#like whats the point when im really not gonna ever be anybodies priority
m-feys · 8 months
I wish like anyone wanted to talk to me..
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cozymochi · 2 months
I started following you recently, I think Tia is very pretty and your drawings are beautiful, is she in a romantic relationship with some character?
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Well, no but technically yes. But also yes, but technically no 🫣 I’ll explain as best as I can because Tia and romance is complicated.
Tia isn’t actually in any romantic relationship at all. So, my first gut answer is just “no, she isn’t.” (Which is the most concrete definitive answer, I suppose.)
She was kind of built from the start to just be her own character to put in a version of the twst story I’d wanna see (As any usual MC does.) 😩 So, romance just wasn’t really on the table. Though, mind, Tia is also just … the way she is. She’s a “princess tiana” type. It’s not a priority for her, so naturally it’s rarely- if ever- brought up.
THAT SAID!! I’m just really casual about shipping Tia in general, so she’s just sort of shipped with almost everybody without any real commitment on my end. I just like dynamics being explored should they go in that direction. So, it’s not completely out of the question.
I do have some pairings I ended up leaning more towards than others, to the point even I was surprised by them (y’know how when characters may take on a life of their own in a way? It’s like that), but otherwise I try to stay “hands off” with this stuff. I don’t think I’ll ever truly have her “canonically” be in any romantic relationship. If only to stay open ended. But, others are free to think what they want. I wouldn’t want to stifle anybody.
BUT - listen - I do enjoy a good romance 😩 and i like the thought of setting her up like I’m a stuffy aristocratic mom showing off her daughter to the many bachelors at a debutante ball kgjfjdulgjfh I like the hypotheticals. If a twst menu voiceline or innocuous piece of dialog in a story sends me into brainrot, then of course im going internally crazy jfhdgfhdh
Besides, Tia isn’t gonna get ANY romance if he has anything to say about it——
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(she deserves love)
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vampish-glamour · 3 years
Yeah the push for pronouns and "gender indentities" in the sims is so stupid. Just saw a post on r/thesims acting as if they/them pronouns are as necessary to have in the game as cars or having more traits... lol. Im afraid ea will give in and we'll eventually have a patch that adds a bunch of neopronouns. Im trans male and I dont like to give male sims the feminine frame because it makes their hips huge/they look like girls and it makes me dysphoric. And thank you so much for that mod!
(continued)The skin tone issue is so true, I'm not even white and I feel there's also a lack of good pale skin tones but they neglected that aspect because that's not what woke people care about. I saw that cc pack before, my eyes rolled out of my skull. The thing that belongs there the least, lol.
Ughhhh I’m gonna scream :D
It’s maddening because there’s so much wrong with the game. Simulation lag, empty boring traits, lack of gameplay, rushed packs, etc. etc. You know, things that impact every single player and make the game nearly unplayable.
And people are trying to pretend that they/them pronouns are the most important thing?!
In recent packs there’s been no gendered pronouns. As in, instead of getting a notification saying “Bob wants to know if you can come over to his house”, it’ll be “Bob wants to know if you can come over to their house”. This is either a good thing and means that this is the extent of they/themming that the sims team will implement... or a bad thing and means that the sims team is paying attention to these people.
There’s an upcoming game that a lot of simmers are following, Paralives, and people are predicting it’ll be a large competitor for the Sims. I remember seeing something about customizable pronouns and genders. As in, you type in your character’s pronouns and gender like it’s a goddamn Twitter bio.
I get wanting representation in a life simulation game. But even without considering my views on enbies, I find it hard to see rewiring the whole gender system as a priority when the game has so many other detrimental problems.
Yeah the pale skin tones sucked. The update made them better, now I can actually have pale sims that don’t look dead, yellow, or pink 😂 it’s just weird to me that nobody cared about that when they were talking about how important it is to represent your skin tone. It just tells me that people will latch onto anything they can for woke points.
Same with the hair issue, honestly. I get wanting more black/Afro hairstyles, but I don’t think people get that all the other hairs aren’t just for white sims. They cover pretty much every other race, since it’s really only black people with afro texture hair or braids/dreads/twists/etc. So if a game developer only has so many hairs to make, do you think they’re going to make more hair that can be used on the majority of sims, or make more hair that can only be used on a select type of sim? That said I really don’t have a problem with them adding more diverse hairstyles and I think it’s a really good thing. I just don’t like that people blame it on racism when it’s really probably just that majority rules. Unless people are fine with any pixel person wearing pixel braids without calling it cultural appropriation. Then you might see more hairstyles if you let it cover a larger market
And I don’t see anybody complaining about the lack of actual long hair lol. Like the longest goes to about mid back length I’d say. If they actually cared about diversity and not just “muh racism” I think they’d want to point that out too.
Point is, everyone’s focusing on whatever can get them woke points and it’s frustrating. I’m glad EA is fixing skin tones and hair, I think that’s necessary... but I really don’t think gender shit is. I want them to fix the damn game before worrying about pandering to the enbies.
Also you’re welcome!! 💖 let’s hope the sims community doesn’t get their hands on it because we all know they’ll be claiming it’s the most bigoted thing they’ve ever seen (while propping up an lgbt pride pack that centred non lgbt stuff lmao)
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barrendome · 5 years
the 2b2t survival guide
are you planning to play on 2b2t? have you been playing but can’t seem to get out of spawn? or have you been waiting 12 hours in queue to no avail?
in that case, have i got some stuff for you! heres a handy guide about how to actually play, and some tips to help along the way!
step one: preparing
you can just hop right in and go, but it is smart to know a bit beforehand.
know what you're getting into. the server has no rules to it, so you just have to expect a fuckton of disgusting shit, slurs, etc. just kinda accept that, and ignore it.
get a hacked client. sure, you can play on vanilla, but doing that will make your life harder. the best client to use is impact, but if you really need to you can download wurst instead.
make a plan. although this is optional, its smart to do. you can just wing it if you wanna, but it’s helpful to have a goal for what you wanna do in the server.
step two: queue
queue is basically inevitable, but there are a few things you can do to make the wait less painful!
decide if you want priority. priority queue is a godsend, it takes 30 min at MOST to join the server! but on the other hand, its 20 dollars per month. if you’re planning on playing for a long time and dedicating lots of time to playing? get priority. if you just wanna check the server out? don’t worry about buying it.
join when nobody else would. the best times i’ve found are near 1-3am, or on a weekday in early mornings. you’ll still have to wait hours, but not as long as you would otherwise.
pray for a server restart. when it restarts, turn on auto-reconnect (if you have that) or just keep on trying to connect. you’ll get onto the server extremely quick if you’re able to join right after a restart.
do something else. multitasking is the best way to wait. leave queue running in the background and check on it whenever you can, but fill your time with other stuff. i usually draw or watch videos when waiting!
step three: common sense
you gotta use normal common sense, but also server-unique common sense.
remember: there are no rules. people are going to kill you. people are going to grief you. people are going to say gross shit. the worst kinds of people are here on the server, you have to accept that.
what you build is gonna go. no matter how nice it looks, how far out it is, how tiny it is, whatever. its how 2b2t works. when you build, you have to remember that its going to get destroyed one day.
you aren’t safe. no matter how far away you are, or how nice that one person is. don’t get lulled into feeling secure, stay on edge. better safe than sorry.
enderchests are your friend. you’re definitely gonna die, several times, so keep any important things in your enderchest. for more space, put everything into shulker boxes and store the boxes in your enderchest. this is why silk touch pickaxes are something you’ll need: because your enderchest is the only safe place for your items.
signs are the best communication. carry a sign with you, and read all the signs you find. its not important, but its fun to read what people write, and its nice to make your own mark on the world with just a simple sign.
don’t trust anyone. or at least, be cautious of everyone. if you run into someone, expect deaths, and be cautious even if they give you stuff.
you aren’t special. oh, so you watched a bunch of fit videos and know everything about the server? no you don’t, shut up. you’re gonna spam things in chat and grief a bunch of builds to become a notable player? you’re gonna become a minor annoyance, shut up. you read this guide and now know how to become the best 2b2t player ever? my guide is shit, shut up.
everyone hates new players. don’t openly say you’re new. just stick to yourself for the first while of joining.
step four: chat
so you’ve joined, and you connect to see.. the constant spam of chat.
hide the chat. go into settings, and turn chat off. usually chat isn’t worth looking at, except for warning about server restarts. if you wanna keep chat on, just turn down the opacity.
use /ignore. theres bots constantly flooding the chat, so if you wanna keep chat on, spend time quickly ignoring all the bots.
don’t ask for help. you do not wanna let everybody know you’re new, and if you don’t get ignored, people will send gross shit or fake help instead.
if you have a question, ask google. like the point above, asking for help isn’t a good option. search stuff up on google or the 2b2t subreddit before asking chat. and try not to ask obvious questions either.
don’t get into arguments. don’t rile people up or argue, its kinda risky, and again some bad shit will get sent your way. its really not worth it. if you get angry at some gross shit people are saying, just /ignore them, because fighting them will make you just a laughing stock.
step five: escaping spawn
i know what you’re thinking, “tumblr user barrendome! stop rambling and just tell me how to actually PLAY now!”, and yeah yeah, okay, i will.
turn your hacks on. what i’d suggest is turning on storage esp, player esp/tracers, search (search for blocks like melons, crops, wood, etc), and things like that. also keep xray and freecam ready, and make sure you set keybinds for those.
collect, store, die, repeat. i never did this, but my boyfriend did, and it worked incredibly well. he would collect as many resources as he could, store them in an enderchest whenever he saw one, and then either die of hunger or something else. he’d repeat this process until he had enough stuff in his enderchest to get him out of spawn.
save your hunger bar. try not to run, and try not to jump. its hard, but its important. most deaths are from hunger in the first while of playing, so just try not to get hungry. for this exact reason, the main thing you’re looking for is food.
don’t go into the nether right away. spawn nether is impossible to get out of, so travel on the overworld for about 2000 blocks, and then its safe(ish) to go into the nether.
20000 blocks is the safer zone, but its still spawn territory. outside of 50000 blocks is when id consider making a base if you really need to, but try to go much farther if you can. 
step six: just outside of spawn
so you’re out of the major spawn area... now what?
find food, farm food. get as much food as you can, thats the most important thing to do at this moment. make sure you have as much food as you could need, and store some in your enderchest.
make a temporary base. you can make a small house, a hole, or even just a dirt hut. just make sure you have a place to store all your extra stuff, and a place to stay for now. (sidenote, don’t put a nether portal right beside your house.)
find a bed. later on, beds aren’t a big deal, but at first they definitely are. try to find or make a bed, and set your spawn somewhere. i’d suggest hiding the bed somewhere near your temporary base, but don’t make it visible.
get geared up. use your xray and get some diamonds, look through dungeons for enchanted books, make yourself tools, etc. its best to get what you need now that you’re out of spawn.
go fishing. you can get food, enchanted books, xp, etc. going fishing is actually super useful. the autofish hack is your friend right now. but don’t go afk when fishing, you can get kicked for it.
remember the nether highway myth. if you have almost nothing, and are travelling on the nether highways, there’s a good chance a high-level player could stumble upon you, take pity, and give you stuff. remember not to trust anyone right away, they could still end up killing you. but there is still a chance that being on the highways could get you everything youd ever need. again, though, make sure to put everything in your enderchest!
step seven: planning and playing.
im ready! ..what do i do now?
make a goal if you haven’t already. if you wanna be a nomad? plan where you’re gonna wander. if you’re gonna make a huge base? plan where to build it and go out there. if you’re gonna go visit monuments? figure out which ones and their coordinates, and start walking. gonna join a group? figure out which one would be safe and fun to join, and try to get in.
get as far from spawn as possible. unless you wanna stay near spawn, try and get 100,000 blocks away or further. and if you really wanna keep a base intact, don’t stay near any of the major highways.
have fun! as rough this server can be to play on, theres a lot of cool stuff you can find, and its important to find joy in the chaos.
and that’s all for now!
i may have forgotten things, so feel free to send me anything i missed! but i hope that everything i was able to write down will be enough to help anybody that wants to join 2b2t.org, the oldest anarchy server on minecraft!
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bxstiae · 4 years
Hey guys a couple things. Dont know who would like an update on life but there are some important things that i need to address. Just things you gotta understand about me cause it affects this blog significantly.
1. Since november actually my life made a turn for the worse. On top of the things that my family has been doing. Mental health has been on the rapid decline that has been affecting both me and my sister and my mother finally disclosed how BAD it really is due to it running in the family. So i dont think its gonna get better unless we get an official diagnosis from a specialist. It actually might get worse and i dont have the energy to put out on here due to the shitty tumblr mob mentality. Sorry but tumblr has never been a safe place. And anybody who claims it to be a chill place can obviosuly go smoke whatever shit they are smoking.
2. A close friend of mine got me black desert online as a way to get my mind off things. Since i have started it. Hes asked for my help and advice on his guild which eventually led to me being an officer due to him trusting me so much. Since my playing of the game. I have had to deal with bdo drama that my friend had been involved in and some very petty, demeaning people came at him and the rest of the guild and continued to attack us until i stepped in and stopped it. Ever since i stopped the war, i have had about 5 people tell me in a span of a week that i am one of the most sweetest, laid back, and fair people they have ever met. And honestly while i was not looking for that sort of praise, it has made me come to a realisation that. Tumblr is full other internet children who really cannot get their shit together and scream bloody murder for everything. While i have always known this i do need to point out that this korean game does have its assholes, i have dealt with people who treat girls like they are objects.
But its also made me realise that... There are people who are just as courteous if not more so than thode on tumblr. I have already been asked by 3 people in voice chat what pronouns i use and they are very kind in respecting that fact. Its hinestly very wild to have people who went from attacking me to actually telling me that im a pretty chill person after they talk to me and realising that i am, in fact, not some kool aid drinking asshole.
So anyway. Due to the fact that i have been keeping up as an officer in a guild for a game that i just got, i have been focusing my priorities towards a community that actually is not shit. Again. Dont tell me that tumblr is chill. Its not. This guild has been better on my health than tumblr ever will be. Which is funny cause they all rp as well 😂
3. I do aim to come back when my life is a but more stable. As it currently stands. Nothing in my life is actually going right. I need to get my shit together irl. before coming back here. And when i do have the energy it goes into bdo because i have people contacting me for help and advice on the daily. I would rather speak to those who need help than to deal with people who treat others like shit.
If you would like my discord. You are more than welcome to message me. Im sorry for such low activity im just dealong with a lot right now.
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cyanpeacock · 5 years
Realtalk(tm): Midnight Edition
MAN all that psychosis was some Seriously Weird shit . i keep thinkin about it
an d yet. im like, well, shit, in some ways, I Needed That? 
long Trauma Processing Post under the cut
a whole bunch was very, Oh, Okay, So I Was Right, and those General Things from Before (i.e. when I was a child) WERE serious mental health concerns, that still exist, that I need to not do a Mother on and go “it’s probably nothing/overactive imagination/just acting out for attention”
and a whole bunch was very, like, well, just straight up disturbing frightening psychosis, of a duration and intensity new to me, and despite the bizarre and at times inappropriate content, it brings me a weird kind of relief to know i went Totally Batshit outside in broad daylight and nobody ever laid a hand on me? nobody smacked me? nobody yelled at me or got REALLY funny with me? they just, uh, let me go batshit off on my own? i almost certainly disturbed and/or offended some people, but no Punishment was dealt??????
like... the only people who spoke to me were (retrospectively obviously, at the time not obviously) concerned about my wellbeing, rather than trying to berate me and shut me up for their comfort? although i did still react internally as though that were the case. but like... How Delightful! the world i was walking through is MUCH kinder than my “family” ever was!!! those guys just saw a sick person? and not somebody being “difficult/playing up/bratty/childish”??? wtf. i’m still kind of like, is that for real???
and a whole bunch of the Episode was also “oh. okay. that was TOTALLY actually about this SPECIFIC thing from my past that is not always in my accessible life memories, but That Fucking Happened, And Its Processing And Integration Are Incomplete, because my parents were emotionally constipated and didn’t remotely know the meaning of Mental Health”
some of it is Specific Incidents. a lot of it is about like... alternating fucking, like, total abandonment, then Absolute Surveillance And Control “We” Have To Monitor Your Every Action And “We” Will Punish You If You Do Not Comply To The Restrictions And Regulations
like ahahahha. okay backstory. as a kid-kid i had literally No supervision on the computer, no like, web filters, no time locks, stumbled across 4chan and whatnot far too young, nobody noticed for Years. which, uh, that is BAD parenting. that is REALLY bad form, and i was made to feel like that was My Fault, somehow. but hey! to me, this was normal! there was a whole bunch of weird interesting stuff on the internet that really distracted me from how shitty Coming Home felt! the computer is Fun!!!!!
and then!!! while i understand the INTENTION of this -- later on “They” brought in a whole fucking load of surveillance, moved me to the bedroom next to my mother’s so they could “keep an eye on me”, put software on MY school laptop to kick me off the machine, software on the router that monitored every single webpage i went on? i was in my mid to later teens by this point??? like, the point where most kids get MORE freedom and trust, not less?! literally i heard shit from adults like “we can’t trust you” and now i’m like. oh. oh, okay. yeah. that’s... not right.
now i was a quick boy and made myself a workaround in the form of an Ubuntu LiveCD, disguised as a blank disk that i kept with other CDs, and that lovely beast TOR worked some miracles for me. but like, what the fuck?? i was going to all those fucking lengths just to try and get some human contact with people who actually did care about me, Away from my hellhole family and equally hellish school. all the fucking Being Watched made me feel sicker and sicker, i was self harming more, hiding it better, hurting other ppl increasingly because i was acting in reaction to my own pain. 
like. you can’t like... go from total neglect, to fucking CIA levels of invasion of privacy. like, that’s abuse, that’s just going from one extreme to the other. 
that’s what was so jarring about it all? like, sometimes, there would just be Nobody emotionally available at home. that sucked, but hey, it’s what i grew up with, i was used to it. then other times, it would be TELL ME EVERYTHING. I HAVE TO KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU. EVERY INTIMATE DETAIL. NO SECRETS ALLOWED. TELL ME EVERYTHING. still with No emotional capacity there. and i was NOT used to that. that shit made me “paranoid”. uh, fucking YEAH? 
like... anybody would get paranoid in emotional solitary confinement with people watching their every fucking move. shit felt like being in a cell with the guards walking past glaring at you through the food slot periodically. “come out of the corner so I can see what you’re doing” and all that. i developed like... so many sides. to deal with it. constantly fucking flipping over. 
the priority was and is Maintain The One That Can Do School. Maintain Him. He Can Get Grades, He Satisfies The Mother, He Can Get Away From This. and i guess i did? and i’m gonna get a degree, like, a real one, a fucking good one if i keep working as hard as i have been, which... well, shit, what else can I do? this is what i am Built For. but i’d be like, flipping over with a side that is literally a terrified child that bolts to its bedroom and hisses and growls at threats outside the door. and my mother would say shit like “i think it’s just your hormones.” what kind of wack-ass shit. denial levels over 9000.
man like i’m angry but numb to it? in a sort of, oh, okay, woah, is this what i was dealing with? is this the shit i was living through? and this was denied and minimized so many times, and so many people said “well I’m sure she loves you really,” that i’d learned to say to myself “it’s not that bad, she loves me really, she’s doing the best she can” when i was literally like... cutting so much i was bleeding thru my trousers at school? i’d been trained to just like, dissociate so hard i couldn’t actually name or talk about ANY of the things that were happening to and around me that were making me feel so shitty?
YEAH so . that was Also Fucked Up.
and s///pinel like....... wsdfsjdghhjd what the fuck. huge mood. wanted while I was a fun little entertaining creature that could do Tricks and Impress and Make People Laugh!! and then i got Difficult To Deal With. Too Much. Annoying. and wasn’t emotionally valued any more! And I Turned Into A Fucking Unstable Destructive Maniac. 
yyyyeeeuuup i definitely totally did the I HATE YOU WHY WON’T YOU LEAVE ME BUT I LOVE YOU WHY AM I LASHING OUT AT YOU SO MUCH DON’T LEAVE ME I HATE YOU thing. it was not fun for anybody (understatement). and i have No Intention of living in the “grown up” version of “I hate you but we’re ~family~ so I’m going to politely tolerate your presence while I’m numb or miserable.” i’m not about it. no sir no way no how.
YH. yeah. okay i’m gonna end this post Here because if i keep goin i’ll get so mad I give myself a migraine RIP. that’s kind of a Whole Bunch huh.
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bburningbridges · 6 years
The Little Things
Summary:  Often, it's the little things that matter the most. (In which Kaldur loves, is loved, and learns how to open up piece by piece.)
This is a collection of scenes that were cut from the final draft of "in this life, the days are full of joy." Don't have the read the source material first but it definitely helps!
Notes: kaldur’ahm is the backbone of young justice!! he deserved better and he deserved a boyfriend!! im too lazy to write sequels but take these half-baked scenes i had to cut from the OG story <3
Kaldur leaves Roy’s apartment feeling unmistakably relaxed in a way he hasn’t felt in a long time. By his estimate, he has about 10 minutes to himself before he reaches the zeta-tube and has to melt his goofy expression into something much less humiliating so he can face his team.
He tries to think sobering thoughts, but mostly just revisits what shirtless Roy looked like with his feet up on the coffee table. Somehow, his impossibly dopey grin gets even worse.
Star City is already getting cooler, the warmth of summer long forgotten. Kaldur has never minded the cooler weather; it reminds him of home.
That seems to be the exact kind of grave topic he needed to stop smiling. Thinking of Atlantis reminds him of what Roy had said about Aquaman, how he was acting “bitchy” and worrisome. He feels his shoulders sag. Disappointing Aquaman has never taken priority on his to-do list, and yet, he manages it with reliable frequency and ease.
Somewhere in the back of his mind, the part of himself that strives to be at least partially self-aware begs him to address the topic that he’s been covering up for months. Well, years really, but it’s only been an ever-present addition to his daily train of thought since the summer. Founding the team had been a great distractor, but now that he has a comfortable routine going it’s safe to say that he might be going ever so slightly insane. Just a little bit.
You can’t ignore this forever, the rational, tiny part of his brain persists.
And it’s true. One day, Kaldur is going to have to address that he gets honest-to-goodness butterflies in his stomach when he’s around Roy, and that doesn’t happen when he’s with anyone else. He’s going to have to dig deeper than Garth and Tula had, he’s going to have to identify these feelings and who has them for -- and that scares him so badly he starts walking faster.
He cuts his 10 minutes down to seven, and by the time he’s reached the zeta-point his mind is carefully blank, save for the lingering memory of Dr. Pepper on his lips.
Upon returning to the Cave, Kaldur receives no less than three wolf-whistles, three open stares, and feels his heart climb into his throat when Zatanna comments, “Didn’t know you liked UCLA, Kal.”
He holds up his hands, not really sure what he wants to do with them, and winds up making a ‘go away’ gesture at all of them, to their delight.
He’d been so caught up in his head he completely forgot to change. His uniform is folded neatly in the duffel hanging off his shoulder -- he meant to change before getting here, so he could avoid all of...exactly what he’s getting right now.
“I didn’t even know you owned sweatpants,” Artemis says, with an infuriatingly cheeky grin. She’s squeezed between Robin and Wally on one of the loveseats, and she doesn’t actually look that upset about it. “You never struck me as the relaxing type?”
Kaldur looks down. Has been that high strung for so long? It really does feel great to see his team -- these days, he misses them more than he’s comfortable admitting -- but he really does not need this level of ribbing tonight.
“They’re not mine,” his mouth is saying, stupidly.
“I wonder whose they could be!” Zatanna sounds too damn happy about all of this, and Kaldur fixes her with a level glare for a moment. She set up him. This was a trap from the start.
“Roy could’ve at least followed the guy walking out with half his closet,” Wally says. “We never see him anymore! What gives?”
“He’s busy,” Kaldur and Robin say simultaneously, with very different inflections. Kaldur fixes him with a look too.
Robin holds his hands up in mock surrender. “I didn’t mean anything dirty, Kal! Get your head out of the gutter.”
Not that it was before, but now that Robin’s gone there he most certainly cannot, and to his chagrin, feels his face start to warm. This is too much. His relaxing night has taken too many left turns, and at this rate he’s either going to implode or end up waxing poetry about Roy’s biceps.
Covering his face with one hand, Kaldur leans his head back and groans. “Why do I let you do this to me?”
All of his teammates look at him with matching smiles from hell, including M’gann and Conner -- who feign innocence so perfectly but Kaldur knows they’re giggling like a bunch of toddlers via mindlink. Wally and Robin have the worst ones.
They know too much, Kaldur thinks. The not so rational part of his brain suggests fleeing the scene.
“You looove us,” Robin sings, hand over his heart.
“I tolerate too much,” Kaldur grumbles back.
“You tolerate the perfect amount.” Artemis stands at the same time Zatanna does, and the two make their way to the kitchen. “But now that you’re here, we can actually get started with movie night. Me and Zatanna have popcorn duty.”
“And by that she means I have ‘keep Wally out of the kitchen’ duty,” Zatanna snorts.
Kaldur blinks in confusion, and she pauses as she passes by him. “What, you thought we were gonna start the movie without you?”
“I…” Kaldur doesn’t know what he thought.
“Just don’t look so surprised whenever people actually give a shit about you, okay? I’m not sure if it makes me wanna hug you or deck everyone else.”
It seems like Roy has been right about more than a few things tonight.
Zatanna’s expression softens. “We waited for you because we wanted to, Kal. It’s not team bonding without the whole team, you know?” And then she pulls him in a quick but energetic hug and follows Artemis into the kitchen.
Feeling properly ridiculous, Kaldur makes to drop his bag off in his room, but M’gann insists that he leave it where it is and deal with it later. The lightheartedness of the night really does make him feel like they have all the time in the world. A little untidiness never killed anybody; he drops the bag and sits next to her on the long couch.
“We really did want to wait for you,” M’gann says helpfully, letting her hand drop on his knee. “And Artemis and Robin taught us a bunch of games!”
Robin snorts; in the time that Artemis had been away, he and Wally had managed to tangle themselves up in a Batman-themed blanket. “And by that she means we sat around and gossiped for like half an hour under the guise of Truth or Dare.”
“And 20 Questions,” Conner says. “Apparently, all my questions were boring.”
“The point of 20 Qs isn’t to ask someone what their favorite color is nine times in a row, buddy,” Wally says. “It’s to get someone to squirm a little and spill something really embarrassing.”
“I like knowing your favorite colors,” Conner replies with a shrug.
Wally makes a very exaggerated huffing sound and throws up his hands. Snickering, Robin says, “Wally’s just mad ‘cuz he kept wussing out on dares.”
“I didn’t wuss out--”
“It was a bit wimpish,” Conner says, as M’gann offers, “I don’t blame you for it!”
Wally just groans again.
Now that he’s not the object of teasing, Kaldur finds it in him to smile. “It sounds like you had fun.”
“After four uninterrupted hours of homework, yeah,” Robin says, petulance betraying his age. After a moment he grins again, and even though his dark glasses cover his eyes, Kaldur can imagine the gleam of mischief behind them. “After the movie, we’ll get another round of T or D going with you, Kal. That way you don’t get to miss out on any fun.”
Kaldur’s stomach feels like it sinks all the way into his toes. It’s stupid to think that Robin is doing anything sinister or diabolical -- he can be nosy but he’s not mean -- but Kaldur can’t shake the feeling that he’s being backed into a corner. As if someone just threaten to shine a flashlight on him and to see all the dark little details he keeps hidden away.
His heart pounds. Suddenly all the jokes about him and Roy, the knowing winks, the teasing -- doesn’t feel so lighthearted.
Kaldur tenses up and shrinks into the couch, not trusting himself to say anything without giving himself away. He sees Conner frown out of the corner of his eye, but Artemis and Zatanna come back with bowls of popcorn and save him from the rest of that conversation.
Something tells him that Robin is staring at him, but Kaldur ignores it and thanks Zatanna for his bowl of popcorn instead. To his surprise, she follows up with a blanket that she spreads out over his knees, then drops into the couch beside him and curls into his side like a kitten would. After a few moments of adjustments, she’s worked herself under his arm, popcorn bowl on his lap.
Again, he’s not sure when Zatanna adopted him, but he’s not even the slightest bit upset about it.
Robin gets the movie going, and for the next two and half hours they all watch Steig Larsson’s book come to life.
(Conner falls asleep about a half hour in, and M’gann leans against his chest and sighs, her contentment practically radiating off of her, and Kaldur’s heart just...hurts, watching it. That could be him. He wants that. He’s almost certain he will never have it.)
Throughout the movie, he can’t help but feel like his entire body has released a partial sigh--this is something he’d been wanting for so long. Just spending time with the team who had become his closest friends when he wasn’t paying attention. There’s no talk of school or family or life outside the Cave; it’s just them in the dark watching a movie and making the occasional side-comment.
It’s...really, really nice.
Kaldur makes a face during one of the darker scenes. “You enjoyed this?” he asks Zatanna quietly.
“Look at the job we have, Kal. I think we’ve all pretty much seen some messed up stuff.” She pauses. “For example, I watched a magic deity possess my dad and claim his body for the rest of forever. So, like. Call me jaded.”
Her jaw tightens as she says it, and Kaldur winces, apology at the tip of his tongue. Ultimately, he decides it’s not the right time. Looking at Zatanna, he recognizes himself; the desire to put on a brave face and march through pain, no matter the personal cost. Acknowledging it was rarely an option. Her jokes were just deflections to distract from her real vulnerability.
“Okay, Jaded,” Kaldur faux-whispers. “It’s nice to meet you.”
“Oh my god,” Zatanna snorts and gets a chorus of shushes from the others.
Kaldur opts to relax around her, and she holds onto him just a hair tighter afterwards.
“Not bad,” Robin says after, as they all blink and adjust to the lights coming back on. “I figured out the so-called plot twist about five minutes in, but still. Not bad.”
“Five whole minutes? You’re getting slow, Boy Wonder,” Wally chides.
“I believe I still enjoy the book more, but it was a very well-done adaptation,” Kaldur says, peering down at Zatanna. “Your movie tastes have certainly earned my respect.”
“Noice,” she says around a yawn. “Next time, you get to pick though.”
“I’d be honored,” he smiles.
“And bring Roy around too,” she mumbles into his chest. “None of us would mind, and I’d like to finally meet the legendary Red Grump.”
And just like that, Kaldur’s state of undistracted relaxation is gone. Suddenly paranoid that Zatanna can hear how fast his heartbeat has gotten, he sits up, jostling her out of her comfortable snuggle, faking thirst. He tries to calm down as he chugs from his water bottle, but Conner ruins his concentration but saying, “Are you okay?”
Kaldur nearly drops and spills it. “I -- What?” he asks. “I thought you were asleep?”
“I was just resting my eyes,” Conner frowns. “Why does your heart rate keep racing like that?”
At Kaldur’s bewildered expression, Conner shrugs. “I keep an ear out. It’s good background noise. But also in case anything goes wrong.”
Kaldur nearly snaps at him to stop it, but that wouldn't be right. He sighs instead. “I am fine, Conner. Thank you for your concern, but it isn’t necessary.”
“Okay, then color me curious,” Conner pushes back. “What’s going on with you?”
Kaldur realizes that the rest of the team has gone quiet, listening in. The feeling of being cornered creeps down his spine.
Artemis clears her throat, looking a little awkward. “Actually, Conner brings up a good point. We’re all a little...curious.”
He jerks to look at her, back ramrod straight. “What do you mean?”
“You haven’t been yourself lately,” she says, looking down. “I mean, sometimes you’re a million miles away even though you’re standing right in front of us. Your default face just looks...sad.”
“Batman may have mentioned that Aquaman was worried about you,” Robin adds, pointedly nonchalant. “He didn’t want to pry. But the concern is definitely spreading.”
“Plus, you’re our friend. I mean yeah, you lead us into increasingly ridiculous situations, but you’re also just Kaldur the merman who we all actually care about and seeing you look like you’re not quite sure where your next footstep is gonna land is just…” Zatanna trails off and shrugs. She’s looking at her hands. “You’ve done so much for all of us, Kal -- even me, and I just got here!”
“What she’s saying is, it’s time you let us do the carrying,” M’gann says gently. “Lean on us for a little bit, okay?”
Part of Kaldur is touched. His heart sort of melts and he feels foolish clenching onto his water bottle for dear life. But at the same time, his instincts to deflect have never been sharper. He doesn’t want them to pry, and he doesn’t want to open up, because how do you even begin to explain something you’ve never even let yourself think about?
The half of his heart that aches for companionship feels so full right now, he thinks he might burst.
And as always, he’s self-aware enough to know that he is not hiding this as well as he’d hoped.
He opens his mouth but chokes on the silence.
He has options here. No one is going to say something unless he does, or until the silence stretches into the territory of hostile, and he doesn’t want that. So he has the floor, and he can either come clean about one of the many things plaguing him, or dodge like he was born for it.
The thing is, it’s not like Kaldur likes, or even actively tries to keep everyone an arm’s length away. It’s just easier that way. Rather than bear the weight of social exile, or even risk being looked at differently, it’s easier to just...truck on. One can’t get hurt if he nevers offers others the opportunity to hurt him. There isn’t a portion of his brain that definitively believes his team would shun him if he came forward with the part of himself he hides away; it’s not like they’d run off to Batman and tell him Kaldur likes a boy, he’s unfit to lead, but that doesn’t mean there aren't icy tendrils of terror gripping his heart right now.
“This…” Kaldur starts, and everyone leans forward just a little bit. Waiting.
“This is a bit overwhelming,” he says honestly. “I am not sure that I...this is much more complicated than my words can explain.”
Robin is giving him that look again. Like he’s a puzzle--an especially difficult one. “Kaldur,” he says, without a hint of humor in his voice. “Truth or dare?”
This is the flashlight moment. His under a microscope moment. Kaldur can barely meet his eyes. He wants to talk to his friend, his heart hurts for it, for the connection, but at what cost?
But Robin is giving him an excuse to open his mouth, so he takes it.
“Tell us,” says Robin, “whatever you want to. But just be honest.”
That’s a big request. Honestly, Kaldur wants to tell them what has been clawing at his heart for so long; that he is lonely, that this Cave is so empty and he days are so long without them. That his heart longs for someone that cannot and will not allow himself to have. That he loves in way he fears they will find ugly and disgusting -- even he himself fears it, and it makes no sense, and he’s both angry and jealous that Conner and M’gann don’t have to fear their love. They don’t question what their hearts feel, they don’t over analyze and dissect every moment and passing thought and try to shove it down as they burn with shame.
He wants to say, I like a boy, without his throat closing up or the world coming to a halt. Maybe he’s not ready to air all his dirty laundry, but he can at least start somewhere.
At the root of this all, Kaldur just really, really doesn’t want to feel so alone anymore.
“I am very grateful for all of you,” Kaldur’s mouth says before his brain can stop it. “So grateful, in fact, that I find myself missing you more often than not.”
Zatanna makes a tiny sound of understanding, but the others seem lost.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean you get to live a life outside of the team. You get to go to school and meet your friends and sleep in your homes, and I am either here dreaming of Atlantis, or here waiting you to come back. I don’t...the issue is not that the Surface doesn’t feel like home. It’s that I feel at home when I’m with you, and that seems to be so...rare these days.”
The silence is deafening. Then Wally says, “Aw, jeez, Kal.”
Conner frowns in a way that is far more emotional than his default. “I’m not gonna lie, I wasn’t expecting that.”
“Me either...but it’s true, isn’t it? We have been hanging out outside of missions less…” M’gann admits reluctantly. “Things have just been so busy since summer ended, especially with school.”
“I’d drop high school in a heartbeat to spend more time here, I swear, but my parents would never buy it.”
Kaldur has to fight the urge to roll his eyes. “I would never ask that of you, Wally. School is important. You cannot just leave.”
“I already told you I’d do it if anyone would let me,” Zatanna says. She sounds like she’s only half-joking.
“Alter ego life is pretty jampacked,” Artemis says. “We’re sorry, Kal. And not just like, a little sorry -- we’re really sorry. You know if we could stay longer, we would.”
“I know,” he says. For some reason, that just makes everyone seem even more unhappy.
The silence lasts several more moments, and Kaldur wishes he hadn’t said anything at all. Robin has finally stopped examining him, but now his expression is even harder to read.
“Okay,” Robin says, steepling his fingers. “Switching the game to 20 questions. Question number one -- can you promise us that you’ll tell us these things more often? You’ve got one heck of a poker face; we can’t know what’s up unless you say something.”
Kaldur looks sheepish. He nods quietly. “I will do my best.”
“Question two, did you write all that down before you said it? Or was that off the top of your head? ‘Cuz that was like, Obama-level good, dude.”
Trust Wally to break the tension; Robin digs his elbow into his side while the others chuckle, and Kaldur manages a smile himself. “I do not answer stupid questions.”
“Oh c’mon.”
“Here’s a question,” Artemis says, “just...you don’t have to answer it, but I’m just putting it out there. Is there something else you’re not telling us?”
A worried silence falls over the room -- Kaldur inhales deeply and shakily and it takes a strong burst of courage to nod his head. It’s barely a movement, but it’s enough. It’s a start.
One day he will tell them about how he loves, but for right now, the most he can manage is this.
Artemis has an expression that says maybe, just maybe, she understands his struggle a little more than he’d thought she would. “Okay,” she says quietly, patting his knee. “Whenever you’re ready, we’re not gonna rush you.”
And, for what feels like the first time in long while, Kaldur exhales. He squeezes Artemis’ hand, and even though he can’t form the words to say his thanks out loud, he’s more than certain she understands.
“Number four,” says Conner solemnly. “What’s your favorite color?”
The rest of the game is full of laughter, and a level of familiarity Kaldur never noticed before. They joke easier, laugh more, and there’s no lingering tension in the air. It feels like home, and if he could, Kaldur would bottle this moment and live in it forever.
They talk until the early hours of the morning, and after it’s clear that no one’s getting up to go to bed, they dish out blankets and nod off one by one. Kaldur suspects he’s the last awake, until Zatanna nudges him gently with her elbow.
“One last question for you,” she says, barely louder than the quiet snores of their friends.
He simply hums his acceptance of his fate.
“What is really going on with you and Roy?” There’s no judgement in her voice but Kaldur still has to force himself to relax his shoulders. She sounds curious, not teasing, and maybe a little protective.
Maybe it’s because he’s so sleepy, but he chuckles for a moment, unbothered. “I wish I knew,” he says. “But between you and me? I hope he never asks for his shirt back.”
“I wish I was recording that,” Robin whispers, scaring the pants off of both of them. “You’re definitely gonna deny that in the morning.”
“I have no idea what you are talking about,” Kaldur replies, stone-faced.
Zatanna begins laughing so hard she may very well start choking, and Robin only manages a hapless shrug before leaning onto Wally’s shoulder. “Don’t worry, I’m a patient guy. Artemis was on the money; take all the time you need, pal.”
He’s not sure if Robin is joking, but regardless, he feels an immense weight off his shoulders.
And he sleeps like a goddamn baby.
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unkokurt · 2 years
I dont know if you will ever see this, and frankly I dont care at this point I just need to get this shit off my chest. I can honestly say that I wish i never met you. I wish I never sent you that message telling you how i really felt after all these years. I shouldve left you unhappy and alone with Devonte. All I got was a girlfriend who neglected my needs and still expected me to meet hers regardless of how she treated me! A girlfriend who didnt take anything i said or felt into consideration. A girlfriend who only put herself first and never cared how it affected me or our relationship, a girlfriend who always played the victim and runs back home when anything goes wrong even if her actions caused it! A girlfriend who was mentally and physically abusive. When i said i deserved better i meant that shit whole heartedly. I repeatedly told you what was bothering me and what needed to change and yet you made no effort at all to fix those things. I guess you feel as if you dont need to do any work on yourself and thats fine, but im good on that bullshit. You gave me crumbs and expected so much in return. You didnt even give the bare minimum literally time, and support! I shouldnt have had to ask for these things to begin with!
I want you to know I didnt leave because of money, it may have been a part of the issue but its far from the main reason I left. I left because you were a bad partner and girlfriend. You were selfish as fuck and just told me what i wanted to hear rather than genuinely fixing the issue, my needs never were a priority. It took what 2 years and a handful of fights and break ups for you to start making time for me? Yet any time you had you’d go spend with friends instead because “we lived together”. Then when id be irritated about it you’d try and make it seem as if i was jealous you had friends! Like nah i was irritated because you never made time for me but will make time for just about anybody else! Why i waited that long for quality time with you is beyond me! All the while supporting us while you finished college! Then the moment you could actually help out. You leave me to fend for myself yet again! Not like id been asking for some financial support for a year and a half +. Your response everytime was “but what about MY savings” like im not paying 4k a month in bills because of you and your fucking “needs”! Then you have the nerve to call me fucking selfish! The funniest part is when you told me “if you had this opportunity you wouldnt take it?” To be real with you, if it meant leaving you to fend for yourself knowing full well you were struggling I wouldnt. But thats why me and you arent the same. I wouldnt make my partners life harder just for some financial gain but i guess thats just me being selfish huh? And honestly you telling me youd do anything to make it work between living with me and your grandmas just to literally do nothing and tell me im on my own was total bullshit. I shouldve just broke things off months ago like i planned. Idk why i listened to you when you said youd do anything because i knew damn well you were lying!
You make me out to be such a bad person and you make all these post on tumblr like “get you somebody whos in the mood for you everyday” guess what I was in the mood for you everyday. I wanted to marry you and have a family the whole 9 yards. But you PUSHED me away and made me resent and hate you. Its wild how you sit there pretending to be a victim in all of this when you literally left me to figure shit out on my own for the fucking millionth time! Like you really thought i wasnt gonna get sick of your shit? You fucked me over and acted like it wasnt a big deal because you were playing savior to your family. That was the final straw for me. You constantly putting EVERYTHING before me, and our relationship. I never wanted to walk away but you left me no choice. You showed me your true colors time and time again, Id have to be a fucking idiot to keep letting you do this shit to me! I just want closure and to move on with my life after spending 10 years wasted on some fantasy relationship that was shit both times around! Same bullshit just 10 years apart. Id say i wish you the best but id be lying. I hope the day you decide to put your all into somebody they break your fucking heart like you did mine! I hope you learn what it feels like to put somebody first just for them to put you last when it really matters. I hope they walk out on you every time you make them upset! I hope you wake up one day and regret ever treating me this way and you have to live with that for the rest of your fucking life! Itll be no surprise to me if none of your future relationships work out if you continue to treat your significant others this way. Nobody wants to be neglected and treated like their replaceable.
0 notes
ofempyreans-blog · 6 years
— ✧ CHRISTIAN SERRATOS ??  no, that’s just BEATRICE JOAN “TRIXIE” ESPINOZA !!  she’s the TWENTY FIVE year old daughter of CHLOE DECKER & DAN ESPINOZA ( and steppdaughter of LUCIFER MORNINGSTAR ), and is, in addition to being a MED STUDENT at paragon academy, the MORTICIAN’S ASSISTANT at the local mortuary. i hear she’s MORALLY SOUND & INDIVIDUALISTIC, but tends to be LOQUACIOUS & DEVIL-MAY-CARE. her file says that her power is ANGEL PHYSIOLOGY. her pinterest board can be found HERE.
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       when the dreamer dies,               what happens to the DREAM?
SECTION ONE OF TWO: BULLET POINT HISTORY trigger warning for religion
so bc most of what im doing w her falls into section two, this is gonna b SO fuckin short, yall aint gonna know what hit you ; 
so. beatrice joan espinoza was born to two lapd homicide detectives, daniel “dan” espinoza & chloe decker, who met on chloe’s first day on the job, fell head over heels, and did the whole getting married thing before they had trixie. now, both her parents had their faults ; but for the first five years, they were minimal. 
it was after those five years that things got a little worse. trixie was young, so she doesn’t really remember the details or anything - and that’s maybe a GOOD THING, because it means things happened fairly civilly. her dad was working too much, putting the job before his family. her mom wanted to understand, but family came first in her eyes. eventually, they amicably split up - and after a brief attempt at getting back together, decided to divorce. 
but it wasn’t a sob story? it wasn’t something that trix wished she could mend or anything. it never rested on her shoulders, and her parents didn’t become mortal enemies - on the contrary, they settled into co-parenting with ease. all her life, she’s known she has a mom and dad who love her so much, and that they love each other very much, too - just not in the way that they used to. 
trixie had a pretty run of the mill time of it, school wise, life wise. she had her fair share of bullies. she had her fair share of fights, because of the bullies. her parents taught her to stick up for herself, always - and she learned on her own that it felt just as good to stick up for OTHERS. they both worked a lot, but they always found time for her - they did family camping trips, etc - and when she did have to hang at the precinct, she always found something to do ( usually, coloring crime scene photographs ). 
the NOT run of the mill thing about her life was that, aged seven, lucifer morningstar and the very literal biblical world came into her life, via her mom. back then, trixie had... an inkling, that they were all telling the truth about who they were. she didn’t doubt that lucifer was the devil, in her own way, nor was she blind to mazikeen being a demon, or lucifer’s brother amenadiel being an angel - it was just that, being so young, she didn’t really... care. they were just COOL. lucifer had a nice car that he promised he’d let her learn to drive in, mazikeen taught her how to fight and took her trick or treating as the president of mars, amenadiel looked over her mom, when she was in hospital. the world they introduced her to was just different, and special, but not scary, or unbelievable. it’s why trixie adjusted so well, when the truth came out for everyone, and the fact that lucifer was the LITERAL devil didn’t much phase her.
boom. done. trixie’s nine in the series rn, so, there’s not much CANON
SECTION TWO OF TWO: HEADCANONS trigger warnings for a car crash, death, and religion
anyway. some headcanons.
trixie’s powers manifested when she was fifteen years old. they appeared the day she died. it wasn’t anybody’s fault. it was just one of those freak things that happens, sometimes - the car that she was in, with a friend and her friends parents, had hit a turn in the road the wrong way. it flipped, rolled, came to a stop after a terrifying few seconds. the damage was done, even when the whole ordeal was over. her friends parents were fine, if not stunned, the two of them managing to crawl out and help the girls - her friend was fine, too, albeit with a few broken bones. trix’s heart had stopped. the ambulance arrived four minutes later, a record time, and she was the priority - the girls father had tried to do cpr, but she still wasn’t BREATHING. her mom arrived five minutes after that, in the cruiser. and then - then - after THIRTEEN MINUTES, trix opened her eyes. 
she doesn’t remember what happened, when she died. at least, she doesn’t remember details. when she thinks back, it’s to a white light and a warmth that she can’t really describe. she was told that it was normal to have memory loss, but she didn’t DWELL on it, or the fact that she was a miracle... not when the real miracle had happened that first night in the hospital, when white wings had unfurled from her back, glowing with a heavenly light. her POWERS took her focus, after the crash. not her miraculous recovery. she didn’t need to talk to amenadiel or even lucifer to know that wherever she had been sounded a whole lot like heaven, and if she was back, then it had to be for a REASON. 
she chose medicine instead of following in her parents footsteps and becoming a detective in part because of her powers - limited healing is a part of the schtick - but also, in part, because she couldn’t imagine her need to do good ever being satisfied, as a member of the la police department. a wide majority are GOOD PEOPLE, but there are also a unhappy chunk that are not... and trix wants to know that no matter what, she’s doing the most that she can to do right. her dream is to be a doctor - though right now, she’d settle for getting out of her mortician’s job and being an assistant medical examiner at the paragon police dep. 
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artificialqueens · 7 years
Here I Go Again! (Group Fic) - Chapter Three - pureCAMP
A/N - ta-dah!!! i hope everyone enjoys this next installment and i promise u im working hard hard hard on my other fics as well as trying to study for school - which obviously has to take priority x
Voulez-Vous - Gimme, Gimme, Gimme! - Our Last Summer - Under Attack
It was almost impossible to keep track of what was going on. As the hen party began, Trixie found all different types of alcohol being poured down her throat, with cheers erupting every time something was drained or spilt in some way. She’d been dancing, with no recollection of any of the songs, and then all of a sudden her mom and friends were on the stage.
That had to be the highlight of the night. Trixie felt oddly starstruck, even as she danced with her mom. Her entire lifetime had been spent with her mom, singing and dancing to get through the days, but she hadn’t expected The Supermodels to come across like real superstars as they had.
“Hey there, gorgeous!”
Trixie spun dizzily on her heel, gasping in delight as her eyes fell upon Brian. The stag do had supposedly been fancy dress, although the costumes had long been discarded in the heat of the warm summer night. Brian was shirtless, his hair slightly damp, and he held a necklace of delicate pearls and seashells in his hand.
“Guess what I retrieved for you?” He almost shouted, trying to be heard over the music. “Let me see it on you!”
She smiled knowingly. The age old story of Aphrodite’s necklace was one that the islanders all knew, and it was tradition that on the eve of the wedding, the groom dived down to try and retrieve it. Supposedly, it ensured a perfect marriage and a life of happiness for the couple. However - and Brian didn’t know this, but Trixie wasn’t going to tell him - it was also tradition to plant a necklace near the corals, for the unsuspecting groom to find.
“What’s going on?” She laughed. “Why are the guys crashing the party? It’s supposed to be no boys allowed!”
Brian grinned. “We got bored! What’s a man without his woman? He’s nothing!”
Next to her, Sharon put her hands on her hips. “And what’s a woman without a man? Successful, that’s what. Go on, lovebirds, don’t be shy. I’m gonna go and dance with Jinkx.”
As they watched her go, shaking her hips and dancing, Brian shook his head. “Shit. Your mom is cool.”
Trixie snorted. “Right?! I want to be as cool as her when I’m her age. I want to be a cool mom too.”
Brian’s eyes lit up. “Oh, you will be. Think I’ll be a cool dad?”
He flexed his biceps, wiggling his eyebrows in a manner that was supposed to be seductive, Trixie assumed. In spite of herself, she giggled.
“A crazy dad, maybe. I wish I had a dad.”
She couldn’t help it. It seemed too late in the game to tell Brian what she’d done, but with the alcohol clouding her mind, she was more open than she wanted to be. The party was amazing, and she was enjoying herself fully, but in the back of her mind she was still disheartened that she didn’t know which guy was her dad. Before, she’d been certain she’d know straight away. Now she wasn’t so sure at all.
“Come on, Trix.” Brian gently cupped her face, keeping her away from the sea of moving bodies. “You don’t need a dad. I think I’ll get jealous if there’s more than one man in your life. You’re my only girl - I want to be your only guy.”
Trixie’s heart skipped a beat. “You big old softie… But I think you’re gonna hurt mom’s feelings. She’s not your girl?”
Brian laughed. “Sharon? She’s not anybody’s girl! She’s the strong independent type, she doesn’t need me. She’s nobody’s girl.”
She used to be Justin’s girl, Trixie found herself thinking. And Jaremi’s, and Willam’s. And I’m still no closer to finding out which one is my dad.
It bothered her more than she wanted to admit. There was no indication as to which one could possibly be the right guy. Trixie resembled her mom so closely that she didn’t really look like any of them. All of the dates were so close together that it was anybody’s game. And she knew that for once in her life, her mom didn’t have the answer.
“Babe? Trix, you there?”
Blinking, Trixie realized she’d spaced out. “Sorry! I’m here. I, uh…”
In the corner of her eye, she spotted a familiar head of blonde hair, dancing up a storm next to a group of young men and women who were cheering him on. With a jolt, she recognized who it was.
“Brian, will you dance with mom? I have something I wanna do real quick!”
Leaving her confused fiancé no choice, Trixie dashed away, threading herself through the crowd towards where Willam was dancing. Upon spotting her, he broke away from the group.
“Trixie! Last night of freedom, huh?” His voice was jovial.
“Uh, yeah, I guess…” She murmured distractedly, looking for an escape. “I need to talk to you, can we…?”
Understanding immediately, Willam nodded. They made their way out of the courtyard, heading out to one of the balconies that looked over the whole island. With the moon reflecting off the gentle rippling waves, and the music fading to a quieter, more manageable level, Trixie felt a little bit calmer. It wasn’t much, but it was something.
“It feels good to be partying back on this island, you know. Definitely brings back memories, especially with your mother being here. I haven’t had a chance to speak to her properly yet.”
Willam leant against the wall, mirroring Trixie as he stared out at the sea. Trixie breathed deeply, trying to calm her nerves.
“That’s probably a good thing.” She shuddered. “I’m starting to think this was a bad idea… I really thought she’d be happy to see you guys.”
He chuckled. “Listen, Trix - there’s no point lying. Your mother found us, and we each gave our excuses. She doesn’t know it was you, but she sure as hell knows that we’re here.”
“She wasn’t happy about it, was she?” Trixie asked glumly.
Willam shook his head. “Not quite. She mostly seemed mad at that Justin guy, though he seems pretty nice. Now, Sharon… she’s never talked about us, has she?”
“If we’re coming clean… then no. Never.”
“You found out about us, somehow. You’re as sneaky as your mother, I’d wager. But why us? And why now?”
Trixie lowered her head. “Willam… I think you know why. My birthday is in mid-April… nine months after Justin, Jaremi and you all found this island and my mother with it.”
One of us is your father.” Willam’s voice was quiet, like he didn’t want anyone to overhear. Trixie was incredibly grateful for it.
“And I don’t know which.” Trixie sighed. “There’s no evidence either way. I don’t know, you don’t know, I don’t even think mom knows.”
Willam tentatively squeezed her hand, unsure of whether it was an appropriate amount of contact or not. “Trixie, if you don’t figure it out by tomorrow, I just want to say… It’d be an honour to walk you down the aisle. My husband will get a kick out of it. Fancy me having a daughter.”
“Thanks, Willam. What’s this about a husband?”
The blonde man grinned. “Sharon doesn’t know this, but she’s the first and last woman I ever loved or, uh… touched, I suppose. Through no fault of hers, I realized women weren’t quite what I wanted. I mean, girl… you understand me. I’ve met your Brian, he’s cute.”
“Hands off.” Trixie smiled. “I should let you go back to the party now. Sorry about all this confusion and drama.”
Willam shrugged. “I live for drama. I’m off to get a cocktail.”
It felt as though a weight had been lifted off of Trixie’s chest - but she still didn’t feel good. In fact, as the weight was lifted, it felt as though a rope was constricting her insides. One person knew the truth, and time was running out. In just a few hours, everyone would know.
Re-entering the party, Trixie was utterly overwhelmed. Music throbbed in her ears. Someone grabbed her hand for a dance, spinning her and flinging her somewhere into the middle of the dancefloor. Sweaty, grinding bodies pushed her this way and that. Heels trod on her feet. Backs slammed into her. The air smelt of alcohol and she wasn’t sure she could even still breathe.
Someone was calling her name, but the voice didn’t sound right. It was as if they were speaking underwater, garbled and confused. Trixie blindly stumbled forwards, falling straight into somebody’s arms at the edge of the party.
He was drunk, clearly. His skin was tinged a merry red, his clothes slightly dishevelled and stained from dancing and drinking. Sweat glistened on his forehead. Even though he hadn’t been on the island for long, Trixie had gathered that he wasn’t particularly social. When she returned to the three men she’d hidden at the back of the resort, she’d talked for a long while with Willam and Justin, but Jaremi had wandered off to be alone. It seemed that alcohol had loosened his tongue considerably.
“Oh, my god.” He set his drink down, leaning Trixie against the wall. “I’m your dad!”
“Not so loud!” Trixie squeaked. “I - I just… Please keep this a secret! I can’t have anyone knowing!”
Jaremi nodded. “Absolutely, I nill wot - no, I will not tell a single soul. Until tomorrow when I walk you down the aisle.”
“What?!” Trixie screeched. Panic was rising.
“It’s a father’s duty to give his daughter away!” Jaremi declared, far too loud for Trixie’s comfort. “You sent those invites hoping for your old pops to walk you to your husband, and I accept! Congratulations!”
She was thrust back into the party once again. Trixie was aware that she was sweating, but her body was wracked with shivers. Something was wrong. Something was very wrong.
Wobbling over to the drinks, Trixie selected the nearest bottle and downed as much as she possibly could without having to breathe, and then some. There didn’t seem to be any other way to solve the mess she’d gotten herself into.
She needed to just let go altogether.
Trixie had made her way into the centre of all the dancers before she realized it was a mistake. A loud and familiar song was playing, and everyone had begun the well-known choreography, holding hands and swapping partners and moving around in dizzying circles. The entire courtyard was encircled in dancers, kicking their legs out and threading back and forwards surprisingly well considering the combined amount of alcohol that had been drunk.
A few lines of people away, Brian grinned widely at her. Her mom, arm in arm with Jinkx and Raja, blew a kiss and a smile. Naomi and Kim were dancing together. Scattered in each of the lines were her three hugest problems, the three men she’d fucked up massively by inviting.
Justin made eye contact with her across the lines, his gaze unwavering through the weaving and clashing of the dancers. Even through her drunken haze, Trixie could read the message in Justin’s eyes clear as day - We need to talk. A horrible, nagging feeling in Trixie’s chest told her that she knew exactly what would be the topic of the conversation. Everything was happening all at once.
When the song ended, Justin was quick to approach, leading her away from the speakers and dancers so that they could talk properly. He was breathing heavily, his hair pushed back as though he’d been raking his fingers through it. Judging by the revelation that Trixie was sure he’d been hit with, it wouldn’t be a surprise at all.
“Why didn’t Sharon tell me?!” He demanded, sounding distressed. “All these years you’ve been here, and I didn’t know!”
Trixie bit her lip. “Justin, I-”
“She should’ve told me! I-I would never have left if I knew! Trixie, am I your father?” Justin’s eyes were filled with hurt, shining bright under the moonlight.
Trixie’s heart felt heavy. “I think so!” She told him. “But mom didn’t know about me! Not until long after you were gone!”
Justin sighed. Despite the loud music, Trixie heard it clearly. He sounded pained, like the news was hurting him.
“Why did you leave my mom?”
He turned away, this time facing the horizon with his back to the celebrations. “I had to… It was the right thing to do! At least, I thought it was. I was wrong.”
Trixie began to lead Justin away, making her way out of the courtyard completely and down towards one of her favourite spots, a small crest in the cliffside. The area was quiet, private, and allowed her to think and stare out at the sea without the distraction of the party.
“Why were you wrong?”
He sighed raggedly. “I didn’t know what I was doing. I didn’t plan to fall for your mother. I had a fiancée, I needed to go back to her. Even though I knew I didn’t love her, not like I loved Sharon. I didn’t know love until I knew Sharon.”
Trixie sensed that Justin was talking more to himself than he was to her, sorting through his thoughts and feelings. It just so happened that Trixie was there to carry and listen to it, but she didn’t mind. He clearly needed to let it out.
Gently, she touched his arm. “What was she like?”
“The fiancée?”
Trixie shook her head. “My mom.”
“A firecracker.” Justin said, and laughing slightly. “She really was. I remember every moment that I spent with her as though it were only last summer. She has that effect on people. She changed my life forever.”
“Help me fill in the gaps.” Trixie murmured, chewing her lip. “I know a little bit about after you left from my childhood. You know the bits before that. You tell me something, I’ll tell you something.”
Justin smiled, his face kind. Some of the panic in Trixie’s chest began to settle, though she knew it was a trap. She felt calm now, but later it would rise up again and threaten to spill.
“We… we first kissed right on that dock where I arrived yesterday.” He said, his eyes faraway. “It wasn’t too long after we met, but I could’ve sworn I already loved her. She just took my heart and kept it.”
Trixie’s features softened. “But you already had someone else.”
“Yes. No.” Justin sighed. “I don’t know.”
“Mom always told me it was a summer romance.” Trixie admitted. “I kind of accepted that was all I was ever going to know. She’d met somebody and then they left and she had me. As if that was the entire story.”
“Not at all.” Justin whispered. “It was… It was definitely a romance for the ages. But I think we were both afraid, more than anything. We rushed. We never stopped to think.”
“Afraid of what?”
“Growing old. Slowly dying. It was almost as if she was convinced the world was ending, and she had limited time. We were both afraid of growing up into mundanity, so we spent all of our time trying to be amazing. Falling in love and singing and being young. If it’s true, if… if I am your father… I guess I forced her into mundanity. We both became what we didn’t want to.”
Trixie pursed her lips, the new information unsettling her slightly. She wasn’t at all offended at the notion that her mom might not have wanted her at first - she had been eighteen years old, after all - but the knowledge that she had once been desperate and fearful was so strange to her. This was her mom, the woman who had always been proud and strong and brave for as long as Trixie had been alive.
“I don’t think it’s all bad.” Trixie hummed.
Justin nodded in agreement. “She had it better than me. She had good company, eh?” He nudged her arm jokingly.
She smiled. “She said I was a dancer before I could walk. I sang before I could talk.”
“You took after her, that’s why. She strikes me as a good mom, even if it has been twenty years since I’ve known her.”
Trixie knew she shouldn’t say it. The night was already a catastrophe thanks to a plethora of reasons, and this would only add to the complications, but she couldn’t help herself. Her heart was racing; her head was spinning; her stomach was turning.
“Will you give me away tomorrow?”
Her mood worsened the second she’d uttered the words, but Justin’s face morphed into a mask of pride and gratefulness. His eyes shone with newfound happiness.
“Trixie, if that’s what you want, I’ll be there. I have about twenty years of lost time to make up for.”
What have I done?
She wandered back into the party, trying to calm herself.
This was a mistake.
Someone grabbed her hand, pulling her back into the ring of dancing.
I shouldn’t have invited them.
The music was thumping loud. Trixie felt dizzy.
Mom is gonna be so upset.
Darkness began clouding her vision, making her feel woozy.
The wedding is tomorrow.
She started to lose consciousness.
“Trixie? Babe, are you okay? Sharon!”
“Everybody move away from her! Trix, sweetheart, can you hear me?”
“Is everything alright? Is she okay?”
“It’s okay, Trixie. Mommy’s here now, and you’re going to be okay.”
Trixie was in a boat.
It was only a small rowing boat, with enough room for two. Opposite her, rowing steadily with strong arms, was her mom. Sharon smiled up at the sun, like she couldn’t get enough of its warmth. Her skin was tanned and freckled. Her blonde hair was slightly wavy, blowing in the gentle breeze. She was much younger than Trixie had ever known her.
Trixie peered down into the water below. She could see Brian - her sweet, loving Brian - fighting desperately against the grasp of some unseen monster. Her heart leapt into her mouth. She had to save him!
As she dived, it was as though the water disappeared. All of a sudden, she was falling down into a dark abyss, with no end in sight. Invisible arms grabbed at her, unintelligible voices spoke to her. She was under attack.
“Come and rescue me!” Trixie cried out. “I’m falling apart!”
A strong hand grabbed her wrist, stopping her fall somehow. Trixie looked up, meeting eyes with Jaremi. He was younger too - his skin smooth, his eyes bright yet dark.
“My daughter…” He spoke tenderly.
“NO!” A cacophony of voices challenged him, each one of them reverberating painfully inside Trixie’s head. It was disorientating.
“My little girl…” Justin took her hand, almost snatching her away from Jaremi.
“NO!” The voices repeated. Trixie’s head spun, her eyesight blurring. She was nauseous.
“Mine…” Willam smiled.
“You don’t need a dad!”
“It’s a father’s duty to give his daughter away!
“Why didn’t Sharon tell me?!”
“One of us is your father!”
The voices drew closer, louder. They were taunting her.
Trixie kept falling, screaming and grabbing at nothing as she tried in vain to stop herself. This was what she wanted, wasn’t it? So why was she scared as hell, shaking with fear at the very idea?
“YOU’VE GOT NOWHERE TO GO!” The voices reminded her. “YOU’RE UNDER ATTACK!”
“Please!” Trixie struggled. “Somebody, have a heart!”
“Oh, my god! I’m your dad!”
“I-I would never have left if I knew!”
“Fancy me having a daughter!”
“I want to be your only guy!”
She screamed.
“Shh, shh, Trixie. My baby girl. It’s okay, you’re okay.”
Trixie shivered and buried her head into her mom’s chest, letting her heart rate begin to slow as her reassuring hands slowly rubbed her back. She felt like a little kid again, cuddling into mommy’s lap after a scary dream. Even though she was an adult now, she still needed it.
“N-Nightmare…” She stuttered.
Sharon smiled weakly. “Probably stress-induced. You really freaked out back there, is everything okay?”
Trixie nodded, then shook her head. She couldn’t tell the truth. Not now. If she even tried, she was sure that all of the alcohol that she’d consumed would crawl back up her throat and make a mess. No, she definitely couldn’t tell her mom what she’d done.
“J-Just a little overwhelmed.” She paused, hearing faint music. “The party’s still on?”
Sharon nodded. “I got you out of there once you fainted, but it’s only 2.30am. People are still partying. I’m a little relieved to be free, though.”
She stopped for a moment, her eyes searching Trixie’s face. “Something is bothering you, I know it. You can talk to me about anything, I promise.”
Pulling the blankets up to her chin, Trixie decided to be a little bit truthful. “Mom… I’ve gotten myself stuck in a bad situation and I don’t know what to do. I’m so c-confused… I don’t know what I want. I don’t know what to do.”
For a moment, there was silence.
“You know what to do.” Sharon spoke softly. “You don’t have to do anything at all. You’re young, you have all the time in the world. If you’re feeling afraid, or unsure, you don’t have to have this big wedding-”
Trixie froze. Unreasonable anger bubbled up inside her, fuelled by the alcohol and the stress and the panic. Against her better judgement, she saw red, tearing the covers off and standing up. Her mom leaned back in surprise, eyebrows knitting together.
“What the fuck are you talking about? Why wouldn’t I want to get married?!” She swore, not caring at how her mom’s eyes widened with shock. Trixie never, ever swore at her mom.
Sharon stood up, too. “Hey, calm down! All I’m saying is, if you’re not sure what you want then-”
Trixie shook her head. “No, but I’m sure what you want! You don’t want me to get married, you don’t want me to get it right! I know what I want, I want Brian! You don’t understand!”
“What don’t I understand, then?!” Sharon argued back.
“You don’t understand what it’s like to want to do things the right way!” Trixie yelled, frustrated. “I want to get married! I want to know who I am, get married, and I want my children to grow up with two parents! I want to do the whole marriage-and-babies thing, not just get knocked up like you did!”
As soon as she spoke the words, she regretted them.
Sharon flinched as though she’d been hit. “I didn’t have a choice!”
“You could’ve been a little less careless!” Trixie shouted. “Look at me, mom! I did it all how it’s supposed to be done! I fell in love and I got engaged! I didn’t just - I didn’t just throw all caution to the wind and let my future children grow up not knowing who their dad is! It’s shitty!”
Tears glistened in Sharon’s eyes, but Trixie could see she was fighting tooth and nail to hold them back. “I did everything I could for you, Trixie. I worked whilst I was pregnant until I could no longer stand up and carried on working days after you were born. I slaved to give you a good life, and it wasn’t enough?”
Trixie sniffed, tears forming in her own eyes. “You just don’t understand, mom! You never will!”
“I don’t know why you’re going off on me right now!” Sharon defended herself. “What did I do?!”
“Just leave me alone!” She cried. “Please!”
The day had been too long. The stress had gotten too much. In reality, Trixie wanted nothing more than to clamber into her mom’s lap, the way she did when she was a little kid, snuggle up to her, and breathe in the scent of her perfume as she slowly rocked her to sleep. What she needed was to be held, comforted, for her mom to work that strange motherly magic that she seemed to possess, and make everything better again.
But that wouldn’t happen. She’d been a stressed out, angry brat, and now she had to pay the price. After her mom had gone to all the effort of organising a wedding by herself, setting up the hen party, performing in her old girl-group and hell, raising her all alone for twenty years - Trixie had thrown everything back in her face.
It stung Trixie, so she couldn’t even imagine how it had made her mom feel. In her whole twenty years of existing, she’d never seen her mom look so hurt. As a child, she was convinced her mom was practically bulletproof. She was a superhero - always right, mega strong, a mind-reader with magic powers and a warm heart. Now, Trixie was beginning to realize two things. Her mom was human, painfully, normally human. And she had feelings. Feelings that Trixie had stamped all over.
The urge to apologise rose up within her, but she fought it down. It wouldn’t do any good anyway; Sharon had stormed out after Trixie told her to leave, and she would need time to cool down. Trixie had been foolish to think she could get away with inviting her dads to the wedding, and now she was simply pushing her luck by pushing her mom to breaking point.
She was a horrible daughter.
Please forgive me, she begged internally, stepping out onto her balcony for some air. Upon staring at the sea, she started to feel a bit calmer.
Everything was wrong. It was all horribly, terribly, disgustingly wrong. And yet…
Almost twenty one years ago, Trixie was sure that her mom had felt the same. She pictured a young Sharon, alone, staring out at the same sea as she cradled a bump that wasn’t quite there, but soon would be. She was eighteen, and surely it must’ve felt like her world was turned upside down. She was alone, pregnant, with no family to lean on. She would’ve stared out at the sea and wondered how everything had gotten so bad.
Time had passed and fixed it again. It wouldn’t have been easy, Trixie knew that. But she knew that Sharon had pulled herself up and opened a business, working full time, earning little amounts of money that she could put aside for a crib, a rocking chair, clothes and nappies and toys. It would’ve in no way been easy, but she’d followed her heart and made it work. Time fixed it. It wasn’t so bad anymore.
In a way, the thought was comforting. In a moment of painful desperation, her mom had been looking out at the same ocean, of the same beach, of the same little island. Everything had turned out okay for her.
Everything would turn out okay for Trixie, too.
Rationalize, she told herself. Break it down sensibly. The main problem is that you have three dads trying to give you away. Two of them are surplus. Something needs to be done about that.
She watched the water, timing her breaths with the steady peak and crash of the waves. After that, you need to admit to mom what you’ve done. Tell her everything and why you did it. And Brian, too.
Deep down, Trixie knew that her heart knew what to do. She was just too afraid to listen, too afraid to take the plunge.
Then you’re gonna get married, and it’s going to be amazing. You don’t need to know who your father is to know who you are.
You’re Trixie Needles. Tomorrow, you’ll be Trixie McCook. That’s who you are.
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The formal callout for Driad aka Daniel Mahone
Daniel Mahone from Cambridge UK is an online sexual predator. We are unsure about his age since he’s changed his age many times but he’s claiming to be 18 currently. He targets very young teenagers and coerces them into sexual conversations and has done this for years without repercussion.
He’s currently off tumblr as far as we know but he remakes often and having this widespread for awareness is a priority.
Some examples of the things he’s done are under the cut, general tw.
urls: driad, cptdriad, captaindriad, dryad
twitter: captaindriad
skype: mrdriad
kik: cptdriad
steam: bigbrownbat
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photo of Driad / Daniel Mahone above
Daniel, referred to as Driad from here on, is stalking tumblr user 75pennies. He obsessively adds her and follows her on alternate accounts and fake accounts pretending to be someone else.
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Referring to an alpaca stuffie he had given her. She had stated already that she no longer wanted to be in contact with him.
Here’s some from this blog from other tumblr users.
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“Im gonna be blunt: Tumblr user driad is a sexual abuser, and a pedophile. This time last year, we met via some mutuals or something, i don’t really remember; he just started messaging me. I was 14, he was 17, and i was in a very bad unstable situation. From day one, he was sexual with me. The night we started talking, he admitted he was jacking off while we were talking on Skype, and he tried to make me “help him”. I respectfully declined, and then i respectfully had a panic attack in my bathroom. He kept messaging me after that, a lot of it casual conversation, and a lot of it flirting. He eventually wooed me over through flattery, i guess, because i warmed up to him. Now, my situation plays into this because i was not in a good place at all at the time. I had stopped taking my medication secretly, behind the backs of my doctors and parents. This medications controls my depression, panic attacks, and impulses, and i have been on it since i was 7 years old. I also was going through a lot of social drama, and i was desperate for approval. Combine those things, and you get a kid who’s pretty susceptible to a lot of things. He eventually started getting me to do sexual things that included: masturbating with him on Skype, sending him nude photos and videos of me doing different things, him making me insert inanimate objects into me on Skype calls, him making me do rather dangerous things (painful foreign insertion of objects anally, to put it nicely,) him calling me names like “kitten”, him making me call him “master”, the list goes on. I would often have panic attacks while performing these acts for him. At one point he introduced me to one of his friends. I don’t remember their gender, but they were DFAB as well, and he made them do similar things. At one point he made group chats and made us BOTH do things for him at the same time. I think the friend was about 16 at the time, but once again, i dont remember; i didn’t know his friend outside of this. One night, me and them just spent hours talking about how much we hated him, how much we wished he wasn’t like that, but neither of us knew what to do. I fell out of contact with the friend after a short while, but his abuse went on for months. He sent me rape threats, death threats, messages while i was in school (sometimes he would make me go to the bathroom to take nudes against my will,) and he spammed me constantly and got upset when i didn’t answer immediately. He would pretend to be sad and guilt trip me until i talked to him, or Skyped him, or sent him nudes. I was so afraid of disappointing him, of making him hate me. He became my fp, and i developed a crush on him. I told him that, and he didn’t feel the same way, but he absolutely used it to his advantage to get what he wanted. Eventually i had had enough. I don’t know what flipped in me, but I told him he could fucking suck it, and i blocked him and remade on everything he ever knew me on. The aftermath was awful; i have had flashbacks, panic attacks, and breakdowns. I have been through therapy dedicated to helping sexually abused kids. My depression surrounding this was so awful that i was hospitalized for self harm and suicide attempts. All because i was SO desperate for an abuser to love me. But he didn’t, he took advantage of me. And i know he still does it. I saw a post on my dash tonight made by someone who is 14, the same age i was. They were made uncomfortable by him and his requests as well. I messaged them and warned them to block him, and they thanked me. Thats why i made this. Because i don’t want anything like what happened to me to EVER happen to anybody else. Driad is now 18 years old, an adult. His blog is @driad. Please, PLEASE be careful, especially if you are underage.“
“I reblogged a post of his (not directly from him) and then he started following me, sent me asks saying "bigs boys" Bc of the post of his I reblogged. I followed him, he started messaging me, saying he wanted to cuddle, tummy rubs, and when I said - No lmfao brb gonna shower -, they asked for nudes. When I said I was taken they said No Homo and that my bf didn't need to know. I blocked them after my friends told me to. I wish I still had screenshots of it for proof.“
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“ I hadn't really put 2 and 2 together that driad was probably harassing other people when he first messaged me. I'm aggressively asexual and he kept talking about "fisting my vagina" despite me telling him I'm a boy and ace. I eventually got him to stop messaging me by continuing to change the topic to potatoes and ended up blocking him to keep him from messaging me again “
Daniel Mahone is a sexual predator. If he returns he’ll most likely be under a variation of the name Driad. Please look out for him.
139 notes · View notes
Sports Festival Arc
Okay so I’ve just decided to talk about each episode individually since so much happens in them and I have a lot of things to say that nobody cares about ANYWAY MOVING ON here you go!
Episode 14: That’s The Idea, Ochaco
•Can we talk about how Todoroki had the prettiest animation in the intro please???
•Aizawa shows up like I LIVED BITCH we love one grumpy crippled old man (reminds me of this English teacher I had who showed up to class after breaking 3 ribs and couldn’t laugh or move and was in visible pain while teaching, Professor Saunders if you ever see this please just take a day off my dude)
•Mido: “Mineta don’t you know how important the Sports Festival is?”
Mineta: “yes but I just don’t want to get MURDERED”
...you know what he has a point
•Jirou to Kami: “most people miss their chance and end up just staying sidekicks. You know what that’s probably what’ll happen to you. You’re kinda dumb” BRUH SHE DIDNT HAVE TO MURDER DENKI LIKE THAT
•Kirishima being so excited for the Sports Festival is so cute I’m gonna cry
•Ojirou and Hagakure are so fucking ADORABLE
•Uraraka getting all pumped up/ ragey and Mineta being ✖️Mineta✖️ and Tsuyu just straight up SMACKING HIM IMMEDIATELY I LOVE HER COLD BLOODED ASS
•“YOUNG MIDORIYA!!!...do you want to eat with me?” I LOVE DADMIGHT
•Todoroki eavesdropping on Uraraka and Iida talking about Mido/All Might: Secret Child Theories activated
Episode 15: Roaring Sports Festival
•TESTUTESTU!!! loving the other classes showing up like fuck y’all 1A bitchass nerds right now honestly
•Kiri stop thirsting for Bakugou when he’s being an ass we get it, you’re gay and love an angry Pomeranian also WHY ARE YOU JUST STRAIGHT UP JUMPING OFF A BUILDING BOI WHAT IS YOU DOIIINNNNGGGGG ROCKS CAN STILL B R E A K
•Todoroki you dramatic hoe I love you but just. Take a nap. “We’Re nOt hEre To MakE FriEnDs” bitch you soft, shut up
•I’m genuinely curious what exactly is Midnight’s quirk? She’s the “R rated Pro Hero” but like...what is it? Is she just Super Sexy? Is it the pheromone thing that makes people think she’s sexy/ feeling aroused? Like what is her power exactly?
•”I just wanna say...I’m gonna win” KACCHAN HONEY WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS
•Todoroki freezing EVERYTHING and being unimpressed by the giant robots sweetie you’re so extra
•Birth of Icy Hot Bastard nickname
•Mineta got fuckin MURKED MAN lmao at least he tried
•Mama Midoriya is Best Mom she worries so much
Episode 16: In Their Own Quirky Ways
•KIRI BREAKING THROUGH THE FUCKING ROBOT SCREAMING IM ALIVE HOLY FUCK (Also Testu bursting through too. Intro to the Hard Boi Twins)
•Lets go Sero and Tokoyami!!
•All Might’s little YES watching Mido using the robot part as a launcher for the explosion warms my heart he’s so proud of his boy
•”THIS JUST IN ERASURE HEAD IS A TERRIBLE TEACHER” “wait wHAT” I love 2 chaotic teachers
•Shiggy you’re gross please invest in some cortisone skin cream it majorly helps my eczema it can help you too sweetie
•”the 1st place winner is worth...10 MILLION” Everybody around Mido: Activate Instant Kill
Midoriya my boy rUN
Episode 17: Strategy, Strategy, Strategy
•”Wait, remind me of your quirks again. And your names” Bakugou I’m gonna kick your entitled ass square up babe
•Kiri we get it you want Bakugou to top you. Also I love how Bakugou’s just like let’s fucKIN GOOO SHITTY HAIR
•Iida I love your dramatic over-energetic ass so much
“YOURE SO CLOSE TO ME WHO ARE YOU???” Hatsume please. Take a dozen chill pills
•Ah. There he is. Monoma. Rat Boi 3000. Let’s go babey
•Ah. Cue the Daddy Drama
•This game is just Kill Midoriya, huh
•Monoma is a pro monologuer and honestly? I respect that. But then again it doesn’t take much to get Bakugou riled up
Episode 18: Cavalry Battle Finale
•Shouji is a SCARY BADASS and deserves more acknowledgement
•no matter your opinion on him, Monoma is an interesting character and has a REALLY COOL QUIRK
•Endeavor? Just. Shut up
•Bakugou- I am powered by rage and nothing else
•”Has anyone seen Deku?”
Todoroki: tragic backstory time
Episode 19: The Boy Born With Everything
•Yo FUCK Endeavor lives, man
•Mido ”so why did you bring me here”
Todo ”...soooo THIS IS THE STORY ALL ABOUT WHY I’m depressed/ also are you All Might’s secret love child or something?”
•Okay but All Might asking Endeavor on how to raise a powerful child I’m cackling. But the more Enji talks, the more All Might’s just like “what the fuck are you doing to your kid??”
•Todoroki’s whole monologue is literally just him over sharing and rambling about his trauma I love it
•Bakugou why you being such a creep boo
•Midoriya telling his friends/rivals “I’m gonna beat you” is basically just his equivalent of “I have a crush on you” change my mind
•Kaminari. I’m disappointed in you. I expected the uniforms from Mineta but come on dude
•Ojirou is so PURE long live Tail Boi he is also too under appreciated and he is just. So good
•Kendo is best girl Class 1B
•”Uraraka? Who the hells that?” Bakugou don’t be fuKING RUDE
•Midoriya what did Ojirou fucking TELL YOU
EPISODE 20: Victory or Defeat
•Dadzawa activated, time to adopt a Sleepy Boy into the Hero Course
•Complete BAMF Midoriya has been UNLOCKED PEOPLE
•Poor Shinsou when he goes “im used to people thinking I’m a bad guy” I just couldn’t NOT think of Billie Eilish IM SORRY now I have Bad Guy stuck in my head YOU DID SO GOOD BABY IM PROUD OF YOU
•”Spooky IM A GHOST???” God I love All Might
•”Stop rebelling Shouto”
“It’s NoT a PhaSe DaD”
•Todoroki did you have to go so HARD BRUH WHAT THE FUCK YOU DEPRESSED SHOW OFF
Episode 21: Battle On, Challengers!
•Lmao get wrecked Denki
•Mama Kendo to the rescue come get yo kids
•Everyone at Mido, Please. Shut the fuck up and stop being CREEPY
•Midnight. Please stop lusting over your students it’s gross
•Hatsume played Iida like a fiddle and I’m crying baby boy tried so hard
•Poor Momo
•Bakubabe you’re so UGLY I can’t why is your face like that
Episode 22: Bakugou VS. Uraraka
•”Pink Cheeks” Bakugou just learn your classmates names it’s not that hard
•Ochaco is so fucking STRONG
•”like I always suspected. Bakugou’s a total sadist” sometimes Mineta is just. Accurate.
•Can we please talk about how Aizawa was just like “The FUCK are y’all talking about Bakugou is doing what he’s supposed to do in these games it doesn’t matter if his opponents a girl or not y’all are DUMB” like THANK YOU AIZAWA
•Mic has no chill I miss him real talk we don’t get enough Present Mic
•”You’re wrong Kacchan” YOU TELL HIM MIDO
•Bakubitch may be a little much sometimes and I get why a lot of people don’t like him but he does understand his classmates ARE also strong and powerful and you know he respects them in his own weird way even though he’ll never admit it
•We love supportive parents (Ochaco’s parents. Fuck Endeavor. Just leave these kids aloonnneeeee you asshat)
•”I’m not worried about a couple of kids” you’re clearly not worried about your crusty skin either Shiggy learn some priorities
Episode 23: Shoto Todoroki: Origin
•All that power in one little fucking finger what the FUCK Mido also PLEASE STOP BREAKING YOUR BONES “I’ve only got 6 more chances” well there go your fucking hands my dude
•Aaaaand there goes your arm
•”You haven’t been able to put a single scratch on me yet, Todoroki” you’re doing a pretty good job of that by yourself Midoriya
•Baby Shouto kills me every time IM GONNA FIGHT ENDEAVOR
•Shouji grabbing Mineta by the leg so that he doesn’t fly away oh my god
•Endeavor and All Might come get y’all kids
•Midoriya’s fuckin dead rest in fucking pieces you masochist
Episode 24: Fight On, Iida
•Okay but why is Endeavor such a fucking Brick House holy fuck absolute unit of pure shit
•”In his first match he looked so sad. I was trying to figure out why...” it’s because you have a crush Mido
•And the first of many scars appears
•Recovery Girl is right and she should say it
•All Might said Quirkless Rights send tweet
•Highkey completely forgot about Stain OH WAIT THAT MEANS THE INTERNSHIPS ARE NEXT I really forgot the whole timeline wow
•Explosion Boy vs. Shitty Hair I love competitive boyfriends but Jesus Bakugou
•Testu cheering for his new friend tho? That’s the content I love to see
•Legacy Children Battle (Iida vs. Todoroki)
•”I didn’t know he couldn’t kick like that” he is ALL LEGS that’s literally his quirk Denki what do you mean
•Anybody fighting Todoroki: time to drag a Sad Bitch
•Bruh why did Iida tense up like that was your phone up your ass dude???
•Yo Stain is ugly as fuck
Episode 25: Todoroki VS. Bakugou
•Lmao Midoriya literally triggered Todoroki into using his Left Side
•And Todoroki triggered Bakugou by asking about his past friendship with Midoriya these boys are a MESS
•oh look it’s a Fucking Fire Gremlin
•oh my GOD Endeavor shut UUPPPP
•Everyone listening to Bakugou go off at Todoroki: ...please seek some therapy
•The first time I saw this I highkey thought Bakugou actually killed Todoroki.
•Bakugou going feral for winning I can’t he literally looks like a trapped wolf
•We respect Tokoyami in this house
•About Bakugou ”Look at that face” I’d really rather not
•I’m sorry but Mineta sitting on Shouji’s shoulders is actually adorable
•Iida running through the hospital to his brother: It’s Loss
•I love the Iida Brothers so. Fucking. MUCH
•Shouto I’m so proud of you sweetheart
•Honestly I need more family stuff they’re all so interesting in their own ways and it’s a nice reminder that yes these are just kids and they have lives outside of hero school
SO that wraps up the Sports Festival Arc! I’m going to do the second half of Season 2/ The Internship Arc/ Final Exams all in one post so get ready for another long one ✌🏽
0 notes
eneloh · 5 years
so there goes Loni Love from the tv talk show the real receiving a whole lotta backlash after calling out the infidelity of black men during a discussion. ive said this many times before. im not really the guy who likes to make things about race and im not the guy whos so quick to pull the “ race card”. and im about to go off on the fact that i am very very very tired of ppl trying to dog and down their own community or kin. i am so sick and tired of all of this. enough of this. 1st of all she is wrong. now i know they were talking about kevin harts netflix thing and him talking about his cheating issues etc etc ( personally i think anybody who cheats on their fiance...especially a pregnant 1 is just a scumbag). the 1 thing that ppl miss...this is not a cultural thing. yes there are some broken up family issues with ppl of black ppl but its not all black men. there are men that are reading this right now that have been faithful in their relationships and have not cheated at all. and im going to take it a step further. as a black man when your family and your woman doesnt even believe that youre capable you start to feel frustrated. when your family doesnt believe in you and that youre honorable...imagine that pain when youre trying to be honorable and youre doing everything right and your family doesnt believe in you...and black women continue to get on platforms talking about “ all mem do this” and ” all black men do that” and ” all black men have these problems” and as ablack man youre working on those problems and youre looking at your ppl. these are supposed to be your ppl. your community. your kin. going out in public thrashing you all the time... and not that there arent men that have these problems but its not just black men out there cheating. and thats the crazy part. this has been the 2nd time in the last week ( or so) where theres been a public moment where a black woman has come out and said “ the problem w/ black men“ as if other cultures or ppl from all walks of life dont do that. NO. its only what youre experiencing because thats the world youre in and youre dealing w/ black men. like...ask caucasian women if theyve ever dealt w/ that experience. or a woman from any culture. i just wish ppl would refrain from trying to label black men as a whole 1 thing. it seems to me that some ppl have that memtality or mindset that “ black men are always the problem” “ always the problem”. once again im goin to take it a step further forthe men and the women. this is not a cultural or racial issue. this is men. if as a man you had heightened interests and heightened sexuality interests as a youth and you did not have the ability to date often or have sexual conquests that you fantisized about...you werent able to get that out of your system but you found yourself in a long term relationship but you still have these fantasies...it becomes very hard for a man to stay faithful when he hasnt gotten certain things out of his system. same thing w/ women. women go through the same thing which is why sometimes relationships dont work out because we know ppl where the woman has been the 1 where its kinda like “ im tired being in this relationship” “ ive outgrown it” and “ i wanna be someone else” “ im up outta here” and theyve cheated. we all know women that have done that. and left their families. now the problem is you dont hear those stories in the media cuz men dont have magazines on every newsstand where men are talking about how they were traumatized by their woman. men dont wanna do that cuz its embarrassing for them. they dont wanna acknowledge that their woman stepoed out on them. when it happens to a woman its “ she was victimized by a man” etc. also historically speaking men have been the perpertrators of the bad behaviour and nobody wants to hear from a dude going through something. socially ppl dont give a damn. but the whole idea that its just black men or black men w/ money. what ppl need to understand is...some rich ppl get to a point in their lives and they start doing things that they werent able to do when they didnt have money. and boredom creates problems. cabin fever. stuck in the house w/ the family. repetition. there are ppl when they didnt have money they could still go out and meet women and go have a good time. so as they get older its not a priority for them. cuz they got it outta their system. and that enables a man to be faithful in a relationship. but there is a thing in a male ego that when your money isnt right...when you dont wanna go home cuz somebodys getting on your nerves...and youre not feeling that machismo you wanna go and find out if you still got it. you wanna go out and flirt you wanna go out and holler at something cuz socially alot of men not all men are wired to see what their ability to conquest is. and if they havent conquered that that will get a man to go out and cheat. so i know men who have conquered that and are in faithful relationships. so to see and hear Loni get up there and say “ its all black men” its not all black men. and how many black women if youre concerned about black men are out here throughly believing in black men and making it an atmosphere where that black man wants to come home and wants to be a part of his community and part of his family cuz ppl believe in him. for some black men that walk out of their house...the world doesnt believe in them. and ifthey know that that in his community and in his house they dont believe in him either what are we doing?!? of course hes gonna be out there wilding out. so instead of black women getting on all these platforms and talking about “ all black men do this” and “ all black men do that” ...what are black women doing? what are we doing together? if its realy a priority. im not saying that there arent black women who uplift black men. im not trying to say that it doesnt exist. when you hear and see someone go on a national platform and do that you start to go “ what are you doing to make sure that that person feels like they wanna put in the extra work for you”.
0 notes
Phoenix Arizona Cheap car insurance quotes zip 85017
"Phoenix Arizona Cheap car insurance quotes zip 85017
Phoenix Arizona Cheap car insurance quotes zip 85017
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolutions.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Can i sue my car insurance?
Can I sue my car insurance if they refuse to pay for my car damages
Is group insurance cheaper than individual policies dollar for dollar?
I know they give discounts when husband and wife enroll but if you have the same insurance carrier,united of omaha, is the group going to be cheaper necessarily?""
How much is your car insurance?
Just trying to get an idea of how much everyone pays...all my friends seem to pay less than me. I am 26, female. One speeding ticket and one DUI (in the state where I'm licensed)...both from 7 years ago. No accidents. I live in an urban area, a midwestern city with probably 200,000 people. I have a 2007 suzuki reno, base package, I have not made any insurance claims. The cheapest I've found is progressive at $110/month...I can't use places like The General or Safe Auto because my state doesn't allow it. When I get quotes from big companies, like state farm, the monthly cost is about $200...my coverage is probably fairly standard, if not on the low side, but meets state guidelines.""
Car Insurance in Kentucky?
i've got a 98 red dodge advenger,, one of the sports one.. i'm 16 and my parents are going to make me pay for my insurance i think, i make good grades, like a,b,c's. but does anyone know how much insurance would be? we have allstate.""
I lost my Health insurance and I need to find affordable coverage asap?
I had tenncare but after i turned 21 it ended i have medical conditions that require me to take medications daily. does anyone know of a good affordable insurance that covers doctor visits and prescriptions that will take me with pre-existing conditions? I have asthma, PCOS, and other things that i have to take daily medication for to be able to function. I am bi-polar i have ADHD and severe social anxiety i am also manic depressant and schizophrenic what can i do to get some health insurance??""
How much will her insurance likely go up?
my grandma pays about 65/month for her car insurance, she is 59 today she didnt see my car and backed into the passenger side leaving a dent. I have full coverage for my car. she has liability on hers. I dont just not want to do anything. i want it fixed. but i dont know if i want to call my insurance company. cuz if i say it was her fault, which is was, idk how much her insurance will go up. if its ten dollars a month its no big deal i wouldnt think. but i dont want it to be a lot. if i say it is my fault, then i have a 500 dollar deductable and my insurance goes up. and i cant afford that. im 17. she also said she would try to pay for it to be fixed. but idk if it is cheaper for her to pay for it or for her insurance to go up.""
Who can give me the name of some good health insurance companies or health insurance assistance programs?
Please tell me your monthly payment, the company name, your deductible, whether it's an individual or family policy, and if a family policy, how many family members in the plan. This info will help me decide who has the most affordable insurance for my budget. I just got layed off and my $60/mo medical insurance will cost $900/mo to keep it going. Like how the helll am I supposed to pay $900/mo; that's $225/wk! They must be dammm crazy!""
I need 3 insurances anyone know good insurances?
I need three insurances. Does anybody know any very good insurances? The insurance I have is freaking crap, so I want to change everything, so I need 3 insurances. I want the best ones but I know those ones are high price that's what I was told, so I just need 3 very good ones with a reasonable price. The 3 insurances I need are cosmetic dental, pet insurance, sports insurance. Went to the dentist and found that I need little work and all of the work is cosmetic. Insurance that I have doesn't cover cosmetic things. I have 3 pets and I need pet insurance. The last one I need is a sports one. My insurance won't cover sports or fitness. I need sports insurance that is great. The sport that I'm trying to get into is wrestling yes professional wrestling like WWE type. I need sports or extreme sports insurance that will cover on those type of extreme sports. I was told that There is a insurance that covers everything sports, cosmetic and pet insurance but I don't know how true that is, but if there's a one please tell me. Anyways anybody let about these 3 insurance that I need. Thank You so much to whoever read and answers my question and helping me. Thank You.""
Mom forgot to list me as a driver on car insurance?
So i've been driving four years , and i'm about to buy a new car as a 20yr old. I call to get a quote, and they tell me i'm not listed as a driver on my mom's insurance. What does this mean?""
Hey looking to get my first car and pay for my first car insurance?
I'm 19 living in lake forest California looking to buy this car http://mobile.carsforsale.com/details.aspx?vid=164720610 Does anyone know how much my insurance might be ?
How much does a basic antibiotic cost without health insurance?
How much does a basic antibiotic cost without health insurance?
Car insurance? Cheap?
I'm 16 and i just got my car and license. I have a 2000 Grand am gt Where can i find cheap car insurance?
""Anyone bought a trampoline, put it up and then have an insurance company demand you take it down or drop you?""
Insurance company has demanded trampoline come down. Saftety nets, adult supervisor followed to a T . Spent good amount of $$$ on it! Been up for less than a year. Under warranty. Anyone have any suggestions?""
Cheapest insurance company for new driver?
I just got my license. Im 18. What might be the cheapest insurance company to go through? I dont make much money a month...
Life Insurance?
I'm a joint account with my husband's credit union, Michigan First Credit Union, Priority Credit Union, Detroit Municipal Credit Union which is here in Detroit Michigan some of them has a promotional life insurance like CUNA Life Insurance which is included with my husband's Michigan First Credit Union that he included. My question is, can my husband include me or buy a life insurance for me that is included with those credit union as family life's insurance. Is that possible? I just want to know because I'm only new here in USA and came from other country so I'm scared with this life insurance that my husband buying, can he buy life insurance for me in those family credit union.""
Will I get dropped from my insurance?
Hi, i took a urine test with my doctor the other day. I asked what h was testing for and he said everything , so Im not sure what hes testing. He said he was gonna check for diabetes and what not. I was wondering, in the case he drug tests me can he tel my insurance? Can I get dropped from the insurance for this? I smoked weed about 5 weeks ago. I live in California amd hnet is my insurance. Thanks!""
Does filing a claim raise auto insurance rate?
My car was vandalized while I slept. Luckily my car shut itself off when it did not recognize the key. I filed a claim with the insurance. I had comprehensive coverage. When it was time to renew, my rates increased. What is the point of having insurance if you are discouraged from filing a claim? I thought if it was not my fault, my rates do not increase?""
Can someone tell me what the cheapest car insurance is for college students?
Can someone tell me what the cheapest car insurance is for college students?
How much will insurance cost for my painting business i am a sub contractor and i have no employs just my self?
what they require is $1,000,000 per occurrence and $1,000,000 personal injury and $2,000,000 general aggregate . thanks""
Insurance companies messed up!?!?
Over three years ago, a pick-up truck crushed the entire back-side of my van. Of course, it wasn't my fault and I took care of the situation by calling the truck driver's insurance company. However, when I was going through my auto insurance profile, I saw something weird, a driving history stating that I was at-fault for that accident three years ago. It's very weird because I claimed an accident not on my insurance company, but the truck driver's. What can I do to fix this? Was I paying more premium because of this mistake? Thank you""
How to reduce my car insurance?
Hey people, I'm 18, living with parents, just got my licence in the UK about 4 months ago. So I went out today and bought a 1.0 engine size KIA PICANTO. Heres the annoying part...we've been looking for insurance within our budget (realistically 1500p/a), All companies we've looked at have been giving us quotes of about 3500 which I find astonishing for a 1.0!! We've tried confused, admiral, churchill and compare the market. We've tried putting my parents as the main drivers and its still too expensive. Looks like pass plus is also useless! However, its the latest edition. It's a 2011 KIA picanto....do you think maybe if I returned the car and purchased something from 2004-05, insurance would drop to a reasonable rate? I do have loads of friends who managed to get car insurance below 1000!! Many thanks""
Health Insurance for 25 Year Old Disabled Male?
I'm 23 years old and I live in California. I work full time but only make $8 an hour. My husband is 25 and has been disabled since age 12. He has a serious back injury and may be paralyzed one day and he cannot work. If this ever happens, I really don't want to be $1 million dollars in debt because we are uninsured. I have never bought health insurance before and I have NO IDEA what I am doing. I'm looking for insurance that will cover him if he needs to go to the emergency rooom, needs an operation or will cover him if he does indeed become paralyzed. Where do I start? What are our options? Will he be denied because of a pre existing condition? I don't care what I have to pay, I just want him to be insured. We don't want to go throught the process of getting him SSI because we don't want to be poor forever and if I make over a certain amount he will lose everything. Thanks for your help, I REALLY appreciate it.""
Health Insurance?!?!?
I am having to get my own health insurance for the first time. Can someone help me figure all of this out? What should I be looking for? I am young and healthy, so I would not like to pay that much, but I would like to feel confidant in my coverage. Also, I will need dental coverage-any info there?? Thanks so much!""
What are the prospects of providing more Californians with health insurance in the future?
Considering we are producing more and more people without health insurance than other states, despite the fact that we paying the highest state taxes""
What does a person credit score have to do with rates on car insurance rates?
It should be against the law since everyone must carry car insurance. Also, what does my low credit score got to with my great driving record? Sounds like another reason to raise rates because most credit scores are low across the board. If someone pays their insurance company on time and has a good driving record should be their only concerns. Doesn't that make sense to raise car insurance rates to persons that had a hard time paying a bill, bit made all their car insurance payments on time. If there are others out there mad about this issue please help me do something about this robbing...""
Phoenix Arizona Cheap car insurance quotes zip 85017
Phoenix Arizona Cheap car insurance quotes zip 85017
Alliance United Insurance?
So I just want to know all of their current plans and prices? For 2 adults and 1 minor for auto insurance.. I live in California.. Thanks!
How much would motorcycle insurance cost for a teen?
I'm 17 now, but planning on getting my bike at 18. I'm thinking about getting a Kawaski Ninja 250R or a 500R sports bike.I live in California.""
Classic car for a teenager?
Coming up to my 17th birthday soon and i need to buy a car. The sort of car i like is the plymouth cuda 1970 opel manta 72 ford cortina 72 chevy 69 So that kind of muscle car look. However being a teenager i am limited to what i can drive. What would be a good buy and something i can get insured on. Hope you can help Thanks :)
What is the cheapest car insurance for someone who has tickets?
(male, living in sacramento, ca)""
Anyone know a dentist in NH/MA that is affordable?
Hey , my parents are having a really hard time with their teeth , and it kills me to see them in such pain and having nothing to help them. The thing is they don't have dental insurance because medicaid doesn't seem to cover it , my parents are both in need of some dental work for an affordable price because we do also live on a fixed income . Some please help , any places?""
Will my insurance go up that much if I buy a Camaro?
I currently have a 96 Pontiac Sunfire and I have Erie insurance which through them I have liability only on my car and my rates are $60.00 a month....I am 18,19 years old next month and I found on craigslist a guy who is desperately wanting to get rid of his camaro and is willing to trade it straight up for my sunfire,as he and his gf are having a baby and she wants him to get rid of his toy....now this camaro is a 95,fully loaded automatic,t tops, leather interior etc...and my sunfire is the basic model,manual windows,locks etc....so obviously Id be making out very well in value....now I am on my own insurance and my mother chewed me out when I told her about me maybe trading for this camaro...will my insurance go up THAT much?""
Whats the best insurance company and cheapest?
Heya im 17and looking at car insurance was wondering if any one has a goods insurance company and preferably a cheap one thanks
I need to get health insurance. What is the best affordable insurance.?
I travel within the united states so i need to be covered where ever i go. I can only afford 60.00 a month.
""California Life and Health Insurance, How can i Lower my Insurance rates?""
California Life and Health Insurance, How can i Lower my Insurance rates?""
Am I paying too much on car insurance?
Hi I am a learner driver and am paying 99 a month for my car insurance. I own a club corsa 1litre 51 reg. I am on fully comp insurance with elephant which is the cheapest i found. I have also insured my mum and bf who have both been driving for at least 5yrs but I am the main driver. Everyone seems to be paying less for their insurance even if they are boys with larger litre cars and all other details match. Am I getting overcharged? Surely it will go up when I past my test. Help please
What does no-fault auto insurance mean?
I live in California which, I think, is a no-fault state. What ramifications does that have if I'm in an accident? Does it matter, in any way, whether the accident is my fault or the other driver's fault? Thanks you.""
Auto Insurance Help....?
I need insurance on my car, and i don't fully own it, my name is on the title and i finaced it so i have a lien on it....i'm only 20 so full coverage is pretty expensive! would it be possible for my dad to be able to add me to his policy?""
Car insurance amount?
How much valid car insurance do you need to get a new vehichle tax disk?
How can i get homeowners insurance if i own a rottweiler?
i currently have gieco home insurance and they said they will not cover my home if i own a pit bull, rottie or chow what i'm i supposed to do with my rottie? please help""
Insurance for 2003 Mini One ?
i was wondering if any 17 year old males have been offered insurance for a mini one. and also what prices were offered?
A question about state farm auto insurance?
If I plan on buying a car with two seats, I'm male and get ok grades, what would be the difference in insurance costs if I got a car with 4 seats?""
Nissan GTR for a teenager?
Hey everyone, I am a 16 year old who runs a photography business in Nashville, TN. I have been saving up for a car for the last 7 years, originally for a BMW M3 or Audi S5. I have amassed about $25,500 to spend on the car, and have a steady income to pay for insurance and gas. There was a recent question asking whether it would be safe to give a child like myself a car like the M3 or the Nissan GTR. However, I feel as though such a generalized statement is grossly inappropriate. I feel that responsibility in an automobile should fully be determined by ones own experience and responsibility, as opposed to strictly ones age. For example, I have shifter cart racing experience, have taken multiple high performance driving courses from some of the best. (Truly recommend Bondurant's program BTW). I have over a 4.0 GPA, and am editor and director of an online magazine and our school's paper. I make a decent wage from a job and business that I created myself, and have learned marketing and advertising from some of the best in the field (anyone heard of the oldspice commercials?). My own determination has lead to success and my ability to reward myself with a highly exclusive and phenomonal driving machine. On the other hand, no one would doubt the maturity or ability of a man thrice my age attempting to buy the same vehicle, who had never driven on a track, who had never used ABS, and who had never learned the evasive driving techniques necessary to driving such an automobile. Herein lies the problem. In the previous discussion on this same topic, the driving of a GTR by someone my own age was likened to handing someone like myself a loaded .44 Magnum. However, this in itself is a stereotype. I am a nationally ranked rifle competitor who knows how to build, much less safely use, a .44 Magnum. I am a member of USA Shooting and the NRA and CMP competitive shooting divisions. How is handing me a loaded .44 any less safe than handing some retired man who has never held a gun the same pistol? I am at a loss for the logic in that situation. Is my inherent danger of being 16 such a risk as to counteract my own experience and track record of responsibility? SO back to my actual question. 1. If I purchased it, would you disapprove of allowing me to drive a car such as the GTR. and 2. Would you purchase a 2009 GTR, an 2008 M3, or a 2010 Jaguar XF? Why? Thanks in advance!""
I haven't received my national insurance?
I'm 16, going to turn 17 this year. I am from Bolivia (south america) I have live in the UK for 7 years and I don't received any benefits ... I haven't received my national insurance and i don't know why if any one knows why or how i can get? then please tell me thank you""
Do I need to get new car registration and insurance if I just had a title transfer?
I live in Minnesota. My dad was the previous car owner. He gave me the car as a gift. Do I need to get my own new insurance and get a new registration?
Who is the cheapest auto insurance carrier in FL?
Who is the cheapest auto insurance carrier in FL?
How to get car insurance?
So I'm 16 and i just got my permit back in early March, and i need car insurance by March of next year in order to move up to a level 2 license ...... only thing is, my parents don't have licenses (they never did) what should i do?""
I'am 16 and does anyone has an idea how much would be my car insurance. i live in toronto?
16 yr old and wondering
Increasing benefit insurance?
Are there life insurance companies in US that sell increasing benefit (benefit increases at fixed % each year) insurance. Note: Not variable life insurance
""Have SR-22 insurance, can I switch insurance companies?""
Hi, I've had sr-22 insurance through geico for a little over a year now, however due to recently moving to florida my monthly payments have gone through the roof. Do I have the option of switching to a cheaper insurance company without having to restart the 3 year mandatory holding of the sr-22?""
How much will it cost to put a learner driver on my car insurance?
How much will it cost to put a learner driver on my car insurance?
Phoenix Arizona Cheap car insurance quotes zip 85017
Phoenix Arizona Cheap car insurance quotes zip 85017
Cheapest women car insurance on a provisional?
im 23. got my own car, white, k reg, clio, automatic (1993) im only on a provisional license an ive found so far that my quotes r not very good. my highest as been 2027.57 an my lowest is 678.98 will i get anything lower. i know its cos of my age an cos im the main driver but if any women or men know any insurance companys that ave good lower prices then help me out thanks u never know wot ur get in return lol""
How much should i be paying for car insurance.?
im not sure if im over paying or not.. if i pay in full for 6 months up front it will be 700 dollars Im 22, married, and have only 1 speeding ticket that i recieved a year and a half ago.i have nothing else on my record I drive a 2002 eclipse that has been insured for 3 years straight, and i live in a small town with hardly any crime.""
Car insurance question?
Ok, So I was driving my moms car, which is insured, and i had a car accident. I am not under my moms policy. The car accident was not my fault. The person that hit my moms car also has insurance. If I report this to her insurance, what are the possibilities of them paying for my moms damages?""
Buying insurance to drive someone elses car?
My dad says if I want to drive his car, I need to pay for my own insurance on it incase I get into a car accident. How much would you think it would cost per month with the cheapest and best insurance company? - state farm and ect.""
Does anyone know how much your car insurance will go up on a 1st offence dui???
Does anyone know how much your car insurance will go up on a 1st offence dui???
Affordable car insurance for poor driving record?
About a year ago when I was in college I got cited for driving without insurance twice. Two years ago I have had my license suspended for minor traffic offenses. Recently, I decided to take a safe driver's course because when I originally started driving nobody ever taught me how. I am not required to have sr-22 insurance but I am wondering if that would be better than paying $450 which I am paying for Gieco. I am looking for someone in a SIMILAR situation or has USEFUL answers. If your answer is move to different state , you just have to deal with it , or shop around that doesn't help me.""
Can I get medi-cal if I already have health insurance?
I am insured with blue shield in California, and just found out I'm pregnant. My insurance doesn't cover prenatal care. I know my income qualifies me for California's medi-cal coverage for pregnant women, but will having insurance make it so that I won't qualify for medi-cal? Also, my live in boyfriend makes more than the income cap. Will that affect things? I just want to make sure I get some sort of medical care.""
Why not sell medical insurance like Auto insurance?
I know this is long but please bear with me. Rather than set up a separate government run medical insurance or expansion of medicare to the general public....One criticism of government care is that it will be in direct competition with existing providers. Ultimately siphoning insurance customers away from traditional plans and onto the rolls of govt care causing these providers to go out of business. Here in my state the auto insurance companies MUST offer the same basic minimum coverage in order to do business in the state. Everyone here must have at least the same basic level of insurance (both auto and medical) . You can go to any provider you choose and this basic minimum insurance level costs the same . If you want more insurance you can pay for additional coverage. But that basic plan is available to all. So why not have a similar program for medical insurance as part of a nation wide group policy. This group can be subsidized by the government but it would be managed by the existing insurance providers. (In other words if you want to be in the insurance business you must offer and support this minimum plan which would be a foundation for any other plan you offer) The govt pays the insurance company a flat rate to manage each person enrolled in the basic plan. The more money the company saves (the better they manage the insurance) the more money they keep. However if that company provides poor management it will cost them. Either subscribers will change management companies if they feel they are getting a raw deal or wasteful management would not be payed for by the government. One advantage I see here is that consumers would have an alternative providers to go to if they feel wronged by a particular management company. Insurance providers also have an incentive to offer additional services to the basic plan members in order to attract more subscribers and earn money. With a govt program like medicare your stuck with the one provider (the governement). As they say One Choice is NO Choice.... If someone wants additional insurance they can buy additional coverage from any provider they choose. But No one could be denied coverage for the standardized basic plan. Since everyone is part of this national group policy the basic insurance is portable and independent of supplemental policy one may have. So if you change jobs or move to a different state you may loose the supplemental policy BUT your basic coverage remains intact. You merely transfer the company that provides the management services for the basic medical. Insurance providers would get paid by the fed to manage the participants in the basic plan for each participant in the basic plan. this would put market forces into play for the insurance providers to make money by attracting additional participants through better service or offerings. COunter to this is if the consumer gets crappy management services they can transfer to any other insurance provider.
Car Insurance companies?
I have car insurance on my 2010 ford focus. When i signed up with them they never asked me about my title. it does have a salvage title but they never asked me if it had one or not. I have been insured with them for approximately almost 2 years with A+ plus driving history. I had some small damage that has been done to my car by a citizen of whom I have no idea but that scratch the sides of my vehicle with I guess the key or some type of odd objects. I put a claim in to have my car to be looked at and to have them to pay me the value of what my vehicle was worth. I've been paying full coverage since the day I started with them. when I put the claim in is when they discovered that it had a salvage title. Theey did send me a check for the amount of damages. this is an out of state check so its not able to be cash immediately. I have two questions I would like to ask. 1. are they able to put a stop on this check. 2. the retention department has been calling me what is the retention
What is an average monthly insurance rate for a 16 year old driver?
I want to get ideas for what people pay. I want to know where I can get the cheapest insurance.
What is the cheapest car to insure for a 17 year old girl?
My daughter has started driving lessons and will soon be looking to take her driving test, we are looking to buy a car for her, but want to start with what are the cheapest cars to insure""
""Why is it that if your pregnant, you can't get health insurance?""
I currently have Kaiser with my fathers business(I work for him). However, he is thinking of canceling the insurance. I found out 2 days ago that I am pregnant, my father still does not know, and I know he will be happy for me, and maybe will not cancel the insurance for me. However, why is it that if your pregnant you can't get insurance? How about if i still want to stick with Kaiser, but have it on my name only? Oh I live in Southern California cause I know sometimes people ask that.""
Would unemployment insurance work better if it were run by a private insurance company?
Would unemployment insurance work better if it were run by a private insurance company?
California insurance--driving a friends car???
I'm not an insured driver, but is it illigal if I drive a friend's car (that is insured) in California? What happens if i get in a wreck? I dont normally drive, but in case my friend's been drinking sometimes she'll ask me to drive her home. thanks.""
""How much do braces cost in los angeles, without insurance?""
I don't really have crooked teeth. My bottom teeth are straight... and my top teeth look straight from a frontal shot, but in reality one of my canine teeth is a little higher and outward then the rest. I want to straighten that one out. How much do braces cost without insurance? in cash! thakns""
""Guy at school hit my car, pocketing the insurance money?""
A guy at my college hit my car the other day, and the (lowest) estimate was $1,029. I only paid $1,650 for the car, so it feels like $1k is a little to much for a dent. However, I could really use the money because I just got laid off, have bills, and I'm running low on money. I know I am entitled to this money, but it be wrong to get it and then use it for bills? His dad asked me to do a $500 settlement without insurance, but I know I can get the $1,029. I really do need the money. Ethically, would it be wrong of me to do this?""
How much does a semi truck insurance cost?
Hi I'm thinking to have a truck. I want to know about the costs. Please, help me. I want to know about cost of a semi truck like insurance and ... How much does a truck driver pay for insurance. Thank you""
Average cost for house insurance for a trailer? (VA)?
My husband and I have been renting for years and are looking to purchase a single-wide trailer as a starter home. We're looking at 2009 models under $50,000. I've googled myself to death and can't find an idea of what our monthly insurance cost would be. Just a rough estimate would be nice, so we can continue with our budgeting. Thank you!""
I am trying to get health insurance however I do not have a home base with my job?
I contantly move from one place to another after only a month or a few. Does anyone know if there is any company that can cover someone like me who moves from state to state? The company I have spoke to said they only cover someone in one state and when you leave the state you only would get covered for emergency situations.
Since car insurance is required?
and for many car ownership is not an oppition, should car insurance be on a sliding scale?""
Types of car insurances?
types of car insurances available?
Whats the best insurance for my 2 month old Maltese/Yorkshire terrier puppy?
hes about 2.5 months old and hes half maltese have yorkshire terrier ...does anyone have any idea on what would be the best insurance suited for him?>
Proof of Insurance?
I just bought a car yesterday and I know that before I drive it off the lot I need proof of insurance, What exactly to I need to show them in order to take the car home with me .... keep in mind that my printer is out of ink, and I would like to take it home today if possible""
Will my insurance go up?
I recently got a speeding ticket and y parents are going to kill me. I need to know of my insurance will go up. I'm only 16 and we have State Farm Insurance and the insurance is liability. It is in the state of Tennessee. I really need to know if the insurance is going to come up or if I can just pay it of without my parents knowing.
What is the cost of premium insurance for 2003 pontiac vibe driven by a female only insured driver.?
What is the cost of premium insurance for 2003 pontiac vibe driven by a female only insured driver.?
Phoenix Arizona Cheap car insurance quotes zip 85017
Phoenix Arizona Cheap car insurance quotes zip 85017
Can you sell a car without insurance?
Hi all, Right, i want to sell my car. I have cancelled my car insurance and the car is parked on Private Land (off-road). The car DOES have valid TAX & MOT. If a potential buyer wants to view/test drive my car, will he be allowed to drive the car on the public road? As i have no insurance, would his Fully Comp cover my car to 3rd Party? The buyer will only be driving it for about 10-15 minutes. Thanx in advance!""
""I've got a '74 Dodge Avco RV, how much would it cost for insurance?""
It's 28 footer. And maybe if you knew how much it would cost for tires and even a lube and tune, i would appreciate it!""
I have no insurance how much does it cost to fix a broken windshield (the back windshield).?
I have no insurance how much does it cost to fix a broken windshield (the back windshield).?
GMAC Auto Insurance Experience?
Anyone have GMAC auto insurance? If you do, please share your experience on how they apply discount and handle claims. I ask around for quotes online and the 2 insurance that gave me good quotes are Wawanesa and GMAC. Both seems to be good company but I would like to get some input from my fellow yahoo users. I currently have Allstate but their prices keeps going up instead of going down for all the discounts they put on my record ie. good driver, Home Owners, multiple policy and renewal. I ask the agent every renewal but they keep telling me that the insurance rate is going up in California which I doubt should happen every 6 months. Please no advertisement.""
Can I drive this car without insurance?
So i just bought a new 350z model 06 from someone and i was wondering if i can drive it for couple of days. I live in California, near oakland and san jose. I heard people telling me that when u buy a new/used car u can drive it for 15-30 days without insurance. If someone knows a link to some stuff about this please tell me :D Thanks.""
Why is my car insurance so high?
I have full coverage insurance on my 2005 Honda civic and I am paying a little over $850 every six months. Every quote I get isn't much better. Why is it so expensive? My insurance lady says that it's because I am a young driver with a newer car. But my YOUNGER sister has a car 2 years newer than mine and she pays about $350 less every six months. I have no tickets on my record. I did have my license suspended about 5 years ago. Why is it so expensive and how can I get it down? I can't afford this sh* t. Thank you!
""Wrecked best friends car, no license, I'm uninsured, 18 and terrified! I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!!!!!!?""
So, I am 18, and yesterday my cousin was planned to come in from the UK at the Sky Harbor Airport in, Arizona. On my way there I was driving at a close speed limit of 50, speed limit was 45, approaching a red light, I was slowing down, when something abruptly ran across the road, close to the car, causing me to slam on the breaks, losing control of the wheel, and I tumbled 4 times over the street, busting the side window, scraping some paint, and cracking the windshield. Thankfully, I was not hurt, no neck, back, leg, or any body injuries for that matter. The police was near by, so helped me out, firefighters took care of me, to make sure I was okay. And then the report happened. I told them the honest truth, they said that I won't be arrested, or given a ticket, but I do have to go to court to prove I had no insurance. I don't know what to do, I know it was completely idiotic driving without a license, and no permit, with no insurance, but my friend has insurance on the car. I have the police report, and I don't know what I have to do, but I will help him with anything as this is my best friend, and I am not straying away from this situation. Will his insurance cover this? Do I look okay is this situation? PLEASEEEE! Someone help me! I'm desperate for advice, I've definitely learned my lesson, and I have no family here in Arizona as they are all in Georgia, I am here for school at ASU, please tell me his insurance will cover this!""
Where can i get cheap car insurance?
im driving a six years old Saab aero convertible.and on red 'p' and im 26yrs old.i was told i have to pay near $5000 a year .is there any other way to get around it?
Can i register a car under my name even though it will be under my parents insurance?
i wanna get a car but i cant afford insurance at this time, my parents said it might be cheaper to just add my car to there insurance but can i still register the vehicle under my name?""
Does anybody have Affordable Health Care benefits for individuals and the entire family?
Are you or your family looking for affordable Premier Health Care Savings Plan with up to $2,000 Accident Coverage with only $100 Deductible(on or off the job at school or at play)You ...show more""
How much does insurance range to for motorcycles?
How much does insurance range to for motorcycles?
What is the best insurance for a new driver?
Im 18 and just got my license in october 2013. I bought a 1992 honda civic and I dont know what insurance is best for me. What do you guys suggest? I live in orange county, if that helps haha thanks!""
I have cancelled my car insurance?
I have cancelled my car insurance for my old car , because I have bought a new car . . . Now I am waiting to sell it , but I don't know where I should keep it . . Is there any problems if I'll leave in front of my house in the car park without a insurance ? Thank You""
I have a question about a car wreck and insurance?
I got rear-ended the other day and it's the first time I've ever been in an accident. I got an estimate and it was $1800 dollars. I paid $800 for the car! I have heard of people using the money for other things, I was wondering can I just keep the money and sell the car and maybe buy a new one, or do I have to have it fixed at the place I got the estimate at? I'm also wondering if there is anything I should look out for as far as crafty insurance people? He's coming to inspect the car tomorrow. Thanks for your reply.....""
Will filing a claim raise both insurance rates?
I just got in a car accident and my car is pretty messed up in the front. However, the truck's rear bumper only has a few scratches on it and it was my fault. If he decides to file a claim, will his insurance rates go up also?""
Can I drive my car while waiting to get my tags and insurance?
I just recently (like today) bought a car from a private party, and I don't have insurance yet. I have to get my insurance over the phone, but I don't know if they'll take ...show more""
What is the cheapest way for me to get car insurance?
So I am in a bit of a pickle. I was fortunate enough for my mom to buy me car. However, I need to pay for insurance. She has an insurance company but I am not allowed to be added on it until I am 21, because her car is a company car and has special insurance. So I cannot be added under her. So what is the cheapest way to insure my new car. Do my own insurance and pay a lot more $$. Or have her do another insurance on this car and add me as a secondary driver. Although, we would both be paying insurance and I am the only one driving. Bit it would pretty much cost the same. What do I do to get a cheap insurance company and how! NOTE: Please do not leave a link and say go to this website (They never work, take forever, need all this info, and some cost money) Also dont say call an insurance company. For now just please give me advice. Thanks (:""
What is the cheapest DUI insurance in california for a male when i become 18?
I just want liability for other drivers and i will get a crappy car so i dont need coverage for it. & I am 17 now. Am i able to get insurance if i don't have someone 18 or older sign for it? any ideas? Thank you
Car insurance when go to college?
i'll be living in the dorm for college this fall, and my parents decide to cut my car insurance since i only come home for thanksgiving(7 days), winter break(1 month), spring break(10 days), and summer(2 months). is it possible to buy insurance temporarily for those breaks that i come back? thanks""
""If I get a car registered to me, can I still be on my parents insurance?""
does it make sense,like I want the title to it, but still want to be on their insurance. It wouldn't seem like my car if they had both the tittle and insurance with me as a secondary driver!""
Insurance help please?
When buying car insurance, I'm looking at fully comprehensive what is volentary and compulary excess? Hwta do these amounts mean. Also, my car got broken into twice this year and my partner was in an accident so we have a LOT of claims... Any tips for keeping my insurance down? Im trying all of the search engines, but this is busting my brain!!""
""What will insurance cost me on a 1977 corvette, or even a 1988 corvette?""
I'm a 16 year old male, new driver, and my mom wont allow me to get this corvette which is at a great price of 4,000. She says the insurance will be to high, is this true?""
Can paying monthly for car insurance increase credit score?
I was just wondering if I pay my monthly insurance bill if my credit score would go up? I am trying to build my credit score after having a real bad score. I know that if you have a recurring payment it will increase the score, but does that include car insurance? I have the money to pay my insurance for the year all at once (birthday present) but if it helps my score to pay monthly, I'll just keep the money in my account and pay monthly. Thanks!""
Does car insurance cover only one car per policy?
Like, if I had many cars, would the policy cover all those cars for one fee or would I have to get insurance for each car? I feel like each policy only covers one car but I'm not for sure which is why I'm here. And if there is such a car insurance that covers x amount of cars for one fee, let me know. Thanks for taking the time to answer this.""
Taxes on insurance?
My sister passed away in a plane crash and the plane was insured. If the insurance company wrote me a check for $50,000 how much should I be expecting to pay in taxes? I'm so confused....""
Phoenix Arizona Cheap car insurance quotes zip 85017
Phoenix Arizona Cheap car insurance quotes zip 85017
0 notes
Alakanuk Alaska Cheap car insurance quotes zip 99554
"Alakanuk Alaska Cheap car insurance quotes zip 99554
Alakanuk Alaska Cheap car insurance quotes zip 99554
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecost.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Inexspensive insurance for a first time under 21 car buyer?
I'm 18, plan on purchasing a car soon. Honestly, which car I purchase is based off my monthly insurance payment. Im young & back in November I recieved my first speeding ticket, I paid it instead of going to court.. Worst choice ever. Anyways, Does anybody know good cheap insurance for a driver like myself? Below are a list of cars that are on my list.. 1. 2004 BMW 745LI 2. 2002-2003 BMW M3 3. 2004-2005 Audi A8L 4. 2007 Jeep Wrangler (4-Door) Please help. Thanks!""
1 Day Car Insurance?
Does anyone know of companies that offer one day car insurance for 20yr old they all seem to be 25 and over why is that.....
""In general, How much does car insurance go down after marriage?""
I live in Seminole County Fla, am 22 and getting married. I pay 135ish a month now, how much does it usually go down???? I'm not asking exact just a rough estimate?""
""How much would car insurance be for a f, pa, 16?""
how much would pa car insurance be for a 16 year old, female driver car suggestions: -mustang -X3 or any car on the hyprid/luxury end?""
Insurance for a subaru wrx?
what can be an estimate for a subaru wrx for insurance price? im 18 and i have had my license for 2 years without any tickets i live in california
How long with a car accident affect your insurance rates in California?
I was found at fault for two accidents (damage >$750) a couple years ago and also got ticketed for turning right on a red at a no right on red light. I just spoke with my car insurance company and was told that the accidents will remain on my record for 5 years. Is that true? I looked up the DMV code for California and it looks like the accidents are reportable for only 3 years (no one was hurt, no felony or criminal charges - these were small fender benders). Is the reporting time really 5 years?""
Will I get dropped from my insurance?
i took a urine test with my doctor the other day. I asked what h was testing for and he said everything , so Im not sure what hes testing. He said he was gonna check for diabetes and what not. I was wondering, in the case he drug tests me can he tel my insurance? Can I get dropped from the insurance for this? I smoked weed about 5 weeks ago. I live in California amd hnet is my insurance. Thanks!""
Insurance price.?
how much would insurance cost for a 16 year old buy. like on average?
What is the cheapest car insurance?
What is the cheapest car insurance?
I want to add an extra driver on to my car insurance for 7 days what would be the average price of this?
I want to add an extra driver on to my car insurance for 7 days what would be the average price of this?
Will my insurance rate go down when I get my license? I have my learners permit?
I have my learners permit and i was paying about 120 a month in insurace, If I go get my license, will my insurance go down?""
Does Geico have the cheapest car insurance?
I've always had Geico and it was the cheapest a couple years ago. Is that still the case?
Insurance company stepping over the line?
I was rear-ended last Friday. The lady who hit me was totally at fault, and admitted it to her insurance company. I have filed through my insurance company, gave them a verbal and recorded statement and my vehicle has been assessed with damages over $5000 dollars. Here's the catch....the insurance company of the lady who hit me calls me daily (leaves messages) asking me to talk and give a second recorded statement to them even though they know I have already given my insurance company one. I have talked to my insurance company about this...and they said legally I do not have to talk to them at all....I am not filing through them and that's that. Is this standard or is the other insurance company trying to be sneaky?? Thanks!""
How much would it cost for insurance for a 2001 Lamborghini Diablo? Haven't found anything online.?
Me and my friend were just online looking up Lamborghini prices and was wondering what the insurace would be. Couldn't find anything online that would give a quote. Anyone know where to go or know this?
Can i own a bike without insurance or license?
ive got my mod 2 soon and will have my license soon enough. ive seen a bike that i would like to buy and am going to buy it. can i have the bike in the garage? it wont be ridden until i have my license and insurance. just wondering if its against the law yet to own a bike without insurance
Paying my car insurance off early?
I have the cash to do so. And i only owe about 200 cause i already paid 2 months off early. But im jw when the next bill will be so i dont have to worry about. If it helps any i have the general car insurance they are local so idk if itll help lol
Health Insurance?
Can someone reccomend some good affordable health insurance policies for people who's work place does not have health insurance yet. I'm looking for something with good coverage that wont cost me an arm and a leg. Here is a list of things i want on this coverage in order of priority: 1.Mental Health Coverage (dont refer state and government run things because i fall through the cracks on their rules) 2.Dental (i love and want to keep me teeth) 3.Doctor visits (i dont go to the doc much even when i am sick)
What are the best private health insurance plans in Ca. & Florida?....And which state is more affordable?
What are the best private health insurance plans in Ca. & Florida?....And which state is more affordable?
Need cheaper car insurance?
right now im paying 388 with a company called dairyland insurnace. i have points on my license right now. and it is killing me. the car is a 06 dodge stratus. should i raise my deductible? switch to aig insurnace. this is just way too much. the lowest id prefer to go is 300 even. anyone know any good companies or the best way to find cheap insurnace . should i look in the yellow pages and not the net
Which insurance company insures in the us and in canada?
question is in the title.
""If I move to a new state and buy a new car insurance policy, must I report violations in other states?""
i had two car accidents - one in arizona in summer 2004 and the other in texas in summer 2005, both of which i was at fault. at the time, i had california car insurance, which covered my accidents. i did everything legally and paid for my mistakes. i just moved to pennsylvania and need to buy a new car insurance policy here. do i need to report my prior car accdidents to my new insurance company? if I don't tell them about them, willl they find out anyway?""
Is getting the cheapest possible car insurance a good idea?
Like SafeAuto.
What qualifies you for Medicaid in California?
Im 19years old. im in school but didnt get enough classes to stay on my parents insurance. now i dont have any and i only make like 600 dollars a month. i also dont get any financial aid for school. IM not pregnant or anything, i just need insurance. How much would it cost me per month to have Medicaid? Do i even Qualify? What does it cover if i do? How long would it take to get on it? PLease help im stressing so much about this.""
Cheapest Insurance company?
I'm looking to downsize my premium today and called about 10 largest companies, I'm sure there's more that has more affordable rates Thank you""
How bad would my insurance rates be?
I have the money to buy a used 04 S2000 now, but my parents are paying for the insurance and I don't want to make them pay a lot. My father is 47 and wants to put the car under his name if I buy it. If it matters, I'm 18, straight A's in high school if (GPA matters), two years of driving experience, and I live in Indiana. Would the insurance rates for this car be a lot? If possible, does anybody have an estimate?""
Alakanuk Alaska Cheap car insurance quotes zip 99554
Alakanuk Alaska Cheap car insurance quotes zip 99554
Which is the best website to find cheaper car insurance?
I havent found a quote on-line before, and am not keen on supplying all me personal informtion. Is this standard procedure when requestin a quote? Please recommend the best website to find the best deal. Thanks!""
How long does insurance company have to respond to a claim?
Was in wreck w/semi-truck in Oct.. Driver took pic of wreck and brought back w/him. His insurance will not respond to lawyer. How long to they have to respond. If anyone knows, about average amount a trucking company will pay. They found out I have nerve damage to right leg-may not ever be able to return too work. Thanks for any input.""
Whats The Cheapest Car To Get Insurance For?
Whats The Cheapest Car To Get Insurance For?
How much would my mom and dad's car insurance go up if I got my license?
Because there not even gonna let me take the test until I find a job,because there insurance will go up. But by how much. I thought it was cheaper if you were a girl, got good grades and went through drivers ed?""
Can i buy my own health insurance?
Can i buy my own health insurance? i'm 17.
""No fault claim on car insurance, will rate go up?""
My truck was hit by a car while parked in valet parking. The valet company was not driving the other car, it was a lady who tried to get around my truck because she did not want to use the valet. The valet company took her insurance information and wrote a report indicating what happened. I only have a few deep scratches on my bumper, but it is a new car and kind of want to get it fixed because it is new. I was hesitant to call my insurance and tell them about it because I have heard that a claim is a claim on my record regardless of fault. I did call my insurance to discuss the situation and when I could ask if my insurance would go up for a no fault claim, the lady told me she just filed the claim and an adjuster would contact me in a few days to answer all my questions. If it is only a few hundred dollars in damage, I would have rather paid it myself than have a claim. Anyone experience anything like this and how long does claim stay on record in case I have a real claim someday?""
What is the average price of insurance and cargo on a Semi truck and trailer? Specifically for my own?
authority and getting loads off load board and running all 48 states?
Motorcycle insurance full coverage?
I pay full coverage for my motorcycle and my co worker who is still paying on his bike has way cheaper insurance then me. Were the same age. Is it possible not to have full coverage when you have a loan for the bike? I know your suppose to, i do but i would think the insurance company could find out some how if you told them it was paid off..right?""
How too lower car insurance?
this is a extension to my previous question. Im 17 years old and want too buy a 2008 honda civic EX. I would like too start making payments on the car before i head off too college next year. So i need to convince my parents that it wont increase there insurance rates. My dad owns a 1976 jetta and i thought he could put me down as the driver of the jetta and put him as the driver of the 2008 civic so the insurance rates wont go up. is that a good idea ? Any other ideas how i can lower insurance rates? thanks
Does anyone know any good anad affordable insurance for first time drivers in the state of Florida.?
I'm 22 years old and I'm a first time driver, and I just got my car. I was wondering if anyone knew of any affordable auto insurance in the state of Florida, that wouldn't cost too much to put down, and the monthly payments low?""
What is the cheapest/reliable car insurance company in Miami Florida ?
I have clean record, 34 years old.""
How much does health insurance in the UK cost on average?
Btw, I live in the UK, I know we have the NHS, but my Aunty has health insurance as part of her benefits package at work and she says private healthcare is way better than the NHS. So I'm just wondering how much health insurance costs on average in the UK?""
Where can I find cheap young male car insurance on any car?
I'm a 17 year old driver who has just passed my test and when i go to quote myself on any car its either unquotable or something like 20,000 a year or something stupid even with immobilizers trackers parked in a garage etc and when i put my mum as the main driver (she has 5 year NCD) it only dropped like 200 so i don't understand how people are getting it below 10000 let alone 2000. I haven't bought a car yet but could somebody tell me what is the up most cheapest car to insure and all the combinations that make it cheaper. Once more annoying is that I live in a pretty nicer area so you wouldn't think it would cost as much compared to other people but they seem to get theirs cheaper.""
What is a good insurance plan for some one 49 years?
Single, non smoker. I don't have health insurance and Im gonna need it. I don't know where to start.""
Car insurance for teens !! Help?
So I live in Benton Louisiana and I'm 15. I'm about to turn 16 and my mon said that she won't let me drive or get me a car because insurance is expensive. How much is insurance for 16 year olds?! It just really makes me mad because at first she was all for it and said that she would get me a car since she ruined my 15th birthday. Now, she just let my hopes down once again. That's why I want to know like about how much is car insurance for teens. Thank you!!""
""Is a $2,000 deductible 'affordable?'?""
Obamacare: Is a $2,000 deductible 'affordable?' http://money.cnn.com/2013/06/13/news/economy/obamacare-affordable/index.html""
Good used sports car that won't jack up my insurance?
I am 17 and getting my license in november and I want to buy sports car (ex:mustang) that won't jack up my insurance, and won't break down all the time, my budget is about 12,000. Any recommendations?""
Where can I get free life insurance quotes?
I need a website that gives free life insurance quotes?
Financed a motorcycle do i need full coverage or can i buy liabilty?
I know the lender of the loan wants his money even if the bike gets stolen/totaled/breaks down what ever. But why do i need to have full coverage. So if the bike gets stolen/totaled whatever isn't all the lender worried about is getting his money? So if that happens i will tell the lender not to worry i will keep paying payments until the loan is paid off because i dont want to ruin my credit.
What Car insurance should i get at 18 years old?
I am an 18 year old who is unemployed. I need car insurance that is cheap and is helpful. I need to know how much insurance is.
Anyone know any cheap car insurance?
Im just trying to save a little money.
""Pregnant, parents health insurance?""
I just found out that I am pregnant, and i am currently under my parents health insurance, I am 20 and a full time college student, will my parents insurance drop me because I am pregnant? If I quit school they will also drop me right?""
How much will my insurance be when I start driving next month?
I am turning 16 next month and I'm just wondering what the insurance cost will be. I believe I'll be driving my dads Chevy trailblazer which we've had for 5 or 6 years and has been paid off with no wrecks and such. We live in NC. In one of the country parts (not going to give out where I exactly live sorry creepers). I'll only use it to go to school which is like 5 minutes away and work which is right around that same time and maybe occasionally go into Wilmington which is like 30 min away. Thanks!
How much would insurance be for...?
A 2001 Audi TT, Turbo I think. It would be for a 16-17 year old. Kept in the drive way or a locked garage. I think the car itself is about $6,000 without tax. Dont tell me abunch of stuff like all these statistics and stuff like depending on .... I just want your personal opinoin/rough estimate how much it would be per year or month. I would probably be the occasional driver, and my dad would probably be the primary driver, even though Id drive it more often. Just give me a rough estimate in your opinoin.""
How much can you lie while obtaining new auto insurance?
I'd like to know... Whenever you're trying to obtain new auto insurance they take your driver's license number & social security number.. You'd think that they could look up any tickets/accidents you've gotten into. BUT, why do they ask? If you forget an incident, will they find out? This is coming from a 21 year old who was already paying $1,200 over 6 months for insurance and was involved in an rear-end collision doing 15 in congestion on the interstate, now my premium is $2000 for 6 months.""
Alakanuk Alaska Cheap car insurance quotes zip 99554
Alakanuk Alaska Cheap car insurance quotes zip 99554
Insurance (california)?
I'm an international student who goes to college in Iowa. I have a college insurance and I guess it convers most of meetings with doctors. Now, I'm taking 3 months-summer session at University of California. I think I 've heard some stuff that I need to have Californian insurance to stay here. What is this? Is it wrong? Plus, my wisdom teeth is coming out recently. It starts to hurt. Does insurance in America covers dental work?""
Whats the insurance for a first driver teen?
Im gonna be driving in a couple mths and i need to know a ins rate. I will be getting a 1998 Ford Mustang V6. I live in Houston, Texas. If u know leave an answer. Thx""
Is it legal to keep a check from my health insurance company that they expect me to pay the doctor with?
We are having a really difficult time financially. My husband gets a very large bonus in December and we will be back on track and then some. So here's my question. I recently ...show more
Affordable insurance for children in Texas?
Does any one know of any insurance for children living in Texas? I had medicaid for my children; but, got disqualified because of a vehicle that we recently purchased. Our income really stinks. But, we never thought that it would affect us. But the resources count against us.""
How are illegal immigrants getting free health care?
I heard in a lot of debate about illegal immigrants and how they care free services such as health care. I became a U.S citizen two years ago and I've been trying to find cheaper and quality health care, but I couldn't. I researched free health care online, but can't find it. I don't have health insurance, so whenever I visit the doctor, I either pay upfront if it's about $200 or they send me the bills if its way higher. So how are illegal immigrants getting free health care?""
Which is the best of the car insurance price comparison websites?
And is there like a website that you can go to that lets you compare them easily?
""Insurance , real estate, law question?""
if a person drive a vehicle :D, the vehicle is under the other person name H, H buy the car insurance, the D doenst have the car insurance, and D get in the car accident with K, K is the one who is false, Who is the one false in this situation, it is D or K. Because K are false, will K insurance company pay all the fee in the accident and hospital? Will K insurance company pay for the damage K cause for D? Will K insurance company pay for D health injuries? Even if D doesnt have the insurance, D drive under the vehicle that belong to H, H has the vehicle AND INSURANCE UNDER HER NAME, AND D is H sister.""
I need Health Insurance Tips?
Hey there, I was hoping to get some input from families in WA State, or anywhere if you want to help me. I just need ideas on where to get affordable health insurance for my family? If anyone has advice for me that would be great. Thank-you!""
Motor trade insurance?
I am looking for motor trade insurance that will insure a 19 year old as a named driver, my father has 6 years commercial no claims discount, he will be the proposer and i will be a named driver. has anyone recently been insured or knows a insurance company that will insure a 19 year old please let me know, much appreciated thank you. I have been quoted 2995 with motrade, but i am restricted to 1600cc engines with (no turbo with petrol) but i need to be able to drive bmw 320d. so a minium of 2000cc.""
I got a police report...will my insurance get a hold of it???
My bf was driving and he doesnt have a license :( will my insurance get the police report...causing the rates to go up????
How come my insurance is going up?
My mom just told me that the insurance company is raising my insurance by like 168$(6 month pay day) and I dont know why. I havent gotten a ticket, pulled over or anything. I mean at school I get parking infractions and stuff and it says ' your license plate has been reported to the police department' but ive gotten multiples of those and have friends that have gotten way more and nothing happens. So I want to know a reason on why the insurance would be going up. Thanks""
Did you see the left/right coalition letter against the health insurance mandate?
March 19, 2010 Dear Member of Congress: On behalf of our organizations and the millions of people we represent, we strongly encourage you to oppose the individual mandate in the Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act of 2009. Our groups and members may disagree on what are the best solutions to our health care problems, but this unprecedented coalition of organizations from across the political spectrum agrees that forcing individuals to buy insurance from private companies under the threat of fines or jail is not the reform we need. The individual mandate is a section of the bill that requires every single American to buy health insurance-whether or not they want it or feel they can afford it-or break the law and face penalties and fines. Consequently, the bill does not actually cover 30 million more Americans-instead it makes them criminals if they do not buy insurance from private companies. We hope you agree that it is unconscionable to force people to buy a product from a private insurer. This would effectively be a tax-and a huge one-paid directly to a private industry. Enacting this mandate would be a major victory for the insurance companies at the expense of the American people. It should be no surprise they support the government forcing everyone to buy their product. Imagine how the hamburger industry would respond if the government forced everyone to have hamburgers for lunch or pay fines? According to the President's Council of Economic Advisers, the average annual premium for single coverage is $4,321. If the 46 million uninsured are forced to purchase private health insurance at that price, then the insurance industry stands to bring in up to $200 billion in new insurance premiums per year. The Senate bill also includes an estimated $630 billion in corporate welfare for private insurance companies in the form of subsidies over the next 10 years, creating even less incentive than currently exists for private insurance premiums to be lowered. To make matters worse, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services estimates that 19 million Americans would not buy insurance and as a result would be forced to pay $29 billion in taxes/fines. The Joint Committee on Taxation has made it clear that failure to pay these fines could result in jail time. Thirty-six states have passed or are considering measures that would allow their residents to opt out, including Virginia, Utah, Pennsylvania, Florida, Minnesota, Michigan, Georgia and Ohio. Given these fact, it is not surprising that a recent NBC News poll finds 57 percent of Americans do not want the government to create a law that requires everyone to have health insurance coverage and that only 38% of Americans favor the mandate, making it the least popular part of the bill. The American people stand in firm opposition to the individual mandate. We stand with them. We hope you will, too. Sincerely, Americans for Tax Reform, Grover Norquist, President Democrats.com, Bob Fertik, President Healthcare-NOW!, Katie Robbins, National Organizer FreedomWorks, Matt Kibbe, President and CEO Progressive Democrats of America (PDA), Tim Carpenter, Director Campaign for Liberty, John Tate, President 60 Plus Association, Jim Martin, President Liberty Tree Foundation, Ben Manski, Executive Director Hector Barreto, Chairman, The Latino Coalition National Taxpayers Union, Duane Parde, President National Coalition of Organized Women, Consuela Sylvester, Ohio Director Citizens for Health, Jim Turner, Chairman Competitive Enterprise Institute, Gregory Conko, Senior Fellow American Association of Small Property Owners, F. Patricia Callahan, President U.S. Bill of Rights Foundation, Dane vonBreichenruchardt, President Institute for Liberty, Andrew Langer, President Santa Monicans for Safe Drinking Water Coalition, Gene Burke, Founder, Director Alliance for Natural Health USA, Gretchen DuBeau, Executive Director Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, Dr. Jane Orient, Executive Director Fairfax County Privacy Council, Mike Stollenwerk, Chairman The Rutherford Institute, John W. Whitehead, President Pain Relief Network, Siobhan Reynolds, Executive Director American Policy Center, Tom DeWeese, President Justice Through Music, Brett Kimberlin, Director Velvet Revolution, Brad Friedman, Co-Founder After Downing Street, David Swanson, Co-Founder Project Vote Smart, Mark A. Adams, Founder Democracy in Action (DIA), Dorothy Reilly, Organizer Squadron13.com, Gordon Sturrock, Founder Democracy for America - Tucson Chapter, Richard Kaiser, Co-chair DownWithTyranny.com, Howie Klein, Publisher Center for Financial Privacy and Human Rights, J. Bradley Jansen, Director DownsizeDC.org, Inc., Jim Babka, President Cyber Privacy Project, Richard Sobel, Director Citizens For Legitimate Government, Lori R. Price, Managing Editor Republican National Hispanic Assembly, Minnesota Chapter, Rick Agui""
I live i Delaware and have had my car impounded due to having no insurance.?
I will be getting insurance this friday. After I do that what do I need to do to get my car back this weekend about how much will it cost? Is this a fee I pay at the troop or do I pay towing and storing charges?
Am I paying too much for insurance?
So both me and my wife share vehicle... We are insured through aaa with 500 deductible. We pay quarterly and it cost about 360 until our last statement came which was 435 (it went up). The car is a Chevy hhr 2006 with about 125k mileage on it. We only travel about 8 miles per day to work. Both of us are late twenties, she was involved in a hit and run a year ago (someone hit her costing 3000 in damages) while I got a speeding ticket for $185 2 months ago (those are our only two incidents in past 3 years)... Both of us have good credit, we are not homeowners as yet. Both of us has been on the policy for 2 years now and she has been the only owner (it's in her name). Are we over paying?""
Who has the cheapest auto insurance in California?
I have a second car that has been inop and I want to sell. I only need insurance for about a month.
Should Teens Have To Wait Till 18 To Get A Drivers License?
I look at it this way. I almost if not all states, you have to be 18 to enter into a binding contract. So basically that means my son can't borrow $500 from the bank, but can be responsible for a 3,000+ Lbs. of steel on wheels. I just don't see why driving is the exception to the rule. In my state, a person over 70 has to take a written test.. The same given to new drivers, one time before they get a license. So does anyone agree with this? Or if you don't, why?""
Geico Car Insurance?
I have a 2013 Mitsubishi Lancer GT. My mother took the loan out and I was wondering can I get my own insurance (19 years old) and insurance the mitsubishi even though the loan is in her name?
What company has the best motorcycle insurance in Maryland?
What company has the best motorcycle insurance in Maryland?
""Question about McCain's $5,000 medical insurance plan?""
I want both sides of the story. Is $5,000 the only thing McCain is going to do for medical insurance? I mean is that the bulk of his plan? Is that the only direct change you will see in medical insurance? P.S only talk about this issue. I don't want you to blabber on about the war or about anything irrelevant.""
Low premium high return life insurance policies of life insurance corporation of india?
is jeevan saral a good choice?
California auto insurance???
back in may i was driving someone else's car someone backed out of the drive way and hit me minor damage on back bumper. i gave the insurance info of the owner of the car since i didnt have any and it was her fault didnt think it was that big of a deal to do that if it was not my fault i recorded my statement months back but now they want me to re record my statement they said they lost it so giving the insurance of someone else that was not driving is that illigal what kind of trouble can/could i get in to? IF ANY??
Car insurance help in NC?
If your insurance is canceled will I have to pay to get the tag legal again,if so how much.Thanks in advance :)""
What is the cheapest & best health insurance plan in the state of New York.?
I live in Great Neck. Need insurance for a family of four two adults around their 30's, and two young boys. -Dental Insurance -Health Insurance -Eye Insurance""
Selling my car without insurance?
Hi, I live in fayette county, lexington ky, and was wanting to sell my car, but on my local dmv website, it says I have to have a liability insurance, but I don't have one and can't afford it. What should I do?""
What do they test for when getting Life Insurance?
I wanted to get a life insurance policy for my family and myself. They want to take blood and a urine sample. What are they looking for? Drugs, nicotine, disease???? What's the deal?""
Alakanuk Alaska Cheap car insurance quotes zip 99554
Alakanuk Alaska Cheap car insurance quotes zip 99554
Allstate Teen Car Insurance?
Does anyone know the title and who sings the song on the Allstate Teen Car Insurance commercial where they drive away and never come back? I swear I've heard parts of it on something else and its driving me insane.
Costco car insurance?
a friend of mine the other day told me that she pays 90 dollars/month on her full coverage car insurance and she is 16 years old. I just wanted to know if there is a catch because it sounds too good to be true.
Where can I find affordable dental insurance?
I am 24 years old, full time student with no job. I am need of dental work ASAP. They are trying to charge me over $2,000 for extracting 4 wisdom teeth and i cannot afford it.""
Paying insurance monthly?
ive never booked insurance myself before if your happy with your online quote can you ring them up tell them your saved quote ref and then arrange monthly payment/direct debit rather than having to go through all questions again on the phone? what will happen then? will they have to check stuff get your bank details and then send paperwork through? the insurance is going to be in my name but im giving my partners bank card details for direct debit would that be ok?
Is progressive auto insurance good?
Is progressive auto insurance good?
Driving without insurance?
My mom has insurance in her name for her car. I passed my road test yesterday and got my license. Can i legally drive the car with her INSIDE of the car? I'm not listed on her insurance? If i get pulled over do i legally have insurance? What will happen?
""I knocked over a stop sign with someone else's car, whose insurance company do I use?""
Nothing happened to the car, I just need to pay for the stop sign. (I still don't understand why they can't just stick the sign back in. Nothing happened to it.) Anyway, I'm wondering if I should call my insurance company, or the person's insurance company. The police took the insurance # of the car's owner, but to file a report, do I call my company or his? (We both have the same company, USAA, but I don't know what policy # to use.)""
Confused about insurance law in CA?
Hey guys, I obtained my license a couple weeks back but I do not have insurance, meaning I was not added to my parent's premiums yet and do not have my own as well. However, the car that I drive does have insurance on it. Just clarifying, but technically, it is illegal for me to drive as of right now correct? Or is it legal for me to drive as long as the car has insurance? Thanks!""
When does car insurance lower for a guy?
I am 20 years old, I have been driving for the past 4 years with my parents cars. I pay through my parents for my insurance. I am looking to buy my own car and the insurance is only slightly lower than paying for what I have now! I looked at an 01 Ford Focus and it will cost my $1200 for 6 months! I also looked at a Ford Taurus it was about $900 for 6 months, a 97 Malibu is about the same as is a 97 Olds. The cheapest insurance I could find was a 94 Ford Ranger which is only $850 for 6 months. When does car insurance lower for a guy?""
Average cost Motorcycle Insurance?
Hello, Does anyone know the average cost for motorcycle insurance in Arizona?""
Cheap insurance companies in Calgary Alberta?
What is a good cheap insurance companies in Calgary, Alberta?""
Would removing individual state's regulation of health care insurance reduce insurance cost?
Would removing state control and regulations on insurance companies bring down insurance cost? Right now there are 50 separate markets in the USA for health insurance. In each one, the cost of policies is based a profit mix of that particular market. Would removing state boundaries and allowing insurance companies to design policies at the national level rather than the state level make insurance more affordable? Shouldn't we try a reasonable approach such as this before leaping into a federal healthcare plan?""
What cars get low insurance rates?
i am a 16 yearold and just planning ahead for when im 17 and get my G2. I want to buy my own car...obviously a used one...a very cheap one. I am looking to spend as little money as possible on GAS and INSURANCE. I understand there are possible discounts for good students, or if you take a driving course...but in general, what cars get low insurance?""
How much should i settle my auto injury claim for? please someone help me out!?
Question Details: i had an acccident about a year and half ago and i was a passenger. i have no health insurance and have been footing all medical bills thus far. i am writing a demand letter right now but am wondering how much should be my compensation request. here's a brief summary. the other driver is at complete fault. i have all soap notes from doctors,bills and reports. we were hit head on while on our way to my root canal surgery, i was having my permanent put in. i had to go in 2 weeks later wearing a cervical collar. i have choronditis, back sprains and horrible knee contusions still left on my foot. my doctor has recommended physical therapy for up to 3 months but i can't afford to go anymore thus why i am trying to settle. total medical bills is about 12,000 not including other misc like pills. i just don't want to ask too high or be taken for a fool,so please help. thanks. also the insurance company has never made an offer they said it was a hard hit. both cars in""
Car insurance for a 16 year old???
I live near the Twin Cities in Minnesota, and have a 3.2 G.P.A and would be driving a 1996 4WD Chevrolet Blazer....we got a quote threw Progressive and they said it would be like $400 dollars a month just for no fault there must be some company out there thats cheaper.....Also........Would it be cheaper to go on my dad's insurance....or am i better off having my dad insure me through a different car insurace company. Because he doesnt want his insurance to drop him because if i get in an accident the rates would go way up and he also has other kinds of insurance through that company like home owners insurance and things like that........ -thank you-""
How much would the insurance cost for a high dollar sports car?
Like a $400,000 Lamborghini Murcielago or a $500,000 Chrysler ME 4-12? A little vague, but what would a ballpark amount be?""
Where can I find good deals on auto insurance?
instant, online quotes for auto insurance""
Do you think which is better for a 1984 corvette classic car insurance or regular car insurance?
I am planning on getting a 1984 corvette but the insurance for it is a little too high.i just found out about classic car insurance but i really don't know much about it.but for classic car insurance,am i limited to a certain number of things like how far i can drive my car,when i can drive,etc?will the insurance actually be less or more for classic car insurance?and what is the best classic car insurance company i should go with?""
Will insurance points carry over to another company?
I have 9 insurance points. My mom is wondering if she signs me onto her policy, will the rates go up dramatically, or will they still be reasonable?""
Do you think i could get a used car and insurance with under $3k?
i really need a car to get around, i have full time job, n part-time student. It's getting to my nerves that whenever i need to go somewhere, i have to ask my brother or sister to take me. Yes i am a student 18 yo, i don't have much money, and my parents refuse to buy me a car, reason because my mom said insurance is too expensive, and she doesn't give a shitt about me. Do you think i could get it anywhere? i was thinking about buying the car 1st then insurance later on because i can't afford it. idk what should i do?""
How to reduce the price of your insurance for a 18 year old? (in the UK)?
Hey, i just wanted to know if anyone knew ways to reduce the price. At the moment i know some insurance companies reduce the price if you have done something called pass plus Also adding a parent onto YOUR policy can also reduce the cost (not the other way round, that's illegal if you drive it more then they do!) Thanks, i only want a Ford Fiesta, but insurance is looking at 1500+!""
How much should i settle my auto injury claim for? please someone help me out!?
i was in a wreck as a passenger and both cars totaled. other driver complete a fault. coming up on 2 yrs nov this year and med expenses 12,000. i have no health ins. so i paid all out of pocket and can't continue treatment in phsical therapy right now. bills come first like rent. insurance company never made an offer, what should i do? i really don't want a lawyer, spoke to a few and they're all money obsessed understandably. it's their job. please leave opinions or help me out. thanks.""
Is there anyway we can boycott all the 'LOOKING FOR CHEAPER CAR INSURANCE ADS'?!?!?
They are so annoying!!
Iininsurance on celica or rx 8?
Heres my situation at the moment currently i have celica,supra and skyline in my drive way and have rx8 and rx7 comming this summer Now i know i wont be able to afford insurance on rx7 supra or skyline But im wondering rx8 evolve (231ps) or celica How much would insurance cost Info on me No ncb Got driver license for few months 18year old University student living away Live in uk midlands""
Two cars? Insurance?
>In high school >Both parents getting new cars soon >old cars: 1 is decent, 1 is cheap >I get old car >I want to convince parents to let me keep cheap one as well, so I can modify it and stuff BUT, I just realized I'll have to pay extra insurance just to drive it around every now and then. What to do? How much does average insurance usually cost? (Not minimum PIP)""
Alakanuk Alaska Cheap car insurance quotes zip 99554
Alakanuk Alaska Cheap car insurance quotes zip 99554
0 notes
octnovdec-blog · 7 years
The worst day of my life:
I was freshly 16. I wanted to be liked so desperately, as if I thought it would justify how much effort I had put into my outfit that day. There was a mean girl named Anna. She was always a little too mean and a little too pretty so everyone was intimidated. But she always had the booze and the popularity so we put up with it. She never really liked me but she pretended to be my friend, I never knew why. In the middle of my sophomore year, she invited my friends and I to a party. Liquor was promised and I was young, so it wasn't a hard sell. 
That weekend I got to her place around seven. Her house was nice, nicer than mine at least. And her parents were cooler, cooler than mine at least. She was everything I wanted to be so I played along. As soon as I walked in the door, my eyes started scanning for people I know. Because no one likes being alone at a party. At last I made eye contact with a group of my friends, but specifically my friend, lets just call him D. I walked up to the people I felt the most comfortable around. One of them handed a drink that was mostly vodka but had enough juice to color the 8 oz glass. Everything seemed normal thus far and I had no reason to feel on edge. 
A little more than an hour later my friend D asked if I wanted to see Anna’s pool, because he had been there before and I hadn't. We walked outside, no one was swimming but it was still a point of attraction. Now I had never had a crush on D but he was always that friend who I thought was cute. But he was my friend. He was my really good friend. I didn't have a reason to be scared. We were only talking for a few minutes before he draws me in closer. Being as we were standing right next to the wall of Anna’s house, he says something flirtatious and pushes me up against it. We’re making out, and I wanted that. After all, he was very cute. He was several inches taller than me with arms as big as my head, he played sports. After a minute he starts to get more aggressive. By this time in the party I was downing drinks like my life depended on it. I didn't know how my body was gonna react. I didn't even know if it was going to react at all. But when he pushed my waist up against the expensive siding of Anna’s suburban kingdom, I had no strength. But I wanted this. I wanted him. 
He grabs my hips with his giant hands and moves me against a back door that was connected to outside. I didn't object. He turned the door knob handle with his right hand, and I fell through into a guest room. Anna’s parents could afford a guest room. He so easily picked me up and practically though me on a large soft queen size bed. He was smooth, and I didn't want him to stop. I don't remember him taking his shirt off. I don't even remember him unbuckling his belt. But in two seconds, this hot make out session went from exciting to scary. I pulled away from him, sort of sitting up now. 
“This is happening to fast, we should probably rejoin the party.”
“This is what you have always wanted.”
That sentence rings through my head everyday as if an annoying song lyric. I used all my strength to put my hands on his shoulders and push. It had no affect. The next thing happened so fast I wasn't even sure if I was even present. With one aggressive yank, he pulled me body down at least two feet to the middle of the bed, so that it matched with his. I pushed him again. 
He undid my button on the shorts I spent all that time deciding to wear. He pulled them down my legs like a straw wrapper. I hadn't really grown into my hips yet so the task wasn't hard. His left elbow had my entire right arm pinned down, with his hand almost suffocating my mouth. His right hand was holding my left arm down so hard I had to make excuses the next day. In less than 30 seconds, he was inside of me. With every thrust he squeezed my arm tighter and tighter. It was hurting. It was hurting so bad. It hurt more than the first time. I could feel the blooding dripping down my inner thigh. I kept thinking, why was no one walking in? Please somebody! Anybody?! I bit his hand and struggled. But somehow he didn't seem to care. 
“You're so hot”
Im so hot? My face is so hot, I thought. My checks were red with anger and fear. I had hardly started to cry before he pulled out. The pain was still there. Suddenly, no one was touching me. He pulled up his pants and grabbed his shirt. I pulled up my underwear immediately, for some reason I was embarrassed. It was over.
I sat there for a second before he walked back over. Still half naked, he approached me. Flinching, I drew back. He touched my right cheek with his abrasively large hand. He strokes my face.
“Well wasn't that what you always wanted?” He asks rhetorically.
And then he was gone. I pulled up my shorts and wiped my tears. Maybe sometimes sex is just more violent than other times? I was in denial. I walked out of the door, it had only been 15 or so minutes, no one had even noticed I was gone. I strolled over to my friends, made an excuse about being drunk and headed for the door. 
I went to sleep that night scared. More scared than I've ever been in my entire life. Scared that I did something to provoke him. Scared that since he did it once he would do it again. Scared that I would have to tell people or that I wouldn't tell anyone. Scared for my life. 
The next day, I decided that some things should be kept to yourself. I put on a smile that I didn't know then, but I would be putting on for years to come. It became part of my daily routine. I threw away my bloody underwear and I waved hi to him at school, went to lunch with my friends and did everything that I had always done. 
Even though I didn't acknowledge it happening, it didn't erase the event from my mind. I convinced myself that It was my fault. That, for some reason, I had to walk on eggshells around men. One wrong word and it could happen again. They could be provoked. I transferred schools and didn't make any friends. Or at least not good friends. I became mean. No compassion, no sympathy, no emotions. It was easier than trying to deal with something that no one, any age should ever have to deal with. 
Once at my new school, my priority became trying to get through the day. It still is. Anything that would provide a distraction became my focus; books, TV, music, drinking, drugs, girls. It still is. 
But despite me telling myself that it doesn't matter how skimpy my carefully curated outfit was, that sort of self-suppression has stayed with me. I created a false front. Thats how I dealt with the fear. Thats how I still do. Feeling out of control is scary, but my biggest regret is that I fell into that pit. I let him win. Never again will any man or woman take advantage of me. When I put on my mascara, I put on that smile. Maybe one day I can approach life with the same joy I felt before, but that is not today. 
0 notes