#lobotomy for my brainrot
anulithots · 4 months
In preparation for the Bio fanfic I want to do.
It shall be my summer project. I'll finish LotFF, and write a bio fanfic, hyperfixate on Link Click, and get back into reading. Keeping it simple and fun. hehehe
okay side tangent what I meant is that:
It would be so. much. fun. to try to make this with other people. the biology people. the infodumping and brainstorming that could take place it would be wonderous.
SO! Gently tagging some people, please let me know if you're interested, but NOT forced whatsoever also this is a vague idea right now. (in terms of organizing this). I do not know what I'm doing...but I'll figure it out. (Also apologies if this is too forward after not interacting a ton... however... BIOLOGY AND SLEEP DEPRIVATION IS TEMPORARILY OVERRIDING MY SHY-NESS)
@osbob-the-existent @neurospicy-salsa @bonesbeetle @pansexual-exoplanet
ALso also, to any other biology-interested creatures who stumble across this post, feel free to let me know if you want to be included!!! <3 <3 <3 <3
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pixiest1cks · 2 months
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i'd like to think no matter where he's at in his life, dottore likes to ramble as he works.
no matter if he's prime, or the more ill-tempered scholar from the akademiya or even omega build, dottore quietly mumbles as a habit when he's working.
some things he says aloud are just to commit certain details to memory. in the grander scheme of his plans, the details seem small-- but they hold a crucial grip on the entire project. because of this, dottore reasons that the habit holds its merits.
sometimes, he makes sarcastic remarks when something doesn't go well. short, choppy words that mostly go unheard even by those in his general vicinity. when you first worked under him, he had mumbled to himself like usual (it was second nature at that point). what he hadn't expected though, were your responses.
"stupid thing tightly screwed--"
"do you need a wrench, sir?"
before he could respond, you had one held and ready to hand to him. from then on, you would help him out here and there in his more foul moods and dottore would be lying if he said the additional assistance wasn't helpful.
the mad scientist had found an adequate assistant.
work went by smoother, toning down a good portion of his irritation. it's almost as if having someone to support you (even if it was strictly for work purposes) provided more benefits than he had originally thought. of course, he would never admit that. the most he would do is thank you here and there when you proved to be extra useful.
work continues the same for a while. the interactions grow more frequent and so his musings change from your responses. instead of talking to himself, he talks to you. he asks you for your input, for you to pass him whatever he can't reach from his other desk, he asks for you.
that is, until you're gone one day.
dottore doesn't think anything of it. he's worked alone for his whole life, what's a few days without you? but his segments have been more irritable as of late, resulting in lackluster performance as a whole not only from his segments, but his troops. the fatui are fearful of the doctor, but even more so of an irritated one. you'll turn up eventually and everything will be back to normal, he reasons.
but as the days go on, you are still nowhere to be found in the cold, desolate laboratory. he finally pauses in his work to think about where you could be.
something must've happened. something outside of his jurisdiction. it's not like it's his problem. you might've proved a useful assistant to him, but his work holds utmost priority.
yes, work. back to work.
and dottore mumbles as usual, but it's not the same.
by habit, he calls out for you to hand him something--
but you're not there.
dottore is a scholar first and foremost. all it takes to find you is a little bit of research, so he does exactly that. he finds out you've been working somewhere else, somewhere closer to home to better support your family.
well, that's no problem. he'll have his assistant back as soon as possible, no matter the cost. all he needed to know was your whereabouts.
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justrustandstardust · 7 months
Y'all know this whole queer, gay shit is wrong. Like God created man and woman to have a strong attraction to each other. This is wrong!
Plus we're too different anons here, don't blame the others. I'm the one who sent the message were l mentioned "men being friends" plus l second the other anon cause y'all ruin everything good. We love our animes with their original chemistry. Please keep your queer shit to yourself and keep jjk outta it, the world can't revolve around y'alls please......
actually god created men to tickle other mens’ buttholes for everyone else’s enjoyment and i know because jesus told me yesterday while we watched stsg do exactly that in jjk0 and if you don’t agree i’ll text jesus so you can take it up with him yourself. he’s pretty busy hunting straight people for sport and watching anime so idk if he’ll get back to you
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catxolotlquoise · 1 year
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Oop forgot to post this here aswell
Having my silly idea of Murder Drones but it's Lobotomy Corporation AU
First victim, CYN :]
If you know the game, you'll know why I chose CYN as these two abnormalities
PS. Yes I know I spelt WhiteNights name wrong, fight me
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lxmelle · 4 months
Re-reading some satosugu moments after chapter 261 dropped.
Spoilers under cut
“If you were there to pat me on the back, I might’ve been satisfied.” I know Geto was shown to have a little tear in reaction to this, and after knowing what he did and was willing to do with his body in ch261… phew, I feel like he recognised that Gojo really valued Geto’s presence and acceptance* of what he was doing, and that he had nothing to be envious over. (*more on this later)
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Yes, he wasn’t lonely and yes he had fun with someone with unparalleled strength, but it seems like, as it was shown in his thoughts over the impossibility not becoming a monster alone - hinting that nobody else would do - because he single-mindedly has been chasing one person. (Just like Geto was who adorned himself with a Gojokesa, no less. Geto who couldn’t smile in a world despite having a family for the past 10 years but felt like he could cope with things when Gojo was by his side. Smiling warmly at his words at the very end). I think Geto recognised that. Hence the tear after seeing Gojo’s end and hearing what his friend had to say about it.
When they both heard how Nanami also spent a lot of time reflecting on the past, and yet ironically bet on things in the future at his death... Gojo also seemed appeased by this, deciding he didn’t have any regrets in the afterlife and yelled out to Yaga.
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He seemed satisfied with his decision over events in 261 too.
Geto’s tears in both panels (I actually didn’t notice the second for some time) seemed to depict a sense of bittersweet realisation that he was truly missed / needed by Gojo. Or that their sacrifices had meaning. Who knows... but it does really hit different after the recent chapter. It’s just so like Geto to express himself in this way. The Japanese aren’t really blunt, so it makes a lot of sense that he is a little vague.
Just like at the end of jjk 0, he says that he didn’t think Gojo had forgiven him and still had trust for him. He thought they’d fought. His statement of “you should curse (me out) at the end” is as much of an admission of his apology as he could give in that moment.
Although it makes a lot of sense of Gojo’s last words to be “I love you.” (As I wrote about in another blog), it makes equal sense to me if he said “welcome home; you did your best.”
Because then Geto’s blushing smile could’ve been how he realised he always had a place with Gojo. Nobody else could do. He didn’t realise until then that he was actually loved by the person he loved too. The person he tried to save by dirtying his hands and try to preserve. He loved by trying to sacrifice himself not knowing that the other person actually needed him and would have been monsters together if Geto said “Yes, kill them.” at the hideout. A few people on X were tweeting about how it was ironic how Geto’s CT of intaking curses and his way of loving was to let them go; Gojo’s CT was to repel energy and his way of loving was to hold on forever. Sigh.
Nevertheless, we see how Gojo respected what Geto needed to do and didn’t chase after him. He allowed himself to be left behind. If you think about it, Gojo has done every. single. thing. Geto has requested from him, from giving Riko a good time, not killing the followers, ensuring there is a point to killing anyone, letting him walk away because it would be respecting his decision to live his life doing his best to create a world of sorcerers, let him go get crepes with his girls, and finally… to be the one to end his life. (He probably also gave his body to his cult family because Geto asked about whether they escaped, showing his consideration for his friend.) This was the warmth of his loving acceptance. Gojo was accepting of Geto’s need to do things on his own and never forced his will upon him.
Some others on X were discussing how Geto was within Gojo’s inner circle ⭕️ and that he wasn’t considered a “flower” to him. Thus, he drew a line between him and others and never could let anyone in. It makes sense when we think of them as the “strongest duo” that came to an end, and the Yin & Yang nature of their dynamic. Geto felt left behind by Gojo and Gojo felt left behind by Geto. Sigh.
Yuta: Don’t be a monster on your own.
Gojo thinks: It’s impossible; I was left behind back then, so I need to catch up (in other words: because nobody else will do beside me, besides Suguru).
Again, it hits harder to read ch236:
“at some point, a line was drawn between me and others as a living creature.” (People became flowers whom he believed could never understand him.)
“I couldn’t reach him. I had fun.” (I tried to be a monster and fight a monster to see if the answer was to reach someone else, it it didn’t work but I had fun going all out for once in my life; dying in battle than of old age.)
And “If you were there, I’d probably have been satisfied.” (There was something missing and it was you.)
And it all makes sense what he said in jjk0 that in his personal opinion: “love was the most twisted curse of all.” And “my one and only best friend.”
Ah... tragic love. Sigh.
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578memorylane · 29 days
important (not important) lobcorp oc question
should devona have a grey streak in their hair in the library
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8thsniper · 1 year
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lu-is-not-ok · 1 year
Netzach x Chesed walked so Yi Sang x Hong Lu could fly
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naarinn · 7 months
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When The Sun Wukong brainrot is so bad, a lion oil pastel drawing turns into the Monkey King.
I need to be labotomized.
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cheeseballsack · 19 days
do you guys see the resemblance
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@sweaterface gadagadegadagao lawrence brainrot
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anulithots · 3 months
Okay so I'm writing a biology story. (very neurotypical of me /sarcasm)
and there are some executive decisions I need help with. HENCE POLLS
now for like the whole... how human do I want this story to be. I'm used to writing the genderless, romanticless fairies of the land of the fallen fairies but ehhh for biology self-indulgent brainrot I can have some... creative liberty I suppose.
The lovely biology taglist: @vamp4ever @bonesbeetle @neurospicy-salsa @sea-dwelling-wizard
lmk if you want to be added or removed!
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my-apollo-gies · 7 days
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justrustandstardust · 7 months
hypothetically if gojo and suguru were real what do you think they’d think of your interesting support of their relationship, hypothetically ofc…
gege actually told me that gojo’s last words to geto were “i have to make sure 🌹 tells everyone about how we hatefucked in secret for ten years bc we’re both homotron 3000” to which geto nodded in agreement so hard that he then immediately died (it’s canon i don’t make the rules sorry)
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sucha-coolcat · 1 month
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shinamin-roll · 7 months
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Now this is a perfect example of an oxymoron.
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