#lmk if needs tagged otherwise
faereun · 1 year
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molly mccully brown, places i've taken my body / carol rifka brunt, tell the wolves im home / vanni saltarelli / linnea paskow, splitter / @veniennes on tiktok/ john mayer, in the blood / unknown / sarah kay, hand me downs / faereun, amalgamation / unknown
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marlinspirkhall · 1 month
Last year I started to get wary of spamming the dash with posts but I didn't want to miss a reply to anyone in my inbox, so this year I'm going to be using #Birthday Tag on my posts. Please add this to your filtered tags if you think it may annoy you. 24 hours remain.
When the poll expires, you are no longer safe. Good luck.
[Settings > Content You See > Filtered Tags]
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aggressivedaikons · 3 months
ok y’all btw I wanted to let you guys know if I ever tell you anything like ‘praying for you!’, since most of you aren’t religious/Christian and have the skewed stereotype of the hateful Christian born out of the abuse that they commit in the more traditional churches (I am so sorry for that by the way, I don’t consider those people to be real Christians at all and I dislike them just as much as all of you they are disgusting), I wanted to clarify a few things so it doesn’t feel as weird or rude as it may come across!
first things first: when I say that I’m praying for you, I am NOT trying to fix you. Yes, I genuinely believe in my religion like any other religious person of any religion would. two: I am NEVER doing it out of pity. It’s either my way of showing very real, genuine care (I don’t pray as often as I should and it’s something I already struggle to remember to do.), or the same kind of care but extremely panicked and about to have a emotional breakdown. Just know all it means is I care about you so much I’ll take hours out of my week sitting and worrying over you in a very loving manner. I mean I already do this for a lot of people but for you it’s even more special.
and the reason I do it is just because I believe it?? Like. Yeh. :D I think it helps, and whether all the times that it’s seemed to work was just coincidence or not, I’ve thought about it and I’d rather be wrong about a god and lived life with more of a conscious to do the right thing (never a bad thing!) then be wrong and hells actuallt real and stuff I actually could not tell you I just am taking a leap of faith.
so YES I’m not traditionally christan value wise and there are so many hateful christans who use prayer as a way to “fix” people even though that’s really stupid??? And rude??? For me it’s just me caring for you really hard and whether god’s real or not I mean like manifest?? If there’s no god, at least maybe it’s like. Manifesting love and care and support on ye <3
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sunshades · 11 months
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you know your papa loves you, good children go to heaven 👼
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atthebell · 11 months
feel free to ignore this but kinda curious. do you follow like half of qsmpblr? i see you complaining about your dash sometimes and at least on my front my dash is fine but also to be fair I follow like. ten people who post qsmp max
i follow like probably 60+ qsmp blogs (some overlap with how many also post other mcyt/i followed before qsmp, and i think this is a low estimate, i'm not actually checking). i tend to follow almost anyone who doesn't annoy me/doesn't post too much non-mcyt stuff/hasn't said heinous shit, because i like seeing as much stuff as possible, mostly fanart but also liveblogging for qsmp especially. so yeah i follow a lot of people and that unfortunately means i see a lot of stuff i don't like, which is always the case for mcyt. i am far more picky than i think most people, as i really will not tolerate misogyny of any kind and certain things people do will make me block them immediately, but i also like having a variety of content on my dash.
tbh the big issue is the one i talk about a lot, which is a lack of media literacy and interpretative skill. im kind of a snob when it comes to theorizing and media analysis, and most people in this fandom are very bad at it. which isn't necessarily their fault, literacy in general right now is at a low and age is definitely a significant factor, but because i'm very invested in well-done interpretation (and it's something i literally went to school for), it makes it difficult to see such awful misreadings of the text.
i also hate angst, at least the way fandom rn does it in such a hopeless and non-narrative way, so that makes the dash a drag. no, i actually don't want my blorbo to suffer endlessly for no reason. like, to each their own, but it feels suffocating when it comes to qsmp fandom, because every time anything happens it has to mean dire, traumatic circumstances for the characters, or an all-out relationship ending, when we've seen time and again that that's not how these characters work. idk, i like escapism in my media to some extent, and it doesn't feel very escapist to want to watch people suffer endlessly. and i think the angst the actual story creates is satisfying in a way fandom angst usually is not. canon usually has a catharsis; fanon does not. this isn't universal, but it tends to happen this way in mcyt at least.
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a-gaime · 3 months
Every time I see bull red son an angel (me) loses it's wings (gets mildly annoyed)
#NOT TARGETED!!!!!#I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH#I HAVE NO ACTUALLY PROBLEM WITH IT!!!!!#okay now thats out of the way#i can ramble#it makes NO sense#his character in the book is one of the few who we get a in depth physical description of and there is ZERO mention of bull features#he looks incredibly human#which we can also use as a reference for what iron fan looks like but thats not relevant here#but lmk realistically takes very little from the actual book#so that doesn't really matter here#what DOES matter is the fact that IF red son had bull features hed never shut up about them#he idolises his father and for demon males less human traits are probably the beauty standard#the more i type the more i think that my train of thought is completely personalised#guys help i think about demon genetics to much i need to reconnect with life#does anyone want me to make a full demon genetis chart that pretty much entirely hinges on iron fan#OH YEAH IRON FAN#SHE WAS A CELESTIAL AND IN THE BOOK RED BOY LOOKS JUST LIKE HER YOU THINK THERE'S ANY ROOM GOR DBKS GENETICS#sighh this is all rakshasi PIF and rakshasa Red Son propergana at the end of the day#or rakshasi Red Son maybe but that would have to be explained in the genetics post#is there a tag limit#anyway tldr the removal of the samadhi fire probably took all the necessary hormones to get bull features#and PIF in the book (and as we can assume in the show) has genetics to strong to let bull features show otherwise#yeah that sums it up#lmk red son#lmk princess iron fan#lmk demon bull king#lmk demon bull family#sorry if literally any of this sounds passive aggressive ik its all in good fun im just a fan of the book
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nomstellations · 28 days
is it not hypocritical to say we shouldn’t police people on what they enjoy for vore and then get upset about familial vore? /genq
i think i'm well within my right to criticize such a thing in fact, anon. i dont think i ever spoke of policing anyone who enjoyed it- i cant stop anyone from liking it but it makes me viscerally uncomfortable and i avoid interacting with it. i think you're misreading what i said, i didnt mean ALL TYPES OF VORE are cool and we should do what we want forever, because uh. we shouldn't. like the people who swallow live animals whole, or the people who sexualize and draw fetish work of real life people without their consent, and incestuous/underage vore content. please don't twist my words into implying i'm willing to excuse anything under the vore umbrella
you shouldnt police someone for liking digestion when you don't, no! but there's a line in the sand you have to draw where certain things become unacceptable and thats where that line is drawn. even in a safe, wholesome, nonsexual context...you have to acknowledge that power dynamic is very creepy and can make people VERY uncomfortable, esp when it has been used to groom people. its something i feel is better left alone- i can think of a dozen different ways to protect a baby than swallowing them whole. as always i just ask people to like. put it in perspective. think of how that comes off to others, think of why it's as controversial as it is, and think about why its commonly banned from a lot of vore spaces. it gets way too close to incestuous material for most people's comfort in a nonsexual setting and in a fetish setting thats downright unlawful.
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krystaldeath · 2 years
You got any Pigsy headcanons? Like ones related to him being best dad because we all love best dad Pigsy?
anon… you get me
* Despite having to lean down or be sitting bc he’s short, he gives such good hugs I know he does. Warm and tight dad hugs that make you feel safe and at home. When MK has had a long day a good Dadsy hug is all he needs to feel better. Also a good bowl of noodles which is a given when you’re someone Pigsy cares about
* I can’t remember if in canon he has a bomber jacket but he has one in my headcanon either way. It is the Dad Jacket aka, Partner/spouse and child both steal it. It’s a bit big on him so it fits okay on both Tang and MK (better on MK, since I think Tang is a little tall and has longer arms and such; he’s not too skinny though, he’s a well fed man thanks to his husband!)
* While Mei has an okay relationship with her parents in canon, I think she still sees Pigsy as a father figure as well, since I imagine she’s been hanging out at his noodle shop with MK for a while and has probably seen him more than she’s seen her own father. It only seems natural to me to see him as a father figure after that, especially since you know he more than likely has given her a few free meals when she’s feeling down and a couple of awkward but appreciated pep talks
* He’s got a temper, he’s a hot head, but mess with his family? And you’ll see a whole new and way scarier anger radiate off of him. He doesn’t take kindly to his loved ones getting hurt
* Oh the shovel talks he must give! Truly terrifying! Red Son better watch out! (Personally imagining it as more of a “new friend” shovel talk, but you can see this as spicynoodles. Or dragonfruit. Or chimera lol)
* He snores. LOUD. He sounds like big grizzly bear and not like a little pig man. This is based off of my own dad’s snores. Can hear that man from a different floor of the building (I am talking about both my dad and Pigsy here). Tang and MK seem like heavy sleepers to me though so I don’t think it bothers them. Mei probably has to wear noise canceling headphones while listening to asmr or something when she sleeps over though (idk their whole living situation in canon but hey my headcanons my rules lol)
* He is a bit strict and hard on MK sometimes, but that’s bc he wants to push him to be better, to be the person he knows MK can be. He will absolutely lay off on the boy if he notices he’s stressed. He goes gentle dad mode when that happens; gently leads MK to a quiet spot, gives him a warm bowl of noodles and a good ol dad hug. Tells him to take it easy for the rest of the day and that he’s so proud of him and how far he’s come in all aspects of life. Gets tissues for him bc omg imagine someone saying all that to you??? I’d cry and therefore MK would definitely cry too
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angelgendered · 6 months
Also I fucking hate having to share a bathroom when my ibd is flaring like. My step dad has no reason to be in the shower for nearly an hour when I said when he went in that I needed to go and him and my mother both know I have ibd and to put it bluntly have to poop sometimes at short notice when I’m in a flare lmfao and yet my mum makes excuses for him while I get more and more uncomfortable and in pain til he saunters out and I go in to find the floor is really wet (slip hazard and I’m on crutches and a fall risk) and the mats are down still and he hasn’t closed the curtain right so there’s water everyfuckingwhere.
Anyway I managed to avert a disaster needless to say. I fucking hate that guy.
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mesmerizms · 1 year
I was tagged by @transactinides but the original op disabled reblogs, so:
rules: shuffle your On Repeat liked songs playlist and post the first 10 tracks, then tag 10 people ✨
Gymnopédie No. 1 - Erik Satie
WHAT YOU GONNA DO??? - Bastille, Graham Coxon
Sunlight - Hozier
Life Will Change - Lyn (Persona 5 OST)
Adore - Free the Robots
Fighting Trousers - Professor Elemental
Siren - Kailee Morgue
Vampire Money - My Chemical Romance
Woe To the People of Order - The Shiny Snivy
@rinmession @scolek @v4mp123 @aguahouse @kanameows @capadipdap @morphogenetic-velvet @dontsteponthatfish @nacisses @scin7illa
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feenyxblue · 2 years
Gosh I saw a post someone made about eating disorders and how they effect women and yes, good, but also about one in three people suffering from an eating disorder is male and eating disorders in men are on the rise and the same negative health consequences happen in men and continuing to associate eating disorders with women's health contributes to them being deadly for men.
Eating disorders are bad for people, period. Your body needs fuel. Feed it.
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whomturgled · 10 months
seeing as december's a day away and that means ~holiday season~- i have a bunch of old binders of various makes & sizes (some idk origin, a few gc2b, anywhere from XS to L?, diff colours/types) that i wld love to give to ppl who need them. i can update this l8r with more details but ig i was wondering if anyone wld be interested or knows anyone in need? id be willing to ship within canada, maybe to the USA for small enough pckg. otherwise i'll just donate to a local binder exchange but i figured this way if anyone is in particular need it's nice to know im directly helping ig!
i also have some rolls of biege kinesiology tape if that's of interest either in itself or in addition.
peace n love on planet earth
#they shld all already be clean and have just been sitting in my drawers or on my dresser for yrs lol#but i cld wash them once more jic ig?#theyre in various Condition like ones looking a little rough and a couple have pit stains LOL but otherwise r great. some may as well b new#the not gc2b ones are like.. as far as i know i got from someone local who was working w wholesale/manufacturer in china to help ppl get#affordable decently working binders so. they have like. bra hook type thing up the side. fairly breatheable. not the BEST compression but#i found them helpful esp after yrs of binding bc i cld just unhook or make the thing bigger whenever needed break ¯\_(ツ)_/¯#the sizes on them might be like. different too so ill have to measure but yeah.#id also be down to sell for cheap or for sm1 to pay the shipping like thats cool for me too.#the reason i have so many is bc my weight kept fluctuating then needing the more adaptable ones n fsr dude gave me Many#n i was binding daily n liked having clean ones yk. if i wasnt binding i was layering sports bras. eventually just started taping. etc.#anyway yeah lmk. feel free to share/rb/reply/whatever.#and if this gets 0 response thats cool too just figured id give it a shot here b4 donating local thatll figure it out for me lol#ew ok here come some tags bc i realized it cld use them huh:#trans#transmasc#transmasculine#ftm#transgender#trans ftm#trans ftnb#trans ftx#is trans like xtm or xtnb a thing for like. intersex ppl? or are there other terms/words?#ftr im not a big fan of ftm/ftnb etc as a label for Myself or in general but ppl who do identify as such all the power to u#the only benefit of 'ftm' to me is how its a good way to get info u need bc its used w surgeons and other resources n makes it easier#but like the Implications of it are . irksome ig IS THAT THE WORD IDK? feels like a step backwards or playing into cisnorm stuff IDK lol#ermmm ummm uhhh#binders#chest binders#ftm binder
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kristsune · 2 years
to everyone who leaves tags on my audio posts: thank you
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jefferythejelly · 1 year
If leo ever looses her last life, foolishs heart will actually be destroyed. Like we are talking about a guy that is not willing to tell his friends, that he has known for years, he loves them, but will stand in front of this tiny egg and tell her he loves her very much. I think that actually made me almost cry...
anon idk what possessed u to send me a qsmp lore related ask when i haven’t posted abt the server in weeks but… yes and no😭
like i think the relationship between qfoolish and leo is very sweet but also i feel like you’re maybe overestimating here. like maybe the reason he can say i love you to a minecraft egg and not his friends is because it’s roleplay and not as serious
is it still gonna be sad as fuck when the egg shit ends and they inevitably have to separate? yeah. is he probably gonna roleplay his little heart out and make chat cry? probably also yeah. do i seriously think he’s going to be emotionally destroyed irl? no and if you think he is (or if you yourself are) maybe take a step back and realize that all the roleplay shit is fiction, and while it’s okay to feel things about stories at the end of the day it’s still just that. a good story
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ink-livi · 2 years
But oml dw im so fucking down for drawing a hermit in a dress thats always a good idea
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designedparadigm · 8 months
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   swagger,  who  will  take  a  bullet  for  his  rivals  if  it's  a  sound  decision  at  the  time  to  him.  knowing  that  he  could  take  the  death  intended  for  someone  else  -  but  also  knowing  it  would  mean  he  was  something  irreplacable  to  the  life  he  would  save.  swagger,  who  knows  if  he  survives  he  would  become  a  good  pick  to  any  team.  a  man  who  would  push  someone  out  of  danger  and  take  the  hit  for  them  is  a  man  who  will  be  wanted.  if  he  lives,  if  he  walks  away  from  it,  he  has  a  guaranteed  contract somewhere. 
   at  the  end  of  the  day  -  if  it  will  elevate  him  and  make  him  irreplacable,  if  it  will  leave  his  footprint  on  the  world;  he  makes  the  choice  to  act. 
   it  annoys  him  beyond  belief  to  be  accosted  about  what  he  does,  and  he  will  often  shrug  it  off  stating  he knew  he  would  survive  it  and  he  did  it  because  of  that.  that  he  knew  the  outcome  he  got  was  the  only  outcome  possible  (despite  the  opposite  being  the  truth).  he'll  not  once  admit  to  not  caring  about  death,  not  fearing  it.  he  might  make  a  snide  remark  here  or  there  if  someone  brings  it  up,  but  won't  linger  on  it. 
   whatever  the fuck  it  takes  to  be  the  top,  be  the  best,  make  everyone  who  turned  their  back  on  him regret doing  so  -  nothing  is  off  the  table.  he  exists  to  prove  the  naysayers  wrong.  to  make  his  unremovable  mark.
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