I so happen to like your OC I’ll follow you. I’m also not interacting with characters outside the Helluvaboss or Hazbin Hotel universe.
I have no triggers. I try to tag appropriately for nsfw. There will be sexual themes and horror themes on this blog and I will tag as tw;; nsfw or anything else that’s appropriate IE;; TW;; gore, TW;; Blood ect...
Please no godmodding
I’m a ship whore but I will not be Rping M/F at this time as that’s not my main preference for this muse. I will write NSFW mainly M/M. Of course there needs to be chemistry for this to work.
There will be no Lucifer/Lilith, Lucifer/Adam, Lucifer/Eve, Lucifer/Lute here.
Duplicate Lucifer's are welcome and yes, if interested he'll also make out with them to.
Be a decent human being. I don’t tolerate rudeness, homophobia, and drama of any kind.
About the Muse
I’ll keep this basic for now but will flesh this out as I go
Lucifer still stays at the hotel to help his daughter and to rebuild his relationship with her.
He’s trying to get out of his depression, and work to rebuild his kingdom again due to his long absence.
Lucifer is the angel of creation, as such, he will not be fixated on building ducks. He likes to build other gadgets and contraptions—even if sometimes they don’t go very well. He has different projects in place that he wants to build around the city. Charlie’s inspiration to redeem sinners had rekindled his drive not only for his creativity, but to make Pentagram City a better place to live and to be a source of inspiration for others.
Lucifer is completely divorced from Lilith. He does not wear the wedding ring. Their marriage had been falling apart way before the 7 year absence. He’s going to be very wary of her if she comes around. They can still be on friendly terms but there will not be anything in the romantic sense.
As an angel, Lucifer is intersex. He can become pregnant or impregnate others (if they have the right parts). He goes through heats.
He considers the Sins like brothers and sisters, but he wouldn’t say he’s particularly close to them. A lot of the things they do he finds questionable.
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mollish-art · 1 year
genloss as a commentary on the entertainment industry is soooo. Did you know that the exorcist movie features footage of a child getting their spine fractured? Did you know that the director of the Shining abused one of the main actors?
Real people have been suffering for art since long before the entertainment industry, and especially women and other marginalized people. The fact that they needed to cut Charlie open for the scene. The fact that all the pain and death needs to be Real that these people need to be Really experiencing this pain and not acting, the fact that genloss knows that the toxicity of the audience comes in when we act entitled to see what lies behind the mask and view ‘authentic’ emotions from the artists.
I actually didn't know that about the Exorcist and the Shining - really interesting/horrific things to think about. There's a fascinating aspect of human psychology in relation to 'rubbernecking' at disasters, enjoying angsty writing, or watching depressing documentaries that I'd honestly like to study if I could. Why is it that so many of us derive satisfaction from these things that are objectively awful, but only when we are assured that it is either fictitious or something that has happened in the past that is outside of our control?
As someone who has studied philosophy, from Locke, Hobbes, Rousseau to Kant, Hegel, and Nietzsche, the sheer number of us that seem to enjoy these subjects makes me wonder what that says about human nature as a whole. I'm always adverse to making universal statements (like "all humans are inherently attracted to and fascinated by violence and atrocities but most refrain from committing acts of violence themselves due to societal restraints and and a learned moral compass"), but the sheer quantity of people who seem to enjoy these things (or even fixate solely on them for their source of entertainment) is not insignificant.
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randomidiocyncrazies · 5 months
now that T2 votes have officially closed, i'm interested to see what will happen during the period Es "goes to sleep":
Innocent/Forgiven: Yuno, Fuuta, Shidou, Mahiru, Kazui, Amane, Mikoto [Names in color have been Forgiven twice] Guilty/Not Forgiven: Haruka, Muu, Kotoko (all previously Forgiven in T1)
For existing connections amongst the inmates, we know that:
Amane dislikes Shidou (and she had also warned Mahiru) for engaging in medical treatment/"interfering with one's ordained destiny"
Amane and Fuuta got closer at a time when Fuuta was fixated on the concept of "salvation"
Mahiru is under the care of Shidou
Yuno is helping Shidou with medical stuff (implied to be taking care of Mahiru) [source]
In addition to her general disdain towards the others, Kotoko was annoyed at Kazui for stopping her vigilante justice
Fuuta was terrified of Kotoko, and thinks people who resort of physical violence are crazy; Mahiru seemed resigned to what Kotoko did to her, and doesn't hold a grudge about it
John dislikes Kotoko
Haruka threatened suicide if Muu is voted Not Forgiven, which she is
First off, I think Haruka is going to try to kill himself when Es is awake/interrogating him, but not before then. There's a high likelihood he'd be restrained for his Not Forgiven verdict, so he probably couldn't carry it out anyway, but also because Haruka craves attention—it'd be pointless if he killed himself and Es isn't even around to see it. He needs to know that Es sees his death, that he has Es's attention when he dies. So it's gonna be a shitstorm when Es wakes up, but probably not before then.
The people who knows about his suicide threat so far are Muu, Kotoko and Fuuta, though the latter two are only implied in the TL conversations. I think Muu does care about Haruka in her own way, but I don't think she has the mindset/energy to talk him out of it, since she's dealing with her own Not Forgiven verdict. Kotoko is gleeful that a 'bad person' is thoughtful enough to kill themselves, and wishes more 'bad people' would do the same, so she obviously wouldn't want to stop him even if she could. Fuuta gives very light pushback/tries to talk Haruka out of it, but seems resigned to let Haruka do whatever he wants. So it looks like the people who are aware of Haruka's plans have no intention to stop him from doing so...
But. If Fuuta tells Amane, would she try to do something about it? Does committing suicide count as "interfering with one's ordained life"? I can't see Shidou or Kazui turning a blind eye to Haruka's threat either, but Shidou might be too busy to do anything about it (though Yuno is now helping him). I do think Kazui would be keeping an eye on him if 1) he knows about the suicide threat and 2) he didn't have his hands full with something else—i.e. safety issues.
Speaking of possible safety issues, I think Amane is going to try to attack Shidou (or the people in his faction), since their ideologies are in direct conflict with each other. Shidou sees his only worth as giving aid to patients who need him, while Amane cannot let go of her cult's teachings against practicing medicine. IMO getting Forgiven T2 verdicts will have strengthened those ideals for both of them. Shidou also sees Amane's warnings against him as childish tantrums, and Amane hates being dismissed as a child.
One possibility is that Amane attacks Shidou directly—she might even get him with how overworked he is—but I think it's also possible that she attacks the people under his care (Mahiru), or the people helping him (Yuno). However, Amane is fond of Mahiru, and I think Yuno is probably aware enough to not get too badly hurt by Amane if they get in a fight? I'm also not too worried about Fuuta helping Amane attack the caregivers, because I don't think he's far enough into the cult bullshit to buy into the idea that medical attention is evil (after all, he'd be way more fucked up without medical care); the cult's appeal for him is the idea of attaining salvation, so he might not fully buy into the whole "medical care = evil" thing... for now, at least.
Another possible security issue might be people trying to take revenge on Kotoko while she's (I assume) restrained, but Mahiru is too injured to do much even if she was inclined to do so—which she wasn't, and I don't think that would change with a Forgiven T2 verdict. She didn't hold a grudge against Kotoko because she sees it as Kotoko just following her ideology of justice, same as how she herself is following her ideology of love.
Fuuta might be motivated to take revenge despite his disdain/fear of physical violence, but i feel like it could go either way. Fuuta's T2 song hints at his remorse as being at least partially motivated by the reversal of fortunes (he now suffered what his victim suffered), so a Forgiven T2 verdict might bolster that aspect (i.e. his repentance is only because he's now the victim, not that he actually changed his way of thinking)? But at the same time it's obvious that he did feel remorse even in T1, and it's clear he doesn't like physical violence. So I don't think Fuuta beat Kotoko up or harm her physically.
The other person who has reason to take revenge is John, but 1) Kotoko isn't a threat when she's restrained, and 2) there's less reason for John to front now that Mikoto has been voted Forgiven (Mikoto is under less stress, so he doesn't need John's protection as much). So I think it's not that likely that John would go after her either.
I guess Shidou might also have beef with Kotoko for attempting to kill the T1 Not Forgiven inmates (nearly succeeded with Mahiru and probably would've also nearly succeeded with Fuuta without Kazui's intervention), but him taking action to injure/kill her feels very out of character. I also can't see Kazui preemptively taking her out, but he will stop/incapacitate her if she tries to inflict violence on others.
As for relationships growing closer... Fuuta seems to be helping Amane proselytize from his conversation with Haruka, so that's something. Again, I'm not too convinced that he'd think medical care is evil just yet, but who knows. Amane also mentioned that she's fond of Mahiru, but has also warned Mahiru that what she and Shidou are engaging in is an affront to God or whatever, so. idk if Amane would try to hurt her as punishment, or if she'd try to convert Mahiru (since she has "innate goodness"), or just leave her alone.
I also think Mahiru and Shidou, and possibly Yuno, would grow even closer because Mahiru is in his care; I don't think either is ready to get over their late loved ones, but I can see it being a bit ambiguous, and they might start to see the other as an emotional crutch of sorts (source). Kazui also seems to take notice of Shidou quite a bit in the TL convos; so maybe Kazui has a crush on Shidou? (Assuming the gay Kazui theory is correct.) I don't think Kazui is prepared to make any moves, since someone he cared about killed herself the last time he came out (and if the "what if I said I like-liked you" conversation in Cat was him confessing to a man/his childhood friend, there's probably another reason to hold back on confessing). A Forgiven T2 verdict might make him more confident/secure in his identity though, so hopefully he's on the road to self-acceptance. (Unfortunately, I do think Shidou is straight... Sorry Kazui.)
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