#little Madara
tobiramamonmari29 · 7 months
External point of view:
Iruka: Hey Madara. Said the brunette, looking at Madara who had become small, no more than 15 or 20 centimeters. the Uchiha had been accidentally hit by a Jutsu.
Madara: What? It's impossible ! I refuse to believe that I am now a little being!
iruka: How are you? He said while running his index finger over Madara's head which had become so small. He admits that he finds it rather funny too but says nothing about it.
Madara: Yes but... I refuse to believe it! A ninja can't be barely more than 15 centimeters tall! It's a shame !
iruka: I find it cute, your kunai look like toothpicks. He said smiling softly, he also had an irresistible urge to laugh.
Madara: Stop saying that, it's so stupid! You think I can be cute huh? An Uchiha isn't supposed to be cute! he said with his high-pitched voice that sounded like that of a child.
Iruka: Oh come on Madara, he said smiling. You're my boyfriend, I can find you cute whenever I want.
Madara: No no no no no! I'm sick of people thinking I'm cute when I'm little! I want my real body back! he said, hiding his face and sulking like a child.
Iruka: Awww he said, knocking Madara over with his fingers. Holding the Uchiha by his hilts with two of his fingers. We can do anything with you. He said laughing.
Madara:Holy hell! Stop treating me like a toy, please! He said, trying to struggle to get out of Iruka's hands.
Iruka: Um no. He said, running his index finger under Madara's shirt. Caressing his entire torso. Iruka hums, Iruka is so small, it's cute.
Madara blushes and begins to struggle harder and harder.
Madara: Let me fucking go!
He shouts it in a small voice. I'm not a toy, you can't use me like that!
Iruka: Tobirama told me I was responsible for you. while he finds a solution, and I rather like being responsible for you for once.
He said running his index finger against her stomach.
Madara blushes a little more because Iruka runs his index finger against his stomach.
Madara: I don't need a manager! I'm not a child anymore. In any case, I would manage on my own like a grown-up. He said while trying to get out of Iruka's hands.
Iruka: Really? He said looking at him with his haunting brown eyes. You risk getting crushed by the heels of Tōka-san and Mito-san.
Madara can't help but lower his gaze and look into Iruka's mesmerizing eyes.
Madara: I... I'll be careful not to get crushed. It's not like Mito and Tōka's heels scare me after all! he said in a small, high-pitched voice.
Sanji: Hmm. he continued to play with Madara running his index finger against his pants.
Madara pales a little after what Iruka does. He starts giving her adorable little looks.
Madara: Stop it! I didn't ask for anything!
Iruka: Oh right? as much for me. he said with a shit knowing smile what he was doing.
Madara starts to look away so as not to meet Iruka's smile because he started to blush a little.
Madara: I didn't ask you anything so stop as quickly as possible! he said in a small, high-pitched voice.
Iruka pulled Madara up holding him in front of his face. Looking at him with her brown eyes, holding him apart from the fabric of his t-shirt.
Iruka: Even when you're little, you're not that cute. He said sulking.
Madara's cheeks turn red because of Iruka holding him against his face while Iruka told him he wasn't cute. He tried to free himself without success and therefore could do nothing to protect himself from Iruka's caresses.
Madara: Stop Iruka, I beg you! he said in an adorable tone.
Iruka: Ho go Madara-kun. He said with puppy dog eyes.
He cupped Madara in the palm of his hands, massaging his stomach and chest with the help of his thumbs. Madara starts to blush a little because Iruka is massaging her chest with his thumbs and her stomach is too sensitive. He begins to make noises resembling contented purrs.
Iruka: Awww~ He said as he removed Madara's top with his long, tanned fingers.
Madara starts looking at Iruka's hands removing her top. Because of this his cheeks turn redder and he has a goofy smile on his face.
He has a little high-pitched voice as he says it straight away.
Madara: Stop caressing me Iruka, I'm really going to blush if you continue!
iruka: Blushing makes you pretty.
Madara starts to blush a little more with what Iruka says. The problem is that he can't really get out of the situation he's in. So he starts looking away while being all red.
He has a small, high-pitched voice:
madara: No need for you to compliment me like that.
Iruka: I want to say them. He said running his index finger against Madara's nipples.
Madara can't defend himself against Iruka's caresses which feel too good. He begins to stutter and blush more and more. he even looks a little stupid because of Iruka's caresses.
Iruka: You like it after all.
He continued to caress Madara with his fingers, handling him carefully in his hands.
Madara can't deny that because it was indeed the truth. he felt like he was literally melting in Iruka's hands. He felt that Iruka was doing him too much good even if he didn't like being manipulated.
Madara: Y-yeah but... you're overdoing it anyway... he said with a little high-pitched voice.
Iruka: You think so? even in real size. I'll make you feel so good you'll come tons of times on your own chest.
Madara feeling a little awkward and embarrassed by this conversation. He starts to look away so as not to see Iruka and so that he doesn't give him more caresses.
Madara:..y-yeah but here I am small not bigger than a hand. he said in a small, high-pitched voice with a shy look.
Iruka: Nothing prevents you from having fun even if it's only with my fingers.
Madara starts to blush a little because of him caressing him with his fingers.
madara: Yeah... it's true that I'm starting to feel good. he said in a cute tone.
Iruka: Yeah I know Madara-kun.
He had fun playing, touching Madara everywhere, on his bare chest, he smiled while undoing the Uchiha's pants. Madara has a naive look when he sees that Iruka starts playing with his bare chest and undresses him.
Madara: Y-yeah... It's even more sensitive this way...
Madara blushes a little more and starts to stutter thinking that Iruka has absolute control over his pleasure.
iruka: Madara, open your mouth. He said, licking his lips, he would like to know a few things.
Madara does so, opening his mouth as Iruka asks.
Madara: Yes...what do you want? He said in an adorable tone.
Iruka: Suck my index finger darling. he said while running his brown fingers into Madara's small mouth.
Madara can't refuse Iruka's requests especially when he starts calling him darling.
Madara therefore puts Iruka's index finger in his mouth and follows up with kisses. he passed his tongue against it, there was drool at the corners of his lips and his cheeks reddened.
Iruka: how naughty you are. He said pushing his index finger further into Madara's mouth. Like you are a pervert.
he looked at Madara's watery eyes, his blushing face, drool at the corners of his lips. So he sucked a cock rather than his index finger. Madara feels a little embarrassed by what Sanji is doing but at the same time he wants it to continue.
he feels a little redder and starts to stutter more and more.
Madara: I-I'm not that naughty...
Iruka: yes~ He ran his wet index finger against his pecs, rubbing his sensitive nipples after removing him from between Madara's lips.
Madara's cheeks start to get even redder than he usually does. It makes him feel good about Iruka cuddling him. He almost started stuttering every word he said.
Madara:..I-I'm not a rascal... and don't hesitate to make people want it. he said, his face half hidden by his hands because he didn't like to show himself vulnerable like that.
Iruka: So cute. He pulled Madara's pants off with his free hand.
madara starts to shake and get hotter from him touching him and starts to take off his pants.
Madara: Y-yeah it's really cute. he said a little playfully because he knew very well that Iruka had understood his message. he looks innocent, smiling like a child.
Iruka: I'll please you with a simple index finger, do you realize? He said, teasing Madara's cock with his index finger.
Madara says nothing and doesn't resist at all when Iruka teases his cock like this. he starts stuttering and blushing even more because of this. Her expression is totally naive or adorable while smiling at the same time. He keeps his eyes downcast in shame and fear because Iruka has absolute control in the situation.
iruka: Heee aren't these pretty pink floral boxers ~ he said while continuing to run his index finger against the boxers giving friction.
Madara blushed more and more when Iruka told him that his pink boxers with flowers were cute. he starts to feel hotter because of the situation and can no longer hold back.
Madara: Y-yeah I know these boxers are cute. I... I don't need you to say it!
Iruka: You're right, Mini Madara-kun as much for me. he said pulling down his boxers leaving Madara naked in the palm of his left hand.
Madara: W-why are you doing that...
Iruka: I love you, that's obvious, and I know you love me too. He said sulking, dare you tell me otherwise.
Madara: I like you...well...yes.
iruka: I knew it, but you have to be in the palm of my hand naked for you to finally tell me? said while running his index finger along Madara's body. Honey you are so bad at feelings.
Madara blushed even more when Iruka started running his long index finger all along his naked body.
he even starts stuttering in a cute and playful tone. He begins to squirm under what Iruka is doing. Iruka hums, spreading Madara's legs with his fingers.
Iruka: stay like that Madara-kun darling.
Madara didn't at all expect Iruka to do this and to do it so well.
madara: H-hey Iruka...
He starts to blush a lot more because Iruka is caressing his legs which are very sensitive and he has one of Iruka's fingers very close to his cock.
Iruka: now let's see if I can make you come with just one finger~
Madara can't deny that what Iruka makes is delicious and he starts to wonder what more would be like. Madara blushes too much and starts stuttering like a child because he doesn't know what he's going to do if this continues and if Iruka continues doing things like that. Iruka made his way with his index finger, pushing it against Madara's ass, sinking in gently. Madara was already too sensitive in this small body. he couldn't help but squirm and stutter more and more because of what Iruka was doing. Madara was also wondering what would happen if he continued to stick his fingers in her little ass.
Iruka: AWWW how cute it is when you squirm like that. He said touching Madara's bottom with his finger.
Madara blushes and starts looking at what Iruka is doing by necessity and he starts stuttering adorably.
Madara: Y-yeah it's okay... you don't need to say that... he said with a burning face and a playful smile.
iruka: Hmmm how full you must feel right? He said as he started to finger her.
Madara immediately stutters at Iruka's question and he starts to squirm a little. Her legs were shaking and uncontrollable.
Madara: N-oh... oh yes that's right...
iruka: Really adorable.
He moved his fingers in and out each time, pulling them in up to the knuckle, scratching Madara's prostate with his nail. Madara starts stuttering even more and making moaning noises. He even begins to stutter like a slightly annoying child.
iruka: I know you like it Madara-kun.
Madara makes a noise that sounds like "um hm". His face and upper torso are red.
Madara: I-I really enjoy... n-our time together like this...
he's even a little out of breath and he doesn't know how to say it without sounding like someone who really likes what Iruka is doing with him at the moment.
Iruka: Me too.
He continued to move more and more with flicks of his wrist that sent shocks of pleasure through Madara. madara was blushing, drooling at the corners of her lips, eyes hazy with pleasure, legs trembling.
Madara starts stuttering adorably because of Iruka.
Madara: M-m-m-my legs... W-they seem to be losing control.
he starts to sob with pleasure because he didn't expect wrist movements like that which also feel so good. Iruka looked at Madara as this squirmed in his hand, knowing very well that the little Uchiha would soon reach his climax by dint of being stimulated.
madara can no longer speak because he feels so good in his hands. It is literally melting like ice in the sun. He is therefore unable to respond to Iruka with words and therefore begins to squirm and stutter in a cute way in his boyfriend's hands.
iruka: Ohh what do I see~
He watched as Madara arched his head back, letting out a moan of pleasure as his body tensed and trembled. Eventually reaching his climax but Iruka continued to stimulate him with his index finger, so much so that Madara ended up having a second orgasm. it's the smallest load of cum Iruka has ever seen he almost wanted to laugh but did so internally so as not to ruin anything.
Madara couldn't believe what happened. It was the first time in his life that he felt so good.
Madara: O-oh...w-wow...
he puts himself deep in Iruka's hands and he looks at him with eyes full of surprise.
Iruka: Hmmm so little Madara~
how are you feeling ? relaxed ? He watched as Madara held his thumb to his chest, his face, neck, and ears red.
Madara is embarrassed by everything Iruka does. he had never heard or even seen a porno like he had just done.
Madara: Oh... I feel really relaxed now... He immediately starts stuttering at the same time. Really relaxed.
Iruka watched as Madara balled up his hands which was adorable honestly.
iruka: So interested in doing this again when you get your size again?
Madara looks at Iruka with an adorable look and he smiles.
Madara: Y-yeah I'd be up for doing that again when I'm my size again. He said, stuttering adorably.
iruka: I can't wait ~ little Madara -kun!
Madara remembers what they did and the feelings that evening and he feels like he wants to relive that with his boyfriend.
Madara: M-I want to do it again in a big way too. He starts stuttering adorably in response to Iruka.
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infinity-wiccan · 4 months
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*sighs* Uchihas...
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rennelelorren · 4 months
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Sketches from 2023
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areeeee-k · 1 year
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“But for me, there’s you…”
Happy Wataei Week!!
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green-riot · 5 months
"madara gave hashirama no choice but to kill him" and "it's fucked that hashirama said he would kill his own child for konoha" are equally truthful statements btw
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chihuahuat0by · 6 months
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Who doesn't love the dog circle! natsume's own little fan club.
its been forever since I have done a tradtional painting but im really happy with how it turned out <3
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malcontentonline · 21 days
I know you said you probably wont write anything for the time travel au, but would you be willing to share a little more about it? the art looks so cool, either way thank you for sharing such lovely kkg art
Yeah of course! Here’s a little comic that would take place just after gai gets an official post in the uchiha clan:
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If your wondering what post he gets, he gets put in charge of training a selection of clan members that have yet to awaken their sharingan how to activate the gates, madara has a theory that releasing the limiters on the body’s of these soldiers may help to manually activate their sharingan or even allow them to temporarily manifest a mangekyou sharingan.
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squidpus · 1 year
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More au things!
Madara never had kiddos, but he ends up raising Obito. He’s still a lil crybaby.
Also I feel like we don’t talk about Mikoto enough. She’s like a big sister to Obito!
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dailysmilingnatsume · 4 months
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strawberry-milkbunny · 7 months
Naruto is my Roman Empire and I’ve been reading MadaTobi fanfics so these r my Founders Thoughts that nobody asked for:
- Tobirama had a crush on Madara and it PISSED HIM OFF like they def had hate sex at one point LMAO
- they literally worked together ur rlly gonna tell me they didn’t have SOME moments of civility btwn them?? (lowkey that’s wild tho having to see ur brother’s murderer everyday at work-I like Tobi but I’m just sayin)
- Tobi doing experiments and scaring the villagers
- Tobi teaming up with Madara to make Hashi do work
- Hashi making flowers w/government documents
- Mito sipping tea while encouraging Tobi to revive the dead
- everyone in the Tower side eying the sexual tension btwn Madara and Tobi and them never denying they’ve fucked before
- Toka cackling in the background
- Hikaku spraying water at Madara like a cat every time he throws a temper tantrum
- Kagami popping in to make sure his clan head doesn’t kill his teacher PERFECT SITCOM MATERIAL
- totally personal preference: Naruto should’ve had more BLOOD AND GORE. I wanna see the grittiness and horror the shinobi world actually is and how revolutionary Naruto as a character is by choosing peace over violence. The only time we get that is Obito vs Kiri nin, Uchiha Massacre, Wave Arc, Orochimaru…before it turns into DBZ fights
I’ve said this before: Sasuke was in a seinen Naruto was in a shounen
- the warring states is literally the perfect place for exhibiting the horrors of war and humanity. Bloodline thieves, child hunting squads, GIVE. IT. TO. ME. Madara and Hashirama experiencing all of this and wanting PEACE FOR THEIR YOUNGER BROTHERS UGHHH ROBBERY‼️‼️
I HC that bloodline thieves is prob why Madara wears gloves….being a YOUNG (he’s been on the battlefield since he was 8??) powerful, prodigy and future clan head of a famous kekkai genkai it makes sense why he doesn’t like skin-contact/sexual repression and repulsion. And why we don’t see female Uchiha shinobi (excluding misogyny) simply bc there’s such a high risk of SA in this era
Moving on:
- Tobi and Izuna were jealous of how their brothers were being taken away. It goes past the senju/uchiha rivalry like they were just kids and were plain jealous.
- Madara and hashirama def share 1 brain cell LOLLL. Like they’re besties for a reason, Madara acts likes he smarter but nah he’s as much of an idiot as Hashi is. They’re both dreamers let these boys live and skip rocks together!!! 😭😭
- let’s be honest: Tobi built the village. Mans was doing ALL the logistics and infrastructure
- tobirama is soooo second son/eldest daughter coded it’s not even funny. The SPARE, serious and emotionless bc he needed to always clean up after his siblings, DUTIFUL, prob has a praise kink etc.
- Madara is an eldest daughter who also prob has a praise kink and touch starved
- NONE of the founders r well adjusted like they went from spending everyday of their lives at war to tryin bring peace and start essentially a ninja-revolution (PLS GO TO THERAPY)
- madara was just the most open about it: being isolated and feared by his own clan BC he was powerful, trying advocate for the village and peace, all while grieving for his last brother…yeah it makes sense y he went crazy or at least wanted to leave (fuck Kishimoto for that Kaguya bs and fuck Zetsu)
- I don’t actually believe he was trying destroy the village idkkk. I think he was trying to do an SNS aka using fighting as a way to communicate with Hashirama and well…yIkEs
- tobirama is 1000% unadjusted: mans literally created a Justu to revive the dead. You cannot tell me that doesn’t REEK of desperation and loneliness. He’s lit rally the OG mad scientist
- hashirama rlly thought sealing the Bijuu and giving them to each village was a good idea….sir WHO TF GIVES NUCLEAR WEAPONS TO SHINOBI???!! 😳😳
- I think hashirama and naruto lowkey can be summed up as: a powerful idealist. Which is a very dangerous combination. Take that how you will especially considering how shinobi thrive off of violence….it kinda makes sense how we ended up with canon Naruto
- Madara has a god complex and knows it. Hashirama has a god-complex and doesn’t know it. (God of Shinobi title def got to him and understandable)
- the founders failed and they know it. But I also kinda love it?? They’re so flawed and human as leaders and you can see how their mistakes drag into Canon Naruto. It also makes me so sad knowing that Konoha was built to prevent child soldiers and give protection only for it to actually be WORSE (Kakashi ITACHI SANNIN ik for a fact it must’ve hurt Hashi to know ur own granddaughter left the village)
Uchiha are: love is the death of duty while the Senju are: duty is the death of love and neither of them will forgive each other for picking one over the other‼️‼️‼️
- proving this ^^ w/Hashirama’s weird af characterization: aka him being a loveable idiot but at the same time CONGRATULATING Itachi for killing his own clan for Konoha…. I feel like that rlly showed me how much of a war veteran/shinobi Hashirama actually is and how he will always pick duty
- we were ROBBED of baby Kagami/hokage Kagami 😤😤😤 I’m sorry Kagami should’ve been made Hokage it just makes sense personality wise and politically wise. The only way I could see him not take it is bc he needed to be a clan leader/placate the Uchiha/help Hikaku.
- I wanna see him process the loss of his clan leader, teacher, and eventually friends to a point where Danzo takes his eyes
- everyone on Team Tobirama had a crush on Kagami at one point
- one of my fav HC: Tobi and Madara co-parenting Kagami. There’s no way Madara didn’t check up on Kagami being taught by THE senju which makes his defection hit harder for Kagami 😭😭
- BABY SANNIN ‼️‼️‼️ Tsunade was old enough to meet and remember Hashirama it makes sense that Oro and Jiraiya meet the founders
- omg could u imagine being Edo Tensei Hashirama?? Ur granddaughter’s weird friend revives u using the Jutsu ur brother invented that you specifically FORBID 😭😭
- Hashi and Tobi staring at Orochimaru like “you look familiar???” IT HAS SO MUCH COMEDIC POTENTIAL
- Mito revolutionized female shinobi like she’s def the reason ppl realized that girls can fight (Senju Toka was an exception) STAN MITO 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️
- Mito pulled a Tsunade and mentally yeeted out of Konoha after Hashi and Tobi died. Bc the way we NEVER hear about her and Hiruzen interacting except for Kushina, even tho she’s literally RELATED to the other 2 hokages….ROBBED 😵‍💫
- I HC: she was dealing w/grief (the fall of Uzushio made it worse) and she was lowkey pushed out of the council by Danzo FUCK DANZO
- I love the idea of Mito wooing for Hashirama’s hand/politically smart Mito!! It was a political marriage that grew into love. There’s no way she DIDNT suspect an attack on Uzushio lik it’s literally an island w/Kiri as it’s neighbours….Konoha gets recognition and stability while Uzushio importantly gets mainland allies
- Mito tops btw she’s def pegged Hashi before 🫢
- if Madara or Hashi had sisters/born women they would’ve def had a marriage to solidify their alliance. This makes Japanese homophobia not make sense esp in the shinobi world bc their clans trusted each other w/o backup like marriage?? Idk I’m just kinda confused y it was never even brought up for an alliance…
*cue MadaTobi arranged marriage au 100k, enemies to lovers, slowburn*
- also to dude bros homophobia has no place in the Naruto world (and IRL BTW) outside of making heirs. They’re literally MERCENARIES You telling me Kakashi has never fucked another man for information before??? Pls be serious I’m begging y’all 🙃🙃🙃
- there’s def family drama amongst the senju!! Idk I feel like Hashirama and Tobirama have the relationship of: “they love each other but don’t like each other” which makes Madara’s inclusion even worse for the brothers’ relationship. Like they def always had each other’s backs but never actually felt like they understood each other.
- I wish more fanfics/canon covered the shinobi-civilian politics more (I love politics lol give me world-building kishimoto 😤)
- Civilians hold power. THEY have all the MONEY to pay shinobi
- I’ve rlly only seen 1 fanfic that involves the Fire Daimyo during the Warring States Era (Into the Wide Blue Yonder it’s a KakaSasu Time travel fic that actually ✨works✨ 12/10 recommend) but it’s true.
Wtf is the Fire Daimyo doing during this era??? Why is he being so placate about Senju/Uchiha war unless he just sees it as entertainment?? How have shinobi NOT fought against rich civilian politicians before?? (Introducing Maoism to the naruto world lol 🤔🤔)
- Kishimoto curse ur goldfish brain….
- the uchiha and senju were def broke in this era, LMAO especially the Uchiha and I mean resource wise. War is EXPENSIVE the Uchiha don’t have Hashirama and Mokutan, they couldn’t just grow food whenever they wanted. It makes total sense that they would agree to a ceasefire just to prevent STARVATION
- once again…. robbed in terms of seeing the aftermath and devastation of war and learning how to live in a morally grey, politically unstable, resource limited world which could’ve brought in the ultimate themes of peace and the cycle of violence, and the question of if violence and war is ever justified, but…..no ❤️
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kankuroplease · 21 days
Whenever you feel led, maybe the next milestone, could we please see Katsura with the twins? Are they close with their mama? Only if you want! Thank you!
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Katsura and her boys are very close 🖤
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obito: hey can you pay attention we’re basically trying to end the world
naruto: yeah i get that but sasuke is RIGHT there
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dreamcrush · 3 months
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"Her name is Little John, but she's a big kitty!"
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mamadarama · 11 months
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347 - hiyoris fav movie is beverly hills chihuahua and hes been banned from choosing the eden movie night on account of suggesting it every single time
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evilkitten3 · 3 months
ngl my biggest issue with tobi/izu as a ship or as a friendship or even as a foemance is that there's no reality where it's not a thousand times funnier if they just straight-up hate each other's guts
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fistfuloflightning · 10 months
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”Hashirama thinks—“ “I already know what he thinks. I want to know what you think. You were Hashirama’s shadow when you were Senju Tobirama. But you’re an Uchiha now, and that means standing at my side, and not in my shadow. This village is as much your making as it is mine or Hashirama’s.” Tobirama remained silent, red eyes fixed unseeing on her cup. Madara knew the peace haunted her in a way it didn’t the others. Her sole purpose for existence was no longer there and she was learning there was more to life than constant vigilance and a kunai in hand. And she was terrified of it.
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