#like what did zane and danny do
angelhummel · 2 years
your glee/degrassi posts made me curious: which degrassi characters do you think are similar to the glee characters? i'd compare spinner and puck for example.
Oof not sure now I feel about that lmao. I have sooo many wildly fluctuating thoughts on Spinner that they all kind of average out into "he was ok" lmao. God honestly Spinner vibes for Finn more than Puck like aww I was a big dumb loser with no direction in high school, guess I'll become a cop/join the army (: I mean Puck too lowkey but that was just doubly dumb bc he was basically doing it for Finn like ?? calm down alksjfsdklgs
Plus there's so many more Degrassi characters than Glee characters so I feel like one Gleek is worth six Degrassians lmao
First of all Finn and Rachel want what Jay and Manny have, let's just say that. Super talented destined for stardom singer actor girl and her bf who works on cars and plays drums?? Janny outsold
Also with Jay and Alex I get Pucktana vibes. The ultimate lesbro lmao
Also Brittana are Palex and i dont ship either of them like the seemingly dark and brooding Latina lesbian with the soft spot for the preppy blonde bi cheerleader... Those dynamics look familiar
Quinn, I hate to do it to her, but a little Becky a little Darcy... Churchy good girl with the shitty parents who are oblivious to her struggles. Maybe also a little Jenna just for the teen mom thing but Puck could never and would never stoop so low to be a KC. Maybe also a little Fiona for Quinn??
Umm Karofsky and Riley are the same character. I think the only reason I like one and hate the other is bc Max could act :| Sorry bout it
I already went on record saying that Miles Hollingsworth is just fanon Sebastian Smythe alksjfslkfjs
Mercedes and Liberty a very little bit?? Mainly when it comes to Rachel/Emma & Manny acting like they were always such close besties when it's like ?? 75% of the time yall were hating on her!! Umm Terry for superficial body image issues lol. And ugh I don't know how I feel about this but maybe a little Clare?? Like in regards to keeping her faith and her relationship to sex etc etc
Actually I can very clearly see Kurt and Finn as Marco and Spinner bc I imagine s1 Finn would rather choke to death on a piece of food than let a gay guy give him the heimlich <3
Oh duh Kurt and Tristan. bc Finn and Owen (: But also bc they both have very theatrical personalities and similar arcs with body image issues and also they're both iconic
Artie is like JT and Toby's son idk
Kitty gives me early Holly J mixed with early Becky vibes
Tina maybe. Ellie and Ashley vibes :x I'm sorry alskfjslkfhs. And also superficially Leia in that they are both Asian and the show didn't care about them (:
Brittany is Lola (derogatory)
Whew that feels like a lot lmao but that's all the ones I can think of right now!! Lmk what you think!
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sirianasims · 10 months
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“… it was really funny when Eric asked my father why he was always so grumpy, though.”
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“Yeah, poor Wolfgang did not like that. Eric’s getting sassy. Before we know it, he starts school and then we blink and he’s getting married.”
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“Cora, you’re doing it again. He’s only three years old. Relax.”
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“Sorry, honey. I don’t know why I’m so worried. It just feels like the last few years flew by so quickly.”
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“Cora! Are you saying I’m boring and forgettable?”
“No, you’re a huge dork.”
“Well, you’re a huge nerd!”
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“Oh yeah? Would a nerd do this?”
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“Mmmmguess not.”
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“Stop worrying so much, Cora. We have all the time in the world.”
“I hope you’re right, honey.”
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“Everything will be fine, my love.”
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“So then I told her what the teacher said, and then -“
“Boys, there are three bathrooms in this house. Do you really have to wait for this one?”
“But, dad, the others are all the way upstairs!”
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“The horror. Hurry up, or you’ll be late for school.”
“Yes, dad. Anyways, then she said…”
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Daniel has grown into a charismatic young man, who has somehow managed to make being smart a cool thing in his school.
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At first glance, Eric is growing up to look very similar to his father, but on closer inspection he does have mainly Cora’s features. The nose, however, is clearly Zane’s.
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Daniel, always the popular guy, often hangs out with his friends after school, and tonight is no different.
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The close-knit group of friends from school consists of three guys and three girls and they often go out for coffee and hot chocolate.
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The beefcake is Colten, a self-assured guy with a tendency to brag. He and Daniel are best friends and work out together. Behind him is the equally blonde Lydia, who just so happens to be the daughter of Cora’s colleague Elsa. Lydia refuses to talk about her mother after she left to live with Payton, though.
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There’s also Deon, the closeted environmentalist, and Maliyah, who spends most of her time sending Deon longing looks while pretending she’s not interested at all.
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Finally, there’s Kailani. She’s very cool and confident, and would be the obvious leader of the group if it wasn’t for Daniel’s magnetic personality.
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Daniel and Kailani always joke around in a somewhat flirty way, but both insist there’s nothing between them.
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Especially when Lydia is around, because she has a huge crush on Daniel, which is very much a secret, and so of course everyone knows.
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The evening is winding down, and the teenagers are debating whether to go home or stay a little longer.
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Suddenly, Daniel gets up and stares across the café, looking confused.
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“Hey, Danny? What’s up, you look like you’ve seen a ghost?”
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“Danny? Are you OK?”
beginning / previous / next
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CreepyPasta Incorrect Quotes Pt. 7 (ft. some of my OC's)
Ghost (Y/N): Don't joke about murder. I was murdered once and it offends me.
Jeff: There's always that one weak bitch in the group who isn't down with murder.
Jeff: *glares at Liu*
Liu: Well, sorry I have at least some morals!
*Jane babysitting Sally*
Jane: Do you want something to drink?
Sally: Not really, but I could go for some appy slices right now.
Jane: With a little caramel to dip them in?
Justin: A mouse!
Bexley, pulling out a knife: Go back to where you came from or I'll stab you!
Mona, pulling out a frying pan: It'll make a nice meal.
(Y/N), giving the mouse cheese: You deserve a treat, little guy.
Quinn: It's Ratatouille!
Bryan: His name's Remi, dumbass.
Justin: I was going to say to just trap it and thrown it out the window... what the hell is wrong with you people?
Zalgo after getting made fun of by feral (Y/N): Clownery. Tomfoolery. Absolute fuckery. I am going to revoke your life privileges.
[For a little bit of context, in David Near's The Muorge Files, Danny is Toby's next door neighbor and friend]
Toby: My stomach growled really loud in French.
Toby: I would like to clarify, my stomach did not speak French. It growled during French class.
Lyra: Bonjour.
Danny: Le growl.
Lyra, now twirling a fake curly mustache: Hon hon hon, feed me a baguette.
Hobo Heart: Can I offer you a nice stick in in this trying time?
Bryan: I swear on Rebecca's fucking wings, I'm the only one here with a braincell.
Mona, Quinn, Grace, Maria, and Hunter, all bowing down: ALL HAIL THE KEEPER OF THE SACRED BRAINCELL!
Mary (Jane's wife): *yawns*
Jane: Yeah, being that pretty must be tiring.
Mary: Then you must be exhausted.
Liu: Will you two shut up? Some of us are lonely.
McDonalds worker: M'am/Sir, please calm down!
(Y/N): I asked for two large fries!
(Y/N): *dumps fries onto counter*
(Y/N): But all they did was give me a million fucking small ones!
Nurse Ann: If you could guess, how many brain cell do you have?
(Y/N): Dorito's Cool Ranch.
Nurse Ann:...
Nurse Ann: I'm just gonna assume zero for now.
(Y/N): I love that song.
Zane: *eats a cinnamon roll*
Darragh: Cannibalism.
Zane: *confused chewing noises*
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garussy · 2 years
More fun things about my mystreet rewrite
After the blue fight between Dante and Katelyn everytime they see eachother it’s on sight
But they stop as soon as they lose eye contact
Nicole scams kids on adopt me
Aaron and Nana watch Total Drama together and have sworn a pact to never watch it with anyone else
Aphmau had a Danny Devito cult in middle school and high school no further explanation
Lucinda isn’t fond of kids but she is so good with them
Gene had an evil, half robot, alicorn, robot my little pony oc in middleschool and he holds her close to his heart to this day
Laurence is the only one who knows about it
Aaron went to art school and is now a tattoo artist
Meif’wa and werewolves don’t shave and it’s considered weird to do that so when Nana saw Katelyn shaving her legs she freaked out
Laurence has an extreme fear of heights
Garroth being the human embodiment of a golden retriever will never say if they are high up so Laurence doesn’t get scared
Nana likes heights and she constantly perched on Aaron and Garroth
Zane said she could do that to him they tried it once and Zane almost broke his neck
When they go out and any of the girls complain about their shoes Aaron just picks them up
Aaron and Katelyn will let anyone sit on them or hang off of them when they are exercising
Nana thinks this is the best thing ever and can’t stop laughing
Travis once threatened to neuter Dante and no one knows if he meant it or not
That’s now their go to threat
Garroth has a massive fish tank and it’s his pride and joy if anything happened to it he would go insane
As a gift for graduating college Aaron got Aphmau a corgi and she named him Thorgi
Aaron and Aphmau were the best of friends until Aphmau’s 2nd year of college and Aaron’s 3rd year and they started to get feelings for eachother but they didn’t date until Aphmau’s last year in college
Laurence and Garroth don’t ever confirm their relationship and let everyone believe they are “good friends” until one day they invite everyone to their engagement party
Zane didn’t even know
Zane gets the baby brother treatment from Garroth but Vlayd gets the baby brother treatment from Garroth AND Zane
Aaron was on the wrestling team in high school behind his dads back
His dad found out after a year and Aaron had to quit much to the coaches disappointment
Nana was on the girls wrestling team because Aaron did it
She quit in solidarity with her bud even though Aaron told her not to
Lily isn’t a bully she just follows her cousin around and rolls her eyes at what she says
Aaron and Lily date until they go to different colleges and decide long distance won’t work for them
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monstermaster13 · 1 year
TftW: The Art of Being Art.
Art Weber (Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom) TF.
Nathan was known for his love of a lot of actors and movies…his main favorite actors consisting of Christopher Walken, David Bowie, Danny Trejo, Corey Feldman, Chris Sarandon, Sly Stallone, George Clooney, Jeff Goldblum, Jack Nicholson, Tony Todd, Billy Zane…to name a few but his absolute favorite was Dan Aykroyd. He had been raised on SNL and Animal House when he discovered John Belushi and it was through The Great Outdoors and Uncle Buck among others he had discovered John Candy.
In 2020 he stumbled upon a little rabbit hole known as the Aykroyd rabbit hole and had gotten hooked ever since and this experience got better for him once he discovered he could gain himself a were-Aykroyd alter-ego of sorts, which he did after having numerous dreams about turning into him, which made him stumble down further the Aykroydian rabbit hole and discovering a discord server that to his surprise…really was fascinated by his work, and he wrote tons of stories about Were-Aykroyds and his alter-ego as a King Were-Aykroyd who used his powers to help others and fight evil.
He made a new online friend in the form of Joe aka Ghosbustr on Deviantart and Joe really wanted to be a part of the action because he was a huge fan of Nathan’s stories and of Nathan in general, he of course liked the idea of Dan the Were-Aykroyd meeting him. He kept in contact with him for the next couple of years, and now it was 2023 and it was a very important day for Nathan. You see it was July 1st, which was Canada Day…now Nate himself was not Canadian but his Aykroydian alter-ego was, and also it was Dan Aykroyd’s 71st birthday, Nathan never forgot Dan’s birthday and definitely knew Dan would approve.
To celebrate and also because his newest friend Serena did an Indiana Jones character transformation which she showed him (which he liked a lot), he decided to also do an Indiana Jones character but not just any character…Art Webber, the fast-talking British military officer that was played by Dan in ‘Temple of Doom’. Although the character showed up only at the beginning, it was still quite a fascinating appearance from Dan.
It made sense since Steven Spielberg who produced the Indiana Jones franchise had a cameo in The Blues Brothers and also directed 1941 which was the first big American movie Dan had appeared in. He was on his computer that day when there was a knock at the door, he answered the door and he saw what appeared to be a package that was for him, it was from Ghostbustr. ‘To Nathan, keep on rockin, you gallant AykroydianKnight. You have brought me so much joy and chaos, and now i’m repaying you and your alter-ego. Even though you aren’t on the server anymore, I am still going to be with you. Yours truly, signed Joe.’
Nathan picked up the package and opened it and what he saw was a screen-used costume from the movie that was worn by Dan himself along with a signed autograph and a special totem statue. He set up the totem statue and pressed a button, making the statue's eyes glow. Just then a spirit emerged from the statue.
His supernatural sense went off as he saw the spirit, the spirit looked like it was a spectral version of Dan himself and before he could catch him, the spirit looked at him with a mischievous look and dove down into his mouth, entering his body and possessing him in the process. ‘Hey…that was uncalled for. But hey, if you’ve been here long enough you’ll know it’s going to happen anyway.’
A series of tingling sensations started to spread throughout his body as his stomach gurgled, this was definitely the first sign of his transformation as he saw brown hairs developing on his stomach which was also growing a little bit as his skin matured a little and lost imperfections, in addition to this his arms broadened and lengthened, the same hairs grew on them in the process. ‘Just like in my Were-Aykroyd stories only for real.’
His chest and torso broadened a little bit as some hairs grew on the former, his hands enlarged as his clothing slowly changed into a beige colored military attire, his legs had lengthened a little bit, he decided to take his shoes off to watch his changing feet which were enlarging, and also two of the toes on each foot were sticking together at the knuckle, giving him webbed toes just like Dan’s. He looked at what appeared to be a pair of boots with the same color as his new uniform and he put them on.
In terms of his writing he never intended the process to be so oddly entrancing/alluring but the people at Simp Central always interpreted it in that fashion and he wrote it as such because of that, he felt his rear for a bit which plumped up, and his back broadened. He grew in tight from 5’7 to 6’1 as his shoulders broadened, a red scarf appeared around his neck. His hair darkened a bit and took on a similar style to Art’s only it was a bit longer, as his eyebrows thickened and one of his eyes turned from brown to green while the other remained green.
His nose altered in shape and developed a cleft down the middle as a mustache of sorts grew above his lips and his features shifted to look distinctly Aykroydian, that wasn’t the only thing Aykroydian about him though, as his voice altered to develop Dan Aykroyd’s signature Aykroydian tone and speaking style as well as similar speech patterns before developing an English accent.
From what he could tell he looked and sounded exactly like the character but the best part was he was still himself, that is how he always did his character transformations, he always made sure the person transforming was still themselves mentally, and he always felt a great deal of disdain towards character transformations with mental changes, he was fine with people turning into characters they liked but the mental aspect ruined them for him. It just felt needlessly dark and depressing with no good end insight. He remembered not liking Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure at first because of all the character tf-fics of that variety hence why he decided to do his own in a way he felt comfortable with.
Of course his own character tfs in general rarely used MC as an element except in some cases, but he never made it so the people transforming were unable to live their usual lives afterwards, his Aykroyd tfs were very much also a subversion of those types of monsters that he felt got portrayed as being hive-minded despite not being like that, such as werecreatures…he felt that there was no right or wrong way to play a werecreature but given his friend Werebelushi In Shades was one, he could understand why his friend was offended by the portrayal of werewolves in one little roleplay he had experienced, of werewolves being portrayed as hive minded bigots who hate humans despite being part human themselves.
He thought the people roleplaying with those types of characters were trying to be species-ist towards werecreatures. And having had his own share of problematic people who overuse the world domination ending and face heel turn cliches over and over, he felt he could do better than them and he wasn’t being arrogant when he thought that. And of course being turned into characters himself helped with the experience.
As his transformation completed itself, he was very much a perfect doppelganger of Art Weber but with his own personality and memories in-tact. He looked around for a bit before sending a text. ‘Hmmm, I think Joe should see this.’ He sent a message to Joe/Ghosbustr explaining what had happened to him.
Joe was ecstatic when he heard the news, as he came to visit Nathan. Nathan gave him a hug and explained everything that had happened…’You know those stories I write, well they’re real, i’ve got Were-Aykroyd powers.’ ‘I knew it! I knew you definitely weren’t faking it. I knew your alter-ego was real.’ ‘And he most certainly is real. And he has something he wants me to give you.’ ‘A present?’
He presented Joe a trinket he had found, it was shaped like one of Dan Aykroyd’s Crystal Head bottles and had an inscription on it. ‘This skull grants wishes, he can also give you powers like mine so you can be a Were-Aykroyd too.’ ‘Awesome, thank you.’ ‘No problem, pal.’
Nathan also thought that it would be a good idea to give his pal Werebelushi In The Shades something…’Hmm. You know I feel bad for him, the producers of the show make him review the stuff featuring that phoenix called Ciel Scarlet and yeah…some of those are okay, but let’s just say i’m very ashamed of having liked those in the past. Especially after the Puro stuff and what that transfur bastard nearly tried to do to Mel.’ ‘What did he do?’ ‘Sexually violated her.’ ‘Ouch.’ ‘That’s why i’m sending him something to cleanse him and give him something good.’
He sent his friend Matthias/That Werebelushi In The Shades a special story he had written himself about him meeting the Aykroyd characters, he even wrote a story in which in an alternate universe he had become a Were-Aykroyd and that spawned an unlikely partnership for Matthias in the form of his Were-Aykroyd counterpart. He also wrote a couple of cute Corey and Oats adventures for Mel to take the microbe and equine duo on.
“You sure are doing a spectacular job of being a good friend.”
“Yep…and you’re an amazing friend too.”
“You really mean that?”
“Yes, I do…Joe, without you I wouldn’t have become an Aykroyd fan.”
“I am glad to have helped you.”
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kahran042 · 1 year
Even more incorrect Jonas Corbin's Guide to Life quotes!
John: I don't understand why Mark is acting so distant. Justin: You've lost him, Dad. Time to focus on your good son- Chloe! (Source: Bob's Burgers)
Richard: Alcohol doesn't solve problems, Jonas. It just makes them go away. (Source: Bob's Burgers)
Jonas: Where did you get this?! Nate: From your computer. Jonas: You hacked into my personal files?! How did you get the password?! Nate, Brad, and Chloe (deadpan): It’s “Kiera Corbin”. (Source: Danny Phantom)
Mark: Aren’t you sweating, Connor? Connor: Regular people sweat. Goths, we simmer. Mark: sniffs I think you’re overcooked. (Source: Danny Phantom)
Nick: You're toast! Jonas: Oh yeah?! You and what toaster?! (Source: Danny Phantom)
Kyle: Oh, no, you did not just call me shallow, did you? Thom: If you mean, do I think I could stand in a puddle full of you and not get my feet wet, then yeah. (Source: Danny Phantom)
Monica: First impressions are very important. Richard: But you married me anyway. (Source: Danny Phantom)
Chloe (grossed out): Raisins? Alicia: Raisins are nature’s candy! Chloe: Then why do they have to cover them with chocolate to sell them at the movies? (Source: Daria)
Morgan: Mom, Dad, I really like Sarah. Kathleen: Why not, dear? Sarah's a very nice girl. Morgan: No, Mom. I mean I really like Sarah. Robert: We heard you the first time, Morgan. You have a homosexual attraction to Sarah. (Source: Family Guy)
Jasmine: No wonder you have no friends. Zane: I have friends! Jasmine: Oh yeah? Name one. Zane: You. Jasmine: That's right. And I'm YOUR. LITTLE. SISTER. (Source: Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends)
Nate: A freshman stepped on my glasses… and I was still wearing them. (Source: Hey Arnold!)
Principal Mazlish: Are you attempting to leave the school grounds without permission, Mr. Seaver? Mark: Are you attempting to dance the flamenco, Principal Mazlish? Principal Mazlish: This moment never happened. Mark: Gotcha. (Source: Hey Arnold!)
Nick: Wait! We can't quit! All for one, one for all. No retreat, no surrender! Jared: When in doubt, chicken out. (Source: Hey Arnold!)
Donna: Hey, where are you going? Jonas: To take a long, hard look at my life. Donna: Well, while you're there, would you pick up a quart of milk? (Source: Hey Arnold!)
Chloe does something nice for Connor Kiera: That’s a pretty amazing thing to do for someone you claim you hate! Chloe: Yeah? Well, I’m a pretty amazing person! (Source: Hey Arnold!)
Connor: Why do you always look on the bright side? Morgan: Well, somebody has to. (Source: Hey Arnold!)
Sarah: But Jared, we already know our lines. Jared: Lines? Of course you know your lines! But I don't want to just hear your lines… I want to feel what's in your SOULS! (Source: Hey Arnold!)
Kathleen: I raised a perfectly functional son. Valerie: You have a son I don’t know about? (Source: Modern Family)
Mark: Welcome to my talk about how not to be seen. Behind two of these gravestones are Nick and Jared. Nick, Jared, would you two stand up, please? Nick and Jared: stand up Mark, immediately punching them: This demonstrates the importance of not being seen. (Source: Monty Python)
Kyle: Little boy! Chloe: Girl. Kyle: Girl, sorry. Who lives over there? Chloe: I'm 15. Kyle: What? Chloe: I'm 15. I'm not "little". Kyle: Well, I can't just call you "girl". Chloe: Well, you could say "Chloe". Kyle: I didn't know you were called Chloe. Chloe: Well, you didn't bother to find out, did you? (Source: Monty Python)
Jonas: Laziness is the mother of all bad habits, but ultimately she is a mother and we should respect her. (Source: Naruto)
Chloe: Life's as EXTREME as you wanna MAKE IT! (Source: Spongebob Squarepants)
Connor: putting on his makeup You can’t rush perfection. Morgan: I’m not rushing perfection, I’m rushing you. (Source: Spongebob Squarepants)
Mark: Could you not stand so close? You're making me claustrophobic. Nick: What does 'claustrophobic' mean? Jared: It means he's afraid of Santa Claus! Mark: …No, it doesn't. Nick: Ho ho ho! Jared: Stop it, you're scaring him! (Source: Spongebob Squarepants)
Jared: If you had to choose between Sarah and all the money I have in my wallet, which would you pick? Zane: That depends. How much money are we talking here? Sarah: Zane! Jared: 62 cents. Zane: I’ll take the money. Sarah: ZANE! (Source: Spongebob Squarepants)
Adrian (singing): The best time to wear a gray hoodie is all the tiiiiiiiime. (Source: Spongebob Squarepants)
Chloe: Too bad Connor isn't here to enjoy Connor not being here. (Source: Spongebob Squarepants)
Kiera: Chloe… you’re reading them in order, right? Chloe: There’s an order!? Aw, man, I just started with the one with the coolest cover! (Source: Steven Universe)
Nick: We found a phone! Mark: Whose phone is it? Jared: Not important. (Source: Steven Universe)
The core six are drawing portraits of each other for an art class Brad: (revealing a bad doodle of Nate) I think I made one eye bigger than the other… Nate: (revealing an abstract drawing of Chloe) I was going for more of a feeling. Chloe: (revealing a gorgeous painting of Jonas) Honestly, I can’t even draw a circle… Kiera: (revealing a picture of herself) Jonas: Okay, Kiera, you just drew yourself… Kiera: I like me. (Source: Steven Universe)
Mark: I wish my cohorts weren't so dumb. Jared: I'm not the dumb one! Nick: You're no fun! (Source: The Nightmare Before Christmas)
Mark: I don't need a reason to beat the crap out of anyone who pisses me off. (Source: Xenogears)
Connor: Hey, Adrian, maybe we should play Magic: The Gathering sometime. Adrian: No thanks, I'd have more difficulty playing solitaire. (Source: Yu-Gi-Oh!)
Kiera: You are so irritating sometimes. Jonas: Wanna go make out? Kiera: Yes. (Source: Zoey 101)
Jonas: I'm so sad Chloe isn't with us. She's my best friend. Brad: What about me? Jonas: You're my worst friend. (Source: Zoey 101)
Brad: I have to say, I'm a little embarrassed for you. Nate: This is a sports-related injury! That makes me cool! Brad: Tripping over a basketball on your way to the bathroom is not cool! (Source: Zoey 101)
Chloe: "Connor"? Sounds like a creep. Kiera: You can't judge someone based on their name. Chloe: Sure you can. "Chloe." Cool name. Cool girl. gestures to Alicia "Alicia"… I rest my case. (Source: Zoey 101)
Kiera: You can't solve your problems with sad clarinet music. Morgan: I can try! (Source: Zoey 101)
Morgan: You know what would be good? Kiera: Hooking up with your brother. Morgan: What? Kiera: What? (Source: Zoey 101)
Chloe (reading a magazine): Your best friend took your favorite lip gloss without asking. Do you a) get a new best friend, b) push her down a flight of stairs. Kiera: It does not say that. Chloe: I know, but I feel that it should definitely be an option. (Source: Zoey 101)
Jonas: It wasn't your fault, Kiera. It was just a freak accident. Morgan: Yeah, like Connor's birth. (Source: Zoey 101)
Lauren: You play any sports? Jessica: Does shopping count as a sport? (Source: Zoey 101)
Alicia: I'm not good at talking to guys… Chloe: It’s easy. It’s just like talking to girls, but you have to use smaller words. (Source: Zoey 101)
Brad: Kiera would never date a jerk like you. Jonas: I'm one of your best friends! Brad: Which is how I know you're a jerk. (Source: Zoey 101)
Kiera: If you had to separate your cat from 49 other identical cats that were all equally excited to see you, how would you determine which cat was yours? Karin: I would take my 50 cats home and live like a queen. (Source: Tumblr)
Samantha: I don't want to go to McDonald's. Jonas: Well, McDonald's wouldn't want you, because you're a brat. (Source: YouTube)
Jonas: Are you a boy or a girl? Connor: I’m beautiful. Jonas: What gender are you? Connor: Sexy. Jonas: Yeah, but what’s in your pants? Connor: Magic. (Source: Unknown)
Kiera: We're a family. Families talk about things. Deborah: No, we ignore things until they go away. Adrian: She's right about that one. (Source: Unknown)
Morgan (to Kiera): We started chanting ‘McDonald's, McDonald's!’ and Connor pulled into the drive thru, and we started cheering, and then he ordered a black coffee for himself and continued driving. It was very disappointing. (Source: Unknown)
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waltrp · 5 years
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BIDDI BOPPI BOOP A SPECIAL MESSAGE ADMIN ZULEMA: welcome to walt Ash !  The Teague siblings are characters that I hold near and dear to my heart. They’ve always been my favorites of the nightmare gang since we opened. You captured Sadie beautifully in your app. You understand her well and I have complete faith that you’ll transform her into something magical. I’m ready for PAIN. Also, I love your passion for the nightmare before christmas. It’s one of my favorite movies as well so I know you’re going to kickass as Sadie Teague. You have 24 hours to send in your account. Please refer to THIS PAGE for your next tasks. We can’t wait to roleplay with you. Welcome to our Ohana xx.
It’s a pleasure to meet you…
Hi darlings, I am Ash, 22, GMT \ She/Her.
Not entirely random but.. I have a TNBC tattoo on my arm, I have seen TNBC live in concert with Danny Elfman, Catherine O’Hara and Ken Page and I think I love my cats more than most humans.
Triggers; Not really triggered by per say but not comfortable writing sexual assault.
Are you positive you can be active?
I can be very active in my evening time on weekdays and all day on my days off, weekends not so much as its the only time I see my partner and friends. On a scale i’m about a 7/10 but at the moment im on covid-19 lockdown so I am very much available to write for the next two weeks at least.
How did you stumble upon Walt?
Through the Zane Holtz tumblr tag!
Did you read the rules?
Yes indeedy!
Are you sure?
Character you want?
Sadie Teage
Please describe the character for us
I would describe Sadie as the Star tarot card flipped upside down. A girl with so much potential and love and trust in her heart that was cruelly ripped from her by the real world leaving her distrustful, angry and prone to self sabotaging for her own protection . A girl who could have been a kind reflection of her mother or as brilliant as her brother Logan but who had her self confidence poisoned by her malicious father and his evil ways. A girl with a guarded heart and no faith in humanity, a scorpion in a world of frogs. A girl who deep down is still suffering silently, wanting for a better life but never being able to see past the next rent due day. A girl who constantly counts her pennies to keep food on the table for Beckham, who never once lets herself live because she is too afraid of what would happen if she did
Second character choice
No secondary character interest at this time.
It’s time to see that sample para.
Sadie’s dry and cracked lips rested against the battered, old chipped mug that held a substantial amount of bitter black coffee, the heat from the liquid rose up danced against her sharp chin as she shivered all over. The apartment felt as cold as Dante’s Inferno and as her bony fingers decorated with thick rings clutched onto the mug for dear life her gaze drifted towards the open door of Beckham’s room. Sadie exhaled shakily, allowing herself the time to collect her thoughts before her younger brother returned home. Against the plug on the kitchen wall and attached to a charger falling to pieces her phone began to vibrate itself to the edge of the counter. Sadie caught it with one hand just as it began to dangle and frowned at her landlords name across the screen. Locking her phone she placed it back down on the cool counter and rolled her eyes at the charger that had given up. “Piece of crap.” she muttered walking away to the kitchen table where a small notebook containing numbers rested. Setting down her steaming mug of will to live, Sadie propped her hair out of her face and took a seat alone at the table.
Budgeting; something Sadie was not the best it but something that was a necessity to how she survived from week to week. Her income stretched as thinly as she could possibly make it to have her ends met, the empty cupboards mocked her as she scribbled down a grocery list of baked beans, rice, coffee, bread, eggs, milk and porridge. Her gaze once again shifted to Beckham’s room as the temptation to borrow a few dollars built up inside her but almost as quick as it appeared Sadie ushered it out of her brain feeling sick. “New low point Sadie.. new low point” she sighed. Sadie was all too used to ‘borrowing’ from people, a five finger discount at stores, a free sample enthusiast but taking something from her family was a level she couldn’t bare to bring herself down to. Drumming her fingers against the table Sadie pondered on whether or not to contact Logan about her financial situation, ask Beckham contribute more and buy his own damn sugar if he wanted it that badly but she sadly shut down the thoughts feeling guilty. Even know she still wanted to protect them in her own way, not letting them know how bad things were getting would save them in the long run or at least that what she told herself.
Sitting back against the old wooden chair with a wobbly leg Sadie reached for her mug and swallowed a hot gulp of coffee, grimacing at the bitter aftertaste, maybe Beckham was onto something about his sugar. “Fuck– what am I supposed to do..” she whispered to the empty kitchen. Rent was due, the heating was broken, the cupboards were empty and her phone was about to call it a day. Everything was crumbling down around her, the fresh start she swore to herself would be different was now looking more like a hopeful dream she used to have a child. Sadie felt foolish, how did she let herself think she could be anything other than a pitiful, useless child. Tears stung in the back of her eyes as she tried to push back the overwhelming memories of her Father’s violence and heartbreaking words. Sadie knew from a young age she wouldn’t amount to much, that was Logan, she would always just be trailing behind on his coat tails keeping the electricity running. Hot tears ran down her face as Sadie began to imagine her life turning out like her mother’s, no escape from poverty, no happiness, just three rotten children and a house falling down around her.
Quickly Sadie rose to her feet pushing back the chair, she wiped away her tears with the sleeve of her shirt and wiped her nose after. She began to make her way across the kitchen breathing deeply to contain the emotions. Crying wouldn’t solve anything, but getting shit done would. Sadie unplugged her dead and gone charger from the wall and picked up her phone before walking back to the table. She grabbed her jacket off the chair back and her note pad from the table, stuffing it into her pockets. Walking towards the apartment door she fumbled for her key and began to type up a message.
[MSG; ORION]:: hey. you around? feel like causing some chaos.
Anything else, love?
I haven’t rp’d in like two years so this is me kind of coming back to the scene. Very rusty but if I am successful in joining your lovely group I hope to get back to speed and relearn everything all over again.
Also i am kind of obsessed with TNBC so I apologize in advance!
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familyjoule · 5 years
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After that article about Norman Lear circulated earlier this week I could not help but begin to fancast a new The Princess Bride film!
Disclaimers : I ADORE the original movie! I adore the original novel! A thing I want to impart upon the participants in the current zeitgeist of outrage "culture" is that, when something gets remade guess what? The original is still there for you to enjoy. No one is trying ro stomp on the stuff you love.
Also, there are instances where things get rereleased with changes made and the old ones do go away or become very expensive to acquire. In that instance, yes I don't like that. Han Shot first, Yama did call Tetsuo a peabrain and I don't know…the new dialogue track for Drunken Master really does not have the same humor in voice acting that the original exudes.
But I digress. If They'd Let Me cast a new The Princess Bride, my main desire would be to keep most of the original dialogue and plot points. The film is hilarious and even more so cuz it is as far as I remember, superrrrr close to the book. The only thing I'd alter just a bit is; I would shoot some flashback scenes of Westley with the previous Dread Pirate Roberts and enlist Cary Elwes to play the role. I would _still_ have Westley narrate it tho. I think. 😸
So to break down rhe image above for those who don't know these actors here is a List!
Westley - Steve Yeun
Fezzik - Nonso Anozi
Inigo Montoya - Diego Luna
Princess Buttercup - Janina Gavankar
Vizini - Danny Devito
Miracle Max - Robin Wright
Valerie - Aisha Tyler
Prince Humperdink - Billy Zane
Count Rugen - Jemaine Clement
The Impressive Nun - Margaret Cho
The Dread Pirate Roberts - Cary Elwes
More Disclaimers! : So I'm not sure if you noticed but the cinema representation of Medieval Times is almost exclusively white and heteronormative. I mean look at some of the most well known movies from that genre and non-white people are greatly lacking. It is wild that for example, Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones has no problem depicting stuff like elves and dragons and magic but cannot imagine a fictional kingdom using African lore as inspiration. It took Black Panther and Coming to America before it being made to show audiences this possibility. It is also crazy to me that these are pretty much the only two. I mean Uwe Boll had a black knight in one of his movies good gravy, if you get beat by Uwe Boll what are you even doing being on set.
So you can see with this fancasting I diversified the ethnicities of the roles. I added a same sex relationship. I put in a female member of the clergy. I don't know about you but this movie, with this cast, with the orignal script, shot on location, shot in HD, with updated set design and choreography and effects would _blow_my_mind_🤩👍.
P.S. I'd also love to put Fred Savage in old man makeup and have him be the one telling this tale to his granddaughter 😉
The End
Roze | 9.18.19. | nyc
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justaphangirl07 · 6 years
You Was Oblivious To It: Part 2 (David Dobrik)
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I sigh as I walk back into the living room after helping Danny rinse the pepper stray out of his eyes
Realistically, it was a bit of a stupid idea but he wanted to do it for my vlog
I walked down the hall from Jason's room and I see that Jason, Zane and Jonah are looking out the window
"Hey guys, have you seen Y/N and Drew?" I ask as I walk up to them
"Shhh! That's what we are looking at" Zane scolds me
I quickly walk over and stand in between Jason and Zane
I look out the doors to the garden, to see Drew and Y/N sat on "The Rock" as I called it the other day
Laughing and chatting about stuff
I noticed that Drew was still only wearing his boxers
This annoyed me a little, because he was just sat around Y/N like that
It is of no secret to myself, that I have liked Y/N for a while now
I just never got the courage to tell her
So I made bad jokes and puns to drop hints
But it clearly never worked
It's like she just doesn't see it or pick it up!
He laughs at something, she just said and he puts his hand on her thigh
The anger starts to pump through my veins
"That isn't good" I hear Zane mumble
"Why?" I ask quietly
"Because I heard that Drew was in a boyband and when Y/N was talking to him, I heard her say she was a big fan" he explains
"Right? What has that got to do with anything?" I question
"David, it's an adorable boyband member, she will be putty in his hands, who can compete with that?" Zane says with a shrug
"I sure as hell can!" I declare before I push the door open
Before I know it, my feet are carrying me over towards the pair of them
As I walk over to them, I see Drew look towards me before talking to Y/N
This makes my blood boil even more because I can tell he is talking about me
I get over to them pretty quickly and I look between them
"Y/N, can I talk to you alone for a minute please?" I request with gritted teeth, looking at Drew the whole time, that I am speaking
"I think I'll just get out of the way, I'll speak to you later though Y/N?" He questions as he gets up and begins to walk away as well as looking at Y/N
"Sure, don't forget your towel" she says as she throws it at him and he catches it with a chuckle
“Don’t forget what I said” Drew says as he walks away, which causes Y/N to roll her eyes
I wait until Drew walks into the house, before I sit next to Y/N in the spot, where Drew was sitting
I run my hand through my hair before I turn my body towards her
“David, are you ok? What’s up?” Y/N ask as she puts her hand on my knee
I sigh as I turn my head towards her to look at her
I decide to just be forward with what I wanted to say
"Do you like Drew?" I question
She shrugs
"I mean he is a nice person but I don't really know him yet" she says
"No I mean do you like, like him?" I ask
Y/N chuckles as she shakes her head
"No I don't sadly, he isn't my type" Y/N admits
I let out a deep internal sigh as she says that
At least, he isn't her type
"Why did you ask?" She questions
My mind goes into a state of panic, not knowing what to tell her
"I was just wondering because you looked pretty interested in him, I mean he looked interested in you" I ramble
"I mean I'm just saying from a best friends point of view" I continue to blab on
Y/N laughs once more with a smile
"Thank you for caring about me, best friend and I'm telling Jason you called me your best friend" she says as she gets up off the rock and begins to walk away
"Wait, can I just ask what is your type?" I ask boldly
She hums in response, clearly thinking
"Vloggers" she says with a cheeky smile
Before turning and walking away again
I get up and go up to her and gently grab her arm
"What kind of vloggers?" I question
By this point, I think it is clear why I am asking but I think I'm just going along with this in case it isn't
"I like vloggers with long hair, around 9 million subscribers and also who are oblivious to their best friends feelings" Y/N explains
Well I'm all of those things...I guess?
I move closer and she wraps her arms around my neck and pulls me closer to her
My hands automatically go to her hips
"My type is also people, who are oblivious to their best friends feelings as well" I say with a cheeky smile
She chuckles
"Well that's lucky isn't it?" She states retorically
I laugh at her comment
"So I'm guessing I'm your type then?" I say with a small smirk
"I guess you are" Y/N says looking from my lips to eyes again before she leans in
I lean in and soon enough our lips meet
As our lips meet, they move in sync together and it just feels so right
Like it was meant to happen
I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her impossible close to me
After a few moments of kissing, we pull away and I rest my forehead against hers
I smile as I look at her
"So what does this make us?" She questions
"Anything you want, but right now I want to stay in this moment forever" I admit
Y/N chuckles
"Can't believe that, you was oblivious to it, you couldn't see what was right in front of you" I mumble to her
"No David, we was oblivious to it, we couldn't see was right in front of us" she says with a smile
Silence falls between us for a moment, whilst we take in the moment, before I speak again
"By the way, what did Drew say to you before you left?" I question
"That he thought that you liked me" she explains
I hum
"He's a smart kid, I like him!" I say with a smug smile on my face
Y/N rolls her eyes, with a smile
"Oh shut up David" she says before she leans in to kiss me once more
I smile back at her, as I lean in and join our lips together before they move together in sync
In this moment, I knew the time was right for us
I knew this is right!
A/N: If anyone wants to request an imagine (vlog squad or another fandom, like my other imagines) feel free to do so! My message are always open! :)
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syndergaarden · 5 years
Okay I had been really looking forward to redoing the Degrassi character sorter once I got through Next Class and actually knew all the characters, and I just did it and the results are FASCINATING (to me at least lmao).
Clare Edwards
Eli Goldsworthy (when I had to choose between Clare and Eli, I chose “I like both” to let my other answers decide for me, so this is v interesting!)
Tiny Bell
Shay Powers (ditto for Tiny and Shay.)
Marco del Rossi (overtaken by Tiny and Shay!!!! I’m floored.)
Grace Cardinal
Goldi Nahir
Jimmy Brooks
Jane Vaughn
Maya Matlin (so high?!?!!?! And look how many NC characters in the top 10, whaaaaaat?!)
Fiona Coyne
Ellie Nash (out of the top 10?! Those college years really soured me apparently.)
Adam Torres
Mike Dallas
Zoe Rivas (NC was a total revelation.)
Emma Nelson
Holly J Sinclair
Alli Bhandari
Winston Chu
Cam Saunders (I found it so hard to decide what to do with him because we only had him for a season!)
Yael Baron
Lola Pacini (literally one season of growth sold me on her.)
Manny Santos
Zane Park
Sean Cameron
Jake Martin
Jay Hogart (would’ve liked him more but his shitty early seasons couldn’t be overcome.)
Bianca DeSousa (ditto.)
Jenna Middleton (ditto.)
Terri McGreggor (it’s hard to choose her over anyone when she was around for such a short time!)
Spinner Mason (he was so garbage for so long. Don’t think I’ve forgotten.)
Connor DeLaurier
Saad Al’Maliki
Riley Stavros
Imogen Moreno
Miles Hollingsworth
Hazel Aden
Sav Bhandari
Zig Novak
Craig Manning
Alex Nunez
Toby Isaacs
JT Yorke
Anya MacPherson
Becky Baker
Declan Coyne
Wesley Betenkamp
Chantay Black
Jonah Haak
Liberty Van Zandt
Paige Michalchuk
Danny Van Zandt
Frankie Hollingsworth
Darcy Edwards
Drew Torres
Tori Santamaria
Ashley Kerwin
Katie Matlin
Mo Mashkour
Johnny DiMarco
KC Guthrie
Mia Jones
Kelly Ashoona (why is he even on the list?)
Peter Stone (HOW IS HE THIS HIGH UP?????????)
Derek Haig (HOW IS HE THIS HIGH UP???????)
Dave Turner (HOW IS HE THIS HIGH UP????????????)
Owen Milligan
Marisol Lewis (damn she was useless and terrible but I didn’t expect her to be THIS low.)
Tristan Milligan
Baaz Nahir
Vijay Miraj
Esme Song
Hunter Hollingsworth (lmao)
It’s super interesting to see characters I’d classify as “very nice but very boring/useless/not developed enough” (Jake, Hazel, Sav, Terri, Tori, etc.) mixed in with “fascinating characters but make me want to rip my hair out” (Craig, Paige, Esme) mixed in with “you’re so interesting but do I actually like you that much?” (Maya, Zoe) mixed in with “I liked you at the end but you were Not Great to start and I haven’t totally forgiven you” (Jay, Spinner, Alex, Lola, Holly J, Imogen) mixed in with “ugh I know I’m supposed to love you but I just DON’T” (Liberty, JT).
And I really can’t believe how many Next Class characters are now in my top 10. Who even am I? 
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pennywaltzy · 6 years
Santa's naughty list -- McMolly
And I finally got around to updating this series, as a Christmas in July surprise for @posterofamyth! Hope you all enjoy.
SECONDARY PROMPT: nakama (n: a good friend/someone that you love in a non-romantic way, who is like your family)
A Christmas Miracle (A “Stuff Of Improbable Legends” Story) - Things have been good for those in New Orleans, but they're about to get even better one Christmas Eve...
Read @ AO3 | Summer Of Surprises | Christmas In July | Help Me Survive?| Commission Me?
It wasn’t as though he had done all the work setting up for Christmas, but he was exhausted. Gifts for Livvy and James, gifts for the twins, gifts for Desiree and Zoe...all of them sat under the tree, perfectly wrapped with a doctor’s precise hand. He couldn’t believe this was another Christmas season the twins had gone through; the way the festivities had gone, he would have sworn it was their first. But he didn’t know why, but this year was special.
Maybe it was the fact that after the last huge exodus, no one else had left in...well, nearly an entire year. Almost two, come to think of it. All the people who had been there last Christmas were still in New Orleans, along with a few additions. Jim had knocked Rose up again, much to everyone’s surprise, and joining their brood of the six children they knew about was another son. Zoe was expecting, too, so he and Molly were getting at least one more grand-kid to spoil along with Desiree.
Life was good, he decided. Better than he’d expected considering how they all got smashed together in various universes.
He laid his head down in Molly’s lap and looked up at her. She had her reading glasses perched on her nose and her hair up in a sloppy bun and he had to admit, there were times he missed her as a brunette but when she’d seen her facetwin with blonde hair she’d lit up and decided to go for it. There had been a spa weekend in Baton Rouge for a ton of the ladies but they all came back looking prettier than ever.
None, however, as pretty as his wife.
“You’re gorgeous,” he said, causing her to grin and blush. All these years later and he still managed to pull a blush out of her.
All these years later and he was the luckiest man in a million different universes.
She moved her book aside and leaned down, kissing his nose. “And you’re still as handsome as ever,” she said, smiling wider when she straightened back into a sitting position. “But there are still more presents to wrap.”
He groaned. “Can’t we just tell Jim’s kids they’re on Santa’s naughty list?”
“We absolutely cannot, because I already know you’ve wrapped Kenzi’s gift. I didn’t see that lab coat with her name embroidered on it anywhere.” She tapped his nose this time with her finger. “You’re just happy she gets to do her residency in a few months.”
“Well, cooperating with the program has been beneficial to the clinic in multiple ways, but I want to work with my niece,” he said.
“I know.” She moved her hand and ran her fingers through his hair. “Are you happy?”
“More than I have been in a long time,” he said. “Are you?”
“I miss home, and I miss my friends, but I’m happy,” she said. “Do you miss your friends who aren’t here?”
“Like Spock and Chekov?” Molly nodded. “I do, but...I don’t. It’s been so long since he left. But everyone else is here, so...”
“I understand,” she said.
He was going to respond when there was a knock on the door. It was late, and they hadn’t expected anyone else to come back to the cabin until the morning when they were going to have a big breakfast courtesy of Molly, then off to Jim’s for the annual party. He got up and gave her a quizzical look as she joined him, getting up to go to the door.
Jim was standing there, the gray flecking his beard mixed with the falling snow. “You know my house is basically a way station for lost souls, but we’re out of rooms,” he said with a grin. “Since you’ve got the magic cabin, figured you could make some room for most of the arrivals.”
“Most of…? Jim, what the hell are you talking about?” McCoy asked, his frown deepening.
“Check your watches.”
Both he and Molly looked down at their wrists and saw they were off. Molly’s eyes got wide. “I don’t want to go back!”
“I don’t think you can, at least not according to our friends in charge of the tech,” Jim said. “We got an influx of people popping up all over NOLA. Old friends...and new.”
He looked behind Jim but Molly spotted the guests first. “Mary! John! Rosie!” she said, and then her eyes widened more. “GREG! SHERLOCK!” She ran out of the cabin and he watched as his wife was surrounded by her friends, giving hugs and kisses as even more people piled out of Rose’s car.
“Looks like we got one last Christmas wish before the universe decided we’d done enough good to get our happy endings,” Jim said, turning to watch Molly hold a much bigger Rosie than had left all that time ago, a smile on her face and tears in her eyes. “Spock, Chekov, my folks...they’re all at my place. Carol’s here too, though she doesn’t remember anything from before. And Jaylah...you’ll actually get to meet her instead of just having the memories. Rose’s friends showed up, too, and we’ve got four to five in a room right now.”
“What about the others?” Leonard asked, trying to take it in.
“Star Wars house is actually full. Not sure how Livvy is going to react to Finn being back, but he’s here with Rey and Poe and everyone else who was here before. Martin’s back, Armand and Allison, Danny and Clara, the Marvel crew...I get the feeling my place is going to be packed tomorrow.”
“Zane? Daisy?” Molly asked from the side, and they realized that the whole group had come up.
“They’re here with all their girls,” Jim said with a grin. “Daisy’s taking it better this time. They’re staying at Phil’s bunker right now. Zoe and Jackson and his daughter are back, so they went to Zane’s old house.”
“Good thing you bought it,” Leonard said as wailing could be heard inside the cabin. “Molly, should we do introductions?”
“Yeah,” Molly said, a wide smile on her face. “They can meet the twins tonight and James and Livvy tomorrow.” She moved to Leonard and kissed him softly before pulling back. “Rather nice we got a Christmas miracle, isn’t it?”
“Yeah, I think it is,” he said, a matching smile on his own face. “Go get the kids. We have to fix up the cabin but...”
“But it will be worth it,” she said. “Come on in. Sherlock, don’t argue with me about my use of magic. It’s a rather long explanation.”
Leonard and Jim parted to let everyone in, waiting for Rose to give Jim a pretty exuberant kiss before she shut the door on the two men. Jim grinned over at McCoy. “Never expected this, did you?”
“Not in a million years,” McCoy admitted. “But it’s worth it, isn’t it?”
“Definitely,” Jim said, reaching over to clap his shoulder. “You got any eggnog?”
“With or without rum?” McCoy asked with a smirk.
“Got a babysitter for your hellions?”
Jim waggled his fingers. “Teleportation. We can pick up the cars tomorrow.”
“Good point.” McCoy looked over at him. “Merry Christmas, Jim.”
“Merry Christmas, Bones.”
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stepdownonhell · 6 years
Questions, questions
1: How tall or short do you wish you were? A:I’m fine with my height:) 2: What’s your dream pet? (Real or not) A: A ferret  3: Do you have a favorite clothing style? A: Grunge/Indie. Or basic white bitch 4: What was your favorite video game growing up? A:Can’t remember  5: What three things/people do you think of most each day: My hawt bf, a certain amazing, gorgeous girl that’s my cute lil rabbit ♥, and my future. 6: If you had a warning label, what would yours say? A: “Warning asshole” 7: What is your opinion on Trump]? A: Kill it.  8: What is your Greek personality type? [Sanguine, Phlegmatic, Choleric, or Melancholic] A: Sometimes Sanguine (Rarely tho lmao. working on it sh) But Phlegmatic mostly.  9: Are you ticklish? A: Uhhhh..no? 10: Are you allergic to anything? A: Cute rats. sad.
11: What’s your sexuality? A: Pansexual (save the pan jokes) 12: Do you prefer tea, coffee, or cocoa? A: Coffee  13: Are you a cat or dog person? A: Dog 14: Would you rather be a vampire, elf, or merperson? A: A very tall elf. 15: Do you have a favorite Youtuber? A: Zane Hijazi 16: How tall are you? A: 5′10 17: If you had to change your name, what would you change it to? A: Octavia 18: How much do you weigh? A: Too much. 19: Do you believe in ghosts/spirits? A: Yes 20: Do you like space or the ocean more? A: Space. 21: Are you religious? A: Religion? What’s that? 22: Pet peeves? A: Everything a human can do with their nails. flick flick  23: Would you rather be nocturnal or diurnal? A: Who doesn’t wanna be a vampire? 24: Favorite constellation? A: Aquarius  25: Favorite star?  A: Sirius 26: Do you like ball-jointed dolls? A: No 27: Any phobias or fears? A: Spiders 28: Do you think global warming is real? A: Maybe? 29: Do you believe in reincarnation? A: Depends 30: Favorite movie? A: Love, Simon 31: Do you get scared easily? A: Naaah 32: How many pets have you own in your lifetime? A: 15 33: Who do you hate most? A: Um, trump and a certain some one. 34: What is a color that calms you? A: Yellow 35: Where would you like to travel and/or live? A: I would like to travel to the UK(And live there but..) I would wanna live in Cali.  36: Where were you born? A: A very cold place. 37: What is your eye color? A: Dark brown 38: Introvert or extrovert? A: Introvert. Why do you think I’m on tumblr? 39: Do you believe in horoscopes and zodiacs? A: Yeah boy. 40: Hugs or kisses? A: Um neither, gross. 41: Who is someone you would like to see/visit right now? A: My love 42: Who is someone you love deeply? A: My sweet boi 43: Any piercings you want? A: My septum plz. I need her back in my life 44: Do you like tattoos and piercings? A: Yes 45: Do you smoke or have you ever done so? A: I don’t smoke, but I have ew. 46: Talk about your crush, if you have one! A: I gots a mans honey 47: What is a sound you really hate? A: NAIL FLICKING 48: A sound you really love? A: My mans voice ;) 49: Can you do a backflip? A: no but how rad would that be? 50: Can you do the splits? A: ^ 51: Favorite actor and/or actress? A: Idkkk 52: Favorite movie? A: You asked me this already 53: How are you feeling right now? A: Nostalgic  54: What color would you like your hair to be right now? A: Blue 55: When did you feel happiest? A: When I went to Florida. 56: Something that calms you down? A: Talking  57: Have any mental disorders? A: Um 58: What does your URL mean? A: That’s a secret ;) 59: What three words describe you the most? A: Nostalgic, Lonely, unproductive.  60: Do you believe in evolution? A: Yes 61: What makes you unfollow a blog? A: If they’re a douche 62: What makes you follow a blog? A: If they’re rad 63: Favorite kind of person: The nice kind. Only in stores. 64: Favorite animal(s): Rats :) N snakes 65: Name three of your favorite blogs. I follow noone;) 66: Favorite emoticon: Emojis r gross 67: Favorite meme: Whats a me me  68: What is your MBTI personality type? A: Whut 69: What is your star sign? A: Sagittarius  70: Can your dog roll over on command, if you have a dog? A: Yes 71: What outfit out of all your clothes do you like to wear the most? A: Red and white adorable, soft ass crop top, with my black skinnies. 72: Post a selfie or two? A: Neither  73: Do you have platform shoes? A: Wishing 74: What is one random but interesting fact about yourself? A: I wanted to be a ballet dancer or a scientist.   75: Can you do a front flip? A: No 76: Do you like birds? A: Yes 77: Do you like to swim? A: ofc 78: Is swimming or ice skating more fun to you? A: Swimming 79: Something you wish didn’t exist: Anti lgbt + trump 80: Some thing you wish did exist: Teleportation my dear 81: Piercings you have? A: First+second lobe, nose. 82: Something you really enjoy doing: Makeup 83: Favorite person to talk to: My boiii 84: What was your first impression of Tumblr? A: gey  85: How many followers do you have? A: 0 86: Can you run a mile within ten minutes? A: 10:01 87: Do your socks always match? A: Not a chance 88: Can you touch your toes and keep your legs straight completely? A: Nope 89: What are your birthstones? A: Tealllll? 90: If you were an animal, which one would you be? A: a birb 91: If a flower could aesthetically represent you, what kind would it be? A: A white rose 92: A store you hate? A:  Hyvee? 93: How many cups of coffee can you drink in one day? A: 6 lmao  94: Would you rather be able to fly or read minds? A: read minds 95: Do you like to wear camo? A: Depends 96: Winter or summer? A: Summer 97: How long can you hold your breath for? A: 57 seconds 98: Least favorite person? A: a certain person 99: Someone you look up to: My boiii 100: A store you love? A: Spencers 101: Favorite type of shoes A: Converse 102: Where do you live? A: not ur biz 103: Are you a vegetarian or vegan? If so, why? A: No 104: What is your favorite mineral or gem? A: Um idk 105: Do you drink milk? A: No i think it’s gross 106: Do you like bugs? A: no 107: Do you like spiders? A: do u even have to ask? n O 108: Something you get paranoid about? A: Everything 109: Can you draw: No lol 110: Nosiest question you have ever been asked? A: do yOU PLAY BASKETBALL??????????? 111: A question you hate being asked? A: ^ 112: Ever been bitten by a spider? A: probably 113: Do you like the sound of waves at the beach? A: yes 114: Do you prefer cloudy or sunny days? A: Cloudy  115: Someone you’d like to kiss or cuddle right now: the boi :( 116: Favorite cloud type:  Arcus cloud 117: What color do you wish the sky was?  A: Yellow 118: Do you have freckles? A: I wish 119: Favorite thing about a person: Smile or humor 120: Fruits or vegetables? A: Fruits 121: Something you want to do right now: dieieieeie 122: Is the ocean or sky prettier? A: Both are endless  123: Sweet or sour foods? A: Sour 124: Bright or dim lights? A: Dim 125: Do you believe in a certain magical creature? A: No 126: Something you hate about Tumblr: The “I think murders are cute” Side. 127: Something you love about Tumblr: Pretty photos  128: What do you think about the least? A: Responsibilities ;))  129: What would you want written on your tombstone? A: “Dance on me”  130: Who would you like to punch in the face right now? A: A lot of people 131: What is something you love but also hate about yourself? A: My face 132: Do you smile with your teeth showing for pictures? A: Maybe 133: Computer or TV? A: Comp. 134: Do you like roller coasters? A: YEEES
135: Do you get motion sickness or seasickness? A: Motion sickness sometimes :((
136: Are your ears lobed or attached? A: Lobed 137: Do you believe in karma? A: A little 138: On a scale of 1-10, how attractive would you say you are? A: 3 139: What nicknames do you have/have had? A: Princess, hoe, rikku 140: Did you have any pretend or imaginary friends? A: When I was younger I thought Danny phantom was my bf.  141: Have you ever seen a therapist/shrink? A: Never 142: Would you say you are a good or bad influence to others? a: Bad.woops 143: Do you prefer giving or receiving gifts? A: Giving  144: What makes you angry? A: Homophobs  145: How many languages do you speak fluently? A: 2 Engrish n jibberish 146: Do you prefer boys, girls, and/or non-binaries? A: All of the beautiful people ♥ 147: Are you androgynous? A: Too much so 148: Favorite physical thing about yourself: My brows n hair 149: Favorite thing about your personality: Too tough to answer  150: Name three people you would like to talk to right now in person. A: My love, A rabbit n Hobo Johnson.  151: If you could go back into time and live in one era, which would you choose? A: Stone age my dudes 152: Do you like BuzzFeed? A: Ew no 153: How did you meet your spouse/girlfriend/boyfriend/partner? A: A game 
154: Do you like to kiss others’ foreheads or hands for platonic reasons? A: umno
155: Do you like to play with others’ hair? A: Yea 156: What embarrasses you? A: My mother 157: Something that makes you nervous/anxious: Too many peoples 158: Biggest lie you have ever told: Lets not bring that up 159: How many people are you following? A: Dunno 160: How many posts do you have on your blog(s)? A: Like 2 161: How many drafts do you have on your blog(s)? A: none 162: How many likes do you have on your blog(s)? a: nONE 163: Last time you cried and why: A few days ago for reasons  164: Do you have long or short hair? A: Shoulder length 165: Longest your hair has ever been: To the bum 166: Why do you like, dislike, or have neutral feelings about religon? A: Because religion scares people into thinking if they do something bad, they’ll go to an imaginary place called hell. If your God loved you so much he would never do such a thing ;/// + Many other reasons 167: Do you really care how the universe and world was created? A: I really do 168: Do you like to wear makeup? A: too much 169: Can you stand on your hands or head for more than thirty seconds? A: No 170: Did you answer the questions you were asked truthfully? A: Yuh
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emgay · 6 years
this my ranking of all the degrassi characters bc i kno yall care sm 
shitty ass characters/pure evil:
hazel (lazy and lacked depth, unnecessary)
ashley (written to be a nagging bitch, played that shit great tho)
paiges brother (less than mediocre acting imo, boring)
johnny dimarco
owen (why)
jane (altho her trauma story could have been really good, it wasnt)
bruce the moose (why did he exist with a name)
mia (forgettable, boring, her kid had the worst kid acting ive seen, just unlikable)
dave (asshole with boring stories)
hunter (he was supposed to get likable after being institutionalized but he was a little shit)
clare (lmoa dont drag me)
LUKE (obviously)
vijay (i was so excited for him but...absolutely not)
eli obviously (altho i feel like they really could have done better with his character especially when it came to his bipolar storyline)
manny (cuckoo bananas)
esme (i KNO she was evil but she was....real)
still really good:
cam (wish they would have developed his mental health issues further before killing him off) 
craig (altho i didnt really like him? just really good character imo) 
ali (she gets such a bad rap for always letting boys get in her way but like it worked?)
ellie (wish her cutting story was expanded more it was so brief “oh i cut oh now i dont but itll always be in me except we’re never gonna mention it again”)
started out shitty became okay/good/amazing:
holly j 
ZOE (wow)
becky (her testifying basically against her brother in court like damn)
bianca (some of my fave development)
imogen (she started as a literal evil manipulating bitch)
yael (i feel like they really didnt kno what to do with them....they started them as this anti feminist gamer girl then ended with their character as nonbinary ? but i still liked the character by the end it just didnt feel like it fit)
maya (i really hated her in the first couple seasons but by next class she was...okay. tolerable)
lola (she went from unnecessary airhead character to great friend who is always there aw)
overall boring/annoying/eh:
alex (her storylines had soooo much potential but they fell flat imo)
tiny (his gang involvement was interesting but i didnt give a shit abt his relationship shit in next class)
jack (they tried soooo hard with her character tht it was just annoying and unbelievable)
katie (her addiction plot was so bad)
ones who deserved more than what they were given:
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gamerszone2019-blog · 5 years
Why You Might Want To Play Borderlands 3 More Than Once
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Why You Might Want To Play Borderlands 3 More Than Once
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All four playable Vault Hunters in Borderlands 3 bring their own distinct flavor to the game, and not just in terms of their unique skill trees. In comparison to the Vault Hunters in previous games, Borderlands 3’s Zane, Moze, Amara, and FL4K talk a lot, constantly speaking their minds and responding to NPCs during conversations. Your choice of Vault Hunter won’t impact the final outcome of the main story at all, but it will influence how you perceive certain events and understand the relationships of specific characters–encouraging you to play through Borderlands 3’s campaign more than once.
“We wanted to make sure that if people said, ‘I want to play through this game all over again with a different character,’ that they would then feel rewarded,” co-lead writer Sam Winkler said in an interview with GameSpot. “Not just in terms of different mechanics but also a slightly different interpretation of some of the stories.” The emphasis on Sirens in Borderlands 3’s plot means Amara has a vested interest in the story’s events, for instance, and FL4K–a nonbinary AI–explores their growing sexual attraction to Ellie by flirting with her every chance they have.
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Borderlands 3 – Breaking Down FL4K’s Skill Tree
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Having played as all four of the Vault Hunters now, I love how much each one changes how many of the interactions go. Previous Vault Hunters have rarely felt like carbon copies of each other–their unique abilities mean each one handles in a distinct way. But within their respective stories, each one typically reacts to every event in a similar way to their teammates. There’s no new insight playing as Brick instead of Mordecai or Maya instead of Zer0. So it’s a nice change of pace in Borderlands 3, and I’m already eager to see how each Vault Hunter uniquely responds to the streamer-like banter and violent habits of the Calypso Twins–especially Tyreen, a Siren whose curse-like Phase Leech ability and horrifying backstory (if true) write her as somewhat of a tragic figure.
To also encourage replayability, several side quests in Borderlands 3 contain choices, allowing you to impact the game in different ways. Don’t expect world-changing events but, for example, you can influence how certain characters will appear depending on what you do. In Borderlands 3’s prologue, for instance, Claptrap loses his antenna, and–for the rest of the game–he’ll just wear whatever you decide to give him as a replacement. “Maybe it’s a tin foil hat, or a human arm, or something else,” Winkler said.
Aside from the more vocal protagonists and additional agency in how certain side quests conclude, the story of Borderlands 3 is fundamentally the same character-driven tale of crass humor, murderous mayhem, and silly puns that defined Borderlands, Borderlands 2, Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, and Tales from the Borderlands. Almost every major character from the previous four games returns in this newest installment, though many have changed in the seven in-game years since the events of Borderlands 2. Because there’s been so much history in the franchise, Gearbox wanted to avoid making any of the previously established characters–such as Tiny Tina, Sir Hammerlock, or Ellie–into playable Vault Hunters. It was important that players were forced to use characters who had never interacted with Pandora and its inhabitants before so the story would then have to reintroduce the franchise’s lore, helping out series newcomers.
“There’s that wonderful cadence of Borderlands where the previous rounds of Vault Hunters become characters in the world, and that allows you the opportunity to learn more about them and where they’re from,” co-lead writer Danny Homan said. “But as a result, with Borderlands 3, you need a new generation of Vault Hunters because you need to see an old world through a new perspective. It’s so useful when you have a new cast who have just made their way to Pandora and they’re asking all the [expositional] questions that the players may be asking, like, ‘What the heck is a Vault? What am I doing here? Who is Lilith? Why is this robot trying to insult me and also give me stuff?'”
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Borderlands 3 Gun Manufacturers Explained
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“We never want Borderlands 3 to feel like you have to know everything about the franchise in order to understand why a character is important,” Winkler added. “We want it to be accessible to both new and old players.” Not every bit of information in regards to past events could be fit into Borderlands 3’s early chapters though. As a result, Borderlands 2–which hasn’t seen a story expansion since 2013’s Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragon Keep–got new DLC earlier this summer, just ahead of Borderlands 3’s release.
“Our biggest goal with [Commander Lilith and the Fight for Sanctuary DLC] was to canonize some stuff from [Tales from the Borderlands],” Winkler said. “A lot more people played Borderlands 2 than Tales, and so we didn’t want people to ask, ‘Where’s Helios?’ when they picked up Borderlands 3.”
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The First 20 Mins of Borderlands 2 DLC: Commander Lilith & The Fight For Sanctuary
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Tales from the Borderlands is an outlier in the franchise, the only game in the series that doesn’t star Vault Hunters as the main characters and also isn’t a first-person shooter. However, it took Borderlands’ ludicrous humor to new heights, and it’s this level of ridiculousness that Borderlands 3 strives for.
“A lot of people would say ‘Don’t do an extended five-minute gunfight without any guns,'” Winkler said. “And yet Tales did it and I still see that [finger gun fight] all the time on the internet. That’s the energy we want to bring to Borderlands 3. Have people say, ‘Did you play that one thing? It’s insane.'” In this, Borderlands 3 certainly seems to fit the bill. On Eden-6 (one of the new planets you’ll visit in the game), you meet an Ice-T-voiced AI that’s been trapped in a teddy bear by its angry ex-girlfriend. The jokes that follow in that particular chapter go to places that are as shocking and unsettling as they are morbidly amusing. Borderlands 3’s story is definitely closer to the creative weirdness and pretty-much-anything-goes tone of Tales, as opposed to the unhinged attitude of the previous mainline games.
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Borderlands 3 – Sanctuary Ship Tour Gameplay
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If nothing else, the story told in Borderlands 3 seems to be somewhat of an apotheosis for the franchise up to this point–rewarding fans with the answers to many of the series’ most long-standing questions. You shouldn’t expect to have everything laid bare though, as Borderlands 3 expands upon the franchise’s lore with brand-new concepts as well. “There are definitely events from previous Borderlands games that kind of reach an interesting culmination in certain ways,” Homan said. “The focus on Lilith from Borderlands 1 to Borderlands 3–there are some interesting stories that we’re telling there. People love the Borderlands universe and there are always more stories out there, and so when we’re trying to wrap up a story, we’re always trying to see new stories.” Winkler added, “Whatever Borderlands ends up looking like after Borderlands 3, I think that people will be able to look back and see one, two, and three as maybe a trilogy. But not necessarily with walls on either side of it.”
Borderlands 3 is scheduled to release for Xbox One, PS4, and PC on September 13. On PC, Borderlands 3 has a limited-time exclusivity deal with the Epic Games Store that lasts until 2020. Borderlands 3 will also be a day one title on Google Stadia, a cloud-based game streaming service scheduled to launch in November 2019.
Source : Gamesport
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mrjeremydylan · 7 years
My Favorite Album #212 - #BeatlesMonth Wall Street Journal's Allan Kozinn on how 'I Want To Hold Your Hand' broke the Beatles in America and the anatomy of an iconic hit
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Beatles scholar, author, Wall Street Journal music critic and co-host of Beatles podcast 'Things We Said Today' Allan Kozinn joins me to tell the behind-the-scenes story of 'I Want to Hold Your Hand' - why hadn't the Beatles cracked America prior to this song? How did a teenage girl and a radio DJ force the Beatles record label to rush release the song? How did the JFK assassination set the stage for Americans embrace of aspirational British pop?
Plus we break down the song piece by piece to show how the Fab Four constructed a perfect single which was just as groundbreaking and sophisticated as their later work - from the lyrics to the harmonies, the guitar parts and their first use of four-track overdubbing, the sexual undertones in the music and how it marked the apex and the climax of their 'Wooo' period.
If you enjoyed this episode, pick up a copy of Allan's book Got That Something! How the Beatles’ “I Want to Hold Your Hand” Changed Everything.
Listen in the player above or download the episode by clicking here.
Subscribe to the podcast on Apple Podcasts here or in other podcasting apps by searching ‘My Favorite Album’ or copying/pasting our RSS feed -http://myfavoritealbum.libsyn.com/rss My Favorite Album is a podcast unpacking the great works of pop music. Each episode features a different songwriter or musician discussing their favorite album of all time - their history with it, the making of the album, individual songs and the album’s influence on their own music. Jeremy Dylan is a filmmaker, journalist and photographer from Sydney, Australia who has worked in the music industry since 2007. He directed the the feature music documentary Jim Lauderdale: The King of Broken Hearts (out now!) and the feature film Benjamin Sniddlegrass and the Cauldron of Penguins, in addition to many commercials and music videos.
If you’ve got any feedback or suggestions, drop us a line at [email protected].
- Allan Kozinn on Twitter.
- Subscribe to the Beatles podcast ‘Things We Said Today’.
- Buy I Want to Hold Your Hand here.
- Jeremy Dylan’s website, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook page.
- Like the podcast on Facebook here.
- If you dig the show, please leave a rating or review of the show on iTunes here.
211. #BeatlesMonth Conan’s Jimmy Vivino on the Sgt Pepper remixes and recreating the intricacies of the Beatles with the Fab Faux 210.  #BeatlesMonth Heartbreaker Benmont Tench on playing with Ringo, the Beatles RnB roots and the genius of ‘No Reply’ 209. #BeatlesMonth Ken Levine on ‘Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band’ (1967) 208. All Our Exes Live In Texas on Rufus Wainwright ‘Want’ (2004) 207. Eilish Gilligan on Counting Crows ‘August and Everthing After’ (1993) 206. Katie Brianna on Rilo Kiley ‘Under the Blacklight’ (2007) 205. Pegi Young on her biggest influences, from Janis to Joni, Clapton to the Dead 204. Margaret Glaspy on Bjork ‘Vespertine’ (2001) 203. Iluka on Marvin Gaye ‘What’s Going On’ (1971) 202. Veronica Milsom (triple J) on The Shins ‘Wincing the Night Away’ (2007) 201. Charles Esten on Bruce Springsteen ‘Born to Run’ (1975) 200. What’s Your Favorite Aussie Music? with Benmont Tench, Duglas T Stewart, Natalie Prass, Sam Palladio and Jeff Greenstein 199. Showrunner Jeff Lieber on Gregory Alan Isakov ‘The Weatherman’ and how music fuels his writing process 198. Jack Colwell on Tori Amos ‘Boys for Pele’ (1996) 197. Benmont Tench on playing with Bob Dylan, Jenny Lewis and Ryan Adams and the worst advice he’s received 196. Ella Thompson (Dorsal Fins, GL) on Renee Geyer ‘Moving On’ 195. The Shires on Lady Antebellum ‘Own the Night’ (2011) 194. Duglas T Stewart (BMX Bandits) on Beach Boys ‘Love You’ (1977) 193. Dan Soder on Queens of the Stone Age ‘Like Clockwork’ (2013) 192. Kingswood on The Beatles ‘Magical Mystery Tour’ (1967) 191. Comedian Becky Lucas on Michael Jackson ‘Bad’ (1987) 190. PVT on Brian Eno ‘Another Green World’ (1975) 189. Middle Kids on My Brightest Diamond ‘Bring Me The Workhorse’ (2006) 188. The Bitter Script Reader on Tom Hanks ‘That Thing You Do’ (1996) 187. Carly Rae Jepsen ‘Emotion’ (2015) with CRJ Dream Team Roundtable 186. Sarah Belkner on Peter Gabriel ‘So’ (1986) 185. Mark Hart (Crowded House, Supertramp) on XTC ‘Drums and Wires’ (1979) 184. Emma Swift on Marianne Faithfull ‘Broken English’ (1974) 183. Owen Rabbit on Kate Bush ‘Hounds of Love’ (1985) 182. Robyn Hitchcock on Bob Dylan ‘Blonde on Blonde’ (1966) 181. Dave Mudie (Courtney Barnett) on Nirvana ‘Nevermind’ (1991) 180. Brian Koppelman on Bruce Springsteen ‘Nebraska’ (1982) 179. Nicholas Allbrook (POND) on OutKast ‘The Love Below’ (2003) 178. 2016 in Review: What the hell? ft Jeff Greenstein, Rob Draper & Cookin on 3 Burners, Melody Pool, Lisa Mitchell, Emma Swift, Brian Koppelman, Mark Hart (Crowded House), Davey Lane and Alex Lahey 177. Harper Simon on The Beatles ‘White Album’ (1968) 176. Andrew P Street on Models ‘Pleasure of Your Company’ (1983) 175. Matt Farley (Motern Media) on why The Beach Boys ‘Love You’ is better than ‘Pet Sounds’ 174. Lisa Mitchell on Regina Spektor ‘Begin to Hope’ (2006) and her favorite albums of 2016 173. Peter Bibby on Sleep ‘Dopesmoker’ (2003) 172. Slate’s Jack Hamilton on Stevie Wonder ‘Innervisions’ (1973) 171. Showrunner Blake Masters on Drive-By Truckers ‘The Dirty South’ (2004) 170. Taylor Goldsmith (Dawes) on on their new album ‘We’re All Gonna Die’, loving LA and the albums that inspire him 169. Sadler Vaden on The Rolling Stones ‘Goats Head Soup’ (1973) 168. Guy Clark biographer Tamara Saviano on ‘Dublin Blues’, Guy’s songwriting process and his musical legacy 167. What does Trump mean for music? 166. A Tribute to Sir George Martin, The Fifth Beatle with Davey Lane and Brett Wolfie 165. John Oates on Joni Mitchell ‘Blue’ (1971) 164. Jimmy Vivino on the birth of the Max Weinberg 7, his relationship with Conan O’Brien, country music and the future of rock’n’roll 163. DJ Alix Brown on Transformer (1972) by Lou Reed 162. Taylor Locke on Doolittle (1989) by the Pixies, the album that inspired 90s alt-rock 161. Harts on Around the World in a Day (1985) by Prince and jamming with Prince at Paisley Park 160. Mark McKinnon (The Circus) on Kristofferson and programming the President’s iPod 159. Alan Brough on A Walk Across the Rooftops (1984) by The Blue Nile 158. Peter Cooper on Pretty Close to the Truth (1994) and why we need Americana music 157. Will Colvin (Hedge Fund) on One of the Boys by Katy Perry (2008) 156. Julia Jacklin on Extraordinary Machine by Fiona Apple (2005) 155. Japanese Wallpaper on Currents by Tame Impala (2015) 154. Montaigne on her album Glorious Heights (2016) and its inspirations 153. Alex Lahey on Hot Fuss by the Killers (2004) 152. Jack Moffitt (The Preatures) on Physical Graffiti by Led Zeppelin (1975) 151. Mike Bloom on Axis Bold As Love by Jimi Hendrix (1968) 150. Hey Geronimo on Drowning in the Fountain of Youth by Dan Kelly (2006) 149. Mickey Raphael on Teatro by Willie Nelson (1998) 148. Jack Ladder on Suicide by Suicide 147. Rusty Anderson on Hot Rats by Frank Zappa 146. Kenny Aronoff on The Beatles 145. Bob Evans on A Grand Don’t Come for Free by The Streets 144. Chris Hewitt (Empire) on New Adventues in Hi-Fi by REM 143. Dr Warren Zanes on Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers 142. Dr Mark Kermode (Wittertainment) on Sleep No More by the Comsat Angels 141. Van Dyke Parks on Randy Newman by Randy Newman 140. Imogen Clark on Heartbreaker by Ryan Adams 139. Jesse Thorn on Fresh by Sly and the Family Stone 138. Stephen Tobolowsky on The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars by David Bowie 137. Ben Blacker on Blood and Chocolate on Elvis Costello & the Attractions 136. Jonny Fritz on West by Lucinda Williams 135. Adam Busch on A River Ain’t Too Much to Love by Smog 134. Kelsea Ballerini on Blue Neighbourhood by Troye Sivan 133. Natalie Prass on Presenting Dionne Warwick 132. Josh Pyke on Badmotorfinger by Soundgarden 131. Kip Moore on Born to Run by Bruce Springsteen 130. Koi Child on Voodoo by D’Angelo 129. The Cadillac Three on Wildflowers by Tom Petty 128. Julian McCullough on Appetite for Destruction by Guns n Roses 127. Danny Clinch on Greetings from Ashbury Park NJ by Bruce Springsteen 126. Sam Palladio (Nashville) on October Road by James Taylor 125. Steve Mandel on Blood and Chocolate by Elvis Costello 124. Brian Koppelman on The History of the Eagles 123. Benmont Tench on Beggars Banquet by the Rolling Stones 122. Jimmy Vivino (Basic Cable Band) on Super Session by Al Kooper, Mike Bloomfield and Stephen Stills 121. Holiday Sidewinder on Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid by Bob Dylan 120. Ben Blacker on Aladdin Sane by David Bowie 119. EZTV on The Toms by The Toms 118. Jess Ribeiro on Transformer by Lou Reed 117. Whitney Rose on Keith Whitley Greatest Hits 116. Best Albums of 2015 with Danny Yau ft. Jason Isbell, Dan Kelly, Shane Nicholson, Tim Rogers, Will Hoge and Julien Barbagallo (Tame Impala) 115. Phil Spector’s A Christmas Gift For You with Jaime Lewis 114. Xmas Music ft. Kristian Bush, Lee Brice, Corb Lund and Tim Byron 113. Sam Outlaw on Pieces of the Sky by Emmylou Harris 112. Jason Isbell on Sticky Fingers by the Rolling Stones 111. Ash Naylor (Even) on Houses of the Holy by Led Zeppelin 110. Burke Reid (Gerling) on Dirty by Sonic Youth 109. Lance Ferguson (The Bamboos) on Kind of Blue by Miles Davis 108. Lindsay ‘The Doctor’ McDougall (Frenzal Rhomb) on Curses! by Future of the Left 107. Julien Barbagallo (Tame Impala) on Chrominance Decoder by April March 106. Melody Pool on Blue by Joni Mitchell 105. Rusty Hopkinson (You Am I) on ‘Nuggets: Original Artyfacts from the First Psychedelic Era’ 104. Jeff Greenstein on A Quick One (Happy Jack) by The Who 103. Dave Cobb on Revolver by the Beatles 102. Justin Melkmann (World War IX) on Coney Island Baby by Lou Reed 101. Kacey Musgraves on John Prine by John Prine 100. Does the album have a future? 99. Corb Lund on Gunfighter Ballads and Trail Songs by Marty Robbins 98. Bad Dreems on Unknown Pleasures by Joy Division 97. Davey Lane (You Am I) on Abbey Road by the Beatles 96. Dan Kelly on There’s A Riot Goin’ On by Sly and the Family Stone 95. Ash Grunwald on Mule Variations by Tom Waits 94. Stella Angelico on The Shangrilas 93. Eves the Behavior on Blue by Joni Mitchell 92. Troy Cassar-Daley on Willie Nelson’s Greatest Hits 91. Lydia Loveless on Pleased to Meet Me by the Replacements 90. Gena Rose Bruce on The Boatman’s Call by Nick Cave 89. Kitty Daisy and Lewis on A Swingin’ Safari by Bert Kaempfert 88. Will Hoge on Modern Sounds in Country & Western Music by Ray Charles 87. Shane Nicholson on 52nd St by Billy Joel 86 - Tired Lion on Takk… by Sigur Ros 85 - Whispering Bob Harris on Forever Changes by Love 84 - Jake Stone (Bluejuice) on Ben Folds Five by Ben Folds Five 83 - Pete Thomas (Elvis Costello and the Imposters) on Are You Experienced? by the Jimi Hendrix Experience 82 - Dom Alessio on OK Computer by Radiohead 81 - Anthony Albanese MP on The Good Son by Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds 80 - John Waters on Electric Ladyland by The Jimi Hendrix Experience 79 - Jim DeRogatis (Sound Opinions) on Clouds Taste Metallic by The Flaming Lips 78 - Montaigne on The Haunted Man by Bat for Lashes 77 - Guy Pratt (Pink Floyd) on Quadrophenia by The Who 76 - Homer Steinweiss (Dap Kings) on Inspiration Information by Shuggie Otis 75 - Best of 2015 (So Far) ft. Danny Yau, Montaigne, Harts, Joelistics, Rose Elinor Dougall and Burke Reid 74 - Matt Farley (Motern Media) on RAM by Paul McCartney BONUS - Neil Finn on The Beatles, Neil Young, David Bowie and Radiohead 73 - Grace Farriss (Burn Antares) on All Things Must Pass by George Harrison 72 - Katie Noonan on Blue by Joni Mitchell 71 - Harts on Band of Gypsys by Jimi Hendrix 70 - Tim Rogers (You Am I) on Bring the Family by John Hiatt 69 - Mark Seymour (Hunters and Collectors) on The Ghost of Tom Joad by Bruce Springsteen 68 - Jeremy Neale on Graceland by Paul Simon 67 - Joelistics on Graceland by Paul Simon 66 - Brian Nankervis (RocKwiz) on Astral Weeks by Van Morrison 65 - ILUKA on Pastel Blues by Nina Simone 64 - Rose Elinor Dougall on Tender Buttons by Broadcast 63 - Sarah McLeod (The Superjesus) on Siamese Dream by The Smashing Pumpkins 62 - Keyone Starr on The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill 61 - Chase Bryant on Defying Gravity by Keith Urban 60 - Brian Koppelman on Southeastern by Jason Isbell 59 - Michael Carpenter on The Beatles White Album Side 4 58 - Pete Kilroy (Hey Geronimo) on The Beatles White Album Side 3 57 - Mark Wells on The Beatles White Album Side 2 56 - Jeff Greenstein on Colossal Youth by Young Marble Giants 55 - Laura Bell Bundy on Shania Twain, Otis Redding and Bright Eyes 54 - Jake Clemons on Surfacing by Sarah McLachlan 53 - Kristian Bush (Sugarland) on The Joshua Tree by U2 52 - Kevin Bennett (The Flood) on Willis Alan Ramsey by Willis Alan Ramsey 51 - Lee Brice on Unorthodox Jukebox by Bruno Mars 50 - Davey Lane (You Am I) on the White Album (Side 1) by The Beatles 49 - Joe Camilleri on The Rolling Stones by The Rolling Stones 48 - Russell Morris on The Rolling Stones by The Rolling Stones 47 - Mike Rudd (Spectrum) on England’s Newest Hitmakers by The Rolling Stones 46 - Henry Wagons on Harvest by Neil Young 45 - Megan Washington on Poses by Rufus Wainwright 44 - Andrew Hansen (The Chaser) on Armchair Theatre by Jeff Lynne 43 - She Rex on BlakRoc by The Black Keys 42 - Catherine Britt on Living with Ghosts by Patty Griffin 41 - Robyn Hitchcock on Plastic Ono Band by John Lennon 40 - Gideon Bensen (The Preatures) on Transformer by Lou Reed 39 - Harry Hookey on Blood on the Tracks by Bob Dylan 38 - Rob Draper on Faith by George Michael 37 - Best of 2014 ft. Danny Yau, Andrew Hansen, Gideon Bensen (The Preatures) and Mike Carr 36 - Doug Pettibone on Wrecking Ball by Emmylou Harris 35 - Ross Ryan on Late for the Sky by Jackson Browne 34 - Michael Carpenter on Hard Promises by Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers 33 - Davey Lane (You Am I) on Jesus of Cool by Nick Lowe 32 - Zane Carney on Smokin’ at the Half Note by Wes Montgomery 31 - Tony Buchen on Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band by The Beatles 30 - Simon Relf (The Tambourine Girls) on On the Beach by Neil Young 29 - Peter Cooper on In Search of a Song by Tom T Hall 28 - Thelma Plum on Stolen Apples by Paul Kelly 27 - James House on Rubber Soul by the Beatles 26 - Ella Hooper on Let England Shake by PJ Harvey 25 - Abbey Road Special 24 - Alyssa Bonagura on Room for Squares by John Mayer 23 - Luke Davison (The Preatures) on Green Onions by Booker T and the MGs 22 - Neil Finn on Hunky Dory by David Bowie and In Rainbows by Radiohead 21 - Neil Finn on Beatles for Sale by the Beatles and After the Goldrush by Neil Young 20 - Morgan Evans on Diorama by Silverchair 19 - Emma Swift on Car Wheels On A Gravel Road by Lucinda Williams 18 - Danny Yau on Hourly Daily by You Am I 17 - J Robert Youngtown and Jon Auer (The Posies) on Hi Fi Way by You Am I 16 - Lester the Fierce on Hounds of Love by Kate Bush 15 - Luke Davison on Green Onions by Booker T and the MGs 14 - Jeff Cripps on Wheels of Fire by Cream 13 - Mark Holden on Blue by Joni Mitchell (Part 2) 12 - Mark Holden on Blue by Joni Mitchell (Part 1) 11 - Gossling on O by Damien Rice 10 - Matt Fell on Temple of Low Men by Crowded House 9 - Pete Thomas on Are You Experienced? by Jimi Hendrix (Part 2) 8 - Pete Thomas on Are You Experienced? by Jimi Hendrix (Part 1) 7 - Sam Hawksley on A Few Small Repairs by Shawn Colvin 6 - Jim Lauderdale on Grievous Angel by Gram Parsons 5 - Mark Moffatt on Blues Breakers by John Mayall and Eric Clapton 4 - Darren Carr on Ten Easy Pieces by Jimmy Webb 3 - Mark Wells on Revolver by The Beatles 2 - Mike Carr on Arrival by ABBA 1 - Rob Draper on Highway 61 Revisited by Bob Dylan
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The Good, The Bad, and The Lonely
OOC: A collab piece with Silvio Leon!
“Hey! Nice day for a walk in the park.”    Silvio beamed at Adrienne as she approached. He’d sent her a message to meet at Pierce’s Park. Dressed in blue jeans, brown leather sandals and a sleeveless red shirt, he stood from his seat on a bench and waved her over. It was good to see her - not just for the purpose of work, but also for the pleasure of her company. Setting down roots in a new town and reworking a social network from the ground up was difficult, but it also presented new opportunities; new stories.    “Nice kicks! Putting that winner’s purse to good use, huh?” he said with a grin.    After waving, she looked at her New Balances and shrugged with her reply, “Oh, these? I got these with my tag match winnings. My old ones were coming apart at the seams.”    Adrienne appreciated that it wasn’t raining today. It was just very, very hot. So she opted for a nondescript white tank top and jean shorts.    “Nate did buy me all new ring attire for the big show, though.” She said with a wry smile.    Silvio laughed, closing the distance between them and raising a brow. “That was a helluva match. Never doubted you for a minute, though. Congrats!”    Seeing Adrienne’s continued success was exciting. He reflected on the woman he’d met with at the cafe just a few weeks ago and how much of a difference there already was between her and this freshly triumphant Adrienne Levi. Winning wasn’t everything, but the new vibrancy he saw in her promos, her ring-work, and just the way she held herself made him glad.    “Victory suits you. Looking forward to continuing that win streak at WAR?”    Taking in all of the unorthodox architecture surrounding them, Adrienne considered that. Knox had told her to essentially revel in these moments. She finally answered after a bit of silence during their stroll, “Sure. Winning’s fun. I try not to make too big a deal about it, Silvio. Knew someone who did. Know lots of people who do.”    Adrienne stuck her hands in her pockets, head hung low as she trailed off.    He raised a brow, cocking his head to one side.    “Hey...sorry, I didn’t mean to hit a nerve or anything. Something on your mind? You don’t gotta tell me if you don’t feel like it, but I’m always happy to lend an ear.”    Stopping, she looked around. As of late, Adrienne had been hearing things from folks that couldn’t possibly know.    “No need to apologize. As for that, I’m not sure.” She didn’t want to betray Matt’s trust. Their conversations were private but something he said resonated with her in the wrong way. Her voice lowered a little, “I appreciate what you’ve done. Like more than you could ever know. But I’m not sure if I can be what is expected of me. I’ve done bad things, Silvio.”    He blinked in surprise before gesturing for her to have a seat with him on a nearby bench. “Everyone has done bad things, Adrienne. A bad action doesn’t necessarily make you a bad person.” Pausing, he glanced around before nodding to a man having a stroll with his wife, their children laughing and racing before them. “Pretty sure that guy’s new in town; or at least to this park. See how he keeps patting his back pocket? That’s where his wallet is. When people are out and about, especially in places that might be unfamiliar to them, they tend to touch things they value to make sure they’re still there; still safe.” Leaning back, he continued in a conversational tone. “Now, if someone were to take that wallet, he’d probably notice pretty quickly, and he might be able to spot the thief before they had a chance to get away. That’s why you leave a bunk biscuit in its place. A bunk biscuit is an object that is about the same size and weight as the one that’s being stolen. It’s tricky to do, but it’s worth it because it’ll take longer for him to realize anything’s gone amiss. By that time, the person stealing the wallet will be long gone.”    Looking at Adrienne, he gives her a little smile.    “How do you think I know that?”    Looking at the man with the family and then back to Silvio, Adrienne returned the smile sheepishly. Her answer was innocent in nature, “Books?”    But what he said started to set in.    “Oh. OH. Well, I won’t tell anyone.”    His grin widened. “It’s okay. Look, sometimes people find themselves in extraordinary circumstances and they do things they wouldn’t have expected to do.” Silvio shrugged. “I wasn’t a bad kid, I was just poor and hungry and desperate. Life can take us places we weren’t prepared for, and we do the best given the circumstances.” Looking at her, his expression softened. “I’m sure whatever you’ve done, you did because your options were limited or you were in a desperate situation. I wouldn’t judge you for that.”    She appreciated Leon sharing like this. Adrienne felt a compulsion to let everything out but nobody deserved that. Trying her best to commiserate, she mumbled, “Thanks. I did things for Danny. Things I’m not proud of.”    Silvio felt his heart give a lurch at that. He’d never met Danny Levi, but the tone she used to talk about him, her body language when he came up, raised some red flags. His body posture relaxed, and his own voice became lower and softer. “Yeah?” he murmured. “Is it something that’s hurting you now? I mean, do you need help or some time for yourself? The match is just a match - if you need to take care of yourself, that’s way more important.”    She smiled at Silvio’s kindness. Her eyes were mired in the sadness of the acts but she had promised herself that they would not define her.    “I’ve been reminded of a lot lately. But, gosh, Silvio, I’m so tired of being alone. I hate Clearwater. Feels like my tomb. And I guess it’s obvious: Danny’s not really in the picture anymore. I don’t think he’s coming back. I wish he would.” Subconsciously twisting the gold wedding band on her finger, she sniffled a little before resuming. “Cuz I did a lot for him. Did things I can never take back.”    Alone.    The word lanced through his heart like a shard of ice. But it was nothing compared to the way his stomach churned at Adrienne’s admission of things she’d done in her husband’s name.    “Do you,” he said softly, “want a hug? Or do you want to hold my hand? I understand if you don’t, but it’s okay if it would make you feel better. I know...how you feel. I don’t...I left everything behind when I came here. It’s really hard sometimes because so much of my support network is so far away. I’ve been incredibly fortunate with everyone I’ve met at Carnage since I got here - you included. But if it’s that bad, Adrienne, do you wanna work on getting you out of Clearwater? If it’s an emergency, I’ve got an open couch at my place - no questions asked.”    If it were only that easy to leave that place behind. Her mother would have a thousand reasons as to why leaving her hometown would be foolish. But there was one reason to leave that overrode them all.    “I’d like that. I really would,” and then she knew the following admission from a grown woman would make her seem sort of pathetic but she swallowed her pride and continued, “I gotta talk to my mom about this. She’s put up with so much already. With Danny and all, she didn’t want me even coming back to do this. She has her doubts even with how amazing all of you have been. I’ll convince her one day but for now, I’ll have to settle for visits.”    Looking forward to the myriad of people enjoying their day, she discreetly offered her hand.    Taking her hand in his, Silvio felt a pang wash over him. He drew in a breath, brow knit as he considered his words. “Do what you have to do. But - and if I’m out of line here, you can tell me - you gotta start living your life for yourself sooner or later. If you need out of Clearwater, you should start looking at other possibilities. I guess ultimately you have to ask yourself if the pain of the situation you’re in now is sustainable or not. Is enduring a known pain easier to deal with than an unknown potential for something better?”    “You make a lot of sense, Silvio. In fact, all of you have lately,” she paused, politely taking her hand back to brush a stray lock of hair out of her face. However, something had been bothering her. She would have a lot to mull over considering her situation but the newest addition to her nightmares as of late had been bothering her as of late. She summoned a little courage and posed her statement, “Only thing that doesn’t make sense is Zane King and you. You teamed with him. Walked by his side like it was nothing. Matt took issue with that but I’m not sure I feel the same way he does. That guy, he scares me. But, not only that, he nearly crushed my windpipe. Yet, here you are, unscathed.”    Silvio’s expression faltered somewhat and his gaze dropped to the ground. Taking a deep breath, as if steeling himself, he looked up at her. “He isn’t...Zane isn’t the same guy outside of the ring. I was able to talk with him; reason with him a bit. We worked out a deal, and that’s why that match even happened. If I hadn’t been able to get through to him, I’m pretty sure it would have just been a free-for-all. It was still pretty chaotic, even then.”    He pressed his lips together, thoughtful.    “...I wouldn’t...approach him when he’s near the ring or when a fight is about to happen,” he suggested. “There’s no getting through to him then. But when it’s quiet? When things are still...calm...he isn’t dangerous. I think…” Shaking his head, he gave her a sardonic smile. “I don’t know if you’ll believe me, but I think he’s a little scared, and even more lonely.”    Adrienne remembered back to the match. Was really easy to remember the worst parts. Silvio however reminded her of one strange moment towards the end. After an errant boot had busted his lip open, he became uncontrollable. It stopped being a competitive wrestling match and instead became a struggle to survive the night. After managing to escape his clutches, he was dragged up the ramp by his security detail and King gave her the strangest expression. All she could see were his eyes and yet they told her for the briefest moment that what Silvio had just explained was true.    “I believe you,” she replied emphatically.
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