#listen I'm SO normal about this scene you wouldn't believe
yzzart · 10 months
between white sheets.
pairing: tom blyth x actress!reader.
summary: a lazy morning with your boyfriend after a long night.
word count: 721!
notes: just a quick little thing, i thought of this scenario and here it is.
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"Oh, i know you're awake…"
A typical and familiar British accent, with a deep and smug tone, vibrated against your bare neck; causing a kind of tickling and a wave of goosebumps in the region. — It was impossible not to squirm against the soft, fragrant sheets.
Even with your failed mission to pretend that you was still sleeping, your eyes remained closed but it was impossible to contain a warm and bright smile on your lips. — Your lips were traitors, you believed that. — And, in a matter of seconds and due to the lack of interaction, that smile turned into a loud and vibrant laugh.
Your neck received, once again, attention but now due to the small beard, not so annoying, that grew in the region of Tom's face; this time, an intense tickling sensation. — You tried to remove his face from between your neck with your hands but, unsurprisingly, you failed when he held both of you with just one hand.
Tom's laugh, which was muffled between your neck and pillow, joined against yours and echoed throughout the large and tidy room where you were staying. — Well, apart from just some of the clothes you guys had to wear to more TBOSAS opening night and accessories; the room was organizing. — And you swear, with the old, childish pinky promise, that you could listen to your laugh for hours.
Last night was so tiring, but so good; in fact, it was magnificent. — Once again meeting with the cast, giving interviews and taking countless photos with fans and in print; it was a special night.
Lifting his head and directing it towards the pillow, as it was in previous minutes, Tom finds himself observing the image before his eyes. — Your chest rose and fell gently, trying to recover and manage your breathing, your hair, with some stubborn and messy strands, spread across the pillow. — A radiant and fascinating scene for the eldest.
Not to mention, a sleepy smile on your lips. — If Tom had the opportunity and absolute power, he would stop time and stay like this with you forever.
"Good morning, my love." — His voice is hoarser than normal, and Tom wraps an arm around your covered waist, bringing your body even closer to his. — "How did you sleep, huh?" — He asks, giving small, loving kisses on your shoulder. — "The most beautiful woman in this world."
"Good…" — You replied, sleepy with red and embarrassed cheeks, and ran a hand through his hair; leaving a prolonged and attentive caress and then, moving your head, to leave a kiss on his forehead. — "What time is it?"
"I don't know…?" — Blyth raised his head and now you had the opportunity to admire his blue orbs so crystal clear, deep and enchanting; you found yourself falling even more in love with the boy every time his eyes met yours. — "Maybe it's eight, nine or even twelve hours?"
It was ironic to think that the clock was just a few steps away from the bed where you were and neither of you really cared. — Maybe it would be laziness, sleepiness or an excuse to spend more time together. — And the correct option was the third, no surprises.
Your eyes roamed between the dark locks and a few shy curls of Tom's hair, and all the comments about the idea of him actually opting to dye him blond — just like Coriolanus — played in your mind. — and every time they talked to you about this subject, you replied: "that wouldn't be a bad idea."
But, you always made it clear that you were the number one fan of his natural color. — And there were fans who agreed with you; you saw it on your social media and thought it was so funny and always showed it to Tom and the rest of the cast.
"What are our plans today?" — You whispered. — "… i'm seriously thinking about the idea of staying here all day." — In the middle of the sentence, you couldn't contain your laughter again; which this time was brief. — "Really." — Fatigue ran freely through your body and he wanted a long rest.
"Really?" — Blyth murmured, placing his face between your neck for the second time in a row that morning; you just nodded in confirmation, now felt prolonged kisses on your sensitive area. — "Then make your words mine."
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Batfam x GN!Bat!Reader.
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Summary: Bruce had another kid in Arkham asylum that nobody knows about.
Warnings: Murder, Arkham asylum, Reader can see the dead, Bruce being a bad father, hallucinations, delusions
Yes, I know that a psychiatric visit wouldn't go like this, I also know that hallucinations don't normally work like this, but it's a fictional world with a bat inspired vigilante, use your imagination.
Part one
"Bruce, what the fuck!" Tim had yelled as he ran into the Manor.
Dick had abandoned the thought of taking Damian and going to get both Tim and Jason. Even if they showed up at the asylum with proof that they were your adoptive siblings and half sibling, they would still have a slim chance of getting to meet you.
"Calm down, Matster Timothy.." Alfred had tried his best to make the tension die down. He himself only knew of you from the brief explanation Bruce gave him five years ago.
"Calm down?!"
"Listen, I mean I could go in there with my badge and get to at least meet them." Dick proposed, searching his brain for a way to meet you.
"Yeah, we all could with our reputations." Jason made himself known by talking about their vigilante personas. He was weirdly calm throughout this entire thing. "Why have you never mentioned them?" Oh, now they could see it. He was acting... he's seething.
"I-" Bruce thought of something to say. "When they were fourteen, their mother was murdered. I was asked to survey the scene, and they had told me about how they weren't even there-"
"Where is this going, father?" Damian interrupted.
"And then we looked inside one of M/N's journals. Y/N has a history of delusions that they fully believe."
"So you shut them out because of that?" Tim asked, genuinely trying to grasp ahold of what was going on.
"I know that they wouldn't want me in their life, M/N didn't, so why would Y/N?" Bruce sighed.
Jason opened his mouth to speak but was beat by Dick speaking first. "We're going up there. We are going to meet them!"
"So you're Y/N's family." Dr. Conley spoke. "Bruce Wayne... I would not have called that."
"Can we see Y/N or not?" Damian asked, boredom evident on his face.
Dr. Conley took in a breath before setting a file on the table in front of herself. "Y/N is plagued by hallucinatory delusions. They believe that they can see the dead."
"Can they? I mean, we have aliens roaming around." It was Dicks turn to speak.
"No, they can't. They claim that two of the "people" they see are named Alice and Mathew, old residents of the asylum." Dr. Conley sighed. "We've never had any residents named Alice and Mathew Hallows."
"Are those her friends?" Tim asked.
"Y/N, you have some visitors." Dr. Conley told you, a small smile tugging at her dark skin.
You got up from where you sat, silently gesturing both Alice and Mathew to follow you. Dr. Conley guided you out of the main building and into a sanctuary that you had never been in.
"I'm still in isolation." You told her, afraid that you would get in trouble for being out of your room.
"We've made an exception." She smiled again, now opening up a door for you. As you walked in, you immediately noticed the one face you hoped you'd never see. Bruce Wayne.
And his little ducklings all sitting with him.
Dr. Conley pulled out a chair for you to sit in, but you never noticed that. All you could focus on was Bruce avoiding eye contact.
"Y/N." She snapped you out of your daze, finally letting you sit down. All seven of you sat awkwardly, not muttering a single thing. The boys just gave you small smiles.
Just as Dick was about to say something you spoke.
"You think I killed her, don't you?"
The room remained silent, offering Bruce's avoidance on a silver plater. "I would never, I loved her."
"You don't know what it was like out there, I was hungry, and so was she...I was getting us food-" You cut yourself off as you began shouting. "and when I came back, she was....dead."
Tears had started to unwillingly fall from your eyes, something that Bruce noticed as he finally looked up at you. "And I'm not crazy." You whispered.
You noticed the weary looks that everyone around the room shared. "What?" You asked.
When none of them answered you turned to look at Dr. Conley, taking notice of her frown.
"Y/N.." She whispered, "There are no records of an Alice and Mathew Hallows."
"What?" You laughed.
"We've looked at computer documents and paper documents... they just aren't real."
You looked at everybody in the room, hoping to find a smile on one of their faces, signifying that this was all a joke.
You whipped your body around to face Alice and Mathew. The young man, whom you've grown to know very well, only looked at you with a sorry look, and Alice stared at Dr. Conley with wide eyes.
This couldn't be real. She was lying.
You quickly turned to look at Dr. Conley, before going back to look at Alice and Mathew. This time, Mathew was nowhere to be seen, seemingly having turned to air.
"Y/N, no, she's lying, I'm real!" Alice yelled, grabbing at her face to convince herself.
"I know, I know!" You tried to make her feel better, but the hysteria under your skin started to break free.
"No, I'm real!" She was crying now. "I'm real!"
You turned to look at everyone in the room, about to ask them for help, only to stop yourself when you noticed their wide eyes. You heard Alice's cries die down but never turned to face her again. You were sitting there just staring at the people around the room.
When you came back to your senses you tried to mutter out, "We need to he-" you paused, "-lp her?"
Alice was gone.
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I know that people wanted a "holy shit you can see the dead" reaction, but I strive to suprise.
Also, I think I'm going to post a follow-up of this fic, just to see how Y/N's dealing with it and how their relationship with the batbros turns out.
I have another two part Asylum!bat!Reader in the works if you're interested.
@godknows-shetried @cookielovesbook-akie
@kinkmaster96 @sen-nes @bbnny
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alocon · 8 months
Always Irresistible [3] - Lando Norris
Lando Norris x Fem!Reader
written by alocon
Summary: Despite all hope, Lando never lost his feelings for his best friend's twin sister. However, he still hadn't acted on it. Well, that was until the party, which led you two into a long-term secret relationship
Warnings and Tropes: Fluff, part 3 to the story released the other day.
[Part One Here] [Part Two Here] [Part Four Here] [Masterlist]
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Always Irresistible - Ln4 x Fem!Reader
Your head leant onto your boyfriend's shoulder as you watched a film on your bed. He had basically moved all his stuff into your room by this point and was only using his room as a streaming setup. One of his arms was around your back, the other being placed gently onto your knee. 
The pair of you had been in a fair share of arguments over the time you'd been in a relationship but it didn't stop you both from making up again in the end. It was a normal thing that happened between every couple in every relationship. Arguing was completely normal.
You first felt his attention on you when a jumpscare came onto the screen. Lando would usually look away until the scene was over and then would look back, but this time you could feel like eyes burning into you. You turned to look back at him, noticing the way his eyes scanned over your face. You were pretty sure he could draw you from memory down to the placement of every single freckle on your face by the amount of time he had spent staring, however, you didn't mind. It made you feel loved, appreciated. It made you feel beautiful. “What?” You asked quietly, confused about why he was staring at you now.
“You're just.” He paused to look over your face again, his eyes filled with nothing but love. “I'm so glad we're together.” You smiled. That was sweet.
You placed a kiss on his lips. “I'm glad we are too.” Apparently, that one kiss was not enough for his liking as he leaned in again, his hands gripping your waist as you pulled you in for a longer, more intimate kiss that the peck you had given him only moments before. You, obviously, kissed back, letting him climb over you, laying you back on the bed below him. You knew where this was heading and you were all for it as he lost the shirt, it landing on the floor beside the bed. 
He had done everything in his power since you got together to make you feel like the most perfect woman in the world. It was like the two of you were made for each other, every kiss making you fall more and more in love. You adored the way he wouldn't let you go in the morning. You adored how, if he went out with his friends for the day, you would barely be able to leave his embrace because he missed you. You loved every single thing about this relationship. It was perfect. Sometimes you both wished that you could share it with the world.
“What the fuck.” You pulled away quickly from the kiss, Lando grabbing his shirt and throwing it on, over his head. You looked at the furious man in the doorway as he turned to walk away, stating that he wished to talk to Lando the kitchen. He placed another quick kiss to your lips before following the man, shutting the door behind him. 
It was silent for a moment, weirdly silent. And then, shouting. Arguing. You listened into the argument as best you could but could barely hear anything. You could only pick out a few words here and there. You sat on your bed, thinking about what to do, deciding that, if it didn't stop in a couple of minutes, you would have to go sort him out yourself. 
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The arguing still hadn't stopped.
“I can't believe you'd do this. I made it very clear that she is one to fall and fall hard for someone and that she was very much off limits. I can't believe you would go behind my back to fuck with her feelings, what the hell. Seriously, what are you thinking screwing with her head like that?” Max was furious and Lando was a little anxious in that moment. He had never seen him so angry.
“I'm not, Max. I would never play with her feelings like that, don't be stupid. Why would I ever do that to her?”
Max's shouting only got louder. “Because you've done it before. How many times have you dated someone or got with them for a month or two only to turn around and change your mind and claim you can't love them like they deserve. That you love someone else and so it would be unfair to them. How do I know that you won't do the same to my sister?”
Lando's voice matched Max's now. “Because its always been her!”
Max went silent in an instant. It was Lando’s turn to rant at him, now.
“For God's Sake, Max. She is the one I've been in love with all these years. She's the one I've wanted to be with since we were 13. But I didn’t pursue a relationship because she's your sister. I would've felt bad because she's your twin. I tried to date other women to get over her. Believe me, I tried. But I couldn't, because I've never got over her. It's always been her. It will always be her.”
Max didn't know what to say. He didn't even notice your presence in the doorway. “Max, if you plan to keep shouting at my boyfriend, you need to leave.”
“Boyfriend?” Max looked between the two and saw Lando looking equally as surprised at that outburst.
You looked at Lando, stepping closer to him. “Lan he knows. Isn't it better to be fully open now?” You were speaking quietly to him. Your voice changed into a whisper. “Only if you're comfortable.”
“Yeah. I am.” You sat on the kitchen counter beside him as he spoke. He smiled at you, before turning to Max. “Yes. Boyfriend.”
“For how long?”
“You've been dating for six months and didn't tell me?” He cut Lando off as he spoke.
“No, Max. July last year. 2023.”
“A year and six months and you didn't tell me?”
“We didn't tell most people!”
“Who knows?” He asked, looking straight at you. 
“Zak, Oscar, Alex and both Lily's. Oh, and Max and Charlie but that's only because Charles doesnt know how to knock on a door and Max is his little gossip buddy slash emotional support rival thing.”
“And Alex and Lily only found out because they walked out of the club at the party last year with us. And we only told Zak, Oscar and Lily at first to make sure no photos of us holding hands were posted. So really, you're one of the first few.”
“Still though. That's so many people you told before me!” Max was slightly raising his voice again.
“Because I knew you'd act like this,” you raised your voice back at him. He looked surprised. As did Lando. Lando had never heard you raise your voice at anyone before. You rarely did. “Stop treating me like a child, Max. I'm a grown fucking adult.”
“I can't believe you're being so selfish.” Max deadpanned as he looked at you, voice still raised. “He was my friend first.”
“This isn't a fucking competition. He can be both your friend and my boyfriend!”
“Yeah? Says who?”
“Me! P was my friend before she was your girlfriend but you don't see me out and about bitching like you do. But no, you can't handle it being the other way around because for once, your sister has decided to do something for her that makes her happy without worrying what you would think of her. For God's Sake, Max. You need to grow up.” Lando placed his hand on you as you ranted at your brother. 
“That's different. She was your best friend, Lando is my childhood best friend.”
“It's not different, you're just a fucking hypocrite.” You stood up off the counter, walking away. A few moments later, the slam of a door could be heard. 
Max turned to look at Lando. “You need to make a decision, Lando. Our friendship or your relationship.”
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You sat in the bedroom, having just let a couple of tears fall from your face. You had heard Max's words. And then nothing. You heard the door open and shut. That was an hour ago and you had heard nothing from then since so, as hard as it was, you figured that he had chosen Max. It didn't surprise you. Max was his best friend, you completely got it. You dropped a text to P.
To P: Hi lovely. I just wanted to apologise for not telling you sooner about this but Lando and I are (or were) together. I didn't want to tell you because we weren't ready for Max to know and I didn't want Max to be upset with you for knowing and not telling him. Miss you lots x
From P: Hi!! Thank you for telling me. I'm glad you did. I completely understand why you didn't tell me sooner. I had my suspicions anyways. What do you mean “or were”??? 
You began to talk to P about what happened, her promising to invite you over for a binge ice cream and crying session if he does choose Max. You felt a lot better. Opting to ignore everything else and shut the world out, you rolled over and closed your eyes, drifting off to sleep quite easily. 
You were awoken not too long later by the feeling of a hand on your face. You groaned softly, opening your eyes to see him crouched in front of you, eyes at the same level as you. “Hey beautiful, how long have you been asleep?”
“Not too long. I thought you went with Max.”
“Did you hear what he said?”
“About you choosing me or him? Yes.”
Lando placed a kiss on your cheek. “Oh darling, I'm so sorry. I didn't think. I just went out to get us food for dinner so that we don't have to cook. I should've messaged. I'm so sorry.” He placed his forehead against yours, helping you sit up as you hugged him. He pulled you off of the bed, bringing you to the living room to sit beside you, food boxes in hand. You smiled. He had gone out of his way to drive to Nice to get you food from your favourite noodle place. He passed you a pair of chopsticks, grinning at you.
“Thank you, I love you.”
“I love you more,” he responded, no hesitation. 
“So,” you said after taking a bite of your food. “What happened?”
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Max turned to look at Lando. “You need to make a decision, Lando. Our friendship or your relationship.”
Lando looked at him, surprise in his face as he never thought his best friend would stoop that far. Grabbing his keys, he signalled for Max to walk out the door, him following behind as a look of triumph appeared on Max's face. The two stayed in silence until they got to the car park. That was when Lando turned to Max.
“I'm glad you came to your senses and chose me, mate.”
Lando chuckled, a bitter, annoyed chuckle. “Who said I was choosing you?”
Max looked at him, his face dropping into one of confusion. “You're out here with me.”
Lando looked at Max. “I hope, for your sake, that you will never again ask me to pick between you and my girlfriend ever again because I will choose her every single time.”
“What the hell, Lando. I've known you longer.”
Lando stepped closer, right in front of Max's face. “And she's the woman I want to marry one day. So rather than me making a choice, you get to. You should take some time to calm down and to think long and hard about whether you want this battle because, when I do marry her, it's your actions that determine whether you'll be there alongside me as my best man or not.” Lando stepped back, turning around and getting in his car. “Now if you don't mind me, I'm going to get my girlfriend and I dinner.”
-The End-
[Word Count: 2008]
Hi All, Hope you enjoyed this part, I enjoyed writing it. I wrote this at work earlier because I had nothing to do hahah. Have a good day x Alocon
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anderii · 2 months
I can't believe you have spent a year selling that rubbish. Catherine, or Cat as she insisted on being called was creating a scene again, Poppy her sister had work friend round to celebrate her first year at her job, well any excuse for a party. But Cat decided to pick a fight about the cloths they sold.
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Those clothes are so demeaning to women I mean what's that latest Japanese import tat called Bimbot! It's just grose I have no idea why people would buy that junk, you would have to hypnotise and brain wash me to even get me in that shop.
Oh I could do that for you. Cat spun round to confront whoever had interrupted her in full rant. Hi I'm Olivia, and I own Peaches clothing. Do you have something against my shop?
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Cat was flustered for a second, Olivias eyes seemed to burn straight into her but she had a light gentle smile that said trust me, it made Cat shudder slightly.
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Well it's just they are demeaning, bimbo fashon, no woman should be expected to wear such ridiculous junk, I wouldn't ever be seen in any of it.
Oh I bet you would my dear Cat, Olivia almost purred her words were smooth and irresistible. I have a challenge for you, before I came to England I was a hypnotherapist working in a special hospital, helping people rehabilitate you could say. I bet you £100 I could get you to come into Peaches and try on some of our outfits.
Just sit and listen to me for 10 minutes if you manage the money is yours and if you don't we all get pictures of you as a bimbo girl, do we have a deal Cat?
Cat felt backed into a corner , what happened if she couldn't resist, but if she declined she would looked weak.
It's ok, Poppy said, Olivia has hypnotised us all at work at least once, you know, just for fun, it's relaxing and you feel so refreshed afterwards.
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Cat sat facing, Olivia, why do you have your hood up? She asked.
To help you concentrate on my face, now all you have to do is look into my eyes and just listen to my voice, nothing else is important, the world carries on as normal just relax, breath in and when you breath out feel your body relax deeper, just my voice , just my eyes.
Think of a spiral in your mind, follow it down, the deeper you go the more relaxed you feel the, more relaxed you feel the deeper you go.
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Cat was quite relieved to get the £100, easy money but she wasn't sure why everyone else was giggling.
When Olivia left she said see you in the shop on Saturday Cat, don't forget.I won't, Cat replied, but didn't think anything of it.
Saturday came, Cat went into work with Poppy, she didn't know why she just felt like, it, oh god the outfits were worse up close, so demeaning, so why did she want to wear one so badly, the thrill of being humiliated wearing the pink monstrosities had her heart beating fast.
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Welcome to Peaches Cat, Olivias voice was like satin shall we start your makeover?
All the girls helped with dressing and makeup, and before the store was ready to open Cat resembled the Bimbot mannequin in the window, they took her outside and took lots of photos posting them on her social media.
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The funny thing is girls. Olivia said to everyone, I left a trigger in Cats mind, if I say the words bimbo doll she freezes in place but inside she can think and remember everything, Cat was shocked she couldn't move and why was she here what was she dressed as oh god the hypnosis worked and now she knew Olivia had tricked her. Let's put her in the window for the day with the other mannequins suggested Olivia and everyone thought that was a great idea.
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Cat spent the entire day in the window, no one gave her a second glance although inside she was screaming.
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Closing time came, and Olivia walked up to Cat whispering in her ear, well done you make such a good dummy, you may think I'm here to free you but I am going to leave you here all night to learn your lesson, then maybe tomorrow I will let you go, it's a shame that when I do you won't remember anything about it untill we do the same thing again next weekend and every one after untill I get bored with you. Oh and don't think your sister or any one of the other girls will help, I have had them hypnotised for ages, that's why I have such a loyal workforce. Good night Cat, sweet dreams. The lights turned out the door locked everyone went home, except for the mannequin in the store window silently crying and begging for help.
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henrioo · 4 months
꒰ SYNOPSIS ꒱ : "Being a father was not easy, imposing limits was necessary and no matter how cute his face was, that of the Crocodile's only son, he couldn't allow you to do whatever you wanted... Especially when you're running around with three deadly wild animals."
꒰ WARNINGS ꒱ : PLATONIC RELATIONSHIP! NON ROMANCE, Father and Son! Male reader! Child reader! Soft dad Crocodile! Cross guild! Savage animals (bananawani), the reader has a powerful man in his control (his own dad)
꒰ WC ꒱ : 1k
꒰ NOTES ꒱ : And here I'm again, trying to post again and idk, nothing much to say today, my mood is horrible and my life sucks, but here some family fluffy to see if that motivates me to write again. Also the names of the wani are terrible because my discord friends choose them lol hahahah blank/no pronouns/fem=block
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Crocodile was listening to Mihawk talking about the latest news he had gotten on his last trip, Buggy was looking at some maps that his henchmen had given him and the lizard himself was looking at the management papers of that entire alliance. At least now it was working a little better and giving more profit than headaches, but Crocodile still refused to accept that a circus really had so many needs and needed such a big budget just for those pathetic shows... that clown was probably deceiving.
“FUCK!” Buggy shouted, making the dark-haired man snap out of his reverie and try to figure out what the shouting was about.
It was then that he saw a peculiar scene that had curiously been repeated a lot in the last few days. One of the baby bananawani was biting Buggy's leg, another seemed to be eager to eat the clown's colorful papers and the third and last was trying... no, he was begging for a lap to the strongest swordsman in the world who simply stared at him without reaction.
You see, being a parent is extremely difficult. Being a father and being a pirate with a young son and with Crocodile's current situation is even more so, he wouldn't want that to be the case but he really managed to be quite absent, he tried to make up for it by spoiling you and the problem was that he spoiled you a bit too much. You weren't a bad or rude child, but you simply faithfully believed that you could have the world at your feet if you asked your father nicely. Of course you could, but it wasn't good for your ego to be completely sure of it.
So, in a way of trying to teach you some good values like responsibility and any other nonsense, he left you in charge of taking care of three bananawani babies. You needed to feed them, take them out of the water tank, clean the tank, all the normal activities of a normal pet. With the difference that your pets were deadly creatures even as babies and were more than ready to rip off some arms for your protection.
“(Y/n), what did we talk about getting them out of the tank?” Crocodile sighed, this wasn't the first time the babies had wandered around the ship instead of being safe in their water tanks. He can still hear the cries of the henchmen who received unexpected bites because their pets were out of control.
“I’m sorry daddy” you said entering the room, you quickly went to the baby in Mihawk and picked him up. Not completely up since that single bananawani baby must have been heavier than you, so you just held him the best you could with his entire lower part dragging on the floor.
Buggy whimpered trying to pull the baby off his leg which only made him bite harder, causing the clown to scream again. Crocodile sighed and got up to help you deal with the mess.
“They’re still too young to wander around alone, they’ll just create trouble” he tried to convince you again.
“But... Miss Banana Split was sad” you said worriedly as you looked at the lizard in your arms who was smiling happily like a baby in his parents arms. Crocodile could feel Mihawk's eyes on him from the animal's name but he decided to ignore it.
“They are sweet animals, they don’t get sad” he tried to convince you, ruffling your hair.
“Of course they stay! Mr. Banana even whines!” You said with a huge hurt pout, heavens you really loved those animals...
“Look at feelings, I don’t know, but this pest is really hungry and is about to swallow my leg, so if you can have a father-son moment another time, I’d appreciate it!” Buggy screamed desperately, shaking his leg again, trying to free the animal, but in vain.
“Sorry, Mr. Buggy… Drake is eating too much these days…” you said, releasing the one in your arms and going to take the other one off the clown’s leg. Luckily the animal was happy to be picked up by you and easily released its prey.
“Drake?” Buffy looked at you perplexed, was that the fucking name you chose?
“Don’t you dare” Crocodile growled at him as if he could read his thoughts. It was a clear message, make my son ashamed of the names he chose and you will become real bananawani food.
“They like being close to you daddy” you said petting Drake who was rubbing against you, the other two cubs at Crocodile’s feet.
“Of course they do, I was there when they were born, that doesn't mean you can let them loose like that” he crouched down to your height “They're still cubs and without training, you won't find it fun if they actually eat someone's leg would you?” Crocodile would find it hilarious, but you were a good-hearted child so you just shook your head “See? So for now let’s keep them in the tank and teach them some tricks, if they can behave you can spend more time with them, okay?”
"Okay!" You smiled happily at the possibility of continuing the walk with your animals, without waiting any longer you picked up Drake and dragged him out of the room, followed by the other two animals.
Crocodile sighed, satisfied that you would obey him for now, at least this way he would stop hearing the clown crying.
“Drake? Seriously? What the fuck is that name? For a bananawani!” Buffy said shocked once you were far enough away, he wasn't even paying attention to the ruined maps.
“Shut up…” your father would also love to know where you got that name from but that was an answer that not even you had.
“I actually found Miss Banana Split quite charming” Mihawk said with a cocky grin at Crocodile who just snorted, getting annoyed. He didn't mind having a son as his weakness, but having that weakness exposed and made fun of was something he hadn't gotten used to yet.
“Go back to work” he said irritably, just wanting to pretend that none of that had happened.
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darkbluekies · 11 months
ooohoooh do a oneshot jerry x sensitive male reader, plot depends on you
Uncanny connection
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Mafia!female!yandere x male!reader
Summary: going out for ice cream with Jerry ends in one of the most grotesque scenes you've been in
Warnings: gore, torture, knocking someone unconscious
Word count: 3k
A/N: I don't know how "sensitive" the reader got because i think he got pretty tough, but I hope it's enjoyable anyway♡
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"Do you know what I'm craving?" Jerry asks.
"What?" you answer.
"Ice cream."
You look up from your book. Jerry lies on the other side of the couch, bored out of her mind. Her boss is in the room next to you, pressing an enemy on information — an enemy which Jerry brought to him. It's revolting. 
"How can you even think about food now?" you mutter, face leaning in your hand.
"Because I'm hungry?" Jerry replies snarkily and throws the tv remote at your head. 
You grimace, but realize that you'll get out of the house if you decide to listen to her upset stomach.
"Should we get some ice cream then?"
Jerry shines up. "Yes!"
She stands up and grabs your arm, pulling you up from the couch. You wince. You're taller than her, but there's no debate on who's stronger. Jerry takes you out to the garage.
"Choose", she says and points, "car or motorcycle? Pick the motorcycle."
"Okay? The motorcycle."
Jerry smirks and hands you a black helmet. "Do you know why I want you to pick the motorcycle? Because then you'll have to hug me all the way to the ice cream place. Unless you want to die, of course."
"Childish", you mumble teasingly.
Jerry hits your stomach with the back of her hand. You huff and stumble backwards. 
"Careful, buddy", she says coldly, giving you a glare. "Wouldn't want you to get hurt. Put on the helmet now so we can leave."
Although Jerry scares you, there's something about her black motorcycle armor that makes you drool. You place the helmet over your head and sit down behind her. Jerry grabs your arms and wraps them around her slim waist. If she wasn't wearing her armor, you'd feel her sixpack through her shirt. 
You reach the ice cream shop in less than twenty minutes. Jerry takes care of your helmet while promptly warning (threatening) you not to wander off.
You walk inside with her while she orders the two of you ice cream. You stand behind her with your hands in your pockets, looking around.
"Hey, stare-eye, do you want sprinkles?" Jerry asks over her shoulder.
"Yes, please", you answer.
You're soon given an ice cream, surprisingly in your favorite flavor. You didn't think Jerry paid attention to such things. You walk out to her motorcycle and sit down on the asphalt in the empty parking lot. Not a lot of people seem to go for ice cream at nine at night.
"This hits the spot", Jerry smiles.
You nod.
"Did you see the girl behind the counter, though?" Jerry asks and scoffs. "She was staring at you."
"I didn't notice", you reply.
"Of course you didn't. If I didn't know better, I'd think you had smoked something with the way you were looking around. Speaking of that, do you want to smoke? The boss has a cupboard full of-"
"No, I don't think that's for me."
"Oh, come on. How are you going to know if you haven't tried?"
"I don't want that. Alcohol is enough for me."
"Yeah, yeah, okay. If you don't want to, I'm not going to force you." She licks her ice cream and sighs dreamily. "Oh, to be high right now though."
You snort out a laugh. For a moment, you start to believe that you'll finally have a somewhat normal moment with Jerry, until she starts to look around with furrowed brows.
"What's wrong?" you ask.
"Give me your ice cream", she says quietly, in that hissing tone you hate.
You do without questioning. Jerry gathers them both in one hand and grabs your arm with the other.
"Pretend to talk to me", she tells you while forcing a half smile while fiddling with her phone in her hands. "Like we haven't noticed anything."
"Noticed what?" you ask in confusion. 
"Keep talking or I'm selling you on eBay!" she hisses through the plastered smile.
You start to mumble a chain of "blah blah blah" while Jerry pretends to be interested. She throws the ice creams away and gives you your helmet.
"We're going to have to go fast as Hell, be prepared", she says, still wearing that smile. "Someone has followed us."
"Are we in danger?" you ask.
"Probably. But I’ve alerted my men, they should come quickly."
You put on your helmet and get on the motorcycle behind you. Jerry tightens your arms around her before blasting off. You're sure that your soul leaves your body when the speed accelerates. Everything around you turns into a blurry mess. Streetlights become long lines of light.
It doesn't take long before Jerry slows down.
"What are you doing?" you ask quickly.
"Something isn't right", she says. "They've fiddled with the bike. Motherfuckers wanted us dead. Get off."
You jump off and remove your helmet. Jerry grabs your hand and pulls you into the nearest alleyway. She slaps her hand over your mouth, hushing aggressively. 
"Be fucking silent", she whispers.
You've been afraid in Jerry’s company before, it's only natural for her occupation, but this is something completely different. You have never been this close to her enemies before. 
"Wait here", she whispers and brings out her gun. "I swear, if you move I'll kill you myself."
Which in Jerry terms translates to something along the lines of "whatever you do, stay hidden so you don't get harmed".
She disappears, leaving you all alone in the dark alleyway. You want nothing more than to sink into the wall and disappear. The minutes seem to pass by like hours. Everything is too silent. The only thing you can hear (beside your own heart beating loudly in your ears) are the sound of the city, sounding as noisy as it usually does. No indication that anything bad is happening. You gulp. Did she get taken? You fear the worst. 
You take a stap forward to peek out of the alleyway when you feel someone grab you from behind. Before you have the time to shout, a hand is clasped over your mouth and something sharp points into your throat. Your entire body freezes. 
“Jerry!” a voice shouts to your left. “I think you want to come look at this.”
You see a man in the corner of your eyes. He smiles widely and turns to you. You look at him with wide eyes. On the wall in Jerry’s headquarters, you’ve seen a picture of this unpleasant man. 
“Oh, Jerry!” he sing-songs. 
Jerry appears at the end of the alleyway with her gun in her hand. You can see her physically backing a step upon seeing the sight, her eyes widening slightly. 
“My man here seems to have found … well, your man”, the unpleasant leader chuckles. 
“Let him go”, Jerry warns, raising her gun. 
“Or what? You’re going to kill me?” His smile widens when noticing Jerry’s hesitation. “If you shoot me, Jerry, my man will kill your boytoy. Do you really want to take that risk?”
“What do you want? You’re obviously talking a crap lot, just get to the point.”
The leader chuckles and nods. “Alright. I’m not going to sugarcoat it, I’m going to kill you.”
You don’t understand how Jerry can be so calm in this situation, you think you’re going to shit yourself. 
“But”, the man continues and turns to you, “now I think that I have another idea.” He turns back to Jerry. 
Tears well up in your eyes and spill over. You let your head fall down to avoid Jerry seeing you cry, but the leader grabs your hair, ripping it up again. Jerry flinches. 
“What a man you’ve gotten yourself, Jerry”, he laughs. “Crying like a baby.”
“You’re half the man he is”, Jerry scoffs back angrily. “My boyfriend might be crying, but at least he knows that it’s cowardly to take on people who stand no chance. You’ll never be like him.”
“Put the gun down and come over here like a good little girl and I won’t have your brave, heroic boyfriend killed.”
Jerry glances at you and sighs heavily before throwing the gun to the side. Slowly, she walks over to the man with dark, glaring eyes until she’s right in front of him.
“Call me a good little girl again and I’m going to knock your teeth out”, she says through gritted teeth. 
The man only smiles before knocking Jerry’s head into the brick wall surrounding you. You swallow your scream while watching Jerry’s body slump together on the ground. The leader turns to you and again, the knife against your throat presses against the skin. He collects one of your tears with his hand and licks it. You’re surrounded by maniacs. 
"Please don't kill me", you cry.
"Not yet", the man replies. "I have plans for you. Get him in the car. Don't worry about bruising him, we'll roughen him up later anyways."
You're thrown into the back seat of a car while Jerry’s unconscious body is shoved into the trunk.
After a very unpleasant car ride, you find yourself in a warehouse. Jerry’s thrown onto the stone floor in front of you. They tie her to one of the pillars holding the structure of the building up, while you’re put in a chair. And then, nothing happens. You sit there, trembling like a leaf in the wind, waiting for something — anything — to happen. You want everything to start so it can be over quicker. 
“What are we waiting for?” you whisper. 
"For Jerry to wake up from her little nap", the leader says and gives Jerry's body a faint kick. "Until then, why don't you and I have a little chat, hm? Man to man?"
Rather not.
"How could someone like Jerry choose … someone like you?" he asks, gesticulating at you with his hand as if you are nothing more than filth. "When I think of Jerry's partner, I think of someone equally fucked. You look almost … normal!"
Thank you …?
"Tell me, why you?" 
"I don't know", you answer breathlessly. "I have no idea."
"Really? Hm, that doesn't feel very detailed. Try to think."
"I-I guess that …" You gulp, lightheaded, " … that she just wanted someone outside of her … uh, her world."
The leader picks up a knife from a table dimmed in darkness. You watch it with wide eyes.
"Interesting", the leader says and points at you with the knife. "Then why did you accept her?" He starts to smile. "Or did you?"
"Not really …"
"That's what I thought. Jerry takes what she wants. Wouldn't surprise me if she decided to kidnap you. Does she treat you differently than others? I can't see that."
You figure that if you answer all if his questions, you will be somewhat spared.
"She does", you answer quietly and glance at Jerry's unconscious body. "Compared to others she treats me … uh, rather … well."
The leader laughs. "That's interesting."
You can hear Jerry moan quietly. It sounds painful. You can't help but feel sorry for her.
"Oh!" the leader smirks. "She's awake. Time for the fun to begin."
"Jerry!" you gasp and are about to run over to her, but the man who had held you back before steps I and does it again.
"Behave yourself", he tells you and pushes you back down.
Jerry has noticed the ropes keeping her to the pillar and lifts her head.
"What the fuck are you doing?" she spits. The man grabbed one of the tools.
"I want to play a little", he says, spinning the knife around his fingers. "But not with you. No, not you. With him."
"What?" Jerry asks and turns to look at you.
You've left your body. Your soul is flying around, trying to escape.
"Do not fucking touch him", Jerry warns and fights against the ropes. 
You could feel a hand on your shoulder.
"What are you going to do about it, Jerry?" the leader smirks. "You can't move, now can you?"
She glares at him. You can tell how fear and realization starts to set in by the way she curls up.
"Sometimes, Jerry, I could actually find you cute", the man laughs and suits your arm.
You scream out in surprise and pain. Jerry flinches.
"Fine, fine!" she shouts. "Just tell me what you want, okay?"
"I want to hurt you", the man replies. 
"Then do it?!"
"Hurting him hurts you more than if I ever used physical harm on you directly." 
The knife cuts your shoulder. You swallow your scream and force your eyes shut. Feeling how tears start to bubble in your chest, you breathe heavily.
"Cut me instead!" Jerry shouts, now sounding both furious and frightened. "Leave him alone!"
The man chuckles and grabs a new tool. A potato peeler.
"No, no, please-", you cry.
The potato peeler hovers above your arm. The man holds your hand down to secure your arm in position. You try to wiggle, terrified.
"No!" Jerry screams. "Do that to me! Leave him alone! Are you a coward, or what?!”
“How dare you call me a coward?” he asks. 
“Because you pick on someone that would never be able to defend themself against you! Peel my fucking skin! Do it! I give you the permission to do it!”
The man seems to think about it for a second before smiling. 
“I think I’m good”, he says and hovers the potato peeler above your arm. “I don’t want to give you what you want, Jerry. Simple as that.”
“You have the fucking mentality of a three year old!”
The man smiles and pretends that he hasn't heard anything. The coming hour, Jerry’s forced to watch how the man strips you down, layer by layer, breaking you down into a sobbing mess, blood covering all visible parts of your skin — or more like, what's left of your skin. Through your blurred vision, you can tell that she's crying too. You've never witnessed her cry, or at least not like this. Her body is shaking with sobs. 
Pain is thumping in your ears and your conscious nearly leaving you, but you can still hear her, still see her.
"Stop doing that!" she screams. "Please!"
The ropes have cut into her skin, causing her to bleed. The sight of her is horrifying. You’ve never seen her this pale before, she's almost taken on a green hue.
"Please stop", she begs and screams once the man picks up a gun. She starts to frantically fight against the ropes again. "Please, I need him! Don't kill him! He's all I have!"
The man stops to look at her and smirks, lowering the gun.
"Oh, right, your dear family", he purrs. "Your poor, little, unsuspecting family. Where are they now, Jerry? Tell me."
Jerry squeezes her eyes tightly shut. You can feel the gaping hole of the gun press against your temple.
"Tell me or I'll fucking kill him", he growls.
"They're fucking dead!" she shouts through broken sobs, glaring at him. "Someone fucking murdered them, okay?!"
"Mhm, and they didn't suspect a thing!"
Jerry’s eyes widen as she puts things together. Your messed up head can also understand the uncanny connection.
"Did you …?"
"It was so satisfying, seeing the scums who gave birth to you disappear from this earth. That’s what they deserved — for giving birth to someone like you.” He turned back to you, rising the gun towards you again. “And now, I’m going to get rid of the last one you care about.”
You shut your eyes, preparing yourself to die. Your body is exhausted. You don’t want anymore pain, better to put you out of your misery.
“No, please”, Jerry shakes her head. “Please, let him live. I will do anything if you let us leave.”
“As tempting as that is, I rather want you dead.”
He hovers his fingers on the trigger. His body suddenly jolts to the side, falling down. The gun clinks against the stone floor. You look up in horror. The door opens and black dressed men run in. They’ll kill you, you think. On the contrary, they untie Jerry who flies up from the floor to get over to you. You fall into her arms, sinking down on your knees. Jerry hugs you tightly, holding your head down in her shoulder. 
“My poor baby”, she sobs, running her hands over your back — the only place where you’re still unharmed. “I’m so sorry. I’m so fucking sorry.”
Too exhausted to cry, you just sit in her embrace. You’re not even sure if you’re happy that her men came in time to save you. You’re still in excruciating pain … and you’ll have to live with this memory for the rest of your life. 
“It’s okay, baby boy”, she whispers in your ear and sobs. “You’re safe now. Don’t cry. I’ll patch you up, I’ll take care of you, I promise.”
Weirdly enough, her being nice makes you feel even worse. You’d rather have her joke about your pain and tell you to ‘man up’ instead of her babying you. You can feel her lips press against your forehead. 
“Don’t cry”, she whispers, hugging you tighter. “My beautiful boy.”
One of her men carries you out to a black van where they patch you and Jerry up to their best ability. Every move hurts, everything burns. 
The second you get home, you’re tucked in bed together with Jerry. She holds your body close to hers. 
“I’m so sorry, Y/N”, she whispers. “I really am. I’m sorry that you had to experience so much. I really, really am.”
“I’m so tired”, you whisper monotonically. 
“It’s okay, baby boy. Just sleep. Nothing will ever hurt you again. I will never let anything come close to you again. From now on, I’ll never let you out of this room. I will take any repercussions to keep you safe.” She cups your cheeks. “I did mean that — that you’re all I have. And I will keep you by my side.”
“I want to sleep.”
“Sleep. Sleep for as long as you want, I will be here and I will kill anyone that tries to disturb you, I fucking swear on that.”
She kisses your forehead and rests your head on her chest. You drift of to sleep immediately, hoping that all the pain will be gone once you wake up. Somewhere in the distance, you think you hear Jerry cry softly.
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acrux-jr · 11 months
Meeting Abby -
(Extension of Carousel - prequel)
Summary: What Mike didn't know was the two of you had already met, and Abby wholeheartedly approved.
Word count: 2.3k
Tags: pre-established relationship, fluff, dates
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This was your 3rd date since the carousel meeting. Mike was still well Mike, the more quiet, nonchalant, and tired type.
Mike really was interested in you but his mannerisms did leave you questioning if he did or of he was trying to get a quick fuck.
The two of you sat at the diner, it was 1 in the morning. It was an odd ass hour to have a date but Mike said it was because of his work hours. Though there was a tinge of fear that maybe you were a side chick or he was trying to land some action.
You were wide awake, you had a nap after class so the sleep wasn't creeping on you but it was slowly on Mike.
Every so often he would nod off and blink himself awake, hoping you wouldn't know; you did.
"Do you want to schedule this for another time?"
He furrowed his eyebrows and shook his head 'no.'
"You look tired Mike."
He liked it when you said his name, and showed concern.
"S fine. I have a semi-normal shift tomorrow."
"Then you should be sleeping then. I don't mind waiting. "
Mike didn't want to say so he shrugged instead. "S fine," he repeated.
You gave a sigh but nodded. You noticed the book by. "What's the title?" You asked, cutting the country fried steak to eat.
"Oh um it's called dream theory. It's … hmm.. it's about how every single thing we see is stored in our brain in like this deep vault and dreaming subconsciously unlock those tiny details."
"Hmm. I think I've something similar to the whole we remember everything subconsciously but I never really looked into it. Though I guess it could explain my art."
"Your art?"
"Yeah about half my paintings are landscapes, but I don't really remember any of those places when I was too small. Like um when we went to see snow the 3rd time around when I was a little older and able to grasp some things, I remember I dreamt this oasis of cold in the redwood forest, a tree had fallen down and was mostly covered but some red was showing. Anyway, I dreamt it but don't remember the actual day, just that one scene and when I painted it my mom was shocked I even remembered that specific place. I was still small, she even showed me pictures."
"What made it stick out that you mom knew it was the place you guys went too?"
"Oh um hehe yeah, there was this small grave with flowers on it. It was in the painting as well."
"How old were you?"
"Maybe anywhere from 3 to 5."
"And you remember that detail."
"I'm assuming so, the picture my mom showed was when I was like 1 but we revisited again about that age range. There were no pictures at that spot again because of the grave. We recently started going again and I leave flowers."
"That's nice, I mean to leave flowers for someone you don't really know."
"Yeah, I guess. It was such a lonely place for a grave though so I guess maybe that's why I leave flowers, so they're spirits can know someone else enjoys that spot too. They must have really loved it to be buried there."
"You believe in spirits and the afterlife and all that?"
You hesitated, "I don't know. Do you?"
"Maybe," was his short reply. The conversation came to a stop as the two of you ate quietly.
Glancing at the time, you say it was 1:30 a.m. now.
You quickly finish as Mike finishes his. "Come on l, get up." You leave $25 on the table for the food and tip. Mike protests but still allows himself to get dragged away.
The moon is full, and the asphalt is wet from the earlier rain. You jump on the bed of the small beat pick up truck, patting the seat next to you. Mike took the offer and sat next to you.
With the dead of night and few lights, the two of you stargaze. Mike listens as you ramble on and on about the constellations, giving a nodded and humm of acknowledgment to show he's following along.
He looked at you. As you talked and talked, he loved how your hair frames your face, or how he noticed you fret about your mascara even now and then especially if you laughed a little too hard you'd cry a bit, he liked how passionate you got, and he really liked how kind you were.
While he would get praised for taking care of his sister from strangers, for being kind and self-less. He still felt selfish in a way.
He looked at your headband, shiny black and small. Abby popped into his mind. He knew that after texting for a day he was already too deep to let this be a fling.
It became silent after you were done listing the constellations, now just appreciating the night.
Mike cleared his throat to talk, and you turned your attention to him.
"Would…," he breathed out, "would you want to meet my little sister Abby?"
Your eyes widened in shock. While Mike didn't say much, he said even less about his sister. Another reason why you thought this was maybe just a fling, or trial run before he really got out there.
You opened your mom to speak but nothing came out.
Mike sighed and got up. "It's fine. I gotta go-," "Wait!"
Mike stared as you went up, "I wanna meet her! I do, really. It's just I was shocked since you've never like well talk about her."
Mike stared at you still not really knowing what to say. "Look Mike. What do you want out of this? Before asking if I wanted to meet your sister I was kind of getting the impression this was like a fling. And I'm not really interested in a fling right now."
"Oh?" You questioned.
"Well what made you think this was a fling?"
Mike looked down, not really wanting to look you in the eyes. "I don't know, I just got the feeling you weren't too interested. Mike, well we've only been together for about 3 dat3s. I genuinely can't recall anything you like or dislike or memories you've shared. Even when I text you it feels a bit one-sided."
You hummed as you continued to look at the stars, giving Mike some time to collect his thoughts.
"I'm not really a big talker if you haven't noticed. To be honest, I like to listen to you talk. You have a nice voice."
He gave you a look, "Okay?"
"Okay I can work with that. I just needed to know if it was disinterest or if that's just how you are."
"So it's fine? If I don't speak a lot most of the time."
"I guess we'll find out together, but between you and me I like that whole stoic, "bad boy" look / attitude you have."
Mike laughed and smirked. "Bad boy?"
"Mike every now and then you look like a genuine degenerate."
Mike raised his eyebrow. He closed the distance between the two of you. "Yeah? Isn't that what you like though." He whispered before he gave you a chaste kiss.
You blushed and gave a small laugh. "Yes, yes I do."
You brought out your phone and the time read 2:30 a.m.
"What time do you have work?"
"11 a.m. to 5 p.m."
He had an amused look on his face, "What?"
"Oh my god! Go home already you have work in less than 12 hours ! You still have to sleep!"
"Don't sleep much to be honest." You huffed air out of your nose.
"Well you should."
Mike grinned, and he put his arm around your waist, pulling you closer. "I like the color green."
You smiled back. "Green? Hmm…"
"Hmmm… what?"
"It fits you."
"Is that a good thing?"
"Yeah of course, green is a very strong but soothing color."
"It is."
The two of you sat in silence before Mike's phone rang. He looked at it and rolled his eyes.
"Hello. Yeah. Yeah, got it. Okay I'm on my way."
He gave a sigh, "Sorry that was my aunt. I asked her to babysit but I guess something came up at her place."
"Oh okay that's fine. Text me when you get home so I know you made home safe."
He gave a tired smile, "Isn't that my line to you?"
"It would be if you weren't running on minimal sleep."
"Fair enough. But text me too okay, in case I forgot while talking to my aunt or you get home first."
You gave a nod and he gave you another chaste kiss. You blushed again, and smiled. He hopped off the truck and waved bye. You waved as he left the parking lot in his beat up car.
You rushed inside your car and towards home, excited to tell your friends everything.
With texts of 'I'm home,' and 'goodnight' s, the two of you feel asleep dreaming of each other.
A week had passed before Mike brought up meeting Abby again. This date was way earlier and on his day off.
"Do you think she'll like me?"
Mike paused. "I'm not sure to be honest. Not ! Not that you're unlikable or anything like that! She's just a timid kid, hell she barely likes me."
"I'm sure she likes you Mike."
"Yeah well you haven't met her," he grumbled.
You gave an amused look but relented. "So she gets out in an hour right?"
Mike nodded.
"Okay and you said she likes art right? To draw and such?"
Mike nodded again. "Okay, perfect. I'll be back here at 3!"
As you started to slide out the booth, Mike stared at you confused. "Wait where are you going?"
"Don't worry I'll be back." You practically dash out the door to your car.
Mike gave a frustrated sigh and got up after paying the bill. 'I guess I'll just have to wait until 3 too then.' He ran a hand through his curly hair and hopped in his car.
Mike parked at the diner, looking back at Abby. "Okay we're gonna meet a friend of mine okay Abs?"
Abby furrowed her brows, "Your girlfriend?"
Mike nodded. Abby stayed silent. He got out of the car as did she. He held her hand as they entered, he spotted you immediately.
You h/c shining from the sun, you were drinking water while reading a book. Lost in your own world Mike cleared his throat. You looked up at him and then down at the little girl.
Abby recognized you as you recognized her. "Hi!”
Before you could get another word in, Abby motioned you forward. You raised an eyebrow towards who gave a shrug reply but you went with her request.
“Don't tell Mike about Mr. Bunny.” She said in a hushed whisper.
You stared at her then at Mike and then at her again. “Okay. Got it. But why?”
Abby looked at Mike, shoved him slightly to get away from their secrets. She cupped her hand, “Because I want to have a secret between us. I like you, you gave my Mr. Bunny when you didn't have to.”
You gave a warm smile, “ Okay deal. Pinky promise, and seal the deal.”
As you pinky crossed and thumbs stamped together, Mike gave you an expectant look.
Abby slid in across from you and Mike sat next to her.
“What?” He rolled his eyes.
“What were you two whispering about?”
“It's a secret!” Shouted Abby.
Mike looked at you again. “Sorry can't see, those are the secret rules and it's backed by a stamped pink promise. You'll never know.” You have a sad look and shrugg. Abby laughed at your expression and Mike shook his head.
“Well I guess it can't be helped.” You and Abby nodded.
You remembered a thought, “Oh yeah!” You rummaged through your bag and got the present for Abby you bought.
“Here you go Abby. It's a sketchbook for your private drawings.”
“Private drawings?” She turned her head to the side.
You smiled at her, “Yeah, drawings for yourself. I have a lot of them that I don't wanna share because they're private and for me.”
“You draw!”
You nodded and hummed. “Can you draw me something?”
“Uh sure. Is it fine if it's in your book?”
She nodded vigorously. “Okay what do you want me to draw?”
She pondered the question. “Oh! A bunny!”
“A bunny? Hmm okay like a realistic bunny or a cartoon?”
“Yeah sure.”
Mike smiled. “Yeah she's been obsessed with bunny's after some girl won one and gave it to her instead.”
You fought off the smile as you drew, and Abby giggled. Mike gave her a questioning look but all Abby did was stick out her tongue, which Mike did back, only for a split second though.
Mike and Abby watched as you sketched out the cartoon bunny, erasing and redoing the line a couple of times. You finished the outline as food came, Mike ate and watched as you stuck your tongue out slightly finishing up the little details. It had a top hat and a bow.
“Alright Abby, here you go!”
Abby squealed in delight. “Thank you!” She stared are your drawing as she ate, it did resemble Mr. Bunny. Mike noticed that too but thought it was a mere coincidence.
The meal went smoothly, with Abby begging for a shake and Mike giving in. Sitting here, you thought it was nice, maybe something to get accustomed to. In fact, you hoped it was.
Y'all I can't stop writing im procrastinating 😩 anyway enjoy!!
Taglist: @stinkii-boii @hellothisisprincesskitty
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imnotaacat · 4 months
You (not) Belong to Me
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bestfriend!Steve x fem reader / boyfriend!Eddie x fem reader.
— Summary: You were always in love with your best friend Steve, however, he never noticed it and when he did it was too late.
— Warnings: Angst, friends to enemies, insults, and some fluff with Eddie at the end. (I think that's all)
A/n: English is not my native language, sorry if something is written wrong, I hope everything can be understood. :)
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Five years have passed since you moved from Hawkins to follow your dream, it was very difficult of course, but now, you are one of the most important artists in the industry. Many emotions were passing through your mind, many memories, your friends, your best friends, would finally be together again.
It was very difficult to convince your agency and manager that they would agree to have a date in Hawkins, but after some insistence, they agreed. Hawkins was a quiet, boring town, but now that you and Corroed Coffin had included it in your respective tours, the town was in chaos. Despite having called its leader and vocalist, Eddie Munson, satanic.
After two and a half hours of flight, your plane landed, there was a crowd at the airport shouting your name, holding banners, and asking for photos and autographs, you signed the ones you could, while you got to the car that would take you to your hotel, you agreed to see your friends after your concert, so you will rest better.
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You were about to end the show, this would be the last song, you were so happy to see how people had fun and sang all the songs on the setlist.
“Alright Hawkins, are you ready to go back to high school with me?” The entire crowd shouted, and that song that more than one identified with began to play.
"You're on the phone with your girlfriend, she's upset She's going off about something that you said 'Cause she doesn't get your humor like I do I'm in my room, it's a typical Tuesday night I'm listening to the kind of music she doesn't like And she'll never know your story like I do"
Despite the lights you could see your friends in the crowd, seeing that scene where they were chanting and enjoying your songs made you even happier. You really appreciated the support of your friends, they always gave you words of encouragement, even when you thought you wouldn't make it, but now look at you, you fill entire stadiums and arenas.
"And you've got a smile that could light up this whole town I haven't seen it in a while since she brought you down You say you're fine, I know you better than that Hey, what ya doing with a girl like that?"
At that moment something clicked in Steve's brain.
You were neighbors since you were children, however, being “King Steve” and you being just another “normal” student, there was never any interaction beyond casual greetings, however, that changed when you reached high school, being in the same class and also being neighbors, the friendship between you blossomed quite quickly. Without realizing it, you went and did everything together, many began to believe that you were dating, but you always denied it. However, behind all the times you denied it, there was a reality, you liked Steve.
"She wears high heels, I wear sneakers She's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find That what you're looking for has been here the whole time
If you could see that I'm the one who understands you Been here all along, so why can't you see? You belong with me"
Steve started dating a girl from high school, she was the captain of the cheerleaders, like her best friend, you gave him all the encouragement and confidence to ask about a first date, to ask for a second date, and even to formalize the relationship; although inside you were dying of jealousy and reproaching yourself for not having the courage to tell him what you felt for him.
When the relationship ended after a few months, Steve, although he didn't show it, was heartbroken, so there you were, giving him words of encouragement and your shoulder to cry on, reproaching yourself again for not telling him your feelings.
"Oh, I remember you driving to my house In the middle of the night I'm the one who makes you laugh When you know you're about to cry
I know your favorite songs And you tell me about your dreams Think I know where you belong Think I know it's with me"
After class you had told Steve that you weren't feeling very well, so you weren't going to the party with him; he insisted on staying with you and taking care of you, but you rejected him claiming that you didn't want him to miss out on the fun and the opportunity to meet a girl that night. However, the reality is that you did not want to have him close, you did not want to see him flirt with various girls at the party, while your heart would break into a thousand pieces, you did not want to be alone with him, and fight with yourself for fear of rejection.
It was around 11:30 when you heard the doorbell ring, It had already rung several times, but you didn't dare open it, because you were alone at home and Steve was also too far away to help you, if was a serial killer or something similar, you turned off the television, stood up and began to climb the stairs as far as possible. As silent as possible, your doorbell kept ringing.
“Sweetheart, is everything okay? It's Steve." Your legs weakened a little when you heard the nickname, you stood there for a few more seconds and then went down the stairs again and opened the door. “Steve? What are you doing here? It's not even twelve…”  Steve entered your house and gave you what he had in his hands, four pieces of pizza, probably from the party, some gas station chocolates, and a small bouquet of roses that were almost withered. “I know, honey, but I didn't feel good at the party knowing that you weren't well, so I decided to come here, accompany you, and help you with whatever you need.” Steve turned to look at you and raised both thumbs. “Steve, it wasn't necessary, I already feel much better, I'm serious.” However, I can't hear you anymore, I was arriving at your room.
That night they spent together, they talked about school, problems with her parents, and love dramas. Finally, he discovered that your spirits were low because of a boy, so for about an hour, he asked you the name of the boy, without knowing that he was him.
“Standing by and waiting at your backdoor All this time how could you not know, baby? You belong with me You belong with me
You belong with me Have you ever thought just maybe You belong with me You belong with me"
“Thank you very much, Hawkins! A round of applause for this wonderful band that accompanies me, a round of applause for you, I hope to see you soon, thank you very much.” You said goodbye to your audience as you left the stage, leaving behind the screams of all the people who loved and supported you. Steve also quickly got up from his seat heading towards your dressing room, he ran as fast as he could to avoid encountering the entire crowd. Finally, he was able to sneak through the crowd and the small spaces under the stage to get to your dressing room, he knocked on the door insistently, until you finally opened it.
“Steve!” You quickly hugged him. “Sweetheart” He said while hugging you, “You know, I finally understood everything, I understood why my relationships never lasted with any girl” He began to say with a smile, as he separated from the hug and took your hands, you just had a face surprised and confused. “What are you talking about Steve? I'm not understanding you at all” You said laughing, his eyes went to yours. “It was always you, I was always in love with you, I finally understood all the signals you were giving me… I really was an idiot for not realizing it.” Steve said with a smile, a slight blush on his cheeks, you didn't know what to say. “Steve I—” Your words were interrupted by your other friends who shouted to get your attention and ran to hug you.
“It's good to see you all again, thank you very much for coming.” You spoke, as you looked at your friends. “My god, you guys have grown so much” You spoke addressing Dustin, Mike, Will, Eleven, and Max. Who smiled back at you. “It's incredible to be all together again… Only Eddie is missing and the whole group will be reunited again, it's a shame he's coming here until tomorrow.” Dustin spoke, you simply nodded with a mischievous smile, while the others discussed agreeing with him.
“Love, everything is done, we can go with the boys.” Said a voice speaking distractedly, also walking looking backwards, making sure everything was in its place and order. “Edward…”You spoke. Eddie turned to look at you with a smile and then saw who you were talking to, the one who was waiting to see you talking to your team quickly covered his mouth, “Shit” hoping that by magic no one would have heard what he had called you. All your friends looked at them surprised, especially Steve, “Did you listen carefully to what he said?”, “Did everyone hear the same thing?” They all asked at the same time, you and Eddie just laughed, and you raised your left hand to your mouth to cover your laughter a little, “Wait… You already have the ring!” Robin shouted, everyone stopped talking and turned to look at them again, “God, at what point?” “When were you planning to tell us?”, “Were you guys already dating when you left here?” Dustin asked, everyone had a lot of questions at that moment. “Oh no dude, three years ago she was part of the cover of one of the band's albums, we started talking more often and well, now we're going to get married” Eddie explained with a big smile on his face. While all this was going on and Eddie was answering some questions you noticed that Steve's mood and expressions had changed and rightly so. Actually, in those years that you were in love with him, you gave him all the signs you could, even the most obvious ones, like the time you kissed him pretending to be a little drunk, however, there was no response from him, so from that moment on you decided forgetting him, you moved to Los Angeles and met Eddie again, from the moment you started talking to him you realized how gentlemanly and warm he was, you never noticed it when you still lived in Hawkins, he quickly won your heart, and Now you were about to marry him, the love of your life.
“Love, is everything okay?” Eddie asked, breaking you out of your thoughts. “I'm sorry, I zoned out a little, I remember how we had it before, I'm very happy that we are together again” You responded with a smile, Eddie hugged you and kissed you on the forehead. “What do they say about going out to eat something?” Dustin said, “I'm hungry and you two must give us a lot of answers.” Everyone laughed. “We can go to my house, we can be calmer,” Steve spoke, with a noticeably low mood.
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“Does anyone know what's wrong with Steve? Since we came back it's been weird” Robin said, looking at Steve who was in the backyard of his house. The others denied. “He probably didn't have a good day,” you said. “I spend the whole day excited about tonight, it's weird” Dustin added. “I'll go talk to him” You warned as you stood up and walked in Steve's direction.
"Everything is alright?" You asked, but there was no answer, so you just sat next to him, giving him space, “You're my best friend, I know we haven't lost communication a bit, but you can still trust me.” Again there was no response, although you had an idea of ​​what he might have, from what he had told you in your dressing room. “That's the problem” He finally spoke, turning to look at you. “I'm your best friend” You didn't respond. “Why did you never tell me?” He asked, a hint of confusion showing on your face. “Tell you what?” Asked. “That you were in love with me” Your confused expression became a little more evident. “I knew you were like this because of this” You stopped looking at him and directed your gaze towards your ring. “If you had only told me, I would have given you the ring you are wearing,” I added. A little anger began to grow in your chest. “Are you really in love with him?” Asked. “Or are you just with him out of spite?” You didn't answer anything, you could hear how drunk he was, so he was just saying it because he was drunk, not because he meant it. “What does he have that I don't have?” “Edward Munson” He let out a sarcastic laugh. “What could be so special about the freak?” “What does the freak have that King Steve doesn't, huh?” He said with an annoyed tone in his voice, you remained silent, you really didn't want to say anything and ruin your friendship, however with everything Steve was saying, he was going that way, Steve probably wouldn't remember tomorrow, but you would, and probably after that night the friendship between the two of you would no longer exist.
"I bet when you realized that I didn't feel the same way about you, you ran into his arms." You remained silent, you didn't believe everything he was telling you, he was your best friend, how could he say something like that about you? "You know... For a long time it was said that you were a slut, I never believed them but now I realize it was the truth" Steve laughed at the moment, he turned to look at you, and you were already looking at him, however, the tears were beginning to come out. your eyes. “I’m thankful I never dated you, can you imagine King Steve dating a slut?” once again he laughed. Without realizing it, Eddie was a short distance from you, he had heard everything, to say that he was angry would be flattery, he wanted to go with you and confront Steve himself, however, he restrained himself, he knew that it was a problem between you and Steve, He shouldn't get involved, you two would talk later.
The anger was already accumulated in your chest, Steve reacted until he felt the burning of your hand on his cheek, there he woke up, he realized everything he had told you, and he regretted it instantly, however, it was too late. "You're an Idiot!" You said a little louder, getting your friend's attention. “I gave you a lot of signs when I was in love with you, all our friends realized it, except you Steve, even someone who didn't know you or me would have realized it” Steve's face of regret was evident, all the others were now only a meter away from the two of you. "You know... now I'm grateful not to be with you, I always thought you were a gentleman, but now I realize that when you're drunk you transform, your true self takes over you, imagine being your best friend, you call me a slut, what wouldn't you say to me being your girlfriend or wife?” Steve felt the gaze of all his friends staring at him, especially Eddie's, without even seeing him he could tell that he was very angry. “You could have fooled us all Steve, saying that you had changed, that you were different, but now I realize that you will always be the idiotic and stupid King Steve” You said. You gave him one last look and then went inside the house to grab your things, Eddie followed you, and you noticed how angry Eddie was, you took his hand, then you remembered that your friends were still there, you turned to see them, their confused faces told you everything. “Guys… sorry about this… I didn't think it would end like this tonight, I'll make it up to you, I promise.” Everyone nodded and some said there was no problem. You and Eddie left Steve's house hand in hand and headed to the car you had rented, before getting in you could notice a flash behind you. “Shit” They both thought.
After that discussion everyone went home, Steve was alone again, the regret was much greater than him, the image of all his friends being disappointed in him after you left was present in his head, but without However, the one that was repeated the most was yours, seeing him with teary eyes listening to him call you “slut”, he wondered what had happened to him, why call the person he loved that way, the person he has always loved. It had probably been jealousy, for not acting sooner, and now you were happy for someone else, the guilt was killing him, if he found out that you and Eddie broke up because of that, he definitely wouldn't be able to live in peace, he knew you would never want to have anything. with him now, and knowing that the person you loved would leave because of him, he couldn't bear it.
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The walk from Steve's house to his hotel had been silent, which meant something to you, you and Eddie always had something to talk about, even if it was stupid. Once in his hotel room, you headed to the bathroom and Eddie stayed in the small living room. You took a rather long shower, and when you came out of the shower you noticed that Eddie was not in the room, you put on your pajamas and got ready to sleep and rest, tomorrow you would talk to him and explain everything to him. For about thirty minutes you tried to fall asleep, but you just couldn't do it, you got out of bed and headed to the small living room, there you saw Eddie sitting, he had a music book in his hands, without making much noise. When you approached him and sat on the couch leaving a little space between you, he turned to look at you, the image he saw made his anger return, you looked tired and irritated, and rightly so, after a concert and everything that step, your eyes were red and swollen, making it obvious that you had cried. “I don't want to bother you, I just want to talk to you… explain what happened.” You spoke, Eddie responded a few seconds later, “You don't have to explain anything to me, I know what happened” He responded, you looked down at your ring, it was probably over between the two of you. “I'm not mad at you, Love… I'm mad at Steve, for everything he said, for what he called you…” You turned to look at him. “I always thought that you and him were dating, that's why I didn't dare to confess it to you when we were at school… But when you told me that you and he weren't together, I didn't want to miss the opportunity to be with you and since that day I haven't regretted it.” Eddie smiled, opening his arms in a hug, and you snuggled into his arms. “I love you so much” You said, “I love you too” He responded, getting up and carrying your bridal style towards the bedroom.
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A year later you found yourself on stage again at Hawkings, your wedding with Eddie would have been a few months after their photos appeared in the newspaper speculating about their relationship, the day of the fight at Steve's house.
“Very good Hawkins, I'm very happy to be here tonight, for the next song, someone very special will accompany me on guitar, with you, Eddie Munson!” Eddie came out on stage, the entire crowd went crazy, absolutely everyone since those speculations about the two of you, he began to comment that you would be a great couple, one of the best in the artistic medium. However, no one confirmed or denied the news. Eddie greeted the crowd, then hugged you, and you confirmed your relationship with a kiss, the audience once again applauded and screamed at this.
You brought your microphone closer to him, “Good evening Hawkins, I'm glad to be here with you, but above all to share the stage with this wonderful girl” He said looking at you “Now we will play for you “Slut!”” The crowd went crazy once again, there was a lot of speculation. and theories for who this song would be for, but now, it was more than confirmed.
"Flamingo pink, Sunrise boulevard Clink, clink, being this young is art Aquamarine, moonlit swimming pool What if all I need is you?"
Steve, who had gone to your concert, was clearly incognito because, after that night, the group had decided not to communicate with him much. I knew that fight could have perhaps inspired this song, although I wasn't proud of the way you had written a song, thinking of him.
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I hope you like this short (long) one shot, it's the first time I have written something like this, so I would also like you to give advice or recommendations. I hope it's not too long or boring. I would appreciate your comments. 💗
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luvyeni · 2 years
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pairings. toxic!felix x lovesick!reader
wc. 821
warnings. gaslighting, cheating, mentions of sex, THIS IS FICTION PLEASE RUNAWAY IF SOMEONE TREATS YOU LIKE THIS
authors note. based on the song dlmlu by stray kids, i've been thinking about making something since it came out. THANK YOU FOR 1K FOLLOWERS 🎉! i can't believe i gained so many in such a short time, thank you for reading my works <3!
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with that gaze of yours, full of hurt
"you're home?" you sat on the couch in the apartment that you shared with your boyfriend, who was currently walking through the door, looking like he clearly out doing the same thing he always did, this time he barely hid it. "you smell like whoever she is this time."
he sighed, tossing his keys to the side, rubbing his temples. "don't start this okay, you don't know what you're talking about."
you stood up, scoffing. "really, do you normally go out smelling like— what is it this time? cherries and vanilla." your voice cracking as you began to tear up.
"you, promised."
"i'm sorry." you laughed, that's you could do, it was comical really. "sorry, you're sorry, if you were sorry you'd fucking stop, you wouldn't leave me here for days on days without a call or text." you yelled.
"you're making this a big deal, she didn't mean anything." he yelled back, tugging at his hair in frustration. "please just listen."
"you said it didn't mean anything the last time, or the last time or the fucking time before that, how many times is it not gonna mean anything felix, how many!"
he saw the hurt in your eyes.
please, run away before i end up breaking you
he knew you were right, he was wrong to keep doing this to you , hurting you like this.
you and felix met when you both moved to korea years ago, you both were new to the country, so you had a lot in common, so you relied on each other, being away from your familes you leaned on each other for everything.
your friendship quickly turned into a full blown relationship, and next thing you know you two are in love and moving in with each other.
you two lived happily , you going to school and him recording music with a few other people he met here in korea, that's when it all went to shit, when his band began to get known in the under ground scene...
the different girls that would throw themselves at him, at first he rejected them, he had you, he didn't need anyone else. but good one night, and a few drinks later, he was crawling out of some girls bed, ready to beg for forgiveness.
you forgave him, heartbroken but you still took him back, and he promised not to do it again.
then came another, and another and another, and you took him back each and everytime, and felix realized something— there was reason why you kept taking him back.
you didn't have anyone else, you only had him, you didn't want to live without him, you truly did love him. of course, he did love you back don't get him wrong, but something about how you'd still look at him with heart eyes, packing him his lunches every morning, coming to his concert when you could— you did everything for him regardless of what he did... felix loved that power more, he was addicted to it.
don't let me love you, don't let me love you
"babe, im sorry she didn't mean anything i swear." he was being truthful, he couldn't even remember the girls name, it started with a b or something.
"it was a mistake, you have to believe, i was drunk and it just happened." he gave you those same doe eyes, the ones that made you fall for his charms every single time. "i love you, you know that." he cupped your face.
"you keep breaking my heart." you whispered, tears falling from your face. "it won't happen again, i swear." he wiped the tears. "you just have to trust me."
you wanted to say no, you did, but you really did love felix, and you knew he still loved you, or at least you wanted to hold on to the hope that he did.
"fine, one more chance, im giving you one more chance, felix you better not fuck it up." he smiled, kissing you. "thank you baby."
"i really promise this time will be different."
escape before the pain fills you up
he knew it wasn't gonna be that last time, but that didn't stop him from whispering empty promises in your ear as he thrusted into you, telling you how he's gonna stop while he kissed your neck, soaking up all your precious moans.
this happens everytime, you yell, he plays his games and you forgive him, and you have make up sex, knowing it will only be a week or two before you're right back at were you started, you sitting on the couch watching him walk in the apartment.
he knows he's know good for you. he knows he should let you go find someone who will treats you right, but he can't help but keep you on his life.
he needs you as much as you need him.
don't let me love you
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agirlwithdemonblood · 2 months
Breaking Free: Chapter 2: In the Shadows of Lies
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Pairings: AU! Mechanic Dean x Reader
Chapter Summary: Andrew isn't happy with Y/N, and Dean sees something he wished he didn't.
Warnings: Mentions of domestic assault, physical abuse, threatening, panic, angst.
Series Masterlist here!! & Main masterlist here!
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The next morning, I woke up feeling surprisingly refreshed despite the drama of the previous day. There was a faint glimmer of hope in my heart, perhaps sparked by Dean, the man I'd met. Yet, I couldn't ignore the reality: I hardly knew him.
Why was I so eager to see him again?
My plans were clear: get my car fixed, leave town with whatever money I had left, avoid Andrew and his lies, and start fresh. Oddly, the thought of not seeing Dean after my car was fixed stung a bit, why was I going to miss him?
After getting ready, I headed to the bank and withdrew my remaining money, closed my account, and opened a new one to prevent Andrew from accessing my funds again. It was a small victory, but it felt like progress.
Next stop was the coffee shop I went to every morning, trying to get back into my routine before I left for good. Sitting at the bar, I ordered breakfast, trying to ignore the curious glances I recieved. Why did they look at me like they knew something? Did Andrew spread lies here too?
The waitress came by, and instead of greeting me normally, she stood by the counter, her eyes narrowing down at me.
"Listen... I don't know what you heard about me but.."
She quickly cut me short, leaning closer to me. "Listen, people aren't comfortable with you being here. From what we heard from Andrew, it's best if you don't come back.
My heart raced, ears blocked, and I struggled to breathe as the panic rose. "With all due respect, you don't have the full story." I managed to say quietly.
She chuckled softly, "We all know Andrew. He's the friendliest guy around."
I nodded, looking away. "And what have you heard about me?"
"We heard you used him, got tired of playing second fiddle, acted out for attention. Issues with drinking, violence... then you took his money and disappeared. Now you're back to torment him."
I froze, tears welling up. Why was Andrew spreading these lies to isolate me? “That’s not true at all. He hurt me. I could take off my makeup and show you. Andrew is not a nice guy and even though he seems like it, he has darkness inside of him.”
She rolled her eyes and scoffed,"Look, I'm not trying to cause a scene, but I think it's best if you just leave."
Nodding, I got up from my seat and left. I couldn't handle the fact that he was right, nobody was ever going to believe me.
Back at the motel, I saw Dean's truck outside and my heart stopped momentarily. I quickly wiped my eyes and tried to compose myself before walking closer, he didn't need to see me cry. He probably wouldn't even care, nobody cared, they just wanted me gone.
Has Dean heard these rumours?
He smiled warmly until I stepped closer, noticing the redness in my eyes. "Y/N? You okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine." I replied unconvincingly. His lingering gaze suggested he saw through my facade, but I pushed my head down, eyes focusing on my boots.
"Uh, so your car's ready. Four new tires," he said, trying to distract me.
"Thank you. How much?" I questioned, trying to hide the anxiety at whatever number he was about to drop.
Dean hesitated, a small shy smile spreading on his lips. "Instead of payment, I was wondering if I could I get your number?"
My breath caught in my throat as i stared up at him, "What?"
His cheeks flushed with embarrassment, a nervous smile playing at his lips. "Sorry, that was forward. I meant, I don't need you to pay me back. I just thought maybe we could grab some dinner sometime?"
I urged myself to respond but no words came out. My mouth opened, but before I could speak, Andrew's voice cut through, causing me to flinch. He approached angrily, distrupting the moment. "Y/N, can I speak with you?"
I faced Dean, smiling nervously. "I-I'm sorry, I have to go.."
Dean looked puzzled, but stayed put, watching cautiously as Andrew closed in on me. Fear gripped me. I wanted to hide behind Dean, but I couldn't burden a stranger with my troubles.
Andrew closed the distance, flashing his fake smile and standing beside Dean and I. "Andrew Wilson, nice to meet you."
"Uh, Dean Winchester. Nice to meet you too."
Andrew stopped, a wide grin spreading across his face as he tried to win Dean's favour. "Winchester, like Winchester mechanics?"
Dean nodded in response.
"Wow, small world. I was going to call John for an interview tomorrow. How cool is that?"
I knew Andrew was trying to manipulate Dean, and he seemed to sense it too. "Anyways, I need to talk to Y/N for a minute. Afterward, she can settle the bill with you."
Dean glanced at me, noticing my fear and perhaps the bruises beneath my makeup. He nodded and settled back in his truck, keeping an eye on us. He couldn't ignore the tight grip of Andrew's hand on my arm or the tremors of fear coursing through my body.
He wished he could intervine, to punch Andrew and pull me from the scene, but he knew it wasn't his fight-at least not yet. He barely knew me; stepping in now might complicate things further.
But as Andrew led me forcefully toward the motel room, Dean's cheeks burned with anger and worry. He sensed trouble brewing, a sinking feeling that something was very wrong.
Stepping out of his truck, Dean leaned against the wall, the sound of screaming filling his ears and shattering his heart.
Andrew's voice was furious, accusing me of lying and staining his reputation. He advanced on me aggressively, trapping me against the wall. The punch he aimed at the wall beside me made tears well up-I knew he intended to hurt me again.
"You're a fucking bitch." Andrew spat, his face twisted with rage. "Telling your stupid fucking lies. Tomorrow, you're going back and telling everybody you were drunk and you lied."
"N-No." I stammered, fear gripping me as he pressed closer, his hand on my cheek. "I'm not going to."
He laughed bitterly, his eyes threatening. "You will, or I'll drag you there myself. I can make your life hell, believe me."
"Get off me, Andrew!" I pleaded, desperation creeping into my voice.
He laughed again, his hand tightening on my face. Panic overwhelmed me-I had to act. Summoning all my courage, I slapped him hard across the face, pushing him away before bolting for the door.
I grasped the doorknob, but Andrew's grip on my arm yanked me brutally to the ground. He dragged me back, pinning me down. In that moment of terror, all I could do was scream, praying that Dean might hear from outside.
"Please! Help me please!" I screamed, but Andrew's hand clamped over my mouth, his voice commanding me to shut up.
The door swung open, and Andrew quickly scrambled off me, casually leaning against the wall as if nothing had happened, while I remained laying on the ground, tears streaming down my face.
"Get away from her, now!" Dean's voice rang out sharply.
Andrew scoffed, stepping closer. "This isn't what it looks like. She attacked me. Look at my face, she hit me, this is what she does!"
Dean stood silent, his gaze piercing through Andrew before settling on me. His heart sank seeing me in this state-crying, shaking, my face flushed with fear. He knew the truth of what had happened.
"You need to leave." Dean ordered.
With a dismissive laugh, Andrew turned towards the door, pausing just above me. "I'll see you soon, Y/N. Remember what I said."
As Andrew exited, a wave of relief washed over me, though the fear still gripped me tight, making me unable to move, still shaking and sobbing uncontrollably.
Dean crouched down beside me, his touch on my shoulder making me flinch. "Are you alright, sweetheart?"
I shook my head, hiding my face in my hands, mortified by the whole scene. I was sure Dean would regret asking me out now, maybe he even believed Andrew's lies.
He shifted his hand to my back, helping me sit up, and then did something unexpected—he pulled me onto his arms, wrapping me in a protective hug.
I sobbed into his neck, gradually calming down as Dean reassured me that everything was okay now that Andrew was gone.
When I finally mustered the courage to meet Dean's eyes, I found only gentleness and understanding in his gaze.
Dean stood up, helping me to my feet. "You going to be okay?"
I nodded, wiping my tears away, but when Dean noticed my bruises now that the makeup was faded, his face fell.
He gently touched my cheek, his voice filled with concern. "Did he do this to you?" Dean asked softly.
I swallowed hard, avoiding his gaze, afraid of what he might think of me. But Dean nodded knowingly and drew me into a light hug. "I’m sorry you went through that."
I shrugged, fighting back tears. "It’s alright. I should have known better than to irritate him."
"From what I saw, you weren’t provoking him at all. You were just trying to move on, and he clearly has some issues to sort out," Dean reassured me firmly.
I stayed silent, unsure of how to respond. Opening up about Andrew before had only led to pain. Would it be the same with Dean?
Dean rubbed his neck awkwardly as we walked back to his truck, grabbing some papers from the seat.
"Um, I know this is probably bad timing, but I still don’t want you to pay for the tires. And I'd still like to take you out to dinner," Dean said sincerely.
Despite the situation, I couldn't help but laugh softly at his persistence. "Dean, why do you want to take me out after everything you've heard about me?"
He turned to face me, muscles flexing as he crossed his arms. "Because none of it seems true to me. You seem kind, funny, and beautiful. I don’t believe Andrew’s lies, and I'd like to get to know you better."
I was stunned by his sincerity, feeling a flutter in my chest at his words. Without overthinking it, I closed the distance between us, my hands resting on his chest.
Dean looked surprised, his eyes fluttering shut as I leaned up to kiss him. It was a moment of relief and hope, feeling a connection I hadn't expected.
When we pulled apart, his shy smile left me breathless. "Um, so is that a yes to dinner?" Dean asked, cheeks tinted pink.
I giggled softly, nodding as I took the papers from him to jot down my number. "Definitely yes."
Dean grinned broadly. "Great. I’ll call you, and we can figure out the details, okay?"
"Sounds perfect. Thank you, Dean, for everything," I said gratefully.
He nodded and winked at me, sending my heart racing. In that moment, I knew Dean was special. He had already begun to change my life, and I wanted to do the same for him.
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Dean's POV
I couldn't get that kiss out of my head. It was incredible, especially after everything Andrew put you through. You initiated it, and it made my head spin and my heart race. I barely knew you, but I knew I wanted to protect you. This whole situation was insane, but maybe it was the good kind of crazy.
I parked my truck in the shop's lot, instantly spotting my dad marching over, his anger obvious.
Great, another problem.
As I stepped out, he came closer until he was right in front of me, swinging a punch that caught me off guard.
"What the hell, Dad?" I protested, stumbling back against the truck.
"Don’t 'what the hell, Dad' me," he snapped. "Andrew Wilson just called. Winchester Mechanics had an interview lined up, but he claims you caused a scene with his ex-girlfriend at the motel. I told you to stay away from her!"
Anger simmered inside me. "Dad, if you had seen what Andrew was doing to her, you would've done the same. She was covered in bruises, and Andrew's lying about her."
"It’s not our damn business! Are you willing to risk our shop over some girl?"
I rolled my eyes, leaning back against the truck. "You don’t understand. You should have seen her."
He scoffed and pushed me against the truck, inches from my face. "You better hope Andrew reschedules that interview. All this fuss over a girl is ridiculous."
He walked away, leaving me to wipe the blood from my lip. I didn't care about the interview or Andrew's games. All that mattered was making sure Andrew never laid a hand on you again.
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Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it! Chapter 3 coming soon stay tuned!
Like, comment, and reblog, feedback is my fuel 💕
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What I like about this scene is how it tricks you into thinking it's just here for a quick laugh when it's actually the beginning of a surprisingly deep look into part of Rockman's character - specifically, how he handles lying.
See, Rockman's never really... lied in this show before, I don't think. He doesn't usually have a reason to, but even then I would describe him as being honest to a fault.
But when put under the pressure to seem cool to Trill, a young child who idolizes him, he cracks and tells probably the most bold-faced lie of his life: that he was totally not scared by a monster movie. He's never been scared of anything! Hasn't even screamed once!
And it's. such a goofy lie to tell?? It works on Trill because he's like five years old, but to the viewer who knows him better than that, it just comes off as a funny, harmless thing to say.
Rockman does not see it as either of those things.
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To him, it's not cute that Trill takes him at his word by virtue of being a young child who doesn't know any better. If anything, that's part of the problem; maybe if Trill didn't believe him and just teased him about it instead, he wouldn't have to worry about lying so much. But as it stands, Trill is believing a lie, and it eats at Rockman throughout the episode.
And at this point you kinda start to guess how the rest of it is going to go down. Rockman will eventually come clean to Trill, who's gonna say that Rockman is still cool even if he screams at scary movies, and they'll all have a big laugh and move on.
This is not what happens.
Instead, Rockman digs his heels into the lie further, stopping himself from screaming every time Trill tries to scare him (which is a realistic toddler thing to do if I've ever seen one), until he eventually loses his trademark patience and yells at him to cut it out.
And in a move that defies the usual expectation of setup and payoff, Rockman never actually. tells Trill that he lied. and there's a part of me that's bothered by that, but what we get in exchange is so interesting to me that I can't help but feel it makes up for it.
Something to note is that, throughout this episode, it's stated that Trill likely sees Rockman as an older brother, and so he's affectionately referred to as "big brother" by Roll a few times in a teasing sort of way.
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It's all fun and sweet and par for the course; I think everyone knew that Trill was going to act as a younger brother to Rockman as soon as he was introduced, so having characters bring attention to it isn't unusual. And Rockman doesn't really comment on it either way... until Netto calls him that at the end of the episode.
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This. this is the scene that really makes me go insane. just absolutely bonkers
Because like, okay. listen. this is only episode four of the season. it's not at all surprising that Rockman doesn't consider himself to be Trill's brother, because he's known him for all of three days and he's only been talking for one of them.
But that phrasing.
If he had just left it at "I'm not his big brother," we'd all have a nice chuckle and go "sure buddy, I'd like to see you say that by the end of this season." But he has a qualifier for WHY he's not Trill's brother, and it's because he lied to him. about not being scared of a movie.
And notice how matter-of-factly he says this, too. Remember how troubled he was earlier by the fact he had lied at all? Well it seems that, after perpetuating that lie for the rest of the episode, he's gotten past those doubts and reached acceptance in the idea that... he's lost his brother privileges.
Suddenly we've learned something very interesting about how Rockman handles lying, and it's that, while he's surprisingly capable of keeping a lie up, he finds that even one as innocent as this makes him disqualified from being Trill's family.
Which is Totally Normal and Not at All Concerning Behavior
But you know what. we can make it worse.
Imagine with me, for a moment, that all of the Saito Lore from the games remains true in the anime. If that was the case, then Netto still hasn't been told about it this many seasons in, making it a secret that Rockman keeps every day - a lie of omission.
What if the reason Netto hasn't been told about it for this long, the reason it seems so easy for Rockman to never bring it up, is because he's long since decided that he's not Netto's brother anymore.
"After all, I did lie to him."
And it just keeps going because if we decide to take that angle with it, then it suddenly becomes a lot more pointed that Yuuichiro is the one to assure Rockman that lying to your little brother is Sometimes Okay, Actually
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Like of course he would say this, the guy who encouraged Rockman to lie to Netto in the first place in order to keep up the image of being a Reliable NetNavi
Don't get me wrong, it's a really interesting character trait for Rockman to have even without adding game context to it, but using Trill as a parallel to Netto in this scenario adds a special something to the whole thing that I'm never going to be able to stop thinking about
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denaliwrites · 10 months
Say You'll Remember Me (Denali's Version)
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Alec Hardy x Bad Girl!Reader
Summary: If "whirlwind romance" were in the dictionary, next to its definition would be an image of you and Alec.
Soundtrack: Wildest Dreams by Taylor Swift
Requests: Open!
Warnings: Criminal Activity.
It wasn't like Alec, going and falling in love with one of the people he was sworn to put away.
Yet as you were escorted into the station, all crimson smiles, all confidence, all sauntering hips and deep black leather, he couldn't help the way his heart skipped a beat.
(Little did he know how dangerous that would be for him if this had happened, oh, eighteen years into the future.)
And when your eyes danced across the room just to finally land on him -- tiny, scrawny little Alec Hardy -- oh, he knew he was done for. Not that he minded much... or at all.
Doing your intake was the highest honor that had, in his twenty-six years of life, been bestowed upon him.
"What'd they get a lass like you for?" he asked as he took your fingerprints, his hands surprisingly gentle with your own.
"Defacement," you replied simply with a smirk.
"Churchill's grave."
"Oh," he said, too stunned to move or speak for a moment. It passed quickly, and he resumed his work as if nothing had happened. "One of those counter-culture types, then."
You laughed at that, and it was the most beautiful sound he'd ever heard. He could listen to it forever.
"Something like that," you said once your laughs died down. "I'm not big on the punk scene, though."
"Really?" he asked, looking up at you before quickly looking back down. "You look like you'd fit right in with that lot."
"What can I say? They've got a good look."
He hummed in response, then the two of you fell into silence as he continued processing you.
Once he was done, he escorted you to a cell and guided you in by the waist. You said nothing, but the look you sent him and the smile on those bloodstained lips let him know that you knew -- and you liked it.
The gesture was so small, so insignificant, and yet he couldn't believe he'd done it.
Somewhere in the back of his mind, he wondered about the power dynamics, and if he was abusing what little power he had in this situation. Then he decided that any power he had -- you granted him, and could easily take away if you wanted.
This suspicion was only confirmed upon your release. He was the one to open the cell -- he made sure of it -- and as you passed you winked at him and slipped him a piece of paper. Where you'd gotten it, or a pen, he had no idea, but when he looked at it at the privacy of his desk there definitely was a phone number written on it, as well as a kiss mark from your lipstick.
Oh, how devilish of you.
He called the number that night, and honestly half expected anyone else to answer. Maybe even no one.
Instead, your heavenly voice drifted down the line. "Took you long enough," you said lightly into his ear, and it took every ounce of control he had over his body to keep breathing.
"I had work," he protested, just as lightly.
"A poor excuse. Do you normally keep girls waiting like this?"
"Only the naughty ones."
Wow, he couldn't believe he'd just said that.
"So it's a punishment?" you said with a laugh.
The note of danger in that angelic sound sent a thrill down his spine. "If it is?"
"I'd like to see you try," you said, still laughing.
He wouldn't. He couldn't imagine it, frankly. Though he could imagine you punishing him, and he, much to his surprise, rather liked the idea.
The hell were you doing to him?
"Do you have a place to stay?" he asked.
"I have a phone number, don't I?"
Oh. Right. That you did.
"Would you like to stay at mine anyway?"
You hummed thoughtfully. "Stay with a random cop I only just met yesterday?" you asked teasingly. "What could possibly go wrong?"
"I promise I won't kill ye," he said quickly, fearfully.
"I know," you said. "You couldn't even if you wanted to."
He gave you his address, anyway, and then the conversation lulled and, rather suddenly, you hung up.
"That was rather rude," he mused.
You arrived just as he set his plate down on the table.
Answering the insistent knocking upon his door, he didn't expect to see you, yet there you stood. You were gorgeous as ever, with wild hair tumbling over your shoulders, no doubt whipped to a frenzy by a car's open windows, and lips as red as they were the moment he'd first laid eyes on you.
"Oh," he said, blinking. "You... came?"
"Well, you did invite me," you said, grinning.
"That I did," he said, and stepped aside so that you could enter. He closed the door behind you and followed you as you took a few exploratory steps deeper into the flat. "Have you eaten?" he asked as he passed you to return to the kitchen.
"No," you replied simply, looking around his kitchen curiously, as if you couldn't believe he actually lived here.
"Well, help yourself." He motioned to the pot on the stove as he sat down.
You must've noticed he wasn't eating -- he noticed the look of realization, the way you hurried to fill a plate and sit down beside him.
Your eyes met, and he smiled at the hint of a blush on your cheeks.
"I hope you don't expect me to say grace," you said to break the silence that had built around the two of you.
"Oh, goodness no," he replied.
"So you're waiting for me."
"Of course." You were the one in charge here, after all. Well, to him you were, at least.
You took a bite and he followed suit, and the two of you ate in amicable silence.
The rest of the night Alec spent discovering all the ways he could make you tick.
Alec had never had a roommate before, let alone one who found themselves in jail as frequently as you did.
He had had girlfriends before, but you were the first one he hesitated to introduce to his parents -- it wasn't that he didn't love you, it was that he wasn't sure his poor mum would survive meeting you. She was a bit traditional, and you were anything but.
Unfortunately, the universe didn't agree with him.
You were home alone, recovering from a hangover when his mother dropped in unannounced -- and about had a heart attack at the sight of you, with all your leather and spikes, and what a "traditional" woman might say was a scandalous amount of makeup.
"Who are you, then?" Mrs. Hardy asked, because you couldn't possibly be Alec's girlfriend.
You were sensible not to immediately correct that assumption, instead simply offering your name before wandering to the kitchen and popping some painkillers.
"And what are you doing here?" she pressed.
"Oh, I live here."
"Does my boy need help with the rent?" she asked, mostly herself -- at least, you were pretty sure she wasn't asking you. "Enough that he'd seek help from..."
"Hmm?" you prompted in amusement, leaning your hip against the counter.
"Well, someone of your profession. Of course."
"What profession would that be?"
"You know," she said conspiratorily.
"Ma'am," you said with a biting laugh, "I work at the pub down the street."
She looked like she wanted to say, no, that's not right, you couldn't possibly be anything but a prostitute. She must've thought better of it, though.
Alec, blessedly, chose that moment to walk in the door.
You could see on his face, the moment he saw his mother, that he almost considered walking right back out.
Instead, he said "Mum!" and pulled the woman into an embrace. "I see ye've met my girlfriend."
You watched as several decidedly not great emotions passed over her features, before she settled on disbelief. "But... darlin', she's..."
You and Alec both stared at her as she struggled to find a delicate way to say it.
"Isn't she a little... bold, for you?" she asked. You had to admit, that was better than you expected.
"That's why I like her," Alec answered, pulling you into a side hug and kissing your cheek. You giggled and instinctively pulled him into a proper kiss, which he happily returned.
"Well... if ye say so..."
The goal had never been to tame you or cage you, and the longer your relationship lasted the more he saw how ill-fitted to domesticity you were.
He didn't want to admit it, of course. He would've been happy to spend the rest of his life with you.
But he loved you, and he could see just how miserable you were living in the same little flat, going to the same boring job every day, talking to the same boring people and having the same boring sex with the same boring partner, day after day, for years.
You'd always been a troublemaker, it was one of the things he'd first learned about you, and it was one of the first things he'd fallen in love with.
For a while, at the start of the relationship, you'd put in effort not to get into trouble. For him, mostly, but he suspected you also had a genuine desire to turn a new leaf.
But you got bored. And when you were bored, you lashed out.
It was at a point now where Alec thought you probably spent more time in a cell than in his bed.
It broke his heart, that you couldn't be happy with him. But it broke his heart more that he'd unwittingly tried to break you, when he should've released you back into the wild. Hell, he never should've captured you at all.
"I want you out," he said one night.
"... out?" you asked, stunned. Confused. Lost. Hurt.
"I can't do this anymore," he said with a sigh. "The constant stints in jail, the drugs, the drinkin'. It's too much. So you need to leave."
"No. You need to leave. That's the end of it. You have a week to sort out another place to stay, but then ye've gotta go. Even if it means ye gotta live on the streets."
It killed him inside that he could see a tiny glimmer of relief in your eyes.
And when he got home from work the next day, you were gone.
Honestly, Alec hadn't expected to run into you again. Ever.
Yet as he walked Daisy through the park, there you were, circling the playground like a lion stalking its prey. There was only one child playing there, screaming gleefully as he sped down the slide. You hovered for a moment, watching vigilantly, before continuing your path around the jungle gym.
You looked... stressed. But happy.
Daisy tore her hand out of his and ran for the boy, no doubt eager to make a friend.
He watched as you realized there was an incoming missile in the form of a little girl, your eyes on his daughter as she neared. You eased the moment you realized it was just a kid coming at your... son? Yet you kept an eye on her, easily adopting the role of guardian for her even though she was a strange child who had, by all accounts, appeared out of nowhere.
He slowly made his way over, his eyes never leaving you. He saw, in rapid succession, your expression change from casual, to realization, to deer in the headlights, to flighty panic.
Yet you were stuck -- whoever this child was, you couldn't leave without him, and he was playing with Daisy in a section it'd be near impossible for you to reach before Alec reached you.
And reach you he did.
He said your name, the first time in years, and you closed your eyes at the sound of it. No doubt willing him to vanish.
It was the best he could've hoped for, honestly.
"You look well," he said, before his attention shifted to the kids. "Is he...?"
"God, no," you said with a nervous laugh. "Please. Me, with a kid? That'd be a disaster. No, he's, er... my friend's kid. I'm babysitting for the day while she's visiting her mum."
"Never really took ye to be a kid person."
"There's a lot about me you never really got the chance to learn."
"That's fair," he replied, watching the kids run around the swingset in a game of tag.
"Why did you do it?" you asked after a few moments of silence. "The real why, not the one you gave me that day."
He didn't want to answer that.
"The reason I gave you that day was the real reason."
"Don't -- don't you fucking dare," you hissed, turning to him. "Why lie?"
Because he knew if he'd told you the truth, you never would've gone. Never would've saved yourself.
"I didn't. I'm not. I was so tired of it all."
"And now?"
"And now I'm married with a kid."
He saw a brief flash of hurt in your eyes -- it was a life you never could've given him. Not for any lack of ability, but you both knew that if you'd somehow miraculously allowed yourself to carry to term, you probably would've walked out eventually. The domestic life just wasn't for you. It would've driven you crazy.
He could see that, just in the brief time he'd been watching you with your friend's kid. You were watchful -- perfectly diligent, perfectly protective... but he could see you itching to do just about anything else instead.
"How have you been?" he asked, pulling himself as well as you out of the thoughts circling in your heads.
"Good," you replied simply, at first. After a moment of thought, you added, "I took up a job in a school. Pays better than the pub."
"His age?"
"Yeah. I see him, sometimes."
"D'ye ken Daisy?"
"Your daughter?"
He nodded.
"I think she's familiar, but I'm sure if she actually were a student at my school I would've run into you sooner."
"Nah, my wife does all the school stuff. Tess, her name is."
"It rings a bell, actually."
"Eh? Small world."
The conversation drifted a bit from there, hitting on a few topics before you plucked up your now exhausted six-year-old charge and carried him home for naptime.
Whoever you thought you might run into at an underground rave, Alec Hardy absolutely did not make the list.
Yet, he was unmistakable.
"Hey babe," you shouted into his ear with a grin, your body moving closer to him in time with the pounding beat of the music playing overhead. "I was wondering where you'd gone!"
"What are you on about? I don't know ye--"
Realization dawned in his eyes, and your grin widened. The last thing he saw before you pulled him into a kiss was a flash of danger in your eyes.
"What the hell?" he all but shouted into your lips.
"Play along, dumbass," you said instead of answering.
He seemed to get the hint, though. He was stiff at first as his hands circled your hips, but the two of you quickly fell back into whatever chemistry you'd had thirteen years ago and he loosened up.
You continued to dance, body grinding against his.
He was still, simply holding you, and when you looked up you saw nothing but adoration in his eyes.
"What?" you asked with a confused smile.
"I wish I'd gotten to see this side of you," he said. "This is how you should've been."
"Coked out?"
Several emotions flitted over your face, eventually landing on heartfelt appreciation. "So that's why you broke up with me."
"Yes," was all he said. It was all you needed.
"Why didn't you just say that?"
"Ye would've given up yer freedom 'cause you would've thought that's what I wanted ye to do."
He was right.
"Thank you, Alec," you said quietly, and if not for the tender kiss he placed on your forehead, you would've thought your words lost to the blaring music.
You had to admit, he played the role of "boyfriend" well.
Too well.
It was rather funny, you thought, that he was confused for a patron and arrested along with you.
"I'm never gonna live this down," he moaned into his knees.
"Shut up," you told him with a laugh. "You'll be fine. Officer!" you called, waving your non-cuffed hand to get one of the arresting officers' attention. "Officer, can I get leave from these cuffs to run to the restroom?"
"Can't you hold it?" a gruff voice asked.
"Well, I could try, but then you'll be responsible for all the blood I leave behind."
You had to bite back laughter at the disgusted face the cop made. "Fine, but he stays with you," he said, motioning to Alec.
Alec, to his benefit, didn't protest.
You happily bounced up from the floor, dragging Alec along with you, and made your way to the restroom.
Inside was empty and quiet.
"Oh, this is gonna be a problem," you said thoughtfully.
"If there's anything I can do to help, I'll do it," Alec said, and you were struck by how genuine he was. After all this time, he still loved you -- enough to help you change your tampon, even.
"Oh, that was a lie," you reassured him. "I'm not on my period."
"Then... what are we doing in here?" he asked, looking around like the answer might be written somewhere.
"Busting out, duh."
"Oh, you've gotta be kidding me -- I can't get arrested twice!"
"Yeah, that's why we won't be caught."
He dropped his face into his free hand, and you laughed. Quietly.
"C'mon, Hardy. Help me. You said you would."
"Yeah, when I thought ye needed help takin' care of yer period. I did not agree to help ye evade arrest!"
"Isn't it your career on the line, here?" you asked casually, as you eyed the bathroom window.
You heard a grunt behind you. "Ye always were tricky, weren't ye?"
"Like a fox, babe," you agreed.
He moved to stand beside you, looking at the window thoughtfully. "It should have a hatch release," he said, even though neither of you had found one.
"Could it be... subtle?" you asked. "Like a... tiny button?"
"To open a window?"
"I was hoping we wouldn't need to smash it."
"Sorry, but no such luck."
"Fuck. Okay."
You pulled him close to you, hands working quickly to undo the buttons of his shirt.
"I hardly think now's the time for sex," he gasped. "They'll come lookin' for us any moment."
"Yeah, it also won't help us break the window. You know what will, though? A fist, wrapped up in your shirt."
He really was such a dumbass, sometimes.
Once you got to the sleeve of his cuffed arm, together the two of you made quick work of making the necessary tears to get the shirt off completely.
Alec started wrapping the remains of his shirt around his balled fist, but your hands on his stilled him.
"Let me," you said.
"Now's not the time to be a hero," he replied.
"If I get injured, I'm the one who broke the glass. I'm the one who gets in trouble. Your career won't be on the line."
"I'll still have let ye do it."
"Please, there's no 'letting' me do anything."
With that, he let you unravel the shirt from his hand and helped you wind it around yours. Then he double-checked it, and triple-checked it.
"When you're ready," he said after his last inspection.
Without hesitation, you punched a hole in the glass, then started knocking the remains out of the sill.
"Have ye done this before?" he asked, impressed and concerned all at once.
"I will let you believe what you want to believe. Now, c'mon!"
The two of you crawled out of the freshly broken window and ran off into the night, laughing and hand-in-hand.
You were lucky that the shop clerk didn't ask questions or call the police as you and Alec, still cuffed together, stepped up to the counter with a small haul.
Alec, ever the responsible one between you two, held a bottle of water, some painkillers, a sports drink, a protein bar, and your favorite candy.
You, ever the partier, held a bottle of beer and an energy drink.
You paid with the banknotes stashed in your bra and carried your haul out into the night.
The two of you walked a ways before finding a park. You dragged Alec over to the swings with a giggle and happily sat in one. He sighed and rolled his eyes, but sat in the swing next to you anyway.
"You're a right menace, y'ken that?" he groaned.
"It's one of my most charming features," you argued, smirking as you popped your beer open and took a sip.
"Why'd ye kiss me?" he asked, staring out over the park.
You shrugged. "The only way you'd ever end up at a rave is if you were undercover or it was some kind of sting operation -- which meant there were dangerous criminals around, and -- I'm sorry, but you do not blend in."
"So you gave me a cover."
"It was that or get stabbed. I'd like to think kissing me isn't as bad as the alternative."
"It was rather unexpected," he said, but you could see him fighting back a smile.
"Speaking of unexpected, when were you gonna tell me you have a key to these cuffs?"
"Oh, never," he said with a laugh.
"Alec Hardy," you said with a dramatic gasp. "Are you arresting me?"
"I could do," he teased, yanking his arm, with enough strength to send you reeling. Instead, though, you were able to catch yourself and swung to face him instead.
When your swing came close enough to his, his legs caught yours and kept you in place while his lips crashed into your own in a bit of a rough -- but sweet -- kiss.
"Alec Hardy," you said again, breathlessly.
He whispered your name into your lips, and you realized it had never sounded as lovely as it did coming from him.
"I love you," you whispered back, and he pulled away to stare longingly, lovingly into your eyes.
"It's not just the coke or booze talkin'?"
"Does it matter if it is? Even if I were completely sober... what could we do? Date again? Get married? You know I'd rather die than settle down."
He did. It was the whole reason he'd let you go.
"What we can do," he started, pulling you into a gentle kiss, "is get ye somewhere safe and comfortable to sober up."
"Your place?" you questioned with a grin.
"Exactly," he responded, and you felt his own smile against your lips. "And then, once yer sober, we can... talk."
With that, the two of you (reluctantly) parted, and Alec led you away into the glimmering city.
No real talking was had for the week you spent at Alec's flat. Sure, words were exchanged, like "What should we have for dinner?" or "What time should I expect you home?" But for the most part, the two of you didn't talk so much as... moan each other's names in a near-constant state of ecstasy.
And boy, did you get great use out of those cuffs.
Of course you'd heard about the Sandbrook case -- even when you and Alec weren't talking, the two of you still kept tabs on each other.
He'd sent you an email when your aunt died. You'd sent him a text when his mum was diagnosed with cancer (luckily, she was fine now, and you'd sent him a text when she'd gone into remission, too).
All that to say that you knew. About the case, sure, but more importantly, about how devastated he was over it. A text wouldn't do. Hell, even a call wouldn't do.
Last you'd heard, he'd relocated to some coastal town called Broadchurch.
So you followed him there.
You hadn't been expecting a murder investigation when you pulled into town, but it was the only thing anyone was talking about, nor were you expecting to organically run into Alec mere minutes after arriving, yet in he walked as you were grabbing a coffee.
"What're you doin' 'ere?" he asked, completely baffled.
The woman beside him looked... well, equally confused. Maybe more? You and Alec just had a habit of running into each other. For her, this was new.
"I heard about Sandbrook," you said simply.
He sighed dramatically, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I don't have time for ye right now."
"Just -- go get set up in the hotel. I'm stayin' there, I'll... I'll see ye." With that, he waved you away. Dismissed you like a dog.
You did get yourself set up in the hotel, of course, but you took your sweet time getting there. There was plenty to do in the town, though the constant mistrustful stares set you a bit on edge.
It was about six when you finally went and got yourself a room, and about ten when you heard a gentle rapping at your door.
"I'm sorry about earlier," was the first thing Alec said as you swung the door open.
You looked him over, now that you had the chance -- he looked haunted, haggard. Sleepless...
"Oh, Alec," you sighed, drawing him into an embrace. He melted into you, holding you tight. "I'm sorry. I should've been there."
"Nothin' ye could've done."
You knew that, of course, and you knew your presence alone wouldn't have chased away that haunted look in his eyes, just as it wasn't doing now, but... you wished it could. You wished it were that easy.
He parted from you with a shaky breath, his eyes rimmed with unshed tears.
And then he yanked you into a desperate kiss.
You didn't protest, and in fact returned it. Neither of you parted as he pushed you back into the room and toed your door shut, nor as the back of your knees hit the bed and you nearly collapsed.
He caught you, held you impossibly close, fingered the hem of your shirt in a silent bid for consent.
You nodded, eagerly, and he made quick work of your clothes -- and you.
You weren't surprised how often Alec came to see you during the Latimer case (okay, maybe you were, a little).
You knew he was just using you for stress relief, but you didn't mind (much). You figured it was penance for being unable to help him during the Sandbrook case. You figured things would go back to normal once this new case was over.
Then the fucker went and had a heart attack or something.
So things returned to normal a bit quicker than you expected.
At least he apologized.
Things were a bit awkward at first once sex was taken off the table. Like the two of you didn't know how to do anything but fuck like rabbits. Eventually, though, you found a groove that worked.
Every night that he came "home," you had dinner, watched a movie, and talked about the bits of your lives you'd missed.
You told him where you'd gone after the breakup. He told you about meeting Tess and having Daisy. You told him about your trip to Tanzania. He told you about becoming Detective Inspector.
"Your life has been much more exciting than mine," he said one night as the two of you lay curled up together in bed.
"Maybe," you said with a shrug. "But you actually did something with yours."
"Naaaah," he growled, making you giggle. "Everyone's different... this is the path I was always gonna be on, and that's the path ye were always gonna be on."
"I guess we're lucky our paths keep crossing from time to time."
"I hope they do far into the future," Alec said with a yawn.
You giggled again. "Go to sleep, dumbass. You have a murder to solve."
"God, don't remind me."
You could feel that Alec was at peace, for once.
Sure, Joe Miller had walked. But Alec knew he'd gotten the right man. And he'd solved the Sandbrook case -- finally gave that family justice and closure. Finally erased that blemish from his conscience.
The two of you celebrated in the only way you really knew how, by making love.
Leaving Broadchurch had always been the plan, for you. You'd stayed, because Alec had needed you to, but you never intended to stay anywhere permanently.
So why did it hurt so much when Alec told you he was leaving?
And why did it hurt so much when you watched his train rattle away?
Alec kept the house in Broadchurch -- mostly for you. He knew you weren't a creature of habit, of settling down and growing roots, but he offered it as a sort of base of operations, with no strings attached. You'd taken the offer, simply because it felt like if you didn't, you'd never hear from him again.
Not that he contacted you anyway.
Until one day, when he'd called you to tell you he was moving back to Broadchurch and would need his house back. You were welcome to stay, he assured you, but he also made it seem like maybe you shouldn't. He was bringing his daughter with him, and she seemed to be in a difficult period of her life.
You wondered if Alec remembered how the two of you had met. Apparently not, given he thought his daughter being a troublemaker would bother you.
So you'd stayed, and they'd moved back in.
Things were tense at first, especially given his first big case upon his return, but eventually it all evened out. You even got on surprisingly well with Daisy, all things considered.
You hadn't meant to stay. It had just sort of... happened. And you hadn't meant to fall back into a relationship with Alec. That had just sort of happened, too.
Yet... you were happy.
For the first time in your life, staying... wasn't so bad. You even thought you could rather do more of it. Maybe not a lot. But... some.
You admired the glittering ring on your finger as reflected lights danced on the ceiling and walls of your tiny little home in Broadchurch.
Alec held you in his arms, and you had your legs draped over his lap. Some old black and white film played on the TV. It was dark and rainy. The night couldn't have been more perfect, even if he hadn't proposed to you on top of it all.
Eventually the two of you moved to your bed, and Alec held you impossibly close, his arms tight but tender around you.
"All I ask," he sighed sleepily, "is that if ye leave, ye always come home to me."
And come home to him you did.
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An average day in Family Video:
"It's just so stupid, you know?"
Robin looks up from where she is rewinding the tapes and nods enthusiastically. "I know, right? I mean, seriously, why would you pay an extra fine if all you need to do is-"
"I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about that." He points to one of the two monitors in the shop.
"Just....movies? Like, I get that working here sucks, but -"
"No! I'm talking about the scene that comes before this one- or well, now the one before that."
"Ohhhh. You mean needles."
In that moment a customer comes in. Robin goes back to rewinding tapes and Steve goes back to frowning. As soon as the customer is gone (thankfully an older lady who was not interested in starting small-talk) the conversation resumes as if she'd never been there.
"We really should be able to put other things to watch. It's not normal to know a movie by heart that isn't even good. I hate capitalism, it's destroying genuine art."
"Like back in the good old days when everything was black and white and mute?"
"Tell me one contemporary actor that comes even close to Charlin Chaplin."
"Dunno. Like, Harrison Ford?"
"Wow. I can't believe you are literally my soulmate. I'm so embarrassed."
Another pause. Robin motions to the growing pile of tapes in front of her and Steve starts putting them back in the shelves.
"It's just so stupid, you know? Like, I can deal with literal flesh-eating monsters from another dimension. I can deal with almost getting beaten to death more than once. I can deal with the constant stress of being responsible for a bunch of teenagers who put their "thirst for knowledge" before their own safety. And a fucking little needle gets me down?!"
"Steve. It was a traumatic-"
"Yeah yeah yeah, I know. I just don't...get it. Like, the flickering lights make sense. But I don't even remember being drugged up because, oh yeah, I was literally high as a kite. It's such fucking bullshit."
"One of the pros of being gay, I guess. I don't need to worry about donating blood."
They fall silent again. The conversation isn't over, they just need to find the right thread to continue. Talk between them rises and ebbs as naturally as breathing.
"Maybe I should just become gay, too."
"Oh my god you can't just choose to be gay you dingus. It's not like someone is gonna put a barrel against this hollow head of yours and force you to donate"
"I mean, it's not like men are unattractive. If, I don't know, Jonathan offered. I wouldn't say no. Like, I'm not gonna lie, when he got all mad back when I was still with Nance-"
"Deflection or over?"
Steve sighs. "Deflection."
"Resume or later?"
He sighs again. "I don't know. I mean it's not like we can do anything about it."
"Exposure therapy is a thing, you know. If it really bothers you."
"Like a tattoo or something?"
They are silent again. Robin rewinds tapes, Steve cleans the already spotless counter.
"What would we even get?"
"Dunno. Would have to be something discreet to not make job hunting even harder when this one inevitably falls through because of Demogorgons or Mind Flayers or some shit." She doesn't look up but Steve knows she is listening.
"You actually know the names?"
"Don't tell the dipshits."
Another customer comes in. This one is unfortunately a chatty one. Steve's behavior could perhaps be most accurately described as "bitchy". In his defence, he was in the middle of a conversation here.
"Okay, but a discreet tattoo. Like what. A tramp stamp or something?" Robin continues as soon as the door falls shut again.
"N- you know what. Why not?"
"Because it's a fucking tramp stamp Steve"
"What, are you saying I don't get around enough to be considered a tramp? I'll let you know-"
"No, Steve, believe me, I know. But if you get a tramp stamp, I also need to get a tramp stamp."
"Is that a no?"
A pause. Steve knows he won before she even opens her mouth
"You know what? Fuck it. Let's get fucking matching tramp stamps"
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angelsanarchy · 1 year
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Alkaline: Euronymous x Y/N Series CH 6
Tagging: @ophelialaufey @madamemaximoff06 @forever-not-gonna-sink @ajmiila02 @liquidsmoothdomme @shady-the-simp @that-one-persons-posts
TW: Self Harm, Blood
Y/n knew that tonight was Mayhem's first show and as much as she wanted to be there for support, she knew she had to work. She had tried to call and wish him good luck but she got the voicemail. Since he lived with the band, she decided against leaving a message and just hoped he would come by and tell her how it went.
When they all piled into the restaurant, face paint half smudged off and louder than normal, Hammed started taking orders as quickly as he could. Y/n couldn't really interact at the moment as she was working the line instead of tables. The amount of drinks she had to uncap hurt her hands but she made sure to stack them all on a tray to be dropped off to them. Once Hammed got tired of taking orders, he switched onto grill and Y/n was able to greet Oystein.
"How did it go?" She asked brightly seeing little bits of his makeup still on the corners of his eyes and mouth.
"It went really well. Wish you could have seen it." He smiled back taking his food.
"Maybe someday." She knew it wasn't her scene but she would tough it out to see Oystein play.
"You didn't stick around for the party. I looked for you but they said you took off pretty early." He looked disappointed.
"I was still on the clock so I couldn't really stick around. I figured you wouldn't even have noticed surrounded by groupies." Y/n tried to keep it light but Oystein screwed up his face.
"Hardly. I don't give a shit about groupies." Y/n felt a slight uptick in her heart but she didn't want him to know it. She took a napkin and leaned over the counter to rub some of the smeared makeup away from his eye.
"I'm definitely going to need a shower at some point." Oystein laughed.
"I'd say so. I can't believe you brought your stench in here with that crew of misfits." Y/n finally noticed Pelle sitting in a chair with his head down.
"Ey he might need some more tape." One of the guys shouted to Oystein.
"Hey do you have any duct tape?" Y/n cocked an eyebrow.
"Um we should. Let me check the back." Oystein nodded and went to sit his food down on the table. When Y/n found the tape, she walked of the door and immediately say Oystein trying to help Pelle pull tape from his bloody wrists.
"Fuck!" Y/n's eyes went wide pushing the swinging bathroom door and seeing what they were doing.
"What the fuck happened and why are you putting fucking duct tape on it?!" Y/n looked at Pelle who was paler than normal.
"It's not as bad as it looks." Oystein said stupidly. Pelle made eye contact with Y/n and she walked back out of the bathroom towards the office. She grabbed the first aid kit and her purse from her locker. When she returned they had gotten all the tape off and she was staring at how scarred his arms were.
"Grab me a chair from the table please." Oystein ran out to grab the chair and Pelle was shaking.
"You don't have to-" Pelle started.
"Listen, I'm not here to judge you. If you want to die or feel or whatever, its your life to have or end but you can't come here and expect me to serve meat sandwiches when you're bleeding out in a booth." Y/n wasn't trying to scold him. She had a brother who battled terrible mental illness so she knew the anguish someone must feel to do this to themselves but she knew Hammed would lose his shit.
Oystein sat the chair down and she pushed Pelle into it. She knelt in front of him and Oystein watched her clean his wounds up, disinfect them and attempt to put bandages on them.
"These are only butterfly band aids but you need fucking stitches, Pelle." Y/n was about to open her second box of band aids.
"Dead....my name is Dead." She clicked her tongue against her teeth annoyed.
"You know, these stage names are starting to piss me off." Y/n looked at Oystein in the mirror. She put a long gauze pad on his wounds before getting up from the floor.
"Take him to get stitches as soon as you can." Y/n said as Pelle walked past her as if she didn't just stitch up his gapping wounds.
"He'll be okay. I'll make sure to get him stitched up." Oystein assure Y/n as she cleaned up the bloody gauze and bandage wrappers. She felt a hand on her back and she tensed.
"Hey...it's fine. He's done much worse than that." Oystein's words made her turn around.
"I can see that but that doesn't mean he's fine. If anything he's furthest from fine Oystein." She felt a weight on her chest like she wanted to cry and he could tell she was upset. He pulled her to his chest and she dodged it as the door swung open again.
It was the guy who was lurking around at the party the other night.
"Hey I wanted to say you guys were very good tonight...at your gig. My name is Christian-"
"Do you see I'm a little busy here?" Oystein snapped. The way he spoke to Oystein gave off much different vibes than she would have thought. She assumed it was a friend but he came off more as a fanboy. He backed out of the bathroom leaving them both standing alone. Y/n quickly scrubbed her hands in the sink wanting to be out of that confined space.
"Y/n.." Oystein reached out again.
"I've got to get back to work." Y/n wiped her face and pushing past him. They continued to cut up and eat for another 20 minutes before they finally left. Y/n felt so tense and uneasy, all she wanted to do was scream.
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zeep-xanflorp · 1 year
so at this point everyone is accepting that rick and diane never had a healthy marriage right??
like i think what everyone assumed (including me) is that they retconned all the things about rick not believing in love in the first two seasons when they revealed rick's revenge quest in season 6. like i thought that because rick was doing all of that for diane and beth, that it was indicative of a healthy relationship. but i don't think that's the case anymore after looking into some old episodes. i truly believe it was the intentions of the writers to make him have a bad relationship w diane since the beginning.
so here's what i've been thinking right.
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"listen morty, what people call love is just a chemical reaction that compels animals to breed. it hits hard, morty, and then it slowly fades, leaving you stranded in a failing marriage. i did it. your parents are gonna do it. break the cycle, morty. rise above. focus on science." (rick potion #9, ep 106)
the situation he describes is so specific. he describes "failing marriages" and compared his marriage to that of beth and jerry's which is infamously codependent and toxic.
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"i couldn't make [marriage] work and i can turn a black hole into a sun, so..." (the wedding squanchers, ep 210)
he talks about how little he trusts in marriage. because despite his intelligence, he couldn't be happy in his own.
so these are the two hints we get about rick's marriage before diane even actually shows onscreen. both of these quotes demonstrate rather clearly that their relationship was dysfunctional in some capacity. that it was "failing".
so if we're call caught up let's move onto the season 3 premiere.
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"why don't i go grab beth and we can go out for ice cream?" (the rickshank redemption, 301)
that's all she has to say after rick says he's giving up on science - his passion. which is rather odd because it was clearly something he was working on for some time and he just says he's giving it all up immediately. which is odd, right? this well seeming remark could be far more insidious than it seems.
i'm not the only one to point this out but that's it. she dismisses his feelings. she invites him out to a place with their daughter (where, with her present, they would be incapable of having an adult conversation which would put more distance between them) and in this regard, beth acts as a physical barrier between them both.
i'm not saying that diane is in the wrong here. i'm not saying rick is perfect. but that's one instance of their relationship where something pretty major had just happened. and it's immediately brushed off.
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(abcs of beth, 309)
there are plenty of hints that rick was indeed an absentee father, even when he was still living with his daughter. take the abcs of beth, where rick talks about all the toys that child beth had to play with. beth insists that she asked him to make those because she wanted to spend time with him. let me repeat, beth explains that she wanted to spend time with her father so bad that she asked him to make lethal weapons for her to play with. plus the whole froopyland thing - an environment designed to be safe so he wouldn't have to keep an eye on her. it's obvious she channeled her neglect in a destructive way - aka in a way that she got from her father. but i digress.
the point is, rick has always been absent from his family in some capacity. whether it was emotionally as we see with diane or physically as we see with beth.
there are also some hints at infidelity on rick's end. take mr nimbus, who is confirmed to have known diane.
then when diane and beth die, he absolutely crumbled. and this scene does break my heart watching it bc we know it's not just a part of a fake memory now. it was all real. the pain he experienced in that moment - the hope he had of living a normal life and making everything up to his family - just got ripped away from him.
so even though on the surface, rick appears to have a healthy relationship w diane when she shows up in the show, that doesn't mean that's all there is. it's very unlikely based on all of the information presented in the earlier seasons that these two were stable together and i think that the presentation of diane as a perfect loving caring wife is intentional. it either represents how rick remembers her - as someone kind - or is only a small part of the equation.
oh and let's not forget the ghost ai that rick made for his dead wife. he designed her to berate him, to wear him down. to never let him move on from what happened. like that's something super messed up wow. maybe
in conclusion, rick has never had a stable family or home life. that thing didn't appeal or satisfy him. it caused him to neglect his daughter and continues to impact the relationship he has with his adult family members. by no means is this an excuse and that's hardly my point. i feel it's important that we know the reality of ricks marriage to understand how that impacts him in the show we're watching.
ofc this is just my take on what little we have seen from the two of them. i rlly want to see more so i can maybe make a better assessment. but yeah. whatever went on there? not healthy. no way in hell.
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thetopichot · 10 months
•°♧ Auron Fluff Alphabet ♧°•
2/7 of the Yuuriboys. I'm working hard over here with these. These fluff alphabets are quite a creative workout for my writer's brain. However, this one was easy to write since I don't stop talking about this motherfucker. He's just too fine.
Anyway, enjoy!
CW: Suggestive
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A = Abundance Of Love (Are they a loud lover that loves to express their love in many ways or are they a quiet lover that loves those quiet, intimate moments?)
This man is absolutely a quiet lover. As much as he wants to show everyone that you are his, the distance must remain between you two during office hours. However, when he does have you all to himself, you KNOW that man is gonna treat you right. He's more romantic than he says. He says that he's not a romantic type, but bro is holding you & telling how beautiful you are. Like, STOP LYING.
B = Brave (Were they the first to confess? If so, how did the confession go?)
Yes, he was & he genuinely thought that the confession would go worse. Maybe he was worried that you wouldn't like him. He does stay in his ivory tower alone, so he never got the chance to take an interest in anyone. When he saw you, though, he switched up real fast. Luckily, the confession went well & he was honest to god RELIEVED. I guess his ivory tower will be less lonely now.
C = Control (Do they take the wheel of the relationship or do they let someone else do the driving?)
I feel like he takes the wheel of the relationship. His whole story is basically about how one loses control & gets back on their feet afterwards, so expect him to take the wheel. Another thing is that he has this huge thing with taking care of problems without being asked to. If anything gets in the way of him or you, he will handle it accordingly. That is what he is supposed to do as his role in almost everything. Well, that's how he put it.
D = Dreamboat (What do they find attractive in their partner(s)?)
People would say that confidence is quite an attractive trait & they are right but listen, consider this; optimism. I feel like this is quite a controversial answer, but I feel like he likes more than just confidence. He likes a different kind of confidence. It's the fact that no matter the situation or who they are. You always find the best in things & the best in people. You believe that there is something more than meets the eye & he admires that. You see him more than just a cruel crime boss. You see him as him & he loves you for that.
E = Empathetic (If their partner(s) was in a not so good mood, how would they cheer them up?)
He's not really good at comforting people since he comes off as extremely blunt. However, that doesn't mean he isn't willing to try. He can try to comfort you with his words, but I feel like he would rather just hold you & listen to your rant. You ranting about your feelings & him holding you while you do that makes him feel like he's pretty decent at comforting. He's much more of a listener in rants.
F = Forgiving (If they had a fight with their partner(s), how would they apologize? Or would they be petty about it?)
Naturally, Auron would push people out of the way if they got in the way. However, you're not just people. You're his darling & the one thing he hates more than anything is to lose you, someone he cares about deeply. He probably was the one who initiated the fight since I know that man is stubborn & he will hold his ground, but there are more important things than pride. He is the first to apologize & he genuinely feels real fucking bad about it. He hates getting in arguments with you, but please reassure him that it's normal to get into arguments & that he doesn't have to push people away afterwards.
G = General (Random Fluff Headcanon)
Okay, I've been talking about this ALOT because it's important to me that I have this concept imprinted inside your hippocampus. I keep thinking about that one ATSV scene where Miles has this art page of Gwen. Are you seeing where I'm going with this? Auron just looks through your sketchbook to see an art page of him in there. He just looks at you & smiles. "I missed you, too." This is a bit self-indulgent jahqniajaiai
H = Home (How would they feel living with their partner(s)?)
He loves the idea of it. As much as he enjoys being alone, it's nice to wake up next to someone you love dearly. He's not safe from being domesticated & to be honest, he would let that shit happen. It could be your idea or his. It's up to you. In the end, just hearing your voice every morning is just soothing. LET HIM BE HAPPY GODDAMN IT 😤
I = Idealistic (What's their personal preference in a special someone?)
He doesn't take interest in timid people. He wants someone who knows exactly what they're doing rather than someone who isn't sure about their decisions. He wants someone who gets the job done. At the same time, he just wants someone a little more than that. Someone that just understands him. So throw that shit all into one quality & you get someone that is preceptive.
J = Jealousy (Do they get protective of their partner(s) when someone flirts with them?)
You bet your bottom quarter, except he doesn't really show it. He's cool, sorta calm, & collected. He's not gonna shout at them as maybe simple as a harmless flirt such as compliments like "Hey, you look very nice today." If they made you uncomfortable, on the other hand, he will be handling it. He ain't fucking around. If he gets jealous, it really depends on when we are talking about. If it's before you got together, then yes. VERY. If it is after you got together, not as much. You belong to him & he will prove the whole office if he has to.
K = Key To The Heart (What is something that will make them fall in love instantly?)
Bro fell in love the first time he saw you. He noticed that you dressed nice & how you were confident about getting the job. WHAT DO YOU MEAN?? He was HOOKED. It was love at first sight. I WISH I WAS MAKING THIS SHIT UP & I thought that I was DOWN BAD.
L = Luxurious (Do they spoil their partner(s) rotten? If they do, how do they spoil them?)
He is rich. You already know. However, I'm not gonna leave ya guys hanging with just that.
He likes to make his gifts very personalized for you. It's why he asks for your measurements, such as your fingers for getting rings or your ahem ahem NECK for uh suggestive reasons that I shall not disclose because we don't do NSFW here. So, I'm leaving that up to your imagination. Anyway, he does enjoy spoiling you mostly for him, though. There are some outfits that he wants to see you in. 😳
M = Marriage (How would they feel about getting married?)
I feel like he would like the idea of it. Of course, like anybody else, he would be a bit nervous about it. He's nervous because of how important this feels. It's something he HAS to get right in his eyes. So expect that man to plan this shit for MONTHS. This man might even rehearse before purposing to you. When everything falls in line, he does all of this fancy ass shit. He has this personal driver prepared to drive to a special location. I'm talking about a red carpet to the limo, then it takes you out of the city to a cliff that has a gazebo. You can see that fine ass man waiting for you & then you hop out of the limo. You see a trail of red roses & red candles lit.
You follow it & you meet your man all dressed up to the NINES. Like bro is dripped the FUCK out. Then he goes on to this speech on how much he adores you & how much you mean to him. Of course, the fine ass man gets on one knee & goes:
"Will you marry me?"
Bitch, YES.
N = Nobility (How honest are they to their partner(s)? Do they hide anything?)
As much as he trusts you, he does hide things. However, that doesn't mean he lies to you. He's unmoved by truth, but this truth is truly moving his ass. He did tell you that he is a criminal who killed more than one guy, but I feel like that as much he can tell you. The more you know, the more in danger you will be. He doesn't want you involved. He would rather you be unaware & safe than to be knowledgeable & in danger.
O = Overwhelmed (If they were in a not so good mood, how can their partner(s) help them out?)
Honestly. When he is stressed, he's definitely telling you not to worry about him. He always says that "I'm fine, rook. You don't need to worry about me." but in reality, this man needs comfort more than anything. During office hours, you could check in on him. Trish might find you suspicious for constantly going into his office, say, 6 times within the same 2 hours. Or a better, less suspicious way is taking care of him at home. Tell him to cancel whatever he's doing for the night & take a break with him. Of course, it's not gonna be that easy. However, persistence is key. He'll give in & just put his head in your lap. He enjoys the warmth that comes from your thighs, especially when you play with his hair. He might even fall asleep.
P = Passionate (What is something to them that means a lot to them that only their partner(s) knows about it?)
His writing. That's something he almost never shares with anyone. The only people he has shared it to were Charlie & of course, you. He finds his writings very important to him since they reveal ALOT about him, especially how he feels. Most of his writing recently has been about you, so he wants to keep his writing private. Bro is like me fr because I'm nervous when I show people my headcanons, so he's not alone.
Q = Quirky (Something silly that they do.)
On Auron's character design stream, Yuuri mentioned that Auron would own a multipen & I'm going add onto that. Auron owning a multipen reminds me of that kid in class who would write in a pretty font & make it cute when literally the topic is the most disturbing thing ever. That was Auron & still is.
R = Romantic (What is their love language?)
Call this man the Pokémon master because this bitch caught them all but if I had to pick a one, this might be controversial answer, acts of service. Just hear me out.
Auron does things for people without being asked to & never complains about it. He fully accepts the responsibility of taking care of everything & everyone, which leads to his love language being acts of service. He does go a bit too far & neglects his own needs because I believe that he doesn't see himself as a priority & there are other matters that are more important than himself right now. Please take care of that man because he needs someone to see him as a priority rather than something that can be pushed to the side for later.
S = Sublime (What is the best gift that their partner(s) can give them?)
He doesn't really ask for much besides your time & all of your love in return. He's not interested in getting gifts & he probably wouldn't want you to get him one since he's rich. Plus you do just fine as a present but you say fuck it & get him a gift anyway. The first idea was to get him a book, but that would be too obvious. You want something little more meaningful. You decided to somewhat write a half decent poem about how much you appreciate him. It's not the best writing in history, but he's enjoys that you put love & thought into it. That's enough for him.
T = Touching (How do they feel about PDA?)
Yeahhhh, probably not. He isn't really too fond of PDA, especially during office hours. He doesn't wanna look like he plays favorites, in my opinion. After hours is a different story because you two are alone & he has you all to himself, so he would rather that.
U = Undeniable (Did everyone know about their crush on their partner(s)?)
Nope. He is quite phenomenal at being discreet, plus who would anyone in their right mind would take interest in the boss? IT'S US ACTUALLY SUAJNAAUJA
V = Visionary (What do they want their future to look like with their partner(s)?)
My first initial thought was "Maybe, he might give the crime thing." but oh sweet Louie from 5 minutes ago, there is no fixing this man.
Although, I think he would want to move away from the city & go into this warm, cozy setting he's been writing about. I doubt he would give up the crime thing since that's his responsibility & a thing that was passed down from Faust's dad to him, but who knows, maybe he might pass it down to someone he trusts. Maybe he might become a writer & just enjoy his life with you. We may never know.
W = Wacky (General Fluff Headcanon. Again.)
I like to think the way he sleeps is just wrapping himself in a blanket burrito. I dunno I think it's funny. Crime boss in a blanket burrito is the most fire thing ever.
X = Xaroncharoo (Yes, that's a word. Look it up. In a domestic sense, what are they exceptional at in the home?)
Cleaning. He's making sure this house is fucking NEAT. Everytime I think about him cleaning, I think about those moms that clean the houses like hell because company is coming.
"I don't care if we have to throw everything out, rook. I want this place to look like a new mediterranean fusion restaurant by noon."
Y = Yearning (If their partner(s) went out to get something without them/went off to work, how would they feel about it?)
Z = Zonked (How do they cuddle?)
Jokes on you, you goober. You guys already work together as it is. So it's not a problem because he can just watch you from the cameras. However, if you went by yourself without him? He's probably getting you an escort to take to where you need to be. You insist on like, "Hey, I'm totally fine. I can just drive there & when I get there, I can just call you." or "My friend can pick me up, " & all of that. In the end, you have an escort to take you to Weis. He may not look like it, but he does miss you when you're gone.
Head first in his boobs. That's exactly what we're doing. He would probably hold you on top of him while you just enjoy the warm comfort of his boobs.
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☆ミ Author's Notes Underneath ☆ミ
🩷 - Let's fucking go. 2 down & 5 more to go. This shit is definitely gonna take all of November & maybe December, too. This is probably one of the most biggest writing challenges I have worked on yet. However, it's good to get my writers brain going.
Another good news, I'm a sibling again! I have another sibling now & she is so silly. I'm happy to have another one, even though being the eldest sibling is such a pain in the ass. You just gotta do what ya gotta do sometimes.
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