#like. food brings us together. i cook with my grandparents
reblog for a bigger sample size and please feel welcome to talk about your culture in the tags !!
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blacklegsanjiii · 7 months
Sengoku and his adopted grandson Sanji.
Sengoku finding Sanji still in the mask while he searches the North Blue for clues to what happened to Rosinante. Sanji, so small, stuck in the metal helmet and looking like he's around five or six thanks to his family just being picked up by this vice admiral and screaming in terror and clawing to try to get away. Sengoku barely getting the kid calmed down enough to pick the lock and get the mask kind of open. The mouth drops open and Sengoku curses as he takes Sanji to his ship.
He has the cooks make food and bring them up to his quarters and half ass explains that he found another kid. He sets Sanji on the bed and digs around and finds some clothes from deep, deep, in a chest that he gives to Sanji and says he's going to get that fucking thing off him come Hell or highwater. Sanji is shaking and frightened as the cook brings food in and looks at him and then at Sengoku and Sengoku gives him a look that makes the cook nod that 'yeah, i'm not gonna ask' nod and leave.
Sengoku has the kid eat and calls in one of the engineers and Sanji is looking around and still shaking and can barely finish his plate as Sengoku tries to get him to calm down and answer some questions. Sanji tells him his name and age and well. Sengoku doesn't believe Sanji is eight until he gets a birthday which makes Sengoku immediately click the pieces of this kid together.
Sengoku knows this is the supposedly dead third prince of Germa. So he calls Garp when Sanji falls asleep even with the mask still on because he fell asleep before the engineer could get there and he's not going to wake the kid. Poor thing is terrified and awfully suspicious of everything.
"I have the dead prince of Germa."
"Buddha, did you just say you have a dead kid?" Garp asks in disbelief. "I know losing Rosinante is rough-"
"He's not dead, he has the curled brows and is in a metal helmet on my bed. Says he's eight. Gave me the right birthday. Skin and bones and I can see so many bruises and cuts. Screamed like hell when I grabbed him." Sengoku explains.
"You're serious?" Garp asks after a few moments of silence.
"Shit, Garp, do I lie?" Sengoku asks and Garp confirms he doesn't. When they reach the main Marine HQ a few weeks later with the mask off Sanji he is introduced to the other admirals and vice admirals and other higher ranks.
Everyone is looking at that his malnourished and abused kid where they don't exactly know what to do with him. Tsuru is looking at him and sighing because Germa comes to the Reverie every year to show off the kids and the soldiers and their tech. Judge is an asshole. "You're keeping him, right?" She asks and Sengoku nods. "Then let's take him shopping, he needs clothes and a doctor."
Sanji is too well behaved while their out and Sengoku nods at Tsuru's looks because he knows something is wrong alright? He knows. So they get Sanji fitted in some clothes and the marine doctor is like very concerned as they check Sanji over and confirms the suspicions.
Sanji grows up with Sengoku and Tsuru and the other vice admirals/admirals. He trains as a marine and is strong and can use haki, skywalk, and set himself on fire. His adopted grandmother and grandfather are very proud of him. For the strides he's made recovering and for just how strong he is as a person and how strong his sense of justice is. It's amazing and they don't dote but they do give him a lot of support. He calls them Grandma and Grandpa which makes everyone laugh and Garp welcome them to the grandparents club.
Sanji still cooks, whenever he has free time. People keep asking him to switch to the canteen positions but he doesn't. He likes being on the front lines and helping people. It's what he's good at. Sengoku and Tsuru and whoever else is treated to his cooking always tell him each new meal is better than the last which makes him smile.
He is a captain in the Marines when he is enlisted to watch over a White Beard fleet commander in Impel Down. Turns out the guy is also the son of Roger and Rouge and Sanji knows about what the Navy did looking for the kid, it's awful. Sanji figured Ace was Rouge's son, you'd have to be deaf and blind to not know that. Her name is on his poster after all. Sanji knows Ace isn't being killed for being a pirate.
Sanji and Ace get to talking about their lives. Their trials and tribulations and the pit of this injustice is growing in Sanji's stomach. That's why this execution was going to be such a spectacle, why it was so secretive. Ace was easy to like and his parents being who they were and who his crew is, they'll have a war on their hands. A war Sanji thinks he's on the wrong side of at the moment.
He tells Sengoku that, that if the execution is going to happen Sanji will leave the marines. Sengoku tries to dissuade him, even gets Tsuru in on it but Sanji won't have it. At the execution Sanji rips his captain coat off and aids Ace and Luffy and the pirates from Impel Down and the White Beard fleet. Garp is yelling at Ace and Luffy and Sengoku is yelling at Sanji but Sanji, steel eyed despite the tears, yells back.
"Executing him for the sake of his parentage is not justice! After everything the Navy did in the wake of Roger's execution, how could a child be sentenced to death for being born! If that is what you call justice it's not real! If you're going to kill us, have it be for treason and piracy, not for being born!" Sanji yells at them and they start running for it. They have to if Akainu coming at them is any sort of guess to how the Fleet Admiral feels about this.
"Run! Run and don't look back!" Sanji yells to them to make sure they keep going. He makes sure they don't by following them. Running after them to make sure he'll take the hit if Akainu decides to throw a fist at them.
When they make it to the ship Sanji and it's leaving Sanji just has a full blown panic attack because he's alone again and he's a traitor of the marines. He betrayed his grand parents who loved him. Ace is trying to get him to calm down, calling him blondie and Ace is absolutely sweet on him, became sweet on him in Impel Down. Sanji can't go back though, he can't because what if they let Germa know? What if he's executed for simply believing what the Government was doing was wrong? Ace thinking it's all his fault and apologizing before Sanji tells him to stop with hitched breathing and choked words.
Sanji tells him when he's calmed down enough he believes in what he did, he doesn't think he was wrong. He's just alone with no where to go.
"Well, my brother's been looking for a cook, they'll be setting sail again in about two years." Ace offers. "I'll be going with them."
"I like cooking." Sanji answers.
"Heard you're real good at it too, blondie." Ace smiles and Sanji gives a wet laugh and nods.
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borntoocry · 1 year
ellie x fem!reader
reader is Tommy and maria's adopted daughter Who's never been outside of jackson and also has a BIG crush on ellie
Tommy decides One day to invite his Brother ,Joel , over for a family dinner where while the olders are talking , reader and ellie are in reader's room where She tells the auburn haired girl her Wish (going to a real Mall)
funny thing ellie found One and decides It would be a perfect date to ask reader out ,they sneak out and ellie brings reader to this Mall where they have a almost-death experience since our smartass ellie forgot to clear out of infected some shops , they make It out alive but reader ends up with a medium/big wound (NOT A ZOMBIE BITE PLEASE) and they're like " well good luck to us explaining that to Maria"
They go home to find very angry and upset Brothers +Maria
(if you like It i also have an idea for a Little part 2 AND ALSO SORRY FOR BAD ENGLISH🤍)
THIS WAS SO GOOD??? HELLO??? OFC! the first part will be the dinner with a bit of an argument, and the second part will be the mall. we'll see how long we can drag this on for. thank you for this anon!
this is a fem!oc x Ellie williams fic. she's a poc. sorry if this diverges from what you wanted, I just wanted to write something in first pov instead of YN. (is that okay??)
warnings: conversation about death. drinking. some kissing. that's about it.
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I fucking hate the apocalypse. Then again, who enjoys it? Besides psychos testing out their survival skills. 
The apocalypse means losing people: people you’ve known since birth, people you’ve known since your mind could render memories, and people who you never got to know due to your young mind. Like my mom. Young and full of hope, which is something everyone says when they talk about the dead mom they don’t remember. But from what I hear, that’s what she was like. 
Her name was Poppy, which means that I might’ve had weird grandparents. And because my name is Clementine, that means I might’ve had a weird mom. From the pictures tacked onto my wall, it seems so: she had blue hair as a teenager, she dyed it every so often from shades of pink to purple and orange. She had piercings all over her ears and a couple on her face, and she had tattoos that littered her soft tan skin. 
I have… nothing. I’m bare. All that I have is curly hair and tan skin from my mom, and an odd shade of hazel eyes from my dad. I don’t match myself whatsoever. But I guess that’s why I’m like my mom–I don’t make sense. 
But the one person who has made an effort to make me make sense is Ellie–Joel’s ‘daughter,’ who isn’t truly his daughter because they are not related whatsoever. She’s just been around him since she was 14. I make an effort to make that known, because people around town consider me Tommy and Maria’s daughter, which then implies that I’m Joel’s niece. Which I am not. Because if I was, that would make the entire situation of me liking Ellie sort of… incest-y. 
But me and Tommy and Maria are not blood related, and me and Ellie and Joel and whatever this family is, are not related either. I’ve just been taken in by Tommy and Maria since I was three years old.They care for me like their own. And for that, I’m grateful. 
Tommy enjoys inviting Joel and Ellie to dinner at least once a week; because we’re a group of  put together people that have been through more shit than we probably should’ve. And every week, they come over. Sometimes with food, sometimes with alcohol. Maria allows me to drink because she says I’m mentally old enough. That and from what Tommy says, laws don’t really exist anymore, so they can’t really go to jail for letting me drink underage.
This week, Maria has made lasagna and her famous salad, which is just a mixture of pickled vegetables tossed in oil and goat cheese with lettuce. It really is good, but I won’t lie and say I haven’t gotten a bit tired of it. I eat it anyway, because Maria is a marvelous cook and I’d rather stab my eye than ask her to make something different. 
I set up the table and lay out five wine glasses. I usually sit next to Ellie while the old adults sit next to each other around the end of the table. I somehow still get nervous sitting next to her even after four years of knowing one another. It starts off with a rumbling in my stomach, and then a batch of butterflies find their way into my chest and absorb all of the liquids spewing into my body. I can’t really stop it, but at least they don’t attack my vocal chords. 
“You done?” Tommy asks as he walks into the room with two bottles of wine. This week, Ellie is making her famous garlic rolls, which pair amazingly with Maria’s lasagna. Because she never makes them, I eat one too many and end up tipsy and bloated. 
I nod and grab the bottles from his hands. I set them in the center alongside the other bottle of wine and one singular bottle of whiskey. This family drinks too much, but no one seems to care. It’s a Friday, after all. 
“How does it look?” I ask, waving a hand over the table. 
Tommy smiles, which force his wrinkles to dance about his face. “It looks wonderful like always, sweetheart.” He comes around and wraps an arm around my shoulders. I pat his hand and lean my head against his. 
I love Tommy–he’s truly my father even though I’ll never call him dad. I guess he knows that, but he’s fine with it. I call him ‘My Tommy’ to everyone I know, which is somehow more special than the title ‘dad.’ 
“Awe, look at you guys,” Maria says as she enters the dining room. She places her lasagna and salad in the center of the table and can’t stop her smile from spreading along her entire face at the sight of us. “My Tommy and my Clem. You are adorable.” 
I kiss Tommy’s cheek and pull away, smiling back at Maria who has now run around the table to kiss Tommy. I don’t watch as she kisses him, but I hear the peck. 
 I take one last look at the table, trying to see if there’s anything I need to perfect. But as nothing comes to mind, there’s a knock at the door. I turn to look at Tommy and Maria, but quickly leap towards the door when I find them kissing. 
I already know who it is, so I don’t check the peephole. I unlock the door and twist the handle, opening it up to see Joel and Ellie on the other side. Joel holds a bottle of whiskey and Ellie holds a dish of rolls. 
I smile and take the whiskey from Joel. “I don’t think we need anymore of this, but thank you.” 
They step inside and I shut the door behind them. “There’s no such thing as too much whiskey.” 
“Or wine,” Ellie states, which draws me over to her. 
I look at her and smile. “Well wine, no. Whiskey, maybe.” 
Her hair that’s tossed into a low bun shakes along with her head. Some tendrils of hair fly into her face and I fight against my fluttering stomach not to push them out of my face. To fight it, I look away and take the whiskey to the dining table. 
Tommy watches me place the whiskey next to the plenty of other bottles and chuckles. “Thank you brother but that might be too much.” 
“That’s what I said,” I tell him. “Do you want me to take it to the kitchen instead?” 
Tommy shakes his head. “Leave it. It’s a Friday and I’m sure we’ve all had a rough week.” 
I nod even though I don’t do much around Jackson. I’m not really allowed to go out on patrol like Ellie. My mom died that way. Maybe not riding around safely like Ellie, but she died out on patrol. And ever since I was old enough to take on tasks, I was labored with tending to the farm animals. 
I have never gone outside of the walls of Jackson. I’ve begged Tommy and Maria, but they always say no. We’ve even gotten into fights about it, which have led me to nights in Ellie’s room, where she tells me stories of what she’s seen out there. And some of those stories have included a mall. 
Because of her stories, I have dreamed about sneaking away and finding that said mall. Even though I know it won’t happen, I dream about it–because how harmful can a dream be? 
“Alright, has everyone washed their hands?” Maria asks. 
Tommy and Joel nod but Ellie and I look over at one another, shaking heads. I head into the kitchen with her behind me and the butterflies come out in full effect, knocking into the walls of my stomach. 
I eject soap into my hands and turn on the sink, quickly shoving my hands underneath the slow stream to get some bubbles forming. As I knead the soap into my hands, Ellie clears her throat. I look over at her with a smile and she begins a conversation. 
“How are you doing?” she asks. 
I nod. “Good. So far, I’m doing good.” 
“Has that guy Jacob been bothering you?” she asks, referring to this one guy around our age that can’t seem to stop pestering every girl in Jackson. He used to catcall me everyday during the summer. I wore shorts and thin shirts so I wouldn’t overheat, and he’d come over whistling at me, hoping I’d feed into his delusions. 
I never told him I wasn’t into his type, so he kept coming onto me. Until a couple weeks ago when I punched him so hard that he fell back and got a concussion. I guess that gave him the memo. 
I wash the suds out of my hands as I shake my head. “He hasn’t talked to me since you know what.” 
She laughs and takes my spot by the sink. “That was badass, by the way,” she tells me as the soap suds up in her hands. 
My cheeks become hot and I laugh. “Thanks,” I say, “you’ve told me that quite a couple times.” 
Her cheeks heat up and swell with blood, but I try not to think of it. Instead, I focus on her hands and the way the soap begins vanishing from her fingers. The new tattoos that tread down her hands come into full effect and I have to turn away. 
“I say it ‘cause it’s true,” she tells me as she dries her hands on her jeans. 
I shrug. “It’s no biggie.” 
“What’s no biggie?” Joel asks as he steps into the kitchen. 
“Me punching Jacob,” I tell him. 
He laughs and grabs a couple more napkins from the counter. “That was bad ass, by way.” 
Ellie and I turn to one another and laugh. Joel, as confused as he is, turns away and re-enters the dining room, where we follow him into and sit down for dinner. 
We’re three bottles of wine into dinner and I’ve had about two very full glasses. Even though I’ve been allowed to drink around Tommy and Maria since I turned 17, I haven’t gained a high enough tolerance. So now I drunkenly sit in my seat with one of Ellie’s garlic rolls in my hand. 
Tommy and Joel are laughing at something Maria said, and Ellie is staring me down. 
“You don’t think you’ve had enough to drink?” she asks as she glances at my wine glass. 
I shrug. “You want some?” 
She shrugs. 
“Have it,” I tell her. 
She chugs the rest and places the glass next to her, as if to say, ‘Now you can’t get any more.’ I’m fine with that, so I chow down on the garlic roll and listen to the adults. 
This runs for about ten minutes before the conversation is redirected towards the teenagers. “So,” Maria says, “how are you girls?” 
I glance at Ellie and I catch her looking back at me. Her red cheeks make a re-appearance and I mistake it for the wine and whiskey. Ellie looks back at Maria and smiles. “We’re good. Well–I’m good. I’ve been doing fine on patrols and all that.” She turns to me again and with her red cheeks and perfectly molded lips, asks, “And you, Clem?” 
I shake out of my drunken thoughts and crookedly smile. “It’s been fine on the farm.” 
Joel glances between me and Ellie and chuckles. “You hate it at the farm, don’t you?” 
I shrug. I pick at the leftover pieces of dead lettuce on my plate and try to find words that don’t come off as bitchy. But I fail. The words tumble out of my mouth before I can slap a hand over my lips. “Nothing new ever happens and I can’t do anything else, so yeah, I kinda do hate it.” 
Maria sighs and I look up at her. “You know you can’t go on patrol, Clem.” 
“Well I can’t do anything else here either.” 
“Clementine, don’t start your arguing,” Tommy warns. 
I scoff. “I’m not arguing, I’m just trying to understand why you won’t let me go on patrol.” 
“Because–” Maria starts. 
“Because what? Ellie goes on patrol!” 
“That’s different,” Joel mutters. 
I avert my gaze towards him and ask, “How? How is it different?” 
“Your mom died while out on patrol,” he continues. 
“From what I know, combat skills aren’t hereditary. Y’all can teach me! Ellie can teach me.” 
Ellie stays silent. I suddenly  feel bad for jamming her into our conversation. She sits next to me and places her hand on my hand, forcing my trembling fingers to die down. She leans in and tries to whisper something in my ear, but I shove her away and continue with the conversation between me and the adults. 
“Stop trying to fight this, Clementine,” Tommy tells me. 
“But you can teach me! How do you know I’ll die if you don’t teach me how to defend myself?” 
“Your mother knew how to defend herself,” Maria says, but before she can continue, I cut her off. 
“Okay then! So teach me how to defend myself.” 
“But she was stupid and got herself killed. And I’d rather keep you locked in Jackson than have you do the same.” 
“So I’m stupid?” I ask. The color drains out of my face and leaves me as pale as a ghost. I’ve always been mistaken for Tommy and Maria’s daughter due to my skin color, but now that my color has drained from my body, I feel like everything that used to connect me to this couple is gone. “You think that because my mom died stupidly, I’ll do the same?” 
Maria shuts her eyes and pulls herself away from the table. She stands up and gathers her and Tommy’s plates. “We’re not talking about this. Talk to your Tommy and leave me out of it.” 
Tommy glances at me and I look away, pulling myself away from the table and fleeing. I trip over the chair and try kicking it away, but Ellie latches her hand onto my arm and pulls me around the tipping chair. 
She helps me up the stairs as my vision becomes blurred and once we enter my bedroom, I flop onto my bed. She shuts my door and I instantly sob. 
“Hey, you’re okay,” Ellie whispers as she plops down next to me and rubs her hands along my spine. “You’re okay, Clem.” 
I shake my head. “Fuck them!” I exclaim. “They’ve kept me locked up in Jackson my entire life and expect me not to want to go out? I’m a fucking human, not a pet!” 
“They just want to keep you safe, Clem.” 
I drunkenly disobey, pushing her off and scooting up to the back of my bed. She crawls towards me and sits in front of my legs. She places her hands on top of my knees and slowly rubs her thumbs along the grooves. 
“Leave me alone,” I whisper. 
“Nothing they said was true,” she tells me. 
I look up at her with a frown. “How do you know that?” 
“You’re the smartest girl I know, Clem.” 
I roll my eyes. 
Ellie slaps my knee and cowers over me. “I mean it. You’re incredibly intelligent with animals. You practically speak to them!” 
“I’m telling you, I’m weird.” 
She shakes her head and places her hands on both of my knees. She spreads them apart and crawls between them. I gulp down the nervousness cinching my throat and try to push myself back against my bed. But I’m already against the wall. 
I’ve wanted this ever since I met Ellie. Sure, it was inappropriate for a fourteen-year-old to be thinking about this very moment where Ellie kisses me, but I couldn’t just knock those thoughts away. They have been imprinted onto my mind ever since, and now it’s happening. 
Or maybe not. We’re drunk. But I so badly want this. 
“What’s so bad about being weird?” she asks me in a seductive tone that makes an awful whining noise come out of my throat. She chuckles and lowers her head even more. “What was that?” 
I shrug. “I’m nervous,” I say. “And we’re drunk.” 
“And what about this is making you nervous?” 
“It looks like you want to kiss me…” I whisper. 
“And what if I do?” 
I raise an eyebrow. 
Ellie places her lips on my forehead and smoothes the wrinkles lining my skin. “You are nothing they say you are. You’re intelligent, you’re beautifully weird and you I know you’d be one badass fighter.” 
I look up at her, our lips mere centimeters apart, and frown. “Then why don’t they see that?” 
Ellie’s fingers move up from the bottom of my neck up to my cheeks. She rubs her thumbs along my lips and whispers, “They do, I promise you they do, Clem. I think maybe they don’t want to risk losing you, even if they can show you how to be a badass warrior.” 
I crack a smile, even though it might be the fakest one I’ve ever put on. She must notice, though, because she leans in as close as she can. “If I kiss you, is there a chance this frown will disappear?” 
I lick my lips and stare up at her dark eyes that seem to seep into my body. “Maybe,” I whisper, and allow her lips to sink into mine. 
Her hands wrap around my cheeks and mine wrap around her hair. She pushes me down into my bed and I slowly lean back, wrapping my legs around her waist. I act needy, because I am. I kiss her like I’ve always dreamed of, with my lips following hers and opening up my mouth when she wants to dart her tongue in. 
I’ve kissed one person before Ellie, but it was to get her off my mind. She was spinning in my head, owning every single crevice of my brain. I used to think it was on purpose–the universe was trying to drive me mad before the walls of Jackson did. But now I think… Well, I don’t know  what the universe was trying to do. What I do know is that all those times I made out with Kennedy was to prepare me for the making out Ellie and I are doing. 
The kissing between Ellie and I is fervent. She’s kissing my lips, sucking my bottom lip, kissing along my neck down to my collarbones. She’s trying to pull a leg over one of mine so she can–what I assume–hump it, but before she does, I pull away. 
“Maybe let’s go back down,” I whisper, out of breath. 
She pulls her head away from my neck and brushes her hair out of her face. “Not yet,” she says. “I have something to tell you.” 
I nod. “Do you like me?” I ask. 
She chuckles. “Yes, but that’s not what I was going to say.” 
I frown. “Oh.” 
“I thought that was obvious,” she tells me. “That I like you. I’ve been staring at you ever since I showed up.” 
I drop my head in embarrassment and sheathe my eyes with my hands. “I couldn’t tell. I’m sorry.” 
Ellie lifts my head with both of her hands and sits on her calves in front of me. She kisses the corner of my lips and pulls away. “It’s okay, Clem. Don’t worry about that right now.” 
I nod. “So… then… tell me what you were going to say.” 
She nods and drops her hands onto my shoulders, where she rubs my blades. “You remember that mall I told you about ages ago?” 
My eyes open wide and I smile. “Yes. The one you found when you went on patrol the first few times.” 
She nods. “What if I sneak you out one of these days and take you there? Just us. We can look around and make it memorable for your first time outside of Jackson?” 
I nod. I nod like a child who’s just had a tub of sweets. “Yes!” I exclaim, but quickly run a hand over my mouth. “Sorry… But yes! We should.” 
Ellie nods and kisses me one more time. “How about next Friday? Our dinner will be at 4, and we can sneak out and make it back here by midnight. They won’t even notice we’re gone–they’ll be drunk by eight o’clock.” 
I nod. “Okay. Deal.” 
Ellie kisses the side of my head and pulls away, crawling off my bed. She walks over to my record station and thumbs through my vinyl records. I crawl to the end of my bed and watch as she grabs one and pulls it out of its sleeve. She pulls the needle up and sets the record down. Then she places the needle back down on the record and we wait for the music to begin. 
Ellie turns and extends a hand. “Wanna dance? To get you out of your bad mood?” 
I bite down on my lips to hide my smile and nod. I take her hand and she pulls me up, almost launching me into the air. I hold onto her as she spins me around, and once we’re tired, we plop back onto my bed. 
I turn my head to her and smile because she’s already looking back at me. “I’m excited about this trip,” I whisper in case anyone is standing outside.
“Me too. I’ll make sure to make it extra special.” 
“You promise?” 
She nods. “I’ll make sure nothing happens to you.” 
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bexktaegeun · 2 months
Hello Hello
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hello, introducing my bby! kwon taegeun! it was split between him and another muse! hopefully i can bring her later! now onto my baby! below i'll have his about linked and under the link! i'll have some basic info about him AND some lose plot ideas! if you see something you like or you think he'll fit or if you just wanna plot! let me know! 
also quick edit! open for water bomb event plotting!
was born on august 18th 2005 in daegu
his fathers second child from his girlfriend who dumped tae with him
he finally settled down in his 3rd major relationship and second (rich) wife
he was cared for growing up and spent a lot of time with his grandparents on his dads side 
grew up with his step-mom as his mom and her family were nice-ish but it was clear that tae was seen as separate 
but still, he grew up with money so like...that's good right? 
a lot of missed in events in his life but it was made up with toys and money, he was well fed, sure his parents didn't care when he wanted to go off and become a trainee but they never forgot a birthday
he tried to bring it up once and was guilted in silence so he never brought it up again
as soon as he found out about taeha, he started to look for her
it was what pushed him to come to seoul, along with wanting to become a trainee
he's sad boy, he feels lonely at and fills the void with friends or parties or just being around people 
he downplays his parents treatment
actually, would downplay anyone's treatment of him because he's convinced himself he's lucky
is lying to taeha about how much contact he has with their dad and that he's funded by his dad, she thinks its all coming from the grandparents 
does love attention when he gets it
wants to be beloved by everyone and anyone, just to fill the void a little 
maybe, if he becomes super beloved his parents would notice him more
maybe his birth mom would seek him out? 
loves his older sister and loves having an older siblings
kinda buys his friends, he does want them but he doesn't want them to leave so he spends money 
easily taken advantage of and will excuse mistakes
in his last year at school
is taking dance/vocal/rap lessons, likes to run the streets to hang out, is on a dance crew and has gotten into working on music
pours all of himself into that because he wants it back 
when he's not dancing....he...has a random interest in wood-working? well, when your a kid who has money..skys the limit
also as much more normal interest: mysteries, food (baking but doesn't mind cooking), coffee black, enjoys sour candy and foods, he wouldn't call himself a gamer but he does play harvest moon and cooking momma
loves over the top dramas 
biromantic king! 
 i haven't said which high school...so some high school friends or friend?
you have a super expensive meal out and he totes cover the bill when you can find your wallet
rivals? street cats? both of you are dancers and often compete and try to out best each other like fighting cats 
use him! i mean it! if your muse is hard on money, he's an easy target because he'll give within reason and gift even more 
he has one or two npc friends that def just use him for things and he makes excuses and your a new friend OR old friend and your like wtf? they don't care about you but he just wants to be wanted
a past summer romance...like last summer with a female muse but she broke it off when school started, it wasn't anything serious but tae has been crushed. sure, he's getting over feelings for another and SURE you both agreed it was just some summer time fun to appear at parties together or just have something for the gram but it's kinda weird when ya'll share a friend group but tae pretends like you aren't there. (to mention, nothing really would've happened it was like one month romance of cute dates, maybe some kisses and a lot of posting each other or hanging out together. maybe it was time for you muse to buckle down on school) 
dance/vocal/rap/producer muses if you have plots or crews he could join
he's taking spanish and english lessons (fucking random but he meets people) 
also has picked up the guitar and drums if you wanna do something around that!
uh, he has a small website in which he sells some of his crafts, so maybe for that! it's wood works, paintings, carvings and etc! 
any muses who have part-times jobs and have places that would be hiring! his grandparents are legit concerned about how he views money and has told him to get a job, so he will
With that! I thank everyone for the welcomes! If you see something you like, message me or if you think he could fill your plot! Just like this and I'll come to you!
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leclerced · 9 months
Okay so I thought about boys and the girlfriend’s family. And I came up with:
Lando who everyone knows how he is. Goofy, sassy, playful, sometimes mean, he has his strengths and faults. But not with his girl’s family. He just wants then to see him as the perfect match for her so he’s always on his best behaviour and actually loves spending time with them because he knows how important it is for her. He charms the mom and even learns the language (sorry but I thought about someone that’s from not-English speaking country) so he can communicate with them and it makes his girl’s heart melt because it’s the sweetest thing ever.
Oscar is just a cutie pie with the family. Everyone loves him and loves to dote on him. He’s always a gentleman and wants to help the best he can. (This will be self indulgent) I think my mom would absolutely adore him and I can totally see her wanting to feed him and then when he says (with the saddest eyes ever) he can’t eat sth because of his diet she’d find the best recipes he can eat and make his faves for him😭✋
I don’t think I write Max well so I’m gonna leave him to you sweetie
Charles would be so nervous for the first time but he’d win everyone’s hearts right away. Because how can you not love Charles’s mess of a hair, French accent and squishy cheeks. Also he would always come with gifts (no matter how long he’d know the family) because he thinks it’s rude to come with bare hands.
hi im working so this is super rushed and messy im sorry
lando is definitely on his best behavior when he’s around his girl’s family. he learns her language as soon as they get together because he knows he wants to be with her forever, so he’s downloading duolingo and trying to do it in secret to surprise her with it until she somehow catches him and starts teaching him instead. he brings gifts for everyone, and greets them in their native language which surprises them alll so much, especially the grandparents who don’t speak english.
i think oscar would break his diet for his girl’s fam. i think he likes food and one meal isn’t gonna throw him off. im gonna be self indulgent because i love to bake and cook, and when my family gets together there is soooo much food. it’s different on my mom and dad’s side bc i have separated parents. my mom’s side are all country folk who hang out in the shop, the men drink beer and watch nascar or football, whatever is on the tv, and the ladies gossip. they fry foods in the shop or grill outside the shop, and it’s fish they caught or game they hunted, which i feel like would make some drivers wary, i think they’re used to fancy dinners in expensive cities, not something that was shot and processed by the people cooking and eating it. but oscar is up for trying new things and even though he’s never really had deer, he likes the gamey taste it has. the women would love him bc he does everything for his girl, always getting her drinks or just massaging her shoulders for her and little things like that.
i think max is so good natured he’d fit in anywhere, he’s very smart and knows how to talk to people. i think it’s hard not to like him. my family all have adhd and will listen to people talk about anything. my uncle loves to indulge people and bullshit, so like over thanksgiving my sister in law was talking about her family’s business and my uncle pretended to go onto their website and order twenty thousand dollars worth of leather. she was freaking out while everyone else is laughing because we knew it was a joke, until my aunt was like “excuse my husband, he’s a liar.” and i can imagine my family doing that with max but he’d bullshit back and egg them on. he’d get along really well with the men simplyn because they can bond over cars if nothing else. he’d get along well w all of them we’re all very laid back tbh. i think he’d never been happier as when he plays tag or hide and seek with all the little ones. he’d eventually make his way back over to his girlfriend when he needs a drink or to catch his breath after being it, but it’s never long before one of the kiddos is finding him and pulling him away again.
charles brings immaculate personalized gifts and a dessert he had flown in from some fancy bakery he’s obsessed with just to impress them. he shows up with a suitcase full of gifts, he would have memorized everything she mentioned about her family so he could get everyone a perfectly tailored gift. the first time they meet him they tease about him trying to buy their love and gf is just like “no, he just does this. he will do this every time.” and he totally does. they love him so much he’s their baby boy by the time the first meeting is over, her mom is telling him to call him maman and he’s on a first name basis with her dad.
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gggoode · 2 years
a tiny tiny little christmas thing I started to write then stopped bc it was too sad then cleaned up and posted anyway :) hope ur all having a lovely Christmas if u celebrate and if not, hope ur having a lovely day!
“What did you do for Christmas last year?” 
Gigi kept looking into her coffee cup. She knew Crystal really liked Christmas but she didn’t think she’d ever had a Christmas she’d really enjoyed.  
The word Christmas didn’t fill her with festive cheer. She associated it with awkward visits with grandparents, family fights, her or her mom crying. Not her favourite holiday, all in all. 
Crystal didn’t seem perturbed by her lack of response. “I didn’t know if you’d be visiting your grandparents again but it was right after you told your parents about being trans, right?”
Gigi nodded and Crystal reached over to squeeze her hand, linking their fingers together. 
They’d become girlfriends just that weekend and Gigi had been a bit terrified that things would change between them but it was only Tuesday and they were already out for coffee, just like always. 
The only thing that had changed was Crystal kissing her cheek in greeting and holding her hand, and Gigi liked that. 
“It was,” she agreed. “I spent it alone with my mom. And spent most of the day crying.” 
“Oh my god, Gigi,” Crystal cooed, shifting closer and wrapping an arm around her. “Why were you crying?” 
Gigi shrugged and rested her head on Crystal‘a shoulder. “I felt like I’d caused mom’s divorce. And I missed you, and I kept thinking about how you invited me to spend Christmas with you the year before and how much I wished I was there.” 
“You should have just come over,” Crystal sighed, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. 
Gigi glanced up at her and scrunched up her nose. “I was really a mess.” 
“I would’ve been happy to see you,” Crystal said anyway. She held onto her for a moment before moving onto the question she’d clearly been leading to. “What are you doing for Christmas this year?” 
“Probably the same but hopefully with less crying,” Gigi said. 
Crystal squeezed her tight. “You know my order still stands. My parents would love to have you.” 
Gigi sighed and tilted her head to kiss Crystal’s cheek. “I don’t wanna leave my mom by herself.”
“Bring her. My mom loves her too.” 
Gigi bit her lip. “They have to cook extra food for us.” 
That made Crystal laugh out loud. “There’s three of us and they already cook enough to feed like ten people. We eat leftovers for weeks.” 
Gigi thought about it for a moment. “It would be nice to spend Christmas with my girlfriend,” she said, which made Crystal beam at her. 
“Ask your mom. And don’t try and be polite about it because my parents will be so excited if you both come over.” 
Gigi didn’t really care about politeness at this point. She’d had enough shitty Christmasses at this point that she thought she deserved a good one with her girlfriend. 
Gigi woke up on Christmas morning to someone stroking her hair. 
“Crys?” she mumbled, shifting in the bed. It still felt weird waking up in Crystal's childhood room.  It always kind of made her feel like a teenager again, but in a good way. Like she was safe and had nothing to worry about. 
“I’m not usually awake before you,” Crystal said cheerfully, kissing the back of her neck. “Merry Christmas, Geege.” 
Gigi couldn’t help smiling. “Merry Christmas,” she murmured as she rolled over. “This is already the nicest Christmas morning I’ve had.” 
“Me too,” Crystal whispered, pressing a kiss to her lips. “I love waking up with you.” 
Gigi could already hear voices downstairs. Usually that would make her anxious but today it was just Mateo and Linda talking and laughing with her mom. Gigi hugged Crystal tight and sighed. “Thank you for having us over,” she whispered. 
Crystal squeezed her. “It was selfish of me. I just wanted to have you here for myself.” 
“So selfish, wanting me to have a nice Christmas,” Gigi agreed sarcastically, brushing her fingers through Crystal’s hair. 
“Do you want some presents?” Crystal asked brightly, sitting up and dragging a stocking up the bed. 
Gigi tucked herself up against Crystal and smiled to herself, watching as she dug some presents out. “You’re such a cutie,” she mumbled. 
Crystal hummed. “I dunno. These are the presents I didn’t wanna give you with our parents watching,” she said, putting a couple of small wrapped gifts on her chest. 
“Is it naughty?” Gigi asked, sitting up a bit straighter to look at the presents. 
“Open them and see,” Crystal said innocently, wrapping her arm around Gigi. 
Gigi smiled at her for a moment longer before starting to open the gifts. One of them was a little set of flavoured lubes which made her snort. 
“I thought the pumpkin spice might be good,” Crystal said, tapping one of the bottles lightly. 
Gigi laughed. “Sounds delicious,” she agreed. “I’m glad you didn’t give me this in front of our parents,” she said softly, tucking the lube bottles in between them. 
“I just know my mom would have asked what it was,” Crystal agreed, kissing her temple. “Then she probably would have wanted to open them to smell them or taste them or whatever.” 
“A lovely family sharing experience,” Gigi mumbled. 
“I definitely didn’t want them seeing these ones,” Crystal said, putting two more little wrapped squares on Gigi’s lap. 
She opened them carefully. One was a bra and the other was a pair of lacy panties, and when she looked at the label it was from a very trans-friendly company she’d been following on Instagram for a while. 
“These are expensive,” Gigi breathed, running her fingers over the material. 
“You kept saving them to your wish list on Instagram,” Crystal said. “I wanted to treat you. And treat me because I get to see you wearing them. If I’m lucky.” 
Gigi pulled her in for a kiss. “Thank you, Crys,” she mumbled. She dug out her presents for Crystal, putting them on her lap. “If you don’t like them I can get you something else.” 
“I’m sure I’ll like them,” Crystal laughed. She tore open the first gift, which was a little bundle of vintage patches Gigi had been collecting for a while. She seemed delighted as she flicked through them, snuggling up against Gigi. “Where did you get these?” 
“Here and there,” Gigi said fondly. “Even when we weren’t talking. I just got them when they made me think of you.” 
Crystal grinned as she tucked them in beside the bottles of lube. “Because you knew we wouldn’t always be apart.” 
“Exactly,” Gigi agreed. She gave her a card too, looping her arm through Crystal’s. 
It was silly. It was a picture of both of them from the Christmas party Jaida had hosted a couple of weeks ago, and Gigi had written ‘Merry Crysmas’ at the bottom. 
“To Crystal,” Crystal read aloud. “Thank you for everything, I can’t wait to spend all my Christmasses with you for the rest of my life,” she continued. 
Her voice broke halfway through the sentence and Gigi pressed her face into her shoulder. 
“All my love, Gigi,” Crystal finished. She set the card aside and turned to wrap Gigi in a cuddle, rocking them back and forth gently. “I love you so much,” she whispered tearfully. 
“I love you too,” Gigi murmured. “But I don’t think my presents are quite as exciting,” she said apologetically. 
Crystal kissed her cheek. “They’re perfect, Geege. You’re perfect.” 
There was a knock at the door as they cuddled. 
“Come in,” Crystal called. 
It was Linda, because of course it was. She beamed at the sight of them and came over to the bed, perching on the edge and pulling them both into a hug. “My two girls,” she said softly. “Merry Christmas.” 
Gigi was busy tucking the lube and lingerie beneath the duvet. “Feliz navidad,” she said, only hugging Linda back when they were hidden. 
Linda squeezed her tight. “You just come down whenever you’re ready, we’re having coffee so there’s no rush,” she said. 
“Thanks, mom,” Crystal said cheerfully. “We’ll be down in a bit.” 
Linda kissed both of their cheeks before standing. “Okay! Just take your time,” she said fondly as she left the room. 
Gigi shifted to sit up straighter. “Shall we go?” 
“She said there’s no rush,” Crystal said airily, pulling her back down to lay against the pillows. Gigi had a second to grin before Crystal was kissing her, making her sigh. 
Christmas with the Methyds was very different. 
Gigi tensed whenever there was a disagreement, expecting it to blow up into a huge argument that would ruin the day and make everyone cry. 
But it didn’t. Of course it didn’t – when Mateo and Linda disagreed on how they were supposed to cook the turkey, they didn’t fight about it. 
They’d started laughing about a previous Christmas when they’d overcooked it and it had been dry, and another Christmas when they hadn’t defrosted it in time and it hadn’t been edible at all. 
She’d spent the day trying and failing to offer help in the kitchen. Her mom was helping Linda and Mateo but they kept sending Gigi back to the living room to sit with Crystal, insisting that they should enjoy their first Christmas as a couple. 
And that they did. They drank a lot, ate a lot, and spent almost the entire day cuddling. 
It was perfect. By the end of the night she was full of food and more than a little bit drunk, and she couldn’t stop smiling even as she snuggled into bed with Crystal in the new pyjamas Mateo and Linda had bought her. 
“Do you like Christmas now?” Crystal asked, holding her close and tangling their legs together. 
Gigi hummed. “I dunno. I can see why you like it so much,” she murmured. She tilted her head to kiss Crystal, sliding her hands up and under her shirt to touch her back. 
“I love you,” Crystal whispered. “Just wait until I take you to spend Christmas with the rest of my family in Mexico.” 
Gigi gasped. “Yes please,” she agreed eagerly. “I’ll even practice my Spanish if it means Christmas in Mexico.” 
Crystal snorted and rested their foreheads together. “Just wait until you meet my cousins. And you’ll get interrogated by my aunts and uncles.” 
“Worth it to spend Christmas with you,” Gigi whispered, tilting her head until she could kiss her again. 
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Good day! I thought I might send in a match-up request, as it seems that your Twisted Wonderland match-ups are still open. If not, feel free to disregard this message!
For the basics, you can call me Henry, and I use any pronouns. I would like either a platonic or romantic match, whichever seems more suitable!
Personality-wise, I'm polite, introverted, hard-working, and caring. I'm also kind of a theatre kid (so a tad dramatic), and I'm both a leader and follower, depending on the scenario. My friends describe me as clever and supportive, and I'm often called a "grandparent", haha! (Though, I have carried Werther's Originals in my bag, so... y'know.)
My hobbies/interests mostly include creating things: cooking/baking, sewing, knitting, embroidery, dance, gardening, music (classical and jazz singing, sax, and clarinet), etc. I am also very interested in historical fashion and food history, and I really like board games (such as Carcassonne, Clue, and Superfight).
I'm looking for someone with similar interests, and who is hard working but also will let me help them. Food and cooking for others is important to me, so someone with an appreciation for food would be preferable.
However, I will not tolerate rudeness. I also don't like excessive energy/raucousness - people like that simply tire me out.
I show affection through physical touch! Also, sharing food (I suppose that would be "acts of service"?). Similarly, I like to receive affection through physical touch, as well as with quality time :)
Appearance-wise, I'm pretty short at 157cm, but quite strong. I have auburn hair and deep blue/grey eyes. I also wear (round, black, wire-framed) glasses. My dress sense is rather "dignified," usually with inspiration from the early 1940s, my favourite decase for dress.
My signs are: Cap sun/Scorpio moon/Scorpio rising/Pisces Venus/Aquarius Mercury
I would also prefer someone NOT in first year.
Thank you for reading, and thank you for matching!
Hi, Henry! Hmm, let me see- Ah, a suitor wishes to come forth. Will you take his hand?
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Your relationship with Silver would start platonic, both of you enjoying each other’s calm energy. He would appreciate your caring and hard-working nature. And enjoy that you can lead but also follow.
After some time it would morph into something more romantic; lingering touches, and spending more time together before it would click for him. “Henry,” he would take your hand in his, looking into your eyes, “would it be alright if… if we can be more than friends?”
He enjoys getting to see you let your theatre kid side fly, getting to see your dramatic side. He’s not the best actor, so he may be lost if you want him to act out a role; please let him stick to the knight in shining armour or princely roles.
Silver is at first a bit wary of your cooking but that wariness goes out the window upon tasting it, old habits die hard after all. And can you blame him? But after his discovery, he looks forward to everything that you make. He himself isn’t too shabby in the kitchen. He still prefers your cooking and baking over his… and Lilia’s…
He would enjoy the two of you working on a project, side to side. “Was this row supposed to be knit stitch or pearl, dear?” He’s trying to learn to knit, so you two can do it together, he’s not the best, but he’s trying.
He really enjoys your style, and finds it comforting in a sense, but it also just suits you. He would listen attentively to any facts about historical fashion that you share, and may also see if he can find any clothing patterns for you when he visits Briar Valley… and bring back some hard candies to add to your "grandparent" stash.
He would ask you to dance, and the two of you would dance hand in hand, regardless of whether or not there was any music playing. Most dates would consist of dancing, spending some time cuddling while working on some needlework, and then playing a board game. “Dear, why does this game involve finding a murderer? Why would Professor Plum do such a thing?”
Silver wouldn’t be very surprised by your stature and strength. His eyes would widen and a faint blush would adorn his cheeks though if you were able to pick him up. Regardless though, he commends your strength.
“Ah, maybe you’re the knight in shining armour instead of me…”
I hope you like your match-up, Henry! And that you get to enjoy soft days with your sleepy knight; secretly a massive cuddle bug, and would nap on your shoulder and lap if you allowed him to.
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jyndor · 10 months
my grandparents being absolute shitheads is almost certainly a response to the generational trauma associated with my family fleeing Ireland during the famine (a product of british imperialism). there is so much anxiety, depression, adhd, ptsd, etc in my family. I know a little of the traumas that my paternal grandma and grandpa went through to survive as children in absolute poverty in manhattan during and after the depression. I know that trauma had an impact on my grandparents when they got rich.
and that's just on my dad's side.
I can respect that without condoning the shitheadery, the racism, the buy-in to us american whiteness in the name of money and safety and power, the shit they did to THEIR kids, the shit THEIR kids did to MY generation. Empathy and understanding sure, but I don't know how to forgive them. or their parents, or THEIR parents, who had to endure God knows what to bring their families here but also who hurt those families in so many ways.
I feel very deeply the lack of culture, the emptiness of white us american-ness; I always have. when I was a baby and my parents chose to move from new york to delaware for a job, I felt the lack of family every holiday when my friends got to just go over to all their families' homes, or when they'd talk about hanging out after school with their grandparents and cousins. I felt the lack of culture when I'd see my friends going through confirmation or having bar/bat mitzvahs, or when I'd go hang out with my friends from cultures that they were still connected to.
so I have mixed feelings about going to family thanksgiving celebrations - and I am not going this year, I don't go most years tbh - because to me, the idea that my family would want to celebrate a holiday based on colonial mythology and genocide is particularly vomitous to me.
this year my sister is very ill and so my parents aren't doing anything (we might get together this weekend, but idk). my birthday is on the 30th, so maybe we'll say it's for that instead.
I think the most insidious part of thanksgiving is that on its face, it's hard to argue with it as a concept - families coming together to be thankful for another year survived together. but what has thanksgiving always been to me? arguing about politics, long drives up to new york and later connecticut, a lot of food I can't eat and don't want to eat, pretending everything's okay when it's not. luckily my parents' generation is pretty good about all cooking together - none of that women in the kitchen while the men watch football shit (at least none that I saw growing up).
thanksgiving to me on a personal level is a veneer of thankfulness over deep pains and divisions that hasn't been resolved. it's kind of like that on a larger scale too - the very mythology at the heart of thanksgiving, the idea that the pilgrims invited the wampanoag people to some great feast at all is a fucking delusional façade over the actual story.
a façade that was commemorated in 1863 by president lincoln, that great emancipator. this of course after the trail of tears in 1830, and centuries of genocide against native americans. and then fdr, that progressive hero, made it a national holiday in 1941. months before interning japanese americans.
and people have the nerve to complain about the "turkey genocide" every year (as a vegetarian myself I reject and denounce those idiots) while still accepting the existence of a holiday built on the genocide of actual people. I like the turkey pardoning but it's also like... what the fuck kind of american bullshit is that, we pardon turkeys every year (good and cool) while millions of people are incarcerated.
truth and reconciliation necessitates recognizing historical and current harm done and working to repair that harm done. we cannot do that while celebrating thanksgiving.
land back now. reparations now. decolonization globally and domestically NOW. I'll thank my ancestors for their survival on a different day. my birthday sounds like as good a day as any tbh - what better way to thank them than to have been born and continue to live? the only better way may be to fight the very thing that made them refugees in the first place - imperialism.
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swimminginlakes · 2 months
Toxic relationships
Unfortunately, some of us don't realize just how toxic your relationship was until you get out of it. So here's some shit that my ex did that I'd never let anyone do to me now :]
told me he'd break up with me if i went to see my favourite band (and that's why i didn't go, SHAME!!!)
getting mad at me for not eating a lot at his new years eve party when i explicitly told him i wasnt gonna eat much (had a weird relationship with food at that time and recently returned from the hospital for it) and never standing up for me when his parents asked me if i thought their house and food was unclean
always made fun of me together with his parents for the jobs i had to work (his family was quite wealthy and they always let me know, while i had to work to support myself and my gradma who raised me because my parents fucked off when i was little)
getting mad at me one year for not coming to another new years eve party cause i didnt want to leave said grandmother alone
getting mad at me for forgetting condoms at my house and not bringing them over (he refused to keep condoms at his house because what if his parents found them !!! that was honestly one of the stupidest fucking things ever said by anyone but oh well, i was young lol)
always judging me if i dared buy fruit or veggies because they are expensive and i was complaining about having no money (but i refuse to eat foods without veggies, im not a monster)
getting mad when i didnt wanna have sex (because honestly he wasnt that good at it and he was silent through the whole time so i felt creeped out)
screamed at me for forgetting the condoms once (apparently he thought i was cheating on him because his ex did that and clearly i was the same because i was a woman... then again, he could keep the condoms with him and we wouldnt have this problem)
we were supposed to move in together but he wouldnt take my suggestions when it came to the house, and always rather asked his parents. naturally i got mad because it was me who was supposed to live there so i told him to move in with his mommy cause im fucking done with his behaviour. he didnt talk to me for 3 days and then messaged me asking if im willing to pay for the furniture and that his parents are driving us to IKEA, because they picked out the perfect bed and whatever. told him to go to hell
his parents and grandparents always kept talking about how highly intellingent he is and how lucky i was to have met him but he couldnt even read the instruction manual to build a garden shed without my help so where the IQ at? (this isnt really toxic but it fucking pissed me off hearing how perfect he is when he couldnt even buy fruit at the store that wasnt already moldy, like how dumb can you be to not check my guy)
his parents always asking me if i can cook well because how else am i gonna take care of him???? ????? what do you mean? why can't he cook himself? that's literally a basic human skill and if he can't do it he shouldn't be moving out of your house where you do all for him, even wipe his scrawny little ass (he couldn't even do that properly, he had skid marks every fucking where. it was truly disgusting)
told me if i don't let him read my diary it's a sign that i'm hiding something from him. i said i'm allowed to have private thoughts that he doesn't know about and he didn't talk to me for like a week
I'm sure there's much more. I just randomly started thinking about it yesterday because i was reading my old diaries and have seen how far I've come and how different I am as a person now.
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glemmerdash-piecesof8 · 4 months
buy a packet of pueblo!free book!
Copyright © 2024 Caragh Iles All rights reserved.
Pieces of Eight
Caragh Suibhne
In memory of my grandparents and parents, and in celebration of the lovely Eve Carey for the house beats
        Two-step   5
        Something like telepathy  23
        Househunting  38
        Because every man is an island   48
        I don’t want your revolution if I can’t dance 66
        Half a pint of moonshine for breakfast     79
        Broken bones can mend      90
        I believe in miracles   109
        Never did I see so many faces   118
       A room with many rooms but no chairs   126
       Nature   137
There was the clutter of the kitchen and the sounds of people eating and talking as they sat in the restaurant.
‘I have been thinking’
‘I don’t want to freak you out but I really want you to consider it’
Roo felt a sudden surge of blood flow through her body. Please don’t, she thought.
‘I want you to move in with Robert and me.’
Luke wasn’t looking at her anymore, he was playing with his knife. His eyes darted up and Roo relaxed a little. He smiled, a little wobbly. The waiter arrived with the wine and Roo found herself smiling and tasting the wine and then smiling and saying thank you.
The waiter left and there was silence for a while except for the whirlwind around them. Roo found herself smiling wryly and then saying,
 ‘ You had me worried for a second there. I thought you were going to ask the big question and you know I feel weird about that, especially because your bi. But it’s still a big question.’ She paused. ‘What does Robert think about it?’
‘He really likes you. If he wasn’t asexual he would probably have a crush on you. He wants to cook meals together and he knows I am paranoid about the mortgage and the interest rates going up. You wouldn’t have to pay what you pay now. I am quite happy to carry on paying what I am paying but if you can handle the bills that would be great.’
‘Just the bills?’
She laughed.
‘That’s as close to being a kept woman as I could manage.’
She twisted her wine glass and frowned.
’I suppose I could buy us expensive food and you are closer to my school.’
She sipped her wine and then winced.
‘The wine’s not that great. But I never know how to turn down an open bottle.’
Luke smiled and shook his head.
‘ Its fine for the price . You know you can’t expect much here. We’d be better off bringing our own but then you have to remember. But you will think about it? I know you would have to give notice and I would have to use some of the storage in the passage but you don’t have that much stuff.’
His phone buzzed on the table. He ignored it. The ringtone wasn’t from work.
Roo shifted on her chair and then ran her hand through her long strawberry blonde hair.
‘We have only known each other less than 6 months.’ Roo said slowly.
‘Are you worried about the fact that I haven’t met your parents?’
‘No, you know I have never properly told you but I have nothing to say to my parents .’
‘Do you mind me asking why?’
Roo licked her lips and took another sip of wine before putting her elbows on the table, then taking them off until eventually saying with her eyes gazing intently at the flowers on the table.
 ‘They are both very unhappy people. My father is a bit of a nazi. Well let me be honest. He is a nazi. And my mother – well she puts up with him. I left home as soon as I had could, and I havent seen them since. They want me to be like them. Racist and judgemental.  I have nothing to say to them.’
Luke was quiet for a moment. She is only 27 , he thought.
‘ Have you lived with anyone before?’ he said carefully.
Roo bit her lip and shook her head.
‘I have been too busy sorting myself out and then doing school and then getting used  to teaching and well, its a big step.’
‘I didn’t realise. We should probably have talked about ex’s before I asked.’
He paused and took a slug of wine.
‘Think about it and take your time. Its the 15th today so its probably too late in the day to give your notice without forfeiting your deposit. So tell me what you think in 2 weeks time. Its London so you won’t have to worry too much about finding someone to replace you.’
He cupped his glass between his hands.
‘I just want to spend time with you. My hours are all over the place, as you well know, and with all these cuts going on its going to just keep getting more stressful. Robert is great. You can eat dinner with him most nights, and we can all take turns cooking- which always makes food tastier.  I worry a bit about you. You don’t even like your housemates.’
Roo looked at him, with her eyes a bit blurry and smiled weakly before her eyes started staring intently at her glass.
‘’Luke,’ she said slowly,’ I would love to move in with you, but I don’t know. I think you are making me feel so stable so I might change.’
Luke laughed delightedly.
‘Change! I should hope so! That’s what makes us people!’
Roo smiled and then noticed herself laughing and she was amazed at the wonderousness of being in love.’
Luke was in the ambulance driving through heavy sleety rain. He was being very careful as the old lady they had picked up seemed very weak and he hoped she would be rehydrated by the time they reached the hospital. He smiled at how bizarre it was that someone could get dehydrated in the middle of winter and then he frowned. It always made him feel uneasy when they went to find an old person alone. She had stopped drinking water because the abscess on her leg made it impossible to get to the bathroom. She was so afraid of the hospital, Philip had given her a tranquilizer. Luke turned a corner and then turned the emergency light on. The roaring began and he started moving past cars, his mind disengaging from the strange things people do and believe. The radio crackled and he answered, wondering where they would go next. His shift was almost over.
Roo was cooking. She has started making enough so there would be a lunch box for all three of them twice a week at least. The others did it too, especially since she had moved in in last September and it was getting colder.
She was thinking about the dream she had last night. It was more of a waking dream to be honest, but Robert going on about being bored filming the news must have gotten to her. She was thinking of creating a spectacle. Since moving in with Luke,
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gayblade1950-blog · 1 year
My First Camping Trip with Grandpa
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Creating Lasting Memories: My First Camping Trip with Grandpa There is something truly magical about the bond between a grandchild and a grandparent. The stories they share, the laughter they create, and the memories they make together are truly priceless. One of the most cherished experiences for many grandchildren is their first camping trip with their grandpa. The anticipation of sleeping under the stars, roasting marshmallows over a crackling fire, and exploring the great outdoors is enough to make any child's heart skip a beat. In this blog post, I will recount my own unforgettable first camping trip with my grandpa. From setting up the tent to fishing in the lake, I will take you on a journey filled with love, laughter, and the creation of lifelong memories. Join me as I dive into this heartwarming adventure that reminds us of the importance of spending quality time with loved ones and appreciating the beauty of nature.   1. Setting the stage: Preparing for a camping trip with my grandpa was an exciting and memorable experience. As the trip approached, I couldn't contain my anticipation, knowing that this adventure would be filled with new experiences and cherished memories. To set the stage for our camping trip, we first had to gather all the essential supplies. We made a checklist together, ensuring that we had everything we needed for a comfortable and enjoyable outdoor experience. Camping gear such as a tent, sleeping bags, cooking utensils, and a camping stove were carefully packed . We also made sure to bring enough food, water, and snacks to sustain us throughout the trip. Beyond the practical necessities, we also packed a camera to capture the special moments we were about to share. The next step was to choose the perfect location for our camping adventure. We wanted a place that embraced nature's beauty, with picturesque landscapes and serene surroundings. After researching and consulting with seasoned campers, we settled on a remote campground nestled in the heart of the wilderness. This location promised breathtaking views, hiking trails, and the opportunity to connect with nature on a deeper level. With our supplies ready and a destination in mind, the excitement continued to build. We spent time discussing the activities we wanted to do, such as fishing, hiking, and stargazing. We also planned to gather around the campfire in the evenings, sharing stories and roasting marshmallows for s'mores. As the date of our camping trip grew near, I couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation and wonder. The stage was set, and I knew that this camping trip would be a chapter in my life that I would never forget.   2. Arriving at the campsite: Pitching the tent and setting up camp   Arriving at the campsite for my first camping trip with Grandpa was an exhilarating experience. As we pulled into the picturesque site nestled amidst towering trees and surrounded by nature's beauty, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation. The air was crisp, and the scent of earth and pine filled my nostrils, instantly invigorating my senses. With Grandpa's guidance, we quickly got to work on pitching the tent. As a novice camper, I marveled at his expertise and the ease with which he assembled the poles and secured the tent into place. It was like watching a seasoned magician performing a spell, transforming the empty space into our cozy shelter for the next few days. Once the tent was up, it was time to set up camp. Together, we unloaded our supplies and organized them meticulously, ensuring everything had its designated place. Grandpa taught me the importance of keeping a clean and organized campsite to avoid any unwanted visitors, such as critters or bugs. We carefully placed our food in secure containers, away from curious noses, and hung a lantern to provide warm illumination in the evening. With camp set up, Grandpa and I took a moment to soak in the surroundings. The sun was beginning to set, casting a golden glow over the wilderness that stretched out before us. The sounds of chirping birds and rustling leaves became our symphony, harmonizing with the tranquility of the moment. As darkness descended, we sat by the crackling campfire, its dancing flames casting flickering shadows on our faces. Grandpa shared stories of his own camping adventures, tales that spanned generations and ignited my imagination. The warmth of the fire and the gentle crackling sounds created the perfect ambiance for bonding and creating lasting memories. Pitching the tent and setting up camp may seem like mundane tasks, but they marked the beginning of a grand adventure. They symbolized the start of a journey filled with exploration, learning, and cherished moments shared between a grandchild and a beloved grandparent. Little did I know that this camping trip would become a treasure trove of memories that I would carry with me for a lifetime.   3. Exploring the great outdoors: Fishing, hiking, and discovering nature   Exploring the great outdoors has always been a thrilling and invigorating experience for me. Growing up, I had the opportunity to embark on my first-ever camping trip with my beloved grandpa, and it turned out to be an adventure that would forever be etched in my memory. As we set up camp in the heart of nature, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation for what lay ahead. The first activity on our agenda was fishing, a favorite pastime of my grandpa's. Armed with our fishing rods and bait, we made our way to the nearby lake, surrounded by towering trees and the calming sounds of nature. Under my grandpa's patient guidance, I learned the art of casting my line and patiently waiting for a bite. As the sun glistened on the water's surface, we shared stories and bonded over the joy of reeling in our catch. It was a proud moment when I caught my first fish, and my grandpa's beaming smile reflected the pride he felt as well. The camping trip wasn't just about fishing; it was also an opportunity to immerse ourselves in the beauty of the surrounding landscape. We laced up our hiking boots and ventured into the wilderness, navigating trails that led us to breathtaking vistas and hidden treasures. The fresh scent of pine filled the air as we marveled at cascading waterfalls, vibrant wildflowers, and curious wildlife that crossed our path. With every step, my grandpa shared his wisdom about the importance of preserving nature and the significance of being in tune with our environment. His passion and knowledge sparked a newfound appreciation within me, as I learned to recognize different bird calls, identify various plant species, and understand the delicate balance of ecosystems. The sheer serenity and tranquility of our camping trip allowed me to disconnect from the noise of everyday life and connect with nature on a deeper level. It was during those moments of stillness and reflection that I realized the true beauty and power of the natural world. As the sun began to set, casting a warm golden glow across the landscape, we gathered around a crackling campfire. We roasted marshmallows, shared laughter, and exchanged heartfelt stories under a starlit sky. It was in those precious moments that I understood the true value of spending quality time with loved ones in the great outdoors, creating memories that would withstand the test of time. My first camping trip with my grandpa was a transformative experience. It instilled in me a lifelong love and appreciation for the wonders of nature. The fishing, hiking, and discoveries we made together not only deepened our bond but also left an indelible mark on my soul. It was a journey of exploration, self-discovery, and the creation of lasting memories that will forever be cherished.   4. Bonding over campfire stories and marshmallow roasting   One of my favorite memories growing up is my first camping trip with my grandpa. It was a warm summer evening, and as the sun began to set, we gathered around the campfire, ready to create lasting memories. The crackling flames danced and flickered, casting a warm glow on our faces. As we sat on our camping chairs, Grandpa began to share stories from his own childhood camping adventures. His voice carried a sense of nostalgia and excitement, bringing the tales to life. I was captivated, hanging onto every word he spoke. The stories ranged from encounters with wild animals to funny mishaps around the campsite. Each story had its own lesson, teaching me about the importance of perseverance, teamwork, and appreciating nature. As the night progressed, we took turns roasting marshmallows on long sticks, patiently waiting for them to turn golden brown. The sweet scent of toasted marshmallows filled the air, blending harmoniously with the aroma of the surrounding pine trees. We laughed and shared jokes, creating a bond that would forever be cherished. In that moment, it wasn't just about the marshmallows or the stories, but the time spent together, connecting on a deeper level. The campfire became a symbol of warmth, not just in its physical form but in the love and connection it brought to our camping trip. To this day, whenever I smell a campfire or taste the sweetness of a roasted marshmallow, I am transported back to that cherished moment, reliving the joy and love shared with my grandpa.   Conclusion My first camping trip with Grandpa was an unforgettable experience that created lasting memories. From setting up the tent to roasting marshmallows over the campfire, every moment was filled with laughter, love, and a sense of adventure. This blog post serves as a reminder of the importance of spending quality time with loved ones, cherishing the simple joys of nature, and creating memories that will be treasured for a lifetime. Whether it's a camping trip or any other special moment, take the time to embrace these opportunities for connection and create your own lasting memories with those who matter most.Thank you for taking the time to read my post. As always you can share any of my post. To great memories Paul Benedict [email protected]       Read the full article
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alexsalteranim3fmp · 2 years
Climax discussion and ideas
I like the idea of highlighting the child is eating alone - it has a lot of subtlety and nuance I feel. Perhaps not in the UK, but eating alone I feel is an often tragic and lonesome occurrence, especially when the meal is prepared by someone else. Especially if the individual is particularly young - it shows that the character is not able to justify his lonesome with success or finance, and has more often atypically negative connotations than someone of say middle age - perhaps still metaphorically judged as a pathetic instance, but for different circumstances. Food is synonymous with culture and lifestyle, climate and natural resources dictating a lot of diets and flavour to each country. However on the surface food is nothing but a human necessity, its always interesting to me how much the food and how its consumed can say about a place. Perhaps its different to each family, but in the UK, eating around the table wasn’t mandatory or culturally expected. I used to work in a pub, and would often just eat a staff meal during breaks. The food is not something overly celebrated in the UK, often resulting in low cost, lower standard in quality control. I visited Portugal over the summer, staying with a band mates family for a couple weeks, and during this it only elevated my understanding of family and its connections to food. It helped bring everyone together. The grandparents cooking large batches of food, creating small feasts for guests and family to enjoy, laughing and chatting, drinking and eating. It was something only really on special occasions I could indulge with at home. My grandparents lived an hours drive away, is a magic I think the UK has progressed from, and almost disregarded. 
This in ideation is the driving force behind the climax ending, It characterises everything I intend from a subtextual point. As a motif I think it delivers points throughout culture - as it can perfectly characterise negative responses equally. Food while on the surface is nothing more than basic human instinct, can also describe portrayals of indulgence, greed and class. It’s fair to judge that a lot of people aspire to try new, fancy foods, regardless of its time period. Im sure parents have looked back at their childhoods with fondness of rare, exotic foods - that are simply overlooked today. Food however can be self-destructive and exploited, a lack of food, or overindulgence in unhealthy foods can lead to unhealthy behaviours and is often bound to poor mental health. The profiteering and exploitation of unhealthy, overly chemical products. I always find a beautiful irony to see examples of McDonalds, Coca Cola and Red Bull sponsoring and synonymous with Sport and aspirational media.
With food and consumption acting as the driving theme for my ending, I want to deliver the main areas in which this can be delivered. The child eating alone is one, however a family feast can act as anti-aspirational. The family feasting on some leftover carcass, tossed away - not good enough to sell. Currently in the UK, food is progressively getting more expensive, resulting in some families unable to eat more desirable, aspirational foods. And while food can portray essence of culture and vibrance, it perfectly encapsulates class and poverty. Eating healthy is something surprisingly expensive, its so much easier to buy canned/ tinned foods. It is cheaper to grow veg and live independently, but in most cities or poorer areas, its too vastly condensed to have the space for land plots, there are the occasional communal allotments, however rare in condensed cities. 
In the festival I like the idea that these customers are emotionally unable to leave, however physically are still bound to 
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jeehay00 · 2 years
I miss my Grandmother's place
When I was a child, I used to go to my grandmother's place whenever I had a vacation. Her place was far away from my place. It took about 2 hours to drive. Although I get car sick, I loved to go to her home because I could see a lot of animals at her place. She was a farmer and had a dog, chickens, and a few cows. She always let me play with them. Also, my family and grandparents went to the lake near grandma's place during the summer vacation. The lake was beautiful! My brother and I were swimming, and my parents prepared a bbq near the lake after swimming. It felt like we own the lake and so peaceful. My grandmother loved to eat grapes, so my grandfather built a cabin and planted grapes vine on it.
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We would bring grapes and cool watermelons every summer, sit together in the cabin, and eat. The neighbours of grandma were friendly, and they liked to share their food with others. They gave us fruits, meats and eggs. Unlike these days, each neighbour cared for each other a lot. During the winter vacation, my grandmother always cooked sweet potatoes and corn for us. I didn't prefer to go to her place during winter because it was freezing compared to the city. However, if I could go back to the past, I would like to go there all the time, no matter the weather.
I miss my grandfather and the place since he passed away long ago. Now my grandmother lives in a city with my aunties, but she also misses her old home a lot. Sometimes, we talk about how much we had fun at the place and loved it.
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My grandfather loved me a lot. He brought me into a room without saying to others and gave me candy. He saved his snacks and gave me whenever I visited him. I miss him so much. I have so many good memories of him and still feel his love. He had a small garden and liked to explain what kinds of plants he had to me.
Unlike the city, the nature of the countryside is so fresh and beautiful. My grandfather had a motorcycle, and my brother used to drive it. He showed me around the village on a motorcycle. One time, we had an accident. My brother accidentally drove into a hole, and I fell off the bike. I got a scar on my leg and still have it. Although It was hurt, the good memories make me happy whenever I look at the scar. I visited the place in 2019 and felt sad because it seemed very different from what I remember. It wasn't my grandmother's old house anymore, making me miserable. I should've taken a lot of pictures of the old place. If I could meet my grandfather again, I want to say I love him so much.
Unlike the city, the nature of the countryside is so fresh and beautiful. My grandfather had a motorcycle, and my brother used to drive it. He showed me around the village with a motorcycle behind him. One time, we had an accident. My brother accidentally drove into a hole, and I fell off the bike. I got a scar on my leg and still have it. Although It was hurt at the moment, the good memories make me happy whenever I look at the spot. I visited the place in 2019 and felt sad because it seemed very different from what I remember. It wasn't my grandmother's old house anymore, making me miserable. If I could meet my grandfather again, I want to say I love him so much.
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tahdashi · 2 years
SYNOPSIS: keiji brings you along to revisit his childhood at his grandparents’ home. who knew that love is stored in wrinkly hands and old picture frames? 
INCLUDES: fluff, grandparents, mention of future kids, kinda sad if you squint but not really bc i love keiji
WC: 1.2k 
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Akaashi Keiji has never been alone. 
Throughout the three years you’ve been together, he’s told you about all the people he holds close to his heart: his mom, his dad, his cousins, and his grandparents. You’ve learned that he’s an only-child, spending most of his childhood with his cousins who were only a few years older than him. He’d go to his grandparents’ house every weekend as they missed him dearly, always wanting to keep him happy with dishes upon dishes of his favorite foods. Keiji tells you often, with a soft smile on his face, how much he misses his grandma’s cooking. Her fried rice is heavenly, he’d say. 
And that’s why you’ve ended up in the middle of his grandparents’ kitchen on a random weekend in May. He hasn’t visited in a while — his grandma’s wrinkly hands on his cheeks show just how long it’s been since she’s seen her precious boy. Work has taken over his life, he explains, and he doesn’t fail to look over at you with a flushed expression as he tells his grandma how he’s being taken care of by you. 
Being dragged into the living room by his grandfather to relax, Keiji feels an overwhelming feeling of joy. It has been a long time since he’s been here. Pictures have been added onto the walls — some of his cousins who’ve graduated university, some of his cousin’s kids with missing teeth and youthful smiles. He wonders if one day, his own kids’ pictures will be up on that wall. 
You, on the other hand, are feeling a bit… nervous. It’s not that you’re meeting his grandmother for the first time (you’ve met her a couple times, actually. She’d pop by the apartment from time to time to give her grandson homemade soup when he was feeling ill), it’s just that you haven’t gotten to know her that well. So this time, you take the chance to learn about her world — the one with her precious Keiji, the one with her sweet husband who always seems to have his camera on him, the one with so much love in it. 
“Granny, how’d you and your husband meet?” you ask, your voice flowing over the sound of simmering onions in the pan. She pauses, and her cheeks rise in a wide smile. 
“Oh my, that was a very long time ago.” She continues to dice the vegetables. “I was about 18 years old, in my first year of university, and he was working at the convenience store by my school. He was just so handsome. I think I had a little… crush on him.” She continues to tell you about how she’d visit the store often, picking up random items that would soon collect in her bedroom. 
She looks at you. 
“My Keiji tells me you two met at school. He talks about you a lot, you know that?” Her voice is quiet in an attempt to keep her words a secret from the two men chatting in the living room. You can’t help but feel your face warm up at her words. 
“He’s a good boy, my Keiji,” she sighs contently. “He grew up a bit lonely. No siblings, not too many friends either, but he’s a good boy. He has a big heart.” 
You nod, agreeing with her loving statement. “He does.” 
“I used to worry that he’d have trouble finding someone. Although he was quiet, he always wanted to be around people. I think it’s great he found someone like you.” And at this, you feel tears prick at your eyes. 
“I’m really lucky to have him,” you admit. The warmth of the cooked vegetables radiates from the pan and into your face, and it feels as if you’re being wrapped into a tight hug. 
She hums at your words and puts her hand atop yours. 
“I hope I’ll get to see you two get married one day. I want to meet my great-grandkids!” she exclaims with delight. The wrinkles by her eyes intensify, and you can see the resemblance between her and her grandson. They both hold the most sincere smiles under smooth, tan skin. 
“Keiji needs to propose sooner or later, I’d also love to see us get married,” you say lightheartedly. And the sound of both of your laughters fill the kitchen along with the heavenly aroma of her cooking. 
The sound draws your boyfriend into the kitchen, and he’s looking at the both of you with a curious expression, his eyebrows twisted in confusion, but his lips turned slightly upward. 
“What’s going on?” He asks as he passes over to the stove to see what smells so good. 
“We were just talking about you,” his grandma tells him, pulling him away from the stove before he can reach his hand into the pan to get a piece of cooked meat. 
“Oh? What were you saying?” He looks at his grandma, and then at you. 
“When are you going to get down on one knee, sweetheart? Your grandpa and I want to see you get married!” She shakes his hand in an exaggerated plea. If you’ve learned anything about his grandma, it’s that she’s into theatrics (a stark difference from her more reserved husband).
“Oh,” he falls silent and brings his free hand to rub at his neck. “Soon.” 
“It better be soon, Keiji. My great-grandbabies need to sit on my lap like you used to. Ah! You were such a precious baby. Don’t you want some of your own?” She asks him, letting go of his hand and pinching at his cheek. 
“I- I do, of course. We haven’t talked about this yet,” he says. The truth is, he’s imagined his future with you in full-detail. He knows that he wants three kids. He knows that he wants the oldest to be named after his grandparents. He knows that he wants to pick them up from school and cook a hot meal for them. He knows that he wants all three of them to play together, be close to each other, and to love each other. He knows that all he wants is for his kids to be surrounded by love. 
Because even though Keiji grew up lonely, he was always surrounded by love. 
His grandmother stops the teasing there, and cradles Keiji’s face in her palms before pulling him down to her height to kiss his cheek. 
“No need to rush it. Your grandma will always be here. Don’t stress,” she tells him, knowing his tendency to worry about pleasing others. 
That night, as the four of you chat over dinner with steaming bowls of fried rice in front of you, Keiji takes a glimpse at the wall covered in picture frames. His eyes land on a picture of him as a baby. He’s clinging onto his grandpa’s leg as their old family dog licks his face. And just like that, his future plans with you expand. He wants so much with you: a nice house, a comfortable bed, three kids, a puppy, and a loud, joyful life. And so, as his grandparents laugh over the story you’re telling them, he adds up the days he’ll have to work overtime to afford that ring he’s been eyeing. In this moment, he feels truly lucky knowing that you’ll always be by his side — that he’ll never feel lonely again. 
Because how could he when he’s surrounded by laughter, love, and his never-ending dream of a future with you? 
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richincolor · 2 years
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A Little Tea for You
Tea shows up in quite a few young adult novels. I adore tea and on occasion I may go overboard trying and buying different varieties–so when characters are drinking tea, I pay attention.
When thinking about tea, one book that immediately springs to mind is Darius the Great Is Not Okay and its companion Darius the Great Deserves Better by Adib Khorram. Our interview with him is here–and yes, we did talk about tea.
Darius Kellner speaks better Klingon than Farsi, and he knows more about Hobbit social cues than Persian ones. He’s a Fractional Persian–half, his mom’s side–and his first-ever trip to Iran is about to change his life.
Darius has never really fit in at home, and he’s sure things are going to be the same in Iran. His clinical depression doesn’t exactly help matters, and trying to explain his medication to his grandparents only makes things harder. Then Darius meets Sohrab, the boy next door, and everything changes. Soon, they’re spending their days together, playing soccer, eating faludeh, and talking for hours on a secret rooftop overlooking the city’s skyline. Sohrab calls him Darioush–the original Persian version of his name–and Darius has never felt more like himself than he does now that he’s Darioush to Sohrab.
Here are a few others I’ve enjoyed that feature tea.
A Cuban Girl’s Guide to Tea and Tomorrow by Laura Taylor Namey
For Lila Reyes, a summer in England was never part of the plan. The plan was 1) take over her abuela’s role as head baker at their panadería, 2) move in with her best friend after graduation, and 3) live happily ever after with her boyfriend. But then the Trifecta happened, and everything—including Lila herself—fell apart.
Worried about Lila’s mental health, her parents make a new plan for her: Spend three months with family friends in Winchester, England, to relax and reset. But with the lack of sun, a grumpy inn cook, and a small town lacking Miami flavor (both in food and otherwise), what would be a dream trip for some feels more like a nightmare to Lila…until she meets Orion Maxwell.
A teashop clerk with troubles of his own, Orion is determined to help Lila out of her funk, and appoints himself as her personal tour guide. From Winchester’s drama-filled music scene to the sweeping English countryside, it isn’t long before Lila is not only charmed by Orion, but England itself. Soon a new future is beginning to form in Lila’s mind—one that would mean leaving everything she ever planned behind.
A Magic Steeped in Poison–the first book in the Tea Duology by Judy I. Lin [this will be our discussion book for May!!]
I used to look at my hands with pride. Now all I can think is, “These are the hands that buried my mother.”
For Ning, the only thing worse than losing her mother is knowing that it’s her own fault. She was the one who unknowingly brewed the poison tea that killed her—the poison tea that now threatens to also take her sister, Shu.
When Ning hears of a competition to find the kingdom’s greatest shennong-shi—masters of the ancient and magical art of tea-making—she travels to the imperial city to compete. The winner will receive a favor from the princess, which may be Ning’s only chance to save her sister’s life.
But between the backstabbing competitors, bloody court politics, and a mysterious (and handsome) boy with a shocking secret, Ning might actually be the one in more danger.
Serpentine by Cindy Pon [who also happens to talk about her favorite milk tea in our interview here]
Lush with details from Chinese folklore, SERPENTINE tells the coming of age story of Skybright, a young girl who worries about her growing otherness. As she turns sixteen, Skybright notices troubling changes. By day, she is a companion and handmaid to the youngest daughter of a very wealthy family. But nighttime brings with it a darkness that not even daybreak can quell.
When her plight can no longer be denied, Skybright learns that despite a dark destiny, she must struggle to retain her sense of self – even as she falls in love for the first time.
Jade Fire Gold by June C.L. [Our group discussion of this one is here]
Told in a dual POV narrative, JADE FIRE GOLD is a YA fantasy inspired by Chinese mythology as well as xianxia and wuxia elements. Epic in scope but intimate in characterization, fans of classic fantasies and the magical Asiatic setting of AVATAR: THE LAST AIRBENDER will enjoy this cinematic tale of family, revenge, and forgiveness.
In order to save her grandmother from a cult of dangerous priests, a peasant girl cursed with the power to steal souls enters a tenuous alliance with an exiled prince bent on taking back the Dragon Throne. The pair must learn to trust each other but are haunted by their pasts—and the true nature of her dark magic.
The Summer of Everything by Julian Winters
An avid comic book geek, Wes excels at two things: slacking off and pining after his best friend, Nico. Advice from his friends, ’90s alt-rock songs, and online dating articles aren’t helping much with his secret crush. And his dream job at Once Upon a Page, the local indie bookstore, is threatened when a coffeeshop franchise wants to buy the property. To top it off, his family won’t stop pestering him about picking a college major.
When all three problems converge, Wes must face with the one thing he’s been avoiding—adulthood.
And a few specifically had boba tea–
A Taste for Love by Jennifer Yen [Our review is here]
To everyone else, high school senior Liza Yang is practically perfect. Pretty, smart, and well-liked, she’s salutatorian of her class and starting a prestigious university in the fall. To her ultra-traditional Taiwanese mom, however, Liza is stubborn and rebellious, unlike her older sister Jeannie. She won’t even date a proper Asian boy! The only thing mother and daughter agree on is Liza’s talent for baking. With Mrs. Yang’s annual junior baking competition on the horizon, Liza’s determined to prove she’s more than Jeannie’s shadow. If only she knew her mother has plans of her own…
Not Here to Be Liked by Michelle Quach [our review is here]
Eliza Quan is the perfect candidate for editor in chief of her school paper. That is, until ex-jock Len DiMartile decides on a whim to run against her. Suddenly her vast qualifications mean squat because inexperienced Len—who is tall, handsome, and male—just seems more like a leader.
When Eliza’s frustration spills out in a viral essay, she finds herself inspiring a feminist movement she never meant to start, caught between those who believe she’s a gender equality champion and others who think she’s simply crying misogyny.
Amid this growing tension, the school asks Eliza and Len to work side by side to demonstrate civility. But as they get to know one another, Eliza feels increasingly trapped by a horrifying realization—she just might be falling for the face of the patriarchy himself.
I’m sure I’ve missed a few books with tea. If you know of others, please share the titles with us. Happy reading!
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shepherds-of-haven · 3 years
Hi Lena 💙 once again on my bullshit thinking/writing/pondering about baby stuff, so naturally I have a culture/worldbuilding question: are there traditions/celebrations/superstitions when it comes to pregnancy or the arrival of a child? Anything specific to any culture/region/ancestry?
Hi kingdom, thanks for your question! 👀
Babies are very important and revered in pretty much all cultures, and there is also a lot of focus on names and naming the baby as soon as it’s born! 
To get into it in more detail, there’s this superstition prevalent among most cultures (except the Norms) that a baby only achieves personhood once it has a name (hence why “Birthdays” are slightly different from “Namedays” though they almost always fall on the same day and are used interchangeably anyway): in this belief system, there’s something about the act of naming that gives the baby a nature and identity, and the name is tied up into its spirit. 
(There are interconnected names, one being more temporary and practical and superficial, the birthname--this is not a permanent descriptor for the baby and can be changed, forgotten, etc. over time with no consequences; and the other, their True Name, is more metaphysical/quantum/spiritual, serving as a Platonic blueprint and description of everything about a person, from their internal organs to their very soul. Access to this True Name gives a person power over the named being; this is how Mages summon demons and spirits and control them, by first learning their True Name and using it in their magic. The birthname/physical name has no sway over a person because it’s like a surface reflection, ripples on a pond or the small tip of an immense underwater iceberg that can be changed without altering the iceberg’s, or pond’s, nature. However, one name cannot exist without the other.) 
Delaying giving the baby a name (and therefore a True Name) risks a demon or spirit stealing that name for nefarious purposes. Some people even believe that if an Endarkened gets ahold of your True Name before it’s given/attached to you, the demon can then use it to impersonate you perfectly, replace you with itself, or even control you and hold you in thrall from a young age!
Thus, a lot of emphasis around a baby’s birth is placed on naming it as well; the naming is often seen as the baby’s official welcoming into the world. So, with that context:
Elves: the Elves go NUTS over celebrations for babies, because among their people, babies are quite rare and only happen every few decades, if then. Huge festival-like celebrations are thrown upon the baby’s safe arrival (imagine giving birth and looking outside to find that all your neighbors, family, and friends are throwing a huge block party), and a special amulet engraved with the baby’s planned name is prepared; it is vital that this amulet is placed on the baby’s chest/in their blankets as quickly as possible after the birth, as doing so will immediately protect them from having their names and souls stolen away by demons, fairies, or spirits. The most superstitious parents hang this amulet over the baby’s crib as a protective talisman for the first year. Songs detailing the baby’s lineage and deeds of their parents and family are sung well into the baby’s first night. Also, some clans make a big deal about specific family members (not the parents, but grandparents, godparents, etc. if applicable) helping to give the baby its first bath, to symbolize that the parents are not alone in raising the child and that the community is there to help them.
Mages: Mages will generally have a witness present either during the birth or directly after the birth to witness the baby’s official naming and crossing over from “little shapeless spirit” to personhood. The witness is generally going to be the godparent or emergency guardian of the child, or is otherwise a close family member or friend of the parents, and their position is one of distinct honor (like standing as Best Man/Maid of Honor at their wedding). Some regions will paint the baby’s name on their right foot to ensure additional protection from demons; birthmarks are also celebrated because demon changelings/impersonations usually don’t have them (lol). Typically, friends and family come to visit one-by-one and are generally expected to bring one dried flower symbolizing their hopes or feelings about the newborn; these flowers are collected, arranged into a bouquet, and hung as a protective charm in the baby’s nursery until they’re older. Generally the bouquet is kept as a souvenir of the birth for the rest of their life, too!
Ket: In Ket culture, it’s thought that the mom’s food cravings are indicative of either the baby’s gender or even its relative strength and arma. If Mom is eating a ton during her pregnancy, baby is going to come out big and strong and with a chockful of arma; if she doesn’t have much of an appetite or is sick, baby may be physically frail. It’s taboo to try to influence the pregnancy (no one is forcing mom to eat in an effort to make their baby stronger, it just is what it is), but doctors and midwives do take note of her food intake for these purposes, regardless. Also, a big deal is made out of what time of day baby is born; nighttime babies are almost certainly destined to be Khehi warriors, while daytime babies are most likely going to be civilians or Sen leaders. Baby showers aren’t really a thing--traditionally, the parents and baby are expected to be left in privacy for at least three days--but presents are delivered and left on doorsteps and porches along with notes of well-wishing! People who come to visit the baby afterwards can’t bring any “bad energy” with them, either; if they’re fresh off the battlefield, they’re expected to do cleansing rituals, and people who are in debt, frequently sick, have dirty homes, or etc. are expected to get their act together before they can visit the baby. Some parents don’t care, and others can be very protective about this!
Hunters: before the baby is born, many super-traditional Hunters in the Reach will clear the windowsills of the planned nurseries and prepare them specially to tempt birds into creating nests and homes there. Birds are seen as messengers of Narthax, especially golden eagles, and it’s thought that having them watch over your baby will mean your baby is protected by Narthax for life. People who succeed in building these little ecosystems will even rent out their bird-nested nurseries to other hopeful parents (after their own babies are grown, of course) who want the same blessing for their children! Also, totems are carved (usually out of wood or stone) by friends and family and placed on a shelf in the baby’s room to protect them. In the Reach, a special bell is rung to announce the baby’s safe birth to the community!
Norms: Norms don’t really care about the name thing, so none of that figures into their birthing ceremonies. Norm moms are given a special ceremonial drink after birth, consisting of milk, sugar/honey, cinnamon, and cloves. For the birth of their first child, they’re also not allowed to do any household duties like cooking or cleaning for the first month, and are generally assisted by other relatives and family members while the parents are preoccupied with caring for their baby. (Ironically, this practice does not apply after your first birth, lol.) Directly after the birth, they also take a perfumed bath with flower petals (sometimes even bathing in milk) to aid their healthy recovery. Also, many with long enough hair wear it in a special crown-braid that new mothers wear for the first few months so neighbors and people in the community will know to come congratulate them or help them out!
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