#live so close to the beach but I don’t have a car so I CANT GO
simplyghosting · 1 year
Trying to convince my mother that a massive 7ft stone fountain that would take up 33% of our canned sardine-esque suburban yard and would probably require a large loan is a great idea and would have no negative consequences financially or anything.
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twinstarlovers · 1 year
But bruh I’m starting to get better but my wisdom teeth are hurting so ima take them out when I get home. Ima die swear. I can’t wait to get back home & see midnight. I CANT WAIT TO EAT FOOD AGAIN. I can’t wait to go to Starbucks 😭. I’m in need of my grilled cheese & vanilla bean frappe. I’m in need of noodles & company. I’m in need of pizza. I’m in need of ice cream. The dairy is so natural here that I actually hate it 💀. I like the fake shit in America idc. I CANT WAITTTTTTTT. Ima get back home around 4am. Ima take a shower when I get home & then go to Starbucks around 6-7 🙏🏻. I have not been eating good… or at all here. I’ve been eating a lot of Gorecki soup 🧸🥣💕. I’ve been eating fries too. That’s pretty much it 💀 like I’ve been sleeping A LOT so I haven’t ate much cus of that too. Im the pickiest eater in the GAME. It’s actually not okay but idc.
Life would be great if I didn’t have ocd & wasn’t a germaphobe bruh. I feel like that’s what stops me from living tbh. Like going to the beach is difficult because of my ocd. My Taurus moon doesn’t help. Me being an empath makes it 1000x worse too. I literally hate me. I wish I was constantly on shrooms cus my ocd goes away. I could literally live a stress free life. I swear life without ocd seems like a dream come true. Imagine I can lay in bed w midnight & just sleep w her in peace. I love her so much & it hurts not being able to be close to her physically cus of my ocd. Imagine being able to go to the beach & not worry about the sand. I think I’d even live on the beach if I didn’t have ocd. I know my higher self loves the beach. I was on the beach today but I was just walking. Back then it was worse. I couldn’t step foot on the sand cus I would cry from frustration & being so overwhelmed w having sand everywhere. I remember we were at the beach years ago & my sis was about to faint & they put her in the car & she had sand all over her & I was worrying more about the sand in the car than her about to pass out. That’s what sucks about ocd. I care about the wrong things but I mean #trauma . That’s what happens when you have no control over your own life. I wonder how you will trigger & help me heal my ocd. My ocd seems like impossible to get over like I can’t explain how strong it is. It’s gonna be so painful when I gotta face it. I feel like you can help me tho. In a non codependent way or idk, I feel like you would get me to do things that I wouldn’t usually do like… if you wanna go to the beach, ima wanna go cus you are going & I wanna be w you like… it’s almost like you give things purpose. I mean it makes sense. I think it’s the intensity of the connection obviously. Your Aquarius rising is gonna help my cancer rising sooo much. You will be able to get me out my comfort zone or like push me to do things. Ugh I’m so happy you’re a cancer moon. The universe KNEWWWWWWWWWWWW. Taurus moon & cancer rising me hates to move I swear. These people out here be wanting to do so much shit & explore while I just wanna sit still. There’s a lot of fire that’s why lol. A vacation for me is to sit still. I hate walking. I hate exploring. I would want to but I just don’t wanna move lol. I think that’s what everyone hates about me like my family & my friends. It’s how I really never want to move. I mean old friend had an aqua moon which isn’t compatible w my Taurus moon so that makes sense but people be on my ass likeeee stfu. I wish things could just be put right in front of me instead of me moving like.. let’s say I wanna go France. I don’t wanna do the whole airport thing & pack like I just want to teleport there. I wish I could teleport everywhere. Taurus moon me is so fucking lazy swear to god 😭😭😭. We gonna have a good peaceful life together 😌. HOME BODIES. A balance ofc but…. home bodies. Our house finna be cute af. We should get a tree house fr fr. We still needa go get our baby shit tho likeee a mini kitchen, a mini store :
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We gotta hide our kid stuff in a secret room 🤫🔐
Ain’t nobody gotta know we still babies ☝🏼🤐👧🏻💕👦🏻. We gotta get a lil play-pin!!! Never forgot! ☝🏼
I said a lot 🙄 okay bye 👋🏼🥹💖
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poguegirl · 3 years
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hey, don’t close your eyes
desc. when you are celebrating the pogues reuniting, rafe crashes the party with his gun
warnings. blood, angst, swearing
JJ yelled as you shotgunned a beer inside the hot tub, having one hand up in the air from JJ holding it up in congratulations.
You threw the can away and yelled with your tongue out, everyone laughing amongst you. JJ hauled you up by your waist and held you there as you gripped onto his shoulders for more support. They all whooped and cheered.
The pogues were back baby.
In the next minute you were smoking a blunt Kie passed to you. Taking a hit as Pope rapped about school, “They say I come in the party and cause commotion, I’m smooth yeah, call me lotion.”
Everyone bursted into laughing fits as you clutched onto JJ’s arm and fell forwards giggling your ass off. He laughed alongside you and held you beside him as he bent his head down and kissed your shoulder blade. Him seeing you giddy and happy was always a gift to JJ.
You two had been dating for months now and they were the greatest months you could ask for. Even if you broke John B’s rule.
Time passed by before JJ and Pope were throwing punches at their shoulders sarcastically, each time they did you let out a small laugh.
“Go Pope!!” Kie cheered from beside you.
“Yeah JJ!” You grinned and held your arms up clapping.
JJ looked over to you and smiled with a wink, looking down and biting is lip before continuing his shenanigans. In seconds they were on the ground and wrestling. You whooped and hollered for JJ to win, but he lost to Pope.
“New technique!” John B laughed.
Pope nodded his head and grinned, standing he held his hand out for JJ to stand and waved goodbye as he headed off the beach. Shortly after, Kie stood and left to go and find him.
“Really?” Says Sarah as she subconsciously braids your hair.
“Oh yeah.”
“Way to be discreet!” Shouted JJ as they disappeared.
“I leave and this happens?” Asks John B as he looks between you and JJ accusingly. You smile and laugh as you look to JJ shrugging your shoulders and looking away jokingly.
“Are you blaming me?” JJ held his heart sarcastically.
“A little bit… oh, it’s beer time.” With that John B stood and left to get himself a drink.
Sarah and JJ continued to jokingly argue about pogue and pogue macking, disregarding you and JJ’s relationship. Soon after JJ stood and spoke with John B.
You looked down to your hands as Sarah hummed to herself before speaking, “Did you know me and John B got married?” You paused and turned to look up and her as she bit down her lip and grinned. “No fucking way.” Sarah nodded, “I mean not legally but…. yknow.” You smiled and sat back down, “That’s awesome Sarah, seriously.”
She laughed and said a thank you. The two deserved to be happy, they had both gone through so much together.
JJ and John B walk over again, the both of them wiping her eyes as if they had an emotional moment. You looked away and were about to make conversation before John B butt in, “Did you hear that?”
“What? Your chicken?” JJ thought out loud.
“I heard a car door.” He noted
JJ starts to cluck like a chicken and flap his arms as John B reaches over to cover his mouth with his hand to shut him up.
You sit up and look to the sound squeezing your eyes to look clearer, instantly you heard talking and stood. Shushing everyone you pointed to the tree as John B helped Sarah up. You started to climb right after her, JJ under you for support as you gained your footing.
“Go go go go” You ushered under your breath as you urged the boys to hurry, taking a seat on a branch quietly as you held onto the trunk. Shortly JJ emerged and took a seat on the branch in front of you.
Seconds later Rafe and Barry came, whispering words to each other as they crouched and held guns in their hands completely unaware that they were in the tree.
Your eyes welled up and you placed a hand over your mouth to stifle any sounds that crept up.
Barry stood and kicked the door open, holding his pistol up at gun point as he scanned the area for us. It was clear their objective was to kill us. Rafe stood by the bonfire, looking around. “Where the hell are you.” He yelled out.
Rafe paced around the fire mindlessly, picking his hands up and putting them on his neck.
JJ reached back and grabbed your knee, rubbing it to soothe your nerves in any way. Your gripped his hand tightly as your body shook.
Glass breaking made you jump as Barry stormed out of the house. “Anything?” Rafe asked, “No, there ain’t shit in there bro.” Barry answered angrily, “No? Nothing?” He yelled questionably, “No, nothing, Rafe.”
“They we’re obviously just here because of the smoke.” Noted Rafe. “Yeah, yeah, yeah great observation boy scout.” Barry taunted, “Well they’re not far yknow? They gotta be around here somewhere.”
It got quiet for a bit, tightening your hold on JJ’s hand before Rafe spoke again, “‘P4L’” He snorted and shook his head looking down, “Well shit.” He added “So your sister’s a pogue for life, huh, Rafe? Now who would’ve thought?” Barry taunted Rafe as he walked closer.
Rafe nodded his head rapidly as he squeezed his eyes shut and opened them again, “Shit!” Rafe yelled, “All right chill—“ Barry spoke.
You hear a gun shift off the safety and multiple gun shots ring through your ears as you feel a new hard pressure in your stomach. You could feel your heart beating in your ears, your breaths were uneven and short as time slowed.
“Chill! Chill chill chill your ass out, you’re gonna get us busted, dawg!” Barry’s shouts were hard to hear as all you could hear was your heart beating madly in your ears as time around you slowed.
“Let’s go Let’s go Let’s go…” Their voices faded as you blinked, looking down at your stomach. Your hand was clutching your body instinctively, slowly you forced your hand away and saw blood begin to bleed into your clothes.
You sucked in a deep breath as you swayed in your seat on the branch. “Y/n…… Y/n…… Hey! Hey, are you listening?” JJ’s voice would cut in as you looked up and found his eyes, instantly he caught on to your pale skin and ghostly eyes.
“Woah woah, hey, Y/n!” He grabbed your arm to stop you from falling backwards, “Let’s get down, cmon.” He eased you down as you never took your hand off from your stomach. He hopped down beside you and looked down to you.
“JJ..” Your voice croaked as your hand gripped as his shirt, your bloodied hands dirtying his clothes. “It hurts…” You muttered as you removed your hand from your side, the blood was much worse. It had expanded all around your shirt and blood was gushing from the it. Slowly you fall forwards as you felt your legs give out from under you.
JJ caught you and started to freak out himself, laying you on the ground as he shouted your name. John B and Sarah running over as they realized what was going on, quickly John B applied pressure to the wound as JJ gripped your face. “Stay with me!!” Yelled JJ as he began to cry. “Call an ambulance!” John B screamed to Sarah.
You’re sight was dizzy and beginning to darken. You found yourself looking at JJ, reaching your bloodied hand towards his face as you shakily wiped his tears as he continued to shout at you to stay awake.
“Please…. Fuck! Y/n stay with me!” He cried and gripped your cheeks tighter.
“I cant live anymore…. without you I have nothing!” JJ confessed through his never ending tears as John B remained silent, his own tears slipping from his eyes.
You managed a small smile and let tears fall down your cheeks. “I love you..” You coughed out blood as some remained on your lips, “P4L.” Whispering those words as your strength in your arm gave out and the hand on his cheek started to slip before he grabbed it and held it tightly, bringing it back to his cheek.
“No.. Y/n, look at me. Hey, don’t close your eyes, please.” He said quickly as your eyelids began to close. He shook your head in an attempt but they remained closed.
“…No… Fuck!” He sobbed out as he laid his head on your chest, his tears leaving stains.
The world around you stopped, your hearing stopped, your senses stopped, all there was left was nothing.
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baroquebucky · 3 years
hello!! how are you? i was wondering if i could request a little something with Bucky where the reader convinced him to go to the beach with them, and by the end of the day they confess to each other? i know it’s oddly specific, but i hope you can do it! thank you so so so much!🥺💓
a/n: i hope ur doing well !! sorry if this took a while ,, i hope you enjoy pls ignore any typos <3 also let’s just pretend like there’s a beach near the compound okay cool thank u (requests open !)
bucky finds out he only loves the beach because of you
You narrowed your eyes, hoping to make Bucky crack under pressure.
“It’s just one day! Cmon it’ll be fun!” You protested, groaning as Bucky smirked as he licked his lips, turning away from you.
“i don’t like the beach” he stated simply, shrugging his shoulders and focusing on the tv infront of him.
“well too bad, it’s not even a whole day, just one afternoon please bucky” you pouted, putting on hand on his thigh and looking at him pleadingly.
Bucky felt his heart rate spike, you were so cute, he would do anything for you. But no, he hated the beach, the sand would get everywhere and it’s so hot.
“sorry y/n” Bucky shrugged and you sighed, getting up from the couch and heading to your room, wondering how to convince the super soldier to go.
The next day you were sat next to Sam, complaining about how Bucky wouldn’t go with you.
“i told him it would be so bad, i was gonna confess and everything i had it all planned out” you spoke, voice lowered so only sam could hear.
He was quiet for a few moments, coming up with a plan quickly, a smirk on his face as Bucky entered the living room.
“yeah I’ll go to the beach with you” Sam spoke, a charming smile on his face, Bucky turned to face the two of you.
You furrowed your brows but quickly caught on, a smile breaking onto your face. Throwing your arms around sam you squealed.
“yay! I’ll pack the sandwiches and fruits right now, i have my change of clothes packed already” you smiled, Bucky looking at you with doe eyes.
“oh hi buck” you grinned, moving past him.
“you’re uh- you going with Wilson?” Bucky spoke, clearing his throat and trying to hide his jealousy.
“yeah, you didn’t wanna go so i figured I’d go with someone else” you shrugged, eyeing him.
“wh- i never said no” Bucky protested, watching you fill the basket with some of his favorite fruits. “technically speaking i never actually rejected the offer” he continued.
You furrowed your eyebrows and stopped moving for a second.
“I guess you didn’t huh, but you said you hate the beach so” you trailed off, closing the basket and making eye contact with the super soldier.
“cant be that bad if I’m with you doll” he smirked and you blushed, clearing your throat and looking down at the basket.
“so you do wanna go to the beach” you stated, walking past him and setting the basket on the counter near the door, sitting back down on the couch near sam.
“yeah” Bucky spoke, turning to face you and you nodded. Sam fought the smile on his face, acting like he had to take a call, leaving only the two of you in the living room.
“okay well you should back some towels and stuff then” you stated and Bucky nodded, getting up and going to his room to get everything he needed.
Sam soon emerged from the hall, a smirk on his face as you broke out into a fit of giggles.
“Sam Wilson you genius” you grinned, hugging him.
“i know, i know, now you go have fun, for the love of god i hope he finally admits he liked you” he groaned, “tired of seeing him pining all the damn time.”
You took your bag and the basket and set them in the backseat of the car, making sure you had everything and waiting in the drivers seat, music playing from the speakers.
Bucky soon walked out, setting his bag in the backseat and hopping in the passengers seat.
“Sam said he had a netting come up so he couldn’t come” he turned to you and you nodded, turning the volume up a bit.
“guess you’re stuck with just me huh” you joked and Bucky smiled, looking out the window as you pulled away from the compound.
The drive was long, but with Bucky there to crack jokes you felt the time fly by. Singing songs he had learned from your playlists and humming along to some 40’s songs you had grown to love because of Bucky.
When you finally arrived, your stomach was growling, jumping out of the car and pulling Bucky along to a nice table near the shore, only a little bit away from the sand.
You both unpacked the food, handing each other your favorite fruits and some other snacks you packed.
“i don’t know what you do but these are so good” bucky smiled after finishing the sandwiched you had packed, giving him the rest of yours once you got full.
“i think we were just really hungry because that was the best one I’ve ever made” you spoke, drinking some water and resting your chin in your hand.
“I was thinking we can go for a swim and then change and then go for a walk while the sunsets” you spoke, watching as the super soldier put the glass containers back into the basket, carefully closing it because focusing his attention back to you.
“sounds great doll” he grinned, getting up with you to go put the basket back in the car.
“race you to the water” you giggled, taking off before you even finished your sentence, stretching your legs as far as they go to try and outrun him.
Bucky smiled as you ran, he waited a couple second knowing he could easily catch up. He closed the car door and sprinted after you, grabbing you by the waist and spinning you around right before you got to the water.
“that’s cheating! I would’ve beat you!” You laughed, squirming in his arms so he would set you down. Bucky smiled at you as you poured at him, arms crossed.
“i gave you a 5 second head start and you’re complaining?” He teased and you hugged, flailing your arms in the air.
“look at me I’m Bucky and i can run so fast” you mocked, lowering your voice to imitate him.
“I don’t even talk like that!” he argued, frowning as you mocked him.
“i don’t even talk like that” you giggled as he frowned, quickly swooping you off the ground and running into the water.
“wait i was joking!” You spoke, eyes widening as a wave crashed into both of you, soaking you to the bone and both of your hair dripping wet, clothes clinging to your bodies.
“i was joking!” Bucky replied, making his voice a higher pitch to mock you, a smirk on his lips as you looked at him in shock.
The two of you messed around in the water for a while, eventually getting out and heading to some showers to change before the sun began to set.
You two met back at the car, Bucky in a t shirt and some shorts and you in float shorts and a hawaii t shirt he absolutely despised.
“you brought that shirt? Really?” He groaned and you smiled at him.
“it’s the beach!” You beamed at him, his gaze softening as you smiled at him.
“only you could pull that off doll face” he smiled and you blushed, closing the car door and mumbling something to yourself.
The two of you talked softly as the sunset, smiling at each other’s comments and acredites while the waves hit the sand. You don’t know how far you had walked when you stopped, looking at the red and pinks of the sky, taking a deep breath and looking at Bucky.
“i have to tell you something” you spoke, wringing your hands together and looking at Bucky as he walked closer to you.
“what is it?” he replied, concern written on his face as he looked around for any danger.
“i just- okay well for a long time” you began, fumbling with your words and moving your hands, “okay well not long but kind of long” you rambled, looking at Bucky who was confused. You shook your head and continued.
“after a while of knowing you i was just- i like you, and not like a friend- yes like a friend but more as in like like you” you paused for a moment, “you know?” You stopped and looked him in the eyes.
Bucky could hear your heart rate over the sound of the waves and seagulls, he could hear how fast it was thumping. He could also hear his, a steady beating in his ears as his face flushed and smile broke onto his face.
You, the girl of his dreams, the girl he thought was out of his league liked him. You opened your mouth, about to start rambling but Bucky wasn’t going to give you the chance.
In one quick stride he cupped your face in his hands and pressed your lips together, kissing you deeply, a smile on your face as you gladly returned the kiss.
You both pulled away, lips pink and faces hot. Seconds passed and you were the first to speak up.
“so do you like me” you questioned, chewing on your bottom lip and Buckys mouth fell open.
“we just made out and you think there’s a chance i don’t like you?” He smirked as you fumbled over your words.
“i do like you doll, i want you to be mine, i want to hold you and kiss you and i want you by my side” bucky smiled, looking at you as you smiled, your heartbeat steady in his ears.
“will you be mine?” he asked and you nodded, throwing yourself onto him and he smiled, your legs wrapped around his waist. Bucky placed a soft kiss on your cheek as he set you down.
“so is that a yes” he teased and you rolled your eyes, letting out a groan.
“you know what i take it back” you joked, crossing your arms and walking away from him. Bucky smirked as you grabbed your wrist softly, pulling you to him and connecting your lips.
Your knees grew weak as he pulled away, biting your bottom lip softly.
“still take it back?” he teased and you swallowed your words, rolling your eyes and smiling at him.
Your fingers were laced the whole walk back to the car, smiling at each other and giggling at anything the other said.
Both of you were smitten and neither of you bothered to hide it, proudly telling sam the second you walked back into the compound, the rest of the team cheering for the two of you.
“about damn time” Sam smirked, patting Bucky on the shoulder and giving you a hug.
“Bruce you owe me $20” Nat smiled and the scientist laughed, protesting on how they never shook hands.
Amidst the chaos the two of you slipped away, heading to shower and change before meeting up in Buckys room to watch some movies.
“M happy i can call you mine doll” he mumbled, kissing the top of your head softly and you hummed in agreement.
“I’m glad i finally bagged the most attractive avenger” you grinned, loving the way he blushed at your comment. You moved closer to bucky, you head resting on his chest, the steady sound of his heartbeat lulling you to sleep as the movie played in the background.
Bucky smiled as your breathing steadied, heart growing as everything finally hit him. You were his. You were his and he was gonna do everything he could to give you the world.
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birdiefw · 4 years
Summary: It was during a party on September 21st when you and JJ fell in love.
Warnings: underage drinking, cursing, SLIGHT angst & fluff
A/N: I don’t know how this happened but I’m just rolling with it because I love that song and needed to make another JJ imagine. FEEL FREE TO SEND REQUESTS, TOO!
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[not my gif]
You didn’t want to go to the party. There was only one week of school before fall break — a week of complete relaxation and not a single assignment to occupy your time — but you needed to focus on your remaining assignments in order to make sure you were still passing all of your classes. Your parents were expecting nothing but perfection from you and you didn’t want to let them down.
They already disapproved of your friends. You didn’t want to give them any more reason to despise you.
One of your close friends, Kiara Cerrera, or simply Kie, had tried to convince you to go to the boneyard for a kegger to ease your nerves, but you were deep in homework and couldn’t afford to stop now.
That was almost two hours ago and it was nearing midnight. Your parents were fast asleep in their bedroom down the hall, but you were wide awake with your homework spread out around you on the floor. Your mind was desperately begging you to take a break, to rest and relax so you didn’t go into overload, but you’d made it this far — you couldn’t stop now.
Faint music softly played from your phone that was carelessly tossed on your bed, your ears tuning out any chime that came from it to avoid getting distracted by your concerned friends. You promised Kie you were fine and would stop at a reasonable time, but you should’ve known better than to believe she wouldn’t express her concerns to your friends.
After a while, you heard a light tap on your window. You frowned, eyes growing wide. You’d seen enough horror movies than to know better than to look. There was no way you were going to open your window so late at night.
You gulped and stood up, cautiously sitting on the edge of your bed. The tap came again.
You nervously bit your lip, your gut telling you to go get your dad, but you remained frozen in place. The music on your phone abruptly stopped and it began to ring. You jumped fearfully, relaxing when you saw it was only JJ. You quickly answered it, hoping it hadn’t woken your parents.
“JJ, I cant talk right now,” you whispered. Your eyes never left your thankfully locked window. “There’s—”
“Someone tapping on your window?” JJ finished for you, amusement laced in his gruff voice. Your eyes widened and you stood up, yanking back your curtain. The light from your room spilled out of the window, lighting up JJ’s face behind the glass. You sighed in relief and hung up, lifting the window to let him inside.
JJ grinned and pocketed his own phone before quietly climbing into your room; it was times like these you were thankful you lived in a one story home. You backed out of his way, going back to sitting in the floor by your homework. JJ watched you, doing a double take at all of the papers you had scattered around you. “Woah,” he breathed out, cocking a brow in your direction. “Are you sure we go to the same school? ‘Cause there’s no way in hell we have that much work to do it.”
You let out a light laugh, innocently shrugging when you caught his unsure gaze. “Yes, but I’m in AP classes. They require more work,” you replied defensively. You pulled a notebook into your lap, a separate sheet right next to you. “I need to finish these, JJ. Besides, don’t you have a party to be at?”
JJ sighed, lazily plopping down at your desk. He propped his feet up on your desk only to dramatically put them back down at the glare you sent him. “I was, but you weren’t there,” he said in reply. You frowned. Why did it matter if you were there? Sure, you were flattered he wanted you to be there, but that never stopped him from partying before.
“So?” You laughed, jotting down the next answer to your assignment. “I’m just not in the mood to party tonight. My parents would kill me, too.”
“Are you going to tell them?”
“Well, no, but they might—”
“They won’t.” You sighed, giving JJ a tired look. He held his hands out at his sides, eyes softened. “C’mon, Y/N. Kie said you’ve been doing this all day—”
“JJ, I promise, I’m fine,” you interjected. You really didn’t wanna have another debate about it again. You were still reeling in from the one you had with Kiara. You didn’t think you could do it all over again, and with JJ no less. As much as you appreciated his, and everyone else’s concern, it was unnecessary.
You looked back down to your homework, hoping JJ would drop it. You went back to working out the problems, pausing when JJ stood up and sat down beside you. The corners of your lips tweaked upwards, giving him a suspicious look. “JJ, what’re you doing?” You questioned.
He picked up a piece of paper, grinning towards you. “What’s it look like? I’m gonna help you so you can finish sooner and get to the party.”
You giggled, playfully rolling your eyes. “You don’t have to do that,” you stated softly. “I don’t wanna go, anyways.”
JJ dropped the paper, his eyes pleading with you. “This isn’t good for your health, Y/N,” he said, brows knitted together.
“You’re one to talk!” You retorted defensively. “How healthy do you think it is to drink as—”
“This isn’t about me,” JJ cut in, standing up. He ran a hand through his hair and took a few steps away, finally facing you. “I-we’re all worried about you. All were asking is for one night, Y/N. That stuff can wait until tomorrow. You need a serious break, and I’m not leaving here until you agree to come with me.”
You rolled your eyes in annoyance. “You can’t stay here all night, JJ.”
“Watch me.”
You angrily huffed, slamming your homework onto the floor. JJ proudly smirked — it was only a matter of time until you caved. You clenched your jaw and pushed yourself to your feet, folding your arms over your chest. “If I say yes, what do you get out of it?”
“I get to see my friend have a good time instead of overworking herself to death,” he answered, face hardened with sincerity.
You were taken aback by his answer. It was stern, but he didn’t hesitate. He was being honest.
Eventually you sighed, unable to stop yourself from smiling towards the sun kissed boy. “Fine, I’ll go, but one condition.”
“What’s that?”
“You’ll see.”
“This is ridiculous.”
“It is not!”
“I look like a freakin’ tour guide!”
“No, you don’t!”
The party was raging when you and JJ arrived, having ridden on your two person bike so you wouldn’t have to take your car and make it obvious you’d snuck out. Kooks, Pogues, and clueless Tourons clashed in one enormous group on the sand, bodies blending together in the sea of faces that moved along with the thumping music that blared from a nearby radio. A keg was placed by the water, red solo cups were discarded throughout the beach, some still clutched in the clammy hands of those hoping to have a good time.
“Hey, what time does the tour begin, hot stuff?” John B. called out, coming up to you and JJ, throwing his arm around his best friends shoulders. You held your hand over your mouth, hoping to hide your laugh from JJ. The boy turned to you, giving you an ‘I told you so’ look, but you just waved it off.
He shrugged John B.’s arm off, pointing in your direction. “It was her idea, not mine,” JJ stated. The bright yellow, Hawaiian shirt he wore was bright under the moonlight, making it easy for anyone to spot him in the crowd. The top five buttons were undone, you having been the one to say that was the perfect amount to have done — just the right amount of skin showing. A black bandana was wrapped in his hair, a few short pieces sticking out and resting on his forehead. “I think she raided your closet of somethin’.”
You rolled your eyes, playfully shoving JJ. Your gaze swiveled over to John B., giving him a small smile. “I take it you were worried about me, too?”
“I’m always worried about you. You don’t party enough,” he replied, chuckling. Then he nodded towards JJ, eyes twinkling mischievously. “He was worried the most, though.”
“I was not—”
“John B.!” A pretty blonde called out, motioning the boy over to her with two red cups in her hands.
John B. contently sighed, stealing a glance to you and JJ. “Duty calls, my friends,” he breathed out. He pointed a finger to you as he started to walk off, lips pursed. “Have fun, Y/N. And if I see you trying to leave early, I’ll drag you back and handcuff you to myself so you can’t leave.”
You falsely saluted him, hardening your features and stranding straight. “Sir, yes, sir!”
He gave you and JJ a final wave, disappearing into the crowd with the Touron girl, leaving you and JJ all alone. You were expecting him to go about and find some cute girl to flirt with and slip out of the part my with, but much to your surprise, he remained at your side.
You could see Kie off in the distance by a dim bonfire, trying to get Pope out to dance with her. You grinned, a gasp leaving your lips when you heard what song was playing. You sharply turned to JJ, gently grabbing his shoulders and lightly shaking. “Oh my god!” You beamed. You grabbed at his hands and pulled him further into the crowd.
“Woah, hey!” JJ whined, tightening his grip on your hand. “I’m getting sand in my shoes!”
“Hush!” You giggled, finding a spot near the middle that gave you both enough room to dance without disturbing those around you. You let go of his hand and then faced him, your smile never deterring. “Dance with me!”
JJ didn’t need to be told twice.
September by Earth, Wind, & Fire blared across the twisted beach, drunken teens belting out the lyrics even if they didn’t know all the words. Your heart was soaring amongst the stars, giggles emitting from you as you happily danced with JJ. All of your worries seemed to wash away the more you allowed yourself to get lost in the music, finding yourself truly enjoying the night.
JJ grabbed your hand and delicately spun you around, your laughs mixing together into the most wonderful sound you’d ever heard. He twirled you around again, pulling you against his chest with your back to him. Your breath hitched in your throat, feeling his warmth send sparks throughout your entire body. Your lips tweaked upwards, something inside of you igniting as you felt yourself be pulled back out.
Your eyes locked with JJ’s blue ones, his expression the same as your own. The music no longer mattered to either of you, your hearts beating in sync. Everything seemed to move in slow motion, JJ’s face getting closer and closer to your own. You didn’t even realize you were moving as well, your faces inches apart.
Your eyes briefly went to his lips and then to his eyes. JJ smirked, tilting his head. “You gonna make a move or what?” You scoffed and lightly pushed him away. He loudly laughed and grabbed your wrist, pulling you into him so you were chest to chest. “Why do you have to be so stubborn, huh?”
You innocently smiled. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
JJ let out a breath, moving closer to you. “You’re something else.”
“And so are you.”
Within seconds your lips were firmly pressed to his, your eyes fluttering closed as euphoria took control of your body. Your hands went around his neck, one had cradling the nape of his neck while the other traveled into his hair. You accidentally pulled some out from under his bandana, but he didn’t seem to care. He wrapped his arms around your waist, smiling as you two finally broke apart just as the song ended; you two were undoubtedly in love.
There was no way you two were going to forget the 21st night of September.
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heavcnslyre · 3 years
ricky bowen x reader series! part one
— starstruck au!
series masterlist, part one, part two, part three, part four, part five, part six, part seven, part eight, part nine, part ten
IN WHICH you reunite with your cousin, ashlyn, and the rest of your family in california, and your sister plots to find a way to meet the one and only ricky bowen.
WARNINGS swearing
NOTES you are 17, camilla (your sister) is 19, ashlyn caswell is your cousin and she is 17, your aunt debbie is your moms sister and you’re visiting your moms mom in california. this is very NOT CANON! not all of the mcs know each other and they don’t live in the same city. also my writing isn’t the best but i hope you enjoy anyways! let me know if you wanna be tagged in the next parts :)) also STREAM LIE LIE LIE
(y/n) = your name
text dividers from @writeyourmindaway !!
lowercase intended.
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“are you really watching this movie again?” you ask your older sister, camilla. she groans.
“yes! now move, it’s almost ricky’s scene.”
you roll your eyes and move out of her way, keeping your eyes on the screen. the movie was cheesy and you felt like you’ve seen it hundreds of times, since your sister was constantly watching it. she had an obsession with this guy— ricky bowen. he was an actor and a singer and any teenage girl you talk to loves him, but you didn’t really understand the hype. sure, he was attractive and talented but….
“i can’t wait to meet him, i’m sure he’s even nicer in person,” camilla gushed, staring at the screen.
“what do you mean meet him? we live in new york. he lives in california. not really someone you can just run into on the street.”
camilla rolled her eyes, not looking away from the screen. “we’re going to california in a couple weeks, dumbass. and i’m going to meet him, i just know it.”
“we’re going so we can visit grandma in glendale. you can’t just go running off to los angeles by yourself to somehow find him.”
“i’ll... figure it out. i’m nineteen anyways, i can do what i want. and glendale is really close to la, only like a 15 minute drive.”
“yeah, okay. good luck with that.” you watch another minute of the movie before turning away to go into the kitchen. you’re making yourself a snack when your mom comes in.
“hi hun,” she said, setting some groceries down on the counter.
“hi mom. what are these? i thought you went grocery shopping on saturday.”
“i did,” she said, starting to put a few groceries away. “this is stuff for california, i wanted to start shopping early. we also have to go find christmas gifts for your grandma, aunt, uncle, and cousin. easier if we get them here rather than there.”
“oh, aunt debbie is going? last time i texted ashlyn she said they weren’t going to make it out there this year,” ashlyn was your cousin, and she was 17, just like you. you and her had been close your whole life, but when your aunt, uncle and her moved to minnesota a few years ago, you drifted a bit. seeing her for holidays was one of your favorite things, you loved having your whole family together.
“yeah, well, apparently my mom has a new boyfriend and debbie decided she wanted to meet him so they made it work.”
you hum. “also heard that ashlyn’s still talking to the guy she met last summer in california.”
“that was probably also a deciding factor.” you and your mom laughed and you helped her put away the groceries.
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ashlyn: plane just landed!! when r u getting here?
you: leaving in about an hour!! see u soon omg
ashlyn: CANT WAIT!!!!
you heart her message and slip your phone into your pocket, excusing yourself to go find some last minute snacks from the shops at the airport. you had been sitting next to camilla and she was blasting ricky’s music in her headphones. she was so obsessed with him it was tiring.
eventually, your flight was called and you boarded the plane. you texted ashlyn that you were boarding and she sent back a party emoji, then proceeded to tell you to hurry up. luckily, the plane ride was only around four hours, and you had a really nice playlist that was the perfect length. your current favorite artist was nini salazar-roberts, who had recently released new music. she also happened to be ricky bowen’s girlfriend, and camilla refused to listen to her for whatever reason. you couldn’t really care less, nini had good music.
‘drivers license’ began to play and you drifted off to sleep. you woke to camilla shaking you harshly.
“c’mon, we’re landed,” she said and you nodded, stretching. she stood up and left her seat, not even waiting for you to catch up. you scoff and grab your things before jogging to catch up to her and your parents who she had rushed to. you were already feeling the change of time zones, leaving new york at one then arriving in california at two after a four hour flight.... super trippy.
as your parents went off to rent a car, you and camilla sat by each other. she went on her phone and was scrolling through ricky’s instagram. you rolled your eyes.
“have a plan on how to meet him yet?” you ask. she sighs.
“sort of. he’s performing tonight. at nini’s birthday party. i just need to find a way into the party.”
“yeah, because a random girl is going to be allowed into a famous persons party.”
camilla scoffs. “you don’t know, they don’t always have great security. i just have to convince mom and dad to let me go.”
“go where?” your dad asked as the two of them return, car keys in hand. camilla’s eyes widened slightly.
“go to the different malls. and beaches. with (y/n) and ashlyn. girl time,” she lied quickly. your mom nodded.
“not a bad idea, spend some time with your family. we’ll think about it. grandma mentioned having a car for you to take.”
“awesome!” camilla squealed. she turned to you and made a ‘i-can’t-believe-they-just-agreed-to-that face’ and you laughed.
“c’mon girls. time to get going, everyone’s waiting for us.”
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“(y/n)!” ashlyn squealed, running out of your grandmas house as soon as you closed your car door. you grinned and ran towards her, hugging her tight.
“ashlyn i’ve missed you so much!”
“i’ve missed you! i have so much to tell you!”
you raised your eyebrow at her. “about the boy you’re talking to?”
she blushed and mumbled a maybe before your grandma came out of her house, her boyfriend following close behind. today was the first time anyone was meeting him, and you were pretty excited.
you hugged your grandma tight and she introduced you to her boyfriend, kevin. he greeted you all and although he seemed a bit awkward at first, he seemed like a good guy.
soon enough, you were in the room you were sharing with both camilla and ashlyn. camilla was not excited to hear that the three of you were sharing, but your grandma assured her that the room was more big enough for all of you, and it would be nice for you all to spend time together — get into the christmas spirit. camilla mumbled under her breath that that was bullshit, but your grandma didn’t seem to hear her.
as camilla was out in the kitchen with your family, you and ashlyn sat on your bed as she scrolled through social media.
“ashlyn! tell me about this boy you’re talking to!” you exclaimed suddenly. she laughed at your sudden outburst but put her phone away immediately and turned towards you with a big smile on her face.
“oh my gosh (y/n) he’s the best. we’ve been texting and facetiming everyday this year. i honestly can’t wait to see him later, i feel like i’ve been waiting years to finally see him again.”
you grinned. you don’t think you’d seen ashlyn this happy in a long time. “when are you seeing him tonight? what are you doing? do you know what you’re going to wear?”
“oh, jeez (y/n). one at a time,” she teased. “i’m meeting him at this club. it’s his best friends girlfriends birthday, and he invited me to her party. and i do have a few ideas but i wanted you to help me out.”
“absolutely i’ll help!! am i going to be able to meet him while we’re here?”
“yeah, i don’t see why not. he’s talking about going to vienna to go to the beach, i’m sure it’d be fine if you tagged along.”
“if i tag along and third wheel,” you both laughed. “kidding. i’d love to go!”
“good. because i wasn’t going to let you say no.” she stands up and stretched. “now help me figure out what to wear tonight.”
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samwritesforyou · 4 years
Booked (pt.2)
Summary: you decided to go grocery shopping since the amount of people in your house significantly grew and diego keeps you company. after that crazy hargreeves family prompts you for a beach trip?
Warnings: gender-neutral reader
Wordcount: 2.1k
A/N: this fic is making me feel things, i cant quite place it. like... whenever i write it i feel weirdly at home?? idk :D feel free to share your thoughts either in tags or comments! its Very appreciated and motivating, actually! have a lovely day! <3
part one can be found here!
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“Okay but if we kill them, nobody will have any questions, will they? We just bought a house and they moved somewhere far away!” was the first thing you heard, as you have awakened from your “nap”, deciding to keep your eyes shut just for a moment longer, not to lose it again.
“Five!” seems like everyone else said that in unison, grunting and groaning.
Okay, they don’t want to kill you. That’s great. You think it’s safe to open your eyes now.
You were laying on the king-sized bed upstairs, all siblings huddled up around you, watching intensely.
All the chatter between them came to a stop when they noticed that you woke up.
“So.. you’re like all superheroes or something?” you said tiredly, despite feeling rested.
Your mind still felt fuzzy from that info, hearing about such thing only from the tv series or sci-fi genres.
“Guess so,” Luther piped up, shrugging his massive shoulders and offering you a small smile.
Your eyes slowly drifted towards the kid standing by the frame of the bed, wearing a serious expression.
He sighed and frowned at you.
“To be clear, I’m not a kid and I’m actually older than all of you here. I’m a time traveller and I witnessed more in my life than any of you,” his passive-aggressiveness was directed at you, but by the choice of words it felt like he was talking to everyone who was present in the room, “There’s going to be an apocalypse by the end of the summer and our job is to stop it. We failed once, but we won’t fail twice. We rented this house, thinking it would be a good place where we can practise our powers without anyone interfering with us, so please,” his face turned into an exaggerated, wide smile, “don’t get in our way nor mention it to anybody. Thank you,” and as he finished his angry monologue, the blue colour filled the space around him as he disappeared in the thin air, right in front of your eyes.
Hm. Okay?
Only two seconds passed after that, when another sibling started talking to you.
“And I can talk with the dead!” he said happily, spreading his hands in the air like so monk preaching.
“We have a dead brother who’s named Ben and one day I will definitely let you two meet once I learn how to properly conjure him,” he concluded, very pleased with himself.
“Hi, Ben,” you just said with a warm smile on your face, somewhere into the air next to Klaus.
He literally cooed at your action, coming over to you and giving you a quick hug with a pat on the back.
“Okay, maybe we can reveal all our powers later, but let’s leave (y/n) to rest a bit, alright?” Allison proposed, rushing everyone out of the room and then just sparing you a wave and an apologetic smile, closing the doors and leaving you alone.
Maybe you can get used to all this madness. To this family.
You really rested after that.
A room had a roof-window, so laying on that bed allowed you to look up at the sky and lazy, white clouds that every so often rolled along with the blue background.
Soon enough you heard muffled chatter downstairs, this old house being absolutely the worst in being soundproof.
It all reminded you of simpler times, actually, no matter the crazy circumstances.
But enough was enough, and closer to the middle of the day you managed to get out of the bed and descend to the first floor by the wooden stairs, looking around.
Suddenly it seemed quiet.
You shrugged at that and just made your way towards the door, energetically jumping down the few stairs from the veranda and felt your feet hit the hard tartan surface.
Since it was six (plus one spiritually) more people than you were used to having in your home, you decided it was only logical for you to go and buy more food into the local store.
You almost reached the gate to go outside of your property as you heard some fast steps behind you, catching up to you.
When you turned around, you saw a man with longer hair and almost expression on his face.
“Uh... hey, you’re going somewhere?” he asked, brushing the back of his neck.
“To the market, why?” you asked, tilting your head sideways at him.
“Well.. don’t laugh, but I wanted to jog a little, but got concerned that I might get lost..” the end of his sentence was almost inaudible already as he lowered his voice, “so.. mind keeping me company?”
That kind of surprised you and as you slowly realised the meaning of the said words that came out of his mouth you bit the inside of your right cheek *hard*, just not to laugh.
What a silly guy. Getting lost in this hole?
But sure, why not keep him company.
“Be sure to catch up with me though,” you teased as you basically broke into the run, opening the gate and hopping straight onto your bike and starting pedalling really hard to get as far away from him, finally bursting out laughing at the significant distance.
“What?!” was the only thing you heard from him and then you felt the breeze from the hot summer air caressing your cheeks as you were passing your neighbours in the well-known road.
“You seem happier than usual today, darling!” some granny said to you from her garden and you just waved in reply with a huge grin plastered on your face.
After spending last years of your youth more or less alone, you couldn’t even phantom the thought of people your age living with you for the eternity of one summer.
You could never complain about a life you had here, it was all you ever wanted, but the connection with the people of the similar age to you was really lacking sometimes.
And the absolute joy that was washing over you right now was the witness.
You slowed your pace after some time, pretty soon being followed by jogging Diego, beads of sweat rolling down his muscular hands.
Your gaze lingered for a second longer than necessary and you quickly tore it away from him, a slight blush creeping on your cheeks as you now looked straight ahead of you at the road.
“I’m not the best runner, but also not the worst, hun,” he said between the breaths as you continued your ride/walk and you just smiled.
“Pretty decent, I’d say,” you finally stopped at the market’s “parking lot” where there were two spaces for cars and at least a dozen of handles for bikes.
You put yours into one of them, not even bothering to lock it. Everyone knows each other here and everyone knows you.
A young person in the village mostly consisted of people in retirement.
“Alright, what do we have here,” said Diego as he followed you into the store that reminded him of something out of the 70s, really old school design and brands that he never heard of before.
“Everything is mostly homemade here,” you answered, making your way towards the fridge with cold drinks, opening it and throwing him a cola can, “except these bad boys.”
“Hell yeah,” he smirked and then looked around, but his gaze kind of kept wandering back at you, while you were too busy picking the right type and amount of groceries.
Why would you live here all by your lonesome?
“So..” you finally heard him say, as you checked out and we’re both putting the groceries into the deep basket on your bike, “you seem pretty chill with us being.. abnormal.”
You briefly looked up at him when your fingers accidentally touched between the cans of soda and glasses of milk and then your hand moved the other way, eyes too.
“Well.. who’s to say what’s normal and what’s not in this world, honestly?” you jumped on your seat when you were done with loading and started your ride back.
“I know,” he agreed, jogging way less intensely now as your pace appeared much slower, “but seven siblings all having some weird shit powers is... kind of crazy, don’t you think?”
That made you nod, “Yes, of course. But still, I’m not too baffled about this. What are the odds that a village person like me would even get into a situation like this?” you asked rhetorically, gaze fixed on the rocky-sandy road ahead, “You should accept life as it is! Confusion and denial are a waste of time,” you concluded and extended your left hand as you were driving past an apple tree and managed to rip two fruits at the same time, offering one to Diego - all while still riding a bike.
“I have my superpowers too,” you laughed a little and winked at him, making him flustered as he tried to hide it by biting into his apple.
“What do we have here?” Klaus welcomed both of you at the entrance to the summer house, topless and in a skirt.
“We just bought some groceries since we’re capable of eating the whole fridge out in a day,” Diego deadpanned as he - despite your protests - unloaded your bike storage and went into the house to put the bags there, his arms showing extra muscle that’s normally hidden when his body is relaxed.
Your stare lingered for longer than necessary and Klaus *definitely* picked upon that.
“Darling, if you want to get Diego, be a bit more straightforward with him. He’s a dum-dum,” with the last word he knocked on his own head with a finger and rolled his eyes, giggling playfully afterwards and smacking you on the shoulder.
You defensively did the same, blushing and looking anywhere but at Diego nor Klaus.
Hmmmm, such interesting trees you’re having at your own garden all of the sudden.
“But hey, we’ve all decided that before we start training for the inevitable doom of us all, we would take a break for at least a few days and just go to the beach. When we were coming up we noticed the sea behind all the forests, like.. four kilometres from here?” he looked at you with question, “Have you ever been to the beaches there? Could you guide us?”
You gave it thought only for a brief second and then nodded with a confident smile.
“Sure! I haven’t been there in a year or two but the beaches are still the same, I bet,” you answered and put your hands on hips in a cool posture.
“Thank god!” he impulsively hugged you and let go that instant, “otherwise Five said he wouldn’t let you go with us,” he pouted and then sighed, making his way towards their rusty turquoise-ish car.
You followed him, his words piquing your interest.
“Why does he hate me so much? And why is his name Five?” you narrowed your eyes, plopping yourself on the front seat and sat sideways so you could look at Klaus while talking to him.
“Well, darling...” he started, animatedly throwing his arms in the air, “Five was always a strict man, especially after he came from the future, where he spent like billion years and now he’s 50 year old and always shoves this fact into our young baby faces,” he clearly complained and with annoyed expression continued, “and he’s Five because my name is “officially” Four, but Five was the only one of us who disappeared from the house before our dad even bothered to give us names instead of numbers,” he finished but then remembered and continued, “Actually, it was our AI robotic mom Grace who gave us names,” now he was finished, from somewhere materialising a bottle in his hand and taking a sip from it.
“Anyways, beach trip, babeyyyy!”
“Huh..” you just blinked a few times at him as you heard a hoard of different voices going your way.
You wanted to get out of the car to let them sit however they wanted - you were the odd one out after all - but then they all hoarded in there so quickly that you couldn’t even react, being left in the front seat.
Driver’s seat next to you was empty for now.
As you looked back, Klaus was sitting right behind you, next to him Vanya and on the other side Diego, looking out the window.
Behind them was supposed to be a storage area but they apparently turned it into some diy seats as well, Luther and Allison sitting there, not minding the small space.
Soon the blue sort-of-teleport appeared next to you at the driver’s place and Five briefly threw his gaze at you, swiftly starting the car.
The whole inside of the vehicle roared and you were on your way towards the beach, with you as a main gps they had.
Lovely taglist: @radcloudenthusiast @spacenerdpascal @white-wolf-buckaroo @a-girl-who-loves-disney  @undead--ghost​
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eddieismypimp · 4 years
Tough times Oscar X Reader
@spoonful-of-sugar8 @chonisberonica here you go babies :) sorry it took me so long, I wanted it to be good. I still feel like it's bad but I didn't wanna make you guys wait any longer.
request: you and spooky have been bestfriends since high school. you have always been there for the core four and basically helped Oscar raise Cesar. Cesar sees you as a mother figure and eventually you and Oscar get together.  A/N: just a real quick thing, this story won't really be the same as the show it won't be totally different either, and in this Oscar has just turned 18, the reader is 17, and Cesar is 7. ALSO, I'm a black woman so the "reader" (you guys) will always be a black woman. but, if you want any other race or gender or anything please let me know because I don't want anyone to feel left out.<3
warnings: cussing, a little bit of arguing, and i tried not to put so many time skips like my other stories but there's still a lot so its kind of messed up in my eyes.                           
                                                         Y/N POV
"Ugggggggh." I groaned out loud hearing my phone alarm go off. I fucking hate that sound with a passion. I looked at the time. 6:30 a.m. "Uuuuugh, fuuuuck meeee." I exclaimed as I quite literally rolled out of bed. School starts at 8 but I take about 30 years to get ready. I laid my outfit which consisted of sweatpants and a t-shirt. I real life dress bummy as fuck. Don't get me wrong, I clean up nice, but like... I don't got no one to impress. I took a quick shower and did my hair before I got dressed. It was almost 7:40 so I grabbed my phone and my backpack and headed out to my car. My car wasn't nothing fancy considering I was ACTUALLY POOR, just a grey Subaru. but it was absolutely everything to me. I hooked up to my aux and started driving.                                                  
                                                    -time skip-
7:55. Made it to school with 5 minutes to spare so I went to my locker to grab the books for my first class, math. I'm not the smartest but I love math. The teacher was nice and working with numbers was lowkey easier for me. I walked in and saw my best friend. Oscar. Damn he's fine with his full head of curls and sexy ass smile. I thought to myself. Okay bitch, you need to pull yourself together, don't be acting no type of way. I took the seat next to him. "Hey boo." I said smiling at him. "Hey." He said back with a smile. We conversed for a while until the teacher walked in and started the class.
                                    -time skip to the end of the school day-
"Finally bro, this day lasted forever." I said as me and Oscar walked to my car. "You need a ride?" I asked him. "Yeah, if it's not to much to ask." He said. He's been quiet all day. "Of course it's not to much to ask you crackhead." I said laughing a little. We got in my car. "What’s wrong Oscar?" I asked. " You been quiet all day." He just shrugged. "Come on, Oscar." I pleaded. "You can tell me anything, you know that." We sat there for a minute in complete silence. "It's my dad..." He started. I immediately grew worried because I knew that Oscar and his dad didn't have the best relationship. I didn't say anything and waited until he continued. "He wants me to take over the santos ." He said quietly. "Oh fuck.." I said under my breath. This is not good. "Well... is there anything we can do?" I asked full of concern. He shook his head. I got teary eyed. I do NOT want Oscar in this life. He has so much potential. "Oscar, he cant expect this from you... you're only 17. Isn't there anyone else that can take his place? Why does it have to be you?" I said. "Who's gonna take care of you and Cesar?" "There's no one else Y/N! It can only be me don't you see that?!" He yelled. I jumped at his sudden outburst, he NEVER yells. "Cesar and I have no one but the santos so I have to do this!" He said a little quieter this time but his voice was still loud. "Oscar, let me help you. " I said quietly. "You can't Y/N, there's nothing you can do..." He said. I knew he was right but I wasn't about to let him go through this shit alone. "At least let me be there for you and Cesar... please." I begged him. He sat there for a second before he finally gave in and nodded. I sighed. I gave his hand a light squeeze before I started my car and began the journey to his house. We arrived at his house and he was about to get out of the car when I stopped him. "Do you want me to come in?" I asked. He shook his head. "I think it's best if you go home right now." He said. That hurt... "Oh. Okay... call me if you need me." I said. I hope he didn't hear the sadness in my voice. I waited until he walked inside before I drove off.                        
                                                    -time skip-
It was currently 9 p.m. and I haven't heard from Oscar all day. I was worried. I got my pajamas on and layed down, turning on netflix. I was about an hour into clueless when I saw my bedroom door open. The fuck? My parents are on a business trip. I got up quick as shit ready to fight whoever it was when I saw Oscar limping into my room. I forgot he had a house key. I couldn't see his face because he had a hood on and he was bent over in what seemed to be pain, but I knew it was him. "Oscar..." "Are you okay?" I asked. He limped over to my bed and threw himself down with a groan. I finally got a glimpse of his face and gasped. It was bloody and bruised. "Oscar.. what the fuck happened boo?" I asked worried, sitting down next to him. He was breathing heavy. He took his hood off and I nearly cried. His beautiful curls... they were gone. "Oscar...please." "Tell me what happened." I pleaded. "I... I got jumped in.." He said between pants as he took off his hoodie and I saw all of the bruises. That's when the water works started. I hugged him as I cried. This is it.. it's official now. He's part of the santos.                      
                                                -the next morning-
I don't know when I fell asleep but when I woke up, Oscar was no where to be found. I teared up again thinking about the events that occurred last night. My poor baby... I didn't want to go to school today but at least it was Friday. I threw on some leggings and a hoodie. I brushed my hair into a bun and grabbed my stuff. I arrived at school at 7:50 and just headed straight to class. I didn't see Oscar anywhere. This is gonna be a long day.                                           
                                                   -time skip- 
It was lunchtime and this day could not have been going by slower. I couldn't concentrate on anything. I finally decided I couldn't take it anymore and walked out of the cafeteria to go to my car. I drove to Oscars house. When I got there, I saw a few santos sitting in his front lawn. I recognized them. They were cool people. "Hey, any of y 'all seen Oscar?" I asked walking up to them. Alejandro answered. "Yeah, he's inside with Cesar." "Thank you." I thanked him and walked inside the house. I didn't need to knock since I've known Oscar for like, 4 years now. I heard Oscar and Cesar in one of the back rooms so I followed their voices. I quietly peeked through the door to see Oscar and Cesar playing with hot wheels. The sight real life warmed my heart. Oscar is really good with kids. "BOOM, know your car is blowed up!" Cesar yelled.(I'm sorry, idfk how children talk) "Hey man, that's totally not fair!" Oscar whined. I giggled at how childish he sounded. At the sound of my giggle, Cesar and Oscar's gaze turned towards me in the doorway. He smiled and got up off the floor as Cesar ran towards me and hugged my abdomen. "Hi baby." I said ruffling his hair. "Y/N! I missed you!" Cesar said hugging me tighter. "I missed you too my darling." I said smiling and kissing the top of his head. Oscar walked up to us and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Why aren't you in school?" He asked. "I was worried about you...how are you feeling?" I asked him. "I'm alright, still sore though." He said. I just nodded sadly. "Why isn't Cesar in school?" I asked him as I looked at Cesar who went back to playing with his hot wheels like we didn't exist. "Our father got arrested this morning." He said, my eyes widened with worry. "So I told him he could stay home with me today." He said. "Awww." I said. "Oh come on, don't get all gushy on me." He said laughing. His laugh caused me to laugh too. "So.. would you and Cesar wanna go to the beach with me to get your mind off things?" I asked him. At the mention of going to the beach, Cesar jumped up from his spot on the floor. 'Yeah! I wanna go!" He jumped up and down in excitement. "I guess now you ain't got no choice." I said grinning at Oscar who huffed in fake annoyance. "Okay, okay. Fine." He said. "Go get ready." He told Cesar. "Yayy!" Cesar yelled as he ran to get ready. "Go get ready, I'll wait for you guys in the living room." I said to Oscar, standing on my tip toes to kiss his cheek. "Alright." He said. I sat in the living room for about 10 minutes until they finally came out. Cesar ran up to me hugging me again. This kid is so clingy and it's the cutest thing ever. "You guys ready to go?" I asked looking down at Cesar. "Yup!" He said cutely. I smiled at him. We all piled into my car and started off for the beach. Oscar and I was so deep into conversation that I didn't even realize we were already at the beach until I heard Cesar yelling. "Yay, the beach!" I laughed. We got out the car and Cesar started running towards the sand. "Aye! Stay close to us." Oscar yelled out to Cesar which made him stop dead in his tracks and wait for us to catch up. I smiled. He was such a good kid. We sat our towels down. Cesar kicked his flip flops off and dashed towards the water. "Don't go to far into the water Cesar." I called out to him. "Okay." He yelled back. When I turned back around, Oscar was sitting down on his towel. I took off my shorts and top so I was in my bathing suit. Oscar was watching Cesar. "You wanna get in the water with us boo?" I asked. He shook his head. "Nah, I don't want Cesar to see the bruises." I looked at him sadly. "Are you in pain right now? Do you need anything?" I asked him full of concern. He chuckled at me. "Nah boo, I'm okay at the moment." "Okay, let me know if you need anything." I said kissing his cheek and walking towards the water to swim with Cesar.                             
                                                   Oscars POV
She's to good to us... I don't know what I did to deserve her. If it wasn't for her, we would have literally nobody. I thought to myself. I just sat back and watched how well she got a long with Cesar. That kid really loves her.                          
                                                      Y/N POV 
After about an hour of me and Cesar acting complete fools in the water, and Oscar laughing at us. We got out and hung out with Oscar so he wouldn't feel left out. After a while of us running around chasing each other, we got hungry. "Do you guys wanna go to Dwayne's and get some food?" I asked them. "Yeah!" Cesar said. "Yeah, that sounds good." Oscar responded almost the same time as Cesar. We got back in my car and went to Dwayne's. We sat down, Cesar and I on one side of the booth and Oscar across from us. Dwayne came up to us to take our order.                       
                                                    -time skip-
"That was great." I said smiling at Oscar as he put Cesar in his bed. After we ate , lil baby passed out. "Yeah, today was amazing. We really needed that." He said pulling me into a hug. I smiled up at him. We just looked at each other for a while. Then he kissed me. It caught me off guard but I kissed back anyway. It was a quick kiss. It ended way sooner than I would have liked. "What was that for?" I asked him quietly. "Just... for being you I guess." He said shyly which I thought was the cutest because Oscar is anything but shy. I chuckled a little. I pulled back after realizing we were still so close. "Uh, I gotta go." I said. "Okay, I'll see you later I guess." He said. I walked away smiling. When I got in my car, I was still smiling. When I arrived home, I couldn't stop thinking about the kiss. Even though it probably meant nothing to Oscar, it meant everything to me. I decided to take a shower. After my shower, I instantly fell asleep, worn out from the beach. When I woke up, the sound of someone knocking on my door made me unwillingly get out of my bed. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and opened the door to see Oscar and Cesar standing there. "Y/nnnn!" Cesar said jumping into my arms. "Hi baby." I said kissing the side of his head and putting him back on his feet. "Hi." I said to Oscar giving him a kiss on the cheek and ushering them inside. I closed the door behind them. "What brings you guys over at 11 in the morning?" I asked goofily. Oscar chuckled. "I have to drop Cesar off over at Ruby's for a playdate with all the kids and I wanted to know if you wanted to spend the day with me. I tried to contain my smile but I couldn't help it. Maybe that kiss did mean something to him. "Yeah, I would love that." I said. "Just let me get ready okay?" "Alright, we'll be waiting for you." Oscar said leading Cesar into the living room and turning on some cartoons. I ran to my room and threw on a flowy white dress with different colored flowers on it and some white sandals. I put my hair in a high bun with two braids in the front. I grabbed my phone and my purse. "Okay guys, I'm ready whenever you are." I said walking into the living room to see them watching Tom and Jerry. They're cute. I thought to myself. Cesar stood up and ran over to me as Oscar stood up and turned the t.v. off. I grabbed Cesar's hand and we walked out to Oscar's sexy red car. We all got in the car. "Cesar, you buckled?" Oscar asked. "Yes." Cesar said with his cute little voice. Oscar nodded his head before starting the car and driving off. The next 10 minutes consisted of comfortable silence. We arrived at Ruby's house and Cesar had already unbuckled ready to dip out this car to go see his friends. "Hold on baby, you gotta wait until we park." I said to him giggling as he pouted. We all got out of the car and Cesar ran up to the door. Geny opened the door for us and we walked inside. "Bye Cesar." Oscar said kissing the top of Cesar's head. "Bye baby." I said giving Cesar a small hug. Cesar and Ruby joined Monse and Jamal in the play room. I smiled as I heard them giggling and just having fun. They're my favorites. "You ready to go?" Oscar asked me. "Yeah." I said smiling at him. "Where are we going?" I asked him as we got in his car. "I got some drop offs, then imma take you to dinner." He said nonchalantly. "Mr. Diaz, is this a date?" I asked jokingly. "I mean, it could be." He said shrugging his shoulders. I was shocked for a second but played it off as if it was nothing. "I just wanted to thank you for being there for Cesar and I. We had a really good time yesterday." "No problem Osc." I said smiling at him. We arrived at his first drop off. Not gonna lie, it was kind of scary being with him when he did this but I was to giddy about our "date" to be sketched out. After a few more stops, we we were on our way to dinner. "Are you gonna tell me where we're going?" I asked him for the hundredth time. "Girl no, its a surprise." He said. "Uuuuuugh" I groaned. He laughed at me. I giggled as we pulled up to Dwayne's. "What you laughin at me for fool?" He asked looking hurt. "Sorry I didn't take you to a five star restaurant." "I'm not laughing at you fool, I think you're cute." I said pushing him slightly. "And I don't care that its not a fancy restaurant, I love Dwayne's." I said. He smiled at me and got out the car. I followed his lead and got out as well. "The fuck is wrong with you fool?" He asked me. I looked at him mad confused. "A man is supposed to open the door for a lady." He said seriously. "Oh shit, that's my bad. You want me to get back in the car?" I asked jokingly. "Yes, I do." We laughed and walked into Dwayne's. We sat down at a booth and were immediately greeted by Dwayne himself. "Hey guys, can I start you off with some drinks?" He asked. "Ladies first." Oscar said looking at me. "I'll take a sprite please." "I'll take a coke." "Alright, do you guys already know what you're going to order or do you need more time?" He asked us. "I already know what I want." I said. "I'll take the barbeque chicken please." I said smiling at him. "Okay, how about you Oscar?" He asked. "I'll just take a burger with a side of fries." He said. "You're so basic." I said laughing. Dwayne laughed too. "So y 'all gangin up on me now?" Oscar asked. I laughed again. "Nah, I'm just playin." He said laughing too. We talked for about 30 minutes until Dwayne brought our food out. "About time, fool." Oscar said. "Hey, watch it. I can take this food and give it to someone else." Dwayne said jokingly. Oscar put his hands up in surrender as I laughed. (I laugh WAY to much in real life, like my sense of humor is actually fucked so I'm sorry if I'm putting to much laughter in this lmao) Everything was going amazing, the food was good and spending time with Oscar was very much needed. It was great to see him laughing. One second we was laughing, the next, Oscars eyes went cold as he stared at the door of Dwayne's. I turned around in confusion to see what he was looking at. My heart dropped. There was two officers walking towards Oscar and I. I turned back to Oscar and grabbed his hands. "It's gonna be okay boo. They probably just wanna talk." I said in a quiet voice trying to comfort him. They walked up to the table. I gulped trying to hide my fear. "Are you Oscar Diaz?" One of the officers asked. "Yeah." Oscar said nonchalantly. The officer pulled out his cuffs. "You're under arrest for illegal drug trafficking." I gasped. I started crying as they put the cuffs on him and read him his Miranda rights. "Hey, hey, look at me." Oscar said. "It's gonna be alright. Tell Cesar I love him." I shook my head in shock. "Please, he didn't do anything." I begged. They didn't listen. They kept dragging him out like he was a dog. I was full on having a panic attack now as Dwayne hugged me. I stood there in disbelief for a few minutes before I came to my senses. I had to go get Cesar. As much as I wanted to go home and never leave my house again, I couldn't leave Cesar alone. Oscar keys must have fell out of his pocket because they were on the seat. I picked them up and ran out to the car. There was so many emotions running through me right now. I had to calm down before I got Cesar, I didn't want him to see me upset. Fuck... how was I gonna tell Cesar...                       
                                                  -time skip-
I pulled up in front of Geny's. I got out and took a deep breath before I knocked on her door. She opened and her face fell. "What happened mija?" She asked with worry. I teared up again. She took me in her arms and lead me into the house. Luckily all the kids were in the play room. "Oscar.. he got arrested." I said trying not to full on cry in Geny's house. She gasped and pulled me into a hug. I let go and wiped my eyes after I regrouped. "Can you get Cesar for me please?" I asked her. "Of course." She said walking towards the playroom. I took the extra time to make myself look as happy as possible. Cesar ran to me and hugged my torso. "Hey boo, how was your day?" I asked him. "It was awesome!" He said happily. I smiled at him. "Where's Oscar?" He asked innocently. I almost broke down but I held it together. "Um, he had some stuff he had to do so he let me borrow the car." I said trying to sound as convincing as possible. I don't think he bought it but he still went along with it anyway. "Oh okay.." "You ready to go?" I asked as I rubbed his head. "Yeah." He said smiling at me. We walked out to the car. "Can I sit in the front pleaseeee?" He asked. "Just one time, Oscar doesn't have to know." He said sweetly. "Okay, but only this one time." I said smiling as he cheered. We got in the car and drove to my house. "how would you like it if I stayed with you for a few nights?" I asked Cesar. "Yeah!" He yelled. I laughed. "Okay." I parked and we walked into my house. "Here boo." I said handing him the remote. Watch whatever you want while I go pack some clothes." "Okay" He said sitting on the couch and turning the t.v. on. I walked in my room and shut the door behind me. I was really trying not to cry right now, I didn't want Cesar to worry. I grabbed my duffle bag and put as many clothes as I could fit, my personal hygiene stuff and basically anything that I would need to live. After I gathered up all of my stuff, I walked around the house and made sure the lights and stuff were off since I wasn't gonna be here for a while. I walked into the living room after making sure everything was turned off and everything. "You ready to go baby?" I asked him. "Yes." He said getting up and turning the t.v. off. We got in my car and drove to the santos house. "What you want for dinner boo?" I asked him. "Uhh.... chicken!" He said. "Okay boo, go play and i'll start dinner." I said kissing his head. About an hour and a half later, dinner was done. I made baked barbeque chicken, fried potatoes, green beans with bacon and baked mac and cheese. I made our plates and called for Cesar. Immediately after I said grace, little man dug in. He was done in about 15 minutes. "Damn boo, was you hungry?" I said laughing a little. He just giggled and went into the living room. I smiled to myself. I love that kid. I finished eating and did the dishes. I decided I had to tell Cesar. It was now or never. I walked in the living room where Cesar was laying on the couch, watching amazing world of gumball. He looked at me and smiled as I sat next to him. I smiled back, but it was a sad smile. "What's wrong y/n?" He asked full of concern. He was pretty smart for a seven year old and he could pick up on peoples emotions really easily. " Cesar... there's something I have to tell you." I said turning my body on the couch to face him. "What is it?" He said sitting up. I didn't know how to sugar coat it so I just told him straight up. "Oscar got arrested today.." I said looking down at my hands. It was silent for a while until I heard sniffling. Cesar was crying. "Come here baby." I said pulling him into a hug. "It's gonna be okay boo, I'm gonna be right here with you. I'm not gonna let anything happen to you." I said kissing the top of his head and rubbing his back in a soothing way.                       
                                                 8 Years Later
Today is the day Oscar gets out. It's been eight years. The night I told Cesar, he took it pretty badly. But after a while, he got used to it being just me. We did pretty well too, for me only being 18 taking care of a 7 year old. I got us an apartment after I found it way to painful to stay in the santo house without Oscar. We grew closer and he was for real like my son now. I looked over at Cesar. "You excited boo?" I asked him. "Yeah, just a little nervous though." He said. "It'll be okay baby." I said kissing the top of his head.  After another few minutes of waiting, I started getting anxious. Finally, the gates opened and I saw Oscar. He looked so different. I mean, of course Cesar and I visited him but... there was something different about him. He had a few new tattoos also. He ran up to us and scooped Cesar up in his arms. He got hella buff. "I missed you hermano." He said. "I missed you too." He put Cesar down and turned to look at me. I gave him a soft smile. "Hey boo." He said goofily, picking me up and kissing my cheek. "I missed you so much." I whispered. "I missed you too." He put me down. "Okay, lets get you home, I bet you're hungry." I said handing him the keys and walking to the car. We stopped at a taco truck before making our way back to Freeridge. After an hour and a half of driving, we finally made it back to the santos house. There was hella santos in the front lawn waiting for us to get home with Oscar. "God it's good to be home." Oscar said as he parked the car. He got out and was swarmed with hella santos. Cesar and I got out the car. I stood back and watched as Oscar chatted up with Cesar and the santos. I didn't know all of their names but I got close with a few of them during these 8 years. Especially Jose, whos better known as sad eyes around here. Speaking of the devil, he walked up to me. "Why ain't you over there with the others?" I asked him. "I figured I would wait until everyone wasn't crowdin him. We got all the time in the world now." He said. "True, true." I said. We stood in silence for a while. "Hey, I just wanted to say that just because Oscar is back, doesn't mean I'm gonna act some type a way around you. It's gonna be just like how it was when he was locked up, I don't got nothin to hide." He said. I smiled at him. "Okay, that's good because I didn't want you to treat me different." He chuckled. We stood there and talked for a while. I didn't even notice that the santos had left and Oscar was walking up to me and Jose. "Hey compa, how was it in the pin?" Jose asked as he dapped Oscar up. They both laughed. Oscar wrapped his arm around my shoulders and kissed my cheek. Him and Jose chatted up for a while, catching up with me joining in occasionally. At some point in their conversation, Oscar had moved his arm off of my shoulders. "Alright homie, imma head out and let you get some rest." Jose said dapping Oscar up once again. He turned and kissed my cheek. "I'll see you tomorrow." He said. " Bye." I said smiling and giving him a small wave.                                                 Oscars POV
The fuck kinda shit was that. Why my boy kissin on my girl like that. He knows she's my wifey.                                                   Y/N POV
"You ready to head inside?" I asked looking at Oscar. "Yeah." He said wrapping his arm around my shoulder, leading me inside. I yawned. "i should really be heading home." I said. "Oh come on, it's my first day back, why don't you spend the night" He asked. I thought about it for a second. "Alright, I'll stay, but only for tonight." I said. Oscar smiled at me. Cesar was in the living room watching t.v. He smiled when he saw us walk in and got up to hug his brother. They both sat on the couch as I made my way into Oscar's room where I still had some clothes. I decided on some Nike shorts and a plain grey shirt. I hopped in the shower. About 45 minutes later, I got out. I moisturized, brushed my hair and got dressed. When I walked in the living room, they were both asleep and Cesar had his head on Oscar. It was the cutest thing ever. I took a picture right quick and went to get them a blanket and pillows. Oscar was awake when I got back. "You take for fucking ever in the shower." He said tiredly, rubbing his eyes I chuckled. "My bad." I said. I lifted Cesar's head gently and put the pillow down, then I covered him up. "You can crash with me if you want." Oscar said walking towards his room. I followed behind him. We layed down facing each other. For a few minutes, it was quiet until Oscar spoke up. "Y/n.. I can't tell you how much I appreciate you. I love you so much." I was at a loss for words. This is one of the very very few times I've seen Oscar this vulnerable. "I love you too Osc.." I said. He leaned in and kissed me. That kiss soon turned into a full on make out session and that turned to something else.                       
                                                  -3 weeks later-
It's been 3 weeks since Oscar got out of prison, 3 weeks since we shared that intimate moment. I've been staying at my apartment since that night and I've only hung around a few times. Cesar and the rest of the kids was at my apartment everyday for the first two weeks but stopped coming after that. I was confused as to why but I didn't question it. I didn't wanna hang out with everyone even though I missed Oscar so much. He's been pretending that night didn't happen and I don't want him to feel like I'm trying to force things. He started being more involved in the gang shit after a week of being out. I thought going to prison would put some sense in him and I'm very disappointed to find out that it in fact did not. I decided I was going to talk to him about everything that's been on my mind after work today... I hope things go well.                           
                                                     -time skip-
It was finally 9:30. The end of my shift. I gathered my things before walking and locking the building doors. I decided I was gonna go straight to the santo house to talk to Oscar instead of going home first. When I got there, there was only a few santos sitting outside, including Oscar and Jose. I got out of my car and walked up. "Hey guys." I said as Jose stood up and kissed my cheek. Oscar glared at him. "Can I talk to you for a second Oscar?" I asked. "Yeah." He said a little to quickly, getting up and walking to the house. I followed behind him. He spoke up when we got inside. "What kind of shit was that?" He asked. "What the hell are you talking about?" I asked in utter confusion. "Why was sad eyes all up on you like that?" He asked calmly. I'm glad he wasn't like those dudes that be yelling and shit, that shit ain't attractive. "It ain't even like that." I said. "Oh, okay. It ain't like that but he's kissin on you?" He said, not believing a word I said. "Oscar... chill out. It for real ain't like that. We just got close when you were locked up. He's like family." I said calmly. "Alright.. I'm sorry." He said. "It's okay.. but you have me confused." "How's that?" He asked. "One minute you act like you don't care about me and like that night meant nothing, and the next you're getting mad cause someone else kissed my cheek... like I just don't understand you." I said. He sighed. "Y/n... it's complicated right now." "How is it complicated Osc, just tell me how you feel." I said softly. "Please." "I love you.. and you know I do. I just... don't want anything bad to happen to you." He said looking down at his hands. I started laughing. "Hey, this shit isn't funny." He said sounding a little hurt. "It's not that Oscar, I just think you're cute." I said as I walked up to him and squished his cheeks, kissing his puffed up lips. He smiled at me. "So are we official or nah?" I asked him. "We are if you wanna be." He said. I smiled and kissed him again. " I'll take that as a yes." He said when I pulled away, causing me to life. He smiled and pulled me into a hug. "Where's Cesar?" I asked. "I want to tell him the good news." Oscar stayed silent. I didn't like that at all. Usually when he's silent that means something is wrong. "Oscar.. what's going on?" I asked. "You don't need to worry about it y/n." He said, all emotion wiped clean from his voice. "Don't need to worry about it?" I repeated incredulously. "Cesar is like my son, where the fuck is he?" I asked getting a little upset. I didn't get to upset and I didn't raise my voice because I didn't wanna ruin the cute moment we just had. "Oscar please tell me." I said growing more worried. "I don't know where he is.." He said finally. "What?..." I asked. "How do you not know where he is?" I asked. "I.. I had to kick him out." He said. "You had to do what?" I asked very upset. "Why would you do that Oscar, he's 15 years old, and you just got out of prison. All he wanted to do was spend time with you." I was starting to get teary eyed. I really did not want to cry right now. "Y/n I know but he disrespected the gang. When I had him jumped in.." I cut him off. "Hold the fucking phone.. you had my baby jumped in and you didn't talk to me about it first?! I told you I didn't want him in that life no matter what and you agreed." I said not being able to believe what I was hearing. "Y/n.. you have no say in this. I'm sorry but you don't..." He said. "I really can't believe this right now, we were having such a cute moment..." I was very upset right now. "Y/n, I'm sorry. I'm gonna make this right I promise." He said standing up and grabbing my hands. "I really hope so Oscar..." I said pulling my hands away from his. "I gotta go." I said walking out of the front door, Oscar followed behind me but didn't try to stop me. "Aye, where you going?" Jose asked standing in front of me, pulling me in a hug. "I gotta go find Cesar." I said pulling away from the hug. He looked at Oscar shocked. I got in my car and made my way to Monse's, she had to know where he was. I was very upset that he didn't immediately come to me but I decided to push that thought to the back of my mind and focus on making sure my baby was safe. I got to Monse's and jogged to the front door, knocking a little to loudly. She opened it after a few seconds. "Y/n.. what are you doing here?" She asked. "Have you seen Cesar?" I asked worried. I was praying she had seen him. "Uh, yeah. He's here." She said. Oh thank God. "You can come in if you'd like." "Thank you so much." I said walking in as she closed the door behind me. I walked to her bedroom and saw Cesar laying on her bed. He immediately sat up when he realized it was me. I walked up to him and hugged him. "I'm so glad you're alright. Oscar told me what happened." I said kissing his head. "Where in your mind did you not think to come to my house, that's your house too and you know it is." I said lightly slapping his arm between each word. "Ow, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." He said. "I didn't want you to worry." He said. I frowned sadly. "I'm always gonna worry about you boo, no matter what. Same goes for Monse, Ruby, and Jamal. You guys are my babies." I said pulling them both into a hug this time. "Please, come stay with me. You can come too if you'd like Monse." I said in a soft voice. "Okay.. we'll come. Just let us gather up our things." Cesar said smiling at me. I smiled back. "Okay, I'll be waiting for you." I walked out of her bedroom and into the living room. About 5 minutes later, they walked out with their bags of clothes. "You guys ready?" I asked. "Yup" They both replied. We got in my car and drove to the apartment. When we got there, they invited the other two. I made us all dinner and we had a fun little movie night. I woke up the next morning to loud knocks on my front door. What the hell? I thought as I unwillingly got out of bed. When I walked in the living room, I saw Jamal and Ruby sprawled all over each other on the couch. I giggled. They're the cutest. I didn't see Monse and Cesar so I figured they were in Cesar's room. I opened the door to reveal Oscar. "Osc, what are you doing here?" I asked moving out of the way so he could walk in. "I need to talk to Cesar, I know he's here." He said looking into the living room seeing Ruby and Jamal sprawled on the couch. "Yeah, he's here, but he's sleeping right now." I said as he pushed past me walking down the hallway. He didn't know which room was Cesar's so he opened every door until he got the right one. As I suspected, Cesar and Monse were in Cesar's bed cuddling. "Aww." I said. They were so cute. Oscar gave me a side glance before walking towards the bed and shaking Cesar to wake him up. When Cesar opened his eyes, he jumped up in shock. "Oscar, what are you doing here?" He asked. "I need to talk to you." Oscar said motioning Cesar to follow him before walking out the door. Cesar put his shoes on and followed behind him. After about 20 minutes, Cesar came back in. "Hey, everything okay?" I asked him worried. "Yeah, Oscar has a plan to make everything right. We gotta go." He said kissing my cheek. "What's the plan Cesar?" I asked. "It's nothing to worry about y/n, everything's gonna be okay." He said trying to reassure me. "What if it ain't, what if something goes wrong?" I asked. "Y/n, it won't I promise. Just don't tell Monse and everyone where I went." He said.  "You guys please be careful." I said pleadingly. "We will y/n, I promise." He said before walking out the door. I had a sunken feeling in my stomach but I decided to push the feeling away and make breakfast for everyone, not wanting them to wake up and go hungry. I finished cooking and went to wake the boys up first, then Monse. When Monse woke up, she was really worried. "Where's Cesar?" She asked immediately. "Don't worry baby, he just ran to the corner store for me." I said, knowing I was lying but not wanting to worry her. "Oh, okay." She said a little more calmly. "Come on, I made breakfast." I said holding my hand out to her. She grabbed my hand and I lead her to the kitchen where the boys were already eating. After everyone got done eating, they went in the living room to chill. After about an hour, Cesar and Oscar walked into the apartment. "Oh thank God!" I said running up to them, kissing Cesar on the top of his head and wrapping my arms around Oscars neck giving him a kiss on the lips. Everyone looked shocked but I didn't care. "What is he doing here?" Monse asked incredulously. "Don't worry Mons, everything's fine now. We fixed it." Cesar said wrapping an arm around her shoulder. "What do you mean you fixed it?" Jamal asked. "How?" Ruby asked right after him. Oscar spoke up before Cesar could. "Don't worry about it, just know its taken care of." "That made the children stop questioning. "Are you guys hungry?" I asked them. "There's still some breakfast left." "I'm starving." Cesar said walking to the kitchen with Monse following him. "How bout you boo?" I asked Oscar. "Yeah I could eat." He said smiling.                       
                                                    -3 years later-
I was doing laundry, thinking about how far we've come. It's been three years. Monse went to a boarding school, Jazmine and ruby got together, Jamal joined the football team. We all still keep in touch even though Oscar, Cesar and I moved to the suburbs. Oscar got out the gang life and we got married. I got pregnant and everything has been going great for us. We couldn't be happier. Of course there's still times when Oscar forgets that he's safe now and he doesn't need to carry a gun everywhere but we're working on it. "Y/n, where you be at?" I heard Oscar yell. "In here babe." I yelled back. He walked in seeing me struggle to get the clothes out of the washer to transfer into the dryer. "Let me do that bebe, you don't need to be staining yourself when you're 8 months pregnant." He said taking the clothes out of my hand and putting them in the dryer. "Thank you baby." I said kissing his cheek. "Go sit down doll, I made dinner." "Aww, my sweet man." I said cooing at him. "Don't act like I don't make your lazy ass dinner all the time." He said. I laughed. "I know, I know." I said. He turned towards me and wrapped his arm around my waist. Pulling me into him, kissing me. After we ate dinner, we ended the night with me laying down with my head on his lap and him rubbing my pregnant belly. I really couldn't be happier.
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Meeting and Dating Harold Lauder
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(My bad gif)(Requested by @poruchik-logy )
(These are a combination of before and after the pandemic so apologies if they’re a bit of a mish mosh of character traits. If you want specifics just let me know; i.e. hcs for before/after the sickness)
- You never really “met” Harold so to speak, you’d always just lived in the same small town and gone to the same schools your entire lives; your houses being only a few blocks away from each others. 
- You and Harold had always been pretty good friends, he was different from a lot of the other boys in school, he was a lot sweeter ...though that was most likely partially due to his crush on you.
- Truth be told, you were well aware that Harold had a crush on you for quite some time. You don’t remember when exactly it had became obvious to you but you do know that there had been an; initially, subtle change in his behavior; though you’d suspected that he’d always like you a little bit prior.
- The thing is, as much as it was obvious that Harold liked you; he never asked you out. And, well, if he didn’t ask you out but someone else did, who were you to turn them down?
- So you wound up getting a boyfriend who Harold; for obvious reasons, absolutely despised. You could see the disappointment on his face when you told him you had a date, and subsequently the annoyance and let down whenever your boyfriend showed up or you called off hanging out with him to be with said boy.
- But all it ever took to cheer him up was you later noticing that he was bothered, giving him a hug or holding his hand and genuinely apologizing for being so busy.
- You’re both around sixteen when he finally asks you out. You’d broken up with your boyfriend a few months prior when he came to visit and invite you to accompany him to the cinema. You happily agreed, causing him to wonder why he’d waited so long in the first place.
- Obviously, your date went well and you looked forward to seeing again after he gave you a shy goodbye.
- The two of you share your first kiss about two weeks later. Harolds a pretty shy guy, he doesn’t have a whole lot of experience so it takes him a little while to finally work up the nerve to do what he’s dreamed of doing for the past few years. That being said, it’s well worth it when you finally do kiss.
- You were sitting together in his backyard when he’d surprised you with a poem he’d written. While reading it, it became obvious that it was about you and once your eyes had scanned over the final word, you looked up at him with a smile, telling how beautiful it was. He smiled proudly; as well as a bit relieved, before it somewhat dropped and he slowly began to lean in.
- The kiss was long and slow and, well, perfect. It felt ...right and you knew that you’d made the right decision when agreeing to go out with him.
- It wasn’t long after that that the world turned to shit and you were left as the sole survivors of Ogunquit Maine....
- He loves pda though it definitely makes him a tad bit flustered. It really depends on what point in your relationship you’re at, what sorta affection, and when it’s taking place (i.e. if the pandemic has happened). 
- Affection in general makes him sorta flustered. He’s not incredibly used to it, especially when it’s coming from the girl he’s been in love with since he was nine years old. But don’t get him wrong, he loves it. 
- Cheek kisses. 
- Passionate kisses.
- Long, slow kisses. He cherishes every moment your lips are connected.
- He sorta loves when you sit in his lap whenever you’re alone together, especially if you lean down and press your lips to his.
- He’s very touchy when he finally lets loose; he always wants to be holding or feeling you in some way. Having you close to him is his favorite thing in the world. 
- He can cuddle in just about any position you’d like but he personally prefers spooning you. He likes being able to wrap himself around you and have you pressed against him.
- Every now and again he’ll play with your hair or trace shapes onto your skin, it’s both a way to comfort you and because he just has the urge to.
- Brushing his hair into place. 
- Pushing his glasses up his nose. 
- Pulling his glasses off so that you can kiss him better; and see his beautiful face without the barrier. 
- Getting poems written about you.
- Surprise gifts and “thinking about yous”. 
- He’s not a huge nickname/pet name user, he usually just winds up calling you by your name; maybe a honey if he’s trying to spite someone and show that you’re together but that's about it. 
- He kind of loves when you call him pet names, even though they throw him off and make him stumble over his words. 
- If you ask him to do something, he’ll immediately do it for you. You sort of have him wrapped around your finger so please be kind to him.
- He acts like an adorable gentleman with you, always using his manners whenever he can and saying sweet things to you. He’s really just the sweetest in general.  
- Lots of compliments. When you have a beautiful girlfriend, you have to let her know that she is every single day! 
- Picnics.
- Movie dates.
- The two of you can spend hours talking about literature and cinema and all that pretentious shit that no one else wants to waste their time thinking about it. He loves it.
- Sitting together and listening to music.
- Beach dates. You do live next to you ocean.
- Kissing in the backseat of his car.
- Motorcycle rides. 
- Was the jacket your idea? Maybe. Does he look cute in it regardless? Obviously. 
- Moving in together after the world turns to shit. 
- Sticking close to each others sides. He feels better whenever he knows where you are/can see you and you share that same sentiment. 
- He likes making the decisions in your relationship. He’s sort of always been told what to do; and bullied, so having a little bit of control and using the one thing he really values; his brain, makes him feel good. 
- He’s a bit stubborn; with certain things at least, which is just something you’ll have to get used to. Although, you can definitely sway him a lot easier than other people could. 
- He’s pretty good at pretending that he isn’t as upset as he really is. Even though you know him better than anyone else, you still occasionally just cant tell if he’s faking it or if he’s genuinely unbothered. 
- He’s sorta awkward when it comes to comforting you but he does his best. He wants you to know that he’ll always be there for you, even if there isn't much he can do. 
- You’re there for him when things get rough, rubbing his back when he pukes or listening to the worst parts of his day. He tries to not tell you too much though; at least at first, even if you assure him you want to know what's going on and/or that you want to be there for him too. 
- That being said, if you say the right thing, his resolve will shatter and he’ll finally let it all out. 
- Rough kisses when he’s jealous. The minute you’re alone, he’ll kiss the hell out of you and you’ll know exactly why.
- He definitely has a bad habit of getting jealous but he always tries to “hide it” from you. He’ll usually just end up scowling at the guy he’s jealous of and eagerly getting you away from them as soon as possible. 
- He certainly isn’t subtle with his displeasure, it’s extremely obvious as to why he doesn’t like the guy even if he doesn’t outwardly tell you that it’s because he’s jealous. Why else would he vocally express; for no good reason, that he doesn’t like the looks of the guy or that he thinks you should stay away from them?
- He’s incredibly protective of you, especially after the whole pandemic happens. He’s wary of everyone and tries not to be too friendly, urging you to do the same whenever you do wind up meeting some survivors. 
- The two of you don’t have a ton of fights but whenever you do, they’re more just sort of reserved arguments. You don’t ever get really angry and scream at each other, you might raise your voice a little in exasperation but that’s the worst that’ll happen.
- He’ll usually just excuse himself as soon as he can and go to calm down on his own. He’ll come to visit you maybe a day or so later and apologize if he’s the one in the wrong. He expects the same from you; when you’re in the wrong, since it’s only fair.
- He says “I love you” more and more as your relationship progresses and he gets more comfortable with it. He was really nervous to say it at first but once he gets over that initial fear, he’s more than happy to say it again and again. 
- Well, you know that your future isn’t looking the brightest but you can consider yourselves lucky that you have each other in the messed up world you’re living in.
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youllneverknowrac · 4 years
Oscar Diaz-Lockdown
“Anthony, mijo you are ten years old. You should know this multiplication shit by now.” You hear Oscar say as he sits in the dining room with both school age boys and Junior who had his own work to get done. Angel sitting at the table as well as he pretends to do school work by coloring,”Do the problem again and actually show your work.”
You guys have been stuck in the house for three weeks now due to the virus, the only person that was able to leave being Oscar since he still had to go to work. Thankfully it was Friday afternoon so that meant he was at home and could take over the role of teacher. It was fun being able to teach your kids at first, but after three days you wanted to pull your hair out. Carlos and Anthony, your two sweet boys, hated anything to do with school and put little to no effort. The only good thing that came out of this virus was that your oldest son was now home, his campus closing down for the time being. Even though you were glad he was back, you couldn’t wait for things to go back to normal. You were going a bit stir crazy and needed time to yourself. But alas the mommy role was a never ending one.
“I have snacks.” You smile, coming in with a tray of finger sandwiches you made and a bowl of chips. Oscar has been at it for the last hour with them and you figured they could use a break.
“Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Give me.” Angel says and drop his crayons excitedly, Carlos and Anthony sighing in relief that you came to the rescue.
“Say please.” You remind as you set the items down
“Please mommy.” He says and holds his hand out
“Good boy.” You smile and pass him one of the smaller cut sandwiches, letting the boys eat while you go check on Alexander who sat in his pack n play in the living room.
“Hi fat boy.” You coo at him, making him giggle as he wobbles to pull him self up,”Do you want to come with mommy?” You ask, picking him up and giving him a kiss,”My happy baby, yes you are.”
“I will switch right now.” Oscar says from behind you,”I’ll take the baby, you take them.”
“Hmmm let me think.” You smile as you turn around, Alexander snuggling into you chest,”No.”
“Mami please.” Oscar begs,”I love our kids, but they are going to make me jump through the fucking window.”
“How do you think I feel? I’m here 24/7.” You say,”With ALL of them. At least I offered to watch the baby while you help them with their work.”
“Fine, but if I start yelling and shit starts getting thrown you can’t blame me.” He groans
“If you yell at any of my baby’s.” You start, setting Alex down on the floor to scoot around,”You’ll be sleeping on the couch tonight.” You finish, wrapping your arms around your grumpy husband,”So you better take a few deep breaths and remember that you asked for this life. You put those kids in my stomach so you can’t get frustrated with them when times are hard.”
Oscar sighs and looks up at the ceiling in thought before meeting your gaze,”I’ll try my hardest to not go crazy.”
“Good.” You smile and pucker your lips, Oscar rolling his eyes before pressing his own against them,”Love you, now get back in there.”
“Yeah, yeah, love you too.” He mutters, turning around and heading back to the dining room. You can’t help but laugh as he sulks, sitting down on the floor with Alex while you pass the time by watching one of your shows.
“Mommy! I’m done with my work.” Angel says about half a hour later causing you to exit out of the program, no way you would be able to pay attention now.
“Oh yeah? Let me see.” You smile and take the page from him, the once white paper now filled with random color scribbles everywhere,”Good job baby, it’s so good. What color is this?” You ask him as you point to a green line that he drew.
“Um green. Like the grass.” He answers with a smile,”I’m a smart boy mommy.”
“The smartest.” You say and set the paper down on the coffee table, letting him sit across from you. Alexander sitting a few feet away while he plays with some toys.
“Can we go to the park?”
“No, you know we can’t Angel.” You sigh,”Why don’t we go play in the backyard?”
“Backyard is boring.” He says with a shake of his head,”I wanna go to the park. Park!” He yells his mood instantly changing as he grabs one of the toys that laid near him,”Park, park, park!” He repeats angrily as he cries, the toy flying across the room.
“Go to timeout, you don’t throw things.” You say and stand up, grabbing his arm and helping him up to his feet, Angel trying to pull away with all his might,”Now.” You say more sternly
“Let me go.” He screams,”Play at the playground!”
“Angel, stop.” You sigh before your husband swoops in and picks the toddler up, holding him at arms length.
“A quien le gritas?” He asks,”Are you screaming at mommy? You are a kid and you do what she says, no questions. So go get in timeout now.” Oscar says as he sets him back down, his little feet taking off to the corner and facing the wall,”Stop crying, o te daré algo para que llores.” He warns, all noise ceasing from Angel.
“Thanks.” You say not meeting his gaze, you knew the kids needed discipline, but that was the area you failed in when it came to parenting. Oscar was usually the punisher which is why the kids never questioned his authority,”I feel like we’re all gonna snap any day now.” You admit, running your fingers through your hair messily.
“Yeah, but he still needs to listen and he can’t be popping off like that.” Oscar shrugs,”Even before all this lockdown bullshit started he always threw a fit when he couldn’t get his way. I’m tired of it, you need to stop babying him.”
“I don’t baby him.” You lie with a shake of your head. It was true, he was probably the one you babied the most out of all of the kids. Even when his brothers were his age you didn’t have to treat them like you do Angel.
“So you don’t carry him around on your hip all the time? You don’t let him sleep in our bed still? You don’t pick up every single thing after him? You don’t...” Oscar continues before you cut him off.
“Alright so maybe I do just a little.” You say, glancing back at him,”I don’t know why I do it, maybe it’s cause he has a different personality than the boys did. He lets me baby him. He can claim big boy status all he wants but he loves being my baby. I know I need to stop but it’s just so hard.” You groan, resting your head forward on Oscar’s chest, letting him embrace you.
“I like when you baby me too mami.” He chuckles softly,”But there has to be a limit.”
“You’re right.” You sigh and pull away,”Can I start tomorrow though? I just wanna cuddle him right now.” You admit, Oscar playfully rolling his eyes and not even bothering to respond before going back to the other kids.
You walk over to the sulking boy and pick him up,”I’m sorry mommy.” He sniffles and rest his head on your shoulder as you hold him,”I hate inside.”
“I know baby, me too.” You smile sadly and press a kiss to his forehead,”Are you going to be a good boy now?”
“Yes. No more timeout pwease.” He begs, even though he wasn’t even there for more than two minutes,”I’ll be a good, good, good boy.”
“Works for me...How about we build a fort? A huge one?” You ask him excitedly,”It’ll be so much fun.”
“Yeah!” He cheers,”Come on! We need to get blankies.”
“Go get the ones from my room, I’ll stay in here with Alex.”
“You got it.” He laughs before running down the hall and disappearing. You grin happily and go over to pick up the baby, heading to the dining room to ‘let school out.’
“Enough work, come help me and Angel build a fort.” You say, Anthony and Carlos darting up and racing to the living room,”You guys too.”
“Sure, why not?” Junior shrugs as he closes his laptop and goes to join his brothers.
“Come on.” You grin and hold your free hand out for your husband.
“I’m coming.” He reply’s, nonetheless taking your hand in his. The two of you joining the rest of the household for some quarantine fun.
“I know they are a lot to handle, but I think we would be bored if we didn’t have all of them in here with us.” You whisper to Oscar, all five of your kids spread out around you and fast asleep in the makeshift bed. After building the fort you guys spent the rest of the inside of it watching movies and eating junk food. Each kid falling asleep one by one until it was just the two of you awake.
“Yeah, I thought about that too.” He yawns,”We’re pretty lucky. Even luckier if you finally gave me my babygirl.”
“Stop.” You whine, Oscar bringing up this conversation at least twice a week,”We don’t need another kid. Are the five we have not enough?”
“They are enough, but I wouldn’t mind one more.” He chuckles
“That’s easy for you to say when you’re not the one carrying a whole human for nine months and then pushing said human out.” You remind him,”Besides what if it’s another boy? Are you still going to want to try again after?”
“If it’s a boy then it’s a boy.” He shrugs,”I know it’s going to be a girl though.”
“You said that about Alex.” You laugh,”And he’s most definitely not a girl.”
“Oh my god, just have another baby. Who cares?” Junior groans from somewhere in the fort,”I’m trying to sleep.”
“Aye, callate la boca.” Oscar says amusingly,”Don’t be listening to our conversation fool.”
“Kind of hard to do when your two feet away from me.” Junior retorts, turning on his side as he try’s to fall back asleep.
“We’ll talk about this tomorrow, but the answer is still going to be no.” You say to Oscar,”Now go to sleep, you have a class tomorrow morning Mr.Diaz.”
“Nah, I’m going to play hookie. One day isn’t going to kill them.” He chuckles,”Lets go for a drive or something, we don’t have to get out of the car. We could just drive along the beach.”
“That actually sounds fun. Let’s do it.” He agrees.
“Awesome.” You grin excitedly,”I cant wait, we all need to get out for a while.”
Oscar hums in response, lightly rubbing his eyes tiredly,”Night mi amor.” He says moments later
“Good night.” You reply, kissing his cheek before letting your eyes close. Angel’s foot digging into your back, but you didn’t care. You were too tired to move him. Each day since being in lockdown making you more and more exhausted, but it was okay. Being trapped in the house with the people you love most is way better than being stuck all alone.
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Mr. I want suck your blood - Pt 4
Warning: Mentions of violence and Swearing 
Word count: 2,451 
In stories, Soulmates were meant to be the real deal. They were forever. They were two individuals who were brought together by the universe so their lives finally made perfect sense. 
You'd never heard of Soulmates ‘Taking a break’ or ‘Splitting up,’ it wasn't something that happened. That’s not what happened in the stories. 
Thats just the thing though. Life isn't a story. Life’s a bitch.
It had been 1 Hour 19 minutes and 45 seconds since Carlisle shattered your world. 1 Hour, 22 minutes and 23 seconds since you had ripped out your IV line and stormed out of the Cullen house. 1 Hour, 28 minutes and 15 seconds, since Carlisle Cullen, your SOULMATE, decided to call it quits.
Carlisle’s words were still ringing in your ears. “It’s safer this way.” or “Now you can live a normal human life.” You felt numb. 
-1 Hour, 19 minutes and 45 seconds ago- 
You looked up as you saw Carlisle standing in the wooden door frame. You smiled and placed a hand on your fast beating heart relieved to see him unscathed. Bella had swiftly exited the room. It was just the two of you now. You could tell straight away that something was wrong. Your heart started racing again. 
You sat there and listened, as Carlisle took your hand and proceeded to shatter your world. He’d decided that being together, it was too dangerous. He couldn't put you in danger again, couldn’t watch you bleed in his arms again. You both argued. It was his over protective nature, that was the cause of this.
“What about Bella and Edward? She’s still human?!” Apparently it was an invalid argument. Invalid my ass. He wouldn't budge. He thought some time apart would be for the best, even if saying it did secretly pain him. 
You were angry, so angry that you ripped out your own IV, not without gagging of course. The screaming and arguing drew the attention of the rest of the Cullen household. Bella was trying to calm you down and stop your arm from bleeding, while Edward and Esme were talking to Carlisle. 
You didn't care anymore. How dare he. How could he do this to you? You didn't ask for this life. You'd been dragged into it head first. You'd accepted him for all he was. Before all of this you WERE a normal teenager, with normal teenage problems! 
You didn't want normal anymore. You wanted Carlisle, the Volturi, wolves and blood singers. You wanted it all, but just like that, he took it away. 
You hadn't wasted any time running through the house, past Alice, Rose and Jasper and to your car. You say run, more like fast walked, your legs were still jelly from lying in bed the last couple of days. Alice had tried to stop you on the way out but Jasper told her to let you go, he could feel the pain and anger radiating of you in waves. 
The first thing you did when you got to your car was check your glove box for cigarettes. You got in and slammed the door, you could see Carlisle fighting to try and get passed Edward and Emmett but they wouldn't let him out. You looked over to see Bella running toward your car. You waited. She jumped in the passenger side and neither of you spoke a word.  You didn't have to. You started the engine and it came to life with a roar, you peeled out of the Cullen’s drive way with tears streaming down your face and a cigarette between your lips. You fucking hated Forks. 
Bella had made you pull over halfway home, scared the tears were clouding your vision. She was probably right, the road ahead did look quite blurry. You traded places and carried on towards home. She was talking to you but you weren't really listening, just watching the trees speed past in a blur, you were sure you could see other objects moving beside you through the trees just as fast, but blinked and they were gone.
-2 weeks later- 
Grand Piano by Nicki Minaj blared through the speakers on repeat, you sat staring blankly at your sketchpad, no inspiration, no drive.. nothing. It had been like this for two weeks. Bella had apparently been the same, but you just couldn't shake it. You'd shut yourself off from everyone. Only coming out of your room to get food and use the bathroom. You felt numb. 
You could tell your Mom and Charlie were starting to worry. They'd tried to talk to you, find out whats wrong. All they knew is someone broke your heart bad. You'd started having nightmares the first night you were without Carlisle. They felt like more than nightmares though, so vivid, almost like premonitions. You'd wake up still screaming in a cold sweat clutching your chest and crying. Crying for everything you lost when Carlisle let you go. You'd never been in love before and if it felt like this then you never wanted to be again. You didn't think you could love again. 
You were spaced out, the music was still playing in the background but your mind was somewhere else, another thing that had been happening since the accident. You just went places, like you were daydreaming, lost in a trance. This time was different though. It was if you were actually there, watching things unfold, only when you came to you were in your bedroom, your paints scattered everywhere, your sketchbook now covered in imagery. You gasped and flew back from your desk, the page awash with shades of vibrant red and black. You gagged. Blood….. and a symbol, it was an emblem of some sort. You shook your head and closed the book on the now dry paints. 
What the fuck. 
It happened a few more times after that. The spacing out, coming back to earth having drawn on something or once, even scratched symbols into your desk. You'd practically stopped sleeping. Too many thoughts in your head. Even Bella was getting worried, she knew what it was like to spiral and you were doing it at 100mph. She’d suggested talking to Carlisle but you shouted at her for even bringing him up. He left you and hadn't made any attempt to contact or see you. Why give him the satisfaction. 
You'd decided enough was enough. You had to start living your life again, or at least thats what you tried to tell yourself. Today you were going to see Seth. You’d become quite close friends with Seth since getting involved in the whole supernatural side of life but you'd been shutting him out for weeks, he knew what had happened with Mr I want to suck you blood, but he didn't ask questions, which you were grateful for. You thought it would do you some good to get outside and breath in the fresh air. You couldn't wallow in self pity any longer. 
It felt weird to be in normal clothes rather than ratty old pyjamas. You parked up, jumping out of your car, slinging your backpack over your shoulder. You had brought your sketchbook with you, you didn't know who to talk to about these things, so you were going to show one to Seth, just to see if he recognised anything. 
You couldn't help but breath deeply as the air floated off the salty sea and toward your face. You smiled as you watched Seth running down the beach. His boyish grin was charming and his smile grew as he got closer to you. He wrapped you in a hug and you hugged back desperate for a bit of normalcy. 
“Hey Seth,” You grinned, thankful for a bit of human, well in this case werewolf, connection. Yeah you had Bella.. and Alice had tried to stop by from time to time, but at the minute they were just a constant reminder of him…. 
“Y/N! I missed you, things have been so strange without seeing you around ya know!” You bumped his shoulder as you walked down the beach. It had been strange. You'd moved to Forks, got involved with Vamps and the supernatural and in all this time you'd never had any normal time to yourself, or with a friend. 
“I’m sorry I’ve been so distant, you know the whole…. thing…” He just nodded his head. You didn't have to explain, he was just happy you were there now.
You'd spent hours just walking and talking on the beach. While walking you had bumped into some of the others as well, Sam, Paul…. You got along with them too, but they had never agreed with your relationship. They seemed somewhat more comfortable around you now. Catching up was good, you felt a lot lighter when you walked, your heart a little less heavy, he was still in the back of your mind though, as much as you tried to think about anything else.
There was an abandoned fire pit a little further up from where you'd been talking with the others, logs surrounded the ashy mound, placed out like small earthy benches. You'd been collecting odd pieces of wood on the way, expecting to find it there. Yourself and Seth pilled the kindling high and he started a fire, he didn't really need to because of his heat, but it was still fun. As Seth continued the fire you reached around and grabbed your leather backpack, opening the zip and fishing inside for your paint covered sketchbook. He came to sit beside you as you started flicking through the pages. You tried to glance at him from the corner of your eye to read his expressions. 
“Y/N, these are pretty amazing, and… somewhat scary…” He looked at the book and then back at you. “What are they?” His finger traced the images and the symbols. 
You shook your head and flicked through the pages more rapidly. “I don't know S, I…if I tell you something you have to promise you wont tell anyone, not even Sam, not even Jake….” You gulped and looked up at him. He looked confused. You faltered a little, getting nervous you shut your book and started to shove it in your bag. “This was stupid, I should go…” You stood up trying to leave but Seth grabbed your hand. 
“I wont tell, you can trust me I promise.” You relaxed, still hesitant, you sat back down. You took the sketchbook back out and went to the first page, tracing the symbols and images, remembering how clearly you had seen them in your mind.
“I drew these. But I didn’t, at the same time.” Seth just looked even more confused now. “I think…. I think something happened to me when I was bitten S…. Something I cant explain. This symbol, I drew this, sat at my desk, one minute the sky outside was light, the next thing I knew it was dark, and the once blank page was covered in all these drawings!” You flicked through the book and sighed placing your head in your hands. He probably thought you were crazy. You sure felt crazy.
You felt his hand rest on your back as you hunched over sighing. “Y/N I’m a wolf, The Cullen’s are Vampires… crazier things have happened, i’ve just never heard of this crazy happening yet….”
You peaked at him from your hands. “Do you know what any of the symbols mean? I see them in my dreams as well, it’s like i’m watching a movie in my head, it’s like I'm there but no one can hear me or see me.. It feels so real.” You sit up, flicking through the pages, before you can turn to the next, Seth’s hand comes flying down stopping the process as he points to one of the symbols. 
“Y/N, I’ve seen that symbol before… I think it’s something to do with the cold ones.. the Volturi to be exact.” You groan. This cant be fucking happening. Not only were you dumped now you were having freaky Volturi dreams as well? You searched in your bag for your cigarettes, you held the packet out to Seth and he surprisingly took one. You grinned.
“Wow Sethy never took you for the rebel type.” He ruffled your hair and you shoved him. “Seriously though what am I going to do, this shouldn't be happening i’m human, I didn't turn, Carlisle made sure of that.” You couldn't hide the bitter tone in your voice. 
“I don’t know what it means Y/N, but I promise we will figure it out.. cant you talk to Cull…” You glared at him before he could finish his sentence. “Never mind, stupid idea, ignore me.” You laughed and you both carried on looking through the book. What the hell did this mean?
It was late now, Seth walked you to your car, his body still close to keep you warm, the sea breeze now icy cold on your skin. You sighed, part of you didn't want to leave, it was the first kind of normal you'd felt in a really long time, even before coming to Forks. Life in your old place had been really hard, You didn't fit in anywhere, you could count your friends on one hand and you had a strange relationship with your bio dad. You thought things would get easier, Forks had the smallest population and yet you managed to find yourself smack bang in the middle of all this drama, you'd thank Bella for that later. You thought it would be easier living here, maybe you were wrong. 
You turned, looking at Seth as you reached your car, you were about to tell him you'd had a nice time, ask him if he wanted to hang out again soon, but you couldn't speak. The waves sounded louder, the air around you felt thicker and you couldn't breath. You could hear Seth’s muffled voice in the background somewhere and a pair of arms shaking you but in your head you were somewhere else entirely. 
Cloaks of black floating across the white pearlescent snow, rivers of red blood flowing all around. Wicked eyes staring into yours, and then pain.
You screamed and grabbed your head, it felt like someone had jabbed it with a white hot poker. Images flashed before your eyes, Volturi, Snow, Red, Carlisle. You gagged, so much blood, so much pain. Then, nothing. 
Your mind went dark, no images now, no sound, just the sharp ache as you feel your body shut down and hit the solid ground, then the coldness surrounded you. 
Hey guys! I’m sorry it took so long for me to post another part! Hope you enjoy reading x Please comment if you'd like to be tagged! 
PT 5 -------- HERE
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thebaddie96-blog · 3 years
Once In A Life Time
~Chapter 3~
The streets of Seoul are so beautiful I can't wait to see them at night. But I can’t get distracted. I'm on a mission. I try to search for the closest clothing store.
“There is a mini outlet up the street.” Jumping I turn around and clutch my chest. That same guy Woo from the restaurant is walking up next to me.
“Don't do that Jesus. Didn’t your mother ever tell you to never sneak up on a black person.” he laughs deeply holding his side.
“Wow I haven’t heard that phrase in a long time. Where are you from?”
“I grew up in Long Beach, California but I'm originally from South Philly.” 
“I spent some time in California. As a kid.”
“Really? I was gonna say you speak pretty good english.” We fall into a comfortable walk pattern down the street.
“Yeah I was in American for a good minute till they deported me back here.” I fall silent. It's so weird to hear that that really happens.
 “Really? Why? If you don’t mind me asking.” He just smiles looking forward. “Ok I get it. So where is this shop?”
“It's just around the corner.” We continued to walk to the store in silence. 
“Not that I don’t like the company but why did you follow me out?”
“I feel really bad about ruining your shirt and wanted to buy you a new one.”
“That's sweet but you really don't have to.”
“I know, I want to, it's the least I can do.” I just shrug continuing to walk.
“How bout this if you promise to never waste good Oi Muchim again I will accept you buying me a new shirt. How bout that?” I question looking at him? 
“Haha ok deal!!” I smile and we keep pushing towards the store.
When we get to the mini outlet I can't help but smile. It looks so cute like something out of a k-drama. I spotted a chill clothing store that didn’t look too expensive. Walking in I zoom up and down the aisles looking for something I could buy to match my outfit. I pull out a black crew neck sweater that has “OVER IT” printed in bold red letters. Suddenly big strong arms wrap around me hugging me tight. Immediately I tugged against his hold.
“What are you doing?” 
“Just stand like this for a second. There is a group of guys by the front I heard them talking about you.” Quickly turning my head I see a group of guys who look like nothing but trouble eyeing me. 
“So go beat em up.” 
“That's not how Korean men handle their problems.”
“So I'm a problem now.”
“What? No. I was just tryna help but if you would rather I bet them up.” 
“No.” I quickly held his arms so he couldn't let go. “I was just kidding.” I glance toward the guys again. Turning around in Woo’s arms I wrap my arms around his neck pulling him closer. His eyes opened wider in shock. I lean in as if I was about to kiss him running my fingers through his hair. Glancing toward the guys again I see them starting to head out shaking their heads. At the last second I pulled back and turned back towards the clothes. “Ok They’re gone.”  I say casually looking through the clothes again. Woo clears his throat stepping back a couple steps. 
I decided to go with a plain grey off the shoulder shirt. I didn't need something extravagant, just something that wasn't dirty. Walking over to the check out I lay the shirt on the counter. The clerk just stares at me not moving. Ok.  After about a minute of her staring I started to get irritated. I’ve heard about racism in Korea but damn. Not saying that she's racist but do they not understand how disrespectful staring is?
“내 얼굴에 뭔가 있어요?” I ask in Korean. She looks shocked, shaking her head and quickly rings up my shirt.
“총 금액은 $ 9,360.41krw 입니다.” Woo quickly pays grabs my bag and my hand and we head out the store. I slowly trail behind him looking at out connected hands 
"Uhh Woo? Are there any creepy looking boys near by that your tryna save me from again?" He stops walking, dropping my hand immediately. Scratching the back of his neck he looks to the ground avoiding my eyes!! 
"Sorry, I just can't stand people who stare."
"Haha same, but I'm used to it. Come on." I brush his side passing in front of him. We walked the rest of the way to the restaurant in silence right before be made it to the car he spoke.
“I was sent to jail on some juvenile delinquent shit back when I lived in the states with my mom. I just ran with the wrong crowd and paid the price for it. After i did my time they deported me back here.” I stand there looking at him think of the situation. 
“What made you change your mind?”
“I don’t know; I guess your kinda cool or whatever.'' We both laughed, continuing our stride towards the car.
“In all honesty tho I appreciate you telling me. And who cares about the past you seem like a better person, the past don’t define who you are and if your working with Min-ho you gotta be doing something right!!.”
“Thanks…” he pauses. Shit I never told him my name.
“Bianca, but you can call me B.” I shoot out my hand for him to shake.
“Bianca/ B nice to meet you.” His large tattooed hand ingolfs my hand in shake and bows slightly. I giggle at his actions and return his bow.
“Ayyy Be-Be love ready to go.” So-eun screams from the car.
“I’m coming. Nice meeting you Woo.” I throw him a wave heading to the car. Quickly he grabs my hand pulling my body close to his wrapping his arms around my waist. His arms squeeze me gently, igniting a fire in my core. The feel of his muscles on my body was electrifying. Slowly bring my arms up I hug him back. As if on inserting his hand slide lower down my back giving my sides a soft squeeze causing a shutter to shoot up my spine. 
“Bye B.” His husky rough voice says in my ear. Pulling away his lips softly grazing my neck, living tingly sparks in their wake. I step back and clear my throat. 
“Bye. don't forget about your friend.” his face perks up as if he suddenly remembered he didn’t come here alone. He dashes to the restaurant entrance. I walk to the car hop in and close my eyes exhausted from the day. Instantly I can feel two pairs of eyes on me. “Can I help you to?” I ask not opening my eyes.
“Nope.” Min-ho says and starts the car. Ugh they probably cant wait to tease me about that hug. Damn you Woo. 
Rolling down the window I stick my head slightly out attempting to calm my body. How could I get so hot and bothered off of one hug. Good thing I brought Jerry and Jim.
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stressed-crow · 3 years
i didnt exactly get tagged, but @lieberts​ said the “whoever wants to do it” thing (like 4 moths ago but i just found it in my likes) so here i goooo
also i tag @krchov​ @cowardlylearningtobebrave​ @feathereddamsel​ @gruntie​ and @luwucifer-s​ but like, only very vaguely. feel free not to~
Rules: Post your first twenty songs in a playlist on shuffle
Mama (My Chemical Romance)
Stigma (BTS)
Man Who Sold The World (Nirvana)
End of Spring (ONEWE)
Love Maze (BTS)
I’m so afraid (Holland)
Dear my friend (agustd)
O-O-H Child (The Five Stairsteps)
Go Go (BTS)
Time is Running out (The Muse)
Movement (Hozier)
Les Passants (Zaz)
The Witching Hour (ODJBOX)
Feelings (Hayley Kiyoko)
0X1=LOVESONG (txt)
YAYAYA (Stray Kids)
Empire (Of Mice and Men)
Problems (Mother Mother)
Question (Stray Kids)
Kill Your Heroes (AWOLNATION)
(i do not take any criticism on my music taste, least of all a costructive one)
2. Rules: MAKE A NEW POST, bold what applies to you and tag whoever you want to get to know better.
I’m an I-need-to-pull-the-driver-seat-all-the-way-in kind of a person // i wear glasses or contacts // i have blonde hair // i prefer loose clothing to tight clothing  // i have one or more piercings // i have at least one tattoo  // i have blue eyes // i have dyed or highlighted my hair // i have gotten plastic surgery // i have or had braces // i sunburn easily // i have freckles // i paint my nails // i wear makeup // i don’t often smile // i am pleased with how I look // I prefer nike to adidas // i wear baseball hats backward
i play a sport // i can play an instrument  // i am artistic  // i know more than one language // i have won a trophy in some sort of competition // i can cook or bake without a recipe // i know how to swim // i enjoy writing // i can do origami // i prefer movies to tv shows // i can execute a perfect somersault // i enjoy singing // i could survive in the wild on my own (if it was like... chill wildreness. i mean i can get a fire going and shit like that i cant fistfight a bear or whatever) // i have read a new book series this year // i enjoy spending time with friends // i travel during school or work breaks // i can do a handstand
i am in a relationship // i have a crush // i have a best friend i have known for ten years // my parents are together // i have dated my best friend // i am adopted // my crush has confessed to me // i have a long-distance relationship // i am an only child // i give advice to my friends // i have made an online friend // i met up with someone i have met online
i have heard the ocean in a conch shell // i have watched the sunrise // i enjoy rainy days // i have slept under the stars // i meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me // i enjoy the smell of the beach // i know what snow tastes like // i listen to music to fall asleep // i enjoy thunderstorms // i enjoy cloud watching // i have attended a bonfire // i pay close attention to colors // i find mystery in the ocean (i dont like it tho the sea scares me) // i enjoy hiking on nature paths // autumn is my favourite season
i can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // i am the mom friend // i live by a certain quote // i like the smell of sharpies // i am involved in extracurricular activities // i enjoy mexican food // i can drive a stick-shift  // i believe in true love // i make up scenarios to fall asleep // i sing in the shower // i wish i lived in a video game // i have a canopy above my bed // i am multiracial // i am a redhead // i own at least one dog // i have a cat ---------
sage green or baby blue | moon or stars | paperback or hardback | piercings or tattoos (i want a new one... both piercing and tattoo) | drawing or writing | saturn or jupiter | line without a hook or mr. loverman (what does this mean??) | ancient greece or ancient egypt | prague (yo i live here thats wild) or amsterdam | dark academia or light academia | indie aesthetic or cottagecore | stargazing or late night drives | strawberries or watermelons | rings or necklaces | extrovert or introvert | dragons or griffins | ocean or mountain | silver or gold | dawn or dusk | creative or free spirit | early bird or night owl | cook or bake | dagger or sword ---------
indoor plants or gardens // cloud-watching or star-gazing // water or fire // paperback or hardcover // running or hiking // sleeping with socks or without socks // fruit or vegetables // hanging plants or succulents // dark wood or light wood // handwritten or typed // instagram or pinterest (i dont do either) // braids or pigtails // books or movies // oceans or meadows // forests or fields // sweet or salty // ice cream or chocolate // hoodies or sweaters // long hair or short hair // piercings or tattoos (new!! both!!) // summer or winter (both suck) // boots or sneakers // cars or motorcycles // curls or straight hair // castles or cottages // sunny days or storms // reptiles or birds // disney or nickelodeon (am european) // strawberries or watermelon (im using this opportunity to pick the other one yes) // essays or posters // phones or laptops // glass or stone // dark or light // photos or paintings // circuses or theaters // reading or writing // dogs or cats // poetry or novels // monsters or ghosts // thrift shops or libraries // fiction or non-fiction
5. Post one picture from my camera roll (no new downloads) to sum up my personality! u get two bcs they are v good
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RULES: Answer 30 questions and tag others
Name/Nickname: lucy 
Gender: female 
Star Sign: leo
Height: 170 cm 
Time: 22:04 
Birthday: july 1  IS WHAT I WROTE INITIALLY bcs i cant fucking read and thought it just said “date” lol anyway its 11th of August
Favorite Bands: bts, stray kids :)
Favorite Solo Artists: sunmi, taemin :) and hozier i cant betray him 
Song stuck in my head: la la la la vie en rose
Last Movie: def some horror movie but i forget which lol
Last Show: probably the untamed lmaooo did not even finnish it 
When did I create this blog: december 2013 apparently 
What do I post: kpop babey 
Last thing googled: i gotta fact check lots of shit for work so probs smting sports related (but make no mistake i dont know a single thing abt sports) 
Other blogs: what for i dump everything here
Do I get asks: no
Why I chose my url: self-explanatory
Following: 100
Followers: ???
Average hours of sleep: about 8 hours 
Instruments: none 
What am I wearing: pink pajama shorts with kitties, black shirt torn beyond decent wearability and this dark green... jacket,,, hoodie...thing.
Dream job: village witch 
Dream trip: me @ japan: 
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(i was supposed to go study there starting winter 2020 :) im abt to lose my fucking mind :) so yeah you get a dead meme for this) also new zealand, iceland, and going back to sweden sometime
Favorite food: pizza bithc its versatile, also cereal coz im a child
Nationality: czech (rip) 
Favorite song: black swan (bts), levanter (skz), take me to church (hozier), noir (sunmi) (those are from the top of my head current favs theres way more but here u go)
Last book read: MIMOZEMŠŤANÉ V ČECHÁCH (= aliens in czechia) by idk, some married couple thats probs wanted whatever xfiles had but low budget, its pure nonsense, best read of this year, dont regret a single second
 Top three fictional universes I’d like to live in: magnus archives bich i dont give a fuck; middle earth to blaze it with hobbits; i wanna be one of those lil shaky-head-tree-things in mononokehime
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deeeelightfuldee · 3 years
surveys 057.
what was the last thing you ate? a piece of chocolate do you have a cat? two.
what's the last book you checked out from the library? I was just thinking about how long its been since Ive done this.
got any fun plans for the weekend? well I’m traveling so does that count?
do you have a twitter? I do not
if so, what was the last thing you tweeted? ----
who was the last person you talked to on the phone? probably mom or mario
has it snowed recently where you live? not recently, no. its been a few months
what gift would you love to receive? someone telling me that this whole thing with kile was just a bad dream and surprise, I have my life back. ..... or a golden retriever puppy.
who are your top 3 actresses? oof. i dont know
how do you feel about elephants? I like ‘em.
what's the last thing you cooked on the stove? veggies
have you ever been to Australia? No.
what color is the cover of the last notebook you used? no idea
last time you saw your best friend, what did you do? went  out for my bday :)
who was the last person you know to have a birthday? henry’s :) hes 8!
what's a musical instrument you think sounds really beautiful? Piano, cello, drums
do you play that instrument? I frgn wish
do you consider yourself religious? faith.
how many times a day do you brush your teeth? 2 hopefully more.
do you always use proper grammar? ALWAYS ? no. most of the time? Yes.
what's the last play/musical you saw? uhhh shoot i cant recall. I went with sam but I can’t think of the name.
who sent the last e-mail you got? zillow. reminding me of places i was viewing for kile.
where did you get the shirt you're wearing right now? tjmaxx
should you be doing something else right now? sleeping.
do you know any sign language? Oh yes
what song is currently stuck in your head? I can make your hands clap -.-
do you have a favorite shape? uh nope.
what color are the sheets on your bed? The ones back home are teeny tiny florals with black and white colors. here, its some floral set up.
do you have a string of lights in your room? Yep
what shoes did you wear today? my comfy adidas. helps my arch
how do you feel about bookstores? I lovelovelove them
when was the last time you saw a squirrel? like every day
did you do anything to observe groundhog day? No. For a long time I used to watch groundhog day on groundhog day but I’ve lost the desire for that habit. 
what time do you usually go to bed? I sleep for about 1.5 hours total and it’s getting old. but usually I fall asleep around like 3ish
do you ever use coloring books? I love to color
how do you feel about instrumental music? I like it. Especially if its like classical are you wearing a necklace? If so, describe it. I have two on. one is like a thick gold chain and the other one is a dainty gold chain, longer, has some detail to it and a round gold disc pendant.
does it annoy you when you have a song stuck in your head but you don't remember the words? I am notorious for remembering words to songs.
when was the last time you got a haircut? yikes.. like 6 years ago
are you planning on watching the olympics? I am watching it but HARDLY at all compared to my normal watching. ugh. 
do you pronounce the word often with or without a t in the middle? With.
what's the last thing you received in the mail? makeup
have you ever been on a trapeze? No.
do you know how to use chopsticks? No. I keep trying though
what's your opinion on the oxford comma? I use it and am in full support of it.
do you buy chocolate after valentine's day when it goes on sale? heck yea
what's a song you like that starts with the first letter of your name? dangerous
speaking of that, what is your name? Diana
have you ever locked your keys in the car? yep. only 2x in all the years Ive been driving.
do you know anyone who celebrates Hanukkah? Yeah.
who is someone you aspire to be like? a better version of myself.
do you think bunnies are cute? Yeah.
do you have a preferred brand of toothpaste? not yet.
do you enjoy popping bubble wrap? sometimes. other times I’m just like eh the loud pops...
are there any waterfalls near where you live? not super close by
do you own a denim jacket? Yes.
when was the last time you went to the beach? uhhh like a month ago.
do you like seafood? Nooo.
have you ever had to wear a uniform for anything? if so, what did it look like? work. awana. leader. 
how do you feel about birds? I like them
do you personally know anyone who is an author? yes. an ex boyfriend of mine
do you own a polaroid camera? No but I would like to! if only the film werent so expensive
do you enjoy baking? I LOVE it.
what's your favorite type of flower? peonies
last time (if ever) you were on an airplane, where were you going? to where I am now on my vacation
do you know anyone who is left-handed? goodness.. a lot of people.
what is something you think is underrated? stretching
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jasons-exposedspine · 4 years
The pain of heartbreak
Summary: Negan has his heart broken again and this time it's forever.
Warnings: huge amount of angst, tiny bit of fluff, sad Negan, numb Negan.
A/N: i wrote this for a request from @spntwdkitkat​ so here it is doll i hope you like it. the prompts were from both the fluff and ants list. angst prompt four and fluff was prompt number ten. the prompts are in bold in the story. i made it a bit longer cuz i just had to get some shit off of my chest.
Relationship: Negan x Reagan (MY!!OC)
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The cancer had spread quicker than Reagan expected and she knew that today would be her last day alive. So she made the most of it with Negan, Michonne had allowed them to go outside of Alexandria. So he took her to the beach where she wanted to go and they spent most of the day there. Then he took her to a field under the stars and set down the blanket they had brought with them. She didn’t have to tell him because he already knew that this would be the last time he would hold her. 
He pulled her to his chest and wrapped his arms tightly around her. Reagan placed her head on his chest and she placed her hand on his chest ceiling her fingers around his shirt. She smiled as she felt happy to be in his arms for the last time as she felt herself getting closer and closer. “Its so pretty out here being able to look at the stars” she said, Negan smiled and kissed the top of her head. “Not as fucking pretty as you baby” Reagan looked up at him and smiled as his eyes sparkled. 
She felt weaker and it hurt to breathe, she tried not to show it but Negan saw right through it. He knew her time was almost up, he felt his heart ache knowing that she was going to be leaving him forever. He had been through this before with Lucille but it never hurt as much as it did now. Reagan moved up his body so they were looking into each others eyes. She cupped his cheek “you’re gonna be ok Negan i know you will just don’t turn back into who you were. i’m glad i found you when i did cuz if i hadn’t i would be out of control. 
You’ll get through it you did before so i know you can now and if you feel like you cant do it just remember Lucille and i are always with you.” Reagan felt tears slide down her cheeks and Negan tried to hold back the tears but he couldn’t. Reagan wiped his tears away with her thumbs “keep your head up and no crying ok?” Negan nodded remembering he had told her that seven years ago. They had set the blanket down next to an old car that was left in the middle of the field.
Negan sat up and dragged his but up so his back was leaning up against the side of the car. Reagan moved next to him he wrapped his arms around her and she rested the back of her head on his shoulder. He slipped his fingers through hers and wrapped his arms tighter around her. Negan rested the side of his face against hers he kissed her temple sweetly. “You’re gonna be ok baby i know you will but i cant fucking live without you. i wont know what to do i’ll be fucking lost without you” his voice broke and tears started to fall down his cheeks. 
“please don’t fucking leave me” Reagan turned her head to press her face against his cheek. They both broke down in tears “i don’t want to fucking leave you Negan i don’t want to go.” At that very moment Negan’s heart broke into a million pieces all over again. He felt a pain in his chest as he turned his face to press his forehead against hers. “Please, please don’t fucking go yet Reagan please” he begged, he wasn’t ready to go through this again. 
“Its not your fucking time yet baby i wanted to marry you and maybe even have a kid but gods a fucking cock sucker and he is taking you from me. The worst thing is i cant save you from this” he choked. Reagan cupped his cheek and pulled away from his face to look into his beautiful hazel eyes for the last time. She pressed her lips against his softly enjoying the taste of his lips for the last time. Their lips moved slowly trying to savour the taste of each other. This was their last ever kiss so they made it last a few minutes. 
When they finally pulled away from each other Reagan felt her body starting to shut down so she moved back to her original position. Negan hugged her tighter than he had in years and felt more tears fall down his cheeks. “I fucking love you, you know that?” he whispered into her ear. “And i fucking love you too Negan i love you more than anything in the world” she whispered weakly. Her breathing was becoming slower and her body felt weaker and weaker by the second. The memories of their relationship flashed through her mind. The last thing she heard was him whispering that he loved her and she was encased by his scent. 
The feeling of his arms around her was getting fainter and fainter as she was slowly slipping from his grasp. The grip of her fingers laced with his his was slowly getting looser and looser and her eyes were slowly falling shut. “I love you Negan” was what she said with her last breath as she slowly slipped away. She died feeling happy,  her breathing stopped and she fell limp against his body. Negan shot up and pulled the upper half of her body into his lap. He shook her and tapped her face “Reagan, Reagan please baby wake up, please wake up” he felt the tears flood down his cheeks and his heart hurt like hell. 
“Reagan no, no please” he begged, he pressed the side of his face against the side of hers and rocked slowly back and forth. He took the knife from her belt and went to stab it into the side of her head but he paused. He promised her he would kill her the second time and he did as he slowly pushed the knife into her temple. When he pulled it back out he threw it into the grass and sat there with her dead body in his arms. He sat there for hours crying and kissing her forehead. His heart was broken again and now no one could put it back together. 
When the sun rose he wrapped her in the blanket that they were eating on and scooped her body up in his arms. The tears were still falling from his eyes as he carried her back to Alexandria. When Daryl opened the gate and saw Negan carrying her wrapped up dead body his face softened. Negan just walked past him and down the street with tears still visible on his cheeks. His eyes were red and puffy and his heart hurt. 
Negan stopped walking when Michonne approached him with a sad look on her face, she stopped in front of him. Michonne knew how it felt, she had lost Rick and her sons so she knew what he was going through. “I’m sorry Negan go bury her, i know you loved her cuz she loved you god how she loved you.” Negan dropped his eyes to the  ground and nodded his head, he just walked past Michonne. He carried her body to her favourite spot to sit under an old willow tree near the garden. 
He kneeled down and placed her body softly onto the ground. He went and got a shovel and started digging a large hole. After an hour of digging he climbed out of the hole and knelt down next to her body. He pulled back the blanket to look at her face one more time, he kissed her forehead softly. Negan took the silver heart necklace he had found her seven years ago and put it into his pocket. He kissed her lips one more time before pulling the blanket back over her face. 
He scooped her body up and knelt down to lift her down into the hole he had dug. “Goodbye Reagan i’ll love you forever” he whispered as more tears welled in his eyes, he climbed out of the hole and placed the dug up dirt over her body. Once he finished burying her he just sat by her grave all day feeling numb. She had made him feel again but now all of that feeling had but disappeared. He missed everything about her, her laugh, her smell, her eyes, the way she was protective of him and the way she cared about him. She was the only person that gave a shit about him after all the shit he had done. The sound footsteps shook Negan out of his thoughts, he looked up and Gabriel was standing next to him.
 “Negan you have to go back into your cell” he said looking down at Negan. Negan lifted his head and Gabriel saw his red and puffy eyes, Negan got up off of the ground. He dusted the dirt off of his ass, he blew a kiss to Reagans grave snd turned around to follow Gabriel. Negan just hung his head low as they walked along the path past the houses. He followed Gabriel down the steps down to his cell, Gabriel opened the door and Negan walked in. He walked into his cell and just slid down the wall and sat there quietly with his head low. Gabriel shut the cell door the door rattled as he shoved the key in the lock and turn the key.
 Gabriel didn’t say anything he just turned around and walked out the door. Negan let out a loud sigh, he rubbed his eyes and sat with his head against the wall. An hour later Gabriel came back with a tray of food for Negan. He set it on the floor in front of his cell and walked back out the door. Negan looked over at his tray there was a sandwich with a glass of water. He sighed again and sat in the same position for hours, every time he closed his eyes he would see Reagan. 
He nodded off but when he opened his eyes Reagan was standing in front of him “i know you’re not really here.” Reagan smiled “no i’m not but what did i tell you? keep your head up and don’t let my death make you angry and miserable.” Negan got up off of the ground and walked closer to her. “You aren’t fucking here and i am angry and upset and i will be for a long fucking time.” Reagan chuckled and shook her head “Negan i know that you wont get over me but you have to keep moving, keep moving for me.” Negan felt tears well in his eyes “i cant keep fucking moving without you, i cant feel anything now because you are gone.” 
Michonne was on a late night walk around Alexandria when she heard Negan talking. She peeked through the window to his cell and saw him talking but there was no one there. “Reagan i cant fucking do this not without you” he mumbled, Michonne’s eyebrows puckered. She knew how he felt, she saw Rick and Carl and she talked them too. “Go away Reagan” he barked “just go the fuck away!” he yelled, he was breathing heavily and he broke down in tears again.
He sat back down against the wall and he sat there with his head in his hands, he sniffled and wiped the tears from his eyes. The worst part is he knew that the vision of Reagan was right he promised her that he would be strong for her. But somehow it seemed that it was much harder the second time around, he had lost both of the women that he really loved in his life. Michonne walked back home, she felt sorry for Negan which was very unusual for her because she hated his guts. Reagan was so nice to Michonne and she didn’t appreciate it as much as she should of because Reagan had tried to hard to make it right.
 Negan just sat in the darkness looking up at the ceiling of his cell trying to keep his mind of both Reagan and Lucille. Negan was awake all night, once the sun came up he stood up took a piss and lied down on his bed. He yawned and just stared at the ceiling blankly, he hadn’t touched his food and the only thing he felt was anger and grief. He heard footsteps approaching the door to his cell, he didn’t even bother to see who had walked in.
When he heard Michonne say his name he turned his head and stared blankly at her, she ditched his tray with toast and an apple. Michonne pulled put a chair and sat down “come to tell me you’re sorry?” Negan mumbled. Michonne sighed “i heard you talking to her last night Negan, i know what its like.” Negan scoffed and rolled his eyes, he stood up from his small bed and walked over to the rusted bars. “Reagan was a good person she saw something in you that we couldn’t” she said in a i feel sorry for you but not really tone. 
“What the fuck would you know? you never knew her or ever took the time to know her. Cuz if you fucking did you’d know that she tried everything to fucking please you, to make you like her again. Everyone here treated her like shit except for Judith, and Reagan never did anything wrong. Sure she fell in love with me but she was the kindest and most stubborn person i ever fucking knew. She liked you she thought you were the shit Michonne and you just treated her like dirt. 
She may have betrayed you in the past but she had spent the last eight fucking years trying to make it right and you never took the time to fucking notice it. And yeah i do see her but thats because she made me fucking feel again after i lost my wife. And i will be angry and sad for the next few months maybe fucking more but i am trying to make it right as well.” Michonne felt bad that she hadn’t noticed how hard Reagan had tried to make it right.
“When i met Rick i felt the same like i could feel again but after he died it feels like its harder the second time around. Reagan did bring the best out in you and she was the only person that you would listen to when you were being an ass. She was very protective of you, and by the way Rick knew she could change and she did. She still loved you, i thought you were a heartless monster but it seems she brought out the good in you. She brought out the good in people and i know she wouldn’t want you to be so damn miserable. 
But i know what its like we keep moving to move away from it but sooner or later we have to face it. I’m gonna let you out of your cell but no trying to escape or i wont let you out again unless you want to see Reagan.” Negan just sighed and nodded his head, Michonne opened the cell door and he followed her outside. Negan walked in the direction of Reagans grave but he turned around and spotted a few bushes of flowers. Negan picked her a red rose, a yellow daffodil and a water lily he walked back over to her grave. He bent down and placed the flowers at the head of her grave, he sat beside her grave leaned up against the oak tree. 
The sweet morning air blew through the leaves of the old oak tree making Negan smile, he knew it was Reagan or Lucille. “If Lucilles up there with you which i know she fucking is tell her that i miss her like any fucking thing and i fucking miss you like any fucking thing too Reagan. I love you both so fucking much and you both would tell me what to do cuz i’m fucking clueless.” He just sat there talking to both Reagan and Lucille not caring if there were people around. 
He sat at her grave till the sun went down and he went back into his cell like he did the day Reagan died. His dinner was left to run cold because he never touched it. He only drank the cup of water and that was all, he just sat against the wall. Reagan appeared again that night and many nights after but he felt less lonely. Having Reagan as a vision gave him a sense of comfort in the heartbreak but he still felt numb.
@savedpeople​ @negan-morningstar​ @negan-the-cat​ @smcc212​
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tonbanereblogs · 4 years
tagged by @myfawnwy (thanks!!)
rules: bold everything that applies to you and tag five people you’d like to get to know better. Im going to cross out the ones that don't apply to me, easier to see.
i’m over 5’5” // i wear glasses or contacts (i LOST my glasses last halloween...) // i have blonde hair // i prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // i have one or more piercings (are earrings piercings? i have two) //i have at least one tattoo (less than a month old :3)// i have blue eyes// i have dyed or highlighted my hair// i have gotten plastic surgery// i have or had braces // i sunburn easily (if i did, i'd be dead by now)// i have freckles// i paint my nails// i typically wear makeup// i don’t often smile (i do smile a lot bc politeness whoop) // i am pleased with how i look (i want to cross it out but i have to be grateful) // i prefer nike to adidas (how about NONE of them.)// i wear baseball hats backwards
hobbies & talents:
i play a sport (used to swim and cycle before uni stole my freetime)// i can play an instrument (more than one but don't wanna be annoying listing them)// i am artistic // i know more than one language// i have won a trophy in some sort of competition (cycling and swimming lmao) // i can cook or bake without a recipe// i know how to swim // i enjoy writing // i can do origami // i prefer movies to t.v shows (i generally dont like sitting for +30min doing nothing so i don't like either) // i can execute a perfect somersault// i enjoy singing // i could survive in the wild on my own (i know i can but i'd end up so roughed up, dont looking forward to it)) // i have read a new book series this year (last one about Cleopatra :3) // i enjoy spending time with friends // i travel during school or work breaks (not that i can now :/) // i can do a handstand (crossing that out bc i dont wanna find out if i can)
i am in a relationship// i have been single for over a year// i have a crush// i have a best friend i have known for ten years (i had to scrap all my highschool friends) // my parents are together// i have dated my best friend // i am adopted// my crush has confessed to me// i have had a long-distance relationship// I am an only child (eine schwester :3)// i give advice to my friends // i have made an online friend// i met up with someone i have met online
i have heard the ocean in a conch shell // i have watched the sunrise// i enjoy rainy days // i have slept under the stars// i meditate outside cant do it often tho)// the sound of chirping calms me (depends o.o)// i enjoy the smell of the beach // i know what snow tastes like (last bit of snow was 11yrs ago) // i listen to music to fall asleep // i enjoy thunderstorms// i enjoy cloud watching// i have attended a bonfire// i pay close attention to colors// i find mystery in the ocean// i enjoy hiking on nature paths // autumn is my favorite season (here's the thing, every year i kinda forget how every season feels like, so all four seasons feel like a nice discovery each time :)
i can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // i am the mom friend // i live by a certain quote "If I am worth something later, I am worth something now. For wheat is wheat, even if people think it is grass in the beginning" - Van Gogh.// i like the smell of sharpies// i am involved in extracurricular activities // i enjoy mexican food // i can drive a stick-shift (can't drive yet but that's how 90% of cars are..)// i believe in true love// i make up scenarios to fall asleep // i sing in the shower (take me to church specially) // i wish i lived in a video game// i have a canopy above my bed// i am multiracial i also wanna say that where I live it's rude to keep track of people's background (like race or sexuality) so this would be an awkward n rude question// i am a redhead // i own at least three dogs// i have a cat (i have an entire rural kitty fostering)
tagging my mutuals if they're up for it :3
@veryaveragejoe @bardingbeedle @panna-acida i think you might've done this already, feel free to ignore :)
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