#like you can I'm having fun but don't reccomend it lol
david-box · 10 months
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Some spinning memes for you all. Image ID in alt text
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gffa · 1 month
Hiiii :D I was just wondering, do you have any good Marvel fic reccomendations? Your massive list of star wars fics is like the no.1 thing I go to when im in a star wars mood, and all of them have been amazing, so thanks so much for that!! I'm just curious if you have any good Marvel fic recs?? If not that's fine lol, thank you for your service 🙏
Hi! Lol, I had to sit with this post for a few days because "Marvel fic" is such a wide range of possibilities, like are we talking the comics or the live action shows? The Avengers movies? The X-Men movies? Which section of those fandoms? Avengers as a team? Captain America? Thor? Iron Man? Daredevil? X-Men: First Class? Just... anything? I don't actually have a lot of comics fic recommendations (mostly because it's too hard to wade through all the movie stuff because so many people cross-tag into the comics tags despite it not being comic fic that those tags are now useless), but my go-to for Marvel comics are always: ✦ Betrayal + Paradox Law + The Game of Empires by Valerie J It's hard to describe this series, other than that about ~15 years ago, it was an ambitious attempt at taking various elements of the X-Men comics and weaving them into a coherent whole, focusing on giving Remy an epic backstory to explain his origins and his powers. It probably wouldn't really fit with more recent comics, but if you're a fan of late '90s/early '00s X-Men comics, this was a hell of a ride with cool powers, surprising family twists, time travel, fun relationships, and incredible ramp ups to tense situations that explode in the best way. ✦ The Gestalt Arc by Lori McDonald Another old school fic centered around the Remy/Rogue relationship and taking them on an epic journey, in an alternate version of what happened after their kiss in X-Men #41. The ups and downs of how they work out their issues, the lives they try to lead with each other, finding their path forward together, it's still one of my favorites for the era. ✦ Anything by Traincat for the Young Avengers My favorite is grab a blanket, brother, but they're an author that I'd write a blanket rec for, if any of the summaries sound relevant to your interests! They also write Peter Parker/Johnny Storm, which isn't my area of comics, but I'd trust them with it! But primarily I'd route you to them for their super fun Young Avengers stories, the Teddy/Billy and Eli/Kate ones especially. ✦ Anything by silverspidertm2, X-parrot, takadainmate, or Mythtaken Identity for Journey into Mystery and Loki: Agent of Asgard-era fic. This is when I was in my prime era of reading Thor comic-centric fic, around Journey into Mystery and Loki: Agent of Asgard, when he was Kid Loki and then Teen Loki. There was a lot really fun worldbuilding or road trips or just feelings explosions fic from this era. Beyond that, my bookmarks are a bit of a mess, but you can scroll through them to see what you're looking for. My primary fandoms were: ✦ Daredevil TV, where I went in hard on Matt/Foggy (and some Matt/Foggy/Karen and Frank/Karen and a little Matt/Elektra), where I read voraciously for about a year before MCU burnout hit. Some faves are Double Blind by smilebackwards and Something Dumb to Do by poisonivory and jump, check parachute augustbird.
✦ Thor (MCU), which is actually the heart of who I was as an MCU fan, I spent a long time there reading a lot of fic and this will take you to my bookmarks with the pairings filtered out. I was a big fan of Thor & Loki's relationship so that's most of what's in there, and I always suggest starting with these three fics: ✦ Bargaining by proantagonist, thor & loki & odin & frigga & cast, time travel, 108.9k Faced with an eternity without his brother, Loki strikes a bargain to change the past. Post TDW. ✦ No Such Liberty by Xparrot, thor & loki & cast, 147.3k The first thing Loki said, after he had swiped his tongue over his lips to wet them, was, "You shouldn't trust me." ~ Following the attack on New York, Thor takes Loki back to Asgard in chains; but this does not mean that the god of mischief's schemes are ended, or that Thor has or ever will give up on his brother. But when Thanos threatens the realm to claim his lost prizes, on which side will Loki fall? [post-Avengers fix it] ✦ The Lullaby Singer by TheOtherOdinson, thor & loki & odin & frigga, 85k wip Odin hasn't left Asgard in over a thousand years. When he finds out Loki is still alive and preparing to launch an attack on Midgard, he could send Thor to stop him. Or Odin could go himself. As a bonus, I have a few more Thor genfic recs here.
✦ Captain America (MCU), where sure I liked some gen fic but lbr I was there for the Stucky. I mostly read during the height of the post-TWS fervor and then tapered off a lot after that (given how hard they swerved away from their relationship) and I haven't read almost anything in the fandom since Endgame, but if you want some fun TWS-era fic, I put together this list recently. (To be fair, I also liked a lot of Steve &/ Natasha, Bucky &/ Natasha and Sam/Natasha, so you can find that in there, too.)
✦ Iron Man (MCU), where I liked a mix of some fun gen pieces and some Tony/Pepper which put me in the minority, but I don't care because there were some banger authors for both. If you're interested in them, I always liked pretty much anything I read by roboticonography. icarus_chained wrote a wider variety of stuff, but I've always liked anything I've read from them as well.
✦ Avengers (MCU), where I read a lot of fic, but it's kind of all mixed in together, even some sprinkled in Black Panther fic, some Spideypool that was super fun for a hot minute, some Guardians of the Galaxy characters showing up, etc. Step carefully if you're not interested in pairings (I read a fair amount of Tony/Loki and Steve/Loki in amongst the other stuff), but honestly by the end I was probably reading more gen than anything.
✦ X-Men: First Class-verse, which is my exception to not reading much for the live action versions of the X-Men, because I am a long time Pietro Maximoff fan and while Peter wasn't my Pietro, I did love him and there was some absolute banger fic for the Dadneto trope, which was where my heart was at. Come Together by blarfkey is absolutely the first place to start!
Hopefully this is what you were looking for, but if you have further refinements on what you're interested in, let me know and I'll try to give some pointers! I've been out of reading Marvel for awhile, but I have a huge backlog from when I was in it, at least. 😂
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hullo friend, do you have any wolfstar fanfic recommendations for remus going through the lunar cycle? something like hurt/comfort but not only, just him dealing with all the things that come from being a wolfy
oh boy do I ever! I'm wiggeling in my seat because of this question
(disclaimer, I've been kinda busy the last few weeks so I might come back to this ask later with some more recs lol)
The 39 Steps by gilbertsdoor
Remus hated having to lie, but he could see no other way around it. Closing in on Sirius, he gripped him by the fabric of his t-shirt, pushing it up towards his throat. ‘Alright then. You’re alone in the muggle countryside, wandless, in the dark. You’re manacled to an evil, murderous werewolf, a known killer who doesn’t hold an ounce of pity for your pathetic human life. If that’s what you would rather believe, then by all means,’ he hissed, ‘be my guest.’
One minute Remus is between jobs, isolated, and thoroughly disenfranchised with life, the next he is on the run for murder, being a werewolf-at-large, and for knowing far, far too much.
One minute Sirius Black is a bored auror in training, the next he is caught up with Remus in a mess of secrets and dark magic.
Their lives intertwine, but how long can they keep running from the Death Eaters, and how long can they keep running from themselves?
Harry Potter and the Dog and the Wolf by thewholeofthemoon I live and breathe for this series!) it's very much focused on lycanthropy especially the latest work wich is still a wip but so so so good!
Scent of the Moon by Quietlemonhush this is a little different but very much lycanthropy focused even if it's not always the source of the hurt
Not content to only disown the wayward heir to the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black, Walburga calls in back up. Bellatrix has all those new friends with their good ideals and their sharp, sharp teeth.
Sirius Black returns to Hogwarts with a bite in his side and a fever he can't shake.
they also have some more smutty wolfstar fics wich feature the lunar cycle if that's more what you are looking for
Dunes and Waters by MarigoldWritesThings ( @marigold-hills ) this is probably the fic most focused on lunar cycles and just the magic theory behind lycanthropy and I also just can't reccomend it enough
Remus is sensitive to changing tides, a part of the moon always with him, and Black is like the sea. He can smell it on him, the way his magic builds up and crackles about the fingertips.
A werewolf, a convict, and a riddle.
The W in Weasley stands for Werewolf by gonzoclock this one is mostly here for fun werewolf lore I'm not gonna lie
When a werewolf comes out of nowhere and attacks nineteen-year old Arthur Weasley, he thinks his life is over before it's even really begun. He's wrong, of course, and now all of forty years later the Weasley family is thriving, happy, and healthy- and every one of them is a werewolf.
Things are going really well for eleven-year old Ron... except for the part where he has to get through school without anyone finding out his family's secret while simultaneously keeping his new brother alive. Easy-peasy. Right?
(Pay no mind to the one-eyed beast that seems to be lurking in the shadows- it's almost certainly nothing to worry about.)
Features the entire Weasley family adopting Harry Potter practically the second they lay eyes on him (or before that, even); Ron Weasley finding himself being altogether far too nice too slimy gits who don't deserve it; Percy Weasley doing his best; Harry deciding that being enemies with this Malfoy kid is too much work actually; Hermione Granger being as smart and ruthless as ever; Severus Snape who did not, and I repeat, did NOT sign up for ANY of this; and much, much more
By Moonlight by Eiiri this one, as well is mostly here for the werewolf angst, not nessecarily between wolfstar
After the Battle of Hogwarts, Remus recognizes something familiar in Draco Malfoy and offers him sanctuary. With nowhere else to turn--his parents in prison, his home a crime scene--Draco reluctantly accepts and becomes a tolerated, if not welcome, member of his schoolyard rivals' and wartime adversaries' family of choice. As pages of the lunar calendar turn and the summer wears on, Draco and the others begin to see each other in a different light.
but definitely check out these authors! <3
sorry for bad grammar it's late
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quibbs · 3 months
if its ok to ask do you have any recommendations, of like, songs, movies, tv shows, books, comics, webcomics,,,, like. literally anything of the sort. and similarly, if its ok to ask, what inspired soil that binds us?
ok sorry this took me so long to answer! i just kept thinking about it instead of writing about it. a problem that is common for me, lol. anyway i think pieces of media that tend to have the strongest effect on me tend to be bittersweer, have a particular focus on interconnectivity between everyone involved, and are character focused/character dynamic focused. that's what tends to wring the most inspiration and joy out of me. i also really love pieces of media that are bad but are made with so much sincerity and passion that it does NOT matter to me how bad it is- i also find those pieces of art UNFATHOMBLY inspiring.
so: soil that binds us i think spiritually had 4 influences that shines above the rest.
-NARUTO [sincere, long form, teen-oriented, shonen energy, the power of love and friendship will save us, action scenes and BLOOD, the fun matters most for a lot of it],
-HOMESTUCK [exceedingly complicated, irreverent, balancing vulnerable and invulnerable in a clinically insane way, emphasis on the protagonists psyche, interconnectivity as a priority, kind of expecting you to get lost along the way, the fun matters most]
-THE LAST OF US [a game that inspires literally everything I will ever do forever, inspired me to be more vulnerable, character driven, post-apocalyptic, finding light and tenderness whilst trapped in HELL through your relationships with others, excels in the feeling of bittersweet, etc]
-anddd DRAGON AGE [another game that literally inspires everything i do, interconnectivity, character focused/character dynamic focused, sincere, good balance of gritty and silly, the first thing i turn to to analyze characters for because none of those characters have ever left my head after 15 years .]
those are my biggest media inspirations for soil that binds us but, especially as a teenager, music shaped what directions i took the characters like playdough. a lot of what defined my characters came from this playlist as i was writing them. i always started with the feeling first (which songs are good at) and then expounded upon the feeling i found in the song in written form. highly reccomend it!!! music is so inspiring and i always turn to it when i'm stuck.
as for tv shows/movies- despite the fact that he is (rightfully) extremely clowned on now, a lot of joss whedon works shaped my skull. buffy the vampire slayer and it's less good spin-off show angel DO live in my brain forever and in a special little hall of it's own. i'm pretty sure it inspired a lot of dragon age, too, so there you go.
i wish i had more comics/books to recommend you, but i actually don't read a lot of them these days!!! which is ironic, i know. i just keep losing time. I think maybe the closest written thing i can think of that is similar to my comic is the locked tomb trilogy- and that was a series that was ALSO heavily inspired by homestuck. same with undertale. so maybe look out for anything homestuck seems to have inadvertently given birth to!! i wish you luck on your hunt for comics that scratch the itch for you.... i know they're out there, and if they're not, give it a few years haha. homestucks reach is very far. GOOD LUCK!
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bthump · 7 months
hello! i hope im not bothering you with this ask or anything, but i really love your blog and the thoughts you write, so i wanted to ask if you any other titles you would reccomend that are similar to berserk (not necessarily in terms of setting, but mostly the Vibe) and deal with similar themes (i watched and read devilman!). i would accept anything tbh, be it a book or movie or a series. thanks in advance, hope you have a good week! :)
Thank you very much, and yeah I'd be happy to rec a few other things I like that have some similarities! Some of these similarities are pretty thin lol, but tbf Berserk is pretty unique, at least in terms of media I'm into, and I've seen some good homoerotic movies recently.
Claymore is compared to Berserk fairly regularly, and it's not just for the big swords. There's no griffguts equivalent, but it's got medieval fantasy monster hunting vibes, similar themes wrt human nature (though more shounen, power of love-esque lol), great action scenes and cool monster designs, and a lot of great female characters with interesting relationships, which isn't similar to Berserk but it's a bonus by itself.
I've also seen Vinland Saga compared to Berserk, and again there's no griffguts equivalent, but there's a very Griffith-esque character who has an AU where Griffith became king the old fashioned way vibe, and a central theme is revenge.
An anon a while ago made the point to me that Light from Death Note is similar to Griffith in a few ways, such as wanting to create a kind of ideal world, and being very charismatic and having culty followers who view him as a god.
tbh I have a bad memory for books I've read, but here are a couple I read specifically because of Berserk similarities:
I read As Meat Loves Salt by Maria McCann because I was told it had griffguts vibes, and it did. Medieval lone wolf is recruited by idealistic blond mercenary who wants to create a utopia, falls in love with him, and gets fucked over. It's very dark, darker in some ways than Berserk, but it was a good read imo. More in depth post on it with warnings here.
Captive Prince by CS Pacat is known for the author having based one of the characters partially on Griffith, and you can tell lol. It's a fun read if you don't mind or are into the tropey sex slave setting, with an engaging gay romance that has surface similarities to griffguts, though the vibe of the relationship was fairly different to me. But like, the political scheming felt like a Golden Age AU to me. It's been a while since I've read it but for warnings there's rape, csa, incest, and sex slavery not portrayed positively but like, used as erotic scene setting if that's a dealbreaker.
TV Shows:
Hannibal! It's got intense homoeroticism, it's got betrayal, it's got an operatic level of intensity, it's fun to dissect analytically, violence revenge and trauma are significant themes, one character tries to escape his life ruining feelings for the other by killing him, and it's just a great time.
Yellowjackets also has strong themes of violence and how it's a temptation, and though I wouldn't compare any of the relationships to griffguts exactly, there's an intense tragic homoerotic friendship that haunts one of the characters decades later.
Xena has a campy overpowered anti hero dressed in black leather wrestling with their inner darkness and in love with a blonde, also a flirty exes kind of relationship with a god (though that's hetero lol). Not really similar tonally and no griffguts equivalent, but it's got some similar themes wrt violence, revenge, human connection saving your soul from darkness, etc, and it's a gr8, fun show.
Black Sails has a kind of love vs revenge thing going on, as well as an attempt to overturn the social order and create a utopian kingdom. In some ways it's similar in tone as well, often pretty dark and violent, but with some very funny moments, and set in a fictionalized historical setting. No griffguts equivalent, but all these shows are extremely gay.
Ladyhawke gets a lot of comparisons to Berserk, and may have been one of Miura's inspirations since he cited Rutger Hauer movies. Starcrossed wolf and hawk themed lovers, medieval setting, significant eclipse, it's got the vibes.
Hellraiser is one of Miura's stated inspirations iirc, and I mean yeah lol. It's the godhand as sadomasochists. Idk that there's that much in common in terms of theme, but the aesthetic is there.
Yk what? The Lost Boys. Homoerotic, campy fun, brooding teen is recruited into a gang and has sexual tension with the leader... that should count.
Star Trek: The Motion Picture starts with Spock trying to purge all his emotions after we can only assume breaking up with Kirk, and failing, and it's a parallel to a godlike being learning to love.
Okay hear me out on this one... Sweet Smell of Success is like if there was no Guts and instead the homoeroticism was between Griffith and the King, and it was set in the New York world of 50s gossip columnists, and look, I recently watched and adored this movie and I want to rec it. And hey, it's about doing fucked up shit to feed your ambition and being pretty and charming while you do it.
The Favourite is about a servant seducing and manipulating her way to power in a royal court, kind of an f!Griffith AU without a Guts if you look at it a certain way. But also it's another movie I love and want to rec based on at least one similarity lol.
Uh, Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence is about a dude wanting to fuck a hot charismatic and guilt-ridden blond guy but being too repressed to go for it? Great movie in general. Also Midnight Cowboy is about trauma induced gay repression while we're at it.
And finally, Paul Verhoeven's sci fi trifecta of Robocop, Total Recall, and Starship Troopers have virtually nothing in common with Berserk in terms of theme, character, relationships, etc. But the tone feels exactly like the Black Swordsman arc to me lol, to the point where I've always said that the only live action Hollywood adaption of Berserk I'd accept is the one Verhoeven directed in the 90s in an alternate universe. Miura was directly inspired by one of his 80s movies that I've never seen, Flesh and Blood, and yeah, I feel like you can kind of feel the inspiration.
I have other rec lists, as well as things people have recced to me often on the basis of similarities to Berserk/griffguts that I haven't checked out yet, in this tag, so I'd highly recommend browsing through it for more media suggestions. And if anyone wants to jump in with more recs for things that remind you of Berserk in some way, please do!
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mari-am · 1 year
I'm bored and it's way too hot to go outside so I'm going to rate Saiki K ships as someone who ships pretty much anything :) (Ships under the cut bc it's a lot lol)
Kubokai: Classic, 7/10. Would rate higher but there's just more interesting ships imo.. Saiura: It's alright, 8/10. I just like Aiura's dynamic in ships, she's so fun!! I like the hugging scene after the volcano. Terusai: Same as Saiura, 8/10. I like Teruhashi. My favourite scene with these two is when Saiki steals he milkshake LMAO Kaisai: 7/10, don't really have an opinion on this one. I like the dynamic. Saikechi: 8/10, I like this one. I'm a sucker for childhood friends to enemies :) Torisai: 8/10, I think this one is fun. Toritsuka is an interesting character to me. Kubosai: 6/10, I'm sorry :( I WANT to like this one but I just... don't like it very much.... Satousai: 5/10, Eh. Average, like Satou. I don't really care for it either way. Totally didn't rate it 5/10 instead of 6/10 just for that joke haha
Teruimu: 10/10, yes!! Women!!!! Sadly there isn't that much content for them, but I really enjoy them!! Yumekai: 8/10, I just love the awkwardness in the relationship LMAO.. Yumehara's simping will never not be hilarious to me. Aiura x Yumehara: 9/10, Yeahhhhhh!! Women part 2!!!! Couldn't remember their shipname... Makokuu: I like it, 8/10! Ideal date destination is therapy. Nensai: 8/10, honestly I didn't ship this until I read the light novels. 100% would reccomend reading those though, they're very cute!! Even if they're a bit cringe sometimes... Anyways, you can read the light novels here :) Saisai: 6/10, that's a fucking weird name... But I don't really care for it.
Nendou x Hairo: 8/10, cute! Nendou is pretty fun in most relationship scenarios imo. Forgot the shipname again... Aikechi: 8/10, would never have considered this one if it wasn't for Nopsi, but I like this one now!! Torikechi: 7/10, not much to say about this one. It's alright. Might reblog this later with any other ships I can think of :)
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skrelpson · 8 months
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It's that time of year- time for skrelp to revamp his entire blog lmao
Howdy! Call me skrelp, Elliot, or Malon! I use a bunch of pronouns! Right now the main ones are They, Sylv, and She. I'll pick up pretty much anything you put down, though.
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(Favorite Gens are 2, 6, and 3!! Favorite characters are Milo, Bugsy, Erika, Jasmine, Sonia, etc...)
-The Legend of Zelda
(Favorite games are Minish Cap, OoT and MM!)
-Dungeon Meshi/Delicious in Dungeon
(I'm caught up on the manga!)
-In Stars And Time
-Lucky Star
(I've started watching the anime recently!)
-Pixel Art
-90s / 00s Media
Passive Interests!
(Meaning I don't talk about them as much (or know that much abt them), but I still think they're cool!)
-Ace Attorney
-Sailor Moon
-Deltora Quest
(If you give me a copy of the DS game I'll love you forever and ever/hj)
-Marine History
(Predominantly shipwreck archeology)
-Book Binding
-World of Horror
-Wings of Fire
(Mostly leftover info from my middle school days, lol)
-Professor Layton
-...And more!
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Currently Playing:
-Pokemon Shield
-In Stars And Time
Currently Reading:
-Station Eternity by Mur Lafferty
-Otherside Picnic (Omnibus 2) by Iori Miyazawa
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Anything Else?
-Feel free to tag me in things!* And send me reccomendations for shows and games!
-Due to my hip and cool(/s) anxiety, I tend to overthink and panic about a lot of things. So I may be slow to reach out! But! I do wanna talk!
-If I ever reblog something/say something offensive, please tell me! It's never my intention to hurt anyone.
-Let me know if you'd ever like to contact me outside of here! I have like...discord. Or email or something DJKFHAJ
- I also run @flo-aroma, which is a Pokemon sideblog! Check it out if you'd like!
-Basic DNI ig? Not like that one carrd that's been floating around, just...don't be an asshole! No bigotry, racism, transphobia, etc. Chances are I'll just block you if you make me uncomfortable 👍
-If you're a Pokemon IRL Blog and wondering why I followed you, that's because I have a few of my own! You can check out @skrelps-cafe for more info.
*for like, fun ask games or cool art you think I'd like! I don't participate in 'reblog if you think X is a valid thing', etc. They stress me out. Similar situation with chain asks(?) (is that what they're called? lol) also due to anxiety.
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Tag List!
skrelp speaks - posts of my own creation
apollo's "art" - posts featuring my own drawings
queue - ...my queue. I couldn't think of anything funny
malon muses: [oc name] - posts about one of my OCs! Currently unused.
Elliot's Extraordinarily Late Escapade - my playthrough of Pokémon SwSh's DLC, five years late (Finished!)
If you'd like anything tagged just lemme know :D
Ao3 Link
Pronouns Page
Divider Credit (1)
Divider Credit (2)
Daily Click !
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UH OH! YOU'VE ENTERED THE Pryce and Chuck Zone
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That's all now go drink some water u deserve it <3
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 6 months
so i just remembered i don't have any rules set up at all on my page lol ! i haven't gotten any requests that i'm uncomfortable with or anything, but i think it's important to set these types of boundaries as early as possibe, sooooo..!
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! ࣪✦ ♡ RULES ࣪✦ ♡ !
first of all , please do not repost, plagiarize or steal my work. obviously. without my permission !
my blog is strictly NO NSFW, so do not ask me to write or send me any smut of any underaged character, thanks !
don't interact with my page if you're a weirdo lol (racist, homophobic, transphobic and other loser behavior attributes) i only want to spread positivity and sillines on my page, so go somewhere else for that !
! ࣪✦ ♡ WRITING RULES ࣪✦ ♡ !
before i start with anything else i want to start by saying MY BLOG INCLUDES SPOILERS. i also mark whenever there are any manga spoilers, so you've been warned not once but twice twin !
if you somehow didn't notice, i write a LOT for katsuki bakugou lololol but i'm not against writing for other characters ! but since i don't know if i'll write them as good as my stinky stinky ugly boyfriend, i reccomend you just stick with katsuki when you send me requests !
most of the stuff i write for katsuki is childhood friends to lovers ! it's one of my favorite tropes and katsuki is my favorite character, so the potential of mixing those two is simply too cute to pass up ! we here on my blog enjoy this i lot (i hope yall do at least </3) so if you don't wanna see this repetitiveness, or if you simply don't like this trope, this may not be the blog for you </3
speaking of this, i will not write anything i do not believe a certain character would do. let's say for example you send me a request where a character abuses or cheats on you or wtv. i would rather avoid writing for stuff like this. mostly because i'm not that good of a writer and it's not something i am able to write, but also because if i do not believe a certain character would do this in canon, especially if it's a character that's really dear to me, i will not feel comfortable writing it. i'm sure you can find someone who can write those type of asks for you ! but i am simply not that person <3
i strictly write for fem readers as i am female and feel the most comfortable writing fem reader, but i occasionally do not mention any gender in my fics. this is usually specified !
i stick to writing for katsuki bakugou, as i feel i understand and characterize him the best, but as mentioned before i have no problem writing for others should you ask me to ! said characters include : shoto todoroki, izuku midoriya, eijirou kirishima, denki kaminari, touya todoroki /dabi and tomura shigaraki (wish me luck for those guys lol) it's always fun to experiment with writing for me , but please don't be upset if i don't characterize them how you want or i'll cry :(( (not really) (..unless?)
requests are allowed !! i love writing what you guys thought about and i love that you come to me for it ! it's always a bunch of fun and actually helps to inspire me to write more ! but, please keep in mind that i sometimes am extreeeeemely slow to respond to requests :(( i'm still in school but also like to take little writing breaks. sometimes i feel like expectations that i put on myself stress me out and make me not want to write, which is a horrible feeling. so please be patient and i'll get your ask to you as soon as i can ! <3
readers race stays unspecified at all times ! as a black girl myself, it always feels a little disheartening to see, even if i know it most definitely is not meant maliciously ! however, if you have any specific black reader requests , i'm your gal !
i will not write any nsfw for any character, so don't send me any smut requests pls n thanks !
i will absolutely not write anything related to incest. blood related or not. proshipping or morally wrong reader (teacher x student) pairings are not allowed either, that includes pedophilia, bestiality and all that freak shit as well. please take your weirdo shit somewhere else !
i also generally avoid writing aged up fics. it depends on the request or story, but i don't like writing about things like pregnancy, marriage, children n things like that. not because i find it nasty or anything but bc i get embarrassed LOLOLOL also i'm not fully into that part of the adulting world yet, so i have no idea how to even write it lmfao.
i don't write gore. canon typical violence is fine, but i'm not that good at being descriptive and also it's not really my cup of tea !
i do not write anything for oc's and will not respond to oc asks !
as you can see when you first come in here, my blog is entirely fluffy because i am a major optimist despite myself lololol ! angst requests are fine of course ! but most of the angst i write is either bittersweet or has a happy ending, so you've been warned ! don't come on here expecting heartbreaking angst because i am, for all intents and purposes, a massive baby.
please do not be surprised if i ignore or decline your requests if you do not respect my rules, i haven't had to do this yet thankfully, you all have been amazing <3, but this is simply a warning !
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aaand i think that's it for now ! i hope you enjoy reading my silly lil fics and interact ! i love love LOVE talking to yall
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become-a-robot · 7 months
The Fury Of The Aquabats! - The Aquabats! (1997)
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We meet again, mormon ska homestar runner yo gabba gabba vigilante superhero gang.
I remember one post from twitter (I think?) where it said something like "ska music sounds like what plays in a 12 year olds head when they get cheese sticks for dinner", except The Aquabats are the type of band who would literally write a song about having cheese sticks for dinner.
I like their sprinkling in of style mashups they do in songs with no prompting whatsoever. Red sweater has 1950s doo-wop music, Magic Chicken has a random hip hop break, Lobster Bucket with a ragtime feel, etc.
So. The recurring themes of this album are people eating, people geting eaten, being down bad, and getting mauled to death. Cool. Anyway, my favorite tracks are The Story Of Nothing and Martian Girl. I enjoy the former for its imagery of literally disappearing as a result of feeling like a nobody after rejection, and the latter for something something. I'm Going To Kiss the Girl From Venus
The Aquabats have always had some interesting nerdy love songs, coming up with the strangest, most esoteric ways to be attracted to people, that somehow loop back around to being somewhat sincere. It's less "Hey girl I think you're pretty. want to go out?", and more "Hey girl, I saw how you knocked over the produce stand in the supermarket and started pelting people with tomatoes, and wanted to let you know we are happily married in the scenario I made up in my head".
Really fun album, very silly ass band. It's a little much sometimes tho, I don't personally think i can listen to more than one Aquabats album at a time lol.
Also, thanks for the reccomendation! You get: A Woofer In Tweeter's Clothing - Sparks (1973)
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cryptile · 9 months
ok tumblr user cryp tile how does one get into tf2. you have no idea how long i’ve been meaning to look at it and someone calling my mechs oc fem!medic just makes me want to even more. but you see. i’m scared. ok thanks
I am filled with immense joy im so happy you asked.
So!!! If you like viddy games, especially first person shooters- you can easily download the game off of steam for absolutely free. The matchmaking isn't entirely intuitive, and the game is full of destructive aim-bots making it hard to get new people into the game, but it's worth it :3. I'm more than happy to play the game with you if you'd like, i can show you around and tell you what servers to avoid etc etc.
If you don't like playing viddy games or shooters or simply aren't interested- there are tons of fun official content letting you get to know the characters and plot! A lot of tf2 fans dont even play the game lol.
There's a meet-the-team series that consists of short videos about every single playable character (and one extra) and they are so fun and also cinematic masterpieces. There's also a few fun promotional videos like Expiration Date that's a story driven short that everyone should watch because its just sooo much fun. And a few trailers that are great like the Mann vs Machine trailer that's just very badass and cool and has sick music.
There are official COMICS!!!! and they're DELIGHTFUL! There's a main comic series that unfortunately never got finished and ends on a cliffhanger, but i reccomend it with all my heart. Of course there are some side comics that are just as great and let you get to know the characters even better.
If you do get into tf2- tell me EVERYTHING!! tell me what you think and tell me your favourite characters pleasepleasepleaseplease it will make me so happy i will die. And i will forever talk to you about my blorbos because i actually cannot shut up ever.
Also pls show me your oc eyes emoji eyes emoji eyes emoji eyes emoji eyes emoji
Thank you for listening. Collapses.
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going-outside-enjoyer · 2 months
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this reblog was ages ago and not for just asking random questions BUT IM BORED SO IM GONNA RAID YOUR ASK BOX
whats your favourite colour
whos your favourite cryptonloid
whos your favourite vocaloid
whos your favourite character in project sekai (yes im making you chose mwahaha) (assuming shiho but i wanted to ask anyway)
which is the best unit in pjsk
best game on nintendo
favourite food
have you watched winnie the pooh AND WHICH IS YOUR FAVOURITE (i love eeyore and tiger :])
best icecream flavour (important judge of character)
hardest song you can play on piano (testing to see if i can make you learn the duet from the end of omori)
do you know any vocaloid fans irl?
do u play genshin and if you do, do you reccomend it? i want to play but my ipad storage 💔 i need encouragement if im gonna play
FAVOURITE EMOJI?? you dont seem like the type to use emojis but you never know 🫃🫃🫃
uhh yep thats it (feel free to not answer or skip half the questions or whatever you like 😭)
THAT IS A LONG ASK (I'm gonna have fun hehe >:) )
My fav color is anything from green to purple on the color wheel
My fav cryptonloid and vocaloid is len (flower and the MEIKAs are close seconds tho)
My fav pjsk character is indeed shiho she has my whole heart I even have a daily account for her in insta and 1000+ pins of her on pinterest
Other than shiho I love haruka and toya as well with 300+ pins on pinterest
Best unit in pjsk is leo/need (no surprises)
Best games on nintendo are miitopia and splatoon (I love 2 and 3 equally)
My fav food are instant noodles (kanade kinnie moment /j) and fried shrimp
I watched winnie the pooh when I was a kid and my fav at the time was piglet but now it's kanga or roo idk
The little prince is originally french so it's pretty famous where I live that's why I know it
My fav film is the dnd film (help I don't watch films) (also I'm extremely biaised towards fantasy)
Best ice cream flavor is lemon idc what everyone says (mint choco too it does NOT taste like toothpaste)
Uhm uuh I'm still learning it but meteor by john? I've been playing the piano for just 2 years and a half I can't play that much songs however you don't need to make me learn duet I'm already doing it rn hehe
Hardest chart I can fc on index is remote control master and that one chocolate pinochio p song expert but I can't play on index anymore so that's worthless
On thumbs it's sage expert (I didn't fc it yet but I know I can)
The closest I am from knowing a vocaloid fan irl is my dad because tiktok and myself kinda converted him to vocaloid music (crazy ik) other than that no :(
Yes I play genshin (cyno main) but I'm a lazy player and I play once every full moon (I'm still in the fandom tho) I do recommend you install it because I think hoyo released an update to lighten the storage genshin takes on mobile by a lot, also if you ever start playing hmu so we can play together :)
My fav emoji is 😔 and 😧 because I use them all the time (and yes I use emojis but not much in posts)
I hope I didn't skip a question on accident lol
Also do you want me to raid your ask box because I want to return the favor
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cwarscars-a · 6 months
Send me a url and I'll write some positivity for it.
consider this a fuckin duel answer of multi-positivity goodness cause im gonna sperge over u both like some weird stalker who admires your shit from afar but is too terrible ( lazy? overworked and not around enough? idk lets ignore the fine deets ) to interact more ( as much as id love to shhhh )
SO firstly;
james aka my boy rufus - heid's boy rufus? lmao, probs not. everytime i see james on my dash, i see the fuckin' king you know what i mean? i see a passion that is inspiring, a love for the character that spans decades (im pretty certain, how long is a decade?) in a strange way, james' portrayal / love for rufus makes me feel nostalgia. i have flashbacks to advent children being realised, i remember my sister ( i wonder if she'll see this she follows me lol ) fawning over rufus in the og. it's a cosy feeling. like watching toonami or playing dirge of cerberus, i feel snuggly.
that's a weird way to describe somebody and their portrayal - but i hope it makes some sense. it's a warm, comforting feeling. i can see the appreciation for the original source material in james' portrayal and writing whilst also seeing a nice blend / respect for the newer stuff / way that rufus is written now. i know a fair few people who write with james and whenever i see the threads appear on my dash - they're the sort that i stop and read. i find james' take on rufus interesting and intrigueing, and it makes me really think about how my heid and his rufus would interact. i know that i could get something there that wouldnt be a 'typical' kinda ship. yknow? it would be something complex, potentially dark but also not without the family(sorta) aspect that comes from the shinra line & heidegger.
another thing i wanna note here in my admiration towards james is the two of yous interactions / the entire scenario that you've shaped around rufus/cloud's relationships. i find your combined passion admirable and it's very clear, i think, to anybody on the dash that the two of you have a lot of chemistry when it comes to writing. it's the kind of writing partnership a lot of rpers dream of; i love that.
AS FOR YOU, i know you didn't send this in for your url but fuggit, im a rebel, a bad boy -
you know i'm an absolute grade a simp for anybody appreciative of the og. for anybody willing to give it a shot ( too many turn their noses up at the older graphics ) and anybody who actually runs with it, admires and appreciates it. you do that. you not only appreciate it - but you do it justice. you insert the nuances both suggested and outright shown in the original into your portrayal and i see 'em - i see you doing it, goddamn i admire it.
it's so refreshing being able to actually reccomend something as silly as new threat to someone and see them play it, enjoy it - have fun and speak about it with such a passion / joy. it's so refreshing and so, so lovely to see. i know that if i threw up some headcanon garble to you about how heid is fearful of the north crater because in the og, he doesn't leave the highway - you'd GET IT. like, i know you'd probably see my silly ramble and understand it because your passion for the original game is as prominent ( if not more so ) than my own love for it.
i adore the depth you give cloud that he had in the original; i love that you not only play with that depth but also add your own take onto it. you play with things suggested, stuff that could have been canon had the story shifted in a slightly different direction. seeing your both extremely loyal / to-character but also alternative take on cloud is both refreshing and respectful to the original. i admire that a great deal.
i don't write with the two of you anywhere near as much as i'd like to - and that's entirely on me. i'm awful for finding the time to just write these days outside of starter calls or asks but i want you both to know that i really do admire you, i love seeing your stuff on my dash and i appreciate you both hugely as people. keep doing you, keep loving the original, keep loving your characters. you're inspirational and i hope you both know it. <3
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cvntboyneedsfixed · 7 months
this is actually a rant bc tumblr is now reccomending me stuff from the landfill of the internet & i read it bc im a dumb bitch but like
terf rhetoric is literally so funny esp when they collab w/ cis gay edgelords on the internet making shit up about the scary trans mascs (including binary trans men) trying to rape gay men by deviously tricking them into having sex with a ✨ straight woman ✨
but reality (when you like, actually interact with people in real life & are part of yk, irl communities) looks more like:
straight trans mascs existing
t4t trans mascs fucking other trans mascs being the vast majority (counting myself among their number)
not to mention the absolute adoration every trans masc i know irl has for trans women & trans femmes
trans mascs being extremely cautious with cis gay men for obvious reasons
trans mascs on grindr very clearly declaring this on their account & still getting bombarded by chasers, bi men, & yes gay men too lol
tons of bi and pansexual trans people?? these ppl wanna call me a straight woman but then explain how i'm buried in both cock and pussy of all genders?? explain!!
my cis gay friends reading the nasty smut i write to help me nail all the dick on dick details i need (fun fact if you gotta improvise lube shampoo will make all your dick skin peel off <3 my bud apparently learned this the hard way lmao)
meeting my singular gay coworker for the first time and hitting up one of the local gay kink bars & comparing grindr profiles lol he is lovely
listen phallo is amazing and sexy but like not very common for obvious reasons (major surgery and healthcare is a fucking farce and etc etc)... how exactly are these mythical cis gays getting raped by deception?? did they come in eyes squeezed shut and fuck some trans mascs ass then afterwards get jumpscared by pussy?? or did they have to talk to someone they weren't attracted to for a minute or something lol...
Yes, all the men messaging me on grindr are definitely straight or pretending to be bi that's why they keep sending me videos of them sucking cock lol that tracks (like yeah I get chasers but I'm not fucking stupid it's easy to tell them apart)
"trans men are delusional thinking gay men will be attracted to them" actually we've all seen countless examples of the disgusting ways cis gay men treat women's bodies so we are very aware that that reaction is both probably & that the possibility of cis male violence is present like bruh
Also personal pet peeve is when they go on defending how gay men act disgusted by pussy & other afab body parts like yeah. You don't have to be attracted to it oooobviously, but having VISCERAL DISGUST AND HATRED towards the bodies of half the planet's population is actually not part of your sexual orientation it's still mysogyny <3
& it's ridiculous to lean into that ANYWAY because the huge majority of cis gay men i've met have been wonderful & many have been my closest friends in different periods of my life like pleaaaaase stop making them look bad it's slander at this point
anyway trans men i love you trans women i love you & we all deserve to find supportive community & love bc most people out there aren't fringe edgelords who can only generate dopamine by being cruel on the internet
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zecoritheweirdone · 7 months
When i first heard you talking about this game, i was still kinda in undertale recovery so i thought jt was an undertale fangame but in a more fantasy classic rpg-style
Very clearly i was dead wrong lmao
I genuinely like the premise of a young mook killing the hero and taking their place, and the artstyle made it REALLY appealing to me! Then once i learned it was adjacent to the mario and luigi rpgs i was pretty excited!
The world is such a fun place, with the villain hq being like an office building and the other worlds are cool in their own way, especially the ghost world but I'm incredibly biased lmao. The characters are fun, too! Cereza especially was great, and of course i too love puzzleman lol
The gameplay is fun! The battle system is unique and interesting while still having a good ol rpg kick to it, and i love that! Though admittedly it feels weird that the game is so low level-oriented, i feel super weird about beating the final boss at level 16 lol
The music... had its ups and downs for me. Some songs were genuinely amazing, but others just kinda felt boring
Of course, the game itself isnt perfect. Sometimes it can feel kinda bland, they really didn't try with the pause screen and im not the biggest fan of the ui (the mask kid's mask staring at me in the upper left corner is... unsettling, imo), and i never really got over how floaty and mildly sluggish the game could be. Also the physics were weird. Also i don't really like world 3 all that much lol
But overall this feels like that game that you look at the box art of while at toys r us, beg your parents to get it for you, they oblige, and you adore it and wanna talk about it to your friends and they have no idea what you're talking about, and you feel alone in loving it until you go online and either find a bustling fan community or find out a big youtuber made a video on it and new fans are entering the series nonstop
....was that a long winded analogy? Lol
Anyways i can totally see why you love this game and while i don't think it'll effect my brain as much as it did yours, i had a great time with it and definitely wanna reccomend it to friends and stuff!
YEAHHHH !!! tho it may have had some ups and downs,, i’m glad that you ended up enjoying it overall!!!!
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also: yeah, i get that 😔,,, i also ended up trying to reload my save to see if there was anything else, but- alas.
apparently the devs are thinkin ‘bout making a sequel some time in the future, though! after they finish the current game they’re now workin on, that is,,,
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fettiowi · 1 year
Hi I stumbled across your blog in a 3am haze as I've fallen into a strange sonic obsession out of NOWHERe in this year of 2023 despite having minimal interest in it prior all because I played the April Fools visual novel and after watching some videos on YouTube and scrolling through fan content I have developed A Problem (and maybe I have a love for shadow despite not knowing a ton really... and silver seems pretty neat too...) anyway onto the question: where should someone first getting into the franchise even START? Comics? Games? TV shows??? You seem nice so I thought I'd throw an ask out there and see lol sorry for the long ask
Oh honey... what are you getting yourself into... you should run
Anyway, in general sonic can be a really hard series to get into and it really depends on what exactly it is you're looking for (like if it's for gameplay or lore)
I'm assuming it's the lore here. I think a somewhat good place would be the Sonic Adventure games, and specially sonic adventure 2 since you took an interest in shadow in particular
Here is a playlist with playthroughs of nearly every sonic game, though a lot of this isn't necessary at first. I reccomend at least looking through the classic games (Sonic 1, sonic cd, sonic 3 and knuckles) as those are the most important from before adventure
Here's a second playlist with some of the game's cutscenes in japanese with subtitles. Some stuff can get lost in translation so looking through the japanese originals is always fun
At least looking through the games from the early 2000s like adventure 1, adventure 2, heroes, Shadow the hedgehog, 2006 and Rush cause they are the ones more focused on story (though you can probably pass on 2006 for a bit). Also at some point take a look at Sonic Frontiers which is the newest game
If you're looking for something easier than looking through gameplays or playing them yourself, Sonic X is also good. BUT IF YOU WATCH IT PLEASE WATCH IT IN JAPANESE AND SUBBED IM BEGGING YOU! Tip they made adaptations of the stories of sonic adventure 1 and adventure 2 at the start of season 2
And the IDW comics are the newer comics, they started in 2018, but they do mention previous game's events quite a bit. I believe it should still be enjoyable even if you don't know much, just some stuff that it's more assumed that you already know. (The start of the story takes place a bit after Sonic Forces)
So basically... go listen to sonic osts and sees what drives you insane first jfhgjg seriously the music is always good go listen to it
If you have any questions lmk! This ended up being pretty long and confusing, and I'd love to help
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landmineboyfriend · 1 year
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These two funky games!!!!!!
So, MN ("Mirai Nikki" acronym I'll use) was a pretty successful manga, at least, successful enough they got a Visual Novel!!!
This came out about right after the manga ended, so it is based off the manga art style, and might have some contradictory characterisation between this and the anime adaptation. (It's nothing too bad it's just Takao being inconsistent and no one cares about Takao eheheh)
This game being titled, Mirai Nikki 13 Ninme No Nikki Shoyuusha, or, Future Diary the 13th Diary Keeper.
As you see, there are two covers! One with an added "Re:Write". That's because it's a remake, made after the anime!
There's a few changes with the UI, and added mildly spicy scene of a character changing her clothes, an added 5.5 chapter to explain a character's origins more clearly, but most importantly!!
They has the VAs who worked on the anime also voice for this game! Which means you do get to hear your favourite character's lovely voice more :)
So yea I think it'd be a better experience for you to play the remake.
It's a very fun VN! (This is a lie)
I mean, in general, I think it is a pretty fun experience. You don't need to know the material before hand, but of course, if you do, you get to see more of your blorbos! (And also get utterly dissapointed, just like the manga and anime!)
The only drawback of this I see in my viewpoint as a MN fan is that. Well. It suffers because. It's apart of the MN series. So it suffers. Sort of. Similar problems as the original story, with how they handle the characters. And. Their. Importance. Ahah.
Oh, the VN story itself! It's a brand new story, taking place about right in the middle of the Survival Game! (Right after someone's death) but no worry, they revived! All the Diary Keepers Yukiteru and Yuno killed revived. For reasons unknown! And guess what, by the title! Yep! New Diary Keeper baby!!! (And also another character along with that new player! She's a sweetie)
Idk if I can convince you to play, I mean, compared to the OG story of MN, it. I mean. It's not as uh dissapointing. Lesser dissapointment, but still there. But I'd reccomend this to get to know the characters to a newbie rather than the manga/anime tbh.
The playtime! I have no idea. Each chapter for me 100%-ing it took around. 3 hours.? And it has 6 chapters + the bonus Re: write 5.5 chapter for backstory. The last chapter (for me at least) was exceptionally frustruating but that's most likely because I lost the will to play bc I'm a piss baby and my blorbos died.
Okay, so. A few more things.
The side stories!! After you unlock some things abt a chapter you can get side stories for every Diary Keeper (except Yukiteru) plus Murmur! So extra lore! But he warned! Some of them are uh. *Checks notes* God damn the writers of this game did not characterise my blorbos well. Frustruating for me, but oh well, perhaps you have other characters you like instead that are. Not them. Still, even with these, and the characters being revived, some still get pretty shitty screen time and not much added lore. (Oh Kamado ....) Basically, you get to see what they were doing while being away from the protags.
There's I think 3 different endings, the translator of the game gives them names of Normal Ending 1, 2, and True Ending iirc. The story isn't. That? Changing with your choices. I mean you get to see some extra dialogue if you choose "this dialogue option" and "staying at this place" but not really changing the story. No bad ending either, unless you wanna count your game overs lol.
Differing POVs! Okay, so, starting with the 2nd chapter, you get to pick different protags to play from! There are a total of 6 characters you can play as, within their respective chapters. It's not like they're all playable at the same time, it's more of you get to see what this character was doing at this time while other characters did other things. Unlike the side stories, you can choose options, and things can make you die eheh.
So idk! Play it if you wanna! There is no ENG translated version, only a translation document for you to refer to when playing the game, if you that matters to you. The translation doc is provided by @/sunniedesi here on Tumblr.
Rambling over um one last thing
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The VN artists decided to give Yomotsu a buldge. 👍 One positive from this game :]
OMG MIRAI NIKKI IT WAS ONE OF MY FIRST ANIMES i never even heard it had a visual novel tho. i never got into the anime that much but if i see the vn maybe that would change :3 i heard the anime has some Issues but. people who ignore the flaws their fave media has (without like. excusing them) and rewriting in their head to obsess over are gods strongest soldiers 👍
i dont own a pc but one day i might rewatch the anime and play the vn i think. ehehehe
also HELP?????? i vaguely remember that guy being an one ep side character or whatever from the time i watched mn in middle school and every time i saw you on the dash i thought it was funny that you made a character with one ep of screentime your blorbo. the fact that he has more content in the vns explains that though 👍 have fun with your weirdo fave he seems funny
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