#literally eating peanut m&ms
satanfemme · 1 year
my favorite thing about peanut m&ms is that they're mildly spicy
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raspberrybluejeans · 1 year
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fandomsandfeminism · 3 months
A reminder that food is morally nuetral.
That unless a food is literally poison or an allergy, it is not a bad food.
Your body needs carbs.
Your body needs fats.
Your body needs calories.
Maybe you struggle with moderation or getting the variety of nutrients you need to feel your best, but that does not make the foods you regularly eat bad.
Put the dressing on your salad. Add the cheese to the sandwhich. Grab a cookie to have with lunch. Add an egg to your instant Ramen. Mix M&Ms and teddy grams and roasted peanuts into your cup of yogurt. Put whipped cream on your coffee. Add frozen strawberries or Boba pearls to your iced tea. Sprinkle tajin onto your fruit cup.
Food must fuel your soul as well as your body. It is doesn't need to be a battleground. It can be a joy.
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daydreamingqueen1 · 11 months
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Sweets thief
Pairing: Spencer Reid x BAU!Reader
Warnings/Content: none. pure fluff, a wee bit of bullying to spence (totally harmless and friendly though), crushes, unhealthy amount of candy ingestion lol, no y/n, gn!reader too
Summary: You've been stealing sweets from your resident genius.
Word count: 1.2k
It wasn't unusual for the BAU members to carry snacks with them.
The job was hard, stressful and, most importantly, it had unpredictable hours. So finding time to eat a proper meal wasn't always a viable option.
Nevertheless, eating is a basic human need and even if it's not completely healthy, the agents often found themselves battling their hunger with quick snacks.
As a relatively new member of the BAU, buying said vital snacks wasn't yet ingrained in your mind, resulting in you continually forgetting to buy something to munch on during cases.
Stealing was always an option though.
After several months with your coworkers, you are proud to say that you have managed to eat at the expense of all of their pockets, for experts in human behavior, they don't hide their treats so well.
However, after several months, you have come to know their go-to snacks and, subsequently, you have become picky.
Morgan eats some kind of high-protein bars with an awfully bright neon wrapper.
Emily loves those salt and vinegar chips every station has on their vending machines.
JJ, ever the healthy mom of the group, always has a few packages of oatmeal raisin cookies on hand.
Rossi carries eucalyptus and mint gummies like the old man he is.
And Hotch buys the most bland granola bars known to mankind.
With all of that said, the conclusion was obvious.
Spencer has the best snacks.
It is not only that he always has sweets but that he's the only one that manages for variety instead of a fixed thing. A bit ironic considering he is the most prone to sticking to a rigid routine. Well, you aren't complaining though, especially not this month.
You realized quickly that Halloween was a big thing for the resident genius, seeming to make the grown man regress to the mentality of an overly eager seven-year-old. It's lucky for you because that means that he chooses to try a new candy every single day of October.
It also means that you had begun stealing exclusively from him and, being surrounded by profilers, it wasn't long until you were discovered as the culprit.
A shadow had eclipsed your desk suddenly, making you look up to a squinting Dr. Reid. “Did you take my last Peanut Butter Cup?”
You shook your head, “No...”
Derek snorted on the desk nearby, “You've still got chocolate on your face, kid,”
Cleaning your mouth with the back of your hand, you smiled up at Spencer sweetly.
His converse sounded hard against the floor as he stumped away.
Apparently, you weren't that discreet. He ended up catching you many more times after that.
"Hey!" Spencer swatted your hand when you grabbed yet another handful of his M&Ms.
You shrugged, feigning innocence, “Hey to you too Reid, but we've been in the same room for a while.”
He huffed, inching the box slightly out of your reach.
Many more times.
Your hand was literally inside the familiar size bag of Starburst candy when Spencer came back from the bathroom.
“Oh come on!” he groaned, taking the bag out of your grasp, “Buy your own.”
You went back to the local police station office, giggling to yourself like a child with your hands full of candy.
At this point hunger had become a secondary motive to your stealing. The number one reason being how adorable Spencer's reactions were when he caught you.
In all honesty, you harbored a bit of a crush on the man. You didn't have the courage to tell him upfront, making your silly brain manifest your feelings like a preschooler pulling on the pigtails of their crush. Oh, but teasing him was so fun, and it got you free candy so it was even better.
Then, yesterday, there was an incident.
The team was on the jet, another kidnapped girl had been safely returned to her parents, fairly quickly this time too. Spirits were high at wrapping up a case with such a positive outcome, making most of the agents mingle and play games on the usually quiet ride home.
You were perched on one of the individual seats, scrolling away in your phone and absentmindedly eating some candy (you had bought your own for once).
You jolted a bit when a hand dived into your candy bag. When you looked up, you found a smirking Spencer standing right in front of you, looking fairly smug and popping a piece into his mouth. He thought he was finally getting back at you for eating all of his sweets.
His joy lasted for about three seconds before he realized his mistake.
See, to the untrained eye, he had just eaten a couple of innocent looking bear gummies. Except, these were not regular gummies, they were your favorite kind, the most sour kind.
Spencer's face scrunched up with disgust, the sour effect of the gummy doubled at taking him by surprise, the acidic taste completely taking over his taste buds.
You couldn't help it, you bent over your belly with laughter, inadvertently drawing attention to Spencer's predicament.
The whole team snickered as they watched him rush back and forth on the narrow hall of the jet until he got hold of a tissue to spit the offending candy.
“What the hell is that?” he turned around to confront you.
You gave him an apologetic smile, “Sour candy?”
More laughs filled the space and Spencer had sat down on the furthest chair from yours, pouting with his arms crossed over his chest.
Back to today, you feel actually kind of guilty about what happened. You have been munching on all of Spencer's treats for weeks and the one time he does it to you, the whole team ends up making fun of him. A bit of teasing was fine but you don't want the man to actually feel bad.
So when you see him stand up from his desk and walk into the kitchen, you quickly jump out of your chair and grab something from your bag, trailing right behind him through the bullpen.
He's making himself an exaggeratedly sweet cup of coffee when you corner him.
“Spencer,” you call, making him turn around. Your hands are inconspicuously behind your back, “Trick or treat?”
His eyebrows furrow suspiciously, “Neither if you're going to give me one of those monstrosities you like.”
You huff out a laugh, “No, no, I promise it's not that. Come on, trick or treat? ”
After measuring up how much he trusts your statement, he relents, “Treat.”
“Ta-dah!” you sing, revealing a single Hershey’s Kiss in your palm.
Spencer's eyes light up.
“I know it doesn't make up for everything I ate but it's an offer of peace.”
He gives you a small smile, “Thank you, I appreciate it.”
As his hand extends to grab the chocolate, your brain has an impulsive thought.
You lean forward and peck his lips.
It lasts barely a second but it's enough to make your heart beat wildly against your chest.
Spencer stares at you frozen in place, a crimson color spreading all over his face.
“A kiss for a kiss,” you mumble dumbly, like saying that makes it better somehow.
‘Stupid, stupid, stupid!’ You think to yourself, your feet are prepared to flee the scene when he unexpectedly grabs your wrist.
“I– I...” he stammers, his cheeks turning impossibly redder, “I wouldn't mind if you stole more of those.”
A shy smile spreads on your face. Perhaps you won't start buying your own snacks soon.
it's a bit silly but I was feeling halloween-y and craving sour candy
leave me a prompt or idea you'd like me to write!
♡, reblogs and comments are appreciated <3
hope ya liked it, byebye
My masterlist
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thecoolblackwaves · 8 months
Family Of Nerds: Feanorian Modern AU
(I’m sorry this is somewhat Americanized I just don’t have enough knowledge about anywhere else to make those allusions) (Also please reblog with your own headcanons or other thoughts!)
Philologist; studies language history
Often assists at various museums, colleges, archeological sites, etc
Has published several books and given many lectures 
Creates his own languages like Tengwar for fun, also is a hobby blacksmith
Teaches his children many archaic languages no one else speaks and takes his family on "educational" vacations 
Also attends every convention known to man, even ones that have seemingly nothing to do with his own interests, dressed to the nines and spends his time there signing books and debating other people 
Loves his wife just as madly as the day he met her and is ecstatic he married his high school sweetheart
Idolizes his father. Would have done great following his political career if he hadn't "ruined" his public image by becoming a teen parent, ultimately feels he's made the right decisions for his life though and is happy with his work
Rivalry with Fingolfin over who can host the best dinner party (and you best believe he wears smart-ass punny aprons while cooking a six course meal for his guests)
Professional sculptor and multimedia artist
Teaches classes at an arts college 
Is known to eat the fruit out of the bowls her students are sketching when no one is looking
Cannot cook to save her life 
Enthusiastically attends every possible event in her family’s calendar no matter the weather or lack of skill at a toddler dance recital 
Dresses in a fabulously bohemian eccentric artist way; stole the show when she attended the Grammys with Makalaure and has been featured in several fashion magazines 
Carries all sorts of art supplies and seemingly random tools in her purse at all times, including a chisel, googly eyes, edible glitter, a bajillion hair ties, DW40, and peanut M&Ms
Has a calm, wise disposition that belies her truly chaotic nature
Often looked to for advice from her students and children and will only pull your leg when she thinks you’re being stupid 
Does give genuinely good advice though, mostly because she is uncanny in her ability to read people and observe subtle hints 
Studied communications, currently working as his father’s apprentice but hopes to find a position as a public relations specialist 
Uses his intimidating stature and loud, deep voice to his advantage as needed
Was born while his parents were teenagers and still living with their families, he remembers watching cartoons with Grandpa Finwe and being babysat by his uncles 
Also attended his mother’s graduation from art school as a small child and clapped until his little hands hurt 
Is painfully aware of how all his younger brothers look up to him - literally - and sometimes struggles with the pressures of setting a good example, though he does much better than he realizes 
Drinks his coffee from a mug that reads “don’t make this ginger snap” (Nerdanel has a matching one)
The gayest gay to ever gay, informs everyone of this via cheesy tee shirts gifted from his brothers and cousins 
Drives a minivan, claims he chose it because it was the only car that would fit his legs and not because he can haul his brothers around in it 
Frequently complains about missing the technology of his childhood but resents being called a millennial 
Grammy award winning artist and composer
Created the score for a recent movie that bloomed his popularity and brought him to the limelight 
Has a Youtube channel with several music videos he definitely didn’t blackmail his family into filming with him 
Also performed on Broadway once and will not let you forget it 
Used to skip school to busk in the train station and once caught his math teacher also skipping school 
Extremely popular with interviewers, camera crew, and other industry specialists for his kindness and crazy stories about his family 
Donates large amounts of his royalties to children’s hospitals and other charities 
Used to hog the bathroom in the mornings to put on makeup and style his hair 
Practices Beyonce dance routines in the mirror, has convinced Curufin to do them with him before 
Spent a semester studying in Sydney, Australia and fainted after encountering a large spider in his dorm room 
Forest ranger at a National Park 
Works at outdoor summer camps every year, all the children love him and his giant fluffy dog
Also volunteers at animal shelters and the wildlife rehabilitation center at the National Park 
Creatine for breakfast, lunch, and dinner; drinks so much milk Nerdanel used to tell him it was why his hair was white 
Wakes up at 5 in the morning to exercise (disgusting)
Got a long bow for Christmas one year (the note said Santa but he knows it was his mom) and practices in the backyard by shooting at Amrod’s pumpkins 
Metalhead, particularly likes viking metal and Nordic black metal 
Made Huan his own battle vest complete with dog-themed patches such as “Bad to the Bone” and “No Leashes No Masters” 
Tells the most terrible jokes you’ve ever heard then laughs like a seagull vomiting up a stolen bag of Doritos 
Extremely loyal to his family, sometimes to a fault 
Professional business accountant 
Also does taxes as a side hustle because “it’s so easy” 
Is obsessed with Oreos but will not admit it because of his brother's teasing about "Moryo's Oreos" 
Obligatory family goth and not ashamed of it 
Started mending his hand-me-down clothes as a necessity and got into sewing, now makes fantastic garments for his family and friends to wear 
Halloween is the only valid holiday, he spends the entire year making his costume (it’s usually a vampire or some fandom character)
Stays up until 3am gaming on a PC he and Feanor built together one summer, favorite game is currently Balder’s Gate 
Had to take speech therapy as a child and later some anger management classes.... because he got too good at expressing himself
Silversmith and jewelry maker 
Specializes in accessories for ballet dancers and other performers 
Ballet dancer since he was young, never succeeded with a professional career but still practices daily and chose his specialty to remain part of the scene 
Holds a serious grudge against certain critics that failed his entry to ballet academy (will not sell his products to them or their schools)
Always looking for new business opportunities, not always in the most honest of ways 
Struggles with self esteem issues 
Has several cats and claims they betray him when they snuggle with Huan but secretly finds it adorable 
Frequently collaborates with Caranthir to make elaborate costumes just for the fun of it 
Made a tiara for his favorite cat, Princess Paws
Would sleep until four in the afternoon if you let him (or if Princess Paws didn’t wake him up screaming for food)
Gardening Club President at his school 
Started a trade and barter farmers market after school to reduce waste and share the bounty of his and fellow club member’s gardens 
Frequently tries to convince his parents to turn their property into a “self sufficient homestead”, leaves pamphlets and pictures of adorable baby animals lying around the house 
Enlisted the help of his twin and Maitimo to build a chicken coop, forgot to ask Feanor’s permission first 
Demands payment in the form of fresh caught fish or deer jerky for the use of his gourds in Tyelko’s target practice 
Has definitely switched places with Amros to escape trouble or science tests 
Often neglects his homework for pursuits he feels are more important, will only do it without complaint when Carnistar tells him to 
Had eyes for the cool-looking red glow on the stove as a child and was banned from the kitchen for most of his adolescence 
Is generally a persistent and stubborn person (wonder where he got it from)
Amateur photographer with an instagram following nearing one million 
Account consists of 95% nature photography and 5% “The Adventures of Huan and Princess Paws” as he follows them around the back yard 
Takes all of Makalaure’s headshots and creates his album covers, also photographs Curufin’s jewelry to upload to his retail website 
“Borrows” Carnistar’s prized PC to upload and edit his photos 
Conspired with Amrod to convince their elementary school classmates they were secretly Fred and George Weasley disguised as Muggles, ultimately failed because someone thought their accents “just sounded like they were copying Peppa Pig”
Still pulls out his British accent on occasion when someone needs cheering up 
Inherited Nerdanel’s keen observation skills, mostly uses them to blackmail his brothers into doing his chores 
But also gives the most amazing presents because he knows exactly what everyone truly wants 
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elliespuns · 10 months
So 16yo Ellie and 54yo Joel live together in the normal world. They live the best-shining example of a father-daughter relationship, and yeah, well, Joel is a busy man, working out of town, and he gets this deal where he has to leave for two weeks and he can't take Ellie with him because she has school, and it's not that easy, and she's like, "Go, I'll be fine, you know me." and he's like, "Yeah, fuck I do!" and is refusing to leave, but it's hard because he needs the money, and this opportunity means more money, and more money means making Ellie's life more comfortable, and he's thinking about it, and it's fucking him up. One night he has a chat with Ellie, and she finally convinces him to go, and he's like, "Okay, but under one condition. You're calling me every two hours to tell me you didn't set our house on fire. And if by any chance you do, you call to tell me that you'd at least run outside." and she huffs a laugh and is like, "You know I'm spending almost 8 hours a day at school, right?" and he just cups her cute, freckled face in his hands and kisses her forehead, "Then cut the classes and call me from the bathroom." he jokes. They both laugh. It's decided. He's going.
The next morning, he comes to her room to tuck her in bed, kiss her head and then leaves with a heavy feeling in his heart. He will miss that girl like crazy and worry all the time. But at least he's giving her some space, right? She's 16 after all—not such a kid anymore. So he leaves her money worth two weeks of spending with a loving message pinned on the fridge for when she wakes up. "Please don't starve to death. Eat properly! Miss you already. P.S.: every TWO HOURS!"
I just had this five-second scenario entering my mind about Ellie going grocery shopping, and I'm dying because this would literally be her idea of two weeks of food supplies.
peanut butter, jelly, Frootloops, milk, mac n' cheese, Milk Duds, M & Ms, Reese's, two frozen pizzas, waffles, deodorant, big tub of ice cream, cookies, tampons, two cans of Dr Pepper, big bottle of Mountain Dew, RedBull, Sprite, apples, Oreos, chips, popcorn, muffins, pancake mix
After two weeks, Joel pulls in the driveway with a 'luckily, the house is still standing' thought in his head and then comes home to all the junk lying around the place like, "That girl is going to be the death of me, I swear."
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prager-lover · 1 year
Recom Headcannons!!
These are my own, if ya aint like em, get over it :)
Send me your own, love hearing from others, also these are sfw, let me know if y’all would be interested in nsfw ones too, also these arent all the recoms, just ones i wanted to think abt
+ Was lowkey upset when he realized his new recombinant body doesnt have his old scars he got as a human, absentmindedly runs his hands over where they used to be and doesnt get used to the now smooth skin in their place
+ Wishes he had a rocking chair cuz hes a geriatric ass bitch
+ Used to be adventurous when he was younger, eating live bugs and worms that other military goons egged him on to eat but he learned from countless nights of endless vomitting to not be TOO much of a dumbass
+ Avid Kanye fan
+ Randomly sings The Bad Touch by The Bloodhound Gang (Listen to the song and try telling me i’m wrong)
+ Can fall asleep anytime, any place in under 2 minutes but wakes up quickly too
+ Loves Blueberry muffins
+ Has at least 10 pairs of Pit Vipers
+ Twists his tail around in his hand when hes nervous 
+ Mansk tried teaching her how to cook and she almost burned a hole through a pan somehow, so she sticks to MREs when she’s alone
+ Gently bites the chocolate coating off from around peanut m&ms, then eats the peanut
+ Loves green, red and purple skittles only and if you try telling her they all taste the same she will punch you in the face
+ Has a Rosary tattoo
+ Mad skills on a skate board, is trying to get scientists on Pandora to make him a custom sized skateboard since the human ones are too small
+ Likes whacking humans on the back of the head with his tail as he walks past them, but denies it was him
+Likes watching youtube videos of people making bead bracelets and necklaces but mutes the sound if they talk, he just wants to hear the beads clack
+Takes Z-dog's yellow and orange skittles since she doesnt like them
+ The only thing that he was excited for when he woke up as a recom was the new and improved human weapons that had been developed while he was dead
+ Sings Somebody to Love by Queen at least three times during drunk karaoke
+ Tears bits of lined paper and tissues off and eats them
+ Uses an android
+ Loves milk, can sit down and just have a nice glass of milk, sometimes warm milk
+ Cant tolerate caffeine at all, you give him a can of energy drink and he is off the walls 
+Speaks insanely fast when he’s nervous or hyper
+ Can and will sing the entire Mamma Mia soundtrack
+ Theatre kid in disguise
+ Genuinely find Progressive Insurance Ads funny (bless his soul)
+ Loves gummy worms but not the sour kind
+ Sneaker head
+ Shits on Prager for using an Android
+ Can recite American Psycho from memory
+ Looks like a pretentious douchebag because he is one, but is very kind to select people
Felt silly so i typed this up literally 10 mins before work okay bye have a good day
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canonicallysoulmates · 10 months
J2 Hawaii Con Main Panel 2023
What was Jensen’s experience voicing the Red Hood? And when will we see him on the big screen?
That was his first big voiceover gig and it was great because then it got him the opportunity to play another character in that world so he loved that experience and he’s continuing to do stuff like that just as Batman instead. And he’s ready and waiting for somebody to give him an opportuniy like that on the big screen. x
What is their favorite food that they ate on scene? And what is their favorite food to eat behind the scenes?
 Jensen says it would be so much easier to name the least favorite. 
Jared says they were literally watching outtakes in the green room before this panel but in the s15 ep with Mrs. Butters the scene where Sam gets cake for his birthday, Jared was training for a marathon and he was hungry all the time so there was like 3-4 leftover cakes and he took every one of them home, and the scene with Dean and Amara in the bakery there was a bunch of real stuff in the case and he was like 'I’m taking that home' about a bunch of different things so he would take food home all the time. 
Jensen asks Jared if there was anything from catering or craft services he would almost eat daily and I love it because before Jared can fully give his answer Jensen is saying the katsu chicken, and because it was Jared’s favorite they all had to have it once a week too. 
Jensen mentions a trail mix craft services had that he would eat so much off, and then one day Maisie went up to him as he was having a handful and asked him if he knew what the raisins, peanuts, and almonds were and he was confused until she told him they’re just obstacles keeping him from the m&ms.
So that was something off camera he would eat almost every day, on camera Dean ate a lot of crap. The worst was the turducken, he was forced to eat so much of it, it got to the point where he would eat- he would take a bite and because it was so in character would take a bite at the beginning of a scene, now they know that’s a rookie mistake, you take a bite at the end of a scene so when they yell cut you can spit it out into the spit bucket and you don’t have to swallow but his dumbass was constantly eating throughout a whole scene so he got really good at taking a bite in the first take and then shadow biting in the second. Jared says Jensen would even do this when the coverage was on him so the cameras would be over his shoulder and yet he'd see Jensen grab the food and eat but he'd just be fake eating. His favorite to eat were the taquitos they were so good but they never got to have them again because they were store-bought and the grocery store that sold them went out of business. x
Next is not a question it's a fan telling them a dad joke x
What is an item on their bucket list?
Jensen doesn’t have a bucket list. Jared has one item and it’s to make Jensen create a bucket list. x
Would Jensen ever consider doing the Masked Singer?
No. He’s only seen a few of those early on and he’s seen promotions of it, and the costumes look very uncomfortable, and the singing has to be prerecorded so you’re just dancing around in a furby outfit. Jared asks him if he would do it? And Jensen replies that not on TV.  x
When the SPN reboot comes around, is Jesus going to be a part of it?
Jensen points towards Jared and says he already is, and then gives him a little pat on the knee and it quickly goes from cute to hilarious because Jared stretches his arms out like on the cross 😂
Jensen doesn’t know but maybe, hopefully, we’ll see. x
What is one of their most memorable times where they tried to impress their wife?
Jared replies that he likes to lead with his worst qualities so he thinks the majority of the first year and a half of his relationship with G was probably all failures because he was like 'listen i'm gonna fart, and not shower, and not take good care of myself but if you can deal with that the rest is actually decent'.
......and they say romance is dead.
Jensen says he’s been trying to impress D since he met her and he doesn't think he's done it yet but he desires to keep trying. x
Are they still interested in re-doing Lonesome Dove together? Or is there some other project they want to star in together?
Jared would love to he thinks it'd be an awesome idea. And actually, the key makeup artist on Walker won an Emmy award for makeup on Lonesome Dove. Hell yes, he’d love to.
Jensen says it would be fun to do something as brothers again whether it’s Lonesome Dove or SPN. x
Was there something they were looking forward to watching or something that surprised them that they watched while they weren't working?
Jensen didn’t watch anything, three kids under the age of ten is consuming. 
Jared watched Top Gun Maverick which was awesome. Beyond that Coco Melon.
Jensen says he's seen so much Bluey, he almost had to go as Bandit for Halloween until his daughter decided she didn't wanna go as Bluey she wanted to go as Black Cat. He does say that D watches Gilded Age and he proxy has watched it and gotten into it but it’s a soap opera. He also watched all of Gen V cause he was curious to see how bad he looked so he watched his scene but ended up watching the whole episode then wanted to see everything so he went back and started from the beginning, and called Kripke to ask how many hit shows one man needs. x
What is something they took for granted while they were on SPN and didn't realize?
Jared's honest answer is he thinks he took for granted the city of Vancouver. He and Jensen did a really good job in the last 2 or 3 years off if they had a late call or night shooting at 6pm they’d sneak off to ski or go for a bike ride or something but often they were just working and he didn't have an excuse G, D and the kids weren’t in Van most of the time they were at home watching them taking them to school and stuff but he doesn’t think he took enough advantage he thinks he kept waiting for life to happen to him instead of realizing it was already happening.
Jensen says the set atmosphere. It really became what it was organically, it naturally established a really fun, welcoming culture on set that as guest stars would go on they would comment on it and say it was the best place to work. And they’d think that’s cool never really thinking it was by design but now they both know how precious that is and understand that in order to achieve that you have to put in a certain kind of work, they were doing that work unknowingly by being themselves and treating everybody as equal. He takes that knowledge now when stepping into other sets and he's very hyper-aware of the culture of those sets and he does everything he can to make it a welcoming, fun, entertaining space to create. x
Do they remember their first concert experience and who was it they went to see?
Jared doesn’t remember which one was first but in San Antonio, he saw En Vogue open for Vanilla Ice. And, his mom took him to the TMNT concert as a Christmas gift.
Jensen’s first concert was with his mom and his aunt, it was when he was 6. The Michael Jackson thriller tour and he was terrified because of the lights and the costumes and the roar of the crowd he had never been in a crowd that big and then he came out and blew the roof of the place. And then first concert on his own was Van Halen. x
How do they prevent burnout?
Jared says they burn out all the time and then they have moments like this with the fans where they remember why they like to stay lit. Jokes aside he thinks they do burnout, he knows he does, not a lot but he gets exhausted and he thinks Sam and Dean did as well he thinks all the characters that they’ve played have then you kind of remember why you keep fighting, why you get back up, you get a little help from your friends and you kind of fake it till you make it and then you're back on track. It gets hard for sure but ideally, the good they've been a part of and the families they’ve built and been invited to be a part of certainly give him energy, and motive him.
Jensen says they also started doing this at an early age where they conditioned themselves to work this hard, the strike and the pandemic were pretty bad for them they don’t know how to turn it off or shut it down because they’ve been doing for so long it’s how they’re wired so it’s like Jared says yeah, they burned out on occasion but also know that this is what fuels them so it's easy to recover and jump back in the pool when they love it and have been doing it this long. And they have people that inspire them and give them energy to keep going through the moments of exhaustion. x
What was their very first acting role in school?
For Jensen, he did drama class cause he had to pick an art elective and his first big High School production was Cyrano de Bergerac. He played Christian the character that needs Cyrano to speak for him to win over Roxane. But he was maybe a junior or freshman then in his senior year he did West Side Story.
Jared’s first legit role he can recall doing was Mercutio, he doesn't think anybody would sit through it, there was also a play called Candida but he doesn’t really recall the first one. It was all stuff that high schoolers don’t really grasp yet but it got him curious. x
Do they have a passion or a topic that they could confidently teach a one-hour class on?
No. But Jensen does think they could both fill 60min on set etiquette. Not just how to act or the art of filmmaking but what the different departments do and why and the craft that goes into a day on set. x
Do they have any plans for their canceled shows?
Jared says it was obviously not their choice for the shows to not come back and they’re gonna find out what their industry is gonna look like in the next couple of months. He'd love for them to come back but he doesn’t know what the world is gonna look in terms of content like 3yrs from now.
Jensen says the shows weren’t on air for long enough for them to generate a worth for them to be taken and shopped around it’s an unfortunate by-product of the industry, people move pretty fast and when things get shelved or cleared off the table everybody is moving on so it’s hard to resurrect things that there's not a want or need for it to be brought back. That unfortunately the shows didn't have enough time to root themselves and find their legs, and it was really unfortunate timing because both shows were great. But their industry is in such a transition period right now crazy things are happening all over the place. He and Jared were very fortunate to do what they did when they did because SPN survived some rough waters but he doesn't know if the show would have made it through something like this, and Jared takes it one step further and says if last year had been the first season of SPN they'd have gotten axed. x
What's their most memorable photo op?
Jared says they've had some funny requests at times.
Jensen says there was a line they used to have, he doesn't know where it went or when it was removed but he does remember at one point MC looked at him and went 'it's come to this'.
Jared shares a story about a photo op they had with Krista, and she wanted to do a funny mid-action pose like a bodyguard diving and she could have just posed but instead, she did a full-on dive across several times.
Jensen says that a funny thing though that he'll get asked to do rock, paper, scissors a lot and it's not a video just pick one of the three, he's always gonna do scissors because that's what Dean did and it's what he's married to at this point so if you want to beat him do rock, and if you wanna let him win do paper, or just don't do anything, you don't have to it's a picture. x
J2 Main Panel Hawaii Con '23
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sgtmickeyslaughter · 8 months
Weekly Tag Wednesday
thank you for tagging me @lingy910y
name: gigi
age: 24
location: BKYN
we're going on a trip!
where are we going? a part of me wants to say somewhere getting real fun snow after getting a few bullshit flakes this week but lets get some sun, enjoy architectural wonders and eat very, very well in CUBA 🇨🇺
what's the weather like there right now? in the mid 70's
are you an over-packer or a light packer? i am a mild overpacker, i generally do a good job of keeping it light but i cant resist throwing in that extra dress etc. (the real problem is that my closet is overstuffed)
are we taking a plane or a train? i loooove trains more than the normal amount but alas, we have to fly
early morning departure or overnight trip? early morning departure on short flight like this i want it to still be daylight when we get ther
what song are you playing in the car while we drive to catch our departure? getting in the mood with some jazz
we need to grab something on the way, starbucks or dunkin'? we're going to a place with beautiful coffee, neither
we've made it to the transportation place! be honest, are we on-time or are we rushing because we're running late?
we are roughly 2 hours early and im still going to ber nervous about missing the flight
are you taking the window seat or aisle seat? i usually like the window seat
we're settle in our seats, are you gonna read or watch a movie/show? i watch movies through the whole flight, dont even bother with anything else
what are you reading/watching? mmm i really want to watch a bronx tale, so ill download that, but honestly on long flights ill ipad baby myself and watch whatever easily watchable movies they have to keep myself entertained
are you using wireless or wired headphones? wireless + noise canceling
are you going to take a nap or stay awake? oh to be relaxed enough to fall asleep on a plane! when i fly i am literally paralyzed with fear and anxiety, and will make it all of your guys problem too :) would be nice though
do you want a salty snack or a sweet snack? i usually buy a bag of peanut m&ms to reward myself for being good on flights, like all adults I assume
we're arrived! are we heading straight to activities or are we gonna rest at the hotel? were dropping our shit off, then going to eat some Ajiaco Cubano, then the beach, then eating Ropa vieja, visiting the unfinished national arts school of cuba (pictured below), then maybe finding some drinks and live music at night rinse and repeat
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finally, pick a treat to reward yourself for a travel day well done!
a cup of cuban coffee and some cookies
where are we going next? @hazeisblue @iansw0rld @rainbowbri @sweetperversiongirl @ryantryinx
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antiquesintheattic · 4 months
girl i was gonna wait for tom sawyer to finish playing on the radio when i rolled into my driveway but i got scared cause at night the shadows all look like ppl to me so i just pulled into my garage and hoped it would keep playing even though i know the signal cuts out in there because it literally always does. anyway time to drink a diet coke eat my peanut m&ms and watch the league
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myfriendgoo94 · 5 months
have you have the peanut butter m&ms? omfg 🤤🤤🤤
Yeessssssssaa they’re my fave!!!! Especially the minis 😋 i can eat literally hundreds of of those in a sitting if i’m not careful :/
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randomtacoscry · 5 months
top 5 desserts!!!!
Okay so I'm not actually a HUGE dessert person (i'm sorry!) but I do like some sweet stuff so I'll count them as desserts bc I think that should count:
Pie - I actually do like pie a lot and I think bc it's actually a dessert, I'll put it on top. My fav flavors are probably marionberry, apple, and pumpkin.
Cookies - General favorite but are also sort of a snack ig? Idk but my favs are classic chocolate chip and the m&m hit so hard (i literally only like the basic flavors???)
Chocolate - Not technically a dessert but my favorite sweet food so I'll count it. My favorites are ghirardelli caramel or toffee milk chocolates, godiva caramels, and probably peanut or almond m&ms (i like nuts and chocolate, what can i say?)
Brownies - They should count as a dessert and they're actually really good. Favs: brookie, reg (omg i'm so boring what)
Anything Sour - Sour candies are literally my weak spot, but so are like gummy candies and they are at the bottom bc I don't think they really count that much (but i do tend to eat them at the end of the day as a "dessert"). My favs are like sour strips and gummy bears.
Honorable mention: donuts (but i like them for breakfast so....) Also, I do bake a lot (like for everyone I know) so it's actually low-key funny that I don't even like the stuff I bake. Thanks for asking! <3
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pinkabrinka · 1 year
I had to go to the post office today to mail dad’s Father’s Day present, so I took a Lyft. I figured as long as I had paid to get there, I should walk over to Kroger in the same strip mall and get some more fruit since I was down to a single banana (which I’ll eat for breakfast tomorrow). Thanks to Covid, there are still no damned benches anywhere, so once I got to Kroger I had to go all the way to the pharmacy at the far end of the store to sit for a few minutes (it’s the only place to sit other than the ledge in front of the bakery case). There were, of course, no disabled/motorized carts—this is why I normally avoid this Kroger. I grabbed a few things as I passed them but I was too exhausted and stressed to think clearly about what else I should get unless it was literally right in front of me. I originally wanted to get a soda and some peanut butter m&ms as I left but self-checkout was closest and they only have that shit in the real checkouts. The Lyft driver who drove me home was super kind and insisted on carrying my groceries up to the porch for me.
My phone pedometer says I walked about 3/10 of a mile, but it honestly felt like so much further. But I did it, and I did it without incident. I’ve now taken my pain meds and I’m lying down in the a/c with the fan on. At some point I guess I should probably eat lunch, though.
The walk today was 1.5x longer than the home to Dunkin’ Donuts distance, so whenever I can manage getting my rollator up/down my front steps I can definitely do that. Plus, Dunkin’ has iced coffee and plenty of chairs.
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echthr0s · 11 months
1, 3, and 9 (for the spooky asks)
What is your favourite piece of spooky folklore or mythology?
really not sure 🤔 I think all the mythology I gravitate towards is probably some level of spooky or at least just weird. the Wild Hunt's pretty cool?
What is your favourite scary (or non-scary Halloween-themed) film?
ok favourite scary movie is literally impossible so I went to Lboxd to find a list of movies that are set on Halloween and wahey that's when House of 1000 Corpses was set so I guess that's my favourite Halloween-themed film. (I have seen like NO specifically Halloween-themed films and part of that is because -- ghostly gasp -- I don't really care about Halloween lol) (like I'm goth all year round, I watch horror all year round, it just feels like an annoyingly superfluous time of year for me personally!)
Do you have a favourite confectionary or candy?
Albertson's gummy bears (especially the sour ones but the non-sour ones are S-tier too), Hi-Chew, peanut M&Ms (the exception to my anti-milk-chocolate stance), Raffaellos... hmm *really racking my brain here*
I don't eat actual candy much. I'm the most stereotypical of dark chocolate enjoyers and I was always pretty sensitive to sweetness because I didn't have hardly any [added] sugar at all for the first 13 years of my life so it took me a while to get used to how fkn sickeningly sweet candy is (in this country specifically; I think that's why I prefer candies from other parts of the world)
[spooky asks!]
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bluravenite · 2 years
Yo Blue! Botanical asks: bleeding heart, calla lily, waxflower, sugarbush, marigold and poppy :D
Bleeding heart: i already answered this one!!! You can find it here!!
Calla Lily: are you more of a sunny day or a rainy evening?
This is definitely my pisces water ghoul speaking but i hate the sun unless it's underwater, i would take a rainy evening LITERALLY ANY DAY over any other kind of weather,, i love the rain and it doesn't rain NEARLY ENOUGH where I live, very dry very sunny, hate it!! I miss rainstorms :')
Waxflower: bee or butterfly, dog or cat person??
I don't dislike bees but i am very anxious so bugs like butterflies and ladybugs are always comforting to me, more than bees are.
I also grew up with pets all the time, and while there was usually a dog at home, i always had more cats!! I've lived with over 10 cats, whereas I've only lived with about 2 dogs :)
currently my 4 cats that live with my dad, i have 4 guinea pigs with my mom (2 are fosters) and i know that my aunt has 2 cats but i don't see those often!!
Sugar bush: do you have a sweet tooth? if yes what are your favorite sweets? if not why?
I used to have a really big sweet tooth but i also have teeth sensitivity sometimes so i can't really eat too many sweets,, i love crunchy things though so chocolates with almonds, Snickers, peanut m&ms, and Ferrero Rocher chocolates are always nice!! Otherwise i really enjoy fudgy brownies!! But i don't eat any of them very often!!
Marigold: favorite tea?
OH BOY LET ME GRAB A CHAIR,, 🪑 okay,, Earl grey was my first, so it holds a special place in my heart, lady gray is my go to, because she's soft and delicate, but still holds the essence of the Earl. English breakfast was quite literally my breakfast tea before school, and Irish breakfast i had when studying for my classes!! I also listen to this playlist which very much tastes like Irish breakfast tea!! HOWEVER, i make my own natural tea blends as well, and i tend to drink lots of other teas for different occasions!!
My go to teas are a lavender chamomile and white sage blend that i make myself!! And literally any other of my tea collection depending on my mood!! (I have over 15 boxes/cans of different flavors lol)
Poppy: do i dip my fries?
@purble77 much like Toni's cursed gremlins (ghouls) i do not dip my fries!!! I have s habit of being too impatient and just biting the box of fries like a rabid animal when i am given the bag of food, i don't wait for them to cool which burns my mouth a lot, but i also don't care bc fries are so good.... Anyway,, yeah i never dip then because by the time I open the food and the sauce the fries are GONE,,,
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pinkthingtragedy · 10 days
my current fear foods and some safe foods + explanation
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(!!!! I don't eat meat or any dairy products because I'm lactose intolerant)
bananas: so tasty and doesn't have too many calories (I don't eat under 700 cal) and it's also full of potassium!!
any type of bars or industrial snack: even if it's low in calories it's so bad, they have a lot of additives and other chemicals that keep the body full of inflammation
nuts: idk I never liked them, I feel like eating any type of nuts, almonds etc is a waste of calories because they taste like wood
pizza: it's so high in calories, also I try to never eat a full pizza because it's not good for the stomach, I usually eat half and then eat the other half the day after
peanut butter: I recently tried it (I'm not American so here it's not a common food) and it was so sticky and had SO MANY CALORIES OMGG like I tried once bread with pj and it was awful, all I could think about was all the calories that I was consuming
eggs (without the bacon): I love eggs they are a good search of protein and they are low cal, I love toast with egg on top!! so yummy and reminds me of that Ghibli movie (sorry I forgot the name in english)
brioche/croissant: tremendous tbh, so high in calories, in fats, not healthy at all (especially industrial ones)
cucumber sushi: it's so good and healthy and fresh, also has not a lot of calories! but I try to not consume it often because the vinegar and other things that are used to make the rice sticky are not very good for inflammation
sugar: it literally causes cancer wth
cakes: soooo full of sugar and additives even if you buy them from a bakery, they are def a once a year meal, it's so bad for you, and the vegan ones have like double the calories of the normal ones
Starbucks thing? whatever: I never had Starbucks and I never will, it's so high in sugar and additives (and it's so expensive like wth just drink water) also I don't trust people with making my thing to drink
dark chocolate: if you eat a small piece of it quite often it's actually good for your heart and other cardiac things! also it helps me to prevent binges, and it doesn't have that many bad things in it
hamburger: lol I had only one hamburger in my entire life and it was when I was 7, it's just not good. like, I get making a similar sandwich at home, but buying an hamburger from McDonald's or smt? crazy, that's exactly why people are obese
pringles: they are SO FULL of chemicals and salt, they are so bad for health in general 😭 I'd rather have normal chips (where here the ingredients are just potatoes, salt, and usually seeds oil) but I prefer to avoid chips because first of all they are full of salt, and second they trigger my binges
toast: it's not a fear food but it's not even a safe food, I can eat it sometimes, it's okay, I mean it's just toast
cheese: any kind of dairy products it's so bad for humans, even my nutritionist explained to me that we are not supposed to eat dairy because milk it's supposed to be for babies (of that spieces), it also causes acne and other stuff that I don't want.
oh and also I try to avoid vegan cheese but just because it's very high in calories.
olive oil: healthy fat!! very good for lots of reasons, honestly I just cook with it (without frying things obv), I don't really add it to my usual meals but it's pretty okay
pasta: it used to be a fear food but now I tolerate it, ofc I try to avoid it because it still is a defined carb
meat: If you want to die of cancer or other terrible diseases, eat red meat. it's so bad for the body, even white meat.
smoothies: I love smoothies that I make at home, they are so yummy and they make me feel good afterwards, also they are great when doing liquid fasts 💚
sushi? cat thing?: same as the cucumber sushi, it's good but I try to avoid it.
m&ms: sweets in general are like so bad for you, so full of additives, chemicals, refined sugar, horrible for the body. and also they cause sugar addiction.
fries: they are literally fried potatoes, any type of fried food it's not good
tomato soup: here we don't have tomato soup but sometimes I make it with tomato sauce (basically the same thing) and it's good, low cal too! but I try to not eat it too often because tomatoes give me terrible acid reflux
cookies: same as the m&ms, also they trigger my binges so bad
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