#lime eridan
rachelcommitscrimes · 2 years
her: you must be eridan ampora with lime lips if you think we fucking
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yelloworangesoda · 11 months
sometimes homestuck theory posts are like "the blood aspect is intrinsically linked to having red blood and the rage aspect purple! theres somethng fishy about dammek and xefros" like along the lines of fully forgetting we have 1 and a half examples for every troll blood color
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caligvlasaqvarivm · 3 months
Wait what was that that Beforus Eridan being Kankri’s culler? What? How? Does that mean that candy red includes aquatic mutations?
Okay, so, this is PURE speculative headcanon and I debated over whether or not I should even say it, but it's pretty fucking hilarious so I figured I'd mention it with the heavy caveat that I made it all up & not to take it seriously, it's just a headcanon I believe because it's a really funny idea to me, and i do not at all consider this "canon" the way some of my other theories are. i hope you also find it funny
So the big difference between Feferi and Meenah's troll society is what "culling" entails; where on Alternia, culling means killing off the weak, orphaned, disabled, and/or lower classes, on Beforus, it means taking care of them. So the characters on Alternia that would've been slated for culling would, on Beforus, actually have lived very cushy lives where a highblood provides for them. It's still another way of enforcing the class divide, so it's still shitty, but I guess it's better than people being killed all the time.
Karkat is one of the most cullable trolls on Alternia for being a mutant not on the hemospectrum, and the only reason he has a symbol and lusus at all is because the Signless's followers prepared them for him. This is why Kankri doesn't seem to have a symbol or lusus, because a situation similar to the Signless never happened on Beforus, and instead, Kankri (and presumably Karkat as well) would've been culled, AKA taken care of by a highblood.
Another part of Kankri's characterization is that he fucking loves sea dwellers - he's actually pretty polite to Meenah, even trying to ingratiate himself to her via nautical references, and desperately, desperately wants to be pale with Cronus. This leads me to infer that Kankri was specifically culled by a sea dweller, and the law of conservation of detail (not a real thing, it's a trope name) leads me to further infer that Kankri was culled by one of our KNOWN sea dwellers, either Feferi or Eridan. And since Feferi was busy managing Meenah, it seems like the task would've fallen onto Eridan.
Now, I have a whole set of headcanons for what Beforus!Eridan was like, but as I tend not to speculate too much on AUs divested too far from canon, I'm only going to note the pertinent details:
Beforus!Eridan was very well-regarded by the population and had the same kind of standing as a major celebrity,
Many hundreds of sweeps ago, Karlkat Marx Karkat Vantas used to be Eridan's freeloader. Their relationship was extremely difficult to classify, and nobody really understood it (many assumed Eridan was culling him, but Eridan vehemently denied this, insisting Karkat just lived on his sofa rent-free and all expenses paid, like this was a normal thing for them to be doing),
Karkat was generally an absolute disaster in the romance department, having a long string of relationships up and down the hemocaste with his trademark Blurry Quadrant Bullshit, always sadly slinking back to Eridan's sofa at the end of his wild, vascillatory flings,
Karkat would write a massive scathing critique of Beforan society, its consumer capitalism, its casteism and classism, its power structure, etc. etc., which Eridan distributed posthumously, because unfortunately Karkat had the lifespan of a lime & passed away long before Eridan was even at the halfway point of his own lifespan,
Eridan was never the same, and while his public persona remained widely beloved, he became an interpersonal disaster in his private life, and Feferi handed him Kankri as a wiggler to cull in the hopes that it would get him out of his funk,
This Did Not Work At All and in fact fucked up a perfectly good wiggler
I mean, honestly, I don't think there exists such a thing as a "bad class," but I do think Princes should not be raising kids.
So Eridan, who, even in the best case scenario, has disastrous social skills and a fucked up sponge, had literally 0 idea what to do with this kid, and pretty much just threw money at it. It was pretty inevitable for Kankri to remind Eridan of Karkat, so most of what few conversations they'd actually have revolved around Karkat, especially Karkat's extremely fucked up romantic affairs, the recounting of which slowly shrivelled the Seer of Blood up like a raisin and made him decide that romance was really, truly not worth it.
At the same time, Kankri craved an emotional bond with his fucked-up adoptive dad, and the spark would sometimes come into Eridan's eyes whenever Kankri started talking about hemocaste equality. The guy who used to live on his couch would say things like that...
But this would also mean that Eridan was alive at the same time as his descendent, Cronus, so I'm pleased to inform you all that he managed to neglect TWO children, both his biokid and his adopted one. Hooray! As Eridan was universally beloved, Cronus always had a lot to live up to, and very little opportunity to be his own person, divorced of his status as a sea dweller or his ancestor's shadow. Hooray!
But the way it comes full circle is this: Canon!Eridan actually outright admits that his typing quirk is fake, calling it "weird" and dropping it when he's trying to be emotionally sincere. Thus, to me, it stands to reason that it's something he would stop using after he has his character development, and he stops caring about how a "sea dweller" is "supposed to" act. We see it happen with the other trolls, losing/changing their quirks to reflect big life events - Aradia dropping her 0s because she's not doomed anymore, Sollux losing his 2's when he loses his li2p. I've been struggling for a while with what Eridan would replace his quirk with after he drops his ww/vvs because it'd be kind of lame if he just had, like, basically nothing.
Also, I lowkey don't really vibe with Karkat ever using the sym69ls in text - he already resented his ancestor, and he'd especially hate the idea of using them after meeting Kankri. Hell, he's pretty reluctant to even type in his blood color even after everybody knows what it is. But then I realized - Eridan is already the guy on the team who dresses up in the colors of his dating partners. What if he replaced his ww/vv quirk with the sym69ls to show his support for Karkat?
Like yeah Karkat would hate it but it would also be literally so funny, and I think Karkat would be secretly comforted by the way Eridan would stubbornly insist that he's doing it FOR KARKAT, and not for the Signless or whatever, he's literally called Signless, that was like his whole thing idiot, this is Kar's symbol, shut the fuck up.
And also, genuinely, one of the things I'm most sad about missing out on was a conversation between Kankri and post-character-development!Eridan, because... can you fucking imagine? Here's Kankri, who actually loves sea dwellers and the caste system, who wants to be pale with Cronus so so so badly, yet is celibate by choice because he's a slut shamer (and in this headcanon, because he heard too many terrible stories about his ancestor's hellish dating life), who uses "social justice" as a cudgel and couches outright contempt for his friends in "polite" mealymouth language about equality...
... And then Eridan "these are my emotional support slurs" Ampora rocks up to the chat.
Even without the culler stuff, it'd be fucking hilarious, right? Eridan's insane and makes a lot of wild assumptions, but he's usually kind of right (he assumes Kanaya doesn't want to c3< him and Vriska because she's in <3 with Vriska, and he's at least right about the latter; he assumes Rose is highborn nobility, and, like, she IS a rich girl). Despite posturing about supporting the caste system, he doesn't actually give a shit about it, and arguing with him is basically a huge waste of time because he doesn't listen to people.
What I'm saying is, Kankri would be like "excellent, another sea dweller to befriend" + "finally, emotional validation from my distant father" & Eridan would immediately call Kankri a slur, ignore his arguments and rebut with something crazy like how "royal-v" is actually a more offensive term than "wader" because the former assumes sea dwellers have such delicate feelings that they can't stand not to have their globes kissed every five seconds, call Kankri a wader, ask Kankri why Kankri is hitting on him (Kankri isn't), proclaim that he and Karkat make out despite being moirails, and then start insisting that Kankri has to stop using his quirk because it's a quirk for Karkat and Karkat doesn't even like Kankri so Kankri doesn't get to use it anymore.
I think Kankri would start crying. Especially because a crowd has gathered and Kankri accidentally calls Eridan "dad" and Eridan is like i Don't know what that is.
Anyway the point that im making is the sym69ls were originally Beforus!Eridan's quirk because that was how he and Karkat used to curl up on the sofa together. 69. All cozy like. And that's where Kankri got them from and he decided to match his whistles to the motif. And after bullying Kankri into not using them anymore and taking them on himself, they go back to being Eridan's quirk. In a beautiful and stupid time loop of karma, the likes of which Homestuck is so fond of. Amen
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kabutoden · 4 months
are all trolls in bugstuck insect-based exclusively? i know lime is an outlier (isopods) but other than that, are there trolls based more on crustaceans?
Yeah, all the seadwellers can be any kind of crustacean. Right now I have Eridan as an Anomolocaris and Feferi as a spined trilobite, though a oc seadweller could be any kind of crustacean. I'm from Maine, so I adore lobsters especially. :) I've also drawn a centipede, a spider and a scorpions.
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vikkirosko · 1 year
may i have one where eridan finds out that the reader (his matesprit) is limeblooded? reader tried to keep it a secret for a really long time because they were scared of his reaction but, they couldnt hide it forever
♒️ Eridan Ampora ♥️ limeblood!Reader headcanons 🪄
You and Eridan have been together for a long time. He knew that you were below him in hemospectrum, but he was sure that the difference was not very big, so at some point he stopped paying attention to it. However, he didn't know about your biggest secret, which you kept throughout your life. Ever since you were born, you've been hiding the color of your blood from everyone
You were born with lime blood. You didn't know if you were a mutant or if the reason was something else, but you knew for sure that the color of your blood could cause your death. If someone found out that you were a limeblood troll, then you would lose your life. That's why you tried not to stand out in order to survive. The relationship with Eridan was risky, but you still decided to become his matesprite, because you really had feelings for him and it was mutual
Although you tried to hide your blood color from Eridan, planning to hide it all your life, but everything did not go according to plan. You were in your hive when you accidentally broke a glass and cut your hand. You were hastily looking for bandages or something else to bandage the wound and didn't hear someone come into your hive. It was Eridan. He came to you without even intending to write to you about it in advance, and he was very surprised when he saw drops of lime blood on the floor and on your hand
Eridan could not find the strength to say something. He saw the panic in your eyes and there was a huge amount of thoughts in his head. He understood why you kept it from him, but he still felt bad that you kept it a secret from him. He was even more worried that he should have been angry that you were deceiving him, because the color of blood was not in the last place for him, but he did not feel angry. He felt anxious, but not angry
He needed time to make sense of everything. He left, telling you that he wouldn't tell anyone about the color of your blood, but he needed to think about everything. Eridan had to decide for himself what was more important to him, the color of your blood or his feelings for you. It was an important decision on which not only your relationship but also your future depended
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theangryweasel · 2 years
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That's right, you heard it here first!
Homestuck Candles now for Sale!
Purchase here, list of current stock and their scents below the read more.
Aradia Megido: Black cherry, graveyard dirt, and petrichor
Sollux Captor: Honey, sage, citrus, and apple.
Karkat Vantas: Black coffee, maraschino cherries, and warm cotton sweaters
Eridan Ampora: Sea salt, violets, ozone, and damp scarves.
John/June Egbert: Blue razzberry gushers, fresh air, coconut, and bright lime.
Roxy Lalonde: Cotton candy, orchids, and sea spray.
Jake English: Pine, cedar, cut wood, woodsmoke, and caramel popcorn.
All currently $11 each with a minimum of $6 shipping per order. If you don't see your favorite character, I have a suggestion form here, and a commission form here if you just can't wait. I can do just about any fandom or character as long as you're willing work with me!
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davekat-sucks · 1 month
Omg so your fucking right about the theif of life thing and her cuttlefish coddling!
I was thinking it more so how like, even in beforus Feferi still doesnt allow lime blood to be alive, theyre STILL illegal or however the proper term is, like even when her whole culture is based on white savoir complex, the more privileged and impowered looking after their, ahem, "lessers"... there is still a whole ass caste of trolls she has culled on the spot.
I wasnt thinking how deep it actually went beyond it just...stuck with me, even after being in this fandom for a DECADE it so still always bugged me Feferi was in the end, in some ways just as bad as Meeneh, allowing a whole caste of trolls just... die, and i dont even remember if a valid reason was ever given as to why.
Her cruelity had a gentle mask of kindness to it, when you sit down and realize oh yeah, like lime genocide happens in BOTH versions...yeah.
If not killed, then Beforus Feferi may have limebloods all sealed up in some camp/prison to try and treat them. Just like how she had put cuttlefishes in cages and she keeps them until they 'get better'. Feferi is more like a toxic positivity. Thinking that if everyone is treated equally, there won't be any problems. Not counting in the factor about trolls' violent nature still seeded within (as it shown that Meenah had the urge on wanting to kill Feferi upon seeing her), the different lifespans based on the blood color, how some trolls could gain special abilities (psychic or psiionic powers, super strength if you take in factor for someone like Equius) and if they will use it for good or nefarious purposes, etc. Eridan may have some footing to stand on since he does not agree with Feferi's ideals. Karkat could even have been one to call out Feferi's ruling and that's why the previous session got fucked over so that they had to make a Scratch. Girl may have made the Dream Bubbles and was nicer to her lusus, but doesn't change the fact a version of herself made their dancestors all messed up in some ways that lead to their own existence to clean up their mess.
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deepseaspriteblog · 2 years
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Fusion/Rare Pair Kids, Part 2! The troll version. From left to right, the pairings are; Dave + Nepeta, Jane + Porrim, Roxy + Eridan, Jade + Karkat, Rose + Terezi, Jade + Sollux
Thanks again for the suggestions! My favorite of this batch is definitely the rose/terezi teal troll.
As always, if you're interested in these lovely trolls you can adopt them from my ko-fi in the links below!
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masiy-blooms · 1 month
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Meet Serenity Pixaan
she’s a very royal and dangerous highblooded fuchsia troll
she like to cause chaos and havoc on low bloods, and has killed most lime bloods
she likes taking selfies and taking care of her pet lusus, she even is head over heels for Dualscar
she dislikes buzzkills and rules and Darkleer, she’s thinks he’s….weird…
when she was a little grubby she bites a lot of people
she’s even like a mother figure to Eridan and Feferi
she even likes it when Gamzee goes sober and kills…
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honeyweaselcandles · 1 year
Candle Catalogue
Here you can find a list of all the candles I have on offer, with a link to the page to buy them and a description of the scent of said candle. It will also contain my commission information, all under the read more.
Linked above is my commission form, once submitted I will look it over and contact you when I am ready to begin discussing it with you. Depending on other orders/commissions/my own schedule, I may not get back to you right away. Commissioned candles are, of course, more customizable than my premade variety. If you want a specific kind of vessel for your candle, for example, provided you have the funds I can make something different than my usual metal tins.
Commissioned candles do not have to be fandom related. You're welcome to commission a candle with a specific scent you like and can't find elsewhere, for religious purposes, or just about any reason you can think of. You could also commission a candle I make already, with modifications, in a different container or subbing out a scent. You could make your own blend for a character I already offer, anything at all is on the table.
If you do get a commission in my standard 4 oz tin as many people do, however, here are my prices:
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To clarify: if I already own the scents necessary for what you want, there will be no extra charge. If I need to purchase new ones because I don't own them yet, that is what would cost extra.
Pre-made Candles
Here I will list all of my currently available candles and their scents, with links attached.
Egbert: Fresh air, light florals, white musk, coconut, zingy lime, bright blue razzberry gushers. (Tealight Link)
Julian Devorak: Orchid, rosemary, seasalt, black coffee, and a hint of leather. (Tealight Link)
Asra Alnazar: A mix of bright citruses, green tea, sage, with a pop of blue raspberry. (Tealight Link)
Rose Lalonde: Roses, lilac, fresh rain, and old books. (Tealight Link)
Jade Harley: Green leaves, fresh fallen snow, turned earth, and light musk. (Tealight Link)
Dave Strider: Juicy apple, thyme, sandalwood, jasmine, and vinyl. (Tealight Link)
Jane Crocker: French vanilla, almond cupcakes, and tobacco smoke. (Tealight Link)
Roxy Lalonde: Sweet cotton candy, orchids, and sea spray. (Tealight Link)
Jake English: Caramel popcorn, pine, cut wood, cedar, and woodsmoke. (Tealight Link)
Dirk Strider: Orange soda, teakwood, amber, hints of motor oil and steel. (Tealight link)
Aradia Megido: Graveyard dirt, black cherry, and petrichor. (Tealight Link)
Tavros Nitram: Worn playing cards, rock sea cliffs, warm caramel, and coconut. (Tealight Link)
Sollux Captor: Honey, apple, sage, lemon and citrus. (Tealight Link)
Karkat Vantas: Warm cotton sweaters, coffee, and maraschino cherry. (Tealight Link)
Nepeta Leijon: Dry leaves, dirt, chamo-meow-ile, mint, and a touch of patchouli. (Tealight Link)
Kanaya Mayram: Rosemary, blackberries, pepper, clean linens, and steel. (Tealight Link)
Terezi Pyrope: Dragon's blood and fruity red kool-aid. (Tealight Link)
Vriska Serket: Blood orange, grapefruit, lemon, ginger, and steel. (Tealight Link)
Gamzee Makara: Baked goods, lime, cannabis, and sea salt. (Tealight Link)
Eridan Ampora: Violets, cashmere scarves, crackling ozone, and sea spray. (Tealight Link)
Feferi Peixes: Ocean air, teakwood, fresh strawberries, and sakura blossoms. (Tealight Link)
Calliope: Brown sugar, linen, books, and lime. (Tealight Link)
Pink Frog: Bubble gum
Frog Candles
Bi Pride Frog: Rose, cashmere, black cherry, firewood, and amber.
Green Frog: Vetiver, green moss, rain water, and violets.
Gay Pride Frog: Fruity grapefruit, lemon, and raspberry.
Trans Pride Frog: Daisy, cotton candy, and honey.
Nonbinary Pride Frog: Honey, frankincense and myrrh, turned earth, and a drop of motor oil.
Lesbian Pride Frog: Cinnamon, honeysuckle blossoms, and strawberry.
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dabantam · 4 months
Homestuck: Troll Biology Head Canon
While brainstorming some ideas for a Homestuck au I’ve been thinking about, I stumbled upon the concept of “xeno trolls”, basically portraying the trolls as being more “biologically exotic” than just “grey humans with horns and weird blood”. With that in mind, I have a few ideas for the different blood castes.
Universal: Along with the usual grey skin, orange horns, and black hair, trolls also have tails and pointed ears, as well as limbs of equal length, allowing them to sprint on all fours if the need arises.
Rust, Bronze, and Gold Bloods: Have the greatest potential for psychic powers, with each specializing in different tasks. Rust Bloods use their powers purely for telekinetic use due to being traditionally servants (and needing to do a lot of heavy lifting). Bronze Bloods tend to use their powers to communicate with animals, seeing as they’re traditionally shepherds. Gold Bloods have the strongest control over their psychic powers, able to use it as a weapon and to operate a vast psychic network (though they do sometimes suffer from a condition called “void rot” that leaves them drained of both physical and mental energy, often requiring them to take pills or be attached to energy canisters to maintain their energy levels).
Lime Bloods: The transitional point between the low bloods and high bloods, the Lime Bloods lacked more advanced psychic powers (though having the ability to sense the emotional state of those around them). While hunted down to extinction in the main universe (though existing on in the form of their “candy blood” mutant variants), an alternate universe shows an Alternia where they continue to thrive, serving as mediators between the low and high bloods.
Olive Bloods: The closest to ancestral trolls, Olive Bloods tend to have more bestial mannerisms and serve primarily as hunters. These same mannerisms also lead to them developing hyper fixations, with many of them becoming avid collectors of various odds and ends.
Jade Bloods: The caretakers of the Mother Grub and the ones responsible for caring for the wrigglers. Jade Bloods are typically an all female caste (though gender is more of a vestigial concept from back before trolls relied on the Mother Grub for reproduction). Also, being a rainbow drinker is a condition that mainly affects Jade Bloods (similar to void rot in Gold Bloods), and while it’s often romanticized in books and movies, it’s often more of a hassle in reall life, requiring at least one feeding of blood a day to prevent them from devolving into feral, bloodthirsty beasts.
Teal Bloods: More or less the same as canon, though acting as litigators between the high bloods (especially the land dwellers and sea dwellers).
Blue Bloods: This is where things start to get weirder. Along with possessing psychic powers to induce limited mind control, they also possess eight eyes, though usually in different variations (like Vriska having seven pupils in one eye in canon).
Indigo Bloods: The second strongest of the land dwellers, Indigo Bloods tend to be a head taller than most humans and possess chitinous plating on their arms, legs, chest, and back.
Purple Bloods: The strongest of the land dwellers, Purple Bloods tend to serve as intermediaries between land dwellers and sea dwellers. Being partially amphibious, they possess slight webbing between their fingers and toes, flattened tails, and eyes and nostrils that are usually higher up on their faces than normal (kind of resembling a weird, fucked up otter overall). As designated leaders of the land dwellers, they’re also leaders of the new worlds’ religion, worshipping the holy trinity: the Grand High Blood, the Sufferer, and the Mirthful Messiah.
Violet Bloods: Second highest rank in the hemospectrum, Violet Bloods tend are much taller than most land dwellers and humans (Eridan being the exception, which is another sore spot for him). Along with having gills, webbed hands and feet, and finned tails, they also possess a secondary set of smaller arms mainly used for grooming.
Fuchsia Bloods: A caste containing a singular member, the Fuschia Blood is the strongest of the trolls (supposedly). Along with the usual sea dweller traits, the Fuchsia Blood also possesses four arms total, as well as being incredibly jacked. While the Fuchsia Blood is the designated leader in the main universe, on an alternative Alternia, they actually serve as the second in command to a higher blood caste known as the Prism Blood, who possesses both powerful psychic powers and physical strength as well as ruling from a floating sky fortress.
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timecryptid · 1 year
South Park as Homestuck Trolls
(Like what they would be on Alternia)
Stan is probably a blue blood more in terms of Vriska. He only has small hints about his ancestor but he ignores them because his ancestor sounds like a shitty guy and not in a good way. He was the troll version of an alcoholic and also just a general nuisance. His lusus is actually pretty nice being maybe some sort of dog or wolf and while he’s she does require troll meat to live or else she’ll go fucking bad shit she also doesn’t try to get Stan to do it all the time. I also feel like his god teir would be something Heir but I don’t know what. He has some kind of mind control but he doesn’t use it much. He only uses it when he has to. And he only feeds assholes to his lusus. Usually people being assholes to his friends.
Kenny is a brown blood (I don’t remember what it’s officially called but Tavros) and he has no indication about who his ancestor is but also doesn’t care. His lusus would be some weird raccoon thing that sneaks in and eats his soper slime and as such is high constantly.
Kyle is a lime blood but he has to hide it because all the lime bloods were culled and somehow his ancestors blood got in their before they were all killed off. As far as he knows he doesn’t have any powers but he also doesn’t know much about himself and his blood. The only thing about his ancestor he knows is that he was killed off by hunters for his blood. His lusus is pretty protective of him and weirdly knew Kyles ancestor. I do not know what animal his lusus is though. While it is weird and unheard of his lusus also took in another young grub who was small and weak. He was bound for no lusus having bright candy red blood and as such Kyle and his lusus took the young male grub in.
Cartman I think would be a violet blood although higher then Eridan was. He definalty talks about killing off all the low bloods but he doesn’t actually try to or anything. He is very suspicious of Kyle although as far as he knows Kyle is just an olive blood. His lusus is a catfish who is very casual and is weirdly gone a lot. But when she is around she spoils the shit out of Eric. As much as a lusus can of course. He does not know a single thing about his ancestor which is odd for a violet blood. His friends joke that he doesn’t have one.
So then their relationships would be Stan and Kyle are morails along with Kenny and Cartman. Another obvious is that Cartman and Kyle are kismesis although they do fluctuate between kismesis and matesprites. When they are more ksimesis Stan acts as their auspicious. Wendy (a purple blood) and Stan are of course matesprites. Kenny doesn’t let himself be tied down. Accept for Cartman of course.
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gmanwhore · 5 months
Nepeta Megido - Page of Heart
Despite being of the lower caste, Nepeta has never had a care in the world for the system and in fact is very open about how ridiculous she thinks it is. She enjoyed a simple existance for a while but eventually she was killed due to a long cycle of revenge between Karkat and Sollux that their ancestors started. Now she finds herself questioning her own identity and porpouse, being willing to fing this under any means necesary.
Eridan Nitram - Seer of Hope
One word that would define Eridan well is dutyful, despite his often bitter and sour attitude Eridan does his job and he does it well, priding himself in being the best animal handler around, even if he learned the hard way. Despite all of this Eridan often finds himself frustrated with how things are, mainly because of how it affects the people around him that he cares about and he is gonna make sure things get better. His way, or the highway.
Equius Captor - Thief of Void
Equius bought a little too much in the empire's propaganda to say the least. He often sees himself as lesser than the other people higher in the hemospectrum as him and even tends to encourage others to stick to their place, probably due to an inferiority complex. Despite this Equius actually is a brilliant and STRONG individual whose technological abilities and psiionics often make one question why he doubts himself so much. Perphaps he needs a friend?
Vriska Vantas - Maid of Light
Born being both mutant and a lime blood is hard shit. And Vriska knows this, so she decides that if she is gonna live a life of being chased after and people trying to kill her she might as well make the most of it. She often tries to view herself as some sort of heroine, helping those in need when she can, and while she definitely enjoys the glory and attention this may bring her there is no denial that she is pretty helpful. She secretely feels insecure about her status in society and often wishes that she didn't have to fight all the time.
OOOOO rad as hell!!!! Also I uh. Wow. <- saw Equius Captor's thing and went damnnnnnn
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tmos-time · 1 year
I may just be autisming but what are your thoughts on the fact that we're gonna see two confirmed violet bloods in hiveswap act 3 (I personally don't think fiamet is actually a violet blood I think she mugged someone otherwise she would have no reason to talk in grey really), because like, we're finally gonna see if other violet bloods are similar to eridan or if he's an outlier, or like, what is seadweller society actually like??? Im stimming over here on we get to see so much in hiveswap act 3
oooh honestly? not entirely sure what my thoughts are tbh! as much as i want to be REALLY invested, act 2 was so "ah, okay" for me that i still havent tried to 100% the achievements lmao; im sure the next act will be fine, but being wary means i just havent been following too closely lol
anyways; jerran with the big beanie (and tie and jacket and shades lmao) looks like he has a personality i might like under that busy design, but i feel like i'd need to see some actual interaction to get a better impression lmao
fiamet is very cute!! extra applause for the aquamino sign being associated with her lmao; now that you say it, i wouldnt necessarily be surprised if they pull a twist on fiamets blood-- starting to suspect it, the more i think about it-- but i think it'd be more interesting if she was violet! with those olive accents, even if she turns out to be lime instead, i think it'd just feel like someone messing around with fanon nepeta's whole shtick as a new character, yknow? at least as a violet blood it'd feel more like a bloodswap turned original character; though i suppose theres always the chance ill feel different or be proven wrong on that vibe check when i get to play the chapter lmao
cridea feels..? generic? maybe unimposing is what im looking for; everything about her besides the violetblood traits and accessories feels VERY background character of her, and hearing her hive theme makes me think of an old middleschool "best friend" im not too fond of; i just find im more excited about seeing a seadweller on my screen than i am wanting to know her when it comes down to this one lmao
all in all, hesitantly hopeful that ill grow to enjoy them all once we actually see the game!
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tobi-boi · 2 years
Got a request? Here 『 «Genshin Impact»
╺ Playing with hair - Scaramouche, Tartaglia, Kedehara Kazuha, Gorou[fluff - gender neutral] ╺ Somebody else flirts with you - Xiao, Arataki Itto, Albedo, Tartaglia[fluff - gender neutral] ╺ Yanderes - Tartaglia, Sucrose, Scaramouche[dark? idk - gender neutral] ╺ What the love most about you pt.1 - Albedo, Diluc, Kaedehara Kazuha, Kaeya, Scaramouche[fluff - gender neutral] ╺ "Just f**king kiss me then" - Scaramouche[suggestive/lime - gender neutral] ╺ Birthday gifts - Arataki Itto, Kaedehara Kazuha, Scaramouche, Sucrose, Venti, Xiao[fluff - gender neutral] ╺ They want your attention - Arataki Itto, Hu Tao, Kaedehara Kazuha, Scaramouche[fluff - gender neutral] ╺ A gift out of nowhere - Zhongli, Kaeya, Amber[fluff - gender neutral] ╺ NSFW hcs - Arataki Itto, Diluc, Xiao, Shikanoin Heizou[NSFW - gender neutral] ╺ Morning - Arataki Itto, Kaedehara Kazuha, Scaramouche, Tartaglia[fluff - gender neutral] 』
『 «Homestuck»
╺ A cold - Jade Harley, Karkat Vantas, Eridan Ampora, Kankri Vantas, Meenah Peixes[fluff - gender neutral] ╺ Obscene behavior - Human!Caliborn[suggestive/lime - gender neutral] ╺ Calliope relationship headcanons[fluff, headcanons - gender neutral] 』
『 «Danganronpa»
╺ Their s/o trips in front of them - Kokichi Oma, Angie Yonaga, Maki Harukawa, Nagito Komaeda, Mikan Tsumiki[fluff - gender neutral] ╺ Love languages - Byakuya Togami, Kyoko Kirigiri, Ibuki Mioda, Nagito Komaeda, Kazuichi Soda, Miu Iruma, Gonta Gokuhara, Kokichi Oma[fluff - gender neutral] 』
『 «Bungo Stray Dogs»
╺ Tired, clingy s/o - Osamu Dazai, Ranpo Edogawa, Doppo Kunikida, Chuuya Nakahara[fluff - gender neutral] ╺ Pickup line competition - Osamu Dazai, Atsushi Nakajima, Doppo Kunikida, Ryunosuke Akutagawa[fluff - gender neutral] ╺ "Hey hey, I want attention" - Osamu Dazai, Ranpo Edogawa, Ryunosuke Akutagawa, Chuuya Nakahara[fluff - gender neutral] ╺ Shenanigans - Osamu Dazai, Ranpo Edogawa, Doppo Kunikida, Chuuya Nakahara[fluff - gender neutral] 』
『 «Demon Slayer»
╺ Their s/o gets cold easily - Doma, Akaza, Kokushibo[fluff - gender neutral] ╺ Their s/o doesn't smile much - Kyojuro Rengoku, Giyu Tomioka, Tengen Uzui, Mitsuri Kanroji[fluff - gender neutral] 』
『 «Toilet Bound Hanako Kun»
╺ Head tilt - Kou Minamoto, Hanako-kun, Tsukasa, Sousuke Mitsuba[fluff - gender neutral] 』
『 «Creepypasta»
╺ Their s/o steals their hoodie/jacket – Bloody Painter, Jeff the Killer, Kagekao, Eyeless Jack[fluff - gender neutral] 』
『 «Jujutsu Kaisen»
╺ Relationship hcs – Choso, Yuji Itadori[fluff - gender neutral] 』
『 «Hazbin Hotel»
╺ Relationship headcanons – Adam, Husk, Sir Pentious[fluff - gender neutral] 』
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fictionkinfessions · 6 months
xx ive been, uh. reading s0urce, t0 see what actually happens with0ut me. its m0re than i th0ught. its s0 weird, seeing the perspective jump fr0m tr0ll t0 tr0ll but never actually seeing *me*, 0r seeing any0ne talk t0 me. i can pinp0int exactly where the missing l0gs are, t00. and the wh0le 0rder that every0ne c0nnected is different. i was kanayas server player, and eridan was mine. i havent read far en0ugh t0 see h0w the l00p cl0ses, th0ugh. its weird is all. xx (preket, h0mestuck fictive.)
xx ive been, uh. reading source, to see what actually happens without me. its more than i thought. its so weird, seeing the perspective jump from troll to troll but never actually seeing *me*, or seeing anyone talk to me. i can pinpoint exactly where the missing logs are, too. and the whole order that everyone connected is different. i was kanayas server player, and eridan was mine. i havent read far enough to see how the loop closes, though. its weird is all. xx (preket, homestuck fictive.)
xx oh, and, uh. it was especially weird seeing karkats blood, so... suddenly? i would apologize, but id rather call it even for you seeing mine. i probably wouldve painted with red less if i knew sooner. i always just thought red and lime looked nice together. xx (preket, again. sortof a follow-up to the other ask. homestuck fictive.)
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