#like what made me pop off was seeing someone genuinely ask if a character even contemplating the attachment rule was bashing
cosmicpancakes · 5 months
Hi! So I saw your post about wanting to talk about Will Solace (me too queen, me too) so what are your headcanons? Or funny little tidbits about him and his friends? Love your blog!
OF COURSE THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS ASK!!! to hear that someone genuinely loves my blog is so surreal cause like??? You like my blog?? Where I literally just say what's on my mind and ramble???
Okay without further ado, here they are!!!
My Will Solace headcanons! ☀️
He has curly hair! Think somewhere between 2c and 3a
Speaking about hair, his hair is naturally brown and he dyes it blonde
ANOTHER HAIR ONE but he has a very extensive hair care routine! You'd think he would have very damaged hair because of all the bleaching, but that shit is SOFT
Only uses feminine floral perfume cause it smells better (hes right. it does.)
Despite insisting on healthy eating, he survives off of random snacks and red bulls
Loves indie pop and jazz music but does listen to a lot a country as it reminds him of his mother
Hopeless romantic. He will cry to laufey.
90% of his closet is made up of incredibly cheesy dad joke t-shirts.
Wears lots and lots of bracelets! All very mismatched in terms of colour and texture, but it adds to the charm (or so he says)
His hair is just long enough to put in a very short ponytail when he works (but a few loose curls always slip out)
He sticks out his tongue when he's concentrating on something
Clarrisse practically adopted him as her honorary little brother and he went to her highschool graduation!! (she totally did not cry when she saw him. nope. not at all.)
everyone at camp owes him atleast 5 favours except lou ellen because she somehow never gets injured??? Cecil on the other hand, owes him about 13 favours.
Friday is the apollo cabin's game night, and he NEVER wins (kayla swears austin is cheating, but hes just really good at monopoly.)
the cabin is always spotless because he despises stable duty
(This one is canon but not talked about enough) when he said he's horrible at every apollo thing except healing, he was not exaggerating. an absolutely horrid singer and he would miss a target 3 metres away.
okay that was a lie because he can manipulate light.... to a certain extent. he's working on it he swears!!
One of those people that are incredibly insistant about wearing sunscreen even tho he doesn't need it himself
And now for some angsty ones because I know you all love them:
A very obvious one, but he has pretty bad PTSD.
I'm pretty sure this one is canon, but he saw Lee die in botl (i have had a oneshot idea about thia for months, but i literally never finish oneshots so theres no point in trying to write it ☹️)
A lot of people thought him and Lee were biological siblings because they looked so similar and also because they were super close
him and Micheal were also really close, but they were a lot more distant after Lee died and they never really got to reconnect
Post botl, the apollo cabin had about 17 kids. 3 survived the battle of manhattan.
has a really bad habit of overworking to distract himself
Way too many scars for a medic. (He won't admit where he got them from, or why most of them are on him arms.)
Okay, that's all for today!! I hope you enjoyed those headcanons :)
Once again saying this but if anyone reading this wants some headcanons for other characters please please leave me an ask 🙏 love you all okay bye bye
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nekropsii · 1 month
Also that June post sucked I wrote it on sleep meds at like 6 in the morning I articulated myself like shit. Not an excuse, but it is an explanation.
Further rambling under the cut.
I was trying to make the point that it’s deeply frustrating to me how much of a big deal was made out of it (in a negative sense) and how much harassment ensued especially right in the moment when nothing had even really happened yet and still hasn’t really happened but I said that Badly.
The JKR comparison was not a statement of there being any bigotry present, it’s just literally the only example most people - me included - can think of when talking about an author confirming some kind diversity before it even happens, if we see it at all. I’ll admit part of why I’m so cynical is that I grew up in an era where queerphobic jokes and queerbait were just about the only thing you could get in mainstream media, and everyone would still tout that as if it’s real representation, so I’m always prepared for people to just be lying to me.
So, I see that June gets confirmed in 2019 because someone won a treasure hunt, and we still haven’t really seen her, and I’m just instinctively deeply skeptical it’s even gonna happen. Especially considering we got that fuckin’ Roxy Detransition arc first.
Another sticky point is the canonicity of Postcanon, period. I do not see any works outside of Homestuck proper to be canon, especially not in the way that Homestuck itself is canon. I’ve said this several times on my blog and didn’t feel it worth reiterating but it’s kind of important, especially given the JKR comparison. I think June is awesome, it’s a really cool progression of her character, especially considering Homestuck was once pop culture and she’s the literal main character. But part of why I kept saying it was “literally nothing” was because I was operating under the mindset of “it’s not even canon anyway, why are you harassing people for being excited about it?”. It’s stupid to act like a character or person coming out as trans ruins everything for you in general, but it was especially stupid to me for this to be such a federal fucking issue when basically all we had to go off of at the time was a Tweet, especially in a fandom that proclaims itself to be so progressive, and especially when so many people who were denouncing June as being “not real” due to being in Postcanon got so excited when Roxy was turned into a trans dude. It’s just stupid and unfair and transparent, and I hate it.
The Junecourse situation was super fucking messy and really hard to navigate, and it frustrated me a lot because a lot of people were being kind of silly or even just outright bigoted. It was strange that people got so mad about it, it was strange that some people acted like June was a real person, it was strange that people got badly harassed no matter what they did or said. It was stressful and weird, and it was dumb to me that all that warring and all those lies were circling around a tweet, for the most part, and plenty are still operating under the simple tweet confirmation.
I should acknowledge that there’s apparently more than just the lone tweet now. I’m sure I’ve seen all that before, but I’ve got pretty bad memory issues and, again, I was writing it at 6 am on sleep meds, so it genuinely spaced my brain. That is completely on me and I apologize for contributing to false narratives. The post’s been deleted. I’m not asking for forgiveness or anything, I’m just explaining myself. It was a bad post, but I wasn’t making it out of malice, though I do recognize that in situations like this, intent doesn’t matter nearly as much as actions and impact does. That was a failure on my part. I’ve since deleted it.
I’m apologizing here not because there’s a fire being lit under me or anything - I’m not being pressured - but because this is a genuinely important issue to me. Sadly, I am merely an ally and still in the active process of reading theory, so I lack the general polish one acquires from lived experience and actual real learnedness. Transmisogyny is not a reality I have to live with every waking moment of my life, and as a TME man it is a systemic force that works directly in my favor, so I’m liable to accidentally perpetuate it, even if it’s something I do not believe in personally and am making strides to, for lack of a better, less cringe-inducing term, “be a better ally” about.
TLDR; I fucked up and made a sloppy post that contributed to false narratives surrounding a confirmed Transfem character and the discussion of her online. It sat around 77 notes as of deleting, though most were thankfully just likes rather than there being a whole lot of spread. Still sucks, though, and I’m sorry.
Thank you for reading.
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girl-next-door-writes · 11 months
One Day At A Time
Characters: Sam Winchester x reader
Summary: Reader is having a rough patch and Sam makes sure they are extra loved and cared for.
Word Count: 1122 words
A/N: @unleashthebees I know you made this request an age ago, but I believe these things happen at the right time, and over the last few weeks I’ve really needed a Sam to help me through. I hope you like it.
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There are some days in your life where the whole practicality of existence seems so much harder than it should. After all, you are simply taking up space in the universe, breathing in and out, plodding along on that mundane treadmill of life alongside the rest of humanity, that should not be difficult. There are definitely days where it is hard to see the good in what you are going through, no matter how rigorously you search for that silver lining. Sometimes positive thoughts and affirmations just aren’t going to cut it. Those are the moments where you need someone to lean on, someone to help carry you through until you regain your strength to deal with the ongoing catastrophe that is life.
Sam knocked on your bedroom door and waited until he heard movement before he carefully turned the handle, popping his head into your room and giving you a goofy grin. A grin which faltered a little when he saw you sat wrapped in your blanket. The smile you flashed him was somehow floating in front of your face, and he could tell there was something off.
“Hey there. Just wanted to see if you fancied breakfast in bed?”
“Sounds good. Thanks.” You nodded and he immediately disappeared to fix breakfast for the both of you.
As he waited for the toast to pop up, Sam thought about what he could do to make things a little easier for you. There had been this cloud of melancholy around you for a few days now, and even though he knew these moods didn’t last forever, he was genuinely concerned. The darkness has a way of seeping into the heart of you, dragging you down into its depths until it can be difficult to see a way out. He wanted you to remember that this pain will pass and that you will be standing there, ready to face whatever came next, but a lecture seemed condescending… and actions always spoke much louder than words.
Upon returning to your room, Sam carefully carried in a tray laden with all your favourite breakfast food. He sat beside you, trying not to notice how you picked at it rather than consumed it, but he did not want to add to your troubles by nagging about you needing to eat. Instead, he simply sat beside you, chewing his own piece of toast and being present in the silence that rested over the two of you.
At one point, Sam worried that perhaps he was chewing too loud, that the toast was crunching with each bite, and he snuck a glance at you. He could see those wheels turning in your mind, as if you were trying to solve a problem. Sam knew full well that problems never break themselves into easy little pieces, that they have sharp, jagged edges that tore at you. Whatever it was you were struggling with, he knew you would share in time, he just had to be patient, and be there for you. His heart fluttered when you absentmindedly leaned against him, as if your body was seeking his comfort, even if your mind was in turmoil.
“I’ve got to head into town in a bit, got some books to check out. You want to join me?” He asked softly, knowing the quaint secondhand bookstore was one of your favourite places.
“Thanks.” You whispered, slightly nodding your head, and Sam allowed himself a mental victory dance because not only had he got you to eat something, but you would also be getting washed, dressed and getting some fresh air. That felt like a win to him.
The ride over to town was quiet. Sam filled the silence where he could, but felt you wanted to sit with your thoughts and didn’t want to intrude. Now, as you both made your way through the stacks, he could see the hint of a smile on your lips, your shoulders relaxing just a little. The uneven floors, the mismatched bookshelves, the elaborate and elusive system for which the books were placed, felt reassuring. This place was a chaotic mess, and yet it worked somehow.
Sam watched you trace your fingertips over the spines of books, your eyes flitting from one title to the next, taking them in without really reading them. He wished that he could tell you that you were like this place. Both you and this shop were filled with a warmth and a wealth of knowledge. Both you and this shop were haphazard on the inside in a way that he did not understand, but he knew made perfect sense. Both you and this shop were where he felt most himself.
There was a large part within him that wanted to wrap you up in his arms and hold all the pieces of you together until you’d figured out a way to glue them. You were the strongest person he knew, definitely strong enough to live this insane life, you just had to face it one day at a time and not let it overwhelm you. If you could only see yourself the way he did, you would know that you had got this, whatever this was.
He watched you silently meander around the store, lost in thought, and lost in the magic of a bookstore, a place which seemed to exist completely outside time. Any book you seemed to linger on, he made a mental note, and when you moved onto the next stack, he picked it out, ready to purchase the whole damned store if it would make you smile, even for a moment.
Upon returning home, he followed you to your room, placing your new stack of books by the side of your bed and switching on the bedside lamp. He watched you settle on the bed and pull the first book from the top of the stack. The melancholy was still there, but it seemed lighter than it had that morning.
Sam disappeared for a while, and when he returned, he had a soft blanket and some candles. Placing the candles around the various pieces of furniture, he lit each one carefully, making the room feel even cozier. Once more, Sam left, and when he reappeared, he had a warm drink and a tray of finger food, knowing you would snack as you read if he left it within reach. Without saying a word, he joined you on the bed and pulled out his own book.
The two of you sat in companionable silence, simply existing together. He felt your head rest against his shoulder, and he smiled to himself. You would make it through this, you just needed to take it one day at a time.
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luzxii · 11 months
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spooky month characters walk in on y/n who selfharms
characters: kevin, radford, streber, rick
content warnings: self harm, blades, mentions of suicidal thoughts
notes: these headcanons are not intended to romanticize or make light of a serious issue, the goal of this writing is to discourage said actions and encourage those whom are dealing with these things to get help. if you or a loved one is dealing with the things mentioned in text, please reach out to someone you trust. you are loved.
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You’ve been working at the Candy store for a while now, you were just having a really bad day.
Kevin creaked open the back door of the candy store, clearly exhausted; asking for some help cleaning up the store before his shift ended.
He stopped in his tracks once he got a good look at you, realizing you were bleeding out.
“ … Y/N?! what are you doING- I– “
 He could barely comprehend what was happening at first. He stood there in shock for a moment, completely frozen in place seeing you like that.
Once he took it in, He panicked. Kevin would stumble up to you and grab you by the hands; trying to stop you from causing any more harm to yourself. He didn’t at all realize that you were feeling like this, a part of him couldn’t help but feel like it was his fault for not being considerate. He couldn’t help but feel anger, not at you but at whatever was making you feel so horrible.
“ shitshitshitshIT.. “
He’d cuss under his breath, trying to keep any blood from getting on him. It clearly hurt him a lot to see you doing this to yourself, just holding your hands; even shaking a little.
He’d just question why, why did you do this to yourself? He understood to a degree however, he himself has had self destructive thoughts even if he never acted on them; especially to the degree of self harm. He was painfully unlucky, especially with Skid and Pump. But he just wished he could’ve stopped this before it started happening.
Kevin stayed for extra time to clean up the blood stains on the floor as well as your arms.
From then onward he said his sarcastic remarks and offhand comments less around you; wanting to be more respectful and considerate now that he knew what you were dealing with.
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“ I’m ready for the movie! I’ve got some popcorn and everything. “
He barged into your room holding a bag of freshly popped popcorn, a grin on his face; excited for the movie you planned to watch together at your house. The harsh realization of what he walked in on was enough for him to drop the popcorn all over the floor; his grin wiped from his face entirely.
“ …Dude… “
He went really quiet, He seemed heartbroken. He sat right next to you, you tried to cover your arms, but Radford already saw everything.
He took off his glasses, he could see without them; yet his vision was blurry with further objects. He looked at your arm, a big frown on his face. He tried to reach out to it but backed his hand away, not wanting to risk agitating your wounds.
“ How long have you been doing this? Have you told anyone? “
He seemed genuinely concerned, asking question after question to make sure he could help you the best he could. He just had no idea what to do. He wanted you to be happy.. You aren’t his first friend who's self harmed, but he never saw it firsthand and never really prepared to. He just stood by your side and made sure you were safe.
“ You can .. talk to me, y’know? You’re safe here.. “
He’d stick by his friends' sides for anything. He’s helped Kevin and Rick through a lot of things, and he was fully prepared to try his best to help you.
He treated you around the same as before afterwards, yet took your mental health into account and kept it in mind in your interactions.
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Streber let out a huge gasp at first, springing to you and holding you close, absolutely distraught to see you in so much pain. He didn’t realize it was self harm at first, just seeing you in distress was enough to bring him to this point.
He trailed off when he noticed the blade you were holding, gazing from it then to you. 
“ Wait. Are you.. You’re hurting yourself, aren’t you?  “
“ I’m sorry, Streber..”
His entire dramatic persona dropped for a second. He was naturally an exaggerated person, but certain topics brought him back down to earth for a moment.
The next thing you knew, Streber began to cry. He was a very emotionally driven, and finding out you were hurting yourself? That definitely was enough to cause him to break. It just made him so distraught to imagine you doing that, he couldn’t handle it anymore.
He yanked you into a hug, weeping into your shoulder. You tried not to stain his shirt with your blood, Streber didn’t seem to care. He loved you, he could put up with a little blood. He wished he could take all of those awful thoughts away from you, he’d take them on himself if it meant he could rid you of them.
From then on he always tried to check up on how you were doing more often,  wanting to make sure you were safe and taking care of yourself.
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You were silently crying in your apartment room, only to hear your door slowly crack open; to be met with your current roommate Rick.
I headcanon that Rick himself has had a history with suicidal thoughts and self harm, so if anyone can relate to how your feeling; its him.
He wouldn’t say a word, just observing you at first; keeping his blank facial expression with no sign of any emotion. However deep down he just took this situation very seriously, he didn’t want to alarm you or make things worse with excess reaction.
You watched him right back, trying to catch your breath; yet you didn’t feel it was any use hiding yourself near him.
He took the knife from you, stoic as before. Then leaving the room, returning soon after with some plaster bandages and other medical supplies; having put on gloves to avoid contaminating the wounded area.
Rick patiently cleaned your injuries then wrapped the bandaging around them, taking time with every swerve to not risk hurting you any further.
He placed a hand on your back in case you needed extra support once he completed, just staying present near you.
Rick didn’t think he was good at consoling people, but he knew it was unsafe to leave you alone like that for very long.
“ I get how you feel. “
You were still sniffling and he could see it, he’d rub your back up and down and pulled you a little closer.
From that day onward, Rick was able to understand you a little more. He wasn’t one to do or say very much but he tried to show his support in you improving; he knows for a fact that self harm isn’t worth it and that you deserve to get better, even if it's rare for him to say that out loud through his usual pessimism.
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the-s1lly-corner · 10 months
You points
I'd like to hear some of your general headcanons for itward! Any and all headcanons you can think of >:)
General Itward hcs!
I got too silly guys
This is gonna be long so buckleup
Side note, my silly little goofy baking marathon has begun, so requests are REALLY gonna slow down today and tomorrow and likely Tuesday as well
I current have multiple pies in the oven as we speak <\3 (note from the future i was typing for so long the first batch of pies finished and the second group just got put in)
My bodies gonna hate me for this but imma get paid (yaaaay!!!!)
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Love to think that itward is self sufficient. He grows his own stuff and scavenges for any metal parts he needs what whatever (his ship, a project, ect)
As such he also builds and maintains his own stuff; the ship is the most obvious thing! But I like to think nearly everything in the ship itself was either made by him or found abandoned !
Its canon that he loves forks, both stated in the character sheet thing KMG posted as well as the copious amounts of forks decorating the main area of his ship! I mean he literally has a wall covered in forks! I can easily see him having even more forks stashed away somewhere
Torn between headcannoning him to just have them in a jumbled heap in a drawer somewhere... and headcannoning that he sorts them by size, material, color, and style... both seem so in character for him.. hmm..
I can say for certain that he has a box somewhere full of random stuff hes collected and it's not at all neat and organized. Rocks, gears, bolts, sticks, glass vials, jewels, and so on! The "oo pretty I think I'll keep this and use it for later (never uses it for later)" mindset! I like calling those lil trinket boxes "crow boxes"
"The one many children talk about", as said by the man himself. So fran and the twins arent the only ones who have interacted with him... dad of dozens of children
I was gonna go somewhere with that previous point but I genuinely forgot what I was gonna say
Has made stuffed animals and dolls at least once for all of his kids. And yes, that includes Clara and Mia, at least before they tried to kill him... reluctantly makes bunnies for kids who ask
Speaking of bunnies, since it's been proven that itward wasnt bluffing or lying about his fear of them (KMG made a post showing off a type of Kamala that basically makes you addicted to their candy, making you eat them til your guts explode) (which... is horrifying and makes me wonder, did itward see that happen to someone? Perhaps one of his kids? A friend? Or did he not and the concept just scares him so much?) It's a little funny that itward has a bunny plushie on his ship
Sad hc but I like to think it belonged to one of his past children and as much as hes afraid of it he doesnt have the heart to give it away
While we're on the topic of sad stuff, I dont think itward can shed tears. So in place of them, his bones start to rattle a little
While I also headcannon that his bones rattle when hes nervous or flustered, and perhaps on the rare occasion that hes angry, it does happen when hes sad enough
Okay no more sad, I like to think his hat steams when he gets real excited about something or embarrassed. The top of it just. Pops open and theres the steam billowing out
I dunno I think it suits him and his aesthetic...
Stole this idea from someone else but he can purr; it's mostly involuntary imo and if you listen close enough you can hear his bones vibrating and clacking against one another
His eyes glow in the dark! Not too bright, it's fairly dim, but it's enough for him to see around and for you to see where he is in a dark room!
Creaky bones. He is OLD! probably VERY OLD! So it would make sense his bones click and make noise thanks to the general age.. wear and tear you know? Especially prominent in his spine and ankles
Has a habit of clacking his teeth/jaw when speaking, as well as when hes just. Not doing anything
Prone to fiddling with his rings (!! Will get to that in a second!) As well as the accessories on his coat; and sometimes, even his hat!
Okay the rings! I like to hc that itward makes his own accessories too ! That includes the gems and chains on his coat (heck, hes probably made his own clothes!) And I like to hc that he sometimes wears rings !
Sometimes sells his stuff; more likely to sell shoes and clothing, as well as his machines and services! Sure he mostly lives off stuff hes found or grew, but theres some stuff that he cant just find or grow.. plus its generally a good idea to have some money somewhere
I'm pretty sure hes good friends with palontras and ziar (given him and palontras work together to help Fran and the painting of ziar in itwards ship) but I also like to think he is friends with the wizard and cogwind!
Mostly because I wish we got more stuff for both of them... also him and cogwind can bond over their interests!
Does not stay in one place for long, given that KMGs labels him as a wanderer, but assuming he keeps Fran around to raise her I think he anchors down to one place... well not ANCHOR but like, cutting down on traveling at least a bit, especially in the beginning so fran can fully come to terms with everything shes learned (the truth of her parents death, the grieving process, learning she may or may not be part of something larger if memory serves me right, it's been a while since I played the game, as well as being shot.. like yeah she was healed physically but like imagine how shes gonna feel when that fact she was shot mentally sinks in) ... cant have her bouncing between different realities and the spaces in between them constantly
Listens to Antonios (giant old ant dude) old music, I think! Probably has a bunch of old vynlls laying around somewhere
Frequently has to clean his hands, especially his fingers since hes always working on SOMETHING, he doesnt wanna walk around with gunk in the grooves of his fingers. Very yucky very gross and very un-gentleman..ly...
I keep trying to wrap this post up but I keep remembering hcs/coming up with new ones
Anyways COMMITS to the bit when hes playing a game with Fran, or really any kid hes looking over. Tea party? Hes gonna bust out his very best manners. Yes he will wear a tiara if its offered to him. It will go over his hat, of course. Playing doctor? Oh he'll moan n cry about how sick hes feeling, please help him! Ect ect, things like that!
Sometimes makes shadow puppets and tells stories. Both in the form of little shadow theatres, but sometimes he will use his own hands and project the shadows onto the wall!
Very good at coming up with stories on the fly
Also very very good at comforting people, I think. Hes been around for a while and he just OOZES comfort
So if you have a nightmare or struggle with anxiety, itward wont let you just suffer and be scared, hes gonna do what suits you best to calm down; distractions, holding, taking, quiet, grounding, ect ect ect anything you need
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ruthlesslistener · 2 months
for the ship/don't ship meme: Aeris and his Dubious Decisions Trio (Drifter, Misraaks, Taniks)
(preliminary note: Aeris is aromantic, so saying that I ship Aeris with anyone here defines a close sexual partnership rather than a typical romantic relationship, as he's incapable of anything else. We aroshippin in this bitch)
Putting this under a cut bc its gonna get long and there's going to be talk about sex. Lots of OC x canon stuff in here for the 3 people who are into that sorta thing
Aeris/Drifter: Don't ship, casual fling
Why don’t you ship it?
-Aeris chose Drifter to pop his cherry/teach him how to fuck for two reasons: one, he knew that Drifter was pan and thus actually interested in him, and two, he knew that Drifter wouldn't make it weird or judge him for his...everything. Drifter also thinks he's kinda cute in a weird, awkward, gangly way, so he was more than happy to have a casual fling with him and teach him the ropes
2. What would have made you like it?
-Not sure honestly! I like the thought of Aeris and Drifter being bros who are comfortable enough to fuck if they want it (like how straight men will compliment each other's ass and dicks, but these guys actually mean it), but as an actual pairing they're more just for character development than anything else. I prefer Eris/Drifter QPR too so Drifter is kinda taken in that regard, though Drifter DOES like to crack jokes about fucking both Aeris with an A and Eris with an E to those in the know
3. Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
-Even tho Aeris never really sought Drifter out after he got confident in his abilities to not fuck up a fling, I have a fuckload of fun imagining them going 'nice cock bro' in casual conversation or Aeris showing off in Gambit while Drifter hypes him up. So they're still very much a fun duo to fiddle with but it's not much different from how they were before
Aeris/Misraaks: FWB ship, kinda complex
I'mma count this as 'ship' even though its not too far off from the Aeris and Drifter thing in that a heatmate is just an inherently more vulnerable, intimate position than a casual fling. However, Aeris is still aromantic and Misraaks is someone I view on the ace/demi spectrum, so it comes with a caveat in that its again, not a ship so much as this grey zone of 'I trust you to see me when I'm aching and needy and vulnerable but I don't want you as a partner'- made even MORE complex in that Aeris treats Eido like a younger sibling which gets Weird when you factor in the fact that he's fucking her dad (though obviously the adopted sibling thing isn't literal)
What made you ship it?
-Aeris/Misraaks was the first thing I considered when thinking about fleshing out Aeris's sexuality. Partially because Misraaks is hot, so of course I'd want to throw people at him, but also because his chill, laid-back personality meant he was perfect for Aeris's tendancy to want to experiment with things.
As for how they fit together- it works because Aeris, as the Young Wolf of his universe, already has a history of trustbuilding exercises with Misraaks, so Misraaks knows that he's a very quiet, dependable individual who'd never divulge any personal information and would meet any of his alien eccentricities with curiosity instead of fear or judgement (and that Aeris is brutally honest, so him offering himself as a heatmate because he wants to help + is curious is genuine). Aeris is also in the unique position of being both outside of traditional Eliksni culture while also being feared and respected enough by them to be a Kell's heatmate, so even if something DID come out about them fucking, there wouldn't be any social consequences to it re: hierarchy stuff. Oh, there would be gossip for sure- but how could you tell a godslayer who he could or could not share his body with? Or judge a Kell for wanting someone so strong as a suitable mate? Not to mention not needing to worry about any STDs or pregnancy issues with Aeris, as Misraaks might for any other Eliksni
And Aeris- as he very quickly found out when sleeping with Misraaks- is a size queen and a masochist. So Misraaks doesn't really have to worry about Aeris just gritting his teeth and bearing it. If anything, he has to tell Aeris to slow down before he does something that causes Misraaks irreparable distress, even though Aeris himself can bounce back from any injury. It makes finding relief during his heats all that much easier, even if Aeris can't give him pheromonal relief
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
-The comedic relief potential inherent to anyone figuring out that Aeris and Misraaks are fucking. I mean, its a very poorly kept secret if you knew where to look, but...who's looking?
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
-I literally made Aeris and this pairing, I have nobody to argue with but myself
Aeris/Taniks: Ship. Just outright ship. Aeris is still aro here but honestly I don't think that matters here because the whole thing is a goddamn disaster from start to finish. They're the world's most beautiful car crash
What made you ship it?
-The moment the whole 'OOPS I ACCIDENTALLY MARRIED TANIKS THE SCARRED WHEN GUARDING A NEWLIGHT' moment went down in DnDestiny! I had ZERO recollection of the 'bite to denote marriage' headcanon at the time I decided I wanted Taniks to bite Aeris, so running with the joke was great fun. And then, of course, as soon as you start joking about it is when it becomes serious, so here I am
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
-That it works surprisingly well given the circumstances. Aeris is aromantic, autistic, and a living weapon- he took the 'you are a dead thing made by a dead power in the shape of the dead. All you will ever do is kill' thing that the Witness said to him in the Black Garden waaay too literally, and nothing he had to do ever really disproved that, either. Taniks is undersocialized to the point of being feral, doesn't know what love is, and is only seen as a murderous killing machine by both Eliksni and humans alike, so their character parallels are wayy too fun to play around with. If there was anyone for Taniks to be accidentally married to, then Aeris is probably his best bet. Now he's just gotta get over the fact that Aeris thought it over and actually wants to be tied up with him...gl with that buddy
Also, Aeris has a lot of really, really hard kinks related to his issues with personhood that really only another guardian or someone like Taniks can resolve. And Aeris doesn't get along with other guardians well enough to form a sexual relationship with them, so...Taniks it is then! Works out in the long run anyhow bc of the aformentioned size kink thingy he's got gong on, bc Taniks is a big boy. There's more of a social consequence to the whole ordeal, of course, but Aeris doesn't give a lick of a shit about that
Plus they have the extra fun of 'enemies to...whatever the fuck is going on over there.' 'The only one who can see the humanity in a monster is another monster' sorta deal. Idk they both need therapy for their traumas but they're gonna do it in the most fucknasty gorey way first
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
-See above point about me literally making Aeris and thus being incapable of having an unpopular opinion on a guy very few people know about.
The closest I can come really is that the jokes about him and Taniks getting divorced ain't happenin because uh,,,those bite marks aren't going away any time soon. As in, ever. Idk about Taniks being able to shed them out but Aeris isn't getting out of this one in the slightest
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mdhwrites · 5 months
This is a weirdly...personal thing to ask so feel free to ignore it. But when it comes to scenes involving reconciliation between characters, do you think the word 'sorry' is always neccessary?
I've seen such scenes play out with viewers saying 'X didn't even say sorry!' even if 'X' was demonstrably remorseful for what they did. Personally, if someone who wronged me was trying to make amends, and they couldn't muster a simple, singular word, 'sorry,' I'd come to the conclusion that they're not sorry at all, and that they don't really give a shit. But...do you think I'm being too harsh, thinking that way?
Sometimes, remorse for one's actions can come about in ways besides simply saying sorry. I mean, characters' expressions alone can convey apologies in ways words can't. So again, is the word 'sorry' always necessary for a reconciliation scene in stories to actually work?
Absolutely not. I have criticized characters before for barely remembering to apologize but that's because apologies are complicated. One of the first lessons a child learns after learning the word "Sorry" is not to say it if they don't mean it. This is why going "Sorry, but-" will immediately kill your apology. If you lead off with a huge excuse for why you were a colossal asshole, GUESS WHAT! You're still a colossal asshole because you only care about not feeling guilty, not being at fault, and NOT the other person's feelings. Just because you EVENTUALLY remember to say sorry doesn't fix that first you wanted to make it clear you hadn't done anything wrong.
An exceptional classic example of an apology that doesn't even need an "I'm sorry" is when someone breaks something they don't know the meaning of. The wronged person gets upset, the wrongdoer gets defensive, they both storm out, furious and hurt. Then the wrongdoer is told why the thing was important, understands the deeper meaning of what was done and goes out to replace it. Then when the victim sees it, they don't have to say sorry. In fact, "Sorry, I didn't know what it meant to you," is actually the weaker option here because it still includes an explanation. Now admittedly, that option allows the victim to also apologize for not explaining why they were so upset.
The better option is that when the object is seen, the wrongdoer asks about what made it important. "Someone told me your grandma was a hell of a woman. They made her sound preeeetty boring though."
"Oh yeah, then they didn't know her, just like you don't."
"Well, I'm all ears then. What was she like?"
That shows such a deeper understanding of the wrong done, and is genuinely better for showing that the character has understood why the other was hurt, than a simple, "I'm sorry." Using the default can work but if it just sounds like someone reciting what you're supposed to say when you're in trouble... It doesn't sound genuine, does it? Even if it's technically the right thing to say.
Hell, you want a GREAT breakdown on shitty apologies and how saying sorry can just make you sound like more of a douchebag? Pop music is FILLED with this problem and Todd in the Shadows has a great example of it. Check out the video if you have the time.
(Oh god, this is from EIGHT YEARS AGO)
To the general complaint though, it's a lot like how people view redemption arcs. "Did the person get forgiven?" "Are their crimes able to be redeemed from?" etc. like that. Claiming that reconciliation and apologies can only work if a character says sorry is trying to quantify these elements. To be able to check a list that then says whether or not an element empirically fails or not. To make it so someone cannot refute your argument.
That's not how writing works though. What works for one book won't work for all of them. It depends on context and skill. You could copy the greatest apology scene in media and if it doesn't work in your setting or with your characters, it will feel as hollow as a character being forced to say sorry because their parents told them to. Writing rules are fluid like this and we shouldn't try to say something has to, or can't, be included in a scene for it to work.
Sorry if you don't agree. evil grin
I got WAY too much enjoyment out of that last line. XD
I have a public Discord for any and all who want to join!
I also have an Amazon page for all of my original works in various forms of character focused romances from cute, teenage romance to erotica series of my past. I have an Ao3 for my fanfiction projects as well if that catches your fancy instead. If you want to hang out with me, I stream from time to time and love to chat with chat.
A Twitter you can follow too
And a Kofi if you like what I do and want to help out with the fact that disability doesn’t pay much.
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roguetelepaths · 6 months
byron + 1, 2, 5, 24,
Oh fuck yeah I was hoping someone would do this. This is going to be a massive wall of text and I'm sorry but also I'm really not. You have unleashed the infodump dragon and it's not leaving until it's run off some of its zoomies.
Why do you like or dislike this character?
You know a fun fact about me is that I was on Team Byron Disliker when I first started Season 5 just due to what I'd heard through pop culture osmosis. I even made a post to that effect after watching a couple of his episodes (deleted now because I was sick of seeing it in my notes) that got some circulation in the fandom. But the further I got into that arc and the more I thought about him, the less I saw what I expected to see when I started. Instead I saw someone who, though flawed, spent most of the time he was on screen trying to be gentle and compassionate and trying to protect his people in a situation that was hell bent on making it as hard as possible for him to do those things.
I do think he has a manipulative streak, and I do think he's the type to occasionally do very hurtful things because he believes he's doing so for the right reasons (see for example that fucking "doesn't it feel nice to be asked" scene between him and Lyta in The Paragon of Animals, even as a Lyta/Byron shipper that makes me SO ANGRY because that point could be made in LITERALLY any other way that didn't involve demeaning her and shouting at her, I get that you're pissed off at the people who did that to her but taking it out on her isn't gonna help anyone so stop) but those flaws when combined with his genuine good intentions and abundance of care are fascinating.
A big part of why I think people dislike him as a character is because those flaws are presented as an immutable Fact Of Who He Is, which, yeah, I can see why someone would find that insufferable, but I like writing character growth and he deserves some.
Tl;dr, I like him because he's complicated. I dislike the way canon never seemed to want to grapple with those complications.
Favorite canon thing about this character?
That scene with the one guy in Downbelow. You know the one. Letting someone punch you repeatedly because you want to teach them a lesson about how finding a target to beat up on isn't actually going to solve their problems is... genuinely fucking baller and I wish we'd gotten to see more of that side of him.
Also that thing with Lyta in Strange Relations that's basically a mutual "I'm not overextending myself YOU'RE overextending yourself! Please slow down and rest 🥺" is probably what made me ship them as hard as I do. Dipping out of canon and into my fic for a second, but that interaction is so different from their first interaction that I kind of have to wonder if someone talked to him about the way he treated her. (I may have written a missing scene about that but it needs some fine tuning before I feel good about posting it.)
What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
oh my god!!! so many. SO MANY. But uhhhh I can narrow it down to like four?
Runaway by The National as a general theme song
I, Carrion (Icarian) by Hozier as a soft and sad song for him and Lyta
The Deserter's Song by Radical Face as a backstory reveal song
New World Coming (any version but I like the one by Nina Simone best because. Come on. It's Nina fucking Simone how can you top that) because I'm almost certain it was one of the songs JMS pulled from when he was writing That Song For That Scene.
What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
I've been saying this from the very beginning— The Signless from Homestuck. (Yes, I'm a Homestuck enjoyer. Sorry.) I just love my pacifist resistance leaders with feral partners and tragic endings okay.
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ripaxed · 11 months
Sugar and Heather for the character ask?
Evil women <3
Sexuality Headcanon: Lesbian! Nothing too deep about it
Gender Headcanon: I don’t really have one? I generally default to thinking of her as a cis ally but I vibe with her being trans too.
A ship I have with said character: Skygar <3. Their team up went hard idc. Also I don’t really think about it much but her and Leonard is cute
A BROTP I have with said character: Not really a friendship but I think the alliance she offered to Shawn would’ve been interesting if he agreed. Her laughing at Max is funny also.
A NOTP I have with said character: Sometimes people would talk about her and Owen and it’s so. side eye
A random headcanon: With her making it far in Pahkitew, Sugar was offered more role in tv and commercials. Which let her eventually go to veterinary school, like how she wanted if she won the million.
General Opinion over said character: Sugar suffers from Pahkitew’s weaker writing a lot of the time, but I still really enjoy her. Her huge personality makes her a standout even in the season of zany characters. Plus I find her rather interesting, with her history in exploitive child beauty pageants resulting in her underhanded and competitive attitude and her lack of trust in others around. If Pahkitew theoretically somehow had a second season, she’d be the number one character I’d have wanted to see expanded on.
Sexuality Headcanon: Unlabeled! I think Heather struggled to accept she was queer for a long time, in part because no label felt “like her”. Finding out she didn’t have to fit into any particular box made it easier for her to understand herself.
Gender Headcanon: Transmasc. I have. many thoughts about this hc that I should save for it’s own post. But I first thought of it when I started to read the line “I’m the good guy?” as equating to gender euphoria and Heather being tied to being labeled a villain as she is to being labeled a girl.
A ship I have with said character: Ah Sceather, the crackship made as an inside joke that I turned unironic and I am obsessed with. Outside of that, Aleheather is so good. Genuinely just a fantastic canon ship and the backbone of World Tour. I also really really like Gweather and H-bombs.
A BROTP I have with said character: Her and Harold again! They work super well together both platonically and romantically to me.
A NOTP I have with said character: Uhh, I guess I’m not a fan of her and Courtney? Not in the sense I hate it I am just incredibly indifferent to it. Shearing sheeps pops off tho
A random headcanon: I hc they work as a union negotiator in adulthood! Based on that scene in action about her knowing union rules and wanting to organize against Chris
General Opinion over said character: Heather <3. A favorite character easily and forever. I’m obsessed with her. I think she’s under appreciated in Island. She’s not very complex but she brings such an energy that almost all of her scenes are entertaining. Also season one would be impossibly dull without her srry </3. She’s so good in the Island special where her confidence is totally shattered. In Action not only do we see her at her most pathetic /pos but also at some of her funniest. I love you bald Heather <3. In World Tour, well, what can I even say that someone else hasn’t. She’s at her peak, she’s funny, she’s completely hated but manages to scrap her way to finale, and she’s the best winner of any gen 1 season by a mile. Her history of unpopularity and horrible parents and being rejected by everyone around her it just- I love her. Heather sweep.
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morgana-ren · 15 hours
Hello! Came here from ao3, I really love your fics and writing style.
I just wanted to ask (and feel free to ignore if you dont want to answer) since you write a lot of dark content, have you ever gotten rude messages from people or pearl clutchers commenting on your fics?
I'd like to write darker fics but I'm lowkey worried about the reception to some ideas. Thats why I really admire authors like yourself who write with a great sense of attitude. Do you have any advice? Were you nervous when you first started posting dark fics?
Ooh! Interesting question! So sorry this turned into something SUPER long, but I actually have been exactly where you are right now!
So, funny story! When I first started writing fics fuckin' years ago, I desperately wanted to get into writing darkfic. Traditional, cutesy fics— while awesome for other folks— just did not do it for me at all. It was actually something I'd known and understood since childhood and always wanted to foray into. I never read vanilla stories, and I had genuine trouble writing them for a lack of passion or interest. It was something I was deeply interested in and had ambitions for.
It was actually Tomura Shigaraki that made me dust off the old keyboard and begin writing again, and that... Was a huge problem.
See, the MHA fandom was NOT as accepting as it is now back when I started writing— and I hesitate to call it accepting even now. Darkfic was heavily demonized and even fairly rare to come across. It was a fucking wasteland of nosy, pathetic busybodies who thought very highly of themselves and their opinions and dubbed themselves the saviors of the Internet and took it upon themselves to be horrific, vicious little cunts without a single modicum of self-awareness or shame. They got their jollies bending over backwards to antagonize authors who did anything they didn't like by ironically showcasing their own staggering ignorance of how the mind works and making it everyone else's problem in real life. They were very loud and pretentious about it, and unfortunately, some of them garnered quite a following of vulnerable, ignorant children who hung on their every word and command and were tricked into thinking these people had a single idea what the hell they were talking about.
Harassing real people over fictional characters. Using pop-psychology terms they didn't understand. Biased claims that had no basis in reality. Siccing followers on authors. Stalking and doxxing— you name it, they did it with malevolent, self-righteous glee. People getting death threats and doxxed was a very real problem that had some talented, lovely authors disappear from the Internet entirely and put people's actual lives in danger. Over words. On the Internet.
Darkfic authors were one of the groups that were harassed relentlessly. It was pretty rare to find someone brave enough to post it on AO3, leave alone Tumblr, and those that did were pretty much guaranteed harassment on one level or another, whether it was death threats or call-out posts day in and day out, or just cruel, mean-spirited anons. The pioneers of darkfic in that shithole of a fandom were braver than any US marine lmao.
Needless to say, I was petrified. The first fic I sat down and wrote for the fandom (Vermilion) was pretty harmless for the most part, although it dipped its toes in dark subject matter if you were particularly squeamish. If I had my way, it was going to be much, much darker. I wanted it to be darker desperately, but I was so terrified of the petulant, pathetic fandom mommies that literally made it their job to harass authors over fictional characters that I ended up policing myself over it.
The tipping point for me was making friends who with the few people who did have the balls to post it. Authors who were unbelievably talented and didn't give a fuck what some fandom-obsessed weirdo with a superiority complex had to say about it. They actually gave me the courage to be true to myself, and even then, holy fuck it was harrowing at first. I was shaking when I posted the first dark thing I ever wrote on here.
There was an outpour of support. People who loved the story and wanted more. Slowly, I totally overcame the fear with the mix of people in the community being kind and supportive, and simultaneously realizing how utterly pathetic and almost sad the puritanical pop-science fandom police were. Even now, I feel bad for them. No one healthy has that level of fascination and hatred with someone they don't know or something they don't understand that is ENTIRELY OPTIONAL to consume. It's genuinely sad and strange and is far more dangerous than reading about dubious topics in a fanfic.
Slowly, more people started to write darkfic and post it in defiance of these weirdos, and now it's fairly common! I can also say that thankfully, a lot of the weirdo, obsessive puritans have disappeared. I'm hoping they grew up and realized how absurd the whole thing was and are deeply ashamed of their past actions. You don't have to like or respect stories with dark topics, but talking out of your ass and making up reasons why the authors are bad people who deserve to be harassed and die is... Hilariously ironic.
Now, all that being said, I actually have never received hatemail. I was shocked. Hell, I still am, because some of my stories are genuinely heinous. I think I got someone's attempt at it once, but they were either drunk or a 3 year old, because it was literally incoherent. (And it was over the fact I hate Bakugo and not the content of my stories lmao Bakugo stans be wildin' sometimes.)
I think the closest thing I've gotten to a mean comment is someone commenting (incorrectly) that my German translation was off, and one that basically equated to "I love this story but anything more would be too extreme for me," which was very polite and not intended to be rude (although I wasn't quite sure what the point of the comment was lmao)
My best advice? Be yourself. Unabashedly and without fear. Write that dark content and post it with a smile. Your audience will find you, and you'll find so much love and support in the community eventually. Your fics are for you, and if others don't like it? They can act like an adult and not read something that upsets or offends them. Mean words suck, but there is nothing more liberating than spitting in the face of someone who tries to smother you and doing it anyway happily.
Most people who pearl-clutch and sling insults have a tenuous grasp on their own logic and are extremely entitled. I've found that more often than not, they're hateful, reactionary youngsters looking for an excuse to feel superior by pretending they have the moral high ground. They talk out of their ass about things they don't understand and all it does is make them look foolish. Like, they are literally factually, scientifically incorrect most of the time. They are the fanfic/literary equivalent of evangelical white moms having a panic over metal music being from the devil and DND turning their kids gay.
Fanfiction is just that: fiction.
Understanding yourself, your kinks and your own mind can also help immensely. You don't care much if some snotty anon calls you a degenerate if you understand why you write what you do and have no shame regarding it. Understanding the impact of fiction vs. reality, kink science, trauma coping, psychology, and other related topics (depending on what you write) can also help if you want to waste time trying to educate them.
Truthfully though? The funniest response to hate is either not responding at all (oh my God they hate that one) or responding with complete and total nonsense a la "your mom suck me good and hard thru my jorts."
These days? I don't worry about it at all. I write what I write and it brings me great catharsis and joy. I've made incredible friends and met talented people. I've improved my own skills and I have a "productive" hobby. Some folks don't like it? Cope and seethe and piss your pants and suck the liquid back out of the fabric and tell your mom my jorts are feeling a bit dry.
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Hi! Thanks so much for this blog, I appreciate what you do so much!
I would like to ask for advice... I found myself in OC/writing/roleplay circles during my formative years. I had internalized a lot of ableism and treated those that I now know are alters as OCs... myself and others were very unkind to them. I was in very awful, ableist circles.
I met my now life partner through RP, and my alters fell in love with their OCs... I've realized I'm plural and they're a part of me. But my partner doesn't see theirs that way. I'm at a loss. My alters feel so much grief and even resentment. I know it's not my partner's fault, and they try very hard to support all of us. But what many of us thought we loved just isn't there.
Do you have any advice for navigating this sort of grief...? Or anything about how to repair my relationship with my alters after what we've gone through?
Thank you. I hope you the day treats you kindly.
Hello… This sounds like a tough situation to be dealing with tbh, and we’re sorry that your alters are going through something like this. Honestly my first thought is that grief is grief, and they (your alters) should be welcomed and encouraged to process their emotions in ways that feel useful and affirming for them.
It could be beneficial to treat this as a sort of unrequited love situation. So getting some space from these characters, at least for a while, may be necessary in order for these alters to move on. It doesn’t have to be forever, but it could be worth it to ask your life partner if y’all could hold off on the RP for a few months, to give these alters some space from them and a chance to process without having painful reminders popping up regularly.
If you haven’t already, providing some sort of private, individual outlets for your alters would be a great idea. Be it a journal, document, private Discord server, or personal blog, letting each alter have their own space to vent and let out their thoughts could help immensely. Trying to provide these outlets could also help to show your alters that you care about them and want to prioritize and support them while they go through this difficult time.
We’re also thinking it could be good for them to have the opportunity to speak to someone else, besides your life partner or other system members. Therapy is the obvious choice here, but if you have friends or family members who you’re out to about being plural, that could be good, too. If not, maybe you can allow your alters some space to try and make some friends for themselves, whether on or offline. Having a solid support network is crucial for anyone struggling with grief - it will be much harder to heal and process if they feel like they’re going through it alone.
As far as trying to repair your relationships with these alters… have you tried giving them genuine apologies for the ableist ways you treated them in the past? Expressing your remorse and then actively working to do better will probably be the best way to start bridging the gap in y’all’s relationships. Also you could try asking them what it would take in order to make it up to them, then take strides towards accomplishing that.
If apologies have already been made, honestly I think that trying to make your alters a priority in your life in ways that they can see and approve of could help a lot. Pay attention to what they want. Try to surprise them sometimes. Include them in decision making and ask for their opinions. Take the time and effort to try and get to know them better. Make spaces for them in your life and afford them agency in the real world as often as possible. Allowing your alters the chance to just live their lives in the ways that they choose could be really healing in and of itself.
These are my thoughts, anyway. Sorry if nothing we said here sounds like it would work for y’all. I really hope that things in your system will improve soon, and y’all will be able to repair these relationships and move forward as a system in positive ways.
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nectardaddy · 1 month
It was hilarious how you corrected the ask about you being a bad teacher lol
I genuinely have a question for ppl though-
Do they not understand that how you act on your social media or outside of your work doesn’t mean that’s how you act when you’re doing your job???? Like my blog is full of comments abt my fictional men 🥴🥴🥴 but do I act like that at work?? No. Do I act like that around kids (namely my little brother bcs he’s fr the only kid I interact with) no. So like it doesn’t make sense to me
To me that’s similar to the “Oh they have dyed hair so they’re incompetent!” Or “They have piercings and tattoos so they obviously do drugs!” Kinda of people but that’s just my two cents.
You seem like a really fun teacher and I think if I had a teacher like you when I was in school I wouldn’t have hated it nearly as much as I did. You’re making the day fun for the kids based off the stories you tell and treat them like humans which is really important and something easily overlooked by some other teachers and parents. Anyways…that was my ramblings. Have a good day Dodger and I would love to hear more teacher rambles 🥰🫶🏻
-sincerely bakery anon 🍪 <3
I popped off in this I'm sorry lol, I just had A LOT to say about this topic.
I dropped everything to answer this because I love to speak on this topic, despite it being frustrating. But ahhh thank you for enjoying my reply lol!
A lot of people (and I say a lot because it truly is, I have at least 4 parents every year that think similarly to this) think that social media IS REAL. The whole "what you see is what you get" thought process really rings true for a lot of people and it is genuinely concerning. With that though, a lot of people ALSO think how you act OUTSIDE of work describes who you are as a worker as well which is SO STUPID!
I mean, I get it, I am teaching children at the end of the day. I understand there are some things I shouldn't post on a PUBLIC platform with my name attached to it (and I don't) because my students may see it. That being said though, everything I do post that's even a little risqué, especially anything thirst related to fictional characters, is under LOCK AND KEY and completely under a different name (see "nectardaddy" with the pseudonym dodger lol).
As for the kinds of people you brought up, you are 100000000% correct. In my four years of teaching, the parents (and I bring up parents a lot bc they are the adults here, children genuinely don't care and are 9/10 beyond kind and accepting) that give me the most grief about MY behavior think like this. I have tattoos (lots of them), I have many piercings, I have a blue mullet for christ sake lol and there is always someone (an adult parent) who COMPLAINS ABOUT IT??? I have had calls to my principle before that a parent SAW ME AT A BAR AFTER SCHOOL. AFTER SCHOOL!!! Apparently I'm not allowed to do that?? Because apparently to them it was "inappropriate to do that because I'm a teacher." Thank god I have a good principle, she laughed right in that woman's face.
I've also had nasty, heinous comments about my preferences (which isn't any of their business #1 and doesn't pertain to school AT ALL #2) and disgusting assumptions made about me, my past, my husband, and who I am as a person BY ADULTS all because I didn't let little timmy talk to his friend while I was trying to teach him math. (But then when he fails math because I let him talk that's my fault too.) I truly think this mindset comes from simple entitlement and need for control, amongst some other things but I'm not one to delve into politics too hard here.
But, it warms my heart to know that a lot of people, including yourself, think I'm a good teacher! At the end of the day though, I do this (teaching) for THEM. I wouldn't want to sit there for 7 seven hours either so we don't! We go outside, move around, work in groups, we talk to our friends, we're loud, WE'RE LEARNING! I think the worst thing a teacher can do is treat students less than, because they are, although small, HUMAN! As well as many other things, it's my job to teach them HOW to human! How to express emotions healthily, show compassion, learn empathy, know one's self worth, and know that failing isn't an end - it's a step forward in the right direction.
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TWST Ask Game!!
2. Who is on your homescreen?
8. Is there any character who seems to follow you (i.e. they always seem to pop up when you're trying to summon someone else)?
24. Which character(s) would you get along with the most?
oooohh thank you so much for the ask!!
2. who is on your homescreen?
it’s this stray cat that keeps showing up at my house
Tumblr media
(i was about to take a screenshot of my homescreen but today’s ortho’s birthday, so i had to use a slightly dated one but it’s still like this jshsh)
8. is there any character who seems to follow you (i.e. they always seem to pop up when you're trying to summon someone else)?
this one is completely out of character, but it’s vil!! i have three vil ssr cards and literally only pulled for one of them intentionally (not that i’m complaining ofc, i love him)
i pulled for his birthday bloom ofc but dorm uniform came home when i went for beans floyd (right after pulling beans rook… i see you) and when i was pulling for halloween jade he made me go to 97 pity i spent three more keys and got vampire vil for my 100 key guaranteed
this worked out really well for me though bc my earliest ssrs were dorm leona and beans floyd who both have duo magic with vil (and dorm vil has his duo with leona), and they’ve established themselves as my go-to-squad
24. which character(s) would you get along with the most?
hmm that’s an interesting question and i don’t have a definitive answer for it, since i think it really depends on how i’d meet them; i think i’m the kind of person that can easily bounce off other people’s energy, even if i’m more introverted by nature, so i can be totally chill or super unhinged depending on what the other person is giving (they just have to approach me first though i’m getting better at going up to people)
ace & deuce are like your typical friend duo, they’d bully you to hell and back but if someone else would talk negatively about you or you’d find yourself in a bind they’d have your back. i can vibe with that, though when they’re about to do sth dumb, i’m wishing them good luck getting expelled while i stay home and drink coffee
trey would probably see more of me when i ask to use heartslabyul’s kitchen and i think he’s easy to get along with. sure he has a mischievous side but i can handle and reciprocate that
everyone gets along with kalim right? like in general the pop music club seem like so much fun, though they might burn through my social battery very fast
i’d try to learn as much from vil as i can and i think (or i hope) he can respect that. my personal hc is that, when whisked away from my life here without any hair and skin care products, i’d immediately turn to him and he’d help bc he sees someone who genuinely wants to improve (“pls help, i don’t know any of these ingredients and our skincare doesn’t have magic in it and also my phone is dead” energy)
ortho is cheery and outgoing enough to strike up a conversation, which immediately increases the chances of befriending each other + he’s just so cute, i’d get along with him well (especially when talking about video games)
i think silver is easy enough to get along with too, sure he nods off and has a resting bitch face but he’s a gentleman at heart and his personality doesn’t have too many edges to get cut on
honourable mention for jade bc i’d tag along on his hikes once to have some feeling of normality and i suddenly find myself in the graces of an unlikely friendship
me, a writer: hypothetically speaking, how long would it take someone to bleed out from a bite wound like that?
jade, smiling as usual: well that entirely depends on where the wound is and what organs or veins it punctures
(floyd, popping his head in: i can find out an exact time for you)
i want to befriend all of them ofc since my days would never be boring again but i understand that realistically i would not walk up to leona to start a conversation and i know that ruggie would only be interested in stealing my wallet (that only has money he can’t use). i’d develop a crush on jamil and the chances of us talking to each other drop below 0
twst ask game
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msfbgraves · 2 months
Speaking of CK couples (same anon from the teen CK couples ask), I do think teen!LaRusso is very cute and fun. I think they would have been the classic teen “slap slap kiss kiss” type of couple. It wouldn’t have lasted outside of high school of course, but I think they could have remained friends after some time passed. Besides, Daniel in Johnny’s red jacket is a pretty adorable image :p
Daniel sleeps with Mike one time and never again because the guy was clearly On Something. Yikes!!
Chozen and Daniel would have been a foreign fling that Daniel had with a violent bad boy in Japan, but Chozen still loves him years later after he’s calmed down and become a troll gentleman. (But it’s too late, and Daniel only sees him as a dear ride-or-die friend.) Sorry Chozen. Perhaps he and Kumiko marry each other to properly fawn over Daniel, the one that got away…sigh.
I genuinely do believe that in another life, Terry and Daniel would be endgame. They’re very suited to each other, and compliment each other well. And that chemistry! Omg!! Besides, Daniel has always enjoyed the finer things in life, has a taste for culture, and enjoys being spoiled and doted on—and lonely Terry needs someone as kind, affectionate, and loving as sweet little Danny boy. And of course the Dom/sub thing would be totally mutual and encouraged.
Terry done fucked up in CK!! Loser :(
Shows you how much difference it makes when characters are well rounded in the first place, hm, Nonnie? 😌😊
Daniel and Terry could have certainly made a spectacular couple in every sense of the word, Nonnie, ha! I playfully disagree though about Daniel having a taste for culture. Oh, he does love the finer things in life and I think he is a massive Springsteen fan. But I say this with all the love in my heart, I don't think he's very artsy! He likes to move, and kata and dance aren't that far apart, and I think he'd enjoy a well designed building or garden, but he doesn't strike me as much of a connoisseur when it comes to anything but food, karate or cars. And that is absolutely OK. He's not into academics, he reads up on his interests but doesn't do movies even half as passionately as Johnny let alone Terry. He likes to be comfortable and spoiled, our Daniel. He'd certainly be the more down to earth one in a relationship with Terry. I could see Terry geeking out or going on full time rants about philosophical ideas or politics with Daniel calmly going: "Yes, dear, have some cannoli," and though Terry would to a Devils game, he'd get far too into the strategy with Daniel simply yelling his head off. Terry would try forever to get him into high culture and only succeeding if it was somehow car afjacent, karate adjacent, sport adjacent or food adjacent. I think Daniel would like some Broadway, and Terry would like: "We could go to the Met - " "No!" And Terry enjoys pop culture because I think he was force fed so much high culture, but Daniel only goes to the opera with him if he can catch up on some sleep, and maybe be like: "That's what happened during operas till people got uptight about them." It's one of the things he'll have to accept and Daniel looks beautiful slumped against his shoulder. If Terry wants to enjoy a concerto with Daniel in attendance, there'd better be amazing food.
I think they would both love to travel, and you can combine their interests there. So they're forever jetting off to places.
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alltimefail-sims · 1 year
Do you have any tips for getting into/making sims stories? (Idk what to call them lol, but like your strangersville story), and tips for taking posed screenshots because I’m struggling-
Hello, friend! 🤗
I am so genuinely flattered that you would ask me for advice. I'll admit, I've only been officially on simblr for a little over a year and I'm just getting a groove in posting, so I'm still learning about the storytelling format and posing aspect, too. Here are some really great posts that helped me:
@seaslugsims: Storytelling Resources Part 1
and Storytelling Resources Part 2
Storytelling Tips and Tricks thread started by @citylighten (Check the reblogs on this one - so many amazing, experienced creators have weighed in on their personal tips and tricks)
I hate posing sims, but I've found that it just takes practice and patience. @ts4-poses is a great resource blog for finding poses because it is organized into categories, making finding a specific pose less overwhelming. Put all the sims you need for a story post in the same household so you have full control of them all. Ravasheen's ISO Camera for in-game photos is what dreams are made of because the photos always come out perfect and no one has to be behind the camera to take the picture. When taking photos using the tab key, take them from multiple angles so you have a lot of options when editing your posts.
I also would say don't be afraid to just keep asking for advice! If you see a post you like, don't be afraid to ask someone how they did it! I've learned so much just by going to creators like "Hey, this post you made was so great... what editing do you use? Do you use a reshade/gshade shader? Do you resize photos?" You can learn a lot from others, and over time with practice (and a lot of trial and error) you will gain your footing and develop a style of your own!
Now, onto where I have personal experience: getting into stories and making stories! For me personally, a good story is all about characters and world building. Because simblr stories give you an opportunity to show varying perspectives and focus on more than one character's viewpoint (kind of like a comic or TV show), you can best take advantage of that by writing in-depth characters you love (or love to hate, lol). Knowing the setting and how the characters fit into that setting is really the backbone of any good story, and if you care about the details and you care about those characters, your audience will feel that! Also knowing what you like to write helps, too! I like sci-fi, fantasy, and coming of age; I like mysteries and love stories are my lifeblood (I'm a hopeless romantic); and I am a sucker for a good found family trope... so that's what I write! You'll never catch me writing horror stories full of loss, or adult romance stories, nor am I gonna pop out a teen drama (yk like Degrassi-esque or Disney Channel) or something cutting-edge/dark/with a strong visual aesthetic (like Euphoria) because I know that's not my thing (and editing is not my strength - I would HATE spending hours editing posts where some others might love that part of the process. I don't write or create something because I think it will be popular or on-trend or garner viewership (even though wanting validation is not a bad thing imo) I just create to create. I create using my strengths first, and I would recommend you write to your strengths and don't feel like you have to rush the process.
My biggest piece of advice is that if you have a story to tell, tell it! Trust me, someone (or a lot of someones) will love it. You may only get a few views at first, or it may take off right from the jump, but regardless your story is worth telling. Start by just opening a google doc and jotting down ideas as they come to you until one sticks. Don't be afraid to shelf what doesn't work or what you're not feeling any more. My Strangerville story was not my first venture on simblr, but it is the only one I have loved enough to keep up with.
Lastly, please let me know when you do put your story out there. You've already got one fan!!! 📣💕
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marshmallowprotection · 11 months
Hello! I believe this is my first time sending you an ask! I've been following you for a long time, but was always afraid of coming on a little too strong...everyone I've tried talking to about this subject is either hyper-defensive or just ignores it? I can't really find anyone to give me an actual analysis.
I apologize if this comes on strong! Please feel free to ignore it if so. Thanks for taking the time to read it, at the very least.
I genuinely have a difficult time grasping the concept of people genuinely liking and defending characters like V and Rika, who both harmed children. Especially when those same people swear to care about Saeran and/or Saeyoung in a deep way. I think I would better understand it if they didn't claim to love Saeyoung or Saeran so much.
"How can someone who cares about either of them as much as they claim to also fight tooth and nail to defend the actions of people who repeatedly traumatized them?"
I can tell by your writing, analysis, art, and OCs that you put a lot of effort to share your love for Saeran! And Saeyoung, by extension. But, recently, I noticed a few posts where you seemed to be defending both V and Rika, or talking down on people who are too triggered by them to interact with their characters (maybe this is my autistic inability to read tone accurately).
I very genuinely have a difficult time understanding how someone can love either twin so much, but also love the people who were so cruel to them. I want to understand, and I'm frustrated that I can't.
Anyways thank you for creating the content that you do! I really enjoy your SE OC stuff especially, it always brings a smile to my face to see content with them when they pop up! Mine/others' lack of ability to separate feelings for the characters from the way they interact with other people isn't on anyone else, but having some guidance is always appreciated.
Again, thank you for your time.
Let me start off by saying right off the bat that you do not have to like Rika Kim and Jihyun Kim. You do not have to engage with anything in the fandom or the game if you do not like them. If they trigger you or make you uncomfortable in any way, please, do not engage with any content about them for your comfort and safety. Your experience in a fandom is about having fun and you should not put yourself into any position when your comfort is compromised.
I will never defend Rika and Jihyun's actions nor will I excuse any of those actions. I do not believe I have ever done so in the past, but if something I've written seemed to read that way, allow me to clear it up for you in a proper way here. I want them to face judgement and justice for their shared actions because that is what they deserve in every way, shape, and form. Hurting others the way they've done is not okay. It will NEVER be okay.
When I'm talking about the two of them, and I talk about how I wish I could discuss them in a deeper way with others, I'm not talking about telling everybody around me to excuse their actions or to learn more about them when those characters make them uncomfortable. Rika and V are polarizing characters. If you don't like them, that means the game has done its job.
It means the game has made you feel something and you felt that something so strong that it resonated with you. That's what makes great video games.
The only time I lament the fact that not a lot of people talk about the nuances that go into polarizing characters like Rika and V is when I'm unable to discuss the layers behind who they are as people since not a lot of people want to learn more about them.
Like, questions like: Why did their relationship dissolve? Why do they think the way they do? What taught them this? What showed them to live this way? Why do they do these things? Why do they think this is okay? Why do they think isn't okay? Why, anything?
Does me wishing I could talk to more about what I find interesting about them mean that I want everybody to go out of their way to learn about them? No! Heavens no. That is not what I am trying to imply. If you don't like them and you want nothing to do with them, then I support you and I respect you. You do what makes you feel comfortable and you stay away from characters that make you feel awful.
Just because I want to understand why doesn't mean you have to do that to yourself.
You do not have to learn more about them, Anon. You do not have to engage more with them than face value. That goes for any character, ever. Engage with what you like because you should be having fun playing games instead of feeling uncomfortable! If you don't like the two of them, you are valid. You are justified. Your opinion is yours to hold and I commend you for feeling strongly.
Because, Rika and V are not people I would like if I were in MC's shoes.
They hurt not just Saeran and Saeyoung Choi, but Yoosung Kim, Jaehee Kang, ZEN, Jumin Han, and countless others, too. I want the two of them to face the consequences of their actions and I want them to do so understanding that they need to take ownership of their choices.
They need to hold themselves accountable for their actions. Which, in Saeran's Route, by the end, they do that.
Do you want to know my ideal ending after that? The two of them face the prison time they need to appropriately face for everything they've done, get the therapy they so rightfully need, and then never engage with anybody in the RFA ever again.
Not just because it would serve no healthy purpose for any of them, but because that chapter has closed and there is no way to get back what has been lost. They need to move on. Rika and V need to never see each other ever again after they part ways. Nobody involved is going to heal unless this is closed for good and everyone's got their closure to move forward.
This is similar to my talk on forgiveness. Forgiveness is a personal choice. Saeran forgives and Saeyoung never does. They're both so rightfully justified and deserve their choice respected. Everybody needs to do what they need to do to truly make peace with what happened, and you need to decide what works for you personally, and that choice will be respected by the RFA.
Rika and Jihyun, actively and passively, created the experience we go through in Mystic Messenger. For us to explore the narrative of this game to the exact root source where it started, we end up looking at their relationship, actions, and the consequences that follow them. It is important to understand V and Rika, even in the smallest capacity, to know how we ended up where we are today.
For me, I like to study characters. I like to know why they are the way they are, and that involves learning as much as I can about them. I spend my free time thinking about these characters in every way you can think about a person because I really do like to understand how people end up where they do after something happens to them in life. Rika and V have a very codependent toxic relationship.
For someone who was trapped in a relationship like that for years, when I look at those two, I start to understand more about myself, and unfortunately, I see myself in Jihyun sometimes. I like Jihyun, he's actually my third favorite character, but understanding him as strongly as I do doesn't mean I approve of what he's done. It really just means he's a character that he's interesting to me, but I don't approve of his choices.
In fact, I'm shaking him every time I start a new route because he needs to talk to his friends instead of balling everything up inside. I'm shaking him because I know he can be a better person after having played his route and having had the experience to get to know who he can be. But, he's human, then that means he's not infallible. We're all capable of mistakes.
I like to understand what brought them to where they are today. That is something that is interesting to me and finds the way I like to enjoy media.
Understanding a character does not equate to justifying or even defending their actions.
Liking evil, morally gray, or downright wicked characters does not mean that you defend any of the things that they do. You just like a character and it's as simple as that.
I struggle with tone all the time when it comes to content online, so I understand where you're coming from. I use tone indicators a lot on Discord but I can and should begin utilizing them over here. Everyone deserves to enjoy the game in their own way, and everyone has their likes, dislikes, squicks, icks, triggers, etc. Make your enjoyment of the game what feels right for you. Block character tags and content that make you feel bad and focus on what you love! Life is too short to be uncomfortable when you don't have to be.
I hope this makes sense, Anon! Thank you for taking the time to ask this question in a considerate way.
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