#litha altar in a jar
notdelusionalatall · 1 year
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Imma stay up to watch the sunrise on Litha. Blessed be! 💖💚🌞
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enchantedwitchling · 3 months
Celebrating the Summer Solstice: A Witch's Guide to Litha
As the wheel of the year turns to the height of summer, we embrace the vibrant energy of Litha, also known as the Summer Solstice. This magical festival marks the longest day and shortest night of the year, a time when the sun stands still and the Earth is bathed in its fullest light. Let's dive into the essence of Litha, explore how witches celebrate this sun-drenched festival, and discover rituals, spells, and traditions to honor this radiant time.
What is Litha?
Litha, celebrated on or around June 21st, is a festival of light, abundance, and the peak of the sun's power. It symbolizes the triumph of light over darkness and is a time of joy, growth, and the bountiful gifts of the Earth.
How Do Witches Celebrate Litha?
Witches celebrate Litha with outdoor rituals, bonfires, feasts, and a deep connection to nature. It’s a time to honor the sun, embrace its energy, and celebrate the fertility of the Earth.
Rituals and Spells for Litha
🔥 Bonfire Rituals: Lighting bonfires or candles symbolizes the sun’s energy and power. Jump over the fire (safely) or a candle to bring good luck and cleanse yourself of negative energies.
🌿 Flower Crowns and Herb Gatherings: Create flower crowns and gather herbs like St. John’s Wort, lavender, and rosemary, which are potent at this time.
💧 Sun Water: Collect water in a clear jar and leave it in the sun to absorb its energy. Use this sun-charged water in rituals and spells for vitality and empowerment.
✨ Sun Meditation: Meditate outdoors, focusing on the warmth and light of the sun. Visualize its energy filling you with strength and positivity.
Litha and Sacred Symbols
🌞 The Sun: The central symbol of Litha, representing life, energy, and power. Honor the sun with sun-shaped symbols, colors like gold, yellow, and orange, and sunflowers.
🔥 Fire: Symbolizing transformation and purification. Incorporate fire into your rituals through candles, bonfires, or even a simple flame.
🌸 Flowers and Herbs: Representing the Earth’s abundance and fertility. Decorate your altar with fresh flowers and use herbs in your spells and rituals.
Other Litha Traditions
🥗 Feasting: Celebrate with a feast of summer fruits, vegetables, and dishes cooked on an open fire. Share your bounty with loved ones, embracing the spirit of abundance.
🎁 Gift-Giving: Exchange small, sun-themed tokens of appreciation and blessings with friends and family.
🏞️ Nature Walks and Outdoor Activities: Spend time in nature, appreciating the beauty and energy of the season. Collect natural items for your altar or as offerings.
Litha is a time to celebrate the peak of solar energy, embrace the fullness of life, and set intentions for growth and abundance. Whether through rituals, spells, or simply basking in the sun’s glory, Litha offers a moment to connect deeply with the natural world and its rhythms. As we honor the longest day of the year, may the light of the sun fill your heart with joy, your mind with clarity, and your spirit with boundless energy.
Blessed Litha to all!
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thatdruidgal · 2 years
grimoire organization 2022
Greetings, everyone! This is how I've organized my grimoire for 2022. I use Obsidian to write it digitally.
This is just my personal preference for organization, so no worries if yours looks different! There are as many ways to organize a grimoire as there are witches and wizards in the world.
Tell me what you think! What parts do you like? What do you think I should add? Anything I'm missing or suggestions to make it better? Feel free to comment how you organize your grimoire below!
Farewell, and good tidings!
01.00 introduction
01.01 book blessing + protection
01.02 devotion/dedication
01.03 codes/rules/tenets
personal code
code of celtic druidism
the celtic commandments
01.04 intentions and goals
01.05 learn more/add to grimoire (notes)
02.00 about author
02.01 names
02.02 personal craft
02.03 life path number
02.04 birth tarot card
the emperor
02.05 astrology birth chart
sun in leo
moon in capricorn
ascendant in aquarius
mercury in virgo
venus in leo
mars in pisces
jupiter in leo
saturn in cancer
uranus in pisces
neptune in aquarius
pluto in sagittarius
02.06 celtic zodiac
hazel “the knower”
02.07 personal beliefs (brief)
02.08 favorites
magical tools
02.09 relationships with spiritual beings
02.10 psychic abilities (clair-)
02.11 personal signature/symbols
02.12 ancestry
02.13 how i want to be remembered
03.00 basics
03.01 types of spells
verbal spells
candle spells
sigil spells
jar spells
03.02 ritual work
the ritual model
meditation + grounding
directing energy
clockwise vs. counterclockwise
03.03 types of correspondences
mental clarity
03.04 sabbats 
about sabbats
yule (winter solstice)
ostara (spring equinox)
litha (summer solstice)
mabon (fall equinox)
samhain (halloween)
03.05 altars
03.06 spirit guides
about spirit guides
ancestor guides
ascended masters
archetype guides
guardian angels
animal guides
03.07 auras
about auras
03.08 alphabets + code language
ogham alphabet [not featured here]
03.09 symbols
celtic symbols
03.10 about divination
04.00 nature
04.01 the three elements
04.02 talking to nature
04.03 lunar phases 
full moon
new moon
waxing crescent
first quarter
waxing gibbous
waning gibbous
last quarter
waning crescent
blue moon
black moon
lunar eclipse “blood moon”
solar eclipse
moon void
04.04 herbs
for saining 
how to dry + store
04.05 gardening
companion plants
night-blooming plants
04.06 waters
rain water
storm water
dew water
snow water
moon water
sun water
river water
sea water
spring water
lake water
well water
swamp water
rose water
florida water
salt water
rosemary water
how to make moon water
04.07 aromatherapy
essential oils
custom for calm
05.00 minerals
05.01 crystals (by intention)
ones i own
ones i do not own
05.02 stones
precious stones
hag stones
wishing rocks
heart stones
05.03 jewelry
05.04 amulets
about amulets
charging amulets
05.05 charging
05.06 cleansing + care
05.07 salts
06.00 spirits
06.01 relationships with the spirits
06.02 when making offerings…
06.03 offering ideas
06.04 spirit guides
how to contact
talking to spirit guides
questions to ask
06.05 the fae
about the fae
offering ideas  
(some) types of fae
07.00 altars
07.01 layouts
07.02 what to use/ideas
07.03 for the elements
07.04 for sabbats
yule (winter solstice)
ostara (spring equinox)
litha (summer solstice)
mabon (fall equinox)
samhain (halloween)
08.00 recipes
08.01 general tips
08.02 infusions
herb-infused oil
rose oil
08.03 foods
lughnasadh herb bread
litha orange honey cake
rosemary-honey shortbread
enchanting flower and herb spread
08.04 drinks
fire cider
08.05 potions
08.06 natural remedies
elderberry syrup
08.07 lotions
rose hip lotion [personal]
08.08 cleaning products
pine needle spray
08.09 misc
four thieves vinegar
09.00 spells + rituals
09.01 affirmations
lunar affirmations
09.02 sigils
passive sigils
active sigils
creating sigils
charging sigils
09.03 sachets + jars
anti-anxiety sachet
09.04 prayers
simple opening prayer [personal]
druids prayer
09.05 blessings
old irish blessing
blessing lavender tea [personal]
garden blessing
seedling blessing
09.06 lunar rituals
new moon
waxing crescent
first quarter
waxing gibbous
full moon
waning gibbous
last quarter
waning crescent
09.07 sabbat rituals
yule (winter solstice)
ostara (spring equinox)
litha (summer solstice)
mabon (fall equinox)
samhain (halloween)
09.08 birthday ritual
09.09 solitary dedication ritual
10.00 divination
10.01 astrology birth charts
10.02 zodiac signs
10.03 celtic zodiac
10.04 basic tarot card meanings
major arcana
minor arcana, cups
minor arcana, swords
minor arcana, staffs
minor arcana, discs
10.05 tarot spreads
10.06 cleansing the tarot deck
10.07 omens
10.08 psychic abilities
about psychic powers
what to use them for
developing psychic abilities
11.00 library
11.01 dictionary/encyclopedia (?)
11.02 science and magic(k)
matter and energy
11.03 celts
celtic clothing
celtic days
11.04 druidry
about druidry
druid organizations
11.05 paganism + animism
11.06 types of divination
sacred geometry
11.07 types of witches/witchcrafts
green witch
eclectic witch
kitchen witch
solitary witch
cottage witch
grey witch
hedge witch
sea witch
religious witch
moon witch
sun witch
elemental witch
fire witch
earth witch
water witch
air witch
swamp witch
faery witch
cosmic witch
divination witch
crystal witch
secular witch
urban witch
literary witch
forest witch
music witch
chaos witch
shadow witch
techno witch
desert witch
art witch
natural witch
hereditary witch
11.08 types of psychic ability
11.09 tree lore
11.10 animal lore
11.11 misc correspondences 
12.00 inspiration
12.01 legends and myths
fionn mac cumhaill and the salmon of knowledge
12.02 poetry
alder dance
the oak tree
augeries of innocence
putting in the seed
to the cardinal, attacking his reflection in the window
nature aria
the gray heron
12.03 artwork [not featured here]
12.04 photography [not featured here]
13.00 shadow book [personal]
13.01 affirmations
13.02 recipes
13.03 cleansing
13.04 warding
13.05 enchanting
13.06 verbal spells
13.07 candle spells
13.08 sigil spells
13.09 jar spells + sachets
13.10 crystals
13.11 rituals
13.12 tarot divination
getting to know the field tarot deck [archive]
13.13 dreams
13.14 craft challenges
13.15 holiday celebrations
13.16 miscellaneous
13.17 craft advice
from mickey
14.00 personal beliefs
14.01 personal beliefs (expanded)
14.02 creation of the universe
14.03 death + otherworld
14.04 time
14.05 “spirituality”
14.06 magick
15.00 index of personal contributions
16.00 list of sources of information
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fernthewhimsical · 2 years
Original Content Masterpost
A masterpost for all original content (I could find) here on this blog. Some of it is old and doesn't really apply to my path anymore, so please be aware of the dates. In no particular order.
Magic and Spells: Enchanted Spoon rack Burnable Spellboxes Spell Sugars How I made Spellcandles LED Spellcandles I LED Spellcandles II Full Moon Powder See the Truth Poppet Spell Binding and Banishing Jar Pride Witchcraft WarWitch Spellbottle Pendant Imbolc Creativity Spell Litha Spell Samhain Remembrance Sigil Samhain Remembrance Spell Stones for the Cosmic Witch Elemental Bottles Reclaiming Sigil Strength Bindrunes Daily Practice with Sigils
Text Posts: Gender in Witchcraft, pt. 1 Gender in Witchcraft, pt. 2 Write your Witchcraft WYW original questions Travel Altar Challenge MTG cards as oracle deck Birthday Magic Fiction as Shadow work The magic of fabrics
Witch Tips: You’re allowed to have pretty things House Candle Holders Enchant your Keys Snow Globe Home Cleansing Spell Recipe Cards Moonwater Washi Tape Candles Baby Blessing (reply) Save your Apple Seeds
Poetry: Stars Moon phases Nehalennia Find Me, Sister (Baduhenna) Wings
Art Grimoire: Moon phases Moons of the Year Star Stuff Perpetual Wheel of the Year the Festivals Elements Make your Mark Altered Cover My Grimoires
Art: Queer Witch Witchy Self Portrait Botanical BOS cover Travel altar miniature Travel altar miniature 2 Altar Hearth Prayer Beads Sleep Spelljar Magic Mirrors Mini Moonstone Runes Imbolc Greeting Card Autumn and Pronoun Pins Galaxy Drum Labyrinth Travel Altar
Deity: Sources of Dutch deities masterpost Fern’s Introduction to Nehalennia Fern’s Introduction to Cernunnos Fern’s Introduction to Baduhenna Fern’s Introduction to Liyesa Deity Bindrunes Nehalennia Candle Shrine Nehalennia Wood Statue Nehalennia Mood Board Baduhenna: Valkyrie or Dutch Morrigan? Offering Bowl Restoration Baduhenna Mood Board Baduhenna Drawing Cernuna? Liyesa Mood Board Stardew Valley Shrines Cozy Grove Nehalennia Shrine Nemetona and Sacred Space Nemetona Mood Board Elen of the Ways Art Page Arcanua, Dutch deity of magic and the dawn? Journey through the Gods (personal) Dutch Deity Oracle Cards
Personal Practice: (mostly photos) Temple Room (wip) Bedside Altar Spooky Story Time! 2019 Wicker Wolf Shell Collection Litha Altar Self Care Altar Ancestor Altar (reply) Old Altar pic Old Altar tour Leiden Botanical Gardens
[Updated Feb 11th 2023)]
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grim-wildwood · 6 months
Fruits in Ritual
These kinds of fruits are very common in every household and grocery store, yet many rarely think of the magickal properties of these sweet gifts from nature. Herbs are aromatic and sensual, but thinking outside the box, especially with food items, is a great way to expand your understanding of the craft.
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Surround the Empress card from the tarot with apple slices (dried or fresh) and leave them on the altar for help with fertility.
Pour a libation of apple juice during your ritual to ask for the gift of insight or to seek help with life decisions.
Add apple peels to a large pot or cauldron of water with cinnamon, allspice, and/or ginger root to infuse your home with romance.
If you cut an apple in half, you will find a pentacle star in the middle. Press spell ingredients into the flesh or use it to symbolize earth on an all-natural altar.
Apple branches make gorgeous wands. Leave yours natural, or decorate it with gemstones, shells, sea glass, feathers, etc.
Burn apple blossom incense to enhance your connection to other realms.
The bitter seeds of an apple make excellent additions to mojo bags, spells, or amulets for protection.
Plant an apple tree in your yard to bless your home for prosperity.
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Blackberry leaves can be used in sachets and spell jars for protection and prosperity.
Blackberries are considered sacred especially to Goddess Brigid.
A blackberry bush forming a natural arch is considered a good omen and a great aid to magickal healing.
One traditional use consists of crossing the brambles to get rid of evil spirits.
The leaves of the blackberries have stomach settling and anti-inflammatory properties.
Eat blackberries or drink their juice before divination.
Blackberry bushes were also used for home protection under the assumption that any malevolent spirits would be compelled to count all the berries, and that would prevent them from entering your home.
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Juniper has strong cleansing properties in magic. Traditionally, it was used in burial rites, in protective rituals, and to eliminate evil spirits.
The house can be smudged with smoke from burning juniper needles to cleanse the energy.
Juniper twigs are hung on the front door for protection from people with impure thoughts and from evil spirits. A properly planted juniper, with magick, care, and love, can protect the home from thieves and general bad vibes.
Juniper is widely used to remove unwanted love spells.
Juniper attracts good luck and protects against diseases. Juniper woods are burned, and their pleasant fragrance is suitable as an incense for ritual offerings during the autumn Samhain fire festival at the beginning of the Celtic year to honor the Gods and Lunar Goddess.
If you feel like your body has absorbed so many negativities and need healing, Juniper Berries can be used as an amulet to facilitate much stronger healing.
Juniper Berries can be used in love spells to draw love to your circle or eliminate undesired emotions and suitors.
There is also an opinion that magick wands and staves can be made of juniper. Juniper wands enhance the psychic abilities of the owner as well as protect them from curses and evil spirits.
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Pomegranate juice can be used as a symbol for blood in a spell.
Pomegranate juice and seeds can be used in love spells as well as protection spells.
Make an ink using pomegranate leaves and vinegar and use it to write fertility, prosperity, and protection spells.
Give pomegranates as a housewarming gift to bestow the blessings of abundance and prosperity on a household.
Hang branches near or above your door to ward off evil.
Drink the juice or eat the seeds while working with the moon. Meditate and ask for guidance, knowledge, or wisdom.
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Valencia oranges, associated with the high midsummer season, can be placed on the Litha altar.
Dried orange peel can be included in creativity sachets. For example, try combining dry orange peel and coffee grounds to break through writer’s block.
Oranges are a sun symbol. Use them in sun magick and solar rites.
Leave dried orange peel by the bathroom sink or wherever you get ready in the morning. Oranges have an energizing effect.
Associated with abundance, oranges make the perfect addition to spells of monetary success.
Blend dried orange into ritual incense. Orange peel blends well with a variety of other scents, particularly spicy ones.
During the solar holidays, fill your chalice with orange juice to welcome the sun back at Yule, or bid him farewell on Midsummer.
Combine a few drops of orange essential oil with a natural alcohol base like vodka, put it in a spray bottle, and spritz it over the altar for a lovely energy cleansing.
For the kitchen witch, make some orange marmalade from scratch and bless it for joy.
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thelostchaoswitch · 4 months
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June is upon us, bringing the warmth of the sun and the lushness of summer! As the days grow longer, there’s a magical energy in the air that’s perfect for our witchy practices. Here are some enchanting things to do this month, including a few you might not have thought of! 🌞🔮
1. Celebrate Litha (Summer Solstice): On June 21st, the Summer Solstice is the longest day of the year. It’s a powerful time for manifestation and gratitude. Decorate your altar with sun symbols, fresh flowers, and candles. Consider a sunrise or sunset ritual to honor the sun’s peak.
2. Herb Harvesting: Many herbs are at their peak potency in June. Gather rosemary, thyme, lavender, and sage. Dry them for use in spells, teas, and incense. Remember to thank the plants and leave offerings in return for their bounty.
3. Midsummer Night’s Dream: Inspired by Shakespeare, embrace the fae energy that’s strong during this time. Create a faery garden or leave offerings of milk, honey, and shiny trinkets in your garden to invite the fae into your life. ***Be cautious and be aware of who you are working with. Make sure you study before you call forth anything***
4. Solar Water: Create solar water by leaving a jar of water in the sunlight for several hours. This water can be used for cleansing, charging crystals, or in sun spells to bring energy and vitality into your life.
5. Nature Walks: Take long walks in nature to ground yourself and connect with the Earth. Collect natural items like feathers, stones, and leaves for your altar. Pay attention to animal sightings, as they might bring messages from the spirit world.
6. Fruit Magick: June brings a bounty of fruits like strawberries, cherries, and apricots. Use them in kitchen witchery—bake a pie with intention, make a fruit salad charged with positive energy, or create fruit offerings for deities or spirits.
7. Seashell Spells: If you live near the coast or have access to seashells, use them in your magick. Seashells represent water and can be used in love spells, for emotional healing, or to enhance intuition.
8. Firefly Meditations: If you’re lucky enough to have fireflies in your area, watch them in the evening. Use their gentle light to guide your meditation, symbolizing illumination, hope, and the beauty of small things.
9. Sun Gazing: In the early morning or late evening when the sun is not too strong, practice sun gazing. This can be a form of meditation and can help you absorb the sun’s energy directly.
10. Journaling with Intention: Reflect on the first half of the year and set intentions for the months ahead. June is a midpoint, a perfect time to reassess and realign your goals and dreams.
11. DIY Sun Catchers: Craft sun catchers with crystals, beads, and other shiny objects. Hang them in your windows to catch the sunlight and fill your space with rainbows and positive energy.
12. Create a Summer Spell Jar: Fill a jar with items that represent summer to you—sunflowers, sand, seashells, and herbs. Seal it with a yellow candle and use it to attract summer energy into your home.
13. Moonlit Bath: On a warm night, take a moonlit bath with flowers, essential oils, and sea salt. This can cleanse your aura and connect you with the moon’s feminine energy.
14. Dance Under the Stars: Gather friends or enjoy a solo dance session under the starry sky. Let the rhythm connect you with the universe and raise your vibrations.
15. Make Sun Tea: Place tea bags in a jar of water and let it steep in the sunlight. As it brews, infuse it with your intentions and drink it to absorb the sun’s energy.
Let’s embrace the magic of June and make the most of these sunny, enchanted days! What are your favorite witchy things to do in June? Share in the comments! 🌞🌸🔮
Stay strong, stay well, stay safe. 💕
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ocean-gems · 1 year
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Litha Altar-
To celebrate midsummer/the summer solstice I decorated my alter with gold and yellow as a thanks to the blessings of the sun. The three tarot cards are 7 of pentacles, the sun, and 6 of pentacles. I picked these during my Solstice reading. Good fortune awaits me! ☀️ The little jars are wet bee specimens.
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witchy-archives · 2 years
tags are for me:)
tagging system:
#tasks #memes #safety #witch tip #routines #journal #self care #tools #correspondences #borrowing #for me
#divination #tarot #astrology #crystals #protection #cleansing #dreams #garden #altars #psychic #energy work #meditation #astral projection #auras
#spells #spell jars #curses #sigils #recipes #potions #charms
spirit work
#spirit work #deity work #demons #satanism #orobas #stolas #lilith #fae
#sabbats #yule #imbolc #ostara #beltane #litha #lammas #mabon #samhain
types of witchcraft
#types of witches #art witch #green witch #sun witch #cosmic witch #baby witch #death witch #student witch #music witch #wicca
#resources #music
#inspo #aesthetic #affirmations #advice
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witchofbonesandkeys · 2 years
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Summer solstice altar, featuring some flowers from my garden and some lemon and rosemary infused water; solstice tarot/oracle spread (another one that was bang-on clear with its answers.)
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themcxd · 4 years
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Blessed Litha to all! 🌻☀️
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🌞Blessed Litha🌞
1. When I woke up I made lemon ricotta and fresh berry pancakes 🍋🍓
2. I worked out and did sun salutation meditation
3. I charged my gold necklace over night and put it on before I began my ritual
4. I performed a Litha Intention spell to set my goals and start anew with our new moon 🌑
5. I put together a Litha Jar, and included
Salt: purification
Lavender oil: healing, calming
Mint: healing
Basil: protection, peace
Cinnamon: health, good luck
Rose Hip: love
Sealed with a green candle
6. Im going a Litha Tarot card reading, and I’ll post this next, so I can delve in deep to its meaning.
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barefootbaltimore · 6 years
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Last night I made my first spell jar to get creeps to ignore me on the bus. I'm feeling real good about today.
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twwofwwands · 3 years
A Year and a Day UPDATED - 206 prompts - A Quest to discover my individual Witchcraft
*UPDATED - original post was 196 prompts
After a lifetime of subtle magic and a year of failing to step into my power, I wrote this personalized curriculum to learn my own individual Witchcraft over 366 days. There are 206 points on the list. Some will take a bit of time and work. Others require more simple answers.
I used the words "personalized" and "individual" for a reason. Witchcraft is very personal. We are all individuals and nothing we do looks exactly the same. Some of the points may not suit you. Adjust or omit them.
I will be kicking this off with a devotional river bath on June 1st.
Follow me on Instagram if you'd to tag along. Inspired by https://sammmango.tumblr.com/post/175974393404/a-whopping-list-of-grimoire-prompts-and-ideas
Cleansing Commencement Ritual
1. List everything you’re grateful for. Be very specific – from the people you love to the water you drink
2. Write down what you want to change about your life. What is holding you back?
3. List everything you need to release, unlearn, and cleanse
4. Write affirmations to support your unlearning and growth with everyday
5. Take a cleansing shower or bath. Use whatever candles, herbs, crystals, etc. you feel like.
Wheel of the Year
6. Create your own calendar/”wheel” as you go
a. Keep a running list of signs you notice of the changing seasons
7. Research each of the Sabbats and decide how they work into your craft.
a. Summer Solstice/Litha – June 20
b. Lammas/Lughnasadh – August 1
c. Fall Equinox/Mabon – September 22
d. Samhain/Halloween – October 31
e. Yule/Winter Solstice – December 21
f. Imbolc/Candlemas – February 2
g. Spring Equinox/Ostara – March 20
h. May Day/Beltane – May 1
8. How do you wish to celebrate the popular holidays or combine them with related Sabbats? Valentine’s Day? Easter and Ostara? Yule and Christmas?
Witchcraft 101
9. Definitions – Determine what these terms mean to you by researching various descriptions
a. Grounding
b. Centering
c. Cleansing
d. Charging
e. Blessing
f. Charming
g. Enchanting
h. Warding
i. Binding
j. Banishing
k. Consecrating
10. How do you ground and center?
11. How do you cast a circle? Do you bother?
12. What are the corners? How do you call them?
13. How do you set up an altar? Do you bother?
14. Research various workings and their origins;
a. Candle magic
b. Knot/braid magic
c. Sigils
d. Self protection
e. Home protection
f. Egg workings
g. Foot track work
h. Hair/Tag-lock magic
i. Money magic
i. Money bowl/plate
ii. Money candle
iii. Money dust
iv. Lode stone money spell
v. Look up 5 good money spells that you would use
j. Sex magic
k. True jar spells
15. Directions
16. (5) Elements
17. 7 Days of the week
18. Colours
19. Read your own birth chart in depth while working through this section
20. Triplicities – Elements in Astrology
21. Quadruplicities – Cardinal/Mutable/Fixed
22. The 12 zodiac signs
23. The 12 houses
24. Aspects
25. Rising sign
26. Sun sign
27. Moon sign
28. Mercury
29. Venus
30. Mars
31. Saturn
32. Jupiter
33. Uranus
34. Neptune
35. Pluto
Lunar Magic
36. Moon Phases
a. Correspondences
b. Add to your calendar/”wheel”
37. New Moon rituals
38. Full moon rituals
39. Read cards every day
40. Pull a tarot card for each week. Read it for yourself. Research traditional meanings and symbolism as well.
41. Draw some tarot spreads to refer to.
42. Write a list of other divining methods that you’re interested in
43. Make runes or charms…a bone set?
44. How do crystals work?
45. How do you cleanse crystals?
46. How do you charge crystals?
47. How do you program crystals?
a. Create a charm to carry with you as reminder and amplifier of your magic
48. What are the uses of crystal grids? Look up some examples for more ideas.
49. How can you use crystals?
a. Physically
b. Metaphysically
c. Around the home
50. Write an information page for every crystal you have. (See Crystal List)
Green Witchery
51. Research all the herbs you are growing;
a. Basil
b. Calendula
c. Chives
d. Catnip
e. Chamomile
f. Dill
g. Lavender
h. Lemon Balm
i. Oregano
j. Peppermint
k. Rosemary
l. Sage
m. Thyme
52. Identify and research 15 plants or trees in your yard. How can you use these in your craft?
53. Identify and research 15 wild plants or trees in nature. How can you use these in your craft?
54. How can you garden by the moon?
55. Note any foraging times on the calendar/”wheel”
56. Research the essential oils you have on hand
a. Bergamot
b. Cedarwood
c. Cinnamon leaf
d. Chamomile
e. Eucalyptus
f. Frankincense
g. Geranium
h. Lavender
i. Lemon
j. Lemongrass
k. Lime
l. Peppermint
m. Rose
n. Rosemary
o. Tea tree
57. Make body butter
58. Make “Personal Growth” scalp and nail massage oil
59. Make face/gua sha oil
60. Make toothpaste
61. Make toner with oil (like micellar water)
62. Make ‘Thieves’ body spray
63. Create your own signature scent in a body spray
64. Learn to make herbal infusions
65. Learn to make infused oils
66. Learn to make herbal decoctions
67. Learn to make tinctures
68. Learn to make mouthwashes
Spirit Work
69. List the Spirits you can think to work with
a. Ancestors
i. Do you have an item that belonged to them?
b. Flora, Fauna & the Land
c. Planets
i. Where are they in your chart?
70. How can one connect with the spirit of a/an;
a. Ancestor
b. Plant or tree
c. Natural body of water
d. Fairies
e. Planet
71. What type of offerings would you provide different spirits?
a. Ancestors
b. Plants or trees
c. A natural body of water
d. Fairies
e. A planet
72. Take what you’ve learned above and try connecting with spirits;
a. An Ancestor
b. A plant or tree
c. A natural body of water
d. Fairies
e. A Planet
Shadow work
73. Look at your chart;
a. Moon, house
b. 12th house, ruler
c. Saturn
d. Chiron
e. Hard aspects
74. Research Jungian Archetypes and determine which ones fit you.
a. What are your shadows? How can you work on them?
75. Research Myers-Briggs personality types and determine which one fits you.
Personal Maintenance & Glamour
76. Hydrate – your body, brain, Earth and the Moon are mainly water
77. Eat of the Earth
78. Create a soothing bedtime ritual
79. Create a morning ritual that you look forward to
a. ‘Bubble up’ ideas
b. Make a list of Affirmations
c. Gratitude candles
d. Print a checklist
80. Exercise – hike, bike, lift
a. Make a list of your favourite dog walking spots
b. Make a list of your favourite hiking spots
c. Make a list of your favourite biking spots
81. Meditate daily – even if it’s just a few minutes
82. List best hair care practices
83. List best skin care practices
84. Make a detailed Calendar or “Wheel” with your individualized plans for the next year. (June 1, 2022-June 1, 2023)
85. Write your Grimoire – Create a tidy book of the information that you will use in your craft.
a. Your personalized Holiday/Sabbat celebrations, dates, symbols, etc
b. The basics that make up the foundation of your craft
c. The various workings you do/intend to use
d. Spells
e. Correspondences
f. The tools of your craft
g. Your completed birth chart interpretation
h. Moon Rituals
i. Personal Tarot card meanings, spreads
j. A guide to your Runes, Bones, or whatever divination set you may have made or acquired (#39)
k. Crystal practices, information pages
l. Plant information
m. Essential Oil information
n. Recipes
o. Spirit information, communication records
p. Shadow work and a plan to work on your shadows
q. Your ideal day
r. Your ideal week
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babywitchofthesouth · 4 years
What to include in a grimoire
 i believe a grimoire can come in any form; written or typed, images or words, or a mix. personally i have mine typed on my laptop, but you could put yours in an empty book, you could make a pinterest collage, include it in a bullet journal, or ive even seen someone upcycle an old book to hide it in plain site.
remember this is just a rough outline based on my grimoire and you can add to it how you like
some sections overlap so you can choose what to put where
if written, leave 2 pages
if typed, add to start of document
about me
my witchy name and the meaning behind it
natal chart
sun, moon and rising
patron planet
zodiac symbols
zodiac element
tarot birth cards
birth number
name number
favourite colour/tools/herbs/crystals
witch type
‘what is witchcraft to me’
intent, law of attraction, karma, goals etc.
visualisation, meditation, grounding
specific to my culture/geography
wheel of the year
moon phases
how to celebrate
samhain, yule, imbolc, ostara, beltain, litha, lammas, mabon
tools (not correspondents)
how to use
cardinal directions
candle snuff
how to set it up
virtual/drawn altar (optional)
lunar phases
days of the week
numbers (numerology)
(native) flowers/plants/herbs
charged waters
who i have a connection to
how to bond
culture-specific myths
crystal grids
crystal care
crystal shapes
my crystals
get-to-know, spreads, tarot deck care, meanings
black mirror, water, crystal ball, fire
how to make them
ones ive made
ways to use them
spell pouch
spell jar
smoke, air, dirt, water, crystal grids, full moon
circle casting/removing
dressing candles
witch crafts
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★ 𝔴𝔢𝔩𝔠𝔬𝔪𝔢 𝔱𝔬 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔰𝔱𝔞𝔯𝔩𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱 𝔭𝔯𝔞𝔠𝔱𝔦𝔠𝔢 ★
hello witches & friends! my name is amie & I am a 22 year old witch based out of the mountains!
lately my craft has been a little all over the place - but, i’m trying to recenter my focus on celtic paganism. i have been practicing for about 8 years. feel free to ask me any questions!
the table of contents below is a super rough resource of content i’ve reblogged & posted. it is also by no means updated lol
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𝕥𝕒𝕓𝕝𝕖 𝕠𝕗 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕤
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𝕞𝕪 𝕡𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕔𝕖
altar ideas
angel numbers
astral projection
birth trees
bos ideas
daily witchcraft
days of the week
deity work
energy work
hair magick
hours of the day
positive vibes
protection techniques
sabbats / wheel of the year
salt magick
shadow work
spiritual truths
spirit work
spell jar recipes
types of witches
hedge witch
kitchen witch
witch tips
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kinnarawanders · 3 years
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This is my first Litha!
There are no acorn trees where I’m from, so I got these cuties online, they come in 10s minimum, and my mini altar is filled with their cheerful accompaniment!
Also featured are my little stones, a cinnamon incense cone, and a self-love jar.
I always make sure I am present and observe carefully when the candles are alight.
Wishing you a warm and magical Litha, stay safe, and blessed be!
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