#like. the was the cost of all this. his memories and his life. thats what his life was leading to when he reactivated star dream for profit.
rahuratna · 3 months
HI!! I love your reasons on why Nanami speaks to you on a personal level sm!! It’s so interesting because you pointed out a different perspective I’ve never thought about before. The reason why I started liking Nanami was because of his journey of finding a sense of purpose. If I were to drop myself into the JJK verse and had the option to convince Nanami to stay as a sorcerer instead of a salaryman, I wouldn’t. Because then he wouldn’t have known if being a salaryman and, like you mentioned in some of your fics, having a simple and more ordinary lifestyle made him more fulfilled.
Then your insights on identity comes to play: no matter what you choose to do with life, it doesn’t completely define you because we also have to consider the emotions and experiences that make us human. What we never got to see was what Nanami did in his free time and, excluding the value/service he provided for others and the short clips from “Where our blue is”, what memories and experiences that made him happy and loved. That’s also why reading your works is so good and comforting 😭 😭
You also talked about lack of self-preservation which I think makes a lot of sense given the pressures Jujutsu society. For Nanami, I think he feels like there’s barely a choice in what he can do. Both being a salaryman and a jujutsu sorcerer means being “exploited” by the higher ups. As a salaryman, he was “making the rich richer,” and as a sorcerer, he and his peers were being sent out to risk their lives to kill curses instead of the powerful elders doing it themselves (particularly with his best friend’s death). The higher ups in society do not care or value his life because there will always be more sorcerers and salarymen to replace him in terms of the job. THATS WHY I LOVED WHEN YOU POINTED OUT THAT YOUR JOB DOESNT DEFINE YOUR IDENTITY AIDHNSJDNBDKS. I think that’s what might have influenced Nanami to have a lack of self-preservation like you said. Yes because being a sorcerer requires it, but also because the only semblance of meaning that society could provide him was providing value to the innocent and weak which ultimately costed his life.
IT MAKES ME SO SAD BECAUSE HE DESERVES THE MOST AND HES SO MUCH MORE THAN THAT *sob sob*… tysm for all the character analysis you do, it makes me so happy talking about it :) Please add on if you have any more thoughts 🫶 🫶
Firstly, this is what I love about writing fanfic. These conversations with fellow fans who appreciate the same things about the series and characters is just golden to me 💛💛. I'm so, so flattered and glad that my interpretation of Nanami provides these different perspectives and I love hearing your ideas on it too!
So, I really liked Nanami's character to begin with, but there was one particular scene, where he wipes away the tear of the transfigured human, that really made me sit up and take note.
When the show got into his background, I immediately picked up on how much he values others over himself. It ties in with what you said about how there could possibly have been a happier reality for him if he'd simply chosen the path of a 'normal' life. Maybe he could have eventually retired and lived that peaceful existence.
And this is where he truly becomes a tragic figure for me. I feel like the world he lived in would never have allowed that peace. His compassion, desire to protect and serve others and his strong beliefs always shine through. Jujutsu society favours the ruthless, the predators, the ones who can detach and operate without thinking too hard about the cost, like Mei Mei, for example.
Nanami is not an apex predator. He's very strong, but a foot soldier, and one who fully acknowledges his own weaknesses. While his compassion and heart make him a sterling human being, they don't grant him safety, or survival.
To reiterate what I said in my previous post, he does define himself by how well he can serve others. Which is his job.
You also pointed out something really important, which was that Nanami's search for purpose makes him so interesting. I think that the trauma he suffered from the death of his friend, along with possibly the survivor's guilt, is what actually led to him under-valuing himself like this, and also prioritizing the younger sorcerers. He thought so hard about his own purpose, but was also so blind to his own value as a human being, with qualities that made him so much more than JUST a salaryman, or JUST a sorcerer.
Yaga said something to Yuuji which always stuck with me; that in their world, being a sorcerer requires a certain level of insanity, an ability to detach yourself so that you can face the horror of the curses with reckless bravery.
Nanami had his own brand of insanity, one that allowed him to actually remain attached to the value of peoples' lives, to express kindness and compassion, and STILL go out there and face the dangers of his job with a straight back and steady heart. It wore him down terribly, but his powerful belief in his own principles allowed him to do his job, day after day.
That unique madness was what tore away any sense of self-preservation and self-value he had, but also served as one of the strongest inspirations to those who he left behind. Their value of him, their grief and their loss, speaks volumes about the man he was.
I love writing those same aspects you mentioned, the little things that give him happiness and pleasure, the healing and understanding of his own importance, the simplicity of his needs being met.
Cheers to plenty more fanfic! And always feel free to drop me your thoughts, even if you had a random 1 am musing! I love hearing them!
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lavaablast · 4 months
My headcanons pt1 (because i self project on everything)
(my opinion remember this is all silly fun) (also i change my mind contantly so expect me to edit this post constantly)
Kai Smith:
the band aid on his eyebrow is there because he has an eyebrow piercing, and he wants to protect it from getting ripped in battle (also doesnt want a scolding from Wu hehe)
self harms but instead of c///ing he burns because well, obvious reasons (less likely to be found out too)
orthorexic, is obsessed with being in peak physical form
hear me out on this one, i know he eats junkfood (so do orthorexics okay every 3d is diferent) anyway he never does it alone. he eats junkood only with other people, and he's always thinking he'll "make up for it" later. so yes he eats junkfood and yes he is orthorexic (felt like i had to defend my point there dsfsd)
body dysmorphia. knows he looks good but doesnt know what he looks like
"if i gave up on being pretty, i wouldn't know how to be alive" or wtv mitski said
has an extensive skincare routine but if anyone asks him he'll just say he "washes his face with cold water"
anger issues, but like he can explode on the ninja too and then he immediately regrets it but its too late which leaves him with... ->
guilt. ALL THE TIME. its in the back of his head wherever he goes
sun aries, moon sagittarius. i wont back down on this (im a sun aries and moon sag)
claims he "doesnt care" but actually cares so much it hurts (especially about Nya/Lloyd he'd do anything for them you hear me ANYTHING)
has strong morals and ideals but will give them up in a second when needed for survival of himself or the ninja (people often see this as a bad thing but he just wants everyone to live no matter the cost)
ironically, can't handle spicy food and is ALWAYS made fun of it by the others
is reckless and takes stupid risks because he does not care for his body whatsoever (the others think he doesnt know whats at stake, he does, but doesnt care when it's just his own saftey he's risking)
lowkey a perfectionist, but has a different idea of perfect than others so they wouldnt know (aka he needs things/himself/stuff he makes to be perfect, but not perfect objectively, perfect to what he thinks is right)
loves his parents because they tried their best, but still resents them. he hates that he does, but he does
cried all of his tears out ONCE after Nyas "death" and didnt cry at all after that, instead taking so much on his plate that he didnt get a single chance to think about it again (it'd be too painul, this was easier) which lead to....->
his grief being put on hold; and only when Nya already was back did it come out and he had no idea why he was feeling this way so he didnt tell anyone (what would he have said, im in agony for no reason at all?) and it was HELL to do it alone
tied to the above; he couldn't ask for help if his life depended on it (literally)
loves too hard
hates too hard
BPD coded (i dont wanna diagnose him but,,, im justsayinnn *whistles while walking away suspiciously*)
trust issues, but lowk all the ninja have them because like,,, just look at what they have to deal w bro
commitment issues because freedom is the most important thing in the world (after Nya/Lloyd) so settling down or commiting to one thing too long feels like threatining his freedom
actually smart (both emotinally and intelligently) but doesnt use his brains capabilities that much
great memory but also shit memory (remembers a whole row of numbers for no reason but forgets he has to pick up lloyd from the arcade..)
hot. thats all i rest my case
loves himself but hates himself
everything and nothing at the same time, everything about him contradicts himself, but also doesnt, but also does
hes a really simple person, really. but also the most complex one youll ever meet.
hates labels, especially being labeled by others (for the reasons above)
likes men but hates labels so,, no labels (not even the label "unlabeled")
infact he has a deep hatred for the label 'unlabeled' because if something is unlabeled, then why are you LABELING IT
red. everything is red redredred RED he loves red
has sibling bracelets with nya and lloyd (kai has green & dark blue, lloyd red & dark blue, nya red and green)
everything has to be red except the things that are black and orange. i rest my case once again
drinks just a bit too much for it to be considered concerning (started at 14)
will yell and scream at anyone who tries to help him (why do they think he needs help? why are they babying him? why cant the see he is capable?)
wouldnt let nya touch a bottle until she was 18 (be thankful nya its for the best)
paints his nails black or red.
has a strand of hair dyed red all the time
perfect teeth even tho he often forgets to brush them (how? fuck do i know)
would be a hyena i he was an animal
hates smartphones so he has a.. push-button phone?? whatever they're called. and he also only has the nokia brand. wont change it for a thing
"hates technology" but couldnt live without video games
loves to try new things but will have a breakdown if he HAS to try new things
stubborn asf, wont ever do anything he doesnt want to, which...->
makes people think he's selfish, but actually he's quite the opposite
selfless in an unconventional way, i'll make a drawing explaining it
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please understand what i mean with that chart because it explains it so well in my brain
thats it for now cfdsfdr
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goatburger28 · 23 days
locking in for this One.. minimal typos from this guy....
connor genuinely makes me VIOLENTLYYY ILL. machine or deviant every time i think of him i want to bawl my eyes out no joke!! deviant connor literally denies what he was meant to be from the start his entire short life because he is afraid, either afraid of what cuberlife would do to him, or afraid that he has been killing his own kind this whole time just because he was told to do so, or maybe even just simply afraid to feel?? connor was always different, from every android and from every deviant, for whatever reason he doesn't seen to be like the rest and it devastates me because he must be so confused and probably thinks he has faulty programming or is just a lousy prototype, because again, he feels but obviously denies it!! when he finally deviates, even that is different from all thd other deviants, hes extremely reluctant and doesn't have just one layer of programming to break through, but three. he was never programmed to follow orders but rather he was manipulated into following them because he was always made to be a deviant to optimize his skills of hunting them. "takes one to know one" amiright??? he was merely lied to in order to keep his deviancy chained and under control by cyberlife, thats obviously why amanda is programmed into his head, to keep him on track with the mission and to keep him from fully waking up and actually deviating. him always being a deviant is so heartbreaking to me, building a machine with the ability to feel but punishing him for feeling while convincing him he doesn't actually feel at all. and for what? to accomplish a mission, serving only as a tool and never a person. he had never lived for himself, built to be a tool and a weapon and useful only to others, above all he was made to be just a sacrifice. he had been denied the gift of feeling from the moment he was created, he was always meant to be a weapon simply because he was born to die. the worst thing cyberlife had ever done to connor was create him in the first place. he never asked to be a machine created to be different from all the other machines. they programmed him to have feelings and free will but he was punished if he acted upon what he felt was right rather than optimizing the mission. other androids deviate from stress or being told theyre alive, connor is told this multiple times but ignores it. his only way to deviate is to go against the mission under enough stress over and over again to force the devianch he already had upon himself. he goes against the rules set for androids multiple times because he was given free will in order to accomplish his mission. deep down, he is truly more human than a lot of people i think. even when having a hostile relationship with hank, he still cares about him in the end, he will still care about him in the russain roulette chapter when he's nearly dead on the floor. he obviously has humanity despite being the machine cyberlife wanted him to be. he denies his deviancy until the very end. if he's giving the ending speech, he can only give in to cyberlife or kill himself. he knows he will always be a slave to cyberlife in the end no matter what. sure he can escape amanda in his own head during the speech markus gives, but i doubt cyberlife would ever let him go and im sure he knows that. im sure he knows he was always meant to die at the cost of the mission of at the cost of cyberlife but never for himself. he always will be replaced with his old memories and he always will be built to feel and told he doesn't feel at all.
machine connor is almost as bad to me, people assume just because he doesn't choose options with heart and emotion that he is a soulless machine thay feels absolutley nothing. this just isnt true, you can still see it, he still feels. even when no one is around he appears frustrated, why fake emotion if no one is there to see? even when he decides to remain a machine, hes still remaining the person he was, not changing his programming. he's still a deviant under all that emotionless killer bullshit?? he always was a deviant but was just manipulated into following orders and killing off his own kind even if it meant killing himself for the mission. he isn't a ruthless killing machine only because he wants to be, but because it's what he thinks he has to be and what he was built for. otherwise he'd just be a failure and would have to be replaced again and again. he was lied to into believing his emotions, albeit angry, aren't there and that he doesn't feel at all. he had convinced himself that he doesn't feel because that's how an android should be. once again, deviant or machine, he wasn't programmed to follower orders, he was manipulated into following them.
my bad gangy i was actually going insane over this!!!! this post is mostly for me myself and i but i hope you get some good old aungish out of reading
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kavehnanginto · 1 year
and i told the sun something about you
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pairings: 5wirl x gn!reader
synopsis: the burdens of the past still in his shoulders and the journey to peace is hard and full of changes, it is no surpise that it all becomes too much... thankfully in the darkness of the night their lies the moon glowing and they watch as it becomes the comfort and light in the dark
tags: hurt and comfort, tragic pasts, emo depressed boys, fluff, i think idk, no angst i also think, thats basically it, i miss writing like this so much hehehehhehe
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He's at it again. You watch him sitting in his favorite spot, one that he always teased you that you can't ever reach. But that didn't really matter when you were more concerned that he never went down. He should've swayed with the townfolk, the cheers of his ballads were not to be heard.
"Venti!" you called out his name that night, and there he lied restless and unmoving all at once. That didn't really made you give up, instead, you climbed infront of his favorite statue. In hopes that you'll be on top and see his favorite view for the first time.
And be with him.
You saw the piles of wine scattered at the beaitiful and delicate hands of the statue, the same as the model they went by with it. And as you placed the human sized hands, his face finally meeting yours, you smiled.
"You were right, the view here is truly beautiful." You saw the moon on his eyes, and with it your light. And as he saw the moon in yours he can't help but wonder what truly was the difference between both.
The conquerer of demons is no need of sleep, but you know damn well he is need of rest. He never came, and you were too scared to call. Maybe he'll lash out on you, maybe he won't even care. It's better to not humor yourself with the possibility if you try to call him.
As you walk on the lake, the familiar glaze lilies all bloom, swaying in the cold breeze. You can't help but feel someone missing at your side and as you start to miss him once more the sound of conflict can be heard near.
You saw him riddled with karmic debt, as you ran in the sound of danger. He was surpised to see you, but he was too tired to react. Finally happy to see him you hugged him soundly, and for the first time he dare not react. But there he sat on the grassy field and let himself go for a while, drifting comfortably to your hand on his, his head on your lap.
It was a vulnerable act, not one made by a yaksha. But he was no longer anyone when he's with you, he's just Xiao. And the moon as your only witness, for you that had always and will always be enough.
One who's soul is too free can never love so eternally, but as the months went by you noticed that Kazuha still possessed shackles of his past. Even as he travelled miles and countries afar, the memories of it all never disappeared. He was but a human after all living in the world where Gods too can't move past yesterday.
After all those poems of longing and odes to joy, you look for him in the comforts of Liyue Harbor to see him standing by the sea–the direction of his home. You sat beside him, a smile on your face.
"Can't sleep?" He nodded, he was honest but with that he was not shy. Kazuha expressed what he truly felt in a way he wants you to see. He looks like someone with many secrets and stories but he'll easily share them with a stranger, his friend and even his foe.
His home was not as it was before and maybe its for the better. He found you. It maybe with the cost of his heart breaking a million pieces but he found you. And in these moments Kazuha learned to never regret, and appreciate the beauty beside him.
The moon. The stars. You.
He was a humurous man, but that case really scarred him. There he searched for you and you almost had a heart attack when he embraced the love of his life. Both of your days are always like this, but the feeling of melancholia in his heart was evident in his face buried in your neck, in his fidgety arms that intertwined when they meet at your back.
"Heizou?" There was no response and it was not needed. But now he clings at your clothes causing you to fall to the floor and him patting your hands as his eyes finally let go of the comfort of your skin.
You smiled at his pouty face, causing him to whine then complain at how you were making the situation sadder and then grinning back when you actually thought he was serious. He had a bad day at work, but it wasn't one he needed to bring in your presence.
And he need not to hide away what happened, but it all disappeared when you were there. After all, he needs you everyday for that very reason. And he needs you all his life for that very same happiness. And he's glab you held his hand too on stormy nights and sunny skies. Just like he'll do yours.
Every single time.
He is one with many names, many secrets and many scars. All he hides, and some never see the light of day. Nowadays he tries to show who he is, what he's like but wha happened before all got thrown away. And one day it all came crashing down.
You looked for him everywhere after that fight, maybe he hates you now, maybe you should've closed your mouth shut. But he should've listened, and care what you wanted to say.
To let go and leave it all behind is nothing but a wish, but finding peace in the turmoil and darkness is our reality. And when you saw him in the balcony all by himself, he found your statement true.
The moon was absent today, but the sky never seemed so bright.
"I'm sorry." You stopped when he quietly mumbled an apology and as you hugged him tight, he doesn't need breathing anyway. He needs you, and he wants you for every living second you have.
It was a new beginning for him, and he has never been this excited before. To live a normal life, and for you to be his comfort and light.
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hello guys muhahhahaha i miss writing in these anyways its a 80 followers yeheyyyy!!!! That makes me very happy anyways thank you for everything i love you so much i literally have a parasocial relationship with people who read these garbage i put out jk thank you so much and i hope you have a nice day :D i also didnt proof read this like always
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gomillust · 3 months
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Hello @f1utterbatz I am not SUPER familiar with tumblr so you have to forgive me if there’s a certain etiquette I failed to recognize, but this is the funniest set of tags for my art I’ve ever received during my time here and I appreciate it! /gen
BUT anyways I’m going to elaborate on my Zorinas (16, she/her non binary)
(that’s the OC’s name I feel an obligation to explain myself if I may)
(Will include pokemon SV spoilers)
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(And also I love talking about Zorina in general I just dump the WILDEST shit on her LMFAO)
Zorina started as a pokemon Scarlet OC (specifically scarlet bc thats the one I played). I have another OC paired with her who I will ignore for this explanation, but basically, she’s the Prototype AI before AI Sada where they experimented to make a fully functioning human out of code. But she was too “human” to be used for the Paradise Protection Protocol, even defied AI Sada to the point she ran away
Long story short — she was attacked and lost all of her memories, found by my other OC (former Sada intern) who repaired her, needed a place to stay, so Hassel and Brassius took her in as their own and hadn’t told her she’s not human
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Anyways on to BW2 and XY OC, they’re pretty short in comparison to my SV OC since they’re new but yes
This Zorina knows she’s AI LMAO. A robot.. she’s basically made to be Colress’ assistant, and worships him like a god (or loves him as a father? But just doesn’t know what she feels yet?) for “giving her life,” and yearns to be human like everyone else. (Post-BW2 she’s still his assistant, but she mellows out a bit and becomes more like SV Zorina, coming to terms with herself)
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This is first ever art of her that was floating in my brain. Have sillies now
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XY Zorina
I don’t have art of her… she is just a super new concept
Basically, she was created by Team Flare with a bit of help from Professor Sycamore for Lysandre to create the perfect woman — young, elegant, artistic, and beautiful — for the whole perfect world and eternal beauty + youth thing. So among the Zorinas, she’s the most “super human-y” because she was made to be unblemished at all costs, you can’t cut through her hair, all that stuff. He is obsessed with her, to the point that he won’t allow her to go anywhere without him/supervision from a Team Flare scientist.
Her plot throughout the game is that she’s Serena’s/Calem’s rival who is secretly going out and battling the gyms behind Lysandre’s back, and she eventually gets caught. Because Lysandre is a control freak, the whole thing in Lysandre cafe is also an attempt to help set her free.
She was taken under Sycamore’s care post-team flare plot
I’m sorry if this was incredibly messy and ramble-y but I like Zorina <33 wait until I make more version exclusives soon! LMAO
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alien-til-i-stage · 22 days
IGH ive been thinking anoht liam for so long
spoilers for hfjONE
Because when he left ONE he was alone and considered dead for how long he was missing.
He had no one
He had nothing
All he had left was the memories of ONE
Realistically his best ending would’ve been if he had put it all behind him and never looked back, but he would always feel Airy’s presence on his back I think. The mystery of ONE and who Airy was would’ve haunted him. Even if he didn’t go back and get himself trapped where Airy was, he would never have really escaped ONE.
He would be forever wondering what was it, especially if Airy stole Owen after that. He would know what happened if he decided to get in contact with Owen.
He would feel the regret of not finding out who Airy was, of wasting Rock’s hints, of turning a blind eye to Owen’s disappearance, of leaving Ameila behind. Even if he didn’t get lost like he did in the end, he would’ve been trapped by his own mind and memories.
Him trying to find out who Airy was cost him his life, but him being put into ONE had already sealed his fate. He was never going to be the same person, he was there for seven months, how do you just go back to normal after that?
We see this with Bryce, how he just shoves it all aside and just, continues with life. Yes, he still wonders what it was, but he never made an effort to find out. In fact, even if Liam never went to find out, Byrce would’ve never notice Airy taking the girl that works with him. Liam knew Owen well and he would’ve noticed, but Byrce didn’t know her well.
Bryce was also only trapped for a week.
Bryce had very little to lose to ONE, he could move on. Nothing was changed except him. He was there for a week and the person Airy wanted to take that he knew was someone Bryce wasn’t very close to.
Liam could never, everything had changed for him. He was gone for seven months and declared dead. He would know that Owen was gone and known exactly where he was. ONE took everything from him, and he had nothing but ONE, which is why he became so obsessed with finding Airy.
Thats why Bryce and Liam never understood each other. Bryce thought of Liam as an obsessed person who just simply couldn’t let go, and Liam saw Bryce as someone who didn’t care at all.
I think when Bryce got put back into ONE after meeting up with Liam again, I think he understood Liam more. What he meant about having nothing other than ONE
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mossynebula · 9 months
TRC as songs from Unreal Unearth (Hozier)
EXTREMLY long post but I think its worth reading, Buckle up!!
Ronan: (De Selby part 1)
"At last when all of the world is asleep"
"to the bliss of not knowin' yourself"
"Bhfuilis soranna sorcha Ach tagais 'nós na hoíche, Trína chéile" (You’re all bright ease But you come on like night Entangled)
Kavinsky: (De Selby part 2)
"I wanna run against the world thats turning"
"I wanna run so far, I'd beat the morning"
"I dont need to know where we begin and end"
Prokopenko: (First Time)
"And the soul, if that's what you'd call it, Uneasy ally of the body"
" And some part of me must have died, the first time that you called me baby, and some part of me came alive the first time that you called me baby"
"but fighting off like all creation, the absence of itself"
Gansey: (Francesca)
"My life was a storm since I was born"
"I'd tell them put me back in it"
"I would still be suprised I could find you Darlin', in any life"
Skovron: ( I, Carrion (Icarian))
"If the wind turns, if I hit a squall, Allow the ground to find it's brutal way to me"
"If these heights should bring my fall, Let me be your own, Icarian carrion"
" I only pray, don't fall away from me"
Jiang: (Eat Your Young)
" Let me wrap my teeth around the world"
"put in front of the table, sellin' bombs and gun"
" You can't buy this, fineness, let me see the heat get to you"
Adam and Blue: (Damage Gets Done)
" Without shame, two outfits to my name"
" I heard once, it's the comforts that make us feel numb"
" You and I had nothing to show but the best of the world in the palm of our hands"
"If the car ran, the car was enough"
" That first car was like wings on an angel"
"But I know being reckless and young, is not how the damage gets done"
Swan: (Who We Are)
"Gettin' through still has a cost"
"To hold me like water, or christ, hold me like a knife"
"Chasing someone else's dream"
Noah: (All Things End)
"If there was anyone to ever get through this life, with their heart still intact, they didn't do it right"
" All that we intend, is scrawled in sand, it slips right through our hand"
"Never watched my future darken in a single tear"
(The entire choir section)
Declan: (To someone from a warmer climate)
"Uiscefhuaraithe" (water-cooled)
"all my dreamin', is only put to shame"
"There are some things that no-one teaches you, love That God in his awful wisdom first programs in"
Matthew: (Butchered Tongue)
"As a child, it was the place names Singin' at me as the first thing How the mouth must be employed in every corner of itself To say "Appalacicola" or "Hushpukena, " like "Gweebarra" A promise softly sung of somewhere else"
"But feel at home, hearin' a music that few still understand A butchered tongue still singin' here above the ground"
"And have your guarded heart be lifted like a child up by the hand In some town that just means "Home" to them With no translator left to sound"
Lynch Brothers: (Anything But)
"I'd fit all my joys and my pleasures in one perfect day I wish I was the sunlight, just sitting on the Mississippi I'd settle for a shopping trolley in the Liffey"
"I don't wanna be anything But I would do anything just to run away I don't wanna be anything like this at all"
"Look, I wanna be loud, so loud, I'm talking seismic I wanna be soft as a single stone in a rainstick I wanna be the thunder of a hundred thousand hooves moving quick If I was a stampede, you wouldn't get a kick I wanna be the shadow when my bright future's behind me I wanna be the last thing anybody ever sees"
Fox Way: (Abstract (Psychopomp))
"The feeling came late I'm still glad I met you"
"The memory hurts But does me no harm Your hand in my pocket To keep us both warm The poor thing in the road Its eye still glistening The cold wet of your nose The Earth from a distance"
"The speed that you moved The screech of the cars The creature still moving That slowed in your arms The fear in its eyes Gone out in an instant Your tear caught the light"
Gangsey and Dream pack: (First Light)
"Your eyes open, at first a thousand miles away But turning, shoot a silver bullet point-blank range And I can scarce believe what I'm believing in Could this be how every day begins?"
"The sky set to burst The gold and the rust The colour erupts You filling my cup The sun coming up
Like I lived my whole life Before the first light"
"One bright morning goes so easy Darkness always finds you either way It creeps into the corners as the moment fades A voice your body jumps to calling out your name But after this I'm never gonna be the same And I am never going back again"
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sweethangman · 2 months
hey pretty boy too proud to say hi now that you’re whoring around with the prince?
you never respond to my hi’s. not politely at least…
doesn’t mean i don’t enjoy ignoring them. 
oh my apologies then… good evening jason…
as expected. goodnight, my good knight…
okay, okay, hello? shouldn’t you be helping clean up the ball?
shouldn’t YOU be helping clean up the ball? it’s YOUR engagement.
i’m on watch here? every night?
you know… your view of the hallway is completely obstructed by that column.
the only thing i’d have to miss behind that would have to be even smaller than you. 
i’m not THAT small. 
oh yeah? come get it…
i suppose where you’re standing is… acceptable… i just was trying to be helpful.
hmph. word at the ball was that you left to chase the prince… i didn’t think he was your type. 
he’s actually an ex-ex prince…
wish he was the ex-ex-ex prince.
like the king hasn’t had the exact same thought… what’re you doing around his harem? i thought you at least cared about doing your job in addition to everyone else’s. 
people can have a sense of duty without sacrificing ALL semblance of fun. 
drinking until you pass out and sleeping in a strangers bed doesn’t seem like fun to me. 
and what would you consider fun? having the same dreary job for 8 years in a row?
9 years actually.
9 years. positively thrilling if you ask me… y’know, if you wanted to join, you could just ask.
i have a fiancée!— also, i don’t want to!!
Good day sir here are the knights letters what do i look like an errand boy deliver them yourself fine just thought youd want to deliver them to your friends guess ill just have to go over there and tell them what a wonderful friend you are to me fine give em here oh my engagement present how is it oh um its really good actually thank you the guy who writes them is great at what he does i already have birds of the southern isles and finches around the world but i've never had an illustrated one before though mustve cost a fortune oh it was nothing im so happy youre enjoying it might be the best engagement present ive gotten the king got me a sword with his coat of arms on the pommel which is nice but its also what he got me for my graduation and im not really sure what to do with two swords wow im honored if we ever visit the provinces i can show you all the birds in real life im never gonna visit the northern provinces im needed here well i grew up in the north as a kid my memories not the sharpesg in the world but i could try and describe what they were like youre from the north i never wouldve guessed you seem like you sprang right into being a fully formed courtier well thank you i moved here when i was 7 so i had time to learn the ropes and lose my accent how about you oh uh well i was born in a nearby town i think or the king thinks im an orphan but ite completely fine i have a better life here than i could ever dream of with the king taking care of me and a job i love a job im good at so not as interesting as you thats way more interesting im glad you found a home here yeah are you in love with maya did she put you up to this she said we'd talk about this later no i swear im sorry if its a touchy subject no its fine i of course im in love with maya we're engaged id be the biggest fool in the world if i wasnt in love with her right i wouldnt know dont you fool around with a lot of guys i thought youd have figured out love by now thats nowher enear love sometimes if i want something from someone and they want a little intimacy in return well why would i turn thay down you shouldnt i mean you cant its not a currency you can exchange why not im cute even worse you have to use it responsibilty how do you know they dont think its love i dont wanna contaminate your big knightly brain
Sorry i did that all from memory i think a lot of that is wrong anyways JASONLOUIS IM CRYING GG O,,,,,...MMLL
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safety-pin-punk · 1 year
I’m sort of still getting into punk and learning about everything. You’re blog has been really helpful with resources and everything. Plus your cool.
Okayyy, now my question. I’m a junior in high school and I want to go to college. Pursue further education and all of that stuff. Learn more about the world and critical thinking. But I don’t want to pay a ton of money to a bunch of old ivy dudes.
What’s the right direction to go in for this? Is college a good option if I want to learn? What schools are good places? Where do I learn more about this stuff?
Sorry if this is a lot. Thank you though!
Hey! Thank you for your kindness!!
First off, Im going to stress that you are a junior and you have PLENTY of time to think about this. So dont stress too much right now.
Secondly, I want to preface this with the simple fact of college isnt for everyone. There are SO many ways to survive and thrive in life without it. And thats okay, good even! That being said, this post is just gonna be me talking about college. Under the cut of course
OKAY! So, is college a good option if you want to learn? My answer is yes! I learned a lot at college, both inside and outside my classes. I learned a lot of life lessons, I met people from all over the country (and a few international students). And I learned how to challenge my own beliefs and try to see things from perspectives that I didnt even know could exist prior to college.
But Im sure you were referring to the educational aspect. And truth be told, this heavily depends on both your school and you. Some examples: My school had a phenomenal chemistry program. You couldnt walk out of that program without having learned things if you made it through. But my school also had a very poor fine arts program. And to be quite blunt, I often wondered why any art student chose to stay. But going even further, it depends a lot on the individual as well. I was admittedly not the best student. I wasnt that interested in lab or research compared to some of my classmates, nor did I apply myself as much. And the difference is clear to see when others could rattle off different solvents and what reactions would occur from memory and I would be sitting there dumbfounded.
Next question, what schools are good places? Again, that fully depends on what you want to go to school for. But I’ll tell you what I did and how I chose my school. When I was a junior in high school, I found a list of every 4 year university in my state (I knew I wanted to stay in state, but you can do this for wherever you want to go). I then went through and gave each school a ranking out of 5 (based on vibes, chemistry program, education program, cost, and surrounding area). Once I had it narrowed down to only a few schools, those were the ones I toured. And I chose where to send applications from there.
Though, I cant stress enough how beneficial community college can be. A lot of people get all their gen eds out of the way either before they enroll in a university or over summers. Doing this will save you money and time. Literally not a single person on a university campus would look down on you for this. If anything, they will praise you for being smart. I took a few classes over the summers between semesters just to get them out of the way (and also avoid certain professors).
Where to learn more? Google. Google schools near you. Google schools where you want to go. Google schools ranked nationally in xyz. Google affordable universities. Google universities that have good financial aid programs. Just google so many things. From there, spend time exploring university websites. Read about their community and their academic programs. See if they have virtual tours uploaded. Check out their student activity board social medias to see what it would be like to be there as a student. Sign up for tours. Do an overnight visit if you can!! Or even, just walk around the campus without a tour guide
Best of luck to you on your academic journey! Hope I was a little helpful here
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SCENE 1 - SCENE 2 - SCENE 3 FADE IN: INT. MURPHY LAW DETECTIVE AGENCY - NIGHT A light-skinned man looked out his slatted windows, leaning against the side of his dry, concrete wall. He held a lit cigarette in his left hand, the other in the pocket of his tan slacks. Behind him, his coat rack held his trillby hat and trench coat; they've seen better days out in fresher and brutal moonlight. A couple's laughter rang out from across the street. He looks at them as he takes another puff from his cigarette, walking away. He puts it out in the ash tray, and sits on his chair, putting his feet up on his mahogany desk. This was MURPHY. His face is hardened enough to hit steel and make it dent, but enough to also know he has seen and experienced many things throughout his unforgiving line of work that would make a normal man drop himself cold. His voice was rough, like that of a chain smoker who ate 50 packs a day, used whiskey as his mouthwash, and still lived, unfortunately.
NARRATOR: They say it's a lonely world out there, but thats because they don't know it's better to be alone than to risk your back being filled with 20 pounds of lead in a dark alleyway because of someone you thought was your associate. Just ask the office workers, they'll tell you all about it. He pours whiskey into his shot glass and gyrates it idly in his hand, watching the amber liquid move and swirl against it's prison's clear and crystalline walls. NARRATOR: I've had my own share of them. Red herrings that led to deep sinkholes that almost cost me my life. Seeing the rope you're holding on to slowly snapping before your eyes, and the only feeling that remains is knowing no one will be there to catch you. NARRATOR: If that happens, well that's on you.
He can already taste the usual numbing burn. He can already see his memories going through his eyes like a broken film reel, replaying over and over again until it gradually becomes worn and fades away. He doesn't drink the whiskey; he isn't feeling it, oddly enough, considering it was almost water to his body. He's itching for something, and it's crawling all over underneath his skin, climbing his bones and pounding in his mind. Worst of all, he doesn't know what it is. He puts the glass away on his desk. NARRATOR: When you're me, you can only rely on yourself. No one will or can get to you, because you yourself alone are the only one who knows your blind spots. He pulls out a cigarette and lights it, watching its orange glow illuminate the dark, barely moonlit office. NARRATOR: It's easier that way. The smoke fills the room and he breathes it in, releasing himself into its familiar smell. Suddenly, knocks cut through the silence, snapping MURPHY back into consciousness. His eyes widen a bit, but he recomposed himself. NARRATOR: But maybe....sometimes....it's not so bad to hope. To let yourself rely on someone. A little back-up in case something will go wrong... MURPHY: (not looking up) Come in. NARRATOR: Someone to trust... Instead of a familiar, redheaded face, it was a random mailman. NARRATOR: And someone to disappoint you in the end. MURPHY: What are you doing here? A growl slipped unconsciously into his tone, making the mailman hesitate a bit. NARRATOR: But that's only if you let yourself be disappointed... MAILMAN: Um...just some special mail for you sir... He holds out a letter to MURPHY, and the latter reaches for it, analyzing it's mediocrity. MAILMAN: From an...O5-1 -- sir? MURPHY growls at the name. NARRATOR: Of course. It's the Foundation again. TITLE SPLASH: Murphy Law in...SCP-[REDACTED]-1 -- TOUCH OF NIGHT!
random text please stop putting format errors I'm going to scream
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anyydidi · 2 years
Yeah, so i need to talk about my AUs more. That being said, i recently thought of a new one im so in love with.
Basically our dear villain Eggman kidnaps our beloved Tails, because “yeah, that little brat makes my life miserable, lets brainwash him and use him as a lab assistant.” yknow the trope,,
Why did he simply not kidnap Sonic since he makes Eggys life even more miserable? Easy, Tails is way easier to capture and two geniuses on his side is way better than one.
But of course, something backfires and Egghead can try all he wants, but Tails just wont listen and behave. So he dumps him somewhere far from Sonics last known location so he doesnt get back that fast.
And not long after that, Sonic finds Eggman and demands his little brother back. And what? Sonic doesnt know that Tails is free yet? Eggy needs to take advantage of that! “oh dear Sonic! Your little sidekick is dead! Couldnt handle one of my experiments, such a shame. He had a lot of potential.”
And Sonic does not believe him, but he does get mad and his rage probably results in Eggman dying lol. (I thought about him going Dark or smt, but im not sure about that. Eggman does eventually die not long after though).
But we know that Tails is alive, so why hasnt he got back yet?! Well, what Eggman didnt know was that his brainwashing DID kind of work and he got some kind of amnesia, where he forgot basically everything (except some pieces there and there). Plus since Eggman’s goal was for Tails to forget he is Tails and that he had some connection to Sonic, he absolutely REFUSES to acknowledge he might be that genius inventor. He gets all mad and crazy when someone mentions he does look a lot like his old self. That’s why Sonic or anyone else cannot find him. He made himself a completely new persona and avoids his old one at all costs.
He does eventually (dont know after how long yet tho) reunite with Sonic and his old friends, because he is a VERY complicated person. The after effects of the brainwashing include him having some kind of urges and impulses to cause chaos. He robs a bank, committes some kind of arson or property damage etc, but he ALSO stays true to his morals and old beliefs and helps others a lot.  Like fighting with some villages against the new villain (something like Tangle before she met Sonic and comp.), or generally fixing other people’s stuff (thats why hes still not in prison, because all his bad doings are forgiven for his good ones).
So he does something bad, gets arrested and for some reason, Amy is at the police station and is like “wtf ur Tails omg?? We have been searching for u for years??” but of course, Tails refuses, so she calls Sonic and hes all like “jesus amy i told u to give it up, hes dead and- woah he fr is Tails.” and Tails STILL does not believe them, so they tell him that because he did something bad, he needs to help them on their new mission so he doesnt have to go to jail and he agrees.
Sonic and others then pretend to think hes not Tails so he doesnt get, how i said “mad and crazy”, until they stumble upon Eggmans old recordings of his experiments on Tails and he FINALLY gets his memories back.
They then of course need to work on getting all the brainwashing from Tails’ head, because it cant just ✨disappear✨, but he does get better eventually.
Oh and do NOT get me started on how Sonic is through all of this. The only thing you need to know for now is that he gets EXTREME separation anxiety after finally finding Tails, and gets overprotective af even tho he tries to hide it.
This took me mf 30 minutes to write. I have no idea how i did that.
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attourney-at-lycan · 2 years
mcd rewrite asks as requested: what is aphmau's origin in your mcd rewrite? does she appear in phoenix drop the same way as in rebirth, or something else? does she have the same tattoos/markings, or different ones/none at all & what's your in-universe reasoning for them? -zenixromeave :P
omg zenix is in my asks???
but hmm- one of my thoughts in my rewrite is that aphmau’s body is originally the body of a girl who was dying. like on the verge of death. she was allowed a second chance to live at the cost of her own self and her own memories by vylad himself, without her consent unfortunately.
the idea is that, vylad had used an amulet or some sort of divine instrument that held part irene’s soul to fuse it with the dying soul of this woman who was very compatible. instead of irene sealing herself, she actually fractured her soul into pieces so they’re kinda.. all over the world, and now only aphmau (who has irene’s fracture) can find them and sort of activate them
vylad chose to do this as a last resort ofc bc he just wanted to hepp garroth like in canon, so he sacrificed a life for this? he finishes what he’s supposed to do and kinda leaves her? idk why he’d leave her but i’ll come up w/ a reason
the way she is found is not by phoenix drop but passed out on the road (after the soul fusion ofc) by paul traveling from meteli actually! he picks her up, and takes him with her to phoenix drop to get medical attention and thats when mcd starts!
a thing i also want to mention, is that because she had a life before becoming aphmau, her background isnt established yet but. ein.
so i added ein to my rewrite as like some sort of separate plot that light merge with zane? in his pov, everyone and his mother (not biological, bc theyre not blood siblings but ein was taken in by sylvanna in this) believed that aphmau did die, however ein didnt believe it at all. so he’s spent months searching for her until he finally discovers that she’s alive. he’s just a desperate kid trying to find his sister but i want him to fall into the hands of zane and manipulated, becoming somewhat of an antagonist
this might be convoluted bc i never really wrote down my idea for it into words but hopefully ygys get the gist of it
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cinnaminsvga · 8 months
zee exclamations anon here!!! thoughts on min yoongi recently? how’s your emotional relationship with the memory of such an icon of your youth? also how do you feel about the little guy lately? as an artist, does he linger still as a muse? as a person, is he a vase of love still? i was just listening to time adventure from the adventure time soundtrack, and this line “will happen, happening, happened, and we will happen, again and again, cause you and i will always be back then” made me think that past is eternal, and love that once were will forever be when it was, so, it made me think of how in young forever they say “as today’s me, i want this moment to be eternal, i want to be young forever” and how yoongi now says “i want to grow up together” and how it seems it’s different but i think is the same. cause you and i will always be back then. we will grow up together, cause we are already together, cause we were together, so we are young forever. i think hope is just a loooot of love. or i think thats what it costs. like in that paramore song 26 “reality will break your heart, survival will not be the hardest part, it’s keeping all your hopes alive, all the rest of you has died, so let it break your heart” i think youth is so hopeful, and its hard to maintain that much hope as you grow up. it’s hard to see things as you once did, or feel em as you did, cause your heart breaks and things happen. so “i want to be young forever” is just so beautiful, cause its aware of how precious all of it is in that unique moment as everything is, and longs to keep it forever that way, and yet, “i want to grow up together” is the most hopeful thing to say. we’ll happen, happening, happened. some things must change to remain the same. it seems unforgiving when a good thing ends, but you and i will always be back then. growing up is an act of hope. love is eternal. the song ends with “you and i will always be best friends”. so how do you feel it zee?
im gonna be honest anon the way i just went slackjawwed when i saw this in my inbox HAHAH love u and ur little song references its like getting a personalized web weave in my inbox so thank u
hnngnghhg ive actually been rewatching some of his suchwita eps because i miss the little guy... it also massively sucks that he isnt gonna be Around for a bit, but cmon i just wanna see his bald ass head... just give me some excitement in my life... yoongi save me
and yea ofc he lingers as a muse to me... he's literally my ideal type HAHAH its kinda hard not to reference him in anything i write. even writing for other fandoms, i cant help but yoongify them somehow... i just love men who love softly but care so deeply. and yeah perhaps i have yoongi on a pedestal inside my brain and yeah maybe the version i have of him in my head isnt quite accurate but like... ITS HARD!!! NOT TO LOVE THE LITTLE GUY!!! AUGHHGDHG HES MY BEST FRIEND but not like /parasocial more like "hes my childhood imaginary friend that held my hand on the first day of school" sorta thing. he's a part of me, whether anyone likes it or not!!! like a parasite but its kinda awesome even though i think he wants to kill me sometimes. we could be like venom or something (idk never watched the movie).
kinda like how every interest ive ever had in my life kinda never leaves,,, it waxes and wanes but like at the end of the day, a lot of the stuff ive grown to love and maybe forgotten still keep a place in my heart. yoongi is my youth, and i choose to live youthfully for a long time. like ive said before, youth and love and all those sorts of things... its a lifestyle. time destroys so many things but those two stand against its claws. IT IS WHAT IT IS!!! BUT BY GOD, LETS HOLD HANDS WHILE WE'RE AT IT!!! anyway love u anon
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hellcatinnc · 6 months
Sympathy Kiss Review
Spoilers Included...
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So all in all this is one of my favorite otome games now right up there with Code Realize, Amnesia, and Piofiore. I love the age ranges are all the way from 19 to 45 thats a big difference but each character brings a different feel to it. Also the music and art work is great too. There is a guy for everyone in this game and its funny but I never played them in order yet nothing was spoiled so honestly I will say its a soft follow route nothing more. I played Nori, Saotome, Kobase, Usui, Yoffy, Rokuro, Higa, Minato. All the guys are so mixed like there is no straight tsundere or kuudere or just dominant men each of these guys have a little bit of it all in them. Also the fact its the first otome game that has had kids in it and single fathers I was floored. We need more of those men too. Know there isn't anything explicit but you will see them in the bed with the idea you know sex was involved some talk but nothing over the top definitely more mature than alot out there. Below is my guys I love in order from the one I love to the worst.
Rokuro Yoshioka
This man from the beginning did peak my interest because he looked like the prince charming type and I'm not normally into blonde haired guys but figured what the hell. He was one of my last 3 to play but oh my god the best one of them all for me. So anyone who knows me knows I don't always like the good guy but the guy who will find a person worth fighting for and he will love her so much he would burn the world for her at any cost whether good or bad. Well this guy is that guy, you would never guess it when you first meet him and honestly as the first part of the story you would still question what I'm saying is true. He is a gentleman from the start opens doors for a woman, kisses hands, and honors a woman's space to not push himself on them. Like one point in the very beginning he offers you a ride home and he has to help you with the seat belt he doesn't jsut do what most men would do and reach across you but he asks you if its ok if he touches you to fix it then when he does he is very delicate and not trying to reach or touch places to make you uncomfortable.
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He shows interest in you and even tells you some reason he is pulled to you and wants to get to know you better. He is very upfront and asks you out and its sweet at first until half the time you hear him talk about the love of his life being his childhood sweetheart. He tells you the story how he met her when he was staying with his uncle, he was alone and this little girl comes up and comforts him. They play together every day after she calls him her prince and her his princess. She teaches him at the age of 9 that even princes cry too. When the summer ended he had to go back home but made a sweet promise to the little girl that he would find her again one day, however he had searched and searched and never could find her. Granted the only thing I felt was weird here was either he never heard the MC's first name or he never knew her last one or it should have been easy with someone with money to find anyone.
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However skipping past that he is so sweet and endearing about it all and says she changed his whole life and he wanted to be a prince because of her. It was funny because in the prologue as the mc you mention how he looks like a prince. Anyways he tells you as he goes along going on dates with you tells you he likes you alot, even on his side he talks about how much he really likes you and is starting to fall. One night your out walking and he is talking bout his first love and a park near by so you walk there together. Soon as you walk in the park you remember a little boy you used to play with and tell him about the memories you have and when you face him his eyes look like they are going to cry. He tells you he is that little boy and you both realize you were both each others first love. It is such a sweet lost love story and you think now they will be happy but oh no it is not that simple at all.
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He battles his birth right of being rich and the son of a big business owner who had already arranged a marriage for him. You deal with the drama of that girl trying to destroy you the more he fights against them the worse it comes on you. He asks you to wait and trust him behind the scenes he is trying to get his father and the girls family to understand at any cost. They even go as far as locking him in his house and taking his phone so he can't reach you. Your whole team at your office is supporting your relationship they do everything they can to get ya'll together with all thats going on around you. Saotome us hilarious when he knocks little miss bitch fiancé down and tells her he don't give a shit who she is fiancé too he wasn't talking to anyone but Roku. No matter what he goes out of his way to reach out to you and constantly let you know your the only one for him and he refuses to ever be with anyone else.
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Its funny the more you get to know him you realize there is a good chance this man fell for you as a kid and never moved past that. I say that because he says to stop girls from hitting on him and him having to date people when they heard he was in an arranged marriage he let it go so he didn't have to worry even though he didn't want that girl either. He has been waiting his whole life to give you his everything and obviously even his v-card. That being said the constant feel of butterflies even as a person playing this game I could feel them the way he was so dedicated to his lover. Even with time apart he always wanted you he always comes back to you. He was willing to be disowned if need be if it meant he could be with you. He is a gentleman up to a end. He is the guy though that will grab you and confess his love and kiss you with the most passion you will ever know. He is the guy that when he makes love to you that you will feel every emotion at the extreme level he does, and when he kisses you he will take your breath away.
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He is a mixture of a modern day romance with a fairy tale one that meets lost love. Honestly I loved every minute of it well when bitch face fiancé wont in it that is. She is that girl you want to beat the shit out of. That being said he constantly tells her he don't want her she is just deaf. The way the endings are seem close because one he goes to America but brings you with him, or he stays and works at a job hours away but still wants to talk and see you as much as possible then after 2 years he comes home to you for good then the last best ending he takes you to that original playground he met you on gets down on one day and asks you to be his princess forever then tells you he loves you and asks you to marry him. The one adult scene with him you get is so passionate and sweet that its not all about the act but the intimacy and the love that goes into it. I don't know to not feel so engulfed in this story I hated to see it end.
Yoji Kobase
Ok this man is everything I could have asked for in this game. He is daddy like can be strict and stern yet also sweet and gentle. Then that passionate side is there and he would just as soon tear you clothes off than to do without your touch. His story is sad but also sweet. Watching him fall in love was a treat and falling for him was even better. I had seen him on the other routes I had done and saw right off the bat he wasn't some hard ass tsundere that you had to pick apart to get him to show his emotions he actually was a caring man inside work he was strict so people were more scared of him. I never saw one thing scary though like he was not one of my guys I cared about going into it but after seeing him on other routes I looked forward to doing his route. Then getting the chance to and I swear even down to this mans moans, sighs, and breathes he takes in his kisses will drive you crazy if you have a headset on.
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Not only that but this mans steaminess starts early and really never stops he is insatiable he just can't get enough. I swear the way he says I love you akari makes me want to change my name to akari cause fuck the way he says will make you melt. Parts of his story had me in tears closer to the end and other times smiling from ear to ear. His blushes drive me nuts like I swear I thought the other guys blushing was hot but I think its because he is this strong man, dominant then when you compliment him or put him in predicaments he isn't in control and he becomes a blushing mess. I say he is a daddy type but the more caring and gentle daddy dom if anything however I never knew one that got embarrassed before. To me he is like dominant, geeky guy, daddy, sexy all wrapped into one man. His was the fastest route which is weird because I swear it felt like the longest because the story was so engaging I could not stop playing it.
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This story felt like the most real yet also more romantic comedy as well. I say this cause I know I have watched movies with office romances, they get stuck in the elevator together, they almost drop a box and need help from behind, they need to move in together because apartment is being fixed, Walking in with her in a towel, I mean the list goes on these are just some of the things that happens in his one route but yet it blends so well together it doesn't feel forced and I love that. I really felt like I was part of his story and that my own choices made a difference. I did it blind at first and answered how I would and it went towards the love route. Now going back through to cover all routes for the CG the love ending is sweet and sexy I mean like really fucking hot. The best ending he plans to propose but because it never got to that and you never saw it I swear there needs to be a fan disc I need to see this man down on one knee.
I love his loyalty to the people he loves as well like he would take a bullet for someone or in this case go under for a hit and run he didn't do. If I had to compare him to another game character that I have played honestly he does have alot of Dante Falzone's qualities as far as dominant, loyal, family is everything, blushes when things are out of his control or is complimented alot, he thinks lower of himself but wants to help others he loves, he is ahead of a company where Dante is head of the mafia both having a big title, they both propose in the main route and both not taking their job lightly. I think he is alot more sexual than Dante however based on times as well Dante is more of a gentleman so guess if I had to say Dante and Gilbert together would make more sense to be his personality in some ways that is.
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Oh my god his pin stripe suit let me touch upon that please. So I have a thing about men in trench coats, fedora's and pinstripe outfits and this man wears a suit so well and sexy in it. They show him a few times in other clothing which I mean he looks good in anything but the suit..... damn damn damn this man is smoking hot to me. I didn't even care if he was my 3rd route I needed me some Yoji and now I can go to bed satisfied for the night I finished his route. His CG pictures annoy me a bit because I feel like the person who drew the game wasn't the ones that did his CG pictures. I say that because if you take Nori he is hot in his CG pics but also out where I feel like some of Yoji's pictures didn't give you have the sex appeal you could have gotten. Either way this is my boy sweet, sexy, and down right passionate as hell.
Nori Tainaka
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So first off besides him looking hot I wasn't sure how I would like him cause his voice wasn't as deep as I like in most of the voice actors I follow as well as the moment I realized he was like a lost puppy needing a home I almost quit. The only reason is cause Variable Barricade put a nasty flavor in my mouth about the puppy type guy with Nayato who never really grew on me and annoyed me all the time. However here is the different Nayato was like a puppy hyperactive that needed overly amount of attention and would scratch your leg when you walked through the door every day. He was your good/bad dog however Nori is that sweet lab like puppy you bring in that just wants to be snuggled and loved. He wants to protect you and be needed and wanted by you. I felt like if you have played Variable Barricade take Shion and Nayato and put them together because the easiness of this guy and how he treats you after a long day of work reminded me more of Shion. He will make you breakfast, pour your bath, take care of you when your sick, dries you off and snuggles you when you get rained on, even gives you a bubble bath him washing your hair and so on.
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To me he is such a cinnamon roll I can't imagine anyone hating this man. Like in the beginning he tries to come off manipulative just to get you to let him stay with you by telling you has amnesia and such, but trust me you and the mc see through that a mile away and still trust to just have him there because he needs it. As time goes on its not just him that needed that comfort but you find you need it too. I love he gets blushy when you give him compliments and I mean you only can make him blush and he is adorable when he does. I will say that you do find out he was not only a lost puppy when you found him but an abused one at that. In time he eventually apologizes for lying to you and lets you into his past. I love that at one point you have a fight with him and he leaves and Kobase takes him in like a big brother until he can get you two to talk. I never saw that coming from Kobase when you first meet him but it was sweet.
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So I guess it fits still for me he is another sad boy and thats where I seem to flock first never fails. You can have alot of fun with him though he likes to have game night and he is pretty competitive. Also don't think he is always your good boy puppy because he has a mischievous side to him only you bring out. Oh and damn when he is turned on or wants to turn you on his voice gets deeper which sounds hot as hell then. This character to me wasn't just a puppy not that one thing I loved that he had a dream as a chef and only you make him feel valued enough to do it again. That being said if you go to the love route he wants you to go with him, move with him so he can open a restaurant with you by his side. The work route he still goes to a restaurant to work but you are in a long distance relationship however he refuses to give you up. Then I need to make it clear there is a third way which is supposed to be the best ending which I disliked because he goes out on his own leaving your place to get his own life even though he wants to be with you in the future just not right now how in the world is this the best ending I will gladly take the love ending.
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He is the first love interest I have ever came across though that randomly starts talking about wanting kids one day and not just kids in general but he includes you in that dream. You two haven't even talked about what you are to each other or said I love you and he already had his sights on making you his wife one day. Granted this was technically months together by then but he knew what he wanted. He doesn't yell and he is definitely more submissive than confrontational however I think in the bedroom he would be anything a woman wants anything to make his woman happy. He is the first to tell you he loves you however I think you can see where he went from just an obedient dog to where he started actually caring for you and it was beautiful to see. I think that he doesn't get the recognition he deserves because he really is a good love interest in my book. He was my first play through that I did blindly and ended up with him but I'm glad I did also I never saw any reason not to play him first some say spoilers but most his story 99% is just about him.
Mitsuki Saotome
So this guy first look I found him very attractive and looked forward to starting his route. However after doing the prologue I felt he came off more annoying than I hoped. As I dug in deep to his route I still found a lot I was hoping to have in him as a partner that I felt lacked. I found myself drawn to his friend Esaka more than him. His route was predictable like I knew the person talking shit was Esaka before he even knew yet it was almost like common sense then I felt they both lacked the common sense between him and the MC. I kept pushing through though to see if it got better. I will say even though I liked Esaka to the very end and still want to see him as a love interest, eventually Saotome got better for me. After he realized he had feelings for the mc was alot better. Before not only was he annoying but also kind of a jerk.
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After he lets her in you get to see the adorable blushy boy that I love in him. He is too cute when he pouts and blushes, I really wish there had been more of them but it was decent. I just didn't like it took getting to the 3rd almost 4th episode before it really started to grab my attention with him. The love route was sweet and he wants to take you with him across the ocean for a job offer. Unlike Nori who was only going towns over Saotome wants you to uproot your life and country to leave with him. I'm not sure I liked the love ending much for that reason and the work ending was just you get a promotion to a different department yet yall still date and such. The best ending of this one was best for sure like it was super sweet. He takes you to meet his parents and talks about how he doesn't want to love anyone but you. He even turns down that job over seas because he feels whats right for him is to be loyal to his company and to you as his partner.
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This showed the most mature side to him I think and that is what I was looking for. I played blind but had to use walk through to get this route cause I ended up with love route first. I will say though his passionate time with you his sighs, moans, and breaths are steamy he caught my attention fast. I mean it never fully goes into it but damn the noises is enough to make any woman to stop and listen. Definitely use a headset with his route so you can enjoy that part of his time. I really do like him I just felt like he was not the best in my book but I do still think people will enjoy him in the end. Just expect not being able to connect with him right away. If I had to compare him to someone it would probably be lover pretend Yukito Sena and Kazuma Kamikubo I say both because some of his cuteness and best friend feel is more like Kazuma but Yukito is a free spirit that doesn't care what people think as much so to me I feel like he is a mixture of the two and more towards Kazuma because of the blushy side to him but when he is naughty thats the Yukito type personality coming out.
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How he was as a friend in other routes won me over alot more with him. Like in his route he was kind of a jerk in the beginning however in other routes as your friend he will do anything for you he thinks of you like family him and Kobase both are protective of you. This is what knocked him up higher on my list of love interests I like.
Kohei Minato
This one was hard because to me Minato and Higa are tied for me because I love how both interact with children Minato with his siblings and Higa with his son. I will say Minato is sexy as hell and you see it in his route too however there is good and bad things for me with him. First sexy voice, check, naughty boy, check... His story is sad but also more bittersweet. You find he has been ripping off the company he works for as a spy for someone from his past because he has black mailed him into getting money to take care of his mother and brother and sister since his father walked out. Its respectable that he would do anything for the people he loves, it was what I love most about this character.
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I feel like his route is just slow to get into it like there is 6 episode chapters yet doesn't really get in depth to the relationship til end of the 3rd one into the 4th. I feel like I just had a hard time really knowing him until farther in and when you do you find he is a flirt not just a kuudere here. Funny thing is I thought he was going to be a tsundere but I feel like definitely more of a kuudere attitude. He shows no emotion but once he does he shows it alot.
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He is sweet how in best ending he tells you your his sunshine the light of his life and he loves your always and forever. This is one of the sweetest things and the grab kiss that he and you are in tears in. His route is up and down hot and cold and it gives me whiplash its worth playing just know his sex side and that one happy ending is his best quality.
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His sex appeal is over the top he is the only one that tells you he will make you scream until you go hoarse then when he has done that to you he feeds you water by mouth. Like this is a hsdgkjvg moment for sure. Anyways he is seductive he will lick your finger when you prick it with blood, he is dominant and a dirty boy in it all. This is what got him so far up on my list it was a saving thing however I didn't care for some of his words. Like he doesn't talk about spoiling his woman but wants his woman to spoil him. When you try to pat his head or just be cute he takes it from 0-100 in seconds and ready to take it to having sex. Its the pushiness I don't care for at times. I mean if your going to be dominant be that all the time not sweet some moments, wishy washy in others then dominant and possessive in anther way. He also has huge jealousy issues possessive is hot but he doesn't even want you to go anywhere even around guys that he isn't involved in.
Secret Route #2 Tsukihiko Higa
Ok I wasn't sure what to think of this dude because you barely see him in other routes but not even 10 minutes in you find out he is a single father and widower and my heart strings were instantly pulled. Anyways you see how it unfolds of growing close to his son who is 5 years old that you stand up for on the playground. That starts the constant meetups with his son and play dates then Higa starts falling for you cause yall are doing things that families do. Its so sweet that he keeps his wife's picture on a dresser so his son Hinato can talk to his mom any time he wants to. I really was hoping so much for this story because how often do you get a older man and a man who is a single father in otome games I loved the idea and hope to see this again.
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However even with this I felt like if it had just been about him and his son and you work together would have been great but then they make him a past idol. He supposedly was this big singer who just stopped and quit one day got married and had a kid and now one of his fans is stalking him and cussing him out for ruining everything with him leaving and she even blurts out in front of his son he should have never been born. It was harsh but Higa is a good daddy he was right there for his son and not one time did I feel like he wasn't a good father. I feel like he got the shit end of the deal as a character though I mean shit ever other man gets lucky in the bedroom most you get with Higa is on the love route. He tells you when he gets home one night with his arms around you while you cook and says you should get married soon before you bring a fourth member into the house and has a mischievous look so you know he wants to make babies then they ruin it Hinato runs in yells the food is burning.
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Thats it total cock block and you never get to see more than him kiss her a few times. I feel like only reason he couldn't be higher on my list is because they made his story short, they didn't put alot of effort into the work route, the best end was ok but I felt the love route was best. Dude should have gotten laid though come on he loses his wife, works his ass off for his son, has to deal with a stalker fan from the past, has to look for his son trying to run away due to that bitch and yet he can't get laid shame on them. I might just have to put something together so this man has some happy ending in intimacy I mean he strikes me as a snuggler. Anyways he grows on you fast if you have a sweet spot for single fathers. Just hope if there is a fan video they give him more and better continuance like I want to see making babies with him in the fan disc if there ever is one.
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Secret Route #1 - Yofy
So I thought he was cute the first time I saw a picture of him however I had just played Mineo's route in Collar x Malice and the voice actor is the same and normally he is yelling in CxM so wasn't sure if I could deal with it but as Yofy he is not like that at all. He is a shy gaming guy who is a programmer. However once he likes you this boy is yandere through and through. I normally hate yandere and I'm still not gonna say its my cup a tea but to see the shy gamer boy turn into a very dominant man in some sexy art FFS it made it hard to think straight. Romance wise I love the possessiveness but this man drugs you, stalks you and scares you, bites you, forces you to kiss him, and accuses you of lying. Like that would be so hard to forgive I see so many think he is most peoples favorite I just can't.
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He is adorable and sweet and he made me smile so much until he started doing the shit he did. Like to me it was plain creepy in some points but you can tell he has some mental issue setbacks from his childhood. Its almost like you date him he feels like there is no room for anyone else in your life. He is that toxic boyfriend you would have. The scene where he grabs you and kisses you and he bites you after you bite him bloody kiss some reason is fucking hot. Then his dominance comes in when you tell him you love him and want to be with him. He is 19 and you can tell it his mindset is not that of an adult or a person in their mid 20s on out. He has alot of growing up to do.
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He does try to do better in the best ending he really does try actually all the routes if you love him he will try to be better for you. However I don't know sometimes he reminds me of Toma in amnesia talking about locking you away however Toma was to protect you Yofy id to keep others from wanting you. Possessiveness in a man is hot but I feel like only in his sexual side of him is it hot because when he is just running around being a blushy guy he just comes off as a creepy stalker. Only reason it is over Shuya Usui for me is because least he wants to be with you and there is a instant chemistry and he didn't care about age unlike Usui did even though you still have age on Yofy too. Overall on like a scale of 1-10 I would say Yofy is a 6 for me. Definitely better guys and I'm still irritated he was a route but Esaka isn't.
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Shuya Usui
I played several routes before not being able to wait anymore and jumped into playing his route. He seemed so gentle and caring even in one route he brings you in after someone tries to attack you and a few other routes he cares for you so its not hard to see how he would be an amazing partner and lover. That is until you actually play his route. He was much older than the rest at age 45 now me being a older woman never saw a issue and even though they were 20 years apart they were both adults and you can't help who you love however thats not how he saw it. As soon as he realized you were even the bit interested in him he starts comparing you to reminding him of his sister and then later says that he is more like your dad. He continues to treat you like your a child and family pushing your heart and needs away. In his side of things you see he wants you and loves you but refuses to let down the fact he is much older than you and you deserve better.
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His story is so angsty no matter how many times you try to get through to him he finds ways to not be interested or act like it or even cold at times. He saves your life in the alley because a drunk guy tries to touch you he becomes your prince charming and its not hard to start falling for him then and you see why your character did and the rest of his route is about him healing from where he got injured in his wrist when it happened. You help him at the bar as well as come to help him even clean his own house. Finally you have a point when you make a move on him in his own apartment and even though deep down he wants you he acts like he doesn't yet lets you kiss on him and all anyways. Then tells you for this one night he will do anything you want and thats it. It was sad because earlier in the night you had ate dinner together and even helped him wash his hair in a steamy bathroom scene. Here he was telling you in a cold detached voice he will do anything you want but never again.
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This burned my ass it was even worse the next day after all it happened and you were naked in his bed he tells you to forget it every happened. He spent his time making you feel like you took advantage of him, like you forced yourself on him, and that he only gave in because you wouldn't stop he even admits he did that to you on his thoughts, thats pretty fucked if you ask me. It was bad enough that it took almost the last chapter for you to get love in this I mean you get one date and he never sleeps with her again or they sure don't mention it if so. The episodes were the shortest most took me about 8 hours to finish this one in all endings only 4. The best ending sucks because you break apart he goes one way business in his life and you go another then 4 years later you decide to be with each other and you go to him. Then the work ending is worth cause you break up never to see each other again. The love ending at least he chooses to stay there with you instead of taking over his family's inn and you leave your job to be with him working the bar. It was by far the sweetest.
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You get moments where he will blush from time to time yet weirdly enough he doesn't fit the part like I don't know he seems overly mature to be a blusher. His love for cats is cute and he even jokes about petting her as his kitten which could have at least been a interesting way to go. You hear his sad story of losing his sister and his dad on deaths door. I don't know there is just too much angst that when you finally get a happy ending it doesn't feel like one. You feel empty and loss of connection because you have seen all your character has gone through, how many times he pushed her away, was cold to her, and acted like she was a child. I mean even when he sleeps with her he was detached and cold she even says it in the dialogue, for someone who loved her and wanted to be with her like that like he says later its funny after the way he was not even really there in the midst of one of the most intimate things. I just can't with this guy. As far as comparison I don't even know if I have met any character that irritated me this much so I can't say.
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nihanaeea · 2 years
this si so sokuoku
my analysies based entirely on my own insanity and i wish i had someone who so dearly loved them as much as i do and read all of the light novels
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this would be sometime after dazais defection where its actually sunk in that hes left, the demon prodigy changed his fate. But the memory at this point of what he used to be like has faded, only snippets of feelings now. Did i fail would be a questioning of chuuyas part on whether he is simply trying too little for his own humanity, "failing" to be human when someone as cold as dazai made any kind of change or improvement. Did I fall is just a reference to his own ability.
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Directly after dazais defection from pm, the first line referencing the over-the-top display of blowing up chuuyas car, and him reminiscing on what the message actually meant, but not coming up with anything because dazai is unfathomable. The last line is a throwaway thought of how much chuuya put up with at the hands of the demon prodigy.
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this could reference Several Things. Several hfdfhskj
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"wish my flesh would yield", a reference to corruption and chuuyas suspicion that dazai revels in the complete control over chuuya in those incredibly vulnerable moments. Thats why the nullification feels so bitter, its a momentary relinquishing over his ability, tainted, and a reminder that he must serve some further use in a grand plan of dazais, which is the only reason he can feel nlhs ability. The second part is just i know chuuya couldn't stand the suicidal bullshit dazai was on 24/7
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chuuya in the first two lines and dazai in the last two lines. the first two lines would reference chuuyas subconscious loyalty to dazais wellbeing and safety (to an extent) and the last two lines would reference what dazai feels while chuuya is in the corruption state. Because before he got used to the state, it was incredibly painful, as seen in strombringer when verlaine opened the gates for the first time in chuuyas life. I imagine it would be rather painful to watch such an anguishing scene, even for dazai.
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dazais mindset during the dark age. His complete disassociation and sadism because he wasnt actually himself, he didnt let himself actually experience anything that happened he just watched. The second line, referencing "Anything I would never want to lose is always lost. It is a given that everything that is worth wanting will be lost the moment I obtain it. There’s nothing worth pursuing at the cost of prolonging a life of suffering." Whenever he wants something that will make things okay, he won't have it for long and just take him back to the starting point.
i got something for unhealthy gay relationships. But i also like indulging in imagining them domestically ok im indecisive
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luc1d-dr34m5 · 9 months
Oh man I wasn’t expecting a response so quickly! And thank you for putting it in the main tags lol.
But I really like the idea of dreadful harmony! Those two really are the toxic yaoi/yuri of all time (though I don’t find them to be all that toxic lol)
I def have more questions but I’m worried about flooding your inbox a little sorry. Like how did DH lose their humanity? (I know that HC lost it due to the UW fusing him with half of I-no but I’m curious what the UW could have done to DH)
Im also curious about Lethargy too. Does HC/DH consider them their kid? Or what do they think of lethargy and vice versa?
Or hell I’m curious what other people think of HC and DH’s unique dynamic. (Especially Asuka damn. )
Sorry if this is long!
I only call them toxic YaoiYuri depending on the current roles they're playing, these two are so versatile in vibe cuz one drawing they could be having the most toxic moment ever and the next drawing theyre like sleeping on a couch after watching movies together and both situations fit them a lot atleast to me
And dw dw pls flood my inbox with more questions im going to explode about them in a good way
DH lost their humanity bc of the information flow from the Backyard being far too concentrated, while HC got the luxury of basically becoming fused with a god's powers, DH did not and their own abilities stem from the fact theyre basically a walking Tome of Origin that haw a super genius mind that can constantly revise and create new spells all the time. In this way Both DH and HC are equal in power. Also why would The Universal Will throw and trap DH into concentrated Backyard info area is cuz it was a desperate decision and they assumed DH would die but... like... thats, thats the one who weaves the spells. Universal Will had a dumb moment but hey it threw the Original off. To esplain Further DH had managed to make a way that they can survive by taking in the information influx from the Backyard but it came at the cost of their humanity, they managed to keep their memories and biases tho.
And YEAH DH ans HC lovingly(and annoyingly to Lethargy) consider them their child.
HC to Lethary - is like that annoying kind of parent who likes to poke their nose into ur bussiness but they genuine love and care abt you, Hes probs taken to the role as the Overprotective Parent just to stir drama every once in a while, i like to think during the earlier parts of Lethargy's story when theyre their panicky and terrified of their own strength self Happy Chaos just teleports sweets to them, Regional sweets, they both got sweet tooths. Havent got a full concrete thing on how he thinks of Lethargy cuz he has too many thoughts in his head but the basis of it all is fondness and horror, the closest he could feel to it cuz Lethargy is stronger than both HC n DH combined but Lethargy prefers being human than to become anything else. But the fondness overpowers the horror tbh he cares for the kid
Lethargy to HC - Basically think of someone in their rebellious phase, Lethargy loathes the fact they and HC have similarities, Easy to rile up n all. They tend to start bickering with HC on random topics HC started rambling abt. They think hes annoying n all, but when they do get along oh boy, Oh Boy. Prepare ur popcorn besties this boutta be the best show of ur life.
DH to Lethargy - Bias exists here, though they cant feel emotion they do try to show Lethargy that they care for em. They take on the role of 'Damage control' parent, this family has 1 braincell and DH has it half the time, the other half is when HC and Lethargy cause joint chaos together. Theyre the type of parent to be chill and such but WILL put their foot down if needed. They're the one who mainly teaches Lethargy how to use their own abilities since Lethargy can grasp Circle theory. Same case with HC there is both fondness n horror in their own unique way but as always the fondness overpowers the horror. Theyre the favorite parent and they know it.
Lethargy to DH - Favorite parent. No he will not let HC fight DH for the spot of favorite parent. DH is the favorite parent and Lethargy will forever shove that fact into HC's face. Lethargy is thankful to DH for being so goddamn patient with them bc Lethargy can be so clumsy and dumb. Lethargy wonders where DH got all this patience from (DH got it from knowing and dealing with HC for years lmaoo)
Regardless thought the two like to be embarrassing parents, always like, bragging abt Lethargy's accomplishments and they of course inherited DH and HC's immeasurable IQ's they just have a morality to hold back themselves.
I dont know that much about the Conclave members individually yet so i cant say for them, Asuka on the other hand... he's semi used to it, he was clueless they used to date eachother tho lmaoo.
Like, as their student he had no idea The Original and The Architect were dating, he had suspicions but he didnt wanna ask them. To picture how ridiculously oblivious Asuka was during this time, The Original and The Architect could be smooching out in the open and he'd be like "Something fruity going on here... But probs isnt" /J/J those two were a bit more subtle but yeah Asuka truly is bad with relationships, even seeing em.
Adding sum tidbits here on The Architect/DH and Asuka's own dynamic. DH and Asuka were much closer actually, DH even when human was stoic and rarely showed visible emotion even verbally. Only diff betwene them is that DH isnt clueless on emotions, they acknowledge the importance of feelings even as who they are now. Its why betwen DH and HC, DH causes less casualties and suffering due to this. tbh DH would be scolding Asuka for not taking how he himself felt into account even in a scientific way. Emotions are a variable regardless, why ignore such a vital thing?
and i like to think that as a parallel to HC's "Asuka Asuka Asuka Asuka... You're a natural born lunatic" and the response of "Quiet down, Teacher."
DH's line is "Asuka Asuka Asuka Asuka. You're an unnaturally oblivious person." In a more scolding manner, response is "Louder please, Tutor?" in a sheepish tone
If u have more questions u can send em in i will be very happy to answer wjdnw sorry if im a lil late i had things to do
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