#like truly it's the foundations of something so sweet but then everyone is telling them it must be romantic
rotisseries · 11 months
the way elmike had the possibility of a very close and real and intimate friendship stolen out from under them because of heteronormativity telling them the only way they were meant to fit in each other's lives was romantically, even though neither of them truly wanted that... pushing them further apart... tragic. literally so tragic
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thesolemnhour · 7 months
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A slightly modified version of inspirations for my most prolific and neurotic brainchild! Reasoning under the cut:
Alase Brinz-Widowknife from Lost Kingdoms and King of Chaos.
I've waxed poetic plenty on how much I adore Wesley's interpretation of Old Sarkoris in Lost Kingdoms, but his present-day Sarkorian characters are just as definitive to me. Alase is a young woman who practices the old art of Godcalling, where Sarkorian summoners call on the ancient protectors of their communities. One of the last Sarkorian Godcallers in the last Sarkorian village still standing. Alase feels a deep desire to do something with her abilities and dreams of taking back to city of Undarin, where Clan Widowknife used to reside. Alase also wonders whether her eidolon Tonbarse truly has a touch of the divine or is simply a loyal companion.
This meditation on what it means to be a Sarkorian one hundred years after the Worldwound opened was so foundational to Agria's character that I named her mother after Alase and decided to make her family another branch of Clan Widowknife.
Aerith Gainsborough, from Final Fantasy 7 (remake).
When I was still trying to nail down Agria's voice, my trick was to imagine all of her dialogue as though Aerith were saying them. Aerith has this delightful combination of sweetness and forcefulness. She's a very nice girl, and you're going to do what she asks! Possibly my favorite line in the game is when she and Cloud are halfway through a plan to sneak into a mobster's house, and she's telling him the last thing he needs to do. Cloud is like, "Hold on a minute," and she says, "No can-do, Cloud. This is our plan, and you'll learn to love it!" I'll take "Things Agria has said to Woljif," for $100, Alex.
Emma Woodhouse from Austen's Emma.
When Jane Austen set herself to writing Emma, she wanted to create "a heroine no one but me will much like." Emma is often selfish, unkind, and thoughtless, but she also cares deeply about the people around her and is willing to change her mind to accommodate them. Agria, likewise, can be a bit too attached to her own way of thinking to consider anyone else's, and it's Emma I look to most when I think about the ways that Woljif forces her to consider other perspectives.
Katara from Avatar: The Last Airbender.
A little bit like Emma, it's Katara's best and worst traits that make her such an influence on Agria. Katara is equally as capable of being kind, curious, and passionate as she is of being controlling and emotional. She can carry grudges and be competitive. Agria is many of these things as well, and the combination of these traits is what always brings me back to her
Kitri, from Don Quixote.
Kitri, my love! From her very first entrance to the ballet, Kitri effortlessly commands the attention of those around her. After every movement, it's like she turns to the audience to say, "Ta-DA!" She is fiery and joyful and alive! She has enormous spirit and insists on having things her way. She's a bit of a brat (affectionate). She is who I look to when I want to represent Agria being a drama queen.
Evgenia Medvedeva, Russian figure skater and Olympic silver medalist.
There is a kind of insanity at the heart of athletes that I'm obsessed with. A sense that if you just push yourself hard enough, you will accomplish everything you want. Evgenia Medvedeva has so much of this, and I am convinced she is the most intense person who has every lived. "As soon as you take it easy," she explained in one documentary, "you get nowhere. You're the same as everyone else." Are you sure about that, two-time world champion, Evgenia Medvedeva?? But it's never enough. That's Agria!
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OC Intro: The Deep Sun
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Hello everyone! Here is the newest OC intro. This one is gonna be a bit different than other introductions that I have done. The next poll will be up tonight!
Name: Da Dóp Fricandel "The Deep Sun"
"I have forgotten what my name was when I first ventured here from one of the spirit realms, I cannot tell you which one. That was millennia ago, when mountains were young, when the ocean water was sweet, before what you call the Age of Glass and Metal. In the tongue of those whose spawn now surround you I was called Da Dóp Fricandel, that is The Deep Sun. I rather like that name. I believe it suits me."
This continues below the cut!
Children/Creation: The Kosheki
Narul looked out at the pale crowd, they looked back at him with their expressionless eyes. “What are these…things?” The Deep Sun laughed, a surprisingly soft and musical sound. “I’m shocked that you don’t know Narul. Come on, make a guess.” "Why would I know what these monsters are? I’ve never seen these things in my life." The Deep Sun sighed, shaking his head. " Oh, how times have changed. They are like you, dear boy." " These are spiritbloods?" Narul asked, revolted. " No, no! Well at least not these ones. These are humans, or at least a more perfect form of them."
Homeland/Place of Origin
One of the realms of the spirits, exactly which one is unknown. Prior to the Age of Glass and Metal the Deep Sun was simple spirit, a rather small spirit of the soil and rock, who lived on the Isle of Stān, now called the Island of the Kosheki.
The accursed island loomed ahead of them, a great rocky crag towering over a foundation of verdant green hills, jutting out of the water, lonely and cold.  “There she is,” Istek said, gazing at the island solemnly. The birds that circled the stony peak called out mournfully into the mist. The rocky beach was littered with the wrecks of ships, hundreds of them from every era, all in various states of decay. Great warships, their wooden ribs jutting into the sky like the bones of slain dragons. Royal barques, smashed by the waves, their ornate sides now choked with algae and rot. Merchants ships, their contents haphazardly strewn across the white sand, Ikopeshi raiding canoes torn asunder and scattered amongst the beach stones.The newest vessel was a Knoshic fishing boat, its sail still flapping softly in the breeze. A great hole had been made in its side, as if a great something had ripped into it.
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"I trust that you have heard of the Great Calamity?"
" The fairytale?" Narul asked cautiously.
There was silence for a moment, and then the demon tilted his head back and laughed with such intensity that the doors of the cages rattled.
" A fairytale? Oh my boy. I like you already! Tell me what you know about the Great Calamity, what fairytales do they tell in your city?"
Narul closed his eyes, remembering the stories Bira had told him.
" A long time ago, the people of Kobani were rich and prosperous. They made great cities of glass and metal. They grew so powerful that they thought themselves better than the gods. For their hubris, they were punished, the great cities were destroyed, and only the pious remained. Everyone in Kobani now are the descendants of those pious people." He thought of the tunnel and the strange orbs. Glass and metal.
The demon chuckled and wagged a finger.
" No. No. All wrong. You savages weren't punished for your impiety. Do you truly think that is such a pressing matter to the gods? Do you think that the arbiters of the universal laws of nature care if you pray or make the proper sacrifices? They ruled over Kobani long before your kind or any of your kin were here, before any sentient life besides we spirits were here. No, your crime was far worse. Your ancestors discovered a way to harvest the het. The soul. The spirit. You found a way to rip the essence of being from its place and turn it into fuel for your machines and to light your houses."
" But that's impossible," Narul interjected, the het was an intangible thing, it was no more possible to secure it then it was to trap light in a bottle.
" Oh, it was very much possible. And when a het is destroyed, burnt up, it is gone forever. The soul will not reincarnate. It will not continue on to the next world. By harvesting het, a being is doomed to oblivion, thus interrupting a thread in the intricate web of reincarnation crafted by the gods. So the het that is destroyed in Kobani means that a baby is not born in the next world."
" I don’t believe that people would do that…it's evil, why would they?" Narul muttered softly.
" Oh, I haven't gotten to my favorite part, my naive little friend. At first, you people only harvested het from animals, which caused untold ecological catastrophe not only here on Kobani but on other worlds too. Entire ecosystems withered, species vanished. But it wasn't enough; your cities grew too big, too power-hungry, you longed for luxury. So you turned on each other; your criminals, your prisoners of war, your destitute, your diseased, your unwanted. Your ancestors turned mortals souls into commodities, your drove your own cousins the tree-tenders to extinction. The depths of your species’ depravity is truly awe inspiring. The gods made this world and gifted you the privilege of living amongst it, they filled it with beauty. Every human could live in comfort, could go to sleep with a full belly and roof over their heads. You were loved, cherished. We spirits lived to make the world one which suited you, we strived to make the world beautiful and fruitful. We loved you, myself included. We gave you the tools to make the world more beautiful than you had found it. But you squandered the gifts that you were given. In your twisted, broken, greedy little heads, you justified how one man could live with the means of thousands of his peers while others starved in the mud. You consumed and destroyed with such voracity and foolishness that you drove my kin to despair. Your gross negligence of your fellow man, your greed and hatred, that is what birthed the first demons, you twisted us, disillusioned us.”
Narul felt a knot in his stomach as he listened to the demon speak, he didn’t dare respond.
 The Deep Son continued. “In their overconsuming need for more, your ancestors consigned millions to the void. And when they started attacking spirits. Needless to say, that was just too much. The gods knew that if you were allowed to continue like this then the world would be thrown into complete chaos, and all life would crumble. To save the cycle of reincarnation, and ultimately life on all worlds from falling apart, the gods elected to wipe out your civilization."
" And that was the Great Calamity," Narul whispered softly.
" It was glorious. The world burned and froze and burned again until your kind and all of their creations were scoured from the face of Kobani. Your cities which reached towards the heavens were smashed to dust. Though, of course, some of my kin still had a soft spot for you creatures, they hoped that you could be reformed. They invited you into their homes deep in the mountains, with the condition that you leave your tools behind you, tools like that.” He waved a dismissive hand towards the strange metal suit which lay dusty and abandoned among the refuse. “Those are your ancestors, not the pious or noble. The poor. Those unfortunate sods who could not so easily prey on the world around them."
Narul looked at the metal walls and at the gaunt figures.
" Is that what this is? One of those places where the good spirits hid people?"
" Oh no. Men made this, a marvel of human engineering. You see some of your kind were not content with paying for their crimes, for reincarnating in the next world, as they would have. And so they built this place in hopes that when the gods had finished their justice on the world above, they could emerge triumphant with their machines and continue their wickedness. They lived down here in comfort, men of business and government. The fools thought they were so clever; they thought they could hide from us, from justice. But I found them, and I punished them for their arrogance. I whispered to them in the shadows. I destroyed their food, and I plunged them into darkness. I ripped apart their machines and engines. I drove them mad.” The demon chuckled. “With no food, they fed on each other. I scrapped away their pretensions and revealed the feral evil beasts that they were. All their culture and superiority was wiped away in an instant. All it took was a bit of hunger. And when they had forgotten what light was like, when they had been reduced to vermin cowering in the shadows. I revealed myself to them, their Sun. They are my Kosheki. They worship me, Narul. Look at them. All they know is hunger and love for me. I am their god, their everything.”
The Deep Sun reached out to caress the face of one of the Kosheki. “ I have molded them into a more beautiful human. Perhaps not physically, but mentally. I have taken their concept of self. There is no greed, no hatred. They do not murder, rape, or steal. They know only a childlike love, a pure love. They appreciate every meal, they dance without fearing judgment, and they look at me as their father, their warming sun. Look at them, Narul. Innocent. Gentle.” He cooed softly.
Narul turned towards the deep rumbling voice. At the center of the room sat what he had thought was a great bonfire. He saw the face first, peering out from the tongues of flame. A man's face, though twisted, the lips stretched, the crevices of the face deep, as if they had been carved there by hammer and chisel. The figure reclined on the floor, his chin resting upon his clawed hand. His nudity was disguised by the inferno that emanated from his crimson skin. The eyes glowed, in each a single glowing ember surrounded by black coal, burning deep into Narul, terrible and yet beautiful.
She looked down into the calm waters and saw it, a face looking back up at her from just below the surface. It was human, or at least human in shape. The glowing red face was surrounded by a mane of fiery locks that danced and undulated in defiance of any current. It's eyes burned like coals. As it looked up at her its lips twisted into a smile. Two of the monster's claws took hold of the sides of the ship and began to shake the vessel to and fro.
Before his eyes the demon began to contort and change, his body roiling and stretching, extra limbs erupting from his scaly skin. Its body was long and sleek like a snake, its torso supported by six clawed arms. Its face remained the same.
The Deep Sun is cruel, vindictive, he relishes in pain and humiliation. His view on humans is shaped by the pain and fear experienced by millions of spirits, mortals, and animals that fell to Ekatsim Technology.
(Most spirits are not gendered, Narul typically refers to the demon with he/they pronouns)
Sexual Orientation
Asexual and Aromantic (Most spirits do not feel sexual attraction of any sort)
The Deep Sun's relationship with his creations, the Kosheki and the spiritblood, Sadaric, is manipulative and cruel, reliant on control and possession. He does seem to feel some sort of tenderness for his “pets”, though whether that could be considered love is doubtful.
Favorite Color
Favorite Food
Most spirits do not eat, though they do enjoy the aroma of cooking food. The Deep Sun enjoys the smell of the Kosheki's meals, which typically consist of the poor sailors that land on the Island's shore.
Biggest Fear
Ekatism Technology
Arkodian Bronze
No (Spirit/Demon, capable of magic dependent of sagecraft)
No excerpt here since most of this post is made up of excerpts haha
@patternwelded-quill @flaneurarbiter @skyderman @blackblooms @roach-pizza @illarian-rambling @dezerex @theocticscribe @axl-ul, @persnickety-peahen, @surroundedbypearls , @kaylinalexanderbooks , @mk-writes-stuff
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hii :) i hope you’re doing good! i saw that request are open so i want to ask for curly showing off his gf to everyone when he’s jealous or to make other ppl jealous 🫶
A/N: Oh this was fun Nonny, thanks so much for the request!
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So! I believe we’ve talked a little bit about this before, especially over here in this set of headcanons about Ponyboy being interested in Curly’s S/O
But yeah, I just have fun talking about Curly so we’re gonna do this again and go a little more in-depth!
Serious relationships, I have a feeling, would be a big deal for Curly
I don’t see him as being the one to bring home a new person every week, I can barely see him bringing home a person to begin with-
I think he’s got a bit of a reputation? For messing around with who he’s going out with but never really wanting to settle down?
I have lots more emotions about that ^^ @mysemantics knows that and I’d be very happy to explain more of my personal headcanons for him later <3
But back on track, it’s rare for Curly to truly settle with someone so if you’re lucky enough to call him yours, and he’s calling you his, you’re already on a great track
Curly, when he’s happy and comfortable, will have no problem hanging all over you and begging you for attention, similar to a love-sick puppy
But when he’s around his boys, he may try to act a little tougher
He’s got a reputation to keep up, alright, babe? No one’s gonna be afraid of the Shepard outfit if they see Curly walking around, fingers linked with yours as you giggle over something
That being said, when the time comes, he’d do anything for you
No matter who’s around, if you’re in trouble or need something, talk to him
Curly would do anything he could for you, he’d move the mountains if you so much as say the word, I cannot stress how giving this boy is in relationships where he feels loved
Come up to him, overwhelmed at a party or tired at the drive-in, and ask to leave and Curly is immediately setting down his beer, saying goodbye to his boys so he can take care of you <3
He’ll give you his jacket, give you his clothes, ask to have one of your rings if you wear them, maybe one of your necklaces if you don’t do rings
He wants to be yours and much as you want to be his 
And I’m assuming this ask is sort of asking for more of the physical side of this too?
Not just all the sweet things that Curly does to show everyone you’re his?
So we’ll talk a little about those things too, fear not <3
If he’s a little buzzed, just a little laid-back and comfortable, Curly isn’t afraid to kiss you in front of everyone
I’m not talking like nice, little, chaste kisses, he’ll give you those everywhere
He’ll kiss you in the booths at the diners, when you wait in line for popcorn at the drive-in, or when you’re hanging out in the party crowd and he’s trying to convince you to fetch another beer for him
I’m talking about making out with you out the outskirts of the parties, tucked into your own little corner somewhere while he tests how far he can go, fingers dancing over the hem of your shirt <3
Possessive kisses.
Y'know those kisses when someone isn’t getting the hints you’re dropping about you being happily taken and uncomfortable in the situation and won’t stop bothering you
Curly has absolutely no qualms about coming up, looping an arm around your waist, and staring down whoever decided to mess with you
After, of course, giving you a really deep kiss, cupping your jaw in his hand to keep your face close to his
And then, I feel like it’s obvious, but hickeys?
Like, you’re gonna wanna seriously invest in some nice foundation if you go out with Curly
He likes kissing you, and sometimes kissing leads to hickeys and as long as he has your permission, he will cover your neck and shoulders in them <3
Also having his hand tucked into your back pocket, slipping its way down to hold onto your ass because you can’t look me in the eyes and tell me he wouldn’t
So yeah! That’s about all I got, hope this is what you were looking for Nonny!
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o-wyrmlight · 2 years
honestly i agree with you. pure vanilla is too much of a pushover. from how i see it, the writers are choosing to focus on one key personality trait, but instead of expanding on it or trying to make complexities on the character and his decisions, they’re just running with it. don’t get me wrong, i don’t hate the writers/people developing the characters went stories, but i feel like there’s a lot of wasted potential with certain characters
Devsis is doing to Pure Vanilla's character what the fandom did with Papyrus from Undertale.
That is, taking a canonically kind character and making it their unquestionable personality trait. Making them both out to be dumb, or naive, or absolutely and completely innocent--someone who could do no wrong because they don't know any better. Someone who will extend an olive branch over and over and over because they're so naive.
And while the fandom was wrong about Papyrus (Papyrus, a character who, even in the worst of circumstances, is shown to actively chose to believe that good can come from a bad situation--he is not an idiot. He's very intelligent and mature, and he understands the stakes that he's up against but choses that kindness anyway, and that says something), we can't say the same about canon and Pure Vanilla.
Because Pure Vanilla is being treated like that in canon. He's being treated as somebody who is too kind for his own good, who is too sweet and innocent and hopeful. And I understand that he was the king of the Vanilla Kingdom--a kingdom of healers and saints--but god, you wouldn't even be able to tell that he's a king just based on how he acts.
He offers the opportunity for change again and again, and time and time again that olive branch is lit on fire. There is nothing wrong with that. There's something very bittersweet about those tragic elements. No.
What annoys me the most is how much of a pushover he is. He lacks the resolve and steadfastness that a king requires. He lets others do as they wish around him and to him, and he keeps secrets hidden under wraps despite possessing the Light of Truth. He perpetually tries to force a brighter outlook because he's nervous about stirring the pot, and he's nervous that by disagreeing with others, it'll cause further problems. He's a people pleaser. There's nothing wrong with that.
But it's how it's presented that aggravates me.
It's repetious, it's consistent, it's hypocritical to everything that Pure Vanilla is supposed to represent. Healers are not kind beacons of hope for those around them. They have seen many things--they've seen cookies seeping jam and witnessed broken sugarbones, seen burnt and scorched crust and heard the screams and moans of agony. They've dealt with sickness and poison in vastly varying degrees of severity. And--try as they might, alas--they cannot save everyone.
Every healer has blood--in this case, jam--on their hands. Healers have to be strong and confident in their abilities and what they have to do. They have to be able to tend to their patients with as much confidence as they can. They cannot falter. They cannot buckle under pressure. And most of all, they have to be willing to accept defeat--when they cannot find a cure, when the magic doesn't seem to help, when their patient is left with no other option. Whether it results in death or a permanent handicap, the consequences still exist--still exist.
Healers are not soft. They can be soft to their patients, and in many, many ways, that is good. But if they truly seek to heal, they have to be honest, and they have to be determined, and they have to be steadfast in analyzing their options. Healers do not have soft and smooth hands, and they are not weak. They are strong, and they are one of the prime foundations of a healthy kingdom.
But instead... instead, Pure Vanilla folds as soon as he is given some pressure. He keeps quiet to avoid confrontation. He struggles to break up arguments. He tries the same methods time and time again.
Pure Vanilla, as he's presented in canon, is a kind cookie. And there's nothing wrong with that. But he is not a king, and I don't understand how he ever was considered to be a good king.
Perhaps it comes from his shepherd days, peacefully tending the animals. But then again, sometimes you have to be rough when herding and tending animals, too. Have you ever seen somebody shear a sheep? You sort of have to wrestle them into submission so they don't move around and get themselves hurt.
...Sort of like doctors do.
But anyway. I digress.
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roosterbruiser · 11 months
genuinely. could quote every single scene from landslide bc i love that story with my whole entire heart but i’m gonna just give you a couple specific stand out moments/lines <3
something i think about so often is when faye tells rooster that her neck is his. that is something so visceral and intimate and you can tell she means it so much and also doesn’t mean to say it but it just slips out and it’s such a beautiful moment of intimacy between them that i love!
also, i love the little moments between faye and bob, besties for life tbh. especially the flashbacks from college with maggie as well. they just have such a strong friendship foundation and the way in which they can communicate without words is so beautiful and i love the way that you wrote their relationship.
but also, maybe the biggest one that stands out is the whole fight scene with jake on the beach. the way that he eggs her on and makes it so personal without even knowing what he’s doing, and the way that you encompass exactly how she’s feeling in the moment - her voice and not being able to react the way she wishes she could/how maggie would - looking to rooster for help and him not stepping up - bob being the one to punch him - even the little details of the songs you wrote into the background, (if i recall correctly it’s dirty laundry by don henley, you absolute INTELLECTUAL!!!)
the way that you write is so incredible and you are able to capture emotions unlike any other author i have ever read before and it is honestly such an honour and a privilege to be able to read your work. genuinely, you are so talented millie!!! like the fact that i read landslide probably 6 or 8 months ago, and i still think about it most days?? and you wrote it as a hobby?? for free?? bonkers. thank you for your service. (and honestly the fact that that’s just one of so many incredible stories you’ve written, fr you’re a legend i could go on forever) 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
shut the fuck up I'm gonna cry rn........this was so fucking sweet!!!
honestly, Landslide love makes me feel so special. that was the first fic I ever wrote in this fandom and it seriously made me fall in love with writing in a whole new way. I was always thinking about it and couldn't wait to come home and just WRITE which is truly one of the best feelings in the world for me.
I poured my whole heart and soul into that story and consider it one of my best pieces of work!
you're so fucking sweet. I'm going to reread this all the time.
it's an honor to share my work with everyone on here. and it's an honor that people have nice things to say about it!
tell me your favorite thing I've written :)
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rabbitcruiser · 9 months
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National Cream-Filled Doughnut Day
“Let me tell you, I’m not sure if America runs on donuts, but I sure do! Nothin’ like a little simple sugar icing to get the blood pumping at 9:00 A.M.” ~ Chris Benz
They sit amongst the others, crowned kings among the more plebian cake doughnuts and simple glazed. Cream-filled Doughnuts are truly the treasure trove of doughnut kind, the one true doughnut, the hopes and dreams that all other doughnut-kind aspire to be. Cream-Filled Doughnut Day holds this truth to be self-evident,and celebrates these wonderful confections by encouraging everyone to consume them until they burst! (Just kidding, eat responsibly kids!)
History of Cream-Filled Doughnut Day Cream-Filled Doughtnut Day was established to raise these incredible doughnuts to the place they deserve, a day dedicated to their delicious construction and the dreamlike consistency of their fillings. While it may seem overly simplistic to refer to simply ‘Cream-Filled Doughnuts’ as being supreme, that just means that an education is in order. Cream is not just a white substance sweetened and flavored like vanilla, that is but the foundation of the mounts of glory these doughnuts can achieve.
In the mood for something citrus? Something with a bit of zing? There are lemon-creme filled doughnuts that contain potent little flecks of lemon zest, enough to brighten up the sweetness of the doughnut and render them positively up-lifting. Prefer the tart sweetness of raspberries? Raspberry creme exists as well, and those doughnuts filled with it are a delight for those who love this berry-laden fruit.
Cream-Filled Doughnut Day reminds you that there is ever so much more to a doughnut than a cakey-consistency anda  sugary glaze. Sometimes the best part of a doughnut is what’s inside, just like with people. Perhaps we should all aspire to find the cream-filled doughnut in the people around us. Who knows what secrets they hold!
How to Celebrate Cream-Filled Doughnut Day Just take a quick trip down to your local bakery or Dunkin’ Donuts, and ask them to trot out their favorite cream-filled doughnuts for you to peruse! Lemon-creme and chocolate-creme, strawberry-creme and raspberry, these are just the beginning of the nearly limitless variety of cream-filled doughnuts you can find. We suggest starting simply, however, and enjoying the Boston Creme Donut, easily one of the most delicious varieties of Cream-Filled Doughnut around. Ask your friends to bring their favorite creme doughnuts to work and have everyone share in the bounty!
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twentytarot · 3 years
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hello, everyone!! i know it's been a hot hot minute since i've posted a PAC but uni has actually been whooping me like a piñata at a kid's party so i've been on my school grind. recess week is approaching, though, so hopefully i'll have time for another reading soon! anyway, today's advice is on your career. what do you need to know to get through the next few months and year? pick your pile, scroll down, and let's find out! enjoy~ 👩🏻‍💻
it seems like act one of your career life was a success, and you're ready to move on to bigger and better things! congratulations, friend, but the future will not be easy if you want to reach your full potential.
you need to know and remember that you can do anything you set your mind to. people are going to tell you otherwise: some because they want to keep you down, some because they truly believe it. you are nothing like any of these people. you are meant to climb higher, you are meant to do the impossible. it might feel like what i'm saying is too far-fetched right now, but all you need to do is look around you, look at all these weak foundations that are about to crumble, look at all the things you need to do, and you'll realise that the castles are crumbling beneath your feet because they are meant to be built back up by you.
so people aren't going to like it. people, especially those that have no intention on allowing you to lead them, are going to call you young and naive for thinking you can make impactful change. but here's the thing: you know you can. so do it anyway. don't let your passions turn into burdens because of a few moments of cowardice. it's part of your career purpose to change the way people do things, to grow into a full-fledged leader, to break traditions that no longer serve your workplace. have courage, and you can do anything you set your mind to. good luck!
right now, you're scared, my dear. you just feel unprotected by the people around you; in fact, you feel like some of them may be out to get you when you haven't even done anything other than mind your own business and get work done well. half of it may be true, because either you're starting something new or your existence is something new to others at the workplace, and people may be trying to size you up. but there's good part of this that's just your anxious personality talking. i feel like people disappoint you and treat you carelessly often, so you sit there and brace yourself for the next person to attack, a weapon in each hand, instead of developing yourself and growing. it's not that they won't disappoint you or treat you badly— this is unavoidable. they will promise you the world and give you a spinning globe. however, knowing this should not paralyse you. once you desensitise yourself to these people, you free up so much space in your mind and heart to focus on other things that really matter. people being nasty in general is something that will never change, so put your effort into something that can be changed like your knowledge and skills. have the courage to keep moving on your own, and lean on the people that have been there, supporting you from the start. believe that you are supported; if not by your colleagues, then by the universe. you got this!
it's time! time for you to tie up the last few loose ends of whatever you were doing and finally start doing what it is you were meant to do. your world is about to change quite drastically, but don't look back and feel like you wasted time— see it all as a rite of passage that you had to go through in order to get right here, right now. with a tad more wisdom and inspiration, you can find a way to put everything you wanted to achieve mid-life together. i see you also wanting to make some space for a new family, how sweet! honestly, i don't think you need much advice. just one thing: when you feel like the weights on your ankles have been removed just to be replaced with another pair, think about the line that divides stability from getting weighed down. does it feel like you're on the right side of that line?
make sure you're always reading up and keeping yourself up to date! you're not really the kind of person to just jump in out of nowhere— either you've never been like this, or you're past your impulsive days. stay wise and in control, and very happy, fulfilling days of being able to give back and lead are in your future!
unlike all the other piles here, you're going to need to be a little patient because things will take a while to fall into place for you. many of you are young, looking for your first position in your career, looking for a place in university that fits, and i don't see you being extremely committed to anything yet, career-wise. that being said, there is something that you've been hoping for, some kind of aspiration or pipe dream, and you're going to be led to the first step in achieving that goal soon. it looks like either a job or a scholarship; whatever it is, it's going to be something that demands more of your commitment and effort, but it's going to be very good for your career, especially in the long term. when called upon to make your choice, don't be wishy-washy about it. you will know what you really want, so don't second guess yourself and go for it! your hard work and determination is sure to be rewarded.
in the meantime, use this knowledge to keep moving forward and don't be discouraged if things are taking longer than you expected to work out. take life's moments as they are, because they only pass you by once. the future will follow whether you think about it or not. have a great day!
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usopp-writes · 2 years
Yay 150 followers! If you've got a spot open, maybe some Ace fluff?
Astra my dear. Yes, I can't really believe it. I'm so happy I reached 150 followers. I don't think I have worked that much on this blog, but it encouurage me to keep going. And yes, I have a spot open for you. A sweet little lazy day fluff story with our freckled male, who truly deserve this.
Enjoy <3
Ace x GN reader SFW Word count: 1,136
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It was a lazy day on the Moby Dick, the sun shining from a cloudless sky, the sea breeze making sure you wouldn’t feel too hot when outside. Still, you were sitting in the shadow, as not to get sunburn. Leaning against the wall that led inside the ship, you enjoyed the peaceful day. Next to you, lying down and with his head in your lap, were Ace. His orange cowboy hat was placed upon your head, which allowed you to let your fingers go through his hair, as he told you stories about his precious little brother. You loved the pride, love and devotion in his voice, whenever he spoke of Luffy. It was clear as today’s weather that Ace would do anything for his baby brother.
Humming, you looked at him, eyes so doting and loving that you made him lost his thoughts and what he was talking about. You could see his cheek heat up and you were mildly amused and flattered that you had this effect on him, even after all this time together.
“I know I’m breathtaking.” You teased him, laughing lightly, when he looked aside, cheeks redder than before. “So who was the captain in your pirate play?” You tried to get him back to the story he’d been telling you. There was something soothing about hearing him tell the story, even if you’d heard it before. This was the moment when Ace was the happiest, you felt. Here with you, gushing over his brother. Ace felt more alive and at peace right now. You knew he didn’t share stories of himself and his brother with just anyone and you felt so honored and happy he invited you into his life like this.
Ace broke into a large smile and continued his story, telling you about how they both were co-captain, as neither of them willingly to let the other be the captain. It was kind of sweet and part of you wondered why Ace hadn’t waited until Luffy was older and set sail together. Maybe you would one day have your answer, but for now, you just soaked in the words and let his tales bring you to a jungle, where animals were larger than Oyaji, stronger than the average pirate and just as dangerous as your family could be when they had to show their teeth.
You hummed at the right times, but after some time, you noticed he wasn’t speaking any longer. Looking down, you chuckled, as he’d fallen asleep mid-sentence. Chuckling, you watched him lay there, snoring lightly. Your fingers kept going through his hair; you loved the softness of it. Never in a million years would you have guessed that a pirate as notorious as Ace would have such amazing soft hair. Nor would you have thought he would ever fall in love with you of all people. You weren’t a great cook like Thatch, beautiful as Izo or even good to patch people up as Marco. It’d felt odd at first, but you both had found – no you’d built a foundation to be on together.
Ace stirred and drowsy grey hues blinked up at you, before a smile tugged on his lips, reaching out for you, Ace lifted himself up, just enough to capture your lips for a short kiss. You smiled into the kiss, cheeks turning red at the sheer softness and amount of love you could feel in this kiss.
“You’re beautiful, you know that, right?” Ace said, his voice soft and loving.
You chuckled and nodded. “So are you.”
Somewhere nearby you heard someone gagging at the sweetness you two were emitting. Not everyone was a romantic; some even said pirates shouldn’t act all lovey-dovey. You didn’t really care; you did what you wanted to do; because that was what pirates did. Having the freedom to be whoever you were and do what you wanted in life. Even if it meant to be sitting against the cabins, showering your partner in love and affection.
Your other hand started to trace the freckles on Ace’s bare skin, from his cheeks, down his neck and over his chest. He chuckled under your touch, his cheek reddening lightly, but he didn’t tell you to stop. Instead he made himself more comfortable on your lap, letting your touches and soft humming lull him into a slumber.
Closing your eyes, you listened to the wind that rustled the sails, the light chatter of your family, Ace’s light snoring and the waves that lazily hit the ship, barely rocking it. Today was indeed a calm and peaceful one and you enjoyed it to its fullest with the man you loved. Your whole family were just being lazy, only the cooks and of course Thatch were busy, making sure you all got your meals and had fresh and cool drinks available. You hoped they too soon would enjoy the day and that the meals they were making wouldn’t be too heavy.
Suddenly you were pulled down and you let out a surprised yelp. Ace grinned, as he made you lie on his chest, snuggled close to him. He let his fingers go through your hair, his hat lying on the ground next to the two of you. Smiling, you made yourself comfortable against him, not bothered with him being a little hot in this warm weather.
“Say Ace, have I ever told you about my home town?” You asked, knowing that you hadn’t. In fact, you didn’t often speak about your past or why you decided to join the Whitebeard pirates, but since Ace shared some good memories, it made you also think of some of the good times you had when growing up. You wanted him to know that not everything had been bad for you either.
“No. Do you want to tell me?” Ace had never pried into your past, never really bothered you to share anything you didn’t feel like sharing. It was what made you love him so much more. With him, you could be you.
Smiling, you started to tell, you voice only loud enough for him to make out all the words. Happier times from your past spilled from your lips, made you laugh lightly. It felt good sharing and remembering these times. Your life was just as colorful as everyone else’s, but as Ace, you had a tendency to only remember the bad or think about it, when thinking back.
Today you didn’t. You found the gems hidden in your brain that made happy and made you feel better. Ace always brought forth so much good in you and you would one day tell him just how wonderful he was and why. Today, however, was the day you just found happiness in each other and the little things that you shared.
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poisonousroxstar · 3 years
Hajime Hinata with a Yandere AI S/O who can control the killing game
Trigger warning: Yandere themes (reader/you), forced relationships, manipulation (mentally, emotionally, literally), pain. Probably OOC (sorry). ❗❕SPOILERS❗❕
Note: this was inspired by @daisyfics headcanons on a reader similar to Monika. Please go read them, they're very good! Also. . Idk about this one, I might rewrite it. I just felt inspired and went with it, but it's probably super ooc for hajime.
You were a rogue AI, originally made to help the remnants of despair. But in the end, you only cared about haijme. . Or izuru, but you probably preferred the former.
You took control over everything that happened in the machine, overpowering monokuma's own control. Instead of ending the killing game though, you allowed to continue.
Because, it helped get you what you wanted. And what you wanted was hajime's affection, and love, and devotion.
Hajime only saw you as another classmate at first, but he slowly began to develop a small crush on you. How couldn't he? You affected such a charming personality. He couldn't help but fall for you, especially when you showed him affection (which, originally, he was a bit uncomfortable with).
Day by day, you progressively got more clingy and even demanding of his time and attention. He'd shut you down when you'd get like this, trying to reason with you and attempting to calm you down when it was obvious you were getting jealous and even occasionally hostile; it was getting ridiculous now.
So, you'd take your anger out on the other students. You'd never harm haijme though, probably not anyway.
You began to tweak and twist the personalities and mental states of all the ultimates on the island, making them dislike, avoid, and even react aggressively towards him. He didn't know what was happening, why everyone suddenly hated him. Even chiaki and usami avoided him now, with pained and pitied looks on their faces.
And then, you'd swoop in, showering him with love and affection. You planted seeds in his mind, that he didn't need anyone else; all he needed was you. You two together could take on the entire world. Just the two of you.
And those seeds sprouted magnificently. Haijme had no one to turn to, no one that would listen except you, and your sweet comforting words brought him so much love.
The only time people would listen was during trials, which had progressively became more frequent and violent. He hadn't noticed how bad everyone had gotten, since you kept him on a tight leash.
And even during those trials, people would state their distaste towards them. He even asked why everyone hated him, and all they could reply with collectively was "I dunno, I just do".
The one who seemed to not have any dislike towards him was chiaki, who--while not being able to speak or even interact with him directly--could tell him through letters. She warned him about you, telling him in a note that you were the reason why everyone was acting strange. Why she couldn't talk to him. Why all the students suddenly couldn't stand him.
At first, he didn't believe it. But the more he thought about it, the more he began to get suspicious. You were so clingy, so suffocating even. And soon, he began to believe chiaki. Were you spreading rumours about him?? So you could isolate him? So you could have him only for yourself??
When he confronts you, asking if you were the one who made everyone dislike him, you're puzzled. How did he know?
You tell him no, that you'd never do such a thing, which he doesn't truly believe. Before he can refute, you ask him why he asked, and he replied dumbly by saying it was chiaki who told him.
And this would lead to an argument. You asking why he was with chiaki, him asking why you want to know and why she couldn't talk to him because of you.
He eventually stormed off, frustrated and angry at you. And you were left feeling the same, but now with a deadly thirst for digital blood.
Chiaki was found dead the next day, her body crushed under the weight of broken debris. Several monomi bots were alongside her, flatten into pancakes.
Hajime looked so confused, and disturbed, and distraught at the sight. And here you happened to be, trying to make him feel better. Trying to comfort him in his frozen state, likely running your hands down his arms or patting his shoulder saying 'it was bound to happen' in a neutral or possibly even jovial tone.
But hajime isn't comforted. He's actually scared now, because he thinks you did it. A deeper part of him knows you did it. And he accuses you of it, which. . While yes you did, doesn't make his tone any less hurtful.
So, you tell him the truth about it. How you only did it because she was getting in the way of something she couldn't understand! She was a threat, and had to be taken care of. You described everything, and it only made him feel sick and revolted at you.
He tells you you're a monster, a murderer, and that he's gonna tell everyone what you did. And those words sting, and they make you angry.
So you threatened him, telling him you'll get rid of everyone if he doesn't act like you wanted him too. He challenges this remark, and so you fight back.
You show him exactly what you mean by reanimating chiaki's broken corpse, moving it and speaking through it like a puppet. He's stunned at first, before he freaks out and flinches away when you move it closer to him.
You bring him to where everyone else is, and display just how much power you have over this world. You begin to bring everyone who died back, this time really alive and working. Everyone's shocked, some are even happy. But that happiness is short-lived when you give in to the power.
You started to twist the world around you, and began to corrupt and brutally change everyone. You had them killed, brought back; executed, brought back, and so on. And hajime has to watch them killed in front of his eyes again, and again, and again.
You even punish him too by forcing him to remember who he really was, overloading his senses, and then going even further by killing and executing him as well.
He's breaking down faster then you thought, begging you to stop. He's crying, and in so much pain, but you just keep it going until you think he's had enough. And that isn't until hours in. Or at least what he thinks is hours.
When you're done, everything's gone black. Everyone's gone. There's only hajime in the fetal position, eyes stained with tears and exhaustion. He's shivering, and even the faintest touch would induce pain to him in this moment.
And then you swoop in, gently caressing his skin. Even if his body appeared fine, the pain and cuts and bruises still felt like they were there. So when your touch only caused him to feel soothed and calm, he was confused. . And instinctively his body wriggled closer to you. Weakly
You whispered into his ear, shushing his silent sobs and flinching. You told him it was all ok, it was all alright. You were here, and that's all he needed.
After that, hajime was careful.
You 'reset' the program, bringing everybody and everything back to their original slates. Except for hajime. He's forced to remember what you did to him. You make sure he remembers so he won't step out of line.
Chiaki and monomi are gone. They were no longer needed. And knowing you erased them completely just adds another layer of despair and depression for him.
He hates you. He fears you, but what can he do? You have him and everyone else in your control.
Don't bother thinking the future foundation will help either. Your control is so extreme, you're able to work the machines now. And besides
Their bodies are long dead anyway.
They'll never leave you. . He'll never leave you.
If hajime tries to fight against your grip well. . You may just have to punish him again. And if that still doesn't fix him, then. .
Maybe you'll have to be much more direct with the problem, by picking apart and swapping around his code. After all, everything's just 1s and 0s now.
He may come a little different, but he's still your hajime. He's just. . The version you want him to be.
And if that is the route you choose, then he'll love you unconditionally.
And really, that's all you want.
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fuwushiguro · 3 years
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@dabitdabi Welcome to playmate life gorgeous! Hawks is one of my favourites to write so thank you so much for sending him my way, I hope this is worth the wait!!
This is part of my Playboy Mansion event, feel free to participate!!
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Hawks x f!reader
Genre: smut, (idk if this might be a bit fluffy too??)
Warnings: 18+, virginity loss, consensual sex, mentions of alcohol, oral (female receiving), fingering, mentions of cum, vaginal sex, unprotected sex.
Words: 3.5k
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This wasn’t your first Playboy party, and you were sure it wouldn’t be your last. You’d been working as a bunny for around three months now, the first party was a little overwhelming, but the other girls were more than happy to hold your hand through the whole experience. The more parties you attended, the more comfortable you became. You never worried about guests being inappropriate, you weren’t just employees to your boss. You were bunnies, and you deserved to be treated with respect like everyone else attending the parties, you were the stars and made these extravagant events what they were.
You knew being a bunny came with the connotation of being hypersexualised, but becoming a bunny was too good of an opportunity to pass up. You weren’t one of the most popular bunnies since you were a little shy, but you were known by all of the guests who regularly attended these parties. You were often tagged in photos where you’d posed with guests. They’d always leave little comments that made you smile. You had the best job in the world.
Your first instance of trouble came at this particular party. You’d never experienced any guests acting unseemly, but this evening was different. You leaned over the bar to collect a tray of shots to walk around with, when you felt somebody tug on the tail attached to your corset. You ignored it at first, understanding that guests enjoyed playing with the bunnies. However when the assailant delivered a stinging spank to your ass cheek, your attention snapped in their direction. You recognised the man, he was a gruff looking entrepreneur who’s name you couldn’t place right now. It was apparent that he was drunk, you hoped it was just a little bit of teasing. He became a little more aggressive with you, begging you to kiss him and spend the night with him. There were no members of security nearby, but a few of your fellow bunnies did their best to help you get away from him, to no avail.
“Hey, get away from her.” You heard someone speak. You turned to face the soft voice, and struggled to see the man who had came to your defence through your bleary eyes. The drunk man tried to argue. Quickly you rubbed the droplets out of your vision so you could see who was helping you. Before the drunkard could state his case, your rescuer had grabbed him and pulled him towards a member of security to deal with. Some of your friends crowded you and coddled you, making sure you were okay after what happened. The blonde-haired hero came to check on you once he’d dealt with the situation. Before you could think, you rose to your feet with tears flowing from your eyes and ran to the nearest bathroom. You locked yourself in a stall while you broke down, feeling bad that your makeup would be ruined. You hoped that you wouldn’t get in too much trouble for taking the rest of the night off, but you’re sure that the other girls would defend you and explain the situation. You wouldn’t be surprised if the man who groped you got banned from attending these parties. There is a strict policy against any fornication at work, it was a fireable offence. But guests also had a one strike and you’re out rule, they mostly knew better than to try anything as brash as that man had, but he’d regret it now that he wouldn’t be invited to return ever again.
While you continued to cry, you heard the door squeak open, and footsteps approach your stall. You sniffed slightly, but mostly tried to calm yourself down. You couldn’t cry all evening after all, you didn’t want to give yourself a headache. You waited for the person to reveal themselves, assuming it was one of your friends. It would have been hard to tell who was who from the crack under the stall door. You were all in the same uniforms after all. But the shoes were nothing like your uniforms. It was a man, clearly, wearing a pair of bulky black boots and tan trousers.
“Um,” You sniffed, “Sir this is the ladies bathroom.” You alerted him, sure he already knew.
“Yeah, I know, I just wanted to check on you birdie.” He spoke back to you.
“I’m a bunny not a bird.” You corrected him, completely glossing over the pet name he’d decided to give you.
“Yeah I was just, never mind… You’re okay right? Can you come out here?” He queried. Obvious concern in his voice. You declined, you didn’t want him to see you like this. Your eyes were clouded with unshed tears. Your mascara had ran down your cheeks and you were sure your foundation underneath had probably ran too. But he wouldn’t take no for an answer, he asked you again… and again… and again…
“Fine.” You responded.
You flushed your crumpled up pieces of tear-stained toilet roll away and unlocked the door. His expression flickered from concern to sympathy as he saw how upset you were. You walked by him so that you could wash your hands, and you noticed in the mirror that he walked into the cubicle you’d just left. You weren’t sure what he was doing, but he returned to your side with several layers of toilet roll. When you washed and dried your hands, he ran the toilet roll under the tap. He cupped your face in one of his hands and lightly dabbed the damp tissue into your cheeks and under eyes. He was trying to help you; he was trying to tidy up your appearance. Why was he being so sweet?
“I think that just might make it worse.” You announced, knowing you were right.
“Okay then. Show me what I need to do.” He requested, “Please let me help you, I don’t want to see you upset like this over that scumbag.” He explained. Your heart clenched a little he was so caring and considerate; you could almost feel your heart melting. You took him by the hand and led him out of the bathrooms. You knew there were a lot of areas off limits and you’d risk losing your job, but you wanted to spend more time with your saviour and give him the chance to help you out again.
☆ ☆ ☆
You brought him to the bunny dressing room. You barged in with him assuming your co-workers wouldn’t be here, but one of them was sitting in a dressing chair topping up her makeup.
“You know you can’t bring people in here to hook up!” She reminded you.
“We aren’t here for that!” You protested, feeling extremely embarrassed. You felt the heat rise to your face and you tried to change the subject, “He just saved me from some trouble, please don’t tell anyone, he’s just checking on me.” You stated, hoping she’d take pity on you.
“Oh I don’t care, you know I won’t tell. I’m just about finished here so I’ll let you love birds do what you need to do.” She teased as she exited the glamorous pink dressing room.
You tried to protest once again before she left but it was too late. The honey-haired man smiled but decided not to join in the teasing. He simply requested that you show him what he needed to do to help you fix your makeup. But instead, you gave him your removal kit. You were done for the evening, there was no way you could go back to work when you felt the way you did. You both smiled and giggled sweetly as he did his best to remove your makeup for you. You chatted a little and got to know each other better, you found out his name was Keigo and he was a friend of the hosts. Once your makeup was off, you gave him a grateful, “thanks” and stood to your feet. The least you could do was escort him back downstairs before you turned in for the night.
“You know angel, you look just as cute without makeup as you do with.” He told you. You were stopped in your tracks as you couldn’t help but blush at the compliment. “Don’t you wanna hang out a little while before I have to leave?” He wondered, hoping you’d stick around. You knew that you shouldn’t, but you were too drawn to the handsome stranger that you couldn’t resist. You sat back down on the comfortable carpet with him and couldn’t help but coyly shy as he stared deeply into your eyes.
“Thanks again for saving me Keigo.” You repeated, you were so grateful for his help. You were sure that security would have helped you sooner or later, but you were truly fortunate that Keigo had been there to rescue you from his clutches.
“It really shook you up, didn’t it baby?” He sweetly questioned, “Have you never had to deal with something like that before?” He added. You shook your head.
“It was scary, obviously, but it wasn’t just that.” You expressed, not sure why you felt so comfortable sharing your personal life with this man.
“What do you mean?” He asked you, placing a hand on your leg. He stroked over your pantyhose with his thumb as he held onto you.
“Oh… I’m not sure I should say,” You started, “It’s a little embarrassing.” You followed. He didn’t speak, instead he just stared intensely into your sweet eyes, willing you to continue if you felt like it. You kept stuttering, starting and stopping your sentence as you tried to get the confidence to confide in him.
“Birdie, I promise I won’t judge you if you want to tell me.” He soothed, hoping to help you get your words out.
“It’s just… I’ve never…” You began. You screwed your eyes shut as you couldn’t bare to look at him when you finished your sentence, “I’m a virgin.” You blurted out. Your eyes were already closed but you felt so exposed you decided to cover your face with your hands too. You were so embarrassed; you were sitting with a guy who seemed too cool for school and probably had a wild sex life. You wouldn’t have been surprised if you opened your eyes and he was gone. But instead, you felt him grab your wrists and remove your hands from your face. Instinctively you opened your eyes, and right at that moment Keigo planted a delicate kiss onto your lips.
“I’m sorry if that was a little forward, I just wanted to show you it doesn’t bother me.” He smiled as he parted from your lips slightly. It was your first kiss, you weren’t upset. If anyone had to steal your first kiss, you weren’t mad about it being this beautiful stranger.
“Can we, um, do that again?” You asked, the words left your mouth and you instantly began to cringe. You hated how awkward you were, but he just had this effect on you. But before you could overthink your graceless comment, his lips were on yours once again.
You got lost in the feeling of his soft lips on yours. He tasted so heavenly; you couldn’t get enough. He got more adventurous and slipped a tongue into your mouth. You weren’t sure what to do so he did his best to guide you. Once you eased into it a little more, your kissing became more frenzied. You couldn’t get enough of each other. What started off soft and sweet became hot and passionate, but you knew you had to hold back. You couldn’t risk getting caught with him or you’d risk losing your job. He lightly groped your breast as his kissing traversed from your lips down to your neck. You couldn’t stop the moan that huffed from your lips, and you bucked against his thigh trying to gain some friction against your clothed cunt.
“You look fucking hot in that outfit.” He mumbled between kisses.
“Stop!” You raised your voice as you pushed yourself away from him.
“Did I do something wrong?” He wondered, confused by your sudden outburst.
“No, you’re great I’m sorry. It’s against the rules for Playmates to hook up with guests, I will lose my job if we’re caught.” You explained. Keigo nodded as if he understood, giving you an innocent smile as he planted a kiss on your lips once more.
“I get it. Sorry I got carried away.” He told you, picking himself off the ground. He held a hand out to you to help you to your feet, “I think I’ll get going. I’ll see you at the next party though, right?” He explained. You didn’t want to see him at the next party. You didn’t want him to leave. But you didn’t want to risk losing your job for the sake of keeping Keigo around. And you really didn’t want to throw your virginity at him just to prevent him from leaving.
“I, um…”
“I’ll have no reason to come to these things anymore if I don’t get to hang out with the prettiest bunny in the whole mansion.” He smiled, lightly brushing his thumb over your cheek.
You weren’t usually one for compliments. You knew guys would say anything to get in your pants. But there was something so sincere about Keigo. The way everything seemed so genuinely sweet and affectionate when he spoke to you. The way he made you feel like you were the only other person in the whole world with him. You loved being a bunny. You loved living with the girls and you loved all of the fun you had at the mansion. But you were in a role in which you were hypersexualised to everyone around you. How could they expect guests to not want to fuck you? How could you be expected to resist someone as sexy as Keigo? You didn’t think you’d lose your virginity like this, but who were you saving it for anyway?
☆ ☆ ☆
You pressed your lips against Keigo’s once again, and he was more than happy to respond. You began tugging at his clothes, indicating that you wanted them off. You didn’t break your kissing for more than a second. He took his jacket off while still deeply kissing you but removed himself quickly whilst he took off his t-shirt. You didn’t break the kiss either while you removed your high heels. You shrunk a few inches but Keigo didn’t mind leaning down a little further to keep smothering you in affection. He began to travel down to your neck once again but settled on the flesh of your breasts that were being hoisted up by your corset. You let out soft sighs as he continued. He crouched down slightly as he began fondling the bottom of your corset that resided between your thighs. He managed to unbutton it as he pulled down your sheer tights and panties. You were about to remove your corset when he asked you not to.
“You look too fucking good in that outfit to take it off.” He alerted you.
You felt slightly embarrassed by the praise, but it didn’t last long when he pulled you down to kiss him again, you were looming over him a little as you did. “Lie down.” He commanded. You did as you were told, eagerly awaiting whatever he had planned. He parted your legs a little, he repeatedly kissed your leg as he travelled up towards your pussy. He spread your legs wider when he reached your sopping sex, and instantly got to work licking your clit. You moaned almost instantly at the contact as your body softened into his touch. He slowly plunged a finger in, carefully working your innocent interior.
“Tell me if it hurts or if you want me to stop, okay birdie?” He instructed.
“Y-yeah…” You moaned. You’d be crazy to want this feeling to end.
He latched back onto your clit. His licking started off slow, but he eventually picked up the pace. He alternated between licking and sucking at your sensitive bundle of nerves all while still pumping his digit in and out of your tight cunt. The euphoric feeling caused you to writhe around on the ground. You were compelled to close your legs and clamp them around your lovers head, but he used his free hand to pin one of your legs to the ground while he continued working at your desperate cunt. He slipped another finger inside of you and continued his motions. He frantically began scissoring you open so he could prepare you for his cock. The sensations were too much, you hadn’t felt like this before. You felt a rising knot in your stomach and you were sure it was going to unfurl at any moment.
“P-please, Keigo I… I think I’m gonna.” You panted, your chest rising and falling at a rapid pace.
“No.” He spoke. Halting all actions. You were crushed. Why did he stop? You whimpered at the loss of contact and Keigo admired your little virgin hole clenching around nothing. You sat up a little, wondering what was going on. “Lie back down for me angel.” He commanded. You did as you were told, anticipating what he was doing. You knew instantly when you heard the unzipping of his pants. He was going to fuck you.
“Keigo… N-need it. Need it s’bad.” You whined. Your bratty voice earned a smirk from Keigo.
“Yeah? My mouth and fingers made you a little needy huh? I wanted to feel you cum around my cock.” He told you as he made contact with your dripping pussy. The feeling of him sliding his cock up and down your slit alone was heavenly. You were desperate for him to fill out your hole.
“Please, please fuck me now.” You requested.
He lined himself up with your entrance. He slowly sunk himself into you, making continuous eye contact with you as he did so. He was paying attention to every facial expression you made, he didn’t want to hurt you. He was impressed that you took him like champ, he completely bottomed out inside of you and he was more than ready to fuck your brains out.
He set a harsh pace almost instantly, he was aching with such a desperate need to cum. As soon as he saw you he knew that he had to have you tonight. He could see there was something untouched and innocent about you, but he didn’t expect you to be a fully fledged virgin. You were his now. No matter what you’d remember him as your first sexual encounter and no one would ever be able to compare.
He continued drilling into you, thoughts of owning you bringing him closer to his climax. Your arousal was rebuilding too. He began kissing you once again, although it was hard for each of you to focus. The building pleasure in the pair of you caused you both to occasionally moan into each other’s mouths. The sounds being devoured by each other arousing you more, bringing you closer and closer to your highs. He bent both of your legs up to your chest so he could continue pounding you at a deeper angle.
“K-Keigo,” You whimpered, “It hurts.” You expressed, not used to the feeling of him nudging your cervix.
“I’m sorry birdie, I’ll make it better I promise, I just-“ He stopped as he moaned through his speech. Making no attempt to change what he was doing to alleviate the pain you were feeling, “Cum for me baby you’ll feel better, I wanna feel you cum around me.” He huffed into your face. He reached down and began toying with your clit as he encouraged you to let yourself go. The contact was more than enough to send you over the edge. You were forced to keep constant eye contact with Keigo as he fucked you through your release. Your cunt clamped down on him, milking his cock for all it was worth. He rested his forehead on yours as you both came together, looking lovingly into each other’s eyes.
You’d always heard mixed reviews about losing your virginity. You would either hear that it was a beautiful and romantic moment you should give to someone meaningful, or that it’s a terrible time and it has no meaning on your life. You didn’t know Keigo very well at all, but you felt grateful that he was the one you got to share your first time with. For someone who was a stranger, he truly did care about your enjoyment and keeping you safe. He was still between your legs, letting you warm his cock as he laid on top of you. He gently peppered kisses on your forehead and cheeks while stroking your hair.
You were lucky you hadn’t been caught, you were lucky that for now you still had a job. But if he comes back to the next mansion party, you knew that you wanted to do this with him again.
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© 2021 dabistiktokdance
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Thank you so much again for participating, it was a pleasure to write this and have you be a bunny for the night! I hope you enjoyed your experience at the party!! 
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cafedanslanuit · 3 years
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chapter guide | prev. chapter | next chapter
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✖   —   chapter summary: Now that Zeke has explained what truly happened with Yelena, all your troubles have finally ended. Except that now you need to start avoiding Porco. However, things change once you overhear a conversation in the woman's bathroom.
✖   —   pairing: porco/reader & zeke/reader
✖   —   chapter tags/warnings: college au, descriptions of panic attacks, lots of self-doubt, gaslighting, hurt/comfort, fluff, referenced cheating. 
✖   —   a/n: i have posted the playlist that goes with this series! click here to check this post <3
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chapter three: me and my husband
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Porco looked at his cellphone, an ill sensation filling up his stomach as he read over and over your last messages. For the past few days, he had been trying to reach out to you but he had been rejected every time.
He knew something wrong was going on the moment you said you couldn’t make it to his lacrosse game. Ever since you became friends, you hadn’t missed a single game. He had once seen you finishing an essay on your phone and sending it while you were sitting on the bleachers, excited for the game to begin. He had seen you falling asleep on his shoulder during a party after a game, too tired from studying for a test that you took earlier.
Porco sighed. He wished he could find any other reason to explain your behaviour but the only one that came to his mind was his late night confession to you. He shouldn’t have told you he loved you. Now you were avoiding him and his feelings and he was scared he had lost your friendship completely.
He put the phone on his back pocket and grabbed his keys, heading to the parking lot. After getting into his car, he turned on the radio and drove out of the campus, entering the main highway of the city. He wasn’t sure where he was heading to, but all he knew is that he wanted to stop thinking about you, the moment he thought you had shared and the dry messages that followed.
He had really fucked it up.
 Sitting on your faculty’s corridor floor, you looked over at the texts Porco had been sending you the past week. It physically pained you to be so curt with someone that meant so much to you. Porco had always been there for you, even in the times you had told him you really didn’t need him. He cared when you got sick, when you were sad and also when you wanted company to crash a party on campus. You two had been inseparable since the day you met and he was already acquaintances with Annie and Armin due to all the time he had spent at your place.
This was the right thing to do, you told yourself one more time, closing your Instagram. You were taking the right decision. Porco had fallen in love with you and then had tried to make you think your boyfriend had cheated on you. If Zeke hadn’t pointed that out for you, you probably wouldn’t have noticed until it was too late. Truly, you were lucky Zeke had been understanding about the whole situation and had forgiven you for not trusting in him.
Porco wasn’t a bad person. You knew in your heart he wasn’t. But you had been wrong to trust he had your best interest in his mind.
That’s what didn’t make sense. Why had Porco, sweet and caring Porco had suddenly decided to put you against Zeke only just because he had caught feelings for you? The Porco you knew wouldn’t have done that. If he truly only wanted to drive you away from Zeke, he would have let you kiss him the night he spent with you. He would have taken the opportunity, right? So, why didn’t he?
Your head started hurting.
Your thumb ghosted over Porco’s contact on your phone, wondering whether to call him or not. You missed him dearly and knew that if you asked him to be honest, he would. There were countless moments in the past where he had been honest with you, from the time he confessed to accidentally stepping on your foundation powder and the time he opened up about his father’s death.
He’ll say anything to make you doubt your relationship with me.
Zeke’s voice resonated in your ears and you bit your tongue. He was right. You needed to remember Porco was trying to put you against your boyfriend.
Before you could think of a counterargument, you shot a quick text to Zeke. Yes. A day with your boyfriend would help you keep your mind busy.
“wanna hang out later? <3”
You watched intently, a small smile on your face as the three dots twinkled on your screen. Zeke’s answer came a few seconds later.
“Can’t. Exam tomorrow :(“
He then sent you a picture of a couple of books over a table that you recognized as the university’s library. He also had the tumbler you had given him a couple of months ago, filled with straight black coffee if you had to take a guess.
“:(( okaaaay, good luck on your exam, love u!”
You put your phone away and sighed. You missed Zeke too. The few days after you had confronted him about the time you thought you saw Yelena and him kissing, he had showered you with love. You had spent the weekend at his place wearing nothing but an old t-shirt of his and making love several times a day. You snuggled to him on the couch as he watched an old documentary and playfully took the cigar from his lips and took a puff yourself. ‘Ladies like you shouldn’t smoke,’ he had said playfully as he took it back from your lips and then pressed a kiss on your temple.
Nevertheless, the short honeymoon phase after you made up had come to an end. You knew it was going to happen, but now your body and heart were craving more of him and his classes were taking all his time. If it wasn’t an exam it was a group project or a study session and even if you knew seniors had it way harder than you, you missed him. Missed his beard scratching your neck, his strong cologne and his deep chuckle whenever you managed to make him smile.
Maybe you could walk around the mall. You still had some birthday money and you could treat yourself a little. Maybe a new body cream or a pair of cute underwear from Victoria Secret to surprise your boyfriend after he was done with his classes. Yes, a shopping trip was exactly what you needed to stop thinking so much. Smiling, you walked to the bathroom of your faculty, just a quick detour to freshen up before you got into your car. 
You looked at yourself in the mirror and took out your lipstick, fixing it carefully.
“I fucking hate her.”
You turned around as you saw three girls entering the bathroom. They stood by your side, none of them seeming to notice your presence. One of them fixing her hair, another was looking down at her phone, eyebrows knitted together and mumbling more and more curses and the last one just leaned against the bathroom stalls, arms crossed against her chest as she watched the other two.
“We did tell you she wasn’t meant to be trusted,” she reminded the girl with the phone. When she raised her head, you recognized her as Pieck, one of Porco’s close friends, who you had seen around at a lot of parties and on many of his Instagram photos.
“How is that helping me?” Pieck asked icily.
“I’m just saying, Yelena is shady. Telling you all that crap about only being able to open up with you— and for what? For her to post photo after photo of her fuckboy?” the girl in front of the mirror said. “Like, nobody needs to know you’re getting it at the library, why post about it? Literally, nobody cares.”
“She’s not worth it,” the other girl interjected. 
“She really isn’t, babe. And Zeke isn’t even that hot,” her friend continued with a mocking laugh. “The one that looks like a clown is her, not you. Just let it go.”
“He truly is a bad case of the monkey face,” Pieck agreed with a snort. “Men like that are what keep me a lesbian.”
“Hi Pieck,” you greeted her. For the first time, Pieck looked your way and widened her eyes, recognizing you in an instant.
“Hey,” she said in an apologetic voice. “I— I’m sorry. Shouldn’t have said that.”
You faked a chuckle. “It’s okay. I just wanted to say you shouldn’t worry about them, Yelena is—”
“Yeah, yeah, we both shouldn’t worry. You’re probably trying to move on and ignore them too,” Pieck sighed and then pursed her lips in discomfort. “But I know you were Zeke’s girlfriend for a while, it’s normal you don’t want to hear about who he’s fucking now—”
“Zeke and I are still together,” you interrupted her.
Pieck’s face fell at your words. She looked at her friends, who were also looking at each other with an indecipherable expression. Your furrowed your eyebrows, confused as to why they were sharing those glances. Why would they think you weren’t with Zeke? Sure, you hadn’t posted photos with him lately but that didn’t mean you weren’t together anymore.
“I’ll catch up with you in a bit,” Pieck said softly to her friends. They nodded and said they would be by the cafeteria before leaving. Once they went away, Pieck closed the bathroom door and walked to you again.
“Why— why would you think we’re not together?” you insisted, your voice trembling more than you would have wanted.
“Yelena and Zeke are fucking,” she sentenced in a soft voice. You shook your head.
“I know that’s what it looks like but Yelena likes women,” you said. “You— I mean you guys were dating or something, right? You know she’s a lesbian, she’s just pretending to have something with Zeke so her parents back off for a while.”
Pieck’s silence was deafening.
“Right?” you pushed. “It’s cool because she’s a lesbian and—”
“Yelena is bisexual.”
You paused, blinking as you tried to understand. After a few seconds, you shook your head.
“She’s not.”
“The reason we’re not dating anymore is because I saw her fucking Zeke at a party,” she explained.
“No,” you said, and shook your head once more. “No, because if it happened at a party then someone would have seen them. Someone would have noticed, there would have been rumours, I would have  known . Pieck, someone would have told me, Reiner, Marcel, Porco—”
“They weren’t there. Almost everyone was a senior.”
“Then you! You would have told me,” you cried. “You’re telling me you saw my boyfriend fucking someone else and didn’t tell me!? Pieck—!”
“I thought you weren’t together anymore!” she defended herself. “What was I supposed to think when every single one of his friends at that shitty apartment knew he was fucking her in the bedroom and they all acted like it was a normal thing to do? I see all these photos of both of them and…” she continued, shaking her phone. “Of course I think he’s not with you anymore! Yelena is uploading pictures as she rests her legs on his lap, about their movie dates at his place and you want me to think she has a girlfriend!?”
Tears started falling from your eyes as she spoke. You sniffled, trying to compose yourself but you could feel every muscle of your body shaking.
“Does Porco know?” you asked in a whisper.
“I know you two are best friends since high school. You— you had to tell him. If this was real, if this happened, you had to tell Porco,” you reasoned. “So tell me, Pieck, does Porco know?” you insisted, raising your voice, hating the way it cracked at the end.
Pieck shook her head. “I told him Yelena cheated on me, didn’t tell him with who.”
“Because he told me not to date Yelena, said she wasn’t a good person. I didn’t want to prove Porco right, you know him,” Pieck said with a small shrug.
You nodded idly, your eyes lost. No. It didn’t make sense, it didn’t— even if it did. It did make sense but it  couldn’t make sense. Because if Pieck was right, if Yelena and Zeke were—
“Give me a date,” you whispered.
“When was this?”
“I don’t— Two weeks ago?”
“I need to know the exact date, Pieck.”
“Girl, I don’t remember exactly, I—”
“Give me a date, Pieck!” you sobbed, raising your voice. She sighed and nodded, taking out her phone.
You watched as Pieck went through her messages with Yelena, scrolling up as she tried to remember the date. Your breath was hitching, inhaling more than you were exhaling but you didn’t care. You wanted to know when it was. Pieck was going to tell you it happened on a date where he was with you. She was going to say it happened one of the nights you and Zeke stayed the weekend at his place and then you would know she’s lying. Yes, that was going to happen. She would tumble over her own lie and this nightmare would be over.
“March 31st,” Pieck murmured. “I kept texting her, asking where she was before I went to look for her,” she reminisced, before showing you her phone.
                                                                                           lena where are u
                                          why are my friends saying you’re with zeke rn
                                                                                         yelena answer me
                                                                                    fuck u i’m going there
                                                FUCK YOU YELENA YOURE THE WORST
                                                                  PIECE OF SHIT IVE EVER MET
                                                                            REALLY???? ZEKE?????
                                                                           HOPE YOU GET HERPES
                                                                                 I FUCKING HATE YOU
babe, i’m sorry
can we talk?
A bitter taste crept inside your mouth as you took out your phone and went through yours and Zeke’s messages, looking desperately for the date. It was the weekend you spent together. It had to be. The memories of Zeke’s kitchen calendar that said April were lying to you. It had to be March. Or maybe he changed the calendar because he was with you on March 31st.
You scrolled up until March and went to read the messages exchanged on that day.
Good morning! I know it’s really early
But I want to see you today <3
Meet me at the tennis court?
                                                                                  sure, i’ll take an uber :)
Silent sobs escaped your mouth as your phone started shaking in your trembling hands. Pieck whispered apologies and you wanted nothing more than to tell her to shut up, that it wasn’t her fault, that she wasn’t the one that swore she wanted to marry you and then went to fuck someone else at a party, not caring if he was seen or not.
But it wasn’t true. Zeke said it was just a ruse, that Yelena just wanted to hide her queerness, that they were just good friends. He said so. Pieck had to be lying, she had to be. She was just messing with you, lying to see how much you could believe her. Because Zeke wouldn’t do that, you were the one he trusted, you were the one he was going to marry, you—
Pieck was still holding her phone in front of you.
With the very same date.
And Yelena admitting her crime.
But it couldn't be right. There had to be a mistake because Zeke loved you. He loved you and he had told you about his family, he had taken you to meet his grandparents, he promised he hadn’t kissed Yelena that night, he—
Had he not kissed her?
Was it only a movie night?
No, it hadn’t.
“Hey, are you okay?”
Pieck’s voice sounded far, your lips parted as you tried to gasp for air. You lifted your head and saw her lips moving but you couldn’t hear any sound but your heart beating out of your chest. Tingles started creeping on your fingers and without you being able to do anything to prevent it, you dropped your phone on the bathroom floor.
Why didn’t it make a sound?
Why were your fingers numb?
You lifted your head and Pieck was gone. Dismissing her sudden disappearance, you crouched down and picked your phone. You winced at the huge crack on your screen and slid your finger several times over it until you could press on Zeke’s contact and call him.
As his phone rang, you pressed your back on the wall, slowly sinking until you were sitting on the floor.
“Baby, I told you I was studying for this test, I can’t—”
“I know about you and Yelena,” you said in a broken voice. You heard him let out an annoyed sigh on the other line.
“Didn’t we talk about this already? I told you she’s not—”
“I know about the party. The day we played baseball and— that same night you went to a party and fucked her,” you sobbed. You wiped the tears on your face with the back of your hand. “Zeke, tell me it’s a lie, tell me you didn’t do this, please,  please  tell me you didn’t really fuck Yelena,” you begged. “Please.”
“You know what? Get some help. Like, psychological help. This isn’t normal.”
The silence after Zeke hung up choked you. Your chest rose up and down as you sobbed uncontrollably. Your brain was screaming. Loudly. ‘Make it stop,’ you told yourself. ‘Get it together. Make it stop.’
Make it stop.
                         Make it stop.
                                                 Make it stop.
                                                                         Make it stop.
                                                                                                 Make it stop.
 It’s a lie.
                                                                                                  Make it stop.
He lied to you.
He fucked her.
                                                                                                 Please, stop.
He lied.
                                                                                              I can’t breathe.
When you woke up, Porco was there.
Your head felt heavy as you tried to sit up, rubbing your eyes. A quick look around let you know you were in your apartment but you weren’t sure as to  how , or why your friend was there, his phone on his lap and his eyes looking at you filled with worry.
He whispered your name as if his voice could hurt you. “How are you feeling?”
“What are you doing here?” you asked groggily. You noticed your throat was hurting as well. “What hour is it?” you mumbled as you palmed your jean pockets looking for your phone. You found it hidden between two pillows and pressed the power button, trying to see if you had any unread messages.
“Pieck called me,” Porco explained. “And it’s eight and a half.”
Pieck. Pieck with her friends in the bathroom, Pieck with the text messages. Everything came back to you in a second and you couldn’t help but wince at the way your head hurt.
“How are you feeling?” he insisted. You took a deep breath. The small movement made you realize how much the muscles of your back were hurting along with your arms. You licked your lips, hating how dry they felt against your tongue.
“I broke my phone.”
Porco furrowed his eyebrows. “What?”
“I— I dropped it. There’s a crack on the screen.”
He nodded slowly and looked down at his shoes, his forearms resting on his knees. You could almost listen to his loud thoughts, one coming after another inside his head. Porco sighed and turned his head back to you.
“Want me to get it fixed? Marcel knows a guy, I’m sure he can get it done by tomorrow.”
“No, it’s okay. It’s working just fine,” you said, passing your thumb over the crack. “No need to change it.”
Porco watched your eyes get lost on the dark screen and tightened his lips. He had the urge to throw your phone out of your window, make you understand you had to leave it, that it wasn’t good for you, that you didn’t need it, that you didn’t need  him —
Instead, he nodded.
“What happened?” you asked.
Porco paused, deliberating his words before speaking. “Pieck called and told me what you guys talked about and that… you didn’t take it well. She said you were crying and— that you had a panic attack, so she left the bathroom to look for help. She found Armin and he was the one that helped you regain your breath. Once you settle down, he called Annie to tell her what happened and she picked you up. When I got here you were already asleep on the couch, Annie said it was okay if I waited here.”
“I… don’t remember much,” you confessed with a grimace. “I don’t remember Armin helping me out. I— I do remember what Pieck and I talked about, though. Wish I could forget it instead,” you snorted. 
“Wanna talk about it?”
You shook your head.  Ouch . Why did every muscle of your body hurt so much?
“Wanna watch some shitty reality TV?” he offered. He didn’t miss the way a small smile appeared on your face.
In a matter of minutes, Porco had gone into your room and brought your laptop, and started looking for the show on Netflix. He put your laptop on his thighs and let you crawl by his side, your head resting against his shoulder.
“Wish they had Ink Master,” you sighed, as the intro of Netflix’s newest reality show played on your screen.
“We both know Netflix doesn’t have good shows.”
You snorted. “Black Mirror is good.”
“And yet we’re watching The Circle,” Porco teased you.
“Weren’t you the one that binged Season 1 on one night and then asked me to do the same so you could rant?” you reminded him with a playful tone.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he replied nonchalantly, making you chuckle.
What followed next was a comfortable silence. One episode went by and Porco made no attempts to stop it from automatically playing the second episode. You snuggled closer, the fabric of his green jacket feeling nice against your cheek. How long had it been since you felt so much peace with someone else by your side?
In any other situation, you would be commenting on it, pressing pause just to bitch and rant about the contestants or make quick runs to the kitchen. But Porco was sitting still, his eyes fixed on the screen and his arms crossed in front of his chest. He was trying to comfort you the best way he could, knowing any words would fail, he aimed to create a safe space for you and not force you to behave normally when you both knew better than to completely ignore what had happened earlier.
Right. Zeke.
You felt your eyes watering and bit the inside of your cheek to prevent them from falling down. Focusing on your breath, you inhaled and exhaled rhythmically until the knot in your throat seemed to loosen up. Your feelings towards Zeke were confusing, a part of you wanting to run, look for him and demand an explanation. Another part of you wanted to face with, punch his stupid little face until you got tired and leave him on the floor. And another, maybe a bigger part of you wanted him to cradle you in his strong arms, kiss your temple and scratch your skin with his beard as he whispered sweet nothings to you.
You swallowed. Maybe Zeke was right. Maybe you did need psychological help.
Could you trust his words if he were to provide another explanation? Could you ever trust in him again? Most of all, could you trust yourself? Many voices had different opinions inside your head, yet they all agreed on something.
You were miserable.
“Every time I’m not with him, I’m anxious,” you mumbled, the words leaving your mouth before you thought them over. Porco moved his hand to pause the show, but you gestured to him not to. “And when he’s with me…” you continued, “I feel like I’m drowning.”
Your voice cracked at the end. Porco’s hand twitched, not sure what to do next. Should he hold you, put an arm around your shoulder to comfort you? Should he not move a muscle until you were done? Should he offer a word of comfort? He turned his head to you and noticed tears were silently streaming down your face.
“If Zeke was in front of me right now and told me Pieck lied her ass off, even after all the proof she showed me today… I would believe him. I would,” you sobbed. “And I hate myself so much for it. I’m so tired of this, I’m so tired of loving him, Pock.”
Porco’s hand cupped your head, his fingers gently caressing your hair. You snuggled closer to him, his perfume soothing the pain inside your heart and his gentle gesture comforting you. That was the magic Porco had. You knew he wasn’t always good with his words and most of the time he preferred to show rather than tell and boy, did he do a spectacular good job at showing you how much he cared.
He was there. Even after you had been ignoring him for over two weeks, he was here with his green jacket and his earthy-scented perfume ready to hold you if you needed him. And you did. You could never think of a moment where you wouldn’t want him to be there with you. 
You wiped your face with the back of your hand and reluctantly pulled away from his touch, turning on your seat so you were facing him. You paused your show and put a strand of your hair behind your ear.
“Thank you,” you said, biting down your bottom lip. “For being here and waiting until I woke up. I— I’ve been such a bad friend to you,” you sighed. “I’m so sorry, I just—”
Porco shook his head. “No. I’m sorry for what I said the night I stayed here.”
“No, you don’t need to— I mean— I wasn’t mad about it,” you fumbled with your words, feeling your cheeks heat up.
“I don’t know,” Porco shrugged. “Felt like I made you uncomfortable.”
“You didn’t,” you assured him. “Thank you for staying with me that night. I really didn’t want to be alone.”
“I just— Can I say something else? Promise this is the last time I talk about it.” You nodded. “I didn’t love you the first time I met you,” he blurted, shrugging. “I mean, it’s not like I saw you and caught feelings— first time I saw you you were drunk off your ass at Reiner’s party. I was your friend first. Still am, nothing will change that. And honestly? I wouldn’t be surprised if my feelings went away,” he chuckled. “Who knows. Might finally meet someone else and fall for them.”
“Yeah, maybe you’ll meet someone,” you agreed with a strained smile.
“Whatever happens, know that before anything else, I’m your friend,” Porco said, golden eyes setting on yours. “And that will never change. You’re stuck with me.”
“And you’re stuck with me.”
“See any other reason why I’m watching a shitty reality show on a Tuesday night?”
At this, you hit Porco with one of the pillows, square on his face. You couldn’t help but laugh at his stunned face.
“You’re  so  fucked,” he said, putting the laptop on the coffee table in front of him.
You took this as a sign to run, the ache in your muscles forgotten at the back of your head as you tried to dodge the pillows Porco was throwing at you. Your legs weren’t weak anymore, as you quickly jumped to avoid the furniture and picked up one of the pillows to throw it back at him. Your heart was no longer aching, but jumping as you cackled when Porco tripped and fell. Even if your eyes were watering again, this time was due to the excessive laughter. And yes, your breath was hitching but it was thanks to Porco chasing you around the living room.
You let yourself fall on the floor next to Porco, the coldness of the floor soothing your skin as he dramatically held his knee against his chest like an injured soccer player. You turned your head to him, smiling at his antics as he filled your heart with happiness once  more.
Maybe that had been his power all along.
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bestiesenpai · 3 years
firsts with Choso
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Imma do this as a non-curse au and also force everyone to see my vision of Instagram star Choso lol, gender neutral lads~
Content warning: there is drinking
First meeting
Choso was a celebrity. Did he ever call himself one? No. But in the eyes of the internet, he was properly famous, amassing an easy two million followers and counting through his short time on Instagram
Posting mainly fashion content, it was no surprise that he had hundreds upon hundreds of photographers asking him to model for them and brands begging to collaborate
His manager took care of most of those things, fielding the serious requests with the not so serious
Which is how he found himself shooting for a pretty well known magazine
There were people shouting and running around even though it was barely pushing six am. Choso hadn’t slept the whole night, his insomnia keeping him awake until the photoshoot. Downing a piping hot black coffee first thing in the morning, when he arrived at the shoot there were already assistants pouring him more cups.
“Choso, hair and makeup is ready for you.” His manager said, putting a hand on his shoulder and guiding him silently to the room. The lights were way too bright here, stinging Choso’s eyes and almost giving him a headache.
Sitting down in the makeup chair with his eyes closed, Choso heaved a heavy sigh as he got comfortable.
“Uhm, excuse me?” A timid voice sounded behind him, from the previously closed door to the room.
“Hm?” Cracking open an eye, Choso looked in the mirror in front of him to see who was speaking. A makeup assistant, wringing their hands together nervously and not meeting his bloodshot eyes.
“I’m uh- I’m here to start your makeup.” Your voice was so cute when addressing him, a little higher pitched than what he assumed was normal. Biting your lip, you slid into the room slowly, standing a good distance behind his chair and looking at him through the mirror.
“Okay, I’ll sit up.” Gulping the rest of his coffee down, Choso sat up pin straight in the makeup chair. Even if he fell asleep in the chair he trained himself well enough to not slouch over once he was in this position.
You began to work silently, pulling out products and laying them down with trembling hands. Your nervousness was cute, endearing almost to Choso. He knew he could look rather intimidating, that’s partly why he had so many followers, and to see you so scared in front of him made a lazy smirk grace his face.
“I’ll be putting your base on now?” Even though you tried to sound stern your sentence came out as a question and Choso blew air sharply through his nose, fighting the uptick of his lips as you fiddled with products.
Choso sat perfectly still while you began to touch his face. With half lidded eyes he could see your name badge swinging from the lanyard around your neck. (Y/N) was printed in large letters, impossible to miss.
A few minutes passed in pure silence between you and Choso could feel your hands shake when you cupped his cheek to apply foundation and patting powder across his face. The door swung open just as you went to swap a few products around, someone had come to take you away for a few minutes.
“Oh, I’ll only be gone a little bit, but the main makeup artist should be here before I return.” You spewed out, dropping the things in your hands against the counter. Forcing a polite smile at Choso, your feet shuffled awkwardly as you flip-flopped between saying something more, waiting for his reply or just leaving in entirely.
“Thank you (Y/N), you did a great job.” Choso said calmly, smiling back at you and taking a sip of his now lukewarm coffee. Your mouth dropped briefly in surprise and your brows rose up, your whole face opened up in sweet surprise. Biting your lip and rocking on your heels, a shy giggle left your chest.
“Bye Choso.” Giggling again as you said his name, you scurried from the room like an embarrassed school girl, gushing about Choso to the person waiting for you as you left the room.
First hangout
The next time Choso saw you, it was to fix his lip makeup between pictures, and your hands shook then too
As the day wore on, Choso found himself completely smitten with how helpless you were in front of him, how scared and nervous you were. He felt the ever growing urge to protect you, even if it was from himself
He’s elated when the team proposes going out to dinner together, both as a way to refuel and get to know each other better since this photoshoot will be a few days long
Heading out into the darkening world outside the studio, Choso makes sure to stick close by you
He’s not standing directly near you, but Choso makes sure to stay behind you as the group walks. He’s watching you talk animatedly with your friends, no doubt other small time assistants just eager to get started in the industry. Your smile warms his heart and when you laugh loudly at a crosswalk Choso chuckles as well.
Once at the restaurant, he cunningly makes sure he’s seated next to you. He doesn’t say anything, but he can tell your demeanor has shifted because you get just a little bit quieter, that nervous energy comes back a little.
“(Y/N), what’re you thinking of getting?” Choso asks you as he looks over the menu. He can hear your breath hitch, obviously surprised he even addressed you.
“Uhm, I’m not sure, I’ve never been here before.” Shrugging your shoulder, you quickly skim the menu. “Is there anything you’re thinking of getting?”
“Hmmm…” Drumming his fingers on the table, Choso shrugs as well. “Whatever you get, I’ll get too.”
“That’s a lot of pressure.” Laughing nervously, you flip through the menu. “I don’t even know what you like.”
“I’ll like whatever you like.” Choso wouldn’t necessarily call this flirting, he didn’t consider himself particularly suave or charming, but from the way you stammered and hid your face with the menu, clearly flustered, told him that most people would consider what he was doing flirting. Especially you.
“Okay but don’t blame me if you don’t like it.” Came your whispered reply from behind the menu, and Choso just knew your cheeks and ears were on fire.
“As long as you pick it out, I won’t have a single complaint.”
First kiss
From that moment on, Choso knew he liked you. It wasn’t hard to get you to come out of your shell and talk more casually with him, afterall he was the oldest of a lot of brothers
Talking with you all throughout dinner, Choso was a little more excited to go to work. Even if you didn’t end up liking him the same way, you could still be friends - something that Choso was kind of lacking
As the days of the photoshoot wore on and you got closer with each other, Choso found himself yearning to ask you to hang out outside of all of this, when it all ends and you don’t have to be professional with him
He knows he only has one chance left at the very last team dinner, a celebratory occasion that is sure to go out with a bang
“Let’s drink to all the hard work we put in these last few days!” The photographer cheered, already drunk and swaying in his chair. No one cared though, everyone was already a little drunk. Choso had a few beers himself and was feeling the beginnings of a pleasant buzz, and it seemed so were you. With a dopey smile on your face and slightly glassy eyes, you laughed a little too hard at a joke across the table with a fruity drink in your hand.
“(Y/N) don’t drink too much, you’re a terrible lightweight!” Someone teased a few seats down and a couple people chuckled in agreement.
“W-whatever!” Sticking your tongue out, you downed the rest of your drink and quickly ordered another. “I deserve to have fun, that photoshoot was stressful!”
It was indeed. Between actually taking the pictures, going to the different locations, waking up early and creating promo content for his Instagram, Choso was swamped. The only highlights of his day would be when you would come to do his makeup or fix it, or these times when you’d sit together during dinner.
“Yeah you do.” Putting a hand on your shoulder, Choso pat it a few times and you easily swayed with the motions. This wasn’t the first time he was touching you, he’d pat you on the back a few other times, but seeing you bend so easily made him laugh.
Choso kept a keen eye on you for the entirety of dinner, watching you down drink after drink and forcing you to drink water in between some of them. It was fun to see you let go like this, he never thought he’d get the chance, and the desire to protect you was coming up again.
When the group decided to go to karaoke after dinner, Choso kept an arm around your shoulder as you all walked to the next location. He kept you from falling and bumping into things and being kidnapped by random strangers you wanted to talk to as you walked by. Getting to the room in one piece, you all crowd in and the party continues.
Choso can barely make heads or tails of what’s going on, there’s people taking pictures and videos of everything, his manager is drunkenly securing another deal for him over the phone, and there’s loud and offkey singing blaring through the speakers. He almost thinks about bailing, but seeing you so amped up and singing along as well has him staying.
“Choso, what’d you think?” You shout over the music ten minutes later. You’re breathless from doing a song and collapse into the open seat next to him.
“You did great.” Choso grins. He can see the sweat on your hairline and he had definitely taken pictures of you singing to look at later. You beam at him, obviously happy to get his approval, and bounce up and down in your seat.
“I have to go pee, do you know where the bathroom is?” Your tiny drunk bladder would truly be the death of you. Helping you up, Choso exits the karaoke room and guides you down the hall to the bathrooms, far away from the noise filled rooms. Waiting for you to come out, Choso can tell you’re properly drunk.
“You good?” Quirking his head to the side, Choso grabs your upper arm as you stumble towards him.
“Choso! I gotta- gotta do something!” Hiccuping through your words, you have the front of his shirt in a vice grip as you square your shoulders in front of him. With a fiery determined look in your eyes, you push forward.
At first, you bump your noses painfully together and a quiet curse slips under your breath. But then you try again and your lips actually make contact with Choso’s. The kiss is sloppy, messy - it’s as drunk as you are. He can taste the liquor on your lips, creating a smooth glide along the surface that makes it easier to slide against him.
Just as Choso is getting into it, his hands coming to grip your waist instead of your arms, you let go. Push him away hard and stumble back at the same time. There’s tears in your eyes, lower lip quivering pathetically.
“I-I should go.”
“(Y/N) wait-” You run away before he can say anything, before Choso has a chance to grab your hand and pull you back to him and tell you that he’s wanted to kiss you for a while now. Standing dumbly in the hallway alone, he hears the slam of a karaoke room door, no doubt from you.
Slinking back into the room, Choso can see that you’ve decided to sandwich yourself between two other people and avoid his burning eye contact for the rest of the night. You don’t even properly say goodbye to him when it’s time to part, just slip away into the Uber your friends called.
First confession
Even though you managed to give him the slip, Choso still got your phone number from someone before the party completely dispersed
The kiss stayed on his mind for the rest of the night, keeping him up as he played the moment over and over again in his head
By the time morning came, Choso was itching to message you
He had to know why you kissed him, and if you’d let him kiss you again
(Choso): hey this is Choso I got your number from one of the others
(Choso): we have something to talk about
He waited a good couple hours for you to text back. The longer time went on, the longer Choso just wanted to call you and be done with waiting in limbo.
(Y/N): sorry about last night
That was all you had to say and Choso just knew you were kicking yourself over it.
(Choso): don’t be sorry, I liked it
(Y/N): you don’t have to lie to try and make me feel better
(Y/N): it was a drunk mistake and it won’t happen again
(Choso): what if I want it to happen again?
He could see the little typing bubbles disappear and reappear with a fervor. Your mind must be racing as much as his was.
(Y/N): I’m not interested in being a fling
(Choso): good thing I don’t want you as just a fling
There was a nervous sort of adrenaline building up in Choso’s body, making his cheeks flush and fingers tremble, but emboldening him as well to keep going.
(Choso): Let me take you out on a date, I wanna see you at least one more time
(Choso): then you can decide if it really won’t ever happen again
(Choso): deal?
You were silent on the other end reading his messages. There were no typing bubbles to give away your position. Choso was stuck in limbo.
(Y/N): alright, deal
First date
Choso quickly set up a date at a trendy cafe he frequented, one that he took plenty of Instagram pictures at
He could sense your hesitation to go out with him over the phone and he was quick to dash away any second thoughts you had about dating someone that was internet famous
Choso liked you for you, not for what you could potentially bring to him in terms of content
He waited nervously outside the train station for you, wearing an outfit he’d painstakingly reworked a hundred times before deciding on something
“Choso!” You called out to him, rushing towards his figure waiting against a brick wall.
“Hey.” Smiling softly, Choso’s fingers twitched with the urge to hug you, but he held it off. He didn’t want to overwhelm you, possibly scare you off by being too forward.
“You’re here early.” Your eyes quickly danced over the clothes he chose and you let out a hum. “I feel self conscious now, you dressed so nicely for this!”
“You think?” He chuckled, tugging on the edge of the designer hoodie he’d thrown on.
“Yeah, but that’s to be expected of an Instagram star!” Shrugging your shoulders overdramatically, you gestured behind you to the bustling sidewalk full of people. “Should we get going? I’ve never been to the place you suggested.”
“Yeah, lets go.” Choso’s hand hovered over your lower back, guiding you through the people and onto the sidewalk. All it took was seeing you jostled around by a few people walking by for Choso to get fed up and grasp your hand firmly in his, weaving his fingers through yours.
“Stick close to me, it’s pretty crowded today.” He whispered in your ear, pulling you halfway behind him and grabbing your other hand as well and guiding it to hold onto the back of his hoodie. With his imposing nature and intimidating stature, Choso effortlessly pushed through the throngs of people and you quickly found yourself at the cafe in question.
“Let’s go in.” Turning around to face you, he’s stunned when you leap up and peck his cheek.
“Thanks Choso.” Giggling, you sidestep him and go to open the door of the cafe, but you’re stopped by Choso’s unmoving body. “What’s up Choso?”
“(Y/N).” He’s looking at you with scarily wide eyes and his tone is deathly serious. “Will you kiss me again if I buy you a drink?”
“Huh? Yeah of course, but-” You’re cut off from telling him that you’d kiss him without the drink by Choso bolting forward into the cafe.
“I’ll buy you all the drinks you could ever want then. And a slice of cake too.”
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writing-in-april · 3 years
Paint me
Laurent LeClaire x Female Reader
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Summary: Reader finally has enough money to splurge on getting herself painted for the first time in her life. When she meets her painter, Laurent, she wonders whether she got more than what she bargained for.
A/N: Hello everyone- sorry this ones out a bit late tonight- I had practice and had to finish up a few things on this one after. This is my tenth fic for my 30 fics in 30 days for April- can’t believe we’re 1/3 through 🙈If y’all have ever seen In Secret you know what scene inspired this fic asdjksdj lol 😂 also @propertyofabelmorales fic from Valentine’s Day also inspired me 🥰 I low key probably spent more time on this than necessary considering he isn’t a very popular character but I couldn’t help myself 😅 In secret was actually the first movie (that wasn’t Star Wars) that I saw Oscar Isaac in so Laurent low key has my heart- even with his murderous tendencies 😂 I always love hearing from my followers so feel free to drop an ask or request here. Thanks for reading and hope y’all enjoy.
Warnings: 18+, Smut, Reader is fearful of Laurent, Reader thinks Laurent might kill her, Dubcon, Oral sex (F receiving), Unprotected sex, Creampie- if any other warnings need to be added let me know
Main Masterlist Word Count: 3.2K
Being painted was an important status symbol in this life. To have your image captured for all to see, put down on canvas by paint from a brush was a way of showing off beauty to the people around you, and the people that came after.
You were elated to have your image captured on canvas for the first time, finally able to afford it on your own. A rare sight in the world that you lived in to see a woman able to pay the fee of having her portrait painted.
Such a rare sight it was that when you had chosen a painter and contacted him he had almost seemed confused. When he had asked if you had a husband you had snorted turning up your nose to then tell him no. It was not that you did not want any sort of romantic touch, but being tied down to someone for years that would probably not cherish you the way you deserved sickened you. So, with no one around to pressure you into an arranged marriage you remained unmarried.
The painter you had hired, Laurent, was sweet as honey, almost to a sickly degree. The charm had remained even after he had realized that you were alone, basically a spinster. Whether or not he kept up the act because he thought it would be easier to get underneath your skirts or because he truly did not mind an independent woman did not matter to you. You would only let your gaze linger over while he painted you, that was all. He was here to paint you, nothing more.
He had positioned you in a chair to sit in a simple position. His reasoning for that he told you was that the simpler the position, the easier it was for your beauty to shine. Painters had a way with words though, so you tried not to let your heart swell from the compliment.
You let yourself stare in each session as he began to lay out the foundation of your likeness. Each time you sat in the chair time ticked by slowly, inch by inch. It was not as if you minded as it let you look upon how his inky curls shone in the dim lighting, plus every other part your eyes were allowed access to. It was only fair in your book, considering his job was to stare at you.
This session you were in now seemed different to the others; he seemed more distant. While you both stared at the other not a single word was exchanged, only the brush on canvas got to speak today with each stroke.
It was harder to concentrate this time on staying as still as possible. You ached to move your legs over, just a bit to the side. Daring to test the waters, hoping he would not notice, your legs twitched a little over to the right.
For a while he continued to say nothing, painting with ease like he had completely missed the twitch in your legs. That was until he decided to speak for the first time in hours,
“No-“ His face twisted, morphing into a look tinged with darkness. It was this first sign of displeasure you had heard from your hours of sitting as if you had a rod in your spine. Dipping his brush back into his paints again to find his desired color was a much more rushed action than before. It was an annoyed and quick movement, trying to swiftly correct the mistake you had assumed he had made. When he returned his brush where it belonged on his canvas it scraped along it as he pushed the paint along, molding it into his image.
Another moment goes by silently and with no more words of displeasure; you begin to relax into your position again. It was already hard to relax fully while his eyes flitted from your body to his canvas; your nerves only raised higher after his outward sign of displeasure. He scrutinized every angle and curve as his eye took in every inch of you to create an accurate portrait of you. You wondered if in his fee there was an understanding that he would paint you in the highest light possible. Though, truth be told it was foolish to question that. What type of painter would he be if he displeased his clients by being honest in his paintings?
It was in his job description to lie. Painters depicted the beauty they saw and made it shine, even if that meant trying to find beauty in the darkest of corners to forcefully shed a light on them. All it took was a painter of proper skill, a canvas, and of course a set of paints. Any unwilling features that tried to fight their painters lies would be forcefully bent to their will, almost like a king, and all with a simple stroke to canvas. No, you weren’t ugly, but you accepted that it was his job to bend the truth to his will.
The darkness you had briefly observed reappeared on his face once more. He tried to be quiet in his frustration, but his whisper could not contain the anger brewing beneath. Truthfully his words were a far cry from a whisper, it was more of a shout, “It is not right!”
Naturally you wanted to question what had made the painter suddenly rise with anger, though you wisely kept your mouth shut tight. You did not know this man, nor did you know what he could be capable of underneath the sweet words. The darkness that brewed glinted in his eyes as he took his brush to canvas again, this time with more venom in his strokes.
You were not going to trust the honeyed words he had spoken to you, at least not now while you saw how the honey could possibly be sour. Even though honey never turned acrid in common knowledge, the sight before you disproved that. Each new brush against his canvas turned violent, almost as if he’d push through the canvas with how much force he was using and create a hole.
You could have left the room in a hurry, or even demanded him leave. After all, it was you that employed him. Watching honey that soured so quick intrigued you, so the rod stayed in your spine, though you knew it was naive of you. You couldn’t trust his words, but you could still listen to them.
Brush after brush splattered paint onto the canvas in front of him that you could not view. His once dexterous movements had devolved into a man you did not know, not that you truly knew him beforehand either. You couldn’t imagine he was painting anything close to your likeness; you highly doubted long irritated strokes would be good for each of your contours and curves.
Clattering noises filled the air of the room you were both trapped in, one trapped by his job and one trapped by curiosity. You hoped the curiosity didn’t kill you like the cat. He had kicked the easel that held the painting he was being paid for, which had caused the clattering. Gripping the paintbrush in his hand with fury he then separated it from the canvas and began to pace.
As he paced your mind wandered further; it was all it could do while it was stuck observing the man before you spiral. You wondered if he had forgotten your presence, even if he had been painting you- and you had even been doubting that.
Clearly he hadn’t forgotten about you as he suddenly stopped his pacing, slowly turning to face you again. His gaze no longer flitted between two things calling his attention, now fully focused on you, still with that rod in your spine.
“It is you.” He spoke with a deadly bite and you could not help but have your bottom lip wobble at his accusation. Racking your brain you tried to find why you were the one that was the source of his wrath and why you were the one that was about to receive it. “You are not in the right position.”
You wanted to protest, saying that you had not moved a muscle since he had placed you in this exact position with your spine rigid in a chair. The protest became stuck in your throat, no doubt because of the fear you now held for the darkness that brewed underneath. You remained stoically silent, rigid as ever, waiting for him to mold you into the position that he wanted you in.
He twirled his paintbrush in his hand absentmindedly while he thought. You did not know what he was pondering, though you had to guess it had something to do with fixing how you were positioned. He answered your own curious thoughts by confirming them, “You need to relax.”
Relaxing, that was hard enough earlier when you had not had fear put in you. Still, you tried to let go of the tension held tightly in your shoulders forcefully just as he did whenever he forced your features to look their best in his painting.
He then sighed, obviously displeased with your effort. Instead of letting you try again he simply gave you an order to ‘stay still’ while he began to approach you with his paintbrush in hand.
As the paintbrush approached you instead of the canvas you could not help but tremble as it came closer. It was not any sort of weapon that could do you any harm; it would take a lot to hurt someone with a paintbrush. Still, you quivered as it approached, perhaps more because of the gaze that was transfixed on you.
Laurent’s gaze was wild, a hint of madness was evident in his eyes. They were two dark pools of almost black fixed upon you as if they were set on devouring you in the oblivion in their depths. Eyes were said to be the window to the soul and Laurent did little to make you doubt that claim. He did not give you soothing words as he saw you tremble beneath his daunting gaze and the slowly approaching bristles of the paintbrush, still partially coated in the color he had last been using. Instead of giving you the soothing words you may have desired the paintbrush crept closer, like it was stalking you in the night just as the obsidian pools he called eyes.
Your quivers were not solely because of the glint of madness you could see, hiding in the depths of his eyes. It would be a lie to say that all your quivers and shivers were rooted in the fear as to what he might do to you if you dared move from the position he had placed you in hours beforehand. Something else akin to desire had found itself at home run in through your veins, unburdened by the worries of what the black pools might be hiding in their abyss.
That feeling, the one that was running through your veins in spite of the lingering fear, was soon guiding your body. You were no longer staying rigid in your position out of fear; you wanted him to touch you, even if only with the tips of his brush.
He knelt down when close enough to then reach to lift up your skirts. You were scarcely breathing now, still afraid yet intrigued as to what a man could do with a simple paint brush. Opening your legs up at the approach of his paintbrush would have been indecent to some, but you could not help yourself. Biting your lip hard enough to possibly draw blood was so you did not move into his touch, letting him come to you as you did not want to incite his wrath. You wanted him to touch you with it, despite that fear of those black pools staring fiercely at you.
The soft bristles finally grazed the inner flesh of your thigh, a small tickle running through the nerves connected to the spot it touched. You could’ve been fooled into thinking that it had been the brush of his hand if your own eyes hadn’t been fixated upon him.
You moved your position just a hair, maybe even smaller than the ones on the paintbrush used to move you.
“There.” His whisper breathless, now devoid of the darkness that had stifled any sweetness.
You ached to hear him say it again, it was not a praise for you in the strictest sense. He had been simply readjusting you, hardly any room or need for any praise. The way he had whispered it along with the whisper of the brush upon your skin made it feel like he was praising you. Before you knew what was happening or considered the consequences you chased the brush he had begun to pull back with your thighs.
The darkness quickly came back on his face when he had noticed you had moved to chase his touch. He began to bark out a command to put you back in your place, even though he was the painter, and you, the client. “Sit ba-“
“Brush me again.” Your plea was too beautiful for him to let it go unanswered, even though you had cut him off. There no doubt was still lingering fear inside you, afraid of what he might do in retaliation.
He surprisingly obliged you, you could see his curiosity meld with the darkness in him. He lifted your skirts again, holding the brush just above the spot where he had touched moments before.
When he brushed the inner flesh of your thigh again, the pressure was harder, less unsure.
That simple touch made you moan, even though he wasn’t touching any spot that normally might bring you pleasure. It was as if a dark shadow had cascaded across his face to blur your perception of who he probably was underneath it all. If it wasn’t for your curiosity and your simple desire you would have thought more critically about his next request.
“Take off your dress.” Like someone without a thought you stripped it off of you in haste, as did he with his own clothes.
In no time at all it seemed, his mouth had enveloped your own, keen on devouring all you had to offer. He picked you up with ease by the tops of your now naked thighs so he could lower you to the floor. He then allowed himself to nip and suck on any section of skin he desired to put his mouth on. Not that you could reciprocate as he had your hands held above your head.
When his fingers started to dance along the tops of your thighs just as the brush had done you instinctively pushed your thighs together. The action was quickly reversed by Laurent releasing your hands to push your thighs apart, giving him an unobstructed view of your entrance.
His mouth was soon swiftly on the places that brought you pleasure, sucking your pearl into his mouth like a sweet.
You wanted to writhe underneath him out of sheer pleasure, but he did not need to bind you to make you immobile. That fear still lingering in your mind kept your body still, even as he combined his mouth with his fingers by pushing them into your entrance.
“There?” He whispered as he crooked them upwards, trying to find the spot that would make you see stars. It wasn’t quite right though, so you shook your head side to side. You didn’t dare to speak, not that you could do anything more but making unintelligible moans of pleasure.
“There.” He whispered with finality when he hit that somewhat spongy spot inside you making you cry out louder than before. It was so nice to hear him say those words again, honeyed words that tasted so sweet even though they were tainted by darkness. Your release shot through you quickly, like an arrow sent to kill you.
He removed his fingers from you when you were finished with your first release of the night, wasting no time to push himself inside you. He was larger than any other man you had been with, stretching you blissfully and almost painfully. You were lucky he was not too cruel to not let you adjust to his size, but as soon as you had he unleashed himself upon you. All you could do was wrap your legs around his waist and let him thrust into you at a brutal pace. The sounds of skin slapping on skin were so loud they almost over took the moans you were emitting along with his grunts.
When his hand came to wrap around your neck your own mortality became evident to you. Early before you had succumbed to his touch with a simple brush, you had been afraid he might harm you, even with the desire pumping through your blood. You had not even thought of beyond a simple bruise or cut to your flesh by him. His hand around your throat while he thrusted into you made you wonder how much it would take for him to squeeze until your lips turned blue.
Desire one again took over your fear, his hand around your neck combined with the sweet nothings whispered in your ear made you fall apart again. It was a slow devastating release like honey dripping off a spoon languidly until it dropped down to sweeten the pot. Even though his own honey had turned sour, he still was fully capable of making people feel sweetness while shrouded in darkness.
He filled you soon after you had finished your own release with a grunt. Neither of you had any real care to be able to give to the possible consequences of him filling you. He rolled off of you and you were glad in the moment he didn’t crush you under his weight like most men would have done.
Silence seemed to be a staple item that constantly wormed its way in between the two of you. No one spoke for a while, truthfully it might have been an hour. Laurent was the first to break it again, with much less malice than before,
“Do you want me to continue to paint you?” He whispered into your skin as he continued to pepper his plush lips across your skin. Glancing up towards the easel that still faced the canvas away from you and then over to the bare man next to you helped aid you in your decision. You could let him leave with wasted paints, wasted canvas, and wasted potential.
The wasted potential was what stopped you from letting him paint the rest of the angles of your body. Pondering what could come of the painting, and your relationship with the man who had just made you see stars while simultaneously making you fear or your life at the same time made you frown. The possibilities were endless, but those two black pools hid something too interesting for you to ignore. You wanted to know more, even ached for it.
“Yes.” You simply replied and you then willingly fell into the abyss.
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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National Cream-Filled Doughnut Day
“Let me tell you, I’m not sure if America runs on donuts, but I sure do! Nothin’ like a little simple sugar icing to get the blood pumping at 9:00 A.M.” ~ Chris Benz
They sit amongst the others, crowned kings among the more plebian cake doughnuts and simple glazed. Cream-filled Doughnuts are truly the treasure trove of doughnut kind, the one true doughnut, the hopes and dreams that all other doughnut-kind aspire to be. Cream-Filled Doughnut Day holds this truth to be self-evident,and celebrates these wonderful confections by encouraging everyone to consume them until they burst! (Just kidding, eat responsibly kids!)
History of Cream-Filled Doughnut Day Cream-Filled Doughtnut Day was established to raise these incredible doughnuts to the place they deserve, a day dedicated to their delicious construction and the dreamlike consistency of their fillings. While it may seem overly simplistic to refer to simply ‘Cream-Filled Doughnuts’ as being supreme, that just means that an education is in order. Cream is not just a white substance sweetened and flavored like vanilla, that is but the foundation of the mounts of glory these doughnuts can achieve.
In the mood for something citrus? Something with a bit of zing? There are lemon-creme filled doughnuts that contain potent little flecks of lemon zest, enough to brighten up the sweetness of the doughnut and render them positively up-lifting. Prefer the tart sweetness of raspberries? Raspberry creme exists as well, and those doughnuts filled with it are a delight for those who love this berry-laden fruit.
Cream-Filled Doughnut Day reminds you that there is ever so much more to a doughnut than a cakey-consistency anda  sugary glaze. Sometimes the best part of a doughnut is what’s inside, just like with people. Perhaps we should all aspire to find the cream-filled doughnut in the people around us. Who knows what secrets they hold!
How to Celebrate Cream-Filled Doughnut Day Just take a quick trip down to your local bakery or Dunkin’ Donuts, and ask them to trot out their favorite cream-filled doughnuts for you to peruse! Lemon-creme and chocolate-creme, strawberry-creme and raspberry, these are just the beginning of the nearly limitless variety of cream-filled doughnuts you can find. We suggest starting simply, however, and enjoying the Boston Creme Donut, easily one of the most delicious varieties of Cream-Filled Doughnut around. Ask your friends to bring their favorite creme doughnuts to work and have everyone share in the bounty!
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
10 Anti LO Asks
1. The trial happening right now bothers me because we get to see how Thanatos and Echo reacted to this, but Demeter and Persphone don’t know and I know why they don’t know yet. However you think that would tie some more stuff up together
It was Minthe, Thanatos and Thetis who whistle blew on Persphone. Meaning Thanatos would probably be called to trial and would have to face persphone and I would hope say something to her BUT I kinda doubt that’s gonna happen.
But the other thing to this Minthe is a plant who can’t testify. Are hades and Persphone hide the fact she’s a plant and pretend she’s missing or are they gonna say “yeah I still don’t have control over my powers but I’m queen now” HOWEVER I truly believe RS is just gonna not address these two plot points until way later.
FINALLY Eros and Psyche KNOW the last person Daphne was seen with was Apollo, did they chase after her after he got shot by the arrow? We don’t know. We don’t even know what they’re doing about Psyche. Did Eros and Psyche even see the Daphne tree? Are they going to try and sneak in to tell Persphone?
I know the plots gonna focus more on HxP secret marriage at the court trial rather than the actual consequences and the fact people are turning into greenery left and right. (It’s not Persohones Faullt Daphne is the way she is but RS needs to focus on other plot points I feel)
2. like, age gaps, height differences, and power imbalances dont always have to be bad, the issue to me is that the way rachel does it is hyper-focusing on how young, small, and child-like/unexperienced persephone is compared to the old, giant, and all powerful/mature hades is like ... yeah obvs people are going to find it creepy? how would they not?
3. i honestly cant stand the "theyre immortal gods the age gap doesnt matter!!" agreement because like??? ok??? then she could easily be 300 years old then? she shouldnt be so borderline underage then?? like the immortality aspect actually makes the age gap worse, not better??
4. i realize getting nitpicky over unimportant characters in lo having american names is a bit dumb, but it does speak to just how lazy rachel is and how little care she has for greece and its mythology. there are countless english names that are also greek, yet even that's asking too much of her. percy jackson isnt a perfect series, but even the characters (who are in america) have greek influence and meanings put into their names and characterization, something rachel doesn't even attempt to do.
5. ok but thats a good point, because rachel seems to be taking physical wounds to matter more over the mental ones, when thats not how trauma works. her writing on zeus is reflective of her writing minthe, where she confirmed she has a severe untreated mental illness and that's linked to her evilness, and thus what she should be punished for. meanwhile persephone own mental issues can be bastardized as a "yass queen" thing?? somehow?? its just bad writing all around.
6. i kinda wish lo fans would listen to their own logic and give the same leeway to the other characters. theyll scream from the rooftops that hades and persephone and hera can be awful people all they want because thats ~realistic~, meanwhile minthe and zeus and everyone else are held to such extremes they can never meet and are hated and despised for nothing in compared to hxp or hera. either hold your faves accountable or let off on hating characters who do the same as them.
7. i see a lot of lo fans excuse how everything drags as "thats how a slow burn works" and its like ... no? because most of that slow burn isnt even hxp, its rachel forcing in more plots we dont need, and when its hxp, you look at the timeline and how they act and its actually neck-breakingly fast? like if as much time had past in LO as irl time then yeah, four years is a slow burn, but its only been maybe a month in comic? so its not slow for them at all, but it's a drag for the readers.
8. See, the difference between Lo!Hades and Punderworld!Hades is that PW!Hades has so much personality, he and Persephone are literally bustling with life (even though one of them rules over a realm of dead XD) AND their interactions are so cute with their awkward attempts at flirting and failure at doing so. Persephone is still somewhat sweet and “pure” but she’s also a bit of a spitfire, she’s not easy to surrender, she has wants and dreams and that little differences makes her character likable!
We NEVER get to see anything like that with LO!Hades and Persephone, we don’t see them have these sweet interactions, these heart-fluttering moments, because there’s no base or foundation for those sorts of moments! It’s always these very out-of-character unrealistic scenes expected from a married couple, but they just met! It doesn’t feel natural, it feels forced and rushed and so slow at the same time.
Although Punderworld makes Demeter overbearing, i love her characterization i really do, waAAAY more than LO!Demeter, because we actually understand her reasons for her overprotective behavior and we get to see her in a more sympathetic light/manner in the newer chapters, we see her as more than “mean mom hates bf”
9. Daphne and Thanatos were adorable. Like, Daphne was a sweet, caring girl with genuine interest (and power/agency) and Thanatos was a shy, awkward guy who was just doing his best (and not pressuring her). They weren't perfect, but it was something! Why couldn't LO be about them?
10. What I find funny is that Minthe and Thetis have a more defined friendship than Persphone and other female characters.
Minthe and Thetis ARE TOXIC don’t get me wrong but both characters are aware of each other’s motives. Minthe knows not to trust Thetis fully and is straight with her on her opinion of Thetis. But the readers clearly know their relationship as well as the characters.
Persphone is in gray areas with most her female friends. The beginning of the story we are lead to believe Artemis and P are besties with the dress sharing and the way in P’s mind they’re holding hands with Hermès. But clearly now their relationship is a question mark and they’re both more detached than we thought. Artemis was just being nice to P letting her stay with her because they’re both in the TOGeM but they’re probably more like acquaintes at best.
Daphne and P we know they’re friends but P isn’t straight with her. Like Daphne is P’s only named friend, but did P think of her as the other overbearing nymphs? We don’t know because they’re all pink and some of them are dead. Despite being told they grew up together we don’t even know much about their relationship what do they like about each other? Does Daphne agree with Demeters parenting or P’s need to leave? When did Daphne get to move to Olympus? I feel like the plot just says “these two characters are friends “ but doesn’t elaborate much. Why did P let Daphne in her room at Hades mansion and not the other nymphs? P told Daphne that Apollo is dangerous, but it was a little too late. Also why didn’t P have her phone number when she got to Olympus? Wouldn’t she know to contact her on insta or something? P was like “omg I know no one except Hermès “ but that’s not true! Daphne! I could go more but I think we get the picture that Daphne’s plot point is having the readers be told Persphone has friends but she doesn’t but she does.
Were shown that P and Meg are getting along because P was nice to Meg, despite Meg being silently jealous of P, but what about Meg now? Is she ever gonna tell P that she’s jealous of P that she had a mad crush on Hades, even her journal? Or is that all gone now? Does Meg even matter any more or is she now here just to support HXP?
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