#listen i know nobody's gonna care about these but i love my daughter
almostloosingit · 2 years
Hi how are youuuu?
I wanted to request Rindou x reader when Bonten’s prostitue came to building and she recognized reader as ex mafia member (boss you decide) but nobody in Bonten knew that, they were like “HER!!??” they were like that because she is so innocent in front of them. Rindou and here are married and he did knew that.
Thank youu
Of course! I hope you like it!
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I wrote this while listening to:
Female reader
Cw: Child
You were already with Rindou when your boss died. Now a lot of people thought that you would take that opportunity and take over the responsibility of the boss. You didn’t. You had a meeting with others where you announced that you will be leaving. Were they surprised? No. They knew you wanted to start a family with your partner so they didn’t question your decision. And that's how you left your old life behind, ready to begin a new chapter of your life.
Did Rindou know about that? Yes. You see, your `organization` wasn’t something Bonten worried about. So that's why the information was kept between you two.
“Thank you,Y/N” said Kakucho while taking the cup of tea you handed him. “You're very generous to let us visit so often.”
“Oh don’t be silly Kakucho, it's my pleasure .” You said with a kind smile. You meant it. Your lovers' friends/ coworkers were also dear to your heart. As much as you love and trust Rindou you know that he got his ass saved by them multiple times. “It’s the least I can do to thank you guys for keeping Rin safe.”
“How did he get such a loving and innocent woman to be with him?” Mochi asked.
“Y/N, my love, did my lovely brother pay you to marry him? Or maybe threaten you?” Ran asked with a slick smile.
“You’re fucking delusional.” Scoffed Rindou while walking into the living room with your two year old.
“Sweetheart language around the little one.” You said with a smile yet disappointed look. His eyes grow big for a second.
“Right, my bad.” He responded in a calm voice. Even though you're the most soft hearted person alive, you're also the toughest woman he knows. That’s why when you told him that you were pregnant he was the happiest person alive. Of course more security was added around your house because you can never be too careful, right?
“She’s two how the fuck is she gonna understand.” The second Saznu said that everyone in the room gave him a death stare. “Oh come on.”
“Sanzu, you see Rai is two years old, she might not be able to speak fully yet, but that doesn’t mean she can't learn words or copy them. Believe it or not I prefer not to have my little girl going around swearing at this age. So if you are so kind and respect that.” You said with the sweetest smile. He felt stupid.
“I see, my bad. I will try my best.” How can he be mean to such a pure soul?
“I’m glad.” You responded. “Well then I will bring the food.”
“Do you need some help?” Your husband asked.
“Oh don’t worry I can do it by myself. You guys relax after work.” And with that you left to bring the food.
“So.. Did you pay her?”
“Ran I swear-”
“Rin’s wife is the sweetest person ever”
Is what people say.
“Y/N so nice! How did she end up with Rindou?”
That’s what they say because they don’t know.
But he knows. That’s why he absolutely loves you and knows that you can protect yourself if he’s not there. That's why he married you. Does he still worry? Yes but less than he would with a person who never tasted his type of life.
Would people believe you if you told them about you being in the mafia back in the day? No. I mean come on here you were holding your 2 year old daughter Rai who’s sitting on your hip with your hand around her, while her dad is not picking up the phone.
“For the love of god where is he?” You looked at your phone. It’s rare that your husband doesn’t pick up the phone from you. “I swear to god if this man-“
You did get a message from Haitani, not the one you wanted but close.
It was a selfie from his older brother Ran who was smiling wide with bored Rin in the back who was sitting side wise, from the camera he clearly didn’t notice, while Sanzu was posing for the photo behind Rin.
Oh for fuck sake you though to yourself. He could have told you he’s going out with the Bonten tonight. If you knew you would have your daughters favorite food cooking not his.
[You] Could you tell my lovely husband to answer his calls?
[Ran] You see, I would…but his phone is dead<3
[You] Not to sound rude but like does none of the exclusive Bonten members have a phone charger or a power bank?
[Ran] No..?
You giggled at the message.
[You] Oh you boys are build different❤️
[You] Is he drunk?
[Ran] Tipsy, but not really.
[Ran] He ain’t interested in any girls 😐
[You] Yeah I would hope so🥲
[Ran] Could you be a darling and pick him up? We all love you but he can't shut up about how much he loves you and my lovely niece❤️
[You] Of course , just send me the address :)
And here you were in sweatpants, a white t-shirt and a long black coat on and with your child on your hip that had sound proof headphones on and a bunny coat on, in the most expensive club in Japan. Everyone was dressed so revealingly and so flashy. As you walked through the people to get into the VIP section you saw some women coming in and out of that section. Oh? Now were you aware that Bonten invited strippers? Yes. Could Ran send them out even for a few minutes because he knew you were bringing Rai? Yes. Did he? No. You will have some kind words with him later for now you need to get your lovely husband.
The second you walk in you cover your child’s eyes. A stripper was trying to get the attention of your husband while he was clearly uninterested.
“Ehem” you made yourself known.
The stripper turned around confused. And the second she did her face went white.
She sure seems familiar.
“Y/n ma’am, what are you doing here?” She seems scared. While Rin peaked his head from behind her. The second he saw you the biggest smile appeared on his face. He opened his arms and so did his daughter at the sight of him. You put Rai down so she can go to her dad.
“I came to pick up my husband.” You gave her a relaxed smile. “ Do I know you by any chance? What's your name?”
“Yuko ma’am! I used to work under Eada, ma'am.” She announced. Her posture was the same you would see in the military.
“Ahh Eada’s team.” You sigh. “Haven’t spoken to her in a while, but I heard she proposed to her girlfriend. Oh don’t look so stiff, love relax”
“Sorry to interrupt your little reunion but how the fu- '' Sanzu looked at your daughter who was playing with her dad’s hair. “Flip.. do you guys know each other?”
“Old days when I was doing mafia related things.” You shrug off.
“Ma’am you were the second to the boss! People like me could only dream to work under you, to even only see you.” The woman said. Her eyes now fill with admiration like she just met her favorite celebrity.
“Oh you speak too kindly of me, but thank you. I’m glad to see you doing well.” You pat her on the shoulder. “When you see me do tell me if anyone courses you or anyone else who works here, any problems. I will make sure that the ‘problem’ will be taken care of, right?” You look over to the men that were sitting on the couch, clearly confused.
“I’m sorry.” Ran says confused. “You used to do what, Y/N?”
“I used to be in the mafia.” You said with such an innocent voice.
“Rindou, did you know about this?” Koko asked.
“Of course I did! I'm married to her, you idiot!” He said while smiling at his daughter.
“And you never thought about telling us that the lovely wife of yours used to be in the mafia?”
“No? Why would I? When was that relevant?” He answered confused.
The members were shocked. You? Y/N? The most calm, loving, innocent and caring person on this earth used to be in the mafia?!
“This is a joke right?” Kakucho asked.
“No.” You answered with a calm voice.
They know you wouldn’t lie about something like that. Why would you?
The silence is broken by little Rai.
“Papa food! I’m hungry!” Little girl announced.
“Well you hear the princess! Home time!” Rin said while standing up with Rai in his arms on his way to leave the VIP room.
“It was nice seeing you all.” You said. The second you turned around to leave you heard.
“Ma’am!” You turned around to face Yuko. “I’m so sorry I didn’t know he was your husband.”
“Oh don’t worry! How could you possibly know?” You gave her a smile. “Stay safe, love” You said with a smile and then were on your way to the exit. After putting Rai safely in the back of the car, Rindou sat in the front passenger seat.
“I love you, you know that, right? I’m all yours.” Rin said.
“I know that sweetheart and I love you too.” You said and leaned to give him a kiss. “Ran, sent me a photo of you being bored out of your mind and said that you weren’t interested in any girls. Also we need to buy you a power bank.” Rin smiled.
“Of course, love.” He was truly lucky.
Yuko turned around to face the men that were too lost for words.
“Do you have any pictures of Y/N from the mafia time?” Kaku asked.
“Ah of course!” She said then when to get her phone. When she came back she had the photo ready. “ This is Y/N and Eada.”
In the photo there were two young women.The photo was showing them from waist up. One had short, black hair, a small smile on her face and a cigarette in her hand and next to her. You. You were smiling with your tongue out and your eyes wide open with one hand doing the peace sign while the other arm was hanging around Eada’s neck. Two things in common. You were both wearing suits and you were both covered in blood, you more than Eada.
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hyena-honeybadger · 1 month
This is my first post, I will mostly do cod smut and fics, if you have any suggestions I’d greatly appreciate it.
{I very much recommend listening to change by deftones during reading this as that was a huge inspo to my writing style}
CW: Smut, angst, mean/abusive price, child abuse, blood, manipulation, kinda dub-con, kidnapping, Stockholm syndrome, torture, mental torture.
Katz und Maus
- Every day seemed the same when you’re were a ghost, it blended together, not living but merely haunting. You’ve never been off base, you live the life of a soldier but never go on missions… price wouldn’t allow it, your his daughter but barely, your no t related, and he never treats you like one. You believed at some point he loved you, you thought that at some point he actually like the idea of having a little girl, a princess he could spoil, somebody he could dress up, raise. Now he doesn’t know how he could ever think that, he had a job and nobody to look after you, he soon saw his ‘daughter’ as a pest in his own home. He’d be gone for weeks on missions, he’d come back hands bloodied, the lingering scent of blood and the cigar he’d smoke. He’d just sit on the couch in silence. You never knew when was the turning point of the house becoming oh so quiet, as years past and you grew up you both had had the mutual understanding of just living with each other. He now never talked of you, it was never “my daughter.” It was “Y/N.” The most you’d usually talked was when he’d make a cutting comment, and as much as he tried to care, try to find the dream of having a daughter you were never that. So he’d just say things, with well honesty “you should workout more.” “Your really gonna eat that?” “Have a great time dressing like that with a base full of men.” You hated it, but all do did was nod in hopes that one time one of his comments would be one of praise… but honestly all you’ve ever wanted was a father …or somebody… anybody… yet you didn’t try to talk to anyone on base, they have gotten used to you not talking that it would be odd if you did… you didn’t find much of a point of anything, your mind constantly tormented by imagery you had wished your sorry mind had repressed and forgotten about but was instead instead another tool used by life to torture you. Break your will. How did I get here… why am I here…
- Blood dripped down your nose as a reminder of your existence, that your not yet a ghost. It was so quiet… so cold… the night was almost a void you wandered in lost in your own empty sorrowful mind, not knowing how far you’ve gone from base. Things that you knew didn’t exist stung in your mind, it festered… it got worse, blood, the knife… your mothers scream… and something new… leaves crunched behind you. “Schatz~” your whole body stings in shook, legs buckle yet you don’t fall. It’s not real, it’s not real, it’s not real. You echo in your mind and yet the footsteps get louder, to frozen to move, you let this entity approach. “Your ways away from your base aren’t you maus?” You shudder not being able to wander haunted by this voice, your body refuses to turn around, not wanting to know what horrible imagery your mind would come up with to torment you, you tightly close your eyes…drip... Once again that blood reminds you your alive… I’m real… the thing behind me isn’t… yet your were so utterly mistaken. Your eyes flash open and you feel a tight hand over your mouth, you try to scream out but your voice is trapped in your throat, you thrash around, but he was stronger. Your eyes immediately glaze over in fear. Something pricked you and your neck stung but only for a minute before collapsing, your weak body caught by him. Your consciousness slipping, you tasted blood in your mouth from your nose… this is real… he is real…you slump unto the ground gradually your body lying against his legs, a quiet laugh echos and your in the void…
I had been watching the 141 base for a while, I was staked out on the outskirts of the base I had access to there cameras and just waited, if there were an opportunity I wouldn’t be shy to seize it. As a watched over i saw the court yard,few soldiers grouped up, smoking, laughing… i flipped around the other cameras nothing notable. eventually I circled back around to the one of the courtyard… the group seemed to be looking at something out of the vision of the camera, one tall guy points to it and seemingly waved it over, yet there expression wasn’t one of humour or playfulness instead, a darker look, a glare to whoever this was. They said something. A girl wearily walked into sight of the camera shakily, she sharply glanced around if as she didn’t know what was going on and how she got there, confusion and innocent fear plastered on her face. The group radiated aggression, one walked up to her and grabbed her wrist to which she pulled away. Poor maus… His hand whipped across her face, she fell, face darkened on the camera with blood… she was then collapsed on the ground, shaking like a cold kitten, the man standing menacingly above her yelling something. The rest of the group laughing behind them. I watched this go on for a few minutes, yelling, laughing, shaking. At some point the group must’ve gotten bored and had left the poor maus alone, to which she sat, hands covering her face, shaking.
I hope you enjoyed this, I'm fully new to posting, so I might be inconsistent at first. I know it's not that much smut, but stay tuned!
Stay tuned for part. two !
- By Hyena -
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celefrfr · 3 months
hiii!! can i get an angst to comfort joost fic where the reader is just having a really hard time lately w everything. like family, work, and just everything in general is stressing her/them out so they get really distant bc they feel bad about burdening joost and joost jusr shows up at their apartment and is like “why” and they break down in tears and it ends all fluffy?
February i almost died.
notes: this is actually a bit gotten from a real story, i removed the happy part of it , made parts different , and i just added joost lol, im good now, dont villanize my mom, she was very sad too because she knew i was always crying, shes a good person
summary: literally look at the request 👍
WARNING! theres a part where Y/N commits sh (head banging)
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Reader was always a very clingy person to Joost, always texting him, asking him to hang out, going to restaurants, but, november came, her mental health started to go down, she felt lonely, like nobody wanted her, like she was a burden, she never spoke, whenever she did she'd get ignored, she always argued with her parents, she made each of them cry at least once, she was guilty, she was close to running away from everyone and never coming back, the only thing stopping her was that she didnt have any money to use, one day, she was in her room listening to music, bawling her eyes out, in fetal position,her mom came in, she kinda screamed "go shower, and do your room." her voice cold "CANT YOU SEE HOW DOING RIGHT NOW?" Y/N screamed back "Y/N, youre never happy." her mom left and closed the door, Y/N got up, and slammed her head into the wall twice, she got white flashes each time, joost lived in an apartment, attached to hers, he could hear the banging, the crying, the screaming, as Y/N was pacing back and forth in her room just crying, joost was trying to find her , she didnt want to be a burden to him, so she ran to a public bathroom and just cried there, her eyes were already puffy from the day before since she cried everyday, when she calmed down, she went back to her house and into her room, just to find joost talking with her parents, he was almost screaming, arguing "YOUR FUCKING DAUGHTER IS ON THE VERGE OF KILLING HERSELF OR RUNNING AWAY AND WHAT DO YOU DO? OH YEAH, LETS SCREAM AT HER A BIT MORE, MAYBE SHE WILL BE HAPPY, WHERE IS YOUR COMMON SENSE?" he yelled, her dad yelled back "SHE TRIES TO MAKE HERSELF A VICTIM,SHE NEVER LISTENS" joost didnt even answer, he noticed her rooms door closing so he ran and found her on her bed, staring into nothingness "what happened?" he asked, his tone concerned, he was almost gonna cry too, Y/N didnt answer, she just fell into his arms,crying, she showed him the mark of her head on the wall to him, he didn't say anything, he just packed her bags and got her to his house, made her favorite tea, atleast attempted to, since it was an ethnic recipe, put it near his bed, and got with her, trying to comfort her, he held her to his chest, she gave him a faint kiss on the cheek, the stubble hurting her face a bit, she didnt care, since it was him "Why didnt you tell me anything?" he asked "i didnt want to be a burden to you." she answered, he didnt say anything, just hugged her, he saw her eyes getting heavy, almost falling asleep on him, she looked so cute but so miserable, the only things keeping her alive were him and her phone, he kissed her, and told her "just know that if you even ran away i would find you and come with you.", the period of her life that went from november to february finally ended, she was there, felt happy, loved, for once.
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immoralimmortals · 4 months
Akatsuki Member Songs and Headcanons
I have had years to ruminate to myself on certain songs I listen to that get associated with certain Akatsuki. I'm gonna try to present some of these pairings in a comprehensive way for you guys.
I can 100% replicate this post several times over with different songs and explanations, so I most likely will. We will see! Songs are linked within the post.
Pain: Mr. FEAR by Siamés
This man wants to fix everything, and yet if you look deep enough, he is absolutely crumbling. He is the Mr. Fear, literally, to instill fear in order to bring what he dictates as peace. The song itself is simultaneously calm and chaotic. Despite how conflicted he ends up being, every single contradiction is still said as a command to the listener.
Standout lines:
I wish I had a faster therapy
I've come to mind control your needs
Just trust in me, my dear
Don't fight with me, my dear
Don't trust in me, my dear What cure is coming near?
Konan: Youth by Daughter
Youth, hope, suffering. She has experienced life in that order, and it has left her an angel in constant mourning. This song is, to me, the retrospective side of her, the part of Konan that is still a scared and hurt young lady, the place in her mind that inspires her to keep going for something better. I specifically associate this song more with her loss of Yahiko and the original Akatsuki than her actual childhood.
I could literally quote the whole song for her, so I recommend you listen if it seems interesting. Here's some painfully selected lyrics:
And if you're still breathing, you're the lucky ones 'Cause most of us are heaving through corrupted lungs
We are the reckless, we are the wild youth Chasing visions of our futures One day, we'll reveal the truth That one will die before he gets there
Collecting pictures from a flood that wrecked our home It was a flood that wrecked this home
Zetsu: Dangerous by Big Data
This song sort of changed my brain chemistry, both in general and about Zetsu. If you pair the (honestly very strange and parodic) music video with the content of the lyrics, it creates an idea of heightened awareness of insidious knowledge and, though it is meant about modern advertisements, I also take it about being spied on in general, being dangerous because of your knowledge of the world against you. When I started associating this song with Zetsu, I began seeing him more as an active character than one that merely is there. His spying has purpose, he has motives.
Standout lines:
You understand, they got a plan for us I bet you didn't know that I was dangerous
Nobody's listening when we're alone Nobody's listening, there's nobody listening, No one can hear us when we're alone No one can hear us, no, no one can hear us And I've gotta get out of here Sink down, into the dark
How could you know, how could you know? That those were my eyes Peepin' through the floor, it's like they know It's like they know I'm looking from the outside And creeping to the door, it's like they know
And especially if you're in a shipping mood:
It must be fate, I found a place for us I bet you didn't know someone could love you this much
Tobi/Obito: Dirty Imbecile by The Happy Fits
Being an Uchiha is hard, you know? The expectations, both from your clan and from everyone else... Obito really put the bar of achievement really high because he thought that's where he'd finally be respected, so much as acknowledged. This is a song about being much more deep down than the fool you seem to others, the righteous desire to be worth your many efforts.
Standout lines:
Damn this town and damn this city You never give me anything that I want No one seems to really care They're just wholly unaware Of all the blood and sweat I cry before dawn
Am I good? Is all I could enough for you? I'm so scared of when and where I'll find the truth
Count my little scars, I've got dozens down inside I come complete and invincible behind my dirty imbecile
Hidan: Nothing Personal by Night Riots
Relaxed yet vicious, I think this is a good pairing to think about how he must strut about, preaching of Jashin. You can't be better than him. He will always know better, be better, believe better. Self-centered prick. I adore his confidence.
Standout lyrics:
The center of the world is lonely me Float along through the catacombs The endless cycle, flesh to bones
I’ll be the king, you’ll be the filth I wash away Nothing personal, personal, personal I am the light, I am the truth, I am the way Nothing personal, personal, personal
I’ll take your crown, I’ll make it mine As you sulk your days away Numb yourself and think of me
Kakuzu: Ain't No Rest for the Wicked by Cage the Elephant
I highkey associate a lot of the themes from the Borderlands series with Kakuzu, featured songs included. This song is pretty self evident to me, overtly about how money motivates people. In my view of Kakuzu, he has crafted over his many decades of war and hardship this encompassing, compassionless worldview of why people do things. If you say "money is the only thing that matters" and you're older than like, a five year old who got their first dollar, you are going to have a strong and elaborate justification for it. It's a song about hard truths about humanity, some things that will never change and you need to accept without taking it personally.
Standout lyrics:
Oh there ain't no rest for the wicked Money don't grow on trees I got bills to pay, I got mouths to feed There ain't nothing in this world for free Oh no, I can't slow down, I can't hold back Though you know, I wish I could Oh no there ain't no rest for the wicked Until we close our eyes for good
He made it clear he wasn't looking for a fight He said, "Give me all you've got, I want your money, not your life But if you try to make a move, I won't think twice" I told him, "You can have my cash, but first you know I gotta ask What made you want to live this kind of life?"
I saw a preacher man in cuffs, he'd taken money from the church He'd stuffed his bank account with righteous dollar bills But even still I can't say much because I know we're all the same Oh yes, we all seek out to satisfy those thrills
Deidara: Fear & Delight by The Correspondents
Brief aside: gorgeous music video, very skillfully made. Deidara would love it. Certainly a mastercraft of editing and camera tricks.
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Dynamic, vibrant song. My partner has used this song as a pairing with another character, comparing the love interest in the song to courting something you really probably should not be. Deidara courts with destruction and death with absolute abandon. His art is beautiful. His art will hurt him. He's so, so okay with that.
In addition, I think this song describes really well how he approaches things that are novel and perhaps frighten him.
It is, again, literally the whole song but here's a couple of lines:
I'm a little boy that's gonna be getting his fingers burned But I can see this lesson's gotta, gotta, gotta be learned
In any case, my friends, it's too late Like a moth to light, like a beast to bait And I know the black widow eats its mate
I'm an innocent being seduced by your charms I'm a young boy tickled to death in your arms Your kisses taste like bitter almonds
Addiction pulling me to a grave end You're an enemy who I'm keen to defend Down the black hole of my lust I descend
Why is it that I'm keen to be devoured by you When there's the option of a love affair that's pure and true? I always choose the dungeon over the sea view
It's wrong but I want you tonight
Sasori: Body by Mother Mother
This guy hates every inch of his human body. As soon as he realized he could change himself, every cell of skin, every drop of blood, every breath of air was cursed. As long as he is flesh and bone, he suffers. This includes even the barest hint of humanity in the cylinder that is his heart. If he could get rid of it, he would. The body only exists to get in the way. He will break these confines.
It is. Yet again. Just the entire song that works for him. Here are a few lines:
Take my eyes, take them aside Take my face, and desecrate Arms and legs, get in the way Bodies break
'Cause I've grown tired of this body A cumbersome and heavy body I've grown tired of this body Fall apart without me, body
Kisame: Promiseland by Mika
It's no secret I adore thinking about Kisame's worldview, and I think this song is a wonderful insight into it. He is the definition of disillusioned, trying to find out what he can really depend upon, if anything. He has nothing to lose. He's already lost it all.
Standout lyrics:
Sold my soul, broke my bones, tell me, what did I get? Did my time, toed the line, ain't seen anything yet Strike me down to the ground, you know I've seen it before Make it hurt, I'll eat the dirt, I just don't care anymore
I kept my promise, man, show me the promiseland
And the whole world's bringing me down
One person's lie is just another man's truth We kept on running from the devil, but the devil was you Every time I see the light, I'm falling deeper in debt If I've never seen the good, how can it come to an end?
Itachi: The Villain I Appear to Be by Connor Spiotto and Molly Pease
Itachi puts his mission first before anyone's impression of him, even that of his beloved brother. However, he can still yearn for his understanding, his respect. The song reflects on doing the right thing without slowing down to explain, lest it be too late, and hoping the pieces may be put together later. Maybe it'll be in your favor, maybe not. That doesn't matter as much as the outcome of your actions.
Standout lyrics:
Nothin' left to do but Try to take the leap and follow through And that's exactly what I'll do
I don't plan on slowing Down, no I'll keep on going Even if you think I'm in the wrong
I know that's what I'm here for I don't wanna wait around anymore Even if you can't see The good inside me
I don't have the time to tell you Why I do the things that I do Just please hold on and soon you'll see That I'm not the villain I appear to be
And I know you think I'm crazy But I hope that maybe Now you'll see why I had to try
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livwritesstuff · 1 year
2002, established relationship, dads!steddie living in boston with their 1yo daughter, another excerpt of this bc i think it's my actual fav part
“I’m done with this goddamn city,” Ed yelled up the stairs, “So fuckin’ serious, Steve. I’m out.”
Steve sighed, well-acquainted with this one of Ed’s many tirades.
Just as he was standing up from where he’d been sitting at his desk looking over some notes and prepping for a counseling session later that afternoon, he heard the door shut loudly (though not a full slam, he noted, because Ed had Moe with him). He headed out into the hallway in time to see Ed coming up the stairs, Moe balanced in one arm.
“What happened now?” Steve asked.
“An idiot BU kid driving Daddy’s Lexus almost T-boned me with Moe in the backseat because — apparently — red lights are just a fucking suggestion here.”
“I mean…I’m pretty sure you ran every red light in Hawkins when you were nineteen.”
It wasn’t a helpful comment, per se, and Steve knew that, but when Ed was riled up like this, there really weren’t any helpful comments available.
“That’s entirely different,” Ed countered, passing Moe over to him so he could pull off his own jacket, “There’s, like, six people on the road at any given moment in Hawkins, and two traffic lights.”
“Okay, well, we can move, love,” Steve said tiredly, steadily approaching his limit for how many times he could listen to Eddie rant about this particular issue without taking any sort of real action to solve it, “Nobody said we had to stay in Boston. Also — we can actually afford to buy a house now, so…”
“Wha— we can?”
“A down payment, yeah.”
“The fuck is a downpayment?”
“Uh…” Steve paused. He’d long since become comfortable with his role in his and Ed’s finances — being that he’s almost entirely in charge of them. He knew that Ed had grown up worrying about money in a way that Steve never had to so he actually liked being able to take over that part of their life together. He liked being able to let Ed not think about it (even though sometimes it meant that his thirty-five-year-old life partner asked him what a goddamn down payment was), “It’s kind of like putting a security deposit down on an apartment, except instead of for securing a lease, it’s for securing a loan — sort of. That’s…there’s better ways of explaining it, and there’s a lot more to it, but it’s sort of like we’re paying a certain amount of the mortgage upfront to prove that we’re committed to paying it off month-to-month.”
“How much is it?”
“Depends,” Steve shrugged, running a hand over Moe’s hair as she started to doze off, her head drooping down to rest on his shoulder, “Pretty sure twenty percent is considered, like, ideal, or something, so it all comes down to what our budget is.”
“What’s our budget?”
Steve leveled an eyebrow at him.
“What?” Ed asked.
“Do you actually wanna know? Because when I tried to show you our electric bill last week you pretended to be asleep.”
“Uh — buying a fuckin’ house together is totally different from you reprimanding me about leaving the heat on too long.”
“I don’t think I’d have to reprimand you anymore if you saw the electric bill.”
“Okay — yes, Stevie, I actually would like to be involved in our finances just this once because I care very, very deeply about us buying a house. I really do.”
“Alright,” he replied, knowing he still sounded a tad skeptical, “I mean, if you actually wanna know about this stuff, I’ve got some spreadsheets I’ve been using to keep track of that kind of thing, and we can—”
“Baby, if you wanted to talk about spreading sheets, all you had to do was ask,” Ed grinned wickedly, an expression that slowly began to fade as his eyes slid off of Steve’s and onto the opposite wall, probably as he considered how wise a comment that had been to make.
Steve stared at him for a long while.
“Okay,” he finally said, “I’m gonna go put our child down for a nap. If in that time you decide you can be a grownup while we talk about spending a fuck-load of money on property we’ll own and be entirely responsible for, let me know.”
“You got it, man.” 
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fedcrypt · 3 months
buffy summers x female!reader
WRITING WARNINGS: we’re in for an angsty one tbh! buffy has been officially dead and in heaven for two weeks currently in this fic! mentions of mental health problems, mentions of drinking alcohol to the point of toeing the line between a normal individual and borderline alcoholic, also this is a pre-established relationship!!
XOXO, CHESHIRE — this fic begins my anthology series and i’m so excited to write all of these fics for y’all! it’s not gonna be dropped all in one day but overtime so please don’t rush me on this series but please do enjoy it!
a fortnight had changed the fate of everything. a simple two weeks had destroyed y/n y/l/n. she was supposed to be dragged away by the police, upon a legal order that her own mother had called in — out of worry for her own daughter, but no one ever cared to even show up to drag her kicking and screaming to the nearby psych ward in the sunnydale hospital.
her mother only noticed how even more quiet her daughter had become and how she became a hollow version of herself but never tended to notice how much alcohol that she was consuming in unhealthy amounts.
in fact nobody had. not even her dear friends or even frenemies had noticed it despite how much time she had spent with them. living more similarly to a phantom then an individual.
everyone simply assumed why y/n had become more quiet than ever was due to her grieving as everyone else happened to be. they didn’t notice that she would wait til she was alone in her family home during the night and scream as loud as she can, slurring her words and nearly tripping over her own feet, as she would go on and on about how the love of her life had performed her own quiet treason. how buffy summers refused to listen to her girlfriend’s own pleas to not sacrifice herself, once again, especially with the knowledge that she would never make it back alive.
buffy went behind her back and she blamed her. but, oh, how she loved her unabashedly and terribly all the same.
it was ruining her life transforming her into a terrible shell of the woman that she used to be. the treason made her damage everything that made her who she was and made her lose herself to the point of her dreams, whenever she would blackout from the alcohol, were filled with all of what she wished to tell buffy anne summers.
“you finally got me to be yours after years of me pining after you! years of you going to other men, having other lovers, while knowing for a fact that i’ve been in love with you since i met you! it only took that damned weekend trip to florida as you didn’t wanna be alone and you kissed me near the mailbox! you looked so damn cute wrapped up in my favorite sweater and yet i only held you and had you as mine for two weeks! two damned weeks buffy! then you go and ruin it all for what?! saving your sister when we could’ve gone down a different path if you just listened to me for once and didn’t go on to sacrifice yourself like you always do for others that don’t even care for you doing this repetitively!”
just another drink. just another sip. just another blackout sleep. that’s all y/n told herself as she stumbled upon the staircase upon her journey to her bedroom. then she’d stop and let buffy go.
she’d stop loving buffy for the first time in years and just let the pretty blonde slayer go with her very last blackout sleep. one more night to see her in her dreams where she could let all her feelings out. just one more step and she’d be in her room. just one more step and she could let go of everything in the comfort of her bedroom. just one more step.
just one more step and her sorrowful heart could stop beating it’s depressing drum. just one more step and the wooden door creaked open to reveal the pretty deceased blonde sitting upon her bed with soaking wet hair from her shower and grave dirt still underneath her fingernails solely dressed in y/n’s favorite sweater.
just one more step and she could feel her heart starting to sway away from it’s depressing drum. just one more step and she could reach out to touch her again.
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vroomvroommbtch · 2 years
Only us - DR x fem!OC
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Summary: It only took Daniel four years to ask that question, but it was worth the wait.
Pairing: Daniel Ricciardo x fem!OC
Warnings: Fluff all over the place.
Word count: 4.4k
A/N: How are we feeling after yesterday, DR girlies?! One Monday not being sad is a tiny victory so I take it 😌 Here some fluffy stuff to enjoy on this Halloween day. Now I can go back to my regular schedule of watching The Addams Family movies again and again. ANYWAY, let me know what u think? Send me asks if u want? Thanks for the likes and love, kiddos. Means the world. Kay see ya bye 🫰🏻
Only us.
April 2022.
Having one second of silence when they were in Australia was something nearly impossible, but Jas loved it. She loved the mess that included being there. She loved the noise that included being surrounded by family and friends, so Jas was nothing but happy. Spending some days at the farm in Perth was like a breeze of fresh air that they all needed, but especially Daniel. Plus, the fact that the race in Melbourne had quite a decent result was a big plus, so things were good, at least for those weeks.
With yet again another season that started poorly and another car that wasn't as fast as Daniel was promised, things weren't looking good, but none of that really mattered when they were home. All they cared about was spending time with their families. Not a race, a CEO, a car or a team principal was gonna ruin the happiness that gave Jas seeing Daniel with his parents and sister. But especially, nothing was going to ruin the joy that brought them watching Olivia spend time with their family, and especially watching her play with her cousins. Listening to Isaac, Isabella and Olivia giggle together was something too pure, too magical and too perfect, and nobody in the world was going to ruin that.
But even in the middle of the beautiful mess and noise, her tiny little family of three always found a way to spend some time being just them. It didn't happen often all things considered, but Jas loved the little moments that included just her, Olivia and Daniel. They were pretty counted, so she cherished every single one of them, even if they included dirty diapers.
While everyone was chatting in the living room and Aoife, Grace and Esme were starting to make dinner, Jas was in their room, dealing with a change of diapers, which was probably her less favorite part of being a mom and having a baby. But as she was cleaning and drying Olivia, two arms suddenly hugged her back. She couldn't help but smile as she felt Daniel place kiss after kiss against her head, shoulders and neck, making her laugh like a little happy girl. That was the effect Daniel had on her since they met, but it all became somehow bigger since Olivia was born. If Jas loved Daniel before, she loved him a hundred times more since she saw him turning into a dad. She felt in love with him again and again and again every single time she saw him with their daughter, and that day wasn't different.
"You smell nice" Jas smiled, looking over her shoulder for a second as she stroked Olivia's tummy with her fingers. "Not like you, you stinky little butt. You need a shower after dinner, you hear me? Well get you a nice bubble bath" Jas said to her daughter, which she answered with some cooing and a big toothless smile.
"I just took a shower but that bubble bath thing sounds like something mom and dad should do tonight too" Daniel suggested, placing one last kiss right on Jas's temple before he moved to her side to look at Olivia, but still hugging Jas with his arm around her waist. "I'm sure Maggie and Michael won't mind looking after her for a night"
Jas couldn't help but giggle when she heard her sister and Michael's names coming from Daniel. She couldn't help but laugh not because they wouldn't want to take care of Olivia like they did countless times, but because she imagined they were going to be kind of busy that night. "You mean Michael and Maggie the ones that mysteriously left in a boogie like two hours ago? I don't think so, babe"
"Remind me again why the hell they say they're on a break if they're fucking around like mad rabbits anyway?"
That was a very nice question that Jas has been asking herself again and again, but she couldn't really find an answer. Plus, she didn't want to mention the subject in front of Maggie, knowing it was nothing but delicate to bring that up. She really couldn't bring it up in front of Michael either because his answer was always the same 'We're trying to make it work', but Jas doubted it. So not being able to talk to them, they all just looked away when Maggie and Michael were basically undressing each other with just one look. Or in this case when they disappeared on the farm, not really giving any explanation of where they were going. "Don't remind me what my little sister and my friend does. And I don't know. It's their thing"
"We can always ask your parents. Or mine" he proposed, looking down at Olivia as Jas made her laugh and move her adorable tiny legs in the process. "What's so funny, uh? Mum's tickling you, baby girl?"
And like any other day, Jas couldn't help but stay looking at the picture in front of her with a smile on her face. Daniel tickling Olivia's tummy with his fingers to make her giggle even more was just the most beautiful thing in the world. Hearing her cute little giggles was music to their ears. See the way her husband and daughter looked at each other was simply everything Jas ever wanted, so it made her heart be filled with nothing but happiness. And to see Daniel being a dad was something difficult to put into words. The way his whole face changed and lightened up when he was with Olivia was magical. The way his eyes seemed to spark and the way his smile just grew bigger was incredible and it all just made Jas melt of love and happiness.
"Wanna spend the night with grandma and grandpa? Wanna do that so mum and dad can have a little bit of fun sleeping tonight?" Jas asked Olivia while she secured a new diaper around her tummy. And once it was done, Jas took the chance to grab her chubby perfect legs to kiss first her right feet and then the left. "You've the most adorable tiny baby foot in the world! They're like paidrín. Look at those fingers!"
"We can sleep but maybe also we can give her a sibling" Daniel whispered, as if their three months old daughter was able to understand what they were saying.
Jas knew Daniel's suggesting was nothing but a joke, but she also knew that deep down it wasn't just a joke. They wanted more than one kid, they wanted at least one more sibling for Olivia and then maybe another one because three was the magic number in their home, but timing was far from right. Olivia came in whenever she wanted and it's magical how she ended up picking the perfect timing to show up in the lives. She appeared when they needed her the most, and for that everyone in their family was thankful and happy but for the next one they wanted to do things right. They talked about it when Jas was pregnant and again when Olivia was born, so no matter how badly they wanted to perpetuate the Ricciardo name, they were going to wait for the right timing for their next Baby Badger.
"Ah, no so fast cowboy. Not till she's at least two or three. We can barely survive with one" Jas reminded him, standing straight to give Daniel a loving kiss on his lips. "It'll come, you know that, right?"
"I know. We can practice some meanwhile" he affirmed, kissing Jas head once again. "Can I?" he wondered, pointing to the onesie that was waiting right besides Olivia.
With a smile and a fast kiss on his lips, Jas left Daniel took care of putting Olivia's clean onesie on her body. She didn't say a thing as she looked at them, too scared to ruin the moment. With the crazy, busy schedule he had, there were counted days Daniel could dedicate his full time to being a dad. There was always some event with sponsors, there was always a meeting, there was always some publicity thing to do, especially when they were in Australia. But on the days that he was free, he would put his heart and soul into it. From changing dirty diapers and clothes, making bath times a complete mess and tummy time as fun as possible to inventing the most ridiculous stories, warm perfectly her bottles or sing lullabies absolutely out of tune, Daniel wanted to do every single thing that would include Olivia. They knew it was the most normal thing for a dad to do, but Jas never complained when she was the one taking care of it weekend after weekend. She never complained when she was the one getting up in the middle of the night or when she had to take care both of an exhausted Daniel and a sleepy Olivia. It was her job as a mom and his partner, so she did it all with a happy smile on her face, thanking her lucky stars for having her wonderful family by her side.
But the days that she got lucky to see Daniel being a full-time dad were her favorite ones. The constant happy smile on his face, the constant shine on his eyes, but especially the constant relaxed state he was it was something amazing to see. Since they met, people used to say nothing and nobody made Daniel smile as Jas did, but Olivia replaced her. Since she was born nobody made Daniel smile as much as their baby girl, but Jas was more than happy to give that place to their daughter. She couldn't blame him because nothing made her smile more than Olivia.
As Daniel carefully dressed Olivia while tickling her, Jas just watched them with a smile on her face, just as big as the one on Daniel's face or as the toothless grin on Olivia's face. She just looked in silence, letting them do their thing and have another one of their moments.
"Remember what I said to Michael the night we met?" Daniel suddenly asked, buttoning the green material in the front part of the onesie.
"You told him you had no idea who I was but you were going to marry me. But he told you that first you needed to talk to me" she remembered, smiling even more at the memory. "I mean, first you stuttered and then your tried to charm me with the whole Enchanté thing, but then you got to talk"
Even after four years Jas could remember that night perfectly. It felt like it was yesterday when she was sitting on the side, talking with the girls as she saw Michael walking up to them. It felt like no time had passed since that handsome tall man with Australian accent apologized for interrupting them, saying that his stupid friend was tongue tied and dying to know if he could invite her a drink. It felt like it was just some hours ago since Jas smiled all happy as she was trying to act cool and chill when in reality she was dying because she couldn't stop looking at Daniel since they walked in. Sometimes, and even when they already had a daughter and a life together, it felt like they were the same kids. Even four years older and with shorter curls, somehow it felt like no time passed for the Daniel who got all blushed as soon as she started speaking French, making him think he fucked up with the Enchanté trick.
Everything that happened between them was like a weird fairytale and every single day since that night Jas thanked her lucky stars for meeting Daniel, for them falling in love but also for them getting stuck together side by side on good and bad days. From Monaco to Dublin to London to Perth and the rest of the world, Jas got to live her dream life all thanks to the man of her dreams, so she was nothing but thankful to whatever put them together, that also included Michael for getting up and going to talk to her back then.
"You really had to be completely perfect and talk fluid French. And Italian and Irish. Beauty and brains that's why I was so convinced there was no way you would ever want to leave with me. Thank God you did" he affirmed, placing one last kiss over Olivia's forehead, making her giggle. "Thank God your mom was drunk enough to ask me if I wanted to leave with her" he stated, grabbing Olivia in his arms and holding her against his chest.
But the second that Olivia saw Jas, a sad pout appeared in her face which meant he wanted to go with her. "What's us with you? You missed mum in the six seconds she was away?" Jas asked Olivia, who answered with some baby sounds, as she placed her tiny hands in her mom's face as soon as Jas grabbed Olivia in her arms. "Yeah? I missed you too. I always miss you when you ain't around. You're my práta, right? You're our paidrín"
"How many words you Irish people have to say potato? Cause I feel there's a new one every single time you speak" Daniel wondered moving his arms around Jas' waist, getting as close as possible to his girls.
"Ninety. Every single one means something different" she explained with a little shrug. In the four years they had been together Daniel really tried to learn some words in Irish, but it was just simply impossible. The only thing he could remember was how to say 'I love you' because Jas would say it to him and Olivia all the time but then that was it. But after four years Jas wasn't really surprised, especially when he barely knew how to talk a few worlds in French after a decade of living in Monaco. "Wanna go back to the living room?"
"In a minute. Can I talk to you about something first?"
"Alright. Now I'm scared. What did we do?" Jas asked, looking up at her boyfriend who was suddenly serious. That was more than rare considering it was Daniel and he was with them. Jas knew there was no way something was wrong between them and Dan promised not to talk about work for the rest of the week, but she could see how something in his eyes was eating him.
"You did nothing wrong. All's good" he promised, kissing her lips to then rest their foreheads together. "You know how much I love you, right?"
"I do know. I love you too. We both love you" she whispered, suddenly getting emotional. She knew. Clearly, Jas knew. For four years all Daniel did was to show her day by day how much he loved her. In every single way he could find, Daniel showed Jas his love for her and then for their family. She could have doubts about everything in her life, even herself, but never in her life she would have doubts about Daniel and their love. She would never do that, especially not when the proof of their love was right in their arms. "What's going on, babe?"
"I just- I love you. I love you so fucking much, baby. I'm the luckiest man in the world cause you're my girls. I see you every day with our baby and then I see you carrying our family with so much love while you also handle all the shit we have around us and I still don't know how you do it. You've so much on your plate while being pregnant but you keep holding all- holding me up in the worst days. I really have no idea what I would've done without you last year. I really don't know how I would've get through it if it wasn't for you there by my side. I really don't know what I did to deserve you, J. I've no fucking idea but I want you to know I don't take anything from granted. Especially not you and her" he explained, big brown eyes looking down at her, shining with love and adoration, all while he stroked her cheek with his right hand.  
"I know you don't take anything from granted, especially not us. I know you, Dan, so you don't have to say anything" she whispered, holding Olivia with just one of her arms to place the other one against Daniel's heart. "I told you hundred times, I'd do it hundred times and I mean it"
"Actually I do have something else to say. You know I don't regret things in my life, but there's one thing I do regret not doing years ago. I like to think it didn't happen cause it was the wrong time. I should've done it earlier but then pandemic fucked us all over and you were right when you told me we should wait to be able to celebrate with our family. Besides last year was shit and then this one decided it was her time to shine" he smiled, looking at Olivia and kissing her tiny nose fast to keep talking. "I also know its pretty stupid to do it now cause the question's gonna sound stupid considering there's no better bound that our baby girl. Also I wanted to do it more special and remarkable but I can't fucking wait. I love you, Jas. I love you since the moment I saw you and I love how you always leave me speechless by just looking at me. You leave me so speechless that I had all this thing prepared in my head and now its all gone cause you're looking at me and I can't with those brown eyes. I love you so I'm just gonna-"  
And right there in the middle of their bedroom, Daniel kneeled right in front of her, all while he took a little red box out of the pocket of his shorts. Jas knew it was gonna happen one day. She knew Daniel wanted to marry her just as badly as she wanted to marry him. They knew it wasn't really necessary, they knew it was just a silly paper and that none of that was gonna change their relationship, but they wanted it. Even when he had been saying for years that Jas was his wife, he was dying to make it official, so there he was, finally ready to make it.
"Danny, babe, you don't have to…" Jas whispered, grabbing Olivia with one arm as she reached down to stroke Daniel's cheek while tears started to stream down her face.
"Let me. Please, just let me" he begged, kissing her palm before he grabbed her hand in his. "I love you, Jas. I love so much it's insane. And I know the last four years weren't a walk in the park and they probably haven't been what your expected. I'm wide aware you deserve more, you both deserve more and better. You deserve a better husband and a better dad, but I promise I'll do better for you. There's nothing I wouldn't do for you. I just- I've no idea what's gonna happen in future, but all I know its I wanna keep living with you by my side. None of it will ever make sense without you so, would you please, please finally marry me, babe?"
In the middle of the pandemic and during one of her lower days, Daniel called her like he normally did every day. He was away working in X and she knew he was tired, she could see all over his face how tired he really was after a day of practice and quali. But even with all that, Daniel called to cheer her up. With some cute compliments and words, Daniel made her smile like nobody could. Jas had no idea how that turned into wedding talk. She had no idea how they ended up talking about their plans, but suddenly Daniel was confessing more than he should have. He was planning to do it some day that year but all his plans got ruined before he could even get a ring. He didn't want to ask while they were locked and away from their families and friends. He didn't want to do it without being able to celebrate with them. He wanted to wait, but that day he was so tired and she was so sad he almost did it. He was about to drop the question right there over the phone, but Jas stopped him. Promising there was nothing she wanted most than to marry him, Jas begged Daniel to not ask. Not when she couldn't hug him, not when their families were away, not when the whole world was a disaster.
But the thing that she asked for was a specific detail about the ring. Since he didn't buy it just yet, Jas told him that whatever he decided to do with the ring was his thing, but she wanted it to have three stones. She didn't care about color, size or karats, she just wanted three. 'I want you in everything, but especially in my ring, you heard me?' were her exact words over the phone, which made Daniel laugh as he promised he was going to make it happen. But then the pandemic and the lockdown came and went, they couldn't go to Perth, then the pregnancy and Olivia and everything in between. But after two years, an insane amount of kilometers, places, laughs, tears, love and a baby girl, there was Daniel kneeling in front of her with the most beautiful ring she ever saw. On a silver band there was an oval cut red garnet that was nothing but breathtaking, and on the side as accent stones were two smallest diamonds. It was just like she wanted. It was exactly as she had dreamed. 
"Get up, grá" she stated, kissing Olivia's head as she waited for Daniel. She didn't need any of that. She didn't need him kneeling in front of her, or a big proposal, she just wanted the love of her life in front of her as she gave him an answer. She just wanted him and that's exactly what she got when suddenly he was back on his feet, stroking her cheek carefully to clean her wet cheeks. "I knew I was gonna marry you when you said 'Enchanté' the night we met. And I knew it again when I woke up by your side. I've known it for the last four years. I've been dying to marry you four years and there's nothing I want more than being your Mrs. Ricciardo, so of course I'm marrying you"
They had to be more than careful because Olivia was right in the middle of them, but the way Daniel kissed her was just the most perfect and beautiful thing in the world. They were just two giggly messes, trying to not smile as they kissed, but it was impossible. They both were so damn happy to finally be doing this that they just couldn't help it. There was nothing more Jas could ask for than being with Daniel and Olivia for such a moment, so she was all smiles and giggles as Daniel hugged them. "You've been my Mrs. Ricciardo since day one, princess"
"And I'm the luckiest for that"
"You're really marrying me?" Daniel asked again, double checking as he kissed her head during their hug.
"Of course I'm marrying you, sunshine" Jas insisted, tiptoeing to give him a short kiss. But as soon as she did, she could hear such a soft, adorable little giggle coming from Olivia, who was looking at both of them. "And I think she's happy about mum and dad finally doing it"
"I think she would be happier seeing mommy wearing this" Daniel affirmed, taking the ring outside the box and then grabbing Jas' hand. She shouldn't be surprised about it at all, but it fitted perfectly. It somehow felt like a dream when he grabbed her hand and put the ring in the right finger of her left hand. It felt like a dream the fact that Daniel asked her to marry him, especially with their daughter there. It felt like a dream to have both of them by her side, so like every day, Jas couldn't help but mentally thank all her lucky stars for them.
"You designed it, didn't you? Cause that's her birthstone" Jas pointed out, looking at her hand and its new acquisition, still not believing how beautiful it is.
But her favorite thing was the red garnet. It wasn't just her favorite color but also Olivia's birthstone, so Jas was absolutely happy that Daniel decided to leave behind the common engagement ring and go for something different.
"I did design it. I spent a lot of time looking for the perfect one and it seemed like it didn't exist. Nothing was good enough, that's why it took me so long. Besides I can give you diamonds any other day, that's why I thought this was way cooler. This way you can have us always with you" he explained, holding her hand to kiss her finger and the new shiny stone decorating it. "Thank you. For saying yes, for her and for everything"
"Don't thank me. It's my thing to look out for you and specially to love you. Its what I do best and its my favorite thing to do. Wouldn't change it for the world. Wouldn't change you for the world. We said its us forever, so I'm here to make it happen" Jas smiled, remembering the promise they made again and again, especially in the worst of the days.
Whatever happened, it was gonna be them forever. Two or three or whatever the number of their little family was going to end up being, it was them and that was the important thing. As long as they had each other everything was gonna be alright. That's what Jas promised to Daniel again and again, especially on the worst days when he needed a reminder that they were gonna be together no matter what happened in his racing career.
"Its us forever" he repeated, kissing her once again. But before Daniel could kiss his future wife once again, a little incoherent cooing interrupted them, making them look at Olivia. "Did you hear that? Mum and dad are finally getting married!" Daniel exclaimed, kissing Olivia's cheek, making her laugh with the scratching of his stubble against her skin.
And Jas wanted to make a joke, saying it was about damn time for him to ask her, but she decided to keep it for later. After all, she had the rest of the night and the rest of her life to do it.
@amsofftrack @d0ntjudgemy50shades @a-distantdreamer​
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aprillikesthings · 3 months
I bitched and moaned about how hard it is to write, and then nearly 900 words fell out into the google doc.
Ffs. Why am I like this.
ANYWAY this is like, multiple chapters ahead of the chapter I should be working on, and it's from my late 1960's au, and it's Catra hitchhiking from somewhere vaguely midwestern-ish to San Francisco
And yes, I had to google "when did 'family' become slang for gay people" for this bit lol
(Nothing bad happens to her other than uhhhh a bit of nasty name-calling from a trucker when she turns him down for a ride)
(usual disclaimers: this is first draft and could end up heavily edited by the time it's on ao3)
Catra packs her bag as quickly as she can. A wool blanket. A couple pairs of underwear. A couple of tee shirts. The paisley scarf she’s been wearing in her hair. She only has the one pair of jeans, it’ll have to do. The tiny amount of weed under her mattress and the few rolling papers she has left, plus her cigarettes and matches. After a bit of internal debate she puts on a bra–and tucks her wallet into it. Not that there's much money in it.
She doesn’t leave a note. How long will it even take for them to notice she’s gone? 
It takes two buses to get to the highway out of town, and she sticks her thumb out. 
Her first ride was some younger teenagers, who got her to the edge of the suburbs. She used the bathroom at the gas station and stood at the onramp to put her thumb out again. Her next ride was a trucker, and she hesitated at first but he had kind eyes and said, “Miss, I promise I’m not gonna to do any harm to your person, I just like havin’ some company.” He was true to his word, and didn’t even ask her name. He listened to country music and he tried to ask her where she was going and why, but she deflected and asked him questions about himself. Turns out he had a wife and kids at home. (I should write out the conversation)
The way he talked about them made something in Catra’s chest hurt, at the same time she could’ve listened to the love in his voice all day. 
Nobody ever talked about her that way. 
He drove her for two whole states and didn’t mind when she passed out asleep, and even insisted on paying for her breakfast the next day. “If you were my daughter, I’d hope someone would take care of you. I can tell you have a kind heart, you know. I’m sure you’ll help someone else, when you can.” Catra wasn’t able to stop the tears fast enough over her diner coffee and pancakes, and he was nice enough to pretend not to notice them as he smoked a cigarette. 
But he had to sleep himself and then he was going north, and so he left her behind at a gas station just before the California border. 
It took longer to get a ride this time, and it was hot enough that the horizon shimmered in the sun. 
The first person to offer her a ride was another trucker, but the way he leered at her made her stomach turn, and she shook her head and walked away from his truck. 
“Hippie bitch! So much for free love, huh?” A few people stared and her face burned. She tried to go back into the gas station just for the little bit of air conditioning, but the woman behind the counter looked up from her magazine and said, “If you’re not going to buy anything, you can’t be in here.”
And so Catra stood on the onramp again, thumb out, hoping to get a ride before she died of heat stroke.
A half an hour later a little pale blue sedan pulled over. Another older man. But he smiled at her. 
“San Francisco, huh? Going to the summer of love are we, honey?” But he said “honey” the way the diner waitress said it, so with a quick silent prayer she got in. 
“You poor thing, it’s so hot outside. I bought a couple of Cokes, and one of them should still be cold, if you want it.” 
“Yeah, if that’s okay with you?” 
“I wouldn’t offer if I didn’t mean it!” 
It was the best-tasting thing she’d had since that diner breakfast. Finally refreshed a little, she looked over at him. He had a silk scarf around his neck as a tie of sorts, and his clothes were as immaculately neat as his car, even in the heat. 
“So, uh, are you going to the summer of love, too?”
“Oh, no!” He laughed, but not in a mean way. “No, I live there. I’ve just been visiting some…family.” He said that last word oddly.
He looked at her in sideways glances. “Hm. Speaking of which. Are you…Oh gosh. I don’t know the way young people say this anymore. But are you family, yourself?”
Catra looked at him with confusion. “What?”
He cleared his throat and his face turned pink. “Now, I don’t know whether this will reassure you or not, in regards to your safety. But while you’re a lovely young lady; I, shall we say, have no interest in women. If that bothers you, I can let you off at the next gas station.”
“Oh, no, that’s fine.” Then his words sunk in. “You’re gay?”
He glanced at her again, then took a deep breath. “To my mother’s chagrin, yes; I’m a homophile.” He was smiling again, but it was strained. “Is that a problem for you?”
“No.” She bit her lip. “I am, too.”
His smile became wider and far more genuine. “I knew it! I knew you were family.”
“What!! How?”
“Just a vibe, honey. We often know our own.” 
Catra relaxed into the bench seat and laughed. “You’re only, like, the third person I’ve ever told.” 
“Really? Well, I feel honored!”
[Author's note: As far as I can understand from what I read, "homophile" was the preferred term by a lot of people for several decades. "Homosexual" was sometimes disliked because it was used as a diagnosis of mental illness, back when it was thought you could cure it--it also reduced our orientations to just sex as opposed to romantic love that included sex. By the late 1960's it wasn't quite as popular, "gay" becoming the preferred term, but some older people and organizations still used it.
Also as of right now, at this point in the story, the other people who Catra's told are Scorpia (because she came out to Catra first) and Entrapta.]
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jakeyzzz · 1 year
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*repost !*
masterlist ♡
☁️ angst/fluff ☁️ - heeseung x f!reader oneshot -
💗⚠️ warnings - (swearing,violence,heeseung's stepdad being an asshole,divorce,mentions of fighting,eating,concert,big crowd,heeseung and reader are parents,kissing,cuddling,crying,a lot of fluff, singing, dancing in a big crowd, fear,discomfort) - 💗⚠️
🌸 please let me know if I missed anything ! 🌸
!! english is NOT my first language so please be nice ♡⁠˖⁠꒰⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠⑅⁠꒱ !!
✨☁️ 1230 words ☁️✨
You and Heeseung have been in a Relationship for a really long time now,and you both couldn't be happier. The Moment your eyes met for the very first time,you both immediately knew that you were meant to be together. And you were right. You two are a match made in heaven. That's for sure. You both love going to concerts , listening to music, making music , and you're both really fucking loud. That might be annoying to other people around you sometimes but you really couldn't care less.
Nobody could ever stop you from screaming Lyrics during a car ride,or having random Karaoke Sessions together at your shared Apartment. Heeseung is your first love...and you're more than sure that he's also gonna be your last one. He's your Soulmate. Heeseung's Life wasn't always that beautiful. His Parents would fight a lot when he was little, which eventually made them divorce. He lived alone with his Mom for years. When he was old enough, he started to sneak out a lot to go to random parties with his friends, or even concerts.
After a while his Mom found a new Boyfriend. And he didn't treat Heeseung good at all. He said things like ,,You're just like your fucking Dad...such an Idiot" ... or ,,I hope you're finally gonna leave soon because i really don't wanna see you anymore" . He sometimes even slapped him,which made Heeseung cry a lot sometimes. His Mom didn't know anything about her Boyfriend's behaviour towards Heeseung. And Heeseung never had the courage to tell her. It would break her heart. He was also very scared that her Boyfriend would do something to her. He didn't know what to do. He wanted to leave. He didn't feel comfortable at home anymore. So he decided to move out. And after he moved out, he told his mom everything. She immediately broke up with that Man,which Heeseung was pretty happy about. And one Thing was for sure. If he's gonna have kids in the future,he would do anything to protect them.
And when Heeseung saw you at that one Concert he went to for the first time, he knew that he wants to experience everything with you. You spent the whole night after the concert together. You sat down in the Corner of a convenience store, and talked to each other as if you've known each other for years. You both got some late night snacks and just enjoyed each other's presence. You've never felt so comfortable around anyone before. You both exchanged Phone Numbers,and after that one Night you spent together in some random 24h convenience store you never stopped talking. Heeseung called you everyday ,you went to some small dates every once in a while and after some months of hanging out , you started dating and eventually moved together.
And there you are, 8 Years later with your beautiful 5 Year old Daughter Arabella . She is just as beautiful as your soon to be Husband . And the Scene in front of you made you melt. She was currently taking a Bath with Heeseung, singing and laughing with him. You were just leaning against the Doorframe watching them with so much love in your eyes, as your daughter asked a question which immediately made you smile at Heeseung. ,,Daddy ? How did you meet Mommy?" The little girl asked. Heeseung looked up and smiled at you as he began to speak. ,,Well you know...Mommy and I both love going to concerts right ? And one day I went to a concert of a Band called The Artic Monkeys with my Friend Group. And guess what...they played a Song called Arabella ! And that's when I saw your beautiful Mom for the first time. That's also why we named you after that Song. She was dancing and sometimes she looked a bit funny but she was so cute. And then she turned around and our eyes immediately met. I remember her smiling at me before walking towards me to pull me into the crowd. And then we danced together. I don't know how she got me to dance but she did. And I also loved how colorful she looked. Almost everyone was dressed in black and she was wearing the most colorful flower dress i've ever seen. And she never let go of my hand... not even during When The Sun Goes Down. And we spent the whole Night together after the concert. And after that one Day we both fell in Love...and we never left each other's Side since that day. So yeah that's how I met your Mommy my Love" Heeseung explained.
Arabella giggled. ,, I wanna go to a concert !" She said happily before literally jumping into Heeseung's Arms. In that Moment you didn't even notice your Tears rolling down your Cheeks. One Thing you love about Heeseung is the way he talks about you. It makes you feel so lucky to have him. And he knows that. But as soon as Heeseung laid his eyes on you again,he looked worried. ,,Angel ? Are you okay ?" Heeseung asked as you slowly started walking towards him and your daughter before carefully sitting down next to the Bathtub. Even Arabella looked at you with her big brown eyes now. You gently smiled at her. ,,I just realized how lucky I am to have you both. I love you so much" You said. Heeseung smiled before gently stroking your cheek with his wet Hand and pulling you in for a soft Kiss on your Lips. And right after that you saw your little daughter covering her Eyes,which made You and Heeseung laugh pretty hard. You gently took Arabella's Hands off her Eyes to give her a quick Forehead Kiss. She smiled at your little gesture before she puckered her Lips to give you a tiny Kiss back...and of course she did the same Thing to Heeseung , which made him giggle.
A few Minutes later they finally both got out of the Bathtub to get ready for Bed. Before you went to sleep,you decided to watch Arabella's favorite Movie. It's Frozen. And the three of you started singing along to every single Song. It was such a beautiful Moment as a Family. And since Arabella was allowed to sleep in your Bed tonight,she fell asleep faster than expected. Well you can't even judge her for that...she fell asleep in Heeseung's Arms. You felt so happy watching your two favorite people right next to you as you carefully caressed your Daughter's Hair while she was already sleeping. Heeseung smiled at you. ,,I wish I could explain how much this means to me. I love you so much" Heeseung said with the most beautiful Smile on his Face.
Before he could say anything else, you softly kissed him. The Kiss was deep,but still very soft since you had to be careful. ,,I love you" You said right after you broke the Kiss. Heeseung chuckled. ,,Let's go to Sleep mh?" He said as he still softly caressed your Face. You nodded before quickly pecking his Lips for the last Time. And a few Minutes later you both fell asleep hugging your daughter. You had no Idea how you deserved this,but there's one thing you knew. You were gonna stay with Heeseung forever.
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kining-the-evil · 2 years
Hi!! I was wondering if you could please write a Jason Dean x child reader?
Like has a baby sister that he takes care of and tries his best to protect her from their dad. Nobody else knows about her but he is the classic big brother takes the role of father and he is super protective and treats her how a father would treat a daughter.
Thank you and sorry if it is confusing
Movie Night Promise
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An: I have written this like five times, each with a different idea. I hope you enjoy this. Also, I kinda mess around with the timeline of when Jd’s mom died. Reader is 10 years old, and was a baby when their mother died
Warnings: talk of suicide, mention of murder, a gun is seen but not used. This was my first time writing a Jd x child reader, so I Hope this was ok.
Jd could only think of three people he ever gave a shit about. There was his mom, but he didn’t want to think about that. There was Veronica, which was a dangerous ‘rip your hair out’ kind of love. And finally, there was his sister, y/n.
A baby when he watched his mom died, he felt like he had to protect you. Simply so your dad didn’t cause you to go down a similar path.
So he did anything to keep your life running smoothly. He kept you fed, clean, clothed, and made sure the name ‘Dean’ was as far from you as possible. Last thing he needed was his reputation to follow you around.
“Get up.” He flipped the light on to your room, his patience running out. He tried twice now to be nice and yet here you were, still in bed. When you didn’t move he walked over to your bed and yanked the blanket off.
“Hey!” You sat up straight, glaring at your brother. “What the fucks wrong with you?”
“Don’t fucking swear at me. And I told you to get up almost an hour ago.” He reached down, grabbing the book and flashlight that had been under your blanket. “And if your going to stay up all night, at least do something interesting.”
He started walking out, and you stuck your tongue out at his back. “Kitchen in 10.”
“Kitchen in 10..” you mocked before getting up.
While waiting for you, jd stood in the kitchen smoking a cigarette. He knew it would piss you off, you hated the smell of them.
“You’re gonna kill yourself with those.” You spoke while dragging yourself into the kitchen.
“You aren’t even dressed.”
“It’s Saturday,” you simply stated. “Why did I have to get up again?”
“I’ve got places to be.”
“You mean you want to fuck your girlfriend?”
“What the hell made you think you could talk like that?”
“You.” He simply glared at you, and you glared right back.
“There’s food in the fridge, and don’t fucking leave.” He started to walk away, but stoped when he saw your disappointed face. “How about this, movie night tonight. Then you have an excuse to stay up.”
“Bring me home a slushy and you have a deal.” He shook your hand to make it official before walking away, leaving you alone in the house.
He hurried back into the house, cursing himself. It was almost midnight, and he genuinely hadn’t planed to be out that late. But sex had led to sleeping, then another ‘suicide’. Which of course led to an argument with Veronica and her kicking him out of her house. It wasn’t until the adrenaline wore off that he realized how late it was.
He could hear the tv on, and he prepared himself for the guilt trip the moment he walked in.
“Listen kid, I got a little caught up with something. How about tomorrow we do something like-“ he stoped when he didn’t see you in the living room. Instead his dad was passed out on the couch. Great. He was going to leave, but paused when he saw your book on the couch. Might as well take it up to you, it could be a peace offering.
He grabbed it before going upstairs, keeping it hooked under his arm. He stuck his head into your room, not seeing your form in bed. He continued down the hall to his room, and he found you there. You were wrapped up in one of his blankets, laying on his bed.
“Hey, grabbed your book,” he held it up to show you. He elected to leave the light off and pulled his shoes off before walking towards the bed. Once closer, he noticed you were staring up at nothing. He rolled into bed, laying next to you. “What are we looking at?”
“You won’t ever kill yourself, right?” He hated that the question didn’t surprise him. You asked the same things every time Bud made you watch those damn videos. They sent you into a sort of spiral.
“Na, I’d have to kill you too.”
“That’s not funny,” you snapped. Clearly you weren’t looking for jokes.
“Y/n, I will never leave you alone with that asshole. I don’t care how much I want to die. Got it?” You were quiet, but decided to cuddle next to him. Most of the time he’d push you off, making some stupid joke, but this time he let you.
“You didn’t bring me a slushy.” You finally said, making him chuckle.
“I’ll take you to get one tomorrow,” he promised.
“Not now?”
“Go to sleep.” He ignored your question, letting his own arm wrap around your body.
“Your gun is poking me,” you mumbled. He reached into his jacket to pull it out and threw it on the nightstand.
“If you complain about anything else I’ll send you back to bed.”
“I love you Jason.”
“I love you too y/n.” He didn’t say it often, but you took it any time he did.
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crims0nghozt · 5 months
ok different from my usual fun posts + ik y'all won't give a fart abt my opinion but i really need to say something that nags at me a lot on here
i was talking to my friend on discord (great way to start this 😭) and we got to the subject of like, calling celebrities/historical figures fine and/or crushing on them. which at first i was like "weird" but when i thought abt it more idrc it's normal to crush on celebrities/historical figures even. but what i started to think about again was that thing that always bothers me when i see things about one of my favorite actors
i'm being vague right now but dw i'll elaborate
basically i'm not talking about how people call celebrities fine and crush on them. idc about that, while i don't exactly do that myself. that's just expected atp. but what i mean is when people actively sexualize and say REALLLYYY LEWD shit about a REAL, BREATHING, ALIVE PERSON who could very well SEE THESE POSTS. it's always irked me when seeing posts about, you probably didn't guess it, billy moseley.
this is gonna cause some irritation in the fandom i think but i seriously get weirded out when i see people sexualizing the guy himself. like, i understand his characters, but i've been seeing some people on here genuinely sexualizing HIM.
uh hey did you guys forget he's MARRIED AND HAS DAUGHTERS?? 😭 that's SUPER FUCKING WEIRD DUDE
like I've seen it way too much and people never say anything about it. you guys are sitting here saying this lewd shit about a real man who could very well see it. while yes, i may not know his boundaries, realistically i don't think he'd appreciate being sexualized by gooners on tumblr/the internet in general while he has a literal wife.
listen, i'll leave this topic alone when i see/hear proof of him saying he doesn't care about being sexualized. until then i think y'all r honestly kinda freaks (not in a good way) for this. like yeah i love bill moseley, he's a good guy and he's a really good actor. but you guys are just taking it too goddamn far in my opinion by saying all this weird stuff about him.
now i know all this isn't new, and people have been saying weird sexual shit about many celebrities and still are, and i'm not saying that stuff is normal either. all of it is still very weird. i'm just only commenting on the stuff I've seen in the fandoms i mainly interact with recently and i've just been seeing way too much of this and while i usually don't comment on it, it just has been bothering me that nobody's said anything about it??
anyway a tldr for ppl like me who hate reading long Tumblr posts: people have been sexualizing bill moseley (himself, not his characters) way too much and i find it weird af
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snootsnooter · 8 months
Nobody asked but I have thoughts and want to babble so y'all are my dubiously willing rubber duckies.
Thoughts on various Hazbin Hotel characters under the read more
Charlie - She's very cute, naive, and uber optimistic. Genuinely I'd call her a sweet little cinnamon roll. Though, that being said, so far she's felt like a pretty one dimensional character in the four episodes we've seen her. I really do hope she gets a little more characterization as the show goes on and that she doesn't end up with the same issue Millie from the sister Helluva Boss show has.
Vaggie - I really like her new design tbh! Characterization wise though I really wish we knew? Literally anything about her? The most we get is a hint that okay she died in 2014, she's Charlies gf, and has been involved in war / battles thanks to the classic group bonding episode. The only real interesting thing she might have going for her is? That she could POTENTIALLY be some fallen angel / ex exterminator, as per old hazbin headcanons claim, or that she might be one of Carmilla's daughters. Again I'm hoping she ends up getting more characterization soon and doesn't end up another Millie. Also why the hell does Husk and Angel Dust have more chemistry after episode 4 than Vaggie and her already established gf do? I'm??
Angel Dust - An interesting character for sure, and I'm very curious to see how his story plays out. Could do without him making everything sexual 24/7 but given the situation the character is in and how he tries to cope with it, it's whatever.
Alastor - Idk I actually don't really have a whole lot to say about him? Sure he's interesting, I want to know his motivations as to why an overlord like him is helping Charlie and why both he and Lilith were gone for 7 years but??? Idk I'm sort of indifferent to him at the current moment? He's kind of just the one note silly wacky chaos character with mysterious motives. I do really like his voice though!
Nifty - I thought I'd like her more than I do but? Honestly I don't really care for her at the moment. She's the typical yandere character but, again like most of the female characters in the Hellaverse, is kinda one note and ultimately forgettable. Nor do we know anything about her (yet).
Husk - Gonna be honest, this grumpy kitty had my heart from the pilot. He's def one of my favorite characters in the show, and personally I think his backstory of being, for lack of better terms, a fallen overlord is really interesting. For having been a gambling con man magician in his human life, I do have to wonder why he was chosen to be a cat rather than a rabbit? or perhaps a snake? Though I suppose the magician aspect of what originally went into his character had since been dropped, since they seem to have leaned more into him being just a gambler. His budding relationship with Angel Dust, whether be it as friends or eventual lovers, is very cute and very genuine tbh. Still questioning why they have more chemistry than Vaggie and Charlie but here we are. I also really adore his singing voice ough it's very smooth and very pleasant to listen to.
Velvette - oh lord I do NOT like this character, but then again, I don't really like any character that has the typical Bitchy Influencer tm type personality... Or any of those irl influencer type folks in general. Though I do want to know why? she was made english? I mean I understand a good portion of it is probably so that the three V's are unique in some way with Vox being the american one and Valentino the latino. Making her english certainly gives her that distinction from the other two, I suppose I'm just surprised they didn't go with the California valley girl type accent for her.
Valentino - vile, sleezy, disgusting, I love him. He's absolutely everything a villain like him should be. I'm personally super glad that his big red coat isn't? actually JUST a coat tbh? I think it's a super neat idea that it's actually his wings folded over his body and held together with either some sort of clamps (like the decorative enamel pins you'd find connecting both sides of the lapel on a leather jacket) or some kind of piercing.
Vox - oh no why is he my type.
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bitchinbarzal · 2 years
hi, little bug | bugs world
summary; all the little moments about bug. This is short but it’s just something I thought of.
The name first came about when you were watching a movie on the couch. Quinn’s head was propped up on the bump while your hands raked through his hair.
He felt her kick the side of his face and jumped looking at you then the bump “Did you-“
“She kicked!”
You marvelled in her ways then watched as he lowered his head to the bump and mumbled
“Hey little bug, nice to know you’re really in there”
He spent the rest of the night talking to her and calling her little bug
The name stuck with everyone else too.
“How’s our little bug doing?” His mom would ask on the phone “and our favourite daughter too of course!”
His brothers would fist bump the bump whenever they saw you “Hey lil’ bug! You fully baked yet? No? Still chilling?”
Jack shouldn’t be given large sums of money because he spends it all on his niece. He bought her every bug themed thing ever. Clothes and Teddies enough for the masses.
“Jack she doesn’t need this!” “You don’t know that she could need multiple blankets at once!”
“You bought twelve!” “It gets cold in Canada!”
She was mentioned in most interviews when they could add it in
“Yeah i really enjoyed teaching the kids, my niece actually-“
“Yeah you know my brothers always a good opponent and my sister in law is here, she’s pregnant with mg niece-“
Elias had started talking to her closer to the end
“kommer du ut snart liten bugg?”
Are you coming out soon little bug?
Brock’s dogs had joined on using your bump as a headrest, which was just them being protective. You had always watched them while the boys were out of town on roadies and so when you became pregnant they got very protective.
This was clear one Sunday when the team arrived back in Vancouver, Quinn, Brock, Elias and Thatcher were all back at yours.
As soon as the door opened Milo started to growl, standing in a defensive pose towards the door while Coolie stood in front of you.
“Woah, buddy it’s me!” Brock exclaimed, never seen his dogs like this before.
“They’re my personal body guards” you laughed, lifting up from the couch before adding
“Actually more like body guards of bug” as soon as you said the word, both of their heads spun to you and cocked sideways in curiosity.
You laughed “Oh not you two as well!”
When she finally made her grand entrance to the world she was doted on from the moment she arrived.
“Hey little bug, oh god you’re so beautiful. I’m your daddy” he was walking around swaying her, he hadn’t stopped staring at her for a while. You and her were both asleep but he stayed awake not wanting to miss a second.
When her uncles arrived it was like two new people had entered the room, suddenly quiet and calm.
“Hi baby bug, I’m your uncle Jack. Oh I love her so much already”
“I love you bug, so much. You come to uncle Luke if you got a problem. I’m gonna protect you forever and ever”
You’d never seen either of them care for something so much ever. The way they handled her was notably adorable, like an egg they were scared to crack.
Your mother in law was another, tears in her eyes
“Oh she’s so beautiful, we’re so proud of you both. welcome to the world little bug”
and his dad,
“Our first granddaughter,oh my-““dad are you crying?”
Nobody else met her until you got home. The dogs were waiting for her by your door, they’d usually jump up but stayed down watching you enter.
“Hi my boys! Oh my goodness I missed you!” You exclaimed, placing the seat down “Come and see little bug!”
Brock was jealous of the way the listened to you “I wish they’d listen to me like that”
They were stuck to her from that moment, when Elias came in they growled at him until you told them to stop. They did keep an eye on him while he lifted her up and walked around with her.
Even followed him to put Bug to bed, staying with her until they knew she was asleep.
By the night you were tired with all the guests and parenting you wanted bed. Just about to climb in your caught sight of her angelic face in the soft light, hovering above her crib you mumbled.
“Welcome home little bug, you’re so lucky you don’t even know it”
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saltygilmores · 2 years
Thoughts While Watching Gilmore Girls-Season 2, Episode 12, Part 2 ("Richard In Stars Hollow")
Part 1 and all other episodes here
"You built me a car?" "I built you a car." Version 2.0:
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Yes it has already been established that a car has been built.
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Sorry Lorelai, he's not gonna build you a plane for you to fuck him in. #SexPlane
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Let's see how Lorelai takes this completely factual observation.
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If your grandfather had pulled out your father wouldn't exist and I wouldn't be here listening to "you built me a car" again and having to hear about Lorelai's Sex With Dean Plane. What does your father and grandfather being good with cars have to do with anything? How does that make you a mechanic? Where's that motorcycle you supposedly had in season 1? Why is your scarf so ugly? I bet that coat you're wearing smells. That haircut is so stupid. It's that time again! Time for "Dean proceeds to get a very snippy attitude with an adult and Lorelai doesn't care because he's not Jess and she wants to fuck him on their Sex Plane."
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You're a certified Butthead, that's all you are.
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Gotta love Lorelai jeopardizing her daughter's life by letting her drive some death trap built by a 17 year old butthead with zero automotive experience because "it's a nice thing he did." It's not a fucking ceramic mug he made for her in a pottery class, it's a car. He built her a car (did you catch that yet?) Lorelai just gets more and more insufferable and we're only at the halfway mark of season 2. It will continue to go downhill from here. *straps in* Isn't this the car that Jess totals in Teach Me Tonight? That's the only good thing to come out of that wretched episode.
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Rory, you gotta stop with that sad puppy face, you're breaking my heart. If he's so fucking good at bulding cars why didn't he do that for a living after high school instead of just being a career butthead? Why didn't he go to automotive school or something and keep himself busy and do something to contribute to society instead of trapping poor Lindsay into making his meatloaf? (#JusticeForLindsay) Why is his face so god damn punchable? I hate everything about you, sir. I wish you would perish. Truly. He claims Gypsy inspected the car (I think this is the first time she's mentioned on the show?) but literally 30 seconds ago Richard asked him "have you even driven it past a mechanic?" and he said no, but now all of a sudden all of these people have inspected the car. Butthead continues to snip at, make sarcastic comments to, and raise his voice at Richard. Rory and Lorelai just stand there. I'm not convinced Butthead can even read no less build a complicated piece of machinery. Richard and Dean mosey on over to Gypsy's in their respective cawrs so Butthead can prove to Richard that his Death Trap is safe. Gypsy inspects Dean's Metal Box of Death and declares there is absolutely nothing wrong with Dean's handiwork. He did a perfect job. We are to believe this 17 year old butthead who had to fake knowing how to read to impress Rory and is not in the automotive trade made aboslutely zero mistakes building a car from a scratch. Mmmkay.
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Really? Great! That was the plan all along.
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...should have pulled out. We learn a little more about Butthead's family history besides the fact that his father's pullout game is weak. His father has a shop where he sells and installs stereos. His mother transcribes medical records. And that was your peek into the exciting World of Butthead.
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While it feels like every breath and eye blink exchanged between R&J has had a PHd thesis written about it at some point, there are some scenes that nobody seems to care about, like this one? It got to a point that I never saw it on Twitter and Instagram and between viewings of the show I would start to think I must have imagined it. Why, I don't know. Because it's cute as heck and it's one his more clever pranks. Certainly better than the chalk outline.
You gotta love Jess putting dirty movies into G-rated movie boxes. Unlike the chalk outline prank, he did it purely to get back at the people who had screwed Rory over. My sweet baby.
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How utterly depressing that this is not even a joke anymore and a completely true statement in the year 2023.
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No. No bye. You stay right here. *holds him hostage* Let's enjoy a few screen shots of pure unadulterated joy.
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cerisia76 · 1 year
what’s a ship you like that most people don’t?
what is the most underrated ship, in your opinion?
favorite AU ideas for Driven?
what’s your favorite headcanon of Flora/Anagan?
Waw I'm answering this so late it's crazy! What's a ship you like that most people don't?
Actually there are quite a lot because most of my ships are totally fanon so they aren't that popular amongst the fandom. I would say tho that a ship I really like that isn't popular in Winx fandom has to be Klaus/Morgana. Yes they are underdeveloped and seem to appear out of nowhere but I just feel like they complete each other perfectly. Morgana is a queen calm, trying her best to be fair and she has the responsability to take care of all a people while Klaus is kinda goofy trying to take care of his bar and his daughter with a sense of organization near the zero. He's the funny part she needs and she's the only one to calm him down and make him relax. They fit well.
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But as a non-canon couple I would say Icy/Timmy. Listen, I know he's afraid of her but I just can't help but love a dynamic where one is in power but also vulnerable to what the other think and says and doesn't even realizes it.
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What is the most underrated ship, in your opinion?
I will talk about my ships and it's a tie between two Diaspro ships. Diaspro/Timmy or Diaspro/Krystal.
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Diaspro is in desperate need of someone who will treat her right and won't hurt her the way Sky did. But she also needs someone who's gonna calm her bitchy temper. Would Timmy speak his truth and tell her she's a bitch sometimes? Honestly I can see it happen if they learn to know each other. Krystal on the other hand would definitly be empathizing and help Diaspro realizes she deserves someone better but also that she deserves to accept herself and stop trying to be mean at everybody because she's scared nobody will ever love her. These two ships are honestly full of potential for me and I really wish people would talk about them more!
Favourite AU ideas for Driven?
Gosh so many AU ideas are amazing to me. Honestly I'd like the After season 4! AU in a reality where after everything that happens with Valtor, Darcy doesn't end up in a season 5 scheme and would try to either move on with her life and try to be a witch businesswoman or try to take on the world with her sisters for GOOD REASONS (like in the first seasons when they wanted power and recognition because of how bad witches are considered by society and how unfair it seems to them) AND NOT FOR A FISH, face the Winx again and this time Riven has grown up, she has grown up and they realize they still care deeply for each other and have now the maturity to give their feelings the place they deserve.
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I also have a soft spot for the motor race AU because of the episode they met each other. If there's a little rivalry because of how good they both are I'd love it too.
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Also the AU where they never stopped talking with each other and just don't tell anybody because it's their thing.
And sometimes if it's well written I can like a Riven stays with Darcy even if she wants to take on the world AU.
What's your favourite headcanon of Flora/Anagan?
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Oh gosh I have so many... Like it's a tie between:
-They at least kissed each other during their trip to Sybilla's Caves and it's their little secret
-If they build a family, Anagan is the "friendly dad" who tries his best to give good life advice to his children and plays with them but ends up being another child for Flora because he's kinda childish when with his kids. But their family works well and they care so much for each other.
Also he felt first and harder, I love this one.
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loriane-elmuerto · 2 years
—something something sentence Thursday
Got tagged by @dihardys and @indorilnerevarine to share a WIP I'm working on, thank you! Surprise surprise, it's not cod, it's jjba, in honour of stone ocean ending today (guys I'm so not ready you cannot believe)
Gonna tag @chuckhansen, @queennymeria, @countessrooster, @lucky-107, @cryptcombat, @florbelles, @unholymilf, @jendoe, @jennystahl, @shellibisshe, @cobb-vanthss, @heroofpenamstan, @cptcassian, @jackiesarch, @risingsh0t, @roofgeese, and @prometheas, only if you want to! ❤️
Putting this under a
Caroline doesn't know how long she has been on her feet, her hands never once leaving her husband's chest. Not even the long hours of the hospital that have trained her can keep her up for much more, but the sheer fucking will that has been instilled in her screams that if she moves away for even a moment, she will lose Jotaro for good.
Golden Saint, always the realist, keeps reminding her that Caroline is only exhausting her own life force for nothing, that all they can do now is wait, but Caroline can't wait. Apparently, she's been sitting and waiting for disaster to strike for almost twenty years now, which, in her own humble opinion, is just insulting.
Twenty years. That's how long their friends knew that Dio was alive, and nobody had said anything to her. As if she was a precious fucking porcelain doll that would break at the mere touch. Twenty years of silence had now destroyed the family she had worked so hard to create and maintain, the family she sacrificed her own dreams for. Her firstborn daughter, the girl that had endured too much for such a young age, now in prison for a crime she did not commit. The man she saved time and again, the one who always put his life on the line to protect her, now dead in her arms. Their youngest boy, only ten years old, but already exposed to old horrors that follow their family like a shadow, hidden away in Avdol's care, all alone on the other side of world.
Oh, how she wishes that she was still 29 years old, sitting with Jotaro on the front porch of his old home, watching Jolyne play with little Sherry as the sun was setting behind the children's backs. Where they were still happy, still in love—
"You're losing focus, Caroline." Saint's voice never failed to bring her back to reality. The Stand with the plague doctor mask was standing on the opposite side of Jotaro's bed, plague doctor mask in hand. Caroline hated at that particular moment that her and Saint had the same face.
Her throat was still raw from screaming and crying over her losses. "What do you want me to do? Pace around the room like a caged animal, driving myself insane as I watch my husband's body rots with each passing minute?" The mere thought forced her to press her palms down even harder, continuing the healing process.
"What you're doing is feeling sorry for yourself over the current situation. Your mourning the future, a future which won't even happen. You're focusing only on here and now, which, by the way, is slowly killing us both."
"You don't—"
"Shut up and listen already. You and I both know that Rejuvenation will not work, he needs both of the disks back. So focus on that. You, standing here, wasting your life? That's exactly what Pucci and Dio want. Do you want to give them the fucking satisfaction? Do you want Jotaro to wake up to your smiling face, or do you want him and the kids to find out you drained yourself to the point of death?"
She was right. She was right.
"You're Caroline Becker. When life decides to kick you down, you don't cry and feel sorry for yourself the entire time. You get angry, and you take matters into your own hands. So get angry already, and do something about it. You left a fucking dent in that psycho vampire's chest, you can rip his head off, and we both have the means to do it."
The Arrow. Truth be told, Caroline always hoped she would not have to touch the thing again, not after what happened at Morioh, to Kira.
But Saint was right. It was time Dio and Pucci were dealt with once and for all.
Saint didn't fail to notice Caroline's hands moving away from Jotaro's chest. Nor how her back straightened, how the look in her eyes changed. The Stand merely smiled as she put the mask back on her face.
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