#linguistic summer camp
lingthusiasm · 1 year
Bonus 80: Postcards from linguistics summer camp
What if there was a summer camp for linguists? Like, imagine you could just go somewhere for a few weeks or a month and do linguistics classes and go to linguistics talks and eat your meals with linguists all day every day? Well, this event exists, sort of, and they're called linguistics institutes. 
In this bonus episode, Gretchen and Lauren get enthusiastic about Gretchen's visit to the 2023 LSA institute at University of Massachusetts Amherst this summer. We talk about cool projects that Gretchen learned about at this year's Lingstitute, including the Linguistic Atlas Project, the Oxford Dictionary of African American English, and the Wôpanâak Language Reclamation Project (talks about all of these projects are now available online). We also talk about the history of LSA summer institutes (the first one was in 1928, almost a hundred years ago!), why they're not to be confused with the Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL), which is a missionary project for Bible translation (awkward), and both Gretchen's history attending various institutes and Lauren's history not attending them (sorry about the FOMO though).
Listen to this episode about linguistics summer camp and get access to many more bonus episodes by supporting Lingthusiasm on Patreon.
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phantom-of-the-memes · 4 months
Irish language things
One thing I’ll never not find interesting is the intersection between Irish and English. Especially how young people navigate this.
Gaeltacht colleges/ courses are an excellent example of this. Gaeltachts are Irish speaking areas in Ireland. There are very few of them left (most being in the Republic). A big source of income for these areas are setting up colleges or courses where young people can come and participate in for a week or two or even three. They’re basically summer camps where you’re only allowed to speak Irish. You do classes as well as fun activities. They’re really useful for young people to learn Irish and do well in their exams.
The linguistic example I was thinking of is what we say when we’re trying to get by someone. Most cultures will say “excuse me”. We sometimes do as well, but most Irish people will say “sorry”. This then translates over to Irish where people say “(Tá) brón orm”, meaning “I’m sorry”. Even when excuse me is “gabh mo leithscéal” in Irish.
Where young people and gaelcholáistí come into this is with the hilarious “brónzies”. I don’t know if this is exclusive to Ireland, but in text talk people shorten sorry to “soz”. Then that developed into “sozies”. And thus young people use “brónzies” a lot (mostly ironically) at Irish speaking summer camps.
People have conflicting opinions of “brónzies”. Most think it’s an abomination, which I agree with. But I think that’s what makes it so funny.
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superlinguo · 8 months
Superlinguo 2023 in review
I spent 2023 on leave to hang out with a new tiny human. I still found time for some linguistics, including regular Lingthusiasm episodes and even some intermittent blogging. I also got to reuse all my linguist pregnancy announcement jokes.
Lingthusiasm turned 7 this year! We celebrated with a dozen main episodes as well as our monthly bonus episodes for patrons. We had some help to get through the year while I was on leave with interviews with linguists from around the world, including Lingthusiasm team members Martha Tsutsi-Billins and Sara Dopierela.
We released our new Etymology isn't Destiny merch, which is available alongside merch for all kinds of linguists and language fans.
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Main episodes
Where language names come from and why they change (transcript)
How kids learn language in Singapore - Interview with Woon Fei Ting (transcript)
Bringing stories to life in Auslan - Interview with Gabrielle Hodge (transcript)
Tone and Intonation? Tone and Intonation! (transcript)
Word Magic (transcript)
The verbs had been being helped by auxiliaries (transcript)
Frogs, pears, and more staples from linguistics example sentences (transcript)
How kids learn Q’anjob’al and other Mayan languages - Interview with Pedro Mateo Pedro (transcript)
Look, it’s deixis, a word for linguistic pointing! (transcript)
Ergativity delights us (transcript)
Revival, reggaeton, and rejecting unicorns - Basque interview with Itxaso Rodríguez-Ordóñez (transcript)
If I were an irrealis episode (transcript)
Bonus episodes
Parrots, art and what even is a word - deleted scenes from Kat Gupta, Lucy Maddox and Randall Munroe interviews
Singapore, New Zealand, and a favourite linguistics paper - 2023 Year Ahead Chat
When books speculate on the future of English
Neopronouns, gender-neutral vocab, and why linguistic gender even exists - Liveshow Q&A with Kirby Conrod
2022 Survey Results - kiki/bouba, synesthesia fomo, and pluralizing emoji
Linguistic jobs beyond academia
LingthusiASMR - The Harvard Sentences
How we make Lingthusiasm transcripts - Interview with Sarah Dopierala
Field Notes on linguistic fieldwork - Interview with Martha Tsutsui Billins
Postcards from linguistics summer camp
Linguistic Advice - Challenging grammar snobs, finding linguistic community, accents in singing, and more
Frak, smeg, and more swearing in fiction - Ex Urbe Ad Astra interview with Jo Walton and Ada Palmer
LingComm: 2023 conference
The 2023 LingComm conference happened in February, and was once again in the LingComm conference space in Gather Town. I enjoyed being on the planning committee that put together an amazing event that built on the inaugural conference in 2021. Stay tuned for 2024 lingcomm updates!
Top Superlinguo posts in 2022
This year was a chance to reflect on the decade since I graduated, and to articulate the important role my main supervisor had in shaping my career.
After wrapping up the linguistics jobs interview series last year, this year was a chance to share some aggregated resources from 8 years and 80 interviews.
I also got to read a couple of great linguistics books for kids, keep up to date with linguistics podcasts, share some of my favourite linguistics books and check in on some things happening online.
General posts and reviews
10 years of a PhD
Barb Kelly
Gender Variations for Person in Suit Levitating Emoji - Emoji Proposal
Linguistics and Language Podcasts (2023 update)
Language Books for Kids: Highly Irregular, Arika Okrent & Sean O'Neill
Linguistics books for kids: Once Upon a Word - a Word-origin Dictionary, Jess Zafarris
Linguistics Jobs resources
Linguistics Jobs Interviews - directory of posts and resources
Linguistics Jobs resource set
Superlinguo Linguist Job Interviews full list
Linguistics education and its application in the workplace: An analysis of interviews with linguistics graduates (new publication in Language)
Information and advice
hapax legomenon and automated email replies
Lingthusiasm guide to pop linguistics books
Hello Grambank! A new typological database of 2,467 language varieties
What we can accomplish in 30 years of lingcomm: Opening keynote of #LingComm23
Australian Linguistic Society’s Accredited Linguist program
Academic articles in 2023
Although I was on leave, things that I was working on earlier made it through to publication. I like that there was one paper on lingcomm, one on gesture (including emoji!) and one on the linguistics job interviews, it feels like a nice mix of some of my current interests. Just a pity there wasn't a Tibeto-Burman paper in there!
Gawne, L. & A. Cabraal. 2023. Linguistics education and its application in the workplace: an analysis of interviews with linguistics graduates. Language, 99(1), e35-e57. [doi][Superlinguo post]
Freestone, P., J. Kruk & L. Gawne. forthcoming. From Star Trek to The Hunger Games: emblem gestures in science fiction and their uptake in popular culture. Linguistic Vanguard, 9(3), 257-266. [doi][Superlinguo post]
Gawne, L., & McCulloch, G. (2023). ‘Communicating about linguistics using lingcomm-driven evidence: Lingthusiasm podcast as a case study’, Language and Linguistics Compass, 17/5: e12499. DOI: 10.1111/lnc3.12499 [doi][Superlinguo post]
The year ahead
I'll be back to work full time. I've found the low-key level of blogging I managed this year to be sustainable, so expect it to be business-as-usual here. Lingthusiasm will also continue with monthly main and bonus episodes, thanks to the patrons who support the show and ensure we have a team that can keep everything rolling while begin to take on more administrative responsibilities in my job.
I'm looking forward to sharing some things that are in the final stages of peer-review and copy editing, and I'm excited to be spinning up some new projects.
Browsing old Superlinguo content?
I have a welcome page on the blog that points you to aggregate posts, and series of posts I've done over the years, as well as themed collections of posts that have appeared on the blog in the last twelve years.
Previous years
Superlinguo 2022 in review
Superlinguo 2021 in review
Superlinguo 2020 in review
Superlinguo 2020 (2019 in review)
Superlinguo 2019 (2018 in review)
Superlinguo 2018 (2017 in review)
Superlinguo 2017 (2016 in review)
Superlinguo 2015 highlights
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lgcmanager · 1 year
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after all of the exhausting practices and schedules, every trainee and debut artist falls asleep…only to be woken up in a world that may be familiar or foreign to some people…
to commemorate lgc’s fourth anniversary, we are bringing back lgc university! for the muns who were not present during last year’s run of the anniversary event, this is an alternate universe ( au ) storyline in which all of the lgc muses are now students of lgc university! in the first iteration of this, all of the muses had to take several tests ( and even a final exam with DBSD’s daehyun as the proctor ) and pass in order to complete the term.
now in this alternate universe, it’s summertime and some people could associate it with summer camps and all, but in lgc university this is the time when they host their yearly house tournament and prom night! 
and here are the following houses:
( note: the names chosen are actually the continents that represent each of the lgc groups [ sans nova ] for the webtoon! a special thank you to all of the muns who participated in that last year, especially the muns behind @lgcxnoeul/@lgcminseo, @lgcxminji/@lgcsena, and @lgcichika/@lgctaiyou/@lgcparker for the names suggested above! )
likewise, TYPE ZERO, V&A, CRYSTALLIS, and FABULA will be in their respective houses and will serve as part of the “student council”.
for the full list of where everyone is placed, you can look over HERE.
another aspect that the muses got to select are their majors. this time around, you will be given the option to choose which of the following majors your muse is pursuing currently. for the ones that have participated in last year’s anniversary event, you COULD keep the same major that was selected before OR you can change it to one of the other options.
for the years, there will be some slight adjustments but should be relatively similar to last year’s anniversary event where it will be based on when your muse joined the company ( ic wise ). here is how the years will be divided:
1ST YEAR STUDENTS: any muses who joined lgc entertainment from JANUARY 2022 to JULY 2023
2ND YEAR STUDENTS: any muses who joined lgc entertainment from JULY 2020 to JULY 2021
3RD YEAR STUDENTS: any muses who joined lgc entertainment from JANUARY 2019 to JANUARY 2020
4TH YEAR STUDENTS: any muses who joined lgc entertainment from JANUARY 2015 to JULY 2018
for the majors, here are the following choices:
creative writing
music theory
studio arts
for this requirement, just fill out the student profile below and make sure to tag the post as lgc:universityprofiles. this WILL NOT count for activity. you will receive points for completing this, but for this anniversary event the number of points you receive and the distributions will be announced AFTER the anniversary deadline has passed. 
NAME: [ muse name ]
YEAR: [ please refer to lgc u sheet or the info above for this ]
MAJOR: [ choose ONE major only; acting, communication, creative writing, dance, linguistics, music theory, studio arts ]
SUBJECTS RANKING [ pick what your muse’s top five favorite subjects are based on the list below. the list has to be ranked in order, with 1 being the highest. ]
3 RANDOM FACTS: [ list 3 random facts relevant to the lgc university verse. this can range from how you think the muse got accepted to the university, favorite classes, interesting moments in any of the classes mentioned above, etc. basically have fun writing the facts because it’s an au! ]
please submit the following form on the points blog before OCTOBER 7, 2023 11:59PM EDT.
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toomanybandstocare · 1 year
summer of fun: I’d love to see who you ship me w romantically!!
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₊‧°𐐪♡𐑂°‧₊ - Summer of Fun
Who I would ship you with plus a little drabble. @starboytech requested a romantic pairing. thank you for celebrating with me!!! Hope to talk soon but I know we're both busy bees rn <3
Pairing: Medic Kix x Linguist, GN! Reader
Genre: Fluff
Length: 859w + 232w
Counselor Notes: Similar to my other ship posts, I tried to tailor this around our chats. I hope you enjoy <3 Sorry if it's a lil all over the place, I'm v tired but wanted to share.
-> Celebration Announcement Post <- -> Celebration Masterlist <- -> Camp Resolute Masterlist <-
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Sunset drips through the wall of glass as you drag your feet across tile flooring. Knots pull at your neck as tension chains your shoulders into a hunched posture. Your book bag weighs down on you as you tiredly fumble through books, datapads, and scattered papers. Inevitably, your keys seem to always hide themselves from you on the days where you desperately just need to tumble into your apartment with ease.
Cool metal tingles against the pads of your fingertips just as a searing pain flashes across your skull. From sunup to nearly sundown, you’ve been in the archives trying to make progress on your linguistic research. When the foreign alphabet began to swim in front of your dry eyes off the ancient pages, you knew it was time to head home.
Haphazardly tapping the fob to the door’s lock sensor, you squeeze your eyes shut as the warning beep chimes. Please don’t let this be the day your key dies. You had been meaning to get a replacement, but time alluded you due to deadlines and presentations. Your chest constricts, and your throat tightens as tears sting your lash line. You hold the fob over the sensor with a frustrated groan that’s interrupted by the door phishing open.
“Come here,” Kix gently calls to you. His caring hands softly reach out to take the key from your white-knuckled grip and rest on your hips to guide you home. “I know today’s not the day either of us wants to deal with security, so let’s skip that altogether, hm?” he jokes. 
Kix’s voice washes over you like an ocean tide. Easing the tension locking your body and soothing the flaming emotions licking at your skin, his voice brings a calmness that washes over you. The two of you crowd the small entryway as Kix moves behind you to place your bag and coat on their rack hooks. His hands rest on your hips, and he rubs small circles over your clothing as he guides you into your apartment.
Completely ready to fall onto your couch and beg Kix for takeaway, your bottom lip wobbles when he turns you to enter the bedroom. “Kix, can we please just relax on the couch? I don’t want to take another step if I don’t have to,” you plead.
A blanket of relief falls over you when the two of you stop for a moment. Leaning against his chest, you try to hold yourself steady on aching legs. Suddenly Kix’s body drops into a crouch as your stomach plummets when he collects you in his arms to hold you close. Your heart races, sending a warm flush across your cheeks.
“That’s not what you need right now,” Kix pushes back. Walking through the doorway, Kix brings you in front of your shared bed and you nearly sob at the sight. A fresh set of sheets lays pressed over the bed with both of your favorite pajamas resting neatly on the end corner. A basket with a new blanket, comfort treats, cozy candles, and a few novels sits just behind the clothing piles. “You need a little extra care, a night to just burrow in with all your favorite things, and a chance to relax and recharge,” Kix quietly explains. Pressing a gentle kiss to the crown of your head, he walks to the edge of the bed and places you on the plush mattress. 
His hands cup your cheeks, and your chest swells. Wrapping your arms around his waist, you lean your head against his body. His chuckle rumbles underneath you, and Kix rests one hand on your shoulders as the other runs across your head. “You didn’t have to go through all this trouble for me,” you mumble. “I’m sure you’re exhausted from studying today as well”.
“Tired sure,” Kix responds barely above a whisper as he feels you press closer to him. He feels your breathing slow and deepen underneath his touch. “Caring for you is never a trouble, cyar’ika. One of my favorite aspects of being in a relationship is that we’re partners in life. Experiences and emotions are shared between us, and they won’t always come from fond memories. We’ll get through the days that seem to never end, because we’re able to lean on each other for support. I’m always going to be here for you, so let me take care of you and support you, mesh’la”.
As if the weight’s been taken off your shoulders, you collapse in relief against him and tighten your arms around him. You jerk your head in a nod. Unable to trust yourself to speak, you peer up at him with a grateful smile. An ache grows in your chest from how full your heart feels, and Kix looks down at you with a soft look of adoration. All the day’s frustrated pain melts away from you in a single moment.
At the end of the day, the only thing that matters is that you have your partner to support you through life. Through all the tears, restless nights, never ending days - it’s just the two of you by each others’ sides.
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You are determined to make your dreams become something you can live everyday. Putting in the time and dedication to achieve your goals, you are a grounded individual who won’t let anyone come in the way of your success.
Kix holds a similar passion for his work and expertise. Even when he’s off duty or on shore leave, he tries to research the latest medical improvements and different treatment options. He is dedicated to his craft, and he prides himself in being able to respond to emergencies using a combination of natural remedies and medical technologies.
It’s as if the two of you move in perfect harmony. Between your personal goals and spending time with each other, you two have been able to balance your responsibilities and relationship with grace. Your lives blend naturally, and it’s as if you’ve always been by each other’s side.
With such drive and determination, you can find your attention solely focusing on your duties and responsibilities at times. It happens to Kix as well, but he’s able to take a moment to reevaluate the situation a little easier from his battle experiences. He never wants you to feel as if he doesn’t support you, so Kix will gently pull you back with an act of kindness. Something to help you ease back into reality and relax from the mental exertion of focusing on something so intensely.
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communist-octoling · 1 year
♡ ☭intro time ☭ ♡
Heloo, I figured I should make an intro post since @cy3n-hrdc0re made one, so here goes
I'm communist-octoling, you can call me Lily or Bel
I use she/they pronouns and am tra(i)nsgender and asexual
my interests are:
♡ Splatoon
☭ Politics and Urban planning
♡ Witch-y things
♡ Scott Pilgrim
☭ Destroying the west
♡ Weezer
♡ Deltarune
☭ Mario
♡ Trains
♡ Cartoons (Steven Universe, OK KO, Summer Camp Island, etc.)
☭ Linguistics
That's mostly it but I'll probably have to update the list in the future lol
If you're a Nazi or Fascist leave my blog
I don't have any tags so if you need to find something from my blog good luck lol. I have a side blog called @sapphicwitchcraft which I'll post on again someday.
Thats all for now! goodbye
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nagargent · 1 year
toa anniversary munday!
Celebrating TOA and the people who contribute to make our group what it is.
Repost, don't reblog. Only fill in what you feel comfortable sharing!
Happy anniversary, TOA! Here's to many more years spent together.
Name: Nic
Pronouns: they/them
Birthday (no year): 14th July
Where are you from? What is your time zone? The UK (BST)
Roleplay experience: I started around like '06 via msn or stuff doing Harry Potter or Naruto rp with my friends.
Got any pets?: Catcat!
Favorite time of year: Summer - I hate the heat but like, I need the sunlight to keep myself together
Some interests and things you like: Reading, writing, languages and linguistics, astrophysics, mythology, history, animals uh... I find almost everything interesting and it definitely keeps me awake a lot.
Some funfacts & trivia about you: I fell asleep at a scout camp once in the toilets and didn't hear the tannoy that was sent out for me. My grandfather taught me how to stroke bees. I love water/the oceans/seas/rivers but never learned how to swim. Peas scare me. I'm pretty good at -- and rather competitive about trivia games and quizzes.
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play?: The Sims! Dragon Age, Persona, Story of Seasons, Rune Factory, Stardew Valley, Wildermyth
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon: Fire or Fairy and I just think Dreepy is very endearing.
How did you get into Fire Emblem?: I saw a review of it on a news channel and decided to try it out. Then I became obsessed and haven't looked back since.
What Fire Emblem games have you played? I've watched playthroughs and read scripts for all but I played about half of fe5, fe7 (lyn and eliwood modes only though), fe8, 3/4 of fe9 before my emulator crashed, fe10 and everything post Awakening.
First Fire Emblem game: Fates
Favorite Fire Emblem game: Either Genealogy, Radiant Dawn or Three Houses
Any Fire Emblem crushes?: Ayra, Mercedes, Camilla, Lucia, Diamant, Jeorge, Sonya and oh my god I hate myself for this but Sylvain.
If you’ve played the following games, who was your first S support? Who would you S support nowadays? - Awakening: Chrom but now I'd probably opt for Libra or Henry? - Fates: Takumi before I knew what an S support was. Kaze as a neutral pick, Subaki for Hoshido and Niles for Nohr - Three Houses: Dimitri or Mercedes ? - Engage: Yunaka was my first!
Favorite Fire Emblem class: DARK FLIER. but also any pegasus class is so chefs kiss for me
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class? I'd want to be a pegasus knight or a mage but I could see myself being an armoured unit tbh
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation? LION PRIDE LETSSSSSGOOOOOO
If you were an Engage character, which Emblem would you Engage with? Micaiah :D
How did you find TOA? I just searched the fire emblem rp tags on a whim one day and found the group. Had a nosy around and was really impressed and excited to join :)
Current TOA muses: Elincia, Goldmary and Julia
Who was your first TOA muse? If you don’t have them anymore, could you see yourself picking them up again? Lincie! :D
Have you had any other TOA muses? I've had quite a lot um... Eirika, Ares, Orochi, Mercedes, Mae, Manuela, f!Shez, Macuil, Lana, Forrest, Constance, Tana & Celine
Do you think you have a type of character you gravitate towards? I do feel a big pull to healers usually? Or pegasus knights.
What do you believe you enjoy writing the most? Character's bonding and forming relationships.
Favorite TOA-related memory: Unlocked 2021 Cha Cha Slide
How do you pronounce TOA? 🤔 Usually like noah but with a t but sometimes i call it twaaah just to be silly.
Got any delusions that didn’t see the light of day that you’d like to share? 😉 Tatiana, Safy, Rodrigue, Altena and Yunaka all have either blogs or partial apps. Of them Tatiana and Rodrigue whilst still outliers could potentially hit me with a steel chair at some point in the future.
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petitprincess1 · 1 year
i do have some thoughts.  i havent seen many points of critique on helluva/hazbin involving race or racism, which are pretty consequential and worth discussion. There really are some points of racial/colonial tension in the narrative that merit discussion but havent seen anyone say a single peep about the last episode, and only have heard a few people mention anything before that.  For context, the name chosen for the summer camp in the last episode is needlessly anti-native. american summer camps are often all too eager to misappropriate and twist Native place names and names of random tribes for their facilities, profiting from caricatures of Native culture without returning that land to the people the land has been stolen from. They also make up names for camps that they think "sound" like Native place names.  It's fucking gross.  It's alienating. its racism.  I imagine hearing the name of the camp in this episode, which seems to mock a native language's linguistic qualities and reference american camp racism, would be really alienating and insulting for a Native person watching.   You might say that the show was trying to accurately portray the unfortunate racist reality of american summer camps, but we as the audience are cued to see/hear the name and laugh, and thats clearly fucked up.  also, not all summer camps name themselves like this, so this name wasnt crucial to a realistic portrayal.  Omitting the linguistic racism here would be a good choice.
It's not that deep....
Plus, the name of the camp is a sex joke....that's all. They always give silly names like Mafiatown and Hideaway Motel.
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thelatvianblog · 1 year
Liv (Livonian) Traditional Culture
In modern-day Latvia, a handful of descendants of a dying ethnic group ­– the Livs – are a small, yet tenacious group of enthusiasts of their cultural heritage. They take pride in their ancestry and over the past decades have, in various ways, sought to promote public awareness of their culture, language and lifestyle. This has been done through popular folkloric music, also the dissemination of information about their culture and history via festivals and camps, literary publications, websites and focused research of the past. Their efforts have met with some success – there has been a renewed interest in the Livs and public and state interest in the fate of this ethnic group has been piqued and acted on.
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The Livs (or Livonians), are one of two indigenous ethnic groups of the territory of present-day Latvia and Estonia. The language of the Livs comes from a different language group to the Baltic language that the Latvians (and Lithuanians) speak. Livonian is from the Finno-Ugric language group (related to Estonian, Finnish and Hungarian) and sadly it is now deemed extinct, as the last native speaker of this language passed away in 2013. The Livs have almost entirely assimilated into the larger ethnic groups in this region. Yet the blood-line of the Livonians continues in many Latvians (and Estonians) and the language is still spoken as a second language by a handful of Liv descendants, linguists and enthusiasts. One of the most active Liv linguists, Valts Ernštreits, now a researcher at Tartu University, Estonia, has for decades been promoting Liv culture and language.
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Today, around 200 people still identify themselves as Livs and are proud to cultivate their cultural heritage. Annual summer language camps are organised for children to learn their ancestral language, Livonian culture has received significant support from the state and a Livonian festival is held in summer in the northern village of Mazirbe in Latvia. Livonian language courses are available to university students studying Finno-Ugric linguistic studies in Rīga and Tartu, Estonia. Livonian music and culture has become more accessible to the public with the active and focused activities of the Stalti family and Estonian-Livonian band Tuļļi Lum who have recorded folk music in Livonian.
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The Liv language, although no longer spoken as a native language, has, over the centuries, left its mark on the Latvian language. It is most certainly closely related to modern Estonian and Finnish, but there are a number of words in Latvian which are of Livonian origin. The stress on the first syllable in Latvian, is a language feature that comes from Livonian. The popular Latvian song “Pūt, vējiņi” stems from a medieval Liv wedding song.
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The 12 Liv fishing villages that are located on the northern Kurzeme coast, though now rarely inhabited by descendents of Livs, are now popular spots for holiday homes, and some of the old, still unrenovated homes are a legacy to what once was. This area is called the Liv cultural space and one of the villages, Mazirbe, has a House of Liv Culture which is worth a visit to learn more about the heritage of this ethnic group. It is part of the heritage of Latvia and its preservation is just as important.
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1,4, and 7 for the ask game? :0
1. favorite place in your country?
I haven't really been to a lot of places, so i'm gonna say it's probably this creek (i think?) outside of moscow. It's like one of those swamps/lakes you see videos of people faceplanting on, you know the ones? With the sinking wobbly ground. It's an environmentally protected area bc of the endangered moss that grows there, and also bc of the moss the water from the creek is safe to drink (once you boil it, of course).
People have built these wooden bridges by the edge of the water, so that people 1) don't fall through and 2) don't damage the moss. They gather volunteers regularly to patch them up.
The water level is probably less than a meter and a half, so if the day was warm, the water's gonna stay the same all throughout the night. Also, it's like stupidly foggy at night, it's fantastic.
My friends and i try to go camping there as often as possible during the summer. (We camp out outside of the protected area, of course). This year we celebrated kupala night twice (according to the old calendar and the new one), both times there, it was amazing. Oh, also, pretty much everyone swims naked there and no one bats an eye, so that's fun.
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4. favorite dish specific for your country?
I don't know if it's exclusively a russian dish, but we have this salad here that's traditional to make for the festive dinner on new year's (which is the national holiday here instead of christmas). It's called olivier salad and no two recipes are the same, so i'll just give the one i grew up with.
Take potatoes, carrots and eggs, boil them, chop them up into sorta kinda cubes. Add chopped pickles, peas and fresh apples (also cubes). Normally people add chopped sausage or some chicken but i don't eat meat rn, so i forgo it. Dump that all into a fuckoff huge pot, mix in ungodly amounts of mayonnaise, and you've got yourself a festive little treat.
Most people i've compared recipes with think that the apples part is deranged. I think it's the best ingredient.
7. three words from your native language that you like the most?
......oh god, these are all gonna be swears, aren't they.
1) Невъебический [nev'ebichesky]
Ok. So. "Не" is a prefix meaning "not"; "в" is a prefix meaning "into"; "еби" is from "ебать" which is "to fuck"; and the last part is like part suffix part ending that makes it an adjective in the active voice?? Ig?? (I'm specifying bc if i said невъебенный [nev'ebenny] it'd be in passive voice. Both of these words are extremely made up. But so are all the others, and these are my word blorbos.)
It basically means a fuckton, but, like, not specifically for quantity. It's just. "Insane" ig is a good translation. Like, you can say "and insane amount", but you can also say "an insane view", you know.
2) Подсолнух [podsolnooh]
Oh, look at that, not a swear!
Sunflower. "Под" - under; "сол" from "солнце", the sun.
They're my favorite flowers and i just like how soft and... kind? the word sounds. Also, fun fact, we planted them this year, they looked beautiful all summer, and now we have a harvest of sunflower seeds. Very yummy.
3) Наверстать [naverstat']
From an old measuring unit - "верста" (1066.8 meters, according to wikipedia). Means to make up for lost time, basically.
And an honorable mention to ливень [liven'] bc i'm out of slots, but couldn't get it out of my head. Means "downpour", from "литься" - "to spill/to flow".
For my linguist mutuals. I'm so so sorry. I don't know what the fuck i'm talking about. This was the best i could do <3
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dead-desires · 1 year
"I grew up in southern Norway’s white Scandinavian paradise: white walls, white fresh snow, white painted laminate and white chipboard, white flagpoles and white chalk lines on the blackboard, white cheese and white fish, milk, fish pudding, fish gratin and fish balls in white sauce, white pages in books, white pills in pill boxes, white roll-ups, platinum-blond hair, white brides and white doctors’ coats, meringue and cream cake, Christian virgins from Jesus Revolution with white wooden crosses, Christian grunge, listen, the music sounds like regular grunge, if you just forget about the lyrics, irony, nothing means anything, boys from White Revolution at summer camp, girls who think it’s fine that the boys are racists because they’re hot and because boys will be boys, boys and their Nazi punk songs, listen to this track, the lyrics are so distorted you can’t hear it anyway, listen, the melody’s great, you girls are gonna love it, it’s got acoustic guitar. Sugar and salt are the only spices. Sugar and salt look exactly the same. White revolution and Jesus Revolution, Nazi punk and evangelist grunge, swastikas and purity rings, mid-morning gruel, pimple pus, egg whites, cream of wheat, semen.
The word white even has an h in it, imagine, a hidden letter, white. And we let that pass, linguistically. What does it do to us, that hidden letter, what (what) do we hide in that h, what hides in the white?"
- Jenny Hval, from "Girls Against God"
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mildew-dread-mold · 1 year
tag game
i love you @miseria-fortes-viros thank you
currently reading: don’t sleep, there are snakes (daniel l everett) (memoir about guy studying language isolate in the amazon rainforest, really fascinating for linguistics folks out there), the road less travelled (scott peck) (psychology/self-help book. i liked it until it got aggressively amato- and heteronormative and basically homophobic and aphobic. also a lot of christian values for the subject. so i’m really turned off it and might just stop reading)
favorite color: purple and green. i discovered at a summer camp when i was 12 and my favourite colour was purple that the two colours went well together and well. there is a pipeline i think
last song: i don’t know. tossup between something fall out boy and something the lightning thief musical.
last show: like last show i finished? i’m currently watching about 6 so i honestly can’t remember. i’m getting close to the end of shadow and bone so i’ll list that.
currently watching: i can’t remember what it’s called but it’s a chinese show about two guys (doctors) who both want the same job at an ER. so they’re doing what’s basically a paid internship for three months and only one of them is actually going to get the job. i think they should kiss. (also queer eye, brooklyn 99, anne with an e, shadow and bone, the good place)
last movie: across the spiderverse with family and friends. i had so much sodium that day
sweet/savory/spicy: savory. love me some sodium
currently working on: an anthology based on one (1) worldbuilding idea i had.
current obsession: specifically the song one day more from les mis. also the lightning thief musical. also the raven cycle which is a constant at this point. also i’ve been listening to the magnus archives and thinking about that a lot.
no pressure tags: @the-great-kraken @morelikeoscarthanoscar @fiddler-sticks @hondayota @coffinofteeth
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So, my schedule:
26TH OF JULY: The Greater Gatsby drops
27TH OF JULY: The Dragon Prince S5 drops
28TH OF JULY: Good Omens 2 drops
Keeping in mind that I'll be at a German-French linguistic and ludic summer camp.
How on earth will I manage?
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stackofstories · 2 years
back for more Stoll headcanons—
Connor and Travis Stoll are from the mountains of VA, close to Tennessee, and they absolutely speak with a mountain accent, know how to hunt, fish, and sit on your porch and speak about nothin and everything for hours. They have distant memories of being raised up on green bean casserole, corn bread, and fried fish.
For the most part, these boys are white passing. From their mom’s side, they mixed w/ Native American, white, and black. They carry a swarthy complexion. In the summer they get the questions because they tan deep brown in the summer. And have some tight curls in their head.
Mom was a foster kid. She was sharp as tool with a gift for running. She found her way to the University of Tennessee with a full ride. Her favorite class, Ancient Civilizations and Linguistics, was taught by a guy named Professor Djehuty.
Mom met a guy. He was one of Professor Djehuty’s friends. She fell hard and fast for his cocksure smile and quicksilver tongue. She had Travis in April. And the guy disappeared only to show up again, and she had Connor, the following April. On the same day.
Mom got injured running. She was prescribed some pills to make the pain go away… it was only supposed to be a temporary solution. Travis has this memory, well, he can’t tell if it’s a memory or a half dream, but he remembers going to doctors office with Mom and instead of friendly doctor he sees a scaly monster. The whole office slithers with monsters nodding sympathetically and writing scrips for pain.
Another guy shows in the picture. He makes mom feel good & the boys do their best to keep out of the house when he’s around; his mood is unpredictable. But it isn’t too long before Mom and her beau are fighting like they’re out to kill. Mom must have thrown the loser out five times hollering for whole world to hear she was never going to give him another shot. It never lasts long. She and beau end up on the couch, space-eyed and gone forgetting about everything like groceries and electricity and her two boys…
A teacher catches wind of this when Connor is caught stealing food during recess, mottled bruises hidden under his shirt. It doesn’t take long before he and his brother are removed from the home into worse homes. Mom gets her act together as many times as they are pulled from the home (six homes in Travis’s seven years of life, but who is counting?) with promises to be better as soon as they’re reunited. It never lasts long.
Mom dies one day. Overdoses. & Travis makes the executive decision to run before anyone gets any big ideas.
They’ve got no kin that they know of, but Mom’s best memories are those of Professor Djehuty. They come right up to his door and demand he take them in. And he does so with thick barbecue sauce smeared across his lip, keeping Travis and Connor surrounded by a babysitting team of baboons and ibises, until they’re ready to head up to New York on their own.
Connor and Travis arrive in Camp Half Blood a little after their 7th and 8th birthdays.
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riality-check · 1 year
12, 13, + 17 for the stranger things asks! <333
hi lex!!
12. Which would you want to play, D&D or basketball?
The one season I played basketball in my freshman year of high school was legitimately the most miserable I have ever been in my entire life. Now, I'm a part of two different TTRPG tables. I'll take D&D any day, unconditionally.
13. Which would you want to be a part of, Scoops Troop or Hellfire Club?
Yikes, this is hard! I love the Hellfire Club, but I think they've got enough people at their table. There's a certain solidarity that comes with working at an ice cream shop during the summer (if anyone is considering it: do not. trust me.), and between Robin and her linguistics knowledge, Dustin and his stories from Camp Know-where, Steve striking out repeatedly with girls, and Erica being her wonderful, outspoken self, I don't think I'd ever be bored. Scoops Troop it is, I think!
17. A song that would save you from Vecna?
Panic Vertigo by The Wrecks. Not only did I discover the song toward the beginning of lockdown, but it's also the first song I heard describe anxiety in a way I really related to. It's hopeful and scared and kickass, and I stop what I'm doing and scream-sing along every time it comes up on my playlist.
Hey, ask me more about Stranger Things, if you'd like!!
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nimblermortal · 2 years
📔📔📔 Hello I would like to hear about some unrealized fanfiction plots
Ooh that looks like a meme I have already forgotten about. Let’s see, what have I got that’s unrealized... I have been realizing a lot of fic this year.
There’s Nun-Lovin’ November, in which I have to figure out how Hildegard von Bingen and Hilda of Whitby fall in love across five centuries and several countries. The plan for now - Gamut take your filthy unicorn away! - is for Hildegard to be given Hilda’s papers to copy, since they are just women’s writing and not important enough for the (male) copyists of England. Hildegard is resentful because she may have a rare skill (writing) but she also has a rare talent (music) that is wasted on copywork. Except that the first thing she reads from Hilda is about ambient music... so the general idea is to incorporate the concept of “the function of literature is not to tell great truths about humanity, but to find the one person across all space and time who will truly understand you” and to see where Hildegard goes with that. It may turn into historian torture in the form of Hildegard whiting Hilda’s papers to write music across them. But that will get realized.
There’s also Nikki Vorsoisson and the Embarrassing Relatives, Vorkosigan Saga fic that I’ve actually finished the first draft of, in which Nikki goes to jump ship pilot summer camp and tries not to let anybody know that he’s related to those Vorkosigans. I’ve been really enjoying how he fails every moral challenge set before him.
For truly unrealized fanfiction, there’s Goblin Emperor fic in which the couriers of the Untheileneise hear that the Wisdom of Choharo crashed, and react in classic “cool the CEO got fired, what’s it to do with me” fashion, while Csevet Aisava sits in a corner and quietly arranges that he will be the one to bring the news to the new emperor - because it is no chance that a man so competent wound up in that position.
Bonus: I am fully incapable of writing Old Guard fic. When the movie first came out I wanted to write a kind death for Nicky and Joe, a thousand or two years in the future when most of the immortals are spread out across the stars, and when one of them cuts himself and doesn’t stop bleeding immediately they have time to summon everyone back for a final goodbye to the oldest among them, and to choose how to die together. And of course like everyone I wanted to write Nicky/Joe origin fic, but slow burn on the order of ‘Nicky pulls a Brother Cadfael after the Crusade and a lifetime later Joe speaks to him for the first time.’ If I could write Old Guard fic I would inject that cursed fandom with so many linguistics headcanons and adamant refusal to use Americanized versions of names.
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