#listening to metropolis alongside you was very fun
sumquiasum · 1 year
Top albums of 2022
@allstarbysmashmouth ​ tagged me to share my top albums I listened to for the first time in 2022 which made me realise I didn’t listen to many albums. Below the cut are my top five.
I’m tagging @horrorlesbion, @kaijudyke,​ and @raventaire​, no pressure though!
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#5: Sahar by Tamino
Unfortunately, I don’t like about half the album. However, the half that I like is incredible and an improvement over Amir, which I didn’t think possible.
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#4: MASSEDUCTION by St. Vincent
Made me wish I’d started listening to St. Vincent earlier.
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#3: Electra Heart (Platinum Blonde Edition) by Marina and the Diamonds
Might be cheating to include this since it is a re-release of an album that I did listen to before, but this did something to my brain and started a little Marina phase, so I had to include it.
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#2: The Car by Arctic Monkeys
Fuck dem haters. The perfect continuation of/prequel to Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino, which is one of the best albums of all time.
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#1: Six The Musical.
I don’t need your love / Now all I need is six.........
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twh-news · 3 years
"Loki" Director Kate Herron Talks The Epic Season 1 Finale And The Easter Egg Fans Should Go Back And Listen For | Buzzfeed
Warning: There are MASSIVE spoilers ahead for Season 1 of Loki!
Welp, Loki Season 1 just came to an end and I think it's safe to say that the Marvel Cinematic Universe will never be the same. Following the Season 1 finale, we sat down with director Kate Herron to talk about everything — like how it felt introducing the multiverse and Jonathan Majors to the MCU, casting this incredible ensemble cast, Loki's bisexuality, and so much more. Here's everything we learned:
1. First, Kate has always loved Loki, so she knew she wanted to be involved in the "character's next step" in some way.
"Basically, I love Loki, and I found out they were making a show about him. As a fan, I was like, 'I need to know where he's gone.' Then, I just wanted to know what the story was going to be. I loved the character. I think Tom Hiddleston's performance is amazing. I really wanted to be part of whatever this character's next step was because I think Loki's had one of the best arcs in the MCU."
2. Directing all six episodes of the first season felt like filming a six-hour movie.
"Directing all six episodes was a really unique experience, right? Because normally TV is run through the showrunner system, and Marvel didn't do that on Loki. It was incredible. It was quite an undertaking to do six hours and run it like a giant film. I'm so grateful for the opportunity, and I'm really proud of what we made."
3. When Kate signed on to Loki, only the first few scripts had been written, the "rough shape of the show" was in place, and they knew Loki would be arrested by the TVA.
"When I started, Michael [Waldron] had written the pilot. Then, there was a second episode written by Elissa [Karasik], and Bisha's [Ali] episode was written. So, there was a rough shape of the show. It was already fixed in that Loki was gonna be arrested by the TVA and then it had this twist that he was going to try and solve the mystery of who this other Loki was, but then it pivots and becomes this love story about him falling in love with himself. I just thought that was so inspired and the message that had about self-love. I just really wanted to be part of that."
4. And they always knew the show would end at The Citadel at the End of Time and the multiverse would be born.
"As we dug into it with Kevin Wright, our producer, the studio, Michael, Tom, and also our whole team, I think it was always thinking like what was the best story, in particular during the second half of the show. We always knew they were going to The Citadel, something would happen, and the multiverse would be born, but we didn't necessarily know it would come out of Loki and Sylvie fighting. That idea came out of discussions with me, the writers, and the studio."
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5. It was "always the plan" to introduce Jonathan Majors to the MCU during the Loki Season 1 finale.
"I think me and the writers were just like, 'Well, they haven't told us we can't introduce that character. I guess we're doing it.' It was really exciting and I felt really honored that I got to be part of it."
6. Kate was involved with Jonathan's casting for He Who Remains/Kang alongside Peyton Reed, who will direct Ant-Man: Quantumania, and Marvel Studios.
"Being part of the casting discussion with Marvel and Peyton was amazing. It was massive. I was just like, 'Wow, I can't believe I get to be part of this conversation.' Everyone was just so excited about Jonathan. He's one of the best actors. I just couldn't believe we got him."
7. Jonathan brought a lot of "cool ideas to the table" once he was cast, and Kate gave him "space to play."
"He just brought so many cool ideas to the table. I think when you're working with an actor like Jonathan, it's really just about giving him space to play, and let him find the character and give him a cool way to do that. I really enjoyed working with him. We finished the shoot filming in The Citadel, so it was really interesting that we finished filming with Jonathan. I just felt very lucky I got to direct him."
8. Jonathan actually voiced the Time-Keepers in Episode 4, which added to the Wizard of Oz homage.
"Obviously, the Time-Keepers were being made in post, and we hadn't cast anyone [for the voices] yet, and I thought, 'Well, Wizard of Oz. Like it should be the wizard, right?' So I thought it would be cool if it was Jonathan, and I think the key thing then was just working with him in a way that we could disguise his voice. I think the fun thing was, Jonathan is an amazing character actor. So we just sent him the art and he was sending audio clips to me and Kevin Wright and being like, 'What about this voice?' It was just so much fun to do that with him. I think that was just joyful."
9. Kate's favorite Easter egg from Episode 5 was Throg — in fact, Chris Hemsworth recorded new lines and sounds for that small part.
"That one I was very proud of and it was very fun. I had that shot designed for a while. I think I'd seen it in Futurama, and a lot of animation does it, but I love the idea of going through the dirt and it reveals something. I always felt like that shot would be the place to insert an Easter egg. When we had Throg in there, it was so much fun and it was perfect. We also recorded Chris [Hemsworth] for that. It was just so much fun."
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10. She also loved the Thanos Copter and said it was a "funny" detail the producers loved from the comics, so they had to include it.
"The Thanos Copter was great. Kevin Wright, our executive producer, was really obsessed with that copter, I was like, 'We have to put the helicopter,' and it was so funny. Episode 5 is our best Easter egg episode. There's so much deliberately because of the nature of The Void as a place where deleted things are sent."
11. There's one Easter egg/detail Kate hasn't seen fans catch onto yet, and it involves a "familiar" voice at the very end of the Season 1 finale.
"The one I would say is — it's less Easter egg and more cool story-wise. So, at the very end of the finale, when Loki is in this alternate TVA, there's a character that runs behind him and is going to the armory and people should listen to the voice. It's very quick, but it's someone familiar."
12. Loki was inspired by numerous iconic sci-fi movies, like Children of Men, Alien, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Metropolis, Starship Troopers, and more.
"Bisha, in the episode [she wrote], she spoke about Children of Men and also Before Sunrise as a reference, so I was really inspired by that and the idea of bringing these sci-fi things together. Across all the TVA, I wanted it to just be a big love letter to sci-fi movies, like Metropolis, Brazil, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, [and] Alien. A reference I could never talk about early was Starship Troopers just because, obviously, the TVA are bad guys and in that movie they also use a lot of propaganda film and we had our Miss Minutes film. So, that movie played a hand. There was so much across the show. We had references from everywhere."
13. And the inspiration for how The Void would look in Episode 5 actually came from Teletubbies.
"I never really spoke much about it, but basically in Episode 5, The Void was originally written like a desert, but when I pitched, I said I thought it would be cool if rather than like a Mad Max desert apocalypse, it's more like an overgrown garden. Like, this is the place where the TVA throw their rubbish in. I just loved the idea of that. I think I realized as it started to unravel that I'd basically pitched the British countryside. As we were building it, I was like, 'Am I just homesick?' I remember trying to explain it to the visual effects artists who were making it, and I was like, 'You know, it's like the Teletubbies. You know, rolling hills just one after another.' So, yeah, the Teletubbies became a useful reference when describing The Void. So, that's how they played a hand in it."
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14. Kate was the one who suggested Sophia Di Martino audition for the role of Sylvie.
"Sophia was in a short film of mine called Smear. I was very happy to pay her, finally, for her talent. When we were reading for the role, I was like, 'There's this actor I know and I think we should ask if she wants to read.' Everyone was like, 'Yeah, sure.' So, she read in these audition tapes, and we were all watching the tapes back and I remember everyone at the studio was like, 'Wait, who's that?' And I was like, 'Oh, that's my friend Sophia.' They thought she was amazing."
15. Sophia's audition tape was so good that she was immediately cast.
"Basically, everyone was really excited by her tape and I think she got cast in the room, which is incredible. I was excited because I got to bring my friend along. She's such a good actor. She's fantastic in Flowers and I was just so happy that she was coming along for the ride. I think she's done such a beautiful job with Sylvie."
16. One of the most important things when crafting Sylvie and the other Loki Variants was making sure they were their own characters, and not just Loki copies.
"I think the most important thing, minus just tiny little gestures, was really making it important that Sylvie was her own character and that all the Lokis weren't just 'faded photocopies.' They were all their own Loki. It wasn't even that they stood in a similar way or looked similar, but what in their soul made them a Loki. I love that line, 'Lokis always survive.' That idea goes across all our characters who are Lokis."
17. Casting Sylvie was one of the hardest things, and Sophia was able to bring her own spin to the character and she was the perfect "sparring partner" for Tom.
"Sophia has this talent — and I think Tom has it as well — where she's so funny and naturally so witty and charismatic that you can't take your eyes off her. She's also really good at playing characters with a lot of anger, pain, and vulnerability. I just felt that those qualities were so Loki to me. She brought her own spin on it too. Tom's performance is so iconic, so Sylvie was a tough role to cast because you need to give him a good sparring partner, but also, it's another Loki and people love Loki. So, it was really making sure that she felt distinctive enough that she was different, but also that we gave Tom a really fun actor to play alongside. It was really fun watching them. It was really fun seeing their chemistry grow."
18. Sylvie's fighting style was actually crafted to have similar movements to Loki's, thus showing that they are basically two sides of the same coin.
"I know Tom and Sophia spent a lot of time together. I think the fun thing with Sophia was the little things, like the fighting styles. She has a very different life to our Loki. Loki is very balletic in his fighting style, because he grew up in the palace, whereas Sylvie grew up in apocalypses. So, she was going to fight a bit more like a feral cat. I thought that was fun to play with. We worked with Mo [Ganderton], our stunt coordinator, and it was really fun to find little mirror image stuff they would do when they fight. We did a little bit of that on Lamentis and there's little bits here and there where we've done that. There's also little gestures that they do that are quite similar."
19. Kate had a "four hour" phone call with Owen Wilson before he was cast. They talked about Marvel, Mobius, and Loki.
"Everyone was so excited to cast him. I remember, they were like, 'Kate, just call him and see if he's up for it.' That was a lot of pressure. But then, I spoke to him on the phone and we spoke about Marvel and Loki in Marvel. Also, we talked about what our show was doing, who Mobius was, and then just getting his take on it. It was a very detailed conversation. I think we spoke for like four hours. At the end, he was like, 'I'm in.'"
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20. Wunmi Mosaku's role was originally supposed to be a male character, but Kate suggested having an "open casting" because she thought Hunter B-15 would be really great as a female character.
"When I spoke to the studio, I was like, 'This character is cool, but I just think it could be really interesting if this was a female character. So, could we do open casting? We'll have men and women read, and we'll just see who's the best person for the role.' So, Wunmi read for it and just blew everyone away. We were like, 'We have to cast this person!' So, we kind of remade the role, really, around her."
21. Kate loves the idea that Hunter B-15 joins this club of sci-fi female characters who were originally supposed to be men.
"It was cool because I love Ripley in Alien and I love Kara Thrace in Battlestar Galactica. In the original Battlestar, Kara Thrace's character was played by a man, and Ripley in Alien was originally written as a man, so I liked that Hunter B-15 was joining these badass women in sci-fi. That was really cool to me."
22. When Kate pitched her ideas to the studio, she include Gugu Mbatha-Raw as the actor she wanted to play Ravonna.
"Gugu was in my pitch when I spoke to the studio. I was like, 'I think she'll be really great.' I love her work as an actor. From Belle to the episode of Black Mirror she's in, everything she's in is so different. I think that's so interesting with Ravonna because in the comics, Ravonna's been good and bad, and she's such a big character. I was like, 'I'd love to see Gugu's take on that character.' The studio was really excited by that and so was Gugu."
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23. Kate said it was "important" to recognize Loki's bisexuality in the show, and she loved how it was naturally worked into a conversation between him and Sylvie.
"It was just important for us to do it in a way that made it canon, acknowledged it, and also done in a way where like, if someone asked me, I would just be matter of fact about it, like, 'Yeah, I'm bi.' I think that was the important thing for it and building it into the conversation. It was important to the whole team and the way that it was written was really beautiful. It felt like the right place to do it because these two characters are starting to open up to each other and are being a bit more honest about who they are. So it felt like the right place to have that moment."
24. The TVA weren't always going to be Variants/humans. That idea was born out of conversations with Kate, the writers, and the rest of the Loki team.
"When I started, I think it was a bit more up in the air with like, who are the Variants who work for the TVA? Are they Variants? They actually weren't Variants when I first joined. Casey was an alien, for example. I think something we all locked onto was it was more effective to make them more human. It was already in there that the Time-Keepers wouldn't be real and that would be a big Wizard of Oz rug pull. But the extra rug pull we added was that, on top of all of that, the TVA don't realize that they're actually Variants."
25. One of the things Kate enjoyed the most was figuring out the "inner workings of the TVA," like how the Minutemen would operate.
"I think it was really fun, in terms of the bigger structural stuff, to work with everyone. Also, figuring out the inner workings of the TVA, like every squad of Minutemen would have a hunter and they'll be little details sprinkled across all the world building in the show. Generally, we always looked at the characters and what was the best story and how to get to the end goal in the most effective way."
26. The season finale intro — which included seeing space, the sacred timeline, and hearing quotes from the MCU and history — was an homage to Contact.
"Basically, Eric Martin, our writer, he'd written in this amazing idea that for the opening we do an homage to Contact, and kind of move through space to the end of time. Then, we'd see the physical timeline, and then we see The Citadel. I love Contact, and I was like, 'Oh, that's so cool.' We took that idea to Darrin [Denlinger], our storyboard artist, and me and him just nerded out about space and about how we wanted to pay homage to Contact but not be completely the same.
So we played with the idea of time and he was bringing in so many cool ideas. But then, the amazing pitch he had as well was like, 'What if when we pull out at the very end, the timeline isn't a straight line like how you guys have been showing it in the show? What if it's actually circular?' I thought it was such a good idea."
27. Kevin Feige helped come up with the idea to include Marvel quotes over the Marvel logo because it was something the MCU had never done before.
"I had this weird idea where I remember saying to my editor, Emma McCleave, I was like, 'Oh, can we add a baby crying or the sounds of the city? And it's like we just hear life.' So her, me, and Kevin Wright got really into that. So we were adding all of these different sounds into the timeline. We also had quotes from just life, not Marvel. Then, we showed that cut to Kevin Feige and the rest of the team.
They all thought it was cool, and then Kevin Feige was like, 'Oh, do you know what? We've never done quotes on the Marvel logo before.' So, we thought that was cool and we added the quotes to the Marvel logo intro. Then, me, Kevin Wright, Emma, and Sarah Bennett, Emma's assistant, decided to just put the MCU quotes across the whole thing."
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28. Going from hearing all of the voices in the season finale opening to utter silence in The Citadel was also a way of learning something about He Who Remains.
"I loved the idea of all the noise and this Greek chorus building because when you finally pull out and see The Citadel and how isolated it is, it tells you so much about He Who Remains' psychology because he's surrounded by all this brimming life, but he's completely isolated and alone. I thought it tells you a little bit about his character and who he might be before we see him."29. Kate loves that the season finale opening is a "beautiful handover" from the previous phase of the Marvel Cinematic Universe into this one with the multiverse.
"It was a real group effort, and we were just really excited at the idea of it being this really beautiful handover from the previous phase of Marvel. Also, we get to encapsulate a little bit of our world as well, which was really fun. The editing team put so much time into that. I really want to watch it in a planetarium or something."
29. Kate loves that the season finale opening is a "beautiful handover" from the previous phase of the Marvel Cinematic Universe into this one with the multiverse.
"It was a real group effort, and we were just really excited at the idea of it being this really beautiful handover from the previous phase of Marvel. Also, we get to encapsulate a little bit of our world as well, which was really fun. The editing team put so much time into that. I really want to watch it in a planetarium or something."
30. And finally, even though Loki sets up a lot of upcoming MCU projects — namely, Spider-Man: No Way Home, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, and Ant-Man: Quantumania — Kate didn't have a lot of conversations with other MCU directors and writers.
"Kevin Wright and Stephen Broussard from Marvel were our producers on Loki, and they worked with Kevin Feige, Louis [D'Esposito], and Victoria [Alonso]. They always steered us in terms of the Marvel big picture and let us know if anything was off base. It's so secretive at Marvel, so I only spoke to Peyton just because our timelines crossed [with Jonathan]. Generally, Marvel manages everything internally and keeps us all in check."
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birdy-bat-writes · 3 years
Forever Love
Word count: 2k
Description: Wally and Dick have loved eachother for a long time. They've said it a few times. How long before they can admit that it's not as friends?
A/N: Happy holidays friends! Dear @river-bottom-nightmare Hi! I'm your secret santa😙😙 so I present to you, a birdflash Fic! I hope you love it!
The first time Wally told Dick he loved him was when he and Bruce had a fight. Dick thought he wanted to be alone and turned off his phone, his emergency trackers, everything. He didn't want to be found and he wasn't going to be found. At least that's what he thought. He sat alone on the floor of a Star City back alley and played the words in his head over and over. "When we're out there, you're not my son. You're my partner! If you can't be there when I need you, you don't need to be Robin!" He knows that me messed up, but the mission went fine in the end. He didn't make excuses; he knew his head wasn't in the game but that's just what happens when you're fighting alongside the Titans and balancing that with Dynamic Duo duties. Dick was already harder on himself than Bruce ever could be about it, but he never thought he'd have to hear the words "you're not my son." Is that all he is to Bruce? A crime fighting partner? Then the tears started to fall. The thoughts rang in his head like church bells over the sound of city traffic. It was all too much. Dick thought he wanted to be alone but now...maybe not. I should go ba-
"Hey." Dick looked up to find his favorite red head looking down at him with a soft expression. Civies, smoking sneakers and green eyes. "You okay?" Wally sat down beside him and Dick abandoned all thoughts of leaving.
"How'd you find me?"
"Well, I'm me, and you're you. Not that difficult."
"I turned my trackers off..." Dick was really taking this one hard. No wisecracks, no sarcasm. It wasn't like the other fights he had with Bruce and Wally could tell.
"I knew you wouldn't be in Metropolis or Smallville because you don't want a hug from Superman, you weren't in the mood to talk yet so not Central City, and Star City has the ice cream parlor you like, which is where we're going after I fix this." Wally gestured to Dick's teary eyes. Dick looked up to face Wally for just a second. His smile brought a type of comfort that Dick forgot existed. "What happened?"
"He doesn't want me anymore, Wally."
"Bruce?" Dick just nodded, knowing he couldn't speak the words without choking up. Wally put a comforting arm around his friend's shoulder. "He said, 'when we're out there, you're not my son. You're my partner.' And that I shouldn't be fighting by his side if I can't be there for him all the time."
“That’s not fair of him. You were with the Titans today. He knows that right?”
“He knows, he just doesn’t care.” Dick choked on his words at the end but pushed himself to continue speaking. “Wally, I’m just a teammate to him, to everyone. I’m not his son, I don’t even know how many people actually care about me when the masks are off.”
“Hey, hey…don’t say that. Maybe B acts like an emotionally stunted block of ice, but I know he loves you. Of course, it doesn’t excuse what he said, but you need to know that with masks on or off, we are all your friends. Donna, Garth, Roy, and… me too. You’re like family for us. We love you. I… I love you.” Dick felt his heart clench. He hadn’t heard those words in a long time and couldn’t help but jump right into Wally’s arms for a very tight hug. Wally’s arms felt like home and he never wanted to let go. Wally felt the remaining tears Dick’s eyes soak into his jacket and pulled him tighter. Without pulling even an inch away, Dick asked,
“I love you too.” They felt each other’s cheeks raise in smiles against the other’s shoulders.
“Glad to hear it, now how about that ice cream?”
The second time Wally had told Dick that he loved him was later that year, in the dark of a hospital room well after visiting hours were over. Dick now donned a blue and black suit, accompanied by the moniker of Nightwing. Wally was now the new Scarlet Speedster. Unfortunately, even speedsters couldn’t escape the pain of cavities. Wally was in recovery after a root canal surgery and he wasn’t happy about it.
Wally couldn’t help but worry about the things that could go wrong if the Flash took a day off. Dick on the other hand was more worried about how Wally would fare in surgery. With a metabolism like his, he’d burn through the anesthesia in minutes, and be awake for the rest of the surgery.
“Oh, come on, Dick. I don’t have anesthetics when we’re out being shot at. This will be a piece of cake, so don’t worry, okay?”
When Wally awoke, the whole surgery was complete. He wasn’t in pain either. That’s odd. How-? Oh. Dick. What did he do now? Just then a nurse walked in.
“Oh good, Dear. You’re awake.”
“Uh… Yeah. What did I miss while I was out?” His voice was muffled by the useless cotton balls in his mouth. The nurses couldn’t have known but he was already healed. 4 hours of sleep and speedster healing will do that to you.
“Well, it’s quite an interesting day in Central City. A few blocks down, Nightwing stopped a robbery and helped a family of ducks cross the street.”
“He- he did what? He’s still here?” Wally asked, baffled.
“Oh yes! He seems to have taken over for the Flash today. He’s on TV right now.” Wally scrambled to get the remote. The first thing he saw on the news was Nightwing being interviewed by Iris West-Allen.
“Well Mrs. West, I love helping out my teammates, and besides, I could always use an excuse to visit Central City.” Nightwing flashed his signature smile right into the camera like he knew Wally was watching. This dude… I thought I told him to go back to Gotham… Why do I even try? Wally thought to himself, shaking his head and smiling at his friend’s antics.
Visiting hours had passed and Wally’s parents had just left. He was contemplating sneaking out to get more food when he heard a gentle thud by the window. One that he’d heard a thousand times before.
“Dick, you could have used the front door.”
“Where’s the fun in that?”, Dick responded. “How are you?”
“Hungry. Hospital portion sizes will be the death of me.”
“Well, it’s a great thing that your best friend is as thoughtful as he is handsome.” Dick emptied a plethora of snacks from his backpack on Wally’s bed.
“And this is why I love you.” Wally said it casually, but Dick’s heart skipped a beat anyway. It got him thinking again. He really shouldn’t have worried as much as he did, but he couldn’t help it. He never can when it comes to Wally. “So, what exactly did you put in my drink before the surgery?” Wally asked between mouthfuls of food.
“Specially designed anesthetic to knock you out for 5 hours. Courtesy of a few friends at S.T.A.R. Labs.”
“You spoil me.”
“I didn’t want you to be in pain.”
“I appreciate that.” Wally’s voice was sweeter now. “You didn’t have to go through the trouble, you know.”
“I know. I wanted to.”
“Aww, were you worried about me?”
“I always worry about you. I love you.” It was a sincere, genuine confession that made both their hearts race a little more. Wally mustered the courage to say one more thing. Something that meant the world to both him and Dick.
“You know when I was going under the anesthetic?”
“Yeah?”, Dick replied.
“I was still awake when you held my hand.” Dick grinned in response.
“I know.”, He said. Wally looked up in question. “You held on tighter when I was about to let go, and I knew you were still awake.” The blushes on their cheeks glowed brighter.
“Yeah, well… don’t let go next time then.”
The next time they confessed was on Wally’s 18th Birthday, one month later. A party was planned with a few close friends and family at Wally’s house, but unfortunately, the icy November rain had other plans. Ice laced every road that wasn’t flooded.
Needless to say, Wally was a little disappointed. No one would be coming. Heck, he couldn’t even leave his own house. Dick was still in Gotham getting ready to leave for the party when he heard of the extreme weather in Central City. Knowing the party would most likely be cancelled, he decided to call in a favor.
Wally was sitting in his room when he received Dick’s rather ominous text message. “Get to your balcony.” He listened. He walked up and saw… nothing.
“Um, Dick, what am I looking for exactly?”, he messaged back. Then he heard the whir of the engines and the pressure release on the plane doors.
“You’re looking for me in an invisible plane!”, Dick shouted.
“Is that Wonder Woman’s?!”
“Yeah! Get on.” Wally climbed aboard. He was awestruck. Dick saw the look on Wally’s face and answered the question Wally couldn’t manage to ask.
“Donna owed me a favor, and Diana thinks I’m adorable. I can get away with anything. Now buckle up.”
“Where are we going?”
“It’s a surprise.” Dick flew Wally up to the Titans Tower where every superhero friend of theirs was there. There were 6 cakes, 2 of them being just for Wally. It was just perfect. Wally cut a slice of cake and brought it out to Dick on the terrace. Against the chilly New York winds, the music inside sounded faint and distant.
“I know you’ve swung around Gotham in the winter in your underwear, but you should still wear a jacket when it’s cold out.”, Wally chimed. “Cake?”
“Thank you very much.” Dick said, taking the plate from his hands.
“Hey, thank you for all of this. Its more than perfect.”
“Don’t mention it, Wall. It’s what I’m for. I’m never going to pass up an opportunity to wipe cake frosting on your nose.” Wally’s heart swelled, seeing Dick smile at him like that. His baby blue eyes had Wally mesmerized.
“Yeah! Just you wait ’till your birthday, I’m getting a whole extra cake to shove in your face.”
“I’ll be waiting.”, Dick chuckled out. “So, I have your present here.” Dick held up a small box and handed it to Wally. “Open it.” Wally undid the red ribbon on the box and lifted the lid to reveal a small coin, the size of a penny with a Flash symbol on it. “I know you lost the souvenir from our first solo mission, but I kept one of the shotgun shells, melted it down, and now,” Dick picked up the coin, “this is for you.” Wally was left speechless. Dick wasn’t one to keep souvenirs from missions. That was Wally’s thing. But he kept this one. And on top of all that, he remembered that Wally wanted to remember their first mission and replaced his lost memento. He couldn’t help it. Wally threw his arms around Dick’s shoulders. Dick wrapped his arms around Wally’s waist and pulled him closer, taking in the scent of his shampoo and cologne. I adore him, they both thought.
“Dick, I love you.”
“I love you too, Wally.” The looked up to face each other, still keeping their bodies close. Wally was the first to lift his fingers and caress Dick’s cheek, and Dick leaned in. The kiss was soft and sweet and lit up a million sparks within them. They didn’t know how long they had waited for this but they had no intention of letting this moment go.
And after that, they lost count. They didn’t have to keep track anymore of how many “I love you’s” were exchanged or kisses were shared. They made a silent promise that night that there would be no end to them and that was enough. Love like that truly was forever.
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Still a Little Bit Yours (Part 2) - fic
Characters: Jon Kent, Damian Wayne, various Batfam Pairing: jondami Summary: If there was one thing the world needed to learn, it was that you don’t hurt those Jonathan Kent loves. A/N: This is just basic smoop sprinkled with angst. Bruce gave Cass and Duke special permission to be extra rough on those who kidnapped Damian/hurt them in the first place. Jon and Damian wake up to Bruce on the chair and like half the fam sleeping on the end of the bed. Damian gets so mad at them. Let him sleep with his boyfriend in peace, dammit! Jon ends up now never leaving the bed and basically becomes Damian’s personal pillow as his recovery continues.
Part One | Part Two
That call. That was all they needed, it turned out. The call that shattered Jon’s whole world was the one thing that might help piece it back together.
Even though it’d been over a month, the Bat-tech was able to hone in on the signal easily, and they were in the air and on their way back to France within three hours of Jon and Tim’s arrival to the Batcave.
Bruce wasn’t thrilled. He’d told Jon to go home at least seven times, that they’d contact him when Damian was safe. But at this point, Jon couldn’t believe that, not when they didn’t tell him he was missing in the first place.
He was even less thrilled when Jon grabbed the Justice League communicator out of his hand and smashed it, when Bruce said he was going to call Clark to take him back to Metropolis.
“I’m not ten anymore, Bruce.” Jon reminded with a dark giddiness as he dropped the shattered pieces onto the table. “And Damian is my boyfriend.”
“Is he still?” Jason quipped from nearby, hooking guns to his holsters. Tim had caught them all up with Jon’s side of things. “I mean…you just spent the last month thinking you were broken up and getting over him, right?”
“As part of the family that went to Apokolips to collect his dead body and resurrect him, I don’t think I have to tell you, Jason.” Jon grinned widely. “You don’t just get over Damian Wayne.”
Jason thought a moment, then snorted a laugh and clapped a hand on Jon’s shoulder.
“Okay. I get why he fell in love with Boy Scout Jr. now.” He chuckled.
“…For what it’s worth.” Jon added sheepishly, though, as Jason moved away, and Cassandra and Stephanie approached, moving towards their jet. “…Even if the breakup was real, I…I still wasn’t coping very well with it.”
The women both just smiled knowingly, and Steph jumped up to ruffle at his hair. And for a moment, Jon remembered that, for as much as he missed Damian the last month, he missed seeing the other Bats almost as much.
Bruce grumbled the rest of the time they spent gathering supplies and weapons about how Jon shouldn’t be there, and he didn’t want him nor his help. It was eventually Dick and Duke who took Bruce to the side and had him see the light. Begrudgingly allow Jon to come along.
“On one condition.” Bruce demanded, stomping up to him near the jet’s door. It’d already been decided that Jon would fly alongside the plane. “You do not engage. This is still an open investigation, and I don’t need you accidentally destroying any evidence.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it. I’m only there for Damian anyway.” Jon returned just as gruffly. “You guys be offense, I’ll be defense and extraction. No problem.”
Bruce glared at him for a moment more before raising his cowl and disappearing into the ship. Dick sighed from nearby, following after.
“He’s just worried.” He promised. “About you and Damian. And after already losing Damian like this, the thought of what might happen to you, he…”
Dick trailed off, and Jon was suddenly reminded that he was a lot closer to fifty than thirty these days, and had already lost a lot. Had already lost Damian a lot. And, clearly, it never got easier. Not for Dick or Bruce, or anyone in their family.
“…He’s still alive, Dick.” Jon whispered with what he hoped was an encouraging smile. “I can still hear his heartbeat. He’s still here, just…waiting for us.”
Dick nodded absently, before he met Jon’s gaze and let his mask of cautious hope fall across his face. “Then let’s go get him, Jonno.”
The flight was long. Too long. And even alone outside the ship, Jon listened through the communicator as the Bats planned their attack, outlined the known schematics of the compound that they found, and any potential hidden areas they might have missed.
At least every ten minutes, Bruce was reminding Jon that he was to not get involved. That he was there for Damian’s defense and safety only.
Jon only rolled his eyes, muttered an exasperated, “Yes, sir.” And focus on the heartbeat that got closer every second.
(Closer…and slower. But he didn’t share that part with the rest of the rescue party.)
The compound wasn’t far from where Duke and Cassandra had been beaten and abandoned, but the reason they couldn’t find it afterwards was because it was underground, and seemingly cloaked with tech none of them had ever seen before.
“Alien?” Duke had asked as they neared it.
“Or bankrolled by some selfish rich fuck.” Jason countered. “We’ll find out if Bruce Wayne does a hostile takeover of any companies here in the next week or so, I bet.”
“Hm.” Bruce grunted. But it wasn’t a no, so they all shared one last pre-battle laugh anyway.
They circled the area for a moment, doing some last minute recognizance. “I hear at least twenty-five heartbeats besides Damian’s, Batman.” Jon called. He flicked to his x-ray vision. “And they’re spread between what looks like two rooms.”
“Evenly?” Tim asked.
“Mmm, it doesn’t look like it.” Jon decided. “Looks like a 70-30 split.”
“Damian?” Cassandra asked softly.
“Can’t tell for sure.” Jon scanned the space again, just in case. “One body looks like it could be him, and it’s in the room with less people.”
“Remember, Superman-” Bruce started, but Jon, suddenly out of patience, cut him off.
“I’m defense. You’re offense. I’m there to get Damian out and that’s it.” He rolled his eyes. “I know, Batman.” He curled his hands into fists. “Now are we just going to hover up here all day or are we finally going to go get him?”
There was a moment of silence. Then Bruce calmly, emotionlessly, stoically announced:
“On my mark.”
For as grouchy, bossy, and by-the-book Batman always acted – he was still just a big kid with big toys. And his mark wasn’t a word, but an action. And that action was turning the nose of the jet towards the ground, so he could crash land into the underground bunker of the freaks who’d kidnapped his son.
Jon grinned, and suddenly remembered why Batman was a lot of people’s favorite superhero.
He stayed off to the ship’s side, just in case. In case Bruce actually lost control of the ship, if any of the other Bats ended up hurt in the process. So he listened as the nose slammed into the earth for any screams of pain.
But all he heard was the screeching of metal, and the crashing of ceiling materials as the jet lodged itself into the roof of the compound. There were screams now, of surprise from the building’s inhabitants, and shouts for some to grab weapons.
One last shout from Stephanie as Bruce opened the cockpit, and the Bats began to file out like ants. “Oh fuck yeah, was that fun!”
Everyone was fine. Everyone was safe.
So time to do his job and find the one that wasn’t.
He dove through the lingering smoke, dodging bodies being thrown by the mini-army of vigilantes that had just arrived. Dodged weapons from the incoming henchmen as they raced into the room to help their colleagues.
Jon didn’t pay them much mind other than to notice that their clothing was a little off. There wasn’t any body armor or helmets. Just dark maroon robes, sashed belts. They almost looked like priests.
You know, if they weren’t running at him with guns and knives and…was that one carrying an unlidded jar of acid?
He didn’t care. The Bats could handle them.
He tried to remember what he saw with his x-ray vision as he weaved through the halls. Bruce had crashed into the room with the most people, so that stood to reason that the pseudo-priests Jon had seen were coming from the room with less people. The smaller room, the room where he thought Damian was.
Well, if those priests came from where Damian was, that was even less people to take out than he was originally planning.
He let Damian’s heartbeat guide him. And for a moment, he remembered when he listened for it after the ‘breakup.’ How he thought the slowness of it meant Damian was calm, relaxed.
God, how could he be so stupid? It didn’t mean he was calm. It meant he was fucking dying. How could Jon be so dense? How could he not notice?
He reached a closed door and could hear panicked voices behind it, could hear Damian’s heartbeat at the loudest it’d been so far.
The door didn’t stand a goddamn chance.
He recognized that Damian wasn’t near it, so kicked the door as hard as he could without a care. It practically disintegrated under the heel of his boot. He heard the other people in the room scream as they were showered with splinters but didn’t care. Didn’t care about anything else right now.
He let his heat vision take over his vision as he stepped into the room. There were three people in here, each holding crude weapons – a stick, a shattered bottle and a chair.
“Leave.” Jon ordered. The people cowered only slightly, but stood their ground. And Jon didn’t have time for that. “Or I’ll make you.”
They gave it one last moment to try and be brave, and any other time Jon might commend them for it. Try to talk them down, be more like his dad.
But this wasn’t any other time.
So he turned to the chair and used his heat vision to turn it to ash.
And that was enough. The other two dropped their weapons and held up their hands. Jon shifted out of the doorframe and watched them as they ran for safety.
He stared after them until they turned a corner, going away from the sanctuary Bruce and the others were in, a bonus of course, though he knew the Bats could have handled them. Then he quickly turned back, scanning the room.
It wasn’t a jail cell, or a dungeon. Just an empty, ugly, dark room. There was a table in the corner, and a TV that showed the field outside, acting almost like a window.
There was a closed curtain in the corner, that clearly hid an alcove of some sort. Damian’s heartbeat was coming from there.
Jon doesn’t know how he crossed the room. One second he was by the door, and the next he was at the curtain, slowly pulling it back. Did he float? Did he run? He didn’t know.
“Damian?” He whispered as he tugged the sheet away. “Can you hear…?”
The question died on his lips at the sight in front of him. It was Damian all right, half naked and huddled against the corner of this makeshift pantry. He was thin, so thin, like he hadn’t eaten in the month since he’d been taken. His hair was longer, past his ears, and dirty. The grease shone in the dim light.
There were bruises and cuts all over his body, some of them looked infected. His eyes were black and swollen, his lip split in multiple places. Dried blood caked along his nostrils.
But that might not have even been the worst part.
Though, really, was there just one single worst part? Were the heavy chains around Damian’s neck, wrists and ankles that latched him to the wall the worst part? Or was it the barrage of needle marks that twisted up his inner arms all the way up to his jaw?
Jon’s eyes filled with tears. But not from pain, like they usually did. Not from hurt or emotions.
From utter, blinding fury.
They did this to him. Those fucking fake priests that he’d just showed mercy to did this to him. To Damian. To the love of his fucking life.
He’d kill them. He’d go snap all their necks right now. Break every bone in each of their bodies and let them die slowly and painfully. Then burn them into ash and throw their remains in a dumpster.
He even felt himself take a step back, to do just that. But stopped when he heard Damian let out a wheezing exhale.
“Damian?” He asked again. Damian had never answered the first time. Was he even conscious? Was he aware of what was happening? He took the last few steps forward and kneeled, putting a hand on Damian’s shoulder. “D, can you hear me?”
Damian tensed at his touch and tried to jerk away, but just ended up bouncing his shoulder painfully against the stone wall behind him. When he looked up, his eyes looked almost feral, but them immediately softened as recognition took hold.
He blinked once. Twice. “…Jonathan?”
Jon swallowed the lump in his throat and nodded with a sad smile.
“What are you doing here?” Damian asked, even as Jon shifted his hand from Damian’s shoulder to his face. Damian’s skin was cold. “They…” Damian’s eyes were suddenly angry. “If they’ve laid a hand on you, I swear I’ll-”
“Nothing of the sort.” Jon promised. “We’re here to get you out of here. Take you home.”
Damian blinked and slumped back. “We?”
“Your family.” Jon explained vaguely as he let his hand fall, run gently over a scab along Damian’s chest. “God, I’m so glad I found you.”
“…I’m sorry.” Damian murmured, and Jon looked up at him in confusion. “I…I lost track of the days some time ago, but you must have been worried sick. I’m sorry for causing you any distress.”
Jon’s stomach twirled in guilt. Because he wasn’t worried, not at all. And was now the time to say that? To say ‘Oh, no, I wasn’t worried, because it turns out the psychopaths who kidnapped you pretended to be you and broke up with me.’?
No. No it absolutely fucking wasn’t.
“…Nothing is your fault.” Jon decided on. He reached forward and grabbed the collar around Damian’s neck, snapping it with a quick jerk of his hands. He followed suite with the chains around his arms and legs too. “Can you walk? Your family is taking care of the others, my only job is to get you safe.”
“…I don’t know.” Damian hummed honestly, eyes fluttering slightly. “And I don’t know if my body is strong enough to try right now.”
Jon looked back up at him with another smile. Less sad this time, more genuine. Let it reach his eyes. “No problem.” He returned his hand to Damian’s face, gently pushed his long hair out of the way. Without thinking, he leaned forward and kissed Damian as gently as he could, then pressed their foreheads together. “Jesus, I’m just…just so glad you’re alive.”
Damian scoffed a quiet laugh, and opened his mouth to retort, but suddenly there was a noise from the room behind them. They both looked back to see Batman storming in through the door.
“Superboy?” He asked as he stopped, glanced around Jon. “We…all good here? You found him?”
Jon squeezed Damian’s face just slightly before standing and turning back. “Yes, sir. Alive and well.”
Bruce nodded. “And the rest are taken care of. So let’s get the hell out of here.”
Jon nodded. “Can you help me get him up? I don’t think he can walk real well right now.”
Bruce seemed to hesitate, glancing past Jon’s shoulder again, but nodded, and took a step towards him.
And as soon as he was close, Jon grabbed the side of his head and slammed it through the closest wall.
“…That’s twice now you’ve gotten my name wrong.” Jon spit, looming over the man as he groaned in pain. “And that’s twice you’ve done a piss poor imitation of someone I care about.”
Batman looked up at Jon in confusion, borderline hurt. But then the eyes widened in realization, and instantly shifted from Bruce’s icy blue to a sickly yellow. “You.”
“Me.” Jon grinned wildly. “And I’ll admit it – you got me the first time. Because I had no idea what had happened, so of course, why wouldn’t I believe the phone call I was getting?”
Batman began to shift now, lose his muscle mass, his uniform began to change to a deep maroon.
“But then I was told the truth, and all the clues that didn’t make sense before suddenly began to piece together.” Jon hummed, picking the man up by his collar. He was much smaller than Bruce. Much thinner. Much older. “So when they said they were coming to kick your ass, I knew there was nowhere else I’d rather be.”
He slammed the man into the wall again, but held him there. Used his other hand to grab the man’s throat.
“Why.” He hissed. “Tell me why.”
The man choked slightly, feet scrabbling for floor, hands grabbing at Jon’s. “Lazarus.” He wheezed. “He…he carries the waters of Lazarus in his blood. I saw it in his eyes. The green of his eyes. In the field. I knew.” A cough. “I knew it was fate that we found him. He was the one who was going to make us immortal.”
Jon’s eyes widened. The needle marks. The acid the other man was carrying from this room. Experiments, no doubt. To get the magical Lazarus waters out of Damian’s blood that they believed was there.
But Damian was stubborn, and probably put up a fight. So they beat him into submission, tortured him, stabbed him with needles to drain him dry. But they couldn’t kill him, oh no. Because if Damian died they’d lose their chance at the power of the Lazarus Pit.
They were using him, like he was no more than a thing.
Jon’s nostrils flared. “I’m going to fucking kill you, you bastard.”
“…Beloved.” Damian whispered, and Jon found himself turning towards him without thinking. Damian looked tired, still slumped against that wall, head leaning against the stone. “Don’t.” He closed his eyes. “Just…leave him for Batman.”
Batman’s demands came rushing back. They were offense. Jon was defense.
Jon’s only job was to get Damian safe.
Silently, Jon nodded, but instead of dropping the man, gave himself one last piece of revenge, and threw the man across the room into the table and fake-window TV. The man gave a low moan, and it sounded like music to Jon’s ears as he walked back over to Damian, and gathered him into his arms.
Damian didn’t complain about being held, didn’t complain about being coddled. Just wrapped an arm around Jon’s neck and leaned against his shoulder.
“Thank you.” He whispered, and Jon just kissed his forehead, trying to ignore the mere fact of how much pain Damian must have been in. How exhausted.
But as he crossed the room, he stopped near the door, just once, and turned to the man.
He didn’t care who he was. What his name was. But he did care about one thing.
“Why did you call me?”
The man didn’t uncurl from his fetal position, didn’t even open his eyes. “Because we knew you would come for him.” He hissed. “The lovers always do.”
Jon blinked, and watched the man for a moment, before turning and walking out of the room, Damian a calming weight in his arms.
It was a cult in that underground bunker, Jon learned later. One obsessed with becoming immortal so they could be gods. They’d kidnapped, tortured and killed at least ten people over the years before they took Damian, all for the same reason.
Jon honestly couldn’t care less.
After escaping the compound, Jon flew to a previously agreed upon spot in Geneva, where Batman had a safe house that Alfred had flown ahead to. He radioed onto the open line as he did so, and Duke, mid-battle, shouted an affirmative, and promise that they’d meet him there.
Damian could barely hold onto consciousness during the flight, and it only made Jon fly faster, to an almost dangerous speed.
Alfred met them on the balcony, and motioned for Jon to follow him after he landed. A penthouse in Geneva wasn’t exactly a hospital, so instead of a medical cot, Jon carefully laid Damian in an extravagant king-sized bed.
Jon helped where he could, which, admittedly, wasn’t in very many places. The thing he was best at, he found, was getting in the way. But, bless him, Alfred never chastised him. Never told him to move.
“This is almost a luxury.” Alfred had quipped at one point as he checked Damian’s IV bag. “Normally I’m trying to work around at least five anxious persons, not one calm one.”
Jon had tried to smile, but it didn’t come out right. Alfred seemed to understand, though, and just gave Jon’s shoulder a quick squeeze as he passed him.
Finally, Alfred proclaimed himself finished, having done all he could. He’d disinfected and wrapped wounds, given Damian painkillers and set up the IVs to replenish Damian’s fluids. The rest of his healing would come in time. For now, he’d be in the kitchen fixing Damian something gentle to eat, before preparing food for the rest of the rescue party’s eventual arrival.
Jon nodded, and sat at Damian’s bedside.
It was almost midnight by the time the rest of the Bats arrived. They explained to Jon and Alfred their investigation, and what the cult had told them. Got checked out by Alfred, came and checked on Damian, and then one by one, they each went off to another room to settle down for the rest of the night.
Jon remained at Damian’s side.
And he didn’t move. Not to sleep, he just laid his head on the mattress. Not to eat breakfast or any meal, just balanced it on his lap. He didn’t even get up to offer his seat when anyone came in to visit their brother.
He just sat there, staring at Damian’s battered face and holding his cold hand.
Damian didn’t wake up that day, or even the day after. He could tell the others were starting to get antsy about it, and agitated. What if Damian didn’t wake up? What if that cult had actually killed him, and he’d survived just long enough to see them all again? To get taken to safety?
So the Bats threw themselves into the investigation to distract themselves. Who was cult? Who funded them? Who had they killed?
Jon just stayed on his stool at Damian’s side.
It was the morning of the third day, some time before dawn. Jon had his head pillowed against his arm on the mattress next to Damian’s elbow, half turned to watch the moon reflect off the clouds through the balcony doors.
He listened as Damian inhaled, but paid it no mind. Not until: “…What are you doing?”
Jon sat up so fast he made himself dizzy. In the dim light, Damian’s half-lidded sea foam eyes almost glowed.
“What are you doing?” Damian repeated groggily.
“I…I couldn’t sleep, so I was just watching the stars…” He started, but trailed off when Damian lazily waved a hand.
“I mean, why are you sitting on that stool?” Damian asked. He flopped his hand out to the open side of the bed. “There’s clearly space here. Even if you can’t sleep, at least let yourself be comfortable.”
Jon instantly dropped his gaze to his knees, and even half conscious, Damian noticed.
“Beloved, what’s wrong?” He asked sleepily, weakly reaching his hand towards Jon.
Jon pulled his hand away.
This time, Damian’s inhale was sharp. He pulled his hand back and dropped it onto his own stomach. “…Alright.”
“No, it’s not…!” Jon suddenly realized how that looked. Knew how Damian would take it. “I don’t…You didn’t…” He sighed, dropped his face into his hands. “I don’t deserve it.”
“What?” Damian asked. “Deserve what?”
“To hold your hand. To lay in your bed.” Jon groaned. “You.”
Damian hesitated, grunted softly as he shifted. “I’m afraid I don’t understand.”
“The day you went missing, they…that shapeshifter guy, he stole your phone and he called me. As you.” Jon closed his eyes, trying to hide even further. “He…he broke up with me as you. And I…it didn’t make any sense, it never made any sense to me, but I believed him.”
Another moment of quiet. “…Oh.”
“I know. I’m an idiot.” Jon lamented. “Because how could I not know my own boyfriend? How could I believe you would break up with me over the phone?”
“Or…ever.” Damian agreed. “Unless you want…”
“Or ever!” Jon cut off dramatically, curling his covered face to his knees. “How could I believe you’d do that, and not question it! Not question that you never answered your phone after that, never told anyone, never came back to Metropolis for any reason! Even dream you tried to tell me and I just…”
“Dream me?” Damian asked. Suddenly there were fingers stroking at Jon’s hair, and he held his breath. “You dreamed about me?”
“I thought about you every second of every day.” Jon admitted glumly. “I felt like such a loser, not being able to get over you.” He paused, curled into himself more. “For believing it all in the first place.” He shook his head. “I don’t even deserve to be sitting here next to you, Damian. I don’t.”
He felt Damian’s fingers stroke for a few more seconds, then heard Damian scoff a laugh.
“Jonathan, you’re so funny.”
Those fingers in his hair were instantly at his chin, tilting his face up and out of his hands. Damian, looking beyond exhausted, was smiling at him.
“Come lay with me.” Damian asked softly.
Jon stared up at him for a moment, let his eyes wander down the bandages and new scars, then back up. “You shouldn’t want me to.” He breathed. “In fact, you should break up with me for real, because I’m such a fucking-”
“Do you want me to?” Damian asked seriously. “Do you want me to break up with you? Would you like us to remain apart? Because if after this past month that’s what you’ve decided is best for you, then I will do my best to give it to-”
“No.” Jon said instantly. “No, I…” His breath trembled. “No, I don’t want us to be apart anymore.”
“Nor do I.” Damian agreed with a gentle smile. He laid his arm across the bed. “…Please.”
Jon stared at him for a moment, then sighed and stood, carefully floating over Damian to drop onto his other side.
Damian weakly reached up to pull Jon into his arms, like a child grabbing for a balloon, and Jon let himself be dragged into Damian’s side. Latched onto Damian’s waist and hid his face against Damian’s chest.
His heartbeat was loud now. Still slow, a little too slow for Jon’s liking, but loud, and right under Jon’s ear, right where it was supposed to be.
“I’m sorry.” Jon whispered, as he felt Damian kiss at his hair, gently run his fingers along Jon’s shoulders. “I’m so sorry, Damian.”
“You have nothing to apologize for. If anything, I should apologize to you, for what that shifting bastard did.” Damian hummed, and already Jon could sense he was falling back into unconsciousness.
Because he feels safe, Jon didn’t let himself think. He feels safe here with me.
“…I love you.” Jon breathed, closing his eyes, squeezing Damian as tightly as he dared. “I love you so much, Damian.”
“I love you as well, Jonathan.” Damian answered just as softly. “For as long as I live. No matter what anyone tells you, please always remember that.” He carefully laid his hand over the one Jon had on his hip. “…Thank you for finding me. For saving me.”
“Always.” Jon smiled, looking up at Damian. Damian’s eyes were already closed once more, his breathing evening out. “Always and forever.”
“Forever and ever.” Damian mumbled as he drifted off. Jon watched him for a few more moments, until he was sure Damian was asleep again. Then he leaned up and left a careful kiss to Damian’s cheek. Lingered for a moment, then curled up under Damian’s chin, clung to him like he was a giant teddy bear.
He let his boyfriend’s heartbeat lull him to sleep.
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frontcut · 6 years
Jake Lee: Turning Off the Ego
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Years ago, a friend talked to me about the ego. The I or the me. The voice inside our head that controls our every action, the consciousness that determines our every move. This friend was the one who told me how I could turn that voice off.
He described it as flipping a switch. At one point the ego is on and in full force, but at a point he decides, he switches it off. I imagined a darkness that enveloped the inside of his body, removing all light for him to guide himself, and replacing it with a silent, bottomless darkness. My friend told me that inside that darkness is where it all happens. That in there, anything is possible.
We were sitting on a grass hillside that overlooked a large valley. There was a thin fence in front of us, and a row of neatly ordered tents behind us. The grass was long and cool under our bare feet and the wind coming up through the hills was warm. Down below us was the city of Bilbao, Spain; a large modern city with a few elegant skyscrapers alongside even level buildings with red brick rooftops and cream-colored walls. Far to our left was an expansive cove where the land met the lightless Atlantic ocean. The city climbed up from the beach, up through the valley, and ended at the base of a mountain far to our right. The city’s lights glittered in the dark as my friend and I tossed back warm beers and chain-smoked cigarettes.
How does one simply turn off their ego? I’d never once considered myself to have an ego. I’d always thought that, if I did, it couldn’t be such a bad thing; an idealized version of oneself, what’s so wrong with that? Although now, I began to entertain the thought that I had cheated myself in someway. If I did have an ego, was it preventing me from getting things I wanted? Was it restricting me from being my own true self?  
“Of course, it’s only temporary,” my friend began, “If you could live without an ego all the time, then you’d be a Buddhist monk. I don’t know anything about being a monk, but I know that when I do something like this, traveling alone and meeting strangers, the best thing I can do is turn off my ego.”
He outstretched his hands and then snapped his fingers.
“I let go of just about everything. The perception of who I am, judgements, fears, anger, I let it all go. I let the flow of things happen and once I’ve switched over, people tend to respond in the strangest ways. For example, you and me. By chance, I’ve managed to get up into these mountains, with little aid from my cellphone and even less aid from my broken Spanish, and found the tent I had reserved. I’m sharing a conversation with the neighbor of that tent, someone I had never known until tonight, and have been welcomed with abundant beer and my first ever cigarette smoke.”
“Sure, but what does the ego have to do with any of that?”
Impressed, I assessed my new neighbor; a wide-eyed Korean with silky black hair, a sharp jaw line and a bright wide smile. He had been silent as he acquainted himself with his lodgings for the night, a two person tent with nothing inside. Like my group and I, he’d come ill prepared. He had slipped off his sandals, laid out a towel, and sat down cross legged closing his eyes and taking a moment to relax. He began unpacking his bag when I offered him a beer. I shot my friendliest smile to the stranger, hoping he wouldn’t be straight-edge or shy, and when he accepted the beer, I was relieved. Likewise, my offering seemed to have a profound effect on him. He had told me his name was Jake, Jake Lee.  
He took a big gulp from his third can and finished it. The city continued its warm glow below us.
“However,” my friend continued, “There are times when turning off the ego can be dangerous. You can loose yourself completely, and that’s a frightening thing. I was on holiday last year, around this same time in Amsterdam. I had turned off my ego, click, like the flip of a switch, and had met a group of people from London. They were a bit older, a rowdy group, and they insisted on buying me beers. I was enjoying myself, they were talkative and friendly, but I realize now that they weren’t really listening to me, truly, like how you are now. These people weren’t interested in me, didn’t give two shits. I felt as if I was impeding on their group, despite their insistence to buy me beer. That’s how you compensate for free drinks, right? Good conversation. Well for some reason, they had decided to mess with me, but I couldn’t see it. Their fun was in taking advantage of me.”
My friend paused and sighed.
“After several rounds of drinks, they asked me if I wanted to do mushrooms. They had bought them the previous day from a coffeeshop in the city, saying that they were safe and were a really good time. I had turned my ego off and felt willing, I didn’t really care what it meant to take mushrooms, if it meant continuing to party with them then I was willing. Stupid, right? We ate the mushrooms together and continued hanging at the bar. We were in the back corner, beginning to trip on our own. Pretty quickly, I began feeling the effects. I had never even smoked marijuana before, the laws in Korea are very strict. I had never done drugs, yet here I was taking hallucinogenic mushrooms.”
Jake smiled and took a long drag of his cigarette. He coughed and quickly washed down the taste with beer.
“These are great,”, he said, “I can see the allurement now, dangerous little fuckers. Anyway, soon enough I realized that I wasn’t just taking mushrooms. At some point, the people I was with slipped something in my drink. I think it was ecstasy but I’m not 100% certain. I don’t know why anyone would go and do that to someone, but like I said, they wanted to mess with me. As you can imagine, it completely fucked me up.”
At this point my friend reached for another beer and cracked it opened. I took a drag from my cigarette and exhaled it into the wind.
“I lost complete control of myself. My vision became distorted, the carpet began swirling under me, the paintings on the wall came to life, the bartenders turned green, and I watched as luminescent objects floated through the air. I lost the group in minutes. I somehow found my way to the rooftop, without the slightest idea of how I got there. I looked out over the edge, about five stories up, and could see the ground coming up toward me. The sidewalk, people walking, cars passing, it seemed as if I could reach out and touch them. Like I could just step over and be among them. An unrelenting urge came over me, begging me to to find out. Without questioning, I lifted a leg over and stretched it as far as I could, pointing my toes to reach the street. My body felt lighter than air, like if I let go of the railing, I’d float. I hoisted my other leg over and stood holding the railing behind me. A gust of wind swept up from the street and the hairs of my skin rose, I was actually excited. I watched the cars passing under me and looked across the rooftops of the city that were standing and watching. It was a warm summer night and I actually felt excited to go and float above the rooftops. Without an ounce of fear, I let go of my hands and stepped off the edge.”
My friend turned to me. He smiled with his eyes closed and laughed.
“Then, what do you think happened?”
“You floated above the rooftops.”
“Ha! Not quite. I wish, but instead, something quite extraordinary happened; I heard a voice shout my name. A woman, I didn’t recognize the voice, but it was a woman’s voice that had shouted my name, and my real name, not Jake, but Jae-Sung. I use Jake when I travel because it’s easy, but someone had shouted my real name from somewhere far away. Like a flash of lightening, there came a sharp pain from deep inside of me. It was a pain so real that it woke me up to the reality I was in, that voice, came from inside me; someone was screaming for me, to not do what I was doing… In that moment, I flung my arm behind me and managed to grab the railing. My head flung forward and my feet dangled down toward the street. It no longer looked a few feet away, I was easily fifty-feet off the ground. Everything flooded back to me; the weight of my body, the sweat on my hands, the terrible fear, all of it, like every nerve in my body was screaming, but my brain couldn’t hear. I carefully and instantly pulled myself up and lifted myself over the railing. Terrified, I collapsed on the rooftop and stayed there frozen.”
Jake took a drink of his beer and I did the same.
“I nearly killed myself,” he continued looking me in the eye, “I still can’t believe it, but I had actually let go of the railing and began to fall. From somewhere far away I heard my name, a cry so painful that I can hear it even now. It wanted me to live. And I wanted to live too, desperately.”
“Who do you think it was that screamed your name?”
“I don’t know. But whomever or whatever it was, I’m grateful to it. It could have been my mother, or someone that I hadn’t met yet. It wasn’t someone on the street, it sounded like the voice was right beside me. Regardless of who it was, they saved me.”
My friend took a moment to think, looking out at the expansive metropolis below.  
“What I mean to say is, turning off the ego is a very scary thing. I wasn’t aware of myself. It went beyond taking the drugs and being drugged, it was loosing complete control of myself and not knowing who I was. If you’re aware of yourself, and allow yourself to let go of your ego, then you’ll feel a great deal better. Things won’t worry you as much, you won’t care what people think of you, you won’t hesitate over whether every move you make is the right one. Things like fear and anxiety slip through your fingers. You stop forcing things to be the way you want them to. When you turn off the ego, you let things go, you give them up to the flow. I don’t know, it’s hard to put it into words, but I think - I think you just need to experience it. Let go of your ego and whatever burdens you will fall from your shoulders. I mean it. But you have to remember, you must never forget, know yourself first. That night, I wasn’t aware of myself. I’d forgotten all about Jae Sung, me, and my forgetfulness, my loss of self, it did me in for good. I don’t understand it, but for whatever reason, that wasn’t how I was supposed to die.”
He smiled, a careless and worry-less smile.
“But wasn’t it the drugs fault”, I argued, “Your ego didn’t have anything to do with it. You lost your awareness because of the drugs.”
“You may be right, but if I had kept even the slightest awareness to who I was, then things may have gone differently. You asked me how I’m able to travel alone like I do and I argue that it has to do with my ego technique. I’m able to open up a little more, let go of my will, and therefore experience a lot more than most people. Tell me Brandon, do you know yourself completely?”
I thought about it for a moment, but already knew the answer.
“Right”, Jake said, “I don’t think anyone does. But turning of the ego helps you to figure it out. Turn off your ego and smile more, it helps fill that hole. But you can’t forget that life is ruthless and it doesn’t hesitate to cut you up, that’s what I’d forgotten.”
I thought about what it meant to turn off the ego. Even if I were to turn it off, how would I get any closer to knowing who I was?
“So what happened after?” I asked my friend.
He smiled and continued, “I fell asleep. Just passed out right there. Clouds gathered and it began to rain. A light summer rain. I didn’t get cold and just stayed there. Unable to move, I watched the rain come down from the sky. When I woke up, it was bright and sunny and my clothes had already dried. My head was as clear as a whistle. No headache or lingering effects of the drugs. I can’t explain it, but my head seemed clearer than before, like that experience had taught me something, something about myself. Although, I’m not really sure what it was. But what I know for sure, is that I couldn’t put my trust in people so easily. After that day, I went to spend the rest of the trip by myself. No hostels, no going out. Just a single hotel room and a seat at a cafe alone. I wanted time to think, read, and relax. I got on the first train to Paris, it was expensive and cut my trip short, but that’s what I wanted. I stayed for two more weeks and after those two weeks, I went back to Seoul for my next quarter at University.”
My friend continued to tell me about how he’d spend his summers traveling and the rest of his year rigorously studying. His father was an engineer for a major firm and his son was going to follow suit. But the path that was laid out for him didn’t seem to bother him at all, despite his vagabond attitude.
Our conversation took place on the first night that I had met him. I was traveling through Spain with three others. We had gone to a music festival in the basque country and that was where we had met Jake. He’d decided to see a “rock n’ roll” festival and had purchased his tickets last minute. His provided tent was right next to ours and upon his arrival, I offered him the beer which began our conversation. I haven't seen him since that night, but I’m certain of one thing. He’s living a life worth living.
Click, like the flip of a switch.
written by Brandon Parks 
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boozedancing · 6 years
When Mrs. Satellite Engineer came up with Scotland as a Spring Break destination for us and the teenage daughters, my first thoughts went quickly to Islay. That idyllic island on the west coast is forever in my mind after three days there with the Single Cask Nation (SCN) boys and a few SCN members four years ago. But, alas, this was not to be a whisky trip. This was a family trip to Scotland with, maybe, a little whisky mixed in. Like a cocktail with a wee bit more spirit.
First passes through a proposed itinerary included Islay, but with limited time, it really made no sense with the big loop of driving that our route would take us on the mainland. A new, “better” itinerary sans Islay was constructed by my far better half. And upon presenting it to the daughters, it was met… with glum faces. “What about Islay?!”, they exclaimed. Or maybe whispered. I just know someone said it and was glum saying it. Could well have been me but there were no recording devices to prove it. Apparently I am listened to on rare occasion and my waxing poetic over that last few years about the little island sunk in – and paid off! Islay was back on the trip!
Day 1
After an overnight stay in a Glasgow airport hotel, we walked back to the airport the next morning and boarded a cozy Loganair flight to Islay. I was mentally prepared with low expectations for the flight to be cancelled for the inevitable bad weather that was surely to come, and not atypical of travel in this part of the world. Yet the Gods of the Hebrides looked down upon us with beautiful blue skies and frosty white clouds as we boarded that little 40-seat airplane. The eyes of Daughter #1 widened when she saw Ardbeg, Laphroaig, and Lagavulin a few thousand feet below nestled on the coast. It probably wasn’t the same feeling I had four years ago as my mates and I crossed the channel to Islay via ferry but Daughter #1 was clearly bright-eyed and excited. Seeing her glued to the window in anticipation got me pretty excited too.
A few minutes later we were disembarking the stairwell from the Saab 340B. It was a bit dizzying walking those twenty yards to the tiny terminal. Maybe I was just airsick. Who knows? We were on Islay! And it was a beautiful day!
Islay was a good starter track for my “wrong” side of the road driving practice that I needed. And as we pulled out of the airport “car hire” parking, I was quickly reminded to “STAY TO THE LEFT” by the friendly chorus sitting beside and behind me. Heading south on the A846 towards Port Ellen with fields of peat all around us, I almost pinched myself to wake up from this crazy dream. But that would have required deciding which hand to take off of the wheel safely for the pinching which would have ended in “TWO HANDS ON THE WHEEL!  STAY TO THE LEFT!” I didn’t need that. No pinching. But I really was on Islay again.
The Kildalton Cross
I tried not to play too much tour guide as we got into Port Ellen and passed the malting house. There was plenty to see without me pointing and gabbing. With little time on the island, we had some must-do’s.  First was to head up the eastern coast to the Kildalton High Cross. The quaintness of the island can’t be overstated. Hugging that coastline and driving through its hilly, uneven terrain with only a house here and there, and sheep everywhere else, the family got a crash course in Islay’s unique and varied beauty. Daughter #1 was amazed how the air didn’t have that salty, seaside smell that we’re accustomed to at home near the Pacific. Villages sit against the sea on one side and woodlands on the other. Islay has its mysteries, indeed.  The various signs with their bilingual street names only played on our heartstrings more.  Gaelic can do that to you, especially if you can’t pronounce it. Passing Ardbeg, Laphroaig, and Lagavulin northwards towards Kildalton warmed my heart. We would stop on the way back but it was good to see those friendly buildings again.  
Scotland’s historic spots are fascinating if only for their lack of… visitors. The Kildalton Cross and church grounds are at end of a paved road on a tiny hill. There’s a parking lot though we were the only ones parked on this Saturday morning. And there’s a chain-link fence around the property but it’s only purpose seemingly is to keep the sheep from wandering in. The scattered sheep droppings on the church property proved that either the sheep were really good at opening the gate or visitors were really bad at closing it. It would seem that the sheep love seeing an ancient Christian cross more than human tourists do. Our first bit of sightseeing took us back 700 years in time, and that was without my LA freeway driving skills helping much.
The drive back down the hill looked like a scene from Lord of the Rings. You pick which one; I get them confused. Go with the one that has the Shire. Coming back through the tree-shaded “neighborhoods”, we were greeted with hens and roosters alongside the road, and even a group of peafowl showing off their mating ritual with plumes a-pluming. I really only wanted to stop into Ardbeg and hit the Old Kiln Cafe for lunch. But much to our surprise, the distillery was closed, though operational. Apparently, the weeks leading up to Easter are “low season” at many distilleries. Nonetheless, we parked. Teen Daughter #2 and I ventured through the property between the buildings  with those luscious whisky-making smells in the air. Never seeing a soul the entire time, we made our way to the little green space behind the distillery overlooking the sea. This was a view of Ardbeg that I missed on my last visit, and with the place closed, it was a quiet, peaceful moment viewing that iconic warehouse. Wind briskly blew off the sea wreaking havoc with the daughter’s mane of hair and also rippled the rainwater atop the nearby standing barrels. Who knows if there is actually the whisky in them or not? They could well be “dummy” barrels for the dummy tourists who make the trek to this distant land. But it didn’t matter; it was pretty cool to us with no one else around.
Islay Woolen Mill Company
Laphroaig was closed also and we just passed on by Lagavulin. With a 2:00 pm tour of Bruichladdich a few hours away, we were going to check off “distillery visit” soon enough. Chris Hallstrom formerly of Scotch Whisky Auctions had told me that a neat little stop was the Islay Woolen Mill Company. A bit past Bridgend proper which is a few miles past Bowmore tucked away in a picturesque notch along the River Scorn lies a tiny ancient factory producing some of the best woolen goods found in Scotland. It’s more of a house with a shop inside and a mill in the back. Owner Gordon Covell welcomed us and had his factory manager give us a tour of the facility that probably hasn’t changed much since it first opened in 1883. It was a short but fascinating look at an art and craft from 200 years ago with its Victorian Era looms rattling away. Their beautiful work has been proudly used in movies like Braveheart, and the shop was easy pickings for this group looking for scarves. The “Laphroaig” pattern scarf is now happily in my possession. The short walk to the car need a look over the bridge above the Scorn. This really felt Shire-y.
The troops needed lunch before heading to Port Charlotte so we ventured back to the booming metropolis of Bowmore. Peatzeria (get it?) is a fun little restaurant  with a great logo and tagline (“A Slice Of Islay”) and a better menu. A friendly colorful two-story space with a patio overlooking the sea, Peatzeria’s decor is brightly modern and the menu has many twists on local favorites. We sat upstairs next to two young moms as their toddlers happily chowed down cheese pizza, colored on menus, and walked about in socks. It was our kind of place. And they had Irn-Bru on the menu. It was also our first taste of what must be Scotland’s National Soup: Potato Leak which popped up at almost every place we ate all week.
When we made our way downstair we visited with Chef Paul while takeaway ice cream was being served up. He told us about the restaurant’s origins and that business was booming. Paul’s sister-in-law, Caroline, is a Bowmore girl and it was her idea of starting a modern pizzeria on Islay. Her sister, Sharon, and Paul run the place bringing their backgrounds in hospitality and cooking. Now they have THE pizza place on the island that seems a great spot for sunset dinners, family outings and even kids birthday parties. And, yes, there’s various Islay whiskies on the menu (for the adults).
Happily stuffed we headed back towards Bridgend but now took the A847 westward along Loch Indaal. The endless low tide of Islay was off to the left exposing the bay’s many crags and rocks. The waters barely moved. Somewhat desolate, the road to the other lobe of Islay feels like it is taking you very far from the towns of Bowmore and Port Ellen. Homes dot the landscape but are again vastly outnumbered by sheep and even sailboats. Other cars on the road were a rare sight on this day. Pulling into the village of Bruichladdich, distant Port Ellen across the loch felt hundreds of miles away but in reality it’s no more than 20 minutes, especially with my LA lead foot.
A few minutes late, we joined the tour as it left the Bruichladdich visitor shop. A few Germans and a few Brits made up the group as we followed tour guide, Frazier, across the parking lot to the first stop, the grist mill. Frazier gave a detailed history of Bruichladdich leading to describing what the role the Porteus grist mill played in all of this. Next was the the open top mash tun which is a unique feature of Bruichladdich’s. It was interesting seeing it completely empty on a day when the distillery was not mashing. The cogs and mechanism looked positively archaic while the vessel seemed so much bigger without any water and grain in it. Was it a big empty metal swimming pool with a sleeping robot inside ready to crush its next prey, or maybe a birthplace for a Marvel superhero or a Transformer waiting to transform. Too much?  I’m a bit nauseous myself.
The Oregon pine wash backs were next, fermenting away their carb-heavy soup. Frazier let us put our noses in each as they were all in different states in the process. And, of course, there was a tasting of the warm, oatmeal-y “beer” that was the result of the fermentation, siphoned out of one of the wash backs. Off to the Still Room where we all felt a tad bit smaller in the that forest of copper works that stretched high to the ceiling. The stills felt bigger to me on this visit and I think that sense was heightened with the daughters looking dwarfed against them. The girls are grown up but seemed less so in this room. The noiselessness gave the stills a peaceful elegant beauty as they waited for their next run in a few days. A walk in the chilly air for a quick visit to one of the warehouses was next. Casks of Octomore plus sherry and ex-bourbon barrels surrounded us while our noses filled with that dank oaky aging spirit smell. I couldn’t breath it in enough. I could see the eyes of the girls and the Mrs. Satellite Engineer widen as we walked by the endless rows of barrels. I could only imagine what they were thinking.
Our guide led us back to the visitors center where many dollars were spent on valinches and other “necessities”.  It was a group effort as I poured one of the “bottle your own”, a 12 year old Port Charlotte finished in a Hermitage Blanc cask, and the girls did the rest of the work of labeling. Future distillery guides in the making. Their first distillery tour was in the books and, I dare say, they are better human beings for it. Good parenting is what we’re all about.
Port Charlotte
Heading farther down the road, a few minutes later we found ourselves in Port Charlotte. Having spent three days there before, it felt like a long lost friend’s kind inviting embrace. Not much had changed in four years which made me very happy. There are still no traffic lights. Progress is overrated.  
We pulled up to the Lochindaal Hotel on the main drag in downtown Port Charlotte. On my prior visit, my mates and I befriended Sarah MacLellan who was tending bar in the pub there. Her parents own the hotel so it was an easy choice for our one night on Islay. Sarah’s mom, Katie, and I e-mailed and she was excited about our visit. We stayed behind the pub in two beautiful joined rooms aptly named the Peat House. Sarah’s father, Iain, and her sister, Helena, welcomed us as if we were coming into their home which we kind of were, at least their second home since they live in the village of Bruichladdich. After a quick unpacking and a few hours of sunlight left, I had one place for us to see.
Farther south down the road from Port Charlotte is the village of Portnahaven. It literally feels like the end of world as it points off to Northern Ireland. But before getting there we (thankfully) found a herd of Highland cows alongside the road. This was very high on the list of things to see because they are big, shaggy, and cute by all of my family’s accounts. After a brief visit and chat with the coos, we made our way to Portnahaven parking along the bay. This small craggy bay is lined with white cottages overlooking the seals who call it their home too. Several were laying on the rocks in the sun and could care less of our visit.  Not exactly the welcoming committee but at least they were quiet. We parked a short walk from the An Tigh Seinnse pub, the local watering hole not much bigger than a postage stamp. Before entering we met a couple from Glasgow on holiday. They were driving around Islay in a rented RV with their dog Mac. Mac was the friendliest of canines and the first of many who we would meet on our trip.  Dog-loving folks that we are, we became fast friends with Mac, and his owners too. After a last few ear rubs (for Mac), we found our way into the pub where we were warmly greeted by the owner and a few locals. The Ileach are the friendliest of folk who will engage you at the drop of a hat or a tip of a dram. With no hats to drop, we went for the latter and had a wonderful time visiting with the local pub-goers. It would have been very easy to spend the rest of the day in this warm little pub.
With the sun close to being behind the hill and shadows growing toward the loch, we headed back towards Port Charlotte. We made a stop in the village of Nerabus to see its ruins of a chapel and carved grave slabs all dating to the 14th and 15th centuries most likely. The ruins are in the middle of a field requiring a small walk through a cemetery looking towards the water. Again, this ancient spot didn’t seem like a well-visited one except by four-legged wooly locals. But it was a good look back into the Hebrides history.
Port Charlotte
After a bit of rest back at the hotel, it was dinner time. The lovely Port Charlotte Hotel was a stone’s throw from our hotel and seemed a place for a nice dinner. But it was booked up(!) on this Saturday night due to live music starting later in the evening. I remembered another place a short walk up the loch side of the road and luckily it was open. Yan’s Kitchen is a modern bistro looking out to the bay serving up locally sourced seafood, meats, and vegetables. Locally sourced which sounds like a buzzword term to every millennial in Snapchat distance of Portland is the real deal in Scotland as we grew to learn. Listings of where all the menu ingredients came from were commonplace from the fish to the whisky. Yan’s only had Islay whisky to accompany their dishes. Fresh and local weren’t buzzwords here. Our delish dinner included scallops, beef, a large board of local meats, smoked salmon and cheeses, plus pasta. Go big or go home!
The girls were ready to turn in upon our return to the Lochindaal. It was a long couple of days after the long flight from Los Angeles two days earlier. The streets were eerily quiet which made the moonlit sky and its stars top billing for the slightly chilly walk back. The parents said goodnight to the girls then headed back three or four steps into the pub where a lively crowd enjoyed the evening. It was nightcap time.
The pub at the Lochindaal Hotel is actually two pubs, not so-Siamese twins connected at the bar, each with its own entrance. One side is more traditional with a pool table while the other is more of a restaurant where meals for hotel guests and locals are served. The restaurant has a seaside theme that reminded us of home. The bartenders weave between the two sides of the bar easily. Pub side. Restaurant side.  Both are small, friendly and cozy. Our kind of pub. We sat on the busier restaurant side at the bar chatting with locals while a group celebrated a birthday at a table. The whisky list was printed out and taped to the wall. It was a long list that was heavy on the Islays with distillery and independent bottlings. It did not disappoint. My kind of place.  
Four years before when Lee Zaro and I popped in after dinner with the boys, we met Sarah working behind bar on a quiet weeknight, and decided we never wanted to leave. We met probably same group of locals enjoying the pub on this visit. One was the art director of Bruichladdich at the time. A regular at the pub, he was happy to talk whisky, bottle and tin design, and play pool. I don’t recall if he was a born and bred Ileach but he definitely had the sensibilities of the island. Of course, on an island this small, stories of meeting Islay’s distilleries “elite” folk just about anywhere are commonplace. But I’d venture to guess that they are like most anyone else lucky enough to live here. Happy and nice.
Islay Day 1 was over.
Day 2
The day didn’t start off so sunny though it was sunny out. I woke early and ventured out to walk the Port Charlotte streets this Sunday morning. Quiet with only the occasional car passing through, the walk down to the pier reminded me of the my prior visit when my compatriot, Mr. Zaro, and I donned swim trunks and jumped off the slippery concrete pier into the loch because… well, just because. There would be none of that today.
Walking through those serene streets and the whitewash uniformed buildings was a peaceful way to get a little exercise before breakfast. But that all ended when I got back to the hotel and found a flat tire on the rental. An Islay pothole (easily the best in the world) surely got us the day before. Back in the pub, Owner Iain was drinking coffee, watching the news. He offered up tea for me as well as to call the car hire about the tire. Everyone knows everyone on an island this small.
Iain and I with his crewmate George kibbitzed about this and that: whisky, Brexit, Islay life, America, sports, kids, whatever. Just shootin’ the poop in a pub on a Sunday morn on Islay. The rest of the gang made it to the pub for breakfast of eggs, cereal, meats and toast. All prepared beautifully by George.
With the tire fixed, it was time to see what else we could see before heading to the airport with our remaining few hours on the island. We decided to head “behind us” to see if Kilchoman was open. By all accounts it was but after traversing the worst road we’d driven there so far, alas, it was closed. We drove up onto the property and it was good it see again and the ongoing expansion. It was a very different view of Islay from the hill that Kilchoman sat on looking northwest.
Caol Ila
We now decided to leisurely just drive the island on the backside of it and head towards Port Askaig on the Jura side of Islay to the east. The girls quickly fell asleep missing the even more desolate and sparse surroundings out here. Nearing Port Askaig we saw the sign for Caol Ila(!), a distillery I hadn’t been to but makers of whisky that I adore. A bit of an odd jaunt up a hill and then snaking down towards the Sound of Islay, we were both taken by the beautiful location of the distillery along the water. A small waterfall was flowing at the back end of the parking lot coming from the hill that we drove down from.  My, was this picturesque. And OPEN!
We parked, left the girls sleeping, and ventured around the property. A few folks came out of visitors center so that’s where we headed, with no time for a tour. So we shopped. We’re good at that. A distillery cat welcomed us from its perch atop a picnic bench on the patio, and the young woman behind the counter inside was nice and helpful, probably a bit surprised to see visitors on a Sunday morning. A few tastes and a few purchases later, we headed off to the airport. Caol Ila was in the books!
Islay Airport
Iain told me to leave plenty of time to get through Security. I thought he was kidding. He wasn’t. The security measures at Islay’s airport were inversely proportionate to its size. The tiny room past luggage drop-off required a thorough prepping of carry-ons before their trip through the x-ray machine. Then there was a proper pat-down after you walked through the metal detector followed by a more than cursory search of those carry-ons post x-ray. It was rather amazing but made sense since who knows where travelers were actually coming from on their way off the island. Travelers beware.
A relaxing wait in the airport’s waiting area allowed for some contemplation of the quick but memorable visit to the island. We boarded onto Loganair’s Spirit of Edinburgh walking across the tarmac as we did the day before. Our quick trip to Islay was over. Heavy sigh. We came, we explored, we lived. The whole family (less the son in college who already had his spring break) connected with the island in that short time, I think. Connecting with it seemed so easy since it wants to connect with you. The people, the villages, the island life, the solitude, the sea, the peat, the coos, and the whisky. They are all tied together and easily let you become part of them. I only hope it will be less than four years before we can connect again.
Our man @AaronMKrouse takes the family to @isleofislay for #SpringBreak! #Travel #Whisky When Mrs. Satellite Engineer came up with Scotland as a Spring Break destination for us and the teenage daughters, my first thoughts went quickly to…
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jennywboman · 3 years
It Takes Two’s Creator On Love, Endings, And A $1,000 Pledge
It Takes Two’s Creator On Love, Endings, And A $1,000 Pledge:
Josef Fares is a passionate man. The filmmaker-turned-game-developer’s first sport, Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons, is a exceptional fable in regards to the energy of household. While that sport’s high quality spoke for itself, Fares took to the stage for follow-up A Way Out, memorably taking on Geoff Keighley’s 2017 Game Awards broadcast by addressing the digicam and saying, partially, ‘F— the Oscars!” It was a profane moment, to be sure, but it also showed Fares’ exuberance and pure aptitude for the outrageous. Hazelight Studios’ upcoming mission, It Takes Two, tackles the oddly underrepresented topic of affection. And after speaking to Fares in regards to the co-op journey, it’s clear that he has rather a lot to say about, effectively, every little thing.
“Video games are not always about fun; that’s a misconception that many people say, ‘Is this fun?’” Fares says. “The best moments of my life in video games haven’t been about ‘fun.’” The sport director and Hazelight founder cites experiences like Journey or moments from the opening sequence in The Last of Us to underscore his level. His personal sport, Brothers, memorably ends with a strong second that clearly isn’t meant to be enjoyable. “Some parts of gaming are fun, but I would say that more, depending on the scene, it should be engaging.”
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That’s all to say that It Takes Two begins at a spot that’s decidedly unfun: the specter of divorce. Cody and May are a married couple who’ve fallen out of affection. Nothing particularly heavy has occurred, Fares says, however the grind of every day life has worn them down, they usually’ve determined that it is likely to be greatest to go their separate methods. Their younger daughter, Rose, shouldn’t be a fan of the concept.
“She created these two small dolls and she tries, as kids do, to talk to them and try to affect them somehow, and they magically transform into these dolls in this fantasy world,” Fares says. From there, it turns into a journey of discovery, each in how the couple rediscovers what initially introduced them collectively, in addition to attempting to rediscover how on earth to get again into their common our bodies. They’re joined by an anthropomorphic Book of Love, who acts as a kind of relationship guru. It’s a cute setup, however Fares and his workforce at Hazelight are utilizing it as a automobile for pushing narrative and gameplay as shut as they’ll probably get.
Building Relationships
Building Relationships
Watch the It Takes Two trailer, and it’s exhausting to not get whiplash. It introduces the story conceit, after which flashes a string of gameplay clips collectively at a frantic tempo. That sort of modifying model is comparatively commonplace in sport trailers, however it could be nearer to It Takes Two’s actuality than in a lot of its contemporaries. Fares acknowledges the significance of novelty and shock in video games, and it’s one thing that Hazelight is leaning into in a giant approach.
“Because we’re doing a narrative game, every situation has to reflect what goes on in the game,” he says. “So, if the character needs something, it should reflect the gameplay as well. I think in narrative games especially, repetitiveness is super dangerous. Once you have that, you get the feeling sometimes that designers and writers are doing two different games, if you know what I mean.”
He takes a slight detour, saying that he’s not speaking about video games that depend on repetition, reminiscent of ones the place the aim is to stage up and improve your character. That’s one other dialogue, he says, earlier than sticking in a fast jab: “Because for me, just changing colors and numbers on enemies is just a fake way … I think in 10 years hopefully nobody will do this, just having numbers going up, up, up, up, up.”
Fares believes that for a story sport to be actually profitable, there needs to be a robust relationship between the story and what gamers are doing at any given second. “Whatever the character is going through, it should reflect the gameplay as well,” he says. “It’s going to be insanely varied. I think we’re going to break some kind of world record in the amount of mechanics that we have.”
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The actuality of budgets and timelines makes it difficult to completely keep away from repetition, however Hazelight’s earlier work has proven their willingness to search out artistic options. In A Way Out, as an illustration, gamers encounter a number of obstacles whereas attempting to cooperatively escape from a jail. Rather than have them retrace their steps again each time they run right into a locked grate, out-of-reach hall, or no matter, Fares thought it was vital to respect gamers’ time and have the sequences that introduce an issue transition to the problem-solving section, as may occur in a film. That’s one method to keep away from repetition. Another is to gleefully overwhelm gamers with the sheer quantity of stuff they’ll do.
“For instance, we have a level where they need to work on their attraction; as a couple, they’ve lost their attraction,” Fares says. “And that metaphor for attraction is actually a piece of magnet that we break in two so they have sort of a magnetic attraction to each other. And we have another section where they feel like they don’t give each other enough time, as can happen in a relationship.” In that part, Cody can quickly management time, and May – considering she’s unfold too skinny in her life – could make copies of herself. “We tried to marry those two, so they’re connected to their emotional states as well. That’s the way we’re pushing for this game.”
The aim, Fares says, isn’t to introduce mechanics and methods that gamers are anticipated to completely decide to and grasp over hours. Instead, his workforce needs to ship new concepts and ideas shortly, by having Cody and May (and gamers) remedy the issues they face on their journey from their shed by the varied rooms all through their dwelling. That journey contains fantastical detours, reminiscent of a visit right into a snow globe that they bought collectively on a trip. In that occasion, Fares says there’s nearly like a metropolis inside that tumbler dome. That sensation of by no means figuring out what’s coming subsequent makes for a sport that Fares says folks gained’t be capable to put down. “I’m really telling you, that’s a guarantee. I know I sound very cocky all the time, but that’s a guarantee. It’s very important for a narrative game.”
Unfinished Business
Unfinished Business
Fares needs folks to get along with a good friend or associate and luxuriate in It Takes Two – it could possibly’t be performed solo, in any case. But he additionally needs them to complete the sport. “I do know folks got here as much as me and mentioned, ‘Wow it’s improbable that 51 p.c of gamers in A Way Out completed the sport,’ they usually informed me that that’s an especially excessive proportion quantity, however truly it saddens me. That implies that 49 p.c of individuals didn’t end it. It’s not one thing I needs to be glad about.
“Every journalist right now needs to stop writing replayabilty, because we need to fix the problem that people are not even finishing our games. People are not even finishing the games. Listen to how sick this is: It’s so sick that the developers and publishers are literally focusing on the first piece of the game, because they know that’s what people will play. This is a mass psychosis going on!”
Hazelight’s deal with selection and telling an attractive story that ties into what gamers are doing is the studio’s approach of attempting to hook gamers alongside by to the closing credit. It’s not delivering open worlds (“I call them ‘open-repetition games,’” Fares jokes), however as an alternative creating extremely different and extra directed linear experiences.
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It’s a guess that Fares is, characteristically, extraordinarily assured in. Early in our dialog, he makes a press release that’s impressively daring: “That’s another thing that I can guarantee you with It Takes Two: It’s impossible, and quote me on this, to get tired of this game. You can put this as the headline. I can literally give 1,000 bucks to anyone who says, ‘Oh, I’m tired of this game now because it doesn’t surprise me.’ One thousand bucks! I guarantee. I’ll give it to everyone who gets tired. But they have to be honest about it.”
Fares’ bombastic confidence is equal components refreshing and entertaining. But it’s clearly coming from a honest place. In an business the place focus testing can usually shave the perimeters off a artistic enterprise till it’s an inoffensive sphere, Hazelight is aiming to carry agency in its concepts and inform the tales it needs to inform – whether or not about jail breaks or romantic breakups.
“We do the game we want to do, and then when we take [the] game [to] players to test it, we want them to like the game we’re doing, not adjust the game for what they want,” Fares says. “It’s different. I think that’s very important instead of adjusting the game for the player. They should understand our game, and not the opposite. I guarantee people will love this. For sure. I have no doubt at all. If people don’t like this game, then I don’t know what to do. It would be nuts. I wouldn’t accept it. It’s unacceptable! Then everybody is wrong!” He punctuates the final sentence with an infectious chortle.
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It’s exhausting to not get swept up into Fares’ worldview. He’s charismatic and charming, capable of say provocative issues with out sounding like an entire jackass. In an business the place so many builders seemingly aspire to be movie administrators, Fares involves video games from the opposite path. After spending a decade making function movies in Sweden, he’s turned his artistic vitality towards the medium he loves. Fares says It Takes Two was impressed by a lifetime of peering at video games from the skin.
“It’s almost like a love letter for my love of gaming – especially Nintendo; I’m a big Nintendo fan,” he says. “But it’s time for Nintendo to get some competition.” With that, he cracks himself up utterly, trying round for a number of seconds, maybe momentarily taken without warning by his personal good-natured hubris.
Source Link – www.gameinformer.com
source https://infomagzine.tumblr.com/post/642954269731045376
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kernelmeow · 7 years
Diary of a Bodyguard: Client Safety and ‘Care’
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Fandom: BTS (K-pop)
Characters: Park Jimin, Reader/Insert
Warnings: smut, sub!Jimin, fem!dom
Rating: NSFW
Word count: 9k +
Summary: Being a bodyguard, and a female one at that, was never going to be the easiest career path of choice. But when hired to ensure the protection and security of a touring k-pop boy band, it all seems worth it for one peculiar and unforgettable encounter.
A/N: It’s my BTS debut! Despite initial mixed feelings about this one-shot, I’ve overcome my personal conflict and decided to share this. Tbh I’m not 100% satisfied with the final draft; too many reasons to list, but there ARE elements I’m proud of. If I’ve learned anything from this drawn out process, it would be to STORYBOARD! I’ve since discovered the talented jeonjagiya and her ‘tips’ for aspiring writers - check her out! I really hope you guys enjoy this <3
Disclaimer: This work of fiction is written for entertainment purposes and is not a report of true events or an attempt to libel the persons represented.
The air is cool tonight; a precursor for autumns coming. It's enough to warrant a light blanket about your shoulders but decidedly, the windows remain open, preferring the fresh air. The evening has unfolded without expectations nor objective, free to indulge in relaxation and calm. By your design, these moments are fleeting however appreciated. You can't tolerate idleness, thriving on purpose and commitment. Beep. The personalise tone of your smart phone draws you from contemplation. Unlocking the device, an alert identifies an email occupying your inbox. It's work, and more importantly, it's marked 'urgent'. Arousing your intrigue, you proceed to read the emails content without further delay and soon discover that you've been nominated for an assignment. As you continue to peruse, you note information of particular importance; a select few from the agency, yourself included, would be an addition to the security detail touring across the country. If accepted, you'd be contracted for a month which was an unusually long period in comparison to other assignments. The email concludes with an expression of your presence being required immediately.
Well that doesn't leave much time, does it. With a simple phone call, you confirm your acceptance and receive flight information. The prospect of steady work was exactly what you needed. Discarding the phone on the bed, you rummage through your wardrobe and withdraw a suitcase from the confinements, and proceed to organise the essentials for a month away from home while wondering what the future might entail. Being a professional bodyguard provided the occasional thrilling story to share at gatherings.
This assignment would be no different than any other job, clientele typically being public figures, rich and powerful or both; businessmen, politicians and celebrities alike. During routine introductions, you could pinpoint the exact moment of scepticism which was both expected and ignored. This was a male dominated profession after all, and being anything but was distinguished as being everything but capable. You might possess the stature and exceed the standard requirements of the profession, but it wasn't enough to convince some otherwise. Yet, however tempted, you made no deliberate act to showcase physical prowess or allow ego to influence your actions. You completed each job, ensured the safety of your clients, and that ultimately mattered above all else, even if they didn't express gratitude for your service.
Most jobs were uneventful but occasionally, physical but minor intervention was required to deter an unwanted admirer or, and most commonly, the media. Displays of force were rare and the stereotypical 'brawn over brains' ideology is ill favoured. This isn't a Hollywood feature. A bodyguard is expected to have confidence, common-sense and good communication skills with their client and those involved in maintaining security. It's a common misconception that defensive training was the one and only prerequisite for this career path, and you've lost count how many times the awe exhibited by those who inquired and discovered otherwise.
It was still early days, having been in the profession a couple of years and thereby considered a novice. Eventually, given enough experience and a superior list of credentials, you would go private and work as a personal contractor, but until then you had enlisted at an agency and bodyguards were hired on a 'need be' basis. Contracts were generally short, anywhere from a couple of hours to a full day and sometimes a week at most, but generally no longer. But occasionally there was the odd contract that was for an extended period of time, and one such assignment had been appointment to you.
That's about it, looking over the packed case one last time. It'd be an early start tomorrow, and with that in mind, you ready for bed. The final, fleeting thoughts before sleep consumes consciousness, is that there was nothing else to worry about. Living alone did come with its perks; you could come and go as you pleased.
The venue is vast and situated in the heart of the metropolis, commanding attention of the area. Peering through the window of the taxi, your eyes travel up the advancing brim of the stadium, marvelling at the architectural feat. Must be drawing quite the crowd tonight. Your warm breath, traced with two necessary coffees, mists the glass, obstructing your view. You fall back into the seat, attention diverting to snippets of radio conversation. The event is drawing media coverage.
The bulking figure of the second agency representative sits beside you. Blake. Of all people, you're thankful he was chosen. He's fifty-something, family orientated and had been in the profession for over twenty years now. Ex-military and that's all he'd ever mention. He had been the most welcoming and non-judgemental. He never underestimated your abilities, allowing you to make mistakes and acknowledge and learn from them. He reminded you of that Australian actor; the one who played the grisly superhero. Only Blake wasn't grisly, not in the least, but he utilised his appearance to his advantage. People think twice about fucking with a guy who looked like him, but he was the biggest softy. Though bilingual, his linguistic skill couldn't offer assistance for this assignment, but he offered experience gained from working with a variety of clients. This assignment was nothing he hadn't done before.
Besides the carer choice you shared with Blake, there was one other thing for certain that you had in common: a thrill and desire for power and control; to be of service to someone in this capacity is an awesome feeling. Not long after entering this line of work did you realise that it reflected your personal life. Others at the agency had learned early on that you weren't a 'piece of ass' who thought she'd try dress-up for fun. It took one incident and one idiot for everyone to realise you intended on maintaining a tight separation between you personal life and work life, and that no one was going to succeed wooing you with such alpha tactics. It was laughable. Imagine their surprise should they know your preferences delved into different territories.
The taxi eases to a stop and you abandoned the thought. As Blake settles the costs, fully redeemable by the agency, you exit the vehicle. The contrast of the artificially heated air and fresh breeze is felt immediately. It was colder here, the city experiencing full blown autumn, and unconsciously you tug the collar of your jacket up to shield your neck. As you're inspecting the area, you feel Blake presence at your side.
“The cavalry has arrived,” he boasts enthusiastically.
You roll your eyes in response. “Oh yes. Very fearsome.”
“When you've seen what I have, two people can make a hell of a difference.” His reflective response was a testament to his wealth of knowledge and experience, and served to highlight your naivety, but you respected him nonetheless. “Come on. Let's get inside before my nipples erect.” And then he said something like that.
Flanked at his side, you match his pace with steel resolve and the cold forgotten.
On entry, you're welcomed by the facility manager and introduced to the tour manager and the head of security whom would coordinate alongside Blake and yourself. Blake, being a natural born leader and surpassing you in experience, was the agencies chosen representative and primary liaison between the facility staff and those who have hired the agencies service. It had taken time and understanding of this business to accept that you wouldn’t command respect without first earning it, and made all the more difficult to do so because of your sex. During your transition into the workplace, Blake had offered advise on the matter.
“Don’t let anyone, especially your client, see when shit gets to you,” he’d said. “That's a disadvantage you can't afford.”
Like much of Blake’s advice, you had adopted it if it meant bettering your service. With that in mind, you’re attentive, listening keenly and never straying to distraction.
An identification lanyard now hangs about your neck in addition to the uniform. The dress code was optional within reason but personal preference was dictated by the nature of the job. Foreseeing the long hours, you decided comfortability is a sensible choice. You're dressed in the standard company shirt, tucked into fitted cargo pants and finished with a belt and boots - cushioned insoles included. You favoured a tight pony tail and light makeup to refine a natural appearance. Blake and yourself are equipped with a two-way radio receiver; no dark shades, no suit. It's about practicality and sensibility.
Introductions conclude and swiftly eventuate to the next task of importance: a tour of the stadium lead under the guidance of the event security coordinator. It allows for the opportunity to familiarise yourselves with the environment and learn the layout of the venue, noting key areas such as the main entry and exit points, stairwells and bathrooms, and public and private access. Some areas are a maze of passages that you aim to commit to memory.
Local law enforcement will police the parameter of venue and surrounding areas to appropriately navigate traffic, while facility security will monitor the entrance booths and patrol the corridors and seating area. Private security, being Blake, yourself and the Korean security detail, would operate backstage for that was where the clientele would be situated. For this venue alone there were two scheduled concerts over two nights. Proceeding, there would be an additional recoup day before setting off for the next city and there the routine would repeat again.
While knowing the environment was just one aspect of the job, knowing your client was another. Would they listen and respect your judgement? Were they prone to risk taking or attention seeking behaviours? If so, they were more likely to draw attention, often adverse attention and that's when security was a necessity. Certain clientele were more notorious for such behaviour. You didn't believe in first impressions, hell, you were all too familiar with the misconception, but meeting your client for the first time gave you a sense for what you might expect of them. Intuition was a skill that would be refined in time.
The train of thought keeps you occupied during lunch. It was one of the few but appreciated perks at large events such as this – free food. While the time allowed, you check your phone and send replies to inquisitive friends and concerned family. Before you become too comfortable, the radio crackles and Blake's distorted voice sounds from your hip.
“Up and at it. We've got incoming.”
Taking the receiver in hand, you mumble, “They're early.” Taking another bite of your sandwich.
“And you're still sitting on your ass.” You pout at the device. His intuition was kinda scary.“You're still on your ass. East entrance. Now.”
You resist a mock salute, instead stuffing the remnants of the sandwich into your mouth and brushing the crumbs on your pants. Without further hesitation, you're marching to the destination.
Outside, security gathers and awaits the expected arrival. This entry was strategically separate from civilian access and allowed for the discrete arrival and exit of high profile visitors. A reinforced, automated but staffed security gate was the first check point that filtered entry. Cement barriers shield either side of the road to minimise civilian contact but as Blake points out, the secret entry isn’t so secret. Amused, you observe the small gathering of fans lining the erected barriers - a thriving hive of excitement. Fangirls and fanboys. They never failed to know when and where to be. Their dedication and sources commendable.
The buzz intensifies and you adjust your gaze to the road and observe a sleek, black limo inbound. Passing through the first security check, the limo gains entry and passes through a second check, navigating the road to the venue entrance. Faces indent the fence, peering to claim an advantaged view of the limo. The vehicle parks and the Korean security detail stiffen in attention. One of the doors open and as if on cue, the distant but unison scream announces your client's arrival, and there were few reasons for this particular type of hysteria and loyalty.
A boy-band.
One by one, the idols emerge from the vehicle and silently you count, brows raising a fraction when the number continues to exceed your expectations. When all the members are gathered, you've counted seven in total. Seven surprisingly attractive young men. They could be no more than a few years younger than yourself. They assess their surroundings and you watch as a mixture of curiosity and reservation play upon their delicate features. They're ushered along and the crowd ensures to showcase their undeterred enthusiasm, and like a protective shield, Blake, yourself and the other members of security escort the musicians inside.
Settled inside, the idols are addressed by the tour manager. The conversation is lost on you but the interpreter kindly shares information of importance. Before long, the interpreter steps forward and joins the conversation, gesturing to Blake and yourself. There is a moment of awe and some exclamation which is quickly attributed to the attention directed at your person, and it didn't take a genius to summaries the cause. Their reaction and naivety is too comical to even feel a mild sense of irritation toward the group of guppy-faced musicians. But without fault, you maintain the practiced poker-face, staring long and hard at them.
“Oh! She's so serious.”
“And looks so strong! Do you think she could lift me?”
“With those chicken legs, anyone could lift you.”
“Naw! You're so mean!”
They break into laughter, two shoving each other playfully. You restrain a smile, finding their exuberance contagious though ignorant of what was said. Their manager hushes them and the group simmers to a contained titter, and the discussion continues further interruption. You offer Blake a sidelong glance who smiles with understanding. Remain impassive to provocation, he had once said. This was unlike typical circumstance, but it was important for clients to understand the seriousness of your role and that you weren't easily influence by emotion and a damaged ego.
Time allows you to study each idol, one by one. The email had proved minimal detail on each member, but as personally expected, you had memorised all seven, and was able to select a member at random and assign name to face, even if you weren't confident about pronunciation. They exuded boyish charm and energised charisma, and combined with their youthful attraction was the perfect components for successful entertainers. But what of their talent? You imagine they sung and perhaps danced, but there needed a special ingredient to the mix. Inevitably, you would see in time and as if on cue, the interpreter mentions that they would proceed for practise.
Construction of the stage is near completed with minor adjustments being carried out by stage technicians. A large LED screen extends the stage anterior, flickering with random colour as staff ensure the interconnectivity of every panel. Metal beams raise above and across the foreground, outfitted with spot lights to capture the performance. The stage itself features a large rectangular platform from which a thin path extends from its center, pathing far across the green lawn and to end at a smaller platform. A fence, somewhat flimsy in appearance, surrounds the parameter of the stage and its extension; a meter in width would separate the compacted bodies from the stage and allow security to patrol the barrier, and camera-techs to capture the performance.
With a wardrobe change, the idols are ready for practise, guided by their stage choreographer who motions at different areas of the stage. Blake and yourself roam about the foreground, familiarising yourselves with the area you would spend a better part of the two days. Minimising interference with the group, you follow Blake as he inspects the fenced barrier, pointing out access onto the field, voicing comments aloud, more-so to himself, but you listen. He was thorough, nothing not worth his attention.
“What do you see?”
You regard him briefly, not surprised by the question, then you survey the environment, formulating a response.
“Low risk gig in my opinion. It’s a large venue but considering the demographic, attention will be focused on the performance. Stage-crashers are always a possibility but a minimal one at that.” Blake nods in agreement and you feel like you’ve successfully passed an informal test. “What’s the estimation of sales?”
“Surprisingly, ninety-thousand for the two nights.”
Those were good numbers. They were more popular than you'd given them credit, having not heard of the pop group before this assignment.
Blake spies your contemplative expression and asks, “What of them?”
Sparing a glance at the idols, you summaries your impression of the seven members since introductions and casual observation.
Blake laughs, the arena enhancing his booming voice, briefly drawing attention to yourselves. Perhaps it was harsh and perhaps you were right, but it honest. You predicted that the dressing room wouldn't be trashed nor would you and others have to monitor inebriated persons. They were well mannered but no less enthusiastic and potentially prone to some mischief.
“I can see why you think that.” He grins. “They might surprise you.”
You snort, “I doubt that.”
He chuckles in response, entertained, and with laughter still rumbling in his chest, he retraces the path of the stage, skirting the main platform until you’re both backstage. He then mentions something about having to see to matter and instructs you to remain, throwing “Keep watch, Nanny” as he leaves.
Asshole, you think fondly.
True to his word, your attention trails the idols while monitoring the immediate area. They venture about the platform and extension, getting a sense for the area on which they'll perform. It's not exactly a riveting spectacle but remember that you're not being paid to be entertained. As they make their way back to the main platform, the stage choreographer barks a command which is answered with blaring stereo. The slow introduction of music piques your interest, casually observing as each member claims a position of the stage as the music gathers momentum. Then the beat drops and idols break into dance.
The hip-hop composition is fast-paced and memorised flawlessly, and the longer you watch, you note subtle variations in each members expression of style. They're good, you admit, really good. Impressed by the skill and choreography. As they disperse across the stage, you wander out from the sidelines to spectate. It just needed a sell-out audience to complete the picture. The music begins to ease only to transition into another song and more choreography. You were no dancer, but it rivalled everything you’d seen. The stage choreographer monitors the performance critically but seemingly satisfied.
This continues for a another four songs until the music lulls to a stop. They relax, dropping the staged composure to break into conversation, laughing heartily. The performance has certainty alleviated your bored disposition. As you observe the scene, flitting from one idol to another, you're caught by surprise to match gazes with one member. It's purely accidental, you're sure of that, but he doesn't shy away, holding the connection long enough for you to question his attention. However, the brief moment is severed when he's addresses by another idol.
You think nothing of it.
Rehearsal recommences and you continue to watch, loitering at the sidelines, but ignorant of a habit you quickly develop. You’d never considered yourself prone to distraction, but unconsciously, your gaze frequently strays to one particular member. It’s when you catch yourself, suddenly aware your gaze lingered unusually long and potentially risked being exposed for unwarranted attentions, is the habit realised. You're perplexed for the reason alludes you.
This new found distraction goes by the name: Park Jimin.
Though the encounter had been uneventful and meaningless, since chancing a brief but mutual connection between yourself and silver haired idol, you can't expel a growing curiosity toward him. The exchange was enough to capture your interest, so you indulge in the curiosity with hopes it might explain your gravitating gaze. Before, your attentions were without cause but now with new-found focus. You study the way he moves and intensity of expression as he dances. Perhaps you contemplated unnecessarily and studied too long, fostering a growing attraction, yet your mind wanders to dark places as your eyes unconsciously track his movement.
Get a hold of yourself, you chastise. It wouldn't do you any favours to indulge in such thoughts, especially while on the job and about a current client. Banishing the images, focus returns to the stage where rehearsal has since concluded and you're unexpectedly caught by the mutual attentions of said person. You’re ensnared by his gaze, provoking alarm at the blatant regard and find yourself shying away with an irrational fear that your thoughts are projected for him to know. With mustered composure, you casually cast your eyes around to portray casual but purposeful intention in being there, and hoping to ward off inadvertent attentions. When you gauge enough time has passed, but against better judgement, you chance a glance toward the group with intent to single out Jimin only to be caught off guard. He's expectant, a sly smirk playful upon his lips and you wretch away as if burned, heat colouring your face. Shit, silently cursing the indiscreet conduct.
Hushed conversation and smothered giggles prickle your ears and too often do you suspect eyes to palpate your ridged form. They are, thankfully, more discreet than your previous behaviour. You look anywhere but at the group and try to maintain a low profile, remaining out of sight and beyond the reach of prying eyes, allowing the wordless interaction to dissolve – hoping it will.
Blake returns with five minutes to spare before practise concludes. He doesn't comment on your changed demeanour. If it didn't compromise the assignment, he wouldn't ask questions, but his silence is provoking, if not more so than verbal inquiry. Internally, you're frazzled at having been so careless and so easily provoked. It was unlike you and that is what concerned you most. You had allow personal indulgence to interfere with work. It was a set-back but you'd mask the damage while repairing your professional persona.
As the sweat soaked idols are escorted to their dressing room, your attention stares pointedly ahead, resolute and refusing to give consequence of those whose gaze might drift your way in want of something. When the dressing door closes, concealing them behind its confinements, you sigh with relief, stoicism dropping. Blake observes the immediate change and while ignorant of what transpired in his absence to necessitate the hardened demeanour, he offers comfort in one of few ways he knows you'll accept.
You needn't consider his offer long before nodding in agreement.
Sinking into the couch that you'd befriend earlier, steam rises from the styrofoam cup of cheap coffee cradled between your hands. The couch shifts, Blake following your motive. Only silence exists between you. That was another quality you admired about Blake, he re-framed from making unnecessary small talk. The silence is comfortable and welcomed, and you absorb the quiet atmosphere and allow it to clear your mind, reclaiming peace within yourself.
Sometime later you're being nudged awake by Blake, having apparently dozed off. The slightest movement jars the crick in your neck and you grimace at the pain, grumbling complaints.
“Come on, off your ass.” And he offers his hand. You resist shooting him an irritated look, instead taking his hand and allowing his strength to haul you up.
With a series of stretches and carefully testing the movement of your neck, you're satisfied with manoeuvrability and give Blake a thumbs up.
The seven manned group has since been escorted backstage. The collective chanting of thousands of fans is all anyone can hear. Watching the idols as they're equipped with ear-pieces and microphones, you observe a mixture of churning nervousness and adrenaline fuelled excitement. There must be something about performing before thousands of people, you contemplate, that no matter how many times, you'd never get used to it. The group comes together and embrace each other, and you find that it's not just yourself that witnesses the scene fondly, silently wishing them the best.
The lights dim, the crowds hysteria explodes and the idols claim the stage under the darkened disguise. The darkness doesn't subdued the crowd only encouraging their echoing need. The music commences and the stage is illuminated with brilliant light, revealing seven stationary pop-idols commanding the undivided attentions of everyone within the vicinity.
Then it starts.
It was what you'd seen at practise and so much more. Was it their stage presence? The sharply styled clothing? Or maybe they were just really fucking talented? Whatever the mysterious equation, you see for the first time the sum of all those components: a successful boy-band.
Blake was right, you realise. You were if not more than surprised.
Throughout the concert, the idols dash backstage for impressively quick wardrobe changes, and on the first occasion you automatically turn away. Blake's amused by the considerate if not innocent gesture, his laughter barely audible over the combination of cheering and music. You resist shoving him but he can discern your desire to do so and it only provokes him to laugh harder. On the second occasion, you stubbornly refuse to turn your back, instead choosing to avert your eyes. Blake appears if not more entertained with this development, a shit-eating grin plastered across his face. It proves challenging to purposefully ignore him while maintaining the privacy of the changing idols. Yet, try as you do, their frantic movement occupies your peripheral vision, and it takes just one slip.
Your gaze strays, like it had before, and the timing couldn't be worse. At least half the group is naked from the waist up, their sculpted torsos bear to the chilled night and wandering eyes. It wasn't on purpose, you swear, blaming a higher power for the unfortunate timing, but the damage is already done. Jimin is a vision of everything you never realised you desired. Though the lighting is poor, his lithe body is perfectly contoured, defining crafted muscle and holy shit those abs! Not only that, his pants appear insanely tight and you can only image it would take only a flex of muscle to reveal the toned thighs beneath. Sweat glistens upon his chest and neck, and your eyes follow the trail, even appreciating the damp locks. When your gaze meets his, you realise your repeated mistake. He knows your thoughts and you're afraid of what you've unconsciously let slip.
He disregards you so easily, resuming the task of changing clothes. You're acutely aware that he doesn't conduct himself with the same haste as his fellow band members, instead taking pleasure to leisurely indulge in dressing himself. As he pulls on a white singlet, unmistakably his hooded gaze shifts to you, as if to confirm your attention lingered still. Then with deliberately obvious intent, one hand grips the buckle of his belt, pulling at it suggestively to reveal more skin as the singlet is slowly lowered until his torso is eventually concealed.
In that moment, you're many things; perplexed, embarrassed, amused, and just a little turned on. Your mind is in a state of shutting down and rebooting that you can't possibility control your stunned, slack-jawed reaction. And Jimin, seemingly satisfied with the outcome, breaks a crooked smile, taunting you as he shrugs on the accompanying jacket to complete the outfit. It's enough to make you remember yourself, mouth snapping shut which causes him to snigger. How his little exhibition has transpired without notice is beyond you, quickly analysing the attentions of those nearby, yet miraculously it has. It remains a secret shared between yourselves. You return a steady gaze, a smile fighting to break free, so you cross your arms for good measure. He laughs again, the expression so delicate you don't know whether to hate it or love it. The moment is however, fleeting, his attention claimed by a member who clasps his shoulder and gestures to the stage.
With his ploy forgotten, Jimin jogs away along with the six other members. The elevated mood evaporates quickly but leaves a desire fostered by his actions. This was the first day for Christ sake!
The remainder of the night is uneventful, in one particular sense, but a success for the idols. The crowd roars with applause; thousands of fans crying simultaneously with joy and anguish at the concerts inevitable conclusion. The members provide one final bow, waving and throwing kisses to the audience as they withdraw backstage. Their manager intercepts them, gushing praise and the boys congratulate each other in a rowdy manner. Though what you thought matter, you're happy for them; they had earned it.
Jimin and yourself don't cross paths again that night. What's odd is that you take notice of that fact.
Minutes from midnight and comfortably settled into pyjamas, you sit cross-legged on the hotel bed, and it was a relatively nice hotel, you note appreciatively. Conveniently situated near the venue, it was but a five minute fare. The agency hadn't been too frugal with expenditures. The room divider, a pair of sliding doors, is open providing unrestricted view into the opposite room. Blake and yourself, like minded at times, are irrevocably attached to your phones. For the past ten minutes, you've persistently scrolled through Spotify in search of the familiar tones of the songs you've been repeatedly exposed to today. With each successful find, the song it added to your play-list and growing variety of music. All the while, you've unconsciously subjected Blake to the incessant skipping of music during your determined search.
“At least use your headphones.” He grumbles.
“You're welcome to close the door,” you reply dismissively. He glares but the non-verbal retaliation goes unnoticed as your attention never strays from the device in-hand.
“Do you want to coexist amicably these next few weeks?”
It's more so the tone than the question itself that successfully pries your eyes from their attachment to regard Blake. He stares dangerously with prospect of the repercussions should you not head his warning. The last thing you needed was to piss him off and warrant his wrath.
“Fine,” you drawl, muting the music. “I won't torture you unnecessarily with my music. So long as I get to smother you if I'm woken by your snoring.” You counter.
“Can't help that I snore,” he sniffs.
“Help it.”
He removes himself from the bed, all the while grumbling 'it's not my fault' and 'you started it' as he closes the sliding door.
“Goodnight!” you call, laughter colouring the expression.
With the negotiation concluded, you decided it best to follow suit and retire. The following morning, you take delight in goading Blake, reporting that you slept soundly and without disturbance. You cease his torture when he lunges for your phone.
You expected day two to play out much the same. Fully rested, you're prepared to bounce back into routine. Ahead of the bands arrival, Blake and yourself reviewed updates from the facility and tour manager. There were no issues reported from the night before. No security breached. All is well and was positively assured for the second and final night at this venue.
Blake wittingly assigns you to babysitting duty, payback for last night. Despite his best to rile you, and though you wouldn't admit it aloud, you can't deny the nervous flutter at the prospect of coming face to face with one particular idol in light of yesterdays incident. But such concerns are masked behind neutrality.
The stage had been substituted for a large rehearsal room. You overhear the commotion behind the door, the group expectantly enthusiastic. Really, there was no need for your presence within the room, but you needed to confirm they were all accounted. Perhaps overly formal but you choose to rap on the door before entering, the room quietening at the sound. You're meet with the inquisitive stares of all within.
“Hello!” One idol shouts, waving animatedly.
You’re taken back by the greeting. The idol in question possessed a sunny disposition, Hoseok, if you remembered correctly, and inwardly you warm to his friendly nature and offer a smile in return which serves to inspire to a winning grin, all cheeks and teeth that he boasts to his peers.
“See, she can smile.”
“Nobody said she couldn't smile.”
“Her eyes are expressive.”
“Yea, they express a special something for Jimin!”
The group explodes into laughter, evidently Jimin being the target of the fun as he’s affectionately jostled by the other members. The corner of his eyes pull in an attractive fashion, cheeks dimpling as he laughs along with them. You take caution during your observation, wanting to avoid a repeat of yesterday, but you acknowledge the difficulty of ignoring his person.
Without that thought occupying the back of your mind, you ascertain that all seven idols are accounted for.
Someone claps suddenly, jolting you from your fixed daze and quietening the rowdy group. He commands the attention of his peers, exhibiting leadership as he addresses the six youths. So he was the band front-man, you deduce, the smooth confidence of Namjoon radiating. His tone is affable, speaking with purpose but as their equal. When he concludes, he utilises a remote to commence the music. Everyone disperses, claiming formation across the buffed, wood floor to perceive themselves in the full length mirrors of the feature wall.
You needn't stay, reasonable that the room could - should - be guarded from outside, but gravity fastens you still, and you don't fight, compelled to remain by the unnameable force. Just five minutes, you lie.
The following hour consists of relentless rehearsing but the idols persevere with feats of stamina; their dedication unquestionable. They break twice, replenishing themselves with sports drinks while wiping away the accumulation of sweat. During the first interval, you observe with mild interest, as Jimin is cajoled by this friends, their influence obvious and insistent. He protests weakly, perhaps not overly opposed, but his demeanour expressing hesitance. The nature of the situation, you soon discover, is made apparent when under the influence of their incessant hands, he’s guided toward you. He swots at them impatiently but a smile never falters from his lips. He casts one last look back toward the group and they beckon him forward with words of encouragement and one final push. He utilises that momentum to carry him forward, and as he leaves the safeguard of the group, and all attention invests in the orchestrated union.
You sharpen as he approaches, guarded and critical. He's nervous, you perceive. Radically different to his conduct last night which was strategically hidden beneath stage confidence and an awareness of his physical attraction. He holds his chin defiantly, shoulders tight and square yet saunters with ease that might otherwise fool you. It's his eyes; they evoke innocent intrigue but nervousness. When he pauses before you, you can't help regard his actions with caution. He falters under the severity of your analysis, eyes retreating from your own, perhaps reconsidering the plot of his friends. But the momentary lapse is overcome when he presents to you a bottle of water, somehow concealed. You're shocked by his consideration, the gestured unexpected and sincere. The moment hinges on bated breath, all waiting in eager anticipation of what will happen. You move as if automated, accepting the offered drink, expression softening to betray a subtle smile and he swells with giddy happiness, ducking his head as he grins. He chances a final glance, catching your laughing eyes and flushes. He nods, a polite farewell, and retreats to the safety of the watchful six manned group, openly inquisitive of the exchange they instigated.
His return is met with cheers of triumph, as if he had achieved an incredible feat deserving praise and acknowledgement. It was comical and almost ridiculous, enough that you hide a chuckle before loosening the capped bottle. You take a generous gulp of the cool drink, ignorant of how thirsty you were until the liquid relieves the starvation of your throat, pooling coolly in the pit of your stomach. It was a satisfying sensation.
The heightened mood continues a minute longer and you observe as Jimin engages in whispered conversation, primarily with Namjoon. You can’t fathom the reasoning for their secrecy, but when they unanimously glance your way, you're expectant of another ploy in the making. Namjoon calls the other members to attention and they huddle together, heads lowered as they concoct their plan. Some giggle while others, they too, peek slyly from the sheltered cluster. When eventually they break apart, aligning themselves in preparation of what you perceive to continue rehearsal, what strikes you surprised is that instead of facing the mirrored wall, they face you. While you're acutely aware of the collective attention on your person, it's the attention of one that ultimately matters, and you can't fight the unnerving tickle of excitement and anticipation.
Namjoon holds the remote, poised to commence his shared plan and says, “He said this one is for you.”
You're struck surprised by his fluency, even more so by his meaning, but you don't question it, allowing them to show you. The introduction of a song begins to play and he pockets the remote. Jimin stars centre stage, eyes keen and pointed, a smirk playful upon his lips, resembling the cocky entertainer from last night.
With unison, they break into dance, immersed in the music and perfectly synced. Each movement of their bodies is influenced by emotion; a slave to the songs expression. You're mesmerised, unable to tear away from the performance. A private audience for one. You’re paralysed by their hypnotic movement and gyrating hips. What would presumably be a four minute routine seems longer and for that time, you've forgotten the purpose in being there, that anything existed beyond this realm of choreographed seduction. All that mattered was a growing and dangerous desire that darkened your eyes.
They simultaneously freeze, holding the struck positions. You blink, breaking the spell and finding yourself breathing again, and they too, drop the stance, overcome with exhaustion. It was deserving of an applause of thousands! Yet, in fear of yourself, you dare not move. But he waits, they all did, expectant of some expression or gesture of your approval. He need only a taste validation, enough for him to crave more. It need be something simple and not overly gratuitous. Then an idea strikes you and you must resist smirking.
Pushing from the wall, your heavy boots tread across the wooden floor. You're the epitome of composure and congratulate yourself on the mastered skill. With each step, Jimin's eyes marginally widen, the heighten thrill from his bold performance crumbling, and you saver his unravelling resolve. With precise imitation of his gesture, you present the water bottle, brow arching with silent challenge and perhaps a little condescension. He appears baffled, at a loss to your reasoning, yet still he accepts the presented gift, and it's not until you wink at him on turning away he realises you jest. The barest hint of a smile assures him of your appreciation and he’s left to ponder what has transpired as he's swarmed with eager question of the group.
Before a grin threatens to break from ear to ear, something motions by the door and on identifying Blake, you straighten in attentiveness. His gaze passes over you, interest resting on the clamouring idols. Almost obediently, you walk over to stand at his side, awaiting his acknowledgement.
“How things?” he asks.
You can't help regard him slyly, looking for a trace of the questions subtext, what ever it might be, but Blake hints to nothing, and you should've expected such. Deliberating an answer, you share Blake's regard of the chattering youths, summarising the events of the past hour. Jimin looks over, equipped with a dimpled grin and you find yourself biting you're cheek to suppress the betrayal of a smile.
Confident in you're ability to reply without fault, you reply, “Interesting.”
“Should I be concerned?”
Turning to him again, brows arching, you ask innocently, “About what?”
“That you and pretty boy were blatantly eye-fucking each other,” he replies, deadpanned.
“Harmless, I assure you.” Marking your heart with a cross, yet the sly smirk doesn't inspire confidence. Blake chuckles, a deep heart-felt sound, and shakes his head.
“Try to keep it in your pants.” And you feign injury at the connotation. But in honestly, he needn’t worry. It was all merely innocent fun.
It was time.
One by one the idols leave the confinements of the dressing room, exuding excitement and joviality. They're sharp and styled, a flare of make-up accentuating their fine features. High fashion models beware.
The manager leads the group, two security guards flanking the group, Blake and yourself leading the rear. The corridor is a congested highway of bodies; everyone rushing to ensure a flawless night, though they part to allow the group to pass without being detained. Your constantly on the lookout, a natural instinct; assessing and interpreting risks, not that you expected such but being cautious wasn't wasted effort.
It takes only a matter of minutes to get backstage, the area darkened and noisey. As the technicians are equipping concealable earpieces, you look from one member to another only to realise something.
Six? No, that can't be right, recounting the group. One, two, three...six. But the number adds up the same. Six idols minus one silver haired menace. You've got to be kidding me?! Nudging Blake, you draw his attention.
“We’re one short.” Jutting your chin toward the group. “Park Jimin is MIA.”
He frowns, seemingly sceptic until you watch the realised truth of your comment dawn on his face as he counts for himself.  
“How the fuck did this happen?” his tone interrogating.
“I don’t fucking know,” you hiss. “There were all present when we left.”
“You sure of that?”
That you were, having done a head count before the group had been escorted. Something had gone awry between then and now. The corridors had been chaotic; too many bodies crammed together. Something wasn't right, and you spare a look toward the idols who appear awfully amused and shrewd.
“Shit.” You mutter.
“ I - no, it's nothing.” Voicing your suspicion wouldn't aid issue
“Nothing is no use right now,” Blake quips irritably. “Find him and make it quick.”
Your lips part, a defense prepped on your tongue, but you let your ego take the hit. So you nod and exit the stage. Once clear of the darkened environment, you break into a jog, swerving between the stage crew who still busy the corridors.
You can't say where he'd separated from the group but make for the bathroom along the way. Bursting through the door, an anonymous man screeches with surprise, compromised by the urinal.  
“Don't mind me,” you say distractedly, stalking into the bathroom. One by one, you push open each stall, waiting to meet the resistance of a locked door and hoping to find your missing idol, but your hand meets no such resistance, and the final door is swings open. Shit! That ruled out one area, and that questioned the next destination. Pivoting, you make for the exit, another apology thrown at the still shocked occupant who watches you leave with single-minded purpose.
Emotions coil in your stomach, threatening to expose themselves. You're pissed off, embarrassed, frustrated and concerned. Stalking to the destination, your pulse quickens, heightened by the building anticipation. You better be here! Throwing open the dressing room door, you march inside expecting the worse only to find the source your unnecessary stress, complacent and expecting.
Jimin sits before one of the mirrors, cast in the revealing light of the rectangular arranged globes, highlighting his flawless complexion. His attention diverts from the mobile in-hand, flickering to acknowledge the sudden interruption.
”Took you long enough.” He mumbles.
You're awash with sudden and unexpected relief. He's safe. But the emotion is fleeting, contested by confusion and growing irritation fostered by his lack of reactivity and indifference. He doesn't motion to move or attempt to express an explanation for why he's been found here when he's expected elsewhere. You're honestly confounded by the situation and it only serves to flame your simmering anger.
“Hey!” Aiming to command attention, but you're ignored and it furthers to dominate your surging irritation. “Jimin?” you press, but still nothing. Growling, you storm forward, patience exhausted. Grabbing the back of the chair, you swivel it around and it's occupant until you're face to face. He perceives you lazily and it succeeds to push you to breaking point. Fucking musicians.
Steadying your voice to a wavering calm, you do your best to speak reason.“You. Need. To. Go.” And gesture to the door, hoping he'll understand the improv. He regards the door and you again.
You might not speak the language, but you're sure as hell know what a flat out refusal sounds like.
“That wasn't a suggestion.” Plucking the mobile from his hand and pocketing the device. You cross your arms, raised brows daring him to protest. “We're going. Now.” He maintains a leveled gaze and you meet is head-on, unyielding. This was one power-play he wouldn't win. He raises slowly, never wavering, but there is an immediate shift; attuned to an unspoken or gestured change in his character.
His shadowed eyes reflect an ambiguous intensity, and you're gripped by sudden transformation. Automatically, you assume the worst, that you've overstepped an undefined boundary and provoked him. But he doesn't lash out verbally and his physique doesn't suggest anger. Instead, his chin lifts, sudden like, as if to gesture a challenge.
Then, tentatively, his hand reaches out toward and you. Stunned, you watch the seemingly slow approaching hand, but at the last second grasp his wrist, halting further movement. You want to object to this, to whatever this game was, but words fail you, dying in your throat. And you know that your composure has since faltered, expressing perplexity, and Jimin preys on the vulnerability, persistent in his ploy. He steps closer, unbearably close, and your mind is screaming caution; the situations trajectory entering dangerous territory. Abort!  Yet, he continues without expressed objection on account of yourself, his unrestrained hand plucking the seam of your collar with feigned interest. His fingers trace the seam, gliding up and down with sensual purpose, coyly watching the conflict play upon your face – gauging for the moment his victory is assured.
“Jimin,” you hiss in warning.
He feigns ignorance, head tilting marginally, teeth catching his bottom lip and god-damn, you're doomed for eternity. Those fucking eyes, wanton and heavy and beckoning - how could you resist? And it's in that moment that Jimin fastens his grip on you, and caught within his carnal spell, you allow him to pull you down, capturing your lips.
It's gentle and soft, barely a kiss, and it's for the briefest moment when he inclines to pull way – reeling in the bait. Such a simple yet profound gesture for your undoing. You act on instinct, claiming what had been taunted. You claim his lips with no intention for gentle gestures. It's raw and hungry; everything that had accumulated to this point. Teeth on teeth clash in the domineering attack, mercilessly claiming those full lips and mouth hot.
But it's not enough.
Your hands, insistent and undisputed, guide him backwards, stumbling blindly past the chair and until the bench hits the back of his legs. Still you persist, urging him back and he catches the hint, propping himself onto the bench-top. He stares, eyes alive and thrilled, and oh, how you want to make him regret it. You want - want everything he has to offer, and he'll do so. He'll beg. Your hands hasten upon his hips, and with a swift tug, pull your pelvises flush against one another. A grin shapes those full lips and you crave them again.
The onslaught of tongue, lips and heat recommences, and you bite into that bottom lip that he had so shamelessly teased earlier. Greedy hands snake beneath his top, mapping and groping everything within reach, all the while devouring him with another kiss. He is all the right components of soft and hard – simply perfect. He gasps into your mouth as a thumb brushes a nipple, and your voracious appetite demands more, pinching the small mound and you're not disappointed.
“Is this what you want?” You whisper, releasing his mouth so that he may exclaim again, and he does. Through gritted teeth he whines, eyes squeezed shut, and its enough to satisfy you, if momentarily.
Delicate kisses trail his jaw, his neck, a balm to the nails that rack across his abdomen with aim to imprint and leave mark of your possession. A souvenir for him to remember you by.
“Have you found Park?”
The radio crackles at the cessation of the transmission and you pause your attack, attempting to process the question through the lustful haze.
You breathe a sigh of frustration against Jimin's neck, growing irritated by the continual disturbance. Inclining away, you pin Jimin with your heated gaze, and reply into the receiver.
“(Y/L/N) here. I've located Park.”
“What's the situation?” His voice unquestionably testy.
“The situation is...under control.” It was so fucking cliché but you can't resist smirking at the double entendre. To prove the point, you angle your hips down and Jimin whimpers.
“Then hurry your ass up,” he growls, ending the transmission.
Impatient asshole, discarding the device on the bench, perhaps too carelessly. Jimin, having regained some composure, quirks a brow in question of the brief conversation. Blake was right and you hate that he was. The concert was scheduled to start at anytime! Jimin, as if sensing the internal battle, wraps his legs about your waist, securing you. He fastens his fingers into your shirt, and tugs incessantly. You level him with a look, rationalising. Events have long exceeded the point of no return, doomed by your actions, and you consider no point to stop now.
Your thumb brushes his bottom lip, admiring its fullness from the abuse of your mouth. Then tilting his chin, you lean in to kiss him gently and slow. While he's distracted, a hand slides between your bodies and grasps the mound of his pants, earning a gasp. You massage and kneed the area, sweet sounds escaping between the breath of space between your mouths. His grip moves to your arms but you're not having that. Distantly thanking your defence training, swiftly his wrists are secured and panted against the mirror. He protests with a whine, but he'll have real reason to protest soon enough. With effortless ease, your unencumbered hand works diligently to unfasten the belt and then the button of his pants. Then with devilishly slow movement, the zipper is drawn down, prolonging the tension. Commando, you note approvingly, and claim your prize, revealing his stifled cock from the oh so tight confinement of his tight pants.
Pretty thing it was, flushed and perfectly girthed to fit comfortably within the grasp of your hand. Testing Jimin's arousal, you thumb the head of his cock, massaging the slit with precum, and he mewls. His expression is agony and pleasure, contorted beautifully; an instrument willingly submitted and at your behest. And glutinous for his pleads, you stroke him with precision to earn such exclamations. Hot, searing kisses mark his neck and jaw, feeling the erratic pulse of his jugular. He resists the hold, arms struggling weakly to wiggle free of the iron-clad hold. You smirk into his neck, relishing in the futile attempt, but reprimand the behaviour with a series of trailing bites for his disobedience. He whimpers into your ear, oh, and what a sweet sound it is. All the while you pump at his cock, fast and dirty – time is of the essence.
You know he's close. He pants feverishly, arching into you, legs straining about your waist. Come on, you urge, eyes keen on his face as you drink in the writhing of expression; pink lips parted and face wrought with pleasure. It was everything. Fastening your hold, the pace slows to controlled, lengthy strokes. He bucks into your hand, so naughty and eager, and then he reaches his peak. He cries out and conscious of the volume, you kiss him, swallowing every moan and exclamation of his orgasm. He spills over your hand but it only serves to fuel the task of maintaining the pace.
When he's milked of everything he possesses, you pull back slightly to appreciate the view. His slack expression is reward enough and you fondly brush his bangs. Now what to do with you? There's a box of tissues on the counter, and plucking a few you proceed to remove his essence while inspecting yourself. There could be no evidence of your conduct. However, on regarding Jimin, you grimace, noting the stained shirt and glistening perspiration. He meets the look lazily, still drunk on his high.
There was a rack of clothes and thankfully they're named. Selecting another top from Jimin's section, not quite a replica of the damage goods, but hopefully no one will notice the sudden wardrobe change. Returning to him, you offer the clothing and he takes it without question. Standing, he tucks himself away, unabashed as you watch. Then stripping off the shirt, you're gifted the chance to look upon him once again; the lighting in your favour this time. He's all too aware of his captivated audience and doesn't cower under the scrutiny. Lastly, he regards his reflection, patting away the sweat and brushing a hand through his hair. Satisfied, he turns to you, offering a soft smile, unperturbed by the events.
It’s difficult to reciprocate his ease.
He strides past toward the exit, and with his hand upon the door handle, he inclines his head in question when you don’t follow. Daunting realisation threatens to ruin your resolve. Fuck. You release a deep, long breath as he opens the door. The first foot forward marks the hastened facade you’ve constructed to make it through the remainder of the night. You trail behind him all the way, and Jimin’s conscious of your presence, feeling your eyes bore into his back.
Backstage, your bodies are swallowed by darkness and the energetic crowd chants eagerly. As you near the expectant group, Jimin stops and turns to address you and your breath stalls.
He steps closer and want you back-away, fearing the intimate interaction will draw attention. Worry creases your brow, hands bawled at your sides and if he notices, he doesn’t show. He radiates an unfathomable calm yet still maintaining a hint of that shy personality you’ve witnessed; much unlike his forward and seductive counterpart. He smiles again and it almost inspires confidence that maybe everything will be alright.
“Don’t worry, it’s our secret,” he says, and what you wouldn’t give to know what he said. “Wish me good luck!” And with a wink, he leaves.
You don't have time to consider the possibly of his words nor the incident before Blake is breathing down your neck, and demanding an explanation. It's easily avoided, casually throwing in the reminder that you're dealing with musicians, and he accepts the comment though evidently doubtful it’s the whole truth. Your focus returns to guarding tonight’s show and your secret. But as the show commences and a screams roar from the crowd, an unmistakable fact shadows your thoughts: you’re not nearly as guilty as you’d expect yourself to be, nor of the consequences if you’re inappropriate conduct becomes known. And in addition to that, there was still four weeks left of the tour...
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shanebosp494-blog · 5 years
15 Weird Hobbies That'll Make You Better at holiday packages australia
What do you're thinking that of any time you listen to the word Australia? Kangaroos, seashores, and ‘g’working day mate’? Perfectly yes, Australia does have its reasonable share of ‘roos, however the land Down Under gives A lot of a lot more than that! We’re chatting awe-inspiring mountains, epic road excursions, enormous nationwide parks, wonderful waterfalls…the checklist actually is endless. We’ve rounded up some top Aussie travel bloggers which have supplied us their strategies about the greatest sites to go to in Australia – and you will be selected that no matter what you’re trying to find inside your excursion, Australia can offer you it and much more. Keep reading for twenty-four of the best spots to visit in Australia!
New South Wales
Northern Territory
Western Australia
South Australia
Finest destinations to visit in New South Wales
one. Blue Mountains
Greatest Places To Visit In Australia - Blue Mountains
Advised by Rachel and Jeremy through the Kiwi Couple
If you’re trying to find a dose of mother nature, the Blue Mountains are for you. Only one.5 hours within the hustle and bustle of Sydney, it can be visited as each day excursion or a weekend getaway, based on your travel time frame. You should definitely have enough time to visit Wentworth Falls. This place presents walks of various issues with amazing views of the waterfall, and it’s just a short travel from the leading occasion – The 3 Sisters. These renowned rock formations will be the spotlight of this picturesque postcard space.
In the event you head to Echo Position you will get an epic view of them, or hop on Scenic Entire world’s gondola. As you’re there, don’t miss the Scenic Railway – the steepest passenger railway in the world! Final although not least, Lincoln’s Rock is a necessity. With views from the wide landscape and a top secret minor cave great for looking at the sunset, it’s the very best conclusion towards the working day.
Blue Mountains hostels from $17.80 an evening
two. Bathurst
Most effective Places To go to In Australia - Bathurst
Recommended by Tara from Exactly where Is Tara
Bathurst is among my favourite spots in Australia for a lot of factors. One of them is my cousins have farms around. They allow me to stay Each time I pass through and bring me to cattle markets, which is a true novelty to me getting grown up in town. Another rationale I love Bathurst is mainly because it is often disregarded by tourists, In spite of owning so much to offer. It’s the oldest inland city in Australia and is particularly the site of the initial Australian gold hurry.
Take a look at the T-Rex with the Australian Fossil and Mineral Museum, have a spin round the popular Mount Panorama Circuit. Or simply grab a cup of espresso from Campos, have a stroll by way of Machattie Park and take a look at the commemorative plaque from Charles Darwin’s visit in 1836. For a novel working day trip while in the Bathurst location look into the gold hurry town of Sofala (it looks like a ghost city and has an incredible guide store), or head on the Jenolan caves for a few all-natural beauty, limestone-type!
Sydney hostels from $fifteen a night
three. Sydney
Very best Places To Visit In Australia - Sydney
Encouraged by Rachel and Jeremy in the Kiwi Couple
Sydney is the biggest metropolis in Australia – full of gorgeous shorelines, fun pursuits and good food stuff. The most effective methods to view The great thing about Sydney is by using a stress-free stroll. An incredible Seashore walk, and among the finest, is from Bondi Beach front to Coogee Beach front. It provides beautiful sights of the area’s well known rocky shorelines, slender shorelines and sandy beaches. An additional popular stroll is alongside the Sydney Harbour Bridge walkway. Equally walks are totally free and therefore are a terrific way to appreciate Sydney.
We love getting up large and observing metropolitan areas from earlier mentioned. An ideal way To do that in Sydney is by doing the Skywalk at Sydney Tower. At 268 metres high, it’s guaranteed to Get the heart pumping. You’re harnessed in although so it’s not (also) scary! And eventually, a must do of Sydney will be to consume your coronary heart out. Consider a deep fried Golden Gaytime ice product from Exactly what the Fudge Cafe, you received’t regret it!
Sydney hostels from $15 a night
4. Byron Bay
Best Destinations To go to In Australia - Byron Bay
Proposed by Dane from Holiday break From Where by
Byron is one of Australia’s top rated tourist destinations but in case you’re prepared to place in just a little perform you could even now uncover some more perfectly hidden gems just out the back from the hinterland mountains. From innumerable waterfalls and swimming holes to outstanding mountains and bush walks this small area conceal much beauty. I'd personally suggest starting up with a hike to the bottom of Minyon Falls to get a swim, a hike to the very best of Mt Warning for an incredible dawn, An additional swim at Killin Falls and afterwards a hike to your Natural Arch. These are generally just several of the most obtainable but there's so a lot more in the event you’re prepared to examine.
Byron Bay hostels from $25 a night
Very best locations to visit in Victoria
5. Melbourne
Finest Locations To go to In Australia - Melbourne
Advisable by Aditi from Diary of a Cusp
Melbourne has secured its spot of probably the most liveable metropolis on earth the seventh time within a row. Most days see a diverse weather – hail, sunshine, rain, wind – but that doesn’t impede the livelihood of Melbourne. Any provided working day yow will discover an party, an exhibit, a audio gig, or a show to relish. You receive usage of totally free trams throughout the city circle to wander throughout without having outlaying a buck on transportation. Melbourne is often a multicultural metropolitan with copious places to eat serving slavering foods and cafes for the caffeine take care of – Melbourne’s coffee is a few of the finest on the earth.
Melbourne hostels from $eighteen an evening
six. Wonderful Ocean Highway
Very best Places To Visit In Australia - Wonderful Ocean Road
Recommended by Jack and Jenn from Who Requirements Maps
Lorne is a popular quit alongside The nice Ocean Highway (also to the Twelve Apostles). It’s the best spot to chill out alongside the seaside, probably Opt for a surf, consume many of the finest fish and chips, and benefit from the scenery. Jack is actually a surfer and loves to head out to The nice Ocean Highway for a surf. Nevertheless the excursion isn’t finish with no prevent in Lorne for a parma as well as a pot put up-surf. Lorne also has some wonderful walks and waterfalls to explore, like Erskine Falls and Phantom Falls. My favored, is if you go in the course of the appropriate period, you can catch a few whales at sunset. Grab a wine at a seaside restaurant and take pleasure in the serenity.
seven. Mornington Peninsula
Greatest Places To Visit In Australia - Mornington Peninsula
Advisable by Aditi from Diary of a Cusp
Mornington Peninsula is a peninsula located southeast of Melbourne, just an hour push from the town. It has been an immensely popular day trip or staycation web-site with the citizens of Victoria, especially Melbourne for decades now. Mornington Peninsula has a great deal of to provide to its people – shorelines, national parks, scenic views, stress-free spas, vineyards, golf classes, mazes, tenting web sites and so a lot more. This myriad of routines as well as short distance causes it to be so fascinating to visit in the course of very long weekends like Queen’s Birthday, Xmas, Boxing Working day, New 12 months and so forth. Sampling some Pinot Noir although during the peninsula is a necessity.
Ideal locations to visit in Queensland
8. Sunshine Coast
Very best Sites To go to In Australia - Sunshine Coast
Advised by Sophie from Adventures of Soph
The Sunshine Coast has acquired to get Just about the most gorgeous strips of coastland in all of Australia, boasting stunning, long white beaches lined with wellbeing aware cafes and boutique apparel retailers. If you aren’t absorbing the sunshine on one of the a lot of beaches, you could head out into the hinterland for each day of mountain mountaineering or hop from the overwhelmed observe to discover secluded swimming holes and waterfalls with not a soul in sight. Noosa Nationwide Park and fairy pools is surely an complete must do, just avoid the midday hurry of your crowds.
Sunshine Coast hostels from $12.50 an evening
9. Brisbane
Greatest Spots To Visit In Australia - Brisbane
Suggested by Erica from A woman Who Wanders
Brisbane is my hometown and an area I intend on remaining for a very while. Why? Since it has all the things! Not like its capital town counterparts of Sydney and Melbourne, Brisbane presents all the benefits in a portion of the cost. Higher on my list of sites to go to is Southbank, the house of doing arts and Queensland culture and back again alley bars and river front eating. Southbank also capabilities Australia’s only interior-metropolis Seashore, a man-designed marvel which will take you faraway from the hustle and bustle of the city and into a tropical oasis with sparkling waters and white, sandy shorelines.
West End is an additional suburb I highly endorse going to, with its hipster vibe, insanely superior espresso and Road markets to maintain you buying hours. Should you’re following a watch of town in the best, head as much as Mt Coot-tha for its spectacular 360 views of town and also the bordering hinterland. I also hugely advise climbing the Brisbane Tale Bridge for an extra Unique addition to your excursion, given that the view is gorgeous plus the adrenalin rush a single to not be skipped!
Brisbane hostels from $15 an evening
ten. Gold Coast
Best Locations To Visit In Australia - Gold Coast
Advised by Erica from A woman Who Wanders
In case you’re trying to find a desired destination which includes all of it, lookup no additional and get oneself for the Gold Coastline! With arguably a number of the greatest beaches in Australia, the Gold Coast is my “go-to” spot over the hot summer months months. However, if lazing about on delicate, white sandy seashores or swimming from the crystal very clear ocean doesn’t consider your extravagant, the Gold Coast Hinterland is just a short generate from the beach and has a number of the most awesome strolling tracks and viewpoints in Queensland.
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My favorite detail in regards to the Gold Coast is how the vibe is incredibly laid back yet also electric, with locals and tourists alike making the most of the “Sunday sesh” environment with the day plus the social gathering scene that involves lifestyle when the Sunlight goes down. In the event you’re scheduling on browsing the Gold Coastline at any time before long, my particular recommendations for the most beneficial areas to go to are Burleigh Heads Seaside as well as Lamington Nationwide Park.
Gold Coast hostels from $21 an evening
eleven. Airlie Seashore/Whitsundays
Most effective Areas To Visit In Australia - Whitsundays
Suggested by Jack and Jenn from Who Wants Maps
Airlie Seaside is a great place to acquire a taste of every little thing. You may embark on an journey to The nice Barrier Reef, sail for the Whitsundays, eat a number of the freshest food items straight out of the ocean, and walk many of the most beautiful coastal walks in Australia. Did I point out there are some awesome beer gardens?
Airlie Beach front is an ideal hub to meet other backpackers who may have a hankering for adventure. We experienced a lot enjoyment taking place all sorts of nautical adventures. We even husked our personal coconuts and played with turkeys and wallaby’s over the island. Airlie Seaside can also be known for its guy-produced lagoon, a fantastic place for beachside/poolside cocktails.
Airlie Beach hostels from $28 an evening
twelve. Noosa
Most effective Sites To Visit In Australia - Noosa
Advisable by Fanny from Minka Guides
Developing up, I often read about Noosa from other Australians as this desire coastal spot. Becoming in the place, I didn’t definitely understand why right until I lastly visited a couple of calendar year back and fell in really like. In contrast to all kinds of other iconic coastal metropolitan areas, Noosa isn’t crammed with towering skyscrapers and massive purchasing malls. In truth, the nearby council don’t Allow any one build larger compared to trees, guaranteeing that this sub-tropical town retains its surprisingly gorgeous seaside town vibe – although also currently being an very well known position to visit!
The leading Seashore can get fairly hectic with sunbathers, so I’d suggest doing a trek by means of close by Noosa National Park to 1 of its stunning and deserted stretches of sand. A forty five-minute stroll together the Tanglewood Monitor can take you to Alexandria Bay, the place little, translucent fish swimming during the shallows (and also the occasional nudist) are your only enterprise. Absolute paradise.
Noosa hostels from $24 a night
13. Atherton Tablelands
Ideal Destinations To go to In Australia - Atherton Tablelands
Proposed by Sophie from Adventures of Soph
Consider unlimited waterfalls, rolling inexperienced hills dotted with dairy cows and rustic, household operate cafes. All within just an hour’s drive from Cairns, the Atherton Tablelands is the perfect gateway into the countryside, no matter if or not it's for daily vacation or for a long weekend. The simplest way to begin to see the Tablelands will be to hop in an automobile, grab a place map and just drive. The waterfall circuit of Elinjja Falls, Millaa Millaa Falls and Zillie Falls are certainly not being missed and if you happen to end up there on the final Saturday in the thirty day period you should definitely check out the Yungaburra marketplaces.
Atherton Tablelands hostels from $twenty five a night
fourteen. Townsville
Ideal Places To Visit In Australia - Townsville
Encouraged by Sam from Sam World wide
Boasting palm laden Seashore fronts, a ninety% chance of sunshine and heat temperatures all yr round, Townsville is definitely an absolute ought to on any North Queensland itinerary. Wander the strand and learn about wealthy WWII record or take a excursion to The nice Barrier Reef and dive the S.S Yongala shipwreck – it’s the most effective dives on this planet. And it doesn’t halt there, town is home to your lively nightlife, a powerful food stuff scene and quick access to The attractive Magnetic Island. Should you time your trip proper you’ll have the chance to knowledge among the islands infamous entire moon functions!
Townsville hostels from $18 an evening
fifteen. Cairns
Finest Sites To go to In Australia - Cairns
Advised by Nicola from Polka Dot Passport
You can find not a lot of spots in the world in which you can expend your morning snorkelling via a vivid underwater playground that is a component of the planet’s most significant single composition of living organisms, as well as your afternoon dipping into turquoise water holes, canopied by The most assorted and oldest rainforests on the planet. Cairns is usually a gateway not to a single but TWO natural planet heritage internet sites, the Great Barrier Reef along with the Daintree Rainforest, making it a pretty Distinctive put to visit. Don’t leave without executing a horse trip alongside Cape Tribulation beach, getting a visit out on the GBR or going croc-spotting together the Daintree River.
Cairns hostels from $twelve an evening
sixteen. Whitehaven Beach
Greatest Spots To Visit In Australia - Whitehaven Beach
Advisable by Dane from Holiday getaway From Where by
Whitehaven Beach is actually a 7km extend of coast situated in the Whitsundays. It truly is most quickly obtainable from Airlie Seashore, Unless of course you're Blessed more than enough to very own a yacht. The Beach front is common with locals and visitors alike but if you choose to camp there you will have the Seaside all to oneself and just a handful of other Fortunate campers for sunset and sunrise. The white colour from the sand along with the remarkable blues inside the h2o make this A very one of a kind spot that is constantly sighted in virtually every ‘most effective Seashore on the globe listing’.
Cairns hostels from $12 an evening
Very best spots to go to in Northern Territory
seventeen. Uluru
Most effective Sites To go to In Australia - Uluru
Advised by Crystal from Castaway With Crystal
Uluru is most likely Australia’s most recognisable landmark. But this big chunk of rock is also very sacred towards the regional Anangu Aboriginal persons right here, a place of great electricity. It's the centre with the universe and the home of your ‘Earth Mom’. Inside the outskirts of Uluru, within compact caves, Aboriginal rock artwork is usually found that is certainly tens of A huge number of yrs previous. These are viewed as nationwide treasures and Uluru is usually a UNESCO World Heritage web site.
Nevertheless you'll be able to even now climb to the top with the rock and knowledge the unquestionably magical views, doing this is some extent of controversy amongst the area Aboriginal people along with the national park assistance that manages the world. For this reason, vacationers are intensely encouraged not to climb. Uluru rises 348 meters previously mentioned the bottom, but the bulk of the rock lies underground. It's a circumference of sixteen kilometres and might be walked all-around in entire using a cleared route.
Alice Springs hostels from $27 a night
eighteen. Darwin
Greatest Sites To go to In Australia - Darwin
Proposed by Edit From Edit Throughout the world
While Darwin may be the funds metropolis in the Northern Territory, it is very tiny – however it’s truly an excellent place for searching. As well as, for background enthusiasts, it’s a real treasure town Together with the Museum and Artwork Gallery of the Northern Territory and several other aboriginal art galleries. Conversely, adventure seekers can look into the Crocosaurus Cove, in which the Cage of Dying working experience presents the thrill of staying in a similar ecosystem, more exactly in a Specific cage inside the water, along with a 5m extended croc. Crocodile can also be identified on several restaurant menus all-around Darwin. From crocodile sandwich to croc pizza, the variety is huge Visit this link and really delectable. It preferences alternatively like rooster, however it will come in a A great deal greater price tag.
Getting a tour within the Adelaide river gave me the opportunity to begin to see the strategies on the crocs if they’re getting ready to attack. Litchfield Nationwide Park is a good spot to see crocodiles of their organic habitat –
0 notes
mhsn033 · 4 years
Terry O’Neill: Capturing celebrity
Characterize copyright Terry O’Neill
For better than 60 years, British photographer Terry O’Neill, who died in November 2019, photographed most of the biggest names from the worlds of film, model and music.
A brand contemporary exhibition on the Maddox Gallery in Gstaad, Switzerland exhibits off a pair of of his simplest work, alongside his recollections.
The Beatles, London, 1963
Characterize copyright Terry O’Neill
O’Neill become working for the Every day Sketch as their newest photographer when he become assigned to amass photographs of rising bands.
“The papers quickly stumbled on that a younger bunch of musicians on the quilt of 1 of their papers meant the papers sold – and sold quickly in amazing numbers,” he recalled.
“In the end, the editor stated to me ‘there is a brand contemporary younger band recording at Abbey Toll road and we need you to switch over and obtain some photographs’.
“Well, that band grew to change into out to be The Beatles.
“I went over to the studio and these four lads – a pair of years youthful than me – were recording Please, Please Me.
“I didn’t worship the light on the studio so I stated, ‘attain on then, let’s exit aid so I will salvage the next light’. I asked them to pronounce their guitars, so it regarded worship they were musicians. Ringo just true grabbed his cymbal.
“These photographs are a pair of of the earliest portraits of the band ever to skedaddle in the national press.
No longer noteworthy later, a younger kid named Andrew Loog Oldham called me up and stated: ‘Are you able to own for my band what you just true did for The Beatles?’
“That band grew to change into out to be The Rolling Stones.”
The Rolling Stones, 1964
Characterize copyright Terry O’Neill
“I stated I become sleek busy. Nonetheless if his band wished to meet me in Soho, round Tin Pan Alley, then maybe I could well moreover squeeze them in.
“The necessary couple of occasions I frolicked with them, I took them round London, making obvious there become a recognisable metropolis ingredient in the background.
“Other occasions, I would just true walk them as they went to own tv appearances. Tv become in actuality vital aid then, perhaps more vital than it’s now.
“For americans that had a band and got a TV gig, it become any other to appear in entrance of hundreds – many of of hundreds – who would then no longer simplest exit and buy your document or contemporary single, nonetheless utter as a lot as the gigs.”
Audrey Hepburn, South of France, 1966
Characterize copyright Terry O’Neill
“During breaks between scenes filming Two for the Toll road, someone living up a beach cricket recreation.
“Audrey jumped true in and commenced to play.
“These are big photographs of no longer simplest a sleek lady, nonetheless I am hoping these painting what she become worship off-camera. She become one of the main variety and beneficiant americans I’ve ever worked with.
“She lit up a room and never took a foul picture. My job become easy – I just true needed to be there and press the button.”
Frank Sinatra, Miami boardwalk, 1968
Characterize copyright Terry O’Neill
Taken in shaded and white on the living of the 1968 film Lady in Cement, O’Neill’s first stumble upon with Frank Sinatra become the starting up of a working relationship that would final virtually 30 years.
In collaboration with digital artist Mariona Vilarós, O’Neill re-worked the image in color.
“After that day, I could well moreover plod anyplace with Frank. He allowed me to change true into the next photographer by simply letting me own my job. It become a staunch honour to work with the man, a privilege.
“I be aware how anxious I become to at final meet Sinatra. And I be aware the colors of the Miami sky and the way in which blue the ocean become.”
Michael Caine, 1970
Characterize copyright Terry O’Neill
“I’ve identified and worked with Michael Caine for virtually my whole profession – and I rely him as one of my closet pals. We have had many adventures collectively – [about] deal of which I’ve been sworn to secrecy.
“Michael in actuality embodies the characters he plays. He shall be one of the finest actors who can own on a necessary function one minute, a thriller the subsequent after which follow up with a comedy. He is solely true extremely talented.”
Peter Sellers and Roger Moore, Beverly Hills, 1970s
Characterize copyright Terry O’Neill
“Peter Sellers become a truly sophisticated man. I knew him in actuality correctly throughout his existence and become with him thru the highs and lows of his profession, as correctly as the highs and lows of diverse relationships.
“I conception to be myself a honest friend of his and he become with out a doubt a honest friend to me. He just true never fully believed in himself and his abilities. He become a talented actor, comedian, creator and singer, as correctly as a truly honest photographer.
“Our mutual love of pictures become what bonded us in the first discipline. He become continually purchasing the very newest cameras readily available.”
Elton John, early 1970s
Characterize copyright Terry O’Neill
“People ask me the whole time what my popular Elton John picture is. And I will never in actuality acknowledge that due to Elton graciously gave me so many alternatives to amass a big picture.
“Nonetheless this one in actuality stands out. It’s his self belief that he developed over time when in entrance of the camera – my camera – and, pointless to speak, the outfit. Here is signature Elton.”
Muhammad Ali, Dublin, 1972
Characterize copyright Terry O’Neill
“It become the starting up of summer season 1972 and Muhammad Ali become in Dublin, coaching for a fight against Alvin Lewis. I flew over to amass photographs and interview him for the Every day Train.
“Ali become big to photograph. He paid no attention to me and become both coaching or raving about being the biggest. Or he’d just true sit down in a room and speak nothing for hours, searching at coaching motion photographs of himself.
“He just true created a skedaddle – you knew when Ali become in the room. For americans that focus on legends and what defines that time length, he had it.”
Faye Dunaway, the morning after her Oscar steal, March 1976
Characterize copyright Terry O’Neill
“I become asked by one of the magazines to amass a picture of the winner of the Academy Award for Most inspiring Actress. Faye Dunaway become the probabilities-on popular to steal an Oscar for her efficiency in Network.
“I didn’t are attempting to amass the picture all americans else would own: you know, the one true after – the effect they survey tremendously stunned, jubilant – maintaining up their vivid contemporary Oscar.
“I wished to snatch one thing diverse. I wished to snatch the morning after.
“I outlined the conception that to Faye and told her, ‘listen, if you steal, meet me by the pool at break of day. And pronounce the Oscar’.
“She become staying on the Beverly Hills Resort and I knew the man who worked the pool. I asked him to let us in for a pair of minutes after which arranged the papers and the breakfast tray. I had it all living when she with out be aware regarded, in her dressing dress, Oscar in hand.
“This picture become just true us. There become no stylists or PR, no lighting fixtures or assistants. And it simplest took a pair of moments.
“A few years later, I married her. A few years after that, we divorced.”
Kate Moss, 1993
Characterize copyright Terry O’Neill
“She would own fit true in with us aid in 1964.
“She’s any other one the effect or no longer it’s not likely to amass a foul picture and that’s why she’s been on the tip of her recreation since she began. I become lucky ample to be there in the starting up of her profession, to amass these portraits.
“She become ravishing to work with. An valid genuine with relatively of fun.”
Terry O’Neill: Every Characterize Tells A Memoir, A Retrospective will skedaddle at Maddox Gallery, Gstaad and on-line, 30 July – 29 August 2020.
Terry O’Neill, Iconic Pictures courtesy of Maddox Gallery
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tripstations · 4 years
Winter in Paris: A Unqiue Information to Exploring the Metropolis
Winter time in Paris isn’t any secret, the lights, the sounds and festive occasions are motive sufficient to e book the following flight over. Whereas the cities well-known scorching spots just like the Eiffel Tower, the Sacré-Cœur, The Louvre Museum, The Centre Pompidou, and the Seine River are actually value including to your journey itinerary, how about diving proper into the streets of Paris? 
Let this information encourage you to discover the distinctive sides of Paris. When you’ve reached the top of this publish, you’ll be totally ready to throw away your map (or your blue dot on Google), get misplaced, fall in love and eat to your coronary heart’s content material!
  Getting Began in Paris 
Earlier than diving into the streets of Paris, one issues for certain, it positively helps to be effectively geared up. As romantic and historic because the streets of Paris could also be, Paris continues to be a big metropolis, which implies getting misplaced received’t be exhausting to do. To make the perfect of your metropolis journey to Paris, I’d suggest getting your self arrange with: 
A wonderful pair of strolling footwear (I made the error of sporting model new footwear) 
A Paris Metropolis Move 
And a neighborhood SIM card  
I’ll allow you to select your favourite pair of strolling footwear, however for those who’d like some extra info on get your Paris Metropolis Move and a neighborhood SIM card, I can positively offer you just a few extra suggestions. 
  The Paris Metropolis Passes 
The way you prefer to journey will rely upon which metropolis move is greatest for you. You should buy the Paris Metropolis Move which incorporates limitless public transit journey between zones 1-Three and reductions to greater than 60 totally different sights, excursions and museums. Or, for those who desire to purchase a neighborhood transit move with out the travellers reductions, then you may also buy the Paris Visite journey move straight on the RATP transit web site.
In the event you do resolve to go for the complete Paris Metropolis Move, you may then resolve whether or not you’ll be utilizing your move for two, 3, 4, 5 or 6 days. With this move, you’ll have free admission to greater than 60 totally different sights, excursions and museums. The move additionally features a boat journey alongside the river Seine, an structure tour of Paris, a avenue artwork/flea market tour and a museum & wine tasting at Les Caves du Louvre. 
  Getting Set Up With a Native SIM Card 
Whereas we’ve usually been used to buying moveable wifi routers for journey, Orange has provide you with a good simpler resolution. For 39,99 (after all, at all times topic to vary), Orange affords up their Vacation SIM Card. 
With this SIM card, you’ll obtain: 
A French cellphone quantity
2 hours of worldwide calling 
1000 worldwide textual content messages 
And 20 GB of cellular knowledge 
The Orange Vacation Plan lasts for 14 days, however will be renewed at any time and fairly simply, both on-line or in shops at an Orange Boutique, TABAC retailer, or any RELAY outlet areas.
  10 Distinctive Methods to Discover Paris within the Winter Time
So now that we’ve bought you ready and able to dive into the streets of Paris, it’s time to encourage you! Listed below are 10 distinctive methods to discover the cities hottest sights together with a number of the cities most treasured areas. 
  Uncover the Famend Streets of Montmartre
Montmartre is probably going not a brand new title to you. You’ve gotten most likely heard in regards to the neighbourhood from the favored French romantic comedy Amélie (2001). If not from Amélie, then actually you’ve made the connection between Montmartre and the Sacre-Cœur. The Sacre-Cœur (identified in English on the Basilica of the Sacred Coronary heart) is a phenomenal Roman Catholic church situated in Montmartre which sits on the very best level of town and affords a shocking aerial view of Paris. 
Montmartre can also be well-known for being house to many famend artists like Pablo Picasso, Vincent van Gogh, Amedeo Modigliani, and Claude Monet. Whereas the neighbourhood itself isn’t any secret to locals and travellers alike, there’s one thing about roaming the cobblestone streets of Montmartre which makes you are feeling such as you’ve travelled again in time to benefit from the metropolis like Picasso as soon as had. 
Whereas the neighbourhood of Montmartre is actually charming, it’s an uphill climb (right here’s the place your good strolling footwear will turn out to be useful). Montmartre is situated in Paris’s 18th arrondissement, 430 toes up on a hill. 
In the event you don’t thoughts the stroll, I’d positively suggest taking a strolling tour round Montmartre the place you’ll be taught all in regards to the stunning historical past, benefit from the bohemian ambiance and go to the previous artwork studio of Picasso himself. 
In any other case, for those who’re on the lookout for a novel technique to discover Montmartre then positively go for a Citroën 2CV tour! You can too select to increase your tour and discover different sights round Paris just like the Champs-Élysées, the Louvre and the Eiffel Tower. 
  Examine Out the Underground Artwork & Music Scene in Paris 
In the event you’re into music, Paris has an unimaginable underground artwork and music scene. One location particularly is unquestionably value mentioning, Les Ecuries. 
Les Ecuries is an underground bar and restaurant with an unimaginable historical past. The situation was initially an outdated publish workplace, the place the underground area was merely used for storage. Within the 70’s, all the place was a secret social location, after which within the 90’s it had modified once more right into a medieval fashion restaurant. It wasn’t till 2014 that Les Ecuries made their grand opening. At present, Les Ecuries is the place you’ll discover the most popular artwork, music and inventive items round Paris. Their distinctive underground location is now used as a bar, restaurant, exhibition corridor, venue area and inventive discussion board for well-known and upcoming abilities. 
  Get pleasure from a Espresso at a Historic Café across the Saint-Germain neighbourhood 
The neighbourhood of Saint-Germain is a phenomenal and historic district of Paris situated subsequent to the river Seine. Extra generally, Saint-Germain is often known as the district the place many travelling writers from America and different well-known artists and writers went to work on their subsequent large tasks. Sipping a espresso, having fun with a divine French pastry and listening to the sights and sounds of town streets in Paris at a famend café like Les Deux Magots or Café de Flore is an journey in itself. It’s a neighbourhood crammed with good vibes and inspiration. 
In the event you’re on the lookout for one thing totally different to do within the space, and are a soccer fan, you may additionally benefit from the Parc de Princes Stadium Tour. On the tour, you may go backstage, be taught extra in regards to the soccer legends who performed in Paris, and hangout of their dressing rooms and VIP packing containers. 
  Roam the Fashionable District of Marais 
The district of Marais is a phenomenal neighbourhood crammed with charming little boutique retailers, artistic areas and hip bars. Just a few streets value mentioning embody La Rue des Roziers and Rue des Francs Bourgeois. Right here, you’ll discover distinctive and open idea artwork galleries combined with cozy (and heated) out of doors patio cafés and scrumptious avenue meals. La Rue des Roziers was as soon as a Jewish quarter in Paris which is why you may additionally discover that this avenue has a number of the greatest kosher eating places within the metropolis. In the event you proceed onward in direction of the boutique retailers, you’ll attain the fashionable space of Marais the place you’ll discover all of the fashionistas of Paris. You probably have the entire day to roam the world, common sights like Place de Vosges, Le Bohème Opera, the Picasso Museum, and Place de la Bastille are all value trying out. 
  Stroll Alongside the Caves, Waterfalls and Lakes at Buttes-Chaumont Park 
There’s little doubt {that a} metropolis journey to Paris can maintain you busy for days, however all of us want a little bit time to wind down. A go to to Buttes-Chaumont Park is a should in your Paris itinerary, in any season! The Parc des Buttes-Chaumont is a beautiful 24 hectare park situated within the North-East space of Paris. Your complete park truly sits on prime of a quarry which permits for a wide ranging stroll via the park. On the perimeter of the park (the highest of the quarry) you’ll discover a number of the cities most spectacular aerial views, particularly for those who plan on having fun with the sundown there. In the course of the quarry, you’ll discover a suspension bridge overlooking a phenomenal lake and a waterfall that flows via a cave. You possibly can truly hike down the steps to the underside of the quarry and enter the caves to see the place the waterfalls hits backside. 
  Galeries Lafayette 
Galeries Lafayette could also be well-known for buying, and naturally, for those who’re large into buying, it’s positively value a go to. Nonetheless, I fell in love with Galeries Lafayette not as a result of I like buying (I truly completely dislike buying), however as a result of the ambiance in the course of the vacation season is spectacular. 
Whenever you arrive, you’ll know precisely what I imply. Your complete avenue is crammed with glowing Christmas lights, full of life music and delightful festive storefront home windows. In the event you make your manner into the shop, there’s no manner you’ll miss a glimpse at one of many cities largest Christmas timber hanging excessive above the division retailer, dangling from the ceiling. Hold heading as much as the highest stage and also you’ll attain their attractive rooftop terrace (entrance is free). Throughout the vacation season, it isn’t solely the right spot to get pleasure from a phenomenal sundown over Paris, however you may also throw on a pair of skates and check out their synthetic ice rink. 
In the event you opted for the Paris Metropolis Move at first of your journey, you’ll additionally get a 10% low cost and a free memento when buying at Galeries Lafayette. 
  Embrace the Spectacular Aerial Views of Paris On High of Montparnasse 
If the spectacular aerial views of Paris on the Buttes-Chaumont Park and Galeries Lafayette had you mezmerised, you’ll seemingly additionally benefit from the breathtaking views on prime of the Montparnasse Tower. The Montparnasse Tower is a 210 meter excessive workplace constructing with one of many highest rooftop terraces within the metropolis. 
You’ll must e book a ticket as a way to achieve entry, however the views are effectively well worth the cash spent! 
  Take a Parisian Cooking Class 
Irrespective of the place I journey, I desire to deliver house tastes and experiences moderately than souvenirs. Getting ready a dish that you just fell in love with whereas away, is among the greatest alternate options to souvenirs. How about whipping up some mouth-watering heat French croissants and some decadent macarons for breakfast while you return house? You’re family and friends will love you! 
In Paris, you may select from plenty of totally different courses like a macaron class at Galeries Lafayette, a make your personal croissants course, a chocolate eclair making class, a French pastry cooking class, a Parisian bread making class or perhaps a basic behind-the-scenes French bakery tour for all-round inspiration.
  Absorb all of the Metropolis Sights on a Seine River Cruise 
Whereas some cities are neat to see by double-decker bus or non-public automotive rent, Paris is a powerful metropolis to discover by boat. The Seine river runs completely via town with the intention to truly spot virtually all the main sights whereas cruising alongside the water. You can too take a cruise by night time to expertise Paris in the perfect hours of the day. Paris comes alive at night time, crammed with beautiful lights and vibrant music. Nonetheless, at any hour of the day, for those who cruise alongside the Seine river, you’ll catch stellar views of the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre Museum, the Musée d’Orsay, Les Invalides, Notre Dame and the Grand Palais. 
  Benefit from the Paris Lights Throughout the Most Magical Time of the Yr 
And naturally, for those who’re visiting Paris in the course of the winter season, night time time does get that rather more spectacular! Whereas some cities boast about their unimaginable Christmas markets or their snowy white sceneries, Paris has actually received the title in my coronary heart as being one of the superbly lit cities on this planet! Christmas time in cities is commonly celebrated within the “outdated city” or “downtown” core, however in Paris, each single neighbourhood is crammed with festive decorations, brilliant sparkly lights and the gorgeous sounds of Christmas tunes. 
Everybody will inform you that for those who’re coming to Paris for glowing lights, then the Eiffel Tower needs to be the primary cease in your record, ‘tis true. Nonetheless, Paris doesn’t cease there. The Champs Elysées illuminates the streets of Paris with greater than 150,000 lights, the Galeries Lafayette lights up all the intersection/metro cease of Chaussée d’Antin and lots of the cafés are stuffed with full of life music and superbly brilliant festive deco. You can too get pleasure from plenty of smaller brightly lit Christmas markets within the metropolis, or go to a much bigger enjoyable truthful market at Jardin des Tuileries. 
If cuddling up beneath a heat blanket whereas sipping on mulled wine and listening to Christmas music seems like extra of your factor, Paris additionally affords a 1,5 hour Christmas Lights Bus Tour. The tour takes you previous a number of the most stunning sights in Paris, and naturally, on board you’re in a position to cuddle up, drink mulled wine and take heed to Christmas music.
  Eating Native in Paris
There’s no denying that when one visits Paris, lots of your time will include wining and eating at many native French spots across the metropolis. It’s straightforward to spend the day indulging in native delicacies, but it surely’s not as straightforward to seek out distinctive spots across the metropolis that you just’ll be craving to return again to even years down the highway. That’s the place I’m right here to assist.
Paris is actually probably the greatest locations to seek out scrumptious French delicacies, but it surely will also be fairly a hit and miss. Whereas visiting, I discovered that both I completely loved the foods and drinks, or was fully let down. So, how about I scrap the eating places I didn’t get pleasure from and share with you just a few of my favourite spots!?
  Dine at a Native Pâtisserie like Ladurée
Ladurée Paris could also be a luxurious bakery and pâtisserie well-known for his or her delicious macarons, however additionally they have a beautiful café value having fun with. They’ve a big number of pastries, macarons, teas and coffees, however for those who’re up for having a little bit little bit of all the things from Ladurée, then I positively suggest heading in for afternoon tea. I had the Christmas particular when visiting which included a giant piping scorching pot of natural tea, chew sized sandwiches, scones, clotted cream, jam, honey, and plenty of small pastries and macarons. It was completely scrumptious and the right mid-day break to heat up when exploring the chilly metropolis streets of Paris within the winter. 
  Hangout with the Locals at Brasserie Flottes 
After I explored the Christmas market at Jardin des Tuileries, I used to be on the lookout for a pleasant hearty meal to finish the day and stumbled upon Brasserie Flottes. The restaurant was packed, and for a superb motive! The Brasserie Flottes affords up scrumptious and conventional French delicacies with a contemporary twist and at reasonably priced costs, but when that doesn’t promote you, it could even be value mentioning that their workers had been phenomenal – brilliant, cheery and oh so pleasant! It’s positively value a go to, however be sure to make a reservation forward of time, in any other case you might be caught ready some time for a seat. 
  Get pleasure from Haute Delicacies at Le Reminet
Or, you might kick it up a notch and actually dive into the Parisian haute delicacies at Le Reminet, an enthralling little restaurant with lots of flare. Simply throughout the river Seine and across the nook from Notre-Dame is the place you’ll discover Le Reminent. As quickly as you enter the restaurant, you’ll really feel as for those who’ve jumped again in time to an period the place eating was adored and folks sat and drank, ate, laughed and sang the night time away. You’re surrounded by stunning vintage mirrors, candle lit tables and charming servers who take you on a journey not simply via Paris, however world wide with their totally different flavours supplied on the menu. Their handpicked number of wines is unimaginable and their menu is continually altering to characteristic the following greatest dish. Whenever you’ve wined and dined your self foolish, the world round Le Reminent can also be value strolling via. The Quartier de la Sorbonne is a small and romantic neighborhood crammed with cobblestone streets, historic boutiques, e book shops and tea retailers. This will not come as a shock, however this was additionally a well-liked space used within the filming of Midnight in Paris, starring Owen Wilson and Rachel McAdams. 
  Take pleasure in a 3-Course Meal at Restaurant “Le Poulbot”
In your manner as much as the Sacré-Cœur Basilicia and hoping to keep away from the busy vacationer streets round Montmartre for lunch or dinner? Restaurant Le Poulbot is hidden alongside one of many smaller streets and packs lots of punch for such a little bit restaurant. Le Poulbot serves up French delicacies at its best. In the event you get the prospect, go for the 3-course menu the place you’ll get pleasure from freshly made native components in each dish. I can also’t suggest their chocolate lava cake sufficient! Completely scrumptious. 
  On the lookout for extra inspiration? This info-packed information to exploring town of Paris in the course of the winter time could also be simply what you must get began, however there’s loads of extra to expertise in our winter-inspired video! 
The post Winter in Paris: A Unqiue Information to Exploring the Metropolis appeared first on Tripstations.
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topfygad · 5 years
45 Fun Holiday Activities & Spirited Things to Do
The vacations all the time appear to reach approach too shortly, and normally by the point I even take into consideration adorning with boughs of holly it has changed into ‘oh crap’ I forgot to purchase Aunt Mary her annual set of dish towels after which additionally frantically calling the native bakery for my contribution to the cookie trade. Ugh!
How about this yr all of us overworked, frazzled procrastinators have a enjoyable plan to maintain us on monitor? A Christmas Bucket Listing stuffed with enjoyable issues to do might be that plan.
Begin this vacation bucket record in early December and it’ll not solely preserve you on a greater schedule for the season, however the actions may even get you within the spirit of Christmas.
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1. ✧ Mail a Letter to Santa
Get some fancy paper and sparkly pens to put in writing a letter to Santa. His mailing handle is tough to overlook: Santa, North Pole. If you happen to really desire a response from Saint Nicholas, right here’s some directions from USPS on tips on how to correctly write and obtain a letter from Santa.
2. ✦ Attend a Tree Lighting Ceremony
Many cities or landmarks could have a ceremony honoring the lighting of their tree. It’s an evening the place crowds of individuals load up on scorching cocoa, gown of their warmest apparel and collect across the tree ready for the flip of the change.
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3. ✧ Get Your Image with Santa
Whether or not you might have a baby or are a baby at coronary heart (like me!), go to the native mall and get a cute snap of you with good ole Saint Nic. If you happen to don’t need the everyday vacation picture, try these humorous concepts: 20 Adults Making Issues Bizarre with Santa.
4. ✧ Go to a Native Christmas Pageant
Whether or not is be a competition of bushes, parade of lights or a welcoming of Santa coming to city, attend an area competition in your metropolis. My city has a beautiful silent public sale occasion the place native enterprise house owners adorn and donate a tree for a superb trigger. Then town individuals can come and drink scorching cider whereas perusing the handfuls of bushes (and hopefully outbidding one another!).
5. ✦ Make a Selfmade Reward
There may be all the time one thing particular about giving and receiving a selfmade reward (it’s a enjoyable factor to do in any season!). It may very well be a glass body with pressed wild flowers or fairly smelling cleaning soap or infused vodka—the chances are countless! I’m actually loving these flavored salts with these cute glass jars.
Caught for concepts? Listed here are dozens of cool DIY issues to do for items:
6. ✧ Join With an Out of City Good friend
The vacation season is the right time meet up with an outdated buddy that you just haven’t related with shortly.
7. ✦ Make an Decoration
Put your inventive exercise hat for this Christmas bucket record thought and make your personal vacation ornaments to your tree or somebody elses. Most craft shops carry clear bulbs (or you should purchase them right here) that may be stuffed with an array of festive issues or get much more artful with these 30 DIY Christmas ornaments. If you’re not so artful, StayGlam has obtained you lined with their straightforward DIY ornaments.
8. ✦ Sip on Sizzling Chocolate by the Fireplace
There’s nothing fairly like sipping some scorching cocoa whereas watching a fireplace blazing. It’s the right approach to write your Christmas record! You can also make your self a easy Previous-Normal Sizzling Chocolate or spruce it up by whipping up a Crimson Velvet Sizzling Chocolate. You’ll be able to preserve your cocoa heat all day in Yeti’s insulated mug (they make nice items too!).
9. ✦ Create Handmade Christmas Playing cards
With a set of papers, ribbons, glue and a few ornamental items you’ll be able to create some fairly festive Christmas playing cards that may WOW your loved ones and associates. Nation Dwelling has some tremendous cute DIY card concepts (the mini wreath playing cards are my favourite!).
10. ✧ Make a Christmas Tune Playlist
Christmas music has come a great distance through the years—it looks as if each main artist has a tune or album. Use spotify to create your excellent playlist!
Having a tough time considering of songs? Esquire has made it straightforward with the 30 Finest Christmas Songs of All Time.
11. ✦ Donate a Toy
Christmas is all about giving, and giving a present to a baby in want is without doubt one of the most rewarding issues to do that vacation—a heartwarming addition to your Christmas bucket record! Annually I usually gather toys at my restaurant to donate to Toys for Tots, however there are numerous different locations in want too. Attempt your native homeless shelter, kids’s hospital or hearth division. Plus, many retailers and companies could have Christmas Angel bushes, the place the ornaments hung are needs from kids in want.
Don’t know what the recent toys are this season? Right here’s Amazon’s record of the High 100 Toys.
12. ✦ Chop Down Your Personal Christmas Tree
13. ✦ Watch a Vacation Film Favourite
Slip into your comfiest pjs (you realize, that fuzzy onesie with the toes), make some popcorn and watch a vacation film that may get you into the spirit. You’ll be able to even go one step additional and make it a film marathon. A few of my favorites are:
It’s a Fantastic Life
A Christmas Story
Miracle on 34th Avenue
14. ✦ Make a Wreath for Your Entrance Door
Give your company a heat welcome by inserting a fantastic crafted wreath in your entrance door. You’ll be able to select one of many 65 DIY Christmas Wreaths from Nation Dwelling (I am keen on this Birch-Bark Leaf one!).
15. ✧ Cover or Discover the Elf on a Shelf
Firstly of the vacation season, this cute elf is positioned throughout the house appearing as Santa’s eyes and ears, ensuring all the kids are behaving. Every night time after the kids have gone to mattress he goes again to the North Pole to report back to Santa. He returns to the house within the morning, however all the time to a distinct location. You probably have kids (and even wish to play alongside along with your housemate), it’s enjoyable to cover and discover him. It’s a type of actions for all ages!
Make certain to get yours nicely upfront! You’ll be able to order Elf on a Shelf right here.
16. ✦ See the Nutcracker Ballet
Whether or not it’s simply on a small native stage or an enormous metropolis manufacturing, a quintessential factor to do in the course of the holidays is to flee right into a dreamland with the beautiful ballet efficiency of the Nutcracker. This traditional Christmas story is centered round a younger woman’s Christmas Eve celebration and is a should factor to do at the least as soon as in your lifetime!
17. ✧ Learn ‘Twas the Night time Earlier than Christmas
It’s the traditional poem that ought to have a spot in each Christmas lovers house. You may get your personal copy right here.
18. ✦ Construct a Snowman or Make a Snowman Angel
Escape to a winter wonderland to make a snow angel or construct a superb quaint Frosty. Have enjoyable plopping your self proper into the snow, waving your legs and arms to create the right angel or stacking large balls on high of one another for a jolly snowman (don’t overlook the carrot nostril, hat and stick arms!). Bucket record bonus should you do each!
For assist learn The Final Step-by-Step Information to Constructing a Snowman and only for enjoyable right here’s 31 Epic Snowman Designs. For an excellent straightforward possibility simply purchase a equipment.
19. ✧ Make a Popcorn Garland for the Tree
20. ✧ Roast Chestnuts on an Open Fireplace
One in all my favourite issues to do whereas in Zurich within the winter was hitting up the roasted chestnut stands scattered alongside the streets. It made me wish to begin the custom of constructing them at house for the vacations. So why not purchase your self a chestnut roaster and observe this How To Roast Chestnuts on an Open Fireplace article.
21. ✦ Spend an Night Wrapping Presents
Wrapping presents is certainly one of my favourite vacation actions! I save all of the items till only a few days earlier than Xmas then spend the night time listening to vacation music and overlaying all of them in fairly paper. Listed here are 39 Reward Wrapping Concepts to get your inventive juices flowing—my favourite is the Reindeer Thumbprint Paper!
22. ✧ Construct a Gingerbread Home
There nothing that claims Christmas fairly like the home stuffed with the scent of gingerbread and a desk prepared for house building. Do this recipe or for one thing approach simpler, simply purchase a gingerbread home equipment.
Learn extra: 60 or the Finest Gingerbread Home Concepts
23. ✦ Cling Stockings
24. ✧ Volunteer
Throughout the vacation season there are all the time individuals in want of some further Christmas cheer. Unfold some pleasure by serving to ultimately. You’ll be able to volunteer at a soup kitchen or deliver pleasure to a kids’s hospital. Decide a trigger near your coronary heart and spend the day giving. Discover alternatives close to you on the United Means or Volunteer Match web site.
25. ✦ Make Paper Snowflakes
Making paper snowflakes is a type of actions for the entire household. You can also make some to hold on the tree, adorn presents with others and even stick just a few on the home windows of your private home for the neighbors to see. If you happen to’ve by no means made one earlier than, right here’s a straightforward Snowflake How-to.
26. ✦ Go Ice Skating
Throughout the Christmas season, outside ice skating rinks begin popping up—even in locations that don’t have any snow! Placed on a pair of blades and glide across the rink. Comply with it up with a cup of scorching cocoa.
27. ✦ Attend Midnight Christmas Eve Service at Church
28. ✧ Go Christmas Caroling
Get a gaggle of associates collectively, apply some Christmas carols (Rudolph the purple now reindeer is certainly one of my favorites!) after which stroll across the neighborhood spreading the spirit by means of tune.
Don’t know what to sing? Right here at some high Christmas carols with the lyrics.
29. ✦ Get Dressed Up and Attend a Vacation Occasion
30. ✧ Donate Your Unused Mittens and Jackets
Child it’s chilly exterior! And there are some unlucky individuals who want a heat jacket or a pair of cozy gloves to get them by means of the frigid winter season. Take up a set from associates, household and neighbors after which deliver them to the native homeless shelter.
31. ✦ Do a Random Act of Kindness
Random acts of kindness are a few of the most fulfilling and most humane and human issues you may ever do. Particularly when it’s performed for a whole stranger.
Donate some meals
Pay the bridge toll for the particular person behind you
Go to an animal orphanage and assist out for the day
Feed somebody’s parking meter.
The probabilities are countless. One of the best ways to strategy that is to have a look at your area people and see what it’s they want probably the most. Or try my put up for concepts: 75 Random Acts of Kindness Concepts: Examples of Variety Issues to Do.
32. ✦ Spend the Day Baking Christmas Cookies
Who doesn’t like a house stuffed with the smells of fresh-baked cookies? It doesn’t matter whether or not it’s snickerdoodles, crinkles or easy sugar cookies, spend a complete day simply baking. Afterwards, you’ll be able to even set up a cookie trade with family and friends.
For some scrumptious cookie concepts see the 36 of the Finest Christmas Cookie Recipes. Don’t overlook the cookie sheets! The Rachael Ray Yum-o! Nonstick Pans are wonderful, or at the least get your self some silicone baking mats that make the method a lot simpler!
33. ✧ Arrange a Secret Santa Reward Change
On the lookout for a straightforward and enjoyable approach to trade items with household, associates and coworkers? The a Secret Santa Reward Change is the reply. One in all my favourite secret Santa items are these “If you happen to can learn this, deliver me some wine” socks (in addition they have ones for chocolate and low!). You’ll be able to you should purchase them right here.
34. ✧ Make an Creation Calendar
An creation calendar is used to rely the times till Christmas. The everyday ones are stuffed with chocolate and hanging out on the grocery retailer checkout line (like this one). However, with slightly creativity you’ll be able to create your personal utilizing matchboxes, clothespins or absolutely anything else you’ll be able to presumably consider!
Want Concepts? See Buzzfeed’s 33 Intelligent And Lovable DIY Creation Calendars and Condominium Remedy’s 35 DIY Creation Calendars to Make Now So You’re Prepared for December
35. ✦ Drink Eggnog
Ingesting eggnog is sort of a custom in the course of the vacation season, so why not partake to your Christmas bucket record? Sometimes the drink is made with sugar, milk, cream, whipped eggs, spices and a contact of alcohol (although those you purchase on the grocery retailer is perhaps sans the liquor—insert unhappy face).
If you wish to make your personal, do this recipe by Alton Brown. Not an enormous eggnog fan? How about simply including slightly eggnog taste to your espresso with this eggnog Torani syrup.
36. ✧ Make and Put on an Ugly Christmas Sweater
You might not be thought of a diehard Xmas fan till you might have sported an unsightly Christmas sweater! There are many locations on-line to purchase one, but it surely’d be a lot extra enjoyable to make your personal customized sweater. Need assistance? These 51 Ugly Sweater Concepts will certainly be inspiration.
37. ✦ Have a Snowball Combat
With a lot contemporary snow exterior are you able to limit your self to the indoors. Get exterior for a superb quaint snowball combat! Invite some associates, make groups and let’s see who wins the struggle of snow.
Don’t get on the market unarmed, study Find out how to Make the Good Snowball first!
38. ✦ Make Your Christmas Listing
39. ✦ Begin a New Custom
With a lot pleasure, Christmas is the right time to begin a brand new custom that may reside on in years to return. It may be something from a particular dish you prepare dinner each vacation season to volunteering on the native shelter to Christmas caroling. Something goes! Yearly I adorn and donate a tiny tree—it instantly will get me within the vacation spirit.
40. ✦ Eat a Sweet Cane
41. ✦ Kiss Somebody Below the Mistletoe
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42. ✦ Take a Household Christmas Picture
43. ✦ Take a look at the Vacation Lights in your Neighborhood
Fill your thermos with scorching chocolate, load up the automotive with your loved ones and provides your eyes a particular vacation deal with by driving by means of the neighborhoods searching for one of the best mild show. Examine along with your metropolis, a lot of them make vacation mild maps so that you can observe.
44. ✦ Put on a Santa Hat in Public
45. ✦ Depart Cookies for Santa Claus
Final, however not least to your Christmas bucket record, on December 24th depart cookies for Santa Claus…even should you don’t imagine in him anymore. You’ll be able to eat them within the morning!
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kartiavelino · 5 years
Katharine McPhee and David Foster: How the Unlikely Couple Beat the Odds and Discovered Love
When Katharine McPhee and David Foster discovered themselves again in one another’s orbit, they have been each nursing damaged hearts. The pair, who took their Could/December relationship to the following stage in July 2018 with the announcement of their engagement earlier than lastly tying the knot on June 28, first sparked rumors of a romance just a little over a two years in the past once they have been noticed out on a PDA-filled dinner date at a time once they have been each lastly studying methods to be single once more. McPhee was simply out of a two-year relationship with former Scorpion co-star Elyes Gabel, a relationship that started when her marriage of six years to Nick Cokas had fallen aside. And Foster had only in the near past introduced that, after 4 years of marriage and 9 years collectively, he and his Actual Housewives of Beverly Hills star spouse Yolanda Hadid have been calling it quits as properly. In January of 2017, a mere 5 months earlier than Foster and McPhee have been noticed out on that fateful dinner date at Nobu in Malibu, he admitted to Vanity Fair that, for the primary time in his grownup life, he was approaching his love life in another way. “I are likely to go from marriage to marriage—leaving one spouse for an additional,” he informed the publication. “That is the primary time in my grownup life that I have been single. It is a very highly effective feeling, however I am not used to it. Somebody mentioned to me lately that it’s essential be very cautious concerning the individual you decide to spend the remainder of your life with. It is form of bizarre that I am listening to that now and pondering, Oh, proper.” If Foster’s resolution, made then at 67, to rethink his regular romance habits appeared unlikely, then his connection to 33-year-old McPhee appeared much more so. Positive, music was a typical denominator between the 2, however what actually might they’ve in widespread? And but, they’ve managed to show us incorrect at each flip. Rob Latour/Shutterstock Six months after that evening at Nobu, McPhee, who met the long-lasting music man again in 2006 on the set of American Idol when he served as a visitor mentor throughout her season, igniting a relationship that concerned each skilled collaborations and private run-ins, was nonetheless by his facet as he celebrated his 68th birthday at West Hollywood scorching spot Craig’s again in November 2017. “David and her have been affectionate,” a supply informed E! Information on the time. “He had his arm round her at instances and so they regarded completely happy.” Whereas the nascent couple had but to publicly affirm the character of their relationship, by the point of Foster’s birthday celebration, his 5 daughters—together with Sara and Erin Foster, who have been additionally current on the festivities—had “all accepted their relationship,” our insider mentioned. Because the pair continued to play coy, with McPhee saying she was “fairly single” and that folks might “say no matter they need” about her relationship with Foster within the December 2017 problem of Health (which was launched on-line mere days after Foster’s birthday celebration in early November), they have been noticed sitting courtside collectively at an NBA recreation between the Los Angeles Lakers and the Memphis Grizzlies. “They gave the impression to be having a enjoyable,” an eyewitness informed E! Information. “They have been chatting with the folks within the seats subsequent to them….Did not see them kiss or maintain arms however [they] definitely appeared like they have been into one another and the sport.” In the meantime, daughters Sara and Erin made it clear simply how cool they have been with the connection that nobody would affirm really existed, speaking to E! Information a number of days after the Laker recreation. “We love Katharine McPhee. We love our dad. We would like our dad to be completely happy. We do not care who he dates…do not actually care how previous they’re,” Sara mentioned, including, “We do not know if it is her.” Venturelli/Getty Photographs for Bulgari However by the point they have been spotted sharing a kiss exterior of Beverly Hills restaurant E Baldi at first of December, there’d been a transparent shift within the seriousness of the connection. “David and Katherine are extra severe than they ever have been, and do not care what others round them suppose,” a supply informed E! Information on the time. “David and Katherine have been spending a number of time collectively lately and usually are not afraid to point out affection now.” “David is often a playboy however Katherine has made him change his methods, and he’s actually snug along with her,” the supply added. “He tries to suit Katherine into his schedule with dinners and lunches through the week. They each love being out in public collectively, and are having fun with one another’s firm. Katherine has at all times had a crush on David, and she or he’s completely happy that their relationship is transpiring.” A post-Christmas journey to Paris, the place Foster met McPhee after she’d spent her vacation within the romantic international metropolis with household, solely appeared to verify simply how in love the couple had turn out to be, with the duo unable to maintain their arms off each other as they strolled through the City of Lights. “They stopped on a avenue nook and wrapped their arms round one another to remain heat,” an eyewitness informed E! Information. “It regarded like they have been very completely happy to be reunited in such a romantic place.” With the pair nonetheless going robust in as 2018 rolled round, it appeared that the phrases Foster had spoken to Vainness Honest a yr earlier about his regular marriage-hopping and newfound energy as a single individual have been nonetheless very a lot at the back of his thoughts, as there have been no plans to method marriage simply but. “David has not proven any curiosity in getting married once more. He hasn’t discounted how he feels about Katherine however there aren’t any plans for them to even get engaged anytime quickly,” a supply told E! Information, including that McPhee wasn’t precisely pushing for a proposal both.  Chelsea Lauren/Selection/Shutterstock However as the primary half of the yr glided by, with the couple attending Elton John‘s Oscar viewing celebration and strolling the purple carpet on the Met Gala collectively, Foster supporting McPhee as she made her Broadway debut in Waitress, and simply the same old development of an genuine relationship unfolding, one thing modified. And instantly, marriage was simply what every needed from the opposite. “Katherine has been wanting this for some time now,” a supply revealed to E! Information shortly after the pair revealed that he’d popped the query whereas on vacation in Europe. “David has been planning the engagement, however has saved it very secretive. Only some relations knew about his plans.” “They’re each very completely happy and over the moon excited,” our supply continued, including, “David’s kids are all very accepting of Katherine now, and are very completely happy for his or her Dad.” The trail to like is commonly winding and makes little or no sense. However when it is proper, it is proper and when , you simply know. And it is clear that, lastly, these two did. Sadly, the trail to the altar after the engagement did not come with out its personal nonsensical and downright tragic velocity bump. Simply weeks after McPhee and Foster introduced they have been engaged, the singer took to Instagram to share the unhappy information that her father, Daniel McPhee, had passed away. “I am unable to imagine I am even penning this…However it’s with heavy coronary heart that I share that my candy candy Papa left this earth yesterday morning,” she wrote alongside a photograph of her along with her father. “We as a household are utterly heartbroken and devastated.” Reflecting on the loss per week later, McPhee took to social media but once more to share a photo of her gorgeous engagement ring and let followers in on simply how Foster was supporting her in her time of want. “My ring was the very last thing I confirmed my dad earlier than he handed and makes me smile after I have a look at this as a reminder of our final dialog. And now I am able to share with all of you what has been my sunshine amongst this painful loss,” she wrote. “My love correctly mentioned to me the opposite day that ‘loss of life is the one factor that’s 100 % inevitable and the factor we’re least ready for.’ So immediately we’re celebrating life and never forgetting love.” It hasn’t been all tragedy within the yr between engagement and marriage ceremony, nevertheless. Whereas McPhee’s been busy in London on this first half of 2019, reprising her lead function in Waitress on the West Finish, she and Foster’s daughters have had fun with the unique circumstances of their impending stepmother-stepdaughter relationship. And whereas McPhee and Foster have been noticed leaving a Beverly Hills courtroom in Could, presumably with their marriage certificates in hand, there’d been no actual rush to the altar. The marriage, Foster’s fifth and McPhee’s second, wasn’t anticipated to be a lavish affair, with a supply telling the Every day Mail that the festivities can be small and intimate, with round 80 company. “It will not be an enormous showbiz marriage ceremony like his earlier nuptials,” the insider mentioned. “This one is extra centered on their respective households and really shut pals” As a supply informed E! Information, the completely happy couple made positive to method the standard marriage ceremony week festivities with a little bit of laid-back chill. “They did not have a proper rehearsal dinner and their total celebrations have been very informal and enjoyable,” the within famous. “They each agreed that they needed all the things to be mild and straightforward and needed their company to have enjoyable. They’ve each been married and needed this celebration to be very straightforward and never traumatic.” As for the massive day itself, June 28, the date holds a particular significance for the 2, as McPhee shared on Instagram within the hours main as much as her nuptials. “Precisely 13 years in the past immediately my very first single, ‘Someplace Over The Rainbow,’ was launched proper after Idol,” she wrote. “As we speak… I am marrying the person who produced it. Life is filled with stunning coincidences, is not it? Thanks for taking me over the rainbow, David.” Mazel tov to the completely happy couple! (This story was initially revealed on July 3, 2018 at 12:51 p.m. PT.) https://www.eonline.com/information/949034/katharine-mcphee-and-david-foster-how-the-unlikely-couple-beat-the-odds-and-found-love?cmpid=rss-000000-rssfeed-365-topstories&utm_source=eonline&utm_medium=rssfeeds&utm_campaign=rss_topstories The post Katharine McPhee and David Foster: How the Unlikely Couple Beat the Odds and Discovered Love appeared first on Kartia Velino. https://kartiavelino.com/katharine-mcphee-and-david-foster-how-the-unlikely-couple-beat-the-odds-and-found-love/
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tagamark · 5 years
Sabyinyo Silverback Lodge: February 2019
New Post has been published on https://tagasafarisafrica.com/sabyinyo-silverback-lodge-february-2019/
Sabyinyo Silverback Lodge: February 2019
February has been another great month at Sabyinyo – a fun month!
It’s been mostly sunny days, except for a those days where the weather proved a touch fickle. For a spell of 10 days in succession, clouds and rain, (sometimes heavy), descended on us between 10.30 am and 2.30 pm. What was nice though is that this downpour did not dampen the spirits of any of our guests, or even the spirits of the Gorillas. On the contrary, all of the guests this month returned from treks with smiles of sunshine and stories of pleasure in direct contrast to their wet gaiters and muddy boots. Well done to all the Gorillas for comprehensively defeating the Rain Gods, and for smiling down on our guests – good job!
This wet spell though did teach us one thing – not to listen to the manager! Every morning he would look skyward and say with conviction ‘I think it’s going to clear. The sun will lift these clouds for sure’. Obviously he needs some training in meteorology!
In February we particularly enjoyed the return of Nelis Wolmarans, previous manager of the Sabyinyo Silverback Lodge from 2011 to 2014. Nearly all of the staff of course knew Nelis very well – so his stay was not so much a visit, but a reunion. It was also a nice opportunity to congratulate Nelis for winning the Windland Smith Rice Wildlife Photographer Of The Year 2018, which he achieved with the most beautiful photo of a mother and baby Gorilla. Congratulations Nelis! Your stay was too short Nelis, but it was great to have you back!
‘Mother and baby’
Grand Winner of the Windland Smith Rice Wildlife Photographer Of The Year 2018
Photo credit – Nelis Wolmarans
We also very much enjoyed the company of Roger and Lisa Woods – they provided much excitement because they came and left by helicopter. Roger is Chief Flight Instructor for Leonardo Helicopters, and he was in Rwanda providing refresher training for Akagera Aviation Pilots. Thank you Roger for our private helicopter display over the Lodge – it was enjoyed by all! By the way, we will be sending you the bill for replacement of all the lodge umbrellas damaged in the fly-over!
Akagera Aviation comes to the Mountain – photo credit Michael Hughes
And from the manager of the lodge, Michael Hughes, a very special thank you to the Jornvall family, especially to Ann-Margreth who opted out of a second Gorilla trek in order to go birding, and offered offered our manager her place on the hike. The result was one happy man!
Our trek to Kwitonda Family, courtesy of Jornvall Family – photo credit Michael Hughes
We must also mention our guest Charlotte ‘the whirlwind’ Adams. Charlotte stayed with us for two nights in the beginning of February. It was a short stay but enough time to learn a little about SACOLA (Sabyinyo Community Livelihood Association – local community trust whom we are partnered with). Only a week later Charlotte had extended her African safari and returned to Sabyinyo Silverback Lodge for a mere 24 hours, specifically to donate cows to the community here. This generous gesture was very much appreciated by the community and on the back of this donation we are hoping to launch a scheme called ‘Charlotte’s Scheme’, where the recipients of the cows pledge to donate the first born female calf to another family – thereby creating a continuously perpetuating donation project that helps needy families. So, ‘thank you very much Charlotte – we look forward to seeing you again at the launch of your scheme in March’.
We officially started the ‘Turengerubuzima Sewing Centre Project’, one of our new SACOLA projects. Already 90 unmarried mothers have started ‘seamstress training’. On-the-job training is scheduled to take three months and in this period we are hoping to make contact with different organisations that require bulk purchase of uniforms. We at the lodge might be their first big customer!
Group #3 undergoing seamstress training – photo credit Michael Hughes
February has also been a very exciting month for the staff of Sabyinyo too as we managed to finally pin down our staff Christmas outing to Lake Kivu! Many of our staff were of course working over Christmas and throughout January and so February was the first opportunity to take a break! We had a group of 33 which took a very enjoyable boat trip on the lake – it was interesting to see the Congo/Rwanda border from the water! Gisenye town on the Rwandan side is small, whereas Goma on the Congo side is a massive bustling metropolis!
Christmas in February on Lake Kivu – photo credit Michael Hughes
The Christmas outing was followed by the wedding of Christine (daughter to Leonard Harerimana, our HR manager) to Pastrome. Weddings in Rwanda are all day affairs that start with settlement of the bride price. The bride price might already be set, but a comic mock-negotiation has to take place with arguments and innuendos going back and forth between the bride and groom’s families. Also this part of the ceremony requires the exchange of peacekeeping gifts – mainly wine!
Once the bride price is settled (3 cows in this instance), then the wedding ceremony takes place. For Christine and Pastrome it was a traditional Christian ceremony. After the couple are wed, there is traditional giving of gifts and the bride has to prove her expertise in hospitality – which she did with a big wedding banquet! The whole ceremony accompanied by lots of song and dance! What a great day it was. Congratulations to Christine and Pastrome and we wish you all the very best for your future together.
Christine and Pastrome’s ceremony – photo credit Michael Hughes
Our new staff block is approaching completion – it will be ready for occupancy in the 1st week of March. As you can imagine, all the staff are hugely excited – there will be lots more room and comfort for all!
The new staff block – almost ready! Photo credit Michael Hughes
In other news, Seb and Yo (two resident ravens who form part of the ‘cast of characters’ at the lodge, continue to grace us with their presence. These two are particularly clever birds – they know exactly how far, and with who, they can push their luck!
Our two Golden monkeys are still paying frequent visits to the property too. But they are difficult to see when the weather is poor. Like Humans they take shelter in the rain and then are difficult to find, but it is really nice to have them around.
Our family of sheep produced 5 new lambs, over five consecutive days, between 2nd to 6th February. The Sabyinyo flock now numbers 21! We use the sheep to help with our grass cutting, especially in the rougher outer reaches of the lodge grounds and where we have cleared land for reforestation.
Some of our flock plus the new lambs – photo credit Michael Hughes
And a final word … a BIG welcome to our new neighbours! In a very elaborate ceremony attended by Portia de Rossi (for Ellen DeGeneres), the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund broke ground for their new research and education centre – which will be, quite literally on our doorstep! The build is planned to take two years and will consist of a research, an education, an information and a cultural centre.
Portia de Rossi ‘groundbreaking’ for the Ellen DeGeneres Campus of the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund – photo credit Michael Hughes
The new centre will be extremely beneficial for the community, tourism and related businesses in Rwanda and especially for the Gorillas. We are very much looking forward to their arrival and working alongside them.
By Michael Hughes, manager at Sabyinyo Silverback Lodge.
Post courtesy of Governors Camps
African Safaris by the Pioneers who Live in Africa
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ultrasfcb-blog · 6 years
From lining up alongside Lingard to the barber store - the way you recover from rejection by Man Utd
From lining up alongside Lingard to the barber store - the way you recover from rejection by Man Utd
From lining up alongside Lingard to the barber store – the way you recover from rejection by Man Utd
When Luke Giverin scored towards Manchester Metropolis in 2012, he celebrated his purpose with Paul Pogba
Six years in the past, he celebrated alongside Paul Pogba – now he’d like to chop the Frenchman’s hair.
Luke Giverin thought he would possibly make it at Manchester United, however a number of years after leaving the Premier League membership he has a brand new profession and new desires.
As a new MOTD Kickabout documentary called Never Give Up explores, rejection by a top-flight workforce will be tough, however abilities discovered on the sector will be very priceless off it.
The reminiscences got here flooding again
When Vincent Kompany scored the opening purpose for Manchester Metropolis within the current derby, the reminiscences got here flooding again for Giverin.
The 25-year-old was transported from his dwelling in Salford again to 2012, when Kompany had additionally scored within the Manchester derby.
Lower than a month after Kompany’s profitable purpose, Giverin was a part of a United aspect taking part in within the Manchester Senior Cup closing, alongside Pogba and Jesse Lingard.
United, who earlier that season had gained the Premier Reserve League, had been main Manchester Metropolis 1-Zero at Etihad Stadium.
Late in stoppage time, striker Will Keane – now at Championship aspect Hull Metropolis – managed a excessive ball and guided it into the trail of Giverin, who had come on as a second-half substitute.
“My directions had been to not go ahead, and double up on the suitable winger. However 5 minutes after approaching, the ball acquired performed ahead. I regarded round and thought, ‘I’ve acquired contemporary legs, I will go for it’,” he stated.
Giverin, on his weaker proper aspect, took a assured first contact out of his ft and drove into the opposition field.
“I made a decision to take the shot and fortuitously for me it went in. As I went off to have fun, Paul Pogba dragged me to the bottom and all my team-mates jumped on me. My family and friends had been within the stands watching as I scored and lifted the cup, which made it probably the most particular moments in my life.”
Giverin signed for United as a seven-year-old – however drifted out of soccer after he was launched by the Premier League membership
A number of days earlier, Giverin had made his debut for the primary workforce in Harry Gregg’s testimonial match. It was the stuff of desires for a boy born in Salford who joined United on the age of seven.
“The expertise was unbelievable. Occurring the first-team aircraft, seeing all of the followers after we landed at Belfast airport,” he stated.
United had taken a powerful aspect, that includes the likes of Wayne Rooney, Ryan Giggs, Paul Scholes and Dimitar Berbatov.
Giverin didn’t anticipate to play however was instructed by supervisor Sir Alex Ferguson that he would substitute Patrice Evra.
“All of the first-team gamers had been coming as much as me earlier than I went on and stated to me: ‘Don’t be concerned about something – simply do your finest.’ So that is what I went on and tried to do. And I beloved it.”
‘It felt like my life was over’
Giverin was despatched on mortgage to Belgian aspect Royal Antwerp throughout the 2012-13 season, following within the footsteps of former first-team gamers Jonny Evans, John O’Shea and Danny Simpson.
He lived away from Manchester for the primary time and acquired a correct style of what skilled soccer was like – taking part in in a stadium stuffed with 1000’s of followers week in, week out.
He performed 26 instances for Antwerp, scoring three targets and making 10 assists from midfield.
However shortly after his return, and two years after being signed as a scholar by United, he was instructed he was being launched.
Giverin believes most of the behaviours he discovered as a trainee at United at the moment are serving to him
“It felt like my life was over,” stated Giverin. “Considering I used to be by no means going to return again to Carrington and prepare. Every part I had ever recognized.
“After I left United, I spent six months at dwelling, simply ready for a membership to knock on the door and say: ‘This is a contract.’ However that is simply not the way in which it really works.”
Instantly after his departure, Giverin had trials at Derby County and Bury – however was instructed he was too small and never sturdy sufficient to make it as knowledgeable.
Following a quick spell at non-league Salford Metropolis, he spent two years in Australia, working as a coach and taking part in within the Nationwide Premier League for Manly United and Dulwich Hill.
It was in Australia that Giverin found a brand new perspective on life and, with that, a new-found love for teaching.
‘He is one of the best I’ve ever come throughout’
Rejection was laborious to take for Giverin, who spent six months ready for one thing to occur, however he now believes that what he learnt there he can carry via life
Giverin now dedicates his spare time to one-on-one teaching with younger footballers, to assist them develop particular areas of their sport. And he has just lately began a traineeship as a barber.
“It is fully completely different to taking part in soccer,” he stated. “However I am actually having fun with it. When you progress, it is like something – you do your finest and get higher at it. I took the chance to return right here with each fingers.”
And the supervisor of the barber store, Andy Baldwin, can see how Giverin’s upbringing at United has influenced the way in which he approaches his working life.
“He is a improbable man,” stated Baldwin. “An actual skilled, how he goes about his enterprise as a barber, and is one of the best trainee I’ve ever come throughout. It is a pure factor to him and he is fascinated with attempting to study a brand new ability.
“As a soccer fan, I get blown away listening to among the tales from his soccer profession.”
‘It simply goes to indicate, the laborious work can repay’
Giverin got here via the ranks with Lingard, has recognized him since they had been seven, and stays buddies with the England worldwide.
Giverin and Lingard got here via the ranks collectively at United – and the previous is now ready for a possibility to become familiar with the latter’s hair
“He is doing so nicely now, and I am pleased with him,” he stated. “Not lots of people have seen how extremely laborious he is labored to get to the highest.”
Regardless of not making the grade at United, Giverin believes plenty of what he discovered there stays extraordinarily priceless.
He stated: “After I was launched, Sir Alex Ferguson stated to me: ‘Simply since you’re leaving, it does not imply that is it and the door is shut. In case you ever want something, then you’ll be able to all the time telephone and communicate to us.’
“My time at United taught me that it is not only a lesson of guiding you the best way to play soccer, it is to attempt to make you a greater individual too.
“I like what I am doing in the meanwhile. I’ve acquired the reminiscences from being at Manchester United however now I am targeted on the current.
“What I’ve discovered at this membership is what I am now attempting to go on to these youngsters, so hopefully they’ll go on and obtain their desires in soccer.”
BBC Sport – Football ultras_FC_Barcelona
ultras FC Barcelona - https://ultrasfcb.com/football/2885/
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12 issues to do alone in NYC (with Films)
new york city history Very first, let us clear up something. You are never by itself in New York City. Until you want to. There are many choices to have a really great time. Right here is our list of twelve items to do by yourself in NYC. 1. Lifestyle overload Go to museum and get pleasure from. There will bo no one speeding you alongside. You can stare at some piece for an hour if you want. Also you can hurry through areas that really don't really desire you. Do you like poetry? Then you need to pay a visit to Nuyorican Poets Cafe, Bowery Poetry Club or The Moth You’ll listen to a great deal of expertise and won’t feel weird getting alone there. Capture a show at a single of the numerous awesome and inexpensive songs venues: Bowery Ballroom, Music Corridor of Williamsburg, Pianos… two. Walk in the Park There are parks all in excess of the town and they are beautiful even on rainy and snowy days. Consider a stroll in the Park, study a excellent e-book or have a picnic in Central Park. You can virtually devote a few several hours listed here. And deliver some chicken foods or nuts with you. Just in scenario. Really do not be frightened of obtaining missing. You will usually find a kind stranger to present you a way. If not, don't forget mild posts are your friends. 3. Run This town can run. Quick. You’ll find far more team operates and golf equipment than almost certainly any other town and a single of the most common marathons in the globe. Just start off at Central Park and you’ll find somebody to run with. Alternatively you can decide on the Hudson River route. You’ll begin at Battery Park and operate to the best of Manhattan. This route provides an excellent spot for prolonged flat runs uninterrupted by streetlights. You are going to get pleasure from views of the city skyline and the river as you cruise along this tree-lined route. four. Style the Massive Apple New York City’s road food is as considerably an enduring icon as landmark, this sort of as the Empire State Building or Central Park. Eating from a authentic road cart is a delightfully common knowledge in New York: typically, the individuals standing in line are a cross-segment of the inhabitants, coming from a wide variety of incomes and backgrounds. Its accurate, New Yorkers have usually experienced a lot of tasty, inexpensive and swift ways to try to eat in the streets. five. Visit market place New York has usually been a town focused to commerce. It’s no surprise that the marketplaces in NYC are some of the very best in the United states (and most likely in the planet). For most guests, the myriad of street meals that most marketplaces in NYC offer you is the major explanation to look for out these meccas of culture and cuisine. But you should not overlook that there is a lot much more than just meals on offer—a true New York Market celebrates the artists, artisans, collectors, cultures and traditions of its house borough and it is usually one particular of the focal factors around which a variety of communities in the town unite. six. Just take the subway The subway is a quickly, cost-effective way to get close to New York City. But let us be truthful. Subways have grow to be a irritating reality of lifestyle in New York Metropolis. There are endless alerts about painful disruptions across the program. Trains creep along or cease in the tunnels. Crowds thicken on the platforms. But if you just browsing New York Metropolis, the subway can be unmatching encounter. Overlook about freaks and see wonderful subway efficiency underneath! seven. Play spy Just sit on a bench and view the men and women around you. Make a checklist of their hair hues, their sneakers. Rely how numerous are on their telephones. How a lot of are sitting down at a desk with a good friend but nevertheless pickup their phone. Grow to be a spy. Pick a single particular person and use your notebook to profile that man or woman. Envision what he or she does for the duration of the week. Where does she or he operate? Does he or she have a loved ones? When you’re done depart the paper in which somebody can uncover it and wonder about the particular person who wrote it. 8. Go to the seaside Let’s acknowledge it, New York Town is not your typical summer time retreat. This really is a shame, as the metropolis offers quite a good deal of impressive beaches. New York City has 14 miles of shorelines, from beauties in the Bronx, to the historic sands of Brooklyn, to surfing in Queens. Just exterior of Manhattan, you are going to find cozy beach front towns and miles of sandy paradise, proving that you really do not have to go far to attain that sunshine-kissed skin. Just head to the Coney Island if you are looking for fun and crowds. But if you want solitude and peace, go to one of these shorelines. 9. Look at dawn Wake up truly early. Nothing beats heading more than to the Brooklyn Bridge to view the sunrise. Very same in the evening. Observing the sunset in excess of the Hudson is wonderful. ten. Go to bar or club Get a very good pair of walking sneakers and look for a bar. Really do not be scared to question folks for instructions or support, if they are from NYC they could be really helpful. Get coffee and Make small discuss with the barista. Request about his or her working day. If the location is crowded, be thoughtful of the waiter or waitress. Don't forget, she or he will get compensated on tips. Go away a generous suggestion. Look for a spot to dance or embarrass by yourself in a karaoke bar. Place your self in spots to interact with people. Strike up discussions with people in bars. Maybe its your previous working day currently being by yourself:) eleven. See a film Are you a movie lover? New York Metropolis is full of outdoor movies and rooftop screenings. Pack a picnic supper, kick off your footwear and appreciate a great motion picture. The very best thing is the screenings are typically free of charge. You can have dozens of epic summer nights that really do not expense a factor, or are at the very least tremendous cost-effective. twelve Quit at street performance When you going for walks the streets you’re far more most likely to find a avenue performer. End for a minute or two. The depth and breadth of the performances can be inspiring, from rock and roll covers to a classical songs maestro or Picasso reincarnation. You can see long term stars or even greatest stars of these days.
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