#listen to my brain worms
astrobei · 1 year
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byler x jurassic park. thank you for your time.
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lonely--seeker · 9 months
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"Oohh don't mind me if i do"
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sorikufeels · 29 days
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kiss me once and all that
(might clean this up later who knows)
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naffeclipse · 1 year
Just realizing that the fact that there exists an “Angel Eyes” Eclipse implies the existence of either a more foreboding or comically innocent version of him called “Devil Eyes”
oh, Lumi, you just unleashed something devasting
As entertaining as a detective Eclipse would be, innocent and way in over his head when it comes to dealing with a mob boss Y/N who just so happens to find him devilishly handsome and too clever for his own good, I'm thinking of something worse than a mob boss.
As a young rookie cop, you are attempting to put out so many fires in the city. The crime rate is abysmal. The politicians are running on fumes and bribes. The police force is barely hanging on through constant corruption. Animatronics are still considered inhuman, unalive, objects to be owned and used, and disposed of. You're hoping that the laws declaring animatronic rights will pass soon.
Murders happen every single day in a city racked with gangs, crime lords, and thieves. You and a few other officers are tasked with dealing with a particular crime scene. It's not unusual for a politician to get assassinated, but there's something particularly brutal about the killing that sits in your stomach wrong—there was blood everywhere.
Then another important person gets knocked off, the carnage grisly and crimson, then another, and another. You can't shake how savage the murders are.
High-ranking officials start having you and other cops stand as bodyguards, taking them where they need to go, standing outside their meeting doors and on the street of their homes at night.
The killings keep happening. You learn of police officers who were standing watch were gutted, too. Slained just as well as the intended target.
You do your job, but you don't like it. You became a cop to help the city. This wasn't what you had in mind, much less babysitting powerful and possibly corrupted individuals that you despise.
That's how you confront him.
Late one evening, sitting in a squad car with a fellow policeman, you two keep each other awake with small talk until you hear the faintest scream. You both take off, and you take the back of the house. When you enter the gauche kitchen, there's a cook animatronic knocked to the ground. You stop to speak to the poor robot, her optics fuzzy until you offer a helping hand and get her back onto her wheels.
Before you can send her somewhere safe, a cold shudder rolls down your spine, as if someone were walking on your grave. You whirl around to find a towering figure at the far end of the room, dark and threatening. Black optics with pinpricks of electric yellow peer at you in judgment. The devilish eyes startle your soul.
You yell out commands to stop but the animatronic—you realize—doesn't head and disappears deeper into the house.
You give chase. You hear a gunshot upstairs and a shout from your partner. When you reach the second landing, you lift your gun to take aim, but a large fist clamp around your own. You fire once, hitting nothing. You're thrown against the wall, dangling by the wrists under the looming killer. Sharp rays, burgundy and royal blue, circle his face plate, splattered in bright blood.
It's too late. It's too late for the politician, it's too late for your partner, and it's too late for you.
He takes your gun and drops it far away. His staggering height gives no hope that you can fight him off, and already, he has you pinned. You simply hope that it will be quick, painless, but your heart sinks when he lifts a hand to your throat. His optics glint. You close your eyes.
A cold, slick finger tilts your chin up. He commands you to look at him, and you aversely obey. The optics scan your face. You wonder if he takes a sick pleasure from causing harm. You loathe that he most likely finds fear in your eyes but you are determined to not make a sound.
"Officer," he says in a cold, dark voice that spears your heart. He studies the badge on your chest, reading your last name etched in brass. You clench your fists, still suspended by his one large hand.
"Who are you?" you demand.
He doesn't answer. He cocks his head with a flash of sharp teeth in a metallic grin. When he drops you, you nearly crumple to the ground. You're aware of the blood underneath your chin where he had touched you. When you try to reach for your handcuffs, he's already down the stairs and out the door, fleeing the murders. Trembling, you fumble for your gun, but you find the clip gone.
The killer animatronic left you alive.
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formosusiniquis · 1 year
Modern au Eddie gets brought in to do a special dm/dnd episode of um actually with Brennan and Matt. Steve is there behind the scenes because they don't go anywhere without each other and he also wants to meet Emily -- he likes her chaotic player energy, one guess to why. He's hanging in the back of the studio quietly watching production, just hanging out and watching Eddie banter with people who are as obsessed with his thing as him and can match his intensity even if it's at different energy tones. Eddie and Brennan would be an unstoppable force and unmovable object I can just tell.
A question comes up about 1e or something, they deliberately made the questions strange and finicky cause they knew who they were having on and really the show isn't people getting answers if you wanted that you'd watch jeopardy. The show is nerds getting pissed and argumentative about the things they like. No one gets the answer, though they go to the fact checker booth a couple times over it. No one gets it except for Steve, who has listened to every loved one he has talk about this game for the last forever. Steve who has adhd/autism brain and it holds onto strange factoids and weird snippets of longer conversations that he has forgotten. Things like Erica and Dustin arguing about the validity of gender limiters on player stats. The cast have already danced around the answer, and the set has been so relaxed and lively he doesn't stop to think about why he shouldn't call out from behind the camera "um, actually." Cause they can always cut him out, he isn't even mic'd.
He does immediately regret speaking up. Not because he isn't right. He always knew he was right. But Steve learned a long time ago that him being right isn't always worth the scene that it then causes. Like now, Eddie is perched on the furniture like a gargoyle on a church roof, "I get that point right? That's my husband, what's his is mine." They'll never get invited anywhere ever again.
So he is surprised when the email arrives in his influencer inbox; but politely turns down the invitation to play in the next season of Dimension 20. And not just because Eddie is seething next to him when he gets the invitation.
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annmariethrush · 3 months
Thinking about Dean sitting in bed in the bunker with his big headphones on listening to Carrie & Lowell by Sufjan Stevens and letting himself cry cause he misses Cas and wishes that Cas would just stay. Just once. Feeling like he’s done everything to try and get him to stay short of outright asking. Regretting every time he’s pushed him away when he should have asked him to stay instead.
Thinking about Cas driving his truck on a dark road in silence, trying not to think about anything when he feels a distant wash of anguish come over him. A melancholy melody starts playing through his head that he doesn’t think he’s ever heard before. It repeats over and over “all of me wants all of you.”
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butterfilledpockets · 10 months
beep beep mother fucker wake up and smell the AUs
(aka the Aus that have ben stuck in my mind for too long and now they are unleashed)
first up-
Turtles are Strange (Life is strange au)
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I thought- hey, Mikey and Max both got time travel powers, what am I to do with this? And then I made this thing.
Little details about the designs:
Donnie has a tattoo of Leo's red crest marks on each of his forearms
Mikey is wearing one of Donnie's spare shirts in the art bellow
Donnie is wearing one of Leo's shirts under his jacket
Mikey's jacket is Max's OG jacket from the games
(WARNING THIS IS NOT A HAPPY ONE) If you know the game's plot YOU KNOW
(I have changed a lot from the OG game there is ZERO romance except for a brief appearance from Usagi and a small subplot) (and I've also removed some of the more triggering aspects due to personal reasons)
Long story short, Big Mama and Splinter split up, and she takes Donnie in the divorce. Afraid to loose anymore of his family, Splinter packs up and leaves Arcadia with Raph, Leo and Mikey, taking them far away to the city. This happening when they were 12-14
About two years down the line, Leo runs away to reunite with his twin in Arcadia Bay, which he does. Mikey and Raph stay behind in the city, Mikey to young to really understand what's going on, and Raph insistent on staying with pops.
Years later, Mikey decides he wants to go to Blackwell Academy in his old hometown, as he wants to see his family and study photography/painting. Mikey discovers he has time powers during a fight in the bathroom where he saves the life of one of the people.
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This turns out to be Donnie, who has grown rougher and bitter, as he feels he was left behind by his family.
And now, Leo is missing.
(I have the ENTIRE plot of this AU written, and if you guys wanna hear more PLEASE SAY SO)
originally this was gonna be a full multi choice comic, but I couldn't settle on an art style I liked that was quick and easy to draw, and I am not paid enough/lh to draw a fully rendered comic like that.
here is the other AU
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bluecaeriart · 4 months
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yeah sure we'll say i drew these in the name of pose study
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ailithnight · 4 months
Moments like these I wish I could do digital art/animations.
I think Hell's Coming With Me by Poor Man's Poison would make for a beautiful Villain Arc/Chased Out of Amity Park Danny animatic.
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cosmicgesture · 1 year
DP x DC Idea
ok hear me out- Ghost King Jason Todd. Bear with me a tick.
At the end of the first millennium of his rule, Pariah Dark was required and compelled by Zone Law to name an heir should he retire or shatter. (Not that anyone expected him to do either.) Still, it was a law of the zone itself, and it needled at his core worse than the Observants and their constant prattling.\
So, eventually, he grew annoyed enough by it that he declared his heir to be a liminal being. If that wasn’t controversial enough, he picked a random name that had yet to popularize in the mortal world, specified that the death was a violent one, and the death date? The death date was just numbers he happened to glance at in the moment, with the year set thousands of years away from the time the heir was named.
Pariah Dark figured, what are the chances someone with this name, of liminal nature, will die on this random date? Well, he knew of Clockwork (maybe knew him well, even), and knew there was always some slim chance. Still, he figured he could simply find his presumed heir and destroy him before he could try to claim the throne.
He didn’t expect to be locked up in the Sarcophagus of Forever Sleep.
When he’s freed during Reign Storm and notices the date, it’s one of his priorities to send a lookout for the random kid who would happen to be his heir. Danny and co. lock him up before he receives any information, and that ends up being kind of that.
There’s discussion in the Zone after that, about a potential ruler. Some think right-by-conquest applies, but others argue the technicalities of the matter - Danny did not act alone, did not beat Pariah Dark without help. Thus, it doesn’t count as Conquest (though it does put him in the high recommendations for the next king’s knight). There begins the questioning then: did Pariah Dark ever declare an heir? Few were left who remembered such a thing, but it was confirmed that he had indeed, though the information about said heir was scant and somewhat inconsistent. One story said the heir’s name was Jackson, and that he died tragically; another called him Jensen and claimed he still lived. So the search began, with inconsistent clues. Any place in the mortal realm with enough ectoplasm to sustain a ghost was a potential hiding place for the heir. They started in Amity Park and spread to other towns and cities. Some ghosts sought out newly dead that had died the day Pariah was locked back up again.
But who’d’ve thought to connect that the same day the sarcophagus locked again, a boy named Jason Todd rose from his grave?
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nicomoon69 · 1 month
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gunna be honest there’s 80% chance she’ll never appear again but here’s 荷龙 or Lotus (not a one to one translation btw)
I might go back in and add some more jewelry but I’m way too sleepy to try to make that work rn
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here’s also a bunch of sketches I’m doing for the NGE au I’m working on lmao
I got rlly stuck on the idea of Tim being a shinnie even tho it makes no sense at all and then the whole ass au just kinda appeared in my head. so there’s Tim as Shinji, Steph as Asuka, Cass as Rei, Bruce as Gendo, Dick as Misato, Roy as Kaji, Wally as Ritsuko, Kon as Toji, Bart as Kensuke, Bernard as Kaworu etc etc
also will be annoying certain parts of canon and changing it up so there’s no weird incest going on 🧍🧍
but yea designs :3 am gonna be personalizing the suits and also the EVA units which requires me to actually learn how to draw an EVA so yeaaa
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jkpng · 2 months
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valeriianz · 10 months
Me: says im 100% not going to write anymore of The Proposal AU. Also me: "but what if--" tagging @valiantstarlights, my partner in crime for this AU lmao
this is part 4, aka the engagement story. part three, two and one, if anyone is keeping track (its not in any actual order, we run on vibes only in this house).
“Stop taking my hand!”
Dream slips his hand out of Hob’s with a pointed glare (and only a brief reflection of the instant warmth that shot up his arm from the touch). Hob, for his part, sighs with a barely contained eye roll.
“Sorry.” At least Hob sounds sincere, leaning in to speak quietly in Dream’s ear in the crowded room. “Force of habit, I guess. But you know…” He brushes his knuckles under the line of Dream’s jaw. “We are supposed to be engaged. Holding your hand is not the worst thing I could do to you.”
Dream’s skin prickles. “Is that a threat?”
Hob sighs again, a small smile tugging at his lips.
“It’s a tease. I’m teasing you.” He bumps his shoulder to Dream’s. “Lighten up. Have a drink.”
Perhaps Dream could do with a drink, especially if he’s actually thinking about what other debauchery Hob could get up to, outside of the limits of hand holding.
Snagging a beer out of the fridge, and forcing himself to smile as an aunt or grandma or someone comes up to him and starts asking him how he and Hob met. 
They had developed this, on the flight here, to Hob’s surprisingly luxurious childhood home. The story wasn’t much of an exaggeration of the truth– they indeed worked together but had hidden feelings for each other and after years of dancing around each other, they finally realized they were crazy for one another. 
It was easy enough to sell… perhaps not to the siblings who would loudly announce to Hob, “This is the same Dream who you bitched about on the phone? The one who didn’t let you come home for Thanksgiving last year? Who makes you go on coffee runs and harass writers?”
And Hob would shrug while Dream’s plastered on smile would sharpen to something deadly as he looked sideways at Hob. 
“Ah, what can I say? I like a man who knows what he wants.”
It would appease his family, for now. Dream had a moment of realization himself. 
He wasn’t aware Hob had such a large, welcoming family. His mother had immediately hugged Dream, smiling ear-to-ear, and Grandma Johanna had taken his hand and expressed to him how elated she was to finally see Hob settling down with “someone so handsome.” And now, at the welcome home party, everyone wanted a piece of Dream. To interrogate him or just meet him; meet the man who would make Hob honest. Who was now part of the family.
Dream had swallowed thickly. He wasn’t used to all the attention. Nor the care and playfulness of Hob’s family all around him. It was making him emotional and he didn’t know how much longer he could hover, an imposter among Hob’s fortunate family, with parents and siblings and aunts, uncles, and grandmother who all loved him and genuinely were excited that he was home for the holidays.
They all had no idea that it was all fake. Dream was a fraud. Hob and his relationship was purely transactional. The reality of Dream’s impulsive decision was finally crashing down around his ears and the room started to spin.
“Hey, you okay?”
Dream startled at Hob’s touch, no matter how gentle it was, on his shoulder.
“I’m fine. Why do you ask?” Dream bit out, blinking away the stinging in his eyes and going for a sip of his beer and scowling as he found it empty.
Hob’s hand, palm open, slid down Dream’s shoulders to his back, rubbing soothing circles between his shoulder blades.
“You look a little green.”
Dream huffed and tried not to relax into Hob’s soothing caress.
“This is all a little much,” Dream spoke honestly. “You didn’t tell me you had such a massive family.” Who love and are proud of you and are so quick to welcome me. So happy and eager to congratulate us and–
“Well, you never asked.” Hob replies simply, his hand dropping. Dream misses it immediately.
“Hey love birds!” Jo, Hob’s sister, pops up in their quiet space with a drink in her hands.
Dream tries not to jump at Jo’s sudden appearance, or bristle as she takes Dream’s left hand without permission to stare at the fake ring Hob and him had bought in the airport, realizing too late that they needed some kind of proof to their engagement.
Dream hoped Jo wasn’t some kind of jewelry appraisal. The silver band was simple, with a glass diamond inlay. Hob had a matching one. It cost them $30 each.
“I love the rings!” Jo gushed, thankfully dropping Dream’s hand before he could yank it back rudely. “Oh! You gotta tell us– who proposed to who?”
Dream can see the panic that crosses Hob’s eyes, which only grows larger with a nervous laugh as the family around them picks up on what Jo said and now everyone is interested in hearing the story.
Dream feels his heartbeat in his throat. They hadn’t discussed this. Hob and him had exchanged hobbies and interests and food preferences and allergies (Dream utterly bewildered at how much Hob already knew about him) but had somehow forgotten to build an engagement story.
“Oh, it’s not that interesting,” Hob laughs, an edge of hysteria to it. “Dream, honey, you were just mentioning that you wanted to rest–”
“Ah, c’mon!” Grandma Johanna prods, wiggling in her seat on the couch. “We’re all dying to hear it.”
“Yes, Hob.” Dream speaks with his own mischievous glint in his eyes. “I’d love to hear it from your perspective.”
Hob stares at Dream, utterly bewildered and then– Dream swallows nervously– his lips curl. 
“Aw well, if my sweet Dream insists…” Hob takes up Dream’s left hand and kisses the top of it while maintaining eye contact and Dream’s pulse stutters.
“You’d never know it,” Hob starts, addressing the room, which the whole family has now congregated in. “But underneath this hard, prickly exterior–” he gestures with a wide sweep to Dream. “Is a big ‘ol softie.”
A round of tittering surrounds them. Dream stares at Hob, eyes widening as he suddenly realizes his mistake of giving Hob the reins. Putting him on the spot.
“He took me to the local carnival…”
Dream hates carnivals. The rides are rickety and dangerous and full of rowdy teenagers.
“... where I won him the biggest pink teddy bear in the darts game, after he begged me for it…” Hob turns to wiggle his nose in Dream’s face.
Dream feels his cheeks warm and jaw drop. He hates the color pink and would never beg for anything, let alone a stuffed animal–
Some family members are now studiously looking at Dream, seeing him in a new light, no doubt. And Dream nearly shakes with the indignity of it all. He doesn’t even know these people, but he will be staying with them for the next week and he absolutely will not lose face over Hob’s overactive imagination.
“And finally,” Hob grins at Dream, clearly having the time of his life putting his boss on the spot and Dream can only stand and wait for the punchline.
“We go on the ferris wheel– the sun is setting– all planned, I’m sure. And then–”
“And you kissed me,” Dream interrupts, causing all eyes to refocus on him. Dream swallows at the bewildered look on Hob’s face. “It was very romantic.”
He turns to address the room himself, feeling ridiculous but barling onward, leaning sideways onto Hob in a way, he hopes, is besotted. 
“We walked off the ferris wheel to a group of carnies that Hob had hired, a quartet, to meet us and they sang ‘Cherish’ acapella.”
Hob’s brows shoot up into his hairline, stunned silent. 
“The Madonna song?” Somebody asks, Dream thinks it’s Hob’s cousin, Fancis.
“The Association,” Dream spares them a glance and a vague gesture with his wrist. “It’s an oldie.”
Grandma Johanna puts her hand on her chest and makes a sound like, “t’aw.”
“And then,” Dream continues, delighted now to have the upper hand. “Hob joined them for the chorus.”
Jo and some of Hob’s cousins exclaim loudly, looking back to Hob, who is running a hand through his hair with a wide, uncomfortable smile as more of his family join in on the slowly building sound of laughter. Dream smirks and tugs on Hob’s arm to get his attention. 
“You have a great voice, darling, don’t be embarrassed. I was very smitten.”
“Oh, I’m sure you were,” Hob says, his ears red. Dream would never admit it, but it’s a very cute look on him. 
“And when you asked me to marry you, of course I said yes.” Dream tapped Hob on the nose, who’s eyes narrowed murderously. Dream smiled with teeth, uncaring how sarcastic he appeared now.
“Oh you guys!” Hob’s mother exclaimed, her expression reflecting utter joy. Jo was whispering something to Hob’s brother and snickered between themselves. “That’s very unlike the Robert we all know,” she gives Hob a knowing look. “I suppose love makes you do strange things.”
“Strange, yeah. That’s one way to put it.” Hob is looking at Dream again, his eyes glinting with revenge, most likely. But Dream doesn’t mind. He’s just relieved they got this out of the way, along with the bonus of managing to embarrass Hob in front of his entire family. A win-win in Dream’s books.
the song Dream came up with... which Hob would definitely, absolutely, sing to Dream on any other occasion lol
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saccharisu-draws · 8 months
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Cringetober Day 12 - Niche Interest
I really don't talk enough about these bugs that are KINDA snacks!!!!!!!!!!
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grimgrinningghoul · 1 year
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Bad Cop
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The brain is BRAINING today and I kinda sorta want to draw a rather sensual moment between Astarion and my TAV (I saw an image online that just made all my neurons going BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR).
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