#lockwood drabble
historyofshipping · 2 years
1x06 Missing scene (or, George calls out Lockwood’s shit)
Missing scene (drabble) from 1x06 of what George and Lockwood talked about while Lucy was in Bickerstaff’s house. Lockwood’s POV. (If people like this, I’ll clean it up and do the whole Bickerstaff sequence from Lockwood’s POV. This is a type and dump because I haven’t written in years). 
“This is my decision.” 
And with that, Lucy turned and walked away. 
I sighed, knowing that I couldn’t stop her but also hating the fact that she wanted to do this alone (without you, a voice in my head whispered). 
I looked at George and knew a conversation I didn’t want was coming. Preparing myself, I went and sat on the stone steps in front of the building while George began pacing.
“Don’t.” I said, trying to cut George off before he could even start.
“Don’t what? Don’t remind you of what a stupid idea this is? Don’t tell you that your decisions are compromised by your feelings for Lucy?”
Oh so I guess we’re just going to jump right into it then. Brilliant.
“What do you mean? I don’t have feelings for Lucy. She’s my friend, my colleague.” 
“Are you lying to me or to yourself, Lockwood? We need to have this conversation.”
“We really don’t.” Please, I silently begged, but I knew it wasn’t going to work. George had been shooting me looks and hints for weeks now and I’ve been avoiding it. Now though, he knew I wouldn’t - couldn’t - run away from where Lucy needed me. 
“Well considering that our lives could be on the line, we really do.” 
George sighed and came over to stand by me. 
“Look, Lockwood, I’m going to say some things and you need to not interrupt. I honestly think you don’t know how you feel about Lucy -”
“I don’t –” 
“What did I literally just say? I’m talking and you owe it to all of us to listen to me for once.” 
I nodded in assent figuring we should just get this over with. George didn’t know what he was talking about, obviously. Liar. (Great, now I’m arguing with the voice in my head. Very sane, Lockwood.) 
“Ok. You have feelings for Lucy. It’s obvious to everyone except you two idiots. And you know what? It’s probably a good thing. Maybe you’ll be safer, more cautious, and calm your death wish if you have someone to love. Someone to live for. Or maybe not. I don’t know. But the fact is, your feelings for Lucy - and your refusal to acknowledge them - has compromised your decision making. And for what? So you two can dance around each other and unconsciously third wheel me? It’s fucking annoying.” 
George paused then, shaking his head, like he had forgotten he was talking to me instead of just having this conversation in his head.
“Anyway, everyone sees the way you look at each other. You both forget anyone else is in the room. It’s been that way since the first day she rang and told you off for your test.” 
We both smiled at that memory. It was Lucy through and through. 
Softer now, he looked at me. “Lockwood, you’re my best friend. You, me, and Lucy are family. I’ve known you for a long time and I want you to be happy. You have been a shell putting on a front for so long that I’m not even sure if you know how to just be yourself. Your parents, Jessica, hell even Robin - none of them would want you closed off like this. Yeah, we’re probably going to die just like they did but you’re acting like we’re all already gone. You deserve to be happy, Lockwood. You deserve love. We all do. What the fuck is the point of all this if we’re just here existing instead of living? Anyway, think about it. Admit to yourself what the rest of us can see. Lucy isn’t just a co-worker to you, and you’re smarter than to really think that.” 
And with that, George walked away, leaving me to process everything he said. 
Did I love Lucy? Of course I did. She was family to me - just like George. 
Ugh stop lying to yourself came that annoying voice in the back of my brain. Of course, I found Lucy attractive. I’m not going to lie to myself and say she isn’t beautiful. And feisty, and fierce, and called me out on my shit in a way that not even George did. She was also kind and compassionate in a field that often left people bitter and jaded. 
And sure, did I think that in another life, I could’ve fallen for Lucy? Probably. But we’re here, not there. George is right that we’re going to die sooner rather than later. And I refuse to leave behind someone who would mourn me. 
Coward! You already have people who would mourn you. George, Lucy, Flo just to start. Don’t use that lame excuse. 
Ok fine, but mourning someone as a friend was different than mourning them as a lover (god what an awkward word). Right? 
But then again, I already loved her, didn’t I? 
Well fuck. The realization forcibly knocked the wind out of me. I loved Lucy Carlyle. 
George shot me a knowing look. “Figured it out, did ya?” 
In answer, I just dropped my head into my hands. 
Seeing that his words had their intended effect, and knowing me well enough not to push, he turned his attention back to our mission.
“I really am worried about her though. There’s something just not right about her connection with the skull.” George said as he began pacing again.
“Look, hours ago, I thought this was the best thing to ever happen to us. Now it could be the worst.” 
Don’t remind me, I thought, but said instead, “I know what you mean.”
“She said, ‘Give us 15 minutes and if we're not back…’ She's talking about it like they're a team! It's still technically mine.”
“It was never yours, technically.” I knew that was besides the point, and so did George. 
“How long now?” 
Checking my watch, I willed it to be later than I knew it was. “Ten minutes.”
“Look, she's not in charge here. Who knows what that thing could be whispering in her ear? Have you forgotten Annabel Ward?” 
I shot George a look: how could I? 
“Let me put it this way. We've just sent her alone into a severely haunted house.”
The unspoken end of that sentence: and she’s alone with no one to help her. 
“You're right. This is insane.” 
And with that, I got up and stormed inside. I could deal with a pissed-off Lucy as long as she was an alive pissed-off Lucy
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saltwaterburns · 4 months
Lockwood and reader slow dancing in the kitchen and the reader doesnt have any abilities so shes just ":(( locky pls be safe"
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Your face is smushed against his chest, your lungs burning with the smell of him. His shirt is soft, slightly worn down from all the times it's been washed, but your eyes are shut in domestic bliss nevertheless. His lips are pressed against the top of your head, the corners of his mouth curled. Your hands are clasped together as you sway alongside him to the music, trying to grasp the last before his inevitable departure.
Your eyes prickle and your throat starts to close up, so you only press yourself closer to him, desperate to (hopefully) drown yourself and your thoughts. He senses your surfacing emotions and only holds onto you tighter, his own eyes tearing up too.
"Promise me you'll be careful. And that you'll come back. I can't be alone during Christmas. Don't you dare leave me here all alone." You whisper, your voice breaking. You turn your head so this time it's your ear that's atop his chest, his steady heartbeat rhythmically echoing inside you.
He chuckles softly, and nods. "I promise," he whispers into your hair, pressing another kiss there.
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sciroccoorion35 · 1 month
Someone posted this delightful moment between Lucy and Lockwood on the roof of the relic auction in TWS and I was inspired to write a Drabble 😄
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I glanced at Lockwood. “So…”
He grinned at me. “So…” 
“I thought we decided we weren’t going to make a habit of this anymore.”
“Jumping together from a great height.”
His smile grew even more brilliant if that was possible. “I’m sure it’ll all come out alright.”
He stretched his hand out, looking his most handsome in a carefully tailored black suit. My heart gave a little flutter as I took it.
“Well, if you’re sure…”
“It’s you and me, Luce. What could possibly go wrong?”
He had a point. Together, we turned to face the inevitable.
“Dearly beloved…”
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omg just read your latest drabble and I LOVED IT!!! can I ask you for jealous/possessive Klaroline OR Klaus comforting Caroline, please? <3
Thanks for reading, glad you liked it! I did possessive Klaroline here, not the second one, I might do it in a different one, I hope you like this one!
“You're a good dancer.”
“I manage,” Caroline answers, gritting her teeth when Tyler’s hand drifts lower on her waist. “Unlike your self-control,” she says with a warning tone, hitching his hand up. “Careful, Tyler.”
Tyler lifts a hand in his defence. “No harm, no foul, Caroline.”
“No harm, a lot of foul,” Caroline hisses, letting him spin her. “We’ve discussed this.”
Tyler scoffs. “You can't tell me you were serious, Care. The guy’s a psycho.”
“The guy’s my husband. I'm married, Tyler.”
“Yeah, to a psycho.”
“He’s not a psycho,” Caroline berates him sharply. “Just because we dated once doesn’t mean I still have feelings for you, Tyler. I've moved on.”
“Caroline, everyone knows you never wanted to marry him. Your dad was in debt, and you did it to help him out. You don’t love him, you're clearly unhappy.”
“You don’t know what I feel,” Caroline tells him, her tone icy. “Stop making assumptions. You don’t know me anymore, and you certainly don’t know my marriage.”
Tyler’s grip on her waist tightens. “You don’t have to do this, Care. We were happy once, we can be happy again.”
“Our happiness shattered the moment you decided to leave me to pursue your pathetic revenge fantasy against Klaus. Your revenge mattered more to you than I did, and so we ended it.”
Tyler’s eye twitches. “So, what, you rejecting me and marrying him instead is just a way to get back at me?”
“I married him to get my father out of debt,” Caroline snaps. “It had absolutely nothing to do with you, nothing in my life does anymore. Stop following me, or I'll make you regret it.”
She twists her grip out of his grasp the moment the song ends, careful not to be conspicuous. She turns heel, ready to march away from him.
Only the soft tone of his voice makes her stop in her tracks, the one that reminds her of a boy who was funny and kind, one she once almost loved when she was a teenager in a small town.
“Care, don’t do this. I still love you—”
“I never loved you,” Caroline cuts in harshly. “I could have, but I didn’t. And it’s your own fault. It was five years ago, Tyler, move on. We’re not eighteen anymore.”
“I know you don’t love him—”
“Do you?” asks a silky voice from behind them, and the hair on the back of Caroline’s neck stands up. Tyler visibly stiffens when Klaus comes up to stand beside her, his hands tucked in the pockets of his suit that only Caroline knows is hiding a collection of three different knives and at least one pistol. “And what makes you so sure of that, mate?”
“I'm not your mate,” Tyler growls. “And this is none of your business, Klaus.”
“Isn't it? This is my wife you're speaking to here, Tyler, which makes it every bit my business. And I did recall my name being said.”
“This is a matter between me and Caroline; it doesn’t involve you. Leave.”
“Watch your tone, mate,” Klaus says coldly. “Threatening me doesn’t lead to anything good.”
Tyler ignores him, turning back to her. “Care,” he says again, his voice slightly pleading. “Care, please. I’m your friend, I love you—”
“Be very careful how you choose to finish that sentence, Lockwood,” Klaus interrupts, his tone dangerous.
“Tyler,” Caroline interrupts him quickly, not wanting the benefit to be transformed into a bloodbath. “Just…just go.”
A hurt expression passes over his face. “What? But, Caroline—”
“Tyler, I don’t have feelings for you anymore, how much clearer can I make it? I've literally married someone else.”
An angry look crosses his face. “You don’t even like him. He could hurt you, Caroline—”
As subtly so that no one could even see it, Klaus whips out the pistol from his suit jacket and points it at Tyler. “Another word, mate, and the only thing that’s going to hurt is the bullet I'll put between your skull. Walk. Away.”
Tyler looks at Klaus with such hatred that Caroline actually thinks that he might explode. He throws one loathing glance towards Klaus and a fleeting look of something she can't identify towards her, then turns away and walks out the ballroom, slamming the doors behind him, causing a few guests to look at him quizzically.
Caroline sighs, turning to Klaus, who’s looking murderous, preparing herself for another one of his tantrums. “Klaus, listen—”
“We’re dancing,” he says abruptly, tucking the gun back into its hidden pocket steering her towards the dance floor, where the orchestra has just started up a waltz—not one of Caroline’s favourites, but one she can do well. He grasps her arm, not too hard, but not gentle either, and hauls her to face him, one hand on her waist.
Caroline grits her teeth. “Don’t manhandle me.”
“My apologies,” he says, not sounding the least bit apologetic. “Pardon my temper when I just saw a man making love confessions to my wife.”
The music starts, and the couples around them start moving, Klaus’s hand warm in hers as they circle around the dance floor. Caroline scoffs. “Please, don’t act like that means something.”
“Doesn’t it?”
“No,” she says firmly. “It doesn’t.”
Klaus laughs. “And yet you reject the man like he were nothing.”
“I didn’t reject him,” Caroline grinds out, trying her hardest to keep her mind off the fact of how well the suit fits him. “I'm married, there shouldn’t have to be a rejection.”
“Married,” Klaus echoes. “You say the word as though it is a trap.”
Caroline says nothing, lets him spin her, a few loose curls escaping from her updo. She nearly gasps when his hand rests on the bare skin on her back, his piercing eyes boring into hers.
“Do you feel trapped, Caroline?”
Does she? It certainly wasn’t her choice, this marriage. A sham to get her father out of debt, she had agreed to marry the most powerful son of the man her father owed money to, someone she had never met, the dangerous man everyone whispered about, the one who ran Chicago’s underbelly. Klaus Mikaelson is dangerous, possessive, controlling, ask anyone.
Has she ever felt trapped? No, she hasn’t.
“No,” she answers him quietly. “I don’t.”
Klaus doesn’t react, laces his fingers within hers. She can't feel his skin against hers; she’s wearing silken gloves gifted to her by her pretentious sister-in-law. They’re utterly ridiculous, but Klaus seems to have a fascination with them on her fingers, plucking at the fabric whenever she wears them, as though he wants them off.
“You were rude to Tyler,” she says to fill the silence, regretting her choice of topic when Klaus’s eyes darken.
“I said what needed to be said.”
“You threatened him.”
“Because he tried to steal you,” he growls, his fingers around hers tightening. “Am I supposed to just let that happen, let anyone take what is mine?”
Caroline inhales sharply, retort forgotten at the sight of Klaus’s livid, hot, possessive eyes staring at her. Her gaze follows the line of his throat, stopping at his Adam’s apple, which rests against his bow tie. “I am not an object.”
“No,” Klaus agrees, pulling her closer to him so that their bodies nearly touch. “You are far more precious, sweetheart.”
Caroline’s eyes widen slightly at his declaration, and Klaus smirks, spinning her again. His next words shake her to her core when she hears them, and it’s lucky she isn't looking at him when she does.
“You care for me.”
Caroline represses a shiver, and closes her eyes. “That’s an assumption.”
“Is it a wrong one?”
Are they moving? She can't really tell, but the ballroom doesn’t resemble the ballroom anymore, and instead looks like the library she dreams of coming to, the huge one in his penthouse she was never able to muster up the nerve to visit, for unfathomable reasons. She can still hear the music, albeit faintly, and Klaus turns her to face him, his eyes unreadable. “Is it?”
Caroline sets her jaw and looks him squarely in the eyes. “Yes.”
Klaus doesn’t say anything, just turns her so that her back is pressed against his chest. “Tell me, Caroline,” he murmurs in her ear, making her shiver, the pleasant sensation of his warm breath on her neck. “What spurs you to lie to me so convincingly?”
Her breaths are short, and she’s filled with a sense of apprehension, although none of it is from fear and all from anticipation. “I'm not lying.”
Klaus laughs. “Three months in a crime ring and already so sure of her talent for deception. Admirable, yet misguided. You are not as subtle as you think you are, sweetheart.”
A hot sense of annoyance flashes through her. “Excuse me?”
She gasps when she feels hot lips at her throat, teeth following, his tongue soothing over the mark left. “I've watched you. Watched you try not to watch me and scowl as I discuss my estate’s affairs with Genevieve and the Marshall girl, or the state of my mother’s will with Aurora. I've seen your beautiful face twist with worry whenever I load a gun, flinch whenever you see me in the medical wing getting cleaned up. You care for me.”
“I do. I care about you. Whenever I see you in the arms of another man, I want to rip him apart, limb to limb, for putting his hands on you. I almost had a heart attack when I heard about the attempt on your life, which I later dealt with, by slowly slaughtering the lot of them, the ones who planned to kill you, sending back their bodies as a reminder of what would happen to anyone who dared to even think of touching you.”
“That’s…” Caroline nearly whines out loud when he removes his mouth from her neck, looking her in the eyes. “You're…our marriage is a business arrangement.”
Klaus makes a low sound in the back of his throat, his fingers lightly skimming over the neckline of her dress. “While it certainly started out that way, it hasn’t remained. Do you disagree?”
“I…I don’t—”
“Live in denial all you want, love,” Klaus says, his eyes drifting down to stop at her lips. “I certainly won't about the fact that I—”
Caroline leans forward and presses her lips to his, partly to shut him up and partly because she wants to kiss him again. He tasted of whiskey and smoke, and Caroline nearly moans at the combination before he pulls away, a small smile on his face. “Charming,” he murmurs against her mouth, leaving a soft kiss on her lips. “But pointless. Is it that hard for you to hear that I care for you?”
Caroline breathes in shakily. “Why?”
“I fancy you,” he breathes. “You're beautiful, you're strong, you're full of light. You enchant me. Is there a reason I shouldn’t like you? You are, after all, my wife.”
“You have got to stop with that,” she says breathily.
“With what?”
“Calling me your wife.”
“Aren’t you?” The smirk that forms on his face is deadly, making him look even more handsome than he really is. “You do wear my ring, after all. Wear the necklace with my family’s symbol on it. Use my last name on everything you sign. You. Are. Mine.”
She should not find this attractive. This possessive, controlling man who kills people without breaking a sweat and murders with dimples in his cheeks is…
Her husband.
“Tell me you do not care for me,” Klaus whispers. She can't hear the music now, but she doesn’t care, all her attention fixed on the man before her. “Tell me you feel absolutely nothing for me when you look at me. I'll kiss every lie off your lips as many times as I have to.”
Caroline lets out a shuddering breath, her eyes fixed on his lips. “Klaus…”
“Say it.”
She can't. She can't lie to him and tell him that what she feels for him is not hatred, as much as she wants to.
“Say it, my love.”
His words send a rush of wetness between her thighs, making her clench them together. If Klaus notices (which she’s sure he does), he doesn’t say anything, although his lips curl into a smirk. Caroline reddens, and Klaus’s eyes travel down the line of her neck.
Caroline inhales, looking him in the eyes. “If I see you with Hayley or Genevieve again, I will end you,” she grits out, winding her fingers in the short curls at the back of his head and gripping them tightly. “See Aurora again, and I will leave. I want them all gone. Immediately.”
Klaus smiles widely, the sight pleasing. “Of course. Anything else?”
“I don’t share,” Caroline warns.
“Oh,” Klaus replies, his tone low. “Neither do I.”
Caroline gives him a shark-like grin. “Good. Now that we've got that out of the way, how long will it take for you to push me against the bookshelves?”
She feels her back hit the walls before she even finishes speaking, strands from her hairstyle escaping and falling freely down her shoulders. Klaus isn't gentle, roughly ripping off her gloves and pushing up her skirt, getting to his knees, not before giving her a bruising kiss that leaves her light-headed before she even has a chance to process what's going on.
Klaus bats away the waves of fabric that flow to the ground, hooking one finger underneath her panties and ripping them off. She lets out a breathy laugh, twisting her hands in his curls. “I liked those panties, you dick.”
Klaus swipes his tongue against her folds, leaving her moaning. “The feeling is reciprocated, though not enough to leave them intact. I'll buy you new ones.”
He hooks one of her legs over his shoulder, pausing to leave hot, biting kisses on her inner thigh. She bites her lip, suppressing a moan, knowing those places would bruise later. Klaus presses his mouth to her core, sucking her clit between his lips and smirking at the garbled sound she lets out. “Good, sweetheart?”
“Shut up,” she hisses. “Make me come.”
Klaus doesn’t argue, dipping his head and thrusting his tongue between her folds, making her clap a hand over her mouth to muffle the sounds she’s letting out in fear of being heard.
It’s the thrust of his fingers that makes her see stars, and she topples over the edge with a muffled scream. Klaus gets to his feet, straightening his suit, the smuggest look on his face. Caroline leans forward and pulls him in by his bow tie, which is untied and hanging loosely around his neck. She groans when she tastes herself on his lips, winding her legs around his waist, uncaring that she’s probably ruining his pants.
“Eager, are we?” Klaus’s laugh is hot against her clavicle, where his lips have travelled, and Caroline growls.
“If you don’t get inside me in the next five seconds I will fucking kill you.”
Klaus grins, then suddenly looks so frustrated that he looks furious. “I don’t have a condom—”
Caroline cuts him off with a kiss. “Pill. Inside me, now.”
Klaus releases her thighs to fumble with the button of his pants, pushing down his boxers. He hesitates slightly, pulling back. “Are you—”
“Completely sure,” Caroline says impatiently. “I wanted you since ages, fuck me.”
Caroline’s eyes roll back at the first thrust of his hips, hands scrabbling for a surface to hold onto other than his shoulders. Her fingers find smooth shelves and latch on, and she honestly wouldn’t be surprised to find scratches on the wood later. Klaus groans into her neck, muttering filthy promises of what he was going to do to her when he was done, how he wasn’t nearly finished with her yet.
“God,” Caroline moans, giving up on the shelves and wrapping her arms around his neck, pulling him in for a kiss, moaning at the taste of whiskey on his tongue. “Klaus, just a little more—”
Klaus reaches down between them and hooks two fingers inside her. “Come for me, love. I want to feel you around my cock, let go.”
She shatters with a short scream, burying her face into his chest, Klaus following her with a short groan. She slumps against him, both their breathing unsteady, but when Caroline looks at him, his eyes have never been brighter.
“I've had enough of this party,” she tells him fighting to keep her tone from being breathy. “Want to get out of here?”
The grin on his face is like the devil. “I thought you'd never ask, sweetheart.”
thanks for reading!
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mirroringdust · 1 year
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schokoleibniz · 3 months
I participated in this!!! The fics will all stay anonymous until July 19th, so you have plenty of time to guess who wrote what 🤭
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locklyleiscanon · 2 years
A piercing scream woke me out of a dead sleep.
Without bothering to grab anything (a fact I'd later chastise myself for), I bolted up to Lucy's room.
I found her thrashing in her bed, nightmare clearly haunting her sleep. I ran over to her, kneeled beside her bed, and shook her slightly. "Lucy," I whispered. She didn't show even the slightest reaction to my presence.
Shaking her harder, I called her name louder and louder until I was all but screaming it.
Her eyes flew open and she looked around frantically.
"Lockwood?" she asked tentatively, like she wasn't sure if she was still dreaming or not.
"Yeah, Luce, it's me. You were having a nightmare."
"Oh," she said and without warning threw herself at me, wrapping her arms around my neck and digging her face into my collarbone. I only managed to stay upright thanks to years of Visitors appearing out of nowhere.
"Hey, hey it's ok," I said softly as I wrapped my arms around her.
I could feel her crying in my shoulder but I didn't care. (If I was being honest with myself, I liked the feeling of holding her.)
Suddenly she pulled back like she just realized what she was doing. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean... I just... You're not wearing a shirt."
I... What?! The rapid change in topic meant it took my brain a few moments to catch up. That's what she chose to focus on? The fact that I wasn't wearing a shirt?
"Er no sorry... You know I don't wear shirts to bed and I didn't think to grab one when I heard you screaming."
"Right. Right. S-Sorry for waking you. You can go back to sleep if you want."
"Don't apologize, Luce. There's nothing to apologize for."
Don't you know I'll come running any time you need me?
"Can I do anything to help? Tea? Water? Another blanket?"
"Actually..." She trailed off and looked away from me.
When it was clear that she wasn't going to finish her thought, I gently pulled her face back to look at me. "What is it, Luce?"
"I'm sorry... That was too fast. I couldn't understand you." The truth was I understood her perfectly well but my brain refused to accept what she said.
She let out a long sigh. "Will you stay here with me? Norrie used to stay with me sometimes when I had nightmares and it helped me sleep better."
"Of course I will, Lucy. Let me just go grab a pillow and blanket for the floor."
"oh... Uhm... Actually I meant stay with me in the bed?" Now, Lucy was bright red and I could see the flush even in the dark. I'm sure I was the same shade.
"Oh. Right. Of course."
I awkwardly stood up from where I'd been kneeling as she shifted over in her bed. I slid in beside her and we both started at the ceiling with our limbs straight and untouching.
A few moments later she chuckled. "Ok this is awkward."
Oh good it wasn't just me.
"I uh... I've never shared a bed with anyone. Not since... Well, not since I was a little kid." Not since I lost my family went unspoken.
"Do you mind if I ummm... Can I do something?"
"Anything" I breathed out.
Oh shit I didn't mean it to sound like that.
Luckily Lucy took it in stride and pulled my arm away so she could lay on my chest. Instinctively, I wrapped my arm around her.
Oh this was much nicer.
"Tell me something, Lockwood."
"like what?"
"Anything. I just want to hear you talk."
"Ok" I began. "There was this one time..."
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elysianrey · 2 years
take another little piece of my heart
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Lucy sits on the wooden steps leading down into the garden of Portland Row, a steaming mug of Earl Grey tea, with an ungodly amount of sugar, nestled snugly between her palms. It is a rare sort of evening. One she can easily get lost in. Not that she minds. Closing her eyes, she lets the sounds of the late July evening drown her senses, the whisper of ghostly spirits now just a long-forgotten memory. Crickets chirp noisily from somewhere within the rose bushes. A pair of nightingales whistle a lowly tune from a neighboring tree alongside the fence. Passing taxi cabs rattle to and fro on the streets nearby.
Yet, her favorite sound of them all comes from a sudden shriek of delight followed by a melodious giggle from the little girl who her husband is currently losing to in a game of hide and seek amongst the foliage of the garden.
A moment passes. Then Lucy hears tiny feet crunch softly against the grass until they reach the thick bushes planted in front of the porch she’s currently seated upon. The rustling of leaves next to her is enough to force Lucy to crack an eye open. She sends an acknowledging look toward a set of large, dark brown hues that stare at her in excitement and anticipation. A set that nearly mirrors the tall, lanky man who comes striding toward them, hands stuffed causally in his pockets, his face fixed with cool resolve.
“Hmmm…where, oh where is my Poppy?” Anthony asks curiously, sending a wink in her direction. No matter how old they get, Lucy is certain she will never stop feeling like a swooning schoolgirl when he’s near.
Playing along, she shrugs innocently. “I think I saw her head toward the shed.”
Anthony’s eyebrow quirks in question. “Is that so? I suppose I’ll go check the shed then.”
He turns as if to start toward his next location when another fit of uncontrollable giggles erupt from the bush.
Lucy takes a long sip of her tea to bite back her own laughter threatening to break loose at their sneaky girl who thinks her father is the greatest person in the entire world.
“Or maybe,” Anthony counters, shifting closer to the trembling bush. “I should check over here instead.”
Poppy jumps out and yells, “Here I am!” before he even gets the chance to peer inside.
She makes to run for it again; however, Anthony has quite a few meters on his daughter.
“I got you!” he declares, scooping her wriggling body into his arms. She squeals at his embrace, wrapping her arms around his neck in return.
“No, I got you, daddy!” she proudly cries, pressing her forehead against his, wild sandy curls bouncing everywhere.
“Ugh, you’re right, Pops! I suppose you did get me,” he sighs dramatically in defeat, making the five-year old smile even wider. He plants a kiss on her cheek and places her back on the grass.
They continue their hide and seek game far past Poppy’s bedtime, but Lucy can’t complain, too transfixed by the joy and contentment of their precious little girl.
The little girl they made together. The little girl who would soon be a big sister to another little girl in only a few short months. The little girl who would never have to know the horror of Visitors and Sources and Agencies. The little girl that would always know the love of her parents.
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thebennettdiaries · 1 year
Pairing: Tyler/Bonnie
Prompt: Childhood sweethearts
Drabble Requests Open
Her two best friends think they know everything about her.
But there is a part of her that Bonnie has always kept secret, kept hers. It is not that she goes out of her way to lie to her friends. She doesn't think they care or will see it like she does. It is a moment in her life that she wants to hold onto, especially now that the darkness seems to be surrounding them more quickly than they can fight it off.
She thinks back to those days, barely even understanding why it is that she likes to be around him. She remembers what it feels like to have his fingers slide through hers before they take off for the woods. She can feel the wind slipping through her hair and the brambles brushing into the skin of her legs. She doesn't know why she loved how that felt. Or why the sound of his laughter tickled something inside of her. She only knows that he has always had the urge to run and she just needs to be surrounded by nature,
Wolf and witch --- there is something intensely poetic about that.
They had been far too young to know any kind of romantic love. What they had was something that she still does not know how to put words to. A connection that cannot be broken. Not even now when she is fumbling to light candles and he is being far too hot headed to take seriously. They don't talk like they used to; they barely acknowledge one another's existence.
Except in those quiet moments when their eyes meet and they are both transported back to the beginning.
She thinks she would like to go back there, build on it. Make it something more.
By the look in his eyes, she thinks he would like to too.
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icarusignite · 2 years
I love you forever (I'm not a dreamer)
Pairing: Lucy Carlyle x Anthony Lockwood @locklyle-week
Prompt: Day 1: Firsts
Summary: Lucy and Lockwood’s first date and first kiss 
A/N: So I was going to write all the fics for locklyle week in advance but stuff got busy so we’re gonna do this day by day lol. Would love to hear your thoughts so do share <3
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The ghost on Drury Lane had been a particularly brutal one, but they were Lockwood and Co, equipped with Lockwood's dazzling charm and George's extraordinary research skills. And then there was her, Lucy Carlyle, with her eerily sensitive Listening ability. Nonetheless, they had survived another night and were trudging back to 35 Portland Row filled with the satisfaction of another job well done. Well, at least they had managed not to set the house on fire so in Lucy's book, that counted as a success. George marched on ahead of her, his strides filled with purpose as he muttered something about hot tea and biscuits. Lockwood though, she noticed, trailed behind them, unusually quiet and seemingly lost in his thoughts. Usually, he would be talking up a storm, praising them for their quick thinking as a team and beginning to discuss the next mission. Lucy watched him for a while, fingers itching to brush away the stray strand of hair that fell over his forehead and then berating herself for the desire. That is not how one ought to feel about a colleague, for that was all Lockwood was to her. A generous colleague, her partner, her boss perhaps, but nothing more. Eventually, when they reached their home on Portland Row, George hurried up the stairs, turning his head to tell them that he was going to go put the kettle on. That left Lockwood standing below the steps to his house, still in deep contemplation. Lucy waited a moment before clearing her throat.
"Are you not coming inside?"
Lockwood's eyes flickered to the open door that George had just disappeared through, and then to Lucys's eyes, "Erm... yes, of course."
"Well," Lucy raised an eyebrow, "what are you waiting for?"
Lockwood cleared his throat nervously.
"Go on then, you clearly have something to say."
"Right, yea. I was thinking, if...would you like to go out with me for coffee?"
"Coffee?" Lucy was surprised, and her heart gave a hiccup.
"You know, like what normal people do. Hanging out."
Lucy felt her lips raise in a slight smile, remembering what she had said to Lockwood back when Kipps had asked her out, "Oh is that right then?"
"Yes," Lockwood shifted from one foot to the other and smiled at her. This was unlike his usual smiles, the ones that were blinding in their confidence and charisma. This smile was tentative and hopeful and Lucy had to admit that it had a more profound effect on her.
"Lockwood you do realize it is like 2 am and we are covered in dust right now?"
"It doesn't have to be right now. Whenever...tomorrow or the day after maybe? After you've rested of course."
"Alright yeah, tomorrow it is then," Lucy confirmed, trying to tamp down the feeling of hope that rose up within her. This was nothing, just a casual hangout between colleagues. Lockwood was just trying to be polite no doubt, wanting to make her feel like a normal person who went out on normal outings in the daytime.
Lockwood's eyes lit up, "Great, it's a date then."
"A date?!"
"Oh...if you want it to be. I mean if that's alright with you?"
"Yeah...yeah, I'd like that."
Lockwood's anxious smile morphed into that brilliant grin that showed his teeth and made Lucy's breath catch in her throat.
"Ahem, the tea was brewed several minutes ago, it's about time you lot came inside now," George grumbled from the doorway and the two teenagers rushed through, avoiding each other's gaze.
The very next morning, Lockwood and Lucy arrived at a cozy little café in the heart of London, with nervous hearts and voracious appetites. Lockwood had chosen the location himself, hoping to impress Lucy with his knowledge of the city's hidden treasures. Lucy picked out a table for two in the corner and Lockwood, ever the chivalrous boy that he was, pulled out her chair for her.
"Thanks for bringing me here, Lockwood."
Lockwood grinned back at her, "Anything for you, Luce."
Lucy couldn't help but feel a sense of nervousness. She had never been on a date with anyone before and didn't know what to expect. She had especially never been out with Lockwood in a context that wasn't for work. As they perused the menu, she couldn't help but steal glances at him, fingers still desperate to brush away that blasted stray lock of hair. The waiter arrived just then to take their order, and both of them ordered full English breakfasts for themselves. As they waited for their food, they chatted about the ghost on Drury Lane and reminisced about their adventures together. Lucy had been worried that the date would be full of awkward silences but the conversation flowed effortlessly between them and Lockwood made it easy for her to become comfortable. Lucy felt a warmth spread through her body, and she relaxed, her heart swelling with an unexpected bout of affection for him. She watched as he sipped his tea, his lips curling into a contented smile. She had always admired his sharp features and confident demeanour, but in this moment, she saw a new side of him. He seemed relaxed, and at ease. His features seemed softer, more vulnerable in the early morning light that streamed in through the large windows of the café, and his dark eyes sparkled with something she could not name every time they met hers. She then chided herself for noticing other things, the way his typical white button-up clung to his shoulders, and the way his slender hands moved gracefully as he talked.
When their food arrived, Lucy distracted herself by taking several bites of her eggs, hoping to ease the burning in her cheeks.
"Wow, this is delicious. You have great taste," Lucy sighed, her hunger finally having been satiated.
"Oh, it was actually my..." Lockwood hesitated a moment. "Someone I was very close to, it was their favourite place, so I can't take full credit for the find."
"They have my eternal gratitude, dare I say that this breakfast might even be better than George's."
Lockwood chuckled, "Lucy Carlyle? How dare you. I am going to tell George you said that."
"Anthony Lockwood, don't you dare," Lucy mimicked in his mock outraged tone.
Then Lockwood was staring at her and Lucy fidgeted under his gaze.
"Is there something on my face?" Lucy reached up to dab at her lips self-consciously with her napkin.
"Not at all."
"Why're you looking at me like that then?"
"Didn't know it was a crime to look at the pretty girl I'm out on a date with."
Lucy's cheeks flamed, as she ducked her head and shoved a piece of toast into her mouth so she didn't have to respond. Lockwood smirked at her response, but despite his flirtatious bravado, the skin of his ears was flushed pink.
"Would you like to take a walk after this? You know, see the city a bit?" Lockwood ventured, wanting the date to last as long as he could make it.
"Yeah, that would be lovely."
After they had finished their breakfast, they strolled through the streets of London, admiring the architecture and the hustle and bustle of the city. They talked and laughed, enjoying each other's company and the warmth of the sun on their skin. As they walked side by side, Lockwood's fingers brushed against Lucy's making her instinctively flinch. Lockwood immediately pulled away looking embarrassed.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to... I mean I did but..."
"Oh, no you don't have to apologize. I was just surprised that's all."
Lockwood looked relieved but his hand remained at his own side, hesitant and unsure. Lucy, sensing this, decided to take matters into her own hands. She reached out and grabbed Lockwood's hand, lacing their fingers together, trying to ignore the way her entire being tingled and the way her heart raced at the contact. Lockwood brought her to the banks of the River Thames. It looked tranquil in the daytime, the sounds of the city fading into the background, but Lucy could still remember its frigid temperature the last time she had jumped into it with Lockwood. Lockwood led her to a quiet spot by the river, where they sat down on a bench and admired the scenery.
"It is a lovely view, you know when we're not about to leap in from several feet above," Lucy laughed, her eyes trained on the horizon.
Lockwood's eyes never strayed from her face as he responded, his voice low and mesmerized, "Yes, quite lovely indeed."
Lucy turned her head and was met with his startlingly sincere gaze, a question on his lips that he could not seem to utter. It was surprising to see this side of him, so vastly different from his usual confident, charming self.
"Yes?" she prompted.
Lockwood took a deep breath, his hand shaking slightly as he reached out to tuck a strand of her hair tenderly behind her ear, "I've been wanting to ask...can I-ahem, can I kiss you?"
Lucy's heart skipped a beat at his request. She would have been lying if she said that she never dreamed of moments like this, but the way Lockwood asked still caught her off guard.
"Of course," she said softly, smiling at him.
Lockwood leaned in slowly, his lips stopping a hairsbreadth from hers, pausing to give her a chance to push him away, to rescind her consent, before brushing them against hers in a soft, gentle kiss. Lucy closed her eyes, savouring the sensation of Lockwood's lips on hers. The kiss was brief and delicate, and when they pulled away, Lockwood's eyes twinkled with adoration.
"That was... erm... nice," Lucy said shyly.
Lockwood laughed before leaning in to press a kiss to her forehead, "I'd say it was better than nice Luce. It was wonderful. You're wonderful."
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saltwaterburns · 3 months
Hey! If it’s alright, may I request Lockwood and co x reader (platonic) where they comfort reader after finding out their partner cheated on them with a close friend?
intertwined, sewn together - lockwood & co.
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This is so extremely late and I'm so sorry but this whole thing just, clicked today. I also included Holly from the books, I hope that's okay!! You can switch her and Lucy's places, though, it's not relevant to the plot. This one is short, but hopefully enough 🤍
Small sobs are wrecking your body as you hurry down the road, the soft pitter patter sound of raindrops falling down around you echoing throughout the entire street. The weather is gloomy, the entire sky painted almost black with the hues of dark blue clouds, the rumble of oncoming thunder heard in the distance. You suppose it's slightly funny that mother nature is keen upon showing off your inner turmoil to other people like this, because it's almost a picture perfect copy of how you feel.
How could you have been so stupid? You knew it was a bad idea to date someone, taking your current occupation into consideration. It was even worse of an idea when that someone was a bloody Fittes agent. But you decided to make an exception, to finally cave and try something new, something exhilarating. You really thought you could make it work with him, oblivious to the little white lies his mouth was spewing the whole time you were together about how he'd treat you like you were the loveliest girl on the planet. Yet here you are, tears shining on your red and blotchy cheeks after seeing him with his tongue stuck down another agents throat. Its not her fault, of course. At least you hope. You're praying that he hadnt told that girl anything, that she had no idea about your existence. You really dont want to hate her. You've seen her around the archives sometimes when you're tagging along with George to work on some research. She was always the only one to send a kind smile your way, often times making the tips of George's ears turn pink.
You turn around the corner and as Portland Row comes into your line of sight, the tight grip on your heart starts loosening. Home. You quicken your step and just when you reach the threshold to the house, it starts pouring down behind you. The streets quickly become flooded and you smile weakly in victory for making it there before getting soaked, messing around with the doorknob a bit before managing to somehow get it to open.
You let the door slam shut behind you and the gut wrenching feelings return now that you managed to arrive at home. Soft glow is emitting from the kitchen alongside gentle muffled laughter you manage to pick up and the melancholy feeling makes your eyes well up again.
"Y/N? Are you back already?" Someone asks. It snaps you out of your thoughts and you look up, quickly wiping your eyes with the backs of your hands. Holly is standing before you, her head tilted to the side in confusion, then worry. "Have you been crying?"
You shake your head frantically, not trusting yourself with the task of speaking. You're pretty sure nothing but a sob would leave your mouth right now. But Holly knows, Holly always knows. She opens her arms and pulls you into her warm embrace and for a moment you feel like a kid who has scraped her knee and is now crying silently in the arms of her mother. She sits down with her back leant against the wall and pulls you down alongside her, her hands not once leaving yours. You sit beside her and your head rests on her shoulder, her arm wrapped around you. Not a word is spoken, but her presence feels like a snug, homemade blanket smelling of cinnamon buns. Even if they're low carb.
Two presences join you. Its one for all and all for one, after all. George and Lockwood situate themselves down on either side of you and Holly. A moment of silence passes, and then Lockwood breaks. "I knew it. I knew he would end up being a slimy git. What else can you expect from Fittes agents these days. I'll hunt him down, I swear. He will regret the day he messed with an asset of Lockwood & Co."
The sudden outburst makes a small flame of joy spark in your chest and before you know it, you giggle. You cover your mouth in embarrassment, but then Holly also giggles and before you know it, you're a heap of laughing mess on the floor with George and Lockwood snickering beside you as well.
"I could steal something from Fittes again and blame it on him?" George offers, brushing it off as a mere joke when Holly looks up at him bewilderedly. You laugh again, your stomach cramping at the action and thank him, whispering that you'll think about it when Holly is distracted by noticing that Lucy is approaching, waving her over. Lucy sits down in front of you, offering you a doughnut from a big plate. You grab one (chocolate filling, your favourite) and thank her with a little smile. She smiles back and takes your hand in hers, giving it a reassuring squeeze.
"I'm here for you, babe, always. We all are. That prick wouldn't recognise a good thing even if it hit him in the face," she says, rolling her eyes. Everyone is keen to agree, starting to list things wrong with the man. You're glad that they haven't forced you talk about what went down, the ache of it still very real inside your heart. You would tell them, eventually. For the safety of the bloke. He should've thought about having bloodthirsty agents after him before sticking his tongue down her throat.
You lean back into Holly's side, her arm sneaking around you. All of them are laughing and excitedly conversing with each other but you're glad to stay out of it for now, doing your best to memorise this moment so you can revisit it when the feelings become too much. Your friends are the things you hold closest to your heart, you're sure of it now.
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Someone Throw A Lifeline (I Don’t Wanna Drown)
Lockwood & Co Drabble | Can be read as either platonic or pre-relationship cot3
Anthony Lockwood has always hated storms. He used to be better at dealing with it, but now he needs a little help.
(link in reblog)
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ohmyoverland · 1 year
(Lockwood & Co, pre-Cot3, George character study, drabble)
George fell hard and fast for Lockwood. It felt unlike anything he’d ever experienced before, and for years he’d been convinced he’d never experience it again. There was no one moment he could pinpoint as the cause. One day George had been a loner, about to lose his job at Fittes, and then a week later he woke up an independent agent hopelessly in love with his new roommate.  
Lucy was different.
Read on ao3
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mirroringdust · 1 year
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writeradamanteve · 1 year
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Lockwood & Co. - Jonathan Stroud, Lockwood & Co. (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Lucy Carlyle/Anthony Lockwood Characters: Lucy Carlyle, Anthony Lockwood Additional Tags: Drabble, Prelude, Hurt, Angst, Comfort, very short read, something to bridge the gap, lucy and lockwood are already dating Series: Part 4 of Hope, Trust & Love | Musings of Lockwod & Co Summary:
After discovering that Norrie White was awake, but missing, Lucy runs off and Lockwood follows after her.
The missing scene from Love is Not for Wimps, where Lockwood chases after a distraught Lucy.
A drabble in the Hope, Trust & Love series.
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if you are taking prompts but I would love to see one where Everyone is trying to get klaus and Caroline together and Klaus falls for Caroline right away and everyone knows. She could be in denial and keep refusing him but has a soft spot for him as she gets to know him. And maybe he overhead a conversation recently saying she isn’t interested in him and never will be, and he is really hurt cause he always had good intentions but over time she realizes she 's falling for him and tries to try to tell him and he is always trying to be respectful and not push her? So basically lots of denial on Caroline’s part and mutual pining!
Disclaimer: This is pure fluff. I do not own the rights of TVDU.
“I don’t know about this, Damon.”
“Come on, Elena, this is the only way to do it.”
“No, it isn't,” Bonnie says sharply. “We are not locking Caroline in a room with a sadistic murderer.”
“But he’s her sadistic murderer.”
“Stop it, Damon,” Bonnie snaps. “Klaus is dangerous. He could hurt her—”
“Bon Bon, you know I love you, but we both know Klaus wouldn’t harm a single hair on Blondie’s pretty head.”
“Don’t call her that, Damon,” Stefan says, rubbing his temples, and Damon shrugs. Stefan turns to Bonnie, “Look, we both know that Caroline wouldn’t get in a room with Klaus on her own. The only way to get them together is to do it against—”
“Against her wishes?” Elena asks, raising an eyebrow. “Do you hear yourself, Stefan?”
“Listen, Caroline’s not oblivious to the fact that he likes her. And she’s not subtle, either. We know she likes him too—”
“Supposedly,” Bonnie grumbles.
“God, stop being such a buzzkill, Bon Bon. And even if we do lock them together, it’s not like they’ll be bored or anything,” says Damon, wiggling his eyebrows. “I thought we agreed to put food and condoms—”
“No,” Bonnie snaps. “No, that’s where I draw the line. No condoms.”
“Bonnie—” Stefan starts.
“No,” Bonnie says firmly. “And Elena’s on my side, aren’t you, Elena—Elena?”
Elena shrugs and looks at her knees. “I don’t know, Bonnie…Caroline does seem to like him, remember the Mikaelson Ball—”
“That’s because she had to go with him!” Bonnie screeches. “Out of obligation!”
“Then what was with the sappy looks they kept throwing each other while they were dancing?”
Bonnie says nothing.
“Okay, fine,” Stefan sighs. “We’ll do this democratically. Those in favour of locking Klaus and Caroline in a room with food and condoms and only releasing them until they’ve had sex, say aye.”
“Aye,” chorus Damon, Stefan, and Elena. Bonnie stubbornly crosses her arms.
“But, Bonnie—”
“He’s the most irritating person I've ever met!” Caroline screeches, and Bonnie winces. “And I try. I try, and try, and try, to be nice, to cooperate, but does he care? Nooo. It’s always me who has to compromise, me who has to put up with his bullshit. I can't believe I ever actually liked him. I never would’ve dated him, if I had known he was going to be such a pain in the ass—”
“Why don’t you just break up with him?”
“I did,” Caroline growls. “But then he came running back with his fucking werewolf tail between his legs, saying, come on, Care, remember how good we were together?”
“Did you say no?” asks Bonnie, biting into her sandwich.
“Yeah,” Caroline fumes. “But he won't leave me alone—”
“He’s stalking you?” Bonnie asks sharply. “Care—”
“No, he isn't stalking me,” Caroline sighs, taking a bite of her pasta. “He blames me.”
“Blames you? For what?”
“For Klaus,” Caroline grumbles, and Bonnie’s stomach turns. “He says we were just fine before he came to town. Just because Klaus has this creepy fascination with me, Tyler thinks it’s my fault. I didn’t ask for this!”
“Just tell him you and Klaus had nothing, and then tell him to fuck off. It’s not his business anyway.”
Caroline’s gaze drops to her pasta, and Bonnie narrows her eyes. “Caroline? You can tell him that you and Klaus had—”
“He’s nice,” Caroline bursts out, and Bonnie clenches her teeth. “He’s really nice. Klaus, I mean. He—he’s different than I thought he’d be.”
“What do you mean, different? He’s a murderer, Care.”
“So are Stefan and Damon,” says Caroline, biting her lip. “So am I.”
“Care, you're different.”
“Yeah, I know I am,” Caroline snaps. “I don’t like killing people. I kill when it’s necessary to save you guys. Klaus murders people for funsies. And I'm not saying I'm interested in him. I never will be. I'm just saying he’s nice to me.”
“Because he wants to get into your pants.”
“…yeah. I guess.”
Klaus growls irritably. “What do you want, Bekah?”
“I want to go to the Mystic Grill again to see Matt, and Kol keeps threatening to eat him.”
“What do you want me to bloody do about it?”
“Dagger Kol,” Rebekah suggests, shrugging. “Obviously, I'd prefer it if you didn’t, but maybe just tell him to stay put?”
“Has Kol ever listened when we tell him to stay put?”
“No. But even when I snap his neck he threatens to just eat Matt when he wakes up and I can't feed Matt my blood or he’d never forgive me.”
“Well, it’s not my bloody problem, is it? Go talk to Elijah.”
“Elijah says we need to sort this out ourselves.”
“Well, I can't say I disagree.”
“Nik,” says Rebekah frustratedly. A light of inspiration suddenly shines on her face. “If you go to the Grill and just feed Matt some of your blood, it wouldn’t be a problem. He hates you anyway.”
“No, Rebekah, I will not give your insipid boyfriend—”
“Don’t call him that,” she snaps.
“Well then, don’t tell me to—”
“Caroline will be there,” Rebekah bursts out. “You know she will. We saw her there fifteen minutes ago.”
Klaus growls at the mention of her name. “That means nothing to me.”
“When I said goodbye to Matt. I told him I'd see him again, you glared in Caroline’s direction. Anyway, I don’t know her that well, but I know she’d appreciate it.”
Klaus makes a non-committal noise.
“Oh, piss off, Nik, don’t even try to pretend to not care. The whole bloody town knows about the crush you have on her—”
“I am not a teenage boy,” Klaus spits out, “to have a crush on a girl.”
“That’s rich, coming from the man who was practically begging her for a date yester—”
Klaus whirls around and flung a paintbrush at her head, which she narrowly dodges. The paintbrush impales the wall, sinking up to its bristles into the plaster, and Rebekah looks at him, unimpressed. “What is it, Nik? Did she reject you too many times?”
“I do not like Caroline,” Klaus hisses. “Now get out before I stab you with a dagger this time. And I promise you, I'll make it hurt.”
“What's got your knickers in a twist?” Rebekah frowns, ignoring the threat. “I'm sure if you just talked to her, Nik—”
“Get out, Rebekah,” Klaus warns, his tone dangerous. “Now.”
With a huff, Rebekah stands up and flounces out of the room. Klaus growls and turns back to the easel, his paintbrush slashing across the canvas.
“Klaus murders people for funsies. And I'm not saying I'm interested in him. I never will be. I'm just saying he’s nice to me.”
“Because he wants to get into your pants.”
“…yeah. I guess.”
Red. Red. Red. More red.
Maroon. Crimson. Scarlet.
The canvas is soon dripping red paint.
For such an intelligent girl, she really was quite daft sometimes.
And that stupid Bennett witch, encouraging and filling Caroline’s head with that nonsense about how he was only nice to her because he wanted to have sex with her.
Love is a vampire’s weakness.
He thought it had been true.
He isn't sure anymore.
“Stupid, stupid, stupid,” Caroline mutters as she tugs on her foot.
Who wore fucking high heels after a storm? Stupid people, that’s who.
She and Tyler were broken up, anyway. She doesn’t know why she had gone to that stupid party at his house. But then again, she had been making poor decisions lately.
The result of said decision is staring at her as she tugs on her foot.
“Fucking shoes,” Caroline says through her teeth. They’re her mother’s and Liz is going to kill her for ruining them.
Exaggeration. Probably.
“Caroline?” a voice asks, and Caroline stiffens, turning around slowly, her heartbeat not slowing down at all when she sees her companion.
Kol Mikaelson.
“Kol,” she says, releasing her leg, standing up, and trying to look dignified, which she’s sure she’s failing miserably at since she has her fucking foot four inches deep in mud. “What do you want?”
“Just passing by,” he grins, his smile flashing at her. Caroline is suddenly reminded of Klaus, and how he smiles the same way at her, the same devil-may-care look. “You look like you're in need of some help.”
“Do I?” Caroline grits out. “Well, you're mistaken, since I'm perfectly fine. What are you doing out here, anyway?”
Kol’s grin turns shark-like. “I was just at the nearest pub with a friend.”
“Wow, you people have friends?”
“Kol, Nik just went home—what are you doing with her?” Rebekah Mikaelson’s drawl cuts through the air, her expression turning vicious when she spots Caroline.
Kol ignores her. “As I was telling the lovely Caroline, I was drowning sorrows, see. I've been told a pub is the best place to do that.”
“You don’t look very sorrowful.”
“I'm sorry, did you miss the part where I said I was accompanied by someone? It doesn’t matter, though, since I wasn’t the one elbow deep in a bucket of bourbon. Nik truly has a very good tolerance, although how he managed to drink so much of the revolting alcohol they serve there is beyond me.”
Caroline grunts. “What does he have to be sad about? Original hybrid with an army of slaves, and all.”
Rebekah’s expression turns ugly. “You don’t know Nik at all, and you say such things about him. Perhaps the narrow-mindedness of this town is really starting to seep its way into your conscious as well, Caroline.”
 “You have such a restricted opinion of my brother,” says Kol, the laughter on his face gone. “You think of him as a deadly monster, incapable of even an iota of feeling. Have you ever, for once in your current infinitesimal life, thought you could be wrong?”
Caroline narrows her eyes. “Did he tell you to say that? Is he here?”
Kol flashes over to her, much closer, and even though he is three feet away, Caroline can't help the stab of fear that goes through her heart. “I sometimes wonder how my brother fell for you,” he hisses. “Niklaus has daggered me numerous times over the years, and yes, I loathe him for it, I want revenge, but just because he has committed misdeeds in his life, does not mean he is an unfeeling monster.”
“His misdeeds are murders,” Caroline hisses at Kol. “Thousands of them.”
“And where would you think your kill count stand, I ask you, if you had been alive for more than a thousand years?” Kol asks, raising an eyebrow. “Where would the Salvatores’? Correct me if I'm mistaken, Caroline, but you yourself are a murderer, aren’t you?”
“Shut up,” Caroline hisses.
“You're angry at us because you know we’re being truthful,” says Rebekah, flashing over to her along with her brother. “You don’t know how Nik is at all.”
“Nik is a sadistic murderer.”
“You kill people and drain them because you feel peckish. You do that, I do, and Kol does as well. Even Elijah. Even your precious vampire friends.”
Caroline opens her mouth but nothing comes out.
I fancy you. Is that so hard to believe?
Rebekah makes a disgusted sound. “I must say, I honestly thought Nik’s taste was better. Let’s go, Kol.”
Kol says nothing but flashes away silently along with his sister, and Caroline is left standing in the mud, her throat dry.
Caroline remembers how Klaus had looked at her at the Mikaelson Ball.
I fancy you.
Caroline remembers Jenna’s face when she had dropped lifelessly to the ground during Klaus’s ritual.
She also remembers the faces of the innocent humans she has drained when she fed on them.
We’re the same, Caroline.
Caroline still hasn’t thrown away the bracelet and the drawing he has given her.
She can't bring herself to.
The dress sits in Caroline’s closet in the box it came in.
Sometimes, unconsciously, she feels herself opening her closet just to get a glimpse at it, running her fingers through the fabric.
Her eyes flying to the back of the invitation card every once in a while.
I fancy you.
He had sounded incredulous when she had asked him that question. Like he couldn’t believe she would question why anyone would find her beautiful.
Tyler’s birthday gift to her, the silver bracelet with the wolf charm, sits at the bottom of her jewellery box.
Klaus’s bracelet is in its case in her bedside drawer.
Hummingbirds are beautiful, Caroline thinks, as Elena gushes about the tattoo of the sparrow she got on her arm for her eighteenth birthday.
She’s turning eighteen soon, even though her face is frozen in time. She’d like a tattoo.
She has vague memories of Tyler calling her sexy-smart and crazy hot.
You're beautiful, you're strong, you're full of light. I enjoy you.
Klaus thinks she is more than sexy-smart and crazy hot.
Klaus has dimples, Caroline notices when she sees him smile indulgently at Damon when Damon attempts to threaten him.
She hasn’t noticed.
She remembers the feel of Klaus’s hand on her hip as they had danced together at the ball.
Firm, but gentle.
Like he had been…hesitant.
He’s an Original. He could’ve compelled her to want him.
He hadn’t.
She had felt safe with him when he had rescued her from Alaric.
She isn't afraid of him anymore.
She knows how he had looked at her.
Like she was everything. Like he had felt complete.
I fancy you too.
Klaus growls when the loud knocking at his door continues even after his numerous attempts at making his visitor flee by making various threats. He flings his paintbrush to the ground and stalks over to the door. “For the last time, I said—”
Caroline stares at him, her expression stricken. “I—I'm sorry. This is just important.”
Klaus’s shoulders relax, before they tense again. “Did your friends send you over to distract me again?” he asks bitterly, turning away from the door, leaving it open. “I can't imagine why, since I have absolutely nothing that—”
Caroline leans over and kisses him, her lips barely brushing his. It lasts for about three seconds.
He is shell-shocked when she draws back, her expression calm. “I've had time to think about this. About you. About me.”
She sucks in a breath. “You're a murderer. I'm a murderer. I'm a monster too. I don’t regret being turned into a vampire. We are the same.”
Klaus stares at her dumbly as she continues speaking. “You were right. I do prefer the girl I am, to the girl I once was. And you are the only person in my life who has ever liked me for who I am. Not for who I was. To be honest, not many people liked me when I was human, either,” she says, laughing softly, running her hands through her hair.
“I—I haven’t been fair with you. I understand if you don’t want me anymore—”
Klaus leans over to Caroline’s and kisses her, and her hands hang in the air beside her shoulders, her eyes wide open. He pulls away almost immediately. “You are beautiful.”
Caroline’s mouth is slightly open, her eyes hazy. “I—I thought you wouldn’t want me anymore. I've been such a bitch to you, and—”
Klaus tucks a strand of hair behind her. “You are also very oblivious.”
She laughs, the sound throaty. Klaus cocks his head at her. “Is this what you came to tell me?”
“No,” she shakes her head, then stops herself. “I mean, yes, but also—I mean, this isn't all I wanted to tell you.”
“What is it, then?”
Caroline’s expression softens as she reaches for his hand. “I fancy you too.”
Klaus is way too cuddly in this fic but I just couldn’t help myself. I think Kol and Rebekah standing up for their big brother is really cute, so I had to write that.
Hope you liked it! Please review!
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