#lily gv
lemnnshark · 26 days
"Lily is a bright orange tabby she-cat with amber eyes and a white chest, muzzle, underbelly, and paws."
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eggfeather · 4 months
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sheactress · 2 years
11. sweater weather
❝    i don’t mind if there’s not much to say… sometimes the silence guides a mind.    ❞
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lilisouless · 3 months
I am sick (which may be Covid) so I’ll decide to stroke my ego to cope (and I can always blame the fever for my bad choices)
“Since I became aware of the concept of death,I live in fear of everything”
“I am not good relaxing at will, trying to relax actually stresses me because i fail at relaxing”
(After being diagnosed with a 38.9º C fever) “Yet I still completed my assignment!” (Chants) yay Lili,yay Lili”
“Everything has a logic,even the illogical”
“I don’t know if I don’t have an aesthetic because i favor practicality over looks, or because i actually don’t have a personality”
“You made the mistake of getting in the way of me and my ice cream”
“If you do a fake evil laughter,it will lead to you having a real evil laughter”
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fatehbaz · 2 years
Avocado orchards had carpeted the gently undulating hills around the sacred lake of Pátzcuaro with stodgy green bushes. Here, before the cataclysmic arrival of the first envoys dispatched by Hernando Cortes from the Aztec capital over the mountains to the East, [...] the Purépecha had sown maize, amaranth, zucchini, cacao, cotton, tomato, beans, a dozen types of chili, and much more.
Now the monotonous “green gold” of the avocado boom had colonized the entire Mexican state of Michoacán. [...] [I]t was shocking to think that the cause of the disaster was America’s great patriotic party: the National Football League’s Super Bowl. A flurry of advertising creativity on behalf of the Mexican avocado was unleashed every year during the multi-million-dollar sports broadcast. [...] “Is your life just terrible?” asks the comic actor Chris Elliott, star of Scary Movie 2 and Scary Movie 4, in the 2019 spot. “You deserve more! Spread an avocado on top of everything!” [...] A few days before the Super Bowl, the domestic diva Martha Stewart [...] had released on social networks her latest recipe for guacamole [...]. Guacamole was now an obligatory snack for the 100 million or so Americans who watched the Super Bowl. In February of 2017, 278 million avocados -- most of them from Michoacán -- had been sold during the days before the game in [the US] [...].
The avocado had become the star product of Mexican food production in the age of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) [...] since NAFTA was signed in 1994 [...]. [Mexican] farmers produced 16 times more than the formerly dominant Californian growers. [...] Moreover, the avocado was now classified as a “superfood” [...].
It had not always been like this. In the 1950s, the avocado was known unsentimentally as the crocodile pear [...]. Imports from Mexico were banned until 1997 [...] . When complete liberalization was announced in 2007, Michoacán had become an unbeatable competitor for the Californian avocado growers. The Mexican producers specialized, like their Californian rivals, in the Hass variety of avocado, more meaty than those that the Purépecha had [...] consumed over the millennia, and with a tough skin that protected the pears during long hauls in chilled container trucks to El Paso or Tijuana and then beyond to the big US consumer markets. [...] [T]he Hass avocado was perfectly suited to the global market [...]. Michoacán, whose crystalline lakes had earned it the name of the “land of fish” in the indigenous language of Tarasco, would never be the same.
By 2020, 80 percent of the avocados consumed in the United States came from Michoacán [...].
Now in the 21st century, on the outskirts of Uruapan, the frenetic capital del aguacate, the new economy of agribusiness took shape [...]. Further west on the shores of Lake Pátzcuaro, the monoculture had not yet colonized the entire landscape, but the advance of the avocado seemed unstoppable. [...] “Practically everybody here wants an avocado orchard [...],” explained [FFB], a resident of the Purépecha indigenous community of Jarácuaro on the shores of the lake. [...] [H]e was horrified by the extent of environmental destruction. “They pump water from the lake to water the avocado orchards [...]. It’s pillage. [...]”
The falling water level, together with the introduction of the rapacious predator tilapia, had wiped out almost all the [...] [native] fish species. Of the cornucopia of marine life that had fed the Purépecha cities, only the diminutive silvery charal remained. The same occurred at other great freshwater deposits in Michoaczán. [...] The Purépecha communities on the shores of the lake, a landscape of stunning beauty where dense pine and ilex oak forests met white nymphaea lilies floating on turquoise water, were girding themselves for the arrival of the aguacateros, avocado producers [...].
“They put a gun to your head and tell you to sign the deed before the notary. That’s how the transfer of land is agreed upon,” explained [GV], a sociologist at the University of San Nicolas de Hidalgo in Morelia [...].
Meanwhile, large exporters and avocado brokers -- some of them international brands like Del Monte -- were profiting by purchasing from producers at dirt-cheap prices and reselling to the US supermarket chains at very attractive ones. “They pay a dollar per kilo of avocado here and sell it for eight at a Minnesota W*lmart,” said [GV].
In order not to squander such a reliable source of profits, “transnational corporations, just like the Canadian mining companies in Zacatecas, pay the extortion money [...],” he continued.
Text by: Andy Robinson. Gold, Oil, and Avocados: A Recent History of Latin America in Sixteen Commodities. 2021. [Bold emphasis and some paragraph breaks added by me.]
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recreatedgbbau · 8 months
Character ages (based off the arrival of the Player)
Note that the ages aren't the 'real' ages because the mascots age and mature physical quicker than humans, more like in dog years. The baby to teen period is compressed and shorten by a few years than compared to humans.(3-4 years approximately)
'Main Mascots'
Banban (Duke): 36
(idk if he counts as a main)Hellish Banban(Henry): 36 ( same age cause twins)
Banbalina (BonBon): 34
Jumbo josh: 37
Jumbo siblings: 28-30
Stinger Flynn: 30
Opila Bird: 33
Tartar Bird: 32
Queen Bouncelia (Queen Lia): 47
Syringeon (Sergio): 48
The Nanny (Rosetta): 41
Sir Dadadoo: 40
Sheriff Toadster: 38
Bittergiggle: 37
Captain Fiddles and crew: 36-39 (between the siblings, some are twins/triplets)
Tamataki & Chamataki (brothers, twins): 35
Nabnab (Nathan): 34
Nabnalina (Natalie): 32
Slow Seline: 29
Kittysuarus (Kathryn): 26
Zolphius: unknown
Straight up babies/kids/teens
Froggie: 16
GV Twins, black eye(Basil), white eye(Wai): 6
Little beak (Lotus): 3
Little beaks siblings( Lily(girl), Bluebell(boy), Daisy(girl): 3
Mystery marionette: Unknown
Player(child): 8-10
Dr. Uthman, Adam: 49
Dr. Waverly Mason: 48
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writtenforwylan · 1 year
My Friends as Marauders Era Characters
So I have a bunch of friends who I think can be a lot like some Marauders Era characters and I therefore am going to share them (and something about them too) with you. 
Evie - Lily Evans
Evie is incredibly intelligent, my best friend, and kinda short-tempered too. She’s the sweetest human ever but also has an ongoing feud with our English teacher (sorry Mr Shaw, but we are planning to give you a heart attack soon sooooo).
Ellie - Marlene McKinnon
Ellie is very opinionated, is low-key scared of everyone while everyone is low-key scared of her, and she’s loud, proud, and unapologetic. 
Ioan - Remus Lupin
Ioan is *the* most Remus Lupin human I’ve ever encountered, I swear. He’s in mostly top sets (everything but Cymraeg), he’s chaotic yet so smart, and he’s an absolute dumbass who puts up with everyone else’s dumbassery too. Love him.
Malachy - Sirius Black
Maiwenn - Pandora Sailstreame
Mai is so funny and so cool, but she knows it damn well, too. She knows she’s a glorious human and we all love her for it. (also, she has a really cute dog called Mostyn but that’s beside the point)
Millie P (i know 3 millies, okay?) - Mary MacDonald
Millie is opinionated, lovely, socially aware, and headstrong. She also knows exactly what she’s worth while being able to criticise her surroundings/herself and earlier she was talking about our RE class and how when we have it tomorrow, Johnny’s gonna eat EVERY SINGLE CHOCOLATE FINGER IN THERE. and she’s not even wrong. 
Hannah - Amelia Bones
Hannah is super sweet, nice, and always misses class for extra-curricular stuff. She’s in choir, ‘llefaru’, and she worked on the summer fair too. She does everything, is the kindest human, and she has a close-knit group of friends she’d do anything for. 
Levi - Barty Crouch jr
Asher - James Potter
As soon as Ash read the GV for me, I knew it would go well. and it did. Ash is so happy to completely nerd out with me for Gods know what, sit with me in comfortable silence while we’re doing our own things (paralel play), and we know we can go to each other for anything. (they also have set-aside pancakes every morning in school cause their mum is one of the lunch ladies)
So that’s my probable incomplete list of my friends as Marauders Era characters!
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awritersnightmare · 16 hours
Welcome, the name's Jack. This blog is a space for me to talk about my WIPs and post little preview pieces if people have an interest. Trying to revatlize this blog I've had forever.
Feel free to send me asks about my OCs or stories if you're curious!
Shortcut for my WIP tags:
#lwc: short for Love We Create. After Cameron's father is killed in a car accident, their mother moves them to a small town in the middle of a forest in Scotland. There, whilst contending with the grief of their father's death, they also learn they're from a long line of witches and are expected to learn/know how to keep the town balanced. Urban Fantasy. Currently on draft 5.
#fantasy transportation story: In the city of Lestyr, public transit is solely run by Jayton Industries. They revolutionized taking the bus by having selected employees "bond" to great metal "beasts" that service the city. And any other city/country that holds a contract with them. They are the best and most efficient transit system in the world, just don't look beneath the surface... Four book series. Fantasy-Scifi. First two book drafts completed. B1-Draft 2. B2-Draft 1. B3-Halfway completed. B4-not started.
#reborn: In the Union Valley, three kingdoms are powered by a central tower known as the Heart. Every 50 years, the spirit that stabilizes the power source escapes and claims a human host. Its counterpart is dragged from the afterlife to find its own host, and when the hosts turn 20, they find each other and fight to the death. Hero and Rival locked in an eternal battle. The loser has the spirit harvested and sent back to power the Heart for the next cycle. Except this cycle, the hosts are in the same kingdom. And only one of them knows how their twentieth birthday will end. Fantasy. Three Books. B1-Half-done. B2-Draft 1 mostly done. B3-not started.
#gv: short for Golden Vices. After the death of their best friend, Sammy, Eli and Rhys are left adrift. While Rhys goes to college, Eli is left alone in her childhood town. One day after a therapy appointment, she's attacked by something unseen and saved by something unimaginable. As thanks for saving her, she drags Rhys along on a last summer road trip to help the Unimaginable rediscover its true identity. Urban Fantasy. One book. Draft 1 started.
#db: Short for Destiny's Burden. The grocery store near Lily's house is weird. She knows there's something weird living inside it. She saw them. A red-haired warrior that can turn invisible at will. The store manager denies all knowledge, but Lily doesn't buy it. Joined by her two best friends, Carter and Ed, they take it upon themselves to figure out who the mysterious warrior in the grocery store is and why they're there. Sci-Fi. Unknown series length. Scenes started.
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exocynraku · 3 years
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lily cats part 1 
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goatpaste · 4 years
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saw that the warriorclan cats were put on the wiki ;w;
i love them so much i truly think they deserve their own super edition or series,,,
[Commission info] [Etsy]
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gougarpaw · 4 years
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[Image Description: A digital drawing of Lily from Graystripe’s Vow. She is a white cat with light orange tabby patches on her face and a light orange tabby back and tail, a red nose, and orange eyes. She is sitting with her back to the viewer but her head turned to face them. Above her back “Lily” is written in orange. End Description.]
“We all know you're sad, Petunia. But like Monkeystar said, we need to you. I need you. We've both got to leave this place behind now. WarriorClan can be our home. All the time.”
Lily is a bright orange tabby she-cat with amber eyes and white chest, muzzle, underbelly, and paws.
- I would die for her 
- back is similar to Billystorm, but doubled stripes. 
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            Lilith is outside the school, looking up at the windows and blowing the smoke from her cigarette upward.  Shoulders roll as she tries to decide what to do next. Schoolwork? No. Find out who her roommates are? That just seems sad for all parties involved. She could find a hunt. 
             Yeah- that’s what she could do. Find something to kill. If she can’t make friends here she might as well make a reputation not to be fucked with. And she turns, smashes the cig between booted foot and gravel, then runs directly into someone. 
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sinsoakedsaints · 6 years
“Your heartbeat’s really loud.” (tigerthief)
Harry had always figured that if he should ever find himself entrapped in a closet with Tiger that it would be a consequence of a stupid game they were all playing. 
( Yeah, they were in a gang – somehow that didn’t seem to matter when the idea of alcohol and either spin the bottle or truth or dare came up. ) 
When he had imagined such a scenario – and he had, as sad as that sounded – he had envisioned himself playing it far cooler than sweaty palms and a look of anxious terror on his face. 
That being said, in none of the potential play throughs his imagination conjured up, the cause of their proximity hadn’t been his fuck up on a job. The place was supposed to be empty, he had read so on the calendar that clung to the fridge via magnet. Big red line from Monday through to Friday. 
Clearly, that had gotten cut short which left the pair of them staring at one another wide-eyed while they ransacked the top floor and had to think fast on how to conceal themselves. 
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“Think it’s the shock still,” He whispers, though he knows that’s only a minimal contributing factor to the fast race of it. 
( She’s always the cause. )
“They weren’t due back for another day. We need to figure a way out of here before they start looking around.” 
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yovrstruely · 6 years
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Like for a starter from Lily, if you are apart of this group verse. 
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ask-a-vetblr · 3 years
Why is it that 90% of plants are toxic to cats 😭😭 I just want plants but they all kill cats
GV here.
Honestly, there are plenty of plants that are non-toxic to cats. They might cause some mild vomiting/diarrhea, but are not typically rapidly fatal like lilies. For example I have peperomia, kalanchoe, aloe, african violets, lucky bamboo, mother-of-thousands, pancake plant, oxalis, Christmas cactus, and orchids without any issues around my cats. Even some species of lily are safe-ish around cats, for example peace lilies just cause oral irritation and drooling but shouldn't cause organ damage. The ASPCA has a list of plants and whether or not they are highly toxic to animals.
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mountainridgeuni · 5 years
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alias : joey age : 26 character  name : kip sabian character  age : 24 face claim : kip sabian  major  /  minor : business secret : his parents made him choose between military school or college. he chose college.  small bio : kip has typical youngest sibling energy, always feeling like he was fighting for his parents attention. though he wasn’t the best student going through high school, he’s far from stupid. he just didn’t see the point in finishing school and going to college. getting tired of his constant trouble making, his parents gave him a choice: military school or college. he chose college, following his friend jay white to invictus. the two of them have known each other a long time and have a friends with benefits relationship.
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