#liquid stuffing
gagginglosercrapdotcom · 10 months
Me vs all the food in my dorm tht I have to eat before I go home tomorrow 🤢🤢🤢
My stomach is gonna hurt sooo bad 😭 it already does cause I started my mass eating today
At the very least I hope my roommate leaves the white claws so I can wash all this food down w something
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High Quantity Content
Read here or on AO3! - ⚠️ Alcohol Consumption ⚠️
Jungkook couldn’t help but smile as he listened to Jimin record his intro for the third time. His boyfriend was a perfectionist and his fans would be perfectly fine no matter what he did, but Jimin would happily do fifty takes if he needed to get it right. 
“Welcome back to Mims ASMR, my loves,” Jimin whispered as he fluttered his fingers around the mic. “Today, I am finally going to answer one of the most popular requests in my comment section. We are doing a tour of my jewelry box - specifically my ring collection. There are a lot so let’s get right into it.” 
Jimin clapped his hands, leaned away from his mic, and stopped recording before turning toward Jungkook. “How was that? Better?” 
Jungkook rolled his eyes and crossed the room to sit beside his boyfriend, placing a gentle hand on Jimin’s back. “Baby, all three takes were great. Try not to worry so much, your fans love you no matter what.”
Jimin smiled then formed his lips into a pout, asking for a kiss from his boyfriend. After receiving a chaste peck, he replied, “Thank you, I’m trying to be better about it, but it’s just…I don’t know. I don’t want the quality to go down now that I am getting more popular. No matter how many subscribers I get, I want it to always seem genuine.” 
“You are so cute,” Jungkook said with another kiss on Jimin’s forehead. “I understand and I respect that, but trust yourself. I know it’s hard, but you are good at what you do, Min. You never give less than your best effort.” 
Jimin stood up and hugged Jungkook, squeezing him tight enough to make the other laugh. “I love you so much.” 
“I love you too, baby,” Jungkook replied, holding onto the embrace until Jimin let go. He watched as his boyfriend sat down at his desk and jump right back into his recording. Returning to his spot across the room, Jungkook watched Jimin continue until he finished filming. 
Recording ASMR content had started as a hobby for Jimin to break up the stressful monotony of college academics - doing it mainly for fun until he got a positive response. He put time and money into it during the summer break following his sophomore year and his channel had taken off. At the start of his senior year, Jimin hit half a million subscribers and decided that this may end up being a career instead of a hobby. 
Jungkook had been incredibly supportive, helping him with filming and editing, soothing his worries, and talking him through the less-than-kind comments. That is how he ended up here, sitting beside his boyfriend as the guest in his next video. Jin, one of Jimin’s creator friends, had tagged him in a challenge to do a video of his choice with the creator’s partner. 
Typically, Jungkook would have never agreed to be on camera, however, Jimin always recorded his videos from the mouth down - mostly hidden from the full view to protect his identity. With the ability to remain faceless to the public, Jungkook was more comfortable with the idea. 
Jimin suggested a little Q&A-style video where they would try out different ASMR triggers with each question. It started simply with tapping and whispering before working up to the final one, eating snacks. Jungkook helped Jimin edit the video and watched it over a few times by himself until he came to a realization - he loved the little mukbang segment. 
Jungkook never would have imagined himself considering an ASMR channel of his own, but here he was trying to figure out how to bring it up to Jimin. His thoughts went back and forth between his boyfriend thinking he wasn’t cut out to make content himself to Jimin feeling imposed on and being frustrated with him. All irrational thoughts when Jungkook knew how kindhearted his boyfriend was. 
Within days of Jungkook bringing it up, Jimin had a second backdrop set up in his office and a list of ideas. He ordered another tripod and microphone plus a few decorative trays and cute utensils after doing research on other mukbang creators since it wasn’t his genre. Jimin even asked if Jungkook wanted him there to help with his first video or if he wanted to try recording by himself first to get comfortable in front of the camera. 
His first video was a short little introduction while eating a few snacks, some chips for crunchy sounds and some gummy candy for softer sounds. It was barely ten minutes long, but Jungkook was quite proud of it, especially with Jimin’s constant praise. Thanks to his boyfriend’s generous promotions on his channel and social media accounts, Jungkook’s video had a nice little kickstart behind it - reaching thousands of views within the first week. 
For the next few months, Jungkook explored various foods and started making longer videos. Jimin continued to be incredibly supportive and Jungkook was shocked to find that he had fifty thousand subscribers by the three-month anniversary of his channel. While his videos started as eating sounds only, Jungkook got more comfortable on camera which led to longer storytelling videos accompanied by a regular meal instead of little portions of food. 
His initial upload schedule started as two or three videos per month as he accommodated the lifestyle of filming alongside his academics. He gained an entirely new appreciation for Jimin, who uploaded every Sunday and Thursday, after realizing how skilled his boyfriend’s time management had become and how dedicated he had been over the past two years to maintain that schedule. 
Jimin encouraged him to keep that schedule through their last semester of college, not wanting Jungkook to become overwhelmed with self-imposed expectations and the stress of posting on top of his schoolwork. Both had spent spring break pre-recording content for the last half of their semester knowing the upcoming burden of their last rounds of final exams. 
When the end of the semester came, there were many things to celebrate. Firstly and most obviously, their successful graduation - Jimin with his degree in public relations and Jungkook’s film and video production degree, both earned with honors. They moved into a beautiful apartment together with enough rooms for them both to have their own office. And most exciting, both reached major subscriber milestones - Jungkook hitting one hundred thousand and Jimin hitting one million. 
With their shared financial success and continued enjoyment of making content, it seemed like the logical choice to work on their personal brands full-time. Jimin maintained his normal upload schedule and started to manage both of their public Instagram accounts. Jungkook established a more frequent upload schedule of Monday and Friday along with a new venture, Saturday live streams which he loved. 
Six months after increasing his recordings and doing full mukbang live streams, the higher intake of food started to make an appearance in Jungkook’s figure. He and Jimin both worked out a few times a week, however, his calorie density and growing appetite had certainly gone up to combat those efforts. 
His videos were standard, mostly being small plates and themed platters like crunchy fruits and vegetables or foods of a certain color and texture. His live streams, on the other hand, were often takeout orders or homemade meals typically accompanied by alcohol. They had invested in a table with a cooktop in it for Jungkook’s live streams that he would barbeque trays of meat on or build a pot of stew on - rarely leaving any morsel of food behind. 
Jimin wasn’t certain if Jungkook had realized it yet, but he definitely had. He thought his boyfriend looked incredible, maybe ten pounds heavier since starting his channel the previous year, and a whole lot cuter in Jimin’s eyes. Seeing Jungkook in his normal wardrobe, someone wouldn’t even notice the change, but Jimin was lucky enough to see much more of his boyfriend than other people. 
The first time he noticed it was a morning when Jimin was doing his hair and makeup at his vanity, getting ready to get lunch with Jin and Taehyung - fellow content creators. As it was Saturday, Jungkook was preparing for his live stream since he was doing an afternoon stream that weekend. He had finished showering and was exiting their bathroom with just a towel around his waist, emphasizing the tiniest bit of softness.
Jimin couldn’t put his finger on why, but he thought that Jungkook held the new weight very handsomely, looking strong and warm. He made an effort after that to check him out more often, his eyes and hands landing on Jungkook’s midsection throughout the day whenever he had the chance. 
Becoming more aware of it, Jimin could easily see where it came from - his boyfriend’s menu has grown in size for his content, but there was a very specific factor that he thought was attributed to the gain. Jungkook was averaging two to three hours for his live streams, usually finishing his meal within the first hour but refilling his drink until the very end. 
Neither of them was into party life during college, however, they both had quite the alcohol tolerance. For his weekend streams, Jungkook had regularly picked up a six-pack of whatever beer sounded interesting - sometimes even trying new brands and reviewing them on stream. 
During the first couple of months of streaming, he would finish one or two beers before switching to water. Then, he gradually started grabbing a third or fourth while he talked and picked at the remaining food. It was now expected for him to finish at least four, occasionally seeing off the entire pack, chugging the first in one go before starting his meal, and enjoying the other five throughout his stream. 
Jungkook was putting away well over a thousand calories in beer alone every weekend on top of his big meals. Even though he was never one to fixate on calorie counting, Jimin knew that his boyfriend was probably averaging one or two pounds per stream which clearly explained his slow but steady gain. 
Jimin waited to see if Jungkook would address it, positively or negatively, rather than bring it up himself. He undeniably enjoyed watching his boyfriend’s midsection grow in tandem with his happiness and success - if the scale climbed with his subscriber count, Jimin wasn’t going to complain about it. 
Almost another six months passed and Jungkook had yet to mention it. The only rationale Jimin could come up with was that his boyfriend didn’t fully realize the change with how slow the progression had been. Because he was, admittedly, a little fixated on it, Jimin tracked the subtle changes and paid attention to things like the fit of his clothes and the feel of his body. 
It finally came up nearly two years after moving into their new place. Jungkook had hit half a million subscribers and went all out on his live stream. He ordered a bunch of his favorite food with quite a few drink options and Jimin even dropped in for a little bit before calling it a night. His celebration stream was nearly six hours long, ending around three in the morning. 
After a drunken clean-up of his office, Jungkook crawled into bed and passed out until nearly noon. Jimin was preparing hangover soup for him when Jungkook managed to climb out of bed. He ambled into the kitchen wearing only sweatpants and his impressive bedhead, one hand scratching his stomach as he yawned. 
The evidence of his indulgence from the previous night was quite prominent. Jimin turned to greet him, but he choked on his words as he stared at Jungkook. His waistband was sitting low on his hips, emphasizing the round swell of his stomach. Although most of it could be blamed on bloating, Jimin felt confident in saying that his boyfriend officially had a little beer belly. 
“Man, I really overdid it last night,” Jungkook said, rubbing both hands over his distended middle. 
Jimin wasn’t certain if his boyfriend was doing it on purpose, but he was struggling to keep his cool, ready to abandon his post at the stove and drag Jungkook back to their bedroom. Testing the waters, he replied, “Think you might have been overdoing it for a little while now, love.” 
Jungkook’s head snapped up, staring at Jimin with a look of faux exasperation. He moved his hands to his hips. “Park Jimin, are you shaming my dad bod right now?” 
“I think we are supposed to have kids before you can claim the dad bod excuse, Ggukie, but you can believe whatever you want,” Jimin quipped, excited to hear his boyfriend leaning into the teasing and hyping up his own body rather than feeling insecure about it.
Jungkook rolled his eyes and walked up behind Jimin who was still dutifully stirring the soup. He moved his hands across his boyfriend’s slim waist and whispered, “Would it help if I said you were a total milf?” 
Jimin threw his head back onto Jungkook’s shoulder laughing loudly, not expecting that response at all. After turning off the heat on the stove, Jimin turned around in his boyfriend’s arms and went up on his toes for a kiss. “Whatever you want to call it, I think you look hot, babe.” 
It seemed like that was exactly what Jungkook needed to hear. Within seconds, he lifted Jimin onto the counter and stepped between his legs. He pulled him into a hungry kiss that quickly developed into a heated make-out session. Jungkook let out a rumbling moan when Jimin’s hands squeezed his sides, emphasizing the fact that there was something to squeeze. 
Finally pulling back for air, Jungkook relished in the feeling of Jimin’s strong thighs wrapped around his softening middle. He would admit later that he was aware of his gain for a while, not mentioning anything to his boyfriend out of embarrassment at first. Jungkook explained to Jimin that it started out as just the enjoyment from feeling full that eventually started to shift into appreciating his changing body. 
Jimin made it clear that whatever it was for Jungkook was very much supported and encouraged as he found his attraction rising with his boyfriend’s size. He also began to tease him a little more often, knowing that it gave them both a sense of intense pleasure. With a new understanding between them, it seemed that whatever hesitation Jungkook had was let go. 
While continuing with his normal video structure, Jungkook did change something with his streams. The standard meals were kept the same, however, he did explain to Jimin that he felt fuller and more satisfied with the liquid portion - the reason behind his longer streams where he continued to drink through the end. His hesitation was adding more and more alcohol than he already set up for his streams. 
Jungkook hated being hungover and didn’t love the idea of getting drunk every Saturday by going beyond the six-pack he normally drank from. A suggestion from Jimin that he somehow had not thought of himself was the best of both worlds. He began to drink non-alcoholic beer. 
Starting the stream with one regular beer on camera, Jungkook spent the rest of the time pouring his non-alcoholic cans into his glass. His fans had always been impressed with his ability to eat and drink, but after the switch, people constantly commented on his incredible tolerance - little did they know that Jungkook wasn’t in it for the buzz, just the full stomach. 
His typical four to six beers over a three-hour stream became at least eight or nine cans of his non-alcoholic beer on top of the one regular beer he kicked off the stream with. Sometimes, the only reason Jungkook stopped drinking was his stomach capacity. Jimin was often fascinated by how much liquid his boyfriend could consume in a single sitting. 
Jimin would usually spend Saturday night and Sunday morning giving him gentle massages as the beer, alcoholic or not, bloated Jungkook’s stomach every time while appreciating the continued change to his midsection. The higher intake had not only affected his full belly but his empty belly as well. 
The term beer belly made a lot more sense to Jimin after seeing how it blossomed on Jungkook’s figure. It seemed that every calorie stuck to his middle from his growing consumption. The little pudge that used to just poke out over his waistband now started bulging out a few inches, his growing belly almost seeming to defy gravity sometimes. 
His shirts now fit snugly over his round belly while every waistband tucked nicely right underneath the swell. Jungkook’s stomach jutted straight out from his middle as the rest of him seemed to stay relatively the same. He had a bit more padding on his thighs and his arms were a little bulkier, but it wasn’t enough to take the attention away from his impressive midsection.
Around Jungkook’s birthday, Jimin came up with an idea after watching an American college movie that Taehyung recommended. A group of guys in the film had something called a case race to see who could drink a 24-pack of beer first and he thought it might be fun to see Jungkook try it. 
That was the first time they initiated something like that together and definitely the first time Jungkook drank more than a few drinks off stream, but his boyfriend was completely on board, loving the idea of doing it solely for their enjoyment. 
Jimin picked up a case of non-alcoholic beer as Jungkook was still a fan of drinking to get full and not get drunk. They set up the living room with dim lighting and a show to play in the background. Jungkook put on a pair of loose sweatpants and a t-shirt that had a bit of room to be comfortable. 
With a mug that held two cans at a time, Jimin poured the first round and brought it to him. Expecting Jungkook to chug it as he typically did with his drink that started his night, Jimin stood next to the couch and watched him, teasing him for the panting breaths that followed. 
Jungkook told him to bring a few cans with him for the next round, clearly enjoying the fast pace in the beginning. Jimin was genuinely impressed by how quickly his boyfriend could down a can, seeing him chug another two within minutes of the first large glass. 
The night continued with quiet belches and a few rounds of hiccups while Jungkook worked through the case. About an hour in, he was halfway through - Jimin slowing him down after slamming the first four to make sure he didn’t throw up. 
After tipping number twelve to drain the last few drops, Jungkook reclined back into the couch to take a short break. Jimin’s gentle touch had been easing any cramps or discomfort that came up from going too fast, but Jungkook was starting to feel the effects of all the liquid. 
He wasn’t challenging his stomach capacity quite yet due to the meals that usually accompanied his liquid intake before, however, Jungkook realized that a stomach full of beer felt much different without the food alongside it. As his belly distended little by little to accommodate it, he noticed a sloshing sensation that was admittedly growing more enjoyable. 
Jungkook also tried to hide the bubbles of gas that traveled up his chest whenever Jimin pushed or prodded in certain spots. Obviously, his boyfriend had heard him burp before, but something about the situation made it feel embarrassing. While he couldn’t hold them all back, Jungkook made sure to let it out quietly into his hand and was thankful that Jimin seemed to let him do whatever he needed to remain comfortable. 
Although, Jimin did not let him simply go on without any teasing or taunting. Just as Jungkook felt ready to pick up another can, his boyfriend placed his hands on his shoulders and straddled Jungkook’s lap. Jimin moved his hands down Jungkook’s chest, caressing him slowly before stopping on either side of his belly. 
Expecting a tender massage that Jimin had become skilled at providing, Jungkook was stunned when his boyfriend shook his belly back and forth. The liquid in his stomach felt like it was splashing against his insides and it forced him to let out a pocket of air that developed at the crest of his belly with a wet belch. 
Jungkook let out a deep moan involuntarily as he threw his head back against the cushion, hands finding Jimin’s waist as his boyfriend’s touch became much more gentle. Letting Jungkook have more time to breathe through his overwhelmed state, Jimin started raining kisses onto his face - sweet and coy compared to what he had just done. 
The entire time, Jimin had been keeping a steady stream of praise flowing that let Jungkook know his boyfriend was happy to try out the new endeavor. However, after that moment, he realized that Jimin was as equally into it which somehow made it even more satisfying. His boyfriend was currently whispering in his ear about a next time thinking that they would be done soon, but Jungkook was now more determined than ever. 
“Can you open the next one, baby?” Jungkook asked, happy to keep his boyfriend in his lap while they continued. 
Jimin smiled and kissed him hard, seemingly excited by his boyfriend’s renewed sense of effort. “Of course, love.” 
Jungkook held out his hand to accept the drink, but Jimin simply took his hand and pecked the back of it while bringing the can to his boyfriend’s lips. He tilted it slowly, making it clear that he wanted him to take it in one breath. They did that with the next one - Jungkook stopped him halfway through number fifteen in need of a break from the way his stomach started to cramp up. 
At that point, Jimin definitely thought they were going to call it, but Jungkook assured him that he just needed to take it slow, not ready to throw in the towel yet. With the reminder of being able to try again, possibly in a month for Jimin’s birthday, he did consider agreeing and letting his boyfriend take him to the bedroom until he ultimately decided that he had enough space for two more. 
Finishing the second half of the one he paused on, Jungkook asked Jimin to fill the glass with two final cans and he would tap out at seventeen. Thoroughly impressed with his performance, Jimin did just that and then crawled back into his lap while he gradually down his last round. His boyfriend’s hands worked through any pinches and aches while he finished. 
Jungkook fell back into the couch once again, grateful for Jimin helping him through. His stomach felt tighter than it ever had having drank over a gallon of liquid over the course of the night. Needing Jimin’s help to get off the couch, Jungkook felt the full weight of his belly once he stood up. 
His shirt was stretched across his bloated middle, emphasizing just how much he had managed to get down over the past few hours. Jimin poked fun the entire walk back to their bedroom, commenting on Jungkook’s slow waddle and the sloshing sounds coming from his stomach. Although, he was also gentle and appreciative in helping Jungkook climb up into bed - removing his shirt to survey the final result. 
Leaning back against the headboard, Jungkook rested his hands on his stomach, noting the tight pull at the top while the area below his belly button was still pleasantly soft. He saw the sparkle in Jimin’s eye and knew that his partner was ready to pounce on him, but the idea of moving anymore genuinely made Jungkook feel nauseous.
As if he could read Jungkook’s mind, Jimin snuck his hand below the waistband of his sweatpants and said, “Don’t you worry, my love. I will do all the work. I think you deserve a reward for your performance.” 
By the next morning, the evidence of their previous night’s activity was quite clear. Jimin woke up first curled around Jungkook’s back, feeling very grateful for last night Jimin who decided to clean them up before falling asleep. He kissed his boyfriend’s shoulder and sat up to stretch when he was caught off guard by Jungkook’s still-bloated stomach. 
The beer-induced swell had shifted down lower as he digested the hefty amount, his belly distending out in front of him on the bed. Jimin lightly traced his fingers across Jungkook’s skin, applying some pressure on the small love bites he had left behind during his thorough treatment the night before. 
Rousing Jungkook with his caressing touch, Jimin decided two things. His boyfriend deserved a loving wake-up call to continue his well-earned reward and they would most certainly be having a nice repeat of last night for Jimin’s birthday next month.
The following summer, Jungkook finally hit one million subscribers after a few changes to his channel. Quickly learning how much he enjoyed gaming on stream, he stopped his ASMR uploads and became a full streamer - keeping his Saturday mukbang and adding a Tuesday and Thursday gaming stream. 
During those streams, Jungkook often added drinking games or at least enjoyed a few beverages while playing with Jin and Taehyung or some new gamer friends he had made over time. His Saturday stream was still fueled by his non-alcoholic beer, needing a little more to achieve that full feeling he loved. 
His little beer belly had certainly outgrown the description of little, filling out into a decent potbelly that protruded over his waistband while empty and looked like Jungkook was hiding a basketball under his shirt after every Saturday live stream. 
Jimin’s teasing had only grown alongside his belly, often wrapping his hands around Jungkook’s back to jiggle his stomach or squeeze his sides. His favorite comments to make were about how their fans were none the wiser to Jungkook’s round middle hiding below his desk during every stream - especially by the end of a Saturday night when he packed away drink after drink. 
The thing Jungkook treasured most by far, however, was his boyfriend’s consistent love and appreciation because for every taunting jab Jimin threw at him, three compliments followed behind it. Jimin was his ultimate hype man - encouraging the change in his content, supporting his streaming career, and contributing to his full belly whenever he could. 
Setting up for his Thursday stream, Jungkook sipped on some water while he prepared his recording area. He had been both looking forward to this stream and dreading it as Jimin and their friends were joining him for a Mario Kart night. The terms had already been determined and Jungkook knew he was going to be stuffed to the brim by the end of his stream. 
For each race he lost, Jungkook had to down his drink and between Jimin and Jin, he did not stand a chance at winning - of course, having been his lovely boyfriend’s idea. Moving on to Jimin’s setup, Jungkook heard the distant sound of their front door closing. 
“Love! I’m back!” Jimin called out from the kitchen.
Jungkook left his office, making his way down the hall to greet his boyfriend. He sent Jimin a little grimace when he saw the two packs of his favorite beer on the counter. “Hey, baby.” 
Jimin smirked and walked over to Jungkook, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend’s neck and going up on his toes for a welcome-home kiss. “Don’t look so happy to see me, Ggukie.” 
“Don’t look so smug to get me drunk tonight, Minnie,” Jungkook replied after returning the kiss before lifting Jimin up onto the counter. 
“At least you are prepared to lose,” Jimin quipped, devolving into squeaky giggles as Jungkook’s fingers dug into his sides in retaliation. 
Jungkook finally eased up and felt Jimin’s hands spread across his belly, giving it a little tap on both sides that sent a ripple through his soft abdomen. He was now the one smirking and said, “Am I really the one losing if I get rewarded either way?” 
Jimin smiled and leaned back in for another kiss, completely agreeing with his boyfriend’s question. His hands continued their gentle caress of Jungkook’s belly as he whispered, “Of course, you get rewarded, my love. Look at how all your hard work pays off.”
They both knew that there was not enough time to take this show to the bedroom so Jimin did the next best thing before they had to log into their streams. He reached over to one of the cases and tore the box open, grabbing the first beer and cracking the can open. Taking a small sip for himself first, a suggestive expression sent in Jungkook’s direction while he did. 
“How about a little head start, Gguk?”
Jungkook let out a low groan as Jimin turned the can toward him, bringing it to his lips. He instinctively started to drink, knowing his boyfriend would control the pace well. Ten seconds later, Jungkook already had a hot sensation running through his stomach against the cold froth of beer in his belly. Seeing that familiar sparkle in Jimin’s eye, he knew it was going to be an interesting night.
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drpeppertummy · 3 months
hmmmm how about a vampire who is Terrible at keeping themself well fed being forcefed by a loved one/group of friends etc ?
didnt feel like giving them details so feel free to use this as like. a template idk
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[ID: a drawing of two generic, un-detailed people, a human and a vampire. the human is leaned over the vampire and holding them in place with the vampire's head to their neck, forcing them to drink. the vampire is clutching at the human, looking surprised, their swollen belly gurgling as they gulp down the blood.]
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mrlightskn · 11 days
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before and after
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bellyasks · 6 months
liquid bloat emoji promptsss
🥛 Your character drinks a big glass of milk. Maybe with cookies or something, maybe just on its own. It's very filling and a great recipe for a snug, achy belly--especially if dairy isn't their best friend.
🧃 Your character is trying to cut back on "less healthy" drinks and starts satisfying their cravings for soda and St*rbucks with fruit juice or smoothies instead (whether the replacements are actually any "healthier" is up to you). The cravings are strong, though, and they find themselves constantly sipping their juice to keep them at bay.
☕ It's cold out, and what better way to warm up than with a big hot beverage? Maybe a little too big? At least they'll be nice and toasty.
🍵 Your character's belly isn't feeling good after eating too much. They decide to soothe their stomach with some tea, or ginger ale, or whatever, but their belly is already so full they can barely fit anything else.
🥂 Your character is with friends, and whether it be a night at the bar, too much soda at a party, or going out for smoothies with the crew, they wind up with more liquid in their tummy than they can handle.
🥤 Your character gets a big soda to go along with their lunch. They're more than full by the time their food is gone, but the soda remains. Rather than discard it, they bring the cup along with them and keep drinking it despite their belly's protests.
🧋 Your character gets a big fancy beverage, and it cost way too much for them to give up on it when they get full. They know it won't save well, so even as their tummy starts feeling taut and strained, they're determined to finish.
🍾 Your character is celebrating! What better way to celebrate than with a fun beverage? Maybe they're cracking open a fancy bottle of wine or maybe they're simply rewarding themself with their favorite soda, but is it really a special occasion if they don't go a little overboard?
🫗 Your character drinks a ton of water. Maybe they're trying to stay hydrated and goes a little overboard, or maybe they just realized how thirsty they were and overcompensated. Either way, they thoroughly quench their thirst at the cost of a very full, sloshy tummy.
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milkywaytreats · 5 months
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New OC I’m gonna use over here…
He got thirsty and had a whole twelve pack of sodas
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sneap-sneap · 1 year
ok trying baking soda and apple cider vinegar bloat holy shit
first off baking soda-mixed it with water, drank it with a straw cause that shit nasty and it can bypass your tongue easier. Just a tiny bit, not even a quarter teaspoon. Drinking it I started feeling bloated, but I wasn’t sure if that was just from drinking a lot of liquid yknow? Or from the acid already in my stomach? But then then apple cider vinegar, just a little, also mixed with water. The effect was literally instant. It was like a stretching sensation, like when you puff your belly out to make it larger, but it’s not you doing something, it’s something doing it to you. It felt really good tbh 👉👈 like I can’t puff out my belly any more 😳 rubbing it feels incredible too 😖 all gurgly and gassy >.<
And I was like “is this healthy and ok” and the answer’s yeah cause baking soda is basically what’s in Tums, and people drink apple cider vinegar just for funsies, and they’re neutralizing each other anyways. OBVIOUSLY don’t do it every day, cause too much baking soda can be bad for you and cause your stomach to over-produce acid but again, ur putting more acid in legit right after ur putting in the base so ur making up for it. Idk which would be better to consume first, maybe ACV first so the reaction is more dramatic and all at once?? Ugh organic chemistry coming in clutch fr 😎😎😎 but it’s better for you and more ..scientifically accurate (?) than like coke and mentos, or banana and sprite, although arguably a briefer experience. idk tbh I haven’t tried the others 🤔🤔🤔🤔 anyways that’s my review 9/10 stars, losing one only bc it was so short (might also be a benefit tho in certain circumstances) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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I forgot that I completely filled up my water bottle this morning ,, chugging that next for sure
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thebellyking46 · 1 month
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A successful Day 1 in the books
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qoppybirdie · 9 months
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drpeppertummy · 6 months
was in the mood to draw Classy Vampire Belly. rennie for the first time in 800 years
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[ID: a drawing of a vampire standing with one hand on her hip and hovering the other hand over her very round bloated belly, looking flustered.]
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mrlightskn · 4 months
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i’m not even fullll😳
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bellyasks · 5 months
helloooo I adore your lists and prompts they're so good 🥹🥹
I have some ideas that I'd love if you could roll with and add onto??
but they might be a bit too specific and long/rambling, so pls feel free to ignore if so!!
here you go!! 💖💖
A is a vampire who has a nasty habit of refusing to feed to the point where they're starved, woozy and their poor hollow stomach hurts
B is their friend or partner who is so sick of A not taking care of themself and chastises them (I was thinking they're pretty mean due to frustration, and afterwards regret their harsh words when they see how sick A is)
B finds ways to help A out, whether that be finding a "meal" for A and gently coaxing them to feed (perhaps rubbing their belly encouragingly as it fills up), offering up their own blood, etc.
Perhaps some focus on starving to comfortably warm and full pls?
doing dialogue for this one bc i dont know how much i can add to the scenario itself its already so good🥺
"Come on. Lions and bears are allowed to eat, aren't they? You can't help what you are. You deserve to eat too."
"Look, I'll be more upset if you don't bite me than if you do, now will you at least drink a little bit?"
"Listen to your poor belly. Haven't you eaten at all since you turned?"
"Look, I promised this lady a genuine vampire bite. You don't wanna let her down, do you?"
"You can't just stay a bat to conserve your energy forever!"
"There, I bet that feels good, doesn't it?"
"No, you're good, it doesn't hurt at all! Kinda tickles, actually."
"Sheesh, you really were starving! Hey, go slow, you're gonna make yourself sick."
"Oh, I can feel your belly getting all warm and sloshy…"
"Go on, I know you're not full yet. Don't worry, I feel fine."
"I'm so proud of you. How do you feel?"
"Your tummy feels so warm compared to the rest of you…"
"It's almost morning. Come to bed with me, we'll sleep it off together."
"Wow, you already look so much healthier than you did ten minutes ago."
"Look at you, all full and sleepy. Some big bad vampire you are."
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creme-boylee · 3 months
Sometimes, self care is chugging a liter of chocolate milk
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I haven't been that round in ages 😩, unfortuantly video too big for tumblr so i upladed it to my youtube.
But i can at least post the part i had to cut out for youtube on here 😁
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I cannot wait til I go back to school and can drink unlimited amounts of soda 🤤🤤🤤
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thebellyking46 · 1 month
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Day 3-4: I love being surprised by how much fatter I look everyday. It’s like I can see myself slowly inflating with fat by the hour and it just makes me want MORE 🤤
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