agerefandoms · 1 month
A gaggle of littles
Word count: 1, 871
Little! Chase, Cameron, Foreman, House
Cw: involuntary regression, yelling
Plot: When Chase regresses on an important case, it sets off a very dangerous domino effect
Full credit for idea goes to @puppyboywilson
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Chase, Cameron and Forman all sit around a large glass table that is completely covered in various different papers.
All three have visible eye bags, are yawning consistently and... oh yeah. All three are face down on the table, fast asleep.
A long bang on the table sends them all shooting awake, eyes darting to look for the threat. Only for their eyes to settle on House standing at the table and a large diagnostic book sitting on the table, clearly being what woke them up.
“You all look cheery” House says, by way of hello.
“That tends to happen when people get no sleep working for an ungrateful boss” Cameron sasses, but quickly follows up with, “Sorry, I get grumpy when I get no sleep”
“No matter” House says, waving off the scared look on her face. “We have a new symptom people!” He walks over to a whiteboard that already has “seizures, emotional outbursts, hallucinations, fever and joint pain” written on it. He takes a black marker and writes “bloody urine” under it all.
He briefly pauses, considering the information he has before turning back to the ducklings. “So, differential people!”
Cameron and Foreman both put forward several theories but Chase remains head down on the desk. A whimper escaped his lips, too quiet for anyone to hear. His mind darts to the lifeless body of the little girl he lost just 2 days before and he swallows the sob that gets stuck in his throat.
“Chase, care to share with the class?” House asks, drawing the younger mans attention.
Chase lifts his head and glares at House. His throat bobbed and he shot out of his chair. He practically sprints to the door, letting it slam behind him.
“I’ll go” Cameron says after a moments pause. She walks out, shooting House a warning glance to not follow her.
It doesn’t take her long to find him, tucked in a corner under House’s desk. His legs are tucked up neatly and his head placed gently on his knees. Every few seconds, he lets out a pitiful sounding sniffle.
“Hey buddy” She whispers, not wanting to spook him. “You ok?”
Chase looks up. His red, puffy but surprisingly clear eyes meet her concerned, clear ones. He lets out another sniffle before launching himself into his arms.
“Awe Bobby” Cameron coos, breaking out his little nickname when she realises that he’s regressed. She wastes no time in wrapping her arms around him and holding him.
They stay like that for almost 10 minutes. Just Cameron sitting on the floor with Chase on her lap, softly sniffling and babbling apologies. She would’ve stayed longer but the longer she holds the regressed boy, the more she feels her own fragile hold on her headspace breaking. She carefully picks him up, balancing him on her hip like an older sister. After make sure that he’s in a good position, she starts carefully carrying him back to the briefing room.
She opens the door with some difficulty. She walks in without saying a word to House or Foreman. In fact, she walks right pass them. She carefully sets Chase down in a corner of the room set up with some toys and pillows. She gives him a moment to get comfortable before turning back to the responsible adults in the room.
“He regressed” She says slowly, making sure that her words are coming out correctly. “I… need help.” She manages to get out. She takes a wobbly step forward before sitting down harshly.
House and Foreman immediately snap into action.  Both being flips, they knew how to take care of younger regressors and have babysat Chase and Cameron before. Foreman makes his way to Cameron, picking her up easily. “Hi silly girl,” He says to her softly, trying to get her mind off of the stressful situation. Allison giggles and kicks her legs. “How old are you feeling Bambi?”
She pauses for a moment before holding up a 5, then putting a finger down to 4, then back up to five. She lets out a whine, saying, “Not sure!”
Meanwhile, House beelines for Chase as fast as his leg will allow.  He can’t pick Chase up so he lowers himself painfully down to his level, sitting on the pillows with him. “Hey puppy,” House whispers, not wanting to scare him again. “Feeling better?”
Chase looks up from the car he’s playing with and whimpers when he sees House. “Am I in trouble?” Chase says, whispering so quietly that House can hear him.
Those words break House’s heart and he feels his grip on his headspace slip a little bit. He takes a steady breath before gently saying, “No bobby, you’re not in trouble”
Chase smiles, his anxiety easily eased in regression. He hands House a dark green car. Then he picks up light blue car and starts racing them around the small raceroad the team has set up. As the two play, they develop a complicated plot that both struggle to follow.
It doesn’t take long for Foreman to pad over to the 2 youngest regressors with Camerons hand in his (so she doesn’t wander off). “House?” Foreman speaks up, attempting to get his bosses attention. When he doesn’t look up, he just continues on anyway. “Um… I was watchin’ Cameron ‘n’ we was playin’ ballet pirates ‘n’ I accidently slipped?” Foreman mutters, hoping to get the next most responsible adult.
House turns around, having only caught the back half of what foreman said. He looks sheepish and doesn’t meet his eyes. “’M smol too…” He trails off.
Foreman brings Cameron over, and sits the 2 of them on the remaining pillows. He’s able to identify that he’s the oldest little and therefor has to take charge for the moment. “Ok,” he says softly, trying to formulate a plan of what to do. “Let’s figure out ages” he says, settling on that as a first move to figure out who can do what. “I’m around 10 I think” He says, gesturing to himself in an attempt to start the discussion. “What about the rest of you? he asks, careful to not pull any of them out of regression.
“Um… 6 or 7?” Cameron says, not sounding very sure. She shuffles a little closer to Chase and wordlessly takes his hand.
“4” House replies immediately. He glares at Foreman as if this should be obvious, then goes back to playing with his green car.
“Um… 2?” Chase responds, after a very lengthy pause, looking very out of it. He puts his car aside and climbs into Camerons lap, the game having gotten too complex for him to understand. He snuggles in, comfortable. Cameron deliberately ignores the look of betrayal from House and contently holds Chase.
“Ok ok ok” Foreman mutters, trying his best to take care of the three littles even though he’s regressed too. He gets up and starts pacing, trying to come up with a solution when he stops and looks at House. He crouches down at House’s level. “Do you know where Cuddy and Wilson are?” He asks.
“Wilsons in a meeting and Cuddy is doing clinic duty” House recites, still glaring daggers at Cameron.
“Ok, I’m going to go get Cuddy and Wilson. I shouldn’t be more then 10 minutes. Cameron, you’re in charge while I’m gone” Foreman says before dashing out of the room to find an adult to deal with the situation.
House keeps his eyes on Foreman, waiting until he’s out of ear range. As soon as he deemed it safe, he leant over and snatched Chase from Camerons lap. Chase immediately started crying from the shock of being moved and the stress of being away from Cameron. He reaches towards her, wanting to go back to the warmth and cosiness of her lap. His crying only makes House frown more. He awkwardly pats Chase’s head, trying to calm him.
“House!” Cameron gasps, jumping up. “You can’t do dat to the baby!”
House just sticks his tounge out at her and grips on tighter to Chase, not wanting him to go. When Chase doesn’t stop wailing, he roughly covers his mouth.
Cameron sees what House is doing and watches Chase start to struggle to breathe. She quickly pries Chase from his grip and sits him on her hip, trying to soothe him.
“No fair!” House whines, jutting out his bottom lip as he watches Cameron effortlessly soothe Chase. “You always get the baby”
“I get the baby because I’m better with the baby” Cameron says, taking a deep breath to try and steady her breath but leveling House with a glare that said “how dare he hurt Bobby”
Her glare makes Houses bottom lip tremble. He looks at Chase, contently watching the fan from her hip. “No you’re not! I do better with Bobby!” He shouts, upset.
“Then why did you try to suffocate him?!�� Cameron shouts snapping. Her yelling causes Chase to burst out in tears. House looks at the 2 of them with wide eyes before wordlessly going and putting himself in the corner. He plops down and starts gently crying while Cameron tries her best to consol Chase.
That’s the site that Foreman, Wilson and Cuddy walk into. “Oh boy…” Wilson mutters, taking in the chaotic site.
“Right!” Cuddy says, putting on a cheerful voice and taking control of the situation. All heads turn towards her. “Foreman” She says, addressing the ‘oldest’. “You’ve done such a good job hon but we’ve got it from here. Why don’t you go read a book?” She says gently, wanting Foreman to get to be a kid too. Foreman shuffles over to the kiddy bookshelf and picks up a chapter book before settling into a beanbag.
“Cameron, come here.” A wide eyed and sniffling Cameron shuffles over to Cuddy. “I’m sorry” She says before Cuddy can say anything. The tears start flowing and she babbles, “I tried I did but peanut took Bobby n then tried to stop his cries by covering his mouth and I yelled I shouldn’t have because I was in charge and im so so sorry” She finishes, sobbing.
 Cuddy just pulls her into her arms. “It’s alright Bambi, none of you should’ve have been put in that position.” She looks over to a very overwhelmed Wilson. “Wilson, can you go and grab House?” She asks, knowing Wilson will deal with House best.
Cuddy continues consoling Cameron and Chase while Wilson and House chat. It takes a good 5 minutes but eventually Wilson comes back over, holding hands with a yawning and red eyed House and Foreman, whose dropped a little more and is rubbing his eyes.
“Ok! Naptime” Cuddy forces herself to announce cheerfully. To her surprise, no one fought her on it. So the little group of six walked to an empty ward, Cuddy holding Chase on her hip and Cameron with her other hand and Wilson holding hands with House and Wilson. Cuddy glared at every employee who opened their mouths.
Soon, the odd little group was all tucked in and Cuddy and Wilson were left watching them sleep.
“We are NEVER letting them regress by themselves again,” Cuddy says into the quiet.
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therhythmofroses · 9 months
some more headcanons of house + wilson taking care of little ducklings 😌🐥 (completely sfw, dni k!nk c/glre etc)
-one of the little ducklings favorite things to do is arts and crafts!! wilson is usually the one who sits with them to do things like paint or color! a lot of times the kids will make pictures for house or wilson, and both of them very happily keep all of the drawings in his office so they can look at them whenever
-all of the ducklings were very shy around wilson the first couple times he was around while they were little. cameron warmed up the fastest. chase and 13 both took more time because they had hard relationships with their actual parents. (when kutner is small, he’s the most sociable of all of them around caregivers/adults)
-whenever specifically house calls little 13 “remy”, she’ll insist that’s not her name (when wilson calls her “remy”, she’s grumpy about it but listens much faster)
-similarly: if someone calls little cameron by her last name, she’ll laugh and say “no silly, i’m allie!”
-lil chase gets called “buddy” a lot by wilson
-chase, whether small or big, is extremely good at spotting when one of the other ducklings is slipping. he probably accidentally busts them/does something that gives it away when they’re trying to hide it way more than he means to!
-little 13 has the most attitude until she warms up to being taken care of. little cameron is the most easygoing from the get-go. chase is somewhere in the middle depending on how stressed he is when he’s big
-chase and 13 take naps while little. allie/little cameron usually doesn’t. chase lets it happen and likes to snuggle when it’s offered, but 13 fights the sleepiness the whole time!
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ipetite69 · 4 months
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·̩͙ ₊ ᨦ ♡ ᨩ ໋₊ ·̩͙
no bc rafe would be utterly obsessed with you
so 99% of his ig profile would be just pictures of you two together
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rafeandonlyrafe · 4 months
pink princess
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words: 2.4k
warnings: 18+ only!!, smut, p in v sex, female receiving oral, girly!reader, violence, blood, rafe beats someone up, kelce is the bad guy in this D:
“i just don't get it rafe.” kelce shakes his head.
“what?” rafe mumbles, barely paying attention to his friend. even topper seems barely interested, both too focused on the football game playing on the television.
“how you could date a girl like y/n.” 
your name has rafe snapping to attention, turning to glare at kelce. “what the fuck is that supposed to mean?” rafe has only been your boyfriend for a couple months now, but he wouldn't question beating the shit out of his friend if he insulted you.
“don't get me wrong, the girl is nice and all. i like her she's just so… girly.” kelce says like it's an insult. “she only ever wears pink, she's all sweet and innocent. she's just not your type, that's all. im surprised.”
you let out a little sound, all of the boys attention snapping to you, kelces eyes widening when he realizes you have entered the living room.
“baby.” rafe coos softly. “come here.”
you cross over to rafe, rounding the couch to plop on his lap, keeping your head down to avoid looking at kelce.
“don't listen to him, princess.” rafe says softly, his voice so sweet, in contrast to the scared look on kelces face. “you're exactly my type.”
“shit rafe, i-i-didn’t mean-i didn't know she was-”
“get the fuck out.” rafe says, voice still soft as he pets his hand over your back, hating the pout that graces your sparkly gloss painted lips.
“rafe-” kelce tries to argue.
“no. get the fuck out. you're lucky im not beating your ass into the ground for upsetting my girl. now get the fuck out.”
kelce scrambles, rushing out of tanneyhill as the game continues on the tv, topper rightly deciding to remain silent.
“baby, talk to me.” rafe says softly, seeing tears still brimming in your eyes.
“im fine.” your voice is hoarse when the words finally escape your mouth.
“darling.” rafe sighs, tugging your bodies closer together, letting your head bury in his shoulder, not caring if you leave makeup stains on his shirt.
rafe knows the best thing to do is just let you breath, not wanting to work you up more with his words as his hand strokes over your back, hoping it's bringing you some sort of comfort.
“i had no idea he felt that way.” you finally pick your head up. you weren't close to very many girls, so when you and rafe started dating, you tried to quickly assimilate into his friend group and consider his few friends yours as well.
“he's just being a dick. don't worry, alright bunny? you're absolutely my type, and i love how girly you are, mkay?” rafe waits for you to nod and agree with him before he pulls you into a kiss, topper keeping his eyes trained on the tv while you make out.
“you ready to go princess?” rafe calls up the stairs, tapping his foot against the wood floor, waiting for you to finish getting ready to attend the gala he promised his dad he would be at.
“coming now!” you say before rushing down the stairs, but still being careful not to trip in your heels.
“you look gorgeous, honey.” rafe admires your outfit. its a new dress, or at least one that he hasn’t seen before. rafe takes your hand in his as you finish your descent, frowning when he realizes the glittery polish that was on your fingers has been scrubbed off, replaced with a creamy white that matches your dress, the only pink thing on your body being your lipstick.
“is that what you are wearing?” rafe questions.
“why, is something wrong with it?” you frown as you look down at your body.
“no-no.” rafe shakes his head. “not at all baby its just… very formal.” he figures the wording is better than blatantly asking why you’re not covered in pink and sparkles.
“well, it’s a formal event.” you roll your eyes, heading towards the door, not wanting to give ward a bad impression, and you know you’re already running late.
“yeah, right.” rafe nods, but his mind whirls in secret, wondering if there could be more to your change in appearance than that.
“you're going golfing with top today right?” you ask, rubbing your fingers through rafes hair, massaging his head. 
rafe knows you said something, but he's too relaxed to actually make out your words, struggling to blink his eyes open before humming, “what?”
you giggle at his blissed out expression, leaning in to press a kiss to the tip of his nose. “you're going golfing with topper later today right?”
“mhm.” rafe nods, letting out a soft moan when your long acrylics gently scratch over his scalp.
“maybe you can take me. ya know, i could learn how to golf. probably start with just putting.” you shrug.
“baby-” rafe has to take your hands and move them away, knowing he won't be able to focus on the conversation. “why do you want to learn how to golf? you hate sports.”
“that's not true!” you complain. “i like um… gymnastics and figure skating.”
rafe rolls his eyes “you like them for the sparkly outfits and music.”
you pout, moving yourself from straddling rafes lap to next to him on the couch. “aren't i allowed to be interested in the things you're interested in?”
“yes, of course.” rafe sighs, moving to kneel between your knees on the floor, taking your face in his hands, not letting you look away. “and if you really want to come, id love to have you. but if you are asking because you're trying to be less girly, then baby-” rafe leans in to press a kiss to your pouty lips- “i don't want you to change. i love you for who you are.”
“promise you don't mind?” your fingers play with the collar on his shirt, distracting yourself.
“promise.” rafe nods.
“okay, thank god.” you let out a giggle. “golf is so boring.”
you have your laptop and phone opened up, intensely scrolling as you switch between them, brow furrowed as you do your research.
you slam shut the laptop and turn the screen off on your phone as rafe walks into the room.
“what are you doing?” rafe questions. 
“nothing.” you smile at rafe. “just some online shopping.” you hope it's believable, but you can tell by rafes hesitation that he doesn't fully trust your explanation.
“okay…” rafe slowly approaches the bed, and you quickly move your laptop and phone to the bedside table as rafe crawls up next to you.
you distract him from asking more questions as you press your lips against his, pushing him to lay back on the bed as you grind down.
“ah, fuck.” rafe moans when you pull away, pulling your shirt off over your head to reveal that you aren't wearing anything underneath.
rafes hands cup your tits, massaging them in his large palms before suddenly flipping so you're the one laying down against the bed, completely forgetting about your suspicious behavior when he entered the room.
what rafe doesn't know, as he lowers down your body and flicks your nipple with his tongue before sucking it into his mouth, is that you weren't online shopping, rather scowering through social media, trying to find all of rafes ex girlfriends or anyone he interacted with, all while you compared the girls to yourself.
you wish kelces words didn't still echo in your head, especially after rafes insistence they weren't true.
“gonna take a shower.” you tell rafe, setting your bags down in the foyer, knowing you'll get around to them later.
“you sure not a bath? i can run one for you.” rafe offers, following you up the stairs.
“nah, that's fine.” you shrug, frowning slightly when you see your display of lush bath bombs. you're trying to be less high maintenance, more easy going. 
“come on, what if i wanna soak with you in the bath?” rafe pouts. “please baby.”
you can't help but giggle at his doe eyes blinking at you. “okay, sure.”
“good.” rafe hums before placing a hand on your waist, pulling you in for a quick kiss before he heads towards the bath, turning the hot tap on. you watch as he looks at your bath bombs before selecting a light blue bath bomb with star embeds.
rafe sets the bath bomb down on the edge of the large tub before turning to you. “what should we do while we wait for the bath to fill?” you question, tugging your ponytail out to let your hair fall.
“mmm, i know exactly what i want to do.” rafe says.
in only a few moments he has your shorts down, perched on the edge of the bathtub while his head is buried in between your legs, tongue licking greedy stripes over your cunt.
“missed you.” you whine, burying your face into rafes chest as he rocks gently, holding you tight to him.
“missed you too, princess.” rafe is relieved to finally have you back in his arms. hes been away for an entire week, and you came to the airport to get him despite rafe insisting that he was fine to get himself home. you just couldn't wait any longer.
you whine when rafe pulls away slightly, making him laugh and tug you back into him.
“clingy baby.” rafe coos, but the words make your cheeks hot as you pull away. 
“hey, hey.” rafe grabs your hand, tugging you back against his chest. “i didn't mean it like that.”
“okay.” you whisper with a nod, tears brimming in your eyes. with rafe being gone, you spiraled even further, going as far as to befriend a couple of his exes to compare yourself even more to them. you also attended a party that kelce was at, and while he didn't speak at all to you, you could occasionally feel his eyes on you, disapproval in his gaze.
“love you so much bunny.” rafe says, rubbing his large hands over your shoulders. “let's get home so i can show you how much i missed you, yeah?”
you perk up as you nod, making sure your hand is clasp together with rafes as you head out of the airport and towards the parking lot, your keys hanging from your finger that isn't intertwined with rafes.
“here, baby.” rafe opens the passenger side door for you, but you frown and don't move towards it.
“you just got off a flight, rafe. i can drive.” 
“nope.” rafe snatches the keys out of your grasp. “you're my girl, and as long as im here you have no need to drive yourself. now get in, my passenger princess.”
“ready for the party?” you ask rafe, adjusting your skirt as rafe walks down the stairs.
“of course.” he smiles, pressing a kiss to your lips before looking down at your outfit.
“baby… is this really what you want to wear?” rafe asks. he likes any clothes you put on, but the black skirt paired with a plain white cropped tee, not even accented by any jewelry just isn't you.
“i just…” you swallow. “i just know kelce is gonna be there. wanna show him that i don't need to be wearing sparkly pink every second.”
rafe can't speak, the anger quickly rising when he realizes that months later you still haven't let go of kelces words, still worrying that you arent the right person for rafe.
“go put on a sparkly dress.” rafe simply says, not able to keep his voice soft, despite addressing you. you hustle upstairs, changing into the outfit you really wanted to wear, adding some jewelry and colourpop super shock shadow to your lid.
you bounce down the stairs, feeling much more yourself now.
“theres my pretty girl.” rafe says, his words sweet but his face still angry as he places a hand on the small of your back, guiding you out towards his truck.
he speeds to the party as you sit there silently, playing with your rings, worried about what is going to happen when you get to the party, especially knowing kelce is gonna be there.
“rafey, don’t do anythi-” you tell him as he helps you down after parking, but you can’t even finish your sentence.
rafe eyes kelce standing on the front lawn, a red solo cup in his hand. he hasn’t spotted rafe yet, but you know as soon as he does the smile is going to drop from his face.
rafe begins to stalk towards him while you trail behind, grimacing when rafe throws a punch, landing right on kelces cheek.
“fuck you!” rafe shouts, shoving him back before kelce can even realize what is happening.
“yo, man, stop!” some guy you recognize but don’t know his name yells, but doesn’t try to get in the middle as rafe punches kelce again.
you can’t help the smile on your face, watching your man defend you throughout anything, even if it involves turning one of his close friends into a bloody pulp.
“y/n… it’s gone on long enough, stop him.” topper comes up behind you, making you jump.
you turn to look at him before back at kelce, eyes glazed over as rafe shouts at him again. you rush to rafes side, grabbing at his fist. “okay, okay.” you tell him softly. “he gets it.”
rafe steps away as kelce falls to the ground, his chest heaving as his lip and nose drip blood. “let this be a lesson.” rafe turns to the crowd that has grown. “no one shit talk me or my girlfriend or this is what happens to you.” rafe points at kelce, not giving another word before stalking away, literally grabbing you and picking you up to carry you back towards his truck. you stay quiet as rafe sets you in the passenger seat.
“are your knuckles hurt?” you ask, petting your hand gently over his wrist as rafe shifts the car into gear, rushing away from the party.
“i’ll be fine, baby.” rafe says, glancing at his reddened fingers. “just need to get you home.”
“oh.” you nod, knowing that while rafe got some of his anger out on kelce, he’s certainly going to get the rest of his pent up energy out on you. 
it takes minutes from the time you get home for rafe to have your back flat on the bed, his large cock thrusting into you. 
you moan out, hands gripping at his shoulders, your nails leaving scratches against his tanned skin. 
“you’re. my. fucking. girl.” rafe says, accentuating each word by pounding his cock inside of you.
you let out a moan, kelces mean words thoroughly beat out of your head as you nod. “im yours.”
taglist: @drewstarkeyslut @forstarkey @f4ll-for-you @dilvcv @drudyslut @jjmaybankswifes-blog @rafescokenostril @jjsmarijuana @seeingstarks @angelofcigs @cece45450 @babygorewhore @vanessa-rafesgirl @michelleisheres-blog @outerbankspov @drewstarkeyswifehoe @cutielando @kamninaries @buckyswhxre @rafeinterlude @bellbottombaby @deeaardiary @rubixgsworld @emma77645 @wearemadeofstardust0 @leighbronk @starkeysheart
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erwinsvow · 3 months
𝐫𝐜 - 𝟐:𝟑𝟏𝐚𝐦
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rafe’s phone goes off with a little noise, and he sets his laptop aside to find the device, buried beneath the sheets. when he picks it up, your name and the little emojis you had selected to put next to your contact light up the screen. there’s one concise text: are you up? can’t sleep
instead of texting back, he hits the call button and waits for it to ring. you answer within the first one, which is something of a habit when rafe calls you.
“hello?” you say quietly into the phone, trying your hardest to not make too much noise. everyone else in your house was still asleep.
“why’re you still up?” rafe asks, and though you know he’s not mad, just worried, he sounds mad.
“i told you, i can’t sleep. why are you still up?”
“i’m always up at this time.” 
“that’s not good. doing what? are you with your other girl?” you laugh at your own joke, but you know rafe isn’t, since that’s his least favorite joke.
“shut up. what—did’ya have a coffee before bed? i said to quit that shit.”
“no!” you whine, louder than you realized. you go silent, hoping no one heard you. “it’s just one of those nights. and you’re not here, that doesn’t help.” 
you expect some other comment from rafe, telling you to shut up and shut your eyes because he was busy with work and being proactive like he always is. you brace for it, already smiling. rafe is silent for longer than you thought he would be.
“i’m sorry, baby. i’ll be there tomorrow night, alrigh’?” your smile dissipates, shoulders sinking with an odd sense of relief and your body falling further into your warm bed. you don’t know why your eyes are watery—maybe because you didn’t think rafe would say something so sweet. your boyfriend is a lot of things—funny without trying, possessive to a fault, dominant to his bones—but he’s not always sweet like this. 
“still there? or you finally fall asleep?”
“still here. sorry, rafe.” you yawn, the first one in hours.
“go to bed, kid. it’s too late to still be up.”
“i’ll sleep if you sleep.”
“m’not done with-”
“please,” you say softly, followed by another yawn. 
“fine. but sleep, now. seriously. it’s two-fucking-thirty, got no reason to still be up.”
he mumbles some other stuff but you don’t catch it, getting comfortable and setting rafe on speaker with the quietest volume. you hear the unmistakable sound of rafe’s laptop closing, the switch of his lamp, the rustle of him getting under the covers. you close your eyes and imagine him staring up at the ceiling like you were just doing.
“ready, rafe?” you murmur, already half asleep.
“yeah, kid. goodnight.”
you’re out before you can even say goodnight back. rafe laughs at his phone, opening his laptop back up.
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cosmicwar · 3 months
rip house harkonnen you guys would have loved the bean
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odessastone · 28 days
Sometimes Reddit actually comes up with incredible things
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rafecameroninterlude · 2 months
Toxic!Rafe and toxic!reader, where they’re fighting because he wants to go out to a strip bar with Topper and Kelce which reader hates (she thinks they encourage his bad behavior) after she told him no. so when reader goes on insta to look at Rafes story and sees he lied and went anyways after seeing a pic of him in the sniffers row at the bar, she gets all crazy and starts responding to the story with full paragraphs 😭 and so when he starts replying she blocks him mid argument, and he goes home and yells at her until they get all lovey dovey again 🥰 (sorry this is long)
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warnings: toxic relationship (?), slight humor, cussing, lying, crying, shouting, arguing, mentions of sex, a little plot twist at the end
“..i don’t know about that, man. y/n has a bitch fit everytime i go somewhere without her, i highly doubt she’d be okay with me going there of all places.” you stood outside your bedroom door, rolling your eyes at the sound of topper’s voice. “who cares what she says? she’s not your fuckin’ mommy, bro.” you suppressed a laugh, knowing rafe has called you ‘mommy’ a numerous amount of times. your boyfriend sighed, staying silent for a moment. “look, i’ll ask her alright? if she says no then i ain’t going.” you smiled to yourself, walking into the room with a fresh stack of t-shirts in your hands.
“here she is now, i’ll call you back.” you placed the folded laundry on top of the dresser. “tell the spawn of satan herself we say hello!” kelce shouted in the background. “aww is that dumb and dumber on the phone? hey, guys!” rafe shook his head, a laugh tumbling out of his throat. he hung up the call, getting up to wrap his arms around your waist. you leaned into him, breathing in his cologne as you pressed a kiss to his cheek. “listen, uh, topper and kelce are inviting me out tonight, ‘wanted to know if i can join them..” you arched a brow, turning around in his hold.
“and where do y’all plan on going?” rafe cleared his throat awkwardly. “well.. you know how the guys are, they always wanna go to some new place..” he trailed off, clearly stalling as much as he could. “just say it, rafe.” he swallowed nervously. “a strip club.” suddenly his hands felt tense on your skin, and he couldn’t hold your stare. “a strip club?” you repeated, pulling away from him. “that’s cute, but no.” rafe tongued the inside of his cheek, immediately taking out his phone.
[4:30 PM] to: topper, kelce: i’m in, pick me up at nine.
“what are you doing?” you eyed him as he brought the phone up to his ear, walking around to the other side of the bed. “m’telling them i can’t go, because you’re gonna be all pissed off if i do.” you scoffed, eyeing him carefully. rafe cursed under his breath, praying to god you couldn’t tell he wasn’t actually calling anyone. “hey, bro. i can’t go, it’s a hard no.” he scratched the back of his neck. “yeah, i know. maybe another time- wait, where?” rafe stopped pacing, nodding along to his own imagination. “pizza and beer? that sounds good. nine o’clock? alright i’ll see y’all then.” he shrugged as he pretended to hang up.
“alright, no strip club, but charlie’s pizza instead, is that alright?” you nodded. “that’s fine, but you better text me.” he jumped up, pulling you into a hug that ended with you two falling in bed. “i mean it rafe, i want pizza pictures and everything!” he showered you with kisses, taking his time when he got to your lips. you two stayed like that for a few minutes, making out softly before you pulled away. “you should start getting ready before i get too horny, ‘cause then i really won’t let you go anywhere.” you ran your thumb over his bottom lip, sighing when he got up. “good call.” he laughed, getting an outfit ready for tonight.
nine o’clock rolled around faster than you wanted it to, and sure enough topper and kelce were outside honking like maniacs once they pulled up. “i love you, baby, i’m gonna text you in a bit.” you smiled, watching him holler all the way down to where topper and kelce practically tackled him. “we promise to have him home no later than one, mommy dearest!” you gave kelce the middle finger, shutting the door once rafe blew you a kiss. now that you had the house to yourself you figured you’d shower and unwind, maybe finish the book you had been reading. all was well until you glanced at the time on your phone. 10:45 PM, and still no word from rafe.
you opened instagram, spotting the green circle around your boyfriend’s profile picture, indicating he had posted on his close friends. you clicked on it, your heart dropping at the video of rafe throwing money at a stripper’s ass. “front row seats, baby!” he cheered. just as you thought it couldn’t get any worse, the next story was a photo of a blonde sitting in rafe’s lap, topless and smiling from ear to ear. “this motherfucker..” you closed the app, deciding you saw enough before opening you and rafe’s text thread on imessage.
[10:55 PM] - i don’t know what’s funnier; the fact that you had a whole conversation with yourself in front of me to make it sound like you were just getting pizza and beer with your dickhead friends, or forgetting to take me off your close friends list when you want to post yourself at some sleazy ass strip club. you’re a fucking joke.
rafe had never sobered up so fast in his life, all the blood draining from his face when he read your message. “fuck!” he cursed at himself, his head resting in his hands.
[11:10 PM] my <333: baby i promise i’ll explain everything, i’m telling the guys to take me home right now.
[11:15 PM] - there’s nothing you could say that’ll ‘explain’ what the fuck you did. you sat there in my face and kissed me and reassured me when you were getting your way all along. can you even comprehend how fucked up that is? you made me look stupid in front of your friends who already don’t like me. AND THE TOPLESS PICTURE???? ARE YOU FUCKING INSANE???? if i posted a picture with my tits all in jj’s face, how would you feel? we both know he’s one phone call away if i really wanted him.
rafe’s blood was boiling after he read your message, knowing that you could leave him and have someone as desperate and lovesick as jj replace him in a heartbeat. “bro don’t sweat it, man. she’ll get over it.” topper slurred, entering figure eight again. “shut the fuck up, you don’t know the first thing about being in a relationship.” rafe shot back, clenching his fists when the message he tried to send turned green. topper didn’t respond, the rest of the ride home being dead silent.
rafe didn’t even say bye to kelce or topper when they arrived at tanneyhill, instead he rushed inside, eyes immediately falling to you resting on the couch. you were wearing your pink, fluffy robe, rollers adorning your hair while you were typing something on your ipad. “babe-” rafe shut the door, falling to his knees before you. “don’t get near me. you probably smell disgusting.” rafe’s jaw ticked, his patience already running low. “i’m so fucking sorry, y/n. i shouldn’t have lied to you, baby. i promise i’ll never do that again.” you finally looked at him, his bangs falling in his face.
“i know,” you sighed, “you don’t have to worry about me doing anything either.” you got up, attempting to walk past him before he grabbed your leg. “what are you talking about?” you knew rafe well enough to know when he was getting angry, and the way he was looking at you right now only confirmed your suspicions. “you don’t get to do what you did and think it’s all going to be fine and dandy with an apology, rafe. i’m leaving for my parents tomorrow, and don’t ask me when i’m coming back because i don’t know. i don’t think i can live with a liar.” you shoved him away, only making him grab you again, this time throwing you down on the couch.
“you don’t think you could live with a liar?” he narrowed his eyes, a bitter laugh falling from his lips. “has it ever occurred to you that i wouldn’t have to lie to you if you would just not freak the fuck out everytime i want to go out and have fun?” you couldn’t believe the words coming out of his mouth. “you’re one to talk!” you screamed in his face, making him stand up. you followed suit, refusing to let him make you feel powerless. “you wanna act like you’re trapped here? fine! play the victim, but don’t forget everything you do to keep me from going out too.” you were pacing back and forth now, running your fingers through your hair.
“you literally slashed my friend’s tires to keep me from going to her birthday party, and all for what? because you found out other guys were going to be there?” he pinched the bridge of his nose. “i paid for the damages, y/n…” he groaned. “so?! it’s the principal! you do the most when it comes to me wanting to go somewhere, but me telling you not to go to a literal strip club is where you draw the line?? fuck you!” you started making your way upstairs, rafe right on your tail as you did so.
“fuck me?! i’m the one who takes care of you! there’s nothing in this world that you want and don’t have! i take you on regular vacations, i take you out damn near everyday, i keep you in all the newest shit, i pay for you and all your friend’s beauty appointments so that y’all could have a girl’s day twice a month, you just have no fucking clue!” he shouted, making you stop in your tracks. you looked up at him with tears in your eyes, breaking his heart in two.
“and what about everything i do for you?” you let out a shaky breath. “i’m what makes this house a home. i wear the clothes you want me to wear, i eat the food you want me to eat, i talk the way you want me to talk. i’m here when all else fails. i’m the one who holds you and comforts you when things get hard for you. i’m the one who makes sure you never feel alone, ‘makes sure you don’t go through anything alone. i do everything you say. on the days you work long and hard, i’m right here waiting for you with my legs open. on the days that you’re particularly tired, i’ll be on my knees, i’ll ride you and do all the work, and i’ll do everything happily because i love you.” rafe was crying with you by the time you finished speaking, both of you standing in the hallway.
“i get up at the ass crack of dawn and doll myself up everyday because i want to look good for you, i want to please you with everything i do. when we go to the country club, i speak of you in the highest regards, and i do it because i want everyone to know that i respect you. i do all of this, and i do it all without the commitment of having a fucking ring on my finger. if that doesn’t speak volumes for you, then i don’t know what does.” you walked inside your shared bedroom, taking a seat at the edge of the bed. he dropped to his knees once again, hugging your waist like you’d disappear if he let go. “we need each other. i need you.” he cried. you wrapped your arms around him, pulling him up off the floor.
“i love you, y/n. please, you can’t leave.” you cupped his face. “i haven’t seen my parents in almost six months, rafe. i have to..” he nodded slowly, taking your hand in his. “then we’ll go together. ‘tell them we have a special announcement.” you watched him with a confused expression as he went to grab a small box out the bottom drawer of the bedside table. “rafe!” you gasped, hands flying up to cover your mouth. “i’ve had this for a while now, i don’t know what i was waiting for, but i want to do this now.” he opened the box, the biggest diamond you’ve ever seen lighting up your eyes.
“i know we have to work on some things, but there’s no one else i’d rather do this with.” you gazed into his eyes, a small smile gracing your lips. “okay, let’s do it.”
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wendytorr4nce · 10 months
the loneliness of being queer
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to quote trixie mattel: gay people are so broken
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agerefandoms · 1 month
your little!cameron glitter bomb Headcanons is now my fav head cannon ever! if you write fics/Drabbles can you expand on it? pretty please 🙏🏻
Hehehoho ohhhh boy do I write fics and drabbles (not as much as headcanons but I have the motivation now so thank you). This one's just gonna be a drabble for now cause I don't have the spoons for a full fic atm
Title: Glitter bomb!
Word count:
Little: cameron, chase, wilson
Cg: house
Plot: When House and the babies play hide and seek, Cameron decides to make it more fun by making it a pretty game of hide and seek
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Cameron sat under Houses desk, giggling like mad. She had regressed while working on a particularly difficult case and regressed to a pre-teen.
She's currently playing hide and seek with House and Wilson and Chase.
Both Wilson and Chase were little as well so they decided to just take a break from the case and play.
Well that's not entirely true. It's what Wilson calls the domino effect. One person regresses and they cause someone else to regress and within the hour, you've got 3 littles that have completely regressed. Whoops.
She sat under the desk, giggling as House found Chase first (even though he was at the bigger end of his age range, he was still only 4 and not very good at hide and seek), then Wilson.
When House did eventually find her, she leaped out of her hiding spot before he could say anything and threw a handful of glitter at him, careful to avoid his face.
"Allie!" House exclaims, trying to be stern but just giggling along with her. He tickles her tummy, making her giggles into shrieks of happiness. "We've talked about this. You can't have glitter in the hospital."
"But dada" Cameron whined, "It's fun"
"I know pretty girl but we have to be safe. My number one priority is keeping you safe. Number 2 is making sure your happy and having fun" House reassures. "Now why don't we go find your brothers and go home hmm?"
"Can I play with glitter there?" She asks, hopefully.
"I'd prefer we didn't?" House groans, knowing he's gonna end up giving in anyway
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therhythmofroses · 9 months
I think caregivers House and Wilson would be really good at helping the regressed ducklings with overstimulation/meltdowns. House would understand the feeling of overstimulation and Wilson would know how best to help from all the times he’s helped House or seen House deal with sensory overload.
For Chase I think they probably keep a comfort hoodie in one of their offices for him in case he needs it (it’s really oversized and soft and makes him feel safe). Comfort hoodie, a stuffie, and maybe some coloring with Wilson?
For little Kutner I think hugs would be really grounding when he’s overstimulated. Hugs or a weighted blanket. (Cuddles probably help overstimulated Chase and Cameron too).
For little Cameron, I can see music specifically helping, and I’m not sure why. Listening to her favorite songs, or House or Wilson sings and it helps her feel less overwhelmed. And singing along with them would help her too.
On the opposite end of that: I think regressed 13 would need lots of quiet. She would be pulled into House’s office (lights off and blinds shut) so she could calm down in the dark with noiseproof headphones on.
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marvelfanfics1 · 5 months
Hi, could you do a Rafe x little!Reader where the little is being bratty and keeps telling Rafe no when he asks them to do something, so he ends up putting them in timeout and after that theres just a whole lot of fluff and cuteness please?
I totally get it if you can’t!
Btw, I love your writings! Happy Holidays!
Moody Princess
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Pairing: cg!Rafe x little!reader
Warnings: Age Regression, reader telling rafe 'no', punishment (time-out), fluff at the end
A/n: I'm sorry it took me so long to answer this but I hope you still like it!! <3
It's not often that you act up, because you know better. When you do it's because something upsets you. Like today, Rafe had been running some errands all week, barely at home, and when he was he had to leave abruptly some time later.
You were grumpy. He said he would be here when you'd wake up from your nap, but he wasn't. You tried to light up your mood by coloring for a while and it did work, but you just missed Rafe.
In the evening you were still occupied in your designed playroom when he came back home, heavy and tired footsteps making their way to your room.
Usually, you would have run in his arms the second he opened the front door but you just didn't feel like it today, angrily filling out a page in your color book when you heard him approach you from behind, not bothering to turn around and greet him.
"Hey, baby." You did melt a little when he kissed the top of your head. "Come, it's time for your bath."
He was about to go and run you said bath, stopping dead in his tracks when he heard you say something he's not used to from you at all.
His head whipped back to face the back of your head. "Excuse me?"
"'M not finished yet- Hey!" you exclaimed when he took the crayon from your hand, finally turning to face him.
He was looking at you sternly and you knew it wasn't the brightest idea to rile him up more, but he wasn't the only one upset here.
"Wanna try that again?" he asked raising an eyebrow at you.
You just turned your back to him again, grabbed another random crayon, and continued to color.
Rafe chuckled crouching right behind you to whisper in your ear. "I'll give you exactly three seconds to-"
"No." you interrupted him, big mistake.
You're suddenly hoisted up by your armpits and whined when you realized where he's carrying you. Brat corner.
He sat you down on the mat, facing the wall. You pout, you didn't really know what you expected by telling him no but you definitely didn't want to sit here now.
Turning your head you watched him put away your books and crayons. He caught you looking and motioned with his finger for you to face the wall again.
All you wanted was to cuddle with him after not being able to the whole day and now you're sat in the corner after being bratty. All the emotions you felt right now were too much and you started to tear up from frustration, sniffling quietly.
The minutes went by and you didn't even know if Rafe was still in the room with you but didn't dare to turn your head.
"Alright, times up," he said and sighed when you didn't move, shaking your head while sobbing.
You were bad. Rafey doesn't like bad girls. Bad girls don't deserve to be cuddled.
"Baby, come here, please." he tried again and this time you stood up, shuffling your way over to where he was seated on your queen-sized bed, standing between his legs as you fiddled with the hem of your shirt.
His hands were resting on your hips, frowning a little at seeing the dried-up tears on your cheeks. "Wanna tell me what got my princess all moody?"
"Miss you..." you sniffled in response, placing your hands on his shoulders to get comfortable on his lap, burying your face in his chest.
"I'm right here," he assured you but you shook your head.
"Were busy all week and...you said you will be here after my nap..." you mumbled and Rafe grimaced, mentally cursing at himself. "M sorry I was bad-"
"No." he pulled you back slightly to look at you. "I'm sorry. I didn't realize how much I actually neglected you the last few days. I promise it'll not happen again."
There was silence for a moment until you held your pinky up to him.
"Pinky pwomise?"
He smiled at you, lacing his pinky with yours. "Pinky promise," he repeated, planting a kiss on your forehead as you snuggled more into him again. "My good girl..."
He held you like that for some time, rubbing your back occasionally and rocking a little back and forth with you.
When it seemed you calmed down he stood up, carrying you to the bathroom were a warm bubble bath was already waiting for you.
For everything:
@my-river-lilly @pauntedblacknails @fanfictioniseverything @devilslilbabysblog @buckymydarlingangel @hallecarey1 @daybreakwinter @loveshineslikethesky @wandaslittlewhore @vase-of-lilies @white-wolf1940 @simpingbutch @mischiefsemimanaged @alina02 @teddybearsgrr @doozywoozy @angelbabydoll28 @glxwingrxse @lilymurphy03 @veryvaughnny @lokigirlszendaya @youngstarfishdinosaur @little--baby--bear @minideathgoddess @rach2602 @aagn360 @gh0stgurl @flourishandblotts-inc @fluffyblanketgecko @lovelyy-moonlight @yoruse
Crossed out are the ones I somehow can't tag!
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thirstyvampyr · 29 days
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I like 'em sweet - Mickey I need the shit-talking bitch-slapping piece of South Side trash I fell for - Ian
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princessbrunette · 4 months
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ok side note this gif is so sexy to me. like he’s such a man yk. such a stressed out business man …. so dad core….. i wanna stress him out like this so bad …. have him say “fine! alright, fine. whatever you fuckin’ want.” cos he can’t be bothered to argue anymore !!! will thank him extra hard by stuffing his dick down my throat <3
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erwinsvow · 2 months
Ok but what about shy girl reader being really frightened by something to the point of tears and calling rafe but struggling to explain why shes upset only that she needs him while he’s going batshit on the other line worried about her
this was lovely ! rafe certainly has his own methods of calming down shy reader when she's scared ... hehe <3
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of course it happens on a night where rafe's out of town, one of the first that he's not around since the two of you have started dating. you had become awfully accustomed to having rafe sleeping right next to you, ever since your third or fourth date, that had been the norm. if not, he was always down the street or a phone call away.
and really, you tried to keep it together. it was just one of those nights—kickstarted by the time you'd spent with your friends morning. you were only trying to keep yourself occupied while rafe was away, thinking they'd help pass the hours, but you'd all headed to the movies, and of course, it was a horror showing.
even in the broad daylight, you felt scared throughout the day the demon from the movie was going to get you. heading back home for the day, it didn't help that the only thing on tv was true crime documentaries playing back to back. the cherry on top was your parents heading out for dinner with their friends on the mainland, saying they'd be back tomorrow morning.
you tossed and turned for what seemed like hours. not even the gentle lull of your records and thirty pages of war and peace could get your mind to settle and put you to sleep.
what you really needed was your boyfriend. he could fix anything, make everything seem better. your fears needed his protectiveness near by to keep them at bay, otherwise they'd spill over and conquer like they were right now.
but you were trying to be good—trying to show rafe you weren't always so clingy, that he could have space when and if he needed it. besides for your replies to his periodic check-ins you hadn't much texted him today, knowing he was busy.
the final crack of a branch outside, cutting through the eerie whistling of the wind against your house and the sound of the waves far away had you scrambling up. you flicked on the lamp and checked that your door was locked for the tenth time that night.
deep breaths, you tried to remind yourself, like rafe would always tell you. you tried to head to the window to see what the noise was from but fear overtook, dialing rafe's number and listening to the rings while crawling back into bed, pulling your knees to your chest.
like always, he answers before it gets to three rings.
"hey. what'd you still doin' up? s'late."
"rafe-" and you can't stop the ramble that spills out, all in one breath. "um, we saw this scary movie today and the demon was outside the house and then it was in the house and then it possessed the girl when she was alone and now i'm home alone because mom and daddy left and there was this serial killer show on tv and i wasn't even watching but he killed girls home alone too and i just heard something outside and m'scared-"
"woah, woah. slow down. you saw a scary movie?" you try to catch your breath, but it's hard, picturing rafe wherever he was pacing around listening to you, instead of being next to you like he should be.
"i-um, i'm scared, rafe-" you finally get out slowly, and you sniffle, feeling hot tears run down. really, you shouldn't have gone to see that movie.
"hey, hey. s'fine. gonna be okay, just need to relax. can you do that for me?" you nod, forgetting he can't see you. "good girl. is everything locked? downstairs too?"
"y-yes..think so. i checked when i got home."
"even the back door? and the guest window, the one i come in through?" you flush at the memory of rafe sneaking in through that window.
"yes. mm-hm."
"alright, kid. no one's comin' in then. and those movies are crap anyways. y'need to learn how to say no to those friends."
"i know. it seemed like a good idea then-"
"yeah, i know. you got a light on?"
"my lamp."
"good. now get into bed. y'need to relax or you'll never fall asleep. jesus."
"okay," you mumble, sliding in and getting comfortable. "how do i relax?"
"how do you usually relax?" he questions, though your face flushes at the answer you want to give. there's only one surefire method of getting you to calm down when you're like this, something rafe is well aware of.
"um.. i don't know." your bedroom was cold a second ago, now everything felt warm and tingly.
"yeah. sure you don't. c'mon, get your clothes off. i'll help you relax."
"oh." it comes out like a little moan, soft. you comply with his instructions. "thanks rafey."
you hear him laugh, though he still sounds rough on the phone.
"yeah, y'welcome. gotta do everything, don't i? clothes off yet? good. now start touching y'self for me.."
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same-name-supremacy · 6 months
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I dramarama-ifed the ROTI cast! I had to split them into threes because there wasn’t enough for four each
Check out Gen 1 one here!
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