#lmk if you can think of a cool edit i could do
shiro-hatzuki · 2 years
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i was going to draw something or make a cool edit, but i'm so completely out of ideas that nothing came to me. anyways, it's a bit late to say this, but the 1MILgram agenda has been reached for the first season! it's so satisfying seeing all the mvs at 1mil views~ now it's a waiting game for the es covers of half and harrow...
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onlyseokmins · 1 year
needy • j.w.w.
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Pairing: jeon wonwoo x afab!reader
Genres: smut (minors dni!), established relationship!au
Warnings: swearing, teasing, dirty talk, unrealistic amt of orgasms heh, male masturbation, mentions of car sex, fingering (fem. receiving), phone sex but not like you think, messy oral (fem. receiving), safe sex 🫡, wonu's a bit of a perv tbh and reader loves puts up w/ it, mentions of children but not like really lmao, mentions of (cock)roaches, wonu in glasses and needy = double kill imho, ft. some of the boys being intrusive tbh haha, POSSESSION, and a good amt of noisy sex hahah lmk if i missed anything!
WC: 4.9k
A/N: well it's finally my first wonu fic :3 after hoarding so many in the drafts bc I always feel like I can't write him too well, I had to take the plunge since it's a dear request from my lovely @wonuhour ❤️ I really hope you enjoy this 🤞🏼 no taglist as this is a request so I hope y'all read this but sending some love to my fav wonwoorideul @wonwussy bc she said I could tag her mwah. I think I held my head 5 times while editing this haha...
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It's late when you step out into the night's cool air, a sigh of relief at finally being freed from the corporate building where you work. Pulling out your phone from the bag slung across your shoulder, your face lights up just like the screen when you focus on two distinct notifications on it.
1 missed call — hubby ♡
1 new voicemail — hubby ♡
"Hey, baby. You're probably dealing with those idiots right now but by the time you're listening to this, you should be on your way back home to me."
Wonwoo's deep voice is always so soothing, filling your body with inexplicably warm, fuzzy feelings that trail from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. The knowledge that he pays attention to even the minute details you think he might not care about in trivial, daily conversations or complaints makes your heart flutter with joy. 
Your husband has always had that effect on you. He's aware you aren't able to pick up and it's not like he expects you to do so. Wonwoo simply leaves a voice message, knowing it will provide you comfort on your walk to the car and subsequent drive home until you can seek real solace in his embrace.
And maybe — just maybe — he calls to simply hear your pretty voice that plays on the answering machine because he misses you during your long shift. The embarrassed giggle when you mess up and stumble across your words during the recording. Never bothering to go back to change or fix it because it makes the corners of Wonwoo's mouth perk up, breaking his usual stoic expression. At least according to what Mingyu's let slip.
Which is hilarious in and of itself because your husband is anything but poker face when in your presence. His friends tease, saying he's become a different man because of you — following you around and acting like a lovesick puppy rather than his normal, self-acclaimed dignified cat persona. But you deny it. He's always been the same person with you and maybe that's just because you're meant to be.
"Be safe on your way home. Remember to lock the doors when you're inside, although I know you will 'cause how many times have you accidentally locked me out when you've beat me back to the car first?" He lets out a strangely breathy laugh, one that you mimic in fondness at the past memory and simply of him, doing exactly as he says as you shut the driver seat's door. "Miss you so, so much today. Even more than usual, baby. 'specially that sweet pussy of yours."
Nothing — not even Mingyu's weird trait of being privy and somehow knowing or aware of way too much in your relationship — could have prepared you for those words. You're extremely grateful you're inside your car right now. Not fearing other people overhearing but because you would've collapsed right on the sidewalk in public. Victim to your husband's seductive desperation.
"Can't stop thinking 'bout it. How pretty it looks, how good you taste, how perfect you always feel wrapped around me."
Your head falls back against the headrest, the hand holding your phone drops onto your thigh, and your mouth and eyes widen together in awe. The wireless buds fit snugly inside your ears allow you to pick up on the underlying slick sounds as he speaks. Your mouth waters, a sweep of electrifying energy causing the hairs on your arms to raise.
Fuck. He's stroking that gorgeous thick cock of his. Because he yearns so much for you.
"'round my fingers, my dick, my tongue… so soft and wet and tight… mhm, oh god — what a messy little thing. And your lips too, wanna kiss you so bad. For hours, non-stop."
People like to make assumptions about your relationship. Things like how Wonwoo must be the calm and collected one, the domineering and composed person within your dynamics. It's annoying but you can't really blame them — it's human nature after all. While they aren't entirely wrong, it's not like they're right either.
On the occasions when your husband's lust for you outweighs his level-headedness, he loses all reason. Not above begging, whining, or babbling nonsense, his neediness becomes next level. You're so caught up in thinking about the exact man you're supposed to be listening to, you realize you've nearly missed most of the words he's spouting in his gravelly voice. You rewind the playback.
"… to stop thinkin' 'bout it or I'll want you even more. Wanna ruin you. Destroy you. Worship you. Ah… you're in your car, aren't you love? Please tell me you are, 'member when I slipped a finger inside last week on our way home from the mall? Then two. Then three. Had to make sure my pretty baby's pussy was stuffed nice and full. It's what you deserve, after all." 
His lazy drawl and filthy words make your thighs clench. He knows it too. "Bet you're squeezing those luscious legs of yours together… ah, what I wouldn't give to have them around me instead…" A laugh again, almost a wheeze, like the air's being sucked out of his lungs at the thought. Many thoughts. "Made such a mess that day… hngh, almost wrecked the car over how wrecked you were, baby."
You glance at the empty passenger seat out of the corner of your eye. Almost shamefully, like a curious nun side-eyes a sinner sitting in church. Wonwoo's skillful and long, bony fingers buried inside your cunt — to no surprise — had you a writhing mess, an insane orgasm ripped from your body. You were afraid the upholstery was ruined because of it, the car still smelling like sex and preventing you from offering your sulky neighbor Seungcheol a lift this week.
"Bastard," you mutter affectionately and roll your eyes at your next statement, pretending as if he can hear you. "Like you weren't just as wrecked that I had to suck you off as soon as we parked and then rushed inside since you didn't wanna cum in my mouth."
"Ahhhhh, shoot…!"
As if he can hear your words, a particularly loud moan followed by a string of curses falls out of your husband's mouth. You are just able to hear the sped up sounds of him rutting more urgently against his palm. The visual of his large hands looking much smaller when wrapped around his huge cock floods your mind, wondering if he's tightened his grasp to better resemble it to drilling deep inside of your warmth instead of his hand. Eyebrows creasing together, biting down on his bottom lip before his mouth opens again in another moan that fills your ears at the right time.
The familiar creak of his home office chair causes a devious smirk to grace your face. He hasn't realized in his lust-driven state that he'd given away how desperate he really was to be fucking into his fist between freelance projects. More than likely frustrated when something wasn't encoding right after hours of staring at the screen but it was most probable that Wonwoo was simply down bad. 
Achingly missing his partner when you weren't around to rub his shoulders, bring him some tea, lighten up the mood with a bad joke, or even try and help point out a possible error with a fresh set of eyes. Even nicer, sit on his lap all pretty to keep his cock all warm and coated in wetness or get on your knees beneath his desk and try to keep quiet while you take him down your throat.
You were always a bit on the noisy side. Even now, you can't help but let out a whimper at how uncomfortable your nipples feel poking against your bra. Dampening your panties, poor clit already puffy and throbbing unstimulated.
The Wonwoo in your imagination has his head thrown back, throat presented prettily that you wish you could actually mark up. In-tune with what he sounds like when he's about to come undone, you listen intently to your husband's stifled groans and harsh pants in anticipation. Holding your breath, hoping he's so lost in bliss that he won't leave you hanging.
Like a lifeline, a muttered "fuck, baby," as if he's really right there with you in the car as his deep moan fills your ears just like it does in-person. Imaginary Wonwoo drops his head back down and the hungry look in his dark brown eyes causes your hips to involuntarily twitch, thighs trembling. Shockingly, you don't orgasm from that alone but you sure as hell were on the brink of doing so.
For a finale, your husband stays on the line while he catches his breath and your dirty mind wanders once more. Hard not to when you hear the wet sounds of his hand still rubbing his cock. A whimper of "hm, just like that," and a hiss because he's sensitive makes your head spin, cunt clenching sadly around nothing. A sob practically leaves your chest at the absolute want to milk him dry just as he wishes at that moment.
"Miss you so much. Need to eat out my precious baby. Mhm, I just know that sopping cunt is begging for me to lick it up…"
The scratch of tissues being pulled out of their holder is enough of an attempt to tug you out of the foggy cloud of lust. You lick your lips.
"… so come and hurry home safely, love."
You do — so close to cumming untouched — but you stave off the feeling, speeding home somehow without crashing. For all your car has put up with, you're honestly surprised it hasn't given out on you in revenge. But that's neither here nor there at the moment, stumbling out of the vehicle once you arrive home and scrambling faster than a marathon-runner to get inside.
It would be a lie to say you weren't disappointed with how quiet and dark it is. Quietly setting your bag down, you stand with your back pressed against the front door. Almost expecting your husband to appear out of the shadows and pounce on you.
It's happened before. You can proudly declare with your whole chest that you've fucked on every surface of this lovely little house purchased in the third year of your marriage.
Instead, something brushes against your leg and you bend down to pick up your daughter. She hangs pliantly as you gently wiggle her and whisper, "Where's your daddy?"
The cat replies with a plaintive meow. You smile when she twitches her tail, stalking off towards the direction of the living room. Wonwoo likes to teasingly say she takes after you with a distinct cat-titude despite the fact that he naturally happens to be the more dedicated caretaker between the two of you. Mingyu was always needlessly curious which one of you another cat would take after — or worse, if you had actual children.
That wouldn't happen for quite a bit, trailing behind the true ruler of the household and watching as she climbs up onto her expensive cat-tree to sulk. Wonwoo must not have given her enough attention today. Demonstrated by the angry way she squints toward the open doorway of the study illuminated by the blue glow of your husband's computer.
"Daddy's in rare form today," you try and explain, rubbing in between her ears and she purrs in response. "Don't worry, Mommy will go and fix him so he ultra dotes on you like the little princess he thinks you are." 
You make a kissy face in her direction because she is a precious royalty. Then you're approaching the study where deep grunts and muttered curses can be heard among a furious clacking of keyboard keys.
"On your left — no, Mingyu… your other left!"
Crossing your arms, you pout. You'd be lying if gamer Wonwoo wasn't unfairly attractive — jawline clenched as he barks out orders into his headset, the computer screen graphics reflecting off his glasses. A stark contrast to the ratty hoodie and old man slippers he's wearing, angrily slapping his feet on the ground when Seokmin accidentally pressed the wrong button and self-destructs.
You're glad he's blowing off some steam and stress with the boys. Though you had once asked why he didn't bother watching porn on his expensive and impressive set-up. Flattered when he admitted that having you as the real deal beat anything he could ever try to search for.
Now you're not as sure, though. He seems rather content and preoccupied after working you all up with that damn voicemail of his. With a flounce, you turn to head to the shower as your husband rages over Chan mistakenly shooting at the wrong team. Meeting a feline gaze on the way to the bathroom that shares your same sentiment of disdain.
Sticky, ruined panties cause a glare and another pout to adorn your face once the water is turned on to heat up. One Wonwoo might find cute. If he could see it. You nearly jump out of your skin when there's a knock on the door, so soft it almost sounds like a bump.
A certain kitty often bangs against doors just to startle her owners but she's also good at opening them too. When it remains shut and you hear a low call of your name rather than spooky silence, a pleading meow, or it flying open, you let out a breath of relief. Trying not to appear too eager, you crack the door open just enough to narrow one eye at your husband.
"Hi, baby."
Long gone is his cozy hoodie, though his black sweatpants remain on. Displaying lean, upper body muscles to ogle and pert nipples that could poke you in the eyeball with how near he is. Pushing up his glasses, he raises his eyebrows when you don't make an effort to move.
"You don't normally knock."
"I wasn't sure if it was you or our little mischief maker in here." 
"Uh-huh, and who says I'm not mischievous as well?" You turn around but leave the door ajar and he takes that as an invitation to come in.
"No one's ever said you weren't," Wonwoo reassures but frowns, "no welcome home kiss?"
"You know, little miss mischief maker seemed pretty miffed, did daddy not pay enough attention to her today? That's unlike you."
"Mhm, was busier than I thought today. Had a lot on my mind… work and all that. Absolutely drowning in it."
"Is that so? She seems pretty upset so be sure you make it up to her." 
It's like a cat-and-mouse game, though who's who is really the question. Maybe you're both cats in a stand-off. You know Wonwoo would never not truly attend to your beloved pet. You fight back a smirk, able to feel his heated gaze trail down your back and focus on your ass that you jut out on purpose to check the water temperature. A rush of fresh arousal surges through your system.
"Yeah?" Your husband's hand shoots out past yours to turn the shower off, ignoring your protest. "I think I upset another kitten too." Spinning you around so his damp thumb can pull at your bottom lip as you flutter your eyelashes at him.
"I don't know what you're talking about. I'm not a cat. And I'm most certainly not upset."
He pecks at your lips almost condescendingly. "Sure, baby. You shouldn't be, you know, with the nice present I left for your pleasure after work."
You let out an elated sigh as he holds your face still and peppers kisses all over, trailing down to focus on your neck so you can speak. "If that's your idea of a nice gift, I'd hate to see what a bad one is."
"You didn't like it?" Somehow Wonwoo's eyes manage to sparkle when he looks up at you with a whine, pausing his kisses down the valley between your breasts. His other hand sneakily reaches in between your legs and he smiles against your skin. "Or did you like it too much? Don't think I've ever gotten you a bad gift, baby."
Slender fingers play with your messy wetness, sliding back and forth languidly without rush. You struggle to clear your mind to ask with sarcasm, "Wh-what about that st-stupid cockroach plushie?"
"It was cute. Just like you."
"That's it, I'm getting a shower."
"I don't think so." Wonwoo's free hand flies to splay out on your back, preventing you from moving and pressing your body even closer to his.
You purse your lips, brown eyes locking in on them immediately. "You think I'm on the same level as cockroaches."
"Only like the super cute, not-real ones." 
"…We're filing for divorce right after I clean up."
"Mhm, but I'm not done with you yet so it'd be a waste of water. Besides, you hate showering together."
You can't help but grind down against his stationary palm, wishing he'd just slip a finger inside. "Because… no one's getting clean… if you're in there with me."
"Exactly," he's entranced by how much of your arousal continues to coat his hand. Cock twitching with the ache to be where his fingers are instead. "You know the drill, baby. Besides, I'm aware of how much you like it when I'm wearing my glasses."
He hushes your moan with a smirk and another kiss to your irresistible lips. "Yeah, lovely. It's okay, I'll give you what you want. And what I want too."
Surely, you would've bashed your head open on the tile floors had it not been for the support of the countertop you'd braced your palm on. Legs as shaky as a newborn fawn with how long you've been buzzing with desire. Especially when your husband backs away to withdraw his hand, ravenously slurping up your essence with a blissed out face. An appreciative, low grunt as he licked his fingers clean, dark gaze not straying away from your naked body before him.
"Shouldn't have done the laundry, silly baby. How else am I supposed to control myself without any sort of relief to get me through the day?"
Your jaw drops. "Pervert!"
"Know you like it." He ignores the light slap to his shoulder that bears no malice, finding zero resistance when he tugs you by the hand to drag you into the bedroom. "You love when I'm this desperate for you. Can't get anything done, can't think of anything else… all you, you, and you. And this greedy pussy."
Your back's resting on the mattress before you can blink. Wonwoo sits and parts your legs, taking in the delectable sight of your puffy cunt that spreads open to seep more arousal. Asking to be taken care of and filled.
"Just look at it, how could I not desire it every moment of the day?" A kiss is pressed against your left ankle. "When it's just as perfect as you?" Another to the side of your knee cap. "And so fuckin' addictive." He switches to the right to suck the skin on your thigh. "Absoluting begging to be filled up so prettily whenever I want." 
It's a mix between a scream and groan of frustration that leaves your throat when your husband lightly smooches right above your hip crease before licking the salt off your skin. He's so close to where you want him and he grins at your patient façade slowly slipping. His tongue pokes out, just grazing the left side of your pussy. 
He is rarely this talkative, either he truly missed you or this is a new form of torture.
A pointer finger taps your pubic bone and drags downward, lifting away before it hits your clit. "And all mine," he growls out before devouring your cunt like you want.
Your husband eats you out like a starved man. Ravenous in all the best ways. Your hips can't help but jerk in time with the movements of his tongue lapping at your inner walls and cleaning up the gracious amounts of slick you've created. Whines leaving your mouth at how good it feels, fingers anxiously threading through his curls and making them even messier. Your legs wrap around his neck as you somehow bring his head even closer to drown inside your scent, your taste, and your wet heat.
Wonwoo revels in it.
Normally, he would have more control. More strictness, more fortitude. But he's so far gone, appreciative growls that could rival the best-selling vibrator on the market shake you to your very core. The frames of his glasses dig into your thighs but you don't even feel them with the intense amount of pleasure from Wonwoo's thumb playing with your clit. His nose occasionally adds to the mind-dumbing feeling by nuzzling against it when he shakes his head with vigor.
You have no choice but to hurdle towards a fast orgasm like a dam breaking. Unintentionally locking his neck in a position that might've snapped it if his face wasn't pressed so close and into your spasming hole. Screaming his name as you tear at hair strands a bit too viciously. Wonwoo takes it all in stride, too obsessed with prolonging that delightful peak of yours to care.
Only when your legs loosen up does he back away, pride filling his chest as he takes in your shaking form. Pushing up foggy lenses, he licks his lips slowly. The damp spot shining on his chin and nose is enough of a damning visual — one that's real and touchable, not of your imagination this time — for a tiny tremor to run through your thighs again. 
Wonwoo's sore jaw drops. "Baby, did you… did you just cum again?" The cool air away from your cunt clears his vision so he can marvel at the soiled wet patch on your shared blankets. A mumbled curse leaves his mouth. 
You're a vision. Strewn across the bed, skin shining with sweat while your disheveled husband is the epitome of sex. He cracks his neck, stretching his jaw.
"Just from that? Hah, what am I going to do with you?" 
"Fuck me," you moan and bring your legs that feel like Jello up to your chest. Squeezing your breasts between your thighs, you pout at him and flutter your lashes. A perfect look for a vixen, pleading yet sultry. "Please."
"Shit… can't tell if you're being bad or good. Augh, the things you do to me."
"'m good, s'good for you. Want you s'bad." 
Blabbering, you watch through bleary eyes at the rapid speed he tears off his sweatpants and manage to spread your legs even farther with how numb they feel when he climbs over top of you. Lenses flash in the light at the same time as a foil wrapper before he rips it, hissing in sensitivity to slide the condom on. You're thrilled when the heavy tip of his cock slaps against your prepped pussy, ready for him to lose all rationale. You're sorely disappointed to find out your husband has a pending question for you.
"Then why didn't you greet me when you came home? Hm? Pretty baby sulking in the bathroom 'cause I was gaming with the boys?"
"Ahhh…" you shake your head urgently, nails lightly scratching his biceps, and hips lifting off the bed in a sly effort to slip his dick inside. "No…"
Wonwoo clicks his tongue, halting your movements. "No? I need complete answers, love."
You need him to lose control. Fighting back a sob, you try to shake off your fucked-out state and reply to him properly. "Wanted to shower 'nd then come in no panties, sit… on your lap." 
"Yeah? Pretty baby was gonna keep me nice and warm in that snug pussy? Like we always do?"
"Mhm," tears are streaming down your cheeks at this point, "maybe… maybe suck you off."
"Oh, wanted to choke on my cock so all those losers could hear those greedy gags of yours?"
All you can do is nod deliriously because his thick length is hot and hard. Laying outside your lower stomach exactly like it would if it was buried within you. 
Wonwoo snarls. "I think the fuck not. Absolutely not. Only I'm allowed to hear your pretty noises. Only me." He huffs, easing the tip inside finally, grunting at how you're already clamping around him like a vice. "You're made for me. All mine. No one else."
The last three syllables are punctuated by experimental, shallow thrusts to open you up for him. Your tongues tangle together as he continues to rock his hips forward, splitting you open until your pelvises kiss.
"That's it, baby. That's the sweet cunt I've been waiting for all day, dreaming of. There it is, shit! Whose pussy does this belong to?"
"Yours… hgnh, all yours… yours, yours yours…!"
"That's right, that's fuckin' right."
His glasses slide down the bridge of his nose but are pushed up by your own nose when you pull him by the neck to shut him up. Barely kissing anymore, it's an open-mouthed entanglement of debauchery. Neither of your moans get any quieter, especially when he rasps in your ear to make as much noise as possible because no one's around to listen.
Wonwoo's thrusts are sharp when he does pull out a little bit. But he doesn't want to leave your warmth for even one moment, mainly grinding as deep as he can into your fluttering hole and stimulating your clit. His hands tug at your nipples, alternating between squishing and squeezing at your tender breasts. Your legs splay compliantly out at the side, letting your husband use you to his content because that's what both of your goals tonight were.
You're shamelessly screaming when his tip touches that bundle of nerves and you're afraid you might actually black out when he continues to hit it with scary precision. 
"Gonna… be the death… of me."
Peering at you over his glasses, he smirks at your weak complaint. "Says the one… that's gonna snap off my dick… shit, lovey, stop tightening up so much!"
"Can't help it, feels so good."
"I know, baby," he pants out and kisses your cheek, "I know so just bare with me a bit more." Relief floods him momentarily when your gummy walls loosen their iron grip around his cock. "That's it."
Pulling out of your squelching pussy before you can clamp around him again with only the head wrapped around so prettily by your puffy lips, he has to pause to admire it. Then he slams inside so deep that you can't help but hit that intense climax while he's still stuffing the rest of his length back in.
He coos in his low voice, coaxing you through it with an almost cruel swivel of his hips. "You can give me one more, right? I know you can, you're so good for me."
You really don't know if you could but the minute you lock eyes with him, the feral need and want in them that takes your breath away is enough. It's tinier than all the ones prior but it pleases a fucked out Wonwoo. In seconds, he's spilling his seed into the condom, still nestled within your spasming walls.
"There it is, cream on my cock, love. Yeah, there we go… fuck, baby..." he pants, a telltale sign, "that's it... so perfect."
To say you're exhausted would be an understatement. You might've actually passed out because when you come to, your husband has already wiped you down and pulled the blankets over your naked body. You weren't cold at all before but now that the tidal wave of lust has ebbed away, a chill is settling in. Your cat has snuck into the bedroom too, curled up and purring at the end of the bed on top of the stuffed cockroach plushie.
"Right here, love." He's laying on top of the covers and wearing his sweats again. His glasses are on the nightstand, head propped up on one hand to stare affectionately at you. "Feel okay?"
"Yeah but I'm glad I'm off for the rest of the week. You fucked the life out of me."
A smug grin graces his face. "Yeah I know. Which is why I don't understand why you just didn't wait to do laundry tomorrow or something."
"Not this again. How old are you?"
"Old enough to know what will prevent me from blowing out your back all the time." He's ready to continue with a good defense but pauses at the smile you're trying to hide. "Wait… did you do that on purpose?" When you don't reply, he groans your name. "You did, didn't you?"
"We all have our little tricks," a finger traces down his exposed pecs, "although I didn't expect such a needy voicemail on my way home, it turned out just as planned."
He halts your wrist when you start journeying down his abs. "Not in front of the child, please."
"I'm too tired to do anything scandalous," you laugh and flip your aching body over to the other side. "Wake me up in a half hour so I can shower. Alone."
"I can't believe I was set up." Disbelief drips from his tone as he sets a timer on his phone but he reaches over you to turn off the light, pressing a kiss to your ear. "Well-played though. You have a lot of free time to make up for your misbehavior, don't you baby?"
Wonwoo can't see the second victorious smile hidden in the darkness. Really. You're just too smart, knowing your husband so well to get what you want. 
Mingyu would be proud. And grossed out.
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onlyseokmins: February 2023 ©
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jaeyunverse · 2 years
the bet
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pairing: sim jake x fem!reader
genres: fluff, neighbours to lovers, summer romance au
wc: 1230
warnings: i can think of none, but lmk if you want me to add anything!!
summary: in which jake bets he can make you fall for him in three weeks. you don’t tell him you’ve already lost.
note: happy jake day!! ♡ i raced against time to complete this before the 16th and YAYY i still have a little less than two hours :D i hope this is to your liking!! feedback would be appreciated <3
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“We should compare hand sizes.”
You averted your gaze from the sea and raised an eyebrow at the boy lounging beside you. “Really?”
Jake hummed, his eyes following a crab that was skittering several feet away from where you were seated. He was lying down with his legs stretched out in front of him, his elbows propped up to support his upper body weight.
There was barely anyone on the beach. One of the town’s biggest events was commencing at sundown and everyone was busy getting ready for it. Jake wanted some alone time with you before the festivities began, so he had dragged you to the shore to watch the sunset with him.
The cool evening air ruffled his fluffy hair, and you bit down on the urge to run your hand through the soft strands. It was a beautiful sight, really, watching him be at peace with nary a care in the world.
Tucking your knees under your chin, you rested your cheek on them. “Did you run out of ideas already?”
“Old is gold,” he quipped, finally sliding his eyes to meet yours. A mischievous smile adorned his lips as he said, “Though we can try something else if you want; how do you feel about comparing feet sizes?”
You laughed, shoving his shoulder playfully. “You’re impossible.”
Jake snorted. Pointing at himself, he feigned disbelief. “I am impossible? You are the one who keeps playing hard to get. I’ve been trying to woo you for over two weeks.”
“Giving up already?” you teased and pointed out, “I told you I wasn’t going to make things easy for you.”
You’d met Jake at the start of your break. Spending summer vacation at your grandma’s home was an old tradition for your family, but you hadn’t been able to visit the previous year due to a multitude of reasons.
On the day of your arrival, you’d exited the car and sprinted into the beach house even before your dad could stop the vehicle fully. You hadn’t seen your Nana in so long—your excitement obviously knew no bounds.
However, instead of finding her, you had come face-to-face with a strange blonde boy unloading groceries on the kitchen island.
Your first encounter with Jake had been horribly embarrassing. His soft, boyish features had thrown you off.
You had tripped over your own feet when your gazes locked. Thankfully, he’d proven to be someone with good reflexes and caught you before you could fall.
Your Nana, upon hearing the commotion, had rushed inside (from the garden out back, you’d assumed) and gotten introductions out of the way.
Jake Sim and his family had only recently moved into the house next door. His parents, after a successful career, had seeked early retirement and taken sanctuary in the small town of Rockcrest.
Jake, apparently, surfed and ran errands for your grandma when he wasn’t busy doing his summer job as a waiter at the golf course.
The two of you befriended each other and started hanging out, only to discover that you actually had a lot in common.
For instance, both of you had the terrible habit of betting on things to prove to other people that you were right. One thing led to the next, and here you were now, risking your prized possessions yet again to win another bet.
If Jake couldn’t manage to make you fall for him in the span of three weeks, he would have to surrender his DSLR. But if he did make you fall, you’d have to hand over the signed first edition copy of your favorite book.
The stakes weren’t nearly as scary as the dangerous game you were playing. Though, you supposed, there wasn’t really anything to be afraid of.
The damage was already done. You’d fallen for Jake long before the bet came into existence.
Why, then, did you agree to his conditions?
Jake Sim was cocky. He was overconfident. If given the chance, he was sure he could convince you to be his girlfriend.
Admitting that you were already head over heels for him would have been embarrassing. It would have implied that he’d managed to have an effect on you without even trying. No way were you going to allow that to happen.
So, you let him try. You let him hold your hand. You let him hug you. You let him take you out on dates. You let him kiss the corners of your lips and do all sorts of cheesy things.
You let him in.
Each moment you spent with him made you open up to him more and more. Not only did Jake know your dreams and the things that made you happy, but he was also aware of your insecurities, fears and sorrows.
You didn’t even care about the bet anymore. Your pride and competitiveness could go down the drain for all you cared. You only had two months left before school began; time was of absolute essence.
“Why would I give up when I know I’ve already won the bet?” he interrupted, answering your question. His eyes bored into yours and you felt your heart rate pick up. “Why would I accept defeat after I’ve managed to make you fall for me?”
Your mouth parted open in surprise. You could only stare at Jake dumbfoundedly as he stood up and dusted himself off, offering you a hand. “You might have done your best to keep up the pretense, Y/N, but I noticed your slip-ups.”
“Since when have you known?” you whispered, slipping your hand into his and allowing him to pull you to your feet. He didn’t let go, though. He only intertwined your fingers and caressed your face.
“A few days into the bet,” Jake answered, his gaze darting between your eyes and mouth, as if he had a hard time not looking at the latter. “I was reaching for a bottle behind you, but you thought I was going in for a kiss.”
Your cheeks burned with embarrassment. You hadn’t realised he’d known.
“Sorry for disappointing you then,” he mumbled. “Can I make it up to you now?”
You couldn’t believe your ears. Breath hitching in your throat, all you could do was nod. But Jake wasn’t having it. Tracing your bottom lip with his thumb, he whispered, “Use your words, princess.”
You exhaled shakily. “Make it up to me, Jake.”
And then his lips were on yours. His arm snaked around your waist, pulling you impossibly closer. Tilting his neck to the side, Jake deepened the kiss.
You thought you had died and gone to Paradise.
Your heart swelled with happiness and contentment, and if it weren’t for Jake’s thumb caressing your face in a comforting manner, you might have exploded into an array of light.
All your other senses dulled and for the first time in your life, you realised what it was like to live in the moment. To enjoy it so thoroughly that everything else becomes meaningless.
Out of breath due to the sheer euphoria you were experiencing, you broke the kiss and rested your forehead against his.
“Y/N?” Jake murmured. “Can I ask you something?”
You slowly opened your eyes in response and stared into his hopeful ones.
“Will you accompany me to the festival as my girlfriend?”
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docwritesshit · 6 months
Hi!! I’m totally new to the LMK fandom 😭 I found a really cool edit on TikTok of Mac and Sun and I instantly fell in love lol
So if you can! And want! Could you do shadowpeach x GN! human reader who is kinda scared of monkeys and apes due to the animals being menaces (literally 😭 terrifying animals)
(Really putting myself out there)
but the reader also loves some monkeys like the pigmy Marmosets (✨autism✨)
IF THIS IS POSSIBLE THANK YOU! If not then you can pick and chose which ones!
Take care of yourself!! ✨💖
Looks up the marmosets
Ok, those are adorable.
Disclaimer: it is winter break for me so I have a little more free time on my hands and I've been itching to write something now
Does this mean requests are fully open? Kinda.
I'll do one request a week, maybe more depending on my energy and what the requests is
(you all try designing a show and balancing school and your healthy coping mechanisms. This blog is on the bottom of my priorities)
Sorry for all that rambling for ya, new person! You just got me out of my rut so I had to lay some ground rules before people start bombarding me with requests
Shadowpeach and a GN!Reader scared of apes
Now, these two are little shits, so the way they first introduce themselves to you is... Abrupt
Macaque over here will probably corner you in a deserted section of a market and start flirting immediately since you caught both of their eyes and he has the go ahead
Poor dude is so confused on why you are so fucking scared
So they both back off for a while... Then they see the problem.
They see the problem when they are stalking keeping an eye on you and see you go into a zoo and your friends take you through the primate section and you cower, except when you see the pygmy marmosets
Armed with this new knowledge, they are now trying to introduce you slowly, they start talking to you in more public places with their human disguises.
They do let you know these aren't how they look like, but it's pretty close and you think they would probably look hot regardless
Painfully slow when you are now hounding them to see their actual forms. They have warned you that you would not like it all that much, but you are a stubborn person
So they do
And you freak out, unsurprisingly. So they both transform into the marmosets you adore and that has helped calm you down
So they start taking things slow again.
Coaxing you little by little by showing their tail once in a while for you to play with if you are stressed.
Showing their claws bit by bit (maybe more when you paint them-)
After, I would say a few months, they finally show the full, true forms around you all the time.
It's truly sweet how these two are fucking oblivious yet so patient and loving at the same time.
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manicplank · 3 months
Alright now this one will be dimn but
Head cannons about how they feel about the simps?
hehehehe I like this prompt hehehehehehe
How do they feel about their simps?
Peppino: He's incredibly confused! Who in their right mind would want to [TAUNT SFX] a fat old man like him? He doesn't realize there are people out there that love dad bods. Even without the lust, why are people obsessed with him?? Regardless, he feels a bit honored and flattered.
Gustavo: Oh goodness, people want to do WHAT to him? Hug him and snuggle him? Boy, he would LOVE that! He's so honored that people love him as a person. He feels the love and positivity, and it makes him so happy. By the way, Gustavo, people want to uh... Yeah, never mind.
Mr. Stick: Woah! Ladies, fellas, and theydies* want him, he's shocked! He doesn't necessarily dislike his appearance, but he didn't realize people found him so fine. He totally lets it get to his head. He's just confused as to what a "twink" is. Don't tell him. He can find out on his own.
Pepperman: Finally, he's been recognized for his amazing art. He has a following, his own fan base, and even people making fan art of him. How wonderful! He might flex those muscles just to make them shiver with glee. Oh, how they must worship his greatness!
The Vigilante: WHO ARE ALL YOU PEOPLE??? HE DOESN'T KNOW YOU AND HE DOESN'T KNOW WHY PEOPLE ARE DRAWING PICTURES OF HIM!!! Oh wait, he has "simps"? Oh, that's a new term to him, but alright. He thought y'all were angry criminals hunting him down. Well, this old man is flattered that people admire him!
The Noise: Heh, more fans, huh? Well, that explains why NTV ratings suddenly shot up. Let him just show off the goods to his fangirls and fanboys and fan-nonbinaries. (Is there a term for that?) He's such a cocky little bastard. Look, but don't touch! *finger guns* (Seriously, don't touch. He bites. Hard.)
Noisette: WHO THE HELL ARE THESE PEOPLE AND WHY ARE THEY SIMPING FOR HER AND HER BOYFRIEND??!?!?!? She is totally fuming! At least over his simps. As for her simps, she's totally flattered! She doesn't understand the hype. She's just a simple little lady trying to run her café.
Fake Peppino: Omg people! Him loves people! Can he eats them? No? Boo. :( He's excited that people want to give him hugs and squishes and pets! Yay!!! If only they would come into Bruno's, he pretty pretty promises that he won't try to bite or eat them!!!
Pizzaface: What? He has what now? Simps? Like the Simpsons? Simpletons? Yes, simpletons. Heh. Of course he's to be worshipped. People love pizza, he could imagine they'd love a flying pizza. He's confused on why they keep saying he's hot. He hadn't been in an oven.
Pizzahead: Yes, of course he has simps. I mean, who wouldn't want a piece of that pizza? Ah, to have such loyal fans, he loves it! He's totally flattered and absolutely lets it go to his head. Who would've thought his ego could get any bigger.
Pillar John: Oh, thank God! People want to save him! He's been waiting for so long! Wait, they want to WHAT him??? OHHHH, hug! He thought you said... Nevermind. Please send help! He wants out of this tower without dying!
Gerome: What the [taunt SFX] is a simp? Oh... Heh, neat. He thinks strangers being in love with him is a little strange, but he'll take any love he can get. Lord knows he doesn't get enough of it. Cool. *back to mopping*
** If "theydies" makes anyone uncomfortable pls lmk and I will change it! I thought it was just a silly term that Stick would use to refer to his enby fans.
edited to add that this is what noise considers "showing off the goods" (it wouldn't let me link it)
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revlischarm · 1 year
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Wouldn’t call this one of my most exciting edits for the Noodle Shop Ghost AU, but it’s what I was able to finish recently so it’s what y’all are getting since I’m impatient to share more details and have to divulge them NOW
More LMK Morro info under the cut
• Red Son’s nicknames for Morro include “Accursed witch” and “dead meat” (the witch one is due to Morro having spooky vibes and carrying around a broom)
-Deadass? The first time Red called Morro a witch, Morro did a full 180° and said “did you just call me a bitch?” (Credit to @breathlessmorro for this idea!)
•Morro’s still got some anger issues they’re working out
•Princess Iron Fan shows up with her wind and he’s like “bro I am unimpressed I could do that when I was like, ten”
-The teleporting à la wind gets his attention, tho, since he obviously can’t do that and is immediately jealous
•Morro was a big fan of JTTW Monkey King after reading the story, but then he meets Wukong irl and is just like “Oh. This is it?? That’s…disappointing.”
Wukong: “I haven’t even interacted with you yet and you already dislike me, what the hell.”
-Like Morro and Wukong definitely have some similar interests and hobbies, such as martial arts, protective over MK, a distain for rules…but Morro is still twitchy around him.
-Morro owns a JTTW shirt because he still thinks that the story slaps tho
•Morro thinks the Mayor has cool vibes upon first meeting
-Like, Morro respects how unhinged and creepy he is
•Morro does have a broom for a weapon I’ve decided! It’s comical and it works. He gets a new weapon during Season 3, tho!
-He absolutely 100% knows how to use a broom as a staff because he’s used a staff before. In Season 5 when he possessed Lloyd and was trying to steal Wu’s staff, in the tea shop fight he was kicking ass with it. He’s very proficient with a staff and you can fight me on that.
•Morro forgets that he’s mortal again and ends up walking into a lot of solid objects
•Morro strives for success and likes to be in the spotlight still honestly, he can’t help it.
-The man absolutely despises failing in any way; he doesn’t want to be seen as a disappointment.
-At least he’s ambitious!
•Morro’s working on his inability to let things go, and it’s going. Okay. Ish.
-He struggles so, so much with letting go of a grudge, he never forgets nor forgives but he’s trying to
-It’s part of his goal towards being a better person/not being evil lmao
-“I probably shouldn’t hold onto so much hate for what happened before, huh…well maybe I’ll hold onto a few things.”
•MK sometimes does morning exercises with Morro (stretches and stuff), so for the episode “Duplicination” he makes another clone to do said activities with Morro
-How would that go wrong? Contortionist clone is how. Motherfucker stretches himself into a creepy pretzel
-He crawls up a wall like a spider and gives MK nightmares
-He’s super flexible and very hard to catch; good at dodging!
•Morro definitely sees a lot of Lloyd in MK, but it’s not like he can go back to Ninjago rn (he doesn’t know how), and even then! Lloyd and he are on horrible terms. So Morro is inadvertently projecting onto MK to some extent the apology and like…just feeling guilty and almost responsible in a way
-They’re not doing it intentionally, they really aren’t
-MK just gives them Lloyd vibes that make Morro feel guilty
-Took one look at MK and went: “Is anyone gonna big brother that guy?” And didn’t wait for an answer (credit: @breathlessmonkie )
•Morro being referred to ironically as the “family pet” by Tang and the gang is a reoccurring gag in Season 1. It’s for comedy purposes.
-Pigsy: “This is my husband, Tang, our son, MK, and the family pet, Morro.”
MK: “He’s a rescue!”
-Morro just goes with it
•Morro has residual traits from being a former ghost and you can fight me on that
-For example, his teeth are just slightly more sharp than the average person’s. It’s barely even noticeable but it’s there.
-Morro’s eyes have eyeshine (tapetum lucidum?), basically if it’s dim lighting and you direct some light at him, his eyes seem to glow in the dark. That thing that some animals have, you know? Deer.
-On that note, Morro can see in the dark slightly better than the average person.
-There’s more stuff but I’ll go over it later
•Morro loves flying kites!!! He adores those super complex ones and is saving up money to buy one
•MK called Morro “responsible” one time/refers to him as his “responsible friend”, and Morro ends up having a whole new episode dedicated to him having a crisis over that
-Think a midlife crisis except more aggressive and despairing. Morro’s trying to find an outlet for aggression! He’s adamant he maintain his bad boy persona, and MK’s comment shook him
-Like, his whole thing was defying destiny, making his own path in life, beating the odds and being stubborn…and yet here MK is, saying that’s he’s responsible. It goes against what he thinks of himself and just sets him off. Man literally skips work (which he never does) and gets everyone worried about him.
-He’s just acting out to try and prove that he’s not some domesticated ex-villain, but it’s also about him having difficulty adjusting to this new norm
-Before, Morro was doomed to a cursed eternity for the longest time. He was pent up and bitter and focused on a whole lot of negative stuff, and now he’s waking up and going to work and living life like none of that happened. It’s jarring, and he’s realizing that it’s so far from how he once was.
-He’s thinking, “That angry person I used to be was me, that’s who I was. What changed?” When really he’d just been so bitter and upset for so, so long that that’s all he can think of himself as being—that’s who he was, that’s who Morro was. It’s just he wasn’t actively thinking about it or anything until MK prompted it. He’s changed, and he knows that, but now he’s like…he’s moreso conscious of it, like actually realizing it’s not just that he gave up being so spiteful and tried to redeem himself—he’s forgotten what he was like before he was a vengeful spirit.
-That was what defined them for so long. And now who are they?
-The other part of it is that he doesn’t want to feel like he’s conforming, doesn’t want to be responsible, that it feels like he’s just following along to fate’s rules. And he abhors that.
-Uhhhhhh anyways tl:dr Morro has an episode all his own about self-discovery and also demolishes some stuff along the way.
-OH ONE MORE THING Morro divulges some more about his past to MK and Mei in this episode and also I don’t have a title for the episode yet so suggestions/help with that is greatly appreciated
•Back to our regularly scheduled program
•Morro. Does not trust Wukong very much.
-Like, Morro already has past trauma with Wu, given how Wu told Morro he could be the Green Ninja and fed him a bunch of hopeful nonsense and all that. Morro knows that MK’s been told he has some big destiny and power and whatever by this mentor-figure.
-Also. The Golden Weapons’ parallels with Monkey King’s staff?? Fun stuff. The staff “chose” MK and all that jazz.
-Morro doesn’t trust him from the start, although it’s less of Morro being perceptive enough to pick up on Wukong’s crap and instead that his paranoia ended up being right
-Morro would definitely go “At this point I can’t tell if you or Wu are worse, and that’s fucking saying something.”
-There’s one instance in which Morro straight up punches Wukong square in the face. I’m keeping that scene to myself for now because I gotta have some secrets, you know? Heheh
•Mei’s green power startles Morro every now and then
-Like there’s a flash of glowing green in their peripheral and they jolt. Literally they don’t even do it on purpose, it’s a knee jerk response to glowing green powers.
•Morro drinks soy sauce. He’ll get a little dish and sip from it. Yes, I based this off of myself.
•Macaque is Morro’s dad now btw I should probably mention that /hj
•During the episode “Macaque”, Morro shows up when MK does and actually manages to like. Demonstrate a decently strong attack at Macaque’s shadow kaiju thing. Wind does wonders against smoke monsters (I think Mac called it that??)
-Anyways Macaque quickly takes an interest in Morro! Morro tags along with MK for the training stuff because they’re not letting the kid get taken to some secondary location
-…unless they goes too, lmao
-Plus Macaque doesn’t actually mind him coming along, Morro’s wind powers peaked his interest
•Oh also Morro @ Macaque: “You know back where I’m from, we have an elemental Master of Shadow—I bet they could kick your ass, lol”
Macaque: “a fucking what”
•Also Morro? Actually really vibes with Macaque’s teachings?? Like he definitely reminds MK to take breaks and take it easy every once in a while, but for the most part Morro is like “fuck yeah? This guy is straightforward and makes a good point. Although strategy is important to take into account first and foremost it also helps to actually have a sense of direction here”
-So Morro thinks that Macaque’s got superior skills as a teacher to MK here
-Up until the whole betrayal thing haha
•Macaque keeps a close eye on Morro throughout the episodes following all of this actually!
-Like Macaque checks in on him throughout Season 2 and so they cross paths again fairly quickly
-Morro is very apprehensive at first but begrudgingly understands that it isn’t anything personal against MK, what Mac did—Morro’s literally been in that kind of situation before, sort of. “Nothing personal, just doing this to achieve my goals, you just happen to be involved in this and got hurt.”
-Like Morro gets it. You do evil and fucked up shit because it’s fun at the time and you wanna get back at someone who hurt you
•He’s still very protective of MK but he genuinely understands where Mac is coming from when he pulled that stunt
•They both absolutely open up to each other about their respective deaths eventually, though it takes time
•Macaque shows Morro some cool fighting stuff! They spar together a lot
-Morro finds himself looking forward to those sessions (he can get an actual challenge lmao) and so does Macaque! Mac hasn’t had a sparring buddy in. Well. You know ;)
•Morro 100% picks up on the ex vibes Macaque and Wukong have
•But anyways Morro and Macaque have a great time training and sparring together! Neither of them are afraid to get aggressive, but not because they’re angry—it’s because they know the other one can take it!
•They just overall bond offscreen (and maybe onscreen too? Do I need to make another new episode dedicated to this??) during Season 2/end of Season 1
•Macaque and Morro have a fun dynamic that I’ll expound more upon in Season 3 stuff, but I’m saving anything s3 for a different post because spoilers
•I will divulge that LBD has some difficulty handling Morro for reasons that are ghost-related and that Morro wants to kick her ass
-Well, related to the fact that Morro used to be a ghost and I have a very specific headcanon about his new physical body in that regard
•The Macaque thing is pure self-indulgence on my end because he’s one of my favorite characters
•If it feels forced in, it’s because it probably is, but serotonin go brrrrr in my head and that overrules all logic
•I want to draw what Morro’s intro screen would look like for the opening but I don’t have the skill (can’t draw complex backgrounds well at ALL) rip
-Concept for seasons 1 + 2 would have him standing in the front with a clear shot like the other characters do, arms are crossed or he’s leaning on his broom, and in the background we see a cool dynamic shot of him flying one of those neat Chinese kites. Color scheme is mostly greens and grays? I’m not sure.
-My idea for the Season 3 intro I’m reserving for now
•Morro doesn’t know how to drive I should mention. Man needs to learn to, lol
•Mei and MK teach him lingo and Morro honestly picks it up shockingly fast.
-He can understand some things about it? But others he’s at a total loss for.
-For example Morro doesn’t understand surreal memes or deep-fried stuff, he just doesn’t get what’s funny about them
•Morro knows a lot of occult/spiritual info!! He’s your man if you’ve got some form of spooky trouble ailing you
-So for spooky or supernatural happenings, Morro can give some decent advice.
•Don’t get him wet, he despises water.
•Also he’s still absolutely unhinged. Redemption doesn’t mean he lost any of his violent tendencies, so that’s a lot of manic fun.
-The vibe of what he’ll be saying is all good stuff, but the way he says it sounds like he’s delivering a villain speech
-Oh and don’t get me started on his dramatics either because this man is the smuggest and most theatric bastard ever and I love him for it
-A sore loser and a sore winner.
-So a ton of similarities to Red Son’s behavior, just…toned down a bit more and he’s not trying to be a villain. That’s just how he is. He slips back into villain mode sometimes because he was a villain, and he’s also just kinda like that.
-Morro’s villain tendencies/vibes are always more…creepy? Dark? Than Red Son’s are. Macabre, I’d say. He could actually scare you if he wanted to? It’s hard to describe.
-To sum it up: trying to do good things, but his attitude about it is so diabolical and dramatic. Aaaaannnnd his methods aren’t entirely moral all the time, either. He’s trying, okay??
•Although on that note, Morro is still a master at manipulation when it comes to it. He’s very adept at twisting his words around and can occasionally fall back on old habits without meaning to
-Fucking watch out for him when he’s intentionally being manipulative though, you don’t wanna mess with that
•Morro 100% attends Mac’s shadow plays, they really enjoy them and are the most enthusiastic person in the stands
-Macaque: The hero and the warrior were like the sun and the moon—
Macaque, confused and embarrassed: Uh, anyways.
•Morro would either be very good or very bad at fighting Red Son; wind can either fuel fire or snuff it out. Depends on the oxygen and stuff.
•Anything involving flying/air/heights? Morro is adept at that. Man would kill for one of Wukong’s clouds
•Trans he/they Morro rights
•This post is long enough so I’ll end it here
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kosije · 1 year
Can I request a Hirugami Sachiro fluff wherein the reader accidentally/unintentionally confesses her feelings >^<
I rlly love your writing!! I dont see much hirugami posts so id rlly appreciate it if you wrote this!
a/n: so so so sorry for my absence ^^; thank you for your support and im happy you enjoy my writing! Lightly edited, feel free to lmk any mistakes :)
Spring just might be your favorite season. The cool wind, flower blossoms, and calm days at the park with your best friend, Sachirou, and his pup make it hard for other seasons to compete.
“I’m gonna take her for another lap around, wanna come?” he asks, beckoning the playful Maltese puppy, who’s the same shade as his hair with two taps on his thighs. The only word you can think of to describe him is perfect. The bright blue cloudless sky and green flower-dotted grass seem like they’re only as radiant as the man standing in them in front of you. His smile is dazzling and his white tee tight and khakis show off his physique.
You say you're still short of breath, hoping he couldn’t tell that you were gawking at him.
he nods, turning his focus to the Maltese and grabbing her leash.
Only once he’s out of sight do you smoothen out your floral dress and take a swig of the ice-cold lemonade he had packed in the basket holding the rest of your snacks. It’s one thing to find your best friend attractive. It was a fact that he was gorgeous. Whether it was you two walking through the halls, attending his volleyball games, or going to the park for a picnic, Sachirou always seemed to draw the attention of everyone around him. And just a light brush to his curly hair would have any girl falling for him. But in love?
You can tell you’re pushing it. Even if your diary has his name written on every page with hearts around it, you know he’s not yours. You’re his friend, and friends are only meant to be friendly.
So how come when you see the two run back a few minutes later, your heart skips a beat and you let yourself pretend the two- or three of you are on a date? After hours pass of talking, running, drawing, singing, dancing, and eating, you both decide to wine down at his apartment.
“I just feel that she’d be much better with the side character. I mean, they have way more chemistry.” You say in between snacking on a random bag of chips you grabbed from the basket.
“You’re better than me. If she ends up with the bad boy as a cliche, I might shit myself,” He says, laughing when you scrunch your nose to him and let out an airy laugh. You think you see his cheeks go pink, but before you can ask about it, his dog jumps between you two.
“Hey! Down girl!” He says leaning back to avoid being hit by her tail while you hide your chip bag and move to cuddle her, giggling over how Sachirou shouldn’t be so mean to her.
“If I didn’t know better, I’d believe she’ll to steal you away from me. Am I not cute enough?” He coos with a fake pout. Even if he is teasing, you can still feel your heartbeat spike.
“How could anything be cuter than you, Sachi?” You say subconsciously, still playing with his dog. It’s only after a couple beats of silence that you realize that was definitely not said in your head, and you feel a wave of embarrassment.
“I don’t know why I said that...” You mumble, not daring to look up and see his reaction. No matter how many excuses you tried to think of, none of them negated how obviously unfriendly you meant that.
“Listen I’m so-“
“Do you mean that?” His voice is soft, and against all of your reservations, your head turns up to face him. His lips are slightly parted, and his cheeks are flush.
You can’t find it in yourself to lie to him when he looks at you like that. So against the butterflies threatening to escape along with the chips, you breathlessly say yes.
His dog jumps from your lap, running off to somewhere you can’t bring yourself to focus on because his body is getting impossibly too yours. To the point where your fingertips are ghosting each other.
“How do you feel about me, really?” He asks his face now close enough that you can feel the shakey breath he lets out after the question. His eyes are steady on yours, but only for a beat does it flicker to your lips and you try your best to swallow the lump down your throat.
“I......What I feel for you is stronger than friendship. It has been stronger than that for a while now,” you confess, leaning into him with a rush of courage. “Is that... okay?”
“Is that okay?!” He squeaks, his voice cracking before tackling you down on his couch in a hug that almost knocks the wind out of you.
“Can’t... breathe,” you gasp, making him spring up and apologize profusely.
“A simple ‘yes’ would’ve been good,” you say, not being able to hide the elated grin pulling at your lips.
“It’s more than ‘okay’, stupid. Oh my gosh, do you know how long I’ve been waiting for this? Being in love with your best friend is a bigger cliche than that movie we were watching.”
If the hug didn’t make your heart skip a beat, his confessing he’s felt the same way as you make your heart feel like it’ll stop right here.
“Tell me about it.” You say, watching his breath hitch before moving his hand to your cheek, pulling you closer to him by his feather-light touch moving to your chin.
Wordlessly, his lips catch yours, and you feel your head spin. His kiss is soft and intoxicating, but so passionate you’re left gripping on his shirt. You both pull back for hair, and his eyes glint like he’s looking at the stars.
“I love you.” The words are easy and flow effortlessly from your lips like they’ve been said countless times before.
“I love you too.” He says, with that same smile that’s always lit everything around him up.
Softly, he pulls you into his chest, reviling in the realization that all of his feelings have led up to (what was) his wildest dreams coming true.
And when you hear his heart hammering against his chest as he presses his lips softly on your forehead, only then is it obvious that there is no better season than spring.
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skitskatdacat63 · 7 months
Hiii CATIE!!!!! HIII
Im pretty pretty sure people have already asked BUT HOW WAS ATTENDING THE US GP LIVE!!!! WAS???? TELL ME!! DO YOU HAVE PICS??? I know I know im late.
I ALSO HOPE YOU GOT HOME SAFE AND SOUND AND THAT YOU ARE RESTING NOW+!!!(I saw the chaos you went through im deeply sorry for you :( )
ANYWAYS HOW WAS THE RACE? HOW WAS EXPERIENCING STROLLONSO LIVE?????? AND omg did you get pics of drivers??? :00
You must must share pleaseeeeee.wax.poet
OH MY GOD ELLE SORRY THIS IS SO LATE!!! IT WAS VERY COOL!!!!! VERY SURREAL!!!!!! I've taken a week to answer this but uhhhh yes I am in fact home now 🥰 I got home at like 1 am which was cool....
First of all I have to mention this! I was fighting for my life walking thru the Austin airport(from sleep deprivation), and I had my Fernando hat on my backpack, right? Some girl comes up to me and asks if I'm going to the GP, I say yes. SHE GAVE ME A FRIENDSHIP BRACELET, I COULD'VE SOBBED 🥹 It says on it "wtf is a km", I'm still so happy
COTA was the first race I ever watched, so to be actually at that track and watch a race live there was extremely surreal! Very hot though my god 😵‍💫 I think last year it was pretty hot, right? And my brother kept sending me the temp and it was pretty okay, and then of fucking course the temp leaps up to 89-97°(31-36° Celsius btw) right in time for the gp....so that was nice(I say as I burn in the sun like a vampire. But don't worry I didn't even really tan at all 😭 I always wore a hat and a lot of sunscreen. And meanwhile my brother was literally a lobster)
(This is a long post):
So unfortunately I missed the drivers parade because my brother and I were dying on Saturday night and his friends wanted to go first thing in the morning, and we're like "we will go later actually 😊" and missed it entirely 😭😭😭 but his friends took pics of Mclaren and Aston for me!!!!! But unfortunately I havent gotten them still, so I'll have to reblog this later with those! I took a lot of pictures of the cars I took from behind the fence, which I think I've posted some of? Lmk if anyone wants those!! They're very random, I just thought it was very surreal to see the cars flying past, so I took a million.
The coolest part was definitely running on track after the race was over!!! Soooooo surreal, and so I'm only gonna post pics rn from Sunday(bcs pic limit on phone) and also I think everything else kinda pales in comparison(but of course lmk if there's anything you're interested in seeing 🤭)
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Okay and did I see any drivers...? ONLY ONE BUT AAAAHHHH I DID SEE LANDO!!! Not even one of my favs but it was soooooo surreal to see him, even from afar. As you can see above, everyone standing on the fences was blocking the view 🙄, but during the podium, I was focusing my camera btwn their legs and got literally one second of Lando 😭 I think its a pretty aesthetic clip, so I gifed it!!
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It was so funny, I went to the gp with my brother and friends, so all these older guys yeah. And I was showing this off to them on the ride home, and his one friend was praising me so much for it 😭😭 like: "oh my god!!!! You could put this in an edit !!! This is so sick!!!!"
Oh one other thing!!! I think I've mentioned it before but my god, my favorite f1 podiums are always the ones with confetti, right?? AND THERE WAS CONFETTI AT THIS RACE!!!
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LOOK AT HOW PRETTYYYYY!!!! And so anyways, I picked up so much confetti off the ground and now it lives forever in my phone case 🥰🥰🥰 I have no other room for pics on this post(for now) but oh my godddddddddd most of the confetti were just rectangles BUT THERE WAS ALSO ONES SHAPED LIKE TEXAS!!! SO COOL!!!!! And I also picked up a bunch of tire marbles off the ground!!! And a piece of plastic that probably came off some car. It was so funny when all of us were just scrounging off the ground. My bro's one friend somehow found a piece of carbon fiber, and we're all like "how can I kill him in his sleep and steal this from him..." But no the highlight actually of that process was watching my brother sprint to the podium, but stopping and grabbing a bunch of gravel first to shove in his pocket 😭😭😭
The other two days were fun as well, but also a lot of just dying in the heat and drinking a fuckton of red bull, so there's not too much specifically to say! I really liked hearing the cars. I think if you wanna know what's actually going on in a race, watching from home is better, but hearing the cars go by and seeing them is just so fucking sick. It was so funny to see grown men be like "I think I'm going to cry hearing these cars." I was really flexing on them with "uhhh yeah I've already been to a gp already 🙄🙄"
Anyways I ended the day by breaking bank by buying my dad and myself Fernando shirts because he is of course Fernando's biggest fan 🥰🥰 and I bought the most delicious overpriced lemonade, which I only drank half of bcs my brother proceeded to accidentally elbow it out of my hand....
OH WAIT ONE MORE DETAIL LOL. On Friday, my brother and his friend were waiting in line for smth and I was talking to them outside of the barrier. I look down, hmm theres a red cap abandoned on the ground, I pick it up, it is in fact a Ferrari hat. And that is how my brother acquired a $40+ dollar hat for free. Lucky bastard....I was the who found it!
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harksness · 2 years
The Comfort of Rain
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A/N: Hi!!! I'm back after another long hiatus!!! It has Not been my year and I feel bad for abandoning this blog lmao :,) I've really missed writing, especially for Agatha and I'm excited to start again. I have some stuff planned!! So stay tuned!! + I wanted to keep the Readers stressors as ambiguous as possible so anyone could project their situation onto this fic but yeah I hope u all enjoy and find some comfort in it like I did <3
Also I just finished editing this and it's 1AM so if I missed any nonsense... oops.
Thank u to the lovely person who requested this! <3<3
Word Count: 2.2k
Warnings: None, I think. As always, lmk if I missed any!
Coming by sleep has been hard recently. It’s always hard when life keeps taking from you, taking and taking until you’ve given everything you have to give. And then it keeps expecting more, demanding more, pushing you to your limits until you break. Sleep is impossible, at this point. How could you possibly rest when you’re so stressed out that anxiety has plagued you to the point of nausea for days? Sleep isn’t an option. Why would your brain allow you such a simple comfort?
The only thing that slows your racing mind is the steady thrumming of rain against the window. It quiets those anxious voices and stressful thoughts possessing you. You smush the side of your face into the cool sliding glass door, and it soothes your puffy, red eye.
Rain is, quite possibly, the greatest natural comfort in life.
You pull the blanket tighter around your shoulders, and although the hardwood floors are extremely uncomfortable to rest on, you find yourself curling into the sliding glass door, as if trying to immerse yourself in the image in front of you.
Your heart weighs heavy in your chest, like a rock weighing you down. You don’t even flinch when a loud crack sounds far beyond the safety of your home, a bolt of lighting flashing through the sky. Your apartment lights up momentarily, and just as quickly as the light had appeared, it’s gone. The rain is doing nothing to fill the empty silence of your apartment, the echo of a ticking clock somewhere in your home ringing through the dark.
Your eyes are droopy and heavy with exhaustion, tired from crying. And yet, you still can’t find sleep. Then, you hear it. Cutting through the dead silence, just loud enough to hear over the rain- the familiar creak of your front door opening. You tilt your head slightly to your right, just barely enough so that you can see the entrance to your home. Warm, yellow light pools in through the open door, cutting through the cold darkness, and you can make out a familiar silhouette. A small smile cracks onto your features as you watch her enter, pulling a suitcase in behind her.
You’re grinning ear to ear. She wasn’t supposed to be home for another few days. Agatha closes and locks the door, abandoning her suitcase next to her. You watch as she toes off her sneakers, reaching to turn on the living room light.
“Ag’s, you’re home!”
Your voice is heavy with exhaustion but alight with excitement. Agatha pauses, freezing just as she was about to flick the light switch. She drops her arm, and though you can’t clearly make out her features from across the apartment, you know that she sees you.
Agatha knows right away that you’re not okay.
Her sock clad feet softly pad across the living room, and then across the kitchen before she reaches you at the sliding glass door by your dining table. You’re looking up at her from where you’re curled into the window, a drowsy smile curled onto your lips.
“I missed you.”
Your words are a whisper, so soft and barely loud enough for her to hear. She smiles softly, crouching down to your level. Now, you can finally make out some of her features in the darkness.
“I missed you too, baby.”
Agatha raises a hand, tucking a stray lock of hair behind your ear. She then moves her hand to pet all your stray hairs into place carefully, taking the time to smooth them down against your head.
“Why are you sleeping on the kitchen floor, silly girl?”
She coos softly, her voice so gentle and gushing with so much affection and kindness that you feel safe in her words. She’s like the rain. Her tone, the way she speaks, everything about her. The way she looks at you, her eyes, her considerate touch, it all makes you feel so safe and comfortable you could just melt in her arms.
“I can’t sleep so I decided to watch the rain.”
You mumble in response, your voice scratchy and eyes still sore from how you had been crying earlier. She presses her lips into a firm line, eyes squinting ever so slightly as she studies you. Now, that’s when you know that she knows that something is wrong. Quickly, she masks her worried gaze by smiling softly at you. 
Agatha stands, the steady thrumming of rain playing as background music to the scene unfolding between you and Agatha in your dark kitchen. It’s deathly quiet otherwise, the silence is so thick and hanging heavy in the air as it often does in the late hours of the night and the very early hours of the morning. As if one wrong move, one loud noise would wake the entire world.
Agatha bends over slightly, holding her hand out to you.
“C’mon, sweetheart.”
You blink dumbly up at her form for a moment, all of her features cast in a gray tint and shadows. A crack of lightning splits through the sky behind you, roaring loudly and once again lighting up your apartment for a brief moment. And in that brief moment you’re allowed a quick look at Agatha in color. Her rosy cheeks and gorgeous blue eyes, soft pink lips and messy brown hair you could run your fingers through all day. You melt at the sight of her before she’s cast in black and white again, and you take her hand.
Agatha pulls you into her arms, pressing a kiss to the top of your head before she begins to guide you across the kitchen and into your living room. You're grateful for her guidance, considering the darkness, and that you're sleep deprived, along with your head being stuffy from all the crying. She guides you to the couch, and you sink your weight into the soft cushions as she stands above you, hands on your shoulders.
“That’s it.. Sit right there, baby.. Good girl.”
She coos softly, her voice gentle and as sweet as honey. Your eyelids feel heavy as you look up with her, a yawn forcing its way out of your throat. Agatha tugs softly at the edge of the blanket that’s wrapped around your shoulders, and once your yawn has settled it takes you a moment to process what she’s doing. You scrunch up your face in confusion.
“You’ve been on the floor, sweetheart.. That blanket is filthy. Lemme get us a clean one.”
Her voice remains gentle and patient, she pauses, waiting for you to relent. You do after a moment, releasing your tight hold on the fabric so that she can unwind it from your body.
The second the chilly air of the apartment kisses your skin, a shiver trails up your spine and your shoulders shake as a result of it. You pout a bit, wrapping your arms around yourself. Agatha grins at you, a teasing edge to her smile. But that typical taunting edge is blunted when she speaks.
“You’re such a freeze baby.”
She coos, dropping the dirty blanket on the floor before she takes the hem of the soft, purple sweater that she's wearing into her fingers and begins to pull it off. She’s shadowed in darkness, but you can make out the tight black tank top she’s wearing underneath her favorite sweater, her mess of brown curls trailing after her head as she pulls the sweater off.
“Are you sure? I don’t want you to get cold.”
You mutter softly, your words slightly slurred from exhaustion. Agatha quirks a curious eyebrow at you, holding out the bunched up fabric for you to take.
“You’re always stealing this sweater from me, every chance that you get. Now that I’m offering it to you, I’m supposed to believe that you don’t want it?”
Agatha is grinning, shaking it playfully, as if to tempt you. Like tempting a dog with a toy. Still, you eye her suspiciously. She sighs.
“I promise I won’t get cold.”
Reluctantly, you reach out and take the sweater dangling from her hand. 
“Good girl.”
She grins at your compliance.
“I’ll be right back, sweetheart.”
She seals her promise with a kiss against your forehead. She turns, making her way through your dark apartment and towards your shared bedroom. You frown softly, closing your eyes to allow yourself a moment of rest as you grab the sweater abandoned in your lap and blindly pull it over your head. You don’t even care if you put it on wrong, it’s still warm, extremely soft and comfortable, and it smells like Agatha. That’s your four basic needs for survival right now.
You’ve always been obsessed with this sweater. It’s just as much your favorite as it is Agatha’s, but for different reasons. She wasn’t wrong when she mentioned how you constantly steal it from her. You do. No matter how many times you wash it, it still smells like Agatha. The smell that's distinctly and uniquely her, that smell that makes your heart turn to mush and the dorkiest smile break out onto your face immediately upon registering it. You run your fingers of the impossibly soft fabric, forcefully peeling your heavy eyelids open to glance out the window.
It’s still raining. 
It’s let up a bit, but not a lot. The thrumming against the windows is softer. Some moonlight is actually clearly making its way through. Shuffling sounds from the hallway, and you shift your eyes over to see Agatha, her wild locks somewhat tamed in a bun piled atop her head. She’s in the same black tank top and skinny jeans she was wearing moments ago, the only notable wardrobe change being that she peeled off her socks as she pads around on bare feet. She has your softest blankets piled in her arms as she approaches you.
She smiles softly as she sets down the stack of blankets on the couch next to you, gesturing her hand in a vague motion.
“Turn around, face the window.. Please, honey.”
She directs you, and you obey thoughtlessly, shifting yourself so that you’re sitting horizontally with the couch, the back cushions brushing against your arm as you glance over your shoulder at her. Agatha moves behind you, pressing her front against your back and trapping you between her legs. She grabs a blanket and lays it across your lap and her legs, tucking you in.
“What are you doing?”
Your voice is soft, still a bit scratchy from your crying earlier in the night. It cuts through the silence of the quiet apartment like a knife, the muffled sound of rain beating against the window doing nothing to fill the silence.
“You couldn’t sleep so you wanted to watch the rain, right?”
Agatha asks, shuffling behind you. She wraps her arms around your front, blanket in her hands as she tucks it around the both of you. Your love pulls you to her chest, and you shift down enough to where you can rest your head on her shoulder. She tilts her head, pressing a kiss against your temple.
“So, we’re going to watch the rain together.”
She speaks softly against your skin, her breath tickling you a bit as she holds you close, guiding you so that you both are resting against the cushions of the couch. You’re facing the window with a perfect view as rain droplets continue to splatter against the glass.
Your heart constricts at her words. You don’t know why, but it causes something to snap in you. An overwhelming wave of emotion drowns you, and you find yourself tilting your head and burying your face into her arm as you begin to cry. You can’t seem to hold yourself together as your cries escalate into sobs, and unlike your breakdown earlier, you feel the tension in your chest release. The knot of anxiety burrowed in your heart begins to untangle, a bit of a weight lifted off of your shoulders, knowing that you’re not alone.
Agatha knows you so well. Better than you know yourself, apparently.
She holds you tighter, comfortingly running her hands up and down your skin as she shushes you. You cry into her arm, finally finding what you needed in her embrace and her love.
“It’s alright love, I’ve got you.”
She speaks softly into your hair, pressing another kiss to your head. 
Agatha Harkness is more comforting than the rain.
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death-to-posers · 3 months
Hi! Whatsup! Could you write a Necrobutcher (mayhem ofc) x fem reader ,where necro gets jealous (maybe over a guy talking with reader idk) like, make necro idk, possessive but in a cool way. Idk
You can make it smut,fluff, anything lol, (not angst)
I was hoping someone would request Necro, he's so underappreciated I adore that man.
(I also apologise for how long it's taken me to answer these, and I'm so sorry to the first anon who asked for Serj Tankian x reader, I never did get 'round to writing that. I've had a lot going on and this is the first time I've been on my Tumblr in months, I'll try write that at some point in the future)
This will be a friends to lovers, I hope that's alright with you, if not, give me a shout and I'll edit it so that Necro and reader are already in a relationship. This is also written in third person (most of my fics will be, I prefer third person)
Also this is meant to be REAL Necro, not Lords of Chaos. (I fucking hate that movie)
Pairing: Necrobutcher (Mayhem) x fem!Reader
(This is set pre Pelle's death)
Plot: (Friends to lovers) Reader goes to a nearby convenience store to get some cigs and unexpectedly bumps into Necro. The cashier gets a little too friendly with reader...
She sits up in her bed, reaching into her bedside cabinet drawer for a pack of cigarettes. She sighs, realising she's all out. Oh well, the convenience store is a two minute walk away. She gets up groggily, pulling on a pair of boots and walking out the front door.
The door of the store swings open and she steps inside, noticing a familiar face in the corner, by the alcohol aisle. "Jørn?". He looks up, grinning once he recognises her. "What are you doing here at this hour Y/N?". He walks up to her and gives her a slightly awkward side hug. He's wearing the same torn jeans and leather jacket he always wears. "I needed some cigs," she replies, returning the hug. He nods, "Of course you did. I'm here for some whiskey and coke, Euro's been drinking it all, but what's new?". He gives her a wink and returns to the drinks aisle. She walks up to the counter, grabbing a pack of cigs. "Just these, thanks". The cashier looks her up and down, leering. "I could give these to you for free y'know, sweetheart?". He gives her a suggestive look. She cringes. "Oh, um, no thanks. I can pay-", she's cut off, Jørn rests a hand on her shoulder. "I'll knock your fucking teeth out you son of a whore," he stares at the cashier coldly. The cashier scoffs, snatching the money from Y/N's hand. She grabs her cigarettes and walks out of the store, Jørn close at her heels. Once out of the store, he wraps an arm around her waist, glaring ahead aimlessly. She raises an eyebrow. "Chill, it's just a man being.. A man," his apparent anger confuses her somewhat. He hisses, pulling her closer. "No one - no one - is allowed to look at you like that, except me". He presses his lips to hers, kissing her roughly. Her eyes widen, it takes her a second to realise what's happening. She's apparently not against it though, returning the kiss eventually. He pulls back, looking calmer, and slightly apologetic. "Was that okay? I should've asked first-", now it's her turn to cut him off, pulling him into another kiss. He wraps his arms around her waist, smiling into the kiss.
This was really short, I'm sorry, lmk if you'd like a part two! (If yes, I'll try do some smut in the next part).
I hope this wasn't too awful, I didn't really proofread it. You'd think someone who's been writing for over three years would be a little better at it.
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bluemoonperegrine · 8 months
Wolf Be Upon Yeet: Part III
In which @vicarious-rebel and I chatted via DM about the Werewolf By Night and Moon Knight crews in her headcanon which includes Elsa’s pet eldritch horror Stony, which had been the Bloodstone but is now literally a monster. Here are part I and part II.
Stonyverse short fics: 
“Of blood and stone” by Vi
 “Something Awful This Way Comes” (ao3 link) by me
"In which the Bloodstone is a little shit" by Vi
This amazing, adorable gif that's eventually relevant to the silliness below it is @toothyclown's creation. (Toothy, If it's not cool that I saved the file and posted it here, lmk and I'll delete it immediately.) Here's the original post with the gif.
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This edition gets Looney-Tunes-style silly. 🤣
Vi’s text is black. bluemoonperegrine’s text is blue. (I mean, of course.)
I'm thinking about writing some Stony stuff, so I'm rereading your fic introducing the adorable li'l scamp. There "was the body and eight legs of an arachnid but a bony humanoid torso where the chest and head portion should be. The arms were long and thin but ended in clawed hands large enough to close around a human head." So he has eight spidery legs and two arms. The arms are generally human-like, right? Just kind of warped and horrific?
Stony is huge! It sounds like when standing his abdomen is 7 ft off the ground. If his torso and head are roughly human-sized, that would put his head about 4 feet higher.
I think Stony shouldn't have much of a scent. In any case, it would freak Jack out even more if this creature that partially looks like a skinned human doesn't smell like blood and flesh at all.
This idea popped into my head: the moon boys teaching Stony to walk on his humanoid hands. Jack would pass out on the spot the first time he saw it.
If Stony is as big as I described above, someone's gotta ride him like a steed sent straight from hell. Elsa makes the most sense.
I read this part of our chat--"considering Ted's acid is a reflex"--as "Ted is acid reflux" initially. 🤣
Random idea: Elsa finds a way to make Stony temporarily smaller so it's easier to bring him on hunts. Or maybe discovers that he can go back into gem form but doesn't want to. Elsa would need a truckload of chicken nuggets to train and reward Stony for stuffing himself back into gem form for a while.
Stony: screech-growls in protest
Jack: flinches, then fidgets
Elsa: It's only for a few hours. As we clear out the nest, you can eat every single one of those shambling mounds!
Jack: shudders
Stony: perks up
My brain keeps circling back to Stony's origin story. Why was he suddenly able to manifest in monster form? I'm thinking that during a big fight the Bloodstone got a hairline crack. That disturbed some sort of containment spell and Stony could break free.
yup his arms are pretty human-looking, just disproportionately long for extra body horror eldritchness
Regarding Stony's scent, I do imagine him to smell of blood but it also makes perfect sense for him not to smell of anything bc he's supposed to be in a rock.
You're right that it would freak Jack out. It'll make him develop Stony-sense.
TINY STONY! I imagine him looking the same just…. smaller
My Little Stony 🤣
The question is how tiny is tiny Stony? horse-sized? large dog-sized?
He could change to multiple sizes: stone-sized or dog-sized Regarding how he manifested, something like a spell or whatnot "dissolving" the bloodstone and releasing the sentience
When Stony's out, the actual Bloodstone is gone and not in its frame because it's not a stone anymore
Jack sees something crawling on the floor, assumes it's a spider, then "oh wait oh shit it's That Thing"
Poor Jack sees one of the moon boys teaching Stony to do a trick and he just nopes out
Jack wakes up one morning to find tiny Stony curled up on top of him (on top of the covers) sleeping soundly… and is promptly launched across the room by shrieking Jack who runs for the hills
Tiny stony usually sleeps on Elsa's bed. 🤣
I think I just want to terrorize Jack.
Or worse, sees Elsa actually train it for combat and legs it Hasn't Jack suffered enough?
Terrorizing Jack is so much fun. He's our damsel in distress
Someone save the werewolf from the eldrich tarantula
A favorite visual of mine in this AU is Stony deliberately trying to freak out the resident smol woof and Marc just deflecting him like "ok that's enough, you're gonna stop it or no chicken nuggets for you"
Jake not too secretly eggs Stony on. Sneaks him a spicy chicken nug when Marc's not looking
Jack looks at him, betrayed "I loved you… Trusted you…. And you BETRAY ME?!"
Jake: Man up, woof boy
Steven: Jake, I won't tolerate this sort of misogyny and misandry. That's no way--
The system devolves into bickering again. Jake: it's all in good fun
Steven: good fun? you're traumatizing him
Maybe Steven let Jack know about something that wigs Jake out so he can give him a little of his own medicine. He could be afraid of butterflies or something.
Marc standing off to the side, rolling his eyes
Yeah, Steven likes fairness so he'd do that
Jake: whispering to Stony in Spanish Jack: I CAN HEAR YOU AND UNDERSTAND YOU, GILIPOLLAS.
Steven: steal his gloves and crinkle them Jake: DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE Stony just being confused bc he doesn't know Spanish but he gets spicy nuggets so he's fine with it
The moon boys bickering is the best
Jake's cheeky and teases ppl but it really is all in good faith
The smol woof needs a pack. he likely sees Elsa and Ted as his… and eventually, reluctantly Stony as well. He'd be more than happy to include the moon boys and Layla
yeah, they're all his pack Stony is on thin ice tho
I can imagine Jack getting angry at Stony for something and informing him that he's out of the pack.
Stony: no response
He doesn't understand and wouldn't really care even if he did.
Elsa, feigning shock: you Kicked him Out? Jail! In this AU werewolf Jack looks just like he did in the special. I assume he's not a mindless killing machine. In the special he went on a killing spree because he was attacked and tortured via Bloodstone and then guards. So is he basically wolflike? How much human Jack is in there?
I'd say about 10% human Jack, he tends to act very wolflike but can occasionally retain info/memories between transformations but they tend to be vague and blurry (like trying to remember a dream but the only thing you remember is having a dream and maybe some detail or feeling and that's it)
For instance, werewolf Jack can recognize ppl by scent (esp if he's been around them long enough) and has some of the same preferences as his human form, like his penchant for salmon paste
Is salmon paste like lox?
Nah, it's like regular salmon ground down to paste, it's got a similar consistency to any paste and it tastes and smells like smoked salmon
It's pretty good. I pretty much headcanon it as one of Jack's favourite snacks after he discovered it. (Marc absolutely uses that to his advantage when dealing with werewolf Jack)
So there isn't a panic at Bloodstone at each full moon if only the usual suspects are around
Bloodstone Manor is like the Addams family mansion. There are a couple of weird creatures, a werewolf, a monster hunter and two avatars of Egyptian gods and everyone's having a grand old time. And then there's Billy Swan, the only normal one in any room, doing his thing like this is all perfectly normal. Also, where is the manor? Outside Boston?
I read somewhere that in the special it's in Arizona. The garden/labyrinth looked kinda the American SW to me, so that clicked in my head and I used it in my fics. Also I love the desert SW so I was happy to set stuff there.
I honestly have no idea, geography is kinda fluid in my brain. It's somewhere in a forested area and that's all I know abt it
gotta have room to roam (for Ted and Jack) and probably also Stony bc big eldritch horrors gotta stretch
I imagine that Elsa removed all of the monster heads mounted on the walls as well.
... if Elsa hadn't removed the monster heads, Stony may have eaten them 😬
I imagine they're stuffed/preserved somehow, in which case Stony wouldn't so much eat them as chew them up and spit them out in disgust
Jack's doing his own thing and BOOM, Stony pops up and fucks up his day
vlog proposal: Decorating With Stony
After the reveal Stony weighs in by destroying things or not. It's the ultimate interior decor assessment. The releases people have to sign are insane
Sheesh, I still haven't gotten to the part that inspired this series' title! I'll get there eventually.
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cheatingexploitation · 8 months
would love to hear abt your made up strident crisis lore! especially anything pertaining to hellbreaker
not the hugest stridenthead any more but i will say what i have because why not.. lets a go
in other words im not putting a read more thing on this post cz i dont feel like it... however! if theres an issue with this i havent anticipated lmk and ill edit the post. i might be trying to be funny in a slightly obnoxious manner but i do not mean to create a real nuisance...
so while witnessing the mod for. technically the second time but the first time after figuring out what was going on with those daves and bambis i was a bit surprised to see that the mod where the wiki says "it actually has a story" had 0 dialogue or anything so i was like. ok. ill make one up in my head
the gist: classic dave bambi lore Except bambi is not a nice wisdom god he's actually a mean war god. hence why everything surrounding him is much more.. aggressive
when pissed off he doesnt just throw his stupid phone at you. his body contorts and shakes and catches fire like some freak of nature. scary
here i have decided bambi is just a vessel of sorts to contain a dormant god and boyfriend hopping into his farm specifically to piss him off somehow wakes up the god Just a little (probably not entirely though? not enough trolling)
lord bambi being a fucked up tyrant here is also inspired by the title of the song "thearchy", which is a word meaning like. you know a monarchy. imagine that but with a god. rule of god. badass word actually. also i think it's funny to interpret mods where expunged is probably supposed to be a god as them like... not being one (im evil)
i did make some kind of design for him based on that opposition form... never really finalized it (i think it looks Too modern blah blah) but here
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anyway expunged is actually not the worst guy ever they're just taking bambis form because (???i forgot) anyway they figure out that Hey actually lord bambi was pretty cringe (horrific and bad and scary) and so phonophobia is them having a Strident Crisis about this ROLL CREDITS THEY SAID THE NAME OF THE MOD
also! heebie. hellbreakie. minesweeper. probably the reason you sent this ask it's ok shes cute and fun i get it. i thought it would be funny if shes madden here so she's madden here. specifically she was an executioner for lord bambi because even though he could do it himself it would be worse if he made someone else do it and for some reason this is his goal i forgot why sorry but this is actually where the name hellbreaker comes from here. that's her title... the hellbreaker. after lord bambi dips no one likes her so for one reason or another (i don't think i decided?) she goes to the void and goes funny 3d mode and Actually i think i made her and expungie friends because that would give expunged a reason to freak out during phonophobia because wow how could i be so mean to this guy i respect. or something. yeah
heres stident maddis Which i have certainly put here before probably but for the big post. yeah
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dave also had some part in this whole thing, mainly for the sake of justifying Why the Expunged Is Different, but also i have 0 recollection of what that part Was exactly. i just remember saying something like "wouldnt it be funny if strident crisis dave was emo" (which i said meaning he wears like a darker blue shirt as i think it's very funny when people call any dark clothing emo though sometimes i worry i am only contributing to the watering down of the complexities of alt fashion ? sorry)
anyway i also made designs for strident crisis beef nd geef because i thought it would be cool to base them on the colours they get from hellbreaker's shader. fits the tone better i think !
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the plot here would probably be less of a mess if i like, cleaned it up and made something out of it, but also i don't really want to soooo for now all you get is this jumble of words. still think the mod is pretty cool even though i just prefer not to interact with it Too much for Reasons I Forgot but are most likely not important to the general public so don't worry about it
maybe i should do the same thing for spamtrap since i dont plan on finishing it even though spamfriend is one of my favourite children? find out next time on cheat's blog i suppose...
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vethsoddities · 8 months
Veth’s Steph and Pete Headcanons
CW:This Follows The canon of NPMD the best I can so mention of funeral’s and death and the like so be warned if I forget any warns tell me and I’ll add them
and if I spelt or got any lore wrong lmk nicely thank you
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A/n: I’m totally “normal” about these two I wrote these at 1 - 2 am and b4 that I tagged all of these at 1am hope these makes since I’m on new meds and they made me kinda tried and my eyes hurt so bad anyhow my requests are open check my master list it’s pinned on my profile anyway enjoy these headcanons I’m also going through and editing all this at 2:58 am so technically I’ve been working on this from 1 am to 2 am to 3 am I hope you like this
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Stephanie Lauter and Peter Spankoffski headcanons
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After all that happened in NPMD ie Steph losing her dad and Pete losing Richie and Ruth and Steph having to shoot him and Max stopping the bullet and doing the whole “I’m the only one who can kill you nerdy prudes” and Grace taking one for the the team by giving up what she cherished most 
Pete and Steph didn’t want to be far from each other and ending up holding each other for a while so that led to them having sleepovers at the others home Steph hated being all alone in that big house so she was glad to have Pete being there with her.
They both try to comfort the other when they start to breakdown after all that has happened Steph seems like the type who doesn’t know how to comfort someone same with Pete but they both try and they love the other for that
Steph and Pete didn’t label their relationship right away because they weren’t sure what would happen after all that went down but they knew for a fact they loved the other after a LONG and I mean a Long time of denying the fact they were in love each other like they canonically had a song about it too but after a bit calls each other their partner or girlfriend/ boyfriend thing
These two in my mind both have They in their pronouns and or possibly t4t because they aren’t totally straight in my mind Pete to me seems unlabeled but Steph is either Pansexual or Bisexual and could be gender-fluid and or She/they but either Gender fluid or Demi girl she has She/They pronouns
Pete without a doubt is trans FTM and uses He/Him and possibly on occasion uses They and or them and I could possibly see him as Asexual but I’m not for sure on that one just yet
Pete definitely drives home the fact that Steph is smart and that he’s proud of her and whatever else Solomon told her is bull shit and he loves her no matter what and that he will be their for her no matter what
Steph does the same type of thing for Pete that he is in fact cool to her and not a loser and comforts him fully and says that he’s a handsome always especially when gender dysphoria kicks his ass and will be their for him through it all
This could be me projecting but these two would probably give a little smooch on the other’s forearm and tell the other they love them
I feel like Steph would do Pete’s hair into different hairstyles, Steph definitely teases him lovingly about the bow ties still
Steph at some point mentioned thinking about doing a wolf cut or short hair and Pete supported her no matter what Steph did the same with his hair if he wanted to cut it or let it grow more either way she could still run her hands through his hair
And as Steph does in canon affectionately calls Pete a Nerd and him possibility calling her Mean Girl or probably something else it’s 3:11 am rn and I’m proof reading this when I could be sleeping to creativity is low lmfao
Homecoming was fun for both of them and as it should be I think they have photos of it both digital and Polaroid and for the Polaroids, they have the pictures hanging up on an aesthetic string and clips thing
Content warring here’s the mention of Funerals and death(ig I don’t think I say it at all but still be aware)
Now when it came to the funeral’s of Richie,Ruth it was a ruff time for both of them and seeing as they all were friends it was one of the Moments Steph comforts Pete even if it wasn’t something she was good at still
and after words they visit Ruth and Richie’s graves and leaves flowers and possibly Anime themed stuff for Richies grave and no matter what both Ruth and Richie gets flowers on their respective graves 
When Solomon’s funeral came around I think Stephanie kinda shut down having to be around her fathers colleagues friends and connecting and was going into auto pilot going through the motions of everything that she knew how to act as to make sure Solomon’s image looked good
Pete was their with her and after a while pulled her away from the people so he could make sure she was okay as she could be for what was happening and she just broke down and they decided to leave after funeral things happened
I feel like after wards of both funerals just like after NPMD but before homecoming’s they just held each other to comfort one another and saying sweet things to each other because they love each other
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poetinprose · 8 months
Hey guys, how are you doing? :)
Just wanted to quickly apologize for my absence in the past few weeks and ramble a bit.
I don't exactly know why I couldn't find the motivation to be on tumblr in general, I guess my brain just needed a break?
But I also was on vacation for a week (lmk if you wanna see pictures hehe) and had another week where I was away for a uni course. Maybe two weeks after our dog died and that just probably knocked all the bit of motivation I had left over. (Especially since she was the second dog we lost this year amd grieve is fking exhausting.)
But now I start to miss y'all and your stories and being active here so I hope to be back from now on. :) Uni starts in a week tho so I don't know how active I'll actually be.
Besides that I managed to write around 1.5k words on Aeternum and edited the prologue and the first two chapters so far that we published them on our wattpad account (@MissLuckyHazel), so when you can read German it would be so cool if you could check it out and tell us what you think about it! ^-^
If you've read so far you really deserve this bouquet of flowers 💐✨️ bc damn that was a lot. '^^ But thanks so much and thank you for being here. :)
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jestiamy · 1 year
lmk au where mk has a side gig as an assassin but completely just. unintentionally.
I was going through season one episodes for editing purposes, and I found that one scene where mk just completely overloads the tea he was making, hands it to sandy, and he just. passes out immediately.
and I was like. woah. dude imagine if mo got into that ?!??!?!?! that would be so dangerous.
but then from there I was like. wow you know what. I feel like season one mk has the right mix of chaos and general obliviousness and general disregard for other people's circumstances when not fully relevant to him currently to totally pull of frequently killing other people on accident and somehow never noticing. maybe at one point if you really push it you can get it so people actually hire him for it and he's like ??? cool. free money. and has no idea what they're saying/tunes them out but in a rube goldberg esque string of circumstances always ends up somehow killing the right targets anyways and it's like. mix that with that one popular somewhat hc/au mix that macaque is involved with megapolis' underground and you get interactions like this during his introduction episode:
Macaque, not really connecting the dots with the infamous ghost assassin that always gets the job done with no leads or traces with ""golden boy"" mk: so like. question. if you were to kill someone how would you do that.
Mk, distractedly, not really seeing the point but used to answering random questions because of mei: oh like, push them off a busy bridge? duh.
Macaque: that wouldn't kill them.
Mk, still distracted: I mean, obviously not. they won't die, sure, but they'll know someone is after them. give it a few weeks of hypervigilance and then they'll start dropping their guard after nothing happens. maybe they imagined it, they'll rationalize. who would want them dead? who would have the skill to not get caught during attempt in the first place? they'll ask themselves. and it's then, at their most sloppy, will I make my way into their life. I won't be their best friend - more of a frequent side character. the guy you see every day at your favourite hang out spot is hardly suspect. I'll ask them out for a friendly lunch, to get to know them more. maybe they'll be a little stressed - maybe subconsciously they still remember the guy who tried to shove them off a bridge that may or may not be real that was never caught. nothing will happen. it's at the fifth meet up that I offer to help walk them to their next destination - and maybe they'll be suspect them too, but they won't decline. because that's rude, and they feel I'm too nice for that. and it's then, and only then, do I push them into oncoming traffic during rush hour. maybe I'll have the discomfort of seeing their face the moment it hits them what happened. maybe they'll connect the strings. maybe they won't. but in that moment I relax, truly, for the first time since I met them - assured my mission is over. and maybe if they are unlucky enough they will see this, and they'll wonder how much of me they saw really was ever real. from there I will be questioned, no doubt - they ask me what happened, and I lie through my teeth. I'll say they tripped, and I was too late to grab them. I'll cry a bit to sell it, and maybe it won't all be fake. I'll tell them how this same thing happened all of the time - falling. others will support this, because by then I'll have built a habit of subtly tripping them when I could. I'll sob and say that a similarly almost fatal incident happened only just a few months ago. that I was so worried it'd happen again that I offered to walk them home today - and I was too late despite that. they'll give me some shallow comfort - it's not your fault, they'll say. it's a freak accident, they'll say. you had no way of knowing, they'll say. they'll never think it's me beyond a curiously accusation - because what killer brings attention to a previous attempt? what killer sits and thoroughly blabs every little thing they know? and maybe this will haunt me forever, physically or not - but at the very least, at long last I'll have the grim satisfaction of knowing that someone I needed dead is finally gone from this world.
Macaque: right. okay. go back to doing your sets.
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spicybylerpolls · 3 months
i know you're trying to mod fairly, but some of the polls are edited with you in the options available and that changes the meaning. for example, i sent one in where i specifically didnt want an 'all of the above' option so left it out, and phrased the q to have pick which best applies. so people had to choose, and i could actually get a clearer picture.
you say youre a neutral mod, and you allow all q's and censor nothing, but then this....
not cool dude
I only add options if I feel like it's missing important/potentially interesting/potentially relevant, definitely not for the purpose of stepping on anyone's toes. So I truly apologize. There have been a couple of cases where clear potential answers seemed to be overlooked (or sometimes purposely omitted in a leading way), so in these cases I actually added answers for the purpose of being as neutral as possible and making sure everyone's represented fairly. There's one ask that came through where the anon was like, "Who's the bottom?" and they listed many different names for Mike Wheeler to make a point. But obviously that wouldn't be a fair poll haha.
With your Finn and Noah questions, I added the "I just think he's fine as hell" option because I feel like sometimes you just think someone's hot/physically appealing, and that's all there is to it (and the options didn't seem to capture that). I do think "attraction" is a nebulous and complex term because some people pretty much only mean that when they say they're attracted to a celebrity or even to a person they know IRL, and others don't mean that at all and view attraction exclusively through the lens of personality/talents/overall aesthetic.
And I added the "all of the above" option not for the purpose of it being an easy out for people (that's honesty what the see results button is for), but from the mindset that lots of people might genuinely be attracted to Finn/Noah for all of those reasons combining into one. That way, they can still choose the individual answers if there's truly one leading factor. I don't think attraction is always a matter of "Oh, I'm attracted to this person for X reason." With Finn in particular, I think a lot of people are drawn to him because he's a Renaissance Man with many sides/talents, not just specifically because he's a musician or because he's funny.
I hope that makes sense. Again, I genuinely have no intention of meddling with these polls or stepping on your toes or anyone else's. So I truly apologize if it came across like malice or ill-intent. If you have other concerns/questions about this, don't hesitate to ask!
(Actually I'm realizing now it's possible you may have been referring to a different question and not the Finn/Noah questions, so if that's the case I apologize as well. The same general reasoning applies in all cases, but the specifics may be different so lmk if that's the case).
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