#literally no one else could play Sanji
formula-swift · 10 months
This picture is a lot. Like a whole lot of a lot.
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Aaah, look at that, some more headcanons no one asked for but that I will be subjecting everyone to anyway.
Was in the process of trying not to hack up a lung when I started this, so logical train of thought went to how our One Piece boys handle being sick.
May do a sister-post of how they handle it when you’re sick, too. But. Like. Not right now.
Anyway here we gooooo
Sick Day
Zoro, Sanji, Shanks, Sir Crocodile, Mihawk, Buggy x Reader
SFW! Very fluff! Much cringe!
Wordcount: Like 1.6k-ish
Warnings also include very fluff and much cringe, but not much else. All character x reader relationships are implied to be already established and consensual.
If you enjoy my content, feel free to drop a donation in my ko-fi. My financial situation is quite unstable right now and anything is helpful.
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“Look, I’m fine, alright? Just...lay off.”
Insisting he is absolutely not sick right from the start, only reason he looks so flushed is because he’s been training harder than usual.
And also because you’re irritating him stop saying he’s sick, dammit—
You’re not going to be able to get him to rest until he literally collapses, hopefully not directly onto the business end of one of his katana.
For someone who enjoys napping so much, he’s still adamant that he does not need to lay down.
Once you finally manage to get him shoved into his preferred hammock he’s going to turn into a clingy baby.
Convincing him to take any medicine would take an act of god. Most he’ll let you do is drape a damp cloth over his forehead.
Which does feel nice, and does calm down most of his protest.
After that he’s going to drag you in with him and use you as a human teddy bear, where you will likely be forced to remain while he sleeps it off.
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“Well, of course I don’t want to contaminate the food, love, but I don’t want anyone burning my kitchen to the ground either—”
He’s usually awake before anyone else to make breakfast, so you’re concerned from the moment you wake up and find the kitchen empty.
Even more concerned when you find him still in bed, face flushed, grimacing and shivering in his sleep.
Barely wakes up and manages a weak smile when you sit at the edge of the mattress, a contented little sigh when you lay your palm across his forehead.
Admits he might be a little under the weather.
Briefly lapses into panic when he realizes what time it is, immediately trying to get up and go handle breakfast—
All you have to do is give him a firm poke in the chest and he just falls right back into bed, pouting a bit when you point out he could contaminate the food and get the entire crew sick.
Gazing up at you like you’re some sort of celestial being when you assure him you’ll take care of it, and that you’ll make sure no one burns down the kitchen in his absence.
He’s already asleep again when you return with a bowl of miso with rice, but when you set them to the side and sit at the edge of the bed to feel his forehead, he immediately shifts over, drapes an arm across your lap and lays his head there, with a contented sigh and smile.
You’re trapped now. Good luck escaping.
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“Oh, I’ll be fine, beautiful, you don’t need to make such a fuss over it.”
He plays it off so well that it takes you a while to notice anything is amiss.
There are a couple hints. He’s just not quite as chipper and animated as he usually is, lazing around and looking a bit sour about something, a bit distracted.
Tries to brush it off as a hangover when you ask.
Heavy sigh and defeated pouting when you press your lips to his forehead and inform him he’s burning up.
Lamenting that he doesn’t want to be sick, it will surely sort itself out if he just ignores it.
Maybe a little booze to burn it out of his system—
Pouting only intensifies when you confiscate every bottle you can find in the captain’s cabin, and step out to hand it off to Beckman and explain the situation like he wasn’t already aware, you swear these two have some kind of psychic link
Immediate puppy dog eyes when you return, you’re literally so mean to him how could you, you wound him.
He will only consider forgiving this clear act of mutiny if you agree to get in bed and be his pillow until he’s on his feet again.
Preferably with fewer clothes than you’re wearing at the present.
You’re already rolling your eyes and dressing down as he continues his overly dramatic lamentations.
He’s really too drained and tired to do anything apart from roll over and use your chest as a pillow, draping his arm across your shoulder and combing his fingers against your hair.
Nuzzling down and letting out a contented sigh, commenting with a little smirk that maybe he should fall ill more often.
Sir Crocodile
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“I’m not clearing my entire schedule over a runny nose, darling, just leave me be.”
In the foulest of moods about being sick.
Yes, he’s aware his face looks like a tomato, thank you for pointing that out, brat.
No, he is not going to rest, he doesn’t have time to be sick, and if you so much as think of suggesting he put out his cigar—
You’re not going to have any luck in convincing him otherwise, nor any choice but to leave his stubborn ass alone in his office and stealthily check on him every so often.
You can only let out a weary sigh when you find him slumped over his desk hours later, half-conscious and drenched in sweat because he won’t take off that damned fur-lined coat.
You practically have to drag him to the bathroom to get him into a lukewarm bath to help bring down his fever, and he’s still complaining through the whole process about how he doesn’t have time for this nonsense.
Your offer to help finish his paperwork while he recuperates is met with an immediate growl of protest.
Like hell you are. No, if he has to suffer through this pointless ice-bath then you’re getting in with him. He will not be accepting any arguments on the matter.
It’s definitely best to just undress and not protest, as he’s going to pick you up and hold you back against his chest while he gets in whether you’re still clothed or not.
Letting out a low, somewhat weak, still incredibly smug chuckle when you shiver and shift closer to him in the water, wrapping an arm tight around your waist to prevent you from escaping any time soon.
Finally letting out a sigh and laying his head back against the tile wall behind him, admitting to himself (but definitely not to you) that you might be right, and it might not be the worst idea to clear his schedule for at least a day.
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“That wasn’t a cough, I was simply clearing my throat. Don't be a pest.”
Only initial signs you’ll have that he’s ill are that he’s somehow napping even more than usual, and he’s more snippy than usual.
It’s not long before his pale complexion makes it clear that he’s feverish, the slightest signs of flushed skin and dark circles under his eyes immediately noticeable.
Rolls his eyes when you mention it and brushes it off, perhaps he just had a bit too much wine last night.
Glares at you any time he sneezes or coughs, like he’s just daring you to say something about it.
It’s allergies. Or it’s this-damned-old-castle-is-too-drafty. Or it’s nothing, stop looking at him like that, he doesn’t get sick, you’re the one who’s being ridiculous about this.
Your best bet at getting him to rest is going to be convincing him that you want to take a nap.
Yes, with him.
Yes, now, unless he has some important plans other than flipping through the newspaper and being impossibly stubborn for the rest of the day.
Your commentary earns you another roll of his eyes, but...well, maybe he is just a bit tired. And he might have a bit of a headache—the latter of which he will be attributing entirely to your badgering.
Still insisting you’re being ridiculous when you shove him into bed and proceed to wipe a damp cloth across his brow, glaring daggers at you when you chide him for acting like an overgrown toddler.
Assures you there will be repercussions for your insolence…at least there will be once he—resigned sigh, rolling eyes—isn’t feeling so under the weather.
That’s as close to an admission as you’re going to get.
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“I fear these may be our final days together, my dearest! Please remember me fondly--”
Can you not see that he is literally dying??
He is not long for this world, please retrieve a pen and a pad of paper posthaste to take down his last will and testament, everything is fading, he can see the light approaching—
You make use of his lamenting monologue as an opportunity to shove a thermometer in his mouth, more than used to his theatrics, patting him on the head as he stares up at you like you’ve committed some unspeakable crime by interrupting him.
He doesn’t get sick often, he has a fairly strong constitution, but oh boy when he does…
No objections at all to being waited on hand and foot. You don’t really have any issue with it either, he’d do the same for you.
And likely will have to within the next few days—as clingy as he gets, you’re definitely going to end up catching whatever he has.
Oh! but he would give an arm and a leg to be in good health again and so help you if he removes any limbs for a stupid joke you’re going to beat him with them.
Pouting and sniffling at your obviously idle threat, even as you pet his hair and he lays dramatically across your lap.
He’s already on his deathbed how dare you.
At least his sense of humor is still intact. Or he’s delirious with fever. Perhaps both.
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standfucker · 9 months
Gremlin Reader Headcanons - Straw Hats, Whitebeard Pirates, Heart Pirates, Kid Pirates
CW: shenanigans, tomfoolery, and hullabaloo
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Straw Hats
You and Luffy are BEST BUDS. You butted heads when you first met just from being a bit too similar, but now you understand each other like no one else.
“Quit eating stuff off the floor!” Nami snaps as you and Luffy reach for a cube of steak that fell from your plate. “Five second rule,” Luffy says. You both smack at each other’s hands, but he ends up maneuvering and grabbing the meat first thanks to his stretchiness. You respond by shoving his entire hand, still holding the steak bit, into your mouth. Luffy shouts, then laughs. Nami yells, “Y/N, ew! That’s even worse!” “You don’t know where that’s been,” Zoro adds. Luffy screams for real when you bite his hand, but he also lets go of the steak, so it’s a win. (It was yours in the first place.)
While your bathing habits are better than Zoros, it’s not by much. If you’re a girl, expect Nami to literally drag you to bathe with her and Robin. She’ll wash your hair for you if you promise to stop using soap bubbles to give yourself a beard and call yourself the “Saponicus the Bath Wizard.” At least Robin finds it funny.
Also, if you’re a girl…you put Sanji through it. Rather than getting a broom to shoo you from your perch on top of the fridge, he tries to coax you down with sweet words and sweeter foods. Instead of yelling at you for eating off the floor, he’ll wash off whatever fell for you. If you try to eat a piece of what he’s cooking, he’ll simply make you a small side plate to tide you over. To Sanji, your weird habits are endearing. But if you’re a guy? He’ll just kick your ass. 
If you occupy that odd space in between genders (or lack thereof,) however, the poor cook does not know how to deal with you. After much stumbling over the subject and at first treating you how you most closely present, he ends up finding a neutral middle ground that makes you both happy.
You play with Franky a lot. You like to climb him like a jungle gym–he’s just shaped so perfectly for it. Sometimes you’ll sneak up behind Franky, jump and reach around to boop his nose to surprise him and change his hair. Every now and then he anticipates your strikes and catches you by the arm, holding you off the ground as penance for your crimes. You swing and wrap your legs around his rectangular arm to retaliate, and he’ll wave his arm to try to jostle you. It’s all fun and games until you get flung off the ship.
Once you discovered how light Brook was, you realized you could pick him up. This led to you plucking him off the ground at random and using him as a jousting lance with which to harass Zoro. Brook started to wisen up to that gleam in your eye, using his cane to keep you at a distance or jab you lightly.
Whitebeard Pirates
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There are a lot of crewmates, and you manage, somehow, to be the most feral of them all. Marco calls you “the ship’s pet, Y/N” as a joke.
Unless it’s snowing, you go barefoot everywhere. The soles of your feet have thickened considerably, and you occasionally entertain your brothers by showing off how you can stick safety pins through the very bottom layers of skin. This leads to Marco yelling at you to stop playing with sharps, and that you’re going to accidentally hurt yourself.
Poor Marco has to look out for you often, especially because you do things like get into wrestling matches with the biggest crewmates. You don’t have the size to do much, but if you get pinned, you cheat by biting your opponent. This usually worked for you until you cracked a tooth on Jozu, earning a stern “I told you so” from the first division commander.
Ace is a reformed gremlin and so takes you under his wing. You remind him of Luffy, so he’s quite fond of you compared to the rest. The two of you bring out the worst in each other’s bad habits, indulging the other. If you two are ever spotted together and giggling, the others know to be concerned, as you’re certainly up to something, usually pranks.
The only person who can get you to behave is Whitebeard, and he doesn’t bother most of the time, feeling it better for his children to “sort themselves out”. But he’s not wrong–the crew takes care of you no matter what mischief you get up to.
“I bet you can’t steal Vista’s hat,” Thatch challenges you and Ace one day. You’re always well-mannered toward Thatch, because he’s in charge of the food, but that doesn’t mean you guys won’t challenge each other to dares. “I bet I can steal it before Ace does,” you immediately respond. Ace protests fiercely, and the game is on. Ace takes a straight-forward approach, sprinting down the deck like he’s going to run past Vista, leaping into the air, and going to swipe it off. Vista blocks his hand with a raised arm. “What are you doing?” Vista questions. “Nothing,” Ace says, jumping again and promptly getting grabbed by the arm and tossed aside. This repeats, with Ace making big, energetic attempts to steal that hat and getting thrown around instead, over and over with no success. You wait until Ace has calmed down, then approach Vista. “Can I tell you something?” you ask, motioning him to lean in closer. Vista’s smart enough to know why you want him to bend down, but his reflexes are quick, so he leans over anyway. “Yes?” You stick your fingers up his nose. Vista makes a muffled, indignant shriek, flinching. Completely caught off guard, he’s too slow to stop you from snatching the hat off his head. “Run!” Ace screams, and you book it with Ace joining at your side. You wave the hat and yell, “Burn it, Ace!” mostly joking. “I’ll gut you both!” Vista shouts, hot on your heels, drawing his swords as he chases you two down, the sounds of your crazed laughter echoing through the deck. Marco sighs and gets ready to heal you again.
Heart Pirates
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You would tire out Law, but you’ve been a part of the crew for so long that he’s used to your antics. Really, you tire out Bepo, who’s in charge of keeping you in line.
The Polar Tang has a ventilation system to keep airflow and environmental controls during dives. You like to crawl into the vent shafts for fun and because they’re a cozy, private space away from everyone else. Whenever no one can find you, Law locates you on the ship and uses his power to teleport you out. You’ll be napping peacefully, shirking your duties, and suddenly you’re falling through the air and onto the floor in front of your captain–whoops, busted.
Once you tried to steal Law’s hat as a joke. He removed your hands for the rest of the day, stating you’d lost hand privileges.
“Aw, but Captain, your hair looks so nice,” you whined, and Law’s cheeks turned pink. “You’ll get your hands back tomorrow,” he ignored your statement and tossed your hands into a sack, tying it shut.
After that you had to mop the Polar Tang by biting the mop handle, which your crewmates said you took to way too easily.
You’ll sometimes leap onto Bepo’s back, gently tugging on his ears–they’re so round and cute. Resigned, he just supports your legs and lets you. When you can’t resist and end up biting his ear, he yelps, then states that you remind him of the folks from his home island of Zou, and finds it almost soothing.
You, Penguin and Shachi have an ongoing prank war. It’s one you all keep contained so that it doesn’t reach Law, but is otherwise ruthless. Shachi’s been pantsed by you so many times you’re pretty sure you’ve seen every pattern of underwear he owns, but it’s his fault for letting his guard down so frequently. None of you are safe falling asleep first around the others lest you get your face scribbled on, hence your habit of napping in the air vents.
The Polar Tang doesn’t get visitors, but very rarely will gain a new crewmate. As one of the first handful of people recruited, you liked to make noises in the air vents and had certain newbies convinced the ship was haunted. It didn’t help that you told creepy stories of ghosts of people who died deep underwater, where the ship was currently sailing through… Ikkaku always chided you to stop freaking people out.
Though most would expect Law to get annoyed by you, he actually takes comfort in your antics. You’re consistent, at least, in a chaotic world. He can always count on you to keep spirits up and to keep the rest of the crew on their toes.
You’re settled in an air vent with a flashlight and a book one day. You hear a muffled “Room,” from somewhere, then Law appears next to you, having to hunch over so he can fit. “Oh, hey, Captain,” you say. “You know,” Law says, “I think you’ve actually got the right idea. Some days the Polar Tang, despite everything, feels too big... Some days even my quarters feel too big.” “Is today one of those days?” you ask as Law inspects the vent walls. They’re clean–likely your doing–which surprises him. He nods. “You should try taking a nap. It’s very cave-like and cozy here.” “Do you just lay out on the metal?” he questions. “Yep. But if that’s uncomfortable for you, well…” you pat your lap, completely nonchalant. Law studies your face. You give him a cheery smile. He sighs, and stretches out. It’s more comfortable this way. He rests his head on your lap. You continue reading quietly, angling your book and the light away from Law’s face. He adjusts slightly and deflates, relaxing. Right before falling asleep, he takes off his hat.
Kid Pirates
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You fit right in with the Kid pirates. No one gives you so much as a second glance for most of the things that you do. For the most part, your level of gremlin behavior is not that much more intense than some of the other crewmates. 
Though Kid/Killer/Wire will pick you up by your jacket hood when you act up too much. You retaliate by pinching the offender’s nostrils shut. This leads to you getting scolded, but you start laughing because they talk with a “congested” voice. Eventually you get threatened with being thrown overboard, which finally makes you fall in line.
You’re good with electrical work. Aside from using a stun gun in battle, you like to take the little metal creatures that Kid makes and soup them up with lights and sounds. Usually you just add glowing eyes and fins as an accent, but sometimes you use your powers for evil: once you added a timed speaker to a doll that went off in the middle of the night, scaring the bejesus out of the sleeping crew.
Killer is strict about not eating food before it’s ready, but it doesn’t stop you from trying to snack on ingredients. You’ll sneak into the kitchen (poorly–you are not quiet) and try to swipe food when you think he’s not looking. Killer will see your hand reach up in his peripheral vision and feel around the countertop. He plunges a knife into the countertop inches from your fingers, making you freeze before slowly withdrawing. However, you know he would never actually stab you, so you never really give up.
You’re really good at making Kid laugh with your antics. He doesn’t even realize it until much later on in the time he’s known you. You and Kid are watching Killer cook one day, steaks sizzling beautifully on the pan, and more raw meat is piled on a plate on the table before you, waiting for its turn. “Why does raw meat look so appealing?” you say. “I kind of don’t want to wait for it to cook.” “I’m not feeding you raw meat,” Killer says. You open your mouth to make the obvious lewd joke, but Kid shoots you a look that says don’t. You close your mouth. “I know what you mean,” Kid says. You both look at the raw steak. The filets are ruby-red, glistening, with cream streaks of fat that promise to melt once on the pan. “I just want to bite into the whole thing and shake my head like a dog,” you voice your thoughts. “Then do it,” Kid says offhandedly. You pluck a raw steak from the pile, sink your teeth in, and do exactly that, growling as the steak whips from side to side. Kid bursts out laughing, caught by surprise, while Killer snaps out your name, far less amused. As Killer scolds you, Kid thinks about how impulsive you are and how often you make him laugh like that and how much he likes you. And then it hits him–wait, oh god, oh no. You’ve taken the steak out of your mouth and are laughing at yourself, and you look so nice when you’re smiling oh NO. Kid’s gone red in the face while you try to appease Killer. “My mouth germs will burn off when you cook it,” you argue. “That doesn’t matter. You’re going to get sick,” Killer grumbles. “Don’t do it again.” “Okay, fine…Hm? Kid?” you tilt your head at him. “You okay? You look a bit flushed.” “Shut up! I’m fine.” Kid says defensively. “Okaaay, moody. Sheesh, sorry for caring.” And that just makes it worse, because Kid’s now also realizing you do actually care, don’t you? Bringing him things when he’s holed up late at night in his workshop, bothering him when his mood’s down and he needs to be distracted, helping him oil the parts of his metal arm and laughing it off when you get covered in grease. “Don’t get all sweet on me, you little punk.” Kid mutters. “You’re right. I ought to stick to salty things. Like Killer’s mea–” “STOP.”
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exhaslo · 11 months
Kinktober Day 29- Zoro x Reader (Facesitting/overstimulation)
*Requested by reader ;) *
        If there was one thing that was hard to keep on the Sunny Go, it was a secret. With how small the crew was, it was bound that someone will find out whatever secret was being hidden. Which was why you and Zoro had to work harder than anyone else to make sure no one knew that the two of your were dating. It might literally be the end of both your worlds if the others find out. There would be no privacy in your lives at all.
        Luffy would be asking too many questions. Sanji would refuse to allow the two of you near each other at all. Nami and Robin would want to get all the details out of you about Zoro. Chopper would be giving you more check ups since you and Zoro were sexually active. Oh, that would be the worst if the others find out about that part. Zoro loved his sex. He liked to say it was a special form of training that only the two of you could do. Hell, you loved it too.
        Zoro had talent when it came to his tongue. Honestly, you were surprised the first time he ate you out. You were such a wreck after he fucked you that night that Chopper was very worried for your health. You couldn't move from the bed for two days. Zoro loved to test your limits with him. He would make sure you were so fucked out before he drilled his massive cock into your poor, overstimulated cunt. You never complained, you just wanted to make sure that you weren't too loud. Sometimes, Zoro had to stuff your mouth with his bandana to make sure no one heard your loud moans.
"We're getting closer to the island!" Usopp yelled out. Nami started to count their funds,
"Who's going to watch the ship while we get supplies?"
"I will," You said with a chirp. Zoro yawned as he woke up from his nap,
"Me too," He muttered before falling back asleep. You chuckled and kept poking his cheek, "I'm trying to go back to sleep,"
"But you need to stay up to protect me~" 
"Oi! Moss-Head! The lady is right!" Sanji spat, making his way over to Zoro.
        A smile curled against your lips as you watched Zoro and Sanji argue with each other. You guys had to play it cool. Every time you all landed on an island was free fucking time. Either the two of you stayed on the ship or went to the island to a motel. It was the only time where Zoro could go all out and hear your moans. 
        Once everyone was off the ship, both you and Zoro did a through check. It was clear! The two of you hurried to the lookout post, since Zoro mainly stayed up there and got ready. You got the mat set up and watched as Zoro moved his weights aside. You couldn't help but giggle at his complaints. Approaching him from behind, you kissed his back,
"Awe, sorry for waking you up~"
"You owe me," Zoro huffed, turning towards you, "And I have just the idea."
        You whined as Zoro spent no time waiting. His hands already rested on your breasts while he hungerly kissed you. His tongue forcing its way into your mouth as he grinded his harden erection against your cunt. Your body was already starting to warm up with his tough touches. This was the only time Zoro can go wild. He always kept testing the limits when they were sailing. 
        Your body trembled under Zoro's touch as he pinned you against the mast, rutting his hips into yours. You could feel your panties growing damper as his hands worked feverishly. Zoro trailed his tongue down from your lips to your neck, wanting to taste every part of you. You were already moaning from the friction of your clothing. You just wanted him to hurry and fuck you. 
        You gasped lowly as Zoro started to rub your slit. He had your nipple in his mouth while his hands started to touch your sensitive bud. You whimpered and moan to his touch, his fingers rubbing circles around your clit. You loved how hot he made you, how wet you got. Tangling your fingers in his hair, you moved your hips slightly, wanting more. Zoro chuckled in response as he bit you nipple, sliding your pants down. He licked down your side, grabbing your panties with his teeth and pulling them down.
"Z-Zoro!" You whined as he held you panties with his teeth.
        Zoro just smirked as he guided you towards him. He took his clothes off and sat on the mat, pulling you down. His eyes focused on your dripping sex, watching it start to twitch in anticipation. Zoro licked his lips in response and laid down, pulling your pussy to his face. Your cheeks burned read as Zoro sat you on his face, holding your hips down. You tried to complain and argue, but moaned loudly instead as his tongue started to swirl around your cunt.
"Zoro~!" You cried out, shaking in pleasure.
"You owe me, remember."
        You whimpered at the vibration of him talking against your pussy. Zoro's grip against you waist was tight, making sure that you did not move. Your breathe shuddered slightly as you focused on his tongue. Zoro was fucking talented alright. Holding that third sword in his mouth sure meant something. His tongue was dancing around your folds, exploring every inch of your pussy. Like a starved man, Zoro ate you out. You moaned loudly as his tongue entered your hole, causing you to cum hard.
        Zoro grunted in response, lapping up the mess you made on him. You squirmed slightly, but Zoro refused to have you move. His tongue kept ravishing your poor cunt, making sure that nothing was left untouched. You moans grew more erratic as Zoro rubbed your clit. He was about to make you cum again. Your vision started to blur as you trembled against his face. Zoro's tongue entered your dripping hole, exploring your insides. You whined as you felt your high returning.
"Z-Zoro~ P-Please!" You begged.
        Zoro moved you ever so slightly, his mouth now sucking against you clit. He focused on your fucked out face, enjoying the way he was making you break for him. You body was made for him to eat, fuck and destroy. Every orgasm you had was for him. Every moan was only for him. Zoro groaned as his erection was starting to grow painful. He watched as you cried from another orgasm. Your heavy breathing was a good sign.
"Alright, now for the main course," He said, licking his lips.
        You laid on your face, panting heavily from your second orgasm. You whimpered as Zoro spread your legs, your cunt clenching to nothing but air. You could barely focus on him. You arched your back, moaning loudly as Zoro started to slide his cock into you. Your eyes rolled back as he started to rut into you. His thrusts hard and deep. His grip was tight as he slammed himself into you, wanting to hear you cry his name. You did, but that was all you could really do. You body was shaking from the overstimulation.
"Z-Zo...s'much....ah...Zoro~" You babbled, bouncing to every thrust. Zoro kissed your neck, inhaling at each moan,
"What's too much? I haven't even cummed yet," He chuckled, teasing you. You whined, reaching another orgasm,
"S'good, hah....Zo...ro...m-more~" You begged.
"That's right, can't ever get enough."
        Zoro raised your hips slightly, enjoying the moment. Your cunt kept squeezing his cock, desperate for his cum. You were a moaning mess, unable to come up with a single sentence. All you could do was say his name and make those sexy noises. Zoro grunted as he started to reach his high. He rubbed your clit, wanting to have you cum again for him. He loved it when he got to see you all fucked out. You were always so beautiful after he ravished you.
        Zoro groaned as you tighten around his cock. He fasten his pace, ripping more of your sweet, delicious moans. He exhaled heavily before releasing his load inside your womb. Doing a few slow thrusts, Zoro made sure to empty everything into you. He took a moment to catch his breathe, before reaching for one of the waters he kept aside.
"C'mon," He lifted you up, planting you on his lap, "Drink up,"
        You muffled lowly, drinking the water with Zoro's help. He kissed you once more before taking his share of the water. You nuzzled your head into his chest, complaining quietly about him being too rough. Zoro just chuckled in response as his hands stroked your body once more. He hummed lowly,
"Just one more," He whispered, kissing your ear. 
"Mhpm, fine," You gave in.
        Zoro had you on your knees, rubbing your ass as he viewed your pussy. It was still dripping with both your juices and his cum. Zoro smirked as he smacked your ass, entering your abused hole once more. You whined in response, shaking under his touch as his cock filled you once more. He was so deep inside. His cock was pushing back his hot cum inside you. You gripped onto the mat, moaning as Zoro started his charade of rough thrusts.
        No matter how much you complained, you loved how Zoro fucked you. How full he made you and easy you were to bend to his will. You curled your toes, clenching to his dick as Zoro smacked your ass again. How good he made you feel. Your body was already reaching its limit with how many times he made you orgasm. The sheer amount of pleasure you felt was going to keep you in bed for the next few hours for sure. 
"The others probably won't be back for another few hours. We have all the time in the world to let loose," Zoro said with a smirk as he slapped himself into you deeper, "I wonder how full I can really make you?"
"Z-Zoro!" You cried out, reaching another orgasm. Zoro smacked your ass again, watching you shake,
"That's right, scream my name. I want to make sure the whole island hears you."
        You cried out as Zoro cam inside you again. You swore you saw stars this time. His dick twitched inside you as he kept thrusting. Your legs were already giving out. Zoro was the one holding you up as he kept pounding your poor cunt. Your face was rested against the mat, moaning to each thrust.
"Mr. Swordsman, Miss (Y/N), Nami and I are about to return." Robin said as her mouth appeared against the window.
"Fuck! How long have they known?!" Zoro cussed out.
        You couldn't even comprehend what was happening. All you knew was that Zoro's thrusts were now more erratic and quick. He pressed your whole body against the mat, rutting himself into you. You felt yourself fade out as you cam hard once more. Zoro on the other hand, groaned lowly as he gave you one last load. He slowly pulled out, panting heavily as he got himself dressed. Grabbing your clothes, Zoro fixed you up, having you sleep against him.
"Great, (Y/N) is going to blame me for them knowing."
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cantstoptheimagines · 11 months
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What We Do Below Deck (Monkey D. Luffy, Nami, Roronoa Zoro, Usopp, Vinsmoke Sanji | One Piece)
Series Masterlist
Summary — The Straw Hats like to use you to relieve their stress.
Warnings and Other Tags ➳ Smut (cursing; rough sex; degradation and praise; name-calling; spitting; slapping; fingering and anal fisting; oral (male and female receiving, deepthroating, face fucking); penetration (vaginal, anal, strap-on); double penetration (one vaginal and one anal, two in one hole, strap-on); mentions of breeding and pregnancy; mentions of sharing the Reader with others; way too much cum; Reader gets pinned down a few times; implied aftercare at the very end; probably missing a few more, but just know this fic is a lot lol); literally just a self-indulgent gangbang fic because every single one of the Straw Hats are too hot to handle.
Notes ➳ Word Count is 10,058. ➳ Reader uses feminine pronouns (she/her).
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How your whole agreement with the Straw Hats started, you weren’t entirely sure. You originally joined the crew with the expectation of helping your best friend become King of the Pirates.
Things changed when your ragtag bunch of friends successfully took down Arlong Park and returned to the Going Merry, each of them needing to relieve their stress. That was when five pairs of darkened, tired eyes found you anxiously waiting for them to return to the ship. An overwhelming sense of greed for your body seemingly took over their minds at that moment.
And that’s your best guess as to when their insatiable need for you began. Mostly because they’d all been fucking you senseless nearly every day since then.
In an instant, you had become the relief each of them had so desperately needed. You were released from all other duties on the ship, aside from being your crew mates’ favorite fuck toy, perfectly molded for their personal use whenever they felt the desire to play with your holes.
And so, when Luffy suddenly took your hand in his to lead you out of the hot sun and into his quarters, you knew what awaited.
It only took the Straw Hats mere seconds to strip you free of your clothing, push you on to your stomach atop the bed sheets, and shove your face into Nami’s wet cunt. She roughly palmed at your temples, tightly gripping you by the head in an effort to control your movements.
As your tongue was made to lap at her soaking entrance, someone else laid a series of harsh slaps to your bare ass, occasionally groping and spreading your cheeks just to make you squirm. Probably Zoro since he always wanted to be the first to pound your tightest hole.
“Oh, fuck,” moaned Nami, shaking your head from side to side to give herself a bit more stimulation. “I’ve been waiting all day for this. I’m soaked.”
She was right. Her arousal was all over your lips and chin. It had even started to slowly drip down your neck. One thing you had learned about Nami? She liked it messy.
You could practically see the grin on Sanji’s face as he asked, “Is our cumslut that good, Nami?”
“She’s perfect! Ah! So good at eating me out,” she moaned again. “She was made to be between my legs. I’m sure—! Oh! Ah! I’m sure of it!”
The way they spoke about you as though you weren’t even there sent chills down your spine. Right here, right now, you really are just something for them to fuck in their free time.
You must have slowed your actions, lost in thought, because Nami suddenly yanked roughly at your hair.
“Use your fingers, you little whore,” she glared. “Give my clit some attention too. You better make me cum tonight.”
You barely had time to acknowledge her demands before she was pressing your mouth even further into her dripping arousal. She was practically suffocating you with her thighs as she began rolling her hips. You quickly began massaging her clit as she let out yet another pleasured moan.
As your tongue delved into Nami’s entrance, someone else led your free hand to wrap around a thick, swollen cock. Usopp let out a curse as he began guiding your touch along his length.
“Stroke me, baby,” he said, watching you with lustful eyes as you followed his instructions. “I wanna cum on that pretty face. Then I’m gonna take a break. You still got me worn out from yesterday.”
“You did fuck her pussy a lot last night, didn’t you?” chuckled Luffy, one hand gliding over his own throbbing cock as he admired the scene in front of him.
“Yeah, after you finally stopped hogging it,” scoffed Usopp, removing your hand for a moment in order to spit onto your palm. “But once I got my chance, it was so good, man. I put my load inside her cunt three times. Not to mention when I got to fuck her mouth before that. Her throat made me cum twice. She was totally spaced out by the time I was done using her.”
Still grinding against your tongue, Nami groaned, “Would you two shut up—? Oh!”
Her complaints were interrupted by her orgasm. Her toes curled and her thighs clenched. You were practically drowning in her arousal, forcefully held in place by her strong grip on your hair.
Your face was drenched as she came down from her high. With a harsh yank, she revealed your glistening appearance to others, all of whom let out low groans at the sight of you.
Usopp’s hips began rocking to meet the strokes of your hand. He was now far more eager to experience his own release.
Luffy let out a muttered curse as well as a few words about tying you to the ship’s main mast sometime soon. His cock was only becoming harder by the minute.
Meanwhile, Zoro merely confirmed that he had been the one slapping your ass earlier when he gave you yet another. He groped at your exposed skin with an impatient look in his eyes.
And Sanji, who had been unusually quiet, decided to join Zoro in his torment. Long fingers were shoved deep into your sopping pussy soon after Sanji reached beneath you and gave a rough pinch to your sensitive clit.
Nami smirked as the four men leered at your exhausted expression. They were like sea monsters hunting for their next meal. Her palm collided with your cheek and you couldn’t help but groan as she roughly smeared her cum all over your face without a care in the world.
The grip on your hair was passed on to Usopp, who was still meeting your heavy strokes with his own desperate thrusts. Nami then shifted so she could lean against the many pillows on Luffy’s bed.
She thought about how she’d probably bring out her strap later in order to fuck you properly. But for now, she wanted nothing more than to watch her panting crew mates have their way with you.
And by the way Usopp forced your head backwards and shoved his fingers into your mouth, leaving you barely able to maintain your balance in your position of being on all fours, she was sure that her wishes were about to come to fruition. In fact, she had already started caressing her wet folds in anticipation.
“My turn now, babygirl,” chuckled Usopp. His fingers were still lodged deep in your throat. The sound of your gags and wet gargles as they shifted in and out of your mouth brought a wide grin to his face. “Might not be taking that break after all if you take my dick like this. You’ve gotten so much better at deepthroating recently.”
“Too good to resist, isn’t she?” smirked Zoro, palming at his heavy balls. “Now hurry up. I want to put my cock in her ass already and Sanji won’t let me until he eats her out.”
“All right, all right, Mr. Pushy,” groaned Usopp, shaking his head upon noticing the way Sanji glared at Zoro for his comment. “C’mere, sweet thing, open that mouth nice and wide for ‘ol Captain Usopp.”
You gasped for air when he finally removed his fingers. You weren’t given much of an opportunity to catch your breath, however, since his cock immediately took their place.
Usopp laughed at the way your eyes widened. With both hands now tangled in your hair, he set to work on pleasuring himself. He rolled his hips repeatedly, carelessly yanking your mouth back and forth on his cock in time with his thrusts.
While his cock may have been on the shorter side when compared to those of your other crew mates, it definitely made up for it in girth. Your lips stretched to accommodate him. Whenever Usopp got the opportunity to fuck your mouth, you always knew you’d be left struggling for air.
He tossed his head back with a moan and screwed his eyes shut. You could only imagine the expression of pure ecstasy on his face, too busy trying to not choke as his tip repeatedly met the back of your throat. With every sloppy movement, his balls slapped against your chin, surely collecting some of Nami’s cum that still coated your skin.
“Oh, shit,” he sighed. “I’m gonna cum already. Seems like your hand did most of the work.”
If he somehow expected a response, he must have been quite disappointed. The only sounds that left your body at the moment were wet gags and muffled squeals.
His thrusts sped up as he gasped, “Cumming! Fuck, I’m cumming! Your mouth is so good! Fuck!”
Before his release could shoot into your mouth, Usopp pulled out. You quickly close your eyes, coughing for air, as he stroked his cock in an attempt to prolong his orgasm with a look of excitement.
His cum squirted onto you as he gasped with a smile. He was definitely proud of himself for adding yet another layer of arousal to your appearance.
As he let go of his load, you had a slight suspicion that Usopp aimed everywhere but your open, awaiting mouth. Only a few drops landed on your tongue. The rest splattered onto your cheeks and nose. You even thought a small amount sprayed onto your forehead with the curve of his cock.
“Open those pretty eyes for me,” ordered Usopp, giving your hair a rather sharp tug. “Look at me.”
“Usopp,” you whimpered, but followed his instructions nonetheless, swallowing what little release he had fed into your mouth.
You were met with his grinning face. His cock was continuously being stroked by his free hand. He was still hard.
“So much for a break,” he laughed. “Let me grind on your face this time, baby. Here, you can even lick my balls while I do it. Stick your tongue out again.”
You did so, closing your eyes once more as Usopp tilted his length upwards. His heavy balls rested on your tongue. He shifted forward on his knees until he could press his shaft against your face. Slowly, he began grinding himself against you.
His cock rubbed his previous release. It smeared over your skin as well as his length. While Usopp continued rolling his hips, you lapped at his balls, which shifted over your tongue with every one of his movements.
“That’s it,” hummed Usopp. “Fuck, you’re so good with your tongue. Here, I got the cum off your face. Now you can clean it off my dick, you pretty little bitch.”
He pulled away, giving you a chance to see what he was talking about. Grinding against your face had covered his shaft in his previous load of cum. What he had left on your face was nothing but a smeared, creamy mess you’d have to deal with later.
“Oh, shit, wait,” he muttered. “You still got a bit right there.”
He then forcefully tilted your head, once using your hair as leverage. His tip swiped over your cheek, collecting another drop of his cum on the swollen, mushroom-shaped head of his cock.
“All right,” he chuckled. “Now suck.”
He tapped the head against your tongue before sinking into your mouth once again. He repeated his rough thrusts from before, using your mouth as he pleased. The combined taste of his and Nami’s cum was like a dream.
“Say, Usopp?” muttered Luffy. “You said her mouth made you cum twice last night. Why not go for three this time?”
“Love to,” replied Usopp, shoving your wet mouth to the base of his length and holding you down. “Don’t know if I’d make it though—! Oh! Oh, oh, fuck!”
Another wave of cum burst from his cock. This time, however, he didn’t leave your mouth. White froth escaped you and gathered at the corners of your lips. At the base of Usopp’s throbbing length, a white ring of cum was forming.
He finally pulled you off his cock. Forcing your mouth shut, Usopp grinned at the sight of your flushed appearance, “Swallow. C’mon, it’s what you’re made for, filthy bitch. Be a good slut and drink my cum.”
His grip on you was like a vice, tight and showing no hints of letting go anytime soon. Until you followed his commands and swallowed his salty release, that is.
Once you had done so, he opted to slap your cheeks and nose with his cock instead. He jerked your head backwards like he had done earlier. He let go of his cock, forced your mouth open, and spit down your throat. He then shoved his fingers inside, pushing the boundaries of how deep they could go.
“Don’t know if I can get through another one,” he huffed, cock twitching from overstimulation between his legs.
“Let me handle it. I’d like to see her choke on you again,” said Nami. “We can even make it a little more interesting. If you can do it, we’ll each give you a few Berry, won’t we?”
The others agreed. Yet another grin decorated Usopp’s expression as he took up their wager. He shifted upwards on the bed until he could lean comfortably against the pile of soft pillows. During this, he dragged you along by your hair.
He offset your balance with a particularly rough tug. Your arms fell out from beneath you and you quickly found yourself in a face-down, ass-up position, much to the pleasure of Zoro, who groaned at the sight. It had always been his favorite.
Your face was pressed into Luffy’s bedsheets, directly between Usopp’s thighs. He and Nami once again traded off on whose grip would pull at your roots. Usopp relaxed into the pillows.
While he had been wondering if he could take anymore, not a single one of the Straw Hats thought about whether or not you could. Your body was already starting to give out with exhaustion, despite none of them having properly fucked you yet.
At this rate, you’d be passed out cold by the time any of them even thought about actually fucking you.
Instead, they each moaned, cursed, and even laughed at the sight of Nami shoving your tired mouth down onto Usopp’s cock as she knelt next to you. She barely pulled you off before forcing your head back down.
“Nothing but a whore, huh?” she scoffed, thumbing at her clit. “You’re pretty much a human fleshlight now based on how much you let us use you for our own personal pleasure. Just a fucking toy.”
Usopp was moaning loudly, focused solely on his twitching cock. He gripped the sheets beneath him and tossed his head back against Luffy’s pillows in pure ecstasy.
Nami, meanwhile, had continued driving your mouth on and off Usopp’s swollen length. She flicked and massaged her clit in sync with her own moans and whimpers. Eyes threatening to squeeze shut, she quickly pressed you back onto Usopp’s cock one last time.
You couldn’t help gagging when she made your nose collide with Usopp’s abdomen. It was the deepest you had ever taken someone’s cock inside your mouth. And she refused to let you come up for air as the two of them neared yet another release.
Without a care in the world, she held you firmly against Usopp’s pelvis, no matter how much you gagged and choked on him.
Nami came first. Her orgasm covered her hand with slick, wet cum. Her mouth fell open and a high-pitched moan came out before she could stop it.
Midway through her release, Usopp cursed. The tip of his cock was pressed firmly to the back of your throat, thanks to Nami’s forceful grip. He flooded your mouth with his third orgasm of the night.
As they both finally began to relax, Nami leaned down to lick some of the smeared cum that Usopp had left on your face. She hummed at the taste, running her tongue over her lips with a feral grin.
Meanwhile, Usopp’s cock had started to soften in your mouth, though you knew he’d probably be begging for another round soon enough. Finally allowed to come up for air, you prepared to swallow Usopp’s load, only to be stopped by Sanji suddenly grabbing your jaw.
You stared up at him with a confused expression. At the same time, Sanji almost got distracted by your wet lashes. Usopp’s cock really did a number on you.
“Wait, darling,” he finally smiled. “It’s my turn next and we need to prepare you for our swordsman over here. Why don’t we use that cum as some extra lube?”
He held out his hand, gesturing for you to spit Usopp’s cum into his waiting palm. You did so, but only after receiving a nod of approval from Usopp himself.
“Now that that’s settled, let’s spread those ass cheeks of yours so I can get you ready,” he chuckled. “Luffy, why don’t you do the honors? We don’t want Zoro getting ahead of himself. He might attempt to shove himself in dry like the pervert he is.”
Luffy could only chuckle as Sanji and Zoro glared at one another. They had never been the best when it came to sharing your body.
Luffy eventually decided to play along as some form of mediator for the two men. Letting go of his own throbbing erection, he palmed at your ass, roughly spreading you open.
Sanji seized his opportunity. He slathered the handful of Usopp’s thick, white cum over your exposed asshole, even using his fingers to push some of it into your tight entrance.
“Sanji!” you gasped at the sudden intrusion. “Please!”
He grinned, gesturing for Luffy to continue stroking himself. And then Sanji got to work. You yelped in surprise when he unexpectedly shoved you completely onto the bedsheets.
Sanji then flipped you onto your back before grabbing your ankles and dragging you to the edge of the bed. With an excited grin, he picked up a pair of someone’s discarded underwear off the floor and shoved them into your mouth.
You were dizzy with all his sudden movements, especially when he knelt on the floor, situating your dangling legs on top of his shoulders. He was now in the perfect position to do what he always did best during these rough fucking sessions.
And that was eating your pussy and prepping your ass.
He ran his tongue over your wet folds. Once, twice, and then a third time before delivering a mean slap to your clit.
You jerked with a muffled squeal, reaching out in a failed attempt to grab onto his hair. However, Sanji glared when you did so.
Spitting onto your wet entrance, he looked at Usopp, who was still relaxing against the pillows near Luffy’s headboard. Next to him, Nami was lazily fingering herself, waiting for another opportunity to strike.
Upon meeting Sanji’s eyes, Usopp felt his brow involuntarily furrow. He tilted his head curiously.
“Care to pin her wrists down for me?” asked Sanji.
Usopp grinned at the idea. He shifted forward on the bed until he sat near your head. Leaning down, he gave you an upside down kiss on the forehead before grabbing your wrists. He held them together, pulling them above your head to rest in his lap.
“Hey, Sanji,” he smirked, “ruin that pussy of hers, won’t ya?”
“Oh, believe me,” chuckled Sanji, “I plan to.”
You were left to squirm in their hold when Sanji slapped your clit yet again. Your cries were still muffled by the fabric of the underwear that had been shoved into your mouth.
Pressing down firmly against your abdomen to hold you in place, Sanji leaned in to kiss your folds. His free hand, meanwhile, busied itself with your ass. He shoved two fingers inside your tight hole, pumping them in and out at a steady pace.
He flattened his tongue against you. The way his nose nudged your clit with every move would have made you melt if he had simply given you the time.
Your blurred mind thought back to all the times Sanji had described you as his ‘favorite meal’. And by the way he licked and sucked and slurped at your arousal, shoving his mouth as close to your pussy as he possibly could, you had no doubt he had been telling the truth. He was like a man starved as he indulged himself on your sweet, dripping core.
Sanji always seemed to enjoy the process of creating a wet mess between your thighs. Meanwhile, Usopp simply watched the scene with a wide smirk, now holding both your wrists in one hand as he leaned closer in order to run his hands over your exposed breasts.
Usopp seized his opportunity to slap your tits. He bit his lip with an amused sparkle in his eyes, listening to your smothered cries as he flicked, pinched, and even twisted your nipples.
“Poor baby,” he mocked you with a phony pout. “Can’t take a bit of teasing when it comes to those tits of yours?”
You continued to whimper, muscles tensing at the feeling of Sanji collecting your slick and adding a third finger to your ass. He pulled his face away from your entrance, pausing in eating your pussy to focus on the way you took his fingers instead.
“Been wondering if you could take my whole hand inside this pretty little ass with enough effort,” he pondered quietly, licking his lips to savor your taste. “Guess now is as good a time as any to try it out.”
He pulled his fingers out of you, but the moment didn’t last very long. In the blink of an eye, Sanji had covered his digits in the slick of your leaking cunt before pressing them back into your ass. This time, a fourth finger joined the previous three.
His muscles flexed with every movement of his hand. The pace of his fingers was lightning fast. In and out they went, finally beginning to loosen up your tight hole.
You writhed on the bedsheets, only to find yourself with no escape. Sanji’s free hand was still splayed over your abdomen, thumb sticking out to stroke your clit as he focused entirely on wrecking your other entrance.
Along with that, Usopp still held your wrists in a single unwavering grip. He continued tormenting your breasts with a wild grin. Pinching, pulling, twisting, slapping. Anything he could think of, his free hand did.
Your eyes widened at the feeling of Sanji finally inserting his thumb as well. He successfully squeezed all five fingers into your tight ass. Expecting him to slow down with his chaotic pace for you to adjust, you shrieked in surprise when he simply kept pushing inwards.
He truly meant his whole hand.
Whoever’s underwear you had crammed in your mouth continued to muffle whatever noises you happened to make. Sanji was now wrist-deep into your ass and showed no signs of stopping.
“I guess we finally figured out why Zoro likes her ass so much,” smirked Nami.
“Yeah,” agreed Luffy, peeking over Sanji’s shoulder to get a better view of your torment. “Hers must be the only asshole in the entire East Blue that can take that gigantic cock of his. Right, Zoro?”
You could hardly understand what they were saying, still squirming uselessly against Sanji and Usopp, both of whom were still fascinated by how much of Sanji’s large hand could be pressed inside your ass. You were sure your hole would be gaping by the end of the night by the way things were currently going.
Zoro let out a deep chuckle, slowly running a large hand over the length of his thick erection, “You caught me. This whore takes it in the ass all the time, whenever I want to shove it inside, no matter how deep or rough. Not even the women who offer sex at ship ports have been able to take my cock in the ass.”
“And when you realized our little slut could?” asked Luffy.
Even Sanji and Usopp looked away from you long enough to hear the swordsman’s reply. As he did so, Sanji slowly began thrusting his hand inside your body. He had shoved it so deep into your ass that part of his forearm had disappeared from view.
“I knew we’d found the perfect cum dump,” shrugged Zoro.
The more they spoke, the more you felt like this particular day was far from over. At this rate, you’d probably be fucked until nightfall. How could they be so casual while you were writhing against the mattress, covered in sweat and tears and cum, and left with no options of escape?
You were practically sobbing out of need for a release as Sanji continued using his hand to fuck your ass. He then leaned in to pick up where he left off eating your pussy. You let out yet another muffled scream as tension began to build up within your stomach.
You made another attempt at freeing your wrists from Usopp’s grasp. It was to no avail though. Instead, he simply glared down at you before yanking your wrists even further away from your body.
His free hand offered a few harsh slaps to your flushed face. He then decided to spit on you for good measure.
“Behave,” he ordered. “Don’t push your luck, slut. It might not work out the way you’d like.”
Nami clicked her tongue, looking between the four men with raised eyebrows, “She may be a really good cum dump, but I gotta say that I’m really surprised she hasn’t gotten pregnant yet. I mean, you four have practically turned her into a breeding station for yourselves.”
“Even if she did get pregnant,” chuckled Luffy, “she’d never know who the father is. Not for sure anyway. It would be a guessing game for us!”
“She won’t get pregnant,” scoffed Sanji, pausing to grin when you suddenly let out another cry when he thrust his hand into your ass particularly hard. “Before we left Coco Village, I learned how to make a special herbal tea that would prevent it. Trust me, we can fill her pussy up as much as we want—”
“Hey, hey, hey!” interrupted Usopp. “Look!”
Each of their eyes snapped to you. Your back arched off Luffy’s mattress. The combination of Sanji’s hand being carelessly thrust in and out of your ass and the way your crew mates spoke as though you were just some object for their pleasure had finally sent you over the edge.
You squirted for the first time in your life. Sanji let out a loud laugh. He quickly pulled his hand out of your ass in order to slap your clit again and again.
“That’s it, darling!” he exclaimed, pushing your legs back as he stood. “Let’s make that happen again. Here, I just gotta put my cock in you—!”
Right as he pressed the tip of his twitching length against your gaping ass, Zoro cursed and pushed him away from you.
“Fuck her somewhere else,” he glared. “Didn’t we just have a whole conversation about how well she takes my cock in her ass? You can fist her all you want, but I’ll always be the first to properly fuck her there. Wait your turn, cook. You can fuck that hole when I’m done.”
Sanji scoffed, but listened nonetheless. He then turned to his second option. Much like Zoro staking claim on your ass, Luffy had always been the first to pound your tight pussy.
After all, why shouldn’t he be given priority when it came to filling your wet cunt? He had known you the longest, ever since your youthful days on Dawn Island. Not to mention, he was the captain.
This was his ship. And that meant you were his by extension, mostly to pass around and share with his sweaty, moaning crew mates as he saw fit. But if he really wanted to, he could start keeping you to himself, filling you day and night without a care while the others were left to fend for themselves. Then again, Luffy often enjoyed the spectacle his friends provided when they used you.
And Sanji looked particularly desperate at the moment, probably worried about you coming down from your high before he got the chance to send you into overstimulation. Forcing you to release again and again without providing a break for your tight pussy was one of Sanji’s favorite things to do.
After thinking it over, Luffy nodded with a small smile, “You can have her pussy first. Just this once. Just for tonight.”
Sanji quickly thanked him. Standing at the edge of the bed, the cook wrapped your legs around his waist. Grabbing onto your hips, Sanji watched as you shook your head at the new position. Your eyes were hazy and your whines were still being muffled by the underwear in your mouth.
And yet, despite your obvious need for a break, Sanji persisted, “Oh, c’mon, love, I know you’ve got a few more in you. Don’t give up on us yet. You’re not even halfway done.”
He finally pressed into your sopping entrance. He sank his cock deep into you without giving it a second thought. You cried into the fabric still shoved into your mouth when he left no time for you to adjust, immediately pounding into you in an effort to seek his own pleasure. Not to mention, he wanted to see you squirt again.
He roughly massaged and slapped your clit, moaning with a smile each time your tight entrance clenched around him. He and Usopp, who still kept your wrists pinned together, admired the way your back arched and how you wriggled against them.
Sanji’s fingers dug into the flesh of your hips while he continued to abuse your clit with his free hand. Usopp leaned over you to lick the tears that rolled down your cheeks before trailing wet kisses along your jawline.
“Doing so well for us,” he muttered. “Our good girl. No one else like you in the world.”
Feeling your muscles tense again, Sanji began to thrust into you at a faster pace. He ran his hands over your warm skin, beads of sweat beginning to appear. Some of his blond hair stuck to his forehead.
“Fuck, I’m going to cum! Take it, darling! Take my fucking cum!” he exclaimed. “Want it dripping down your legs at the next harbor so everyone can see who you belong to! Want to show everyone who breeds this tight cunt! Want to let them all see what we do below deck!”
“Thought you said she can’t get pregnant?” scoffed Zoro, rolling his eyes.
Sanji laughed, “A man can still dream, can’t he? Especially when he’s got a perfect slut like this one.”
With a moan, Sanji leaned down to press his chest to yours, still pumping in and out of you. He tucked his face against your neck. His heavy breath hit your skin with every pant and groan that escaped him. Digging his fingers deep into the flesh of your hips, the sound of slapping skin filled the room.
He quickly pulled the spit-covered underwear out of your mouth, and muttered, “Let us hear those pretty moans. Scream for me, darling. Shout and cry while you cum for me.”
“Oh, fuck, Sanji! Please! Please! I can’t—! I can’t take anymore!” you sobbed, once again attempting to free yourself from Usopp’s strong grip. “Usopp! Let me go! Oh! It’s too much, please! Ah! Ah! Ah!”
“Love it when you beg like that,” sighed Sanji, giving your clit another slap and covering his fingers in your release, “but it’s going to be a no to all of those requests, my love. You’re here for us, remember? We’ll do as we like and fuck you as we please. You’re ours to fill.”
And fill you, he did. With a groan, Sanji only needed to thrust a few more times before his orgasm took over his body. Cum shot out of his cock in thick, creamy ropes, sinking deep into you as the tip of his length kissed your cervix.
His hips continued to grind against you. However, despite the waves of pleasure that left his cock twitching deep within you, his brow furrowed with dissatisfaction.
Your arousal had covered his thighs and pelvis with every slap of skin-on-skin. You were soaked and left gasping for air. You were covered in a glow of sweat, still trying to pull your wrists from Usopp as he kissed them.
But you didn’t cum. And you definitely didn’t squirt for a second time like Sanji had hoped. He was back at square one, it seemed. Lucky for him, you appeared to be on the cusp of another orgasm. He wouldn’t have to work too hard to force it out of you.
Shaking his head, he sighed disappointedly, “No good, darling. You didn’t cum like I asked. What happened to our good girl? Our perfect little play thing?”
His hold on your hips tightened, which caused your tired eyes to widen. You made yet another failed attempt at escape. As Sanji rose to stand between your legs like he initially had been, he glared down at you. He then gave the side of your ass a bruising slap.
“Are you nothing but a misbehaving whore now?” he asked. “Guess I’ll have to fuck you harder this time.”
He placed his hand over your mouth before you could even attempt to reply. The other gripped the sheets next to you, seeking leverage as his cock sank into you again.
He kept his word, instantly setting a fast pace. His skin slapped against yours with every thrust. He leaned in to press his chest against yours before reaching down between your legs with the hand that had been wrapped up in the sheets.
He swiped at your clit. Beneath him, flush against his skin, you were left with no room to move. Suddenly, you had finally pulled yourself free from Usopp’s grip, causing him to let out a quiet curse.
Meanwhile, Sanji groaned at the feeling of your nails digging into the skin of his back. Just when you thought the two of you couldn’t be closer, he tucked his head into your neck.
Warm, open-mouthed kisses littered your skin. Sanji removed his hand from your mouth, only to wrap it around your throat, squeezing lightly as he leaned in to kiss you. He tasted like heaven.
Your lips parted from his with a whine. The combination of his thrusts, his fingers against your clit, and his lips on your skin sent you over the edge.
You came a second time, covering Sanji’s cock and hand in your release. He pressed his forehead to yours, still panting with every thrust.
“Good girl,” he murmured. “Our good girl. So perfect. I know we may be rough with you, but we all adore you. Know that, don’t you? You know that we love you?”
You nodded, eyes clenching tightly, “I love—! Ah! I love you too! Please, Sanji—!”
“Please, what, darling?” he teased with a grin, hips beginning to slow in order to draw out his time with you. Both of his hands moved to caress your cheeks as he planted his elbows on the sheets to keep himself balanced. “Tell me what you want. I’ll give you anything. Whatever that beautiful heart desires.”
You melted in response to his sweet words. It took every bit of your effort to keep yourself from falling into overstimulation.
“Cum, Sanji,” you whispered, palms rubbing over his back in a soothing rhythm. “I want you to cum for me. Please, please.”
He nodded, forehead still against yours, causing your noses to bump with every move he made. Feeling himself growing closer to another orgasm, he repeated his earlier sentiment, “Anything. Anything for you, love.”
His cum filled you for a second time. His pelvis rested flush against your heated skin. Breathing heavily, he layered a few more kisses against your skin, and then he muttered, “Thank you, darling.”
You whined at the loss of him. When he pulled out, a mixture of his release and yours seeped out of you and drenched the bedsheets. You were left reaching out for him, eyes closing with a new wave of exhaustion.
Usopp then helped you move further onto the bed until your head rested comfortably against Luffy’s pillows. He and Nami took up space on either side of you.
Nami’s fingertips traced over your nipples with a coy smile. Usopp, meanwhile, leaned in to layer kisses on your forehead.
The bed sank beneath a sudden weight. A hand tapping your face forced your tired eyes open. At the same time, a deep voice said, “Look at me. Come on, look at me.”
You groaned, but followed their demands despite your exhaustion. You weren’t entirely sure how much longer you could make it.
Zoro hovered over you, gazing down with a small smile, “There’s those pretty eyes. Think you can keep going? It’s my turn now. I’ve been waiting to fill up your ass this whole time. You gonna let me?”
He grinned when you nodded in response. He patted your hips and then rolled you onto your stomach with the help of both Nami and Usopp.
You pressed your face into the pillow, tightly gripping the fabric as he lifted your hips. Zoro wasted no time and immediately began pressing into your ass. Thanks to Sanji’s prep, he had little difficulty in doing so.
Next to you, Nami reached out to slap your ass. On the other side, Usopp ran his fingers along your arched back, quietly muttering, “Almost. He’s almost in. You take cock so well, ya know? You’re always such a good set of holes for us, huh?”
Zoro paused when he was finally balls-deep inside you. He hunched over you from behind, tightly wrapped his arms around your hips, and pressed his forehead against your warm skin. His chest vibrated with every groan as you were left to clutch at the pillow beneath you.
“Bet this feels better than that waiter’s fist, doesn’t it?” he chuckled. “I’m gonna pound this ass so damn hard. I’ve been waiting to cum in it ever since we dragged you in here.”
Arms still around you, he wasted no time in keeping his word. His pace was fast and rough. His cock drove deep into you without restraint. Meanwhile, you were left with nothing but silent screams that failed to escape your raw throat.
“I wonder—! Fuck! I wonder how much a body like yours could bring in at the—! Oh, shit! Ah! At the next port!” laughed Zoro. “Tons of pirates would kill to use a set of holes like this! We could slut you out until it’s time to go. Then we’d have our way with you again once we set sail.”
You whined at the thought of it. The image of you being dragged off the ship, only to be tied up and ravaged by the few drunken sailors who could afford you. All the while, your crew mates counted the Berry that was being dropped into their awaiting palms.
Nami seemed to enjoy the idea as well, letting out a quiet laugh, “I bet even some Marines would have a go.”
Your face was shoved into the pillow by Zoro before you could come up with even a semblance of a response. He continued thrusting his cock in and out of your ass without remorse, purely focused on seeking his own pleasure as he stretched your tight hole even more than already had been.
The others continued spouting out ideas of how they could put your body to further use. They spoke about sharing you so casually. It seemed they wanted the whole world to see how good you are for them.
They would never go through with any of their wild ideas, of course. You knew they’d never be willing to share you with anyone besides themselves. They’d be far too jealous for it.
Slowly slipping away, you hardly even noticed that Zoro had paused to cum inside you. He continued rolling his hips, working to keep himself hard for another round as his cum leaked out from your hole to create a white ring around the base of his cock.
“Hey!” he exclaimed, suddenly yanking your hair in an effort to keep you aware. “Come on, wake up! I’ve still gotta fill you up a little more. Gonna give you all my cum tonight.”
He began to pound into you much harder than he had been. You gasped with each of his thrusts, though he didn’t seem to care very much.
His balls slapped against you. And his hips were surely bruising your ass by now. He was unrelenting as he chased after another orgasm. Sweat beaded upon his furrowed brow, lighting his pleasured expression aglow.
He only slowed his movements when you reached back and attempted to place a hand on his strong thigh. With his pelvis flush against you, he let go of your hair and softly stroked the length of your back instead.
“You all right?” he muttered. “Wanna stop?”
Most people probably imagined Zoro to be rough and nothing more. And they would be partially correct. If only others could experience him like this. A version so beautiful that they would be left with no choice but to see him for who he was deep within his heart.
The concern in his voice and the caring gleam in his eyes were things only you were allowed to witness. His expression softened further when you didn’t respond, your face twisted up in a million emotions as you struggled for air.
“Wanna see you, Zoro,” you whined.
He laughed, realizing what you were referring to. Next to Luffy’s bed, attached to the wall, was a mirror. Perfect for occasions like this.
Zoro was the only one you had ever wanted to watch. There was just something about the way his muscles moved that you really seemed to enjoy admiring.
He wrapped an arm around your chest and tugged you upwards. He was flush against you as you both balanced on your knees. His other hand reached around to grab your chin, forcefully turned your head to the left, and allowed your tired eyes to stare at your reflection.
Zoro’s chest left no space between you with the way he pressed himself against your back. Rolling his hips again, he muttered, “You’re so pretty like this. Before you, I’d never met a whore who likes to see herself get ruined.”
He picked up his pace again without a second thought. He pounded into your ass and allowed you to enjoy the sight in the mirror. His muscles flexed and rippled with every movement. He was glowing with sweat. He was driving you into a haze until he spoke again.
“Fuck,” he breathed. “You’re such a good set of holes for us, aren’t you? Ya know, I’ve always wondered who your favorite is, if you even have one?”
It was finally your turn to tease them for a change. With a gasp, you closed your eyes and grinned, “Oh, trust me. I have a favorite. Ah!”
His grip on you tightened. Each of them had fallen silent. The only sounds being left in the room were that of Zoro’s skin slapping against yours, along with the moans and grunts that escaped the pair of you.
“Want to share, princess?” asked Zoro, tucking his forehead against your shoulder as he panted.
You chuckled, “Not particularly. Oh! I’d like to—! Ah! Oh, yes! I’d like to keep at least one secret to myself.”
Zoro hummed. The vibrations of it against your back nearly made you shudder. The arm that had been wrapped around your chest moved downwards. He didn’t waste a second before slapping your swollen clit.
He chuckled and refused to let you escape when you jerked in his hold, “No secrets on this ship. Not when you’re just here to be used. Fuck! Like the cum slut you are. Shit, fucking take it!”
He stuttered in his thrusts, sinking as far into your ass as he could go. Warm cum shot out in heavy ropes. Some of it seeped out onto Zoro’s cock like it had before.
He always released an astounding amount of cum whenever he orgasmed. It had never been able to completely stay inside you, no matter how much you wanted it to.
With another slap to your clit, he muttered, “Let’s get that secret out of you.”
His eyes met Nami’s and you felt a sudden pit in your stomach. You could handle them separately. But together? They have always been a particularly mean pair, especially on Nami’s side.
“Get your strap,” said Zoro. “I want you to put it in her pussy. We’ll give her no choice but to tell us who her favorite is.”
You were then manhandled into a new position. Zoro moved to lie on his back. He left your back pressed flush against his chest on top of him, allowing you both to stare up at Nami. She kneeled between your legs on the mattress, putting on the strap she had been desperately waiting to use.
Zoro kept you pinned against him with both of his strong arms wrapped around your chest. He hooked his chin on your shoulder, slowly beginning to grind against you as he waited.
Nami spread you open even further by placing your legs on her shoulders. Tightly gripping your thighs, she smirked and tilted her head at you.
You turned your head to look for a savior.
Usopp, who sat on your left, wouldn’t do anything. His eyes were zeroed in on your breasts, waiting to see them bounce each time you got pounded.
Behind him, standing next to the bed, was Sanji. He was busy stroking his length back to life. And, if given the opportunity, you were sure he’d join Nami and Zoro in their crusade.
That left you with one option.
On your right, Luffy sat next to you on the edge of the bed, smiling with dark eyes and a hard cock between his legs. You reached out to him with one hand, which he took just as Nami pushed two fingers inside you.
“Luffy, please,” you gasped. “Don’t you wanna take your turn? You’ve waited so long. Why don’t you fuck me instead? These two might run me dry by the time they’re done. You still want your chance, don’t you?”
He let his eyes wander over Nami and Zoro, both of whom looked at him for an answer. He was the captain, after all. If he wanted to kick them to the curb and have his way with you instead, he could.
When he gave you a soft smile, stroking the back of your hand with his thumb, you nearly breathed a sigh of relief. Maybe he’d show you mercy.
But your hopes were dashed when he simply chuckled, and said, “If they run you dry, I’ll just get you wet again. Go ahead, you two.”
Your eyes widened, “Luffy—? Ah!”
He grinned at you as Nami suddenly shoved her strap deep inside your pussy. You were filled to the brim by her and Zoro. Both of them immediately began pounding your holes without care.
“I chose the big strap today! Perfect for a stupid slut like you, huh?” laughed Nami. “Gotta make sure that pussy stays stretched out just like your gaping ass. I might even take it off and leave it shoved inside you when we’re done. Bet you’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
You couldn’t respond. The only thing that escaped you were cries, shouts, and moans. Tears slid along your skin one after the other. Zoro nearly chuckled at the way you wriggled in his tight grip.
Nami harshly slapped your clit. Once, twice, and then a third time, each one harder than the last.
“So fucking out of it, aren’t you? Nothing but a filthy, babbling cum slut,” she scoffed. “Might as well not even give you any clothes since you wanna get fucked all the time.”
Zoro groaned, “Great idea, Nami. Never even thought of that. She’d be free for the taking all the time.”
Their thrusts were completely uneven. Each of them were only concerned with using your holes however they deemed fit.
Zoro played with your tits while panting heavily into your ear. You could feel his cock swelling inside you, ready to burst any second.
Nami pressed down on the bulge in your stomach, grinning at how full you were. She continued pounding into your wet entrance without any sign of slowing down.
The others, meanwhile, were enjoying the show. Sanji and Usopp had moved to kneel on the mattress on your left side while Luffy had done the same on your right. The three of them stroked their heavy cocks as they grinned down at you.
Zoro grabbed your jaw from behind and held your mouth open, partially putting an end to your noises, “Let them fill this pretty mouth. Let them dump their loads down your throat so you can swallow it all up like you were made for.”
The three men groaned, each of them cumming at almost the exact same time, once they saw how Zoro opened you up for them. You closed your eyes just in time.
Three loads of cum splattered onto you, all of them aiming for your open mouth and missing terribly. Rope after rope of white covered your face. The streams of cum never seemed to end. Each of their releases mixed with one another upon your skin in a sloppy combination.
Luffy, who still held onto your hand, decided to use that to his advantage, wrapping it around his cock for further pleasure. Usopp had reached out to entangle one of his hands in your hair in an effort to keep you steady. And Sanji, tossing his head back in ecstasy, extended his to caress whatever skin he could find.
Zoro held up the hand that had been holding your jaw, gesturing for Nami to stop thrusting and pulling his cock out of you when she did so. He then tightened his grip around your chest as if preparing for something.
“The waiter got to cum in her cunt,” he muttered. “Think I could get the same opportunity?”
Luffy shrugged with a smile, “Whatever makes you happy, Zoro. Remember, though, I’m only letting this happen tonight. Tomorrow, we’re back to normal, and I’ll be the first one cumming inside that pretty pussy.”
You yelped when he laid a sudden slap against your aching clit. Nami smirked at you in sick amusement, giving a sharp thrust to make you repeat the sound.
Luffy chuckled at the desperate look in your eyes, “So cute. Do whatever you want with her, Zoro. That’s why she’s here.”
Nami began to pull out her strap, only for Zoro to stop her. She raised her eyebrows at him expectantly.
“We can both fit,” he said. “Keep the strap and help me in while I hold her.”
You groaned as Nami eagerly agreed, once again looking to Luffy for a bit of relief. He beamed down at you excitedly and pressed a kiss to your hand.
“Luffy, please—! Mmph—!”
Zoro quieted you by placing his hand over your mouth. He then nipped at your ear, encouraging you to keep still in a muttered voice.
“You can do it!” smiled Luffy, squeezing your hand in his. “You took me and Usopp in the same hole last week! It’s what a pretty slut like you is made for, remember? Maybe we’ll even fit three in there one day.”
Nami guided the tip of Zoro’s length into your wet entrance, where he immediately pushed into you and waited for her to join. And when she finally did, you squealed loudly against Zoro’s hand.
Sanji chuckled at the sight of your eyes screwing shut and your back arching off Zoro’s chest before he yanked you close again, “Likes that, doesn’t she? Sweet little thing.”
Zoro and Nami began ramming into you as best as they could. With him covering your mouth, she was free to play with your clit as she pleased. She slapped, pinched, and massaged your bundle of nerves as you squirmed and shrieked.
“You’re like a doll. Press this button and you start talking,” she chuckled, and then she tightly grasped onto your hips. “Come here, I want to absolutely rail you before Zoro finishes.”
She began thrusting even harder, messily matching Zoro’s timing as he did the same. With both his cock and her strap inside you, everything felt impossibly tight, even with the way they stretched you open for them.
“Cumming,” grunted Zoro. “Gonna fuck my load into your damn womb! Fuck! The cook was right! We can’t get you pregnant, but we can still imagine it! Oh! Shit! Fuck! Ugh, ah!”
“You need to cum too!” demanded Nami, working your clit even more. “C’mon, flood these sheets with your cum, you little bitch! I wanna see you drenched!”
Another orgasm washed over you at the same time as Zoro. Nami pulled her strap out to watch you gush around the swordsman’s length. At the same time, his release began to fill your wet entrance, shooting deep into you and ruining your insides.
Nami stroked your legs as you and Zoro came down from your highs. She removed the strap after seeing how tired they had made you, sitting back to finger herself instead. She was sure that if she took you again, Luffy wouldn’t get what he had waited for this entire time.
With a grunt, Zoro rolled you off him, sending you to the right. He sat up and looked at the way you rested on your side, barely able to move out of pure exhaustion. After giving your swollen ass a few gentle pats, he went to get dressed before standing next to Usopp and Sanji, both of whom had done the same.
It didn’t take long for Nami to reach her release. Her cum-soaked hand directed a final slap onto your thigh. She couldn’t help but smirk at the sound of your tired groans. She quickly got dressed as well.
A gentle hand ran back and forth over your skin. Your eyes opened to find Luffy smiling down at you. You pushed yourself into his touch with a content sigh.
“You look pretty, Luffy,” you muttered. “Like an angel. You even got a fluffy halo.”
Zoro quietly scoffed, “Knew he was her favorite.”
“Don’t be jealous,” muttered Nami.
Luffy barely even spared them a glance, continuing to focus on you instead. He beamed at your compliment regarding his dark curls.
“Thank you,” he whispered. “You okay?”
“Yeah,” you said, pulling at his hand. “Want you.”
He chuckled, examining your messy appearance, “You sure you don’t wanna go to sleep? You look worn out.”
You shifted to lie on your stomach and press a kiss against his thigh. One of your hands reached out to wrap around his cock, leaving him with a gasp on his lips as you slowly stroked him.
“Wanna be good for you,” you said. “Please?”
With a moan, he nodded. He reclined back against his pillows, helping you move to the space between his legs. Without a second thought, you began pleasuring him.
As you worked your hand along his length, Luffy looked at the rest of his crew, and said, “Sanji, could you get her a snack and some water? Usopp, Nami, some towels and a change of clothes to clean her up a little, please? And Zoro, maybe get a warm bath started for her?”
They each nodded before setting off to complete their task, but not before leaning in to either touch you gently, give you a kiss, or mutter a few sweet words.
They didn’t bother shutting the door behind them. Neither you nor Luffy cared anyway.
He sighed as you took him into your mouth. Your tongue swirled around him and one of your hands gave his balls some attention as well. He quickly grasped the other and kissed it, intertwining his fingers with yours.
Everything is slow now that the others have gone. In moments like this, Luffy often felt like the softest of them all, made up of dreams and unspoken love.
He came with a sigh, still allowing you to set the pace as his cum flooded your mouth. You swallowed around him before licking up the rest of his dripping release.
Shifting completely onto his back, he encouraged you to take up a new position on top. He ran his hands over the expanse of your back when you leaned into him after sinking down onto his throbbing cock.
“Take a break and let me do the work,” he sighed. “You’ve been so good for us, you deserve it. Let me make you cum one last time.”
He felt you nod against him. You hid in the crook of his neck, sighing at the feeling of his slow, gentle thrusts. It was a nice change of pace in comparison to the others.
Luffy layered soft kisses against your bare shoulder, each one completed with a groan that left the back of his throat. The heat of his skin set you alight.
“Were they too rough with you tonight?” he muttered. “I can tell them to go easy if you need me to. Nami and Zoro especially. I know how those two can get.”
“No, I’m okay,” you whispered, using your index finger to trace the muscles of his tan chest. “I liked it, I promise. You don’t need to worry about me.”
“I’m the captain. I’m also your friend,” he whispered. “It’s my job to take care of you. Especially after you’ve taken such good care of us.”
“Okay, Luffy,” you conceded, knowing he wasn’t going to back down from this particular debate, “then take care of me.”
With your permission given, his thrusts sped up. He pounded up into you while simultaneously doing his best to bounce you on his length. You gripped the pillow beneath his head and moaned as he used you to his heart’s content.
“Really should find a way to mark you,” he grunted, “so everyone knows you belong to the future King of the Pirates and his crew.”
“I’m yours, Luffy,” you whimpered. “Yours. Sanji’s. Nami’s. Usopp’s. Zoro’s. Ah! I belong to whoever you say. You’re my captain. Please!”
“You’re right,” he groaned, hands moving to grope your ass. “You do whatever I say. And you get fucked by whoever I want you to fuck. Don’t you? Huh?”
“Yes!” you cried. “Doesn’t matter who, you can make me take anyone you want! Oh!”
“I’ve got a friend named Koby,” he hissed. “He’s going to become a Marine. Next time we see him, you’re letting the two of us spit roast you. I know he’s probably dying for a release with a good, worthy pussy. You can choke on my cock while he fills up that tight hole.”
“I will! I’ll let him put all his cum inside me!” you gasped. “I’ll take anyone’s load, just tell me who!”
“Well,” he grinned, “right now you’re taking mine.”
At that, he shoved himself deep into you, cockhead quivering and aching as cum spurted out of his swollen tip. You all but collapsed against his chest, officially unable to move anymore as your walls fluttered with your own orgasm.
“That’s it, that’s it,” cooed Luffy, fingertips digging into your flesh. “Zoro was right about you being a perfect cum dump. You take it so well, no matter how hard you’ve been pounded.”
Eyes closing, you couldn’t even think of a response. Luffy’s load began leaking when he finally pulled out of you. He grinned at your sweaty, exhausted appearance. He then pressed a kiss to your temple and rubbed your back a few more times before he spoke.
“Come on, let’s get you into that bath and feed you some dinner. Gotta make sure you’re ready to go again tomorrow!”
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hylianane · 10 months
I have a feeling that Sanji and Zoro’s death pact will be properly resolved in Elbaf, as it certainly doesn’t feel like we’re done with it. And while Elbaf is gearing up to be very Usopp-centric (and I can not overstate how hyped I am to see him take the spotlight again, finally), let’s not forget that this all ties back to Little Garden, the arc that properly introduced Zoro and Sanji’s rivalry by paralleling them with two rival giants who fought each other every day for over a century, but who also lost themselves in their grief when one thought the other death. The parallel isn’t even subtle, Little Garden’s biggest landmarks are the remnants of Dorry and Brogy’s dinosaur hunting competition. You know. The very same competition Zoro and Sanji posed to each other at the start of the arc?
But here’s the thing. I’m a little worried about how it’s going to be resolved. Because. Despite how readily Zoro agreed to kill Sanji if need be, he must have known that the crew would never forgive him. Zoro is Luffy’s specialest guy but Luffy would not accept any excuse as to why Sanji had to die. Nor anyone else in the crew. But. Does Sanji realize that?
Does he know that killing him would literally be the hardest thing Zoro would ever do, because it would mean literally betraying his Captain and crew? Luffy said he can’t become Pirate King without Sanji, and Zoro and Luffy swore they’d commit fucking ritualistic suicide if they got in the way of each other’s dreams, so does Sanji know where that would leave the swordsman in this case? With no Captain, no crew, and yet another dead rival and best friend (who, mind you, began to live in fear of his own biology betraying him right before dying. but the parallels between Kuina and Sanji and how they relate to Zoro could be a long ass post for another day).
I think he doesn’t know. But he can’t find out how Zoro would mourn him unless the pact actually follows through. But still, I don’t think Oda would kill Sanji, cause that’s no way to resolve this issue. So here’s my speculation about how I think it could potentially play out, following that initial line of thinking of the death pact’s resolution being set in Elbaf, specifically because of Sanji and Zoro’s parallels to Dorry and Brogy.
Like Brogy, Zoro would have to believe that he killed Sanji. That he won their final duel. He’d have to believe that Sanji has fallen and, also like Brogy, have to face that grief and hurt all alone. But in the end, like Dorry, Sanji would survive, having never actually been hurt. Because their edges have dulled after fighting for so long, no longer as capable of landing killing blows as they thought. “Not even the blades of Elbaf could endure two giants fighting for 100 years”? Something of the sort. And maybe this line of speculation is simplistic or optimistic, but the chances of it playing out like this aren’t zero, so just in case, I would want to be able to say that I called it.
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nanawritesit · 9 months
Your Highness - Sanji x Reader: Part Three (Final Part)
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plot: you’re a runaway princess bride who finds her way into the straw hat crew. you expected one hell of an adventure, but you never expected to fall for the head chef. things get even more complicated when your father, the king, and your ex-fiancé send their troops after the going merry. now you must choose between surrendering to save your crew and being with the only man you’ve ever truly loved. but of course, the straw hat crew isn’t going to let you go without a fight. especially sanji.
A singular tear rolled down your cheek and splashed onto the skirt of your new wedding gown. Although it was an exact replica of the one you wore a few months ago, it felt much more constricting this time. The corset was cinched so tight that you could hardly breath unless you stood up perfectly straight. Part of you hoped that if you slouched, one of the wires might pierce through the fabric and stab you in the stomach, causing you to bleed to death. It seemed an easier fate than the one that awaited you.
Your ladies’ maids were all scurrying about, putting the final touches on your wedding look. You tried to keep a brave face for them, but your mask was beginning to crack. You couldn’t stop thinking about how Sanji had fallen to his knees when you left him, and that helpless look on Luffy’s face. Leaving them was the hardest thing you ever had to do, but at least it was better than watching them get killed.
How wonderful it would have been to spend the rest of your life on the straw hat crew, fighting alongside your dearest friends. You could’ve spent an eternity playing their princess. But all the wishing and hoping and loving you did couldn’t keep you from being yanked back into the role you were born into. And worst of all, it cost you the only man you’d ever truly loved.
Now you were about to walk down the aisle, and it absolutely killed you that Sanji wouldn’t be waiting for you at the altar.
“Your highness?” one of your maids interrupted your thoughts. “May I place your tiara on your head?”
You flinched at the use of your title. It would never feel the same being called “your highness” ever again.
“Yes, go right ahead.” you mumbled, shifting to cross your legs. Except you couldn’t, because they were chained to the chair beneath you.
You groaned, stomping your heel on the ground. “Father is relentless, isn’t he?”
Once your maids were done getting you ready, they all exited the room and sent in your father, just as they were instructed to do. You weren’t to be left alone for even a second, even though you were literally chained to your chair.
“Ah, there’s my princess.” your father beamed as he entered the room. “You make a beautiful bride.”
You gave him a strained fake smile. “Wonderful. My only job in life is complete.”
“Don’t be silly, dear. You’ll also have to give birth to at least ten children.” he chuckled cruelly, leaning down to unlock the chains around your ankles.
You bit your tongue angrily. You wanted to kick the heel of your shoe straight through his eye. But you’d probably be thrown in the dungeon if you did, and no one would be on your side during your trial. You hated having the king as your father.
He helped you up out of your chair, then grabbed your shoulders and looked at you intensely. “I hope you understand who you belong to now. If you try to run away again…”
“You don’t have to worry about that, father.” you explained apathetically. “I have nothing else to live for now.”
“Good.” he grinned, linking his arm with yours. “Let’s go give you away.”
Your father led you down the long hallway to the doors of the chapel. As they opened for you, you could feel your soul splitting in half inside of you. Your guests all looked so happy, while you were fighting back sobs and focusing solely on placing one foot in front of the other.
As you reached the end of the aisle and your father lifted your veil off your face, you felt as if you might collapse onto the floor. But you just held your head up high, no sign of sorrow on your features. You weren’t going to let anyone see you be weak.
The priest began the service. You glanced over at your fiancé, who in contrast looked absolutely thrilled to be there next to you. You could tell he couldn’t wait to push you around and force you to be a perfect wife for him.
The priest was instructed to make the service as short as possible, in order to minimize the amount of time you could possibly run away. “Do you, Princess Y/N, take the Prince to be your lawfully wedded husband, as long as you both shall live?”
You froze. Your brain was telling you to say “I do,” but your heart was fighting against it. It felt like the air was sucked straight out of your lungs, preventing you from speaking.
“Say it.” your fiancé hissed through gritted teeth.
You gulped. “I…”
“Stop!” a voice called out, echoing against the chapel walls. Everyone immediately gasped and whipped their heads around, including you. Your heart stopped as you saw who the voice had come from. It was Sanji, power-walking up the aisle with the rest of the straw hat crew trailing in behind him.
“Sanji!” you cheered, dropping your bouquet and running to embrace him. You practically leaped into his arms, to which he caught you and twirled you around, a wide smile on his face. “What are you doing here?”
“You didn’t think I was going to lose my princess without a fight, did you?” he smirked, taking your veil off and throwing it across the room.
“Guards! Seize them!” your father ordered, standing up in his pew. In an instant, the guards were encroaching upon your crew. They all readied their weapons, attacking them upon confrontation.
“Y/N!” Zoro called out. You looked over to him, and he tossed you one of his swords. “Take this, and escape through the back. The ship is waiting in the port. We’ll be there as soon as we take care of these guys.”
You nodded, turning around to exit the chapel through the acolyte’s wing. As you exited the chapel, it was a straight shot through one long hallway out of the castle. You began sprinting down the hallway as fast as you could, picturing your freedom at the end of it.
Halfway down however, a presence emerged from the door behind you. You stopped in your tracks as you glanced behind you, gasping as you saw your father.
“I must say, your friends are better fighters than I thought.” he sneered, walking towards you with cold, calculated steps.
“Just let me go father.” you demanded, backing away from him. “I’m never going to be the person you want me to be.”
“Let you go?” he scoffed. “You belong to me. You’re either going to do as I say, or kneel in pieces.” He suddenly flipped open his cloak and revealed a sword on his hip, unsheathing it from its holder and brandishing it at you.
Without thinking, you held your sword out straight in front of you and assumed a fighting stance. In an instant, you and your father were swept up in a duel, clunking your swords against one another’s’ and spinning around the room.
“I must say, you’re a phenomenal swordsman.” your father grunted. “It is in your genetics after all.”
You scoffed. “It has nothing to do with you. I learned from Zoro.”
He furrowed his brow. “Who’s Zoro?”
“The world’s greatest swordsman.” you practically spat. In the midst of your father’s confusion, you spun around, kicking against the wall to jump up on a nearby table, landing with perfect balance. Using your high ground to your advantage, you kicked your father in the chest, causing him to fall to the ground flat on his back and drop his sword. You held the blade of your sword against his throat threateningly.
“Please, don’t… you win.” the King pleaded, holding up his hands in surrender.
“How do I know you won’t come after me again?” you demanded, pressing the blade even further to his flesh.
“You have my honor as a king.” he whimpered, trembling slightly.
“Give me your ring.” you ordered. “So that wherever I go, no one will ever bring me back here.”
He slid his ring off his finger and handed it to you. You placed it on your own finger and backed away from him slowly.
He breathed a sigh of relief as he sat up. “I suppose you’re not a princess after all.”
“I am a princess, father.” you told him with a satisfied smile. “I’m just not yours.”
And with that, you took off through the back doors of the palace, seeing the crew leaving through the front at the same time.
“Guys! Wait up!” you called out, running up to them.
They all turned around in surprise.
“Y/N? We thought you’d be back at the ship by now.” Nami questioned, an amused smile on her face.
“I had to tie up some loose ends.” you smirked, holding your hand up to showcase your fathers’ ring. Everyone’s’ eyes widened at the sight of it.
“Is that…” Sanji began, holding your hand to inspect it.
“My father’s ring.” you finished with a proud grin. “I fought him for it, and I won.”
“Yes! I knew you could do it!” Zoro beamed, patting you on the shoulder supportively. You swore it was the happiest you’d ever seen him.
You nodded excitedly. “This whole time I was worried I wasn’t going to be any good in a fight. But after taking on a king, I’m pretty confident in my skills.
“Well, now that there’s nothing standing in your way, are you reading to be our princess again?” Luffy asked with a hopeful smile.
“Of course I am, captain!” you squealed, causing everyone to enclose you in a huge group hug.
“Three cheers for the princess of the Going Merry!” Ussop cheered.
Once the ship was back on the sea, you had gone into Sanji’s room with him for a moment alone.
“I can’t even begin to describe how thrilled I am to have you back.” he sighed, enveloping you in a tight embrace as soon as the door shut behind you.
“You don’t know how good it feels to be back.” you replied, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes. “I was so relieved when you burst through those doors.”
Sanji smiled, leaning back to look you in the eye. “Well, it only took us about fifteen minutes to decide that we were going after you. Speaking of which, did we prove to you that we can handle ourselves in a fight?”
“Yes, you did indeed.” you giggled, wrapping your arms around his neck. “I hope I did the same?”
He nodded admiringly. “You didn’t even really need us to save you. You won your own freedom.”
“I couldn’t have done it without you.” you told him. His face broke out in a huge grin as he leaned down to kiss you. You met him halfway, and as soon as your lips connected, it felt like all was right in your world again.
“Please don’t ever leave me again.” Sanji requested in a voice barely above a whisper, his forehead still pressed against yours. He was squinting his eyes, brows furrowed in desperation.
“I promise I won’t. And this time, I mean it.” you replied. He then kissed you again, deeper this time, his hands moving up from your waist to cup your face. You brought one hand up into his golden locks for stability, then brushed your tongue against his lips. He allowed it to pass by slipping his own tongue along your lips, the two of you now fully immersed in each other.
“I love you, Y/N.” he told you breathlessly between kisses. “Every single part of you.”
“I love you too Sanji.” you told him, practically gasping for air. “More than anything else in this world.”
He began kissing down your neck. “You look beautiful in a wedding dress, you know that?”
You giggled, tightening your grip on his hair as he nipped lightly at your skin. “You always think I look beautiful.”
“Because it’s always true.” he winked, going back up to kiss your lips. He deepened it slightly, then bit your lip at the end, releasing it from between his teeth before looking you in the eye once more. “Still, it’d be a shame to waste such a beautiful dress.”
You chuckled. “What are you saying, Sanji?”
He smirked, then grabbed your hands tenderly in his. He started lowering himself to the ground, kneeling before you on one knee. Your eyes widened as you realized what was happening.
“Y/N… From the day I first met you, I have been absolutely enamored with you.” he began, happy tears pooling in his pale blue eyes. “You continue to surprise me every single day with your strength, kindness, and never ending talents. You’re the bravest woman I’ve ever met, and I would be honored if…” He then pulled a box out of his pocket, opening it to reveal a ring. “If we could spend the rest of our lives together?”
You stared at him blankly for a moment, before nodding profusely. For a moment you couldn’t find any words. He just looked at you expectantly, a playful grin on his face. He gestured his hand impatiently, causing you to giggle.
“Yes, yes, of course I’ll marry you Sanji!” you finally blurted out, tackling him onto the ground.
He laughed as you did so, wrapping his arms around you tightly and kissing the top of your head. “Give me your hand, love.”
You did as he asked, and he slipped the ring onto your finger. You admired it, wincing at how beautiful it was.
“How did you even afford a ring?” you asked him, propping an elbow up to lean your head against.
“I got help from a friend.” he grinned, reaching into his pocket once again. He pulled out a letter and handed it to you. You furrowed your brow in confusion, opening it up to read it.
“To my little poetry princess,
I would like to begin by stating just how unbelievably proud of you I am. I always knew you would do great things, ever since you were a child. You had a spark in you that I knew would get you through any challenges you could ever face, and that one day you would have the great life of adventure you so desired.
While I will be sad to see you go, it brings me great comfort to know that you’ll be in the hands of someone like Sanji. I’ve only met him once, and that was to set up your rescue. But the way he spoke of you! I have never in all my years heard a man talk so fondly of a lady. He obviously cares for you tremendously. I know he’ll make a wonderful husband. This ring has been in my family for generations, and I would like you to have it, as you’re the closest thing I’ve ever had to a daughter.”
You should be incredibly proud of yourself, my dear. Not many princesses have the courage to stand up for themselves. To chase after what they truly want in this world. To say they’re not happy with the part they’ve been assigned. You are truly special, princess, and it’s been my great honor raising you these past twenty years. Should you ever find yourself in Dacovia again, I should like to receive a visit from you and your husband. Oh, and do write often!
Your Governess”
You sniffled and wiped away the stray tear that hung at the corner of your eye. “So she was the one who got you guys into the castle?”
Sanji nodded with a smirk. “I told you, your loved ones will always want the best for you.”
You jumped on him once again, catching him off guard but making him chuckle nonetheless. You began attacking his face in kisses, not being able to hold back your affection.
As you ran out of energy, you sighed and laid back down on the floor next to him, holding his hand gingerly. “I can’t wait to spend forever with you.”
He smiled that perfect smile of his, kissing the back of your hand. “I’m going to make you so happy, your highness.”
“I already am.” you told him. “As long as you’re here next to me.”
@genshingeeksworld @gg-trini @sinmp @mitsureigen @fanficwriter5 @sophiaj650 @number-0-iz @tr4shygrrl @ren-ni @secretlife028 @sapphireonline @seodami
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grapefives · 3 days
supernova trio x gn!reader (separately)
very light angst + implied nsfw + hispanic/latin reader + past fat shaming + insecurities + fluff + mentioned past unhealthy mechanisms
a/n: totally not self indulging. this has been in my drafts for a year LMAO please like 🧍🏻‍♀️
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૮ ּ ۟ monkey d. luffy ׅ ۫ ✧
when you first joined the crew, luffy KNEW you had some sort of trouble with food
you were so hesitant of EVERYTHING that he found himself insisting and making sure you ate well, along with sanji
“y/n, eat more.” you felt like he was your MOM.
you could hear the “estas muy flac@” from your family members or the “ni que estuvieras a dieta” from your mother
but it was so HARD to say no to luffy, captain or not.
you still didn’t have a healthy relationship with food, and still felt a little guilty if you found yourself eating more than you FELT like you should’ve
sometimes you’d go all day without eating until luffy drags you for dinner, it’s not that you did it intentionally, you just don’t find it in you to eat
honestly, it worried luffy but he never really commented on it
all he would do is make sure you at least ate
but when you would play with your food more than eat or even just stare at the plate before you, he would frown and actually force feed you
yet, one day he finds out you literally had an issue with eating, you had mentioned it to chopper and he just happened to overhear
then it clicked why you were always squirmy during intimacy
and WITHOUT FAIL, to your surprise, he started being reassuring to you
he’s always a sweetheart with you, your hype man regardless but this time you knew his intentions were for you to understand you shouldn’t worry about your physical appearance
his eyes were ten times more tender outside the bedroom
yet, when it came to intimacy he was like a hungry animal— kissing, biting and grabbing. it had taken you aback at how specific he was being, but you still melted into him
he made you forget the voices that would say “hide that” or “don’t let him notice” but he made sure you understood that he’ll love you regardless of what you think
and he’s an eater
he’ll eat you up. always.
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૮ ּ ۟ trafalgar d. law ׅ ۫ ✧
he’s a DOCTOR. man’s knows when someone is off.
he mistook your lack of interest in food for a stomach bug, genuinely concerned and forcing you to take pills and medicine
lowkey made you feel bad and ashamed to the point you came clean
medical confidentiality right?
😭 the face he gave you!!
“it’s unhealthy to neglect vital nutrients to your body.”
very stern about your meal intake, takes it upon himself to make sure you eat what you can stomach at first and make sure you grow comfortable with both him and food
he’s sweet really, just shows it in private
he literally sits you down and asks you what you would like for your body, because if you have any concerns then you MUST attend them CORRECTLY
no more unhealthy mechanisms
and he falls even more in love when you seem more radiant, more confident.
he’d come up from behind always and just plant a warm, wet kiss on your ear before whispering a compliment on your appearance
he made you feel like no one else’s opinion mattered anymore.
literally it didn’t matter if people commented on your weight, the results you were having made you feel confident
he was definitely surprised when you’d initiate intimacy, when you’d devour him like a starving animal
“someone’s hungry,” he teased once, but when you had paused, he realized his wording must have affected you
he low key panics and stutters out an apology but you smirk at him
“for once i don’t feel guilty for eating-“ and you devour his heart and soul too
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૮ ּ ۟ eustass kid ׅ ۫ ✧
i’m sorry but this doofus was really oblivious about it until killer pointed it out
he was so mad at himself. how dare he not see your issue with food?? he thought you gave him your leftovers out of love!!
dude he’s like, an insensitive giant thinking he’s being helpful
it made sense of why you were always trying to put off intimacy or why you’d try to make him see less of you
“i don’t give a damn about how you look. why would i care?” he asks.
in his head he was being sweet and saying “i love you just the way you are.”
but it made you feel like shit
you were already struggling with feeling right with yourself, and he comes and says he doesn’t care? maybe you’re being sensitive but even that made you feel worse
it felt like you’ll never be enough for anyone, even eustass.
you never felt like you mattered, but growing up your weight put labels on you. you grew up with insults being used as nicknames, yet you felt like eustass saw you as nothing
“why aren’t you eating?” he asks when he notices you still aren’t developing a good eating habit, some days you eat well and others you either overeat or don’t eat at all
“does it matter?” you huff.
“i give a damn when you could get sick!”
“you said you don’t give a damn about how i look, so shut up about what i do.” you growl.
“eh? when did i say that!? you need to eat!” he huffs.
“well no thank you.”
you ignore him and he has to corner you in your room to get you to pay him any mind
his interrogations fall deaf in your ears as he cages you under him on your bed
“if i don’t matter to you get out,” you blurt out.
“what are you talking about? when have i made you feel like you don’t matter to me.”
“you know i’m struggling and you just- you just said you don’t give a damn about how i look!”
“because i don’t! does it have to matter? i love you for you! pirates seek out people for their bodies and for their own pleasures! i’m with you because i love you for who you are!”
“and i am not saying you’re ugly or whatever it is you think i think!” he beats you to every argument.
and then he goes on to show you PHYSICALLY what he means. not like, harsh or anything. you’ve never felt so precious under his care before, he kissed you so tenderly.
he didn’t make you feel fragile, like something that could break in a bad way
he made you understand how he sees you as more as his partner- as an extension of his soul, his missing piece
“i’ll make sure you never feel like that again, as long as you’re with me, you’ll be more valuable than a poneglyph. whatever you struggle with, i’ll help you through it.”
your confidence went up, because honestly he’s brutally honest and many people take what the captain says seriously; yet you knew he’s never lie to you
at the end of the day, what your lover says is what matters to you.
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pholla-jm · 6 months
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IMAGINE: COLORS - ZORO X READER GENRE: FLUFF cw: soulmate au. a bit ooc? ****************
The world was rather drab in your opinion. Just black, white and grays. And to see color you have to meet a certain person, your soulmate to be more specific. 
You hated that idea. If you want to see the world at its fullest you have to depend on a single person? You cursed the deity that created it. You wanted to be an independent person, and falling in love only sounded like it was going to slow you down. 
So you continued to live life in monochrome, accepting to live like this. That doesn’t mean you hated every second of it. To make the best of it, you traveled to different islands, exploring different cultures and trying different foods. 
It was a good life. 
The island you were currently at was quite busy. People constantly bump into each other, shoving, just trying to get to their destination. You wouldn’t be surprised if there were any pickpockets in the area. You didn’t really like it, too many people. So you decided to head to the docks to find your little boat. 
However, it was gone. Someone had stolen it. Your day literally couldn’t get any worse. 
Your eyes gaze at all the other ships, trying to find one that you deemed worthy enough to get help. A ship with a sheep figurehead caught your eyes. It was rather… cute. 
You could see some people walking around on the deck. With a deep sigh, you mentally prepare yourself to play the damsel in distress. Forcing tears to sheen over your eyes, you climb up the ship. 
“Excuse me,” You softly say, tears becoming more fresh in your eyes as you try to catch someone's attention. 
“Hey! What are you doing on my ship?” You hear a boy call out to you. You look at him, seeing that he was wearing a straw hat and an open vest. You could tell he had his guard up, and you don’t blame him. It is his ship anyway. However, you could tell that it would be rather easy to convince. 
“Someone stole my ship… and now I’m stuck here. Can you help me?” “Huh, are you a pirate too?” 
What, a pirate?
You didn’t really consider yourself to be a pirate but if it pleased the boy in front of you, then you would say that you were. 
“Because if you are, then you’re a terrible pirate.” He says and you almost choke on your spit. 
“No,” you whisper while wiping away some tears, “I’m not a pirate. I’m sailing by myself.” 
The boy was about to say something until another woman appeared. 
“Luffy, who is this person?” A taller woman now stood behind the boy, a slight scowl present on her face. 
“I’m (y/n), and my ship has been stolen. I just need passage to the next island… I have berri to pay you with.” You say holding up a small bag of berri, since the rest of it was on your ship. Something that irked you even more.
As soon as the woman heard berri, her scowl lifted away and a bright smile graced her face. “Of course!” She says immediately grabbing the small pouch of money that you had. She walks off, not saying anything else. Leaving you with the boy named Luffy. 
“Welcome to the crew!” He excitedly says. You quirked an eyebrow, “uh. Not part of the crew. Just to the next island.” 
Luffy ignores you, “I’ll show you to the rest of the crew. That was Nami, she’s our navigator,” he grabs your hand and starts to drag you around the ship. He opens one of the doors, which led to a kitchen. A man stood over the stove, stirring something. 
The man sighs hearing the door open. “Luffy, how many times do I have to tell you-” He turns around, ready to scold the boy. However, he stops once he sees you. 
“Well, who do I have the honor meeting?” He walks over to you, with a suave smile. “This is (y/n), she’s going to be a part of the crew now. This is Sanji, he’s the cook” Sanji grabs onto your hand, and you just slightly shake your head, “oh no. Just to the next island.” Sanji brings your hand up to his lips, placing a chaste kiss on it. “Well, I do hope you change your mind.” You nervously laugh at him while pulling your hand back, “thanks.” 
Luffy grabs onto your other hand, dragging you out of the kitchen. 
“This is Usopp!” He shouts pointing to someone with curly hair and quite a long nose. “He’s a-” “I’m the Captain!” He cuts off Luffy. “No! I’m the Captain!” 
The two start to bicker, causing you to sweat drop at their antics. 
While they are bickering, you decide to look around the ship. Your eyes caught a man that was sleeping on the side of the wall. He had three swords right next to him, and you wondered, who uses three swords?
Leaving the two bickering boys, you walked up to the sleeping man. Wanting to get a closer look at the three swords. However, when you are standing right infront of him, his eyes snapped open, looking straight into your eyes.
Suddenly, you could see this green hair. Something that greatly stood out to you. 
You could see the color of his hair. You could see every color around you. 
It was all too much. The sudden rush of colors causes your head to spin and hurt. There were too many colors that you’ve never seen or heard before. You didn't have time to process the fact that you were now face to face with your soulmate. You rush past the man, and lean yourself over the railing. It wasn’t long until you were puking your guts out. 
“Huh, I guess my first impression isn’t that great.” You hear the man speak and you inwardly cringe. He must think you’re disgusting now. 
You groan, pushing yourself up to face your soulmate. Now that your headache has calmed down a little, you were able to take a better look at the man. He was tall, and had a few muscles on him. The thing that stood out to you was his green hair. You weren’t expecting to meet your soulmate on a pirate ship, and an actual pirate nonetheless. 
“I’m sorry… I wasn’t expecting to meet my soulmate. And the colors… and it was just too much.” You explain. The man hums in response, “I wasn’t expecting my soulmate to sneak up on me.” You purse your lips, “I wasn’t trying to sneak up on you… I was just interested in your swords.” 
The corner of his lips twitched, and he was about to say something until Luffy jumped in between the two of you. 
“(y/n)! There you are! You met Zoro!” He excitedly says. “Yeah, we met. They’re a part of our crew now, right?” Zoro says and your eyes widen. 
It seems like Luffy wasn’t the only one who decided that you were going to be a part of the crew. 
“Shhiiishiiishii, yeah!” 
Zoro shoots you a look, one of amusement and just a little bit of smugness. “Welcome, I can’t wait to show you more about my swords.”Zoro walks away leaving you speechless and Luffy just a little bit confused. “What was that about?” He asks. “Uh, don’t worry about it.” You answer, “I just found my soulmate…” 
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viiiiiiiiiin · 7 months
Okay so can I request zero overhearing that his crushes favorite color is green (bonus it if they describe a shade that’s close to his hair )
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50 Shades of Green: Zoro x Reader
Includes: Roronoa Zoro , GN Reader
A / N: I assumed you meant Zoro lol. This is such a cute idea for a scenario ! I Hope you enjoy <3. I hope this is up to your standards !! Feel free to tell me in my AMA if you want me to redo this <33
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It was a bright day , a day of relaxation. Everyone on the Sunny took this opportunity to take a break and enjoy themselves. Rather it be playing tag on the deck , listening to Brook play some beautiful tunes , or even just reading / tending to the garden. Everyone was being themselves and having fun. It was quite the break from the massive battles they've had recently.
You sat next to Nami , who was tending to her tangerines. Behind you , Robin sat reading her book. You and Nami had been chatting happily for what felt like hours. Robin , though she was reading , listened and observed everything to two of you were saying. She was ever observant , even if she was on break.
"Hey , I'll be back. I'm gonna go see if Sanji would mind making me something to drink." You said , excusing yourself from the 2 women. They nodded and waved to you as your form retreated from their vision.
As you jumped down to the kitchen , you noticed the two who normally fight . . . Well , fighting. The blonde haired cook seemed to be enraged about something while the moss headed swordsman just sarcastically commented back and basically brushed off the cook's complaints.
That swordsman. The very one that lacks a sense of direction in a literal and figurative sense. You felt your heart flutter as your eyes trailed to him. You shook your head and brushed pass them to get into the kitchen.
Though you didn't know it , Zoro's eyes followed you as the door shut behind your body. You walked over to the fridge and stared at all of your selections. As you sighed and closed the fridge , the door to the kitchen reopened. You glanced over to see who was coming in and noticed the cook. Sanji had apparently stopped arguing with Zoro and came to attend to your needs.
"What would you like , Reader ?" He asked with a smile on his face. Even if it was near dinner time , it was clear he didn't mind tending to his crewmates' needs. You smiled back at him and leaned against the counter.
"Are you able to make a drink for me ? I'm not sure exactly what I want yet. Or maybe a snack , if that's not too much to ask for." You trailed off as your mind trailed back to its thoughts.
"Of course. How about a vol - au - vent ?" He asked as he he began to take out the pastry from a sealed container. "I made some earlier for Nami and Robin , but they told me they weren't hungry." He shrugged and placed it on the counter for you.
"Thank you , Sanji." You bowed your head lightly and took one of the treats from the tray. You resealed the container and walked out of the kitchen.
Somewhere in the time that you had been inside , your ship had landed on an island. You looked at the gorgeous tree filled island in awe. It was lush with fresh vegetation and had many beautiful flowers. You've seen many different islands in the New World , but this had to be one of the nicer ones.
"Alright. I want Chopper , Usopp , and . . sadly . . . Luffy . . To go into town. Robin , I'd like you to go with them. We need you 4 to pick up some herbs for me and Chopper. Sanji , I want you and Brook to go stock up on food supplies. And Franky , you go get materials to repair the ship and for whatever else." Nami directed , pointing those people in the directions they were supposed to go. As she spoke , the groups filed out so they could get their job done as quickly as possible. It was hard to tell if it was because they wanted to go back to the sea or if they didn't wanna see Nami angry. Most likely the latter , you thought.
"What about me and Zoro ?" You questioned as you took a final bite of the tasty hollow treat Sanji had made. "I want you 2 to watch the ship. I'm going onto the island to chart it." She responded , picking up some paper and pens. Before either of you could say anything , she walked off of the ship.
You stood there , staring at the place the ginger once was. You blinked and turned your attention to Zoro , who seemed to be in the same boat as you. You wouldn't admit it , but you were happy to be alone with him.
You stood there , collecting your thoughts. While you stood like a statue , the Swordsman went off to work out. You shook your head violently and whipped your head around to find him. There he was , in all his muscular glory , at the end of the ship with a comically large weight in his hands. He had his coat discarded and he was thrusting the weight forwards and back onto his shoulder in a slicing like motion.
You couldn't help but stare. Everything about how he just so calmly lifted what you assumed to be over 400ibs surprised you. Instead of staring , you decided to go into the crows nest to keep a lookout for any enemies or your crewmates.
A few hours had passed by without either of you speaking to one another. The ship was in a comfortable silence , engulfing the both of you as you did separate things. You were bored sitting by yourself , if you were being honest. You were often fidgety and lost in thought instead of looking out. Of course , observation haki helped out with sensing living things but you didn't use it often.
Just as you were about to take a nap , you noticed a bag bobbing around the Sunny. You narrowed your eyes to see who it was and didn't see anyone. That was until you saw Luffy and Robin. You assumed it was either Chopper or Usopp. You smiled softly and walked down from your previous place.
You watched as the lump ran up to you. "Reader ! I got you something ! I thought it was your favorite color." The little reindeer doctor said excitedly as he ran up to you. He handed you a bag that was pink. Not your favorite color , but you liked his thought.
"I appreciate your gesture , Chopper. My favorite color isn't pink , though." You responded , putting the bag on your right side. You could definitely put your weapons and stuff in it. "Oh ! What's your favorite color then ?" He tilted his head with an adorable look on his face.
"Green , actually. I'd say a minty - moss green ? It's just really nice , in my opinion." You explained with a smile on your [shape] face. You heard a noise of surprise behind you and you turned. You didn't expect to have your [color] colored eyes meet with one brown one. Your face lit up.
"Greenisaprettycolorididntmeanitlikethat !" You sputtered out , hiding your face from his confusing stare. You couldn't tell if he was mad at you , if you were being honest.
"Green is a nice color , isn't it ?" Zoro mocked , laughing heartily. You were EXTREMELY embarrassed. Though , you didn't notice the red on his cheeks as well.
Chopper and Usopp laughed at your misery. They were even on the floor , about dying at that point. "I just didn't expect you to be into that color of green." He shrugged and smiled smugly at you. He turned and walked away from the 3 of you , cheeks reddening further.
Though you didn't know it , your words stuck in his head. It repeated like a broken record. He didn't understand why , but he liked the thought of it. Maybe his feelings for you grew , but he didn't know that. Maybe he should talk to Robin or Chopper about it. For now , he would sit and think about you. Even at night.
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onepiece-polls · 1 year
One Piece Shipping War - Round 2 Side B
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ZoLaw art by @jack-pictures. Check out the original post here!
Propaganda under the cut.
Propaganda for Sanji x Law:
North blue bitches unite!! Law is definitely a nerdy fanboy who fell in love, just look at the gif i submitted. Also remember the extremely gay way law landed on sanji's shoulder in wano? Other ships could never!
Why have one traumatized north blue twins when you can have two?
North Blue boys and their trauma
Propaganda for Zoro x Law:
they're just both really good at sword play :P
Grumpy swordmen? What's a better ship?!
Sword guys, great way to go from releasing tension to topless and sweaty and close together, Zoro gets lost and Law enjoys wandering so they just go on walks together, both incredibly intense in what they do, both unlikely to back down, understand each other reasonably well, Zoro can deal with Law's brand of stupid/crazy/D
I think their interactions are fun :)
Law: "Let them kill you! Be ready to die for the plan!" Zoro: *is ready to die for the plan* Law: "NO!"
They have ao much in common! Both are swordsmen and they both have cursed swords (at least one). They're both pretty deadpan but not above getting into shenanigans with luffy. They just fit!
Two moody, broody swordsmen who are really bad at expressing their feelings, but deep down, you know that they are softies. They would bicker with each other but at least understand that the sarcasm is like a love language. They can at least share that mutual respect of having to be the strong one, especially surrounded by a crew of silly goofy guys.
They are perfect together because they are both massive nerds who think they're just so freaking cool, but they're not. Literally every time everyone else is freaking out about something they're like "pfft losers." But THEY are the losers.
It's two guys who are obsessed with Luffy who are in love, it's swordsman x swordsman, it's the two straight men together, it's jock/goth. I just think they would have nasty sex and I'm into it.
Both of these poor gay boys accidentally fell in love with the most aroace mf in all the blues. So they fuck each other to cope.
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racfoam · 3 months
When you rewatch the Green Bit part without the Coloseum and everything else, just the Green Bit part you realise:
1) Law got bullied and it hurts to watch
2) Doflamingo was literally playing tag with him
3) Fuck Robin & Usopp for leaving Law and not taking him along underground
4) fuck Nami, Chopper & Brook for being wussies and screaming and ruining Law's plan
5) there is a moment in the chase where Law sees Doflamingo flying at him and he makes this sound of fear that breaks my heart before he bolts to the right.
6) only good one here was Sanji, he helped
7) Law was sweating and panting during the entire chase, but he still did his best no matter how much he got thrown around
8) Fujitora should stop hauling meteors bcs he could kill his men
9) NO FUCKING WONDER LAW WAS TIRED FOR THE BRIDGE FIGHT, HE WAS SAVING EVERYONE'S ASSES and the entire lack of care the Straw Hats showed for him pissed me off
10) I became so protective of Law.
11) Doflamingo got so pissed at Law he sent him flying across the bridge, across the entire NORTH SIDE of Dressrosa and right to the middle of the city where the Coloseum is, then shot Law with THREE LEAD BULLETS and then he picked Law up like Law was a misbehaving child. While Law still had bullets lodged in his body.
It is Law Deserved Better Hours. Poor Law, I just wanna hug him. Oda really put him through hell in Dressrosa.
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ROLL OUT THE RED CARPET : Hiiii !!!! Welcome to my 100 followers event (*´∇`*)/ !! During this event, I’ll be taking up to 10 requests from followers (new or old) based on any combination of these prompts. The goal of this event is to write requests that have porno themes or are literal porn scenes (see below cut). Some important additional information: this is a purely one piece smut event, there is no set word count, and I will do my upmost best to make your film come true.
you may only request once since there is a limited number of spots.
you must be off anon to request anything for this event.
remember I’m still a person when you’re requesting. my regular rules apply as well. I won’t write what I don’t like / am not comfortable with.
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First, pick a character from the following list. These are characters i’m willing to write for:
Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Nami, Robin, Law, Kidd, Koby, Ace, Sabo, Katakuri, Rosinante, Hancock, Shanks, Yamato, Kuzan, Kin’emon, Doflamingo, Mihawk, & Hawkins.
Second, pick a standard porno theme (if you don’t like any of these, suggest one).
Boss x Secretary
Burglar (may contain dark content)
Casting couch
Pizza delivery guy/girl
Pool boy OR Life guard
Shower sex
Ship-hiking OR Hitchhiking
Dads best friend
Taxi driver
Nurse OR Doctor x Patient
Professor x Student
Yoga instructor
Thirdly, pick a kink/fetish (or maybe two) to go along with your film. Please establish if it’s reader or character with the kink:
rough sex, bondage, blindfold, corruption, cuckolding (describe what characters and the situation), edging, breeding, overstimulation, asphyxiation (choking), food play, gagging, humiliation, impact play, mirrors, size, masochism or sadism, exhibitionism, hand, dacryphilia, lingerie. (If I missed any, just request and I’ll let you know).
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“Hi valentine, can I request (afab/gn/amab) reader with pizza delivery girl nami? hand kink (on readers end) and edging please?”
Or something like that! Make your request as personal, detailed, or ambiguous as you’d like. Give your reader/character characteristics even. I’ll do my best to write it in my style and combine your ideas!
And again, thank you all for 100 followers!!!!! T^T eughhh. I really appreciate it and I’m very excited to do my first event! 🖤
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Tape One :
portgas d. ace : pizza delivery boy ace needs to find a way to get compensation for your pizza.
Tape Two :
‘flame emperor’ sabo : professor sabo has some .. ideas for your tutoring session. one wrong answer and who knows what may happen.
Tape Three :
‘red hair’ shanks : it’s wrong isn’t it? but why does it feel so good. your dads best friend helping you move seemed like a great idea, if you could have kept it under control.
Tape Four :
trafalgar d. water law : dumb girl, doesn’t a pretty thing like you know to keep your doors locked? your heart isn’t the only thing he’s stealing tonight. (contains dark content)
Tape Five :
yamato : he can hear you every night as your roommate, your soft whines and begs to cum. finally he decides to do something about it.
Tape Six :
‘black leg’ sanji : when zoro bought sanji tickets to a personal yoga instructor, he swore he was never going to use it. now, you could say he’s a regular.
Tape Seven :
‘hawkeye’ mihawk : for your birthday, shanks decide it’s time to take you out for taste testing so you can know your limits, who else better to invite than mihawk? the man you’ve had a crush on for years, who is coincidentally your dads best friend.
Tape Eight :
roronoa zoro : he didn’t expect to find you of all people in a wano bath house, lets just say things get raunchy.
Tape Nine :
‘hawkeye’ mihawk : when you came back to your hometown to visit, your dad didn’t feel quite comfortable leaving you alone at home by yourself. He sends you off to mihawks gothic mansion for the weekend.
Tape Ten :
monkey d. luffy : quite the shitty delivery boy, he can never seem to get the food there in one piece. that’s ok though, he’ll find other ways to satiate your hunger …
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base0h · 1 year
CORAZON IS REAAALLYYYYY CLUMSY!! And I was thinking about a s/o even more clumsy than him, who almost die every day! So can I have a headcanons/scenario/one shot/drables (as you want) with Ace, sanji and law with a s/o who’s more, REALLY MORE, clumsy than corazon? Oupsss I forgot say « Hello ».. Sorry I’m so impolite. Hi! I hope you pass a good day or evening or night or morning..!
a/n - hi hi anon :) i love this idea 😭💜
Warnings ⚠️ - g/n reader, crack 😂
Dumb ways to die
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- every time you slip on the stairs, trip on air, fall because of literally nothing, this man will save you
- and he’ll do it in the most romantic way possible
- he’ll catch you bridal style and give you a dip kiss while smiling like a romantic little shit
- “Be careful my love, I wouldn’t want you to get hurt.” he’s such a simp for you
- he has a sixth sense that is triggered whenever you’re about to fall, he could be in the middle of a convo with the most gorgeous lady he’s ever seen (Pft I’m joking ofc it’s you bro)
- “Excuse me, my amazing y/n is about to trip on their shoelaces.” fucking zooms away
- he has not dropped you, a single time
- and he will hold true to that, no matter what
- I swear whenever he catches you that true beauty car scene plays 💀💀💀
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- bastard would honestly just let you fall and hurt yourself so you learn to not be as clumsy
- “Why didn’t you catch me, you’re literally right there!”
- “You’re not dead or hurt right?”
- bitch. 💀
- ok this continued until he saw Sanji catching you before you fell like the gentleman he is, ohhh now the game is on
- you could be on the stairs and he’d be right behind you, just waiting for you to fall
- “y/n are you feeling off balance today?”
- “no- why?”
- “uh- just wondering” he will stay behind you, ALL DAY. AND I MEAN, ALL FUCKING DAY. To make sure HE catches you, and no one else
- no one, I mean no one, is allowed to catch you other than him (and Luffy bec he really doesn’t care 💀)
- thank Sanji for his new “caring” behavior 🥰
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- he’s managed to catch you once, just once, and it was when you two met in the most cliche, korean drama way-
- “Oh- you ok?” you stare into his brown orbs as his devour yours
- “Oh- um… Yes, thank you f-for catching me.” you turn away shyly, your cheeks pink from embarrassment
- …I’m gonna go die now 💀
- but anyways- yes, that was the only time he’s been able to catch you
- the other times, he’s too busy laughing at you because he’s confused as to how you tripped on air 😭
- pls he’ll laugh about it all day long and bring up that one time you tripped and fell straight into the ocean literally every single day
- Out of nowhere he’ll start giggling, “Ace what?”
- “remember- when you tripped on your own weapon and fell into the ocean? *WHEEEZE*”
- you ignored him for the next hour or so, and he came crying back saying he wasn’t going to laugh at you again
- he laughed about it within five minutes
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a/n - law sucks 💀
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redriotinggg · 9 months
I need anyone who genuinely dislikes Usopp to take a long look in the mirror because yeah, he can be a bit annoying at times but he is honestly a good and interesting character!!
He is just as loyal as any other member of the crew and fights the strongest when he’s fighting on someone else’s behalf. (See: him fighting for Sanji in Skypeia, fighting for Robin at Eneis Lobby, fighting for Luffy in Dressrosa, fighting for Tama and Nami in Wano.) He is a major player in so many of the battles in the series that it baffles me that people can think of him as an unimportant member of the crew.
And Usopp is a fucking genius??? Hello???? He’s able to make weapons powerful enough to create storms and tornadoes. He is canonically a jack-of-all trades that supports the crew in their daily lives and in battle. The Going Merry only lasted as long as she did because Usopp was around to care for her. He was the only one to see her Klabauterman!! Usopp is not only creative and fun but is able to bring those creations to life, whether it be his drawings or his gadgets, and I think that’s so beautiful. I miss pre-TS because of all his inventions we got to see.
Let’s not forget that Usopp is so, so kind!! He made friends with the kids in his village and told stories to Kaya to help her feel better when she was ill. He fought to protect her and Syrup Village from Kuro. Personally, I will never get over filler ep on Fireworks Island (ep. 134) where he cheered up Kodoma and encouraged her to continue her pyrotechnics, assuring that her parents were proud of her. Knowing he also lost his parents at a young age makes the scene hit that much harder. (And again, he showed his genius by figuring out a way to launch the firework that killed Kodoma’s parents!!) It may not be canon to the manga but but I think that episode is super accurate to his character.
What I think makes him the most interesting is that we see his flaws and mistakes more than any of the other Straw Hats. We see his insecurities in Water 7 and his fear in Dressrosa. But we also see him growing and learning and being encouraged by his crewmates. Aside from Robin, I think Usopp has changed and grown the most out of the Straw Hats. With his goal to become a brave warrior of the sea he has so much potential for even more growth!!
Like I said earlier, some people think Usopp is annoying which he can be sometimes, but that’s also because he’s literally comic relief. And he does so well at it bc he’s actually so damn funny?? He makes me laugh out loud all the time. One Piece wouldn’t be even half as funny without Usopp.
I also appreciate that as an individual he has so many moments with the other Straw Hats. There are a lot of relationships that don’t get explored as much as we’d like, but I think we get to see Usopp’s friendships with the crew pretty often. He fights for Luffy, plays around with Chopper, teases Zoro, is teased by Robin, gossips with Nami, hangs around Sanji, and his whole relationship with Franky has so many layers to it.
Aaahh, I have so many hopes for Usopp in the series that I pray will be fulfilled!! I want him to have a badass arc in Elbaf full of character growth. I want to see him develop and continue to use his Haki (which he gained when trying to save Luffy are you KIDDING me). I want his reunion with Yasopp to be emotional and bittersweet. If he could personally beat Yasopp in a fight I would ascend to the heavens.
Usopp is such an important, complex, and interesting character and I absolutely hate to see him reduced to being a gag character or the weakest member of the Straw Hats. He may not be a monster but he is amazing and I love him.
TLDR; if you disrespect Usopp I wish you a very Die.
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blacklegsanjiii · 4 months
hi! i love reading about all of the au's you've done but I've really been enjoying the young!sanji and I was wondering if you could give us some head canons or just more stuff about him! your work is amazing and I hope you have a wonderful day or night!!
Young!Sanji is fun when you dive into the nitty gritty of it, by fun I mean uh...now everyone is realizing why Sanji acts childish sometimes.
Sanji, as we all know, doesn't have the best emotional regulation. The crew noticing Sanji swallowing every bit of emotion that isn't "productive" (happy, excited, fawning, protective) because he doesn't know how to. Zeff didn't really try to teach him because he treated him like the age he looked and not the age he was. And Judge wanted his kids to be emotionless monsters.
Sanji is seventeen, never played a day in his life, does most of the chores, does all the cooking, does watches and his crew after finding out how old he is have to form a plan to uh...not have him do all that. Robin is motherly so she takes the initiative as they're leaving to help Sanji more actively even if Sanji protests and refuses. Robin is helping him with dishes and he keeps insisting she go relax and she asks him when the last time somebody read to him was. He shrugs off the question with a 'he's too old for that' and a big smile. Robin argues she reads to Luffy who is older than him and Sanji just hunches his shoulders and when they finish up Robin takes him to the library and reads to him.
Zoro also starts telling him the kitchen is closed to him some days. Sanji huffs and Zoro tells him if everyone else gets days off so should he and he should go draw with Nami. Because Jinbei and Franky are handling the cooking. Sanji is then hauled to Nami, who is already up and has a seat set up next to her at the drawing table. Luffy's markers out as well as her drawing pens and she smiles at him and says to join her. He agrees, reluctant but thankful she's thinking of him. They draw for a while until Nami notices he's drawing the dishes he makes and while well done, not the goal.
"Why don't you try drawing something not related to cooking?" She asks. Sanji blinks at her as Nami shows him drawings of the crew she's done in a sketch book, of places they've been.
"I'm not as talented as you, Nami-Swan! I'd rather draw what I know." Sanji flatters as she frowns.
"That's not the point, Sanji. Don't flatter me just to put yourself down. We all got to act like kids before, except you. You should be able to act your age." Nami says.
"I.. don't know how. I've always been treated the age I look. After what happened with my family before Zeff, truthfully I don't want to know." Sanji responds.
"You're seventeen. Luffy became our captain at that age, he's nineteen now and look at him." Nami points out with a broad gesture. "We all got to be kids, what's so different about you? Why can't you be a kid even if it's a little late?"
"I literally don't know how. It's uncomfortable, I hate it. I'd rather go back to everyone thinking I'm twenty one again." Sanji mutters. Nami sighs heavily and looks at the boy beside her, drawing a bowl of pasta.
"Can you draw the All Blue for me?" She asks, Sanji gives her a look of confusion but does look as requested. The next day when he goes into the galley he sees it stuck on the fridge with magnets next to Luffy and Chopper's drawings and smiles to himself.
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