#lmk s4 english special
nounaarts · 1 year
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Surprise mini comic !
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lunar-wandering · 1 year
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"I just wanted to become stronger, strong enough to protect those around me."
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"But I lost sight of my original intention."
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"I know I've made mistakes that can't be undone."
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"But while reliving these memories over and over here..."
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"But at least you live forever."
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"You have the time to come back."
"Kid, I-"
"You told me, forever is a long time. I thought you were just talking nonsense. But you were right. We can't fix everything, but we can still make it better than it was before. As long as we believe that, then we can face whatever comes next."
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"Sun Wukong, I haven't learned enough to become a teacher. But, I'm going to face Azure Lion. I need you. Please, once again, become..."
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"The Invincible Monkey King."
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googleitlol · 1 year
I just noticed this detail, but I think it’s rlly neat. Nezha has pointed ears
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I know there’s tons of fanart depicting the celestials and demons with more pointed ears compared to the rounder ears of the humans in the show as well as other media that includes Nezha, but I didn’t realize that his design kept that feature in the LMK
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mariposiel · 1 year
This person has translated all four episodes of the S4 special into English!! This is how I watched the special! :)
EP 1:
EP 2:
EP 3:
EP 4:
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fluffypotatey · 1 year
i’m fighting my demons (watching lmk s4 special with no translations, just going all in and trying to understand the plot through context clues)
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astronnova · 1 year
so. season 4's special was something
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jumpscaregoose · 1 year
s4 special thoughts because I had no idea what was happening but still loved it
I think we finally got the shadowpeach divorce scene but I cannot be sure
NEZHA FINALLY GOT TO BE COOL WITHOUT IMMEDIATELY GETTING BEATEN UP. I have no idea what he did but it was rad as hell
can't believe red son casually got out of the scroll off screen like castiel in the spn finale. fic writers get on that
in the file I was watching it randomly cut out to the recorder's desktop. this would be fine if it wasn't a genshin impact wallpaper and right before macaque did something cool. imagine being me expecting lego violence and getting genshin instead what a scam
payed closer attention to the sound design because I couldn't understand the dialogue and both the score and sfx are fantastic
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Just saw the English episode titles. Guys the specials are going to be so FUCKED up.
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juice-boxy · 1 year
Desperately trying to find an English sub of the lmk special and failing
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nounaarts · 1 year
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It's everybody's fav !!
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lunar-wandering · 1 year
alright, i'll do it.
I'll go off the deep end over the argument scene
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First and foremost: they're kinda both in the wrong, obviously. But also kinda both in the right?
Macaque, is in the right for being upset that Wukong didn't listen to him, that Wukong drove himself to this point, etc etc. He, even, is not the one to start this argument, and instead approached peacefully, and attempted to leave when he was getting irritated. It was Wukong that pushed him over the edge into blowing up at him.
He even leaves afterwards, which, actually, is technically the right course of action. In a healthy relationship (platonic or romantic) it'd be best to give both parties time to cool off, and then return and discuss the issues calmly to find a solution.
The main problem is; they don't do this. Macaque doesn't come back, and Wukong doesn't cool off.
On the other hand, Wukong is in the right for being mad, mad that Macaque isn't working to free him (cause, from his position, it sure seems like he isn't), and is instead 'wasting time'. Mad that Macaque would dare to say he was dragged into a mess when he isn't the one trapped under a mountain. (On some level, mad at himself, likely, for letting all this happen).
He, of course, doesn't have the choice to leave, so instead he's left.
The core issue here, as is usual with most relationships shown in media; is their lack of communication. Wukong didn't truly listen to Macaque, and Macaque was too upset to understand Wukong's side of the issue.
...And they let this fester.
Of course, this isn't the end of the falling apart between them. No, there's more to this, the show makes this adamantly clear with MK trying to get Macaque to tell him "what happened between them".
Things continued after this, this was just the barest tipping point.
So. Macaque (probably) didn't come back.
We don't know why. We don't know if it was his choice, based on hearing Wukong yell that he "never wants to see your face again", or if it wasn't his choice, if something else happened.
So Wukong is left alone.
It is shown, in Journey to the West, that Wukong is prone to anger.
Quite usually, this is his response to most situations that upset him (followed later by crying), anger and destruction is usually his first response.
Whether viewed under an "autistic Wukong" lense or a "traumatized Wukong" lense, this makes perfect sense.
It's even shown in the show, if you look at the early pieces of flashback art that show bits of the Journey, you can see that Wukong looks pissed in most of them, and that he slowly starts to look happier as the images go on, as, in the story, he worked on this issue, and got better, less angry, less prone to immediately resort to violence.
(Notably, as far as I remember, the tipping point for when he slowly starts becoming less violent literally is the Macaque Chapter. Interesting, huh?)
Wukong, likely, logically knows that there was nothing Macaque could do to free him. Emotionally, though?
He's going to be upset the next time he sees him. And when he's upset, he's prone to anger.
Macaque, on the other hand, is going to see Wukong, with the Journey to the West group, slowly becoming a better person, old parts of him returning, creating someone new. Wukong... changed for these people, he listens to them.
But not for him. Wukong didn't change for him, and he never listened to him.
So. They meet again. We're not sure how. We don't know if that whole thing of Macaque pretending to be Wukong and attacking the JTTW gang is still actually a thing in Monkie Kid. It's possible he might do it out of jealousy, but we're not sure if it happens.
Maybe Macaque came to Wukong for help. Maybe Wukong, still mad about being left behind, refused. (I consider this possible based on the the way the special shows Macaque when MK says that "Monkey King would try to save us if one of us was trapped" + his reaction to MK saying he'd never abandon his friend in s3ep10. It's possible he's regretting not trying harder to free Wukong, but...)
We don't know.
What we do know is, they fought, and Wukong, in the end, successfully killed Macaque.
A Key thing this show hasn't brought up though is... how.
Shadow Play, vaguely, implies that it might've been via his Kaiju Form.
Notably, we are now at the point where Wukong, who, once again notably, has the most memorable Kaiju Form within the story of Journey To The West, is the only one of the three monkeys in this show who hasn't used their Kaiju Form.
We've been told, quite a few times, actually, that Wukong is holding back.
He held back against Nezha. He held back in episode 9, in the fight against Macaque. Even when he was possessed he wasn't using his full power- we're outright told that Wukong was fighting her control the whole time- he couldn't do that while also going at full power.
We've never seen Wukong go all out in the show.
Why would the most powerful character, of all time, not use that power to defeat world-ending threats? Why would he choose to not pull out all the stops?
("You can't just ignore your power because you're afraid of it.")
Why else, would he not be using his full power, if it wasn't what killed his best friend?
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googleitlol · 1 year
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This is more of a rant but every time I get to this scene part of me just shrivels ever so slightly. As much as I love this final shot of the beach scene, with the music and Wukong’s reassurance that they can handle whatever is coming, it really makes me feel bad… in a good way!
Like, it just puts me in this unease. Like I’m scared for what’s abt to happen and season 5. Don’t even get me started on Macaque in the centre of the shot being the only one with genuine worry on his face (Red Son’s misery is comical so it’s not as impactful). Like, Macaque is giving me slight death flags and I rlly don’t want him to die but I feel like out of any of the cast the writers would put on the chopping block it’s him—
ANYWAY! This final beach shot scares me and makes me excited for season 5, but also rlly nervous.
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theweepingegg · 1 year
What both irks me and amuse me is that LMK S4 FINALE just drop today(1st June here, but it might have been out on 31st May for some) and the comments:
"Is the English dub out yet?"
My dude, My homie, My amigo, My dear friend....
The special episodes just came out Not even a DAY. The ENG dub will take probably a week or a few days after the CN version.
Do you not learned from the Previous SEASONS????
A very tired Animator
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niadrawsstuff · 1 year
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it’s about damn time i drew lmk s4 art-
ive been meaning to draw art for season 4 for a while but I left the wip after a bit. THEN THE SPECIALS GOT RELEASED IN MANDARIN which gave me enough motivation to finish this lmao
anyways NO SPOILERS FOR THE SPECIALS‼️ im planning on waiting for the english version to release so TAG YO SPOILERS !!
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fluffypotatey · 1 year
in preparation of the LEGO Monkie Kid s4 special being released soon, imma be blocking any and all tags that will be talking about it in order to avoid spoilers
so, to anyone who will be watching the special and posting about it, let me know how you’ll be tagging 🥰 for now I’m filtering out lmk s4 special, lmk s4 special spoilers, lego monkie kid s4 special, lego monkie kid s4 special spoilers
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foxgonyoom · 1 year
Tag your spoilers!
Alright so apparently the S4 Special came out in China, so I’m making this post to remind y’all to tag your posts. I plan on waiting for the English special, but my impulse control isn’t exactly airtight, so me (and other spoiler avoiders) need your help.
Here’s a list of potential tags you can use:
LMK S4 Special Spoilers
Lego Monkie Kid S4 Special Spoilers
S4 Special Spoilers
Season 4 Special Spoilers
LMK Season 4 Special Spoilers
Lego Monkie Kid Season 4 Special Spoilers
S4 Spoilers
Season 4 Spoilers
As well as other variations. You don’t have to use all of these, they’re just ideas.
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Also remember this! It’ll hide any text that’s written below it unless the reader taps the “read more” button.
Also make sure not to put spoilers in your reblogs unless it’s of spoilers!
Alright that’s all I wanna say. Enjoy the special (whenever you watch it), y’all!
K byeeeeeeeeeee!
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