#live laugh love xoxoxo
sch-nn · 1 year
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live in the moment
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jjunberry · 9 months
return to sender
pairing! park sunghoon x reader
genre! pure angst
synopsis! your love letters get leaked and your latest crush is less then pleased to receive his.
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for years you wrote love letters to the boys you had crushes on. of you never sent them. instead you hid them in a box and put said box in the back of your closet away from prying eyes. for awhile you grew out of the letters until you met him. park sunghoon.
he was new to your school and he quickly captured everyone’s attention. including yours. he was tall, shy, and so very handsome. you couldn’t stop your heart and how quickly it beat whenever you seen him.
you shared geometry together. he sat one seat in front of you. half the time you swear you only ever paid attention to him. as silly as it sounds you lived for when you had to pass papers back or up. the brief touching of his fingers against yours was enough to make your heart beat out of your chest.
the letter came after he said good morning to you. when you got home that day you locked yourself in your bedroom and blasted mitski.
you pictured him, his face, his voice and your pen hit the paper. confessing to liking his smile, liking the way he laughs.
dear sunghoon,
since the moment you walked through the door of class i knew i had feelings for you. how could i not? you’re kind, funny and you have a smile that is so beautiful. it lights up any room.
i wish i could say these things to you in person. i just don’t have the courage. i’m to afraid. i hope that in some universe we walk into class holding hands and you kiss my cheek before classes we don’t share.
you make my stomach fill with butterflies and cheeks turn pink. images of you fill my mind when i close my eyes at night. maybe in another universe i could call you mine. or maybe in this universe.
stretching out your wrist you sealed the letter and left kisses on the envelope. you ran your finger over the name and address before placing it in the box with the others.
your mom called you downstairs for dinner. with a sigh you paused the music and joined your family downstairs. without you knowing your little sibling snuck into your room and took the box of letters.
-a few weeks later-
you sat at your lunch table working on an assignment when someone approached you. it was taehyun. you liked him back in middle school. he placed an envelope on the table in front of you. your heart instantly dropped seeing the familiar envelope.
“i’m flattered really, but i’m not looking for a relationship at the moment. i hope you find a good boyfriend.” he smiled kindly before walking away.
you didn’t even get a chance to speak. you grabbed the letter and shoved your belongings into the bag. did that means the others got out?
you sped through the halls. you couldn’t even look at your fellow classmates. in biology you ignored jake even though he wanted so desperately to talk to you.
running to your locker you didn’t even stop when yeonjun called your name. all you wanted to do was go home and cry. this day couldn’t possibly get any worse.
until it did. outside you were met with park sunghoon. he had a look on his face you couldn’t quite figure out. “i got something in the mail.” only then did you see your letter in his tight grasp basically crumpling it.
your heart was practically beating out of your chest. “sunghoon-“ “i don’t want to hear it. and i don’t want to date you! i would never date you.” your mind was racing with a million different thoughts.
“i-i.” he rolled his eyes. “please stop stuttering it’s embarrassing and so is this letter.” he threw it on the ground. tears filled your waterline. “i’m sorry.” you whispered. he scoffed. “you should be, all day my friends were laughing and making jokes.” his words stung.
your heart literally shattered. sunghoon took your heart into his hands and crushed it. the pieces of your heart fell. “do me a favor, don’t look at me anymore. don’t talk to me or my friends and don’t write anymore letters about me. i don’t want to date you. i never will.”
with each word you stepped back from him. he huffed and stormed off. you let your tears fall as you quickly boarded the bus and ignored the stares of your classmates.
once you were home you spotted the empty box and ignored your sibling. this wasn’t their fault but you truly wanted to be alone to cry.
park sunghoon and truly captured your heart then took it and smashed it.
requested! from anon <3 part two here!
author’s note! in collaboration with @jjunieworld please go read all for a bet
love, Echo🖤
© jjunberry
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armoricaroyalty · 4 months
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Freddy and Emily's engagement interview
👼🏻 PrettyInPink: The very definition of poise and class! Emily is such a breath of fresh air. 👍 363 🪦 DressedInDark: parasites 👍 301 👑 Agnes Crumblebottom: May the Saints bless Her Majesty Queen Elise. Of the Armoricans and Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Rosalind. I pray every Day for our royal family! Amen! 👍 154 👼🏻 PrettyInPink: @ 🪦 DressedInDark Why are you watching videos about the royal family if you don't like them! 👍 267 🪦 DressedInDark: @ 👼🏻 PrettyInPink lmao can't handle criticism of your emotional support parasites 👍 103 👪 Mom of Three: I was always Team Freddy everyone else in my year was a Jacques girl 👍 78 👼🏻 PrettyInPink: @ 🪦 DressedInDark Parasites by definition harm their host, but the Armorican royal family contribute more annually to the economy than they receive each year from the Royal Grant. 👍 11 🪦 DressedInDark: parasite parasite parasite parasite 👍 7
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author's note: about six months ago, I solicited audience questions for their engagement interview and I am only just now using them RIP. The interview is below the cut xoxoxo
Q. The first question is for Prince Frederick, from @whitmoretroyals. How did you propose?
FREDERICK. I went into it without a plan, if you can believe that. [laughs] I had just spoken to my father, and I had the ring burning a hole in my pocket. Maybe I should have planned the whole thing out better, but I just found her and knelt down and…
EMILY. He came right out with it.
F. I did.
E. He did! He just said “I love you, I can’t live without you. Marry me?” No romantic speeches for me! [laughs] But that’s just not his style.
Q. How did you realize she was the one?
F. I don’t think there was a single moment. We were quite serious about one another from the beginning. Just from the very start, it was clear that this relationship was different—that she was different—from anything I’d ever experienced.
Q. Different how?
F. Different in every way! [ laughs ] More thoughtful, more sophisticated…most relationships I’ve had, it started out just fooling around, just having fun, and then months in, it was like, “who are we, what are we doing?” So right away, it was different with Emily because we both knew that we wanted something more than that.
E. We were quite committed from the outset. I think that frightened him a little. Early on, I remember him saying, “if this isn’t what you really want, you don’t have to go through with this,” and I was surprised like, “why wouldn’t I want this? I care about you.”
F. I was worried about the press. It can be a lot to handle, no offense.  [ laughs ] But she’s brilliant, an absolute natural. That’s really been the best part of all of this, seeing the whole world fall in love with her just like I did.
Q. Lady Emily, as you prepare to join the royal family, how do you envision using your position to make a positive impact or support causes close to your heart?
E. Being a member of the royal family is, of course, a tremendous responsibility. I think we’re all aware of how much work, how much real work, the royal family does for the people of Armorica. I’m very eager to join the family and to be part of all that, and to contribute in whatever small way I can.
F. She already does a lot, for the royal family and for me. She’s really supported my work with the arts. The work we did in Uspana, the museum exhibit, wouldn’t have been possible without her, for example. That’s why it felt like the right moment to announce our engagement and to celebrate it at the opening, because it had really become such a shared thing, such a reflection of who we are, as a couple.
Q. You’re quite fortunate to work so closely together, but of course, work isn’t everything. @crownsofesha asked, what you do together for fun?
F. Right now? We plan weddings. [ laughs ]
E. [ laughs ] It’s taking up a lot of our time, that’s for sure.
F. We’re both very excited for it, of course. We’re really looking forward to having everyone come together to celebrate with us, and we want to make sure that it’s something very special.
E. It’s important for both of us to incorporate a lot of our families’ traditions, but of course our families have very different traditions! And with it being a royal wedding, we have to make things very proper. So we’ve been working closely with Her Majesty and with my own parents to make sure that we have a chance to incorporate all of these different elements and little things that are so important to both of us and to our families.
F. It’s going to be really amazing. I can’t wait until September.
Q. Do you have any plans to start a family together? This one is from @thewoodslegacy
E. Well…
F. We’re still working on the wedding. [ laughs ] One thing at a time!
E. Of course we’d like to, someday.
F. Someday. Yeah. Obviously, we’d both like to be parents. And it’s kind of required, for a royal. [ laughs ] I know my parents are really eager for more grandchildren. [ to Emily ] What about it? Should we give Hugo a cousin?
E. Frederick!
F. She’s going to be an incredible mother, of course. She is incredible at everything she does.
E. [ softer ] Frederick...
Q. @rebouks asks: Where do you see yourselves in five years? Ten?
F. Well, I want to be a father. That’s been established. [ laughs ]
E. It’s a little hard to answer. My life is going to change so much that I think it's quite hard, in some ways, to think ahead. He's been amazing at getting me up to speed, and it's helpful to have a...
F. A shared background?
E. Right, we have sort of a...a shared pool of references. When you have a lot in common, that makes things easier. [ laughs ] But in five years, I want to be established and confident in my role, whatever that ends up being. [ softer ] I'd like to have a child.
F. I think for me, my goal is to just keep expanding the work we do. There are a lot of causes I’m passionate about, and I think that I can do a lot to kind of bring more attention to them. I want to raise awareness, and I want to do more in service to the Crown.
E. Of course. Like I said earlier, service is a big part of it for me, as well. [ pause ] I think we do that very well together.
F. We do. I guess that’s my real answer. In 10 years, I see myself with her.
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jamminvroomvroom · 2 years
both of you. part 7.
gr x fem!reader
find parts 1-6 on my masterlist!
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it’s been 84 years. BUT the final part is here! a few people asked me to take it in this kind of direction so i hope you like it! i haven’t written some of these themes before so maybe don’t look into the realism of the situation too much lmao. ALSO huge thank you for 2k, so thankful that you read my silly little stories xoxoxo
in which you look back on how your lives changed.
warnings: 18+!! mature themes, mentions of sex/sexual acts, language, mentions of pregnancy, children? sickening fluff
5.5k words
three years later…
bahrain, march 2025. saturday.
the production lights went on in the media pen, snapping you back to reality. you glanced down at your notebook, eyes flicking quickly through your qualifying notes and questions. you took notice of the way the diamond on your left hand glimmered under the bright light, shimmering elegantly from its rightful place on your finger. you smiled. the sight dulled your nerves ever so slightly, a reminder that soon george would walk in and you’d be able to breath.
you were undeniably anxious, feeling out of practice. it had almost been a year since your last time on the broadcast, and as much as you’d missed your work, being back from your leave had left you scattered. the bahrain grand prix was always hectic, the first race of the season making everyone antsy, and your circumstances only intensified that.
you could see drivers starting to appear, taking a shaky breath. you tried to settle; you knew these people, you knew this sport, and most importantly, you knew how to do your job. keeping one eye on the drivers approaching and one eye out for george was a lot easier than it used to be; you’d had to learn how to have eyes in the back of your head over the last several months.
your relationship with george had only gone from strength to strength. he had just won his first championship, starting the 2025 season off on a high, a winning streak, ready for the year ahead and hopefully a second title. you were coming up on three years together, the ring on your finger sealing the deal. you were happy, happier than you ever thought you could be, than you ever thought you deserved to be, and you had him to thank for that. you had him to thank for something else too.
you could spot george from a mile away, strutting into the media pen like he owned it. you grinned like a fool, shaking your head in disbelief when you saw who he’d brought with him.
balanced on his hip was your daughter, who was supposed to be down for a nap.
“george william russell, what on earth do you think you’re doing?” you scalded, teasingly.
“wanted to show my girl where mummy works. can’t exactly take her for a spin around the track yet.” he replied. you rolled your eyes. “so, go on, show her how to be a… what do you call it? girlboss?”
you laughed, cheeks flushed. he was such a dad, the role truly suited him perfectly. you wanted nothing more than to reach out for your little girl but george was your last driver of the session and as soon as this was done, you’d be able to have her in your arms. plus, the view you had, the two people you loved most in the world, wasn’t so bad.
“right, well, that was a very interesting session, george. congratulations on the pole.” you winked slyly. “do you think you’re going to be able to carry this momentum through the season and go for that second title?“ and just like that, you put your reporter voice back on, getting straight to the point.
you managed to get through the interview with ease, watching the way your daughters blue eyes lit up as she watched george speak, and then at the sight of uncle lando and uncle charles. at one point, george passed her wordlessly to charles, who’d stopped looking so scared of babies sometime in the last few years, and carried on answering your questions, just so they’d stop pestering him. you tried to stifle your laughter as you watched lando steal her away, the brit and the monegasque squabbling over who got cuddles.
you wrapped up the interview eventually, turning to talk to your producer, while george went to speak to the drivers, who were now crowding around your baby. after exchanging a few notes, you were free to go, sliding an arm around george’s waist when you reached him. he looked down at you, dipping down to press a quick kiss to your lips. it never used to be like this, you were never this open before, but the championship had changed him, loosened him up. he wasn’t so pressed about how people perceived him anymore, and you found his self liberation incredibly sexy.
“if you lot are going to keep fighting for my daughters attention, you can keep an eye on her tonight so i can have some time with my beautiful fiancé.” george joked, earning himself some laughs and the odd wolf whistle. you slapped him on the chest playfully.
“behave yourself, russell, or you won’t be getting any attention from me.” you warned, making the drivers laugh again.
“i think it’s you that deserves a bit of attention, darling.” george said, only to you this time, lips brushing against your ear as he whispered the taunting words. you couldn’t help the way your body reacted, he hadn’t been able to touch you properly in months.
the combination of a baby, a championship that needed winning and then the pre-season had really killed your sex life. that’s why the suggestion of attention, of his hands on your body working his magic, had your thighs clenching under your dress, your fingers digging into his side.
just as your mind started to get carried away, your daughter let out a whine, signifying that someone should have let her have her damn nap. she was grumpy. lando, who’d managed to finally pry her out of charles arms, looked slightly afraid, looking at you with wide eyes as the unimpressed little girl wriggled angrily in his arms.
“it’s okay, lando, give her to me.” you pulled away from george and his dirty mouth, shooting him a sympathetic look as you scooped your daughter out of lando’s arms and walked away from the drivers, throwing a goodbye over your shoulder.
if there was one thing you knew about your daughter, she was stubborn just like her father. she knew just what she wanted, and exactly when she wanted it, just like her father. and she needed as much sleep as possible, just like you did.
at the tender age of eight months old, sylvie russell was already a force to be reckoned with.
brazil, november 2023.
you were in brazil when you found out. it almost seemed poetic. it was where george had won his first race, and now it held sentimentality for your first child.
he was sat on the hotel bed, watching calmly as you paced like a mad woman. you couldn’t believe this was happening, always so careful. it wasn’t like you and george had never had the conversation about The Future, you’d just never anticipated that it would come up so quickly. the timing was all wrong, george coming to the end of an intense season and you were trying harder than ever to prove that fucking drivers wasn’t the reason for your pay check after last seasons indiscretions.
you’d left the pregnancy test in the bathroom sink, a timer set on george’s phone. he let you pace, understanding your process perfectly. the irritating apple alarm went off, grating on your last nerve, and you whipped around to face george. he silenced his phone, standing from the bed.
“it’s time, darling.”
“i can’t- i can’t do it. please, just, god,” you took a deep breath. “can you check it?”
george nodded softly, disappearing into the en-suite. you pulled at your sleeves, wrapping your arms around yourself. you didn’t get it, how he could be so calm in the face of what was potentially the biggest moment of your lives, but that was classic george. he always coped under pressure. the sound of his footsteps warned you of his return, and you braved it, turning to face him.
“is it-? are we-?” you couldn’t say the words, not yet.
“sweetheart…” the tone of his voice said it all.
“george, i can’t.” tears pooled in your eyes, sliding down your face in tidal waves.
“listen to me, come here,” he walked towards you, running his hands up your arms. he bowed his head slightly, eyes fixed on yours. he looked… you didn’t know how to describe it but he looked right. “darling, you’re pregnant.” and then he was crying too, choked up at his own admission.
you may have been genuinely terrified, horrified even, at the news, but something about the way he fell apart made it all make sense. before you stood a man that wanted you, wanted a life with you, that you wanted for the rest of your life. he was smiling at you, despite your state of shock, blue eyes framed red. he looked dazed, genuinely happy.
his reaction made the ground shift beneath your feet. you were having a baby.
“oh my god. oh my god.” you were still in shock, and still arguably mortified, but it no longer felt like the worst thing in the world. it was crazy, the way he made you feel so okay. you looked up at him, catching the way he was staring, still trying to process it himself.
“george… are we doing this?”
“do you want this?” he asked, sincerely. did you? did you want this?*
“yes.” the word was instinctual, coming out of nowhere. a strange sense of calm washed over you, a newfound feeling taking the reigns in your emotionally heightened state. he didn’t waste another second, hands on your cheeks as he kissed you.
“we’re having a baby.” he murmured as he pulled away, lips brushing over yours. a smile blossomed on your face, slowly spreading. you were still terrified, but it just felt right.
“i love you, george.”
“i love you. both of you.” he whispered the last part, and you were sobbing all over again.
silverstone, july 2024. sunday.
it was your first time back at a race track in months, and it was glorious. you’d missed it immensely, bored at home since you’d been banished to maternity leave. george was away a lot, chasing after what you were certain would be his first title, and you weren’t allowed to fly anymore, so you mostly saw him through a screen. it wasn’t all bad; every spare second was spent at home with you, weeks off being used to pick out baby clothes and build furniture for the nursery.
his desire to be involved was endearing, especially when he could have easily paid someone to build the crib that kept him up half the night in a frustrated heap on the floor. all you could do was laugh and admire the way he was already tackling the fatherly duties.
despite how much you’d grown to enjoy preparing for your baby, now that the first few gruelling months were out of the way, being back at silverstone was like a cold beer on a hot day. should you have been there, nine months pregnant, with your due date rapidly approaching? probably not, but your boyfriend was having a killer season and this would probably be the only race you’d see for the rest of the year. george was hesitant, wondering if a racetrack was the right environment for you to be in, but there was no way you were missing it, a point you’d stubbornly argued until he finally gave in.
silverstone was too special to miss. it was where george had asked you on your first date, where you realised that you saw something with him. you also knew you’d be fuming if you missed him winning the british grand prix, and he looked set to do it, the odds very much in his favour.
you were enjoying the weekend, as much as you could in the hot british summer. you waddled into the paddock with george, hand in hand, just as you usually did, gaining far more attention than usual in your predicament. your pregnancy had made george more protective, far more aware of all the people around you, and that’s why he made sure that you were comfortable with anyone approaching him to talk, or to sign something.
you managed to get through the sea of people, the crowd always that much bigger at his home race, and you escaped into the mercedes suite. you sighed in contentment at the blissful air conditioning hitting your flushed skin, while george pulled out a chair for you to collapse into, and by collapse, you meant he lowered you slowly and carefully into the seat. he leaned down to kiss you on the lips, and then on the forehead, caressing your belly and bidding you goodbye so that he could go and change. he would be busy now, leaving you to your own devices.
after all, race day at silverstone was always chaos.
you spent the afternoon with george’s parents, no energy to go and venture out into the paddock. you were starting to get tired and the race hadn’t even started, but you were determined to watch george win. it was rare that you got to just sit back and watch a race solely for your own enjoyment, especially at the track, so you wanted to make the most of it. you watched him whizzing around the hospitality, talking to his team, your hand rubbing your stomach absentmindedly. watching the way he moved, ever so focused, made you wonder what your child would be like.
would they be a driver like george? stubborn like you? have his mousey hair and his blue eyes? your quick wit? his strength? the passion that you both shared? your baby was well on their way, that day getting closer and closer, and you were so overwhelmed with excitement, a joy that cast a shadow on all of the fear and doubt you’d felt in the beginning.
george came back over to you before he was due to get in the car, just like he always did. since the first time he told you he loved you, he couldn’t get in the car without saying it. it was the last thing he always did, without fail. even on the rare occasions that you fought, even if you weren’t on the same continent, he always, always found a way to tell you.
“we’re rooting for you, honey. we love you.” you told george, placing your interlocked fingers on your bump. “go and get this menace a trophy.” you teased. he laughed, kissing you and then he was gone, making his way to the grid.
you watched the screen, eyes fixed on his mercedes and the time sheets. he was practically untouchable, on course for yet another win. the anticipation, the pride you felt made you teary, desperate to see him win before you had to completely sign off for the rest of the season. it felt like your last weekend of freedom.
the team were controlling his strategy well, you thought, as you watched him pit. the race was halfway done already and you were already planning all the different ways you could celebrate the win.
that’s when you felt it.
it appeared that a trophy wouldn’t be the only brand new thing that george was taking home this weekend.
“oh, fuck.” you whispered.
babies sure knew how to pick their moments.
“i need to tell him.”
“no, toto, you most certainly do not. i came here to watch him win this fucking race.” you snarled, breathing laboured, getting faster by the second.
you were in george’s drivers room hunched over his massage table waiting for a car to come and take you to the track medical centre, and toto wolff was pissing you off.
“if he misses the birth of his child-“
“he will not miss the birth of his child!” you rolled your eyes, teeth clenched. you’d have to send toto a muffin basket or something, because never had you dared speak to him like this. you wondered if anyone had.
“but you’re in labour and it’s not going to be long before-“
“if you tell him, so help me god.” you glared, exhaling hard though clenched teeth. “he has time.”
toto sighed, nodding in defeat. don’t fuck with pregnant people.
george’s mum, alison, was rubbing your back comfortingly, trying to soothe you in any way possible. they were all trying to get george out of the car, but that was the last thing you wanted. what would be a better way for him to wrap up the weekend, than with a baby and a win at home?
once the car arrived, you were escorted out and carted away to the medical centre. the last place you’d envisioned going into labour was a race track, but you supposed it was quite fitting. apparently they were ready for you, the on-site medics welcoming you in for an examination.
“how long do i have before i need to go to the hospital?” you asked, eyes squeezed shut as another contraction washed over you.
“hospital? oh honey, i’m afraid we’re past that.” one of the doctors told you. she was an older woman, decked out in the classic green kit they wore, eyes kind.
“i’m sorry, what?” your mouth hung open in horror.
“don’t worry, you’re in safe hands. but this baby isn’t waiting for a hospital.”
winning your home grand prix was rare.
winning your home grand prix, getting out the car and being greeted by a frantic team of mechanics and toto wolff telling you that your girlfriend was in labour was even rarer.
george was sweating, grinning from ear to ear when he got out of the car, desperate to see you, to tell you that he’d done it for you. he just didn’t realise that when he saw you, you’d be trying to push out a human.
toto had dragged him away from the team celebrating in parc ferme, grabbed him by the shoulders, and that’s when he knew something was up. george practically went numb as toto explained what had happened.
“she threatened to do unspeakable things to me if we told you.” toto told him.
“of course she did.” george manage to choke out a laugh in his state of shock, which toto quickly pulled him out of.
“go, now. i don’t think you’ve got long left. congratulations.” toto shook his hand, pulling him into a hug. george hadn’t realised until then that he was shaking. he didn’t realise until he was sprinting across parc ferme that he was crying, either.
martin brundle was stood under the podium, interviewing the top three when george went bounding by.
“no word from the winner?” martin called, despite being midway through a conversation with lando. george stopped, bending down to reach lando’s microphone.
“can’t stop to chat, i’m having a baby.” he barely registered the cheer of the crowd, lando’s slap on the back, or how wrecked with emotion he sounded. all he could do was continue on his course, legging it to the medical centre.
of course his kid was going to be born at silverstone. of course.
what it was to love took on a whole new meaning for you that afternoon at silverstone.
you were propped up on the bed, gazing lazily at your boyfriend and the little girl in his arms. his race suit hung around his waist, fireproofs discarded, as he held her close to his chest. your heart felt so heavy, incredibly full in a way it never had been before. she was here, held delicately in the arms of the man you loved; your little family.
george caught you staring, smiling at you. you didn’t think he’d stopped tearing up since he’d come flying through the door after the race, just in time for the birth of his daughter.
“thank you.” he said, eyes lowering back down to the sleeping baby. he couldn’t help it, unable to take his eyes off of her. he could hardly believe she was real.
“it was my pleasure.” you laughed softly, voice tired. you relaxed further into the bed, wincing at the full body ache that you’d managed to ignore since they placed your girl on your chest for the first time.
“i mean it. you’re incredible.” he murmured, reddened eyes still trained on her. your eyes were drooping, the sight before you the only thing keeping you awake. you wanted to look at them forever and your chest flooded with warmth every time you realised that you’d get to.
“almost forgot to congratulate you on your win.” you spoke, making george laugh. “what’s funny?”
“you just gave me the world and you’re still thinking about my career.” he placed the baby into the bassinet by your bed, walking around the bed, perching himself carefully on the edge as to not disturb you. “i love you and i’m so proud of you, sweetheart.” you couldn’t contain your smile, leaning into his palm as he caressed your cheek.
“proud of you too. i was really enjoying the race until, well, you know.” you gestured to the baby, making him laugh again.
he kissed you, pressing his lips against yours softly. it was slow, an exchanging of love, comfort, pride. you pulled away, pushing his messy hair back, just letting yourself look at him for a second. you knew she’d have his eyes.
“what are we gonna call her? i know we had a few idea but nothing feels right.” george broke the silence. he was right. you hummed in agreement.
“she needs a cool name, something to mark the occasion. it’s not everyday that your kid is born at the silverstone.” you spoke excitedly. george squeezed your hand.
“okay, i think i have an idea.” george said slowly.
“tell me!” you beamed.
“don’t laugh. or cringe or whatever.”
“oh come on, i don’t even have the energy to cringe. plus, i’ve gone immune to your cringy-ness by now, anyway.” you teased. all you received in return was a playful glare.
“okay, so, how about… how about sylvie?” he said softly. a smile spread slowly across you face. you gazed at the bassinet, at your baby’s angelic face as she slept.
“sylvie… like silverstone.” you tried out the name, assessing how it felt rolling off your tongue. it fit, it was perfect.
“yes, sylvie like silverstone.” george rolled his eyes and you both laughed.
“will you pass her to me, please?” you asked, and he did as you pleased, placing her gently in your arms.
your skin prickled with joy all over again, your heart rate speeding up.
“sylvie russell. yeah.” you nodded, tears filling your tired eyes once more.
“sylvie russell.” george repeated, his hand squeezing your shoulder.
you somehow managed to take your eyes off of her, just for a second, to glance up at him. he was looking at her, then at you, then her, as if he couldn’t believe his eyes, and you fell in love with him all over again.
home, august 2024.
george had finished the first half of the season, leaving belgium the second he’d stepped off of the podium to come home to you. usually, you enjoyed a much needed vacation over the summer break, but this year, all george wanted was to be at home with his little family.
sylvie was over a month old, and already the apple of george’s eye. you knew he felt guilty for being away during her first weeks but you reassured him that you understood. this was the life the came with being with him, and you wouldn’t have traded it for the world. he also felt guilty that you were dealing with a newborn almost by yourself, but to you, it was worth it. being a mother was never really on your radar, something that you’d only considered for the first time when things got serious with george, and even then, it seemed a million years into the future.
enter: sylvie.
she’d completely changed your life, all for the better. sure, you were sleep deprived, but every time she grabbed your finger, all was forgiven. you’d bonded with her better than you’d expected and so had george, not that you’d had any doubts. he was perfect with her, and she always fell asleep the quickest in his arms.
you and george had moved out of london when you found out you were pregnant, into a gorgeous country house. you were thankful for the move every day, especially now that it was summer and you got to put your garden to use.
laid out in the freshly cut grass was a blanket, topped with fresh fruits, snacks and juice. you laid on one side, book in hand, while george occupied the opposite side, sylvie on his chest. they were covered by an umbrella, while you chose to sunbathe, the august heat treating you well.
george was humming the tune to some generic nursery rhyme that seemed to always be playing in the background these days, popping strawberries in his mouth. you looked up every now and then, the sight of george and sylvie, so peaceful amongst the backdrop of radiant wildflowers that you were growing, leaving you with a content smile.
“like the view?” george asked, catching you out.
“absolutely love it.” you mused.
“did you ever think we’d make it to this?” george asked, one arm going behind his head to support himself, the other delicately clutching your daughter.
“what do you mean?” you asked, confused as to where this was coming from.
“did you think, after those first few years of knowing each other, all of that animosity, that we’d be sat here in our garden with a baby?” he repeated.
“honestly? no. but that’s what’s so perfect about it. you changed my life in the best way and i never for a second saw it coming.” you spoke sincerely.
he sat up, carefully placing a sleeping sylvie in her bassinet and making sure she was shielded from the sun, before turning back to you, making his way over the blanket to your side.
“you’ve changed my life too, darling. i don’t know what i’d be without you.”
you opened your mouth to reply, to tell him that he’s still be just as wonderful, but he cut you off, laying beside you, propped up on his elbow. he took one of your hands, in his, squeezing gently.
“you’ve given me everything that i could ever want: a partner, a family, a home. you keep me grounded, you have done ever since the first time i laid eyes on you and you knocked me straight back down to earth. you don’t know how thankful i am for that first night in monaco, because watching you walk away made it crystal clear just how important you were to me. silverstone, when you found me after the dnf, and the compassion you showed me, you managed to light up one of the darkest moments.”
your eyes were shiny. he paused for a second to press a kiss to your knuckles.
“you’ve given me everything i could ever need, the entire world, darling. i am so grateful that my daughter has you for a mother, and i would be honoured if i got to call you my wife.”
he whispered your name, reaching into the picnic basket that, now that you thought about it, he’d conveniently packed himself, and shifted himself upwards, onto one knee. a velvet box rested in the palm of his hand, before he was presenting you with the most beautiful ring you’d ever seen. square, vintage, exactly what you’d dreamed of.
“will you marry me?”
there was only one possible answer.
you threw yourself at him, eyes bleary, your entire face soaked with tears. he fell backwards into the grass, holding you against his chest while you kissed him. he really knew how to make a speech. you broke away, peppering kisses against his cheek and his jaw.
you held yourself up, staring down at him, one of his hands caressing your cheek, the biggest of grins on both of your faces as he wiped the few stray tears that continued to fall. he looked stunning, sun kissed and chiselled in the vibrant grass, the man you’d spend the rest of your life with.
“it’s a yes, by the way, just in case you didn’t get that.” you giggled, falling beside him, tucked under his arm. you looked up at him, running a hand through his hair, leaning in for another kiss.
“you’re everything to me.” he mumbled against your lips, before he pressed his against yours once more, slow and needy, all the love in the world.
sylvie was obviously feeling left out, stirring in her bassinet. george pulled away, pecking your lips one last time, reaching over for her. he gently placed her on the soft blanket between your bodies, resting on his elbow to watch over you both.
you looked at sylvie, then george, and finally the huge fucking rock on your finger and wondered how on earth you’d ever gotten so lucky.
the realisation that orgasm denial on a yacht in monaco had given you a beautiful family was enough to have you and george laughing.
your poor daughter.
bahrain, 2025. sunday.
george was leading the race. typical.
“daddy’s such a show off.” you whispered to sylvie, whose crystal blue eyes were fixed on the screen ahead of you. she looked adorable, her mousey hair tousled by the huge noise protectors that seemed to engulf her entire head.
it was her first time being present at a race, a truly special occasion for you and george. your lives were so intertwined with racing, and a race track was where you fell in love; it meant a lot to the both of you to have her here, for her to grow up around the sport that had changed your lives.
you were shocked at her attention to the race, she’d spent the remainder of last season, when george had gone back to work, pulling your hair every time a race was on the tv. you had a sneaky feeling she’d end up just like george, which left your motherly nerves shot to pieces.
george won, just as you told him he would, and you bounced sylvie on your hip, a mini celebration. you took her out of the garage and into parc ferme to greet him with the rest of the team behind the barriers. you got there in time to see him stood at the helm of his car, hands thrown in the air in pure elation.
“look, baby. look at daddy.” you pointed at george, cooing in sylvie’s ear. she seemed to follow your finger, finding her father, up high above the rest.
the laugh she let out, pure, unfiltered joy, made your heart grow, your whole body warm at the gleeful noise. you loved her laugh, just like you loved george’s, her developing personality demonstrating that she was already a mini george. you weren’t mad about it.
the race winner was bounding towards you, the adrenaline coursing through his veins clear as day. when he reached the barrier, he scooped sylvie out of your arms, leaning over the metal to kiss you hard. you blushed, your face hot at the pda but you weren’t going to stop him. when you pulled apart, he kissed sylvie on the forehead, her chubby hands gripping hard at his race suit. she had been infatuated with it all weekend, grabbing at all the different sponsors with thoughtless intrigue that made you smile.
“so proud of you, honey.” you spoke, voice loud amongst the rowdy team, excited at their first victory of the season. “i think our kid is already an f1 fan.” you laughed.
“she’ll be up there one day.” george replied, point up at the top step of the podium behind him. you shook your head in playful annoyance. as if you’d let your little girl loose on a racetrack.
“i love you george.” he’d have to move on soon, and you’d have to make a quick getaway to the media pen, while sylvie would be going back to her grandparents.
“i love you, sweetheart.” and with that, he stole your daughter, a sense of deja vu hitting you as he walked over to his winners interview with her in his arms.
he didn’t care at all about what was allowed and what was proper, he just wanted his little girl with him. the way he wanted to show her off constantly made you weak. he was such a girl dad.
george’s voice rang through parc ferme, and then that precious laugh did as well, when sylvie hijacked the mic. you smiled incredulously.
you knew it, the first night you shared, your first date, that nightmare weekend in spa. you knew it when he whisked you away to paris, when he told you that he loved you too. you knew it then and you knew it now, as you watched him let your daughter make incoherent baby noises into a microphone on live tv.
george russell would always be the one for you.
@boysthatgovroomvroom @thegirlinthefandoms @welld0nebaku @mcmuppet @japanesekel @vinvantae @ggaslyp1 @dr3lover @smiithys  @turningxstrange @rachstash @infinitebells @multilovebot @fizzpopsnap101 @gaily19 @icecoldtires @mysticalnightenthusiast @thatchickwiththecamera @oyesmendes @disneydaydreameralways @canyouseethesainz @ferrarifwendvale @fcbformulaeri @tony-stank3 @maih23 @nokiaholland @soleilgrec @carolineworld @anthonykatebridgerton @allywthsr @iamasimpingh0e @ophcelia @lovelynikol16 @coffeehurricanes @jennx03 @micks-afterglow @blueflorals @lqvesoph @sidcrosbyspuck @better-dead-than-smeg @buendiabebeta @h0e-xoxo @pjofics @kovalcin @wintergilmore3
i’ve removed any tags that weren’t working. let me know if you wanna be added or removed <3
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hbosucc · 10 months
Greg Hirsch x Reader: Chapter 2
Hiiii just posting the second chapter!
Here is a link to Chapter 1
Not many content warnings for this chapter in particular, just swearing and two consenting adults kissing. This fic is 18+, but this chapter is the most tame.
Anyways Chapter 2 is below! If you read this fic ilysm. I had the time of my life writing it and even if it isn't super good I hope someone else can maybe enjoy it too. Mwah xoxoxo
Chapter 2: The Morning After + Second Date
I woke the next morning to a series of notifications from Greg, and I realized with a twinge of guilt that I had forgotten to let him know I’d gotten home all right.
Y/N: So sorry to worry you! I made it home just fine last night, I totally blanked on letting you know.
          I took a quick shower, and when I came back out, there were new messages from him through the app. Dripping water on my phone screen, I swiped it open.
Greg: No worries, it’s all good
          Glad you didn’t get murdered by your driver!
That was in bad taste, sorry
          If you want to text instead, here’s my phone number:
The phone number exchange—that was a good sign. I saved the number to my contacts and sent him a text.
Y/N: Hey Greg, it’s Y/N :)
          I resisted checking my phone again as I finished getting ready for work, blow-drying my hair and pulling on my tights in between sips of coffee. Once I was ready to go, I headed down the steps of the brownstone and into my car at the curb. I’d only used a ride app the night before because I had known I’d be drinking, but I did have a car of my own, mostly used for driving to and from work. I lived in an area that leaned more suburban than downtown, so parking wasn’t too hellish.
          I made it to the school early enough to get a decent spot in the staff parking lot, and headed to the lounge for my second coffee of the day. The coffee in the staff lounge was notoriously bad, but it’d been a late night by my standards, and I was desperate.
          “Hey, lady,” Katelynn, my closest work-friend, breezed in behind me to pour some coffee into her travel mug. She shook two packets of sweetener into hers and stirred. “How’re things with you?”
          “Good, actually.” I nodded, holding my hands around the paper cup to warm them. You’d think that at a private school, they’d be able to afford a better heating system. And better coffee. “I went on a date last night.”
          “Ooh, how’d it go?” She sat down across from me at one of the tables. Though we were about the same age, Katelynn was an actual, fully qualified teacher. She taught ninth-grade History and Politics, bless her. Somehow, she seemed to love it.
          “It was good! Well, I thought it was, at least, but we didn’t kiss at the end.” I admitted. “I know that’s so high school of me to think about, but I’m just not used to that, I guess.”
          Katelynn’s face became serious, and I loved her for it. “I know what you mean. That is kind of weird. Maybe he was too nervous? Or maybe he just didn’t want to be presumptuous?”
          “You’re probably right.” I nodded. “He did seem a little nervous.”
          “That’s probably it. He was just intimidated by your beauty and brains and charming demeanor.” She smiled at me over the lip of her cup.
          “That’s got to be it.” I shook my head, trying not to laugh. “You’ve cracked the case.”
          “Do you have a pic of him?”
          “Oh, yeah, let me find one.” I opened up the app we’d met on and went to his profile, pulling up what I thought was his best picture, then held it out to show her.
          “Oh! He’s cute!” She exclaimed, grabbing the phone from me. “And he’s six-five? Sheesh, babes. Lucky you.”
          “I think he actually is six-five in real life, too. Crazy, right?”
          The warning bell rang, and Katelynn stood up to go.
          “Crazy. Do you want to do lunch sometime this week? I need to hear more about this guy.”
          “For sure. Text me.” I nodded, and she was gone, off to unlock her classroom and let the students in. I took my cup with me to the library, where I was scheduled to meet with one of my one-on-one students for English tutoring. My heels echoed down the emptying halls, and I checked my phone one last time as I walked: still no text back.
          I stuffed my phone into my pocket, trying to stuff my disappointment away with it. I needed to focus on my job now; he’d text back soon enough. That was what I told myself, anyways.
          He did text me back, eventually, later that day.
Greg: Hey! Sorry I didn’t text back earlier, work = crazy again today
          But I have Sunday off, if you’re free?
          To hang out again I mean
          I waited as long as I could to respond, trying to hold onto a shred of my dignity.
Y/N: Hey! That’s okay, I know how it goes.
          Sunday should work. What did you have in mind?
--- Second Date ---
I had to give it to him, it was a cute idea. Much better than a lot of the dates I’d had in the past, which, at their most creative, had been going out to dinner.
          “Have you ever ice skated before?” I asked Greg as we sat together on a bench, lacing up our skates.
          “I did when I was younger, but it’s been a while,” He gave a nervous laugh. “But I don’t know, I thought it might be fun. What—what about you, have you?”
          “Yeah, I’ve been a handful of times.” I nodded, standing up very carefully. “But it’s been a while for me, too.”
          “I thought it seemed like something you’d be good at, for some reason.” He followed me up and into the ring, moving with more grace than I had expected for someone as tall and gangly as him. His vibe didn’t exactly scream hand-eye coordination.
          “Good? I don’t know about that. Competent, maybe.” I laughed. It truly had been a while. I wanted to look over my shoulder at him, but I was sure I’d lose my balance and fall over if I didn’t keep my eyes straight forward.
          “Well, then I guess we can be competent together.” I felt his gloved hand wrap around mine and looked up to see him skating next to me. He looked down with a tentative smile, and I nodded.
          “Deal,” I gave his hand a little squeeze as we got into a rhythm together, our weight moving from leg to leg in sync. I’m sure we looked a bit ridiculous moving at our snails’ pace while children zipped around us on either side, showing off for each other. I let out a shriek as one whizzed particularly close, almost clipping my shoulder.
          “These fucking kids,” He laughed.
          “Right?” I blew out a puff of air, watching the condensation form a little cloud.
          “Do you, um, do you like kids? Or want them?”
          “Not particularly.” I admitted. “Even though I work with them, I like being able to leave them at the end of the day. I don’t think I could do it twenty-four-seven.”
          He nodded thoughtfully. “That would be, like, a lot.”
          “What about you?” I watched him out of the corner of my eye. Partly because he was cute, and partly to watch his face as he came up with an answer.
          “I could take them or leave them, personally.” he said. “It depends on the kid, I guess.”
          “What about animals? Like, pets, I mean.”
          “I do—I do like them, um, in concept. My mom has a dog, and I guess I’ve always been partial to dogs, myself.”
          “I’ve always been more of a cat person,” I said. “I like dogs too, though. But I think it must be so hard to have one here in the city, with no yards for them to run around in. I know there are dog parks, but, you know.”
          “Yeah, I definitely get what you’re saying. It doesn’t seem fair. To the dogs, I mean.”
          “Exactly. You get it,” I let go of his hand as we made it to the wall of the rink opposite the entrance, resting on the rails for a moment. I watched as a teenager in the middle of the rink did a very impressive jump, spinning while in the air, before landing perfectly on the ice again.
          “How come you didn’t kiss me?” I asked, looking up at him.
          “I—um,” He started, his face reddening. “I should’ve, I know. I regretted it right after you walked away. I just…I didn’t want to come off too strong, or feel like I was, like, being a creep, or—you know, in the age of, like, Me Too, I didn’t want to…overstep any, or, I mean, make any assumptions?”
          “Greg,” I sighed. “First, you’re not going to be cancelled for kissing someone at the end of a date, as long as you don’t, like, force it on them. Also, I was giving you the look. That’s usually a sign that a kiss would be acceptable.”
          “Well, I’m sorry.” He said, exasperated, but I could tell he understood. “I wanted to kiss you, okay? I just—I don’t know, like, froze up.”
          “It’s okay.” I shook my head. “I’m sorry, actually, for making a big deal out of it. It’s stupid, I know. I feel like a fucking teenager—”
          I was cut off mid-sentence as he leaned down and planted a quick, firm kiss to my lips. He drew back, checking my face for a reaction.
          “Well,” I said, regaining my composure. “You are full of surprises, aren’t you?”
          “I suppose I am.” He grinned and took my hand, and we rejoined the stream of skaters, going around and around the rink. We went around so many times I lost count, and came close to falling a handful of times, but one of us always managed to steady the other before we could end up with our butts on the ice.
          Once we’d returned our rental skates and laced up our own shoes, he walked me out to my car. Just in time for the sunset, we leaned against the bumper and watched as the sky swirled with pink and orange and finally dark blue.
          “I hope you know, I wanted to kiss you for longer, but with all those kids around, it would’ve felt, like, weird.” He turned to face me in the twilight.
          “I think that was smart.” I said, looking over my shoulder at the mostly-empty parking lot. “Don’t see any kids around now.”
          “Well, lucky me, then.” His hand came up to cup my face, the other one resting on my hip as he pulled me in. I stood up on my toes, and our lips met again. We moved slowly at first, shifting to find what was comfortable, and then came the tongue. He wasn’t clumsy or overbearing with it, as I’d suspected he might be. I reciprocated, my hands running over his hair and down towards his jaw. In the freezing air, I could feel myself heating up as our bodies pressed together.
          When we finally broke apart—I’m sure his back was starting to ache from having to bend down to reach me—I felt flushed and melty, like a microwaved marshmallow.
          “Jesus,” I breathed.
          “Yeah,” He nodded, and we both laughed.
          “Well,” I started, not quite wanting to leave, but knowing I still had the drive home ahead of me, and school in the morning. “Unfortunately, I have to get going.”
          “Hey, duty calls.” He said. “Let me know when you make it home?”
          “I will. I actually will, this time.” I smiled, hitting the button to unlock my car.
          “When can I, like, see you again?” He asked as he began backing away.
          “I’m not sure.” I furrowed my brow. “Maybe we can get lunch sometime this week?”
          “Okay, I’ll—I’ll text you.”
          “Sounds good. ‘Bye, Greg.”
          “’Bye. Have a good night!” He called after me as I slid behind the wheel and started my car, turning the heat up.
          I replayed the date in my head on the drive home, smiling to myself. There was a lot to like about him, and no big red flags so far. He seemed a little too agreeable at times, almost too eager to please, but that I could understand. That wasn’t a major moral failing; at least not in my book. He was also becoming sexier to me the more we got to know each other. He wasn’t necessarily my normal type, but there was just something about him.
          Parking in front of the brownstone, I went up the steps and into the warmth of my building. I closed my door behind me, bolting it, and hung my coat up on the hook. I pulled out my phone and shot Greg a quick text, letting him know I’d made it. As it sent, I saw Katelynn had texted me while I was at the rink.
Katelynn: Is this the guy you’re dating rn???
          Attached was a picture, and I clicked on it to make it bigger. It was from some press conference for ATN news, the biggest right-wing-affiliated news network in the country. It was the kind of news channel where talking heads railed against the LGBTQ+ community and abortions, insisting that our country was going to pieces because we’d legalized marriage equality. To put it mildly, I was not a fan.
          And there was Greg, standing right next to the head of the division.
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causenessus · 2 months
hi loveliness ! (get it, lovely-ness and you’re loveliness) (oh my god i’m so smart) i hope you’ve eaten today !! how’s your day been? MAKE SURE U EAT i’m so so so sorry for sending this so late in the day i had SUCH a day today and also i realize my asks are getting longer and longer each time like im yapping way too much so ill try to keep this short !
TODAY i hate breakfast then i went to an aquarium with my friend! it was so nice we saw sea lions and SEA OTTERS (otters are my favourite animal) AND IT WAS SO FUN! we saw the sea lions do tricks and the otters were so cute holding the rocks and it was so so so cute overload omg then i went to go have hotpot with my family and my uncle! it was nice to catch up and the food was so yummy we had flan after
ALSO I WAS GIGGLING SO MUCH AT YOUR WORK STORY LIKE i wasn’t laughing that you got yelled at bcuz that was uncool and uncalled for but the way it was formatted with the dialogue was so funny i was like giggling in bed reading it LOL but i will literally hunt down that family because you’re just a girl doing your job like !! lay off !! but i hope you’re okay love you didn’t deserve that and like genuinely some people need to learn how to be decent human beings sometimes because that’s actually CRAZY
BUT I LOVE UR STORY TIMES !!! SO YAP ALL U WANT I WILL READ IT ALL THOROUGHLY !! and once i get back home and back to work i will 100% yap because retail makes my head THROB genuinely throb
also tell me more about your knee omg?? what happened I HOPE YOURE OKAY AND make sure you don’t overwork yourself on your new smaus!! take breaks and always prioritize yourself over anything, i hope work was better than yesterday !! if not i will PERSONALLY fly over to your state and be like your guard dog at work (LOL THATS CRAZY SORRY) but i genuinely hope today went better! i hope you ate too and took care of yourself, always always take care of yourself i will say it infinity times to make sure it’s engraved into your head xoxoxo
PLEASE NEVER WORRY ABOUT YOUR ASKS BEING LONG!!! DO NOT SHORTEN YOURSELF PLEASE YAP AS MUCH AS YOU WANT <3 (i'm going to start putting my answers under cuts so people don't have to fight trying to scroll past my yapping 😭 BUT DW!! TALK AS MUCH AS YOU WANT <3 AND THANK YOU FOR YOUR OTHER ASK TOO!!)
AND ALSO DON'T APOLOGIZE FOR SENDING THIS LATE IN THE DAY!! and i was so unmotivated when i got home from work today to make something for dinner 😭 bc i needed to shower AND i had school earlier in the day and it was 9:30 so i'd be eating a meal at like 10 pm BUT I DID JUST FOR U <33 (and i MEAN THAT!! I AM SO THANKFUL FOR ALL YOUR REMINDERS TO EAT :( YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH IT REALLY MEANS TO ME <3 AND THANK YOU AGAIN FOR YOUR OTHER ASK AND FOR SENDING ONE IN DESPITE YOUR BUSY DAY WITH THE REMINDER TO EAT <3 I LITERALLY LOVE YOU SO SO SO MUCH) last night my dinner was literally a bagel with almond butter 💀 which I FEEL LIKE wasn't the worst "meal" but definitely not the best <3
AAAAAAAAAA THE AQUARIUM!!!!!!!!!! THAT SOUNDS SO CUTE AND FUN OMG I LOVE SEA LIONS TOO AND THEM BEING YOUR FAV ANIMAL LITERALLY MAKES THEM 10000X CUTER :(((( I HOPE YOU HAD TONS OF FUN!! AND OMG HOTPOT please i want hotpot so bad hold on thank you for reminding me that hot pot exists the MOMENT WE HAVE WEATHER IN THE 60S I'M GETTING HOT POT and i'm glad you could catch up with your family!! that's always fun <3 and FLAN!!!! YOU'RE LIVING THE DREAM AS ALWAYS AND I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!
and i'm glad you enjoyed my story time LMAOOO I READ IT BACK JUST NOW AND THERE WERE SO MANY GRAMMATICAL MISTAKES MB IT'S ALMOST MIDNIGHT RN SO I'M SURE MY ENGLISH IS NOT SUPER HOT RN EITHER 😭 today i worked again and i literally only got ONE thing done 😭 but it's bc it was a really big order and i lowkey drilled into my finger but it's okay!!!!! 🤠 KNOWING YOU WORK IN RETAIL AGAIN AND WORK THOSE GRUELING OPENING SHIFTS AND DOUBLES ALWAYS GIVES ME THE STRENGTH TO KEEP GOING (but i was soo sleepy today too i was genuinely going to walk up to my coworker and be like "bro. can i please just nap on the floor." BUT WE POWERED THROUGH!!) AND I LOVE YOUR STORY TIMES TOO!! PLEASE SHARE ALL YOU WANT I WILL ALWAYS READ THROUGH IT TOO <3
IF YOU WERE MY GUARD DOG AT WORK I'D CRY /POS <3 I'D FEEL SO SAFE AND HAPPY!! (maybe u should fly here anyway!!! xxx) but DW MY KNEES ARE OKAY LMAO basically i got sent to clean a loft with some people today and because i'm literally a monkey from my tech days i climbed like an entire shelf??? 😭 because we were like reorganizing EVERYTHING (that entire group is so neurodivergent including me like we were told to clean the front but none of us have the power to JUST do the front so this will now be like a month long project pls pray for us it is so hot and dusty in there) and so after we ran out of time i had to jump down from the shelf but like my two guys were BOTH waiting for me (v. weird. one of them makes me slightly uncomfortable BC HE'S VERY NICE BUT TOO NICE AND I'M JUST SCARED OF MEN LIKE HE'S GENUINELY NICE BUT I HAVE ATTACHMENT ISSUES AND I DON'T LIKE OTHER PEOPLE LIKING ME IF THAT MAKES SENSE) so like i was literally rushing it and was like "yeah i can probably just drop down" but the fall was a lot farther than i initially thought 😭 so i dropped to the ground and my knees gave out because of the impact so i fell backwards into a table BUT IT'S OKAY besides the fact i made a giant fool of myself i don't want to talk about it </3 (b/c the OTHER guy i was with OMNFHEJRFKWLNDJJERHOUHJVFEKW i used to like him. ik. very small world i am still around people ik. BUT ANYWAY used to like him -> got the ick bc attachment issues -> hated him but he's still a good friend -> our mutual OLDER friend tried to get us to go to prom together one year -> SO MUCH MORE WE HAVE SUCH A WEIRD DYNAMIC IDEK WHAT HE THINKS OF ME) BUT I HOPE YOU ENJOYED THIS STORY TIME AS WELL!! LOTS OF NESS LORE DROPS HERE <3 I LOVE SHARING ALL MY DRAMA LMAOAOAO
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thecollectionsof · 11 months
6, 10, 12, and 18 <3 (and if there’s one you’re dying to answer, tack that one on!)
hello loml :) can't wait to write an essay for these questions xoxoxo
6. say three nice things about yourself (three physical and three non-physical).
god i have to THINK and that is hard because i am small :)
my eyes are pretty :) i have no idea what color they are
i've been learning to type faster and more reliably since i started writing and it's honestly been so nice. and of course now that i say that i'm probably going to have the most egregious typos the world has ever seen
you can make patterns out of my freckles if you're bored. i do it all the time (sometimes connect the dots with freckles is the only way to pass the time)
i am the person who often plans things for my friend group and i think i'm pretty alright at it!! even if it's getting harder as we're getting older
i may not be the most musical but i think that i can at least come up with some funky harmonies and really what more do you need
i love when communication is clear and reliable so i try to model it myself as much as i can, and i think i'm doing an alright job with it so far!!! (it's a wip of course but. still a win)
10. what’s something you’re excited for?
ok i mentioned in jiji's ask that my roommate is making pancakes but she just decided that she's Also making biscuits and gravy and we're having a full breakfast for dinner (it is no longer dinner time but time is a concept and dinner is whenever you want it to be). either way i am going to propose to them on the spot actually
12. how are you?
my honest answer is restless and still just a little bit depressed (as a treat) but! finding things to be happy and excited about (one of which is writing halldoll and it has been since this afternoon which is good !!!!! and also exciting !!!!!!!!!)
18. do you still love stuffed animals?
absolutely i do :) i have some on my bed let me introduce you:
Bed Cow (star crossed lovers with Fred Cow, who lives on the couch in the living room for my roommate's naps)
long boy, a very long cat
berry the strawberry cow!!!!
and also a bunch of squishmallows i got from my sister when she had to give up her stuffed animals (i love them though i'm taking good care of them)
^ actually i'm going to shout one out in particular, there's a dino one that i take with me when i go places because he's so nice to hug :)
and the good luck duck, of course, who i would take with me for my exams through all of middle and high school (and, of course, let other people take him if they needed more luck for something). i'm his biggest fan, he has given me so much good luck and support in life <3
and if you did not see this coming i would be very surprised but :) 16. compliment the person who sent you this number.
dear rachel sexynetra reality wont ruin my life (very long name),
i'm glad we're friends!!!! you make me laugh and have given me the energy to write so much more than i normally do recently (not that i've been posting more but... shhhhhh). and you're really cool !!!!! and i love you i can't wait for you to drag me into the anetra loving ways :)
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askinkiskarma · 1 year
Hiii ! I was just in the mood to share this. But why does this song make me think of Neteyam (the rhythm and music part/ Not the lyrics)
Like- Tell me why I immediately pictured him when this song started playing lmao
In his sure and confident attitude only (Not like the protective and emotional aspect one he also has)
Especially in that "pre-fighting" scene when he defends Kiri and Lo'ak on the beach.
I found it so funny and wanted to share <3
And so I wanted to ask you 👉🏻👈🏻♡ what song makes you think of Neteyam (or other awow characters) ? Just curious about it because you like to link your stories and chapters about songs (especially Taylor Swift) !
Byee 🤲🏻♡°•☆♡°☆
omg no cause i so see it, he's got this way about him, especially when he walks, he has such a confident/powerful walk omg he makes me weak
thank you so much for sharing, i love when you besties share with me (especially music!!! i love music so so much, so it means a lot to me)
for Neteyam, the song I always think about when it comes to him is Epiphany by TS keep your helmet/keep your life son/just a flesh wound/here's your rifle crawling up the beaches now/"sir, i think he's bleeding out"/and some things you just can't speak about - i mean cmonnn!!!
also surface pressure from encanto?? lol hahahaha i listened to it recently and it literally reminded me of him so much
Give it to your sister brother, it doesn't hurt, and/ See if she can handle every family burden/watch as she buckles and bends but never breaks
to be fair though, i have so many songs, but they are more about neteyam in the context of my stories
for Lo'ak, i ALWAYS think of him when I listen to Forever Winter by TS
He seems fine most of the time, forcing smiles and neverminds His laugh is a symphony, when the lights go out, it's hard to breathe I pull at every thread, tryna solve the puzzles in his head Live my life scared to death he'll decide to leave instead
i could do this forever honestly i loved this ask so much thank you bestie xoxoxo
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chrissy196789 · 2 years
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sapphicserum · 5 months
currently going through a best friend breakup that has me more heart broken than anything I’ve ever felt xoxoxo we are live laugh loving
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writerbythewater-blog · 6 months
Everyone knew that at twenty-five you woke in your soulmates body. Some people choose to not wait to start families that long, and just followed their hearts to find someone. Lana waited. She loved the idea of being with her soulmate, so she chose to wait until she knew who they were. If she woke up in their body and they didn't wait well that was fine. She could live without them, but she wanted to know them. She just hoped she was the younger of the two and not the old, so the night before she turned twenty-five she left a note on her night stand.
Dear Soulmate,
I hope you aren't too upset to find yourself in my body. My name is Lana Lane, and I live in Smallville. I run the Talon. It's a coffee shop downtown. I ask that you at least swing by and let the girls know what's happening, so that they don't worry. If you don't you sure to have the whole town swing by to check on you.
My keys are hanging up by the front door (please put them in the same place you find them), and my purse is next to it. Feel free to use my card and get yourself food and drinks if you don't like what I have. Make yourself at home, and don't worry and the people in town. Their all very nice. I've lived here my whole life, so they all know me and well know if I'm not, well, me. I'll do my best to not mess your life up too much (I'm joking nothing bad well happen).
Love your Soulmate,
Lana Lane XOXOXO
The next morning she woke up in a place she had never seen. She was the younger of the two! Looking around at the metallic walls she wondered why if felt so cold here. There was a knock on the door before someone just walked in. In a panic Lana pulled the blanket to cover her chest. The man who walked in raised an eyebrow and tilted his head.
"You okay Sup's?" The man asked. Lana studied him. She knew him from somewhere. That glowing green suit with a ring on it. Green Lantern?
"Where am I? Who am I?" Lana asked. She looked at the man then lifted the cover just a bit to make sure she was clothed. She was, so she stepped out of bed grimacing when her feet hit the cold metal floors.
"What?" The man asked watching her before his eyes grew. "Shit Superman's twenty-five!"
Lana's head jerked towards him. Superman! Her soulmate was Superman!
"I don't know if Superman is but I just turned twenty-five." She said walking over to him. "Where are we?" She asked again.
"Uh, JL Headquarters. Let's get you to the others." He grabbed her arm as he spoke. Lana thought about shoving him away, but she didn't know if she might hurt him with Superman strength. She might not like him touching her, but she didn't want to hurt him.
"Green Lantern, why are you dragging Superman?" A green man asked as they walked into what looked like a meeting room. Lana blinked trying to clear her eyes. Was that man really green?
"Their not Superman." The one holding her said as he push her into a chair. The two men looked at each other before looking at her like she was a problem. "They've got to be the younger of the two, or else Superman wouldn't have come on this mission with us."
A mission? What were they doing? Lana never thought waking up in someone else's body would be this hard. Of course she had to have a superhero for a soulmate. She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest. The one who pulled her around laughed when he saw her, and really she couldn't blame him. Superman was pouting even if it wasn't him it must look funny, but Lana couldn't stop herself. How was she meant to learn anything about her soulmate now? She doubted these men knew anything about Superman outside the suit, and she wasn't sure the hero would be happy the swap happened while he was in the suit. She hoped he wouldn't hate her.
"We haven't left yet, so we'll turn back and I'll take them to Superman's families home." The green one said.
"You know his family!" The other man yelled.
"Of course. He has me over for holidays." The green one said like it was common knowledge. Lana looked between the two before clearing her throat.
"I would like that please, but would he be alright with it? I told my soulmate I wouldn't mess their life up." She was already doing a poor job of that. The green one smiled at her.
"He won't mind at all. He always hoped he would be have a soulmate, and if you live anywhere near his family I'm sure he's there waiting for you." He walked over to her and held out his hand. Lana took it carefully, and let him help her up.
He lead her to a room with a glass wall, and the view took her breathe away. They were in space! He paused letting her take it all in before showing her to a ship. He helped her buckle in before taking a seat behind the controls. He flew with ease taking them back the Earth. The ship was fast, and before she knew it they were touching down in a familiar farm.
"The Kent farm. Why are we here?" She asked looking at the green man again. She knew she had seen him on the news, but she couldn't remember his name. He smiled at her as he undid the buckles for her.
"It's his family farm. I guess you must already know each other." He said leading her off the ship. As they walked down the ramp she saw her own body standing next the the Kent's. Her body turned to look at her as she stepped of the ramp.
"Lana?" She heard her voice ask. Did she really sound like that? Thinking about where they were, and how she was told it was her soulmates family she knew who was in her body.
"Hey Clark." She smiled at him. He ran over hugging her, but she didn't hug back. When he pulled back and she saw the hurt look on her face she smiled at him.
"I'm so glad it's you, but I know Superman is super strong and I'm so scared I'm going to hurt someone by mistake." She explained. He nodded in understanding.
"Yeah the powers are hard to deal with at first." He took her hand and lead her inside. "We can sit in my old room and wait out the day."
"Sound perfect." She said and meant it.
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g1rld1ary · 7 months
also if youve sent a request pls know that I have seen it and I am thinking abt it constantly & feel so bad -- uni literally hit me like a truck (live love laugh doing two degrees) but i will get them out as soon as i can!!!!! lots of love xoxoxo ⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪
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guiltygearxrd2 · 9 months
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Nails done, pyjamas on, and watching lupin iii - living, laughing and loving xoxoxo
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Next Week
( steve harrington x reader )
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in which you just want to rent Back to the Future but every week it has already been rented and every time you come back to check Steve Harrington says it will be back. . . next week and for some reason, you still believe him.
in which two lovesick idiots have to make stupid excuses to talk to each other.
content warning mild cursing, steve being an idiot, the reader being an idiot, robin being the only smart one, and steve's awful description of the back to the future plot
a / n i love steve harrington so here's this... the last piece of happiness on this account before i drop so much angst with no mercy ( and then after that a robin fluff piece ) i believe you can survive this war but before that happens enjoy this mess!!
You had noticed a few things about the video store in Hawkins, Indiana. One, Keith didn’t work there alone anymore. Two, the cute boy working there always made your hands unnecessarily sweaty. And three, they never seemed to have the movies you were looking for. 
It started a few weeks ago. Your sister wanted to watch a movie that weekend after missing the showing of Back to the Future due to the unfortunate mall fire that knocked out a whole block of town. So the two of your drove to the gas station, bought a bunch of junk food, and headed to the video store. Though as soon as you walked in, you noticed the idiot who would quiz you for around twenty minutes on every movie you returned, and no you weren’t exaggerating, your sister had timed it, was no longer at the counter. But instead, the fallen king of Hawkins High, Steve Harrington, him and his hair in all its glory. You weren’t sure how his dethroning as king resulted in him getting stuck working at the video store by the arcade, for half a second you question if it was even him or maybe some weirdly similar look alike. But no, no it was Steve, you would know it anywhere. And just like any day, you had made your way to the counter, smiling at the boy who almost immediately smiled back upon meeting your gaze.
“Hi,” you greeted. 
“Hey,” he replied, reciting the lines Keith had gotten him to memorize after repeating them to him probably fifty times. “I’m Steve, welcome to Hawkins Family Video, where we bring movies to you, what can I do for you today?”
“I know who you are, Steve” you said, though immediately you wished you could turn back time find a time machine and jump backwards at how creepy it sounded. “Shit, I didn’t mean that to sound so creepy! Im sorry, I just, we went to the same high school. Well of course we went to the same high school but you know-”
“No! No, it’s good,” Steve replied, slightly stumbling over his words. “I, uh, I didn't think you were being creepy. What can I do for you today?”
“Oh, yeah, I was looking for Back to the Future,” you replied. 
“Back to the Future’ huh?” He replied.
“Yeah,I didn’t really get to see it after the whole mall burning down and all, you know?”
He only nodded, you noticing him visibly tensing up at you comment. Passing it off as nothing but it being a stranger memory, a tragedy for a small town like Hawkins, something that didn’t happen often. It was weird, the tiniest bit unsettling.
“If i'm being honest, the movie was pretty meh. Like just okay. Pretty low on the movie scale for me. I got to see it, it was a little confusing,” Steve explained, his voice slightly dropping into a whisper. “Not to spoil anything, but I’m pretty sure, the mom in that movie is trying to bang her son...so…”
You stared at him for a second, waiting for him to say he was joking. But nothing came, only silence as you stared back at him with wide eyes, your voice dropping into a whisper to match his. 
“Wait, you aren’t joking?” you asked.
“I mean, I work at a video store, would I be steering you wrong?” He asked.
“There’s no way! No way!” You practically yelled. “That’s messed up, they played that here? How did the PTA at the schools not go insane?”
“That’s what I’ve been trying to say! No one believes me,” he agreed. 
“I gotta see this movie,” you said, a quiet laugh escaping at the end of your words.
“Ill go ahead and find that for you,” he offered as he walked backwards towards the back room, bumping into the door in the process. “I’ll be right back.”
And he didn’t lie, not long after the boy headed back out of the backroom, you quickly realizing he was in fact empty handed.
“I’m sorry, just realized someone came in earlier and rented our last copy,” he tried to explain, running a hand through his hair. 
“Oh,”you replied, slightly deflating after the anticipation built up for the movie. “That’s okay, I’ll just rent something-.”
“But you can come back next week!” He interrupted, practically yelling. “It will be back next week…”
“Yeah? Okay. Cool, great! Sounds like a plan,” you replied with a slight nod. “Guess I’ll see you next week?”
“Yep, next week, see you then,” he replied, his words coming out in an awkward kind of manner. 
With a quick smile at the boy, you made your way towards the door, not even noticing that your hands were starting to become extremely clammy. Only stopped by the sound of Steve’s voice once again.
“Hey! What’s your name?” He asked. “You know, so I can keep track of who wants the movie next?”
And so you gave him your name, writing it down on a piece of paper because of his claimed horrible memory watching as he tucked it into his pocket as you exited yhe store. A smile glued to your face and a giddy somewhat nauseating feeling in your stomach as you made your way back into the car, almost forgetting the fact your sister was waiting for you. Scratch that, completely forgetting your sister was waiting for you.
“Did you get the movie?” She asked, practically groaning the sentence out. 
“What?” You asked, buckling your seatbelt.
“The movie” She replied like it was the most obvious thing. “Where is it?”
“Oh! Shit, yeah, that’s why we're here! Um, they didn’t have it, we'll have to watch it next week,” you replied nonchalantly, as something that once would have annoyed you had zero effect on your mood. “The boy who worked there said it would be back next week, wrote my name down and everything.”
The younger girl let out another groan as she dramatically collapsed back into her seat.
“Fine. But don’t expect me to watch the fucking ‘Outsiders’ with you again.”                                                                                                  
And It went on for a few weeks, you making your way to the video store every Friday night with the same answer from the boy. One would question the validity of his statement, that it would be there next week, your sister had called you a fucking idiot. Her newfound revaluation that she could say a curse word without being struck by lightning completely shifting her vocabulary.
One night you even asked for a different movie you were pretty sure no one would be watching, but of course it just so happened to have gotten rented. You didn’t mind though all that much, though you would never admit it out loud, you didn’t mind it at all. Because each time you walked in you were greeted by Steve Harrington and some sort of memorable conversation. Steve Harrington. Who was actually pretty nice company, no matter how much of a dork you had realized he was. And no matter how many times you told yourself to just watch something at your house or borrow something from your friend, you continued to drive up to the same store, only to be given the same answer. And no matter how many times your sister had called you oblivious, you ignored the metaphorical butterflies that attacked the walls of your stomach. Maybe it was those conversations, the conversations that caused you to stay way longer than you intended? The conversations that ranged from joking about Keith to talking about stuff that left the two of you there up until closing. Whatever it was, you couldn’t help yourself from coming back.
Just like any other Friday, you parked your car outside of the store, your sister no longer tagging along as she knew you weren’t getting the movie but instead a hour long conversation she would have to sit through in pure boredom. Opening the door, the little bell rang, and you were immediately caught off guard by someone else at the counter. There stood a girl, close to your age from what you could tell. Her shoulder length blonde hair was covering her face as she looked at some book that laid on the counter. Hesitantly, you made your way to the counter, feeling somewhat out of place without having the perfect haired, idiot staring at you. Like you were in a whole other building.
“Hi,” you stated, the blonde haired girl looking up from her book. Feeling as if this was somehow your first time stopping in.
“Hello,” the girl replied, gaze back on her book as she flipped to the next page.
“I come in here every week looking for Back to the Future, I’m pretty sure Steve has my name written down,” you tried to explain to the girl. “I was just wondering if it was finally here to rent?”
“‘Back to the Future’?” The girl asked, as if you were stupid.
“Yeah…” you replied, doubting yourself for a second. 
“What do you mean it hasn’t been here?” asked the girl, whose name you had picked up as Robin from her name tag. “Nobody has rented that movie for like the past two months.”
“But...I, he told me,” you said, at a loss for words.
“Well Stevie told you wrong,” said Robin, with a slight laugh, setting the book aside to set her full attention on you. “What’s your name again?”
“Y/N,” you simply replied.
“No way! Your’re the famous Y/N?” said Robin with a awestruck kind of enthusiasm. “I have been waiting to meet you. No wonder he was so upset about missing work today. He hates work, I was so surprised he even cared that much that he couldn’t be here but-”
“Famous?” You asked, the word sticking out in the midst of her ramble.
“Yeah, it’s not everyday that Steve Harrington has been so encompassed by a girl that he has to fake that ‘Back to the Future’ isn’t here just to get her back,” Robin said, a laugh following her words, almost bending over from how hard she was laughing. “What an idiot!”
“What do you mean by fake?”
“That it was gone. It was a plan to talk to you again. Oh he’s gonna kill me if he knew I told you,” she explained. “But he needs to get it over with and just ask you out. There is no way he strung it out this long!“
You stood there astonished, not even sure what to say back in response. Now your turn to wear that awestruck looks What were you even supposed to say? Where was the lesson on what to do in this type of situation?
“Is he still here?” You asked, part of you wanting to see him, the other wishing to run away and not look back.
“No matter how much I want to see this go down, sadly he had something today,” she replied. “I’m closing up tonight, but you know, I’m sure he’ll be here next week.”
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garfliend · 3 years
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trans day visibility BABYYYYYYYY. look upon me and weep
he/they (just in case *evil smirks*)
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villaiknight · 3 years
ppl who hate starline are SO funny
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