#like. now in the 2020s i think people are finally waking up and going 'oh shit animorphs is darker than i thought'
kaftan · 1 year
Animorphs rambling incoming:
i don’t think people who haven’t read Animorphs understand that Animorphs is the quintessential “childhood trauma in a sff setting” narrative. but people need to understand. because at its core, past the simplified synopsis (six kids gain the power to turn into animals so they can fight the aliens that are infiltrating Earth by sneaking into people’s brains!), Animorphs is a war story. it’s not a story about a war that just so happens to star children--it’s about child soldiers. Applegate and her co-authors made a choice to refuse to dress it up as “kid superheroes save the day!” because they wanted that message to sink in.
it’s hard to really convey this fact about the series with any number of words because you really need to read it yourself, you need to experience the crumbling of naivete and slow erosion of morality and steady piling up of casualties over ~1.4 million words. but... between the moments of levity, goofiness, and genuine fun (which the series is full of! they’re welcome breaks from the many grimmer scenes) the message of the cost of war, the way it destroys children, is always present. it’s sobering.
even outside the war context, it’s all the little things: symptoms of PTSD like rachel’s increasing aggression / jake’s listlessness and depression / everyone’s hypervigilance and self loathing; the hopeless of knowing as a child that no one is coming to save us; that moment in #19 where marco is desperately trying to lift the team’s spirits by Using Humor To Cope but every joke falls flat; the repeated scenes of different animorphs mourning the people they used to be and the world they can never return to; i could go on and on--it’s all of these things that are emblematic of childhood trauma in general. try as i might, i can’t think of any other series that does what Animorphs does with extended narratives of trauma, period. that’s why i’m nuts about these books. that’s why i think everyone needs to read them.
thanks for attending this impromptu TED talk.
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eisa-core · 4 months
I would like to request going seventeen ( insomnia-zero II #1) episode 29
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[GOING SEVENTEEN] EP.29 불면제로 II (Insomnia-Zero)
🌟 Insomnia-Zero returns 🌟 in all it's meme-making glory!
With their cringy pasts being unearthed right there, who will maintain their cool and succeed in clocking out of work?!
«Okay! insomnia-zero season 2. Hoshi's insomnia-zero!»
Hoshi immediately began speaking energetically as soon as the staff started recording his show, Insomnia-zero: trying to keep calm, your heartbeat relatively low, while others disturb you by exposing your 'secrets' or by being, as usual, silly.
«It took longer than we expected to start the 2nd season» - Woozi continued along with Hoshi.
«That's right. But there's a reason for this: in fact, for season 2, the rules have been upgraded» - Hoshi continued presenting the new rules in the same initial tone. For Daisy this was new, in the first season of 2020, she had not been able to participate along with Seungcheol, but she had caught up with the episode and she was afraid she would not be able to go home that day.
«Let's start» - Hoshi finished introducing the new rules to the viewers, cubics and carats, and with a cut to the scene, the staff had started to place the bed and pillow, putting the heart rate meter on each person.
«Daisy, you weren't there the first time. How about we get started with you?» - Dokyeom pushed her into the middle but fortunately he didn't want to make her the first victim of the game, rather, the first to expose the secrets of... Mingyu.
Mingyu already embarrassed and aware of what was in store for him got under the covers, knowing that Daisy was not as much of an angel as she might have appeared.
«Oh you know, during Insomnia-Zero 1... I wasn't there. But I wanted to talk about what happened at a concert back in the days.» - Daisy sat back comfortably including the others to humour her with what she was going to say, it seemed like it wasn't something "new" at all.
«Oh that's legendary!» - Seungkwan added. «It was a concert abroad! He used to lift up his shirt to show off his abs!» - Daisy continued making everyone laugh, including the lighting technician who was playing behind them... yes new rules.
«And now that we can't do concerts, the only way we can meet our fans is during fansigns» - Daisy continued enthusiastically, Seungkwan next to her loved being able to add details about it.
«There's a very short span of time where we're outside and bodyguards with us leading the way» - «Exactly! And Mingyu in those five seconds-» - Daisy paused as just imagining the scene she wanted to describe was amusing. «He's stretching his biceps» - She concluded and then threw her back to the floor, shuffling her feet in embarrassment for her friend, who was squinting his eyes trying not to wake up.
Perhaps it was better for him, or he would have witnessed Seungkwan's super spot-on imitation. «Mingyu likes to show off» - Dokyeom added continuing with the muscle imitation. «야! people will think i'm a pervert!» - Mingyu could finally stand up and 'defend' himself, pointing a finger at Daisy who was flicking tongues at him.
«Go you now our dear princess» - Mingyu was looking forward to nothing more than being able to take revenge, but what could be expected from the only two aries in the group?
Daisy wanted to disappear now, her heart pounding just at the idea of having to participate in the game.
«It's time to reveal something that all of us have kept from you, even Jun and Minghao» - Jeonghan took the initiative, also naming the two members who were absent that day, and who he knew very well are the two members who never hide anything from little Hyejin.
«Carats, as you well know our dear Daisy is very obsessed with coffee» - Seungkwan continued. «Well coming from you...» - He was immediately interrupted by Woozi who, with this comment, made him roll his eyes. «It's her turn, not mine!» - He sulkily defended himself, Daisy giggled under her breath hearing the chaos they were already creating.
«Anyway, I was saying, she's obsessed with coffee, so for her birthday we had given her a coffee machine, she loved it, she used it every day» - Daisy feeling the memory of her beloved gift had brought her hands to her breast. «It's time to reveal why the coffee machine broke. I know, you think it was an internal fault but it wasn't...» - Daisy hearing these sentences opened her mouth wide, already not caring about how she was supposed to keep calm.
«It was Moon Junhui... he started clicking a thousand buttons until smoke came out and it stopped working» - The name of the culprit had been said under the laughter of the others, who watched poor Daisy inwardly weeping at the loss of her precious object. At the moment of the wake-up call she considered her 'sleeping' time to be over, she jumped up and walked straight towards the main camera. «Moon Junhui! Count your days!» - She put her hands to her hair shocked. «Are you watching this Jun? Stay in China! Don't come back here!» - She was obviously offended, but in a joking way.
«It is time to announce who can go home» - The pd-nim after all the members had gone through the "terrible sleep" waited to hear their names called. And so it was for all but Woozi, Mingyu and Daisy. Woozi had failed after there was a talk of his pride and a made-up story about (not pink boxers) but his Hercules-like muscles.
[After some no-holds-barred talk 'in front' of their backs, ASMR! Insomnia-Zero II, now with breathing techniques! Who will be the last member to stay awake?]
«Okay so with our ambiguous Mingyu, our Woozi who denies being a winner and our Daisy who lost her favourite svt member along with her coffee machine, let's begin the last round.» - Woozi huffed as he got used to these last sentences from Hoshi, it was the second time he had failed to come home in the four rounds. And that was what he hated the most. Daisy also, she never could stand asmr, especially she couldn't conceive how this could help her fall asleep, it only annoyed her.
[Hoshi's Mukbang; Hoshi's debut show starts] [Ramen Asmr]
«Oh Gosh.. Oh God.. this look so» - Woozi started to say and was interrupted by Mingyu and Daisy simultaneously «Good» - «Disgusting».
Hoshi continued to deliciously eat his pot of hot noodles, also chewing some kimchi and leaving very ambiguous comments such as "Mmm" "Aaah" every bite.
«Okay this is going too far» - Daisy could no longer continue, it was like torture. She stood cross-legged taking off her headphones. «Oh! Daisy's up! Let's interrupt the timer and calculate the results.» - Hoshi carried on with the last scene of the episode, which could give either obvious or shocking results. No one really understood what was the best method to keep a calm pace.
«In the meantime, tell us how you feel. Mingyu?» - «I feel ambiguous, I feel weird, but I'm confident i'm sure I will win» - He said giving Daisy, the one who led him to lose the previous rounds, a bad tongue. «Woozi?» - «I'm confident I will lose» - He replied bluntly and now abandoned to the fortunes of his fate with this type of Going Seventeen. «Daisy?» - «I'm hopeful that Woozi will lose too» - He answered the question with a wink at Woozi, in reality he knew full well that he was in danger of staying here until the end of the shoot.
«The results are in and...» - Hoshi had the paper given by the staff in his hand, laughing as soon as he read the name written on it. «Mingyu and Daisy you can go home!» - The two nominees held their hands clasped in prayer but upon hearing their names spoken and the word home immediately after made them get up and jump all over the room, as if until a few minutes before they hadn't been bickering at each other.
[2 Awards] [Insomnia-Zero is defined for WOOZI]
«Why is it always me?» - The producer thought aloud as Hoshi joined the group hug between Mingyu and Daisy. «Catch you tomorrow in the studio Woozi! Sleep well!» - Daisy added as a final comment full of glee, hurriedly taking off her microphone. «Guess who won't be singing on the next title track!»
ー☆ ͏
oc's masterlist
going seventeen
taglist: @cinnamon-falls ; @allthings-fandoms ; @taestrwbrry ; @illusionocnet ; @kimhyejin3108 ; @enhacolor
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angelosearch · 4 months
here is a weird little ramble about how weird and obsessive I am about this damn videogame.
You know that quote from Laguna at the beginning of disk 2 where he is like, "Oh, please let it be this room when I wake up! Please let me be in this puny bed when I wake up!"*?
I get that feeling sometimes. When you finally feel safe and happy and loved, it's hard to believe it will stay. Sometimes it's hard to believe I even deserve for it to stay. So I start and end each day with the fear of it all disappearing, and it's hard to hang on to gratefulness when you're doing that.
Right now I have so much joy and fun and creativity in my life. I spent so many years in a deep depression that I forgot I could be excited like this. I didn't know I could still feel so strongly about things. And while I spent a lot of 2023 seeing all of my mental health treatments/work paying off, I didn't feel truly whole until I rediscovered Final Fantasy VIII in July.
And my "puny bed" is just that - being engaged with Final Fantasy VIII. I get scared that one day I will be uninterested. But I never want to be unobsessed again.
I have loved Final Fantasy VIII at least since I was about 11, but I think I loved it since the first time I watched my brothers play the demo. It has been an important part of my life - playing the game influenced all my interests going forward; making fanfiction taught me how to write; going on forums to discuss the game helped me learn how to socialize online; and honestly I could go on.
But I've gone through cycles. I was very obsessed from 11 to 13, then someone made me a cake with the Griever necklace on it for my 16th birthday (WHICH WAS SO COOL) and all I could feel was embarrassment. My interest had gone completely dormant. It reemerged at 19 with the help of my Final Fantasy XIII roommate in college and went on long enough for us to go to see a Distant Worlds concert together, but faded again when she left for Amsterdam.
The first five years of my young professional life I am not sure I had any interests at all, being so busy and detached from myself, so Final Fantasy VIII was nowhere in my vocabularly. Which meant my wedding had not a drop of FFVIII in it. Even though my husband suggested it. Even though we learned how to dance for it, and could have done the waltz for the moon.
Strangely enough, about two days before the remaster dropped, I was inspired to look up FFVIII for some unknown reason. It was as if I felt the new opportunity to play in the force and when I found out a remaster was coming out, I absolutely had to play it.
And I did. And I enjoyed it. But that was when I started to fall down a dark spiral. The love was very quickly strangled.
When I was at my very worst, I kid you not, I could not even bring myself to think of FFVIII. I very clearly remember one December night in 2020 I spent manic in a psych ward, scared and uncomfortable and unable to fall asleep. I tried to focus on fanfiction ideas so I could maybe be relaxed enough to doze, instead of spending hours in the darkness wondering if my meds would ever work, if my heart was going to explode, if I would ever be "normal" again, while people opened my door at random intervals to shine a flashlight on my face. I tried to conjure Squall's face, or quotes from the game, and it all collapsed into nothingness.
And that was how it was. From then until mid-2023, FFVIII was shut away from me by the tomb of my own illness.
Then, I think it was March or April, my therapist and I were talking about ways to tackle my insomnia that didn't involve additional medication. It came up that I used to make "fake bedtime scenarios" about characters in this videogame I liked and that would not only help me fall asleep, but make me excited to go to bed.
"Why don't you play the game again?" She asked. I know I said "I can't" but I don't remember why. But it was enough to plant a seed (SeeD?).
As the spring continued, I started listening to the music from Final Fantasy VIII. Then I started going on the Reddit. I found this "State of the Arc" podcast that reviewed FFVIII. I listened to it on a roadtrip and, while I enjoyed it, I also found myself yelling at the dashboard because I disagreed with the hosts about something.
When I reached my destination, I found I could not fall asleep. I turned over a lot of things in my brain. I thought about Squall being a high-functioning depressed person with a lot of repressed feelings, like I once was. And how as your brain develops and you have issues like that, especially with CPTSD, it sometimes doesn't matter if your life is good now - the pain demands to be felt and the body remembers what you thought you forgot. And then I wondered, what if he was happy and with Rinoa after FFVIII but had a massive mental breakdown in his late 20s? And so, for the first time in three years, I could think about Final Fantasy VIII to fall asleep again.
After that, I was hooked again, and in a big way. I played the game again and found Reddit wasn't enough anymore. I may be even more obsessed with the game now than I ever was. So I joined Tumblr, and I guess you guys know the rest.
Since bringing this amazing videogame back into my life, I've been happier, more easy-going, and just... able to sit with myself. It makes me want to write, and draw, and sing, and play card games. I find that when my anxiety gets the best of me, I can shift to thinking about Final Fantasy VIII as a way of thought-stopping. And then I've met some amazing people on here that are so interesting and talented and supportive. I literally look forward to coming on Tumblr.
Today I was out and about a lot because I am with my in-laws and I am sort of on vacation. Because of that, I wasn't on Tumblr all day, and, more significantly, I didn't think/talk about Final Fantasy VIII. I mean, it wasn't completely absent from my day as I wore my "Compression of Time" tanktop and Squaket... but irrationally I feared I was somehow "not doing enough FFVIII" today.
And that is silly, of course. And I think in the big picture I am most afraid of being that disconnected and lost again. I could probably find joy in another fandom... maybe.
I just want to keep waking up here, in this cozy place that makes me feel connected and at home.
*btw in google this quote I found out Laguna is a brand of bed frame???
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zirielladior · 5 months
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ella's diary ୨୧
saturday || 12.2.2023
₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧ ゚.
hi guys, i'm back (after a century) and i'm gonna tell you why i was gone along with another update 😭
it's an extremely chaotic fall break & 'while-i-was-gone' summary, my apologies if you find it difficult to read.
so as of recently, i have a crush on a boy at school 😭 and i haven't liked a boy at school since i was nearly ten years old. it's been a few years.
it's been so chaotic, and i've been trying to journal about my school time and my thoughts at home and it takes up so much time along with me trying to manifest because apparently "it works!" so why not give it a shot.
well i did, and it works. only a bit though, along with the fact that every time i braid my hair in pigtails something happens between me and (we'll call him macaroni.)
we had fall break, and usually i love it, even though i can't stand my family for more than five waking hours, but this year, i couldn't wait to get back to see my friends, finish up school work, and get away from my family, (and maybe 1% cz i missed seeing macaroni at schl..?)
i've been so obvious lately, going to games he has and stuff and i'm pretty sure his friends know even if he doesn't i've seen him follow me into the library and walk by some of my classes so idk what to think (i need help 💀)
my friends keep telling me, not to stop every time i see him and when i see him (during lunch) i literally pause in my tracks and stare before i realize i'm probably being weird asf and then i turn around and my friends start getting excited with their usual dose of shits and giggles trying to see where i saw him (its like i have an entire process when i see him it's so pathetic 😭)
i'm terrifed and have to be sure that he knows, i probably like him. i mean we don't talk at all except for a few comments he made on my computer and me talking about his water bottle (it's stupid) and when he had detention i was getting grades for my test from my teacher and i should've picked a different time to ask but my teacher had told me to come in during break. (SO I DID 💀)
not only this, but me and my friends go to his games because on my friends likes someone on the team, and the other goes anyway for fun. so i started going with them, except my father grounded me because i took my computer to school and i'm not able to go anymore.
i feel kind of saved, because now i don't have to face the fear of being around him. and my friends they're constantly feeding me these delusions and what-if's which only excite me until i realize perhaps it isn't true. because nobody except for maybe 5 people i know have ever had a crush on me, not absolute strangers who i like and might like me back nobody as EVER "liked me back."
then again, i'm pretty sure his friends know bcz me and my 2 friends were walking out of the library and his friends left him where we were and started laughing when he found out we were right there and he ran back to his friends like he was embarrassed or something.
my friends ofc, keep telling me stuff like "oh after the game him and his mom both looked at you, so its possible he likes you and totally told his mom." but it's kinda believable because during the game his mom looked at me like twice and smiled at me. and he looks at me at school literally whenever we pass him when we're walking or something.
anyway, enough about my absolute panicking SCHOOOOOOLLL
i finally have straight a's guys !!
and i'm going to a melmar trilogy tour concert in may next yr, with my friends <3
also, i've been gone because my parents have been seriously wonky with their "after 9" or "after 10" rules on my devices and during the day i'm either reading or studying, but my winter break is in two weeks, and i WILL NOT DISAPPOINT my little lovelies reading this 💗 ty guys sm if you made it this far you guys are my real ones and you know it (🎄 if you made it to the end)
₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧ ゚.
love always, ella ୨୧
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blackbird-brewster · 1 year
Do you think that jemily could have been Canon? I think back to season 3 how the writers put them in situations like (you.kids.i can see it). What do you think about it?
'Could' have been canon? Sure, I think anything 'could' have been. There was always subtext between JJ/Emily and that played out over the entire course of the show. I think fans (sapphic people especially) have psychoanalysed every single second JJ/Emily shared screen time in the 15 years the show ran and I think we (sapphic folks) will ALWAYS say 'damn Jemily really did happen' (because we want it to be true) But logically, honestly, Jemily was never canon (nor do I think it ever will be). Because the thing about LOOKING for queer subtext as a queer person is....you will always find it or you will create it. There are tons of scenes where I jokingly say 'No heterosexual explanation for this' but that's because I'm queer and I'm biased and I am looking for Jemily, so OF COURSE I see Jemily. (Does that make sense?) Now if you're asking if they ever would become canon. No. I don't believe for a single second that's ever going to happen. Which actually brings to me to something I've been thinking a lot about since Tara was confirmed queer. So many fans are saying 'Oh why wasn't Emily confirmed queer?' or 'Emily's turn next!' and I don't know how else to say this but, I wouldn't hold your breath. I don't think Emily will ever be confirmed queer for a few reasons.
Many people take that little trivia bit 'Emily was supposed to wake up with a woman in her bed' which was leaked in an interview by Kirsten in 2015 and use it as confirmation that Emily IS queer. Ever since then, people have doubled down on analysing every single thing Emily has ever done, looking for queer subtext. (Me included) But here's the thing, just because in one early version of the show, Emily was supposed to sleep with a woman DOES NOT mean there's automatic queerness hiding in Emily. People will say 'oh well the costuming department knew and purposely dressed her like that, 'Paget knew and purposely played Emily like that', 'The writers knew and purposely hid queer subtext in there' None of that seems logical or real, imo. For all we know this mythical scene was just an idea tossed around in a writers room. We don't even know who all knew about it at all, OR when it got nixed (as in, how far down the pipeline did the idea get pulled bc there's a huge difference in this scene being in ONE draft vs this scene getting filmed and cut in editing. We literally have NO further context) Yeah, I talk about Emily being a lesbian all the time, but I need people to understand the difference in head canons/fanon and canon. Canon Emily isn't queer. Nor has she ever been. (Not unless the show explicitly has Emily come out)
Speaking of the infamous AfterEllen interview, SO SO many people say 'Oh well now that it's streaming we can finally have queer Emily! The only reason they never did it before was because of CBS and because that was way back in the early 00s' Again, the interview was in 2015. Kirsten says 'Back when Paget was on the show' which means prior to 2011....but we don't actually know WHEN this scene was supposed to happen. It could have been ANYTIME between S2 (2006) - S7 (2011) For the sake of argument let's say this scene was supposed to happen in S2 when Emily first joined the team. Sure, that WAS back in the early 00s....but this show ran UNTIL 2020. If the reason they couldn't make Emily queer was because 'It was back in 2006 and it was too taboo' well guess what? They had fourteen seasons of the show where they could have made her queer, considering how many main-stream shows have queer characters now. 'It was CBS who nixed it' well, by 2020 CBS had multiple queer characters on their shows. [X] So that's not really an argument anymore either. If the showrunners WANTED to make Emily queer, they really could have done it at ANY time after Emily returned.
Another reason I don't think we'd ever see canon queer Emily is because of the toxicity and cringe of a lot of the fans (Mostly Jemily fans!) online. People have zero understanding of parasocial boundaries and the way fans act online towards the actors is so so so gross. No matter what Paget or AJ posts on social media there will always be 100 replies of people being like 'Jemily is real!' or 'Is Emily a lesbian?' or 'Can you confirm JJ and Emily are in love' (I'm not even going to delve into the ones that are simply sexual harassment bc fans are calling the actors 'mommy' or making sexual jokes directed towards the cast) There was literally one time when AJ posted that one of her friends was missing. IN REAL LIFE. And you know what happened? Jemily stans got in the comments and started begging her to confirm if Jemily was real. ON A POST ABOUT HER FRIEND BEING IN DANGER AND BEING MISSING!!! The showrunners see you. The actors see you. And in NO world, do I think the showrunners would want to ever add fuel to that fire. Let's walk through this: What would happen if Emily is canonically confirmed queer? All of the Jemily stans would say 'OH SHES GAY SO JEMILY IS REAL, ALWAYS HAS BEEN!!' By confirming Emily's queerness, the showrunners would also be subsequently confirming 15 years of JJ/Emily subtext as being queer (whether they want to or not). Which of course has HUGE implications considering JJ has been with Will since S2. It changes SO much of the context of the show and JJ's relationship with Will. The show is simply NOT going to give us canonically queer Emily, because there are WAY too many ramifications of doing so. It would never be just a simple 'Emily is queer' because Emily has WAY too much history on this show. That's why I am so glad it was Tara. Tara doesn't have that deep history with another character. Sure, we can say 'Oh wow, Emily and Tara really were flirting all those years' (I already have head canoned that) but that's FINE bc Emily and Tara were both single all that time. No harm no foul, see what I mean?
I truly believe one of the MAIN reasons we got a canonically queer character AT ALL, was because Aisha would have pushed for Tara to be queer. Aisha has always spoken up about LGBTQ issues and she's also sapphic herself. So I would bet money on HER being the one to present the idea of Tara having a girlfriend now. And I also would bet money, that wouldn't be something Paget pushed for, because Emily being queer wouldn't hold the same importance to her as Tara being queer is important to Aisha. Plus, as much as I love Paget, she has said some really harmful stuff online that toes the line of transphobia/homophobia. I know it wasn't said in a malicious way, but even saying uneducated transphobic shit is still awful to see as a queer fan.
This turned into a long-winded explanation but I think all of these things are important to remember right now and I think they're all worth saying. But no, I don't think we'd ever have canon Jemily.
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dendrite-blues · 1 year
Hi! This is not to pressure you at all (and feel free to ignore this if you like), but are you continuing your reparations verse? It’s been kinda quiet here, but I read reparations this summer and I just wanted to say I would read the heck out of permutations if you ever wrote more, and if you don’t I’m so grateful for reparations! I’ve reread it so many times lol (and I’m off to read it again)
Oh goodness, I don't know when this was sent but I'm so glad you enjoyed the story!
Reparations is never over, not really. Many authors have that one story that they come back to forever and ever even though they could have ended it at any point. That's what Rep is for me.
So why am I not writing it? Good question.
(Humor me while I get reflective and self-important for a minute.)
Reparations, like any story, was a product of the time that it occupied in my life. I wrote it as therapy after a really turbulent period that robbed me of any kind of joy or excitement for the future.
I wrote it as therapy, and the act of writing it helped me get better, but as I got better I found that I didn't relate to the story the same way anymore. It stopped being a diary and started to become a photo album.
From the beginning, Reparations was a story about imagining a better future for myself through Tony and Loki. Therefore, I want Permutations to be the realization of that future. I want it to be a reflection of a couple post-crisis who aren't perfect but are a lot closer to it. A couple who are happy and going on with their lives.
I couldn't have written that story in 2019. I was still too close to the pain. The early chapters are some of the best I've ever written, but they're raw. They're super fucking grim, and I really wanted that entry in the series to feel lighter. 
I wanted to show the darkness that will always be inside Loki and Tony, but to also show them choosing to focus on the light in spite of that, and I just could not do that yet, on a personal level. I was reopening old wounds instead of tattooing over them.
So I put it aside and dedicated myself to finishing up other stories in the meantime. That turned out to be super draining, and then 2020 happened.
It took a long time for me to feel the urge to write again, and I think that's because I was processing 2020. I was one of those white people for whom that year was an overdue wake up call, and I had a lot of things to come to terms with.
I think I'm being called by Final Fantasy VII now (despite it being an absolutely ancient fandom that never interested me before) because it's a world and a band of characters that speak strongly to the themes and questions I've been grappling with:
What is morality under capitalism?
How much responsibility do we place on individuals when individual behavior is so influenced by society?
Do we accept violence as a tactic for change, and if we do then where do we draw the line?
Can you remake the world without destroying it?
These are all central themes to that game series, and so it's natural for me to want to write in that universe at the moment.
Long term, I think that I will return to Permutations, but it won't be in the next six months. Emotionally, I am finally healed enough to make that story what I always wanted it to be, and I have the desire to do so. However, my soul is also carrying a heavy weight from the last two years that hurts in a totally different way, and I need to remove that tumor first.
I'm sorry I can't just say an enthusiastic, "Yes! Absolutely! I'm typing it up right now," because I definitely wish I could. But the truth is that the time isn't right for me, and I don't when it will be.
Thank you so much for making space for Reparations in your heart. It gives my life so much meaning to know that I've created something people care about. 
I'll never abandon it permanently, but that does mean that there will be long periods of waiting. Thank you so much for being patient, and I hope you're doing as well as you possibly can be.
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truthshield · 2 years
Will Zalatoris keeps the faith after another close call at U.S. Open
Placeholder while article actions load BROOKLINE, Mass. — As Sunday afternoon finished gasping and Sunday evening started coming, 25-year-old Will Zalatoris said something golf geeks know and rational people almost disbelieve: “I’m three shots away from practically being a — having a chance of being a three-time major champion.” He said it because it’s true. It’s true because Zalatoris, who has entered all of nine major tournaments, has become a lavishly televised mainstay in a whole batch of them. It deserves a full typing-out that he has finished tied for sixth at the 2020 U.S. Open at Winged Foot in New York; second by one shot at the 2021 Masters; tied for eighth at the 2021 PGA Championship at Kiawah Island, S.C.; tied for sixth at the 2022 Masters; second in a playoff at the 2022 PGA Championship at Southern Hills in Tulsa; and now second by one shot at the 2022 U.S. Open at the Country Club. His contention has become a convention. It’s incredible and it hurts, all at once. “This one hasn’t sunk in,” he said soon after the drama on No. 18 left him a runner-up for a third time. “Masters [in 2021] was pretty special, just obviously being there, considering that seven months prior I was playing on the Korn Ferry [Tour]. … Yeah, this one’s — I honestly don’t know what to take from this yet. I was pretty pleased just because I’m known for my ball-striking. I’m sure all the Instagram morons are going to say it has something to do with my left wrist flexion coming down, but I promise you, it’s got nothing to do with it. I think just keep doing what we’re doing. “This one stings for sure, but I know that we’re going to get this.” Svrluga: Matt Fitzpatrick — head down, blinders on — beats all comers at U.S. Open In the latest tantalizing, Zalatoris’s 14-foot birdie try at tying Matt Fitzpatrick on the closing hole slid barely by and fooled both Scottie Scheffler and Zalatoris. “When it was two feet out,” said Scheffler, the fellow Texan and top-ranked player who had finished his round and tied Zalatoris for second place, “I was like, ‘Oh, yeah, that one’s in’ — and for some reason it went off to the left. It’s one of those deals. You’ve got to get the breaks.” “With about six feet to go,” Zalatoris said, “I thought I had it.” It’s striking that Zalatoris hasn’t won a tournament since the 2020 TPC Colorado Championship on the Korn Ferry Tour, the second tier of men’s golf. Yet already he’s a wild success story with a No. 12 world ranking and an arc that bends back to early childhood in San Francisco, where he got hooked at the California Golf Club with its shrine to Ken Venturi’s 1964 U.S. Open trophy from Congressional, to later childhood around Dallas after the family moved, and to college at mighty Wake Forest. “Will is a really talented player,” Scheffler said. “He’s strong mentally. That’s why he performs so well. It just happens the last two majors he’s been up against great champions in [Fitzpatrick] and Justin Thomas [at the PGA Championship]. It’s one of those deals where you keep knocking on the door and keep putting yourself in position, and he’ll come through.” Matt Fitzpatrick digs out of the sand to win U.S. Open for first major title In the act of gathering major experience, this reedy blond with a sturdy mind has been gathering major experience like mad. His ninth major brought his third final pairing already, with caddie Ryan Goble on the first tee mentioning how both felt far more nervous at the 2021 Masters. Now this rarefied terrain actually feels normal, and Zalatoris said, “I just felt comfortable all day.” He led by two with seven holes to play, and he found his driving “atrocious” with a hip bothering him, yet he shot a 69 in the pressure to which he has become accustomed to make it all four rounds at par (one) or better (three). “The comfort level is there,” he said, “especially now that I know I can do this. I just have to keep waiting my turn.” https://ift.tt/NHmfcPl https://ift.tt/189MKDP
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skyeet-the-writer · 4 years
The Love Among Us
Chapter 1-- I’d Never Snitch On Daddy
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so i haven’t seen many corpse husband x reader stories on here, so i decided to upload one myself. i’ve been watching jacksepticeye’s among us videos and when i heard corpse talk for the first time, i was like, “hol up” and now i’ve been obsessed with him. also, go stream his music on spotify, it’s amazing. enjoy! x. 
 corpse husband x female!reader
summary: while playing among us, y/n watches corpse kill felix in o2. when his body is reported, however, she doesn’t tell who killed him. 
 word count: ~3.6k
warnings: swearing, mentions of death (not real death), mentions of murder (not real murder)
EDIT: before i wrote this and after i published it, i did not know that corpse did not like to be referred to as “daddy”. had i known this, i would have not even thought of posting this. and since i know now, i won’t refer to him as such in the future. thank you. (10/19/2020)
EDIT 2: this is the first part to my corpse x reader series. i will be adding chapters as we go!
4 rounds before the incident
“I was in coms with PJ!” Sean exclaims. 
“He is doing the liar voice!” Felix shouts with a laugh. 
“I’m not,” Sean tries to say, but everyone talks over him and the voting time ends. Everyone left alive, though it was only four people, had all voted for him and he yells at them as he gets ejected. 
stinky was not the imposter
2 imposters remain
The round ends and everyone unmutes themselves. 
“Lizzie, you saw Felix kill me and you did nothing!” Roomie yells as soon as the round ends and the imposters are revealed. 
“Yeah, because I was the other imposter.”
“Oh. Okay, well that makes sense.”
Everyone laughs and Ken starts the round again. 
“Wait, can I invite y/n to play? She’s doing her twenty-four-hour stream and she just finished playing Monopoly with Mark, Bob, and Wade,” says Lizzie, looking down at her phone as they all appear back in the waiting room. 
“Yes,” Corpse blurts out and there are a few laughs and chuckles. 
“You were quick to answer, Corpse,” Sean teases. 
“Shut up,” Corpse mumbles and there are even more laughs. 
Lizzie smiles and taps into her phone. “I’m gonna invite her.”
“I can’t believe that you actually made that deal, y/n,” Wade is telling you after ending the second round of Monopoly that you’ve played with them. 
You smile and cross your legs on your chair. “Look, I was going bankrupt and it seemed good at the time. Besides, Mark was going to win anyway, he owned half of the board.” Your phone buzzes beside you on your desk and you pick it up. “Lizzie texted me.” There’s a sound effect that plays in your headset and you look up at your screen and smile. “Thanks to _lorieplays _for donating a hundred dollars, that means a lot. Thank you so much.”
“Do you want to play another round?” Marks asks. 
You shake your head, reading the text from your friend in England. “No, I don’t want to lose to you again.” You laugh. “Nah, Lizzie wants me to play Among Us with her and a few others. It was fun playing with you guys.”
“It was even though you took all of my money,” Bob snaps. 
You laugh. “Yeah, yeah. See you guys later.”
“Bye,” says Mark.
“See y--” Wade begins but you cut him off when you disconnect from the call. 
“Oops.” You put a hand over your mouth and laugh. “Sorry, Wade. Okay.” You straighten up and glance over everything, making sure it’s all working properly. “I have to pee and I think my roommate ordered pizza, so we’ll be back after this short break. Enjoy this live feed of my pet rats.” You giggle and switch the stream over to a view of your two rats in their cage where you have a camera set up. You take your headset off and head out of your recording room. 
Every two months, you have a twenty-four-hour livestream where you play games with your friends from all around the world. Despite being only twenty-five, your Youtube channel had grown exponentially in the past three years and you’ve had the chance to meet lots of other Youtubers like Markiplier, PewDiePie, and your close friend, LDShadowLady. 
Currently, you’re on hour twenty of twenty-four and you’re beginning to feel the effects of not sleeping for a whole day. You had been drinking coffee and energy drinks for the past four hours and that seemed to perk you up for two hours max. But your roommate had ordered pizza and that would hopefully wake you up. 
After going to the bathroom and grabbing an entire box of pizza, you return to your recording room and sit down. You put your headset back on and eat a slice of pizza before switching the views back to you. “And we’re back. I hope you guys enjoyed my rats because I don’t. They keep me up at night.”
You read a comment while loading up Among Us and laugh. “No, they’re not dead. They’re sleeping. They do that a lot when they’re not fighting.” 
When you finally get into the game and entire the code, you spawn in. You also quickly join the Discord chat and wince when nearly ten voices hit you at once. 
“y/n!” exclaims Lizzie and the other voices die down for a moment before rising to greet you. 
You wince again but laugh. “Jesus, you guys are loud. Hey, Lizzie.” You move your character to the customize tab and go to try and switch your color. But then you frown and realize that you’re stuck with being dark blue. “Damn, I wanted to be white.”
“Do you want to switch?” Corpse asks. 
Your eyes widen you your stomach flips. You hadn’t noticed Corpse was in this game. Immediately, your chat became flooded with keyboard smashing and lots of “omg my shipp” and “y/n rlly said ‘anna oop-’” 
“Uh, yeah, if you don’t mind,” you manage to stutter out and take a bite of pizza as Corpse’s player comes over and the white option becomes available. You select it and also select the goggles in the hats menu. 
“How’s your stream going?” asks Sean. 
You shrug. “Pretty good. I’m super tired, though. I literally almost fell asleep while playing Monopoly with Mark, Wade, and Bob.”
“You went to college, right?” You’re pretty sure that’s Roomie. 
“Yep,” you affirm with a nod even though they can’t see you. “You’d think that those all-nighters writing papers and studying for finals would make me able to do this.”
There’s a laugh in the group and the round starts.
3 rounds before the incident
You scratch your eyebrow and sigh in relief when you’re the crewmate. You mute yourself and slide up in your chair. 
“I like being the crewmate,” you say, heading towards admin as a habit. “It’s a lot less stressful than being imposter.”
After doing your tasks in admin and fueling the engines, you stumble across a dead body in the lower engine and a vent closing. 
“Oh,” you say, and press the report button. You unmute yourself and begin with, “So I saw a vent close but I didn’t see who went in.”
“Who died?” asks Lizzie. 
“Felix,” says Sean. 
You smirk. “It’s always yellow that dies first.”
“Where was the body?” Ken asks. 
“Lower engine,” you reply. 
“I was in medbay with Corpse doing the scan so it wasn’t him,” PJ says and Corpse makes a noise of confirmation. 
This makes your cheeks heat up and you smack a hand over your mouth. Your chat explodes again but you decide to ignore it. 
“And I was doing wires in cafeteria,” Lizzie says. 
“Sean, where were you?” 
“I was in reactor doing the simon says thing,” he answers. 
You sigh. “I hate that one. What about you, Ken?”
“I was with Roomie in electrical doing the power thing. You know, the one where you have to divert it somewhere else.”
“So do we skip then?” asks Lizzie. 
“No one is super sus, so I’m going to skip,” you answer. 
When no one is ejected, you mute yourself again. “I dunno why, but Sean seems pretty sus. Because I didn’t see him on the way down from upper engine. But I guess he could have gotten there in time.” You shrug and run over to the trash chute in the cafeteria. “RIP to Felix, though.”
After doing the trash there, you head down to storage, running into Corpse doing the wires in there. You wait there to clear him and once you do, you run a few circles around him to get his attention and he follows you over to the trash in storage and watches you do that. After that, the two of you head over to electric together and do wires there. 
Suddenly, there’s a body reported and you unmute yourself. 
“Sean just killed Lizzie in front of me!” exclaims PJ. 
“PJ killed Lizzie,” Sean retorts, flipping the blame. “I watched it, he didn’t realize I was there and murdered her.”
“I watched PJ do the scan in medbay, he’s cleared,” Corpse says and you find yourself smiling for no reason. “Sean, you killed Lizzie.”
“I knew he was sus,” you say, grabbing another piece of pizza. You look at the box and your eyes widen. Had you really already eaten half of it?
“Wait wait, how am I sus?” Sean asks. 
You take a moment to swallow. “Because when I was doing fuel earlier, I was running down from upper engine and didn’t see you in reactor. Sure, maybe you could have gotten there earlier, but it was super weird.” 
The discussion time ends and PJ immediately goes to vote for Sean as well as you, Corpse, and everyone else still alive. Sean ends up getting ejected. 
stinky was an imposter 
1 imposter remains
“You’re such a detective, y/n,” Sean says when he gets ejected. 
You laugh. “I just play this game too much.” You then mute yourself and smile. “I am a genius.” 
You end up finishing your tasks quickly after that and then stand in the cafeteria and eat another piece of pizza and read some of the chat. 
“’ What am I going to do after this?’ I don’t know. I might play some Minecraft. Should I have a poll on Twitter? I’m stuck between public Among Us games, Minecraft, and taking random quizzes on Buzzfeed.” You smile and hear another sound effect and something pops up on the screen. “Thank you to coochie man for donating a hundred dollars, that means a lot.” You laugh at their name. “I love your name, by the way.” 
There’s some rattling in the cage behind you and you turn around to see one of your rats drinking water. You turn back to the chat and read another comment. “’ Do you have a crush on Corpse?’” You blush and smile, biting your lip. “I mean, his voice is hot. I’ve never met him since he lives in San Diego and I live in h/t, but yeah, I guess I do. I’ve been listening to his music for the past few days and it’s really good, you guys should go check it out.”
You look up and unmute yourself when a body is reported. “Who died?” you ask. “I wasn’t paying attention.”
“Are you already done with your tasks, y/n?” Corpse asks. 
God, even the way he says your name is making you blush. “Yeah, I get them done quick.”
“She does that,” says Lizzie, “She always gets her tasks done quick.”
“Ken is dead by the way,” says Roomie and your snort, smacking a hand over your mouth. “I found him in the hallway by navigation. Where was everyone else?”
“I was in cafeteria doing nothing,” you say, leaning back in your chair and spinning around just a little. “I think I saw PJ downloading while I was in there, but I wasn’t paying attention.”
“Yeah, I was downloading,” says Ken. 
After more discussion, Corpse points out that Jaiden had been following him and it looked like she had been faking tasks. 
“No I haven’t,” she says. 
“That sounds like something the imposter would say,” you hum with a smirk. “That’s pretty sus, Jaiden.”
Everyone else agrees and you all end up voting Jaiden out. 
jaiden was the imposter
0 imposters remain
You cheer as the round ends and a blue victory screen pops up for the crewmates. “Good game, guys,” you say and play again, waiting for the host. 
1 round before the incident 
“Oh my god, I’m imposter again?” you groan and sigh when you spawn back in. “I was just imposter, I don’t want to be it again. I’m so bad at it,”
After another short round of you and Felix losing to the crewmates, you all agreed to play two more rounds before Sean had to leave. So you move your character to admin where PJ is and fake the card swipe before moving over to the admin security thing where you could see who was around where. Luckily, no one appeared to be near admin, so you quickly kill PJ and escape through the vent and come out through medbay. 
“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god,” you whisper over and over, running down to storage. “That was clean.” You fake getting fuel and go back up to the upper engine. 
When PJ’s body is reported, you see that your fellow imposter, Sean, had reported it. You stay silent for most of the round and only say that you were in the fuel area when it was reported. 
“Yeah, I saw her run past electrical earlier,” Corpse says. You blush and glance at your exploding chat and shake your head. 
After everyone skips the round, you mute yourself once more and head towards navigation. “I hate this.” You drag the last syllable and watch Lizzie enter the room. You wait a moment before walking towards her and killing her, jumping into one of the vents. You let out a sigh and flex your fingers. “I’m so stressed.” You exit out of the vent into shields and your heart stops when you see someone else in there but you realize that it’s the other imposter, Sean, and you relax. 
You run past him and go to the trash compartments and pretend to unload those. And that’s how the rest of the round goes. You kill someone, someone reports it and you vote someone off. Eventually, you and Sean do a double kill and end up winning the round.
You unmute yourself. 
“Let’s go!” Sean exclaims and you smile. 
“I can’t believe you killed me, y/n!” shouts Lizzie. “I thought we were friends.”
You laugh. “There are no friends in this game. I’m not loyal to anyone in this game. You could be my best friend and I would fucking murder you.”
“That’s cold,” says Roomie as everyone else spawns back in. 
“Yeah,” you nod. 
“Wait, PJ disconnected,” says Sean, and you all end up waiting for him to rejoin. 
In that time, you look at your chat and say, “Hey, do you guys have any questions for who I’m playing with. I’m asking you, chat.”
“I swear if someone asks about my hands, I’m leaving,” Corpse says and everyone laughs. 
You laugh louder when you read a comment and read it aloud, “_Ironlady _says that you should be a hand model, Corpse.”
“Okay, I’m leaving,” you hear Corpse say over everyone laughing. 
“No, stay!” you exclaim, trying not to laugh. “C’mon, don’t leave.”
He sighs deeply and your brain goes fuzzy. “Fine. I’ll stay for you.”
You beam and your tummy turns. You ignore the whistles and remarks from everyone else and stand beside Corpse. You suddenly wish that the little bean characters could hold hands. 
When PJ joins the server again, Ken starts the round and you cross your fingers, hoping to get crewmate. 
0 rounds before the incident
You mute yourself and sigh when you’re a crewmate. “Thank god.” You let out a breath and go over to admin with everyone else. You swipe your card and go to the cafeteria to do some wires there. 
The game turns out to be rather uneventful. A few people die and two people are voted off before the game gets truly interesting. And that happens when you walk in on Corpse and Felix. 
“I’ve had this song stuck in my head for days,” you’re saying, walking from electrical over to O2. “And I can’t get it out of my head. Maybe singing it will help.” You hum the first part. “Don't go in there, you'll become one. Freaky creatures, monster party. Eyes of yellow, scales and feathers, tails in tethers. Turn the lights off. Bend the nightmare, you control it. Artful dodger, easy does it. Shut the closet, get under the covers. Snakes and lovers. Turn the lights off.” You do a little dance for a moment and continue hum the song, glancing at the chat as you go towards O2 after doing wires in storage. 
“Like, I know the song, it’s just been stuck in my head,” you explain. “And it kind of annoys me--”
But you stop as you enter O2 and watch Corpse murder Felix. Neither one of you move and you don’t know what to do. “Uhhh.” 
Then, without thinking, you turn straight around and make your way away from the scene of the murder. “I didn’t see anything!” you shout to no one. “I suddenly can’t see who murdered Felix.” You smack a hand over your mouth and stand in the middle of a hallway. “Oh my god, what do I do? I don’t want to snitch on Corpse, he’s hot.” You scratch the back of your neck and shrug, continuing on to reactor. “I didn’t see anything.”
You’re in the middle of doing the simon says in reactor when Felix’s body is reported. You unmute yourself and fidget with the sleeve of your hoodie. You know exactly who killed Felix. 
“--was in O2,” says Jaiden and you focus back into the conversation. “And I didn’t see anyone around.”
“I saw you heading that way, y/n, but I know it wasn’t you because I saw you do the trash in storage.”
You look at the screen when Sean talks to you and you chew your lip. “I know who killed Felix.”
“Who?” asks almost everyone at the same time. 
You close your eyes and swallow. It’s just a game, why are you taking this so seriously? Suddenly, a song lyric pops into your head and your stomach flips. You imagine yourself saying it and no one knows who you mean except for him. 
You open your eyes. “I’d never snitch on daddy.”
There’s a laugh in the chat and you blush fiercely, your livestream chat blowing up once again.
“I think we know who it is, then,” says Sean, laughing. 
“Yeah,” agrees Lizzie and your eyes widen. 
“Wait, what?” you ask, watching everyone vote almost as soon as the discussion time ends. “Wait, hang on, who--”
“We know who you’re talking about, y/n,” PJ tells you. 
You vote for yourself and your brain goes blank as you see that everyone voted for Corpse. He even voted for himself. They knew. They all _knew _about your feelings for Corpse. 
The round ends with Corpse being voted out and the crewmates win. There’s some talking, but you stay on the victory screen. You’re trying to decide if your mad or embarrassed or both. 
“I didn’t know you’d say that, y/n,” Corpse says, effectively breaking you out of your trance. “I thought you were gonna snitch on me.”
“You heard her,” teases Lizzie and you can tell she’s grinning. “She’d never snitch on you, Corpse.”
He laughs and you feel something in a certain place. “Oh my god, I’m gonna die of embarrassment.” You put your face in your hands, listening to your friends tease you in the chat. You suddenly want to jump out your window and run into traffic. 
“Don’t die,” comes Corpse’s voice through the onslaught of teasing. “I’ll be sad.”
“Fuck!” you shout and slam your hand on your desk, shaking your equipment and scaring your rats. “I’m so sorry, Corpse, that was really weird, I--”
“Stop.” He interrupts you and the chat goes silent and you look up at the screen even though you can’t see him. “It’s okay. It was funny.”
Your eyes widen and then narrow. Funny? He thought what you said was funny? How could he think it was funny?
But then he speaks again and he sounds oddly flustered. “Uh, I gotta go. Um, it was fun playing with you guys. Bye, y/n.”
“Bye Cor--” but then he disconnects and you’re left talking to no one. “--pse.”
There’s a long moment of silence until Felix breaks it. “I can’t believe you just watched me die and didn’t do anything about it.”
There are some laughs and you smile faintly, rejoining the game. “Yeah, uh, sorry about that.”
“Are you okay, y/n?” asks Lizzie. 
You blush and swallow. “I don’t know. God, I’m so weird.” You run a hand through your hair and adjust your headphones
“No, you’re not,” Roomie assures you. “He has a crush on you, too.”
Your eyes widen and you scoot up in your chair. “He does?”
“I mean, he called you pretty once during a game and said that he watches your videos a lot, so maybe.”
You groan and sink in your chair. “I’m gonna go, I need to run into traffic now.”
A few people laugh or chuckle and Lizzie asks you if you’re actually going to leave. 
“Yeah,” you tell her. “But not to run into traffic. I’m going to go play Minecraft to soothe myself.”
“Aw.” You can practically hear her frown. “Okay. Bye, y/n.”
“Good luck with your stream,” Ken tells you. 
You grin. “Okay, thanks, bye.”
When you exit the game and leave the chat, you scream. You actually scream and it’s loud. Your roommate even knocks on your door, asking if you’re okay. 
You look at them and nod. “Yeah, totally fine. Probably about to have a mental breakdown, but I’m fine.”
“Okay,” they say and lean on the doorframe. “But I’m not cutting bangs for you again.”
You laugh and nod. “Yeah, okay, fine.” They leave and you turn back to your stream, feeling like you’re about to cry. Corpse knows you have a crush on him. And it seems like he has one on you as well, but now you’re embarrassed because you called him ‘daddy’ on stream.
You rub your eyes. “Well, now I know what’ll be streaming on Twitter tonight,” you tell the chat. 
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astaroth1357 · 3 years
The Brothers Catch the MC Dancing/Singing By Themselves
So long 2020!!! I’ve been listening to nothing but End-of-Decade Mashups and the 2010s was the decade of club bangers, so excuse me as I write a little happiness at the end of this shitty, shitty year.
Lucifer was in his secret study with the door closed which usually would block out a lot of distractions, but…
The MC was out in the library just blasting this… awful noise!!
Okay, maybe the noise wasn't awful - but as a classical music man, he had no use for the electronic bleep-bloops of whatever the hell they called "music!"
He had tried to put up with it for about an hour… but he had his limits. Soon enough he could feel his fuse dwindling to nothing and he just HAD to open up the door and tell the MC to keep it down!
He just wasn't expecting to find them dancing… while belting their heart out using a feather duster as a microphone…
Oh… wasn’t this amusing~?
For once, Lucifer decided that work could wait for a minute or two as he leaned against the doorframe to watch the MC do their thing, his smile could only be described as somewhere between being highly entertained and genuinely smitten with the off-key goofball in front of him...
The look went away real quick after the MC finally noticed he was there and dropped the feather duster like it was on fire. Shame… They were acting so cute before... 
He still had a knowing smile on his face when he asked them to turn their music down some, but he didn’t blow up at them or anything… What can he say? He enjoyed the show. 😏
The MC has a nasty habit of singing under their breath when they’re bored. Mammon knew this, of course, and he never stopped straining to try and hear their quiet notes whenever he could...
It was hard to do since they had long trained themselves to keep it quiet in public, but he was certain that from what he could hear, he certainly wouldn’t mind listening to more!
The only exception was when they thought they were alone… like in their bedroom doing homework for example.
Mammon had just happened to pass by their bedroom door (and not going there directly just to bother them because he felt lonely or anything...) and heard something through the door…
It sounded like the MC but different… rhythmic and melodic… That was it!! They were singing!!!
He knew he had to be careful about this... If the MC realized he was listening, then they’d stop and leave him high, dry, and wanting more...
He had to push their bedroom door in incredibly gently so it wouldn’t make any noise… The House was old - okay scratch that, ancient - and all the doors have a creak to them if you’re not careful… but oh, was it worth it…
He knew, he just knew, that he would like their voice! Good or bad, it was all them! Why did they also sing so quietly?? He felt like he could listen for hours!
 And he just might have gotten the chance if he had been paying enough attention to notice that he was leaning ever closer into the doorway... The second those rusted hinges made a creak, the MC whipped around and snapped their mouth shut.
Unfortunately, no amount of begging got the MC to start singing for him again, so he had to go back to the drawing board… Maybe he’d get to hear them again someday… right?
Levi had been looking for the MC for some time now to see if they wanted to play a game with him but he wasn’t finding them in any of their usual hangouts… 
Their bedroom was the last place for him to check and when he stuck his head in he didn’t see them there… But he did heard the sound of running water from their personal bathroom.
He was going to leave, honest! He wasn’t going to be one of those creeps who listens to people shower (despite absolutely being perverted enough to do so) but he recognized a familiar riff coming from the room…
He knew it anywhere. It was from one of his favorite anime openings of all time!! And what’s more? He heard a new voice joining the singer like accompaniment… It was… the MC??
Levi could have probably fainted from delight right then. Even if the MC wasn’t as good at singing, the mere fact that they were singing that opening made his heart soar! Who doesn’t love to sing along to their favorite songs??
He probably should have thought a bit more before throwing the door open to belt out his favorite part like he did because, you know, even behind a shower curtain the MC was naked and definitely not expecting him... But, hey, for five whole seconds they sounded great together!
Annnnd then he ran out of the room, red-faced and shouting semi-mortified apologies right after he realized what he could have seen by doing that (*cough*nakedMC*cough*)... 
Poor Levi, but at least he just scored himself a new karaoke partner!
You ever been so happy about something you just want to go for a run? Or even better, dance? That seemed to have been the case for the MC that day...
The MC’s least favorite subject had just had a test and they received their scores before leaving the classroom the next day. He knew they must have been anxious by how nervously they clutched their paper...
They had been getting tutoring help from him for weeks and it really must have paid off! Satan wasn’t able to catch up to them before they checked their score, but the way their face lit up was a good sign at least.
He was on his way to go congratulate them when… they started to dance. Right in the middle of the school. They kicked up the music on their phone then started dancing down the hallway like nothing could stop them!
It was such a random and carefree act that it frankly blew him away... You’d think a human in a school full of demons would be running, maybe even hiding, but certainty not dancing! What even was their human sometimes...?? 
He had to hold in some laughter to keep from getting noticed and just followed them down the hallways with a grin on his face and his phone in his hand…
He, of course, posted it to the brothers’ group chat and all of them got to see the wonderful view of the MC shaking their ass to their favorite song of all time… Oh, and they aren’t going to forget that, like, ever. Devious little shit...
Asmo loves to go clubbing so dancing is just an enjoyable pastime for this man, but he never thought that he’d end up dancing in a dressing room... 🤷‍♀️
He and the MC were on their weekly trip to Majolish and the MC was behind some curtains in order to try on a new outfit he put together for them. Usually during these times, Asmo waits out in front of their stall distracted by his phone, but this time he actually noticed something...
The MC’s feet. He could see them behind the gap of the curtain moving along to the music playing through the store’s speakers… So they liked this song, hm...?
Honestly, Asmo couldn’t help himself. He ended up getting up from his seat and pulling back the curtain a tiny crack just to see what the MC was doing in their stall... Thankfully, they were already dressed, but they were indeed dancing by themselves hidden just out of his sight...
Now, how could he let them dance all by their lonesome~?
Asmo slipped into the stall himself and caught the MC by the hips, frankly any protest they might of had didn’t really last long as he guided their body along with his. 
It was far from their first time dancing together and it always felt amazing when they did… Their every move fit together perfectly like a call and response and it didn’t take long for them to get lost in the music.
Eventually, a store employee began to wonder why they were in there for so long and eventually found two sets of feet in one stall… Really, they got off lucky, because knowing Asmo it was kind of amazing that dancing was all he was doing back there!
Asmo was a far too valuable customer for the store to kick out, so the two of them just got a warning not to do it again but man was it worth it… 
The MC has to wear that outfit to their next club. No exceptions!! 😌
You know, sometimes you just got a rhythm and beat in your soul and it pops out at the most random times… like in the middle of cooking!
Beel was coming into the kitchen looking for yet another snack for the day when he caught the MC already in there baking and… dancing?
They had their phone out to play music while they worked, hips swaying to the beat. Hell, everything they were doing was set to that pace! Every flick of the whisk and stir of the batter was just a part of their private dance sequence.
For a second, he had to wonder if he had just stepped into a musical or something? Dancing while cooking? He hadn’t seen any of his brothers mix those things before… but it worked?? Like, they made it look natural and even a little fun!
Just imagine the look on the MC’s face when Beel came up behind them and pulled them into a twirl behind the counter. It caught them so off-guard that a bag in their hands slipped and covered them both in powdered sugar!
Not that Beel cared about the mess because he just licked his lips clean and told the MC not to stop what they were doing... Which was how the others found them both covered in sugar and moving to the beat while the MC was icing the cake they just finished. 🤷‍♀️
Lucifer ended up lecturing them both about being more careful in the kitchen but they were too busy sneaking smiles to each other to pay much attention... 
Sometimes the music just moves you, you know?
Belphie very rarely gets up from his naps without a little help. Sure, even his body needs to wake up eventually, but it normally takes some kind of outside force to drag him back to the world of the living...
So imagine his surprise when he seemingly woke up for no reason in the middle of his afternoon nap with MC… Or well, he thought there wasn’t reason, until he started paying more attention.
The MC was cuddled up to him like usual, but he could feel a hum against his arm that was coming from their chest. Steady and slow… almost soothing.
When he finally heard a noise in the air - equally soothing as the humming and in time with the vibrations - he put two and two together… Were they singing right now?
Belphie kept himself very still and pretended to be asleep just to check his suspicions and… yeah. He could hear the MC softly singing a human world song under their breath.
Must have been a testament to how besotted this cow man was with them that even hearing their voice that quietly could pull him out of his dreams. 
Eventually, Belphie just had to roll over and pull them up against his chest so he could hear them better... Of course, his movement just made them stop, but any idea that they were off the hook got swept away when they heard him grunt:
“Hey, you woke me up… Don’t stop now.”
Let’s hope they know a good lullaby or two...
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ot7always · 3 years
In the Dead of Night
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banner courtesy of the wonderfully talented @dee-ehn​ !
Word Count: 14.5k
Pairing: Vampire!Jin x Reader
Genre: Vampire!AU, friends to lovers, smut, fluff
Warnings: dom!Jin, sub!Reader, non-gory blood and knife injury (it’s there, but mostly humorous and/or with very little specific description), biting (like actual biting), vampire compulsion (nothing concerning consent-wise), marking, hair pulling, grinding, size kink, spanking (hand), fingering, praise, oral (f receiving), unprotected sex, creampie, aftercare
Rating: 18+
Summary: Courtesy of my roommate, who summarized my story much better than I ever could:
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A/N: It’s finally here! I meant for this to be about half the length and be released more than a week or 2 ago, but as you very well know, things don’t exactly go as planned in 2020. Regardless, I enjoyed writing this fic a lot, so please let me know what you think!
Saturdays at 3 am were supposed to be peaceful.
Well – at your apartment, that is. You couldn’t account for whoever elected to roam the streets of downtown at night.
But what was definitely not supposed to be happening was being awoken from your deep slumber by furious pounding on your front door.
Oh, for fuck’s sake.
When you glanced groggily over at your alarm clock and saw the time, you could have screamed.
Just as you reached for your phone to call the cops on whatever psychopath was probably waking up your entire floor, your screen lit up with a text.
Suckjin [03:19]: plz open ur door
Oh, for fuck’s sake.
Sliding out of bed, you hissed as your bare feet hit the cold hardwood.
This had better be fucking worth it.
Plodding out of your bedroom on tiptoes to avoid as much contact with the floor as possible, you made your way to the front door without even bothering to throw on shorts under your oversized t-shirt.
Whatever. You were sure that brat has seen thighs before.
While the knocks had thankfully quieted for a moment, he started up again just as you reached the door.
Before he could even dare bang his fist against the wood again, you were turning the deadbolt and whipping the door open, readying your fiercest glare for the broad man standing before you.
Right as you opened your mouth to start cussing him out, he sprung towards you, hands pushing you further inside your apartment and shutting the door before you could even blink.
When he turned to face you again, hands on his stomach, you prepared for the verbal onslaught you were about to send his way.
“Just what in the absolute hell do you think you’re-”
When your eyes naturally followed the path of his arms down to his stomach, what you saw there shut you up immediately.
Wide-eyed, you took a step back, eyes never leaving the sight before you. He-
As your breath quickened, a (miraculously clean) hand shot out to cover your mouth gently, though you were sure he was ready to clamp down at a moment’s notice.
“Please don’t scream.”
When you were finally able to break your gaze from his abdomen and look at his face instead, pleading eyes locked with yours, his skin paler than usual.
As frightened as you were, you calmed some when you processed the fact that he seemed to be standing before you just fine, albeit the fact that his eyes appeared somewhat unfocused.
You nodded, reaching a shaky hand up to remove his from your face, shivering at how cold and clammy he felt.
When you could speak again, you spent a few moments collecting your thoughts before you opened your mouth again.
“You - you have a knife in you!” you hissed, stepping closer to move his jacket aside to get a better look.
It wasn’t that gruesome a sight, especially not when he was wearing a black t-shirt, but it was no less jarring to have your friend show up in the middle of the night after seemingly being stabbed.
“I know that!” he hissed back, slightly exasperated, muffling a groan when you tried to inch his shirt up to glance at the skin beneath.
“Why the hell do you have a knife in you?” you whispered furiously, pulling him by the arm to settle down onto your couch.
He plopped down with a sigh of relief, his head lolling back momentarily. You hoped he knew that he was paying your cleaning bills if he bled all over your loveseat.
“Now, now, didn’t anyone ever tell you not to remove the knife if you get stabbed?” he said with a pained chuckle, sucking in a breath at the movement it caused.
“Seokjin, now is not the time to joke around,” you said, panic rising in you because you had absolutely no clue what you were supposed to do with a vampire who had a knife embedded in him. “Why did you come here?”
“Well you were the only person I could think of who would answer their door at 3 am-”
“Sorry, sorry.” You didn’t tend to call him that unless you were genuinely annoyed, and he seemed to drop the humorous demeanor immediately.
“Why didn’t you go to a hospital?”
“I can’t go to a hospital.”
“What?! Why not?”
“Okay, correction – I didn’t want to go to a hospital.”
You let out a groan of frustration, fingers rubbing circles into your temples. This man was going to be the death of you. You had no idea why vampires seemed to have such an aversion to hospitals, but you supposed you could never understand. Despite their existence being generally accepted in society so long as they didn’t leave trails of bodies in their wake, there must have been some other reason nobody had ever shared with you.
“Seokjin, I really don’t know what to do here,” you whispered, an ounce of desperation and unease making its way into your tone. His expression softened at the sound, reaching for your hand. As much as he might have been trying to comfort you, the feeling of his hand unusually icy against yours only scared you more.
“I...” he trailed off, trying to figure out a good way to phrase this before settling on being straightforward. “...need blood.”
“Huh?” You furrowed your brow. “You literally have blood at home.”
“No, I, uhh...” he paused. “I need fresh blood to heal something like this.”
You froze. He needed fresh blood? He showed up here because he wanted... your blood?
“Aren’t there places you can go for blood?” you asked, tensing up at the notion of being bitten. It wasn’t that you were so totally opposed – it was no secret that people said it felt good. But you had never been bitten before, and you didn’t know what to think about Seokjin showing up here for that reason.
“I came here because I trust you the most,” he said, squeezing your hand. “Please. I promise I would never do this unless I had to. But please – you can say no, but tell me right now, because this hurts so much.”
Seeing his pained expression and feeling the way his fingers gripped yours like a lifeline, there was absolutely no way you were letting him back outside to roam the streets. You had no idea how this really happened to him, but despite their general acceptance, vampire hunters still existed. Like hell you were going to let easy bait walk right into their hands.
Especially not Seokjin.
“I – okay, I just – I don’t know why I’m nervous.” Biting was a pretty private, intimate thing. Most vampires drank bagged blood, with live donors only in carefully-controlled emergency clinics or heavily guarded clubs.
There was, of course, the cases of vampire-human relationships or hookups, but most people didn’t tend to share the ultra-specific details of their sex life.
Not that you had never attempted research on your own, but anecdotes you found on the internet varied so wildly that you had to wonder whether they were even telling the truth.
“I promise I can control myself. I would never put you in danger.”
“No, I know, it’s not that,” you mumbled. “Just... will it hurt?”
“Oh. No, it shouldn’t.”
“It shouldn’t? I don’t know how reassuring that is,” you chuckled nervously. You weren’t about to back out now, but you had at least hoped that he would have a straight answer for you.
He took a shaky breath, and a pang of guilt went through you for asking so many questions.
“The more attracted a vampire and donor are to each other, emotionally and physically, the better it’ll feel for you.”
“And you?”
He smirked, and curse him for making it look good despite his unfortunate... situation. “Me? I’m a vampire, it always feels good.”
Right. You might have facepalmed at the stupid question that left your own lips, but his voice momentarily distracted you from doing so.
“Anyway, I know my face isn’t a problem, so unless you secretly hate me or something, you’ll be okay,” he grinned.
“I’m so glad you can joke around right now,” you snorted derisively. “If I secretly hated you, you wouldn’t be here, would you?”
“Anyway, I’ll do it, just,” you winced. “Don’t call me a donor. It feels weird.”
“Deal,” he said quickly, pulling you closer to him. “Thank you for this. Really, I owe you.”
You sighed. “I can’t just let you bleed out somewhere in the world, can I?” You allowed him to pull you close enough that you were hovering over him with your legs touching his, and you stood awkwardly in silence. “Uhh, what should I do?”
He patted his lap in invitation and your face warmed at the notion, but you straddled his legs before your brain had time to dwell on it.
He raised a hand to nudge the collar of your shirt away from your neck, his icy fingers and the sensation of his nails on your skin sending a shiver down your spine. When his thumb rubbed gently against the warmth of your neck, you had to suppress a gasp at the surprisingly intimate touch.
When you focused your gaze on his face, his eyes were not fixed on your own, but rather on the movements of his own hand, his pupils obscenely dilated. You’d never seen him look so lustful, so hungry.
Heat undeniably flared in your core (much without your consent), and it was wishful thinking to hope that Seokjin didn’t pick up on your quickening breath or rapid heartbeat.
“I...” he whispered, trailing off before he’d even begun.
“Hm?” you answered, already feeling dazed before his fangs had even touched you.
“I need you to pull the knife out.”
Well, that certainly broke you free of your trance.
“What!? Me? You – I – me?” you stuttered in a very flattering display of eloquence.
“I’m... not sure I have the strength right now,” he admitted ruefully, and you could tell that if it were really up to him, he would be doing it himself.
Just what have you gotten yourself into?
“Fine,” you murmured, raising both hands to grip firmly at the handle of the blade. “Just – don’t bite me until I put this knife down, okay? We don’t need any more... accidents.”
He failed to hold back a laugh at that, and you managed to crack a grin in response. “Okay, okay.”
To think he had you so utterly flustered and at his whim only moments ago.
“On the count of three,” you breathed, bracing yourself for something you certainly never expected anyone to ask of you. “One... two... three.”
When you reached three, you flinched your eyes shut, pulling as hard as you could in one quick burst, desperate to have this all over before it started.
The sensation was something odd and unspeakable, and you turned to toss the knife on the table behind you before you could register the uncomfortable warmth on your hands.
But the exact moment the sound of metal clattering on glass reached your ears, your head was being wrenched back by large hands, plump lips and hot breath coming into contact with your neck before you realized he’d moved.
You could barely suck in a gasp before a hand moved to grip tightly at your waist, and fangs sunk into your skin.
White-hot pain lanced through your body like electricity, and for a moment you were thinking you were done for. Seokjin was wrong, maybe he lied, and you definitely lacked the strength to push off a dying vampire determined to drink.
But just as you opened your mouth, whether to scream or cry or whatever else, you were immediately silenced, a breathy groan soon pulled from your throat.
The sudden onslaught of pleasure flowing through your limbs had you weak, your body falling limp into sensation immediately.
Clearly prepared for this outcome, Seokjin only pulled you closer to him, the hand on your waist supporting your body, a hand fisted near your scalp keeping your head back. The casual display of strength pulled a whimper from you, your body feeling hot all over.
Your eyelids fluttered closed, and you had to wonder when you had opened them at all, because you couldn’t recall processing a single thing visually since his fangs touched you.
You thought that would be as good as it gets, but the pleasure only kept building and building. It rendered you almost completely immobile, your world reduced to Seokjin at your neck, the broad planes of his body below yours, and the myriad of bliss flooding your veins. Heat was throbbing in your cunt, your nipples hard and almost pained as they rubbed against the roughness of your t-shirt.
You raised your hands that were sitting idle at your sides to fist into Seokjin’s shirt, giving no thought to the fact that he was gravely injured in that spot only minutes ago, fingers feeling almost numb and not registering the wetness that was there either.
“Ah - Jin,” you cried loudly as the bliss only built, tossing your head back to bare more of your neck.
He growled ferally into your skin, the sound going straight to your core. He pulled you closer still, enough that your breasts pressed harshly into his chest, your hips slotted together.
Sighing happily at the pressure right where you needed it most, you ground desperately against whatever you could feel against you. When you felt the undeniable hardness of Seokjin’s cock against your cunt and its delicious friction against your soaked-through panties, you moaned obscenely.
You felt rather than heard his gasp in response, his grip around you tightening even further, enough that you felt out of breath.
You whimpered at the restriction, his strength keeping you from grinding against him no matter how hard you tried.
You cursed him internally, but there was no way you were going to formulate words at this point, your mind completely lost to euphoric delirium.
It felt as though you were floating, head thrown back as sparks flew up your spine relentlessly.
Despite the lack of proper friction against your cunt, you could feel pressure building in your abdomen. You were close, so close, so undeniably close-
Fangs retracted from your neck, and the sudden loss was like ice water being thrown over your head. You shivered.
The tight grip on you loosened, Seokjin leaning into the back of the couch and groaning.
When you opened your eyes you almost fell over at the way the world spun, dizziness and blurry vision almost distracting you from the orgasm that seemed only moments away.
Blinking furiously until you managed to fix your gaze onto Seokjin’s face, you sucked in a harsh breath at the sight before you.
Irises swimming with crimson, pupils blown out, chest heaving, dark hair mussed, lips painted red, fangs still visible past his parted lips – he looked the very picture of sin.
Though if you had a mirror, you would see that you looked just as ruined – eyes wanton and desperate, teeth gnawing into your bottom lip, dark bruises colouring your neck. If temptation were a person, it would be you, sitting in Seokjin’s lap with your soaked panties still pressed against the bulge in his pants.
As you stared at each other, it was as though time froze. Neither of you moved an inch, seemingly content to remain in some kind of intense, sensual staredown for the rest of time.
But you’d never claimed to be a patient person, and when you finally felt confident that your body was yours again, you acted.
If he wanted to push you away, he could have. His reflexes always seemed to almost predict the future, and you were positive that if he didn’t want this, he would have stopped you. He was never one to avoid voicing his discontent, even if it was masked as a self-deprecating joke. Some part of you deep down expected him to end this before it had even begun.
He didn’t.
Your lips met his in a depraved frenzy, too far gone to make any attempt at starting slow. It was rough, and it was messy, and it was desperate, and you loved it. His fangs scraped at your bottom lip and you gasped, fisting your hands into his hair as your body remembered how it felt the last time those fangs breached your skin. But as you ground your clit into the sizeable bulge in his pants again, he froze.
Just as you were about to pull away to see what caught his attention, he pushed you away first, hands firmly on your shoulders.
“Wait, wait, wait,” he gasped, and it very much looked like it took all of his willpower to break away.
“What’s wrong?” you asked weakly, your head still spinning, body absolutely overcome by lust. In fact, he was looking a bit blurry again with how fast he moved you, and it took several moments of rapid blinking before you met his very concerned gaze. Nothing ever escaped him, and you were sure that your semi-weak state was very obvious to him right now.
Not that it affected how much you wanted his touch, his cock.
“You don’t know what you’re doing.”
Your brow furrowed. “I do know what I’m doing,” you said firmly – or at least, you tried, but it took far too much effort to wrap your tongue around the syllables, almost as if you were drunk.
“Why don’t you believe me?” you whined, this time sounding a bit more coherent. You tried to push toward him, but his hold was too strong. “You want it too, look at your face.”
He sighed, looking to the ceiling as though it held some answer on how to make this easier. “It’s not about whether I want it or not. You’re not thinking straight.”
“Jinnie,” you whimpered needily, reaching your hands toward the waistband of his pants. If he didn’t touch you soon, you swore that you would scream. “Please. I want it. I want you. I promise-”
He moved to snatch your hands before you could touch him, and your mouth clamped shut at the grip. His expression was almost pained for a moment before his eyes glazed over with a look that would have had you on your knees immediately.
His hand shot up to grip your chin firmly, ensuring that you couldn’t look away. Though, you didn’t think you could look away if you tried, drawn to the unspeakable darkness you found there, crimson still invading the rich brown.
“Why don’t you be a good girl and sleep for me?”
“Wh-what?” you choked out, but it was as though you’d lost control of your body, feeling as though you’d been awake for days without sleep. Your eyelids fluttered shut, but you forced them back open, groaning weakly when your vision fell upon Seokjin, his expression still dark and hungry.
You were about to open your mouth again, but something about his eyes was so captivating. Something about the red pulled you in, left you unable to think. Were his eyes always this beautiful? You wracked your brain, but came up blank. You wanted to open your mouth and ask him, but you couldn’t move a muscle. Even still, your face drew closer to his as though pulled in by a magnet.
His eyes roved over your face before meeting your gaze once more, and you missed the flash of sympathy that was present for only a moment. You were relieved when he looked at you again, fingers twitching with the urge to cup his face. You were content to look at him for the rest of time – if there was anything Seokjin had, it was time, right?
Attention focused on each other, he parted his lips, and you could have sworn your ears buzzed, desperate to hold on to every word.
Your vision went black.
You awoke to a hand scratching gently at your scalp, a great contrast to the relentless hammering of your head. You groaned, shoving your face further into your pillow, blocking out the light that was already worsening the ache of your skull, even with your eyes closed.
You were so comfy, so relaxed at the touch that you almost drifted right back to sleep.
You lived alone.
Sitting up all in a rush, you gasped as the world spun. It only got worse when you forced your eyes open, a pained whine leaving your lips as even the limited light in the room only introduced more pain behind your eyes.
“Woah! It’s just me, it’s just me.” Seokjin’s voice came out in a rush, sturdy arms lowering you back to your pillow as he pulled the sheets up to shadow your face.
Right. Seokjin.
Your heartbeat calmed, recalling his arrival late last night. Though, what came next was all a blur you couldn’t bother trying to remember right now.
You heard him step away quickly, the sound of your curtains drawing completely closed having you let out a sigh of relief. His footsteps neared you again, his cool touch returning to stroke gently at your face, before moving to massage at the base of your skull.
His touch was so delicate it almost baffled you. You didn’t think he’d touch anyone like this, his displays of affection more inclined to loud compliments and playful roughhousing.
But you couldn’t deny that it felt incredible, your neck arching almost imperceptively as you leaned into his touch. The chill of his skin against yours sent a shiver through you, and you tried to ignore the fluttering in your chest.
“Are you cold?”
Blood rushed to your face at the observation, though you only gave a noncommittal noise in return. He didn’t need to know what was going on in your mind.
“My head hurts,” you mumbled quietly, a pout overtaking your lips. Seokjin had to force himself not to laugh at how cute you looked then.
“I know, I’m sorry,” he replied softly, lulling you back into a half-asleep state with the gentle motions of his hand on you.
You couldn’t tell how long it was before you opened your eyes again – it could have been 2 minutes or it could have been two hours. You couldn’t even tell whether you’d drifted off or not.
It was fortunately much darker than the first time you opened your eyes, much to the relief of your headache that had faded some, but was still thudding away.
What you didn’t expect, however, was to be greeted by the golden skin of Seokjin’s chest, the shadows of the room only making it look more unreal.
You blearily blinked several times before determining that yes, that was Seokjin half-naked and perched on a kitchen chair. You tried to get words out and failed, clearing your throat before trying again.
“Where are your clothes?”
He grinned. “A bit ruined, if you recall.”
At least his pants were still on. That was best for your sanity.
“Why does my head hurt so much?” you asked, luckily able to keep your eyes open now to look at him without the pain multiplying tenfold.
He winced, his chest aching at the pained expression on your face. “I’m sorry. That’s my fault.”
“What do you mean? Because you bit me?”
“No, not that.” He raised his free hand to scratch awkwardly at his ear.
“Huh? Why then?” All of this was so confusing. Maybe you should have done more research on vampires in your life, though you never expected to be in this sort of situation.
“I, uhh... compelled you.” He gnawed nervously at his lip, but rather than the lashing out he might have expected, you only looked at him in confusion.
“You what? Why?”
“What do you remember from last night?” he posed to you instead.
As much as you tried to recall, you couldn’t focus on anything with the state your head was in. You remembered him arriving at your house, a bit of stupid banter, getting on the couch, sitting in his lap. Then, he bit you.
Then what?
You honestly didn’t know, and you couldn’t help the fear that crept its way through you at that realization.
“You bit me...” you trailed off, looking away from his face and instead staring into the sheets near where your hands laid.
He hummed in affirmation, clearly urging you to continue.
“And then, I don’t really know,” you whispered, an edge of panic in your voice.
He sighed. “That’s what I thought. Don’t worry, it’ll come back.”
“Did something bad happen?” You tried to wrack your brain for possible scenarios where he would have had to compel you to do something, and you came up blank every time. What could you have done? Attacked him? Or did he go crazy at the taste of your blood and attack you? No, that didn’t make any sense – you were lying in bed feeling perfectly normal besides the headache.
What the hell happened?
“Nothing bad happened. I just... made you sleep before we did something stupid.”
It felt like the more he told you, the less you knew. Before you did something stupid? As in, did something stupid together?
There was something about the way he was choosing his words that led you to only one conclusion – in fact, he sounded an awful lot like Taehyung bemoaning his drunken hookups.
There was no way you almost fucked... right?
You’d have to know, right? There was no way you would have gone along with that... right?
It wasn’t as though you’d never had a spur of the moment one-night stand, but with Seokjin? There was absolutely no way you would’ve let that happen. A person had to protect their heart, after all.
“Stop overthinking right now, you’ll just make the pain worse.”
“I’m not,” you protested, though you didn’t know why you even tried lying. It was a bit hard to trick someone who was both a vampire and your friend.
“I can literally hear you freaking out. Please just try to rest, you’ll remember when the headache goes away.”
You sighed, trying to ease the tension in your body you didn’t even realize you had. “Are you sure?”
“Positive,” he said confidently, his hand trailing away to rub firm circles into your shoulder instead.
“Mm.” You might have said something, but proper words evaded you at his touch. You tried focusing on him rather than the thrum of your skull, and you had to force yourself to keep your eyes open.
The expression on Seokjin’s face was one you hadn’t seen before. His eyes looked into yours with a softness that felt unfamiliar, a soft smile overtaking his lips when he saw how exhausted you looked.
“Sleep if you’re tired, princess,” he murmured, pulling the sheets up higher to cover you more. “Do you want another blanket?”
You could feel your heart speed up in your chest at the pet name and his tenderness, and you cursed the fact that there was no way to hide anything from him. At least he was polite enough not to tease you like he did your other friends.
You were so momentarily flustered that you almost forgot to respond, only nodding in response as you curled further into yourself. If you were any braver, maybe you would have asked him to join you instead.
It was only moments before he was tossing the throw from your living room over you, and it almost startled you. Sometimes you forgot how eerily fast he could move, considering he usually slowed himself to your pace whenever you were together.
You let out a contented sigh as you snuggled into the additional warmth, already feeling only half-conscious. You had just enough energy to let out a mumbled ‘thanks’ before you were drifting off again.
When you awoke this time, it felt as though you were an entirely new person. For starters, your head felt blissfully quiet. You were sure you would have cried if you woke up to just as much pain. There was only so much you could take in one 24-hour period. Seokjin had really done a number on your weekend, hadn’t he?
Speaking of Seokjin, he was nowhere to be seen in your bedroom. Though you were sure he was still somewhere. It wasn’t quite his style to disappear without saying goodbye, and you were even more doubtful that he would just leave after biting you.
Biting you.
At the thought, images flooded your mind faster than you could process them.
His fangs at your neck.
The relentless pleasure that invaded every fibre of your being.
Your lips on his.
Your brazen grinding against him.
And, your refusal to stop despite his words.
Holy fuck.
Was it possible to go back to when you didn’t remember and you could ignorantly lay in bed with Seokjin stroking your head?
You sat up only to bury your head in your hands, letting out a loud, embarrassed, frustrated groan while you were at it. If Seokjin didn’t know you were awake before, he surely did now. But merciful as ever, he allowed you to wallow in your mortification alone.
Was there anything worse than trying to mindlessly and basically drunkenly make your way into your friend’s pants and get denied? Your friend who you maybe found a little bit (extremely) attractive in every way, shape, and form?
Well, of course there were worse things, but to you in this moment, it certainly felt like a new low.
It took you a moment to find your footing once you’d hopped out of bed, but luckily you felt good as new otherwise. If you stayed in here alone too much longer you would certainly lose the minimal nerve you had and never leave.
In your rush to make use of your bravery, you remembered at the last moment that you were still in just your panties and shirt with no bra.
When you made it to your dresser, you paused at your reflection.
It was almost... startling how normal you looked. Though, what should you have looked like?
Baring your neck and squinting at the image in front of you, you had to scratch at your neck yourself to verify whether you were imagining it.
Aside from bruises that already seemed to be fading, there were no marks on your neck. Did it really heal that fast?
Maybe you should have been a bit embarrassed that you were so clueless on the whole subject. But in your defense, information on the internet didn’t seem to be very reliable, and vampires, for some reason, seemed to love their air of mystery. Based on the few you knew well, you were pretty sure they got a fair amount of amusement out of the misconceptions flying around.
Finally fully dressed for the first time since Seokjin showed up unannounced, you flung your door open with all the confidence you could muster.
Which is to say, you cracked your door open just enough for you to stick your head out. Much to your dismay, your eyes met Seokjin’s on the couch almost immediately, your face ducked toward the floor as you slinked your way over to the living room.
You stopped on the opposite side of the table, the sight of the stained knife there definitely not helping in your hope to distract yourself from what a fool you’d made of yourself the night before.
Out of curiosity, your gaze shot up to examine his abdomen.
You didn’t know why the perfectly smooth and unblemished muscle you found there was of any surprise to you after the night you’ve had, but it was. There wasn’t a single trace of any injury or blood on him – in fact, he looked much cleaner than when he got here. Did he use your shower?
A throat clearing had your eyes instinctively locking with his, an amused smile playing over his features that shot embarrassment through your veins. Of course the one time your ogling was purely scientific, he had to catch you and make fun of you.
You couldn’t stop your sight from drifting back down, the concept of there being absolutely no trace of anything happening to him boggling your mind.
“You really...” you trailed off, eyes darting back and forth across his bare skin one last time just to be sure. “You really healed, just like that?”
He only nodded, tapping the unbroken skin for emphasis. “You can heal me, I can heal you. Convenient, isn’t it?”
You nodded back in response, silence taking over the room quickly. You didn’t know what you were supposed to do to fill it. You’ve never experienced an awkward silence with Seokjin before, his charming nature always keeping everyone around him comfortable. This sort of energy in the room with him... it was unsettling.
“Y/N,” Seokjin called out once the silence went on a moment too long for his liking. “Can you come sit with me?”
He scooted over to make plenty of room for you, but you felt almost frozen in place. Did he really want your company after you’d pretty much jumped him? Was he sitting you down so he could let you down easy, tell you that this has been real, but he refused to associate with someone with so little self-control?
You must have stood there staring for longer than you thought, because an unreadable expression crossed his face before he spoke up again.
“Are you scared of me?”
“No!” you blurted out, your volume clearly surprising him. “Well, a little?”
“Oh.” If you weren’t paying such close attention to him, you would have missed the hurt that flashed in his eyes. But you didn’t.
“Wait, that’s not what I meant,” you said hurriedly. You wanted to smack yourself for being such a blatant mess. “I’m just... scared,” you finished weakly.
His gaze softened immediately, and he had to restrain himself from hopping over the table between you to pull you into his arms. You looked like you were trying to shrink into yourself, your shoulders pulled towards your chest, hands wringing nervously in front of you.
“Did you think I would be upset?” he asked softly. He leaned forward, earnest expression on his face.
That was an understatement. You could live with “drunkenly” coming onto someone, but you didn’t know what you would do if it ended up costing you your friendship. Maybe you were being overly dramatic, but you never claimed to be the most rational person.
You nodded slowly, your vision dropping to stare at the floor, hands wrapped around your middle, squeezing as you struggled to maintain composure. You didn’t know why your heart was beating a mile a minute, your palms uncomfortably sweaty. You usually didn’t feel this level of fear when confronting a mistake that, to a normal person, shouldn’t be such an obscenely big deal as you were making it. But Seokjin was certainly not a normal person to you, and any situation that lowered his opinion of you was one you would do anything to avoid.
“Hey.” The sudden gentle hand on your chin made you squeak, and you would have stumbled in your rush to step backward if not for the steadying hand on your shoulder.
You always seemed to forget that he could move so quickly and silently. Your heart might stop at this rate if he wasn’t careful.
His thumb stroked at your jaw as if he hadn’t just seen you nearly fall flat on your ass, softly tapping under your chin until you met his gaze.
“I promise I’m the furthest thing from mad right now. Nothing is even your fault, okay?”
“No buts. Let’s talk, but I’m not upset. Okay?” he urged, eyes not leaving yours until you nodded. The smile he gave in return made you feel warm, the tenderness in his gaze doing things to your heart, the hint of a smile ghosting your lips.
The hand on your shoulder nudged you toward him, the other opening wide to welcome you into a hug.
You went easily, your arms wrapping around his bare waist as you tucked your face into his chest. The relief you felt at his reassurance was immense, and you melted into his touch. It was almost strange how well you fit together.
“Let’s sit,” he said, kind yet firm. He led you over to the couch, settling himself down into the spot where he seemed to have spent much of the past day in.
You didn’t know what possessed you to straddle his lap in the way you did last night. Maybe it was the way he looked at you warmly without judgment, or the way your body craved his nearness after getting a taste of his touch. But whatever it was, he didn’t push you away – rather, he reached for your hands, interlacing his fingers with your own.
This position wasn’t the most “innocent” to begin with, but with the memories of last night rushing through your head, of his teeth at your neck and the pleasure you felt, your breath sped up.
With the expression on Seokjin’s face, you were sure he must have been thinking the same thing, hungry eyes flickering from your lips back up to your waiting gaze. Unlike you, however, he didn’t seem at all embarrassed.
“Are you confused?” he asked suddenly.
Caught off guard by the sudden question, your brows furrowed. Though you didn’t know just exactly what he was referring to, what will all that happened, but your answer was still the same regardless.
You nodded hesitantly, but he didn’t speak, your puzzled expression telling him that you were still working things out in your head. The silence stretched on until you finally spoke up again.
“You didn’t tell me it would be like... that.” Euphoric. Dreamlike. Intense. No matter what word you used, it still didn’t feel enough to encompass what you experienced the night before. You’d never experienced white-hot physical and even emotional pleasure like that, not in all your years of life.
You dropped your gaze down to your joined hands, watching the way he fiddled with your fingers as he pondered his next words. It felt unusual to have a conversation with him in this way – you both tended to be people who said what they thought without thinking on it too much, with friends at least. But it was reassuring to see him so serious, to see that he really did care.
“I didn’t tell you because I didn’t think it was a possibility,” he finally said. He sounded confident in his words, but you found it odd that he was fidgeting so much. He hadn’t stopped moving his hands since taking hold of yours, and even his legs were starting to shift beneath yours. Why did he seem so nervous?
“What does that mean?”
“Is there anything you want to tell me?” he responded instead, leaving you staring at him, baffled.
“Huh?” you replied, immediately defensive.
You didn’t have the smallest idea of what that question meant, but he fixed his gaze on you inquisitively. Did he think you had some big secret or something? Sure, he didn’t know everything about your life, but there was nothing so exceptional about you that not mentioning it would be some sort of betrayal.
“Uhh, never mind.”
“What do you mean, never mind? You can’t just ask me something like then and then say that,” you huffed, lips forming a thin line.
“Sorry I just thought – do you remember what I told you when you asked if it would hurt?”
You swore he was going to give you whiplash with his questions, but at least this one was easy to answer.
“Sure, you said the closer two people are the better it feels. Something like that, right?”
“Right, so, uhh, it wouldn’t normally feel that intense, you know?”
The fact that he definitely seemed to know exactly what was going on and kept beating around the bush was more than a little bit frustrating. Considering he was normally as straightforward as a person could get, though, you opted to simple stare expectantly at him. But if he didn’t cut to the point in approximately 20 seconds, your annoyance would just about outweigh your concern.
“It shouldn’t feel that way unless you liked me back,” he finally said, all in one breath.
You could only blink blankly as you processed his words, but when it clicked, you went from mildly annoyed to incredibly flustered all in the same second.
“HUH?! Wait, back?” You could almost feel your headache coming back with how many directions this conversation has taken in less than 15 minutes. Your hands were starting to feel disgustingly clammy in his, but neither of you moved to separate them.
“I know this is so sudden, and I didn’t expect to be outed like this either and it doesn’t have to mean anything, like I know I like you a lot, like a lot a lot, but I don’t really know how much you feel about me or if it’s even that significant or just a passing attraction because either is possible and I’m really sorry if this made everything awkward-”
His ridiculously fast words were cut off by your newly-free hand clamping down over his mouth, plump lips tickling your skin as he stared at you, wide-eyed. You were sure if you tried this any other time he would (playfully) smack you, but he only stared.
“Really?” you whispered. To be completely honest, you never realistically considered a relationship, or even just a hook-up with Seokjin. You found him wholly and insanely attractive, but didn’t everyone? And it wasn’t that he was a vampire and you were a human – it was laughable to believe that you’d think that long-term anyway.
No, you just never saw him being that into you. He was almost ethereally beautiful, got along well with everyone, and had one of the most charming personalities you’d ever seen. His physique wasn’t even something that needed to be mentioned. With all that considered, all you ever cared to do was admire him from afar, content to have him as a close friend. It wasn’t as though he’d ever sent you hints that he wanted otherwise, either.
So to hear that your stupid little harmless crush could actually amount to anything?
You thought things couldn’t get any more unexpected.
When he nodded his confirmation, you couldn’t keep the grin from overtaking your face.
The giddiness clear on your face and the adorable sparkle in your eye sent unquantifiable relief through him, and the second you removed your hand, he opened his mouth to speak.
But somehow you were quicker than him, your lips meeting his before a single syllable could be uttered.
Unlike last night, you didn’t kiss him like you wanted to devour him, or like your body would light on fire if you couldn’t get as close as possible. This was calmer, slower, but it didn’t take long for that to change.
His fangs weren’t out this time, but that didn’t change the fact that you gasped as soon as his teeth dug into your bottom lip. Sparks shot up your spine at the sensation, your mind unable to stop thinking about what you felt the last time you were in this same position. How good it felt to be helpless to the pleasure battering down on you, held in place by strong hands and strong arms.
He’d probably ruined teeth for you for the rest of your life.
You let him do whatever he wanted, and he groaned into your mouth when you tangled your hands in his hair. Hands gripped your ass tightly and squeezed, pulling you in closer to him.
His hands didn’t even wander much further than that, but heat flared in your core regardless. When he raised his hips to brush the bulge in his pants against your aching centre, you could only moan and grind down onto him.
The pressure against your clit through the thin material of your shorts cut off every possible train of thought, and you were pretty sure that after all this, these panties would never recover.
You felt goosebumps raise on your flesh when a hand rose, nails scraping against your scalp. You arched your neck back ever-so-slightly, and Seokjin didn’t miss a beat in detaching from your lips to mouth at the skin above your collarbone instead.
He wasn’t gentle in the way he sucked bruises into your skin, a firm hand holding your head in place while the other held your thigh, his confined length rubbing languidly into your core. You whined and tightened your grip in his hair at the brush of teeth against skin, but much to your displeasure, he pulled away from you before clothes even started coming off.
“Whyyyy?” you whined petulantly. Was he really going to do this to you again? You knew he was definitely in the right to stop things last night, but there was only so much you could take.
He bit back a smirk at your neediness, thumbing gently at your protruding bottom lip as he resisted the urge to tease you for your cuteness. This soft and pouty side of you was new to him, and he swore something fluttered in his chest.
“You should eat something, princess.”
“Huh?” you blinked, confused. You were about to protest when he spoke up again.
“When’s the last time you ate?”
“Uhh... dinner last night? Maybe 7? 8?”
He leaned in toward you, but rather than kiss you again, he reached for the table behind you. You craned your neck to see what he was doing, and frowned when he grabbed for his phone. Your bewilderment at what he was doing didn’t last long, however, his phone screen displaying the time for you in large, white font.
5:32 pm.
“Holy shit, I slept for that long?” You stared at him wide-eyed. No wonder he took a shower and everything. You were surprised he was sat there waiting for you for all those hours without complaint.
He looked a bit sheepish, tossing his phone to the side and leaning back into the couch, tugging you with him comfortably. At this point the fire you felt had been dimmed, but that didn’t mean you weren’t still a bit irritated at being denied twice in a row.
“Ah, that would be my fault... the compulsion really gave you hell,” he winced, stroking gently at your cheek with the back of his fingers.
“It’s fine, I feel okay. Wasn’t that my fault anyway?” Your face felt hot thinking back to your behaviour and the lack of restraint you showed, hand rubbing nervously at the back of your neck.
“Of course not,” he assured quickly. “It’s not exactly something easy to resist. But if you regret it, I’m really sor-”
“I don’t regret it!” you cut him off, immediately wanting to pinch yourself for being so loud. And hasty. And embarrassing. And horny. “I’m... I’m happy right now.” Your volume seemed to die as confidence left you, but Seokjin only beamed.
“I’m happy too,” he said simply, tone laced with sincerity. “But you need to eat, I can practically hear your intestines screaming from here.”
“What?!” Strange tension successfully killed, your hands covered your abdomen instinctively as though you could shield yourself from his vampire ears. “Can you actually?”
He let you stare at him in alarm for only a few seconds before he couldn’t hold his giggles back anymore.
“Not really, but you should have seen your face. Why are you so worried about it?”
You huffed, shoulders deflating at his teasing. “I don’t know! That has to be a breach of privacy or something. Who gave you the right to listen to my intestines?”
“I can already hear your heart just fine, would it really matter so much?”
The smile dropped from his lips within a second, and the sudden intensity in his gaze had you frozen. The energy in the room shifted in an instant, and you were at a complete loss for words.
You thought he was going in for a kiss when he leaned closer, but instead his nose went to nuzzle at your neck, trailing up into your hairline. The warm air he exhaled into your ear made you shiver, pressing yourself ever so closer to his bare chest. You didn’t know how he managed to work you up within seconds, but you felt so hot despite his cool touch, baring your neck for him.
“I can hear the way your heart speeds up when I get close...” he whispered, mouthing lazily at your soft skin before sucking harshly. Unsure of what to do with yourself, your nails dug into his biceps, breath unsteady.
“I can hear the way the blood rushes through your veins, the sweetest thing I’ve ever tasted.” A hand rose to palm at your breast, bare beneath the worn cotton of your shirt. You arched your back as he harshly rolled a hard nipple between his fingers.
“I can hear the way you lose your breath, your tiny little gasps...” You couldn’t hide the way you twitched when sharp fangs scraped against your skin, a whimper nearly making its way from your throat. “Just like that.”
“And just so you know...” His voice was like honey, warm and smooth and sweet, and you hung onto his every word. “I can hear the way your stomach is growling right now too.”
The noise you let out that moment was inhumane, somewhere between a squeak and a scream of disbelief.
He broke away from you with a blaring laugh, shoulders bouncing beneath your grip.
You moved to slap at his chest, but your hand was caught easily, and his laughter only continued. God, you were going to kill this man. Again.
Your face felt obscenely hot, and you could feel a pout overtaking your lips at the sight of him still giggling away in front of you.
“Jinnie,” you whined, choosing to display your discontent by breaking free of his grip and hopping up out of his lap.
Which was definitely not the correct choice, because you swore you could feel the rush of blood through your ears before a strong sense of vertigo washed over you, groan escaping your lips. You were sure you would have fallen face first into the floor if not for Seokjin’s steadying.
“Woah, do you feel okay? This is why I told you to eat,” he sighed, maneuvering you to lay down comfortably on the couch, sticking pillows under your head. “Just stay here and I’ll make food, okay?”
“No, wait, I can make it-”
As you attempted to push back up off the couch, he only gently pushed down with a quiet ‘tsk’ and shake of his head. As you opened your mouth to further protest, he leaned in close, the softness of his lips brushing against the shell of your ear.
“Be a good girl and let me take care of you, hm?”
Your breath hitched at his sudden words, only able to stare wide-eyed when he pulled away from you enough to take in your face. The look in his eyes could only be described as devious – amused yet hardened, and you didn’t know if you were imagining the crimson bleeding into the brown of his irises.
“There goes that heartbeat again,” he murmured as though sharing a secret, the tender motion of his hand on your cheek in stark contrast to the want etched into his expression. “You’re going to be so much fun to ruin.”
For someone who didn’t really need to eat food to survive (though you’d been told time and time again that eating was fun), Seokjin made one hell of a good cook. Granted, egg fried rice wasn’t the most difficult nor time-consuming dish to make, but that didn’t make it any less tasty. In fact, you were grateful for such a simple and light dish, because you learned quite quickly that after an entire day without food, rushing to eat only brought nausea and discomfort.
Leaning against the armrest of the couch, the inside of your bowl was all you could see with how close you were holding it to your face. In your defence, though, you were greatly disinterested in the possibility of needing to clean a stain from your cushions.
As you took your time eating, Seokjin opted to tidy up a bit, dishes clanging in the kitchen before you heard him rearranging his shoes at the front door.
Thankfully, his efforts included removing the knife from your table and putting it god-knows-where, but you were just glad it was out of your line of sight. Maybe he thought that it was better for your appetite to remove the thing you’d literally pulled out of him.
You tried not to let your mind linger on just how... strange that felt.
He somehow managed to clean up before you’d even finished eating, the couch dipping beside you as he settled into his spot. Vampire speed truly was startling.
If you didn’t have your entire field of vision blocked, you might have noticed Seokjin’s fond look as you ate your meal at what could only be described as a forced snail’s pace. He had to suppress a chuckle at how antsy you seemed to be, clearly wanting to just shovel food into your mouth, but knowing you would only suffer for it. How did one person manage to be so cute and yet so seductive?
When you were done, you set the bowl down on the table with a satisfied sigh, jumping in surprise when a glass of water was placed into your newly-emptied hands almost immediately.
“Thanks,” you smiled shyly, face feeling hot at his attentiveness. You didn’t know how to react at having a man like Kim Seokjin doting on you. It was almost – no, it was – unbelievable, and your poor heart didn’t know how to act. It was one thing to have him kiss you like he was going to devour you, and another to be this sweet and this caring and this soft.
Setting the empty glass next to your empty bowl, you leaned back, unsure of what to do with yourself now that you were entirely unoccupied. Seokjin’s presence beside you made you increasingly aware of the awkward shifting of your hands and your uneasy breathing. He wasn’t that close to you and yet you could smell him – you didn’t know how he managed to make your floral scented shampoo smell sexy.
“Why are you so nervous?” he said lowly, nudging you into his side and tossing an arm around your shoulders. It was a simple move, and yet all you could think was how big he was, how easily he completely enveloped you in his hold.
“I-I’m not nervous,” you stuttered, and you could feel the blood rush to your face. You wondered if he could hear that, too.
A hand lifted your face in his direction, and you were met with an expression that very clearly read ‘are you really going to try lying to a vampire?’
“I don’t know why I’m nervous,” you amended, biting into your lower lip. His gaze followed the motion, eyes clouding over.
“Can I kiss you?” he asked softly, his thumb raising to release your lip from your teeth, the movement intimate enough to set your stomach aflutter.
“Are we asking that now?” you responded smartly, grinning when Seokjin only huffed a laugh.
“Let me be clearer then,” he said lowly, the abrupt commanding tone having you sit up straighter. “Can I kiss you, strip you, take you to bed, taste that sweet pussy on my tongue, and then fuck you?”
Heat flared in you at the words, your fingernails scratching against his chest before remembering he wasn’t wearing a shirt for you to yank him closer. You settled for making a beeline for his mouth, but a quick movement to grip your hair at the scalp kept you from getting close enough.
“Ah, ah,” he tutted, holding you still as he nuzzled his nose against your neck, humming in content when he brushed right against the spot he bit you yesterday. “Tell me yes or no, princess.”
You nodded with what freedom you had left – not much, with how tight his hold on you was, tiny pricks of pain sending sparks up and down your spine. His other hand pulled you closer to him, your hips halfway straddling him as he mouthed at your neck, acting as though he hadn’t noticed your response. It was clear that he was waiting for you to say something.
“Yes,” you said quietly, nearly forgetting what the question was from the way he was sucking softly at your neck. At the scrape of fangs against your skin, you only pushed back against the hand in your hair, exposing more of your neck with a soft sigh.
“You can’t stop thinking about it, can you?” he taunted, pulling you fully on top of him, his hard cock right against your core, and you wished that clothing wasn’t separating you.
He pressed those fangs against the soft skin below your ear, hard enough that the pain had you wincing, but not enough to break skin.
He was teasing you, and you were putty in his hands.
“I can’t stop thinking about it either,” he breathed, tonguing lazily over the stinging marks he left behind. You could only whimper and squirm in his hold, hands tangling in his silken hair. You didn’t know whether you wanted to pull him away or push him closer.
“To have you moaning in rapture right in my lap, so desperate for my cock, the taste of you on my lips...” His voice was so low you could barely hear it, barely process it, but the absolutely lust in his voice only spurred new waves of arousal in you. “Hearing you beg like that, fuck-”
He cut himself off with a sinful moan as he shifted his hips to rub himself right against your cunt, and you shuddered in response.
“I don’t think I’ve ever wanted anyone so bad,” he sighed, breathing unsteady as he used his grip on you to rock you in time to his movements. “I’ve never had such a test of self-control. Maybe I should punish you.”
This voice was teasing, but your reaction was real, and there was no way to hide the way a moan escaped or the way your nails dug crescents into Seokjin’s smooth skin.
“Oh, you like that, do you?” he chuckled darkly as he leaned his head back into the couch, the grip in your hair tightening even more. A helpless whine left your lips, and you became uncomfortably aware of the way your panties were sticking to your folds.
“Tell me, do you think I should punish you?” he asked, his honeyed voice lulling you into a state you couldn’t even begin to explain with words.
You tried nodding again, hissing at the flash of pain when you tried move your head from his grip.
“Princess, haven’t you learned to use your words? I think I’ll bend you over my knee right here. What do you think about that?”
“Please,” you gasped without hesitation, freezing when you fluttered your eyelids open to meet his gaze.
If you weren’t sure whether his eyes were laced with red before, it was evident now. It only made him all the more enticing, and your vision fell down to his mouth instinctively when he ran his tongue over his teeth. A pang of heat went through you when his fangs bit into his lip, and before you were thinking about it, a hand rose to brush against his mouth.
Your thumb grazed a fang almost reverently, and Seokjin only watched on fondly at the wonderment on your face. You supposed it might have been strange to touch your friend’s – boyfriend’s? – teeth like this, but you had always been curious. Hell, you hadn’t even seen fangs in person before last night. As far as you knew, they only extended when feeding or when feeling strong emotions, and neither tended to be something you could casually see on the street.
You bit at your lip when sharpness pushed into the pad of your finger, but his next words broke you free of your reverie.
“Bend over then.”
He released you from his grip dizzyingly fast, leaning back to watch you.
You were surprised at yourself with how quickly you situated your ass over his lap, the self-consciousness you would’ve expected to be feeling wholly absent. Seokjin was just that captivating.
You wiggled your way into a comfortable position, sticking a cushion under your head. Now that your ass was sticking out right into his view, you felt more vulnerable than ever, knowing that his eyes and ears were trained on your every movement and reaction.
Hands pushed your long shirt up over your hips, fingers trailing lightly over the globes of your ass, separated only by the thin fabric of your shorts. But not for long.
Fingers reached under your waistband and tugged down before you could react, yanking your shorts and panties down in one go.
With air suddenly hitting your sodden pussy, you could feel heat rise to your face at how exposed you found yourself. But any thought of shifting and hiding was erased when you heard Seokjin’s loud groan.
“Shit, you’re soaked, smell so fucking good,” he hissed, fingers reaching to push messily through your folds.
You couldn’t see him putting his fingers in his mouth, but the depraved moan he let out afterward had you squirming in his lap.
After your shorts and panties were pushed onto the floor, a large hand ran tenderly over the skin of your ass, fingers digging in slightly.
“Is ten on each side too much for you?” he asked. There was no hint of teasing in his tone, his voice firm. He continued his soft stroking as he waiting for an answer.
“Uhh... I don’t really know?” you responded meekly. Sure, you had been spanked before, but it was never this... structured? To be honest, you didn’t really know what “a lot” would be in terms of numbers.
“It’s okay,” he soothed. “We’ll work our way up and see how it feels. Is that okay?”
You nodded at first, but quickly let out an ‘okay’ when you remembered how firm he was on a proper response.
“This means I’m trusting you to be honest and tell me to stop if it’s too much. I want you to feel good.”
You released tension you didn’t realize you’d had at his reassurances, allowing your limbs to loosen as you adjusted to lay more comfortably. The sensation of his hands on you made you feel safe and secure, and you knew for a fact that for all his hard words and cold stares, he was still always searching for your approval.
You twitched in surprise as a few light swats came down on each cheek, almost as though he was testing the motion. But after being briefly taken off guard, you relaxed under his hands, body already warming up at each light blow. You barely felt anything aside from a faint sting, but you could already feel your cunt throbbing, anticipation having you dig your nails into the cushion beneath you.
But even despite his preparation, the first real blow had you gasping. Not because it was overly painful – in fact, those pinpricks of pain were laced with pleasure, radiating outward from where his palm had firmly struck you. No, it was more that with the control and precision he showed, another realization struck you at that moment.
He really knew what he was doing.
This wasn’t just a college boyfriend who wanted to experiment with things he saw in porn, or a random bar hookup who thought he was more than he was.
No, Seokjin was the epitome of calculated control, had you eating out of the palm of his hand with one simple word. One look and you were his.
And fuck, if that didn’t make you melt.
You sighed happily as a hit came down on your other asscheek, another wave of arousal soaking your cunt.
“Do you want it harder?” he asked, voice low. The tone felt almost like a personal attack, honeyed words piercing your eardrums.
“Okay,” you whispered.
“Yes or no. Don’t just agree to do things because I suggest it,” he scolded, punishing you with a swat to your upper thigh that stung sharper than his previous blows.
“Yes, I want it.”
“Hm,” he hummed, nails scratching over your skin, just barely missing the heat of your core. “I think I would be more convinced if you begged.”
As much as most of your embarrassment had already faded, what with being bent over Seokjin’s lap, it took so much more to put your desires verbally out into the world. But the throbbing in your cunt was fierce, and the warmth from his previous strikes was already fading. And you wanted more.
“Please,” you whined weakly before taking a deep breath to amp yourself up. “Please, Jinnie, I want it harder.”
You barely had time to process the tiny chuckle he let out before his palm came down on you again, the additional force behind it making you shiver despite the warmth that spread through you.
You didn’t know exactly how many more times his hand struck your ass, but your quiet moans were interrupted by his voice once again.
As much as you felt good, it still wasn’t enough. The sting wasn’t enough, the heat wasn’t enough. You wanted more, needed more.
“Yes, please.”
“Mm, there you go. Maybe I should do this more often if you’re going to be such a good girl for me after.”
He punctuated his statement with a harsh blow to your ass, the strength of it forcing a moan from your lungs. A hand stroked tenderly over where it had struck, before doing the same to the other cheek. You whimpered as you felt another gush of wetness spill from your cunt, squirming as another strike rained down.
Yes, this is what you wanted.
The feeling was heady, your mouth open and allowing all the sounds to spill from your lips. Every cell in your body felt hot, from your fingertips down to your toes. You were certain you must have been making a mess of his lap with how wet you were.
You didn’t realize how heavily you were breathing until the smacks stopped, fingers gently kneading at the raw skin instead. Your skin felt almost burned, but more than anything, you needed those hands to slip between your legs. Now that there was nothing else to distract you, your neglected pussy was desperate for something, anything.
“How are you?” he asked several moments later.
His continued soothing touch dampened the fire of your skin before long, but that only furthered your arousal, shifting in his lap in search of some relief. You itched for some pressure on your clit, but it wasn’t possible in the position he had you in.
“Good,” you breathed, pressing back into his touch.
“Good.” He let his fingers creep ever-so-closer to where you needed him most, rubbing against where your wetness had spread, just beside your outer folds. “I think you deserve a reward. What do you think?”
“Please,” you whined immediately, but luckily, he didn’t seem interested in making you wait any longer. Maybe it was the fact that he had been waiting just as long, or that he was just tired of your constant fidgeting in his lap.
A finger slid in without resistant – unsurprisingly, what with the way you could feel the air hitting your slick skin. Your walls clamped down on the intrusion immediately, and another finger slid down to rub tiny circles onto your clit.
You whined in relief, but Seokjin unfortunately held you down to keep you from thrusting back onto his hand.
“So fucking wet,” he murmured, slipping another finger in when he felt how easily you took the first.
As much as one didn’t feel like enough, two of his fingers was so much bigger than your own. The stretch had you gasping, the friction against your walls and clit making you moan out.
As he scissored his fingers inside of you, the slight burn had you hissing, though the constant ministrations on your clit made sure the pain never became your focus.
“Mm, are you sure you can take my cock?” he mused, smirking at the way you were already whimpering, increasing the pace of his thrusts as your moans got more frequent.
“I can!” you blurted out, sounding almost offended. He had to stifle a laugh. You had always been fun to rile up, and sex was no exception.
“Hm, okay,” he hummed, amusement colouring his tone. You almost called him out on it before his fingers pulled out of you abruptly.
Before you could question him, beg him to come back, hold him against you – three fingers started easing their way inside of you.
You tensed up almost immediately at the harsher burn at your entrance, the stiffness of your body not doing you much of a favour. He paused all movement at your struggle.
“Relax. I’ll take care of you, okay?”
His words had you feeling more at ease, a reminder that he was here, he wanted you to feel good, and he only kept on making that fact clear.
You made a noise of agreement, forcing your muscles to relax despite how much they wanted to clamp down. You wanted his cock, after all. You could take his fingers.
He took his time with you, slowly easing his fingers in and scissoring them apart, all the while his other hand resting beneath your abdomen, rubbing into your clit. You keened under his continuous murmured praise, moaning as he began to thrust his fingers.
“That’s it,” he whispered, his own breaths beginning to get heavy as he watched you twitch and whine at his hand.
Once the discomfort passed, your pleasure crested ridiculously fast with how long you’ve been waiting to be touched, filled. He stretched you open so wide, and you clenched around his digits at the thought of those fingers being his cock instead.
You were easily giving yourself away with how your walls were clamping down more and more, heavier gasps leaving you. The stroking at your clit wasn’t getting any slower, and soon enough you felt like you were going to snap.
“Gonna come all over my fingers, princess?” he asked roughly, his voice showing an uncharacteristic lack of control as he spread his fingers wide again.
“Please,” you said feebly, all other words having left your available vocabulary long ago. “Please.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll give it to you, baby.” The crook of his fingers took you by surprise, and with one, two, strokes against that spongy spot within you, you were gone.
Your orgasm stole the breath from your lungs, your legs going weak as waves of bliss hit you everywhere at once. His hands on you didn’t stop their motions, only sending new waves up your spine, shivers wracking your body as you grasped the closest object tightly – your nails digging into the cushion beneath you.
He only stopped when you started to squirm away as pain took over the pleasure, a whimper escaping as his fingers were removed.
If you thought you were getting a moment to breathe, you were wrong.
“Fuck, you’re going to be the death of me,” he growled.
Before you could blink, you were on your back, his lips attacking yours in a frenzy.
The grip he had on your thigh was sure to bruise, his still-clothed cock rocking into your sensitive pussy as he consumed your every thought, every desire.
You could taste yourself on his tongue, the realization only building the fire that had already been relit within you.
You allowed him to pull the shirt from your body, your skin left completely bare beneath his.
His gaze was somewhere between reverent and demonic, and he looked almost ready to pounce back on you before he paused.
“Bed?” His voice sounded strained, and you thought briefly back to what he said about how much self-control the past day has required from him. You glanced down at the bulge in his pants, and you had to keep yourself from grabbing at it, eager to give him his pleasure the same way he’d done for you.
You didn’t think your lips formed the second syllable before you were being scooped up, your arms looping around his neck to steady yourself from the abrupt movement.
The walk to the bedroom was somewhat of a blur, your stomach lurching at the speed with which he moved. You’d known the man was quick, but experiencing it firsthand was partly unsettling, and partly... strangely sexy.
Your back hit the sheets with unexpected force, your body bouncing back up from the impact. You’d never considered strength to be such a significant turn-on, but combined with everything else about him, it seemed to make Seokjin the most dangerously attractive man you’ve ever encountered.
You thought you were about to get fucked into the mattress – the hunger in Seokjin’s stare only cementing the thought – but it seemed that he had other ideas.
You were about to beg him to touch you, fuck you, do literally anything – when his hands wrapped around your ankles, spreading your legs apart enough that you could begin to feel the strain in your thighs.
The way he was gazing at your fully exposed core almost made you self-conscious before you took in the way his breathing was heavier than you’d ever seen it, the crimson completely having taken over the brown of his irises.
“I have – I have to taste you,” he groaned.
He sprung on you in an instant, plush lips wrapping around your clit and sucking before his tongue moved down to lap at your arousal.
While you were still a bit sensitive from your last orgasm, the discomfort was nothing in comparison to the bliss lighting up your nerves. You were a slave to pleasure under his tongue, hands holding you down as you attempted to buck up into him instinctively.
His tongue attacked you like a man starved, his unabashed moans into your heat leaving you gasping.
But as much as he was successfully making you lose your mind, you didn’t want to cum like this.
“Jin, fuck-” you whimpered, body aching to grind up into his face despite your next words.
He only hummed into your pussy at your noises, motions not pausing whatsoever.
“Fuck me, please,” you begged, a hand winding into his hair in an attempt to pull him off you.
You almost thought he was pretending not to hear you when he didn’t react straightaway, but not long after, he pulled off of you.
He didn’t even say a word in response, only shucking off his pants and boxers with a heaving chest.
You swore your pussy throbbed when you saw his cock, only moreso when he fisted it with a hiss, lips that were glistening with your arousal widening to reveal sharp white fangs.
“I have to be inside you right fucking now,” he snarled, dragging your body down by the thighs to meet him where he knelt.
You felt almost feverish, your hands reaching to yank Seokjin by the shoulders, the need to be closer taking over your every thought.
He kissed you frantically as the head of his cock rubbed against your clit, your back arching up into him, his closeness still not close enough for you.
You were so close to pleading with him not to draw this out, but he settled himself against your entrance, his other arm supporting himself by your head. When he started to push in, you could only whimper.
You knew he was big when he grasped himself in his hand only moments before, but for all his preparation, it felt like you were being split open.
You clung onto his biceps as he rocked himself forward at a snail’s pace, nails digging into his skin as you clamped down on him reflexively. It burned, but you wanted it so bad. As much as the discomfort was intense, you could feel yourself getting wetter by the second, unable to stop panting into Seokjin’s mouth.
You whined as he nibbled at your bottom lip, one of his hands rubbing soothing circles into your thigh, the other in your hair. But when you felt fangs puncture your lip ever-so-slightly before he sucked it into his mouth, all breath was stolen from you.
It was only the smallest fraction of the pleasure you felt the night before, but that was enough to have your head thrown back, hips raising to meet Seokjin’s.
It almost seemed that he wasn’t expecting you to thrust upward onto him, a strangled groan leaving his throat as you shoved more of him inside you.
The stretch remained overwhelming, but the pain felt like a distant memory, new arousal making the glide smoother.
“Good?” he gasped against your collarbone, hot breaths hitting your skin as his hair brushed against your face. The arm holding him up was trembling at your side, the fingers on your thigh tightening their hold as if to physically hold himself together.
Part of you just wanted him to lose control.
“So good,” you moaned, shoving your hips up again, volume increasing exponentially when he allowed you to push him in to the hilt.
“Fuck,” he growled, arm moving to form a bruising grip on your other thigh, his chest moving away from yours. “Are you that desperate for it?”
The question was accompanied by a sharp snap of his hips that sent you reeling, too breathless for any sound to escape.
He spread your thighs apart even further, a hand beneath your left knee lifting your leg towards his chest.
The next quick thrust hit you even harder at that angle, a choked-out whine escaping you. Your fingers dug into the sheets as he ground himself into you, your pussy feeling split so overwhelmingly wide.
You were wound up so tight, you thought you were going to go crazy. It was impossible to think straight when he only did quick snaps of his hips at random intervals. You didn’t think you’d ever been hornier than this moment, and you swore you could feel the arousal leaking from your cunt.
You could see sparks of light behind your eyelids with how tightly you had them shut. You bit down hard on your bottom lip, the flesh still tender from Seokjin’s bite.
His thrusts became slow and deep, tiny gasps leaving your open mouth.
“Look at me,” he snarled suddenly, the sheer command in his voice sending shivers up your spine, gaze snapping onto him immediately. It took a moment for your vision to focus properly, still drowning in the sensation of his cock still moving within you.
If you thought he looked fierce, hungry, dangerous – you were his polar opposite.
To put it simply, you were a mess.
You were too lost in it all to notice the stutter in his hips when he locked eyes with you, but he almost stopped breathing entirely.
Your eyes were glazed over in pleasure, the tears just beginning to gather there only making their colour all the more enticing. Your expression was slack, and it looked like you couldn’t decide between clamping down on your bottom lip or leaving your mouth wide-open. You looked so vulnerable, so willing to put all of your trust in him to take care of you, make you feel good.
And fuck, if it wasn’t the most beautiful sight he’d ever seen.
His movements after that caught you off guard, his abrupt rough thrusting engulfing your body in flames of bliss, loud moan leaving you. As much as holding his gaze made everything feel so much more intense, you just couldn’t. Your head fell back onto the pillow, back arching as much as he would allow you to move in his tight hold.
“You feel so fucking good,” he groaned, his voice sounding almost helpless and he continued his movements, his arms the only thing keeping you from shifting up the mattress. As his gasps transitioned to groans and then loud moaning, you could feel yourself nearing your peak again.
He slowed his movements, the heavy panting reaching your eardrums and having you clench around him instinctively. The choked-out groan in response told you he was close, too.
“Jin,” you called out, the word so breathy that you almost didn’t recognize it despite it coming from your own lips.
You raised an arm to weakly grab at his body, hoping he got the message himself. You wanted him close, but highly doubted that you could manage to form the words right now.
Luckily, he seemed to know exactly what you wanted, dropping your leg and moving to hover over you, your breasts brushing his chest. He started thrusting slowly again, his head dropping to your collarbone as a hand wound into the hair at your scalp.
With him right on top of you, his pubic bone was brushing against your clit, the added stimulation having you whine loudly and dig your nails harshly into the skin of his back.
He didn’t seem to mind, a loud groan leaving him as he started mouthing at your neck, sucking bruises into the flesh.
But when you felt fangs briefly scrape over your skin, only one thought came to mind and refused to leave.
You wanted it, wanted his fangs to sink into you, wanted to feel that again. Now.
“Bite me,” you whimpered, pushing your head into the pillow and arching your back, eager to give him free reign as your orgasm inched closer and closer.
You expected him to protest, expected him to deny you, expected him to pull away.
But he did none of those things.
Instead, fangs sunk deeply into your neck with a feral growl, almost as soon as he heard the words leave your lips.
That same immense burst of pain rendered you motionless for a split second before that all-consuming euphoria descended on you.
You vaguely registered Seokjin moaning loudly above you as his hips stuttered, his lips locked on your neck. But you felt almost disconnected from the world, as though every nerve in your body was firing, your cunt pulsating around him as you reached the strongest high you’d ever felt.
It felt almost instinctual to grip at his back tightly, pulling him close, as if he’d ever want to leave. You didn’t even realize how loud you were being, your peak only going higher and higher, to the point of being overwhelming.
Tears streamed from where your eyes were clamped shut, moans turning into sobs as Seokjin ground against your overstimulated clit, your pussy clenched around him tightly.
You were so far gone you didn’t even notice the warmth spilling into you as he groaned loudly into your skin, his movements slowing before he pulled his mouth from you.
The crash was almost immediate, exhaustion and soreness taking over your limbs as you gasped for breath, the hands on Seokjin’s back falling limp. It felt like all the strength was sapped from your body, your consciousness half-absent.
You thought you heard Seokjin fussing over you, his hands wiping tears from your face, but to be honest, it was all a blur. He disconnected with you easily despite your mumbled protests, dropping a kiss on your forehead with a soft command not to move. You didn’t think you were capable of such a thing anyway.
You hardly registered his absence before he was back with a wet cloth. You didn’t know if that was because of his speed or because you were too tired to pay attention.
The next thing you knew, he had rolled you to lay on top of him, your face tucked into his neck as he stroked at your back. Normally, you might have complained about how much colder he was than you, but your skin was still so heated that the coolness was a relief.
You could tell that he was saying something quietly, unsure whether he was asking you something or not. His voice only brought you warm comfort, your arm moving to wrap around his waist.
You honestly weren’t too sure how long you laid there until your senses started coming back to you, but the hand on your back never stopped its soothing motions. The realization made you strangely embarrassed, wondering how long you’ve been out of it.
“Did I fall asleep?” you mumbled, nuzzling into the softness of Seokjin’s neck.
“Not really, it hasn’t been too long,” he responded, though the way he paused made it seem that he had more to say. It took a few moments before he got the words out. “Did I go too hard? Was it too much?”
Despite the low volume of his voice, he sounded almost frantic, and your brows furrowed. Why was he so worried?
“Of course not. I asked you for it, I knew exactly what I was getting into.”
He sighed heavily, his hands on you pausing. “I know, I just – I got worried when you were barely responding to me. I guess I was just afraid that you would be scared of me after.”
You felt a tinge of guilt at his concern, but logically it was nobody’s fault. As much as you wanted to take his face in your hands and tell him that you don’t regret anything and there wasn’t a world where you could ever be scared of him, you doubted your ability to do so right now. Instead, you hoped that simple reassurance could be enough.
“I loved it,” you said plainly, sleepiness clear in your voice. You were fighting past the fog in your brain to talk to him, wanting to make sure he knew where you stood.
“I loved it too,” he whispered before bringing up the blanket to cover both of you. “You sound tired. Why don’t we sleep?”
“Hm?” he hummed in response, his confused expression hid from your view.
“Are you my boyfriend?” Your words sounded almost slurred with how close you were to unconsciousness, but his chest bouncing as he chuckled told you that he heard you just fine.
You were dangerously close to dreamland, but you caught his answer right before you fell asleep in his arms.
“Yeah, I’m your boyfriend.”
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johnemulaney · 3 years
John Mulaney: From Scratch in Las Vegas, September 4
Once again, spoilers for the show and what will presumably be in the special. This is about his relapse so tread with caution is that will be an issue for you. However, the tone of his struggle is the same one he used in his past specials so if you didn’t have any issues then, I think you’d be ok with this. Of course, use your own best judgement, friends.
The opener was Seaton Smith. 
He opened with trying to find the rich people in the crowd but acknowledged that they’d go mwrmwmwrw money isn’t everything so then he started talking about golf and went aha I got ya’ll. 
There was a joke about weed being the only Christian drug
He had a bit about when white people are nice, be nervous
He had a bit about there being a black man on the Bachelor and was like America (ABC and Disney+) were not ready for a black man to be fucking a house full of 50 white women. That shit premiered on Tuesday and the Capitol burned on Wednesday.
He also did some crowd work and roasted a couple in the front row for having different answers about kids and she was like I didn’t hear the question and was roasted about how not hearing questions you don’t want to answer is certainly a tactic, often used by drug dealers
He also had a bit about how different child rearing is in Texas versus New York and about how hitting your kids is treated differently, like his dad would have just threatened it whimsically. 
Now on to the Main Event!
The first thing he said was “hiiiiiiiiii” exactly in the tone you think he said it in. he followed that up with a little shrug looking adorable and a little bashful
“It’s him! Mr. Problems. Oh Las Vegas, Oh my god” he then talks about how Vegas is a land of vice and a Choice for him to preform in as a recovering addict. He had a sober buddy and 3 bodyguards with him at all times. 
“And here’s what happened” December 18, 2020, he gets invited to a friends apartment for dinner AND HE’S TWO HOURS LATE because he stopped, coked out of his mind, at SNL for a haircut because he still had his building access badge and he went to the hair department and they were like, he’ll leave faster if we just do this, and then he stopped at his drug dealers. 
He called venmo and cashapp, apps for drug deals and was like what do normal people even use them for. He maxed both out paying for drugs. 
He was the best looking person at his intervention. “Coke skinny, new cut” and the 12 people intervening looked like shit. He looked “tears for fears while they all looked jerry garcia” (I hope you know who those musicians are besties). 
He immediately yelled “Can I go to the bathroom” to you know, dump his drugs because when you walk into that, you know what it is. 
He was not allowed to go (he would be asked if he still needed to pee later and would say “what?”
There were 6 people in NYC and 6 people over zoom in LA because he guesses 6 people couldn’t be bothered to fly in for HIS INTERVENTION
Interventions can go two ways, it can be kind of accusatory and this is how you let us all down, or it can be supportive. Everyone but Nick Kroll got the memo to be supportive.
Nick Kroll went first.
Nick Kroll listed all the ways John was a bad best friend and brother over zoom and John was getting texts during the intervention saying Nick wasn’t supposed to do that and they were all sorry. 
Bill Hader went next. he originally wasn’t going to be able to make it so he had recorded a thing but since he was there, he did it live. (He would eventually send the video to John in rehab, which is not what you want on the way to rehab “awesome, more intervention”)
He tried to derail the intervention, “there’s not enough latinx representation” he said he’d go to any rehab except the one they had picked out for him. This was a star-studded affair and he was mad no one was being funny. 
 Natasha Lyons went next, telling him his life and career is in shambles
So he gets carted off to rehab after this intervention. Don’t let 12 comedians pack your bags for 2 months at rehab. it was bombas socks and iphone chargers. 
A little secret about rehab, you’re not allowed to bring drugs in. You remember how he was late? In his pocket on the way to rehab included: a huge amount of pills, 3g of coke (which was 2g by the time he got there, courtesy of a koala station in a gas station bathroom), and $2000 in cash. He had other plans for the weekend. He was admitted for xanax, coke, perocet, and adderall addiction. Say what you will, but he does not do anything half way.
It’s 4am when he’s sent to detox, he’s been awake for 3 days. 
He also gives a small lesson on how to get drugs. Find the lowest rated doctors on yelp and webmd reviews and go ask for them, they need all the business they can get. You become like Captain Phillips, I am the doctor now. 
Dr. Michael was his shady doctor. He was a first avenue apartment where he would write prescriptions from his kitchenette where his girl Minerva was always asleep. “I didn’t kill my wife Minerva.” But John would ask for his drugs, Dr. Michael would write the script and then ask what he needed it for. Dr. Michael would also make John take his shirt off, always offering a flu shot and going no, shirt all the way off (in case you were wondering how bad this addiction actually was)
The first moral is now you know. The second moral is get vaccinated.
He’s sent to the regular ward the next afternoon and they finally get him to sleep. 
He’s sketched out that doctors have last names at this establishment
He asks for drugs such as klonopin and is taken aback a bit when he doesn’t get them. The doctor is like PA state law says no, and so John suggests they go to a CVS in Jersey to get some. 
His bestie Pete Davidson starts calling that night. Except Pete changes his number every month and a half so John has him send a selfie and saves the new number under some other random name, at this point in time, Pete is saved as Al Pacino. (We get an Al Pacino impression) John is asleep and his nurse sees Al Pacino trying to call him 5 times and so she wakes him up. 
Pete Davidson and John Mulaney did not do drugs together. (The author is lowkey surprised and sad about that, like if Pete was my bestie, we’d make so many poor choices) But Pete was always very supportive of his sobriety. 
John needs recognition so badly, in group when they introduced themselves he said “I’m John M.” and no one cared. So he left a tabloid out with the news of his admittance and his face on it in the rec room on the table. The not being someone was “driving him bananas.” When they talked about what they do for a living and he said I’m a a stand up comedian, someone asked if he made a living that way. He said “yeah ask your daughter” (or your son)
One of the things you do at rehab is break up with your drug dealer.
One of his drug dealers only bought drugs to keep John from buying worse off the streets and only got into the game because John kept asking him for drugs and was his only buyer. That guy was originally a painter and John has no idea how they met. John is the only person to turn an innocent man into a drug dealer. 
Here he did the Baby J is back baby joke. the Park Theater is one of the biggest stages in the world so he did that joke in one pace across the stage and said the stage is that joke long. 
“I am no longer on drugs. It’s very good but also ah---” He’s in a 12 step anonymous group. 
“I need attention, clearly.” After a show you think he would be sated, but no. 
He wants that attention that the kid who’s grandparent died and showed up to school dressed for the funeral and got to sit in the beanbag chair for reading despite it not being his turn, gets. He went on about being willing to let one of the lesser important grandparents die so he could get attention, for quite a while. 
He feels left behind in science, like his C’s and D’s in those classes. All those classes were was putting things on a windowsill for the janitor to throw away. He had a bit about how the fuck people put dinosaurs back together, it’s like getting wayfair furniture without the instructions. 
He also things the moon belongs to America. Like we got there first and when other countries say stuff about the moon he’s like mmmmmmm.
He also had a joke about paying to get into college and like, for white people that’s always how it’s been. 
The show ended with him going over the highlights of that GQ interview that he was so coked out for that he forgot he did it entirely. He has no memory of it at all. He was just called up that day and asked for an interview and you know how coke is the best drug to receive attention on? He just did whatever he wanted with that attention. 
And that was the show.
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kikosaurscave · 3 years
Hawks x Reader angst
words: about 1000
warnings: you die ur dead now, use of the F-WORD, blood, fire, burnt body descriptions, angst, slightly suggestive, cheating, keigo is a bad bf, character death.
HAH I wrote this in december 2020 and balled my eyes out while writing it into my notes, now im editing it in october 2021 and literally gasped at the plot twist in there.
you dont know why he did it he just did.
One second you both were flying back to your shared house, his hands around your waist while you searched some things up about your quirk. the next second you were falling to your death
“Whatre you doing there, dove?” He suddenly asked, obviously bored of both flying and your relationship :question mark: as it seemed
“Do you know if feathers on birds grow back? Im trying to figure it out because that incident last week” You asked him, “I dont know? Wanna test it out?” He smirked, rerouting upwards towards the baby blue sky while you were to too distracted to register what was happening, searching up the answer to your question on your phone, glancing at the cleavage of his neck that had a small mark you had imprinted on him yourself. You smiled heartily up at him.
By now you had just what he had asked but by then he was just at the point in the sky where the air gets lighter, thinner, just about hard to inhale, halting with a devious smirk that he'd now wished would stay deep inside.
Answering his question you responded with a curt, “i dont think that a good idea at the moment..it hurts. I just need to kno— What?..! K-keigo!! He-help!!...!” stuttering in shock. All of a sudden he let go of you after whispering into your ear,
“See you never, baby bird.”
Faltering boney wings spreading out wildly as you fell, he only watched you fall to inevitable death.
That incident you were blabbering about to him. You had saved Keigo from getting cablastered with fire by an angry bystander, while he flirted with fan girls. In front of you..both of you. In the end it the feathers on your wings being burnt away to crisp, and it hurt like hell, apparently he didnt even notice.
You watched as he flew past you lower to the ground, intentions unclear to you, tears coated your eyes they hadnt gotten the chance to fall down your cheeks from how fucking slow you were falling. Your body felt like it'd been set on fire, body heating up, you were on fire? again? you screamed the same scream now stuck in his scrawny bird brain.
He halted, closer to the ground wondering what would happened if he saved you right now.
Looking back to your now burning self as you slammed into the ground. Your once majestic (f/c) wings looked untouched of the fire, a large dent in the ground from impact upon you falling.
as if he had finally realized you even asked him if the feathers on a bird’s wings grow back or that he'd actually dropped you, killing you in the process, his eyes widen in horror and guilt, watching your body pool in your blood.
Internal bleeding that found its way out through your mouth.
He landed next to you after a w seconds, crouching down to your bloody body, unable to hear the people in the crowd surrounding them call for any authority or their questions, gasps ect. ‘Is that (h/n)?’, ‘Oh my's or other inaudible sentences like a frantic ‘Sweetie dont look!’ coming from the parents trying to cover he eyes of their snotty nosed screaming kid.
Taking your bruised self into his arms he wiped some tears from your eyes that actually managed to gloss your singed cheeks.
“..Dove?..” A tear of his own dropped onto your cheek. Had he been crying? His eyes were blurry as he blinked the salty tears away, having them fall onto your cheek, answering his question that he indeed was crying.
“Dove! Wake up! Please! Please?..!” He held you closer, balling his eyes out.
He fucked up man
It was his fault too
He wanted to deny it but he knew it was true
He didnt notice when the medics took you from his arms, he hadnt even noticed he had been waiting hours on end in the hospital outside of the room you were getting surgery in as they tried to save you.
You were a great hero..high rank just behind him. But you were dying and all the kids, All the teens, the adults, the elderly that looked up to you had to witness your collision with the ground that was definitely different to when you flew around with your eyes closed
The door opened and doctor walked out with a strained clutch on their clipboard. Hawks looked up at him with a hopeful stare, the doctor just blinked back at him with a gloomy, sympathetic look, and Hawks knew he knew then you were really dead.
He held himself to together for the time being as he nodded a little, holding onto the fun ego his fans knew him for aside his charming looks.
“Can I see her?” Hawks asked. there was no need for an answer because he fled inside the room after the team of surgeons cleared out of room only you occupied.
He now sat next to the table you laid on, watching over you like he would have if you woke up from an unpleasant nightmare. It was those nights he envied, to stare down at your tired face while you slept. Looking at your beautiful, flawless skin. It didnt matter to him whether you were ashamed of acne. Your pink, plush lips that he loved. Your pretty eyelashes. Everything about you, he loved. Every feature, every curve, every slide, dip, strand of (h/c) hair, fuck. he used to run his hand through the locks of your hair.
either way it would all wither away.
why’d he do it? Why’d he cheat? Why’d he treat you wrong when everything he wanted, he had when he looked at you. if he ever really looked at you. He might have just realized how much he really needed your presence in that moment
Looking at your now, tethered, beaten body. Your hair wasnt soft when he ran his fingers through it, you still had beautiful curves though you had patches of purple like dabi’s, scattered over your gorgeous skin. His fault, all his fault, it ate him up inside, his heart ached and yearned for the feeling of you comforting him when he was down.
He last look at you he took, he regretted everything, every girl he brought home behind your back, every nasty thing he said about you, every slur, every rumour, everything.
The only thing he didnt regret was meeting you or falling oh so deeply in love with you, it was that type of love that he didnt notice until a possibility of him losing you came to his attention and now after everything he had done, you were actually gone.
Before he realized it, he had walked out the hospital. Slow tears trickledown his cheeks and the vermillion red wings that filled his pride now trailed behind him in a deep sad crimson.
Stepping through the door of your shared apartment and closing it behind him, he dropped to the floor finally breaking.
Tears streaming down his cheek, he had to hold himself up and the other clenching his bloody shirt as he cried, and cried..and cried.
His mind was a crumbling mess as his wings turned a darker shade, he got up making the distance to your shared room.
He collapsed onto the bed, falling onto his side and into a fetal position, wrapping himself in his once vermillion wings.
When he opened his eyes he noticed a shirt of yours that had probably been left from rushing.
His tender hand clutched onto it, pulling it to his face and taking in its scent, your scent. Before bringing it to his now bare chest, holding it close as he cried harder.
He needed you but it was too late.
it was cringey and had quotes and sappy shit but its been fixed.
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The Faceless Youtuber (Sapnap)
pairing : sapnap / nick armstrong x reader 
summary : people often pressure faceless youtubers to reveal themselves. but for you, you were happy to show it to the world. but were they ever ready to see who you actually are? (fluff)
a/n : hi! i know it’s been awhile since i wrote a sapnap one, so here it is. (finally it’s not an angst.) AU 
 the first faceless legend that anyone could really think off would probably be sia. she kept herself secluded, always performing on big stages with her face covered, until she didn’t.
you loved your time being a faceless youtuber. you enjoyed it, if you say so yourself. you knew that once you let the world know what you look like, you can’t really take it back, no matter how many people respected your decision, there would still be a couple who don’t. 
the world knew very little of you, just your first name, and maybe which state you lived in. you liked to keep them anticipating and kept in the dark. 
they also knew that you were for some reason close with the twitch streamer, karl jacobs. the same karl jacobs that is always on mr beast’s videos. when they kept asking you two questions, you would tell them that the two of you simply met through mutual friends. 
of course, being friends with the opposite gender, or not would mean that there would be certain rumours, which included that the two of you are dating, or that the two of you are siblings. 
you laughed and played along sometimes at their stupid theories but it seemed like no one really had guessed who you actually are. 
honestly, you weren’t sure how no one has figured out who you are, or even just whose sibling you are. 
granted, it wasn’t often that you appeared in your brother’s videos, but you appeared in a couple, enough for at least a couple people to figure it out. 
being a friend of karl meant that you were friends with his friends, so you’ve met and spoken to everyone he knows, which obviously included everyone that’s in the dream smp.
so you’ve met everyone on the smp, eventually you got so close to dream that he allowed you into the smp. 
being karl’s fiance and all, you’ve definitely met quackity and sapnap before. and for some reason, you and them clicked so well. 
you and sapnap got really close whilst you joined the smp, being a year younger than he is. he treated you like his sister almost. 
what he didn’t know was that you hated that he treated you as his little sister. but what he doesn’t know, wouldn’t hurt him. 
you and your brother had a couple times talked about what you should do, or how you should do your face reveal. 
and it clicked to you that your brother is doing a spin on youtube rewind for 2020. and since everyone pretty much was on lockdown or in another country, he couldn’t really film people so he asked content creators to send him certail clips he wanted for the big video. 
so you brought it up to him, and not to everyone’s surprise, he loved the idea. also being the fact that he wanted to troll people about dream’s face reveal, he liked the idea of an actual faceless youtuber making a face reveal in his video. 
if people reading this hadn’t figured it out yet, yes, you are indeed the sister of the mighty mr beast. as fun as that sounds, life can get chaotic with him around, which was one of the reasons you moved out, away from him. though not far, it felt good to be able to wake up to no screaming. 
you’ve definitely thought about the consequences of doing a face reveal on his channel. 
first of all, would people even know you enough to acknowledge you? you’ve also been in the background of some mr beast videos, but they knew you as a crew member. 
of course you told your brother about your concerns, but him being his bubbly self, he told you to never say that about yourself ever again, and that your face reveal would top of dream’s future face reveal. 
although you and sapnap, or nick, are close, you’ve never showed him your face, and never revealed to him that you are jimmy’s sister. he respected that, and told you once that it was your choice and never rushed you to show him your face. 
but that didn’t mean you guys didn’t facetime. but instead of your face, he’d see your ceiling. 
he was one of the first people to know that you were planning to do a face reveal on mr beasts’ channel. 
you remembered exactly how the facetime conversation went. 
“sappyyy.” you greeted as the texan boy answered your facetime call. you wanted to tell him your plans as of december 2020. 
“i’m doing a face reveal on mr beast’s 2020 rewind.” you went straight to the point, not wanting to drag it out. you never understood the point, anyways. 
“holy shit, really?” you could see his face as he asks you, in shock. you nodded to him. 
“since we all know dream is really just trolling, jimmy said i could fill in the void in people’s hearts after that.” you laughed, remembering what your brother told you. 
“wait, that means he gets to see your face first?” he asked you. you nodded again. 
“ugh. he never loses, does he?” he jokes around, laughing towards the end of the sentence, clearly clueless about the two of you being siblings.
time came for the countdown for the premier of the video. you were nervous, but more excited. you couldn’t wait for people to see you, and to get to know more about the dynamics of you and jimmy’s sibling-ship. 
when you tweeted out a teaser video for the mr beasts’ rewind, everyone was pumped. and although a lot of people knew deep in their hearts that dream wasn’t actually going to do a face reveal, they still had that little bit of hope left in them. 
nonetheless, they were really excited to finally see you, and to get to know more about you, besides knowing which part in america you live in, and what your voice sounds like. 
you saw yours and dream’s name trending on twitter for the face reveal. while you waited for the countdown to touch zero, you scrolled through twitter, to see what they were talking about. 
some were making theories about the face reveal, saying that it was sus that dream and you wanted to do one together, that the two of you were dating. some say that the both of you were just going to troll everyone and isn’t actually doing a face reveal. 
you laughed at some of the stupid tweets you read. they were all definitely in for a treat. 
your brother, jimmy was talking to his cameraman as everyone was anticipating to watch the video. obviously he wanted to document this, he felt a sense of pride for you. also, you brought him a lot of views, according to him. 
you sat next to karl, texting nick as you bounced your leg in mixture of excitement and nerves. 
“oh my god, stop. it will all go well.” karl’s hand stops your annoying leg bouncing as he rests it on your thigh. 
“i can’t help it, after this video, everyone will know what i look like.” you told him. honestly, you didn’t care about what the public would think about you, you were more worried about what nick would think. 
what if he thought you looked weird or just generally didn’t like what you looked like. 
as if karl could hear your thoughts, he said. “he will think you’re the most beautiful girl he’s ever laid his eyes upon.” 
you rocked yourself in the chair you sat to calm yourself down. and just in time, your brother’s video started playing. 
everyone thinks her and i have this amazing sibling relationship but none of them really know how much i hate that word so much. 
do we not look good together? granted, no one really knows what you look like, but why don’t people ship us together as much as they ship you with all the other guys?
i pushed that hurtful thought down my chest, though. this was it. i can finally see what she looks like. not just the top of her beautiful, healthy hair. not just the side of her neck. 
i watched through the entire mr beast video, seeing all the small creators who have became successful during the pandemic, you being one of them. 
i watched as clips of yours and dream’s youtube videos and streams popped up. i smiled hearing your soft voice talking in the background of the video. 
knowing mr beast, he would put all the important parts towards the end, so i had to sit down and watch the whole video. not that i minded, though. 
there was another thing i was curious about. i knew dream isn’t actually going to show his face, but what if you did the same thing, too? 
you wouldn’t, right?
i bounced both my legs as it came towards the end of the video. 
at that point, they were playing the dream’s supposed face reveal. i chuckle as dream removed his cardboard sign to reveal a mask. i was sure everyone knew that this was coming, anyway. 
then, your part came. 
i heard people in the background of the video talking a little bit about you. they were talking about how mysterious you are, and what they expect you to look like. 
the background voices goes quiet, as the screen starts to show your back. 
everyone right now is staring at the back of your head, your shiny hair as you type away on your computer. your hair was put down, not long but longer than shoulder length. 
your hair isn’t a natural colour. it seems like it had a tone of purple in it, just dark. although i hadn’t seen your face, your hair was just what i had expected. 
you heard mr beast call out your name from behind you. 
“hey, uh, sis? i kinda need your help.” i heard him say. 
wait. did i hear that right? 
there is no way he meant it as actual siblings, right? but then, it he didn’t mean it like that, what was the point of saying it. 
i heard you hum as an answer to him, still not turning back. 
“just turn around and see, dear sister.” mr beast himself, said again. 
oh my god. you and him actually are siblings. that basically confirmed it all. 
“why have you said sister twice now?” your voice soft, but confused to why he repeated that word. 
on screen, you slowly turned to face your supposed brother. you looked straight to your brother, finally giving him the attention he wanted.
soon, you realised that there is a camera pointing to your face. your eyes widen, not expecting a large camera pointed to you as you spoke to your brother. 
your eyes visibly flicked from making eye contact with your brother and the camera, confusion still etched on your face. you offered a small smile and wave to the camera as the scene cuts there. 
holy shit. when karl said she’d be pretty, i didn’t think she was going to be gorgeous. is she even in my league? 
the outro rolls in. mr beast has his arm around your shoulders. 
you were wearing something different this time. you wore a blouse under a sweatshirt, tucked in jeans that fitted you so well. goddamn, you are beautiful. 
“hi.” you exclaimed to the camera, now visibly more comfortable. 
i could hear karl say something, though it sounded far. in the next second, karl came in the shot, hugging you, making sure to wrap his arms on your waist, tightening it after a while. you gave karl a small kiss on the lower part of his cheek since he’s slightly taller than you.
queue the ship comments. the little interaction burned me a little but karl’s love language is physical touch and you and him have been friends for a while, so i tried to not think about it too much. 
i focused on the grin on your face as your brother went on to talk about how proud he is of you, and how far you’ve come. 
the video finally ends with you grabbing and holding karl’s hands as you went forward, near the camera to give it a kiss. 
“i love you guys, byeee.” you ended it, pulling the ‘e’ as far as you can. 
the video ends. 
holy shit. i need to call this girl. 
as the video ends, while the guys and you are laughing at you giving the camera a kiss, your phone goes off. a facetime call from someone you wished to hold like you did to karl. 
you jumped in your seat, on the couch, excited to finally call him and not have to cover your face.
“helloo.” you dragged your ‘o’s.
“you beautiful woman, why would you hide that from me for so long?” his voice louder than usual, almost screaming. he has a large smile on his face that complimented all his facial features. 
you smiled back to him, knowing that he wasn’t actually expecting an answer from you. 
“is karl next to you?” he asked you.
“you called me to talk to your fiance? this is unfair.” you pouted. 
“just you wait, gorgeous. pan the phone to him.” he told you. 
you showed karl’s face on your phone, now karl sitting even closer to you to get a better look of his friend. 
“yes, my betrothed?” karl starts conversating with the man on call. 
“listen here. you are to be far far away from my woman, got it? no hugging her anymore. you can only sit next to her if there’s room for jesus, no closer.” he said seriously. that was intimidatingly hot, you couldn’t lie.
“what? i got her before you did, this isn’t fair at all.” karl whined. 
“nah, before i seclude her from you, i better see some space between you and her.” nick told karl. 
“i guess you’re losing the fiance card, karl.” you told your best friend, laughing. 
karl, although still whining, tried not to laugh along with you and some of the boys who heard your conversations.
you glanced at your brother who was standing opposite you. he gave you a small wink and gave you a thumbs up, mouthing “i approve.”
you rolled your eyes. you glanced at the camera next to jimmy, recording this very conversation. you knew that everyone would not live this one down ever. 
you blushed, remembering the very words nick had said on the call. 
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evax3 · 3 years
just saying that if you wanted to write a jonerys au for kit’s modern love episode we would totally love it 🙈
As if I could say no to that? ❤️
Strangers on a (Winterfell) Train
Two strangers meet on a train from Riverrun to Wintefell in March 2020 and decide to go old school: no numbers exchanged, only a promise that they will meet up on the train two weeks later. And then a worldwide pandemic shuts down all of Westeros.
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Story and spoilers for Modern Love S2E3 under the cut! :)
(my plot starts where the episode ends, so I recommend watching it first. But you'll understand it anyway; it's not a necessity).
This was stupid, she was stupid, falling in love with a stranger on a train, one she'd met for only three hours, round about. Just what was she thinking?
Nothing, and that was the whole problem. She'd thought nothing, but had switched off her mind and plunged headlong into a romantic fantasy so far away from reality that the expression 'too good to be true' took on a whole new meaning.
She deserved to feel this miserable.
Pouring herself another glass of wine, yet Dany couldn't help but drift off into another daydream about her handsome stranger. Just one more time, before she was ready to close this chapter.
It was just too tempting, too sweet. It was indeed too good to be true, too good to be anything but wishful thinking. Still she couldn't blame herself. Never before had she felt such a connection with anybody as she had felt it with Jon. She was captured by his smile, his wit, his charm, right from the first second when he'd slid into the empty seat opposite her. And he had felt it too, she was sure. Or maybe her mind had played a trick on her.
Notwithstanding this, she couldn't stop thinking about him. She just wished he'd kissed her. Fuck the pandemic and rules and security. What were all those things compared to a true love's kiss?
She was so pathetic.
And probably he hadn't come to the station anyway, had forgotten about their agreement, their promise. If the police hadn't blocked her a few hours ago, she'd have stood there, waiting for him, like the idiot she was. Waiting for a man who was neither a prince nor a knight in shining armour but just that, a man. A stranger on a train to Winterfell.
Maybe that was the only good coming out of the lockdown, that she was spared this embarrassment. And the disappointment. Even though she felt equally sad just sitting in her uncle's kitchen, drowning her sorrow.
Ready to knock down her wine and head to bed, four o'clock in the afternoon, she sighed heavily. But then she stopped in her movement as she heard some loud voices coming from outside on the street. She lifted her head. The people were arguing.
In other circumstances Dany wouldn't give a damn, but now she needed some distraction. And yes, when she was tipsy, she was also a bit more curious than usual. So she got on her feet, slightly swaying, and walked to the window, pulling the curtain aside to get a sneak peek.
The sight sobered her up that quickly, she almost felt dizzy, head spinning and mind racing. How was that possible? Had someone spiked her wine? Was she hallucinating?
Was this really him?
He looked better than she'd remembered. Even with his dark curls in their messy state, like he'd raked his fingers through them over and over again. A sign of frustration, no doubt. And oh, how she could relate to that. But now he was here, at her door, explaining something to her neighbour she wasn't able to understand.
It didn't matter.
And it also didn't matter that she hit her knee, hard, against the kitchen table as she rushed to the other side of the room, just in her socks and her comfy sweater, almost jumping against the entrance in her hurry.
If anyone had described their first meeting as a cheesy romance, their teeth would be aching right now from the sweetness of their reunion. She did not hesitate a second. When the door was opened, Jon stopped mid-word and didn't even have the chance to turn in her direction before her arms were around his neck. After another short breath, a moment of irritation, he hugged her back.
He held her like he should have done the first time he'd caught sight of her. When they'd departed two weeks ago, they'd been both so confident in the prospect of doing it when they'd see each other again. And she was more than glad that somehow fate had not abandoned them despite all hardship.
"I can't believe you're really here," she said, beaming at him, as she leaned back, just a bit.
The same look was written all over his face. "I can't believe I really found you."
"He was lurking around the corner all day," Jorah interrupted them with a deep frown and they both turned their heads.
Jon's hands remained around her hip, clutching her like he was afraid she'd slip away if he'd ease it. As if that was even possible. "I was waiting for her to come out of her house... to come out of any house, like I told you."
"He's the guy from the train!" Dany assured her nosy neighbour and to her relief he seemed to remember.
It had been more than annoying that her uncle Aemon had told the whole neighborhood about her romantic encounter. Because it did nothing but mark her as a stupid girl, wearing a big pair of pink-coloured glasses. Now she couldn't care less.
And she didn't care about this particular neighbour either. He'd already stolen enough of their time. She looked back at Jon. "How did you find me?"
"You gave your street to the postman when he'd called you on the train." He looked a bit embarrassed, blushing, because of this revelation that he'd been eavesdropping. Unnecessary; she thanked the gods that he'd done it.
She took one of his curls and let it slip through her fingers. It was as soft as she'd imagined it to be (every waking minute, over the last fourteen days).
"Please give me your number," she asked like she should have done back then.
He grinned, a little sheepish, and pulled her closer. "Just let me kiss you first."
At that moment, as their lips finally met, with butterflies in her belly and a smile playing around Jon's lips too, she knew it, with all her heart, that they'd have found each other again, no matter what, one way or another. Because they were meant to be. Nothing this perfect couldn't be anything but just that.
And a story like theirs truly deserved a happy ending.
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holylulusworld · 4 years
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Summary: You are theirs...
Pairing: Alpha!Steve x Reader x Alpha!Bucky
Characters: Natasha Romanoff, Ofc Michael, Tony Stark
Warnings: angst, language, A/B/O, A/B/O dynamics, possessive alpha’s, jealous alpha’s, scenting, comforting, cuddling & snuggling, polyamory, smut, unprotected sex, knotting, claiming
Kinktober Special: Polyamory
Divider by @writeyourmindaway​
Kinktober 2020
<< Part 1
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In the end, you were always theirs, never anyone else’s…
“Oh, Stevie,” you fist the sheets, dig your nails deep into the fabric. “You feel so big inside of me.”
You can hear the snarl leave Steve’s lips along with a low wail coming from the other side of the room. Steve insisted he’s the pack leader, that’s the reason he had the right to knot you first.
“She looks so beautiful filled with you,” Bucky purrs, moving closer to the bed. Normally any alpha disturbing another alpha mating his omega would end up dead, but Bucky and Steve are a pack, partners, and friends for so many years they learned to share. “I want to see her cum on your cock.”
“She will,” Steve grips your hips, now dragging you onto his impressive length. “I can feel her pretty pussy slick even more for us since you got closer. Touch our omega, kiss her Buck.” You moan as Bucky crawls onto the bed. His large cock bobs and you know, you’re in for a treat during your heat.
“Look at me, omega,” Bucky kneels in front of you to cup your face. “Steve and I will make you ours. From now on, there will be no other alpha in your life but us,” you nod, licking into Bucky’s mouth when he crushes his lips onto yours.
“God, she just squeezed me tighter, Bucky. I guess, our omega needs both of us,” whilst Steve’s knot threatens to pop open Bucky cups your tits to play with your nipples.
“Such a good girl for us, Y/N,” Bucky purrs, nuzzling your cheek. “I want you to cum for Stevie. Can you do this for me? Can you cum all over your alpha’s cock?”
“Yes,” you whimper feeling Steve’s grip on you tighten. The alpha rocks your body with every harsh thrust, growls low in his throat as he watches his cock disappear in your body. “Please, alpha.”
“Let her cum, Steve. I want to see her face contort in pleasure,” Bucky runs his hands over your skin, touches every inch he can reach. “She’s so beautiful.”
Your eyes meet Bucky’s stormy blue orbs when Steve wraps one arm around your waist to bring you to his chest. The alpha jerks his hips into your ass, gives you shallow thrusts. “Touch her pretty clit, Buck. Let’s make her cum together. I want her to cum for the first time with us touching her.” Bucky’s fingers expertly flick your clit, bring you faster to the edge.
“Please,” you cry out, rocking your hips faster when your toes begin to curl. “I’m gonna cum, alphas. Please let me,” Steve purrs against your throat when your voice fails as your orgasm ripples through your body. “God…”
“There she goes, Stevie. Our omega is so beautiful when she feels pure pleasure. Knot her good, alpha. Make her yours before I make her mine,” Steve growls, teeth sinking into your neck to leave a mark. 
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“Yes, Bucky…oh-please,” your voice already hoarse you throw your head back whilst Bucky holds your hands pinned above your head. The alpha rocks his hips slowly but with enough force to punch the air out of your lungs. “I’m gonna cum again.”
“Bucky,” Steve smirks, eyes focused on his mark on your neck. “Our girl is close to her next orgasm.” You nod eagerly, eyes never leaving Bucky’s blissed-out face. “Make her yours, like I made her mine.”
“I will, Steve. Y/N will belong with us,” you fall again, hard enough to make you cry out in pleasure, waking your neighbors. “Ours…” Bucky thrusts four, five more times before his knot starts to swell. 
“Mark her, Buck. Now,” Steve snarls at his friend who hesitates for a moment. “Now, Bucky. Give her your mark whilst the endorphins distract her from the pain.” You whimper when Bucky waits too long to claim you.
“Please, alpha, mark me,” your voice brings Bucky out of his haze and he finally sinks his teeth into your neck, opposite the mark Steve left on your neck. “Bucky…alpha…”
“Ours,” Bucky licks your neck eagerly, cleans your wound to make sure it closes soon. “Love you, Y/N. This is not just a bond between alpha and omega. It’s love, omega.”
“I love you too, alphas…”
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“You can’t see her,” Natasha mutters. “Listen, asshat. You had your chance weeks ago. Y/N doesn’t need someone like you around.”
“You’ve got no clue why I didn’t show on our date,” Michael retorts. “Your fine friends kidnapped and threatened me. Captain America and the Winter Soldier went after me to make sure I’ll not go out with my omega.”
“Y/N is not your omega, Michael! Get your shit together and leave the tower,” Natasha narrows her eyes when the angry alpha tries to brush past her.
“Do we have a problem here?” Tony muses, watching the former assassin fist Michael’s hair. “Shall I lend you a hand?”
“That guy wants to see Y/N. He insists he’s her alpha,” throwing his head back Tony snickers. “Did you know she’s mated?”
“Mated? She can’t be mated,” Michael gasps. “I don’t believe you! I want to see Y/N. She was meant to be mine and they ruined my chance with her.”
“Something wrong?” You slowly walk toward Natasha and Tony, ignoring the alpha who stood you up. “Why is that man here? Don’t we have a safety protocol to avoid unwanted people enter the tower freely?”
“Y/N, I need to tell you that Captain America and the Winter Soldier threatened me to not go on a date with you. I wanted to go out with you, but they scared me,” you smile to yourself, stepping closer to Michael to pat his cheek.
“I know, Michael,” the alpha gasps, just like Tony and Natasha. “I wanted them to make a move and planned dates with random alphas. Every single alpha stood me up and I knew, just knew one day my alphas will break and finally make me theirs.”
“Omega?” Steve blinks at your words. “You knew?”
“Stevie, what is going on?” Bucky stops in his tracks when his eyes land on Michael who throws a tantrum. “Why is that punk here?”
“You…you all tricked me to get mated? Are you fucking kidding me, bitch?” Michael storms toward you but you don’t even blink as two super-soldiers shield you immediately. 
“Get away from our omega,” Steve warns once before his hand wraps around Michael’s throat. “Leave before I rip you apart.”
“You better do, punk or Steve will kill you if he must,” Bucky snickers when Michael wets his pants yet again. 
“Let me handle this and you two,” Tony points toward you behind your alphas back, “should have a serious conversation with your mate…”
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“You lied, doll?” You shrug, shamelessly wiggling on your shared bed. Without any regret, you rub your scent into the pillows and blankets. “Doll, we are talking to you.” 
“Buck, let me handle this,” Steve wants to stay adamant and punish you, but you purr into his direction and his resolve melts away. “Omega.”
“I had to push you, alphas. I waited and waited but you never asked me out. A girl wants what she wants. I wanted my alphas,” you grin at Steve, eyes filled with lust once again, “now I got them.”
“You naughty little omega,” Bucky muses, knee dipping into the mattress. “I think Steve and I must show you how to behave.”
“I think you are right, Buck,” Steve joins his friend onto the bed to crowd you like their prey. “What shall we do with her?”
Eyes darkened you crawl toward Steve to nuzzle your face into his wide chest, purring low in your throat as your heat makes your skin crawl.
“I want you, alphas. Take care of your omega.”
“OH-doll, we will take good care of you and your needs,” Bucky’s eyes start to glow when you wiggle out of your clothes. “Be good.”
“Our doll will be so good for us, Buck. I can smell her slick,” Steve grips your chin, forces you to look up at him. “Am I right?”
“I think,” you lick his fingers, eagerly sucking at his thumb. “You will be good alphas.”
Both men move closer to get their hands on you. Purrs fill the room alone with their strong scent. You watch them strip their clothes off, admire their bodies before you smile to yourself.
It took a lot of patience and tricks to get what you want but now that you are finally theirs, you will enjoy every moment…
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Kinktober 2020 
All works Tags
Marvel Tags
Steve Rogers/Chris Evans Tags
Bucky Barnes/Sebastian Stan Tags
Stucky Masterlist
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA Chapter 292: You Say Jeans
Previously on BnHA: Horikoshi was all “well anyway here’s that Touya reveal I foreshadowed like a million years ago, viva la 2020.” Dabi was all “hello world, I’ve killed 30 people and today I’m going to explain to you all why” before he proceeded to explain ABSOLUTELY NOTHING but everyone was so distracted by his tale of child abuse and hero conspiracies that they didn’t much seem to notice. Can’t Ya See-Kun’s Shark Friend was all “IS THIS THE END OF HERO SOCIETY AS WE KNOW IT”, and Horikoshi was all “STAY TUNED”, and then Dabi set himself on fire and leaped off of Machia’s back like the chaotic evil, I-just-bleached-all-my-brain-cells weird little fire man he is, ready to burn everyone to crispy bits before they could even react properly to his whole big revenge speech. Fortunately he did not succeed on account of THE RETURN OF THE JING, THE JOAT, BEST FUCKING JEANIST, back from the dead by popular demand in what critics are calling “the best fucking comeback since Jesus himself.”
Today on BnHA: Best Jeanist snatches up Machia and the rest of the League with his fiber steel cables before you can say “more like BEAST JEANIST amirite.” Dabi gets all worked up and lights Hadou on fire which is a real JERK MOVE, and is all “THIS RIGHT HERE IS ALSO ENDEAVOR’S FAULT”, which, NOT SUPER CONVINCED ON THAT, BUT OKAY. Anyway so then he burns up all the cables holding him which is crazeballs btw, and then he and Shouto start fighting, and so basically the whole thing is a literal hot mess and we’ll see how that goes. Meanwhile Tomura wakes up and summons some Noumus, and poor Jeanist has to deal with those on top of the still-attempting-to-rampage Gigantomachia, and everyone else is all “we can’t help you on account of we’re all half dead”, and so it’s looking really bad. And then -- and I can’t stress enough how much I don’t even have the faintest idea how to segue into this next part -- the chapter ends with Mirio!?! just sort of POPPING UP OUT OF THE GROUND all, “SURPRISE, BITCH”, and it literally was so surprising that I am still just kind of speechless. WELL-PLAYED, I GUESS, lol wtf.
lol okay so the first page in the RHA scan is just the “three musketeers” movie promo image that we all already saw a few days ago. but it does confirm that (a) it is indeed a movie, and (b) that it’s set for a summer 2021 release! how exciting
okay so now back to our special Dabi edition of Making a Murderer
“ray of hope” oh hell yes. SAVE US MR. JEANIST
I guess he had a TV in his private hero jet or something?
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gotta say, “dammit Dabi” does not even remotely sound like Authentic Best Jeanist Dialogue to me though. gonna need Caleb to see to this. well but what do you guys think? does Best Jeanist curse?? I personally feel like he’s one of those guys who NEVER EVER swears no matter what, except under the most hilariously trifling circumstances. like he’s eating an avocado one day and he accidentally stains the cuffs of his beloved jostume green and he’s all “FUCK”
btw how fucking rich is Best Jeanist though that he has his own fucking plane? the thought just suddenly occurred to me, you know? like even Endeavor, whose agency has its own on-site luxury apartment suites for all of his interns, still drives around in a dinky little car that Bakugou has declared to be too small. which, I guess we know why he felt that way now, seeing as the guy he previously interned with apparently gets around in Jeans Force One
anyway so back to the part where Jeanist shows up to save the day!! YEAH JEANIST WOOOOO
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lmao we just saw Gigantomachia take out like a hundred guys not ten chapters ago. and Best Jeanist shows up and takes him down in like two seconds. HOW DO YOU LIKE THEM APPLES LEAGUE OF VILLAINS. BET YOU’RE WISHING YOU’D TAKEN HIS QUIRK NOW, AFO. GET FUCKED YOU OLD SPUD
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I legit almost thought that was Tomura for a second. you two look so alike now with the white hair and the crazy eyes
meanwhile, Shouto is still crying and it’s a lot to take, you guys. lotta feels
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ffff come on Jeanist you better do something awesome again here, the mood of the chapter is starting to slip now
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ffff now Spinner is trying to wake Tomura back up. nah, how’s about we not do that
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fucking son of a... fffkfkff... someone please reassure me that fire isn’t Hadou’s weakness. someone. anyone. also could someone please dial an ambulance and send them to Horikoshi’s house. but not just yet. first I’m gonna need you to wait about fifteen minutes or so while I take care of some things
well all right then, Dabi. so you wanna go on then and explain to us all how this, too, is somehow Endeavor’s fault?
oh I see, you’ve decided that since he’s responsible for “creating” you, everyone you hurt and kill is in truth really being hurt and killed by him! well now, that sure is convenient as fuck I guess
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(ETA: that’s a nice effect with the panel sides getting all warped by Dabi’s quirk though, just noticed that.)
amazing how quickly you used up that sympathy card my guy. Shouto please kick his ass, I’m fucking done lol, you can all sort out the rest in therapy later
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“if the number one suffers a total loss here, this country will fall to pieces” well okay, real talk though, I think the “country falling to pieces” part is pretty much unavoidable at this juncture. you all are just gonna have to try your best to pick up those pieces after the fact and see what you can do with them. if I were you I’d be less worried about the number one’s reputation and more concerned with the half-dozen child soldier interns who are still on the field and very much at risk of being burned to death should you suffer that “total loss.” please try to keep it together here for them
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I really thought RockLockRock was gonna come into play here. USE YOUR QUIRK TO LOCK THE ROPES IN PLACE YOU DIP!! if he seriously just sits there and does nothing when his quirk could be the deciding factor I am cancelling his useless ass cute kid or no cute kid shfkjdls
(ETA: is he even there?? did he and Manual just hightail it out of there?? “well good luck, children.”)
also, we’ll put this aside for now to perhaps speculate about later, but what’s with Tomura remembering his dad’s house yet again in that far right panel?? and being itchy again?? I still have yet to fully work out the psychological mechanisms at work as far as his itchiness goes, so I’ll admit this is intriguing to me. it seemed like it was connected to his decay quirk, but then why is it acting up again now. what is this lol
yuh oh
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forgot about these guys. looks like these heroes aren’t having such a fun time
oh fucksticks
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excuse me ma’am but I don’t like this. you do know that my kids are all there, right. all burnt and impaled and broken-boned and the like. well except for Iida. he’s fine still. BUT THAT DOESN’T MEAN I FEEL LIKE WATCHING HIM GET TORN APART BY FOUR HIGH ENDS, WTF
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god fucking... okay look. Horikoshi. you win, okay!? congratulations, you win, this is your show and we’re all just sitting here at your mercy. fine. go ahead and just kill off everyone ever, then!! what am I even gonna do about it. stop reading?? fuck
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this whole thing really went from zero to fucked before I could even blink huh. I really thought this was gonna be a turning point chapter for the heroes. shows what I know I guess??
meanwhile this motherfucker is just SCREAMING
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ngl, if I wasn’t currently terrified on account of things suddenly taking such a drastic turn for the worse, this would be the coolest fucking thing I’ve ever seen. Jeanist my man, I hype you up like it’s my job because you are the greatest fucking meme character in the history of time, but make no mistake, you are also highkey WORTH ALL THE HYPE AND THEN SOME
seriously, though. don’t fucking mind him you guys, he’s just standing here in the coolest pose of all time taking on Gigantomachia all alone with one fucking lung because the substance pumping through his veins is COLD-BLOODED LIQUID DENIM, and DENIM FEELS NO FEAR
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Best Jeanist really needs to get his own theme song. -- oh my god I just finally thought of a title for this post. lmao and it’s the dumbest thing. omg
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which one do you think is the Mario and which is the Luigi. well, but I mean, Dabi clearly thinks that he’s the Luigi though and that’s why he’s so mad. nobody wants to be Luigi. what a life
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BUT OF COURSE. THAT WOULD MAKE IT ALL WORTHWHILE, holy shit. okay I’m just gonna go ahead and say it, Dabi is a piece of work. I really thought this arc would make him more sympathetic at long last, but it seems like it’s doing just the opposite?? this is like an anti-redemption arc. I don’t relish the thought of venturing into the fandom tags once I finish reading this lol
(ETA: well folks, I’ve done it. and actually it was pretty interesting because there are apparently like ten different things that people are mad about, and so it’s like. each post is a new adventure lmao.)
so Shouto is all “BRUH HAVE YOU COMPLETELY LOST IT” and Dabi is all “YES”, basically? like, he says he’s completely lost his feeling for anything. omg. but you were so sweet. how does that even happen
“finally I can kill you” okay for real what the heck is your damage bro?? can we not. I like Shouto just the way he is, un-killed
oh shit and now the Noumus are here
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cue Bakugou diving in to save his mentor, STAB WOUNDS BE DAMNED!! actually it would make more sense for it to be Iida, but if Kacchan is really fixin’ to go full Shounen Dumbass here then he might as well go all out, y’know
-- unless of course, Deku decides to activate another quirk??
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(ETA: okay look, all the love in the world to the brave scanlators who take time out of their lives to translate the leaks every week just so we can read the chapter a couple of days early like the addicts we are. that said, translating Mirio’s signature “POWER!!” -- which was already written in English in the original scan -- to “POG-CHAMP” is just a whole new level of wtfuckery from them lmao. is the Lida person back at it again?? amazing.)
hot damn. Tintin really saw the writing on the wall with the impending Dabi Discourse and was all “NOT SO FAST” lmao. “HERE’S A BRAND NEW THING FOR YOU ALL TO DISCOURSE ABOUT” MIRIO YOU WILD CHILD. YOU GLORIOUS THUG
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