#lmao vent songs and art who?
Am I doing better because I'm back to reading angst and crying?
Am I doing worse because I'm back to reading angst and crying?
Who knows!
Certainly not me.
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artekai · 2 years
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I'm weak, and what's wrong with that? Boy, oh boy, I love it when I fall for that
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six-six-cicada · 2 years
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Overthinking, over analyzing, separates the body from the mind, etc. etc.
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yourdeepestfathoms · 2 months
i love your meadowlark headcanons sooooo much😭😭
if you’re looking for ideas for more headcanons, may i present:
the lark and their love languages
the lark coping with stress/upset
what an average day around the home/sanctuary looks like for the lark!
the lark and their most surprising talents and weaknesses
the lark and their favourite things; foods, animals, seasons, etc!
don’t feel any pressure btw!! <3
thank you!!
there’s a lot here, but i’m an overachiever SO
The Lark and Their Love Languages
Cole- Quality time! They love to spend time with hers and engage in their hobbies!
Clémentine- Physical touch ofc! They’re SO cuddly and snuggly. I believe it’s also been stated that they like to give kisses, so they are the CEO of forehead kisses to everyone!
Kingsley- Being a nuisance lol
Perrine- Also quality time! I don’t see her as the type to be only affectionate or to use terms of endearment, but she likes to spend time with the others whenever she can, doing whatever they like to do.
The Lark and Coping With Stress
Cole- Singing and songwriting. You know how some people make vent art/writing? I feel like they would do that with songs! They write vent lyrics to get out their feelings.
Also aggressive scream-singing in the middle of the woods!
Clémentine- I feel like Clémentine is the only one who actually sits down and talks about their problems like a normal person. They don’t like to keep things bottled up and when they try, they just end up blurting it out eventually.
Kingsley- Might be a bit strange, but Kingsley gives me the vibes of someone who runs to get stress out. Like, he’s just like “i’m gonna go for a run” and then just prances around the woods.
The forest calms him, and he likes sitting among the trees when he’s upset to just breathe and be my himself.
Perrine- Compartmentalizing lmao
Average Day
Perrine wakes up first and goes downstairs to make breakfast for the others. Clémentine is usually up next, then Cole, and then Kingsley, who likes to get his beauty sleep.
I feel like they don’t all spend every waking minute together, so after breakfast, they all chill, doing their own things.
They try to do some rehearsing at some point, but usually SOMEONE (mainly Kingsley) won’t focus, and they end up doing something else entirely.
Sometimes Perrine makes lunch, other time she lets them fend for themselves. She makes dinner, though, make days! Otherwise they have leftovers.
The Lark and Their Favorite Things
Animal: Cat
Color: Yellow
Season: Spring
Weather: Sunny
Animal: Fox
Color: Yellow
Season: Spring
Weather: Rainy
Animal: Frog
Color: Green
Season: Summer
Weather: Sunny
Animal: Crow
Color: Purple and blue
Season: Autumn! Unlike the others, she really loves the cooler weather and the pretty colors the trees become.
Weather: Snowy
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anystalker707 · 2 years
Pairing: Gerard x Reader Word count: ~ 5 100 Genre: Fluff / Comfort Summary: Mikey's quiet brother catches (y/n)'s attention, and they're up to doing anything to have him fall for them with the help of their friends, Mikey, Ray, and Frank. A/n: another venting fic, tbh, lmao. not proofread.
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I was Mikey’s friend. Of course, I had gone to his place a few times, even spent the weekend, but even so, I hardly saw Gerard come out of his room in the basement. He would rarely make an appearance, only showing up when Donna or Elena asked him to do something for her, mainly to bring things from the store down the street.
I could remember clearly the first time I had seen him. After seeing Mikey through the window of the school's restaurant, my interest immediately sparkled at the sight of one of the other alt kids who roamed the school's campus, so I was quick to ask Pete who he was. Mikey happened to be walking by with his brother when Pete and I hung out by the parking lot.
"The Ways?" Pete raised an eyebrow, scratching the back of his head with his gaze on the two males in the distance, talking beside a gray car. "You wanna know who they are? Mikey and his brother?"
A brother. My eyes went past Mikey to observe the pale figure with dark hair. He looked at Mikey mostly expressionless while the younger one moved around frantically, sometimes motioning inside the car, past the open passenger door. He seemed as if he had come out of a romance by Lord Byron, Poe, Shelley, or Stoker, but bathed in the last century's pop culture. Untouchable, in a way because, after all, how was one supposed to approach him? His eyes judged his brother coldly, already, but something made me want to be close to him, someone who would walk into his room uninvited and have him over just because I don't want to be home alone.
"I mean..." I shrugged—what did he mean by that? "Are they nice people?"
Pete hummed. "Very nice! They are from New Jersey, actually. Gerard moved here so he could study in art school and decided to bring Mikey along with him so he can get used to it since Mikey is also looking for a college around the area."
With a quiet hum, I nodded. "I see."
Mikey seemed hard to be friends with, in the beginning, but things ran by quite smoothly. It started with a simple exchange of assignments that slowly turned into sending each other songs then daily talking before Mikey invited me over to his place because he was having a small Halloween gathering. That's when Ray and Frank came around.
That day, Gerard had only left his basement once. Still, even with small appearances like this, it was enough for the small infatuation in my chest to grow each time.
“What does your brother do, Mikey?” I furrowed my eyebrows. Gerard had walked into the house and shortly went to the kitchen, where Mikey and I did our homework, before going down the stairs to the basement with a seemingly heavy box in his hands. The silence had echoed in the room before I questioned him.
Mikey didn’t even look away from his notebook. “Art school.” And he didn’t say anything further.
Gerard had a quiet nature that was quite noticeable, but it also seemed hard to break. The most I had interacted with him was resumed down to asking him for Donna’s phone number so I could message her something regarding Mikey, as she had asked. It earned me a few murmured words before he held his phone out with the contact's profile.
Ray probably noticed my thoughtful form—things barely went unnoticed by him, after all; Ray had quite a talent for knowing everyone in the group to a base level, which had already shown just after a few weeks of friendship. “So, (n/n),” he said as he moved closer, arm wrapping around my shoulders, “what’s in that little mind of yours?”
My cheeks immediately heated up and my eyes averted away because, after all, thinking about this felt so wrong. It didn’t seem like Gerard wanted to be perceived. I gulped, staring at my shoes, my feet hanging from the short wall contouring the square’s flower bed that I sat on top of. Mikey and Frank preferred the bench beside it. It was a quiet afternoon we had decided to hang out, with the rare occurrence of Mikey and I having our afternoon schedules free after the teachers sent us dismissal emails, so Ray decided to take the afternoon off while Frank... just skipped classes.
“I... It’s nothing.” I shook my head, reaching for Frank’s can of Monster so I could take a sip of it, quickly giving it back to him. “I swear, there’s nothing.”
Ray raised an eyebrow, leaning back on the concrete, next to me. “Are you sure? Doesn’t it have anything to do with the sudden curiosity towards Gerard lately?”
Fuck. My face felt even hotter and I struggled to move away with the way he leaned in until he finally pulled away with a chuckle.
“If you’re afraid I’m going to find anything,” Mikey grumbles, “I’m, at minimum, gonna be happy because Gerard isn’t going to be such a sulking fuck all the time. Maybe he and his bedroom would smell less like mold. I mean, not to discourage you, but Gerard—”
“Mikey!” Ray clicked his tongue, rolling his eyes. “Y’know, (y/n), it’s more about... knowing how to deal with someone who got depression and some traumas on his back. I’m not trying to discourage you, it’s just that you might feel intimidated at first, but Gerard is actually a lovely person. You gotta break that first barrier he puts between himself and everything new, but it might be easy since you’re always around and stuff.” He finished with a wide smile. “I believe in you.”
Ray’s words somehow made me feel more flustered but in a good sense. He had such a way to change perspectives of situations—he would often help us sort things out whenever we had any problem. He was sort of an ideal being; he didn’t seem to have any problems, despite the hard times he occasionally went through just like everyone else. There were uncountable times in which he had spontaneously introduced himself to our issues so he could solve them because, according to him, it was his obligation as a friend. Of course, it can be concerning sometimes since he will blame himself for things he has nothing to do with, so we also do our best to help Ray out, and at least try to return a little bit of what he does for us.
His words didn’t discourage me. They had some use when I first grew the courage to walk up to Gerard and talk with him.
“That shirt you have,” I mumbled to Gerard. We were in the kitchen late at night, with the (maybe) fortunate occurrence of having met each other when getting out of bed motivated by thirst. “Is it themed after a movie or a show? Y’know, the one with a helmet. Reminds me of Star Wars.”
I was almost certain Gerard wouldn’t answer, that he would just put his glass in the sink and leave, leaving me in the thick night silence because I was too pathetic.
“The Mandalorian,” Gerard’s soft voice echoed through the room. “It’s a Star Wars spin-off. Do you like Star Wars?”
Something in my chest immediately warmed up as I looked at him for a second, still wondering if I was imagining stuff. “Um, yeah! Mikey and I watch a lot of movies when I’m over... Never got to watch The Mandalorian, though, since we end up mostly rewatching stuff.”
Part of me hoped Gerard would invite me to watch it with him, but of course, it was a step that was too wide yet. Instead, his eyes just fell to the ground before he nodded shortly. “It’s worth it.” His lips pressed into a soft smile at the moment his gaze met mine and the bottom of his glass met the sink in a quiet clicking. “Well, good night.” He walked out of the kitchen in swift steps.
Not surprisingly, Ray was quick to catch onto what was going on.
“What was going on?” He had asked, approaching me after I went silent for a little too long while he and Frank chatted while we hung out at his place. Frank was sitting weirdly on the armchair of the small dorm room while Ray sat next to me on the couch, where I comfortably had my legs tucked close to support my phone. I didn’t hear the question at first, humming confused as my eyes averted to watch Ray leaning closer to glance at my phone’s screen. “Oh, The Mandalorian?” The corner of his lips tugged up, his gaze already making me want to shrink and disappear. “Well, do you know who really likes The Mandalorian? Gerard even has a Din Djarin shirt!”
“Oh, really?” I tried, even if I could already feel my face burning hot. I really didn’t have a single second of peace.
Frank giggled. “Imagine humiliating yourself for a submissive!”
“I’m not humiliating myself!” I paused the episode so I could put my phone down and glared at Frank. “I’m just—” My thoughts just didn’t come up with anything coherent. It must have been so much fun for them.
“You’re troubling yourself with watching that boring stuff just because the submissive you like is a fan! Dunno...” Frank shrugged. “Sounds a little like humiliation, to me. Do you need a dick that bad, (y/n)?” His question was met with silence, of course. Because, like, what was I supposed to say? What could I possibly use as an argument that wouldn’t have Frank dropping sarcastic remarks? He muffled his laughter with his hand, head falling back against the armchair’s cushion.
Hell. It made me feel breathless, in a sort of bad sense. I wanted to escape that, but at the same time, I felt just like a goddamn puddle, unable even to look at anything other than the weird stain at the corner of the screen of Ray’s TV. It had been a while since I had been with someone or at least genuinely attracted to someone, so Gerard was sort of a game-changer. Something important, in two senses. If I did something wrong, it could affect Ray, Mikey, and Frank. On the other hand, it would also break me a little. Liking him so much while knowing so little about him felt so wrong. I sought anything that would get me closer to him.
“Why don’t you text him?” Ray raised an eyebrow.
“I don’t have his phone number,” I mumbled. I wanted to hide, but also for it to go further, for any hint or help that would get me closer to Gerard. “Nor any reason to do so.”
Ray leaned back against the couch with a thoughtful hum, scratching the back of his head ever so carefully so he wouldn’t ruin his curls. “You do. I’ll send you his number and you’ll send him a text, you see. You could ask him to send you the college’s application rules and calendar, telling him I told you to ask him for them since I don’t have the files. Then,” Ray said as he moved closer, his arm over the couch’s backrest, “you can tell him how much you’ve been liking The Mandalorian. Maybe share theories and stuff. He likes that. Thing is, Gerard is really introverted. You gotta talk to him first and all if you want anything."
As much as Ray was a good problem solver and peacemaker, his advice tended to suck, so we would always think twice before doing anything. I couldn’t even think once at the moment; thankfully, Ray wasn’t wrong this time.
Dealing with Gerard was... difficult at first, though it didn’t take me long to catch on how he had the same texting habits as Mikey, extraordinarily. They didn’t answer all of the texts you’d send them nor did they have the read receipts turned on, so it was a little hard to determine whether they did or not read your messages, at first. It was just like talking to a wall, even if he tended to be more extroverted over texts. That's why I didn't know whether Gerard was okay with the idea of hanging out with me while Mikey was out for a couple of hours.
In the first place, Gerard knew Mikey would leave shortly for a job interview, and later got aware that I'd be at his place since the morning. Those couple of hours of Mikey’s absence wouldn't exactly be awkward—I'd been at his place enough times not to feel awkward in his absence, even more considering how Donna was so sweet—, but it would be nice to hang out with Gerard. Plus, away from Mikey. Not that Mikey would do anything inconvenient; it was more about my sanity.
"You look good," I reassured Mikey from my place on the couch as he stood in the middle of the living room, adjusting his button-up shirt. Donna seemed as if she would die of pride, with a wide smile behind her hands that rested intertwined under her nose. "You're gonna do well, also."
"Of course!" Donna nodded. "Just remember everything we told you, alright? Ask about the workplace and the relationship between the other employees, don't subject yourself to a job that isn’t worth it!"
Mikey hummed with a nod. "Of course."
"Good luck, honey!" She hugged him tightly for a moment. "Go! You can't be late!"
"Right, thank you." He kissed her cheek and proceeded to hug me as well.
"You'll do fine!" I smiled, compelling him to do the same.
Mikey patted his pockets until he recognized the shapes of his phone and keys through the fabric, then left with another quick exchange of words. Donna and I were left staring at the door for a second before she disappeared inside the kitchen again.
The silence was almost deafening while the anxiety threatened to consume me from the inside out. What face would I put on if Gerard came out of his room and saw me sitting there pathetically, with false hope because he didn't even bother to answer me? It was the first time in a while that I felt out of place in the Way household.
"What episode of The Mandalorian did you stop in, again?" The sudden voice almost had me jumping in my place, turning around to see Gerard standing there behind the couch before he made his way around it, taking a seat about a foot away from me. When did he get there, in the first place? It always amused me how quiet he can be, just appearing and disappearing randomly. Mikey can be just like that when he decided not to be chaotic.
A sigh escaped my lips before I nodded, clearing my throat. "Sixth, first season."
Gerard raised his eyebrows with a hum. "We can finish the season."
It's awkward at first. I sat there not knowing what to do, or where to put my hands at. I rolled my shoulders back, trying to let out the breath I had been holding as slowly as possible while resting against the couch before my back started hurting.
Gerard, on the other hand, didn't seem nervous at all, to the point it almost put me to shame. His eyes watched the TV from behind his messy dark bangs with the same amusement as if watching it for the first time. He was still in his Star Wars-themed pajamas, with a loose black shirt that rode up a little with how he had his legs up on the couch.
His index finger rested over his lips, elbow over one of his knees. Sometimes his eyebrows would furrow and his lips would purse according to what happened, and—
His eyes met mine. Fuck.
Thankfully, all he did was look back at the TV the moment I looked away. Maybe I was just overthinking.
"Damn, that’s when he—" Gerard paused, looking at me. "Fuck, sorry. Are you okay with spoilers?"
At first, I pondered saying no because I wanted to be surprised and intrigued as things happened, but was it worth not hearing his excited little comments about something he liked so much?
"No, not really," I chuckle softly, "you can comment all you want."
Gerard’s lips curl up into a cute smile. "Okay."
I don't know at what point it happened, exactly, but Gerard was sitting right next to me. It was nice how happy he looked, moving his hand around while explaining stuff, sometimes pointing at the screen or just moving around to follow what he said.
"And— Din, you know who portrays him, right?" He raised an eyebrow at me. He was so close. Cute, though.
"Impossible not to know, with all the current repercussions on The Last of Us, y'know."
"Right," Gerard hummed with a nod, and whatever he said sounded like gibberish because, as he shifted, I could feel his arm right behind my back. "What do you think?"
"Huh? Sorry, I—"
"Sorry, am I bothering you?" He twists his lips a little. "Do you want me to let you watch it in peace or..."
It almost hurt a little that I had made him think that. "No! I like your comments! They're nice, I like the way you see it all and stuff."
Gerard pressed his lips together in a shy smile as his gaze fell to the ground at the same moment a red tone tinted his cheeks. "Well, thank you," he mumbled, scratching the side of his face.
Soon, the episode finished and the preview of the show was displayed on the screen instead, but it wasn't like we would watch anything else.
"—the character designs, you know? I think that's what really gets me! They're well built not just regarding their story, but also their visual, y'know? It's something that inspires me a lot!"
"Oh, Mikey did tell me you go to art school!" I grinned, watching his eyes lighten up. "I guess I have seen one of your works. Was it you who drew Ray, Mikey, and yourself in a cartoon sort of style? With blood and all?"
"Yes!" He nodded frantically. "I decided to make a little something for us because it completed around 10 years that we've been friends! What did you think of it!"
"Loved it! It looked very nice! 'Would love to see more of your works, even." My cheeks heated up a little with how I was advancing, but I still had confidence in myself. After all, Ray said he would like me and Ray knew both of us well.
Gerard’s lips twisted into something between his shy smile and a proud grin as his eyes wandered around the room for a moment. "Well," he mumbled, pulling the strands of hair away from his face, "I can show them to you, anytime."
"That’d be lovely—"
I interrupted myself at the sound of the door being opened, and Gerard and I turned to see Mikey walking in with a sigh. He closes the door behind himself and stands there in silence for a moment as if grounding himself. Only when he opens his eyes again that I dare to speak.
"Hey, Mikes! How did it go?"
Mikey raised his eyebrows a little as he saw Gerard and me on the couch. "Um, went well, I believe! They said they're going to call me in one week in case I'm hired."
"Congrats!" Gerard extended a hand, which Mikey high-fived with a wide grin. "Barnes 'n Nobles?"
"Yeah!" Mikey nodded. "It seems nice, will give me some extra money and the shifts are flexible." He paused and leaned back, glancing past the kitchen's doorway. "Where's mom?"
"She— Isn't she in the kitchen?" Gerard furrowed his eyebrows. "We didn't see her leave. I mean, I didn't. Did you?" He asked me, but I shook my head.
Mikey raised his eyebrows a little and glanced back at the TV before slowly nodding. "Right. (Y/n), I—"
Gerard interrupted his brother by clearing his throat as he slowly put himself up to his feet. The cold air embraced me, making me already miss his closeness. "Well, I got some stuff to work on. See you guys later." He nodded at Mikey and me, his gaze lingering over mine before he disappeared once again.
It was like a trigger. Just the sound of the door to the basement closing already had my cheeks flaring up, which quickly attracted Mikey’s attention.
"Spill it up, you whore," he joked. "C'mon, I'm hungry. I'll grab something then we can go to my room." He remained silent while we got some snacks from the kitchen then rushed upstairs into his room, closing the door behind us. "Tell."
My cheeks start burning again, and I can't meet Mikey's gaze. "There's nothing to tell." I put what I had brought on the desk, and pulled the chair to take a seat.
"Suuure..." He rolled his eyes. "Gerard was looking at you as if you were a brand new Star Wars action figure."
"What kind of comparison is that?" I scoffed, trying to think what it would look like.
"Don't you dare say I didn't warn you when he starts spending more time taking care of his collections than with you." Mikey hummed with a glare while opening a can of Coke, and I can't help but chuckle.
"Yeah, yeah! But Mikey— He's so cute," I groan, burying my face into my hands. I would give anything to spend more time with him like that again.
It was a couple of days later that Ray decided to call for a group hang out again, this time breakfast at a neat café downtown. Mikey didn’t lose time before spilling everything on the gc, so he was curious, being nosy as he was.
The café he chose was something near the dorms, which Ray liked to visit once in a while between lectures because both the price and quality were good. Soft colors took the place while some nice pictures hung from the wall, all of them contributing to a nice atmosphere that was completed by the ambient song.
"Tell me," Ray whined with a pout. "What did you two talk about?"
"I told you!" I widened my eyes a little, playing with the paper around the coffee cup. "We, um, finished watching the first season of The Mandalorian while talking about it then started talking about character design, drawings, and stuff. He even said he could show me more of his drawings if I was interested."
Ray's pout turned into a grin as he clapped lightly. "Wow, that's some good advancement! I can't wait for you two to get together! We can go out Christa and me along with you two!"
"Yeah, right?" I couldn't help but grin as well. "That would be cool."
"Have you two talked ever since?" Frank asked before taking a sip from the straw.
"No, no." I shook my head and pulled my phone from my pocket, getting to Gerard's chat. The last message was me asking to hang out while Mikey was on his job interview. It wouldn't hurt to text him now. It was a wild idea, maybe, but I ended up just typing it. 'Good morning, beautiful,' the message displayed on the screen without being sent yet. "Frank, what if I..." I showed him the screen. "What if I, hm?"
Frank furrowed his eyebrows as he read the message before giggling. "Yeah, yeah, do it!"
"Careful," Mikey hummed. "You don’t wanna die and have Frank advice as the cause on your gravestone!" Words that went ignored by Frank, who just giggled more.
Ray was pouting yet again. "What? What is it?" I showed him the screen as well, watching his eyes widen a little. "Oh, bold!" He chuckled, but it stopped the moment I sent the message. "Wait— You sent it?"
"What?" I almost feel my heart drop inside my chest. Shit, am I rushing things? "C'mon, you all were so positive about it!"
"Not me!" Frank shook his head.
"Nooo..." I groaned, burying my face in my hands.
"Well, at least you can know it's 50/50," Ray tried, "either he replies in the same level or... maybe a block."
"Don't exaggerate!" Mikey clicked his tongue. "Not a block, but maybe ignore you, I don't know."
My heart seemed to beat faster at the same proportion it sunk deeper into my chest. "You're not helping—"
Ding. A notification. Everyone fell silent, eyes focused on the phone. A message from Gerard.
Good morniiing!!!☀️
"My God," I cried out softly with a hand over my mouth. "He's so cute!" I ended up just letting Ray take my phone from my hand as I continued to freak out both in relief and also at how cute he genuinely was.
"Genuinely pathetically humiliating yourself for a submissive," Frank said in a reprehensible tone, clicking his tongue. "You're freaking out over a good morning with three i's!"
"But Frank!" I groaned, taking my phone back. "I like him so much it hurts..."
Ray hummed, touching my shoulder. "Maybe you should let him know. Like, there's nothing to lose. He is a chill guy, wouldn't be awkward or anything if you like him and all. Unless it affects you a lot, of course."
These three have some sort of power, sometimes, but nothing good. The way they encouraged me always had me acting by fucking impulse. It had its advantages, of course, though sometimes I would be left wondering how easily I could let these three get into my brain.
"Okay." I hummed with a nod. "It's worth a shot, right? And—"
"Me!" Frank raised a hand. "Let me be the one to tell him, please! I'll be like, 'Gee, hear me out, (y/n) wants your ass!' What do you think?"
I stared at him for a moment. "And I really trust you, Ray! I'm counting on you!"
That night, I didn't rethink my choices when I went home. Maybe it was me trying to avoid problems—or what I considered to be problems—, but my mind was troubled with other things when it hit the pillow before sleep took over.
In the morning, Ray had only sent me one message. Done. And there was no coming back.
Gerard hadn't messaged me after the previous day's conversation, and part of me also hope he wouldn't, even if I kept checking my phone every two minutes during classes. Part of it was increased due to how Mikey didn’t go to class that day, just sending me a 'crash by after class' during the lunch break.
I stepped into the Way household like a scared cat, even if the chances of seeing Gerard were small. Donna welcomed me warmly as always, so I just went up to Mikey’s room after she told me where he was.
"Why didn't you go today?"
"Wasn't feeling like it." He twisted his mouth. Mikey was sprawled across the bed.
"Right." I sighed and pulled my notebook from my bag, leaving it over the desk. "In case you need it."
He nodded as a quiet thank you. "Wanna watch The Last Of Us?"
"Can't watch it alone?" I smirked, chuckling at his grimace.
"Fuck you!" Mikey clicked his tongue and reached under his bed to get his laptop. "Be useful and go get us something from the fridge, c'mon!"
I rolled my eyes, sighing as I left my bag hanging from the desk's chair. "I didn't even sit down yet and I'm already being treated as a slave! Fuck you," I said as I exited the room, leaving him snickering behind.
Donna had already disappeared again when I reached downstairs, so I just walked into the kitchen, looking for something Mikey wanted before I grabbed myself something to eat and to drink as well.
"Hey." The quiet voice almost gave me a heart attack. Gerard stood there in the middle of the kitchen, just like a goddamn ghost.
"Hiii..." I said a little breathless, letting the cans of soda and juice on the counter before I closed the fridge.
"So..." Gerard played with his hands a little, eyes wandering around the room. "I, um, I don't want to beat around the bush because it would be harder for me, but... Uh, Ray told me, um, something, and I was wondering if it was true. Maybe not just regarding him, but also regarding you, because..." He ran out of air and cleared his throat, wetting his lips. "I'm sorry for rambling, but..."
The silence felt so thick. As if I was underwater, given how difficult to breathe and to move it felt.
"I..." My mouth felt so dry. "It's true, Gerard. I already had my eye on you a while ago, and I sort of just..." I shrugged a little.
"For real?" He blinked, but his eyes never met mine. "Isn't it some sort of dare or something? I mean, you must be nice if Ray considers you to be one of his best friends, but I wouldn't be able to handle it if it were a dare. I'm so sorry."
"No, no! It not a dare!" I shook my head. I didn’t know what to to with my hands, so I held them together in front of my chest. "I genuinely think you're nice, and cute, and pretty! I wouldn’t lie! Mikey is like, my best friend, I wouldn't dare to hurt you! Well, not just because of him, but also because of you!"
Gerard’s cheeks quickly gained the red tone that adorned them so many times. His hands weren't fidgeting so much. "For real?"
"For real." I smiled softly, and extended my arms in an inviting manner. "Um, a hug?"
Gerard was hesitant at first. He took a small step towards me, though then soon throwing himself in my arms and hiding his face in my shoulder. "Sorry, it's just... no one ever had interest in me or anything, I am always much like a shadow, so..."
"Don't worry about it!" I patted his back softly. "I think you glow, actually. You're so pretty, I— Sorry, I don't want to scare you away."
"It's fine," he almost chuckled. A smile adorned his lips when he pulled away a little, remaining close. "I... Um, I'm wondering if I can..." His eyes drew to my lips a couple of times. Fuck. He's adorable.
"Yeah, go on!" I grinned for a second before I let my lips rest proper, soon meeting his in a sweet kiss that made something stir in my chest in the best way possible. "Was that good!"
"Can I do it again?"
Check out the masterlist
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mauesartetc · 1 year
Hi, I just want to vent: I've gotten huge amounts of backlash for posting my criticisms of Helluva Boss on reddit, especially about Stolas' and Stella's relationship-stating why I think it's a bad depiction of abuse etc. And while I've said things that were insensitive and out of line, I find it very hypocritical that many fans defend Vivziepop to high heaven and act like she's some kinda goddess of writing who can do no wrong.
It's clear to me that many fans are so passionately defensive of the writing because find Stolas and his experiences relatable, and thus they see any criticism of his character and how the abuse is written as a personal attack.
Not gonna mention any names, but I've seen certain people say things that basically dismiss all critics as "immature kids who don't get real mature art like Helluva Boss" and explain the inconsistensies and plot holes with handwaves that while plausible, ignore the rule of "show don't tell". It all feels like ass-kissing and refusing to acknowledge that your fave show has flaws to me.
I really hate the dismissal of any critics as "abuse apologists" when the show itself is terrible at handling the topic of abuse, plays abusive behavior for laughs and depicts things that are toxic as "cute".
I also want to add that some people have justified Stella's one-note personality by saying "real maturity is accepting that sometimes people are just jerks" I find that a shoddy excuse.
I don't believe that any person on the planet is a jerk for no real reason, because real people aren't political strawmen or enemies in a war-propaganda film designed to incite rage and disgust-they have reasons for their actions even if they are disagreeable. To me, the comfortable fantasy is believing that the people who hurt you are evil monsters who only exist to inflict misery, when the truth is that they are their own people with positive and sympathetic qualities like everyone else.
These are my thoughts, I would like to hear yours on what I said.
"Immature kids who don't get real mature art like Helluva Boss"
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LMAO okay if that person considers Helluva Boss "mature art", I'm convinced they've never consumed any other media intended for an adult demographic, and therefore have nothing to compare it to. The only time Helluva felt like a show for adults (to me, anyway) was Moxxie and Millie's song in "Ozzie's", where they have the confidence to reaffirm for themselves that they don't need to be kinky to have a fulfilling sex life. That's a message actual adults can relate to and need to hear. But the rest of the show comes off like it was written by edgy teens who think they know how to balance comedy and drama just because they've seen BoJack Horseman. Spoilers- They don't.
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You're allowed to like it, you're allowed to think it's a good show overall, but... mature? Is it really? C'mon now.
Here's the thing: When people know they have no argument, they start mischaracterizing their opponent's position so it's easier for them to take the moral high ground. Easier for them to "win". Oh, you're not a fan of this show? You must be an abuse apologist, or a homophobe. They make these claims despite having little to no evidence they're true, just so they can disregard reasonable criticism and retreat to their comfortable little bubble where no one disagrees with them.
And you see this kind of rabid defense whenever someone has developed such an unhealthy attachment to something they like that it's become a vital part of their identity. They feel, at least subconsciously, that any attack on that thing is an attack on them. Why do you think some sports fans throw a fit when their team loses?
This is partly why I feel it's important to criticize media you like in addition to media you don't, understanding that nothing made by human hands will ever be perfect. If you can get some emotional distance from it, you won't get heated every time someone expresses the tiniest beef with it. Because chances are, it might also be a criticism you've made.
But I think at this point it's best to just disengage. If someone's made their mind up on a particular topic, no amount of convincing will change it. Leaving the conversation (or not entering it in the first place) is always an option. Block that subreddit if you have to. If you think they're wrong, let them be wrong. In a few years, they might find some sense of identity outside the stuff they enjoy, or they might not. It's not really your concern. The only real winner in an internet argument is the one who has a life outside of it.
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tiredemzz · 3 months
Redoing my into of this silly little acc of mine-
Uh, names Emmy/Anon- feel free to call me Emz/Mimi/Emi :)
Age: 17 | Sexually: Biromantic Asexual | Pronoans: She/Her/They/Them
Mid Autistic/Suffers From Social Anxiety, Also Introverted AF :)
Drawer, Writer and Roleplayer in One
Main Fandoms:
-Breadwinners (sometimes)
-TTS/Kick Buttowski/Walk The Prank (sometimes)
-Naurto/HXH/Saiki K
-Adventure Time/Fionna and Cake/SU
-Creepypasta/Creepypasta Land
-FNF (mods and songs, hate the community sm)
-Brawl Stars/The Legend Of Zelda/Kingdom Hearts/Super Smash Bros
-The Outsiders
-IT (2017)
-Criminal Minds/Law and Order SVU/SWAT/B99
-South Park (maybe?)
-Total Drama
-Marvel/X-Men -v-
-Regular Show !!
-TUA (kinda? I haven’t watched the show lel)
-Atomic Puppet
-proshippers/incest shippers
-nsfw art accs/rp accs
-homophobic/transphobic people
-people who support problematic people
-rude people/pEd0s
-my boyfriend fans
-kyman shippers/eric cartman kins
-people who don’t respect my boundaries
-people who hate on my interests/oc x cannon
-dream stans|wilber stans|george stans
-five x lila shippers (hate me all u want, idc)
-Ben x Jeff shippers (I don’t like you guys, sorry.)
-Vivzie supporters (don’t like you.)
My Boundaries:
-Do Not Vent To Me Unless You Ask
-Don’t Leave Me On Read Ether (Let me know that you gtg or brb-)
-Do Not Flirt With Me Unless Your Joking (use tone tags, I use them all the time. Get used to me saying stuff out of context.)
-Don’t Spam The Hell Out Of Me Ether (I can’t respond to messages all the time, I have a life outside of this stupid life of mine)
-Get Used To Me Misspelling Things (my spelling sucks)
-20 yr olds
-gacha fans
-your at least 13-17 yrs old
-you like my interests :)
-your an artist, writer and roleplayer like me
Free 🇵🇸/Congo ‼️
My Other Socials:
Discord: I only give my discord in DMs/moots.
Wattpad: tiredemz
Art Trades: Open For Moots Only!
Tumblr: Your Here lmao
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mexicancherry · 6 months
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IM BACK! if u have my IG You have seen this photos i took! But if not, i wanna post them in here too to spill the beans a little regarding a few stuff i noticed working on this event (from this year and also last year).
So the "Mujeres en producción" show (women in [music] production) was an event held by my university where a lot of the girls and women from the music and music production careers get together to put on a show for open public but most importantly, to girls in high school!!
The goal is to promote the career (and therefore the university lmao) to young girls interested in music, showing them there is a space for them in every art or music form! Wheter it be as a singer, musician, audio ingeneer, organizer etc.
I was in the art department, So i was kind of in charge of the whole visuals aesthetic, the ilumination, outfits and makeup 🥴. At first i was very thrilled to be i'm charge ... Then.. well .. if You know anything about live performances, things can go south veeery fast.
The organization was lacking, a lot of songs had to be cut out of the setlist, girls cried and vented about the pressure put on them (some of them just cried cause their protagonist song was cut out but anyway), teachers yelled to each other, miscomunnication and a lot of shit took place lmao.
That was behind the scenes! And even on the days the show took place things went wrong, things that where out of my hands and also things that definitely where in my control! Things that i would do different and things in where i lacked in general...
So if i speak on the negative is only cause i know i learned a lot, and cause i hope all of the girls did too...
I think in the end, seeing all those young girls happy, dancing and singing, asking for autographs and pictures to the singers after the show was really cute and i loved to see it!! Id love to think the show inspired a lot of them to pursue music or art in any way
Also wanna point out that there was a conference too held by a really cool old lady talking about interviews she had with women and men working in profesional studios and their experience viewed thru a feminist perspective, was pretty interesting to hear those experiences as well!
So in conclusion... There was drama, a lot of it! And into an extent none of you can imagine !! There was arguments, disagreements, people being unprofessional even... But we all came thru and made it happen for all the young girls who needed it and that was the goal so ill rest my case here.
If you read all of that thank u i love you im peeling a mango for you rn
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nosetoons · 7 months
i dont want 2 turn my art blog into a whiny vent post and debate blog so yeah. this is cursedbeasts and i probs should have set that post to npt be reblogged lmao.
l think we were talking about 2 different situations in my post & the reblog. I had a string of toxic one on one friendships over the span of several years all originating in the same fandom. that combined with irl shit resulted in me isolating myself with yet another toxic person. and it all culminated in that person essentially telling everyone around im a horrible person and a whole bunch of people piled onto me like the Not One Of Us song number in Lion King 2.
i dont know your situation & i genuinely hope you didnt go through what I did.
But I can understand seeing a toxic fandom and being discouraged.
But also, you do know you can enjoy a thing without engaging with the fandom?
its what ive been doing post swtor for the most part. and also i think you need to learn to curate your online experience. dpnt go into tags if you know you will see something that angers you. block people whose takes piss you off. dont stew in being buttmad or you will end up like the person who bullied me out of the swtor fandom and completely tainted my fav characters.
i am serious. i have been in this constantly mad outraged place myself right alongside that person. and it was MISERABLE. and its completely preventable.
sit down and ask yourself: should i worry and be mad about other people's takes online that i cant control whatsoever? the answer is FUCKING NO. block, blacklist, and move on. leave twitter and tik tok if you need to cuz theyre cesspits lol.
being outraged all the time is not good for your health, be it mental or physical.
Ironically I just had the exact same talk with my mom lol
I've already made up my mind as well with the conversation. I'm going to block websites that have this issue (such as Twitter and Metacritic) and will give Invincible one more shot...without associating with the fandom.
And I was afraid I missed the point of the blog because I have a bad habit of doing so X-X
Also I can just make a Vyond magnum opus of making fun of that shit like I'm doing rn with grifters.
Anyways, yeah. Fandoms are ass. End of story.
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betouma · 7 months
hai... it's velvet (beyuwol & bejaeyoung) again. LMAO. who would've thought! today i'm here with asakura touma, a rather impulsive app... even though he's been in my head for weeks... so as you can tell i'm woefully underprepared but i'm happy to introduce you to him!
under the cut is a short rundown of his background and some plot/connection ideas! here is his profile (the only presentable page lmao). please LIKE THIS POST if you'd like me to slide into your ims. i also have discord/twitter upon request (and i'm definitely better at responding there... for the most part).
born in osaka, japan
has a messy family, grew up listening to a lot of fighting between his parents so he learned to take care of himself so he doesn't bother his already busy & stressed parents
eventually his parents divorced when he was in middle school, and he moved with his mother. his mother remarried, and touma now has a step brother who is significantly younger
unfortunately, his mother and his step-father also fight. but this time, not wanting his brother to go through what he did, ended up being the peacekeeper and the mediator. he learned how to analyze/observe his parents behaviours and traits and tries to get ahead before things blow up out of proportion (they start yelling at him too, it gets really bad every month, and he learns to tune it out somehow)
was always an artistic kid, he started graffiti art as a way to vent his frustrations because he has nowhere else to dump then. he ended up connecting with music for that same reason too
he can play the bass and the drums, was in a band in school for a while just for fun
loves dancing, fell in love with choreographing in general. he thinks it's a beautiful way to express yourself, he would make up random dances to trending songs that he can do with his brother
his mother and step-father started relying too much on him to communicate and the stress is becoming a lot to bear. graduation rolls around and they were too busy arguing with each other to come to the ceremony
he finally wants out, and he enrolls in a university in korea. his mother is hesitant at first because he'd be staying with his biological father who moved to korea, but she relents when he mentions that he got a scholarship
it still kills him to leave his brother though, and he doesn't want to but he feels like he'll start losing himself the longer he stays
ironically, he decides to major in psychology
also became a freelance dog walker bc to him that's his free therapy
friends from japan! he'd be happy to see people from back home. he's always welcoming and it's easy to talk to him, so he'd also approach anyone simply because of this one thing they share
someone for him to take care of that reminds him of his younger brother
maybe he... walks your dog sometimes! touma thinks he does a good job at it, but maybe your dog got scared of something that's out of his control and now it won't leave his house
inevitable... exes. someone that came from japan, or a summer roamnce when your muse was in japan, that he ended up meeting here too. he's also been here since at least 2-3 years ago, so a more recent ex can work too! he can be dense and 'too friendly', might've acted more like a friend than a partner. would've coddled instead of treating his partner like a proper equal because he's not used to being taken care of instead lol
dancing friends! someone he would dance with, share choreos with, film tiktoks with... things like that
someone who scared him when he was doing graffiti art somewhere and in reflex he sprayed you with his paint... woops
uni friends, fellow artistic friends, friends who can teach him how to sing, composing friends that he thinks are inspirational
an almost fwb situation except he thought he was genuinely going to your home to see your pet and to eat actual ramyeon. he did not get the hint!
someone who noticed that he gets a little too involved when there's an argument happening around him which is... a bit! worrying! maybe!
someone that can use a 'therapist friend' except he's actually a psych major and it kind of just happens
anything and everything! i love talking about dynamics and whatnot B)
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for the ask game.
jasmine, sage (woo it’s my name), orchid, and cactus. i wanna know u about u bestie 🫶😻
jasmine: do you have a movie or book you loved but will never watch/read again?
hmm, i don’t really have anything that comes to mind other than “the gilded ones” by namina forna. i just finished reading this book and its sequel a few days ago. i LOVED the first book, but the sequel, “the merciless ones” was absolutely horrible and kind of tainted the universe for me sadly :((
sage: what medium of art is the most touching to you? why do you think that is?
POETRY!!! reading, writing, whatever… i really like psychoanalyzing the shit out of stuff and poetry almost always has some deeper meaning and i love it. all of the poetry i read and write always comes from the root of some emotion or memory and that just makes it mean so much more in my opinion
orchid: what’s a song you consider to be perfect?
okay, i have a few.
phantom love - zach callison: my #1 vent song lmao, i love it so much and the lyrics connect with me a lot. i am a bit biased, though
drive - the mad ones: this musical is where my url is from, actually! i have been obsessed with this musical for three(?) years now and almost every song from it is perfect, but this one always stands out! my mutual @anordinarysenioryear (sorry for the tag) did an amazing analysis on it and i recommend checking it out!
there are lines - death note the musical: who would i be if i didn’t put a death note song here? i always have and always will be infatuated with this song. it’s such a perfect portrayal of the yagamis and how much of a BITCH light is. we all need a hero also applies for the same reason.
cactus: something you’re currently learning (about)?
i would list the numerous languages i’m working on learning, but i haven’t been on duolingo in literal months (my family is safe dw) so that doesn’t really count imo. i guess i’ve been doing some medical research for my fics? both mental and physical. my search history is probably very incriminating…
tysm for letting me ramble 🙏🙏🙏
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milkcartoncatkid · 1 year
Welcome To Sharkie’s Blog!
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Hi there! You can call me Sharkie or Shark!
I’m an agender lesbian and am taken by @mrs-silly! I go by he/they.
My lovely icon was made by @gh0styyicons, thank you so much friendo! <3
SEALIFE SYSTEM SIGNOFF EMOJIS(note: shark doest use signoff emojis becuz he’s the host and fronts the most)
Shark - 🦈✨🎧 Star - ⭐️🍭🎮 Arc - 🌀💥💫 Knight - ⚔️🛡️💜 V - 💜🧸🍿 X - 💥🍭⛓️ Tako - 🐙🖌️🩷 Gala - 💫⚔️💞 Morpho - 🦋🧡🗡️
Here’s my tag list so far, I’ll update as I add new tags!
Vent Tag: “shark’s blood”
Random Tag: “sharkie’s empty brain”
Favorite characters / f/o Tag: “sharkie’s f/o’s”
My absolute favorite things ever: “sharkie tbh creature”
Rambles/long text post Tag: “sharkie rambles”
Anything related to the Waddle Dees (from Kirby) Tag: “waddleposting”
”WHAT THE FUCK” Tag: “sharkie screams”
posts abt/asks from my friends <3 Tag: “sharkie’s friends <3”
Agere/Petre Tag: “shark pup”
System Tag: “sealife system”
Spongebob Tag: “spongeposts”
Witchcraft related Tag: “shark’s witchcraft”
Here are my interests!
Kirby (my favorite Kirby game is Star Allies)
Sharks (favorite types are nursing sharks, shortfin makos, and basking sharks)
Project Sekai (fav unit is WxS)
Vocaloid/Utau/Synth V/Fanloid (overall favorite is the vocaloid Otomachi Una)
Splatoon (fav idol is Marie and Frye)
Billie Bust Up (i think Fanto is very cool dude)
Murder Drones (my favorite characters are Uzi and Doll)
Nintendo’s Mii series (i’m a chronic Tomodachi Life player)
Cookie Run: Kingdom (my favorite cookie is Strawberry Crepe)
E-sekai/Idol EN (i am a devoted follower of rin penrose and yuko yurei)
Spongebob (i’ve loved the show all my life, and so far have only seen the game cosmic shake BUT i will be researching other games like bfbb)
TAWOG (i kin gumball orz)
Arcane (jinx is cool and relatable)
Crystals, tarot, witchcraft etc (been since i was like. really young)
It’s not very active BUT I do have a writing blog: @magolorstometrackers
I also have an art blog!: @shaaarkieee
I’m an age regressor and identify as alterhuman, I’m a Baku. I’m also (apparently) the host of a system.
I’m also autistic, and that probably has something to do with my involvement in the tword community.
I have a YouTube channel!! it’s @/shaaarkieee (My pfp is a low quality bandana dee who looks pissed off lmao)
Here are my top 5 favorite songs so as to show you my music taste!
Welcome To The Internet - Bo Burnham
I’ve Had Enough of You - Billie Bust Up
Cosmospice - PinocchioP
Vs Marx - Man On The Internet
Meta Knight Theme - Kirby Star Allies
That’s all I can really think of to add to this… uh…. my head is so empty right now help
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six-six-cicada · 2 years
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I am fine, I am fine, I am fine, I am fine, I just need 100 dollars, from you, and you, and you, and you, and you
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many-but-one · 2 years
⚠️Trigger Warning: Loud noises toward the end, somewhat flashing, blood, themes of anger, violence, and pain⚠️
A video that I made to vent some of my frustration. I don’t know where it comes from, but I think the difficulty of being “just a trauma holder” with no real job other than hovering around being sad and angry is frustrating. Yes, I am a protector. Yes, I am a persecutor. Yes, I can sometimes co-host on a good day. But there is so much pain and rage in me. I wanted to share because I felt like people in the system community would understand, of all people.
“King” section is Aridam, our primary gatekeeper.
“Soldier” section is Valentine, Aridam’s second and our primary protector.
“Poet” section is Dorian, host, as I don’t have enough references of Indigo yet and he said it would be okay to use the photos of what he used to look like before his and Winter’s fusion.
And the “Rage” section is me, Vivian. Trauma holder, persecutor-protector, co-host.
Feels stupid to say enjoy but I worked hard on it so…enjoy, lmao.
Art credit list below because I only “own” the edited artbreeder portraits at the beginning of the king, solider, poet sections and we try our best to always credit artists when we can figure out who they are. Unfortunately we find a lot of our claims on Pinterest.
“King” Section (Aridam)
-Artbreeder portrait: made and edited by us.
-Male silhouette photograph: can't find the source, all sources just say "dark prince aesthetic" which...okay. lol.
-Green wolf drawing: "Dark creatures in a dark forest" by cercat
-Man with a bloody nose: 먹살 on Twitter, though their account doesn't seem to exist any longer.
-B&W wolf drawing: "Fenrir" which unfortunately, any searches for the source of this photo were futile, and mainly ended up on websites with no credit given. Sad. :(
"Solider" Section (Valentine)
-Artbreeder portrait: made and edited by us.
-Man in white uniform: Apostle on Twitter
-White haired anime style man with flowers: Lin jjx on Twitter
-Silver haired man with a heart in his hand: All attempts to find the source led me to basically Japanese Pinterest. :(
-White haired man playing flute: The only places I could find this image were on RP boards with no credit given, which sucks. :(
"Poet" section (Dorian/Indigo)
-Artbreeder portrait: made and edited by us.
-Regal elf in green: warickaart on Instagram
-pretty man in a top hat with a rose: all attempts to find this source point to a manhwa character called Aisha but I couldn't figure out who the artist is or how to link it.
-boy with a frappe: The Magicians fanart by waxanie on Twitter
-boy with smudged eyeliner (B&W image): the only sources lead to various international Pinterests. I've never seen this happen before so it was kind of funny to see Russian Pinterest, Japanese Pinterest, and Korean Pinterest.
-elf boy with black hair: this source search took me to a super dodgy looking fan art site with more ads than Wiki. Needless to say, couldn't find the source which is so sad.
-boy with ripped off wings: the only freaking place I could even possibly see who this was made by was a fantasy artist called mahdiehseyedi88 on fiverr.
"Rage" section (Vivian)
-boy with sunglasses: Taeyong fan art by hoki11 on Twitter
-Blonde boy laying on the ground photograph: Noen Eubanks
-Scratched up blonde boy photograph: Apparently people like to use this guy for edits for "Song of Achilles" but never like to credit who the model or photographer is. Very cool. (Not)
-Blonde boy upside down drawing: Unfortunately just a lot of reposts with no credit on Pinterest. However, this *looks* like it's from artist valentinaremenar on instagram. Not a guarantee, though the styles are similar. If you know who this belongs to, please lmk.
[Red Section of Rage Section]
Note: all of these photographs are not originally tinted red, this is for the style of the video. So I can't give color descriptions well, but know all photos will be named in order and with a slight description.
First (demon like, glowing eyes): "Cleanse" by Nicolas Cauteruccio on Artstation
Second (boy with sticks in his head and mouth): camouflage by Len-yan on Deviantart
Third (black skin, fiery looking hair, please know this original piece is actually blue and red and it is gorgeous): astrono77153462 on Tumblr
Fourth (boy on a bed of white roses): "doodle" by Alle Page on Artstation
Fifth (bloody looking faerie creature) Once again astrono77153462 on Tumblr
Sixth (boy with long hair, cracks, and metallic blood, please know that this original piece is white and gold and gorgeous, colors were shifted for the video aesthetic and I highly suggest checking out the OG piece): "you'll never break me" by shilin on Deviantart
Seventh (satyr with whipping marks): daifei on Tumblr
Eighth (boy with claws dripping blood): I could not find proper credit anywhere. Ugh. So sad because this art is so gorgeous.
And of course, if anyone knows any of the uncredited pieces, please feel free to DM me and I can edit the post for proper credit. Thank you.
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mooifyourecows · 1 year
Moobean, if you will.
How art thy gracious eyeballs?
Do you have any tips on writing fantasy that you’d be willing to share?
Worldbuilding is fun but sooo tedious and detailed. I like making myself suffer tho, so we’ll see how it turns out. Hmm…I need to think up conflicts too…lots to do…
Good thing first chapter in fics don’t have deadlines…ahaha…
But also HOW???
Do I start a story, like hello?
I feel like every time I begin writing a new idea, my writing brain just takes vacation without giving it’s two weeks lmao.
And then I’m just left with all the angry clients which are no one but myself and my reflection in the mirror across my room, whom I talk to sometimes….
Don’t let me take up your time tho, I’m just venting. I think.
Well, ta-ta!
Oof good question babe. like, fantasy is SO MUCH. though i think it's much easier than sci-fi so... there's that.
the good thing about fantasy is that you get to make it up. it doesn't need to make any sort of realistic sense the way sci-fi kinda does.
idk if you've ever watched It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia but there's this episode where the gang "turns black" and they do like a musical like the Wiz and what not and there's this song they sing throughout the episode called "What are the rules?" and every time i'm thinking up stuff about a story that isn't based in reality, i sing that song in my head lmao
because that's the most important question when you're dealing with fantasy or some other unrealistic setting.
What are the rules?
Is there magic? Who can use magic? Is it learned? or something you're born with? what sort of magic is there? restoration magic like healing and destructive magic like shooting fireballs from your hands? or something different? Are you using fantasy races like elves and dwarves and stuff? or even original races you're making up yourself the way Skyrim does with the Khajiit and Argonians? are any of those races more inclined to be magical? What about magical beasts like griffins and dragons and trolls? do they exist and if they do, what are they like? can they speak? are they threats to your main characters? or are they more of reclusive animals? what about alchemy and enchantments? does that stuff exist? is it separate from magic or intertwined with it? do the people in your fantasy world have different qualities than people in reality? like do they live longer? need different food? can they do things that real people can't do that aren't magical in nature? like jump really high or hold their breath for hours or shoot arrows while doing backflips? what of the animals? are they like our animals or are there new ones? or do they just act differently than their realistic version? what jobs do they have in this fantasy world that they don't have in our reality? are there messenger bunnies and soldier tigers or massage therapist octopuses? and technology? is there electricity or other sciencey things? Or is everything controlled by magic? or maybe it's old school where it's all torches and lanterns and other pre-electricity things?
what are the rules?
take your time thinking these things up. Watch or read other fantasy media to help give you some ideas about more stuff you can include in your setting to make it feel fleshed out. You don't have to put it ALL in your story, but you know how inspiration works. It's sometimes totally random. You can be halfway through the story and suddenly decide "Yes, i AM going to include this thing" and guess what? good for you because you already had it in your head and unconsciously prepared yourself for this moment. You've hopefully left room in the story to accommodate such a thing already so you won't have to backtrack and edit yourself to change rules.
write this shit DOWN. don't trust yourself to remember it all. I don't care how good you think your memory is, write it down. It's hard to keep track of every little thing you think of. so take notes. they don't have to be perfectly organized (though that will help a LOT if you're able to do it)
How do your characters speak? this is something that I struggle with when it comes to writing fantasy. the language in fantasy is always so... old timey and flowery, you know? and i hate writing like that. i start writing in that way, having the characters speaking like olden times but then i get irritated with it and abandon it. that's okay. who said fantasy needs to be all proper and stuffy anyway? Modern fantasy is a thing. also it's FANTASY. aka its not real. then again, there's nothing wrong with sticking to that old style of speaking if that's the vibes you're going for
choose how you want your characters to speak, and stick to it. Be conscious of your word usage and phrases. if you're going for the old style of speaking, be aware that there are a ton of phrases that would not fit with that style. We use so many references in our speech that would make literally zero sense in an olden days setting. This isn't SUPER important because like... who is picking apart your story like that? they can chew rocks if they're that snobby that they're gonna be bothered about a stray baseball idiom thrown into a story set in a world where baseball doesn't exist.
BUT, if youre someone who likes to be accurate, just keep an eye out for those types of things 😉
also, figure out your physical setting. WHERE is this story taking place? what sort of physical features are there? and what connections do those physical features have?
you know how in Lord of the Rings, there's like... the shire, which is all these sweet rolling hills and prairies and fields of wheat and cute little woods where hobbits just eat and drink and party all day long and it's so peaceful and cute? then there's Mordor and it's like volcanic desolation and nasty little creatures beating the fuck out of each other on the rocks? then there's Moria and all these mountains and dwarves live inside them with this spectacular architecture like wow amazing ingenuity and technological advancements and mining and smithing? then of course the elves live in Rivendell the big beautiful forest with all these beautiful waterfalls and tall golden trees and it's whimsical and magical and sexy just like them? then all the places where men live are like just out there in these fortresses and cities that feel very manlike?
The environments are detailed and varied and they suit the races that claim them as their homes. it's like DUH the elves live in a gorgeous place like that and DUH the place where all the nasty bad guys live looks like THAT. DUH the hobbits, carefree little guys, live in a place that looks so friggin peaceful and cute. Think about where your characters live and why they live there. Draw a map if you want to! Or hey, pick a country that already exists and use it as the base of your map. Who cares? some countries just have a good shape, you know? I'm partial to Chile like... why you such a long boyo?
what about the politics and social aspect of your world? are the races separate and rule over themselves? or is there like a king or emperor that is in charge of the entire place? maybe it's just a free for all? how do the different races feel about each other? do the elves hate the dwarves and the humans hate the mermaids? are there alliances? interracial mingling? discrimination? are there any wars currently waging? civil or foreign? what about gender politics? are women equal to men? what about people who don't fit into the gender binary?
and what of religion? are there gods? do the different races believe in different gods and religions? do those gods actually exist and interfere with the mortals? or are they more conceptual? is there bad blood between gods and religions?
what about the supernatural stuff? vampires? zombies? ghosts and ghouls and spirits? an afterlife? many afterlives for the different races and creatures?
there are so many questions you can ask yourself! and maybe you don't need to answer them all. maybe your story isn't supposed to be THAT epic. maybe it's smaller scale. that's okay. pick the ones that you find vital and really figure them out. write down ALL of your ideas, even if some of them will get discarded later.
don't worry too much about how to start the story. just start. you can always go back and rewrite the beginning. the most important thing is to get words coming out. even if that means you just start with something like "Jeffrey hates Mondays and here's why:" like go on, just begin and let yourself work through some nonsense just for the sake of making your fingers do the type type type. then later, when you've gotten stuff kinda flowing and feeling good, you can revisit that early stuff and edit it to be an actual introduction to your story. beginnings are HARD. probably the hardest part of writing a story. though they probably share first place with endings because those are hard too.
Don't sweat it! so long as you're writing, you're doing a GREAT job. fantastic, really. better than most writers. because sometimes we struggle to even get past the brainstorm stage. which is totally valid and also an important experience for writers. Struggle makes success taste so so delicious.
whatever happens, i'm sure you'll do awesome and will be super happy and proud. as you should be! writing is so difficult but so fulfilling and i wish you and every writer out there the energy and motivation to spit out 300k words like it's nothin
good luck! hope i helped, even if it was just a lot of asking you questions you should ask yourself heh. i just woke up so my brain is working at like quarter capacity so, ya know.
anyway, i believe in you! 🌈🖤 have fun!!!!!!!
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espresso-ships · 5 months
5, 12, & 13 for the oc x canon ask game thing for either of your ships :3
Tumblr media
I love the cat picutre too AHSHHSHS <33
Game used can be found here!
5. Who curses, and who reprimands the other for it?
I feel like both Clementia and Ágata curses a lot LMAO
However, Ags can control herself and bite her tongue and hold back on cursing
Clemmie, however?
She can't stop herself (not because she tries to either)
She cusses for whatever reason. Happy? 🤬 Sad? 🤬 Angry? 🤬🤬🤬
Poor Ags just stands there like 🧍
She 100% would accidentaly cuss around a child, resulting in them repeating the words. "No! S##T! Don't say that."
Same as for Athenobi - Both of them cuss a lot.
But especially Nacho.
At least he often cusses in Spanish, so not many people understand 😭
Laura curses a lot but can stop herself (sometimes, at least) which Nacho can't do lol
12. Who's more protective?
They're both protective of each other, but in different ways!
As for who's more protective - I'd say Clementia.
She's almost always worried about Ags 😭
If Ags is in a dangerous situation, Clemmie is by her side, no matter what,
Ágata is more protective in social situations.
Since Clemmie tends to get anxious easily etc, Ags is very aware of her body language and facial expression
And ofc she's there to fight anyone that makes her girlfriend uncomfortable 🥹💕
Same for Varganardi!
They're both protective of each other, but Nacho more then Laura.
He has a dangerous job - So Laura is the "worried gf" a lot of the time.
She knows about his career and what he does, and how to support him.
If he comes home wounded or looking run down she's there for him directly.
To patch him up, treat his wounds, give him a massage or just listen to his rants/vents.
Nacho is protective, too. He makes sure Laura stays out of trouble and prioritizes her safety over his (Laura doesn't approve lol 😭)
His protectiveness gives Laura a "scary dog privelege" - since no one wants to mess with Nacho LOL
They both just look after each other and want the other to be safe and ok and ahhhh <33
13. How do they express their feelings (Words, visual art, a song, etc.)?
In all ways possible!!
They're both cheesy af
Ags and Clemmie will write love notes for each other, send cute messages, attack each other with kisses and cuddles and WAHHH
Both of them love PDA too! Always will cling to each other making their relatonship and affecton "everyone's problem" 💅
Varganardi answered in previous post!
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