#lmao and none of them cried except me
iftitah · 9 months
being the pacemaker always cause me a breakdown + ruined mental health for 1 week why am i like this
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simpjaes · 18 days
ohmygod just imagine jake desperately fucking into you from the back while choking you without how hard he's doing it 😖 i can imagine him having really high libido and just losing all his senses (except touch obviously) while hes having sex so he can accidentally be TOO rough sometimes (except i would take anything from jake he can take me to the brink of death and id follow along)
sorry this ask is really messy im a terrible writer and i struggle with putting my thoughts down into words LMAO
Starts with him holding your arms behind your back, tightly, forcing that painful arch so he can hear you moan out for him. The more he loses his composure though, the less he realizes where his hands are.
He'd eventually let your hands go free only to land on your tits, grapping and groping through each powerful thrust and bounce of them, and then he'd slowly, without realizing it, slide his hands up, up, up, until he's got both hands on your neck and leaning himself back, forcing an even more painful arch out of you. his thrusts now would be short, tight, and deep. honestly, you'd probably be entirely in pain with how deep he's hitting, and how fucking stretched your body is in this position.
but he'd keep going, his ears ringing from pleasure and leading him to hear nearly none of your cries or pleads. up until he cums anyway, at that point he'd lean back harder, cutting your air supply off and bury himself stiff and as deep as he can go into you as he coats you from the inside. Panting and moaning behind you before his hands go weak and he's falling back while you fall forward, feeling a little numb, not realizing that you, yourself, got off at least twice since it all started.
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bepp-ers · 6 months
sorry for vanishing on yall i went to take a nap (for like 9 months)
headcanons about the obey me! brothers and the devildom that no-one asked for, in no particular order. because why not :)
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> asmodeus is kind of against piercings that aren't in the ear because they're 'tacky' and unsavoury.
> mammon had an aeroplane phase. he eventually settled on cars, but there are still a few plane magazines stashed in his wardrobe.
> lucifer has grey hair but like. way more than you'd think. he's just really good at hiding it. he may or may not have used some sort of magic to hide it, until eventually he gives up and starts to let it show. that's why in some artwork/pictures he has grey streaks, and in some he has none.
> beelzebub has tried to eat so many of the paintings in the HoL that they have to be sealed with magic, lest he devour another family portrait.
> barbatos' tail is "slimy" or "slick" because it's actually poisonous, like those frogs. that's why he doesn't like people touching it, except for that one picture where Solomon tries to touch it (i reckon he got tired of him trying to touch it so he just allows him to be poisoned lmao)
> demons will eat humans. this is a known fact, although it's usually only very low-level demons who are starving, or have succumbed to their sins completely who eat humans. beelzebub has thought about it a few times but he likes MC far too much to truly consider eating them.
> expanding on the last point, the Devildom is overpopulated. im calling it. i headcanon that demons (particularly glutton demons) casually partake in cannibalism. there are too many demons/other species and as such, the laws basically don't exist. the answer to overpopulation is basically murder, or cannibalism.
> the brothers don't try and tone down the more "demon" elements of themselves around MC until someone mentions that humans don't really like that kind of thing. MC has seen some SHIT man.
> leviathan refuses to eat fish or seafood because of Henry 2.0. mammon has 100% tricked him into eating like a fishcake or something. he definitely cried a lot that day.
> i think all of the brothers snore, except for belphegor (ironic huh). asmodeus adamantly denies snoring, but he does. mammon snores the loudest obviously. everyone else just snores a normal amount, and lucifer falls asleep in his chair/on the sofa a lot so his snoring is heard the most. he's a dad at heart.
> satan hates that people mistake him for lucifer. that's obvious. he hates it so much that he once wrote a book on the subject, under a pen name, and it was surprisingly popular. he doesn't think anyone knows he wrote it, but lucifer knows. he simply never said anything because he was secretly proud of satan for how well he could write.
hopefully these make sense. god i forgot just how much this game actually made me think. i love world building yarhhhhggh
> asmodeus is deathly afraid of head lice. that's it that's the headcanon.
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oh yeah the ole ask box is open. send me asks im so desperate ill take anything
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midknightwritings · 1 year
Anddd another request..I’m not sure if you’ve already done it but here you go..!
Again, if I broke any rules please ignore or delete this
How will these characters(Mika,Leo, and Izumi)react to you/reader crying for the first time?
Reader is a very “strong” levelheaded/serious person and no one has seen them cry before. Not even their own family(except the mom) or close friends
But of course, everyone has their limits and Reader has been so stressed out that they cried for the first time in years
What they didn’t know though was that their s/o was planning a surprise visit that very same day
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I’m Here For You
Synopsis : After dealing with constant stress for the past few months, today you finally reached a breaking point. Letting out your emotions in the comfort of your home, the last thing you would've expected was a surprise visit from your lovely partner.
Era : N / A
Warning/s : Stress / Overworking / Breakdown / Hurt & Comfort
Mentioned Character/s : G/N!Reader / Leo / Izumi / Mika
Word Count : 1,579
A/N : Shimeji anon this actually hits so close to home for me cuz I’m literally like that too LMAO I keep it in for ages until I flat out explode AHAHAHA Anyways~ Once again I'm really sorry this took forever but I hope you enjoy regardless 🥺 💕
Today was just awful, you could even argue that it was the worst day you've ever experienced in literal years. Various tasks and projects alike seemed to pile up due to the busy season that's currently happening but the problem was that none of your peers were pulling their weights… At all… Originally, you were tasked with handling a do-able job, which would’ve been simple to complete in itself. Yet, the problem was the fact that your part was heavily reliant on your peers' parts but, since your peers were doing absolutely nothing, you ended up having to do their work in order to meet the actual deadlines… So it’s safe to say that you were overwhelmed, stressed and overall just not having a great time.
You thanked every star in the sky and whatever higher being up there that you were able to hold yourself together throughout the day but, as you were packing away your things once you got back home, the emotional bottle within you finally bursted. Soft, quiet sobs escaped your lips as you tried to stop yourself by wiping the tears away but they kept on coming with no end in sight. So… after years of staying cool and keeping yourself together, you finally allowed yourself to shatter under the pressure and let everything out.
Leo Tsukinaga :
Leo wanted to surprise you with a new song that he composed so he climbed up the tree beside your bedroom window and was about to swing it open, [ usually he would throw rocks to get your attention but at some point you gave him a small key so he can unlock it from the outside before he ends up actually breaking the glass ], when he suddenly stopped as he felt his heart shatter at the sight that laid before him. You were curled up in your bed as your shoulders shook from how hard you were crying, your sobs emanated throughout the room as Leo looked at you worryingly. So he opened the window carefully before he hopped onto your bedroom floor.
This caused you to perk up but you didn’t even have the emotional capacity to hide your emotions as you desperately tried to wipe away your tears instead. Leo could tell that you were trying to calm yourself down and he had his own idea to help you with that! With a big smile and his signature laugh, he tackled you into a bear hug and smoldered you with kisses, no part of your face was spared. He even kissed the tears away before he snuggled into the crook of your neck.
Leo isn’t good with words and he knows that so, instead of fumbling to say the right thing, he started to hum a gentle melody instead.
At this point, he has you in an embrace where you’re both cuddling each other, your head's resting against his chest as you could hear the rhythmic beating of his heart while he hummed his ballad dedicated to you. His hums caused small rumbles in his chest that could be felt through the embrace. You both stayed like this for a while as you let everything out before finally calming down. Through it all, Leo was even playing with your hair as he comforted you.
Once you were ok, he would pepper you with kisses once again as he proudly proclaims how much “I love you!” His kisses are light, causing you to giggle from how ticklish they were.
“Wahaha~☆ You’re laughing again! Ah~ Your laugh is a wonderful melody, my muse! I can feel inspiration gushing forth once more!”
For the rest of the night, Leo would distract you from your thoughts by playing games, singing songs or just generally doing anything to make sure that your project doesn’t even cross your mind. After all, to Leo…
Your smile is the most beautiful thing in the entire galaxy.
Izumi Sena :
Izumi came to visit you because he was worried. Your last text seemed a bit off. There was no logical reason behind this feeling. To anyone else, it seemed like a regular message from you but Izumi’s gut feeling told him otherwise… And he was right. Izumi had a spare key since he would often come over to cook for you and just take care of you in general, and he would even proclaim how much he hated waiting outside, so when he entered your house to see you curled into yourself on the couch, his eyes widened with worry as he walked up towards you.
This was the first time Izumi has ever seen you cry, so it was a bit jarring for him as he didn’t know how to comfort you. He knew he shouldn’t say anything sarcastic or harsh, since that would most likely make you cry even more, so he just sat beside you and wrapped his arm around your shoulders before pulling you close.
The two of you stayed like that as you gripped onto his shirt and cried into it, your tears made his outfit wet but that’s not important right now… What’s more important is the fact that you’re releasing all the pent up emotions within you, and Izumi will be that shoulder you can cry on in order to achieve that. No words were exchanged as a comforting silence surrounded the two of you, the sensation of him gently rubbing your back helped you greatly.
Izumi’s quick to figure out what must’ve happened. After all, the timing of everything lined up perfectly; One moment you were venting to him about your peers and your project, the next you’re crying by yourself at home. It doesn’t take a detective to figure out that the problem stemmed from your project and peers alike.
Once you finally calmed down and your sobs turned into small sniffles, Izumi would take some tissues and wipe away your tears, all the while mumbling about how you look “absolutely awful” but his tone clearly implies that he just hated seeing you in such a state of anguish.
“Come here... Go wash your face and freshen up. I better not see any more tears or snot when you get back, am I clear?!” [ Translation : Go and wash your face, it’ll help make you feel better. I’ll still be here waiting for you when you’re done. ]
This is when Mama Sena kicks in as he immediately starts to take care of you in order to make you feel better. Just relax as he cooks a hearty dinner that will surely take your breath away! What’s that? You still need to work on your project even when you’re at home? There’s no way in hell Izumi would let you do that all alone! So c’mon, don’t be annoying and explain the details already! Let him help while he’s here because…
He’ll do everything in his power to make sure you’re not carrying this type of burden alone ever again.
Mika Kagehira :
Mika stood outside your door anxiously as he fidgeted on the spot. Usually you would answer the moment he rang the doorbell or, at least, yell through the door that you were coming to open it. So the fact that he didn’t hear anything for a while caused him to immediately assume the worst, and seeing your puffy eyes when you did open the door freaked him out.
You thought you hid your breakdown well but the moment Mika asked you what was wrong, as his heterochromatic eyes were filled to the brim with worry, you couldn’t help but fall apart once again. Small confused noises and squeaks left his lips as he guided you back inside your house, closing your front door with his foot, before pulling you into a comforting hug.
You both just stood there as he slightly swayed you from side to side, all the while he would rub your back, caress your hair, and pretty much do everything he could to try and get you to calm down as you continued to cry into his chest.
He didn’t know what happened, and the fact that you were seriously so distraught that even you of all people started to cry, caused millions of thoughts to run through his head. You’re known to be so calm and level-headed, even through the most challenging moments Mika could ever imagine, so he knew that whatever happened seriously affected you to the core.
The moment your tears dried up and you slowly stopped crying, Mika would pull you into a more tighter, but still gentle, embrace. Small hushes would leave his lips as he would comfort you to the best of his abilities and, once you were ok, you would both pull away from the hug. Mika would wipe any remaining tears off your cheeks as he would give you a soft smile. It had a hint of worry within it, but that’s just because he wanted to make sure that you’re genuinely ok again.
“No buts! I ain’t hearin’ them from ya! Imma stay here till yer feelin’ better n’ that’s final!”
Mika would be there by your side for the rest of the night, listening intently to your vents and rambles about the entire situation as he would even make some comments here and there about your whole ordeal. Overall, he would be there for you to let it all out because, at the end of the day…
He doesn’t want to see you crumble again in the future…
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verysium · 8 months
ive always imagined mrs itoshi to be a really energetic woman. you know those middle aged women that are just so youthful, you can feel her energy and aura when she's in the room. and she would definitely love saes gf. because sae has a personality totally opposite to hers but after committing to a relationship he learns a lot from you and you encourage him to to strengthen his family bonds. she would LOVE spending time with you, talk to you about fashion and gossip. she'd call you her daughter in lawww omg shut up i love her
🥲 *cries in heavily dysfunctional mommy issues* when will it finally be my turn to experience the kind and loving touch of a middle-aged woman? sae better treasure his mama or else i'm gonna steal her from him when he's not looking.
on a more realistic note, i do think mama itoshi would be the type of person who simply doesn't age. there is something irrevocably uplifting and youthful about her, and i think that has a lot to do with the adversity she's faced throughout her lifetime both as a woman and a mother. even though she's soft-spoken, she is firm and headstrong. definitely knows what she wants. she always tells sae that the strongest people are the ones who smile, no matter what life puts them through. (obviously, that lesson flew right over sae's head cus he looks perpetually depressed but whatever...)
i honestly don't think sae has a strong attachment with either parent, but he isn't averse to them either. it's the small things that you pick up about him. how he never lets anyone touch him but stays still when his mother to brush his bangs back. how he never buys those expensive lunch meals during practice because he prefers his mother's homemade bentos. how he doesn't like to show unnecessary emotion but cracks a small smile at his mama's kitchen antics.
idk if it's just me, but i also feel like his mother was the stricter of the two parents. both sae and rin were forced to become self-sufficient from a young age. walked themselves to practice. bought snacks with their own allowance. sae even took a train ride to tokyo by himself to find a representative agent. not saying their parents weren't supportive, but they definitely weren't a constant presence either.
i think what sae needs is time. time to process his youth and to reconcile with his family (both his parents and brother ofc). i feel like he went through a lot of parentification, and undoing that will require a lot of patience. this would probably happen in his late twenties to late thirties, once he's well-established or even retired from football. with so much time on his hands, he has nothing to do but reflect. emotionally mature sae will be very different from current sae.
mama itoshi does welcome you kindly. mostly because none of the itoshis ever fathomed sae getting involved with someone seriously. i just know she has good skincare, so you two probably have girls-only nights where you two do nothing except watch TV dramas and wear face masks. i don't think she's particularly physically affectionate, but she does show her love through cooking. always pinches your cheek fat and tells you that you aren't eating enough (typical asian parent thing to do lmao.) also cuts up random fruits and places it beside your desk lamp while you're working.
i feel like sae has a bit of a hard time coming to terms with the way you assimilate into his family. he already feels like a stranger in his own home, but when his mother treats you like her daughter-in-law, it really gets him thinking. can he be normal? is this what it's like to be normal? is it really okay to have this? long story short, he probably has to reason with himself for one thousand and one nights before he decides he's actually going to marry you.
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sasaranurude · 11 months
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Coly, the company behind Mahoyaku and Stand My Heroes, have announced a new game. Some friends and I realized that despite looking somewhat generic at first glance, it's got a handful of intriguing things going on with it! So here's a quick kind of long introduction to/my thoughts on Break My Case!
First: the website! The music on the site is really good! Go listen while you read this post!! There are 12 people listed as composers in the credits page, and it seems most every VA involved has at least a bit of experience with singing or music projects. The tone is a bit dark for a rhythm game (though I'm not ruling that out entirely), but otherwise it seems like there's gonna be a music focus. Cool! As far as other staff goes--the main scenario writer is also the writer of Stand My Heroes, and the character designer is Utako Yukihiro, who also did some work for B-Project.
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The story concerns a cafe with a myriad of eccentric employees that runs an after-hours service where they solve problems. The exact nature of all this is left pretty vague.
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And the draw for a game like this: The characters! Interestingly, they're divided into different departments at the cafe. What exactly those departments do isn't clear yet. As for the characters themselves--the more we looked at them, the more we liked them, lol. Quick summaries about what intrigued us about each guy. Note that these are not translations, none of us are fluent in Japanese (we all know just enough to get by with the google+jisho combo lol), and this should all be taken with a grain of salt.
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The Main Office, consisting of Ai Kosaka, Yuzuru Kise, and Roka Suoh. (Names are listed in western given-family order because that's what the site uses for romanized names.) Roka is the one who owns the cafe, is the oldest character in the bunch at 36, and is that fun "mysterious guy with unknown backstory and an endless amount of weird acquaintances, who acts incompetent but might actually be hypercompetent" type of trope.
On account of the whole acting-incompetent thing, Ai and Yuzuru run the actual cafe business. And normally I won't be including fullbody character art in this post but I have to make an exception just this once.
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Tumblr won't let me put four images in a row. Come on man. I wanna maintain the BMC's site style. Why are you mean to me. Anyways. The Simulation Department, consisting of Kou Ayato, Mao Ukyo, Akehoshi Hinomiya, and Yuragi Kanno. "Simulation" is its English name given on the site, but the Japanese given would probably read more like "relationship department".
Kou is a footloose playboy and Mao is a serious intellectual type, but apparently Kou will ask Mao to pretend to be his girlfriend so that he can avoid trouble with women. That's gay. I love that. (Mao is a guy [as far as we know], he just likes makeup--he's not the only one in that cast who does, either!) We all want Mao's outfit.
Akehoshi was a sleeper hit in the group chat, because his bio has a sentence about how he's the most normal-looking-yet-dangerous employee at the cafe, and also explicitly describes him as being like a dog, and naturally we all went crazy for the silly puppy as soon as we realized that he was in fact a silly puppy. Yuragi, on the other hand, likes cats. Such a classic for his character design trope, lmao.
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The Administrative Department, consisting of Taiga Tsukimoto, Haruhi Ichikawa, and Sei Okiya. Taiga looks cool but if you look at his fullbody he's wearing awful sweatpants and apparently he cries while watching anime. I love this for him. Haruhi is a streamer because that's like an obligatory character trope now I guess. Sei was very popular in the group chat for being the single most suspicious character in the cast. What's his problem.
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The Watchdog Department (or enforcement department, if you translate the jpn) consists of Shizuka Fushimi, Takeru Mikado, Soyogu Shinkai, and Shinobu Aizawa.
My friend described Shizuka as a "wet looking glasshole" and yeah. ok. unfortunately he does look like that. But it's ok he's allowed because his bio says he prefers quiet, orderly places with plants and no people and keeps to himself in common spaces but his own room is a complete mess. AKA he's an autism king. So I like him.
Takeru was obviously a hit because look at them. Takeru and Mao talk about makeup together, apparently. CUTE! Shinobu is the most fashionable guy in the cast and his bio says he has a few screws loose, which is amazing. Good for him. I have nothing to say about Soyogu I think I forgot he existed until I was putting this post together and I only looked at these all guys a few hours ago
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The Negotiation Department, with Kiho Arima, Kyoya Shido, and Riku Tateshina. I described this group as "grandma, grandpa, and Columbo" and then the group chat couldn't call any of them anything else. And I do mean grandma. Because. ok. another fullbody. Because oh my god we have to look at Kiho.
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GIRL. WHAT. IS. THAT. YOU'RE WEARING A CARPET. YOU'RE WEARING A COUCH. kiho is apparently a fortune teller and my friend acted as if this excused the outfit but i DONT agree i don't think anything excuses this. WHAT IS THAAAAAT
Kyoya is an artist and Riku is a psychologist so honestly this is a really fun bunch of jobs going on in this department. Riku is described as someone who falls in love easily, and he's most interested in Ai (from the Main Office, the very first guy in this post). We couldn't tell if the implication there is that he's in love with Ai, or if he falls in love with random people and yet his true attention always drifts back to Ai. Both of these options are gay.
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The ST (special tasks) Department, with Yomose Onda, Yu Nina, Kamiya, and Urara Manami.
Yu had his life saved by Tomose and has now dedicated himself to him, to the point of being ready to die for him. YOU GOTTA LOVE THAT. INCREDIBLE TROPE. UNBEATABLE. GAY AS HELL. All we know from Tomose's side is that he's "fond" of Yu. That's fine I'm sure you can learn to love him. Or learn to hate him. Whatever's more entertaining.
Kamiya has no memory, hence the singular name. I'm sure whatever's going on there is weird and interesting. Urara is the youngest character, at 20. THAT'S RIGHT. THE YOUNGEST CHARACTER IS 20. THERE ARE ZERO TEENAGERS! THE AVERAGE CHARACTER AGE IS AROUND 26. THIS SHOULDN'T BE AS NOTABLE AS IT IS BUT THAT'S GACHA GAMES FOR YOU. Anyways I like Urara because I think he looks like an angry kitty.
Anyways, that's the gist of what we know about BMC--or BreMai, if you wanna go for something closer to the jpn abbreviation--right now. More info might drop at/around Animate Girls Fest, since they seem to be giving out game beta codes there. I don't know if I'm completely sold on it just yet--coly did just have a detective-themed gacha game fail a few months ago with &0. But we're not even completely sure it is a gacha yet, or what kind of gameplay it might have otherwise, so... there's a bit of hope. Maybe it'll be a weird cool dark rhythm game! Who knows!!!
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Oh this is my moment to shine! I'd kill for a Polin fic with lots of pinning Colin! Like Book universe and his comments making Pen suddenly seem available (and everyone thought they had been courting) like a "did you know they broke their courtship" so at around 1817 if I'm not incorrect in my time-line, at two and twenty one year short of getting herself into early spinsterhood (as it starts at 23) she finds herself overwhelmed by choices she had no idea she had and Colin has to come back to face that the "I never asked you to" might hurt more than she thought now that she might never actually have to.
Challenge Accepted: Ooooh, I’m defs more confident in writing Polin, but as I’m drunk I’m beyond curious how my drunk mind will interpret this prompt. Can I even write a good pining Colin oneshot? Idk, you decide lmao. *Sidenote: I hope I read your prompt properly and met the brief*
Post script: This turned out longer than I anticipated, but I do very much love it. I don't think it met the brief/what you wanted, but I hope you still like it. Maybe sober me will want to write Penelope's POV on everything so you understand her struggle about the courtship/chatter etc stuff. Either way, Hope you enjoy.
Colin Bridgerton – popular charmer of the ton, known for his grinning smirks and promise of cheeky quips – could only stare with something unnameable stirring in his chest after the dancing redhead on the floor.
‘How…. How has It come to this?’ he couldn’t help but think. ‘When…. When did she become so brightly revered by more than just him?’
“Well, brother, I can very much confirm you are indeed a fool to have claimed to never wish to marry Miss Penelope Featherington,” Benedict couldn’t help but comment.
Colin scowled, his mouth twisting sourly as he snatched the glass from his brother’s hand and downed the beverage in one go. The sickly sweet drink only furthered the discomfort in his belly, but Colin ignored it in favour of glowering after the dancing duo on the floor.
“Look at them,” he muttered, “First it was a Mr Danksworth, then it was a Mr Anderson and now!”
Colin growled and snatched the pastry Benedict was preparing to bite into. He scoffed the pastry down in two large bites and angrily chewed past his mouthful. When he’d swallowed the last of the pastry he huffed and snarled the last name past his lips.
“And now there she dances with Lord Debling!”
“Oh look, indeed she does…” Benedict sarcastically drawled.
But that was not the worst of it! The worst of it was that besides the three earlier named gentlemen, on the edges of the ballroom remained the waiting rest. Colin knew them all by name. Several of them were men he once might’ve thought of as friendly acquaintances but now regarded as disgusting swine hungering after his dearest friend – his Pen.
“You know brother…..” Benedict began his tone filled with humour just short of mockery. “ I don’t understand how this isn’t something you expected.”
Colin turned abruptly at Benedict’s words, his nostrils flaring with incredulity and his eyes burning with anger at the implication in his brother’s tone. Benedict continued to ignore Colin’s incensed state and musingly continued his commentary.
“Perhaps if you’d only –“
Benedict never got to finish his sentence, and even if he did Colin likely wouldn’t have heard it anyway. The music had come to an end and Colin was pushing past the crowd closer to where Penelope and Lord Debling were finishing their dance parting.
“COLIN!” Eloise cried as she latched onto his arm and attempted to drag him away from his current destination. He very near threw her off him, uncaring for the eyes subtly watching them from all angles. None of them mattered. None….. except for Penelope who stared at him with something he could only liken to…. Indifference.
“Let go of me,” he snarled lowly, but Eloise only tightened her grip.
“You must come with me,” she hissed.
“I mustn’t do anything,” he snapped back.
“Brother!” Anthony warned from his other side where he suddenly appeared.
“I am doing nothing,” Colin insisted as he winced under Anthony’s tight grip.
“You are embarrassing yourself,” Eloise whispered.
And he was.
He knew he was.
He could hear the growing whispers in the room, some full of pity, some mocking, but many full of judgment. Colin very suddenly wanted to laugh. Who were they to judge him? All because of one comment –  a single sentence said without thought and consideration under the influence of alcohol and peer pressure.
He was a fool.
But fools could still learn, they could still earn forgiveness and right their mistakes.
Fools still held hope.
“Colin…. If not for yourself then for Penelope’s sake, come with us” Eloise hissed.
And that was the key to his obedience.
Colin chanced one last lingering glance towards the woman in question, her red curled hair hard to miss among the crowd. She was watching him still, her expression as indifferent as ever but her eyes…. Her eyes…… her eyes were pleading.
It was the plea in her eyes that ultimately swayed him, and he let himself be tugged away by his siblings.
“I only wished to ask her for a dance,” Colin later mumbled.
Eloise had left them with a conflicted expression, it wasn’t pity but something incredibly close to it. Anthony chose to stay and so the two brothers sat on a stone bench in the gardens while the ball continued inside.
“I only wished to ask for a dance,” Colin repeated, unsure if he were trying to convince Anthony or himself.
“Colin…..” Anthony sighed.
The brothers let silence form between them, the air heavy with unspoken opinions on the many ways this was the consequence of one’s foolish mistake. There was no use in lecturing, so Anthony made no move to do so. Everyone with eyes could see the effect losing Penelope Featherington’s sole reverence and attention had on Colin Bridgerton.
“What can I do?” Colin eventually asked his brother.
Here, was a moment where both men wished their late father still lived. Unfortunately, Edmund Bridgerton was far beyond their reach and so Anthony forced himself to attempt, once again, to fill his shoes for the sake of his siblings.
“Perhaps, you should first ask yourself why marrying Miss Featherington is so unthinkable for you,” Anthony suggested.
It took several seconds for Colin to answer, but when he did, Anthony felt his neck ache from how fast he twisted in shock to look at his moping younger brother.
“She’s not…..”
“I-I’ve never said marrying Penelope was unthinkable,” Colin quietly confessed.
“Colin, you clearly announced to a gathering of men, and I quote, ‘Are you mad? I would never dream of marrying Penelope Featherington!” Anthony reminded with a slightly patronising glare.
“Yes, but I didn’t mean it the way it was heard!” Colin exclaimed.
Anthony blinked then threw his hands up in exasperation.
“Then how else did you mean it? In what way was what you said in any form capable of being misinterpreted!?”
“I-I…. “Colin stammered with frustration.
Colin very suddenly stood to his feet, pacing back and forth while gripping at his hair with frustration. Anthony continued to sit and watch, forcing himself to remain patient with his struggling brother. When the words finally came, they were rather disappointing.
“What I meant to say is that I would never dream of marrying Penelope!” Colin repeated with special emphasis on some words.
Anthony gave him a droll stare in reply and a very damning judgmental arched brow.
“Damn it! You don’t understand!”
“Because you are failing to explain yourself in proper English without an ounce of logic!”
“I don’t dream of Penelope!” Colin exclaimed with frustration.
“Oh, well done brother, that’s so much better,” Anthony drawled with a roll of his eyes and a disappointed frown.
“I don’t dream of Penelope! I would never! I-“ Colin cut himself off looking incredibly frustrated while his ears burned.
But Anthony very suddenly had an epiphany. It was the way Colin had phrased his wording that triggered his revelation. The sound of his voice as he struggled to find his words. All of it was a mirroring example of the way Anthony struggled to explain his affections for Kate while still courting Edwina.
“Then allow me to ask you one simple question, Colin….”
Anthony waited until Colin gave a very slow and subdued nod before he spoke.
“What exactly is Miss Penelope to you?”
“Milk,” Colin blurted.
Anthony is sure his expression revealed his judgement, but Colin was doing an expert job rivalling a Tomato’s redness. The younger brother hastily elaborated on his previous one-word answer.
“I mean she’s the feeling one gets while drinking warm milk after a night of terror.”  
Anthony nodded to show he understood but Colin mistook it to mean the elder brother wanted more explanation.
“She’s the sweet satisfaction of chocolate after fencing practice. The feeling of knowing indulging in too much of it will make you sick but still doing so because…. Well because why not?”
Anthony blinked and realised it didn’t matter what response he gave; Colin was no longer listening.
“Penelope is…. She’s the warmth one feels while reading by the fire and the refreshing sensation of rain in a hot summer. She’s a candle lit in a dark room in the middle of the night, the anchor to a ship adrift the ocean…. She’s…..”
Anthony waited but Colin seemed to lose the reverent gleam in his eyes and begin to wilt. The Viscount also noticed the coming of three shadows from the corner of his eyes, but he kept his silence about their approach.
“She’s what?” Anthony prompted instead.
“She’s not someone to be ignored. She is someone to be treasured. She is someone precious and rare and…. Not for the likes of someone like me.”
Anthony saw one of the three intruders move to step towards them, but they were finally getting somewhere regarding all this nonsense. The Viscount spoke loudly, almost as if he were scolding Colin.
“What do you mean someone like you? What exactly is the matter with you?”
Colin laughed, the sound tinged with bitterness and self-deprecation, something nobody would expect from Colin Bridgerton.
“I am not titled, and my wealth is only thanks to your generosity. I have nothing to my name beyond the Bridgerton reputation.”
“You are a traveller,” Anthony argued, knowing it was perhaps the weakest positive he could name about Colin’s character.
“And what woman would wish to marry a man who hungers to roam constantly in search of something he cannot name!?”
“You are being ridiculous, Colin, many women wish to marry you!” Anthony argued.
“Many women wish to marry a Bridgerton and all the benefits it will give them. No woman wishes to marry simply because I am me.”
One of the three shadows shifted closer towards the light – revealing a distinctive hair colour that could not be ignored. Anthony took the opportunity to redirect his conversation with Colin to its initial topic.
“But how does Miss Featherington fit into this nonsense?”
Colin snorted; his back still facing to where the three shadows now moved closer to join them.
“Penelope deserves so much more, more than I have to offer, more than I’ve yet to earn. She is destined for something greater, sure to discover some grand purpose while I will always be left chasing after something unknown.”
The shadowed three were now illuminated by the garden lights, and Anthony tries his best not to react to their presence. Not while Colin is in the middle of confessing his truth unknowingly to the woman who deserves to hear it most.
“So, I don’t dream of her. I won’t dare to think of her beyond friendship. I can’t…… I am to her only a very dearly regarded friend….  And I am certainly not going to marry Penelope Featherington.”
Colin lets out another self-deprecating laugh that sounds strangled while his eyes shine with unshed tears. “Penelope deserves so much more than me, and no matter how greedy I am, I would never wish to trap her in a life where she would be miserable.”
Anthony watched Colin’s eyes widen in panic, then fear before he twisted to face the short red-haired woman trembling behind him.
“Pen….” Colin breathlessly whispered.
Penelope was shaking where she stood, her face red and her eyes shiny with her own unshed tears. Behind her hovered Benedict and Eloise, both looking uncomfortable but far too curious to walk away.
“I never asked you to marry me,” she said.
“Penelope I-“
“And I never, not once expected you to.” She continued.
Colin swallowed but his eyes never left the trembling woman before him.
“I’m so sorry,” he whispered.
“Why are you apologising!?” she yelled.
Colin flinched, but he didn’t take back his apology. Penelope scowled at him, her eyes filling once more, but she stubbornly willed them away. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before she regarded the downtrodden gentleman across from her.
“You, Colin Bridgerton are the most infuriating idiotic man I have ever had the misfortune of caring for,” Penelope abruptly blurted.
Colin said nothing, accepting her words without an argument which only further annoyed her. Penelope heard Eloise’s sharp inhale and knew her favoured Bridgerton had caught the specific wording in her sentence. Penelope then scowled at the man still refusing to meet her gaze properly.
“Viscount Bridgeton!” Penelope sharply addressed.
Anthony startled at her sudden address – inwardly marvelling at her audacity to call on him with such tone – but very quickly regained his composure.
“Please expect my visit tomorrow so we may further discuss my dowry.”
“What?” Colin blurted from shock, echoed by Benedict, and accompanied by Eloise’s laughter.
“I’ll expect our mamas would schedule the wedding for after the season, but I intend to negotiate the dates. Eloise of course is expected to stand by my side at the altar, I’m sure you understand.”
“What?” Colin repeated, this time echoed by Anthony who looked gobsmacked.
Benedict had seemingly come to some realisation and was now joining Eloise with her laughter. Penelope then turned to Colin; her expression was full of exasperation but her eyes…. Her eyes were filled with mischief and….. an emotion Colin dared not to hope for.
“Oh, for God’s sake Colin, are you going to marry me or not?” she said with an impatient stomp of her foot.
“Y-You’re proposing…..To ME!?” Colin gaped, ignoring the loud cackling of Benedict and Eloise behind Penelope.
Penelope stared at him with a twist to her lips that almost distracted him, but he managed to control himself by focusing on the mischief in her eyes.
“Well, why not? You’ve made it very clear that you – for some ridiculous reason – won’t dare to ask me, yet you clearly wish to.”
“B-But what about Lord Debling? Or Mr Dankworth and Mr Anderson!?” Colin named with a scowl.
Penelope blinked back at him with a shrug of her shoulders.
“What about them?”
“You were courting them!!!” Colin roared, his temper flaring due to his jealousy.
Penelope however only smiled, and she dared to saunter closer to him.
“To be precise…. I was never courting them. It was them attempting to court me and if you wish to place blame somewhere you only need to look in a mirror, Colin Bridgerton.”
Colin swallowed, his mouth dry with want and his heart aching with hope.
“You, perhaps, never allowed yourself to dream of marrying me, or even dared to think it….. But I have spent many years wondering how lovely it would be to marry you.”
Colin knew this was not done.
A woman was not supposed to propose to a man….. and yet….. Penelope Featherington was looking up at him with honest eyes full of…. Love.
“Marry me Colin Bridgerton,” She whispered.
This time, Colin let himself dream of marrying Penelope Featherington.
He let his imagination soar and abandoned his heart to its reckless yearning for his dearest friend – his beloved Pen….. and he said…..
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imaginespazzi · 7 months
Hi bestie 🥰
Sorry it took me a lil while to check in but I wanted to make sure I formed some sensical thoughts after reading part 1! Although, this might actually all be non-sensical because I’m still reeling from it all and I’m nowhere near as articulate but anyway, here goes (side note: am I listening to if the world was ending while writing this? you bet I am):
WOW WOW WOW, the beginning? My heart broke immediately and as the biggest angst fiend, I was like oh- this- this is gonna be immaculate I already know.
And of course it was. OF COURSE IT WAS.
The photos of them on the wall?? And Paige’s realisation of how much she fucked up cos Azzi never once let go even though Paige ignored her for a WHOLE FUCKING YEAR!!!
The flashback to when Azzi broke the UCLA news to Paige; yeah you ATE that. I know you said you might take inspiration from my suggestion and that’s pretty much how it played out in my mind, only your version was a hundred thousand times better- like the talent is just unmatched.
Paige’s first reaction being “BUT YOU NAMED YOUR DOG STEWIE!!!!” Is so fucking real lmao, I laughed and cried.
Nika standing ten toes down for her twin always, I respect it.
And Jealous Paige? Yeah my favourite trope fr ✊ (also the fact that she already got jealous of carol of all ppl?? lmao, i can't even imagine how she'd react to seeing Azzi with someone that's actually into her 😭)
And then the ending?? You’re sick for that cos see now that’s all I’ll be thinking about until we get the next part (making your fics my roman empire? it’s only fair)
Thoughts on what might come next (which you should totally ignore if it's not what you have in mind bcos again, your brain >>> my pea-sized brain):
Imma need Paige to suffer a lot bit LMAO, like sorry to her but girlie deserves to pay for freezing out princess FOR A YEAR.
Like I know that’s the love of your life Azzi babygirl, but you better make blondie work. beg. grovel.
I also feel like Azzi’s teammates wouldn’t be so accepting of Paige straight away? They’d be super protective of Azzi cos like that’s pookie, who wouldn’t be?? And they were the ones who witnessed just how much she was hurting during her freshman year and how often she waited for a call that never came, so yeah Paige really gonna have to prove herself 😌
Anyhooo, to sum it up, you outdid yourself and then some bestie. Your stories genuinely give me the best escape from reality and I cannot express how thankful I am for you taking the time and effort to write masterpieces like that for us.
Oh finally, the tagline for the story being "everything changes, except the ending" - pure genius, in my humble opinion.
Until next time 💗
-🙋‍♀️ (I’ve decided to fully stick to this as my signature)
Hi bestieeee, I'm so, so, so, glad you liked it. Like I wanted everyone to like it of course, but you especially, it's very important to me that you like it.
Bestie, you helped so much with how Azzi would reveal it/Paige's reaction, like so much of that is your brain work, I just put it into words and I'm glad it turned out how you imagined it.
Lmao I wanted Paige's initial reaction to be so random and I was like WAIT, how is she going to bring a dog named Stewie to UCLA (again more proof that it was always gonna be UConn for her).
Jealous Paige is my favorite version of Paige because it's a) really fun to write and b) really hot to imagine. And it's only going to get worse for her.
Nika needs to be team Paige because I fear Azzi's teammates are about to be menaces to her and not in a good way.
I was actually gonna end it with Azzi running out and then have none of the stuff outside but I think it was important for them to have that conversation and I wanted them to kiss teehee
My current (loose) summary for the next part in terms of plot is "Azzi goes on a date and Paige goes insane" so trust bestie, blondie will in fact suffer. 😈
Always so happy to see you babe, come back with more suggestions or just to ki-ki whenever. 💗💗💗
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fractured-shield · 3 months
OC interview tag
thanks for the tag @honeybewrites! going to do this one about Therien
Were you named after anyone?
Technically no? Except, I do have a family name if that counts. It's a cultural thing, from where my papa grew up, nobody really uses surnames over here. I think it's sort of pretty.
When was the last time you cried?
Hm...can't remember. (it was maybe a day ago when she heard a nice song, she cries very easily)
Do you have any kids?
Oh, gods no. Do I look like I'm enough of an adult to be responsible for anyone? I probably won't, either. Kids are fine and all, but I'm not really into the 'taking someone to bed' part of it.
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
...Define 'a lot.' I think I use sarcasm a normal amount.
What is the first thing you notice about people?
I don't know, maybe if it feels like I can trust them? Not like actual trust, but if they're...I don't know, going to yell at you for getting underfoot, or actually talk to you, that kind of thing.
What is your eye color?
Light brown. Kind of plain, I don't really like it.
Scary movies or happy endings?
I'm fine with either, but I think I prefer happy endings, even if they're sort of corny.
Any special talents?
...No, I don't think so. Sorry.
Where were you born?
In Tarnuvin, which is one of the big refugee cities made after the old kingdoms fell. It's right up against the Amarec Mountains, just below the Tessil where it flows through Ferynd.
Do you have any pets?
I mean, a horse—he's not technically mine, though, he's Third Watch property, but he was given to me in Rhorn halfway through my courier assignment there, since I needed a fresh horse to ride north. He's kind of small, so none of the other guards like using him, and they have their preferred horses anyway.
What sort of sports do you play?
I've competed in some of the festival competitions in Tarnuvin, like exhibition sparring and sword-dance. I'm not very good at them, but they're usually fun.
How tall are you?
...Not very, but I can't remember an exact number. (She's 5ft even)
What was your favorite subject in school?
I really enjoyed learning languages, but they never came easily to me. So, Cenaith is my first language, and naturally I learned Common alongside it, but I also studied Riddana and a little bit of Ikhanan for practical reasons, and Fairalmin because my mother convinced my papa that it was alright to teach me his native language if he wanted to. I'm still sort of slow at reading it, though.
What is your dream job?
I...huh, I've never thought about a dream job, it's more if the job gets me where I want to be, you know? I like working with Tarnuvin's Watch, they're good people, and I like helping with council paperwork. Anything I can do to get my papa to do less work, I guess. There's nothing I really want for myself beyond that.
leaving an open tag on this one too since I think most people I could tag have already been tagged by someone else lmao—but seriously, feel free to join in!
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elmaxlys · 2 years
If you're still doing the ask game 003 for Roma! Mom. (negative yet affectionate).
I never stop ask games, honestly xD so long as there's a way to know which one you're referring to, i'm always open haha!
And aaaah thank youu!! Mom indeed 🥰 (it is, after all, one of her names uwu)
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you:
How I feel about this character:
She is my sunshine. I have this illness called every TG character makes me weep and Roma is the exception. Roma puts love, happiness and everything that's good in the world in my heart and a smile on my lips. She is sooo funny and cute and, you know? I love her so much.
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character:
None, aroace queen 🤡💚
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character:
Her kids (Souta and Shiko) like oh my god. Yeah okay I can cry about Roma but only in relation to her kiddies. The way, you know. She died. Protecting Souta. The way that despite everything (like listening to him getting tortured and enjoying it) she always looked out for Shikorae. The cute nicknames she has for them..
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Also the Clowns in general. I cannot articulate how much they mean to me. Bunch of depressed misfits finding joy, beauty and laughter anywhere they can not to die. Alone, yet somehow always together.
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(they're just like me fr)
My unpopular opinion about this character:
No one fucking talks about her so by design everything I think is unpopular lmao *cries*
This is a half joke. The actual answer is that I think she did genuinely care about Shiko and Souta. Also I think half of what she said in her flashback is false.
One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon:
Any interaction at all with Donato oh my god why wasn't Donato in 128??? I am forever mourning what will never be.. Between Mister "I don't care" Impassive (liar) and Miss "I don't care" Bundle of Sunshine (also a liar), it would have been sooo good. And not just because they're my favorite characters *ahem*
Also goodness lord I wish she hadn't died OTL Shiko found himself with NO ONE with Souta and Roma dead. Legit, the other Clowns just. went on with their lives with no regards for him (*whispers* 179 isn't real 179 isn't real 179 isn't r-) and Takizawa went god knows where and everyone is hunting him and hhhhhh Roma wouldn't have stood for that, fight me
Favorite friendship for this character:
Again with the Clowns, specifically Souta. Just because she called him Sou-chan? Maybe.
My crossover ship:
None, aroace queen 🤡💚
The ask game
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15 Qs / 15 Mutuals
tagged by @fearty <3 <3 <3
1. Are you named after anyone? my birth name, no, but my name that i go by (emilio) yes (and i will take this opportunity to tell you all to read the sparrow).
2. When was the last time you cried? i'm latinx and irish. i don't talk about these things even with a gun to my head.
3. Do you have kids? absolutely not omg what am i a child bride
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? probably too much 😭
5. What's the first thing you notice about people? i hardly leave the house tbh
6. What's your eye color? it's dark brown except for sometimes in the sun it's green.
7. Scary movies or happy endings? scary forever!!!!!!
8. Any special talents? i have perfect pitch and can sing literally any song as long as i know the lyrics.
9. Where were you born? in the united states. i hate it here lmao
10. What are your hobbies? reading, writing, and coloring mainly, but i'm hardly doing any of that right now because i'm severely depressed.
11. Have you any pets? two cats <3 one is a persian himalayan mix and the other is a norweigan cat maine coon mix!! <3
12. What sports do you play/have you played? i used to irish dance and fence before my disabilities nerfed me to the point where i can't lol i also used to play soccer, but i quit that so fast because it was too much for me.
13. How tall are you? almost definitely shorter than you
14. Favorite subject in school? none of them!!!! i hated school!!!!!!!!! my fav class was my film class my senior year tho.
15. Dream job? i do not dream of labor <3
i tag @thinking-in-broken-scenes @malemyths @naysaltysalmon @shouldvemarried @iloveyoumorethangod @angelcuttongue @thesparrow1996 and anyone else who wants to!! feel free to say i tagged you!!
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lleldey · 2 years
the broken vow is so overwhelming and mindblowing, i cried while reading it idek why 😭😭😭 you’ve a great job creating this masterpiece! 🔥 but i have few questions lingering in my mind, 1. what is the backstory behind their divorce? (might missed it bc tears got my eyes blurry lol) 2. what happened to tae afterwards? 🥺 3. will y/n love jk as much as before after what he had done? (not gonna ask about jk since he’s the yandere here so the answer is obvious lmao)
Hi! Yeah, you weren’t the only one who was crying over the story - the first scene I wrote was of him crying in the apartment. Somehow his backstory really affected me, and one thing led to another - I was crying for his character.
But! I should disclose that my sympathy was so prominent simply because I can’t imagine the pain of your closest person leaving you (we do not support his yandere actions). Even more so, if you wake up from coma, and are expected to simply deal with it - I don’t think I would be able to cope with that. So, my heart really cried out for him.
And for your questions!
1. I never disclosed it word-for-word, rather mentioned it every once in a while, so no worries! The idea is, that JK got into a motorcycle accident after which his body went into a coma-like state. He was like that for almost 8 years, and in that time MC met Tae. She decided to move on with her life after doctors said there’s basically no hope left for him to ever wake up. And after waiting 5 years for him, she went ahead with the divorce.
I actually went into a deep-dive of how divorces happen if one of the parties is in coma, and turns out you have to present hard evidence that the person is to never wake up. That ties into the last plot - fraud documents. JK pressurised the doctors to testify that they never gave out these documents to MC, and so the story arch with court/annulled divorce begins. (The last part is completely made up, so I hope that none of my readers study/work within law departments 🙈)
2. The annulled divorce leads to MC’s and Tae’s marriage to be invalid. But at the end of the story we see, that MC succumbs to JK’s scheme, and decides to stay with him. Therefore, Tae is let free of JK’s wrath (although, there will always be distaste between both of them).
Except for JK’s yandere tendencies, he has very gentle characteristics; MC for sure made JK pull some strings so that his farm is back in business.
But aside from business factors, he’s heart broken. They had been married for 2 years at that point, so he had clear vision of his future (that being side by side with MC). And now that it’s torn apart, he has to learn how to be alone again.
3. It’s hard to measure how much you love someone. JK will always hold a dear place in her heart - at the end of the day, they are each others first love. Love has always tied them together, and it will continue to do so.
I’m rather thinking of how their every day life looks like - MC is definitely more conscious around him; JK displayed his power over her, and that left her extremely restless. A bigger factor tho would be the one I only lightly touched upon - we know that coma influenced JK’s mental and physical health, but we looked over how it influenced MC’s. She was by his bedside for 5 years almost every day. And now the poor woman is unable to do so much as to even watch him sleep. Wouldn’t be surprised if JK woke up with an empty bed space, only to find her sleeping in the living room 🤷🏼‍♀️
Also, I saw you recommending LIAG, thank you so much, remote embraces wherever you are!
Thank you for the ask, hope this helped! ☺️
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leatherbookmark · 2 years
no, but
seriously WHERE do people get it from that either 1/ nmj cared about meng yao so much, or 2/ they both cared so much about each other. where. was it the (added in cql) scene of banishment? in which nmj cried and didn’t execute my on the spot, so the obvious conclusion is that he’s just the biggest, smooshiest softie with the marshmallowiest heart, said heart softly plopped in the palm of my’s hand?
cql, why.
(my suspicion is that if they made nmj anything like his novel self, people would actually know and understand why jgy shanked him, and the villain wouldn’t be villainous at all lmao.)
no, but really -- “gave him a new life”? “few people cared more about jgy than nmj”? yeah i guess you could say few people cared more about wwx than lqr, going by this standard. i feel like people saw nmj defend my and immediately assumed it was because he deeply cared about his wellbeing and was sensitive to the plights of the underprivileged, which. was obviously not the case? it was IN THE TEXT that he was bein insensitive and only ensuring the soldiers would give meng yao even more shit for that? he didn’t even wait for my to actually tell him about the situation, he just said ‘follow me’! the hell would he have done if the soldiers weren’t shit-talking meng yao?! given them a goddamn stern talking to, thus making meng yao even more obviously look like a snitch!?
and then later during sunshot he once again doesn’t even consider meng yao’s actual wishes, just writes him a letter of recommendation and sends him off to the jin. like, sure, perhaps if he hadn’t done that jgy would’ve never gone off to become a spy, since he says he betrayed wen ruohan for his father, but like. the fact that he meant well doesn’t excuse the disservice! not when he has all the power to tell meng yao what to do, and meng yao has none of the power to tell him no. not to mention that in that moment, nmj is -- and he WILL do that again! -- eavesdropping on a conversation between my and lxc. NOT A GOOD LOOK, BRO
taking these incidents into consideration, imo it’s not that nmj feels particularly strongly about the fate and wellbeing of one meng yao, or even the Underprivileged layer. rather, he’s ~righteous~ -- he does what he thinks is the right thing, the morally correct thing. but he does so blindly; he doesn’t consider that a common soldier, or a poor, weak son of a sex worker might have different principles than he does. he thinks everyone is “equal”, but in a sense that they should all adhere to the same rules, not that they all deserve the same kind treatment and respect.
and then meng yao tricks him, and nmj Instantly enters the kill mode. he says he’s going to kill him the next time they meet, he constantly either finds faults in everything jgy does or tries to kill him -- how is that the behavior of someone who cares about jgy as a person? if i had to compare it to anything, i’d say he’s like a parent who had all those expectations of their child, and when said child turns out not to be daddy/mommy’s perfect little plaything, they turn to mistreatment and abuse. except nmj isn’t even jgy’s dad, he’s his PAST employer and then a sworn brother who’s supposed to help and not terrorize him.
this is not comparable to, say, jiang cheng, who’s an asshole and would rather eat his shoes than say something nice, but sacrifices himself to the wen for wwx, smuggles jyl and suggests she let wwx name her future child and gives wwx his flute back. aside from the aforementioned well-intentioned disservices, nmj doesn’t really do anything that would show that he cares for jgy as a person, that he wants jgy the person to live well rather than meng yao, the vice-envoy he’s put so many hopes in.
and it’s not like jgy was attached to him either and tried with all his might to mend their severed bond. he realized nmj doesn’t like him at best and actively wants him dead at worst, and if lxc didn’t insist on swearing brotherhood he would’ve spent the rest of his days carefully avoiding him. like yes, he felt grateful and indebted for nmj’s clumsy kindness, and because jgy was jgy, he probably didn’t necessarily want him to die even after all the times his da-ge nmj exhibited un-da-ge-like behaviors, but it wasn’t as deeply personal as people think it was. like he didn’t go from “oh, my dearest da-ge, however else can i help you” to “fuck that guy in particular” in the moment when nmj kicked him down the jinlintai stairs. he knew the relationship was unsalvageable before; that incident was just a concrete proof of it as well as proof that nmj was too far gone.
like. ugh
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bluebudgie · 1 year
Tvekks 1 12 16 17 18 (also maybe 3 for everyone, rats and all?)
Hi anon thank you for the ask!! Let's get right into it:
1. What was the first element of your OC that you remember considering (name, appearance, backstory, etc.)? 
Played through the core dungeons, saw Kudu, and really wanted someone using the same face base as him because I thought it looked really cool. That, and some manner of involvement with the Inquest.
12. What have you found to be most difficult about creating art for your OC (any form of art: writing, drawing, edits, etc.)? 
In terms of visual art he's actually among the easier characters to draw! His character allows for very exaggerated expressions which is nice.
So, what's the difficult part... I guess in writing terms I tend to describe him a little one-note? It's very easy to reduce him to the typical pathetic loser archetype. (Which, quite honestly, he mostly is.) Gotta stop bullying him for a second.
16. What is something about your OC can make you cry? 
His entire life is just a ridiculous string of "of course this had to happen to him too now" events, but I think what personally gets me the most about his pathetic little existence is how touch- and affection starved he has become;;
There's this unspoken mutual romantic tension between him and his superior but it'll never be resolved. She appreciates him but she's cold as ice with the interpersonal intimacy skills of a brick wall. Neither of them would ever admit there's any feelings going on beyond a professional work relationship. He knows she's way out of his league.
And he's got noone else apart from her. He's way too anxious to go out and meet new people. To hell with the Inquest but he misses his partner he had there. It doesn't even necessarily have to be romantic but he just craves a genuine hug. He's so, so lonely. Sometimes he cries about it at night.
And this is my personal biggest Tvekks heartbreak! (inappropriate confetti throw)
17. Is there some element you regret adding to your OC or their story? 
None I can think of currently! Usually if I don't like an element anymore I just retcon it. In his original "draft" he was meant to be a kinda stoic/grumpy guy but that thought didn't last very long.
18. What is the most recent thing you’ve discovered about your OC? 
Insignificant discovery made literally today: Found a new species to add to his aquarium.
And the general question:
3. How did you choose their name? 
If you've ever had to find a lore friendly asura name ingame that isn't taken yet you know this is a task of great suffering. Especially if you're like me and don't want to add titles to the names.
There's generally two types of naming situations:
Situation 1) I have a general idea of what I want as a name and now have to find the most bastardized spelling of it that is not yet taken. Rats in this category: Khivvi, Phlish, Petthri, Qissh. Yes, Qissh is a quiche joke. No it has nothing to do with his character, I just ate quiche at some point and thought "thats a funny asura name". It's also a vague star wars reference and that's why he uses the holosmith sword but let's not go there now.
Situation 2) I have absolutely no idea what I want with the exception of maybe a general "a name containing letter XY would suit them" vibe. This is when I hit up random name generators for inspiration. I've never taken any name from any generator directly but they help me remember which letters there are to use in the alphabet LMAO And then it's just a matter of combining letters until something resembling a name comes out of it.
Tvekks ironically falls somewhere in between those two situations. I knew he was gonna be a Chronomancer so I was thinking of something kinda clock-sound related but like literally everything was taken so somewere along the way of switching and adding random letters to the actual name I wanted we ended up with Tvekks. I think it's actually my favourite asura name of the ones I got haha.
Also Luqqah, before I actually planned to create her ingame, vaguely went by "Tessa" in my head but it wasn't really set in stone and also it was impossible to get any remotely similar name ingame. I like her name now better anyway :D
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omegalomania · 2 years
i got tagged in a BUNCH of stuff and i'm knocking these out cause i happened to look at my mentions for once.
like 2 months ago i got tagged to answer a thing by @softnsquishable
3 ships: none, none, and none. i have literally zero ships that i actually care about and most im just actively repulsed by lol
First Ever Ship: none!!!!!!
Last song: love from the other side by fall out boy cause i was screencapping the video lmao
Last Movie: i think i rewatched spirit the stallion of the cimarron kinda recently as in like 2 weeks ago so probably that
Currently reading: between books atm but i finished a little devil in america by hanif abdurraqib last month
Currently watching: rewatching the vinesauce tomodachi life series if that counts
Currently consuming: lemon tea with honey
Currently craving: i literally cannot read the word "craving" without my brain finishing the sentence with either "that mineral" or "my mcnuggies" so for legal reasons i cant answer this
then like 2 weeks ago i was tagged by @galactic-mermaid to post 5 songs i actually listen to so i'm gonna plug the ones ive been rotating in my head most recently
love from the other side, fall out boy
playing by the rules, red vox
omen, the damned things
empires, electric swing circus
hast thou considered the tetrapod, the mountain goats
then like last week i got tagged by @nerdangels and @ybcpatrick to answer 15 questions.
are you named after anyone? nope
when was the last time you cried? cleared my sad cache out sometime in january i think
do you have any kids? i have like a bunch of ocs do those count
do you use sarcasm a lot? i have a bad habit of using lots of sarcasm while being incapable of detecting it in others.
what's the first thing you notice about people? trick question i mostly dont notice other people im busy thinking about whatever thing im writing in my head
what is the color of your eyes? brown
scary movies or happy endings? im a huge weenie about horror movies unless theyre really specific ones so i guess happy endings
any special talents? im real fast at puzzles put a puzzle in front of me and i will not stop until it's done. also this is why i don't do puzzles anymore
where were you born? scientists havent yet been able to give me an answer to this one
what are your hobbies? gaming i guess. art and writing are also technically hobbies but they're also things i can't really not do so idk if they count
do you have any pets? nope but my housemate has a kitty cat whom i love dearly
what sports do you play/have you played? i dont do sports. as a kid i tried soccer (was too much of a weird kid and got distracted looking at bugs) and in high school i tried my hand at track and field (was too much of a weird kid and was absolutely miserable doing it)
how tall are you? 5'2"
favorite subject in school? well i loved english so much that i majored in it but i dont really use that degree for anything except overanalyzing 10 year old music videos on the internet
dream job? id love to be able to create for a living somehow. ive been hacking at breaking into publishing but cripes it sure as hell aint easy these days
im not tagging anyone cause these are all old as fuck and also there are like 3 memes here. but you're welcome to do any of them and say i sent you if you like.
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axolotlsupremacyowo · 2 years
15 Questions/15 Tags Game
So, I decided to chip away at the tag games I have not participated in. Not the find the word games yet, I plan to make a mega post for them. Anyhoo! This game is basically a game where you answer 15 questions.
I tag @zkang288​ to do this! I would tag other people, but all the people I know have been tagged.
Thanks to @tsunderewatermelon and @kayedium-writes for tagging me!
#1 Are you named after anyone? 
Nope! Though, fun fact, my initials are the same with my brother.
#2 When was the last time you cried?
Uh...yesterday? I have not had a good month. Don’t worry though, I’m fine!
#3 Do you have any kids?
Nope. Don’t have kids, never having any kids. The only child I’ll ever get is a dog or a cat. I love writing characters taking care of children, but I myself do not have the patience to take care of a child. And if I do have a child? They’ll be adopted.
#4 Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Online yes, offline no. 
#5 What do you first notice about people?
I don’t know, honestly? Like, I’ll forget big shit like their birthday, but then I’ll remember the small stuff like their favorite brand of candy.
#6 What’s your eye color?
Dark brown technically, but I like to say black.
#7 Scary movies or Happy Endings?
Depends on my mood. Though, I usually prefer happy endings.
#8 Any special talents?
I can force myself to cry pretty well. Never had to use that for anything except acting, and I don’t plan to become an actor so it’s useless LMAO
#9 Where were you born?
Southeast Asia.
#10 What are your hobbies?
Drawing and writing, mostly. I also have theoretical hobbies like gardening and acting. Like, I’d love to have these hobbies, but I just don’t have the energy for them.
#11 Have you any pets?
My family has a few dogs, but I have one that’s just mine.
#12 What sports do you play/have played?
#13 How tall are you?
4′9. Yes I am aware that I am tiny.
#14 Favorite subject in school?
Definitely anything to do with English/Creative Writing. I rock at those!
#15 Dream job?
Anything to do with writing/art. As long as it is not journalism.
Well that’s it! Now you know me a little better!
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