#like. how did we get here. why are we having anxiety attacks over hanging out in our dorm and teaching ourselves to oil paint.
batvillainz · 5 months
Honestly I think telling people ANY time is the best time of their life is an awful idea but doing to to collage I do think is worse for me specifically because now I'm in this ridiculous position of having so much pressure on me to be having fun that I have regular panic attacks about it.
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appleblueberry-pie · 3 months
You really ate with this once 🫡
I can’t help but thinking about some deviously delicious angst though… like reader leaving him. Anyway-
Romance yandere fic gone wrong and now it's angst cuz the love of his life left him and now its a dark yandere fic?????? You guys always know how to keep me going.
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Will you notice the salt in the pie he made? It's not much, just the tears of his anxiety and fear kind of making itself known when he was putting the crust strips on to seal the filling in. He doesn't think you will. Especially since you kind of stopped caring about the meals he's been making you for this past week or so. He lets out a shaky sigh as he examines the near-perfect pie he just took out of the oven. Dreading the moment of giving you the plate, he cuts you a big piece. Maybe you'll appreciate it more if there's more of it for you to eat?
He stares down at his work as he brings it over to you at the dining table. When he looks up, you have that same look on your face that you've been making all week. Boredom and impatience. He meets your eyes, setting the plate down and then sitting next to you to see your reaction. "Here you go. I haven't tweaked the recipe or anything, if you were wondering." He mutters the last few words and watches you chew a big bite. You roll your eyes and continue eating it as if you feel like you're obligated to finish. Satoru felt dread pool in his stomach. Why were you acting this way towards him?? Did he do something?
You haven't said a single word to him all day. You haven't checked up on him, you've been ignoring his calls and have been coming home late. You seemed to come home smelling like an entire other person. He didn't want to know. He didn't want to think or to believe anything that could lead to why you were behaving this way towards him. Despite him clawing his chest every night at needing to at least feel you once, he thinks things are actually perfectly fine the way they are. No need to dig deep or to follow you to and from work to see if you're sneaking around behind his back or anything.
But somehow, he found himself in a concealed black outfit watching you from outside of the cafe that he sat at from a distance as you gave all of your attention to some chick you were clearly chopping it up with. He continued chewing on his ruined straw of his drink as you scooted closer to her instinctually and cracked so many jokes with her, it was a surprise she didn't die from a laugh attack or something. She clearly wanted to get into your pants, and you let her hands roam on you like he once did with you.
Did you not love him anymore? Is that what this was? He could play whatever role you wanted him to. He'd be your bitch, he'll dress up in whatever you want, let you call him names and pull at his hair and face. Just...anything but fucking cheat. He wanted to yell at you and beg you to come back at the same time. He wanted to murder her in front of your face and just drag you back home and never let you out again. His feet carried him to your table three stores away, legs numb with adrenaline and head pounding.
He stood in front of your table and watched you stare up at him in slight surprise. Your arm was across the back of the girls chair and she stared back up at him in confusion. ".......is this where you've been?" His heart felt like it was going to beat out of his chest and his voice was wobbly. He hated everything about this.
"Excuse me?" You saved face and played confusion, still relaxed in your chair. The girl turned to whisper to you if you knew him and you shook your head. Satoru felt his hands shake at seeing you lie to her face about your relationship status. So it all meant nothing to you? He stuck with you since he was a stupid teenage freak. Too strong for his own good, desperate for something new and true for his heart to hang onto. You were his salvation, you were real to him. You gave him exactly what he needed. Love, validation, excitement, fun and so much he couldn't get out of his childhood, out of his job or anywhere else on the fucking planet. You were his everything and here you were brushing off 10 years with a shake of your head.
"What??......no." He shook his head and pointed at you, trying to form words in his mind to spit out of his mouth. "You've been cheating on me this past month. Coming home late, acting like I'm nothing....leaving me all alone. Am I nothing to you?? Am I? I gave myself to you a-and you're out cheating-"
"Gojo, I don't give a fuck." You shake your head and ignored the girl giggling to herself. "I'm clearly cheating on you. I didn't want you to fucking stalk me though. That's weird as hell, i was just hoping you'd break it off, honestly...why are you laughing?" You turn back to the girl, her smile making you smile. "I just think it's cute that you're cheating with me..." "You like that?" Satoru switches his gaze to the slut on your arm and your face drops as he tackles her to the ground. Her screech as he plummets her face into the ground makes you grab Gojo by the collar to bring him off of her. It happened so fast, you wished you could've predicted when it happened, because nothing could've stopped him from killing her in that moment in time.
She was definitely dead. The concrete underneath what used to be her head was cracked, her blood seeping right into them. "You fucking killed her." "BECAUSE YOU CHEATED!" He panted heavily, fury fueling his anger. Both of his hands were covered in a dark dripping crimson and you heaved a sigh. His blood felt like it was burning as it coursed through his veins violently. For some reason, his vision felt as if it was blurry. Maybe it was from tears or from the extreme stress you were putting him in. Either way, he couldn't think straight. Not when you stared at him like that. "YOU FUCKING CHEATED. And you want to be mad? How about I fucking kill you next?" He was talking out of his ass, but for some reason, he felt as if he needed to do something about this. He couldn't just let you go. You were supposed to be his until the end of time. What if you go outside to cheat again?? He's stronger than you, he could probably bring you back to the house without problems.
He began convincing himself that kidnapping you would probably be the best solution for you. He's heard of stockholm syndrome. Maybe then, you'll love him back. He wonders how long that would take. "I think.....I think it's time we go home, don't you think?" "I'm leaving." When you turned, he grabbed your arm, and suddenly you two were back in your shared living room. You turned back to Gojo and glared. "Let me go." "Shhhh, just let me love you." You scrunched your eyebrows and saw him dig into his back pocket before putting what was probably a pill into his mouth. "What the fuck are you doi-?" He slammed his lips onto yours, placing his stained hands on either side of your face. He does quick work of shoving the pill into your mouth with his tongue, making you swallow it. You bite his lip as hard as you can, tasting warm iron on your tongue immediately. His only reaction was to moan like a psycho, continuing to kiss you sloppily.
You finally find a middle ground and managed to place your hands on his chest, shoving him away. He looked insane with his messy hair and bloodied lips. But you couldn't say anything quick enough, for he closed the distance, a fist being the last thing you see before you black out.
Gojo had always been stronger than you. But never in your 10 year relationship has he ever put his hands on you. And never has he drugged you and dragged you to the basement of your shared living space for however long he desired to make you "love him again". Every day, he'd feed you as much as he could and would beg for your forgiveness and love. You'd spit in his face(a warm welcome, in his opinion), and tell him to let you go. Or just say nothing. But if you didn't say anything, he'd just pester you for longer than he usually would. You hated bath time with him, you hated when he took care of you, you hated being worshipped by him. You just wanted to be free. But you were his only escape, his freedom. And it would be that way until your life wasted away entirely.
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captain-mj · 1 year
Og ghost and soap getting transferred to the rebooted timeline (2022) Meeting this timelines 141.
Og Soap getting jealous of Reboot Ghostsoaps relationship (Reboot Ghostsoap is already established) Because he can't get the courage and is scared to confess his feelings for his Ghost. He asked reboot soap on who confessed first, he said "It was ghost" So he seeks out reboot Ghost and asks him on how he got the courage to confess, and reboot Ghost just slowly and softly guides him, because he went through that feeling as well (and well, because Johnny is still Johnny and he wants the best for him, different timeline or not)
Sorry if this is a very specific request, I'm a sucker for rebootxoriginal timeline crossovers, also smut pls :'D
fI got so excited for this ask, thank you so much I love timeline cross over so much! Also, og Ghost had such bottom energy, I love that feral little man
Soap landed on the soil, feeling a bit off. He wished he could remember how exactly he got to... 
“Los almas? Fuck is that?” He noticed a base and looked around, realizing with a sinking feeling that he couldn’t see Ghost anywhere. It wasn’t smart, but he immediately started yelling for him, enemy territory be damned. “Ghost. Ghost!” He shouted as loud as he could, spinning around. He was alone. Not wearing shoes. He was pretty sure this wasn’t the shirt he had been in last night.
Okay, think. He remembered talking a pretty lassie. Ghost had been staring at him which was awkward, but he had been determined and then she had... She’d said something. 
“Ghost!” Soap screamed, feeling the world start to spin. Had he been drugged? Ghost wouldn’t have let him get dragged away, so he must’ve been attacked to. But they were in Russia and this looked like fucking Mexico.
“Soap!” He didn’t recognize that voice. Sounded like they were from Manchester. Ghost wasn’t from fucking Manchester. He started backing up when the guy came into view. The man was... large. Soap didn’t like that at all. Instinctively, he tried to grab his gun, only to come up empty. 
The man wore a skull mask, but no sunglasses. His mask also looked... different. 
“Johnny?” The man sounded unsure of himself, looking at him oddly. 
Soap would recognize those eyes anywhere. “Ghost?”
They stared at each other. Both taking in the... wrongness of the other. Ghost made a motion over his head, as if comparing their height. Soap was a solid 6′2 and this guy seemed to be about two inches taller. His Ghost was only half an inch. 
This was giving him a migraine. 
He reached under his shirt and slowly held up his dog tag. Ghost did the same. 
“Something is very wrong here.” 
“You can say that again.”
It took a few hours to sort everything out. So Soap and Ghost were staring at... Soap and... 
“Okay, we gotta fix the name situation. Which one of us is going to go by John?”
“Why would I go by John?” Other Soap frowned at him.
“That’s our first fucking name?”
“Mine is just Johnny. Not John, just Johnny.” 
“Can I go by John?”
Price spoke up, looking back and forth between them all. “Couple here call me John. Might get confusing.”
Soap took a deep breath. “Yeah, I’ll just go by Captain or something.”
“You’re a captain??” 
Soap grabbed his Ghost’s arm and pinched his nose. “I hate it here. I’m short and a sergeant again.” 
Ghost was laughing, but he hadn’t talked yet. Soap wished he would. He could feel Ghost’s hand on his back, trying to provide some comfort in this strange situation. He felt bad for him. Ghost had been stripped of his weapons as well and although whoever did this was nice enough to leave the majority of his clothes on, they had put him in a ski mask and had taken his sunglasses and gloves. Soap could see the anxiety hanging around him like a storm. He’d be lying if the warm of his bare hand wasn’t nice though. 
“Alright, we have Johnny and Captain.” Other Ghost spoke. Soap didn’t like that he had to look up to him. He didn’t like it at all. “I’m a lieutenant.”
“Also, a lieutenant... Maybe one of us could go by Riley for the time being?” Ghost finally spoke and he could see several of the bystanders stare at him. He wanted to be snarky and say he sounds like an actual person and not a movie villian, but he thought that might be rude. Whatever, he liked his Ghost’s voice. 
Other Ghost, Riley, nodded. “Reluctantly, I’ll take it.” His Ghost relaxed a little. 
“Thank you. Don’t really want strangers calling me by my name.”
“Understood.” They looked at each other and Soap swore he could hear the telepathic conversation they must be having.
“Does Roach exist here?” Ghost asked and Soap tried not to feel irritated. He didn’t get why Ghost needed him.
“Understood. Means he probably didn’t get taken with us. He was the only one at the bar, right Captain?” He turned his eyes on Soap, who felt a little stupid for not thinking of that. 
“Yeah. Just us and Roach. So, let’s do some basic questions. What year is it?”
“We’re in 2009. Explains why our ages are weird.”
“Did 9/11 happen?” Ghost looked at Riley who nodded. 
“I was like 7 when it happened though.”
One of the guys who ran the base, Alejandro, interrupted. “So this is... really weird and all, but what are we going to do about this? How do we get you guys back?”
Ghost nodded. “Oh, we have to learn something.”
Everyone looked at him before Soap just sighed. “And what the fuck do you mean by that Simon?”
“Don’t use my name like that. And the lady last night told me we needed to learn something and she thought this could help. Then I woke up in the middle of the goddamn desert. Thought I was back with Roba.”
“Oh that happened to you too?” Riley leaned in, looking almost excited.
“Yeah! You get experimented on and buried alive?”
“Yeah, I had to dig myself out with a-”
“Jawbone.” They said at the same time. 
Soap laughed, not noticing most of the strangers looked horrified. “Is that where you got the nickname Jawbone? I thought it was just because of the mask.”
“Nope, accidentally told someone the story and they thought it was funny.” Ghost was smiling. 
Johnny grabbed Riley’s arm. It felt like all the air in the room was gone. That wasn’t good, you didn’t just tou-
Riley moved so they were holding hands. There was a ringing in Soap’s ears and he only faintly realized he was staring. 
Maybe this was normal in their universe? Did friends just do that? 
Ghost snapped in front of him. “Captain. You okay? Still drugged up?”
“Fuck off, Ghost.” Soap crossed his arms. “Just... thinking of how to get out of this mess.” He noted Ghost’s posture. Perfect like always, only just a little bit taller than him. Soft eyes. No makeup. He wore sunglasses so he never wore it when they were out casually. 
He preferred this Ghost. Preferred what they had right now. Friends. 
Oh, who the fuck was he kidding. He wanted that. Wanted that so damn bad. Did Johnny trace Ghost’s scars like he wanted to do? Did they look more similar under all the clothing? I mean he and Johnny looked really similar if you looked past the height difference. 
Did Johnny know what he looked like under all those clothes? Under the mask? The very thought made him feel green with envy. 
Soap straightened. “Do you have somewhere we can stay? I’d offer to shack up in a hotel but... Damn thing robbed us while tossing us around.” 
“Yeah. We have a room you two can stay in.” Rodolfo nodded. “It has a bathroom attached.” He looked at Ghost when he said that part who just nodded. Soap followed Alejandro, Ghost right behind him. This whole place was... odd. He’d noticed little things that were just... off and he couldn’t tell if its because its Mexico or the different dimension thing. 
The two twin beds sat next to each other in the room and he groaned. His whole body had started aching at some point. Alejandro left them and he started to pull off his clothes.
“Planning on showering?” He looked over at Ghost, with his shirt pulled off and in his hands, loving the way Ghost would glance over at his chest before looking away. 
“No. Maybe later. I’m going to have to borrow a mask from... Riley.” Soap frowned.
“Sorry. I know this probably really uncomfortable for you. There’s this... whole other version of you an-”
“Respectfully, Captain, that’s not a problem for me.” Was Ghost mad? Why the fuck was he mad?
“Alright. Then what’s your damn problem?” Soap left his dog tags on and took off his pants, very happy to see his underwear still on. Ghost was staring again. At his thighs and down his body before quickly looking away. 
His fucking sunglasses. Usually Soap couldn’t see where he was looking. The bastard probably ogled him all the damn time.
“I’m just tired, Captain. And I’m stuck sharing a room and don’t get me wrong, glad its you, but its... I like my privacy. And they’re going to ask me questions.”
“Didn’t seem to mind answering Riley’s.”
“Different.” It was probably the only explanation he was gonna get so he dropped it. Soap went to shower, scrubbing himself clean. He knew Ghost had blond hair under there. Knew he had brown eyes. He had a strong jaw. A glasgow smile was carved into his cheeks. Whenever he got Ghost to drink with him, he’d lift it to just his nose. He had a cut across his nose too. 
Does this Johnny sketch too? Soap wished he had one of them. Sounded like nice way to relax right now. 
When he got out, Ghost had already went to sleep. It was unusual, but after the day they had... 
According to Johnny, he had found Ghost frantically searching. Said he had almost grabbed him before registering he was too short. 
What would he have done if it was him? When he grabbed him, would he have held on to him? Would Soap have let him? 
Soap sank into his bed. It was comfortable. Made his back ache. He kept glancing over at Ghost, feeling restless. That man could sleep anywhere, but Soap’s body was a little pickier. 
He eventually just sighed and got up. This was pointless. He was also starving. The base was eerily silent, though he could see some people on watch. 
Johnny and Riley were in the kitchen. Riley had a cup of tea and Johnny was eating cereal. They were so close to each other. Casually touching. 
Johnny jumped. “Jesus, you’re just as bad as Ghost.”
“Picked it up from him. He needed to be shown how fucking creepy it is.” He stalked past them, stealing some of the water from the kettle to make his own cup. 
“You drink it?”
“Not usually, but...” He shrugged. “Don’t know. I think I have the most extreme version of jetlag possible.”
Johnny nodded. “So how long have you two been dating?”
Soap felt something hot and angry sink its teeth directly into his stomach. “I’m not dating Ghost. It would be inappropriate. I’m his Captain.” 
There was a beat of silence.
“Oh.” Riley spoke this time.
“Your accent. Manchester, right?”
“Yes, sir.”
“I don’t fucking like it. Prefer my Ghost’s.” Soap took a sip of the tea. It was just as bad as he remembered. Maybe Ghost would like it. “You guys have anything to eat?” He turned around and they were talking with just their eyes and... He looked away again.
“Yeah, help yourself.” Johnny smiled and Soap took what he wanted and left, hiding in their room again. He noticed Ghost twitching and shook him. Screaming in the middle of the night didn’t seem like a good idea. 
Ghost whined and glared up at him. He sat up immediately. “Did you make me tea?”
Soap forgot he even had it in his hand. “Yeah.” He handed it to him, trying not to stare when he raised his mask. 
He sat next to him, eating in companionable silence.
“Was I making noise?” 
“No, but you were twitching. Remember what you were dreaming?”
“Nothing I want to burden you with Captain.” Ghost smiled. “I’m fine. Stop worrying about me.” 
“Is it true you were looking for me?”
Ghost blushed. With the mask lifted up, Soap could see it. “I was looking for my team.”
That’s not what Johnny had said. He said he had been looking for him. Just him. He didn’t push. 
“Alright, I’m going to try to sleep. You should probably try to go back to sleep.” Soap lightly hit his shoulder, thinking of the way the other versions of them touched. Ghost flinched and he grimaced as he watched him yank his mask back down. 
“Course, Captain.”
In the morning, Soap looked for Johnny. He cornered him down a hallway and stood over him. 
Johnny looked at him, half smirking. “Listen, I’ve joked that if I had a clone, I’d fuck them, but I am very committed relationship to my Ghost.”  Another thing they had in common. Ghost was mine or yours. Not just Ghost.
“How did you do it?”
“Do what?” 
“Get with him. Who confessed first.” 
Johnny softened a little around the edges. “Oh. So you do like your Ghost.”
“I want to do terrible, terrible things to that man. So who confessed first?” 
“Ghost did.” 
“...Fuck.” Soap sighed. “I know mine. He won’t do that.” He leaned into the wall and slid down.
“Well, why not?” Johnny slid down the wall across from them. They sat the same way, legs splayed and backs straight. Fucking creepy.
“He’s... different than yours.” Soap stared above his head. “I’m sure yours went through something similar, but I don’t know. It seems to have affected them differently. He’s... I don’t know how to explain. But I don’t think he’d confess first if he has feelings for me at all.” 
“Does he stare at you?”
“All the time. He usually wears sunglasses, but I swear he’s always looking at me.”
“Yeah, that sounds like Ghost. He’s into you. I saw him stare at your ass the entire time we were walking you guys to your room.”
“Ah, your Ghost an ass man?” 
Johnny laughed. “Thighs actually. His exact words were ‘you could crush my head like a watermelon’. It did make me feel more confident.” 
Soap smiled. “It’s so weird. Seeing myself younger again.”
“Good to know I do not age at all though. Worried I’d go gray and wrinkly due to stress.” 
They sat for a minute, Ghost on both their minds.
“You should talk to my Ghost. Ask him for advice.” Johnny smiled at him. “He should be in his room right now. He took the night watch. Doesn’t sleep much.”
“You find anything that helps with those? I try to help mine out.’
“Being next to someone helps.” 
Soap’s heart ached. God he hoped he wasn’t misreading this situation. He wanted to help him so much. 
“What does he look like under there?” 
Johnny straightened up. “You haven’t seen him???”
“Okay, I’m not going to spoil the surprise, but if he’s anything like mine, he’s fucking gorgeous. Has a couple of scars, but we’re into that.”
“Yeah, we fucking are.” Soap mumbled, thinking of the one along Ghost’s ribs. He wanted to cover it with hickeys and make him squirm. “i love that man.” 
Johnny didn’t seem shocked. He got up. “Oh, while you’re there, apologize for the comment you made about his accent.”
“Oh, did I hurt his feelings?”
“No. But you’re going to apologize.” Johnny looked down at Soap and Soap understood why his recruits look scared.
“I’ll apologize.”
So now he needed to talk to Riley. Alright. He was willing to do this for Ghost. To have Ghost. 
He knocked and waited. 
Riley opened the door with no hesitation, freezing. He had no shirt on. Luckily he had his mask, but Christ, Soap felt like he was going to have a nosebleed.
“You knock exactly like Johnny.” Riley seemed frozen. He had scars of course but also hickeys and scratches and.... Soap quickly turned around. 
“Put your shirt on soldier.” Soap waited until he heard the door reopening. He turned back. “Glad you’re decent.” He went right in his room, all the confidence of a Captain.
“Need something?” Riley sounded strained, probably not liking that a stranger was in his room. 
“How did you... confess your feelings to Soap?” He didn’t look at him. 
“Oh. You came here for advice on getting with other me?”
“Yes. Also to apologize for the mean comment about your accent. It was uncalled for.” He turned around, standing straight. “How did you... do it? I want to... I want Ghost.”
“Well... for one, do you just want Ghost or do you want Simon too?”
Soap blinked. Odd question. “Yes.” 
Riley seemed amused. Soap wanted to kick him. Giant motherfucker. But he needed his help so he stayed complacent. “And what do you want? A one night stand? A relationship?”
“Anything he’d give me honestly.” 
“Yeah, it’ll work then. You have to be a bit blunt. He’s not going to believe it if you’re not explicit. Also, the mask isn’t going to go away. It’s part of the package deal. If that’s going to be a problem...”
“No. I don’t like it, but I’ve more than accepted that its part of him. So be blunt. Accept him as he is.”
“Also, bite him. He’s going to love that.”
“What is wrong with you?” Soap whisper shouted at him, appalled.
Riley laughed. It sounded exactly like Ghost’s. “It really is that easy. I’d try talking first, just because touch is... touchy.”
“Thank you. You two have been really helpful.”
“Regardless of what universe you’re from, you’re still Soap MacTavish. I’ll always want the best for you.” Riley sounded so sincere. It stung. It was a sting Soap could live with.
“Thank you. So I’m assuming just kissing him is out. Though with the mask he’s been wearing, I wouldn’t even have to lift it up.” Soap smiled softly. Kissing Ghost. What a fucking thought. 
“Yeah, unexpected touch is not good... Has he... mentioned...”
“I know.” Soap sighed. “I know about what happened with Roba. Its one of the reasons I’m so nervous. I’m his Captain. It is inappropriate.”
“I’m Johnny’s LT. As long as you’re clear he doesn’t have to be with you, its okay. We’re a little different in the 141.”
Soap nodded. Oh God. This just left talking to him.
“What color is your hair?”
“I’ve been wanting to know a long time. Just curious.”
“Blond...” Soap repeated, taking a deep breath. “Thank you.” He pulled away to try to find Ghost. 
Ghost had went out with Price apparently. They were going to be back later. 
Soap groaned and sat with Gaz and Alex. He finally found some paper and took a moment to sketch what his crew looked like. The two of them nodded and started talking about what missions they had went on, comparing their stories. 
Ghost still hadn’t gotten back. Soap missed him. He was bored and he wanted his LT. 
He found more paper and sat in their shared room, sketching. He sketched Ghost’s mask for a bit before moving to his body. If this went well, he was going to ask him to pose for him. 
Ghost came back late. Soap looked at him. “Why were you gone so long?”
Ghost shrugged, avoiding his eye. “I think I’m going to go shower.” He was covered in red dust from the desert. 
“Simon.’ Soap said softly, watching him turn around, those eyes of his on him again. Always on him. 
Soap moved closer. Words. He needed to use words here right now. 
“Simon, I...” Soap choked. Just staring at him. Their height difference was pretty much nonexistent. He liked that they were always eye to eye. He liked that Ghost was mysterious and liked the crazy spark in his eye when they tortured someone together and he liked that he knew Soap sketched him in his mask but never said anything about it. 
But how the fuck do you put that into words?
“You’re a great Lt.” 
Ghost’s shoulders visibly slumped. He looked down at Soap’s shoes. “Thank you, sir.” 
That was bad. 
“Ghost, I think you’re great.”  Soap tried again. “I like being around you.”
“John, please. Whatever you’re doing...” Ghost sounded hoarse, pleading. 
Soap shook his head. “No. I... Fuck, Ghost I want....”
What did he tell Johnny?
“I want you.” Soap said softly. “In a romantic sense. I want to do stupid things like feed ducks in parks and make you Simon MacTavish because you hate that you have your father’s last name and I want to know what you look like under those layers and I want... I want to make sure nothing bad ever happens to you again but I can’t promise that so... I want to be with you when it does.” He stared at Ghost, those dark eyes of his. 
Ghost leaned forward, pressing their lips together. The fabric pressed against Soap’s skin exactly as he managed.
“Okay.” Ghost sounded dazed. “I... God I want that with you.” He moved closer and it was just like they were on the field, both understanding what to do.
“Simon, I want to. I really, really want to, but promise me you want this too.” 
“Soap, I promise. I promise.” Soap pulled him into the bed immediately, getting on top of him. Ghost lifted the mask up just a little and Soap got to kiss him properly and he finally understood the phrase about fireworks. He didn’t want to pull away. He probably wouldn’t have if Ghost hadn’t let out a needy sound. 
Soap kissed along the Glasgow scars, undoing Ghost’s shirt. Ghost melted into his touch. 
“Just tell me if its too much, okay?”
“John, I swear to God if you interrupt one more time. I am fine! I’m not broken.” Ghost yanked him closer to slip Soap’s shirt off of him. 
“You’re so attractive.” Ghost blushed and Soap resumed kissing along those scars. He pulled back just long enough to get lube, ordering Ghost to finish undressing while he did. Soap got between his legs and admired him for a moment. 
Ghost yanked the mask off and tossed it with the rest of his clothes. He didn’t look at Soap and Soap didn’t comment. They could always talk about it later. For now, he wanted to enjoy the moment. And God, he was gorgeous. It felt like a puzzle had clicked together and he could finally see him. 
Finally, he got to suck marks around that scar, Ghost’s shaking hands in his hair. Soap’s fingers slowly pushed into Ghost, making him whine. 
“A little, but I like it.” Ghost pushed him down so he’d keep marking his skin. “I hated that lady. Not for doing this, but for keeping your attention. Always hate when you’d drag us drinking. Hated seeing you with those women.” The hand in his hair tightened. “You’re mine, MacTavish. Just didn’t know how to tell you that.”
Soap had never been more turned on in his goddamn life. “I’m yours. You’re mine.” He fit another finger into him, hearing Ghost’s breath hitch. 
Soap slowly pulled up from. His handiwork spanned over his chest and stomach, covering some of the scars and outline the curves of his muscles. 
He took his pants off, seeing Ghost stare at him. 
“I’m going to mark you up later, Captain. Gotta make sure everyone else knows too.” Ghost almost whined when Soap got his underwear off. “Knew you had a nice ass underneath those stupid tactical pants. I don’t get why ours are so baggy.”
Soap laughed and moved back to him, kissing him again. Ghost wrapped his arms around him. Soap could feel him start to tense when his cock started to press into him. 
“I don’t want to hurt you, Ghost. You have to relax.” Soap ran his hands through his hair. It was so far out of regulation. 
“I know.” Ghost grumbled, holding on tight. 
“Simon.” Soap said softly, gently kissing him. “I got you. Let me take care of ya.” He started to push in as soon as Ghost relaxed. Ghost dug his fingers into his shoulders, panting softly. Soap should’ve known that he’d be pretty quiet in bed, but that simply was not going to stand. He was going to fix that. 
Ghost felt divine. If he admitted now that he was a demon to tempt him to hell, Soap would follow him. Burn himself alive to keep doing exactly this. He bottomed out and managed to get a soft keening sound from Ghost.
“Fuck.” Ghost gritted. 
“Bigger than you were expecting?” Soap teased.
“A lot bigger.” Ghost admitted, kissing along his jaw. “Burns but I like it. Fuck, I like you.” Soap couldn’t help the laughter and Ghost followed after him. Their lips met again and Soap experimentally rolled his hips. Ghost gasped softly. His legs moved, ending up hooked over Soap’s hips as he slowly thrust in. 
Soap tried to memorize everything about this moment. He wanted to draw it later. Draw Simon as he came undone underneath him. 
Simon looked up at him, the picture of decadence. He suddenly arched, letting out a soft, breathy moan. Soap had to take a deep breath to keep from coming right then. 
“Right there, John. Please.” Soap copied what he just did and got another moan for his efforts. He adjusted their positions and hit the spot every time, watching the muscles in his abdomen jump and twitch at the feeling. 
Biting. Right. He leaned down and sank his teeth into his shoulder, holding him close so he could press deeper inside him as he did. 
Simon let out a quiet wail as he ran his nails down Soap’s back. His legs started to shake from where they were around Soap. 
“Close, mo chridhe?”
“It means my heart.” Soap spoke softly against him. Ghost blushed hard before burying his face in his shoulder. He whimpered as Soap thrust in harder, still barely audible but fuck Soap would take it.
“Do you like that? I could use more. I could use them in front of the team and they’d never know.” 
“But I want them to know.” Ghost was right against Soap’s ear. “Want them to know I’m yours, sir.” 
Once again, Soap had to focus on his breathing. He reached down, stroking Ghost since he wasn’t going to last much longer.
Ghost kissed along his throat, gasping and digging his fingers into him. He barely let Soap move enough to thrust into him. He came with a soft moan and fell almost boneless to the bed. 
Soap pulled out and finished on his chest. Maybe he wanted to draw this. Fuck it, he’d learn animation and just recreate the entire goddamn night. 
Ghost swallowed. “Thanks for not... in me. Should’ve asked.” 
“I didn’t have a condom. Thought it was more polite.” Yes. That was it. Definitely not seeing Ghost covered in his cum. “Let me get you cleaned up, mo chridhe.” 
Ghost whined. “Soap, don’t talk to me like that.” 
Soap laughed. “Why not?”
“Because I cannot go another round right now. I’m out of practice.” Ghost sat up, grimacing. 
“Nothing a shower won’t fix, love.”
Soap nodded and took his sweetheart to the bathroom. He turned the water on and pulled Ghost in with him. He was careful with him, admiring him even more. Once Ghost was cleaned up, he dried him off. Yes, Ghost could easily do this part, but Soap was willing and wanting. 
Ghost stepped away to get dressed, not letting Soap help because he took too long.
They walked out of the bathroom and it was different. 
They were in Soap’s quarters at home. All of the sketches he had made, along with any belongings they had taken off or went missing, all sat on his bed. 
“We’re home.” 
“Damn. Wish I could’ve said thank you to those guys. They kinda talked me through asking you out.”
Ghost stared at him. “Price was actually encouraging me to go for you. I think he and Riley are close. He could see straight through me... So, what do we do now?”
Soap intertwined their fingers. “Guess we... keep working. You could start coming to my bedroom at night.”
“I’d like that.” 
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cowgurrrl · 1 year
Love the writing! Could I please request baby!Miller first steps and Joel just melting?
Thank you for the request and your sweet words!! Here’s Charlie girl taking her first steps 🥹
Never Grow Up
Pairing: Joel Miller x fem!reader
Summary: “Why did I decide to walk in the kitchen?” “Maybe you just saw something you wanted.” aka this ask
Author’s note: oh my little Look for the Light verse how I missed you
Warnings: parental anxiety, Joel being a softie, Ellie being the worlds best big sister
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Sarah took her first steps the day after her first birthday, deciding that she officially had to be one before she could hit her milestone. Jane took her first steps about a month before she turned one. She was tired of waiting for someone to pick her up so she could get somewhere, ever a woman on a mission, even as a toddler. But Charlie, Charlie turned one a month ago and still hasn't shown any interest in trying to walk. And it's not for lack of trying. You, Ellie, and Joel all take turns holding her chubby little hands and guiding her feet across the floor, which she's perfectly content with until you let go. Then, she plops back down on the floor and scootches to wherever she wants to be.
"I just don't get it," you say to Joel one night as you get ready for bed. He sighs as he hangs up his jacket in the closet. "I mean, do you think something's wrong? Should we take her to the doctor?"
"Every kid is gonna hit their milestones at a different time. She's just takin' a little longer, that's all."
"How do you know?" You ask. He takes a deep breath before walking over to you and cupping your face in his hands. His thumbs swipe soothing lines across your cheekbones, and you let yourself relax into him.
"Because you're her mama and one of the most capable people I know. She's got your good genes," he says as he kisses your forehead, and you laugh a little bit. You breathe him in, the smell of pine and the lavender detergent you use to wash the clothes surrounding you. The house is silent as you stand in your shared room, your anxieties misfiring against the old wood. "She's gonna be fine."
"And if she's not?"
"Then, we'll handle it."
You agree to give it one more month. If she doesn't walk in another month, you'll take her to the doctor. In the meantime, you try to let it go. You let her scoot around the house and try not to get too excited when she pulls herself to her feet. You have a feeling that she can sense whenever you're expecting her to do something, the baited anticipation too much for her little brain to comprehend. It may be silly, but you know your kid. You know how she operates.
Ellie likes to lie on the floor with Charlie, and she gives her a step-by-step guide on how to get on her feet and take a few steps. "It's not that hard! Just watch," Ellie coaches as Charlie watches her with curious eyes. You wish you had a camera to record Ellie crawling on her hands and knees before gaining her balance, standing, and walking while explaining its mechanics. You laugh when Charlie just burps and crawls to you, lifting her arms to be picked up. "I hate to say it, but I think she may have gotten Joel's thick skull."
"She'll figure it out," you say as you kiss Charlie's cheek and bring her into the kitchen. As the weeks fly by and Charlie still refuses to walk, you try to bury your worry in your patrols. You do your best to keep Jackson safe so that Charlie can feel protected enough to take her first steps. Or that's what your logic is, at least.
On the last day of the month, you stomp snow out of your work boots outside the front door before entering your warm house. There's a fire going in the fireplace, and the promise of a warm meal greets you when you walk in the door. Joel and Ellie shout from the kitchen, followed by a very excited, "Mama!" You smile and shrug out of your jacket, ready to attack your favorite people with kisses, when Charlie scoots out to the hallway.
"What's up, Charlie girl?" You ask as you hang up your coat next to the front door. Then, without warning or preparation, Charlie plants her feet under her and stands. You freeze, and Charlie looks at you, and for a second, you swear you can read her mind. "It's okay, baby. Mama's right here for you. I won't let you get hurt, okay?" You say, crouching down and opening your arms. Joel and Ellie hear you and look confused as they step into the hallway and see Charlie standing. You think the whole world stops as she takes one step. Then another. And another until she's across the room and in your arms. You pick her up and spin her around, deliriously happy giggles leaving you as you kiss her face. "You did it, baby girl! You walked!"
"Yay, Charlie!" Ellie says as she rushes over to join in your celebration. Charlie laughs as Ellie tickles her belly and kisses her cheeks. You glance at Joel and see tears glistening in his eyes. You hold your hand out to him and take a shaky breath as he walks over, wrapping an arm around your waist and kissing your forehead.
"This is good, baby. Why are you crying?" You ask, and he shakes his head.
"She's gettin' so big." He says, his voice cracking, and you have to fight the urge to laugh because this is what you've both wanted for so long, and now that it's happened, he wants her to be a newborn again. You let Ellie slip Charlie out of your arms and hug Joel tightly. Because, of course, after years of being tough and broody, the thing to send him over the edge is watching his youngest daughter walk toward the love of his life for the first time.
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harrywavycurly · 5 months
Hi Sarah!! Happy New Year!! 🥳
I wanted to tell you how much I appreciate your positivity and all of your posts. They’ve gotten me through some not so fun times this year and always put a smile on my face. I feel like I’ve been channeling a bit of Bucket of Sunshine Eddie the last few months, so I’m wondering how those two are doing. Did they enjoy their first New Year’s together?
Hiii babes!! Happy new year to you as well!!!🥳🥳 I am sooo happy to hear you enjoy my posts that means the world to me!! Ohhh how I do miss my little grumpy Eddie and his little ray of sunshine!! So I hope you enjoy these conversations from their New Year’s Eve together!!💖
-find everything Bucket of Sunshine here✨
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“What’s all this shit for?” “It’s rude to-” “Sorry…hello sweetheart.” “Hi Eddie…now was there something you wanted to ask me?” “Yes..what’s all this shit for? We are just going to the lake to watch fireworks.” “Edward James Munson as if I’d ever show up to a party empty handed? It’s not polite.” “Baby it’s not a party it’s us and Steve who is bringing uhm…uh…what’s her name again?” “Her name is Heather…don’t call her Maggie like you did his last date.” “I didn’t mean to! I swear I thought it was Maggie…looked exactly like her…kinda creepy if you ask me…how he dates girls that all look the same.” “Well thank goodness no one did…now can you please put this in the van?” “Did…you…just insult me?” “No? I simply stated a fact? No one asked you if it was weird that Steve dates girls who kinda look the same.” “Sounded like an insult to me sweetheart…” “Then it also sounds like we need to get your hearing checked…now can you please put this in the van?” “Yeah yeah I’ll go put it in the van.”
“What are you wearing? You’re going to be freezing.” “It’s a dress? And won’t you be there to cuddle me?” “Well yeah but still that’s uhm…a lot of leg to show off when it’s cold as fuck outside baby…” “you don’t like it?” “No no…that’s uh not…what I said…” “I’ll be fine…I packed an extra blanket and I still have your jacket so I’ll be nice and warm.” “Stealing people’s clothes isn’t very nice you know that right?” “It’s not people’s clothes it’s just your clothes and you’re my boyfriend so it’s fine.” “Oh right…yeah that makes sense…you look really beautiful by the way.” “Thank you Eddie.”
“Here you go…don’t worry it’s nothing crazy it’s just cheese.” “Will you ever stop trying to feed me?” “No…now take the pizza and say thank you.” “Thank you sweetheart.” “You’re welcome…where is Steve? Have you talked to him since we got here?” “He said he’d be here in a bit but that was…over an hour ago…maybe him and Heather changed their minds and want to party alone.” “That’s rude to not tell the other people in your party that you’re no longer going to be attending…I packed him a snack so he wouldn’t get grumpy waiting till midnight.” “I see he didn’t get blessed with the politeness gene?” “Apparently not.” “Well if I’m being honest I’m glad it ended up being just the two of us…not that I don’t like hanging out with your brother but…you’re my favorite Harrington.” “Awe am I really? That’s so sweet…you’re my favorite Munson.” “Oh Wayne is gonna be so upset when I tell him you said that.” “I’ll tell him you’re lying.” “What? You’d lie to him just to make him happy?…I’m so shocked.” “You’re making fun of me aren’t you?” “Teasing you baby not…making fun of you…that sounds way more harsh.” “You love how nice I am to everyone…just admit it.” “I wish you’d be a little more strict on who you’re so nice to but…yeah…I love you and how nice you are.” “I love you and how hard you try to be an asshole…it’s cute.”
“You’re going to give me an anxiety attack with the way you’re so reckless with that sparkler….just hold it still until it burns out.” “Hold it still? That’s not fun Eddie don’t be lame.” “Me? Lame?…now that’s just downright rude baby.” “Am I really making you nervous?” “You always make me nervous.” “What? Why?” “I’m just always nervous you’re going to snap out of whatever daze you’re in and you’ll see me for who I really am and you’ll…run away like everyone else.” “Eddie…I do see you for who you really are and that’s someone who loves me and would do anything to keep me safe and happy…what else could I want from someone? I’m not going anywhere.” “I do always find myself having to keep you out of harms way…so please can you just…stand still while you have a sparkler in your hand?” “Fine…this better?” “Much…thank you.”
“Ohhh Eddie only thirty seconds till midnight!” “Time flies when you’re having fun doesn’t it sweetheart?” “It really does.” “Happy new year Sunshine…I hope this is just the first of many new years we’ll be spending together.” “Oh don’t worry you’re stuck with me for the foreseeable future…I love you.” “I love you too.”
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fallenvampette · 2 years
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Sal x Baker!Reader
{Sal Fisher x gn!reader}
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🍰 when you first moved to Nockfell, you were nervous that you might not make any friends,, anxiety tingz
🍰 though those worries were quickly dismissed
🍰 one day while you’re baking you hear a knock on your apartment door- who could that be?
🍰 you open the door to see a blue haired boy and a taller brunette, before you could ask what they were doing at your apartment, the taller boy smiled
🍰 “it smells good as fuck in here- you know the scent is traveling into the hallway”
🍰 “oh,, I hope that isn’t an issue! I was just baking some sugar cookies-“
🍰 “cookies? would it be cool if we could try some?”
🍰 you smiled at the two boys, excited that this could be a new opportunity to make friends! you invite them in and they practically devour your entire tray
🍰 it becomes a habit for them to stop by your place to see what new goods you come up with! you eventually learn that the tall one’s name is Larry, and the blue-haired boy is Sal
🍰 when you start school with them, you’re beyond eager to meet the rest of the gang
🍰 right off the bat they automatically adore you,, finding your hobby of baking cute
🍰 over time as you start getting more comfortable you begin bringing in treats for your friends, and they live for it
🍰 “what do you put in these, y/n?” Ash asked, taking a bite out of one of your brownies
🍰 “a good baker never shares their secrets.”
🍰 “touché.”
🍰 though, a certain boy takes a liking to something other than your amazing sweets
🍰 Sal finds himself looking forward to seeing you,, he enjoys your company more than anything
🍰 as the two of you grow closer you begin to invite him over to hangout, he enjoys helping you bake and being your taste tester!
🍰 over time, the lines between friendship and something else entirely different begin to blur,, but you both don’t seem to mind it
🍰 you can’t tell me that you guys wouldn’t fight with the frosting
🍰 Sal takes a dollop of vanilla icing on his finger and placed it on your nose, laughing
🍰 “why you little-“ you giggle, attacking him with the other can of frosting
🍰 you confectionary fight ends with the kitchen being a complete mess, including you two,, frosting is scattered all over his mask and your hair- how did you guys even get here?
🍰 as you guys clean up the kitchen, you enjoy chatting about random things,, whether that be about ghosts or video games, it didn’t matter
🍰 Sal loves hearing you speak about things you’re passionate about
🍰 “y/n?”
🍰 “yeah, Sal?”
🍰 “do you maybe want to hangout this weekend?” you couldn’t tell, but he was blushing profusely under his mask.
🍰 he was certain, he was going to confess to you,, he adored everything about you! from your love of baking to your laugh, even your small habits he picked up on
🍰 of course you accept his offer, eagerly looking forward to seeing him again as well
🍰 the weekend comes by quickly,, and you find yourself lounging around with Sal in the kitchen
🍰 “I brought something for you.”
🍰 “really?” you perked up. “you didn’t have to get me anything, Sally.”
🍰 the nervous teen reached into his back, shakily pulling out some type of recipe book
🍰 “I- really like you y/n. it’s fine if you don’t feel the same, but I had to get it off my chest.” Sal smiled under his mask. “I love hanging out with you- and not just for your desserts.”
🍰 his last line made you chuckle- did he rehearse this? frankly it didn’t matter, you were beyond ecstatic that he felt the same way you did
🍰 “oh, Sal.” you move in, leaning closer to him. you gently placed your hands on his mask, waiting for his permission to remove it
🍰 Sal just nodded, he trusted you,, and so you lift his mask up to reveal his lips
🍰 you both lean in and seal your lips together. it seemed as though time stopped for you two as you both focused on the other’s presence
🍰 “I like you too, Sal. I have for a while.”
🍰 “thank god- I think what just happened made that obvious as well”
🍰 you laugh, before you can respond the oven dings. signaling that your baked goods are done
🍰 “oh shit- my muffins!”
🍰 Sal just laughs, feeling like the luckiest boy in the world to have you as his now. even as you scramble to get your now burning muffins out of the oven
═══. .★.╝
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kissingkiszka · 22 days
The Sweet Symphony - Chapter Eight: Dreams & Nightmares
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Jake Kiszka x Reader series
Words: 3.2k+
Summary: Tour is just around the corner, and reader is letting her anxiety get the best of her
CW: MDNI, 18+, anxiety/anxiety attack, mentions of cheating, nightmares, angst, I guess abandonment and trust issues? I think that’s all but this is a pretty sad chapter I’m sorry in advance😃👍🏻
"Good luck out there." you give Jake a confident wink. It's the fifth show on tour, and they're about to go on stage. He ignores you, turning back to his brothers. You reach for his shoulder, wanting him to look you in your eyes.
To your dismay, he pulls back, freeing his shoulder of your touch. He has his guitar clutched in his hand, tightening his grip with the fist he makes underneath your touch.
He turns to you, his voice laced with disgust. "It was a mistake bringing you here."
"What? Why?" confusion comes over your face. "Where is this coming from?"
"You're no longer a good fit for us, and frankly y/n, I'm starting to get quite bored of you." He waves his free hand in your face motioning you to get out of his sight.
"What do you mean? I thought we were supposed to make it?!" frustration fills your voice, and a lump forms in your throat.
"Go away! I'm supposed to be on stage any minute now!" he continues to shout at you in a way you've never seen before. His eyes are full of darkness and regret.
You begin to walk away before being stopped by him one last time. Tears rolling down your cheeks by the second.
"Oh, and I've been fucking so many other girls, all pleasing me much better than you ever have."
"How could you say that to me, Jake?" you swing around to defend yourself, but he's gone. He disappeared just like that.
You gasped for air, launching forward in your bed. You were in a full body cold sweat, still trying to catch your breath. You clutched your white duvet, trying to pull yourself back to reality, but nothing seemed to work. It felt like your whole world was crashing down on you. You couldn't lose Jake, even though he's still not yours to lose.You stumble out of bed and onto your feet, Reaching for your phone on your bedside table. Your legs are struggling to carry you to the bathroom. Is coming on tour with them a mistake? Is Jake even serious about you? Is he gonna find other girls on tour? Thoughts racing around your mind and you weren't able to slow them down. This man was beginning to consume your life. Unlocking your phone, you tell Siri to call Jake. You put the phone on speaker as you try to splash cool water on your face to help ground you. The tears are just not stopping their escape from your eyes.
"Hello?" you hear a half tired and half concerned Jake greet you over the phone. "Y/N? Is everything okay? It's 4 a.m."
You attempt to catch your breath so you can respond to him but fail. You wipe your tears, even though more just continue to fall.
"Are you alright? You're breathing really heavily." He questioned, his voice changing from a tired tone to a frantic one.
No Response.
"I'm on my way."
You don't even have a chance to say anything to him before your hand flies to the phone. Hanging up on him. Shit. You couldn't even get a single word out.
Jakes POV
I hopped in my car, not wanting to waste any time changing so I opted for a white wife beater and my handy gray sweatpants. I am worried out of my mind for Y/N. She sounded so distressed over the phone, I just hope I can help her through whatever happened. What really got to me the most was the fact that she had hung up on me. I'm not one to pray, but I found myself praying that she was okay. I raced to her house, getting there in almost no time partly because I did run multiple red lights and stop signs. I crossed my fingers that there were no police watching, and luckily I didn't come across any. I sprung out of my car, turning off the engine and slamming the door shut. I ran up to her front door and opened it with ease.
Huh, I thought I locked it.
I can hear her sniffles coming from her bedroom upstairs. I don't know what is going on, but no matter what it is, I have to be there for her.
"Y/N?" I calmly called out, letting her know of my arrival. "Sweetheart, what's going on?"
I watch as she timidly steps out into the hallway. She makes a point to keep her distance from me. Her cheeks are swollen and tear stained, her eyes are bloodshot and her body is slightly shaking.
"It's just me, baby, what happened?" I ask her in my best attempt at a sweet voice, continuing to approach her.
Her breathing is still unsteady. I need to do something about it. Get her to calm down. I approach her slowly and steadily, my arm gently resting on her lower back.
"Why don't we go sit down?" I gesture to her bed, guiding her to sit down. It'll be easier for her to tell me what happened if I sit down with her. I'm trying my absolute hardest to get her to open up, while also remaining calm. I hope it's working.
Her eyes jolt up to mine. She musters up the courage to croak out a few words.
"I had a dream..." she stammered. "You were in it and you, you...we were on tour and…" she hesitated. My grip on her back grew more firm to comfort her, but I see her scoot backwards in retaliation.
"Woah, what happened in this dream?" I pull my hand back. "You can tell me, I'm not gonna hurt you." I smoothly attempt to put my hand on her shoulder to comfort her once more with some added caution this time.
She sniffles, looking down at her feet. She takes a deep breath, and then stares directly into my eyes. "You told me it was a mistake bringing me on tour. You were hooking up with other girls. Jake, it all felt so real. Too real.” Her face scrunched as her tears grew into sobs.
I feel my heart break in half as those words leave her lips. I would never do anything to hurt her. I can't help but think that she is so beautiful when she cries. No matter what this woman does, she still outshines anyone else I had ever laid eyes on before.
She sobbed into my chest. I could feel her shaky breaths against my tear stained tank top.
"Y/N," I say softly, feeling my heart break even further. "I would never do that to you. That was only a nightmare. I would never, ever, hurt you."
I watch as she pulls away from my chest and gives me an unconvincing nod. She adjusts her position so she's propped up against her headboard and I follow suit.
"Here, grab my hand if you need proof. This is real, your nightmare wasn't." I offer my hand for her to take.
I feel my cold, large, and calloused hand intertwine with her warm, small, and soft hand. I give her hand a squeeze to help ground her. "I'm not going anywhere, darling." I whisper.
We lay there together for a few moments before her tears start to dry. She lets her hand slip out of mine and rolls over to face the wall.
"What's on your mind?" I softly ask her. I don't want to pry, but I know her thoughts are racing around a mile a minute in that brain of hers.
"Jake.." she starts. "I don't know if coming on tour with you is a good idea."
I feel a lump form in my throat. I need her there.
"Baby," I inhale a deep breath to prepare myself for the worst. "Why not?"
She sighs. "I just, my boss said it's perfectly fine if I go..." her voice becomes shaky. "But I'm not sure that I'm ready for this commitment."
If my heart wasn't broken yet, it sure as hell had broken now.
"I feel like you're making a mistake bringing me. You're going to regret it, I just have a feeling."
"A mistake?!" My eyes go wide. “I was 100 percent sure when I asked you to go, and I'm 100 percent sure that I still want you to go. There is nothing I would regret." I take a deep breath. "Sweetheart, it's going to be a blast. We're planning on taking a break in the middle of tour and going on a cabin trip. We will travel all around the country. I want you there. Hell, I need you there."
I knew I needed her there.
"I would love to have you there, not only so you can make my hair look all pretty, but so you can keep me company. It gets lonely on those tour buses, but really, all I need is you. Imagine us traveling the country together."
All I wanted was her by my side when I had to hit the road.
She remained silent for the next few moments. I just continued to lay there, ready for her whenever she wanted to speak. The air around us grew tense, and I have a gut feeling that my persuasion did not necessarily work. A pit of anxiety formed in my stomach as I waited for her to finally say something.
Her head sunk further into the pillow and I knew what I would hear next was going to ruin me.
"I need to think about it." She finally spoke up. "I, I just don't know yet."
I was absolutely destroyed, but I couldn't show it. I had to be strong for her and couldn't show her just how much I was let down.
"Take your time." I say with a disappointed nod. I felt guilty in a way. She thinks I would invite her, just to hook up with other girls and ultimately ignore her? I must be doing something wrong. I decided right then and there that I was going to get my act together and really show up for her.
"Do you want me to lay here with you for a bit?" My mind raced with thoughts. Did she want me to leave right away? Did she want space? Did she want me to spend the night? If she wants me to spend the night, could I fix all of this in the morning?
"Up to you." She shrugged unenthusiastically.
I laid with her for a few more moments. It was her house, it's not up to me to determine if I should stay or not. Her eyelids flutter closed and then soft snores came from her soon after. I was going to give her space. It was probably what she needed most. She needed to think on it and me being here wouldn't help her decision. Yeah, I could probably influence her to come with us, but I didn't want to mess up my chances. I quietly slipped out of her bed and made my way towards her bedroom door for the second time that night. Just hours earlier I was here, tucking her in. It felt like a dream, I knew it was too good to be true.
"Sleep tight my love." I whispered even though I knew she wouldn't be able to hear me. "I hope you decide to come, I don't know how I'll manage the tour without you."
I had only been with her for a little over 2 months now, but she had quickly grown to become the only thing I knew. I walked down her staircase, my hands filled with despair as they gripped the wooden banister. I left her home, making sure to lock the door on my way out.
Once I pull into my driveway, I waste no time opening the center console of my car and pulling out a blunt I had put there earlier-for safe keeping. The feeling of regret sunk into my bones as I lit the blunt in between my two fingers. Smoking was a habit I was trying to break, but this situation just called for a little something to help ease my stress. My fingers shake as I bring the blunt up to my lips once more. I squeeze my eyes shut as a few tear drops begin to roll out of my eyes. I couldn’t lose her. Not now. I hadn’t hardly known her for long, but she has begun to be the only thing I do know. I wouldn’t know how to live without her. I don’t think I could bear the tour, being a stranger to all these new cities without a familiar face by my name. Not just a familiar face, but a loved one as well. I attempt to dry my tears with my tank top. I had to remain calm.
I only managed to take a few hits of the blunt before I realized that the night had quickly slipped away and the sun was already beginning to rise. I put my blunt out way too soon, the high had just started to hit and I wanted to get just a little bit of sleep in before rehearsal later in the day.
I laid in my cold bed, thinking back on the whirlwind that was the past few hours. I mostly regretted leaving her there. I should have slept next to her, talked to her in the morning. Maybe I could have changed her mind, or encouraged her to go on tour. The 'what ifs' controlled my mind until the exhaustion took over my body and I eventually was able to drift off. I had seriously debated going back to her house, jumping back in bed with her, and never letting her go again. But this isn't some type of fairytale, this is reality. She asked for time to think, so that's what I'm gonna give her.
You awoke the next morning feeling well rested. The entirety of last night felt like one big dream-or perhaps a nightmare. Glancing around your bedroom, you felt all too alone. Jake was nowhere to be seen. You figured he probably left after you fell asleep. Why didn't he stay though? It felt very unlike him to just leave. A part of you felt disappointed, you wished he would have stayed, and fought for you. But you had no right to feel disappointed either, you were the one who sent him free. It was his choice to leave or stay, and he chose leave.You spent the entire day worrying if you were making the wrong decision. You would have done everything to go on tour with him, and you just don't understand why you feel like this all of a sudden. Neither choice felt right. It was for the better that he didn't spend the night, right? You just needed to think, and weigh out all the pros and cons.
You decided to make some breakfast and listen to some music. Music was the one thing that always helped to clear your mind. As you reach for your record collection, your eyes dart to a certain record in particular. The Essential Elvis Presley.
It was something you were trying to avoid, but somehow you felt compelled to listen to it in that moment.
As you cracked an egg into a pan, the vinyl began to play one of your favorites. Love Me Tender. You listened to the melody and couldn't help but dance around the kitchen as your sunny side up eggs continued to cook. The most prominent thought in your mind was when Jake bought you the very record that you were dancing to. But more importantly, what he said to you as he was purchasing the record. His words echoed in your mind.
"Now everytime you play it, you'll think of me."
And you were doing just that.
As the song went on, you found yourself picking apart every single lyric. You were finding a way to relate each and every lyric to your situation.
"Take me to your heart for it's there that I belong and we'll never part."
You didn't want to part with Jake. You belonged with him.
"All my dreams fulfilled, for my darling I love you and I always will"
This tour was his dream. He wanted you by his side to further fulfill it. Realizing this somehow made your heart full and break at the same time. He just wanted love, he wanted you to love him. And it was somehow the easiest but the hardest thing for you to do.
As you were finishing up eating your eggs another one of your favorites began to play. Suspicious minds.
"We're caught in a trap, I can't walk out because I love you too much, baby, why can't you see what you're doin' to me when you don't believe a word I say?"
You once again found yourself listening closely to the lyrics and yearning for Jake. Daydreaming about him like a little school girl. But then, you realized, could you even trust him? You could find yourself relating every line of the song to your current situation once again. You couldn't walk out, you liked him far too much to leave him now. You were too deep in to leave.
You took a deep breath. Okay. You just needed to listen to Jake. Believe in him and his words. Just like the song said.
You snapped out of the song, your eyes jolting over to the clock.
You were supposed to be at work 3 minutes ago.
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Day by day went by, and the month before tour quickly became a week before you knew it. Your choice was still becoming clear. You hadn’t had contact with him since that night.
You were driving home from work, and you finally decided. This was just a risk you had to take. Once you pulled into your driveway, you reached for your phone that was sitting in the cup holder.
Your finger hovered over Jakes contact. You hesitated a bit, but you knew deep down this was the right choice. You took a deep breath as the phone rung a few times.
You were met with a voice after the phone rung a few times. You were soon met with Jakes voice.
“Hello?” He answered, his voice groggily.
“Hi, Jake.” You said shyly. “I'm sorry I kinda ghosted you. I really needed that time to think. So, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking. And, um, I would love to go on tour with you. If you’ll still have me, of course.”
“Of course we’ll have you. I’ll have you any day.” You heard him smile to himself over the line. “And, no need to apologize for taking time for yourself.” He truly sounded sincere, and you couldn’t even begin to believe you even had the tiniest amount of doubt about him.
You giggled quietly, you were so lucky to have found him. Not someone like him. Him.
“Are you still good to be our hair stylist?”
“Mhm!” You exclaimed, more than ready to go on tour at this point.
“Good, good. We leave in a week, I don’t know if we would have survived without you to style our hair. Oh god, Josh already started planning on cutting his own hair. Can you imagine?” He laughed, thinking about his twin brother. The excitement built up in your stomach just thinking about being on the road with them.
“So y/n, you’re sure? You’re coming on the road with us?”
You nod to yourself, partly in disbelief at what your life is now and partly out of excitement. “I’m choosing the road.”
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@gretnavannfleet @theweightofjake
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miltheperson · 1 year
Could there be a movie star reader x Wally who is trying to get out of the press view and just lay low in the neighbourhood?
Why, of course! Sounds like quite the trouble to be movie stars, though! Haha!
Wally Darling x GN!Puppet!Reader.
Paparazzi Panic!
You and Wally were the movie stars of Welcome Home! People far and wide absolutely adored and loved the both of you! They’d shower you two with all the attention and admiration! Such lovely praise!
But, of course, that attention would sometimes get a liiiittle too much…
“Mister Darling! Over here!” They waved at you two, trying very hard to capture a good photo. “(Last Name)! Over here, over here!” The press joined along, dying to get juicy deets about the both of you!
Wally was starting to get irritated, seeing as the press and paparazzi weren’t giving the two of you much space.
Where was security when you needed it?? Wally would definitely complain to the manager about that later on.
You were getting a little overwhelmed yourself and Wally was getting nervous that you might have an anxiety attack, trying his best to take you away.
“We have things to do. Now move.” Wally had grasped your hand, trying to get you both out of the sea of notepads and cameras.
“Mister Wally! Mister Wally! What can you say about you and (Name)’s relationship??”
Wally gave them a glare “No comment.”
“(Name)! Would you and Wally be joining any more films soon??”
Wally pushed the mic away from your face “They don’t want to answer any questions.” He said sternly.
Finally, by some miracle, Wally was able to pull the both of you away from the crowd. In that moment, Wally took off running. He held your hand as he did, making sure not to leave you behind.
“Mister Darling! (Last Name)!” The press and paparazzi went right after you two.
“Don’t worry, neighbor. I’ll get us somewhere safe.” Wally narrowed his eyes, moving through the sidewalk and taking sharp turns. The two of you reached the familiar neighborhood where you and your friends would reside.
The paparazzi and the press didn’t seem to be anywhere close by…
Wally quickly took you by one of the houses, checking around for a moment before allowing the two of you to sit down. “Are you okay…? That was a bad one…” He asked you in concern, holding your hands. “I’m… Fine…” You nodded, calming down your beating heart.
“They sure didn’t hesitate this time, huh…” Wally shook his head “Some people just don’t know any manners.”
“That’s true… They were crazy this time…” You giggled softly, nodding your head in agreement.
Wally smiled at you, the irritation on his face slowly lifting into a happy look. “I’m glad you’re okay, neighbor. I was worried it would be too much for you.” He pat your hand gently. “At least, we can just lay low over here for a bit… I don’t think they saw us…” Wally murmured, giving the area a quick look-around once more.
“Thank you, Wally.” You say to him, moving to face the other puppet. “I forgot just how much crazy they can be.” You say with a small laugh.
“It’s alright, neighbor. I’m here to protect you.” Wally tilted his head at you, his classic droopy eyes and smile plastered on his face. “As long as I’m around, no one will get you.”
You can’t help but feel your heart melt a little, he was being so cute!
“Thank you, again.” You smiled brightly at him, feeling all your worries melt away.
Wally moved forward and bumped his mouth against your cheek quite clumsily.
He was still getting the hang of kisses! He’s getting there!
“Never a problem, neighbor…” Wally said with an affectionate hum, nuzzling against your cheek with his classic little smile.
What a sweet silly pair!
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blackjack-15 · 6 months
sydcarmy breakdown 2X03!
opening with a futility montage for syd -- tight shots for her as well, but centered on her rather than to the side like carmy's? predicts evasion for carmy and head-on tackling of anxieties by syd. business as usual for these two
the BEAUTIFUL widening of the frame from carmy blitizing the crap outta some nuts with his knife, alone in a kitchen, grey sweater blending in with the rest of the background, to show syd in bold tints -- carmy's black and white, note, while he's in a "muddied" version of his colors -- is insane. establishing the lone man, the stress, and then to widen it to show syd and have typical banter start? i see you i see you
"you know what most restaurants suck at?" "how much time do i have to answer that question?" carmy is so, so dry, and i adore it.
them finishing each other's thoughts and sentences is so beautiful here, the way that he can follow her train of thought without missing a beat, the way that he doesn't find copenhagen a "wild" suggestion at all...it's beautiful. these two really are at their best in a small space, alone, with nothing directly hanging over them
"happy?" ohhhhh that's a loaded bit of dialogue. happy with the food? happy with the agreement on sending marcus to copenhagen? happy being there in his kitchen? syd of course takes the most literal interpretation, but bless her, she always does
"you marinated it for too long, but it's okay, though" "i mean it's not, it's twice in a row" "that's why we're doing this" carmy's best aspect by far is his ability to never make the exact same mistake twice, and to incorporate what he learns from others into his important relationships (especially syd). he knows he futzed up by not telling her what her risotto/cola ribs recipe was missing, so he comes out of the gate here with it. he feels bad for yelling at her after a mistake, so he offers support and a way to move past it, to normalize it as part of the learning process.
oh. okay this is breathtakingly vulnerable for syd in a way we really haven't seen yet.
syd is kinda thirsty for praise, especially from carmy -- not a bad thing at all, it's a very neutral character trait. but here, instead of staring wide-eyed at him and pretending she doesn't care (like when he doesn't eat when she preps family in s1), she voices it -- "you're sending me home?" you can almost hear the implied "did i do that badly?". it's a very vulnerable thing to say for syd, who tends to attack things head-on
look at her face there. she is honestly worried, but she's willing to speak up, she's more comfortable and confident in her and carmy's relationship than she was in s1
"no, i'm not sending you home, i'm sending us out for...inspiration" first. just tell your pretty friend that you like her and wanna go geek out about food together, carmy. i know it's not Repression Chic, but. honestly.
second, he's demonstrating that he knows how syd will take this -- how she does end up taking it, by the irritation at herself that she displays here. he knows she's impatient -- with everything and everyone, including herself -- so he tries to show her that this isn't a fault thing, it's just what they've gotta do
and when she doesn't get it and he knows she's mad at herself? "and syd?" "...yeah?" "this really was almost perfect." again, he's learned from the cola ribs and risotto. this conversation is a great mirror to that one, where he starts with praise (it's tremendous) and then tells her "i didn't say it was perfect" as a follow up. he starts with the critique, assures her that it's alright, and then, knowing she's unhappy with herself, praises her.
It doesn't take, but he's doing it right. which means, since carmy opens the episode in Repression Town, things are about to go to pot
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brooooswriting · 2 years
Can you write Hailee Steinfeld x female reader being friends with benefits, where Hailee after some time of being fwb says, that it has to end. Then she sees someone hitting on reader and gets overprotective, and jealous, and reader asks “why are you so mad i’m talking to them? i thought you said you wanted to end this."
Hailee having to explain (or not explaining but thinking) that she wanted to end it in a “I don’t wanna be fwb I wanna be DATING you” way
More than benefits
“We can’t do this anymore Y/n, I’m sorry” Hailee said her head hanging low, she didn’t wanna see your pain. “Hails, come on. Why the sudden change? I though everything was alright between us..” you said trying to make her look at you. “Y/n, I’m sorry but it’s over. I’m breaking this up” you couldn’t contain yourself so you ran out of the door leaving her alone.
You and Hailee have been friends with benefits for a while. You’ve been in love with her since you became friends but she never returned them so this was the best option you had to be with her. And things were going great until she suddenly decided to break it up.
“Flo… Hey… can I come over? I don’t want to be alone right now” you said into the phone as you immediately called Florence. “Sure hun, what happened?” She asked while you drove to hers. “I’ll tell you when I’m there”
You arrived a couple of minutes later with Flo already waiting for you. “She doesn’t wanna be friends with benefits anymore” you mumbled out as you dragged yourself onto the couch. “I’m sorry, Y/n. But maybe this is a good thing, we both know you wanted more that this” she told you sitting down next to you. “I did, but this way I was at least close to her and now she’s gonna find the next boyfriend who doesn’t treat her right, cheats on her and completely breaks her down” you rambled.
It was true, non of her boyfriends treated her the way you did and would because non of them loved her the way you did. You gave a fuck about the money and the fame and under normal circumstances you would never do anything that would get you fame. Social anxiety and panic attacks were constant visitors in your life and the thought to fame? The worst nightmare. Unless it would give you a future with Hailee.
“Do you wanna sleep here tonight?” Pugh asked you after she watched you drift off. “Thanks, but I think I should go home” you answered and stood up walking to the door. “Fine, but if you wanna talk or need anything just tell me alright?” You nodded and said your goodbye before driving home.
Looking back it was a terrible idea as your whole home was full with pictures and memories of your time with Hailee. You fell onto the couch trying to keep your tears in. ‘God what did I do?’ You mumbled to yourself.
The next morning you woke up with a headache from all the crying and slowly your mind filled with yesterdays events. To try and distract yourself you picked up your phone.
“Hello y/n/n, how are you?” The message was from Florence and you thought a while before replaying. “I’m alright thanks”. You didn’t feel like talking, all you wanted to do was eat fast food and cry while watching sad movies.
So that’s exactly what you did for 3 days with breaks where you worked out. But you didn’t pick up the phone or talked to someone and the only time you went out was to get more ice or fast food.
That was until the fourth day where you met a girl called Sarah. “Hello, I’m Sarah” she was extroverted, nice and beautiful, so maybe this was your chance to get over Hailee. After talking a bit longer she invited you to a party on Friday at her house and that you could bring a friend if you wanted to.
“Flo?” You said into the phone and she sighed relieved. “Finally, look who’s back from the dead. Y/n y/m/n y/l/n, don’t you ever dare to ignore me for days again!” She demanded causing you to say sorry before continuing your actual story. “So I was at the 7/11 today and I met a girl named Sarah, she’s throwing a party on Friday and we are going” you told her happily. “Omg, that’s so great for- wait? Did you say we?” She answered as her Excitement turned into confusion. “Well, I don’t wanna go alone and you love me soooooo much…” you both giggled and she agreed.
So here you are, on a Friday evening in front of Sarah’s house. “Y/N, you’re here” Sarah hugged you before looking next to you “and you brought Florence Pugh? That’s so cool. Hey I’m Sarah” she continued while leading the two of you in and gave you something to drink.
After a couple of drinks Florence was talking to some guy about cooking while you were leaning against a wall still talking to Sarah. What you didn’t know was that at the same time Hailee Steinfeld stood at the other side watching you two as she was there with a friend.
The way you giggled and the closeness between Sarah and you made her blood boil. She was touching your arm and waist and you were so innocent. The things was a. You may not know it but Sarah was a flirt and a fuckboy, designated to hurt you and b. Hailee was so jealous that she could barely keep herself in check.
“Oh, is someone jealous?” Flo asked when she spotted the singer causing her to grumble. “I think she likes Sarah, they’d be nice together” Florence of course knew what she was doing and it didn’t take a lot more until hailee was storming towards you.
You were just as confused as Sarah when arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you closer but a couple of seconds later you smelled her perfume. “I gotta steal my girl real quick” the woman said before pulling you outside and the moment you stepped out of the door you couldn’t contain your anger.
“What the hell is wrong with you? Your girl?! Your girl huh? You didn’t even wanna fuck me Hailee! How am I supposed to be your girl? You didn’t want me and now you keep me away from people that do?” You screamed at her whole pacing around. “She’s a playboy, she’d hurt you” the brunette told you leaning against the wall. “Why would you care?”
“Because I love you y/n” now it was her time to scream. “Wh…what?” You question abruptly stopping your pacing. “I love you, I broke this friends with benefits thing up because I couldn’t deal with not calling you mine. And I want that so deeply” she mumbled and you barely heard it.
You suddenly jumped into her arms and she caught you with a hand on your butt and one on your back. “I love you too” you rushed out and pecked her lips repeatedly. “Promise?” She asked in between kisses. “Pinky promise and now take me home, you owe me a lot of cuddles and kisses” you told her.
“Wuhuuuu, Go guys” both of you looked up and saw Florence looking down trough a window cheering on the two of you.
After a quick goodbye you both went to your home and let’s just say you didn’t sleep much that night. But when you woke up on top of Hailee the next morning life seemed perfect. “Good morning princess” she mumbled and stroked your back causing you to blush. “Good morning my love”
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deathsweetblossoms · 1 year
Azriel's Bonus Chapter, Mating Bonds, and Mor(e)
This was another find that had me PAUSE (if "YELLING SCREAMING AT THE TOP OF MY LUNGS" can be likened to a simple "pause" then, okay.) Disclaimer: we talk about a potential mating bond between Azriel and Mor in this analysis, but I still tie it back to Elriel in the end.
I had intended to debrief each bonus chapter, but instead of approaching Azriel's in the simplistic way I approached Feyre's, I want to zero in on this one particular breadcrumb because ... WHAT?
"if Lucien finds out you're pursuing her, he has every right to defend the bond as he sees fit. Including invoking the Blood Duel."
Azriel hears Rhys say this, balks, and then thinks about how there was one other time, before this one, where he had thought about invoking the duel against Eris and Beron for Mor. /ALARM BELLS/INSTANT ANXIETY ATTACK/SARAH WE ARE GOING TO FIGHT.
Look me in the eyes and tell me this isn't weird. If we break down what Rhys is warning to it's simplest form:
Lucien, as the mated male, has the right to invoke the Duel for someone who posseses a threat to his mating bond (aka, if some other male wants his lady, he can fight to the death for ownership of his lady. An outdated duel, for sure, because...why does the female get no say? This seems like something Mor would vehemently want to run away from, or do anything in her power to avoid getting roped into. Think about it - why is she so desperate for freedom?)
When Azriel thinks about how he wanted to invoke the Duel for Mor, he says he seriously considered invoking it against Eris and Beron both "despite being an outsider".
So my question is, uh... WHY would he invoke the Blood Duel for Mor? Can it be invoked in a non-mating bond situation? I laughed off the theory of Azriel and Mor being mates but now I'm kind of like, WAIT. WTF IS GOING ON HERE? Because Mor was set up in essentially an arranged marriage with Eris, correct? So, that can be perceived as a direct mating bond threat, which Azriel could have invoked had they, in fact, been mated.
Also, as if my poor nerves weren't already suffering, Rhys even asks, "What about Mor?" which always drove me a little bit crazy because you're telling me all-knowing, all-seeing Rhys, who constantly told Feyre to stay out of it, DIDN'T NOTICE that Mor wants nothing to do with Azriel? And "prefers women" anyway??? Why would he even bring Mor into the conversation when they're discussing Elain and tenuous political alliances that would implode if Azriel pursued her? What is this, high school???!?!
But also, it explains a lot in terms of Mor being scared shitless of Azriel's response when she's threatened. If SHE also knows that they're mates, it would make sense for her character to want to run as fast and far away as possible to avoid putting him in that sort of mate-induced rage to invoke something like that.
It also explains "What if the cauldron made a mistake", as in, if he's somewhat aware of a potential bond between him and Mor, he is also aware that the cauldron CAN MAKE A MISTAKE. Because it did with them. Mor clearly prefers something else, and pursuing something else would make her happier although she still has a lot of love for Azriel and they remain friends.
See also: A Brief Overview of Feyre's Bonus Chapter and Analyzing the Necklace, The Mother, & Azriel's Bonus Chapter
Below the cut is some Elriel leaning theory and screaming given the above information.
So consider this: both Elain and Azriel have mates but they still end up choosing each other. WHAT A WILD STORY. You cannot tell me you wouldn't be on the EDGE OF YOUR SEAT over something like this?!?! Especially if Elriel would be a threat to *checks notes* the fragile political alliances of The Autumn Court, The Spring Court, Jurian and Vassa?
So with all of that hanging over their heads, and with their own mates, these two still choose each other?!
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Oh, man, oh man. I would be losing my shit. IDK about you all. But..ooooo I would EAT THIS UP.
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theunseenpoet · 3 months
Lovers Lies | Thomas TMR (2)
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Pairing: Thomas x fem OC
Word Count: 1.4k
IT wasn't a surprise when Sandra saw Minho leaning back against the wall out the front of the shower hut, his muscled arms crossed over his chest with a sharp look in his eyes that softened when he saw her.
"How long did you get at the creek today?" he asked her, pushing off the wall.
"Only an hour," she simply answered, stopping beside him with dry clothes and a towel still wrapped around her body. "Chuck helped me wash some clothes before Carl made us get out."
Minho chuckled, looking behind her to where Carlos was, hanging up the wet clothes over a rope tied from one tree to another.
"You know, you don't have to stand out here every time I go for a shower, right?" She placed a hand on her hip, arching a brow.
Minho shrugged his shoulders with a careless smirk on his face. "Is this you finally inviting me to join you in the show—Ow! Jesus Sansa!"
"Say stupid things, get stupid rewards," Sandra muttered, rolling her eyes as she walked into the showers.
"It was just a suggestion!" Minho called out, muttering a curse under his breath as he leaned back against the wall.
"Imagine if Carl heard that suggestion," she shot back, walking past a few empty shower stalls until she reached the end one and walked in.
The other doors didn't have a lock, but with her being the only girl, Gally had put a lock on one and it became clear to everyone that that particular shower was hers. Thankfully, no one argued about that. 
Sandra got undressed and then took her braids out before quickly washing her body and hair with shampoo, not wanting to leave Minho waiting for a long time outside when dinner would no doubt be starting to get served up soon.
A shower two stalls down turned on and Sandra froze, her hands still in her hair. Anxiety crept through her body like a spider as she strained her ears to listen, praying that one of the boys wouldn't try anything and also wondering where the hell Minho went.
"It's only me!" Carlos called out, instantly making her relax. "I told Minho to go get dinner."
"You could've told me you were coming in, slinthead," Sandra shot back, turning off the shower. "I think I had a heart attack."
"And this is exactly why Minho stands outside when I'm not," he muttered.
Sandra ignored his comment and dried herself before slipping into black trackies that Nick used to own and then she slipped on a black shirt and her black jacket. Carlos was still in his closed stall as she walked past, letting him know she was going to the kitchen to get some dinner.
The sky had turned twilight by the time she walked out of the showers and made her way toward the kitchen, returning a few smiles thrown her way. As usual, Newt, Alby, and Minho were seated at the same picnic table with Chuck joining them. Well, that was unusual but made her smile. The youngest boy normally waited for her before joining the others, but it seemed he was starting to show more confidence.
"Clint said you made more cookies," Jeff started, pulling her attention to the curly-haired, light-skinned boy standing in line ahead of her with a smile. "I ran all the way over here to make sure I get one before one of these idiots ate them all."
Sandra laughed, noticing a few boys eating cookies as she looked around. "I'll make more tomorrow if we run out tonight."
"I heard through a few boys that you might make your blueberry muffins tomorrow," Winston said, turning around in front of Jeff. "Be sure to save me one."
"She'll make them when she wants, mate," Newt cut in, placing a hand on Sandra's shoulder. "Now get your dinner and eat up. Tonight's an early night."
Winston and Jeff nodded, turning their backs to the pair as Newt pulled Sandra toward the front of the line, past the other boys. 
Frypan was waiting behind the serving bench with a smile and two trays held out to her. "I made sure to give you an extra cookie since you made them," he informed her.
"Thanks, Sig," she hummed, taking both the trays with a warm smile before walking over to the picnic table with Newt.
"Sansa, these cookies are good," Alby commented, taking a bite into his cookie as Sandra sat down beside Minho.
"Yeah, they are," Chuck said, food spitting out of his mouth as he sat across from Sandra.
Sandra slapped his hand with a scowl. "Cover ya' mouth when you're talking with food in your mouth," she hissed.
All the boys started laughing as Chuck blushed, covering his mouth with a hand while chewing the food in his mouth.
"What's got you idiots laughing?" Carlos asked, pushing his way between Minho and Sandra, forcing them to sit on either edge of the wooden bench. He took the second tray from Sandra, grinning at the mashed potatoes, carrots, and pork sausages. "What did Chuck do now?"
"Sansa got up him for eating with his mouth full of food," Minho answered with a grin. "It probably turned the little shuck face on."
"Minho!" Alby, Newt, and Sandra groaned at the same time, the three of them throwing parts of their dinner at his head.
"You're an idiot," Alby said, shaking his head while standing up. "I gotta check on a few things but I'll be back soon." Sandra gave him a small smile before he walked away.
With all of them being focused on a complaining Minho who was currently picking food out of his black hair, none of them noticed the tall scrawny boy standing at the end of the table, between Sandra and Chuck.
"Did you clean my shoes?" Adam asked Chuck, gaining everyone's attention.
Chuck seemed to shrink himself in his seat, a look of fear in his eyes that Sandra noticed straight away while pushing around the mashed potatoes on her tray. The youngest boy had been in the Glade for nearly a month now and the other Gladers had stopped teasing him. All except one—Adam. There had been a few times when Sandra saw Adam punch Chuck in the stomach, but every time she intervened, the older boy just didn't seem to care.
"I was busy helping someone else," Chuck quietly admitted, staring down at his tray of dinner. 
The other Gladers had gone silent with hard eyes while watching Adam who was staring daggers into the side of Chuck's face. None of them particularly liked Adam and for good reason. He wasn't one of the oldest boys like Alby and Carlos, but he liked to think he was. That somehow made him think he had more power than the other Gladers. And, he seemed to always have it out for Sandra, making rude comments, cat calling her, even telling a few other boys that she was his for the taking.
Disgusting pig.
"I'm a first priority," Adam spat with hatred.
Newt groaned in annoyance, rolling his eyes. "Oh, piss off, mate. You aren't his first priority so why don't you rack off?"
Adam turned his dagger gaze to Newt, crossing his arms over his chest. "Why don't you mind your business, limp boy."
That nickname made Sandra tense. She and Minho were the only ones who knew how exactly Newt got a limp, and for Adam to bring it up against one of her closest friends, enraged her. With one swift movement, she unsheathed the machete that was on Carlos' belt. Before any of them could blink, she pressed the sharpened end against Adam's crouch, not hard enough to cut through the fabric of his brown pants, but hard enough to warn him that she wasn't playing around.
"I would suggest walking away before I de-ball you," Sandra lowly warned, eating a piece of carrot while looking up at him. "It would be a shame to take away your favorite part, even if it's so small."
Minho snickered, covering his mouth with a hand with amusement shining in his eyes at the clear fear covering Adam's face as the boy looked down at the machete and then at Sandra. Chuck turned pale as paper, his eyes wide with surprise. Newt was just as surprised, even after seeing that side of her many times. And Carlos—Oh, the older boy looked as proud as ever while he continued to eat his dinner.
"Well?" Sandra raised a brow at Adam. "You gonna fuck off or piss yourself?"
Adam gulped, taking a step back before looking at Chuck. "You're in deep klunk now."
Sandra clicked her tongue, putting the machete on the table. "You touch a hair on his head, and I won't give you a warning next time," she said with a sweet smile.
The second Adam turned around and started walking away, Minho howled in laughter with Carlos while Newt smiled, shaking his head. 
"You're insane, Sansa," Newt mumbled, watching her shrug her shoulders while eating the last of her dinner.
Carlos threw an arm over his sister's shoulders, pulling her into his side. "That she is."
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soldierofsirens · 2 years
I saw your requests post and I just- PLEASE, I NEED ROTTMNT LEO SUFFERING FROM HIS TRAUMA AFTER WHAT HAPPENED IN THE MOVIE I NEED LEO GOING FROM THINKING IT'S ALWAYS ABOUT HIM TO THINKING IT'S NEVER ABOUT HIM I NEED LEO HESITANT OR UNCOMFORTABLE TO DO OR SAY ANYTHING ABOUT HIMSELF (Like if April or his brothers want to get him gifts for his birthday, or just hanging out with someone and they want to get him something, or he's meeting someone new and he's uncomfy with saying too much about himself so he mostly asks the other person questions instead of answering his) And or thrown in somewhere you can add his possible trauma from the Kraang telling him to "wipe that grin off of your face" PLEASE YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND HOW MUCH I NEED THIS-
So, I actually was inspired for this one, I hope I did it justice ! @picklessliceofhell
TW : anxiety, panic attack, PTSD
Everything was a reasoning white and echoing black. The world was whistlewing and his ears buzzing. Pain was an abstract concept, he discovered. It could come in all shapes and forms and yet be the same. Leo was a mirror of this pain. A mirror with a thousands shards flying across a dimension with no name. An empty void, where death had spread its wings and called it Home. Leo's home was far away, in a space with brights colors and life all around. Like his skin, it was glowing red and yellow, blue and purple. It was all the colors of the rainbow, and yet no rain had fallen in this realm. Leo smiled at the memory. Where home meant joy, brothers and friends. Now, Home is destruction. Its dust and an old train station. The fire had consumed their heart out of the first one, and with it, the peace it use to bring. They tried regaining a sense of familiarity here, but nothing was the same anymore.
Nothing was the same anymore now, either. Pieces had been broken yet again, and as they bent to pick them up, they discovered that the most of them, they would never retrieve them. They were crushed and trampled beyond recognition. Ghosts of their former selves. Leo felt like his pain was one of those fragment, lost somewhere between Metro Tower and the Prison Dimension. He wished he could have called it innocence, but then, he had lost that one when the Shredder came unto this world. No, Leo grieved for something else. Something equally important, that his brother had left aside for them. Leo never saw this sacrifice, until had to do it too. Leo lost his childhood. He was now an adult. He had responsibilities, each action bringing consequences. Leo was an adult, and yet, he couldn’t help but think… Why should he be the one to pay for this ? If it wasn’t about himself, then why should he be the one to cry silently at night ? Why should he be the one to have insomnia ? Why, everytime he smiles, he should be the one to shatter again under the power of the Krang, as the ground shake ?
"-wanna grab a smoothie ?" Sunita face came into view, and he had to stop himself from gripping his katanas. "No ! No more tricks !" his weapons were torn away from his hands, and Leo felt like he was dying all over again- " Yeah, sure. And this time, I don’t wanna hear it. It’s strawberry or nuthin’ baby !" he replied, sending finger guns in her direction, his signature smile splitting painfully his face. "Eww, why do you have the worst taste in smoothies Leo ? Who in the world, drink strawberry smoothies ?!" exclaimed April, shivering at the thought. "Okay, okay… First of all, strawberry is based April. And second-" she makes a movement with her head, shushing him with a raised hand. "Uh-uh boy, don’t wanna hear it. If we gonna do this, we do it with style. Its pineapple and its final !" Leo felt compulsed to say something. He should say something. The old him would have started a debate, laugh it off. Uh… When did he start thinking of an old him ? Who was old ? The innocent child who lost everything or the boy who grew too accustomed to pain ?
"Leo ?" She noticed. April couldn’t notice anything, if she did, she would spill the beans to Donnie and then Donnie would say something to Raph ‘cause the Big Guy was a mother-hen and Leo really didn’t want to sit through another session of therapy with his family. He loved them with all his being. He got beat up to a pulp for them after all. "And now, my wrath will be reserved for you alone…" he could feel each step vibrating against the cold and dead floor of rock and metal. He was going to die- he truly did love them. But he couldn't do that again. Everything was raw and ugly, and they got so much on their plates already, it wasn't about him. It wasn’t anymore. It wasn’t fair, but when has the world been fair uh ? "Leo, everything okay ? You wanna sit down for a minute ?" no, please, he didn’t want to talk about it. Say something, Leo ! "Uh, what are you talking about Apes ? Donnie tastes are rubbing off on you ! Pineapple is the smoothie of heretics. The world best smoothie is-" Sunita jumped between them, making Leo jumped in fear and instinct."Lime !" she proclaimed, and all Leo sees is black and white, burning his eyes and mind, adrenaline pumping broken hopes and dead dreams.
"You ruined everything !" there was no up and down in this place, and yet as the spaceship fell, Leo felt like a dethroned angel, wings burned and crushed under the weight of a world he saved. But then, who would be there to save him ? "Leo, this is getting creepy… You sure you okay ?" April had stopped walking ahead of them she was now facing him, and Leo felt like a trap beast biting down its own leg to escape. "I- Of course I am, I’m- I’m-…" I’m fantastic. I’m okay. Everything is fine and dandy in the best of World, isn’t it ? But then, why was there a weight on his chest and rain on his face ? "Leo, come on…" someone had taken his hand, and then he doesn’t care anymore if it’s Sunita, April, Mikey, Raph or Donnie. Even Dad or Barry. All he cares about is that it’s about him, and yet it felt so selfish. What happened last time he was ? Right, the world almost ended, one of his brother almost died. But he repaid that, right ? He paid with his blood and pain, his own traumas and insomnias and tears. He had the right to be. He had the right to feel entitled and to grief for something personal.
"Leo, I don’t know what’s going on but… If you wanna talk, I’m here." But that’s the problem. He doesn’t want to talk. Talking makes everything real and obvious. It stops him from being a liar, to himself and others. Talking means admitting weakness. Emotions are a disability. Acknowledging them makes them real and tangible. Leo wanted to sit in his misery and refute that it ever existed. But did he had the right ? His family was trying to move forward, to admit their failures and wrongdoings and shortcomings. To try and be better. What right did he had to stop them in their closure ? He loved his family, and even if he repaid his debt toward Raph, did he paid enough for everyone else ? Would it be ever enough for Casey, who lost everyone, even the World ? Would it be enough for Donnie, who sacrificed is own body to the Technodrome ? Would it be enough for Mikey, who dreams of sand, ash and dust, where is hands splits and breaks ? Would it ? "I- I- I don’t know how to do this April." She frowns, but ask gently nonetheless "Do what Leo ?" and the teen feel like he is tearing apart from the inside.
His skin is tight and burning "I don’t know ! I don’t- I don’t know…." And for the first time in months, he wept. Why was it always about him, and yet never about himself ?
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dizzyaddy · 5 months
drowning - naruto x oc pt. 1
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(i do not own any naruto characters, only the original character)
life was a blur before i met him.
the rising sun adorning the pastel sky greeted me with a new day. i exhaled a shaky breath as i treaded down the dirt path, the morning dew still evident on the nearby patches of grass. i had been up all night training and it was only now taking a toll on me. my eyelids felt heavy as did my feet below me, which were slowly but surely starting to drag behind me.
as much as i loved konohagakure, sometimes it simply feels suffocating. the infamous nine tails attack had devastated the village, leaving many people with little to no family. thanks to my older sister, we both somehow managed to survive. that being said, the rest of our clan along with our parents had perished along with half of the village.
i was simply too young to remember such an event, though to this day it still took a toll on my elder sister. she was once a proud shinobi, willing to put her life on the line for anybody and everybody. sometimes she will tell me old stories of her battles and how strong she used to be. nowadays, she can’t do much physically but still tries her best to keep the lighthearted spirit hanging in the air.
it makes me feel guilty, really, for being so able bodied and still feeling so useless. even in her state, she managed to raise me and continuously care and watch over me. her strength truly is something i admire most about her, her unwillingness to give up in defeat. now every time i feel like throwing in the towel, i’m reminded of all that she was and all that she continues to be.
hence, why i’m walking through the village at dawn to locate her pain medicine. my muscles trembled and ached, the exhaustion finally weaving its way through my body as i continued to push myself through the square. i had been back from my B ranked mission for a few days, and i was instructed to take this time to recuperate and replenish myself. as much as i would like to listen, my stubbornness deemed it impossible as i found any opportunity to make myself stronger.
coming up on the shop, i exhaled a breath of relief as i saw they had just opened. my rhythmic steps had picked up their pace as i was overcome with joy that i would be able to do something for my sister. my hand was about to touch the door handle before-
“hey!” a perky voice greeted me, taking my attention away from the door to this mysterious person. my eyes locked with his sky blue eyes as i felt myself stop breathing. i had lived in kohonagakure all my life, but never have i ever seen eyes that bright. eyes that held so much emotion, so much passion, so much optimism.
“sorry, can i help you?” i asked, trying to find the courage in my words. it wasn’t often that i spoke to people other than my sister. even if i did, it was always me doing someone a favor or-
“yeah about that, i noticed you were about to walk in here. you see, i just got back from training with my sensei for an overly long amount of time and i was instructed to pick up some medicine for him. you see, i kinda really hurt him awhile back and now he-“ he rambled as he sheepishly pushed through the words, his arm retracted behind his head as he rubbed it awkwardly.
“you need to go in front of me? i won’t mind,” i cut him off, his ramblings instantly quieting as he nodded eagerly. my, how can someone have this much energy in the morning?
“yes actually that would help out a lot, im sorry i know we both have places to be but-“ he started again before i politely held my hand in front of me and shook my head, signaling that it truly was okay.
“no no, it’s okay. i hope you find what you’re looking for,” i meekly said, my hand finally wrapping around the handle and opening it for him to walk through. he continued to stand there, dumbfounded at my actions while he stared at me with curiosity. i could feel my knees buckle with anxiety, hoping he would walk through quickly so i can get home.
“geez, you’re really nice you know that?” he said with a smile before walking through the open door. i felt a small smile creep up on my face before i followed him into the shop. he waltzed toward the counter as i kept my distance behind him, not wanting to impose on his privacy. the man working the counter quickly took his order before returning to the back to rummage for whatever it is he needed.
“so what’re you doing here this early?” he asked, catching me off guard. my eyes left my feet and collided with his, which were once again already looking at me. and i going to feel this winded every time?
“i just got finished training, i have to pick up some medicine for my sister,” i sheepishly said, my fingers intertwining with another as i stood there under his gaze. he was tall and built, his shaggy blonde hair firmly sweeping over his headband in all the right ways. his bright blue eyes still holding as much warmth as they did before as i noticed he had cat like whiskers on both sides of his cheeks. before he could add on to my statement, i asked,” what about you? as you said, it is quite early.”
he looked at me for another moment before a grin swept across his features, momentarily entrancing me.
“i just got back from training with my sensei, i’ve been gone for three whole years and now i’m finally back home!” he brought his fist up and pumped it in the air as he spoke. his enthusiasm brought a smile to my face as i stood there listening to his every word.
“i’m sorry, i forgot you already said that,” i spoke with a slight chuckle. “three years of training? geez, i’m sincerely happy you’re back home. i hope you can make the most of it,” i said with a smile, his confidence keenly rubbing off on me.
“order up!” the man behind the counter announced as he set the bag of medicine on the counter. the boy in front of me quickly turned around and exchanged some coins for the bag before he picked it up and turned around to face me.
“gee, thanks! i’ve really gotta get going or else i’m gonna be in trouble, but thanks for talking to me!” he waved a grandiose goodbye before rushing out of the store, quickly leaving me behind. moments after her left, my heart was still racing as i was left there staring after him. i probably would have stood there longer if it weren’t for the polite man behind the counter looking at me expectantly.
“the usual?” he asked before i nodded, not wanting to keep my sister waiting any longer. he nodded in acknowledgment before he swiftly reached down and pulled out the bag of medicine i’ve become too keen on seeing.
“you know, you’ve been coming in here more often lately. i could always up the dosage so she doesn’t go through so much,” he offered. i dug out the coins in my pouch before softly putting them in his rough hand.
“thank you for the offer, i would have to talk to her first but i will definitely keep that in mind. thank you, again, i hope you have a great day!” i said before making my way toward the exit. he looked at me with pity before putting on a smile and waving me off.
my smile immediately dropped when i exited the shop. i knew what he was saying was true, but it doesn’t mean i have to heed it in this moment. the birds vibrant songs had become more prominent than when i had entered the store. the sky’s candy colors faded into a mesmerizing blue as i stared up at it for a few moments before counting my journey home.
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missywritesfor7 · 9 months
🌺 Promise Flower | PJM 🌺
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Synopsis: Jimin is a popular dance student and the best one at his university. Mina is a photography student and has known Jimin since high school. An idea for a photo project finds Mina getting closer to him than she ever has before. She learns how big his heart is, but also learns how closely he guards it. Every time she thinks he'll let her in, he pulls away again. Is it even worth the trouble?
Pairing: college student!Jimin x fem!oc
Warnings: depression, anxiety, panic attacks, alcoholism
Previous Chapter | Next Chapter | Masterlist
|| Ch. 8: Embarrassed ||
I wake up the next morning with a terrible headache. It’s been a while since I’ve had so much to drink in one night. The sunlight creeping into the room is burning through my dry eyes. Was I really that drunk?
“Morning, Sunshine.”
I turn over in the bed and see Jimin stepping out of his bathroom. For some reason he’s not wearing a shirt. Why? Where did his shirt go?? I look at him dumbfounded trying to replay the previous night in my head hoping I didn’t say or do anything that would cause regrets.
“Hey,” I mumble holding my head.
“Hang on,” he says smiling and walking out of the room.
Typically I would stop him and tell him to get off of his feet, but right now I can barely see straight. What a fucking hangover.
“Here,” he says returning with some pills and a bottle of water. “For your headache.”
“Thanks,” I say tossing the pills in my mouth and drowning them with water. “How are you awake and functioning right now?”
“I’m not a lightweight like some people,” he jokes sitting next to me on the bed. “I can make you some hangover soup.”
“You don’t have to do that,” I say laying my head back on the pillow. “I don’t think it’s that bad.”
“No?” He says raising an eyebrow. “Do you remember throwing up in the middle of the night?”
“I what? Did I really?”
“Yup,” he giggles. “You fell asleep then woke up 10 minutes later stumbling to the bathroom. Don’t worry though, I made sure you got there.”
“Shit,” I whisper. “Sorry. I guess I had a bit more than I’m used to. I didn’t…do anything else embarrassing, did I?”
“No, at least nothing that I thought was embarrassing.” Something about the smile on his face is telling me otherwise.
“What else happened?”
“What do you remember?”
“I remember being on the couch…we were watching something, or trying to, I remember that much.”
“Anything else?”
“Umm…” my head is killing me and trying to remember everything last night is only making it hurt more. What else even happened?
“Do you remember coming to bed?”
“No. Wait, I think? How did I get to bed?”
Jimin continues smiling not saying a word. I think harder about last night. He was pulling me by the arm into the bedroom after he said we should go to bed. After we kissed. We kissed. Holy shit we were making out.
“Remember now?” He asks reading the expression on my face.
Suddenly I’m embarrassed hiding my face behind the bedsheets. He only smiles and pulls the sheets away revealing my mortified face.
“Are you shy now that you’ve sobered up?” He asks tucking a bit of my hair behind my ear.
“No, I mean kind of. Shit, no. What I’m trying to say is…” what am I trying to say? We kissed. We made out. And I’m not upset about it, but I was so drunk. What the hell am I supposed to say?
“I’ll make the soup for you,” he chuckles. “I’ll make sure you feel better, don’t worry.” He stands up and walks out of the room leaving me laying there lost in my mind.
He’ll make sure I feel better? Does he remember what we did last night? Does he…want to do it again? Maybe a go at it sober to make sure it wasn’t just a drunken mistake? Also I’d like to remember it better. No, what am I saying?
I can hear pots clattering and utensils clanging around in the kitchen. I pull myself out of my thoughts and find the strength to get up and go see what Jimin is doing.
“You should lay back down,” he says dumping a handful of veggies into a pot of broth. “I’ll bring the food to you.”
“I told you you don’t have to. You should stay off your leg.” I can tell he’s putting most of his weight on his good leg and I know he probably shouldn’t.
“I’m fine,” he smiles. “Once everything is in the pot I’ll sit down until it’s ready.” He continues adding items to the pot and tossing some seasonings on top.
I open my mouth to protest more but his smile takes the sound before it comes out. Why am I so weak just looking at him? He’s standing there with the most gorgeous smile on his face as he prepares soup with no shirt on.
“But, your leg…” I mumble, suddenly forgetting how to function. What the hell is wrong with me?
“I’m ok, really. I’m almost done anyway.”
I watch as he gives the pot one more stir and puts the lid on as it simmers. He opens the refrigerator and grabs two sports drinks.
“You need to hydrate after all that drinking and…vomiting,” he says handing me a bottle.
“Thanks. I’m sorry about whatever happened last night.”
“You don’t need to be sorry. I had a lot of fun.”
“Really? I didn’t do anything to kill the mood?”
“No,” he laughs. “What do you think we did?”
“Well…I know…we kissed…”
“Do you think you did something to kill the mood while we were kissing?”
“No, I mean I don’t know. It’s kind of a blur. I’m just apologizing in case I did do something.”
“You didn’t,” he reassures.
“That’s good. But umm…I have a question though…where is your shirt?”
“Soaking? Why?”
“I helped you make it to the bathroom last night, but a lot of what you threw up made it on my shirt and not the toilet.” He smiles as if he’s amused by it, but I’m mortified at the thought of him having to deal with drunk me throwing up all over him all while he’s barely two weeks out of surgery.
“Oh my god, Jiminie I’m so sorry! I’m not usually this terrible when I drink. I’ll wash your shirt for you, where is it?”
“Mina,” he says chuckling and shaking his head. “Chill, I took care of it. And when did you start calling me ‘Jiminie’?”
“I didn’t.”
“You did. Just now. Last night too.”
“You must have heard me wrong.” He didn’t hear me wrong, but I’m so embarrassed for so many reasons already, I don’t want to add calling him a cute nickname to the list.
“If you say so,” he chuckles. “Go sit down, I’ll bring your food.”
“You should be the one sitting. I can get my food.”
“Mina, you’ve been taking care of me for weeks now. Let me take care of you this once. If my leg starts bothering me I’ll sit down, I promise.”
I can’t argue with him. Not when he’s like this…all cute and domestic. I can only nod and make my way to the couch. I watch him from the living room as he turns the stove off and prepares two bowls.
It’s clear that he’s happy to be able to move around on his own. He still has a bit of a limp, but he’s been following his physical therapy religiously and it shows even after just a short time.
Even so, I still want to get up and at least meet him halfway so he’s not limping around with two bowls of hot soup in tow, but the second I start to get up he tilts his head at me with the sassiest “stay put” look that I’ve ever seen from anyone that wasn’t a parent. That scared me back down.
“Eat it up,” he says handing me the bowl. “My grandma used to make this whenever I was sick.” He sits next to me and stirs his soup around with his spoon. “When I got older I learned that it was hangover soup. I also learned how good it is at curing hangovers.” He chuckles a bit looking into his bowl. This soup seems to be taking him back to some cherished memories.
I take a bite and nod in satisfaction. It’s delicious, filled with a bit of meat and veggies. There’s nothing fancy about it, he didn’t use exotic ingredients or anything, but it tastes like home comfort. It tastes like a warm hug laced with tender loving care. I have to take another bite just to make sure I’m not exaggerating.
“This is really good!” I say taking a third bite. “What did you put in this?”
“It’s my grandma’s secret recipe.” He takes a few bites and hums with a smile.
“Your grandma is amazing.”
“I know,” he chuckles.
We both finish off our bowls and he takes them into the kitchen. He doesn’t clean them, but he claims Hoseok will be home later today and he’ll most likely clean up for him. He says that he does clean, but not right away, which is the opposite of Hoseok.
Once again we find ourselves turning the tv on to serve as nothing more than background noise while we talk to each other the entire time. We discovered a new movie we both would love to watch, but we decided we’d do it at another time. We also found a drama that we want to start soon. I love that we have a similar taste in shows and movies. We continue talking over the tv and I can feel my headache gradually going away until it becomes a distant memory.
The entire time Jimin has been very attentive. He asks me every so often if my head is feeling better. He asks if I need more medicine or anything else to eat or drink. He massaged my scalp and let me rest my head in his lap as he ran his fingers through my hair. His touch is so gentle and soothing I find myself falling asleep.
I napped for about an hour, and when I woke up I was still in the same spot resting in his lap. I thought he would have tossed me to the side at some point. I look up at him and he’s still awake quietly scrolling his phone. He notices me stirring and smiles as if my big head hasn’t cut off the circulation to his leg for the past hour.
“How was your nap?” He asks.
“It was good. My head feels better.” I raise my head off his lap and rub my eyes to clear my vision.
“That’s good. I wanted to move you to the bed, but I didn’t want to disturb you.”
“That’s ok. Sorry I fell asleep on you,” I chuckle.
“You don’t have to apologize. You look cute when you’re sleeping.” He smiles and I can feel every drop of blood in my body rush to my face.
“You’re just saying that,” I say bashfully.
“No I mean it. You always look cute when you’re sleeping.”
“Probably not cuter than you.” I can’t believe I just said that. But shit, if he keeps smiling as adorably as he is right now I’ll say any and every stupid ass line I can think of.
“Yeah…you’re probably right,” he says with a cheesy smirk.
“Wow, such modesty,” I sarcastically huff. “That’ll be the last time I try to compliment you.” I grab a pillow and throw it at him making him erupt in giggles.
“How dare you throw a pillow at this face?” He laughs tossing the pillow back at me.
“You celebrities are all the same, so full of yourselves,” I joke.
“But you like it,” he says with a teasing smile.
Sometimes I can never tell if he’s just playing around or if he’s reading right through me. No shit I like it. I like everything about him. I like kissing him. I want to kiss him again. Right now. Maybe I should just do it and see what happens. Instead my phone decides to buzz constantly from a string of text messages.
[Tae]: MINA!
[Tae]: You didn’t go home last night
[Tae]: Why??
[Tae]: How am I supposed to come by and tell you about what happened last night if you’re not at home?!
[Me]: I’m at Jimin’s
[Me]: What happened last night?
[Tae]: I need to see you! I need to SHOW YOU!
[Tae]: When will you be home??
I don’t know what he’s on about, but his string of messages continues faster than I can respond. Jimin looks on with confusion on his face.
“Your phone is blowing up,” he says with a little concern. “Is everything ok?”
“Yeah,” I smile. “It’s Tae. He says he has something to tell me and show me. I guess he went by my place and realized I wasn’t there.”
“Oh.” Jimin pauses, still watching me texting back and forth with Tae. “Does he always go by your place whenever?”
“Sometimes I feel like he’s at my place more than his,” I chuckle.
“Are you going to leave now?” I don’t know why he’s asking as if I’d never come back again. His eyes are big and innocent like a puppy that wants to play just a little longer.
“Well no, I’ll catch up with him later.”
“Oh ok, if you need to go you can. Don’t let me keep you.”
“You’re not keeping me, I’ll just meet him for dinner later.” My smile is met with his reserved nod.
Something is odd, but I can’t tell if I’m just reading too deep or if something is bothering him. I mean, he’s like this a lot whenever I’m about to go somewhere. He’ll look at me with the same eyes as Blossom, which he keeps on the bed, and ask me if I’m leaving with his bottom lip poked out in a pout. I’m weak to the way he looks at me and that’s part of the reason why I’ve spent so many nights here. But he’s probably just lonely since Hoseok has been gone. Hoseok should be back soon so maybe he won’t feel so alone. Unless there’s another reason why he’s like this?
Maybe we should talk. About the kiss. I think we need to figure out what it meant, if it was just because we were drunk or if there’s more to it. If there’s more to it then maybe we should discuss it further. I don’t know. I just feel like the elephant in the room needs to be addressed. I’m not sure how to bring it up though.
Tae and I agreed to meet at my place for dinner at 8. It’s only 5 now so I figure there’s no problem with me staying a little longer to at least say hi to Hoseok when he returns and congratulate him on his win.
Jimin says he’s happy that I’ll stay a bit longer, but he seems a bit more reserved now. It’s like a switch flipped and he went from being flirty and playful to shy and quiet. My attempts to talk to him are met with short answers and forced smiles. I’m so confused because I thought we were having a good time. Why did he suddenly start acting like I was some sort of stranger?
Thankfully not much time passes before Hoseok comes barreling through the door to save us from the sudden awkwardness. He inspects Jimin from head to toe and interrogated him briefly to make sure he’s been taking care of himself properly. Once he’s satisfied he goes on to tell us all about his trip.
Jimin is back to his perky self when Hoseok is around and I begin to think that maybe I was thinking too deep and he just really missed his friend. It’s clear that they’re very close to one another, almost like blood brothers.
I figure I should leave them to catch up. I start feeling like the third wheel and I don’t want to be in the middle of whatever they may want to share with each other in private.
“Thanks for taking care of him,” Hoseok says hugging me after I announced that I’d be going home.
“Have fun with Tae,” Jimin says. While his words seem like they would be playful, his delivery is very monotone. It’s catches me off guard a bit how emotionless he seems to be right now.
It was weird and I cant stop thinking about it as I go home and wash off in the shower. We were enjoying ourselves, what made him suddenly build a wall between us? Did I say something wrong? Maybe he suddenly thought about me vomiting on him last night and got repulsed. I really wish I hadn’t gotten so drunk.
Does he think the kiss was a mistake?
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hockey-x-imagines · 2 years
Made to Last || Tyler Seguin/Jamie Benn Pt. 21
A/N: Since I didn’t get much feedback, I let my 2 proofreaders made the call, and they said switch to Jamie. That being said, I think I’m going to wrap up made to last in the next 2 parts, unless you guys want more. 
Song Inspo: Made to Last by Issues & No Guidance Chris Brown 
Paring: Tyler x Reader Jamie x Reader 
Warnings: Cussing 
Word Count: 1155
Jamie's P.O.V.
Things I don't recommend doing:
1. Falling in love with your best friend's fiancé.  
2. Telling said fiancé that you love her, especially on the phone after he fucked up.. Again.
It's not like I had planned to fall in love with her. And I'm not sure when I fell in love with Y/N, it kinda just happened. I never planned to tell her either. I wholeheartedly planned on cheering her and Tyler on. Maybe it makes me a shitty person, but when she told me what Tyler did this time around, I felt like maybe I had a chance. I guess that's why I let those little words slip.
Hearing the knock on the door has a tornado of butterflies attacking my stomach. This conversation is really about to happen. As I walk towards my front door several emotions run through my head. Excitement, fear, anxiety, hope. Opening the door there stands Y/N. Even with a tear-stained face, she's the prettiest girl I've ever seen. I step to the side, silently inviting her in. Y/N follows me into my living room where we both sit in awkward silence.
"Jamie are you sure you want to have this conversation?" She looks over at me, worry etched in her features.
"Honestly, I don't know. I've already told you I love you, so we might as well have it." The truth is if this goes wrong, I'll be losing 2 of my closest friends. That being said, I can't just let my confession hang between us.
"When you said you loved me, did you mean as in a sister?" She asks, this time her focus is in her lap.
"No. I'm in love with you. I don't exactly know when this happened, I just know it did. I know Tyler is still in the picture, and I'm not asking you to leave him for me, especially when you're having his baby. But I want you to know how I really truly feel, and from there you can make your decision."
"Okay," I noticed a sense of hesitance in her tone. I take a deep breath before I continue.
"I don't wanna play games. I know you're tired of the same damn thing. I'd fuck around and give you my last name. You're the only one I wanna make love to. You're the only one I wanna pick and choose."
"Jamie I-"
"Hold on, I'm not done. I'm the one you call when shit hits the fan. I'm the one you go to for help with Tyler. I'm the one you call when he's made you cry. Every single time. And please don't take that wrong. I'm more than happy to be the one you come to. I don't make you cry. I would never pull half the shit Tyler has. I'd never run to some skank because we're having issues. I'd do everything and anything I could to make you happy. I'd raise my best friend's kid, if it meant I got to have you."
"Are you done yet?" There was a slight hint of impatience in Y/N's tone. Lovely. Did I already fuck this up?
"Yeah I'm done." I sigh, scared of what she is going to say next.
"I think I need a little time to think about everything you've said. I just have one question."
"That's understandable. Ask me anything you want." I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding. Maybe I didn't lay it on too heavy.
"If you're in love with me, why did you push me into Tyler's arms?" It's the same question I've asked myself several times.
"I didn't know I loved you then. I thought I was happy to make you and him both happy. It wasn't until recently, that I realized I was in love with you Y/N. If I knew earlier, I could've saved you a lot of hurt, and I would've."
"I believe you, I just wish I would've known sooner. I need a few days. I'm going to get a room for a few days so I can sort my head out, then I'll let you know where we go from here. One thing I want you to know, is you're never going to lose me, no matter what." That I can live with.
"Are you sure? You can stay here, I'll get a room or I can go stay with Rads." Something about her staying in a hotel just doesn't sit right with me.
"Yes I'm sure, it'll be okay." Y/N tries to reassure me, but it's not working. I have a bad feeling and I don't know why.
"Fine. At least let me pay for it." I offer, trying to ease the bad feeling.
"Okay, you can pay for it. But please give me the space I'm asking for." She pleaded.
"I can do that." I agree.
"Thank you, I appreciate you." With a hug, she walked right out the front door.
Y/N's P.O.V.
After hearing Jamie's confession, you're more confused than ever.  There's a part of you that knows deep down you deserve someone like Jamie in your life. You know he'd treat you right, the proof is in the pudding. He's continuously been your shoulder to cry on, no matter what. Logically he's your best option. You know without a shadow of a doubt that he'd take care of you and the baby without hesitation. The only thing you can think of that's holding you back is Tyler. No matter what bullshit he's put you through, you still love him. Feelings don't just go away overnight.
Sitting alone in your hotel room, you're thinking about who to call to sort your head out and your first choice is Jamie. That's when it hits you. If you were to take Tyler out of the situation, you could really see yourself with Jamie.  Is your decision that easy? It could be if you'd let it. But the stupid voices in your head won't let anything be that easy. You keep circling back to the good times with Tyler. Because face it, there were a lot of good times, but there are a lot of bad times as well. At what point does the bad outweigh the good?
You knew you needed to talk to someone, you just didn't know who would be unbiased in the situation. Your next option was to write everything down. So you did, you wrote down the pros and cons of each man. You wrote down how you were feeling, you wrote down every single thought you were having. After writing everything down, the answer you were looking for was still the same. Jamie would be your best bet. Tyler has shown you time and time again that he really doesn't care. You know the relationship you once had with Tyler was a thing of the past. That thought alone has a fresh wave of sadness washing over you.
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