#lmao imagine telling me a year ago today these are the names i’ll be tagging
sch-nn · 1 year
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live in the moment
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˚₊·˚ “babes” | ot7 ˚₊·˚
↬ pairing: ot7 x reader ↬ genre: fluff | drabbles | scenarios  ↬ warnings: none ↬ w/c: 1.3k ↬ requested by: 🤍 ↬ request was: Hihii I was wondering if you could do enhypens reaction to calling them things like baby or my love in your native language (excluding English and Korean) ↬ a/n (a few things !!)
since i clearly don’t what “my love” in everyone’s native language “babes” is the place holder word and you can imagine it as whatever “my love / love” is in your language !! also i haven’t done an ot7 post in a while so these might be kinda bad and lowkey might not make any sense 💔
also, the 500 followers event is closed (unless you decide to send one in tonight then i’ll still write it 👀 !! ) but somehow we hit 800 followers today !! how this blog managed to get like 200 followers while i was ia is beyond me 😭
but thank you everyone 🥺 i’ll be writing requests from the 500 followers throughout the week and responding to asks as well <33 
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˚₊·˚♤˚· lee heeseung ˚₊·˚♤˚·
late one night you and hee are laying in bed, unable to sleep so you ask him,
“babes, wanna eat some ramen?” he’s like yes, ramen !! but wait,
“babes?” he asks. “isn’t that fish in russian?” (like that whole “te amo” means “i love you” in tagalog / filipino even though it actually means ‘i love you’ in spanish. but yeah, he’d probably think it was something completely different in another language lmao) once you realized what you just called him you tell him,
“it doesn’t mean fish, it means love in [insert your language].” the dots connect in his head and all of a sudden,
“i babes you,” you hear. you can’t help but smile at him and laugh a little because,
“that’s not how the grammar works, but at least you tried.” from then on if he wanted something from you he’d do aegyo and would say.
“babes, please !!”
˚₊·˚✎˚·  park jongseong / jay | self indulgent jay mini fic somewhat related to this req ˚₊·˚✎˚· 
you’re chilling with jay one day and all of a sudden,
“hey, babes can you hand me the remote?” you ask. suddenly he’s frozen in place, looking at you like,
“did you just call me love in [insert your language]?” you look at him, slightly tilting your head to the side and you’re all like,
“huh, i guess i did.” in his head, his mind is going crazy because what ?? you l-word him ?? but then you’re just like,
“wait, how do you know what that word means?” and then he gets all flustered and begins to ramble.
“i went on a YouTube spiral at four am, and, uh… uhh… yeah, i just heard it. it sounded unique so i sorta just remembered.”
“like, a few weeks ago.”
“what were you watching?”
“the basics to [insert your language] 101.” you’re shocked but not really since jay is basically a language genius. but now your heart feels all fuzzy and warm because he’s learning your language.
˚₊·˚ ✁˚· sim jaeyun / jake ˚₊·˚ ✁˚·
if anything, you probably didn’t call him babes first. why? because you said it to layla. you stopped by jake’s place before the both of you went to your parent’s place. since you haven’t seen layla in a while, she instantly captured your attention (like she so rightfully deserves).
“babes, i missed you!” you say as you smile while petting her and seeing her tail wag in happiness. jake looks at the sight of the two loves of his life and can’t stop the way his heart flutters a little. he doesn’t want to ruin the moment but he wants your attention so he ends up sort of sitting on the ground next to layla and peeks up at you with wide eyes and a smile.
“babes?” he asked. you end up also sitting on the floor, layla settling onto your lap,
“it means love in [insert your language].” he frowns,
“you said you love layla before saying you love me?”
“who says i love you?” he gets kind of pouty because he knows that you love but he wants to hear it. some time passes and when you’re at your parent’s house, you’re talking to them and you tell them in [insert your language],
“i love jake.” he hears the word and his name in the same sentence. so he takes a chance and using the same sentence you said but with your name he says,
“i love ___.”
˚₊·˚ ❆˚· park sunghoon ˚₊·˚ ❆˚··
it probably slipped out in a moment of panic while the two of you were ice skating. sometimes you slipped into [insert your language] due to a surge of various emotions, sometimes anger, fear, or frustration. sunghoon had asked if you wanted to go on a date to the new rink that just opened and you said yes because ice skating with hoon, how could you miss the opportunity ?? he was holding your hand and skating to your pace trying to teach you how to ice skate. but somewhere down the line, he ended up letting go without you realizing it (like when you ride a bike and the person behind you holding the bike lets go !!) so you turn around, eyes wide at the distance between you and sunghoon and you’re like,
“YAH, BABES YOU SAID YOU WOULDN’T LET GO,” and all of a sudden you lose your balance. thankfully, sunghoon being the great skater that he is manages to get to you and holds so you so that you don’t fall. you’re clutching onto his jacket, trying to catch your breath, “i hate you,” you mutter. he smiles as he moves your hair to get out of your face,
“yeah, keep telling yourself that. wait? what does babes mean?” he asks.
“it means love in [insert your language].” suddenly, ice king composure melts. heart going a hundred miles a minute. mind is all like wait what? he accidentally loses his footing and balance, falling while taking you down with him but you’re fine since you landed on top of him.
“are you ok, babes?” he asks to at least try and keep some cool because even though you’re in an ice skating rink, it suddenly feels as if things just got a hundred degrees hotter.
˚₊·˚❂˚· kim sunoo ˚₊·˚❂˚·
he had been interested in learning about your language and culture, mostly for the food… but a+ for effort, right? he would often ask you, “what does this mean?” “what does that mean?” that kind of stuff, since he was genuinely curious. he picked up a few words here and there, occasionally using a word that he knew in a sentence while talking to you. your family asked you to bring him over for a family gathering / party situation sometimes it felt like they liked him more than you. you were sitting down with a plate of food,
“babes, can you hand me a napkin?” suddenly, your and sunoo’s ears are filled with the sounds of “OOO” and your family begins teasing you. to yourself, you’re just like, did i really just call sunoo… but when you look at sunoo his smile is the widest it’s ever been
“you called me love, matji, matji?” (matji meaning like “right” in korean, idk it just felt right to spell that out here ok anyways)
“how did… how did you know?” and he does that thing where he kind of giggles,
“you just confirmed it!”
˚₊·˚✧˚· yang jungwon ˚₊·˚✧˚·
one night jungwon was dropping you off to the front of your doorstep to make sure you got home safe and sound. you were trying to be cute and said,
“saramhae” (saram means person in korean, but what you really meant to say was, “saranghae” which means i love you in korean). jungwon then does that thing where he smirks at you, tilting his head slightly, and he says,
“nado saramhae, babes.” (so like “i love you too, [love in insert your language]” but it’s saramhae because that’s what you said at first) but then,
“babes?” you ask. he plays it off by saying,
“i’m the leader, i need to learn how to communicate in different languages for engenes.” but really it’s just secret language learner pt. 2 exposed.
˚₊·˚⍢˚· nishimura riki / ni-ki ˚₊·˚⍢˚·
ni-ki’s head was on your lap, eyes closed since he was taking a nap and decided your lap was the best thing to claim as his pillow. you needed to get up so to wake him, you poked his cheeks,
“ni-ki,” you said. nothing.
“riki-ah?” this time as more of a question while lightly patting his hair. also nothing.
“babes, if you don’t wake up i’m gonna shove you off my lap.” suddenly, his eyes open and he looks up at you which causes you to jump back in your seat slightly.
“bae-ehbs?” he asks, trying to sound out the word.
“uh huh.”
“wait doesn’t that mean, love?”
“no… it means pabo,” you reply playfully. (pabo meaning like dum dum / stupid in korean, but it’s not meant to sound offensive here !!)
“no it means ‘love’ jay hyung told me about that word when i started dating you.”
“well, if you knew then why’d you ask?”
“wait, so it actually does mean love?”
“you just said jay told you!”
“yeah but i didn’t believe him.” at the confirmation of the word’s true meaning, he feels happy and kind of giddy at the new name he’s earned for himself from you. like heeseung, he’d use it to get something that he wants from you but instead of aegyo it’s more like teasing.
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↬ a/n pt. 2 + semi tmi: i speak two languages and i suck at both, english and my parent’s native language. two & a quarter if you count the bare minimum of spanish i learned from taking it during the first two years of high school and the few words of korean i picked up from kdramas lmao 😭
❦ written by riri ( @enhykkul​ ) | blog masterlist | blog navigation
↬ tagging: @bloom-bloom-pow​ | @markleepooh​ | @sunshineshouchan​ (permanent taglist is open if anyone wants to be in it !!)
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xbaepsae · 4 years
5280 feet (m)
“Never in your life have you met such a cocky, yet still strangely attractive, person. His words really struck a chord in you, and now you really can’t stop imagining your legs wrapped around him…or his cock in your mouth.”
[jimin x flight attendant!reader]
genre: mile high club!au, smut, slight pwp, some humor, some fluff (if you squint)
word count: 5.8k
rating: mature
warnings: uhhhh unprotected airplane sex lmao, fingering, oral, cum shot, more unprotected sex, creampie, mentions of alcohol, language
a/n: please tell me i’m not the only one who fantasizes about being a member of the mile high club?? LOL. i planned this fic a while ago, but forgot about it until yesterday. and surprisingly, all 5k+ came pretty naturally; of course, i never intended it to be 5k lol. the plot just kept continuing. xoxo
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“I think one of these days, I’m just going to collapse and die,” you say, taking a sip of your coffee. It tasted dark and bitter—much like your mood right now.
“Oh, you’re being dramatic,” Seokjin rolls his eyes, “you love this job.”
He was right—you did love being a flight attendant. It was probably the best decision you’ve ever made, and you’ve made a lot of bad ones. Instead of completing the standard four years of college, you managed one measly semester and decided school just wasn’t for you. The only reason you applied was for your mother’s sanity anyway; you promised you’d try, and try you did. Obviously, your mother freaked because your life was doomed—a fucking college dropout; what good could come from it?
Well, five years later, you’d consider your life pretty successful. Not only have you traveled all over the world, but you’ve met some interesting people. The only downside to this career was the demanding, god-forsaken hours.
Take your predicament right now as an example; you woke up this morning at around four o’clock, dazed and confused, before remembering that you spent another night at a hotel in an unfamiliar city. You’ve never really been a morning person, so you’ve yet to master the early morning calls.
After an entire day of flying, along with an array of rude and needy passengers, you are on the last flight of the day—the flight that is going to take you home to your bed.
Pulling your suitcases behind you, you and Seokjin make it to the gate of your final assignment for the day and greet the pilot. He lets you know that the flight is going to be over two hours and you’re completely okay with that.
“Whatever will get me home tonight, Yoongi,” you smile tiredly, realizing that your coffee is already finished.
“It shouldn’t be a terribly full flight, so I think we’ll manage.”
Yoongi boards the plane first, along with his co-pilot, to make sure everything is working properly, and lets you and Seokjin know that you two can board in ten minutes. In the time you still have to wait, people begin arriving at the gate. You hope Yoongi is right, and that the flight isn’t packed, because you honestly aren’t in the mood to deal with the audacious demands of people right now.
Quickly excusing yourself to the restroom, you freshen up a little and give yourself a little prep talk, “You can do this, y/n—just one more flight and then you have the rest of the week off.”
You are so looking forward to your break. Rarely do you ever get so many days off in-between your schedule, so you’re beyond excited. It was finally time for you and your bed to become reacquainted with one another.
When you get back to the gate, Seokjin offers you a smile. “Looking better.”
“I feel much better; maybe the caffeine is kicking in after all.” Some of your favorite workdays were the days you and Seokjin got to work together. It wasn’t often since your airline has multiple crewmembers, but these last rotation days have been fun—minus today since you’re in a rush to go home. “Got any plans when you get home?”
“I think my wife just misses me, so we’ll probably just be staying at home,” he laughs, and you wistfully sigh at the thought of marriage.
At that moment, you both get a notice to board the plane and you excitedly hand one of the desk attendants your boarding pass. As you both walk through the boarding gate, you can’t help but muse, “Must be nice to have someone to return home to.”
“Weren’t you seeing that one guy…?”
“Oh, Namjoon?” you ask, and Seokjin nods. “Yeah…I was; unfortunately, that didn’t work out.”
“What happened?” he asks.
Shrugging, you say, “I guess it was because I was busy? Being a flight attendant means I’m not always home, and Namjoon wanted someone who could always be around.”
“Are you doing alright though?”
“Oh yeah,” you nod, “I’m fine. Our relationship wasn’t that serious anyway and if I’m being honest, I really didn’t like Namjoon that much.”
Boarding the plane, you and Seokjin stow your bags away and begin preparing the necessities for the flight. After so many years in the business, all of this prep feels like second nature to you. Within minutes, you have almost everything prepped just in time for the passengers arriving on the plane.
As people begin boarding, you wear your best smile and greet them. One by one, you watch the different people boarding—you see everything from families to singles. Although you’re smiling at everyone, you’re not one hundred percent paying attention, that is until you catch the persistent gaze of one passenger.
You aren’t even actively looking at him; but you know that feeling of someone watching you? Well, for some reason, he was staring you down, so you had to look at him. And when you do, an immediate wave of heat rolls over your body. The moment he passes by you, towering a few inches above you in your modest heels, you catch a whiff of his cologne that sends a pulse down to your core.
Good thing you’ve perfected at least your poker face because hot damn that was that a fine piece of man in front of you. You’ve encountered hot passengers on other flights but never has someone affected you like this. Perhaps it was the swagger in his walk or the confidence that permeated the recycled air, but it was intoxicating.
From your peripheral, you notice that he found a seat early on the plane—meaning he was seated in first-class. You didn’t even pay attention to what he was wearing. Was he a businessman? Those are the types that always sit in first-class.
Soon, the doors of the plane shut, and you have to begin with the plane briefing and safety protocols.
“Y/n, for the safety demonstration, I’ll take the back half of the plane and you stay here in first-class, okay?” Seokjin asks from somewhere, but you can’t even focus. You absentmindedly nod before realizing that you’ll be in close proximity with that man from earlier. You’re about to protest when your friend suddenly speaks up again. “Actually, can you stay in first-class and the front of economy today? I’d rather be in the back of the plane.”
Oh, great. “Uh…sure. That’s fine, I guess.”
Beginning the safety instructions, you once again feel the same heated gaze from earlier and wonder if it’s because you look like a mess? Was there something on your uniform? You’ll be the first to admit that flight attending uniforms weren’t the cutest things in the world, but it was the standard, so you have no choice.
After you finish the safety instructions, you move onto the pre-flight service in first-class. You peaked and noticed that mystery man is sitting in the last row of first-class, so you don’t have to immediately talk to him. Even as you bring glasses of champagne and various other cups of liquor to the other passengers in first-class, the feeling of being watched never fully goes away. And eventually, you find yourself in front of him.
“Good evening sir, is there anything I can get you before we take off?” you try not to directly look at him.
“Yes, I’ll have a glass of your best red wine and you,” he says so smoothly, you almost don’t catch the bit at the end.
When you do, your eyes flutter to his. “Excuse me?”
“I wanted you to look at me, doll,” he smiles, and you feel your heart explode. This man was unbelievably attractive. You momentarily glance at his clothing and he is indeed wearing a suit. But he wears it in such a way that isn’t overly stuffy. Underneath his blazer is a simple white button-up, but the top two buttons are open and leave little to the imagination.
“Anything else besides the wine, sir?” you ignore the comment made about you.
“How about your name?” he asks, leaning towards you. Was he flirting with you?
You offer a passive smile, “I don’t think that’s on the menu.”
“Are you sure you’re not on the menu? Because,” he licks his lower lip, “I would love to have those long legs wrapped around me or maybe your sweet lips wrapped around my cock.”
If people could turn into puddles, you’d be a total melted mess right now. Instinctively, your thighs snap together, and you release a shaky breath. You nervously look around and hope no one thinks anything suspicious is happening right now. Quickly, you excuse yourself and air out the top of your uniform. It is too damn hot in here.
Walking back with a glass of red wine, you hand it to the extremely forward stranger. “Here you so, sir. I hope you enjoy.”
“I’m sorry if I was being too forward a moment ago,” he takes a sip of the wine and you watch as he licks a drop off his lips. “But you’re too beautiful and I can’t take my eyes off of you.”
“No, it’s…attractive,” you admit, which not only surprises him but surprises you too.
He gives you another mega-watt smile. “The name’s Jimin.”
“Y/n,” you finally relent just as Yoongi announces that the plane is ready for takeoff. Leaving Jimin with a last look, you go and take your seat as the plane lifts into the air.
Once the plane reaches a certain altitude and seat belts can be unbuckled, you begin the process off offering refreshments to the other passengers. You and Seokjin tag team this feat and Yoongi was right, there aren’t as many people on this flight; this makes the whole process much easier. Even though you’re occupied with offering cups of ginger ale and sprite to passengers, you can’t stop thinking about Jimin.
You blame the fact that you haven’t had a proper orgasm in a few days. Mix that with your awful day, and you’re dying for a sweet release. For the last half hour, Jimin has had you all hot and bothered. Never in your life have you met such a cocky, yet still strangely attractive, person. His words really struck a chord in you, and now you really can’t stop imagining your legs wrapped around him…or his cock in your mouth.
“Are you okay, y/n?”
You blink at Seokjin, “Fine—just tired.”
Putting the refreshment carts away in the back, you both do one round of garbage collection before Seokjin excuses himself to the makeshift lounge. On this plane, since it is a bit bigger, there is a little lounge for the crew. However, it only fits one person usually. Pouting, you make your way back to the front of the plane and double check with a few passengers.
As you’re about to pass first-class, you feel your core tighten from the thought of being in close proximity to Jimin again. Even though you feel his eyes on you once again, you ignore the sensation and focus on the other first-class passengers.
“Can I have another glass of champagne?” one woman asks, and you promptly bring her another cold glass.
You continue catering to everyone’s needs before you find yourself in front of Jimin again. Never have you been more thankful for the bit of privacy first-class offers because the pure and unadulterated desire that seeps from Jimin almost has you on your knees. “Can I get you anything else, sir?”
“Are you still off the menu, y/n?” he asks, and the way your name rolls off his tongue makes you weak. Your expression only seems to fuel his desire though. “I’ll have another glass on red wine.”
You practically run to get the wine. As you pour his drink, you honestly aren’t sure if you’ll make it the whole flight feeling this tense. There is still at least another hour and a half of the flight, but your self-control is wearing thin. Maybe if you just quickly slipped into the lavatory…your face heats at the thought. In all of your years as a flight attendant, you’ve never even once considered doing something like that.
As someone working in the airplane industry, you’ve heard of the so-called mile high club—people who have sex on planes. You will admit that the thought has always intrigued you, but to actually participate? Not only would you be jeopardizing your job, but also your reputation.
During your first year as a flight attendant, you heard a rumor about a girl who worked on a different airline that got fired for getting caught having sex on the job. You don’t remember the details of what exactly happened, but all you need to remember is that she ended up jobless and you don’t want that to be your reality.
Walking back to Jimin, you catch him staring at you again and tension once again radiates throughout your body.
“Here you go,” you hand him the glass of wine. Just as you’re about to walk away, his hands move to wrap around your wrist.
“Tell me about yourself,” he prompts, taking you by surprise. “What? Thought that I just wanted to fuck you?”
Your mouth drops at his boldness, and Jimin comments something that sounds like you’re cute.
“I mean, I do want to do that too,” he continues, hand wrapped underneath his jaw. “But I am curious to know more about you.”
“I’m twenty-three and I’ve been a flight attendant for almost five years,” you offer, unsure if that’s the kind of information he wants to know. “I love my job and I couldn’t imagine doing anything else.”
Jimin takes a sip of his wine before saying, “I’m twenty-six and I work in a multi-million-dollar business. I love-hate my job but couldn’t imagine doing anything else either.”
“Is that where you’re headed today?” you ask.
“Yeah,” he unbuttons another button from his shirt and proceeds to take off his jacket. Although you try to be discreet, Jimin catches your nervous swallow. “I do these business trips every month. I have a huge meeting tomorrow morning, which is why I took a flight tonight.”
“Well, if you have a chance, the city is beautiful and you should go sightseeing,” you tell him, surprised that you both are having a normal conversation.
“You’ve been?” he asks.
You laugh in response. “I live there.”
Jimin’s eyebrows perk up. “Oh, really? I wasn’t sure since I know flight attendants spend a certain number of days working prior to flying home.”
“This is my last flight of this particular schedule,” you don’t know why you feel the need to tell him this, but the words slip out of your mouth before you can stop them.
“Interesting,” Jimin nods. “Don’t you think we should celebrate?”
At his question, your brows furrow. You don’t understand what he means. “Celebrate what?”
“This being your last flight.”
Despite the setting sun casting the cabin in golden hour, Jimin’s eyes appear to darken in the light. Something mischievous glints in them and all he says is, “Three taps.”
You have no idea what three taps means.
After that comment from Jimin, you walked back to your seat to contemplate his words. There is no possible way anything can happen—there is less than an hour before they land now. What kind of celebration was he even talking about?
Mulling over his words, you do a walk through all the cabins with Seokjin and snicker when you see his bedhead. “Have a good nap?”
“Even though it was only twenty minutes, I needed that,” he smiles sheepishly
“No wonder you wanted to sit in the back.”
You pick up some trash from the passengers and throw it into the trash bag that Seokjin holds. “You can have a quick nap if you want.”
“Thanks, but no thanks,” you shake your head. “The flight’s almost over anyway.”
Checking your watch, there should only be about thirty minutes left of the flight. On your way back to your seat, you slip into the lavatory and splash some water on your face. You are still feeling a bit hot and bothered, but your house was within reach. And being home meant you could use all of your delicious toys tucked away in your side drawer.
Just as you wipe the water off your face, you hear a knock on the door. You yell out that it’s occupied, and even double check to make sure you locked the door. You did. So, who knocked? Throwing the paper towel away, there’s another knock on the door…and then another. Your stomach tightens when you realize there were three consecutive knocks—three taps.
You mouth runs dry at the thought of who might be on the other side of the door. There is also a jolt of electricity that runs up your spine at the thought of what’s going to happen, and even more so at the fact that you could get caught. Earlier, you were worried about getting caught and potentially losing your job; however, now, the risk thrilled you.
So, you decide to say fuck it and unlock the door.
Immediately, Jimin enters the lavatory and swiftly locks it behind him. You open your mouth to say something to him but before you can, he steps forward and pushes you back against the sink. Grabbing your face in his hands, his lips crash onto yours. You moan at the sheer force of his kiss. His lips move over yours as if he’s kissed your lips a thousand times. Like he knows exactly how to set you off.
You don’t know how, but clothes start coming off and you find yourself on your knees in front of him. Your breast are already on full display and he leans down to pinch your nipples before moving to cup your face.
“Suck my cock, baby girl,” Jimin coos, rubbing his thumb over your lips.
Unbuckling his pants, you reach into his briefs and pull out his cock. There’s already precum smeared over the tip and hard shaft, and you wonder just how long he’s been like this.
“I’ve been hard since the flight started,” he seems to read your mind. “The moment I saw that tight ass in that skirt…fuck.”
You take Jimin into your mouth without warning, marveling at his size and how you’re already dripping through your panties. You’re no prude, but you’ve never been this turned on in your life.
As you suck on the tip and work the rest with your hands, the sounds that come from Jimin’s mouth feed your desire. He’s surprisingly vocal—his moans high pitched and needy. “Yes…just like that, baby. You suck cock so well, huh?”
You hum in response, and Jimin’s hands weave their way into your hair. He guides you closer to his groin, his cock hitting the back of your throat. You choke at the sensation, but it’s worth the pleasure that Jimin seems to feel. He begins fucking your mouth; body shaking slightly at the feeling of lips around his cock.
Eventually, he pulls away and lifts you off the ground. Unexpectedly, he brings you close for another kiss—the sloppy, messy kind that moves from your lips to your jaw, and curves to your neck and collarbone. As he sucks bruises into the delicate skin of your shoulder, he raises you up on the sink and pulls your panties to the side.
The moment his thumb presses against your clit, you’re done for. You jerk at the way he works your little nub, nearly crying because you’ve wanted nothing more than release. “Oh my god, Jimin.”
It doesn’t take you long to feel the steady build of your orgasm coming. It really has been so long since you’ve felt this good; and when Jimin inserts two fingers inside of you, finding that g-spot, you come undone instantly.
“Fuck, I’m coming,” you arch back against the mirror and Jimin can’t help but stare at your expression in wonder.
“That’s right, baby,” he continues to rub your sensitive clit, helping you ride out your orgasm. “Keep coming for me, and then I’m going to fuck you so good.”
The second you come down from your high, Jimin pushes his cock into you and you let out the loudest moan. He fucks you hard and fast, hips slamming against your pelvis rhythmically. For a second, you wonder if he dances because there was no way normal hips should move that way. But that thought fades when Jimin pulls your closer to the edge of the sink, and somehow manages to get an even deeper angle.
“F-Feels so good, Jimin.”
“Yeah?” he asks, sweat starting to bead at his brow.
You nod in response and look down to see the way his cock looks entering your wet cunt. The sight alone would’ve been enough to send you over the edge again, but you held it in. More than anything, you wanted Jimin to come too. Wrapping your legs even tighter around him, you begin to meet him thrust for thrust. Soon, his hip movements become jerky and you know he’s close.
“I don’t know how much longer I-I can…” Jimin groans, slowing down. “Are you close?”
“Mhmm,” you moan. “I’m almost there….”
With a few more hard thrusts, and a thumb pressed to your clit, you shut your eyes as your second orgasm rolls over you. The way your walls clench around him have Jimin gasping as he pulls out and shoots his load all over your stomach. You watch the milky white ropes mark your skin, and even lift a bit into your mouth.
“You know, I would’ve swallowed,” you muse, loving the way Jimin’s expression darkens once again.
“I guess we’ll just have to do that next time,” he smirks, causing you to become speechless.
You both clean up in silence, and you try to make yourself look pre-coital. Jimin laughs at the way you attempt to straighten your wrinkled skirt, but you just pout because he looks amazing even with the just-fucked look. “No fair.”
“You look hot,” Jimin swears, pinching your butt a little and making you jump.
Jimin sneaks back out of the lavatory first and you follow behind a moment later, walking as casually as you can to your seat. Thankfully, you arrive just in time because Yoongi announces over the intercom that you’re descending soon, which means everyone needs to buckle up.
As the plane lands in the city, the sky is a gorgeous shade of purple dusk. Immediately, you feel reenergized from being home, and also because you just had the best sex of your life…in an airplane lavatory. You blush again at the thought of Jimin’s thick cock inside of you, and then sigh when you realize you’ll probably never see him again. What a tragedy.
The moment the plane pulls up to the gate, and Yoongi turns the engine off, everyone begins filing out of the plane. You bid each passenger goodbye and wonder why you haven’t seen Jimin yet—after all, he was sitting in first-class. Eventually, you realize he’s the last person to leave and when he stands in front of you, he sticks his hand out.
Instinctively, though confused, you shake it and he leaves without another word. You watch him step off the plane and feel…sad? Although you barely know the man, you were definitely intrigued and wanted to see him again. When you move to grab your bags, you realize that there is a slip of paper in your hand. Wait; did Jimin put it there? Quickly opening the note, you read it and a wide smile stretches across your face.
He gave you his number.
After you say goodbye to Seokjin and Yoongi, you waste no time texting Jimin.
9:01 PM | You: hi…this is y/n
9:01 PM | Jimin: y/n. didn’t think you’d actually text back lol
You can’t help but laugh a little at his response. Why wouldn’t you text back? Right now, the only thing you can think about is him.
9:02 PM | You: of course. I want to see you again
You send your next text without even fully thinking it through. It was impulsive and a bit unlike you to be so frank, that was clearly Jimin’s forte, but what was there to lose? If Jimin hadn’t secretly given you his number, there would have been no way you’d see him again.
By the time you make it to your car, Jimin hasn’t said anything back. Doubt and worry fills you—was he tired of you already? Maybe you were bad at sex? No, then why would he have bothered with the number anyway? Your mind swirls through terrible scenarios before you receive another message
9:06 PM | Jimin: me too, doll. Meet me at my hotel?
9:06 PM | Jimin: I would’ve waited but my ride was already here waiting for me, and I didn’t know if you…
Your body pulsates at the thought of seeing him now. Earlier today, all you wanted was to go home; now, the idea of warming Jimin’s hotel bed seemed too tempting to pass up.
9:07 PM | You: okay
You pull up to the hotel that Jimin sent the address to and gawk at the posh exterior. There are a number of ritzy hotels in your city, and you figured Jimin would be staying at a nicer one, but it was still shocking to experience.
As your mouth stays parted, someone gently taps at your window. You jump a little and see a man standing there. Rolling down your window, you take in his uniform and are about to ask where you can park.
“I can valet park for you, ma’am,” he says, cutting you off. “You’re with Mr. Park, correct?”
Who is Mr. Park? Before you have a chance to answer, your phone vibrates with a text message. Looking down, you see that Jimin’s texted you.
9:30 PM | Jimin: let the valet take your car
“Umm, okay,” you tell the man and step out of the car. Walking around to grab your luggage from the back, you see that another man has already fetched it for you. Is this what it’s like to have money? You quickly thank them both and make your way inside of the hotel.
As you reach the front desk, the receptionist offers you a smile. “Mr. Park is in the Presidential Suite. It’s on the very top floor, ma’am.”
Your mouth drops again, and you wonder if maybe you had the wrong perception of Jimin. When he mentioned on the plane that he worked for a big business, you figured he was just a normal employee. Yeah, every business has its perks, so you figured that was just the case. However, maybe Jimin is higher up the business food chain than you thought. Also, how did she know you were the person Jimin was supposed to meet?
After thanking the receptionist, you walk in the direction of the elevators. Getting in one, you press the highest number on the elevator and begin to go up. Once you make it to the top floor, you walk out of the elevator and realize there is only one door. You laugh a little; guess there’s no way you can get lost then.
Standing in front of the door, you knock three times and wait for Jimin to answer. Within seconds, he does, and you realize he only has a towel wrapped around his waist. His hair is damp, and you marvel at the droplets that cascade down his body. He laughs at your reaction and ushers you to come inside.
But the second you’re through the threshold, your luggage tips over as Jimin pushes you against a wall.
“Hey, doll,” his breath fans across your face.
“Hey, Mr. Park,” you smirk a little. “So, tell me, just how rich are you?”
Jimin chuckles and begins to pepper kisses along your face and jawline. “I was hoping you wouldn’t figure that out. Tends to make people want to stay, if you know what I mean.”
Grabbing his face into your hands, you tell him, “Jimin, I don’t care that you have money.”
His expression softens at your words.
“And how could I not figure that out when you’re staying in a fucking Presidential Suite?” you continue, pressing a kiss on his chin. “Kind of a dead giveaway.”
“Fuck my money,” he rolls his eyes. “I just want to properly bury my face in your pussy.”
Fire ignites in your core as Jimin pulls you away from the doorway and past the main area. You barely have time to admire the ceiling to floor glass windows or the modern layout of furniture because he drags you into the bedroom. Jimin throws himself onto his bed, and you don’t miss the way his towel barely clings to his body. “Strip for me.”
You are still in your flight attendant outfit; however, you oblige and begin peeling the same clothes Jimin tore off your body earlier. You delight in the way Jimin watches your every move. It’s like he can’t get enough of you. Once you slip out of your panties, fully exposed to him, he pulls you on top of his lap for a kiss.
On his lips, you can still taste the remnants of the red wine he had on the plane. But unlike the rushed kisses in the lavatory, Jimin kisses you passionately now. His tongue dances with your own, and he gently nips at your lips before pushing you onto your back.
Above you, he works a trail down your body; sucking your already hard nipples into his mouth. You let out a shuddering moan when he reaches the sensitive skin above your cunt. He licks the skin there, and then dives into your core.
“A-Ah!” your back arches at the feeling of Jimin’s tongue fucking you.
“Your pussy tastes so fucking sweet, baby girl,” he groans.
Jimin replaces his tongue with one finger, and you’re about to whine at the loss of his mouth when his mouth moves to your clit and doubles the sensation. “Fuck.”
“Just like that, baby,” he coos, inserting another finger. “Are you going to come for me?”
You helplessly nod at his ministrations. He continues to suck on your little nub, bringing you closer and closer to the edge. When he inserts a third finger inside your wetness, it sends you past the point of no return and you cry out your climax.
“Beautiful,” he hums, lapping up your release and you’ve never seen anything hotter. Sitting up, he watches you with a smug grin and starts pumping his hardening cock in front of you. “Get on your side.”
Although your legs already feel like jelly, you do as he says and lay on your side. Jimin moves behind you, and the feeling of your back pressed against his chest sends a shiver down your pack. Gently, Jimin lifts one of your legs over his and slides inside of you.
Just a few hours ago, he was inside of you, but the stretch still feels amazing now. His pace is slow, and he presses chaste kisses along your shoulder. After a few shallow thrusts, he hits you with a particularly hard one and you let out a low moan.
“What do you want me to do?” he whispers into your ear, arm reaching over to fondle your breasts.
“I want you to fuck me, Mr. Park.”
Jimin nips at your ear, “What was that, doll? Couldn’t hear you.”
You repeat you statement louder, and he lets out a satisfied grunt. Jimin’s hips pick up their pace and the forearm holding you up falls at the force of his thrusts. The lewd noises coming out of your mouth are loud and brazen, but the dirty sweet nothings that left Jimin’s lips are enough to make you orgasm a second time—well, fourth if you count the two from earlier today.
“Ohmygod, Jimin.”
“Yes, fuck, doll—you feel so fucking good on my cock.” Clutching the bedsheets through your high, Jimin breathes heavily behind you, “Fuck. Where do you want me to cum, baby girl?”
Even though you just came, you still can’t help the moans that leave your mouth. “Anywhere. I-I don’t c-care.”
“Can I come inside of you?”
The thought of Jimin filling you up with his cum is so fucking hot, you nod and feel him explode inside of you. He leans against your shoulder as he coats your inner walls. When he finally pulls out, you fall back onto your elbows and examine the mess he made.
“Has anyone ever told you that your pussy is a wonderland?” Jimin asks, walking towards you with a wet cloth. You’re about to take it from him to clean yourself, but he ends up doing it for you.
You blush at the action. “Uh…I don’t think so.”
“Well, it is,” he meets your gaze. You feel yourself blush even harder.
Jimin discards the wet cloth and you realize this is the awkward part. At least on the plane, you could just go back to your seat. Here, what are you supposed to do? Getting up from the bed, you slip your panties back on and cringe at how wet they are.
“Where are you going?”
You stop in your tracks. “Leaving?”
Jimin pulls back the covers of the bed and slips inside, beckoning you. “Stay.”
“Don’t you have that huge meeting early tomorrow?”
“So?” he asks, and you slip into bed right beside him—sans clothing. “Besides, I want to fuck you again.”
You roll your eyes as he pulls you closer, “Isn’t twice enough?”
“I think I might be addicted,” he admits, which makes your heart stutter.
You’re about to tell him the same, but you yawn instead. Suddenly, you remember that you’ve been up since four this morning and that you’ve been running on god knows how many shots of espresso.
“Tired?” Jimin takes the words right out of your mouth.
Nodding, you mutter unintelligently. You probably should shower and brush your teeth, but you honestly can’t be bothered since Jimin feels so good beside you. His body is warm and comfortable; before you can say another word to him, you’re already drifting into dreamland.
As you sleep tangled in his arms, Jimin grazes his fingers over your face and thinks about how beautiful you look even like this. He wasn’t lying when he said he might be addicted to you. He only met you today and already had you twice, but the desire to have more of you is insatiable.
You are definitely going to be his ruin.
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 267: My Name Is
Previously on BnHA: Hawks stabbed Twice in the back of the head. Twice stabbed another guy in the back of the head. Everyone’s just running around stabbing or being stabbed. I should probably clarify that Twice actually died, because this is a shounen manga, so sometimes you have to clarify that this particular stabbing was actually fatal. Not just one of those flesh wound stabbings. Anyway so it was super sad, and now Dabi’s gonna face off with the sexy scarred murderous Hawks, and Toga and Compress are also going to be feeling a bit stabby after all this probably, and so that’s the general mood here I guess. I kind of need a break now so I’m wondering if we’re gonna cut to any of the kids. Because if we stick around Horikoshi may actually have to give us Dabi flashbacks. God forbid.
Today on BnHA: Tokoyami has a flashback to when Hawks told him he’s weak to being set on fire. This terrible thought weighs on his mind as he and the other lads and lasses of U.A.’s child soldier vanguard are escorted away from the battle via Fatgum and his absolute goat of a quirk. Dabi is all “:D you killed Twice, I’m gonna set you on fire repeatedly now” and Hawks is all “ffff no that’s my weakness also WHO ARE YOU” and WE GET SOME HAWKS FLASHBACKS?! and then Dabi is all “:DDDDDD [CENSORED]” and it’s literally fucking censored fuck my life. but also !!! because he actually fucking said it, though?? He really went and revealed it just like that?? And now Hawks knows, and he’s all shocked, and Dabi goes to kill him afterwards but TOKOYAMI IS ALL “ON YOUR LEFT!!!!” and OH SHIT. Also Endeavor saves Miruko so DOUBLE OH SHIT. Oh my god. I’m sorry this summary is all over the place but I can barely type a coherent sentence now so just TAKE THESE EXCLAMATION POINTS AND GO!!! SPREAD THE WORD. BE FREE.
everyone before we begin I would just like to tell you about my discovery this week. I learned that when I type the word “Dabi” on my phone the next word that the keyboard predicts is “flashbacks.” google keyboard is on to me. so now the FBI and the CIA and whoever else google is selling all my data to all know. I can only imagine. “she seems to spend an inordinate amount of time talking about ‘Dabi flashbacks.’ what’s a Dabi.” I’ll tell you what a Dabi is. it’s a guy whose fucking flashbacks we never fucking get that’s what
anyway so let’s read this chapter whose spoiler tags have already been filling up my dashboard, which is always a good sign. who will die this week? Horikoshi please have mercy on us in light of recent real life global events. maybe you can just have everyone abruptly decide that they are all done fighting and want to go home
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who could have known, years ago when the very first mangaka was drawing the very first color page, that this medium would one day soar to such great heights. who could have imagined that we would one day be witness to this masterwork, this magnificent fucking triumph of a colored manga page. holy shit. I will cherish this always
for real you all think I’m joking but I genuinely don’t want to scroll down lol. let’s just stay with Miruko forever. where it is safe. and sexy. goddammit
anyways but lol
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guys. we’ve been over this. fire is everyone’s weakness. just. I’m not quite sure people like Hawks and Kamui Woods actually grasp that. do they think normal people catch on fire and they’re just “oh, this is actually all right.” also, side note kids, please don’t use this answer if this ever comes up during a job interview
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what a gamechanging plan of action. don’t catch on fire. Toko write that down
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who could have known, years ago when the very first mangaka was drawing the very first gag panel, that this format would one day ascend to such lofty summits. who could have envisaged that we would one day behold such a showpiece, such a grand fucking slam of a joke panel in a shounen manga
anyway Horikoshi sure does love his English portmanteaus. I’m kind of stunned by how great this is you guys. but getting back to more serious observations, all I can say is thank fucking god somebody is actually thinking of the children! nothing terrible had better happen to them or I swear!!
so Fatgum is explaining that the plan was to have them use their respective quirks to help take out a bunch of bad guys at once, and that the grown-ups will now proceed to rope them all in and capture them. and dammit, I was trying to avoid having to post the panel because it takes forever if I post a lot of them, but I just noticed Mt. Lady over there stomping fools in the background and so now I have no choice
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A+ chapter so far you guys. 5 stars. keep it up
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one-and-a-half year-old Kaminari Denki has already fallen asleep. he wishes he could live there. I wish I had the words to adequately convey how utterly delighted I have been by this entire “everyone rides around in Fatgum’s belly” mini-arc, which is now my favorite part of the entire series (as always with the exception of “Dear Midoriya I’m really sorry”)
and I also just really love the timing of it?? right after the “here’s that angst you ordered” emotional sobfest of the last chapter, we’re taking a quick break to cut back to the Fatgum Express (excuse me, Fataxi) just to keep things from getting too heavy. this is such an important balance to strike. please don’t let this arc get too dark, Horikoshi
oh shit
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right, Dabi?? but I’ve had an entire week to process my feelings about it and I’m more or less good now! how are you
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not particularly great, then
and also, fuck. so Horikoshi was gracious enough not to show Twice’s murdered body even though he confirmed he was indeed killed (so apologies to anyone who was still holding out hope. it sucks but at least we’ve got closure). first he cuts off the bottom of the panel, and then he has Dabi literally cremate him on the fucking spot. there’s really going to be nothing left at all of him or any of the clones. I’m just gonna sit here and try not to think about that or else I’ll get sad all over again
anyway, so also Hawks’s wings have been totally incinerated now it looks like, and he’s just barely yeeting himself out of the way with whatever he’s got left
boy this is getting rough
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love how Horikoshi is avoiding showing Dabi’s face!! that was sarcasm by the way because I don’t love it! he pulls this shit all the time with Bakugou too! show us their emotions dammit!
anyway. how kind of Dabi to stomp out Hawks’s flames for him like that. you see. they’re still friends
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like. not to nitpick or anything, but your tear glands are actually located above your eyes. maybe he means his tear ducts. also I’m not a doctor or anything and I can barely name like three bones actually so maybe I should just shut up!
anyways though, out of courtesy let’s just take Dabi at his word that grinning like a deranged lunatic is a perfectly normal response to watching your friend get murdered by your sexy archenemy. who is to say
and what exactly is your dream again? to make Stain’s will a reality or something like that? so purging the world of false heroes I guess?
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most people would at least scream, wouldn’t they? Hawks??? does that not hurt??!
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no!! I won’t be fooled!! Horikoshi and Dabi flashbacks is like Wile E. Coyote and painting a fake tunnel onto a cliffside! don’t be conned by his deceitful forced perspective!
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apparently this man really will do anything to keep us from getting a Dabi flashback, even if that means giving us Hawks flashbacks instead lmao. WELL SHOOT. OH DARN. POOR US. WE’LL JUST HAVE TO SETTLE try not to look too happy guys he can sense satisfaction
anyway so here’s baby Hawks
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okay, so -- does fandom still hate Hawks. like, I haven’t checked the bnha tag much since this weekend so I don’t know if the general consensus is still “yeah he’s cancelled” or if we’re cooling down at all yet? anyway so I apologize if liking Hawks is still A Wrong Thing To Do, but just fyi he’s still adopted and I haven’t unadopted him and I love him unconditionally even though he’s in timeout. and so now that Baby Hawks has appeared to rival all other Baby Characters (BABY YODA WATCH YOUR SIX!!) with his lil wings and his Endeavor plush and his quiet lil nodding head, I just need you all to know that I would die for him without hesitation and that’s just how it is friends
(ETA: also, jesus christ. “Keigo-kun, you can say goodbye to your name from now on!" I’m surprised they didn’t assign him a fucking number. what the fuck. time for some grueling training, lab rat #184. better get ready. jesus. he’s like 7.)
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snap. gotta calm down. too much hype all of a sudden. easy does it
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noooo go back. fuck
and how the hell do you still have eyebrows, Hawks. how are you still even alive, let alone sexy. is fire your weakness?? is it really??! WELCOME TO BNHA THE MANGA WHERE ANYONE CAN SURVIVE ANYTHING. EXCEPT FOR BEING KILLED OFF-SCREEN AFTER WEEKS AND WEEKS OF BUILDUP
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what the fuck. is this a Tarantino movie. or an Eminem song. anyway but we all know what he actually said though so let’s just scroll down and see how Hawks is going to take the news
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oh my. I suddenly understand Dabi’s “grinning like a lunatic” reaction to witnessing a tragedy now. ohhhhhh that’s the good angst right there
so now Dabi says that if he wasn’t Hawks’s target in the beginning, then Hawks “would’ve been done for from the start”? ...what. lol what. am I just too tired to understand this you guys. I’m so confused
okay well I still have no fucking clue what that all meant but on the next panel he’s saying that Hawks shouldn’t have been focusing on Tomura or the League
is he suggesting that he has the power to bring down the hero system by revealing that he, the son of Endeavor, was made into a villain? am I reading into this right?
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holy moses. I can’t believe this is really happening. this plotline is finally on the move oh my god I can’t even I’m getting way too excited I can’t??
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well it matters to me you big melodramatic jerk!! don’t even pretend like you’re really gonna do it. I have zero fear of Hawks actually dying right now, not after that. there is way too much plot attached to him, gtfo with this fakeout shit
but more importantly, why the fuck are we cutting to Gigantomachia now oh shit. don’t tell me Fatgum got the babies out of there just in time
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let the bodies hit the floor let the bodies hit the floor let the bodies hit the floor let the bodies hit the [deep breath] FLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO --
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okay like any reasonable person I am very concerned by the implications of this. and yet a part of me just wants to focus entirely on the “AM I GETTING TIRED AFTER LOSING AN ARM AND A SHITLOAD OF BLOOD AND FIGHTING FIVE NOUMUS ALL BY MYSELF FOR LIKE AN HOUR? ...NAH.” you’re absolutely right Miruko that would be ridiculous
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either she’s about to die and she knows it, or SHE WAS JUST TOYING WITH THEM WHAAAAT. I genuinely don’t even know which it is?? but it better not be the former and it absolutely is the latter though
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excuse me did this guy just fucking impale her
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SHE ONLY HAS THE ONE GOOD HAND LEFT LIKE CAN YOU PLEASE. can you fucking not, though?! and also I forgot that being impaled through the torso is another thing in this series that’s actually fatal. well fuck
(ETA: also he ripped out her hair!! look here you piece of shit I’m gonna --)
lmao but yeah, somehow
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Horikoshi. if you kill off your one cool strong top ten female hero character. just so you know. I will. ...you know what, just don’t do it, how about that. just don’t
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ohhhhhh I might be about to get really mad you guys. we’ll see. we’lllllll see
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GODDAMMIT, OBVIOUSLY TOMURA CAN’T FUCKING DIE SO WHY DON’T YOU FUCK OFF WITH THIS ENTIRE SCENARIO YOU’RE PRESENTING TO US RIGHT NOW HORIKOSHI, HOW ABOUT THAT. fuck everything I can’t believe chapter 267 page 16 was the last page of the entire manga you guys. tell me I’m reading way too much into this
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you literally had the perfect chapter. Fataxi!! Baby Hawks!! censored Touya reveals!! why would you go and. ...
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I knew it was a mistake reading past that amazing color page you guys
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-- AND AGAIN!!!!!
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y’all. I was this close to cancelling every damn thing. you don’t even know. my god I think I was grinding my teeth there
“you know what this manga has had quite enough of as of last week? tragic deaths! you know what it has not had nearly enough of? dramatic last minute saves! you know what it hasn’t had any of? TOKOYAMI VERSUS DABI, A.K.A. YOUR NEW FAVORITE MATCH-UP OF ALL TIME, YOU’RE FUCKING WELCOME.” geez. calm down Horikoshi. be cool man be cool
you guys. it was almost perfect, and then it wasn’t, and then it very much was. my god. how did I not see that Tokoyami save coming with all that buildup in hindsight. clearly he saw the fire on page four and was all “oh no! his weakness”
only thing is. it’s yours too, bud. :/ don’t think I’ve forgotten how this all played out during the forest arc. and meanwhile on top of that we’ve got Gigantomachia about to have the rudest of awakenings. goddammit. why is everything so dangerous and so awesome thanks I love it but geez
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jlf23tumble · 4 years
Hi! I've seen you rec fics before and I'm wondering if you have any recommendations for Harry Styles fics that deal with gender. Like Harry being either nonbinary or that being the focus of the plot in some way. Thanks!
I have GOT YOU, my friend! I answered a similar ask a long time ago, so I’ll bring those recs over, plus add newer ones, just to keep us up to date. Same caveat as before, though--these fics delve a bit deeper into the genderfluid side of the fine line rather than just the “harry in panties” side because I think you’re more interested in the former, but if I’m wrong, let me know! Enjoy!
Us, Me, We, @homosociallyyours, 2.3 (Harry/Harry, Harry/Louis). Featuring Harry trippin’ balls and truly seeing “her” in the mirror.
you make me wanna (how deep is your love), orphan_account, 2.5k (harry/louis). As the notes say, “straight up porn,” featuring trans Harry.
Friendly Fire, @vondrostes, 2.6k (Harry/Ny). Look, you’ll see a lot of Terran here, I had to hold *back*, but he writes tons of pairings, so there’s something for everyone, and I rec it all! In this case, Harry learns an important lesson about why he shouldn’t date straight women.
No Control, thegirlwthekittentattoo, 2.6k (Harry/Louis). The dialogue here is EVERYTHING, it’s cute and hot and emotional yet still funny, like Harry’s bra being named Christi with an “i”, and I loveeee how much is packed in here.
Silent Night, @sulkingroom, 2.7k (Harry/Xander). I’m 99% sure this is Melissa, not orphan_account, but she’s another author who writes stunning fics that play with gender, this one featuring trans Harry at Christmas.
She, Myself, and I, @vondrostes, 3k (Harry/Nick). Angst city, with Harry telling Nick exactly who “she” is.
Every Drop of Rain, haemophilus, 3.3k (Harry/Taylor). Told through Taylor’s eyes, a fascinating look at Harry and his gender journey. (I highly rec this author’s work in other pairings for similar vibes!)
if they find out, will it all go wrong? blankiexrry, 3.4k (Harry/Louis). Gender exploration behind the scenes when the D played MSG, plus extra kink added!
The Assassination of Harry Styles’ Dignity, wishforwishes, 3.5k (Harry/Nick). This one was in the pubefest, and it’s gryles angst hours gorgeously done as Harry ponders shaving past and present (highly rec this author for gender exploration in other pairings, too).
She Feels So Good, Zedi, 4k, and its sequel, Turns Out She’s a Devil In-Between the Sheets, 3k (Harry/Louis). Mannnn, this universe is so good! Part one is behind the scenes of the Late Late Show after Kiwi, and part two is sexi times in Italy. I utterly adore how this Harry shifts right along with her pronouns.
Fertile Ground, Blake/ @newleafover, 4.4k (Harry/Louis). Jesus wept specifically at this story, CHRIST, so much dysphoria-related angst!! The sheer number of moments guaranteed to make you stare at the wall for one (1) hour, help!
into joy i’m sailing, @hereforlou, 4.6k (Harry/Louis). The tenderness LEAPS off the screen in this one, Harry forgets he’s wearing a dress when Louis comes over for dinner, and I peel my heart out of my throat every time.
weird honey, orphan_account, 5.4k (Harry/Louis). I’m a big lurker in fic comments, and these ones give me joy because big names from a time when this Harry drew even more hate than today are here, spreading love and support--who was this author? This story is so GOOD, I’d love to know what else they did! (In this case, a sex toy helps Harry deal with not having a vagina.)
violence of my own touch, 14hrflight/ @got2ghost, 5.2k (Harry/Louis). Chi is yet ANOTHER author to read for spot-fuckin’-on genderfluid characterization (here, it’s alpha/alpha with all kinds of bdsm, dysphoria, angst, and more).
it’s you i want to take apart, orphan_account, 5.9k (Harry/Louis). This author--in the year of our lorde 2012--watched the nail polish interview and created a work of art that went even deeper, their MIND!!! What else did they foretell??!!!!!
Love at Home, @vondrostes, 6.9k (Harry/Xander, Harry/Zayn/Xander). This fic is HYPER-current, like, mid-quarantine, and it features some Zarry history, some pregnancy-related dysphoria, and so much more, plus horses!! (The horses aren’t actually all that involved, I just love to see ‘em.)
Vinyl and Lace, objectlesson/ @alienfuckeronmain, 7.5k (Harry/Louis). This one kills me because it’s XF days, and you get the full-on sensation that this is meant to be kinky play funtime, but it’s going to end up being something much bigger on so many fronts, we love to see it!
Are You Gonna Be My Girl? LoadedGunn, 7.5k (Harry/Louis). EASILY my fave fic this author wrote, basically, Louis talks about his first time with a girl, Harry decides to be that girl, and the dirty talk hits different in the end!
call me anything you like, but my name is, wishforwishes, 9.9k (Harry/members of CHASM). [muffled internal screaming whenever I think of this fic] It starts with BSE Veronica/Zayn and ends with Harry Veronica/Zayn, and so much revelation happens in between, goddddd bless.
fallin’ and laughin’ at the drinks we spilled, enbyharry/ @non-binharry, 14k (Harry/Louis). Asia’s description in the notes kills me, but #vanlife Louis runs into proud Harry in some bar and shenanigans ensue is the upshot!
But She Doesn’t Know Who I Am series, jaerie, 15k (Harry/Louis). I love that one of the tags here is “louis asks inappropriate questions” because that’s honestly most of what happens!! 
o/o angst series, HappyPrincess/ @pattern-pals, 17k (Harry/Louis). I miss Nina’s writing like a phantom limb, and I doubt they’ll return to this universe, but I swear, I will read (and rec) ANYTHING they produce when the muse visits them again! This one is as its title says, and it doesn’t disappoint, heavy sigh.
Grenadine Sunshine, objectlesson/ @alienfuckeronmain, 18k (Harry/Louis). This fic is a peach of a pearl written as a gift for one of this fandom’s best authors, and it perfectly captures the Mood of that author, with so much softness, makeup, gender, and tender.
Alpha Louis/Alpha Harry series, 14hrflight/ @got2ghost, 22k (Harry/Louis). SO MANY GENDER ISSUES EXPLORED HERE, WOW!! College roommates come to terms with their identity, and, mannnnn, do I love it when a/b/o gets unstraightened, if you will, chef’s kiss all around.
Nothing You Can Do (But You Can Learn How to Be You in Time), Teumessian, 28k (Harry/Louis). Also known as the pinterest fic, this one is just so soft and lovely, an identity story told through hair (among other things).
genderfluid!harry series, istajmaal, 33k (Harry/Louis). This entire series hits just as hard today as it did when it was written in 2013, a time when people were aggressively trying to make fetch frat boy Harry happen (some of ‘em still are, lmao). Anyway, this is another author I highly rec for all their other fic, but this one does an A+ job of describing Harry’s gender exploration mid-D madness. 
Amor Victorious, HappyPrincess/ @pattern-pals, 38k (Harry/Louis). Another brilliant work from Nina, you feel like you’re on this journey with them, PLUS it dives deep into gender identity struggles, PLUS it throws a/b/o for a loop, all of which equals a big yes from me!
hush., wankerville, 41k (Harry/Louis). One of my all-time faves, this one tackles so many phobias, all while being set in a small-town America high school AU and managing to be the softest, most gorgeous, most hopeful thing in spite (because?) of that.
Time Passed, coffinofachimera/ @belialsmiracles, 66k (Harry/Louis). LISTEN, I WILL NEVER, EVER SHUT UP ABOUT THIS FIC, I can only hope the author will bless us with a timestamp or something else entirely, it’s so beautifully done, it makes you think of nothing else for days, it RUINS you for other fic (I highly rec the author’s other work, too). You’ll never look at Tokyo Harry the same way again (or listen to “She” or “Fine Line” without getting more than a little misty). GOLD STAR!
Made of Lightning, @vondrostes, 74k (Harry/Louis, Harry/Liam, Harry/Louis/Liam). Just...the tags on this don’t do full justice to the journey of it, to the imagination of this specific timeline! I adore how Terran writes trans Harry!
Second Spring, @vondrostes, 103k (Harry/Louis). Speaking of Terran writing trans Harry, this one covers all the ins and outs of her surgical transition, how she recovers, and how she and the people around her deal with puberty no. 2. 
116 notes · View notes
nikatyler · 6 years
Tumblr media
Oh hey, long time no replies. And these are the first ones of this year. I have a hard time replying now. It’s not like I don’t have time - I’m doing okay, actually. I mean, I wouldn’t complain if there was less homework, but still. Free time exists. It’s just that I can’t bring myself to replying to either comments or messages...I replied to asks quite quickly though, which is something unusual for me. Usually that’s where I’m slowest. I don’t know, is this another weird anxiety thing? Like I know I can reply, but I just...don’t?
Anyway...let’s get that done now I guess. There’s a lot of these, apologies if something got lost. Maybe it’s my fault, maybe it’s not, all I know is that sometimes my activity feed doesn’t show me everything.
unstablesims replied to your photoset “Vlad the fashion icon strikes again.”
he's rocking that goth TM look lmao
I mean yeah.
unstablesims replied to your photoset “This brings back memories. Maybe he’s not evil, he just wants some...”
he's vv nice to his friends..... the problem is becoming his friend ��
I was going to reply with “if this ain’t me” but...actually once I get comfortable around people, irl especially, I’m awful to them D: (I can quite easily turn into the sarcastic asshole friend and no one believes me until I unleash it lmao) But anyway yeah I kinda can see Vlad to be that way, now that you mention it
justkeeponsimming replied to your photo “End of the Year Tag 2 This time I was tagged by @justkeeponsimming....”
Ronnieeee!!! Your sims are SO gorgeous! Love love love this!
Aaaaah thank you so much! ♥
dandylion240 replied to your photo “I tweeted this last night but I want to share it here as well because...”
When Ross and Caleb finally got together. I'm still hoping Caleb changes his mind and turns Ross.
If I had replied to this a week earlier, I could’ve used my favourite eye emoji. Oh well. Yeah, it’s good he changed his mind, isn’t it? :D I couldn’t stand the idea of separating them.
jackssims replied to your photo “I tweeted this last night but I want to share it here as well because...”
The birth of Miracle! Caleb, Ross, and Sunset! The high school story and when Miracle and Adam got together as well!
ghkjahfljhk lately (I mean for the past few months) I’ve been really disliking Miracle and Adam’s storyline but for some reason when people mention it, they always say they liked it, so I guess I didn’t do that bad of a job? 
Same with the good old Zoey storyline. Everyone who has ever talked to me about it said they liked it and thought it was interesting, but I’m over here like “gjkfjgfjhg don’t mention that mess to me ever again”.
melien replied to your photoset “Sunset spent the New Year’s Eve by playing sims. This is very...”
I feel personally attacked
It’s fine, we’ve all been there :D
I think I played sims too this year. Well, first we played some board games with my parents, then there was midnight, I cried, went to see the fireworks (while finishing a bottle of wine but I swear I wasn’t drunk)...oooh and then I watched a stream and edited my sims screenshots! Okay so I didn’t actually play but I edited the pics and like...these are still fun new year’s eve plans, am I right?
melien replied to your photoset “Dawn came over and the two spent hours talking about space.”
I love their outfits! Totally would wear something like this
I like Sunset’s style especially. Well, sometimes she wears clothes I wouldn’t, but for most of the time, it’s just comfy fun stuff I wish I had. Especially considering my dark phase is over and colours are slowly coming back to my closet :D
melien replied to your post “I have some random sims I could share. Anyone interested?”
Ohhhh... on one hand I'd always want sims from you but on the other hand I fear I won't do them justice because idk where to use them rn. Dilemma
pls ask
I’m always down for creating sims for mutuals and friends (I just never talk about it), so just let me know when you want one. Also, I’m sure you would do them justice. I’m really not afraid you would fail there. You know I love everything you do, so... :D
melien replied to your photoset “This guy ♥”
Ending 2018 on a high note
The best note possible
simtress replied to your photoset “Caleb: Isn’t it sad that there are so many ways a vampire can live a...”
i love the name caleb...♥
Me too! I’ve liked it since the first time I had seen it in an English textbook years ago.
dandylion240  replied to your photoset “Oh god please tell me I didn’t accidentally have risky woohoo on or...”
It'd be fun to see what their kid would look like.
I agree and I’m surprised I’ve never played with their genetics. smh ron
cafeheart replied to your photo
okay he's hot but this also makes me uncomfy for some reason asfdlkjaj put him back
jackssims replied to your photo
I agree he’s got a hot vibe going, but this just feels wrong tbajfnakcn
It is kinda weird, I’ll admit that (but “reimagining” him was fun). It’s like...taking away Caleb Vatore’s weird emo hair. I admit I’ve done that once but it was just to mock myself anyway. I wouldn’t do it “for real”. Emo hair must stay. Yes it’s dumb, but also, it’s iconic. we stan dumb hair
I’d say this is something similar. I don’t want to say anything about Ross is iconic, but...you get my point, right?
jackssims replied to your photoset “Ross: “Okay, I don’t like this. I have a theory.” Caleb: “I know what...”
The funny thing here is, when I was writing this dialogue, I had no idea what was going to happen later.
jackssims replied to your photoset “Caleb: “I don’t…I don’t ever want this to end.” Ross: “You’re the only...”
Way to dodge that, Caleb
Oh yeah. He’s good at that
unstablesims replied to your photoset “Sunset: I know I said I’d work out today but I really don’t want to…oh...”
An everyday one
alfalfalegacy replied to your photo “Sim Download: Cara Meadows she/her, bisexual Another one. I imagine...”
ahh she's cute! might have to nab her for my private save ;)
Yay, I’m so happy to hear that! :D
jackssims replied to your photoset “Everything about this picture is a big mood. You may tag yourself now.”
Tbh I’m both Caleb and Sunset
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “Valentine: “Relationships and love aren’t really for me, but attending...”
Ironically her name is ValentineXD
Yup. Exactly. I bet it must be annoying for a person who couldn’t care less about getting into a relationship.
myopiccc replied to your photoset “Sunset wasn’t born to follow the crowd.”
Seriously!?!? I would never know THEY can use an umbrellas clever way! LOL
Lol they sometimes open it inside. Doesn’t seem clever to me :D But yeah, I didn’t expect them to sit down like this.
solarmoodlet replied to your photo “Sim Download: Enric Noel he/him, gay Sometimes a miracle happens and I...”
hes so cute. added him to my save. Tyvm!
Ahhh thank youuu!
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your post “Simblr 2019 Goals”
I join you with the last point�� I kinda defeated social anxiety irl but the online anxiety stays. And they say shy people can communicate better online!
melien replied to your post “Simblr 2019 Goals”
I third the online anxiety, glad to know I'm not alone
I wish I could say I defeated it irl as well...things got better (mainly because I just had to get used to it and grow a thicker skin) but I’m still an anxious trainwreck 99 % of the time :D It’s the same online. 
Also, instead of actually starting a conversation with people, I’m always like “oh you know, if you feel like talking to me, just send me a message, I don’t bite” but the problem is I know there’s a lot of us like that here and I’m not the only one with this fear of communication so maybe I should be the one to find the courage once
Wow that didn’t make sense but I think that only proves my point that I’m an anxious trainwreck :D
penelope-and-wonders replied to your photoset “You can put the umbrellas away, guys.”
What fun would that be? ��
Oh right, I can’t have a normal wedding :D It’s a universal rule that I should finally accept. Something would be wrong if everything went right for once.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photo “Sim Download: Leigh Smith she/her, pansexual A long long time ago I...”
Omg, I looove her! ❤️❤️
Thank youuu ♥
green-productivitea replied to your photoset “Sunset: “What can I say? Freaking finally. Took you long enough to...”
The fact that she call him dad :O
Yep, she did. I love the relationship these two have.
yamekamerainbows27 replied to your photoset “Sunset: “You’re the woman that said she didn’t want a child, and you...”
Damn Sunset! You tell her girl ��
melien replied to your photoset “Sunset: “You’re the woman that said she didn’t want a child, and you...”
Go Sunset!
That’s what she deserves
sparkiemonkey replied to your photoset “I mean, Sunset was right. Dawn is adorable.”
she is totally adorable
Up until now I was always saying that this legacy has some Good Genes, now with Dawn it will be more like Cute Genes.
unstablesims replied to your photoset “Marcella: “What are you two doing?” Sunset: “Watching the clouds!...”
let them be dorks in peace!! lmao
Exactly!! No reasons to judge
cafeheart replied to your photoset “I would lie if I said I saw this coming.”
yknow if someone didnt have context for your legacy this kinda looks like caleb is murdering ross asdkfbbd
omg you’re right and I hate that you are right
vampcatsims replied to your photoset “Ross: “We’ve taken many risks already and now I’m taking another one,...”
noooo he's going to leave him at the altar god this is going to hurt so much
omg wow this is where scrolling down and reading new ones before old ones causes reaction mistakes cuz omg this is for realsies isn't it?
kyveria replied to your photoset “Ross: “We’ve taken many risks already and now I’m taking another one,...”
@vampcatsims don’t worry, ross has already had someone leave him at the altar so Caleb is going to stay ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Haha yeah, they’re going to be fine. I think. Can’t promise anything.
jackssims replied to your photoset “Caleb: “I…how can I say no to this? Yes, Ross. Yes, I will.” Ross:...”
Good! I was scared he was going to say no for a second ����
Imagine if he left him and I’d introduce a new spouse now. Or bring back Jordan. Or Marika.
Omg imagine I’d bring her back and she’d get her “happy little family” she claims she wishes for now.
myopiccc replied to your post “ - fave types of movies?”
Such a tense era! I'm a historic nerd too:)
Yeah, I love it! I mean, I don’t actually love it, there were some bad things happening, no freedom of speech and such, but for me, it’s an interesting era to learn about. I also think it’s important to know about these times because in a way, they’re still so similar to where we are now, we really should look back at them and try to not make the same mistakes...sadly, when I look at the situation in my country...sometimes it feels like people forget. Not just people like me who didn’t experience it and have only learned about it in History classes...feels like even people who have been there forget and it’s sad and frustrating and I wish I could do something about it. Okay rant over.
jackssims replied to your photoset “Caleb: “Tell me honestly. Did you expect me to change my mind with...”
Nice! But I swear if this somehow backfires and Ross ends up dying...
dandylion240 replied to your photoset “This doesn’t even need a caption.”
Ross you better not have died!!
jackssims replied to your photoset “This doesn’t even need a caption.”
ajkfaglafkghlahgfk I didn’t realize this would seem like he’s dying I’m sorry for causing panic fjaklflk
I just thought it was funny he set himself on fire and Caleb is over there like “nooo I agreed to marry this freak I have made a grave mistake”
princessdejamars replied to your photoset “Ummmm”
oh no not again
Yes. Yes again. And yeah, I could’ve left without saving. I didn’t. I was shocked when it happened and once I realized he’s pregnant again...you should’ve heard my hysterical laughter. Something is wrong with me and I don’t like it.
cafeheart replied to your photoset “Dawn: “Not a chance.”
sunset looks scared shitless asdkfjdbdb
"fhlakhfalklahkjjkij she’s kissing me I wasn’t prepared for this what do I do jgljfkjhlaafkgl”
jackssims replied to your photoset “Caleb: Nothing happened…I’m fine…I’m just gonna give this dog a bath...”
That's totally not going to lead to more problems later, Caleb, if anything *did* happen (/sarcasm)
Yup. It’s totally okay to do that.
jackssims replied to your photoset “oh shit”
Oh fuck
alfalfalegacy replied to your photoset “oh shit”
this is wild haha
Basically my reaction
jackssims replied to your photoset “Stella: “Dad, you’re home alone?” Caleb: “I think so.” Stella: “Aw,...”
jlkfdzsjlkfadg She's pregnant, he's pregnant, truly amazing
That’s a twist I truly didn’t expect at the end of this generation. Not that I’m complaining
jackssims replied to your photoset “Stella: “Anything else?” Caleb: “What? Is there supposed to be...”
jackssims replied to your photoset “Caleb: “And that’s not all…” Ross: “Huh?” Caleb: “Nothing. Forget it.”
See Ross and Caleb were made for each other because they both have a hard time learning from their mistakes lol
dandylion240 replied to your post “I WAS HOPING HE WAS PREGNANT WITH HIS FIANCE'S BABY NOT GETTING...”
There's a way to bend the rules. Since Ross will become a vampire. He and Caleb have forever to have a child together. So once Sunset takes over as heir I say anything goes for Ross after that �� but that's just me lol
Ooh, technically that could work! I didn’t even think about that. Good point. I don’t think they’ll have children together but I really do like this idea.
jackssims replied to your photoset “Ross: “Is there anything you would like to tell me?” Caleb: “I was...”
Good! Caleb got the courage to tell Ross
I mean he didn’t really have another option at this point
jackssims replied to your photoset “Caleb: “You’re not going to leave me now, are you?” Ross: “I’m...”
Wholesome Ross (he’s really come full circle tbh)
I kept saying he would get better and no one believed me. There you have it guys, he’s a changed person. Character development! :D
simtress replied to your photo “™¥ ♥”
*eeps! she's too cute1
ikr, I miss her ;-;
melien replied to your photoset “Stella: I can’t believe it’s actually raining on my wedding day. We...”
It's a free riiiiide when you've already paid
Is this a reference I am supposed to get
Because I’m dumb and don’t get it lmao
melien replied to your photoset “Sunset: “Say cheese hair!”
So don't ask how I remember it because I'm probably too invested lol but your theme with red hair/blonde(yellow) hair in gen 3 of every legacy? It continues
Omg I didn’t even realize! Sebastian and Lynn started it obviously, then in my Raven Legacy it was a little “easter egg” but this time, it’s a coincidence (a nice coincidence). I guess I just can’t have too many redheads!
melien replied to your photoset “oh shit”
The ultimate plot twist
The plot twist I normally would’ve welcomed but this time, I actually felt sorry for him. He didn’t deserve it the first time (aka the time I was petty and did it on purpose) and he didn’t deserve it this time either. But still. Aliens. I can’t just quit the game without saving when it has to do something with them, can I?
Maybe babies for them perhaps?
Y’all really want them to have kids huh
melien replied to your photoset “Nooooo Rocket :( He’s old now!”
Can Caleb also turn Rocket? Vampire doggo would be fun
Man I’d love if that was possible (even though...I just imagined him biting the poor dog and that’s kinda weird). Buuuut...there’s something else that I did and it’s almost as good.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photo “Sim Download: Minako Ito she/her, lesbian Traits: Good, Loner,...”
All of the Sims you put for download are so pretty! I'm grabbing them all!
Thank you so much ;-;
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photo “i was enchanted to meet you”
Aaahh nostalgia!
I knoooow ;-; I love them and I miss them and I want to play with them again
I mean I could, first I’d just have to finish the high school story and that’s...highly unlikely lol
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “oh shit”
Aliens are in love with him that's true
New otp: Caleb/Aliens. Oh that's weird
They have a weird thing for Calebs
If you guys know a Caleb irl protect them
If you are a Caleb, well...I’m sorry
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “Rocket: Hey I’m old, just thought you should know…oh nevermind what...”
This is somehow sad=((
Yeah. I love this little dog so much :(
16 notes · View notes
niggangel-archive · 6 years
tagged by @plantainjoon tysm ily g
RULES: Answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people.
umm @joonsbf @hobisbff @gothasc @agustwink @agustboobie
1. drink - dr. pepper
2. phone call - my sister
3. text message - uhhh???? my friends on their gc 
4. song you listened to - purity (feat. frank ocean) - a$ap rocky
5. time you cried - ahhh like two months ago? mental breakdown aksj
6. dated someone twice? - nah
7. kissed someone and regretted it - definitely lmfaoo
8. been cheated on - lmao kinda? i went out w this guy when i was 7 yrs old and we forgot we were dating so like...technically he cheating on me vice versa jsdhakj 
9. lost someone special - yeah
10. been depressed - oof i wish it were past tense
11. gotten drunk and thrown up - mmm no
fave colours
12. Crimson Red
13. Midnight Blue
14. idk the....dark-ish gold colour 
in the last year have you…
15. made new friends - yea!!! joined so many discord servers, really thankful discord has brought me to meet so many ppl
16. fallen out of love - mm i can’t tell when i fall in love? but i just stay loving people honestly
17. laughed until you cried - nope
18. found out someone was talking about you - yeah smhhh
19. met someone who changed you - mmhm, but really i just take influence from a lot of people 
20. found out who your friends are - idk what that means ajksdhakjs?? i think so yeah !
21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list - akjska no
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl - all of them lmfao, except from like 3
23. do you have any pets - no, never had any :(
24. do you want to change your name - Yes please or have an official alias. I want to have Luno added officially to my names :( my deadname is too feminine
25. what did you do for your last birthday - went out to eat ! got some cash! and food !
26. what time did you wake up today - 5:40AM but i left my bed at 7:30AM 
27. what were you doing at midnight last night - making dora au theories and uhh what one normally does to distract them from sad nigga hours lmfaoo
28. what is something you can’t wait for - summer holidays a bitch wants to SLEEP. also university because i’ll really be able to be in control of my identity.
30. what are you listening to right now - thinkin about you by frank ocean
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom - yeah, these twins that went to my old school. tom and harry. lmfao white ppl
32. something that gets on your nerves - i hateeeee deliberate ignorance, slut shaming, FAT SHAMING PEEVES ME....also when people talk to me when im nonverbal jaks
33. most visited website - what website u think we on rn fool
34. hair colour - Negro, tho its acc darkass brown but whatev
35. long or short hair - long but....bc over the years i didn’t know how to undo my hair and used Scissors in the wrong places......Questionable
36. do you have a crush on someone - i think but like????? lol idk
37. what do you like about yourself - my taste in general...for music...art....also my imagination. i also like my height jaksaksj.
38. want any piercings? - hmmm no. maybe nipple piercings though 
39. blood type - they aint tell my mum bc they thought niggas would kill me if they knew bc of some bs thing they learnt abt africa sooooo idk
40. nicknames - jay ! JJ (been called that since childhood lmfao), jéjé (french variation of JJ, fam calls me that), jonifoh (no one types that they say it outloud, jenji & bibi
41. relationship status - single
42. zodiac - sagittarius !
43. pronouns - he/him
44. fave tv shows - power puff girls, my wife & kids, outnumbered, the fresh prince of bel air
45. tattoos - SO MANY, but i want like 3 crown tattoos, one on my left hand, one on my chest and another on my leg. but really i just want small symbols and artwork all over but like, nothing Big
46. right or left handed - right handed
47. ever had surgery - um as a kid yes, sth to do with my chest and breathing
48. piercings - 0
49. sport - basketball is my no.1 right now and dance !
50. vacation - haven’t been in a while, but my fam minus my dad last went and did an inter rail trip round europe
51. trainers - idk they from sports direct tho
51. favourite pair of shoes - my timbs lmfao
more general
52. eating - i had an omlette my sis made me, so nice
53. drinking - nothing but imma have some water
54. i’m about to watch - planning on watching fullmetal alchemist or hellsing this summer !
55. waiting for - tumblr to reply to my support :( and me to get my shit together lfmaoo
56. want - a job and clothes (so money !!)
57. get married - hellllllll noooooo
58. career - some computer scientist in whatever that does music prod. on the side
which is better
59. hugs or kisses - hugs
60. lips or eyes - lips
61. shorter or taller - truly don’t care, but shorter
62. older or younger - older
63. nice arms or stomach - arms
64. hookup or relationship - hookup
65. troublemaker or hesitant - troublemaker
have you ever
66. kissed a stranger - no :/
67. drank hard liquor - yes and God
68. lost glasses - yeah lmfaoo
69. turned someone down - yeah
70. sex on first date - there was no date lmfao
71. broken someone’s heart - idk, maybe? 
72. had your heart broken - no i don’t think so
73. been arrested - nearly lmfaoo
74. cried when someone died - oh yeah, real badly
75. fallen for a friend - that’s literally all i do lmfaoo
do you believe in
76. yourself - yes
77. miracles - no....but in religious context yes.
78. love at first sight - nahh
79. santa claus - PLEASE i mean. there are many santas!! anyone can be santa
80. kiss on a first date - yeah, but i don’t hold much...meaning to kissing lol
81. angels - yes
82. best friend’s name - a lot of ppl i consider to be my best friend so: siyoung, carlena, rachael, emily
83. eye colour - brown
84. fave movies - moonlight (2016), pacific rim 2, spirited away, howl’s moving castle, grave of the fireflies,  
85. fave actor - whole of the cast of moonlight
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wtf-taeyong · 6 years
85 Statements
Tagged by my favourite soulmate @agustdomain
I don’t think there are 85 things to know about me.
rules: answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people.
I’m a massive loser so I can only tag like,,,,,,,, 2 people,,,,,, @stormae @honeytaeyong lisTEN im lame and not cool enough to know anybody else. i can feel the judgement. 20 people is too many people.
1. drink - Pepsi max cherry, because it’s my brothers and i deserve it for dealing with him
2. phone call - My mom! She was telling me she wasn’t coming home that night
3. text message - my brother, telling me to lock the front door
4. song you listened to - Base line by J-Hope
5. time you cried - i don’t remember, i dont like crying. feels lame
6. dated someone twice- not that i can think of?
7. kissed someone and regretted it- Nope! If it felt right in the moment, I won’t ever regret it
8. been cheated on- Yes :/
9. lost someone special- ya
10. been depressed- ya
11. gotten drunk and thrown up- Yes, only about a week ago. My friend’s 18th birthday! :D
fave colors
12. Black
13. Red
14. Dark blue
in the last year have you…
15. made new friends - Yeah! It’s been a good year already
16. fallen out of love - Nope! I’ve never been in love
17. laughed until you cried - No, but I envy the people that have!
18. found out someone was talking about you - No, weirdly. Maybe I’m too scary or they hide it really well
19. met someone who changed you - Yes, my best friend
20. found out who your friends are - I don’t know what this means lol
21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list - Yeah
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl - I don’t know, I have a lot of facebook friends that i dont know. who uses facebook anyway tbh
23. do you have any pets - Yes! 2 cats, 1 dog (soon to get another dog!)
24. do you want to change your name - Yes!
25. what did you do for your last birthday - I really don’t remember, we don’t really celebrate birthdays in my house lolol
26. what time did you wake up today - Exactly 11:38am
27. what were you doing at midnight last night - watching youtube videos on how to properly look after curly hair (my poor hair...)
28. what is something you can’t wait for - moving out!
30. what are you listening to right now - Gold by offonoff (a fucking JAM)
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom - Yeah, he was one of those people you just think need to scrub their personalities with soap. He was dutty.
32. something that’s getting on your nerves - How many FUCKING wires i have jumbled under my desk. Where do any of them lead? We’ll literally never know. Also my mom lol #justgirlythings
33. most visited website - This hellsite and YouTube
34. hair colour - Light brown
35. long or short hair - I’m so fickle, ive been going through a period of wanting to cut all my hair off but i also like long hair.... kms
36. do you have a crush on someone - Gross??? no way. does mark lee count?
37. what do you like about yourself - I’m pretty funny tbh
38. want any piercings? - Ya! I want a rook, an industrial, MAYBE a daith, both my nips. then i’ll be like.... finished
39. blood type -  Literally no idea
40. nicknames - Ren! Loz, Lucifer, Lorenzo, Lollipop
41. relationship status - Happily single!
42. zodiac - Cancer
43. pronouns - She/Her
44. fave tv shows - Brooklyn 99, westworld, it’s always sunny in philadelphia
45. tattoos - none yet, im underage
46. right or left handed - boring and right handed
47. ever had surgery - 3!
48. piercings - I have 13 piercings. I���m getting more soon! :D
49. sport -  As a punishment only
50. vacation - on one rn!
51. trainers - the shoes? what about them? what does this mean?
more general
52. eating - what else do i do with my time
53. drinking - right now? nothing im crispy on the inside
54. i’m about to watch -  black panther, finally
55. waiting for - the sweet embrace of death
56. want - £5,000,000 in cash
57. get married - i cant picture myself getting married but maybe later in life
58. career - please no im only little
which is better
59. hugs or kisses - hugs. just are, y’know?
60. lips or eyes - Eyes
61. shorter or taller - For guys, taller. For gals, shorter
62. older or younger - Older
63. nice arms or stomach - I.... Do you mean for an ideal type? i guess arms?
64. hookup or relationship - rn im in a hookup mindset
65. troublemaker or hesitant - troublemaker, but a lazy one
have you ever
66. kissed a stranger -  Yeah, it was embarrassing
67. drank hard liquor - Yeah, it tasted like the devil got inside my mouth ( ;D )
68. lost glasses - Nope! 20/20 vision bby
69. turned someone down - Yeah
70. sex on first date - No omg
71. broken someone’s heart - Yeah :/
72. had your heart broken - No lmao imagine
73. been arrested - Yeah, but it was a complete misunderstanding
74. cried when someone died - of course
75. fallen for a friend - no, i have a strict rule against that
do you believe in...?
76. yourself - pfft! no lol
77. miracles - No
78. love at first sight - nope
79. santa claus - that’d be so cute, but no
80. kiss on a first date - i dont see why not
81. angels - Angelo is my angel, so yeah
82. best friend’s name - Grace
83. eye colour - Dark blue/grey
84. fave movie - My guilty pleasure is warm bodies, but i also love fight club and Amélie.
85. fave actor - Angelina Jolie. When will she adopt me...?
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tvmecaps · 7 years
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1. god I can’t believe I’m watching this again 2. WHY ARE THE EPISODES SO LONG 3. IT’S ARIE WHAT COULD POSSIBLY HAPPEN
4. “how’s everyone feeling today?” “i’m emotionally and physically drained” this is me every morning
5. if i had to go on a group date with krystal i would absolutely find a way to accidentally punch her in the throat 6. i like tia she just runs around making noises 7. the fuck is a glob 8. THE KISSING BANDIT god i hate this man 9. if someone surprised me with a wrestling date i’d kill myself 10. OMG IS ALISON BRIE HERE 11. the fuck it’s not even alison brie 12. oh they’re like the real wrestlers lmao 13. i have no idea what bekah's personality is
14. wrestler lady: “who wants it?” tia: *raises her hand but only like, a little bit*
15. arie was talking and my mom said from across the room “what are you watching it’s putting me to sleep” 16. lauren b is just standing in the corner laughing i’m dying 17. oh my god she’s just… insulted bibiana’s name? 18. WHAT IS HAPPENING
19. wrestler lady: “I could take you down right now!” tia: “i would let you”
20. bekah’s gonna beat the shit out of them 21. the girls are literally crying 22. IMAGINE GOING ON A DATE WHERE THE ENTIRE PREMISE WAS THAT YOU WERE GOING TO GET BULLIED 23. i really wish alison brie was here 24. shut the fuck up bekah go call your mom 25. “has anyone even watched WWE?” literally no 26. i love tia 27. tia winning would be justice for raven 28. BIBIANA IN A DINOSAUR MASK 29. i want chris harrison to beat the shit out of arie 30. i don’t even remember who kenny is
31. bring back peter
32. who is the lunch lady 33. imagine having to pretend to fall in love with arie 34. oh my god what is HAPPENING 35. imagine losing to krystal 36. LMAO KRYSTAL IS LITERALLY BEATING THE SHIT OUT OF THIS GIRL 37. is this… porn 38. i think this is porn 39. aw i love tia and bibiana 40. every time arie speaks i want to fast forward
41. i’m trying to snapchat arie and krystal but i can’t get a clear enough shot of their faces because all they’re doing is kissing really grossly 42. oh my god 43. snapchat makes this show so much better
44. “he’s fucking awesome” yeah ok tia 45. WHY DOES ARIE JUST KISS EVERYONE 46. “i have a feeling i’ll be on that one on one date because he knows i’m a mom” god in all my krystal hatred i forgot how awful chelsea was 47. i cannot tell any of the laurens apart
48. “and i just feel like these girls are living in a false reality” oh my god she’s CLINICAL
53. is krystal literally just going around the house talking to the other girls about how strong her connection with arie is…
54. “this is a very Lauren S. date” - lauren S
55. “i like to go to bed early” of course you do arie you’re like 60
56. hulu isn’t working and i feel like this is a message from god 57. ugh no it’s back
58. “i feel like you’re a little bit of a wine connoisseur.” “no i just like drinking wine.” the most relatable arie has ever been
59. SHE’S JUST RAMBLING 60. SHE’S BEEN RAMBLING FOR PROBABLY AN HOUR 61. SHE JUST KEEPS TALKING 62. LAUREN S PLEASE STOP TALKING 63. she’s literally talking so much that arie is actually eating
64. “how is ‘ruff’ spelled?” “r-u-f-f” *everyone SCREAMS*
66. he’s NOT GIVING HER THE ROSE 67. I’M SO UNCOMFORTABLE 68. THIS IS THE WORST THING I’VE EVER SEEN 69. god that was awful 70. ugh i liked her 71. or at least like… i didn’t hate her 72. why is krystal talking about her like she died 73. dear god SHUT!!!!! UP!!!!!!!
74. “stop being so condescending to everybody because you like, met his dog.” CAROLINE FOR PRESIDENT
75. how is it only 9:00 i feel like I’ve been watching this episode for six years 76. tag yourself i’m the blonde bitch jumping up and down when arie even vaguely alludes to a dog 77. when does unReal come back 78. THESE DOGS ARE SO TALENTED 79. my dog can’t even walk without falling down
84. bibiana signs off from her prayer with “love you bye!!”
85. “we have just a random girl who’s walked up as well” same 86. i would just hold my dog and pet him 87. why is annalise so enthusiastic about poop 88. she’s really owning it though 89. how are there still so many girls left i only know like six of them 90. omg I can’t wait for chelsea to go home 91. her poor child is going to have to watch this someday
92. “dogs are so cute” wow arie is full of gold tonight 93. “i have never had the opportunity for someone to respect me for who i am” ok chelsea 94. i wonder what arie is thinking about at any given time 95. “the last time you said you were in love was five years ago on this show. tell me more about that.” do you really think that’s the best topic of conversation here
96. i wonder if arie is stoned or if he just naturally looks like that
97. omg annalise stop complaining and just go talk to him 98. ten years from now someone’s gonna say the word bachelor and she’s gonna have flashbacks to THIS traumatic moment 99. HE JUST KEEPS KISSING PEOPLE 100. it’s never a good sign when the dude says “so how do you think things are going” 101. he’s so not into her 102. that was painful 103. poor annaliese 104. she deadass got her coat on LMAO
107. “today was really fun. i loved today. today was such a cool day. it was amazing.” - literally a sentence that arie just said
108. maybe he is super stoned 109. how dare they show me a black panther commercial and then make me go back to watching the bachelor 110. who does bekah look like 111. she looks like someone
124. AHH!!!!!!!! 125. annaliese is gonna force him to kiss her
131. i hope they checked him for herpes
132. the bitch smiling because annaliese hasn’t kissed him 133. he’s going to send annaliese home right now isn’t he 134. this is so uncomfortable because she’s like BEGGING him to kiss her 135. i’ve never seen arie REFUSE to kiss someone 136. this is awful 137. he said no and i gasped 138. that was literally the most dramatic thing that’s happened this entire season 139. this is so dumb
140. you know annaliese and bibiana are going home because he deadass has sought out EVERY OTHER GIRL TONIGHT to stick his tongue down their throats one last time
141. arie is definitely lowkey racist 142. why does he make jokes that 11 year old boys would make 143. if i never see arie kiss another human it will be too soon 144. aw bye annaliese 145. “bye ladies,” she says, crying 146. WHO SAID SHE’S KIDDING 147. “i don’t know what this man is thinking” but literally everyone watching does 148. god shut up krystal
149. “i feel really confident, but also i don’t have a rose,” she says, BEFORE THE ROSE CEREMONY
150. “i had to make one hard decision” arie you’ve sent two girls home 151. the camera zoomed in on krystal when he saw the word wife dear god 152. OH HER NAME IS KENDALL? I like her 153. why did only one girl walk up when he said lauren 154. there are like at least four laurens left 155. bye bib 156. LMAO WAIT DOES HE EVEN KNOW SHE SET UP THE DAY BED 157. he definitely doesn’t 158. thank god this is over 159. THEY’RE TLAKING ABOUT HER DOG FEARS AGAIN 160. oh my god
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holy-jinsus · 7 years
I was tagged by @slutdropjin thank you so much! 💜💙💚
Question 1: do you have any pets? 
Yes, I have my lovely dog, Jasper. She’s a small mixed-breed dog (bolonka and chihuahua). I used to have a hamster too, but she died a few years ago. Maybe I’ll get another one, who knows.
Question 2: name three things that are physically close to you.
chocolate milk, cigarettes & a lighter (the three things I need to live)
Question 3: what’s the weather like right now?
It’s cold outside, but no snow, no storm & no rain. Just cold.
Question 4: do you drive? If so, have you crashed?
Nope, I don’t drive.
Question 5: what time did you wake up this morning?
I think it was like 12 pm, because that’s the time I have to take my meds.
Question 6: when was the last time you showered?
Yesterday before I went to see my family lajdkasjkl.
Question 7: what was the last movie that you saw?
I watched A Christmas Carol (2009) and Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000) the day before yesterday. Both are really good movies!
Question 8: what does your last text message say?
Okay so the last thing that was texted to me was “The perfect pace to cry and die.” and I answered “Yes. Same.” I’ll leave the context to your imagination.
Question 9: what is your ringtone?
Question 10: have you ever been to a different country?
Yes, I’ve been to Spain, Turkey, Netherlands & other countries I don’t remember because I was too young.
Question 11: do you like sushi?
Unfortunately not.
Question 12: where do you buy your groceries?
A supermarket called Edeka lmao
Question 13: have you ever taken any medication to help you fall asleep faster?
Yes, I did for years because of insomnia and anxiety. But I hate meds so I stopped taking them and I feel like I don’t need them atm.
Question 14: how many siblings do you have?
I don’t have siblings.
Question 15: do you have a desktop computer or a laptop?
I have a laptop.
Question 16: how old will you be turning on your next birthday?
I’ll be turning 22, but people tell me I look like 18 and that makes me very happy.
Question 17: do you wear contacts or glasses?
I wear glasses and I hate them.
Question 18: do you colour your hair?
Yes, I did since I was 14 or 15. I used to dye them black, but now I stick with blonde highlights only.
Question 19: tell me something you are planning to do today.
My day’s already over, but tomorrow I’m going to visit the wife of my grandpa (he died a few weeks ago) and afterwards we’re going to see my dad’s girlfriend and her children.
Question 20: when was the last time you cried?
Lmao I’m a crybaby, I think I cried when I watched A Christmas Carol because I am emotional and the movie was emotional and that’s enough to make me cry.
Question 21: what is your perfect pizza topping?
I love my pizza hot, with chicken and mozzarella.
Question 22: which do you prefer, hamburger or cheeseburger?
Definitely cheeseburger!
Question 23: have you ever had an all-nighter?
Almost every night in my life is an all-nighter. What is sleep? 
Question 24: what is your eye colour?
Dark blue, with a bit of grey around my pupils.
Question 25: can you taste the difference between Pepsi and Coke?
Yes, and I like both. I don’t understand the whole drama around pepsi and coke.
I tag @asiapanda @saintlysinnerthighs & @sugarjins 💜
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rikirachtman · 7 years
Tagged again for another one of these things by @jessyulrich. Thanks for all the tags dude! It gives me something to do on this blog, and I’m prone to oversharing personal information about myself lmao, so these little surveys are actually pretty fun to do
What’s your favorite musical? To be totally honest I really am not a fan of musicals generally. I respect the immense amount of work that goes into creating them, but if I want a movie/play I’ll watch a movie/play, and if I want music I’ll listen to music, so the narrative of the movie/play half of the musical being constantly interrupted by showtunes bothers me sometimes (also have this problem with one-song-per-episode shows like Phineas & Ferb). That said, Dr. Horrible was awesome in a campy way
How do you get to sleep? Not really in any one specific way, it always involves a lot of tossing and turning though
What happened at the last party you went to? My own birthday party in March, which was my first birthday party since I turned 10, and it was absolutely wonderful. None of the six people who came really talk to me any more but I’m very grateful they did come
Have you ever smoked a cigarette? Nope
What’s your hair like at this present moment? Post-shower wetness is freezing my neck to the bone
Are you more comfortable sitting or lying down? Laying down
What’s the worst film you’ve ever seen? I mean, what do we mean by “worst film”? If you mean “just plain bad”, then stuff like The Room and Birdemic and shit, but those are ENTERTAININGLY bad and I love them for it (think “the Ride to Hell: Retribution of cinema”). The types of films I consider truly “bad” are uninspired, boring, bland flicks that we’ve seen a hundred times before, even if they’re produced and acted well (think “The Call of Duty of cinema”).
Are you an untidy person? 
Definitely, things just get messier and messier over the course of weeks until I can’t take it and have to clean stuff up for my OCD’s sake
Have you ever been a fan of *NSYNC? Ha definitely not, though my dad allegedly partied with JC Chavez in Vegas once
Do you watch a lot of television? Not a lot, but a decent bit. Never really TELEVISION though, it’s usually Netflix and/or an illegal streaming site because Netflix in Canada sucks and has no shows pffft
Do you think you’re fat sometimes? Yeah except for the “sometimes” part. Working on it though, I’ve dropped from 172 pounds to around 150-155 recently, just a matter of not eating constantly like I used to, and going for runs every night. It’s really difficult to stick to it but I’m trying
Do you like to flex your muscles? I have, like, negative muscles so
Do you think you’ll ever get plastic surgery?                                                     No, as much as I dislike my appearance, I couldn’t do that
Have you ever completely misunderstood what somebody was saying?       Every single time I have a conversation
Favorite kind of cake: Chocolate and carrot are always good
Was it a boy or a girl to text you last? A girl
Name something you are doing tomorrow? Probably sleeping but that’s about all I have planned
Do you sleep on your stomach? Half the time, yeah
Where are you going to be at 4 PM tomorrow? 99% chance that I’ll be in my room, MAYBE I’ll go for a walk or something
Last time you saw fireworks, with whom & where? My mom tells me there was a time when I was like 4 and some fireworks scared the fuck out of me, so it was probably then (this was in Maryland)
Are you missing someone? Just saying “yes” is kind of an understatement honestly, but yes
Do you like horror or comedy? Both, it just depends. I like comedy of just about all kinds, horror I’m more picky with (I love mysteries and supernatural horror, psychological horror can be good if I’m feeling mentally prepared for it, but horror based on gore and guts is terribly uninteresting to me)
Who did you last share a taxi with? I mean, not including the driver, I think there was a time about a year and a half ago where me and a couple friends got a ride from this really cool Jamaican cab driver
Dogs or cats? Both
What were you doing at 12 this afternoon? Math work in preparation for school
Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 months from now? I’m not entirely sure I’ll be alive in 3 months eheh (ironically BECAUSE I’m so lonely), but I’d like to think so
What’s your favorite season? Why?  Winter. The cold air, the soft snow, the cloudy/milky skies, the calm serenity of it all. It’s a beautiful time of year
When’s the last time you did something you knew was wrong? I tend to give as much change as I can to any homeless folks around town who approach me asking for it. A few nights ago a guy told me he needed just a few cents, and I didn’t have change, just a $20 bill. I really, really, really needed the $20 so I told the poor guy I had no money, and I’m still beating myself up for doing that, imagine how happy he’d have been if I’d given him twenty dollars. I hope he found the money he needed
Did you have any unread text messages this morning when you woke up? One from a tumblr friend I have, actually. Waking up to see someone messaged you is always really nice
Who was the last person you hugged? I truthfully couldn’t tell you, it’s been so long. Since I was rather young, I think the only people who’ve ever hugged me are my mom and one friend of mine who sadly doesn’t talk to me anymore. The few hugs I’ve had in my life felt really really good, but I wouldn’t wish having to touch me on my worst enemy eheh, so people tend to avoid it if they can
Do you think you would be a good parent? I’d really like to think so, I’m terrified that I wouldn’t be though
When was the last time you cried? A few hours ago
Who was driving the last time you were in a car? My mom
Does any part of your body hurt right now? Mentally but physically nothing really hurts
Do you like your bed? It’s decently sized so I’m happy to have it, I just wish I had a bed frame instead of a mattress on the floor sometimes eheh
Have you ever broken someone’s heart? Not to my knowledge, I certainly hope I haven’t though
When did you last talk to your brother or sister? Through Facebook, a week ago. In real life, not since maybe a little under a year ago?
Do you ever want to know who you are going to marry? Yeah, I don’t know if I’ll make it to “marriage age” like I said, but it’d be really nice to know. I keep thinking I finally found the one and then it ends, and I don’t think my heart can take any more of that, so I’d like to know
How much cash do you have on you? Usually some change if I have any, but seldom more than ten dollars (the twenty was a rarity).
Are you tanned? No, my body is kind of in different stages of paleness (my face is the most tan part because of exposure to the sun, followed by my arms due to occasional exposure to the sun, then everything else is milk-white lmao)
Did you get any compliments today? Yes, it made my day a lot better
Have you ever gone to court? No
Do you get jealous easily? H  o o oo oo o oo ly fuck I feel raging jealousy constantly. I’m the most envious, bitter little person I’ve ever known
Would you ever want to swim with the sharks? I’d need to learn how to swim first eheh but I think that would be fun, anxiety notwithstanding
What are you doing Saturday? Also no clue, probably also sitting around
What is in your back pocket? Nothing, wearing pajamas without back pockets
What were you doing at 3 AM this morning? Asleep, incredibly enough, since I’m usually wide awake at that hour
What do you usually do first in the morning? Try to process what planet I’m on and deal with the dryness in my mouth and eyes that I inexplicably feel upon waking up
Are you any good at math? I’m the absolute w o r s t. If someone shouted “QUICK WHAT’S 1 PLUS 1″ I’d probably actually have to stop and think for a minute
Any plans for Friday night? Shockingly, I will probably also be sitting around not doing anything
Do you have a little crush on someone? Yeah, those feelings are definitely not reciprocated anymore though
How old is the last person you kissed? N/A since I’m still a kissless failure eheh
Why did you kiss the person you last kissed? N/A since I’m still a kissless failure eheh 2: Electric Kissaloo
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makeste · 5 years
BnHA Chapter 244: Have You Read This Book
Previously on BnHA: Deku visited his mom on New Year’s Eve and was all “here’s a new letter from my ever-expanding fanclub of adorable preschoolers whom I saved from trauma” and Inko was all, “I’M SO PROUD OF YOU IZUKU I FEEL LIKE I DON’T HAVE TO PROTECT YOU ANYMORE” because she doesn’t watch the news at all or keep track of ominous plot developments I guess. The next morning, a.k.a. New Year’s Fucking Day, while other kids their age visited shrines or sat at home watching TV, Izuku, Shouto, and Katsuki were bussed off to go be child soldiers at Endeavor’s hero agency. Katsuki was all “HEY ENDEAVOR YOU’RE KIND OF A DICK,” and Endeavor was all “SHOUTO IS THIS VULGAR AND PUGNACIOUS YOUTH REALLY YOUR FRIEND” and Shouto was all “TOO LATE DAD, YOU SAID!!” and Endeavor hmmphed and booked it out of there and the kids all followed him and there was this old dude with a beard floating around screaming about END TIMES!! and Hawks was there and, what?? Seriously does anyone actually know what’s going on?
Today on BnHA: Endeavor chases down the old man (who may in fact be an actual prophet, though? Horikoshi what games are you playing) and sets him on fire and tackles him and it’s all very violent. Hawks then appears out of nowhere and breaks up BakuDeku’s tag team effort all “SAVE IT FOR THE MOVIE YOU TWO!” and is then all “hi Shouto” and “hi, you must be Midoriya, Tokoyami told me all about you, I wanted to work with you too, BUT -- [stares off angstily into the distance].” Then, because I forgot that Hawks never shuts up, he’s all, “Hey Endeavor have you ever heard of this book, ‘Paranormal Liberation Front’? Don’t let the really dumb-sounding title put you off, it’s actually a rousing tale full of hidden clues about all the bullshit I’m actually up to. I highlighted the relevant portions if you can’t be assed to read it, well anyways, Hail Hydra.” “Well that was a strange conversation,” Endeavor thinks to himself as he stares uncomprehendingly into the void. Sob someone please help them why are they so bad at this oh god.
(All comments are my unspoiled reactions from my initial readthrough of the chapter. I did a quick edit for grammar and clarity immediately afterward, and added a few ETAs in the process, but aside from that there are no changes.)
so thanks to that little stunt Horikoshi pulled two weeks ago, our chances of finding out Bakugou’s hero name any time within the next dozen chapters are slimmer than ever. probably he’ll reveal it at the end of the arc instead. it’s like he doesn’t even care about the databook. whatever I’ll have plenty of time to sulk more about it after I get to readin’
anyway the title of the new chapter is “Recommendation”, so... actually that does sound fairly promising, though? am I just eternally doomed to get my hopes up? is this referring to Shouto pestering his dad to take on his two best friends as fellow interns? what’s going on here
anyway so we’re opening with this
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I love that it’s the two supposed goody-two-shoes kids who are actually being vocal about blatantly disregarding Endeavor’s orders. Shouto is just not having it to begin with, whereas Deku at least is trying to rationalize his own reckless behavior. Katsuki meanwhile is too focused on doing this fancy kick move to switch his suitcase from his left hand to his right to bother talking right now. reminds me of him playing with the soccer ball as a youngling
also the fact that his case is number 17 and Deku’s is number 18. have I talked about this before? I think I have but it was with some other numbered thing. anyways love the symbolism of him trying to stay one step ahead of him and Deku always being right on his heels. or maybe I’m reading too much into it but anyways rivals, yay
damn Endeavor is really determined to get ahead of them though
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uh oh Horikoshi how much action did you pack into this chapter. starting to run out of time to finish all your panels again huh. you had a whole extra week! how fucking insane is this arc going to be holy shit
anyways Endeavor way to leave your brand new interns behind minutes after meeting them for the first time smdh. this is exactly how it went down with Hawks and Tokoyami
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okay so like, I know a flash fire is an actual thing, but for a second I started wondering if in this kind of context (with him speeding off), it might also be a reference to the DC hero. then I remembered that the name of Endeavor’s technique is different in Japanese and the pun probably doesn’t translate. ah well
anyways dude is fast. but I wouldn’t count the kids out yet, they’re all pretty fast too!
so now we’re back downtown with Old Man Doom And Gloom, and oddly enough it seems that this isn’t actually an out-of-the-ordinary occurrence?
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fucking quirk society. you guys are just so desensitized to the most bizarre fucking things. but I guess we in the 21st century are hardly ones to talk ourselves sigh
anyway now he’s being a bit more extra than usual and they’re starting to worry
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?? the fuck is that? that sure as hell isn’t Hawks or Endeavor lmao. IF IT’S SLIDIN’ GO I SWEAR TO GOD
or wait, is it still the old man talking? should I actually be paying attention to his ramblings, my bad
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is that a fucking Spirit Bomb
(ETA: in truth this is the most badass attack name that has ever existed or will ever exist and I should give it its proper due actually.)
so now I guess he’s hurtling it at them??
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...hold up one sec
“revelations from the universe, I have received. flee, flee good citizens. the Dark Lord’s lips curl into a wicked crescent” -- holy shit, this all tracks?? IS THIS DOOMSDAY CRACKPOT MOTHERFUCKER ACTUALLY RIGHT ON THE FUCKING MONEY HOLY SHIT. ARE YOU A WITCH GOOD SIR. DID YOU WRITE A BOOK OF HIGHLY ACCURATE AND DEVASTATINGLY WITTY PROPHECIES BY ANY CHANCE
“the end is nigh! the wicked stars are conspiring against us! we must stop them! the earth is on the verge of being engulfed by darkness! flee, my fellow citizens! I am the one who shall destroy this source of darkness! be revealed! servants of the dark lord, come forth!”
okay listen. if he’s aiming this fucking thing at Hawks, though, after a speech like that? fuck it, I’m a believer. I’m sorry old man, I wrote you off without a second thought and here you are being the only one who’s actually like “HELLO!!!? PEOPLE!!!? THE LEAGUE OF VILLAINS!!?! THEY HAVE AN ARMY!!? AND NOUMUS!??! FUUUUUUUUCK”
and I don’t know where you’re getting your information, but those are some legit-ass universe revelations. fucking even talks about the “Dark Lord” specifically only describing his lips. because he doesn’t have anything else to describe nowadays, face-wise. shit that is spooky
anyway so that sure was unexpected. let’s see what shenanigans Master Roshi here is gonna get himself into next
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did my boy just get fucking flashfired. jesus Endeavor show some fucking mercy
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someone want to explain to this man the concept of a proportionate response? anyone? ...
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fucking Todorokis I swear to god. if they weren’t all so good at being amazing superheroes, they could easily fall back on a career of being dramatic bitches for hire instead
anyways when did Endeavor change his clothes. this dude was wearing a turtleneck and slacks thirty seconds ago. did he literally just burn them off. how. what. fucking plot holes left and right
lol imagine if like on the next page the interns finally catch up and they’re like holding his fucking jacket and looking peeved
-- holy fucking shit, Endeavor
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not cool, dude!! what the fuck. this isn’t a fucking Noumu for fuck’s sake THAT IS A HUMAN PERSON
(ETA: I guess he ended up being okay, but shit, for a moment it looked like we were going full blown Raiders of the Lost Ark over here. anyways the moral of this story is that Endeavor is terrifying, fuck.)
so now of course Nostradamus is trying to get the fuck out of there, because if he sticks around Endeavor apparently has no qualms about burning him alive. fuck me Endeavor, I’m still rooting for your redemption arc my dude, but tbh if Dabi happens to pop up out of nowhere here looking for some revenge I’m not gonna say no to it right now. quit burning people alive!!
so now 12/21/2012 is zooming down an alley and Endeavor is zooming after him and telling some extra with a sword to stay and lead the evacuation
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Endeavor have you flown yourself right into a trap?
oh my god what the fuck is this
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it’s like Dabi VS the Liberation Army all over again. fucking check all these motherfuckers who apparently want to get themselves deep fried. this one guy really thinks he’s going to clock the Number One with a piece of fucking PVC pipe
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LOOKS LIKE WE GOT OURSELVES A RUCKUS, BOYS! you better believe I have the Powerpuff Girls theme song playing in my head right now
-- !!!
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pour one out for these poor sobs who somehow got themselves caught up in an accidental pincer attack between the dynamic fucking duo and fucking Angry Bird here. where the fuck is Shouto btw. or is he the one that got stuck carrying Endeavor’s jacket
loool look at Hawks out here making friends
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oh my god though you guys look at this??
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1. Bakugou and Deku IN PERFECT SYNC, not even thinking about it. just effortless. that was an amazing tag team thing you guys had going on before SOMEONE stepped in and ruined it all omg. do you want me to talk to Hawks for you. I’ve been meaning to discuss some other things with him anyway so it’s not like it’d be going out of my way. can you believe this fucking pigeon blocked my number. WHERE IS JEANIST YOU BASTARD
anyways 2. “I thought Endeavor might have been in a tough spot” that’s a funny way of saying “I was lonely and missed my angry arson dad”! and fucking look at this ridiculous bantering between them. “did it look like I was in a tough spot?” I FUCKING CAN’T YOU GUYS PLEASE STOP
and 3. Shouto just watching. is he impressed by his dad? or just trying to figure out whether Hawks is his dad’s adopted son or boyfriend. I’m pretty sure it’s the former, Shouto, but I don’t blame you for being confused, Hawks just has that kind of energy with everyone
oh my god
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somebody arrest this man. I can’t fucking deal with your cheeky fucking face Hawks
is Skeptic getting all of this?? are they sitting there with bowls of popcorn back at the League of Pliff HQ trying to figure out whether Endeavor and Hawks are dating
...and shit, I just realized the League officially knows now that the disaster trio is interning with the number one. so that’s fucking great. not that it would have been a secret for long, but still, things are officially starting to get real. in hindsight, after the Kamino arc we had a nice long stretch of chapters in which Deku, Kacchan, and Shouto were not in immediate danger from the main fucking villains, so that was nice while it lasted I guess. those days will soon be behind us
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fucking shit Hawks could you be any more ominous. oh my god this arc really is going to kill me
so now we’re cutting away to somewhere. Pliff?
-- oh, nope, still in the same place, we just fast-forwarded to the part where the police came to haul all the bad guys away
and now the manga is being all clever and foreshadowing-y and would you look at this
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BUT IS HE TALKING ABOUT ENDEAVOR, OR HAWKS omg. or hell, he could even be talking about Deku. or AFO even though he’s not actually there. point is, you know he’s not actually wrong. but what is he actually trying to tell us ahhhhhh Servant of the Stars please reveal your secrets
(ETA: in all seriousness you guys, I’m fully down for counting this as a prophecy. it’s already canon that future-seeing quirks are a thing, so. the only problem is that this is some Game of Thrones-level ambiguity as far as who he’s actually talking about. it seriously could be anyone. anyways at least we’ve got some shiny new theory material to play around with here so that’s nice.)
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how does every single person Deku meets not greet him this way?? I sure as hell would. “well if it isn’t the kid who just. fuckin blew up his own hands on live television, multiple times. salutations”
anyways where’s Katsuki, the boy whose previous hero mentor you murdered in cold blood but he doesn’t actually know that yet. when are we gonna start in on that?
Hawks says he’s heard about Deku from Tokoyami. and he even says he would have liked to work with Deku too, wow. that’s high praise
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is this entire arc just going to consist of Hawks saying cryptic things with double meanings known only to him and then glancing sideways at the camera all broodingly omg
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Katsuki’s natural instinct to dislike 100% of newcomers on sight might work out to his advantage here. Hawks’s maxed-out Charisma stats VS Katsuki’s middling Perception stats which nonetheless have a tendency to land high whenever he performs an ability check! I might need to back off from this metaphor though before it becomes really obvious that I don’t actually play D&D
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omg Endeavor can’t a guy just drop in on his grumpy pal out of the blue to make sure he’s doing okay without having some sort of ulterior motive? why are you so sure that Hawks showing up means that plot must be happening. because you’re not wrong, is the thing. but he’s probably just being standoffish for show
holy shit and now Hawks is just pulling out the Liberation Army’s book just like that?? IS HE ALLOWED TO DO THAT
(ETA: “let’s see, what’s a subtle way I can try and clue Endeavor in on the fact that I’ve become an undercover agent in the Paranormal Villain League of Liberation Front Armies. ... ...shit I’m not good at this.”)
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and since when was this book called “Paranormal Liberation Front”?? did they change the title to match the new name?
and what’s Hawks’s game here, though? is he going to play it as though he’s secretly investigating Pliff? you know, like he actually is doing? is this some kind of hiding in plain sight thing or what
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guys. is Hawks just... actually really bad at being a secret agent. omg
so he’s all “DESTRO’S IDEALS ARE EVERYTHING WE COULD ASK FOR” and lol what. fucking look at Endeavor’s face though
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this motherfucker could use a boost of his own wisdom stats, fff
(ETA: swear to god he’s two seconds away from a Katsuki-style “hah?!”)
oh my god
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fucking fuck me. he better have highlighted a really obvious section of that book, because otherwise I’m not gonna hold out hope for this message getting across at all. at least we know what that “recommendation” title was referring to now I guess
(ETA: Endeavor: [reading the highlighted section backwards] “‘‘it’s fun to smoke marijuana’!? what in the --”)
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at least Endeavor now has some nerdy interns who fucking love to read. hell, Deku has probably already read the book. please help this dumb jock to understand his bird son’s coded message, Deku-Wan Kenobi, you’re our only hope
and that’s the end of the chapter! except that I heard there was a new poster for Heroes Rising that was released as well! how come it wasn’t included here now I have to go hunt it down
son of a bitch is this really the best quality that’s available? damn
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well all right. not really much going on here that’s a big revelation or anything, aside from the surprise inclusion of Hawks in the upper right hand corner. did we know he was going to be in this? and like, even if the anime does make it as far as his debut in season 4, will it have reached that point by the time the movie premieres in December? glad I caught up beforehand if they’re gonna start spoiling things like this
so that’s all she wrote for this week! databook is due out next week so that should be fun! we’re finally going to get Hawks’s real name from what I understand. so I can start yelling at him using his full name like a disappointed mom. I have a feeling that’s going to come in handy a lot during this arc. go to your room young man
(ETA: and just watch it be the Japanese equivalent of “Judas McMurder” or some shit. smh. y’all. we stan a shady bitch.)
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saranel · 7 years
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Tagging @mags-duranb, who asked (thank you for the interest btw, it was super sweet. Also, I love your art <3333) :)  I was gonna make a post anyway, but I wanted it to be a timeline photoset hence why I’m not replying directly.
I thought it was about time I gave you guys a nice long update on the purrito, since we have now officially reached 2 months of age as of yesterday!
To answer the requester’s question, SHE is doing just fine xD  That’s right, when we visited the vet about a week ago for the second round of shots, we got visible proof (or rather lack thereof) that we have a little girl in our hands.  This was only a couple of days before I made an insta post announcing the official name, because of course it was. Way to embarass me, kiddo.
So I’d like to introduce you all to Buffy, because hello, so dang pretty, look at that last pic that was taken only yesterday, and she’s also pretty fearless and resourceful, though not necessarily highly intelligent xD  Not a vampire slayer, but an ankle slayer for sure.  I generally post updates on her every couple of days on instagram.
Oh, and, just as a final note on the whole name thing, yes, we still call her purrito from time to time, as well as a thousand other nicknames ;) 
So! On to the update (and an extra... suprise?¿¿??) below the cut:
Buffy’s issues with food have gotten a lot better.  She used to be vicious about meals, meowing and pleading hours before her feeding time.  At first we thought we were perhaps feeding her too little, so we followed the general advice everyone gives re: how much to feed kittens, which is to say we just let her eat her fill.  She did not stop until her belly was so distended I had to physically drag her bowl away.  So we decided to slowly increase her intake whenever we saw she started to get skinny.  Which, given her Longcat status, was so. damn. OFTEN.  Seriously, if she looks malnourished in some pics, I assure you she’s not.  She just grows and grows like a damn weed.
Lately, however, since her weight has reached a healthy plateau, she’s gotten much better about food.  No screaming, no scratching, and she doesn’t really complain before feeding time anymore.  She still follows us whenever we dare visit the kitchen, but hey, it could be worse xD
Something I’ve never mentioned here is that when we first found her, her whiskers were very short and stubby, which we originally attributed to her being very young.  But eventually, we noticed that not only were her brow whiskers much longer, there was a lone whisker next to the stubby ones that was regular-sized, and the shorter ones looked almost... manually cut, if that wakes sense.  A bit of research led us to find out that sometimes, littermates may do this to a runt (bite them off) when they’re competing for mom’s milk, which... not only makes my heart ache for our little buddy, it starts to put her whole attitude toward food into perspective.
Long story short, we were prepared for the possibility that she may forever have issues with food, but she’s been improving constantly.
Other than the food issue, Buffy has grown into a happy, healthy kitty :) She’s up to date on her shots, and we took her to the vet only last week where we got nothing but good news.  
She’s very attached to us, especially me since I work from home and basically see her all day, and though she doesn’t complain and yowl when she’s left alone, she is super cuddly when we return home.  
Given her age, she’s incredibly playful to the point that we get more exhausted playing with her than she does xD She likes climbing all over the place and exploring everything within reach, always looking for new ‘lairs’ and stuffing her butt into every nook and cranny, she loves to chew on cables (which has led us to do some highly creative concealing) and often engages in what we call ‘Crab Dancing’ when she gets excited/territorial during playtime:
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( I *****MAY***** have edited this.  Slightly.  For my own amusement.  It’s kinda soporific if you stare at it for too long)
We were glad to see she takes to new (human) acquaintances very well, and she hasn’t (yet) started wreaking havoc in our apartment.  She, has, however,  gotten very bitey during playtime, and it’s ALWAYS playtime, so we’re trying to encourage her to bite on toys instead of our fingers: it’s a sloooooooooow process.  There’s also the possibility that she’s teething a bit early so she’s just constantly looking for relief.  We’ve bought her a few special chew toys that should arrive shortly, and hopefully they’ll help.  Even if it’s still early for her, hey, new toys, amirite? xD
Still, she never lashes out to us in anger/anxiety, not even when we gave her a bath where she was visibly distressed (yes, I know it’s not necessary for cats, but we’d never cleaned her with anything but pet wipes since we rescued her; she needed at least one) and yet she never tried to scratch or bite us.  TL;DR she’s mischievous, but not aggressive outside of playtime.
She’s super long for her age and will most likely be a pretty long kitty when she reaches maturity.  Seriously, y’all, Longcat 2.0:
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( USB stick for size comparison, lol )
I’m still bummed my theory that she was part Van doesn’t seem to be true (in my defense, she has something very similar to the characteristic Van spot on her nape!), but hey, less shedding xD She also has a permanent bald spot on her spine now (as we knew she would), where the vet had given her that shot that saved her life back when she got sick.
She’s a sweet little doofus, who thinks she’s really a parrot and likes to perch on our shoulder, and meows the whole time I’m in the kitchen because how dare someone in this household eat when she’s not eating too, and when I ignore her grey-green supplicating eyes she just curls up over my foot while I wash the dishes, and she constantly gets tangled up in our legs and waits for us behind closed doors, and she’s a friggin’ Duracell battery who does.not.tire, and she  tosses half the litter out when she digs, and she loves to take naps with us cuddled right over our chests so our heartbeat can lull her to sleep, and we love her.
Here’s to the next two months :)
Size comparison below, using my hand in both pics.  Then and now :)
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Edit: You can keep on reading, but the story has a sad ending, unfortunately :(  
The above was the post I had prepared and was going to post yesterday on Buffy’s 2 month ‘birthday,’ so I’ve left it intact.  However, I would be remiss if I didn’t add this latest development:
For a while now, we’ve been discussing how to deal with Buffy’s inexhaustible energy levels, because we do have other responsibilities, all of whom also require a good night’s sleep, which as you may imagine, has been a bit rare lately.  There’s this saying that the only one who can keep up with a kitten is another kitten, but we were very reluctant to adopt another one, since we’re currently dealing with an imminent move and we weren’t sure if we could even afford it.
I found and rescued Buffy.  My partner found and rescued this little guy yesterday:
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Five things here:
*breathes into a paper bag*
I’m going to be even more reluctant to make any grand claims than I was when we found Buffy, because this little dude (this one is a dude, indeed) is in pretty bad shape.  Though she’d been abandoned, Buffy was very clean and hale when we found her, even if she was a bit small and underfed.  
This one though... poor little soot sprite is all skin and bones, he was flea-ridden until we took him to the vet, he’s filthy, he’s terrified and has a bum leg from some sort of accident.  We didn’t even have a plan yesterday when my partner found him, but we figured since we had a lot of leftover milk powder and kitten pate from Buffy, we might as well feed up this little orphan. 
It took some coaxing with a syringe, but he got a bit of milk down which got his appetite going and we were able to feed him some pate.  He actually ate a fair bit, which is encouraging.  We know for a fact he was abandoned by his mom, btw, she’s still roaming around the neighborhood but refusing to tend to him since he’s already older than 4 weeks (maybe 1,5 month old max).  Just two weeks younger than Buffy.  After he got some food down, we took him to our vet, who was reserved but cautiously optimistic even for the leg.  He made us no promises, of course, and he advised we prepare ourselves for the possibility that he might not make it.
We’ve now had him for just under a day and he’s been improving.  He was very scared at first, hissy when I went near him, and the first time I fed him at home, the new environment had stressed him out to the point that I had to use a syringe again to get him to eat.  And yeah, we’ve had to keep him isolated ofc to protect Buffy (and him, omg, she’s literally twice his size in weight, no exaggeration, and most likely a social dunce with other kittes, she would destroy him).  I’ll be able to give him a bath tomorrow afternoon after the 48hr clock on the flea medicine runs out, which is yet another reason we had to isolate him.  Today, he’s been getting less and less reserved around me and he hasn’t needed to be force fed once, he’s been downing pate like no-one’s business.  I weighed him earlier and found he’d gained about 40-50 grams, a number I offer cautiously as both weighings at the vet and today aren’t entirely accurate, because squirmy kitty.  Still, he’s gained weight, even if only a little.   
Buffy can tell something’s up, since we basically had to move her litterbox and feeding area and haven’t let her in that room since.  It’s been... an adjustment xD But she bounces back admirably fast, she didn’t even bat an eyelash at the change; she’s just curious to discover what we’re hiding from her, obviously.  She’s probably heard him meowing, too.
We honestly have no clue what we’ll do with him.  Taking it one day at a time.  He might not make it at all, and even if he does, he may never get along with Buffy, in which case we’ll have to give him away for both their sakes.  I’m not gonna lie, money is a concern.  Research tells me at their age and beyond the cost isn’t prohibiting, not even double that of a single cat.  So if he doesn’t require any costly meds, we can afford him, especially since Buffy can now eat dry food (and so will he in a couple of weeks).  This, again, is all hinging on a) him not having any serious, contagious illnesses, and b) him and Buffy getting along.  In the long run, we know it would be way better for Buffy to have a companion to play and cuddle with, but we have to be realistic and prepare for the worst for now.
Soot sprite is a little cutie, he has the softest, most plaintive meow and there’s even hope for his little leg down the road (though honestly, that’s the last thing that concerns us; even in his current state, he’s perfectly mobile).  His eyes, too, should get better with time if he grows healthier. 
SO WE’LL SEE.  RN I am beyond stressed and reserved, but also kinda hopeful. *sigh*  
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alchemyphan-blog · 7 years
This Was Not a Love At First Sight Story
word count: 2.9k
style: oneshot
desc: Dan works at a cafe and starts pining over a regular customer who likes to order ridiculous coffees and edit his videos. 2009 AU. Written in 2014. 
a/n: it feel so good to be back and posting vvvvv old fics i wrote!! more to come :) 
also an ancient fucking relic when it was cool to write in first person lmao bye this is cringe
Monday, 1:48 P.M.
Working the midday shift guaranteed for quite a different vibe of people. People weren’t rushing around to get their coffee and breakfast, and it wasn’t loud and obnoxious like the dinner shift. It was so laid back, and people always had an inviting presence.
It found itself particularly inviting on a certain day in October.
I cleaned the counter willingly, as given this shift actually made me more looking forward to going to work each day. From behind the counter I watched as people started to occupy the restaurant. One particular man walked in a few minutes after the midday ‘rush’, and sat right in my ideal view. He opened his MacBook, coated in a layer of vibrant stickers. I smiled, and right away I could tell the kind of guy he was - I had earned the ability to do that ever since I started working here. He was the kind of guy that would go for a long time without saying something, then out one of his thoughts. It was like he was running wild in his own place, and was a visitor of the real world. He was the kind of guy I had always wanted to have in my life.
He looked to be about 22, which made it almost impossible for me to talk to him, me not even 19 yet. But I watched him from behind the counter. I could see a sliver of what was on his laptop - it was his own face. His mouse dragged segmented clips of himself with a tiny lion on his shoulder around. I watched him there for at least two minutes before willing myself to take his order. I just happened to be working that section today, a part I never usually do. Something welled up inside me and I felt like it was for a reason. Surely I was just being silly. This was not a love at first sight story we’d tell our kids.
And then I realized - in the time span of 4 minutes I had imagined us with children. I sighed, and lightly slapped my cheek as a discipline for thinking that. You don’t even know his name, I thought.
I looked behind the counter I was stood at and adjusted my hair in the gargantuan mirror. I straightened my black polo I had worn for the past 5 shifts of work, even though I had two others.
Okay Dan, stop this. Just take his order and get out of his hair. What is your problem?
 I found it in myself to open the notepad shaking in my clammy hands.
“Hi, w-what can I get you?” I managed out, my voice cracking. I felt so stupid.
He let out a chuckle. Without looking up from his laptop yet, he began to respond.
“Erm, I’ll have a caramel macchiat-,” he started, his eyes glazing over me. I suddenly felt extremely exposed with his stare on me. Sweat dripped down the back of my neck.
He blinked hard a few times. For the first time, we looked at each other.
You could go swimming in those eyes.
A perfect shade of blue, surrounded with a green tint and specks of yellow. I couldn’t stop staring at them.
Time slowed. Everything seemed to blur and it seemed like we were the only things left walking this realm. I tried to shake myself from my own mind when I’d noticed I had been staring at his lips for at least 20 seconds.
Way to go, you just completely freaked him out, I told myself. But I wonder what it’s like to kiss this man. Was he the type his persona proved him to be? Or was he unpredictable and impossible to read?
Either way, I wanted to find out. But first I just needed his order.
I coughed, looking down.
“So that was a, um, caramel macchiato?” I asked him, leaving off where he stopped.
He looked up at mean again. “Yes, thank you...Dan,” he said, reading my name tag. I vigorously blushed. He just said my name.
I nodded in his direction, and ran away as quick as possible to make him his coffee. Not very many people came in for coffee at 2 P.M. anymore. It was a nice change of pace for this time of day, as most days I didn’t usually get to show off my coffee skills.
I capped the lid on his drink and ran it back over to him, setting it down on the table next to the chair he was sat in.
“Thank you so much. How much is it?” he asked, smiling.
“Oh, it’s-it’s on the house today,” I said quickly. Did I just scare him off paying for his coffee?
“Really? That’s so nice of you, thank you,” he said. I ducked my head for a response, scurrying away.
God, why the hell was I so awkward? 
 Wednesday, 1:51 P.M.
It had been torture the next day. All I could think about was seeing him again, but I knew I had blown it. I slapped myself thinking about how much I had thought about him. I didn’t even know him. For all I know he’s not even from around here and that is all we will know of each other for as long as we live.
But that afternoon a familiar face walked in the door. It had gotten at least 20 degrees colder in two days and by now I was wearing the long sleeve shirt they had supplied me with. He was wearing a lightened purple sweater advertising a blue wolf on it. I found it insanely adorable. He had brought his laptop with him again, another sticker I found had been added to the collection. Indulging in the free wifi, I watched him log into YouTube and lurk around channels, something I’d do a lot of in my free time. He pulled down a tab and clicked ‘upload video’, something I only dreamed of doing one day. The video that was projected onto his screen the days previous was now being added to the world of YouTube. I let him commence the process but realized it took much longer than that, maybe why he’d come here to pass time while waiting.
I walked over to him again. I felt like some kind of stalker.
My eyes lit up when he turned up to me and smiled. A wave of relief came over me when he spoke.
“You’re back! I was hoping I’d see you again,” he said.
My mouth felt like it was sealed shut. Did he actually just tell me he was happy to see me?
“R-really?” I stuttered. My cheeks flourished.
“I-um, yeah,” he suddenly replied quietly, looking down. “N-it doesn’t matter. Forget I said that.”
“No, no,” I told him, “I, um, kind of haven’t stopped thinking about you since you were last here. I felt like I scared you off paying for your coffee and acting weird.”
He didn’t quite reply to that, but just stood there twiddling his thumbs. He invited me to sit down.
Being truthful, I had stayed an extra half an hour past my shift, seeing if he would walk in again.
Graciously, I accepted his offer and sat down in a chair mirroring his, a footrest sharing space between us.
“I’m Dan,” I told him. It was only moments after I realized he already knew that.
“I know,” He said, smirking. “My name is Phil.” Phil. His name tingled to say in my mouth. It was perfect just like him.
“It’s nice to meet you, Phil,” I said, saying his name for the first time. He shook my hand. Electrons buzzed and shocked and illuminated at the touch of our skin, and it was so magical. I just wanted to keep his hand in mine forever, but it seemed a tad bit unrealistic.
Silence hung over us as I attempted to keep the conversation flowing.
“I like your stickers,” I said, pointing to a particular one stating ‘I <3 Your Mum’. He giggled.
“Yeah, that’s one of my favorites, and that one,” he said, pointing to a sticker with Sarah Michelle Gellar’s face covering it.
“Do you ever just wanna get her face tattooed onto yours?” I stated, instantly feeling like freak. This sensation didn’t last for long.
“Yes!” he exclaimed, and my face heated up. I was actually talking to him this very moment.
 “So how long’ve you been working here?” he asked me.
“Well I’ve been working in the industry for about five years ago, it being my first job. I came here about 3 ½ years ago, and I really like it. Recently I got moved from the night shift to the afternoon shift and I like it a lot more. I actually look forward coming to work now,” I told him.
“That’s great to hear! Maybe if you hadn’t we wouldn't have met.” “Funny the way things work out.” We looked at each other as the silence was less unbearable this time.
His laptop made a soft noise. His video had uploaded.
“About time,” he muttered, mostly to himself. I saw him smile a little as another had added to his collection and watched him annotate it quietly.
For a moment he disregarded everything surrounding him. It was really cute, the way he could just detach and hook himself onto something he valued. After a moment he looked up again.
“Sorry, my uh, video uploaded,” he said shyly. I think he expected me to be confused, but I just smiled and nodded knowingly. It felt quite reassuring for him I suppose, not having to explain the concept of what YouTube can really mean to someone. He probably did it quite a lot when people asked him what his job was.
 And then we just sat, not very much in silence but in our own thoughts. I shifted awkwardly in my seat, trying not to make it look like I was as nervous as I was; but he just sat there. He looked comfortable and content, and I began to think if my theory I had depicted of him had been correct. I watched him think there for a few minutes.
After exactly 2 minutes and 12 seconds, he spoke.
“Isn’t it crazy how things just sort of happen? Like here I am, a college student trying to make a living on this website and getting coffee paid for by a really cute guy when even a year ago I wouldn’t have even dreamt of this happening.”
Wait. He just called me cute. Did he just call me cute? He did. Phil just called me cute. Oh my God.
I tried to remain calm exteriorly, but inside I was manically and utterly spazzing.
“I know, I mean a year ago I was probably handing in my A-Levels and dozing off in a geography class from having stayed up all night doing the coursework. I never thought this would happen,” I replied. I had minorly revealed my age. I wanted him to think I was older and smart like him, but in reality I was just a cripplingly awkward and nervous teenager that’s just scraped by my whole life. I was waiting for things to take off. Maybe I just had to wait longer than others did.
 Before I knew it we had been sat there for over 2 hours and the new workers had already commenced preparing for the dinner rush waiting to happen. I warned him about it.
“Yeah, we should probably get out of here. Um, what are you doing this week?” he asked me. I loved how cute and quiet he went when he was trying to flirt on any level. I knew for a fact I wasn’t any better.
“Let’s see, it’s Wednesday today, I’m working here Tomorrow and Saturday,” I said, trying to correctly memorize my schedule.
“Okay, cool. I’ve got class early tomorrow morning, but this time Saturday I don’t. Maybe I’ll stop in and we can talk again. I really liked this,” he said, gaining more confidence.
“I’ll be here,” I told him, now both of us huddled together outside the shop. I was carrying something of his by the opposing side of my body. I didn’t want him to forget it.
“Oh, I forgot to pay you again for the coffee,” he told me. I held a hand out to his shoulder: “It’s no problem. Don’t forget it by the way,” I said, holding his coffee in my hand I know showed him.
“I’m so forgetful. Thank you again, you don’t have to keep buying it for me, though. I may be broke, but I’m not that broke.”
He began to slowly walk up the street, and I watched him from inside the shop see the smiley face I had written next to my phone number. Luckily he didn’t see me.
 It had been almost a year since our first encounter, and we have been together for over 7 months. By now I had let my boss in on my not-so-secret love affair with a customer.
“So we were right?” he asked me. I stared at him confused.
He turned to the co-workers behind him. “We’ve been having a poll going for how long it would take for you to catch on that this is in fact a love at first sight story, as much as you say it isn’t,” He said. 2 of the 4 huffed and handed him a few tens.
“Are you serious? No, that’s not what it is, and you’re just gonna have to give that money back,” I protested.
“Dan, I was here when he first walked in. I saw you two look at each other and boom, love at first sight sparks went off,” Gale, the best barista, told me. “You’re all delusional. That is not what this is,” I said again. This was still not a love at first sight story. It’s been that way since the day we met.
“Whatever you say, but I saw it. With my own two eyes,” she said, making a V-shape with her fingers pointing towards her pupils.
 He walked in the door. I withdrew myself from the conversation, more argument, and practically leaped overtop the counter separating us. Only 2 people were in the whole restaurant that weren’t workers, now 3.
“Phil!” I almost screamed. He ran over to me, smiling. He pushed me up against the outer side of the counter, kissing me. His hands grazed down from the sides of my face to my hips. I kept mine strung around the center of his back. I didn’t even care that my co-workers, not to mention my boss, were sat right on front of me. Usually I’m good about keeping it on the DL, but with Phil participating in PDA is no problem for me. I want everyone to know he’s mine, and he’s not going anywhere.
He drew away.
“Hi, Bear,” he said, just loud enough for me to hear and the others to barely. I curled my head to rest on his bony shoulder and he rubbed my back for a moment. I looked up to him, and my eyes lit up. I loved looking at him and every part of his beautiful structure - his glistening eyes, not tampered by any form of lighting, his rising and reddened cheekbones. It was starting to get cold again, and I had helped him drag out his jumpers two weeks ago. I snuggled into it. I heard the shutter of a camera go off from the tribe of black shirts huddled behind the counter, and they all surrounded the source and giggled. I sighed and glared at them.
Phil and I walked over to the phone and saw it was a picture of my gaze at Phil.
“If you don’t call that love at first sight, then I don’t know what is,” one said.
I would not be winning this battle.
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grantairelibere · 7 years
tagged by @analcoholic-grantaire​, another of The Best
name: Percival nickname: Percy or Perce  zodiac: Aquarius height: 167 cm orientation: bi AS FUCK  favourite fruit(s): pamplemousse (aka grapefruit but look at the french word for it. isn’t it great) favourite season: summer favourite book(s): les mis obvs but also harry potter, PJO, and the lesser-known Pendragon series (which has nothing to do w king arthur) favourite flower(s): wisteria. Daffodils are pretty cool too favourite animal(s): sheep, bunnies, owls, and sharks favourite beverage: ginger tea average hours of sleep: it’s been around 7-8 lately i’ve been good favourite fictional characters: this is literally my least favourite question to answer bc I love so many Im gonna skip it today
number of blankets you sleep with: like three
dream trip: I’d love to live/work in New Zealand or Australia a little while
number of followers: 1125 (!?!?!?) a - age: 22 b - birthplace: Canada c - current time: 5:45 am d - drink you last drank: a single sip of orange pekoe e - easiest person to talk to: my gf  f - favourite song: Demons--Imagine Dragons
g - grossest memory: food poisoning h - horror yes or no? eh no i - in love? yeah 
j - jealous of people? like. occasionally, and always over stupid shit like “why did you get more ice cream than me even tho we ordered the same size”  k - killed someone? i don’t understand why this Q keeps popping up in these 
l - love at first sight or should i walk past again? lmao what m - middle name: im still in the choosing process. James is looking good. im trying to tell myself not to go with Marius but it’s harder than u think n - number of siblings: a brother o - one wish? stop the discourse over pointless things p - person you last called? my uncle  q - question you’re always asked: what’s your background? r - reason to smile: sunrises
s - song you last sang: lmao it was red and black like 3 days ago t - time you woke up: yesterday, 10:30 am for class u - underwear color: ...they’re pikachu print v - vacation: i’ll be in england this year  w - worst habit: procrastination x - x-rays: had a couple on my feet y - your favourite food: defs sushi   z – zoboomafoo was a great show
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