#lillian carson imagine
princesssarisa · 9 months
Oc Info Questions: Barbara ''Barbie'' Millicent Roberts
FULL NAMES: Barbara Millicent Roberts.
NICKNAME(S): Barbie.
BIRTH: March 9, 1959.
SEXUALITY: Heterosexual.
GENDER: Female.
ORIGIN: The American International Toy Fair, 1959.
NATIONALITY: US American (Caucasian).
FAMILY: Kenneth "Ken" Carson (significant other), George Roberts (father), Margaret Rawlins Roberts (mother), Skipper Roberts, Stacie Roberts, Chelsea Roberts, Kelly Roberts, Krissy Roberts (sisters), Todd Roberts (brother), Grandmother Rawlins (grandmother), Millicent Rawlins, Adele Rawlins, Marlene Roberts, Lillian Fairchild (aunts), Claude Fairchild (uncle), Francie Fairchild, Jazzie Roberts, Max Roberts, Marie Roberts (cousins)
+ Cheerful, friendly, lively, elegant, fashionable, intelligent, imaginative, hyper-competent, fun-loving.
– Appearance-focused, materialistic.
OTHER PERSONAL INFO: She's been a friend, self-insert, role model, surrogate big sister, and even surrogate mother to countless girls, and probably to some boys too, for more than sixty years. Whether you love her (for her aesthetics, for her blend of femininity and power, for the way she lets girls use their imaginations and explore every possible aspect of adult womanhood, etc.), or find her annoying (for the unrealistic beauty standards she sets, her "promotion" of gender conformity and materialism, etc.), or a combination of both, she's impossible to ignore.
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writervblavender · 1 year
1907, USA (The South)- 17 year old Carrie-Ann Bishop dreams of escaping from an unwanted marriage with a man more than twice her age to instead live with her beloved friend, Miss Lillian. All along he realizes that he is not the daughter his family insists he is. Becoming Carson Bleu frees him from what he thought he could not escape. However, as most young men in his generation, Carson soon finds himself heading off to Europe to join the allies in WWI as a solider.
Part historic drama, part family epic with twists of mystery and romance; The 8 Bastards of Cedric St. John is an experimental writing project inspired in part the Modernist movement. The story will jump around in time and shift in perspective between the various characters to slowly unfold the whole story of Cedric's many children in 20th century England and beyond.
All names used in this project are not based on any real people living or dead. This is all my imagination- no one in this story was ever a real living person.
Genres: Historic Fiction, Drama, Family Epic, includes some LGBT romances
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batfam-imagines · 7 years
Paramedic Batsis Fic
Alright so this is the fic that @headless-creativity sent me! This whole fic is from them, I just did a little editing!! 
If anyone else wants to do stuff like this just let me know! I’ll be glad to read and edit anything you guys send me
Gotham was in no sense of the word a ‘safe’ city to live in, you’ve lived here for twenty years so you’ve witnessed first hand how bad it can get. Sadly you grew up in one of the poorer areas which of course came with a higher crime rate as a result. You grew up in a small apartment with your mother who didn’t let you go outside much unless it was for school. She had told you from a young age that Gotham was dangerous and even your neighbors shouldn’t be trusted. When your mom had work she’d often have to take you with her since she couldn’t afford a sitter.
She worked as a nurse at a Wayne Enterprises Hospital and every day it was bustling and busy full of injured civilians and sometimes even criminals who needed emergency care and were later arrested. So busy in fact your mom often worked very long hours from six am till eleven at night. You knew it must have been hard, working so tirelessly every day, but you also admired your mother, she worked every day helping save the lives of people who didn’t even know her and probably didn’t care to.
Once you reached high school age you realized you wanted to be a part of that. You wanted to help save lives just like your mother! So every day after school you stayed at the library until your mom would pick you up after her shift. You started with the basic first aid and tried to learn as much as you could from there. However before you could make it to sophomore year that’s when things got harder. You were called to the office because you had gotten an emergency call from the hospital about your mom. She was on her way to work after dropping you off at school when a sudden building explosion caused large rubble to fall and crush your mother’s car. She was rushed to the ER by emergency responders but by the time the police had dropped you off she was in surgery. You sobbed in the waiting room, you were only fifteen! You weren’t supposed to lose your mother at this age!
After five hours of intensive surgery the ER doctor came to you and explained that your mother was alive, however she was in a medically induced coma and they weren’t sure how long it would be until she woke. You were at a loss of what to say, think, even do at that moment. That is until the doctor asked you if there was anyone for you to call? You explained through broken sobs that it’d just been you and your mother your whole life you didn’t know your dad or any of your mother’s relatives, it was just you two always. Now it was the doctor who was at a loss of what to do. You whimpered out a request to see your mother and the doctor really had no option than to let you until they figured something out. So you stayed by your mother’s bedside holding her hand and gently talking to her. You had read somewhere that it was important to speak with coma victims because they might actually be able to hear you and some doctors say they think it really helps. Even though you know she won’t wake up because the doctors are the ones keeping her in the coma, you can’t but hope that she hears everything you say.
After maybe two days of sitting and sleeping in your mother’s room you were visited by someone you’d never met. He told you his name was Bruce Wayne, he apologized to you about your mother and explained that he had met her once when she was working here. He said your mom was an amazing nurse and all her patients were always happy to see her. Bruce also told you that he wanted to help you by offering you a place to stay while your mother recovered. You were of course hesitant, you didn’t know this man, well you knew of him. His name was everywhere; one the news, on most billboards, on this very building you mother has worked in since before you were born. But you still had no idea of who the hell this guy was, outside of his billionaire persona he faced the world with, no idea who the man behind the flashing lights and big smile really was and that scared you.
He seemed to notice your concerns and combated them with a clearer explanation of his offer. “I only wish you repay your mother’s great work by giving her only daughter a home until she wakes up.” That’s what he said. You didn’t know what to do besides accept his offer, you had no home without your mother and no one had made a better offer to help you out You had heard that Bruce Wayne had adopted children before, two boys who didn’t have homes and they seemed to be living well. So, you accepted Mr. Wayne’s offer and allowed him to give you shelter just until your mother woke. You placed a kiss on your mom’s forehead and nodded to Mr. Wayne.
You arrived at the manor maybe half an hour later? It was very large about twice as big as the whole apartment building you and your mother had lived in. Bruce explained to you that he’d send someone to your building to collect some clothes and personal belongings for you. You nodded and handed him the spare key your mom gave you for emergencies. At the manor you met Bruce’s two sons; Richard “Dick” Grayson age nineteen and Jason Todd age sixteen. They were nice and welcomed you like a friend but you assumed that was only because of your situation. That day you were giving a guest room to stay in and you put your backpack by the bed sitting there wondering exactly what you were gonna do.
At about noon an older man knocked at your door he asked you if you’d like to have dinner with the family or if you’d rather have it in your room alone. You chose to take it in your room and thanked the man, now known to be Alfred, before he left. Eating your dinner of spaghetti, garlic bread, salad on the bed you wondered how long you’d be staying here. Hopefully not very long, you hope your mom would wake up before the week the school gave you to get sorted was up. Your hopes were squandered however when the week passed and you had to return to school while your mother still laid unconscious in her hospital bed. You tried distracting yourself with school in hopes of passing the time quicker but still made sure to visit your mother once daily.
It was a month later that the Wayne manor received a call very late on a rainy night that your mother passed away due to a brain aneurism caused by head trauma from the accident. You were woken by Alfred to the news and were of course completely devastated. Everyone tried their best to comfort you that night which to this day was one of the hardest nights of your life. The funeral the following week was small, just you and the Wayne family. You left your mother with a kiss to the forehead and a rose before she was lowered into the ground. Bruce opened his arms to you and you shakily slid into his embrace, the embrace of your new father who from that day on promised to take you in and raise you like he did Dick and Jason, as one of his own.
You continued high school for another two years and started your EMT training during your senior year. You had thought long and hard about what field you wanted to get into and you chose Paramedic because you wanted to be a First Responder, you wanted to be the person to help the wounded civilians get the emergency care they needed before reaching the hospital. You knew giving people this critical care was often the deciding factor in the survival rate of their emergency surgery and care. Paramedics were the same people who pulled your mother from the rubble and rushed her to the hospital.
When you went to college and got your two-year degree you went immediately to apply at the same hospital your mother worked in. You were given a job relatively fast which made sense you were once of the top trainees in you courses and you were very light on your feet. You knew you’d be busy and worked to exhaustion just like your mom, maybe even more so, Gotham’s crime rates have only risen since your mom worked there even with the constant help of the vigilantes Batman, Robin, and occasionally Nightwing and Red Robin. Still you knew you’d do everything you could just like your family has always done. You quickly gained a reputation as an outstanding Paramedic, one of the best in the whole of Gotham and you’d only been working eight months. You were also known for having a heart of gold since whenever a patient was in recovery and had no one there for them at the time you would step in and sit with them, keep them company when you were off shift.
You spent a good portion of your time at the hospital and that’s how you met Dr. Lillian Carson a heart surgeon who had been working there for two years and stole your heart in only half of one.
Beep! Beep! Beep!
You groaned and shifted away from the blaring alarm clock on the nightstand. Burrowing into the blankets further you tried desperately to try and regain some fraction of the peaceful dream you’d been having. A shift in the weight on the side of the bed you didn’t occupy didn’t really help with your efforts. A calm sigh came from above you as a body leaned over you and stopped the alarm with a simple press of a button. More weight shifted and then completely left the bed which left you with less body heat to accompany you in your blanket cocoon. Finally opening your eyes you let out a frustrated whine and sat up. A giggle was your response and you knew you’d have to get ready as well.  
You watched from the bed as your girlfriend shuffled around the bedroom picking yours and her clothing off the floor and putting them in the hamper before making her way to the bathroom. You took the opportunity to grab some fresh clothes from the dresser and get dressed before starting breakfast for the both of you in the kitchen, you didn’t have work today so it was the least you could do for her. When she emerged from the bathroom she smiled at you and sat at the kitchen island to eat. You watched her with a smile, you always thought yourself very lucky, to have such a gorgeous and intelligent women by your side. She was taller than average for a woman of only twenty four about 5’8, she had long wavy black hair that was more often than not held up in a bun to keep from falling into her eyes at work, her skin was a pale olive accompanied with various little freckles, and lastly her eyes they were a warm deep brown color. Those same kind inviting eyes you’ve had the pleasure of seeing almost every day for the past year.
“So Doctor Carson, how many patients are we thinking today?” you asked smiling over your cup of coffee. She returned your smile with her own genuine grin she’d often give patients when giving good news. “There shouldn’t be too many actually, I have a lot of patients to look over but only two scheduled surgeries for today. If nothing comes up I should be home by nine thirty this evening.” You both found this good news, it wasn’t often she got off before eleven on good days, which meant today was an especially great day. “Well I don’t have patrol tonight so… wanna order in a bunch of your favorite take out and laze around at my place to kickstart the weekend?” you offered hoping you’d get some proper alone time with your girlfriend without work keeping you both busy.
“That sounds really nice.” she grinned and leaned in to place a soft kiss to your lips. “It’s a date.” She beamed before getting up to gather her keys and purse to head off to work. She waved to you as she left her apartment, you’d been staying there a lot recently and you’d both discussed just moving your things into hers but you hadn’t gotten around to packing up yet. Speaking of your apartment you needed to stop by and clean up the place for your date.
After cleaning and a few other house chores were done you took most of the rest of the morning to read. At noon you left to visit the manor and your brothers. It was spring break for the schools at the moment so Damian was probably home, Tim was there for sure but probably won’t leave his room, Jason was usually there on Fridays to get updated on any new possible crime activity, and Dick was probably working at the moment but he usually stops by for lunch. Pulling into the driveway you saw Damian sitting on the porch with Titus. Climbing the steps you smiled at the young Robin.
“Hey Dami. Why are you out on the porch?” You asked leaning down to pet Titus and hug Damian. He half smiled returning your embrace. “Hello (Y/N). I am waiting for Jon to arrive, he and I are to have lunch together and train before heading out for patrol tonight. Father is allowing us to work together tonight without his and Superman’s supervision.” He explained. This concerned you, Bruce was letting the boys go out alone on a night patrol? Damian must have sensed the shift in your demeanor and explained further. “I had to promise father that we would not engage any of Gotham’s more notorious criminals, just petty crimes, anything bigger than a one man armed robbery is off limits.”
You nodded and smiled at him. “Well, be careful okay? If you get in over your heads you know you can stop by anytime.” You ruffled his hair before heading inside. Lunch went by very quickly and you decided to spend a few hours at the manor to catch up with the family about their lives outside the vigilante world. You saw them four nights a week on patrol but work often kept you too busy for much else. So you tried your best to stop by at least twice a week to hang out. You were planning on bringing Lilian to dinner at the manor and introduce her to the family after you’d moved in with her and gotten settled. Hopefully that’d be soon too, you were really excited for her to meet them because you knew they would absolutely love her, well Alfred and Bruce would, the boys would probably do the protective brother thing at her first but then they would definitely like her. She was witty and didn’t take crap from anyone so you knew she’d be able to handle them with ease.
When the clock said it was four fifteen you decided to leave and start to get everything ready for your date. You pre-ordered take out from a few of Lillian and your favorite restaurants and had them ready to pick up at nine. You also put together a couple snack foods like nachos and cookies that Alfred taught you how to make. Turning on the tv you pulled up (favorite show) for the two of you to watch together. You’d gotten her into it and now you were watching in together on your lazy days. It was funny because she often teased you for being into it but got caught up in it after watching only one episode with you. After checking if everything was ready you checked the clock; eight forty-five, time to pick up the take out.
Pulling back into your apartment building’s parking lot you noticed your window was open and shadows moving in the light. You grew worried, Lillian wasn’t off for another half hour, you really hoped it was one of your brothers and not someone robbing you. Grabbing the take out and climbing the stairs up the third floor you came to your apartment door and took a breath before quickly opening your door. At that moment you really wished it had been a robber and not what you actually opened the door to.
“Damian! Oh my god!” you shouted and quickly slipped in and closed the door behind you to prevent any prying eyes from seeing anything they shouldn’t. Throwing the take out to the side you examined the situation with a careful eye. There was Damian in his Robin get up laying on your couch holding a towel from your bathroom to his side with blood seeping through slowly, he was applying pressure to slow the bleeding best he could. Jon rushed from the bathroom with more towels in his arms and a scared look all over his face. He looked to the door where he heard your yell. “He said you were the closest and that you’d be able to take care of it!” Jon said running up to you.
You quickly grabbed the emergency medical kit you kept under the kitchen counter to patch up your brothers and sometimes yourself, it held more than normal medical kits for bigger injuries. You ran to Damian’s side and gently grabbed his hand holding the towel to his side. You looked Damian in the eyes, “Buddy I need to move your hand for a second okay? I need to see the wound so I can assess the damage and fix you up okay?” You tried really hard to keep the worry out of your voice like with all your patients but this was your little brother! Damian moved his hand slowly and hissed at the spike of pain caused by the movement. You quickly but gently lifted his shirt and examined the wound. You quickly placed another towel over it and told him to apply pressure again. He had two bullet wounds at his side, they didn’t look to have hit any major organs but there was a lot of bleeding. You had dealt with bullet wounds before but didn’t have the proper surgical training to remove the bullet closer to his organs. And by the looks of the bloody towel and the blood on the floor he’d need a blood transfusion. You needed help. “You can help him right?” Jon’s worried and trembling voice interrupted your thoughts.
You turned to the boy, he looked close to crying and he was looking to you trying his best to not look at Damian’s bleeding body. “Yes and No. I need to get him to the Batcave for a minor surgery but he needs a transfusion too and the cave is too far from here.” You explained. Jon started to shake a little, he was scared, more scared then he’d ever been. “What do we do then?” You had to think fast you couldn’t let Damian die like this. Then it came to yours and Lilian’s apartment that was only three blocks away and you’d get there in a barley a few minutes in your car. You crouched at Jon’s side and grabbed his shoulders. “Look Jon I know you’re scared but I need you to be brave okay?” He looked you in the eyes and nodded. “Good I need you to very gently but quickly carry Damian to my car okay? I’m gonna drive us to a friend who can help.” Jon nodded again and gently picked Damian up and, with his super speed, rushed him quickly through the building and put him in the back of the car. You rushed out the door of the building with your cellphone at your ear and medical kit under your arm.
It rang twice and Lillian picked up. “(Y/N)? I was just about to head over I’ll be there-” “No! Lily stay at your apartment I need your help with a wound!” You rush out as you climbed into the driver’s seat and quickly pulled out and sped off. “What? Are you okay?” She replied through the phone. “I’m fine! It’s Damian! He’s been shot twice and I need you to take out the bullets while I start a transfusion! He’s losing blood quickly and he won’t make it to the Batcave or Hospital in time. I need you to prep the medical kit you keep there and clear everything off your guest room bed! I’ll be there in a minute.” You rushed out your words and hung up before glancing at the back seat from the rear-view mirror. Damian was still conscious but had started breathing heavily. You pulled into the parking area so quickly you didn’t really even park you just skidded into an open area and quickly got out directing Job to rush Damian to the second-floor apartment 106 as you ran behind him.
When you came in through the open door you slammed it behind you and rushed to the guest room when Damian was already on the bed with his wound showing. You rushed to his side as Lilian assessed the damage. “Grab the anesthetic from my kit and numb his wound.” she ordered without looking away from Damian. You rushed to the kit on the side table and placed yours down next to it before grabbing the anesthetic and filling a needle. You moved to the bed and looked injected the drugs close to his bullet wounds causing Damian to bite down on a cloth you assumed Lily had given him. You grabbed his hand and gave in a sentimental squeeze before moving to start a transfusion while Lily grabbed her tools to start the removal of the bullets. Luckily you kept O- blood at her apartment after needing a transfusion yourself a few times. You have Jon hold the bag up while you and Lillian worked together to remove the bullets in Damian’s side. Luckily with Lillian’s help the bullets were out and Damian was stitched up within the hour and you were now cleaning his wound and wrapping it up. Damian passed out soon after the stitches ended. Lily said he should be fine but we needed to monitor him closely for the night. You’d sent Jon to the living room to rest after insuring him Damian would be just fine.
You let out a sigh and stood after finishing dressing the wound. “Thank you Lily. You saved my little brother.” You hugged her tightly and let a few tears slip from your eyes. She hugged you back and gently rubbed your back. “You helped too. We both saved your brother (Y/N).” She smiled at you and kissed your cheek as she pulled away. Turning to him she sat at his side. “You call your family I’ll keep my eye on him.” You stepped into the master bedroom and used you ear com, used on patrol, to contact Bruce and the others and informing them of what happened and where you were. Mere minutes later the boys, Bruce, and Alfred were all at the door. They rushed in when you opened it and immediately questioned you.
“What happened?” Bruce asked. “According to Jon he and Damian were trying to stop a petty theft that concealed a weapon, by the time they had noticed he’d already pulled it out and shot twice at Damian. He got away but Damian needed medical attention badly. I couldn’t to everything on my own and the clock was ticking so I brought him here.” You explained. You allowed them into the room and they gathered around Damian. Lily stood next to you and watched the family fret over the baby bird. Bruce stood, coming over to Lily and shook her hand. “Thank you for saving my son.” He smiled at her. She grinned back at him and shook back firmly. “I didn’t do it alone sir, and it was really nothing.” She pulled away and slid her hand into yours. “Though this isn’t exactly how I expected to meet the bat himself.”
Bruce didn’t visibly tense but he was quiet for a second. “(Y/N) told me all about who you guys are.” she explained. Then all eyes turned to you including Damian’s who had woken up ten minutes after the family showed up. “Right” you sighed and scratched the back of your neck. “I was gonna introduce you guys after I’d moved in with her but this;” you motioned to Lily with your free hand. “Is my girlfriend Lilian. She’s a heart surgeon in the hospital I work at and we’ve been dating for six months.” You told them. There was silence for a few moments before Alfred walked up and grabbed Lillian’s hand, taking it in both of his and smiling at her. “I could not ask for a better women to be by Madam (Y/N)’s side, thank you again so very much for helping master Damian.” The others all started to pipe up with gratitude and greeting and Damian even smiled at her and said he was glad to have another place to come when he is hurt.  
Then next morning everyone, including Jon, had left and had taken Damian to the cave for the rest of his recovery. Alfred had also had you promise to bring Lillian to a proper dinner with the family as soon as Damian was fully recovered. Sitting on the couch with Lily you pulled her close and sighed. “Sorry our date night didn’t go as planned.” she giggled at your comment and brought you into a passionate kiss. Pulling away she smirked at you, “Don’t worry it was exciting to say the least… and you can always make it up to me.” She winked at you. Blushing you hid your face in her neck and placed a small kiss there pulling her closer to you. Placing your forehead against hers you gazed into those warm brown eyes you loved so much. “Yeah, yeah I can.” you smiled at her and pulled her into another kiss. Later you’d have to clean the guest room and go to your apartment and clean the mess that awaited you there but for now you wanted nothing more than to focus on the amazing women you loved so much.
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Bruce Wayne X Reader Part 5
Hi you’ve reached Dr. Y/N Lillian Carson, I’m not here right now but if you could leave your name, your phone number and a message I will gladly get back to you. Stay bright 
Good morning Darling or in your case goodnight. I am going to be coming back a little earlier than planned the business I had to attend to went smoother than Luscious and I planned. Also you haven’t changed your last name on here? You’ve been a Wayne for quite some time. I love you see you soon.  
Half awake I listened to the voice message Bruce had left me nine hours previous. Which made me happy. He had been gone for a week with little words spoke to any of us about his progress, a habit of his. It was 9:30 in the morning much later than I usually sleep in during the weekends. Everything was still and calm around me the only noise coming from the living area where Alfred was wandering around doing whatever he did with his time as well as the usual street noise. I smiled at the thought of Alfred, he had always been so kind. Thankful for him to be around serving as the only family Bruce had left. I got up putting on my rob making my way out to Alfred. Pure sunlight shined in from behind me warming up my back as I walked down the hallway. “Good morning Alfred” I chimed. He looked ti me from the book case he was dusting with an old smile. “Ah Good morning Mrs. Lillian. Did you sleep well” I nodded walking over the the tea station Bruce had installed in the living room, primarily for Alfred. “I did and you?” He nodded sitting down on the plush red chair with a grown looking a crossed the room. “Oh I certainly did. It’s quite quiet without Master Wayne around. Well besides Master Maddox he wild that one.” He looked up up me with affection “But very well mannered” I grabbed a cup off of the cup rack stuck in a bag of black tea replying to Alfred as I pored my water. “He is a sweet boy” I smiled. When I was done I joined Alfred in sitting in the identical chair a crossed form him.”How has he been doing as of late?” I inquired stirring my tea. He paused for a moment to gather his sentence. “He’s doing quite well in school, very smart as I imagine his father would be I’d imagine. I don’t know much about his mother though.” I nodded approving of what he said thinking of all the times I had met with the Clown Prince observing as he blabbered on finding intricate ways to avoid my questions. Where as Carmen sat quietly and still a crossed from me, shaking slightly not a word leaving her mouth. “His mother was a hard case” I said picturing her black hair and pale face. Her green eyes suspicious as they watched me talk. The lines in his face grew more curious as he got up to make a cup of tea as well. “What is her story. If you don’t mind me asking?” I kept sitting forward as I spoke. “Well as I said before her name if Carmen she’s a paranoid schizophrenic who si on constant suicide watch due to her frequent attempts.” Alfred sat down he face forming a frown at her condition. “Her entire past had been made up of abuse after abuse and trauma after trauma. She was first institutionalized when she was twelve in California for killing her foster parents and has been in and out of prisons and Asylums ever sense.” The old man shook his head “Who is he most like, do you think?” I sighed mulling Maddox’s parents around in my head searching for the answer I had wondered about many times before. “In terms of looks he has his fathers eyes and his mothers hair- also very good looking like the both of them. His personality though is more similar to his mothers. He’s quiet and reserved...”
We both went quiet mulling the information around in our heads. Both of us worrying about the most likely outcome of having two unhinged parents. “DO you think the boy will turn out like that?” Alfred asked me seeming more vulnerable than I had ever seen him. I took a large gulp of my tea imagining sweet little Maddox sulking in a room a knife in his hand ready to slash the pale flesh on his wrists to end the misery that was shoved onto him. I shook my head to get rid of the daydream. “Not if he is in a safe environment. He’s had less trauma than his father and certainly less trauma than his mother. It will be hard for him but I have hope.” Please by my answer Alfred smiled replying in a whisper that seemed to brighten up the whole room. “As do I master Lillian. As do I” Together we sat in silence sipping our tea and taking in the smell room around us. Unlike Wayne manor the penthouse smelled like new carpet  instead of old books. It was simply set up two love seats and a couch surrounded by cream colored carpet. A black TV sat off to the side around it clear windows that gave a 150 degree view of Gotham.  Suddenly the telephone rang. I went to retrieve it but Alfred ushered me to stay seated.His footsteps echoed away followed by his British accent saying “Hello Alfred speaking” There was momentarily silence followed by “Ah yes I will retrieve her for you, Mrs. Lillian phone for you” I smiled knowing he should have just let me answer the phone. Getting up I grabbed the phone nodding my head in thanks. “Hello Y/N here” 
“Hi this is Dr. Mathews for Gotham General. We have a patient by the name of Carmen white here”  My heart thudded a little of her name “Due to her being a past patient of your. We would like it if you could come down to assess her. She’s reached a point where she is stable enough to leave the hospital.” I nodded knowing she would have to go back to Arkham being it the only capable psych. hospital in the country. “What time do you need me there?” the doctor paused confused by my tone of voice. “Soon as possible.” I sighed answering “I will be done in 30 minutes.” The doctor said thank you before hanging up the phone. My legs sluggishly lifted my off the coach. “Alfred I have an appointment I need to be going to. It’s unexpected.” before I disappeared into my room I heard him reply “Yes Mrs. Lillian “ 
Quickly I got ready used to the time crunch of sudden appointments. Not bothering with any make-up I put on a professional looking black outfit and ripped a brush through my hair then I was off to the garage and on onto the streets of Gotham city. Gotham general was much closer to the penthouse than Arkham so I was able to reach it in a solid twenty minutes, not bad for the usual horrendous city traffic. Walking through the hospital and in the direction of intensive treatment my brain dreaded the stare of her injured dead eyes or how still she sat watching your every move as if you were going to attack her right then and there. I didn’t want to but it was a necessary job to be done. I walked up to the secretary’s desk with a false smile. “Hello I’m Dr. Wayne here to see a patient” The secretary looked up at me from typing on her computer. “Sure thing I know just who you’ve come for. I will call up Dr. Matthews” I nodded to say thank you sitting down to wait of the tan chairs pressed up against the matching colored walls. 
Occupying myself with a fashion magazine in front of me. There was a particularly interesting article about new positions to use to have hotter sex I thought would excite Bruce but I had my attention stolen away when I heard my name called, to soon the get to the juicy details. “Dr. Wayne. Thank you for coming own on such short notice” I got up smiling assuring him it was no bother. He led me into to back room that was lined with cell looking rooms, a nurse’s station in the middle. “So we’re going to be in room 233 on the left here” He stepped in front of me unlocking the deadbolt with a key hanging from his badge. Inside two beefy guards stood beside of Carmen’s bed. She had been strapped down along the waist, legs, ankle and wrists. Her composure remained calm becoming used to this sort of procedure. I smiled ready to face the horror. “Hello Miss. Carmen. Do you remember me? I’m Dr. Wayne” She nodded softly looking at me “I’m not talking with these thugs in the room especially him” Her pale finger pointed harshly at Dr. Mathews who dropped his head immediately. “I’m sure that can be arranged” I eyed Dr. Matthews who ushered the guards out avoiding my gaze. Once they had left I sat down in the chair somewhat close to the bed. “Okay were going to do a simple psych. eval. So we can determine you’re current state. You will be going back to Arkham but we need these kind of reports on file.” Her eyes connected to the ceiling  “Where’s my man?” She said her California sass thick. I hesitated for a moment not sure what to tell her. The truth? “You will not be in contact with him any longer Carmen. I’m sorry to say this to you but it is for the best” She looked at me horrified her pale green eyes widening. Violently her limbs began jerking around in the restraints. She screamed knowing her efforts were futile. Full tears ran down her beautiful face. Empathy rang through my bones. “Yo people are evil. I need him! I need him!” She sobbed Gently I put my hand on hers she pulled away snapping. “Dont touch me with your sympathetic glance .You get to go home to your man but I.. I...” Carmen began hyperventilating freezing in her bed. “Doctor!” I called out of the door. “It’s urgent!” Dr. Matthew rushed in with a shot in his hand. “Dr. Wayne please step back” Compliant I did Watching. “Okay Miss Carmen I’m going to give you a shot that will calm you down” He stuck the needle in her arm pumping the clear liquid into her veins.
Carmen didn’t wake up for another hour. When she did she was calm complaining lights about auditory hallucinations of her abusive fathers voice. She responded well to my sympathy which I was pleased about. Able to continue on with her Psych evaluation  I asked the basic questions of how her mental state is, if she was having any thoughts of suicide or harming others, her answer was yes as usual. When we finished up I wrote a discharge form instructing her to be taken to the intensive treatment wing of Arkham to keep her as far away from Joker of I could. 
I left feeling uneasy. Joker had been prone to breaking out of his cell and wandering the hospital at night, not causing a ruckus just wandering. What’s to say he wouldn’t make his way to her wing and see her sleeping in her cell. His precious flower who he thought had wilted away blooming fully in front of him. Before I unlocked my car I shook the thought out of my mind. There was a lesser chance of her slaughtering innocent people in Arkham so the chance had to be taken. The car ride home seemed to take for hours even though I was only twenty minutes away. It had become dark out so everything became just a blur of yelling and streaming lights. As I pulled into the garage my head was spinning from it, my vision being blotted light that scarred them. Sluggishly I got out locking my car and opening the door. 
To my surprise Bruce was there holding flowers in his hand. I smiled wrapping my arms around his shoulders giving him a kiss- pressing harder when I felt all the stress and worry melt away. Without saying hello to Alfred or Maddox Bruce carried me into the bed room dropping me on the bed. I giggled at him noticing that he had crushed the bouquet all over his suit. His eyes shining bright he brushed them off smiling as he laid on top of me gently kissing my neck then to my ear.
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Thank you all for reading :) To be continued Same Bat-time Same Bat-Channel
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