#literally no one is going to read these tags rory shut up
cankersoregirl · 1 year
8 Shows To Get To Know Me
Thank u for tagging me @jyuubin!!
Invader zim
I was a big nick/cartoon network kid & invader zim is just such a classic. I would watch the shit out of it, I’ve bought the whole series, the whole deal. When I was little I based my identity off of gir and when I was rewatching not too long ago I realized I still have so many lines memorized… it’s so silly and stupid and smart and gross I love it
My babysitter’s a vampire
Since this is a get to know me tag we’re like going through time with these series. This is another one I have lines memorized from! If I were to say which character I am it would be Rory and that is Important to know. A bunch of my friends love it too and we’ve rewatched it together it’s so fun whenever we do <3 another classic if u ask me
If u asked me in like 2015-2017ish what my fav show is I probably would’ve said Merlin. And it stayed up there as a fav show for a WHILE. I’ve never been able to rewatch it bc of like. The Pain the finale caused me but I was obsessed with it when I did watch it. I had some huge multiship mindset going when I watched it and was shipping basically everyone together which I don’t think I’ve done for any other show… I watched tf out of the bts for it too. Like I was kinda in deep…
Skam/druck/skam austin
Is it cheating if I put a show and my two fav remakes LMAO… I’m a big skam girlie. We should all know this. I made this acc when druck was airing as a skam + remakes blog. I had a skam austin username for the longest time (rip gracefulnosplinters). The og is such a classic and gave me some of my fav pan rep (so did druck)! I was so so so obsessed and in my heart I still am. I’ll defend skam austin to the ends of the earth. I met some of the druck cast members (heyyy Lukas). I lived and breathed those clip drops in real time like they were AIR. I completed the Norwegian duolingo course and my streak is still going. But really which skam viewer has ever been not entirely invested in the series. I’ll stop now cuz I could talk Forever about it all…
The untamed
Oh god. If you knew me when I first watched cql I’m genuinely so sorry… I would NOT shut up. It was every other word out of my mouth. I related every goddamn thing I saw to the show. It consumed me for MONTHS. As in I literally couldn’t watch anything else until a few months later after binging all sorts of bts, adaptations, and reading parts of the novel (funny thing is I still haven’t seen all adaptations/everything lmao). I always say it’s a good thing I couldn’t legally drive people when I was in this phase cuz I ONLY listened to/played the fucking character osts in the car for months like I knowww my mom was sick of it (she’s the only one who had to deal with me in the car lmfao). It was also the first time I ever actually made a sideblog for anything. I found the show at a very fitting time in my life too. Probably one of the hardest times ever but some of the themes in the series stuck with me in ways that felt so personal. A lot of love here
Another one I was super invested in at the time. Would not shut tf up about vegaspete. Very annoying about. Rewatched tf out of it. You know the drill. The few months I spent watching it was so eventful
HIStory2: crossing the line
Okay I think I’m really just in a HIStory mood lately but this fucking show. THESE TWO. YU HAO AND ZI XUAN. WHAT THE FUCK. The best way I can explain this is in a way no one else can understand: it appeals to a younger part of me in a very specific way. Like it’s scary. The chemistry is insane like going back to it after about a year still made me feel the exact same crazy way. One of the greatest losses caused by covid was the sequel that got cancelled 💔
Bad buddy
We all saw this coming. Gotta end with a bang. My favorite ql of all time. Insane to experience live and such a perfectly crafted show (thx p’aof). Layers upon layers of depth to write about (which like tbh every bad buddy fan basically has, me included). Just so much to love. Speaking of love: milklove origins too!!! We get it all from one silly little series. I remember exactly where I was so vividly when I experienced so many iconic scenes. It’s legendary!
I’m gonna tag @dumpsterslugz (I can tag you in things like this now >:D) @pondphuwin @heart-ming @markpakin & anyone else who wants 2 do this !!
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alostwritersmind · 6 years
Day Three: Snowed In (Part 2)
Almost a day later the snow still hadn’t let up and Alice had no means of getting in contact with their parents since the blizzard had knocked out cell towers around the county sometime overnight. Cold had seeped into the old brick building by now and groups of kids could be found huddled together under thick woolen blankets far from the doors and windows. A good two feet of snow had accumulated outside, barring any hope of leaving the shelter. Three women who appeared to work in the shelter had shown up early in the morning with more supplies, though from where Alice had no clue. Their only concern at the moment was keeping Ayala and their self warm.
Which was why now they were jogging through the cold and empty corridors of the shelter trying to find matches for the candles the three women had brought with them. After looking in at least twenty cupboards and under all the sinks with no luck, Alice was running out of hope and energy and, quite literally ran into someone exiting a door to their right.
Týr stepped backward and held Alice out at arm’s length. “Alice? What are you doing here? Everyone’s supposed to be in the mess hall.”
“I know, I’m sorry, it’s just, Ayala’s freezing and you know how she is she won’t take anything else to keep warm if the other kids need it so I was looking for matches because those women brought candles and they’d be a placebo if nothing else- “
“Alice! Take a breath before you pass out. Come on, I’ll walk you back to mess then find you some matches. They’re probably in the basement.”
Alice had settled back with Ayala against the innermost wall of the mess when Týr walked up to them, holding out a box of strike anywhere matches.
“They were upstairs in the workers’ room. Go around to other groups and bring some candles around to them too.”
“Okay, thanks.”
Before Alice could take the box, Týr pulled it back and knelt next to the two, resting his forearm on his knee. “Alice, while you’re here you’re under our care. If you need something, you ask for it, you don’t go wandering around the halls and freezing your ass off. Alright?”
Alice blinked a couple times before nodding slowly. “Yeah, yeah okay.”
“Okay.” Týr tossed the matches to Alice and stood before walking off towards one of the other shelter workers.
Alice leaned forwards to light the candles in front of them, showering yellow golden light around them.
Ayala grabbed the box from the floor and stood. “I’ll go take these to the others.”
Alice nodded wordlessly, watching her go around the room until every huddle had some light and warmth and she returned. “Everyone okay?”
“They’re all scared,” Ayala replied, returning to her spot on Alice’s lap. “Don’t have anywhere else to go if it gets too dangerous to stay here.”
“It’s more likely it’ll be too dangerous to leave until the snow stops.”
Ayala tensed slightly. “Yeah.”
“Hey, don’t worry you’re gonna be home soon, sweetheart. The snow can’t last forever.”
“I know.”
prompt was pick 3 (or more) elements and incorporate them: a children’s game, a box of matches, a blizzard, a spell book, betrayal, a torn letter, a secret someone already knew, trick handcuffs, tinsel, an overfull suitcase, a safe haven that doesn’t feel safe
elements picked are bolded
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araveticazx · 3 years
#ara reads - the parent trap vi.
summary: ara finally reads THAT au :D
a/n: hello! hello! sorry if i am way behind on me posting fics but i thought about sharing fanfic reactions for laughs for the sake of keeping this blog alive
i command you to read it here (im serious.) 
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okay so i am already in part six 
i am so sorry this started in part six
i will try to do the previous parts if i have time
i think i read part one around . . . eleven in the evening of yesterday HAH-
okay so let’s start
omg the tags in this part are,, yeah, okay
ten thousands words wow, im ready 
honestly, the first time i read- or saw this fanfic i was very intimidated with the long paragraphs. 
i think this is the reason on why it took me soo long to read this 
let’s start najud ^^
oh yes they’re certainly hiding something
you’re supposed to be eavesdropping ://
wow sanaol ‘no change in physical appearance’
what he grew a few inches!? 
before i continue there’s a link in the beginning of the chapter (referring to the dress link hehe)
*insert more and wows lmao*
okay let’s go back to the story
i wonder what’s the reason why levi didn’t chase after reader
there has to be a reason
i think it’s because of the parents, like levi’s not too successful, not good enough? is that it? that’s usually a common thing
they didn’t really see each other for 11 years? 11 years is a long time,,
these kids talk so maturely im aSHAMED 
it’s the side of the reader. i think they didn’t really see levi as a prominent match and then they got married so they got fricking upset
oh i think i get it now
i think reader left because the parents are going to do something 
yeah right
i guess i just watched a lot of filipino teleseryes
it does sound like a filipino teleserye to me hahaha
oh yes i know i agree your son is so intelligent and he’s like 11
i need a caelum can i like adopt him 
wait wait what
that’s sounds,, cheesy sdksirj;klz
let me read that part hahaha
“because your mom owns every single part of me including the time i dedicate to this world” 
k libay
levi’s so smitten it’s so cute AHHH
PLEASE imagine a man being this in love with you 
yes, imagine lang
what he’s gonna drink? damn
okay so we’re in reader’s point of view na
i can’t be reader im not this classy
it makes me inspired to be successfulWOW
ew shut up get away
oh wait
he saw?
bye now
wow i wanna be a wedding organizer now 
oh yess,,
UGH imagine having twins with THE levi ackerman and having both of them look similar to him
that’s literally THE DREAM
okay so caelum looks like reader while altair looks just like levi jud
so smooth altair my bb<3 
yeah mom’s getting married but too late to back out now : D 
i knew it! it’s THEM i knew it was the grandparents
put him up on adoption!? no fcking way no NO
that’s,, oh damn
i know right i don’t wanna lose the bridal shop too
oh, i’m liking this idea at the same time i dont
they’re gonna fabricate a story of lucas,, lucas right? idk i dont care
they’re gonna make up a story that lucas is cheating
i hope this works
YES we’re gonna get rid of luke 
part seven let’s go
should i make another one? just for laughs hehe
bye for now!
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all rights go to @ackerfics
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pricetagofficial · 4 years
The Archer -Part Twenty-Three
Warnings: Language, Angst, Violence, Blood, Torture, Electrocution
Part Twenty-Four
Word Count: 2.5K
Tag List: @idkmanicantenglish @kishony-the-geek @unknowntoanyone @subtleappreciation @catxsnow​ @starxfires​
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As Rory sat in the chair, she could feel how weak she was getting. It had been weeks and she was still playing Joker's prisoner, every day he would come in a try to piss her off to the point where she would kill him but every day it didn't work. Since she worked out the fact that it was Slade who put him up to this, she knew what he wanted. Slade wanted her to kill again, and spiral further before he finally killed her himself.
When it didn't work, the Joker took to his favorite part; torturing her. Of course, the wound on her side was still injured and he used it to his advantage. The Joker figured out pretty early on just how high her pain tolerance was, and what would make her scream but not what made her angry.
Her body was sore, and her throat was dry. Of course, no one was courteous enough to let her take a shower, or even wash her hair so it was matted and went everywhere. Her suit was dirty and covered in blood, grime, sweat, and dirt. Her bow and quiver were missing along with her utility belt, Rory had a feeling they tossed them somewhere in a dumpster.
Every day she reminded herself of what was important, it was easy to lose yourself in this situation and Rory refused to let that happen. No matter what the Joker did to her, she refused to kill even if it meant he killed her instead. At this point, she partially hoped that he was getting tired of her and would just put an end to all this but then she would think of Tim. Rory didn't want to put that kind of pain on him, nor did she want Oliver, Dinah, and Roy to hurt like that either.
She worried about Tim more than anything, what was he doing and how was he handling it? She wasn't there to make sure he took care of himself, and she was sure one of the others would make sure he at least ate something. Her thoughts wandered to the others, especially Barbara and Jason.
They were hurt by the Joker, Barbara was paralyzed and Jason was literally murdered by him. She really hoped that they didn't see the footage the Joker sent to Batman and that Tim wasn't seeing it either.
Right on schedule, the Joker walked in with four of his goons at his side. He held something in his hand, but Rory couldn't see what it was from her spot and the dim lighting. "Hello, birdy! How'd ya sleep?" he laughed, swinging the item in his hand.
Rory's eyes followed him, as he walked to the camera and turned it on. She saw the light go green and she knew it was recording. "I slept great, metal chairs are ever so comfortable. We should switch places so you could see."
The Joker laughed, "Wow, you really don't give up, do you? Why, do you want to beat me around some?"
"Wouldn't you like to know, I see you brought more friends. Are you scared that I'll find a way to kick your ass with a metal chair too?" she asked, blowing her hair out of her face. She noticed that they were holding several buckets of what seemed to be just plain water.
"Ever so feisty! Go on boys, drench her!" he said, and beckoned them forward. Each one held a large bucket of water, what the hell was he planning on doing to her with it. Rory watched as the first one dumped the bucket on her and she gasped, it was ice cold and she shuddered in the chair.
"Oh great, I was just thinking about how I needed a shower. I was worried that I was the only one who noticed the sm-" she didn't get to finish before another bucket was dumped on her, Rory inhaling some and began coughing. Her hair fell in her face and she could barely see anything.
"Save the other two for later." The Joker called. Rory tried to blow her hair back but it still stuck to most of her face. She noticed that he was closer than before, and what it was that he was holding.
It was an old-looking crowbar, and he was waving it around with a large grin on his face. Rory knew what he was doing, and it wasn't going to end well.
"I want you to meet a friend of mine, I named it Robin. You know, after the brat I blew up? Apparently he didn't stay dead, and you got to meet him. Tell me, does he still remember me?"
Rory clenched her fist, he was changing tactics. The Joker had figured out that he couldn't break Rory by just hurting her, he had to hurt others to make her snap. "Yeah, I know him. You must be a real shitty clown if you couldn't kill a fifteen-year-old."
"I remember it well." he grinned and swung the crowbar, stopping it right before it hit her chest. "He was tied up much like you are, but without the chair. I remember the sound of each crack as I hit him with this same crowbar."
Rory's eyes didn't leave him. The Joker swung it again, tapping her on the stomach. "Crack."
He tapped her on the shoulder. "Crack."
He tapped her on the back. "Crack."
He tapped her on the back of the head. "Crack."
Rory closed her eyes, trying to keep the image of a young Jason out of her head. She didn't want to think of someone she cares about in that much pain, it hurt her to think of it. The anger was bubbling up inside her, Rory tried to keep it at bay but with every 'crack', it would rise higher and she was close to snapping.
She but her lip so hard to keep herself from yelling in anger, her lip was starting to bleed. Her heart was beating so hard, it made her ears pound and her breathing ragged. At this moment, she wanted nothing more than to take the crowbar to him but she didn't.
The Joker could see that he was getting to her. "What? Too much?" he grinned.
Rory looked at him and gave him a glare. "Go to hell."
At her words, he began laughing. "You have more self-control than I gave you credit for, I can tell you want to do something to me. Come on, say it."
Rory stayed silent, she refused to say what she was thinking and give him what he wanted to hear. That he was starting to break her down, by threatening her family. "I said, go to hell."
This time, he didn't laugh. "You know, you should really do what you're told." The Joker backed up and Rory saw him grab something off a table that was attached to a cable. Following it, she saw that it let right to the puddle of water surrounding her, and right, where it touched the cord, was cut slightly.
Looking back at him she laughed. "You're going to electrocute me? That's the best you can do?"
Rory was good at masking the emotions in her voice, but it was her eyes that gave away what she really felt and she was terrified. She was covered and surrounded by water and was sat in a metal chair. Rory was a perfect conductor for electricity.
She watched as he pressed the button, Rory letting out a scream of pain. This was by far the worst pain she had felt, electrical shock coursed through her body making her twitch and scream wishing it would stop.
As soon as it came, it was gone. Rory dropped her head, panting softly as tears fell from her eyes. The water on her face covered it up some, but anyone could see that they were tears if they were close enough. Before she could even catch her breath, the pain was back and she started screaming again.
The Joker held the button for longer this time, letting it go a few seconds after the last time with a huge grin on his face. "Why don't you just kill me already," she muttered, her hair covering her face.
The Joker walked over and lifted her head up, Rory too tired to fight back. "Because that would be too easy." he then swung the crowbar and hit her fully in the stomach, making Rory gasp in pain making it impossible to breathe.
He hit her several times, satisfied as he heard her bones crack under the metal. After a moment he stopped, and Rory was minutes from falling unconscious. Walking back to the camera he turned it off and took the tape out. "Wonderful show darling, now be good and I might have a surprise for you tomorrow," he called.
Rory looked up slowly and watched as he headed towards the door. "I heard from a friend that you are close to a certain bat brat, maybe I should pay him a visit for you and bring some flowers as a gift." he grinned.
Her face drained from color. He was talking about Tim, Slade had told the Joker about her relationship with Red Robin and he was going to use it against her. "I swear if you hurt so much of a hair on his head-"
"You'll what, kill me?" he grinned. "That's what I'm hoping for." and he walked out, leaving Rory there alone with her thoughts.
When Tim woke hours later, his head was throbbing. He sat up and rubbed his forehead trying to ease the pain, he was so exhausted that Jason was able to drug him and make him sleep. Deep down he knew that he did it for good reasons, but he had lost hours of his time that he could have spent looking for Rory.
He stretched with a yawn and looked at the clock, it was almost midnight and that meant that the others would be leaving for patrol soon. Getting up, Tim quickly noticed that he was in Jason's room. He must have put him there once he saw the condition Tim's room was it.
Rubbing his eyes, he left the room and shut the door behind him. Tim walked down to the kitchen and grabbed himself a cup of coffee and some cookies. There seemed to be a constant supply of cookies, Alfred was a stress baker. With Rory missing, Alfred was worried and spent his time making cookies. Tim could tell that Alfred was baking to try and calm his mind while trying to cheer everyone else up, and he loved him for it.
With his cup and cookies in hand, Tim walked down to the Batcave once again. "Jason, you ever sedate me again and I will find your copy of Shakespeare's works and drop it in a blender." When he got down to the cave, he saw that everyone was there talking.
Jason looked up from the gun he was cleaning and grinned. "Hello, sleep well babybird?" he grinned.
Tim frowned and threw a cookie at his head, drinking more coffee. "I mean it, you sedate me and I will blend your books."
"You touch my books and I will give your computer a bath." Jason threatened, cocking his gun in a threatening manner.
"Boys seriously?" Barbara asked, looking over at them from the computer. "Tim, don't touch his books. Jason, next time maybe just punch him unconscious. He would stay asleep longer."
Tim looked at her in shock, "Wow, that's cold Babs."
"You're the idiot refusing to sleep, next time I'll knock you out." she grinned, "But I am glad that you look better, you have some color to your cheeks and don't look like you belong in The Walking Dead."
"If anyone belongs there, it's Jay," Tim argued, Jason just simply rolling his eyes.
"That's so original Timbo, it's like I haven't heard every zombie joke in the book," he muttered and looked over at Bruce who just entered the cave.
"Tonight, we're going to do another sweep of the city. Tim, I need you to come so we can cover it in less time. Can I trust you to keep it together?" he asked, looking at the boy who was cradling a cup of coffee.
"You can count on me Bruce," he said, finishing his coffee. "I feel better and a little nicer, so I think I'll be okay."
Bruce gave him a nod. "I want you all to stick in pairs still, we don't know what's going on but I don't want someone else getting taken." Everyone gave him a nod.
"We leave in twenty, get your gear and anything else you need." and he walked away.
Bruce was going alone, so Damian paired with Dick and Tim paired with Steph, leaving Jason and Cass together. They were all about to get on their bikes to leave when they got a message with another video.
All the chatter stopped and they looked at each other, another video meant that she was alive right?
Barbara hesitated, but she hit play. Watching the video, Tim stayed behind her his eyes not leaving Rory. They all could see how weak she was, her hair was a mess and she looked tired, Tim was worried. He watched as they dumped two large buckets of water on her before the Joker came into focus with something in his hand.
Listening to him recount what had happened in the past, only pissed Jason off more. He could see Rory struggle to keep herself quiet, it hurt her to hear what had happened in gruesome detail but it hurt Jason more to watch her.
When he electrocuted her, he saw Tim blink away tears as he watched. Seeing this happen hurt Tim more than anything and that didn't sit right with Jason. No one hurt his family and got away with it.
"Why don't you just kill me already," she muttered, her hair covering her face.
The Joker walked over and lifted her head up, Rory too tired to fight back. "Because that would be too easy." he then swung the crowbar and hit her fully in the stomach.
The cup Jason was gripping, cracked and shattered in his hand as he watched the Joker beat Rory with the same crowbar he beat him with. Jason had sworn to himself that he wouldn't let anyone else fall to this fate, and yet here he was watching it.
When he stopped, they watched as he laughed while Rory trying to catch her breath and the screen cutting off after that. At the end of the video, they could see that Rory was beaten down physically and mentally. Her comments had stopped and she looked defeated.
With silence washing over them all, they knew what had to be done. Rory wasn't going to last much longer, they needed to find her and fast no matter what it took.
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The Contest-Part 33
To celebrate Supernatural’s 15th season, the producers have decided to hold a contest to cast an unknown in a recurring role as Sam’s rumored love interest.  They are doing open casting calls all over the country.  Your best friend Nikki wants to go and she drags you along.
A/N: My inspiration for Nikki is the one and only Red, AKA @oriona75.  So I am actually telling two stories here, Jared and Readers, and Sam and Gemini’s.  It flips back and forth, so try and keep up! : *Note: My vision for the show is different from what has actually happened, and some characters and plotlines may differ.
Characters: Jared Padalecki, Reader, Best friend Nikki(OC) Jensen Ackles, Misha Collins, Mark Sheppard, Mark Pellegrino, Rory Montgomery (OC), PA Emily (OC) Cliff, Other Supernatural cast and crew
A/N: Here’s a little Christmas present from me to you. I know you’ve been waiting patiently for this! Merry Christmas, my lovelies!
My Masterlist    The Contest Part 1 (All parts are linked)
Reader’s POV
Jared didn’t say anything for a long moment, he just looked completely stunned.   And me being the hormonal mess that I was, took this as a bad sign and immediately burst into tears.
“I’m sorry! I don’t know how it happened! Well, I KNOW, but I should have been more careful! How could we be so careless? It’s not like I don’t know how babies are made! I’m a nurse for Christ’s sake!“ I was totally babbling at this point.
Then Jared did something totally unexpected.  He laughed.  That deep, rich belly laugh of his that normally made me smile. “Talk about life imitating art.” He said in a voice I couldn’t read. I looked away when he shook his head.
“That’s all you have to say?” I snapped, staring at my feet.
He leaned in and took both of my hands in his, his long fingers completely engulfing mine.
“Look at me, Y/N.” He commanded.  I lifted my tear-filled eyes to him, tensing with apprehension, but he was smiling.  “A baby? Really? I hoped someday……this is amazing news!  I can’t believe it! The kids are gonna be so excited!”
“You jerk! I thought you were mad!” I said with mock anger, punching him in the arm.
“Ow! I wasn’t expecting this, and you caught me off guard for a minute, that’s all.” He told me, wincing and rubbing his arm until something occurred to him and he grinned happily.  “Jensen’s gonna be so pissed that I’m ahead of him again.  When can we tell him?”
Gemini’s POV
I stared at Kelly Kline incredulously. “Save your son?” I repeated. “He’s with Lucifer.  What do you expect me to do? Not to mention the fact that Jack is a Nephilim, and incredibly powerful. Lucifer has big plans for him. It’s out of my hands.  I know he’s still a baby, but he’s probably already been corrupted. I’m sorry.”
“No, Gemini!” Kelly said sharply, coming to sit on the edge of my bed.  “Jack is good. I know he is. He may be a Nephilim, but there is more of me in him than you would think.  He’s young enough that Lucifer hasn’t had much influence on him yet. But you’re running out of time.  You need to get him away from his father!”
“So then what? Suppose I believe you and by some miracle, I manage to convince Sam and Dean.  Jack’s gonna have a target on his back.  Lucifer will want him back, and the angels will want him too.  You know about the big prophecy, right? My son is destined to kill Lucifer AND Jack, and save the world.” It still felt weird to say it out loud.
Kelly smiled at me sadly, with a look I couldn’t quite decipher.  And then it hit me what it was.  Pity.  “Every prophecy comes at a cost, Gemini.  If your son kills my son, YOU will die in the process. Jack is the key to defeating Lucifer. Your son and mine need to work together.  It’s the only way.”
I rolled my eyes. “If this is true, why didn’t Missouri see it? She is a psychic!”
Kelly shrugged. “And I’m dead, what’s your point?  I don’t know how I know things,  I just do.  Are you willing to take the chance?”
With a flash of light, I woke up in our bed alone, and Kelly was gone.
Reader’s POV
“I’m really tired, Jare. How about we tell Jensen later? You can rub it in his face tomorrow as much as you want, I promise!” I said, yawning.  “Can we just go to bed? I haven’t been sleeping very well lately.”
“I don’t sleep well away from you either, Y/N.  It’s been awful not having you here.” Jared whispered.
“My mother isn’t exactly what you would call a model patient. I hired a nurse to take care of her, but she was mad that I wasn’t doing it.  ‘Whats the point of having a daughter who is a nurse?’ she kept asking me. And when I spent most of the trip gagging or puking, Nikki put two and two together.”  I rubbed my eyes tiredly.
“What did she say? This I gotta hear!” He asked, holding out his hand to lead me off to bed.
“For a nurse your really stupid about your own body, something like that.  Then she asked me how late my period was. Then she called me a giraffe.  Typical Nikki.” I was so tired all I did was wash my face and change my shirt, I didn’t have anything else in me.
“We really are blessed to have such great friends, aren’t we?” Jared said thoughtfully.
“We sure are!” I agreed.
He came to bed and I wrapped myself around him instinctively for warmth, sighing with bliss. “God I missed this.” I murmured into his neck as his arms tightened around me. I felt his lips brush against my hair.
“I missed you too, Y/N.”
We arrived at the studio just before lunch. Nikki and Misha were already eating, so when I saw them I headed over. “Where’s Jensen?” I asked.
“He should be over in a few minutes, he was finishing something up, why?” Misha asked.
Nikki looked over at me. “You didn’t wear it, did you?”
“Wear what?” Misha asked, looking nervous.
I unzipped my jacket so the pink Philadelphia Eagles jersey was visible.  Misha snorted. Everyone on set knew Jared and Jensen were rabid Dallas Cowboys fans, so I had to bust Jensen’s chops a bit. “Oh, he’s gonna LOVE that!” Misha grinned.
“Here he comes!” Nikki hissed.
We all went back to eating, and Jensen went through the line, got his lunch and sat down with us. “Hey Y/N, Lightweight.” He said, acknowledging us. “Welcome back.  How’s your Mom?”
“Much better, Jay. Thanks for asking.” I replied with a hint of a smile. Everyone went back to eating, chatting quietly, and Jared arrived a minute later and sat down.
“What the HELL are you wearing, Y/N?” Jensen asked suddenly.
“What does it look like, Jay?” I replied evenly.
Jensen turned to his best friend. “Jare, do you see what your girlfriend is wearing?” He asked.
“My fiancee, actually.” He told Jensen, knowing that would shut him up.
“Your what, now?”
I leaned in and caught Jared’s eye.  He grinned and nodded. “His PREGNANT fiancee, if we are getting technical.”
“DAMMIT!” Jensen swore.
Gemini’s POV
I sat in bed for a long time, going over my conversation with Jack’s dead mother in my head.  She had given me a lot to think about, that’s for damn sure.  But how did I know if ANY of what she said was true? Maybe all of this was just her way of manipulating me.
I could just say nothing, and my son would fulfill his destiny, and Lucifer and the Nephilim would die.  But what if she was telling the truth? What if my fate was tied to his? What if Jack dying by my son’s hand meant I would die too?
I was debating the pros and cons of telling everyone what I had seen when my phone rang. I looked at the number and swore under my breath as I answered it.
“What did you do, Y/N?” Missouri asked in that honey-coated steel voice of hers. 
“What did you see?” I asked with a sigh.
“I didn’t read that book wrong. That prophecy said the son of Lucifer’s true vessel would be his and his heir’s undoing. Prophecies don’t change. But I had a vision. The Nephilim and your son united in battle AGAINST Lucifer.  You did something.  TELL ME, Gemini!”
“Jack may not be the heir of Lucifer,” I said simply.
“How can that be? He is his son!” She asked.
I quickly relayed the story of my visit with Kelly.  She was silent for so long that I thought she had hung up.  Finally, she spoke.  “Do you think there is good in him?” She finally asked.
"I didn’t think so before, but now I’m not so sure.  The fact that I’m talking to you now makes me think Kelly is telling the truth.” 
“So what are you going to do, Gemini?” She asked quietly.
“I’m going to talk to Sam and Dean, I guess.” I resolutely.  “Thanks, Missouri.”
Reader’s POV
“Better get cracking, Jensen. I’m ahead of you again.  And you're not getting any younger.” Jared joked.
“Fuck off, Padalecki.” Jensen growled. “Just what the world needs, more of your offspring!”
“It’s kind of eerie how your lives are following the show,” Misha commented. “I wonder if you’ll have a son too.  When are you going to tell Andrew and Bob?”
Jared and I looked at each other. “We haven’t really discussed it. I literally just found out yesterday. I guess I should go to the doctor first? This is all new to me. What do you think, Jare?”
“Call the doctor today and we’ll go from there.” He decided.
“I for one am so excited that our kids are going to be the same age.  I know they will grow up to be best friends just like us!” Nikki said happily.
“Oh great, another pair like you two? God help us all!” Jensen groaned in mock horror.
“Arrow and Zeppy are gonna need someone to marry, aren’t they?” I teased. “We could be in-laws!”
We all laughed as Jensen pulled out his phone to text Danneel with the good news.
“Tell her I said, “Tag, you're it!”
Gemini’s POV
“You want us to do what???” Dean bellowed angrily, leaping from his chair.  “Are you out of your mind, Gem?”
Sam held up a hand.  “Let’s hear her out before we jump to conclusions, Dean.”
Cas gave me a measured look. “How are you certain it was Kelly? It could have been Lucifer trying to trick you.”
“That crossed my mind, Cas,” I admitted. “After I woke up, I got a call from Missouri. She had a vision of my son and Jack battling Lucifer.  TOGETHER.  She wanted to know what I’d done.”
Dean gave a harsh bark of a laugh as he stalked around the library, almost vibrating with anger. “So let me get this straight... You want us to kidnap Lucifer’s son because a vision told you we need him to defeat his father? Do you know how insane that sounds?”
I knew Dean would be the toughest nut to crack. “I know it sounds crazy, Dean.”
He slammed himself into a chair, wiping a hand over his eyes.  “It sounds like suicide.”
Sam had been strangely quiet this whole time.  I looked over at him.  His eyes were locked on mine.  “There’s something you're not saying.  What are you leaving out, Gem?”
Damn this whole soulmate bond! He knew me so well.  I took a deep, shaky breath.  “Your right.  There is.”  I gave him a sad smile.  “Apparently, my fate is tied with Jack’s in this.  If our son kills Lucifer without Jack’s help, I’m going to die, Sam.”
Part 34 (another link that won’t work, sorry)
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natsugia · 6 years
Tagged by: no one, but saw this on @seethem-dancing, so maybe Mary in a way?
Rules: Choose any three fandoms (in random order) and answer the questions, then tag 10 people you want to know better
I choose:
Gilmore Girls
One Tree Hill
The first character you loved:
Rory Gilmore
Kate Beckett 
Haley James Scott
The character you never expected to love so much:
Jess Mariano 
Javier Esposito
Brooke Davis 
The character you relate to the most:
Jess Mariano
Kate Beckett
Haley James Scott (a bit of Peyton Sawyer too)
The character you’d slap:
I’d like to slap all of them for different reasons, but the most would probably be Lorelai Gilmore
Honestly, I love them all so much, I don’t think I’d slap anyone.... but maybe Captain Gates? I never thought she fit as well as Captain Montgomery. But even her I don’t really want to slap lol
Lucas Scott: I’m actually one of the people that was cheering when he left in season 6. Ugh good riddance. Also, sometimes Peyton too mostly because there were times when she was TOO EMO. Like girl stop whining! You’re stronger than this!
Three favorite characters (in order of preference): 
Jess Mariano, Paris Gellar, Rory Gilmore
Kate Beckett, Javier Esposito, Richard Castle
Nathan Scott, Haley James Scott, Brooke Davis
A character you liked at first but don’t anymore:
Lorelai Gilmore: Originally loved her in season one, but then season 2 came around and I found her hypocrisy to be absolutely horrible. Her whole schtick as being the “cool mom” went out the window the second Rory started doing something outside of her comfort zone, starting with Rory’s friendship with Jess. It’s hypocritical (and sexist) that she was perfectly fine helping Lane to rebel against Mrs. Kim and her rules, but vilified Jess for all his rebellious actions, which were mostly harmless pranks. I found the way she treated Jess despicable, especially since she treated people pretty much the same way he treated them. And the way she treated her parents? UGH! You’re a grown woman still acting like a spoiled teenager who can sit and judge everyone around her but can’t self-examine and see what you’re doing wrong. Not to mention how self-centered she was. And I find it hilarious that for all her efforts to make sure Rory didn’t end up like her, Rory still ended up like her lol. 
I don’t have one. I love all of them. Honestly what a wonderful cast.
Lucas Scott: Originally loved him for being the abandoned (by his father) sensitive writer that grew up in the working class. I loved his friendship with Haley. I loved the rivalry turned love with Nathan. I liked his friendship with Peyton and would have supported that relationship if it wasn’t for Brucas. For all the sweet actions of Lucas portraying him to be a “good guy,” he was absolutely horrible to his mom in season 2. Like why can’t you just say you have HCM? I hated his treatment of Peyton, Brooke, AND Lindsey, and honestly by season 6, I was so glad he was leaving. Take your cheating, “I can’t make up my mind” ass and get out. Like Dan was an asshole, especially after murdering Keith, but at least he embraced that role. I may have hated Dan, but he was pretty upfront with who he was. Lucas? Not so much.
A character you did not like at first but now do:
Paris Gellar: God she was such a bully in season one, but as the show progressed, she became this really dynamic character, and now I just can’t help but love her. 
I’ll say Captain Gates, just because she’s the only one I didn’t immediately love. I think I was just biased because I loved Montgomery and hated that he died.
Brooke Davis: Originally thought she was the rich, spoiled, popular, mean girl, but she became so much more. What an icon. 
Three OTPs:
Literati (literally my OTP, I love them so much), Lane/Dave (sorry Zach, but Dave will always be my favorite. Who else would read the entire bible and play guitar at Korean service just to take Lane to the prom? Nobody.), Paris/Doyle (Nobody else is more perfect for Paris, and why are they divorcing??? Why Amy?) Javajunkie was ruined for me when Lorelai cheated on Luke with Chris at the end of season 6/early season 7. If Luke was supposed to be this love of your life, you don’t cheat on him. Especially with the EX that has caused problems in your relationship before. Like WTF?! I can understand being frustrated because Luke is shutting you out with the whole April thing, but it’s incredibly selfish that you can’t be patient for longer than a few months to let Luke learn how to adapt to having a daughter in his life. You know he loves you. He’s not cheating on you. He just needs to know how to adjust to being an actual father. He’s had years to get used to Rory. Give him a chance to get used to April. And instead of talking to him about how you were feeling, you get drunk, demand an ultimatum, which of course Luke is going to refuse, and then sleep with Chris. Nope. Sorry. Love is not selfish, and it’s not about getting married. It’s about support. And that went out the window when things weren’t going the way Lorelai wanted them to go. Honestly, I think Lorelai and Chris deserved each other.
Caskett (obviously), Esplanie, Ryan/Jenny
Naley (literally my OTP, that’s the type of relationship I want), Karen/Keith (I was devastated when Keith died at the end of season 3, right after he proposed. WTF Mark?), Brucas (at least until the end of season 3 and I saw how broken Brooke was getting from dating Lucas because Lucas CAN’T MAKE UP HIS MIND. But season 2 and the first half of season 3? Ugh I loved Brucas so much.) 
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Rescue My Heart
A/N: A repost of this story (I think) because the original version got lost after I had some issues with my tags.
Another thank you to @imaginationisagift as I believe she betaed this for me the first time.x
Summary: DC!AU in which Katherine and Elijah are Catwoman and Batman. (Includes Robin!Kol and Harley!Caroline) Major Katholine brotp and background Klaroline.
Out of all the villains in Gotham, Katherine Pierce certainly wasn't the worst; but she was definitely the best. There were some real nut jobs in this city, psychologically damaged maniacs with personal vendettas and a penchant for causing chaos. Katherine wasn't interested in all of that.
Any evil she was responsible was always a necessary evil, from her perspective, born out of a strong sense of survival instinct. So she stole a couple of things here and there; precious stones; priceless artefacts; the odd identity occasionally but she never threatened to blow up four storey buildings or dangled a school bus full of children off a bridge.
No that kind of erratic behaviour got you caught.
And Katherine Pierce did not do messy situations with the whole city as an audience with the cops surrounding you, guns poised ready to riddle you with bullets at the slightest twitch.
That's why she was currently gliding stealthily over rooftops in the dead of the night - in heels, one might add. Clad in her trademark black latex catsuit and mask. The cool air of the evening whipping past her as she streaked through the night unbeknownst to the sleeping residents of Gotham city.
Breaking into the art gallery was a piece of cake. She almost wished the idiots in charge of keeping people like her out, had bothered to get a better security system. Just to give her some kind of challenge.
She bent over, trying to disable the security door between her and the vault, that held a big, fat, ruby, Katherine hoped to get her hands on. Suddenly, there was a shuffling sound from behind her, she whirled round in the direction of the noise narrowing her green feline-like eyes and listened.
Only to get the shock of her life a second later.
"Hey there Kitty Kat!" Came a familiar and annoyingly perky voice from behind her.
Katherine turned to glare incredulously at the offending person.
"Dammit Caroline! What the hell did I tell you about sneaking up on me like that!? You were literally this close to sudden death,"
Caroline shook her head and giggled.
"Nuh ah, Kitty Kat, not with my trusty hammer around," She lifted up the weapon that had been resting on her shoulders and placed an affectionate kiss on it.
Katherine stopped and took a moment to look Caroline over. She had a red, leather jacket resting on her shoulders and a t-shirt on that said "Daddy's Little Monster" printed in cursive; an extremely poor excuse for pair shorts clung to her hips and backside; on her toned seemingly infinitely long legs, you could see a couple of tattoos printed under the mesh of her fishnets; completing the look, were a pair of black and white, heeled, lace up sneakers combined that with various accessories; skull rings, bracelets with spikes on them and of course there were her blonde curled pigtails, the ends of each dipped in a fluorescent shade of blue and pink respectively.
There was no mistaking, Caroline was strikingly gorgeous, even under the heavy clown-like makeup. In plain clothes, she was every man fantasy. In her current attire, she looked like the fantasy of a teenage boy who read way too many comic books.
"Where's your partner in crime Carebear?" Katherine asked looking around for any signs of the person in question.
Caroline tilted her head with a bemused pout, twirling the end of one of her pigtails around her finger, reminding Katherine of a confused golden retriever puppy.
"You know," She coaxed sensing Caroline's confusion "Red hair, tree hugger, shrieky voice, bat-shit crazy?"
Caroline pondered for a bit, twisting her body left and right as she contemplated. Then her face lit up in giddy realisation.
"Ohh, you mean Rory! She won't come out and play with me tonight, she's having an important meeting with Tristan, apparently," She said rolling her eyes dramatically.
Katherine made a face of disgust at the mention of the Riddler. She was certain there was something going on between himself and his sister, something that went beyond the boundaries usually drawn between siblings.
"And Klaus? Has he decided to let you off the leash tonight?" She quipped.
Caroline made the same confused face.
"Klaus never ties me up silly, not unless I've been a naughty girl," She giggled earning her an eye roll from Katherine.
Katherine was never one to get involved in other people's affairs, that lead to taking an interest in the person and eventually. Caring.
Unfortunately, for her, at this point, Caroline was much like a bad rash that no amount of ointment could clear up. For some reason, she'd decided they should be best friends (a notion she had firmly objected to, not that Caroline had taken any notice) and since then she couldn't help being a little concerned for Caroline's welfare.
Afterall Klaus Mikaelson, the green haired, psychopathic, self-proclaimed King of the city, was no one to trifle with. Many trembled at even the merest whisper of his name. It was unclear to Katherine how Caroline went from a respected psychiatrist at Arkham to playing sidekick/lover to the feared crime lord of the city.
She never went looking for problems, hence why herself and Klaus had never directly crossed paths, but based on the small - regrettable - attachment she'd made to Caroline, she'd be happy to pay 'The King' a little visit if he was hurting Caroline.
But Caroline spoke about Klaus like the sun literally shone out of his ass.
Caroline might be a little off her meds at times but she was pretty adroit when it came to using that hammer, she'd seen her in action once or twice, so surface wise anyway, Caroline didn't strike Katherine as a victim of abuse and what with the considerable amount of skin she always had on show, she probably would've spotted any bruises by now.
That didn't mean she wasn't keeping an eye out, though.
"Spare me the details cupcake," Katherine drawled, picking up the tool she'd dropped on the floor after Caroline had surprised her. "Sorry sweetie but I can't play with you tonight either, I'm busy,"
"Whatcha doin'?" Caroline sing-sang, swinging her hammer by her side and rocking on the balls of her feet.
"What's it look like?"
"You're breaking in the vault," Caroline stated the obvious before exclaiming. "Lemme help!"
"It okay Caroline, I got it,"
"Here, use this," She said before pulling an entire stick of dynamite out from her chest area.
"Holy shit!? What the hell Caroline, do you just carry that thing around with you in your fucking bra?"
"You never know when you might need it," She shrugged tossing the stick in Katherine's direction.
"Wh- no! Caroline, no explosives, no blowing things up," she exclaimed, tossing it back in Caroline’s direction.
Caroline pouted crossing her arms like a bad-tempered child.
"Why not?"
Katherine paused, pinching the bridge of her nose, realising that she wasn't going to get anywhere attempting to reason with her. Suddenly receiving an epiphany, she turned slowly and gave Caroline a devious smile.
"You know what Carebear? I'm super glad that you came here tonight, I need you to be my look out for tonight, can you do that for me?"
"Sounds boring," Caroline replied, scrunching up her nose.
"I've got a surprise for you if you do it for me,"
Caroline's eyes lit up at that.
"What kinda surprise?"
"You'll have to wait and see, won't you? You'll get it as soon as I'm done. Promise,"
"Okay Kitty Kat, you got it!" Caroline squeaked lifting her gloved hand in salute.
Katherine breathed a sigh of relief when she skipped out into the hallway quietly singing Britney Spears' ‘Oops I Did it Again’ under her breath.
She had to be quick since Caroline's presence was threatening to blow her cover. She knew it wasn't exactly fair to manipulate her like that, but she'd figure out a way to make it up to her some other time.
Now, for that ruby.
Upon cracking open the safe, Katherine reached into it with her gloved hand and picked up the stone. Even in the dim moonlight shining through the crack in the door, the stone sparkled in her hands. After admiring it for a moment she slipped it into a pouch attached to her belt.
She closed the vault re-entering the code to seal it shut. After closing the security door she was about to go out back out the way she came almost forgetting all about Caroline. She was just planning what to do with the rest of her night when...
"Aaaaargh! Bloody Hell!"
"Kaaaaatheeeriine, don't worry about giving me that surprise tonight, I already found one of my own," Came Caroline's ecstatic voice from the foyer.
Katherine contemplated just leaving like she'd planned but something inside her told her to go out, and investigate what the hell what was going on.
Katherine rounded the corner to see Caroline with her hammer poised over her head and one of her heels pressed tightly against the neck of one Kol Mikaelson.
"Look, Katherine, it's the Boy Blunder!"
The man in question sprawled rather helplessly on the floor turned his head - with some difficulty - and grinned at Katherine.
"Hello Katty,"
"Well, well, what do we have here?"
"I caught him before he even knew what hit him," Caroline beamed proudly.
"Literally," Kol grumbled.
"What do you want Kol?"
"That Ruby you've got one you for one, second I'd really love if you'd call off your guard dog here,"
There was a sharp cracking noise, as Caroline lifted her shoe from Kol's neck and slammed her hammer down onto Kol's ribcage instead.
"GARAAGHHH, give me a break you crazy bitch,"
"Careful," Caroline giggled manically " I know a certain someone who wouldn't appreciate you calling me that,"
Kol's face paled at the mention of his wayward brother but he managed to stumble to his feet clutching his ribcage and hobbling slightly. Katherine almost felt sorry for him, maybe she should bring Caroline along with her more often.
Then a realisation dawned on her.
"Where is he?"
"Who?" Kol asked now propped up against the nearby wall struggling to catch his breath.
"You know who," Katherine snapped. "The city's saviour," She sneered mockingly. "The Dark Knight. If you're here then he's not far behind somewhere,"
Kol opened his mouth to answer her, but he closed it again almost immediately, smirking at something over her shoulder.
Katherine didn't need to turn around to figure out what it was.
"Good evening Katerina,"
Katherine slowly turned taking in the sight of the tall broad shouldered figure dressed only in black.
"Thank you for having the good sense to look afraid,"
Katherine tilted her head and furrowed her brows.
"I'm not afraid, I just don't like you,"
"Well this ought to be good," Kol murmured in amusement.
"Hello Elijah," said Katherine.
"I'm afraid I'm going to have to relieve you of that item on your person,”
"Is that right?"
"Oh I'm afraid so, you see what you have in your possession doesn't appear to belong to you,"
"Well you know me, Elijah, I'm not a big fan of playing by the rules,"
"The ruby Katherine, I won't ask you again,"
Katherine made a face pretending to be contemplating, then gave him her best smile.
"If you want this from me, you can come over her and take it from me,"
Elijah gave a deep long-suffering sigh, as if Katherine’s defiance posed a horrible inconvenience for him.
"In that case, I’m afraid you leave me no choice,"
The only warning Katherine or anyone received, before experiencing what happened next, was the small flickering sound of a lighter behind her. That's when she remembered the plucky blonde in the room.
All at once there was a loud explosion; the smell of sulphur and a large purple/grey mist surrounding the area. Not missing a beat Katherine raced as quickly as her impressive legs would carry her out of the room leaving Kol and Elijah literally in her dust.
"Asta la vista boys!" Caroline yelled through the din on Katherine's heels trying to catch up.
By the time the smoke cleared both women were long gone. As Katherine escaped into the night she could hear the police sirens in the distance.
She'd have to remember to get Caroline a thank you gift for that little stunt.
As Elijah resigned himself into his favourite chair, in the Batcave, by the fireplace he took a sip of bourbon and let his head fall back against the chair.
"I think I'm getting too old for this,"
"Cheer up Elijah," Kol said clutching an ice pack to his side and his head with each hand. "We weren't to know Kitty-nine-lives was planning on teaming up with Klaus' nutcase bed buddy, personally, I think we should be glad it wasn't the other one with the red hair, ooh she was a right nutter,"
"Foiled again by the incomparable Katherine Pierce," Elijah muttered shaking his head bitterly.
Kol scoffed loudly.
"Are you really going to sit there and pretend you two aren't going to be cosied up in each other's arms this time next week, pretending none of this ever happened?"
When Elijah kept his face perfectly neutral Kol continued.
"Honestly, Elijah you must take me for a right idiot,"
"Well if your performance this evening is anything to go by-"
"You weren't there, she had a bloody hammer!"
"Yes I'm quite glad I wasn't, I imagine it was rather embarrassing to watch.”
Elijah stretched and rose from the chair
“I'm retiring to my room, Good night brother,"
"Sleep well Elijah, try not to think too hard about Kitty Claws in that lovely catsuit of hers,"
Elijah shot Kol one last dirty look then left the room.
"Booking for Katerina Petrova please,"
The blonde, slightly overweight woman behind the desk looked up from her crime novel to see a slim brunette woman on the other side of the desk. She wore tall stilettos, a black trench coat, a red bag and a matching red big brim hat, her green eyes hidden behind a large pair of shades. She looked like the type of suburban housewife that went out of town to have an extramarital affair with their next door neighbour. They got a lot of those types around there.
She looked up and checked his screen.
"Certainly Ms Petrova, you have yourself have a lovely stay,"
She watched the woman stroll idly toward the elevator wondering what kind of man awaited her in her room. Working the front desk wasn't the most interesting job, but observing some of the guests that came here was the highlight of the receptionist’s day.
The elevator stopped at floor 5.
Slowly Katherine walked toward the suite door and swiped the room card.
Her lover stood in the room waiting for her, clad in one of his trademark suits holding a bottle of champagne.
It was all so cliche and yet she couldn't wait to tear him out of that suit.
"Katerina," He said glancing up momentarily from pouring the drinks.
"'Lijah," She purred, then strode forward with a sudden sense of urgency, nearly knocking the bottle of out of his hand as her arms wrapped around his neck, stealing a passionate kiss from him that he enthusiastically reciprocated.
"I missed you," She said breathlessly, momentarily breaking the kiss.
Elijah leisurely began placing kisses down the creamy column of Katherine's neck.
"I'm surprised you had time to miss me, What with how busy you've been,"
Katherine rolled her eyes.
"'Lijah," She whined. " You know the rules, no talking about work,"
He chuckled. "Work? You're a glorified cat-burglar, my dear," He teased.
"And you're a billionaire, vigilante who likes to play dress up in the middle of the night with his younger brother," She shot back.
"But not in here, were not those people in here,"
"Let's not fool ourselves, darling, of course, we are. Our secret identities are a part of us whether we like it or not,"
"Elijah you're ruining the moment,"
"Do you ever wish things could be different?" He asked, looking into her eyes longingly.
"Maybe in a difference place, in a different lifetime, but for now it's like you said; I am who I am and so are you. I haven't figured out a way to stop loving you yet, so until one of us does, it looks like we're pretty much stuck in this weird purgatory for the rest of our lives,"
"Would it be awfully sentimental of me to say that there's no place I'd rather be?"
"Yes," She whispered closing the gap between them again and pushing their bodies backwards onto the bed. “It would,”
When Katherine Pierce got up the next morning, she was alone.
She felt the ghost of someone's hand on her naked shoulders that morning, kisses on her neck and shoulder blades. She’d kept her eyes shut and pretended to be asleep. She didn't want to watch him leave.
It was always better that way.
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