#lila rossi is a mary sue
I Had Miraculous Ladybug Thoughts, Specifically the Chloe Lila Alliance Situation, and I'm Making It Your Problem! I am So Sorry!
Just. Read the title of this post. I am the most biased person you could have on this topic. You've been warned.
Okay, so. Chloe. If you are in the ML fandom, first off, my condolences, we shall suffer together. Second off, you know that Chloe is incredibly divisive. On the one hand, she's an absolute a**hole to everyone around her at any point in the series that is not season 2 and parts of season 3. On the other hand, it is clear that she has no adults teaching her how to not be an a**hole or regulating her behavior because the only people who have the necessary authority should not have ever been parents.
And then you have that whole thing in season 2 where they started to explain her awfulness and gave her the bee miraculous and she started getting better and developing a support structure, and then she stopped being allowed to have the bee miraculous and dove headfirst off the deep end. This frustrates pretty much the entire fandom. On the Chloe hate side, you wonder why they were wasting time with this. On the Chloe love side, you just got baited, and you're annoyed as heck, and you also are wondering why they wasted your time with this.
But fine, okay, it's dumb, but whatever, the fanfiction can work with this. What the fanfiction has a MUCH harder time working with is Chloe and Lila forming an unholy alliance over their mutual hatred of Marinette and Ladybug. Because the problem here is, it's redundant, it doesn't make sense, and makes Lila even more of a Mary Sue.
Tangent warning: YEAH I SAID IT! I think Lila is a Mary Sue. You don't have to think that. My definition of a Mary Sue is "a character that warps the fabric of the story around them without it making any sense because the author likes/hates/pities/has other strong emotion about this character/ too much to care about a coherent narrative." Not everybody defines a Mary Sue this way, but by this definition, Lila is a Mary Sue. Everyone immediately loses their brain cells around her despite being compassionate and sometimes intelligent individuals who will kill for Marinette in most other scenarios. Nonsensical story warping just because the author said so. Tangent aside:
What this alliance does is it gives you two manipulative lying b*tches who willingly get akumatized to further their petty schemes and are out to destroy Marinette and Ladybug and are weirdly possessive of but don't actually seem to care for Adrien. There's really no point in having two. They occupy the same narrative niche and it is awkward and stupid and I DO NOT LIKE IT. Neither does most of the fandom it seems, because this alliance rarely appears in fanfiction.
There are a couple default solutions in fanfiction:
1. Redeem Chloe. I like this solution. I like Chloe, I think she's entertaining, and I think her interactions with other characters as a good guy are especially entertaining, I think she brings a lot of valuable skills and perspective to the cast as a good guy, I think she has a lot of reasons for being an a**hole that should be properly addressed, and I think the reasons her redemptipn arc got aborted were stupid. Most fanfiction goes the route of having redeemed Chloe viscerally hate Lila too, because Chloe goes after enemies with passion and her whole heart. This is a clean solution, but not great if you don't like Chloe all that much or are trying to make it canon compliant (best of luck to you, canon is all over the place).
2. Only focus on one as a villain and yeet the other out of the story. If Chloe is the villain, set the story during the time that Lila was off being Cerise or wandering around Paris or whatever, or before she showed up. If Lila is the villain, give Chloe an unrelated reason to decide she's not dealing with that today, thank you very much. Usually used in salt fics to dunk on whichever character grinds your gears more without unwanted interruptions. I like salt fics, and this is also a good clean solution. Having both of them is redundant, so just remove one. For Lila, it makes sense because she's a Mary Sue and writing her is annoying, so pretending she never existed is a great fix to that. For Chloe, it makes sense because "lying manipulative ladybug hating b*tch" only really starts being her archetype after the writers screwed up her character with a million inconsistincies. Before that, she was more of a "comically loud, bossy, really obssessive fangirl b*tch," so Lila just works better for certain plots. Downside is that you can't focus on Chloe-Lila interactions, and you sometimes have to do a bit of finagling to figure out how to remove them from a situation they would ordinarily be VERY invested in.
3. Make them hate each other. This is one of my favorite solutions because I have a weakness for villain rivalries that are equal parts comedic and dramatic, but bias aside, this absolutely works. They both want Adrien's sole, undivided attention, and, prior to aforementioned screwing over of Chloe's character, Chloe is the world's biggest Ladybug stan, and Lila is her number 1 hater. They also both have a weird power over the adults in the story that two 14 year old girls really shouldn't have. All these factors make it very easy to guess they would clash. Watch as they try to destroy each other! This plays into the "they both suck, but it's different flavors of suck," and makes those flavors mix BADLY together. The one downside is that it is hard to not make this the central focus of the story, because both of them are so over the top that they're absolutely going to drown out most other going ons, and this is technically supposed to be about Marinette and Adrien. It also erases some of the storylines you can get from an actually thought out alliance.
4. Redeem Lila. I have only seen this in one place, but it is a prominent place and that's more places than my suggestion on this whole ordeal. The prominent place being the Scarlet Lady AU by the very talented and lovely ZoeOneesame. Her take on it was basically:
"Chloe in this AU has the ladybug miraculous, and Chloe sucks at her job, so Lila's ladybug hatred is justified. Marinette is in love with Chat and isn't involved in the ladybug drama, so Lila has no reason to hate her. Adrien is both much smarter and much more active in this AU, so he wouldn't deal with Lila in the same hands-off way. Everybody else is also smarter in this AU and would probably know Lila was lying and also not care because they are forgiving and compassionate. So Lila's lies would most likely get called out, she would have the freedom and desire to figure out who she is beneath the lies, and she would have a justified hatred of Scarlet Lady matched by other characters in the AU, and would probably band together with them."
And thus, no filter, vindictive good guy Lila was born! Again, I have only seen this in Scarlet Lady, but it is amazing over there, so I had to talk about it. Redeeming Lila is an unconventional choice for sure, but I think if you arrange for circumstances where Lila would rather ally with the heroes than the villains, then you can get a lot of mileage out of her people-reading/manipulation skills helping out the heroes while possibly scaring the crap out of them at the same time. This has basically all the same downsides as the Chloe redemption though. It's not fun to do if you're here for Lila salt, and it's ABSOLUTELY not canon compliant.
Now. You may have noticed that nobody who writes fanfiction for this show does the canon Chloe-Lila alliance. This is for a myriad of aforementioned reasons: it's redundant, it continues the confusion of Chloe's character arc, and Lila is a Mary Sue, so anything that involves her tends to be frustrating. But, I think there is a way to make it work, so I'm writing about it.
First of all, don't do what canon did where 6 just have Lila teach Chloe how to lie. Take full advantage of the fact that they are two very different types of a**hole. They can ally for the same reasons: they both are super possesive of Adrien and are raging about him getting together with Marinette. And while I don't like the arc of Marinette being a trash and controlling guardian who shows inordinate favoritism to Alya and Zoe and literally nobody else because she's gay for them, you can still do that and have them both hate Ladybug too. I don't like that plot beat, mostly because it's never really addressed that Marinette is in fact a bad guardian outside of some light sulking from Chat, but it can work. She's a 14 year old girl in way over her head with no adults left to help (except the kwamis, but they don't really count because they are very unhelpful). It makes sense that she wouldn't do a good job at first. But whatever their reasons for teaming up, lean into the fact that Lila is a two-faced secretively awful person while Chloe is an in-your-face publicly awful person. From there, it depends on the tone you're going for.
Chloe is a great villain for humor because she's so loud and dramatic. She can get away with saying and doing really insane and rude stuff on the grounds that she's insane and rude (and also rich and powerful). People don't have any expectations for Chloe to be nice or rational, so she can do stuff like try and write a Queen Banana character into the class film and be met with annoyance and frustration rather than outrage and shock. So if you're going a lighthearted route, let Chloe be the one who does all the public legwork for their schemes, and let her be absolutely over the top about it.
On the other hand, Chloe can also be threatening in a far more tangible way than Lila. Lila can make people think you're a bit of a jerk, but it takes a lot of work for her to come close to getting Marinette expelled, even with all her Mary Sueness to help. Chloe can just look at the principal and say "My dad will fire you and remove all school funding if you don't expel her." Chloe won't make people dislike Marinette because nobody likes her, but she can physically hurt Marinette in ways that Lila can't. So if you're going for drama, you can lean into that. Chloe is in a completely different social class than everyone else and has actual power.
Either way, let Chloe be a complete drama queen who is publicly out to get Marinette, because there isn't anything anyone can do about it.
Meanwhile, let Lila work in the background. Lila has never been a comedic villain, only getting introduced after the show had taken a turn for the more dramatic, so don't bother. Leave that to Chloe's antics. Let Lila be the actual threat who is driving their plans. A lot of the reason Chloe was manageable while Lila never was is because Chloe's rage tends to be directionless and impulsive. She has a short temper that can easily be triggered, but also easily soothed, and she doesn't have any thought out plans or long form schemes. She just does whatever she thinks will make her happy in the moment. Have Lila be the one who convinces her to think in the long-term, and who comes up with an overarching plot to get rid of Marinette, adding a sense of real tension to the situation. Sure, before Chloe could have you expelled on a whim, but she also would have stopped bothering the second Adrien paid attention to her. Lila will help Chloe drop that boundary.
Lila also has the advantage of people actually liking her and being willing to do things for her without threatening or bribing them. Lila can do things like make it so Marinette doesn't have any of her friends around to help in an emergency. She can make it so people believe Chloe might actually be justified in her crusade against Marinette this time. She can plant seeds of doubt and distrust and she can socially isolate Marinette in ways Chloe can't. Make people love and believe in her instead, slowly destroy Marinette's support system, and so on. It not only is really dramatic and upsetting, it basically leaves Mari with just Adrien and Chat to rely on, which is FANTASTIC ship fuel if that's your jam. This can also let you have some other prominent characters come to the fore. Have some Kagami focus. Have some Luka focus. Bring in Socqueline and Felix and see how that changes things.
Point is, between these two, you could have a genuine, non-redundant threat that you can get emotional mileage out of. Lila is on one side turning all of Mari's friends against her and scheming to destroy her in the long term. Chloe is on the other side threatening Marinette's lifestyle---her bakery, her school, her fashion career, her public image, her existence in Paris---anything that can be damaged by the Mayor and the Style Queen is under attack. And then you have Hawkmoth on the other end, throwing akumas in her face and forcing her to make impossible choices. I would imagine Lila also gets akumatized on purpose whenever she needs a little extra help, while Chloe just gets egged on and pushed off the deep end by Lila whenever Lila thinks it'd be advantageous. So that trifecta is super genuinely threatening. But you can also have Chloe being a really stupid drama queen whose fits of rage can still be silly and poorly thought out, even with Lila helping her. And you can have some really heartwarming stuff as the people left in Marinette's support system band together and become even closer to get rid of these two once and for all. I just think this plot beat has a lot of untapped potential if the writers didn't make then fulfill the same narrative role, and I haven't really seen it explored yet.
Feel free to use this idea in fanfic, tell me that it sucks and would be bad, or ignore me, I mostly just needed to write this down!
If the mood strikes me or multiple people express interest (yeah right), I will make a (probably much shorter) post explaining how you can redeem both of them effectively and also why I think that would be bad in most circumstances.
Congratulations if you read this whole rant, now please go to sleep. Please. So much please.
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 2 years
by jandmooni
This is a tale of the classic 2020 Daminette + Lila Salt story, but with a twist: it’s told through Wayhem, a sadly under-character developed character and massive fan of Adrien Agreste from the MLB series. Join me in a story of chaos, love, drama, Lila, Felix, and ACTUAL CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT (unlike somebody *cough* *cough* MLB producers *cough*) in the beautiful story, “dandelions.”
Inspired by edorazzi’s Wayhem x Felix and a bunch of people’s Daminette stories. (No, don't run away just yet.) Rated Teen because there is a bit of swearing.
Words: 1398, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Multi
Characters: Wayhem (Miraculous Ladybug), Misti (OC), Félix Graham de Vanily, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Lila Rossi, Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Alya Césaire, Chloé Bourgeois
Relationships: Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug/Damian Wayne, Félix Graham de Vanily/Wayhem, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir & Wayhem, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Dick Grayson, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Jason Todd, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Damian Wayne, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Tim Drake, Alya Césaire & Lila Rossi, Félix Graham de Vanily & Lila Rossi
Additional Tags: Author wrote this instead of attending debate lectures, Lila Rossi salt, Lila Rossi exposed, Wayhem is my fav ngl, Fluff, Friends to Lovers, m/m - Freeform, Lila appears first in chapter 2, Wayhem is savage, Adrien Agreste is Clueless, Felix is hot, according to Wayhem ofc, Damian is a simp for Marinette, simping, :)), Inspired by Tumblr, Inspired by Fanfiction, Inspired by Edorazzi, Inspired by K-pop, Just because Lila is exposed doesn't mean that Wayhem likes Marinette, just saying, Marinette is Mary Sue, Lila Rossi's Lies Are Exposed, Lila Rossi Lies
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/40395948
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manilafm · 11 months
most wanted characters by the members/admins, please?
Everyone who is a member/admin. of this RPG would love to see Rose Granger-Weasley, Pansy Parkinson, Draco Malfoy, Ron Weasley, the rest of Ginny Weasley's brothers ( Percy Weasley, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, and Bill Weasley ), Cho Chang, Cedric Diggory, Mr. Remus Lupin, Katie Bell, Neville Longbottom, Mrs. Molly Weasley, Mr. Arthur Weasley, Mr. James Potter, Mrs. Lily Evans-Potter, Emma Vanity, Romilda Vane, Penelope Clearwater, Hugo Granger-Weasley, Professor Severus Snape, Professor Minerva McGonagall, Marlene McKinnon, Headmaster Albus Dumbledore, Sirius Black, and Oliver Wood from Harry Potter ; Gerald Johanssen, Arnold Shortman, Patricia ‘Big Patty’ Smith, Nadine, Sheena, Lila Sawyer, and Sid from Hey, Arnold! ; Payton Saunders, Autumn Brooks, Sakura Watanabe, Max Warren, Kara Sinclair, Ezra, Hope Castillo, Julian Castillo, Katherine, Koh Sunya, Derek, Nick, Shane, Wes Porter, Nishan Khandaar, Chelsea, Owen Harris, Brigette, Lacey, Kimi Chen, Quinn, Asher Rollins, Chase Cunningham, and Fibikemi ‘Phoebe’ Ayotunde from High School Story ; Sam Puckett, Freddie Benson, Carly Shay, Spencer Shay, and Gibby Gibson from iCarly ; Elena Gilbert, Hope Mikaelson, Joesette 'Josie’ Saltzman, and everyone else from The Vampire Diaries / The Originals / Legacies ( excluding Damon Salvatore, though ) ; Youngmee Song, Mrs. Eliza Biskit, Mr. Fisher Biskit, Mrs. Lauren ‘Betty’ Smith, Sue Patterson, Joshua 'Josh’ Sharp, and Mr. Roger Biskit from Littlest Pet Shop ; Adrien Agreste, Alya Césaire, Nino Lahiffe, Jessica ‘Jess’ Keynes, Alix Kubdel, Luka Couffaine, Nathalie Sancoeur, Kagami Tsurugi, Mrs. Emilie Agreste (neé Graham De Vanily), Mr. Gabriel Agreste, Lila Rossi, Mrs. Sabine Cheng, Mr. Tom Dupain, Master Wang Fu, Félix Graham De Vanily, Lê Chiến Kim, Max Kanté, Mylène Haprèle, Ivan Bruel, Nathaniel Kurtzberg, Marc Anciel, Ms. Caline Bustier, Principal Damocles, Ms. Mendeleiev, Fred Haprèle, Armand D'Argencourt, Mr. André Bourgeois, Jagged Stone, Nadja Chamack, Mr. Roger Raincomprix, Mr. Alim Kubdel, Jalil Kubdel, Xavier Ramier, Mr. Otis Césaire, Mrs. Marlena Césaire, Nora Césaire, Wayhem, Ms. Anarka Couffaine, Ondine, Mrs. Amélie Graham De Vanilly, Grand Master Su-Han, Ms. Tomoe Tsurugi, Aurore Beauréal, and Mrs. Audrey Bourgeois from Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug & Cat Noir ; and lastly, we would also absolutely love to see Peter Parker, Loki Laufeyson, America Chavez, Carol Danvers, Pepper Potts, Mary Jane Watson, Michelle ‘M.J.’ Jones, Cindy Moon, May Parker, Kamala Khan, Wade Wilson, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Thor Odinson, Emma Frost, Billy Kaplan, Tommy Shepherd, Clint Barton, Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, Wanda Maximoff, and Jean Grey from Marvel !! However, if you have any specific fandoms in mind to bring into this RPG, please send us another ask with the FULL name of the fandom !!
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wettestwraith · 3 years
how is lila more interesting than marinette at this point
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shinyasahalo · 3 years
Are Mary Sues More Acceptable As Villains?
(Credit to the YouTuber Smarty Pants for Mary Sue Criteria)
This has not come up with Zoe. 
Felix figured out too quickly that Gabriel was Shadow Moth.  If there was a previous episode where he had reason to be suspicious it wouldn’t be a problem.  And since when can you cut fabric with a button, and why wouldn’t Gabriel change his pants if there was a rip in the leg?
This is the reason for Zoe’s existence:  to be the anti-Chloe.  She even got the Bee miraculous quickly to establish her as also a replacement for Queen Bee, and Plagg even compares the two out loud.  (Master Fu gave the Cat and Ladybug miraculouses to strangers too).
The way the miracu-class reacted to Lila goes beyond them being nice like they are with Zoe:  they quickly believed her outlandish stories.  Alya should have been sceptic, and Adrien should have been suspicious when she started talking about superheroes.  Chat Noir should not have been so trustful of Volpina.  
All three have tragic backstories, but Lila’s is less clear.  Like Adrien she has a parent who’s too busy for her, but she was not forced to stay home.  In one episode she lies to her mother that the school is overrun with akuma villains.
I also think class is an issue because Adrien is lonely in a mansion, and Lila is lonely in a regular room with a small window.    
Zoe’s nice behavior probably would not be a problem is she wasn’t meant to be an anti-Chloe.
Because they are villains, Lila and Felix are not nice or perfect.  They both manipulate, Lila through lies, and Felix through impersonation.  
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miraculouscontent · 2 years
Anonymous asked:
MLB Reddit be like :
*Marinette manages to score a goal against a completely uninterested Chloe*.
Adrien/Cat Noir stans : OMG Why must Marinette be good at everything she does, it's so annoying.
*Meanwhile Adrien is a famous model, fencing champion, plays piano, speaks Chinese fluently ( something Marinette doesn't, despite being half Chinese ), can dive into a pool perfectly, can score a basketball hoop behind his back, has the best grades in the class ( better even than Max, the guy who literally built an AI ), is the second best gamer in school ( only behind Marinette ), can break dance ( shown in the latest Kuro Neko trailer ) and even knows frickin code Morse for some reason*.
Adrien/Cat Noir stans : *crickets*
( And if you try to confront them about it, they'll just say that Adrien is good at everything only cause his father forces him to be, which frankly doesn't change the fact he's still good at everything and then they'll also lie about Marinette not needing to try to be so good at everything she does, while Adrien needed years of practice to be so skilled. Like c'mon now, such lies would probably leave even Lila Rossi impressed ).
Anonymous asked:
I quit the reddit subreddit because people were pampering Adrien and singing his praises, even for all the bad things he did, defending him while salting over Marinette. I see posts and comments about her being a stalker, a Mary Sue, a terrible character, a bad person. But hey, quitting the subreddit wasn't exactly a big loss. I was only there for the updates, anyway. The fandom is filled with hypocrites, sexists, people who sexualize teenagers, unintelligent people who can't tell the meaning of a bunch of easy to understand words, and a bunch of 16 year olds who think boys with terrible personalities in leather catsuit are cool and hot. So yeah, I think I'll stick to your blog. Feels like you, me, and all the anons viewing here are in a whole different dimension to be honest.
Thank you! Couldn’t agree more, and I also appreciate the casual reminder to stay off of Reddit. The double standards, omg--
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ellienettie · 3 years
Maotif and Scarlet luck pt.2
Marinette: Listen, bug boy, all I'm saying is-
Adrien: all your saying is you'd rather intensify the already intense paranoia of an old man who dresses up as a bat.
Marinette: *pouting* well when you put it that way instead of 'playing a prank on batman' it's less fun.
Jason: *smirking* It sounds fun to me.
Adrien: You're sick.
Marinette: But he says it's fun so it should be!
Adrien: Cat, he's not the best person to judge whether something is fun or not.
Marinette: For you. Killjoy. We have the same definition of fun, so of course I'll have him as a judge!
Adrien: Mari, gotta go. Akuma.
Marinette: which one?
Adrien: Pigeon
Marinette: Ha! sucks to be you.
Tim: What's wrong with Mr.Pigeon?
Adrien: *shivering* we don't talk about Mr. Pigeon.
Marinette: Adribug here hates him cause of all the feathers.
Tim: Be safe!
Marinette: No guarantee!
Tim: Don't go and sacrifice yourself again.
Marinette: Again, no guarantee!
Tim: I'm serious, I care about you.
Marinette: I care about you too, pretty bird.
Adrien: faster lovebugs! The less time I deal with that stupid pigeon the better
Tim and Marinette simultaneously: *dramatic gasp* How dare you insult Recardo/Julyo like that!
Adrien: *groans*
Adrien: You know, with how careless you are as a hero I'm seriously amazed at how much work you can do. You could be a better bug than me.
Marinette: *downing her 5th cup of coffee* remember that time when we switched miraculous? I AM a better bug.
Adrien: *inching the 6th cup of coffee away* Yeah but you need less responsibility in life
Marinette: That's what maotif is for.
Adrien: Why can't you just tell Bustier that you're tired of doing her job?
Marinette: *grinning while snatching the 6th cup* at this point, it's a matter of pride.
Tim: *other side of her, downing a cup of coffee* And spite. I'm helping her compile evidence as to why she's a horrible teacher.
Marinette: *humming as she finishes part of her work* I'm going to sue her ass so hard.
(In this au Marinette still makes all of the plans. Basically it's now they both really need each other. Adrien has the lucky charm and the cure while Marinette makes the plan) (This is how they met Lila btw)
Lila: *talking to Adrien* I'm friends with both of the heroes!! They're so cool, Maotif even told me that she's in love with Scarlet luck! It's just such a shame that Scarlet and I are dating...
Adrien: *tired* Maotif likes birds, not bugs. Not to mention, Scarlet luck is too focused on beating the akumas to pay attention to love.
Lila: That's not true! Maotif and Scarlet told me themselves!
Marinette: Scarlet luck and Maotif stops by my house a lot, hell they even let Alya interview them when I asked. I don't think they mentioned you?
Lila: *spluttering* I'm so sorry! This was a mistake! *runs away to avoid them*
Adrien: That was weird
Marinette: Yeah...
(I don't plan on having Lila lie here a lot, a tiny bit of bluffs here and there but over all she's quiet because Marinette and Adrien are in her class)
Adrien: *stepping in through the portal to the batcave* You will not believe the day I had
Marinette: *sits on Tim's lap* Suck it up whiny bug
Adrien: Suck it up?! You don't have to go through being Chloe's target!
Marinette: Uh, yeah I did. So suck. it. up.
Tim: Chloe?
Marinette: Bourgeois
Tim: *Scrunching his nose* I don't really like her
Adrien: Nobody does
Marinette: That's not even a lie!
Adrien: Oh! Before we forget, can you make a file about a girl named Lila Rossi? She's kinda suspicious
Marinette: *leans close to Tim's neck* She was talking about knowing us in front of us
Tim: Superhero to civilians or?
Adrien: Superhero to civilians plus civilians to civilians for Mari
Marinette: Such is the pain of being an anonymous celebrity!
Tim: *boops her nose* I don't think she's that suspicious. As long as she isn't doing any real harm, or manipulating someone.
Marinette: *rolls her eyes* that's what I keep telling him, but he's so insistent.
Adrien: She just has the whole...vibes
Marinette: *murmuring so only Tim can hear* I swear I'm the one who looks like a wayne but if anything he's the one who acts like one
Tim: *whispering so only she can hear* think Damian will fight him when Bruce adopts him?
Marinette: *giggles* definitely
Adrien: Don't ignore me!
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thatasianstereotype · 4 years
Fuck. I’m Gay.
I’ve been reading a lot of ml salt fics lately (mainly @unmaskedagain which is a literal goldmine of saltiness). And getting into the Damienette ship. Marinette really does deserves better (Fuck Canon) but so does Adrien. He is not a “sidekick”. Chat Noir and Ladybug are partners = equals. So I decided why not write a fic where Adrien gets his own happy ending in the form of a grumpy assassin-turned-vigilante that loves animals more than people. 
Somewhat of a crack writing where creative liberties were definitely taken. 
Lila Rossi is a bitch and everyone knew it. Well, by everyone, Adrien means himself, his good-amazing-make-pastries-for-him friend Marinette, his maybe-not-really-sure friend Chloe and his-not-that-close-really-classmate Nathaniel. 
Yeah. It was a small number. 
But Lila is still a bitch. 
Anyway, Lila’s lies and manipulations have disturbed the status quo and not in a good way. She ended up making the majority of the class fawn over her like she was a perfect goddess and not a pompous-temperamental-hormonal teenager. Teenagers were prone to be gullible; he can understand his classmates being inclined to believe her. But this was utterly ridiculous (man, Chloe is rubbing off on him). No. You know what’s even more ridiculous? Ms. Bustier letting Lila get away with it. She doesn’t even stop the class mistreating Marinette who claimed she was a bully just because of you know who - Fucking Lila Rossi. The audacity of that bitch and her bitchy followers, am I right? 
Growing up he watched the tv shows and the animes. High schools always had their drama but he thought that was to get some plot going on. He didn’t think it was an actual thing that happens in real life. But he was proven wrong. Françoise Dupont High School had their drama and it was way worse than what he watched on screen. 
The worst part was that he couldn’t get away from Lila. Or he’ll be pulled from school (Fuck you Dad). He had to sit next to that bitch and listen to her drone on and on about things they both knew she didn’t do, about things she promised to do for her ever gullible followers friends. And couldn’t say anything against it if he wanted to stay in school. But even his discreet questioning didn’t do that much. It got some of the class to think something’s possibly fishy with her stories but not enough to think Lila was evil. So he just gave up. Because what was even the point? 
He was distancing himself from Alya and Nino. He couldn’t really be friends with people who thought Lila held the sun and moon. They didn’t hang out as much as they used to and he made excuses when they did invite him to stuff. Lately, he was making outrageous excuses - like he had to take his cat to the vet even though he didn’t have a cat - to see if they caught on. They didn’t. It was fun but he didn’t know whether to feel happy or sad about that. But feeling sad-depressed-pain over it was a bitch so he decided to take his victories as they come. 
Chloe had left the school earlier on. Her mom wanted to spend one-on-one time with her daughter (Yeah, Audrey is better at being a mother here). She was completely out of this drama mess. And Nathaniel kept his head down to not paint a target on himself. 
His only consolation and ally in this whole mess was Marinette. His darling angel. His sunshine incarnate. His own goddess (not like that bitch Lila let’s get one thing straight). 
When he was feeling overwhelmed (which was a lot), he spent it at her house. They spent it discussing fashion, trash talking Liar-la and the sheep class, playing video games, and making/eating the best baked goods in all of Paris. If he wasn’t at his photo shoots or at school, he was at her house. And with how often they spent time with each other, it wasn’t long before they accidentally revealed their alter egos to each other. 
(The class’ Everyday Ladybug was actually Ladybug. How amazing is that! Isn’t Marinette the absolute coolest?!) 
Since they outed themselves to each other, they had to give up their miraculous. And new heroes had to be chosen. As the guardian, Marinette decided to give the Ladybug miraculous to herself and the Cat one to Adrien. And make them the superheros of Paris. 
(Just when he thought that Marinette couldn’t get any cooler) 
They both collectively decided that being friends were for the best and put away their obsession crush over the other far far away. Now they were best friends-almost siblings. Oh who was he kidding? He was an honorary Dupain-Cheng. Marinette and her parents said so. And who was he to deny the goddess? 
All was well. 
Until he met this gorgeous boy with raven black hair and piercing green eyes that made him question everything in life. 
Like fuck. His life wasn’t hard enough already? 
It was a slow patrol. Just stopped a few petty crimes. No akuma tonight. He wasn’t really expecting much to happen.
Mari said patrolling regularly gives citizens a sense of security and it helps if one of them were on scene if an akuma does appear. 
He didn’t mind. He loved running on the rooftops and feeling the wind in his face. After some time, he stopped and stood on top of one of the tallest buildings. Just soaking the view. The peace and serenity of it all. Seeing the glowing lights of his beloved city. Seeing the Eiffel Tower standing tall and proud. 
(Forget school. Forget Liar-la and her hoard of bitches) 
This was his city. This was why he fights Hawk Moth with Ladybug. They had something precious to protect. 
He was done patrolling the regular routes and all his schoolwork was already finished. He could go to sleep but he didn’t feel that tired. And he really didn’t want to go back home. Mari shared her theory on his dad being Hawk Moth. She had really good reasons and a plethora of proof. If they could switch miraculous, why couldn’t he and Mayura - most likely Nathalie? Which would explain how Gabriel got akumatized.
After all her support with dealing with Lila, he was way more inclined to believe her even without the evidence. But those things just made him more wary of his dad. And he wasn’t too stoked on spending more time than what he can get away with with the guy. Because his dad being Hawk Moth explains why he wants Lila (his strongest supporter - Chameleon and Oni-chan, anyone?) close and makes Adrien play nice with her. And anyone who enables Lila’s bitchiness is on his enemy list. 
Anyway, he was out here to enjoy the good mood not think about evil bitches and evil dads. So he sat himself down and enjoyed the sights. It was more calming than you would think. 
He heard cars blaring and even a dog barking. The slight breeze felt nice. The moon was pretty bright tonight. The stars too. There was a lone couple walking through the park. There was also another teen in black running on rooftops a few buildings away. 
He blinked and looked again. Huh, there was another teen in black running on rooftops. And it was not a hallucination. 
What the actual fuck?
He was instantly on his feet, baton already in hand as he raced across the roof to reach said stranger. 
But because he was the lucky owner of the unlucky miraculous, the moment he said that, the guy was about to jump off a building to presumably roll onto the next one like Chat was watching him do beforehand. But his call made him lose focus and Chat watched horrified as the guy slipped and started falling into the alley. 
Oh fuck! Mari was going to fucking kill this dumbass kitty!
He hoped to everything that Mari thinks is holy that he makes it in time. Extending his baton, he used it as a huge Pogo stick to basically catapult himself towards the stranger and wrapped his arms around him as he braced himself for the full weight of hitting the gravel at this height and speed. But he wasn’t that that concerned. His suit protected him from the majority of the injuries that would’ve occurred if he wasn’t wearing it. It hurt but it isn’t as bad as it could’ve been. Remember earlier? He takes his victories as they come. 
This was not the smartest of ideas, he’ll admit. Mari had the brains to be honest. But it wasn’t bad if he say so. And he does say so. 
He rolled over and immediately looked over the stranger that was remarkably unharmed in this whole mess. 
And oh.
The stranger was taller than he was with a lithe and lean frame. He had raven black hair that complimented his tanned skin and gorgeous green eyes that pierced through him, making his heart do funny things. 
He was not expecting him to look as hot as he did. He wore a simply black t-shirt and jeans but he looked like a fucking Adonis, what the fuck.  Even the moon shone down on him, highlighting his handsome features even more.  
He shook himself of those thoughts and focused on what was more important. “I’m so sorry. Are you alright?” 
He was rudely pushed away, but he didn’t take offense. He did cause the guy to fall after all. 
“Do not touch me.” (What kind of accent is that?) “I’m fine. You are truly a moronic imbecile of the highest accord to yell like that. And what are you even supposed to be? Some kind of knock-off Catwoman?” 
At that, Chat looked at Hot-And-Sexy weird. “Are you new here? I’m the superhero Chat Noir. I protect Paris with Ladybug.”
“You’re joking.”
“I know I come off as the goofy hero because I make purr-fect puns all the time but I’m not joking about this.” 
He took out his phone to show the foreign (since he’s obviously not a Parisian) stranger the akuma attacks and Ladybug and Chat Noir being a dynamic duo, saving Paris and beating Hawk Moth. Ok, he showed the stranger a lot of stuff. Sue him. He gets to brag about his Princess. And himself too.
“I never heard about this before.” Hot-And-Sexy (he has got to come up with a better name) said afterward. “3 years this has been going on? Why didn’t you ask for help from the Justice League or other superheros?” 
Chat shrugged. “We tried. But they said we’re obviously pulling a prank and making this all up. So we stopped asking for help.”
For some reason this made Hot-And-Sexy angry. “They ignored your plea for help and left you to fight for yourselves?”
“Pretty much, yea.” 
“You and Ladybug are children.” 
“Excuse me? Are you doubting our ability to protect our city?" He was not apologetic at the sharp edge his voice took. Forget looking hot. How dare he? The audacity really. 
Hot-And-Sexy shook his head. “I’m not. I know some child superheroes who are adequate at their jobs and a few who are remarkable like Robin in Gotham. But the majority of them had adult mentors to guide them. From what you’ve shown me, you and Ladybug had no one. You were left alone to fend for yourself with essentially no help.” 
He never thought of it that way. But hearing it like that made him think: Fuck Adults Who Chose Children to Fight Their War For Them and Fuck Hawk Moth For Putting Them In This Position In The First Place. 
You know what. Just to clear all his bases - Fuck Everyone But The Dupain-Chengs. 
Chat couldn’t help but shrug, not quite knowing what to say to that. “Life is a bitch, I’ve come to find out. But enough of that. Why were you running on rooftops anyway?”
“It calms me down.”
“Is...Is your tail moving?” 
“Huh?” He looked behind him to see his tail was indeed moving lazily. “Yeah. I’m called Chat Noir for a reason.”
“May I touch them?” Chat was used to people (usually kids) pulling on his tail to see if it was real (It was). And it really hurts because they usually rough. Not that he blames them. Kids don’t know any better. Still, he usually says no when people ask. 
But Hot-And-Sexy had such a sincere expression that he said yes. To his surprise and delight, Hot-And-Sexy was extremely gentle (Can this guy be anymore perfect?) and it felt nice to be petted like that. Curse his touch-starvation (again Fuck you Dad).
Hot-And-Sexy was apparently fascinated by his ears and tail. 
“Are you a meta?” He noticed how Hot-And-Sexy’s voice turned softer and fonder (or was he imagining that?).
“Nah. I’m fully human. I just got powers to transform into this.” He looked down at his phone seeing that the time was nearing 2 am.
“Have you suffered any injuries from your stupid stunt?” 
“Hmm?” Chat looked back at him before gesturing to his body. “Don’t worry. I may not look like it but I can take it.”
He can practically feel Hot-And-Sexy rolling his eyes. “What an utter dolt.” 
But there wasn’t any heat behind it so he didn’t take it to heart. 
“Thanks, babe.” 
“That was an insult.”
“And I’m taking it like a compliment.”
Chat stood up and stretched his limbs. Hot-And-Sexy doing the same but dusting off his clothes instead.
“So, uh, need any help getting home?”
“I am perfectly capable of finding my own way, thanks.” 
“Ok. Have a nice night.” He was about to leave when he was caught off guard by Hot-And-Sexy staring at him for a good few seconds, making his limbs freeze in place at the heavy attention.
Before he said. “You should try contacting the Batfamily in Gotham about Hawk Moth. They’re used to dealing with weird things. I’m sure they won’t turn you or Ladybug away.” 
Chat was a bit distracted by how intensely those green eyes focused on him, making his heart beat faster and his cheeks turn a vibrant red. 
He was so screwed. 
He used his baton to shoot himself up so he can run on rooftops, hurrying to the Dupain-Cheng bakery. 
“Mari! I think I’m gay!”
“It’s 2 in the morning, Chaton. Go to sleep and we’ll talk about it in the morning.” 
After a good night’s rest (and thank everything that was right in the world that today was a weekend), Adrien told Mari all about Hot-And-Sexy. And yes, he did call the stranger that out loud. His everything-that-actually-matters sister simply took it in stride after giggling a bit. They spent the majority of the day discussing emotions and everything that came with that bundle. 
Before he finally came to a conclusion. 
He is definitely gay (He liked girls but not like like them). And most definitely had a crush on Hot-And-Sexy with the pretty green eyes. 
Good news: He is no longer having a sexuality crisis. 
Bad news: He is going through an emotional crisis. 
Like dealing with these feelings that is making his stomach flip flop over and over again? The only one he ever had to deal with was the one he had on Ladybug and that (he talked with Mari about it months before. She was amazing with these emotional matters) was more of a hero-worship crush than anything really romantic. 
And his crush on Hot-And-Sexy was so much more. 
So it’s been about 2 weeks since he encountered Hot-And-Sexy. And he still haven’t figured out what else to call him. But the nickname was growing on him. 
(He also told Mari about asking the Batfam for help but she was a bit apprehensive after the disastrous attempts of convincing the Justice League. He shrugged, trusting her opinion and left it at that) 
Anyway, Lila was being her usual bitchy self. Father was being non-existent like always. Mari was his only source of sanity at school. And Hawk Moth was being a bitch. 
Because of course, the day before they have a huge test, he decides to akumatize someone (in this case, a businessman who was really unhappy with getting fired) and cut in on study time. And this akuma took a while to defeat. Guess he drew a lot of strength from his burning hatred of the failings of the corporate world. 
And just yesterday, a teenager who was upset at being grounded got akumatized and terrorized the city for 3 hours before Ladybug could purify her. It did however confirmed her fears. Hawk Moth was getting stronger. It took longer to defeat his monsters. They needed to find him and ended this fast. 
Adrien landed on Mari’s balcony and slipped in her room, crashing on her big comfy bed, de-transforming on the spot. Plagg sleepily floating and laying next to him on the pillow. He was so tired. And photo shoots and school drama were not helping things.
For the record, he was not at all expecting to see Hot-And-Sexy in a bookstore of all places. 
He was so engrossed in looking through the latest Boku no Hero Academia manga (can’t wait until Season 5 comes out) that when someone touched his shoulder, he was not proud to admit he squeaked a bit.
He turned around and his eyes widened his surprise. 
It was indeed the Adonis Adrien had a huge crush on. Today he was wearing a white t-shirt paired with a blue denim jacket and black ripped jeans. Wow. He really can make anything look hot.
No. Bad Adrien. Don’t let him know you actually have a crush on him.
And oh fuck. Hot-And-Sexy was staring at the blonde and Adrien tried not to let himself get flustered. He has a very intense stare. For all he knew, Hot-And-Sexy stares at everyone like that.
Calm the fuck down, heart. You too brain.
He raised a handsome eyebrow in amusement. “Excuse me?”
Adrien felt himself burn with embarrassment, his face turning bright scarlet. No wonder he was fit for the unlucky miraculous or was this just a side-effect? Note to self, ask Mari about this later. 
“I’m so sorry. I didn’t get your name last time. And I just started calling you that in my head. Cause you’re really hot and you have pretty eyes.”
Fuck mouth! Why won’t you stop talking! Please for the love of everything that makes Mari a BAMF stop. Stop digging further into the hole of embarrassment! Abort mission! Abort!
“When did we meet?”
At that, he blink a few times. Oh fuck. He was not Superhero Chat Noir. He was Civilian Adrien Agreste. Mari was definitely murdering his dumbass tonight. Lightning please strike him down right now. Where was an unlucky lightning strike when you need it?
After a few seconds of his horrified silence, Hot-And-Sexy chuckled (he had such a nice laugh). “You are extremely lucky I already figured out your alter ego beforehand, Chaton.”
Before Adrien could even unwrap that statement, he held out a hand and had a dangerously sexy smirk on his face. “My name is Damian Wayne. Would you care to get a cup of coffee with me?”
And Adrien nodded his head, not trusting himself to speak. He can deal with the superhero thing later when he can think straight (hah!) and is not distracted by Damian’s beautiful smile and alluring green eyes and perfect everything.
Guess what?
Ya Boi got game.
(At least, he likes to think he does)
After a successful coffee date (was it a date? Please let it be a date), they exchanged numbers (cue internal squealing) and met up a few times afterward to hang out.
Apparently, Dami was here on business to deal with something for Wayne Enterprises.
“Aren’t you 17?”
“Father believes in preparing us when we’re young.”
Dami was amazingly sweet. Arrogant and pretentious with a stick up his ass but sweet. He treats stray animals with such reverence that Adrien’s heart melt every time he sees it.
It was an added bonus when Damian scorned Lila with cruel words and disgusted looks when she tried to cut in Adrien and Dami’s date(?)/meetup(?)/spending-time-together event.
She cried and whined afterwards and Adrien has to endure his father’s lecture. But it was totally worth it.
Oh yeah. Mari was not pleased that he accidentally outed himself to a civilian. But nothing that a couple of sad kitty eyes can’t fix.
“You are so lucky you’re cute, kitty-cat.” Mari grumbled but she was smiling. “I just need to have a good talk with him on the importance of secrecy.”
That day Damian Wayne learned to fear a certain Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
It was 2 weeks later when Adrien woke up to a package next to his futon in Mari’s room. When he opened it, he saw the Butterfly and Peacock miraculous inside.
There was a card beneath it. And in beautiful cursive script read: 
I dearly hope you enjoy my courting gift, mon amour. Allow me the honor to formally ask you out on a date. I look forward to hearing favorably from you soon.
- Damian Wayne
He couldn’t believe it.
“Mari! Damian likes me back!”
“Chaton, I swear. It is 2 in the morning.”
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itsmeevie01 · 3 years
Before A Moment in Time
ok! this is a LOT of information, but i wanted to make it easier to understand whats going on in my head when i write over the next bit!
this is Before A Moment in Time. Enjoy!
Three years before A Moment in Time. One year after Hawkmoth appeared.
Marinette Dupain Cheng is sitting at her desk. Second row back left side. Making her way up the stairs is her friend Alya Césaire. The two girls have been practically inseparable for the last year.
Fuming one row down on the other side of the aisle is Chloé Bourgeoise. Her eyes are glued to where Marinette is smiling at Alya. Nino Lahiffe is sitting in front of Marinette. His headphones are on, and his hand is moving over a sheet of paper that has a music staff on it.
Adrien Agreste can be seen bounding up the stairs, his eyes alight with the joy of going to school, even a year after he started. Behind Marinette and Alya are Rose and Juleka. Across from them are Ivan and Nathaniel. Behind the boys are Alix and Kim, who are across from Mylene and Sabrina.
Max is sitting behind the two girls by himself. In the empty seat next to him, the tech genius has a computer running through a code that he is trying to double-check.
As their classmates greet each other during the first day of school, Madam Bustier can be seen enter into the room, one Lila Rossi walking behind her curiously.
As Bustier called the class to attention, Marinette shared one more smile with Alya before spinning around. When she was facing the front, the teen blinked.
Standing there was a girl who looked vaguely familiar. It took the teen a moment before she realized that this was Lila Rossi. This was the girl who had been sued by both Jagged Stone and Clara Nightingale. This was a gold digger that they had warned her about.
Chloé must have made the same connection because Marinette’s phone started to blow up.
 Mariii + Chlo
Chlo- M this chit cannot sit with me
Chlo- Dad sued her over the summer
Mariii- Chlo
Mariii- hey chill
Mariii- I got this. If you can sit with Alya.
Chlo- anything
Mariii- on it, queenie
 Marinette looked up as the bell rang. Alya gave her a concerned look. With a smile, the younger girl bumped her friend’s shoulder. “Hey, Als, since I’m class president, I think it would be best if I welcome the new girl. Could you go sit with Chloé today? I promise that we can go back to normal once we get her settled.” Alya flashed her friend a smile before giving the girl a side hug.
“of course, Mari! You have such a big heart!” the girls traded smiles before Alya packed her stuff up and moved to sit with the haughty blonde. The noirette saw her teacher give her an approving smile for diffusing the situation so easily, without conflict.
Inwardly, Marinette scoffed. Outwardly, the girl gave her teacher a glowing smile in return.
 Marinette truly tried to be nice to Lila. Really, she did. Early on, the girl had learned that being nice was a better route when interacting with people who she didn’t know. Even if it was just a small smile, the noirette had always found success from kindness.
Lila was a sweet girl who had batted her eyes at her and given Marinette a small smile. The two had spent the first period of school passing notes and getting to know each other.
In all honesty, Marinette had no idea why the Italian girl next to her was branded a manipulative liar in her world. Then, during the break, Marinette saw what was going on.
When the rest of the class gathered to introduce themselves, Lila panicked. Then, Lila shifted her posture just slightly. She smiled a blinding smile that stood out to Marinette as obviously fake. She started interacting with the class, sickly sweet and subtly guiding them to beliefs.
Shaking her head, Marinette turned away. She had time during her break to call a certain someone. She needed more answers.
 “Clara! Hey… do you have a moment?” through the phone, Clara Nightingale, giggled.
“Of course, Marinette! What is going on with my favorite little cousin? Is everything ok?” the young teen hesitated, before shaking her head.
“I need you to tell me more about Lila Rossi” the dark look that crossed the singer’s face confirmed many of Marinette’s worries.
 When she sat down next to Chloé in the hotel restaurant for lunch, a look of pure disgust was dancing on her face. “this girl has filled a level of malice that I have never heard of. Chloé, she has manipulated every person of interest under the sun who doesn’t have the common sense to not listen to her bull shit. Chlo…this girl is vile. Clara told me what they had to do to sue her. One of the requirements of Lila not going to prison for a long time was getting a psych eval. Chloé…this girl is only fifteen! This is insane...” Chloé raised an eyebrow, surprised.
“Today it looked like you two were good friends. Or on the way there at least.” The noirette shook her head in disgust.
“she has some good traits, but as soon as she gets in front of the crowd…she abandons everything for power. I can't trust her, but it seems that she is under multiple restraining orders. I get the feeling that as long as we stay out of her webs, we should be fine. Jagged texted though. He said that Lila can be vicious if she is provoked.” Here, Marinette looked Chloé dead in the eye. “do not cause trouble. I don’t want you to have to go toe to toe with her, Chloé.”
 Six months later.
 Marinette is settled at her desk, the swivel chair reclined as she looked at the Blonde who was in her room, grinning.
“did she really ask you out?” Chloé’s excitement paired with her nosiness was making Marinette steadily turn Lady Tyche red. Turning back to her desk, Marinette tried to hide her flaming face.
“she asked me if I wanted to go out…like a date…before my birthday.” The noirette tugged slightly on her hair. Her anxiety that had been manifesting more and more at school was not helping her now. “I told Aurore yes. We haven’t set a date yet, but it’ll be soon.” Chloé raised an eyebrow.
“are you two going on your first date on Valentine’s day? Because Mari…I refuse to be best friends with someone so cliché.” The girl flamed a darker red if that was possible.
“I really like her Chlo. But…no. she asked about the 14th. I told her that I was going to spend time with my parents that day. Plus,” here, Marinette turned back to her friend with a Cheshire cat grin. “We,” She gestured between her best friend and herself, “have a standing date. we have for the last three years. Why would I break a pact we made when we were ten, over a girl I haven’t gone on one date with yet?” Chloé’s face broke into a matching grin.
“oh, hell yea. Then, I guess I could help you get ready for that first date of yours…” the friends broke down into giggles and started debating the merits of each of the outfits the young designer had in mind.
 That night on patrol, Lady Tyche alighted on the roof of one of the local lycées.
Her blonde hair whipped in the wind that had been howling all afternoon. Across the streets, the spotted hero was able to see a pair of blue luminous eyes. Using her yoyo to pull herself over the street, the girl smiled at the younger miraculous wielder.
When her red boots hit the roof, Apate handed the girl an unmarked bag. Inside was a pastry and a hot chocolate. Both girls knew they were in for a long night.
 Apate stood noiselessly and moved to the edge of the roof. As she stood there, profiled against the ridgeline, Lady Tyche smiled to herself. Her partner could be as vicious as she wanted when they were fighting Akumas, but the girl who stood in front of her was very kind.
The Cat vigilante, as she insisted she was no hero, had a pair of ears on her head.
They were flicking to and fro while she listened to the night below. Her hands were resting on her hips, one hand toying with the baton that was usually kept in a holster on her leg. The girl’s other hand was fiddling with a ring she had slid off her finger. The skintight black pants blended into the night. The black top she was wearing also seemed to disappear when Lady Tyche wasn’t looking for her partner.
Even now, with Apate being backlit by the city lights around them, the Tyche was the more visible of the two.
“She’s coming.” Apate’s voice broke her partner out of her thoughts. “Let’s hope tonight goes the way we want it to. Otherwise, we could be royally screwed.” The Hero nodded in agreement.
 “I trust Alya. She has been a good fit for Trixx so far.” Apate hmmed in response.
“I fear that our…favorite Italian…may be too close to her. I don’t our fox’s head full of lies and manipulations if I can help it at all.” Lady Tyche winced. She had heard all about Lila’s renewed attack on the allegiances of the class that her crush was in. the past few weeks had not been pretty.
  “No! That’s…you told Lila that I was going to be your first partner! Why did you lie to both me and your best friend! Everyone knows that Lady Tyche can’t do this alone anymore! She NEEDS Miss Vixen!” Lady Tyche closed her eyes and Alya’s rant ended with a yell. The anger simmering on the reporter’s face was worrying the hero.
“Alya. I have not told anyone about you. A few people have seen you training and on patrols. You ran the ‘exclusive’,” the disdain in Lady Tyche’s voice had Alya wincing. “but no one has confirmed anything. There is a good reason. The hope,” here, the Blonde teen’s voice turned cutting, “was that you could work in the shadows. There is only one visible member of this team, but I have never been alone. Tonight, and this attitude. Well, Alya, it has proven that you are not ready to be a holder of the miracle stones.”
The ladybug holder looked over to the roof next to where she and the trainee had been standing. There, in the shadows, were a pair of blue eyes. “go ahead, Apate. Wipe her memory of all of this.”
Seven months after Alya’s Miraculous is taken away. Two years after Hawkmoth started. Two years before A Moment in Time.
Aurore smiled at the girl holding her hand.
The two were walking home from their first day of Lycée. Aurore’s blonde hair fell around her shoulders as she turned to look at Marinette.
The 14-year-old, a certified genius, was glowing at the excitement that their first day of school had brought. Although she no longer was friends with Alya, there were no real hard feelings. The rift between the former classmates had made it easier to integrate Marinette and Aurore’s social circles. Claude, Allen, Chloé, Aurore, Mireille, Nino, Kim, Kagami, Felix.
Their group was full of laughter and life. They spent most of their weekends together, even over the summer. To everyone else, the group was the picture-perfect group of teens. Inseparable for life. Aurore had loved it for so long, had loved watching her girlfriend grow. Tonight, however, she had a feeling that the last half-year was going to be left in the past.
She and Marinette needed to have a talk.
 Chloé held her best friend as the girl cried.
The two had been sitting on the floor of the heiress’s hotel suit for the last hour and a half. When the small girl had shown up, wearing an old pair of Chloé’s sweats that had disappeared years ago, sniffling into the sleeves of the hoodie she was swamped in, the older girl’s big sister senses had gone off.
Now, as her friend started to calm down, Chloé shoved a pile of clothes at her friend.
“put these on, we are leaving.” Marinette glanced at her friend in confusion, before taking the clothes and slowly changing into the skinny jeans and loose grey top. A moment later, a green corduroy jacket was being flung at her by the blonde 16-year-old who had changed as well.
Quickly catching the jacket and sliding on the matching converse that Chloé had given her, Marinette stood to join her friend. Chloé picked up her purse and looked over the two.
While she had given her best friend a simple outfit that be comfortable for the train ride that her friend didn’t know was coming, Chloé had taken a minute longer before deciding to match her friend. Her jeans were light wash as opposed to dark, and she wore a fitted white t-shirt with a cartoon spider hiding in a red chrysanthemum. The red corduroy jacket was the same color as both the embroidery and her own red converse.
“Let's go, Minette. We are going to the country house. You can truly cry there. Horses await.”
 After Marinette and Aurore broke it off, the friends drifted apart. Kagami, Felix, Nino, and Kim refused to let the others blame the split on Marinette. Mireille, Claude, and Allen claimed that Marinette was more likely to be the cause. They couldn’t imagine Aurore doing anything to hurt the teen.
Chloé, Aurore, and Marinette kept their mouths shut over the whole debacle.
Chloé hadn’t heard the whole story, but she knew that Aurore had hurt her friend, and it had led to a discussion that led to the girls both walking away in tears.
It would only be years later that the girls would reveal that they had broken up because of the confusion around their secret identities.
 A week after the fateful breakup, Adrien Agreste pulled Marinette off to the side after class.
“Adrien are you ok?” the girl asked, confused. while usually, the two didn’t interact, Marinette had noticed that all day Adrien had been pale and shaking.
“I need help Marinette. Usually, I would go to Chloé, but last time she almost got Akumatized and I just…I need help. Please.”
“what’s up?” he glanced over his shoulder, to where a group of their classmates stood gathered around Lila.
“Not here, she can't know.” Marinette blinked in shock before grabbing the model lightly on the arm. After glancing at him with a raised eyebrow, silently asking if it was ok to hold onto his arm, she took off through the halls.
 By the time the two had made it to the home of one Gina Dupain just outside of what Marinette knew to be Hawkmoths reach, the blonde was bewildered. “you know the city so well. How?” she giggled slightly at the older boy before leading him to the kitchen and dropping her bag on one of the breakfast seats.
“I get stir crazy and spend a lot of my time exploring the city. Alix and I go and do Graffiti on the weekends sometimes. That means I’m pretty good at evading sight when I don’t want to be seen.” While her statements were technically true, Marinette had also left out a great deal of information in her response.
She had spent most of her time exploring the city as Apate. She grew up on the streets and would forever feel comfortable slipping into the shadows. She did go out with Alix to do graffiti, but the two also spent a good amount of time jumping into burrows to fix world-ending events.
“now, Adrien, what is going on? If it's bad enough that you don’t want Chloé upset, I expect it to be worth the trip out of the Akuma line.” Adrien nodded nervously, before going into an explanation of what had been happening in the Agreste family home.
 Three years into Hawkmoth’s reign. Marinette’s 2nd year at Lycée
 Adrien spent as much time as possible with Chloe and Marinette.
He had shown up more than once during their girls’ nights. Now, he was expected to be there.
When they had left for the weekend, Adrien had disappeared from the Agreste Manor. When had reappeared in time to get in the car that Monday, he learned that the only person who had noticed he was gone was his bodyguard. The man had called him, before joining the teens on the outing.
While the friends were getting Adrien out from his father’s thumb, Marinette was launching her brand.
She had a discussion during the branding process because the symbol that she had chosen, a chrysanthemum, was incredibly complex. Her grandmother thought it was too much. Marinette had told the older woman that she was going to use the flower because that was the one with meaning to her. She spent three weeks fending off the woman, who sent her a different flower every day, until the girl told the woman that she wasn’t going to change her mind.
Her Grandmother, her Nona, had laughed and told her that she was very stubborn, but that this time it had worked in her favor. The teen had come home that evening to a leather Jacket lying on her bed, with her named arching over the back where a chrysanthemum was embroidered in full bloom.
At the same time that Marinette was officially launching her brand and Adrien was embracing his teen rebellion, Chloé was becoming an influencer on social media. On any day that she wasn’t spending time with her friends, the blonde was working to cultivate her social media image. At 17, she started to model on the side. When she was gone, her friends would get calls during every free moment she had.
Fourth-year of Hawkmoth's Reign. 
The three were friends with the other outcasts from their college class.
Kim and Nino were often seen with Marinette when she was out on a shopping spree or seeking inspiration. 
Alix and Marinette were close, and after she became guardian at 14, Marinette had given the Pinkett and crash course on the miraculous, since she had inherited one. The two would always be fond of jumping through time and space to face world-ending events.
Kagami had insisted that Adrien and his cousin Felix make up, and now the three were a force to be reckoned with. As they entered their last year of Lycée, the friends felt like they were on top of the world.
 There had been a project due that morning that Marinette had forgotten about until the night before.
She had been up all night and had gone through three different super coffees. She had been running late when she burst out the door of the apartment.
There was a mug of coffee that was clutched in her hands, and she wasn’t looking where she was going. The guy that she collided with looked how she felt.
While he was in a suit, they were both clutching coffee mugs that they had moved out of the way on instinct before throwing apologies over their shoulder and going on with their days.
Neither thought anything of it. They had other things to worry about.
Tim Drake and Marinette Dupain Cheng had no idea that their lives had changed permanently with that one interaction that had lasted less than a minute.
AND...3000+ words later, here we are! let me know if yall have any questions.
I wanted to get this out sooner rather than later so that I can start to build with other characters now. I had a lot of fun writing the backstory, and I have thrown Cannon out the window...obviously lol.
tag list!
@moonlitceleste @redscarlet95 @ultimatetornshipper @mochegato @liquid-luck-00 @maskedpainter @trippingovermyfeet @nathleigh  @susiej1118 @t1dwarrior-of-earth @sassakitty @remy-289 @laurcad123  @iamabrownfox @m0chick0furan
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timetravelersdoctor · 4 years
Adrien tries protecting Lila high road yadda yadda until she gets exposed Mari moves to new class tries to guilt trip to help and she exposes him in front of the courtyard and everyone turns on him calling him out (and not in a nice way either) I'm just craving some Adrien salt
thank you for the request @caney768 hope you enjoy!
should have spoken up
adrien had always thought he knew what was best when it came the the lila situation. he hated that marinette didn’t take his advice to let Lila's lies go. when he saw marinette having trouble with the class he stood by and let it happen. after all what ever happens to her is her own fault, if she had listen to him marinette wouldn’t be facing the consequences.
He figured there was no harm in letting lila lie because she wanted to make sure her friends wouldn’t leave her. it’s not like her lies were hurting anyone anyway. adrien wanted to make sure that lila was happy because if she wasn’t then she would be akumatized and he did not want to deal with her.
The day lila was exposed was the day marinette was moved from the class. it was also the day adrien became an outcast in the entire school. it started off as a normal day with lila lying about something unimportant at least it was unimportant in his eyes. it was the morning before class started so marinette was visiting her old class one last time when lila said “oh yeah i went to the bakery marinette’s parents run and i saw the baked goods that had hit the floor still being sold. i don’t think anyone should go there anymore.”
That set marinette off and she called a few people. suddenly everyone was getting notifications on their phones. apparently many people were following the celebrities that lila had lied about. the many celebrities had sated that they knew no one by the name lila rossi and that if said person continued to lie about them they would sue. the class had gotten angry at lila and though out the day people were giving her awful looks.
during lunch luckily he had been given permission by his father to stay for lunch he went to see marinette in the courtyard. he got to marinette and pulled her aside and began to speak “marinette i know you were mad at lila but you didn’t have to expose her. that wasn’t very ladybug like of you” marinette scoffed but before she could say anything he continued “please tell the people you contacted to take back what they said. everyone is being so hurtful to lila and that’s not nice”
marinette sick of what he was saying speaks loud enough to get people attention “i don’t care about what you want me to do i won’t tell anyone to do anything adrien. she tried to lie about my family’s bakery you know the place i live in. she could have gotten it shut down and my parents wouldn’t have a job anymore. you can’t guilt trip me into helping lila continue her lies. you might think she wasn’t hurting anyone but you knew since the beginning that she was lying and it hurt me every time she lied about me.”
suddenly everyone was looking at him with anger some spoke up and said “you knew she was lying and you didn’t say anything? man what kind of friend are you?” people agreed and another said “ how can you just let that happen do you know how many lives lies can ruin!? how could you leave marinette to defend herself alone?” adrien looked back at marinette and she shrugged and said “you should have spoken up before it got this far” marinette walked away leaving adrien alone.
once again i hope you enjoy and to everyone have a good day!
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ladyanput · 5 years
Ah lee lee, my favourite internet cousin I need a fic saltier than the Dead Sea Alya salt (in the Daminette universe uwu) maybe at a high school reunion? Or seeing the couple on TV OR she accuses marinette of sleeping with Damian just to get jumpstart her career (she says this on Twitter) and a lot of people are like ‘hmmm ok, sure honey’
I'm in the mood for salt tonight, so let's work on this one, from my favourite cousin.
A high school reunion was always an interesting affair. Some people didn't show up because they hated high school, thinking it's hell incarnate and never want to revisit it again. Some go just to catch up and see how old friends are doing.
But, honestly, most go and show off how successful they are in life, trying to be the best amongst their peers.
At least, that was the case, many noticed, for Miss Bustier's former class. Many people who had been in the same year at them stared as they entered, greeting their former classmates loudly and bragging about their accomplishments.
But anyone could see most of them were blowing smoke. They all knew the stories from forever ago, it had been a running gag for many of the students at DuPont.
Lila Rossi told someone that she'd get you in contact with someone in the industry to planned on entering, when you heard nothing, she'd feign that they were busy or some bullshit like that, then when you didn't get the job or internship because you didn't bother even applying, thanks to you being gullible enough to believe Lila's lies, she'd go about convincing you that the company or whatever was too blind to see how amazing you were, and that you deserved better.
It was a cycle. And it was hilarious because now most of that former class were at low end jobs. Kim wasn't the Olympic swimmer he had dreamt of being; instead he taught swimming lessons at the local pool. Max never became the scientific genius he thought he would be, no,he worked at the school as a tech teacher. Most of that class were in the same scenario, save for the people who hadn't listened to Lila's bullshit. Juleka was a famous model, her wife Rose was the lead spokesperson in a field dedicating to taking care of and curing sick children. Nathaniel and his husband Marc had a bestselling comic book series.
Even Nino made a decent living, working as a DJ and a an upcoming director.
When Lila arrived along with Alya in a stretch limousine, everyone watching pitifully as Lila's followers from high school quickly grovelled to her, as she went on about marrying Damian Wayne, everyone knowing he had a wife, but the wedding had been so private, rarely anyone knew who she was.
"My dearest Dami would be here, but he's away in Japan right now, an important contract for Wayne Enterprises needed some of his expertise." Lila went on to say. She had her signature hair style still, making many grimace at the sight of it.
"But you promise that I can still interview him,right?" Alya spoke up, the past ten years having been the hardest on her. She had gained weight, mostly around her middle. She was squinting, as she had abandoned her glasses, due to Lila saying real reporters never wore glasses, as many people found people without them more appealing, there for more willing for an interview, but Alya couldn't afford contacts, so she was stubborn with being basically blind. And she dyed her hair blonde.
Enough said.
But there was one person they were eagerly waiting to see. And when she arrived, she didn't disappoint in the least.
Marinette strode into the gymnasium, looking as stunning as she always had been. Her dark hair had been grown out, framing her beautiful face, her trim body clad in a dress of pale pink, one of the newest designs from her latest fashion line.
And the man on her arm made many men and women stare in envy. Tall, dark, handsome, he reminded them all of a dark prince, with his muscular build and piercing green eyes.
"Is that Marinette?" Someone asked rather loudly, drawing everyone's attention from Lila's wildest tale and to the lovely designer as she strode in with her husband.
"Marinette, how was Taiwan?" Juleka spoke up, smiling as she and Rose strode over to greet the couple, Nino, Marc, and Nathaniel quickly joining them.
"It was lovely. I'd like to thank you again, for being able to model for me last week, you were a lifesaver." Marinette giggled softly, pulling Juleka in a tight hug.
Alya crossed her arms, scowling as practically everyone swarmed Marinette and the man she came with. She couldn't help but feel envious at the sight of Marinette, looking so beautiful and well put together.
Lila wasn't doing much better, wishing with every fiber of her being that she was basking in that attention.
"Who is this with you, Marinette?" Alya strode up, her hand always slipping into her purse, reaching for her cell phone. "A man you had to blackmail into marrying you? I feel sorry for him."
"... Is she serious?" Marc's brows shot up, sharing a bewildered look with his husband.
"Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Damian, Damian Wayne." Damian smiled cooly towards Alya and Lila, his eyes narrowing a fraction. "You must be the undesirables my wife had to deal with during her time here, aren't you?"
"... Nice try, Marinette. Seriously? Hiring a guy to pretend to be Damian Wayne? You're so pathetic, Lila is married to Damian, if you bothered even to check your facts." Alya snorted, crossing her arms as she glared at Mari, scowling again. "You've ruined enough lives already, you ruined mine and Nino's relationship, so you can just fuck off and go home. No one wants you here."
Damian stepped forward, cold fury written clearly on his face, but Marinette's gentle touch on his shoulder stopped him. She merely put on a kind smile and stepped around her husband.
"You're still believing her lies, Alya? All of you still are? That's pretty pathetic, if I'm being honest." Mari's smile sharpened a bit as she crossed her arms, her blue eyes alight with fire. A fire no one had known was there. "You're the biggest hypocrite I know, Alya, as you've never checked a fact in your life. You tend to jump to conclusions before getting all of the facts in the first place. That's what ruined your relationships, I didn't think of you once for the past ten years."
"You don't need to talk to Alya like that, Marinette! You're still the biggest bully ever!" Lila sobbed, wiping away her tears. "Wait until my Damibear hears about this! We'll sue, ruin that tacky brand of yours."
"Highly unlikely." Damian stepped forward, his expression morphing into one of cool calm. Then a smirk twitched his lips. "At least I know who has been throwing around my name to get into places, or to get things for free. My lawyers will love to take care of the messes you've been causing me and my family."
"I beg your pardon?!" Lila felt the blood drain from her face, but she teared up, sniffling, desperate to keep her façade. "Damian, you've been cheating on me with Marinette, I was just trying to help you save face!"
"Oh give it up, Lie-la, no one is buying your bullshit." Chloé strode in, her hands gripping Kagami's and Luka's as they entered. She gave the liar a haughty look, diamonds dangling at her ears and her neck. "Except for Alya. But she must have one good barbed tongue, if you keep letting her kiss your ass and such for all of these years."
"Chloé! You fu-" Alya's face went red and she and Lila began advancing on the trio, but no one noticed as Rose 'spillt' her drink, causing both girls to slip and go stumbling. Juleka stuck out an elegant leg and Lila went tumbling back into the punch bowl, toppling it all over herself. The screech she let out was so satisfying.
Nino pretended to grab hold of Alya to steady her, but her hands 'slipped' from his grasp and she was sent falling onto the food table. A bit of revenge for her destroying his DJ equipment seven years ago, after their break up.
"I guess coming here wasn't a waste of our time afterall." Damian's rare smile appeared as he took his wife's hand and kissed her knuckles.
"I agree." Marinette giggled, ignoring the screaming coming from Alya and Lila. Instead, she turned to her friends. "Oh, I forgot to tell you, we're meeting Adrien and Tim after this, would you guys wanna join us for dinner at our home here in Paris?"
Alya felt hot tears of frustration as she glared at the blurry Marinette, grinding her teeth. That couldn't be Damian Wayne, Marinette couldn't be married to him! Because... Because that would have meant Lila had been lying. Lying about Marinette, lying about Nino cheating on her with multiple men and women, lying about Alya's chances with New York Times.
And Lila wouldn't lie to her, she just couldn't!
Alya felt the hot tears steam down her cheeks as Marinette and Damian walked off with their friends, looking so... So happy.
Something that she hadn't felt in such a long time.
Permanent: @vixen-uchiha @ravennightingaleandavatempus @2sunchild2 @crazylittlemunchkin @bee-wrecker @souleateralicestein @loysydark @kceedraws @realrandomposts @alienjoyful @f0xylegs
Salt: @virgil-is-a-cutie @sidessunnybumblebee @persephonebutkore @18-fandoms-unite-08 @suzen23smith @luciferge @theelventhgod @noirdots @space--butterflies @ghostglaceon @magicalfirebird @goggles-mcgee @chocolate1721 @minightrose @bookcrazybby @cupcakeandkisses @mewwitch
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 2 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/ILgywbx
by Anonymous
This is a tale of the classic 2020 Daminette + Lila Salt story, but with a twist: it’s told through Wayhem, a sadly under-character developed character and massive fan of Adrien Agreste from the MLB series. Join me in a story of chaos, love, drama, Lila, Felix, and more chaos in the beautiful story, “dandelions.”
Inspired by edorazzi’s Wayhem x Felix and a bunch of people’s Daminette stories :DD
Rated Teen because of swearing.
Words: 3186, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug, Batman - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Multi
Characters: Wayhem, Félix Graham de Vanily, Marinette Dupain Cheng, Adrien Agreste, Gabriel Agreste, Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Lila Rossi, Misti (OC)
Relationships: Félix Graham de Vanily/Wayhem, Damian Wayne/Marinette Dupain Cheng
Additional Tags: Author wrote this instead of attending debate lectures, Lila Rossi salt, Lila Rossi exposed, Wayhem is my fav ngl, Fluff, Friends to Lovers, m/m - Freeform, Lila appears first in chapter 2, Wayhem is savage, Marinette is Mary Sue, Adrien Agreste is Clueless, Felix is hot, according to Wayhem ofc
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/ILgywbx
0 notes
ranger-jedi-knight · 4 years
I Thought You Wouldn’t Hurt Me, But You Did Part 8
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22839535/chapters/59348257 Tag List: @marinettepotterandplagg @emo-elaine13 @queenmj10
Ok, so this is a few different people’s prompts/ideas in one! The gist is the aftermath of Adrien and Alya getting sued and thinking they did nothing wrong and blame Mari n get mad at her. And then a small(??) little thing of whats happened in Damian’s POV. id post the prompts but theyre long and its a hassle sometimes to deal with on Tumblr or even on AO3.
Adrien was growling as he stormed into school. Yesterday the lawyers met with him and his father to talk about Mari’s demands. And his father agreed to everything demanded even when he said no. He did nothing wrong! This just isn’t fair! They’re friends for goodness sake! He just couldn’t figure out why this is happening!
Alya was practically spitting fire at this point. She couldn’t understand!
She was the reporter!
She brought down justice!
She was the victim here!
She started typing angrily on her laptop in her room, planning on exposing Mari for the fake she is. Right alongside Lila Rossi. She smirked happily at the thought. Not even their cronies could stop her!
“Alya! There’s someone here to see you!” Nora called out and Alya groaned, a scowl painted her lips.
“Coming!” she shouted leaving her room and seeing at the door was a lady wearing a suit and her parents glaring at her along with Alya. “What?” she asked looking between them confused.
“You are being sued, Alya,” her mom said and Alya scowled.
“Mari has to be bluffing,” she said and the suit lady shook her head.
“Mz. Dupain-Cheng is not bluffing, Mz. Cesaire. She is suing you for defamation, harassment, and attacking her. She is asking that this stays out of court. So, she asks that you delete your blog, never write anything about her again, or talk or come near her ever again. You do that, then this won’t go to court. But if you break a single thing then she will take you to court and sue you for the money needed to pay for her medical bills,” the woman said holding the file to Alya’s mom who took it and skimmed throu it. Her face was pale when she finished and she nodded hurriedly.
“Yes, we agree with that. I’ll do it right now,” Mrs. Cesaire said pushing Alya into her room and sitting down at the desk with the lawyer right behind her, watching as her mom deleted her blog.
“What! No! She can’t do that!” Alya cried and both the lawyer and her mom turned to glare at her.
“Yes, she can. You pushed her down concrete stairs and caused her to be paralyzed for the rest of her life, young lady. Your lucky she isn’t suing you for the medical bill now,” her mom said clicking delete while Alya screeched in outrage.
“Good. I hope you don’t have to hear from us again. The Dupain-Chengs will also like to say this, your daughter is banned from ever entering the bakery or even buying from the bakery ever again. Your family is only allowed to buy for special occasions, otherwise, they don’t wish to see you in their bakery,” she said and Alya’s parents sighed but nodded understanding.
“We understand. Please, tell them how very sorry we are that this happened,” she said and the lawyer nodded.
“I will. Good day,” the lawyer gave a nod before leaving. When Alya opened her mouth to say something, both her parents and Nora glared at her. Alya’s mouth slipped shut as she hunkered slightly at the looks.
“You are in a lot of trouble, young lady,” her mom said while her dad nodded agreement and Alya looks away with a glare.
Mari didn’t know what she was rolling into when she entered the courtyard talking to Chloe, Nino, and Lila. The two were doing way better now and doing everything they could to show they were turning over a new leaf for the wheelchair-bound girl. And that pleased Mari greatly. She could see how sincere they were too.
“Marinette!” Adrien shouted stomping up to the girl. Mari glared at Adrien and noticed Alya was outside the school, her phone raised. Looks like they planned this, Mari thought as Adrien stopped them before they got too far from the entrance.
“What do you want, Agreste? You know the restraining order’s details,” she said coldly and watched from the corner of her eye as Ivan went and got their teacher Lana.
“It’s not fair the terms you demanded! I did nothing wrong!” Adrien shouted and Mari glared while Alya smiled sickeningly at that.
“Ya, I can’t believe you forced me to shut down the LadyBlog! And threatened my mom to get her to agree!” Alya added and that had students looking at the group warily.
“I didn’t threaten anyone, Cesaire, Agreste,” that had most of the students flinching at how cold her tone was. “You two caused me so much pain. My demands are quite reasonable. I had to keep my lawyers from demanding more. As for the threat you say, Cesaire, I’m fully inclined to ask you to pay all my medical bills since you caused me to be in this wheelchair. And from the position of your phone,” she gives Alya’s phone a pointed look and smirk, “you’re breaking the terms of the agreement already and will be taken to court to see if a judge, which they probably will, agree to my terms of my assaulter, you, paying for all my medical bills that resulted from the attack,” she said and everyone glared at Alya.
“That’s just ridiculous!” Alya shouted.
“Marinette, this is out of control. We’re your friends!” Adrien said and Mari scowled while the rest of the class grimaces. They understood what they did wrong. They knew they aren’t friends with Mari anymore.
They were civil.
They did what they could to show Mari they were sorry but knew not to push. But those two didn’t get the message.
“No, Cesaire, Agreste, we aren’t friends, nor is it ridiculous. Agreste, you harassed me for trying to tell everyone the truth. You treated me like I was the one causing all the bullying. And Cesaire, you pushed me down concrete stairs. You put me in a wheelchair. You published articles slandering me and my family. I am perfectly in my right to sue you for assault and slander. We aren’t friends, nor will we ever be friends, nor will I ever think about you again. You are dead to me. I don’t care what you do with your lives as long as you never talk to me again or try slandering my name,” she said and right then Lana came over with a stern expression as she grabbed Adrien’s arm and marched over to Alya and grabbed her arm as well.
She glared at the two as she forced them to sit on the steps. “You two knew the terms of the restraining order. You two are in big trouble. I’ve already contacted your parents and the police and we will stay here until they arrive. Miss Dupain-Cheng explicitly stated in the restraining order that if caught breaking the terms and conditions, she will take you to court. You better hope your parents take it easy on you,” Lana said and the two gulped as they stared at the icy expression on their now former teachers face.
Damian smirked as he watched Miss Grayson walk the two hooligans out of the courtyard. He was pleased to see the two getting what they deserved as he watched their parents arrive berating them while the police arrived themselves and put them into their cruiser to take them to the station.
People were muttering around him when they saw Agreste’s father, Gabriel, appear since the man was practically a cryptid. He rolled his eyes at that as he made his way over to Mari with a small smile on his lips. “Are you alright, Angel?” he asked leaning down to press a chaste kiss to her lips before looking over her face.
“Yes, I’m alright, Dove. A little shaken, but fine,” she answered and he nodded with a small smile.
“That’s good. Why don’t we get to class now?” he suggested and Mari nodded and let Damian push her forward, Lila and Chloe following them.
Ok, ya, this is short. But, ive been losing inspiration for this fic. Im sorry. For the time being, this fic is now on Hiatus. I dont know when or if I’ll come back to this. You can keep sending prompts but just be warned that itll be quite a while before their used. Again Im sorry, I hope you enjoyed this chap nonetheless. Until next time -Love Willa<3<3
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hateswifi · 4 years
Rising from the Ashes: Of Field Trips and Apologies
So this is Part Fourteen here is to my Master List and Part Thirteen.
The next day Tim waiting in the lobby of Wayne Enterprises because he is leading the tour of WE to a graduating French class. He hated leading tours, but the tour guide had been sick and would not be able to lead. All of his siblings were busy along with the tour guides so he was stuck in the lobby waiting for the group to arrive. As the group, he assumed he was leading arrived, he noticed immediately how a small group of three hung back from the rest and they were constantly looking around.
"Hello, are you guys the group from Dupont high school?" Tim asked he received mumbles as confirmation. "Welcome to Wayne Enterprises, I am your tour guide, you may refer to me as Mr. Drake. Follow me now."
The group followed mostly silent, besides an obnoxious group near the front one of the girls, probably the leader, spewing lies none stop. "So ya after the tour I'm going to see my dear Damiboo I've missed him so much! He's been dying to see me again,"  She said the people around her eating up the lies, everyone except for the three in the back.
"Can I get an interview with him? After Ladybug retired and Chat along with the rest of the heroes disowned my blog, I could use a pick me up," The girl with glasses pleaded. Tim scoffed, he would make sure to contact his lawyers during lunch.
"Excuse me, Mr. Drake?" The purple-haired girl asked from the back, she was part of the second, smaller, group. "When will we be going to the Nette factory?"
"We'll be heading there after lunch," Tim stated before continuing to talk about everything about WE.
"So of course Jason Grayson, Tim Todd, and Dick Drake love me, ya know, Damian's brothers," the Italian girl said. 
Tim paused looked her up and down with an eye roll and a scoff said. "You couldn't even get our names right? Who the hell is Jason Grayson, Tim Todd, and Dick Drake? You come to Gotham spewing lies about the richest people in the world and expect not to get caught?"
"What.. What do you... you mean?" the girl started crying while the glasses girl patted her back.
"You know what? Whatever the old man will have a field day, later on, please follow and refrain from speaking. After this testing area we're heading to the cafeteria for lunch," Tim said with a smirk, he couldn't wait for the gala. The last bit of the tour before lunch was uneventful. 
"As you all probably know, you all signed an NDA that was built into your permission slips," people nodded along with what he said. "We're going to be heading into Nette's factories, you are not allowed to speak to any employees, take a picture, or record anything behind this door. We will find out and we here at Wayne Enterprises will sue your as--" he paused not wanting to anger the teacher. "We will sue you and your family for everything and your great-grandchildren will still be paying. Does everyone understand? Perfect!" He then opened the door leading to the factor. Everyone gaped as they looked at the workers. 
"I've known Nette for the longest time I mean we are practically sisters," came from the same girl and her squad had moved further to the back. The trio had moved to the front and was now frantically looking around. 
"You may look from up here, do not touch anything our distract anyone, you have fifteen minutes," Tim said before letting the students disperse. The trio from before approach Tim once the rest of the students had spread out. "How can I help you?"
"Do you know where Marinette is?" the boy whispers.
"We want to apologize," the pink-haired girl whispers as well.
"And we want to know why she faked her death. We're her old friends. I'm Juleka, Luka's younger sister," the purple-haired girl, Juleka, whispers.
"Why are you all whispering and I don't have any idea what you are talking about," Tim says firmly.
"They don't know she is alive and I--- um we don't want them to know. I'm Alix," the pink-haired girl says.
"I'm Kim and the Italian girl, the one who you've obviously noticed is a notorious liar, would say she faked her death for attention," Kim says."Her name is Lila Rossi and she deserves whatever is coming for her."
Tim was about to respond when he heard doors bang open on the floor. Marinette walks in on the phone with Luka, Kagami, Chloe, and a now awake Adrien following.
"Come to lunch, Nette!" Adrien complains trying to grab her arm. "Come on we've been here for almost a day and I feel like I haven't seen you at all."
"We all had dinner last night, we had a game night with Uncle Jagged, and I did your fittings. I'm trying to run a company near a deadline. We'll all go to the Italian place after I finish this phone call and check on the floor," Marinette said, continuing her conversation. She was wearing a white sweater, black jeans, black heels, and red movie star lipstick. Jagged had been so happy when she had called him and told him that she was, in fact, alive, but had just moved. She also told him that she couldn’t be revealed as alive. She explained everything to her Uncle Jagged and he frankly pissed by what had pushed her to stay 'dead'.
"We can't let them see her," Juleka says pleadingly.
"Ok everyone Nette has official business here and everyone must be moving. Which concludes our tour, now please follow me," Tim says trying to get everyone moving.
"But Mr. Drake I'm sure Nette wouldn't mind if her best friend was here," Alya called, trying to get Nette's attention and trying to get a good look at her, but her back was to the group. All they saw was long dark hair, surrounded by familiar heads. "Wait! Those are our friends down there." She screamed as the door was closed. That concluded the tour.
"Did you guys hear something?" Marinette asked as she hung up.
"Maybe some dreams shattering, but nothing else," Chloe snickered, looking to where the group had been.
"Okay then... I'm going to talk to floor manager then we'll meet Dami for lunch," she said, walking away from her friends her heels-clicking as she walked.
After a couple of minutes, they headed out the front of Wayne Enterprises as a group slowly loaded themselves onto a bus.
"Hey, Tim!" Marinette greeted as the student, with an almost familiar-looking outfit, got onto the bus. "You finish a tour?"
"Ya and we gotta talk as soon as possible, you guys heading to lunch?" he asked as he watched the bus drive away. 
"Ya, we're meeting up with Damian, do you want to join us?" Marinette asks, heading towards the Outlaw's limo following her friends. 
"Sounds great and I can tell you what happened," Tim said, getting in the limo after Marinette and her friends.
At the restaurant, Damian had already been waiting. "Sorry it took so long my Prince, I got held up in the factory," Marinette explained giving him a peck on the cheek.
"Ewww get a room," Adrien whined, earning himself an elbow from Gami, as he sat down.
"It's fine Angel," Damian said, pulling out Mari's chair.
"So Luka I met your sister today," Tim said nonchalantly, looking over the menu.
"I was afraid that was going to happen," Luka sighed.
"Your sister is in Gotham and you, Tim, somehow just so happened to meet her," Marinette deadpanned then gasped. "Your tour. Our field trip."
"Explain, Drake," Damian demanded, rubbing his Angel's shoulder.
"They had a tour of Wayne Enterprises today," Tim started but Marinette cut in.
"That I had planned while I was still class president. I thought they were just going to throw out the plan altogether," Marinette said, putting her head on the table.
"We weren't going to say anything when we saw them yesterday because we didn't want to stress you out anymore," Adrien said.
"By the way, we're suing Lila and the glasses girl. I looked into 'Alya' on the way over here and it looks like she could be sued for defamation," Tim said, sipping his water. "There were three who wanted to apologize, Juleka, Alix, and Kim, but we left so the rest wouldn't see you."
"I'm sorry this is too much to take in, whatever you want it's on me. I'm going to clear my head," Marinette said, getting up.
"Angel at least take my jacket it’s windy out today," Damian said, standing as well. 
"Thank you, Damian," She said, putting it on. She then kissed him before leaving.
She transformed into Ladybug and sat on top of a smaller building, closer to the outskirts of Gotham. She dropped down in an alley and detransformed back into Marinette to give Tikki a break. She walks while wearing Damian's oversized jacket that covered most of her form. She is now regretting that she wore heels.
"Marinette?" came a soft, recognizable, murmur. She froze.
"Juleka?" she asks, turning to see the purple-haired girl.
"Can we talk?" she asks, slowly moving closer to Marinette.
"You won't tell anyone, right?" Marinette asks, looking there girl up and down.
"No, but can I bring Kim and Alix. They miss you," Juleka asks, looking at her feet.
"Yes, I'll meet you at that cafe in ten minutes," Marinette says, pointing at a building down the street.
"Thank you so much, Mari, see you soon," Juleka says running to get her friends. Marinette shakes her head and walks to the cafe. Since she left before she could order and eat lunch she ordered a salad and latte. After she had gotten her drink, her old friends walked in and out of breath.
"Dudette... ten minutes... was not... enough time," Alix said, trying to catch her breath.
"Sorry, I forgot you guys would have to run," Marinette said, hailing over the waitress. "Please four water and three menus. Please take a seat."
After the three had caught their breath and ordered, they just stared at her. "We went to your funeral," Alix said slowly in disbelief.
"I know, I was there," Marinette said, taking a bite of her food.
"You were there!? We thought you were dead. How'd we not see you?"
In perfect Mandarian she responded, "I was in disguise as Bridgette." Then translated what she had said.
"That actually makes a lot of sense," Kim says.
"But what doesn't make sense is why? Why all of this in general?" Alix asks, gulping down more water.
"I had no one left in Paris," Marinette explains, waiting for more questions and accusations, she had prepared for this though.
"What about us and everyone else?" Kim asks, looking hurt.
"I was abandoned by everyone I thought cared about me. With my parents gone I didn't need to be in Paris anymore. I was free of everything holding me back," Marinette explains.
"That's fair. I'm sorry, we shouldn't have turned our backs on you," Kim apologizes sincerely.
"We should have known that you wouldn't have done any of that," Alix agrees.
"That wasn't fair of us to accuse of that. We should have trusted our 'Everyday Ladybug'," Juleka said with a sad smile.
"I'm happy you have come to senses, and I forgive you. You went way out of your way to make amends and I learned from people I care deeply about that people are not supposed to hold onto troubles of the past. I forgive you three, I may be able to forgive Alya too, maybe I don't know, but everyone else is going to be a no go," Marinette says, sipping her water.
"Why would you forgive Alya of all people?" Alix asks with a scoff.
"I'll have to explain another story, I was also in Paris as Chloe's childhood friend, Ann, you might have met me. I was visiting my parents' graves, and I guess my own grave when Alya found me there it was before Christmas. She said how she lost sight of how nice I had been and how'd she lost me as a friend," Marinette sighed. "I don't know how she's been, but I might forgive her if she apologizes. Enjoy Lunch-- Dinner? Well, whatever it is, it's on me." she finished, paid the tab then she was gone.
"Everyone is going to see her tomorrow at the fashion show and they will all know the truth, will she be able to explain her actions," Kim asks.
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2sunchild2 · 5 years
Day 7— Dancer Au
Yes I skipped day 5 and 6
Sue me
Five, six, seven, eight
Is what she strived to be.
Is what she was taught.
And tonight, she would showcase her talent in front of hundreds of people.
The Palais Garnier was absolutely beautiful. The golden details on the walls, the grand staircase, oh! and the paintings! Everywhere she looked, she found inspiration. She so desperately wanted to whip out her sketch book, but she knew she didn’t have the time.
Marinette and the rest of the ballet had arrived at four pm sharp. They had been in one of the rehearsal rooms of the palace, doing their warmups. Marinette tired not to focus on the pain burning her legs and glanced outside.
The snow slowly made its descent towards the ground. She could see a couple kissing under a streetlight, another couple was walking down the street, hand in hand. She smiled at the sight. Paris really was the City of Love. If only she had that luxury. Love was never an easy thing to come to her. She frowned, watching a third couple argue near the gate. A familiar sight, she would know.
“...nette! Miss Dupain-Cheng!”
She froze at the sound of her instructor. She slowly turned around and came face to face with Mme Dubois, who’s arms were crossed and face was stern. She could see the other ballerinas either whispering to each other or mouthing her ‘good luck’. She could see Adrien looking at her sympathetically before giving her a mocking ‘I’m praying for you’. She gave him a glare.
“Miss Dupain-Cheng. A word,” and with that, she left, expecting the younger woman to follow, which she did after a few seconds of accepting her fate. She walked out ignoring a certain Lila Rossi, who didn’t bother keeping her snickering quiet.
She when walked out, she could see Mme Dubois already walking down the hallway. She ran as fast as she could to catch up. The women stayed silent as the made their way around the palace. The stage crew had left some of their equipment and the younger girl made sure she didn’t trip on anything.
“Marinette,” her teacher’s voice sounded softer than it usually did, “do you know why I’m so hard on you?”
“Because im the lead?” She asked curiously. Mme Dubois was contstantly on her ass over every little thing she even did mildly wrong.
Her teacher gave her a deadpanned look, “because I know you have potential, you just aren’t trying hard enough.”
She opened the door to reveal the theatre, Marinette gasped at the sight. It was beautiful. The red and gold screamed at her, the stage was being set, the seats were being cleaned, those very seats would contain over a thousand people that night.
“Marinette, when I first started out, my instructor was a very controlling woman. But she cared, and she made sure we were the best of the best,” Mme Dubois grabbed her students hands, “and that’s what I want for you. I chose you for a reason. You have something Miss Rossi doesn’t. So tell me, what are you going to do?”
The question hung in the air for a few seconds. Marinette glanced back at the theatre and smiled.
“Are we seriously going to see the fucking Nutcracker?”
Damian’s eye twitched as Jason complained for the eleventh time. He was counting. Dick smacked his more violent brother up the head and told him to shut up. There was a reason Dick was his favourite.
They were in Paris for Christmas. Selina’s choice. And she really wanted to see the Nutcracker for some reason. Something about the magic of the French Ballet. Damian didn’t get it but he enjoyed classical music so he decided it would be worth it.
“Wow,” breathed Tim. He stared at the palace in awe. It was truly a beautiful building. It shone in the night. The Palais Garnier stood proudly, welcoming guests from high class families and social circles.
They were seated in one of the booths with a great view of the stage. The loud chatter ceased as the lights faded and the curtains opened. The dancers flowed out as the music began.
He watched in fascination as the ballerinas danced on their toes with such grace and elegance. And then stepped out the lead. The girl playing Clara was... beautiful. She danced unlike the others. She was precise with her mouvements. Her arms followed her legs as she danced around the stage.
The play went on and Damian watched in fascination, unwilling to acknowledge the way Dick nudged Jason, or the looks his father and Selina have been sharing.
And soon, a very familiar tune began to play. The Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy began, and the girl playing Clara danced alone. By God she was beautiful. Her pink ensemble shimmered under the light. Her dark hair tied behind her head so they wouldn’t disrupt her dancing.
And before he knew it, it was over. The dancers gathered to the Center of the stage and bowed.
“I told you, you had nothing to worry about!” Adrien piped up from next to her. She laughed and hit him on the shoulder. Marinette glanced at Mme Dubois who smiled at her and nodded. She felt her chest swell with pride.
“How about we go home after this, non?” The blonde next to her asked, smiling childishly.
“Yeah, okay, just let me get changed first.”
She walked to her dressing room and opened the door, only to see it filled with flowers of all sorts. A few bouquets were from her parents. Others from friends. Most from strangers.
Although a beautiful bouquet of red roses seemed to be calling her. Marinette walked towards it and examined it, touching the soft petals occasionally. Oh. There was a card. She gently picked it up and read the note, she smiled softly. It was quiet for a few moments, just her, the note and silence.
At least for a few minutes. She was startled by the sound of someone knocking on her door, “Mari?” Adrien’s voice rang through her ears, “you almost done?”
She looked back at her note and called out, “Yeah, I’ll be there in a minute!”
I didn’t think Angels were real, but you, Miss Dupain-Cheng, have proven me wrong. Would you care to accompany me to dinner at Le Cinq tomorrow at 7?
Best wishes, Damian Wayne
Better late than never amirite
Also special thanks to @little-kitty-kanny for helping me with this ily!!!!
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bisexualsforprompto · 5 years
14 angst for Mari, Batfam of your choice, and Lila
I am a salt glutton.
Marinette was excited. Scratch that, Marinette Dupain-Cheng was ecstatic. Her whole class was going on a field trip (orchestrated by none other than her boyfriend’s father figure, Bruce Wayne). With Marinette so excited, of course Lila had to ruin it.
“You know me and Tom Todd-Wayne are dating! He loves me so much! He’s so perfect!” Lila squealed as she smirked at Marinette knowing that she would ruin the trip for her if it was the last thing she did. Hell to the no, marinette was not taking it, not today. Marinette strood up to Lila smiling and ignoring the warning look from Adrien. “Oh really Lila? Because Tim Drake-Wayne would beg to differ I’m sure.” Lila paled and then shrugged it off, “You don’t know what you’re talking about Marinette. After all, you are just a baker’s daughter, what would you know about the upper class?” Marinette grinned from ear to ear before returning to her place in line, not even bothering with a retort.
That fazed Lila, she wasn’t expecting it. She expected at least one other attempt to disprove her lie but when none came she felt triumphant. She turned back to her merry gang of followers and regaled them with more stories of her and Tom Todd-Wayne.
“Hey ‘Nette!” Conner called as he walked through Wayne Enterprises, visitor’s pass hanging proudly on his black tee shirt. He pecked his girlfriend on the cheek as she giggled until he realized they had some unwanted attention.
“Marinette who is this?” Lila asked batting her eyelashes.
“My boyfriend Lila, surely you’ve seen people in a relationship before or do you just lie about that?” Marinette asked sharply. Conner was surprised at the bluenette’s sudden change in demeanor, but it all clicked into place, this was the Lila Rossi who’d been torturing his poor girlfriend.
“I was just trying to be friendly!” She blubbered as two girls shot Marinette a dirty look and comforted the liar. Conner clenched his fists, “Don't worry babe, she’s not worth it.” Marinette said as she rolled her eyes.
“I was just trying to make sure some unruly farm boy like him wasn’t taking advantage of you Marinette!” Lila cried stifling a smile. Marinette clenched her teeth and Conner growled. “But you know what, you deserve what you get, you’re a bully and jealous of me!!!” Before any of them could react, a certain Wayne employee entered with impeccable timing as always.
“Excuse me? What did you say to my girlfriend?!” Asked a tall black haired and blue eyes man in a business suit who was wearing a badge that read CEO. Connor smirked as he looked back at Tim. Lila couldn’t believe her luck.
“Wow Marinette! I can’t believe you’re such a bitch that you would two-time on your boyfriend!” She cried gesturing to Conner. She expected shouts directed at Marinette and maybe some crying if she was lucky but instead she got...laughter?
Marinette was practically keeled over in laughter as Conner smirked and Tim came over and kissed Conner and Marinette’s cheek.
“I don’t know who you are Miss, but I suggest you stop harassing my boyfriend and girlfriend.” Tim growled as he held Mari protectively.
“W-What?!” Lila asked in a stupor before regaining her composure, “You know what! I’m going to tell your CEO about this! That’s right, my boyfriend Tom is the CEO of Wayne Enterprises, your boss! His father is Bruce Wayne, you’re going to regret the day you ever crossed me!” Lila spat finally revealing to the class her true colors. They stepped back in shock as Lila gave a victorious smile, “I. Will. Ruin. You.”
Marinette rolled her eyes, “Oh my god, can you shut up for once in your life?” Lila crossed her arms, surprised by the lack of fear emanating off any of them. “E-excuse me?!” Lila started her crocodile tears again expecting backup from the class who had already paled when they saw Marinette’s boyfriend’s ID card.
“My name is Timothy Drake-Wayne. I am the CEO of this company. I will gladly call my father to escort you out, or you could leave on your own accord. If I ever hear you slandering my girlfriend, boyfriend or the Wayne name I will not hesitate to sue. Goodbye, Miss Rossi.” Tim said with a newfound confidence he gained from his partners.
“Wait, wh-What?!” Lila paled.
“Translation, get out or we’ll kick your ass. Didn’t think it could get simpler,” Conner said cracking his knuckles. Security was creeping in for Lila. A burly officer grabbed her arm before Marinette addressed the liar herself,
“Good riddance Lila Rossi.”
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