#like. HULLO how did you know that??? who is this man
i know this has been said before but it really tickles me that the other TAZ arc antagonists had to be corrupted by the relics before doing anything evil but that jenkins was ALREADY an awful person. this man killed people and took their money. he was NOT corrupted his ass didnt even TOUCH the relic
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ramp-it-up · 1 year
The Gentleman Returns
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Pairing: Henry Cavill x Veterinarian!Reader
Summary: Henry comes back. Can he keep his composure around you?
Warnings: 18+ Only, Minors DNI. RPF. S MUT, Explicit description of graphic sex. P orn with just a little bit of plot. Read at your own risk.  Flashbacks, Facetime s ex, long distance romance, Angst, pining, flirting, arguing, reader insecurity, wagering, brat behavior, dirty talk, size kink, or al s ex, raw p in v (wrap before you tap),  b reeding kink, pain kink, m asturbation,o ral sex (f recieving) Not Beta’d. All errors my own.
A/N: This is part two of Doctor and Mr. Cavill. Let me know if you liked it!
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I Do NOT Consent to my work being reposted, translated or presented on any other blog or site other than by myself.
“I am in control. I am not a man possessed. I am not an animal.”
Henry repeated it to himself as he prepared for his morning cardio run down, which just happened to be 3.5 miles down Route 60 to your house. He decided that running would serve two purposes: One, to round out his morning exercise, and two, to calm him down. 
It had been a long two weeks away. 
You were constantly on Henry’s mind and it took all of his acting skills to attend to the matters that took him home to Great Britain. But he was finally back in your town, which happened to be the location of his latest film role, and he was focused on letting you know that he didn’t think of you as just a good time in America. 
Henry knew that you thought he just wanted to have his way with you. The truth was that he felt for you deeply, and he didn’t quite know how to tell you. Things had gone much farther and faster than he ever imagined they would.
That’s why Henry was determined to be a gentleman today.
He’d stop by and say hello, collect Kal, ask you out on a date, and leave you intact like the lady you are. And then, maybe later, perhaps…. His heart rate escalated as he decided that he wouldn’t just grab you and take you up to your bed and fuck your brains out. 
Absolutely not. 
Henry shook his head and smiled as he started the 5K run to your house. 
He’d landed the night before, and you both agreed that he needed to rest before he was in charge of Kal again. He slept, and then bounded out at 5 am the next morning to train and also to tame the boner that he’d awakened with for the past fortnight.
Henry’s head was in the clouds and he barely registered any exertion on the road to your place; he just daydreamed about led him to this point.
Two weeks earlier...
Good morning Doctor. How are you?
The text was sent at 7:43 am, as soon as he touched down at JFK. Henry found that he had no qualms about looking desperate for you, because he actually was. 
Henry was surprised when you responded so promptly this early in the morning, but he was pleased.
Good morning Mr. Cavill. I’m a little sore. Fed the animals and am now taking a nice, hot bath.
Henry was concerned as he shouldered his backpack and walked down the jet bridge to the car area for his service. He was stopped for an autograph by someone who recognized him despite his baseball cap and mask, and as such, he didn't have time to really think when he responded.
Oh no! Did you lift too much feed? You really must lift heavy weights properly.
Henry’s brow was furrowed as he thought of you injured. You chuckled at Henry’s cluelessness. 
You’re carrying the weight that did the damage.
It took a second for the lightbulb to go off in Henry’s head, and when it did, he groaned, remembering how tight you’d been around him, but then he frowned again. He dialed you as soon as he was in the SUV with the door closed. 
You stared at your phone, not believing that he was facetiming you. After hesitating for just a moment, you answered.
Henry peered at you through the screen then smiled, bringing the sun into your world.
You smiled back and bit your lip and Henry watched your mouth turn into a little pout. Damn, he was a goner. 
“Are you okay?”
His voice was laced with a sexy tone that sent a tingle down your spine. You could swear that your title had now become a term of endearment instead of a joke. Your head was spinning with desire, need and a little uncertainty. 
“I am perfectly fine.”
You certainly looked fit, Henry thought. And then he spied the bruise on your lip.
“What happened to your mouth?”
Henry looked angry, and your heart beat faster, thinking of how attractive he was when the dark clouds entered his eyes.
“… I split my lip when I… “ 
You looked down, eyelashes fanning your heated cheeks. What came next out of your mouth was a low and husky, but perfectly clear, whisper.
“I split my lip on you.”
Even in the bath, you grew moist at the memory of trying to accommodate Henry’s girth the night before. The slight pain of your bruised lip was forgotten the night before when you’d looked up at him through your lashes. 
Henry’s barely perceptible moan brought you back into the moment and made you rub your thighs together under the water. He took you in, an alluring vision all slippery and wet and beautiful. If he could actually fly like Superman back to your side, he would.
“Dear God. Do you know what you do to me?”
Henry intoned it deeply as he rubbed his jaw and licked his lips. 
“No, I don’t know, Mr. Cavill. Tell me?”
Henry let out a dark chuckle, double checking that the privacy partition was up in the car even though he had his airpods in.
“You’re an enchantress. I cant resist your allure, my dear Doctor, you’re captivating and I haven’t stopped thinking about you since I left.”
He watched you blush and had an idea. 
“I have to get out of this car soon, and I’ll have to make it to my room to take care of this evidence of your affect on me…” 
He panned down to his lap.
Henry's hand stilled on the ridge of his denimed dick. You’d commanded him with a whisper. He growled your name deep in his throat and you visibly shivered.
“I mean. It’s not for me to decide, but, if you were looking forward to us participating in activities like we did last night again…I’d rather you not…spill anything without me there to collect it. That is, if you could wait that long to cum again. To cum.. inside… me again..”
When you looked up at him again, you saw Henry’s eyes dilate as he bit his lip thinking of your wet heat. His cock jumped as debased images of what he wanted to do to you flooded his brain. He cleared his throat and his eyebrow rose as he bared his teeth in a feral smile to speak to you, his deep bass rumbling through you.
“You want me to save my seed to fill you up with, hmmm?”
You nodded, biting your lip, and your half closed eyes and whimpers only made him harder. He moved his hands to the leather seat of the suv, as he listened to the water moving around you as your free hand floated to your thigh. 
“How about I come back with my balls heavy with cum to pump you full of and let drip out of your pores. Could you handle that?”
You squirmed, your face full of desire. Henry felt like a man starved for your touch although he just left you not 4 hours earlier.
“Mmmmmm... I’d like that. Very, very much.”
Henry watched you throw your head back and licked his lips,trying to find the taste of you from last night.
“D’you need to be fucked again, Doctor?”
He was speaking softly, but resolutely now, his dulcet tones making you feel some kind of way.
“Ohhh, Henry… I’m still a little sore and swollen.”
Henry bit his lip. He didn’t want you to be discomforted, but the idea that he’d ruined you made him mad with need. He was panting as if he’d played a full rugby match and he was ready to burst inside his pants. 
“Are you? I should be there, to kiss that sweet little cunt. Soothe all her sore places with my tongue. D’you need that?” 
Henry stopped himself from calling you Love, but the pet name reverberated in his brain as he watched your beautiful face full of want for him.
“Yes Henry. Oh my goddd!”
You brought your hand up to your neck and Henry wished it was his.
“Lemme see those nipples, play with them for me, yeah?” 
You did as you were told and Henry watched as you filled your hands with yourself. He nearly cried at the sight. He instinctively rubbed his cock again, but he could control himself.
Couldn’t he?
With you he was not so sure, but there was no going back now, he had to see you through to your end.
“Feel that pussy for me, let her know how much I miss her already. Get in there, Love. Let me hear how much she aches for me.”
He’d let it slip. And he didn’t care. You didn't either. He could call you anything he wanted as long as he didn’t stop talking you through this need. 
“Oh… Hen-ry…”
Your mouth opened wider and your head was thrown back as your hands ventured further down your body.
“Are you circling that plucky little bud for me?”
The stutter and the look on your face made him even bolder. Henry clenched his jaw and his fists to keep control.
“I’m not far from the hotel. Give me one before I get there. Be a good girl for me…you were so good last night…took my cock so well, although I’m sorry I hurt you.”
“I’m not…hurt so good Henry…”
Henry kept his eyes on you as you licked your lips and keened. You had him sweating 1500 miles away. 
“I wanted to fill you up and watch it drip out of you…”
You were panting like a wild animal, and Henry swallowed the whine that was lodged in his throat with a growl. 
“Now stuff three of your pretty little fingers in that pretty little plump cunt. Cum for me. Give me something to dream about.”
You heard his fierce whisper and your eyes rolled as you tried to catch your breath. 
Henry experienced three things: your beautiful face as you screamed with pleasure, his cock raging hard in the confines of his jeans, and his heart beating a mile a minute in his ears. Henry cursed under his breath and reached for the cold bottle of water provided by the car service. He took a swig, then closed it and put it on his forehead. 
Henry tried to collect himself as he listened to your breathing settle and watched you open your eyes slowly and smile shyly at him.
“Such a good girl for me. You alright?”
You hummed. 
“Yes, Mr. Cavill, Sir.”
Henry grinned. Maybe he had tamed the brat a little.
“Now. No more orgasms until I return.”
Henry the Dom was in full force. How was this your life? All you could do was smile at the fortune of having one of the sexiest men in the world lavish this attention on you. You decided to enjoy it while it lasted.
Henry cocked his brow at you. He hoped he looked hard. Because inside….Well, inside, he was all mush for you.
“What was that?”
“I mean, No Sir.”
Henry wanted to say a lot, but he needed to get on with his day; his first interview was in less than two hours.
“We will talk later, Doctor, before I board the redeye for London..”
“Of course, Mr. Cavill. Sir.”
Henry threw you a look as you winked and ended the call. He sighed and stepped out of the car, head full of you as he headed to the penthouse.
You climbed out of the bath and fell back into bed naked, dreaming of Henry in your arms.
Three days later….
The picture you’d sent made Henry wild.  
It was an innocent picture of Kal, his snout resting on your bare thigh. It was exactly where he wanted to be.
“That rake. Trying to steal my girl,” he murmured to himself as he grinned at his phone.
“What’s that Hen?”
Henry looked up at the two men who were smirking at him over their brandies. Henry looked from Corey to Jamie’s face. He hadn’t heard a word they’d said.
“You’ve not stared down at your lap and smiled like that since Year 7.” 
Corey knew Henry better than almost anyone.
“Who is it?”
Jamie was curious what had his mate so distracted. Henry’s head was in the clouds in between press for their movie that was being released, he was working out every spare minute, and he wasn’t looking at any of the lovely ladies that threw themselves at him, not even a little. 
Henry’s face lit up.
“I don’t even know where to begin. She’s… she’s amazing…”
Henry commenced to waxing poetic about you. 
When he finally took a breath, Corey asked, “Yeah, yeah.. But how does she look, lad?”
Henry grinned and flipped through the pictures that you’d sent him on request. He found one that was relatively tame, with you sitting ensconced in his sweatshirt and nothing else. All you could see was your freshly washed face, that smile, and those legs.
Corey whistled.
“There’s a looker!” 
He passed the phone to Jamie who looked at you and then up at Henry, who was beaming.
“That’s why you’ve been hitting the gym harder than usual. Working off that tension.”
Henry grinned.
“Yeah, she’s going to get it when I get back.”
Corey was quick to catch him.
“He’s saving himself? Oh shit. This is serious. When’s the wedding?”
Henry blanched.
“What?...No… we only just…”
“Henry. Did you notice the girl with the huge rack who’s walked by our table four times?”
Henry looked around the restaurant.
“Where? No…”
“She’s right there!”
Henry looked in the direction that Corey pointed.
“Her?” Henry laughed. “She’s… passable.”
Corey looked at Jamie and shook his head.
“You’re right, James. He’s gone. Raise a glass.”
Henry shook his head as Corey and James toasted and took a mockingly somber drink, then he clinked his own.
“Here’s to My Dear Doctor.”
“If she can tie you down, then cheers to Dr. Y/N!”
Henry shared a laugh with his friends.
“Now who wants to go on a run in the morning?”
Later that night:
Although it was after midnight for Henry, it was only after 7 where you were. But your insecurity permeated your conversation with him that night. You went on about his dating history and he railed against online gossip mongers. Finally, you said what you were really thinking.
“I am so not your type, Henry.”
Henry sighed.
“What are you on about?”
I’m a convenience while you’re in town. And you still think you want me because we’re practically sexting every moment of the day. I bet that if we didn’t talk until you had to come back, you’d forget all about me. You’ll find some beautiful English rose…”
“How much?”
“Hunh?” You were being thrown off of your rant.
“How much do you want to bet?”
“We’ve got, what, 10 more days? 100 quid.”
You couldn’t believe him.
“You’re trying to make light of this. Don’t worry about it. I’m not upset Henry.”
“So you’re chicken?”
“I am NOT!” You huffed. “What is a ‘quid’? A pound? You’re betting me a hundred pounds?”
“I forgot how poor the dollar is. I’ll take it easy on you. 100 dollars US.”
“You have a deal Mr. Cavill.”
Henry grinned on the other end of the line. Your brat side would work to his advantage this time.
“Deal. No more phone calls. Just two texts a day. Good morning and good night.”
You were quiet a long time. Then you decided, if it was going to end, you should just go ahead and end it.
“Okay. Goodbye Henry.”
“See you soon, Doctor.”
Ten days after that conversation, you were feeding the sheep when Kal started barking and going crazy at the fence. You approached it and looked down the road to see Henry running toward you at an impressive pace.
Butterflies began to flutter in your belly. The last 10 days had sent you spiraling. Two texts a day were not enough. You missed Henry horribly, and you’d imagined him diddling half of Europe since you practically told him to. Well, you only had yourself to blame. You’d ruined a good thing, even if it were temporary.
You didn’t want to face him, but you had to give him his dog. You didn’t have much time prepare yourself because Henry’s time was good. He ran up and leaned on the fence as he greeted Kal. Then he looked up at you, hypnotizing you with those eyes and that smile of his. 
Damn, you’d missed his face.
Henry was unequivocally a goner. The sight of you made him light headed, the erratic nature of his heart not a good combination with the increase from running.
“Hello, Doctor. How are you?”
Henry smiling at you made you warm. It felt like you’d never been asked that question before and you wanted to tell him your life story, but you just said, “Fine. And you Mr. Cavill?”
Henry grinned at the formalities. You were still his incorrigible brat that he’d left in bed two weeks ago. 
Yes, His, he decided as he watched you unlatch the gate enabling Kal’s attack. He laughed and rolled around in the grass with his pup and you watched fondly. You could get used to these two brutes. You tried to walk around them when Kal went after you too, tripping you up and causing you to fall onto Henry, straddling him as Kal barked excitedly beside you two. 
You looked into Henry’s eyes, feeling him beneath you. It wasn’t sexual, not quite, just familiar. Henry was being calm and his hands just rested on your sides as he grinned up at you. You wanted to hug him. But instead, you made to get up.
“No problem at all, Doctor.”
You cleared your throat and stood up, placing your hands on your hips, grimacing at Henry, who was up now himself. His hair was haloed by the early morning sunlight, and he winked at you as he brushed himself off. Damn him and his perfect features.
“D’you want some water?”
Henry regarded you, solemn and intense, when a drop of sweet traveled from his hairline into his right eye. You felt like you were drooling as you watched his biceps flex as he wiped it away.
“You’ve read my mind.”
The timbre of his voice reminded you of that night on facetime, and your pulse quickened at the thought that you had indeed read his mind. You wanted him, and here he was acting like you were just acquaintances. He really had fooled around in Europe. You could have kicked yourself.
You turned and Henry followed you into your house, taking off his shoes and washing his hands as you did. You watched Henry gulp down the water and you kept your distance. Kal seemed content to give you both your space in the kitchen as he laid in the sunlight from the window in the dining room.
“Doctor, we need to talk.”
Your heart dropped. You knew it.
“There’s nothing to talk about. We talked already. You found someone else. Or had some random hookups. Just as I told you you would.”
Henry’s blood was starting to boil. He took a deep breath, but his voice still came out menacing.
“You are the most maddening woman.You don’t get to tell me what I want, or what I did or what I should do. Like you said, we don’t know each other that well. But I thought that we had an understanding, L/N…”
Now you were angry.
“What understanding? How can we have an understanding if we’ve never really talked. We just fucked. You were horny. I was there. We. Just. Fucked. That’s it. It was good. Now it is over.”
“Oh? It’s over is it? I’ve half a mind to turn you over my knee.”
You chucked your chin up at him like you were daring him.
Henry saw the glint in your eye and he knew what had to happen. Gentlemanly thoughts were out the window. He put the glass down and advanced on you.
You moved back and opened your mouth to reply, but what came out was a squeak. You closed it quickly
“That’s right, listen good, little mouse.”
He moved again and you stayed put.
“Yes. We fucked. We fucked and it was amazing. But we fucked because I’m insanely attracted to you in a myriad ways, not just because I wanted to fuck. You were right. I know how to smash and dash, Doctor, and this is not that.”
Henry paused to look into your eyes, to make sure you understood him. 
“I’m in awe of you. You’re a skilled professional, you’re kind, and gentle, and a nerd who loves to have a good time. You soothe me. You make me think and you make me go mad every time I think about how your body seems made for mine.”
You were inches apart, but he didn’t touch you. 
“I’m entirely and utterly smitten with you. And I’m afraid of the power you have over me Doctor. I’m supposed to behave as a gentleman, but you make it impossible.”
Then, he stepped back leaned up against your counter, running his hand through his curls. It was the counter where you first kissed. You smiled at him.
Henry eyed you warily and crossed his arms, showcasing his muscles and veins. You were dangerous. but he was going to be strong.
“You mean that you didn’t get with anyone else when you were away?”
Henry sighed and rolled his eyes.
“No. Didn’t want to.”
He stood up straighter as you advanced on him now.
“This perfect specimen of a body?”
You pointed, just shy of touching him. Henry reached back and grabbed the counter to keep from grabbing you. 
You reached out and trailed your hand down his muscle shirt, stopping shy of the waistband of his shorts.
“And you’re willing to wait even longer?”
Henry cleared his throat.
Henry’s voice broke and he caught your eye. At that moment, you knew your power.
“It’s just for you, Doctor. When you’re ready.”
You scoffed at him. And leaned up on tiptoe to whisper in his ear. 
“But this body is for the world, Mr. Cavill. After all, millions drool over it every day.”
Your lips brushed the shell of his ear, and Henry closed his eyes and suppressed a shiver. He gave in and reached for you, grabbing you and pulling your flush to him. He looked down, eyes sparkling.
“Maybe so, but how we feel pressed together is just between me and you.”
You looked into the softness of his eyes and you could tell he was sincere.
“But how can you know?”
“I just know that I know. I want to protect you, I want to comfort you… I want to...”
“Oh, Henry…”
You threw your arms around him and kissed him. He lay claim to your mouth again and after, he rested his forehead on yours, panting.
“I’m… I want to be a gentleman…Want to take you out. Wine…dine…”
You palmed him over his shorts and watched his eyes dilate.
“What if I take you out?”
Henry watched you lick your palm and reach into his sweats as he forgot to breathe.
“I- I …”   Henry looked down at what you were doing. “Careful…’
You looked up at him, determined now.
“I thought you were going to cum inside me and leak out of my pores.”
“Mmmmmmmmmother of god!” 
Henry clenched his jaw as he growled at you. 
“I do want to fuck you very badly, Doctor. But you deserve… to be treated….”
Henry’s voice faded away as you continued to stroke his rock hard length.
“It’s been 14 days. I deserve to be fucked. Hard. Need you ... please… Sir.”
You took his right hand and put it on your breast. He rolled your nipple through your shirt and then mirrored the gesture with his left. Henry had a brief thought that you were trying top him before his brain short circuited.
Before you knew it, you’d been spun around and your face was on the cool marble of your countertop. Henry pulled your leggings down to your ankles. You pulled one leg out and Henry hoisted it up on the counter. You leaned back and desperately grabbed at his curls.
“Please Henry, Give!”
He leaned over and whispered in your ear as his fingertips spread you wide. 
“Trust me Doctor, you will take. But first…”
Henry sank to his knees and whispered to your cunt.
“Been so long. Need to taste…mmmmmmm.”
You were pulled back onto Henry’s face as he buried his mouth into your wet crevasse. He hummed and smacked as if he were eating the best meal of his life. Henry certainly thought so. He destroyed your soul as he alternated fucking you with his tongue and licking you rudely throughout your entire crease.
After you came on his face, he took off your pants completely, and lifted you easily in his arms, walking a few feet to your couch.
Henry set you down face first before him, leaning down to whisper in your ear.
���You’re a venus, my dear Doctor.”
Henry’s thick fingers moved from your knee digging into the couch cushions up your thigh to the wetness dripping there. Four fingers found your slick and swiped, while his thumb ghosted your puckered hole.
“Mhmmmmm. Henry…”
“So responsive f’me. Want to be everywhere all at once.”
Henry enjoyed the feeling of his cock slipping in your wetness, the way you moved to try and get him inside you. He moaned knowing how much you wanted him too. His hands moved up from your hips to find your nipples under the top you were wearing and your moves became more wanton. Henry became irritated at the confines of your shirt. He reached for the hem.
“Take this off…There we go.”
He pulled you to him, your cool back against his warm torso, and he trailed his hands up and down your body.
“‘ve wanted my hands on you ever since I left…”
“Me too, Mr. Cavill.”
You’d turned your head to whisper, and Henry’s mouth captured yours in a kiss. You wiggled your ass against the pounding organ that was wedged between your cheeks, and he reached down to grab your hip to still you.
“Want my cock?”
You shook your head.
“No. Need it.”
And with that, you bent down again and looked over your shoulder at him, arching your back.
Henry gazed down at your presented ass and turned his head to the side, admiring, as that eyebrow raised and made you that much wetter.
“Yesss…” His blue eyes met yours. “I believe that you do.”
You whimpered and dropped your head, watching from below as Henry grabbed his cock at the base, his fingers splayed out against his big balls as he lined up and breached you with his rude, wide, mushroom tip. 
“Let me…”
The stretch burned deliciously, and both of you grunted as Henry eased into you, his length and girth making you question reality again. 
“…Slide into this warm…”
“Oh, Henry! Feels so-”
He cut you off.
“Shit! Love how you take it.”
“Oh god!”
You were almost sobbing at how good it felt.
“I feel you inside me.”
“D’you feel it getting bigger?”
You could hear the grin in his voice. You nodded and sobbed, the feeling indescribable.
“Stretching you out. So, so good.”
“Uh unhhh uhmmmmm. Missed you Hen...ry!”
“Me, too, Love. Me....too!”
Henry was moaning behind you as he smoothly thrust in and out of you, making it so good that your buried your head into the pillow and drooled into it between your screams of: “Oh my goddd!”
“Mmmm just like that, take it all for me.”
He delivered a sound slap to your behind and you keened.
“Love it when you take it all.”
He smacked you again.
“D’you like my cock?” he demanded.
“Mmmmyeah hmmm, I love itttt!”
Henry moved his hand around to your clit and started manipulating it.Then, he moved your hand to your sensitive nub as you whimpered.
“Now take over for me. Circle that clit. Justttt like that.”
You did as you were told, your legs shaking.
“Ohhh oh my god, Henry!”
“Just like that. Good girl.”
Henry smacked your ass yet again.
“Now keep it up.”
The stimulation was getting to be too much. This man knew how to fuck all of you, not just your body, but your mind.
Your plaintive wail was almost too much for Henry. Yet he persisted.
“M’ gonna fuck you….”
Your wetness was making what was now happening sound obscene, and served to get you closer to the orgasm he hadn’t given you permission to have yet.
“Oh god!”
You wanted to pull your hand away, but you obeyed his command.
Henry swiveled his hips so that your insides lit up like a christmas tree as he fucked you.
You couldn’t breathe, and you were beginning to feel a certain pressure in your pelvis. You whimpered again as Henry made you feel every nerve ending in your body.
“…Just…. there…”
Henry’s thrusts were controlled and steady, despite feeling your cunt clenching in waves around him as you tried in vain to stave off your end.
“Oh yeah I like that.” 
He’d leaned down, hot breath in your ear.
“Oh I feel it Henry.”
“God yeah. Me too. You like that, Doctor?”
“Oh Godddddd!”
Henry pulled you upright and you struggled to keep circling your clit as your hips sped up of their own volition. You used two hands as Henry squeezed your hips, holding on as you bounced up and down on his dick. His eyes were glued to your bouncing tits. 
“Oh shit! Just there…bounce like that, yeah.” 
Henry’s mouth descended and latched on, sucking your jugular as you fucked yourself on him. His hands kneaded your bouncing breasts. He was in heaven.
“Use me, Baby. Make yourself feel good.”
“You’re so fucking big….”
Henry grinned into your neck.
“Feel it Doctor…” 
Henry was blowing in your ear as he suckled on your lobe now. He bent you back over, placing his hand between your shoulder blades so you would move your hands and deliver the arch. You were relieved yet still desperate. Henry looked down and groaned.
“Look at that cream.”
The timbre of Henry’s voice and the slapping of skin on skin was more than you could bear.
“Henry… Please! Can I cum?”
The slapping intensified as Henry sped up and got sloppy, losing control finally.
“Cum… now Doctor…”
Henry stroked into you fiercely, prolonging your orgasm until your spasming channel forced him out of you.
You both exclaimed in disappointment, and Henry in laughed as he kissed your neck and plunged back inside you, fucking you even harder now.
“Thank you for that. I was about to spill everything inside you and this would be over. Gave me a bit of a breather. Now give me that arch again.”
He bent you over again.
“Just there. Oh yeah… Looka there…that arch…yesss. Love that arch.”
He crossed his arms to hold your hips still so that he could go even harder.
“Am I fucking you properly?”
You were drooling and your eyes were rolling; you barely registered his question. Henry slapped your ass.
“Oh. Yesssss! Fuck yesss. Cock is so hard…so big.”
“Oh, shit…sssssss!”
Henry hissed as he felt his cum crawl up from his balls. 
“I….ugh… Henry!!!... I’m cuming…”
“M…Me toooo!”
You were the little spoon to Henry’s big as he held you on your couch, the plaid throw covering your nakedness. You stroked Henry’s arm as he held you close.
“Did you spend the entire two weeks thinking that up?”
Henry leaned over to look at you, smiled, and kissed your nose. Then he relaxed again.
“That was entirely off the cuff. You’re an inspiration. A muse.”
“A sexual muse, hunh.”
Henry pulled you closer to him. 
“So much more than sexually. You inspire me in so many areas.”
You looked back at him quizzically. He just grinned.
“Come, lets get cleaned up and get dressed. And give me ride over to my place, would you? We have a brunch reservation in… two hours at The Orangery. I’m taking you out on the town.”
“And you can pay, because you owe me a hundred dollars.”
You realized that it was put up or shut up time as Henry grinned at you.
If you liked it, reblog and let me know!
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Harry wants it known that he’s at the ministry’s Yule gala under duress. It was all he could do to force himself into his dress robes and make himself presentable; he can’t fathom where he’ll find the energy he needs to get through the rest of the evening.
People he barely knows keep coming up to him – as they always do – to shake his hand, chat with him about this and that, thank him for his role in defeating the dark lord. (Still. He really wishes they’d stop doing that. It’s been more than six years now.)
And then there are pockets of people, staring at him and whispering behind their hands. Another constant in his public appearances, though he imagines the content of their conversations is at least a little different from usual, if not the tone. 
He’s just escaped another fan and is looking to make a beeline for the bar when it happens. Harry sees his doom approaching from several metres away but, since they saw him first and he (stupidly) refuses to run away, he stands there like an idiot, wishing he were anywhere else.
“Hi Harry,” Ginny says. It looks like she wants to hug him or get close, and his shoulders stiffen involuntarily. Thankfully, she stays where she is.
“Hullo Ginny,” he replies and, without looking at the man, utters a terse, “Malfoy.”
The smug arse smirks at him. “Potter.”
“How’ve you been?” Ginny asks, which. Rude. If she actually cared about that, she wouldn’t have cheated on him with the git on her arm, but whatever. 
“Oh, fine. Y’know, keeping busy.” God, he hates small talk.
Before he can respond with the requisite, ‘And you?’, Malfoy jumps in. “Yes, I suppose you have been, from what I’ve heard.”
Ugh. Fucking Malfoy. Harry wishes he had a drink or seven. He can’t believe he’d rather be caught in another conversation with that weirdo from earlier about his wand-care habits, of all things.
Ginny gently elbows Malfoy in the side with a chiding, “Draco.”
He’s considering the merits of letting himself be ripped apart by the anti-apparition wards to get away from this conversation – splinching himself can’t be much more painful than this – when a hand bearing a very welcome drink appears in front of him. That’ll do for now, though splinching is still on the table. Especially when he follows the hand to the arm up to the face and of course it’s Ri– Tom.
Harry gives him the side-eye, but accepts the drink. “Thanks.”
Tom leans in slightly, just enough so the two in front of them can’t read his lips. “You looked like you might be in need of a rescue.”
And as he pulls back out of Harry’s personal space, he rests a hand low on Harry’s back. Harry tenses for a moment before just accepting that tonight is all about him being as uncomfortable as possible. He takes a gulp of his drink – something dark and spicy. It burns pleasantly.
When he starts paying attention again, he finds Ginny looking at Tom with surprise; Malfoy is looking at the other man with – is that a hint of fear? And Tom is staring them both down, but somehow managing to do it with a veneer of politeness. 
“Good evening, Draco,” he says pleasantly. “Ginevra.”
“Riddle.” Malfoy’s greeting is stiff, as is the awkward, aborted bow he gives. Hmm.
“And Harry,” Tom says, turning to look at him fondly. “So good to see you again.”
Hoo boy.
“You,” Harry murmurs from behind the rim of his drink. “Are not subtle.”
Tom takes the opportunity to slide his hand further around Harry’s back, lightly gripping his hip and pulling him closer up against Tom’s side. He returns Harry’s withering look with an undaunted smile. “I wasn’t trying to be.”
“Yeah, I’m getting that.”
“When did you two get so cosy?” Ginny cuts in. Her tone is playful, but there’s more than offhand curiosity lurking beneath.
“Uh.” Shite, he doesn’t ever want Ginny to find out how this started, but especially not in public. Who knows who’s listening in or watching. “We ran into each other by chance a month and a half ago” –actually, he’s how I found out you were fucking Malfoy behind my back– “and we’ve met up a few times since then. It’s nice to have someone… uninvolved to talk to.”
Tom looks amused at that. He’s definitely involved in the demise of Harry’s relationship, and if there’s one thing they haven’t been doing (but probably should), it’s talking.
“I’ve been helping him expand his horizons,” Tom says without apparent innuendo, yet somehow the layered meaning is still obvious. Prat. “Getting him to try new things, keeping him busy.”
“You and half the town,” Malfoy mutters under his breath.
“I see…” Ginny says over him. “Funny how that escaped the rumour mill.” 
Harry laughs awkwardly, wishing for a stray lightning bolt to strike and put him out of his misery. “Must not’ve been exciting enough.”
The conversation dies for long enough to become uncomfortable - well, even more so. Malfoy touches Ginny’s elbow and leans down to speak into her ear. Harry seizes their distraction to turn on Tom.
“Are you sure you don’t want to piss on me to mark your territory while you’re at it?” he asks dryly.
Tom wrinkles his nose delicately in disgust. “No need to be crude. Though…” He gives Harry a considering once-over. “I’m not at all opposed to the idea of you carrying my mark. How do you feel about tattoos?”
Harry snorts. “Not a chance.”
The other man tucks his face in close to Harry’s, breath hot against the skin beneath his ear. “What about bruises?”
As though he doesn’t regularly leave an abundance of those on Harry anyway, what with his penchant for treating Harry like a chew toy. Harry shivers all the same, just a little bit. He can feel the barest brush of Tom’s grin against his neck.
Ginny clears her throat pointedly.
“Good to know,” Tom breathes as he pulls back.
Ginny continues trying to talk to him while Malfoy makes the odd snide comment, Tom attempts to meld into Harry’s side while replying for him and being subtly insulting, and Harry tries to become one with the floor. He realises he’s missed a question when he breaks out of his daze to find both Tom and Ginny are watching him expectantly.
Ginny starts to say something when Tom cuts her off. "Care to dance?"
If looks could kill, Tom would be in a bad way with how Ginny’s glaring at him. "Harry doesn't dance," she says tetchily. Tom doesn't bother with her, waiting for Harry's wary nod.
He looks back at Ginny smugly. "Perhaps yet another new thing to which I can introduce him.”
“Okay, that’s enough,” Harry says, grabbing Tom’s wrist and dragging him towards the dance floor. Best to get this over with, and all the better if it means he doesn’t have to speak with anyone else in the meantime.
"She's not wrong," he mutters once they don't have to fear being overheard. "I don't dance.”
"Just follow my lead," Tom replies easily. “Would it be correct to say you don’t particularly care about stepping on my toes?”
Harry stares at him blankly for a moment before he feels a reluctant smile appear on his face. “It might be the one redeeming part of this.”
“The only one?” Tom says archly, pulling him into the correct hold. And, without giving Harry a chance to breathe or think, they’re off in what Harry thinks might be a waltz. 
"That was quite the risk you took," Harry says, trying not to stare at his feet and hoping for the best as Tom spins him around the room. He is, oddly enough, a much better dancer when he’s not constantly concerned about crushing someone's foot.
"Was it?"
"Yes. What made you think I wouldn't refuse and let you look foolish?"
He catches sight of a pleased grin on Tom's face from the corner of his eye. "The same thing that made me ask you to dance when I've seen your previous forays. You rise to the occasion when I push you.” He looks at Harry, for a moment, proudly. “I also knew you’d be more than amenable to anything that got you away from those two.”
Harry can’t deny that.
“Now look sharp, and do try to keep up,” Tom says, the hand at Harry’s lower back gripping him a little tighter.
And it’s all he can do not to trip over his feet and take them both down in a painful sprawl, but the rush, the heady triumph of making it through the successive, intricate turns, goes straight to his head. Before he can stop himself, Harry lets out a loud peal of laughter, further disrupting the couples around them and drawing sneers and disapproving glances. And he just doesn’t care. Not that he thinks he normally would’ve, but it feels like it’s been ages since he’s felt so light and happy. So, he doesn’t think about the people around him. He doesn’t think about how it’s Tom who’s making him feel this way. He just basks in the sun-warm feeling of contentment – of being okay for the first time in a while.
(One night)
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random-thot-generator · 2 months
Better Not to Know + Pt. 2
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Summary: It's been months, but you've not been able to forget the stranger you hooked up with in a night club bathroom. Then again, it hard to forget someone who left such a lasting impression.
Warnings/Tags: no serious warnings, mild profanity, no smut this round, no use of Y/N
(Notes: This one wouldn't leave me alone either, so here's a second installment. Bit of a cliffhanger at the end. Yeah, I'm a literary sadist.)
banners & dividers by: @saradika-graphics
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March comes in a like a lion, the wind and rain making it a misery to step foot out-of-doors. Small wonder that your boss decides to send you to pick up his dry cleaning for him instead of doing it himself. Why risk ruining his tailored suits and Italian shoes, when he could just send you, who bought your clothes off the clearance rack?
Umbrella clutched in your fist, you hurry along the sidewalk, dodging puddles and people as you make your way to the dry cleaners. You're relieved to see there's not a line, counting your blessings as you step through the door. An automated chime announces your arrival— bing-bong.
"Hullo. Can I help you?" A young woman with colorful tats sleeving her arms and teal hair gives you a customer service smile from behind the counter.
You pull the ticket from the pocket of your raincoat and slide it over with a tight smile. "Just a pick-up."
The young woman picks up the slip of paper, heavily lined eyes scanning the ticket before flickering over your damp, bedraggled form. "Be just a tick, luv," she murmurs, disappearing through a curtained doorway.
With nothing better to do, you drift over to a display of travel-size stain remover sticks, not bothering to turn around when the door opens, a gust of wind fluttering the hem of your coat. The automated chime sounds, drawing Tattoo Girl out of the back with what you assume is your boss' dry cleaning held aloft in one hand.
"Well, hullo, handsome!" she greets her new customer with a wide, toothy smile. "Got your uniform ready. Just need to take care of this lady first."
You don't look back to see who she's addressing, all your attention focused on fishing your boss' credit card out of your pocket. You do absently notice that the new customer smells nice. You catch notes of sandalwood and pine, a hint of musk, definitely masculine and strangely familiar. You also don't fail to notice how Tattoo Girl keeps glancing over your shoulder as she rings you up, the remnants of her wide smile still lingering.
"Here you go," she says, handing over the dry-cleaning bag and receipt, her eyes already focused on her more desirable customer.
"Thanks," you mutter, drawing the bag over the counter and draping it over your arm. Pulling the sides of your coat together, you turn, curious eyes flicking up to catch a glimpse of the man who has so distracted the pretty cashier, then almost trip over your own feet as you stumble to a halt.
"No bloody way," you breathe in a shocked whisper, staring up at the face that's been haunting you for the last five months.
His eyes widen at the same time yours do, recognition clear in his expression. "Christ, I don't believe it," he mutters, a mystified smile curving his sensuous lips. "It's really you."
You feel the same way. You can't believe it's really him, the gorgeous bloke from the club, Mr. Tall, Dark and Dangerous himself. "Um— wow. H-Hi."
His soft brown eyes register surprise but also pleasure as they lock with yours and his mega-watt smile appears. "Long time, no see, pet. How ya been?"
You gaze up at him dumbfounded, shaken all the way down to your sensible shoes. It's really him. Holy shit! "I, uh... I'm g-good. And you?" Christ! When did you develop a stammer?
He steps closer, his smile turning into something softer and intimate. "Been doin' alright." His eyes dart over your face, taking you in as if he still can't believe you're real. "This is bloody mad, innit? You wouldn't believe how many times I've..." He lets his words trail off, shaking away his dazed expression. "Ah, never mind. 'M just beyond chuffed to see ya again, pet. You look— lovely."
At least he's pleased to see me again, you think. That's a good sign, isn't it? You adjust the dry-cleaning bag in front of you, suddenly feeling self-conscious.
Tattoo Girl clears her throat, drawing your attention back to the counter. You glance over to see a perturbed little frown on her face, her eyes bouncing back and forth between you and the gorgeous man standing by your side.
"Oh! Sorry," you apologize, stepping away from the counter. You glance back up at him, feeling flustered and more than a little overwhelmed. Gripping the dry-cleaning bag closer to your body, you ignore the fact that you're probably wrinkling your boss' clothes.
"Ha. Making a right nuisance of myself, aren't I?" you murmur with a nervous titter. "It was, um, nice seeing you again, uh..." You give him a sheepish little grin, feeling terribly awkward and thoroughly embarrassed. "I-I'm so sorry. I don't think I ever got your, uh... name." God, how embarrassing...
He shuffles his feet and grins, looking a bit sheepish himself. "It's, uh, it's Kyle," he answers in a soft voice, holding out his hand. "Kyle Garrick." He dips his chin down to meet your eyes, giving you a teasing little smirk. "I don't think I got your name, either."
Taking his hand, you utter your name with a dazed expression as his touch sends warm tingles of awareness shooting up your arm. Neither one of you let go until the Tattoo Girl clears her throat again and sniffs in irritation.
Kyle's brows tick together in mild irritation as he shoots a quick look in her direction, then flicks his gaze back to you. "Would ya mind waiting while I take care of this? It'll just take a moment," he says, sounding anxious. "I'd really like to catch up with ya, maybe buy ya lunch or a coffee?"
Your head bobs in eager agreement. "Yeah, sure. I've got time."
Honestly, you didn't, but to hell with your boss. This is far more important to you.
Stepping out of the way, you wait by the door for him, your mind racing. As you stare at his broad back, your teeth worry at your bottom lip, wondering what he will have to say, then fret over what you're going to say to him. Is he just hoping to hook up again or does his interest go deeper than that? The way he's acting, it seems like it's more than that, but who knows? It's not like you really know him that well. Or at all, really. Jesus, this is nerve-wracking...
By the time Kyle has paid for his dry cleaning and is turning around, you have worked yourself up into a jittery mess. His smile dims as he takes in your nervous expression, concern plain on his face.
"Ya alright, pet?" he asks, stepping close to grasp your elbow. "You look like you're about to be sick."
Shaking your head, you offer him a weak smile. "No, no, I'm fine. I just feel a bit peckish," you lie, not wanting to make a scene. You can see Tattoo Girl staring daggers at the two of you, a petulant frown on her face. "Could we go ahead and get that coffee now? I think I need to sit down."
"Yeah, of course, love," Kyle murmurs, caressing your arm with a worried look. "C'mon, let's go."
He takes your umbrella from your numb fingers and opens the door, holding it for you as he snaps the brolly open over his head. Lifting his arm, he lays it across your shoulders, pulling you into his side as he shifts the umbrella to shield you both from the rain. Casting another worried glance down at you, he leads you to a nearby sandwich shop and quickly ushers you inside.
"Here we go," he murmurs, guiding you over to a table. He takes the dry-cleaning bag from you and drapes it over the back of a chair with his own. "Here, love. Let me take your coat," he offers as he steps behind you, and you're so flustered that you let him slip the coat from your shoulders before realizing your mistake. Quaking in your shoes, you turn to face him.
Kyle stands frozen, his mouth open to say something, his eyes now riveted on your waistline. You glance down as well then stare up into his shocked face, your hands going to your stomach to splay over the gentle swell of your baby bump.
A pained grimace twists your features as you whisper in a shaky voice, "I suppose I should explain."
part 1 part 3
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Imagine being on the train with the Golden Trio and Remus Lupin
Y/N: "Ah, a creepy man sitting alone, there he is perfect!"
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Y/N walks in and sits across from Remus.
The Trio walks in
Hermione: "Come on, everywhere else is full. Oh, I don't believe I've seen you before? "
Y/N: "Hello! I'm Y/N, I've been quite sick until now so I didn't get to go to school for the first two years! It's nice to meet you! Hullo Harry!"
Ron: "You know her?"
Harry: "Y/N? Aren't you the girl who-"
Y/N: "Ah come and sit! Where are my manners!"
All enter.
Ron: "Who do you think that is?"
Hermione: "Professor R.J Lupin."
Ron: "Do you know everything? How is it she knows everything?"
Y/N: "It's on his suitcase Ron."
Ron: "Oh, how do you know my name?"
Y/N: "Hermione introduced us!" *Winks at Hermione*
Harry: "Do you think he's actually asleep?"
Hermione: "Seems to be. Why?"
Harry: "I've got to tell you guys something."
They all look at Y/N
Y/N: "Don't mind me, I don't know anyone so I won't say anything."
Harry explains the situation about Sirius Black
Ron: "So you're telling me he broke out of Azkaban to come after you?"
Harry: "Yeah"
Hermione: "They'll catch him won't they? Everyone's looking for him."
Y/N: "Noone's ever broken out before."
Ron: "And he's a murderous raving lunatic."
Y/N frowns
Harry: "Thanks Ron"
Train slows to a stop
Hermione: "Why are we stopping"
Y/N: *quietly* "Shit I forgot about this."
Y/N grips her wand.
Hermione: "We can't be there yet."
Harry: "Dunno, maybe we've broken down."
Y/N: "The Hogwarts Express doesn't break down."
Lights go out.
Hermione: "Ouch Ron that was my foot"
Ron: "There's something moving out there. I think someone's coming aboard."
Train shakes
Y/N: "Stay behind me."
Dementor slides open the door
Y/N: *Quietly* "Come on Remus wake up."
Dementor approaches the Trio and Remus wakes up.
Remus and Y/N: "Expecto patronum."
The Trio collapses.
Remus: "A student who knows the patronus charm? Quite incredible miss?"
Y/N turns around.
Y/N: *whispers* "Hello Moony"
Remus: *in shock* "Y/N, you-"
Y/N: "I'll explain later, Dumbledore knows as well. The three will wake up soon."
Remus: I can't believe- We thought you died.
Y/N: *laughs* "Remus my dear, time does not simply die. It diverges and creates new paths when stopped. You know this."
Remus: "You haven't aged a day and yet you are just as wise if not more."
Y/N: "It's good to see you again my friend."
Remus: "Do you know what happened to Padfoot?"
Y/N: *grits her teeth* "He's innocent. It wasn't him, he was framed."
Remus: "Do you know by who?"
Y/N: *bitterly* "By one we trusted. One of our own. I cannot say but you can guess."
Remus: *nods mutely*
Y/N: "We will talk later. They should wake up right about now."
The trio wakes up
Remus: "Here eat this, it'll help."
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Y/N: "Take it, it's chocolate. The dementor, a guard of Azkaban passed by. I'm not quite sure why."
Remus: "If you'll excuse me, I need to have a little word with the driver. Eat, you'll feel better."
Remus leaves.
Hermione: "How did you know the charm"
Ron: "Yeah, we don't learn it. It's not even in the OWLS"
Y/N: *grins* "Let's just say being away from school allows me to practise spells without the boring bits."
HI IM KINDA BACK, this one's been sitting in my drafts for a while but I love the idea of the narrator being in Harry Potter! Please give me a comment if you like this so I know to continue or not 🤣 HAPPY DECEMBER AND I HOPE TO BE MORE ACTIVE SOON! Till then my lovelies.
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ch0wen · 2 years
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@cellyx - Thank you for the love for Allies in Arles 💞 Here is what I threw together based on your request. Hopefully it is a fun read of Lemon and Reader with a sprinkle of Tangerine x Reader too?!
Cover | Lemon and Tangerine - Lemon and Reader - Tangerine x Fem!Reader
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warnings: cursing & implied sex if you squint
The jostled picnic table you are occupying, shakes your water bottle. Emitting that buzz of ringing metal. Without looking up from your book, you steady it.
You’re on a self-relaxation break away from home. Correctly, seated in a type of refuge, tucked away from the heart of the city. To be able to find a quiet place to soak up the beauty of Central Park was a surprise, as this area is seemingly always filled with other tourists. It felt good to concentrate on anything other than work. Admittedly, it was nice to not hear a dozen screaming 2nd graders, and instead listen to the quiet sounds of nature.
“Jesus!” Dropping your book shut, your hand flies to your chest as you lock eyes with a smiling, brawny, black gentleman seated across from you. “Who the hell are you?”
“I’m Lemon. I’m begging that you act like this is a casual meeting. Like we know each other.” He pleads through a strained, nonchalant expression.
You fix your bewildered face to something more relaxed, “What is this for?”
“This was the first thing I saw while running in here. I’m being stalked by these guys. They may harm me if they catch me.”
“I'm sorry, catch and harm you? Are you a good guy or a bad guy in this scenario? I don’t—. Am I going to get in trouble for aiding in a crime?”
“Okay. Excuse me but, fuck, too many questions! I really should've doubled my coffee this morning. But Tangerine had to cite statistics on why that was unhealthy from one of those God damn medical pamphlets he found!” That spewing of input is not meant for you, because he doesn't even look for a reaction. He was only putting his frustration out into the world.
Wait. Now, who the fuck is Tangerine?
"But to answer you, it's debatable. I consider myself to be a good guy. At least, the kind that calls his mom three times a week. But when it comes to my job,” he shrugs with a click to his teeth, “It truly depends on what side of the situation you’re looking at it from. I do what I'm told and get it done. Minimal mess maker but will clean up after my brother.”
A pause, to contemplate if there were any additional traits he felt would be worth sharing.
“I think I am a pretty sound guy, yeah.”
“I feel like I have more questions after that. But okay, I'm Y/N.”
Quietly, he sat there with his hands clasped. You glimpse over his shoulder to the park’s entrance gates. Two angry-looking men jog by, pause, circle back, and continue running in the other direction. Lemon's back is to them but your eyes follow the blurred men until they're out of view.
They didn’t even look over here. Believing this stranger was safe from whatever threats those men held. You spot a blotch of crimson on his blue sleeve when you look at him again.
“Oh, you’re bleeding!”
You’re already reaching into your purse, for the ziplock baggie you call a first aid kit, as Lemon fingers the stain. He rolls up the fabric to expose his wound. You hand over a bandaid and he smiles at your kindness.
Getting a good look at the source of his bleeding, your eyes comically widen. How did this man get a gash that large on this random Tuesday? What kind of weapon would leave a slash like that? Who was he running from?
“Now looking at it, I’m not sure one bandaid will be enough,” you’re passing over your last three bandages. His smile is still present as he unwraps the aid, “honestly, you may need stitches.”
“Well for now something is better than nothing.” He’s holding the second bandage up for emphasis, “and I thank your Blue’s Clues characters for their service.”
You let out a chuckle, “I am a teacher, I swear! And I have a nephew! They’re all accident-prone. Those are the only characters at the moment that cheer them up when they get scraped.”
“Apparently, me and your wains have a few things in common.”
Lemon’s head lurches forward, suddenly. A man appeared behind him. He had a trimmed mustache, disheveled curly hair, and rolled-up sleeves, exposing drying blood that may not be his. Clearly, he was the one that smacked Lemon upside the back of the head.
Lemon pivoted in his seat to scowl at this new man. He doesn't seem scared, so maybe this isn't one of the dudes after him. His eyes followed the guy as he walked around to the side of the picnic table, before dropping down next to him.
The angry man speaks, “Why the fuck did you run off?”
“You were holding your own in the cellar. I got cornered on the main floor and booked it.”
Lemon dodges an incoming smack. Seizing the mustached man's wrist midair and manipulating his open-palmed hand to point at you.
“She was assisting me with cover.”
Finally, Mustache looked at you. Subconsciously sitting up as he assesses you. Hopefully, he liked what he saw. It looked as though his eyes hooded slightly after locking with yours. Oh, you're delusional.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to use language like that in front of you.”
Your face warmed for a second time today. Except it was a sense of timidness towards this attractive man, not embarrassment like before.
“She was a proper nurse to me. Tended to my wounds and everything.”
Tangerine quirked a brow while Lemon turned his arm to show the once-fresh bandaids, now soaked. It's a bit macabre seeing Magenta and Blue's cheerful faces stained in red blood. Also, those are absolutely doing nothing to slow the blood loss. But Lemon is acting like you performed a successful surgery on him.
Tangerine eyed the cartoonish bandaids with a frown. Shot you a side glance then looked back at his brother.”
“Suits you.”
You all sat together waiting to ensure the coast was clear. Thankfully, there weren't any awkward pauses. However, you felt it peculiar that they answered your questions in an odd way. Their responses held some truth but clearly censored typically normal facts, like their job description or real names.
You were able to learn that they're brothers. As if the bickering that interrupted the chat a few times didn't already give it away. They were both quite friendly while getting to know.
And maybe it was your own wishful thinking but you felt like you saw Tangerine observing you throughout the gathering.
“We’re still technically working, but I think the right thing to do is to walk her back to her hotel. The streets aren’t safe today," Tangerine suggests after fifteen minutes of scanning the park from his spot.
“Ever the gentlemen, T. But the higher danger level is because of us.”
“Don't," Tangerine warned.
“Figured honesty is the best policy. There are a shit ton of episodes of Thomas on that.”
“Stabbing you in the arm to deepen that wound may be the best policy to shut you up.”
“Okay, well now you’re definitely frightening her.”
“I am? Maybe the continuous reminder of looming death is doing the job already.”
Lemon paused,
“Right. Forget about that, love. You’re safe with us as your escorts back!”
You raise out of your seat with an ‘OK’ and Lemon’s arm in yours. Tangerine trailing behind like a guard dog with his head on a swivel.
It has been a couple of hours since your afternoon meeting with the Twins. You immediately needed rest after getting back to your hotel room. Overwhelmed with your afternoon run in. You wake up with the idea that it would be best to clear your thoughts with a lengthy shower.
Wrapping a short hotel bath towel around your damp body, you brush out your hair. You’re blurred in the foggy mirror. Unexpectedly, the window in the adjoining room rattles. A dark mass behind you in the reflection.
Turning you witnessed a body climb through and crash onto the floor. You’re muffling your scream as your brain processes who just broke in.
"Tangerine? What are you doing here?"
“Dreadful etiquette coming in through the window, I know.”
He leaned against the door frame with a smug expression; Looking so unbelievably good. You can tell he has freshened up also. He wore a bone-white T-shirt and dark denim jeans. The golden rings he had on each finger kept catching in the light over the vanity.
"I wanted to give a proper thank you for helping out my brother before. Is that alright?"
For him, the biting of your bottom lip was your quiet confirmation. Still, he waited to hear you squeak out a ‘yes’ before invading your personal space.
He pressed you up against the cool, marble counters. His lips gently kiss your reddened skin, either from your hot shower or this gorgeous man in front of you is causing a full-body blush.
He ran his hands over your wet skin. Licking kisses against your neck. Pushing his bulge into your bare thigh. The grip on your towel loosened.
As it fell, his hand slid up in between your legs.
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sulky-valkyrie · 1 year
Promot: Iron Bull corners Alistair in Skyhold with “we need to talk”, poor man is like “oh now, what did I do to Dorian *this* time?”
Then they sit down, Bull pulls out his unfinished first draft of report home “so how are you doing? How have you been? What’s up?”
“Look, the Arishok is asking how you, specifically you, have been. Oh and this is for you, he’s worried you don’t have anything decent to wear.”
hullo my darling! for @dadrunkwriting
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They were nearing Val Firmin when The Iron Bull dropped a meaty hand on Alistair’s shoulder.  “Need to talk to you.”
Oh dear, how did I fuck up with Dorian this time?  Was this about that conversation last night?  Maker, when did Dorian even have time to talk to Bull about it?  It wasn’t even noon!  “I- yes.  Let’s do that.  Privately?”
Bull snorted.  “Guilty conscience?  What did you do this time?”  He motioned him to follow as he threaded his way through the marching troops to the outer edge. 
“Oh you know, just exist.”  Alistair smiled weakly at Bull’s back.  “Whatever I did this time, I’ll fix it.”
“Always, Al.”  He fished a tiny monocle out of his pocket - there was a little hook at the end that let him latch it to his eyepatch and rest it across his nose.  “I just got some reports from the Arishok.  And a package.”  He cocked his head.  “For you.”
Alistair blinked at him.  “I know you were speaking Trade that whole time.  I know it.  But I have no idea what you just said.”
“It’s a scarf.”
“That is not making this make any more sense,” Alistair said heatedly.  “You’re telling me that the head of the entire Qunari military has a message and a scarf for me?”  He shook his head.  “Did Sera put you up to this?”
Bull frowned thoughtfully for a moment, then started chuckling.  “You don’t know.”
“Know what?”
“Who the Arishok is.”
Alistair squinted up at him.  “Why would I?  Your people literally don’t use names.”  He paused as he remembered who he was speaking to.  “Most of you, at least.”
“The Arishok,” Bull said patiently, “is a hornless qunari who was in Ferelden during the Fifth Blight.  And he’s knitted you a scarf.  Several scarves, in fact.  I already passed Daylen and Zevran’s off to Red when I gave her hers.”  He chuckled again.  “I’ll let you give Morrigan the last one - I get the feeling she’d burn my eyes right out of my sockets if I tried.”
All of Alistair’s thoughts crashed to a halt and he stumbled.  “Sten?  Sten is the fucking Arishok?”
“Yes, and he’s worried you’re not warm enough.”  Bull pulled out a woolen lump, then let two ends dangle down.  Those were certainly scarves.  In a rather elaborate pattern, with big holes and small ones all lined up to form the suggestion of pairs of wings.  “And manual dexterity is important, therefore knitting is an acceptable hobby for a soldier.”  He handed them over, adjusted his monocle, and pulled a few sheets of parchment out.  “Now, let’s see: do you have enough socks?”
“I only lost them all once and that was ten bloody years ago!  And while fording a river!”
Bull made a little mark on the page.  “I’ll put that as a yes.  Eating enough?”
Alistair rolled his eyes.  “Maker take me, yes!”
“They do have a good spread in Skyhold.”  He frowned down at the page.  “Last question, but it’s outdated.  ‘Did you tell Daylen he’s your kadan?’  Now, here’s the part where you shout ‘no’ at me indignantly, but is there anything else you’d like to add?”
“My . . .”  Alistair trailed off.  He didn’t know the word, but the way Bull said it was enough.  “I suppose, just thank him for his concern?”
“You got it, Al.”  Bull plucked one of the scarves from his hand and wound it around his throat.  “Mission completed.”
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tokillamockingbird427 · 10 months
hello :)
as it is literally night while im writing this(totally not the only time actually free in my room/desk and go through my mess of thoughts) , i was thinking deeply about a logan (voice) hc that i decided to share here. im not too sure if this was talked about already a LONG time ago but feel free to let me know :D
mainly, it revolves around if he gets comfortable enough and decided to talk around other people besides hesh & elias, because well, social gatherings are scary. but even between elias & hesh, i feel as though he really just uses sign language unless its in a place he truly feels comfortable in talking in.
but getting more into the mans voice, i feel as though he mainly speaks in a whisper, or if anything is a soft speaker. a soft speaker with a raspy, soothing voice with a bit of an accent if we add ur head cannon of hesh & logan being of mixed race bc of mama walker ! (if we add in the (multilingual) hc from my first/second ask, his voice would of course be with a way more deeper accent.) and the reason why i chose him being a soft spoken speaker was mainly cause the walkers kinda generally have a soft spoken voice when theyre not yelling :). (i noticed that when i watched a 4 hour play through for the second time to really analyze the characters for fun.)
now, if we really think about it, his voice is pretty good to fall asleep to and is generally shocking(but not like keegans…his is a whole ‘nother story like your post on it lmao.). and if we add how hes a menace, its something that really catches you off guard when the usually quiet guy is talking so lowly of you with a soft raspy voice.
but ofcourse if we talk about all the ghosts here, hesh would be the main contributor to have him talk more, as the supportive older brother, with elias also following in. not too sure what the other ghosts would do besides surprised pikachu face or being excited over the fact logans starting to get comfortable with them cause i know that shit took long.(i feel like some walruss moments may also happen...)
(my main boost of energy to write this was listening to some S.O.A.D(system of a down) and my very mixed up playlist lmao)
—🎧 anon
Hullo! Good to see you again. I think you did talk about it but only a bit, so I'm very happy to hear you elaborate!
Yes, I agree. Depends on the people he's talking to AND the environment. Like the mess hall? No thank you. Just chilling in his room with Hesh? He'll talk his brothers ear off. (Funny scenario, a Ghostie becoming very confused when they hear two people talking in a room when there's only Logan+Hesh in there because they outright forget Logan's not 100% mute. No briancells for these guys.)
Oh, fun fact, and a less mentioned HC I have, I like to give Logan a tablet for speaking when he encounters people who don't know ASL. Has quick words button but also a place he can just type. And sound effects! He fucking loves the sound effects. I have this HC because he seems to just have a tablet on him a LOT in the game, so why not for speaking purposes?
You and me be shaking hands over combing the game for details lmao. Though tbh I didn't think to focus specifically on their voices, so I now have a reason for another playthrough! >:D
Logan speaks like he's doing asmr lol. But less joking, yes yes, very much I like. I like think Logan might have some gravel in his voice, but unlike Keegan (Majority gravel+bass) his is more raspy than gravely. (And his voice isn't as deep.)
Elias and Hesh being around could be what helps Logan acclimate to speaking around the Ghosts more. They're "safe places" for him, so it could start with him talking to them specifically around the Ghosts, which then transitions to him speaking to the other Ghosts directly.
I think Keegan, being similar in the sense that he's quiet (but not as quiet at Logan) would be the first Logan really speaks too. Which is absolutely something Keegan would love to brag about. He's the favorite after Elias and Hesh and the rest of you can SUCK IT! It's also a tell of how comfortable Logan is with Keegan. He's an outlier because he's not only the first Ghost Logan gets comfortable speaking to, he's also the record holder for how quickly Logan starts speaking to someone. Which may or may not have something to do with the crush Logan has on him.... ehehehe.
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i-did-not-mean-to · 11 months
Dandelion, Destroyer of Drinks
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Ah, @lordoftherazzles, my beloved friend!
I have taken the liberty of coming up with yet another AU to keep you on your toes and amuse you! I hope you know how much I love and admire you! <3
Words: 1262
Characters: Thorin x Bilbo
Prompt: Dandelions
Warnings: Haunting
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Humming, Bilbo Baggins gave the antique teapot—rumoured to be haunted by the grumpy ghost of a long-dead king—a careful wipe.
"How are you today, Dandelion?" he asked and grimaced, his button nose twitching with dismay.
He really had to get out more, he thought wearily. His friend and kinswoman Primula, who had set him up for numerous blind dates with very nice but extraordinarily boring potential partners, was quite right in claiming that he was slowly but inexorably growing shrewd.
Unfortunately for Bilbo, his life—on paper at least—attracted the kind of interested parties that absolutely did not fit the intimate and outrageous fantasies he harboured within his jealously-guarded bachelor soul.
Moreover, he had to concede that he might indeed be rather peculiar if one got to know him a little better.
Before he could linger on that particularly discouraging thought though, the small bell over the door chimed softly.
Making a beeline across the shop, avoiding knickknacks and precariously balanced furniture with the confidence of a sleepwalker, Bilbo rushed to greet his first customer of the day.
"Hullo?" a full, melodious voice called.
Rounding a high shelf full of miniatures of different animals, the proud owner of "Baggins Antiques and Curiosities" almost collided with a tall, muscular fellow in a worn flannel shirt.
"Hi there," he greeted breathlessly, "I beg you to forgive me—I was just in my little garden."
"Garden?" the fellow muttered incredulously and cocked one dark, unfairly shapely eyebrow.
"Well, not a real one, of course," Bilbo chuckled awkwardly. "Would you like to see it?"
To his surprise, the man nodded and lifted a sturdy hand to signify that he was ready to follow Bilbo into the bowels of his small shop.
Again, the antiquary was astonished because—for all his impressive bulk—the stranger threaded his way elegantly even if somewhat noisily through the narrow spaces between display cabinets and single chairs.
"What can I help you with today then?" Bilbo asked, throwing what he hoped would be understood as a kind and politely interested look over his shoulder.
It might well have been true that he hid an adventurous streak under his impeccable waistcoat and cravat, but he certainly was not the kind of scoundrel who'd lead handsome strangers into an inescapable labyrinth for his own amusement.
"It's my sister's birthday soon," the stranger rumbled. "Dís—that is my sister's name, I mean..."
The man fell silent again and Bilbo heard him mumble something unintelligible under his breath.
"I am—as you can imagine—Bilbo Baggins," Bilbo introduced himself, suddenly unbearably keen to learn who this gorgeous man was and why he had entered this shop in particular when there were several high-end luxury boutiques just around the corner.
"My name is Thorin," the man replied with a soft sigh. "And Dís is my only sister—and the mother of my two beloved nephews."
"Ah," Bilbo muttered, "while I cannot claim that women and their preferences are my areas of expertise, I'd feel remiss if I didn't point out the very pricey shops in the vicinity that cater to exactly that clientele."
Holding his breath, he cursed himself for wilfully sabotaging the first—and potentially only—chance at selling something on that day.
Thorin snorted dismissively.
"Yeah," he drawled, "she's not that kind of woman, I am afraid. She'd be deadly vexed if I gifted her something expensive but bland."
Immediately, Bilbo's heart lifted.
"If you're in the market for strange and wondrous things," he purred conspiratorially, "you're at the right address."
When he turned around once more, he found that Thorin had stopped by the first editions and was studying him intently.
"I agree," he grinned and gave Bilbo a slow, intense once-over that made the comfortable, calm bachelor's blood heat up and tint his cheeks a becomingly rosy shade.
"My garden," Bilbo stuttered breathlessly and pointed at an oasis of flower-themed objects.
"Oh, Dís is a terrible gardener," Thorin hooted and started browsing the wares.
Meanwhile, Bilbo observed the cautiously gentle way in which those broad, blunt fingers lifted, balanced, and caressed crystal roses and marble tulips.
Despite his better knowledge and deep-seated sense of propriety, he couldn't help but wonder how it would feel to have those very hands explore and pet his own ageing skin with such interest and tender care.
As Thorin moved gingerly through the organised chaos of Bilbo's eternally frozen landscape, he suddenly stiffened like a hound catching a scent.
"Oh no," Bilbo cried, "not Dandelion. It's haunted."
He chuckled awkwardly—he could hardly believe that he had said this out loud. No doubt, he would lose both a customer and the most appetising sight he had had in months within a single second if he didn't manage to keep his thoughts from flying out of his mouth willy-nilly.
"Haunted, you say?" Thorin's eyes gleamed with humour and enthusiasm. "Nothing too gruesome, I hope?"
Flapping his hands in a manner that was highly dangerous in this setting and for which he would have reprimanded any other person, Bilbo made an undignified sound somewhere between a snort and a stilted chuckle.
"No," he then said in a damnably high and thin voice, "no, just a grumpy ghost who will ruin your tea."
Meditatively, Thorin turned the antique teapot—covered in lovingly hand-painted dandelions—in his mesmerizingly attractive hands.
"Ill-tempered teapot?" he mused aloud. "Oh, that is just the thing for Dís."
Bilbo frowned. The old porcelain vessel and its cooky history had been with him for many years and he was strangely reticent to let it go now.
"Don't worry," Thorin said softly, searching and holding Bilbo's gaze across a patch of crocheted blueberry bushes. "We'll take good care of Dandelion and—if you dare—you are more than welcome to come to tea one of these days."
"But..." Bilbo started and then stopped himself from spouting more semi-superstitious nonsense.
"My money is on my sister and her '7-berries-tea'. What about you?"
There was that expressive eyebrow again, arching in unmistakable challenge.
"I'll bet against the both of you," Bilbo heard himself rumble as he crossed his arms. "Dandelion will ruin even the best of teas. I'll bring a backup gift, just in case you admit defeat."
"Bring it on," Thorin laughed, cradling the teapot in the crook of his massive arm. "If you want to win my sister's heart, you might want to bring a little toy for the boys. Something indestructible—it can be haunted as well, Kíli, my nephew, could turn the devil himself into a friend."
"Oh, the winning charm is a family trait then?" Bilbo grinned and bit the inside of his cheek as soon as he realised what he had just revealed.
"Seems so," Thorin smirked and winked. "Either way, Mister Baggins, it has been a pleasure. And, before you think that I am trying to dupe you, I will extend another invitation. We have more than enough cursed and haunted family heirlooms in the attic. You've been so good as to show me your treasures—would you like to see mine?"
"I'd love to," Bilbo admitted. His eyes almost bulged out of his head when Thorin bent over the counter to scribble his full name and address onto a scrap of old letter paper lying by the antique till.
"Give me a call," Thorin laughed as he put down thrice as much money as Dandelion was worth next to the note. "And I'll get you front-row seats to the epic showdown between Dís the Destroyer and the Terrible Teapot."
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@fellowshipofthefics: Here's another one.
Lots of love from me...always a pleasure getting your requests and prompts, my beloved!
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vegalume · 8 months
Halloween 2023
By Vega-Lume
Duo's friends are vanishing, and no one else notices or even remembers. Only Heero believes him and together they try to discover what is happening.
read on AO3 HERE
Friday the 29th
“Hey guys,” Duo calls out as he joins his friends for lunch. He looks around noticing they’re one man short he asks, “Where’s Wufei?”
“Who?” Quatre asks, not looking up from his menu.
“You know, Wufei. Black hair, dark eyes, dating Zechs’ sister.”
“I’ve never met Relena’s boyfriend.”
“What?” Duo asked, turning to Heero. “We’ve known the man for a decade!” 
“I don’t know who you’re talking about. I’m sorry.”
Duo let out an exasperated sigh. Determined to believe they were playing a joke on him, Duo lets it go.
All night he thinks about the way the guys were at lunch. There was something off about it, more than just a joke. Whatever it was though, he couldn’t figure it out.
He stops at Wufei’s office Monday morning, only to find that it’s someone else's office. Looking like it had never been his friend's office at all.
“Hullo Agent Maxwell,” the woman in the office greets like she knows him, but Duo had never seen her bore in his life. “Anything I can help you with?”
“Um, no. Sorry to bother you.”
She simply frowns and turns back to her computer.
He turns away and walks right into Sally.
“You alright there, Duo?”
“Sal, where’s Wufei?”
“Who?” she asks.
“Not you too!” Duo snaps, “Seriously, this isn’t funny anymore.”
“Duo, I really don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Last Thursday at 5pm, one of my best friends was in that office getting ready to leave for the night. Friday morning no one, including you, who used to date him, even believes that he existed! I have over a decade of memories of this man and it’s like he’s been deleted out of everyone else’s minds.”
There’s a look of concern on her face but she doesn’t say anything.
“At first I thought the guys were playing a joke on me, but now she- whoever she is, is in his office and you claim not to know him either. What the fuck is going on here?”
“She… Eliza has always been here, Duo,”  Sally said gently. “That’s always been her office. Did you really not know her name?”
“Don’t even know her fucking face,” Duo snapped and Sally grabbed his arm, leading him towards her office.
She had him sit while she did a quick examination. She asked if he had hit his head recently or was experiencing headaches or blurry vision.
She poked and prodded., and apparently he passed for now, because she let him leave with a small frown on her face and instructions to get some sleep.
He ignored her and went to his office. Heero was there, of course, already hard at work.
“You’re late,” Heero commented, not looking up from the file on his desk.
“I was talking to Sally,” he replied as he picked up the phone and started dialing a number. “She said I need to get more sleep.”
Heero’s eyes met his for a second, and then went back to the file.
The call connected.
“Casper’s Deli, this is Marla speaking. How may I help you?”
“Oh, sorry. Must have dialed the wrong number.” Duo hung up and dialed again.
“Casper’s Deli, this is Marla speaking. How may I help you?” the same woman answered again. Duo hung up again.
“‘Ro, did Relena change her number again?”
Duo felt like a bucket of ice water had been dumped on him.
“N- Never mind,” he stammered. “It isn’t important.”
He took several deep breaths, his hands clenched in fists in his lap so Heero wouldn’t see them shaking.
“I need to talk to Zechs for a moment.”
Heero nodded and Duo fled.
He hid in the bathroom for a good half an hour before seeking out Zechs.
“I need to talk to your sister,” he said without a greeting.
“Funny,” Zechs scoffed. “You’ll have to try better, Maxwell. Everyone knows I don’t have any siblings.”
Duo nearly ran back to his office and pulled up the search engine on his computer and entered Relena’s name. Nothing. Not a single searchable public record of her existed.
He then searched for the Gundam pilots.
Here he found loads of hits, but only for four. Just four.
“I’m going home, ‘Ro. I just- I can’t be here today.”
This time Heero actually looked up at him.
“Are you ok, Duo? You look pale.”
He let out a near hysterical laugh, “to be honest I think I’m going mad. Fuck.”
“Tell me,” Heero said as he came around the desk and crouched beside him. “Help me understand.”
Duo let out a shuddering breath.
“Remember on Friday I asked where Wufei was?” Heero nodded. “Well, Wufei is, was, one of us. A Gundam pilot. Only now he’s gone and no one remembers him but me.”
Heero frowned and settled back to sit on his heels. “And Relena,” he asked.
“Now I can’t find her either. Gods ‘Ro, she’s your best friend and you didn’t know her. She’s Zechs’ sister and-”
“Zechs doesn’t have any siblings,” Harry replied, sounding confused.
“That’s exactly what he told me! And I Googled her and there’s nothing. She was a fucking Queen for God’s sake and she’s just gone. And Fei, there’s nothing on him either, just news on the four of us, but he was our fifth. My best friend and he’s gone.”
Heero rose up and pulled Duo into a hug.
“What if you’re next,” he whispered. “Or Kat?”
“I can remember them, so they should be fine. Right?” Heero asked.
“I guess,” Duo replied. “But you remembered Relena last Friday and she’s gone now.”
“We’ll call them,” Heero said as he got to his feet. He picked up Duo’s phone and called Trowa first. Cathay answered and chatted for a few minutes while they waited for Trowa to come to the phone.
They only spoke a short while as Trowa was working, but it was enough to put Duo’s mind at ease, at least for a while.
They called Quatre next and he answered right away. Again he was fine but busy and only able to talk for a short while.
“Feel better?” Heero asked gently.
“For now, yeah,” he replied.
“I’ll stay with you,” Heero assured him. “Until we figure something out.”
“Thanks, ‘Ro.”
Friday the 6th
Duo had been twitching at every sound for days, expecting someone else to just pop out of existence, and now he and Heero, who hadn’t left his side since Monday, stood looking down at their usual table, only it was smaller and Trowa wasn’t there.
Duo’s vision almost blackened as he felt faint at the idea that Trowa was the next.
“Duo?” Heero asked. “Is it another one?”
Duo nodded. “Trowa.”
Heero frowned and looked back at Quatre who seemed confused.
“Do you remember Cathy?” Duo asked quietly.
Heero shook his head, paused and opened his mouth, his expression looking pained.
“I don’t understand.”
“What’s going on?” Quatre asked, but Heero and Duo’s focus was on each other at the moment.
“We called her last week, do you remember that?”
“Yes, and she gave the phone to someone else.”
“Yes! That was Trowa, only he isn’t… here now.” Duo finished quietly.
“I don’t know, but that’s what happened to Wufei and Relena last week. We need to call Cathy and see if she’s still there and if she remembers him.”
They turned to leave the cafe but Quatre jumped up and followed them. “What’s going on?” He demanded.
“We’ll explain at the office.”
They told Quatre everything, but it was clear he didn’t believe a word Duo was saying and mildly scolded Heero for going along with the joke.
“I’m going home,” he announced an hour later finally fed up with the joke,
Duo begged him to stay, but Kat was having none of it and Duo had the sinking feeling that as his friend walked away, this would be the last time he saw him.
“What do we do now?” He asked Heero.
“We try calling Cathy.”
“Ok,” Duo agreed.
She answered, only she didn’t know him this time, Heero, or Trowa and scolded him for the prank call before hanging up.
Duo rubbed his eyes hard. 
“Last week Wufei was gone by lunchtime, and everyone still remembered Relena then, but by Monday I was the only one who still did.”
“So someone else could vanish this weekend.” Heero stated.
“That’s what I’m afraid of,” Duo replied.
“We’ll call Cathy again on Monday and if she answers then we’ll know she’s safe.”
“What about you?”
“I’ll stay with you the entire time, just like I have been.” Heero assured him.
“Thank you, ‘Ro. Not only for staying, but believing me as well.”
“There really is something going on, I can feel it too. I knew someone was missing today, I just didn’t know who.”
“I wish there was another person who believed us.”
“Who haven’t you talked to yet?”
“Only Une, but with the way Sally acted I’m afraid of what she’ll do. Maybe have me locked up for being insane.”
“You’re not crazy,” Heero replied. “I really do see it too.”
“Mass hysteria?”
Heero chuckled. “I don’t think two count as a ‘mass’.
“Let’s go home, I can’t stand being here today.”
They spent the weekend constantly in each other’s company.
It was hard to sleep. Duo woke after just minutes and confirmed that his death grip on Heero’s hand was indeed still on Heero’s hand. If he was hurting the other man, he never did say, and was still at Duo’s side every time he woke.
By Monday morning they both looked terrible but they went into work and called Cathy first thing.
She answered. Duo hung up and nearly sobbed.
“We should walk around,” Heero said gently. “See if anyone else is missing.”
That looked like the absolute last thing Duo wanted to do, but he agreed and they walked through HQ. Everyone and everything seemed as it should be, and the more they found right the worse Duo felt, because he knew. 
He knew.
Heero followed silently as they walked back to the office.
Duo sat at his computer and entered a name.
No results.
No Quatre. 
He buried his face in his hands and sobbed.
Heero crouched beside him and looked up and read the name in the search bar.
“Wait, I remember him, I think.” his forehead wrinkled in thought. “He had sisters?” he finished hesitantly. “We could call.”
“I can’t,” Duo whispered. “I can’t call and have him not be there, for his sisters to confirm over and over that he no longer exists.”
“We need to go to Une; we have to convince her somehow.”
They walk to her office and see someone else's name on the door.
“It can’t be,” Heero said. “I remember her. I know she should be here.”
“Hello boys,” Sally says as she walks by.
“Where’s Une!” Duo demands, rounding on her and stopping in her path.
“Yes,” Heero says, coming to stand by Duo. “The director.”
“No, not whoever that is. Une, Anne Une. You’ve known her since the war!”
“Duo, I really don’t-”
She didn’t finish as Duo grabbed her shoulders and shook her.
“Yuy,” she snapped, jerking herself out of Duo grip. “Get him out of here, now. Before I put in a recommendation for termination of his employment.”
Heero slung an arm around Duo and led him away.
“Fuck, ‘Ro. Fuck. Fuck!” he kicked his wastebasket, sending it rocketing across the office. He dropped to the floor with his back to his desk. “Why me? Why is it me that can remember them and no one else?”
“I remember Une,” Heero replied, sitting down beside him. “And Quatre. A little of him anyway. It’s more of an impression than an actual memory.”
“It was two last week, and three this week. There’s only the two of us left… What do we do?”
“We search the classified records and go to their homes if we must. There has to be something we’re missing.”
Duo slumped sideways and rested his head on Heero’s shoulder. “Gods, I miss them so much.”
Though Sally had told them to leave, they holed up in the office for days searching through the classified records of the HQ, old OZ files, any place that would, should have something on the Gundam pilots.
Absolutely nothing on anyone other than 01 and 02.
No military records on Une.
No birth or monarchy records for Relena.
No proof at all that Wufei, Trowa or Quatre ever existed.
They spend the rest of the week talking to others who might remember. Noin. Hilde. Other past war time contacts.
No one remembers or believes them.
They visit their homes finding other people living there, their parking spaces with different names on them.
Winner Industries was now run by Quatre’s father, who was somehow now alive again.
Dejected, they go back to Duo’s apartment and wait.
It was Thursday night.
Friday the 13th
Heero and Duo were silent as they sat on the bed, clinging to each other in fear. 
It was Friday now, though only an hour past midnight.
“I’m so scared,” Duo whispered.
He holds Heero’s hands tightly between his, clutching them close to his chest. Afraid to sleep. Afraid to close his eyes too long. 
He feels Heero squeeze back every minute or so.
His eyes slide closed. “Thank you for believing me.”
They blink open again an instant later and he looks down at his hands, no longer clutching Heero’s, but grasping his own as if clasped in prayer.
He closes his eyes again and lets the darkness take him.
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blocky-tides · 6 months
you send me an ask about the web weaving and Ive been having thoughts about absent parents on the qsmp so maybe
Talullah and Chay and their absent parents but like, it plays into them both not feeling neglected bc Phil is still there for them, like an anchor, but it still hurts that Wil and Missa arent there
and/or maybe the roles forced upon both of them, Chay forever the leader with the expectations of one and Tallullah, ever the peacemaker and the one who loves and loves and loves and both of them just being so tired of it? i dont know how to explain it pffffffff
also hullo i am having feels abt minecraft eggs
especially since the other younger eggs have like three-six parents each it's like why did they do that we didn't? why couldn't our parents stay here with us. than add in the pressure of growing up on the island. having to be strong constantly (chayanne) because he's one of the older eggs he has to be a good role model.
and they aren't afforded the chance to change they have to remain static in a sense tallulah has to be loving and happy chayanne has to strong and the leader as you said
as much as they depend on philza, he's only one man and they don't trust the other islanders as much
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impishtubist · 9 months
Hullo imp
You mentioned a post about how mpreg fics push the pro-life agenda.
Well. I havent seen that post (at least I dont think I have).
But I saw a similar one, stating that in many cases in fics the accidental and unplanned pregnancy (in general, no mention of mpreg) is often written for drama that forces characters together, while the obvious (it those scenarios) solution would be not to keep the pregnancy.
And I do agree with that.
Obvsly I dont think pregnancy and kid fics are problematic. They are not, and I do enjoy them. But I do agree that in same cases "he would not fucking say that keep that baby". Sometimes it can just seem ooc. (But those are fictional scenarios about fictional characters, and also im guilty of being delusional about my favs for the sake of specific scenarios, so obvsly - that is fine.)
However. While I do enjoy pregnancy and kid fics very much I think Ive only read one (1) when the characters decided to abort and that was bc they were still at school. (also: not saying those dont exist! i just havn't stumbled upon that many of them). And I do sometimes enjoy some angst, and exploration of character's complicated feelings, so I think ppl should consider not keeping the baby as a possible solution to accidental pregnancy thrope.
In conclusion - i dont think pregnancy fics are problematic. If anything Im wondering if the topic of abortion isnt too taboo to be featured in fics.
Thank you for coming to my tedtalk
Yes, this analysis of accidental pregnancy fics is totally valid. I'm still confused about that post re: pregnancy fics push a pro-life agenda, but yeah, there are a lot of instances where the pregnancy is definitely being used as a trope to push the characters together when in reality they probably...........shouldn't stay together just for a baby 😂 But, I mean, that's kind of what you're into if you're reading/writing pregnancy fics? Like, I'm HERE for the two characters getting together b/c of the baby. That's the POINT. If I didn't want that to happen, I simply would not seek out pregnancy fics. It IS forced drama and I will inhale it every time.
I want that old man bred, and I want him bred repeatedly!
(Yes pregnancy fics and breeding fics are two different things generally, but who's to say they can't also be the same? ;) )
I actually did stumble across a post-POA fic once where Sirius accidentally knocked Remus up and they decided to abort because they were out doing something for the Order...idk, the details are hazy. But yeah, abortion doesn't come up all that often in fics! I don't know if it's because it's a taboo thing to write about, or if it's because when you're writing/reading pregnancy fics, you're there because you want that babyfic content. Soooooooooo you're not gonna include an abortion.
Anyway, yes, agree with all of this!
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chicken-fifi · 2 years
Day 24: Junho (2pm) - Christmas Flirtations
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Requested by anon 🍒: Hullo imma call myself anon 🍒 thought I’d ask a request for the dec event. i think 2pm junho is not taken yet? If so can i request for him pls? i want it to be about them growing distant after flirting with each other previously (maybe bcs of his work) and cheeky junho trying to get sometime alone with female oc wanting to reconnect during mutual friends’ (ig 2pm members would be the most make sense one here) Xmas/year end party. maybe they kiss/some suggestive stuff under the mistletoe bcs both cant help themselves from still being attracted to each other 🤭❤️‍🔥 thank you!!
Warnings: mention of alcohol
Word Count: 748 words
Taecyeon looked at you with the biggest puppy eyes he could muster - he looked like a dork, a complete contrast to the character he had portrayed alongside you in Vincenzo. The reason for those puppy eyes? The Christmas party that he was throwing that he desperately wanted you to attend. It was no secret that he wasn’t begging for his own benefit, but rather that of his dear friend and bandmate. It also wasn’t a secret as to why he was asking for your presence to be bestowed upon them at the party - he had been keen to the constant flirting occurring between the two of you over the years, you and Junho that is.
“Alright, I’ll go!” you gave in shoving his face away from you.
He fist-bumped the air cheering a bit louder than intended, drawing attention from the directors discussing something about the set.
“I promise you won’t regret it!”
Junho’s eyes had been on you from the moment you’d walked into Taecyeon’s home. The tall goofball of a man - he would argue boy - had been slowly trying to lead you towards where he was, chatting with Wooyoung - who had quickly noticed that his friend was no longer paying any attention to him.
“Just marry her already,” he whined, being fed up with the constant longing gazes Junho would send in your direction going unnoticed over the years. “Lord knows the two of you are meant for one another.”
Junho couldn’t deny his older friend’s words. There was an undeniable connection and attraction between the two of you, there had always been one. But between his scheduled shoots and drama filming schedules, the flirting that had dominated every aspect of his being, garnered as much attention in person as it did on the web. He was quick to down the rest of his drink, allowing Wooyoung to straighten out his clothes quickly before he shoved him in your direction.
“Just tell her how you feel,” he advised, giving him a thumbs up before moving to look for Nichkhun.
As he left, Junho made his way in your direction watching as Taecyeon introduced you to some friends. He took his shot, squeezing in between the two of you, causing you to jump a little bit. His arm wrapped around your shoulder, his frame shoving Taecyeon to the side and away from you. The fabric of his sweater did little to keep the warmth emanating from his body from reaching you. His fingertips left a tingling sensation on your skin as they lightly pressed against your exposed shoulder.
“Can you spare a moment of your time real quick?” he asked, getting a nod from you after Taecyeon sent you a sly wink from behind him.
He was quick to excuse the two of you before heading to a quieter area of the house, noting the small bundle of mistletoe that was hanging from the ceiling. He walked right under it stopping for a moment to make sure the coast around the two of you was clear and away from prying eyes and ears.
His hands continued to hold yours, your bodies as close as can be to one another in the hallway. He suddenly got nervous. Out of all the times he’s been in front of you or commented on your Instagram posts, this was the first time he genuinely feared being turned or judged - especially by you.
“Are you finally going to ask me out on a proper date or are we going to continue flirting with one another for the rest of our lives?” you asked, you too were tired of the longing looks and undeniable attraction. And if he wasn’t going to ask for the date you sure as hell would. “Because if you aren’t going to ask, I’ll ask.”
Junho’s eyes went up to the mistletoe debating on whether or not to take advantage of the little plant and kiss you - as he’d first intended - or just kiss you for the sake of kissing you. His mind was rushing trying to process everything and you -
Your lips planted themselves onto his, pulling away after a quick moment, only for his hands to move to the back of your neck and pull you back in for another one. His plush lips molded perfectly against yours - they were just as soft as you had imagined they would be.
He pulled away, “Dinner on Thursday?”
“Sounds like a date,” you whispered, connecting your lips once more.
Tagging: @chansungloml @irishxgem (If you would like to be tagged in future post and haven't already reached out, please let me know!)
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mydaroga · 7 months
Hiii, I really like your blog. I don’t know if you reply to your asks, and im sorry if im bothering you. You seem very knowledgeable about the beatles, so I wanted to ask if you know whether Paul was a bit of a possessive jealous type of boyfriend. Because most of the things I’ve read only paint him in a good light, it almost seems pr-ey lmao. Thanks so much and sorry! (I know im a bit nosy sorry again)
Hullo anon! Thank you! I'm flattered you'd ask me, thanks for thinking I have something to say on the subject. I'm a little curious why you're asking, but I will try to answer as best I can. This is NOT meant as a slam on McCartney though it may not be flattering; I was asked, and I'm trying to answer with the knowledge I have.
There are some caveats, though. I think it's dangerous to make broad statements about a real person's private behavior. I also don't know any more than I've read, and don't have any special insight. I also think people are complicated and even what's reported isn't going to give a full picture. So the following isn't meant to be a full portrait, or an indictment. It's just what comes to mind on this topic. Also keep in mind that Paul is an 81 year old man who has a dating/marriage history of like 65+ years at this point. People do change.
What we can pull together, in my opinion, paints Paul as someone I wouldn't necessarily want to date, though he's hardly the worst. For example, his steady Liverpool girlfriend, Dot Rhone, has some things to say that may be alarming. In Dot's telling (with some of this confirmed by himself) he could be controlling of her appearance and what she did and who she interacted with. Then again, it was the 50s and he was basically a teenager, so I don't think it's entirely fair to pin one's entire character reading on that.
We also know that while dating Jane Asher for six years, he continued to see many other women on both a casual and ongoing basis. However, while we know he did get jealous at least once of her other romances, we actually have no idea what, if any, arrangement was between them or whether that incident indicates he didn't like her seeing other men, or just, that one got too serious. Asher has never broken her silence about her relationship with Paul, after announcing their split on live television, which is a baller move.
We know that while Linda Eastman was very interested in Paul, she wasn't initially jazzed about marrying anyone again, and had a career as a photographer and was living a single life. This isn't strictly to your question of jealousy, but it's complicated and up in the air whether Linda would have, in another relationship, chosen to keep working or fulfill her own creative ambitions rather than raising a family and joining Paul's band, by most accounts with some initial reluctance. I'm by no means saying Paul 'forced' her into marriage, Wings, or being at home with him every evening, but I am saying that knowing what Paul was looking for, she chose to marry someone who was definitely looking for those things. And there are accounts from people like Peter Cox who claims Paul could be very controlling (wanting her to himself, making sure she was home every evening, needing to be the center of attention, etc); I won't link it here because I have no idea how much he's to be trusted, but it should be easy to google.
But I also think that the good parts of Paul's relationships are also real, so for my money, the picture I get is of someone who is fairly controlling, wants a "traditional" type of marriage for someone raised in the 50s, and also genuinely loves his family. He's also one of the most powerful people in the world, and that is inherently going to warp the power dynamics around him. He's also been able to, at least in some quarters, curate his image and possibly create a more idyllic picture than you'd see if you were there. In fact, many journalists in the 70s took potshots at his "perfect marriage" image, though I think a lot of that is their problem. So your sense that there's some PR around him I think is valid. But there's also accounts you can find (Francie Schwartz, Dot Rhone, Peter Cox, to name a few) to get another side. Both are biased, but put together I think a reasonable person can draw some conclusions.
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so. uh. i may have made an epilogue for my friend's gen loss fic. ima post the link to theirs and also put my story below.
link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50311609/chapters/127101310
Ranboo awakes from their thankfully nightmare-less sleep. But while there were no nightmares haunting them that night, they had the feeling they were missing something. He sits up slowly to avoid waking Sneeg and Charlie, and rests his head on his hands as he grasps at the fleeting edges of … something. 
A man with brown hair and square glasses, similar to Charlie's.
A pig-like avatar spawning - was that the word? - a wither in a blocky world.
“Do you want to be a hero, —----? THEN DIE LIKE ONE!”
“-E—---LA—- NEVER DIES!”
“I shall repay that injustice a thousand times over.”
“Hello everyone. Technoblade here. If you’re watching this, I am dead…” 
Ran sits all the way up so fast, they fall off the bed. Sneeg and Charlie are immediately awake, slipping off the bed to sit next to Ranboo. 
“… Ranboo?! … what’s wrong? …”
“… not responding … dissociating? …”
“… boo … you’re not there … promise,”
Ranboo feels someone touch his shoulder, snapping him back to reality. They shake Charlie off, putting their head between their knees. He takes deep breaths, trying to comprehend what he just realized. Once they have regained their composure, they readjust so they are leaning on Charlie, and they begin to speak.
“That man … his name isn't Dave. It’s Alex, but I knew him as Technoblade,”
Sneeg sucks in a sharp breath as the name scratches at a long lost memory.
“He … died. Of cancer. In 2022. 34 years ago. And he did not look like that he was alive. What he looks like now is how most … fanartists … drew him like. Because he - we - played a game called Minecraft. In real life, Techno had short brown hair and brown eyes. He also had glasses … like yours, Charlie … ”
Sneeg slowly breathes in and out before standing up and brushing off his pants.
“Welp. Guess we’re going to have a very important conversation with someone tomorrow.”
“Hullo. You wanted to talk to me?”
Sneeg and Charlie look up from the garden at Dave - or Alex? - let’s go with Alex.
“How’d you know that?” Charlie asks.
Alex shrugs. “Kristen told me.”
“Who’s Kristen?” Sneeg rolls back his shoulder, trying to work out the kinks that had developed during his work in the garden. “Also, how would this ‘Kristen’ know whether we wanted to talk to you?”
Alex lets himself into the garden, undoing the latch from the outside. “She’s Lady Death.”
Charlie turns suddenly, staring at Alex. “Lady Death?! How the fuck do you know her?!”
Alex shrugs once again. “She’s my best friend’s wife.”
—-------i must interrupt your daily sad short story—-------
—--with a link to how i think Sneeg and Charlie look rn:--- -–—--------https://tinyurl.com/sneegandcharlie—------------
“I- ok. Whatever. Not what we need to talk about.”
The three file into the house, moving toward the living room where Ranboo sits. They’re currently drawing with their eye closed … somehow. Alex covertly leans over to glance at the drawing.
. . .
Oh shit.
. . .
It was himself. Not as he appeared now, how he looked when he was alive. Short brown hair, rectangular glasses. 
Ranboo looked up, opening his eye to stare at Alex. 
“Hi, Techno.”
“Hey, Ran.” Alex responds shakily.
“Missed you,” Ranboo tells him.
Alex sits in one of the chairs and begins to fidget with his hair. “I missed you too, kid. Kristen had to stop me from goin’ back to the livin’ world and becomin’ a ghost,”
Charlie, Sneeg and Ranboo all let out identical snorts, surprising Alex.
“Trust me, you do not want to be a ghost,” Sneeg responds. “It’s not fun.”
“ … Well, what do you need to talk about?” Alex asks. 
Ranboo takes a deep breath, and forges ahead. “Why didn’t you tell us? All this time, I’ve been missing memories, and you could’ve helped me - and Sneeg and Charlie - get our memories back. Why?”
Alex’s hands shake slightly and he pulls in a long, deep breath. “Kristen told me not to. I wanted to, I wanted to so bad. She was about to not let me visit you guys, but Phil talked to her -”
A man with kind blue eyes and shoulder length hair.
Another setting in the blocky world - Minecraft - where there is black stone lining the walls around a table that looks like a portal.
“Hi there, mate!”
“Do you really think we’re going to be fair? This is war, —----.”
“Man, sucks to suck, right?”
“Cake time, you little shit!”
“Sometimes you can’t expect forgiveness at all … ”
“Phil … weren’t you really good friends with him?” Ranboo quietly asks.
Alex flinches slightly before answering. “Yeah, we all were. He’s a great father figure,” 
Ranboo laughs a little bit. “I remember that … he bought me food once and demanded to talk with my parents,”
“Ok-” Sneeg interrupts. “-I love to hear the reminiscing, but why did Lady Death order you to not tell us?”
Alex starts to unbraid his hair, a nervous habit. “‘It wasn’t time,’ she said. ‘They’re not ready. It will break them.’ I said that didn’t make sense, but she was insistent,”
“Oh.” Charlie says quietly. There is a long silence before Charlie asks, “Why don’t I remember you at all? Ran does and I can tell that Sneeg remembers some. But I don’t remember anything,”
“ … hmm. There’s no good way to say this. Thing is, Charlie … you’re not the real Charlie. You’re a puppet made by Showfall when they were first starting out. The ‘real’-“ Alex puts quotes around the word. “-Charlie is still on Earth, missin’ Ranboo and Sneeg and the others.”
“But that’s not to say you’re not your own person. You’re a individual, you’re only similar to Livin’ Charlie in your appearance and parts of your personality,”
“So, I’m just what Showfall made me-“
“No, no, no, of course not!” Technoblade hastily adds. “If you were what Showfall created, you would be just like the employees: a blank slate for them to draw on,” He leans forward and gently grabs Charlie’s shoulders, forcing Charlie to look at Techno. 
“You are your own person. You made yourself. All those days spent at Showfall as a child, when you were left alone. That made you. Yourself,” 
Alex, Sneeg, Ranboo, and Charlie’s talking fades out as Lady Death smiles. It did turn out well. Phil was probably right when he said it would be fine. But Kristen didn’t regret it. 
It made for a good story, did it not?
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mels-multifandom · 2 years
In This World of My Own | Chapter One: Something Normal For Once
(Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader)
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Takes place in the fall of 1985, 3 months after the mall fire at Starcourt, reader is graduating high school as it’s her last year.
*Reader is afab and goes by she/her pronouns*
A/N: This is my first time writing a fic on tumblr so I’m a little new to it, and this is also my first time writing a Stranger Things fic :P
Warnings: None that I know of (unless you count my crappy writing), let me know if you think there’s any :) FLUFF! Robin being a good wingman for Steve. Slow burn??
Word count: don’t know, don’t care
October, 1985
Fall was the superior season, and what better place to enjoy it than in the small town known as Hawkins? Sure, it wasn’t perfect (nothing really is to be honest), and it had this eeriness to it, but it wasn’t that bad.
If anything, the beauty of fall made up for any lingering spookiness that might have lurked in the shadows, but it was fine! You’ve heard rumours and conspiracy theories of aliens and other things when you moved to Hawkins back in February, but you thought those rumours were silly.
You didn’t really pay any mind to it, simply because you thought it might be some sort of silly hoax or whatnot. Maybe, just maybe it could be possible, but at the same time time, who knows! For now though, it was your time to enjoy the lovely autumn environment that currently surrounded you.
It was a cloudy Thursday afternoon in October, and as soon as school finished at 3 o’clock, you gathered your things and booked it out of there as you mounted on your bike. You weren’t exactly in a hurry given that your shift at the local coffee shop wasn’t for another thirty minutes and it wasn’t too far, but you figured you could get there early anyways because why not. You had nothing better to do, you were pretty much caught up on everything.
On your way there, you took in the beauty of your environment and silently thanked Mother Nature for it as you cruised by yourself along the road, all while the jaunty tune of “Pink Shoelaces” played on your Walkman, making you feel at peace.
Once you arrived and got everything quickly tidied up, the first customer of your shift walked in.
“Hullo there Morrie!” you greeted. “What can I get for you?” Morrie was an elderly man and your neighbour. He and his wife were the first people to welcome you and your family to your new neighbourhood when you first arrived. Him and his wife stopped by to bring you some freshly baked cookies as a welcoming gift and since then, you all became familiar with each other. You occasionally stopped by their house to help them out with things when you weren’t so busy.
Today, Morrie was carrying the latest newspaper from the Hawkins Post. He always came to the Hawkins Comfy Corner Cafe on Tuesday’s, Thursday’s and Friday’s.
He tipped his hat and smiled kindly in response and said, “I’ll just have a black coffee with two sugars and a blueberry muffin today please.”
“Of course!”, you affirmed. “Coming right up!”
“Thank you Y/n.”
As you were preparing your neighbour’s order, your manager popped out from the back while knocking on the door frame to get your attention.
“Psst! Y/n”, he whispered, “do you think you could stay and close up tonight? I have to leave early today for my daughter’s dance recital at 5.”
You nodded. “Yeah, no worries, Francis, I got it.”
“Thank you, Y/n! You’re a life saver!” he smiled gratefully, giving you a thumbs up. You offered a tight-lipped smile in return.
You made your way over to Morrie and brought him his cup of coffee and his blueberry muffin as he thanked you once again. “How was school for you today, my dear?” he asked kindly.
“Oh you know, nothing new really” you shrugged with a half smile. “I actually had my biology test today.”
His eyes widened as he sipped his coffee. “Ooh! And how did that go?”
“I think I might have survived.”
“Did you study for it at all?”
“I did actually! I usually have a hard time being able to focus, but I don’t like sitting still for so long, but this time I managed. I think I gotta give my mom credit ‘cause she’s pretty good at pushing me to study”, you rambled, chuckling at the end.
“Then I think you did more than ‘survive’” he laughed heartily.
“I guess we’ll see the results next week then!”
At that, the bell above the shop’s door chimed, leaving Morrie to pat your shoulder. “I’ll let you go then”, he said, opening his newspaper. “Have a good rest of your day, Y/n.”
You smiled, “Thanks Morrie, you too! Say hi to Sophie for me, will ya?”
“Of course” he beamed.
As you circled around to get behind the register you were greeted with a guy and a girl bantering with each other about… something.
“I think the reason you simply haven’t found ‘the one’ Steve, is simply because you try too hard to get the ladies’ attention, you just keep flinging yourself at them”, the girl said to her friend. She had short blonde hair with front bangs, her face dotted with freckles. You’ve seen her around school a lot, but you’ve never really talked to her before. You think she’s pretty cool.
“Well for your information, Buckley, I was actually this close to going on a date with Veronica but the only reason the date got canceled was because she had a family emergency”, the guy you now know as Steve shoots back at the girl.
“‘Family emergency’?” she air quoted. “You know that’s just an excuse to get out of something, right?”
“Well, I-”
The subtle clearing of your throat got them to stop their bickering as you waited for them to place their order, even if you found what they were talking about sort of amusing. “Would you like to order something?” you suggested, attempting to hide your laugh.
“Oh! Yes”, the girl exclaimed. “I’ll have~ an espresso! Please.”
“Okay. Can I get your name?” you asked, taking out your sharpie, ready to write her name on the cup.
“Robin”, she told you.
You nodded, writing it down before turning your attention to Steve who was staring at you. “And you’ll have??”
“Hm? Oh” he chuckled nervously, snapping out of his mini trance. “I’ll have a chocolate suisse mocha please” He almost got caught staring at you. Thankfully you were busy taking Robin’s order to notice.
“Ohh-kay”, you dragged out. “Name?”
“Okay, one espresso for Robin and one chocolate suisse mocha for Steve comin’ right up!” you quipped, heading over to make their hot beverages.
“Here you both go”, you said to the two friends, carefully placing their drinks on the counter.
They both thanked you before Robin piped up. “Hey- wait! Aren’t you in my biology class with Mr. Peters?”
You blinked before responding as her question kind of caught you of guard. “Uh, yeah, fourth period right?”
She nodded eagerly before Steve decided to butt in the conversation, “Wait, you have Mr. Peters? Isn’t he like- super strict?”
“Mm not really, the only way I’m surviving is just getting everything done as soon as possible, he’s actually not that bad” you said with a light smile.
“Huh, well it’s a wonder I got out of there alive”, he scoffed, momentarily remembering his time with said teacher.
You squinted at him in thought until you realized: “Wait, you just graduated not too long ago, right? I’ve seen you around the school before but not since June.”
“Uh yeah I did actually” he smiles earnestly. You think he has a nice smile.
“And now he’s out in the big wide world renting movies to people for a living”, Robin says in a teasing manner.
“It’s okay though, I also rent movies to people too! And speaking of which”, she continues, subtly nudging Steve’s side before leaning over the counter,“you should come by Family Video sometime!” Steve doesn’t say anything and just smiles. He’s too baffled at Robin’s sudden impulsivity. It’s something he’s used to, sure, but it sort of catches him off guard, but that’s quickly replaced with the suspicion that she could be up to something. Or maybe not, maybe she’s just being nice and inviting.
“Ya know what? Maybe I should stop by sometime”, you say. Steve perks up at this, but you don’t see it. “I haven’t seen a good movie in a hot minute since school’s started and whatnot. But um… yeah. Maybe I should.”
“Great! How does tomorrow sound?” Robin asks hopefully.
You frowned for a moment as you were thinking about it. “Oh, tomorrow?” you ask. “I’m working again, same time as today. But maybe I can get off early, ‘cause I know Saturdays are pretty busy, right? That’s what my mom tells me anyways.”
They both nod.
You consider it before continuing, your face lighting up in excitement. “Okay! No promises or anything but I can definitely try. When do you guys close tomorrow?”
Steve finally speaks up before Robin could get another word out. “10:30.” He smiles at you.
You nodded in understanding. “Okay cool! I’ll try to drop by after my shift tomorrow.”
“Awesome!” Robin pipes up again with a grin. “We’ll see you tomorrow!” She slowly starts walking towards the door as you wave at her with a friendly smile.
“See ya then.”
Steve raises his cup in gratitude, mumbling a quiet ‘thank you’ your way before taking a sip. Soon enough, they were both out the door.
“They seem nice!” Morrie said from his seat right after they left, startling you a bit. You forgot he was still here.
“They seem nice!” he repeated. “Do you know them?”
“Mm no, not really. I’ve seen them around before but I’ve never actually talked to them.” you confessed.
Morrie takes a sip of his drink, almost thoughtfully, before putting it down. “I think they want to be your friends, Y/n! You always keep to yourself.”
You shrugged. “Yeah, I know…”
“Do you ever hang out or interact with anyone you know?”
“Yeah, I talk to you and Sophie and my mom”, you say confidently.
“I meant do you ever interact with anyone your age?” he rephrased.
You stayed quiet, your silence giving away your answer.
“It’s always good to have at least a couple of good friends”, he tells you in a kind manner. “You might like it, and while you’re busy with school and work, that shouldn’t stop you from enjoying the time you have while you’re still young. And what better way to do that than to have at least two good friends to spend it with.”
You had to admit that he had a point. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. “I guess you’re right.”
“Okay…” Steve started after he pulled out of the Comfy Corner’s parking lot. “What was that??”
“What was what?” Robin asked, feigning innocence.
“Uhh you just tried setting me up with that girl!”
“What, Y/n L/n? What’s wrong with her, she’s so nice!”
“It’s not that, I just didn’t expect you to-”
“Talk to her for you?”
He gives her a pointed look. “I would have done it myself.”
“Yeah well you didn’t, you were too busy staring at her to really say anything.”
“That’s not true-”
“Sure it isn’t, but that doesn’t matter because she’s gonna come by tomorrow! And then you can actually talk to her.” She takes a sip of her coffee and relishes in its taste.
“She said she’ll try to come by tomorrow”, Steve rebuttled.
“She said ‘see ya then”! But even if she can’t make it, she’d probably try another day, she seemed interested in going!” The blonde clasped her hands together, smiling wide before turning to look at her friend. “And if and when she does come by, just be you and who knows! Maybe you can charm her! Or! I’ll steal her from you”, she joked at the end. “She’s really pretty~”
“Yeah, okay I got it” he snapped, pretended to be annoyed. Robin knew he wasn’t actually mad. He spared a quick glance at her before sighing inwardly.
Maybe she’s right. It couldn’t hurt to try (again). The only thing that would get hurt would be his ego if you were to reject him. After all, he was out of high school and his “King Steve” persona wasn’t really helping him out, Dustin had told him that a while ago. Popularity was something that wouldn’t last and it didn’t really get you anywhere, and Steve was slowly beginning to understand that after his last date had canceled on him. But perhaps he could apply Robin’s advice and just go with the flow. Maybe he could actually connect with someone. A true, genuine connection. Not one that only revolved around sex. He didn’t want that anymore.
If he got to know you and good things came out of it, who knows what it could become. It could be something normal for once. He just had to chill out for a moment and be himself.
Just be yourself.
That’s all he has to do.
It was dead at the café today and your shift partner never showed up. Not that it was much of a surprise, Ronnie wasn’t the most reliable co-worker, but it was starting to get on your nerves a bit. But that was tomorrow’s problem because as you closed up the shop, you actually found yourself looking forward to tomorrow night.
Morrie was right after all. Just because you were busy didn’t mean that you couldn’t live a little and enjoy life. That’s what everyone’s been telling you since you moved to Hawkins.
“Try to have fun!”
“Y/n, don’t get so caught up with work!”
“You’re still so young, so make the most of it!”
Perhaps it was time to heed their advice. That’s what you kept telling yourself now as you biked down the empty street to your house. You just had to let loose a little and try not to worry so much.
All you had to do was try.
Just try.
Weow, the fic no one asked for! I uploaded something interesting for once! Nice! :D
Anywho, laters gators!
-M. ♉️
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