#local anxious man got my heart :)
kaybzzart · 1 year
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Done :) !
at first, I thought "damn the og colors are awful!" but once it was done I thought to myself "ConcernedApe knows more about colors than I ever did" ahah !
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dilf-issues · 3 months
Big Bad Wolf & Little Lamb: Lesson 1. (C.M)
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Synopsis: You met Maeve, your best friend, in College and over the years you have become two peas in a pod. Maeve decided to invite you back to her hometown in Ireland for the summer break and that’s where you met her dad, Cillian.
Warnings: EXPLICIT CONTENT AHEAD. Age Gap, (all legal of age), Corruption kink, Innocent! reader, Cillian’s massive tease, Sex, Oral Sex, Fingering, Cillian teaches the reader EVERYTHING. Virgin! Reader, inexperienced! Reader
Chapter warnings: sexual corruption, innocent reader, age gap, dom/sub, masturbation, voyeurism, sudden panty sniffing?
A/N: Cillian looks like Lenny Miller in this fic!
After months of planning, Maeve finally convinced me to come visit her countryside hometown during the summer break. As I stepped off the plane, the fresh Irish air filled my lungs, and the friendly smiles of the folks at the airport greeted me. Maeve was waiting for me outside, and she looked more radiant than ever in the warm Irish sunshine.
"You made it!" she exclaimed, throwing her arms around me in a tight, familiar hug. I laughed, returning the embrace, and then we picked up my bags and made our way towards her car. As we drove out of the airport, the familiar countryside views and winding roads brought a sense of tranquility and anticipation for the adventure ahead.
Maeve chatted excitedly about all the things she wanted to show me – the breathtaking coastlines, charming villages, local festivals and hidden gems. Her enthusiasm was infectious, and I couldn't help but feel a thrill of anticipation for the adventures ahead.
As we drove, Maeve filled me in on her family situation. "You'll love my dad," she enthused. "His name's Cillian – he's a bit of a character, but he's a total softie at heart. My parents are divorced, so it's just the two of us."
“Is he a scary person?” I asked quietly. I don’t deal with strangers too well, and I am not exactly a friendly person. Not because I don’t want to, it is because I am socially anxious. When me and Maeve first met, she was the one who came up to me to pair for a group assignment. “I don’t want to bother him, that’s all”
Maeve chuckled, noticing the slight hint of trepidation on my face. "Don't worry," she said. "My dad's a sweetheart, I promise. He might seem intimidating at first – he's a big, well not really in height but in size, burly Irishman – but he's the gentlest person you'll ever meet."
“I hope he likes me, so we can stay friends” Maeve suddenly pinched my cheeks as I flushed at the gesture.
“Why are you such a cutie, Y/N!”
“I’m not!”
"Oh, he'll love you," Maeve reassured me, patting my knee. "He's always excited to meet my friends. Just be yourself, and you'll win him over in no time."
As we approached Maeve's home, I could feel my heart hammering in my chest. Meeting a friend's parent was always a nerve-wracking experience, and the fact that it was Maeve's dad – a man she clearly loved and respected – made it all the more intimidating.
“Why do I feel like I’m meeting your dad to have his permission to marry you” Maeve burst out laughing as she nodded in agreement. There was really nothing to be afraid off, but since I was a generally anxious, I couldn’t help it.
Maeve must have sensed my nerves because she squeezed my hand reassuringly. "You got this," she murmured, as we walked up the cobblestone pathway towards the front door.
Taking a deep breath, I pushed open the door and stepped into the cozy, welcoming home of Maeve's childhood. The sound of a friendly dog barking greeted us from the other room, and a moment later, an imposing figure strode into the hallway.
As Cillian stepped into the hallway to greet us, I couldn't help but internally gasp at his sheer presence. He was beautiful, with broad shoulders and a rugged, masculine air about him. His eyes were a light, piercing blue, and his dark hair was speckled with flecks of silver.
"Hello there, you must be Y/N," He said, his voice deep and gravelly. He smiled warmly, and I noticed the lines at the corners of his eyes, hinting at years of laughter and experience. “Maeve told me a lot about you, I’m pleased to have you here, love. Make yourself at home”
I felt shivers ran down my spine the minute I heard him talk, his voice was deep and smooth just like how you would feel drinking an expensive espresso if that’s how I could describe it. It’s a stupid comparison to say the least, but it is true.
I couldn’t even meet his eyes to greet him back, but I didn’t want to seem rude so I quickly glanced at him and for some reason bowed slightly, as I quietly replied, “Nice to meet you, Sir”
Cillian chuckled at my timid response, the sound rumbling deep in his chest like distant thunder. "No need to be nervous, lassie," he said, his accent thick and lilting. "I don't bite."
Maeve laughed as she gently nudged me, I stayed quiet still, “Sorry dad, she’s generally like this”
“It’s alright” I heard him respond. I didn’t know how to describe it but someone I can feel his gaze burning holes into me, as if he was studying me from the top of my head until the bottoms of my feet, “Well, why don’t both of you settle in. Maeve, get the darling settled into the guest bedroom, will you”
Maeve excitedly pulls me upstairs, as I followed her. However, I felt like I needed to take a last glance at Cillian and when I looked back,
He was already looking right at me.
My heart pounded in my chest as I quickly averted my gaze from him, running along with Maeve. Cillian on the other hand, I couldn’t read his expression. He wasn’t smiling, nor did he looked angry. He just stared at me with this look on his face that I couldn’t exactly describe.
“How old is your dad?” I asked, curious of his age since his appearance looks quite youthful for his age.
“He is 47, why?” Maeve replied absentmindedly, helping me unpacked all of my clothes and putting them in the closet.
“Nothing, I’m just curious” I muttered, as I joined her.
Maeve suddenly stopped what she was doing, “You don’t have a crush on my dad now, do you?” She pointed out, accusingly.
My eyes widened as I violently shook my head, “No! What are you talking about?!”
“Okay good, I trust you” I raised my brows at her, “It’s just that most of my friends fancies him, that’s all. The most disgusting thing is they keep trying to make advances towards my dad. I don’t know what they see in him, ugh” Maeve cringed as her whole body shook as if she was shuddering.
“N-No, you know I would never do that to you” In someways, saying that seemed wrong.
“I know. Out of all my friends you are the only ‘good’ ones and I’m pretty sure you won’t try to fuck my dad”
“That’s crazy, Maeve. Did any of your friends tried to do that?”
“Trust me, most of them do. But whenever they do, my dad just tells me to never invite them over again” I nodded, not replying anything to her story.
Of course, I wouldn’t do that to Maeve. Hell, I wouldn’t even touch any men with a ten-foot pole. Not that I’ve had anyone taking their interest in me, I was mostly too focused on my studies to even notice. All my life, it had always been about studying and succeeding and it wasn’t even because of peer pressure from my family, it’s just because I really enjoyed it.
So even if somebody liked me, I wouldn’t want to do anything with it.
After a few hours of catching up, the house grew quiet as night fell outside. I laid in bed for a while, but eventually, my thirst got the better of me. Quietly, I got up and crept downstairs, not wanting to wake anyone.
The house was silent as I padded down the stairs and into the kitchen, flicking on the light.
As I poured myself a glass of water, I heard a faint shuffling sound from another room. Curiosity getting the better of me, I turned to see a dim light coming from the living room. Peering through the door, I saw Cillian sitting in an armchair, nursing a glass of whiskey.
He looked up, seeing me standing in the doorway. A small smile tugged at the corners of his lips. "Having trouble sleeping?" he asked, his voice a soft rumble in the quiet room.
I blushed, feeling a little embarrassed at being caught. "Just got thirsty," I said, holding up my water glass sheepishly.
I was just about to turn and go back upstairs, but Cillian's voice halted me. "Come sit for a spell," he said, gesturing to the armchair opposite his. "It's lonely drinking alone."
I wanted to reject his offer but it would have seemed rude and I didn’t want to make that impression of being Maeve’s best friend.
I hesitated for a moment, feeling a mix of shyness and curiosity. Finally, I padded into the room, settling into the armchair across from Cillian. The light from the side lamp cast a warm glow on his features, making them look even more rugged and handsome.
Cillian took a slow sip of his whiskey, studying me from across the room. "So, Y/N, tell me about yourself," he said, leaning back in his chair. His gaze was intense, but not unkind.
“Um... There’s not really much to talk about... I’m not an interesting person” For some reason, speaking to him made my voice slower, as if I was scared of him. But I wasn’t, I was merely nervous about his presence.
“I think you are... Maeve told me you’re a great student” Cillian imposed, “She told me about how good you are in school”
My eyes widened slightly, “So basically Maeve told you I’m a nerd?” I groaned quietly, there was a small part of me that wanted him to think I was cool which was pathetic.
Cillian chuckled, shaking his head, “I’m not sure being a nerd is a bad thing, love. I think it’s great” He smirked.
There it is again, the pet names. The pet names made me feel butterflies in my tummy like a stupid school girl who has a crush on their teacher.
“It just means you are dedicated to your studies and I admire that, I’m glad Maeve became friends with someone like you” I muttered a silent ‘thanks’ at his statement but I didn't really know what to say afterward. There was a deafening silence between the two of us, I just sat in front of him quietly as I kept drinking my water. I was looking at the fireplace as if it were the most interesting thing in the world. However, the hairs on the back of my neck kept standing up because I knew Cillian was staring at me intently, his gaze never breaking from my figure.
There he goes again, looking at me as if he was studying me.
“Are you scared of me, darling?” Cillian broke the silence, making you jump slightly when you heard his voice. “You won’t even look me in the eyes”
I blushed heavily, caught off guard by his direct question. I had been trying to avoid looking directly at him, feeling intimidated by his intense gaze. I stammered a bit before finally meeting his eyes.
"I'm sorry," I said, my voice sounding small in the quiet room. "I don't mean to be rude, it's just... you're kind of intimidating."
“Am I, now?” I nodded in response, still not looking at him. “Look at me while you are talking to me before I make you”
I felt a shiver run down my spine at the change in his tone. I looked up to meet his gaze, my heart beat quickening. His eyes seemed to pierce through me, their deep blue hue holding me captive.
“There you go, darlin’,” Cillian said, his voice softer now. “It’s not so hard, is it?” He took another sip of his whiskey, studying me over the rim of his glass.
“No,” I muttered, unable to look away from his piercing gaze. “It’s just...you’re so intense." My voice was barely above a whisper.
Cillian hummed, “You know, the previous girls Maeve brought home they weren’t so scared of me”
I blinked, surprised by his comment. "They weren't?" I asked, feeling a pang of self-consciousness. "Is it a bad thing that I am slightly intimidated by you?”
“No...” For some reason, Cillian had stood up from his armchair, walking towards me with the whiskey glass still in his hands. Cillian walked over to the empty side of the sofa I was sitting in and took a seat. With every step he took, I could feel my heart beating faster and faster.
I couldn't help but feel a flutter of nervousness as he approached me, his large form seeming even more imposing in the intimate space of the living room. He settled in beside me on the sofa, his thigh mere inches from mine.
I could feel his warmth radiating from his body, and the scent of his cologne filled my senses. I tried to remain calm, taking slow, deep breaths to steady my racing heart.
“Every time she brought them over, I felt like throwing them out. It seems like their parents don’t teach them...” He paused before taking a sip of his whiskey, “...Manners”
I felt a lump form in my throat, feeling a mix of shame and fear. I knew I hadn't been very good at hiding my timid behavior, and now it seemed like I was being called out for it.
"I...I'm sorry," I mumbled, still unable to tear my gaze away from his intense eyes. "I'll try to be better."
“Such a good girl, aren’t you?” He muttered, my face burned even hotter at his words. I was used to being called ‘good’ by my parents or my teachers, but coming from Cillian’s mouth, it sounded different, deeper, and more intimate.
I fidgeted slightly under his gaze, feeling both flustered and strangely drawn to him.
"Thanks..." I murmured, not quite sure how to respond. I took a sip of my forgotten water, trying to hide my shaky hands. The silence stretched out between us, and I could feel Cillian’s gaze still on me, studying me intently.
"You're different from the other girls Maeve brought home," he said suddenly, his voice seeming to echo through the quiet room. "I can see it in your eyes, you've got a hint of...timidity."
I felt embarrassed at his accurate observation, but there was something else in his tone that made me shiver. Was it mockery, or was there a hint of something different? I couldn't quite tell.
I nodded slowly, not trusting myself to speak. I could feel his gaze on me, like a physical weight against my skin. I fidgeted with the hem of my t-shirt, feeling strangely out of sorts.
"There's nothing wrong with a little bit of timidity," he said, his voice a low rumble. “But a girl like you...you'll need someone to bring you out of your shell, teach you how to be brave.”
“What do you mean by that Sir?” I suddenly got curious. Cillian took a deep breath, realizing how innocent I was.
‘How can you not know what he was trying to do?’ He thought to himself.
“Call me Cillian for now my love, save the honorifics somewhere else, yeah?” Cillian was hinting at me but of course, I didn’t know the context of his words. “I’m sure you can call me, Sir... Sometime in the future”
“What do you mean?” I repeated the same question again, it seemed like Cillian was speaking words with double meanings that I could just not understand.
“If you keep calling me that, I might do something that I’ve been dying to do since you walked into my house, pet”
I felt my cheeks flush at his words. I had never called anyone 'Sir' before, but something in the way Cillian said it made me shiver. I felt torn between my natural nervous nature and a strange, unexpected curiosity at the thought of submitting to him.
“O-Okay, I’m sorry Cillian...”
“How are you such a good girl, hmm? You listen to everything I say”
I felt a flutter of flattery at his words, and a small part of me liked the way ‘good girl’ sounded coming from his mouth.
"I try to be... respectful," I mumbled, feeling a bit self-conscious. "It's how my parents raised me, I guess."
Cillian chuckled softly, the sound sending a shiver down my spine. "Your parents raised you well," he said, his eyes never leaving me. "They taught you how to listen, how to behave. But have they ever taught you how to be disobedient?"
“N-No... I never had to”
Cillian hummed in acknowledgement, the corners of his lips twitching into a small smirk. "That's what I thought," he murmured, his voice low and gravelly. "You've always done what you're told, haven't you, darlin'? Never questioned it, not even for a second?"
I nodded, feeling a bit bashful under his intense gaze. "I...I guess so..." I mumbled, fidgeting with my fingers. "I don't like making waves. It's just...easier to follow the rules, you know?"
Cillian chuckled, the sound sending a shiver down my spine once again. "You're a rule-follower," he said, his tone almost amused. "You always do what you're told, never rock the boat, yeah? But deep down, darlin', don't you ever wonder what it would be like to be a little... mischievous?"
As he said that, I noticed he sat closer and closer to me. His arms rested on the back of the sofa and I felt myself getting smaller. I gripped the glass in my hands tightly as I decided to set it on the coffee table before I actually break it.
I felt myself becoming increasingly aware of my own small, trembling form. It was like I was being swallowed up by Cillian's presence, his large frame dominating the space between us. I fidgeted with the hem of my t-shirt, trying to keep my hands from shaking too visibly.
“I-I don’t know... I’ve never had the thought of it I guess...” I responded as he smirked.
“Tell me now, do you have a boyfriend?”
“No, I’ve never had one” I felt my heart skip a beat at his question. It was such a personal, direct question, and coming from Cillian's mouth, it felt oddly intimate. I blushed heavily and shook my head, feeling a mix of shyness and... something else I couldn't quite identify.
"No boyfriend, huh?" he murmured, his voice a low rumble. "A pretty thing like you, I'm surprised." He shifted slightly, his body moving even closer to mine on the sofa, “That’s good”
Cillian’s hand suddenly went up to my neck as he brushed over the loose strand of hair that fell on my shoulder, his fingers lingered on my skin as it tingled and sent shivers down my spine.
“C-Cillian?” I gasped as his hand brushed against my neck, my skin tingling at his touch. His fingers lingered on my bare skin, igniting a strange sensation that sent shivers down my spine. I suddenly felt very conscious of our proximity, his body so close to mine on the sofa.
“Have you ever touched your pussy, sweetheart?” At that moment, my heart dropped at the sudden vulgarity that he had. It was such a crude word, crass, anything to describe how bad it sounded coming out of his mouth. I was speechless and I couldn’t even focus on what to say since Cillian's hand still lingered on my neck as he leaned closer, his voice dropping to a low, gravelly whisper. “You like that, darlin’?” he murmured, his breath hot against my ear. “Feel that... shiver running down your spine? Your skin’s already got goosebumps, yeah? I can see them. All over your neck, your arms…even your chest”
It was a feeling I had never felt before in my life. Something coiling deep in my gut as I felt myself clenching my thighs due to my... Private parts... Pulsating, at his words, his voice, everything about him.
Cillian looked down as he scoffed, noticing how my thighs kept clenching, his hands lowered down to my thighs as he tried keeping them apart. I did nothing to stop him.
Deep down, I knew how wrong it was for my best friend’s father to be touching me like this. But I couldn’t help it, I felt scared and maybe... Maybe I liked it. But I was scared of what he was going to do if I imposed, we were already in too deep and I felt like there’s nothing I can do.
However, there is. I could’ve stopped it... I just didn’t want to.
“Answer my question and be a good girl. Have you ever touched your pretty little pussy, darling?” I whimpered silently as his fingers began to roam closer to my inner thighs. I clamped his hand after feeling an unfamiliar gush of wetness flowing out of my core, “Keep your fucking legs open, alright?”
Cillian growled and I immediately spread my legs wider than before, “That’s a good girl” His voice turned soft once again. “Now, what did I ask you?”
“I’ve never touched myself... Down there, before...” I closed my eyes, breathing heavily as I felt like the feeling in my core was starting to become more and more painful.
Cillian hummed deeply, his fingers growing dangerously closer and closer to my pussy, and the next thing I knew, his hands completely touched my pussy over my shorts. Instinctively, I grabbed his wrist to stop him.
“What if Maeve finds out?”
“She sleeps like a log, the world could be ending and she won’t even wake up” Cillian muttered, pulling my hand off of his wrist, “I won’t tell if you won’t... I know how much of a good girl you are and you promise me you would keep those pretty little mouths shut?”
I simply nodded. I don’t know what possessed me to be so obedient to whatever was happening. Normally, I would have run away catching the next flight home, and never returned. However, Cillian was making me desperate, desperate to know what was going to happen next.
“I’m going to take off these cute shorts, alright?” I nodded once again, listening to everything he said as if I was under a spell. He took off my shorts as he pushed my legs apart. He was greeted with a sight, so wet, my underwear was soaked and I didn’t even realize it, “Pretty little thing...”
His index finger softly tapped the pulsating tiny bump, as I jolted in his grasp. I whimpered, raising my hips, asking for more.
“Such a fucking desperate slut” He groaned as he continued to rub circles on my clit, at this point I was writhing underneath him, my underwear getting wetter and wetter by the second. I would usually be offended if someone had called me such a degrading name but coming from him, it only made me want more, “Lean on me”
Cillian had instructed me to lean on his chest, my back close to him as he had his arms around me.
“I’m gonna teach you something, baby” I blushed at the new pet name he came up with, “I’m gonna teach you to touch yourself and I want to see you do it”
“O-Okay...” Cillian took my right hand and placed it on my sopping cunt, he pointed out my index finger as he slowly starts to rub circles on my clit. I whimpered almost too loudly as my left hand immediately covered my mouth. “C-Cillian! It feels nice!”
“I know, pet... Just keep doing it yeah, you’re gonna feel better once you cum” He encouraged, his eyes never leaving my writhing figure above him. I could feel something hard poking at the low of my back, it was hot and throbbing. “Fuck, so fucking pretty. The prettiest I have ever seen”
I was too focused on touching myself, drowning myself in the sensation to notice Cillian had my underwear in his left hand, burying his nose in the center as he took in the sweet and musky scent, his tongue darting out to taste the juice that previously leaked out to the material.
“Put a finger in and ram it inside, the faster you do it the better it feels” Cillian demanded, as if he was getting impatient, he took my finger once again directed it to my entrance, and shoved it in.
I was no longer whimpering, I was now moaning so loud I didn’t even care anymore. Cillian didn’t give me time to adjust, he just completely rammed it in and out at a fast pace that I couldn’t even catch up, he was doing it all on his own but with my own fingers.
“C-Cillian! I feel funny, please! Please, stop! I feel like I’m going to pee!” Cillian scoffed at the statement, he knew I was close to cumming but I didn’t know that. Instead, he taunted me, going even faster if it was even possible. He then placed his left hand on my lower tummy and pressed down hard. “No! No! No! Stop!”
“Cum. Fucking cum right now!” As if on queue, I cummed all over his hands, liquid gushing out of my hole rapidly as I cried out, the feeling of my first orgasm overwhelming me. Something I have never felt before. My whole body shook and twitched violently above him as I cried out, feeling tears of pleasure well up in my eyes. “That’s a good fucking girl, such a good girl for me...”
On my lower behind I felt a wet spot, indicating Cillian had also come undone in his pants. Cillian was as shocked as you because no woman could make him cum without touching him.
“You’re going to be the death of me” Cillian cursed as his fingers dipped into your entrance and I jolted in shock and overstimulation. His fingers went up to his mouth as he sucked all of the juices seeping out of my throbbing cunt, “Fucking delicious”
“C-Cillian... I can’t walk...” He laughed deeply, as he swiftly carried me and stood up from the couch.
“I’ll get my princess nice and clean, yeah?”
As he walked up towards my guest bedroom, carrying me without a problem, I could feel my thighs shaking as an aftermath.
“Cillian, are you gonna do those things to me again?” I stared at him with watery eyes, all fucked out from before, hopefully asking him.
“I’m gonna do more than that, sweetheart” Cillian paused as he opened the bedroom door, he placed me on top of the bed as hovered over my body, “I’m gonna fucking ruin you”
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lanadelreyscokewhor3 · 4 months
Pairing- Rich! Peter x Country Club! Fem! Reader
Word Count: 4.2k
Summary: You work at the local country club as a barcart girl and you run into your crush, aka the son of the richest man in town-Peter Parker. Simple flirting becomes something... more.
Warnings: Making out, suggestive sexual content, dry humping, teasing, swearing, drinking :)
i'm your national anthem, god, you're so handsome- take me to the hamptons, bugatti veyron... he loves to romance 'em, reckless abandon, holding me for ransom, upper echelon -national anthem, lana del rey
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Money is the anthem, of success- so before we go out- what’s your address? You hummed along to the sweet melody as it trickled out of the old stereo from your cart, speakers crackling slightly.
It was a hot summers day, you felt a little bead of sweat drip down the back of your neck as you breathed in the fresh air, smelling of fresh cut grass and fancy colone. It was days like this when you were most busy on the golf course, barley able to squeeze in a lunch break before someone came up to you, begging for a whisky sour.
But today you had tucked yourself away in a little hidden spot, a perfect view of scenery, the green hills stretching on for miles.
Sipping on a sweet ice tea from your straw you fiddled with, you watched as Peter Parker braced himself before swinging, club hitting the ball with a clean wack! before thudding down near the hole.
The wind rustled the flag and the fabric of his polo shirt, hair ruffled under his baseball cap.
You tried not to stare but it was impossible.
The way he smiled was intoxicating, and the way he laughed at his friends jokes… god you hoped to make him laugh like that someday.
Though he was almost four years older, the two of you had met during your freshman year of university. You weren’t close, but you werent strangers either. The odd hello was said, a smile and a passing glance in the library from his books.
Now you were practically about to graduate and he was working on his masters, his school out of state. He was home for the summer though, which was nice.
It just meant you could possibly serve him, which also made you anxious beyond belief because that meant you had to talk to him again. You took a bigger sip until you heard the straw suck up the bottom of the glass and the melting ice to ease your butterflies.
Wind in my hair, hand on the back of my neck- I said can we party later on he said yes, yes, yes!
Another deep breath.
He walked in your general direction, but you doubted he could see you. You prayed the low hanging branches covered you, or at least your face. You tried to look out at the rolling hills in the distance, admiring the scenery.
It was very out of your element, but you couldn’t deny the fact it was beautiful here. The ever so fancy country club estate glimmered in the sun, tall hedges trimmed to perfection with roses blooming in the gardens.
You could just see the tall fountain spilling water down, next to the tennis court. Sometimes you worked the bar there, or handed out water and towels, but you preferred being a cart girl.
It made your life much more interesting, to drive around and to see more people. Today you got to see your favourite person.
And apparently he got to see you.
The branches rustled and got pulled to the side, a buff, 6’4 man staring down at you. “Hey sorry, am I bothering you?”
You almost choked on your straw as you bite down on it. “No, no sorry I was just on my break. But how can I help you?”
“Oh shit my bad, I’ll leave you to it-“ He went to turn away, then stopped. Whipped back around.
“Wait- Y/N? Is that you?” Your heart skipped a beat.
“Yeah hey Peter.” you smiled.
“Jeez it’s been a while! I missed seeing you around. How’s life been?”
He missed you?! No, he missed seeing you. That’s different. Get a fucking grip woman.
“I missed you too! Or- wait erm… It’s been good! How’s life at Warner?”
His eyes brightened as you stumbled over your words, pleased you remembered where he was.
“It’s good. Super good. Lots of sunshine, and I’ve made some friends.”
“Not failing anything I hope?” you teased and he laughed.
“No, no I would never. But it’s good to be home for the summer. How’s your program going?” he asked, taking off his hat to run a hand through his messy hair, slicking it back from falling back into his eyes.
You tried not to stare at his arms but it was deemed impossible. His shirt fit him so well, his biceps strained in the fabric as they curled, and you could see whispers of a tattoo on his one arm. Jesus Christ.
“Super good. Almost finished, actually. Not sure what’s next, but working here has helped pay for most of it.”
“That’s awesome, you should be so proud. You’re a hard worker Y/N, seriously. You’ve always been.”
You almost melted at his praise, sinking deep into your seat as your tennis skirt fanned out across your thighs. There was no way he didn’t know about the effect he had on you. He had to know he drove you crazy.
“Thank you so much Peter. It means a lot coming from you.” You beamed.
“Awh shucks. Well anyways, I just came because I saw a cart over here and was going to snag a drink, but if you’re on break I won’t bother you.”
“No, no don’t be silly. What can I get you?” you scrambled up, popping open your cooler filled with ice and drinks. “You’re sure?” he asked, standing closer to you, to see what you had.
You squirmed, shivering even though there was no breeze. “Of course. I’m practically done it anyways. Happy to help.” you smiled, trying your very best to be professional and not look at him like you wanted to rip his clothes off at this very second.
“Just a Heineken please doll.” The pet name was going to make you spirial. Jesus. “That’s all?”
“That’s all. I’m easy like that.” You grabbed a cup, scooping ice before pouring the chilled beer. “Here. It’s on the house.” you handed it to him, setting down the empty glass. He shook his head, fishing into his pocket.
“Don’t be silly. Here-“ he handed you a hundred and your eyes widened in surprise and shock.
“For your troubles.” he smirked. “Peter- I can’t, I can’t take this.”
“Then take this too.” He pulled out a tiny slip of paper, crumped as if it had been in his pocket for some time. You opened it, revealing his phone number in fancy writing- the cursive that reminded you of your grandmothers. A little smiley face was printed next to it, which you mirrored back.
“Have you just had this in your pocket in case you bump into a girl?” you asked, laughing.
“I found out you worked here and I wrote it down, waiting until I had an excuse to bump into you. Now I have one.” he winked, lifted his glass in a cheers motion before turning around, emerging from the forest to jog up to his friends.
You watched him in disbelief, jaw slack on the ground. You fought to pick it back up, trying to not crumple the paper anymore as you held onto it for dear life. A wave of giddiness washed over you, your body hot to the touch, head spinning. Clutching the paper to your chest, you sighed.
Simply hoping something would actually come out of this.
For once in your life.
Something was coming out of this. Key word, was. Lines were blurred, and you weren’t sure if it was currently happening, could’ve happened, or had happened.
It had been a week since the original occurrence, when he had you nearly swooning and begging at his feet. Each day was a little game the two of you played, who could spy on each other first.
It had you picking up extra shifts, just to possibly see him that day, or for longer. The past few days you had worked at the bar by the tennis court, watching the ball bounce back and forth until a familiar face found his way to your bar, despite the fact he was on the opposite side of the property, and had bar carts at his disposal.
It made you feel like a teenage girl again, kicking your feet at the slightest interaction. If he wasn’t at your bar, he had found time to walk past your station (which was always very much out of his way), just to give a little wave, or to check up on you.
A few little texts had been exchanged, nothing more then simple, harmless flirting. That’s what you were telling yourself, and that was the story you were sticking to. Nothing more then that. So whenever he came over to fiddle with the straws, or suck the lemon wedge dry without making a face just to prove he could, you smooshed the feelings of need deep down, as much as you could.
Today was no different.
It was hot, one of the hottest days of the summer. You fanned yourself with a clipboard, thankful for the first time you were working in the bar by the tennis court, where it was air conditioned.
You didn’t understand how people could continue to play as if their life depended on it in the hot, beating sun. It was torturous to watch. You were extremely busy, barley getting a moment to sit down and rest your poor, aching feet- dozens of people swarming the bar for a cool drink.
Ice had to be refilled two times already, and you presumed it would be another two times before your shift was over.
“Busy there eh?” a familiar voice called from across the counter, and for the first time all day you were genuinely happy to serve someone.
“You again! It’s almost like you’re stalking me, or something.” you teased, quickly dropping everything you were doing to go over to see him.
“Something like that. Hey listen, I have a question to ask you.”
“It wasn’t me. I didn’t do it, I swear. The cops have nothing on me.” His eyes widened in mock surpise and his hands went up in surrender.
“Woah. Jeez, I’ll let them know. I have no idea how you found out I was working for them but I guess my disguise is shit.”
“It is shit. I’ve been keeping tabs on you to give you tips on how to be more discreet.” He laughed, swatting you with a straw he grabbed.
“No seriously, my parents are out of town and I was going to throw a party, but I won’t unless you come to it.”
“Well shit, that’s a lot of pressure. You’re basing this whole thing on me going, so if I don’t go everyone will be disappointed at me for cancelling it?” you teased, grabbing the ingredients to make his usual.
“Ha ha. Very funny. You know I don’t mean it like that. But I’d like you to come, it wouldn’t be the same without you there.”
“I don’t really socialize, so I’m sure no one would miss me. Plus, no one knows me.”
“I know you. And I would miss you, and you’re the only person I care about in terms of showing up.”
You smiled softly as his confession, trying to play it cool despite the fact your stomach was currently doing cartwheels. You didn’t even know if you were making his drink right, you prayed muscle memory would save you this time.
“You’d miss me? You just wanna talk to me more, do you like me or something?”
“Or something.” he smirked, smacking a twenty on the table, and you didn’t even bother to give him back his change. He refused to accept it back, you had already tried.
“Thanks for the drink sweetcheeks. It’s on Friday, and if you don’t show I’m gonna call the whole thing off, mid party and then everyone’s gonna be pissed at you.”
“Or at you for making up that stupid rule.” you snarked, sliding him over his glass, and grabbing a clean towel to wipe down your space. You could already feel two peoples eyes on you, waiting for a drink. They could wait a little longer.
“Show up then.” he shrugged. “But wait, I don’t even have your address-“ you called after him as he walked towards the exit, back towards to the heat and blinding sun. He waved his phone, without even looking back.
“Good thing we have these then eh sweets?”
“Smartass.” you grumbled under your breath as his laughed, and you watched the door swing behind him as you were stuck behind the bar.
“What can I get you?” you asked the stranger sitting near you, wishing more then anything it was Peter still there instead.
He was massive. Wait no- sorry, his house was massive. (Did you seriously think you’d jump the gun that quickly? Get over yourself).
You stared up at it as you emerged from your car, so out of place in this fancy establishment. He lived not only in a gated community but his property was privately gated as well.
Didn’t shock you.
You knew his family was rich, but jesus you didn’t know this rich. Dozens of cars were parked, all range rovers and catialcs as you locked your simple looking black civic.
Oh well. He invited me after all.
You belonged here. You were allowed to be here, no matter how many second thoughts you had looking at the fancy fountain, the perfectly manicured lawn and ferns, a perfect cone shape as they lead up to the massive pillars and white staircase.
You had dealt with snobby rich people before at your job, and you could do it again. Not that Peter was snobby in any way. If anything, he was one of the only ones you knew who was humble and down to earth. Hopefully his friends would be the same.
You smoothed out your mini dress, attempting to get rid of the wrinkles. Nervous, you figited with the pearls on your neck, listening to your heels clack on the pavement before you found yourself up the stairs.
You heard music, but it wasn’t as loud as you expected. No thumping floors or shaking walls, and you couldn’t see any flashing lights. You weren’t even sure what you expected. But it certainly wasn’t this. This seemed oddly calm. You could still clearly hear the cicadas as they chirped outside under the stars.
You lifted your hand to knock, and the double doors swung open as your hand was mid air, mouth opening in confusion.
“You’re not Peter.”
“So you’re observant too. You’re prettier then he described you. He’s been watching out the window for you like he’s on guard duty.”
“Bucky stop flirting with my girl!” a voice called from the other room, and you watched as Peter emerged from the other room, jogging over to you with a smile.
My girl? You fought a smile, trying to pretend his words meant nothing but you lost. Bad.
“Hi. Sorry I was just-“
“Waiting for me. I heard from your friend here. It’s nice to meet you Bucky.” you nodded, laughing as Peter’s cheeks turned a lighter of light pink.
“Likewise. Go into greater detail next time Parker.”
“No, because then you dicks will try to steal her.”
Bucky laughed, walking back in the direction Peter came from, which you assumed was where the main party was. You looked around, surveying the massive foyer- tall pillars also inside, bright chandeliers glistening over the towering staircase.
It was beautiful. You couldn’t help but admire the mural on the ceiling, mimicking a Renaissance style piece.
“Thank you for inviting me.”
“Thank you for coming. You look beautiful, by the way. I mean you always do- but you look amazing now. Sorry I’m not sure why I’m rambling, I just smoked a joint and I’m nervous.” he trailed on and you laughed, reaching up to touch his bicep in reassurance.
You weren’t sure where the confidence came from, but you were happy about it. His skin was soft and warm, and he leaned into your touch.
“Don’t be nervous. If anything, I’m nervous. This is your party! And it’s so- wow.” you breathed, looking up again at the fresco.
“Everyone’s so excited to meet you. You’ve already met Bucky, I see.”
You giggled. “Hopefully they all like me. Are they friends from school?”
“Some from school, some from home, some from the country club.”
“Ah I see. So a wide variety.”
“Something like that.” he smirked, placing a hand on your lower back as he guided you towards a mysterious hallway. The hand placement. Oh my god the hand placement. You savoured his touch as he guided you, looking up at him despite wearing heels.
Somehow he still towered over you. It made you feel things.
You heard bustle from the room he was guiding you towards, the sound of music leading you onwards. Dozens of people mingled around what looked like a game room. Some lounged on leather couches with drinks in their hands, others playing a round of pool.
You saw Bucky and some others with a deck of cards, others at the bar top. It was spacious, detailed wood panels across the ceiling, with soft lights mounted on the walls, creating a glow. You admired the dozens of paintings perched on the walls, staring at Peter in amazement.
“It’s beautiful here.”
“Thanks.” he smiled, taking it in with you, as if he didn’t see this every day. It made you like him even more somehow, if that was possible.
“Hey everyone this is Y/N. Party is no longer threatened to get cancelled. You’re welcome.” he called out, and everyone cheered.
“To Y/N” Bucky called out in toast, raising his glass. They didn’t even use solo cups. This shit was fancy as fuck.
You laughed, waving to everyone before Peter pulled you aside, the music picking up its tempo as the chatter resumed. “Can I get you a drink? For once?” he asked, and you nodded- following him over to the bar.
“It’s nice to see you behind the counter for once.” you smirked, giggling as he whipped a towel over his shoulder like a real bartender. “What do you mean for once? I will let you know that I am the most prestigious bartender in France. They don’t even call me a bartender, the call me “tender of the bar” " he drawled.
“Just a cider please. I’m easy like that.”
He sighed in relief. “Thank god. I don’t know how to make anything but a whisky sour.”
“Hey, that's a start!” you smiled, watching as he grabbed a chilled glass and slid ice in it, before pouring your drink from the can. “Madame.”
“Thank you, monsior. Mmmm fantastic. You should work with me!” He snorted, throwing the towel down. “They would fire me before I could pick up a glass. You’re too talented, you'd outshine me. You already do.”
“Do not.”
“Do too.”
“You’re being silly.”
“Silly is my middle name.”
“I thought handsome was your middle name?”
“Alright woah now-“
----------------------------------------------------------------- A few hours had passed, and the night was still young. You were drunk, a little- and your shoes had come off. You didn’t know where they went, or where your phone was, or why you were outside with Peter.
But you were outside with Peter. And it was nice.
The air was chill against your skin, but not cold enough you had goosebumps. It was soft against your flushed skin from the alcohol, and you savoured the breeze as it fluttered your dress. Everyone was still inside, but you needed a breather.
You could see the lights shinning brightly from here, where you were on the pool deck. Because of course he had a pool. He also had a tennis court, a golf course, and an indoor pool. No surprises there.
You heard the sliding glass door open and shut, Peter emerging with glasses of water in hand. “I figured you’d want this.” he said, walking over to you with a grin, and a fluster on his cheeks.
“Thank you so much.” you sighed, the water trickling down your hand as you grabbed the ice cold glass, taking a long chug. It cleared your head as it slithered down your throat, relieving your thirst.
“So, is it okay?”
“Is what okay?”
“Here. This. Me.”
You stared at him, cocking your head in interest, attempting to study him. “It’s more than okay. It’s wonderful. You’re wonderful.”
“You think so?” he asked, a glimmer in his eyes as he stepped closer to you, your chests practically touching as he grabbed your empty glass, setting it down beside you.
Your breath caught in your throat as his hand slid up, cupping your cheek- thumb brushing your skin making you shiver. Your nipples hardened under his touch- or the chill, you didn’t know.
All you knew was that his eyes were burning holes into yours with the utmost lust you thought you’d simply combust.
“Is it okay if I touch you here doll?”
You nodded.
“What do you want Y/N? Do you want this?” he asked, voice practically begging. The music from the party thudded off the windows, lyrics slipping through the cracks under the doors to echo into your ears.
I sing the national anthem while I am standing over your body hold you like a python, and you can’t keep your hands off me or your pants on, see whatcha done to me, King of Chevron…
“I want this. I want it all.” you murmured, leaning into his touch.
“Can you swim?” he whispered, inching closer and closer to your lips.
Wait- what?
“Ye-” you let out a scream as you felt the world tilt under your feet, tumbling backwards into the hands of a strong man holding your waist. A splash erupted, the world turning a murky dark blue as the music muffled. The water was surprisingly warm as you gasped for air, frantically reaching out for Peter to hold.
He was even warmer than the water despite the cool air, and he laughed as you clung to him, wrapping your legs around his torso, dress hunched up as it stuck to your body like a second skin.
You became very much aware of how his shirt did the same, except it was white, and you could see the perfect outline of his abs and his arm tats.
“Peter what the fuck?!” you shrieked, cut off as his lips crashed to yours, engulfing you with heat and a tenderness you’ve never felt before.
His lips were like pillows as they caressed yours, hands squeezing your thighs, your ass, your waist as he tugged you closer and closer, until your breaths had merged and you had practically become one.
Hands flew up to his hair, tugging on the wet strands as he begged for more, and more- teeth clashing, tongues begging for entrance before they slipped in.
You couldn’t help but moan, breathing harder as his squeezed your ass hard enough to bruise, unleashing whatever restraint he had been holding. You moaned again and he had to pull away, resting his forehead against yours, breathing hard as he watched your mascara smudge and trickle down your cheeks.
“Y/N fuck- if you keep moaning like that… I’ll-”
“You’ll what?” you asked innocently, shivering.
“I’m trying so hard to be a gentleman and not go past this, but if you keep doing that I don’t know if I’ll be able to control myself.” he murmured, bringing a hand up to stroke a stray strand of water from your cheek, kissing each one.
“That’s okay.” you smiled, grinding your hips against his, rubbing against him as he moaned.
“Jesus christ baby. Fuck.”
You giggled, feeling his very prominent bulge through his pants. You grabbed his chin, lips melting against his once more, just to get a taste of him. You were addicted- heart thudding in your chest, blood turning to molten lava in your veins.
It was like his lips were coated in honey, so sweet you practically licked them. “You’re just so sweet.” you sighed into his lips, kissing him harder. It wasn’t long before you were interrupted, the sound of a sliding glass door opening.
“You guys almost done out here?” Bucky called out, Peter's head whipping to him in annoyance.
“ What do you want?!” he called out, exasperated. “Steve and I wanna swim. Unless you guys want us to join you, I’m sure there wouldn’t be too many complaints on this end.” Bucky smirked, winking at you.
What a goddamn flirt. You couldn’t help but smile back, even if he had just interrupted the best experience of your entire life.
“We’ll be out in a minute Bucky- calm down.”
“No need!” a voice called from the house, to which Steve ran and cannonballed into the pool, splashing you.
Peter sighed, leaning his forehead back against yours. “I am so sorry about them. This is not as romantic as I had hoped in the slightest.”
“What are you talking about? This is totally romantic. The drenched rat look I’m wearing is what the movies had envisioned.”
He laughed, kissing your forehead with a quick peck, before Bucky jumped in right after. “The most beautiful drenched rat I’ve ever seen. I promise you, we’ll have time for this again.”
“Many times?” you asked flirtatiously, and he nodded.
”Many times.”
“Good. Now, I suppose we should all play mermaids now. What powers do you wanna have?”
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bpmiranda · 2 days
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Tangled (Hugh Jackman)
A/N: fluffy, purely fictional, young!hugh(35s), 18+ f!reader, dog being man’s best friend
It wasn’t a secret that Hugh Jackman had begun to see someone. The paparazzi were always humming around in wait, waiting to catch the slip of a cap that revealed your face, a telling shot of your hair or your eyes. The media had speculations, that was all, and you knew they would be disappointed when they finally came to find out that you were no one special. No one of interest, really. You were his dog walker in New York. Someone he only occasionally spoke to when he was in the States, someone he grew close to from pure necessity. Your shared chats started off completely professional, setting dates and agreements on payment. Then you had begun to update him on the things his dog would do, it was innocent enough, and he appreciated how loving and dedicated you were to caring for his best friend. And then the conversation would shift away from dogs and professionalism to personal questions, nothing more intimate than how long you had lived in the city or what your favorite coffee shop was for a quick afternoon pick me up. Sure, he could’ve googled most of his queries about food or transportation in the city, but why do that if he could have the personal opinion of a local?
“Take 5th, then? Not 6th?” He asked you on the phone, already at the location he had been searching for, but simply not ready to end the call with you.
“Not unless you’d like to be harassed into buying subpar tourist souvenirs by street vendors.” You laughed and he couldn’t help the grin that spread on his face. “Did you find it?” You ask him, returning his attention which had drifted into the other sounds you make that often captivate him.
“Uh, yes, found it.” Hugh looked around at the little French bakery he was sitting in and nodded to himself. “Quite lovely. Won’t you join me?” He asked, throwing caution to the wind.
You bite your lip as you muse over the proposition. “What about the paparazzi?” You ask as you nervously wring your hands on the leash handle tethering you to his dog.
Hugh can’t help, but tease. “No, I don’t want to have lunch with them. I want to have lunch with you.”
Another laugh echoes through the phone line and his heart swells at the melody of it. Lord, he is in the deep end about you. “I think I should just drop him off at your place. I’d hate to get you caught on some TMZ tabloid over dating your dog sitter.”
Hugh chuckles softly, aware of your trepidations and unbelievably taken with the sense of privacy you think he’s got now. “We’re not that far apart in age, darling. It wouldn’t be the scandal you think and I assure you, I’ve got no problem getting a few pictures taken, especially of us together.” He says and you feel your cheeks heat up.
“I would say a decade is about as large as is socially acceptable.” You quip, trying to mask the fact that you’re incredibly flustered with him.
But his laughs tells you he knows you’re more anxious of him than of the cameras. “Tell you what. Let me grab you a coffee from here and I’ll meet up with you in the park? It’ll seem as if I’m simply picking him up, no possible misconceptions. Yes?”
You couldn’t very well say no to that. It would seem innocent enough, so you agreed. It was incredibly difficult to keep things casual in public when all you wanted was to kiss him, touch him, hold onto him as you made out on some park bench. But it would have to wait until you were no longer in the public eye. “Thanks again for taking him to the vet.” Hugh says as the two of you stroll around the park. “You know you don’t have to keep doing this. I’m happy to hire someone else. It could free us up to do other things.”
You give him a warning look and he simply grins at you, that ever so charming grin. “Then what would my excuse be for hanging around with you?”
“You don’t need an excuse, darling.” Hugh’s eyes scan over you, noting the way your leggings cling to your thighs and ass, your sports jacket snug against your breasts and your waistline. “I don’t know how much longer I can keep my hands off you.”
“Hugh,” You whisper as he suddenly stands in front of you. His deep green eyes look down lovingly at you as he tries to take the leash from your hand, he dips his head down, and you feel his lips brush the apple of your cheek. “The cameras.” You urge, aware of the few men following you at a respectable, but obvious distance since you met up.
“It’s not like they don’t already suspect us.” He reasons, his other hand coming up to your waist and you still cling to the leash he is taking from you. “Let me kiss you.” He more orders than asks and you look up at him warily. “I love to spend time with you. I can’t keep sneaking around.”
Before you can answer, his dog barks loudly and tries to make a run for what you believe was a squirrel or some other dog. His leash tangles around yours and Hugh’s legs and you’re forced into his embrace as he catches you while you fall into him. The two of you laugh as you untangle yourselves from the leash and you playfully scold his dog before Hugh suddenly wraps an arm around you and brings you into a kiss. Your body melts against his as you return the gesture and you find yourself smiling as you hear the incessant shuttering of cameras in the distance. “Guess it’s out there now.” You whisper as you pull away, breathless while you look up at him dreamily.
“Guess it is.” He grins almost triumphantly as he refuses to let you go and leans down to kiss you again. More sweetly and slowly and you think you might faint from the romance of it all. Before you continue your stroll, Hugh bends down and caresses his dog’s head. “Good boy.”
This was based on a request! I love bf!hugh🥹💕
🏷️: @dontfeedthebigbadwolf @peterparkernotfound @httpsells @evasmlp @ayatotiddies @thatlittlered @seasonofthenerd @littlemisscantloveyouback @scorpiosaintt @simpingfor-wakasa @spencerswh0r3 @thatweirdtheaternerd12 @shybluebirdninja @iamburdened
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 1 month
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Summary: When Colter Shaw calls the reader for help on a job, she thinks nothing of helping out. Only he never shows up and Colter may have just become the latest disappearance in this small town. It’s up to her and Russell to work together to find him before his case goes cold like all the others before…
He's My Man Masterlist
Pairing: Russell Shaw x reader
Word Count: 6,500ish
Warnings: language, kidnapping, violence, torture, mentions of death
A/N: Welcome back to more Russell Shaw! This story is considered a timestamp to He's My Man and it's highly recommended that story be read prior to this one. With Tracker coming up again soon I wanted to dive back into this world with these characters and thought this would be a fun way to check in with the gang. Please enjoy!...
“Thanks,” you said to the waitress who refilled your coffee. The diner was quiet, the mid-afternoon lull between the lunch and dinner crowd. You poked at the slice of chocolate pie in front of you and scrolled through your phone, an anxious feeling growing in your gut.
Colter had called last night, asking if you’d be willing to come out and act as his date at a gala event where he was investigating a young woman’s disappearance. Admittedly, you were a bit nervous to accept. You’d only been doing reward work for six months and you’d had success so far with tracking down a few show dogs, a horse, a signed Mickey Mantle baseball card and a stolen car. But you hadn’t dipped your toe into the truly hard stuff yet. People.
After Colter got you to put the phone on speaker, he and Russell had wore you down and convinced you this would be a good first run. It was Colter’s case, you were simply there to help and offer input.
Flirting with a rich playboy Colter suspected of kidnapping the missing woman while he searched the house was also up there on his request list.
It was only a three hour drive to the small town from home and Russell had an important meeting with a brewery investor at lunch so you decided to help him do some last minute prep in the morning before agreeing to catch up with Colter for lunch at a diner. Yet, it was a few minutes past three and you’d heard nothing from him since around midnight the night before.
“Fuck it,” you said, slapping down a ten dollar bill and dialing.
“Hello, hello, qark,” answered Russell, his voice cheery and bright.
“Your lunch went well I’m assuming?” He hummed. “Don’t leave me hanging. What’d you settle on?”
“He gets 5% profit sharing after the first year for five years. By then he said we’d be well established and probably wouldn’t need him anymore. He was a good guy, invited us to get dinner with him and his wife sometime.”
“That’s great, honey,” you said, turning when the bell over the door rang, pouting to find it was a pair of older men that took a seat at a booth. “You haven’t heard from Colter at all, have you?”
“No…he never showed for lunch?” You sighed. “He could have been arrested.”
“Russell,” you chided.
“He gets arrested and Reenie bails him out all the time,” he said. “I just texted her. I bet he’s sitting in the station right now because he pissed off some local power hungry…shit.”
“Shit what?” you asked, taking a big, stress induced bite of pie. 
“Reenie said she hasn’t heard from him.” Russell groaned in the background. You closed your eyes. Today was supposed to be a good day for him. The last thing you wanted was him worrying about his little brother.
“I bet he ate some bad food, puked his guts up in the airstreamer and is sleeping it off. He said he was staying at the Sunny Days Park. I’ll go meet up with him there-”
“I’m coming out there,” said Russell. You rolled your eyes. “If he’s so sick he can’t pick up a phone then he needs help and that girl he’s looking for needs help too.”
“Fine,” you said, your heart rate spiking when you stood. “He’s probably just being his usual anti-social self, right?”
“Yeah. He’s totally known for being flaky on jobs,” deadpanned Russell. “Just…I’m not going to ask you to wait at the diner for me but be careful. Keep your gun on you and you call me when you get to his trailer. I have a bad feeling.”
“Me too,” you whispered. “I’ll call you in ten, Russ.”
You’d frowned when you found Colter’s truck parked in front of the airstream fifteen minutes later. Your pout remained when you cleared the the area and the inside of the trailer, carefully tucking your gun away into the holster on the back of your jeans. “He’s not here, Russell.”
“Anything look off?” he asked through the headphones in your ears. The space at first glance didn’t look out of the ordinary. Computer and maps on the kitchenette table. Coffee mug upside down on the drying rack next to the sink. You stopped short and squatted down, cocking your head.
“There are two pairs of shoes tucked under the table. Boots and trail running shoes.”
“Okay…” You stood up and sighed. 
“Russell, I lived in this trailer for a few days and Colter is a minimalist. There are two pairs of shoes here and he only owns two pairs of shoes. So he’s walking around barefoot? That’s-”
“Not good,” sighed Russell. “Do you see any sign of struggle? Blood? Anything weird? Or missing?”
“Not that I can tell. I didn’t exactly do an inventory of his closet when…” Your eyes zeroed in on a tiny black speck in the corner. “He has a security camera.”
“Call Bobby, see if he can get the footage from a cloud server or something. I’ll call back in a few once I’m on the road.”
“Drive safe, hun.” 
“You be safe. Anything feels fishy, get to a public place and stay there until I get in.”
“I know. Love you.”
“Love you too.” Two minutes later you were on Colter’s computer, Bobby sending you a link to the 24 hour cloud account where Colter’s subscription was saved to once a day.
There were two feeds, one right over the door to the air streamer and the other a wide angled shot staring down the entire length of the trailer. You backed it up to midnight, watching Colter sitting right where you currently were, texting and finishing off his beer. He stretched and stood, putting the empty under the sink.
He hit off a light and you sped it up, Colter padding out once to get a glass of water during the night. You smiled when he got up around six, an unusually cuddly version of Colter appearing on screen. He had a blanket wrapped around his bare shoulders as he shuffled over to his coffee machine, getting a cup brewing.
It reminded you of Russell in the morning. He too had a habit of walking around with a blanket first thing. You wondered if that was a Shaw thing or a habit Colter picked up from his big brother when they were kids.
You watched Colter disappear into the bedroom, exiting in a black tight pullover along with fitted pants for running. He sat at the booth and tugged on his sneakers before knocking back his coffee. He glanced at his phone quickly and tucked it into his pocket before he was gone, the interior still. The video was motionless for another hour when Colter came back inside, a thin layer of sweat on his face. Sneakers were removed and socks tossed into the bedroom, Colter taking deep gulps from a bottle of water. He tucked it back in the fridge and headed for the bedroom when suddenly the airstream door opened. 
Three men in black masks bounded inside, one holding a bulky looking gun. Colter didn’t get more than a step in before cords shot out and you realized he’d been tased. Your heart caught in your throat as he fell to the floor hard, body rigid. His face was etched in pain as he slowly moved his arm but the men were on him fast. Punch to the face, hands zip tied behind his back, tape over his mouth. Colter was out cold when they threw a hood over his head and he was lifted off the ground by a man on either side of him. They quickly left, no one appearing until you found yourself on tape hours later.
“Colter,” you breathed out, looking out the windows, as if he’d suddenly appear safe and sound there. Shakily you dialed Russell, your head in your hands. 
“Hey. You hear from Bobby at all?” You tried to keep your breathing calm, remember the stress management techniques you’d learned in med school. 
You winced, Russell’s voice loud on the other end. “Y/N, answer me.”
“I watched the tape. Russ, s-someone took him. They took Colter right out of the airstream this morning and-”
“Where are you?” You lifted your head, Russell growling. “Where?”
“In the air-”
“Leave right now, right fucking now,” he said. You grabbed the phone, Colter’s computer and a stack of papers nearby before rushing out of there. “Are you out?”
“Yes, I’m in my car,” you said with a pant, tossing everything in your passenger seat and taking off out of the campground.
“Go back to that diner and I’ll meet you there in two hours. If anyone tries anything-”
“I know,” you sighed. “Don’t speed to get here. The last thing we need is you in an accident.”
“Diner. Two hours. Be there.”
Two Hours Later
You munched on a basket of once warm fries as you heard the bell over the door jingle. You eased slightly when Russell headed your direction, wrapping you up in a big hug. “You okay?”
“I’m fine, Russ, I swear.” You sat back in your corner booth, Russell sliding in the opposite side, getting a cup of coffee and burger for himself before you ordered dinner. “How are you holding up?”
Russell didn’t say anything, just had that look on his face he did right before he killed Owen. Honestly, you shared that sentiment. Colter had your back when you were strangers and now when you were family? Yeah, someone was going to pay and dearly.
“Bobby’s been running the video through his programs but couldn’t ID any of the guys. They ditched Colter’s phone outside the airstreamer so no leads there,” you said, passing the computer over to Russell. He watched the video, his eyes twitching momentarily before he took a long, deep breath.
“Can we trace these guys phones?” You shook your head. 
“Bobby tried. No cell activity in the nearby area before or after they…” You swallowed the lump in your throat, Russell reaching across the table and taking your hand in his. “The team’s been trying to find who took Colter while I’ve been looking into his research on the case. I figure he found out who took the woman or got real close without realizing it and that person took him.”
“Smart girl.” Russell cracked a smile, a heavy weight quickly settling back over the table. “But I have a problem with it.”
You nodded, keeping your lips sealed as his food was delivered and you got a plate of eggs and hashbrowns set down before you. “Me too. It doesn’t make sense to take him unless they wanted to know something he knows and they figured he wouldn’t crack immediately.”
“Yup. Aren’t you supposed to go to a party with him tonight?” You stopped with a forkful halfway to your mouth. Russell cocked his head. “He got an invite to that party. For two people. They must think he has a partner and that the partner knows everything Colter does.”
You set your fork down, Russell forcing a smile. “They’re looking for me. Those people are probably hurting him-”
“Hey,” said Russell, voice quiet. Gentle. “They took him because he found out something these people don’t want him to know and he didn’t realize it, not because of you. Let’s figure out what that is and then we’ll come up with a game plan.”
“Okay. Let’s figure this out.”
Forty minutes later, two clean plates and Russell making more than one odd face at the computer screen did it hit you. You slid Colter’s notebook with the name of the party over, Russell’s eyebrow quirking. “What?”
“These people don’t know who I am, otherwise I’d be gone. Colter wanted me to go to this party with him, right? Well, let’s go to the party.” Russell leaned back, closing his eyes. “Isn’t the most likely scenario that the person that took this girl also took Colter? And they clearly are powerful enough to have a few guys working for them. Let’s go to the party full of rich people and see what we can sus out.”
“Y/N.” Russell sighed, rubbing his temple with his palm. “It’s way too dangerous. Just because someone hasn’t come after you doesn’t mean they won’t. We need to figure out what Colter stumbled on-”
“This party,” you said, holding up the notebook, slapping it down. Russell clenched his jaw, relaxing after a beat. “The only research Colter did was on this girl and then there’s the party invite. He wanted to go there for a reason.”
“Alright, alright,” he said, picking it up, flipping through the pages. “How’d he get the invitation in the first place?”
“It’s a charity fundraiser. Anyone in town can go as far as I can tell,” you said. “All I know is he wanted me to be a distraction.”
“Distraction…” Russell typed on Colter’s computer, biting his bottom lip. “Party’s at some older rich dude’s house. Francis Duvel. Sounds like a real upstanding community member.”
“That’s not surprising the wealthy guy is hosting a charity event.” Russell’s eye twitched before he spun around the screen. Your eyes flickered down, reading a headline.
Duvel Industries Once Again Cleared of Safety Allegations; Whistleblower Drops Suit as CEO Vows Quality & Integrity Valued Over Profits
“I couldn’t figure it out earlier but there’s been a pattern of people going missing every so often in this town. Men. Women. Old. Young. Never kids or teens. Always adults. Your missing girl, Alexis Pearson works at-”
“Duvel Industries,” you said, flipping through a paper. “Executive assistant. You think-”
“Poor girl probably found out they were cutting corners somewhere and she said something to the wrong person.” He handed you back the computer and sure enough, all of the people that had “left” town or simply gone missing had at one point or another worked for Duvel Industries.
“How did no one figure this out before? It’s obvious what’s going on,” you said, Russell looking around. “Wait. You think…”
“Article said the local cops found no issues and never have. This charity auction is for the community including-”
“Fuck,” you muttered. “He’s got the sheriff in his pocket, likely a few more cops. No wonder Colter couldn’t just turn over what he found. He couldn’t trust them.”
“He should have called me,” said Russell, closing the computer. He shook his head, staring out at the cloudy evening sky. “I have a friend in the bureau. I could have…”
“So let’s call your friend, get the FBI up here to take a look at Duvel and in the meantime, try to find Colter and Alexis.” For the first time he looked worried and it made your heart clench. “What is it?”
“Alexis is probably already dead and when FBI agents show up at Duvel’s front door, he’s going to kill Colt and the girl if they aren’t already. Y/N, we have to find him tonight.” 
“Okay,” you said, getting up and pulling him into your side of the booth, wrapping an arm around his waist. “Screw the party. That was Colter’s plan. Ours needs to be more direct.”
“What’d you have in mind?”
“Duvel isn’t stupid enough to keep him or Alexis at a place where he’s having the whole town come to, right? So where would you hide them as a CEO?” He smiled, kissing your cheek before pulling out his phone. 
“Bobby, it’s Russell. I need the address of every property owned by Duvel Industries asap.”
One Hour Later
“How do you know it’s this one?” you asked Russell as you got out of his car. He went to the trunk, resting his head against the open thing. “What’s wrong?”
“I know because this place is isolated, it’s been under construction for years with no progress but the tire tracks we saw were fresh. It’s Duvel’s dumping ground.” He straightened up, hands on his hips. “Qark.”
He didn’t have to say it. He wanted you to stay here, out of danger. He’d wanted you away from this kind of life and said it more than once.
Russell reached inside the trunk and opened a black duffel, holding out a black vest to you. It was much smaller than the one he and Colter fit in though. You took the vest, followed by Russell handing you a thigh holster. “I thought you were going to tell me to stay in the car.”
“Don’t get me wrong, I want you to stay here,” he said, bending down to buckle the straps against your thigh, pulling it taut. He looked up with a half-smile before taking your gun from the back holster and putting it inside, tossing the other one in the trunk. 
“What are…” He zipped up your jacket all the way and pulled the vest on over your shoulders, fixing your hood before tightening the sides so the vest hung tight to your body. “Russell.”
He shrugged, green eyes nervous but gentle. “You have let me teach you self-defense, how to reload and shoot, tactics and stealth so you’d be safe doing reward work. You’ve done it all without complaint. I want you to stay at the car but I know my queen of darkness. You can do this. You told me once before you wanted me to show you how to do things, not do them for you. So let’s go do this together.”
You smiled, running your hand over the vest. “How long have you had this?”
“I bought it the first reward job you took. I figured someday you’d need it.” He put on his own gear and locked the car, inhaling deeply. “If you want to change your mind-”
“That building is massive. You can’t go in alone.” He nodded, closing his eyes. “Am I liability to you? Serious question. If I go in there with you, does it make things harder if Colter is in there?”
Russell peeled open his eyes, smirking as he planted both hands on your face and kissed you hard. 
“I always worry, qark. Whether you’re in there or out there.” He touched his forehead to yours, hot breath fanning over you. “You do not have to go in. Absolutely you do not have to. But if my girl wants to do this with me, then I’m glad I’ve got her for a partner.”
“Thank you,” you whispered, Russell lifting you up into a hug. 
“But if shit goes down, you run.” You shrugged, Russell groaning. “Alright, alright, Rambo. Follow my lead and stick close. Bobby’s going to contact my friend in two hours if he doesn't hear from us so let’s get a move on.”
“Age before beauty,” you said. He narrowed his eyes. 
“Yeah, keep it up youngin’ and next time you’re in that outfit I’ll teach you a lesson.” You glanced down to his groin, Russell growling. “Y/N.”
“Sorry.” He nodded, checking his gun before letting in hang by his side.
“Stay low and quiet. Clear your corners and don’t hesitate to use your weapon. You sure you want to go in?”
“Let’s do this.” Russell checked your gear one more time before you headed into the forest, jogging through it for a moment. You stopped at the edge when Russell held up a hand. He reached into his back pocket, revealing a small scope. You knelt by his side, looking around as he mumbled to himself.
“Good news and bad news. Good news is there’s only one vehicle and it’s a car which means most likely there’s four guys or less. Could be more but odds aren’t in favor. No cameras from what I can tell. Bad news is two outside guards. It’s going to be hard to get in.” You pursed your lips. “What are you thinking?”
“If we each get one-” 
“Y/N,” Russell scolded. You frowned, his face softening. “Those guys are huge. Odds are they grab you before you get the guy out cold.”
“Russell. I fought off Owen when I was roofied when I was younger. You have taught me so many moves. I wouldn’t risk Colter if I didn’t know that I can take out a guy that size. Trust me. Please.” He lowered his head, shoulders sagging.
“If he’s not going down, shoot him.” You agreed and then the two of you were jogging across the dark grass, coming to a stop against the concrete wall of the building. Russell pointed you forward and you went ahead of him, gun in front of you, squeezing the cold metal tight.
The guard rounded the corner quickly though, startled by the sight of you. You ducked fast, Russell’s fist flying out where your head had been. It connected hard with the guard’s jaw and he slumped against the wall, crumpling down in a heap. You stood up, Russell tapping your shoulder before stepping in front of you. After a moment the guard was restrained, tape over his mouth. Russell peaked around the corner before holding up a hand for you to stay back before he disappeared. 
Ten seconds later he returned, body slightly less tense. He nodded and you jogged over to him, keeping behind him as you went through the door and past the other out cold guard with hands and feet secured.
The building was large, some warehouse space, offices on either side. Russell sighed silently before going left. You walked backwards behind him for a few minutes as he cleared room after room after room with nothing to show.
“It’s taking too long,” he whispered. “I can’t check every room fast enough if the guards check in on a schedule.”
“I can finish the hall. Do the other side. You’re faster without me,” you murmured. Russell stared at you for five seconds then planted a kiss on your forehead.
“Be safe. I’ll be right back.” Silently, he went the way you’d came from and disappeared around the corner. You turned your attention back on the six or so offices to go with a thick swallow. Without Russell by your side, your nerves came front and center. But you couldn’t stand there forever. There was probably someone else inside and Colter wouldn’t hesitate if you were in his shoes.
You steadied yourself and cleared a dark, empty office, then another. The second to last door pushed open easily, bright light hitting you in the face. 
There was barely enough time to register Colter in a chair, someone behind him with a knife and then the man’s hand was moving fast towards his throat.
The trigger pulled hard as you squeezed it once, twice, three times. You couldn’t hear over the ringing in your ears as you did wide sweeps of the room. No one else was in there and after finding the man slumped on the ground was dead, you rushed to Colter who’s head hung low.
“Colter. Colter,” you urged. He was shaking as you tilted his chin up, a thin line of red on his throat but not deep. You closed your eyes. Fuck, a second later and Colter would have already bled out by now. 
But something wasn’t right. His clothes were wet, skin ice cold. Your eyes darted upwards when you felt cold air conditioning kick on overhead. It was only then that you noticed the dead man was wearing a winter jacket for some reason.
You checked Colter over after cutting him free, a few bruises on the face, bruised ribs from his labored breathing and you winced when you patted his shin and felt how swollen it was. You cut up his pants leg and saw the deep bruising, very highly a broken bone in there.
Another gun shot rang out nearby and you spun around with your gun, aiming at the door. Russell appeared a few moments later, sighing in relief. But his face fell when he saw Colter violently shaking in the chair, arms wrapped tight around himself.
“He’s hypothermic,” you said, cutting up his pants, Colter shaking his head. “We need to get him out of these wet clothes and warmed up now.”
“Russell, he’s not stable.” You finished cutting off his pants and had his pullover halfway off. “Call your FBI friend and tell him we need a med evac to a level 1 trauma center. In the meantime, go kill the A/C and get my med kit from the car.”
“Got it,” he said, turning to leave. “I found Alexis.”
You looked over your shoulder at him, Russell smiling. “She’s roughed up but she convinced these guys-”
“I’m sorry but does she need medical attention, yes or no?” He shook his head. “Then go do as I ask.”
Russell took off down the hall, Colter’s wet clothes dropping to the ground. You got behind him and put your arms under him and around his chest, hoisting him up.
He screamed at the sudden pain in his side and leg but you could deal with that later. Right now, he was too fucking cold. You walked backwards out of the room, Colter whining the whole time which frankly scared the fuck out of you.
Colter was stoic. Tough as nails like Russell. Calm in moments of terror.
Scared, hurt, out of control Colter made you heart feel like it was being stabbed.
“S’okay, Colt. I got you. You’ll feel better real soon,” you said, dragged him down the hall and into an office you’d found a couch in earlier. You jerked when you noticed a shadow at the doorway.
Alexis was hiding halfway behind the doorframe, wide eyed at you. “I-I can help.”
“You know what a space heater is?” She nodded quickly. “Find them and bring them back here. Quickly. I saw a few in this hallway.”
She ducked away as you lowered Colter to the ground and plugged in the space heater you’d saw in there, turning it to the max. 
You found a wooden chair and kicked at it with your boot until it broke apart. Taking two long pieces, you placed them on either side of Colter’s leg and removed your vest, jacket and shirt. 
“And you said my red jacket was ugly,” you teased, laying it over his shivering form. “Too visible if I recall.”
His fingers squeezed the material so tight it started to tear, your heart breaking for him. You leaned down close, wiping the wetness out of his hair with your shirt. With a sigh you kissed his forehead, Colter mumbling something you couldn’t make out.
“I know you know you’re in shock. Everything is fine. All I want you to think about right now is a story I’m going to tell you. Okay? Just lay back and listen.” You soaked up more water with your shirt and leaned back, removing your tank top, leaving you in just a black bra. “You know Russell bought me this bra back when we went on that trip to Paris last month. I know we told you about it and you did a lot of humming like you couldn’t care less, remember?”
You shredded the tank top with your hands into strips, laying them over and under his broken leg. “I’m going to splint your leg now.”
“So there was I,” you said, pulling tight, Colter nearly doubling over as you did the few other spots quickly. “In Paris with your brother of all people and he’s bought me all these nice pajamas and lounge sets and other things you don’t need to know about when he says, let’s take a few days trip to Africa. Let’s go to the desert. Now, I don’t know about you but if you’ve never been to the desert, it’s hot as fuck.”
You made sure his leg was straight before fixing your coat on him, Colter shivering into your hand. Alexis returned with three space heaters and you quickly go them on and around him.
“When you’re in the desert, you can feel the sun prickle your skin. You know that feeling? The heat from the rays literally warming you, getting inside. It makes you so hot. It reflects off the sand, like hot sand at a beach, right back at you. It’s like you’re on a baking sheet, hot out of the oven, baked on all sides.”
Colter was still shivering but he was starting to relax, less violent shakes coming out now. 
“You ever have a sunburn like that? I bet you did. Your nose and cheeks got all red, your skin so hot. I know you Shaw boys were always outside. Russell gets these freckles when he’s out in the sun. Do you get them too? A nice hot summer day, out on the water with a warm breeze.”
Russell entered the room, kneeling beside you. “Chopper will be here in thirty.”
“Okay,” you said, Colter’s head turning to the side. “Rest up for me big guy.”
You got up and pulled Russell to the back corner, nodding at Alexis sitting on the couch. “What?”
“Russell, you should take her to the nearest hospital.” He frowned, biting his tongue though as you held up your hands. “She’s not as bad as your brother but she’s dehydrated and cold.”
“No, I need to stay here in case Duvel’s guys show up. You take her-”
“I’m sorry, are you a doctor? Do you know what to do if Colter has a heart attack? A seizure? Those are very real possibilities right now, Russell. I need to warm him up and calm him down the right way and I can’t worry about her right now. I need you to take care of her. Please.”
He closed his eyes. “Fine but I’m tossing those two guys in the trunk of their car. And put your vest back on. And keep an eye on the door-“
“Shaw.” He opened his eyes, finding you glaring at him. 
“Please help him the best you can,” he whispered. You hugged him, Russell squeezing you tight before he was moving and out the door with Alexis under his arm. Only the hum of the space heaters and Colter’s incoherent mumblings could be heard as you sat down beside him. 
“Here you go,” you said, resting the vest over his injured leg to try and give him some warmth. You held your gun in your hand as the other rested on his forehead. Fuck, he was still too cold. Slowly, he peeled open his eyes, looking so young for the briefest of moments. “I have one last idea. But it’ll hurt.”
He nodded very slowly before closing his eyes tight. “I’ll be right back.”
You jogged out to the warehouse and hit the switch to open the bay door, quickly breaking into the luxury car out front and pulling it in. You left it on and hit the heated seats to low, rushing back to Colter where he was breathing shallowly. “Come on, bud. This should help.”
He groaned when you pulled him through the halls and out to the warehouse, cursing a long string of profanities at you that felt like the closest Colter Shaw had ever gotten to going absolute ape shit.
The ache in your chest eased when he hissed at the contact with the seats and then, you swore on your life, he cooed like a newborn baby. With the heat blasting in the car and thanks to the seats warming his bare skin, he finally passed out with a smidge more color to his skin.
“Okay,” you sighed, resting your head against the wheel. “You’re going to be okay.”
The Next Evening
“Hey,” said Russell. You didn’t acknowledge him as you watched flames flicker in the outdoor fireplace back at home. He sat down on the couch behind you, pulling you back into his lap. “Can’t sleep?”
“No,” you said, leaning your head back against his shoulder. You tucked yourself into him, Russell wrapping his arms around your body. “How’s Colter? He sleeping yet?”
“Oh, he’s annoying as hell. Little shit thinks he’ll be driving out of here tomorrow morning.”
You groaned, Russell humming. “He broke his damn leg. He isn’t driving for at least a month. He is staying with us at a minimum until that cast is off.”
“I’m not the one you have to argue with.” You sighed, Russell’s long legs shifting around to lay over top of yours. “You want to talk about it?”
Your eyes welled up, Russell sensing your tension. Your eyelids squeezed tight, something heavy boiling up under your skin.
“What’s the hardest thing? Killing someone? Or almost losing Colter?” he asked quietly. You shrugged, turning your head down to your lap. “He hurt-”
“My little brother died of hypothermia.” Russell went rigid behind you, turning you in his lap so you’d face him. Your bottom lip wobbled as he pulled you in close, his hands on your back. “The car accident…it was winter. My mom died on impact but we went down a ravine. My dad went to get help for me and my brother but it was so cold and we had no heat and Charlie was so hurt…the last thing he ever said was how cold he was.”
You looked over Russell’s shoulder at the dark lake, save for a few homes with lights on across the water.
“I don’t care that I killed that son of a bitch after what he did to Colt. But I just…” You inhaled shakily, gripping Russell’s hoodie tighter. He shushed you, rubbing his hand up and down your back. 
“He’s home with us. He’s safe,” said Russell softly. Long fingers stroked through your hair, tucking you into his neck. “I think Charlie would be really proud of you for protecting Colter like you did.”
“I should have protected him too,” you mumbled. Russell sighed, quietly embracing you. “You’re an older sibling. You understand.”
“Bullshit.” You leaned back fast, glaring at his stern green eyes. “Your dad was an amazing doctor and he left two injured kids. He was either a moron which I doubt or your brother had internal bleeding which made him say he was cold. If it was hypothermia you would have died too.”
“No, my dad said-”
“Was this before or after Owen’s fucked up mob family started drugging your dad so he had psychosis?” Your voice caught in your throat. Russell raised his eyebrows. “Sweetie, do you even know why Charlie died?”
“It was hypo…” You unraveled yourself from him, planting your bare feet on the warm deck. You gripped the couch cushions, closing your eyes, medical facts bouncing around your head. “Jesus, Russ. Why did I think…”
“Because your dad said it. He probably never even remembered he did. Deep down, he didn’t blame you so you shouldn’t blame yourself.”
You stood up, stepping in front of the fire with your arms crossed. You titled your head back, inhaling deeply. “He said a lot of mean things when I was a teenager, as I got older. But at the funeral…he was still himself. He didn’t…”
“No, he didn’t.” Russell stood behind you, curling his arms around your chest, trapping you against his strong warm frame. “So back to my original statement. Charlie, hell your parents too, I know they’re proud of you.”
“I killed a guy,” you scoffed.
“You saved a woman, helped catch a murderer, expose corruption throughout a small town, bring closure to a dozen families with missing loved ones-”
“Russell,” you groaned.
“And you saved my little brother’s life all while risking your own. We are damn proud of you, my queen of darkness.” Your head tilted backwards to look at him, Russell grinning back. “No objection?”
“Fine. You wore me down. I did good,” you grumbled. He chuckled against your ear, giving you a tight hug.
“The words every man loves to hear from his girl,” he laughed, giving you space to turn and hug him back. “You want to try sleeping?”
“In a minute. I want to check on him quick.”
“Don’t be long,” he whispered. He pressed his lips to your forehead, letting them linger. You gave him a hum and slipped inside, walking down the hall to the guest room. You cracked open the door slowly, Colter laying in bed with a frown.
“Need some pain killers?” you whispered as you entered, shutting the door behind you. 
“No,” he grumbled, glancing up at you when you took two pills out of the bottle on the nightstand. “I overheard you and Russell.”
You sat on the edge of the bed, Colter grabbing your arm. He tried to sit up, relenting when you pushed on his shoulder. “Rest. I know that’s a foreign word to you but you have to take things slow if you want to recover correctly.”
“And you need to realize this job is dangerous and I am not your responsibility.”
“No, you’re not.” You ruffled his messy hair gently, Colter pouting. “But that’s what family does for each other.”
He wanted to retort but bit his tongue, grumbling as you fixed his blankets and made him take a painkiller. 
“Why didn’t you tell me you and Russell got engaged?” You glanced down at your hand and the shiny silver band on your finger. 
“When did you notice?”
“When you shot that guy. It helped to think of something else for a bit.” You nodded, playing with the ring. “When’d he ask?”
“About a week ago. We wanted to surprise you and Dory.” His hand fell down to yours, giving it a light squeeze. “Colter, I know you have your issues with your brother but we love you. I know you’re going to hate it but you need to stay here for awhile. At the very least you need to stay with Dory if not us. You can’t be alone right now.”
“I will try to not complain too much,” he said. You smiled, leaning down to hug him. “Thank you for finding me.”
“Let’s not make a habit of it is all,” you said, getting up and pushing his glass of water closer. “Need anything else?”
“I’m good.” You went to the door, Colter clearing his throat. “Y/N?”
“That red jacket is still fucking obnoxious.” You flipped him off, Colter cracking a smile. 
“Goodnight, asshole.” You turned off his light for him and found Russell curled up in the blankets in bed.
“How’s the patient?” he mumbled, big spooning you as soon as you were tucked under the covers. 
“He’s going to be alright.” 
“Did you ask him about being in the wedding yet?”
“One step at a time, hun.” He chuckled, burying his face against the back of your neck. 
“Try to get some rest too, qark.” You closed your eyes, nodding once. “Love you.”
“Love you too, Russ.”
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turvi · 8 months
Please some snape x wife reader. They are on vacation withou their child and Severus obviously missed her so much.
Thank you very much 💕
Y/n couldn’t help but smile when she heard Severus grumble about the overpriced dates they bought from the local shop. She knew her husband loved to complain but he was complaining more than usual. As Severus grumbled with a frown Y/n gently held his hand distracting him from his thoughts. It surprised him how his heart still skips with her one simple touch even though they have been together for 6 years now. 
One look at her husband’s frowning face she could tell the real reason he was more grumpy than usual. It was not the overpriced dates. “Severus it’s only been 2 days we will get back to her in no time.” 
Severus rolled his eyes. The audacity of this woman thinking she knows him well (she does). “How are you so calm knowing our daughter is back home without us?” 
Y/n chuckled kissing his cheek, her thumb gently wiping the lipstick off “Sev she is with Mama and Papa she is in good hands.” She didn’t mind his grumbling not one bit because she knew their daughter Clementine had Severus wrapped around her little finger since day one. Although he had been terrified and anxious wondering day and night if he would be a good father or not, it all changed when he held her in his arms.  
“Can we call your parents again?” Severus knew if Y/n hadn’t left him yet now she would, but her soft giggles soothed his thoughts and for a moment he couldn’t take his eyes away from her. 
“My love, I have never called my parents so much in my life as I am now, while on vacation with my husband who misses our sweet angel.” 
He wrapped his arm around her shoulder, giving a quick peck on her head. “You tolerate me, my heart.” 
My heart. It still made her blush after being with him for such a long time. “Hmm, I do…but I guess that’s what I get for marrying the notorious Severus Snape.” she yelped as he pinched her hip, her laughter swallowed by his lips as he kissed her. A kind of kiss that said so much. Thank you, I love you, I am so grateful for your presence in my life. 
“To be honest with you, I miss her too. She has your smile and Severus she is so smart for her age.” 
His eyes were full of love as he saw the mother of his child talk. “I think that’s where you are wrong my heart she has your looks and I am thankful for that because I wouldn’t wish my looks even on my worst enemy.”  He felt her soft palm on his lips and a scowl on her face, which was quite hypocritical of her given she also looked down on herself, but in Severus’ eyes she was the most beautiful girl. He had not a single clue what she saw in him that she liked so much that she decided to spend her life with him and have his child.  
“Severus Tobias Snape, don’t you dare speak such foul words about the man I love.” Her eyes. He loved her eyes the most. They were so expressive, so soft yet intense. He kissed her palm and believed every word he said, yet he kept it to himself for he loved her so much. 
“I can never understand how you love me so much. But maybe that is the beauty of it,” he spoke so softly that Y/n would not have heard if they were not in the quiet part of the town. 
His smile got wider when his wife wrapped her arms around his waist his arms immediately doing the same “Now I miss her too.” Severus chuckled. Even though they had taken this vacation to get some alone time, they missed their daughter. “Seems like we are cutting short our vacation.”
A/N: Here I am again responding to an old ask. REBLOG AND COMMENT IF YOU LIKE THIS
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etherealvistas · 8 months
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Driving in Palestine now is more dangerous than ever.
Yesterday, I drove from Ramallah to Dura, a village near Hebron to attend the funeral of Ahed, my friend’s baby sister, who had just become a mother. She was shot by an Israeli sniper. A heartbreaking loss.
If I could use Israel’s apartheid roads designated for settlers, it would be an 80-90 minute drive, but it took me 4 hours.
First, we’re forced to take segregated Palestinian only roads which make it a 2.5 hour drive because of checkpoints.
But these days, it’s even worse as Israel has imposed an even more strict strangulation policy over the West Bank, which means even some of those segregated roads are blocked and there are 10 times as many checkpoints.
Taking this drive outside our village/cities of residence is extremely dangerous for three reasons:
Settler attacks: Israeli settlers are in rampage mode, and you don’t know when you could get hit by a rock or bullet from one of their raging mobs.
Soldiers at the end of a wrong turn: There are no signs for what “roads” are currently opened or closed for us, you have to guess or stop to ask locals every few miles. If you make a wrong turn and end up face to face with soldiers, they can shoot you, and claim you attacked them.
Arrests for social media posts: If you’re stopped at a checkpoint, soldiers these days are taking folks’ phones and checking their WhatsApp’s and telegram and instagram. If you have a message standing in solidarity with Gaza, or anything the Israeli soldiers see as offensive, they’ll beat you to a pulp, and could even arrest you. My friend Diala, a human rights lawyer, was just arrested at one of these checkpoints this evening. We don’t know why, but it likely relates to her work and messages they found on her phone about it.
On my end, driving back at night was a nightmare, mainly because I had a friend in the car and was worried about him.
As we drove back, these historically busy streets were ghostly empty because nobody is taking the risk of driving at night unless necessary.
Every turn I’d take, I’d slow down to a crawl to make sure there was no trigger happy soldier or angry settler ready to pounce.
I got lucky as, although we waited at a checkpoint for an hour, the soldiers got bored and literally opened the checkpoint for all the cars to pass without any security check — proof they’re using these checkpoints arbitrarily as collective punishment.
In Dura, I saw where Ahed was shot.
The soldiers had stormed her village as part of their intimidation tactics in the West Bank to keep people anxious. Ahed ran to her roof to warn her husband to come home. An Israeli sniper shot her in the head.
As I drove home, thinking of Ahed, her heart broken family, the families of my friends in Gaza, all the souls we’ve lost, and how easy my life could be taken for simply driving across my ancestral lands to help my friend in her grief.
It shouldn’t have to be said, but our lives are precious. They’re beautiful. They’re equally worthy of joy and basic dignity.
I’m committed to one day being able to drive across my people’s ancestral land a free man, surrounded by my liberated people.
If Israel’s death machine is haunting us around every corner, we might as well live fighting for a life worth dying for.
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artist!hyunjin x model!minho
Trigger warnings: n/a
Content warnings: dirty talk, hand job, anal, mild exhibitionism, a touch of overstimulation, excessive use of the name 'baby'
Summary: hyunjin can't keep his hands to himself when his model gets worked up
Word count: 5.2k
A/N: hiiii all ❤ i'll keep this short lmao. i'm slowly but surely working my way through my requests! things feel a bit easier these days so i feel like i can actually get things completed for you all. i hope you all like it!
Tags: @bahng-chrizz
Smut below the cut
Minho bit his lip pensively as he approached the studio door. Was he really about to do this? He knocked before he could talk himself out of it. Damned nerves always got to him.
The door swung open to reveal a tall, slender man with sharp features and luxurious dark hair. He was so pretty he sent all the air rushing out of Minho's lungs. “Minho, hi! It’s so good to finally meet you. Come on in. We’re just setting up.” Pouty lips tugged into a bright smile and Minho's knees turned to jelly for a moment as his heart thumped wildly in his chest.
He stepped inside with a small smile of his own and took in the setup as the beautiful man continued. “My assistant - well, you know Felix - already has everything together for hair and makeup. Once you finish up there, come back in here and we can start.” Minho nodded and took a steadying breath as the taller man led him to a room with a vanity, the desk covered in hair and makeup products, some of which he was familiar with, while others were entirely foreign.
Minho had been modeling for local artists for a couple years now but it never got easier. He always felt a rush of nerves every time he prepared to step in front of a camera or sit for a painting. It certainly didn’t help that Hyunjin was the most gorgeous man he’d ever laid eyes on and he was about to get extremely familiar with the older man.
“Oh, your complexion is just perfect - as always.” Felix said. “Come, let’s get you camera-ready.” He flashed an eager smile and Minho felt instantly at ease. Felix was someone he’d met several times and was rather comfortable with. They ran in the same circles and when the younger man had learned of Minho’s side job, he instantly brought up Hyunjin’s desperation for a model for an upcoming project. He’d connected the two men and today was the first time they were meeting in person.
“Are you okay? You seem kinda anxious.” Felix grabbed the rounded flat iron.
“Yeah I'm fine.” Minho hummed, trying to seem nonchalant. “I always get nervous before these things.”
“Why? You’re gorgeous. You were made for this.” Felix smiled warmly as he began to curl a strand of Minho's hair. The older man rolled his eyes even as a flattered smile spread across his face.
“I know I’m hot, Lix. It’s the expectations that get me worked up.” And this photographer’s face… “I’ll be fine once we get started and I know what he’s going for.”
“I told you: he’s looking for someone to let him paint them for a new exhibit piece. It’s simple.” Felix reminded him as he curled another strand.
“Yes,” he rolled his eyes once more, his smile growing wider at the playful exasperation he felt. Felix always got that reaction out of him. “But once I know the vibe of the shoot, it’ll go smoothly.”
“Well…” Felix bit his lip as he ran his fingers through the curls he’d already finished. Halfway there. “I guess I should warn you…he’s the sensual type. He’s walking sex and it shows in his work.”
“I have eyes, Lix. I can tell that much.” Minho snorted. After a beat, during which he looked around the room to ensure they weren’t being watched from the hall, he spoke again. “He’s hot. I wouldn’t mind things getting…heated.”
“He is. And he’s a-” Felix cut himself short, pink dusting his cheeks as he cleared his throat. “I shouldn’t say that.”
“Well now you have to tell me.” Minho grinned, taking note of how flustered the younger man appeared. “Have you two fucked?” The reddening of Felix's cheeks was his answer and his smirk grew even as something twisted in his chest. “Was he good?”
After a few moments of silence, Felix finally answered. “He’s a fucking beast in bed.” He admitted, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. “You should absolutely find out for yourself.”
“Maybe I will.” Minho hummed, his voice light and airy despite the heat that settled low in his belly.
The rest of Felix’s prep work went quickly, the two of them gossiping about much lighter topics as the younger man worked to enhance Minho’s natural beauty. It didn’t take much.
Within minutes, Minho was seating himself in front of Hyunjin, who already had several small cans of paint open. “And you’re sure you’re not allergic to anything?” He asked cautiously. He’d hate himself forever if he sent anyone to the hospital for the sake of his art, especially someone so perfect.
“Positive.” Minho hummed, shivering as the slight chill in the room caressed his bare chest. His jeans were slung low on his hips and he was shirtless, though he was certain he’d need to remove more clothing before they got started. “So I’m all yours to do with as you please.”
“Don’t tell me that. I might just have too much fun.” Hyunjin winked as he grabbed the first can of paint. “Is there any way I can get you to fully undress? This is going to get messy. Plus,” his grin was seductive and made Minho’s knees weak. “Nude art is always more fun.”
Minho paused and looked at Felix, who gave an eager nod and a thumbs up. “It’ll still be tasteful and not full on porn, right?” He asked, a hint of nervousness creeping into his voice again. His chat with Felix had relaxed him a lot but the prospect of being entirely nude and having the image of his whole body captured for eternity made that calm dissipate. He wasn’t fond of the idea of having his dick on display for the whole world. Personal videos and photos? Sure. But something that would be heavily publicized? That was a step too far.
“Oh god no- I would never ask anyone to pose in entirely provocative ways. This is purely for the art. The most important parts will be covered, I promise.” Hyunjin rushed to assure him with a nervous smile of his own. He kept those photos and videos on a separate camera. This was purely for the aesthetic. Minho was built like a god and his physique deserved to be displayed.
With the reassurance that this was entirely professional, Minho stood from the stool he’d been perched on and reached for the button of his jeans. He ignored the weight of both men’s gazes on him as he shucked both his pants and his briefs. Thank god I took the time to shave last night…
Felix found himself staring and chewing on his lip at the sight of Minho’s impressive body but ignored the racy thoughts he was having. Instead, he took the clothes Minho had just removed and placed them aside, allowing Hyunjin to get started. Hyunjin, on the other hand, didn’t hide his admiration and made a small noise of appreciation as he dipped the brush into the paint.
“This is gonna be a little cold.” He warned before gliding the brush over Minho’s collarbone. The eldest sucked in a gasp at how chilly the paint was but forced himself to hold still. “I’m gonna come back and use my hands once I get the lines down, if that’s okay?”
“That’s fine.” Minho nodded, glancing down as Hyunjin dragged the brush in a straight line down the right side of his chest. “It’ll be warmer then.” He chuckled as he watched the lines of blue, then red, then pink and purple and green appear on his torso, followed by curved lines on his arms and legs. The feather-light touches were driving him up the wall but he did his best to remain composed.
That composure was lost when Hyunjin’s slender hands met his skin, smearing paint down his abs and muddying the pristine lines that had been left only moments prior. His breath hitched at the gentle touch, the slide of the younger man’s hands on his body lighting a fire beneath his skin. His face heated as his blood rushed south, causing Hyunjin’s hands to still. “Sorry…” He mumbled, embarrassed by the way his body reacted to something so small.
“It’s a natural reaction.” Hyunjin murmured, entirely distracted by just how perfect Minho’s body was. Every last inch of him was a gift from the heavens and he felt lucky to be feeling him up. “I’ll be quick.” He assured him, trying and failing to tear his eyes away from Minho’s stiffening cock, which strained with interest each time Hyunjin’s palms glided over a particularly sensitive area.
Felix watched with interest but his excitement at the scene was tamped out almost instantly with guilt. He shouldn’t have been fantasizing about what could happen between two of his best friends. It was his morbid sense of curiosity.
In an uncharacteristic burst of confidence, Minho scoffed and shook his head. “You’re learning all my tells before I get the chance to discover any of yours. How unfair.”
Hyunjin’s hands paused, his eyes locked on Minho’s messy chest as the air between them crackled with electricity. “Felix is watching.” His simple reminder brought Minho back to earth but didn’t ease the tension between them as his fingertips skimmed over the older man’s inner thighs. He took pride in the way Minho’s cock jumped, his own pants growing tight at the sight.
He didn’t bother to hide his excitement as he stood and backed away. “I think that’s about it. Let me add just a little more to your back and we’re good to go.”
“Can I see before we start?” Minho asked curiously. Was it a surprise?
“Of course.” Hyunjin smiled widely at the interest Minho was showing. “There’s a mirror just around the corner.” He gestured to a wall Minho had yet to pass by and the older man nodded, waiting patiently as warm hands danced across his back. One finger slid down his spine and he shuddered. Then Hyunjin was backing away, messy hands held up so as not to spread paint on his clothes. “Let me know what you think.”
Minho padded to the mirror, not bothering to hide his erection since they were all very aware of it by now. When he turned and looked over his shoulder, he let out a soft laugh. “I think you missed a spot.” He pointed out, taking in the lack of paint on his bare ass. There were a few strokes that dipped to the tops of his cheeks but other than that his ass was entirely devoid of color.
Hyunjin stepped around the corner and laughed immediately. “Looks like it.” He snorted and stepped closer, lifting his hands for emphasis. “May I?”
As soon as Minho nodded, Hyunjin’s large hands splayed across his ass, dragging the paint around in a sweeping motion as he fought the urge to knead his flesh. He admired his work as he stepped back, speaking again to break the tension he felt. “Turn for me.” He ordered in a gentle tone, checking to see if he’d missed anywhere else. “See anything else?”
“Maybe…here?” Minho gently grabbed Hyunjin’s wrist and guided his hand to his jaw. “And then drag down my throat?” The aesthetic of fingerprints on his jaw made his brain buzz in the most delightful way and he knew it’d look hot on camera.
“Perfect.” Hyunjin whispered as his grip tightened briefly before his fingers slid to wrap around Minho’s throat. Fuck I want to keep touching him, especially when his cock twitches like that…
“Then…are we ready?” Minho’s voice came out breathless and he suddenly hated how worked up he was. Sure it was a natural reaction like Hyunjin said, but it was bordering on humiliating being the only one naked and this turned on.
“We are. I’ll let Felix get you situated while I wash up.” He held his hands up once more and wiggled his fingers, wrinkling his nose adorably at the mess.
Felix, upon hearing his name, stepped around the corner with a curious expression. At the smiles he received, he led Hyunjin to the white canvas backdrop. “We’ll have you turn slightly to your left and sit down with your knees drawn up.” He instructed and Minho sat as he was told. “Perfect. When he comes back, I’ll get you to stretch your arms out in front of you and rest them on your knees.” Minho nodded and waited, biting back a grin at Felix's knowing expression. “Until then…isn’t his touch just…” His eyes rolled back and he let out a soft groan. “Perfect?”
“It’s actually embarrassing how hard I am.” Minho huffed out a laugh and looked away as his cheeks went a soft pink. “Is he always like that?”
“Pretty much.” The youngest shrugged, laughing at Minho’s pleasantly surprised expression. “Like I said: he’s a very sensual person and the tension is insane.” A mischievous grin took over his face and he wiggled his eyebrows. “Maybe you’ll get a chance to find out just how sensual he can be.”
“Not as long as you’re here.” Minho laughed awkwardly. “There’s only so much I’ll do for an audience.”
“Aww you’re no fun.” Felix’s fake pout earned an eye roll and he burst into laughter, instantly settling down when Hyunjin rejoined them.
“I’m gonna do a few test shots and then we’ll get into it. Can you drape your arms like he showed you? And lay your head down, eyes on me.” Hyunjin hummed, snapping a few shots and taking a deep breath at how perfect even the tests came out.
Luckily for Minho, he started to calm down and no longer felt like he was seconds away from falling apart. Halfway through the shoot, Felix got a call and stepped out. With shutter clicks the only sound filling the air between them, Hyunjin spoke after a few awkward minutes. “How long have you been modeling?”
“About two years now.” Minho hummed, shifting his pose at the younger man’s instruction.
“And how often do you do nude work?” Something in him twisted with a touch of jealousy at the idea of anyone else seeing Minho’s perfect body.
“This would be the first time being fully nude in front of a camera.” He explained with a hint of shyness in his voice. “I’ve posed in underwear before but never fully naked.” Hyunjin gave a pleased hum but kept his expression neutral. “How about you? How long have you been a photographer?”
“Oh it’s been years since I started. I only recently started gallery work though. I was doing events until about a year ago.” His eyes sparkled as he spoke and Minho’s heart thumped in his chest. He loved when people talked about their passions. He loved seeing the way their eyes lit up.
“What was that like?” He watched as Hyunjin pulled the stool over and perched on the edge when he was told to.
“It was fun! It was a lot of fun.” God his smile…
“What made you shift your focus to gallery work then?” Now he was curious. Hyunjin glowed when talking about events so why would he stop doing them?
“I just felt like it was time for a change. It was fun but it came with a lot of stress and I needed a break from that.” He explained softly, smiling again as he stepped behind the camera. “But I’ve met so many wonderful people through this avenue as well. Beautiful people too.” The way his eyes raked over Minho’s bare form as he pressed his tongue into his cheek was entirely deliberate.
The older man flushed even as he tipped his head back under Hyunjin’s instruction. The gaze was so intense it felt like a caress against his skin and he felt himself getting worked up again. He moved so his arm covered his lap and Hyunjin took notice, smirking when he realized his compliment and subsequent ogling had the desired effect.
“I think I’ve got everything I need for now.” He hummed after several minutes of comfortable silence, striding over to where his personal camera was packed away in a bag. Minho felt a bubble of disappointment in his chest at the sudden change in Hyunjin’s demeanor.
“Would you like a more…personal session now?” He turned, lifting his camera from the bag. “For our eyes only.”
Minho’s breath caught in his throat at the way Hyunjin looked at him and he nodded before he even knew what he was agreeing to. Why did he suddenly feel like he’d made a deal with the devil?
“Perfect.” Hyunjin didn’t know if he was referring to Minho’s agreement or the man himself as he made his way back to the tripod. “Then…” he busied himself with changing out his equipment before speaking again. “Turn to your right.” He ordered, his pants tightening once more as Minho’s dick came into view. He bit his lip to hide his smile when the older man tried to cover himself. “Don’t hide. These photos are for you and no one else.”
Minho nodded slowly and forced himself to relax, trusting that Hyunjin wouldn’t lie about this. This was a bit out of his comfort zone but he was willing to try anything once.
“Touch yourself for me, Min.” Hyunjin’s voice came out rough this time as his own cock strained with interest at the mere thought of Minho pleasing himself.
Minho wrapped a shaky hand around his shaft and his lip caught between his teeth at the first tug. His heart hammered in his chest at the pleased noise he heard from behind the camera and he gave another pass, swiping his thumb over the head with a small gasp. He’d been with plenty of people but he’d never been so affected by simply being watched.
He didn’t notice Hyunjin disrobing as he set a steady pace until a warm chest met his back. “Fucking perfect, baby. I can’t help myself, I need to feel you.” Minho took whatever Hyunjin was trying to press into his palm, shivering when his other hand was pushed away from his dick for Hyunjin’s hand to take its place instead. “Press this button,” he guided Minho's thumb to the correct button on the remote. “When you wanna capture something. I’m gonna take care of you.”
Minho didn’t even get a chance to nod before Hyunjin started stroking his cock, his opposite hand roaming his chest and abs. Fire lit under his skin at the contact and his head tipped back to rest on the taller man’s shoulder, his free hand tangling in Hyunjin’s long, dark hair. “Hyunjin-” he gasped his name when his thumb dug into the slit, his hips jerking.
“Jinnie.” He corrected. He liked hearing the nickname in bed. It sounded pretty when people whimpered for him. “Just Jinnie.” His voice was smooth, like liquid butter, and it made Minho’s pulse ratchet up as he nodded.
His jaw dropped when Hyunjin squeezed on the upstroke and he snapped a photo as a tiny whimper slipped from his mouth. “Jinnie-” he whined softly, squirming against the younger man’s chest when his nipple was lightly pinched.
Minho had never been too particular about whether he topped or bottomed so the way his body was being manipulated wasn’t foreign, it was delightful. In fact, it was already shaping up to be the best he’d ever had and they’d only just started. This was solidified when Hyunjin spoke.
“You sound so pretty, Min. Like you were made to moan my name. You sure you didn’t come here just to fuck me?” Hyunjin’s groan made his dick twitch and he whined again, partially from embarrassment at his obvious reaction. “You respond so well, baby. So pretty and perfect. Can’t wait for you to take my cock.”
“Jinnie…” Minho whimpered his name, jaw dropping once more when he felt lips close around his earlobe. “Oh-”
“You sensitive there, baby?” The older man nodded shyly and Hyunjin chuckled against his skin. “How cute.” He cooed as he sped up, his grip tightening just enough for Minho to see stars.
They stayed like that, Hyunjin stroking Minho’s cock and feeling him up with his other hand while Minho snapped photos every time Hyunjin pulled a particularly strong reaction out of him, until the coil in Minho's belly tightened. “Jinnie ‘m close-” he warned, his voice breaking off in a moan as his hips jerked.
“Yeah? Gonna make a mess of the art I made earlier?” Minho nodded furiously, a soft whine tearing from his throat. The goading and cooing always got to him and Hyunjin was a master at it. “Then do it. Cum for me, baby.” He coached, swiping his thumb over the head on every upstroke until he felt the beginnings of Minho’s orgasm.
Minho repeatedly hit the button, snapping a series of photos as he came undone. Molten pleasure filled his veins and he let out a loud cry of Hyunjin’s name as he shuddered with delight. His voice was pathetic and didn’t remotely sound like him as he bit back a series of soft moans and whines, watching helplessly while Hyunjin milked every last drop of cum from him.
Minho forced himself to release his hold on Hyunjin’s hair and instead reached behind him to palm at the bulge pressing against his lower back. He pouted when his hand was pushed away, the need to feel more of the younger man becoming overwhelming. “Why?”
“Lay down.” Hyunjin ordered softly, releasing him and stepping back to give him room to comply. As Minho scrambled to lay on the floor, Hyunjin hooked his thumbs in the waistband of his boxers and shoved them down his thighs. “Gonna fuck this pretty hole and make you scream for me. You want that?”
“So bad.” He nodded, eagerly accepting the two fingers Hyunjin pressed to his lips as he slotted himself between Minho's legs.
The younger man leaned down so his lips were right by Minho’s ear and opened his mouth to speak when a hand wrapped around his cock, pulling a low groan from him. “Shit, baby…” He pressed a tiny kiss to Minho's cheek in return before continuing, rocking his hips in time with the older man’s strokes. “You’re so eager. And fucking gorgeous. My fingerprints all over your body…I wish I could tattoo them on you so you’d never forget my touch.”
Oh, I won’t…
Minho let out a tiny moan in response, suppressing a gag when Hyunjin’s fingers pressed to the back of his throat. His grip tightened and his strokes sped up as he tried to finish Hyunjin before he got a chance to touch him. He wanted things to be entirely even. It was only fair.
All too soon, Hyunjin was pulling back and gently pushing Minho’s hand away.
“As much as I’m enjoying this, I need more.” The taller man hummed, pulling his fingers from Minho's mouth.
“Please-” He whined when he felt Hyunjin press a finger to his entrance. “I need you.” He fought the urge to pout when he wasn’t immediately stuffed full.
“Yeah? How bad?” The smirk on Hyunjin’s face made Minho’s stomach fill with butterflies.
Is he going to make me beg? Oh, who cares. He’s fucking beautiful. Minho needed him. Needed more. He’d do anything to have him inside. “So bad, Jinnie. Feel like I'll die if I don’t have you inside me soon.” He was barely done speaking when a long finger pressed inside.
“Fuck, baby, you’re so tight. Gonna take me so well…” Hyunjin’s groan reignited the flames beneath Minho’s skin but he barely had a chance to comprehend his words before soft, pouty lips met his own. He reached between them once more, set on pleasing Hyunjin while he was being stretched, but his wrist was caught and pinned above his head.
His dick twitched at the sensation of being restrained and he let out a small sound, grinding down against Hyunjin’s fingers as another was added. The taller man’s tongue plundered his mouth the second he parted his lips and Minho made another sound as he sucked on Hyunjin’s tongue, earning a low growl in return.
Minho was quick to press the button again, capturing the moment in high definition. Hyunjin heard the click of the shutter and pulled back with a groan. “You’re killing me…” His lips tugged into a smirk. “Think you’re ready? I need to feel you.”
“So fucking ready, Jinnie.” Minho nodded eagerly, disappointment bubbling in his chest when Hyunjin pulled his hand away after scissoring his fingers one last time. He tamped it down when he felt the blunt head of the younger man’s cock pressing against his entrance.
“Last chance. You sure?”
“Just fuck me already, Hyunjin.” He demanded, the last syllable pitching upward in an embarrassing moan as he was filled in one swift move. It almost hurt how quickly Hyunjin pushed into him but that made him love it even more.
“Fucking hell- you’re so tight.” The taller man bit his pillowy bottom lip, his face dropping to Minho’s neck. He inhaled deeply, head spinning at his spicy vanilla scent. This must be what Heaven smells like… He held still, waiting for Minho to relax against him. The second he did, he’d rail him.
The sheer size of him almost made it difficult for Minho to adjust but after a few minutes, he tentatively rocked his hips, earning a hiss from the other man. As he turned his head in the hopes of kissing Hyunjin’s ear, a sharp thrust knocked a loud moan from him. “Jinnie-”
Hyunjin set an unforgiving pace, his hips snapping furiously. Each thrust drew out another sound from the gorgeous man beneath him and he was certain he’d become addicted to Minho’s noises if they continued like this. He pulled back to look down at him and bit his lip hard at the visual of his fingerprints on Minho’s jaw. His hands itched to wrap around the older man’s throat but he refrained.
“You look so fucking pretty, baby…” He praised, watching as Minho’s jaw went slack and his head tipped back. He couldn’t help but pinch a paint-covered nipple, his dick throbbing at the whimper his actions elicited. “Sound pretty too.”
Minho’s cheeks flamed at the compliments and he had to fight the urge to hide his face in Hyunjin’s neck. Instead, he snapped another photo. The sound of the camera was the last straw for Hyunjin and he let out a soft growl as he tangled a fist in Minho's hair. “You’re driving me fucking crazy, Min.”
Instantly, Minho was scrambling to tug Hyunjin’s free hand towards his throat. “Please.” He whispered before sucking in a gasp as Hyunjin hit his most sensitive point. “Please-” He begged louder this time, frantically trying to wrap Hyunjin’s fingers around his throat.
“Filthy boy…” A dark smile took over Hyunjin’s face as he closed his hand around Minho’s throat, hips working faster, if that was possible. As soon as the younger man’s grip tightened, Minho shuddered in delight and snapped another photo.
“Kiss me.” He whispered, whimpering loudly a moment later at the rough thrust that hit his prostate deliciously. Hyunjin obliged with no hesitation, squeezing Minho’s throat harder and making his head spin at the lack of blood circulation. It was perfect.
Hyunjin’s teeth grazed Minho’s lip before he bit down and tugged back, groaning when the older man clenched around him. He was getting close and that almost did him in. He pulled back briefly to warn Minho. “Careful, baby. You don’t want to finish me just yet.”
Oh but he did. Minho was teetering right on the edge already and he wanted to be filled to the brim with cum. He needed it. “Jinnie ‘m close-” he warned breathlessly.
“Already? How cute.” Minho whined at his mocking tone, groaning when they locked lips again. He wouldn’t ask permission to cum but he’d still wanted some sort of acknowledgement beyond taunting.
Minho felt the knot in the pit of his belly begin to unravel and laid on the remote, snapping as many photos as he could. His moans pitched upward and his eyes rolled back as he came undone, his back arching off the floor as the full force of his orgasm hit him.
Even as he came down from his high, Hyunjin didn’t give him a break. He pulled out and took their cocks in one hand, stroking them together. The overstimulation was almost painful for the older man as a third orgasm was ripped from his body.
When Minho was a boneless puddle on the floor, Hyunjin finally relented. “One more, baby. Can you do that for me? Can you gimme one more?”
“J- ah- just one-” Minho bit his lip hard as tears built behind his eyes. He could feel another orgasm coming and he wasn’t sure if he could handle it. He needed a break from the onslaught of pleasure. But he also wanted to please Hyunjin and that desire had won out, all other needs washed away by the sweat that dropped onto his skin from the younger man’s chin.
“Good boy.” Hyunjin’s voice came out strained as his orgasm approached. He’d been holding back for a while now, wanting to play with Minho a while longer. But when he saw his face going red as tears welled in his eyes, he knew it was time to give him a break. “Where do you want it, baby?”
Minho debated in his head. Did he want to wear it? Or would he prefer to have it all inside? He hesitated a moment too long because the choice was ripped from him a few seconds later. Ropes of hot cum decorated his already-messy stomach and his body trembled with his own orgasm at the sensation.
“Jinnie-” He cried the taller man’s name as he came for the fourth and final time, his whole body burning. Tears finally spilled from his eyes, though it was short-lived as they quickly dried. His thighs trembled and his chest heaved. He let out a disapproving whine when Hyunjin pulled away but quickly silenced himself when he realized he was going for the camera.
“Just a few more shots, hmm?” Hyunjin grinned lazily as he carefully took the camera from its place on the tripod before padding back over to where Minho still lay in a heap on the floor. “I want you to see how pretty you look from my point of view.” He explained as he settled back between Minho’s legs, urging them around his hips.
Minho couldn’t hide his tiny smile as Hyunjin snapped a series of photos, making sure to capture the paint and cum decorating his stomach. He couldn’t bring himself to be embarrassed about being fully nude on camera as he basked in the afterglow of his orgasms. It felt…right.
After a few minutes of photos, Hyunjin carefully placed the camera on the stool and collapsed beside Minho. “That was fucking amazing.” The older man nodded in agreement, turning on his side to face Hyunjin, who now had a mischievous grin on his face. “What are the chances you’ll come model for me again soon?”
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marshmellowzz · 1 year
I want some headcanons about a male Reader and Genya going to the same shooting range together and being friends :3 Also maybe Sanemi is there too?
Shooting Alley Headcanons With Genya
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A/n - I’m sorry for the wait, anon! but I’ve finally got around to finishing this request, I hope you like it!
- genya was always a good shot, but his ultimate downfall would be his piss-poor social skills and extremely low confidence.
- the man is the physical embodiment of “looks like they will kill you but is actually a sweetheart”
- He has a very intimidating resting face, and the more anxious he becomes the more his scowl deepens, which leaves him confused as to why people tend to stray away from him.
- “Why is everybody scared of me ?☹️”
- so imagine the absolute distraught mess he became when he found out that you — someone he admired and found pretty cool — was also pretty handy in terms of aiming.
- genya keeps trying to hype himself up to strike up a conversation with you but he chickens out every single time.
- It doesn’t take long for him to find out that you two go practice at the same shooting range.
- he tries his best to avoid you, he gets scared to speak to you in fears that you would find him strange or scary.
- he definitely tries to ask sanemi for advice but sanemi is just not helpful at all.
- “jus’ stop being a pussy ‘n go talk to him.”
- you’d definitely have to be the one to strike up a conversation with him.
- he might look a little intimidating at first, and he may look like he holds a deep hatred for you.
- that is not the case!
- once you do, he’d probably super very nervous—and if you were to invite him to shoot beside you—he would miraculously be failing every single one of his shots.
- just a sputtering and embarrassed mess 😭
- luckily for genya, sanemi was not there. If he was he’d be laughing his guts out.
- It’ll take him some time to warm up to you…but the end result is worth it!
- after a while he’d start approaching you at school and hanging out with you.
- he’d begin to be more comfortable with you and he’d ask if you’d be at the shooting range after school.
- you guys would probably be hanging out after school every other day, just at your local shooting range.
- sanemi never liked this little hobby genya had adopted,
- since sanemi is a math teacher in the modern AU, he gets really pissed when he sees genya “goofing off” instead of improving his ability with math.
- he probably makes genya come home so he can practice math instead of going to the shooting range,
- sanemi has an unspoken dislike for you
- and your just like “???”
- but at the end of the day, sanemi knows you make his brother happy, so he lets it slide.
- hanging out with you is something genya looks forward to.
- whenever he’s sulking or moping around in class—he remembers that you guys are going to the shooting range after school together.
- he eventually feels that he can call you his best friend.
- he’ll gain the courage to invite you to other places besides the shooting range.
- new movie?
“let’s watch it together.”
- a cafe downtown?
“we can try it out.”
- “wanna meet my brother?”
- yeah…sanemi isn’t very thrilled to see you.
- its ok, he’ll have to get used to seeing you around because Genya holds you close to his heart.
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cecilysass · 6 months
Shine On (3/16)
Read on AO3 | Tagging @today-in-fic
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Chapter 3: Might Be My Fault
Farrs Corner, Virginia February 20, 2015
The knock on the door makes Mulder jump and sit up abruptly on the couch.
His first thought is that maybe Scully forgot something, but even as he’s scanning the room for anything of hers, he’s realizing: he hadn’t heard her car come back up the drive. 
He hasn’t heard any car come up the drive.
For thirty seconds he’s in bitter disbelief that danger could possibly be at his door right now. When he’s sitting here with his heart in pieces, his whole world in shambles. 
Then again, if there’s one thing Fox Mulder knows all too well, it’s that life will always kick you when you’re down.
He stands up slowly, moving silently to his desk drawer where he keeps a weapon just in case. He sticks the gun in his waistband, safety on. He’s careful not to make too much noise.
No need to overreact. It could be nothing. There are a few neighbors around—although they’re a bit of a hike away—and it could be someone coming to his house on foot for perfectly innocent reasons. Still, his experience, his training, and his instincts tell him to be prepared. 
Some very dark, small voice inside his mind tells him something else: All your training assumes you don’t want someone to strike you down. That you have something to live for. But that’s not an accurate assumption in this case, is it? Why do you bother? She’s never coming back.
He shakes his head. He can’t think like that. Besides, there’s comfort in just slipping into g-man mode, something he knows how to do without thinking. 
The curtains in his front window are drawn, so he can just peer out from the side. There is someone standing there, but Mulder can only see the back slope of their head and back. A man, he thinks. He’s standing too close to the door for Mulder’s vantage point. If this guy would just take one little step back, Mulder could see him perfectly.
Almost as if he could hear Mulder’s request, the figure takes a step back, stepping precisely into Mulder’s frame of sight. 
It’s not a man. It’s a boy. A  young teenager, facing the front door expectantly.
Mulder lets out a deep breath. All right. This is more likely a neighbor request then. Probably a kid selling magazine subscriptions for the junior high track team or something. 
“Hi,” Mulder says, opening the door with a tepid, friendly smile. “What can I do for you?”
The boy stares back at him, and Mulder’s investigator instincts snap back into place. This doesn’t look like a kid selling magazines. This looks like a kid who is very, very anxious.
“I–” The kid stops, bites his lip, looks at his feet. “Somebody, uh, told me to come talk to you.”
“To me?” Mulder scratches his head. He tries to wrack his brain about why a local kid could be sent to talk to him. He knows some of his neighbors probably think he needs help with keeping up the yard. “Oh. Uh, is it about those downed trees on the edge of the property? I know sometimes people pay kids to cut wood up and haul it away or whatever. Were you … interested?”
“No, no,” the boy says. He’s got brown hair, straight, and he runs his fingers through it nervously. “It’s not like that. I came here … for your help.”
“For my help,” repeats Mulder. His eyes scan the yard, the road beyond, looking for signs of a car that could have dropped the kid off. 
“Yeah,” the boy says. He clears his throat. His eyes land, just for a moment, at the handle of the gun visible at Mulder’s waistband. “I need help. Somebody told me you could help me. Fox Mulder, right?”
Mulder nods. “Yeah, I’m Fox Mulder,” he says. He rubs the bridge of his nose. “Listen, I used to be an F.B.I. agent, but I’m not anymore. I’m not really someone who can…help people.”
The boy is undeterred. “I think you can help me.”
Mulder looks him over. He has a lightweight jacket on, but his shoes look dirty. He’s shifting his weight from foot to foot. There’s something sad about the kid, like he’s carrying an invisible burden. 
Mulder has the oddest sensation, just for a moment, that he can actually feel the kid’s sadness. That he’s experiencing the same heavy sensation blooming in his chest as the kid is.
The feeling fades away quickly. Probably just one depressed guy feeling empathy for another.
Why the fuck don’t you try to help him? What else do you have to do?
“Okay,” Mulder says with a sigh. “Sure. I have a lot of questions. But come inside. I’ll see what I can do.”
The boy follows Mulder obediently. His eyes, sharp and observant, fly all over the room, taking in every detail. He stares at the piles of books on the floor, the same perturbed expression on his face that Scully had.
“I’m reorganizing my books,” Mulder explains halfheartedly. “Why don’t you come sit at the table with me? More room over here. What’s your name?”
“Jackson,” the kid says, sliding into one of Mulder’s kitchen table seats. 
“Are you hurt, Jackson?”
“No,” he says. 
“Are you hungry? Thirsty?”
Some muscle twitches in the kid’s face, and Mulder can see that yes, he definitely is hungry and thirsty. He wonders how far the kid has walked today. So many questions, but experience has taught him to take care of basic needs first. 
“I’m okay,” the kid says with a modest lift of his shoulder.
“I was thinking about ordering a pizza,” Mulder says. “If I get one, will you eat it? It would be a favor. I can get more if you share it with me.”
“All right,” Jackson says, watching him closely. “I like Italian sausage.”
“Hey, that’s my favorite,” Mulder says pleasantly. “What a coincidence. Let me order, and then we’ll talk.” 
Mulder picks up his phone to call. There’s only one place that delivers out here in the boondocks, and he has their number saved. As he gives them the order, he watches Jackson rise from his seat and wander around the room, examining Mulder’s belongings, picking up books and pictures on the shelves. Mulder realizes with bemusement that for a few minutes the mystery teen has managed to entirely sidetrack him from his own troubles.
An intriguing case could always do that, he thinks.
“Who are they?” Jackson asks, when Mulder is off the phone. Jackson is holding up a framed black and white photo from the sixties, a relic from the intact days of his parents’ marriage that Mulder has only recently had framed.
“They’re my parents,” Mulder says. “A long time ago, when they were young.”
“Are they still alive?”
“No,” Mulder says. “No, they’re gone.”
Jackson nods seriously, looking at the photo. “I’m sorry.”
“Thank you. It’s been some time now.”
Jackson tilts his head thoughtfully. “Can I ask you… do you sometimes feel bad that they died? Like it was your fault?”
Mulder frowns, startled. “How would you—why would you say that?” 
“Sorry,” Jackson says, his face flushing. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to … My parents are dead, too.”
“Oh,” Mulder says, his tone changing. “I’m sorry.”
“They were murdered,” Jackson adds in a monotone. “They were shot. Just a few weeks ago.”
Mulder lets out a breath. “Oh, wow,” he says. “That’s recent. That’s a lot, Jackson.”
Jackson puts the photo down and walks back over to his seat at the table. He makes unsettling direct eye contact with Mulder, and when he does, Mulder can see that his eyes are wet. 
“Is the reason you came here to see me …. something to do with that?” Mulder asks. “Something to do with your parents?”
Jackson nods, but can’t seem to say anything else, his lip quivering. Some tears stream down his face. Mulder recognizes signs of trauma all over the kid and knows not to push, even though he definitely wants to know more. 
“You want something to drink?” Mulder says gently. “I have spiced apple cider. That good kind from Trader Joe’s. You want some of that?”
“Okay,” Jackson says, sniffing. Mulder stands to get the cider. “I don’t know what Trader Joe’s is.”
“Oh, it’s just a grocery store,” Mulder says, opening the fridge. “There’s not one near here, but I go to the one in Alexandria sometimes and stock up. Maybe you’ve seen one before if you’ve gone into DC.”
“I’ve never been to DC,” Jackson says. “I’m from Wyoming.”
Mulder turns around from the counter to look at Jackson, surprised. “You’re from Wyoming?”
“Yeah,” he says. “This is the first time I’ve ever been this far east. Really the first I’ve been anywhere except Wyoming, Colorado, Idaho — and my uncle Wyatt’s in Minnesota.” 
“How did you get here? To Virginia?”
“Someone drove me. To see you.”
Mulder’s puzzled. “Someone drove you? Who drove you?”
Jackson looks down at his hands on the table. “I can’t tell you that.” He swallows, looking ashamed. “Is that okay? I just … can’t tell you.”
Mulder shakes his head in bewilderment. “Yeah, well, of course it’s okay,” he says. “Tell me whatever you want. I’m just trying to figure out what you need from me, Jackson.”
The microwave, which has been humming, now dings, and Mulder lifts two mugs of cider to the table, placing them in front of Jackson and himself. He notices that Jackson never stops staring at him, taking in every detail. His eyes are intensely green, bright, constantly shifting at everything around him.
“All right,” Mulder says. “What do you need me to know?”
Jackson sips his cider, sitting up very straight and stiff. He bizarrely reminds Mulder of Scully sitting on the couch before, sipping her tea and refusing to let her guard down. 
The kid sets down his cup. “They think I killed my parents,” Jackson says. He stares meaningfully at Mulder. “They think I woke up and shot them, then went to school like nothing happened. They’re trying to arrest me.”
Mulder stares back at him, blinking. “But you didn’t shoot them.”
“So you’re on the run? From the police?”
“Yeah,” Jackson says. “I left my school. I snuck out. I’ve been running since.”
“And somehow, you ran all the way from Wyoming to Virginia,” Mulder says. “To see … me.”
Jackson scowls slightly. “I can tell you don’t believe me all the way. That you’re suspicious,” he says. “But that’s the truth, I swear.”
“I’m not exactly suspicious,” Mulder says, although he is, just a little. “I’m just trying to figure out how I might be of help. I mean, I’m not a lawyer, or even a private investigator, Jackson.” He cradles his cup of cider, appraising the boy. “Back when I was an F.B.I. agent, my partner and I, we dealt with cases that had to do with unusual circumstances. The supernatural. Is there anything about what happened to your parents that might be … unusual?”
“They were shot,” Jackson says, monotone again. “It wasn’t supernatural.”
“Why do the police think that you killed them?”
“I don’t know,” Jackson says. His stoic face crumples. “I don’t know the answer to that. I wish I did. They seemed really sure.”
Mulder studies him. He’s experiencing a strong feeling of certainty that the boy didn’t kill his parents. It’s a feeling probably derived from his rusty profiling skills, but right now it feels more like a pure feeling. 
“Hey,” he says impulsively, reaching for the kid’s arm. “Whatever happened  …  it’s not your fault, Jackson.”
The boy draws away. “No,” he says, his voice tight. “That’s the thing. I think it might be my fault.” 
Mulder sits back in his chair again, then slowly crosses his arms. “I don’t follow.”
“I didn’t kill them,” Jackson says. “I loved them.” He swallows. “But I think they were killed because of me. I can’t think of any other reason why. That’s why I’m here.” He licks his lips anxiously.
Mulder waits a moment expectantly, but Jackson doesn’t continue. “Why do you think they were killed because of you?” he prompts.
Jackson’s staring at the table, not looking up. “I think it has something to do with my birth parents,” he says, so quietly Mulder can barely hear.
Mulder’s mug had been halfway to the table, but he now freezes in place. Gradually, he becomes aware of the sound of the clock on the kitchen wall ticking and finds himself moving again.
“You’re adopted?” Mulder asks in a careful, precise voice. He sets his mug down.
“Yeah,” Jackson says. 
“How… how old are you?
“I’m almost fourteen.”
Mulder has to stop again. Almost fourteen. Born in spring 2001. The boy is watching him closely, a curious expression on his face. 
“Do you…know who your birth parents are?”
“I know who my birth mother is,” Jackson says. “Not her name. I don’t know her name. But I know who she is.”
Mulder finds he can’t speak. He sits there staring at the boy, trying not to observe a hundred new things about him. The texture of his hair. The color of his eyes. The shape of his face. His tendency to lick his lips when he is nervous.
“How do you know who she is?” Mulder manages finally.
“You said you’d worked supernatural cases, right?” Jackson asks. “Well. I’ve seen her… in my mind. In these flashes. That’s something I can do. I’ve seen her calling for me. Crying for me. A few times in my life. I sort of figured out that was who it was.”
Mulder runs his hands down his face, trying to absorb this.  “Okay,” he says. “Okay. I have questions about all of that, but okay.” He steels himself. “You said you knew who she was. Who—who is she?”
Jackson looks up directly at him, with a pointed expression, like he thinks he should have figured this out already. “The woman who was here before. Who you fought with. The woman who drove off. With the red hair.”
Mulder closes his eyes. He keeps them closed for a moment, searching desperately for some idea for what to say or do next. 
He opens them and nods slowly at the boy.
“All right,” he says in a rough voice, running his hands together. “All right then.”
He folds his hands on the table.
“Then first off,” he says, “you should know you have been to DC before.”
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alicedash2 · 10 months
Hi alicedash thank you for tryning your best to do my request I really love it.But i would like to request somthing more but with a bit more detil I hope you don't mind with the same y/n know sounds cringe but just hear me out lets say that the red hair pirates just  recruited a cute female crew member thats pretty short(like 169cm) and weak. She  goes shopping alone in town ,the town the red hair pirates staying at .But than she gets attack by some thiefs that try takeing her money but when she refuse to give them they beat her and leave her with huge red bruises on the arms/legs and on the forehead that start to bleed pretty bad ...she gets still in pain and robbed....walks to the local clinic.Stay in a room to heal. Meanwhile back at ship where the guys are starting to worry about their little pumkpin desides to go searching for her .They go around asking everyone at different food stalls  if they seen her keep mind that shanks and his crew are wereing their causal outfit and weapons on  and super tall guys so people get scread. They finally get a to a man that  saw her.he gives the directions to the clinic. Shanks and his crew get to the reception and ask for their little pumpkin is bit the receptionist tells that she can't tell where their pumpkin is at because if she has not clarifies that visitors are allowed than she can't tell them.Also because she thinks they look  suspicious because there pirates and also because they have weapons
How do you think the guys will react to this fact?
Have a lovely day!
Here we go!
Shanks x Reader
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(Not reviewed, may contain several errors)
What a horrible day it was! YN had just joined the Redheads, she was a bit small and fragile, but that didn't stop her from joining the crew.
However, trouble struck when she decided to wander alone in the city on the recently arrived island. Everything seemed perfect until YN made the mistake of going alone. While shopping, a group of thieves spotted her and decided to attack. YN fought back, but she was beaten by the thieves who only fled when civilians intervened. Fortunately, YN didn't lose all her belongings, but she did suffer some broken bones. She headed to the nearest hospital, got prompt treatment, and hours later, Shanks realized her prolonged absence.
The search began as Shanks and his crew questioned frightened civilians. Despite Shanks being famous and intimidating, they managed to gather details from a man who witnessed the assault. However, when Shanks tried to visit YN in the hospital, he faced resistance from the receptionist, suspecting him as the infamous red-haired pirate.
- Sorry, sir, at the moment we do not accept visitors, it is past time, I ask you to leave - said the receptionist
- please let me see her! - Shanks implied
-Get out, by the way, you look suspicious! Aren't you the red-haired pirate?! You have weapons!- the receptionist said
-I-I just need to see her and I'll go away!- Shanks said
w-we can't hand over a civilian to a pirate!- The receptionist said, scared
Frustrated and anxious, Shanks decided to invade the hospital. Despite causing chaos, he finally found YN, lying in bed.
- "Are you okay?!"
Shanks asked as he approached her. She looked at him and nodded, showing her casted arm. Shanks picked her up, threw her over his shoulder, and jumped through the window.
- "We'll take care of you, you nearly gave me a heart attack!" Shanks said, laughing.
- "Looks like we'll have to train you. Damn, I shouldn't have let you wander alone!"
Shanks added, placing YN on the ground. Shortly after, the crew found Shanks and YN. Some members scolded YN, not too harshly, just to caution her. YN also learned that the same thieves who attacked her were brutally dealt with by Shanks and his crew, who returned some of her belongings.
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the-fiction-witch · 3 months
Little Doll P3
Media - The Artful Dodger Character - Jack Dawkins Couple - Jack X Reader Reader - Miss Y/n Y/l/n (Porceline Skin China doll look) Rating - Sweet AF Word Count - 2473
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Jack missed Y/n, he had seen her a few times as she had come to visit the hospital or he had met her around town and every time they met they shared the sweetest of embraces and the most perfect of kisses. Jack loved every moment he had with Y/n, every gentle touch, every sweet kiss, every shy glance of her emerald eyes. He was utterly obsessed with his beautiful little doll. Jack knew he was so utterly smitten, in love with his little doll. But he also knew every day there was a risk of her being wedded off to some horrible man, But Jack had a plan, he couldn't stop her from being wedded off, but he could make it so she got wedded off... To him. It pained Jack to think of Y/n being wedded to someone else. The very idea made him almost enraged. The thought of some cruel and unworthy man putting their grubby hands all over his doll. He could never allow that. He would make sure Y/n was his.
Jack for himself dressed into his best clothes and walked the way to Y/n's father's estate the large house was quiet and grey as he approached the door
He was starting to grow a little anxious at the thought... What if Y/n didn't want to marry him? No... She had to. Jack was nervous of course at the idea of asking for Y/n’s hand but he knew the only way to keep his little doll his would be to well... Make her his. Jack knocked on the large doors of Y/n's father's estate. His heart was hammering in his chest as he waited for someone to answer the door, he didn't think he had ever been this nervous in his life. This was make or break.
the door opened to a young maid girl, Jack was relieved to see a young maid behind the door instead of Y/n's Father, he put on a polite smile for the young girl. "Hello there," He spoke politely, "I was wondering if Mr Y/L/C is available? I have something rather important I'd like to speak to him about."
the maid nodded and ushered jack inside,
Jack was ushered into the parlour by the maid. He looked around at all the hunting trophies and shivered slightly as he saw all the dead animal's heads mounted on the wall. Jack didn't find them pleasant to look at, instead he found them unnerving. Jack's eyes immediately fell on Mr Y/L/C's large form and he gulped slightly. He had to do this, for Y/n, and for himself.
Mr Y/L/C sat in his chair smoking a cigarette, the round mans eye brow raised "Doctor Dawkins? I don't recall requesting a house call?"
Jack gulped slightly before answering. This was it. Time to try and charm Mr Y/L/C and get his permission to ask Y/n for her hand in marriage. "I do apologize for the unannounced visit, Mr Y/L/C, but I... There was something I wished to speak to you about." Jack explained nervously, his hands feeling slightly clammy.
"oh? Go on."
Jack nodded slightly at Mr Y/L/C's words and stood up a little straight. He took a deep breath to compose himself, "I wish... I wish to request your daughter's hand in marriage." He said finally, watching Mr Y/L/C closely for his reaction.
"I see... What makes you think your suitable to marry my daughter?"
Jack mentally prepared his answer as he spoke. He knew that Mr Y/L/C would ask something like that. Jack gave Mr Y/L/C a polite smile as he spoke, "I would like to think I am a respectable man. I am hardworking, responsible, dependable." Jack explained, "I am the local physician and surgeon," he answered, "In short, I am willing and able to keep Y/n happy and supported."
"... I see, to have full Intention to wed her? Not ask for her hand and keep her strung along for months and years"
Jack immediately shook his head, "I assure you, my intentions are entirely serious. I have no intention of stringing Y/n along with no real intention to wed her. I want to live with her as my wife." Jack explained, looking at Mr Y/L/C with what he hoped to be an honest and sincere expression.
"you own a home?"
Jack nodded at this question, "Yes sir. I own a small cottage not far from my clinic. I built it myself, so it's a little rough as I'm a doctor, not really a builder, but you can rest assured that it will be comfortable and clean and not falling apart." He explained, "As well as that, I am in the process of hiring an assistant. Once the assistant has been trained I will be able to earn slightly more money. I'm making sure all of this is taken care of to give Y/n the best life possible."
"do you have Intentions to give me grandchildren? And are you... Capable of such Intentions?"
Jack felt his heart hammer as Mr Y/L/C's questions got more and more personal. Jack took a second to compose himself before he answered with an honest answer. "Of course, I want nothing more than to start a family with Y/n. I am perfectly capable of giving you grandchildren, in fact I greatly look forward to being a father to Y/n's children." He said, trying to keep his tone and expression as pleasant and sincere as possible.
Mr Y/L/C pondered, leaving the room in silence a moment before finally speaking up "Agreed. You will marry my daughter. We'll pencil the wedding for a month's time"
Jack was so relieved to see that Mr Y/L/C agreed for him to marry Y/n. He didn't care that Mr Y/L/C hadn't even asked Y/n if she would be amenable to the arrangement. All that mattered to him was that he could marry Y/n and be with her forever. Jack bowed his head politely in Mr Y/L/C's direction to show his gratitude. "Thank you, sir. I greatly appreciate your benevolence. I promise that I'll make Y/n happy."
"I couldn't give a rats ass you make her happy, I care you keep her funded. Fed and fucked."
Jack knew that Mr Y/L/C wasn't a particularly caring or good father to Y/n, so he already expected Mr Y/L/C to be less than interested in Y/n being happy. The casual way Mr Y/L/C mentioned "taking care of" Y/n's needs made Jack's expression darken slightly, but he put his dislike for the man to the back of his mind. This was for Y/n, he could deal with Mr Y/L/C's crassness for her sake. Jack gave a slight nod, "Yes, sir. I assure you that Y/n will never be without food, money or... Otherwise taken care of."
"good, up the stairs fourth door on the left. Suppose you should go break the news to her. She won't be thrilled"
Jack gulped as he heard Mr Y/L/C's words, so much for asking Y/n for her hand in a romantic and dramatic way. Feeling a little nervous at Y/n's reaction to the news, Jack gave Mr Y/L/C a polite nod and turned to leave, heading up the stairs the way he directed. He soon reached the fourth door on the left, staring at the door for a few seconds before knocking gently.
"come in" Y/n answer from inside
Jack egarly snuck himself inside her room and for a moment was taken back by the place the walls lined with bookshelves, trinkets, bottles, and jars, frames of diagrams and collection notes, crystals and small trinkets littered the place, a large fourposter bed with thick purple curtains. A fireplace burning bright. And Y/n laid in her dark blue dress a matching bow in her brown curls as always inside a small book nook with a blanket, deck of tarot cards in hand flipping them around in her fingers, Jack immediately smiled upon seeing Y/n in her little nook, she looked so sweet and cozy laid on her bed, flipping the tarot cards in her hand. Not wanting to interrupt Y/n while she was sorting her tarot cards, Jack quietly stepped over to her book nook and leaned down slightly, gently speaking to get Y/n's attention. "My little doll?"
She jumped and looked up at him "jack! What are you doing here!" She whispered yelled as she sat up,
Jack gave a low chuckle at Y/n's whisper-yell, "My little doll, is that any way to treat your beloved visiting you?" He teased, keeping his voice at a whisper too, "I do hope you are not unhappy to see me?"
"of course I'm happy to see you I’m always happy to see you" she pulled him down into the book nook for a cuddle "but what are you doing here? It's not safe if Father finds out you're here he'll boil your toes"
Jack smiled as Y/n pulled him into the book nook, wrapping her arms around him as he laid beside her. He wrapped his arms around her and cuddled up against her slightly, laying his head down on her shoulder.
At her whispered explanation of why it was dangerous for them to be together like this, Jack gently nuzzled into her shoulder. "I know, my little doll, I know... But I have some important news. "
Jack looked up into Y/n's emerald eyes from where he was cuddled up beside her. He couldn't believe how beautiful she looked as the fire of the nearby fireplace softly glinted off her porcelain skin and lit up her emerald eyes. Jack was quiet for a moment, suddenly feeling a little shy as he spoke, "Your... Your Father, has agreed that we can marry. A month from now..." He explained quietly, gently cupping her cheeks in his hands, "You are to be my wife."
"... Do you say this... In jest jack?"
Jack immediately shook his head at Y/n's question, "No, my sweet doll. I would never jest about something like this... I'm dead serious. You're going to be my wife." he explained, gently rubbing his thumb across Y/n's cheek as he looked at her.
Y/n began to tremble and she broke down hugging him tight pressing her face to his chest as she cried, As Y/n began trembling and crying against him, Jack immediately wrapped his arms around her, holding her to his chest and rubbing her back soothingly. He held her gently against his chest and gently kissed the top of her head.
"Shhh, my little doll... You're okay, you're safe, you're safe, shhh..." He whispered soothingly, holding her gently against him as she cried and trembled.
"...I'm... So... Happy..."
Jack gave a low, fond chuckle as Y/n continued crying and cuddling up against him. He kissed the top of her head gently as he held onto her soothingly, "I know, my doll. So am I... We'll be married in a month." He whispered soothingly, his arms wrapped protectively around his fiancée, gently rubbing his hand across her back.
"it's really true?" She looked up a him "you and I? I will not be sold off to some man to make babies but... Given to you?"
Jack cupped Y/n's cheeks gently in his hands as he gave her a loving smile, "Absolutely true. You are mine, nobody else's." He whispered, gently rubbing his thumbs across her cheeks.
"Nobody's marrying you, nobody's making you bear their children, nobody's going to touch you." He added soothingly, "You're mine, my precious doll, nobody's taking you from me."
"thank you!" She hugged him tight
Jack's heart leapt in his chest as Y/n wrapped her arms tightly around him, her gentle body pressed against his. He gently rested his forehead against her's and gave her a warm, loving smile. "... I'll always keep you safe and loved, my precious doll. I'll protect you." He whispered soothingly to her.
"we'll get to get married!" She jumped up to her feet pacing in her room excitedly "well get married and have a little house and we can fill the house with books and trinkets and tools! And we can look up medical books together by the fire! And I couldn't come bring you lunch everyday whilst you have surgeries! And we can go for long graveyard walks every week! And you won't throw away any of my collections!"
Jack could feel a wide smile spreading across his lips as Y/n began pacing around excitedly. He stood up to his feet and just watched her in adoration and affection. Y/n's pure excitement and joy was so endearing, he loved everything she was suggesting. The little life they were to share together sounded like his dream come true. He gave a low chuckle as she mentioned that he'd never again throw any of her trinkets away. He reached forward and gently took her hand, giving her a fond smile. "Yes, my love. We can do all that and more."
Jack gave a low chuckle as he nodded at Y/n's exclamation, "Yes, my doll. I'll let you bring all the skulls and trinkets home that your heart desires." he said, placing a gentle kiss on the back of Y/n's hand as he spoke. "And we shall buy mountains of books, so that your little book nook will be the envy of all our friends. We'll go on walks in the graveyards and you can gather bones while I collect specimens. We shall live in marital bliss together."
"do... Do you think... As I'll be your wife? I'll be able to sit in on more autopsies?"
Jack's expression Jack couldn't help but give a low chuckle as Y/n squealed and jumped up and down in excitement. He gently reached out to take her hands, pulling her gently against his chest so he could hold her close. He gently brought Y/n's hand up to his lips and pressed a kiss against her knuckles. "Absolutely, my love. After you become my bride, you shall be right by my side for as many autopsies as you like." He answered with a low, fond chuckle, "I would love to have you by my side for them, my precious little autopsy helper."
"maybe even surgery?" She asked sheepishly
Jack's face immediately lit up as Y/n inquired after if she might be able to attend surgeries. He gave her a wide and excited smile as he answered, "Absolutely, my doll. You will be my assistant in your own right. I'll be letting you sit in on every surgery. I'm sure you'll be my own personal good luck charm, my lucky little doll."
she squealed excitedly jumping up and down like a child "yay! I'm so happy! I love you, I love you, I love you!" She yelled
Jack couldn't help but give a low chuckle as Y/n squealed and jumped up and down in excitement. He gently reached out to take her hands, pulling her gently against his chest so he could hold her close. "I adore you, my precious doll. I love you more than you know." He purred gently, kissing the top of her head before rubbing her cheek affectionately.
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716chr · 4 months
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Chihiro Natsuyaki Novel - “Choose Me!”
Track 4 - Intermission
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To get straight to the point.
I made it to the finals.
I thought I would for sure get eliminated. But despite the backlash online, my loyal fans, who called themselves “Chiitizens”, worked hard to make sure I’d be able to debut.
——Chii was just treating the task at hand seriously! With dance skills like that, it’s only natural he got picked!
Amid these comments, the member I tried to support, the one who had run out of the rehearsal room crying, didn’t get enough votes and was eliminated.
This news tanked my mood.
Somehow, I felt like it was my fault…..
In the end, only 22 contestants remained.
Out of them, 13 would be picked, and 9 would be dropped.
My roommate, Komu-kun, is one of the remaining contestants.
Unlike me, Komu-kun has been portrayed on the show as “a novice in both dance and singing, but thanks to his sincerity, has shown remarkable growth and a straightforward appeal.”
It’s like he’s the protagonist of the show.
But in truth, Komu-kun really is putting in the effort and is growing at an incredible speed. Even when we were in different groups he didn’t hesitate to ask me for advice about dancing when he was unsure.
I didn’t want to be mean, so no matter how often he came to ask for help I never refused him.
…….Of course, they never showed this side of me on TV.
I was secretly anxious about Komu-kun’s rapid progress.
Jealous too.
But in the end all I can do is focus on doing my best.
“Man~ I can’t wait to meet all the locals again~” Komu-kun says while packing.
Today the contestants were allowed to return home to visit their families. It isn’t exactly a break, since the purpose is to film supportive messages from our family members.
Incidentally, the video would be presented a few days later to the finalists as a surprise. We’d have to act shocked and touched as if we were seeing it for the first time. These reactions would also be subject to evaluation.
A sigh almost slips out, but I stop myself, conscious of the cameras around me.
An idol who has a bad relationship with his family…… isn’t exactly someone you want as your bias, right?
“When this is over, it’ll really be our final stage, huh? …..Chii, I…I’m really glad you’re my roommate.”
“Yeah, me too, Komu-pi.”
After replying, I could hear a voice from inside me.
Really? Is that really true? If you weren’t roommates, would you have taught him how to dance? Do you really not regret it?
It was tough when Komu-kun asked you for help even while you were in different groups, yet you still ended up helping him out of the sheer kindness of your heart. 
So why is only Komu-kun the only one being praised as being a good, hard working person? Aren’t you tired of being sidelined like this?
“We’ll debut together for sure!” Komu-kun said as he hugged me.
I hugged him back, worried about how it looked on camera and hoping I didn’t come off too mean.
The voice deep inside my heart whispered, “I truly hate myself the most.”
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“If it isn’t the long-awaited return of the future star! I’ve been waiting for you, Chihiro!”
My mom, all dressed up for her night job and with a face full of makeup on, welcomed me at the front door.
This smile….. How many years has it been since I’ve seen it?
Her lively voice being directed at me was certainly a first.
Honestly, I was scared and confused.
My stomach twisted in pain.
When I told my mom that I was going to audition, she didn’t seem the slightest bit interested. The only ones who cheered me on were my sisters.
But I heard from my sister that my mom apparently started watching the show when I reached the semi-finals.
…..Is it because of the money? Yeah, it must be.
As I step inside, my little sisters clad in their school uniforms welcome me cheerfully from the back as they call out, “Chii-nii!”.
Big Sis, who usually lives separately from us, had also come, but her expression upon seeing me was filled with worry.
Only my mom seems unusually cheerful, asking me things like, “Chihiro, want a drink?”. Questions she’s never asked me before in my life.
“……I’m still not sure if I can debut. My last ranking was pretty iffy….”
With voting happening daily, contestants got their real-time rankings immediately from the staff. I was 15th when I left the dorm. It fluctuates; on some days my ranking would go as high as 10th place, but right now it was still unclear.
“What are you talking about? There’ll be fewer people getting eliminated next round, right?”
It’s not just about the numbers. Even if I was in first place right now I still wouldn’t feel safe.
Especially considering the fact that the director hates me.
Would Mom be disappointed if I failed?
The thought crosses my mind, but I can’t bring myself to ask.
I wondered how Komu-kun would deal with something like this.
Once he gets home would he be able to tell his parents about his worries?
Of course he would. And they’d forgive him if he cried.
Komu-kun’s loving Papa and Mama would definitely pull him into a hug and comfort him.
I hate myself for imagining these things.
“Once you become an idol, I’ll have to brag to everyone. Even to the people at the bar….. Ah, and I’ll definitely rub it in the faces of those classmates who used to make fun of me.”
Seeing Mom talk like this so happily made my guts twist in pain again.
Sitting down in the living room, my two younger sisters came over to me.
“Chii-chan, don’t worry too much.”
“That’s right. Chii-nii has fans at our school too!”
I felt a bit relieved as I ruffled their hair affectionately.
——Once I’m able to make the money, I want to spoil them both rotten. Big Sis too of course.
Big Sis always sends money to me and our little sisters, so even though she’s an adult she still doesn’t have any accessories of her own.
I want to buy her the slightly pricier necklaces and rings she wanted before, and help my sister in high school pay for vocational school so she can follow her dream.
I also want to pay for my middle school sister’s high school tuition, and all the school trips Big Sis and I had to miss because we couldn’t afford it.
“I guess even that face can be useful for something after all. Well, that’s all that scum had going for him anyway.”
Out of nowhere, I hear my Mom’s voice.
Her words hurt as if they were clutching onto my heart.
“I didn’t think you had a single redeeming trait, but if you manage to become an idol I might be a little thankful. Chihiro, I’m glad you’ll be able to make a living even though you have your father’s face——”
“Stop it.”
Big Sis interjected.
“You should stop doing that.”
Mom glared at Big Sis. She returned the glare, unyielding.
“Don’t you think you’re being really shitty right now? Constantly nagging about a man who’s already abandoned you….. How is any of that Chihiro’s fault?”
“Hah? You’ve never been dumped yourself, what the hell do you know, calling me shitty like that.”
“That’s why I’m saying your mindset is shitty.”
The tense atmosphere made my heart race, but even worse, my little sisters looked like they were about to burst into tears.
“You two! The camera crew’s coming any minute now!”
I quickly stood up and spread my arms wide. A stiff smile appeared on my face. But it's okay. I turned once and took a step.
“Look! This is the choreography I danced in the semi-finals! I can still do it perfectly!”
After making this declaration and dancing for a while, my little sisters burst out in cheers and laughter.
Mom and Big Sis also stopped arguing.
My heart is still pounding, gripped by tension and fear, impatience and anxiety.
…….Please, God. If you’re out there, please help me. Let me debut.
So if I can give my Mom kindness, Big sis peace of mind, and my little sisters a future, I’ll do whatever it takes.
But all I can do is dance……
God, please don’t take away this one thing I have.
——In the surprise video I received later on, my family looked like a tight-knit "perfect and happy family”.
A mother sharing fabricated memories, an older sister suppressing her irritation and putting on a forced smile, and two little sisters cheering me on wholeheartedly.
“Chihiro truly loves dancing, and when I watch him dance it feels like all those years of hard work have really paid off..."
In the video, Mom pretended to wipe away her tears.
I wonder if they'll introduce her on air as a single mother who raised four kids on her own?
In the corner of my mind, I briefly thought——this world is nothing but a bunch of lies. I felt despair—but still, I looked ahead.
Because I’m going to become the ultimate gyaru-minded idol.
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Track 1 | Track 2 | Track 3 | Track 4 | Track 5
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justaphan · 2 years
POTO Fics by Mertens
More than any other Phantom of the Opera fic writer, I find myself consuming Mertens’ works over and over for the pleasing writing style, the complex emotions, and the raw and realistic portrayals of Christines in particular. Mertens’ writing is how I also got into modern AUs! 
I’ve never done any rec list for this fandom so let’s start with my fav fics from @intothemertensverse! (Hi there! Thank you!) 
Gustave Daae’s Daughter: A disfigured man on the edges of society with a good heart, Erik has been Gustave Daae’s closest friend for years. When Gustave realizes his time is almost up after contracting an incurable disease, he leaves his two most prized possessions to his friend—his violin, and his daughter. In progress as of 01/09/2023. If you’re not reading this then honestly what do you actually do with all the hours of your life? Some big surprises in this one. Featuring Ayesha and also Angst with a capital A. 
A Love There Is No Cure For from Sonnet 86: A fic of epic proportions but it can be read independently of the larger verse it’s in. Major Leroux influences, and follows the SLOW BURNING journey of how Christine’s grumpy old insecure teacher became the happiest man alive (including all the very awkward sex). Mertens’ masterpiece. 
An Old Fashioned Love Song: After an incident results in Christine needing to fulfill community service, she volunteers at the local old folks home where a chance meeting with a resident will change both of their lives forever. Cranky 80-year-old disabled Erik? I love this little goblin so much. You will too.  
Saved From Solitude: Feeling anxious and unable to sleep in his own house, Erik spends the night in Christine’s dressing room to get some much needed rest. He’s certain Christine will never find out—as long as he wakes up on time. Erik may seem tall, dark, and imposing, but he’s actually the sweetest sleepy old man with a cane. I want to tuck him into bed myself. Bonus total BAMF Christine!
Scuffle in Box Five: The Ghost had requested that Box Five be kept empty, but on the night of Mlle Daae's first performance, Box Five is most certainly not empty. There is popcorn in this fic and it just makes it ten times funnier. 
And Ask Me To Open Up The Gate For You: Christine Daae has tried every trick in the book to achieve the clear complexion she so desires, and all without result—every trick, that is, except for one. She can’t do it on her own, but perhaps her beloved Maestro will be able to lend his assistance in the matter. In progress as of 01/09/2023. This one is so innovative and different! POTO London Christine Alternate Holly Anne Hull’s Instagram Story had a callout for long-term acne solutions, and turns out a few people told her to go get pregnant to achieve clear skin :D 
First Impressions: Erik takes Christine to his home and the cape flip goes awry. BLESS YOUR HEART ERIK!!!
Just Us Two: The day after the performance, Christine spends the day with her son, just like she promised. A beautiful, poignant continuation of Love Never Dies focused on mother and son. 
Like Everyone Else: Mr. Y has cracked the code of blending in to society. At least, he thinks he has. LND-inspired crack. Just hysterical. Honestly how could anyone argue against Erik moving to New York, it’s plot-powering gold! 
Mr. Y’s Christmas Surprise: Erik accidentally and inadvertently invents the ugly Christmas sweater. SEE COMMENTS ABOVE
Joyeuses Pâques (sans masque): Erik tries to celebrate Easter with his family on Coney Island—and what better way to celebrate than with a visit from the Easter Bunny? Guys just a reminder that Christine moved across the ocean to live with this guy, so.   
My Three Eriks: Erik doesn’t actually speak in the third person. OR “What do you mean James Gant and James Hume aren’t the same person” Shit gets too real in the lair, and it’s laugh out loud funny. 
The Nanny: College dropout Christine Dee lands what appears to be a dream job in taking care of a reclusive rich man’s seven year old boy. As she settles into her new life, however, she discovers a mysterious secret about her boss’s former wife that threatens to unravel everything. Modern AU. Definitely Gerik. Very relatable and insecure Christine. Very funny too. It’s a thrilling murder mystery and it’s very hard to stop reading once you start. 
Baby Shark: Erik is haunted by a certain song his neighbor is playing. Modern AU. I thought this was going to be a crack!fic but I was profoundly moved by it. Both Erik and Christine are a hot mess. A very refreshing take! 
Honolulu Sun: After two years of relative isolation during the pandemic, Christine is a little chattier than usual with a strange masked man in the grocery store. I’m more than a little bit obsessed with this one. Give me all the Gustave Sr./Erik bonding!!!
Boulevard of Broken Dreams: Wealthy Opera Populaire patron Raoul de Chagny has been kidnapped and the Opera managers have been receiving threatening letters regarding emerging star Christine Daaé. Private Investigators Erik and Antoinette have been called in to get to the bottom of what's going on, which means they'll have to be keeping a close eye on the safety of the young soprano. It really is a shame, then, that Erik seems to hate Christine who in turn seems horrified of Erik - but things aren't always what they seem. Film Noir AU. Big sweeping fic. Angles that haven’t been explored before. And an Erik that deserves to be seen!  
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alex-journal · 1 year
Creep (Kid Version)
Click for Zoro [x] Sanji [x] Luffy [x] Law [x] Click for Ao3 here [x] Summary: One day, the crew decided to visit a local bar to drink and party. But beside music, booze and food, y/n meets a creepy dude with too much confident. Luckily, Kidd is there to safe the day. Pronouns: he/him cw: creepy dude, violence
The Kid Pirates had just completed a stressful fight, and their captain Eustass Kid decided that everyone deserved a night off, letting off some steam. So they docked at a port and made their way to a crowded bar. 
The crew were laughing and sipping on drinks as they all mingled with the bar patrons. However, y/n, one of their newest crewmates, was getting more anxious with every passing moment. The reason? A man at the bar kept hitting on him, and it was clear y/n was not interested. 
y/n tried to ignore the man, the comments and looks as much as possible, but there was just so much one could endure. Nothing he said helped to move away from the annoying, creepy man, and y/n got more and more nervous, angry and stressed.
Even a few drinks in, Kid noticed that something was off, he didn't like the way the person was looking at y/n, how he touched him, talked to him, and he could sense that his crewmate was uncomfortable af. 
Without hesitation, Kid walked over to y/n, tapped him on the shoulder to not alarm him more before put his arm around him. "Hey, y/n, leave this creep be and drink some beers with us" he said, turning and shoving him towards the table Kid sat on only a few seconds ago and behind him, so that he now stoot between y/n and the stranger.
The man had a few brave seconds, telling Kid to get lost and who he thinks he was, before getting punched in the face by the pirate captain. 
"Leave my crewmate alone, creep" Kid said sternly, looking down on the stranger, which laid on the floor, bleeding.
The man now quickly backed off, realizing that he had just messed with a notorious pirate captain that wouldn’t hesitate to do more than break a stranger's nose in one punch. Kid looked at y/n to make sure he was okay, without a further care for the Stranger, or anyone else. Even tho, he would have loved to use the creep as a punching bag more. 
"Thanks, captain," y/n said, still looking shaken. "I didn't know how to handle that guy."
Kid gave him a rare friendly smile. "That's what the crew is here for. We watch out for each other. I don't like seeing anyone on my crew feel uncomfortable at a party. That person was definitely giving off some creepy vibes."
“Yeah, it is easier to get rid of the Marine, as such creeps…” “If they don’t take a no as an answer and won’t leave you alone, just punch or kick them. We deal with the rest later, if necessary.” 
Kid couldn't help but smile. He had always been a bit rough around the edges, but deep down he had a good heart, even tho nobody would say that in front of Kid. Not if he didn’t have a death wish - or liked pain a lot…
As they made their way back to the table, and now, with y/n by his side, everyone cheered and raised their glasses in solidarity. The evening continued in a relaxed and happy way. It was a night to unwind, to enjoy each other's company, and most importantly, to feel safe.
y/n couldn't help but feel overjoyed. He had found a crew that accepted him for who he was, made him feel safe, and they had his back no matter what. He knew that, with the Kid Pirates, he had finally found his true home. And that thought alone was enough to put a big smile on his face.
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boosbabycakes28 · 4 months
Master Fic Post
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On shots :
Welcome To Scotland: Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson – 4,739 Words – Explicit - Established relationship
Harry gets hit in the balls by a flying shoe during one of the shows of the Take Me Home Tour in Scotland. Louis seems to not give a damn and Harry is ready to make him pay. Or at least he tries ... 
You Are My Dancing Queen: Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson – 4,857 Words – Explicit - Established relationship
Harry is anxious about shooting his new music video, so he asks Louis to help him, as he wants to do a last minute rehearsal at home before the big day!! 
Under The Paris Sky: Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson – 7,411 Words – Teen - Strangers to lovers
Louis is a fashion influencer on his first trip to Paris. He is excited to discover the city and take pictures and videos of his wonderful outfits, and he expects to be amazed by the City Of Lights. What he doesn't expect, is to bump into a gorgeous man who could possibly change all his plans. 
Summer Sun, Something's Begun: Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson – 15,921 Words – Explicit - Strangers to lovers (written for the @hlsummerfest2021)
The boys all have summer jobs at the local waterpark. Harry works at one of the ice cream stands and can’t keep his eyes off of the hot lifeguard who is stationed at the pool nearest to him. 
Love In Slow Motion: Harry Syles/Louis Tomlinson – 17,859 Words – Explicit - Established relationship (written for the @hlroyaltyfest)
Louis is the crown prince of England, Harry is a mega star, and they have to fight all the hardships their position faces them with but in the end, love conquers all. 
A/B/O :
You’ve Taken My Heart By Storm: Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson - 66,204 words - Explicit - 8 Chapters - Royalty au - Strangers to lovers - Alpha Louis - Omega Harry - Prince Harry - Arranged marriage - Forbidden feelings
Omega prince Harry of Silvermoor is betrothed to the powerful King Guillaume of Goldenhaven.
A month-long journey to get to his new mate brings along uncertainty, doubts and a guard that might turn the already promised omega’s life upside down.
But what will happen when forbidden feelings get in the way of his duty? Will the prince fulfill it and make his kingdom and family proud, or will he give into his desires?
War Of Hearts : Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson – 80,061 Words – Explicit -  7 Chapters - Non traditional a/b/o - Ennemies with benefits - Alpha Harry - Alpha Louis
They are the bane of each other's existence, they never pass off an opportunity to remind the other of how annoying they are. Who would have thought that polar opposites could compliment each other so well? 
A story about two boys, one looking for patience and trying to be strong enough to stand up for himself, and one struggling with self-discovery and strength, where facts, reality and becomings hit him in the face, and suddenly, everything that's ever been important to him is in play. 
Invisible String: Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson – 84,726 Words – Explicit – 9 Chapters - Alpha Harry - Omega Louis
Louis swears on his life that that man came out of literal nowhere and he thanks each lucky star for having good breaks in his car. 
This strange alpha also happens to be the most beautiful being Louis has laid his eyes on. 
For some unknown reason, the omega feels safe around the alpha. It might seem strange, but you can't always explain why or how things are the way they are. All you can really be sure of is that they happen for a reason. There's a higher power (call it what you want) that knows better and definitely knows more than you do. 
You've Got A Higher Power, You're Once In Any Lifetime: Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson – 113,444 Words – Explicit – 14 Chapters - Alpha Harry - Omega Louis - Strangers to lovers (written for @bottomlouisficfest)
In a society full of prejudices, finding a family and being accepted, also seemed like an unrealistic utopia. Louis sets out to do what no other of his kind ever has before and in doing so, he finds love, friendship and more about himself than he thought he would. 
Chaptered fics:
Love Me If You Dare : Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson – 54,724 Words – Explicit – 7 Chapters - Childhood friends (written for the @bottomlouisficfest)
Harry and Louis’ friendship starts with a game, after a simple dare. The two little boys quickly become the best of friends and referees of their own game. 
Unfortunately, as they grow up, they sometimes become the victims of it too. 
With them, everything is possible. They are capable of daring each other to do anything. 
But will they dare confess their feelings for each other? 
With My Body And Soul, I Want You More Than You'll Ever Know : Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson – 58,824 Words – Explicit – 9 Chapters - MPreg - Strangers to Lovers (written for the @hlmpregficfest)
Louis knew he was in love the first time he saw the ultrasound. He felt perfectly content with it being just him and the baby. He had a plan. Until fate teaches him that love is full of surprises. 
Clear Blue Water, High Tide Came And Brought You In : Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson – 79,444 Words – Explicit – 8 Chapters - Supernatural AU - RomCom AU - Strangers to Lovers (written for the @romcom1dficfest)
The one where Harry is a mermaid, Louis is a vampire, and they have to hide who they really are to the other. What could possibly go wrong? 
They Say That Time's A Healer, How Long Is This Burn Supposed To Last? : Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson – 81,046 Words – Explicit – 11 Chapters - Horse Riding AU - Exes to Lovers
Harry’s life revolves around Kartoon his horse, his family, his friends, his shop, and one of the biggest competitions of his professional career is upon him. But an unfortunate accident prevents him from competing and causes him to look towards another rider from his past. With so much history between them can they set it aside to focus on the championship for Kartoon and his rider?
The Ballet Recital Series:
Part 1: I'll Reach Out My Hand To You, I'll Have Faith In All You Do  : Harry Syles/Louis Tomlinson – 5,171 Words – Teen - Established Relationship
Harry and Louis are very excited to attend their daughter Rose’s first Ballet recital. 
At three years old, the little girl is going to realise her papa is also a ballerina and has magic powers that made all her fears go away. 
Part 2 : I'll Be There To Comfort You, Build A World Of Dreams For You : Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson – 7,812 Words – Teen - Established Relationship
Harry and Louis Tomlinson have built a loving and supportive family, full of camaraderie and sass. Is all of this enough to help their oldest daughter, Rose Tomlinson-Styles, make her dreams come true? 
It's a Larry Life Series:
Part 1: My Arm Might Be Broken, But I Won't Be Broken Down : Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson – 2,366 Words – Teen - Establisehd Relationship
Louis broke his arm for the second time and he is bored out of his mind. He has nothing better to do than mess with his husband. 
Part 2: Everything Is Not What It Seems : Harry Syles/Louis Tomlinson – 1,482 Words – Unrated - Established Relationship
Louis finds an intriguing object in Harry's music studio at home and he wants some answers. 
The Satellite Universe Series:
Part 1: Satellite : Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson – 78,101 Words – Explicit – 11 Chapters - MPreg - Kid Fic - Strangers to Lovers (written for the @bottomlouisficfest)
Louis is a hardworking, dedicated, loving single mum with no interest other than making his son happy, and who thinks that love will never knock on his door again. 
Harry is a lone man, successful in his field, and thinks he has his life together and all figured out. 
Wrong meets clueless, lives get turned upside down in the best way possible with the help of a cute and curious little boy, who just wants to learn more and more. 
Part 2: Love You To The Moon And To Saturn : Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson – 20,726 Words – Explicit - MPreg - Kid Fic - Established Relationship
It’s been a bit over two years since Harry and Louis got together, Adam is now seven years old and life has been simply wonderful for their little family. 
Today is Harry’s birthday, and Adam and Louis have some very special presents for him... 
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