#likei know what i can do to fix it and then what i need to change
jasntodds · 1 year
Okay so lol I wrote myself into several corners with chapter 15 and FORGOT I did it. Not really sure how I managed it but I’ve been editing for 3 days trying to fix it and yeah lmao I promise, it’s coming I’m just trying to make it perfect
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stackofpossums · 11 months
Could I get a Hc for how the M6 would react to finding out Mc's past is worse than they thought? Like finding the shop is the point their life goes from awful to okay to eventually great. Before then? You can leave it as vague as you'd like.
(I have an Mc who was an executioner/pet similar but different from Muriels executioner/gladiator role being Their scars are from the person in charge and all their opponents were never given a chance. Another Mc who tried to live up to others expectations for him. Eventually forced to leave his home or die at 10 because his sister tried to murder him for a power he didn't even want. My third Mc who had abusive parents and learned from a passing by sparrow that they need to run away to save themselves.
What if before the shop Mc's life was actually horrible? So like to the point they never told anyone, not even Asra. Only telling stories about after they had moved to the shop to live with their aunt.)
I just finished a big assignment so Mc who has a dark past let's go:
Asra: He already knew MC past was dark and was kind of glad they didn't have to remember that when they lost their memories. Then they got their memory back. And oh. OH. He never knew it was this bad. At first, he's a little upset that MC never felt safe enough to confide in him. He quickly realizes, "No, it wasn't him." He's grateful MC chose to confide in him now, and he's going to do everything in his power to support them. He'll hold them and comfort them while they talk if MC is comfortable with that. The salamander has already lit the stove so he can brew some calming tea. Therapy has been scheduled. He is fully committed to helping MC heal as much as possible, mostly out of love, but there's a tiny part of him that feels guilty for not knowing sooner.
Julian: He thought he had it bad. He didn't know it could be this bad. He may be a doctor, but... for quite possibly the first time in his life, he knows he isn't qualified to fix this. He's gonna set MC up with the best mental health care. Until then, he's going to attempt to theraptize them himself. He encourages MC to talk not only about their past but also about how it made them feel, how they're feeling now, what challenges they are having, and anything and everything else they want to share. He's going to respond with hella words of affirmation, making sure MC knows how much he cares about them and that their safe now.
Nadia: Patiently listens to MC's story, no matter how gruesome the details are. She'll hold them tightly when it becomes too much for them to bear. There are no words to describe the hurt she feels for them to her very core. Afterward, she is setting them up with the best mental health support money can buy. Only the best therapists, medications, if MC wants to try them, or anything else. Anything MC thinks will help them is theirs. No expense is too great for her beloved MC. She's pretty venengeful, though. It'll be tough to convince her not to make the lives of anyone who's made MC suffer hell. She'll relent eventually, though, because she's knows if MC doesn't want that, it won't be helpful.
Muriel: Out everyone here, he understands it the most. It's a little hard for him to listen sometimes because he remembers times in his life where he felt just as hopeless as MC. He's here for MC, though, and makes it his mission to make sure MC NEVER feels that way again. He shares the techniques he's found for dealing with trauma, as well as helps MC find what works for them. He pushes them to keep going when he notices they are struggling. He comforts them when it's too much. He celebrates with them for every challenge they overcome, no matter how "small." It's the least he can do for them after everything they've done for him.
Portia: When MC first opens up about their past, their a bit afraid they're going to get squeezed to death by Portia's hugs. She's the other LI mostly likey to try to go after the people's who hurt her precious MC, she solves problems with fists flying. But that's okay. She's sneaky. She's going to make sure anyone who hurt MC wakes up to a fun surprise. Other than that, MC can always count on Portia for a listening ear. She will comfort MC through any story they need to tell and wants to help them find closure however she can.
Lucio: Oh. Oh no. No one gets to hurt his MC. No one. Who shall he defeat in battle for you? That won't help? Oh... well... what can he do? Lucio would do ANYTHING to make things better for MC. Just say the word. Hugs, he's here. No hugs? That's fine, too. He's here to listen. He knows a thing or two about unpleasant pasts. But you have each other now. MC has had his back despite everything he's done. It would be criminal not to do the same.
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violentviolette · 2 years
As a fellow aspd haver, what questions would you ask a therapist/psychologist/psychiatrist to see if they’re “safe” to be honest with and what are some green flag answers. I feel like some red flag answers are obvious but overall, I need help and yet am anxious to try to get real help for some of these symptoms in case they’re ableist. I used to think I could tell when people were genuine and then someone pulled the rug out under me and now everyone looks like a villain waiting for me to slip up. (The current big brother culture is partially to blame). Tried to fix myself by myself and then ended up with more problems.
honestly for me what's worked is being very direct during intake and when choosing who to see but never actually using the words "aspd/antisocial/clusterb/narcisst/ect." personally, i like to avoid what i call "soft daycare types" or like, very overly "empathetic" and caring therapists who speak very gently and are focused more on supporting and showing care. those kinds of soft doe eyed people just Do Not work for me and actively worsen the process for me. i cant and dont take them seriously and i lie constantly to them and make no progress. these are also usually the ones most likely to deeply buy into the anti-cluster b stigma and mentalities so it kind of kills two birds with one stone so usually when i do intake i'll say something like "i dont do well with an overly empathetic or kind approach, i find im not as honest and cant be as open about my struggles. do you have someone who is more of a straight shooter who wont pull punches with me? it helps me a lot more to be challanged in my thought process than to be unconditionally supported"
i find that those therapists are the least likey to buy into that stuff and not be as overly focused on empathy. but honestly the biggest thing and my biggest advice is to just never use those exact words. cluster b shit has honestly become such buzzwords with so much baggage they're actively harmful to ur treatment if u use them but u can talk about ur symptoms and get help for them without ever using those words so i just dont. when i wanna talk about my anger, i dont say narc rage or aspd rage, i just say rage. when i want to talk about a narc crash, i just call it a self esteem spiral. when i want to talk about lacking empathy, i just describe the experience. i say "i dont understand, i cant put myself in that position, i struggle to see things from others perspective, i cant connect emotionally like that so i need to be able to connect logically and figure out how to navigate the situations when they happen"
like literally, it will honestly do u so so much more good to focus on the actual specifics of the emotions and the words ur looking for and describing them out long form than using shorthand words. and not just helpful to avoid stigma like it will genuinely help u to get used to identifying the core emotions underneath and being able to articulate them. that's called emotionally literacy and it's genuinely one of the most helpful beginning steps.
in therapy using shorthand buzzwords and pre-established stuff like "aspd rage/narc crash/splitting/ect." can actually work against u during recovery. not only are there no definitive definitions and so they're extreamly vague and everyone has a different understand of what they mean, we can also become reliant on these shorthand titles and use them to avoid looking the uncomfortable underlying emotions and specific causes in the eye, which is a negative coping strategy that will hamper progress. dissecting these feelings down to their bare bones core and having the words and language to identify them is an extreamly important part of being able to fix things, because u cant fix something until u both understand what ur looking at and know how it goes back together
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curiousskelekitty · 1 year
Hey, I'm sleep deprived and blasted on weed, let's see the reasons why I think I'm autistic
I'm awakemd super from a super high nap. And it's by the smoke and smell of incenst and can't get back to sleep until incest was out and fan on
Eye contact? Either really focused on making it and not listening or focused on conversation and eyes Drifting away
Say exact same way of hello at job
And other things
Sensitive to wet and cold so much that made it part of her image
Staying awake to make this list
Even though I'm supe r high and running on 3 hors sleep, latte, and pizza and 4 hb eggs
Special interest in pokemon most of 26 year life
And loves child things like video game sand toys, special plush toys
And weird sex too
sorry tmi 
Holy ahky I discovered something abot me that I didn't know
Loves reading
And loud music during loud lunch during hs
Sensitive to loud noises like toilet as child
An dlole sonic
Oh shit
It late
Waited blanket for win! Special as adult
Fighting slep to write this once again
Super shy
Talked in labg with sister when 
Goes to speech therapy 
Because I don't talk
Or maybe lisp
Imaginary friends until second grade
First friend grade younger 
No friends in my grade until MIDLE SCHOOL
I think
Sorry no remember 
This list loooooong
Writing still very clean
Nose so dry
Oh shkt Don her 
He didn't say anything about me being up
I'm supposed to be asleep
Argue with my self 
Like all the time
I even fight with my ocs
Autism brain go
Special cartoon likeys 
Just explained idea for video for YouTube to boo and we might collaborate
My mouth so drunk 
Suuuuuper sensitive to socks on feet at night! Even in winter
But can't walk out iputaide without shoes 
Loves swimming
sinuses dry as hell  I can feel the air coming in my nose and down my throat
Also likes anime and furries
Has phases of certain likes or Dislikes
Like love reading but then don't love reading
Hating spicy for most of life
But finding a love from some as long as there's flavors 
Mexico is so pretty
Making list like this
All the time
Will hypet focus on certain things for maybe a week
And it goes in curses 
Ow though hurt for typing 
Do stretches kids
Never admitted to watching porn whe her life insists of romances 
Ever since litter
First lover
Cucumber Larry
When he gets suck on by giat alien ad hero
That turned me on
not even four years old
This might be really revealing about me and my life
This Is where I add more to the title of this video
To warn me of the dangers
Of whatever the fuck I'm on
Could probably make this list over 200 points 
Listn3s to music at night 
Might be slightly dyslexic 
Vocal Stimson
When found out about stimming
Showed more stimming
So mad
Just took like 1 min to fix stimmong to swimming 
Make little songs whole life
Wow hide in DC bathroom. And sing sad songs to my self
Don't really to that anymore
Ah shit it's late
I need to pee
Sleeps with toys still
Like stuffed animals
Once could not fall sleep until Carla into toybox
Only woke up because got hot
when I was little I was looking g in the mirror and ask if I was more otm boy or girly Gil and decided I was in the middle
If that not nonbinary as FUCK than what is
Thinking g about if the video went famous and FIL saw and reacted
Whole family know
Please be warned 
Really sensitive about certain flavores in certain tempt
Those might go on Tumblr though
Incous make a lookout of people laugh 
And no one would know
Damn thos list loomg
often godb what if whole world kno
I could go on and on
But I think I will conclude here 
Thank you everyone for reading
Good night
You wish
I'm very empathic
I forget words all the time
Especially with age
Always had bad memory
Selective hearing
Forms who they are around eho they with
But my baby let me be me❤️
Sinsirve tk sounds
I'm probably going to talk to my therapist about this list next week
Realized made horrible ablist joke in my head and realized it and was like tf why
Intrusive thoughts
Holly fuck
I can do this
And this
So easily 
I love animals 
Dep3ndent and independent at the same time
I'm still making the list dumbadd
My bad
Too much of a topical thing like lotion makes me feel icky 
Hated mosquitoe spray because of sticky residue and smell
Hayes perfume
Sensitive to some smells, like perfume
Body pray okay tho
And candles
Loves sweets
Can't focus on reading
Super aware of body
Hates being touched unexpected or by stranger
Said loved all colors and didn't have official favorite color until like first grade because didn't want to hurt other colors favorite
Still doesn't have least favorite color
But I'm not suppsoes to coll me that
Made day dreams befo3e bed every night
Had one going on for about a month
Googles everything 
Okay I'll go to 200
Then I'll go to sleep
Lover of computers when little
Still love them
Have several unwritten stories to tell, including like three books and three or more wannabe books
Wrote toriko slitty fanfiction church
Drew a the time
Sonic the hedged hog fan
Loves pun so much
Made up "Copper later" for funny goodbye
Lives all her sisters
And all bet peanut
Hates pumpkin guts and still hate the feeling of them
Picky eater
May13b first 2023
Special interest in music
Went into band for school ad a trumpet and played for most of life until high school graduates but was never good at it.
That sucks
I could've learned how to song better
Now that I realize my voice is good and can be better
Hates needles 
Loves crystals Spiritually
Believes in a carefree, unknowing god
Two more to go
Weird obsession with sex since really little
Oh shkt
Just remembered something
That I never told anyone! Fucm 
I won't tell you guys
Good night
I love you
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s1st3r · 3 years
Soo... how would the Bad Batch react to a S/O that has a very snarky/dry sense of humor? Just always cracking jokes and finding humor in everything? (Love ur content btw <3)
Thank you for your request!!! And THANK YOU IM GLAD U LIKEY!!!!
Ok I have seen this but knew it would take me hours to write so I was waiting for the write moment! (get it? write = right? teehee) talk about a terribly dry sense of humour my goodness.
How Would The Bad Batch React to a Snarky/Witty/Dry Sense of Humour Significant Other (s/o)
Factz: Not even kidding, I feel like the boys would kill for a hella sassy partner in crime.
Oh my gosh they are literally best friends!!! They speak in a very similar style to each other.
Hunter expects a little bit of snark from Cross, sarcasm from Echo, and quips from Tech, but when his s/o just dishes his dry humour right back at him the first time they meet, he's like "Why was that so... hot???"
So from then on, most of the dialogue exchanged between the two of them are like super sassy comments and witty replies, until it unintentionally gradually morphs into really heavy flirting. They get so into teasing each other, the whole batch can feel the tension in the air.
Of course both are oblivious of this for the longest time.
But when eventually they do figure it out and get together, the whole batch sigh in relief thinking "finally this intense pining is over"... But it actually just gets worse?
So now during missions, the two of you verbally dance around each other like you're in some comeback war.
In the middle of a serious mission:
Hunter: "I need you here now!"
S/O: "wow wow Hunter. babe. cool your jets. i know we haven't really done it in a while but we're in the middle of a mission and-"
Hunter: "As much as I love how you think mesh'la, I think you're misreading the situation."
His s/o also keeps ruining his *tough guy* persona. During briefs, his s/o keeps making him crack his skillfully honed poker face.
The teasing through dry humour is just a really fun and goofy way to connect to each other and is their common ground of affection.
We all know Tech is a witty boi, and man do we love him for it!
Tech finds his s/o's attitude quite entertaining.
He does like it when they use their snarkiness to defend him from people that give him a hard time, but he like his s/o's humour best when it's just the two of them having fun.
I feel like Tech would find it 10x funnier if his s/o was also really smart and able to understand his technical language, because they just pass these really witty/funny quips back and forth to each other that are actually hilarious but no one understands. It's like their own hidden language.
Now we've seen Tech smile and m a y b e chuckle a little before?? But so far, we've yet to see Tech actually laugh and I headcanon that Tech snorts when he laughs. (Has anybody seen the live action TMNT?? Kinda like how Donnie laughs in those). So ohmiGOSH it's so WhOlEsOmE when his s/o makes Tech laugh!! He's so CUTE!
The rest of the batch will be out getting supplies while Echo works of the exterior hull of the ship and Tech and his s/o fix up the systems inside.
Tech laying under a panel: "Hm, this wire seems to be adhered to a far less efficient arrangement." Tech's s/o wordlessly shuffles over from their panel to analyse the problem. Their shoulders touch as they lie side by side.
S/o: "Mm, I think you're right, but see here? It looks like it's been manually transfigured. Probably by Echo in one of our many quick fixes. It looks like he's done it so he can easily access and program the flight module."
Tech: "I'm going to rewire it to-"
S/o: "To that one right?" His s/o says, suppressing a smile as they point to clearly the wrong wiring. Tech's eyes narrow and his brow furrows.
Tech: "Of course not! That would compromise the-" He catches a glimpse of his s/o's cheeky grin, "oh you're joking." His s/o bursts out laughing and he can't help the smile that stretches over his face as he shakes his head.
By the end of the repairs, the batch come back to find you both practically rolling on the ground in snorting fits of laughter.
Their humour paired with their competence makes them super attractive to him.
Wrecker finds his s/o's dry humour the funniest thing in the galaxy. He is one of those blessings that will always laugh at your jokes.
Which is a relief cuz I have dry humour and almost no one ever laughs at my jokes rip.
I mean, you guys saw how he reacted in ep 1 when Omega DeStRoYeD those regs in the mess hall. He was so proud and supportive of her.
So yeah he's pretty much his s/o's hype man.
He loves that his s/o's humour means that they quite enjoy playful competition and games. So they're always playing random games together, even going so far as to arm wrestle (S/o: "But we both already know who's going to win... Me. Obviously.")
And sometimes he will let his s/o win, just because he thinks it's so cute when they start flexing their arms and boasting about how strong and amazing they are.
He knows they're joking. He knows they know he let them win. But even though they've never really beaten him, he still thinks they're strong and amazing.
There is always friendly banter between the two but what Wrecker loves the most is how easy his s/o makes things for him.
He's not a natural at romance, and often finds himself making mistakes or he might do something a little awkwardly. But instead of being mad, disappointed, or judgmental, his s/o just smiles or laughs it off and walks him through things.
He feels like he can always be himself around his s/o.
Again, it's canon and fanon that Cross is a bit of a grumpy pants so he obviously finds his s/o's wit irritating at first. Which his s/o finds annoying, so his s/o just does it more just to get under his skin.
Totally enemies to lovers trope. I see it no other way. FiGhT me.
His s/o would make jokes all the time but I see that one day, his s/o makes a dry joke and he gives them crap for it, and they've just had enough and so they absolutely *slam* him with snark, sass, and wit that cannot be rivalled by Crosshair himself. They get right up into his face; tension as thick as s o u p.
And then he just grabs their face and makes out with them.
His s/o's like "ok" and totally rolls with it.
The Bad Batch wonder why they don't fight as much anymore (not that they're complaining).
Now they both use their sass to bully the regs.
They kinda become this unbeatable pair of unrivalled attitude. Unlike Hunter and his s/o who use it to tease each other, while Cross and his s/o do that a little too, they mostly direct their humour and sarcasm outward. Cross's s/o is a little more good natured than him though and will pull him in when he goes a bit too far.
He generally finds his s/o's humour quite funny now (though he'll never admit it), and the fact that he smiles a little more doesn't go unnoticed by his brothers.
Ok while Hunter is master of the dry humour, Echo is KING of sarcasm.
Having said that, I feel like Echo would actually far more appreciate light humour over sass/snark/wit/etc.
I think after being through the crap he's been through, echo baby just needs a light hearted, positive beam of sunshine in his life and his s/o is it.
He loves that his s/o always has a way of making others laugh and smile, even on really hard missions and in rough times.
I think his s/o having a lighter humour also makes him feel safer. Like there's no chance of miscommunication whereby this s/o accidently hits a sensitive topic. His s/o sticks to surface level humour which makes it easy to digest.
They are also absolutely fantastic at telling funny stories which is a real treat when his s/o will retell stories about some of the missions the Bad Batch has done and they just execute the story perfectly.
Echo is in love with his s/o's laugh and thinks it's so cute when they giggle at their own jokes.
He'll never say it, but his s/o's humour sometimes reminds Echo of Fives and Cutup, which is a bit bittersweet for him.
They say that "a joyful heart is good medicine" and for Echo that couldn't be more true. His s/o's joyful heart and nature revive and heal him. He is so much happier because of them and will tell them so in between little kisses as his s/o giggles playfully at his gentle yet eager ministrations.
~ Sister
Tag list: @damerondala @imalovernotahater
@kaorikoizumi @xlittlemissydjx @in-the-crosshairs @dionysuskid21
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"Could you do Teruteru, Hifumi, and Ryoma getting drugged by a love potion and falls (even harder) for the reader (who has already fallen for them)?"
100% I can!! :D
Warnings: Mentions of love drug/potion, slight obsession(?), and swearing.
Hifumi Yamada
•Proceeds to rant about how amazing Hifumi is
•Fanfic boy loves you very much!! (Though he did his best to hide it)
•It felt like when a cat loved it owner. Celeste went out the window. This man would get on his hands and knees for you. 🙇🏽‍♂️
•You also loved him very much!! (Literally Taka had to keep Mondo from lunging at you two and screaming "JUST DATE ALREADY!!")
•Oh but what's this? A drink on his desk after a hard day of drawing and writing manga?
•Well of course he drank it!! He chugged that drink and felt quite satisfied after.
•And back to work he goes :›
•He had some music on and his script for his next manga, scribbling out the sketches for his newest manga when he felt the sudden urge to go see you.
•It was nothing too new. Could've been he just wanted to show you the script for his manga!! A beta read!
•So Hifumi happily found you and sat you down, showing you the script for his manga!
•He felt a bit- different.
•He felt like he needed to have you in his arms.
•He needed you closer.
•He needed- you.
•The even more clingy behavior continued for a few days.
•Though you didn't mind, you did find it a bit strange.
•Why was he so clingy?
•You already read this script-
•And read that one too-
•Didnt he have things to do?
•He was going to fall behind in his schedule if he continued like this!!
•So when you saw him walking over to you once again, you pulled him to the side and questioned him.
"Hifumi, you've been acting kinda strange these past few days. Are you okay? Don't get me wrong, I love having you by my side but you're going to fall behind in your schedule."
"Well...I don't really know how to explain it. I feel like I've got to be with you all the time!! A-And I'm getting work done!!"
•He huffed and whined for a while longer as you continued asking him things before he got frustrated with himself and finally blurted it out
"Fine!! Fine. I like you, okay? I have for a while a-and I just didn't know how to tell you-...I found this drink on my desk one day and now that I think about it, it could've been one of those love potions that I've been hearing about...could've made my feelings stronger.."
•He started muttering towards the end but you could understand the gist of it.
•You reassured him it was fine and that you accepted his feelings.
•Which was returned with a loud,
•*Once again has to calm fanfic boy down*
•After calming him down (again) you went over your own feelings.
•He had the brightest smile on his face I swear
•He just couldn't hold back!
•So he picked you up and held you close, hugging you sweetly
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!"
Teruteru Hanamura
•Love Potion exists?
•He probably bought it.
•This boy is already so head over heels for you it's absolutely adorable.
•He 100% cooks for you.
•Breakfast? In bed.
•Lunch? Made your favorite food.
•Dinner? You can eat with him! :D
•And his food is just 😩 to die for
•He does his best to tone down the sexual comments a bit, though he can't help if one or two slip out!
•Compliments you every 5 minutes no lie.
•Though he does turn cherry red if you compliment him
•If you allow petnames, he WILL call you darlin' and sugar the most.
•Now for the fun part
•He was most likey cooking and was working with the oven.
•Ovens hot. His clothes are pretty hot.
•So he stripped got something to drink out the fridge
•He blindly took a glass out the fridge and drank it.
•Drank the damn love potion-
•He knew he accidentally drank it. He read the label he had put on the glass right after he drank it.
•Unlike Hifumi, he tried staying away from you
•Poor boy doesn't know how to show such strong feelings :(
•He still does cook for you though
•And leaves you little snacks
•Did yelp when you came into the kitchen once without him knowing (it's true I was the dust on the oven window)
•Alot more fiddly and nervous when he has to go ask you something
•His gaze is towards the floor and he's playing with the ends of his scarf as that adorable accent decorates his speech
•Hes so nervous oh poor baby
•You found him scurrying everywhere once trying to find his hat when you had to point out it was on his head-
•He was so embarrassed-
•He apologized and walked back towards the kitchen
•He cooks his feelings away
•That is alot of food-
•Once he disappeared into the kitchen you went after him
•You had been wondering why he ran away from you every time you saw him
•You were worried :(
•As he went back into the kitchen, he paused hearing someone else's footsteps.
•He turned around and jumped slightly when he saw you
•Begin the anxious southern rambling and questions.
"O-Oh! S/o! What brings you to the...the kitchen??"
"Teru, what's going on? You keep ignoring me."
"W-Well I don' mean to cher' I-Its just I' been kinda stressed lately a-an' I don' wanna bother you with tha'-"
•Oh sweet boy almost cried just talking to you
•He wanted to confess so badly!!
•He just wanted to hug you and bury his face into your neck!!
•But he was so scared :(
•After a good talk, the confession just slipped out of him mid-sentence
"I already apologized cher'..."
"C'mon Teru, what's been REALLY happening with you?"
"W-Well...the truth is I accidentally drank a love potion and since I love you so damn much it strengthened my feelings...I-I didn't wanna make you uncomfortable so I stayed away in case I-"
"Did you just say you love me?"
"I-I did..?"
•Oh certainly he did. And when he realized, he apologized 10x more.
•You had to shut him up by squishing his face
•After a good explanation about you loving him too, he clung onto you with a laugh.
•He sat in your lap (and after some consent) kissed your face all over, muttering a soft 'I love you' after each kiss
•You two sat together like that for quite a bit, just laying in each other's presence
"Thank you so much....you don't know how much that means to me...how much YOU mean to me..."
Ryoma Hoshi
•Ah yes. Tiny, edgy, ex-tennis, cat loving, deep voiced boy
•Where do I start?
•Lets start with
•He's absolute shit at feelings.
•Like really.
•He refused to believe he fell for you.
•His heart was racing? No it wasn't. It's probably because he was out of breath.
•He's flustered and blushing? Kinda hot in the room y'know.
•You get the point.
•He hates the fact he fell for you. He doesn't know what to do.
•He lost almost everyone he ever loved before. Why would this be any different? He didn't want to put you in danger.
•Ryoma hanged around with you though. He was a bit quiet but he went basically everywhere you went
•No one really messed with you when little man was with you.
•This was okay. He could hide his feelings. You wouldn't be in danger and he wouldn't ruin his relationship with you.
•Then the world announced a love potion was now available!!
•Ah shit.
•That damn Kokichi.
•All he wanted was some water and that little panta-loving gremlin switched it out with the new potion.
•He had already chugged around half the bottle before he realized it wasn't his juice.
•Ryoma would've just left it at 'Oh I just poured the wrong drink in' if it wasn't for Kokichi coming up to him about an hour later.
"Nishishishi....how's the love potion working Ryoma?"
"The what."
"You little-"
•Kokichi went to the nurse with a bump on his head from Ryoma hitting him with a tennis ball.
•You thought Teruteru hiding away was bad?
•Ryoma refused to leave his dorm.
•He came out at around lunch time to get food, go to the bathroom, and then back to his dorm.
•No one was allowed in.
•He could feel the effects of the potion working.
•He wanted to get out and cling to you so badly. It almost physically hurt
•Fucking hell-
•Him. Ryoma Hoshi. The guy who basically gave up on life, wanted to run into your arms like a little kid.
•He almost cried.
•Of course you were worried!! He locked himself in his dorm without warning!!
•And he refused to talk to you!!
•You came to his dorm door almost daily, trying to pry open the damn door.
•With no avail.
•It wasn't until a few weeks later which he made a plan.
•He'd confess and leave right after.
•If you said no, that would be the end of it.
•If you said yes, ...well he didn't really plan that far.
•Ryoma met up with you at the back of the building, looking down at the ground as he heard your footsteps.
•It took a minute of small talk before he started speaking
"Listen, Kokichi switched my drink out a few weeks ago for that new love potion they're selling. I already had really strong feelings for you but with the potion they increased. I know you probably don't feel the same way but I wanted to tell you because it was starting to get too out of hand for me."
•He rambled on a little about how you would never like him and that he apologized for having such feelings and-
•You yanked his beanie down to his face, letting out a small huff.
"Ryoma Hoshi you have no idea how long I've been waiting for you to confess. You're an amazing guy Ryoma, and I really do wish you confessed sooner since I feel the same way. Now shut it with all the sad shit and come here."
•You told him, tugging him closer by the sleeve as you engulfed him in your arms
•Ryoma felt like his face was on fire. Butterflies in his stomach and a giddy, tingly feeling throughout his body
•He let out a low chuckle, hugging you back and sighing softly
•This was nice. He felt....loved.
•He liked this feeling quite a bit....he had missed this feeling quite a bit.
"Maybe I should've confessed sooner."
I absolutely adore these three.
If you want me to add or fix anything just say the word!!
I had a great time writing this!!
Thanks for requesting!!!
-Vex ∆
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wornoutmouse · 3 years
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I can't even begin to describe the ask I received so I'm just going to leave screenshots😅😅
Also in the new mha season, I thought Tsu was being petty when she called Mineta Grape-Juice and Shoji Tentacle. But nope, those are their hero names.
Side note: I feel like when Mineta gets old and knows how to work his quirk better, he'll be able to control if they stick or not.
Slight racism, usual smut.
 If you imagine Mineta as in the picture above and with a mature voice, this is more enjoyable. Or you can imagine someone else entirely.. Cause even as someone who's tolerant to Mineta I can't imagine him getting any hoes much less smashing (at least not on top). It would be like watching a chiwawa top a mastiff. 
"This is some bullshit." You shuffle through various papers on your desk, each containing the receipts of Pro-Hero Grapejuice's celebratory purchases. Most of it was random appliances that could in no way be used on a day-to-day basis, but there were others….a shiver goes down your spine, there were others that were just downright perverted. "What even is a nub tickler?" 
Being an accountant was something you were good at, the numbers came easy and it was interesting to see the income and ways of business that different people in power displayed. Planning meetings and getting the occasional phone call made everything a breeze, but it wasn't what you wanted to do. Or in better words, this was not whom you wanted to work for. Even being number 6 causes the workload to be higher than should be physically possible in the hero world. That's one of the reasons you never gave praise to the rankings because no matter how low in the chain, a hero’s work is always taxing. 
Shifting in your seat you look at the analog clock on your desk. 3:45, you were supposed to come to work at 5:30 which means you once again have no time to sleep. Having these late nights had increased 10 fold whenever Mineta went up in rank even by a little. His way of celebrating was spending his money carelessly and leaving you to fix the balance. Though you supposed it may be your fault for never objecting when he barged in your office showing his trinkets as well as leaving his credit card.
"Yeah, it's time to go." You muttered as you read the words, "Dwarf Cow in the left lot of Wisconsin."
 The next hour, you take a detour from your office for the first time in months. Heading down the hall you watch the walls go from the pale greys to deep purple and violet splotches splattered along the wall before it inevitably melds into solid purple walls as you get closer to the front door of his office.
Hesitantly you knock on the door and wait until a muffled "Come in." Rings through the thick wood. The room itself was just as flamboyant as the walls leading to it. A beautiful fuchsia carpet on the floor made you realize that calling in your two weeks would have been better than walking into the Willy-Wonka factory that was this office. Various spherical decorations hung from the chandelier, and even something as simple as the legs of his desk was made up of crystal spheres.
The man himself sat perfectly balanced on a large purple ball most likely of his own creation, meanwhile, various children sat around him slipping and sliding on smaller balls in an attempt to copy him. "Ah, here is my beautiful assistant!" The compliment made you cringe as you fiddled with the end of the sleep-wrinkled white blouse you had worn for 2 days straight. "Can we talk sir? It is important." Mineta raised an eyebrow at your formal speech before shrugging. 
In an extravagant display of balance, Mineta does a handstand on the ball with one hand before flipping to the other side. "Well kids it's time for me to get done as a hero’s job is never over and blah blah blah the gift shop is giving out free plushies and you can keep your ball." The teacher does her best to usher out her students and the sound of childish screams resound down the hallway even though the door was shut. "How can I help you Y/n?" Mineta offers you his ball to sit on and you reluctantly take the offer as you grate in multiple directions in order to stay afloat. 
Mineta watches you with hidden interest as he interlocks his hands underneath his chin. "I didn't know you even knew my name?" Mineta Laughs exposing his annoyingly perfect teeth. It was hard to associate this face to the pictures you see when you search for his early years. "Of course I know your name, I stole your nameplate off your desk 2 months ago." Ah, so that's where it went  "What was it you wanted to talk about?"
You sighed, "I would like to put in my two weeks." Mineta goes slack-jawed before composing himself "Why?" Mineta looked at you earnestly, completely confused on why you'd want to abandon your post as his secretary- I mean assistant. "Working for you has become a hassle with your lack of financial maturity." Mineta mock shivers, "Oo big words, me no likey." Mineta hops onto his desk as if he weighed nothing more than paper and squats in front of you, "How about this, you don't quit and instead help me learn how to...how did you say it? Be financially mature." You lean back in your chair unconvinced that he was taking this seriously.
With the final nail ready to be hit, Mineta adds, "How about I give you a raise of 10 percent and a promotion?" You stand up in your chair with an eager grin, "That sounds great!" Mineta smirks to himself but you did not pay any mind to it. "Great, how about we discuss this over food, dinner date?" Your internal celebration screeches to a halt, " Dinner Date-" Mineta looks at you shocked, "Dinner date? Great idea, why didn't I think of it myself!?" A firm hand slides you towards the door as Mineta starts a complimentary speech giving you no room to object, "This is why I need you, you're so smart, I wish I was like you, tomorrow at 11?" You sputter trying to slip past his arms, "11 but I-?!" Mineta loudly gasps again, "There you go doing it again I'm so lucky to have you, tomorrow at 11 my treat!"
The door is shut in your face and the sound of the lock clicking seals your fate. What did you get into?
Cut to 4 years later and you are still not sure of that answer. Simply being bis accountant you had a glimpse of his perverted tendencies, but as his girlfriend, it was further exposed to depths you never could have found yourself imagining. You shuffle papers in the printing room as you do your best to ignore the faint tingling sensation in between your legs. Yet another whim you found yourself following on Mineta’s behalf despite the ever-present fear of being caught. The vibrator comes to life before going back down as quickly as it came. You toss a middle finger to the camera in the top corner of the room knowing he was watching.
"Miss L/n, can I ask you something?" You slap your arm down to your side in embarrassment. I hope he didn't see that.  Your coworker walks up to you holding a small stack of papers. "Yes, how can I help you?" The man shows you various forms as he talks, for once you were thankful for Mineta not embarrassing you in front of others. "Oh I see where you went wrong, this right here would be a 20% increase, not 18%." The man applauded you and graciously wrote down your explanation. "Thank you so much, my name is Kaminari by the way." 
"Ah hello, Kaminari, and no worries I'm always glad to help!" You turn back as your papers finally scan through but can't help notice Kaminari lingering. "Say Y/n?" You open your mouth to respond only to close it again as the vibratory comes back to life strongly. "Hmmm?!" Kaminari peers at you, your reaction was strange but he couldn't figure out why. "Um, never mind, have a nice day Miss. Y/n, maybe we can get together over coffee or something?” You shrug turning away from Kaminari in fear of your eyes rolling up. The man sways from foot to foot awkwardly before leaving the printing room. 
Snapping out of your personal flashback, you look over at your fiance signing autographs for his adoring and objectively feminine fan base. While it was extremely unnerving how unknowingly close they were to your home, you weren't resentful of their gushing.
Your engagement and your overall relationship had not been made public in fear of your personal life being exploited by paparazzi. That doesn't mean, however, the next thing you witness doesn't get your blood boiling.
A girl, no older than maybe 22 waltzes up to Mineta with the confidence of Muhammad Ali in a ring match. Her raven black hair fell flawlessly down her back with not a single split end. Almond eyes decorated with precise coal blink rapidly to draw attention to her seemingly natural eyelashes. With 4 inch wedges. a black halter top, and cuffed jean shorts, it was clear she was someone on a mission. She effortlessly pushes past the nearby fans as they stop to quack at her rivaling beauty. A smirk draws itself with her soft pink lips as she hears people muttering around and about her.
"Wow she's so pretty"
"They would look good together just look at them."
"Ugh, such an attention whore, not giving the rest of us a chance!"
"I bet a 20 she's his type."
"Is she famous?"
The chatter comes to a close as the girl hands Mineta a notebook, "Can you sign right here?" Mineta flips open the book and his eyes widen a fraction before he puts on his heroic voice, "Wow it looks like you got all of Japan's heroes in this book!" The girl smiles as she watches Mineta scratch his signature, "Don't be afraid to leave your number in there too Mr. Minoru." Mineta pauses at the statement for continuing his elaborate handwriting, "I don't think that would be very plus ultra of me so I'm gonna have to pass." Smug pride fills your chest as you watch the annoyance cross the girl's face.
Mineta finishes signing and hands her back her book, she, in turn, forces a small piece of paper in his hand before holding his chin and kissing him. At that moment nothing else mattered but beating that bitches ass as you yanked her black hair and dragged her to the ground. "This ain’t Wattpad bitch get your hands off of him!!" You turn to Mineta making him flinch with a sharp glare as you yank her hair again, hopefully pulling a few strands out. "You just gonna let her kiss you and not do anything!?" Mineta stretched his hands towards you cautiously, "Y/n calm down, if you would have given me a chance I would have settled it-" "No, settle it now!"
Your rage is diminished by the judgmental looks coming from the fans and you realize your brazen display was out of order.
"Who is she"
"I think she's the secretary l, so why is she so mad"
"Delusional just cause you're with him all the time doesn't mean you're together"
"I hope he fires her."
"This is why we shouldn't let them in Japan"
The girl whose hair you have in a chokehold stands up unbalanced before pushing your hands from her hair. Satisfied at the disheveled look of her previously perfect strands, you turn to walk back to Mineta, your anger having been sated, "Black Bitch." You turn around and go charging towards the girl again grinning when she flinches. Your rampage is stopped as Mineta wraps his arms around your waist and picks you up, "Sorry for the disturbance, we deeply apologize!"
It's almost comical how your mouth spews vulgarity that would make a sailor blush as Mineta drags you behind your apartment building. He ushers you through the back door leading to the washroom, "I can't believe she'd do that in front of me, and you let her!" Mineta shuts the door quietly, leaning his ear against it to listen out for any lingering fans. You sit on top of a washer still ranting as your blood cools down. "The nerve of some of these people is outrageous, even if she doesn't know about us that is still sexual harassment!"
Mineta doesn't look at you and instead peeks through the blinds lining the washroom windows. "I think they are gone, come on." The two of you sneak out the door and walk at a moderate speed all the way back to your front door. In hindsight, you knew that causing a scene like that was a bold move on your part. If anyone was recording the whole ordeal you knew Mineta’s name and possibly yours would be in the headlines by later this evening. 
As the last one entering, you lock the door behind you, forehead scrunched together with apprehension. "Mineta I'm sorry, I don't know what got into me. I just saw her touching you and saw red." You face away from the door with an earnest look on your face. Mineta has a cheeky look on his face that can only mean trouble. Despite your similar slim build and height, Mineta easily corners you against the door. "I know exactly what got into you." Mineta’s pointer finger taps your nose. "Jealousy."
You sighed, putting your head down nodding, "Yeah, it's not that I don't trust you, it's just-" "shhh." Mineta lips your head back up with a hand under your chin. "It's fine Y/n. It's not like I expected a perfect little cocksleeve like you to be okay with sharing." You stare blinkingly at Mineta. 'Oh, he's in one of those moods huh?' As expected from such a fiend like Mineta, he was quite possibly hard the whole time he was watching you beat that girl's ass, and for some reason that irked you even more. “Mineta I’m being serious.” The words leaving your mouth did not phase Mineta, he holds your hips and pulls you close to him in order for you to feel his bulge. 
“Oh come on, after seeing you be so possessive for me, how can you not expect me to be a lil turned on?” Mineta’s hands circle your ass before slapping it, “Made me feel special.” Rolling your eyes you lean into the lingering kisses he begins to leave on your shoulder. His grip tightens as he shuffles you to the nearest surface. “Makes me feel all giddy inside to know that you do this only for me and no one else.” Minoru unbuttons your dress pants and removes your belt, “But doing that in front of all those people was stupid.” A shiver travels up your arms from the feeling of lips caressing your ear. Mineta dips his hand into your cotton panties and immediately draws attention to your clit.
“Look at me, Mineta Minoru with a girl like you that would fight for me. Who would have thought?” You ball your fists on the table, hanging your head low. “You’re not going to make this easy for me are you?” Mineta slips his other hand beneath your blouse to cup your breasts. Short l  rub down your slit collecting your slick. The feeling was warm and buzzing just underneath your skin, the bastard was well trained on how to slowly but surely bring your pleasure to its peak and hold you there. Your muscles begin to feel more and more like jelly, you sigh “Oh God..” Mineta pushed his body further on yours, rutting against your body. Up until now, his other hand was simply resting on your skin but once impatience overcame him, he used it to pull down your pants. 
“You know this will be in articles tomorrow right?” Two fingers curl inside of you making you squeal, “Y-Yes!” Something hard and slick smacks against your bare ass as Mineta removes the bottom half of his hero costume. “So how are you going to compensate me for what I’ll have to deal with tomorrow?” You turn your head to the back with a small pout on your face, “She shouldn’t have touched you.” Mineta coyly smiles before pressing your head down against the table. “You should have let me handle it.” 
Mineta was an average of 5 inches in length with conservative girth. But so far he’s been the only man that really added proof that size doesn’t matter. Mineta pulls away from you and leans down to riffle through his pants. You hear a crisp pop of a cap being opened and a slick splatter is heard afterward. A shaky breath leaves Mineta’s lips as he lubes his cock up. Penetrating is a struggle at first, the longer it takes for him to push it in the more both of you become frustrated until he finally pulls your waist back against himself. “S-So good!” The pleasure causes his childhood lisp to slip through as he waits for you to acclimate to the stretch. 
You shift your feet when Mineta refrains from moving. "Tsk, you really don't understand the meaning of patience do you?" Your hands suddenly become cool to the touch as Mineta covers them with medium sized spheres temporarily gluing you to the table. "Mineta this isn't fair! Please just a little bit to the left!" Now having you helpless Mineta puts one hand on your back while stroking the base of his cock. "It's not about being fair, it is about teaching a sneaky brat like you to know their place." Mineta begins to move but it's not right, he needs to go more to the left, "Mineta what are you even talking about!?!" 
A sigh leaves Mineta's lips, "Don't think I forgot about that slick shit you tried to pull with Kaminari." Mineta watches your ad shake and bounce everytime your hips meet. Your arms twitch and pull at themselves wanting to find purchase on the flat surface. Groans leave your lips as Mineta comes closer to hitting your spot,  "Slick shit?! Y-You're the one that wanted to do that stupid little piano in the first place!" You couldn't see it but Mineta had a deep seated glare on his face. He loops his fingers underneath his yellow scarf and rolls it around long ways. 
"I'm really tierd of your mouth. What you think because I let you beat that girl out their I'll let you beat me?" The middle of the scarf is put in your mouth and your head is pulled back by it. Mineta holds both ends of the scarf to slam into your cunt. "Just a greedy little bitch aren't you?" You scream into the cloth as Minetas cock finally hits your spot just right. The constant pulling on the corner of your mouth burned everytime the fabric rubbed against the sensitive flesh. Your feet rise to your toes in a fruitless attempt at getting a break from the pleasure. Mineta holds his scarf in one hand and pushes down your waist. "Didnt you want this? Don't run from it now."
Your pussy squelched around his cock the faster he went making you go cross eyed. "Fuck you feel so damn good.  The table rattled and scraped across the floor with every thrust. "oh fuck, I'm gonna cum!" Your nails scraped the table as you closed your fist, had you had claws it would have been a whole different story. You beared down on his cock, trying, begging to feel more inside of your walls as he moved faster. Suddenly your argument fel worth it.
Mineta knew many things about himself. He knew his birthday, he knew where he was in life, and he knew he had come 6 minutes ago and was bordering hysteria as he pumped his overestimated cock into your wet heat. Each drag made years collect in his eyes.  Tiny whimpers left his lips and his hands squeezed your sides harder and hard.  "So fucking warm. Squeezing down on my dick like that." 
He bowed his head and rested on your back,  kissing the sweaty skin as he pushed through the painful pleasure.  "Fuck, fuck, fuck!" Mineta slaps your ass  before pulling out and shoving his fingers inside your pussy. "Cum for me, Y/n. That's it cum on my hands." Mineta's fingers were the only thing that never really grew on him. They were relatively short but thick so even three of them were able to stretch your hole the way you needed. 
"Y-Yes, right there shit!" Your cum drips down his arm soiling the fabric there as you squint around him, "That's it give it to me." Mineta buried his face in your pussy licking you clean like a man starved. It wasn't until you whined did he stop and pull his fingers out. 
Luckily for you, his spheres were just about coming close to their time constraint. You stand up rubbing your wrists and drinking some water Mineta brings you. A snort captures your attention and Mineta holds up his phone, "Not even an hour." Writing in thick bold words read. 
"Obsessive Secretary Snaps on Camera!"
You snort, "I'm the obsessive one huh?" It was going to be a long day tomorrow 
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quack42069 · 4 years
SFW Alphabet - GoodGuyFitz
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Fitz shows affection in public by small touches, he’s not big on PDA but he does like to give you random forehead kisses throughout the day, sometimes he’ll wrap an arm around you, now if it’s just the two of you...WOO this man is a man baby! He loves being held or holding you. He also loves to post random as photos he has of you even if you get mad at him.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
The friendship started when you both were in high school, you and Toby had a class together and when you went to hang out with her at lunch, that’s where you met fitz and that’s when you guys started talking. He is very protective over you, he loves you and often times he’s the shoulder you cry on and honestly he doesn’t mind it, he was never good with anyone when they cried but he tried especially hard to comfort and help you. He also loves to mess with you and occasionally he takes it to far and apologizes but he has a good idea of his boundaries and when and where to push your buttons.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
He loves cuddles! He especially loves when your laying down on your back and his head is on your chest and he’s laying on top of you kind of ? He’s not squishing you completely but he is just on top of you, he also loves when you play with his hair or rub his back/shoulders.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
At first he was iffy on settling down. He’s young and he wants to party and stuff, but when he met you he was okay with settling down, although you guys had a couple more years of partying left in you and so when you were 27-28 that’s when you guys started to settle down. He’s very clean, most of the time you just have to ask him to pick his socks up once or take out the trash and it’s done the second you ask. As for cooking he loves to cook with you! He likes when it’s you two in the kitchen cooking and listeing to music, occasionally dancing to the song that plays throughout the shared apartment.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
It would really depend. If he were to ever break up with you it would be because you cheated or you guys were getting to that point. He waits a solid week or two before officially breaking up with you just in case things get better and he’ll talk it out with you before breaking up, again unless you cheated, he would do everything in his power to fix the relationship before breaking up with you. As for you it’s the same thing, except you take a little while longer, keeping up with his bs and not really talking about what bugs you until finally you sit him down and ask him if he can be better and when he refuses to be a better boyfriend that’s when you take matters into your own hands.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
He’s okay with it, he’s a okay with being committed to you and honestly he loves the thought of marriage and seeing you with a ring on your finger and being his wife. It takes him a good two years to officially let his guard down and when you hit that two year mark he gives you a promise ring. Then once you turn 26-28 that’s when he asks you to marry him.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He never wants to hurt you or scare you or anything. He’s like a giant teddy bear, and whenever he accidentally hurts you by either accidentally stepping on your foot or bumping into you he immediately apologizes and makes sure you are okay. Emotionally he understands how sensitive you are and takes that into consideration, in fights he is very silent and thinks before talking.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
He loves hugs! Again he isn’t big in PDA so hugs in public are very rare but around the boys or if it’s just you two he’s constantly wrapping his arms around your waist, carrying you, spinning you. His hugs are very special, often times he’ll wrap his arms around your waist while he’s behind you and place his chin on your head or he’ll wrap his arms around your shoulders and pull you in so your head is on his chest, he smells really good and he’s really warm so you don’t mind one bit.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
He said it about seven months into the relationship, he SAID it while you guys were talking on the couch but he knew he loved you long before that. He knew he loved you when you guys were once talking in his car, you told him some pretty personal stuff and when it pained him, like literally pained him to think you went through that he knew he loved you, he was angry at who hurt you and his heart broke a bit when he saw a tear roll down your cheek.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
He doesn’t get jealous often, he trust you a lot and the feelings mutual. That is until someone is excessively flirting with you and he feels a bit threatened cause your acting so nonchalant. Whens he’s jealous he’ll walk over and wrap his arm around you and introduce himself as your boyfriend and when the guy or girl is finally gone he will get a bit mad but when you explained you didn’t realize it was flirting he forgives you. You were absolutely clueless when he first tried making a move on you so it’s understandable and he never gets mad at you because he knows you most likey said you had a boyfriend and they just kept going.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
SCRATCHY AND YOU LOVE IT. His beard often tickles you and you always giggle feeling the scruff. His kisses are often quick kisses and most of the time forehead. He loves to kiss you on your forehead, moving your hair kissing your forehead and cupping your face in his hands. He loves when you kiss his shoulder/arm. Since you can’t really reach his cheek you often are leaning on his arm and you kiss his arm or shoulder whenever you can, he loves it because he’ll be holding your hand or your leaning on him and he’ll just feel a soft kiss on his arm and will melt.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
He is very good with them! If your little cousin is running around or a baby waves he’ll wave back with a smile or play around with your cousin, putting the child on his shoulders or throwing them in the air and catching them. If it’s a infant then he’ll be so gentle and while you hold the baby and cradle him/her the baby’s hand will be holding onto Cameron’s finger tightly.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Morning with Cam are either super productive or super lazy. Cameron wakes up before you most of the time and will do what he needs to do (cook,clean a bit,maybe read) and then he’ll bug you and make you wake up so you spend the morning with him.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
He is pretty big on sleeping early suprisingly. The night routine consist of him and you watching your show or a movie, then going to your room and brushing teeth and talking a bit, then you both read with some tea and go to bed, you usually fall asleep with your book so he’ll put your bookmark for you and then will put his book away, pulling you close to him.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
He waits to reveal things about himself, he didn’t really start fully opening up to you about EVERYTHING until about two years into your relationship, though he did reveal some things sometimes during your late night talks.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
He doesn’t anger easily. He is very collected and when he’s mad he tells you and will distance himself because the last thing he wants is to make you feel bad or upset. Although he has started to come to you to vent and will happily cuddle against your chest rambling on and on until he falls asleep. You usually stay quiet because you know he doesn’t necessarily want a solution he just wants to talk about it out loud.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He remembers a lot of things you say, your always in his thoughts and he’s constantly seeing things you’ve talked about or things you like that you’ve expressed.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
His favorite moment in your relationship was when you first met his family. He loved how easily everyone loved you and how you fit in perfectly with them. He knew you were the one and everyone told him that if he didn’t marry you it would be his greatest mistake.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Mans is your security guard. Literally like he is so afraid of loosing you or you getting hurt. If your ever out together he’ll make sure not only is he making sure your okay but so are the boys. He isn’t afraid of getting into a fight with someone for you and often times if they touch you they are knocked out in seconds. You hate when he fights and he never does it unless they’ve touched you inappropriately. On the other hand he loves when ever he’s getting hate or is being ‘canceled’ you’ll tweet and defend him telling everyone to calm their asses down.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He loves making you happy and loves making you feel loved and appreciated. He’ll spend days planning things out so you both have a good time and honestly you both prefer homemade cheap stuff then going out to fancy dinners, so he’ll take days planning a baking day with you or a picnic. He always writes you letters for anniversarys. As for everyday tasks if you ask him to do something consider it done, sometimes you don’t even have to ask and he’s already doing it. You both have your chores around the house and you both are on top of that.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
He doesn’t talk while you guys are in an argument. Sometimes you really want him to just flat out say what he’s thinking and feeling and he doesn’t and he takes forever to respond, he just doesn’t want to say the wrong thing and you understand that but sometimes you need him to just speak what he feels then and there.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Not really concerned, your always telling him how hot he is and that makes him very confident.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
When you first started dating, he would be fine, but now ? After all these years he wouldn’t be able to. He loves you so much that something would be missing for the rest of his life.
X = Random Headcanon
He started doing this thing were he writes letters to his future self. You became something he talks about when he writes to his future self asking if your okay, if you’ve had kids, how everything is going.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
You don’t do this but in general he hates when people are mean for no reason. That’s one of his biggest pet peeves. When someone’s rude or disrespectful for no reason it ticks him off so much.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Something he does without fail every single night is throw his leg over you or his arm. He always has to make sure your there and although it’s cute his leg and his arm is heavy and you can’t move as freely as you’d like.
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cotccotc · 4 years
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♡ 8:23 am ; chamomile kisses
set in the domus amoris universe !
genre/s: fluff, a tad suggestive if you squint, established relationship au, domestic au, hyunjin x gn reader
wc: ~1k
warnings: none !
a/n: i genuinely gasped when i saw the word count at the end. KDSFJ whO allowed me to do this i tell u whOMST- anyways i hope u likey 🥰
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you still smile whenever you see your tea kettle. when hyunjin bought it for you, that’s exactly what he’d intended. that’s why every time you make tea, you brew his favorite kind. chamomile. he likes its honey-like smoothness and floral accents. it never fails to calm him down. it’s not that you don’t enjoy it yourself, but knowing his affinity for the beverage and seeing him become visibly at ease is far more enjoyable than whatever might be contained in the confines of your cup.
hyunjin walks into the kitchen as you’re preparing the water in the kettle and rubs his eyes. you both woke up not long ago. two mugs are already set to the side with teabags placed gently within, ready for the piping heat of the water to release their soothing herbal contents. once he sees what you’re up to, he smiles.
“i’m making your favorite,” you announce, smiling back at him as you raise the heat on the stove.
he strides over to you, beaming with affection. that kettle, he thinks, was the best decision i ever made. well, second best. he places his hands, still warm from having been tucked under heaps of warm blankets but mere moments ago, on your waist. rubbing circles into your sides with his thumbs, he leans down to rest his head your shoulder and gazes endearingly at you. the warmth of his body against yours is reminiscent of the way you woke up; pressed against each other as one.
“how do you always know when i need a cup of tea?”
you let out a soft, sleepy giggle. “i don’t know. i just do.”
he hums in response, creating a soft vibration on your shoulder that sends a chill down your spine. after you’ve set the kettle onto the stove and turned on the heat, you caress his cheek with your hand and lift his chin, turning around to face him. his hands remain on your waist, pulling you away from the counter before he wraps himself further around you. you drape your arms over his shoulders, one hand resting on his back while the other strokes his long, silky hair. he leans closer to you so your foreheads touch. “good morning, baby,” he coos. his glassy, umber eyes look back and forth between each of yours. 
you let out a quiet, breathy “morning” before swiftly leaning closer to him, your lips just barely touching. you watch his as yours ghost over them before looking back into his eyes, noticing he’d been doing the same.
“how’d you sleep?” he asks, eyes still glued to your lips. 
“perfectly.” you continue fiddling with his hair, tucking some behind his ear and savoring its velvety texture.
he uses one of his hands to rub up and down your back, giving it a gentle scratch or two. he’d do anything to stay your arms like this for the rest of his life. “perfect.” he replies. he seals off the space between your lips with a soft, barely-there peck. he feels like a dream; his lips like the clouds, his touch like the sun, his gaze like the night sky… a dream indeed. “you know, i thought of something this morning that i’ve been meaning to tell you.”
you can’t help but become mesmerized by delicateness of his lips as he speaks. so close, yet so far. “you have?”
“mhm,” he nods. “i thought of what we can do today.”
“and what’s that?”
you give the back of his head a gentle scratch. he’s visibly contented, closing his eyes for a moment to sink into your touch. he smiles; cheekbones raising, eyes gleaming, slight dimples forming on the sides of his mouth… everything about his form is endearing.
he lets out a low, slightly raspy, morning-voiced giggle. “this...” he coos as he finally closes the distance between your lips with a singular, alluring peck. you smile. “and this...” he kisses the corner of your mouth. “and this…” your cheek, your jaw, your neck…
giggling, you remark, “i think i get it.” wrapping your arms around his shoulders, you kiss his lips with a similar featheriness. peck after peck; lips, the corner of the lip, the cheek, the nose. once you do so, he scrunches his nose, leaning in to swipe the tip of it against yours before kissing you on the mouth again. his hands travel down to your hips, pulling them toward his. it feels as though you’ve melted into one being as your form and spirit mindlessly seep into his.
a gradual frequency arises from the tea kettle, dragging you out of your thoughtless state. you reluctantly break away to tend to it. as your eyes flicker open, you start, “the water’s r-”
“one more.” he takes hold of your chin, his thumb brushing against your lips as he guides your head back to face him. he does as he promises. his lips meet yours with more fervor; more yearning. while your eyes flutter closed and you sink into his plush softness once again, he combs his fingers through the pieces of your hair on the sides of your face, tucking them behind your ears and cupping your face in the process. he deepens the kiss as you settle your hands on his chest, running them down to his stomach and clinging into the fabric of his tee before he pulls away, leaving you breathless. he is too. he clears his throat. 
suddenly, the hissing of the kettle refocuses your headspace. you begin fixing the beverages, eager to fill his cup and watch him savor the taste he loves so dearly. as you do so, he stands beside you, leaning down on to the counter with one hand while stroking up and down your back with the other. you glance at him while you carefully pour the scalding liquid into his teacup. a playful smirk is displayed on his otherwise innocently handsome face. he knows he’s flustered you just a bit. you know him well enough to know that though he’d consider that a success - all in a day’s work - he’s most definitely not finished. he must repay you, after all. for the tea, the smiles, the touches, the whispers… the water is to the chamomile petals as you are to him; warmth, fulfillment, enrichment, relaxation. 
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tags: @magglesx, @crscendoforsung, @stayndays, @hanniiesuckle17, @leggomylino, @freckledberries, @pixielix, @skzctnightnight, @serenityswords-main​, @childofthecosmos, @changbinniee​, @kpopscape​, @skzwriternet, @hyunsins, @sleepylixie​ (send a 🍓 in my ask box to be added for skz !)
©️ cotccotc 2021 ~ all rights reserved. do not repost my work on tumblr or other platforms.
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nbrook29 · 4 years
💞 My ultimate Sobbe fic recs 💞
Recently, I have gone through Robbe/Sander tag on ao3 and I decided to compose a list of fics that are absolute gems for me. A few disclaimers first:
✔ I didn’t include works in progress (WIPs), however I did include fics that are only on tumblr
✔ the order of the fics below is random
✔ this is the list of my personal favorites so if your favorite fic is not on the list it doesn’t mean it’s bad or that I consider it bad - we just vibe with different things :)
✔ if there’s a fic on this list that you decided to give a shot and loved it, please remember about leaving a comment under it to let the author know that
✔ I’ve been trying to add the “read more” thingy but it doesn’t show, I’m sorry, I know long posts are annoying af
under 1k
we’re keeping it simple by noobishere | G
Summary: Sander comes over unannounced and attacks Robbe’s very person (a.k.a the one where Sander teases Robbe on Eenvoud)
This is a guaranteed mood lifter. It’s short, sweet, to the point, and oh so funny. The banter. And I’d die to see that in the show. 
1k - 5k
Fizzy Colas by Foxsake5 | M
Summary: Let’s say this is a clip (hopefully not as short as the standard 1:40 of this season) with Sander as the main on a ‘bros night out’ 🍻
This author is my queen/king alright? They take a simple idea and turn it into the most lovely/cute/soft story. This fic is exactly that. Sobbe’s chemistry here is out of this world and the banter is to die for.
high for this by flowersmaze (@bowieskam) | G
Summary: In which Sander remains a Flirt™ and in love with Robbe even when he can’t feel his face after a medical procedure
The summary says it all. Loopy Sander is the cutest and funniest thing.
Pull Me from the Dark by TheOceanIsMyInkwell (@theoceanismyinkwell) | T
Summary: Sander discovers that Robbe has recently been prescribed antidepressants, and Robbe opens up to him about the night he almost stepped off the bridge. Only love will show how much they’ve grown and pull them through.
This time, the boys talk about Robbe’s mental state which is unusual in fics. This oneshot is communication 101. And this line is just 👌🏻 “But after the dust of their first kiss and their first vows of commitment settled around them, Robbe took a look at the space in which he floated and realized, somewhere along the line, that finding the love of your life doesn’t fix you.”
diminuendo by noobishere
Summary: Waking up feels like an ordeal. His eyes are heavy, arms a dead weight, he isn’t sure if his limbs are even in the right places, but eventually, Sander comes to. (a.k.a a take on how Sander fairs after Robbe left for school.)
Sander’s POV after Dinsdag 7:27. It’s a great insight into his headspace during that time. This could be a scene in the show because it fits so well.
you’re wonder under summer sky by nothingbutniall | M
Summary: Two city boys go camping. What could go wrong? (Everything, apparently.)
Those boys are a chaotic mess okay? They’re such dorks. This fic has the best kind of grumpiness there is and sobbe is written so in character here.
if we can make it through december (maybe we’ll make it through forever) by nothingbutniall | G
Summary: Robbe and Sander at the Christmas market.
Can you imagine those two dorks at the Christmas market? Well you don’t have to anymore because this fic is everything you need and more. And this line “Couldn’t,” Sander sulks. “You can’t hold hands properly with mittens on.” makes me go all gooey inside every.single.time 😍
A New Sunday Feeling by Foxsake5 | M
Summary:  Sander before Robbe: Ugh, Sundays 😒 Sander after Robbe: 😏🥺🥰
The way this author writes sobbe’s intimate moments is just pure talent. They have such way with words.
memories painted with much brighter ink by nothingbutniall | G
Summary: Saint Nicholas is the perfect excuse for an evening of gifts and banter with the flatshare. (Basically all five of them being cute together, and then Robbe and Sander being cute with just the two of them.)
This is the perfect fic for an October evening, when Christmas is just around the corner and you’ve just made yourself a cup of coffee and want to read some heart-warming well-written christmassy fluff. 
5k - 10k
Let’s Dance by msleviss (@sander-driesen) | G
Summary: Robbe and his friends go to a club to check out Amber’s DJ cousin.
THIS PERSON PREDICTED DJ SANDER Y’ALL. And Robbe thirsts over him. And there is an instant connection. And Robbe dances. And it’s so cute.
video phone by tokyometropolis (@luludemauryyy) | E
Summary: AKA OH MY GOD, THEY WERE QUARANTINED…except not together, because life is cruel. Thankfully it’s 2020 and when Robbe has an…er…intense dream about Sander in the middle of the night, all he has to do is press one button and Facetime him about it. Thing is…sometimes FaceTiming isn’t enough.
Look. I get that smut fics are not everyone’s cup of tea. And that’s totally fine. But. If you’re looking for a well-written smut that’s in character and where you can feel the love between the characters, this is it. Hands down. Sorry not sorry 💁🏼‍♀️
10k - 20k
our camp of dreams by robbesanderx (@robbesdriesen) | M
Summary: a summer camp!AU where robbe and sander are both co-counselors
Misunderstandings lead to pining. Teenage angst at its finest. I really like camp stories, it’s my thing.
Falling For You by silver_etoile (@azozzoni) | T
Summary: Robbe only knows one thing about football: that Sander Dreisen is the hottest player on the FC Utrecht team. When Jens drags him to a match, the last thing Robbe expects is to meet someone so perfect, and it’s all he can do not to mess it up, but will he succeed?
Sobbe in a different setting with a bit different dynamic yet still having that special something. It’s a nicely written story of the development of their relationship, first meeting, falling in love, ups and down, all the best things in fics. And Sander as a soccer player is a pretty 🔥 concept (and I think Robbe agrees).
This isn��t our first time around by noobishere | E
Summary: One moment they are in the kitchen of their shared apartment, the next, they’re in this strange but familiar room.(a.k.a the au in which they accidentally go hopping through multiple universes)
The universe takes matters into their own hands and shows those silly boys that they are meant to be. Sign me up for the ride.
Coffee and Croques by peaceoutofthepieces (@peaceoutofthepieces) | G
Summary: Sander works at the on-campus coffee shop with Eliott, and he might just have a crush on the cute boy in the brown coat.
I’m a sucker for coffeshop fics. There is just something so good about them. This one is the coffeshop!AU that sobbe deserves. Oh the pining, and the secretive looks, the silly boys, and a pinch of Elu. Me likey ☕
The finest of the meadow by allforyoumylove | M
Summary: The universe brings two lonely boys together in a flowering meadow. They fall for each other fast and hard among delicate daisies, warm summer breezes, and shooting stars.
This is magical. My comment on the work was “So soft, so beautiful, so THEM, ugh.” and I MEANT that. This is just the right amount of sweetness. This is a must read. I’m not messing around. 
two side of the same coin series by MajorAccent (@acespaceacepilot) | E
Summary: the valleys and mountains of sander’s bpd
How the boys handle Sander’s ups and downs. Robbe being the best boyfriend ever. I love how good he is for Sander, being there for him, not treating him like a baby, and not controlling him. How much he tries to make it at least a little bit easier for him. If you don’t want to read explicit stories, at least give the first part a try since it’s not E rated. 
Zaterdag 9:58 by Foxsake5 | M
Summary: What happened after the croissants dropped to the floor 🥐🤭💕
I meant it when I said Foxsake5 has great way with words. Every single piece of theirs is just “chef’s kiss”. This fic is a definition of a domestic fic. Oh, and it happened. Totally. It’s my headcanon now.
its an unrequited love by eggsntoast | G
Summary: Sander works part-time at a museum every Sunday. Robbe is a frequent visitor.
A Sander POV fic. I was sold from the beginning. The development of their relationship here is so cute, and they’re being so stupid with their pining instead of just talking to each other and you just want to shake them but at the same time you’re rooting for them so hard. Oh and did I mention pining?
Jij Verliest series by ravenbrenna09 (@djsander) | M
Summary: For the past three months, Robbe’s life—and what it once was—had been stripped away and rearranged. Now, if anything, his life had become a bit repetitive: homework, stream, ignore Thomas’s Instagram, repeat. But one Friday evening, Robbe meets a hurricane in the form of a platinum-haired tattoo artist who just might show him everything that he’s been missing.
This is a long series okay? But oh so worth it. It’s captivating and you don’t want to stop until you finish. And once you finish you’re sad it’s over even though you’ve just spent 8 fucking hours reading it. It’s amazing. But you probably know that because it’s quite popular (rightfully so). The best thing is that you expect it to go bad halfway through because it’s difficult to keep the quality on the same level in a fic that long. But it doesn’t.
Visitations by lucidpantone (@lucidpantone) | E
Summary: Does Robbe and Sander’s relationship survive into adulthood. This fic takes place in two simultaneously timelines: the past and the present.The present occurs in one entire day. Both timelines are completely out of chronological order. Everything is in clips.You can be dropped in at anytime of the day in any timeline. So clip by clip you will need to piece together what happen to Sander & Robbe and why the present looks the way it does and what happened in the past that got them there.This love story is a journey. So be prepared.In the words of one of our Even’s. It’s a complicated love story between complicated people.
This is not a regular fic. The author put so much thought into it, there are so many gems, so many little things that you have to pay attention to because it.all.matters. And there is not one interpretation. Don’t you just love when a story forces you to think and use your brain? Cause I do. Not gonna lie: this story hurts, and like the author says themselves, it’s a journey. But oh my god get in because it’s amazing. And the ending is just sjsjsjsjsddhdhsdsgdsg 🤯
the night we met by themoongirl (@dearsander) | T
Summary: Robbe Ijzermans has a brain that won’t let him sleep, a chest that feels far too heavy and thoughts that never stop.During his first year of college he meets Sander Driesen. Robbe finds what he never went looking for.
A college AU. This fic is a journey of pain and fluff and humor. It has awesome friendships. And sobbe falling in love. And liminal spaces. I read it a while ago so I don’t remember it as well as the others but you know what? I still remember that it was great and I’m lowkey happy I don’t remember it that well because now I can go and read it again. 
The Stars Look Very Different by @peaceoutofthepieces 
Summary: Robbe is bored. He’s bored of listening to his friends talking about girls, and his other friends making out, and no one ever doing anything. He’s tired of having to put in all the work, of making his own fun. He’s tired of feeling nothing so he doesn’t have to feel like nothing. His party stunts are pushing the limit, his thrill seeking beginning to worry even his friends, and his carelessness is toeing the line of dangerous.
He’s a little tired of being ‘dangerous’, too.
Sander may or may not have a crush on the older boy with the apparent death wish. He wouldn’t mind a little danger.
Once I started reading this fic, each day I was waiting for an update at the edge of my seat which was a feeling I expected from s4 that did not deliver. TSLVD definitely delivered. My favorite sobbe social media AU
Ziggy Stardust Series by skamsnake (@skamsnake) | M/E
A collection of fics taking place throughout the season. Most of them are E rated so be aware of that but it’s a really cool mixture of fluff and spice *fans myself*
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purposelynana · 3 years
Fish Upon The Sky, A Covid Marathon Part 2
This show is stupid. Might as well binging it. Leggo.
I'm about to say Janhae is seriously a scene stealer in last episode. But I couldn't add another gif. So here's the new post.
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9 minutes into the episode then bam opening credit. Record breaking 👏👏👏.
Ladies and gentleman the slowmo is back!!!
Janhae is seriously crazy and I love it.
Wah this episode is the worst man. The secondhand embarassment, the idiocy, what else... oh my god this is hands down by far the most embarassing thing that I've watched since the day I was born. What in the hell happened in the writer's room? Did they high on drugs or what? I just couldn't fathom anything like wow.
But I'm willing to finish this. I'm willing to go down on this ride. At least things happen. Not like Still 2gether where nothing ever happened. That, I can grateful on. And beautiful Pond graces up my screen.
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Well...well here we are. After so much struggles. So much embarassment. We're here.
Let's admit guys, Mork was created by a female who get so much dissapointment from male and then she decides to write a man of her dream. JittiRain, your brain just....
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Duean's friends is a gift that keeps giving. Well done boys!!!!
I do wonder though if they date in this episode, what will happen on the cursed-episode 11? It gives me unsettling feeling. There's just something that I don't see. Or somehow the writers just going to drop some femme fatale like 2gether out of nowhere?
They're so awkward and me likey! It's rare to see a from-now-on-we're-dating this awkward. They're in college, it's supposed to be less grandeur and more about savouring each other's feelings. I prefer something this simple rather than just horny-writings all over your face.
So who's going to be the driving force of the conflict? Let's find out.
You know up until this point, I conclude that actually this show is not that bad. I still be able to sit through, even I had to skip some parts. It's stupid and yes, you have to set your expectation at the minimum. It's mediocre at its best and it's fine. Like I said at the beginning, sometimes we just need something stupid for getting through quarantine.
So it's the brother!!!! I know Duean is trying to get protective towards his brother. And what's with the secrecy anyway? They came from 2 different faculties, honestly is not that hard to hide your relationship if you're not from the same faculty ah. Show just makes itself complicated by its own.
I laugh my ass of of this. What the heck.
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Pond is so handsome wearing black shirt, by the way. Pond wearing glasses even hotter. Shit. So when will Never Let Me Go start shooting ah?
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Pi's insecurity will kill him somehow. I thought it will about the brother yeah turns out it always been with Pi. And this is why people keep getting frustated. The character is lack of progress. You just can suddenly expect to be good only on the last episode. It doesn't make any sense. You should show your audiences how your character grow.
I'm going to skip some parts. Pi's insecurity will affect me somehow. It's too stupis not to deal with this in earlier episodes. Why the writers jammed it in the last episode.
Oh god.
Sad!!!! With lots of exclamation point.
This is a stupid show. Because there are parts in which stupid and screenwriter didn't even bother to fix its rotten core. Character. Before you write your story, setting up your character is something must-do. The fact I was so frustating each time main characters seemed making stupid decisions. And once again downgrade the female character in order to bring conflict on the last minute is the dumbest decision ever.
Although, yes, Phuwin and Pond have a great chemistry and thoughfully playing with heart but chemistry alone wouldn't save this series from destruction.
So my conclusion is BRING ON NEVER LET ME GO NOW, OKAY? P' Jojo I count on you, eh.
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If they're going to shoot it with wider lens or they go with film instead of digital, I'll be ao happy. It is called cinematic experience and it is beyond your imagination.
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baejl · 4 years
twice 10th member au
jyp asks jade for some help 
masterlist 👽 requests are open feedback is awalys important to me!
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“Wassup!” Jade said entering JYP’s studio. “Good morning.” 
“Good morning, Jaidee...” the man stopped the music playing and looked at her smiling. “Good morning.” 
“So,” she threw her phone on the table and sat, putting her feet on the table while she was peeling her tangerine. “What’s the problem, sir?” 
He kept the forced smile while he saw the girl’s manners. It’s not like he could say anything, he knew that Jade wasn’t the little girl from years ago. 
“You know I... admire, you. Right?” he asked, searching for the right words. 
The girl hummed and nodded, eating a bud of her fruit. 
“Say it louder.” she teased him. When he looked at her with a serious glance, she topped fooling. “Ok, keep going.” 
“You’re far one of our most improved artist and...” watching the grin on her face growing bigger, he stopped. “Whatever. We’re having some troubles with the trainees. I need your help.” 
Jade started to laugh and shook her head. 
“I’m out, Jinyoung.” she said still laughing. “I can’t deal with trainees anymore.” 
“I need your help, Jaidee.” JYP sat on a chair closer to her. “Really, I’ve tried everything.” 
“And what makes you think that I’m the one who’s gonna fix whatever you need to fix on them?” she asked, looking at him. “Really. I trained for only three years before debuting, ended as the penultimate member at the reality. Ask, I don’t know, Jihyo unnie.” 
“You’re one of our biggest artists, you are versatile and... They need to learn from someone who’s a little less careful than the other people. Like, someone a little bit rude.” the man said scrunching his nose.
Jade cracked up, putting her tangerine on the table and covering her mouth. Jinyoung didn’t know how to react so he just started giggling too, too afraid of her reaction.
“You’re literally asking me to be rude with them?” she said still laughing. "They must lack a lot then." 
"They don't lack is just that," he leaned back on the chair. "They don't seem to work and we need a new girl group." 
"I don't know oppa..." she crossed her arms. "They are like, 15? 16?" 
"The oldest is 18." he said. 
"See?" she pointed at him. "They're kids." 
"You were fourteen when you got here." he arched an eyebrow at her. "Is fair enough." 
She rolled her eyes and buffed.
"Times were different, I had to pay some bills at home..." 
"There's a girl," he commented. "she reminds me of you a lot. Her name is Shin Ryujin. Even the way she talks reminds me of you when you were a trainee." he opened a side smile. "Give them a go, Jade. You can mark their lives forever." 
"As the bad teacher." she smirked. 
"As someone who knows what is doing." he corrected him." he corrected her. "You're good, and you know it. Who came up with the idea of the dance break for Yes or Yes?" 
"Me." she said smiling. 
"And who wrote the rap for Likey?" 
"I did." 
"See?" he asked smiling. "That's why I need you to help these girls." 
She thought about it for some seconds. She didn't know how the girls were, actually, the last trainee she had any contact with, was Somi. But since when she left, Jade didn't even know they would come with another girl group. 
Maybe they really needed some of Jade's techniques. 
"I'm in." she said and Jinyoung opened a large smile. "But," she cut  his excitement. "only if I'm allowed to do the same thing I learned when I was a trainee." 
He held a hand and Jade shook it. 
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toukenramblings · 3 years
request are open! yay!🎉 :Since i always stick with the Gou'family, i definitely have feeling for Matsui , everyone knowed but Matsui himself still cold at me, I can't help figure that mean i annoying him ,and i decided to step back from the rest of Gou too, i think i made them uncomfortable, like i fading away from them little by little , by go to with other swords or didn't come to citadel frequently as usual, what the Gou will do to fix this situation //don't made it too angsty please my heart are too weak😢 (fic or Hc is ok, it's up to you~) 💋💋💋
Notes: I tried my besty, Mei Mei~! I hope you likey! It starts off angsty but it ends well I SWEAR. This is gonna be Gender Neutral Reader
Punishment perhaps? A wrath met unto him by the gods.
A punishment he and his brothers were meant to endure and share, the burden upon their back, lashes against their forms – oozing with the lifeblood of them.
It felt like hell.
Perhaps worse than that.
The Saniwa flinches at the soft sound of Matsui’s voice, nigh jumping out of their skin – eyes wider than the plates of milk that Gokotai’s tigers lap up. He could see them shaking, eyes darting back and forth, towards the window to the outside world; a daring escape route. “Y-Yes?”
“I apologize for disturbing you.” The warrior speaks, the door having been open to allow cool air to clear the room; heat much too unbearable. “May…we talk?”
They open their mouth, closing them, hesitance evident in their gaze.
Why did Kotegiri put him up to this? He could feel the gazes of his brothers embedding themselves into his back, rays burning his scarred body. But he would not lie and say that he isn’t worried about the master, they are supposed to care for one another after all. Why were they being so distant? Did…
What an absurd idea.
Is it? The silence almost unbearable, and a sigh left the lips of the master who only cleared their desk, biting down on their lower lip. “Come in.” they say, as Matsui strides into the room with a sense of grace – he could hear the pitter patter of his brothers’ footsteps behind him. “What is it?”
Matsui pauses, hesitates, in the corner of his eye he could see Kotegiri scribble something down on his notepad, holding it up for his brother to see.
Ask them about why they’re avoiding us!
There is a sigh as Matsui focuses again on the sage, who fidgets in their seat, eyes still darting to the open door – most likely unable to see the rest of the Gou family, but as a means of escape. Their forehead creases much more, lines appearing over their skin. What could he do to take them away?
“Have my brothers offended you, somehow?”
The master nigh chokes on the air that they so desperately needed to breathe; cheeks aflame, the panic rising within their eyes. “N-N-No!” they gasp, hands flailing wildly, threatening to throw themselves off of their own wrists. “It’s nothing like that, Matsui!”
The brothers whisper and murmur, before Samidare and Murakumo slam their hands over their mouths, and Kotegiri’s pen returns to the paper.
Then why? We miss them!
“They miss you, my brothers.” Matsui mumbles the last few words under his breath, far too terrified to say them out loud.
And I do as well.
“I just…” the sage stares down at their hands, wringing them, pricking and peeling at the skin that they were born in.
Suddenly his hands seizes theirs, in the blink of an eye; legs having moved before his brain could process. “Don’t.” came Matsui’s demand, ever so gently parting their digits from the delicate skin, fearing that they may break. They can, they are human after all. “It’s not good for your skin.” The sage does not speak, cheeks flushed and tears almost welling up in their eyes. They turn their face, and inhale a shuddering breath.
“I just worry that I’m bothering you all.”
At the sound of their answer, five other heads poke into the office, various concerned expressions upon their lips, some into thin lines and others into full frowns. “And…I worry that I bother you most of all.”  They do not dare to look the other warrior in the eye, unaware of the miniature audience they were attracting.
Matsui does not speak for a moment, eyes wide, lips pursed into a thin line like Samidare and Murakumo, fangs digging into his lower lip. The grip their master had on his hands felt slack, and slowly does he squeeze them, inhaling deeply. “You were never a bother.”
They glance up at him, eyes wide, snapping to his attention. “I…”
“You never were.” Matsui repeats, loosening his hold on their palms. “I…I liked having you around.” It felt empty when they were gone, no longer looking at them, the shining stars.
It hurt Matsui more than he had thought.
“I worried that somehow, I offended you.”
“No!” they gasp, returning the squeeze. “You never are a bother to me!” there is silence, and soon they bring their intertwined fingers to their lips, pressing a gingerly soft kiss to them. “Y-You...after all, uh,” eyes glance upwards, a hesitant smile to their lips. “I do love you the most, Matsui, so, you are never a bother to me.”
Six gasps were heard from the six brothers, Matsui’s cheeks aflame, and the pair soon turn to see the quintet heads of the brothers – eyes wide in horror.
“W-What are you all doing here?!”
“No! No! This isn’t what it looks like!” Buzen similarly waves his arms around, letting out a nervous laugh, soon rubbing the back of his neck. “See, we just-“
There is a whimper from the master, hiding their red face in their hands – Matsui’s glare on the other hand, almost caused his brothers to keel over.
“Get. Out.” “Yessir!”
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harryskalechips · 5 years
You’re one in a million
A/N Hello I am back with a really dirty smut piece hope you likey! 
Word count: 2382
“He’s coming now, Y/N please like him.” My best friend Lizzie pleas as she eyes her boyfriend from behind me, who is now entering the restaurant we’re in. 
“Lizzie, I’m sure I’ll like him for you. You’ve been crushing over this guy for like a month now.” I lean my head on my hand as I take a sip of my coke.  
“Hey, babe” I hear a familiar voice greet my best friend. As I look up, I see Harry Styles. Oh no. 
What Lizzie doesn’t know is that Harry and I already met at a party last summer. We talked throughout the night getting to know each other and by the end of it, we slept together. Of course, I really liked him during that time, it took me months to stop thinking of what would happen if I didn’t leave him the next morning without a goodbye. Now, we’re here though and he’s dating my best friend.
“Harry, sweetheart!” She smiles widely and lets him sit beside her in the booth we’re in. “Okay, so Harry this is my best friend, Y/N!” I look up at him again and catch him already looking at me, he definitely remembers. 
“Hi.” I smile softly as I tuck some hair behind my ear. 
“Hi. Nice to meet you.” I expected him to smirk or at least call me out, telling Lizzie he knows me. Except, by the way, he looks almost surprised and caught off guard I can tell this would be our dirty little secret.  
“Yeah,” I sit up straighter and look at a happy Lizzie as her desire for her boyfriend and best friend to meet finally happened. 
Small talks occurred throughout the night as we waited for our meals to come. A question that I was desperate to know was how they met and started dating. 
“Well, He was always in the coffee house working on stuff because you had classes in between, right Harry?” He nods. “I was always getting our drinks for our study block and I noticed him. You know, I told you about him.” Lizzie laughs and turns herself to Harry. “I never thought I would be bold enough to ask him out. The first time he rejected me but I asked again accidentally the next time I ran to him at the shop and he finally said yes.” Harry lets out a small smile as he looks at his hands resting on the table.
The night started out a bit awkwardly but as the dinner came to an end. I let that idea of it being awkward out of my mind because I’m happy Lizzie finally met someone who can make her happy, even though I thought he would be it for me. Lizzie had classes early so she asked Harry to drop her off first and let him drop me last since I was close to where he lived. What I noticed about the couple is that they’re still shy around each other. I guess it’s normal when they’ve only known each other for a month and have been dating for a couple of days now. 
As we’re driving near my apartment, Harry stops a couple of blocks before my place. Is this where he kills me? “Oh Harry, my apartment isn’t on this street, it’s acc-”
“Y/N.” I turn to look at him, seeing him already watching me. “Do you not remember what happened between us last summer?” “I do.” I eye the cross necklace on his neck, remembering how I grabbed onto it and kissed it that night. “I would’ve told her, Harry. I just thought you didn’t want her to know.”
“She should know about it though.” He looks down. “It’s funny, how destiny works.” I let out a small laugh. 
“Yeah, You and Lizzie are sure meant to be.” I frown and stare at the citizens who are walking the streets late at this time. 
“I’m not talking about her. I’m talking about you and me.” He fixes his position on his chair and crosses his arms. “I’m not trying to cheat on your best friend. I like Lizzie, she seems nice but throughout this night all I kept thinking about was the night we shared at that party.”
“I did too, Harry.” He looks at me and eyes my body briefly before facing the wheel. 
“Yeah, no you didn’t. How could you think about us, if you left me that morning without saying anything? You never gave me your number or a way to contact you.” I scoff. 
“If I remember anything from that night, you told me that you weren’t looking for anything too serious.” 
“Yeah, but we talked that night for hours! We talked about everything. I know what you want to do in your future, I know about your family. Y/N, why couldn’t you accept the fact that maybe I was genuinely into you. 
“I don’t know.” I pout and shrink in my seat. It’s not like I want to sabotage Lizzie’s present relationship but talking about last summer with Harry, makes me feel so hurt now. I should be the one introducing Lizzie to Harry. 
“Funny thing is, I don’t ever do one night stands. The time I decided to do that was with you and the morning after I was so hooked on you.” 
“Harry, maybe we shouldn’t talk about this.” now, he scoffs as he brushes his hand over his hair in frustration. “I’m pretty sure I fell in love with you that night. And it wasn’t because we had sex a bunch of times but it was because of the conversations we had, and the experiences I had with you. I remember kissing you for the first time in the lake. “I understand Harry. But don’t act like anything that night did not matter to me because it does! I was scared when I woke up in your bed that morning that you would regret what happened between us so I left. Of course, I think about you all the God damn time. I haven’t slept with anybody or dated anybody after you. I couldn’t stop thinking that maybe you and I should’ve been together!”
“Fuck!” He slams his hand on the steering wheel. “Fuck!!” I take deep breaths, closing my eyes.
“Maybe, if you were the one to grab cups of coffee in that coffee house, we would have seen each other again. Fuck, maybe if I waited or just rejected Lizzie in general, I wouldn’t have to hurt her. Fuck.
“Do you like her, Harry?” I ask as I bite my lip. Of course, he likes her. They’re dating! But a small part of me hopes he would choose me even after this. 
“Yes, I do.” He looks at me with regret in his eyes. “But not enough to choose her instead of you.”
I put my head down and cover my face. I can’t hurt Lizzie. I can’t hurt Lizzie. 
“I don’t know what we can do. I can’t let you break up with her because of me. I don’t want to hurt her. We haven’t seen each other in 5 months, and she was the reason we met each other again in the first place.” He rests his head on the headrest and closes his eyes. Lizzie is probably at home, thinking she has the most amazing boyfriend in the world but in reality, he’s still in the car with her best friend, confessing how he loves her and not his girlfriend. 
“I’ll break up with her.” 
“Because of me? Harry, if we start dating, she’ll realize what we’ve done.” 
“So? I want to be with you.” 
“I can’t hurt her.”
“Do you like me? If I wasn’t dating her, would you date me.”
“I’m not answering you.” 
“Y/N, would you?”
“Yes.” That’s all it took for Harry to start the car and continue to drive to my place. 
He parks in the guest parking and walks out without a word, opening the door for me. He walks me to my suite and I turn around to him to say goodbye after unlocking my door. Instead, He kisses me gripping onto my waist as his other hand holds onto my face. I kiss him back with the same amount of need and bring him to my apartment. He shuts the door with his foot as he leaves kisses down my neck. 
“Harry.” I moan as I take off his hoodie and he tries to take off my jacket. He leads me to my couch and sits down as I stand in between his legs. He’s shirtless with his pants still done. 
“Take off your clothes.” He says seductively. I take my shirt off and he quickly leans forward to kiss my stomach as I grip onto his hair. 
“Fuck, I miss you.” I moan as I feel him undo my jeans for me. I take my pants off along with my panties and I was about to take my bra off, he takes both of my hands and keeps them behind my back. 
“Keep that on and come here so you suck my dick lovie. I know you’re so good at it” lovie, he’s been calling me since that night. He moaned for me in the lake, in his car, in his room. I go on my knees and bite with my lips onto his crouch trying to tease him. His finger tilts my head up to look at him and he groans, thrusting his upwards. I slowly unbuckle his belt and take his member out. I give it a few pumps before I help take his pants off too. 
“Fuck, I miss your dick. It’s so big.” I suck on his cock and take as much as I can, using my hands to cover what I couldn’t fit. He takes my hair and holds it out of my way as he eyes me on his dick. I spit on his dick, knowing he likes a dirty blowjob and I suck on it a few more times. I take his balls in my mouth and kiss up to his length till I reach his head that’s oozing with cum.
“Baby, fuck I love you.” He takes my head and pushes it down his cock. If he were some other guy, I wouldn’t be this comfortable for the first time. But Harry and I know each other. We know how we are with each other and what we like.
He comes in my mouth and I swallow it as he closes his eyes and thrusts his heads upwards in my throat, I feel my nose touch his small pubes that rest on his pelvic bone. I keep my hands on his thighs and slide them up to his ferns. He brings me and kisses me. “Lovie, you know you’re such a good girl yeah,” He kisses down my neck as he undoes my bra and sucks on my nipple as the other gropes my left one. “Come on, ride my thigh as you did in the car last summer.” I place myself on his thigh as he leans back on the couch so he could bring his foot up and bring his leg higher, putting more pressure on my clit. 
“Fuck me, fuck me.” I moan as he helps me rub myself on him. With the feeling of being high, I feel him choke me. “Baby, you still on birth control?” I nod and without a warning, he puts his hard dick in me. We moan together and pause a bit, feeling himself in me. “Still so fucking tight.” He begins to thrust and rub himself fast on me as I moan so loud. We look like rabbits fucking each other so hard. “Open your mouth baby, let me make you mine.” He takes his finger and opens my mouth wider so he can spit in it. He then carries me and finds his way to my bedroom after I whisper directions in his ear as I continue to try and hump on him.”Can’t wait huh love. Just admit we’re addicted to each other yeah?” He places me on my bed and hovers over me. “The first time we met we couldn’t stop fucking yet here we are.” He inserts himself again and I bit onto his cross necklace as he thrusts into me, snapping his hips so fast against mine. “Don’t care ‘m supposed to be dating your best friend, I wanted you since the first time I met you. I’m going to fucking rip your pussy apart that you won’t feel any sense of guilt after this yeah?”
He takes his hands and rests them on my headboard as he fucks me. At times, he would slow down and grope my boobs. “Fuck, so big.” he pushes them together and kisses the middle part, letting his face in it. I scratch my nails onto his back as he fucks me harder. He brings my legs up onto his shoulder and f u c k s me so hard, I see white. “You like that lovie.” With that, he comes in me and I come as well, milking him so hard. He takes his dick out after a couple of minutes and slowly massages his cum onto my pussy, rubbing my clit so hard. “Harry, I’m so tired, I can’t”
“Please baby, I wanna see you come one more time, please.” 
He kisses and sucks on my nipple. He rubs his come off a bit my pussy with the blanket and licks me. He inserts his tongue in me as his fingers draw eights on my clit. 
“Ugh. oh my god fuck.” After alternating with his mouth and fingers. He puts his dick in me again and goes so fast that I grab onto his hair to kiss me. After I come again, he lays down with me. 
“Let me just get a cloth from your bathroom to clean us up.” As I lay there covered in our juices, I get a text on my apple watch.
From Lizzie:
I’m going to bed now, hope you’re home. Harry hasn’t replied to any of my messages! Love you!! Xx
Part two here!
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rjnorth-writes · 4 years
“I’m gonna marry you one day.”
@seasidewriter1 - So this prompt was asked with 10 - “I’m going to marry you one day” and ended up involving 1, 2, 35, 46, 47, 63, and 64. I may have taken a page out of your book and gone a little overboard (it ended up being over 2k), but I doubt you’ll care. lol. I hope you enjoy! 
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Adali supposed it wasn’t exactly how she ever thought it would happen, but then again, when did life ever really go her way? Not that this was necessarily a bad thing in this case, but it was surely unexpected and that was hard to do with the Master Jedi. Though, again she supposed, Poe Dameron did always seem to find a way to surprise her and keep things interesting. There was never a dull moment with Poe around. 
It had been years since Poe had extracted Adali off of Coruscant on General Organa’s orders and after a slightly rocky relationship in the beginning, as Poe definitely did not trust Adali as a newcomer, and Adali didn’t trust anyone for that matter. But the two slowly grew on one another like a fungus. And, to both their surprise, it seemed that Adali and Poe had become the best of friends in that time.
They were growing into something much more than just best friends too, though Adali was hesitant and petrified to admit so. She did recall, however, that her mother had said this: “The strongest marriages are formed when you marry your best friend.” Now, there certainly wasn’t any talk of marriage at this point. The two hadn’t even admitted their affections for one another. They had started flirtations and that was where the two humans stood.
It had been a hard day not in terms of danger, but in strenuous work loads. Adali had spent the early morning hours before the sun had arisen over the horizon getting ahead on her work orders before the rest of the day was spent training Rey in the humid jungle of Yavin 4. Poe Dameron had spent his day training up the new Red Squadron of x-wing pilots. The two hadn’t run into one another until Poe found Adali resting under a tree with her carving materials in hand while enjoying the orange hue of the sunset.
Poe had leaned against a nearby tree watching the young woman until the sun was nearly completely hidden over the horizon. The warm dimming light made Adali’s blue eyes almost look purple, and her hair (which was down for once instead of pulled back in some elaborate braid Poe didn’t know how to manage), looked shiny and almost strawberry blonde instead of dirty blonde.
 He would’ve been blind not to notice how absolutely stunning she looked in that moment. Not that she wasn’t always beautiful, he found, but in that moment he found it harder to breathe and his chest a fraction tighter than normal when he found himself lost gazing at the young woman. The thought of someday losing the chance to bask in her warm air, which she most likey would’ve said was her Force signature, was nearly debilitating for him to think about.
Someday the war with the First Order would be over, and he would follow General Organa or return to the New Republic and continue to fly. Or maybe he would take a page out of his father’s book and retire there to Yavin 4. It hadn’t been what he wanted as a child, but he’d seen so much death and destruction for one lifetime. As long as he could still fly, Poe didn’t really care where he went.
But Adali would most likely try to reopen the Jedi Temple to train future Jedi. Or, as Poe refused to think, would be dead by the hands of her cousin. There were even chances for either outcome, and the more favorable one still left Poe wondering if he’d ever get to see the young woman again. It was something he didn’t like to think about, and he tried not to accept that it was there. But if there was something he could do about it, he definitely would.
Adali was one of the kindest people he’d ever known despite all of the horrors that had been done to her, and everything she’d been forced to do with the war invading into every aspect of their lives. She always went out of her way to make others feel better and to help solve their problems before ever trying to fix her own even if it put her in a bad place mentally, or physically. She’d arrived from Coruscant in a very bad way, but it was cleaner now, especially to Poe as he looked at her whenever she wasn’t looking, that she was still troubled, but she was much happier than she’d arrived. That sweet girl that smiled with her eyes, and loved with ever fiber of her being was not afraid to stick up for those unable to do so for themselves, and she definitely wasn’t afraid to put people (namely Poe) in their place when they stepped out of line.
“Are you going to just stand there all night, or are you going to join me?” Adali asked without looking up from her carving. It looked like she was carving some sort of blossom, but he was no expert on plant life.
“Sometimes it still freaks me out how you do that,” Poe admitted as he made his way over to join her under the tree to enjoy the rest of the evening in the hot jungle.
“It didn’t freak you out when I was able to find you on Jakku,” Adali pointed out, glancing up through her lashes with a coy smirk on her lips before going back to her work. The Force Bond that had somehow managed to connect them together despite Poe’s lack of Force Sensitivity had perplexed them for quite some time after they’d discovered it, but it was far easier to handle now. “Nor do you seem to complain when you drew me into your dreams and tried to have s-”
Poe cleared his throat and rubbed the back of his neck as he interrupted the woman. “Yeah, still don’t know why you went along with those,” Poe muttered, though not regretting where his dreams often took him. After all, his dreams just gave him what he wished he had in the real world.
“I was just as confused as you were,” Adali said. “But it’s perfectly natural to dream about such things, I’m told. Dreams are perfectly normal.”
“Except for Jedi.”
“Except for Jedi,” Adali agreed.
“What else is unusual for a Jedi to do?” Poe asked.
“Depends on when you’re asking,” Adali clarified. “Are you talking about the Old Republic when the Jedi Council existed, or do you mean now with only me and Rey actively living and practicing as Jedi?”
“Let’s go with the first one?”
Adali just chuckled at his hesitance to pick. “Well, Jedi weren’t allowed to form attachments, but it was expected of us to have compassion for all living things. Relations weren’t forbidden, but many refrained from them as relations often would lead to emotions and attachment. It just made things too complicated.”
“What about now?” Poe asked. “I mean, your dad married your mother, and Leia had Han. Where do you stand?”
“Emotions and attachment are perfectly natural and normal for anybody,” Adali said. “The issue that the old ways did not understand was that fear and loss, anger, depression, and all other negative emotions are also natural. Everyone, not just Jedi, had to work through them and learn to deal with them in healthy ways. Just because you can have one doesn’t mean you’ll always have the other, but sometimes it does and that’s normal. We have to accept that pain and loss is as much a part of life as love and hope and pleasure.”
“So if you were to, I don’t know, fall in love, then you’d be willing to get married and have the whole family experience?” Poe asked.
Love. Love. Love was an emotion that was not a stranger to Adali. She supposed she may have felt too much and too deeply, but she wouldn't have it any other way. She would not change herself because love was the best feeling of all. Love was happiness, serenity, peace, and joy. All she felt she needed ever was love.
But at the same time, love still caused her grief. She loved her family, and though they were falling apart, she still loved them which many didn’t understand. Kylo Ren wasn’t just Kylo Ren, he was Ben Solo, the sweet boy that used to laugh and play with her in the flowering fields and place Force Ball with. And it wasn't just familial love either.
Romantic love was tricky. Often she found herself stammering, flustered, and utterly confused on what was going on or how she felt with the man sitting beside her. These questions were not exempt from this either. When inquiring of it personally towards her, Adali’s heart skipped a beat, and the fluttering in the pit of her stomach seemed to nauseate her. The man always threw her curveballs and she wasn’t sure how to deal with those emotions.
Usually the casual flirtations they’d fallen into were something she could easily handle now. In the beginning, however, that was a very different story. But now, she looked forward to their playful banters and sweet words. Just the thought of the man and his warm brown eyes and his goofy smile warmed her, and brought a smile to her lips. But when things got more serious, like with the question he was asking her now, Adali didn’t know what to think. Was he being serious? Was he asking for himself? Was this all just friendly and innocent, or was Poe actually interested in her. Poe was a flirt and had a reputation, but she knew he’d never intentionally hurt her. But where they really stood with one another, Adali didn’t know.
“I would,” Adali finally admitted after a long while of silence. “A husband, kids, maybe some animals around for them to play with and teach responsibility. At least two,” Adali went on to clarify. “I want my kids to have a sibling like I had with Ben. Nobody should feel alone growing up.”
“Yeah, I would’ve liked a sibling to grow up with,” Poe admitted. “Two is a good number, to start and if we decide more than all the better.”
“We?” Adali squeaked and gaped, her carving tool slipping to jab into the metal finger on her left hand. Thankfully the prosthetic was more durable and was simple scratched ever so slightly. Nothing that couldn’t just be buffed out.
“Yes, we,” Poe said, smirking at how adorable Adali looked when she was utterly flushed in the cheeks. “I’m going to marry you one day.”
“Oh, you sound very sure of this!” Adali huffed. His casual tone was hard to figure out. Either he really did believe this and was casual because he knew he’d make it happen, or because he was joking and that option did not please her one bit.
“I am. You know we’re meant to be,” he declared.
“Poe, we’re not even dating! How could you possibly know th-”
“What, you’ve never thought about us?” Poe retorted, reaching over to stop her from working more. If she was going to keep using that sharp tool with how distracted she was, she was going to end up nicking her flesh and dealing with blood right now wasn’t what he wanted. Plus, by doing this he could hold her hand, something that never happened quite enough for his taste.
“What us?” Adali asked. “Poe, you’re my friend, and sure, we may flirt some but-
“Then why is your hand sweating so much?” Poe interrupted.
This is nothing to aid in rectifying her flustered self. Pulling her hands away, Adali rubbed them against her pants in an attempt to dry them. “It’s hot and humid and we’re in a jungle, I was working so of course my hands would be sweaty! Give me one good reason. Why should we date?”
“Because we’re attracted to each other,” Poe said.
Now that was hard to deny, at least on Adali’s part. While the orange and white jumpsuits the pilots wore were highly attractive, that didn’t mean Poe was. She’d seen him on many occasions in nothing more than his underthings thanks to those forsaken dreams they shared, and the man, despite not working out, was incredibly toned and tan. It had to be all those hours of picking up and working with BB-8, she assumed. But it should’ve been illegal just how delicious that man looked.
“That’s not how you build a lasting, healthy relationship, Poe,” Adali sighed.
“How about this? You’re my best friend,” Poe said. “And just seeing you makes my heart flutter, and thinking about you makes me smile. The thought of losing you scares me more than I’ll ever admit to anybody else. And I’m not just talking about losing you in this war…”
Now those words hadn’t been expected. Those words ruined her insides, and caused her breath to catch in her throat painfully. With much caution, Adali looked up into his warm eyes as the sky really started to turn dark. The sun was gone and the beautiful colors of the temporary painting in the sky was now just a memory, but somehow that just made his words ring more true. It wasn’t just some temporary, flowery thing to say to someone to flirt with. This wasn’t just some casual, playful thing.
His words were close to the definition she had in her own heart for love. Subconsciously Adali’s flesh hand moved to her prosthetic and fiddled with the wedding ring that had belonged to her mother. She’d have to replace it with something else, something that was hanging around Poe’s neck if this were true. But while she could simply move that ring to another finger, the fact that there would still be something so meaningful there in it’s place, like how her mother and father never took their rings off until their deaths, meant so much to Adali. More than she could’ve ever put into words.
“Tell me again,” Adali whispered.
“I’m going to marry you someday,” he repeated, his eyes never leaving her’s, his face serious without a trace of a smile which just pushed his point further. “I am going to marry you.”
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Kpop Opinions I have~
Hey guys! Here are some kpop opinions I have...not really sure if these are popular or unpopular but thought I would just drop some of these here. LMK if y’all want me to do more opinions. It’s okay to disagree with me but please be respectful. I would love to have a discussion on any of the opinions I have said and if you wanted to reply with some opinions of your own (or drop them in my askbox) feel free to do so! I hope you all are staying safe :)
1.) Side Effects is one of Stray Kids best title tracks
I’m tired of the SE slander like that song is that bitch and it will forever be that bitch
2.) Simon Says and Superhuman are also one of NCT 127′s title tracks
Bro if you don’t like these songs I....I don’t even know what to say. I guess I could see why people wouldn’t like Simon Say’s a little more than I could see why people dislike Superhuman but honestly I love those songs so damn much. Again, those songs are that bitch and will forever be that bitch
3.) Taeil is one of the funniest members in NCT
Self explanatory, homeboy is so damn funny
4.) Map of the Soul 7 is my favorite BTS album
The songs on there just hit a little different, I don’t care what none of y’all say
5.) Epiphany > Euphoria
Some of y’all have never watched Jin perform this live (like on Youtube....doesn’t have to be in person) and it shows. That song be making me feel some type of way like....his vocals are just....I don’t even know how to explain it
6.) Y’all gotta listen to Stay from Blackpink at 3 am or when you can’t sleep
This isn’t really an opinion I guess but it hits different when you listen to it when the world is asleep. There is something so comforting yet sad when you listen to it that late. It’s a very bittersweet feeling yet it’s so calming. I hope this makes sense.
7.) Likey is Twice’s worst title track
I don’t know why but the hatred I have for that song...I just...next caller
8.) Out of all subunits in NCT, WayV has the best music
Not one bad title track or b-side. I said what I said.
9.) I enjoy Rosé’s vocal’s/vocal color over Jihyo’s
Please don’t get me wrong, I LOVE Jihyo and she’s my bias in twice but something about Rosé’s just be hitting different. Especially in song’s like Stay, Hope Not, and You’ll Never Know. Jihyo’s voice is absolutely beautiful though and I would give up my life for her lmaoo. (I’m not claiming anyone is a better vocalist, this is just my preference! If you enjoy Jihyo’s voice more than that’s great! Both girls are amazing vocalist)
10.) Idol collab > BWL collab
I’ve seen a lot of discussion about which was better, Idol or BWL (referring to collabs) and I personally enjoy Idol more. Nicki’s verse just be hitting different and I’ve always been a fan of her. If you prefer BWL then that’s fine! I just personally like Nicki on Idol more than Halsey on Boy with love.
11.) NCT ballads >>>>>
Honestly ballads >>>>> any other song....they just be hitting different idk
12.) Blackpink’s line distribution doesn’t need to get fixed
I’ve seen a lot of people saying X member needs to get more lines and I personally feel as though their line distribution (as of right now) makes a lot of sense and is pretty fair. I think if they were to switch it up, that would be great but like I really don’t understand the big deal. I understand it’s a little disheartening that Jisoo and Lisa tend to get the leave amount of lines but Jennie and Rosé have the main positions so it makes a little more sense as to why they usually get more lines. Plus, blinks tend to overplay how bad the distribution is when they have one of the fairest distributions in kpop.
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13.) Unstanning a group because of their fandom is a valid reason
Y’all how are you gonna tell someone that their reason for unstanning a group is invalid? Like good for you that you would never unstan a group for that reason but people are different. If the only part of the fandom that you are around is very toxic then it can make stanning a group very hard. Fandoms are a huge part of kpop (why tf do you think we have names??) and it is apart of the experience so yes, you can unstan a group because of the fandom. That doesn’t mean that the person doesn’t still see the talent of the idols. It could just mean that they want to separate themselves a little bit from the group and the fandom. Nothing wrong with that, please get over yourselves.
14.) I think it’s great that we talk about the double standards in kpop but we also fail to talk about issues that male idols experience
Ex: Sexual harassment, sexualization, mental health, yada yada.....I’m not trying to say that girl groups have it easier than boy groups or vise versa but I just think that it’s important to point out the just because they’re a male idol, doesn’t mean they can’t go through some hardships (again, not trying to say that girls have it easy because I KNOW that they don’t...both sexes deserve to be respected and I just think that’s important to note)
15.) I don’t really care for Red Velvet b-sides
I’ve seen a lot of people hype of RV b-sides and I personally don’t really see the hype? I guess I just enjoy their title tracks more and I think that there are groups that have better b-sides (personally preference though)
16.) One of these nights is Red Velvet’s best song and it honestly might be my favorite kpop song
The emotion in the girls voices when they sing just really be making my heart hurt and the meaning/story behind the song just makes it even more meaningful. It’s a work of art and I could listen to it all day everyday
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