#and literally who even is damian does anyone remember
angelhummel · 2 years
your glee/degrassi posts made me curious: which degrassi characters do you think are similar to the glee characters? i'd compare spinner and puck for example.
Oof not sure now I feel about that lmao. I have sooo many wildly fluctuating thoughts on Spinner that they all kind of average out into "he was ok" lmao. God honestly Spinner vibes for Finn more than Puck like aww I was a big dumb loser with no direction in high school, guess I'll become a cop/join the army (: I mean Puck too lowkey but that was just doubly dumb bc he was basically doing it for Finn like ?? calm down alksjfsdklgs
Plus there's so many more Degrassi characters than Glee characters so I feel like one Gleek is worth six Degrassians lmao
First of all Finn and Rachel want what Jay and Manny have, let's just say that. Super talented destined for stardom singer actor girl and her bf who works on cars and plays drums?? Janny outsold
Also with Jay and Alex I get Pucktana vibes. The ultimate lesbro lmao
Also Brittana are Palex and i dont ship either of them like the seemingly dark and brooding Latina lesbian with the soft spot for the preppy blonde bi cheerleader... Those dynamics look familiar
Quinn, I hate to do it to her, but a little Becky a little Darcy... Churchy good girl with the shitty parents who are oblivious to her struggles. Maybe also a little Jenna just for the teen mom thing but Puck could never and would never stoop so low to be a KC. Maybe also a little Fiona for Quinn??
Umm Karofsky and Riley are the same character. I think the only reason I like one and hate the other is bc Max could act :| Sorry bout it
I already went on record saying that Miles Hollingsworth is just fanon Sebastian Smythe alksjfslkfjs
Mercedes and Liberty a very little bit?? Mainly when it comes to Rachel/Emma & Manny acting like they were always such close besties when it's like ?? 75% of the time yall were hating on her!! Umm Terry for superficial body image issues lol. And ugh I don't know how I feel about this but maybe a little Clare?? Like in regards to keeping her faith and her relationship to sex etc etc
Actually I can very clearly see Kurt and Finn as Marco and Spinner bc I imagine s1 Finn would rather choke to death on a piece of food than let a gay guy give him the heimlich <3
Oh duh Kurt and Tristan. bc Finn and Owen (: But also bc they both have very theatrical personalities and similar arcs with body image issues and also they're both iconic
Artie is like JT and Toby's son idk
Kitty gives me early Holly J mixed with early Becky vibes
Tina maybe. Ellie and Ashley vibes :x I'm sorry alskfjslkfhs. And also superficially Leia in that they are both Asian and the show didn't care about them (:
Brittany is Lola (derogatory)
Whew that feels like a lot lmao but that's all the ones I can think of right now!! Lmk what you think!
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rad-batson · 1 year
Multiverse AU where different variants of Damian Wayne Al Ghul are accidentally hailed to one universe and Damian is in the middle, trying to get all of them back home, but it only gets worse and NOT for the reasons you would think.
So picture this: there’s a sea of Damian variants crowded into the Batcave. One’s a leader of the LOA. Another became the next Harley Quinn? One is a mute assassin. Another is Red Hood’s apprentice. One’s Batman. One’s a meta for some reason. Another is the leader of a revolution. One’s a monk. And another is a clone. They’re all somehow involved in vigilantism or the LOA.
And then there’s a completely normal one. He goes by Dami. He’s in college :) He works at an art studio. He’s got a heart condition. He has a boyfriend, and he has never been Robin before. In fact, he doesn’t even know his dad is Batman. So in a room full of wildly different versions, this Damian sticks out like a sore thumb. He’s like an NPC just standing in the middle of a final battle.
What he does know is that his mother, Talia, left the LOA with him when he was two because she fell in love with Bruce. Since then, the three have lived a Perfectly Normal Life as Perfectly Normal People in a moderately nice house in the suburbs of Gotham.
And you know what? No one questions it. Out of all the problems the Damians are having right now, Normal Damian is the least of them. So he just sits to the side, completely chill, and doesn’t interfere.
But then some chaos happens, the Damians are all sucked into a battle at some secondary location, Normal Dami is kidnapped, gets killed, and everyone’s super depressed about it. (Gosh, he was so nice. Why did it have to be him? Boo hoo. We didn’t even have time to recover the body.)
Until they head back to the cave…and there he is. Respawned. Alive. Confused.
He was literally dead on the floor two hours ago. They checked for a pulse! He bled out. Normal NPC Dami is supposed to be dead. But nope. He’s right there. “Hey, what happened? The last thing I remember is being tied up. Did I faint again?”
Everyone else, the whole batfamily and the mini Damian army, is like “wtf how’d you get here, buddy?” While he’s just like :) so Bruce, who put a bug on the security cameras or whatever, checks the footage and what he finds is absolutely horrifying.
Just after he died, Normal Dami’s eyes snapped open. Glowing a deep Lazarus Green. He stood up, walked out, and immediately fucking decimated the remaining group of kidnappers like a rabid animal. Literally anyone who got near him were goners, and Thank Sweet Jesus he didn’t run into anyone on the walk back because he didn’t care to clean off all that blood. Nope, he just walked right through the front doors of the manor, found a clean set of clothes, completely on autopilot, then all of the adrenaline wore off, and he collapsed from exhaustion.
So everyone watches the footage. NPC Damian is horrified. He insists that’s not him because he doesn’t kill people! How could they ever accuse him of killing people?! He has never done something like that. He can’t even walk up a flight of stairs without getting winded for Christ’s sake!
Nonetheless, he agrees to sit in their itty bitty holding cell as they do some fun little tests, and lo and behold: he is so genetically fucked up. Why? Because his DNA isn’t like the other Damians. It’s completely mutated by this green glowing substance that they know all too well.
The verdict? Normal Dami has been permanently mutated by the Lazarus Pit. The Lazarus Pit is inside of him. It IS him. Or maybe Normal NPC Damian is the Lazarus Pit.
When Normal Dami was two and he and Talia still lived with the LOA, there was an incident involving Damian drowning in the Lazarus Pit (à la Ra’s Al Ghul's Stellar Grand-Parenting Skills.) However, since he wasn’t dead, the Lazarus Pit devoured him, consumed him with violent pit madness, spat him back out, and Damian became this completely, unstoppably rage-filled toddler that can throw you over his shoulder and snap your neck. So Talia, terrified of what Ra’s would do with him, escaped to Gotham, found Bruce, begged for help, and they devised a plan.
Step 1: Raise Lazarus Damian as a completely normal kid.
Step 2: Take him to therapy. Maybe give him anger management classes. (Monitor his sugar intake. That couldn’t hurt.)
That was literally their whole plan. They had no other ideas ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Occasionally, he’d snap and kill someone in cold blood (whoopsie daisy) but his parents were an assassin and the world's greatest detective. No one’s gonna know.
Through some trial and error, they found out that abrupt adrenaline spikes were what triggered the madness. So they worked around it. They gave him calm, relaxing hobbies. They spoiled him with emotional support animals. They Never Raised Their Voices. He was homeschooled for a bit then introduced to university, but only AFTER they made sure Jon (the Indestructable Superboy) was his roommmate. (Yes, they told him. Yes, he is now part of the convoluted Keep Deadly Damian Relaxed Task Force. They’re also dating.) They got Damian a FitBit that tracked his heart rate so they could predict when his adrenaline spiked. They Life360’d his ass so fucking hard. Meanwhile, Damian just thought he had some kind of medical thing, none the wiser the entire time.
Long story short? “Chill Normal NPC Damian” Cannot Die. But he can Kill.
If he does “die” (the Lazarus Pit cannot die) then he goes into a murderous rage, kills everyone in sight, it wears off with the adrenaline, and he can’t remember what happened. This Damian is the Most Dangerous of the variants, and he doesn’t even know it because his parents decided that would be best.
And now the other Damians are scared of him, and he’s scared of himself, and no one knows why he's made of the Lazarus Pit, and they don’t know what to do with him, and they still don’t know how to get back, and some of them want to kill him, and some don't, but no one trusts him, including himself, and it becomes an all-out war over the fate of Damian.
Anyway, Normal Damian who's actually a Murderous Lazarus Spirit without even knowing it. Thank you :)
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thesuperiorrobin · 2 years
Boyfriend!Damian Wayne~
✩。:*•.────── ❁ ❁───────.•*:。✩
Boyfriend!Damian who is loves to admire you from afar. If it’s simply in the backyard of the manor, watching as you play and laugh around with his pets or simply in school watching as you raise your hand to answer a question or to ask questions yourself. You always wave at him when you catch him staring.
Boyfriend!Damian who find himself playing along with your weird shenanigans, without questioning or saying anything. If you ask him to join you in something he’ll join you in a heartbeat.
Boyfriend!Damian who’s always protecting you. If you tend to move he’ll fix his body so that he’s somewhat covering yours so that if something dangerous does come up, he’ll be the one to get hit and you’ll be safe
Boyfriend!Damian has every single song you ever liked mesmerized. Name of the sing, the singer, album, even the lyrics down to the bone.
Speaking of music,Boyfriend!Damian plays your favorite songs in the car while he drives and you sit in the passenger seat. He likes the way your mood changes and the way you jam out and sing along to the lyrics. He doesn’t care if you have a horrible singing voice. He’s just glad your having fun.
Boyfriend!Damian would send you good morning and good night texts. Even if his schedule with school and patrolling at night would get crammed, he would never forget.
Boyfriend!Damian who looks forward to your FaceTime calls and listen carefully as you tell him about your day and puts his input every time you as him too.
Boyfriend!Damian hates how his brothers try to intrude in his love life. Even after he had introduced them to you. He sometimes regrets it.
Boyfriend!Damian loves how you introduce him to things he missed out in his childhood. You’re the main reason why he knows the song lyrics to the little mermaid and Aladdin.
Boyfriend!Damian lets you wear his robin uniform, sometimes laughs when you complain about not being able to see through his mask.
Boyfriend!Damian who teaches you how to defend yourself just in case because he won’t be with you 24/7. That way he can feel relieved when he’s not with you because he now knows you can protect yourself.
Boyfriend!Damian gets dating advice from literally everyone because he doesn’t want to screw up what you two have.
Boyfriend!Damian sneaks into your room sometimes, but he makes sure you’re awake first, and takes you to your special spot so that you two can have your nightly talks with each other.
Boyfriend!Damian lets you borrow his clothes and expects them back, not because he hates it, but because they smell like you afterwards.
Boyfriend!Damian like to hold your hand a lot.
Boyfriend!Damian gets cooking lessons from Alfred so he can surprise you on your first anniversary
Boyfriend!Damian gets embarrassed when he remembers he wasn’t the first person to say I love you.
Boyfriend!Damian is so much happier with you then anyone else and is glad he was able to sweep you off your feet before anyone else could.
I’ll probably make a husband and version but idk yet
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gffa · 1 year
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You know what? This is my Bruce Wayne right here. The one who loves so deeply that it becomes a thorn in his other relationships--there is not one of those people mentioned in this scene that, if something happened to them, Bruce wouldn't hold it against the others. Hell, he does it when Damian dies against Leviathan and Bruce looks for a way to revive him, he holds it against Alfred for letting Damian go out, he holds it against Tim and Barbara when they try to get him to see reason about what he's doing, he's downright cruel to Jason in asking him to dig into Jason's trauma because he's trying to find any clue that might help bring Damian back to life, the only reason Dick even halfway escapes it is because he follows Bruce into the dark just long enough to help him find a path out, and even then part of Bruce must still blame him. Then the tables turn around, it's Alfred who's dead and this is Bruce's hallucination talking to himself, he knows that he's talking to himself, and he's admitting that these people that are the closest to him, Damian, Dick, Selina, one who is a child who was helpless, one who literally has amnesia and doesn't know who these people are, one who has done everything she can to help him be happy--it's specifically these people that Bruce blames. In a way, Dick's inclusion is the most telling for me, because Damian and Selina were at least part of the whole thing of Bane killing Alfred, but Dick's nowhere near this storyline, he was currently Ric at the time of Alfred's death, but mentioning him is important, because Bruce still holds it against him, and that says everything about how it's not because Bruce truly blames him, but because Bruce loves him so much and has let these people into his heart so deeply that, when anything happens, he's still that scared little traumatized boy who is so terrified of loss that he blames everyone for that hurt--himself and those he loves. There's an idealism to Bruce in a lot of ways--when he loves someone so deeply, when they become one of the pillars of his life, he starts to put them on a pedestal (not unlike what he does with his parents), he lets them into his heart and then holds it against them when bad things still happen. He even acknowledges this himself so clearly with Dick (and it's why I keep coming back to that relationship, even when it's not really specifically about Dick, but his inclusion in a storyline that wasn't even one where he was present really hammers it in) in the Nightwing 2016 series, even before Alfred died:
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"I wanted to give him the freedom to make his own choices. To do things his way, even if that meant making mistakes. And then... well, then I blamed him for how difficult it was for me to let him go."
Bruce loves his family but he struggles with balance--it's so often either "never love anyone because it only brings pain" or "if you let these people in, everything will be perfect forever and ever", because he was a child who only remembers the idealized version of his parents, that's what his vision of family is still so often based on.
Sometimes Bruce can rise above this, even this storyline is about him acknowledging that he has this side of him and that he needs to let it go, but it's one of the core things that my Bruce Wayne struggles with--when he loves his family, because they broke down his mile high emotional walls, then they should be able to fix anything, and when they don't, he starts to regress to being that traumatized eight year old who holds it against the world that someone he loved was taken away.
And then he gets up, dusts himself off, and remembers that he is the adult in the room now and gets back to work, for his family and for himself. That he cannot save everyone, that his loved ones cannot save everyone, that he cannot save his parents, but if he gets back up, he can save them.
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what people aren't talking about with the Bruce As Nightwing page is that, in context, it's kinda funny too.
because like, Tom Taylor's been making this comic about how Dick is unequivocally Bruce's son, which is asserted every once in a while with a lot more frequency than normal. This is fine and it works, obviously, but this has the result of making Dick and Bruce's relationship feel a lot deeper than Dick and his brothers. And that's like, not the history?
Dick likes Bruce, don't get me wrong, but he's a lot closer with Tim, Damian and even Jason than he is with Bruce right now. Dick literally threw Bruce out of the family for a while because he went too hard during the Zur crisis. Bruce is his dad, yeah, but his relationship with his dad is not 100% positive, and both of them know that.
Dick is what Bruce could be if he let people in and smiled more. He's seen as one of the greatest heroes of his time, even beyond Batman sometimes. He's been asked to lead the Justice League, he's a shoe-in for the true heir of the Bat no matter what Damian does, he's got as much history as most of the universe does... but Bruce does not have the relationship to the Nightwing symbol that Dick does.
When Batman goes out, Dick steps in to be Batman. This is a natural progression of his character that no one really bats an eye at. Even when the GCPD notices that this Batman is a lot friendlier and treats them better, they don't really care that it's obviously Nightwing. Because of course Nightwing can be Batman sometimes, that goes without saying. People know he was Robin, people know he moved cities, people see the plan.
Batman doesn't care about the Nightwing title. He cares about it as much as a father cares about his own son's career. Yeah, it's very cool that Dick managed to be an artist instead of a doctor, but Bruce doesn't like, keep up with the art world. He doesn't understand what the bells and whistles do. He doesn't get the relationship Dick has to this symbol because it comes from a place of being kicked out of your own home and making the best out of it, not the ball of suffering and self-loathing and guilt that makes Batman up. He has appreciation for it, not a literal connection.
So when Bruce puts the costume on and it doesn't fit him, and it doesn't seem right, and anyone can tell this isn't where he belongs and it never will be, it's almost incredibly effective storytelling. Yeah, no, this is all wrong. This should have been one of his brothers. It should have been Damian or Tim or whatever. Bruce isn't the one who should be doing this.
Of course, I don't really think that's what I'm supposed to take away from it-- I think I'm supposed to be really excited about this new Bruce Wayne costume they're gonna make into a toy, and it's cool because oh, remember when Dick was Batman??? Now Bruce is Nightwing!!!
But like, no, Barbara gets it, this is ridiculous, but not just because he doesn't fit the costume and she should have just put on a binder and a wig and done it herself. But because this just isn't Bruce's place to be. He's doing it for himself. It's like people are perpetually trapped into being nice in this book. This is a nice thought, Bruce, but get out of the costume, this should be someone else's moment.
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yesiknowimshort · 1 year
this is how i imagine… TIM DRAKE
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the bitch is back…. i mean me not tim, but tim is also a bitch.
thank you so much to my followers (i love each and everyone of you <3) for waiting so patiently for me to get myself together (still shaky, so again, posts might be scattered but i will be posting!!).
i wanna start a series where i do these long form character headcanons for the batboys (and maybe girls one day, i’ve just not thought about it aha) and so i obviously had to start with my favourite character of all tjme; tim drake.
obvisouly i’ve already done a suuuuper long analysis of his actual character which you can read here, but i want to do a more theoretical one that’s not necessarily wholly “canonical” but still in character.
a lot of this is also canon/inspired by canon - however, these are still my headcanons.
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- to start off with: fuck the uwu-fication of tim drake. he’s a badass who happens to also appear soft sometimes but that does not equal wimp. you can have anxiety and depression and not be a an uwu baby.
- absolutely obsessed with star wars.
- has forced everyone to individually binge the series with him at least once.
- but also love island (he won’t watch the winter season tho) and the real housewives are definitely his guilty pleasures.
- overworks himself on such little sleep that his body giving up and him fainting is a scarily regular occurrence.
- but it’s not for want of trying. oh no. forgot to eat because he was distracted so his limbs are barley holding him up when he runs? ignores it. keeps going.
- he stands up too quickly, collapses, and gets right up and walks it off like he wasn’t just on the floor (p.e teachers would love him).
- absolutely insane martial artist -which people (like most things he can do/does) completely overlook or just don’t care about. this is also canon btw.
- my boy’s only scraping average height -he’s gotta have something to back him up that’s doesn’t rely on being massive n buff.
- he can easily knock anyone to the ground in a second, yet because of his small build and mmmm relatively unhealthy state, it goes unnoticed and sometimes unused -depending on the situation’s needs.
- people always overlook him because of his public persona (and in real life online it’s usually because of uwu tim), but he would be so cruel sometimes.
- seriously -please remember and use his pettiness!
- like he’d punch jason out cold for picking up his stuff and holding it over his head… put itching powder in dick’s boxers and bed for hiding the cases he was working on… roofy damian’s nightly hot chocolate so he’d miss family movie night because damian was pissing him off… true slytherin.
- but just like a lot of the things he does, it goes unnoticed/un-delt-with most of the time so he gets away with it. middle child tings.
- not to mention he literally stalked batman and would run around solving murders and dropping off the evidence to gordon before even being a robin.
- he was on the CIA’s watch list for crying out loud!
- doesn’t break the unassuming facade often, but if he went off the deep end, he’d be gone, and wouldn’t stop until he’s satisfied -or restrained (but that would be near impossible).
- scarily persuasive -some would say manipulative, i would say ambitious. i mean he did wiggle his way into the position of robin with sheer willpower.
- i think one of the reasons i love tim so much and am so fascinated by him is because of his capacity to be a villain so easily if he wanted.
- the guy has considered murder way too often.
- clint barton’s “i could do it!... no one would know!... but i won’t” quip about quicksilver is literally tim’s relationship with villiany.
- like if he decided one day to turn on everyone… in an instant he has control of a multimillion dollar company, can easily gain control the police, has dirt on every single person, and access to anything he decides he wants: and yet he chooses to do good.
- remember -he chose to be a hero. and he repeats this fact a lot.
- he could easily have the world on their knees, and yet people still decide to fuck with him because of their naivety.
- villain tim would be terrifying.
- his childhood and a openly loving and attentive family setting was stolen from him. he was always made out to be “mature for his age” and “quiet and sensible” when in reality he was just neglected and bored.
- being a gifted child always comes with its downfalls. like being so unstimulated by his schooling and classmates that he acts out a little bit out of boredom and a craving for attention from his parents; not to mention the social rejection because he’s too far past his peer's antics.
- he’d be super socially unaware for his age group as a child (kind of like damian i guess). being an only child surrounded by adults (yet forever alone and isolated) would’ve prevented him from ever connecting with fellow kids and their interests.
- (anyone else relate to not ever finding kiddy humour funny in primary school?)
- so now he likes doing a lot of random “childish” things like skating down the halls in the manor, having a gamer chair as his office chair, playing his nintendo switch in his wayne ent. office with his feet rested on the desk when he’s bored, having bento box lunches filled with sugary cereal and roll-ups, having a mini fridge in his office exclusively filled with yakults, iced coffee cartons and redbull, being fully versed in gen z lingo (which he uses correctly don’t worry) that he uses to talk to people he works with and interacts with at galas etc etc.
- likes to leave little notes in library books for the next person to find; often mildly threatening like “i know what you did”, for no other reason other than to have a little gremlin cackle to himself when he thinks about it.
- definitely has nearsightedness, though he hardly ever wears his glasses “because they’re impractical and contacts are torture devices” (bruce practically has to strap him down to get the camera contacts in for patrol).
- when he’s not drinking coffee, he’s chewing gum or mints to counteract the coffee.
- ambidextrous, but favours his left hand meaning his already inconceivably messy quick notes are also smudged by his hand.
- hands are always cold and numb (leading everyone to believe he probably has rayynaud’s syndrome).
- he gets really nervous and tries to avoid people being able to touch his hands, like when they’re handing something to him, or makes sure handshakes are firm and quick -but still respectful- etc (but he loves hand holding, he just worries no one would want to).
- really good at taking in information and his surroundings quickly.
- often points things out to people that would otherwise go unnoticed like “your eyes look really pretty today” or “your freckles have darkened from the sun” or “they ordered two sugars with their coffee… they always order three” etc.
- he doesn’t constantly say the things he’s thinking, but they come out a lot more when he’s losing his filter from fatigue.
- he’s always apologising offhandedly for pointing out things (more annoyed at himself than anything) bc he thinks they’ll think he’s weird or become uncomfortable.
- tim is allergic to almost all nuts except for almonds (wog runs through my veins, i refuse to believe he can’t eat almonds).
- he’s not like epipen allergic, all he needs is some cetirizine.
- bc of this “relatively low risk” (as he would say), if he accidentally eats a nut he’ll usually just not tell anyone while his throat is closing over and his mouth feels like it’s been attacked by mosquitoes.
- he’ll just silently slip away to buy some cetirizine or get some from his pocket/bag.
- this sweet old lady at a charity bake sale once offered tim to try a free slice of her baklava, which of course, has walnuts in it.
- and he was too anxious to refuse so he took it and finished the whole thing in front of her.
- it took him about 20 minutes and to the point where he was crying and his lips looked like they had fillers that he whispered to bruce he was having a reaction.
- bruce was hysterical.
- like- national news “funny internet clip report” hysterical.
- he always carries cetirizine on him now just in case tim does that again.
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fancyfade · 10 months
Been reading your posts and saw the meme about how other dc characters act when they are around a Batfamily member and they loose all their critical thinking skills
Has that been a problem in comics for decades? I noticed that with Damian in titans stuff…to the point I became annoyed because it just making him a mini Bruce rather then played with the potentially interesting dynamics he could have.
Do Dick and Tim suffer from the mini Bruce approach in their titans stuff a lot too? It gotten to a point in Damian’s stuff for me, that there should be an editorial mandate saying “Just because they are Batman legacy characters, doesn’t mean they are clones of him.”
for Damian, it's been a long time since I read his teen titans stuff (and I didn't read a ton b/c most of it wasn't good), but I do remember that in the intro arc it did feel very Damian centric, and some of it was like.. the other characters powers were too easily cancelled out by some random gadget. like the gun that shot kory when introducing the capturing the team part of the plotline. that was stupid. (and in general, characters powers get randomly cancelled out by a gadget is a common thing in the batfam characters stuff). I can't remember WRT critical thinking, been literal years since I read the comic, but I do narrative focus was disappointing.... even for being a Damian fan while reading it.
for Tim in YJ I guess it felt like he was the leader for no reason, but I can't remember who had the general critical thinking skills or if none of them did. But he also got randomly super tough in one plotline in a way that made me give up on the series for a bit (where he was treated as like. the only person capable of standing up to Harm for some reason which was 9_9). However, in Titans / Young Justice Graduation Day Tim definitely felt like he was the only YJ character who was allowed to be portrayed as "right" (in which "right" obviously means listening to Dick, the paragon of reason) , because everyone else's recklessness had to be exaggerated to explain why the YJ team is so terrible. But god forbid Tim be slandered with the rest of the team 9_9
Dick it definitely holds so true, he was part of the inspiration for me reblogging it :P like the whole "robin is the default leader" thing doesn't start except with Dick, and it wasn't just because Dick was such a logical choice. It was b/c the writers decided to not let anyone else have ideas besides him in the original teen titans series. I've heard it as "everyone had one character trait and his was leader" but like... many characters didn't even have one character trait. Donna's was "girl". like the writing was clearly not balanced or good. and it's sooooo conspicuous because even in NTT, which is generally a pretty good series, the other characters will come across investigations when doing stuff while Dick is absent and be like ":C :C :C oh no dick our critical thinking person is gone whatever shall we do". Like multiple times! and IIRC that happened in the 1966 Teen Titans comics I read too in 1 issue where Dick was off screen. but like "dick is the smartest teen titan" "dick is the best leader" "dick could take out the other titans with planning but just won't b/c he's nice" - any of these situations existing is basically because he's writer's pet a la bruce. inb4 - I'm not saying any instance in which Dick is a good leader shouldn't count. but like. him being the obvious choice over other people is writer's pet-ism and Marv does not give other characters a chance to shine in the role, yet gives Dick plenty of chance to shine. So there is no fair comparison or way to say "he's best".
Anyway, I'll say Dick is by far the one I have noticed it being most true of. If you want to just read Teen Titans comics and have fun he is fr like the Batman of teen titans comics.
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bitterrobin · 1 year
using this site as a notes board to shop around my Bette Kane-Battle for the Cowl AU which I will now be lovingly regarding as the “Flamebird&Not-Robin in: the dangers of dead fathers, two (2) different spy organizations run by our evil-except-not-really-mothers, and somehow everything always is either a Wayne or a Kanes fault.”
Starting off this au with a general list of the characters in it and their roles as of Battle for the Cowl:
(((Edit: I changed the format to make this easier to read)))
Bette Kane - Flamebird
I’m throwing around the idea of her being a forensic scientist/or a pro-athlete
I hc her as being the same age as Dick i.e around 26
she’s back in Gotham bc Bruce died, stays in Gotham bc she sees the absolute mess it’s in & decides to help
even if it’s dubious if anyone really wants/needs her there
still an established LA hero with a public reputation so she’s not totally unknown to Gotham
finds Damian basically homeless in Gotham/breaking into places to stay and offers to take him in
he only accepts bc he knows she’s a Kane/related to his father
correctly regards Damian as an abused child / but doesn’t have the prior extensive knowledge or experience with the League to cloud her judgement on Talia or Damian (they’re equally both victims in her eyes)
while she is leagues more adjusted emotionally than the other Bats (she almost never interacts with Bruce outside of her childhood) - she’s still a lil traumatized and unhealthily copes regarding her parental situation and Kathy Kane
also has a little bit of trauma-related amnesia with a certain section of her childhood (that will come into play)
She does remember being Batgirl vaguely, very vaguely
Damian al Ghul-Wayne - not Robin in this au
at least not yet
he goes out on his own without a definite vigilante identity until later developments
came to Gotham to see Bruce after leaving Talia
Bruce is “dead” so Damian decides to wander Gotham on his own before Bette discovers him
tentatively stays with Bette bc they are related and he needs shelter
is secretly still insecure about Bruce (bc of how they last interacted) ((Batman#655-657)) /and whether or not Dick would have accepted him, as they haven't met before this au (Resurrection of Ras al Ghul is heavily altered)
tolerates Bette, Tom, and Rory’s friendly affection but will not hesitate to leave in the early months
is struggling with his place in the world bc Bruce is gone, Dick doesn’t know who he is, and Tim still hates him. So he’s not on the best terms with the main Bats.
Tom Bronson - Wildcat (the third)
If you don’t know who he is (I think only JSA fans know if his existence), he’s the third-ish Wildcat of the 2007 Justice Society, the estranged son of Ted Grant, following the long-ago death of Yolanda Montez and way-longer ago death of Jake Grant.
And yes, he is the one that transforms into an anthropomorphic black jaguar (he got it from his mom)
Ted will make an appearance and somehow I WILL bring Yolanda back from the dead/maybe even Jake too
Tom goes to Gotham to help his dad with the city shenanigans of BfTC
jury’s still out on whether I’m making him a love interest for Bette (my brain will make crack ships of the most random characters, don’t mind it)
decides to stay in Gotham even after his dad leaves bc the Bats really are stretched thin (in his opinion) (he’s used to the large size and scope of the JSA)
becomes a brother figure for Damian
accepts him as a annoying little brother in the sense of someone taking care of a stray kitten that bites your hand
lacks literally all experience with anything Batman related before going to Gotham / so he has Opinions about the family
is constantly anxious about Gotham (he is from Brooklyn) (someone pls tell him how this dysfunctional group of people manages to do anything at any point in time in This Fucking City)
a non-Bat POV into the insanity of Bat-events happening
what’s the League of Assassins? or Leviathan? Or Spyral? Or a Red Hood? Fuck if he knows
In my mind, Grant Emerson never died (he is happy and thriving OK) (fuck u Blackest Night) (he will make an appearance) (alongside Maxine)
Rory Regan - Ragman
our favorite underrated Jewish hero
originally from Gotham, I’m surprised he isn’t used more
for those not in the know : Ragman is a magical/mythical Jewish hero consisting of a costume made of rags which contain the countless souls of sinners who will eventually gain redemption within the rags if they help the current Ragman
Rory can use their strength, minds, and skills to help him as Ragman
Ragman (the suit) was canonically created to protect the Jewish population of Europe around the 1500s after the Golem of Prague was also made
Bruce makes an appearance in his 90s series actually / and Rory makes a cameo in a couple issues of O’Neil Batman
I’m planning on making him a more homegrown hero who tends to the homeless/poor/criminals that the Bats don’t get to- the whole “Tatterdemalion of the Justice” thing
is here bc we need another non-Bat pov of Gotham (he’s way more familiar with Gotham than Tom)
and I also like Gotham being more diverse in terms of vigilantes
bonus mentor for both Bette and Damian
he likes Bette bc shes 1. Jewish 2. a lighter hero than the other Bats 3. is a little easier to communicate with
he knows Damian is struggling and tries to support him in any way he can (as Rory also has daily struggles about his own morality bc of the Ragman suit/entity)
has been in Ragman in Gotham for about as long as Bruce has been Batman / he has seen some shit
The Ragman suit canonically slows the aging of the user, so Rory is older than he looks
he only just now started working with Oracle bc he understands the need for a semi-formal organization of Gotham heroes (he does appear in BfTC: The Network)
Kathy Webb-Kane - Agent 0/Headmistress
The leader of Spyral
not a child of a n*zi/ Otto Netz does not exist in this AU
still the first Batwoman
not romantically involved with Bruce bc ew
formerly married to Nathan Kane - the oldest Kane sibling of the little dynasty (Martha’s older brother)
after he died, she inherited what fortune he had that wasn’t taken by the Kanes
formerly Bette’s legal guardian/adopted mom after her dad died when she was 9
yes there will be mommy issues/familial conflict bc Spyral is an antagonist
conflicted about Bette bc she does still care for her, but she has a mission that she was committed too long before Bette was even born
clearly remembers being Batwoman
Spyral is still a spy organization connected to St. Hadrian’s Finishing School
currently targeting Talia/Leviathan, Damian, and Jason
also begins targeting Bette after she starts investigating in search of Kathy
Talia - Head of Leviathan
okay so. Resurrection of Ras al Ghul happens, but not the same way. Talia tries to go against Dusan on her own with Damian after learning of the body snatching plot
Inevitably, Ras comes back. He manipulates Talia and Damian into staying for a little longer. Things do not work out, and Talia deliberately sends Damian to Gotham bc Bruce isn’t dead (yet).
Bruce dies, and Talia loses hope in trusting any of the Bats to help her and Damian (she and Dick never got along, her relationship with Jason is strained)
So she creates Leviathan as a way to combat her father
BUT it’s not the same organization at all. It’s more of a spy organization with the direct purpose of taking down Ras/implementing a better version of his ecological agenda without as much murder and bloodshed.
Leviathan also is technically against Batman bc obviously Talia has never aligned completely with Bruce either. But she doesn’t purposefully try to kill him or Damian.
She’s a very conflicted character here, and she’ll show up in person to see Damian and learn of his status. As a mom, not a villain.
She’ll have a bigger part later on as Leviathan comes into conflict with Spyral.
Wants to take Damian back but is terrified that she’s not a good mother, that’s she’ll only make her precious son worse, and that Ras will just take something else from her permanently again (familial trauma x2)
So she flip-flops between helping Damian and trying to stop him from being a vigilante out of fear for his safety - which Damian detests (mommy issues 2: electric boogaloo)
Leviathan becomes a target for Spyral after it starts gaining followers that aren’t former League traitors and gains a wider influence among the eco-conscious and those who genuinely want Ras al Ghul gone forever
Dick - Nightwing/Batman
basically the same as og Battle for the Cowl
he becomes Batman and struggles under the mantle
doesn’t take in Damian so Tim stays Robin and in Gotham longer
he doesn't meet Damian until after Bette starts taking care of the kid so they don't have the same connection as in canon
he slowly becomes endeared to Damian the more they interact as the plot goes forward
while he’s still dismissive of Bette at the beginning, he’s forced to trust her when it comes to Damian and Spyral
He comes very close to like seventy mental breakdowns over the whole story
Tim - Robin
stays Robin bc Damian doesn’t need the role when he gets to Gotham
so no, there isn’t any conflict regarding the mantle until way later, and by the time Damian becomes Robin - Tim is already Red Robin
Bc Tim is Robin, he stays in Gotham for a while after Dick becomes Batman
that doesn’t mean there isn’t any tension bc there’s still the whole “Bruce isn’t dead” thing
Unlike canon though, Tim has words and can communicate before he leaves so Dick actually knows that Tim has at least a barebones theory of what happened to Bruce (doesn’t mean that Dick fully completely believes him and he’s still grieving so he doesn’t want anything dangerous to happen to Tim)
(this also means that the zombie Batman thing doesn’t happen)
Tim still leaves on his League pilgrimage and becomes Red Robin out of necessity
He still pushes people away, and he still is an asshole to Stephanie
Ras is very clearly manipulating him out of his own goals to strengthen the League and act against Leviathan
When he comes back to Gotham, Tim fights with Damian over the issue of Talia and Leviathan (bc he sees it as another fully evil organization, slight bias put into him by Ras)
Stephanie - Batgirl
the same as the comics
technically more on Barbara’s side than Dicks after BfTC
still a sister figure for Damian
will eventually meet with Bette bc it’s a crime that they never know each other in canon
is carving out her own legacy and path as a hero and Batgirl
still dealing with insecurity over Bruce
Cassandra - not Batgirl or Black Bat
will eventually become Batman
doesn’t show up until after the initial Battle for the Cowl
becomes Batman entirely on her own (for a bit there’s like three Batmen running around)
exclusively works with Oracle and Steph, comes to work together with Dick
doesn’t interact as much with Bette or Damian until they cross paths investigating Leviathan
Barbara - Oracle
still the same
does not interact as much with Dick&Tim bc she’s still running the Birds of Prey on top of training Steph
will interact with Kathy and Bette eventually bc I need the Batgirl interactions
Jason - Red Hood
is Batman briefly during BfTC
still takes in Scarlet as a pseudo-child
he won’t play a big part in the Bette/Damian part of the story
will eventually become a target for Spyral bc Red Hood is a crime boss with some wide connections
Bruce - dead (lol)
still time traveling and everything
tim will still investigate
the omega sanction/Barbatos hullaboo still happens
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gemini-care-barr · 7 months
Interesting you say ur top three heroes are Batman, Hal and flash! I’m surprised superman (or a superman member like superhero) didn’t take place of third and Bruce did! Can you indulge as to why? X
Oof, this one is gonna be a loaded answer haha.
So, just to get it out there, my top 5 heroes, in order, are The Flash (Barry Allen), Green Lantern (Hal Jordan), Batman (Bruce Wayne), Aquaman (Arthur Curry), and Superman (Clark Kent). There have been times in the past where Bruce and Hal have switched places, but they’ve been pretty solidly in their current spots for the past few years and I expect they’ll be staying there in the foreseeable future haha.
Now, I want to kinda defend my love of Clark while I’m here too, so I’ll start by saying I do absolutely adore him. I think he’s an amazing character and I’m absolutely already planning my future PHD dissertation on him and his stories haha. He has a rich history and is so admirable and sweet and good, not unlike my absolute bestest boy Barry, but I almost feel like that’s why he isn’t in my top 3. I already have Barry! And Barry scratches some intellectual and emotional itches that Clark doesn’t, which is the perfect segue into why I love Bruce.
I was a sad kid… lol. Like really sad! Like the level of sad where you can look at a ton of my childhood photos and I’m very rarely looking at the camera because I’d much rather be moping around with my face hiding up against my mom or dad ahaha. And it was with this incredible sadness that I looked upon Bruce’s face for the first time and saw a kindred spirit. Granted, Bruce had a (very well-known) reason to be sad while I was just a very marred by unfortunate events but otherwise mostly blessed child, but Bruce’s sadness was still very raw and real and relatable to me. And still is!
But I love him for more than just his broodiness, I also love him because of his incredible capacity to love and, maybe, hopefully, at least sometimes, be happy despite that sadness. Bruce is an amazingly tortured soul who still finds the time, and puts in the effort, to keep going, keep loving, keep finding and fighting for happiness. Does he get beaten down sometimes? Does he brood a lot? Does he come across as a bit heartless or cold? Self-isolate? Yes, all of the above. But he also has the BatFamily, he created the BatFamily. The BatFamily that includes Alfred, Selina, Dick, Jason, Tim, Damian, Duke, Barbara, Cassandra, Stephanie, Kate, Lucius, Gordon, Luke, and probably several more than I’m woefully forgetting. And he fights for and loves all of them and they are his happiness and light and motivation and I just love that so much because, yeah, same. I can be incredibly sad and mopey and not want to be with anyone, but then I remember my family and friends and I want to fight for them and their happiness too and I get Bruce in those moments.
Still, Bruce is not only intensely relatable for me, he’s also hugely admirable. Because, man, do I not want to do anything for anyone sometimes haha. Yeah, I just went on a whole spiel about wanting to fight for the happiness of my loved ones, but, hey, I’m not perfect and I am very susceptible to thinking “yeah, I care, but I’m sad right now and I don’t really want to care,” but Bruce’s unending fight is the fight to care despite having no reason to. He’s literally a vigilante in the most corrupt and crime-ridden city on the planet, a place where no one cares, and yet he puts on the cape and cowl each night to show and prove that he cares even if no one else does. He cares even if he has no reason to. He cares even when he has a reason not to. He’s so sad and broken and isolated, but he cares. And that is so dang cool.
So, yeah, I’m not here to start any “Batman vs Superman: who is the cooler hero??” discourse, but I am going to point out that I think their true dichotomy isn’t that one has powers and the other is just a man. It’s that one serves as a beacon of hope for a world that wants to hope, while the other is a beacon of hope for a world that is so sick and tired of hoping. The storytelling possibilities are endless in either direction, and I, personally, just find myself extremely drawn to the latter.
Bottom line: he’ll always be my Bruce 🫶
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piracytheorist · 1 year
Character ask : Anya Chichi
Anya Forger
First impression: Oh she looks cute. Hope she doesn't turn into a plot device. Impression now: My adorable chaotic gremlin who has more agency and control in the story than her spy and assassin parents <3 Favorite moment: I think I'll choose the moment where she rescues the drowning boy in episode 11. She's kind and selfless enough to risk her life to save him, and she didn't even hesitate to jump into the pool like how brave is that kid! And since she didn't want to expose her secret she took it all upon her to act and save him herself. Idea for a story: I think it'll be wasted potential if we never learn about the scientists who created her and their motives, so I think a story of her being taken by them will be interesting, albeit sad, until at least her parents come and kick ass to save her. Unpopular opinion: I don't ship Damιanya and that seems to be quite the unpopular opinion in this fandom... Even if they're aged up and Damian actually treats her decently, I still don't think they'd make an interesting couple. Favorite relationship: Anya with Papa and Mama. Don't make me choose! Favorite headcanon: I genuinely wonder if Endo is ever gonna explain why she has those little hats on her head, and I think it would be hilarious for them to be just hair clips that she wears literally 24/7. So my headcanon for that is that Anya is just stylish!
Loid Forger
First impression: LOL that's a way to break up with your girlfriend. Is he just gonna be one of those boring protagonists whose only character traits is past trauma and being OP? Impression now: If anyone hurts him I will commit several felonies. But please hurt him I want the whump :3 Favorite moment: Bench scene after Yor kicks the living daylights out of him. The vulnerable moment of him remembering his mother and opening up to Yor about that because we know it's real and not for the mission is unparalleled. Chef's kiss. Idea for a story: Okay okay hear me out. We know that he's a very disciplined spy so if he's ever caught he has to be caught in the act. Mere evidence won't do because he'll deny any involvement to hell and back and be pretty convincing about it. So he has to be caught red-handed. And an idea for that is, he's disguised himself as Yuri because for Reasons he has to infiltrate the SSS offices, but then for some reason the actual Yuri appears there too. "Yuri" and Yuri fight, and an incompetent officer finds them, aiming his gun at them. Twilight is silent, but Yuri tries to convince the guy that's he's the real Yuri and he should shoot the fake one. The guy says that "Only a spy would act like that" and shoots. While that happens, within a split second Twilight thinks "I have to let him die. I have to get out of here. I have to let him die." But he just cannot do that because he knows how much it would devastate Yor to lose her brother... so he pushes him out of the way and takes the bullet instead. Maybe not anywhere too dangerous, like his arm or something. But it's enough to slow him down as he tries to escape, and he's finally caught while still wearing a mask with Yuri's face. You can imagine Yuri's shock and horror when he realizes it's "Loi-Loi", who is a spy and tried to infiltrate the offices and also saved his fucking life. Because as many lies as he's said, Yuri has absolute proof that this man really does love his sister. I want this to happen so much you have no idea. Unpopular opinion: I've yet to read the manga and anything that explores his backstory but I think it's easy to think he'd abandon his spy work after he realizes he loves his family and wants to spend his life with them. Which yeah it's what we want for him but I think his desire for peace tops even his love for his family. He'd rather break his own heart along with theirs and leave if it means he can keep working as a spy and protect the fragile peace. Which is why I feel that the story cannot end without Ostania's government falling, and the new, more democratic government either signing a secure peace treaty with Westalis or uniting under one nation. Favorite relationship: Loid and Anya. Look I love twiyor as much as the next shipper but the father/daughter feelz was one of the things that hooked me into the show so it's the one I want more of. Favorite headcanon: I once read a post talking about how people from Westalis may have a different accent than people from Ostania, and now I cannot get that idea out of my mind. I think it would be interesting to see Twilight suddenly drop all pretenses and start speaking with the accent he grew up using, allowing himself to connect with that old part of himself he kept hidden. I doubt they'd do that in the anime (and since I watch the Japanese version I don't think I'd notice the difference) but it's still a very interesting headcanon.
(no manga spoilers please 😁)
Send me a character!
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liquid-luck-00 · 2 years
My Life is One Complication After Another 5
Chapter 5
I’m going to try to post more this year and finish up a few of my started to fics so sorry for not updating this in a while
First *** Previous
In his defense it had been only three hours, but he still doesn't understand how his newest child seems to be completely missing. They had all noticed she was missing during breakfast but none thought much of it. They all thought she was still in her room, when they looked she wasn't there
Queue them searching the entire Manor, while Damian searched the grounds, and Tim trying to trace her locations.
Now that lead to more questions than answers.
The last location her phone showed was somewhere in Starling City at 3:22 am and then it disappeared.
He and Tim were now attempting to trace her, Dick was pacing, while Jason was on the phone trying to call Roy.
The location history made no sense. One minute she is in Gotham, the next time her phone gives a signal she is in Starling, and the next she's gone.
"Damn..." Tim cursed, more to himself than to anyone in particular.
"What is it?" Bruce asked watching the screen.
"She's Pinky, remember." Tim stated as if that made everything make sense.
"Just spell it out Replacement." Jason grumbled still unable to get a hold of Roy, apparently.
"She's the one who erased every mention of a magical war in Paris. We've never interacted with her as Bats, but..." He held up a little red drive. "She put all the information imbedded into this drive, which she gave me the second day we met..."
Timothy's words hung in the air. The unspoken words rang in his mind like an alarm.
She knows.
He was beginning to spiral.
He's only had custody of his daughter for a week, and she's gone. From what Tim is saying she can hide from them if she wants. She could be anywhere. She could have been taken and she knows who they are. He didn't prep her, or even tell her himself.
No. She figured it out on her own and knows they are hiding it from her.
"If I may Master Bruce?" Alfred cleared his throat, effectively pulling everyone's attention. Breaking him from his thoughts, he nodded. "All of you have treated the girl as if she is made of glass."
"She is a civilian, we have..." Dick started but Alfred stopped him.
"Yet, from what I have heard she is not. She knows of your nightly activities." He rose a knowing brow.
"Alfred, you know more, don't you?" Bruce questioned.
"Even if I do. The young Miss should be the one to tell you." With that he turned and made his way back up to the manor.
"Tim keep tracing, Jason get a hold of Roy. I'm going to Starling, maybe Oliver knows where she might be." He grumbled.
"Why does everything always seem to be so much easier when you’re here Bug?" Green Arrow asked as the three of them were coming back in from patrol.
"It's the creation and balance of the Ladybug Miraculous. It quite literally tries to even everything out around it. Essentially meaning because there’s usually so much wrong going on in the city. So, it mellows it out to the point where it’s almost nonexistent it seems." She explains sitting down at one of the desks letting her transformation fall.
"I should probably head back." She let her head slightly hang lost in thought.
"Come on Nettie, Bruce is probably looking for you anyways, why don't you come and have breakfast. Laurel's been wanting to see you anyways." Oliver extended an invitation to which she gladly accepted.
Oliver took his car, while Marinette went with Roy on his motorcycle. The entire ride back she leaned into him comfortable and finally having a moment of peace since moving.
She knows her family means well, but they’re almost suffocating. And unfortunately she has a feeling the suffocation isn’t about to end.
The second she stepped in Starling, she remembered to put her phone into an untraceable mode due to miraculous magic. It however didn’t cross her mind to switch that off quite yet.
They rode back to the Queen estate where both Oliver and Laurel were waiting for them. She knows Roy took the long route, in order to help her ease her mind. As soon as she takes off the helmet Laurel envelops her in a hug.
"Nettie, it has been too long. And frankly if these two knuckleheads weren’t going to bring you I was."
"You know I’m only a phone call away Laurel." Marinette laughed, as the first genuine smile came back on her lips for the entire week.
"Why don’t we get some breakfast on and then tell me about all the drama which must've likely kicked up."
"Deal. Berry crepes?"
"If you’re making them, Bug, definitely." Roy leaned over and gave her shoulder a squeeze before settling into a side hug.
She looked up at him and gave him a knowing smirk. "You’re helping Speedy, come on."
She grabbed his wrist and dragged him knowingly to the kitchen.
Marinette would pop in to Starling almost as often as Roy did to Paris, and that would be almost biweekly. So Marinette knew exactly where everything would be in that kitchen. As she quickly whipped up the batter, she had Roy slice up fruits and the jams to create the filling.
The three of them were in the kitchen just casually talking, Oliver had of course gone somewhere that wasn't the kitchen, where he knew he would end up getting scolded by Marinette.
Can he cook, yes, did he usually get into Marinette's way, also yes.
He didn’t come back until they called him back to finally eat something.
They sat and talked until they all realized they were restless. So the four of them got up and left for the rarely used in home gym. Mostly because everyone in the house instead use thugs, mercenary‘s, and other meta-humans as punching bags, so the home gym didn’t get used all that much.
"You and me first, Nettie." Laurel pulled her to the mat in the center.
Kaalki and Tikki were floating around, the latter decided to sit on Roy's shoulder, both nibbling on a cookie. Oliver had disappeared again.
She smiled before falling into position facing Laurel.
Bruce didn't get nervous, much less worried, but Oliver was however getting on his nerves.
He has a daughter to find and bring home, and he is not co-operating in the slightest.
Instead of meeting him anywhere, Oliver told him to come over by the estate, which he did. He didn’t even make it inside, seeing as Oliver was waiting for him at the door.
"She’ll be home by dinner." He was nearly expressionless, stating a fact more than anything else, and Bruce hated it.
"I don’t even know how she got here, Oliver. If she’s even still here, I need to find her I..." He spoke in measured breaths, but his mind raced.
"You and the boys are suffocating her, Bruce. She’s not a civilian, you’re just too damn blind to see that. She understands more than you give her credit for."
"Oliver it’s not that I don’t trust her or I don’t see her worth. I..." He was once again cut off by the Green Arrow.
"Bruce talk to your daughter, before she ends up putting you on your ass." With that Oliver turned and went back inside, closing the door behind him. Which left Bruce annoyed and bewildered all the same time.
Of everyone in the league he and Oliver have the most in common. He knows he’s not the best dealing with his emotions or those of others, hell Oliver is not much better. Yet he knows if he doesn't change something, if this continues as is, he knows he might lose his daughter.
But this.
This is his family, his child. But at the same time he really doesn’t know what to do.
His children have always needed him, they needed both aspects of him. But her, she’s different from the others.
That he knows.
And not just the fact that she seems to be able to process her emotions. There’s a weight on her, one he feels he should recognize, but hasn’t quite yet.
So he returned back to Gotham. And the first thing he did was sit at the Bat-computer, and searched the Starling vigilantes. And a recent photo nearly made him panic.
There’s a girl in a dark red and black suit, the plating almost resembling an insects armor more than something man-made. Over her right shoulder was a clearly unconscious Aarsenal, and in her right hand was his bow. On the side was both Green Arrow and Black Canary looking like two immensely proud parents.
All he felt though was anger towards Oliver queen for making his daughter a vigilante. And panic for that exact same reason.
He needs to talk to his daughter.
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timdrake-yumm · 2 years
I’ve come to realize that there are several different types of Tim Drake fans, that can all be sorted different ways, but I’m going to sort them this way:
Hate/Dislike Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, and Damian Wayne: idk if this is a result of cancel culture or what, but the fact that they’ve all wronged him at least once is apparently the worst thing in the universe, as though not everyone has done something that could be perceived as wronging Tim at some point in comic history. I hate to break it to you guys, but y’all are extremely biased, and Tim isn’t so innocent either
Hate/Dislike Jason Todd and Damian Wayne: This is because they both tried to kill Tim at one point and you haven’t been able to let it go. While this is more valid than the last one, I still think you need to chill with the character hate, they’ve both been through some pretty traumatic stuff and we’re mostly not in their right minds when they did that. I mean, I’m not saying it’s okay that they tried to kill Tim, but they’re also fictional representations of what might occur if you came back to life after having died only to see all your insecurities thrown at your face, or if you were raised by a murder cult.
Hate/Dislike Damian Wayne: Now this group of people likely fall into the mentality that because at one point Tim hero-worshipped Jason, he must not have hard feelings for him, and therefore neither should you. But also you can’t forgive the 10-year-old for acting on his traumatized, raised-by-a-murder cult mentalities, like any 10-year-old has the ability to think outside their biases born from the childhood they were provided.
Love/Like ALL the robins: You either believe that Tim wouldn’t hold hard feelings, so neither should you, or you realize they’re all fictional characters who hold the fatal flaw of having flaws and not being perfect individuals.
I’m not saying that any of this is 100% accurate or anything, and you could probably throw some variations of adding Bruce, Stephanie, or even Alfred into the mix, but these are the thoughts that I had while taking a shower yesterday and have only just now put into typing.
Anywho, basically, there are people who don’t like Dick Grayson because of what happened when Dick gave Damian Robin, and while I see your perspective, and I don’t agree with his actions at the time, Dick was a desperate, young adult who just lost his second father and was thrust into a role and burden he never wanted. Of course he made mistakes, anyone would! I don’t believe he was ever trying to alienate Tim the way it ended up being. (Side note: the wanting to put Tim in Arkham is fanon, and should not be used as a reason for disliking Dick. I believe there was mention of therapy, but that’s it, and while it’s extremely hypocritical of Dick to suggest therapy while not being willing to go himself, it’s not like he was exactly wrong. They all need therapy; even before everyone he loved was dying around him Tim needed therapy. You probably need therapy too.)
For everyone who dislikes Jason Todd, I see your reasoning, I really do. He took his hurt and pain out at being replaced and unavenged out on Tim and likely did some pretty heavy psychological damage whilst doing so. It’s a bit hypocritical of him to be so upset about being replaced when he 1. Doesn’t know the full story and/or 2. Was a “replacement��� himself. But you have to remember that none of this is really about Tim. Maybe that makes it worst, maybe that makes it better, but it’s the truth. Jason literally died and came back to life, and the minute he gains complete thought he realizes he’s been in the hands of the League of Assassins, and that his torturer and murderer is still out there causing harm to everyone he can. Was he wrong to take all of this out on Tim? Yes, obviously, Tim was just trying to help and honor Jason’s legacy. Does he deserve a chance to make it up to Tim and be better? Also yes. Batman preaches about second chances, which is part of the reason why he doesn’t kill, but to me that’s like being someone who’s never been a victim of rape or abuse, and telling someone who has been a victim of rape or abuse that they’re wrong for being traumatized and that they should forgive their rapist or abuser and just get over it. That’s not how trauma works, and even if you’re against killing someone yourself, you don’t get to tell a victim how to protect themselves from those who harmed them. Locking him up didn’t and doesn’t work, and all he’s doing is creating more victims without any inclination towards change or remorse.
Sorry, that went into a bit of a rant that nobody asked for. Not that anybody asked for any of this, of course. Anywho, the point of all that was to say that Jason Todd is a victim. I’m not saying that Tim isn’t a victim, and that he shouldn’t also get the same allowances as Jason of course. Tim also went through a very traumatizing experience, he should get to do what makes him feel safe. (Another side note: forgiving someone and putting yourself back into a harmful situation are two different things. You can forgive someone and also want to never have to see them again. That’s valid, and even if that person isn’t actively trying to harm you anymore, their presence in and of itself can still be harmful.)
This all leads into Damian Wayne. I mentioned before that Damian showed up as a traumatized 10-year-old straight out of being raised by a murder-cult. Damian, like Jason, is a victim and deserves the chance to grow and change. Tim is also a victim, and deserves not to constantly be in a state of Danger. So what does this mean? I’ve seen some people mention that Damian is never actually punished for any of his harmful actions. And I’ve seen other people wonder how you plan on punishing the traumatized 10-year-old. I’m not a parent, but I am currently studying psychology, and I believe some of the same stuff applies. You can’t just throw Damian in jail or ground him or something, that’s never going to work, and will only alienate him further— reducing his likelihood of listening and being open to change. Damian needs to be shown that his actions have consequences though (Look at me acting like he’s a real person). You can’t just hear/see him actively trying to harm someone and be like :( bad Damian. That just tells him that he’s never going to be punished for his actions, and can therefore get away with it. You need a balance, and to also recognize that Tim is allowed to be defensive and not want to be in the same room as Damian. You see Damian do something wrong? He’s benched from being Robin, and you explain that this is not what Robin represents and that Robin doesn’t bring harm to innocents. However, when you see him do something good? You reward him. Now you have positive reinforcement showing that certain actions have benefits. Damian is a victim of his past, but he’s also a child emulating what he knows. There’s a difference between not punishing him for being a victim, and teaching him to not create his own victims.
And that has been my unwanted and unasked for rant about the robins. Another side note, but if you create media that depicts any of the robins or Bruce, or any DC character in a negative light, I’m not telling you to stop. I can think that they don’t accurately depict who the characters are suppose to be and still love reading the angst.
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fareehaandspaniards · 10 months
For the ask game!
15 and 25 for Damian Bloodborne 😏
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
Answered here! hehe
15. What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
THE MOST FAVOURITE right now is Gremia/Damian! Because they might achieve happy end together! Also they have a story between them, that's for sure! They both were Tomb Prospectors, they have abolsutely opposite battle styles and you can't even summon them simultaneously! They can both be alive to the end of the game, so why don't they meet the new dawn together? Rivals to friends to lovers to enemies to friends to lovers agaiiin ohhhh yesss (in my vision. I am working on it! xd)
The next is Damian x Micolash. Damian's tenderness and selfless care could win Micolash's heart I think :0 it's a bitter romance. Because we know that in the end Damian helps us to fight everything Micolash was striving for? Plus Micolash isn't a person who will tell the words of love to his beloved one, I think that he said "I love you" 1-2 times in his life? First was to his mother and the second for anyone you ship him with xd (choose a character). Damian would literally LIVE for Micolash and I think Mico could get tired of him. Maybe their ways parted because of the horrors that started happening in Yahar'gul. We don't know. But I think Damian wouldn't tolerate violence to children whoever does this (if you remember small bodies in Yahar'gul with cages on their heads...). That's my vision of him :0
Damian x Yurie. Great pair! Doomed by a narrative as Damicolash xd But if we assume that they didn't kill each other in Byrgenwerth and Yurie survived, they could also make a family together. Yurie's cold personality and Damian's warmness could make them very hot couple. You know like the two who constantly arguing, but in the end they solve a problem by making love (and Yurie always will be right in the end). In my vision of Yurie she is a sort of Ice Queen archetype, but surely she would appreciate hot caring dilf with her (who wouldn't)
Thanks for asking! <3
Damian doodle because ajflkmf;'lsKErl;f
Tumblr media
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thattimdrakeguy · 1 year
I Can't Think Of A Good Heading.
I saw a Damian stan complain that Tim fans (In fairness I'm definitely included in this type of Tim fan, but for a reason) keep wanting Tim to be short and have a babyface.
It is literally only because (At least in my case) there's so many different times where it's referenced in some way or another. Hell, he was months way from 18-years-old, and he was specified by even a character his own age as looking like a 'cub scout'.
Asking for some consistency is a basic desire when you like a long-lasting character. If they start to lose their consistency, it's hardly the same character anymore. It's why people prefer anime, they will typically keep the same creator so it's almost always consistent. With comics, ya pretty much have to hope someone will give enough of a shit to keep a character consistent.
I'm not sure if it's a trolling effort or what, because I never see anyone really agree with the idea Tim isn't both of those things that's not a total fuck wad to the fictional character Tim Drake.
Also, I think the most annoying part of it is people saying it infantilizes Tim. Infantilizes him. How does it infantilize him? People can be short and look young. It's not about trying to keep him an infant or something, it's literally just how he fucking looks.
Fuck I am literally in my 20s, and I get confused for a 15-year-old on a regular bases. Even at places where I've seen the same people for years, genuinely assumed I been a child the entire time they've known me. They met me when I was 18-years-old, and this still happens years later.
No one is infantilizing me. It's just how I look, and I am fine with it. It's a thing that can happen with people. It's reality. Tim Drake is representing reality, and since he's a natural underdog character it also fits super freaking well for him.
It's rude to say, I am aware, but after a while I think you're just a fucking idiot who has a some kind of unexplainable hatred towards a character you hate having traits you like. While the only time your fav has them is during the era of comics that are known for having shit inconsistencies that directly contradict previously known information.
Not all of them, but the ones I see still pressing this nonexistent issue are those kind. You can always tell by how they talk. The vagueness in which they speak, while thinking they're subtle by bringing up their headcanons as actual canon, when it's obviously not the case. That sort of thing. Their attempts to provide evidence may also be purely by things based in the forever-and-probably-always inconsistent things about comics, such as the art.
Damian is 15-years-old now, has been for a while. And he's taller at this age, than Tim was also at 15-years-old. In the pre-flashpoint timeline (saying there's a difference, because even then I feel like going back on what was said here is out of character, but I'm tryna be a little less strict on what i say), he was only an inch shorter than Tim at their different ages when they met, according to official DC material, even if it didn't seem like it in the art. Damian was ten, while Tim was months away from eighteen.
Tim's just naturally like that, and Damian had his DNA modified to be a warrior. There was even an issue of Batman around that time where it was into a dark future and Damian is an incredibly massive man that was definitely more than the generic 'adult' body artists may give a character seen in the future, before one is figured out for him. Making it a distinct purposeful choice.
And I've rarely seen Damian fan art that didn't make him look eight no matter his age.
In fact Wayne Family Adventures MADE Damian eight, when he's NEVER been eight as an active character in the main universe. People literally made that up in an active effort to infantilize him.
I remember there was even attempts to change the fan wikis to make Tim taller and Damian shorter, but it was changed back because it clearly wasn't the case when you looked at the books.
When I was around more, I was around. I've seen the shit happen.
It's just hypocrisy at it's most obvious.
I've seen this sort of thing many times over the years, and it is now 2023. Why is this still a fucking talking point? There's nothing to talk about, the case has been settled long ago. That's the reason I'm rambling here.
Most of my frustration comes more from how this fandom still does this stuff. I'm a lot calmer in real life than it probably seems. I have a hard time expressing how I actually feel in text, but trust me I'm in a calm mood, that's just dumbfounded.
You're really willing to waste your time, trying to convince people you're really just not a jackass like that?
Nowadays I simply feel bad for people that do it.
And it's not only Damian stans, it's every stan. That was just the post that gave me flashbacks to stuff I seen nearly TEN YEARS AGO now.
I still see Tim stans tryna convince everyone he's a skater-boy stoner, that ran Wayne Enterprises. Given that first part is a little more recent of a debacle, the point still remains.
He has never been that. One arc he was in the skater-crowd for a specific criminal, he hates drugs like a square, and has NEVER ran Wayne Enterprises. Lucious Fox did.
What kind of a fandom wastes time complaining about stuff they do right (Which even then, a lot of art still doesn't bother drawing Tim as anything more than a generic dude), while praising stuff that breaks what there was before?
Do you really like this stuff then?
If you have to change so much stuff to suit your desires. Why are you even here?
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placidsloth · 2 years
things customers have said to me
im actually done collecting pokemon cards, shoes are kinda like my passion now. plus id rather drive my car down to florida full of shoes rather than my pokemon cards (its two binders dude its literally smaller than one shoebox)
get anything new in? (greg you were here yesterday, nothing has changed)
do you have this comic book store specific cover variant of this comic that came out today? i know its not this comic book shop, but i figured you might still have it (we're a very small store ha ha... that means no)
could you get me this 20 year old comic? your distributor should have it right?
yeah this comic has an important first appearance in it, i'm surprised you guys have any copies left. (yes because avengers #58 or whatever that came out 3 weeks before is such an important issue, thats why we only ordered one and sold none)
do you even know who damian wayne is? you know dick grayson isn't robin anymore, right?
do you sell manga? (sir this is a comic book store, any manga we have is entirely an accident)
you know, they use anti-depressants to keep sexual deviants and sociopaths like ted bundy from wanting to have sex while in jail, i dont understand why they dont just give everyone anti-depressants because literally every person is a little bit of a sociopath. i think putting anti-depressants in the water supply would probably reduce the number of jackasses in the world (terrifying thanks)
i thought that guy was gonna come at you when you said your boss was going to come talk to him about his order lol. i work with cops a lot and he reminded me of a junky looking to score a hit. but you handled that really well! good job! (way to make me feel safe dude)
no but the bionicle comic was one of the top selling comics of the year when it came out (somehow im not so sure about that.)
i wish there was a comic with like the members of the batfam you don't get to see usually (well actually there's an ongoing batgirls title, and tim drake has a mini-series-) no but like a good one, you know? (-.-)
how am i supposed to know what comic this is? (did you try looking at the back? it should have the name there) yeah it wasnt there (are you sure? flip it over for me?) okay i swear that wasnt there before
oh wow why is this comic so expensive? why would anyone pay $500 for a comic they cant even read? (i ask myself that every day)
damn i thought that guy was gonna lose it at you when you said you didn't have that item haha
nah man i just want venom stuff. i like to think of myself as the anti-hero of my life (i had to drop my stapler and lean down to pick it up so they wouldnt see me laugh at them)
wow, in the time ive been here, youve gotten hit on by three different guys! does that happen a lot? (i do not remember being hit on, i remember helping customers and chatting with them?)
so you're like 16 right? how long have you been working here? (4 years... i'm 23...)
oh i wasnt expecting to see a girl working here! are you the owners daughter/girlfriend/wife? (no thank god)
man if only my mom/wife/girlfriend/mother-in-law didnt give away/get rid of/lose/burn/throw out my comics/pokemon cards/magic cards i could be a millionaire right now (x to doubt)
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visionofhope04 · 3 years
Hii I was lowkey wondering if you would do something maybe like a one shot of neglected where reader is older (18-20) and dipped out of the house and became a singer and one of her songs basically exposed them for how they treated reader and in like an interview she full on tells them how she doesn’t even talk to them and like only Jason
This is literally perfect. I love this idea! I was planning on making a singer batsis reader anyway so here you go! I'll be making this part 4 of the series instead of a one shot. There’s a bit of angst. Btw, thanks so much for your support everyone! I'm glad you enjoy this series! Feel free to request anything you'd like besides smut as well!
This is the longest thing I have ever written so there will be a part 5. I planned on this being the last part but it's just so much. It’s not proofread and neither are all of the other parts because I post at 1 am most of the time lol. Hope you like it!
f/n = friend name
Y/G/N = your group name
N/S = news station
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 (Current) Part 5
You were sick of it. Sick of how even after confronting them about how you felt and almost dying because of it, they still neglected you. You couldn't wait to move out at the age of 18, even if it proved to be a struggle. You had taken mini jobs since you turned 15 and saved up since then. You just couldn't see them anymore as it would remind you of how they treated you that day at that hospital. None of them apologized either. They just pretended it never happened and continued to ignore you. The media had a field day with speculation of what had happened but eventually stopped because Bruce had claimed it was “just a bad case of the flu” which they believed.
Jason was always the only one that would talk to you. He was the only one that actually cared enough to make sure you were taking proper care of yourself and that you wouldn't have a repeat of what happened. He took you places, spent time with you and gave you advice. You even had a tradition where you'd always meet up at the manor's library every week at the same time that same day every week and just have a mini book club together. He always made time for you and never bailed on you.
So on your 18th birthday, he helped you move out. You managed to rent a small apartment in Star City with the money you had saved up. It wasn’t that close to the manor which was a good thing. The neighborhood wasn’t good but it wasn’t as bad as Gotham’s neighborhoods so you would be fine. You could handle yourself with your assassin training if needed. You also managed to get hired at a cafe which was about a five minutes walking distance from your apartment.
It had taken a while but eventually, you had packed all of your belongings into color coded containers and moved them into Jason’s car with his help. You didn’t say goodbye to anyone as you had no friends to say bye to and you knew that your so called “family” couldn’t care less about what you did with your life. ‘This is it, hopefully the last time I’ll ever be near this place.’ You thought. You didn’t plan on stepping foot in Gotham ever again after you left. It would bring back too many memories you prefer to keep buried away deep inside your mind.
The car ride to Star City was entertaining. You and Jason conversed the whole time, telling jokes and listening to his funny tales with the radio playing softly in the background. Eventually, a song you both loved came on and you both started yell-singing along to the lyrics. You wished those moments could be permanent. You were both so carefree and nothing else mattered besides having fun and enjoying yourselves.
You now stood in the doorway of your new apartment, admiring your new home. Jason and yourself had just finished unpacking all of your belongings. You really liked how it looked and thought you both did an amazing job at designing the place perfectly according to your style. Jason, unfortunately, had to leave in order to avoid raising suspicions. Once you both said your byes, he left you to your apartment.
Jason drove back home in silence. He hated to admit it but he would miss you dearly. You were always there for him and helped him with anything. You tried your best to always comfort him and make him feel better on his darkest days and it would always work. Somehow you seemed to always have the right words to say or knew exactly what to do to help him. Out of everyone he was closest to you. He assumed it was because he could relate to you the most. More so how you felt. He’d felt like the black sheep of the family before you came, and he was. When you came, you took that role from him. It pained him to see how much their insults would affect you, even if you were good at hiding it. He could just tell.
Jason made it back to the manor after a while and went straight to the library. He didn't want to deal with the others. After the whole hospital situation, he'd never really bother interacting with them. He hated how they treated you as if you didn’t exist and hated how much pain they had caused you and that they didn’t even care. He guessed that they'd probably be doing something for Damian's birthday and forgot that you were his twin. They probably couldn’t even remember that Damian had a twin.
He made it to the library and pulled out one of his favorite books. He’d read it so many times you’d often joke that he could probably recite the whole book by heart at this point. Sitting down in a chair, he started to read. However, he couldn’t bring himself to stop thinking about what it would’ve been like if they treated you how they did Damian. The both of you were Bruce’s real children. You both even looked like clones of him! At first, Jason thought you would’ve been the favorite twin due to your personality. Even though you were twins, your personalities were polar opposites. You even refused to kill! You were trained by the League so why didn’t you kill as Damian did?
Jason knew you would benefit them greatly if you joined. You had self control, didn’t kill, could act perfectly, lie perfectly, do well under pressure, and not to mention your skills. Being raised by the League may have been torture, but you managed to gain incredible skills out of it. You could take on at least ten guys who doubled you in size and beat them within five minutes. You even bested Damian in spars and he was supposedly dubbed the “better twin” by Talia, so why hadn’t they let you join their nightly crusades like they had let Damian when the both of you first arrived?
Damian passed by your room but noticed something was off. He decided to take a look. He twisted the doorknob and pushed. The room which was once occupied by you now looked extremely plain and bare, stripped of all of its accessories. The only things left were the bed itself, multiple dressers, and a vanity. It looked as if it had been vacant the whole time. It might as well have been. Damian couldn’t really remember what it had looked like since he’s never paid much mind to it but he could tell there was a drastic difference. He knew that you disliked just leaving your room plain unlike himself and wanted at least something to make it look less boring.
He couldn’t help but wonder what had happened. Had you finally been kicked out by Bruce? Did you get shipped off to a boarding school like he had been suggesting to your father for years? He decided to go ask. He exited the room and closed the door behind him, taking off for Bruce’s office. Walking down the hall, he suddenly remembered that he had seen you leave with Jason. This meant that you were not at a boarding school like he had originally thought. But then why was your room vacant?
Instead of going to see Bruce, he decided to go see Jason and bring up the matter with him instead. He changed directions and headed to the library where he knew he’d find Jason. It was no secret that Jason was a book worm so Damian had a fifty percent chance of finding him there.
He entered the library and was immediately greeted with the sight of Jason sitting comfortably on a chair, legs crossed with a book opened in his hands. Jason didn’t bother to look up from his book as he spoke.
“What do you want Demon Spawn?”
“I’ve come to obtain the whereabouts of my sister.”
“You mean my sister?”
“She’s not your sister!” Damian exclaimed.
“Well I act more like a brother than you do.”
“Where is Y/N? Her whole room is bare.”
“That’s for me to know and you to find out.”
“Just tell me, you imbecile!” Damian said, growing increasingly frustrated by Jason’s blunt answers.
“She’s not here.”
“Then where is she?”
“Not here.”
“Just tell me already Todd, I have no time for your foolish games!”
“She moved out.” Jason said, giving in.
“What?! Where.” Damian demanded.
“Why would I tell you?”
“Because I demand to know!”
“Okay and?”
“Tell me!”
“Why not!”
“Because you don’t even care.”
“And you do?”
“Yes, I actually do Damian! I’m there for her when she needs me the most. I’m there for her while she’s watching you live the perfect life that she’s just a background character in! While you and the others ignore that she even exists! I’m there for her when she breaks down and has panic attacks! And what were you all doing to try and help her? Nothing! Absolutely nothing!” Jason snapped.
“Y/N’s fine, I know my twin!” Damian screamed.
“Do you even know what her favorite color is?” Jason questioned in a harsh tone.
“...” Was Damian’s reply.
“Exactly! You don’t! You and the others have never cared about her, so why all of a sudden do you care now? You don’t know anything about her so don’t act like you do!” Jason then stood up and walked out of the room in a fit of rage.
Damian stood there, shocked. Had Jason just refused to answer his question? He was about to follow him but decided against it. Why was Damian going to chase Jason down just for her? She was just an annoyance, a mistake, imperfect. He had been wanting to get rid of her for so long, so why doesn’t he feel relieved? Why does he feel guilty? He decided to stop dwelling on it and get on with life. He figured it would happen eventually if it hadn’t happened then.
It had been a year since that day. The day you left your old life behind and started a new life, a better one. One where you weren’t constantly ignored. One where you actually had more than one person care about you. Instead of seeing yourself as a failure and disappointment, you now saw yourself as an amazing person (which you always were). You had been going to a community college in Star City. You made many friends there and started up a music career with three of them.
Their names were f/n, f/n and f/n. You all started off by taking random gigs anywhere you could. You performed covers of songs and would receive standing ovations all the time. Seeing as your group was well liked, you decided to write and produce your own songs. At the age of 19, Y/G/N released their first album. It went viral within a day and everyone was talking about it. After a week, several articles were posted, praising your work. News Stations talked about all the records Y/G/N managed to break. People started to stream it like crazy, and you couldn’t be happier with all the positive feedback you were receiving.
You had been a Wayne once, meaning you had experience in dealing with the media. Since you had already been used to it, you knew you’d all eventually be invited to interviews. So, when you had received an email stating how N/S wanted a one on one interview with you, you weren’t sure how to feel. You weren’t looking forward to interviews with your whole group, let alone one where you would be alone. You knew how unfiltered interviewers could be and didn’t feel comfortable with it.
However, you decided it would be best to go. So here you were, sitting in front of the interviewer in an uncomfortable chair preparing for the interview to start. You had somehow managed to keep a smile plastered on your face the entire time while you were a nervous wreck on the inside. You hoped none of the questions would be sexist as they usually were towards women. However, you had no more time to think about that. You heard clicking, signaling that you were about to go live. Once you heard the last click, you knew you were live and the interview had begun.
“Hello everyone, welcome back to N/S. My name is Jerald Tangleberry and I’m here today with songwriter, singer, and celebrity, Y/N Wayne! How are you?”
You waved to the camera and then answered, “Hello everyone! I’m doing good, how about you?”
“I’m doing great, thanks for asking! So by now I’d assume everyone knows that you’ve released an album with your group. How does it feel to gain more fame?”
“It doesn’t feel any different. Fame wasn’t our goal when we released the album. It was to express ourselves.”
“Mhm, well Ms. Wayne, what inspired you to write songs?”
“Well we know people may be in a tough spot in their life right now and want them to know they aren’t alone.”
“That’s so true. Some fans have been speculating that every member has three songs that specifically relate to them since there are twelve songs in total and three of the songs have the same group member as the introduction part of the song. Is this true?”
“Yes, it is true.”
“So all three of your songs relate to family issues of some sort. Is that hinting that you have family issues?”
“Yes, actually. My family isn’t the best. They ignored me all the time, even when they weren't busy. The only person who didn’t was Jason.”
“You’re saying it in the past tense.”
“I moved out about a year ago. When I was around 14, I suffered from anorexia. My family would always ignore me since they were either busy doing work or hanging out with each other. The only family member that acknowledged me was Jason. I assumed it was because there was something wrong with me. I started to hate myself so much to the point of starvation. One day, I passed out right before a gala and my oldest brother Dick found me passed out on the floor. They took me to the hospital and when I woke up, Bruce, Dick, Tim, and Damian started fussing about how I’d ruin their image if the media knew what actually happened. They started to yell at me and told me how I was a useless burden. I started to have a panic attack so I kicked them out. Jason stayed behind with me and comforted me. Ever since then I made a planed to save enough money so I could move out when I turned 18, which I did.”
“Oh, wow. So Jason was the only one who interacted with you?”
“Looks like the Wayne family isn’t as perfect as they seem.”
“No family is actually perfect.”
“Did your family try contacting you at all after they found out about Y/G/N?”
“Not yet. They’re probably too busy or don’t care.”
“I’m sorry to hear that.”
“It’s alright, I got over it. What’s the next question.”
“Oh-” He cleared his throat and continued the interview. (So basically I don’t wanna bore you all lol)
Jason had woken up late into the afternoon that day. Patrol that morning had exhausted him. There was a huge breakout at Arkham they had assisted with. They successfully locked up every escapee, so today, Jason just wanted to relax until it would be time for patrol again. Even though he was exhausted, he knew he couldn’t take a break. The others wouldn’t and it would be unfair to them if he did.
He headed over to his couch with his phone and a bowl of popcorn in hand, ready to watch random movies the entirety of the day. He set down his phone on the coffee tables and grabbed the TV remote. When he turned on the TV, he almost dropped the popcorn and remote. You were sitting on a chair, giving an award winning smile while you politely answered the man’s questions. He was baffled. He didn’t know why you were being interviewed, let alone on TV at all! You made it clear you didn’t want to have any relations with your family any longer and you couldn’t stand publicity, so what were you doing?
He placed the bowl down and snatched his phone off the table. Unlocking his phone, he quickly dialed your phone number. However, he realized that the interview was live and that he would be interrupting it if he called you then. Deciding to wait, he placed his phone back down, picked up the bowl, and then got comfortable.
Tag list: @fake-id-69 @pepelachanel @loxbbg @what-0-life @yoongi-holland @omnivorousfangirl @cawcaw-pretty-thing @sexysamsungl @iceddonuts @buginetye @portrait-ninja @azazel-nyx @alculai
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