#lili lore
liliallowed · 1 year
I literally ate my homework once.
how? I was supposed to design a cabbage and draw it on a canvas but I ended up eating a whole ass cabbage taking a bite as I drew it's side. so by the time I finished my drawings the reference was gone.
I had no proof I drew it legitimately without copy pasting a realistic picture from the web.
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breadcheese444 · 9 months
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That one meme but make it malleyuu
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sevilynne · 1 month
"Snape was just petty."
Ahh... Yes... Years of tormenting, getting SA'd infront of the whole school, and almost getting killed is just being petty... SUREE...
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evelili · 2 months
everyone say happy anniversary to the Pop Tart Incident
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snowleopardcrk · 2 months
more symbolism!!!
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ah yes, more Midnight Lily, a silverbell cameo and two Moonflower doodles. AU by @cuppajj
For Moonflowers story, we have her main conflict with her father, Saint Vanilla Cookie. But what about Midnight Lily Cookie, her mother? To give a little context for whats coming up, Moonflowers story theming around the Saint where Moonflower symbolizes the Moon, which includes the Solar Eclipse to contrast the Saints light themed imagery. Plus Moonflowers additional and more religious theming being based on the Spirit of Apostasy.
It is abundantly clear that Midnight Lily is an enabler of the other Neo Beasts, while to some extent understandable as she is the weakest of the Neo Beasts (she has long crossed the line of it being acceptable).
To compliment well with the general religious theming, I did additional research into the role of a mother in the lens of the Bible. 'the mother is one who "binds" the family together, holding them together individually and collectively through her love and actions' Despite how broken the family is, the only remaining connection that Moonflower has with the Saint IS Midnight Lily. And in return, she does care for her daughter and the Saint at some level. Yet, she does nothing to genuinely mend what has been broken (no one is, Moonflower is afraid of her father and the Saint is so delusional that he believes that this is the best course of action to save everyone). This fits her pattern of enabling and being generally passive to the world around her, for the most part.
Another aspect that I have neglected to mention is her slow-burn of a plan, she seeks by the end to have the others at least playing by her rules, but also not liking when her children do things she does not like. This is now territory where I do a lot of guess work and personal thoughts n' research so this is very much subject to change if anymore gets revealed.
How I have understood the few tidbits we get about the Beast of Sovereignty, she is an enabler and insecure about being the weakest. And I think her insecurity in some way, even if unintentional may reflect on her relationships where she is the one in power. In general, she is fine with her kids, generally passive until they get too unruly. At that point, she will remind them with harsh words who the mother is. I'd like to note quickly, she will NEVER get physical. She only uses WORDS. It is also important to note that she does wish for her child to understand where she is coming from. She is an enabler because she holds little power over the beasts, but in dynamics where she is the one in power, this side vanishes for the most part. Despite valuing sovereignty I believe she still wants to retain some level of control so Cookies don't do things she does not like. This is generally in line with how leadership generally operate, they don't care when you're doing smth positive, but when it turns negative, that's when it starts turning sour.
As for the actual arc of Midnight Lily and Moonflower, I have a general framing but it is difficult to make something as substantial as the one she has with Saint Vanilla. Gotta wait until I get more lore and story for the gal. But in short, it is a conflict of the two trying to make each other understand their respective sides. With Moonflower trying to save her mother, her only remaining parental figure from being a beast- while Midnight Lily seeks to make Moonflower truly understand her side and hopefully have Moonflower join her permanently.
Heres other tidbits for Moonflower and her relationship with the Creme Republic. For her ventures to the Silver Kingdom are actually secret. She is a very powerful and talented magic user (similar to her parents), so her travelling long distances quickly is very possible. Moonflower is already an outcast in the Republic, it is well known who her parents are. And Cookies keep their distance, there are very few Cookies who come and check in her. Its mostly some scientists who are researching the neo beasts (espresso, maybe, depends on his condition in this au), Clotted Cream Cookie, GingerBrave, Financer (sort of, she tags along the Consul) and depending on the direction of the story, Madelaine Cookie(I will start really brewing something here once more stuff comes out~). She stays isolated in her lab in the undercity, she never comes out, and when she does, she hides her face and just retrieves things like food or research material. It is normal for her to not talk with anyone for well over a week with nothing but a single lost Raisin Crow to keep her company. I'd like to note that this raisin crow is now an albino, and Black Raisin tasked Moonflower to take care of it since it was bullied and ousted by the other raisin crows (I took inspo from the myth, but it is generally agreed that white color corvids are subordinate to the colored ones).
But she is also an outcast in the silver kingdom, despite being Midnight Lilys kid (its a well known fact), she has gotten into disagreements with their monarch and isn't the upmost loyal member- she has a strong stigma around her. Silverbell Cookie does take pity on Moonflower.
That's all for now. I'm gonna lay down, I've done so much research...I silently weep at the thought of fully showing the complexity of the three in full force.
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bisaster-energy · 1 year
thinking about her (''you know what I like about him is that he's sarcastic but thoughtful and appreciative too" "now what is that supposed to mean" "okay okay the roAD ROAD dude watch the road")
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gabbah · 5 months
What inspired the designs of Honey and Petunia?
They're both inspired in very straight-forward characters actually!
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I came up with Lily* when I was first reading Prequel, and I really liked Katia Managan so I wanted to make my own "yellow cat that goes on adventures" OC.
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With Petunia I was very much trying to come up with a design inspired by Hanna Barbera anthro characters, specifically with Cindy Bear! I have no idea where the pompadour came from but I think it suits her!
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doxolove · 8 months
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foursaints · 3 months
6’2 black turtleneck figure skated barty save meeeeeeee
no because he's doing something to me too... and what a way of channeling all that ruthlessness / precision / two-faced quality he has in canon.
he skates like he's trying to kill himself but there is also a staggering amount of control! his face is on the back of those sponsored athlete kellogg's cereal boxes! he's pierced his tongue & his hip bones but nowhere visible, and his tattoos are down one arm and the left side of his back because those areas are covered up by his costumes...
crucially i think barty is still as much of a dirtbag, it's just that he appears to become an entirely different person on ice. this barty is just a touch more openly type A but so insufferably smug at all times because he KNOWS he's good... it's the incongruence between the Serious Athlete and the smug piece-of-shit in a ratty thrasher hoodie who's severely hungover at practice. he's sipping a red monster energy and compression-wrapping his ankles. this au is going to kill me i think?? barty & regulus as professional figure skaters who grew up together is genuinely insane
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rubilune · 9 months
Okay but, like, we all agree the girls from Duolingo are dating, right?
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I mean... You can argue with the wall for all I care
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liliallowed · 1 year
I've officially evolved from a dusttale enjoyer tona dusttale fanatic.
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lily-ohfally · 1 year
WoL QotD: What made you choose your WoL's name? Does it have any important meaning or did it just sound nice?
Follow up: Is it lore accurate? If it isn't, why not?
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standardlilith · 11 months
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Aetna's a lil freak 👀
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kogglyuffs · 8 months
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what if white lily but seedrian
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scarapanna · 1 month
Pv how would you describe your mental state
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Take that statement with a grain of salt, there's always a chance there might be a lie or half-truth with more personal questions.
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