#lizard cowboy was on the list too
gamma-gal-24 · 9 months
I feel this unexplainable need to acquire a cowboy F/o, but the only one I know of is literally a ragdoll😂😭
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memuntos · 2 months
“ can i pet him ? ” camila shouted only inches away from the blonde’s face to be heard over the music. she was at the loud frat party for one thing and one thing only. to scratch another item off her ‘first year musts’ list. it was a list conceived under the delirium of an all nighter, one too many red bulls and a group of six rowdy friends all with too much input to offer. somewhere during that night she had hastily scribbled ‘attend a party thrown by a fraternity or a sorority’ and in slanted brackets beside it read: +10000 aura if you go to both. camila already had the next sorority event bookmarked in her calendar. anything for hypothetical coolness points.
when she had spotted ishtar comfortably tucked in the depth of the grimy house she had beelined immediately towards her. camila knew ishtar — everyone knew ishtar — but she wasn’t sure if the girl remembered her from their ecology class. she could vividly recall the first day @feminurge had walked into class with her wide rimmed cowboy hat and matching boots. camila had made it a secret part of her list to befriend the eccentric girl ever since. there was no better time than the present. so she pointed at herself with a wide grin. “ i’unno if we properly met before but i’m camila. most people call me cam or cammie or if you’re really feeling different then sometimes mila or mia. ” a brief pause before she shook her head seemingly reconsidering her last point. “ actually scratch that don’t call me mia, my abuela calls me mia and that’s only because she has dementia and thinks i’m my actually mom’s sister. ”
she waved off her brief family history as if it was nothing but small talk. her attention turned back to the lizard on ishtar’s shoulder and she beamed. “ sooooo, can i pet him ? what’s his name ? is he enjoying the party ? ”
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ladydragonkiller · 1 year
Good evening!
Rusalka and the shepherd girl is a great song, and one of my favorites as well. I must admit I've never listened to the other two before, but I certainly will.
As far as books go, next on my list is Honey Girl by Morgan Rogers, which I read back in high school right after I realized I was queer. I reckon it will be nice to come back to it now with a different perspective. Do you have any particularly fond nostalgic memories of a book, or a movie or TV show that you'd like to share? If not, perhaps one you're reading or watching right now?
I'm 19 too, and we have talked. Like the knight said, it's nice to be anonymous for now, but if you do figure it out I don't mind.
Wishing you a beautiful day,
Mysterious Cowboy
I hope you enjoy them! I grew up listening to Pink Martini, so I know most of their earlier albums like the back of my hand. The Amazing Devil is a more recent favorite, but no less loved for the lack of time.
Honey Girl looks really interesting, and it was even available as an ebook from my local library! :D I look forward to reading it.
I read loads as a kid, so the list of books I'm nostalgic for could be as long as my arm. However, the one(s) that came to mind first is the Leviathan series by Scott Westerfeld. It's about a girl who crossdresses to join the army and a noble heir on the run, set in steampunk World War 1. There's flying whales and talking lizards and walking tanks and lots of things that, looking back, are queer as heck, and I absolutely adored it as a kid. Maybe I'll re-read it soon!
As for my question back: What's your favorite time of day?
I appreciate you letting me know, and hope you have a beautiful day as well!
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trashbaget · 1 year
temptation tuesday ✨
indirectly tagged by somebody out there for sure :D
i’ve been trying to get back into fanboy, and hopefully start up a more consistent writing/posting groove (definitely planning to finish up ch3 AND write ch4 before i post ch3 tho!!) but here are some other projects that have been Looking At Me
(some) 911 wips (of many) that have me by the throat:
driving west at sunset — a sweet little one shot where eddie and buck are on a drive back to california after helping abuela move back to the texas. partly inspired by the now ancient buddie bingo 2022 bingo prompt “overheard love confession” the two hear all manner of declarations on the road, prompting them to reminisce about the times they too have told someone they were in love
the elasticity of denim — another one shot partly inspired from a bb22 prompt, this one is enclosed space BUT with a twist because they are stuck on top of a rollercoaster in the middle of an accidental date wherein somebody admits to to their attraction just before the coaster is supposed to go down—but doesn’t. also the theme park’s probably cowboy themed
the universe does not scream — an idea a long time coming, the universe herself plays matchmaker and keeps a diary of all the times those two foolfighters firefighters keep ignoring her calls. (this one requires an extensive rewatch in which i take active notes of every relatable quote and moment, which the recent group rewatch has been actively reminding me of)
non-911 wips that have been staring me in the face:
south side (stupid) musical — this playlist is nearing 6 hours long already and i have yet to write more than one episodic intro and one dickensian opening line BUT i cannot stop thinking about it because it is ridiculous and campy and i love it. set between s10&s11 (i think), the gallaghers and company stumble upon a cursed karaoke machine which forces them to burst into song at random moments…….also some weirdos are putting on bootleg high school musical show at a local theatre that they get swept up in.
charlie dalton’s rules for a successful hookup — i recently uncovered the notebook i spent an entire week in december 2020 furiously plotting this and fell in love with it all over again so i would LOVE to get to this at some point. a university au—bc there is no more perfect au for dead poets society imho—wherein charlie writes a list of rules for himself so he can hookup in college without getting his heart broken (again)
i am so far out of every loop that idk who i interact with that makes things anymore lmao so let me know and i’ll tag you in any future ones i do lol also @enbyeddiediaz hi lizard emojis
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josiebelladonna · 2 years
mercury retrograde: all i can think of is all alone by mad season 🥺
last day in paradise: one of those songs that sticks with you and you don’t really have a reason for it, either. it just... is. 
tom sawyer: *neil peart smiling from heaven*
shades of grey: alex being self aware? what a man.
pratique lo que predicas: this is weirdly more sinister than the original, like… picture a knife being sharpened.
the lizard: headcanon: alex was jimmy morrison in another life
channel 4: whatever you do, don’t fall asleep listening to this one. just... trust me on this.
revelation (mother earth): *ozzy laughing in the distance*
out there somewhere: alex: i can’t sleep. nathan: sorry, dude. matt: did someone say ‘splash cymbal’?
western sabbath stomp: picture alex in black cowboy boots, black leather pants that are a bit too snug, no shirt, big black cowboy hat… and the star of david around his neck. yippee ki yo ki yay motherfucker 🔥
panna: bread? bread.
bollywood: getting a weird little dave matthews vibe from this. idk, i expect to see carter beauford listed and a horn section somewhere. this is also one of those songs where my hips just instinctively start swaying to the rhythm the second it starts.
song of the open road: alex, did you take one of the many road trips my family and me had when i was a kid, either from carson city down to my grandparents’ house in simi then the antelope valley, or from carson city up to montana and down through yellowstone, and didn’t tell us because-
veritas: you are hearing the sound of a man breaking his own heart.
99/09: *heavy breathing*
path of least resistance: this cocaine makes me feel like i’m on this song. this song makes me feel like a broom.
alone in brooklyn: this is one of those songs where if you’re not in the right state of mind, oh my god, do you feel it. like, when it hits you wrong, it hits you WROOOOOOOONG and it’s especially difficult to explain to someone else if all they listens to is music with singing and shit.
the river lethe: alex in chains.
flection: i can think of about 50 things you can do with that tongue and i ain’t telling you half of them, mr. skolnick.
fade to black: ...yes. yes, THAT fade to black. and tbh, i kinda like it better than the original. this one’s more humble.
bollywood club remix: it’s like he knew someone as sensual as me would come along. EVERYBODY DANCE NOW!
unbound: something oddly heartbreaking about this one once i’ve had my deep listen through their discography. i just picture alex having the same look on his face the time i told him on ig live i couldn’t watch him that night. that look on his face and monsoon flow raindrops sliding down from my eyes to imitate tears.
django tango: *george costanza voice* there should be some salsa on the table here.
conundrum: if unbound is heartbreaking, this is like the weirdly unhinged older brother that drank five cups of coffee during a depressive episode. why am i under the impression alex has dealt with some severe anxiety or depression in his life.
culture shock: 🤠
gymnopédie no. 1: if you know the backstory on this one, it conjures a... *tina belcher voice* very nice image.
dodge the bambula: the sound of a mental breakdown at the coso junction rest stop bathroom at 1 in the morning where there’s no one else on the road and you’re about 100 miles from civilization.
key of sea: alex is a merman. no, i will not elaborate.
a question of moral ambiguity: alright. *sigh* who farted.
protect the dream: the one trio song that genuinely puts me to sleep. need i say more.
florida man blues: ALEX SINGING ALEX SINGING ALEX SINGING ALEX SINGING ALEX SINGING ALEX SINGING ALEX SINGING ALEX SINGING and he’s actually got a pretty good voice? he’s off-key but like... reel him in and have him tune up a bit, and he could actually do some legit singing in his own rite at some point. he’s got a nice full baritone à la nick cave or mark lanegan or somebody.
their covers are like little gems, too, and many of which you would never expect to work in a free jazz setting—look no further than the metallica, testament, or ozzy covers; they’ve also covered judas priest!
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I just found THE absolute strangest thing.
I found this old sheet labelled “Cancelled Characters” from this period I call “The First Purge”, where I apparently scrapped over a hundred characters from several different super-old stories in, like, early 2011 or so...
BUT, among these characters are several really strange oddities from the Wonder Girl series and LS1 (this would have been around the season 3 era for LS1, although I apparently added to this list down the line all the way to about season 7 or 8???), including, bafflingly, Rebecca, the Chancellor from Polentia, Jake’s adoptive parents, Timothy’s entire family, Iolana, Nyla, and Cilla?????????
Needless to say, I’m extremely confused about what the heck my intentions were at that period.
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years
Skysisters AU - bulletpoint thoughts
Want some more thoughts on the Skysisters AU? Because @willowcrowned and I have some.
- Context: Skysisters AU
- List of Aniclones with attributes
- Shipping and the Beginning of the End
- The Adventures of Jinn and Kebi (and Korkie)
- (chrono)
I think Krayt deserves a Massiff
-- Girl who named herself after a dragon deserves a big-ass lizard-dog
-- Big enough to ride
- She's that one sibling that goes in really hard on animals and wants to be a vet
- Willow suggested she get a varactyl
-- I think she'd need a specially-sized cargo ship to lug a varactyl around with her
-- That said, Venators are pretty damn big... could fit a manufactured environment in there.....
- After the war she goes full-on cowgirl style whenever she's off-duty
-- Get this girl some cowboy boots
-- dresses like the gun sisters in soul eater
The CG sisters: Puritan, Disney, Greek Myth
I like the idea that Tilly introduces herself as "Pestilence Skywalker" when she wants to be intimidating because lbr that's. Not a name people forget.
- Willow said: you know what it sounds like? a puritan name
-- 'Hi, I'm Pestilence Skywalker, and this is my sister Thou-shalt-not-adulter'
Consider! Anakin, spread eagle on his back, snoring away, covered in sisters, lineage members, and His Girlfriend.
I want. I want Fern to just like. Crawl into his bed and cuddle a few years after she names herself. She has the perspective to recognize that him attacking Krell was because he cared about her, now, and it's been a long time since she's gotten comfort out of physical affection from anyone but a sister, but... a brother is close enough.
- Willow said: they’ve been dancing around each other for several days after she’s finally come back to visit and he’s still not sure where they stand because they never really got time to talk after the war and they definitely didn’t get time to talk during it, but Fern went out with Pest and Lamb and she’s really tired and a little drunk and more than a little touch starved so she just crawls into his bed and he wakes up enough to recognize it’s her and pulls her in closer
IMO this song has Kebi and Jinn vibes
Anyway, Hug The Little Sister
- Snuggle Fern
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Mostly I'm just thinking about Kebi landing in a fight in her armor and skidding through with a sick Iron Man pose
- Well, a mixture of an Iron Man landing pose and ice skating 5 #thedrama
The musical vibe I have in mind for Lyra is Carly Rae Jepsen's "Cut to the Feeling" and Willow agreed that this fucks
Jinn and Kebi DEFINITELY break into their sisters' apartments when they need Specialist Help.
- Need some fashion advice for a political thing in the Mid Rim? Crawl in through Belle's window and ask her! Bring Korkie, he needs the experience (it's for the academy credits).
Now now, Korkie, they're ALSO using you for your political acumen and connections
Wait shit he's their fucking. Unpaid intern.
- AND their main investor? Somehow?
- Willow said: I think it’s more like he’s the rich man they’re exploiting for money
- Which: neither of them even approach being anything like a black widow but
Hondo: they’re in love with you Korkie!
Korkie: they’re using me for my money, idiot
Willow said that there's a point there but he wouldn't tell Hondo that.
Satine regularly calls up Korkie in the Skysisters AU to make sure he's eating enough and doing his homework and to tell him she's very proud of him for what she's hearing about him helping establish peaceful (or at least, less awful) governments in the wake of the Jinn-Kebi chaos.
Anyway, his aunt DID send him along with them, so, you know.
It's more like summer camp.
- Willow: they’re his fucking camp counselors
(We also discussed the duration and speed of a clone pregnancy and decided it should be standard 9mos and the baby does not inherit the rapid aging because that's too angsty.)
(Anakin does hope someone fixes the aging ASAP, though, mostly because he thinks it isn't fair to the clones and he'd be sad if they lost even more of their lives to this issue, but also partly because he's the oldest and he'd like to stay the oldest, thank you.)
(Ginger cuts it very close to Belle accidentally ending up older than Anakin.)
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Happy Blorbosday!
How many OCS do you have all together?
Happy Blorbosday!
Oh boy we're gonna be here a while, I have enough OCs for each day of the year lol. I'll try to list as many as i can:
Fractured Stars Falling Series-
Tris Lakewater
[Tris's stepmother i don't have a name for yet]
Doria and Daeva (Tris's stepsisters)
Prince Kaye
King Burningham (Kaye's dad)
Queen Persephone (Kaye's mom)
Princess Elena (Kaye's big sis)
Prince Ashton (Kaye's big bro)
Princess Snow
Queen Reigna (Snow's stepmom)
Irae (Snow's tutor and a mother figure to Snow and Lan)
Lan (who I haven't been able to find a good last name for yet)
Captain Cassandra
Felicity (Cass's first mate)
Billy Badbreath (Cass's grandpa)
Angry Alice (short fuse crewmate)
Erica Princeton
Gar Face Gabe (rival pirate captain to Cassandra)
Max Florronson
Prince Monty
[evil sorcerer who's name I don't have yet]
Elliot Beautyson
Daisy Beautyson (Elliot's little sister)
Maggie Beautyson (Elliot's grandma)
[Elliot's dad who i don't have a name for]
Princess Hestia
Embers (the butler/head servant to Hestia, made of flames)
Coals (Embers's lizard friend made out of coals and lava)
Flicker (the maid)
Ashes (the cook)
[snobby Gaston character who I don't have a name for yet]
Princess Sapphire
King Jerome (Sapphire's dad)
Queen Constance (Sapphire's *actually nice* stepmom)
Indigo (the talking unicorn)
Little Stripe (a talking chipmunk)
Torch (Triveya's dragon)
The Witch Queen
unnamed superhero wip
Nickelle Ricks
Asher [still need a last name]
Kylee Trimble
Bryson Barnes
Vira Haladay
Jason [need a last name]
Chase Callahan
The Black Hole
Miss Recluse
The Magician
Mr. Cyanide
The Snow Queen
Boss Lady
Blood Debt
unnamed space cowboys wip
[can't find a name that sticks for this girl]
Hades [the baby]
unnamed witchy wip
[aroace witch i have no name for]
[undercover witch hunter i have no name for]
Moony (the witch's cat familiar)
[the witch's crow familiar i have no name for]
and I think that's it! all of the main OCs I have for all of my wips so far. I'm too tired to count how many that is, you count for me, lol it's past one am here, i think
Thanks for the ask @helathorloki !
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tortilla-of-courage · 3 years
LU Posts Masterpost
finally went ahead and put most of my original LU posts in one post for easy(? navigation. have fun!
if there are any issues with any of the links feel free to send in an ask/DM me/reply to this post!
(For both reblogged and original, browse through #linked universe. (WIP) Asks related to LU will be tagged with #tortilla’s lu tag.
everything listed in any category is art unless stated otherwise (ex. “[Text post]”, “[Fanfic]”, etc) for convenience
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Art (#linked universe art)
Sky’s not an angry person (Sky & Legend)
It’s not water (Warriors & Sky)
Wolfie WHAT are you eating (Wolfie & Time) + Wild addition
Nicknames are Hard (Everyone)
Sky cuddling anon
RIP Time’s legs (Time & Sky & Hyrule)
(Smash voice) Everyone is here! (Time & Wild & Wind & Twilight)
Four was technically in Smash too?
Time’s had a rough life (Time & Legend & Sky & Hyrule)
Legend’s also in Mario Maker? (Legend & Hyrule & Wind & Twilight)
Linkedanon my beloved (Sky)
DAD???????? (Sky & Wind)
Error 404 (Sky & Wind)
Loftwing names (Sky & Sun)
Booster Seat Four
Prepare to Die. (Time) + Who are the bg people? (Legend & Hyrule & Wind)
Four in the backseat (Four & Wild & Sky)
Rise of the Brave Tangled Warriors (Four & Legend & Sky & Warriors)
Linkedanon my beloved 2 (bday edition) (Sky)
Crossover with my Fast Food AU (Time & Wild & Wind)
Legless Legend + Chess (Legend & Warriors)
Remlit Sky (Sky & Wind & Legend)
Gen Z vs Millenials  (Sky & Wild & Twilight)
T-Pose (Time & Wild)
Bean Pumpkin (Twilight & Sky)
Fishing Malon
Divine Intervention (Legend & Hyrule)
what the FUCK does this say? (Legend & Wild & Sky [in spirit])
Door Slam (Legend & Hyrule)
Catboy Twilight
Phone Sky
Glitter Cowboy Twilight
Twilight using Dog Instincts while human (Twilight & Warriors & Four & Legend)
Sky hugging anon
Twilight’s cow belt 1
Twilight’s cow belt 2 (now with treats!)
Eldritch Horror Hylia and her Pomeranian Hero (Sky)
Respawning at Ordon (Twilight)
Bouquet to the face! (Warriors)
Sky jumps off the Island (+ Twilight & Time)
Legend kills god (ft. the rest of the chain)
[list update 3/26/22]
Son, *puts a hand on your shoulder* (Time & Twilight)
Fierce Deity!Sky
Twi about to bite someone (+ Warriors) (wars bullying)
Wars’ dog puns (+ Twilight)
What does a crab pinch feel like (Sky, Four, Wind, Time, Wild)
Sky and Warriors’ dynamic
He Had To Do It To ‘Em (Warriors)
Quieres? pues compra (Sky & Wild) [Español]
Se me chispoteó (Wild & Legend) [Español]
Panel redraw (Sky & Warriors)
Fuck around and find out (Sky + mentioned Legend)
bye Four (Sky & Four)
do not separate them (Sky & First)
child backpack (Sky & First)
First peaces out
we can break time (Wind)
we can break Time (Wind & Time)
why are you breaking Time (Wind & Time)
Sky pog
Sky, the gremlin of the group
Sleeping pranks (Sky, Warriors & Four) (light wars bullying)
toon style Four
Legend has the game Wars wishes he had (slight wars bullying?)
Romavioli (Rosa (OoS) + Legend + Ravio + Marin)
Gartic Phone 1 (Time & Twilight)
Gartic Phone 2 (Warriors & Legend)
Gartic Phone 3 (Sky & Legend)
Gartic Phone 4 (Time, Twilight & Warriors)
Four riding a tiny lizard
Romavioli 2 (Rosa (OoS) + Legend + Ravio + Marin)
Twilight <3 (request)
Sky going to the grocery store
love is getting your partner a cool lizard (Sky & Sun)
[Companions AU] Crowded boat
[Companions AU] Did you think it’d get to this Midna? (+Ravio and Ricky)
[Companions AU] Get Me Off This Adventure (Ravio & Groose & Terrako & Ezlo)
[Companions AU] Ravio didn’t sign up for this (Ravio & Hylia)
Still Four of Them (Wild & Red & Vio & Green & Blue)
Update Prediction (Wild & Red & Vio & Green & Blue & Legend & Sky)
I want these twinks to CRY (Time & Wild)
Sky doodles
Four doodles (+ Time)
Give back the scarf. (Warriors & Wind)
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Kart Buddies (Wild & Sky) (#kart buddies)
Kart Buddies! (ft. Twilight & Legend &Time)
Back at it again (ft. Twilight & Four)
Blue shells 
Time will NEVER know what happened 
Fast and Furious 1
Fast and Furious 2 (ft. Time)
Fast and Furious 3 (just Sky)
Car go space?
Some doodles
more doodles
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Birb Army (Sky) (#sky’s bird army)
Carpenter Bird? Woodpecker? (ft. Twilight)
(The above post) + Additions - Sky meets a hummingbird. Loses his mind
Sky crying over birds (+ tiny hummingbirds addition)
Sky gets a falcon (ft. Twilight & Legend)
Sky and his birb army(TM)
Sun sees the tiny birds
Sky with a cucco on his head + transparent version
Saxophone parrot
“Look! I’m you!” (ft. Four)
Dinosaurs are birds? (ft. Twilight)
Big cucco... comfy (ft. Legend)
Cucco chicks
Birb pile
Dust baths (ft. Legend & Wind & Hyrule)
Time did you turn my father-in-law into an owl??? (ft. Time)
Song of Birds (ft. Wind)
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BABIES??? (#the baby saga)
Origin of all this talk (Nursing Loftwing) [not LU art technically]
So a mama Zora rides in with her baby in her arms... (Hyrule & Wild & Wind)
Origin of the above post [Text post]
Kokiri baby???? (Time)
Kokiri baby... 2! (Time & Wind)
Nursing Loftwing REAL? (Sky & Sun & Time & Twilight & Wind)
Time beard... TEXTURE
“Oh, it changed?” (Time & Sky)
“IT CHANGED?????????????????” (Time & Legend)
Woe, baby be upon ya (Sky)
Who’s chill with the baby stuff? (Wind) [Text post] 
Sky only knows about Loftwing reproduction [Text post]
The Cuccos and the courser bees (Everyone) [Fanfic Rec] [Text post]
Groose doesn’t know either, Sky [Text post]
ARE GIRLS BIRDS? (Sky & Malon) [Text post]
Malon has to give the talk? [Text post]
Sky wake up Malon’s talking [Text post]
Wars: I pretend i do not See [Text post]
Hyrule (the country) needs better health ed [Text post]
The Talk (goes wrong) (Sky & Legend & Hyrule) [Text post]
Loftwing monologue (Sky) [Text post] [nsfw mention in original ask]
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Update Chaos
Call an ambulance! (Wolfie & Dink)
POV: you’re Dink (Wolfie)
Mythical Animal Magnets (Wild & Sky)
Wild and Sky have similar senses of humor?
How do you do fellow kids? (Time)
Generation gap (Time & Twilight & Sky & Wild)
Sorry I can’t be her (Wild & Sky)
Egg (Wind)
MILF Malon
The Amazing World of Wind (& Aryll)
Cursed Country Outfit Twi (Twilight)
Cursed Cowboy Outfit Twi (Twilight)
Pog cowboy Twi (Twilight)
Glider Sky (by @/mochibun23)
Who says hewwo / everypony / bazinga
Sky crying and keysmashing template for all your meme needs
Sky textpost memes
[list update 3/26/22]
Does the dog die? (Twilight)
Yes, Twilight’s dying... anyway
Put him in rice he’ll be fine (Twilight)
warsluigi (Warriors)
You’re Not Immune to Wind
You’re Not Immune to Four
Sky holding CD-i Link
Lightning McQueen Wars and Mater Twilight
Time on his phone while his kids fight (Wild & Red & Vio & Green & Blue)
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Text posts/Asks/Writing
i’m only putting the most relevant ones here for my sake. might not get updated much since there’s... a lot. it’s probably easier to go through my “#tortilla’s lu tag” tag
Hylian Written languages + How it’d affect the LU boys + why Hyrule wouldn’t use English 2 [Text post]
The Master Door/Chain Meets by Game Order Thread Fic Master Post (Everyone) [Fanfic]
Overdue (Sky) [Fanfic]
Winged Hero (Time & Sky) [Fanfic]
Warriors Turns Into a Peanut (Warriors) [Fanfic] [my cursed legacy...]
how the fuck did you come up with warnut? [textpost]
Sky Headcanons [Text post]
Which Links are cuddlers? (Everyone) [Text post]
Hydrate or Die-drate (Everyone) [Text post]
Sky named Wolfie? [Text post]
Dink’s new form is an Iron Knuckle [Text post]
Wolfie toe beans... [Text post]
The Chain having to deal with SkSw’s Silent Realms? [Text post]
The Chain knowing the Song of the Hero [Text post]
Time’s Gilded Sword [Text post]
Sky and Shoulder touching? [Text post]
Fable and Legend siblings? [Text post]
The only Gerudo Sky knows is a bug [Text post]
LU Boys and Strength? [Text post]
Sponge cake for Four [Fanfic rec] [Text post]
Wild and Sky’s laughs [Text post]
The Timeline’s a circle (Wild & Sky) [Text post]
Time’s babyshower [Text post]
What’s a baby? (Wild & Hyrule) [Text post]
PREGANANANT? (Wild & Hyrule)
On King Sky... [Text post]
Time’s baby, the Great Deku Tree [Text post]
‘Deep’ voice Sky 1 [Text post]
‘Deep’ voice Sky 2 [Text post]
Hyrule’s Hyrule is Australia [Text post]
Twi and Malon using the same cowboy slang? [Text post]
Let the chain go to Wars’ Hyrule [Text post] [Fic rec]
Courage doesn’t mean Fearless [Text post] (long, spoilers for most games)
Favorite Foods of the Chain [Text post]
Does Sky like cats despite them eating birds? [Text post + addition by @/squid-ink-personal)
Engineering for farms (Twilight & Time & Wind & Wild) [Text post]
Peanuts strip that radiates Sky energy [Text post + pic]
Fable and Legend being related to Sky thoughts [Text post] [lowkey fic? not really]
Fluffy(?) Time headcanons [Text post]
Careful! That’s my descendant! (Sky & Time) [Text post]
Sky drawing the Four Sword? [Text post + additions by @/squid-ink-personal]
Ages the Links started their adventures at [Text post]
Respawning at death (Twilight & Sky & Hyrule & Time) [Text post]
YEET the Remlit (Sky) [Text post]
Sky using the Master Sword with his left hand in the 1st “Sunset” LU Update? [Text post]
Pretty Sky in the update :) [Text post]
Visions Trio 1 (Time & Legend & Sky) [Text post]
Visions Trio 2 (Time & Legend & Sky) [Text post + addiitons]
Visions Trio 3 (Time & Legend & Sky) [Text post]
Punctual Sky [Text post]
Flirty Sky? [Text post]
Hyrule (the place) Vibes (Sky) [Text post]
Sky’s allegrophobia [Text post]
Sky’s allegrophobia affecting him in LU canon? [Text post]
What’s updog? (Time & Wild) [Text post]
Bees are friendly! (Legend & Sky) [Text post]
WTF are bees (Legend & Sky) [Text post]
The links arent born they SPAWN [Text post]
Rupee limit per games for the LU Links! [Text post]
Bro the Links aren’t piss poor [Text post]
Sky’s visions (+ Hyrule & Wild) [Text post]
Bee keeper Legend [Text post]
Twilight’s crossbow [Text post] [Art addition by @/luwyv]
[list update 3/26/22]
Wholesome(?) Sky headcanons [Text post]
Four’s Hair vs everyone else’s [Text post]
The colors don’t want to fight Wild (Four & Wild) [Text post] [update analysis]
Is that Dink? (I don’t think so) (Wild) [Text post] [update analysis]
Wild’s reaction to Four splitting? (Wild mostly) [Text post] [update analysis]
which tags to use when posting LU (these are suggestions) [Text post]
Dink reforming??? [Text post] [Update analysis]
Sky and Warriors headcanons [Text post]
Please don’t tag LU stuff as LOZ [Text post] [PSA]
You hate to see a girlboss winning (Time & Sky) [Text post]
crying over Sky in the updates (1)
ice cream flavors the chain would like (Everyone) [Text post]
how long after each adventure until LU? [Text post]
me crying over Sky and Warriors in the updates
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Character Tags
Sky Linked Universe / LU Sky
Four Linked Universe / LU Four
Time Linked Universe / LU Time
Legend Linked Universe / LU Legend
Hyrule Linked Universe / LU Hyrule
Twilight Linked Universe / LU Twilight / LU Wolfie
Wind Linked Universe / LU Wind
Warriors Linked Universe / LU Warriors
Wild Linked Universe / LU Wild
85 notes · View notes
Underdiscovered Polygon Streams
I started compiling this list a while ago, accidentally published the draft, panicked, and deleted it instead of saving again SO here's attempt number 2! Probably not new to most folks, but some fun non-series streams that I have found while plumbing the depths of my hyperfixation. Feel free to add your own!
Best Video Game Music of 2017 Funstravaganza! Clayton and Simone play Audiosurf to the Polygon staff’s (Brian, Susana, Allegra, Pat, and Russ) favorite video game music as an end-of year celebration. I love this idea and wish they did it more years! CW for LOTS of flashing lights.
Simone and Ashley’s Overwatch Dream Date Spectacular Simone and Ashley were giving away merch and screaming. A lot. Simone is an aro queen and has no idea what constitutes a date.
It’s Jaws Time in SUBNAUTICA w/ Jenna and Clayton Jenna’s first stream! She and Clayton explore the ocean in search of big scary fish. Generally chill, a few deep-sea jumpscares. (They talked about this one on a Valheim stream recently!)
Fort Friends! Pat, Jenna, Simone, and Clayton play Fortnite like... some kind of squad that is bad at games. Some kind of... terrible squad.
Polygon’s Friday Afternoon Smash Party A rotating group of Samit, Jenna, Clayton, Russ, Brian, Simone, Allegra, and Pat playin’ Smash Bros. Closes with Yoshi Betting, which is strangely investing.
NO MORE HEROES Turns 10, with Pat and Brian One of Brian’s first streams, playing a Wii game with big nostalgia for Pat. A chill good time.
Pat and Allegra Play Spellspire - Fantasy Typing RPG Pretty much what it says on the tin. Allegra is a very good with words and Pat is there also /s The developers put in a patch in response to this stream which is delightful.
Mount Your Friends 3D - Polygon Will Reach The Peak Russ, Clayton, Brian, Jenna, and Pat cycle through playing this very silly physics-based game.
Yakuza 6 - Pat and Allegra are Doing Crimes, But Only the Cool Kinds of Crimes They play minigames and take silly selfies. Also check out this video, which they reference in the stream, where they play a silly mission with the Yakuza localization team.
Ashley and Pat Play YOSHI’S WOOLLY WORLD Part of a short-lived series called Me You and Wii U. We learn some cursed facts about beloved Nintendo characters and take a good nostalgia trip.
Pat Plays Tokyo 42 A rare solo stream; if you, like me, just enjoy listening to Pat’s voice, you’ll like this. The game has a really cool art style too.
~*~Pat and Simone Stream Corner~*~
(I think these are more well-known but just in case you're like me and always digging for more Pat and Simone content)
MONSTER HUNTER: WORLD - Pat and Simone Vs. Big Lizards Simone has a banana crisis
Pat and Simone Play MR. SHIFTY cool game
Pat and Simone Play Human: Fall Flat Pat relates childhood trauma
CUPHEAD with Simone and Pat really satisfying co-op play
PAT AND SIMONE EXTREME BIKERZ SIMULATOR Simone talks about communists and learns about soda syrup
Polygon Plays Red Dead Redeption 2 Again Patrick “horse crimes” Gill. Very good cameos from Jenna and Clayton.
Red Dead Redemption 2 Online: Cowboy Babies (part 1) (part 2) The first half-hour is them making each other in character creation
BURNOUT PARADISE REMASTERED - Pat and Simone Go To Car World Good Game Ogre lore
~*~Thanks for visiting the Pat and Simone Stream Corner~*~
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averylainey · 3 years
A Second Date
Clementine and Louis have a second date to continue getting to know each other better.
“I hate you,” she jested. “I love you too.” He smirked. “Even if you do have a weird thing for cowboys.” “Damn it, I do not! You’re never gonna let this go, are you?” “Absolutely not.” 
~  AO3  ~  FF  ~
Clementine grit her teeth and dug her nails into her bed sheet as a sharp pain shot up her leg. She  raised her head slightly and looked to the foot of her bed where Ruby was busy dabbing the limb with a wet cloth to clean it. The redhead insisted on cleaning it every day until it scarred over. It was already a miracle that Clementine had survived the amputation; Ruby didn’t want to test their luck with an infection. She gave the other girl a sympathetic look.
“I’m sorry, hon. I know it sucks, but it’s gotta be done,” Ruby said, rubbing the injured girl’s other leg in a futile attempt to soothe her. 
“I know,” Clementine grumbled, squeezing her eyes shut and resting her head back against her pillow. Of course she was grateful to Ruby for looking out for her, but God, did this suck.
It had been a little over a week since she returned home, and her recovery was going a lot more smoothly than anyone expected it would. The color had returned to her skin, and she was able to stay awake for the better part of most days. The pain was still overwhelming at times, but with the help of painkillers and emotional support from the other kids, she was able to push through it. 
AJ had been particularly attentive-- not that that was at all surprising. He spent most of his time by her bedside when she was awake, keeping her spirits up and making sure that she had everything she needed. He wasn’t beside her today, however. This was the first day he had left the walls of the school since they came home. He had initially been reluctant to go too far away from her, as even though she was improving, he was still terrified that something would go wrong. He was still terrified that he’d lose her. But that morning, Clementine was finally able to convince him not to worry-- that she wasn’t going anywhere, so he hesitantly agreed to go hunting with Aasim and Louis. 
When he headed out, leaving her alone in her room, part of her regretted telling him to go. Having him around kept her from thinking too hard about her condition. She tried her best to suppress it, but she couldn’t help the grief she felt over the loss of her leg. She knew that her disability would make life a lot harder from here on out; there were so many things she’d probably never be able to do again….
A light knocking at the door brought Clementine out of her thoughts. She propped herself up on an elbow and called out, “Come in.” 
The door opened and Louis stepped in. 
“Hey,” he greeted her with a grin and shut the door behind him.
“Hey, you.” She smiled affectionately at him then raised an eyebrow when she noticed that AJ wasn’t with him. “Where’s AJ?” 
“He wanted to help Aasim get a rabbit ready for dinner,” he told her then glanced at Ruby, who was still busy tending to Clementine’s leg. “Uh, I can come back later if you want.”
“No, it’s ok.” She stared down at her leg and frowned before meeting his eyes again. “Honestly, I could use a little moral support.”
Louis mirrored her dejected expression and walked the short distance to her bed. He crouched down beside her and took her hand in his.
“I’m so sorry, Clem. I--”
“Hey, I said I need support, not a pity party,” she interrupted.
He dropped the rest of his sentence with an amused exhale and squeezed her hand. “Right. Sorry.”
“So… how was hunting?” Clementine asked, wanting to shift the conversation away from her plight.
“Pretty good. We caught a couple rabbits, and I showed AJ how to reset the traps.”
“That’s good.” She chuckled before adding, “Guess you’ve replaced me as his sidekick, huh?”
“Hey, he’s the sidekick,” Louis joked, earning another light laugh from the girl. Of course, the sight of her laughing brought a grin to his face, as it never failed to do. 
Clementine looked lovingly at him for a moment before extending her arms to him for a hug, which he happily gave. 
“Thanks,” she mumbled into his shoulder.
“Just, y’know... being here. It helps.”
He pulled slightly out of her embrace and kissed the tip of her nose. “I’ll always be here.”
A soft giggle from the end of the bed caused the pair to separate. Ruby had finally finished cleaning the girl’s wound and was looking fondly at them. They both blushed and lowered their eyes; they had almost forgotten she was there….
“Y’all are too cute,” Ruby remarked, shaking her head. She noticed the redness on their faces and gave them a small reassuring smile. “You don’t have t’ be embarrassed. It’s real sweet how close you two have gotten.”
Ruby picked up a roll of bandages and turned her attention back to Clementine’s leg. 
“I’m a lil’ jealous,” the redhead admitted, still looking down as she began to wrap the fresh gauze around the limb. “Not, y’know, of either of you specifically,” she quickly clarified. “Just of what y’all have, I guess.”
Ruby paused and looked back up to them. They were staring at her expectantly, apparently waiting for further explanation, so she continued:
“I used t’ read those sappy romance books the old English teacher kept in her desk and wish I could experience somethin’ like that,” she continued and smiled sadly at her hands. “I stopped a while ago, though, when I realized it wouldn’t ever happen.”
“Well, how do you know it won’t?” Clementine cut in gently. 
“I dunno… Not a lotta people left... And I doubt any of ‘em would like me.”
Clementine was surprised to hear that she felt that way. Did she really not realize that Aasim had a massive crush on her? He wasn’t exactly very subtle about it….
“You don’t know that. Maybe somebody does,” the brunette hinted.
She looked to Louis, who had his hand over his mouth in an attempt to hide the huge knowing grin that spread across his face. He dropped his hand and opened his mouth to speak but was stopped short by a light tugging on his wrist. He glanced down to find Clementine gripping it then shifted his gaze to her face and gave her a questioning look. ‘Don’t,’ she mouthed, knowing exactly what he was planning to say. As much as she herself wanted to just tell Ruby about Aasim’s crush too, she knew that they shouldn’t. It wouldn’t be fair to either of them. Louis pouted but obeyed and stayed silent.
Ruby raised an eyebrow at their behavior but chose not to question it.
“I don’t think so,” she sighed as she tied off the fresh bandage on Clementine’s leg. “Well, think I’m all done here.” Ruby stood and wiped her hands on her pants. “Anything else I can get’cha?”
Clementine shook her head. “I’m ok. Thanks, Ruby.”
She gave a little nod in response and turned to leave the bedroom. Clementine and Louis watched as she exited the room and gently closed the door behind her. They stayed quiet for a moment, listening to the sound of her footsteps down the hall fade away.
“I can’t believe this,” Louis quickly broke the silence, shaking his head in incredulity.
“I know, right?” Clementine agreed. “She really has no idea.”
 “I gotta tell her.” He turned to Clementine. “Come on, you shoulda let me tell her. This is too perfect.”
“No, he needs to tell her.”
“But he won’t, Clem. It’s been, like, a year.”
“Just... give it a little more time. He’s not very good at hiding it; she’s gonna find out eventually.” 
Louis crossed his arms and quirked his brow at her, clearly unconvinced. Noticing his skepticism, the girl continued:
“What if someone else told you that I like you?” she asked. “Wouldn’t that have kinda ruined it?”
“Honestly, I would’ve just thought they were fucking with me.” He stared at the door and frowned, pausing to consider her point for a minute before sighing in defeat. “...I guess you’re right.”
“Of course. I’m always right.”
He smirked at her. “I’m still gonna keep harassing Aasim about it, though.”
Clementine snickered. “That’s fine; you should. Just don’t tell Ruby anything.”
Louis looked down in thought for a second. He sat down on the bed beside her and awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck. “So, um...anyways... I actually came in here for a reason,” he said.
“Oh? What’s that?”
“Well, y’know, I figured you must be bored laying in here all day, so I thought, ‘Hey, what better time for our second official date?’” He pulled his deck of cards out of his coat pocket, set it on the bed between them, and looked to her with a hint of anxiety on his face as he waited for a response. 
She gave him a soft smile. “That’s a good idea. I am pretty bored.” 
Louis smiled and let out a breath of relief, which Clementine took notice of.  
“What? You thought I was gonna say no?” she asked as she sat up and rested her back against the wall.
“I mean, not really, but”-- he shrugged-- “you never know. Maybe, in the last thirty seconds, you realized you actually hate me.”
Clementine rolled her eyes. “No such luck,” she joked before focusing on the deck of cards sitting on the bed. “So, did you have a game in mind?” she asked the boy.
“Oh, uh, yeah. Y’know, I still don’t really know a lot about you, so I thought we could play the game we did the night you first got here. Remember? Highest card asks a question?”
“Yeah, I remember,” she confirmed. “Is War the only card game you know?”
“Of course not; it’s just the easiest. I know Golf, Spades, Cribbage, some that I made up...” As he listed off card games, Louis split the deck in half and handed half of the cards to Clementine. “I also know how to play Poker, but I hate it.”
“It’s boring.” He paused before mumbling, “And Violet always beats me.”
The girl chuckled. “Really?”
“Yeah. She’s impossible to read. I think she’s secretly a lizard-person,” he said, somehow keeping a completely straight face.
Clementine burst out laughing. 
“Don’t tell her I said that,” Louis added, as he laughed along with her. 
“Don’t worry; I won’t.” The girl’s smile faltered. “She… doesn’t really talk to me anyway.”
Not wanting to ruin the mood, Clementine quickly changed the subject. “So”-- she held up the stack of cards Louis had given her-- “are we gonna play?”
Louis nodded and gave the cards in his hand a quick shuffle. They each drew a card from their respective stacks and flipped it over; Clementine won with an eight of diamonds. 
“You win,” Louis said. “What do you wanna know?”
Clementine looked up and thought for a second. She couldn’t think of anything particularly creative to ask, so she just asked the first question that came to her mind:
“What’s your favorite color?”
“Damn, we’re already starting with the real hard-hitting questions, huh?”
The girl smiled and rolled her eyes in response before looking back at him expectantly. 
“It’s green,” he told her. “What’s yours?”
Clementine raised an eyebrow and smirked at him. “Hey, I thought only winners got to ask questions,” she teased.
“Ok, new rule then: losers can ask follow-up questions.” 
“Fine,” she chuckled before answering, “Mine is pink.”
“No way. You’re lying.” 
“What? What’s wrong with pink?”
“Nothing!” he laughed. “I just wasn’t expecting that. I thought you were gonna say something hardcore like black or blood red or something.” His expression softened. “That’s kinda cute-- that it’s just pink.”
The girl snorted, trying to hide the slight blush that crept onto her cheeks at his words. “If you say so.”
“Wait, what kind of pink, though? Hot pink?” Louis suddenly asked. 
“Ew, no.” Clementine wrinkled her nose at the thought of that obnoxious color. “Just regular pink,” she specified.
“Ok, good,” he chuckled and took the card she had drawn out of her hand, stacking it with his and setting it to the side. He motioned for her to draw again for the second round. “After you.”
Clementine drew another card from her stack and flipped it over: six of spades. Louis followed and produced a three of hearts.
“I win again.” The girl smirked at him. 
Louis shook his head and said flatly, “You’re cheating.”
She scoffed. “What? How do you even cheat at this game?”
“You stacked the deck.”
“It’s your deck!” she laughed.
“Alright, fair point… I got my eye on you, though.” He winked at her. “What’s your question?”
This time, she already had a question in mind. “Where are you from?” she asked. “Before you came here, I mean.” 
Louis smiled and answered, “Baltimore.”  
“That’s cool; that baseball guy I met was from there,” Clementine shared.
He raised his eyebrows. “No shit? What was his name?”
“Javier Garcia.”
“Wait, seriously? I’ve met him.”
Clementine’s eyes widened. “Really? When?”
“Yeah. Well, kinda. My grandparents used to take me to the baseball games in the city sometimes. He signed a ball for me. I think I still have it somewhere...” He shook his head and chuckled to himself. “I can’t believe you met Javier Garcia and didn’t tell me.”
She giggled at his enthusiasm then shrugged. “You never asked.”
“Alright, you gotta tell me everything now. How’d you meet him?”
“Well… I, uh…” Clementine sighed, slightly embarrassed of how she had acted back then. “I almost shot him; then, I tried to rob him.” 
Louis snorted. “Really, Clem? I mean, I knew you were edgy, but damn.”
She rubbed the back of her neck and said sheepishly, “Yeah… I was going through some shit at the time… He was pretty cool about it, though.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah. He was a pretty cool guy in general,” she said and placed her card atop the other discarded ones. “He’s kinda like you-- little less dorky though.”
“Dorky!?” Louis clutched his chest and feigned offense.
“In a good way!” she quickly added with a laugh before switching focus to her stack of cards. She held them up and asked, “Round three?”
“‘Round three?’ You’re really gonna act like you didn’t just insult me like that?” He continued pretending to be offended as he drew another card. Before Clementine could respond or even draw a card herself, he blurted out, “I win.” and revealed that he had drawn an ace. 
“Not necessarily,” she protested. “What if I get an ace too?”
“I’d be very shocked.”
Clementine picked the top card off her stack and lifted it up in front of her face so that he couldn’t see it. She smirked. “It’s an ace,” she told him.
Louis looked at her skeptically and peeked over the top of the card to see what it really was. “That’s a four, darling.” 
The girl sighed and dropped the card. “Fine... I guess losers do deserve to win at least once.”
“Exactly,” he agreed before asking his question: “What’s your favorite kind of music?”
Clementine smiled; that was such a him thing to ask. She pursed her lips as she considered the question. Music hadn’t really been a part of her life like it had Louis’. When she and AJ were living on the road, they avoided it for the most part; it was unnecessary noise. She had probably heard more music in the past month at the school than in all her years on the road. 
“Honestly, I don’t know. I never really had the chance to listen to much music before I came here,” she admitted. “Sometimes me and AJ would listen to some rock CD in the car; I guess that was pretty cool.”
“Rock? That makes sense.”
Clementine shrugged and moved to draw another card, but Louis interrupted her:
“Wait, you’re not gonna ask what mine is?”
“I already know what yours is.” She smirked at him. “It’s obviously super girly pop music.”
“Ah, shit! How’d you know!?” he joked. 
“Gut feeling,” she joked back as she grabbed the next card off her stack.
She drew a Jack, beating Louis’ draw of a nine.
“Yes!” Clementine pumped her fist in celebration of her victory. “I have a good one this time.”
“Oh boy,” Louis said, slightly worried. “What is it?”
“What’s your biggest irrational fear?” she asked.
He eyed her suspiciously. “Um, you’re not trying to get ammunition to use against me are you?”
“No!” she laughed. “I’m just curious.”
“Ok...” Louis sighed before answering, “I’m terrified of wasps.”
“Yeah. I hate them. A couple years back we found a wasps’ nest under the lookout tower. I wouldn’t go outside for a week.”
“Are you allergic to them or something?” the girl asked.
“No, they’re just… fucking demonic, y’know?” he replied as an involuntary shiver ran down his spine at the thought of the wretched insects.
Clementine giggled. “Yeah, I guess they kinda are.”
“I’m glad you understand,” he chuckled then raised an eyebrow at her. “So, what’s your irrational fear, then?”
 “Oh, I’m not scared of anything,” she responded matter-of-factly.
“Everyone’s scared of something.”
“Not me.”
 Louis pouted. “Come on, I told you mine.”
She stared into his pleading eyes for a moment before groaning and giving in. “I guess I’m kinda creeped out by mirrors,” she confessed.
“What? Mirrors? How could someone as pretty as you hate mirrors?”
“Ha ha,” she replied sarcastically before explaining, “They give me a weird feeling... like they’re watching me or something.” She shuddered. “I don’t know how to explain it; they’re just creepy.”
The boy gave her an amused look. “Not gonna lie, that’s… a pretty weird fear. Was not expecting that,” he said.
“Hey, don’t judge me.” 
“I wasn’t.” He held up his hands. “There’s nothing wrong with you being scared of mirrors. In fact, if you want, I’ll go smash every mirror in the school for you right now.”
Clementine snickered. “I think I’ll be alright.”
“Ok, if you say so.” Louis picked up his stack of cards, preparing to draw for the next round, but before he did, he added, “If you ever change your mind, though, lemme know. I will do it.”
“I’ll let you know,” she promised. 
The pair each drew another card, and this time, Louis won with a seven of clubs. He held his card up to his lips as he considered whether or not he really wanted to ask the question he had in mind. Clementine cleared her throat and raised her wrist as if she were checking an imaginary watch, teasing the boy for taking so long to ask his question. So he decided to just go for it: 
“Alright, I gotta ask… And I’m not judging, ok? But...” Louis reached over her and picked up a book that had been laying on the opposite side of her bed. He held it up in front of her and asked,“What the fuck is this?”
“Oh God.” Clementine could feel her face begin to burn when she saw the cover. It was one of those cringeworthy western romance novels with a shirtless man in a cowboy hat on the front. The terrible thing was mixed in with a stack of a few books that Ruby had given her a couple days prior. The girl tried to explain herself:
“It’s a book Ruby brought me to read when I get bored. She gave me a few different books, and-- and I already read all the others. So y’know, I thought reading it would at least be better than staring at the ceiling. I--It’s super dumb. I swear I’m only reading it to laugh at it.”
Louis smirked at her babbling. “Right. Sure.” 
“I promise!” Clementine really wasn’t lying. The book was horrible-- probably the worst thing she had ever read in her life. It was almost impressive how bad it was, and that made it hilarious to her. But of course, Louis wasn’t going to let her off that easy.
“So what’s it about, then?” he asked as he scanned the pages, stopping when his eye caught a particularly cringeworthy passage. He smirked at the girl beside him and began to dramatically recite it:
Annabelle watched with wide eyes as he dismounted the horse, his bare six-pack glistening in the afternoon sun. God, he was sooo hot. He took off his cowboy hat and ran his fingers through his hair before turning to her and smiling. “Howdy, baby. I have come back for you,” he said in his deep, sultry voice.
Clementine lied back and buried her burning face into her hands. “Please stop,” she laughed. Of course, he ignored her and continued reading:
“Oh, Bill. I knew you would.” She ran into his arms and kissed him passionately. He tightened his hold on her and pulled her to the ground with him. He tenderly stroked her-- 
Louis cringed. “Oof, that’s a little inappropriate,” he mumbled to himself and quickly flipped a few pages ahead until he found a different section to read. “Here we go.”
Luckily for Clementine, before he could start reading whatever awful new passage he found, the dorm door opened and someone stepped inside. Louis lowered the book and turned around to see who it was. He smiled when he saw that it was AJ.
“Hey, little dude!”
“Hi,” AJ greeted the older boy then raised an eyebrow when he caught sight of Clementine lying back with her hands covering her beet-red face. “Uh, what are you doing?”
“I’m just reading Clem her favorite book,” Louis replied nonchalantly. 
“It’s not my favorite book! I hate it!” the girl blurted out. 
“Oh, stop lying, Clem. Your secret’s out; you might as well own it.”
“I hate you,” she jested.
“I love you too.” He smirked. “Even if you do have a weird thing for cowboys.”
“Damn it, I do not! You’re never gonna let this go, are you?”
“Absolutely not,” he laughed, planting a quick kiss on her cheek. 
“Lou, I swear to God when I get out of this bed...” Clementine playfully threatened.
“I’ll go into hiding,” he chuckled and stared down at the book in his hands. Something suddenly occurred to him. “Wait, so Ruby gave this to you?”
Clementine nodded. “She did.”
“I wonder if this is one of those sappy books she was talking about.” He mindlessly flipped through the pages then slipped the novel into an inner pocket of his coat and flashed her a sly grin. “I’m gonna show it to Aasim-- tell him to take notes and act it out for her.”
“Great idea,” she snorted. “You can torment him instead.”
“He is pretty fun to torment.” He grinned mischievously then glanced at the door. “...I’ll be back.”
Clementine watched as Louis stood and rushed out of the dorm room, his coat flapping behind him. She chuckled to herself as she heard him running down the hall. She loved that idiot.
“...I don’t get it,” AJ suddenly said. “What just happened?”
“Don’t worry about it, kiddo,” Clementine chuckled. “He's just being a dork.”
End Note: Thanks for reading! ♥
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sleazygoing · 4 years
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▌ REAL NAME:   vernon f. kennedy... final answer. he actually doesn’t have to answer that without like, a lawyer present or something.
▌SINGLE OR TAKEN:   down for whatever. usually cheating on somebody.
▌ABILITIES OR POWERS:  he’s stylish, a hustler, and one hell of a bullshitter.
▌EYE COLOR:   brown, but it’s hard to tell because the shades rarely come off.
▌HAIR COLOR:   brown. only graying a little.
▌FAMILY MEMBERS:   he has three kids he rarely sees, three ex-wives (four divorces), two other baby-mamas, many unofficial nieces and nephews, a lot of friends he’d call family, and his mom’s a ‘very nice lady’ who doesn’t know he lives like this.
▌PETS:   he keeps a tank of oranda goldfishes in his office.
▌SOMETHING THEY DON’T LIKE:   the DEA, FBI, CIA, ATF, IRS, and all the other haters and party poopers out there.
▌HOBBIES/ACTIVITIES:   blackjack, slot machines, reading, doing lots of stuff he shouldn’t, watching cowboy movies and nature documentaries, sudoku, fashion, mini-golf, chillin’, brunch, shopping, scheming, ‘makin’ love’.
▌EVER HURT ANYONE BEFORE:   not physically!
▌EVER KILLED ANYONE BEFORE:   no way. he doesn’t have it in him, and he likes it that way. ‘accessory after the fact’ stuff doesn’t count because a man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do.
▌ANIMAL THAT REPRESENTS THEM:   lizard... or the calm kind of monkey. or a capybara, because they’ll chill with anybody. but don’t ask him this question. he’d say 'white tiger’ without hesitation, because he thinks they’re cool. or he’d ask if the pink panther is a real animal.
▌WORST HABITS:   in no particular order: lying, splurge spending, infidelity, credit card fraud as a hobby, wearing far too much cologne, being overly friendly, unfashionable lateness, disappearing for weeks on end, bailing on people he owes money, not returning missed calls, thinking with his dick.... the list goes on…
▌ROLE MODELS:   spiritually? Buddha and Jesus. otherwise? barbie, mr. rogers, JFK, d.b. cooper, dolly parton, lil kim, and bruce lee. also elephants and orangutans, because they have kind faces.
▌THOUGHTS ON MARRIAGE/KIDS:   been there, done that, got the t-shirt, but he’d definitely give it another shot.
▌FEARS:   in this house, we have transcended beyond the need for fear. don’t fuck with snakes though, kids.
▌STYLE PREFERENCES:    vernon kennedy is a ‘more is more’ kinda guy. think blinged-out scarface extra vibes. throw in too-tight flared velvet flares, 5 gold chains, cowboy boots, a lot of chest hair, and a little bit of disco stu. he wears loud colors and prints out the wazoo, but he also struts around in white pants like he’s never worried about shitting himself in his life. he’s the first guy outside the club that drunk, desperate tourists on their first night in vegas approach looking to score blow.
▌SOMEONE THEY LOVE:   garfield.
▌APPROACH TO FRIENDSHIPS:   on every level except physical, this man is a golden retriever. strangers are just friends he doesn’t know yet.
▌FAVORITE DRINK:    any cocktail served with a little umbrella in it, strawberry milkshake, or mexican coca cola.
▌FAVORITE PLACE TO SPEND TIME AT:   vernon is content and fully at peace anywhere with a sunny balcony and a hot tub.
▌SWIM IN THE LAKE OR IN THE OCEAN:   swimming pool. 
▌CAMPING OR INDOORS:  he likes the concept of the outdoors, but he’s more a high-roller suite kinda guy.
tagged by: @hammurabicomplex, a legend <3 tagging: @ecritverite, @voirverite, @branigan, @cocainechique, @malluck, and anyone else who fancies it, tag me so i can see xo
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risottostitties · 5 years
Hi! First time here to ask haha! Any HCs for La squadra with an Otaku s/o? Like she watches anime and even buys merch in secret cuz she's scared they might find her hobby lame and immature? (Also,what will be their fave anime? And genre?)
Oh boy let me tell you I have some THOUGHTS about these boys and their taste in anime
La Squadra with an Otaku s/o
at first he’s gonna be kinda confused, not gonna lie. Growing up the only ‘anime’ he knew was like, Pokemon and Dragon Ball Z but at that point he was too old to really get into Pokemon, and he never considered DBZ anime because it aired next to cartoons and stuff.
But that doesn’t mean he won’t appreciate s/o and their good taste. He’s the kind of guy who wants to learn about what interests the people he loves, and he loves you. So he’d honestly enjoy late nights spent binge watching your favorites.
Comes to realize that DBZ was low key his gym goals for the early years of him working out. If you bought him a ‘Swole like Goku’ tank he’d probably wear it to lift in, ngl.
Knowing your favorites he’d probably look to merch for his go to birthday or Christmas gifts. Considering the hobbies and interests of some of his co-workers, a scantily clad waifu figure is honestly a welcome change of pace.
Depending on the style or aesthetic of the anime (ie, is it goth) he would be down to couples cosplay, although he wouldn’t be comfortable with you posting pictures of his face or any identifiable features of him online
His fave is probably the original Dragon Ball Run, followed very closely by DBZ for the nostalgia bit. Something deep like Full Metal Alchemist (Brotherhood and the original) would also appeal to him
Is also a big fan of Beserk, disappointed by the anime. And Vinland Saga, not disappointed by the anime.
Partial to Princess Mononoke as well. He likes some Ghibli films, isn’t afraid to admit it. Thinks the score for Spirited Away is bomb af.
Prosciutto doesn’t really get it at first either. Honestly? He probably didn’t know the difference between cartoon and anime until you explained it to him.
Unlike Risotto he might be a bit more judgey if you try to get him to watch some with you. So you gotta hit him with the real classics. 
But similarly to Risotto, he at least makes an effort to try and indulge in the things you like. He might not be as patient, but he tries.
Probably wouldn’t do cosplay himself, but would hunt down exclusive seasonal merch to gift you. He’d take careful stock of your collections and do some research to pick out only the finest figurines and posters for you.
Would buy that hella expensive premium bandai apparel for you too, might even pick something subtle up for himself if he really liked the show it came from.
Also back on the cosplay note, if you agreed he’d find the highest quality cosplay possible and have you model some of his favorites for him.
(In particular if you were comfortable in fem clothing, Faye Valentine gets him going)
He loves Cowboy Beebop. 100%, wants to watch it again as soon as it ends. Everything from the characters to the story to the music and the fliud animation that has aged like fine wine appeals to him. Prosciutto is a man who likes the finer things in life. He oozes class. Cowboy Beebop oozes class and prestige.
Also likes Maasaki Yuasa. It was his idea to go see The Night Is Short, Walk on Girl in theaters.
In general his tastes tend to lean towards arthouse type anime or bona fide classics.
Pesci knows anime and has been doing his absolute best to keep it a secret from the rest of the gang because they already tease him enough.
He’s one of those secret weebs, you gotta know where to look. Your best bet is to look at his accessories. Is there a watch with a certain symbol from an anime you recognize? A lanyard with a familiar print? Something subtle that isn’t immediately noticed by people not looking for it.
He has a secret box in his room full of blue rays from his faves. He watches them sometimes when he’s home alone. There’s nothing X rated in there obviously, he just doesn’t want people to know.
Thank god he has you.
The two of you probably bonded pretty fast over your mutual love of anime. Hell, you being such an open and proud Otaku probably gave him a bit of confidence in expressing his interests too.
Yall are the weeb couple. Yall definitely go to conventions together. Couples Cosplays, the whole thing.
He’s a sucker for Shonen just as much as he is for the really good heart wrenching painful ones. 
He watches Boruto because he loves Naruto so much.
He would also tear up at Clannad.
Dango Daikazoku triggers almost a pavlovian response of heart ache.
So does Secret Base.
Ano Hana is probably his favorite, although even you’d need to pry it out of him. Its one thing that Prosciutto gives him shit for liking anime, its a whole different ball game if he found out Pesci liked girly anime
He knows what hentai is. That’s about as far as his knowledge went before yall got together.
He thinks its pretty interesting though, so he’d be down to watch some with you.
Turns out he really likes action shonen. He got really, really into One Piece. Like, instantly. He likes the fact there’s so much to watch/read before he’s caught up too.
Another boy that would couples cosplay and be really into it. Especially if it continued into the bedroom.
He’s pretty go with the flow, so he isn’t picky about what y’all watch. Even if it isn’t his cup of tea he’ll sit through a few episodes on a night with you.
Fromaggio can’t tell the difference between a high quality figure and a shitty one. Its a crap shoot what he buys for you. Its more a process of ‘oh, so likes this character’ rather than checking the seams and paint quality and how dynamic the pose is/interchangeable parts. 
Definitely buys way too much in the dealers room because of this.
He tries his best.
His fave is probably One Piece, liked bleach a lot but never read the manga, Yu Yu Hakusho is another one he really enjoyed. The Dark Tournament arc had him at the edge of his seat and hype as shit.
Had a passing knowledge of anime before dating you. Knew what it was, saw a few of the mainstream ones, thought they were enjoyable, moved on with his life.
Your dedicated interest in anime would surprise him at first, because he always figured it was kind of a niche thing.
Would snoop around your collection of manga/figures/plushes in the mirror world while you sleep.
Winds up reading a lot of your manga like that (he’s good at reading in reverse because of his stand)
He finds he appreciates the art style of 80s-90s manga a lot more than he does the modern stuff. He really got into Ranma 1/2 and thinks Rumiko Takahashi’s artstyle is excellent.
If you asked him to watch Inuyasha with you he wouldn’t say no.
Probably wouldn’t want to do couples cosplay, but he definitely has an appreciation for you in cosplay.
You could talk him into going to a con if you caught him in the right mood. It’d be a hard sell though.
Has a surprising enjoyment for J-Rock. 
Inuyasha is high on his favorites list, as is Ranma 1/2. Also a fan of Ghibli movies although its pulling teeth to get him to admit it.
This man has watched so much hentai in his life.
He probably actually knows them by title honestly.
He enjoys anime too, and is not ashamed unlike Pesci. Everyone already knows he has unconventional tastes there is nothing to hide here.
Melone enjoys traditionally feminine anime, especially Sailor Moon. That one has a special place in his heart as he has memories of his sister watching it with him when he was much younger.
Its more of a decompress thing than anything else, so he doesn't tend to favor heavy anime with dense plot and more mature subject matter.
He likes Maid Costumes. On you, on him, it doesn’t matter.
Doesn’t know a whole lot about merch and what makes something higher quality but he learns fast. Between you and him the Dealers Room at cons won’t know what hit them.
Is the type to preorder a figure he knows you’d like. And maybe one for him.
Buy him this and he’s putty in your hands for a month straight (SFW don’t worry) https://www.amazon.com/Bandai-Sailor-Moonlight-Memory-Locket/dp/B00UA9XB48
Sailor Moon is his favorite as I’ve said before, his favorite sailor scout is Rei. Is also a fan of Ano Hana, Violet Evergarden, and Toradora although he needs to be in the right mood to watch them.
He went down the Fate rabbit hole and we haven’t seen him since.
The gender bending grates as his soul but he is addicted regardless. There’s just so much dense lore that he can’t seem to stop going.
But also seeing how much care and attention is paid to the historical background of a lot of the servants is intriguing to him. Its the perfect blend of accurate and harem trash that infuriates him but also leaves him needing to know more.
He hasn’t played every game but he has Grand Order on his phone and has sunk an ungodly amount of money into the gacha trying to get his favorite (Its Jeanne Alter, in case anyone was wondering) and has seen all the anime (His favorite is the cooking spin off because its surprisingly calming to watch)
Fate Zero is probably his favorite ‘serious’ Fate adaptation. He enjoys the gravitas of the Holy Grail Wars (and hates how it was tossed out the fucking window in UBW/Stay Night/Heavens Feel) and the ritual aspect to the summoning and foreshadowing of future events as well as hints at a deeper magical lore in the universe hit all the right spots in his lizard brain.
The fact every fate anime has a different version of Saber (or a Saber Clone) pisses him off too.
He really loves Fate. And will scream about it for hours at you.
Getting him to watch or talk about anything else is like pulling teeth but he eventually relents because he loves you.
Its difficult to get through a single episode without him grumbling about something or another, but he tries once he sees its important to you. He does his best not to outright insult your favorite anime.
Can appreciate high quality merch as well, probably collects Jalter Figures himself.
If you’re comfortable in fem clothing, Cosplay Jalter for him and he will literally ascend then and there. Keeps pics on his phone. Would probably make it his background. He’s weak
Outside of Fate he finds he enjoys high fantasy shows. Historical fantasy pisses him off too much, and straight up historical drama would also have him grasping for inaccuracies.
Full Metal Alchemist is a non-fate series that he really loves because of the world building. The movie Maquia was one he enjoyed as well. Likes every Miyazaki film, don’t tell anyone. Cried (and raged) when Ushio died in Clannad.
In general he just likes really good world building. It has to be good otherwise he’s going to spend the whole time picking it apart.
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traykar · 5 years
How about that last Episode?
Ko is moping the floor. All is as it should be.
Don't you just hate it when your leg spontaneously breaks?
Why are we flipping through diffrent villains?
It's playing the Ernesto theme from the Ok Dendy episode!
"Get ready to pay your taxes!"
Deathro exists. Thank you Toby Jones for giving me something I didn't know I needed.
Wait, Ko has the TKO snaggletooth?
Elder abuse
Wally the White has short legs.
Venomous and Fink are back from their destroyed planet to fight the plazatutbians!
Also the title cards of episodes we're never going to get!
Toby Jones is giving us the rest of the story one second at a time!
Holy heck!
The animation is so good!
Cartoon Network is the villain responsible for this!
Billium Millium is shooting money at them!
The Were forms of our heroes return?
Were forms for the robots?!?!?
Were are the cowboy hats?
Ahem, where are the cowboy hats?
Darrell is a gerbil? Raymond a lizard? Shannon a cat? Is that last one supposed to be a Radicles parallel to reference the episode Rad Loves Robots?
Red Strike?
Cartoon network cameos!?!
The unaired episode "Let's save the Plaza"!?!!?
The unaired Episode "Let's save the planet"?!?!?
With a Captain Planet cameo!?!??
The Unaired Episode "We have to save the Multiverse"!?!??!
Space Gars?
Garnets there?!?!?
The Unaired Episode "We Have to Dave the Fourth Fimension"
The Unaired Episode "We have to Save All of Space and Time"
The minot villains have teamed up?
Dogmun's been changed by the war! He's out for blood!
Boxman's back, after apparently leaving?
Too many Boxmans !?!?!
Eggman Boxman? Eggbox? Boxegg? EggBoxMan? ManMan?"
Buff inal boss boxman from the game?!?!?!
Thing will never be normal again.
Enid decided to go to witch college? Hogwarts?
She's leaving? What?
Damn commercial breaks
She's a witch Ninja Now? Goodbye hug failed?
Radicles will never lead.
Radicles is leaving.
He's been drafted into the space army?
He's alone.
He thought he would have more time to experience the important moments in life. Who's fault is that?!?!?
Carol's married to Mr. Gar?!?!?!??!
Is she the Ms. Gar?
Is Ko now Ko Gar?
Ko is running out of time, literally. We have to cramped in his entire life before the show ends!
Potato and Colhort got hitched?!?!?!
His episodes are posters!
He's not ready for it to end.
Life is rushing ahead, because we can't always be 6-11 years old for all of our lives.
Rad has a Space Warrior cat cafe!
Enid runs the Fitness Dojo!
Boxman promoted all of his Children!
Darrell owns a farm!
The Unaired Episode "RMS and Brandon's Lost Episode!"
An Ok Kk Shannon Spin off? Being filmed in the "Let's Watch the Pilot" studio!?!?
Joe Cuppa is in the spin off?
Raymonds make up the show's band!
Beardos? Oh gosh it's the freaking truffles! Time for nightmares!
An unaired Christmas Special where Venomous goes to ask for Boxman's forgiveness?!?!
With a cake!?!?!?
Cardsly's in hell?!?!?
Greyman and Foxtail retire
(Bout time)
Ko's now 13 to 17 years old! Rad has stubble! Dendy has long hair and her pond! Mr Gar has a beard!
Little Teeth became Big Teeth!
Combobreaker's been remembered? Un-dismembered? He's fine and joints point, Neil is hecking proud.
Boxman Reconects with Mr. Logic!
Fuck, the Pirds are multiplying!
Gar and Carol have a kid??!?!?
Ko gets a sibling?!??!?!
It's just pancakes.
Ko and Dendy graduate from school!
"Don't cry because it's over, Smile Because it's over! You fought till the end, you are my best friends."
Ko is 18 -24 now!??! Everyone looks different and it would be redundant for me to list out all the changes!?!??!?!
Grown up Fink beats Jack the rabbit in a major videos game tournament!
Venomous is in the front row and crying because he's proud! He's also greying a little.
Some of fink's fans have signs that say things like, "I want F1nk to bully me too," and "We stan a Legend"
Mr Gar journeys to his home town!
He's bald!
Is this the day of the dead?
He's paying respects to his mother! I assume.
Holy heck he's at Abeula Garcia's Bodega to pay respect to his family!
This means that Mr Gar is Eugine Garcia! It means Carol is Carol Garcia, and that Ko is Ko Garcia! Holy heck!
They remembered that Skateboard Nerd fucking died! Also Ginger is dead, but it's a double cross!
Dendy is taking Carla's Job!
Ko has finally grown up! He's thirty five plus, and everybody is here!
Who the fuck is Robby, and who sent him?
Oh my gosh, it's "One Last 'Sode"!!!!
New Plazaturbians!
Grown up KO is even more jacked than what the Fan art predicted !
He's level one hundred, and he's in Mr. Gar's cloud! no, Ko is in his Cloud. He's become the power hero that he's always dreamed of becoming.
Now, there's only one thing left to do, after all,
It's Only Magic
Isn't it Amazing When yayu Know?
Every Second that You See Is
Twenty Four Connected Peices
Thank you for coming
Thank you for staying
Thank you for watching the show!
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dare-g · 4 years
I had two question tag game things in my drafts so I combined them for one big question extravaganza one was from my pal @futsin the other from the lovely @adamnimoy !
1. Who are your Idols? I feel like I idolize anyone who I feel writes well the list is long but anyone you see me post a lot about is probably included just the impact of good story telling weather it be in books, films, comics, or whatever really makes me go wild even if I really don’t have the confidence or drive to write myself
2. If you could travel anywhere where would you go? Japan would be cool kinda want to go to Russia too
3. What decorates the walls of your room? A boatload of film posters and a wall dvd covers I cut off my collection
4. Favorite color combination? I like things with primary colors together .., another nice one is like olive and brass/tan
5. What’s on the top of your bucket list?
I have been scheming a trip for when this distancing is over I don’t wanna give it away but I guess that’s the top thing right now
6. Height? 5’3
7. Favorite animals? Cows, tapirs, capybaras, javalinas, rats, water deers etc
8. Last song you listened to? I heard songs on the radio in the car yesterday but I forgot what they were my music app said last song I listened to on there was Rolling Away by Dan Bern
9. Pets you have? None
10. Last film you saw in theaters? Extra Ordinary the day before they announced they were closing down for a while ..
11. Favorite food? Fried okra or raw steak
12. Why did the chicken cross the road? He got scared by a lizard ..,
13. Do you wear socks to bed? Sometimes
14. Favorite piece of clothing you have? Signature tiger jacket 🐯 or the patch jacket cause I made that my own so I’m pretty proud of it
15. What price if media do you wish you had written? So many tbh... I feel like there are people who make stories that are like what I’d make but to list them seems very personal and telling and I’m feeling shy about it atm
16. Name 5 artist you really want to see in concert? Dan Bern, Adam Green, Hammel on Trail, Ennio Morricone (though I think he’s officially retired from live shows) and hmmmm Arlo Guthrie? Bob Dylan if I didn’t think it would be crazy ? Lalo Shiffrin?
17. Last film that made you cry? Got a little misty watching Without Memory today it’s a documentary about a father who after some medical malpractice cant form new memories and it was touching .., the last film film though was probably me watching Steppenwolf the day we learned Sydow died ....
18. Top three ships ? I do have fictional couples I do like but like I don’t really feel like I ship things really??
19. Last movie you watched? I watched about half of They Call Me Hallelujah I’m in the process of making photo sets for a blog of mine
20. Currently reading? One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich by Alexander Solzhenitsyn .. also reading the comic Bouncer which was written by Alejandro Jodorowsky
Ima tag a lot of people but no pressure
@cowboy-robot-moose @bakuraryxu @twainspotting @skullchicken @earthy-artist @slasherfvked @pollypeaches @maerkus @teddydestroy @mr-pr-dr-phd @m0rguemeat
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dracwife · 4 years
dex’s comprehensive s/i list
this took way too long. will be updated as i develop them further! note that these only include a few of my main, more developed s/is, but i do have s/is for all my f/o’s universes!
[ evil dead ]
name: river kennedy
[ movie canon ]
age: 22
occupation: pizza delivery boy
physical: river kennedy was always on the taller side, his physicality being his foremost quality. he was the star quarterback in high school, and his muscular prowess didnt leave him after he graduated. finding no need for college, his routine consisted of working out during the day and going to work at night. his lean stature doesn't precede him - he can hold his own in the midst of chaos...and deadites.
green eyes
dirty blonde hair
a southern drawl accents this cowboy's witty and devil-may-care temperament
while he's the more sensible of the two, it's only by a tad...ash and river are the quintessential "team one brain cell"
about: ash and river met on a wild night out during their high school years. needless to say, it wasn’t long before they ended up together, inseparable and making as many bad decisions as possible. 
here for a good time, not a long time
ship name: sympathy for the devil
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[ show canon ]
age: 36
occupation: sheriff
physical: living in a small town has its perks - mainly that there’s not much to do during the day. the most action river sees on a daily basis is maybe a kid or two caught vandalizing the old bleachers behind the high school...and even then, it’s a stretch to say it’s much more than chasing down a teen with spraypaint. while he’s still physically fit, he’s not quite at his peak like he once was, but that doesn’t mean he can’t still hold his own against whatever the necronomicon may throw at him.
green eyes
dirty blonde hair
a southern drawl accents this cowboy's witty and devil-may-care temperament
while he's the more sensible of the two, it's only by a tad...ash and river are the quintessential "team one brain cell"
about: while they never quite settled down, river took some time on his own to live with his family. he and ash lost contact for nearly twenty years, until the deadites returned out of nowhere. upon hearing the news, river tracked ash down, and again their shenanigans resumed, for the better or worse, no one really knows. 
here for a good time, not a long time
ship name: born to be wild
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[ saw ]
name: everett bailey ; salem
age: 23
occupation: freelance coder / web designer
physical: salem is not physically intimidating, but that doesn’t stop him from picking fights with those bigger than him
bleached hair, often dyed
blue eyes
lots of leather
about: salem is, to say the least, a scammer who profits off of the ignorance of those less technologically capable than himself. for this reason (and for getting in the way of adam’s game) he too was punished, thrown into a trap that left him scarred both physically and mentally.
angry. just angry
daddy issues
drugs! probably
literally just a little shit.
ship name: waiting game / the jig is up / coma white / absolute penance (au)
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[ twilight ]
name: holden cullen
age: 24 (at time of death)
occupation: clinical attendant / physician
physical: holden is physically smaller than most of his peers, but don’t let that fool you - he can definitely hunt just as well as the rest of them.
5′7″ (short king mama hey)
dark brown hair / soft black
green eyes (golden after death)
about: holden met carlisle at work, where he worked as a clinical attendant. within a few months carlisle had introduced holden to the rest of the cullens, and not long after holden deduced their family secret, though carlisle refused to turn holden on the basis that holden could live happily as a human. after a particularly nasty car crash, however, carlisle was forced to turn holden lest he let him die, and thus holden was finally a true member of the family. in his spare time during his “recovery,” he was able to complete his doctorate, and now works alongside carlisle at the clinic.
absolute dad
holden’s gift is similar to that of jasper’s - with a strange type of pathokinesis, he is able to dull the pain (physical and emotional) of others, instead taking it himself. 
he uses it to help carlisle destress most of the time - when he was human, carlisle would always say just how comforting it was to be with holden, that he had a sort of warmth to him, and that warmth followed him even after his death. carlisle describes the calming nature of it as though holden has “sunlight in his hands,” as a mere touch from him can bring complete serenity. 
ship name: sunlight in his hands 
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[ house, m.d. ]
name: rowan kirk
age: 30
occupation: pediatrician
physical: rowan is likely the least intimidating person you’d ever meet - he’s very quiet, and very bubbly. his stature is rather lax, and his soft temperament is complimented by his just as inviting looks, making him the perfect doctor for even the rowdiest of children.
strawberry blonde hair
green eyes
always smiling
never seen without a stuffed animal and at least 10 lollipops in his lab coat
about: rowan is a kind-hearted doctor, driven by an inexplicable need to help others. it was for this reason that he quickly caught the eye of james, and together they make quite the hopeless pair of romantics.
has good intentions
hates star trek jokes
absolute hopeless romantic
Repressed Trauma tm
always cold gay
ship name: sunshine & star trek jokes
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[ quantum leap ]
name: dexter marsh
age: 26
occupation: chemist/biologist
physical: while short, dex’s wit makes up for more than enough of what he lacks in height. he’s far more on the nerdy side, bookish in all senses of the word.
curly hair
brown eyes
wardrobe consists of sweaters exclusively
about: dex works as a chemist on the starbright project alongside sam and, after one too many late nights spent on research they realized the feelings they harbored for each other were those of more than just friends.
quiet, but brilliant
strange fascination for chemistry and biology
hired on originally as a data analyist for the starbright project
married to sam after his leap home
has two dogs, a german shepherd and a husky named melody and marley respectively
ship name: terminally good
[ gotham ]
name: dexter “cheshire” chester
age: 23
occupation: gang leader
physical: his grin as wicked as the cheshire cat himself, dexter dons stripes and a leather jacket to complete his look
catlike reflexes
nearly always high
blue eyes
bleached hair, a few purple streaks to accent it
never seen without his trusted smashin bat
about: having found his family through his gang, he runs the strays of gotham alongside his adopted sister queen, and finds his niche in illegal dealings
cares far too much for his “family”
gained the nickname cheshire from a combination of his gang’s name and the fact he always seems to disappear from the scene of the crime
peddles an experimental drug called “jabberwock” which is similar to speed as well as weapons and other illegal substances
ship name: down the rabbit hole
[ phantom of the opera ]
name: adonis
age: 20
occupation: performer ; actor / singer
physical: adonis knew from a young age that he hated his body. it simply felt wrong, and though he had a talent for the musical arts, he passed at the opportunity to perform in lieu of working as a stagehand, passing as male and taking the name adonis.
trans (ftm)
binds with a corset even though it isn’t healthy
dirty blonde hair
blue eyes
doesn’t own a single shirt that fits him properly
about: he caught the eye of erik when, on a whim, he sang aloud to himself on stage as he was readying the props for a show. erik was smitten from that day, intrigued by the young man and his strangely beautiful voice. since then, erik has helped adonis train his voice, and he now performs on stage and is very popular among the patrons of the theater. 
ship name: gods & monsters
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[ ahs ]
name: clarence miller
age: 20
occupation: performer
physical: born an albino, clarence miller was inducted into elsa mars’ freakshow at a young age, and now looks up to her like a mother. 
pale, pale, pale
nearly blind due to albinism
does not own any clothes that fit, actually
about: clarence is quiet and keeps to himself most of the time. while he doesn’t have any standout talents, he acts as a tickettaker for the freakshow
has a little pet lizard
falls asleep in the booth a lot
cannot go out in the sun for long
dandy can and WILL kill for him
ship name: dance macabre
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[ ghostbusters ]
name: oasis*
age: unknown* (deceased)
occupation: physicist / parapsychologist
physical: while he does seem human in all aspects, oasis is far from it.
extremely pale
white hair
green eyes
can and will appear behind u...nothin personnel, kid.....
just can’t stop floatin’ sometimes
about: *while oasis is not his real name, it was the name of the theory accredited to him, in which he believed there to be two planes of existence, one of the living and one of the dead that are consistently manipulated by each other, the phenomenon that results are noticeable but often disappear when investigated further, “Like a mirage, and oasis in the desert.”
ship name: oasis theorem
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